The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 15, 1863, Image 4

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a writ of Vendllioni Expellee,
to me directed. wilt be
exposed to Public sale or vendue.on MONDAY Evening,
Juiy 6, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street
All that certain triangular lot or piece of ground situate
On: the West side of certain 25 feet-wide , street, called.
Birch street, as the same is now laid Out and opened
southward from the south side of Fitzwater street. and is
intended to be forthwith opened and continued of the
name width to within 32 feet of the north side of Catha
rine street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, in
that part of the First ward of the eity of Philadelphia in
.eluded in the late district (formerly township) of eloye_
'mousing; beginning at a point on the west side of the
. said Birch str, et, at the distance of about 209 feet sonth
ward from the south side of said Fitzwater street. (being
the point at which the centre line of Irish Tract lane,
now vacated by act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania,
terseeted the west side of said Birch street,) thence ex
tending southward along the west side of said Birch
street, continued, 411 feet to a point , thence extending
westward and parallel to the said Catharine street 20 feet
6 inches to ground formerly of James. Andrews and
others, sometime of Elwood Kelley, nod now or late of
Jullitnna Lee. and thence by the same northeatterly
about 46 feet, be the seine more or less, to the first-men
tioned point, the place of beginning. Bounded eastward
by the said Birch street, continued. southward by other
around of the said William E. Teubrook, trustee as
aforesaid, and northwesterly by ground now or late of the
said Julianne. Leo. (Being the same premises which the
said 11911ir.m E Teubrook. trustee for James Lee by in
denture bearing date the Sth day of April, 111110 Domini
one thousand eight hktudred and tifty-six,And recorded
at Philadelphia. in Deed Book A. O. 8.. No. 103, page
177, &a, granted and conveyed nuts James Campbell,
his heirs and assigns, reserving therefor and thereout
unto him the said E. Tenbroot, trustee RE afore-
PAW, his helm and assig ns, the yearly eat or suns of 413.
lawful money tte United Ststes of America, in equal
half yearly paynieuts. rn the Ist day of the months of
jemmy eed July is every year thereafter forever,
ithout deduction for taxes, ] Together w ith th e f ro ,
and common right, liberty, and privilege of said
Birch street; ui the sauce is now opened, and to becoa
tirm*d at all times hereafter forever.
S. B.—There is a threo.atortbrick messuage or tens
uu at erected partly upon.' the northeast corner of the
aboye.,lescribed OT piece of Aronnd, -
Up. WO; J. T„ ISGt, .Debt, 661 93. J. R. Vodges.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
CAmpbell. • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff ,
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. June 12, 1563. iel63t
r-g a writ olsWenditioni Exponae; to, me directed., will
exposed to public sale or veudue, ou MOND Ay E v ,_
zing; July 6,1,10. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street,
Ar+„. 1 all the estate, right, title and interest of Ed
mund Laanerrenne of and in all those sixteen colitis it
lots or pieces of ground situate in the late district of
Pena township, now in the city of Philadelphia, de
earthed in one lot as follows: Beginning at a corner on
the east side of Henry street, at the dwanee of ~250 feet northward from the north side of Centre street; flience
extending easterly at right angles with Henry street,
20 set, to a corner on the west side of Spring street;
thetee northerly, along the west aide of said Spring
street. 10./ feet one inch, to a corner ; thence westerly, at
the distance of feet from and parallel with the south
line of William Esher's ground, sOo feet throe inches, to
a corner on; the east side of• Henry street; and thence
along the same, southerly, ITS feet tire and a half inches
to the place of beginning: Bounded on the west by Hen-,
ry street, on the south byarround of Isaac Hendrickson,
on the east lySpring street, and on the north by a s' rip
of ground of Horatio B Pennock, 33 feet wide, dividing
this from ground of William Esher.
No: A. Also, of and in all that certain lot or piece of
ground situate on the south side of Washington street,
in the late village of Hamilton, Blockley township,
now in the city of Philadelrhia; containing in front or
breadth s; feet on said Washington street, and in depth
214 feet six inches, to Oak street; being composed of the
easternmost live feet in width of lot Do. 57. and western
most thirty-two feet In width of lot No in the gene
ra! plan of said village. Bounded on the north by the
said Washington street, on the west by the remaining
part allot lto Si. on the east by the remaining Tart of
lot No. SO, now in possession of Matthew Woodburn,
and on the south by said Oak street.
June T., Es. Debt ,551.38. Pancoast.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property' of
Edmund Laguerrenne. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia- Sheriff's Office, June 12, ]563.. jeltlffi
a writ of Fenditioni.Exponas, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
Jett 8 IS, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Halt
All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the th ree
sten- brick messnage or- tenement thereon erected. situ
ate= the south side of State street, at the distance of
forty feet three inches westward from the west Bide of
Sthstyl2illlBghth street (now Fifteenth street), in the
city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on
the said - &ate street twelve feet six inches, and in
"Dome. or depth southward of that width sixty feekto a
stxlest - wide alley running westward from the said
&iryllall Ktghth street. Bounded -on the east by
Rversai of William B. Fling, on the 'teeth by the said
s. x-feet-wide alley, on the west by other ground in•
tended to be granted to Isaac hi. Gilbert and Joseph Gil
bert on ground rent, and on the north by the said State
sestet. (Being the same premises which William D.
Fling and wife. by indenture dated the twenty •Ilfth day
et April, A. D, 1844, and recorded in Deed Book R. L. L..
1te.24, pegs 86, Sm., granted and conveyed unto Nana
Gilbert and Joseph Gilbert in tee, reserving thareent
a certain yearly ground rent of forty.two dollars, paya
ble half yearly on the prat day of May and November lu
every year forever.)
N. year
Gilbert bes parted watt Ida interest lit
the above-describedroperty.
[C. P., 207; Juno T.. 'Cti, Da4l $47, lietalt.
Taken in execution and to be maid tts liter Proporky
Isaac M. Gilbert and Joselthollbset _
TtlONtrao-x. slktrttr,-
Philadelphia, Shorlfra Palau. Jana e. 4 414 j
a. writ or Vouditinul .axloons, to we itirooto,t, wilt b%
exposed to public) sole or reutihe, Wu 8101`!14.dY Ire.
ulna, July 8, hie& at 4 &ON*, at Setniennodrotit ltell.
All that mimic lot or toot ,woad, with the briok
10611111:194011 or tenements erwit , with
cot, the
east aids of Tenth street , al t oo. du rance nx 0444 nr foot
southward from the south eir 4) Vrtistiout WI ,to the
late township of eloyatusa•iox, a 48mtntr 4kir RAF)
IA Philadeliitan t INAIDJAU4 la oAll Qu lt I 00, At
te 4
,aid Tenth atria atxtoon WA, au. extaa rot
Unit width In learnt or doeiLtilitoMt aosi Piero od.
with Christlan AIMS, ertvoty flu a loreetko lemon.
feetwideetrtirt walled ktowstervite.. IPAYIYAK %QM.
ward by ground. grainted ta Z ( a lONA* 44 itt04,441,
eastward by lbw wild toWtia 84#4., 411:0
;wound now or intio or !obsess/4 ' Orwiewo
by Tooth Axton ntlanabl. Si3itont nklmyee c.ii e. inz i :
t ts.
~,a4 t z
villa uobtkuau, Frokt WI& : `4(4.41 1 24' ktiABAS IA .. • V . M.g .
(MUM. lAA daci 3t ir 41ino, J. th. i, re nn 4
Bonk A. Vt. B. , 4 . U.. xt.54,... ddd., (NO( WA no*,
veyed nakr Inniatt . L .„.......,,,....,ki t *XvQ4k Ot
certain weir.ok woo, v Ith , tior , aVoXtem. •
2i. la --trothoithome•dee,QP avow. ovoaeoe l h4 !Ns>,
dwallinn bnuno, 0)9.4c n. om-4nel ttni. b‘ , .i.we kga,tint
on sena. stresk, Mo. Orthee ti..itkrue.riorT book 1104,14,
iy ou t o 4 on . .411 a titoWillatmoott
C .i,., unk:4nna:ll., leabn., itn.i.l2, Witidnton4 1
'Nun ix ..44natton. an ifrit* 3 0#.- f.1M11 , 3 ,.. qt
31111Wke Idallitill4l Q All • g6,*.simplit.
Fida4dal.phns.,•ilbodirn,Ql . aninelo:. Jitti.. .babirdts
. . _ _ _
a wzmumaatituat.itop,mkaotk , TraVV,..,l3lllbSti
expvelf. Dui)lltrqualparrytvh(lles,oak •
Jaly M.,11kt0;4101Z4 Itt44.wmtroLtra4al
hx y d
EQ. thfttilottot 1.4=4.fv.,,u414.‘ ttEectEo4s.
nary br.ok. • boAtilylitro, :414Atte r -
DILMIII... .iituatm au& nuctultiTr4ll4ll4 hit,atiest tlettg. j tat bee
cip-erPlbultilplush thet.lo4,34.ttentufal'llfrvibkroviiiiry
two feetuktop,
Ea 2 iglitticthtHrtwiktorni9ritlarrnotunttwandalabiptsr
Pkee t o6o6 - 6,-
gout sad etmill , Rreetc..,sixingde6toniattbkamitt.
Ra. ..aar. duty. room:kw o.,fligoondamaitesetititlEidde ,
of Caabirob, ournet,sixty..-ovear.. Nett. 'mat coftTharokri
sense -moter.„ Amtoeurfeaittroxstkrylllrnfeetaddeor
(C-P-.111k; Drina , 'IL`„ Dithst.sBo.4%. JJ. A. o(9,ce gt)
Tiurem fiu csoantitonsmil too bimsoWilei aatabium . 6f
Idinutair.. 111111 C TEIOMMEICIA
PherEoWatuAlitailifirratfibre.EutoßlS33l6B3.. i*Viggitt
spy:limn; - wrnumw, GH'
efilrolYttonn lisnamts,,to nate iiireoreeil bite
exposed to yolirgeo saw err vedulhot, eitadWnlydrfiltene.
Inc July 15,,..ER,. SE liltiblilt. Salliscont.srrectllkil
• AR thateertzter =Dhow ott =mud:, t tioltheee
siert' brink nieroontor an- comment; thernonoreeeettloirtia
ate on the emit sae Rigthth omatldattlise rilitaathoodf
eighteen feet ammittorrbetheo , seuttiontatiffumuheeseathk
east corner of (*nine etneaU unit Bialitth tarok:Joann
Twantv-fontth was of the- atty . offßililiididghll4 moan
tattling In front or Imo= ow Mei said( Eignittbsstst.
eighteen feet trot fuer otobriai, midi extending: off tlhat
width eaqgwa i &, te m e r al i g with. am& utt titextiataaveearlf
eighteen fest and *veor frattliea eouthgAttil avutOtthosxl4l
Grape street. fa Wagon, ow se istd
dlintai;, voutlre) f‘att.
Bounded northwarrO,Aouthsougg,, am i d t oovarodtip- o rd.. r r
ground Intended to. ha R7X41 6 .1 1 it , Onteirtls"W
on ground rent, noel weaceetwe etlotitt
sa id.. (liming part .4 a gverNer itse
ard Hinelitnan sad lett.. 11,7 i;uvrelitntee OA th
day of June, A. , b. War oil 1/1 it/1 , 116.
106, man Ti. ha, armlet , aint) OnavAy.ofil ottv tl t 9
said Robert Olathe" is fee, Wneterittir itierrlf itJiltt
charge of thirty•six dollar.;
fC P.. )02; unto T,.910, 1 e441-10R- Oi C,-9RtiiiIIIVOIR•I:
Taitak_ in execution and to Ivo Or 6 TFO J 3 F
Relied alagtoy, 4051%.11W15( : gin* a
Yhtladolultia, Sheriffs ()plea, Attar *k. s 4 313
g _ _.
HERIET'S B.A.LX--.1 5Y 11=15.g oli'
..... a writ of VendWOW gelniwawe ifi' *WA?*
." be exposed to pithily eat* at 4 ren:Fre,,. toe
kerninx, July 6, DM, kt 4 u'esinsii, me otbavito, , k4
Ec. 1. all that origin 1(4 or plege 0044, te:PN
cemetery brick 'amine Me or tenetnent lhorten'el •
attuate on the south olds or rinrOn Weer, t46.Ther fikel
eig one hundred and (1 ortolan foot pi4wOrd. it 'CI* `42_61k4
:ids of Twelfth etreet, In the Net Well {N Riefivoy 6t
Plaingelithle; aoutaining In froot Of !need re, rid Meta"
Pierce guret elxteen ro ot (tooled lox on the flooloM ) tto3 (4 ,
fide ttioroOt the wasternmoet heifer A lwn , reatqffirraife74- -
T 0 . ,,
~„,#.,,..3..wrty.f,..rreir4 bean. 104411,4 INV , f#llll' , SR.
streeett). and extending In ler 111 Ot nerd Ir etrt i tiVia l i tlf
aunt width.betweßnutentlitil Inmat right kb ow ff
saki Pierce street, fifty NA, ettnded on the n(7l i 'MA
seed Pierce stnet, on the out by mead nate of nee 64
Jacob _Bartholomew, and ill tOO R tn yth Add not
intltllla Dow mudate or Barnum/ a 'ophltt..
with the free nemumn nen and "'tinge of the FM
ane:r co a peemege•erey sail Wattrr.ernifee Kt ell Iliften
boreoftor forever.
- •
So. 4.. Alto, all that pertain lot be Moe qf KIVU& Wit t p.
the two-Meer - brick roesen ego ot longing/it tnefnUti gene . f
situate on tlie north idde of Watklea stregl f Itt gtf# tne
ranee of one Hundred and eigittlolititpoW@ll Willett/0V
the wret std. of Fifth Ptrent , j a paid et War i 61WitAlitiz
Sap to trent or breedth on the skid rojlttge el i terit Col(Fr
teen feet (includtoK on the elettertlltine, elan I 1 frtfir troy
easternmost half of a wirticla tiro. tell dil At it
extending In Unita or depth non illf Pi IA te . r.
6 4 1
between liner, nerealei With the kit'd llt stir r ,.
eight , feet .to ani•tber alley leo Net W de, W I nek it
westward into the Rho, e•in en [lofted el ley, W i s
amithweni Into the paid Vitalklell Pitroni • !Pin lid MO ,
ward and westward by tho paid allege, intetif.sta y
cloned of Junes Ikellenger, and ite!ntbso
*d b W
y all( Of
street aforesaid, Together with the retie and ertintititn
use and privilege of the said Alley' asPiteealWintYit and
.rarer - conned of thie and the populism; be gliding Innerft'll
at all times hereafter rotative,
CC P,., 181; June T,,
.1011$ s "VII (7 'ON
MI, Debt. *CI A rood
Geor ji
Take ge n In exec
Crier. ution and to lie eta ril t 8 Aienfortilt of
W. , naIM ti,
Philadelphia, Shelling °nice, dine CI, I, J'S
. ._ .
a writ of Venation' Bayonne, to pied) Witl he
117 to pnbllo sale pr vendee, on MOB , Yanitish,
18611, at 4 o'OlOok, it densonostrl4 n i t l :
that pertain lot or pleas of grOlti 4 . W to she Intl".
story brick menmage thereon eree t ie , el tattle on the
eeet aide o( Eleventh street, at lb(' itannon or one 1,06.
dred and eighty-4s feet northward rent l'ortinr nirtniti
in the *panty of Phlledelphlat eontallAnif In fr ont S i f
breadth on said Eleventh !Orem!. mlxtettp rota., rind Xtoll •
ins eastward between parallel Ilnem at rialit nog ac vrp , t
Eleventh street ty Lb rein feet to an ammo ' two met n
timebee and a half wide. whip), leads 41 ,,,, taolitrir al eY.
retnn manna aleyeath street. Ilotind on t 4 north er
south by =round now or late of Boman 011 1 ,On t 6
l it,
eitel by the meld alley , and MI WIG
gent tY it e te 6 h
Fa ISeang the eanie Int of nrounu dated tianEavt wad Mary, ills wife. lry lellon i tar ille 14th
of en:in-mbar. -k I). 1810, thawed In DMA A.
ts X...n0. 311. Rye 407, En , /01014 1 , aid mall/eyed tlOlO
Jain a. urrhon in fee. rnearVltld 1 ereellt 'lnto 89
Freeman Scott, his belre and seeltos, I le year y grotto ,
renter own of forty dollnrn, poyable on the Orel 11 EY 0 1
.14Lanary and July le each and every year, (or arrear•
am, whereat these proeeedlnall ere Mot, stad linbiont to
olaicli rent said premises will bn cold.]
Lt. P...„lini Y. T., V.. Debt, 1.845.02, IL O. Towubend.l
Taken in execution and to be sold no tho_tworrty of
Jok u ,
i x. yad:izrz.. JOHN THONII . BON, II °rift
Eherlirs °Mee, June 13, 1011, eld•E
a writ of rendition( Exponat. to ins directed . . yvill
Le exposed to imidic sale or vendee . on MOM DAA bre
mug, Jaly 6, DM at faclock, at Sansotu- ,treat Hull.
AB that certain three.etery brick =assuage and lot Or
Inane of gtoturd upon which the same is erected. situato
the nortbesetally od e of inn street, at the distanse
of anabatadllKl and thirti-eight feet six inches north -
westwardly fawn the northwesterly aide of Emerald
street, la the Itineteenth ward of the city of
Phial ewadalaing in front az breadth on said Ann street •
thirteen feet tea inches. and extending of that width
north e n a g er j g in length or depth between lines parallel
with said s„,,mdd scree:LSAT-ens feat Bounded north
erly by a three feet wide alley leading easterly and cora -
reveleatiog with another alley three feet wide. which
rune eoutherly into Ina street: easterly by said last
mentioned alley ;westerly by other mond of said Charive
B. Solider, and southerly I_iy an greeted:owned& (Being
the same premises which Wiliam H. Witte and wife. by
deed dated the aineteenth day of September, A D. ISE.
and =corded in Deed Book A. G. ii. No 33,_Page aft ,
granted-sod conveyed onto said Charles 8.. Solider in
fee; reserilas therefor and thereont the yearly groun,d
rent or beta of forty dollars, payable half-yearly on the
drat day of the mooch' of April bad October In each and
every year. without any deduction for taxes, & e.l To
gether with
westerlygh, liberty and privilege of bnilding
over the moiety of the alley running into Aun
street aforesaid ;provided there be at least seven feet six
Inches headway in. the clear from the pavement; also
with the fell and common nee of the aforesaid two seve
ral alleys, as and for passage ways and water courses in
cowmen. with the owners, tenants, and occupiers of the
other ground bounding thereon, at all Banes hereafter
forever, &e.
CC. P.M: Jens , Debt, mum. %dd . 3
Taken in execution and to be stud ae the property of
Charles' B. Bonder. JOHN Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Blierire OBlee.Jase 33. latla. Sels-3t
P-0 *writ of Venditioni Bxpouss. to 'me directed, will
bie sacred to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Eve
ning, uly 6 . 1883, at 4 o'clock , at Sansoni•street Hall,
All t at certain lot or piece of ground situate on the
southwest side of Somerset street and , northwest side of
Tapp street, in the late district of Richmond. now city
• of Philadelphia•, containing in front er breadthen said
Somenetstreet fitty-four extending in . length
or depth conthweetwarely of that width between parai lel
lines atright angica.with sabbSomernet . street one• bun •
• dred and We've feet, to a certain new .etreet. forty feet
wide. caned Thomas . street. — Bounded northeastward ly
by said Somerset street;: southwestivardly- by said
'Thomas sheet.: sentheaetwardly by said Tulip street..
and northwestwsrdly, by other ground late of Walter
Laing. [Being the same promises which Walter. Laing
sod wife; .bY deed- datt e d•.the• Ist of May, 1850 , and re
corded In Deed Book O. W. 0.. No. 81. page 07. oon
veyed 'unto the said Henry Schmidt, In tee , reserving
theroopt the eyearly grOund rent of forty-eight dollars
and sixty oeuts;.payable in equal half-yearly payments
on His .Arst, day. of. the mouths of . J uno and December. in
(IT err yenr.l, •-• I
[C. P...llocii June". 'Debt. ShS.ll Hasrkins.J
Taken in a:Hutton and to be sold as the ,propertrof
Henry N
- .• JOHN THOMPSO, Sheri
Ph 7803. -
a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to inn dirocted i will be
exposed to public sale or vendue:on MONDAY. hvening,
July 6, 1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-stroot Hall,, •
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the
west side of Twelfth street, at the distance of eighteen
feet two inches northward from the north bide of a new,
street thirty feet wide. laid out and opened for public use
,forever, between Washington and Prime streets, called.
Peters street. in the late district of Moyameneing, in the
county of Philadelphia , now in the Second ,ward of the
city of Philadelphia; containing in' front or breadth on
the said Twelfth street seventeen feet, and extending in
length or depth westward of that width at right angles
to the said Twelfth street eighty-one feet to a three-feet
wide alley leading southward into the said Peters street.
Bounded northward and Southward by ground belonging
to the estate of the Paid Samuel Miller, deceased, east
ward by said Twelfth street, and westward by the said
three-feet-wide alley. [Being the same lot of ground
which Presets Peters, of the city 'of Philadelphia, and
hlnriaLouiea, his wife, executor and execntrix of the
last will and testament of Samuel Miller. late of the said
city, deceased, by indenture dated the Slit day of No
vember. A.. D. 1666, and recorded In the office for record
ing deeds, Ste. in and for the city and county of Philadel
phia. in Deed Book R. D. W. No 136. page 406, &e..granted and conveyed to James E. Neall in fee; reserving
thereont a yearly ground rent or sum of one hundred and
six dollars and seventy•five cents.]
CC. P., 20i; June T., '63. Debt, $53.83 Gerhard.
Taken in execution and to be sold' as the property of
James E Beall. JOHN THOMPSON", Sheriff. •
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 13, 1863. Inl6-3t
a 'writ of Venditieni Exponas, to me directed, will be
exyosed to publio-sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening,
July 6. 1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall.
All that certain three-story brick messnage and lot or
piece distance situat hundred thouth twenty Locust street,
at theof one and -nine feet six
inches westward from the west side of Twentieth street,
in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front or breadth
on said Loimst street sixteen feet six inches, and in
length'= or depth southward of that width eighty feet,
more or less, to a twenty-feet-wide street or court.
Bounded eastward by ground now or late of Jam Mc-
Carter, westwar d b other ground of James S. Spe es ncer.
northward by Locust street, and southward by the
twenty-feet-wido street or court aforesaid. (Being the
same premises which James S. Spencer and Rachel R.,
his wife, by indenture dated the 25th dl ir of February,
A. -D. 1560, recorded in Deed Book 0. V. C., No. 60,
page Sic., granted and conveyed unto Penrose R.
Hoopes in fee; reserving thereout unto the said James S.
Spencer, his heirs aud assigns. that yearly rent or sum
of sixty dollara, payable half-yearly on the first day of.
January and' July in each and every year; for arrear
ages 'whereof these proceedings are had, and subject to
'which rent the said :premises .will be sold.
(0. P., 196; J. T. , V. Debt, $62.30. It C. Townsend. ]
Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of
Penrose R. Hoopes. JOHN THOMPSOff. Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. June 13, 1563. jels-9t
- -
a writ of. Venditiont Exponfts, to nie directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve--
nine, .Tuly 6, 1563. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom.street Hall,
All that certain lot or piece of ground with the three - -
story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situ
ate on the southeast corner of Eighth and Grape streets,
in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia;
containing in front or breadth on the said Eighth street
eighteen feet .and.four inches, and extending of that
width eastward, parallel with Grape street, in length'
or depth seventy-two feet.. Bounded eastward and
southward by ground intended to be granted to the said
Robert Glassey on ground sent, northward by said
Grape street , and westward _by Eighth street aforesaid.
[Being part of a larger lot of ground which Howard
}Nachman and wife, by indenture dated the- first day of
June, A. D. 1863. recorded in Deed Book T. H.. No. 156,
page 214, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Ro
bert Massey in fee, reserving a certain yearly rent
charge of forty eight dollars.]
[C. P.. 193: .lono T.,'63.gDebt. 8144. II C. Thompson.
Taken tu execution Mod to be sold as the property of
Robert (Hassey. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelph la, Sheriff's Office. June 13. 1863.- jell-St
a writ of Ventlitioni Exponas,to MONDAY
exposed to nubile sale or vend ee,on Evening,
July 0, 1803, at 4 o'clock,. at Simeon-street tlnli.
All that certain lot or Inoue of ground, and bnerove
moots thereon °reeled, situate on the north nide of Rood
street, In the oily of Philadelphia, beginning at the
teuco of sixt.y.two feat westward front the wool aide of
Delftware Sixth strootdoontaining in front or breadth on
the mid Reed etroet thirty-two foot, and in length or
depth north - v/Imi, parallol with Sixth 'Area; one hun•
dred and Miriam Met two incline. doendod on the , east.
and wont by ground of Ferdinand J. Drenr, on Mt north
by Hate Went, and- on• the south by Reed street afore
said, end partly ivy tho point, of ground into of the °Mato
of Morrie. [Being the same Mil - NOR Whilfh Philip Sil
bert and Mario his wile, by onlouture dated the ?AM day
of October. Ar D. xBO3, r@eordoil in Deed Book A. 0, H.,
(10,_ NM 356 1.11.41d011 and aintVeyod unto limo said
John Melon, his lieu's und ermines' reserving therefor
end thoreout unto the Paid Pllllll , O 8111)Ort, ltte heirs and
nasius - the yearly rent or cute of one hundred-and
twelve'doilars, in squid hulf-yourly payments on the
first day of the uvolichli llf Juuliaxy ftud July, without
any dottuetion for ewes, MA.)
jittw 113, • Debt, *lB, 00. :MOO& 3
.Token nxantin to
_be sold an Ma Dr omlrty of
Mat Huston, JOUN TTIOMPBON, Sheriff,
Phtlatiolvhig, Sheriff's Oilleo. June Aim,
..-• a writ of Vend Wont RsPoints. to me direateth will
he orien tI iA BO thi aikto or 'Nudge. on AIONDAY
AYOII tts, a ft. 19a, at i 4 100. at s4/14410.111V44t 11311.
All %/1111 t. UN and interest of Robert B. Wilkin
son of. to, nut to all that eertain three•story brink um
.s nage or leionnent end lot or Weer ot.mti int (hereunto
belonator, gamete On the iTritrelde M Breen (formerly
railed Burr) stmt. es 0 same is new widened lo
the %trefo d l. tseveuty fee , M the (listener! of llUfl Mtn.
t he
and e K 1 feet foor Invitee ri p tuaNrard fro ill ijill vreat
sitle of O.eyett eenth (Inrtnerly ea lest &huyiklll' Sixth)
i' v t aZ:k t‘iiNl i ta l tA B C 4 i t el I t Al„ c ii " &, (l rA f t?iiit l t t iitV i tillin f i l a u i• l t t U i rt
r ere& n th co th e sato ...teen at reel. WI ti (Med nu a forotta i a .
tt4l).-14xtr 'king luckiltse. wail exto44 Inc of that width
ill length or depth northward one hundred feet. Bound
en northward. eastward, and westward by other avowed
new Or late of Ottrer Ferry and liathaulei Randolph.
4.. a southward by the said Preen atinet. widened nu
a .‘aln.
, il„ lit July 1',. - 0-. Debi iff),M Joseph A. Clay.]
% .x.
Itc,, Nu . -, .krap ,, ,, , o ,Lau: t Rye sold he the property Of .
tillf RHONIPSON, Sheriff.
rhilana..Sherltr's Oilier, 4 44013.15 n Jelffset
- .
Ne aVrtilorVorrlittont riri 3 Opyr, tor v vow , wttt bo
KT A VK iCkVel ' ,,nOr :t v .;;tra4,4t la b.""'.g.
.:,.., Wit rartnyt ' l' 1•40‘ , 0 or ktrotkun Karmic on
RcN, , PM JP , t ra:r.o% 14t 14 b fst ilmet ;wile 1 Wort. In thu
to cliff Qit KW, .µ 09 sWM lit ttko oily . or I.llllotlnt.
4 , ti , .. 1 g - ikt ,tlao tliiitAii, 00, or bid k Ikkoldr, , ll nod
VAY: Xff ti UOXA,VtostWitiN IN ptjakis hurl 14 w osl ward
OT 1..r0r t tSAINA I ,IO4I( IN trOlkt or bronditt on
Itfolattl, Vlrt.. A •?trOr4 ft \ 1t441 t"!Vtk ankt k`lWkltitng
A l O ke3 .. kik .. ; ,, yr. Cklt nrtko i ctkokottreninky. be.
tt 1)%1
, I t a y &k: t imigioe t lO (Ike kkalkt
Pfik it4 4tak , •Ekeekre ' -t! tr str.
mite qm talks.2lQ MA X Wik4 . ICI CoU
Ritiltl4l, o,lll4 l lfHliprOiNklß it• ii., ifirlE'llikt , 7 or
qv:magi ErrArttokil Go, WA , 1.4 4. ./Lttk no, on
wrokuktirratt,rinktlonxtaurato . ottatt kr .m4kAkrzr ttrrik4,
Llii.ttlik thee Num)+ itruptinost, well ti 3rnetrek ", ArkNo.. bk"
iNkrwiturrvd - ktog3 to% .T.nAk anz , nir au:NV.4- la rikk re
cos &ainttlshi itav oilkuttfotrati inkw qt ,
la. 'leek toe& .. lat. ( 1 .,11rn ,Allt mak, 411 %.43.rni
cortkvad tuil ) Zrartril . andulus, till biz teknrr•rtuc
tbxtrroaiik . • lyezonuttlronitoffrOrskSqllnKratritrnuat;:kaa.
WnsteaiSi.l I - 41301 Wee allorre atone its filmiest at tatzawatuz77
bbitl. , . ,
tCC 1 !a:.77 „ / it, . fifia J
Mclean I aneweettivbacknaVtoif. wadi nos. Wm off
J 93 chtusdcll l
.1114E13 tlee. .St 'MEC SI
wrillbbeasosecidtaile armantihni,oni AIIONIMEW
• Rtuablagitnii7s63sM,Wl4cittbithhaitftinzonvaromtliid3l.
dLlkhaceeraiamlLotoarMeancdf uutll , teetthaitutam ,
octal hbelmottkosettluvidiT =mar aijukulundt FICX I IIt "
as win creesmilWilltizervarrese, i dim Yihrthittaik gnaw to
Thwagn. - itfabXwasedodithoSol)yollinlil unlaltittu
higlituftrai oer tirmittiaconttlie Ara Ertillunixutt sir
agmtaguirittsficre:aliaterttontliite itutlVear,fla
t meat I itoeutatrlthattfingl ttlorrAßtiti;,
tfA t iMprfts.stivott. taNilingtill9sAnwpraMitseseiVeil
ms xeu~
3sfaraitims ,, , nl L . !trutg A tt l ir ti k o r t. t izr o a
t ri ar r ai - aaag.ixtailitne4= a 040049
a r ilj -- riemtitmortio am , lbst A 1.14949 1 154 ooteA .11 torn story
utngio:synNiviu •
ALAf e 7 k l my<. 4
rd,l lll
I awattlistta •• •s A 4 2. of
• .
firiMM g+A.II,,C-13 1 1" "VIRTUE OP
z N. riUtf o s z --4, 4 , 1z . : 4 ,0 4 , 10 , 0 1. t ,„ e i g
atltit a t.,lw-A- 41 w4 4 ,„..,,, at v s ,
a,,0, ~,„7.7647.teftimPßA7ofiegil ti l a el t iloa
rm...A.0 wo olm ay r an orix
kclr rlsr xar 9 I' 4 1:414pgporigt,7
0 4
gr,, , w ". ~4 ; .. '651 p.vta tif g :„7;.y.,r
my,v,. ..0,.. r . .*( 7
. f• • • "" r sot Am. rfica'jii
ar,.:exAzwt :: grA MA i(tliCyttilt
ririgfAkkd '
.1 4 AtigiV u o u lpeT
i ri gh r i ngaliY k r c :
19: V riidialiA, A 7 t rif i f°41 11
1611 ' '*ll,o faun., 0, "Si.ry ii
f IF
l er timi, 0(4,, MHO E IN OM
: PS il
i.,.. • - , r'i 3. ,o ' • rptod. J,i,Towastad,l
NW, NI fftfOtifieti 11l A a vim i An, Of
It , ~ A
it R ji ill gitilliN Orb* '3131 us irf*r, ' Ralf
B,IIBRIPTS 0 A134,---- - BY Tagil Ult OV
.A,,wi t t A typidit i rt 141tpo f iatr, to ywA ff p(Awili Uo
?tYt:Wls" ,16?(F v
~ “ittf 7, f i ft o t i ,4 r, of ;troy ourl *IMO eli 00
ifekf 0000 yv• f 0 f siToll. 4011? p!ao.of p
Riff+ rlf4nti It 40 WI ft• (AI 01111 D i rt We
ininliej toq t 01 , t, inoWOPII, Kr I' 0 A , Hs 4000
kifeeit tPI.O ffill6loPifoo4,4u 0 ti• elf 01 o ni ,
ronojok n iksofui r 0 1 , I ti pfitit, now
i n t il l
moo *AM infl of lOf i f; If )llSl loiumptng
il l
on; of lifel 00 spo .0 a rt 81Y001 opifalito•o
454,14130,011eit ing,lti om i t li3 v t 2lwnrd.of pit
iglaly Ili Iljniutifigityl .0 litu, on TwAir etrOnt, eiguir:
M I pal/ Alrlf;72iroltrAilig i trar ti lunoriewrV r wlai.
„ 7 , 4 4000111116 ,1 1 , ol o.o o ri r oui o.ollg
-10$ k 0 8 1 ftt l io or pt, tot gainuor xi 'or, 4cieqqd,
r i Z r jilltP, ln i t iro'k w tt, 1 , 11 6"trl '0 i l girgrit lurk
mow, r. PG o 1 0 Otly I ruligiultiltit, mid . ttr ' l
IBA, Ms Wife i , trattl/rip t:xhoik rillf tiii lagi ill 1
vorlalillitlii e quoit. , loh 1010 o I d a yOf P 1 •
i of t %MOOT uY 14 1 30 'tiro 7 or rrovom
-IA.D. 1 #lO ?fru id l o olnuo or rpl . lllo
00dli, 010,in 6reo rir ii ly.s opity IR oi•
1111)0 t Ii Dko‘l noon ,1) w.„ 0, PttaQ 40' 0.,
Iffkoloo ptpa 000 , (Pylp 0,1110 4111t000 eitil 11l foot it.
rrilog d 111101111A u yotely round, ren t or Awn of ono
" QS! P i r2OViniter. iln 8 11/31, 1• ItrZ A Br i t t iti i hfird. 3
4 ,
Til.oll. il 0X,001t..00 nail 0 ,0 molt it. poproports of ,
Jikji)eq Z. oitil. JQIIN TIIOIIII , ON Sliortlr.
I%llmin. shorirm Mae. June 12,1803 . 1015•81
h Writ of Yonditionl Exponaa. to inn directed, will be
Opoend le.publio gale or vondno, on MONDAY Evening.
July 0,1011)0, at 4 o'clock. nt Sansoin-atreet Hall.
All that uorialn lot or plow) of ground. with tho three
(dory brick incomings or tenement thereon erected, situ
gate riu t tliti o oaNt r altio oWorliqh f lai n t i air i l) e nt o to o , f i t i t the dte r tince
ar) ;tree . l " Co ' lt tigh t i dTerrltd r gf spring north t i de ono:in
t.,' oity ,f' l'ullitueipillitt ouutaluing In frobt or'breadth
011 /Aid Corinthian avenue mlxteen,,fant, and extending.
In length Or depth teetwerd between Ilona parallel with
*hill l'f.trii , lt titroot Nlxly, feet Denuded on the, nouth by
kronur! grantor! to WII limn I). Itogors on' ground rent,
0u the north t i ed enet b by grand of tho told Thomas
Nfth "' Al i tilot t( 4iTo t a n y d o 4 ll(i i n t i Ani t a? n iga ß ZTa.'.
, wife. by Ind•mtnra. thin . Ilp.rombor 1, A. D. 1801,
l'ilaorill oln 1)01t1 11001 C CI, .. ~Ao..l2l,_page 131. &0.,
grunted and lonveye olio ell w o lll t latu ta p hi ltogf t t k r i e, NI
go r io s ii ii e ll A i lle m r! " l i s ii:rr r s v al i m i rtri l e t ILI* unto
yearly i gr e o c n o ni j i
l it . 4
rent or inhil Or , * , payable lull' yoarly ou the arra days
Of Ow islolitliii 0 April Rini Ootoher 1n every your there
after lorevor4 fur nrrstita of which yeurir ground rent
.ludainetit Wan oblttlond upon whit the ttbovtodcaorlbed
propel tin noir nbent to be 'fold, .
,o. r., leo' J. T., 'O4l. Del)IF 10. E C. Orself.)
laken Iti ogethitiou and gibeo sold no tho proforty of
William 1). Uogore, j '1'11()11 ) 801 1 1, 8 erif ,
Philndolpliin, hlherlird °Moe. Juno 13. 1903. , iikkli
a writ Alf YendltlOnl RXVithtut. to tntl 4)ttotill i trill be
ezpored to publto Nato or Yilltlllll, 00 AO DAY holOn ll 9l.
July 6.1F63. tit 4 o'cluok, at torontootrnot Ball
All that certain lot or u nee of Around, with tht? nu
t tabled three story blink )n001%1440 with Wilk b u llu t°l o
thereon erected ritual° OA lb Nvg at Oulu Of liarrakka
.sueet,nt the distance of oua to agree end etothly•eix,
iet M
feet two inched uortbird (O 110 ninth able or
Thompson street, In the Iree, PI wart t or tho oily of
Philadelphia; contrinink A free on Merebalt • L treet
einlaven feet , and ngtend ult it( t tut Witlth in tieUtit
westward, bet Ween Mee at rll l ut hue.% well' Renaud'
street. &slat...four feet len ine ati, mere or Jess , to the
rear end (tithe Seventlt•atreet eta; Moho; the ennui lot
ofaround labial JUltuot Shield. and Edwin tibtoltbs, by
indenture dated the 7th - day of July, llitk), rooorded iu
Deed Book A. D. 8., No. Mr BID, ate ~arnnted null
censer - ad-unto Henry Kelpie te -helm and peattrne, re-^
serytng tboupout a yearly aro nd. rent or *in t payalle
semi• antanally, on the tint of 'tottery and Jar, wit h.
out any dcc notion for taxes, 90.)
CH. p,, 191; June T. 133., Debt 1936.49. WY ort.l
Taken in execution and to be sold ae thunrotnirty of
Ekteff gripe_ • • JOHN THOMPSON,. Sheriff.
,Hitilitlphia, Sheriffs Office, June 12, lags. Jam-st,
S Si
N.' a wilt of 'VendMont Bxponai, to m dii - octed,wiil be
eXPosed to public Bale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening,
Jul ti s lktft, et 4 o'clock, at Bansom-streej Hall.
eitr7trtek " weriitg A b Q o r ture=go:,7.ijo i n L ttetZ e tti t
tide of CO otratet, commingle' at the distance of
one knit t ers t y..etglit. , e - east of Broad street, in
the etty p le; poetsitting in front or breadth
• 0. olio N4..stateeri feet and extending in
length o,i I .. 41 Page of Wel width - nine '..aaven•
„ae f l t
fret six la ,It i rartgn ry -feet-wide strao called
"Hetes ell • fil;44#4oAB , lof a thirty-inches-wide
, alley, to be tett . Ake thirty-feet-wide street to
the depth of fori-y, Ye feet fro the north aids thereof:
k.)3eilik the eeftte pre lees which Michael Hates, by In
denture dated Septeteher 21, IBllls and recorded to Dead'
Book O.„W. C. ]to: L 9. Paige 2:1/7, granted and conveyed .
unto Georie,W. McDonald in fee, reserving a ground
rent of sixty•tonr dollars per annum, payable on the Bret
days of May and November in every year thereafter for-
Amer, subjectnevertheleas to the following restrictions.,
-'ylz: that-milbulldlng- chap ever thereafter be erected
upon the saantwor any-part, to be need and occupied as a
manufactory or any kind or for any purpotai other than
a genteel dwelling none.)
[(L.P., 18d: Snne'T.. 'SS. • Debt..slol.6B. Britton-)
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Freeman Scott— JOHN -TRoursox. Sheriff
eldladeObta, Sliii :.
rtilltee. Juno 12, 1863. j0a .3i
?"-" a writ of Vanditioni Exponas, to mo directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
July 6. 18E5. at 4 o'clock. at Sansoin-streetllall.
' All that or rutin lot or piece of around marked in the.
plan of partition, herein - slier mentioned, No. 4, situate
on the north side of Vino street and west side of Delaware
Eighth street. .continued, in, the Northern Liberties, in
the said city of Philadelphia; containing in breadth east
and westtwenty feet, and in length or depth north and
south seventy feet. Bounded gorthWard by a lot marked
in the aforesaid plan No. (I, "Flabacker; westward b 8
ills lot marked in said plan P. " Habacker ;" southward
by Vine street. and eastward by Eighth street aforesaid.
[B indentureme premises which John Recordednd wifedby dated December 19, 1904, in Deed
Book I. C.. No. 22, ae whichc., granted and eonveyed
unto Rudolph Neff, anti Rudolph Neff subiegnent
ly devised to the sald - defendants in fee, as recorded in
Will-Book. No, 38, Page 168.) -
B.—The improvements are, on the northwest corner
of Eighth and Vine htreets. a two-and. a- half-story brick
store, twenty feet front on Vino street, with a two-story
brick dwelling attached, and another two-story brick
dwelling on the rear.
[C. P. - , 190; June Term, '63, Debt $43170. Carter. ]
Taken tipexecution and to be sold as the property of
Henry Neff and John Neff, trading, &c
_ .TOHN TOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 13, 1863. jetS-3t
A writ of Venditioni Exponaa, to me directotL will be
exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY - Evening,
July 6.160.3. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall,
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the
northeastwardly side of Huntingdon street, in the late
district of Richmond, now in the city of Philadelphia,
beginning at the distance of two hundred and forty-three
feet northwestward from the northwestward side of
Duke street;containing in front or breadth on the said
Huntingdon'. street sixteen feet, and extending that
breadth in length or depth! northeastwardly between
parallel lines drawn at right angles to the said Hunting
don street ninety-live feet. to Airy street. Bounded on
the southwest by the said ••Huntingdon street. on the
northwest pettily by ground of Rodman Wharton and
partly by a :four•feet-witle• alley forty-five feet long
leading at right angles into and from said Airy street,
on the southeast by other ground intended to be granted
to the said' Edward S. McOlne on ground rent, and on
the northeast by the said Airy street. (Being the same
nesanises which jeseph Wharton, by indenture dated
the sth day of May, A. D.. 1849, recorded at Philadelphia
the 16th day of May, A. D. 1849, in Deed Book G. W. C.
No. 12, page 465, granted and conveyed unto Edward e.
-MeOlue, in fee, reserving thereout a yearly ground
rent of VI , fonr dollars.]
• N. B.•-On the_ above their!) is erected a three-story
brick house. • • • -• •
CC. P., 193; Jane ,'S3. Debt; *115:42. Peacock.]
Taken hi execution and to be sold as the property of
Edco ard S. McGhee: JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philada., Sheriff's Office,June 13, 1563. jels-3t
s•-•.' a writ of Vonditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY' Evening,'
July 0.1843. at 4 d'elock. Sansom-Street Hall, No. 1. All that certain three-story brick messuage or
tenement and lot of ground Situated on the west aids of
Eighth street, above Brown street. and numbered 816,
in the Thirteenth ward of the city, of Philadelphia;
containing in front•or breadth on. said Eighth street
twenty-seven feet and extending_ in, depth westward
No. E Also, all that certain dwelling. with the tene
ments in the rear,situate on the south side of Pine street,
above Fe con d street, in the Fifth ward of the city of Phi
ladelphia? numbered 212; containing in front or breadth
on said Pine street twenty-four feet and extending south
ward in length or depth ninety feet.' •
[C. P., 194; June T., ' 63. Debt, M. Baines.]
'Taken in exc elation- and tc. be sold as the property of
James Gordan and William Berger. trading. &e.
Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Juno 12, 1863. jels.3t.
a writ of - VenditioniExPonas. will be
exposed to' public sale or yendue, on MONDAY Evening,
July 6, 1863, at 4-o'clock, at Sausom-street Hall. -
All that certain lot or piece 'of ground with the three
story brick inessuage or tenement thereon erected, situ
ate on the notch side of Coates street, at the distance of
ono hu»dred and thirty-two feet and one-half of an inch
weetward from ,Thirteenth street, in the city of Phila
delphia; containing in front or breadth on said Coates
street eighteen feet. and extending in length or depth
northward at Tight angles with said,. Coates street one
hundred feet. (Being the same premises which John
Hortzler, Jr. , of fax, by deed dated. August twenty-three,
1&515, recorded in Deed Book R.:D. W... No. 43. page 40
or 46, &0., granted and' convoyed unto John Louck in
[O. P. 181: J. T., '63, Debt, 655.45. Woodward
Taken in execution and-to be sold as the property of.
John Louck ..--. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Ph 11 adel ph in, Sheriff's 011 ice: Juno 10,1863. jel6-3t
a wrl t of,Vendltiont Exponas, to me directed, will be'
exposed to nublio Rale or vondlte, on MONDAY Evening,
July 6,18 W, 4 o'clock. at Stumm-street Hall.
All that certain lot or piece of ground and meanings
or tenement thereon erected, situate on the east side of
Charles street, at the distance of one •hundrod and fif
teen feet eight Inches aorlhward from the north side of
Federal street, In the Into destrlct of Southwark. now ,
pnrt of tho consolidated city of Philadelphia: containing,
in front or breadth on the said Charles street thirteen,
feet, end extending in length Cr depth eastward between
parallel !lime at right angles with the said Charles street,
on the north line thirty. four feet'eeven and a half lathes,.
and the south lino thirty-two feet niho inches...
Benedetti northward and southward by ground granted
to Din said William N. King, eastward by the Union
(hotted. and westward by the. said Charles ,
etyma, 'fltelult the teems lot or !deed of ground which .
James A..hic roe and Anti, hie wife , by indenture dated
the eighteent day of September, A. D. 1817, recorded in
Deed Book A. W. K. No. 12, page 318, granted and con
veyed unto William King. his heirs and multiple; re
eerving therefor. awl N.
thereout unto the - said Tatnes A.
MOCre2,' bill holm and Rtlelgeth the yearly rent or sum of
twonty-two dollars. In equal haltiroarly payments , on
the first day of the months of Jewelry Sad July in every
year.] Together. vitt' the free and common use and. pd.- '
vilege of the said Charles street, as a NellY, passage, and
Nvalercourso at all times hereafter forever.
DP, I'. 167 ;.J. T. V. Debt. $.74.80 Flood.)
TILOU in execut ion and to be sold an the property of
N. King. JOHN THOMPSON:Sheriff.
Plitindelphin, Shemin °Ace. June 0. 1881. jel6-31,
1 . 14:11111T'S SALE.-;-BY VIRTUE OF
S 1
Psi a writ of VenditiOni ExPollee; to me directed, will be
xposed to public sale or veudno. ou MONDAY Evening.
July fi,ls6l.itt 4 o'clock. at slllllloin-stroot !Tall.
A certain lot or ploco of ground situate on the east side
of Is thirtproot-wldo streot called Woodbine street, at the.
distance of two huudroil and eighty-sight Poet southward
(rem the south stile of Federal street, In the late district
of elQutit Work. now In the (MY of Philadelphia; contatn
leg In front or breadth on the said Woodbine stroot thir
ty-nine foot six luobes, rind extending In length Or depth
tuu w Kul of that breadth forty foot, Hounded mirth
ward by ground granted to Luther C. Edmunds on
around rent, eastward by ground of Robert Clark, and
William Clark, gout/Award by ground now or late of
William Whertilit. Bud westward by Woodbine etreot
a forosaid ['Being the stun° promises which Robert
Clark and hinry A. lila wife, and William Clark nod
Ito A. bib Wife. by Indenture dated this tooth day of
May. A. D. ISSI. recordoil in Decal Book T. 8.. No, 17,
Pilau SO., granted aad convoyed unto said Luther C. •
idinunds in feet reserving thee:tont a certain yearly
ground mitt or sum of forty-fonr dollars and forty-four
rents to equal half-yearly payments on the first day of
the morttless of January and Ju 1 y.
ybr.N.. IL—The judgment upon which the above pro-
Chigaiege wore bad, was obta in ed for arrearagee of the
mak rem_
• .14E LE. S.—There is erected upon the above-described lot
Mime tuns-sswir bristicaousei fronting on the:said Wood-
Nino nurser,
P- -bane', V. Debt, 446.43. A. Thomyq,ott.3
Tam:him execemtioe. sell To be sold• es the property Of
.I(arf•9orlff, IMemenots. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. .
sufturapida. - amdtrs. Odiek‘ Jorge 10. ISM. jelthlt
aiwirtamMenretcrowl Experse, to me directed. will
iheresposedlesercklic .•ra.le. or Tsarina, on. MONDAY Eve.'
nkur...lhalr tr, Va. at 4 o'clock, at Hansom-street Hall. :
AM dent cescoto lac or piece of ground, with the factory'
kuriMairg, akedrifier, and other • messuages thereon erect
ed,. kiiftaille. on the westwardly side of the Arming., at
a.W., to+ ercAZtfuttewatly ward of the ely of Ph !WI& 'thin,
smenortwrisur at its intersection with ti to herland 'street,'
Mesas szlendins westwardly ntono be southerly eldo
of said Cnintperlapd areas 000 /JO nil rod and shitty-ono
CFA eats and alien' Incline to the onstorly side of it 'minim
iretty-reat•erlde,etroot exiled Clonunoree street, thence
waltriyardly along the settle two . hundred cud twenty,
g i,
eight reti ire and it quarter inolioo to a point, them°,
orthaar group d or Thorns,. 111,1,110, twenty•tWO fOot'
Mullion ve•oialith Ineken to It 00111 t, tkenuo further
ostetword a ong the same one hundred and thirty-four
feet opelg jilt Melt IQ t h e woltorly aide of Antall ngo
gang], a t }hence northward tiorti,. MOM) one lion-
Ofed ant 4Y• /I'd taut ` ea kb I. ree•elgliths inches to
tho )votif a yk AN 61 Donthar Ail street arermodu AVM
VSt .
or loin n Ilf. Clinton (onetime lot of around wlatolt
'ar y l', /Fon 1414. J. I/login:in Surgenut, trueteee,
el a,, il ii e (lair Onlebor 21, 1 311, recorded In Deed
/300 t, , ~ 4,, IllO t pir i, MI., granted unto
peva 't , fie ell he derentinb reirdattlo, twiny, duo., In.
Rot rtobiribb it tfrou na rob 1. o filig.)
• f,(1.1 ) ,. 161, Juno T. 'Of, nobt. $480.•.Pi10.]
_frakep io execution and to'llo sor as the property of
EligYoNltonell and JONI/1111h OCIJIIII nlO, troullnk, Ito,
JOIIN T lOMPSON, tlhernr.
ridlidn,., fikorllr'e (Mee. Juno 11, lefkl. JolO-3t,
F. , sArlt 0fIllaJf(lonl gittiostuf,lo m . O lroLleg,l will lid
Vi 0 j,opubl opr or yruo, ou MuN AI livenlug,
Jilri , au& 01 0 o ook, at tinsOuvolroot oil.
ii I Ilik dilrllllll tot or pMO of giolind oltuot• In tho
o i ltiliV 2slyiiv itintr now
01 vto, `,111,'.13 r 0 1 0; 1 '114
I, 1
~, i ,,,, 0 , r 0 vi ,..., Aide ut 4 oortaid Aow Woof.
ty efti l yi 11 10 Ong 0.110 Oren fur. Mlgbuti lion Dr
ti) 00 ipe Io ottonoine long no mid 901,1
you IV Lie 01 Vito 0 ILO 1111110 runway, onliod D BlYil•
g tell pt ai rtoti i lope mlopd not pou t Mom{ tho Oa,
iia 0 1110 WO 1)1 11 , (111IOrn ktrool moult' loyou dog' No
Pt Y , To nun,o4,. o r thrno bond 11)0 olltl Olio toot Iwo
gwo jog 10 1 0011111 k oro uorcloutolu tiro on. ay Rita /4
110 11knul t oti if III( okll 111Y1111oro di tog OT Hundred
$l9 Iny• refer piito up, to otweim 1,0 Itt; woof . *
ny ol 1.11 . 1001111 Orli
j 0 Oltlt UitirioO t,, 1) WV Iloril agOrtlg
toyou oouroto oar , Yo 10 00 Pi W 0.1,17 nundrld
Ill'ipseV/II ea 11110 ooliOo 10 I go NOOtli n thit of malt hord
roml, 1111 ,1 10p0,0 mpg Ito moulu f 'do o Ino oKlt I ord
l'boo, no/ 11 ,OiiiillY•two aogrok Yo minuto, Wipt, ono
itinurmi Atli 1 . 0411, Oligut tlllkloo 0 110 0000 qf
0101urkwi eon OUT. 7110 y .1417. tuoric too l oottoo 010101.
i i ii r . ?Ir .1° it 11 1) 81 1ki wIto, i i d u l t" erol
10 1 I yof pr ❑ . A l A. , loom olii 0
'look , .11,, 0, 100, pngq4 % e q., groin', and ooxi-
Oey i e4 O i rdirlf otlolt 10 104, 1.11 1 0 . /' 1 ororonon lo 104
t ifiVludit 11 0
1 1 1 1 ( 1 0 ) 1 13 1 , will
01111ritt1 r c i r l io l titrorA r 1 i rt7ribit v itg
111 0 144,11y00rly irt pa t o Oral 11111 of Ilia toonllio of
W 4 ; 11 . 1 14 ° 3 l 'l trV i " 1 1;1714t, sei 7,5 3.8 Towasond.l
34:iliolu in eXooll4.llii ILti( Q D poig lisl tha prOpunr4).
l thitiolog. 1011/4 0 141 llll'Bo/i, Boorlr.
i looolulou.Sliorllro 01nue, Jltuo 10. 11303 3.14.110
a writ of Vontiltioni Expoutte, to me dlrocte_ J ti wil/
_be oxPotteal to i yblle or vonduo, on MONDAY 1010-
'Oll4, Duly B, 71 ht 4 O'ulook. at BattsoilPstroot Hall.
Ail tat Corte lila or pleeo of ground, with the an
litiished,threeltOrY briok Inessuago with beak building.
Maroon ereclon, eltuato on the west sido- of Marshall
alreat, la the diatom of ono hundred nud Arty feot two
inohVd northward from the north eldo of Thompeon
etraat, In the Tent loth Ward of the city of Philadelphia;
coutittninginfront on Marshall street olghteen feet, and
m(4)11411;40( that width, in depth' wastwatd, botween
linos at riglat.angles with Marshall street,• eighty-four
feet ten Malts* more or leap, to the roan end .of tho
] street lots. [Being the Name lot of ground which
'ldwin Shields and James Shields, by Indenture dated
the 7th day of July,l6(l).reeorded in Deed Book A. D B ,
No* 122, page .T2B, Ito., granted and convoyed unto Hen
ry Krips, blithers and assigns' In fee; reserving there- -
out a yearly ground rent of gIA payable semi-annnally, ,
on the firstof January, and July,, deduction fur
texee,'Sre.]* ' • • • „ • - •
(O. P. 190. June T. !63. Dobt 536.46. Calvert. •
s, Talton in e?ceention and to be sold as the property of
Henry Krim: • 'JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Auie 12;1863. Jels-Si
a writ or Vioditioni , RxPonEui, to me directeil. will
be exposed .to
_public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve
ning. July 8, ISinnt 4 o'clock; at Saneoni-etraet Hall.
All that certain. three story. brick messnage or tone.
went thereunto belonging, eitua:ed on .the.wesi side of..
Clinton sheet, at the distance. of , one• hundred. apd
twenty four feet six inches , and , one-eighth'of an inch •
northward from the north side of Parrish street. late !
district of Spring Garden. now city of Philadelphia; con-
Mining in front or breadth on said Clinton street fourteen: -
feet, and In length or depth forty fee: to two-feet six..
Inchre-wide alley leading into Clinton street. Bounded
on thsnorth by ground of - Wiliiam Wilt; oti - ! . the south
by Armand now or late of James- Harper, on the east by
Clintliffetreet, and on the west by the sold two-feet six- •
inches-wide alley. (Being, the 'same premises ,which.
Jansen Harper and wife, by indenture bearing date the.'
•Va of April, A. D. 1961..reeorded in Deed , Book T. H.,
leo. 149. page 201, granted and conveped unto the:Aald
Henry Wilt in - fee; reserving a yearly ground rent of .
twenty-one dollars, payable - 4ml( yearly on the first day
•of..Tannary and July in every year thereafter forever,
.for arrears of which ground rent the - judgment in this
We has been recovered.) -
. 16S;-June T.,'63 Debt, $41.75. Aleop.
Houren to execution and to be sold as the propy of
, Wilt. . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff
Philadelphia, Sheriffs ()Dice, June 10,1863. -jel9-3t
r....+ ii writ of Venditloni Exponite.• to me directed_„ will
~r expo o_p
ed tubllm sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even
• a , July 0., 1803 at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street • Hall,
• > ll that certain lot or piece of ground eltuate in the
17 netne.uth ward. city of Philadelphia. on the north side
o Pepper street, eixty feet weet•of Tulip street: contain
' in, r oat sixty feet, and la depth : of that width, sixty
- two Na no inohos to Tooker street. • [Recital. —Deed
‘tr F. 1 1 , 1 7, et al ,to Jacob liferple..in4 fee: dated
lei.rtutry _ IMO : reconlea in Deed 13ook .s. D. W., No.
4. - naito MO, , a • resoryll.2o ground rent.]
CO. P.', 153; J. - ~' O.' Debt, titiO.BS. Pile.]
Tilkoll_lo exocutlon au .to be sold Ss thepropert of
Jacob Mamie, • ,-
_.., • JOHN , TROMPSON Sher i ff.;
Philetiolphlo, Sherill's opoe, June D. ISW. lels-31
^-' a writ of Vonditloul galantine, to me directed will be
exposed topublia cal° or routine. ou MONDAY Leaning.
July e, 186 y, at 4 o'clook. at Bansonkatreot Hall.
' All that certain lot or piece ef ground situate on the
southwest side of 4Anthractte street, et the diqaPeeef
seventy -eve feet south of:Browne street. le the /ere am'
trlct of Richmond,. In tho county's f Philadelphia; ooti. •
teltding'ln.front or breadth on geld anthracite Omit'
litty-one feet,,end extendlite In length or depth - west
.wit rdly of that width eighty feety - Rosinded northwardly .
'*nd westwardly by ground illir or formerly of Renjahlitt
8: Janney, aoutwerdly by.a ot granted or Intended to
have been granted to , John ether. and eastwardly,lry•
'aid Anthracite street; (Bolng the entire int or ground
which the raid Benismtn S. Janney sud Lydia O. his
wife, by indenture dated the Bith day 0.1 Octobewk-D.
3847. the counterpart whereof is recorded at Philadelphia
'in Deed Book O. W. C. No. SS. page WO. gm. ' granted
and conveyed nolo Christian - M. Garber, aud'Benediot
Gerber, as tenants In C 011111011; In fee: reserving there
out the yearly ground rent or aunt of twenty dollars and
'Yforty sesta. leerhil ' silver money. etc . ,payable' halt
greatly. clear of taxes, etc..'on the drat day of .the months
a January and July in eyerr rear forever, unto the said.
Benjamin 13. Janney,,bie he re and aseigna.) .
Va l kei; - . 1 1 61 12 ; o r g an. TlOn 'Ck tn ' a bi l ' o b eil;?l„,, i i . eit 3 ' .6wn " 64.3
Chrletlan M. Gerber and Benedict M Garber. r" r rtY "
• • . , : - JOHN THOMPSON. Sherif.
Philad'a. Shefra Offi c e. June 11). 1863. • • jell-St
-•,•. • , . ,
. .
a writ of Yenditioni Exponali, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or veudue , on MONDAY Evening,
July 6.1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall.
All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate 'on the
north side of Elm street, at the distance of one hundred
and sixty feet-westward from the west side of Seventh
street. in the late district of West Philadelphia, now the
Twenty - -fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia; con
taining in front or breadth on the Paid Elm street one
_hundred feet, and extending in length or depth north
ward between lines at right angles therewith one hun
dred and sixty-five feet to Grape or Cherry street.
Bounded northward by said' Grape or Cherry street,
southward by the said Elm street, eastward by grciund
now or late of Richard Peters, and westward by other
ground of Elizabeth M. Klapp, of which this was part.
[Being the same lot of ground which Elizabeth K.
Rh pp. by indenture dated the 26th day of March, A. D.,
1802, recorded in Deed Book T. 11., No. 13, page 180,
granted and conveyed unto the said Patrick Rafferty in
fee: under and the restriction- that no slaugh
ter-house, soap, or car cite, or glue factory, skin-dress
ing establishment, or other building for offensive °con
nation, shall ever be erected on the above described lot
of ground; and subject also to the payment of a yearly
rent charge of one hundred dollars: payable half yearlY
on the first of April and October forever; for arrears of
which the jnd gment was obtained ou which this execu
tion is issued,]
CC. P;;i6s; Tune T. '63. Debt, 650.10. „Tno, H. Camp
- .
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Bernard Rafferty. Administrator of the estate of Patrick
Rafferty, deceased. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ofilce, June 12, 1863. jels-30
a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to medirected, will be
exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
July 6, 1863. at 4 o'clock. atSansom-street Hal',-
All tbat certain lot or piece ot ground; with-the three
story brick building thereon erected, situate on the south
side of State street,. at the distance of fifty-two feet nine
inches westward from the weal side of Schuylkill Eighth
street, (now Fifteenth street,) in the city of Philadel
phia; containing in front or breadth on the said State
street twelve feet six inches, and in length or depth
southward of that width sixty feet to a six-feet-wide
alley running westward from the said Schuylkill Eigth
street. Bounded on the east by ground. intended to be
granted to - -Isaac M Gilbert and Joeeph Gilbert on
gronnd rent; on the 'south by said siefeet-wide
on the west by - gronnd now or late of Jacob - Mayland,
and on the north by the said State street., Being the.
Caine premises which William B. Fling and wife, by in
denture dated the 25th day of April. A: D. 1814, recorded
in Deed Book R. D. L. No. 21,•page 82,'.@b , gran. ed and
conveyed unto Isaac 25.,Gilbert and Joseph Gilbert in
fee; reserving thereout a certain yearly ground rent of
forty-two dollars, payable half yearly on the first day
of May and November, in every year forever..
N. 8.--Joseph Gilboit has parted with his interest in
the above-dee cribed property:
CC. P:, 266; June T.. '63, .Debt $67.05. .Letchworth.l
Taken in execution and to be sold as the Property of
Isaac M. Gilbert and Joseph Gilbert.
Philadelphia,'Sheriff's Office, Juno 13. 1863.- jels.3t
a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will
be exposed toublic sale or vendne, ou MONDAY Eve
ning, July 6,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sanaom-street Hall,
All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the un ,
finished three-story brick inessuage with back buildings
thereon - erected, situate on the west side of Marshall
street, at the distance of two hundred and four feet ten
Inches. north Ward from the north side of ThomPsoti
street, in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadel
phia; containing in front on Marshall. street eighteen
feet. and , extending of that width in — depth westward:
between lines at Tight' angles with 'Marshall street,
eighty-four feet ten inches, more or less; to the rear end
of the, Seventh-street lots. [Being tho name lot of ground
which Edwin Shields and James Shields, bptudenttire
dated the 7th day of Ja1y,1660, recorded in Deed. Book
A. D, 8., No. 122, page 315, lic.. granted and conveyed
unto Henry Krips; hie heirs and assigns, in fee; reserv
.ing:thereout a yearly ground rent of 4132. payable semi
annually on the first of January and July,- without de-,
Unction for taxes, &c.l
[C. P., 189 June T., '63: - Debt. $36.49'. Calvert:]:
• Taken in execution and to be sold as the property' of
Henry:Krips: JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, June 12,1863. , jels-3t
a writ of Venditioni Expense, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
July 6,1863. at 4 - o'clock , at Sansom-street Hall,
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate one the
southwesterly side of William street, at the distance of
three hundred and fifty feet northwestward from Tulip
street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadel
phia; containing in' front or breadth' on said William
street sixteen feet, and in length or depth, of that width,
fifty-one feet.[Being the same premises which Samuel
Zepp and wife, by indenture dated August 27th, 1653, and -
recorded in Deed. Book A. D. B. No. 31,
_page 205, - &c.,;
granted. sold,;,and conveyed unto James Neeld; his heirs
and assigns; reserving thereent unto him, the said Samu
el Zepp,'his heirs rand assigns, a certain yearly ground
rent of - fifty-four dollars. parable on the first day of the
monibsory and July in every year thereafter for
ever; for arrears of which gronnd rent the said lot issold.]
CC. P.. 173; June T. -
, - '63. Debt, $85.35. 0. W. Davis.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Jeni; ifeeld. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
,Philadelphia; Sheriff's Office, June 10,1563. jel.s-3t
a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas. to me - directed,
will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY
Evening, July 6,1363, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall;
All that certain lot or piece of grocuad situate on the
south side of Parrish street, at the distance of one . hun
dred and forty-one
,(141) feet westward from the west
side of Tenth street, in the city of Philadelphia (late:in
the district of tpring - Garden and county of-Philadel
phia ;) •containivg in front or breadth on said Parrish
street seventeen feet, and extending in length or-depth
southward between parallel lines at right - angles-to said
Parrish street one hundred and thirty-three feet to Ver
non et reet. Bounded ordthe north by said Parrish street:
On the south by said Vernon- street, on the east by
ground now or late of David Ellis, and on the west by
ground now or late of Benjamin Davis. [Being the same
premises which Amos Ellis and wife, by indenture dated
October 21, 1839, and recorded Sin Deed Book 0. S., No.
/S. page 615, &a., granted and conveyed to Robert Har
vey in fee. reserving tbereout the-yearlyground rent or
sum of 451, payable half yearly as therein mentioned,
for arrears of which rent the judgment was obtained on
'which this execution was issued ]
N. B.—On the above• described premises the following
buildings are erected, viz.: a three-story brick dwelling
honse, with a small one-story back building, and a frame
stable and shed on the rearend of said lot.
• CB. P. ,193: June T. , '63. Debt, 8179 . 79. Elcock. -
Taken in execution and to be sold as ~ " the property of
Robert Harvey.. JOHN THOMPSON,Hhertff.
Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. June 12;1963, jels-3t
a writ of Venditiont ExPonas, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or yonder,. on MONDAY Evening.
July O. IS6S, at 4 o'clock, at Sansotil-street Hell.
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the
north stile of Poplar, street, at the distance of forty-six
feet eight inches eastward front Eleventh street. in the
district of Spring Garden, in the county olPhiladelphia
(now city of Philadelphia);'-containing in front' or
breadth on the said Poplar street fifteen feet, and extend
ing: north-norheaetwardly, between_ parallel lines at
right angles with Poplar street, sixty-two feet four and
thretrelghths Inches on the 'Westwardly line and-sixty
four feet six and a-half inehes , on the'eastwardly line to
a three•feet-vide alley,which leads into Eleventh street.
136unded on the north by the said alley, on the east and
west by other ground of the said Freeman Scott. and on
the south by Poplar street aforesaid. [Being the same
lot orpiece or ground which the said Freeman Scott and
Mary his wife. by indenture dated the I.2th day of Sep
tember, A. D 1519, and recorded in Deed Book A. W. M.
No. 24, page 392, &c , granted and. conveyed
_unto the
said John—Matchett4n fee. reserving a yeally groitud
rent of sixty,dollars; payable hair-yearly on- th.e: first'
day of the months. - ortranuary and:July-In every year
thereafter; and whichnaid ground rant was assigned lay
Freeman Scott and Miry his wife to Richard D. Mali, by"
deed dated Anal 2S, 1847. and recorded in Deed-Book-A: -
W. - M., No 29, page 467. &c. _For the arrears of said •
ground rent said property la nowlaken in rikecntion.
N.-B.—There Is erected on the above lot of ground'a
three.story brick building. •
! [C. P., 384; Juno "I'.; 'O3. Debt; $127.00. Petlt.lll
'Taken In execution and to he sold as the
_property o
John Mateheti. .101111 TlfolliPSo_ll, Sheriff,
• Philadelphia. Shorifre Wilco. June 12,1863. jell-St -
-a writ of Veuditioni Exponati, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening.
July (5, 18.13, at 4 o'clock . Saneom - street Hall.
All that Certain lot or piece of ground, with the two
ltvo.utory brick mossuages or tenements thezoon erected,
situate on the south side of Fisher street affhe distance
of two hundred - and eighty feet nine inches eastward
from ti, coot /lid dof Seventh street, In the First ward of
the said city (Philadelphia)• front or
- ]breadth on the said -Fisher street twenty - five feet nine
deltas; and extentli»trnf.thrit width in length or depth
southward, between lines parallel with the said Seventh
'street, fifty feet, „Including therein nit the east side
thereof the westernmost ninety or half part of an alloy
two feet in width and fifty feet in depth, loading' Into and
from the said Fisher etreet. laid out and opene afi apals
ya go way and water-epurne..for the use of thin and the
otllo/11114 ground to the oast, with the right to introduce
water pipes under the carne, and to. build over the west
half thereof,leavlng a headway of eight feet In the clear.
[Being the same premises which Luther C. Edmonds and
:Wife, by deed dated the 27th-day of April. 1860, and re
'corded In DT 8001cd... D. 8.. 160 . 125 ; page 20.'oranted
and conveyo unto Samuel ldeC. Foster , helm and
assigns; 61.11) ect, to a yearly ground. rent or sum of thirty
stx,- payable half.yearly. on. the first days of
May and Noveni bor.. • ' -
CO. I'., 167; June T.. "03.--Debt, $75 52. Ernst.]
Taken Juoxecutlon and to be sold as the property of
St; in ttel McClung Foster. • • .
Vbiladolobia, Sheriff's Juno 1011863. jel6-3t
smiativr's SALE.—LBY yIRTUE OF
Nf it writ, of Venditionl &penal,. to - ine directed: will
be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY
Evening, 'July (I, DO. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall.
All that'certain lot or piece of ground situate on the
nertheaeterly. side of a certain twenty-nine-feet wide
street, as laid out and left open- for üblic use, forever,
extending _p
front Franklin avenue to Brown street, called
Morton street ; beginning on the line of said Morton
sheet, at the distance of eighty-two feet northweetwardly
from the northwesterly side of - Franklin avenue, in the
Eighteenth ward of the city Of Philadelphia. late district
of Kensington; thence extending northeastwardly, at
right angles with,: said' Morton street, fifty-one feet six
inches to a certain two-feet-six-inches-wide alley ;.thence
northweetwardly by the name fourteen feet and three
ituotero of -an men to a certain four-foot-wlde alley;
thence westwardly along the same one foot nine inches
ihdtlive-eitzhthe of an inch to a certain four-feet eight
and-a-balf-Inches,wlde alley, extending southwest.
ward IY . parallel with 'Franklin , avenue, into said - Mar:.
ton street- thence southwestwardly along the said alley
fifty feet . to the Raid Morton street; thence eouthettet
,wardiy along the northeasterly niile thereof fifteen feet
to the place of beginning. -
CO. P. 371 t June T„ "83. Debt 1677.45 Perkins:]
_ Taken in execution and to he' sold -an the' pronertv of
George H. Jones: JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff
Philadelphia. Sheriff's Mice. Junel2, iels-3C.
Ps , " a writ pf Venditioni Expense, to me directed, wilLbe
, 'exposed-to.public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
July 6,1363, at 4 o'clock, at Saneom-street Hall,
- All that certain lot or - piece of ground sitiate 'in the
Nintteanth ward, city of Philadelphia, on the southeast
Omer of Cumberland and Tulip 'streets; containing in
'front on Cumberland, street seventy4wo feet, and in
, depth southward] y of-,that width along - Tulip' street
hne !hundred and fiftyfeet three inches to Araminge
street. [Recitttl.—Deed 'IV. T. Emlen , et al. Ourdon
A. Brown in fee, dated February 6th, 1849, ; recorded , in
`Deed Book T. H., No. 72; page 141, ; ,reserving 372
groUnd rent. ""t-- '
)[C. P., 162; J..T. '63. Debt,' 3744. 60. Pile.
Taken in executi e n and to .be sold as, the Apropertyof
Cordon A. Brown. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 9, 1953:- •jel,s-3t
=As it is - .foun`d im r`acticable to ret ai n fora longer
period- than .ONE ;YEAR. the large stock of Negatives
takek by BROADBENT St CO notice is hereby given
that after the iirstiot July next all Negaiiviq taken prior
to the first of July. 1862, will be effmeed.
Parties having proper authority, 'who may desire to
~purchase any of. these ;Negatives for preservation, - orto
procure duplicates from them - before they are destroyed.
will:please leave their orders at the Gallery, .
= N05:.91.2,914; and 916 CRE6TN6T,6t:
rPhotoiraphers; Is thiS day disiolved, by, the re:'
tiremenbotE:- BROADBENT. - • - • •
The business will be continued by .his late partherS('
under • the Bomb of WENDERO CH 3i TAYLOR. Mr.
Wendoroth, the artint, and- - the:iiiventor_of, the ivory-
typeand •Wenderotytm, Who was 'associated'' in the late
dim' for four years. will continue at the head of the;
/Mists' Department; and Mr.• Taylor, also, it:partner.ln
the late firm. will remain as heretofore, in charge of the
business in the Reception Room. Wlrc ;au,
• •' 91.9; 91414 and 916 CHESTNUT Street,
. .
WENDEROTH ,St TAYLOR' (late Broadbent
have just opened,t in connection with their old roonis,
tbe most beautiful and spacioui" Operating Room ih the.
city; and by . this - and other improvements they intend
to,insure more complete attention, to the requireinents of
their increasing bininess. . •
:"'• Every stYle of picture taken.imconnection with Photo
graphy,f, including ..Ivorytypes, Wenderotypes, 011
Paintings, Photographs Cartes de Visite, eto
.106-fmwl 2 t if 91.9 914 and 910 CHESTNUT Street.
-1413E the DRUG 1113SINESS,,ae , heretofere, at the
Old Stand, No. 729 MARKET Street:
&00 Dr slate;
Sal-tf' • -. 724 MARKET Street
17)EN TIPE.—S TONE W 11.11
. ! tA IORAIN PIPE from 2 to' 12-Inch:bore
2-ineb. bore 26
d Seats per ya d rd
5 . 30 o
. do • ... . 66 do do.
'E_very variety of oinneetione, bends, traps, and hopper'',
We are now. prepared to furnish Pipe any quantity,
and °mineral terms' e to.dealers and those Pnrebeebas la
- Vitrified Terra Cotta ,Ohimney Tops, plain and onm
mental'designe.. warranted to stand the action of . coal
gas, or the-weather in ani s ellmate. •
:A great variety of_ Ornamental Garden Taw la _TOW
Gotta elneeleal designs., all sheep and warrantew to
%tang the weather. ' agui t:i Famoy,Tlower Pots , Hanging
Yt e l t iraerplta s Te;r a s Cotts a gOrke.
Office and Wareroomelolo CHESTNUT_
Jelle-wrin tt - E n A. 'MARANON.
AND morromlam AT REDUCED . PRi 18. A
assortment o
f f Dinka Orsys Stanek or
Nubia Wizorke ot:t
frialtne. below Ilsysalk
pRgI E 'C r Ii f SI T LS rt
SEALED PROPOSALS to furnish materials for the
Navy for the decal year ending SOth Jame, 1384, will be
received at the Bureau of Steam. Engineering, until the
24th day of JU.NE next.
Proposals must be endorsed "Proposals for Materials
for the Navy," that they may be distinguished from
other business letters, and directed to the Chief of the
Bureau of Steam Engineering. ---
The materials and articles embraced in the classes
named are particularly described in the printedsche
dules, any of which will be furnished to snob as-de
sire to offer, on application to the Commandants of the
respective yards. or to the' Navy Agent nearest thereto,
and those of all the yards upon application to the Ba
reau. This division into classes being for the conveni
ence of dealers in each, such portions only will be fur
nished as are actually required for bids. The Com
mandant and Navy Agent of each station will, in-addi
tion to the schedule of classes of their own yards, have
a copy of the schedules of the other yards for examina
tion only. from which may bejudged whether it will be
desirable to make application for any of the classes of
those yards.
&sr. - must he made for the whole of the class at any
yard uPoMone of the printed schedules. or in strict con
formity thiireivith: or they will not he considered. In
omputing the classes the - price stated in the column of
prices will be the standard, and the aggregate of the
class will be carried out according to the price stated.
The contracts will be awarded to the lowest tone Ado
bidder who gives proper security for its falfilment. Tile
United States reserves the right to reject all the bids for
any clais. if deemed exorbitant. I
All articles must be of the very beet quality,, to be de
livered in the navy yard in good - order, and in Imitable
vesseLs and packages, properly marked with the name
of the contractor, as the - case may be, at the expense and
risk of the contractor. and in all respect subject to the
inspection, measurement, count, weight, itc., of the
yard where received. and to the entire satisfaction of the
Commandant thereof.
bidders are referred to the Commandants of the re
spective yards for samples,. instructions, or particalar
description of the articles; and, all other things being
equal, preference will be given to articles of American
Every •offer, as required by the law. of 10th August,
1546, roust be accompanied by a written guarantee, the
form of which is herewith given.
. . .
And also by a certificate signed by the Collector of
Internal Revenue for the District in which the bidder
rekides, that he has a'license to deal in the article for
which he proposes, or by an affidavit signed by himself
and sworn to before same magistrate authorized to ad
minister such oath, that he is "a manufacturer of, or
regular. dealer in, the articles which he offiers to sap.
Those only whose offers aceepted will be noti
fied, and the contract will be forwarded as soon thereaf
ter as practicable, which they will be required to execute
Within ten days after its receipt at the poet office or Navy
agency named by them.
The contracts will bear date the day the notification is
given, and deliveries can be demanded.
Sureties in thelull amount will be required to sign the
contract, and their responsibility certified to by a United.,
States district judge, United States district attorney, col
lector, or Navy Agent, As additional security twenty
per centime will be withheld from the amount of the bills
until the contract shall have been completed, and eighty
per centum of each bill, approved - in triplicate by the,.
Commandants of the respective yards, will be paid by
the Navy Agent at the points of delivery in certificates of
indebtecness or Treasury notes at the option al the
It is stipulated in the contract that if default be made
by the parties of the first part in delivering all oxany of
the articles mentioned in any clam bid .for in the con
tract, of the quality and at the time and places above
provided, then, and in that case, the contractor and his
sureties will forfeit and pay to the United States a sum
of money not exceeding twice the amount of such class,
which may be recovered from time to time, according to
the act of, Congress in that case provided, approved
March 3,.1&13. r.
Bade must not contain. classes for more than one yard
in the same envelope, and bidders are requested to en
dorse on the envelope the navy Yard for which the bid
. .
Frrin o.f: Offer.
Which from a firm must be signed by all the members:
I. --. of in the State of --, hereby
agree to fnrniah and defiver in the respective Navy Yards
all the articles named in the classes hereunto annexed,
agreeably' to the provisions of the schedules therefor,
and in conformity with the advertisement of- the Bureau
of Steam Engineering , of May 23.-1863. Should my offer
be accepted, I request to be addressed at --, and the
contract sent to the Navy Agent at, or to
for signature and certificate.. . •
Signature, A. B.
.The schedule which the bidder encloses mast ba pasted
to his offer, and .each of them - signed - by -him. Oppo-,
site each article in the schedule the price must be set,
the amount carried out, the aggregate footed up for
each class, and the amount likewise written in words.
If the parties who bid do not reside near the place
where the articles are to be delivered, they must name
in their offer a person to whom orders on them are to be
Form of Guarantee.
The undersigned,,-, of-, in the State of -,
and -, of-, the State of -, hereby guaran
;tee that. in case the foregoing bid of--- for any of the
clasees therein named be accepted,h e or they will. within
ten days after the receipt of the contract at the post office
named, or Navy Agent designated, execute the contract
for the same, with good. and sufficient sureties; and in
case the said _ shall fail to enter into contract,
as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference
between the offer of the said and that which
may be accepted. .
Signatures of two kuirantors. I g:3)
I hereby certify that the above-named --- are known
to me as men of property, and able to- make good their
To be signed by the United States District Judge. United
• Slates District Attorney, Collector, or Navy Agent.
[Certificate as manufacturer or dealer.]
_ Extracts from Laws of the . United States.
Sec. 14. And be it furthea enacted, That no contract or
order, or any interest therein, shall be transferred by
the party or parties to whom such contract or order may
be given to any other party or parties, and that any such
-:transfer shall cause the annulment of the contract or
order transferred so far as the United States are concern
ed r Provided, That all the rights of action are hereby
reserved to the United Slates for any breach of such con
tract by the contracting party or parties. '
Sec. 16.. And be it further enacted, That wheneVer any
contractor for subsistence, clothing, arms, ammunition,
munitions of war, and for every description of supplies
for the Army or Navy of the United States, shall be found
, guilty by ,a court-martial of fraud or wilful neglect of
, duty, he shall be punished by fine, imprisonment, or
such other punishment .as the court-martial shall ad
judge ; and any Person who shall- contract to furnish
supplies of any kind or description for the Army or Navy,
he shall be deemed and taken as a part of the laud or
naval forces of the United States for which:he shall con
tract to furnish said supplies, and be subject to the rules
and regulations for the government of the land and naval
forces of the United States. Approved July 17. 1561.-
. Sec. 2. And be it further resolved, That the chief of
any bureau of the Navy Department, in contracting for
naval supplies, shall be at liberty to reject the offer of
any person who. as principal, or surety, has been a de
faulter in any previous contract with the Navy Depart-.
went; nor shall partiqs:who have failed 'as principals or
sureties in any former contract be received as - sureties on
- other contracts; nor shall" the copartners of. any firm be
received as sureties for such firm or for each other; nor, contracts with the same bureau, shall one contractor
be received as surety for another; and every contract
shell require the delivery of a specified quantity, and
no-bids having nominal or fictitious prices shall be con
sidered: That if more than one bid be offered by any
one party, by or in the name of his, or their clerk. part
ner, or other person, all such bids May be rejected; and
no person shall be received as , w contractorwho is not a
'manufacturer of or regular dealer in the articles which
be offers to supply, who has not a license as such mann
factureeor dealdr. And all persons offering bids shall
haye the right to be present wlen the bids are opened
and inspect the same. • e •
Approved.}farch 3d, ' .
The folio in are the Classes required at the respec
tive Navy Yards:
_ .
. •
Class No, 1. Boiler Iron. &c ; 2. Pig Iron. 3. Boiler
Felting; 4. Ourn Packing. &c. •. 5. Sperm OIL; 8. Linseed
011 and Turpentine; 7. Lard •
Oil; 8. Metallic 011;_ 9 Tal
low and Soap ; 30; Engineers' Stores; 1L Engineers' fools;
12. En gineers' Instruments , 14. Wrought Iron Pipe, &c. ;
15. 'Tubes; 17. Iron Nails, Bolts. and. Nuts; 1E - Copper;•
/O. Tin, &c. ; 20. White Lead; 21. Zinc Paint; 22.,0010red
Paints; 23. Stationery: 24 'Firewood. .
--- - .
Class No. 1. Boiler- Iron.and Rivets; 2..-Pig Iron; 3.
Boller Felting,- 4. Gum Packing, Rubber Rose, &u ; 5.
Sperm Oil; 6. Linseed Oil; 7. Lard Oil; 8. Metallic Oil;
9. Tallow and Soap; 10, Engineers' Stores; IL Engineers'
Tools; 12. Engineers' Instrunzents; 13. Steam Pumps; 14.
Wrought Iron Pipes, Valves, &c • 16., rubes; H. Steel;
17. Iron Nails, Bolts and Bole' 16. Copper; 19. Tin and
Lead; 20: White Lead; 21. Zinc Paint; Colored Paints;
23. Stationery; 24. Firewood. . • •
Class No. L Boiler Iron, &c. r 2. Pig Iron; 3: Boiler
Felting; 4. Gum Packing, Rubber Hose, ; 6. Sperm
011; 6, Linseed Oil and Turpentine; 7. Lard 011; S. Me
tallic Oils; 9. Tallow and. Soap; 10. Engineers' Stores;
11. Engineers' Tools; 12. Engineers' Instruments; 13.
Stvam Pumps; 14. Wrought Iron Pipe, Valves, &c.; 15.
Tubes, 16 Steel; 17. Iron= Nails. 'Bolts, and Nuts: 18.
Copper; 19. Tin. Zinc, Es. ; 20. White: Lead 421. Zinc
Paint, &c.; .Colored Paints, Dryers; 23. Stationery ;
29. Firewood •,• 25. Hickory. and Ash Plank and
Butts; 26. White- Pine; 27. Black Walnitt; Cher
ry ; 28. MahoganY., White Molly; 29. ,Lanterns; 30: Lig
numvitie ; 31: • Dridgeon'e , Pnmps. - $
Class No.. 1. Boiler Iron, &c.; 3.. Boiler Felting; 4.
Gum Packing. Rubber Rose: dm. Sperm Ott; 6: Lin
seed Oil and Turpentine; 7. Lard Oil; 8. Metallic 011; 9.
Tallow and, Soap; 10. Engineers'Storea; 11. Engineers'
Tools; 12. Engineers' Instruments; 13. Steam Pumps;
14 Wrought Iron - PiPe, Valves. dm; 13. Tubes; 16. Steel;
17. Iron Nails, Bolts,.and`Nuts:.l.3- Copper ; , 19:-Tin; 20
White Lead; 21. Zinc Paint; 22 Colored Paints and.
Dryers; 23. Stationery; 24. Firewood.
Class No. 1. Boiler Iron. Stc.; 2. Pig Iron; 3. Boiler
Pelting; 4. ; Gum 'Packing,' Rubber - Hose: &c.t 5: Sperm
011; 6 Linseed "Oil and. Turpentine; 7. Lard Oil; 8. Me
tallic Oil; 9. Tallow and Soap; ID. Engineers' Stores; U
Engineers' Tools; 12. Engineers' Instruments; 13. Steam
Pumps; 14. Wrought Iron Pipes, Valves, &c.: 16. Tubes;
16. Steel ;17. Iron Nails, Bolts, and Nuts; 18... Copper: 18.
Tin, Lead; and Zino; 25. WhitiLea,d o.l.%Zine Paint; 22.
Colored Paints, Dryers; 23. Stationery; 24. Firewood.
wABEIMITON'CITY; March 2d, 186 A—Owners
of steam vessels are invited to send to the Quarter -
master General's Office tenders for their charter or sale.
Tenders ahould contant , descriptiottsthe „vessels,
their dimensions, "
enrolled or registered tonnage, actusl
estrying capacity, material, whether , coPpered, whether
eidewheel or propellers, whether iron or copper-fasten
ed t sire and power of engines and boilers; and Should
state the price at which they are offered for long or short
charter, withthe estimated value of the vessels in ease
of loss or in case the Government should prefer to pur
chase insead'of chartering.
Owners`of steam vessels already in the service of the
- liinartermaster's Department are ; requested to. make
known to the Department any reduction in thetr present
rates which they may bliwilUng to gran t , -- and also the
Priceat ,which they will be willing to sell them. -
All such tenders should be addressed to . the Quartet
master General of the United States, at Washington, and
should be ?ndoreed "Proposals for Charter or Bale of
When received they will be considered, and the De- "
L a nd Ing n t w ill
t a‘ o ,:ru i tl h tt. h tw x xi s zit:
waters,by substituting, whenever can do 80, cheaper_
'vessels of. equal capacity for those now employed. •
- t • • PHILADELPHIA, May 22, - 186 - 3.
The undersigned has been authorized to offer for sale
at par the First Mortgage Six Peri Cent. STEIIMINVinIi
BRIDGB ‘ BONDS of the Holliday's -Cove Railroad Com
pany, amounting to Three Hundred Thousand Dollars,
'($300,000,) issued to J. Edgar Thomson, Trustee, under
an Act of Assembly of the State of Virginia, authorizing
the construction of a liAllroad Bridge across the:Ohio
-rigor at Steubenville: confirmed by an ticket Congress,
'algeroved Julyl4, 18132. ' '
'Phase bonds are forpne thousand dollars (C, 000) each,
secured by a mortgage on the property and•franchisee of
the Company, and redoeinablwon the - first day of Febru
,ary,qB93. The • conponeattached: are' payable on the
, first day of-February and , otAngust in each and every
year, at the oMee • oi- the•Pennsylvania - Rallroad Compa
ny, in the city-of Philadelphia, and the principal there
of at the Tarmers.and Mechanics' Bank in the said city,
at - maturity. •
This Railroad Bridge is now heing constructed lathe
best-manner with stone piers and abutments, and Iran
eoperstructure,, J. Linville:'
civil engineer and' _approved by J. Edgar Thomsen,
President of the PennsyWatila Railroad - Company.
This when completedi'will form part of a
through line from Pittsburg to Cincinnati, under-"one-
management, twenty-nine miles shorter than any other
route, and fifty-eight mlles„shorter. than., the present
route, via Crestlfue --it is ..expected that, the line will be
ready for business throughout its whole extent by July 1,
1564, , and it must- eventnallrbecome the great through
route •for - both - passengers and freight 'to and.lkone the
South end Southwest. . , •
,The Tolls that will be charged •
by the mild doinpany
pnder its obarter,- for the use of this 'bridge, are eisxitt•
cally pledged to the payment of the interest on the bonds,
and twenty per cents . - per annum of the earnings, after
payment of intend and such expenses as may be neces
sary to a sinking fund for the redemption of the princi
pal of the bonds at maturity. .
The amount of traffic passing over this bridge will
TOepldrOvirdedefroar limited
tmanar fund amply
y e:a n :gn i ra!
Bon' for a sinking:fund, - to provide -for the principal of
the hoods, before they mature. The bonds are, there
fore, recommended as a first-class security.
' Any further information desired will be given by the
undersigned: Cmy/3-tjelstl 7EDMIIND 'SMITH.
• ' WdeltinaTON. May 22.1938.
The attention of all Moors who have been hOniiiablr
discharged on account of wounds or disability, and who
, desire to re-enter the. service- in the Invalid Corp, is'
'leaned to the plovislons of General Orders No. Ed of
; from thh.War Department , - published in the pa pers_
throughout the 'country! Such officers are requested to,
comply promptly with the provisions of that order ,and
to send their written applications, as therein. provided..
for positions In the Invalid Corp.. (stating the character
of, eir.disaidlitY;) with ea little delay as , possible: to:
the Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General of the
State la which %, they may be: • Such - Acting Assistant
• Proyost Marshal General will at once,forward the appli=
„.cations with. his endorsement; to the Provost Marshal
~Generai at Washington.. -- ' -
_ Officers for the invalid Corps will be aPPallited•lmnie.
ninthly npon furnishing the papers required by General
, Order No. 106. of „18M: from War Department: Their
!„' pay: and ,emollimente commence ,from date of ac
t °apiaries !of :such: appolitmentS„'. and_ not from' , dale of
- organisation of the reepoottro commands to which. they
may be assigned. J.
• my29-Imia _Proveet'Marshal Gisseni:
PRODUCE ..t e.
C O'M MISS 1 , 011 , :iIiRICC•It'AILT S.
And Wholesale Dealers
DBIBD -!1111/103 BUTTER, -CHEBBIL,--lillik
And Country Produeesisserall
• ; 40.50 U CH - •
j4-lm Philadelphia,- • il'ey•Torr,..
• ' :
Jrt my 6; ISO
SEALED PROPOSALS to farniah materials for tiro
Navy, for the fiscal year ending 30th June, PM, tp`ilt be
received at the Bureau of Equipment and, Recraitim
until the 6th day of July next.
The materials and articles embraced in the classes'
named 'are particularly described in the Printed sche
dules, any of which.will he furnialied to such as desire
to offer, on application to the commandants of the re
spective yards, or to the navy agent nearest thereto,and
those of all the yards upon application to .the Bureau.
This division into classes being for the convenience of
dealers in each, such portions only will be furnished as ,
are actually required for bids. The commandant and
navy agent of each station will, in 'addition to the sche
dule of classes of their own yards, have a copy of th 3
schedules of the other yards for examination only. from
which it may be judged whether it will be desirable to
make application for any of the classes of those yards.
Offers must he made for the whole or the class at any
yard upon cne of the printed, schedules, or strict con
formity therewith, or they will not he considered. In
computing the chteses, the price stated in the column of
prices will be the standard, and the aggregate of the
class will be carried ont according to the prices stated.
'The contracts will be awarded to the lowest bona fide
bidder wbo gives proper security for its fulfilment.
The Bureau resolves the right to reject all the bids for
any class, if deemed exorbitant.,.
All articles must be of the very best qnalitv. to be de
'-livered in the navy yards in good _order, and in suitable
vessels and packages, properly marked with the name
of the contractor, as the case may he, at the expense and
rick of the contractor, and in all respects subject to the
inspection, measurement, count, weight, &c.,of the
yard where received, and to the entire satisfaction of the
commandant thereof.
Bidders are referred to the commandant of the re
spective yards for samples, instructions, -or particular
description of the articles; and, all other , things being
equal, preference will be given to anieles of American
very offer. - ae - required . by law of 10th Augnst, 1846,
must be accompanied by a written guarantee, the form
of which is hereinafter given, and also by a certificate
signed by the- collector of internal revenue for the dis
trict in which he resides, that he has a license to deal in
the ankles which be proposes to furnish; or- by an affi •
davit signed by himself, and sworn to before some ma
gistrate authorized to administer such oath, that he is a
manufacturer of, or regular dealer in, the articles he
offers to supply, and Das a license as such manufacturer
or dealer. .
Those only whose Offers may be accepted will be noti
ffied, and the contract will be forwarded as soon there
after as practicable, which they will be required to ex
ecute within ten days after its receipt at the post office
or navy agency named by them. "
The contracts will bear date the day the notification is
given and deliveries can be demanded.
Sureties in the full amount will be required to sign the
contract, and their responsibility certified to by a United
States district judge, United States district' attorney, col
lector, or navy agent. As additional security, twenty-
Per centum will be withheld from the amount of the bills
until the contract shall have been completed and eighty
-per centom of each bill, approved in triplicate by the
commandants -of the respective - yards, will be paid by
the navy agent at the points of dehverv—unless re
quested:, by the contractor to be paid •at other - navy
agency—within ten days after warrants shall have been
passed by the Secretary of the Treasury.
It is stipulated in the contract-that if default be made
by the parties of the Bret part in delivering all or any of
the articles mentioned in- any class bid for in the con
tract, or the quality, at such time and places above pro
vided, then, and in that ease, the contractor and his STlre
ties will forfeit and pay to the United States a sum of
money not exceeding twice the amount of such class,
which may be recovered from time to time, according to
the act of Congress in that case provided. approved
March 3,.1843.
. .
- No bids for-more than ,one yard must be enclosed in
one envelope, and the, same must be distinctly endorsed,
on the outside, Proposals for materials for the navy",
for the navy yard at" (name the yard) "Class No ,
(name the class) and addressed "To the Chief of the Bu
reau of Equipment and Recruiting. Navy Department.
Washington, D. C.
Which, from a firm; mast be signed by all the mem
:I,'--, or in the State of -, hereby agree
to furnish and deliver in the respective navy yards all
the articles named in the classes hereto annexed, agree
ably to the provisions of the schedules therefor, and in
conformity with the advertisement of 'the Bureau. of
Equipment and Recruiting, dated June 6,1833: Should
my offer be accepted, I. request to be addressed at -,
and the contract sent to the- navy agent at -, or to
-, for signature and certificate. -
(Signature) -A.B.
The schedule which the bidder encloses must be pasted
to his offer, and each of them 'signed by him. `Opposite
each article in the schedule, the-price ratist'be set, the
amount carried out, the aggregate footed up for each class,
and the amount likewise written in words. If the par
ties who bid, do not.reside near the place where the arti
cles are tope delivered, they must name in their offer a
per Son to Whom orders on them, are to, be delivered.
Form cif Guarantee.
The undersigned; of -,' i n
the State of-,'
and -, of -, in the State of hereby gua
rantee that; in casethe foregoing bid of -- for any of
the classe's therein named be accepted; he or they will,
within ten days after the receipt of the contract at the
Post office named. or navy agent designated. execute the
contract for the same with good and sufficient sureties k.
and in case the said - shall fail to eater into contract, -
as aforesaid. we guarantee to make good the difference
between the offer of the said -- and that which may
be accepted.
(Signatiresnf two guarantors.) C. D.
Witness. •
I hereby certify that the above-named —--areknown
to me' s men of property, and able to make good „their
Signature, G. H.
• ' '' • (Date.) (Signature) 'G. H.
To be signed by the United States District Jedge,
United ktates - Diatrict Attorney. Collector. or Nays"
• Extract from Laws of - the United States.
SacrroN 14. AU'd be it further enacted, That no con
tract or order, or any interest therein. shall be trans
ferred by the Tarty orparties to whom such contract or
order may be given to any other party or.parties, and
that any such transfer shall cause the annulment of the
contract or order transferred so far as the' United States
are concerned f Provided, that all the rights of action
are hereby reservedlo the United States for any breach
of such contract by the contracting party or parties.
SECTION 16. Anti be itfurtteer enacted, That whenever
any contractor for subsistence, clothing, arms, ammo.:
nition, munitions of war, and for every description of
supplies for the army' and navy of the United States,
shall be, found guilty by a court martial of fraud or wil
ful neglect of duty; he shall be punished by fine, im
prisonment,- or such other punishment as the court mar
tial shall adjudge ; and any person who shall contract
to furnish supplies of any kind or description for the
army:or.; navy shall be deemed and taken as a part of
the land or nayal terces of the United States for which he
shall contract to furnish said supplies, and be subject to
the rules and regulations for the government of the land
and naval forces of the United States. .
Approved July 17, 1§62.
Sac. 2. And further resolled; That the chief of
any bureau of the Navy Department, in- contracting for
naval , supplies. shall be at liberty to reject the offer of
any person, who, as principal or surety; has been a de
faulter in any previous contract - With the Navy Depart
ment ; nor shall parties who hays failed as principals or
sureties in any former contract be received as sureties on
other contracts; nor shall tbe copartners of any firm be
received as sureties for such firm or for each other; nor,
in contracts - with the same bureau, shall one contractor
be received. as surety for another; and "every contract
shall require the delivery of a specified quantity, and no
bids having. nominal or fictitious prices shall be con
sidered.- 1 hat if more than one Ind be offered by any
one party. by- or in the name of his or their clerk - , part
ner, or other person, all such bids may be rejected; and
no person shall be received as a contractor, who is not a
manufacturer of, or regular dealer in, the articles which
he offers to supply; who has not a license as such manu
facturer on dealer. , And all persons offering bids shall
have the right to be mesent when the bids are opened
and inspect the same. -.'
Approved March 2;1E63: '
The following are the classes required at the respective
navy yards:
H0. , 1,.F1ax Canvas and Twine; 5, Eperm 011;7, Cook
ing Utensils; 8. Stoves; 10, Leather; 11. Leather Hose;
13, Lanterns; 15, Tar; 18, Tallow; 20, Brushes; 22, Ra
th:mem 23, Hardware; 31, Ship Chandlery; 25, Copper
Wire; 27, Dry„ Goods; 20, Firewood; 31, : Tar, Oil, and
Neatefoot Oil.
No. 1, Flax Canvas and Twine; 5, Sperm:Oil; 7, COok
log Utensils; B. Stoves: 10. Leather; 11, Leather Hose;
12, Ox Hides, for Ropes; 13, Lanterns and Lamps; 15,
Tar; 18, Soap and Tallow; 20, Brashest 22, Stationery;
23, Hardware; 24, Ship Chandlery; 25, Copper Wire; 27.
Dry- Goods; 23, F i rewood; 31, Whale, Fish, Tar, and
Neatsfoot - .
No. 1, Flax Canvas and Twine, .6, Sperm 011: 7;"Cook.
ing Utensils; S. Stoves; 10, Leather ;41. Leather Hose;
13, Lanterns and Lamps; 15, Tar; IS. Soap and Tallow;
20, Brushes• 22, Stationery , : -Hardware; 24, Ship
Chandlery; 27. Dry Goods; 29, Firewood; SI, Tar, OH,
and Isieatsfoot 011.
No. 1, 'Plax.Carvas and Twine; 5, Sperm 011; 7, Cook
ing Menails; 10. Leather; U. Leather Hose; 15, Tar; 18,
Soap and - Tallow ; 20, Brushes; 22, Stationery; 23;
Hardware; 24,.. Ship Chandlery ; 27, Dry Goods; 29, Fire
wood ; 31, Tar 011'and,Neatsfoot Oil. •
No. 1, Flax Canvas and Twine; 5, Sperm Oil; 7, Cook
ing Utensils; 'B. Stoves; - 10, Leather; 11, Leather' and
Gum Hose; 33, Lanterns and Lamps; 16, Tar; 18, Soap
and Tallow ; 20; Bre t shes; 22. Stationery; 23, Hardware;
24, Ship Chandlery ; 25, Copper Wire; 26. Farniture;
27, Dry Goods; 28. Water Filters; V, Firewood; 90. Coal.
Oil; 31, Whale, Fish, Tar, and Neatefoot Oil; 32. Galley
and Buoy Iron • 34, Chain Iron; 36, Pig Ircin. • EjeB-m4t
. .
T T .tary to the Estate of OEOROE R.' HARLISTAD, -
late of Philadelphia, deceased, have been duly granted'
to the :nndersig-ned, all persons having claims against
the same will pleasepresent them, and those indebted
'thereto make payment to _
• • - ' • JOSEPH B. RANDALL, -
No. Hal- Smith TENTH Street,
No. 900 WALNUT Street, Executors,
Or to their Attorney, AARON THOMPSON,'
mylB-roet* 'I3I:WALNUT Street.
GINS. , - . -LetteM Testamentary upon the Estate of
RDTH ANNA GOGGINS, deceased, late of philadelpbia,
havin been granted to the.-undersigned, all persons in
debted to the said Estate will makepayment, and those
having claims Wili present them to -
jeB-m6t* Eestouville. 21th Ward.
. . - •
Estate of SARAH - ROBINSON, dec'd.
The Auditor appointed'-by the Court to audit. settle,
and adjust the account 'of JAMES ROBINSON, Adminis- -
trator of-the Estate of SARAH ROBINSON, dec'd. and
to - report distribution of. theThalance in the hands of,the
accountant, meet the parties interested; for the pur
of his appointment, on TUESDAY. the 16th day of
June. 1863,- at- 11 o'clock A. AL at. his , OD MR.
TRIED Street; An the city of-Philadelphia.
ieS-fincrst EDWARD TILBURY JONES. - Auditor.
. . • • ..
Estate,of ROBERT WOODgiD E.
The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle,
and aditvit the acconnt ot Elizabeth Woodside, Hugh
Woodside, and William Woodside , Executors of the
last "ortil and testament of ROBERT OODSIDE, deed,
and to report distribution of balance in the. hands of the
accountant, will inset the parties interested for the pur
poses of his appotrilment, on FRIDAY, the 19th day of
June, 7883, at 4 o'clock , P. - M. at his odic°, No. 123
South SEVENTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia.
je&mwf .. LEONARD MYERS; Auditor.
Estate of RICHARD PHILLIPS, Deceased.
The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle,
and adjust the.account of Idargnret Phillips and John H.
Klnsley, Executors and Trustees'earned 112: the lait'vrill
and testament'of Richard Phillips. deceased,' and-to re
port distribution of the balance in theltAnds of the ac . -
countmits will meet the parties interested for the pur
poses of hien ..ointment on .TUESDAY, the 23d day of
Juno, A: D. 1- ••, at 3 o'clock It!. M., at hie office. No.'
GOO CHESTNUT Strebt, (2d iloor.) in tbe`city of Phila
delphia. - • - GEORGE H. EARLE,
ROSS —Notice is hereby- given,. that in the aboVe
matter' the assignor having presented. his petition to the
Court of. Common Pleas, setting forth that he had been
released by all hie creditpre. ;and.: praying said Court to
-order his Assignee to. recouvey his said Estate to-him,
Sic as more fully therein appears, the said Court have
referred- said Petition- to JOHN A. 'MARSHALL. Esq.,
Examiner, Who will meet the parties interested. aud
bear any objections to granting the prayer of said' Peti
tion, at his Oflico, 50S, WALNUT Street, on. FRIDAY,
the 19th inst., at 4 o'clock P. M. - • feint
-11-1 -; hereby, given that application has been made to the
Auditor Oenerarof Pennsylvania for the issue 'of dtipli‘'
eatea of the following described Certificates of the FIT*
per Cent. Loans of the Commonwealth, leaned by the
Bank of Pennsylvania.lacting as transfer agent of the
Commonwealth, ) to the Ramo of the'Honorable Colonel
Yelper Surrey in England: •
No. 355, dated April f, Fl 4 37,act of Aprill% Is3sifor F 5,000.
' , No. 358„,! . do _do • do .• do .•>. for W.OOO.
-No. 867, do do "do do t• for.s2;ooo.
, ,
hereby given that application hoe been made .to the
Auditor General of the State of Pennsylvania for the
Issue of , dnplicates of the following-described CRATIFI
,CATES of Five per. Cent. Stocks of said State, smutted by
the Act of 27st, , March, NM, Issued by the Bank' of Penn
. sylvan's, (acting as Transfer • Agent of the • Coramon
- wealth of Pennsylvania.) in trise joint , names. of George
of Fa:nivel% Inn, London, ilsChr Richard
ilichens of St. Ives, Cornwsll_,__ Nen. an& Okada'
-Henry Rhodes. _of Denmark Sorry, gentleman,'
With benefit, of survivorship. which .Certiecates have
Veen lost, via: •. •
Mo. 1,403, dated Nov . 4..1.830, for 4.000 dollars:
" 1,401, ' • • SAM
9. dollars. •
And all persons are hereby Called.npon to show. anus*
tor the ,Tranater Clerk, at .the Farmers' and Mechanize'
„Bank, in the city of Philadelphia, why , such duplicate
'Certificates should Dot be issued:
, •, 1 THOS: ./k
aplg-dm Ito .•2211 st.-phihombhia:
Casks tist reesive4 per skip " 1.16 nm"
for isal• 11
bond, by_ _CHAS S. ar.TAS. CITAIXII.
sicai 11118-WALDEUT ORkNITII ebra
RI 0 - „PBEBBItEk- , DRAIN ,TILE; end Cl&y -
. — ` 4114944 .'"
--snyli4st • '' Baco-mm.Bov*.
Form of Offer.
Noe. 232 and. 234 MARICET.Btreet•
June 18th. at 10 o'clock', will be sold 15Y" ..eatalone. On
four months' credit. about
Of Frencb, India, German. and British Dr &iota. Am;
embracing a large and choice assortment orliowr Ong
staple articles in silk. worsted.woolen. linen, att to..t. ton
Jane 16th. at 30 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue. LS
four months' credit—
About St 0 packages boots. shoes. brogans, cavalry boot?,
embracing a ger. eral alicortznent of prime goods, of
City and Eastern manufacture.
We will hold a large sale of British, French, German,
and Domestic Dry Goods, by catalogue, on four months'
June 18th, embracing about 700 packages and lots of
'staple and fancy article, in woolens; linens. cottons.
Bilks, and worsteds, to which we invite the attention of
deal era.
N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex
amination. with catalogues. early on the morning of
gale, When dealers will find it to their intereq,to attend,.
For Spring Sales.
June 19th, at precisely 10% o'clock. by catalogne, on
four months' credit—
Comprising English, Brussels, three-ply, superfine
ingrain, Venitian, hemp. and list carpetlngs: white and
red check Canton and cocoa mattings, rugs, mate, drug
gets. &c.
s.7o' AUCTIONEERS, Jayne's Marble Building,
619 CHESTNUT Street, and 616 JAYNE Street,
SHAWLS, by catalogue.
June 16th. at 10 o'clock, compeising a large and ' 'very
attractive line of new and desirable poods; all of the
newest and best styles. and well worthy the attention of
the beet city retail trade. This is one of the finest lines
ever otlered-in this city,
After the hale oflaces We shall sell 100 cartons
point de
sole bonnet ribbons, from Nos. 4 to 40.
Also, 1,000 doz hoop skirts. of best make.
TIONEERS, No. 2t3 MARKET Street..
GOODS, HOSIERY GOODS._ &c.. by catalogue..
June 17th, commencing' at 10 o'clock. precieelY.
Comprising about 760 lota seasonable. goods, which
will be found worthy the attention of bnyere:
515 MARKET and 511 COESISECS Streets.
GANS. &c.
June 15th, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold by cata
logue, 1,000 cases men!s, boys', and youths'; calf, kip,
and grain boots, brogans, Sc. women's, misses', and
children's calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots
and shoes.
Also, at the commencement of sale, 2,00 wax splitS.
. - .
Jane ISfh, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold by ca
talogue, 1,000 cases men's, boys', and youths', calf,
kip, and grain boots, brogans, &c. ; women's, misses',
and children's, calf, kip, goat,kid, and morocco heeled
boots and'Ehoes.
No. 02 MARKET Street. South side, above Second St.
Regular Sales of Dry Goods, Trimming's, Nablus, Am.,
INGS. at 10 o'clock precisely.
City and country Dealers are requested to attend these
sales. -
Consignments respectfullykielicited from-Manufactu
rers, Importers, Commiesiolipt Wholesale, and Jobbing
Rouses. and Retailers of al and every description of
June 15th, at 10 o'clock.- will he sold, summer coats,
cassimere pants. Marseilles vesings, dreSs and do
mestic goods, muslin shirts. neckties. suspenders. pa
tent thread, spool cotton, ladies' and misses' skirts. dress
trimmings, handkerchiefs, lace's, flouncing, insertings,
ladies' collars, ruffling, colleret, veils, hair nets, shawls.
table cloths. boots, shoes, straw , hats, caps. bonnets.
flats, soaps, writing desks. &c.
For account of whom it may concern—,s bags coffee.
NV 001 sacks, cape. elastic bands, skirts, cassimere pants,
PIILLY.—At the close of a Course of Lectures, de
livered to us. Members of one of the many . Classes of
PROF. C. H. BOLLES, whohas been developing his dis
covery for nearly four years,. at WO WALNUT Street,
in the City of Philadelphia, in the application of GAL
VANISM MAGNETISM, and other modifications of
ELECTRICITY, the following resolutions were unani
mously passed :
Resolved, That, as we have been eye witnesses for
Many weeks in the Institution of Prof. Bolles, and have
good reason to believe that be has disdovered new prin
ciples in the application,of the different modifications of
Electricity to the various diseased conditions of the hu
man system; and that, in the treatment of different dis
eases, we have been convinced that, in his hand, as also
his Students, the application of Elebtricity is a reliable
therapeutic; and that he has taught ns a new. rational, -
and scientific Philosophy, and we believe the only re
liable theory of disease and mode of cure.
Resolved, That, in our judgment, the philosophy ad
vanced. and so clearly demonstrated in the Course of
Lectures, is entirely new and original with Prof Bolles,
and not known to the Medical Profession, and that the
great snecesewhich has attended his practice in this city
is alone the result of his scientific discovery of Electrical
laws hitherto unknown to man. and that the 'many
failures of other men in this city using this mighty agent
is their ignorance of the true principles of Erectricity.
Resolved. That we. in duty to suffering humanity, and
for the great progress of the human race in approxi
mating to a condition of health and happiness, commend
the Professor and his theory and practice to the public,
and bid him God- speed, as we believe his great mission.
Is one of benevolence and mercy. and calculated- to
benefit humanity in the only scientific and reliable way
to a final restoration of health and physical happiness.
Resolved. That we tender to Prof. Bolles our thanks
for his lucid instruction and'kind attention to na, indivi
dually and as a class; that he, has redeemed every -
pledge or assurance made by him, and that, in parting"
from him he has our best wishes for hie happiness and
prosperity, and we heartily commend him to all scienti
fic investigators, and also to the diseased of body-or
Also, Resolved, That the.proceedings of this meeting
be signed by each member of tlik class. and published in
the city papers.-
By order of the Class.
M. J. GALLOWAY, M. D., Chairman.
W. 13.-BroWn. •
E. A. Steel, M. D. .
Frederick. Walk, Allegheny House (314), Philadelphia,
Jacob Grim, 1394.9 North Marshall street, Philadelphia.
W. H. Fuller, M. D. ;-
Thos. Allen, three doors east of Fortieth street.
S. W. Beckwith. No. 9 Woodland Terrace,Phila.
E. N. Nash, 313 North Sixth street, Philadelphia.
M. E. Tattle, M.D.
J. N. Bartholomew, Allegheny House, Philadelphia.
PH/LAMLPHIA, May 4th. mylB
1-1- FEEBLE, AND. COMPLAINING?. Are yon-.out of
order, with your system deranged and your feelings un
comfortable? These symptoms are often the prelude to
.serious illness. Some Hs - of sickness is - creeping noon
;yon, and should-be averted by a timely use of the right
remedy. Take AYER'S PILLS, and cleanse out the dia.-
ordered humors—purify the blood, and let the fluids
move on unobstructed in health again. They stimulate
the functions of the body into vigoroua activity, purify
the system from the obstru.ctions which make disease..
A cold settles somewhere in the. body, and obstructs its
natural functions. These, If not relieved, react upon
themselves and the surrounding organs, producing gene
ral aggravation, suffering, and disease. While in this
condition, oppressed by the derangements, take AYER'S
PILLS, and see how directly they restore' the natural
action of the system, and with it the buoyant feeling of
'health again. What is-true and so apparent in this tri
vial and common complaint, is also tree in many of the
deep-seated and dangerous distempers. The same pur
gative effect 'expels them. Caused by similar obstruc
tions and derangements of the natural functions of the
body; they are rapidly and many of them surely, cured
by the same means... None; ho know the virtues of
these Pills will neglect to employ them when suffering
from the disorders they cure, such as Headache, Foul
Stomach, Dysentery. Billions Complaints; Indigestion,
Derangement of the Liver, Costiveness ,- or,Constipation.
As a Dinner - Pill they are both agreeable and effectual.
Price 25 cents per box, or five boxes for $l.
Prepared by Dr: J. O. AYER & CO.. LOWELL, Mass—
and sold by. J. N. MARIS & Co., at wholesale, and by
Messrs. J. GRIM and T. ALLEN, (formerly associated
with Profs.-Bolles and .Galloway, ).having removed to
N0..723 'NORTH TENTH street, -between) Coates and
Brown streets, are now prepared to treat and cure all
Curable Diseases whether acute or chronic, pulmonary
or paralytic,,,wi thous • a shock or any inconvenience..
Poor Soldiers wilt be treated gratuitously. The Ladies
will be treated by' a lady. Among the diseases for which
we will wive a *Pedal guarantee, when desired, we men
tion the following: - • . •
Constimption,lst &2d stages Hemorrhage, -
Paralysis, - General Debility,. ,
Neuralgia. Diseases of the laver or •
Asthma, ' Kidneys.
Fever and Ague, , Diabetes,
Congestion, Prolansus Uteri, (Falling-
Dyspepsia, . Womb,)
Rheumatism, Prolapsns Ani, or Piles
Br ouch itis,' Nocturnal Emission, &c. &c.
•No charge for consultation. -Office hours: A. M. to
6 P. M. ie3-6m
CITY OP LIMERICK will:eel from Mew
YOrk for. Cork and Liverpool on WSD.Ii IND a.Y nest,
17th inst. Steerage passengers will be taken by her at
redined rates, payable in U. S.- currency.
jelfr-2t' - JOHN G:DALE; Agent.
POOL, touching at Queenstown, (Cork
bor.) Thb welt-known Steamers of the Liverpool, IfeW
York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intend•
ed to sail as follows :
EDINEUROIL ' Saturday, June II
CITY OF BLANCHESTER Saturday, "June 20.
GLASGOW Saturday. June 27.
And every_ succeeding Saturday at noon, from Pier Na.
41, North. Elver.
Payable In Gold, or its equivalent in Currenc •
FIRST CABIN, • $BO 00 STEERAGE, y s32 60
'Do. to London, 85 00 "Do. to London 35 63
....Do. to Paris. 96 00 Do. to Paris, 49 60
'Do. to Hamburg, - 90 00 Do. toi Hambrunt,37 50
Passengers also forwarded to Sayre, Bremen.'Rottim
dam, Antwerp &c. , at equally low rates.
Fares from Liverpool or. Queenstown : Cabin, $75,
$86,4105. SteeragelroiriLivorpoOl, 1141. 'From Queens
town, $3O. Those who wish to send for their friends mkt
totry their,tickets here at these rates. ...
—For .Inrthet informationapply at the Company',
JOAN G. DALE, Agent,
1e26 1131. WALNUT Street, Philadelphia.
PHIA STEAMSHIP LllWisailirkg from sad
port SATURDAYS; from list-Wharf, abow?l/In
Street. Philadelphia.' Awl Long Wharf. Bostoc
The - - steamer NORMAN. Captain Baker. wID sail from
pktlodeaphia. for Boston. on SATIMAY. Jane 20th. at
o'cloO lA. ; and steamer SeSON,O2,OAin magthews.
from Bogen. on the BARB DAY. at 4P. M.
'These new sad substantial steamships farm a regular
line, sailing from each port punotoafty on Satnrdnys.
Insaranoes eBested st r
onik-hulteuremailllll, ihargell Mf
heights tak' at fair rates.
ShipPere sue remasted to Nair Slip and DAL
Lading with their goods.
. . -
For Freight or Passage (hatinAg ageolomodationsh
apply to WHISOR &
$3% Sonth DKLAWALES Avow&
l ia gEt, F: :0 It •: , .SALBANY ~. AND
TROY. —Steamer OLLISpN. Ziehman.
'master, is now loading for the above,points, and will
leave on WEDNESDAY; June 27th, -at 6,P. 31. Yor taken on'reasonable terms, apply
to_ . .s. FLANtGAN,
iels-3t ~,,,,r , No. - 304 South DELAWARE Avenue:,
Philadelphia aild Nevi-York Riciressi.Stsfa7l:koal
pany receive freight and korre at 21.. 111, y deliver•
i>wg their earsre" n is New orL Y :b a l k 2te e f o ° . ll° g a
,* at ', L r WALD CDYDE,' Agent.
1 , 1 SOUTH , WMARVES. PhiladelTMlL
JAMES gem% A g ee, _
and-tt Dieri and 18 BAST RTVER.• New York. •
OLABBEd.—AII mute .aati /break divans eared.
guarantee. 'ar WA!.NUT Street.
Phtladelpbla, when desired. andja ease of a
t no charge is made. • ,
Extensive .and :commodious smsolgemen'a MX*
been recently made - for boarding natien.ta from. 4
distanee at reasonable prices. '-- '- - • '
Prot. O. B. Boum skubli.iiindir of -Oldifit'mp
, has associa with Dr. 1L
•pamphleVcontatattuta multitude of
Wiest's of thoee carpi t almr_lektess Ana wawa,
=eatery' resolution' : roe med ical. 111191.:azij eld,
will be given to any person free:.
E.—Medical mea and, other, who desire a
..kpowiedg. of rrt., .diseovery 'amteater a } te l l
wars* ot lectrawefas
deg• • ~ ..41111111:1FALIITIT Etna
No. 429 ma,..TET STREET.
Suns 1601, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on a: monthir
NO packages and lota of fancy and staple dry 106,01.
FETAS. &c.
24 a 36-inch heavy black taffetas.
—30 a Lyons C. P. patent black taffetas.
3 cases strpericfst lit cheek mozambiques.
2 cases o plain. do
3 cases do broche figured bareeds.
1 case satin stripe Neapolitans.
.An invoice of lace points and talmas.
bales 7-4 London cnlored mellow. -
I ease Lyons heavy black silk velvets. '
1.11/ superior heavy- fringed white Canton crape shawls.
satin-bordered barege shawls.
An invoice of superior Paris silk grenadine veils. MU ,
room, mode. lilac. Vert. France, Humboldt. & - c
10 hales Frnch army blankets,
Pieces linen duck drilla.
pieces do canvass.
pieces b'ack satin vesting&
pieces French black doeskins. Ac.
of the importatic,n of
400 Implireguperilne centres stella shawls, Vel7riak
brochelleiders. new design.
500 splendid quality Lupin's block umuslin de laine and
Thibet shawls, wool fringes.
300 ex superfine do. do.. si'k fringes.
100 pieces rich sill: -stripe and plaid Antietam cloths.
400 do. Lupin's veil bareges and grenadines, brown.
blue, "creep, and black, all qualities.
50 pieces L' splendid qualityk bareges.
50 do. done real Element shawls
silk fringes. -
50 pieces Lupin's black and colored challys, ex quality'
50 20. high lustre bell gros da rbines and taffetas.
superior makes.
ON ex
cartons Nos. 1 l 20 ex black Y silk velvet ribbons,
steamboat brand.
cartons . charnette do:
4 and white, black, and choice colored cable cord
ponit de soie ribbons.
15@60 whitelmff and cord bonnet do.
12(diF0 - ex quality white do.
—12@60 white malt , and mod e do, ex heavy.
-12@40 belt and . dord do, white edges, do.
plaid broche, do.
12@.40 plaid and broche'
12@4. splendid quality Bros grane.
—l6 do. • - crocbett do.
Comprii Ina the best assortment offered this season, and
all fresh goods.
dox X. hemmed linen cambric hdkfs.
• 7-4 and 1-4 double linen damask.
—5 8 bell black and white and colored lawns.
• 139 and 1461 South. PM= Street
Irma 16, at 12 o'clock, noon: at the Exchange, a large
amount and variety of valuable Beal Estate, Stocks.
Pews, drc
Our sale on Tuesdar next, at the Exchange. will com
p ice the Estates of the Rev. Dr Blackburn, B. Young,
0. Getty. Sr., A - . Robertson, and Charles Harlan, de
ceascd,_ by- order of Orphans' Court and Executors.
Also, a' largearnount from other owners, including
valuable - Business Stands, elegant and plain City
Dwellings. Country Seats,Gronnd Rents; Cottages and
large Building Lots. A tlantic CltY.Are -
.' See pamphlet catalogues for fall particulars.
Sale at the Franklin Iron Works:
Stine 22, at 10 o'clock, at the Franklin Iron Works,Ell
rard avenue,. between Front and Second streets, by cata
logue, superior steam-engine, 20 bore power:.l-rge
cranes, capable of lifting, each, 10 ton; pair 31-inch
blowing cylinde2s; a large lot of valuable iron and wood
patterns, tools, iron. Sic.
161- Full descriptions in catalogues. which will be
ready three days previous to sale.
Tune 16, at the auction- store.- valuable miscellane - us
books from a library,a number of them London editions.
Sale at 716 Nertb - REeventh street.
. .
19th - inst.. at 10 o'clock, at No. 716 North - Eleventh
above Coates street. the household furniture, gas fix
tures, feather beds, hair mattresses. Brussels carpets.
' .
ART May be examined at 8 o'cleak" on the morning of
the sale.
Sale for account United Staten.
ROPE. &c. "
June 20, at 10 o'clock. at the auctionstoie, a gnantiti
of wool, cotton, and leather cuttings, baling ropes, pa
per, &c.
Sir ➢lay be examined any time previous to see at the
auction room,.
handsome and well-shaded COUNTRY SEAT, with
20 acres of land and all necessary. outbuildings, &a. The
situation is beautiful and healthy I% miles from a eta
lion, and 9 miles from Philadelphia.-
10S South :FOURTH Street.
magi SALE. —A STOICE,COPPADE }pith eight ROOM.
pleasintly situated on HERkfalt Street, one square from
Passenger Railway, on the main ,street. and ten minatee
walk from the Railroad Depot. pot 90 feet front, hand
somely laid - out, with abundanewof Shade, Fruit Trees,
and Shrubbery. Inquire of N. JOHNSON, .
_ie4-12t 5 . • 119 DIARHIPP Street.
dit - -HOUSE AND - LOT;- 'BUR LINGms.. Tax.. N. T. —FOR SALE, a Superior Brick DVVRE
LING ROUSH, the Residence of the late Hark hatless.
Sited up for the owner's. occupancy,. and comprising
mazy conveniences. Hie 12 Rooms, Green House at
tached, Carriage House, and about one acre of Ground.
Has Gas, Hot and Cold Water, Bath. Garden filled with
shrubbery, fruit trees of all_ kinds in good bearing.
strawberries, he._
Situate on.WOOD Street. adjoining St.-Mary's Church
proptrty. It i.e a 'very beautifill - propert, and willlbs
sold low to close the estate. 'lmmediate possmtongiven.
if desired. Apply on the premises. to
SARAH A. JR.NNESS, }Ex.nnitocc_
.. .
Or to--'WiLli.4.lll - 1,.7--iDWARDS t
'je4-12t*" No. S North FRONT Street, Philadelphia.
-maFACTORIRS FOR SALE.—The valuable Cotton Fac
tories. known as AVONDALE and STRA.THAVEN. et=
tinted on,Crturt Creek ,' Delaware ' County; one mile from
Westditle' Station. West- Chester . Railroad, two miles
from Leiperville, and three from Chester, now occupied
by Simeon Lord. are - offe&i. for sale. " Avondale' in
cludes a stone - mill/32hr. 47 feet, 33, stories high. with
dry house, picker hoine, twenty-two stone tenements.,
and about 9 acres of land i in. SprinOeld, and-Nether
Providence:townships: strathaven includes a frame
cotton mill; 82 by 80 feet, 2X stories high, with picker
house, five frame and stone tenements. and about
24. acres of land, in Nether Providence. The properties
will be shown by Mr. Lord, on the premises. Early pos
session can be given. For terms !moire of
N. W. corner of FRONT and WALNUT Streets.
' -ny3o tf , - - Philadelphia.
THOMAS & SON'S SALE for June 16, at 12 o'clock, at the
EXCHANGE, by order of the Court:
No. 151 South FroSt street, 23 feet 3 inchis front and in
depth to Water street.
No 1010 Market streiet, 22 feet front, 180 feet.deep to
Marble street..
No. 642 Pineatree,t 18 by 90 feet.
Nos. 82 and 34 :Washington avenue, near Volunteer
Nos. 34 and. 39 North Seventeenth street, near Arch
street. . _
No. 917 Wirnock street:ls by 60. It is north of Poplar.
between Tenth and Eletenth. -
. . ,
Vacant - lot. on Bt own. street, west of Twentysiath
street, 17 by 53 feet.
Hotel southeast corner of Nichmond and. Norris streets.
36 by 60 feet.
Full particulars in handbills and painphlets. which
may be had at the auction rooms. je6-tl6
'BANKS.—This property is ....situated on the Juniata
river, Mifflin - and. Huntingdon counties, Pa, within
one mile of Mount Union Station, on Pennsylvania Rail
road. The Juniata Canal and Pennsylvania Railroad
pass through the property. about aces hundred ntr seven hundred acres of land, hree acres
of which is good farm land, in a high state of cultiva
tion; the balance is good timber land; would -supply
sufficient' charcoal for the furnaces. The improvement.
are a g00d..., substantial furnace, stack, steam engine,
iron blowing -cylinders,' &a, with all the necessary
buildings: There is on this property an extensive bet
of Iron Ore, being Identical, in the geological settee,
with that at Danville and Bloomsburg. This ore can be
mined and delivered at the furnaces for about one dollar
per ton.- Limestone in abundance, of good quality, on
this' property. The extensive. coal fields of the Broad
Top and Alleghenies are from ferty to fifty miles distant.
by Pennxylvania Railroad or canal, and the canal run
ning through the property makes it one of the best loca
tions for the manufacture of -iron,- either with- coke or
anthracite. In addition to the charcoal, the buildings
for the &amaze and farm are ample, substantial, and in
good repair. The property will be sold a bargain, and
on easy terms. For further particulars addruee
COLUMBIA, Laneaster county, Pa. .
P. 15.—Itor quantity and. quality of the ore, see Prof.
Lesalie's Report on same_ - ap2B-tats-
Country RESIDENCE in the borough of Downing
town:Chester County, with 1S acres of land attached,
within'le minutes' walk -of the Pennsylvania Bail
, road and the Chester Valley Railroad Stations. The
Dwelling is very conveniently, and. substantially built,
with Spring-house, Barn, and all necessary outbuild
ings: a great abundance, of shrubbery, fruit and shade
trees. .Apply to ABM S. 'AMBRIDGE, -
myl34m* . _ Downingtown, Pa.
Mal- June 3,1583-- . Will'be sold under my direction. at
Public Sale. in the city of Philadelphia.; on"TEDIRSDAY;
9th day of July neat, on account of the Post Office De
partment: the lot and buildings: situate on the west side
of SECOND Street, extending to Dock street; bounded
on the north by Lodge 'street. and on the south by Gold
street, dri said city of Philadelphia; known as the Penn.
sylvania Bank Property-- -
The property will be pnt up at the sum of one hundred
and 'ten thousand ' dollars ($110.000)- asrequired by - the
law authorising its sale, and. no. bid for a less amount
Will be received.' - -
• ;jar Terms cask on the delivery of the deed. Informa
tion in relation to the property,• Sou, may be obtained by
inquiring of C. A. WALBORN, Esq., Postmaster of Phi
ladelphia. _ ' M.BLAIR,
Postmaster General.
Under the above authority, t ard directed to expose to
public Eale,' on THURSDAY. Inl 9.1863, at 13 o'clock
noon. at the MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, the above de
scribed Real Estate. -
. .
Aar 0,000 to bepaid when the property Is struck
JAMES A . FREEMAIf ,- Auctioneer.
MAIN Street. Ikulddontleld. N. J. The HOLM is large
and airy, containing 13 Boozes.
Also, for Sale or to Let, a Three-story Frame. witk
garden, outbuildings and barn; the whole on reasonable
terms. For particulars, apply to - C: H. SHINN. 2,512 WALNUT Street.-
Count - 3 , , 4 miles northwest from llievrningtown. oit
pike leading , from thence to Sphrata Springs, containing
about • ONE HUNDRED ANDEIGHt • ACRES, - best
Quality' of land; well watered and 'divided - An fielder'
sufficient wood, plenty of Pruit Trees, in prime of bear
ing; Buildings end-good, large - Barn other
buildings; house has nine rooms, spring water at the
door. Situation high - and - uomxicanding, lawn in front,
ornamented with shade trees and evergreens. A most
beautiful place ;,it will not suffer in.comParison With Any
'within thirty miles'of the city.... Apply . to - . -
D. FURMAN, 104 , North SIXTH Street. ..
Or to .0. PAXSON. on the promisee.
: SIGNED, dmairons, on account of' declining health,
to retire 'from Ms duties as Principal of:EATON ACIL
offers at Private Sale that well-known and popular In
stitute, with seven and a half acres of highly-improved
Land, within the limits of the Borougli.
If not sold before the let of.7thlionth nest, it will be.
held for rent. WILLIAM CHANDLER. ap27-rnwfrtivl*
sit& —A Choiceßnilding Sitewithin two minntee
walk of railroad station. Oyer Four Acres of Land with
shade trees. Apply .daily, except Tuesday and Thurs
day, znorning,, frOnl 10 U.ll,ll.'o'clock, at 805 MASKS?
-KA Lever BEAM LOW Presanre Steam Engine: cylinder
40 Inches diameter, 5-feet stroke t • Bears, renting_ on
Ecillare Egyptian column. Improved governor and bidden
mkt oit •,..Aleo, two boilers. 22 feet long., V.llo44larneter.
The Bagine and Boilers are in good order, unt have Item
used only abut two years. _Appla
y n y53.24t 108 Soiath-POURTII Street.
SD litanafactofylkitglii,nAV - tt - Theaviteable the
' brellae.lo o 9 MRKIT Stkeet, one door above
11 :a;p Erstrb E ftMZe l ar kMai Vtirt il .
-11 W 1u :' ` . O SAIA*A N DI ii r• U n-
k Wee-mists of ILISPit% Bkriß otirsorp 'Ook