PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. fjEORNE N TATRAM, W. L. ItEHN COMMITTEE OF T,llll 74rONTH BENT. MARSHALL, LETTER BAGS AT THE MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. Park American, Christian Barbadoes ' soon Sark Guiding Star, Bearse Liverpool soon steamer Whirlwind St Thomas, June 9 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PIM,* DELPHIA, Jame 14, 1S 3. EDNRWAT«R A3l-SIIN SETS. O ITZSZE2 II S steamer Wachusetts, Dent Com'g C E Fleming, trout St Thomas, via Bermuda 7th Met, Bhip New England, Edge, 18 days from Now Orleans, In ballast to captain—towed. up by tug J F Starr. Passed in the bay yeslorday morning, brig Ambrose White, from Rey West. under canvas, oorind up Brig Ann ( Br), Finlayson, 24 days from Prince Edward island, with oats, potatoes, and lumber to Van Korn, 'Woodworth & Co Brig Orozimbo. Tracey, 6 days from New Bedford. in allabt to Twells - •& Co.—before erroneously reported 'with oil to captain. Brig John Welsh, Jr. Fifield, from Key West Ist lust, in ballast to captain. Left bark John Trucks, brigs Wm Mason, Ambrose Light. E H Fitter, and schr Sidney rsire, all from Philadelphia, discharging; schr Sate - Stewart was to sail 3d inst. for Philadelphia. Brig Altaveta, Reed, 10 days from Fort Lynch, in bal last to .1 E Barley & Co. Seta gate Stuart, Taßue, from Key West 27th ult, in ballast to E A Souder & Co. - Soh; J Rodgere. Worthington. 10 days from Portland, ith granite to J Struthers & Son. Fehr Sea Breeze, Coombs, )2 days from Ponce, PH, 4 With sugar, Sio, to John Mason & Co. Schr b.triziereet, Miller, days from New Haven, in Imilast to L Audenried & Co. Schr L B Myers, Somers, 4 days from Newbern,4n bal /Etat to II S-Quartermaster. Behr Aquila. Calhoun, 0 days *from Hatteras Inlet, in tallest to captain. Behr J W Ball, Cain, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to Vale, Caldwell & Co. • ' Behr Jas Allderdice, Etltes,.7 days from Boston, with lice to ettplalii, --- Behr Trade Wind, Corson, from llockpot t, with ice to nershow & Co. - - • • . • . Behr .Enterprlse, Reynolds, 1 day from Brandywine. Del, with corn meal to R M Lea. Behr Olivia, Fox, Iday from Odessa,"Del, with grain do Chrietian A Co. • ' Behr Banner, Furman. 2 days from Indian River, Del, INith lumber to J W Bacon. Bohr American Eagle, Moore', 4 days from Cannon's terry, Del, with lumber to J W Bacon. Behr John W Dennis, Cladding, 6days from Shelltown, 'aid, with ship timber to J. W Bacon. Schr Luny Isabel, Slathers. 1 day from Salem, NJ, Keith oats to Jae L Bewley & Co. - Behr Fred Hall, Ingraham. from Portland, Behr Challenge, Poplin, from Providence. Bchr Mary Miller, Dayton, from Providenie. Behr Mill Creek, Wood, Dora Providence. . Bohr Alabama, Vangilder, from Boston, Schr Python, Candage, from Boston. ,Schrß L Stevens, Studley, from Boston. Bahr Volta. Mull, from - New Bedford. ". 'Bohr L &Id Reed, Reed, from Fall River. Bohr Sophia Ann, Smith, from Fall River. •Schr Vol ant Butler, from Wareham. - schr.Josephine, Davis, from Pawtucket. • ;Bchr John Beatty, Henderson, from LYnn. , Schr New Haven, Glover, from Lynn. •Sebr A Yields, Phillips, from New York. Behr W W Brainard,,Bowditch, from Greenport. Fehr Elizabeth, Brown, from Pawtucket 'Behr RM Browning, Gandy, from Newport, `-, Behr Elizabeth, Johneon. from New Haven. Bohr Elliott, Avis, from Fortress Monroa: Bohr J C Patterson, Weaver, from Fortress Monroe. . Bahr L R Ogden, Lawrence. from Alexandria. -Steamer Fairchild, Trout, 24 hours from New .York, en ballast to "W M Baird & Co. Steamer Ruggles, McDermot, 24 hours from New York, Keith mdse to W P Clyde. Steamer Novelty, Shaw, 24 , hours frovi. York, with izdee to NY 1413air.d & Co. - CLEARED- Steamship Saxon,-Matthews. Boston. H Winsor & Co. Brig Minnie. McDonald, 'Pernambuco. S A Lewis Schr-Billow , (Br), Pilo, `Belfast. Ireland, S Morris Vain & Co. _ • Ear Velocity, Rich, Weymouth, Cain; Hacker & Co. Sohr APH Matller, ArOY, Portland. J E Bazley & Co.. Schr Fred Hall, Ingraham, Hartford, WM Johns. Fehr Cluithinge,Taplin,.Portland,Blakiston, Graff & Co. Schr Sophia Ann, Smith. Roxbury, do Bohr Volta, Mull, Stonington, L Andenried & Co., Schr Volant,Butler, New Bedford,' do Behr Geo Pales, Nickerson; Providence, do Behr Somerset, Miller, New Haven; do Bohr Josephine, Davis. Pawtucket. Repplier & Bro. Bohr Mary Miller, Dayton; Providence, do. Schr..New Haven, Glover, Providence, R H Powell. Bohr .I.Beetty,-Henderson. Lynn. 'Bancrof.,Lewis & CO. Bohr Python, liandage, do Bohr R M Browning, Gandy, Newport, Costner, Stick itter& Wellington. Bohr Mill Creek... Wood, Bneksport, D Pearson & Co. Bohr Vir'W Brainard, Howditch. Providence, do Schr_Elliott, Avis, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, Stone &Co. Bohr J'aPatterson, Weaver, Beaufort, do Schr L R Ogden, Lawrence, Alexandria, do Schr J Newell, thishing,Ponland, CA Heckscher dg Co. Bohr Nil Mesperandum, Cobb, Hingham, do Schr 'nos Fotter, -Hackett, Newport. do Bohr Alabama, - Vangilder. Boston, • do Bohr C.E Elmer, Mason, -Boston, E R Sawyer & Co. • Bohr Phillips, 'Dighton, do Bohr S L Stevens Studley. -Boston, P. H Rathbun: Johnson, Bohr Elizabeth. New Haven, do Schr,L & M "Reed, 'Reed, Marblehead, Hammett, Van Mason &'LoChman. Bohr J Johnson, Allport i _Roxbury. do.- Behr Ply.mouth, Carly. NOW Haven, do Bohr 11 Collins, Shourds.Providence, J Milnes & Co. - SchrJW 'Hall, Cain, Salem, Noble. Caldwell & Co. Str J-Dovinney, Bristow, Alexandria,T Webster, Jr. Etell - LOovv, Iler.Taltimore. A Groves. Jr. Str,Alida, Robinson, New•Tork. W P Clyde. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) _ LWES. DeL June 12. The Sardinian frigate San Giovanni west to sea at 2 P TA yesterday. No Tunis at the Breakwater:_ &o, AARON MARSHALL. -(Correspondence of The Press.) READING, June IL The following boats from the Union Canal passed into /the Schuylkill Canal—to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Monitor, •with wheat. , and Serim grain to Humphreys. Scams & Mllght; Major Anderson, lumber to Isaac ;Kolb D A Athrighs, iron ()rest° D B Thomas. 4 (Correspondence of the Press.) • . HAVRE DE GRACE, June 12. . . The steamer Wyoming left here this morning with the followingboats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: Tempest. with wheat to A - C-Cattell & Co; rennsylva i.ttia and Mary Hben, do to •Perot Bro; Mathew Fife, -coal to Sligo; Caledonian, ship-timber. to Chester; Wm Aagle,.lumberto'New-York. MEMORANDA. Bark Reindeer, Contts; at New Orleans 4th tnst. from Matamoros. Bark St lames, Wayne, brig E P Stewart, Holland, :and sehr Smithsonian, Davis, hence, were below New. 'Orleans sth inst. _ . . Brig.B V Merrick, Norden, - hence, at Mataszas 3d lost. Schr 13xeonplar Davison, 'Tor .Philadelphia— via -San /Salvador, clearedat islassagth Bob r John, Irons, cleared at Ifew Orleans 2d inst. for SPECIAL NOTIOES': 71;)R, 'TIM CT.Tr& '3l" SCROALA, .CANCER,. GOITRE, ULCERS,' SKIN DISEASES. &c., 'JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE STILL MAINTAINS ITS SUPERIORITY. 'The•unparalleled-succeeswhich for twenty-five years, then attended Um mse of JAYfiE'S AMTSR&TIVE, ena ,bles the propfietorsto-recommend it to the afflicted with entire confidence, believing that it will effectually era dicate from the human system the diseases for whose cure designed r mere promptly and thoroughly than any other remedy of its class. It has been found parti- Mularly betketlioarin •CANCER 'AND CANCEROUS AFFECTIONS of all kinds, curingla majority of the cases in which it has •been used, And•oftimes after the failure of other reme dies. GOITRE OR SWELLED NECK. —ln innumerable •cases of this disease'in which Jayne's Alterative has +been perseveringly .used, - .it hes never been known to fail. All have been cured whp ,have continued its use occluding to directions. DROPSY AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. —Many _physicians who have used the Alterative in diseases of this nature, consider it a specific, so great has been its 'success. 'it acts by increasing the powers of digestion, nxciting the absorbents intelealthy exercise, whereby the waters , or calcareous depositions and all unnatural 'enlargements are reduced. • EPILEPSY, FITS, CONVULSIONS, are usually con- Mdered incurable, and yet experience has proved that the Alterative in • conjunction with the Sanative Pills. Will cure amajOrity,of.casesi it should be 'tried, there fore, by all who are shbject to these terrible afflictions. SCROFULA.—In, all the'forms of this disease, whether in that of Ulcerations of the Flesh or Bones, Enlarge ment of the Taints, , GlanfisJSwellinge, Eruptions, Tu mors, .&c. , the Alterative has been found pre-eminently aucceasful It enterainto and circulates with the blood, thus destroying the.viins or poisonous principle from Whlchthese diseases originate. SKIN DISEASES, of all kinds, Scald Head, Teller, Salt Rheum, Ring 'Worm, Boils, Pimples, Blotches; /toughness of the Skin, &c., are readily cured by the RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA.—In chronic cases this Alterative, if perseveringly used, is generally suc cessful; In Acute._Rheumatism,, Jayne's Liniment ahonid be; accordingto directions. FEMALE COMPLAINTS.—In many affections peculiar to females, especially when arriving at maturity, or at the "'change Mille," the. Alterative is unsurpassed by any other remedy. In Cholorosis or Retention, Irregu larity and Lencorrheia," the best results Ihave always followed its administration. COMPLICATED < AND MIXED DISEASES, NER VOUS AFFECTIONS, . DISEASES OF THE HEART, T.ITSPIEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, Constitutional Dis eases, and diseases originating froni , a depraved or im perfect a perfect state of the Blood, are all cured by Jayne's Al: !teratiye; and while it is fault in many medicines, that 'when they are removing the disease they are also Pros trating the patient beyond receuery, the Alterative has Top such drawback. while neutralizing the vim; of 'disease at its very source,' it sustains the strength of the' sufferer; the union of. Meinfectant, Tonic and De* 'Mr tient pioperties in' his medicine, and the fact that all these influences.are blended harmoniously in its opera tion, distinguishing it from all other similar prepara- Cons. • Let the afflicted give it, a trial. Prepared only y DR, D. JAYNE SON, ielOwf&mfit No. 242 CHESTNUT Street. THE SOMMER MOON WAS SHINING - All in the purple sky; —My wife and. I, we tossed,abont, And could not close an eye. I cursed and swore, she scolded.nie, All through the weary night; Ent Was enough to vex a saint, - The bedbugs' savage bite.. You may be sure I certain went Next morn to Lyon's'etore, And home in joyful triumph I Th' Magnetic Powder bore, Which quickly, slaughtered every bug, Mosquito, roach, and flea. Lyon's Powderkills all insects. Lyon's Magnetic Pills tre sure death to rats and mice. • Sold everywhere. DEEM S. BARNES, New York. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING,, OF. THE LATEST ETYISS, made in the Best Manner, eapresely for RETAIL }ALBS. LOWEST Selling -Prices marked halain Fi gures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisiactorY. Our Ours-Pitum Sgersx is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. dell-ly ' JONES di CO., 604 MARKET Street. KERR's , Inraisttlim CHINA and GLASS establishment. CHINA. FULL. 529 CHESTNUT Street, °Mesita Independence Hall; Philadelphia. Hotels, Restaurants, and Shipping supplied. B.—CHINA DECORATED. to , order; also, Initials and Create alesaatly ensrayid, on TABLE GLASS and • CHINA. „ • , • • °niers by mail promptly attended' - myle-bot THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. OF AN SOLD oass.—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the PreSsriP" Hon of one of the best tamale physicians and nurses in the United Siates, , and has been used for thirty Yews With never- failing'esfety and success by millions of MO• there and. children, from the feeble" infant of one week old to the adult.. - It corrects acidity of,the stomach. Believes wind colic. Begidates the bowels. • . . • And. - gives rest', health, and comfort to mother and shild. 26 Cents a bottle. ' ' m722-1m DRAWBET!S INFALLIBIA' LINIMENT. CURES Show:natio* and. 'layer faftg. - ; 7 • ' • . BUY FOUR 11*THING 11,0BESi FOR • LADIES, Gentlemen,,and Children, at SLOAN'S. - 806 ,MARIKET street,'Philadelphia.. jel3-3t*:'. M.A.NtIUIEID. ROGERS—PLZIK — On Life 11th instant, at the residence of the bride's marents, by the Rev. A. A., Reinke, David }losers to - Cleroie M., daughter of Jacob F. Plets, Esq. * ► GIIMPPER—MoADAMB. —By Rev. A .Manshio, on the Jth of May last, Mr: William Guinpper o. Miss Rose both.of-Philadelphis...Vs. • • * COBB-,ORL—On the 'Mit:tuatara: by Itevil Percy Mall, Dr. Daniel G. Cobb, of Woodstown, X. 3., to Miss , Rebecca adopted daughter of Mr. Lorenzo D. Lore. of rhlladelphia. M1F...13. LINDSA.V.—On Saturday morning, the 13th instant. of Paraly *is. John Lindsay, Edo , in the 61st year of his age. Ills relatives and male friendetare invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence. No. 1404 Spruce street. on Tuesday afternoon, the 16th instant,' at 4 o'clock,. without further notice. To proceed to Woodlands Ceme tery. ** CONARD. —On the morning of the 12th instant, Rachel Cunard, in the Sith year of her age. Funeral to take place from the residence of Garrett Williams, No. 1111 Olive street, this (Second day) morn ing. the 16th instant, at 10 o'clock. . SCOTT.—On the 13th instant, Mrs. Esther J. Scott, in the 64th year of her 'age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Mary H. Neiler, No. 2019 Winter street, on - Wednesday morning, the 17th instant, at 6 o'clock' , with out further Milieu To proceed to - Chester Valley Pres by tertan Church, Chester county, Pa.,for burial. ** AlcCUE.—On the lith, instant, Mrs. Sarah McCue, in the Huh year of her age. Tbe relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited' to attend the funeral, from her late residence, No. 4 Sidney street, on Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock.*-* BPCBANNA.II.—On the 11th instant, Mr. Francis. Bu channan, aed 63 years. CAMPBELL.-On the 9th instant, Bernard Campbell, aged 62 years. CLARK.. On the 12th instant, Mrs. Margaret Clark, in the 53th year of her age. • .gOX. —At Germantown, Pa., on the llth inat , Thomas Fos,. of stb Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. Cameron Dra goons, aged 35 years. Weeklyneport of Interments. HEALTH OFFICE, Jane 13,1863. DMtht aYrdoZlV7intogthienlgg Philadelphia . CAUSES OF DEATH. g CAUSES OF DEATH, p•rj Asphyxia •• • • 1 Fever. Typhoid; .... 2 2 Atrophy 2 1 Fall, accidentally rec 1 Apoplexy . 3 Gangrene 1 Burns and Seal& •• • • 1 Memorrhage 'Uterus. 1 Cancer' I Inflammation Aorta. 1 - - Uterus 2 ' " 8rain....... 3 Croup - 4 . " Bronch.... 1 1 ri n Brain .•• 1 4 • " Heart 1 Congestion Langs.". _ 4 " Kidneys... 1 • ' -• Liver-- 1 4 " Cholera Infantu m.. - Larynx.... 2 1 . " Liver 1 Childbirth I - - " Lungs 4 12 Consumption: Lungs. 23 1 • . " Peritoneum 2 . ' • Bowels. 1 " S.& Bowels 3 Convulsions.:..:..... -9 Intussnsception 1 Diptheria ' 0 Inanition 1 Diarrhtes, - 2 3 Mania-a-Potu 1 Dropsy . ..... . ...... 4 Malformation 2 Brain. 7 Marasmus 2 6 .1. Ch est 2 Measles 6 Disease of Brain 3 3 Old Age 4 - " Heart ......:.- 2 • 1 Palsy ' 4 " Lungs 1 Quinsy. ' 1 " Liver.- .. .. -'2 Rheumatism ' -1 m: St Bow. , 1 Run over byßiilroad - 1 Drowned Sto 1 . Sore Throat Dysentery. 2 Softening of Brain... 3 Debility 7 7 Small Pox 2 2 Effusion onßrain.... 1 Still-born 16 'Epilepsy. • • 1 Syphilis' 1 Erysipelas 2 S. ricture of Colon ... 1 Fracture of 5ku11.... 1 Tabes blesenterlea..- 1 ... leg. ..:: I Tetamis 1 Fever, Congestive... 2 Unknown 1 4 Puerperal.... 1 Wounds-Gunshot.- 4 1 Spotted I . -- • e Scarlet. .. ...: 5 Total 107 137 " Typhus 1 OF THEE ABOVE THERE WERE— tinder 1 year. ......... • 64 From 40 to 60 18 " From 1 to 2 22 6O to 60 7 2to - 6 31 " 60 to 70 - 16 6to 10 12 " 70 to 80 9 " 10 to 15 16 to 20 5 " 80 to 90 - 7 220 to 30• 19 Total - WARDS. , ' . WARDS. WARDS. First ' 19 Tenth 5 Nineteenth 22 Second .. . .... • .. 9 EleVenth - 9 Twentieth 13 Third. . . ..... .. 7 Twelfth. ' 9 Twenty-first 5 Fourth . 9 Thirteenth 6 Twenty-second.. 3 Fifth 12 Fourteenth.:: - . - . - . 8 Twdnty-third.... 4 Sixth - ' ' S Fifteentb.....1....20 Twenty-fourth-16 Seventh. 13 Sixteenth. 'lO Twenty-fifth - .... 4 Eighth........ 8 Seventeenth... 8 Unknown 12 Ninth: '- 6 Eighteenth."... 6 Total.. 244 Deduct deaths from the country 12 Net deaths In the city ~111,. 233 Nativity—,Dnited States, 184 ;Voreigh, 63 ;Unknown, 7. From the Almshouse, 10; People of. Color, 13; from the onntry; 12. The number of deaths. compared with the correspond n_gweeks of 1862 and of last week, was as follows : Weekending June 14, 3862, was 200, • Week ending Sane 7, 1863, was 241. Males, 117 ; Females. 127; Boys, 68; Girls, 09. Deaths and interments of soldiers in the city, 7. By order of the Board of Health. WILLIAM READ, Health Officer. r B LACK BAY.A.DE BE BA.REGES.-- _ Black silk and wool Bayadere Baregea at 2.5. 28. and 3111 cents.- _ Black Balzorinee. 12X, and 15 cents. Black Bareges, 22 to 27% cents. Black Crape Marets; Mg' to 50 cents. Black Barege Shawls and Points. Black India Senshews and Baronets for linings. Black Marcelineo and Lustrenes for linings. Black 8-4 wide Bareges and 13arege Romani. Black and colored Grenadine Veils, &c. Just received by BESSON & SON. krourniag Store, jet N0.'91.8 CHESTNUT Street. BLACK SHAWLS, WHOLESA.LE., Silk-fringed Thibet SHAWLS. Blank Wool-fringed Shawls. :Plain Black Detains Shawls. . r Black Barege and Grenadine Shawls. Black Stellas, all grades. Materials for the Shawls. • • Shawl-width Bareges ' Shawl-width Merinoes. Shawl-width Paramattas. &THE & LANDELL, FOURTH & ARCH Streets MTO THE UNION AND LOYAL LEAGUES AND ASSOCIATIONS. AND LOYAL CITIZENS OE THE UNITED STATES : PHILADELPHIA, May 25, 1863. PELLow-airmius : By direction of the UNION LEAGUE of Philadelphia, the undersigned have the honor to invite your attention. to the following PosolutiOns, to wit: Resolved, 1. That the League will celebrate the approaching Anniversary - of American Independence by appropriate ceremonies, at the Hall of Independence.f " 2.. That all the Union. Leagues and Associations in theFnited States be invited to participate in the celebra tion, and that they be requested to send deputations from their respective bodies for that purpose. "3, That it be recommended that the deputies be au thorized to represent their respective constituents in any action that may be deemed necessary and expedient to perfect the organization of the friends of the American - Union and Government throughout the United States. "4. That the Committee of Correspondence be antho rind to prepare a circnlar letter, communicating , these. Resolutions to the Union Leagues and Loyal Citizens of the respective States,• and to adopt such measures as may ben ecessary to carry them into effect." . For the first time in the ,history of our Country, the masses of the American people are now invited to. com memorate the birth of the MON, at the place where it To re-assert the great principles of the Declaration, that " All men are created eqnal, and are endowed 'by their CREATOR, with the UNALIENABLE RIGHTS of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness:" To acknowledge our obligations to mankind, to main tain those principles as our fathers did, "with a firm re liance on the protection! of DIVINE PROVIDENCE:" To declare the INDIVISIBILITY of the AMERICAN UNION: • _ To declare the inflexible purpose of the American peo ple, as GOD shall give them strength, to subdue the ene mies of the Union, and re4istablish 'and perpetuate the NATIONAL 'AUTHORITY. wherever it hits been over thrown by treason or rebellion: To declare to foreign nations, .that while 'we desire pewee with them, we shall hold them responsible for any encouragement they may give to the rebellion against the Government of the United States: To give to history an 'Appropriate expression of our gratitude to;the patriot-armies and navy of the Repub lic: and To declare our determination to sustain the constituted authorities of the Government now and hereafter, in all measures adopted and-prosecuted by them for the sup pression -of the rebellion WITHOUT COMPROMISE -WITH TRAITORS, as the only means of securing an, honorable and lasting peace- - • .1:: The Committee are gratified to announce t4at ,the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES luta accepted an invitation-to participate inthe proceedings. Fellow-eitizens of the United States, we eall upon you to co-operate with us in this , FIRST NATIONAL CELE BRATION, _ and to adopt such measures as you may deem proper, to make it worthy of a great people who have inherited„ and . now Possess and appreciate, the blessings of liberty. - HARLES GIBBONS. Chairman,. MortonMcMichael Jas. L. Claghorn. J. I. Clark Hare, Wm. Henry Rawls. W.C,Swann.M.D., Evan Randolph, J. Edgar Thomson, Joseph Les. ' William Cox, Ii Lewis, Jr., J B. Moorhead, Henry Samuel, ' Wm. H. Ashhnrst, E. Spencer Miller, Geo. H. Boker, M. H. Messchert, Jolui - B. Myers. H. G. Morris.' J. B. McFarland, Jas. C. Band, C. H. Needles, Jos. B. Townsend, Gibson Peacock, Jabez Gates, S. C. Perkins, Geo.- Whitney. Thos. I. Potts, Charles Gilpin, Craig D. Ritchie, Thos: W. Evans, Geo. M. Robeson, W. Retch Wister, Thomp. Reynolds, John Rice, John P. Verses, Henry Cohen, Hanson Robinson, F. J. Drees, W.J. Stewart, W. - Devine.• '• Chas. E. Smith, Thos. S. Ellis, W. C. Stevenson, Geo. Erety. - • Sami. B. Thomas, G. W: McMahan, H. C. Townsend. H. C. Howell, Lewis D. Vail; Persifor Frazer, J. P. Wetherill, J. W. Paul, - Henry Davis, • J. W. Goff, Andrew Wheeler, Frank Wells, E. D. Whitney, R. H, Gratz, Geo. J. Weaver, George Trott, II C. S. Wertz, M. D., Thos. Kimber,Jr., Chas. T. Yerkes, K C. Knight, Wm. Struthers, W. H. Hera, Chas. Hartshorne, Joseph Kerr, H. E. Rogers. R P. King, G. M. Conarros, Charles Knecht, Saunders Lewis, , Henry . arey, H. Binney, Jr., Frederick Fraley, Daniel Smith, Jr. , Jos. Allison, Benj. Gerhard, Geo. B. Stuart, N B. Browne, Wm. Canute,M. D.. Id. Felton, E. Bode, larence H. Clark, . e. Cattell_ L enry M. Watts, C. S. Grove, John B. Kenney, James Milliken, Wm. M.Tilghinan, H. C. Lea, Hartshorne,MD, nos. Webster, Ellis Yarnell, C. S. Smith, F. A. Comly, Alfred Id . Jessup, Augustus Heaton, Ward B. Haselline H. P. Borie Cadwalad. time, R. Rundle Smith. Samuel E. Stokes, Dani. Dougherty, Geo. Brdlock, Wm. M. Cooper, S. J. Christian, John W. Forney, S. Fisher Porlies, B. P. Kershow. General Committee of Arrangement. GBOROB H. EOM, SeeretarY FOURTH OF JULY . NATIONAL PROCESSION, ITIVDSR THE: nxinzeriox OF THE UNION LEAGUE IN PHILADELPHIA. ALDORG.ANIZATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS desiring to take part in this Procession will please to - give- notice of their intention to do so at once. ' ' ALL LOYAL ORGANIZATIONS AND'ASSOCIATIONS are invited to join it.% Those of the follo7ing character are particularly mentioned: ' ' MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS, of any arm of the E exv e c belonging to the United States , or to any of the States.. INVALID SOLDIERS AND THOSE.HONORABLY DIS CHARGED FROM ACTIyE DUTY. .Arrangements will be made to providefor those who are notable to walk. COLLEGES, AND PUBLIC OR PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTIONS FOR INWERUCTION. UNION -LEAGUES 'PRO Id ANY STATE IN THE , . - UNION, TB& TUMOR ASSOCIATION IND , THI VARIOUS SINGING SOCIETIES. - THLNATIONAL FIRE ENGINE; ROSE. :AND HOOK AND LADDER COMPANIES, • . With their. Engines.. Carriages. and lenipmenta. Theee Associations arepartictilarly requested to furnish their Ambulances for Invalid Soldiers.' 4 , 4' • • • ASSOCIATIONS : • • . . . Forthe purpose the:Procession . TRADES,. MANUFACTURERS, AGRICULTURAL ,PRO DUCTS, &c. • - • OROANIZED BODIES OF TICTIILLEE4 'ON HaRBN. BACK:OTI ON FOOT ORGANIZED - BODIES '.4:01' . DRAYBIEN, ON ,HOESE . DAqICOR ON FOOT. -- . i'CAVALCADE OF. CITIZENS. 011440 ON`F9OT.I. , 'Citizone are reocisteatii DECORATE THEIR DWR LINOS, along the Route Of thaTrocession, with FLAGS Particular request is made that applications for Places in the_Proceesion may be made early,' and -that full in ,;format i on be obtainedpreTent confusion. coramindcations 'be addresSed to the !!COM, MIT;II4I . 'ON THE PROOESSIO#."careot, . • g MILvE.:.(I:;, ANDREWI3, Titt; N'tanowaotsous HOUSE. M2-fmwt4th No. 1118 CHESTNUT STREET ImTim RATION The following Corm on the National Celebration: 1. COMMITTEE D. Smith, Jr , Chairman T. W. Bullock, .Tas L. Claghorn, R. P. Bores, C.' H. Clark, John B. ISTers. James C. Hand, - Augustus Beaton, Hanson Robinson, Samuel E 2. COMMITTEE ON TRW POND James Milliken, Ch'n. Horace Binney, Jr., -Henry C. Carey, Dr. Edward Hartehorne, John W: Forney, S. COMMITTEE ON ADDS Horace Binney, Jr., Ch'n, ' J. I. Clark Bare, rton McMichael, Fred. Fraley, 4. CEREMONIES AT HA R. Rtindift Slitßh, Ch'n . . Free Fraley. •`Wm. M. Tilghman, George Ere's, J. G. Fell, Joseph B. Townsend. 6. COMIdITTBE'ON - DECORATIONS AND AR- RaIiGFAIENTS. George Whitney, Ch'n, B. F. Jno. B. Kenney,. John Rice, Henry Cohen, E. D. Whitney, Benry Davis.-- Thos. Webster, ,Cadwalader Biddle, - Wm.-M. Cooper. 6. COMMITTEE ON RECEPTION OF GUESTS AND DELEGATIONS. - Ward 13. Haseltine,.Ch'n, M. IL Diesachert,. Daniel Dougherty, • Persifer Frazer, Henry M. Watts, Henry Samuel, /J. W. Goff. Samuel C. Perkins, James W. Paul, Charles& Smith, - Thos. Birch. 7. COMMITTEE . ON RELIGIOUS SERVICES: Wm. H Ashhurst, Ch'n, Craig. D. Ritchie, S. C. Perkins, Charles S. Wurtz, Geo. 11. Stuart, Le*is D. Yail. 8. COMMITTEE ON NATIONAL SALUTES, &c. Wm. H. Kern, Chairman, Geo. M. Conarroe, H. C. Howell. Thos. S. Elite, Geo. W. McMahan. • Jabez Gates. 9. COMMITTEE ON THE PROCESSION. E Spencer Miller, Clin, Thompson Reynolds, Gibson Peacock, Geo. J. Weaver, H. Carey Lea, Wm. Retch. Wistor. Wm. M. Cooper, S. J Christian, Charles Knecht, E. C. Knight, Geo. T. Thorn, Jo.,enh. Kerr, TO: COMMITTEE FOR ARRANGEMENTS OF MIISIO. Wm. Caruso, Chairman, R. IL Gratz, M. E. Rogers, H. C. Townsend, Ger. Trot, ' Wm. S. Stewart, F. J. Dreer, Charles T. T ernes. . 11. COMMITTEE ON TORCH-LIGEI I' PROCESSION AND ILLIIMINATIO . Jno. I'. Verree, Ch'n,. C. H. Needles, 'lltos. I. Potts, J. Price Wetheriil Wm. C. brevenson, Henry Davis, E. P. King, C. S. Grove, - E. P. Kershow. - 12. COMMITTEE - ON RAILROADS'AND CONVEY ANCES. S. M. Felton, Chairman, 1 J. B. Moorhead. John Edgar 'Thompson, Franklin A. Comly, Charles E. Smith. .Charles Hartshorne.. J. Gillingham Fell. The Committee Will meet on MONDAY, the 15th inst., at 12 o'clock M., to complete the arrangements for the celebration. Punctual attendance is requested. ' CHARLES GIBBONS, • Chairman of General Committee. • GEO. H. BOXER, Secretary. It UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COM- Irf: - ...1•11.8S1014, - Cash Acknowledgments to Jane, 12th, Collection. in Central Presbyterian Church, Wil zoin-gton, Del ' ^ $215 50 A widow lady 200 00 Collected by Rev. B. W. Chidlaw. in 'First and Second Presbyterian end Methodist Churches Steubenville, Ohio 187 66 Donations received at Washington Agency 98 48 T,adies' Aid Society, Clinton, New Jersey 77 47 'Friends of the Soldiers, " Laurel Hill Congrega- - tion, Fayette county, Pa First Michigan Regiment, Engineers and. Mechan ics, Army of the Cumberland" Ladies' Aid Society, Hightstown, N. J., per Miss • S Morrison MI 00 Soldiers' Aid Society, Middletown, Pa., per B. I. Weistling 50 00 Young Ben's Christian Association, Providence" . Rhode Island 49 CK) Dr. W. R. Johnson, Portland, Maine ' 36 00 WaluutHill Bible Society, Illinois, per Rev. W. H. Bratton 33 00 Collation in Second Baptist Church, Wilming- ton, Del 31 25 From Presbyterian Sunday School; Greensburg. Par: " Harriet-Newell Class" •• .. $5 00 "Cold Water srmy." 3 25 The Saviour's Kindred" - 6 18 - "The Home Guard" 4 10 _.— Mrs. Birne, Carroll connty.'Md 10 00 00 Sabbath School First Presbyteri 18 an Church, Wil liamksport. Palo 00 Rev. A. 'M. Stewart; Chaplain 102 d P. -- V ' 10 00 Wm. Frew, Pittsburg, Pa 10 00 Capt. Wm. H. Fairlamb, Co. I), SSth Reg. P. V. 10 00 S. S. Marion, Pa 10 00 Oscar Gregg, Blooming Grove, N. Y 10 00 Men of 40th Regiment P. Y 10 60 'Officers of 49th Regiment P. V' 4 60 Geo. R. Ferguson, dortheast New York Li• 00 St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. Reading. Pa.... 600 Mary Tones, Whitestone, Di Y 5 00 R. FeEex, Mass' M. H. Lyderham. 2d Nebraska Cad.. (additional) 500 Mies Rebecca P W. Campbell, Danville, Pa - ' 5 00 Friends at darrieville, Pa ' 5 00 George Ledrnm, Newburg, N. Y 6 00 " Mites from. Friends" 3 60 Cash, Glades, Pa....—. William Walker. Company C, 21 N. Y. Reg' 20 00 0 St. Matthias' Lutheran Church, Chester co., Pa.. 1 , 60 •' A friend to the cause ,' . 160 "Soldier," 6th Corps - ... 200 Jas. bbaw, Blooming Grove, N. Y....... ......... 200 G. T. Hulse, Blooming Grove, N. Y 1 00 Beni, Sears, Bloofteing Grove: N. Y I'oo. L. 8., Blooming Grove, N. Y 1 00 Frank's Penny Savings for the Sick • Soldiers, Pottsville. Pa..... .. . ............ 1 00 Wm. Lee, Company B, 72d Regiment. Pennsyl- Valli& Volunteers .........„ ..... -. .. .'....... ..... 1 00 Amount previouely acknowledged *4.:),94.0 26 JOSEPH PATTERBO2i, Treasiarer,ll. S. Christian Commission. THE "UNITED STATES CIECRISTIAN COMMISSION begs leave to acknowledge the ,receipt of the following stores, to June 12th inclusive :. PENN-SYLVANIA. Alexandria-3 boxes, from Ladies' Aid Society. Bedford-1. parcel,. from hf. Bora. . Brietol-3 boxes, from LadiesrAid. hasten-2 barrelsgroin Ladies" Aid' of the Reformed Hatboro'-1 box from Ladies'Aid. Jersey Shore 2 boxes, from Ladies''Soldiers' did. Mechanicsburg-1 box, from the lailes. Philadelphia-9 barrels, 3 boxer,' from Ladies' Aid of Kensington Af. E. Church. • 6 dozen flannel shirts. from Ladies' Aid of St. An drew's Church. - ltarceL from Ladies'. Aid of 4. Jude s Church. 30 gallon cans fresh peaches ~from Charles Campbell. 62 fruit cams front,Pohn• idadd'on. Tyrone City—lbarrel...l box, from. Friends orlheSal dier in and about Bald Eagle , Finns* wiltiamsport-1 nox„froni, Mrs. 8.. V. Stinnett . ; Willistowii and.East_Goshen-1 barrel arid 1 box, from Soldiers' Aid. , Z , •• • • NEW 3ENSEY • Bridgeton2 boxes, from Messrs. Fithiarrand Pogue_ Greenwich-2': boxes; .1 barrel, from Ladies' Soldiers' Aid of Bacon's Neck. • Harmony-2barrsls,lbox,- from Soldiers' Aid. Ilightstown-2 boxes, from Ladies' Aid, Newark-6 loxes, 1 barrel,:from Ladies' Soldiers' Aid. Princeton —3 boxes, from Ladies. Roadetown-1 box, from Ladies' Aid:' - Titusville--1 box, from Ladies' Aid. Upper Pittsgroye-1 box, from Ladies `Aid. . Buffalo-3 boxes. 1 keg, from Army COmmittee.- New, York-25 parcels, 3 boxes, from Connidttee.of the United States Christian Commission. Rochester-3 boxes, fronr Ladies' Third Ward Aid So, clety ; 1 'barrel, Iron,. Young Ladies' Aid, . Lewistown—lbox, front.Wm, Robinson. Waterville-1 box, from Edward-Howes. Winterbrook-1 box. from Mrs. Charles Coll:yarn IiIeSSACHUSETTS. Andover-1 box, from Pbccbe A. Abbott: ' Boston-6 boxes. 4 barrels, from Army Committee, per L. P. Rowland, "Jr.; 1 box; from Miss. E. P. Russell: 1 box, from J. B. Whitman; -1 box,. donor unknown. Millbary-1 barrel, - from A. H. Lovell. Now Bedford-116oz, from T. S. Cornish. • • North Middletioro-1 barrel, from Rev.-E. G. Little. Pepperell-1 balf-barrel, from Mrs. H. F. Blaney. Salem-1 box, from Charles.H: Price Southbridge-1 box, from Mrs. E. D. Ammblown. Worcester-3 boxes and 1 half-barrel, from Mrs.. E. A. Goodnow. coraTai'ictrr East Thomps4in-1 box, from Kra. lE. Kemp. Portland-1 barrel, from Ladies' Aid of , the - Lepel We return thanks to our:friends for the above contribu tions. The need still continues, and is not lees pressing. in its demands upon us: Who will lend a helping hand to our soldiers? Address all stores to GEO. H. STUART: Chairman C. S. C. C. It No: 13 BANS Street, .Philadelphia. MTHE CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION take pleasure_ in ac knowledging the following donations sincolast report: Proceeds of Fair held at the northwest corner of Twelfth and .Fitzwater streets, by Misses Kate and Lillie Der riekson. $30.60; proceeds of. the Exhibition by ,the SUM of the Broad-street M. E. Church, per Wm. Armstrong, Jr., $1,54,.87; - Mr. - ;John Baird.. $5; Captain - William kairlaxab, $5; Mrs. Farr, $5, and Daniel K., Also, per hands James Milliken. Esq., the following_ contributions ' from Stockholders of the Academy 0f Music who were present at their last annual meeting: Ward B. Baseltine, $5; James C.-.. Band. $5; James L. Claghorn, $5; Thomas Sparks, J. R. Fry. $5; John B. Brad; $5; F. A. Comly, $5; Wm. S. Stewart. $5; J. P. Hutchinson. $0;-S. Hart.' $5; George S.Pepper, $5: George A. Wood, $5; B. S. Wheeler. $5; James E. Cala -well" $5; John B. Kinney, $5; F. J. Dreer, $5; James Milliken, $5; George Gilpin, 4151 Wm. Camas $5; O. J. Waterman, $5; William B. Hart. $5, and S. H. Carpen ter $6. Total, $llO. Women's Branch 11. S. S. Coral:Maslen, large donation of-Eggs. Apples, Onions, Potatoes—DriedFruit, &o. ; Penn Relief Association, Towels, Starts, Stockings, ROkth., Dried Fruit,"&c. ; Miss Mary Penrose,l basket Dried Peaches; Mrs. Furness, 8 lbs. Butter and lot of ,Cottage Cheese; Mrs. J. D. "Higgins, 2 kettles, Apple Hut , TAE GREAT. FAIR OF THE SEA, SON. —The Ladies of the UNION VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT ..COMMITTEE open their FLORAL, STRAWBERRY,-and FANCY ?AIR, at the Saloon, foot of Washington -avenue, .THIS DAY, June 15th, to. con tinue one week, : or longer, for the benefit of the Fund. - Tickets can be procured, at all, the Passenger Railroad Offices', of any_ of the Committee, or at the Saloon,"-,., Independent of the , object, of this Fair. - the Managers have made every exertion to' have the* entertainment agreeable and attractive to: visitors, and ono extortion will be practised in the sale of articles. Soldiers of the Union, free.' - BECK'S BAND, will be in attendance daring each eve ning. Doors open at 10 o'clock A. AL jels-6t ARAD BARROWS, Chairman. • IMTHIRD -WARD UNION LEADUR Anadjourned, Meeting 'ot' the THIRD-WARD UNION LEAGUE will be bald THIS EVENING, June 15, at 8 o'clock, at the HOUSE OF INDUSTRY, CATHA RINE -Street, above Seventh. Loyal citizens of all-par ties are earnestly invited to attend and join the'Leafrue. WM. ROBERTS, President pro. tem, M. A. MILLIErIE, Stcretary. - . It FOURTEENTH - :F.P RE SIG NTA:. 1 6 0:3 .. T1VE DISTRICTITATIONAL UNION CONVE TtoN. —The .undersigned. Delegates .to the National 'Onion Convention of the Fourteenth Representative Dis trict. respec.fully request a meeting of said Convention •at the southwest corner of GIRARIC) Avenue and ELE VENTH Street, on MONDAY EVENING, June 16,1863, at 8 o'clock, on business of great Importance. ' - Henry Myers. Samuel` Fleming. Jesse Dettra, James ,Armstrong, John Shorter,William T. Wills, Edwin Fitch, W. R. Thomas, Jackson 43ardeer; Uriah- C. THE GRAND FLORAL FAIR AT CONCERT HALL is still open; the Hall - is su perbly decorated with shields- flags; banners, tic.; the tables gracefully arched, ,festooned - with evergreens and flowers, and magnificently furnished. In addition .to the profuse display of flowers and fancy articles this evening as well as to morrow evening the hall will =be brilliantly illuminated, and grand promenade 'concerts given by Neil's splendid military band. - Season. tickets only 25 cents, -which not only admit during the day but this evening, as .well as ,every day and evening this week.- - - ' - iels-3t5 GRAND EXCURSION OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH to WIS SAHICKON STATlON,tixteen miles up the-North Penn-. sylvania Railroad, TO- MORROW; the 16th-inst. Adult Tickets, 90 cents; Children,. 20 cents , Tickets for sale by Any 'of the members on the morning of. the excursion. AS.- The Cars leave AMERICAN and MASTER Streets ' at .7 o'clock-A. hL. • - ,at MOFFICE MINE HILL AND SCIECYL OLL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPANY: - PHILADELPHIA, Bth Mo., 8. 1863. - At a Stated. Meeting of the BOARD OP -MANAGERS held THIS DAY, the following tesolulion 'WaS unani monsly adopted : • Reeolved That the dividend period of this Company shall be • Changed from the 2d-Second day, (Monday), of. Eighth Month, (August), to the 2d Second day of .Seventh Month, Llnly). - and• that the transfer books shall be closed 'on the 80th day of Sixth Month, 1883, and remain'closed until Seventh - Month, 14, 1803, and the di vidend to be declared - - on the 201 Second day of Se; venthrMonth, shall be .payable - to the stockholders, or .their legal representatives -Whose names stand on the books of-the company on-the closing of , the same: Sixth Month, 30, 1880. ,W./LLIAM BIDDLE, • - 1,-jel2-ftniv3t , Secretary. PORT ROYAL.—MRS. P. D. GAGE will Lecture,lon- The Condition of the Freed eexi ittsPortF-Roisl,"_- On' MONDAY - .EVBRIN(I.- 8' o'clock at ; Admittance' free.. A eolleotioxwiabe • T.W.IINTY•FOUILTH WARD 11. A. TIONA.L A, atatedtmeeting of /the, Guard be held iin'AIONDAY Evening; 10th knat.,.at the usual place. .Punctual attendance ie. requado. business of vital importance is to belranaaetedi, - - JOHN, C. I'AIENTE.R. Paeaident.. -.F. A. iflLlslNADli.Sedretary. A • ifin-Bte.i. - OFFICE OF - TH ~,.- U NIOR CANAL COINPANY. PlitabErVaii':gay is; ise3A thNOTICE CANALDHOLDEILE:heBondhoIders of uNIONCOMPANE;iiiherebi• requested - to. cant at the t ejlice or.the •No. 228...WALEHEPT, Strest, and enrrender , the'laciitpons, as agreed uponaha accordance with the act of. Assemblynt April 10th, iny27-IM Q.4(")A4 l'uomrsorr, manor. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY; JUNE 15, 1863. AL CELEBRATION. mitteee have been appointed ON FINANCE. Wm. Struthers. Andrew W heeler. Thos. W. Evans, Jas. B MeEar and, Wm. Devine. A. 0 DatteLL. Lawrence Lewis, Jr., Joseph Lea. • Alfred D. Jessup. I. Stokes. ATIONS AND CORRES WOE. Wm. H Rawls, Frank Wells. N. B Browne. Jos. Allison. George 11. Boker. EH AND RES° Lcrrorts. • Benj. Gerhard, Charles Gilpin, George Robeson, Saunders Lewis. L OF INDEPENDENCE. Ellie - $1,332 19 -.49,6113 07 . - • . iIM• PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL'S OFFlCE.—Wasnoravort, D.C., May '22, 1853. Ali men Who desire to join any particular Regiment of CAVALRY now in the field, are hereby',,authorized to present themselves at any time &uric g the next thirty days to the BOARD OF ENROLMENT, in their respec tive Dit trials. Tne Board shall examine them. rind de-. termine upon their fitness for the Service. and if found to he fit, the Provost Marshal of the district shall give them transportation tickets to the general Rendezvous. at the Headquattera of the Ar.A.Provoeydarshal General of the State.- AR soon as they present themselves at this gene ral lendezvous they shall be - duly mu stered by a mus tering and disbursing Milker, and paid by him the bounty allowed by law. JAMES IS FRY, my2B-lm Provost Marshal General. IMOFFICE E THESU.RGEON-A.IR, E. TIST TO THE ARMY-AND - NAVY, PHILADEL- Pau. October 24, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirons_of avallinS themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the Strgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1009 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, fail-6m - Government Surgeon-Artist. MOFFICE OF UNION 111UTOA.E. . URAL`, OE COMPANY, PHILADELPIIII,.Jane 8, 1863. Notice is hereby given, that subscriptions to the In creased Capital of the Union Mutual Insurance Company. ' by conversion of the Scrip into Stock." will be receiv ed at the aloe of the Company, from this date to Nov. I, 1863. in accordance with the amended charter accepted at a meeting of the Scripholders. held June I. 1863. je l o-Imif JOI-IN MOSS. Secretary. MILITARY NOTICES. I - HEADQUARTERS TWENTIETH REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA, PI/ILADELPRIA, June 1501.1863. FALL IN ! TALL IN ! TO THE PATRIOTIC CITI ZENS 0 PHILADELPHIA: The 20th'Regiment P. M., having been ordered to report at onceat Harrisburg, Pa. , to Major General. Couch, for the DEFENCE OF THE STATE, . In order to 811 its ranks to the army standard, able bodied men of good character, between the ages of IS and 60 years. will be received at the General Recruiting. Offices, Pennsylvania Bank Building, - SECOND Street, and the Custom Rouse, CHMTNIIT. Street. on MON DAY, TDESDAY. and WEDNESDAY, of this week. Menjoining this regiment will not be thrown.promis cnously with regiments now in the field by being sub :Mato the draft. They will also receive their MONTH LY PAY PROMPTLY WHEN DUE. The service to be rerformed is " the protection and defence of the public and privat property within this, the Susquehanna De partment." . - WM.. B. THOMAS, It Colonel commanding. , - G _COMPANY IST :REGIMENT, GREY RESERVES. ATTENTION ! GRILL . THIS (Monday) EVENING, at 8 o'clock. Armory. rig CHESTNIIC Street. .By order of _ _ . W. K. JEWELL, 0. S. N. B. —G entlem en desirous of joining the Company are invited to be present. . it* HEADQUARTERS' OF PRO (‘ VOST MARSHAL, THIRD DISTRICT: PA., " - ' s 511 BROWN Street, PHILADELPHfA, June I, 1663. Public attention' is solicited to the 'subjoined Circular from the Provost Marshal General. All persons wishing to join any regiment therein re, ferred to will make application to these Headquarters within the time therein specifted. JACOB S. STRETCH, Capt. and Provost Marshal, Third District, Penna. PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL'S OFFICE," WASHINGTON. D. C., May 22,-1563 All men who desire to join any particular Regiment of Cavalry now in the field are hereby authorized to pre sent themselves, at- any time daring. the next thirty days, to the Board of Enrolment in their respective Dis tricts. The Board shall examine them. and determine upon their fitness fm the service, and if found to be fit, the- Provost Marshal of the District shall give them transportation tickets to the general rendezvous, at the headquarters of the A. A. Provost Mershal General of the State. AS soon as they present themselves at this general - rendezvoua they shall be duly mustered by a mustering and disbursing officer, and paid by him the bounty n allowed by law. JAMES B. FRY, .103-wfm St Mill Provost Marshal General. FINANCIAL. SPECIAL NOTICE_ THE SALES Or THS UNITED STATES SIX PER CENT. LOAN, GALLED -2 0 ' Have amounted for many Weeks past to OVER TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS DAILY THE FIRST OF JULY Is rapidly approaching,•when the public will no longEn• have the right to Subsptibe at Par for this desirable Loan, the principal and. interest of which is payable Hi All parties contemplating investing in these Super cent. Bonds, should at once forward their money thrOugh, any of the local agencies, or direct to JAY COC>KE;,,.. BiM3CRIP7ION_AdENT. ' 11 . 4 SOWTH THIRD STREET. PrfILA. EXCHANGE ON LONDON AND PARIS BOUGHT AND SOLD. • FOR EITHER GOLD OR CURRENCY ]es-fmlOt EIREXE.I4. ct CO., • _T W. DEMOS SON, • EXCHANGE BROKER, 21 South THIRD Street. The highest premium paid for Gold, Silver, Old-demand Notes, Spanish Quarters. Dimes, Half Dimes, and new Pennies. Quartermasters' Vouchers and Bank Notes wanted at the best rates. Pennies for sale in 'large or small amounts. 1310-fe CALIFCIRNIA. AND SAN FRANCISCO CITY COUPONS BOUGHT AND COLLECTED DT AUGUST BELDIONT & GO., SO WALL STREET. NEW ioar. STERLING- EXCHANGE: EXCHANGE ON PART% BOUGHT AND SoLD3 DREXEL & CO- mTIS-lin EDWARD M. DAVIS 1. , • STOCK AND EKORAEOE BROKER, Jo 39 South THIRD Street. (up stair.). Prtrunar.ParA. A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING BIM: NESS TRANSACTED: - Stooks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Conunission.!` Lone and Buttner/Taper Negotiated. , Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted, Exchange on Europe Bold. Special Collections made: Coln and Cur rency Bought Interest Allowed on Deposita. apt-3m > S . HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER. No.-.3L9 WALNUT STREET ___.IITOCICS and BONDfCand kin d s - Of U. 8 . gOVERN WZNT SECITRITIES, bought and sold on Commission.- Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at UNITED STATES 510 TEAR SIX Der cent'. BONDS; furnished at Pill in SLIMS to suit, without apyfiliarn for commission. . - Orders by Nall shall receive prompt attention. Before Messrs. Nathan Trotter di Co., Geo...D. Parrish, Es_g„. John B. Myers & Samuel B. Thomas, Bea.. TRlnfleiairtilky. if CO.. John Thomas; Esq. COLLECTION OF U. B. CERTIFI •-, CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS.—The ADAMS' EX- - PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and at-reasonable rates, the One Year Certificates of In debtedness of the United States now due or shortly ma= Wring. Terms made known and receipts glieen at the, office, No. 320 CHESNUT Street. my 6-13 SEWING MACHINES. SINGER & CO.'S "lAIETTER, A" FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, with all the new improvements— Hemmer;-.Braider, Binder, Feller, Tucker, Corder, Gatherer, do., is the - CHEAPEST AND ,BEST , of all Machines for FAMILY SEWING - AND LIGHT MAITUFACTUNING PURFOBBS: Bend for a PainPlalet 'and 'a coir ' Binger' Gazette.'! I. M. SINGER it CO:. No. 810 CHESTNIPPStreet, Philadelphia. , "OEIMER'STVORYTYPES ARE EXE -i-t, CTJTED and Colored- ia, an artistic and - pleasing manner._ They impress all with their natural appear ance and fresh, warm calming. SECOND Street, above . "n B MN RS . LIFESIZE . pHoTo.. -"JiaRAPHS, in oil. colors., are likenesses of:rare truth and 'beauty,. It' hit' hard to conceive 'DAM, agreeable, and ni,thntal pictures: See ,them, at SECONb Street; above ' Green - - - It". LOST ~OR STOLEN: ON. FRIDAY, ' „ I Jule' loth, . - OIYR THOIJSAND.,AND FiFIT-DOL LARS—moId, if not all in. Geverntrkent money, The ender -ost-11eldermilkhe suitably rewarded by returning the mousty to.the owner. Whose address can be obtained at thikoiniie. , : 3e16-3t 306:GROSS lON RAIWATER BOT. 300 grOlgl PO: Bottl,s. For sale by- - H7IE - 4. G.. W. BENNER I 3, roY3O-Im* Dyottvillelllaselrorks; or 917 B. : Front ". K • PATIINV BM X° BED; ? pArgirriplina Dityeretlly"acknowledird ferNeatneas;Vontfortotail Durability to be the:Stenesotbpring Med:: T4eabovesTe nieuttfieturii . l and for solo ' iaIICAM.TUU ,-4 1 i95-10 t: , ardl.f R VIR =Bloek Boettei ~„ PARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING • sw At £WQWALT &BROWNS. 111 d TOURTEfit, QHETLAND WOOL SHAWLS, NEW HoIoORTATION.—GEO. W. VOGEt., No. 1016 CHESTNDT Street. opens this morning ono case SHETLAND '_WOOL SHAWLS, comprising very fine finalities, all White,.with and withont fringe; also, some new and beautiful styles of colorings, adapted for the street, the country, and the sea-side. je9-6t* T_T ITN T E - R'S NEW STORE, 37 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. The ladle are respectfully invited to examine their well-selected stock of .MANTLES AND CLOAKS, Consisting of . Lace Shawls at $2.50; Lace Mantles from $3.50 to Silk - Sacques from e 8 to $lO Silk Circulars from $6 to $2O; Cloth ; Circulars from $ 5 to $l5. Also, Plain and Striped POPLINS, manufactured of the best materials; in the most stylish manner, and will be sole cheaper , than CAN BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. N. B.—Daily receiving the • most fashionable Dress Goods, at Cie9 •3 NORTH EIGHTS S FtS.R.T. H.J. WHITE. Captain THE PAWS CLOAK. AND MAN TILLA STONE, Northeast corner of EMITS and WALNOTolia4,opened with a LARylciswocK OF BERING GOODS, - MOST FASHIONABLE MAKS, and respectfully ask the early attention of ladies wieldnt CLOAKS ; AND MANTILLAS. IVENS & CO. - , No. 23 South NINTH Street, have now on hand an extensive assortment of --. SPRING STTLES, of the glued 4;:Witte% at the LOWEST PRICES. Ladies, do not fail to give us a call. BOYS'' MISSES', AND CHILDREN'S, CLOTHING, CLOAKS, dm, IN ENDLESS . VARIETY, AT LOW PRICES, • N 0.137 South EIGHTH Street. ap26-2m Three doors above Walnut. - 14ARGAIITS FROM. AUCTION. One lot ,of Blank and-White Plaids at 25 cents,worth .37%—a 'decided bargain. One lot of large•dgure Grenadine§ at 45 cents, worth 623 f cents. One lot of Lawns, fast colors, 18%. One lot of Bleached Muslims at . 15%• One lot of . Gingham Lawns at 373 g. worth 44. 0/"EN THIS MORNING, at JOHN B. sTWLES', je6 - 702 LECH Street, EDWIN HALL & Ca, 26 SQIITH SE COED Street, would call the attention "of the Ladies to their stock of Superior Black Silks. - wide Mantle Silks. . Black Corded Silks, Black Gros de Rhine. Black Billie. from $1 to $4. N. B.—Merchants in want of Black Silks are invited to examine our stock and prices jel3-tf. Y -ARD WIDE, 25 CENTS. - 800 pieces, yard wide; font colors. French figured... Brilliants. Chintz figures, choice designs. . Colored' and. White Grounds. sit aItPLBSS BROTHERS, jel3 • CHESTNUT, and BGHTH streets f I BENADINE SHAWLS. Black French Grenadine Shawls. DRESS . GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES.---H. STEEL Sr. SON, No, 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. are now closing out the balance of their stock of Poll de Cheyres, all Wool Delaines, Poplins, FrenchChallies, Delaines, Mozambique's, Taffeta &Etas, Lawns, French. English, and , American Chintzes, Deluges,. Silk Tissues, Silk Grenadines, Fancy Silks, and all kinds of Summer Dress Goods. at extremely low Prices. SUMMER SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. BAB° &INS IN BLACK SILKS: CHOICE STYLES PACIFIC LAWNS at 18.Nc. I lot 2'-yards square Table Cloths, Snow Drop and Damask, all L'Nen, at 51.10. jag THIN DRESS GOODS. 20 and 25 cent Lawn& 25-cent Challies and Mozambique& -Tint) solid-color Mozambiques. , Camels' hair black Bareges. ' , MODE WOOL DELAINES. A - chesii auction lot, 44 cents. Black Wool - Delaines, 50 and 60 cents. Lupin's double-width black Delanes. Mohair Checks and Plaids, in nolors. Black and Mohair Cheeks. 25 cent s. THlN SHAWLS for $2,.50, • - r :Whiteßarege Shawls. Thin Mantles, with Dresses to niatch. BLACK SILK MANTLES.' Handsome black Taffeta Mantle& FANCY CAnSIMERBS. Several new patterns. - Novel styles for young men. A mammoth stock, at moderate prices. COOPER & CONARD. ies-tf S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. 1776, 18 , 63. 3E. 1.4 A s rrr SILK FILLIGS-II BUNTING. FLLVS! BURGEES. PENANTS, UNION JACKS. STREAMERS. U U INT Ner RED, WRITE; AIM BLUE. EV4NS R EEASSAtAL. MILITARY FURNISHERS. • _ jelS-1m No. 418 ARCH STREET. Philadelphia; G. W. SIMONS BROTHER GOVERNMENT GOODS. Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Vane Mixed Twilled Flannela. Sky Blue Kersey& FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, & 00., - No. 'EEO CHESTNUT STREET. - ARMY 006DS. ' DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. - DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKI-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. -.ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WRIGHT, 10.0IINCE DUCK. - — DRILLS; STANDARD' WEIGEI. HEAVY , LINEN DRILLS AND DUOS. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. Jrpr. sale by • . . . • lIROTHINGHAIC.& WELLS. • . A ' s, . PATENT PARAFFINS' VARNISH. We hereby caution the Paint and 011 and Ship Chan dlery trade, and consurnen of our PATENT ,PARAP FINE VARNISH, against .purchasing from one J. B. ceased to of 119-FRONT or SA as he ceased to act as 'Agent for las, or SAMUEL PAGE & SON, of Boston, in Januarylast. He has imposed upon the trade and consumers a "mirth less imitation of our PARAFFINE VARNISH. commenc ing the deceitful and fraudulent practice previeue to our annulment of his MESSRS. RFLRITRT St CO. ok,24O•ARCH STREET , ARE THE ONLY AUTHORISED AGENTS - for the' sale of the PATENT PARAFFINS VARNISH in PHILADELPHIA, and any other parties representing themselves as such are imposters. All orders left with Masers. HIMBURT at CO.will be promptly attended to. - Our Varnish fully sustains its well-earned reputation as a durable. quick- drying. brilliant and eeonomical application for unpartinga glossy black coating on Wood or Iron: ' • _ GEO. S. PAGE , 130 MAID EN LANE New York, • je6.lm if And 111 SMITH'S WHARF, Baltimore. TEE KING. AND THE PAGES; OR THS Q. iaoz, BRILLIANT.. aiomeicK . without any: "kitmer." Speciallyyrritten by JOHN PAqi.A2YFINE, GENT " For the benefit of the In calling the attention of 'thepablie this' ffair on SLACK PARAFFIN VARNISH; " the subscribers; have only time to say that it is 'very in teresting tothose interested, and unworthythe attention of any body , else, further rhea it being therefatation of a lie over the signature of George 13.1? age &' Fox; Eastern, , Verniali•Teddlers siMplY,'''becania-theyobject ter one, `,manufacturing and selling a Varnish in Philadelphia; every way, superior,lor one-halt the - money than their, called Patent Thlrlifilne Varnish An 7 one Drefer 2ll 4l ;Pages r to; oura, can . buy it '9f Us,:With 4 sworn' bide: - and. half dozen other parties in town, withrout Patting' us to expense; 25 cents alderman fees. ' As the trade of Philadelphia; who have so liberally patronized nssince7anuarriest, have been thoroughly aware of wh at - theY were 'buying, it is not supposed that they will be led )sy" Page's Appeal" to Pay . extra ,pricey extra , freight, extra' . - cartage, extra, ,- paskage nioney, for an article in New York, when they can buy - Abe c/..P.'.lftoP' BRILLIANT at home, at less purchase money,,,withent „these „charges, a better quality . , any more than a Painter would :. pay for turi7kMtine, atits pre- sent price when . benzine answers his purpose. ,persoas, wanting . tage's Varnish,f.rixiding in distant „ portions of the city, - can to ' furnished irildr the, names of parties in.their,Lgcality, , :free: of IshireleAy applying 139 note tnthisbffies. .•J. N. McMr tt Ile& 130. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Bleee. • and Bright Var nish, Tar, Pitch, Itctcht, Benzine. r‘aptha, &c . &c.. ie&tf ID).`..iouth FRONT Street, RETAIL DRY GOODS, REDJJCTION IN PRICES OF RICH PARIS MANTILLAS. ALSO. OF LIGHT ZEItHYR CLOTH CLOAKS, SUITABLE FOR THE WHOLE SUMNER. J. W. -PROCTOR do CO.. je6 lm if No. 926 CHESTNUT STREET. SUM-MER GOODS. An-wool DoMines ' Silks for Mantles. Figured Bareges. Grenadine Shawls. Cloths for Cloaks. Table and Piano Covers. Calicos and Chintzes, Very cheap fast colors. Yard-wide English Prints. Men's end Boys' Wear. All reduced in jelfqf CBESTggraLn7ll.47lgPstßets Colored - Borders, price St Also; Chith Mantles, Silk Cloaks. Barege.and Span Silk Shawls. - Light Woolen Plaid and Llamas._ SHARPL'ESS BROTHERS, jel3' CHEbTIVUT and EIGHTH streets MILITARY GOODS. BANSOMSTREET:HALL PHILADELPHIA,. MANUFACTURERS OF lEWELET.' FINE SWORDS, AND MUTANT GOODS, IE EVENT VARIETY. M134.16in VARNISICESe, C A U 0 N ! TRADE, With all. the Co'riespiondence, Contracts ; &c,.. and Caricatures in Mask, . Carious 11. OIL Esc; NEW P111110:4 CATIONS. TBE FUNNIEST BOOK OF THE SIABOPT. ' NOW READY": THE LIFE. OPINIONS, ACTION:4, AND - ME 017 HILRONIMUS JOBS, THE CANDIDATE+ A grotesqneco, comico, heroic poem, from the (V:nu. by Charla 4 T. Brooks, translator of "Faust," "'lltan," etc., 1 vol. 1600., printed on tinted laid paper, cloth, red edpa, or top gilt Price d 1.25. Throughovt, begf wring end, and middle, Adorned with woodeut4neat as a fiddle, 'A gay historic, neat and tents. Writ in new fashion, doggerel veree." HEINE'S PICTURES OF TRAVEL. Translated by Charles Leland; fourth revised edition, 1 voL 12m., cloth. Price $1.50. READY ON THE :ZOTEI: - - - - - LEYPOLDT'S FOREIGN LIBRARY. Vol. I. Cont.: "Who Breaks Pay 5." A novel by the author of " Cou sin Stella," " Skirmishing," etc 1 vol. ISmo., Paper. Price 50 cents - In Preis: " SKIRMISHING." A novel by, the author of'' Who Breaks PASS." Ivol 16ino Pamr 50 coats. F. LEYPOLDT, Publieher, Bookseller, and Importer. 13:43 CHESTNUT Street. jel6-3t NEWBOOKS.- Just received by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., .715 an? 717 MaRILET St , set. SUBSTANCE AND SHADOW; or, Morality and Reli gion. &c. By Henry James. WEAK LUNGS, and How to Make them Strong. By Dio Lewis, M. D. . THE CASTLE'S HEIR. By Mrs. Henry Wood. HISTORY OF THE SUPERNATURAL. By William Howitt. 2 vole. AMERICANS IN ROME. By Henry P. Leland. -LILIAN. A Tale. - AT ODDS. By the Baroness Tauthphons, author of "Quits " OUT-BOOR PAPERS. BYThomas Wentworth Mg ginson. WARRINGTON. By the Author ." Rutledge. " PRAOTICAL WORKS. - WETHER ILL ON THE MANUFAC rtrRE OF VINEGAR. PEISSE ON PERFUMER Y. BEASLEY'S DhUGGISTS , RECEIPT BOOK,"iiliw edi tion. PIGGETT ON COPPER MINING, ORES, &c. OVERMAN'S MINERALOGY, MINING, &c. BRAN STEWS HANDBOOK OF PRACTICAL RE: CEIPTS WYTIFE'S MICROSCOPISTS' MANTIAL. MORFIT'S CHEMICAL MANIPULATIONS. Published and for sale by , LINDSAY & ELAKISTON. Publishers and Booksellers. iel3 25 SOUTH SIXTH street. above CHESTNUT. GOOD BOOKS FOR SUMMER READING MALLEN, PUBLISHER, 1308 CHESTNUT SE EASTERN TALES 90c. HOW TO ENJOY LIFE', 90c. A MAN, OR THE HIGHER PLEASURES OF THE INTELLECT $1.25 THE SKELETON MONK • 1.00 ECHOES OF ; EUROPE, WORD PICTURES OF TRAVEL /7;60 EUROPEAN LIFE LEGEND AND LANDSCAPE..• LOO OLD MACKINAW.... / 1.00 A 14... THE NEW BOOKS. ja2-3t iIitEFORE GOING -TO'TRE COUNTRY buy yonr NOTE PAPER and ENVELOPES of CHAL LEN, and have your initials stamped. Also, Pens, Pencils jo and all kinds of Stationery. CHALLEN, Stationer, 1308 CHESTNUT. BIIFFORD'S 'DRAWING-ROOMP.IIO- TURES. —Royal Imperial and Card Photographs, Portraits of Roseerans, 'Stonewall Jackson," &c, &c. CHALLEN, Sole Agent, 130 S CHESTNUT. B oors FOE CLERGYMEN, FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS, AND FOR THE PEOPLE. New Books received as soon as ont. Any Book not on our shelves will be obtained at the shortest notice. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. from all the principal manu facturers, at the lowest prices. . " • 11 , • • Ai 1224 CHESTNUT Street. " ielG-tiY3 NEW BOOKS! NEW. BOOKS! A HISTORY OF THE INTELLECTUAL DEVELOP MENT OF EUROPE. By. John W. Draper, H. D., LL. THE EXCISETAX LAW. Approved July 15t,1862, ith the Amendments. By Chas. F. Estee. $1.50. SOUTHERN HISTORY: The First. Year of the War. By Pollard, of Richmond. $2. FRANK WARRINOTON. By the author of Rutledge, &c SL2O. MARIAN GRAY: OR; THE HEIRESS OF REDSTONE :ALL. By Mrs. Mary J. Holmes. $1.25. - LILIAN. $l. - LIFE AND LETTERS OF WASHINGTON IRVING. y hie nephew, P. M. Irving; vol. 3d. $1.50. LEAVES FROM THE DIARY OF AN ARMY - SURf 'BON. By Thos. T. Ellie, M. D.. $l. HARPER'S HAND BOOK FOR TRAVELLERS IN UROPE AND THE EAST. By W. P. Fetridge. $2 75. OUT-DOOR PAPERS. By T. W. Higginson. $1.25. For sale by WM. S. Si ALFRED Ma.RTIEN. ie5..666 CHESTNUT Street. TIAZA.RD'S BOOKSTORyi, 754 ONESTNITT STREET. Zehveen Seventh and Eighth Streets. - dll Books usually to be bad Int FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on our shelves AT. THE' LOWEST , PRICES GENTS ) FURNISHING GOODS. G 4 l yl. -NE T IRINO VESTS, SHIRTS, WHITE GOODS AND STAPLE EMBROIDERIES. , The subscribers offer at reAuced prices a very large _and choice .aseertment of the alitove-named descriptions of goods, to which they respectfully invite the attention of buyers:, SHEPPARD, VAR HARLINGEN. & ARHISON, je/-mwfaitif 100 S CHESTNUT Street. 606. ARCH STREET. 666. FINE ,SHIRT AND WRAPPER DEPOT. ♦N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OP 611;NTS' FURNISHING GOODS ' - , AT MODERATE PRICES. YOUR PRENLIFMS AWARDED FOR SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, AND STOCKS. G. A. HOFFMANIg, Snoceloor to W. W. KNIGHT. 606 ARCH ,STREET. 606. ap6-mws3m CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. BROTHERHEAD'S CIROITLA- T '• TING LIBRARY. —All the NEW English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is tLe ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ,ENGLIsH BOOKS that are not RE PRINTED Terms F*6 per year ; elx months IS; three months 81.60 • one month 76 cents, or S cents per . day, 218 SontiCEIGIITH Btreet. • mht7-3m EDUCATION. MISS MARY E. THROPP -WILL .RE open her English and French 'Boarding and Day School for Young Lathes, at 1841 CHESTNUT Street, on the 14th of September. For circulars; until Septem ber Ist. apply at the Sunday-school Times, 14S South FOURTH street, Phila., or address Miss Thropp at Val ley Forge, Penna. • myls-4m* THE NEW -GYMNASTICS:-GEN TLEMEN.desirous of receiving INSTRUCTION in the System of DR. DIO LEWIS are requested to call at No. 11 Wa abington Building. South THIRD Street. on TUESDAY, June 16, between 12 and 1 or 3 and 4. jel3-3t* INSURANCE COMPANIES. VAME TNSUBANCE COMPANY, NO. 406 CHESTNUT StreA. "_ - - PHILA_DELPHIA.. FIRE AND INL AND -IRE:MAIM& DIRECTORS. I E. D. Woodruff, 1 Goo. A. West, 1 - John Kessler, Jr., Chas. Stokes A. H. Rosenholm, Joseph D. Ellis. BUCK. President. [CHARDSON, Vice Presiden t Sp. Secretary. ~. Ejald-ifti Francis N. Buck, Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., John W. Everman, Philip S, Justice, O. W. Davis, FRANCIS N cEABLEB•SI IFDAAAXL-BLANCHA: MEDICAL. NOTICE.HJUMELLE'S COMPOUND SYRIIP OF DOCK: If yon have a Cough, the best remedy in use is SU MILLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP,OF DOCK. Asa purifier of the blood, it has no equal. - - Per sale by the Proprietor - . at NO. 1525 MARKET Street, And all the principal Druggists. TO . FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE . RURAL DISTRICTS. . We are prepared. as heretofore, to suPpli Families at their Conntry Residences with • - , EVERY DESCRIPTION OP FINE GROCEAIES, TEAS , &O. - • ALBERT C. ROBERTS, myrt-tr COINER ELEVENTH AND VINE; STS. PRIMER'S PORTRAITS 'HAVE A wide-spread reputation. - All who examine his life size Photographs in Oil Colors admit their superiority over other Portraits. Reduced prices. SECOND Street, above Green. TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS . —SEALED PROPOSALS; endorsed "Proposals fete. Building a Public School House in the First ward." wil be received by the undersigned at the Office, S. E. cot.= ner of SIXTH and ADELPHI Streets. until MONDAY,'. Jane 22,1563, at 12'o'clock M.for building a Public ,School House on lot Sarthwestcorner of TWENTIETH and CATHARINE Streets.' - Said School House to be built in accordance with the plans of Edward Derang, Architect; to be seen at the office of the Board-. No bid considered unless aecorapanied by a certificate from the Ml... Solicitor, that the provisions of an ordinance approvea May 25,1860, have - been com plied with. Six thodsand dollars have been appropriated for the erection of said building; including Architect's fees. By order of the Committed - on Property. , JAMES D. CAMPBELL, - Sec'y. Controllers Public Schools. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, corner of "U" and TWENTY. SECOND Streets. WASHINGTON, D. June 8. 1863. Will be sold at Auction, on WEDNYADAY, June 24th, at the - Coral, near Observatory, a lot of Condemned HORSES and MULES, the property of the United States. Terms cash in Government Panda . Sale to commence at 10 A. M. • C. H-TOMPRINS, : jelo-121 . Capt., A. Q: u. CR°SSE &BLACKWELL'S ENGLISH PICKLES. —4 fall assortment, consisting of' • Chow Chow. . Gherkins. Mixed PleklOs. Cauliflower. Onions... Qaartaandipinta. - Also, C. 80:Durham Ifustaid,lbs. And: half lbs. For sale by RHODES & .W.ELLIAMS, is/.3 - - • 107 Smith WATER &reek „ • • 625 131.0 r 'LDTHOAP . „ a-:; C 0.,. 62 „ .• Sfonnfactnrers 'of ; Tassels Cords, 'Fringes, ennoble. :Ant' Fugn3tnre Climps;-Crirtain Loops,Centre'lligsle: e 7 Picture and Photograph Tassoi, • •Bliad Trimraingc Mifitary and , Dress Tr Ribbons Neck Ti... , etc:, etc:, , • 31 - O.L 6915-MAIrKET Street 1 ,1m341-ers , PhAsdelfible: pENSIONS: —sloo .'BOUNTY: ANTI PAlrprocared and coll. tor " Soldiers; Sailors. and the relatives of mu&aa are deceased; at ;reasonable sad satisfactory rake. Soldiers who, hays aerved two pearl; and all soldiers Who Dave been dieclutriod 'reason of vroandareeetted in tattle; are 'taw entitled to the $lOO bormtv •.01,nd the letter. also. to a pension; JAMS FIELTOII. Solicitor for Claimants. ' - _ 4114 WALEirr wrist. - . FAIAILIES ... . AND.. HOTELS IMSIRT.N.G a really choice and delicate HAM should , aslrcifor the F. WHITTAKETLIONB.A ed.'s. St. Lents. sugar ,,iiiired. They have no,superiorinianymarket. , For site by all the principal grocers, and wholesale only by their agents. - TACK & BRO.. Brokers. iny'S-frewlza '1321 WALNUT Street. 86( - ) A MONTH]—WE WkNT AGENTS at no a month, expeneee paid, to sell our Everlasting'Penciia, Oriental Burners, and /Bother new articles. /6 circulars free. SHAW & CLARK, .my6-3md&W Biddeford. Maine. WANTED. TO PURCHASE FOR Aral- CASH--in a central and pleasant location. a well built Residence, with all the modern. convenienceS. Price from BS7,CCO to 812,000 D.. S, C/tDVTAL &DER., 108 Sonth FOURTH Street. N. B. —Well•secured ground rents. and mprtgagee for Hale. - ie l 6 et. al DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE.—FHELADELpHiA, Feb. 9, 113 M VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry co-AL to the following points: • Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria,. Va. SEA BATHING.-CONGRESS HALL, LONG BRANCH, N. J.. is - now open for the season. Tbe above House bas been enlarged to over double its former size since last year,with all the modern improve ments and conveniences of a first class Rouse. and com plete in every department. jel3-6t* WOOLMAN STOKES. Proprietor. sOIITH MOUNTAIN HOUSE ) r•--' INDIAN SAND SPRINGS, WOMELSDONF STATION, Berks county, Pa The above honse is now open for the reception of visitors and boarders, Terms, $7 per week; children and nurses half price. 'JOHN KANDER B AGE, INDIAN SAND SPRINGS. jel2-18t Barks comity, Pa.,, "UTE RATA MOTTNTAIN-SP.B.INGS -LA This delightful Resort will open for visitors on the 10th day of 'JUNE. Cars leave Eleventh and Market streets, Philadelphia, st 7.30 A.lll. via Columbia. Fare. $2.25. Round-trip Tickets, $3 15, , good for ten days. Terms—Transient, $2 per day; Two. Weeks,. or the Sea son, $lO per week • Children and servants, half price. Horses at livery, s4'psr week. For particulare see Cir culars, to be had at this office, or address U. S. NEWCOMER, Ephrata Mountain Springs, • ieo-lm Lancaster co., Pa. SURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC. CITY, New Jersey, N17)1,L BE OPENED ON JUNE 18th. good Band of Music has been engaged. Those who wish to engage Rooms will Please addrecc B. S. 138NSON.Surf }louse Atlantic City, N. J. jeB-2m UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J., Is now open for the reception of visitors. Can be reached. by Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad from foot of VINE Street. B. A. SHOEHAKER. ie6.lm* CRESSON EPRINGS.--THIS .D E- N-J maitTrut SUMMER RESORT, immediately on the line of the Central P. R. R., located on the summit of the Allegheny Mountains, 2,311 feet above the level of the eea, will be open for the recersion of visitors on the lath day of June, 18R3, and will be kept open until the let of October. FOR FAMILIES, The water and air at th is point possess superior attrac tions. Tbe analyses made in the laboratory of Professors Booth, Garrett, and Cameo, of Phila lelphia, show the existence of valuable mineral elements, the • waters of some of the springs being of the iron or chalybeate class, and others containing saline or aperient salts. Pare .mountain water abounds; and the guests will also be - supplied with mineral waters from other springs, snakes Blue Lick, Bedford. and Saratoga Waters. Ample facilities for bathing have 'been provided, new plunge and douch baths erected, and Hot and Cold Bathe can at all times he obtained. The grounds, walks, &e., have been highly improved, and are of a varied and pleturesque character. There is at Cresson Springs a Telegraph Office and two daily mails from Philadelphia and Pittsburg and inter mediate points. Excursion Tickets can be obtained at the'Office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. ;PACIFIC HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, is now open for the accommodation of boarders.- This house is located on North Carolina'avenne,and has fine 4,nd commodious rooms. Terms reasonable. WILLIAM CONOVER., je4-12t° - Proprietor. W", HITE HALL.-HAVING HAD IF I - the above place put in good condition, it Is now ready to receive guests for the summer, and every effort will be made to rende.talsitors comfortable. Take cars at P. R. B. Depot, lllRrventh and Market, for WHITS HALL STATION ; six daily trains; or address R. H. BE NETT, White Hall Station, P. R. K OARD AT SARATOGA:SPRINGS. = B WASHINGTON HALL (late Mrs. Mason's), so long and favorably known to vis , tors at the timings,- IS NOW OPEN for the rqception of kuests. The house is large, delightfully situated on SWIM/WAY. between the CONGRESS and EMPIRE SPRINGS, and is surrounded by ample and beautifully shaded 'rounds. Table first class—and the rooms well adapted for families and large parties of friends. For further particulars address WASHINGTON HALL, SARATOGA SPRINGS." jet-1m BEDFORD - POPII LAR. SUMMER RESORT will be opened for the ac commodation of visitors on 10th of June, and will be kept open until Ist of October. The Hotel will be under the charge of an experienced Manager, and every arrangement has been made to give entire satisfaction to guests. • The Bedford Railroad will be completed in a few days to Mount Dallas Station,634 , miles east of. Bedford, and -from.that point passengers will be conveyed to. - the. Springs in first class coaches. • Ample arrangements have been made to supply dealers and individuals with BEDFORD MINERAL WATER, in well:steamed casks, at the following rates, rat the Spring: For Barrel . Half Barrel •2 DO _ All orders addressed to E. L. L. ANDERSON, BED, FORD, promptly filled, and Water sent to any part of the country. It is desirable that particular directions be given for marking barrels. Persons wishing rooms, and any information concern ing the Springs,will please address the Proprietors, Bed-. ford Springs. BEDFORD, May 28 1883, TTOWLAND'S HOTEL, -A-A-- LONG BRANCH, N. J., Will be opened on the-20th day of JIItTE next. Can be reached by Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad, from foot VINE Street. my,93-Im. HOWLAND, RERI3ENV, & CO. L ADIES N- AND GENTLEMEN - CAN be accommodated by the subscriber with good BOARD, commodious Rooms, newly furnished, at Landsdale Hotel, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, Doylestown Junction. Plenty of shade. nearby- Ad dress, P. D. BARTH, LANDSDALE P. 0., my3o-Im* Montgomery county, SUMMER BOARDING-BROAD-TOP MOUNTAIN HOUSE.—A romantic spot for a SUM MER RESIDENCE, on one of the Mountain Tope of Penn sylvania, reached daily by the Pennsylvania Central Road and the Broad-Top Mountain Railroad from Hunt ingdon. The House M one of the finest in the interior of the - State, handsomely furnished, with all the requisites for comfort and convenience. Pure air, delicious spring 'water, water, romantic scenery, and everything to restore and invigorate health. Telegraph station and a daily mail, so that daily communication mak be bad with Philadel phia. .The Pennsylvania Railroad will furnish excur sion tiekel s through the season. Persons leaving Phila delphia, in the morning can take tea at the. MOUNTAIN HOUSE the same evening. The subscriber has kindly been allowed to refer to the following gentlemen (residents of Philadelphia) who have been patrons of the MOUNTAIN HOUSE: - Wm. Cummings;-Esq., Lewis T. Wattson, Esq., Hon. Henry D. Moore, ' Richard. I). Wood, Esq., Dr. Walter Williamson. G. W Fahnestock, Esq.. Dr. E. Wallace, Algernon S. Roberts, Esq., David P. Moore, Esq., Edward Roberts, ESQ. Terms moderate. For further information, address JOSEPH MORRISON. Proprietor, BROAD TOP CITY, . Huntingdon comity, Pa. -I also have leased the well-known JACKSON HOUSE, in Huntingdon, which will be fitted up in complete or der, and kept under my care. -The very beet accommo , - dation will be kept, and prompt attention given at rea sonable rates. It is located near the Pennsylvania-Rail road and Broad-Top Railroad depots, which. makes it a. desirable point for persons travelling to add from Bedford Springs and Broad-Top Mountain House. my'N-tf NO_ 22] CHESTNUT STREET , . The Second Floor and, Upper - Lofts of this spacious building will be for rent on JULY ht. PossessiOn may be had, if requir6d, at au earlier day. Apply to 111 TO RENT-BRICK HOUSE, QUEEN-STREET-WHARF. ' Apply to COOPER dr CO:, jelo-6V! ' No. 135 South wATER, Street. el PEREMPTORY ':SALE-BY THOMAS & SONS. Juner 23d. at ' the Philadelphia Exchange, HANDSOME RESIDENOB; No. 505 South NINTH Street. Lot 20 feet 4 inches by 198' feet deep, to a twenty-feet.wide street. A substantial brick stable and coach-bonse, in the rear, on said street. > The premises may be examined any day , previous to sale from 9 to 1 GERMANTOWN PROPERTY.- Aga A LARGE HOUSE, with SX acres of LAND, in Church lane, Willow avenue and Armat street, near Church Lane Station and Germantown. The house is very conveniently and comfortably built On a rock, -vely - dry and healthy; has Chilean's furnace, gas. hydrant water—hot and cold—throngh the honse, bath room, winter and summer kitchen, with ranges, a well of excellent water, porches on two sides of the house, &c.; a good stone stable,' with hydrant water, large lawns, and ornamental grounds, with fine large old trees and shrubbery; a large and excellent kitchen garden, which can be divided Into building lots. Five or ten thousand dollars can remain on mortgage. The place will be shown by Mr. Thomas Mellor: re siding thereon. - -Will be sold by K Thomas & Son. at. : the Merchants' Exchange. TUESDAY. June SAt, at 12 o'clock. • efi TO LET—A, OOMM.O.DIOUB =RLDWELLING, No. 132 North FRONT. Street. Rant moderate. Apply to WETHIBILL & BRO., 0c27-tf 41 and 49 North SECOND Street. TO CONTRACTORS FOR WHITE -A- OAK TIDIDER—For sale in Sussex County. Del., about 100 White-Oak Trees, from 18 inches in diameter upwards, of excellent quality. Per further information address jelb•St* No. 246 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. - T'OR SALE-THE STOOK GOOD . :will. and Fixtureslof a small Trimming Store in a central part of the city. Address " H. E.." Box 1345 Post Office. • • . COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS of all numbers and brands. Raven's Du s k Awning Twills, of all descriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Trunk, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from 1 to 6 feet wide.. Tarpaulin, Bolting. Bail Twine, &o. JOHN W. BP MAN. St CO., 102 JONIRS' Alley. REGG .& CO.'S NEWLY INVENTED G METALLIC REVRIGIRATOR,IsoId bywnicorg a BURNHAM, 121 •CHESTNITT Street, is the meat beautiful and economical Refrigerator ever presentodita the qublic....Thie is a combination of liefrigeraton as Water. Cooler, and requires very little more ioe'for both than ienenerally need for the Cooler alone. mtelkallseff a% DR. -FINE; PRACTICAL: , DEN . TIST for the last twenty years,' 21St TINA: St.; below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH or the age, mounted on fine Gold, Platina, Silver Atulassitte, Coralite, Amber, be., at prices. for neat &AI substantial .Nvork,, more reasonable than any'dentist uitbda city; or .State. :Teeth plugged to last for lifs. '.Arktilhalsa Teeth repaired - to suit. eXt.seetine: 'No ehokges until satisfied all Is}right. Referease, beatleardlies. TURTLE AND . CLAM S UP -um ,will. lieLt9rvoil Einndays exceptl ipi r , JAMES.PRPSOKK. No. giIM XARKET.St. myls YE AND . EAR. J..ISA LOSE; D.v - Ocaliat -, ando-Aurist. , firmerly of Leyden.. Holland; now at "-No:; , Ml rani Street. where" persona' 4111licted.with:Ailleases of-the Bye and'Bar will bOacien. Lineally treated, and cared. if curable. Artificial Byes inserted without pain. N. B.—No charge wade for eye mivatiou. Sel-3m WANTS. AGENTS WANTED.-FOR IN formation, address " 0 8., " Philadelphia. cc.tith.P. 0. stamp, for Circular, or call at 44 South SEVENTH Street,. .iels-90 WANTED -WRITING , OF ANY kind, al'Copying to do. Address ".19" land," P O. . WANTED oLop - FrINGL,PERSONS bg - trlng Clothing to dlepoee of will please call or address C. MILLER, 203 CHESTNUT st.mtil6-marfam• DEPOT OF ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE: corner et Seventemith greet and Penn erylvania avenue. Waabinsrton. D. C. +A IL MAKES wanted to work at repairing Tents, +2...M per day Will be paid to good workmen. - .ArmlY to . Capt. DANIEL G. THGPM+S. ie2.61 M. S. H. U. S. Army. A BOOK-KEEPER OF MANYYEA.R3' experience is open for a new al tuation. Satisfactory references Own. Addrees Box 19£38 - ..r. O. $75 A MONTH r-I WANT TO HIRE AGENTS iso every county at $76 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sawing Ma chines. Address S. MADISON, my6-3ma&W Alfred, Maine. b - Port Royal, S. C. A. BOYD, felo4 Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. SUMMER RESORTS. For farther information apply. to GEO. W. MITLLITT. Cresson Springs, Cambria Co., Pa. FOR SALE AND TO LET. D. LANDRETH'Sc SON, 23 South_SlXT'll StrePt ury6tt AMUSEMENTS. NEW CHESTNUT - STREET TEEL. TEE.—Lessee and Rammer...Mr. W. WHIATLiIt. EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT. EngagemenDfbTaNßlßßED r i AR f U TE . AND PHILADELPHIA. FAVORIT& MRS D. P BOWERS, MRS. D. P. BOWERS, huts. D P. B. , WIRS, MONDAY EVENING. June 15, IMB, , entitled the in a DYnlfatizaton of Mist Braddon's popular weld og LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET. ftISTERY OP AUDLEY COTGIT. This &amens version was prepared el. - measly f or ictrtr f Bowers by .rtvrtr BROUGB AM, Es rt. ox e of the most extle.sefal as welt as prolific drametistil of the present age. The play will be ',wed , upon The stage with that de gree of care and attergion which has marked the-produc , lion - of . every dramatirwerk eine. , the operalg of this theatre In order to re.gder the- re9.6 7 0,1e of tir e- play ' highly effective, and to fzenre the proper artistiv inter pretation of the author's meaning. the fbllo wing distill, enished artistes - have beer , expresa enga ge s occasion: The favorite actor, MR. L. P. BARTLETT. The celehr tied character acro7. MR CHARLES WagATLEIGg e The; Philadelphia favorite. MR. J. McCULLO . Pei formanze commences at El—toilet:4es atmtraw c k.. Seats out he secured three days in .adhance. NEW CRESTIC DT. STREET IWE A:- 4- TFLE.--Leaces and Manager—Mr. W WHEB2FLEY.- Engagement of the celebrated AmericaTAOtrEitta. MRS. D. P. BOWSbB. On. MONDAY EVENING. June IN MB: , First time In this city in .joho BronghanfetNeW Seriett.. - tiOnal Play. written expresslyfor Mrs. BOW,III entitled:l. TBE MYSTERY OF AIIDLEY COUFfe.' from Miss Bra ddatt's novel of Lady Andley's Bc,rtet; Lady And ley: Mrs D. P. PalttilyEßS.: Robert Andley L. P. Barrett:. George Talboys _ J McCniJongh. Lnke Marks .Charles Wheatteigh,. - Alicia Andley Mrs . S . Barrett. Ph csbe Markc ' Miss A. Rayrsoadi- ACT I.—"BEFORE.TBE STORM." ACT YEAR AFTEa." ACT II —"TB E AVENGE THE MYSTERY SOLVED Curtin rises at 8 o'clock. IRLEVENTH-STREET OPERAHOUSE, -A- 4 ELEVENTH Street, above CHESTNUT. UNBOUNDED SUCCESS! HOUSESCROWDEDI THIRD WEEK Of the Great Moral Drama. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. . . Mr. T. WEIN as Mule Tont, Miss JOHNSON as Topsy. Miss MARY ArBECKET as Aunt Ophelia. Little Miss PLACE ag.... .. .... ... —.The Gentle En.- Sappprted by a fall Dramatic Comny. - - Admission 25 cents. Secured seats l cents extra. MATINEE cents. Commence at 8 o'clock. EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON. M 5. PENN SYLVANIA. ACADEMY OF E FINE MITS. 1025 -CHESTNUT STREET: , THE FORTIETH APINII&I. EXHIBITION IS NOW OPEN, From 9 - till T P. H., and from 8 till 10 P. N. Admission; 26 cents. Season Tickets. 50 cents. • - .A.u.nnaliTiekets;'. One Dollar. Stockholders. =Artists' and Contrilmtors'wM receive their Tickets at the Office. myB-N RAILROAD LINES. 1863. NE A V AN Y a r zll ßK LINES.IB63 THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA. AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES - FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. FROM WALEI3T-STRBET --WHARF AND NEBEINOTON =ref. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: V At 6A. M. via Camden and Amboy. (1 and A. Ac- AAL commodation 111 At 6A. M. via Camden and Jersey CitY. (N. .T. Aso . commodation).ll AtMail A_ M.. via. Camden and Jersey City, Morning At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Claes el Ticket - ' 2 111 At 11 A. bl.. via Kensington and Jersey City, Ex- A 'l2 N.. via Camden and Amboy, C. and. A. S tress Accommodation 2 * At 2P. 6L, via Camden and Amboy, C. and A.. Ex press - At 3P. N., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wash. and New York Express - •- CO At OK P. EL, via Kensington and Jersey' City, Bye ming Mail 01 At 11X P. M., via Kenaington and Jersey City. South ern Mail 011 At I,K (Night). via Kensington and Jersey City, Southern Express " S OS At 6P. M., via Camden and Amboy. Accommoda tion. (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket. 2 Do. . 2d Class d 0... • MI The 636 P. N. Eveni ng Mail and L3O (Night) SOuthere Express will run daily ; all others Sundays excePted. For. Water Gap, Stroudsburg Scranton, Wilkesbarre. Montrose, Great Bend. &c., at 7 10 A. N. from Kensing ton Depot.' via Delaware. Lackawanna, and Western. Railroad. For blanch Chunk. Allentown. Bethlehem. Belvidere. Easton, Lambertville, Flemington. &e., at 710 A. K. from Kensington Depot. and 3.30 P. M. from Walnut street Wharf (The 7.10 A. N. Ins conn.cts with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk at 3.26 P. N.) For Mount Holly, Ewansville. and Pemberton, at 6A. IL, 2 and 4%P. M. For Freehold. at 6 A. M. and 2P. _ WAY LINES_ For Bristol. Trenton. Arc., at 710 and 11 A. M and 5 P. M.. from Kensington, and 23i P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. For Palmyra, Riverton, Deleateo. Beverly. Burlington. - Florence, Bordentown. &c., 6A. N., 12 . run3o. 4.te". and 6P. M.---The 3.30 and 43 4 P. M. M ines direct through to Trenton. Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate stations, at 2% P. 31. from Walnut street wharf. .11141 e• For New York and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on -the arrival of each train ran from the 'Depot. Fifty Pounds otEagicage Onlyallowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited' from taking anything as' bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra: The Company limit their arn B OLrba gtoCneaPB or da cno liablefor anyamount D olla r 01erceita special contract. 25th. 1863. - WAS. H. GATEM6.II, Agent. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA. WILL LEAVE. FROM FOOT OF 00ETLANDT STREET, At 12 M. and 4 P. M., via Jersey City and. Camden. At 7 and 10 A. M., 6. 7%, and 1134 P. M. via Jersey Caw sad. Kensington. From foot of Barclay street at 6A. N. and R IT. N., via Amboy and Camden. - From Pier No. 'North river,"at 1 and 6P. M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. 1a1541 _s FOR THE SEA -. SHORE!! SUMMER ARRANGEMF,NT. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, Junelsth, 1853, trains for At... Tante. City wilrieaye Yine.street Ferry as follows: Rail train leavea - 7.30 A.. ExpresUtrain leaves 3.46-P. M. Freight train, - with - passenger car attached:, 9.00 A. M. Returning, leayes Atlantic City : Mail train ' 435 P. EL Express train CO A. H. Freight train 12.05 P. IL Fare to Atlantic. $2. Round-Trip Tickets, good-for the day and train only, or down on Saturday and UP 011. Monday morning, $3. • . An Accommodation Train to R. and D. B. R.R. Junc tion will leave Vine street at 5,15 P. M. ; returning next morning at 6.1.5 - - 'EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Vine street at 10.16 A. M. and L 45 P. M. Leave Haddonfield at 12.15 P. M. and 3 P. JNO. G. BRYANT. Agent_ „;•,..tmmea CAPE MAY. OFFICE CAPE MAT AND MIDI:VILLE R. E CD., 4(b Walnut Street, Janel 2, 1813. FURTHER. OPENING. . . . On and after MONDAY, the 22d of June, the cars will ran upon this road to the Dennisville Station. leaving - Walnut-street ferry at 9 o'clock A. M.,' in the West Jer sey cars The cars will ran from Cape May Court House to Cape May, rednein g the d if. tense by stage to lane miles. jel3-tf C. B. DUNGAN, President. amelplige PHILADELPHIA. AND LONG BRANCH VIA CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AND RARITAN AND DI LAWARE BAY RAILROAD. On and after Monday, Jane 15th. and until farther no tice. passenger trains will leave Vine-street Ferry at 7. 39 A. M.. arriving at Long Branch at 11.10 A. M. . . Returning, leaves Long Branch at 3.35 P. M. arriving at Philadelphia at 7.43 P. M. ssonaers landed close to the Hotels. NI B.—Excursion parties will be carried on liberal terms. Apply to L. B. COLE, "Agent at the Depot. Cooper's Point. BENJ. S PRONG, Assistant Superintendent. LONG BRANCH EXPRESS.-THYO •-•-• Philadelphia Local Express Company will ran a Daily Express to Long Branth, checking laaggage through from residences in , :Philadelphia, to be delivered, at all the botels. &WNWWEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD, VIA MEDIA.. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. . On and after MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1863, the trains will leave Philadelphia, from the depot. Northeast corner or Eighteenth and Market' streets, at 7.50 and 10.36 A. L. and at 2, 4.30, and 6 55P. M.. . . . . „ On TiIESD aTS and FRIDAYS a train will leave WB3T CHESTER at 6.60 P. IC -Returning, leave Philadelph* Trains leave the corner of Thirti first and Maria. streets (West Philadelphia)l7 minutes after the starthW time fromyiehteenth and Market. . . On SUNDAYS leave Philadelphia at 8 A. AG and 't P. M.: .Leave. West Chester at 7 50'A: M. and SP. M. '. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.50 A. AL and 4.367 - P. AL connect at Pennelton with trains on the P. ant B. C.ll. R. for Concord. Kennett, Oxford, &c. jel-tf ' - HENRY WOOD. Superintendent, THE PHILADELPHIA, AND EASTERN TRANSPORTATION—. COMPANY is now.prepared to forward FREIGHT freak Philadelphia to New York. via Camden -and Port • Mos— Theattention of Shippers and Merchants is ditetted tu. this new and expeditions. RAILROAD .ROUTS." and se: portion of their patronage respectfully solicited. • Freight received at third wharf above Arch street: For further particulars apply to • • • • - • - .GEO. B. IifcCULLOH. Frel orth %Astvl/223. .1 1 7. GREFFITTS, JR., General Manager,- - - JOHN BUCK, Freight Agent,' Pier No. 218 NORTH RIVER, - New York. N 0 TI C E.--OFFIGN —0 APE MAY AND. MILLVILLW RAILROAD COMPANY, 409 WALNUT Street, May 16th. 1883. —On and after WEDNESDAY, 20th Trish. the 'Cam will ran •regnlarly - upon this road to PORT ELIZABETH, leasing WALNUT-Street Wharf at 9 o'clock A. M.. daily. myl6-tt C. B. DUNGAN, Presider& BOARDING. ASECOND-S7 ORY .T.BONT for Gentleman 156. Nortir IefFTEE - Street. Se'.s-3t,* 1 - 10IINTRY BOARDING.-ROOM FOll "•• 1 a few more boarders at a tiret-clasafarta house. Ln Chester county. 36 miles from the eity. •Access by rail For particulars inquire at 3SNwth SIXTEENTH. Street or address .M. A. Hicks, Cbsthem„-Chester-co. Pa. Terms $6 per week. • . irdS.sts S _ 00 , 3111 INGLE AND -111ETNICATINU SECOND-STORY ROOMS: for transient and. penna nent Boarders:Np. 1315 WALBUT Street. j994t• HILYWELS. METROPOLITAN (T...ann snows's.). PENI)TFILVAIiIA AVSNITS, Between s'ivtb and. Seventh street. WASHINGTON CITY. A. .11. POTTS,. Proprietor. my22-13m P ICE! ICE! ICE ! ICE! TOSP leßt GOLD SPRING ICB oBBSPANT- . Famines. Offices, Hose's, Shir Ding, loe-Greank Saloons. a ge ., ao. mapplied deay. with a pure Etertia)e . o£BOWlTr at. * iii/a very lassest marltet 'Woe. Dealers anal large consumers eel/piled at- witedatenDs Arloaa. wallean run in all laven Dinita of the Clasondiaed cater.,. and 3athe Twenty-Ahura). Ward THOS. B OAHU& . 32S 'MINOT Street. OAc. ! North :Penna. & Minter street:. " • 'Lorntotrdnnd Twenty-Mt streets. +' ate-Smit s ' Pine-street wharf. COAL. CI 0. A . L..-SUGAR LOA_V, .RRAVEVEL and Dlormtals Labasis beet Isonst Mcmatois. from SeS.mikial; Dr sremAy for family use. DiTot. N. Ir. mow o 7 Z and WILLOW Streets.- Ofw, Ao. lI Bo=th -: BROOM. -Street.: - Capi-Iy3 . .7. - pAcIFIC BAILWAYTHE lI.N DER. (4,oaaned•willreceivepropoted- stofurniehittnntlionsand ), tons-of -RAILWAY:MON, or any. Dart sthereof, - for the - traek of the First Section of the - ..''.Urtion Tnoifle, Idailway; - Eastern Division. " • - .• The -iron - to be of 'Ai - eerie/A mannfeetimeNcCthe.beia onelity,vind to be delivered either at*lieer eVeityrortblev- Communications for hritherinformation to Ate address, ed to the undersigned; or to SeaIfIJILHALLETTA ef.h. - No. 58 BUNTS Street, Newt ork. Terms owl on de: .livery. • J. 13. PREMIUM, — , • :'-President Nnbsit-Paellie Naw-Yonit,• June 9. - • leant - • B BEST' , Nr; Ili E.-100 QUAIITER Casks just resAised per ship Laura" for sale tR bond. by " CITA& lati;CAßSTtri a W Mi W s .WALNUT dal ORANITI