FINANCIAL AM) COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. Fhila»ei,phia, May 25,1563. The news from Vicksburg caused a commotion among .‘the gold dealers this morning; and a great anxiety to ■sell waa apparent. Bids fell off to 146#@146 very early. ?Tbe market 'Continued without a rally, and was only supported by thoße requiring gold to ship by the steamer which left to-day, After three o'clock a farther decline ‘took place f and at the moment of writing the price is 143#@#. The fall of Vicksburg is generally considered a. certainty, although the want of official news gives the harpies a chance to talk and grunt. or two will •determine the question, and the various markets will as sume a settled phase, and until such time arrives, an ir uregularity in everything may be.expected. Government securities were very strong to-day. Money is in active “demand at six per cent. ~ The subscriptions to the five-twenty loan open auspi ciously this week, over two million being converted to -day up to 4 o'clock P, M, Gold, half paaW P. M., 142 bid.' j. Cooke, agent, announces the amount of sales of -the five-twenty loan for the week ending May 23d, '-$13,184,960. , Matters were rather spiritless at the Stock-Exchange, but prices are without much change. The market opened "weak on the fancies, but closed stronger, while the steady interest-paying securities were firm. 107# was bid for 1881 sixes; 107 for seven-thirties; fJtate fives”sold :a tlbl#, 101# being afterward bid; the sixes soldat 110.' "New City sixes sold at 108,; Benhsylvar •nia Bailroad mortgages and Beading sixes were steady; Xehigh Valley Bailroad sixes sold at 108#; North Penn sylvania sixes Reclined # ; 112 was bid for the tens. El mira sevens fell off # x Schuylkill Navigation sixeH,lBß2 •declined Susquehanna Canal Bixes rose #. Beading shares* opened at 56, rose to 60#, closing at ifiG}.Pennsylvania declined #; Little Schuylkill, 1? Phi ladelphia and Erie, #; Beaver Meadow sold up to 75; MinehiU^t.os;.Camden and. Atlantic sold at 9, the pro. "ferred at 18; Huntingdon and Broad Top at 21#; Norris down at 59; 87'was bid for Elmira; > United Bktea Sixes, 1881. United States 7 8-10 Notes. - ‘Uertifl cates of Indebtedness ’Certificates of Indebtedness, new Quartermasters’Vouchers....... Demand. Notes G01t1v.... .... of 5-20’s yesterday, $2,235,800. Heesrsi Hi. Schulze & Co., ITo. 16 South Third street, foreign, exchange for the steamer America, from as follows: London, 60 days? sight . Do. * 3days Paris, 60 days’sight Do. 3 days.. Antwerp, 60 days' sight...« "Bremen, 60 days' sight...'.. Hamburg, 60 days' sight... "Cologne. 60 days 1 eight..... Leipsic, 60 days' sight.... . 6O days', 5ight....... Amsterdam, 60 days’ sight. Pranafort,6o days'sight.. st.gese £•< I'BSMgo.SBSSBgg-ai.sSac : I®: &1.- ?*■; Sp iytHf-agSg; : if PM :: ; gj-p • : |:ar : • •:i* i : : g.* •: : g*: : g.i : .M ■: mmmS 9 M' M r I §lSBaHi|g§WsllMlg I ii¥lSg§¥l¥ig¥i§t§i§ I 's^MspßS3§B.|lSl •§ .§§iii§M§SBiSiiS'li'il | 1 l§ifeil§§gglllli§'iSg§ S^l3p363§EBSfeKg3g§lll §lia§§§|ggSW§ii§li ||o.S|.S|||g||g|||||| *3 *-» J>3 k“*bO I Sg£Pallg;-Jil§¥§SSl § '§illgiislaiil§§§£li Is^sMsf^.ljgslaslsgSf §§glg§g§illg§§|gg¥B Clearings,. .85,143.310 59 . 5,686,725 09 .•5,359,681 78 . 4,543,893 80 . 4,089,820 09. . 4,221,146 66 ' -"21..., ■*•‘22.... $29,014,663.01 Th© following statement shows the conditi banka of Philadelphia at various times durinf 1863: /, January 6«......... August 4. September!......... October 6^.......... November 3......... . t.., January. 5,1863..... February 2. March 2 4 V ft :: w-- 31,046,337 33,617,900 • 33,899,353 , 84,826,163 . 36,614,335 36,774,732 37,679,675 37,268,894 37,901.030 38,003371 39,206,028 39,458,384 83,939,612 37,516520 36,269,402 36,295,644 36,482,058 36 687,294 36.593,179 36,887,301 37116,093 April 6... « 13... May 4. a V is! The New York Evening Post of to-day says: The market opened strong on Governments and weak >i 118# Mich: Southern 7 SH 80H Mich. So. guar 115)2 117)2 • • Illinois .Central ..116 114# K Pitt5targ................ 95 97 % ‘Galena. IC6# . 107# i . ?i •• • 114# • 115 Bochlsland...'. -100>£ . .103>£ Pori Wayne............. 77 79 ■Quicksilver Co 46# •. 4812 ■Canton •. .. 35# 36 Gold this morning opened at 146, subsiding quietly,to 1.44#, and recovering at the first session vto 145>4@145#. As we go to press the quotation is 145#. Exchange is eellihg at,160. X•• - Phila. Stoolc Kxcbt CBeported by S. £. Slayxaki KBST -4000 City Os Ne-w-lllJi 100 Beading B b 5. 66# 800 do.*’ bB&int. 56# 100 do*. H 100 do.. 860- 56# 6 Norristown R..... 59 7 Little Schl 8..... 51 1 - 6117th&19th-stß.*.. 13% MCity Bank . .49 • lFar & Mech Bank. 55% 60 Schl N Pref s3own. 25k 100 - do..Pref...;.sfi. 25k 100 :.d0*.Pref........ 25k 6010th & Uth; .42% -11 Wnehill 8........ M,‘ , BETWEEN ‘26 Ridge Avenue R b3O 23 SECOND 15 Lehigh Scrip sswn- 46k 50Hunt &B TR..m.' 21% 18 Cam & Atlan R*... 9 15 Lehigh Nav*.....* 60, 50 Schl Nay Pref*.... 25% 12 do...—Pref. 25k 500 do.. .Pref sswn. 25k 100 Cam & Atlan Pref 18 :3000 Schl Nav 6s ’B2 87k *2500 L dO 87% *2500 • d 0..... 87% 6 Little Schuylß.... 50% 60 Hew Creek !%•■ AFTER I 12Beaver Meadow.... 75 I ano Little Schl R.3odys. 50% I 60 do 60 : CLOSING FBI Bid. Asked. ?U 865 ‘81....*«..107k 108% tTS7.3O N0te5...107 107% American Gold; . 98*@ myi .142 @143 .142 @143 ...160 ,@162 ...161 @163 »3f47*@3f52£ •Sf4s .@3fsoi •3f50 @3fM ...115 @ll6 ... 63 H@ ~;.105 @lO6 ....105 .@lO6 ...106 @lO6 ... 60 @ 61 .... 60&© 61 M e gS, 09 O B Balances, $498,955 53 752,090 25 335,&5l 69 605,178 84 294,101 70 O3 $2,! ,930,891,04 Lon of tiie K 1862 and Deposit?, 3,145,218 i 5,026,070 l 5,071,855 % 5,095,704 i 4,889,890 - 4,541,394 • 4,504,115 5 4,181,603 ‘ 3,696,097 3,608,874 : ’ 3,534,880 ; I 3,295.862 : t 3,369,104 ! \ 3,374,413 : t 3,296,685 i I 3,185,042 I ' 3,078,9211 2,989 428 . 2,901,600 i 2,866,121 i 2,808,109 , 21,556,014 14,658,289 24,597,506 25,419,340 26,938,714 26,635,225 28,429,189 29,231,753 ■50,178,518 30,679,259 30,-549,687 30,106,135 29,171,283 29,531,559 30,117,527 31,059,644 31,021,799 30,839,831 30,949,721 31,892,306 33,455,153 ' Hi luge Sales* Hay'd!?. Philadelphia Exchange.} iOABP. 8000 Snsq Canal 65.b30. 64 3000 d 0.... 64 200 U S 7-30 Tr N blaak.lo7# 100 Union Canal Pref*. 6 150. d 0.... 5 25 d0...* 3 53 Beaver Meadow... 75 • 1000 North Penna 6s ... 95# 60 GirardCollege 29# 5000 Phil & Georgei’n6s.los 100 Phil & Erieß b3O wn? 26 10Hazleton C0a1..... 60 50 Arch-at R...b30wn.28# 26 do 28# r BOARDS. 150 Reading R b10.56>4 BOARD. 23 Minelilll R. .65 2000 Spr Garden R 63---105 1000 U S 7-30 TrN Bnd-106 60 Far & Meohs Bank 58% 'lO Mechauics'Bank... 27 6013th & 15th*st R. • • • 35% 3000 City 6s 108 / 1000 Reading R........ 56*^ 2500 Penna E .;v.... ; . ..101% ICO Wyoming Canal... 23% -37Hazleton C0a1....* 60 1000 Lehigh 65..........108k JOARDS. I 20Delaware Div.... 46 19 Penna R 67% i3OOOO Pa 6s War Loan.llo CEB.—DULL. - Bid. Asked N Penna K—ls% 16% Do - 6s 95 95)2 Do 105.......112 Catawlssaß.Con 8 8% Do wrfd 24% 24% Beaver Head R.. 74 78 Minehillß...***. 65 65% Harrisburgß.~* .. Wilmingtonß... .. Lehigh Nav 65.. .. Do shares •• 69 60 Do • • aorip..*. 46% 46% Dam k Amb R.. .170 171 PhiU St Erie 6s. >lO6 Sun Erie^s... Delaware^Dlv..... 47 Do - «. SpruwtreetE.. 17 17% Arch-street 8.... 28% 28% Race-street B-... 13 14 Tenth-street B>; 42, 43 Thirteenth-st B. 34% • 35 WPh11a8.....u 68- .. Do bonds... .. Green-street R.. 45 47 Do bonds Chestnut-st 8... > 58 Second-street H.. .. 81 Do bonds... .. Fifth-street E... 61 63 • Do bonds Girard College R 28 29 Seventeenth-si 813% 13k Philadelphia Cattle Market. Ma r 25, 1863 The arrivals and sales of Beef Cattle at Phillips' Ave nue Drove Yard are light this week, only reaching about 950 head. There is rather more activity in the market, but prices are without any material change, ranging at froml2@l3c for first quality "Western and Pennsylvania Steers; ll@l2Kc for fair to good do; and 10@10& lb for common: The market closed very firm, and all offered sold within the range of our above quotations. . In cows theitris more doing, and prices are better? 200 head sold at from $2O up to $4B per head, according to quality. Sheep are very dull, and prices hayo declined 1c $ lb, with sales of 3,500 head at B@6c for wool, and efflScfclb gross for clipped . I[0 “s nre also dullattd lower; about 3.-100 head sold at from lbs net.. The ca.tti«,° n sale to day avo from tho following States: 400 head from Pennsylvania. 600 head from Illinois. > . 60 head from Ohio. The followingnre the particulars of sales; _iP ,“IcFillen,:4o Lancaster county Steers, sellingat from 13@12c for fair to good quality. /F.’Hathaway, 75 Lancaster county Steers, selling at from 13@l2J*c for fair to extra. ~ , ■ Puller & Martin, 106 Western Steers, selling at from. U£i@loc for fair to extra.- •„ • ■ • •• Uflman & Co., 31 Western Steers, selling at from 11K® 13c for fair to extra quality. . Alexander Kennedy, 22 Illinois Steers, selling at from slC@jlforcommon to fair quality. B. F. Huston, 16 Lancaster county Steers, selling at from $U@12.60 tor fair to extra. . . . Mooney & Smith, 75 Western Steers, selling at from. $31@13 for fair to extra.'. H, Chain, 50 Illinois Steers, selling at from $11@12.50 for fair lo extra qualiiy. ’ . , Rice & Smith, 76 Illinois Steers, selling at from .sl2®.. 12.60 for good to extra quality. ■ . Branson, SO Chester county Steers; 'selling at from $10.60 ©ll.sofor common to good quality. .. - v Smith & Mooney, 32 Illinois Steers, selling at from $ll, @12.60 for fair to good. ' .Tones McCiese,'22Chester county Steers, selling at from $3C@11.25 for common to fair quality. Kirwin & Carr, 31 Illinois Steers, selling at from $11.50 @l2 for fair to extra quality. ; , . - , COWS AND CALVES. The arrivals and sales of Cows at Phillips’ Avenue Prove Yard are larger than.usual this week, reaching about 200 head; there is a good demand, and prices have advanced. Springers are selling at from $2O to $35, and Cow and Calf at s23@4B's head. Old poor Cows are sell ing at from $l6 up to $l7 $ head, as to condition. . Calves. —About 40,head arrived and sold at from s@>Kc‘ for first quality,'and 4@4Kc lb*for second quality, as to weight and condition. -; \ r : -. . THE SHEEP MARKET. _Tbearrivals and sales of Sheep at the Avenue Drove Yard are rather larger this week, reaching 3,500 head; the market is very:dull and - prices have declined fully 1c *s* lb, Wool Sheep selling at from B®9c, and clipped at£@6c lb gross, according to condition and quality. - - Lambs are very scarce and the sales at the yard very small? we quote at from $3.60 up to $5 3?. head, accord ing to quality. - :: THE HOG MARKET. The arrivals and sales of Hogs at the Union, Avenue,' and Rising Sun Drove'Yards reach 3,400 head this week; The market is dull and prices are lower, ranging at from $6®7.76 ft ICO lbs net. =. : r'’ 2,868 h ead sold at Henry -Glass’ Union Drove Yard at from s6@7 60 $ lbs net. 660 head-sold at the Avenue Drove Yard by John Crouse & Co., at from $6.5C@7.75 100 lbs net; 4CO head sold at. the Rising Son Drove Yard-at from s6® 50 100 lbs net." , New York Markets, May 35. Ashes are unchanged, with-small'sales at $5.25 for pots, and $9.25 for pearls Breadstuffs. —The market for State and- Western Flour is dull, unsettled,‘and lo@2o cents lower. Thesales are 6,000 bbls at $5;10@5.30 for superfine- State; $5.65@5.80 for extra State; $5.10@5.35 for super fine Michigan, Indiana, lowa,: Ohio, &c.; $5.70@6 for extra do. including shipping brands of round*hooD Ohio at $6i10@6.30, and trade brands do'at $6 35@7.50. - Southern Flour is dull, heavy, and 10®20 cents lower;. salesSCObblsat $6.36@6.80.f0r superfine Baltimore, ana : $6.85@9. £0 for extra dor V : ' ! Canadian Flour is -, inactive and fully. 10@20 cents easier; sales .450.bb1s at $5.70©6.05 for.common, and $6.10©7.90 foi good to choice extra . Rye Flour is quiet at 4@5:25 for the range of fine and : snperflno. Corn Meal is quiet, with sales .of 200 bbls City Caloric at $5.60.- = - • . . c , Rye is dull at $1.01? with sales of 2,800 bush. • Earley is entirely nominal in the absence of trans-. actions. . > Wheat is quite unsettled, and 2@3 cen.ts lower, with only a moderate business at the decline. The sales are 75,000 bushels at sl.lB® 1.36 for Chicago spring? sl.2S@l 39 for Milwaukee Club; $1.44@L45 for amber Iowa; $1.46@1.47f0r winter red Western; SI.4S @3.60 for amber Michichigan. Oats are in small supply aud firmer, with sales at 66@68c'for Jersey, and 71@740 for Canada, Western, and State. • • .:• •• Corn is heavy and 2@3 cents lower, with sales of 80, - CQO bushels at 73@75c for oid mixed Western, and 68@72c . forhew do .At. the close there was more tone and steadi ness in the market. ' Provisioks.— There is a fair business doing in Pork, Without essential change in prices; sales 2,500 bbls at .$ll SC@ 11.75 for old mess; $13,40(5)13 50 for new mess, and $17.25f0r choice city prime mess. Beef is inactive and the sales Tierce Beef and Beef Hams are dull and nominal. Bacon and cut meats are very quiet. Lard is less active, and in favor of the buyer; sales 850 bbls.and tcs at 9j£@lo%o. - Freights are lower. To Liverpool 75,000 bushels Corn At l,OOO bbls Flour at 2s: per neutral, 250 boxes Bacon at 27s 6d; per steamer, 1,000 boxes Cheese at 60s. To London, per neutral, 50 bbls Pork at 45.: Chicago Breadstuffs Market; Uay23. Flour. —Sales 100 bbls standard, to arrive, choice white winter at $8; 200 bbls (brand not known) winter at $6; 75 bbls do at $6.60;T00 bbls unsound spring extras at $4.25; 30bbls spring superfine at $3.75; all the above delivered; Wheat.— Sales 1,000 bus amber lowa at $1.19; 1,000 bus No 2 red at $1.39; 400 bus do at $1.18; 1,000 bus do at sl.l6* ; 1,200 do at $1.16; 5,000 bus No 1' spring (early) at $118; 2,000 bus do at $L 17; 1,500 bu do at l,OOO bus do at 1:15X ? 800 bus do at 1:15; 800 bus No 2 spring at' 96c; 4,000 dub do at 95)£c; 5,000 bu» do at 95c;2,500 bus rejected spring at 80c; 1,500 bus do at 78c—all iu store. ■ ' ■■ Corn.—Sales 4,000 bus Canal mixed afloat at 50c; 5.0G0 bus rejected afloat at 4S>£c; 160,000 bus mixed at4Bc; 17,000 bus do at 48>£c; 400 bus 60c; 2,000 bus re jected at 4f>^c; 2,000 bus do at 46>ic—all in store. Oats.— Sales 9,000 bus No. 1 ats3c; 7,000 bus do at 53&c —all in store. Kye.— Sales SOObnsNo. 1 in store at 73c; IB4sacks on track at,74c. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. GEORGE N. TATHAM, ) WM. L. RBHN> Committee of thb Month. BE NJ. MARSHALL, } letter bags AT TJIB MEBOHABJTS* KXOHAIfGIfi, rHILABTILi’HIA. 1 Ship Tonawanda, Julius; Liverpool, May 25 Bark Guiding Star, Bearse Liverpool, soon .Brig Breeze, Outerbridge. ..Barbadoas, soon Schr Greenland, Evans ....Havana,-soon Schr Horace Rice.- . St Thomas, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, May *6,1863. BUN RISES.....Vi\*r7LY;4B6HSUN SBTS. 17 HIGH WATER .9 m ARRIVED. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, 44 hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to H Winsor* Co. . ShipSta dacond, from Londonderry, and brig AC Horton were at anchor off the Ledge Light; off Bombay Hook saw a herm brig coming up; off Liston’s saw a foreign ship at anchorf ship Wyoming, from Liverpool, was off Reedy Island at 11AM, coming-up; ship Frank B suit, from Key West; a British brig, and Brig-W M Dodge, from Pernambuco, were, off New Castle, coming up; a light bark-was above New Castle, coming up. Bark Templar, Mitchell, 12 days from Key West, in ‘ballast to Curtis & Knight. Brig Billow (Br> Pile, from Messina, with fruit, &c, to Isaac Jeanes & Co—vessel to B Morris Wain & Co. Schr E W Prait, Nickerson, 6days from Boston, with muse to Twells & Co- - Schr C A Ste son, Rich, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot/ Schr S C Willets, Stevens, from Newbern, in ballast to captain. - Schr White Rock, Elwood, 3 days from New York, with salt to W Bumm & Son. Schr Tennessee, Wooster, 5 days from Fall River, in ballast to )S A Bonder & Go. Schr James Neilson, Burt, 3 days from Taunton, with mdse to Twells & Co, : ' ' Schr Convoy, Merrill, 3 days from Fortress Monroe, in ballast to.Twells & Co. Sehr Alice, Thompson, S days from Georgetown, DC, with mdse to captain. Schr Oakes Ames, French, 3 days from Port Royal, in ballast to Twells & Co. Schr S Washburn, Thrasher, 4 days from Taunton, with mdse to Twells & Co.- Schr Mechanic, Ceriles, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with corn to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr Mary, Rickjyjkkl day from Camden, Del, with wheat and oats to JjHfeWley & Co., Schr George J w»B®er, Tunnell, 1 day from Indian = River. Del, with coin'to J W Bacon. Schr Wm Collyer, Raynor, from New York, Schr Ann Caroline, Bacon, from New York. Schr R H Shannon; Marts, from Boston. Schr-Armenia Bartlett. Bartlett, fromßoston. Schr Northern Light. Ireland, from Boston. Schr C Merrick, Montgomery, from Boston. Schr C W Locke, Huntley, from Boßton. '■■ ■ Schr Sophia Ann, Smith,;m>m Boston. Schr J Clark, Scull, from Boston.' Schr Alliance, Homan, from Alexandria. Schr Vermilion," Hulse, from'Port Jefferson. Schr Z Stratton, Stephens, from Providence. Schr Sarah C Willetts, .Young, from Newbern. . Steamer-Fairchild, Trout, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird A Co. Steamer Tacony, Pierce; 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W m Baird & Co.* Steamer' Ann Eliza, Richards, 24 hours from N York, "With mdse to W P Clyde; • Steamer C Comstock, Drake, 24 hours from New York, With mdße to W M Baird & Co. BELOW. - BarkSt'Mary, of Boston; schr Henry Nutt.from Cien faegoa, and schr West Dennis. - /-. CLEARED. -..•■■■■■ Ship Euterpe, Arey, Panama, Workman « Co. Ship Westmoreland, Decau, New York, J R Penrose. Bark Whistling Wind, Butler, New Orleans, J E Baz ley & Co.- - -.■■ ■■ Brig Geo Crump, Winchester, Sagua, S & W Welsh. Brig L Myers,Nickerson, N Orleans,Tyler, Stono * Co. ' Schr Sue Somers. Somers. Port Royal/D S Stetßon A Co. Schr Tennessee, Wooster, Portland, E ASouder & Co. Schr W Collyer, Raynor, Providence, R H Powell ■ Schr Vermilion, fiolse, Provtdence, Sinniokson * Glover. . Schr A Bartlett, Bartlett, Boston, do SchrE H Shannon, Marts, Boston,L Audenried & Co. Schr J Clark, Scull, Boston, Blakiston, Graff &Co ■ Schr'Northern Light, Ireland, Boston, Hammett; Van Dusen A Lochmah. . «• - .' - Schr Lady Suffolk,'Moody, Boston, .. do . Schr S C Merrick, Montgomery, Boston, W H Johns * Co. ■"• • " " Schr C W Locke; Huntley, Boston, ’ ’ do Schr Ann Caroline,Bacon, Boston, C A Heckscher A Co. Schr Z Stratton. Stevens, Hinghara, • f'do Schr Alliance, Homan; Alexandria, Tyler,-Stone A Co. Schr Sophia Ann, Smith, Fall A Bro. Schr Wm Donnelly, Hunter, Piney Point, Hunter, Norton A Co. . Str H L Gaw, Ilor. Baltimore, A Grovea. Jr. StrAlida, Robinson, New .York, W P Clyde, r (Correspondence of The Press.). HAVRE.DE GRACE, May 23. i The steamer Wyoming left here this morning with the following boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: Commerce, wheat to order ;T Glentworth. flour to Pe rot & Bio; F Coleman, lnmb(r to Poplar-street wharf; John Smith, wheat to A G.Cattell'dc Co. ' ■“ . v MEMORANDA. Brig 6 Thurston, Lampher, hence,a tCardenas 11th inst. Brig Kodiak, Peterson, hence, at Cienfuegos 6:h inst. . Brig H H McGilvery, Gilkey, hence, at Cienfuegos Enterprise, Grindle, hence, at CardeDas 11th inst. Brig Cyclone, Bunker, hence, at Matanzas 11th inst. Bchr J May, Cobb, hence, at Sagna 10th inst. Bcbr Ned, Higgins, sailed from Bagna7th inst. for Phi ladelphia. v Schr Bnper, Martin, sailed from Cardenas 7th inst for Philadelphia. ■ Schrsßea Witch, Tyler, and Mary Miller, Dayton, hence for Providence, and Egq.uim.aux, Briggs, from 'Dighton for Philadelphia, at New York 24th. inst. • C ITY ITEM S . The Wheeleb &. WttsbN Sewing Ma cbine.—The following graceful and well-deserved compliment to 'Wheeler Sc Wilson Sowing Machine ia from the pen of Mrs. Sarah J, Hale, editor of Godey's Lady's BoofcS" For the benefit of the ladies of our land, it ought to be copied by every respectable journal throughout the country: ,« The benefits of this wonderful invention increase every year of its trial. There are no dangers attend ing its use, but real pleasure as well as profit in~ite results. Indeed, it seems tp realize the power of good fairies, such as children love and believe in— their* elders often, regret that they have this pleasant faith—more than any other of the labor saving inventions... TheJSewingMachine comes into theheartoif home; it helps in the domestic circle; it has an important influence on family comfort and social happiness. No wonder that good-men are to sound its praises, that ( poets, orators, divines, philosophers, and economists have descant ed upon its bearings on social Interests and the des tiny,pf.woman.’ It is worthy of this praise., -‘‘iThil household-helper, such a one as comes from the manufactory of Wheeler §* Wilson, in the perfect • ness of finish and performance of all kinds and varie ties of "stitching, Is the Queen of Sewing Machines, which we wish could be introduced into every home where women are found.” New Improvements in Photography.— Messrs. Broadbent & p 0.,. Nob. 913, 914, and 916 Chestnut are constantly adding new laurels to their fame, in perfecting the art to which they have contributed more splendidly than any other one firm in America. In-the various styles of co lored piotures which they have carried to such mar ; vellous perfection, they are continually introducing "some new novelty, so that their ever-changing gal leries really become a matter of curiosity for fre quent examination by all admirers of the beautiful in art. Notwithstanding the extraordinary facilities posßessed by tnis firm forproducing pictures rapidly; t^ey-are constantly employing their entire force to njeet’the wants of their numerous patroris. ‘ ' Mat Celebration of Bethany Sab bath School.—By urgent request, this interesting celebration and Sabbath-school Concert will be re peated this evening, at 8 o’clock, in the large church of the Bev. Mr. Chambers, Comer of Broad and San som streets, thus affording an opportunity for Sun day-school people generally to witness the attractive exeroiseß, and enjoy a delightful entertainment. We are informed that the singing of the Mis sion-school .'Children 'is really wonderful, and that their speaking would he creditable to the beat achbol in the land. .Fine Quality of Bay Bum.—The sue cessors to the laie O. H. Mattson, dealers in flue family groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, have now in Btore a very superior article of Kay Rum, of their own bottling, to whioh wc invite the attention of our readers. .' The highest degree of perfection in rival inventions in the same art is rarely attained by the same mind. It mußt, however, be admitted that Mr. Win. O. .Grover, of the Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Company, is an exception to this rule. He has now matched perfection' in the shuttle or lock stitch machines against perfection in the Grover & Baker stitch machines. So that a choice of stitches is all that is left to after a perfect sewing machine. ; “ Tub Way to Beago."—Among, tlic things that are considered greal bores in society is a person who has learned the way to brag, and our mutual acquaintance Vallandigham fully bears us out in our assertion, for no greater bore ever afflicted a people (a 15-inch Dahlgren excepted) than this man ; the last heard from him was that he was in a fair way to Bragg, so that he will be,acquainted with three sides of the rebellion—the outside, inside , and Bw'nside* "When he . gets back he will probably be pretty seedy, and wc apeak in time for hiin-tbe'n to visit Charles Stokes & Co.’s One-Price Clothing Store, under the Continental, . The Fall of Vicksburg.—Tho tele graph brings the glad tidings of the fall of the great rebel stronghold on the Mississippi. This victory will cut the rebel territory in two and deprive Se ceeeia of the bountiful 'supplies furnished by Texas and other Southwestern States. Loyal people re joice that victory perches upon the Stars an C Wendell, Washington - A R Potts, Washington Ch a's H Wilson, Virginia H Ballin'; Washington Geo Hartman, Virginia Waj H C Whelan, tl 8 A H K Enos. Washington FrankAMcGee. Baltimore AMcDonald, 1 Cincinnati R McLaughlin, Boston J Wears, Jr, Boston Mr & Mrs D G Steele, Boston GeoMcLane, New York Dr Tull & son, Newbern, N C John Brough, Cleveland . W B Dix,Ar,_ Toledo, O “'J W Yates, New York ind Chestnut streets. Jas Jacksoni US A R B Coleman,’Baltimore Cbas Haskins, Washington M Millar, U S A :• HP Falsom,* New York B B Childs, US A. . Lt Col E Martindale, U S A \ W C Weed, New York : Dr Heald, Portland W-Davis, Portland A Chabot, Saa Francisco WT Horrobiu, Jr, Maine C G Haines, Maine - : JB Cochran, New York L.Duncan, Louisville W;H Hoopes &'fa, Biltim’o Mrs H Stillman & 2ch, N Y L N.Ten Eyck,"Hirrisburg. H D Maxwell. Easton B C.Webstcr. & wf. N Y D W C Clark, Washington D Stratton. Salem, N J J Leedom, Philadelphia W B Brooks, Baltimore WII Thompson, US N James H Knorr, N York W S Ingersoll, Mass Mirs L J Hays. Non'istown G S Gideon, Waeh-ington- G G Newhall & wf, Mass . 3 R,CJapp.& ; l&rßbstoa John M Moorei Now Jersey ' Surg E F.Taylor, HS A- ' WHThomas*la, Balt Mis* E A Thomas, Balt • H J Ebbs & la,-wash’n W H Hoover & la,. Wash’n G E Falconer; Wash’n EH Cook. JSlmira. N Y Mr * Mrs Dix. .Boston . John H.Shaw, New York R C Morrison, Now York GW Ash/bey. Baltimore . G L HugbeB,& wf, St. Louis W B. Ogiivie * wf, N.York' Clinton Ogilvie, New York Miss I MOgilvie, NYork GG.Whit*>, New York ; James Armstrong,.Balt:. John F.Logan.Baltlmcre R W Penna W C Child, Boston; John. Lee;. Carlisle; Pa- G W-Webb. Illinois- Mrs .Haley, Harrisburg Miss Haldeman, Harrisb’g Mrs NG. White, Conn. . Emerson Foote, New York Geo M Simonson. N York J C Brantigam, New York James Anderson.- Miss H M Merritt, N York Miss' M A White, Conn : Mr & Mrs Turnbull, Cohn W E Potter, USA £ Hoyt, Haverhill, Mass WWNorcrcss, Trenton Mrs Washington, & Island W Foster, Jr, New York j S T Seeley, Albany A-J Clark. D S A ; A J HalL' New York- .- John Paatorius, New York:. W K Peck, Connecticnt - F Hyatt,-Netr.York- - : Rif Petersoni’ New York Mr Pendleton & lady. Wash Mr McKear, New York - .... Col J VY Shaffer, Chicago JohnWTurner, Chicago Capt John Clark, Boston Alex Allan, Liverpool , MD Bean. N York W E-Rice, Hoboken •' ; Wm.H Warner. New York John G Lowe, Dayton, 0 Mrs Lowe, Dayton, 0 : W Jones, Maine. H Kilbourn, Washington. C M Pomeroy, Quincy ,111 V S Dorsey, Cincinnati F Darrow, Michigan .* T P Richards & wf, N York H A Pettibone, New York John D Irving, New York John Buck A lady, N York W B Goodwin JN Harris. N London, Ct Thos A Kelley, Pottsville A Green & lady,Milwaukee E F Jennings, Winchester J S Finney, If S N Geo H Palmer, New York M Wittgnestein, .Washing’n Francisco Aquilera, Cuba' Manuel Aquilefa, Cuba Bernardo Cuba Fernando Figneiedo, Cuba Pedro Prieto, .Cuba James H Beatty, New York C B Phillips, New Ifork HC-Southwicfc, New-York 8 Scott, Steubenville, Ohio- - J Colby,: New York Geo Colyn, New York Dudley BFnller, New York. Geo EUis, New York itreeti below Arch. A Fortenbangh, Penna • J Livingston, Carlisle , £ R Disoorough, Trenton MB Shannon, Mercersb’g JaB M Irwin, GreencastLe.Pa. Isaac Stine, Chambersburg. John J Cooble, Silver Spg John C Sample, Silver Spg l . B Geramill & wf, York, Pa Alfred M Smith, U. S A HfcI a cl!all£s , —Fourt A B Hoover, Tyrone City J F Horn, Boston - G N Smith, Penna Hon Asa Packer, Mauch Ch AG Brodhead, Jr,Mauch Ch A Jr; USA J P Salmon, Hazleton David Thomas. Catacauqua B F Adams, New York J W Enbody, Mauch Chunk L G Roebuck' Ohio John Mager, Pittsburg B H Luker, Allegheny City J H Rea. New York ' JRSmith,Columbus. O: • J B Fisher; Philadelphia .Seth T Hurd, Brownsville A Frowenfeld, ! Pittsburg ■ A B Laird; Covington;Ky RMcDoweß, Slanngton John F GriffenvNew York Benry Welsh; Penna J B Welsh, . Penna J F Ohl, Brownsville John PRhodes. Carlisle M B Priestly, Penna. Geo F Platt. Chambersburg J Z Long, Clinton co, Pa JF Young N R Young ‘ David Ripley, New Jersey W D C Curtis, Boston Wellington Jones, Georgota B Langcake, Muncy;- Pa HS. Osborn, Bevidere, N J E Robins, Wilkesbarre Thos Thorp, New York- John.H Burge; New Jersey T 8 UnderhiU & la', Pa G W-Winner, Williamsport W T Hayes, Mifflinburg W H Blumer. Allentown W Yeager, Allentown JBFisner John Orcutt, Hartford, Conn Hugh J Gorman, Alexandra Henry Schock, Penna r E M Hubbart, New Albany James Miflin, Potfcsviile Chas Mather, Montgomery. ' Street* abore Filth. Jos W Bowers, Columbia G 1 Barclay&da, Peana - Richard Lee, Pottsville A S Seitziago-, Tamaciua Samuel Miller, Tamagua! Capt W Reuor, Pottsviile Capt B Smith. Pt Royal Theo Hooper, Balt . • J A-Waguer, New York T'L Foster, MChunok, 13 A. Packer* New: York W C Fischer, York,'Pa E Woodruff, New York JR Lynch,'Wilkesbarre. L Aliman, Wmsport Mrs HeveraoD, Cuxab co Miss Cochran; Bangor Thos Bennett, Jersey Shore A R Pennington & la, Del' Captain Butler - J T btockettr Maryland / - C Cochran; Bangor American—Chestnut M-Prell. Phllada AClark, New York Ambrose J White, N Y ,Tas D Nairn©, Nqw York Fll Falconer, New York G A Loring & wf N York JMForsyth, USN Mrs (tapping, Phcenixville G W Baldim-Scranton ' JMBlocum, Norfolk,Va John Tobin -A H Platt, Cincinnati R Grier,.Salem, -N J J L Dubois, Doylestown . WB Wallaces la, Del ■ Robert Karde, Jr, Del B D Reed, Maine. - Wilbur F Martin, USA J T Jackson, Reading F'J Posey A la, Hagerstown E s heeiz, Penna' r / ,T H Dawes, Penna : CalebYohe, Bethlehem: ; St. houli-Chestnui A WHayes, Springfield, 111 G-F Robinson,Burlington C.R Rogers, Valley Forge - Lt Col D L Strieker, U S A- Geo F Sturges/Wash, D C H Blum, New York : B M Savery, New York Thos Milbollan, U 6 N James LBewley F D Devlan, Beading Geo Wagner, New York H Harris, New York W S Bonham, Peru.lnd . «F Ludwig, Tamaqua “ FW Dreher, Sclill co itreet* above Third* - HowaidfPotts, Penna W Forrey, Pinegrove R H Steers, Pinegrove ' Joseph Shloss & la, Pottsv’e John H Brown & wf, Ills 8 M Prince,. Glen Riddle Jas A Fisher, Hagerstown W H BrothertonrWaynesb Joseph Price; Waynesboro® i Sami Buck & wf, PerryviUo B Z Strawbridge, Indiana A L Gee, Gordon, Penn ; E C G&llaher, Mifflintown ’ GZebley, Ohio ; The Union—Arch it H Van Buren; Mass John W Royer, Potfcetown • Edwin Twaddell, N Y f : J B Williams, Pehna Miss C Zeilley, Mas*iilon Mrs Zeilley, Massillon. J B Shaetfeiv Reading W Jordan, Reading ; Mr Rodney, N J _ Rev Dr Watson, Milton, Pa * C J aggart, Altoona WSBobart, Virginia . Chas £ Ford, New Jersey . Mrs Heston, New Jersey ;reet, above Third. - G XGruber, Anuvllle, Pa Joho MobaUf Minetavillo WHKeffer.&la, Lancaster. Benj Snyder, Ashland, Pa ' Mrs H-W Gartman, Penna H F Bright, Minersville E Schall, Orwlgsbnrg WH Schall. Penna „ AMcCoDneU. Wash, DC D K Turner,v Hartsville . • : - P C Tungfliisch, Mmersville Chas Rammick,Port Carbon EP Lutz, Bloomsburg. Pa AWitmaa, Bloomsburg, Pa National—Race *ti J H Beam. Lebanon co. Fa D M Tice, Lebanon co, Pa M H Lentz, Louisville, Ky Jos H Thomson ■■■.'- Capt F fcchaefer, Virginia' JK Whitaker G T.Biroh, Reading. Wm Clewell, Reading HI)Cowell, Greenville, 0 Jonas Shatter, Berks co Henry Hartman/Berks co Henry Matten, Pottaville | J S RsradenbushjLewisbarff! Israel Gruber.Annville, Pai Barley Sheaf Hotel,-S< J W Clossori, Ft Pleasant £ Wyleyr Shoemakertown A Childs, Shoemakertown ? J W-Childs, Shoemakert’n AC Allen, New Jersey WBichards, U:BA W A . Filer Attleboro J Wetheimer, Wilmington Wm* Williams, New York Jftß Blair, Boyleßtown John D&nardle. U 8 A W H Morris & la, N J WSFonk,Fenaa “State! Union—Sixth. C B Lee, Lancaster, Ohio J Washington J Ralston, Washington . JXord, Philadelphia G Till, Columbia ■ J Auxer, Marietta, Pa > J> Small & la, Sch Haven. Mrs B FBird, Donaldson . ; ' . • ■ —.. Commercial—Sixth H James. Howard, Ohio 1 * Joshua Noble,'■NowlYork Honry Kahn, Wash, D G r Joseph < *G Sanford, New York \ " I Edward Metcalf E Carswell, Wilni, Pol THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. MAY 26, 1563. _KERR.—On the morning of the' inst. ~Robert B; Kerr, aged22years. V ; His relatives and friends, are invited to attend his fune ral from the residence of his brother, Alexander Kerr, : 2012 Race street, this (Tuetday) afternoon at 3 o ? clock: to proceed to Laurel Hill. , . ' - * LEPPIEN.—On the 24th inst., at Washington City, of wounds received in the battle of Cbancellorville,. va,, in. the 27th year of his age. Lieutenant Colonel George F. Leppien, of this city, commanding sth Battery Maine Artillery. His male friends are invited to attend his funeral from : ’ the residence of -Nicholas Wolff, No. 909-Walnut street, on Wednesday, the 27thinst., at 3 o’clock P.M. AY RES. —On the.- 224 inst/, Mary E. M.' Ayres, aged 20' years and 10 months. “v; - s - The relalives and friends of th 4 family aro respaotfully. invited to attend the luneral from the residence of her mother, Lombard street, below Sixth, this (Tuesdayjjaf-' iernoon at 3’clock. ’ Interment: burial ground of : _St, Thomas’ Church. . • : ..- ; t - :.." j- ' ASHBRIDGE. —On the morning of the 24th. 1 inst., Wil-: - - liam Ashbridge, in the 66th-year of his'age.' C -' His friends are invited'to attend his funeral-from-the ‘ residence of his mother; 823 Arch streets onlFifth-day morning (28th inst. X at .10 o’clock: *** FRALEY.—On Saturday,the 23d inst., John TL Fraley,: in the 87th year of his age. / -•- His friends and 1 the friends of the family are invited to' attend the funeral without further, notice from his: late" .residence; No. 129 North Tenth street, on. Wednesday afternoon, the 2?th inst. , at'4 o’clook. Services at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Race, near Fifth street.. ** BOYD. —On Saturday, the 23d inst. , Dudley Axon, only child of CaptainW. Stokes’and Mary Boyd, in the . Sd year of his agei : ./ ; . ~ : .- ;' • Funeral on Tuesday, the 26th inst., at 9 o'clock A. M. . •- • ... *. ' street* above Third. F D Hetrick, Easton- David Potter. N*w Jersey JB Chapin. Plymouth, N C WAtkinson, N C J W Haynes: Plymouth, N C E R Brigham. Mass Jas Carden., Warren, Vt W W Osterander, Boston R V Slocum, Boston J Cox, Peana : C S Plumer, New York W A H Lewis, Reading i B.Wyman t Boston E M Pesley; New /York D Sullivan Second St., below Yltte John Rich. Backs oo P Rich,'Bucks co > ' Wm Taylor, Edgewood J Dungan, Busletom . S B Nichols, Near York W Linburg, Bethlehem ■ Dr Cooper, Bucks co' . Mrs C.ooper, -Backs co JMSearoh.&la, Penna ;■ W THulaeA la, Long Ist Mrs Price, Brownsbarg A J Canrer, Doylestown H T Rowland, Trenton, N J uuUMuktt itrectfl. § M Kulp, Patterson, Pa - HSipe, Columbia.-Pa LLeggott, Columbia, Pa J R Grove, Columbia, Pa J Bener, Middletown M Moses & la, Chester co - - 1) Neff,Reading ' .. rent, above Oheetnit E Potts, Bridgeport, Pa W Hill, Maryland Jas Johnson, Cecil co, Md- J A’Conner, Wilm, Del Jas R Ramsay, Oxford . • JDovoerWest Chester J.M Baker,, West. Chester Black Bear—Tfiird St* ( above Callowblli. John Carr, Cincinnati, 0 Miss Mumbauer, Marlbrook Jos Carr, Trenton. N J D Socks, Allentown • J Feußtermacher & la, Pa . H M bismund, Lehigh co.Pa I) FBRter. SchuylkiUco.Pa Charles Hill, Millerstown J Eobenhold Port Clinton W Scheib Jacob K Ritter, Reading B Binbley, Lecspoft Jacob K Hill, Karlville J Bender, Wm Wayne. Bernville Geo Stoudt, Leesport S Trumbower, Doylestown W Enders, finders, Pa T Mumbauer; Marlbrook. John Rayser, Harrisburg Mrs Mumbauer, Marlbrook Daniel Bheßsler, Harrisburg Bald,. Eagle-Third Si J Jacoby, Hamilton, 0 •E F Diviney, Montg?y co L M Stauffer, Monts ’y co N Snyder, WeUsport Jos Emery, ButztOwn E Grossman; Penna B GUnangst, Bethlehem : W Bees, Bucks co it,, abaye CaUowhUl. Mrs Geary, .Pennsburg. Miss Geary, Pennsburg PSSliimer, MLlleratown'. Mrs Beisber, Pennsburg A F Berfcolet, Reading K Reidenbach; Lane co Daniel Melot, Penna Madison—Second, st: H Harris, Harrisburg ■ Jos E-Warrington, Penna J H•'Miller & la, Weissport Chas Christman;& sii, Pa Moses Stern, Penna John Plunkett. Wilm, Hoi Jas Plunkett, Wilm, Del . Mrs AHolland, Wilra.- Del trect, above Market, WmEiit. New Jersey A 1 van Allen, Smyrna,Del R H McClintoc, LewistowU- J .T Currie, Massachusetts 4 J P McQutllen, Wilm; Del U A Woodruff, Milford, N J VYm McEntee; Milford; N J SPECIAL NOTICES. A Midsummer Melody. ’Twas a night in the dog days. And all through the house Night prowlers were stirring^ • Fleas, bedbugs; and mouse. The children, uneasy, ; v Squifcmed this way and.tiat— . The bedbugs preferred thein •• Because they were fat! • But at dawn, on each insect . Lyon’s death powder fell; ' ’ - And the rats and the mice, too, ; Succumbed to his-Pill. ' Lyon.*B Powder will kill all insects. ;Lyoh’s Magnetic Pills are sure death to rats and mice. ' Sold everywhere my23-12t. . ; J BEMAS S., BARNES, New York. ; Db. .Sweet’s TNPAiajBLE Liniment cures one minute. ‘/•■ Thirty Years' Experience op an Old Nurse.— Mrs.Winslow’s Soothing Syrup is .the preach ip-1 tlbnofone of the best female and- hnrses in the United States, and: lias been used ; r for thirty years with never-failing safety and success by. millions of mo thers and children, from the feeble infant of. one week, old to the adult.- It corrects acidity of-the stomach. - -a... ■ \ Relieves.wind colic, • : 'V/V * Regulates the bowels'. And: gives rest, health, and comfort to mother and' child. . 25 cents a'bottie; ' . mySKMm ' Kerr’s Furnishing CHlNA'and GLASS establishment, CHINA HALL, 539 CHESTNUT Street, opposite Independence Hall, Philadelphia. Hotels, Restaurants, and Shipping supplied. N. B.—CHINA DECORATED to order; alsoi Initials and Crests elegantly engraved on TABLE CLASS and CHINA. Orders by mail promptly attended to. S.—T.—lB6o;—X, CAUTION.—The PLANTATION BITTER' BOTTLE la secured to us by U. S. Letters patent.' To imitate the .Bottle or use it for any other purpose is a crime punish-., able with fines and imprisonment.' Parties are 'warned of tbe'conseauences of filling empty Bottles with,any .other mixture, whether calling it Plantation Bitters or ,by any other name. . ; We paycash, 60 cents per dozen, or $7.20 per gross, for all empty Bottles delivered at our manufactory, 105 LIBERTY Street, New York, ; thus removing any excuse for ignorance. . Any person pretending to sell Plant at ionßitters- in bulk, or by Jhe gallon, is a swindler and impostoj.’ We sell only in onr regular Bottles, all bearing our -private United States stamp and steel-plate label and signature. P. H. DRAKE A CO:, ’ jnyl9-tuthslm 203 BROADWAY. Now York. One-Pkice Olothimo, of the Latest ttleb, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In'Plain Fl-; Cureß. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. is strictly adhered to. Allan thereby treated alike. de]2-ly JONES & CO , 6045- MARKET Street Batceblok’s Hais DTK I ' THE BEST IK TUB WORLD. . WILLIAM A BATCHELOR’S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; Warranted not to Injure the hair in the leastremedies the 111 effects of bad dyes, and invigorates 'the hair for life. GRAY, BED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black.or Brown, leaving the hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, Ac. 45" The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of each box. Bl BARCLAY Btreet, < (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street. ) - iay2B-ly • . New York 3VL^MIXEI3>. EAPMAN—DYER.—Onthe6th inst.» by-Rev. George W.Maclaughlin, at the Haines-strCet M. E. Church Par sonage. Mr. John H. Chapman to Miss Martha M. Dyer, -all of Germantown, PaY ' % . v- l; HART—FULLER. —Bv Rev. D. W. Barline, D. D. ,on the 12th inst-, at the district Parsonage, No. ©1 North. .Eleventh -street, Mr. Wesley Bartine Hart to Miss Char lotte C.; Fnller, both of this city, - \ ' v - * • X3XEI3. IRYING.— On the 23d inst. , Mrs. Hester Irving, in the 84th year of her age : . The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her sister.- Mrs. Sarah. Fisher, No. 123 Almond street,-this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock, without farther no tice.'. 1 ' DEAL.—On Friday morning, May .22, 1863, Daniel Deal, aged 62 years. His male fritnds and-relatives are respectfully.invited to attend , his funeral from the residence of his son. No, 814 Noble street, tliis afternoon, at 3 o'clock. . . * BLAKER.—At his late residence, in .Philadelphia, of disease contracted while quartermaster of tbe Ist Regi ment N. J. Cavalry, Edwin Blaker, in'the 34th year of his age. v* ■ McANALLY.—On the 18th'inst., at the General Hospi tal, Potomac creek, Va. , of wounds received at the battle of Chancellorville, Edward J. McAnaUy, of Co. H. 95th Regiment. Pennsylvania'Volunteers, seta of Michael and the late Mary McAnaUy. iirthe 27th year of his age. McCABE.—On the 22d inst. , Bernard McCabe, in the 26th year of his age. - * ALLCORN.—On the 23d inst., Miss Mary J.,'Allc6rn, in the 28th year of her age. : . ; 11 LACK AMU PURPLE JACONETS.— Rich Striped, Black, and Purple. French LAWNS, 26 cents. BESSON-&- SONi Mourning Store, . my 6 . : No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. 13LACK AND WHITE GRENADINE AJ .. - Black and white Mohair Plaids, ISJf to 28c. . ' . : ’ Black and white Plaid Scotch Bareges, l2Kc. Black and white Lawns and Chintzes lS&e. ; Grey Chene Modenas, 12)4c. Black Balzorines, 15c, Black Silk and Woolßaregea. 22c. . Black English Grenadine Bareges, 25c.. Black Paris Corded Organdies, 25c. v White and black Mozambiques, 25c ' - • . BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, my2l • .vr ;: ; No.:9IB.CHESTNUT Street. T>LACK GEENADIN E BAREGE XI , 4-4 Black, Satin Stripe-Barege. 8-4 Black Shawl Barege. . ■ All Wool Barege Long Shawls. Black Shawls, fall assortment. . . EYBE A LANDELL, , FOURTH and ARCH. Mantle silks of good QUALITY. \ Good Black Dress Silks., SummerToulards.: ‘ ' • Neat Check Silks. - EYRE & LANDELL, niy23 • FOURTH & ARCH Streets. MASUAN MINING COMPANY. OF LAKE SUPERIOR. —The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Mandau: Mining Company will be held at their Office,. No. 324 WALNUT Street, ,on THURSDAY, the 2Sth inst.,at Ho’clockA. M./forthe election of Directors, and the transaction of other busi ness. B. A. HO JPES, Secretary. - Philadelphia. May; 11,1863. . . ,myl2to2B UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVA- K2>?NIA, (DEPARTMENT OF ARTS.) I, • The final examination of the Senior Class .‘will be held in the following order, beginning each day at 4 o'clock WEDNESDAY, 20th. By the Provost, (Butler’s Analogy, y, ; < THURSDAY, 21st. By the Provost, (Political Edo ” FRIDAY, 22(1. By Professor -Frazer, Cfe / 26th. By-Professor'Allen, (the Orestes of Euripides.). ' • TUESDAY, 26th. By Professor Corpse, (International Xam) WEDNESDAY, 27th. By Professor Kendall, (Integral Calculus.) written. THURSDAY, 28th. By Professor Jackson, (Cicero y2s-tuf4t* Attorney for petitioner. T EASE OF TURNPIKE ROAD FROM Xi PHILADELPHIA TO GERMANTOWN.rrPropasaIs will be received for one month by the,Centril Passenger Railway Company, at* their Office, 309' South FIFTH Street 1 forv leasing their Plank-road, commencing at Broad street and Lamb-Tavern-road ; .thenc4 extending along Lamb-Tavern road t.O Seventeenth; street; thence along said and in a northwesterly direction to Gevmantown, with right to extend alongrtheTownßhip lin® road to the Wissahickon turnpike road- / my9-s4t* THE on ward mar o h (in im x -PROVEMENT and popularity of REIMER’S Co lored Photographs is daily attested by thousands of ap preclatingpatrons. Only $l. SECOND St.,afcove Green. A TRUE TEST OF MERIT—THE -fX unexampled and continued popularity of REIMER’6 Colored Photographs for $1 proves their merits are fully appreciated. SECOND Street, above Green. . It pARB. AMMONIA.—A FEW] TONS \J -landing. Also,'B Catties True'Musk, 'per Persia Imported ana for sale by WflL M. 3OB MAR KET Street. '. my* ; , - - •• :. '' ' . . * . " ,I. : NOW OPEN: NEW PUBLICATIONS# PUBLISHED THIS DAY, ’ WILLIAM HOWITT’S ' NEW WORK ON THE SUPEENATUBAL. THE HISTORY THE STOPERNATtJRAIi, In all ages and nations, in, all churches, Christian and Pagan, demonstrating a Universal Faith, afli BY WILLIAM HOWITT. In'two Vols., 12mo. ' J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishars. 715 and 'TIT MARKET Street. YK¥ BOOKS. A” . Just Received by < ■ J. B LIPPINCOTT&CO., 715 and 717 MARKET Street. HISTORY OF THE SUPERNATURAL, in all nations arid ages. -By.Wm Howitt 2-vols. V . RACEB OF THE OLD WORLD. A new Ethnological Treatise, ByC. L. Brace. TWO PICTURES; or, What wo Think of Ourselves, fic. By Maria J. Mclntosh. WINTHROF'S LIFE IN THE OPEN AIR. FULLER’S GOOD THOUGHTS IN BAD TIMES. THE ARMY CHAPLAIN’S MANUAL. By Rev. Mr. Hammond. AGNES AND TnE LITTLE KEY. By Rev. Dr. Adams. MARIAN GREY. By Mrs. Holmes. PARIS IN AMERICA. By Laboulayo. AT ODDS. By the 'Baroness Tautphceus, - author of “ Quits." •- , CHRISTOPHER NORTH. A Momoir of John Wilson, compiled by his daughter, Mrs. Gordon my2s-tf \TBW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! - L1 THE RACES OF THE OLB WORLD. A Manual of Ethnology. By Chas. L. Brace. $2. ’ PARIS IN AMBKICA; ByDr. Rene Laboulaye. $125. GOOD THOUGHTS IN BAD TIMES, AND OTHER PAPERS. «Sl.OO. ■ ; ■ AGNES AND‘THE LITTLE KEY ; Or, Bereaved Parents Instructed and Comforted by her Father. $L THE GENTLEMAN. By Geo. H. Calvert. 75.cts. THE TWO HOMES; Or, Earning and Spending. By Mrs. Madeline Leslie. .76 cts. • " , ' UP THE LADDER; Or, Striving and Thriving. By Mrs. Madeline Leslie. 75 cts. , For sale by W. S. A ALFRED MARTIEN, my 26 . : . . 606 CHESTNUT Street. MEW BOOKS. MISS MARIA J. McINTOSH’g NEW BOOK, TWO PICTUREB OF WHAT WE THINK OF OUR SELVES AND WHAT THE WORLD THINKS OF US. WINTHROP’S LIFE IN THE OPEN AIR, and other P FULLER’S GOOD THOUG HTS IN BAD TIMES ;ALL NEW BOOKS, , of a standard character, for sale as soon as published, by ' . LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, my2g »5 SOUTH SIXTH street, above CHESTNUT. A PPLETON’S NEW AMERICAN -tA CYCLOPEDIA. MOW COMPLETE IN SIXTEEN VOLUMES. PBIGBB -• Cloth, per vol ....$3.501 Half Morocco ...$4,60 Sheep 100 1 Half Russia 5.00 Sold to subscribers complete, or in. instalments of one or two. volumes per month. Canany intelligent American deny himself this great American digest of all human-knowledge, universally pronounced tho best Cyclopedia and the most valuable work ever published? OFFICE OF THE - . AMERICAN AND ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA, 33 SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. ALSO, t •• Putnam’s Rebellion Record, Irving’s Works, Ac., Ac. V i j • fe2B-stuta3m .J» TWO CAP IT A L IteLjP NEW BOOKS, READY TO-DAY. -Marian Grey.— A charming new tale, by Mrs.MARY J.Holmeb, author of “ Lena Rivera," ‘ * Meadow Brook," Ac. One elegant 12m0.-volume, cloth bound. Price $1.25- • • • ■. ***■ Mrs. Holmes is a peculiarly pleasant and fascina ting, writer. Her books are always entertaining, from their fresh and vivid portrayal of character and man ners,"their ready aopreciation of the ludicrous, and hap- • py adaptation of circumstances. She has a rare faculty or enlisting the sympathies and affections of her readers, and, of holding their her pages, with deep . and absorbii g interest. Her new book, ” Marian Grey,” will undoubtedly meet with a large sale. Drifting Alioui; or WTiatTeems Pipes, of Pipcs-ville,’ 1 Saw and Did.—A humorous auto biography, by: Stephen Massett. Illustrated with comic wood-cuts, by Mullen. *** One of the most original, comic, exciting, 1 witty, miraculous, anecdotical, amusing, entertaining, remark able books ever published It will produce a great sen sation everywhere, so look out for fun and amusement, as “Jeems is now ready with his book. Price, cloth bonnd, 12m0., $1.25. These books are sold by all booksellers, and are sent by mail, free, on receipt of price, by CARLE TON, publisher. No.: 4113 BROADWAY, New York, corner of Lispenard street. . r ; ' - my23-wAstf 1A CENTS! NEW CARD PHOTO- Iv.GRAPHS! 15 CENTS. Mrs. Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, on single card. Gen. “ . “ Mrl and'Mrs. “ “ one “ Over rtwenty different, styles, frern new negatives, made May 19,1863. PITCHER’S Bookstore, my23-3t : , / 808 CHESTNUT St. JJAZAKB'S BOOKSTORE, T 34 CHESTNUT STREET, Between Seyenth and Eighth Street, All Books usually to be had ina FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES. fe6-tf . CIRCULATING UIHKAIUES. WBROTHERHE AD’S OIBOULA • TING LIBRARY.—AU the NEW English and American Booksrincluding ALL CLASSES of Litoraturer This is tLe ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLIsH BOOKS that are not RE PRINTED here: ‘ - -Terms $6 per year ; six months $3; three months SI. 50; one month 75 . cents, or 3 cents per day, '9lB oath EIGHTH Street.' mh7-3m GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, 1 AND 3 N. SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. •• ' . . t - • v. \ JOHXC.ARRISOS, (FORIfBBLTJ. BI7BX VOOBE,) IMPOETEE AND DEAL EE lU GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, ALSO, , MANUEACiTUKER OP THE IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT, WRAPPERS, COLLARS, UNDERCLOTHING, &c. SATISFACTION GUARANTIED. my22-too4 XpINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. X The subscriber would invite attention to Ms IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty in his business. Also, con stantly receiving; ■ NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN’S IURNISHING BTOBE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, JaSO-tf . Four doors,below tbe Continental. MILITARY GOODS; ■JJNITBD STATES FLAGS, SILK AND BUNTING, ALL SIZES. EVANS dfc HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, myl2lm ■ 418 ARCH STREET. Q. W. SIMONS A BROTHER, BANSOM-STREET HALL. PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY. FINE BWOBDSi AJP . MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERT VARIETY. lalSNBm Q.OVERNMENT GOODS. ■■ ■; Standard 10 r ounce Cotton Duel:. Indigo Blue Flannels. Mixed'Twilled Flannels. :Sky Blue Kerseys. PARNHAM, KIRKHAM, * 00., . No. S3O OHSSTSUT STREET. mh24-3m GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DAEK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. . SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ASHY BLANKETS. STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. ' f DRILLS,' STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT- lor s&le by FROTHINGHAM A WELLS. «e2-lftf EDUCATION. A/lISS MARY E. THROPP WILL RE- A.TA open her Enslish and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, at 1841 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, the second MONDAY in September. For' circulars apply at the school, or address Miss Thropp at Valley Forge, jPenna., during the holidays. mylB-4m* TjVNGLISH AND FRENCH BOARD -ING AND DAY SCHOOL.-Mrs. GERTRUDE J. : CARY will commence the nineteenth session of her school September-14, 1863,-and will be at her residence, 1617 WALNUT Street, eveiy Wednesday afternoon until July 14th. applications. myg-tuthf4w» TJELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE— XJ A BOARDING SCHOOL FOB GIRLS.-This Insti tution Is located about twenty miles from Phi ladelphia, nine miles-from Trenton, and seven miles from Bristol, on the northern limits of ATTLEBOROUGH, Middletown township; Bucks county,' Pennsylvania—a rural district unsurpassed for healthmlnesu and beauty. There are three daily conveyances to the premises from Philadelphia during the aumnier.: ■ / THE SPRING AND SUMMER TERM will commence ©n the'2oth of FIFTH month, and* continue in session twelve weeks, through the most pleasant period of the warm months. . The course of instraotion is thorough and complete in all .the elementary and higher branches of an EnjolisTi, . Classical and Mathematical Education. The Prenon language is taught by a very superior native French teacher, who daily engages the pupils in French conver sations. . ' A Normal Department is in operation for the benefit of r those who desire to qualify themselves for teachers. TERMS. — The charge for tuition in the. English, branches, with board, wasting, fuel, and lights, inclu ding pens, and ink, and,the use ; of library, is, for the Spring and Summer Term of twelve weeks, $48. ! Latin. Greek, French, and Drawing, each extra. particulars, may be had on ap plication to the Principals; Attleborough P. - O. .Baoke county, \ or from Edward Parrish, northwest corner of EIGHTH and ARCH Btrset,. Philatielphia; ISRAEL J. GRAHAHS. ~ JANRP. GRAHAMS. , myl-lm ■ . ■ Prinaipala. TU OXER’S PATENT SPRING BED, ' ; _ Patbxthd JmrS,lBM. ■ - . ■ UnlTenally acknowledge for Noatnaaa. Comfort, and ■' Durability to bo the Standard Spring Bed. _ j The aboye are mannfMtnred p°[M t !rnlTirwg J ‘ . mbai-Sin ' Ho. M REVERE Blaofc BaatanTlUiK CHICAGO AUCTION SAXE, Q.REAT SALE OP CHICAGO CITY PROPERTY, AT. AUCTION, The undersigned will offer for sale at Auction* In the CITY OF CHICAGO, on THURSDAY, the 4th day of June, 1863, At 10 o'clock A. M., Borne eighteen hundred Lots in the ORIGINAL TOWN, AND IN WIGHT’S, ELSTON’S, AND SHEFFIELD’S ADDI TION TO CHICAGO. Embracing several thousand feet of very desirable water front, well ad apted to manufacturing purposes. • Terms of Sale: One-fourth cash, and the balance 1n three (3) annual payments, with interest at SIX; PEE CENT. MAHLON D. OGDEN, royl6 r l2t Trnstee of Chicago Land Co. WANTS. WANTED—BY A MARRIED MAN, " T a SITUATION in any respectable business. Was engaged as book-keeper for one house on Market street for nine years, and has a good knowledge of business generally. The best of cily reference can be given. Ad dress M T. E.,” Box 1586 Post Office. my26-7i* A GENTLEMAN HAVING- A DE. SIE ABLE HOUSE, delightfully located, would like two or three other Gentlemen 1o join him, so as to secure a comfortable home at moderate expense. Address ’‘ S. M..” office of The Press. : my 26 st* WANTED.—A YOUNG MAN WHO ™ * has had five years' experience in the Wholesale Grocery business, is desirous of-obtaining a SITUA TION. 'ls willing to make himself generally useful. Can influence trade, and will give good references. Ad dress * * Union, ” Press office. It* WANTED—FOUR BOYS, ABOUT 17 years of age, to learn the . AUCTION BUSI NESS. Must reside with their parents, and -bnng good references. AddrtSß AUCTION, Office. ; . my2s»3t WANTED—A WAREHOUSE, •" V .suitable for doing a Forwarding : and Commission Business, on MARKET or BROAD Street, with a track; possession to be given first of July, or soon after. Address. “W. E. Camp, ’’ American. Heteh my23-3t* . ' A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE * ■ AGENTS in' every county at $76 a month, ex penses paid, to selL : mv new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address : S. MADISON, my6-3md&W Alfreds Maine. Cjfin a MONT H!—W E WANT AGENTS at $6O a month, expenses paid, to sell our Everlasting Pencils, Oriental BumerB % 2.uA 13other new articles. 16 circulars/ree. SHAW & CLARK, .. : my6-3md&W ■. — : - Biddeford, Maine. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OITICK—PHHiAEBipHii. Feb. 9, VESSELS WANTED immodiately to carry COAL to the following points: . , . , Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe Si* . FOR SALE. AKD TO LET. MFOR sale—the elegant Modern RESIDENCE, No. 957 FRANKUN 'Street; is finished in the most complete an ddu Table manner; lias side yard 28 feet wide. Apply, to WM. EOSSSLL ALLEN, S. E. comer FOURTH and ‘WALNUT Streets, second floor. . . : - y • my26-3t* M FOR SALE—THE STOBE AND DWELLING N. W. corner SIXTEENTH and RUM MBR Streets. Has a large front on each, street. Apply to¥M; ROSSBLLALLEN, BrE. corner FOURTH and WALMUT Streets, second floor. / my26'-3t ; * . JSI -FOB SALE—TWO MEDIUM-SIZED ■““DWELLINGS, MARSHALL Street, near Girard avenue. Parlor, dining room, and kitchen; Also, a fine DWELLING on VINE, near Second street; - i THOMAS S. MORRIS, my2s-6t* WALNUT-Street. POR SALE-A DESIRABLE LOT ON BROAD Street, above Oxford, 32 feat front, 239 feet deep.' Apply to WM ROSSELL ALLEN/S, E. corner FOUBTH and WALNUT Street's, second flfror: my2fr3»~** POB SALE, ON EASY TERMS Ar. Several very, Ch oice LOTS: on VENANGO Street, 100 feet front, by 230 feet deep, wi'hina few minutes’ , “walk of Tioga station, ou the Germantown. Railroad;' The lbts are already handsomely laid out, with* shade trees and evergreens, and will soon be brought within.- east drive of the city, by the turnpiking of Township Line road. Apply to JOHN G;-JOHNSON, mvs-tuthsl2t*- 708 WALNUT Street. REMOVALS. T)R. BEAUMONT REMOVED TO 809 A/. ARCH St., nearly opposite his old place. Cmvl4-12t* PROPOSALS. nOAL.-WEITTEN PROPOSALS- V/. will be received until the 15th-JUNE, for the de livery on tho north wharf at WEST POINT, N.- Y, of the rollowingSquantities of best WHITE ASH- COAL, cltan: • *- 600 tons (2,240 lbs. per ton) Large Egg size -750 tons " “ Egg size. v - 300 tons Stove size. Name of Coal, and price ofeach kind, stated separately. Coal can be delivered from the Schuylkill, Lehigh, and Wyoming districts, at- the We3t Point wharf, from canal, boats’, which receive it at the mines,/without breaking bulk, via the Schuylkill , and Delaware'and Rsritan Canals. The C» al to be delivered between the Ist of July and Ist of September next. Facilities (not including men) for unloading will be furnished.' Proposals to be addressed to EDWARD C BOYNTON; Captain and Quartermaster. West Point, N. Y. , May 21,1863. my 26 tuths6t A SSI ST AN T QUARTERMASTER SX. GENERAL’S OFFICE. - - Philadelphia, May 25, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS.wiII be received at Ehis office until 12 o’clock M. on SATURDAY, the 30th inst., for re pairing; all the cement-roofs of the U. S.- A. Hospital at Chester, and for keeping them free from leakage for a term of three years from the date of the contract, to which end the contractor will be required to give his bond, with approved security. Each proposal must in clude the cost of securing tne openings' for stove-pipes during the summer months, while the stoves are stored away, and also for rendering the same perfectlywater tight when the stoves are set up in the fall. my26-5t - A. BOYD, Capt. and A. Q M. PHILADELPHIA FI-RE AJSD LIFE A . INSURANCE COMPANY. - OFFICE, Ho. 433 CHESTNUT STREET. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA IN ISIS.:; : This Company Is now prepared to make Insurance against LOSS BY FIRE on the most favorable terms/ ;• Their losses will he promptly settled, and that those for the year 1862 were so, they refer to the following re* eipients: ; Mrs. Jane Ferreo L. G.Mytinger & Co. Beverly R. Keim.... ■William B. Taber- • - ■ John Cundy - - - • • P. P. Morris. .... W. Y. Petit.. L. G.'Mytinger&Co R. £..8611678....... Other small losses This Company have no unsettled losses. The assets of the Company are now Mortgages and ground rents... Real estate (taken for debts) cost Stocks and bonds.V s .. Bills receivable v Due from individuals Cash in Bank*»« Stock notes . DIBEOTORS. R. P. Kins, President, Charles P. Hayes, John Clayton, Ed: Wiler, T. K. Collins, J.. M.'Cowell, 8. J. Megargee. ; sah2B-Btnth3m*if P. B] M. W. Baldwin, Vice Pro sident, P. B. Savery, Alexander Murphy, H. C. Howell, • John Killgore, LACKBDRNE. Secretary. T^AMEINSURANC -»* «6 CHESTNUT Street. philad: FIRBANDINEA DE COMPANY, NO. iELPHIA. kND INSURANCE. 3TORS. * Francis N. Buck, E. D. WoodrnC, Ghas. Richardson, Geo. A. West, Henry Lewis. Jr.« John Kessler, Jr„ John w. Everman, Chas. Stokes, Philip S. Justice, A. H. Rosenheim, 0. W. Davis, Josep D. Ellis. FRANCIS N. BUCK; President CHARLES RIGHABDBON, Vice President, ♦ WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD; Secretary. Uals-UU COPARTNERSHIPS. THE SUBSOBIBEBS WILL CONTI. NUB the DRUG BUBIHBSS, u heretofore, at the Old Stand, Ho. 734 MARKET street. WM. BLLIB h GO., Dmtihlt. T»4 MARKET Street. HOTELS, ■METROPOLITAN HvDTEL, (lath brown’s, )■ PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Between. Sixth and Seventhstreets, WASHINGTON CITY- my22-6ra HOUSE, CORNER OF PENNSYLVANIA -AVENUE.AND SE VENTH STREETS, Washington, O. The subscriber has leased this well known and popa r lar hotel, and respectfully invites his friends in Pean cylvama and elsewhere to giYe*him a call. ... . myS-lm JOHN' CASEY, Proprietor. . DRAMDEETH house, - Coiner of BROADWAY. CANAL, and LIBPRNARD STREETS, HEW YO^K. • CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. ' The above Hotel is located in the most central part of Broadway, and can he reached bT omnibus or city ears* from all the cteamboaUandings and railroad d6pdtc. The rooms are elegantly famished. Many of them are •onßtracted in suits of communicating parlors and cham bers, smtable for families and panne travelling to gether. Meals served at all hours. Single Rooms from GO'cents to $1 per day. Kooms ** * «•» * co. T?V ERYBODY LIKES IT. AiDEN'B CONGENTRATBBCOFFBB. . ' A perfectly pare and- healthy beverage, guarantied free from Dandelion, Ghiokocy, or any deleterious substance °° M *8 HorthFRONT Bt..Philadelphia. A NOTED PACT-ALL LOVERS OP A agree in pronouncing REIMER’S Life-size Pho toirrapiiH in Oil Gnfors superb;' They supersede all other Portraits mads* SECOND Street, above Green. It Jhr CLAM SOUP WILL BE SERVED op daily, Sundays excepted, by JAMES PROS SER, No. BOS MARKET Street. , mys-lftf PHILADELPHIA PHRENOLOGI- CABINET AND BOOK STORE.-EranOua y\Jftions, with written or verbal descriptions of Cha- ZA racier, Social Disposition, Professional Talents Qualification, Ac.. are made-day and evening. All the.publications of Fowler wholesale and retail. JOHN I*. CAPES?* ftp7tutbsamif 35 South TENTH Street.^ PAINTS.—IOO TONS WHITE LEAD, A S. W. Zinc, Ac., in oil or dry. Also, X;000 packages of “ Crown-Brand Lead,” of late manufacture. For Bale by WM. H. WILSON, 90S MARKET SteWL tayS •ATHW CHESTNUT-STREET L-THEa: a-” THE. —Emroo and Manafer. ..Mr. WWEtKATLHT. THE COOLEST THEATRE IN AMERICA. LAST NIGHTS OF THE NEW FAIRY SPECTACLE, Nightly received for the LAST TWO WEEKS by crowded and brilliant audiences. „ , „ NEW AND BPLENDID SCENERY. HyJ. E. Hayes and j. H. Selwyn. lhe powerful Chorus and full Orchestra under the di rection of Mr; Mark Hassler. appearance of the Charming, Talented', ftuA MBS. JOHN WOOD, The Fairy Extravaganza, Quf™ 1118 ° OLDE!I LOCKa - OBiGilii/jictras. i MES - JOHN WOOD ME. D.-SETCHELL, mb. W. a. CHAPMAH' MR. W. DAVIUGE. Will appear. Previous to which, . SHOCKING EVENTS. Puggs GrtmnhoiT. *• Dress Circle and Parquette Orchestra Seats.. •••»•• Family Circle No extra' charge for Reserved Seats: Curtain “- WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. ■" SoleLesiee .....Mrs.M. A. GARRETTBON. SuHlhess Agent Mr. JOHN T- DONNELLY. 237th NIGHT, AND LAST WEEK OF THE'SEASON. - BBNEFIT OF MR. B. N. THAYER; MR. LEWIS BAKER AND MRS. ALEXINA FISHER BARER, Have kindly volunteered, and will appear In three characters—performai ce to coamench’witt .THE PHYSIOGNOMIST. ' ... Lavater.... ; ......Mr. E. N. Thayer. To be followed by THE LOAN OF A LOVER.- Peter 5pyke.........;.......... w ......Mr. Lewis'Baker. Gertrude with, songs.... Mr. Alexina Fisher Baker. " To conclude with „ SONNY ATKINS IN PHILADELPHIA, TO-MORROW, BENEFIT OF MR. B YOUNG; ' IVTUSIOAL FUND HALL—SANDER ■AM- SON’S CONCERT. A CARD. The young and celebrated American Pianist and' Com> poser, „ . ■■■ ■ MR. HARRY SANDERSON* Having- retnrned from Havana, where ho met with- th* most flattering: marks of success, the manager* tegs te* announce to'the public that he will give, in Philadel phia, TFE GRAND CONCERT, On FRIDAY EVBNING, May 29th, at 8 o’clock. On which occasion the following-artists will appear • Mrs. JENNY KBMPTON, The Favonte American Contralto. Mr. WILLIAM CASTLE, the Talented Tenor. Mr. GEORGE WV MORGAN, the' World-renowned Or ganist, will condact the Concert.’ Admission SO cents; Reserved seats 25 cents extra. Tickets and seats can be secured; at Gould’s Moßfo- Store, commencing Wednesday, May 27th. 1 .. . Doors open at 7%. Concert to commence at S o’clock. -The Grand, Piano used, by Mj. Sanderson, is from the celebrated Manufactory of Chickering Sons. Boston. my26-4t O N C E R T HAL L, CHESTNUT STREET. . FOR FIYB NIGHTS ONLY, COMMENCING TUESDAY, May 26th. Haying played a very successful; engagamentto the fashion and elite ofwashingtoh andßaltimore, by the urgent solicitation of the citizens of Philadelphia. THE ORIGINAL • . PEAK F AMILY, SWISS BELL RINGERS, have been induced to give .Five more CONCERTS, com mencing TUESDAY, May 26th, on which occasion they will present an • . - • • 1- - ENTIRE GRANGE OF PROGRAMME. FURTHER PA-RTICULARB BEREAFTER s TWO GRAND-MATINEES, ' WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, commencing at 3 o’clock -< . - . All children admitted for lQcenta to Matinees. Admission 25 cts. Reserved seats 60 eta. Tickets foe saleat J. E. Gould's Music Store, €B2 Chestnut street Doors open at ' 'To commence at 8 o'clock^ .iny2fi»3t* . . • G C ’CHASE, Business Agent* IV A T A T OB I U 1 M SWIMMING SCHOOL FOE CHILDREN, LADIES; AND GENTLEMEN. SOUTH BROAX> a BELOW WALNUT STREET. DR. JANSEN respectfully informs those and Gentlemen who anticipate leaving the city, retiring to the sea shore or th'e watering places, that his exten sive Swimming Bath has begun operations under very rfavorable circumstances, and 1 he invites them to avail themselves ofthe advantages thair his institute-offers t* them. Bis system of instruction is pleasant and. original. He warrants to every pupil to leam the art ofSwimming in'one month, at the furthest. Some have learned in eight or ten lessons. Thewater is keptat an'even tempe rature (80 degrees, Fahrenheit, forfemale and 75 degrees, Fahrenheit, for male classes); and’every comfort and at tention .will be furnished to combine amusement with the most useful and healthful exercise. - .my2fi4>t QIGNOR BLITZ WILL EXHIBIT AT FRaNEFORD. MONDAY and TUESDAY, May 25th and : £6th, AFTERNOON and EVENING. ; my2s-2t* GERMANIA ORCHESTRA—PUBLIQ •V*. REHEARSALS every. SATURDAY AFTEBKOON. at 3% o’clock, at Jthe MUSICAL FUND HaLL: GAEL SEKTZ, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of five tickets $l, To be had of Andre & Go., No. 1104 Chestnut - J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut,.and at the Hall door. :■ t ' NOTICE —The last three Public Rehearsals of the sea- Fonwill take place on the 30th of May, and 6th and 13th of June. •. ‘ * . my2l*tf. PENNSYLVANIA . ACADEMY O.F ' ■*- Tf E FINE ARTS, • CHESTNUT STREET. . TBs FORTIETH ANNUAL EXHIBITION' - IS NOW OPEN, From 9 A.M. till 7 P. M., ar>d fioaa 8 till lO ?. 5? Admission 25 cents. Season Tickets. 50 cents. - Annual Tickets, One Dollar; : Stockholders Artists, and Coatribnse-rs will receifV-? their Tickets at the Office. myd-i' HA S S LIB’S O R CHE S TR>' * ■ • ’ NEW OFFICE, Bl* -South. EIGHTH Street, below Walnut QTEREOSCOPTIGONS FOR PUBi.n* k-' EXHIBITION S, .in large or. aaaail "hall*. wiib, .views, scenes. ancLrepresentaUons of ; fine Statuary, of Europe and America, incidents, places, auiLb'±t‘i*** * the present Rebellion, . Made and for sale by - JAMESW. QUEEN & C0.,- Manufacturing Opticians, 924 CBLEUFNUT Stresv, Philadelphia. Tullpriced and Catalogue* sent by mail free. • apSO-lm . -J&A* POINT’BREEZE PARK AS «g«*»»Jv.SOnTATTON. —List of purses offered for Sprinjr Trotting Meeting, 1863:. ; .-V ; ~ Pnrse of ssoo—Mile heats, best: 3 In. 6i to harness, for horses that have trotted in -2.30, or leas. ' Do. $2O0 —Mile heats, best 3. In. 5." to wagon,for horses , that.have not trotted better than 2.35. Do. s2so—Mile heats, best s' in s,'to double harness, for horses that have not trotted better than 2.40. Do. s3oo—Mile heats/best 3:in.'s,'to-w-a*?6n, for horsea that have trotted in 2 less. Do. s2oo—Two miles andrepeat, to haroess, for horses that have never trotted better than 2 Sol' . Do. ssC—Mile and repeat, to wagon, for. horses that. have never trotted .better than 2:50. Do. sSoC—Mile heats, best 3 in-5, to harness, for horses that have never trotted better than 2.45. Do s3o—Onemile and repeat, for all colts four-years old or less, to go as theypUase.- Pedigrees r muBt ac company the entries for this colt premium. V Entries for the above purses must be directed to' the office of the Association. 144 South FOURTH Street, Phi ladelphia, where they.will close on Monday, June let. at 12 o’clock,-noon.- • 1 ■ • - . Entries must he sealed, .andin every instance enclosed' 10 per cent, on amount of purse entered. Three or more entries to fill and two to start; Races to come off the third week in June. The-rules of the Association foverning trotting are essentially the * ‘ Union Course :ules. ” S- KILPATRICK, Secretary, my£2,26 .>■ 14* South FOURTH Street. ICE) CRB AM AND CONFECTIONERY*. FAMILIES, WEDDINGS, PARTIES, A Festivals, Fairs, Excursions; and Boarding Houses, furnished with ICE CREAMS. CAKE, aud CONFEC TIONERY, on the most reasonable terms > ; my2s-6t* _ * GEO. T. RILEY, No. 1115 Race St. CO A L.—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER Meadow, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain from Schuylkill;' prepared ex preasly for family use. Depot, N. w. corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office, No. 113 South SECOND Street. Cap'J-ly) J. WALTON & CO. * PHILADELPHIA AND EASTERN TRANSPORTATION: COMPANY is now prepared to forward FREIGHT from Philadelphia to New York, .via Camden and Port Mon mouth: . : .$1,962 4fi . . 918-92 The attention of Shippers and Merchants is directed to this new. and- expeditions RAILROAD ROUTE, and a portion of their patronage respectfully solicited. Freightreccived at third whaif acbve Arch street . ForJ'urther pai'ticulars apply to-. • .. GEO. B. McCULIiOH, Freight Agent, 15SP iNorth WHARVfaS. W: F. GRIFFITTS, Jr., General Mau&ger, ' JOHN BUGKv'Preigbt Agent; my22-tf Pier No. NORTH*K2VER, New. York. 4,846,67 ... 4,894 19 ... 12187 ... 2,000 00 ... 60,00 .. 1,498 76 • 84:15- ~ t .. . ' Through Express Freight Train for all points above, leaves daily at 6 P. M i ....950,116 48 .... 19,370 00 .... 21,509 91 .... ■ 9,942 91 7,374,47 .... 1.082 87 .... 70,265 00 $179,662 64 For farther information apply to --■ . : JOHN'S. HiAh'gS, General Ageo^ THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL, and N. W com« SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. ... - jaSi-tf «jrgHßjM-..:;N'.O'.T I C E.^OPPIOK fwW'9%W mm Osl ‘- C-AP-E : M*AY AND: MILLVILLE ; RAILROAD COMPANY. 409. WALNUT Street, May 15th, .1863.—0 n and after WEDNESDAY, 20th insfc.. the Gars.. Will run regularly upon this road to PORT ELIZABETH., leaving WALNUT-Street Wharf at 9 o’clock A. M.. daily.’ myl6-tf v C. B. DUNGAN, President. AND’ PHILADEL^Ia^RMI^ ROAD, VIA MEDIA. ■ . SUMMER BOARDERS i Will find pleasant and ample*accommodations at the fo!-- ■ lowing places on or near .the-Railroad: Trains to and from the city five times each way dailVv • COUPON AND SEASON TICKETS AT LOW RATES, Near Wallingford Station. Mr. C. W. Thomas, ' IN MEDIATthE CHESTNUT GROVE HOUSE, THXt- CHARTER HOUSE. ' Near Media, Mr. Fetes Worral, Mrs M. Ai Worrall* Mrs: Wm. Brooke, Mias Passmore, Gideon Halm, ThVV" the nleW-of April 13th, frpm,U>a Fire Proof- of. the - Beading. their ; upper Freight Depot, at. Beading, a Package, or .Money, ■ , oontaiping TEN TEDMAND ANn NltfETr-SSYEK '■ DOLLARS. FIVE HErapKBD SOLLABB»BWAIt&wm ,he paid for the recovery of f-aldiaoney, or tho samepro , portion for any part thereof; and. a further sum of Piya. Hundred Dollars %r.such la&fination as mar lead to the. -apprehensionandiconYictienof.thetniefor;tuisKiea. - ■ Vf; Sseretdry,- ' Philadelphia aniXaadineßailroad Sombany,, myl4-12t '' aav South FOURTH St., Vldlada. T> RIOK PRESSES;, DRAIN; TILB, -U ani Clay Taaperina Haohlnea. and Brick-maker, Toola • . . 8. P. MILLER, myLb-to 309 Sonlh FIFTH Street. NOTICE.— MY WIFE, ANNIE F. ■ ' DUTFPIBtD, Laying left my bed and boe&i with out any just cause or provocation, I hereby caution all persons from trusting her on my acoounk asTwill not payany debts contracted by her from fcJils date. ' ' HENRY G.DUBFUSLD. / myl9-tnf4i* May 18, 1863. rjREGG & CO.’S NEWLY INVENTED U MET iT LIC by WALCOTT' & BUKNHAM, 731 CHESTNUT StreM, is tha-mosfe' beautiful and economical Bo*ricsrator.eyQr presented to, tbe public. Thiß is a combination of aad., WatcrjCoider, and reqmra* very-Uttle more ice for botfc than uiad for tie Cooler alone. myl*!6\?*i£ ... AMCrSEMEKTS. •« r -D. Setchell. ■Mr. W. Dartdft,. 2B *• THE TURF. COAL. RAILROAD LIKES. EXPRESS COMPANIES.