The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 06, 1863, Image 3
A Great Family Medicine.— There is nothing in the history of materia medica more ex traordinary) that has come to our knowledge, than the rapidity with which “Helmbold’a Highly Con centrated Compound Fluid Extract Buchu” has won it© way into universal favor. Much of this success is doubtless owing to the energetic and judicious publicity given to the article by its talented and en terprising proprietor, Mr, Helmbold; although it would be absurd to suppose lor amomen - hat this popularity could be constantly increased and sus tained it it had not substantial medicinal merits to recommend it. Upon this point, by the way, we liave the highest medical authority for saying, that for pxififying the blood, curing scrofula, scald head, salt rheum, pains and stoellings of the bones , ulcerations of the throaty tetter y crysipelasy and entptions of the skin, it is the most effectual and certain remedy known to •science, whilst in a number of other affections, spe cified in Mr. Helmbold’a advertisements, its effects Are sovereign in their character. The Great Success of our Arms on •this Rappahannock has filled the heart of every :Joyal man with joy, and the head of every Seceah •sympathizer with bitterness and shame. The end .of the war is rapidly approaching, and the noble anen who have stood by the country through her •perils are worthy of all honor,: The Bame remarks, •we may add, hold good with respect to our towns aiian, W. W. Alter, who has persevered in the good work of seUing the best quality of coal at low prices .notwithstanding the general inflation of the times! ?His popular yard, Ninth street, above Poplar, is literally besieged with patrons every day in the week* Elegant Spring 'and Summer Cloth- UNG, at Modhuatb Prices.— Our readers who have •not yet ascertained the fact for themselves, by ac tual experiment, will.thank us for directing their at tention to the famous fashionable Clothing Empo <rium of Messrs; G. Somers & Son, No. 6*25 Chestnut street, under Jayne’s Hall. The ready-made stock <of this house is without exception the finest in the city, whilst their manufacture of fine suits, to order, .exceeds that of any other tailoring establishment in ■Philadelphia. Being the importers of their own >goods, and very extensively engaged in the trade, *their prices are much below the prices usually •charged for goods of the same quality and style. Fine-Quality Gelatine — Messrs. Davis ,& Richards, successorß to the late O. H. Mattson, •dealers in fine family groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, have now in store a fresh supply of Cox’s Patent Refined Sparkling Gelatine, which, we may •inform our readers, makes a richer and more crysta lline Jelly, in a few minutes, than any other in use. Delicious Spring . Confections and 33arlt Fruits. —Mr. A. U. Yansant, Ninth and ■Onestnut streets, has now ready, fresh on his coun ters every morning, made from the finest and purest materials, Sweet Jordan Roasted Almonds, Cream Yanilla Chocolates, French and American Mix tures, Portuguese Seorefcs,-French Nauget, and a Rundred other noveltieß not found elsewhere; also, mew Strawberries, and all the choicest hot-house and tropical fruits. French Hats, for Ladies, ill great va riety and moat exquisite styles, will be found at the great Millinery establishment of Messrs. Wood & Gary, No. 726 Chestnut street. ‘ For the Most Comfortable and Best ■ Fitting Shirt ov the age, go to Mr. George Qrant’B Gents’ Furnishing Goods establishment, No. GlO. Chestnut street. , Officers in the Army and Navy will find an admirable stock of Swords, Sashes, Belts, and Military -Furnishing Goods generally, afc Ohas. OAkford.Sc Son’s, under the Continental Hotel. Messrs. Wood-& Cary, No. 725 Chest nut street, have jußt received and opened a superb assortment of Misses’ and Children’s Hats, to which we invite the attention of our lady readers. The New Style Spring Hats and Cai’S for gentlemen and youth, at Oakford & Son’s, under the Continental Hotel, are universally ad mired. Patten’s Window-Shade Stoke is now 0t 1408 Oheatnut street. Lace and Muslin Curtains.—A large lot of Cuitainß closing out at old prices, at W. Henky Patten's, 140 S Chestnut street. Carpets akd .Mattiecs fitted, altered, *nd laid, by practical upholsterers, at W. Hisnry Patten's West End Upholstery Store, UOB Chest nut street. C Striped "'YjsrAasdati Awkings.—Those agreeable outside Summer Shades made to order at W. Henry Patten’s West End Upholstery Store, 1408 Chestnut street. Old Furniture re-upholstered, meucled, Varnished, and made to look equal to new. Persons Having Fine Old Furniture may send it to this esta blishment with confidence, as I make this a special branch of my business, and none but the beßt work men are allowed to work on old furniture at W. He*Jry Patten’s, West End Upholstery Store, I‘iOS Chestnut street. There is a mah out West wlio labors. Under the delusion that “Hon.” placed before a man’s name stands for honest. There are but few men, however, either. East or West, who are not acquainted with the fact that the cheapest and most substantial summer garments to be obtained can be procured at Granville Stokes’ one*price Emporium Of'Fashion, Wo. C 0& Chestnut street. . Embboidbf.ed Cloth Pxako and Table Covers. • . . ' Embroidered Cloth Piano and Table Covers. Embroidered Cloth Piano and Table Covers,. Embroidered Cloth Piano and Table Covers. Embroidered Cloth Piano and Table Covers. Embroidered Cloth Piano and Table Covers. Fancy cloth Piano and Table Covers. Fancy Cloth Piano and Table Covers. Fancy Cloth Piano and Table Covers. Fancy Cloth Piano and Table Covers. Falicy Cloth Piano and Table Covers. Damask Piano and Table Covers. Damask Piano and Table Covers. DamasfcTPi&qp and Table Covers. Damask Piano and Table Covers. Embossed Piano and Table Co.vers. Embossed Piano and Table Covers. Embossed Piano and Table Covers. Embossed Piano and Table Covers. Kelty & Co., Wo. 630 Chestnut street. Kklty & Co,, Wo. 630 Chestnut street, Kki/ty & Co., W0.,630 Chestnut street. Iveltt & Co., Wo. 630 Chestnut street. Gold Fluctuating.— Gold is one of the most uncertain commodities in the market. It goes m kiting ” like a feather at the slightest provocation of bad news, and it-goes down-like a fifty-six pound weight when intelligence is favorable. Among the best and most judicious investments that we know of is a suit of elegant spring clothes, from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, No. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above 'Sixth. There fluctuation in their value, and the buyer never re grets his purchase. , Free Concert for Thursday Night Next-—On Monday a grand sacred concert, under the direction of Professor John JBower, was held in the Church of the New Testament (T. H. Stockton, pastor), corner of Eleventh and Wood streets. The attendance was large, and the auditory apparently very much pleased. It would give us pleasure,*if wehad space, to specify various pieces as excellent- Jy rendered.. JBut, this is the less necessary as the •concert is to’berepeated, with some attractive modi rflcation, on Thursday night, beginning atS-o’cloek. This will be a ’Free Concert* a collection being sub ►utituled for the sale of tickets. A brief lecture on selocution will form part of the entertainment. All .are cordially .united. ' u TjE : Bon Ton,” “Le Fashions Parisi .enne,” andallthe latest Fashion? Book's which the iladies-conault, show-that the fashion for embroidery .on cloaks, .ladies’ dresses, and garments of nearly all descriptions, is the rage in Paris, and, if we turn to iGcdey’-s, it will be seen that this novel style of orna mentation is being rapidly adopted here. The ■Grover & Baker Machine embroiders as well and as rapidly sews, and with this machine the useful as well as the ornamental is at once and easily at tainable. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, TJP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIOHT. Girard—Chestnut »1 A Jolinston, Pittsburg ‘. W 0 Nixon, Tennessee AM Austin, Tennsste ... MB Taylor, Washington . -Chtts Thompson, Fhila. Johnßlair, Ohio'-. -W Howard, Ohio J,M Pulton, Pittsburg John Peiicell, Peoia Vf Maher, Biainsville T G Stewart, Biainsville ABO Douglas, Boston A J Hamilton, New Jersey H £ Leman, Lancaster H'AOatbcart, Harrisburg Mrs J P Cochran, Delaware Slisa B Cochran, Delaware Clias C Gragan & la T McFadden, Jr, Pittsburg C TV Poulscn, New York J) 8 Althouse. Pottsvillo Peter Gallagher, New York A H Schultz. New Y o rk P S Hunter & la, Reading Miss Hunter&siator, Reading Mrs H.S Eckert, Reading • . J SBarrison.SprtngfleltLO' James O’Neill,New York TbosC Dunn, New York John J Foley,New York Jacob Philips, New York Geo TAtwood, Mass B B Maltly,New York Mr PrfiU, Manchester, N H John Tobin. Phiiada J Casey, Pin lad a H A Kisley.New York Gen BradleyvNew York ■W.HPlelciaft * . W S Madden, Jersey ;city Jt T Squires.- "Jersey .city Continental—Ninth W B Thompson, Wash, D C G'HiFbhtc', Washington <3 Glkk, Bsitlmoie . E K Whitaker, Washington S Bryant, Boston S / B’arnum H Brooks, U S N <3 G Pope,- Chicago •Jtl N Shannon, New York A Crawford. *T H Dunham, Boston '■W-BMaddoclf, New Y6rk~ 3iy_»adJetoo. Dfciaware ■ 33 Thdttrflf, jßyers,,Bostun v - •\y Blymi,Columbus* Ohio A B Wetmore. New York T.B Winchester. Boston *\Y/H Hawley, Chicago, 111 VjH fides &da. Georget.DC AAustin. & la, Cincinnati, JR.Bowen Sc la.-WelUboro YS Quaker, Baltimore ‘As Boyce & tvf. Bftltinlore f eeo C Bossai*, Boston • : fohh H B Henderson, Boston & Stephenson, Chicago, 111 Otis Ohilds. Hprinfield,MaBB T A Raphol & wf, Baltimore H Veght, Somerville Mrs J Bell, Kew, York /MrsFarrium, New York / GpoD Winter. New York /. J W Waters, New York ll D C Mills, Sandusky, 0 I II N Slianon, New York ) 8 B Sclilesinger, Boston - H C Logan, California J Malcolm, Baltimore Robt-LTeel, Wash’n, DC RCole, New York s Henry Balstead, Brooklyn W B Dobbin, Baltimore MrsJDobbln. Baltimore Col Fowler & la, Mew York Col Hardin • . J 8 Smith &wf, Oregon ; JH Chambers, New York C 8 Bowen* Providence, KI itreet, below Ninth. P I) Luther, Pottsville Hon Jas Ryon, Pottuville G Wityon, 'Lawrenceville W A Medlar & la, Heading Miss "E Jameson, Reading DrW F Hutchinson, U 8 N H 31 Hutchinson, Chicago J Mullison & la, Penna S C 3layer, heading It Simpson & la, England Dr Dyer & wf, Chicago Miss Dyer, Chicago ' "■ Mißs Huntington, Chicago J B Barker, New York D Kavan-igb, New York ' G W Had, New York vV Van Cotfc, New York G V an Cott. New York T Walsh, Now York A Fullerton, New York JohuL 'gau, Now York : JohnT Bolten.Mass Miss S Bolcen, Mass Miss R S Bolteu, Mass r Win danders, Wiiia, Del Miss S Sanders, Wiim.Dei ■ HP Wilbur,Boston 1 3 Strauss, Slauekesier R Cartin&la, Centre co.Pa P Boegler.New York A Gosling, New York A W Coate, New York J F Caughlan New York Win Lindsay;New York Jos Elliott, New York H B Kculy, U S A ; : Henry Wilson, Newark, N j Ja mes Buckley. Ne wark,N J B R Mayck, Penna V m. fcl Coun ; . PBWigfali, Kansas Hid Chestnut street*. 6P Lord, DSN P H Hacker. Pittsburg J B Morgan, Pittsburg Col Morgan, Pitt-burg Dr W 8 Forwbod, Maryl’d J D Harrinom Newark, N J A Dean,’ Newark, N J W D Pool & la, Mass £ J Lewis, -WashiQgtou K L Jones, Bristol; Pa F Gildera edve, Portland. Ct Miss ftl Kichard'*, Harris!)'g G W McLanahaa, Hiirrisb’g Mrs J ai Uiorter iS s, Penna Mbs Hiester, Harrisburg i>autt'inan, Columbia blocuui &wf, Chicago ' Chicago i L iLum a koh, 111 ' Uhlcaxo IB fay mo r 1 B Gilmore. Penna n* r 9. Lu H‘ Ghamhorsbg E Lord, Camden, Del 1 .VUsh M C -hutt, Boston W 31 Shutt..Boston W'H Richardson. Baltimore Geo Middleton,.New York R H Lord, Oregon Geo C Bfunn, Newport, RI J S Slosson. New York Mr & Mrs 3loKun, Wash,DC R N Porter,Yß-istn a ■ L A stokes,>New York ■ Waltou •"Oakley. NewiYork £ A.Abell’; Ne w York ;. XYRH^Pklns^rovidoucOjßl G,K AVvlght,'Hew Xoi-k Obas J Foster, New York » . I>l Hen-man e P.Walsh, New York BA Alina ?r e £ |[r Fr 1 ei S an - Tr °Y’ N Y HD Ward. Boston N H Stock wt 11, New York Geo H Adress & la: N J Mr ChUlen, Pittsburg Miss Chisletfc, Pittsburg Jas S LawreucQ, Now York W Butler, New York •Jln* Knuer. York Dr and Mrs Goddard, USA W H Baldwin, Wash, D C ZD Gilman, Wash'll, D C EOTttf.s, Bnsfon G A Dana & wf, Boston E A Dana, Boston C R Marvin, New York P M Blake, Maine Mrs areeley, Maine E Autbor. Maine MC Stanly, Maine C S Buchanau, Maine JS Ml ver, Jr. Trenton,N J Dr J & Mrs Verdi, Wash H M Baker. New York T M Tayler.U & N A Brandegee,Connecticut SM Shoemaker, Baltimore H Maynard,Tennessee A 6 'turtevant, Now York T A Wbituker, New York E D Grit-wold. New York W\h Stanton, New York k G Bowman. Boston LC Clark, New York w G March,New Haven SL Usher,New Haven w Billbouee,N'nw Haven D C Hilt,N«-w Haven A L Pncler,Briatol,Pn. W Wright New York L C Campbell, Wasb,D C S Wrialu.Columbia, Pa J A Weiner & wf, York, Pa JMissAl Mcllvune, L'ork.Pa W I awrie. Bobt' O It H Bouabter, Jr W J nsbome-'& wf.N Y J K Tamer & wf. Boston Miss Turner, Boston Merchants’—Fourth M Harrison, Baltimore T H Crieswtlliind co.Pa * Carson, Ciearlield co,Pa W L Cooper, Pittsburg J R CiSwt'ord, Penna . direct* below Arch. Maj J Cummiugs. Penna J Stambauali, MifHiu,Pa Mast Geo Willison, Peaua W A Zollinger, Harrisburg JTF Wright. Pittsburg A Bartholomew. Ohio B Wilt, Kittaiiitig. Pa W Colwell, Ivittauniag, Pa Mrs *1 Hannah, Mercer, Pa . Mrs Martha akin, Wa»*li, Pa Mrs Mary Craig, Wash, 0 Geo A Craig, Wash. O ThosL N’ye, New York F N Crooker. New York Miss Acton, New Jersey |G Keotzing, Lock Haven J G Baird, Lock Haven a .T M» dlar, Schuyllc Haven D P Heath WT McClmsky, Cook’s Run John G Cary, Boston Cbas Nichols, Boston F W Scat Ford, New York Miss Carpenter, New Jersey Job n.R Pind levfiercer,Pa EACrt-ndell, New York JasLowiher, Altoona J J hepiinuer, Alliauce, 0 Geo D Jackson,Dnshore,Pa John Mason. Beach creek TO Evans, Lewb-t-urg Jo« B Koss, Lewisburg J Thonms « wf.Catasauqua S Thomas &wf,Ca.tasauqua W T Welkins. Tenue.-see I J Coryed, New Jersey Lewis Coryell, New Jersey Jas Wallace, Now Jersey RRDLb.ruugh, H Jersey W a Mpley, Sew Jersey , B L IlendetAOD, C eaifceld l) W Bolt, Clearfield Geo Yallei'tine,- Bellefonte F Jacobs, Chester co, Pa ; street* above Fifth, G L J Painter, Muncy Mrs R A Painter, Money' Mies H a Painter, Muucy M A Gamble a la, Penna Miss B B Gamble, Penna Major J H Humes, Ponna Geo L Sanderson, Peuna Jacob Bubb, Jersey Shore .T.MSbToak, Newark Wm Tate, Jr, Allegheny Di C Martin & wife J F Eltnei*, Bridgeton E-HIIM Hood, Bridgeton H A HofF, Rearflug R F Lee & wf. Pottsville G L Boyd k wf. Taiaaqua M»ss J Carter, Tamaqua Thos P Henley H H Wall, New York J B Brinton, West Chester- S H Dohgmy & wf, N York 0 G Hempstead J Adams, Brooklyn P Peckens, U S Army G L Squire, Pennsylvania f> AMiddLetoa, Warren,N J P Henderson, Delaware J Sherman, New York •* JasClaik, New York 8.8 Hagerty, New York A D D N.-tsli, ffew -York American-Chestnut C Henry, U i* Army H Well .ce, Pittsburg C K Johnson, New Castle Tims McVuy, New Castle J M Guthrie, Indiana co E T Bi‘«wn, Huntingdon co M Winbigler. uliio Mrs B A'Jillinger, NYork YV it Dyer, New York II Hes* er,Schuylkill Haven j C Oookson, Lancaster J aiewart. Wellsvilie, 0 E hvAllen,.Maryland .Mr* W Haikett, Eat ton Henry Richards, Ohio W Kirk. Tun aqua G Rum.-dell, Jersey Shore O Ramsdell, Jersey Shore M G kindle & la. Lancaster G Bvinivn; West Chester l-i E Dorian, Chester co . Mi- 1 L Dorian,Chester co Dr L Trexler. Berks co U J Perkins, Pennsylvania R A Glover, SchuvLkillco R Heckscher, Jr. Penna Jos L Prt-sbrey, Taunton J A Rounds, Taunton T .1 Siunickson. U S Navy Win Strovtli, Jersey City J Saville, New Yoik 0 K Marvin, New York K S Penniogtoo, Pittsburg J Mackay, Pittburg UOgle, Pittsburg John Stimson, Maine A U Foss, Boston 1) C Hill, New Haven B Karr.New Yor* Miss E Taylor, Delaware W a Newell, New York a D Eodmenil, Jersey Shore -Dr G W Neiciricb, Carlisle B P J owell, New York BTPreenian, New York J J Speed P CkbilVr, Masssclm c et.ts I Hon a McA-lb-ter,Penna Jus D R. a Hollidaysburg Oiifs L lrvis,Hollidaysburg A Parker, fihillintown iVLss M J Part er, Miftlint’n M sa A E Hamlin.MifUiutn V\ iu Murray,Summit Hill Jolm Dtlany,Chester co,Pa Mrs Novin, thippenshnrg Miss Neviu,Slnppeusburg .1 BlHiv&wf.Sbippensburg Miisa Kate Elsr«ae, Penna H HevsingtT.Shippensburg Mr & Mrs Getting, Wash JBR Powell, Del E A''Chapman, Conn iE tt Clark, Massachusetts John Knight, California S H Fredericks, Lock Haven HE Fredericks, Lock Haven Simon Scott, Lock Haven I‘hos Maddox. Washington Jas fl McKee, Hazleton Jas C Kyster, Penna C R Armstrong,steabenv’ie AThirkield.Xenia.O Geo Bear, Jr, Dayton, 0. Win I’Ramsej'&wf, Penna G H Goundie, Bethlehem streets above Third* Mi3s L S Yangilder, N J F F Mulford, Millville W Humphreys, Marblehead AI C Hight, Boston R M Barley, Milton, Pa ' J H Dean, Baltimore J C Jacobs, Baltimore G Wakeman J Walker, St Louis J Hughes, St Louis C Haggerty, tt Louis D Lomesou, Pennsylvania G G Palmer, N’ew Jersey Chas G Pcicey, Fal* River R A Dasidson New York B Melnott, New York J S Hasting, Boston J W Pinkney,"Connecticut' VV E Htoper, Baltimore W Crane, Baltimore St. Louis-Chestnut F Pope, Boston L Hall, New York (ibas R Lewis, Cincinnati J Thomas, Georgetown,D C •C E Ji-bnson, Paterson 0 Corlnut, Broom co, N Y W 0 Town end, Baltimore K C Flint, Eurdentuwa KLons. Bordtntown Geo W K nsley, Burlington Geo Wagner, New York S moil Watkins, New York W H Marshall, Shainokin Rev J fc Wallace & family Geo frcliaLl, Norijiumb’d co A La Roche, Germantown Theo jNevins, Cincinnati J 11 Borrows & la,?N York l)r G B Mann, II S N Mrs Mann A eh, U S N »tr«et, above Third, JIH Shultz, Ohio F 13 McConnell, Pittsburg J Gregg, Ohio D Garis, Easton J Lane, Delaware H W Spang, Reading S B Cleaver, Delaware G Merkel & la, Reading • W M.Kaufman &la, Eead’g Mips M Sparks, Potcsville 8 5 ,Kaufman, Reading C Brown, Milton, Pi i P fct Kammerer, Ohio J Durringer, Kentucky. Mrs C C Ruefer, Kentucky C Robots, Scranton W D Woifley, Circleville, 0 The Union —Arcli J )1 Bel ford, Juniata, Fa W Stevens. Caldwell 11 A Barber, lowa .BA Bowden, Delaware G Baker, .Delaware J F Brinton, Lancaster A fllernok, Zanesville, 0 J W Pa ton, Somerset, Pa fti a Sanncr, Somerset, Pa S Voutthc & wf, Penna W T Brady & wf, Mt Joy JJ P Dates-man, Penua C B he.fsnyder, Penna J W jsnlrely, Ohio J W fetier*, Ohio B Wor Award, Clearfield A Pt IV, Pittsburg i. M Prince, Mexico Commercial—Sixth street, above Chestnut. 'Jbos i?rc:nna.n. Elktou. Md Dr Duflfeld, CKesteV co Jos Jordan, Elktou, Md J S Cummings & sou, Penna Thosßeifsnj der, Poitstown D W B rower SB AlcQnade Samuel Adams, L Haven Jesse Laubacli, Lock Haven L B Chandler. Chester co D It Jackson, Aequia Creek J K Jackson; Aequia Creek A L Harris, 'Washington Henry t toner, Penna J JSioneiy Madison, Wis and Market streets* F Barry, Wilm, Dal M Winbigler, Ohio E James, Plainfield, Pa Walter Graham Jas G Merseream, Tioga, Pa J L Rustell, WiLn, Del M C Getty, Indiana co. Pa Thos J Graham, Carlisle, Pa J S Mullen, Downiugtown Geo Heneli, Perry co, Pa James Kind. Penna Cyrus,.Jeffries, Penna Mrs M'Roiaud, Marietta, Pa JCEiiuting, Coatesville S MBnntinic, Pottstown A H Coleman. New York S B Martin, Harrisburg E B Camp', Indiana co, Pa States Union— Sixth. .TE Wilcox & wf, Delaware B *■ N- wiin, Wilm, Del A N Cleland, Wiim, Del J-. el Sillier, Lane co. Pa Juhn Tanzand', jr, Penna KL Oauilde, Penna J K Klink. New ville, Pa (' B Aldrich, Penna John J Perrine, New Jersey D W Hawk, Penna Conrad Batt, Penua John Welt>. Penna Geo Livingston, Bellefonte , T Huiih.JTreepprt, 0 S L Simpson, Penna Jas Hopkins, Coatepville A dpencer, Coatesville D’H "Valienee, Freeport, 111 A Lewis, Lane co, Pa National—Race St* John Clugh, Penna : John Pislier, henna " F A Donehower, Lewisburg J M Harley, Tenna. Samuel Hauer, Lebanon Jas M Clark, Lancaster Silas D Edgar, Espy, Pa Hndson Edgar, Espy, Pa Edgar Fowler, Espy, Pa J.* Whitaker, Mt Clair F Bedford, Minersviile J Kauifruan, Reading Chas Keller, Reading | SPECIAL NOTICES. Dr. Stephen Sweet, op Connecticut, is the author of “Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment;” The Royal Wedding. BY THE BARD OF TOWER HALT. All Christendom was agitated, Because ihe Prince of Wales was mated To Alexandra, who is rated “ Anumher one” of royal lasses. A million sterling was expended Before the nuptial show was ended, And thrilling interest extended Among the people of all classes. All talked aboutthe royal wedding, The dresses, fixtures, bed .and bedding, And some were tears of rapture shedding, ; Moved by the eloquent narration, - Which told, with many circumstances, • Aboutthe banquetings and dances; The bride and bridegroom’s tender glances, And so forth, on that grand occasion. But Yankee brides and bridegrooms really Can look and act and dress genteelly, And frpend large sums of money freely With very little noise orracket; And men we have of equal merit To those who thrones and crowns inherit, Who dress at Tower Hall with spirit, Ere they embark in Hymen’s packet. Our stock of seasonable Ready-made Clothing is the largest, and our assortment the most complete, in Phi ladelphia, comprising all sizes, styles, qualities, and prices, TOWER HALL, : No. 518 MARKET Streets It BENNETT & CO. Armttaoe’s Rheumatic Goi.den Balm— a remedy that has never failed in curing Rheumatism. Neui-algia, Gout, &c. Prepared at my I*6l* No. 10 North TWELFTH Street, Philadelphia. Lyon’s Magnetic'Flea powder. •In summer, when the sun is low. Come forth in swarms tho insect foe, ’ And for our blood, they bore, you know; / And suck it in most rapidly. , But fleas, roaches, ’skeefcers—black or , In death’s embrace are stiffened quite, . If Lyou’s Powder chance to light In their obscure vicinity. Lyon's Powder is harmless to mankind, but will kill all house insects, garden worms, plant-bugs, &c.. Ly on’s Magnetic Pills are sure.-death to rats and mice. Sold everywhere. i. . a025-12t . D. fi BARNES. New York. : MARKIED. LEE—SNYDER.—In this city, 3lay 4th, by Rev. D. L. Gear, Jabez C. Lee, of Huntington county, N. J., and Barbary Ann Snyder, of Philadelphia. * MANICS—SHAw.—3ray 3d, 1863, by Alderman John Clouds, Mr. Isaac Manks to Miss Lydia Shaw, all of this city. DIHEHO. GAUN.—On the morning of the sth inst;, Sirs. Mary Ann, wile of George T. G-aun, aged 24:years.' The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited’to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. SO3 North Second street, on Friday morn ing, at 10 o’clock. SIILLER.—On Second-day night, the 4th inst., Hannah Sillier, wife of Daniel L. Miller, Sr., in the 73d year of her age. Her relatives and friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from ihe resi dence of herhnshand, No. 105 North Nineteenth street, on Fifth-day afternoon, 7tli inst., at 3 o’clock, without further notice.' Interment at Friends’ Burial Ground, Fair Hill: ** BROWN.—At Bordentown/N. J., on the morning of the 4th instant, Mrs. anna Brown, relict of the late John Brown, in the S4th year of her age. The funeral services will take place at her late resi dence, Prince street, Bordentown, this (Wednesday) morning, at 8 o’clock, to which her friends are respect fully invited without further notice Carriages will be in '' v i. a, lA 1 r t) £’ on arrival of the remain a by the 11 o'clock train, at Walnut-street wharf on same aay. To proceed to Hill Cemetery. . * . —On Firat-dayv 3d inst., Richard Oakford, in tl e 74th i ear of his age. . relatives and friends of the family are respectfully mv l ed toattend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 1711 Race street, to-day (Fourth-day). at2o'cKck, wifch- To proceed to Darby. '* DOWNING.—At Downingtown, Pa., on the 3d inst., Charles Downing, in the 65th year of his age. Funeral to-day (Fourth-day), to leave the house at 3 o'clock P. 31. * BOYCE.—On the 4th inst., Andrew Boyce,, aged 68 1 AVIS.—On the morning of the 3d inst., Mrs. 3largaret D., wife of Wm.'K. Davis. DAY.—On the 3d,inst., Mr. William Day, in the 61st yfar of his ago. . .• ■rlack Lyons taffetas.— Glossy Black SILKS, 20 to 32 inches wide. BESSON &>ON, Mourning Store, myo • ■ No. 918 CHBSTNTT Street. CUMMER BOMBAZINES—A FULL M assortment, $1.25 to $2 a yard. . BESSON & SON, blonmiog Store,^ myf - No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. TJLAORAND P URPI.E JACONETS.— -M- Rich Striped, Black,, and Purple French LAWNS, 25cen*s,-; ‘ BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, mys ; -/ ■*. ;• No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. t>lack. silk ma n tl b s F 0 R SPRING. , Black Lace Points, ' Light Cloth Bournous. - ETP.E * LANDELL, ; FOURTH a,hd ARCH. CUMMER SHAWLS—NEW* ; STYLES, • Rock-smin SUk Shawls, -■ * Chally and Baregs shawls. tL P 2B EYRE Jt UANDELL. ■VTEW DRESS GOODS FROM THE EEW YORK AUCTIONS „ v . v-.Phawls for Pennsylvania Trad, ' ■ Bilks foe PsansTlTOaia Xrado.' ’ i ap2S ■ ETS3 4 liANDBLU., ; A Breneman, Levnstown W\L‘obbmj?, Lancaster co J Porter,--''Lancaster co Ueo McLaughlin & la. Pa D'fil Hasting, Lancaster co S C Ely,. Coates ville James Wilson, Maryland John Kennedy, Lancaster 8 F Kirk, Maryland E M Bye, 'Wilmington, Del L D Chandler, Pa reet.Eatoove Third, C Cawley & la, Winfield Charles Good, Penna N Letcher, Penna T H Nicely, Penna Z C Murviu, Luzerne co, Pa Owen B Gets. Allentown John Hummel, Selin-grove Geo Iv Moyer, Selinsgrove J Everett, Danville, ra Jas McCartner, Middleport G W Foltz, Pottsville John Simpson, Pottsville * | Mrs Orth, Lebanon ; PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL^AT the 112th aoiual meeting of the C juiribtltora oj this instituiiou, held at the Hospital on the 4&hinst.. FREI'ErtL K PKALbY. was appointed Chairman, anl SaUNLERS LEWIS Secretary - Ibe Repo) tol' the Ro«rd of Managers for the past year, togi ther with the annual accounts of the several depart mei te of the Botpital, were received, read, snd ap proved . An t-lfction was then heldfor Managers and Treasurer, to serve for the entuing year, when the following gen tlemen were elected: managers. Mordecai L. Dawson, Alex. J Derbyshire, Frederick Brown, .... Samuel Mason, ' James R. Graves, S. Morris Wain, John Farnam. Samuel Welsh, William Biddle, Wisttr Morris, John M. Wliiiall, Caleb Cope. TREASURER. JOHN T LEWIS. ' , , At a meeting of the Board •>( Managers, held after the adjournment of ilie Contributors, Mordecai u Dawson was unauimously re elected President of the Board, and Wistari Morris secretary. • ■ This Board then proceeded to elect tt e otucers of the several department* of the Hospital, appointing Samuel Welsh and S. Morris Wain tellers, who reported the election oijlie following officers: For the Hospital Souili Eighth street, for Medical and Surgical ca&es PHYSICIANS. William W. Gerhard, I John Forsyth Meigs, James J. Levick, I Francis Gurney Smith.. SURGEONS. George W. Norris, 1 Kdward Hartshorne, Joieoh Pancoasc. I Addinell Hewson. Steward— William G. Malm. . Matron— Mary 1). Sharpless. Apothecary— John Conrad. Ci.fkk And Lirkartan— Richard Randolph. Pathologist and Curator— Dr. Thomas George Mor ton Hospital for the Insane, Twenty-fourth, ward: Chief Phy&iculx AMD-SorKitixTisxDjjxT—Dr. Thomas S. Kirk bride. > DEPARTMENT FOR MALES. . First Assistant Physician— Dr S. Preston Jones, Second assistant Physician—Dr. James Hall. Btkwaud— Jooatliaii Richards. Matron— Mai g<*v©r. Richards. DEPARTMENT PuR FEMALES, Assistant Physician— J. .Edwards Lee, Steward —John Winar. Matron— Margaret N.: Wistar, OFFICE OF TIIFi 'IiEIITOU COAIi lO'>KU NAVIGATION.COMPANY, Plur.A.lißbriUA, •Hiay 5.-ISBS. . . At an Election held this day, the following namei persons ■were obqsen .'officers of THE LEHIGH GOAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY foe the ensuing year: PKESIDIJ JAMES 23 HAXAGi Jacob P. Jones, Frauds' C. Yarnall, Samuel E. Stokes, Francis B. Cope, I Joseph .Fisher. JITURLt: . 1 . Walter. . • ViN WALTER, Secretary. Frskine Hazard, John Farnnin, Richard -Richardson, Alexander Fullerton, Andrew Mandereon, TRF.A?I EDWIN "i El)\V THE GIRAUT ANNUITY, AND T± LADELPBIA.—At an Electii iVdiowing gentlemen were el suing year: Thomas Eidgway, Robert Pearsall, Thomas P .Tames, Frederick Brown, George Taber, . John B. black. EenryG Freeman, | [> MPfil ISSCTRAMCF, RUaT COMPANY. OF PHI - held on the 4th!» the elected Managers for'the en- Jobn A. Brown, John K r Latimer, John C.>jaitcheU, Isaac Barton, Seth I. Coinly, Isaac Starr, | Stacy B. barcroft, ge T s,|oeld on the Gth inst , .was unanimously re-ciected rOHN F. JAMES, Actuary. : - • • • JmyG-St* At a meeting of the Manag THOMAS RiDGWAY.Esq • Prominent. J< •May 6,1563. TWELFTH W A R D.—A.T A special meeting of the NATIONAL UNION A 330- CIATIONSOF THE Ward, held May 6th mat., Provident JOHN L. SHOEMAKER in the chair. Precinct OHioor- 1 , to conduct ;n else Jon to be held on THURSDAY next for Delegate to Senatorial and Representative Conven tions, wt-re elected, and nominations for Delegates made; who. upon moiion; were unanimously ren nested by the meeting to vote in Convention for the Hon. WAI. B MANN as Senatorial, and JOHN L. SHOEMAKER- Esq., as Representative Delegates to the State Convention to be held at Jhttshurg. Able addresses were made by-Messrs..Win. B, Maun, John A. Burton, and'George Landell, and the proceed ings ordered to be published. It : WM. B. CONNELL, Secretary. KAR jK. OF COMMERCE, PHILA fcC2 dei.phia, May 0,-1888. ■ The Board of D : rectors have this day declared a Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on demand, clear ot taxes. . . > . J. A. LEWIS, my6-wfm3t Cashier. MANUPACTUREaS’ AND ME fcOs* CHANICS’ BANK, May 0, 1563. The Directors have this ►'ay declared a Dividend of FITE PER CENT.. payable on the 15th in3taut, agreea bly with the charter. * iny6-tath»-6t M.W. WOODWARD, Cashier. 1K? 59 COMMERCIAL BAiWIC OF PENN SYLVaUIA, Philadelphia. aiayS, 1563 The Board of Directors have this dav declared a divi dend of FOUR PER CENT. , clear of national and State taxes, payable on demand. 2n>6-vrfm6t GIRARD BASK, PmJL.ADJEI.PHfA, ftCS* May 5,1863. ’•The Directors have this day declared a diridendof FOtJR PER CJSKT. out'of tlie profits of the last-six months, payable on and after the 15th inst., free of taxes. ■ •■■•iny6-wTmHfi VV. L, SCHAFFER, Cashier. THE PHILADELPHIA E.ltflv, Philadelphia, May fi, 1863 Tlif Directors have declared a dividend of FIVE PEK CB^T., for the last Six Months, payable on demand. B. B. COMEGYS, Cashier,. BANK OP PENN TOWNSHIP, Mayo, 1563. .TliO Directors Lave THIS DAT declared a dividend of FOUR PER CERT., and an extra dividend of TWO PER CENT.dear of State and .United States taxes. Payable ondemand. JAMES RUSSELL, • xoy6-3t . Cashier. fKSs*- CORN EXCHANGE BANK PiiILA DEL?mA,.May 5, R 63. • The Directors bave THIS DAY declared a dividend‘of FIVE PER CENT, free of all t»xes. and pavable on de mand . CmyGtfJ • - J. W. TO RRBY, Cashier. Ik?** KEKSOGTOKBANK, PHILiDEL. PHIA, May 5,1503. The Board of Directs have this day declared a Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT, fjr the last six months, paya ble on demand; clear of taxes n>v6-6t BANK, MAT 5, The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of FIVE. PER CENT., clear of National and State tax, payable on demand. my6-wfmSt JOS. N. PEIRSOL. Cashier. SOUTHWARK BANK, PHIL ADEL ririA, May 6, 25G.3. The Directors have declared a dividend of SEVEN PER CENT., payable on and after Thursday next, 7th instant. Cmy6-6t] F. P. STEKL.-Cashier. MBCKANICS’ BANK, PHILADEL ftO- phia, May a, 1363. • The Board of Directors have declared, this day, a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., free of Government taxation, payable on and aftßivthe iofcb-in*tant. my6-6t : ~ • S. WIEGAND, Jr., Cashier. TRADESMENS BANK, PHlDA delphja, May 5, ISG3. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, a Divicond of FIVE PER CENT as declared, for the past six months, payable od demand. - my6-3t* . . . JOHN CASTNER,-Cashier. WESTERN BANK OF PH3LADEL phta, May 5, 1t63. The Directors of this Back have tliis <lay declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., out of the profits of the last six months, paj’ahle on demand, clear of State and National-taxes, mj6-6t G. M. TROUTMAN, Cashier. AN ASSUAL MEETING OF THE PENN RELIEF ASSOCIATION will :be held at the “Institute,” Broad and Spring Garden streets, ou Fourth-day,(Wednesday)theStliinst..at4o’clock, P. M. It* ANNA P. LITTLE. Secretary. OFFICE OF THE IIESTONVItLE, !<£» - MaNTUA, AND FAIRMOUNT PASSENGER KAILWAY COMPANY.—NOTICE ;T0 STOCKHOLD ERS.—The seventh instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share on the stock of said company, will be due and pay able on the 22d inst , at the office of the Treasurer, JOHN O’BYRNE; No. 116 South SIXTH Street myo-wfro6i* R. T. FRAILEY, Secrotary. THE GRAND NATIONAL UNION (LEAGUE BALL takes place at SANSOM-STREET HALL, May 21st. . myg-2t* PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR PROMO'ING AGRICULTURE. —May meeting at Rooms 356 WALNUT street, THIS MORNING at 11 o’clock. • - . . It OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—No. 310 WAL NUT Street. , . Philadelphia. April 21st. 1563. NOTICE is hereby given, that a .SPECIAL MEETING of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Company will be held at this office, on THURSDAY, May 21st 1563, at 12- o’clock M., to consider the propriety of accepting the provisions of the supplement to their charter, approved April 14, 1863. and authorizing the Board of Directors to increase the Capital S*ock of the Company. ap22-d'my2l* A. C. L. CRAWFORD. Sec’y. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 15, 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State and National taxes, payable on and after May 15,1563. Powers of Attorney for Collections of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. mhl6-tjel THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. - GOLD, SILVER, AND DEMAND NOTES WANTED. DREXEL & CO: , . ap!3-1m ? , 3* South THIRD Street. AGREEABLY TO THE CALL OF THE UNION STATE CONVENTION, the loyal citizens of Philadelphia are invited to assemble in their respective wards on.TUESDAY, May sth, at 8 o’clock P. M;, at snch places as may be selected by the officers of the ward associations, for purpose of . electing one JUDGE and two INSPECTORS for each’ precinc:— said jndgesand inspectors to conduct an election in. tftewa*. riousprecincts on THURSDAY, May 7th, between Band So’cleckP. M,. for the purpose of electing ONE DELE GATE from each precinct to a Representative Conven tion, and ONE DELEGATE to a Penatorial Convention, in conformity io rule 17 of the rules for the government of the National Union'Party, The Representative‘ahd Senatorial'Conventions at such places and times as a majority of their number shhll by public no tice direct. By order of the City Executive Committee of the Na tional Union Party. WM.H. KERN, President. John J. Franklin, V' Henry B.' Gardiner, > =>ecretaues, IIINE HILL AND SCHUYL ftefa KILL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPANY. Philadelphia, 4th3lontli, (April) 27, 1563. Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the stockholders of the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company will beheld at thehall of the Frank lin-Institute, Nor 15 South SEVENTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, on FIFTH DaY, (Thursday),, the 14th day ofJFifth Month, (May), at 11K o’clock A. 3L, for the purpose of acting on a joint agreement for the consolida tion and merger of the Schuylkill Haven and Lehigh River Railroad Company with the Mine Hill and Schuyi kill Haven Railroad Compuuy, and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before said meet ing. By order of the Board of Managers, - JOBN C.CRESSON,President. Attest— William Biddle, Secretary. ap2f)-tmyl4 ~ OFFICE OF THE SCHUYLKILL HAVEN AND-LEHIGH RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 27th, 1863. * Notice is hereby giv«n that a general meeting of the Stockholders of the SCHDYLKILL HAVEN AND LE HIGH RIVER'RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the Ball of the Franklin Institute, No/ lo South SE VENTH Strfet; inthe city of on THURS DAY, tlie 14th day of May. 1563, at ten-o’clock in the morning, fo r the purpose of acting on a joint agreement for the consolidation and merger of the said Schuylkill Haven and Lehigh River Railroad Company with the Minehill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company, and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before said meeting. By order of the. Board of Directors. - . ALEX. J. DERBYSHIRE, President. JosnitA W. Ash, Secretary. ap29 tral4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Commissioners named in an act entitled “An act to incorporate the Connecting Railway Com pany,” approved April 14, 1863, will meet for the purpose of Receiving Subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the said Company, on MONDAY, thellfch day of May, 1863, at 10 o’clock A.M., at No. CAVILLING’S Alley, in the city of s Philadelphia. Clement B. Barclay, Oliver W. Barnes, . Edmund Smith, 8. B. Kingston, Jr., Joseph Lesley W<2r*> THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the GREEN MOUNTAIN COAL COMPANY -will be held in. Philadelphia, on the second TUESDAY of Mav next, the 12th proximo, at 12 o’clock, in Room No.-SO,.in the MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. apU-swtmyK* ■- WILLIAM S. GREEN, Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BLOOMBBURG IRON COMPANY-will be held at the Oompany’s Office, Irondale, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, May 20, 1863, for the purpose of electing nine Directors to serve the ensuing year, and for the transaction of other business. W3I. E. S. BAKER, Treasurer, ' ap2o-30t* No. »13 North WATER Street.: OFFICE OF THE SURGEON*AR KS* TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, phia, October 24,1862. \ Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous, of., availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs; should apply immediately at the office of the Sm geon-Artist to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER,' " . jaP-6m- Government Surgeon-Artist. t^ol?r M ®OPATHIC HOSPITAL, 1119 CUTHBERT Street.—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner, free of charge. ; B. F. GLENN, - n022-tf. Secretary of Board of-Managera. ;TTNION STEAM AND WATER. HEATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. gold’s patent steam and hot-water heater. THOMPSON’S LONDON KITCHENER, and aU'other Improved COOKING APPARATUS. 0 W Boilers and Water BacksrParlor and other Grates, Registers and Ventilators, Backs and Jambs, and all things connected with the above branch of business. - ‘..‘L’ JAMES P. WOOD, - No. AI South FQURTH Street. B. M. FELTWELL, Superintendent. . ap29-ly THE MERITS OP REIMER’S COLOR. "J- ED PHOTOGRAPHS are attested by their great popularity, They suit all classes, being accurate, na tural, durable, and cheapo"One Dollar oaly, SECOND : Street, above Green. : U > THE WEDNESDAY MAY 6; 1863. A' s. PEABODY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, A supply of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES constantly on hand and for ealo at the current market value. COLLECTIONS MADE on all parts of the United Stater, open to mail or express; also, on the Canadas and British Provinces. S C. PALMER, Cashier. 0. T. YEBKES, Cashier. ap2&-fcMay7 John A. Wilson, R. D. Barclay, J. C Sharpless, Isaac V. Eiwell, • A. C. Harmer. ap2otmyll rtARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, :i V'At BIKOWALT & BROWN’S. 11l S. FOURTH St. FINANCIAL* No. 6 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Augustus S. Peabody, Theron 6. Knapp, (Late Cashier with J. T. Van Vieek.) TOCKS AND BONDS OP ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Nnw York, May 1,1863. AND PARIS EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SODD. DREXEL & CO., 3 A South TETRI). Street. JOHN.O. CAPP &SON, S TOO HAND NOTE B B O IC E E S , No. 33 South THIRD Street, Directly opposite the Mechanics 1 Bank. ' . BTOCKS AND BOHDB BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION, At the board of brokers. MONEY INVESTED NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED mhl2-3m ‘ ON THE BEST TERMS. gDW A R D M. D AVI S , STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 39 South THIRD Street, (up stairs,) '[i PHIRADEUPaiAi; A GENERAL BROKERAGE . AND BANKING BUSI . , NESS TRANSACTED. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Loans and Business Paper .Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected amp Remitted. Exchange on Europe Sold Special Collections made. Coin and- UTft rency Bonjrht. Interest Allowed on Deposits. apl-3n) g HARVEY THOMAS, _ “ STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No, 313 WALNUT STREET. ; STOCK'S and BONDS, and aU kinds of TJ; S. GO VEEN* WENT SECURITIES, bought and sold on Commission. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. UNITED STATES 6-20 YEAR SIX per cent. BONDS, furnished at PAR in sums to suit. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co,, Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., Johnß. Myers & Co,, . Samuel 8.-Thomas, Esq., Eurness.Brinley.&Co.. John Thomas, Esq. apl-3m if (COLLECTION OF U. S. GERTIFt- V' CATES Of INDEBTEDNESS.—The ADAMS’ EX PRESS COMPANY are' now prepared to collect at the Treasury. Department. Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One *par Certificates of In del teaness of the United States now due or shortly ina tUDllg Terms made kf own aud receipts given at the office. No 330 CPESNUT Street., . myfi-tf COPARTNERSHIPS. "VTOTTCE OF DISSOLUTION OF GO PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore existing between JACOB F. CAKE, JES?BBOULDEN, and TBOMPSON NEWKIRK, under the. firm of CAKE, BOULDEN, & CO , Wholesale Wine and Liquor Dealers, has been this day dissolved by mutual'consent. The affairs of the said concern will be settled by . V JACOB P. CAKE, JESSE BOULDEN. • THOMPSON NEWKIRK. , Philadelphia, April3o, 1863. It* pOPAETNEBSHIP* NOTICE.- ~ The undersigned have this day formed a Copartner ship, under the-firm of BOULDEN & NEWKIRK, and will confirm* the Wholesale Wine nnu Liquor Business, at No. 118 MARKET Street (the place of business of the former firm). JESSE BOULDEN. THOMPSON NEWKIRK. Philadelphia, May 1, 1863. It* .. LEGAL. TN TBE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIL sDELPHIA. Estate of MAH LON L. HUTCHINSON, dec’d. The Auditor appointed .hy the above court to audit, •settle, and adjust the account of BUSHROD W. and DANIEL L. HUTCFINSON, executors of MAHLON L. HUTCH iNSON, dec’d, and to report cistributiou of tbe balance in their hands, will meet the parties inte rested for the purpose ofhis appointment, on MONDAY, May 18th. IS63 r at 4 o’clock, P. M., at his office, No. 15/i Sourh FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. myC-wfroOt E- SPENCER MILLER, Auditor. -jjp WITH lOUE FLAGS! .: " k *Hooker’s aoijoas LUObli'ers across! Banners and niuskefs, and cannon and horse, , " v ’ Cover the land where lie.points with his blade. Bristle the hill-top and fill up the glade: Who would not follow a leader whose blood Has swelled, like our own, the battle’s red flood? ' ; .. Who bore what we suffered, our wound andourpain— Boro them with patience, and seeks them again ? Hooker’s across!” - Boker. - ': ' UNITED STATES •fila-gs-s, BUNTING AND SILK, ALT. SIZES., EVANS A- HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, ‘ 4:18 ARCH STREET. ■ ' yy o o i. . 10,000 lbs. Pennsylvania Tub. 20,0 f 0 lbs. Choice Canada Fleece. 20, COO lbs: No. 1 and Super Western Pulled. 40,000 lbs. Medium, and Fine Pennsylvania andOhi Fleece, selected. WOOLEN YARNS. 30,000 lbs. Domet Flannel Yarn, 20 cents. 10,000 lbs. Linsey and Flue Shawl Yarn, 30 cents. 10,000 lbs. Hosiery and Stocking Yarns, soft spurn. COTTON. 100 bales Middlings. '■ ' COTTON YARNS. SO,OOO. lbs. Warpa,Cops, and Bundled .Twist, of best makes, N os. 10 to 20. ■ Orders solicited for best Standard makesr-any num ber or description. y ALEX. WHILLDIN & SONS. ap27-mwfly fJVit.E “EXCELSIOR" HAMS ABB THE BEST IN THE WORLD. i .i NONE GENUINE UNLESS BRANDED “J. H. M. & GO. PHILAM. EXCELSIOR.” J. H. MICIIENER & CO., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, AND CURERS OF THE CELEBRATED “33 2C CELSI O R” SUGAR-CURE DHAMS, . . Nos. 143 and 144: North. FRONT Street, Between Arch and Race streets, Philadelphia. The justly-celebrated “EXCELSIOR” HAMS are cured by J..H. M. & Co. (in a style peculiar to themseWes) ex pressly ? for FAMILY USE, are of delicious from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for sale. ap6-mw&ftjy6 TTAMSJ HAMS! HAMS I HAMS! -*-A HAMS!—Prime Sugar-cured, 9c per pound. Extra Sugar-cured, 11c per pound* - Fine quality Shoulders, Sc per pound. Roll. Butter, Fresh Eggs, at the very lowest market prices. Goods delivered free .of charge at . W. H. WANAMAKER’S, It* No, 1519 MARKET Street. RS) GOLDTBORP & 00., «OA Manufacturers of v^l/« Tassels, Cords, Fringes, Curtains, ; : and Furniture Gimps,’Curtain Loops* Centre Tassels. ' Picture and Photograph Tassels, Blind Trimmings. : Military and Dress Trimming*, Ribbons, Neck Ties, etc., ♦•tc.v - No. 635 MARKET Street, my6-6m Philadelphia. . A T PE.]CES TO SUIT THE TIMES.— ■4*** REIMER’S unrivalled portraits, life-size photo graphs in oil colors, the finest portraits now made. Gal lery SECOND Ptaeet, above Green. It - TO StiOE-FIWDEBS AND MAN LTPAO- A TURERS.-On and after MONDAY, May 18. till September !, the undersigned have agreed to GLOSS THEIR STORES at S o’clock, except on SATURDAYS, when they will close at 3 P.-M. ~ LAING A MAGINNIS EDWIN W. PAYNSJ & CO. JOSEPH GODFREY & CO. my6-wfm-3t* WILLIAM JOHNS & SON. Philada., May 6, 1863. ISAAC BARTON & CO. HOUSE, . CORNER OF PENNSYLVANIAI-AVENUE AND SE VENTH STREETS, Washington, D. O.; The subscriber basleased this well known and,.popu lar hotel; and respectfully invites his: - Penn sylvania and elsewhere to give him a eall. .* ■_ ' my6-lm . JOHN CASEY,-Proprietor. PRIME GREEN RIO COFFEE, For sale By PHILIP REILLY & SON, ' my6-St* - - No, T North WATER Street. SI R CENTS PER: POUND.—EXCEL " ” lent prepared JAVA COFFEE. CARTON TEA SOMPANY. It* ■ , 313 North SECOND Street. ahoyoVino. A. S, PEABODY & CO. iny/5-lm NEW PUBLICATIONS. TODDS. CUNEINS ODER KREIG IM KRIEG.3 :By the Authoress of “Quits,” “The Initials," &c., &c. • Messrs. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. beg to announce that they will publish, ' On TUESDAY, May 12th, By Special Arrangement with the distinguished Au thoress, a new Novel, eutitled AT ODDS. CUNEINSUDER KREIG IM KRIEG.] Bt the Baroness, Authoress of “Qaits," “The Initials,”&c., &c. v ; In ono volume, 12mo. The work will he published in both the English and German Languages. - Orders from the trade are respectfully eolicited. J. 13. LIPPI NCOTT & CO;, PUBLISHERS, 715 and 717 MARKET Street, BOOKS. Just received, Ly JVB. LIPPINCOTT & CO. ‘J’O and ,tT SIASKET Street. THE DESEKT PATHWAY. By Kev. William Bo bert- MY SOUTFERN FHIES-ns. By Edmund Kirte. Bi'EAE S FAMILY SERMONS. TBB •’ j: WILLS” OF THE PSALMS. By Porver. THE AHHUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY FOR I HO. KINGLAKE'S INVASION OF THE CRIMEA. A FIRST FRIENDSHIP—A TALE. MYSTERIES OF LIFE, DEATH,. AND FUTURITY. By Boiace Welljy. A MANUAL OF MINOR SUR3ERY. - By Dr. Back *rd. ROEMER’S HISTORY. OF CAVALRY: Its Manage, ihent, &c. . THE FIELD AND GARDEN -VEGETABLES OFAME RICA; By Fearing Burr, .Tr. , J| . my 6 nBBAF BOOKS !- THE CHEAPEST PLACE in this couutry to buy all kinds of Books, suitable for Sutlers, Army Reading, or foi the Family, is at the .Cheap Bookselling House ”of ;■ • • T. B PETGR> ON & BROTHERS, . fto. 30(5 CHESTNUT fctreet, Philadelphia. Call and gpt, or send for oue of our catalogues. it PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND BOQKS of all kinds. The cheapest place in Philadelphia to hay Photograph Albums, as well as the best aud most beautiful, and all’ kinds of-Books,' is at . - . . -•- - • T. B PETERSON & BROTHERS. No. 30C CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. TJIE NEW SENSATION.—WE PUB ■L LISH .this day / .THE BOOK OF NONSENSE, The first American from the .Tenth London Edition of that ridiculously funny hook by Edward Lear, which has caused so’ much sensation on both sides the water. Our edition is a perfect fac simile of the London copy, for only SI. * WIbLTS P. HAZARD, my6-6t r ; 734 CHESTNUT Street. TXURTZ’S BIBLE AND ASTRONOMY. An Exposition of the Biblical Cosmology, audits Relations to Natural Science. Second American from, the third enlarged German edition. - ALSO. KURTZ’S MANUAL OF SACRED HISTORY. Sovcnth edition. KURTZ’S TEXT BOOK OF CHURCH HISTORY. 2 vols. KURTZ S OLD TESTAMENT COVENANT. 3 vols. Recently published and for sale by LINDSAI & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, - mys No. 35 South above Chestaut. TUST PUBLISHED— O “THE PHILADELPHIA CSfTY BUSINESS. DI RECTORY,’’for 1563-4. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. It contains the REYENUE-STAMP LAW, arranged as per amendments of the act of March 3d, 1363, expressly ior this Directory. E. M. CROS3&CO.. Publishers, mys-n*- : - 337 CHESTNUT Street. pHABkEN, VFASBIONABLE STATIONER, ' 130 b CHESTNUT STREET, (five doors above thirteenth. ) ENGLISH DAMaSK AND ALHAMBRA PAPER, v FRENCH CROSS BaR QUADRILLE. TRIPLE THICK AMERICAN PAPER. . All sizes, l "witli envelopes to match perfectly, and ini tials plain, or in Mauve, Azure. Crimson, or .Black, are the most fa«liiouable for Invitations or Correspondence. Crests and Monograms engraved and printed in colors.- . If yon want.any NEW BOOKS or MAGAZINES, or any FASHIONABLE STATIONERY, or Superb IMPE RIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, go to CH ALLEN, Publisher, Bookseller, and Stationer, 1308 CHE&TNUC Street. my4-3t» r O —G^r-33 —E. , .MAKE YOUR PURCHASES OP BOOKS, STATIONERY, - PHOTOGRAPH. AL BUMS, CARD PICTURES, fyc,, ORIGINAL GIFT - BOOK EMPORIUM, CHESTNUT STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE NEW POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. O A CENTS TO $45. —GET THE BEST AT THE LOWEST PRICES! PHOTOGRAPH -ALBUMS - CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, and. .V CARD FRAMES. The LARGEST STOCK, BEST. ASSORTMENT, and LOWEST PRICES TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY: Onr Albums are selected as to STYLE, FINISH, CO LOR, and DURABILITY. > Our prices are for Albums boldine 100-piotures, from $4 00 t 0.515. 00 r -v “ • “ 3 50.t0 12.00 ' ' l .... -V. . 3.00t0 10 00 50 “ 40 “ CARD PHOTOGRAPHS ;©f distinguished persons, "by the best artists in .the country, comprising a fall assort ment under the following heacU: Army, Music, Di vines, Statesmen, Foreign Celebrities, Navy, Drama, At. tists. Literature, Works of Art. . . JB®=* Call and of our List of Pictures. Any Card Photograph published in the United States sent by. mail on receipt of 15 cents. Frames for. Card Pictures, a beautiful assortment, at prices from 5 cents to ss.'. _ .. G.W. PITCHER’S New Book Store,;No. 80$ CHESTNUT Street, a few doors below the Continental Hotel, just above EIGHTH Street. an2o tf 8P8: : - REMEMBER THE NUMBER. 8081 A STRONOMY OF THE BIBLE, BY Gen. O. M. Mitchell. $1.25. RESULTS OF SLAVERY. By A. Cochin.. $1.50. MADGY ; or. Night and Morning. $1.25. THE IRON FURNACE ; or, Slavery and Secession. Athrilling Work. $l. EVERY-DAY PHILOSOPHY, in Town and Country. $1.50. GOLD MONEY AND PAPER MONEY. 25 cents. 3 For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, ap23 606 CHESTNUT Street. * MY SOUTHERN FRIENDS. : JUST PUBLISHED. The new book by EDMUND KIRKE, author of ‘ ‘Among the Pines, ” entitled MY SOUTHERN FRIENDS. One handsomel2mo. .elegantly bound in cloth. Price $l, and paper covers 75 cents. The success that has attended the publication of “Among the Pines.*” has been of the most extraordinary chvTacter. With Hugo’s “ Lss Miserables,” it one of the great successes of the publishing season. Ranking confessedly as one of the marvels of Ameri can authorship, it is not surprising that its sale has nearly reached the enormous number of 40,000 copies Within so short a period of publication. THE NEW BOOK, MY SOUTHERN FRiENDS, . By the same Author, While it possesses all the strength and truthfulness of its predecessor, has woven through it a narrative of in tense dramatic interest—a charm that will insure for it a popularity exceeding even that of “ Among the Pines. ” Mr.. CARLETON'publishes at the same time a new, larger, and handsomer edition of “"Pines,” uniform with ‘ ‘ My Southern Friends, ” and at tbe same price. 4®" *** These books are sold by all: booksellers, and are sentby mail, free, on receipt of price,lby . CARLETON, Publisher, New York, ap29-w&stf |No. 413 Broadway, cornerLISPJBNARD St. RATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY, A-' containing Portraits of Thirty of the most prominent AMERICAN GENERALS AND NAVAL OFFICERS, ? rinted on Fine Cards of the regular Photograph size, 'rice, for package of thirty Portraits, post-paid,-*sl. A liberal dissount io Agents. , my2-6t ... ... A. WINCH. 505 CHESTNUT Street... SCHEDULE OF PRICES AGREED UPON BY THE' ICE DEALERS' of Philadelphia, to take effect on MONDAY, April 27. 1863: >. 8 lbs. per day..v 75 cts. per week. . ‘ 12 “ 90 “ “ ’ V 16 “ “ ....kb “ 20; * ‘ “ ..120 “ “ . . . . - -Customers taking from‘ lbs. rat the rate of 78 cts. r- v 100 lbs. and upwards, 70 cts. per hundred. ap2l-lm*if JCEI ICE! ICE I ICE! ICE! ICE I COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. Families, Offices, Hotels, Shipping, Ice-Cream Saloons, &c., Ac., supplied daily with a pure article of BOsTON ICE, afc the very-lowest market rates. Dealers and large consumers supplied at wholesale prices. Wagons run in all paved limits of the Consolidated-city, and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. . > THOS. E CAHILL, ' - f 335 WALNUT Street. . J North Penna. R. A Master street unices..a Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets. . ap3-3mif* 1 LPine-streefc wharf, Schuylkill. COAt. TMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY— -A- To be sold to close up a business— . 600 tons Egg Coal, at $5.25 per ton. . : 1,000 “ Stove “ at 55.25 “ . -' 1,000 “ Nut “. ats4.6o- “ NINTH Street, (West side,) third Coal Yard above Poplar. :■ apl3-lm AOA L—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain from Schuylkill; prepared ex pressly for family use. Depot, N. W. corner or EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office, No. 113 South SECOND Street. Cap-J-ly] J. WALTON A CO. TYRAIN PIPE—S TO NE WA R E J-'DRAIN PIPE from 2 to 12-inch bore. 2-inch bore. 25 cents per yard 3 do 30 do do. 4 d 0......... .40 do do. 5 d 0....... 50 do do.' 6 d 0........ .66 do do. Every variety of connections, bends, traps, and hoppers. We are now prepared to furnish Pipe in any quantity, and on liberal terms to dealers and those purchasing in arge quantities. ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPS. Vitrified Terra\Cotta Chimney Tops, plain and orna mental designs, warranted to stand the action of coal •gas. or the weather in any climate. t GARDEN VASES. A great variety of Ornamental Garden Vases in Terra Cotta, classical designs, all sizes, and warranted to stand the weather. Also, Fancy Flower Pots, Hanging Baskets, and Garden Statuary. Philadelphia Terra Cotta Works. Office and Warerooms 1010 CHESTNUT Street: mh4-wftntf . B>A. HARRISON. TTOUSEHOLD WORDS—REIMER’S .colored have-become as familiar. They decorate the walls -of almost evory house.' They are universally-appreciated. 3 Only sl. SECOND'Strest, above Green. 'it TLTADEIRA WINE—I7S QUARTER casks and 100 Octaves, just received per “Laura,” -and for sale in bond, by •. .•> CHAS. S. A JAMES CARSTAIRS, ap24 f 130 WALNUT and 31 GRANITE Streets. Paper patterns of the LATEST FASHlON,.Wholesale and Retail. New Spnng and Summer Cloaks, Sleeves, Waists, and Children’s Patterns,now readv at Mrs. M. A; BINDER’S Temple of Fashion, No. 1033 CHESTNUT Street. Also, Dress and Mantilla Making in all its branches. Madame Demorest’s Mirror of Fashion and Le Bon Ton. , • ...... ap2P-3m TVORYTYPES—THE MANNER IN which REIMER’S Ivory!ypes are executed calls for the admiration of all devoted to fine arts. Pictures of rare truth and beauty. SECOND Street above Green. It pLAM SOUP WILL BE SERVED UP V/daily, Sundays excepted,.by JAMES PROSSER, No. @OB MARKET Street, toy-5-ifcf RUCTION NOTICE. LARGE, SPECIAL AND ATTRACTIVE SALE SPRING AND SUMMER SHAWLS, MESSRS. H. lIEIfJfEQTiy & CO., ON THURSDAY", May 7th, 1863, at 10 o’clock, nr JOHN B. MYERS & GO., The Sale will comprise— I.OCO Superior qualities Square and Long, all BLACK PARIS THIBET and MERINO SHAWLS, wool fringes. SCO Very choice grades. Black, Modes, and High Colors THIBET and MERINO SHAWLS, with Rich Silk Fringes. •; • 100 SUPERB QUALITY, ALL-BLACK THIBET, extra . Rich and Heavy Fringes. 3,000 Entirely New Patterns, GLASGOW and PART£ BRoCIIE GOLD BORDER, BLACK and COLOfi - \ ED STELLA SHAWLS. 1,000 Very .Choice and Desirable PARIS and GLASGOW PRINTED and sewed border STELLA and GAL LERY SHAWLS. 1,000 New and Tasteful Styles of PARIS FANCY SUM MER SHAWLS, comprising 3 all the varied NOVELTIES of the SEASON, in ORGANDY, MO-* ZAMBJQUES, CHALLY, and POIL DE CHE7RE ' SHAWLS -500 Choice New Patterns, all-wool CHECKED LAMA and BAGNOS SHAWLS, a Bordure. 200 Very Elegantand Costly Embroidered CHALES PO - Frangcs Nege a Pomppns. ALSO, 30 PIECES VeTy Superior quality, all-wool Black and White, Paris Twilled and Checked SPRING and SUMMER CLOAKINGS, for city trade. • This Sale will contain, a LARGER VARIETY of CHOICE .STYLES ,of New and Seasonable Shawls than any offering made tins season. Wq confidently ask the attention of buyers to this fall assortment of Desirable Goods. ALSO, Avery Large and Attractive Assortment of BRITISH, FRENCH,:,AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, lix. Woolens, Worsteds, Silks, emd Cottons* Including a Large Line of For Spring aud Summer sales; T>Y JOBN H. OSGOOD & SON, OFFICE 147 CONGRESS Street, Boston- LARGE SALE OF MILITARY OVERCOATS, ON AC COUNT OF THE GOVERNMENT, BY ORDER OF THE UNITED STATES QUARTERMASTER, AT BOS TON. , . ■ sold by Public Auction, in lots to suit purchasers, to the highest bidder. May 14th, 1863, at 10 o’clock A. M., . 33,301 INFANTRY GREATCOATS (assorted sizes), viz: - 17,301 Black Tricot, Doeskin, Beaver, and Satinet.. 1,000 Gray Satinet. 5,000 Darkßlue Pilot, and Satinet. All in perfect order, well packed in cases, and ready for shipment. The goods can he examined on the day previous to the Terms, cash. * WM. W. McKIM, Captain, and A. Q M. Assistant Quartermaster’s Office,) Bostob, April 27, 1863 3 ap29-13t COMMISSION HOUSI3S. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. 802-iftf GOVERNMENT GOODS. ” Indigo Bine Flannels. Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, & GO., No. 230 CHESTNUT STKBET mh24-3m Q W. SIMONS & BHOTHEE* . MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY. JalS-tfßm - • - : “ 2.00 to 10.00 “ 1.75 to 8.00 “ 1.50 to 6.00 *' 80 to 3.00 “ 1; 25 to 500 “ 25 to I.CO QIIa CLOTHS AND CARRIAGE. TABLE," STAIR, AND FLOOR IN COTTON AND LINEN FABRICS, QUALITY AND STYLE UNSURPASSED. COMPRISING EVERY VARIETY OF NEW AND OKI-' . GINAL DESIGNS, PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL. These goods ’will be sold to Dealers and Manufacturers {tf prices much below the present price of stock. THOMAS POTTER, MANUFACTURER OF OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, 229 ARCH Street, Philadelphia, and 49 CEDAR and 95 LIBERTY Streets, New York. ap2*lm ' JGFTY BALES AND ORGANDIE®, of tlie celebrated manufacture of FRERES KOECHLIN. Just received and for sale at very low prices by M. L. HAL LOWELL & GO., Nos. 615 CHESTNUT and 613 JAYNE Streets. my2-12t if 1 AND 3 N. SIXTH STREET. These SHIRTS are cut by jaeasurement, so that all the parts exactly tit each other. They surpass all other Shirts for neatness of fit on the breast, comfort in the neck, and ease on the shoulder. 606. arch.street. 606> FINE SHIBT AND WRAPPER DEPOT. J AN, ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, AT MODERATE PRICES. ; FOUR PREMIUMS AWARDED FOR SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, AND STOCKS. G. A. HOFFMANN, Successor to W. W..KNIGHT. ap6-jnws3m 606 ARCH STREET. 606. ■PINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. A The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty in his business. Also, con stantly receiving, NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, ' No. 8& CHESTNUT STREET, ja2fl-tf , : Four doors below the Continental. POOR B ICHARD’S EYE WATER will make the weakest eyes strong and the most dim vision clear. . . _ Read the certificate, handed to Mrs. M. G. Brown t of 410 Arch street, bvltev. P. S. Henson, pastor-of Broad street Baptist Church: _ . Philadelphia, October 17,1562. From injuries received in my right eye when a boy, a. 'chronic inflammation had been produced, in conse quence of which I suffered constant martyrdom. Every moment of my waking life was embittered, and I was frequently unable to sleep at night. -A variety of remedies had been resorted to without success, and I entertained the purpose, as a last resort, of having the ball taken out of its socket in the hope of thus finding relief. . : In the meanwhile, most providentially I noticed one day in a shop window a bottle of Poor Richard’s Eye Water. I had never heard of it before, but determined to try it—and did with the most delightful results. ‘ln a few days the painful irritation: was removed. I could bear the strongest light, and went forth as it were to the enjoyment of a new life. I now keep a bottle *of it always in the house,-and if my-eye seems at all disposed' to annoy me, I "iveit a dose and that is an end of it I would not he without it for any amount of money’ I take occasion to say further, that my wife used to suffer severely at times from protracted pain in and over her oyes, and she has found Poor'.Richard’s Eye Water a sovereign specific in her case, giving her almost* instant relief. Grateful to God for the benefit I have personally re ceived,l cannot but recommend the preparation most coi dially to all who have been sufferers like myself. -n l -P.-S, HENSON, h. . Pastor of the Broad-street Baptist Churca. Residence 1430 Poplar street, Philadelphia. - Gene raL Depot of Poor Richard's Eve Water., 4-1.0 ARGfI Street. ror bottle. : mjC-ffli if* AUCTION SALE. Of the Importation of ON FOUR MONTHS’ CREDIT, AUCTIONEERS, 1 Nos. 333 and 334 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. DBESS GOODS. BOSTON AUCTION SALE. ON THURSDAY, MILITARY GOOIIS. Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. BANSOM-STKEET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANDPACTUKEKS OF JEWELUY, FINE SWORDS, Oil. CLOTHS. WINDOW SHADES. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. FRENCH JACONETS DOLLEUS MIEG & CO., GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. john c-w akrison; teOKMEELY Jj_.BO.RR atOORB.)- MANUFICTURER OF THE IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT. SATISFACTION GUARANTIED, apS-6m MEDICAL/. WANTS. WANTED, BY TB B FIRST OF JULY ¥¥ —a PARTNER, with a cash Capital of $2,003, to engage in a JOBBING GROCERY BUSINESS. The ad vertiser commands a good paying trade. Address Gro cer/’ office of The. Press. mr6-3t* WANTED IMMEDIATBL'Y tih-VU » » HAL enterprising CANVAS ? ERB and AGENTS in connection with Life Insurance, both for city and coun try. Gentlemen adapted to the business and devote their best energies to the advancement of the u terests of a first-clasis company, wd! ple tee R, P. 0. Box 2,028, with name and residence. . it* „ A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE My • AGENTS in “every county at .$75 a m *n:h,.ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family S - wing Ma chines. Address S. MAD [SOT, my6-Imd&W Ali'rst. V-iino, M A MONTH!— WE WANT AGENTS at $GOa month, expenses pVd. to sell our Ew-rlasling Pencil, Oriental Burnert;,' and 13 other new articles. * L 5 circulara./r€&. SHAW & CLARK, my6omd&W w Bidd-ifo r d. Maine.’- WITCHER TNG ENT— "Vf "Wanted to purchase, a property located in the sub urbs of the city, suitable f. r carrying on the butchering business, the northern part of the city preferred. AppLy to LUKiNS & MONTGOMERY, Conveyancers, ipy6-wr-2t* 1035 BEACH frtreet, above Laurel. WANTED—AN ENERGETIC SALES *" MAN to sell Perfumery and Fancy So ins. by sample to city and near trade. Address Box MU Post Office, mvo-3t* WANTED CLOTHING—PERSONS Laving Clotliiny to dispose of will plooso call or address O. MILLER, 803 CHESTNUT at. mbi6 mwilfau DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFICE. —Pheladslphia, Feb. 3, 1863. VESSELS WANTSSD immediately to carry GOAL the following points: Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Monro© ,Vi. Alexandria, v a, Newbern, N.C. Port Royal, S.C. A-BOYD, felC-tf Capta ; .D and Assist. QuarfArmastAr. BOARDING. Board.— handsome covriium. CaTING Rooms at No. 1315 WALNUT 1 Street. BpSO-m*if ftfOK SALE AND TO LET. ■ m FOR SALE—DESIRABLE RF3L Alsiitt PENCE on SPRUCE Street; also, two Lots. CREST NUT Street. Apply to R J. UOdBrNS, myC-6t* No. 108 South FOURTH Street. fjj ' GERMANTOWN.—A : FURNJS U -1 ED Cottage, with stable attached, forreut, for the Summer. Apply 76.4- ARCH Street. : - my6-2t* 9nn —FOR SALE A WELL-9 E nP .4 e &\J\J m CURED Old Mortgage of this amount, secured on property within the limits o i the old city. LUKENS & MONTGOMERY, Conveyancers,lo3s BEaCH street, above Laurel. myG- w&s2*.*- INSURANCE COMPANIES. TDIEE ASSOCIATION. ' A Incorporated, March 27, 1820. Office, No 34: North FIFTH Street, - INSUJ-B BUILDINGS,-' BOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AND MERCHANDISE GENERALLY, FROM LOSS BY FIRE. ■ ' (In the city of Philadelphia only.) STATEMENT OF .THE ASSETS OF THE ASSOCI ATION, JANUARY 1, Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the city of Philadelphia only ...$708,494 65 Ground Rents, “ “ “ “ 23.139 97 Real Estate... Cash on hand trustees. GEORGE'-W. TYRON, President. Win. If. Hamilton, .TohnSouder, Peter Fritz, John Philbin, Geo. I. Young, LeviP. Coats, Charles P Bower. William T., Secret PHILAUELPBIA FIRK AND LIFE A INSURANCE COMPANY. a OFFICE, No. 433 CHESTNUT STREET. CHARTERED BY THE STATE 0E PEHESYLTAHIA This Company is now prepared to make insurance against LOSS-BY FIRE on the most favorable terms. Their losses will be promptly settled; and that those for the year 1862 were so, they refer to the following re* cipients: Mrs. Jane Ferree.... L. G. Mytinger & Go Beverly R. Keim.... \VilliamE. Taber... Joba Gundy P. F. M0rri5.......... W. Y. Petit.......... L. G. Mytinger & Co R. E. Sellers Other small losses This Company have no unsettled losses. Tho assetß of the Company are sow Mortgages a:nd ground rents.... Real estate (taken for debts) cost Stocks and hoods--. •••••' Bills receivable Due from individuals. Cash in Bank Stock notes DIRECTORS. R. P. Rincr, President, 81. W. Baldwin, Vice Pre' Charles?. Hayes, . sis'.ent, John Clayton, P. B. Savery» : Ed. Viler, Alexander Murphy, jlnwell, T. K. Collins, John Killgore, J.' M. Co-well, S. J. Megargee. 1 5Q1125-Btut]l3iD*if LACK'StIRNE, Secretary. QIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. O?‘iTCE, 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL 5300,000* This Company continues to talce risks on the esfei classes of Property at law; rates:. Tlie public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the beaeS? of the public, daring the last nine years, exceed 600,000 DOLLARS and vre respectfully solicit its favor in the future. DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, JOHN W. CLAGHORN, JOHN THORRL3T, C. E. HEAZLITT, '• ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD, J*., PETER S. HOE, of S. X WM. SI. SWAIN, PGSMAN SHEPPARD, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D., N. S LAWRENCE. THOMAS DRAKE, JOHN SUPPLES. THOMAS CRAVEN, President A. S. GILLETT, Vice President, JAS. B. ALVORD, Secretary. ap2S-!ftf. iM COMPANY, WO, ■pAMJB IN yUR AN ( A 406 CHESTNUT Street. philad: JIBE AND INLA DIBEC IELPEIA. AND INSURANCE, vTORS* Francis N. Buck, E.-D. Woodruff, Chas. Richardson, Geo. A. West, Henry Lewis, Jr., John Kessler, Jr., John W. Eyerman, Chas. Stokes, Philip S. Justice, A. H. RosenheLa, 0. W. Davis, Josep B. Ellis. FRANCIS N. BUCK, President. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Yice President, WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. LialMftl CTJ . WBROTHEEHEAD’S CIRCULA • TING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and American Books, including ALL GLASSES ofLiterature. This is tLe ONLY Library, in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLIsH BOOKS that are not RE PRINTED here. Terms $5 per year ; six months $3; three months $1.50 ; one month 75 cents, or 3 cents per day, 318 South EIGHTH Street. - mh7-3m gTBAWBEEKY WINE, EQUAL TO MALMSEY MADEIRA, Just received. ALBERT O. ROBERTS* DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. CORNER ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. T>OWEN & CO.’S LITHOGRAPHIC J-J establishment. Southwest Corner of ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sts., . AND NO. 515 MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Every description of LITHOGRAPHY, PLATE PRINTING, and COLORING EXECUTED IN THE MOST SUPERIOR MANNER. mhlO-tf J. HANNA, OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT CLAIMS, ' No. 252 F street, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth, WASHINGTON, D. C. Particular attention given to the Adjustment and Col lection of Army and Navy Contractors’ Claims, Quarter masters’Vouchers, Mail Contractors’ and Postmasters’ Accounts, Certificates of Indebtedness, and the Prosecu tion of Claims for Losses of Steamboats and .other pro perty in Government employ. Also to Investmentsinand Purchase and sale of Government Securities. Prompt and faithful attention will ha given to all busi ness entrusted to me. ~ REFERENCES: • SPENCER. VILLA & CO , Boston.. LIVERMORE. CLEWS & CO., New York. YERMILTE Si CO.. “ BAKER, WESCOTT & CO,, Philadelphia. S. T. CANBY. ‘ r W. J. WAIN WHIG HT, HANNA, HART & CO., Pittsburg. GEORGE C. GLASS Sc CO., Cincinnati. G. H. BUSSING & CO., . “ C. B. COFFIN. Esq , / L. A. BKNOIST&CO., St. Louis. ANDERSON & WATSON, MaRC & BERTEL, Chicago. S. P. BRADY & GO., Detroit. • WILLIAMS & CO., “ H. WICK & CO., Cleveland. R. HANNA & CO , 41 ALVOBI). COLWELL Sc ALVORD, Indianapolis. JOHN FERGUSON, Esq., San Francisco, HENRY BIGELOW, Esq.,- QUIGLY, MORTON & CO., Louisville. Washington; April, 1863. fJRAY HAIR RESTORED. BALDNESS PREVENTED.'• LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DRESSING. The most safe and reliable ar ticle ever discovered for the growth and pre v sevvationofthehumanhuir, preventinggray hair, and resto ring its pristine beauty and color. Also removing any eruptive diseases. Itching,'Scurf, Dandruff, &c. Many who were bald and grav have had theirhair restored by the use of the Loxnox Hair Color Restorer.” Its extraordinary influence iuTestoring gray hair to . its original life-like appearauce is truly, wonder ful. It does not require any preparation be- • . fore or aftei*its use. keeps the hair soft, smooth aim flexible, and is certainly •an indispensable "article - in' every toilet. All who wish to have a. beautiful and glossy head ‘ • of hair, in luxurious growth to the latest period of life, must use the •• LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER. As a beauiifler it is unsurpassed: LONDON HATR COLOR RES f’ORBR, • "Will make the hair grow on bald heads. LONDON-HAIR COLOR RESTORER; Will fasten it, and stop its falling. ; LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER. Gives the hair a‘rich and glossv appearance. LONDON HAIR COLOR RfcS'IORBR. , . Excites the scalp, cleanses and invigorates. LONDON BAIR COLOR RESTORER, No lady or gentleman should be without it. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER, . Highly perfumed, does not soil )mt-or bonnet. • ... LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER,.^ .Oiily 50 cents a bottle, six bottles tor *52 00. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER, . The only attested article that will, absolutely restore, the hair to its original color and. beauty, causing it to,, grow where it lias fallen off or become chin. Soia wholesale anaremilDj- SWJIYNE * gfat. - apSO ■ No. 330 K., SIXTH. Stiaet, above Tine. Phtla. TTVERT boi>y likes it. Xj ALBEITS concentratrb coffee. : A perfectly pure and healthy beverage, guarantied free from Dandelion. Cbickory, or any deleterious substance 'whatever. Price- A,' 20 cents ; B, 10 cents per pound. Sold by • ■ bDWIILa. THOMAS, my2-Im* 4S North FRONT Bt., Philadelphia. Gsjrrot SADDLE, HAENESS, AND JmSIITRUNK FACTORY AND WAREROOMS, 10S6 MARKET STREET. A large assortment of LATHES’AND GENTS’RIDING SADDLES. FINE.TRUNKS, VALISES. &c LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. Wholesale and Retail. ~ ap2B-Im* .. A. ,-M. DORMAN. flOT.h SILVER, AND LIGHT BLUE STEEL * SPECTACLES, to suit all ages, cheap, cor; SECOND and: NEW Streets. I. FRIES. ap2s-lm* 'J’BE GRAND ORATORIO OR THE CREATION Will be given by the l r l HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY, On THURSDAY EVENING, Mar 14, 1563, At the MUSICAL FOND HALL, LOCUST STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH. The powerful CHORUS of the Society lias Been largely angmented tortlns and will be as.i.ted hytlm most favorably-known AP.TIST3, iogether with the GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. The Managers <-<f the Society,, fn presenting this Grand Oratorio, would stale, that nothing shall he wanting tr* injure a complete success, and feel assured that iheir will jrmrit prompt and liberal support. ' The PR CE OF ADMISSTON has been n 1 'iced at FIFTY CENTS. Tickets cud be had at the Music Stores, and also at the Libretto, containing full and intelligent criti cal notea. mvs if ■VTBW CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE— -1-’ .-Mr. 'V WHSATLBT. ENGaGiMEIiT OF Miw LUCILLE WESTERN FOR i-OUE BIGHTS ONLY. ; o iSsT l LYNF“ Uieff ‘ Bat Moral Dramaof 5 - WBDNESDAY EVENING, May 6tb, 1863. MadameVme/ }••••■ LUCILLE WESTERN. Far! MorntSevern..... tr T.d3fr Sir Francis Levison V. ' .nnt! AicbiVala Carlisle J. W Ollier. Miff Corney Miss Mary Wells. Uarbarv H.ere * ....Mrs. George Tordau. FRIDAY—BENEFIT and Last Nivht but one of MIBS - , LUCILLE WESTERN. The Crcuestra, under the J irention of Mr. Mark Hasa ler, will perforin, during the evening, various gems of operatic and popular music. Mr. Wheatley has pleasure in announcing an en gagement with the 0 mpdicune. Mrs JOHN WOOD, the Queen of Comedy and Song, commencing Mo iday. May 3i. in the F&irv*, ' . THE PAIR ONE WITH THE GOLDEN LOCKS, produced at expense. with eotirrlv n°w Scenarv ana Effects b-y J. E. HAYESand J. H. SELWTN. Pri.ifE— 7s, 50, and 25 cent?. . Box Office open from'9 A M. to 5. P. M. The cunain wi ! l rise at 8 o’clock, and the performance conclude by a quarter to II every night. my4-6t ItTKS. JOHN DEEW'S AECH-STHEET XTA THEATRE “ ' Business ana Treasurer—....JOS D. MURPHY LAST WEEK n? THE SEASON TO-KIGHT, WEDNESDAY - , Miv G, 1863. DP AT THE HILLS. Mr?. Col. McCann ..Mrs. JolmDraw. Monee. Miss E. erica. Btrton Hill. Captain &J&cTn.--..v r ~._ ... „ .. mv RiaffoLtL To oonclude with the lefrend;*rv p rtramarof---. * ' RIP YaN WINKLE. _ Vi"' Pip Van WinY'*-,::”- Vrank Drew. King Knickerbocker.' Sevraor^. - FBIDA Y, BENEFIT OF FRANK ijUBW, Prices as usual. : Curtain rises at&o’cioci WALNUT-STREET THEATRE . "T S.le Lesfee ; Mrs. M. A. GABRBTTSOW* UnßinfiKs Agent.... ."...Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO OH AS. S. -PORTER. 'WEDNESDAY) EVENING. May 6 AN'ADDRafS, Written by a-soungladv of this city, and by Mr WM. H. MaTTR CS. A'trr which, THE SOLDIER’S DAUGHTER. Gov. Bea»tall .Mr Chas. a Porter, To be followed by Janvier's SLEEPING SENTINEL. To conclude with the New and Beautiful Dram’*, of A EIJE’S. REVENGE; ua, 0 wo Loves for One Heart. Doors , open at 7H: Curtain will rise at 8 METROPOLITAN QUADRTJ >-* PLE COMBINATION ! FOUR COMPLETE EXHIBITION'S ONE PRICE OP ADMISSION! The proprietors of this remarkable Combination respectfully give notice that they have arranged to In augurate A SERIES OF PERFORMANCES AND EXHIBITIONS IN PHILADELPHIA." On MONDAY, May the 4th, Pdlf SIX DAYS ONLY, la the eligible and conveniently Located enclosure* BROAD Street, corner of Locust, ft/Hninicg the ACADEMY OP MUSIC, . And point with justifiable prid* to the following GREAT FEATURES OF TEE ESTABLISHMENT: GEORGE F. BAILEY’S EXTENSIVE CIRCUS, With its $785,032 12 Peter A. Kevser,. Joho Carrow, Jos- R. Jjyndall, fcamucl Sparliawk, my4mwflm STAR TROUPE OR PERFORMERS. Splendid stud of thorough-bred Horses, and gorgeous pfciapbemalia. HERR DRIESBACH’S LARGE AND COMPREHENSIVE KENaGEEIE. ur. J. C. QUICK S COLOSSAL HIPPOPOTAMUS, Imported at a cost of Forty Thousand Dollars. THE EIRST, LAST, AND ONLY OPPORTUNITY Of viewingtbis gigantic oea c t. the •• ■ ' HEHEMOTH OF HOLT WRIT, 91S 92 4,846-67 4,894 19 121:87 2,000 00 60 00 1,498 78 - 8415 160 81 Of whom Job say*, ‘ *..Upon the Earth there is not 7iis like. 1 * The present specimen is the only one ever brought to this continent, and was captured on the White Nile, two thousand miles above the eitv of Cairo, by - ALI. THE EGYPTIAN His present keeper. IV. SANDS. NATHANS. & CO ’3 PERFORMING ELEPHANTS. ■ANTHONY AND Cl EOPATPwA, .r.. 550,116 46 ... 19,370 00 .... 21,509 51 .... 8,942 31 .... 7,374 47 1,082 S 3 .... 70.265 00 Will introduces, large nutcberof FIRST-CLASS ARTISTS, Amors? whom are— - RAM "BURT. the great HardTe Rider ; PHILO NA THANS, -in his Classical Acts ; CHARLES RIVERS, tha acc- mplished four-horse rider. The'wonderful I)C>NJ?OR BROTHERS, ' • ,J. WARD, TBE HUMOROUS CLOWN, and maiir others, hosides a FULL TROUPE OF. VAULTERS, &c.,&c. ■ THE MENAGERIE $179,662 64 comprises a large collection of the most scarce and in teresting specimens of the brute c ; eation, including the wonderful 1 HIPPOPOTAMUS,. The great. Polar Bear, Grizzly Be A’s. Lions, Tigers, Hvenas. Leopards,and many ofcherkinds. BERR DP.iESBACK’S PERFORMING ANIMALS. Such a rare combination of Novelties and Attractions has never before been offered to the public, and in a re view of the ' MANY SOURCES OF ENTERTAINMENT it offers, and the remarkably .> - SMALL PRUE OF ADMISSION, • it must he pronouuc^d THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ’ Show in the "World. Admission to the Four. Great Shows 25 cants. A few. Reserved Seats, for tne accommodation of La dies and Families. 2* cents extra, . ; - -A MORNING - EXHIBITION, > For the accdjffihtfdatlon of Clergymen, Ladies, Children, and others, who may not desire to witness the Circus performance.*, will he given every day from 11 A. M. to IP. SE.', when - ; -THE HIPPOPOTAMUS, . THE ELEPHANTS, BERR DRIRSBACH’S MENAGERIE! ‘ AND PERFORMING- ANIMALS, Will be exhibited Admission, TWENTY-FIVE uENTS. : afternoon performance aiSP.' M. Doorsopen atha^fpast2. EVENING PER FOEMAECE D oors open at 7. • , at 8 o’clock. MUSICAL FUND HALL. XU- . HARMOKIA MtJSffJAL SOCIETY, The Society will aive their Third and Last SOIREE on TUESDAY EVENING- May sth', as above, and will pre sent selections from the Oratorio. THE CITrESOFTHE PLAIN, composed bv FRANK T. S. HARLEY, together * with miscellaneous Music, Solos, Duets, Choruses, &c., from Classical and Popular Authors. Professor A. R. TAYLOR will *ive his valuable aid, and the whole will be under the direction of Hr. MEtGNESf, as Conductor* assisted hv Prof. M. H. CROSS, Pianist of the Sf eiaty. TICKETS FIFTY CENTS EACH ; to be had at GouhTe • Andre's, find Lee & Walker’s Music Stores, and at the Hall- Subscribers ard others will also receive their tickets at Gould’s on the day of the Concert, between 1 and 6 o’clock P. M. Concert to commence at S o J clock rs STITUTION FOR THE BLIND,— EXHIBITION every WEDNESDAY at 'M P. M. Ad mission TEN CENTS. Store No. 11 South EIGHTS Street. . deUVwif PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FTNE ARTS, Owing to the influx of Valuable Pictures from New Y<vrk and elsewhere, the Exhibition will not open till THURSDAY, 7th. iuyo2t rjJSRMANIA ORCHESTRA—PUBLIC every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at VA o’clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, CARL SENTZ, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of flv» tickets $l. To be had of Andre & Co. , No. I ]fji C-hestnfi* street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and At Jh* Hall door. -• n027-n- Has slbr's obohbstba NEW OFFICE, 814 South EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. CTEBEOSCOPTICONS FOR PUBLIC in .large or small halls, with ■views, scenes, and representations of fine Statuary, "both of Europe and America, incidents, places, and battles of the present Rebellion, Made and for sale by JAMES 'ST. QUEEN & CO., Manufacturing Opticians, 9s*4r C3ESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Pull priced and illustrated Catalogues sent by mail free. apSO-iai . WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL- ROAD, VIA MEDIA. SUMMER BOARDERS Will find pleasant and ample accommodations at the fol lowing places on or near the Railroad: Trains to and from the city five times each way daily. COUPON AS 0 SEASON-TICKETS AT LOW fiATES. Near WaUsn«forU station. Mr. C. W. Thomas, IN MEDIA, THE CHESTNUT GROVE HOUSE; THR CFARTER HOUSE. Near Media, Mr. Peter Worral, Mrs .M. A. W‘orr»ll, Mrs. We. Brooke, Mbs Passmore, Gideon Malin, Tho mas Malin, J. Edwards. • For'further information inquire of ALEXANDER". HENDERSON, at the DEPOT IN MEDIA. ' Near Lcnnif H: Fields ; near Glen Riddle, S Levis. Near Pennelton, levi Jobson; near Darlington, Joel. Sharpness; -near Glen Mills. J. Malin, B. Green; near - Cheyaey’s Shops, Job Scott, J. Preston Thomas. There are many others near the above and other sta-, tions who will taka boarders. " _ Beggage, &c., collected and delivered by H. ALEX ANDER; Express Agent, in the DEPOT, northeast comer of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets. ap2S-36t ■IS jETOfflim PHILADELPHIA fggy WW <tfCT ELMIRA R. RELINK 1863 WINTER'ARRANGEMENT. ' 1863 For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains- leave. Depot of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, corner Broad and CallowhiU streets, atS. 15 A. M.and 3.SOP. M., daily. Snndays excepted. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia'to points in- Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, &c., &c. Baggage checked throngh to Buffalo*. Niagara Falls, or intermediate Points. . . , Throngh Express Freight Train for all points a dots. leaves daily at 6 P. M For farther information apply to - - JOHN S. HILLFS, General Agent, THIRTEENTH and CAEIOWHILL, and N. W 'corner ' SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. ja3l-tf TTNION TRANSPORTATION COM- U —We have sold and transferred the busi- Of and from this data CASS Ji CO., Proprietors, Union. Transportation. Company. Philadelphia, April 7,1863. k aplO-tf “PBIX ADELPHIA AND EASTERN X TRANSPORTATION COMPANY having- purchased the property>and succeeded to the business, of the Union Transporta tionfCompany, Trill continue the same as here tofore, via CAMDEN and PORT IttOlfflfOUTH. W. P. GBIFFITTS, Jb. ,General Manager GEO. B. Agent, 138 North WHARVES, (3d wharf above Arch at > - r *nr°V STEAM PROPELLER, yNMBttbibLINE FOR HARTFORD. —The steamer SARaH, Jones, waster, is now receiving freight for Heitford, at Wehtter’s, second Tv-harf above Market street. For terms, asJ> .y or to & co 13* South DELAWARE Avenue, --■-it—FOR NEW YORK, DELAWARE AND RARITAN CA NAL. DESPATCH AND SWIFTSURE LINES, The steamers ofthis line are leaving daily at 12 H.« B>. M. from third pier above WALNUT Street. For freight; .which will, be taken on accommodating terms, apply to WM. M. BAIRD &CO., mh26-ff 133 Sontb DELAWARE Aveane- AMUSEMENTS,* 08, THE ELOPEMEIfT, V[O*ORTA AND ALBERT, THE PERFORMANCES IN THE ARENA, EXCLUSIVELY. THIBDAKD LAST CONCERT THI3 SEASON KAIIjROAD jlinbs. fTHE PHILADEL AWntARTRRW TRANS PORTATION COMPACT is new'prepared to forward' p HI x iA de li phia TO OWTOBS, YIA CAMDEN AND PORT MONMOUTH. Freights received at THIRD Wharf above ARCH St. The attention of Merchants and Shippers is directed la this new and expeditions route, ana a portion of th*sr patronage is respectfully solicited, jor farther particulars applyAo - : GSO. B. McCDLLOH, Froirht AffenL 138 NORTH WHARVES w. y. GRIFPITTS, Jr.-, General Manager. ejjCa FOB NEW YORK—NEW JaHMEHaBAILT LINE—VIA DELAWARE AN J» &AKIYAK ODNAL. . Philadelphia and New Tor A Express Steamboat Gt»aa pany receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., deltvaria their cargoes In New Tork the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDIL Agent, 50. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, JAMES HANm. Agent, *aL-tf 'Plsm 14 and 15 EAST &iYs3s* N&W-I.QJS*