SHERIFF’S SALES, SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a W rit of Venditioni Exponas, to mo directed, will be expoiod to publio sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,. May 4,- 1563, at 4 o'clock,' at hansom-street Hall, No. 1. AD that certain three-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate in the Nino-' teentn ward of the city of Philadelphia {beginning at a point on the east line of Clinton street, at tne distauca of 2ifty-one feet southward from the south side of-Norris street, being also in the middle of a four feet wide alley laid out and opened lor the accommodation of this lot and others adjoining thereto; thence extending eastward, at right angles, to,the said Clinton street, along the middle ot the said- all'ey, forty-six l feet one inch, to a point; ; •theuce southward, parallel with thesaid' Clinton street, eight feet two and one-eighth inches, to a point; thence somhwestwardly,eight feet one and one-quarter inches, tea point; thence weatwardly, at right angles to the said Clinton street, by the adjoining lot hereto, forty-ono feet eight and one-cimuter inches, to the said Clinton stieet; and thence nortt waid, along the east side of said Clinton ktreet, .fifteen feet; to the place of beginning;, in cluding, omhe rear eno of the said lot of ground, a two feet wide alley laid out and opened for the accommoda tion of this lot aiid thedot adjoining hereto to the souttj, and luuning into the aforesaic tour-Leet wide alley. [Being the same premises which Henry a. Jones, by in denture dated November 16th, lSbt), and recorded in Deed Book A. D 13., No. 146, page i 6, &c., gmutecl ana C'nvejedimlo Oliver II P. Conover in'.fee, subject to a yearly groundrtnt of $54 per auimm.] .. ’ No 2 All that certain yearly groundrent or sum of thirty-five dollnis »nd fifty centa lawluV Money, bait yearly, issuiutron the first daj of-the months ot Julj . juidJauuaiy meach and every year, and payable by John Fiupatriek, his heirs and assigns, out ot and-foi it that curtain Jot ,or , piece ol ground situate on the Mjuth side of Washington street, in the said Clt >*. iadolnhm, (formerly in the District of ) Be .rinniDg at Ihe dlsmnce of niuety-livy feet eastward (roai the (iifrt side of Eighth,street; containingm front or breadth on the said Washington street, fifteen iC3t, and iuleugth or depth southward, parallel with the said Eighifi street, fifty-jive feet. (Being the same premises which John A. Grey, etux. , by mdeuture dated March . 13, 185 S. and recorded in Deed Book D. b., No. 81, page 15, &c , granted and conveyed unto Oliver a. - P. Ho 3. AU tlmt certain lot of piece of giaand situate on the south side of Morris street, at distauce ot one . lundred aid six feet westward trora tlio iresc s do of Trout street, in tbe'Jftrtt ward of toe. city ot Pluladel uhia (lately in tnePistrict ofSouthwarkri containing m front or breadth on the said Morris street tnirty-two feet, andextcmiii'got ihu.t.wioili, iu length or depth, soufch waid beiween linesparalleiwith the said Front street, one hundred ituatei--feet to Cottage street'. , (Bbing the ttune premise.-* which Luke W. Duffel, et. ux„ byiu denltne rtsiitd June 21,1551, recordedm Deed Book K.D. W., No. 15, page 174, Ac.,.granted and conveyed anto Willis mF. Oou.iver in-fee*. No. A- All ibbt • certain two story brick messuage or tenfmentand lo.t or piece of ground situate at the north east coiuer bi’cheiry streereiud Jacoby street, between Twelfth aid.'Thh-teeuih rireets, in the city ot BhuaiOv pliiaicontiiinitgdiJ breadth, on the said onerry street, thirtv-one acdin length or depth, on the said Ja iSby street. levemy-fUv.feet. (BMnn {ho samepremises which Will ism Sniilli et indenture dated July 2Sih,lS!4. recorded m Deed Book 1. H-, No. iob. page 6 r 3, gvanttd and conveyed unto Joseph b. Conover, m fte 'rD. C. «W. Mar.- 1. '63. Debt, ■‘-ml f 9. Thorn.] . Taken' .in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph B. Conover, William P. Conover, Ollyi r.-li. :P. Cotover,aud George Dorlf, trading Conover A Brotheis JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. B Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, April2o,lS63. ap L 2:>-3t OH SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas, to, me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vonduo, on/MON DA i Evening, May 4 1563, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-srreet Hall. . All that certain lot or piece of ground situ tie on the. nonli sideof Prntt street and west side ot State sweat, formerly in tire district of West Philadelphia, now in the city of Philadelphia; containing in iront or breadth on the said Piatt street seventy teet nine and a naif inches, and exteudiug of that width in length or depth northward one hundred feet. and westward by other ground now or lateof the estate ot the said Mmy C. Lehman, deceased; southward by the said Pratt sticet, and eastward bvstate street aforesaid, r Bring the same premises which William Crean, trustee, Ac,, by indenture heaiingdate the twenty-eighth day of February, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book T. H., Kn Gf page3/0, &c., erranted and conveyed unto Robert W. Hansell, in tee, reserving th» re out a yearly ground rent or sum of seven ty dollars ax d seventy-nine cents, payable half year ly on the Hist days of February and August m every yeßt forever. Subiect, nevertheless, to the express re striction that no slaughter-house, skin-dressinv estab lishment, nine, soap, candle, or starch nianutactory or oilier for oifensive occnpatien shall at any time Hereafter be put. erected, or used on any part of the Hereby gracted lot of ground. Together with the free and common use, right, liberty, and privilege of the said Pratt strf et and .State street respectively, at ail.times. jlar T _ , S 3 Debt, SMS 60. Lax.] ' ALSO. —AU tlw.t cortaia I>t or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Pratt street and east side of btate street, formerly in the district ot West iu the city of Phil adelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Pratt street sixty-one feet seven inches, and oxtendiug of tlmt width, in length or depth, northward, one hundred feet. Bounded northward by other ground uiow or lateof the estate of the said Mary C. Lehman, de ceased, eastwoid by cronnd granted by the said \Ytl- Jiam Crean fo Bobert'W. Hansell and John W. Everman on ground rent, southward by the said Pratt street, and westward by Plate street aforesaid [Beiug the sani9 premises which William Crean, trustee, See.; by inden ture' bearing date the 28ih dav of February, 1553, recorded at Philadelphia,in Deed Book T. H.,No. 61,page 352, Sic., grunted and conveyed unto; Robert W. Hansell in fee; yeserving thereout a.yearly gTOund rent or suna of sixty one dollars and fifty-eight cent?, payable hali-yearly on the days oi Ftb.uai-y aud August m every year forever j Subiect, nevertheless, to the. express redaction that no slaughter-house, skin-dressing establishment, glue,’ soar* candle, or starch manufactory, or oth*r baiklmg for offensive occupation, shall at time lipreafter be put or erected, or used on any part of the hereby granted lot of ground. Together with and common use, right, liberty and privilege of the said Pratt street and State street respectively, at all times herea-.ter forever. N. B.—On the above premises there is erected a one -Btory trick 6 gWß.._ T>> , 63 . Debt , $l4O 24 / Taken in execution and to be sold as tne propert}'ot Robert W. Hansell. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 21,1863. ap23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE QF 'O. 'sundry writs of Levari Facias, to me directed, will De exposcd to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, May 4,15G8, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Ilall. . All that certain lot or piece of ground with the two brick messuages or-tenements thereon .ereoteil, situate on the north side of Melon street, at the distance of one hundred and twenty-four feet eastwai’d from the Wiesa liiccon or Ridge road, in that part of the city of Philadel phia late the district of Springs Garden; containing in front or breadth on the said Melon street sixteen feet, aid extending in length or depth northward, between, parallel lines at right angles with the said Melon street, on the east line thereof sixty-six feet five Ucaes, aud on the west line thereof sixty-five feet teu inches to Penn street. Bounded on the east by ground granted to John Gravel on ground rent, on the north by the said Peuu street, on the west by ground granted to Tompkins, and on the south by the. said Melon street. [Being the same pr,raises which Jacob W. Colladay and wife, by indenture dated the slh day of September, A. D. 1845, recorded in Deed Book A. W. M., No. 2, paga 113,grant ed and conveved unto the said ‘William G. Con row in fee! 3 Together with the free and common use and privi lege of the said Penn street at all times hereafter forever. CD. C. 605; Mar. T., ’63. Debt $3,041.91. Thorn.] Ali that certain tbiee-story brick messuage or tene ment and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side - of Parrish street, at the distance of forty-five feet west ward from the west side of Carlisle street, in that, part of the city of Pniladelphia late the district of Spring Gar den; containing in front or breadth on the said Parrish street fifteen feet, and extending in length or depth northward, between lines parallel witn said Carlisle street, fifty feet. Bounded northward by a three-feet* six-inches-wide alley leading eastward into said Carlisle street, eastward by ground now or late of Stephen Kerns, southward by said Parrish, street,And westward by ground now or late of -William A. Stokes. [Being the same premises which. Mary Dawson, by indenture dated thedith day of April, 1852, recorded in Deed Bo jk T. H., No. 20, page 96, granted and conveyed unto the said •'William u. Conrow in fee; under and subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent or sum of twenty seven dollars, and which is intended forthwith to be - paid and extinguished ] Together with the free use and privilege of the said thiee-feet-six-inches-wide alley as a passage-way and water-course at all time* hereafter forever; and subject also to a mortgage debt of eight hun dred dollars, which is also intended to be paid and dis charged. CD. C. 606;M. T., ’63. : Debt, $1,519.22. Thorn.] Taken in execution-.and to be sold as the property of William G. Conrow. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. i Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 20, 1863.- ap23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY' VIRTUE OF sundry writs of Levari Facias, to me directed* will lie exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing; May 4,1563, at 4 o’clock, at Sansbin-street Hall, All tnat certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southeast side of College avenue, in the late District of Penn, (now in,the Twentieth ward of the city of Phila-. tlelphia.) Beginning at the distance of fifty*six feet southwestward from the southwest corner of said Col lege avenue and Schuylkill Fourth, (now Nineteenth) . street, thence extending southward by the rear ends of Schuylkill Fourth street lots on a line parallel with said Fourth street eighty-four feet three inches aud one eighth of an inch, thence southward by other ground of Osborn Conrad on a line parallel with said College ave nue tweDty-three feet six inches and one-half of an inch, thence northwestward by gronud granted to John Piper, on a line at a right angle with said College ave nue eighty feet to the southeast side thereof, and thence . northeastward along the same fifty feet to the place of beginning. L Winch lot of ground the said Osborn Con rad, by.indenture bearing even date with a certain in denture of mortgage, viz: January 1,1851, but duly exe cuted arid acknowledged prior to the execution of said ' 'indenture, and intended-therewith to be recorded, for the consideration money therein mentioned, the whole Whereof was intended to be thereby secured, granted, and conveyed unto the said‘William G. Deavs in' fee ] Subject to the restrictions that no slaughter house, skin dresairg establishment, blacksmith shop, carpenter shop, glue,-soar, candle, or starch manufactory, stable, or other building for offensive occupation should ever be erected or used upon any part thereof. Also*, all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southeasterly side of College avenue (sixty feet wide) at the distance of one hundred and seventy-four feet southwestward from the corner formed by the inter section of ihe said southeast side of College avenue with the west side of Schuylkill Fourth (now. Nineteenth) street, in the late District of Penn aforesaid, how the •Twentieth ward of the city of-Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said College avenue twenty two feet eight inches, and extending in length or depth tsoutheartsvavd.y between parallel lines, at right angles wiili the said College avenue, eighty feet. Bounded northwestwardly by the said College avenue, northeast wardly by Other ground now belonging to, the said Wil liam O. Deavs,'soucheastwardly by ground- now.or for merly belonging to the said Osborn Conrad, and south westwardly by other part of the lot of ground whereof tnls i* rare. [Being t|ie easternmost part and portion ot a larger lot of ground which the said usboni Co mud by indenture bearing even date with a certain indenture-of mortgage, viz: August 13th, 1853, but duly executed and acknowledged prior to ;the execotion of -said indenture, and intended to be therewith recorded, for the conside ration money therein mentioned, the proportion in re spect to the above-described lot being thereby secured, ; granted, and conveyed unto the said William G. Deavs in fee, sub,ect to certain restrictions. : Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southeasterly sidedf College aveaueUixty feet wide) at the distance of two hundred and niuetcen feet four inches southwestward from the corner formed by the in* ■ terseetion of the said southeast side of College avenue with the west side of Schuylkill' Fourth (now Nine teenth) rtrett, in.tho district of Penn aforesaid, now the Twentiethward of the city of Philadelphia; containing 5n front drbreadth on the said College avenue twenty two feet etghc inches, and exteu.diug in length or depth soutlieastwaidly between parallel lines, at right angles with , the said College avenue, eighty Jett. Bounded northwestwardly by the said College avenue, northeast wardly by other part of the lot of ground whereof this is part; soutlienHwardly by ground now or formerly be longing unto the said Osborne Conrad, and southwest wardly by ground now belonging.iinto Isaac IT, Fcitni;- jnore. [Being the westernmost" par."' and portion'd?*a. larger lot of ground which the'Said Osborn Conrad by indenture bearing oven date indenture of mortgage, viz: August 13th, 1853, bnt fiuly executed aud ac- DnowJedged piior to theexecutions iffaiffindentiiro, and intended to be therewith recorded money therein mentioned, the to -.theabove describtd lotfbeing therebyrsebdresl,.granted-, and conveyed unto the said fee, subject to certain restrictions. * „ CD. C. ,849,CG0d, 031; March T.,- D Taken in exrcution and to be sold asutlie-propcrty of "William G. Deavs. .JOHN THOMPSON^S-herUf. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. April 21,1863. ap23-3t CHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to pub! ic sale orveudue, oa MONDAY Evening, Way 4,1803, at 4 o’clock, at Sausom-Htroet Hall. . All that ceitain lpfc or piece of ground, with the three fitorv brick messuage or tenement thereon, erected, situate on the north side of Columbia avenue, at the dis tance of sixty-six feet eastward from theeastsideofNiutli street, iu that part of the city of Philadelphia late district of Feun; containing in front or breadth, on said Colnm bia sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth northwardly of that width between parallel line 3 at right angles to the said Columbia avenue six y-soven feet, to it uuee-feet-wide alloy leading eastward into Clinton street. Bounded northwardly by the said three feet-wide alley; eastwardly and weetwardly by ground, granted by Prentice P Gustinb to James M’Jloskeyon ground rent, and" southward by Columbia avenue alore said. [Being the same premises which Nicholas P. Cos tello, by indt nlure bearing date the 28th day of A. D. 1859, recorded in Deed Book A. 0. 8., No. oi, pave 205, &c., granted and conveyed unto, the said fcarah H. Dcla, wite of the said Lewis Dela, her heirs and assigus, under and subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent or sum of ninety dollars, payable half yearly unto Prentice P. Gustine, hia heirs, and assigns forever, •velear of taxes. 4c , which said yearlyirround rent George .Raphael and Pan ity his wife, by indenture bearing date the 16th day of June, A. D. 1859, and intended to be re corded, gmule i, released and extinguished unto tho said Sarah H. Dela, hs»r fceira aad assigns, forever.! Together •With the fiec me and privilege ofsaid alley. CD. C., 676; M. T., ’63. Debt. *302.33. Lesley.! Taken m execution and to be sold as the property Of Xewia Dela and SarahH. Dela hiH wife - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.. Philadelnhift, Sheriffs Office. April 22. 1863. ap23-3t SHERIFF’S, SALE.—BY YIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be •exposed to public salQ-or vendue, on MONDAY Evening Way 4.1868, at 4 o’clock, at Sausoin-street Hall, /Ail that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the 3iorth side of Girard avenue or street* (eighty feet wide.) .at the distance of fonr hundred and forty feet two iuches westward from the west aide of Schuylkill Fourth street, In tbelite of Penn, containing in front or breadth on the said Guard avenue, oivstreet, twenty-one feet. ,six inches, and extending in length or depth north ward .ly between parallel .line* at right angles with the said :aYenue or street, on tiie east line thereof, fifty-two feet two inches, and on the west line ; forty-eight- feet eight inches »nd one-half of an inch./Bounded northward and eastward by other ground, part'of the largoloLthis. •day granted to the said Peter B. Doremus, whereof this this'was also part, westward by other ground heretofore granted to he said Peter B. Doremus. and southward by Girard avence O" street aforesaid. ‘CBdiugoart of a large lot which the said OsboraeConrad, by indenture beam* «ven date .with a certain indenture of mortgage, viz: December 27. 1853, but duly executed and acknowledged ?ulor to the execution of said indenture, and intended to ie therfwith lodged for record for tho consideration money therein mentioned, tho proportion in respect to the above described lot being hereby secured, granted and conveyed unto the said Poter B Doremua in feei subject to certain restrictions.] ~ - • CD. C'„674. Mar.-T.,’63. Debt,ftl,7o3. Ange.l •faken in execution lm sold as tne property of TVter 8. JOHN THOMPSON,-Shorilf. /Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office. April 22.1863. - ap23-3t SHERIFF’S SALES. CJHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or veudue, on. Monday Evening, May 4,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. ; Ml that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the southeast corner of Sciota street and Florida street, in the late district of West Philadelphia, now cuy of Phila delphia aforesaid; containing iu front or breadth on the said Sciota street one hundred and eighty feet, and ex tending in length or depth southward of that width along said Florida street one hundred and eighty feet. Bounded northward by the said Sciota street: south ward by a messuage and lot now or late of Andrew u. Cash; eastward by.ground now or late of John L.. Hun ter, and westward by the said Florida street. (Bemg the samo lot or piece of ground which Catharine C. Chis man, by indenture bearing date the 2oth day of June, anno domini 1860, granted and the said Johns Albright, iu fee, the said deed intended to bo recorded in the pr per office. Ac.) * • __ _ [D. C., 669 ; March T., ’63. Debt, $3,682.93- M. C. Marsh. 3 y , , . ~ * ; -- • • / Taken'in execution and be sold as the property of John S. Albright. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Plii 1 a dolphia. Sheriff’s Office. April 21,1863. iap23-.3t CHERIEF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP O a ofYenditloni Exponas, to me directed, will he exrosed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansoin'-strcet Hall,' .. . • All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three storied brick dwelling-house thereon erected, situate on the north side of Brown street, twenty-eight feet ten: ihches east of. West street, in the Fifteenth ward ofthe ciiy of Philadelphia; containing in front ou said Brown street fourteen feet, and extending in depth northward fifty-seven feet. Bounded .northward by a three-feet widealles', leading westward iuto said West street, east ward and westward by ground, now or late of John Pat terson, and southward by said Brown street. [Being the same premises which John Davies and wife, by in denture dated the 26tli day of April,- A. D, l£so, and, re corded at Philadelphia, iu Deed Book It. D. W., No. 22, pa*;e IC®, &c , granted and conveyed unto John Patter son in fee; reserving thevoout a yearly rent of S4S 3 To gether with the privilege of said three-leet-wide alley. , [D. C., 641; MarchT., r C3. Debt,!slol.GO. James W. Taken iu execution and to be sold as the property of jolm Patterson. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. . Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 20,1363. np23-3t SHERIFF'S SA*LE.—BY VIRTUE OF M a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale ot* vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4.1563, at 4 o’clock, at Sausom-street Hall. Ailthat certain lot or piece of grouddwith the three story brick metsuago thereon erected, situate on the west side of Delaware Second street, at the distance of two hundred and sixty feet southward from the south side of Diamond street, iu the late district of Kensington, iu the county (now city) of\ Philadelphia; containing in s dr brendth.on said Second street fourteen feet, and extending in length or depth we&twavd betwceu parallel lines at right.angles with said Second street one hundred and iwenty-ore feet nine inches to Philip street. To gether .with the free use, libtrty, and privilege Qf the Hakl Philip street. [Being the same lot or piece of ground which Oliver Parw and wife,-and Nathaniel Randolph and wile, by deed 3a*ed twentieth of June, one thousand ' eij ht hundred and fifty, and recordeddn Deed Book C. Y* T . C.; N0.50,-page,S3, granted and conveyed unto the said John Shay, his heirs and assigns in fee. Subject to a vearlv ground rent, of sixty dollars,*-payable semi annually on the first day of April ami October of each rear'unto the said Parry and the said Randolph, their neivs and assigns. ] . ■ v . CD. C.. 645: Mar. T.,.’63. Debt, 51*27.63. Erast. 1 Taken in execution be sold as the property of John Shay. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, SherifTs Office. April 2 i, 1353.. - CHERIFF r S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or veudue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4,1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, ' All tlfai yearly leut charge or sum of two hundred, and forty dollars, payable .iu equal half yearly pay ments on the first days of April and October in each and every year, issuing out of, and charged upon, all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the east side of Cedar lane, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of one hundred feet north .wardlyfrom the north side of Green street; containing in front or breadth on said Cedar laiie one hundred feet, and extending in length or depth: eastwardLy between parallel lines at right angles with said Cedar lane two hundred feet to a thirty-feet-wide street, called Sloan street. Bounded northwardly by ground now or late of John Reilly; eastvraidiy by said Sloan street; south ward by ground now‘or lale of John A. Dickinson, and westwardly bveaid Cedar lane- it Being the same pre mises which Patric t McAdams and wife, by indenture bearing date September 2!Hh, A. D. 1554, recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., No. IS, page 329, granted and con veyed unto William T. Mills and James W. Flyn, in fee, reserving thereout unto the said Patrick McAdams, bis heirs and assigns, the aforesaid yearly , rent charge of two hundred aud forty dollars. CD. U.,665; Mar. T.,’(53. Debt, $363.85. Lawrence.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of . Patrick McAdams. . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Philada.. Sheriff’s Office.' April 21. 1863. ap23-3t . QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a, writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, ou MONDAY Eve ning, May 4,1563. at 4o’clocs, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the noi*tb side of Wharton street, (formerly called New Tid marsh street,) in the late township of Moyanynsing, now tbe city of Philadelphia, at the distance of sixty feet eight and a half inches eastward from the east side of Thirteenth street; containing iu front on said Whar ton street fifteen feet, and extending in depth northward fifty feet. [Being the same premises which William Hare and wife, by indenture dated the first day of May, 1545, and recorded in rhe office for recording deeds, &c. v for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book- A. W. Mi, No- 4, page 374, &c., granted and conveyed unto Thomas Hannan in fee; reserving thereout a yearly rent of forty-five dollars, and subject to a paramount groundrent of $132, reserved out of a larger lot of grouud of which this forms part J [D. C., 610; March T. ,’63. Debt, $148.17. Jas.W. Paul.} • Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Hannan, JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 20, 1563. ap23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of LeVarlFacias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4.15G3. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ail that certain three-story brick messuage or tene ment aud lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the south, side of Clinton street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets and Spruce and Pine streets, in said city, beginning at the distance of one hundred aud seventy feet westward from the west side of Tenth street, and containing in front or breadth on said Clinton street thirty feet, and extending in length or depth southward of that width’ sixty-four feat. Bounded northward by said Clinton street, eastward and west ward by.gvound formerly of Charles F. Lex, an&. south ward by a moiety of a larger lot. which Henry G. Swift, by two several indentures, granted unto Bejamin Wil liams and Daniel Bevan on ground rent. [Being.the same property which Henry G. Swift, by indenture dated November 11th, A. D. 1841, recorded in Deed Book R. L>. W.,No. 41, page 221, &c., in the recorder of deed’s office, in the county of Philadelphia, granted and. conveyed unto the said Juliana Riche in fee, and which the said Juliana Riche, by indenture dated October ISthj 1855, slid recorded in Deed Bookß. D. W., No. 43. page 361, &c., granted uuto;.the said George W. Richards in fee, under and subject to a certain mortgage for forty-two hundred dollars, as will be seen by reference to said last mentioned indenture.] [D. C.;643-, Mar T., ’63. Debt, $2,420.50.; B.H.Haines.] ‘Jaken in execution and to be sold as the property of George W.Kichards. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. April 20,1863. ap23-3b OBERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari.Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4 , 1563, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, ‘ All that certain messuage or tenement and . lot or piece of ground thereunto belonglng, situate at the northwest corner of Wood street and Juliana street, formerly in the late Northern Liberties, now the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Wood street fourteen feet ten inches, and in length or depth on the said Juliana street sixty feet. Bounded westward by a messuage and lot of ground now or late of Michael Gar nett, northwardby nthree-feet-wide-alley, eastward by the said Juliana street, and- southward by Wood street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Samuel Al len, Esq., High Sheriff, by Deed Poll acknowledged in open District Court the 7th day of July, A. D. 1855, and entered among the records thereof in Book• —, page ■ -, granted and conveyed to the said William Bosby shell in fee. ] • - ' - D. C., 660. March T , ? 63. Debt $2,140. F. M. Adams. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Bosbyshell. JOHN.THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, April 21,1863. ap23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE' OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4.1563, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground situate at the nortliwe* t corner of Nineteenth and Montgomery streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Nineteenth sheet two nundred and eighty-six (256) feet, and extend ing in length or depth westward one hundred and seventy-seven feet ten inches to Übev street. [D. C, 629; Mar. T. ’63.1 Debt, $6OO A. Thompson. 1 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Ad am fc. Über .. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Phila. , Sheriff’s Office, April 20, 1863. ap23-3fc - SHERIFFS SAIiB.— BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4. 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate late in the district of Richmond, now in the city of Philadelphia, onthe southwesterly side of Allegheny avenue, at the distance of sixty-eight feef southeasterly from Gaul street; containing in front on said Allegheny avenue sixty-seven feet, and extending in length or depth southwesterly of that width, between parallel lines at right angles with said Allegheny avenue, on the south east line, thereof, one hundred and uinety-oue feet ten and ; three-eighths inches, and on the northwest line thereof one hundred and ninety-two feet three and one -lourtli inches; bounded northwesterly by ground of Al fred Filler, southeasterly by a certain thirty-ieefc-wide street called Miller street,.northeasterly by the said Al legheny avenue, and southwesterly by ground formerly of Ann Gibson. Subject to aground rent of sixty dollars. [D. C., 657; March T„’63. Debt, $126.45. J. M.Thomas.] Taken iu execution and to be sold as the property of William Morris. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff - Pliilada., Sheriff’s Office, April 21,1863, ap23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas,to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAYEveniug, May 4, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, : Ali that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the late District of Moyamensing, now the city of-Phiiadel- . phia, Qn the nortleasterly side of the Buck (formerly er roneously called the Moysmensing) road; beginning at a. post on the side of the said road, thence along the said road north twelve degrees west twenty-fourperches and three-tenths, to a stone fora corner of the land granted and released unto Sarah Book and her h-ffrs in severalty; thence by the same north seventy-seven degrees fifty mi nutes eest thirty-one perches and nine-tenths to a stone for a corner in the line of land of John Philips; thence by the same south sixteen degrees fifty minutes east twenty-four porches and forty-three hundredths to a cor ner ot land sold to John Lentz; thence by the same south seventy-seven degrees fifty minutes west thirty-three perches and nine*tenths to the place of beginning, con taining five acres, be the same more or jeßs. CBeing.the same pitmises which William Hoffner and Mary hi 3 wife, by indenture dated the first day of May, A D. 1555, aud recorded in Deed Hook R. D. W., No. 117, page 396, &c., granted and: conveyed unto Henry Y. Smith; Ignatius Donnelly, Joseph P. Donnelly, Lewis G. Cassidy, aud Hem y Thompson, in fee, in equal shaves as’ tenants in common 1 • N B. —Through portions of the above-described tract of land, Ninth,Tenth,..Snyder, aud Jackson streets will severally pass, and Ninth street is already opened through, and to the southerly-lino of the same, [D..C., 672;Mat'.''T» ’63. Debt, $9,630.. A. Thompson.] Taken in execution aud-to bo sold as.tlie property of Henry Y. Smiti, Ignatius Donnelly, JosephP, Donnel-. ly, Lewis C. Cassidjvand Henry Thompson. JOHN THO UPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office,.April 21,1563. : ap23-3t QII BRIEF'S, SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a. writ of Venditioni Exponas, to roe directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4,15G3, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, •All-that certain lot or piece of ground, with the;three stoxy brick dwelling house erected thereon, situate on the west side of Spafford street, In the late towmmlp of Moyamensiug ana. ccuntyof Philadelphia., now in the city-of Philadelphia ; containing in front on 'the said SpaffoVd street eleven (ll)/eot, and in length or depth, westward, about one hundred and nine feet, ten'inches. Bounded on the,east by the said ; SpaHord street, ou the smith, by ground now or,late of Christopher Williams, on the west by ground now or late of Joseph Baker, and on the north by ground now or. late of Joseph Coulter. CBeing the same premises which’Edward Kelly and wife, by indenture hearing date the 7th day of March, A. D. 3844, and recorded in the office for the recording of Deeds, &c , at Philadelphia, in Deed Book R. L. L- , No. 49,' pa "o 496. &c.,‘granted and conveyed unto the said Patrick McQnillen in fee ; under and snlnpct to the payment of a. yearly ground-rent of and tea T./ *63. Debt, $SOO„/fluin.] . Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Patrick McQnillen.' •••■ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff., Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 21,1863. ap23-St SHERIFF’S SALE—BY YIRTUE OF M a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4, 1863, at 4 o*clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lotorpiece of ground situate in the Fifteeenth ward of the city, of Philadelphia, beginning at the southwest corner of Poplar and Minor streets, and extending thence westward along the south side of Pop* lar street forty-six feet nine inches and three-quarters of an inch ; thence southwardly three hundred and thirty-live feet three inches and five-eighths of an inch to a point on the west side of Minor street, and thence northwardly along the west side of Minor street three hundred and twenty-three feet 'four inches and live eighths of an inch to the place of beginning. Being the same lot of ground which Archibald Mclntyre and wife, by indenture dated December twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, granted and conveyed to the said Horatio B. Fennock in fee.; N. B.—The Sheriff will sell the above property in two lots, as follows, to-wit: „ . No. l. : All that, certain lot of ground situate at the southwest corner ofPoplar and Armor streets in the city of Philadelphia, .beginning at the said corner, and ex-v tending westwardly along the Bonth side ofPoplar street, forty-six feet nine and three-eighths inches ; thence - southwardly two hundred and forty-lour feet four and a> Quarter inches, to a corner of a lot formerly of James Cook ; thence at right-angles with the lost .mentioned •, line twelve feet five and a quarter inches to Minor street, - and thence along^the. west side of said Minor street northwardly two hundred and forty-one feet four and a hair inches to the place of beginning. [Two hundred dollars to be paid at sale. 3 /'■ , : . - No. 2. All that certain lot ofgronnd situate on the west side of Minor street, beginning at the distance..of two hundred and forty-one feet four and a half inches south from the south side ofPoplar street aforesaid,and extend ing thence westward by the above-described lot twelve fern live and a quartei inches to the corner ofalot formerly of James Cook; thence southwardly, at right angles with the last-mentionedliue, ninety feet eleven aud three-; eighths inches, more or less, t:> the west side of Minor stjcet, and thence along the wost side of Minor street northwardly eighty-two feet and one-eighth of an inch, iDoro or less, to the place or beginning. [One hundred dollars to be pnid at sale.] [J), C. <E7;.March T., ’63. Debt, $2Bl. J: T. Mitchell. ] Taken in execution’ana to bo sold as the of George'Connell,. Administrator. .*c , of Horatio /B. Pennock, deceased. " * JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. , .Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office,, April 20,1863. • ap3i-3t SHERIFFSSALES. SHERIFF'S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, wilt be exposed to public sale or veudue. on MONDAY Evening, May 4, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. Ail tna r certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situ ate on che fouth side of fchippen street, at the distance is wo feet eastward from the east side of Schuyl kill Eighth street, sixteen feet in front, and extending in length or depth, of that width, between lines parallel With the said Scbuy Hull Eighth street, seventy-six feet, to a twenty feet street, running cast and west, in and from Schuylkill Eighth street Bouuded on tne north by the said Shippeu street, eastwai*«l by ground of James McNeill, westward by ground of George C. Thompson, and southward by said twenty wide street . CD. C. €B3; Mar T., ’63. . Debt. $430. Longstreth. ] Taken in execution and to be'sold as the property of ‘ Jolm Dowuey. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philada.. Sheriff's Office. April 22, 1663. ap23-3t QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a-writ of Venditioni Exponas, to mo directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sausom-street Hail, All that certain tract orpieceof laud, situate inlaie township of Biockley, in tne county of Philadelphia, be ginning at a point ou tire southerly line of the Westches ter roan, or Markht street continued, aud in a line of land of William By ram, thence along the said southerly line of said road north sevemj'-six degrees forty-two minutes west, thirty-four perches aud twenty-six hundredths of a perch, thence by a line at right angles to the said West Chester road, by ground of Bradley’s, south thirteen de grees and eighteen minutes west; forty-seven perches end nine tenths of a perch to a point in another line of the 6aid Byram’s land, thence by the same north, oighiy thne degrees and three-quarters east, forty-six perches a*nd tweuty-oight hundredths of a perch to a corner, thence by the same north two degrees and forty-eight mimnefc west, thirlv-thive perches and seventy-three hundrtdihs of a perch to the place of beginning. [U. C.. GSO; M. T., ’63. Debt, $123. H. -T. Coleman.] Taken iu execution aud to bo sold as the property of George Callaghan. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. : Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, April 22,1863. ~ap23-3t' SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, exposed to public sale or veudue, on. MONDAY Evening, M*y 4,1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All ihose two certain contiguous-lots or pieces of gi'oucd situate on the west side of Seventeenth street, late Schuylkill Sixth street, between Market street and Chestnut street, iu the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; containing together iu front or breadth on said Seven-’ teenth street forty feet, and extending in lengch or deptli westward sixty-six feet. Bounded northward by ground fiow or late of Joseph Lehman; eastward by sa'd Seventeenth street; southward by a twelve-feet-wide court or alley called- Saint Joseph’s avenue, and west ward by ground late of Henry Pratt. _ {[D. C., CSI;-MarchT., ’63. Debts2B6,7o. ‘Hopper.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Michael Miuk, Robert Alcorn, Henry Bisbing, Edward Carr, and, John Gates, trustees of the congregation known as the First Independent Methodist Church of Philadelphia. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. April 22.1363. . ap23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will oe exposed to public sale or veudue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, / It that certain lot or piece of grouud situate on the southeasteily side of West street, between Norris aud York streets, aud ou the northeasterly side of a certain iifiy-feet-wide street, laid out by the said Xophar C. Howell fer public use forever, called Dauphin street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, lateiu the district of Kousington, in the county of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said West street two hundred and seven feet three inches and three-quar ters of an inch, and extending in length or depth south eastward on the northeasterly line thereof two hundred and ninety-two feet six inches aud seven-eighths of an inch, and on the southwesterly Hue thereof along the said Dauphin street two hundred and-ninety feet. ten. inches and one-quarter of an inch to the northwest.erlv 6ido of Almond street, fen which it conia’ns in breadth two hundred aud-sixteon feet and three-quarters of an. inch. Bounded northeastward by ground formerly of Isaac Norris, deceased ; southeastward by the said Almond street; ;southwestward,by the said Dauphin street, and northwestward by West street aforesaid. [Being part of the first-described of two contiguous lots or pieces of ground which Jacob. Taylor and Susan, his wie, bv indenture dated the 9th day of November, A. D. 1662, recorded iu Deed Book T. H. , No. 98, page 539, &c*, gtanted and conveyed unto the said Zophar C. Howell, iu fee. ] ; . N. B. —lt is due to the above defendant to state that he has parted with his interest iu the above-described premises, subject to the mortgage upon which, the above proceedings were bad. [B. C.,671; Mar. T., ’63. Debt,5733.10. A. Thompson.] Taken iu execution, and to be Kild as the property of Zopbar C. HowelJ. - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sliei'ifFs Office, April 22,1863. ap23-3t . OBERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a. writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be Exposed to public sale or vendue, ou. MONDAY Evening, May 4, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain Lot or piece of ground, situate ou the southwestwardly side of the Lancaster turnpike road, (agreeably to a recent survey thereof made by Francis Di gill foot, Esquire,) at the distance of two hundred>.nd eighty feet four inches and one quarter of an inch south eastwardly from a corner, formed by the intersection of the southwestwardly line o! the said Lancaster turn pike road and the southea s twardly line of the Haver ford road, formerly in Blockley township, now in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Lancaster turnpike road fifty feet, and extend ing orfhat width in length or depth southwestwardly two hundred feet to a fifty-feet wide street, to be laid out and opened by William Crean, for the accommodation of thisand Jiis other lots of ground bounding thereon, to becalled Crean street. Bounded "northeastwardly by the Eitid turnpike road, southeastwardly by , ground granted by the said "William Crean to Hant.oneround ient, .northwestwardly by ground of Robert VV. Hansel, and southwestwardly by the said Crean street. CBeing the same premises which W T illiam Creau, oy indenture bearing date the 2Sth day; of March, 1850, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book G. W. C., No. 45, page 193, &c. . granted and conveyed unto John A.' Dickinson in lee; reserving thereout a yearly groundrent or sum Of thirty dollars,‘pitiable half-yearly, on the first days of the months of January and July, iu every year here after forever. ] Together with the free and common use and privilege of the said Crean street at ail times here after forever. Subject, nevertheless, to the express re striction that no slaughter-house, skin-dressing esta blishment, glue, soap, candle, or starch manufactory, or other building for offensive occupation, shalL at any time hereafter be put, or erected, or used ou any part of the thereby granted lot of ground. [D. C., 656; Mar. T.,’63.] Debt, 5341.65. Lex-] . Taken in execution aud to be sold as the property of John H. Dickinson. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 21, ISS3. ap23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF sundry .writs, of Venditioni Exponas; to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4f 3563, at 4'o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with ihe build ings and improvements thereon erected, situate in that portion of the Twenty-second ward of the city of Phila delphia, included in the late township of Bristol, marked No. 2in a certain pla li of land of the estate of David H. Mason, senior, deceased, made by John Foulkrod, sur veyor, dated Sepiember,-1856. Bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a corner oh the south westerly side.of biiotmaker’slane, thence extending by lot No. 3, on said plan, south seven degrees twenty-five mijiuies, west three hundred and eignty-niue feet nine inches to a corner in the line of land of VTilliam Fisher; thence by said Fisher’s land north eighty-four degrees, west three hundred and forty-two feet ten inches to a stone set for a corner, thence, still by the same, north seven degrees twenty-five minutes, east four hundred and thirty-four feet eleven inches to a corner on the side of the said Shoemaker’s lane, thence along the said side of the said Shoemaker’s Jane south seventy-six and a half degrees., east three huudred and forty-four feat ten inches to the place of beginning; containing three - acres thirty-nine perches and four-tenths of a perch, be the ian e more or less. [Being the sains premises which Elizabeth A. Mason and others, by indenture dated the 4th day of November, anno Domini 1555, recorded in Deed Bookß. D. W., No. 109, page 377, &c. .granted and conveyed (inter alia) unto Maximilian E. J. C. Cfees, in fee ] [D.C., 625;Mar. T-, ’63.] Debt, $1,200. -E.Taylor.3 . All that certain.lot oir piete of ground, with the mes suages and improvements thereon erected, situate in that portion of the Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia included in the late township of Bristol, marked No, 3in a certain plan of land of the estate of David H. Mason, senior, deceased,made by John Fonlk rod, surveyor, dated September, 1556, bounded and de scribed as. follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone set for a corner ou tlie northeasterly side of Shoemaker’s lane, leading from the old York road to. Duy’s lane, i; being also a corner tf-Pierce Butler’s land; thence extending by the said Pierce Butler’s - land.- on the northeasterly side of said Shoemaker’s lane, south forty.-six degrees live minutes east twenty-nine perches and three-tenths of a perch, to another corner stone; thence crossing said ; Shoemaker’s lane, south six degrees west one perch and eighty-four hundredths of a -perch,, to :a corner thence by William Fisher’s land, formerly of Conrad' - Weber, north eighty-four and;, three-quarter, degrees west eleven perches and eighty-four' hundredths_ of a perch, to a.coroer; thence north six degrees, east one perch, to a corner; and thence north eighty-four degrees west four hundred and eighty feet five inches, to a corner oflotmarked in said plan No. 2; and thence by the said lot No. 2 north seven degrees twenty-five minutes east three huudred and eighty-n ne feet nine inches, to a cor ner on the southwesterly side ot said Shoemaker s lane; - and thence along the southwesterly side of said lane, south seventy-six and a. half degrees east eleven perches and six-tenths of a perch, or thereabouts, to a corner: and thence crossing the said lane obliquely, south forty nine «nd three-quarter degrees, east six perches aud five-tenth's of a perch, or thereabouts, to the place of beginning; containing three acres twenty perches and five-tenths of a perch, be the same more or less. [Being the same premises which Elizabeth A Mason and others, by indenture dated the 4th day of November, anno Do mini 1856, recorded in Deed Book R. D. W.,No. 109,page 87?, granted and conveyed (inter alia) unto Maximilian E; J. C. Crees, in fee. Under and subject to the excep tion and reservation mentioned in a certain deed from John Eckstein and wife to Conrad Weber, dated the 24th day of June, aniio Domini 1775, recorded in Deed Book D, No. 40, prge 36.] v .■ • " ' CD-C.,626; Mar.T., : 63. Debt,sBoo.oo. E. Taylor.] Taken in execution aud to be sold a 3 the property of Maximilian E. J. C. Crees. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, April 20,1563. ap23-3t_. CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O ii-writ of Venditioni.Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4.1563, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1. —All those three certain three-story brick mes suages or tenements and lots or pieces of ground, situate on tne north side ofFilbert street, Jn: the city of Phila delphia; the first of them beginning at the distance of eighteen feet eastward from Nineteenth street, and con taining in front or breadth on the said Filbert street six teen teet, and in lengthter depth one hundred and. se venteen feet.-. Bounded on the east by the next herein arter described lot bn the west by ground late of Richard McKinley, northward by a thirty-feet wide street caLled Cuilibert street, and southward by Filbert street afore said. ■ • . v No. 2.—The second of them beginning at the distance of thirty-four feet eastward of said Nineteenth street, aud convaining in front or breadth, on said Filbert street six teen feet, and in length or depth one hundred and seven teen feet. Bounded on the west by the above-described lot, .on the cast by the next hereinafter descrioed lot, on the north by Cuthbert street aforesaid, and southwardly by Filbert street aforesaid. . • • . . • . No. 3. And the third or last of them beginning, at the distance of fifty feet eastward from tbe said Nineteenth street, and containing iu front or breadth; on. the said Filbert street sixteen feet, and extending in length ot depth one huudred and seventeen feet. .Boundedjiorth ward by Cutlibert street aforesaid, eastward by ground now or late Ziba Pyle and Thomas Williamson, west ward by. the last above-described lot, and southward by Filbert street aforesaid. Being the same premises, which Robert McGinley, by indenture dated August 14, 1857, recorded in Deed'BoOk R. D. W., No. 145, page 373, &c., conveyed to the said H. R. Coggsball in fee. N, B. —The above propertief will be sold separately. [D. C., 702; M. T., ’63. Debt $8 000. Bullitt ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the proptrty of Hemyß. Coggsball. JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 22,1563. ap23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE. —BY YIRTUE OF. O a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to-public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve-, ning. May 4; 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All th at certain lot. or piece of ground, with the three story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate at the southwest corner of Addison street and. Eighteenth (formerly called Schuylkill Fifth) street, in thecity of Philadelphia; containing in front or width on said Addison street eighteen feet, and extending in length ox depth .of that .width southward parallel with said Eighteenth; street forty feet to a three-feet wide alley leading eastward into and from said Eighteenth stieet. . Bounded on the eatt by said Eighteenth street, on. the west by ground now or late of John MeCrea. on th e south by the aforesaid tbree-feet-wide alley, aud on the north by the said Addison street. [Being the same •piemises which William Dougherty and Alice J , Ins "wife,.by indenture bearing even date herewith, intended to herforthwith recorded for the consideration therein mentioned, part whereof is hereby-secured, granted and conveyed unto the said Sarah Todd, in fee, under and subjeefto the payment of a yearly ground rent of sixty nine dollars, unto John MeCrea, his heirs and assigns, hslf vearlv 1 CD C , 690; MariT. ,’63. Debt, *361; 45. W, O. Bateman.J Taken in execution and tobesold ns the property of James Dean, of Sarah^Toddle ceased. . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Apri122,1863. •: ,ap23-3fc CHEBIFF’S SALE.—BY YIRTUE OF writ* of Levari Facias, .to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue, ou MONDAY Eveniug* • May 4, 1863- at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Halh . All that three-story brick dwelling-house and certain | lot or piece of ground situate ou the west side of Leopard street, at the distance of one hundred and seventy-two feet northward from Otter street, in the late Kensing ton District of the Northern Liberties (now city of Phila delphia)*’ containing in front or breadth on*the said Leoiiard street sixteen feet, aiid in length or depth-ex- thence westward, keeping the same breadth at right angle'B wiih the stud Leopard street, eighty feet to a twenty-feet-wide street called Amber street, leading southward into Otter street; together with a tw9-story brick dwelling-house on said Amber street. [Being the'' said premises which John Abel and wife, by mdentnre biaring date the Bth April, A. D, h»l, and re corded in Deed Book T. H-, No._B, pages 525 and 5-7, gianted and conveyed to JohuM. Lukens. j - [D. C., €9l ; M. T.,’63. ; Debt, $059.33. Thorn.] Taken in execution and to he sold as Uie property of John M. Lukens. ’ • JOHN THOJfPSON, Sheuff. Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office. April 22.1863.;., ap23^t SHERIFF’S, SALE.—BY; VIRTUE_ OF a writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, 211 that-certain lot orpiece of land With the, frame house thereon erected, situate’formerly in Lower Dublin township, Philadelphia county, now in the city or Phi ladelphia; beginning at a stone set for a corner by tlie side of a l’oad leading from Ashton’s corner to the Bustle ton and Hoimeshurg road.Deing alse a corner of John ■William’s lot, thence ,by the said John Williams’lot north six degrees fifty minutes west two hundred and twenty feet to a stone for a corner, also a corner of said ■Williams’lot; thence tho following courses by land of Joseph Gillingham, to wit: wostwardly at right angles with the first-mentioned line sixty feet to a stone set for a corner; thence southwardly on a line parallel with the. said first-mentioned lino about two hundred and twenty a stono set for a corner on the north- - ern side of the said road, and thence eastwardly by the side of the said roa d siy ty feet to the place of beginniag. ... [D; C-,853; Marcli-T-, *63. Dobt, $4OO. SToveyu Taken iu execution aud to he sold as the property of Groree 6. Freeman. : JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. - rhilad'a. Sheriffs Offiw/AprU23 v l3£l ,ap23-3t THE PRESS—PBIIAUKLPBIA. THURSDAY, APRIL 23. 1863. SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a'writ of Venditioni Exponas,to me directed, will bo exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY livening, Hffy 4, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sausoin-atroet Hall, • . All that certain lot or piece of ground, witli the.bnck, messuages or tenements thereon erected, situate on ihe weft sine of Raspberry alley, between Spruce and Lo cu: t rireetg, in the city of Philadelphia; beginniag'at the distance of ninety-three feet front the north side of said Spruce street; thence extending northward m front or breadth on the said Raspberry alley thirty-two feet, and extending of that breadth westward in depth se venty-seven feet six inches to the middle of the eastern wall of the • asteinmost house o! font two-story brick houses, erected on the eastern parr of a lot of ground granted by Edward Bard to Charles Stuart. Bounded oil i lie east by Raspberry alley; on the south by a ten feet.wide alley, (be* inning. at the distance of eighty tbi< e feet northward oft le north aide of the Bald Sprnco street, and, extending from Tenth street to Raspberry alley, laid out by the said Edward Burd;) on the west by the said lot of ground granted to he said Charles Stuart; and on tho north by lot marked in the geueral plan of city lots, No. 618. [Being the same premises which George Pryor., b' indenture dated the first day of Ja nuary, A, 3). 1813,' recorded at 'Philadelphia in Deed Book 1. C.V'No. 24, page 129, Ac; , granted and'eonveyed to the said. William Davidson and Daniel Thorn, and their heirs, reserving thereout the yearly ground-rent of one hundred and/eighty dollars, payable half yearly on the first days of January and July in every year thereafter, for arrears whereof thejudgment in this case has been obtained. *v- • t N. B. On the above promifes arc erected twothree etory brick dwelling-houses fronting on Raspberry al ley, and four three-story small houses in the rear there of, fronting on the said ten-feet- wide »llpy. ’ [D. C.,697; March T., ’G3. Debt, $184.80. Rawle.] Taken iu execution and to be sold as the property of William Davidson ami Daniel Thorn, JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, April 22, 1563, ' ap33-3t CHBRIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, wil l be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-strect Hall. - All that certain messuage or tenemeut, ssable, and lot or piece of‘land situate on the north-tide of Tacony street, at the iuterspction of Tacouy and Frankfort! streets, in that part of tue city of Philadelphia formerly called ihe township of Oxford; containing in front or bi*c-adth on taid Tacouy street two hundred and fifty, feet, and extending in depth uorthward between parallel lines two hundred feet to James Street. Bounded oh the uorihby the said James street, on the east by lots sold to William W. Smedley, on the south by the said TaT cony street, and, on the weet by Frankford street atore - said. same premises whichsaid James D.‘ Pratt aJiu Sarah* T. his wife, by indenture bearing even date with acertain indenture of mortgage; viz: Jtiuo 3, A. D. 1557, but duly executed and acknowledged prior to tnc execution oftsaid indenture, nud intended to bs re corded, lor tiie consideration money, in said indenture mentioned, pfirt whereof indenture of mort .gHge secured, granted and conveyed to-the said Kate J. (larteiv wife of the said-Edward L. Carter, her heirs and asrigns forever. ] ' . N. 13. —Ou the above described lot of ground is erected a two-stori?'d (double) messuage with back building,and also a two-storied brick stable and carriage house; also, - an ice house and green house. CD. C., 678; Mar.T., ’63. Debt, 53,411.33. Gest.] Taken in execution aud to 1 be sold as the property of Edward L. Carter and Kate J, Garter, his wife. : JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 22,1863. ap23-3t CHEMFF’S SALK.—BY VIRTUE C F a writof Plnrieg Levari Facias,to me directed, will? be exposed to public sale or MONDAY Eve ning, May 4,1663. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-stree; Hall, Alltbatcertaia three-story brick dwelling house and lot or piece of ground, situate on the south side of a nfty feet-wide ttreet called street, in the district of Kensington, in the city of-Philadelphia: beginning at a stake on the side of said' street, thence running north east by the same twenty-six feet and one-tenth of afoot to a corner in the line of land now or formerly of. Andrew Keeler, thence extending south twenty-four degrees and a half •east, along the line of the said Hester's land, down into the river Delaware as far as the said lot doth or ouglif to extend, thence dowu the said river at the said extent twenty-six feet to another lot. theuce by the same north iwenl? -four degrees and a half west to the place of beginning. (Being the same oremises which Jacob Hoff man, of the aforesaid district of Kensington, by an in denture bearing date the sixteenth day of June; anno Domini, .one thousand eight hundred and forty-three (1843). recorded in Deed Book R Li D. . No. 9, page 339, granted and conveyed.unto the said Samuel Vaughan and Susan Vaughan, his wife, joint tenants, and to the survivor of them, and the heirs and assigns of the sur vivor of them, forever; as in add by the said recited in denture, relation being thereto had, may more fully and at large appear.) : - [D. C., 626;Mar. T., ’63. ! Debt, 51,216.66. Parsons.] Taken in execution and to be sold as tne property of Samuel Vaughan, and Busau Vaughan, his wife. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff., Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 22,1863. ap33-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF kJ a writ ofYenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing-, Way 4, 1563, at 4 o’clock, at Sansera-screet Ha 11... All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the First ward of tlie city of Philadelphia, beginning at the no itheast corner of Passyuuk road and Heed street, and extending .thence, north ward along the east side of: the said Passyunk road forty-three -feet, -thence eastward at right angles w th the said, Passyunk road thirty-nine feet nine inches, thence southward at with the said Keed street, and along the west bide.of a two feet-wide alley leading into the said Reed street, thirteen feet nme inches Sand a quarter of. an inch, and thence westward along the north side of said Reed- street fifty seven feet to the place of beginning (Being the same premises which John McCrea and Mary his wife, by in denture dated the-fifteenth day of September, eighteen hundred and fifty eight, recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. D. 8., No 89, page 403, &c., granted and conveyed unto John B. ‘Whitney in fee, reserving there out a yearly ground rent of ninety dollars, payable half yearly on the first day of the months of January and July, in every year forever.)Together with the free use •and privilege of the said alley as a way passage and water course, in comm' n only with the own ers. tenants, and - occupiers of the lot'.or piece of ground adjoining the hereby-granted lot on the north at, all tiroes hereafter forever.: . N. the above premises there is erected a three si ory brick store and dwelling house, with a one-story brick office adjoining. ' l - fD.-C., 657; H. T., ’63. Debt, SI9S 95. LexJ Taken in execution and to-be sold as.tiie property of John B. Whitney. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. : Philada., Sheriffs Office, April 21,3863.; . ap23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY 'VIRTUE OE a w r rit of Venditioni Exponas, to modirected,will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on-MONDAY Evening, May 4,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street'Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the brick messuage or icnement thereon erected, situate on the northeasterly side of the Lancaster turnpike road, (now Lancaster.avfnue,) in the township of Blockley, (now Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia,) be tween Westmijister avenue ;and. Wyalusiug street. Be ginning at the distance of two-hundred' and fifty feet northwestward from the line, of-Richard Peters’l*nd; containing in front on the. said;Lancaster avenue fifty feet, and extending of that width,:in- length or depth, northwardly, between lines at right angles therewith, on the easternmost line thereof, -two hundred and eight feet one inch, and on the'westernmost Hue thereof, two hundred and six feet eleven inches, to Merion avenue; said lines being measured from 4he middle of Lancaster avenue to the middle of said Merion avenue. Bpundsd northwardly by said Merion avenue, southwardly by said Lancaster avenue, eastward by groumPnow or for merly of George W. Tront, and- westward by ground granted, or intended to have been- granted, to Henry Osterheidt. Together with other the buildings and im provements thereon, or thereto belonging. ’CS7; Mar. T., .’63. Debt, $1,196.41. Tener.3 Taken in: execution and to besold as the property of Joseph S. Lowry. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Aprih22,1863. ■ ap23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.-BY VIRTjEE OF a, writ of' Levari exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain messuage or tenement and lot or piece Of ground, situate in the late township of Northern Li berties, now the Twenty-third ward of the city of Phila delphia aforesaid, on the eastwardly sid e of the German town and Pcrkioinen turnpike road; containing in front or'breadth on said turapike'road twenty feet, and ex tending in length or depth that width eastwardly, two hundred feet, to a certain tlrirty.rfeet-wide street,, called Elder street. Bounded on the south by ground now or late of Joel Gibbs; on the east, by, the-said Elder street; on the north by ground now or late of James Campbell, of which this was a part; and on the west';by the turn pike road aforesaid. CBeing the same premises which the said Daniel M. Fox and Alexander Leimer, execu tors, by indenture bearing even date with a certain in-; denture of mortgage, viz : September 18, 1536, but duly executed and acknowledged prior to the* execution of. said indenture, for the consideration-in-said indenture mentioned, a portion of which was said in-: denture of mortgage to be secured, did grant and confirm; :_uuto the said John W. Parker infedT N. B.—On the above-described lot of ground is erected a three-story brick messuage. CD. C., 077; March T., ’63. J)ebt, $1,147.30. Gast.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Elizabeth Jane Parker, executrix, &c., of John.W. Par ker, deceased. Y JUHNTHOMPSON;: Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office; April 21, 1563. ap23-3t QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ ofYenditioni Exponas; to me directed, exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May. 4,1563, at-4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain four-storied brick'messuage or tene ment and lot orpiee'e of ground, 1 situate on the west side of Broad street, at the distance of one hundred feet north ward from the north side of Brown, street, in the late District of Spring Garden; containing in-fro nt"o rt> read th on the said Broad street'twenty feet,‘‘and extending in length cr depth westwardSof that width one hundred, and sixty feet, to Carlisle' street. 1 Bounded north ward and southward by other, 1 ground of Howard Til den; eastward by the said Broad streets and west ward by the ssiid Carlisle street.- [Being the same pre misesEwhich Caleb C. Roberts and Helen B.', his wife, by indenture dated the 2Slh of August, A D. 1852, recorded ‘ at Philadelphia, in Deed Book T. H., No. 33. page 495, &c.» granted and. conveyed unto. Howard Tilden, in fee, reserving thereout a yearly ground rent of three hundred and sixty dollars, payable half-yearly, on the twenty - .fiflh day of the months of and August,in every year forever. 3 i t • • [D. C. ,’6SS; Mar. T., ’63. Debt, $375.96. Leichworth ] Taken in execution and tohe sold as the property of Howard Tilden. JOHN ; THOMPSON, Sheriff. . . Philada.,.Sheriff's Offic.e, April 22,1363. - ap23-3t SHERIFF’S SAitES. SHERIFF'S SALE.-fBY VIRTUE OF O, a writ of Venditioni Expoaas/to'me directed, wilt be exposed to public sale or vendue,on MONDAY Eveiiing, May 4,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall; - All that certain lot or piece of ground, and the messu age thereon erected, situate' on the south’side ot Stiles Street, at the distance of one hundred and thirteen CH3) feet westward from the 1 .west]side of Thirteenth street, in the district of Penn-aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on said Kites street fifteen feet, (including the eastern moiety or half part ofa.twb-feet-widealley, laid out between this and the' adjoining lot of ground to the west,) and extending in length or depthsoutnward of that width at right angler to the said Stiles street fifty fotir feet. Bounded northward by the said Stiles street, and eastward, westward, andsouthward by other ground of the said Benjamin Davis. Y - N. B.—John Davy has parted withhiß.interest in the above premises. ; 'v," [D. C., 6S2;Mar. T, ’63. Debt 8155.62. Yansant.] ■■■ Taken in execution and to be? sold as : the property of John Daw. • - : -JOHNTHOMPSON, Sheriff., Philadeiphia,Sheriff’.s Office, April 22, 1863. ap23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Faciasjto .me; directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY.Evo-, niiiff. May 4,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-sireet Hall, All that certain lot of ground.,, with:the three-story' brick messuage thereon erected, jsituate.on the east side of Thirteenth street, at the distance of one hundred and forty-four feetnorthward from the nortVside of Colum bia avenue, in the Twentieth, wfiidof the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on- said Thirteenth street sixteen feet, and extending in depth eastward ■ one dred and sixteen feet, to Mulvaney street,. [Being the same lot of ground which George Conarroe and wife, by indenture dated' the Ist day of October, A.D.1560, recorded in Deed Book A- D.B.»'No. 143, page 116, dec,, granted and conveyed to James H. Donnelly in fee.] [D. C., 703; Mar. T 4 ’63. ' d)ebtf $1,312.69. - Conarroe.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as-the property of James H. Donnelly. '- —JOHN -THOMPSON,.Sheriff.. -Philadelphia, Sherirs Offlce, Apri122,1863.* . ap23-3t - SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Alias Yenditionh-Expohas, to me directed.' will bo exposed to public sale dr-vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west side of Sixth street, at the distance, di one hundred and seventeen feet five and a half inches southward from the south side of Oxford street,"in that part of the city of Philadelphia" lately known 'as the district of Penn, in the county of Philadelphia; containing m front or bieadth on said Sixth street sixteen feet.six inches, and extending westward, between lines at right angles with said Sixth street, on the-nortli line thereof ninety-eight feet two inches, and on-the south line thereof eighty-five feet seven inches, then narrowing seven feet two inches, and thence extending the further depth of twelve feet seven inches.* Bounded northward partly by the head, of a certain ’four-feet-.two-inches wide alloy which communicates, with'a certain four feet-widc alley leadiug into a three-feet-eight-iuches wide alley running northward .into said Oxford street, and-partlyhy other ground granted or'intended to be granted to James Mullen on ground rent, eastward by said Sixth street, south war-d by around ox John Nagloe and others, and westward by land now or lata of Charles J Still*; together with the free and common -use, right, and privilege of the three above-mentioned alleys, at all times hereafter forever. - , • ; N. B.—There is erected upon the above-described lot a three-story brick messuage or dwelling-house. I [D. C.,700; Mar. T.» ’63. Debt, $122.67. John M,Thomas.l Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Mullen. . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriffs OJllce. April-22.1563.- vap23-3t~ OHERIFF’S > SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF ; IO a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will-be ex- : uosed to public sale or-vendue, on MONDAY Evening, .- May 4,1863, ac 4 o’clock, ac Sansom-street Hall,: -" All that certain lot or piece of laud with;the. messuage or tenement and frame shed thereon-erectecLsituate' in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia. 1 Beginning at a stone in the middle or Marshall's road, a corner of this and land now or lat£ of'William Worrell; . thence along the middle of said Marshall’s road by rtsn ry Letch’s land, south eighty-two-degreesfiftecn minutes . oasc.-seven porches and;three-teuthg ofaperclitoastOue. a corner of a loeof land now or hiteofMaigaret Worrell; thence along the said Margaret Worrell’s land north five degrees and a half, west forty-five perches and eisrht teuths of a perch to a stake in the line of John McClel lan’s land; tlience along the said McClellan’s laud; south eighty-four degreesAiid half west,'seven perches and six hundred parts of a porch to a stake in a corner; thence ■ by the said William Worrell's laud south'five degrees ; and a half east, forty-four perehe* anil twenty-five hun dredths parts of a perch to the place of beginning; con taimiigtwo acres of laud. Cbeiug the tame premises that 0 Wilson Davis and >ophia C.; his wife,*; by indenture 1 ; bearing even date with a certain indenture of mortgage, vi/ ■ June IS, ISG2, but duly executed and acknowledged prior to the execution of said indenture and intended to ’ be recorded accord ingto law, granted and convoyed to ‘ said. Dominick C. Brennan in fee; uuder and subject, nevertheless, to the .payznont of a yearly ground rent or * sum of one hundred aud^oight. dollars .half-yearly, on ! the first day of tbe'inoutbs of March and eveiyyearfemer unto Hugh Lewis, hi& heirs and as- Taken :lh~exccntion..and1 to fcejtoW mthonrovorty ot. , TDoininick 0. BrODiian. JOHN (.THOMPSON, ShoniT.'-. FhifaSelphiii. Sheriffs Office, April®, 1303. ftpSUU- SHERIFF’S SALES. CBERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF writ of Levari Facias, 4 to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4,1863, at,4 o'clock, at Ejansom-street Hall. AH that certain Lit or pfece of ground situate at the northeast corner of Westminster aveuuo and Meeting house lane, in the late towi ship of Blockley, now tbe Twemy-fourth ward of the c>ty of Philadelphia ; con taining in front or breadth on the said Meeting-house lane tliirty-eigbt fefct eleven aud a half inolms, and ex tending of that wtdth eastwardly, in length or depth, three hundred aud sixty-four feet fivo inches and a talf. Bounded northward by ground formerly belonging to tbe estate of Manuel'Eyre, deceased, southward by the said Westniinett r avenue. eastward bv ground of Charles F. Lex/aud westward by the said Meeting-house lane. [Being the same premises which William Wright and wife, by indenture bearing even date herewith, (viz., 9ih of December, A. D. 1861) but duty executed and ac knowledged immediately before the execution of these presents, and intended forthwith to be recorded, for the consideration therein mentioned, grau»ed a» d conveyed unto the said Charles Marbackcr in. feo, as therein ex it re*efid.] N. B.—The above described lot has been improved by the said Charles Mgrbacker, and.will be subdivided and sold as follows, viz: x No. ].' —All that certain lot or piece of ground situate at the northeast C9rner of Meeting-house lane and West minster avenue, in ihe Twenty-fourth ware of the city of Philadelphia ; containing in front or breadth, ou the said Westminster avenue, thirteen feet six inches, aud in depth, northward, thirty-eight feet eleven aud oae half inches. j K. B:—Fifty-third street, when opened, will include tbeWbole of the above described lot No. 1. . No. 2.—A1l that certain two-story brick messuage or tenement, and lot or piece of ground, situate oa the north side of Westminster avenim, at'the distance of tUirteeu feet t-ix inches eastward from the east side of Meetiug houfce'iane,and at the northeast corner ofthe said West minster avenue and Fiftv-tbird street, asiutended to be opened, in the Twenty-fourth ward of tbe city of Phila delphia aforesaid ; containing in front or bi-eadth.on the taid Westminster avenue, fourteen feet, and in depth, noi th ward, thirty -eight feet eleven aud one-half inches. No 3.—A11: that-certaiu two-story brick messuage or _ tenement, and lot or piece of ground, situate on- the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distauco of twenty*seven feet aud six inches eastward from the east side ol' Meetiug-house lane, in the Twenty-fourth.ward o thecityof Phil&del3>hia; containing Jnfrout, ousaid . Westminster avenue, fourteen feri, and in depth, north ward, thirty-eight feet eleven and one-half inches. . No. 4.—A1l that certain two-story brick messuago Qr tenement, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of forty-one feet, six inches, eastward from the east side of Mooting honse lane,in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Phi ladelphia aforesaid ; containing in front, on said West minster avenue, fourteen feoi, ano in depth, northward, tbiity-eight feet eleven and one-half inches. No. 5.—A1l that certain two-story brick messuage or tenement and tot or piece of ground, , situate or tbe north side of-Westminster avenue, at the distance of fifty-five feet, six inches eastward from the east side of Meetiug boude lane. in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; containing iu front, on said ■Wosirniueter avenue, fourteen feet, aud in depth, north ward, thirty-eight feet eleven and one-halfinches. No. 6. —All that certain unfinished two-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north.side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of sixty-nine feet six inches eastward from the oast side of Meeting-House lane, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; containing in fronton said Westminster avenue 14 feet, and iu-depth northward thiity-eight feet eleven and one-half inches. No.7.'— All that certain unfinishcdtwo-storybrick mes suage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of eighty -three feet six inches eastward from the. east side of Meeting JJouse Jane in Ihe Twenty-fourth ward of the city T of-Philadelphia aforesaid; containing in front on said Westminster ayenue fourteen feat, and in depth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and one-half inches. No. B.—All that certain unfinished brick messuage or tenement and lot or.piece of ground, situate on the north side of .Westminster avenuo, at the distance of ninety-seven-feet six Inches eastward from the east side of Meeting-House lane, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia-aforesaid; ; containing in front on said Westminster avenue fourteen feet, and in depth northward,thirty-eight feet eleven and one-half inches. No. 9.—A1l that certain unfinished t\vo-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Westminster a venue, at the distance ol one hundred and eleven feet six inches eastward from the east side-of' Meeting-House lane, in the Twenty fourth, ward of the city ol Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in front on said Westminster avenue fourteen feet, and*in depth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and one-half inches. No. 10.—All that certain unfinished two-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on tbe north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of one hundred and twenty-live f« et six inches eastward from the east fide of Meeting-House lane, In the Twenty fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in fiont or breadth on said • Westminster avenue four:een feet, and in depth northward thirty,eight feet eleven and one-half inches. - No. 1L All that certain.unfinished two-story brick messuage or tenement audlot or piece of ground, situate on thenorthsido of Westminster avenue, at the distance ot one hundred aud thirty-nine feet eastward from the east side of Meeting-house lane, in the Twenty fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in front on said Westminster avenue fourteen feet, and in depth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and one-half-inches. Np. 12. All that certain unfinished two-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of one hundred and fifty-three feet six inches eastward from the east side of Meeting-house lane, in the Twen ty-fourth ward of the ciiy of Philadelphia aforesaid; containing in front on said Westminster avenue four teen feet, and iu depth northward thirty-eight feet ele ven and one-half inches. I uu ouu uuc-iiiui uuuca. Kb. 13. All that certain unfinished two-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or pieceof ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the dis tance of one hundred and sixty-seven feet six inches eastward from the feast side of Meeting-house lane, in the Twentyrfourth ward of the city of Philadelphia afore said; containing in lro-nt on'the said Westminster ave nue fourteen feet, and in depth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and one-half inches No. 14. All that.certain unfinished two-story brick messuage or tenement and lot:or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of onehundred and eighty-one feet six inches eastward from the east side of Meeting-house lane, in the Twenty fouitli ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in front or breadth on said Westminster avenue fourteen feet, and in depth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and .one-half finches. . No. 15. All that certain unfinished two-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the dis tance of one hundred and ninety-five feet six inches east ward from the east side of Meeting-house lane, in the Tw enty-iourth ward of the city of Philadelphia afore said containing iu front or breadth. on said Westmin ster avenue fourteen feet, and in depth northward thir- ty-eight-feei eleven and one-half inches. No.-16.—A1l that certain unfinished two-story brick jnestuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of two hundred and nine feet six inches eastward from the east side of Meeting-house lane, in the Twenty fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in front on said Westminster avenue fourteen feet,' and in depth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and one-half inches. No.-17.—A1l that certain unfinished.two-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of two hundred and twenty-three feet six inches east ward from the east side of Meeting-house lane, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia afore said; containing in front on said Westminster avenue foui teen feet, and in depth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and one-half inches. ! 'No. IS.—All that; certain unfinished two*story brick or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of two hundred and thirty-seven feet sixinclies eastward from the east side of Meeting-house lane, in the Twenty fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining*ih‘front *n said. Westminster avenue fourteen feet* and in depth northward thirty-eight feet eleven, and one-half inches. •No. 19.—A1l that certain unfinished two story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the norih t ide of Westminster avenue, at the distance of .two hundred and fifty-one feet six iinches eastward from the east side of Meeting-house lane, in the Twenty fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con-, taining ip, front on said Westminster avenue fourteen feet.'andin depth northward twenty-eight feet eleven and one-half inches. - No. 20.—A11 that certain unfinished two-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on t he north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of two hundred and sixty-five feet six inches eastward from the east side of Meeting-house lane, in the Twenty foarth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con- front or breadth on said Westminster avenue fourteen feet, and injdevth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and one-half inches.. No. 21.—A1l that certain unfinished two-storybrick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance ofiwo hundred and seventy ninefeetsix inches eastwai'd ffom'the ca‘st side of Sfeeting-house lane, in the Twenty fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con • taiuingin front on said Westminster avenue.fourteen feet; and in depth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and one‘half inches. 1,9 No. 22.—A1l that certain unfinished two story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of two hundred and ninety-three , feet six inches east ward from the east side of. Meeting house lane, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia afore said; containing in front on said Westminster avenue fourteen feet, and in depth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and onc-half inches. - No. 23.-r All that certain unfinished two-Story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of three hundred and seven feet six inches eastward from the east side ot Meetiug-house lane, in the Twenty fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in front on said Westminster avenue fourteen feet, and in depth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and one-half inches. No. 24.—All'that certain unfinished two-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance ot three hundred and twenty-one feet six inches eastward from the east side of Meeting-honselane, in the Twenty fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in front on said Westminster avenue lourteen feet, and in depthnorthwardthirty-eight feetcleyeuaud one-half inches. No. 25.—A1l that certain unfinished two-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece or ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of three hundred and thirty-five feet six inches eastward from the east side of Meeting* house lane, in theTweaty fourih.waid of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in front on said Westminster avenue fourteen feet,' and in d epth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and one-half inches. No. 26—A1l ihat certain unfinished two-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of three hundred and forty-nine feet six inches eastward from the east side of Meeting-house lane, in-the Twenty fourth ward x>f the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con-, taining in front on said Westminster avenue farteea feet eleven and one-half inches, and in depth northward thirty-eightfeet eleven and one-half inches. [D. C., 670; Mar. T, ’63. Debt, $7,155. 13. A. Thompson.] ’Jaken in soLd as the property of Charles Marbackcr. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Apri1'22,1863- ap23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, ou MONDAY.Even ing, May 4; 1563. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. - , All.that certain dot orpiece of ground, with the brick messuage or tenement now thereon erecied, situate oa the.souih side of Lombard , street, at the distance of one ; hundred and sixty-two feet westward from the west side of Seventh street, in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing or breadth on tlie said Lombard street twenty feet, and extending of that width in length or depth south ward one hundred and two feet to Bradford’s alley, of which it has the common use and privilege. Bounded on the east by ground lateof Joseph P. Mus grave, on the south ‘-by the said Bradford’s alley, on the 'west by'gtound'now 'or late of Brown, and on the 'north by Lombard street 'aforesaid. [Being tne same premises which Joseph P. Miisgrave, by indenture dated -the twenty-second day A. D 51853, recorded in Deed BookT. H. , No. 52, granted and conveyed unto the said Gtorgeß. Shermer, under, and subject to, tlie payment of certain yearly ground rent of twenty two dollars.'and William Bradford,Thomasß. Darrach, and James H.: Bradford, trustees, in whom said ground r rent was then vested, by indentiv e dated the eighteenth ; day of August, A. D. 1853, recorded in Deed Book T. Hi, •'No. 96, : page 516, granted, released, and extinguished the aforesaid yearly ground rent.unto the'said George B. ' bhermef in fee. 1 ' * . - ;« tD.C:;679s'Mar:T., ? 63. Debt, $2,000.. ; Flood.] ; . Taken in'execution and to be sold as the property of George B. Shermer. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 22,1863. ap23-3fc SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ.of.Pmries Levari Facias, to me directed, will • : be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, May 4,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-streot Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the brick ; messuage' or tenement thereon erected,' situate on the ■ northwardly side of a new street, laid out fifty feet wide, and to be left open forever, leading westwardly from the Franklord and: Bristol turnpike road, called Madison : avenue, in the late district ofßicinnond, now In the con ; solidated city of Philadelphia, beginning at the distance yof two hundred feet westward from the westwardly side • of said turnpike road, and containing in front or breadth. > on the said Madison avenue fifty feet* and extending iu length or depth northward of that width about one hna :■ dred feet; more or less. Bounded westward by other ground granted by William Morris, Jr., to Evan Morris; < northward .by ground of John W. Kester; eastwardly by other ground of the said Evan Morris, and south wardly, by Madison avenue. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the - brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on : tiie northwardly side of Madison avenue aforesaid; be . ginning at the distance of two hundred and fifty feet • westward from the westwardly side of the said Frank ; ford and Bristol turnpike road, and containing in front or breadth on the said Madison avenue fifty feet, and ex-. tending in length or depth, northward of that width I about one hundred feet, more or less. Bounded west .• ward by other ground of Evan Morris, northward by l other ground of John \V. Kester; eastward by other ' ground granted by Evan Morris to William Nichuals, and southward by the said - Madison avenue. Boing the - same premises'which Evan Morris and Mary G.» his. wife, by doec dated the 25th of May* A. D. 1855, recorded = at Philadelphia, in Deed Book R. D. W„ No. 27. page • 2-0, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said William i Nichuals in fee. . . , . • : *2OO to be paid on each property at tune of sale. nvC.. 7011 M. T., >ts. Debt Goo. Sergeant! Taken in execution and to vie-sold as the propertyol William Nichoals. jaKN THOMPSON. Shoiott. . . PSiilailclpliia, Sheriffs Ofßoe. Annl 22.1563. apS.»ot SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF U. a writ of Vendiiioiu Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4, 1863, at 4 o’clock, iit‘ Sansom-street Hall, All that certain two-story,brick messuage or tonsment and Tot or piece ofgroui-d.sUuatein the city.orrhiladel ; n)»ia. on Ihe south side of Cherry street, between Ninth and Tenth streets v containing in front on .said Cherry street fifteen* feet, and -Sn. length-or dopJh>seveuty.-two • fvet.- Bounded north by saul •' Cherry, street; east J>y ground ibrineriv'of Henry Li«h :■ aoukhward by other ground >of sadd ‘Henry Lisli; and westward by. ground ; now or late of the said Thomas H. Carieton. f Being the ‘ Bftice premise- 3 whifch Mary Lisli and Robert B. Worrell, executors of the last will and testament of ,Henry Lish,j 1 d'cceased, by indenture bearing date on the first day of ; March, A D. 1854, and recorded in Deed Book T. U., No, ilSB* page: 102, .glinted and conveyed to the said Thongs f,QD.'c^fes I ;Mar T., '631 Debt, -SKO.SI. LawTenee,! 1 "Taken in .execution and to ho sold as the property of Thonias H. CHrleion.w^;JOßH THOMPSON, Sheriff. Shcrifi^s SHERIFF'S SAIiES. ©B ERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF k-J sundry writs, to me directed* will be exposed to public sal o or vendue, on MON DAY evening, May 4, 1863, at'4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall* No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with tne tbree-ftory frame messuage or tenement thereon erected, situnteou the cast side of Franklin street, at the dis lance of oue hundred'and nmefe» t thr-;e inches north ward from the north side of Noble street, rate in thedis triet of Spring Garden, now in. the Thirteenth ward of the city ol Philadelphia: containing in front or breadth on the said Franklin street fourteen feet ten and one half inches, ano extending of that width in length or depth eastwardly on the south lino thereof forty-eight feel ten inches, and on the north line thereof forty-mue feet.fiveaud one-half inches to a two-feet-four-inch wide alley, and containing in width on the rear end of said lot fourteen feet ten and fivereighths inches. [Being the same premises which Hiram J. Hartwell, assignee in tiust of the estate and effects of George Sterr, by Inden ture dated the Bth day of March, A. D 1812, and record-* ed in the office for recording &c , )or the city and county of Philadelphia, iu Deed Book G. S., No. 39, page 603, &c., granted and conveyed, inter alia, unto the eaid Henry August Bergmann, in fee.] No. 2 Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground situ ate on tbe east side of Franklin street, at the distance of one hnudred aud twenty-four feet one and one-half inches noitbward from the north side of Noble street, late in the district of Spring Garden, now in the Thir teenth ward nf the city of Philadelphia; eontiiniug in. : front or breadth on said Franklin street eighteen feet one and oue haif inches, and extending of that width in , length, ordfpth eastwardly on the south line thereof forty-nine feet five a&d one-half inches, and on ihe north line thereof fifty feet two and a half inches to a two-feet-four-inch-wide alley, and cont lining in width, on the roar end of said lot eigiteeu teet one and three eighths inches. [Being the same premises which Hiram J. Hartwell, assignee in trust or the ©etato and effects of George Sterr, by indenture dated the Bth day of March, ■'A. D 1842, and recorded in the office for recording deeds, &c., for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed' Bs:ok G. S., No. 39, page 603. &c-. granted &ndconv«yed, inter alia, unto the Augustus Bcrgmaun, in?fee 3 No. 3 Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, wuh the three-story brick messuage or tentmeut thereon erected, situate on the south side of a ten-feet-wide court, called Clinton court, running eastward from Franklin street, between Noble and Buttonwood streets, late in the district of Spring Garden, now in the Thir teenth wara of the city ol Philadelphia; beginning at tbe distance of fifty feet two and a half inches eastward from said Franklin street; coutaiiimg in front or breadth on said Clinton court fifteen feet nine inches and five eighths of an inch, and extending in leugth or depth southwardly ot the east line thereof thirty three teet aud one quarter of an inch, and on the weuwardiy lino thereof thirty-three feet and one quarter of an inch, and containing in width oh the rear cud of said lut fifteen feet eight inches. [Being the same premises which Hi ram J. Hartwell,Assignee in trust of the estate aud ef fects of George Sterr. by indenture dated the Bth day of March, A. D. 1842, and recorded in the office for record ing deeds, &c., for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book. G. S.> No. 39, page 603, «c., grained and conveyed, inter alia, unto tlie said Henry August Berg inarm, in fee.] , No. 4. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the tliree-story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the south side of a ten-feet-wide court, called Clinton court, running eastward from Franklin street, between Noble and Button wood Streets, late in ihe district of Spring Garden, now in the Thirteenth ward of theeity of Philadelphia; beginning at the dis tance of sixty-six feet onc-eightli of an inch eastward • from said Franklin street; containing in fronton said Clinton court thirteen feet three knd a half inches, and extending in length or depth southwardly on the easter ly line thereof thirty-three feet and 000-Jialf of an inch, and on the westerly line thereof thirty-three feet and one-quarter of an inch, and containing in width on the rear end of said lot thirteen feet one aud three-eighths inches [Being the same premises which HiramJ. flirt well, assignee in trust ol the estate and effects of George fctftrr, by indenture dated the Sth day of March, A. D. 1842. and recorded iu the office for recording deeds, &c-. for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book G. S.»No. ?.9, pageGo3, &c. t granted and conveyed, inter alia, unto the said Henry August Bergmann, in fee. 3 [D. C., 699; Mar. T„’63. Debt, 86,QU0. Johnston.] Also, All that certain Jot or piece of ground and the buildings'thereon erected, situate ou the west side of Twelfth street, at the distance of one hundred and ninety two feet northward from the north side of Columbia avenue, in the Twentieth ward* of of Philadel phia; contain ng iu front or breadth oa Twelfth street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth westward of that width at right angles with Twelfth street one hundred and sixteen feet, to a certain new street thirty two feet iu laid out and opened to the public forever. Bounded northward by ground now or late of Peter Byrne, southward by ground now or late of B. Bayinan, eastward by Twelfth street aforesaid,and wosiwardflby the said certain new street. [Being the same premises which James Hrliussum, and Jennie J. his wife, by deed, t-ighth day of September, A.. D. . , and recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8.,N0. 19. page-33, &c-, granted and convoyed unto the said Henry A. Bcrg fee.] Subject to tho payment of a certain yearLy charge or sum of forty-nine dollars in equal half-yearly payments on the first days of the months of ‘ April and October, in every year, without deduction for taxe. B , &e., unto Samuel S. Pancoast, his heirs, and as sign?, forever. CD. C., 698; Mar. T..’63. Debt, $6OO Johnston.] ■ Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry A? Bergmann. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Apri122,1363. sp?3-3t CHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF M a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, May 4, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sanfeom-strt-et Hall, No. 1. All that certain yearly ground rent or sum of seventy-eight dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to Thomas Mulvaney, his heirs and assigns, on the first days of the mouths of aamiary and July, and issuing out and charged upon J3l that certain lot or pie:e of ground, with the three story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situ ate on the south side of Locust street, at the distance of one hundred and thirty-three feet westward from the west side of Twenty-second (formerly Schuylkill Front) ’Street, in taid city; containing in front on said Locust street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth southward of that width one hundred feet to a certain street twenty feet wide, directed by the. will of Frarcis Gtrtney, Esq., deceased, left open for public use, at the distance of one hundred feet south of said Locust street, and runnmgfrom the said Twenty-second street to Twenty-third street (formerly Schuylkill Water aud Ashton street), called G street.* Bounded northward by the said Locust street, eastward and westward by .ground granted to Thomas Mulvaney on ground rent, aud southward by the said G street. ; No. 2. Also, all that certain yearly ground rent, or sum of seventy-eight dollars, lawful money of tho United States of America, payable by Thomas Mulva nev, his heirs and assigns, on the first day of the months of January and July, and issuing out and charged upon all that certain lot or piece of ground with the three story brick messuage thereon ,erected, situate on the south side of Locust street, at<rthe distance of one hun dred and seventeen feet'westward from the west side of Twenty-second (formerly,Schuvlkill Front) street ; con taining in front or breadth on the said Locust street six teen feet, and extending in length or depth southward of* that width one hundred.’feet to a certain twenty-feet wide v street, directed by the will of Francis Gurney, Esq., deceased, tobeleftopen forpitblicuse, atthedis tance of one hundred feet, south of said Locust street, and running from the said Twenty-second ti Twenty third streets (formerly Water or Ashton street) calledG street. Bounded northward by the said Locust street, eastward and westward- by ’ ground granted to Thomas Mulvaney on ground rent, and southward by the said G No: 3. And also, all that certain yearly ground-rent or sum of seventy-eight dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, payable by Thomas Mulvaney, his heirs and assigns, on the first days of the months of Januarj-and July, and issuing out and charged upon all that certain lot or piece of ground, with three-story brick messuage. or tenement thereon erected, situate on the. sooth side of Locust street, at the distance of one hun dred and one feet westward from the west side of Twen tv-second (formerly Schuylkill Front) street, in the city oY Philadelphia; containing in frontY.on said Locust street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth southward of that width one hundred, ftet to a certain street, twenty feet wide, 'directed "by the will of Francis Gurney, Esq., deceased, to be, to public use, at, • the distance of ono hundred feet south’ of the said Locust street, and running from the said Twenty-second street to Twenty-third.(formerly Schuylkill Water or Ashton) street, called G street. , Bounded northward by said locust street; eastward and westward by ground for merly of "William I. Johnson, and by him granted to Thomas Mulvaney bn ground-rent, and south^ward- by said G- street. [The three above-described pieces pf ground being the same lots of ground which Christian Schnitzel, et ux, by indenture bearing date November 24, 1859, granted and conveyed unto John F. Wahl, trus tee of an association ofpersons known as the “Penn sylvania Building and Saving Fund Association, No. 2. ”] [D.C., tS6: MarchT.,’63. Debt. 5i,200. Heyer.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the proporty of Chrhiian Schnitzel. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philada. ...Sheriff’s Office. April 21.1563. ap23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF M-' awrit of Levari Facia?, to mo direct® 1, wiH be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May o» 1863, at4'o’elock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of, ground, with the two brick messuages or tenements thereon erected, situate on the west side of Franklin street, formerly cal led Law rence street, at the distance of one hundred and five feet four inches southward from the south side of Coates street, in the late district of Spring Garden, nowin the Thirteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth on the said Franklin street twenty-eight feet eight inches, and extend ing of lhat breadth in length or depth westward at right angles with said Franklin street eighty-two feet and one inch on the north line, aud seventy-nine feet ten 1 inches and; three-quarters on the south line. Bouuded northward by ground of James Slaughter, Westward by ground formerly of Samuel Noble, south ward by ground formerly granted or intended to have been granted to William Wilson, since of David E. Hance, and onVthe east by Franklin street aforesaid. (The northernmost eleven feet five inches of said premi ses being the same which George Bishop and Clarissa, his wife, by indenture dated the seventh day of August, A. D, 1547, and intended to be recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said David W. Prescott in fee. subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent of one dollar and twenty-five cents per foot, amounting to fourteen dollars and twenty-seven cents per annum, payable to Abraham -Kunzi, his heirs and assigns, andsubjectalso to the pay ment of a certain mortgagedeb; of eight hundred and fifty dollars, as therein mentioned; wh’cli mortgage has since been paid, satisfied of record, and discharged forever. And the southernmost .and remaining seventeen:feet three inches of said premises being the same premises which Charles Collins and Eleanor, his wife,by indenture dated the first day of January, A. D. 1849, and intended to be recorded, granted and conveyed unto the saidD ivul \V..PrescGtt, in fee, under and subject to the payment of a yearly ground-rent of twenty-one dollars ana fifty six cents, being the proportionable part of a certain ground-rent >of thirty-three • dollars and seventy-five cents, payable to Abraham Kauri, liis heirs and assigns.. And which said yearly ground-rents above mentioned, to which said premises were made subject as aforesaid, Charles M. Wagner snd Margaret Ann Hallowell. exe cutors of Jonah Ballowell, deceased, and Edwin Hand, . by two several deeds, dated respectively the thirtieth day of July, A. D. 1855, and fifteenth day of January, A. D. 1856, and intended'to be recorded, granted'and as signed, released and extinguished unto the said David W. Prescott, bis heirs and assigns, forever./ N. B. —Theabove properties will be sold as follows: No. 1.. The lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick building thereon erected.' situate on the west tide of Frankliu street one hundred and five feet four inches south ward* from south side of Coates street, Cou- Uiuing in front of breadth eleven feet" five inches, and in length or depth eighty-two,feet one inch,.be the-same more or less. ; ' ~.. . No. 2. The lot or piece of ground, with the two-story brick building thereon erected, situate on west side of Franklin street onehundred and sixteen feet nine inches southward from the south side of Coates street, in front or breadth seventeen feet three inchesi and in length or ’depth eighty-one feet two and three*eighths inches, be the S3me more or less. ' .. . LD. C.,-578; March T. Debt, $6,000. Bullitt.] Taken in execution and to he sold as the-property of David "W. Prescott. - • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff . Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. April 22,,1563. a.p£>-3t CHEBIFFS S&LE.—BY YIBTUE OF writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to Public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Tlie following described building and lot or piece of ground, to wife: beyig a three-storybrick bui’ding, with a two-story back building attached: the maiubuilding being sixteen feet in front, with a depth of. thirty-one feet, moie or less,and the back buildingbeing twelve feet, more or less, wide, with a depth of fourteen feet, more or less; Paid building being erected on all that cer tain lot or pieco of ground, situate on the south, side of Evereit street, at the distance of seventy-eight feet west ward from the west side of Twelfth street, in*the Second wardbf the city ofPhiladelphia; containing in front or breafffh on the said Everett street sixteen feet, and ex teuding of that widthin length or depth south ward on the east line thereof one hundred aud five feet eight and one-half inches, and on the west line thereof one hun dred alid two feel eleven and three* quarter inches. Bounded northward by said Everett street: south ward by. gronnd formerly the southern half-part.of Tidmarsh street, vaeated by an Act Of Assembly: and eastward and wostwardby other ground now or late of Samuel Wool- CD. C., 694;March T., ! 63. Debt, $157.10.. BonsalL] Token in execution and to be sold astho property or Samuel Woolman. . JOHN-THOMPSON,. Sheriff. Pliiladolphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 22.1563. ap23-3fc CHERIFE’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or veutlue. on MONDAY jivenuig, Mav 4, 1863, at 4 o’clock; at Sausom-streec Hafl, : Air that certain lot or piece of ground, composed- of tbir ty-bix lots or pieces of ground, situate in Morris city, in Penn Townsliip, and county of Philadelphia Cno w chL Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia) ; containing, each lot, in front or breadth eighteen feet six inches,, and in length or depth sixty-five feet, and Ahe roar ends; containing in front ona twelve-teet-wide street cghteen feet six inches, and thirty-five feet deep. [Being marked in the plan of ; the said city lots, numbered IT, 20, 24, £>, 4“7 2S ?5 ;W, 42, 43. 4-1, 4S. 49, 55,56. 61, and S 6; Being the same premises which Joseph Bomeisler, by inden une bearing date the seventh day Qf July, A. D. IS3q. "•ranted and conveyed unto M. 8. Israel, in foe, reserving thfreont a certain yearly ground rent of fOnvr.Simared; and fifty-reven dollars and seventy-four half-yearly on the .loth day of the months;of^jJan^ary. aJ [D- ; Mar. T., ’63; Debt. $233.00. LetchWfcgi r ' '■> Taken in execution and to bc sold as of M. S. WaeU . JOHN THOMPSQNvISneriif,-. 1 Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. April 22, 1563. ap23-3t l> QHEKIFF’S SALE.—BY VIBTUE OF- awrit of filias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue,, on MONDAY Eveniug.May 4,1863 fc at 4p’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or orpiece of ground, with the two stoi y r brick messuage or teuenient thoreon erected, situ ate on the ;west side of Thirteenth street at the distance, of two liuiidred five feet ten t aches southward from ; the south sidoot Oxford street, in that part ofthe city of Philadelphia formerly called tbo district of Penn, con taining in front or breadth on saicbTlritteenth. street fif teen fret ten inates, and-extending of that breadth in length or depth, westwai d one hundred feet to a certain •'thirty-nine feetwide street laid 1 ont and opened for. pub lic use foreYar, extending from Jefferson street to Oxford street, parallel with said. Thirteenth .street, called Ro binson stiteetv Buunded .northward and'southward by ground granted or intended teshavebeengrauteu toJonn Mulvaney, eastward by said Thirteenth, street, aad westward byJßobinson street aforesaid. Bein'-f the same premises which Daniel O. Bitnev aud his indenture bearing date the 17ih day. 01 June. Anno Domini 1857, duly executed and intended forthwith to be recorded according to law, :gianted and conveyed to Henry Geiger mlee.^ Note—sbn the above described lot there is a three-story brick dwelling house, with two-story backbaudingu, a kitchen aud bathroorn. -Water ana gas are introduced. tD. C. 675, M. T.'63.: Dobt, 92,170. 8.. K. Nwhols 1 Taken in-execution and to be sold as .the property of Henry Gainer anil Tcrro THoMpgol f. SHoriff riiiliidolvliia. Sheriffs Office, April 22,1855, . ap23-3t- • MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale by the Honorable JOHN .CAD WALADEKt Judge of the District Court of fine uaiied States in and for the Eastern District of Penzteylvania, la Admiralty, to me directed, Trill be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at No> <rl y ARCH Street, on MONDAY, May 4t&, ISS3, at 11 cfcsoclc A. K ~ . About 250 packages hardware- and miscellaneous ar ticles, among which are 122 dozen-'shov-els and spader* 4 cases axes; 14‘do. hoes; 6 caskshfctcJ&ets, 2 do. socket spades; boxes shot, bar, block, and ingot tin; pig lead, cable iron, fine and table cutlery, saddlers’ hard ware, spurn and military article?, rasps and files, ma mathematical instruments; machinery?Paris,curb, and otliercnains; hand and other taws; horse brashes, cast-/ steel,iron wire, iron wire cloth, and other articles in hardware. - Also, 7 cases lifcbographicstones. press, p-nd implements, . 7 do miscellaneous implement for engravers, gs? 5 do carding machinery. *S d° double barrel gans, and stocks. 20 do eabres. 2 do .revolvers. 1 do Rworis. 2 do 1 cask china ware. WILLIAM MILLWASD, United Stateß Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. • Philadelphia; April 20. 1863. apZl-6t IVFABSBAL’S SALE—BY VIRTUE. -LrJL of a Writ of Sale by the Honorable John C&dwa lader. Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to roe directed, will be sold at Public >a]o, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at IHICHENER’S Store, No. 142 North PRO .ST Street, on TUESDAY, April *», at 12 o’clock M,, the cargo of the sloop Aurelia, consist ing of 60 bales of cotton. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal E. D.of Peaua. Philadelphia. April 17. ISS3. * • aplS-Gt MUNICIPAL CLAIMS. 'PAX CLAIMS. Office of Receiver of Taxes, Philadelphia, March 25, 1361. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the owners of the properties mentioned iu the appended memoranda of claims for taxes, that writs of scire facias will be issued therein in six weeks from the date hereof, unless the same*are paid to FREDERICK M. ADAMS, Esq., At torney for Receiver of Taxes, at iiis office, No. I£B Svuth SIXTH Street. In the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia. . The City of Philadelphia vs E BAKER, owner puied owner, or whoever may be owner, March terra, 1563, No 81, State aud city taxes for ISSS, for 529.23; lot NorLhweat corner of Allegheny avenue and Brown street, in th** Nineteenth war'd- - • * Same vs WILLIAM MORRISON, C P, March term, . .ISB3, No lSS,‘tf>x ISSB, 834.24; lot Of ground and the three brick and two frame houses, on the souttvwest corner of Trenton avenue and Price street, 53 by 109 feet deep, in the-Nineteenth ward. Same vs W D H S BRRILL, C P, March term, 1353, No 9L tax 1658, 8-5.24; lot of ground on the southwest corner of Clearfield aud- Bathstreet6,-2Qby 80 feet, in the Nine teenth ward. Same vs DUGAN, BAKER, fit CO, CP, March term, '1863, No 131, tax 18-58, 863.94; ablock of ground bounded by ITankford avenue, Huntingdon, Jasper, and Eliza beth streets, 406 feet by. 120 feet, in. the Nineteenth ward. Same vs Mr KEEYER, CP, March term. 1533. No 140, tax 1858, $14.24; lot of ground, on the-nonheast corner of Adams and Emerald streets, 60 by .00, in the Nine teenth-ward. - Same vs M MITCHELL." C’P, March tern, 1853, No 132, tax 1&8, $9.69: lot of ground on the northwest cor ner of Sepviva and Ernelen streets, S 6 by 60 feet deep, in the Nineteenth ward. Fame vb.GEORGE DOBSON, C P, March term, 1553. No 143, tax 1858, 832.24; lot of ground on the east side of Twenty-second streets -20 feet north from Race street, 20 by 8S feet deep, in the Tenth ward. Same vp JAMES NELSON, C P, March term, 1863, No 134,'tax 3858, $114,37; lot of ground ontho north side of Callowhill street, 54 feet 6 inches west from Broad, 54 . by 147 feet six inches, in the Fifteenth ward. Same vs SARAH ARBUCKLE, C P, March term, 1863, No 90, tax for 1859, ’6O, and ’6l, $10234; lot of ground and two two-story frame dwellings, Nos 112 and 114, on the south side of Bunhoon, late Rose street, 125 feet east from Sophia street, 32 by SO feet deep, in the Sixteenth ward. Same vs GEORGE W COLLADAY, C P. March term, 1863, No 151, tax 1858, $93.23; lot of ground and three three-story brick houses on the south side of Wood street, 123 feet east from Seventeenth street, 36 by 90 feet, Nob 1622, 1624, and 1626. in the Fifteenth ward.. Same vs Mr DOUGHERTY, .C P, March term, 1563, No 152, tax 1858, $144.31; lotofgvovlnd on. the southeast cor ner Carlton and Fifteenth streets, with four four-story brick houses, Nos 327, 329, 331, and 333, 64 by 50 feet, in. the Fifteenth ward. Same vs MARY E KUE, C P, March term, 1563, No 153, tax 1858, $30.01; lot and two-story brick dwelling, northeast corner Ninth and Parrish streets, 13 by 70 feet, in the Thirteenth ward. Same ve Same, C P, March term, 1863, No 154,tax 1353, $22.14: lot of ground and three-story brick dwelling, on. the north side of Parrish, street, 34 feet east of Ninth sireet, 16 by 70 feet, in thejhirteenth ward. mh2s-w6t FOR* SALE AND TO LET. gl GERMANTOWNPROPERTY -ttEiiaFOß SALE. —A very desirable RESIDENCE, situated on JOHNSON Street, first house east ot Green. The im provements are alarge doable Stone House, with hall m centre, nearly new, with all modern improvements. Stable; large Yard and Garden. For further informa tion, apply to D. TRUMP, First Wharf beIow.COATES Street, on the. Delaware. apls-10t* M VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE FOIi SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. 1. Three- story Brick House, No. 728 Buttonwood street, subject to ground rent $54. 2. Three-story Brick House, No. 241 North Twelfth 3. Mansion House and Lot, corner Thirty-fourth and Bridge streets. .Lot 105 feet by 142. • BWiLDING LOTS. , 4. LotN. E corner Thirty-fourth and Hamilton streets. 75 by S 5 feet. • ■ ’ ' 6. Lot S. W. corner Thirty- fourth and Hamilton streets, 210 by 208 feet, with a front on Bainy street. The above properties will be sold clear of incurdbrance, on accommodating terms. Apply to . _ • apio-iat ri. E. Wallace, J9B smith sixth st. . M to bent, fob the summer, a handsome COUNTRY SEAT, on the Media Rail road, two minutes’ walk, from Gray’s-lane Station, three miles from Market-street Bridge. Several acres of ground, well shaded; good stablinu, etc. Applyto D. SNYDER, Jr., on the premises, - ■ r - Or. ’ - ' J. W. STOKES, . ap9-12t* - 619 WALNUT Street. M for sale—the house and Lot, 1307 HUTCHINSON Street, and Lot adjoining, S 3 feet 4 inches each, by SO feet to TYLER Street, with Carpenter Shop in rear of both Lots. The house &as eight rooms and all the modem new. Apply at No. 104 North S rxT “ Street, or on the ; premises.* j M FURNACE property for SALE.—-A valuable Furnace. Property, situate in. Shirley Township, Huntingdon county, Pa., within two miles of the Pennsylvania Canal, and five milesfrom the, Pennsylvania railroad at Newton Hamilton. ' The fur nace, with but little repair, can be put in complete order, and is surrounded with all the requisites for making iron. The ore is believed to be abundant, and there is connected with the property 19 tracts of wood land.' * v The property, will be sold easy'temas. Persons wishing to examine it will be shown over it by S. H. Bell, living near the premises. Further informa tion can be had of either the undersigned. _ MARTIN BELL, Sabbath Rest P. 0., Blairco.vPa. JOHN BELL, or B. F; BELL, Bell’s Mills, do.- mh2B-lm* . |R FARM OF ACRES OF gfo J»ikverr productive Land-on jhe Bristol Turnpike,-JC, at Andalusia, a quarter of a mile from CorirwelVs Sta tion, on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad; well watered by running streams, j^od-Farm. Buildings, Fruit and Shade Trees, with several desirable lots for the location of Country Seats, within view *f the river Delaware. For sale by I. C. PRICE, cor. SPRING GAR DEN and THIRTEENTH Streets. • • ap9-lm M COUNTRY SEAT ON THE^a River Delaware, near Torresdale, beautifully ■* ■ located, with Wharf on the river; containing 52 acres of excellent Farming Land, well supplied with Fruit, Shade Trees, <£c.; communication with the city In less than one hour’s time, by steamboat or railroad. For • sale by I. C. PRICE, corner SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets. ap9-lm Mfabm.— a VERY DESI RABLE FARM, of 150 Acres of excellent Land, under goodfenceand well cultivated; watered by two running streams; situate at the forks of the Bethlehem and Sumneytown Turnpike roads, one mile from Pen lynn Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, and fifteen miles from the city. For sale by X. C. PRICE, cor.* SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streeta. ap9-lm m A BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE,^ ■SEtwith SO acres of good Land, fronting on the-**— Bristol Turnpike, near Cornwell's Station, on the Phila delphia and Trenton Railroad; with good Stable and Car riage House, and abundance of Fruit, Shade Trees, &c. For sale by I. C PRICE, corner SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets. ap9-lm MFOR SALE —THE OLD AND well-known Grocei’y Stand, northwest corner SE COND and NOBLE Streets, with the three-story dwell ing adjoining on Noble street. Will be sold on accom modating terms, to close an estate. Apply to W. ftl. PARHAM, 51 North THIRD Street. . aplB-stuth6t* FOR SALE—A FARM OF 33 ACRES, beautifully situated; good:improvements; nine miles from Philadelphia, near a station on Reading Railroad. . Apply 580 COMMERCE Street. ap22-4t* MFOR SALE-SEVERAL DESIRA BLE-residences, very, pleasantly situated in West Philadelphia. Also, desirable Lots, situated on all the main streets. Apply to ROBERT MACGREGOR, corner of THIRTY-SEVENTH and LOCUST Streets, or at No. 333 South THIRD Street . ap22-3t: MFOR SALE—a NEW FOUR STORY: RESIDENCE, on. arch; Street, above Twentieth* Apply to WM. ROSSELL-ALLEN, S. E. corner FOURTH and.WALNUT, second floor. ap2l-3t» MFOR SALE—THE HANDSOME three-story DWELLING, No. 805 North EIGHTH Street, abbve Brown. Apply to-WM ROSSELL ALLEN, oS. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT, aecond floor. ap2l-3t* . . Meor sale, VERY LOW—four three-story DWELLINGS, on MASTOR, Street, above Eleventh, Applyto Wit. ROSSELL ALLEN, S. R. corner FOURTH and WALNUT, second floor. ap2l-3t* ®FOB SALE, OR WOULD BE Ex changed FOR CITY PROPERTY, A DESIRA BLE SMALL FARM, situate in New Britain Township, Backs county. Pa., three miles from Doylestowa, and. one and a half from New Britain Station, on the Doylestown Railroad, containing 65 acres, six of which is woodland, and five meadow, divided into convenient fields, well watered', good building, frait, &c. Inquire at 104- North SIXTH Streety Philadelphia. mh7-2m* "POR SALE—C HOI C E MAI N A AVENUE LOTS in improved portions of MOUNT MORIAH CEMETERY. Inquire 633 MARKET Street, second story. apltf-tlistuSfc* 'C'OR SALE CHEAP—THREE BUILD- A jjjff lots 20 feet front by 112>£ feet deep, situated in the Twenty-first ward, near the corner of York and Twenty-fourth streets. They are part of the property formerly embraced in fcheLogari Land Association, but arefree from all encumbrances. Inquire of J. L. RING- TiYALT, 111 South FOURTH Street. ; ' aplfr6t rrwo EOOMB,'WITH- STEAM-POWER, J- TO KEKT—They are .well lighted, have hoisting machine and water-closets. _ „ ■ ■ CHARLES EVANS. . BREAD and QUARRY. SHIPFIEQ. rfaffijaL BOSTON AND PHILADEL PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from each rjott on SATURDAYS, from first Wharf above PINE Street. Philadelphia, and Long Wharf. Boston. The steamship steamer NORMAN, CapA Balter, will sail from- Philadelphia for Boston, on SATURDAY. April 05, at It 1 o'clock A. M.; and steamer SAXON, Captain Matthews, from- Bosten, on tho SAME DAY, at 4P.§M. These new and substantial steamships form a regular line, sailing from each port punctually oh Saturdays. Insurances effected at oue-hal f the premium charged by sail vessels. x* 'V r v - Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers aae requested to send Slip, Receipts and Bills Lading with their goods. - For Freight or * P mh9 ° 33» Sonth DELAWARE Aveniu. STEAM WEEKLY TOjLIYBR . TilliSWF POOL, tonchlnf at Qneenstojrn (Cork Har bor.) The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intended to sail as follows: __ „ CITY ©F NEW YORK -Saturday, April 19 . GLASGOW Satraday, April 2S. ■CITY OF BALTIMORE* .Saturday, May 1 : Aid ay ery nunowdin* Saturday at noon, from Pier Ho. w *- H#rtt *l™'- bates of passage. ; . Mo Ub-OO .- .••■Bo. to Itmtoaf M» ’ T >n' to 'Paris,. 95-00 D».- tO'Pajls,” 40 60 ■Bo* to' llambnrz, .fIODO • sDnr:.'to Hamo®nr,37.6o Passengers also SarwiwdfeAJo Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, rates. ■. " Fares lst Cabin, *76. •SC, $lO6. Steerage from-Idveryool,'*94o. Fr«a Queens town,s3b. Those who wish to send for their Mendicant buy ticketehereat these tafria. , . .. _ P For further information, apply the a -‘offices JOHN Gr. DAL 3, Agent, lll WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. w FOR NEW YORK, ABSKviA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CA NAL, DESPATCH AND SWIFTSURE LINES, : ' The steamers of thi&line are leaving daily at 12 M., and 6F. Mi from third pier above WALNUT Street. . For freight, which will be taken on accommodate g tspms. apply to "WM, M.-BAIRD & GO., l3« South DELAWARE Avenue. «IT—FOR NEW YORK—NEW ASmBLsMLT LIHE-YIA DELAWARE AND BAKITAH CDHAL. Philadelphia and Hew Y6rk Express Steamboat Oom mny receive freight and leave daily at 2 P.M., delivering their cargoes in Hew, York the following day. Yreiahts taken at reasonable rates. ■WM. P.'CLYDE, Agent, Ho. 14 SOUTH WHARVES. raihdelphU. JAMES HARD. Agent. ■. Ml-tf Piers 1* and 1# EAST ElVKß7lfew Yu* AUCTION SAM3S.\ JOHN BrMYß]S^oariuaS6^ v EEBS, So,. 232 and 2:n MABBS Stress. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP BBITI®. F3EHCH, OEB.MAH. A3B DOMESTIC DBTrOOM. We •will toW a large aale of British, Fr&ch, German, Md Domsst'c Dry Goode, by catalogs©, ol four , credit. ' ' TSIS MORNING. Apnl 23d. embalm? about TOO p2*fc :e« and lot© of staple and fancy article** in woolens, 51- jn», cotton* fitlfc*, and worsteds, to which we invite tS attention.of N.B.—Samples of rite saias will be an ufed for «e -actuation, with catalogues, early on the mo sutf of eal<%, when dealers will flod it to their interest t&ttend. PEREMPTORY BALB OP CARPETINGS,CANTOR : MATTINGS. XUGS, MATS, &d For Swing Sates, onfrisay morning. April 24th, at precisely 10# o'clock, by dialogue, os font months' credit— \ Comprising English, Brassels, three-ply. superfine Ingraia, Tenitian, hemp, and list carpetings white amf red check Canton and cocoa mattings, rnsa, l&fcs. drug gets, Ut. 1 PEREMPTORY SALS OF FRENCH, INDIAJuSEMijr* • AN3> BRITISH I>RY GOfas, &«1 ON MONPAT MOBIISNO. April 27th, &t 10 o’clock, will be sold by «|tftlo£da,oQ r four months'credit, about ’ - 7SO PACKAGES AND LOTS / of French. India, German, and British dry roods, embracing a large and choice assortment o. fa.n-sy and staple articles in silk, worsted, woolen, linen.mdcofctofi fabrics. i .. POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS. BHOSS.S*. ON TtJESI)AT MORNING, [ April 28. at 10 o’clock, will be sold by estfloffo** on four months’ credit— • . About 900 packages boots, shoes, broganl cftyalry boots, .Ac., embracing a general assortment goods, of City and Eastern mAnufeetur*- } ; T?URNE3S, BRINLEY, & 00., M No. 4fcS9 MARKET S' .■ SALE OP FRENCB DRY GOODS. ON FRIDAY MORNING. April 24th, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on month** credit— -SCO lots of farcy and staple French dry goods ‘ SALE OF 650 CARTONS RIBBONS—JUST LANDED. -Of Superior duality, and Celebrated M ke. ON FRIDAY MORNING. April 24th, at 10 o’clock, consisting of— — cartons Nos. 4,5, and 6 choice colored Hack and ■white corded edge poult de soie ribbons. cartons 10,a 60 corded edge bonnet ribbons, cartons 10 a 60 extra heavy. do. . cartons 10 a 60 buff. whUe.and black do. cartons 10 a4O b:och« figured do do. cartons IK white and colored satin * do. cartons IK to 20 all silk black velvet ribbons. Comprising the best assortment offered this eason. DR*SS-GOODS FOR CITY RETAIL TRADE. ON FRIDAY MORNING. cases fine % mode oriental lustres. ! cases fine book-fold Manchester ginghams.) cases fine silk checks.' i . ■* case i fine Paris stripe crapes. ' ; cases do p s ain p aid and Etripe mozambiquee. —’.cases do check linos. Antietam clotbß, stripe linos. stripe poplins and mohairs. —black and white inohairs, Sicilians. —! black lurmatines and. bareges. London himalayas and lavellas. Saxony small check eugenias. Paris fieured orcaudies. BLEACHED SHIRTINGS AND DENIMS, AND STRIPES. 3 cases 36-inch Bellon’e fine bleach ?d shirtings. 5 bales Glenbuvinie and Freeland denims. 10 do do and Clinton stripes. SALE OF S»500 PIECES BRILLIANTS. CAMBRICS. KWISS MULLS. TAPE CHECKS, NAINSOOKS. AND JACONETS-THE BEST MAKE IMPORTED, AND JUST LANDED. ON FRIDAY MORNING. A large invoice of superfine quality white goods, Con sisting of— — cases 6-4 fine to superfine white brilliants. cases 6-4 do do white cambrics. cases 6-4 do do SwisS mulls. cases 6-4 do. do small plaid tape checks. cases 6-4 do do nainsooks. case 6 6-4 do do .iaqpnets. The above comprises an entire invoice,and worthy the atcen tion of all dealers. WHITE AND PRINTED PIQUES, FOR BASQUES. 2 cages superior quality white piques, lease superior neat printed piques. PLAIN, BLACK, AND COLORED, FANCY DRESS . SILKS. An invoice of black and colored, and plain and fancy dr<ss silks. M THOMAS & SONS, • Nos. 13V and 141 South FOURTH Street. Sale at No* 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. PIANO FORTES. COUNTER. SHELVING AND DRAWERS, STEAM ENGINE, FINK CARPETS. THIS MORNING, At 9 o’clock, at the Auction Store, the superior furni ture, 2 cottagesuits, .3 Pianos, large quantity of drug gists shelvingaad drawers, steam engine. Seamen's pa tent ice-cream freezer, fine carpets, &c. Also, a marble soda-water fountain. Also, a sett fine druggists’ scales and case. Also, a large plate glass ease. SALE OF A PRIVATE LIBRARY. THIS AFTERNOON, • April 2M. at the Auction Store, will be sold, a private library, whiv.h includes valuable and interesting au thors on various subjects. ALSO, Fine engravings, bookcase, cabinets, natural and arti ficial curiosities, &c. ' JKS** For particulars, see catalogues. Sale at Heatonville Hospital—For Account of the United GAS AND WATER PIPES, BRICK WORK, FOR OB PUMPS, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING, April 24th, at 11 o’clock, at the Hestonvilie Hospital. HestonvUle, (24th ward,) for . account of the United States, the lead water-pipe, gas and drain pipe, 2 brick chimneys; circulating boiler, force pumps, lift-pumps, 3tc. May be examined on the morning of the sale. Executor’* Sale. VALUABLE LAW LIBRARY. ON FBIDaY.AFTERNOON. . -.April 24, at the Auction-Store, at 4 o'clock. Will be j-old of executor, aTiora,-^-- 0 books, which includes the Pennsylvania and other valuable reports. JGS 8 * For particulate see catalogues. SALE OF A COLLECTION OF MODERN OIL PAINT INGS, IN YEbY RICHLY CARFED AND ELEGANT GILT FRAMES, ON SATURDAY MORNING, * April 25th. at-the Auction Store, commencing at II o’clock, will be sold a small collection ot modern oil paintings, consisting of landscapes, marine views,winter scenes, etc. , in richly carved and gilt frames. Also, an original portrait of the late John Price Wefche rill ' • r For particulars see catalogues and paintings, three days previous to -sale. . ’ ' PANCOAST & WABNOCK, AUG TIONBERS. No. 5113 MARKET Street. SALE OP AMERICA?-AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, >HOOP SKIRTS, STOCK OF' GOODS, &c., by cata logue. ~ ON FRIDAY M.ORNING April 24,' commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. LARGE SPECIAL SALE OP STRAW GOODS, MILLI NERY GOODS, &c., by catalogue. - ON MONDAY MORNING. April 27th, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. . Comprising a general assurtnent 0/ fresh and desirable goods. . ' ! '•. T>Y HENRY P. WOLBERT, AJ AUCTIONEER. No. 303 MARKET Street, South side, above Second St, Regular Sales of Pix Goods, Trimmings, Notions, See., every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MORN ING, at 10 o’clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend these sales. ' Consignments respectfully solicited from Manufiotu reys, Importers, Commission, Wholesale, and: Jobbing Houses, and Retailers of all and every description of Merchandise. _ ' SKIRTS, DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, Ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING. April 24fb, at 10 o’clock,-will he sold, wide-tape steel spring skirts/shawls, dress and domestic goods, table cloths,linen handkerchiefs, silk neckties, cotton hosiery, gloves, laces, ribbons, shirt fronts, muslin drawers, aprons/chemize yokes and sleeves, ladies’ fine collars, head nets, collerefcte, ruffling, spool cottons, pins, needles, sewing silk, buttons, shoes, .soaps, Ac. rjJLLETTE & SCOTT, U AUCTIONEERS, Jayne’s Marble Building, 519 CHESTNUT Street, and 515 JAYNE Str&et.^ ON TUESDAY MORNING, April 23. SPECIAL SALE. OP STRAW GOODS. Consisting of the finest line ever offered in this market at auction. T>HIL3P FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS X MARKET and 523 COMMERCE Streets. SALE 07 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BRO GANS. &«. THIS MORNING, April 2Sd, at 10 o’clock precisely, sold by ca talogue, 1,000 cases men’s, boys’, and youths’, calf, kip, and grain boots, brogane, &c.; women’s, misses’, and children’s, calf, kip, goat,kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes. • - . - SALE 07 1.000 CASES HOOTS, SHOES, BRO GANS, &c. .ON MONDAY MORNING, April 27, at 10 o’clock precisely, will be sold by cata logue, 1,000 cases men’s, boys’, and youths’, calf, kip, and grain boots, brogans, «c.; .women’s, misses’, ana children’s calf, lap, goat,kid, and moroccoheeled boots and shoes. ~ . , ' JfcaT" Open for examination, with catalogues, early ou the morning of sale. ; W PEANCS, AUCTIONEER, • Comer SECOND and BUTTONWOOD Streets. SALE OF THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OP GiS-BURN ING, PARLOR, CYLINDER AND COOK STOVES, Furnaces, Sawyer’s Heating and Ventilating Furnaces, Troy Castings, Fire-brick, Odd Castings of every de scription, Russian and American. Sheet Iron,Rod Iron, , Sheet Iron Workers and Blacksmith Tools, Stove Pipe, Wash-boilers, Coal Hods, Hollow Ware, gione, Wagon, Harness, &c. r ON TUESDAY MORNING At 10 o’clock, at No. 123 North Second street, will be sold the entire extensive- stock of stone hollow-ware, tools, materials, wagons, Ac , of I. M. Pleis, declining business. Jgg-Catalogues on the morning of sal*. 5t TV/JOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER ATA. southeast corner of SIXTH aud RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE. AT LESS THAN HALE THE USUAL.SELLING PRICES. Fine gold:hunting-case, magic case, and double bottom English patent-lever watches, full jewelled and plain, of the most approved and best makers; tine gold hunting case and open-face Geneva patent-lever aud lepine watches; ladies’ fine 'gold<enamel!ed ; and - diamond watches; fine gold hunting-case American patent-lever watches, of the most approved makers; fine silver hunt ing case and open-face English patent-lever-watches, of the most approved and best makers; fine siver hunting-case, and-* open-face Swiss - ' and French pa--, tent lever and lepine watches; .independent second and double time Ilever .watches; silver Qoartier. English, - Swiss, and French, watches; See gold plated watches; Peters’'patent watches, with fine English movements, and various- other fwatches.- Very- fine - English twist double-barrel fowling pieces, barr and back-aaction locks, f'ome very costly; very fiue double-barrel duck guns, breech-loading carbines,revolving rifles, fine Eu glislirifies, revolvers, &c. Vcry finesewlng'machines; several very superior hammocks; line gold chains, and . jvwelry of every description,• diamonds, and ’ numerous other article's. ' '•' ' MONEY TO LOAIT, iu large or small amounts, on goods of every description, for any length agreed oh. ... BALES ATTENDED TO, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere; and,' when required two-thirds of the value of the goods will be advanced on in anticipation of sale CONSIGNMENTS of goods of every description soli cited for our public sales. 3L NATHANS. WASHINGTON AUCTION SAXES. A SSI ST ANT QUARTERMASTER'S/ -tA- OFFICE, Corner G anil TWENTY-SECOND Streets, - . WAsniSGIM, D. C., April 1% IS6S, WILL BE' SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, ON THURSDAY, 23d April,. instant, at the Corral near the. WASHINGTON OB SERVATORY, a, large lot of CONDEMNED HCBS23 AND MULES, as unfit-for..&nhlic service. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock A 5L • - ' Terms Cash, in Government funds. . - CHARLira H. TOJfPKSfS, Captain and A Q- M., Ur S. A.. J. C.McGUIRE &CO., Auctioneers. 'TTTTC ADAMS EXPBE eUtkaitjggKcOMPAtrf, Office 334 cnESTNUT Street, forward* Rtrcels, Packages, Itohandise, Bank '. Hotes, and Specie, either by Its own ling or in connec tion with other Express Companies, to sH the principal Towns and Cities In the United States. fel9 B. 8, SkNDFOBD; General Saperintandent. TO THE DISEASED OF ALL| CLASSES.—AII acute'and chroaic disease* cured. J by Bpeetal'guarantee, at ISO Philadelphia* when desired, and. fr case of-ft Wi-F' ure, no charm la made., _ *; Prof. C. H. BOLLES. the /bwwfer af Ms wm r> £raetice,h. as associated with Urn Br. K. WAY/ A pamphlet containfri a multitude of «£ 1} lift cates of those cured; also, letters and mentary resolutions from medical men and etnecs* m j ■Will be given to any personfree. . - V IT. B.—Medical men and other*> whodeadie »| knowledge of my discovery can enter for ft null course of lecture* at any time. » B01L]!8 4 OJjJiOWAT. I 1930 'WALHUT Straw. * . iiMa flAHfi and FANCYJOB POINTING, & BfiOWK’Si HIS.jI’OUETH, fit*
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