I NORTHERN MBKRTIBB AND BNN TOWNSHIP RaIJjKOAJ) COMPANY, pHILADiPHiA, April 7ill* 1663. . - AmeeTngotthe Stockholders of this Company wilt bo told > t tie office of tb o Phllade 1 ph la a ndlte adi n g Rail road Company. No. siSST SOUTH TOURTB Street, on JMONDAf, the 4th day of May next, at 10 o’clock A.. M., at whici time and place an election of Officers will be held. , tapB-dtM4] A. A. KONIGMACHBH, Sao’y. m<3> SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQ,UEHA.IY- EoUia railroad company, office 227 south X'OVR'H Ftreet—Philadelphia. April 3, 1863. —The an nual Dieting of the Stockholders of this company ana an eleoion for President and six Manager* will take Slace althe office of the company, on MONDAY, the 4th ay of lay next, at 12 o’clock M. ap3-tay4 OFFICE OF THE SURGEOIV- Att -I*CS»TISTTO THE ARMY AND NAVY, PHILADEL PHIA, (ntober 24, 1862. • ' womded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themw/ves of the National Appropriation for supplying ArtifUal Limbs, should apply immediately at the offtoe of tb» Suigeon-Artist to the Governmeut, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRaNK PALMSR, jao-tn _ Government Surgeon-Artist. tiKS* NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE OELA- KfeWARE AND RARITAN CANAL-and the GAM DEN JND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTA TION COMPANIES, /w ,r Princeton (N. J.). March 31,1963. The Ireasnrer of the above Companies is now prepared 4o PAI THE BONDS due at Princeton/August 1,1553, •fjeinf the five per cent. Converted SterlingDoan. The •princpal, an 1 also the last coupon, will be paid on pre ‘flentaion to WILLIAM H. GATZMER, Philadelphia; or f fco Cap3-im3 RICHARD STOCKTON. Treasurer. : THE ANNUAL MEETINGOF THE IHJp BLOOMSBIJRG IRON COMPANY will.be held at \tbe Canpany’s Office, Ivoudale, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, May a. 1863, for the purpose of electing nine Directors to secvejbe ensuing year,-and for the transaction of other "buslnffls. WM. E. S MAKER, Treasurer, ap9-30t* No. g!3 North. WATEK titreet. NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEC* that the Commissioners nainud in an act entitled *‘Amct to incorporate the Connecting Railway Cora jpanyi’ approved April 14, 18G3, will m-et for the purpose of Reviving Subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the .said Ompany, onMONDAY. tholUli day of May,lBo3, tat 10 (’clock A. M., at No. 4 WILLING’S Alley, in the ♦city o Philadelphia. •Clenent B. Barclay, 'Oliier W Barnes, 53dnund Smith; 8. i Kingston, Jr., Joß(>h Lesley, iHIAVE STONES, GRAVE STONES, i.ND MONUMENTS, AT REDUCED PRICES.—A dargeMaortment of Italian Grave Stones, of vanoua do eigne offered at reduced prices, at'Mai ble Works of A,- fiTEIiIIETZ, RIDGE Avenue, below Eleventh street. mhiO-fltn • ■ - ; ; "PORTRAITS OR FINE STYLE AND A perfection of likoueas, aTo now made.at BEIMEB’S, at retnced prices. -l.tt.4p Pbotograoba nt Oil Ojilors. Secwe oe at SECOND dir- et, above Green. ap22-4t- YARNS, BA'rTlNG^^^^lMkiNG^ A. H. FEANOISOUS,’ No. 433 MARKET, No. 5 NORTH FIFTH STREET, Has la, store the largest stock in tkla City of TARNS, BATTING, WADDING, TARNS, BATTING, WADDING, TARNS, BATTING, WADDING, TARNS, BATTING, WADDING, TARNS, BATTING, WADDING, TARNS, BATTING, WADDING, Cotton Batting, Wadding, - Carpet Cliain, Cotton Yam, Twines, Wieking, Ropes, &c. Hoods Bold at lowest Cask Prices. WOODEN AND WILLOW WAKE. A. H. FRANCISOTJB, 483 MARKET, and 5 North FIFTH Street, Calls the attention of dealers to his IMMENSE STOCK WOODENAWARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN 'AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, "WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, BUCKETS, TUBS, CHUKOT, BRUSHES, BASKETS. BROOMS, LOOKING-GLASSES, TABLE AND ELOOR OIL-CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKETS, AG. £» x LARGBB STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY. CX.OTHES WRINGERS. THE GREAT CLOTHES WRINGER. “PUTNAM CLOTHES WRINGER” Is warranted to he superior to any other in use.- EVERY FAMILY SHOULD POSSESS A CLOTHES WRINGER. BECAUSE, Ist. It-Is a relief to the hardest part of washing day. *2d. It enables the washing to be done In one-third less lime.' fld. It savee-clothee from the injury always given by twisting. 4th. It helps to wash the clothes as well as dry them. WE-BELIEVE IT ADVISABLE TO PROCURE THE PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGEB, PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER. PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, tPUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, BECAUSE, 'FIRST. The rollß, being of .vulcanized rubber, will hear hot and cold water, and will neither break nor tear off buttons: Secohd. The frame being of Iron, thoroughly galva nized, all danger from rast is removed, and the liability, to shrink, swell, split, &c., so unavoidable in wooden ttaoMnes. is-preventedr - ' _ 'Third, ‘The spiral springs over the rolls render , this machine self-adjusting, so that small and large articles, M'Well-as articlefl uneven in thickness, are certain to receive uniform pressure. \, • ~ Fourth. The patent fastening by which the machine Is tightened totne tub, webeiieve to be superior in Bim nlicity and efficiency to any yet offered. ' Fifth. It-willfit any tub, round or square, from one half to one-and-a-quarter inches in thickness, without he least alteration. ‘RETAIL PRICE : JTo. 1,.46 No. 2,55.......... Letter " A,” SB. 49-Agents wanted in every county. • Beliahle and energetic men will be liberally dealt With. ‘ . For sale at the "WOODENWARE ESTABLISHMENT” OF A. EL FRANOISOUS, Ho. 433 MABKET St. and No.*s North FIFTH St., mh!7-2m ■ Wholesale Agent for Pennsylvania - •GEMS’ FUKNISHING GOODS. GRANT, NO. 610 CHESTNUT STREET, Has now ready ■A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODB, his own*importation and manufacture. ■ " His celebrated “•PRIZE MEDAL SHIRTS,” •manufactured under the superintendence of JOHN F. TAGGERT, (FORMERLY ,OP OLDENBERG & TAGGERT,) *re the moat perfect-fitting Shirts oi the age. Orders promptly attended to. mli26-thstu3m ESTABLISHED SHIRT, STOCK, AND COLLAR EMPORIUM, NO. 140 NORTH FOURTH STREET. ■CSHAELES' L. ORUM" & CO. •Are prepared io execute all orders for their celebrated ijnake of -Shirts* on short notice, in the most satisfactory jnanner. These Shirts are cut by measurement, on sci •ontific principles, and surpass any other Shirt for neat* jlbbb of Jit on theSreast, comfort in the 2Mr, aud ease on- 1 tthe Shoulder. aplB-stuth6m A. MILLER & CO., 506 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 1> R U:G S MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, •WINDOW AND lIOLLOW GLASS WARE, Special attention given to the wants of the City Trade. apßl-lm ‘ . ,' tjeimers ivorytypes are JA a great artistic success; observation reveals rare Ibeauty of coloring. simpUclty of style and fine finish, and iiataral arrangement of light and color. SECOND Street, Above Green. ap22-4t Oftfl I>OZ. CANS FRESH PEACHES, OIA/ doz. cans Cranberry Sauce, Oysters, Pears; 1 Apple Sauce, Adams County Peaches, • Cherries, and JSlackberries, Forsal* JAS Q^jj pß gj L / ap22-6t* . Wo. HB South .WATER Street. T ARGE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS $1; ’J-i duplicates • flftv cents. LAT7GHLIN, TWELFTH And MARKET Stre* to. • ' • | A LBUM PHOTOGRAPHS, EITHER .L*. foil figure or vignette, made by LAUGHLIN, •TWELFTHand MARKET Streets,areuneaualled. FOUR for sl, ■ - .-gv -- - ■ T AUGIILIN’S ALBUM PHOTO SM-J GRAPHS are notsurpnssedin tho city. 'TWELFTH andMAßKETStreets. • ' ‘ / , TiAGUEBRKOTYPES COPIED INTO lftXge-eiie PHOTOGU VPHS better than at any other gOacet/or $l. LAUGHLIN, - ' TWELFTH and MARKET fitrWD. - ; ap2Mt* u. s. FIVE-TWENTIES, OB TWENTY-YEAH SIX-PEB-CENT. BONDS. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOYEP.NMENT AFTER FIVE YEABB. I am Instructed by the SECEETAEY OF THE TREA SURY to receive Subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUB SCRIPTION. and la PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasnry or Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and November of each. year. At the present premium on gold, these Bonds yield about ElGHTpercont..perannum. A full supply alwayß on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. SPECIAL NOTICE. . On and after July Ist, 1863, the privilege of convert ing the present issue of LEGAL-TENDER NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX-PER-CENT. LOAN (com monly called ** Five-Twenties”) will cease. All who wish to invest in the Five-Twenty Loan must, therefore, apply before the Ist of JULY next. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, . mh4-tjyl 11* South THIRD Street, Philada. W. H. WEBB, Secretary. John A. Wilson, It. D. Barclay, J. C Sharpless, : Isaac V.ELwell, A. C. Harmer. ap2o-tniyll g HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 312 WALNTTF ©BEET. MlllT W ’’-s of U. S. GOVEEN- Business Paper and sold on Commission, lowest rai>- ■ , Ajoans on .Collateral negotiated at wa, iTED STATES 5-20 YEAR SIX per cent. BONDS, furnished at PAR in sums to suit. • • _ . Orderß by Mail shall receive prompt attention.. Rofors. Messrs. Nathan Trotter &Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., . . John B. Myers & Co,, Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., Furness, Brinley, A Co., John Thomas, Esq. apl-3m if And the holders of the said loans are hereby notified to present their certificates for redemption at said times and place; and that the interest on said loans will cease and determine from and after the said first days of July .and August, 1563. . - f ELI SLIFER, ) Commissioners THOS. E. COCHRAN, > of the - HENRY D. MOORE. S Sinking Fund. ap23tbm-Bfc ■' ■ ■\ : , mrAVCiAE. T? D WARD M . DAVIS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BEOKEB, No. 39 South THIRD Street, (upstairs,! A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING BUSI ' NESS TRANSACTED. - Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted. Exchange on Europe Sold, Special Collections made. Coin and' Cur rency Bought. Interest Allowed on Deposits. _apl-3m JOHN 0. CAFF & SON, ST OO K A KB NOTE B E O K E K 3 , No. 23 South THIRD Street, Directly opposite the Mechanics’ Bank. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS. MO NE Y INV ESTED NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED mhl2-3m ON THE BEST TERMS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY."” - REMOVAL. The OFFICE of the AMERICAN WATCH COHPAM has been REMOVED from 712 CHESTNUT Street to S. E, Cor. EIGHTH and CHESTHUT Sts-., where-will be foond a more extensive assortment, than heretofore kept in this city, including all styles of GOLD and SILVER CASES, for - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - . The attention of the Trade in solicited. LB MAETEB, EAGENT. WATCHES, JUST RECEIVED PEK STEAMER EUROPE. •O-QEI) WATCHES, LADIES’SIZES, OF "nb w stvibu SILVER ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. GILT ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. PLATED ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. For Sale at Low Rates to the Trade, by D. T. PR A TT, ap3tf 607 CHESTNUT STREET. J. O; FULLER, : Importer and Wholesale Dealer In FUSE WATCHES AND JEWELRY. No. 713 CHESTNUT Street, (Up-stairs, opposite Masonic Temple), Has now open a Large and complete stock, EMBRACING AND SWISS WATCHES,' E. HOWARD h CO.’S FINE AMERICAN WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, GOLD SPECTACLES, THIMBLES, ' AND • FINE JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. felfi-3m gS& FINE WATCH REP AIRING wJa attended to, by the most experienced workmen, and every watch warranted for one year. G. RUSSELL, 38 North SIXTH Street J C. FULLER'S FINE GOLD PENS, THE BEST PEN IN USE, FOB SALE IB ALL SIZES. fel3-Sm piNE GILT COMBS IN EVERY VARIETY. IMITATIONS OF PEARL AND CORAL. J. C. FULLER, 80. 71!* CHESTNUT Street. mhlS-2m yCLCANITE RINGS. A full asEoTtment, all sizes and styles. J. C. FULLER, No. 71!* CHESTNUT Street. M3-3m MUSICAL BOXES. TN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD CASES, playing from 1 to 12 tunes, choice Opera and Ameri can Melodies. FARR & BROTHER. Importers, ap4 • 384: CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. •REDEMPTION OF STATE LOANS.— J-b PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that on the FIRST DAY of JULY, lS63,the following public loan, issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, will be redeemed at the Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, in the-city of Philadelphia, viz/: " • Five per cent, loan, act of March-28,1531..... $77,900 And ontbe FIRST DAY of AUGUST, 186:?, the follow-, lug loans will also be redeemed at the Bank aforesaid: Five per cent, loan, act of December IS, 1828...5632,749 84- 44 *\ Maich3o, 1831...... 253.077 OS BAZAAR—NINTH AND SAN- - BOM STREETS. AUCTiON SALE OF HORSES, CARRIAGES, *c., ON SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock. Included in the catalogue will be found about j FORTY HORSES. Particulars at sale. Alarge assortment of desirable new and second-band carriages, dearborns, harness, &c., with which the sale will commence. Included, will be found—- A no-top trotting wagon, by Watson. - A phaeton, by Watson, patent axle. A no- top wagon, by Watson, cane seat. A mail-phaeton, for 2 horses, by Watson, _ _ .. _ ALBO, Single and double harness, saddles, robes, covers, dec. No postponement on account of the weather. ap23-2tif AL'FEKD M. HERKNBSS, Auctioneer. "VT OTICE.—THE EPHRATA MO UN- v TAIN 1 SPRINGS willopen for the reception of visi tors on the FIFTEENTH DAY OF JUNE NEXT. The house and grounds'have been put in the moat complete oritr, anu, as a Summer resort, it is one-of the most desirable places in the country. Visitors will goby railroad within twenty minutes’ ride of the bouse. Circulars will be issued in a few days, giving full par ticulars. -ap23»Ct U. S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. SECOND HAND BULKS AND OTHER , WiNUOWS, Doors, Sash, Store Fixtures, Marble Mantels and Sills, &c., for sale at the Depot, SEVENTH above Thompson Street. Cashpaidfor all such articles. ap23 lm* ; NATHAN W. ELLIS; W3XL SECURE A VERY YA- , ,R a tentee in the Avmy^ Call, or address No. 810 WALNUT Street. ap23-2t» A QUARTERMASTER GE NERAL’S OFFICE, Philadelphia, 224 April. 1863. PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until TUES DAY, 28th instant, at 12 o’clock M., for the immediate delivery in this city of one LIFT AND FORCE PUMP, and twelve hundred feet (1,200) of 3-mcn Leather HOSE, with connections complete. Bidders will state the short : est time for delivery. The right is reserved to-reject all bids deemed too high., A. BOYD, ap23-6t Captain and A. Q. M. CICILY LICORICE-SMALL STICK, GEN. Caraway Seed. Gum Arabic.' - Trieste Vermillion.' Powdered BLue for Potters’use. . Mineral Water Corks, short. ? . Bottle Corks, assorted. x • bladder, Dutch Prime. Oil Bergamot. , * * Colchicura Seed. Oil Origanum, Pure. Gum, Rino. Cape Aloes.' Pink Root. - Olive Oil, quart bottles. In Store, and for sale by GILBERT ROYAL * Co., • - Wholesale Druggists, ap23-lm*. Nos. 309 and 311 North THIRD Street.- A LL THOSE WHO PREFER IVORY types, should examine’ REIMER’S’ specimens at. SECOND Street, above Green. They have no equals in simple truth and natural beauty of coloring. It , THE GREAT MERITS OF BEIMER’S Portraits strike you at a glance,* and cannot bo over estimated. .Life-size Photograpns, in oil colors, at war prices. SECOND Street, above Green. it fi_6T COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS OF " REIMER,' SECOND Street, above Green. They combino.artibrfo merit with truthfulness and 'durability, • only SI. . : . . It (HOLOBED PHOTOGRAPHS FOR $l, such as REIMER only makes, give entire satisfac tion to those who purchase, and eiioit admiration of air; SECOND Street, above Green, SPRING MILLINERY. The undersigned has now open a , HANDSOME BTOGE OF RIBBONS, SILKS, CRAPES, ILLUSIONS AND LACES. Also, a splendid assortment of FRENCH FLOWERS, Consisting of fine ROSES, ROSE BUDS, fine GRAPES, and FRUITS, All of the most fashionable shades and styles, A LOT OP RIRRONS AND FLOWERS Of lent season’s importation, will be CLOSED OUT VERY CHEAP. M. BERNHEIM, No. 726 CHESTNUT STREET. mh3o-2m . STRAW GOODS, 1863. FRENCH FLOWERS, ' LACES AND RIBBONS, OF THE LATEST FASHIONS, THOS. KENNEDY & BRO.’S, - No. 739 CHESTNUT Street, below EIGHTH. * mh3l-2m BP R I N G 1863. BROOKS & ROSENfSEJM, (Late Rosenheim; Brooks, & Co.), No. *3l MARKET STREET, North Side, Have now open, and are daily t making additions thereto, A HANDSOME VARIETY OF RIBBONS, BONNETS, KISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S HATS, ANP MIHINKRir G&ODS fll GKJfEEAt, to which the attention of the trade is respeetfnlly soli cited. mhis-2m Philadelphia JJOURNING MILLINERY, MOURNING BONNETS, OF THE LATEST ( -PARIS AND HEW YORK STYLES, Always on hand and made to order at the shorteet no “ JfEW MOtßraG STORE,” 020 CHESTNUT STREET. M. & A. MYERS & GO. mh2S-thstn tap2B ' AHI MISSES O’BRYAN, 1107 WAL aMpLa/NUT Street, will open PARIS MILLINER? THE SPRING, on THURSDAY, April 9th, 1863.: . ap7-lm* 1863 8 p B 1 N G 1863 WOOD 31, and 35 cents; broad bems from 31 cents upwards, extra cheap. - GLOVES, GLOVES —The largest assortment of La dies’, Men’s, and Children’s Lisle, Silk. - GlovesrpifiinTCororedfsthched backs, and kid finish,new est etyles, much lower than they can be bought for in any store in the city, LADIES’, MENfB; AND CHILDREN’S Gauze, Meritio, and Lisle Thread Vests, very cheap. . GAUZEAND GRENADINE VEILS, Browa, Blue, Mode, Drab, and all other colors, splendid quality, only 75 cents; some extra fine at $l, worth $1.50. HOSIERY, HOSIERY.—The largest and best assortment of Ladies’, Men’s, and. Children’s Stockings of every de- positively much lower than any other store in the city sells them. ' HOOP SKIRTS. HOOP SKIRTS. A very large assortment of the best make trail and other styleB of Hoop Skirls, very cheap. INVISIBLE HA IR NETS, plain and with xteel beads; Corsets, Linen Bosoms, French Morocco Travelling Satchels, and all othergoods much lower than they can • c be bought for in other stores. - ' ALL/THE STAPLE TRIMMINGS still-at nearly half the regular prices, such , as the very best Pius and Nee dles, only 4 cents a paper; best Pearl Buttons. 3 and 4 cents a.dozen; very.best Italian Sewing Silk, only 75 cents an ounce; best Tooth Brushes, 6,8, and 10 cents; new and splendid lot of Hair Brushes, 12, 18, and 25 cents; widest and finest Skirt Braids, full 5 yards, only 9cents; India Rubber Combs. 8 and-10 cents; best India Rubber Hair Pins,lB cents a dozen; Spool Cotton, Cotton Cord,Hooks and Eyes, 1 Twilled Tape, &o. ,all much lower than in any other store in the city. BAMBERGER BROS., 105 North EIGHTH Street, third store above Arch. ~ ap234f , TJTCHTH-STREET RIBBON STORE, J - J No. 107 North EIGHTH Street. We would inform our customers, and the ladies gene* rally, that we open this day a full and uery superior stock of MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, for the Spring and Summer seasons, which we are prepared to offer, wholesale and retail, at the most reasonable prices. No. 4 CORD-EDGE RIBBONS, all colors, $1 per piece. ■ No. 5 CORD-EDGE RIBBONS, all colors, $1.25 per BLACK VELVET RIBBONS, every width, superior quality. BEST BLACK VELVET RIBBONS, with white edges, every width, at last season’s prices. BONNET RIBBONS, plain and fancy, every shade. Width, and quality- I —an immense variety to suit. all BONNET SILKS of every shade, plain and plaid. BONNET CRAPES, LACES, ILLUSIONS, BLONDES. ORNAMENTS, &c FRENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, a superb variety, at the usual prices. . . STRAW BONNETS, the fashionable shape, in braid* split straw, and hair; white, gray, and black. INFANTS’ HATS AND CAPS, every new design, all qualities. LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S SHAKER HOODS. THE BEST NEW YORK AND FRENCH BONNET FRAMES, lower than they can be bought elsewhere, by the dozen or single.'. Give us a call- 6ICHEL & wjsYL, mb27*lm No. 107 North EIGHTH Street. JJLiN DS AND SHADES B. J. WILLIAMS, VENETIAN BLINDS A®* The Largest and Finest Assortment in the city, at the Lowest Prices. Blinds Painted and Trimmed equal to new.. Store Shades Made and Lettered. ap6-2m g EM O V A L . GEORGE W- ZIMMERMAN, VENETIAN BLIND MAUFACTURER, Has REMOVED from 136 North SECOND Street, to NO. 10 NORTH SIXTH STREET G. W. ZIMMERMAN solicits a continuance of favors at No. 1G North SIXTH Street, where will be foua the Largest and Best Assortment of VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES In the city, at the LOWEST PRICES. 4®** Store Shades Made and- Lettered. Jobbing Promptly attended to. ap6-2mif , CXRCITX.ATIWG ÜBBAKIES. WBROTHERHEAD’S CIRCULA • TING LIBRARY.-All the NEW English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES ofLiterature. This is iLe ONLY Library m the country that includes all the NEW ENGLIeH BOOKS that are not RE PRINTED here. , ' Terms $5 per year; six months $3; three months SI. 60 ; one month 76 cents, or 3 cents per day, 918 outh EIGHTH Street. . : - mh7-3m GOVERNMENT GOODS. Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Flannels. Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, & CO., Ho. «30 CHESTNUT STKEET. mh24-3m •• ' Q. W. SIMONS & BROTHER, BANSOM-STREST HALL, PHILADELPHIA. ' MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY, FINE SWORDS, Aim MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERT VARIBTT. JalS-lfßm SCHEDULE OF PRICES AGREED UPON .BY THR_ICE DEALERS of Philadelphia, to take effect on MONDAY, April 27. 1863: 8 lbs., per day• ••• .... 75 cts. per week. 12 “ “ 90 k * «. 36 “ 103 “ 20 44 4 ....120 “ Customers taking from 40 to 100 lbs., at the rate of 75 cts. per 100 lbs. '.•• ’ ’ ■ , ■ , 100 lbs. and upwards, 70 cts. per hundred. ap2l-lm*if fIOFFEEI COFFEE 11 COFFEE 1! ! The best and cheapest prepared Coffee In the city. A trial will convince the most skeptical. No charge made If satisfaction is not rendered. . * Prepared and for sale at the _ <_ - Eagle Steam.Sploe and Coffee Works, ■ Iffand»4© fel6-Sm - HOWARD WORRELL TULIUS A. FOY’S BOARDING ! V, SCHOOL'FOR BOYS, ELIZABETH, N.'J. Pnplis are prepared for College or for the.active pur-. 7 suits of life. Under the tuition of a native 7 teacher the Pronoh is made a spoken language. Circulars can.be • Obtained at this office. . ap7-tatMnS>t THE PBESS-PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY. APRIL 23. 1863. SPRING MIIXINERY. JUST OPENED MINDS AND SHADES. HO. 16 NORTH SIXTH STEEET. MAKHFACTURER OF WINDOW SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS’, MILITARY GOODS. RETAIL OKI GOODS, jy Y R E & L A N D E L L, FOURTH AND AEOH, FULL STOCK OF 8E AS O NAB LE GOODS, ADAPTED TO FIRST-CLASS TRADE. SILKS OP NEAT STRIPES. silks of fine plaids. FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS. VELOUTINES, NEW GOODS. LIGHT SPRING FOULARDS. GRENADINES, NEW STYLES. ROCK SPUN SILK SHAWLS. BALMORALS, SUMMER STYLES. DRESS GOODS REDUCED, ap23-thstntf TIAGG & 880. OPEN FROM AUC TION this morning lease high colors plaid Mozambique?, 40c. 1 do do plaid Valencia*, 50c. 1 do Lisle Thread black and white Poplins, 40c. 1 do Barege Anglais, 12>aC. 1 db black and white de Laines, 25c. 1 Also, 10 carton Paris colortd silk dross Gimps, &0 and 50c-per piece of 12yards;.l,000 Linen Collars, plain andruftled, s_andGc; 50 canons white and colored Collaret Ruffling, 26 and rSc per piece of 6 yards; 50 dozen ladies' plaited and ruffled Chemise Yokes, 25 and 3Sc; Hot blue Grena dine Veils, 75c; 30dozen.all-colors spring style Mohair Belts, 15c; 25 gross white Piquet Buttons, 2c, per dozen; l lot 2>£ yards long.-white Wrapper Girdles, 10c; very heavy scarlet silk Girdles, 75c; worsted Shutter Ties, 6c per pair; 50 dozen children’s fancy Leather Belts; 6c; 1 lot colored guilt Morocco Belts, 15s. Also, other Lots at half regular prices. TaGG & BRO. . ap22»al* Corner TENTH and PINEi ffHE PARIS CLOAK AND MAN TILLA STORE, Northeast corner of EIGHTS and WALHUT, have opened with a LARGE STOCK W SPRING GOODS,. of the • MOST FASHIONABLE MAKE,. and reßpectfully ask the early attention of ladies wishing, to purchase. - i_ AND MANTILLAS. < V 1 IVEKS & CO.. No. 23 South NINTH Street, have now on hand an extensive assortment oC SPRING STYLES, ofthefl n e e t4c. , Jaconet Lawns at 12>£c. - Black and White Organdies at 25c. H. STEEL & SON, : If os. 713 and 715 North TEftfTff street. T7DWIN BALL & 00.. 26 S. SECOND Street, will open This Morning the following lots of GOODS at a great reduction from the prices at which they have been selling: Glossy CheckHSilks, at $1;. Fancy Silks of various styles; Buperior quality Summer. Poplins, $1.12^; One lot of Fine Mode Alpacas', 37>£: One lot of Figured .Adi-wool.Delaines, 37)£; One lot of Neat-figured Challies, 37>^; One lot of Black and Mode Delaines; - Three lots of Fine Organdies: With many other additional lots of Goods at VERY REDUCED PRICES. apl6 *‘'A' T RE T AIL •” JAMES R, CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFER AT MODERATE PRICES IN THEIB RETAIL DEPARTMENT, Black and Fancy Silke, Linen Sheetings and Skirl- Black and Colored Alpa- ' ings, „ ca f.» „ . Damasks, Napkins, and Poplms Fantasie,, . Doylies, Taffeta d’Annessey, Table Cloths and Towel- French Lawns and Organ- - ings, Counterpanes and -dies. Furniture Dimities. French Chintzes and Per- -WHITE GOODS, __ Jaconets, and Cambrics, Brilliants and Piques, Soft Cambric* and Naln- Sprmg Shawls, new color- sooks, . • __ Tarletons and Swiss Mulls,. .Black Thibet and Merino Fancy Muslins and Dimities, _ Shawls, li. C. Handkerchiefs, square ana Long Shawls. Gloves. Hosiery, And a general assortment of DRY GOODS in deslrabl« styles and qualities. . mhG-2m 10a* CHESTNUT STREET. 1 ' . E. M. NEEDLES . OFFERS FOB SALE At pricesjgenerally below present cost o/ Jlmpor tacion, WHITE GOODSi all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES, - do 'LACES, •/■■■, .- do ... • do ■; LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do ■ VEILS, Ac., Ac. And respectfully invites an inspection-of his stock. ' 10a* CHESTNUT STREET. CHARPLESS BROTHERS Offer by the package, at the Lowest rates oi thiE season, Pacific 1200 and 1400 Lawns, • . = Manchester Spring De Laines, Pacific .. do. - Prints, Do. . do. Le Laines. CJHAEPLESS BBOTHBBS. Mode-colored Silks, Foulards, Checked Silks, India Silks, Mantle Silkp, Black Figures, Bareges, Challies. Imperatrica, Poplins, Organdies, Chintzes, , - Zephyr and Barege Shawls. CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. (JLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VEST- Cassimeres for Boys. Casssimeres for Young Gents, ; ; ' Cassimeres for suits. Cassimeres for everybody. Cassimeres, mixed and plain. • " 5 Cassimeres. striped and plaid. Cassimeres, Black and Brown, At JOHN H. STOKES', ap9 . . . 703 ARCH Street. CPRING CLOAKS. M NEW. CLOAKS, NEW CLOTHS, SPRING SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS. Cloaks ready made or made to order. Large stock of Cloths to select from. Ladies* Cloakings at the right prices. NEW CASSIMERES. Boys* Cassimeres, The new colors. Gents’Fancy Mixtures, 6-4 Coatings. Boys* Clothing ready made or made to order. . Large stock Cassimeres to select from. Fine Black Cloths and Cassimeres.' WILLIAMSYILLES, WAMSUTTAS, ' Wide Sheetings, Flannels. Linens, Towels. Muslins and woolens at WHOLESALE. • COOPER & CON ARB, aps S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. MARSEILLES QUILTS AND LINEN GOODS AT LOW PRICES.—The subscribers re spectfully invite the attention of buyers to their present complete stock of HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS, comprising a large assortment of very choice Marseilles Quilts; in all sizes; Counterpanes, Blankets, Dimities, Furniture Chintzes, and all descriptions of the best makes of Shirting, Sheeting, and Pillow Case Linens. Table Linens, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Towel ings, and of Linen Goods generally,* imported at much less than the present prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, &ARRISON, apll 1008 CHESTNUT Street. INSURANCE COMPANIES, ■PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE A INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, No. 4:33 CHESTNUT STREET. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA IN; 1843. This Company is now prepared to make insurance against LOSS BY FIRE on the most favorable terms. * Their losses will be promptly,settled, and that-those for the year IS® were so, they refer to the following re cipients: Mrs. JaneFerree*.' ~......$1,962 45 L. G. Mytinger&Co.:.... 918 92 Beverlyß. Keim 4,846 67 WilliamE. Taber....*..'. 4,894 19 John Candy. ....X. 121 87 P. P. Morris.. 2,000 00 W. V- Petit...... 60 00 L. G. Mytinger & C 0..... 1,498 76. R. E. 5e11er5........ 8415 Other Small losses. 160 81 This Company have no unsettled losses. • The assets of the Company, are now Mortgages and ground rents Regl estate {taken for debts) cost. Stocks and bonds Bills receivable .. Due from individnals Cash in Bank Stock notes. BISECTORS. R. P. King, President, M. W. Baldwin, Vice Pre- Charles P. Hayes, sident, John Clayton, P. B. Savory, . Ed. Wiler, .. Alexander Murphy, T. K. Collins* H. C. Howell, J. M. Cowell, John Killgore, .S. J. Megargee. • J ;ah2S-.stutli3m*if F. BLACKBURNE, Secretary. QIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, *l5 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, capital WOO,OOO* This Company continues to take risks on the* sain •lasses of Property at low rates. ' The public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the benefll of the public, during the last nine years, exceed 500,000 DOLLARS and we respectfully solicit its favor In the future. DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, JOHN W. CLAGHORJT, JOHN THORNLBT, G. E. HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD, Jn., PETER S. HOE, of M. J. WM. M. SWAIN. FURMAN SHEPPARD, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D., N. S. LAWRENCE, THOMAS PBAKfe, JOHN SUPPLER THOMAS CRAVEN; President , A. S. GILLETT, Vice President JAS. B. ALVORD. Secretary. ap2S-lfW 1? A MR estsuranc JC ,06 CHESTNUT Street. PHIL AD] FIBJS AND/INLA Francis N. Buck, • ' • Ghas., Richardson, >ELPHIA LND IKSUBAWCE 3TOBB. E. D, Woodruff, Geo. A. "West, John Keesler, Jr., Ghas. Stokes, A. H. Rosenheim, Joaep D. Ellis. rCK, Presldtot. [ABbSON,Vi« PrMldnt R'D..BftftrAta.rr. • MalMre Henry Lewis. Jr., John W. Everman, Philip S. Justice, O. W. Davia, __ . FRANCIB If. BU< CHARLES BICIL WILLIAMS I BLANCHA gTRAWBERRY WINE, EQUAL TO MABMSBY MADBIBA. Jmtt received. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. CORNER ELEVENTH and VINK Street*. TAM.ES U ENGINEER. ;1334 ¥ -BEACH'- ,t StreStrTrdttufecturos gearim;, Lift aad 'Forc9 Pumps, oq the most approved principles. Hiavy and light Planing &ad Turning executed with despatch.,; ngftTSm,* ..$50,116 48 .. 19,570 00 .. 21,609 91 .. 9, JM2 91 7,374 47- ..1,082 87 .. 70,265 00 $179,662 64 SE COMPANY, NO, DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. Q.OODS FROM .AUCTION. Now opening from recent LARGE AUCTION SALES. A great variety of NEW FANCY MESS GOODS, Bought at a HEAVY REDUCTION IN PRICES, And which will be Fold to City and Country Dealers AT A SMALL ADVANCE. M. L. HALLO WELL <&- CO., ap!4- 12t No. CIS CHESTNUT STREET. BRANSON, & GO;, N.W. CORNER MARKET AND FIFTH STS.. (601 Market Street,) JOBBERS OF ENGLISH, FRENCH. AND GERMAN DRESS FABRICS, SHAWLS, &c, We invite the attention of the RETAIL TRADE to oor well-assorted stock of FOREIGN DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS, which we will sell at the very lowest market price. We pay especial attention to the large Auction Sales', and Buyers- can find Goods in onr Store, at much less than cost of Importation, and as- citeap- as they can he found anywhere,; T. R. Dawson. J. G. Bomoardner. 0. Branson. apl3-36t > ■ • COMMISSION HOUSEIS. QANT ON FI- A NNE LS , -Heavy and Medium. NEGRO KERSEYS, Plain and Twilled. ' XI SSEYS, White Rock, Westerly, &c., &c. BROWN BRILLS, On hand, and for sale by SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, ap%t-12t . 11a CHESTNUT STREET, JJUOK. 8,10, AND 12 OUNCE COTTON AKD IIJfES DUCK, •F(?R SALE BY DE COURSEY, HAMILTON, & EVANS*, No. 33 LETITIA Stfb St- and Ko. 33 South FROST Streiy __ rjiWINE. COTTON TWINE, suitable- Fes, sail-makers, For Sale by • DE COURgEY, HAMILTON, & EVANS, ap22-4f - No. South FRONT Street. COFFIN, & CO., 330 CHESTNUT STREET, ; Have for sale hi' the Package a good assortment of Staple PRINTS, LAWNS, BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, \ ’ COTTONADES, PRINTED LININGS, SIEESIAS, NANKEENS, CORSET JEANS. . ALSO, 6-4 BLACK AND MIXED BROADCLOTHS, ■ UNION CASSIMERES, EXTRA, MEDIUM,'AND LOW QUALITY SATINETS, NEGRO KERSEYS, PLAID LINSEYS, ARMY GOODS, &C. 9 &C. ; ap2l : tuths3m . v stokes, & co., ~ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —No* 18-SOUTH FRONT STREET, Haye for sale a general assortment of - j ■■ ■ ' A, BROT&T': AND yBLRAGRED. OQTTONS^CLOTUS, > CASSI3IERES, AJS T J> SATINETS. AEMY. GOODS: ’DARK'BLUE KERSEYS, • .. i SKY-BLUE KERSEYS, :: 1 DARK BLUE INFANTRY CLOTH, 7* .„>• .GRAY MIXED FLANNELS, * ' BLUE FLANNELS. STANDARD BRILLS, 12-OZ COTTON BUCK, r ,10 -QZ COTTON BUCK, HE AVYPATA PS CO AND TOLEDO TWILLS. ' ap2o-4f , . p II I L A D E LPHIA “BAG” MANUFACTORY, BURLAP BAGS OF ALL SIZES, FOE COEN, OATS, COFFEE, BONE DUST, &c. . SEAMLESS BAGS, Of standard makes, ALL SIZES, for sale cheap, for net cash on delivery. GEO. GRIGG, Nos. »1«> and aal CHURCH Alley. GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT, CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FO* OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OCNCE DUCK. DRILLS; STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. Tor sale by FROTHINGIIAM & WELLS. CLOTHING. Fine Clothing, -Made’np early, for Spring and Summer Sales, new read^, WANAHAKER & BROWN, “OAK HA1.T.1,” S. E. cor. 6th & Market. . DESIRABLE PROPERTY ..fob' •’ INVESTMENT. I»KiICES - SUBBTOADVANCE, IREN'S AND BOYS 1 WEAR; GASSIMERES. NEW DIAGONOLS. NEW MIXTURES. NEW COLORS. NEW 6-4 COATINGS. NEW 6-4 MELTONS. LADIES* CLOAKINGS. BOYS’ CLOTHING READY-MADE. BOYS’ AND MEN’S CLO!PH»IN G MADE TO ORDER, COOPER & OONARD.^ ap4-tf 8, E. corner NINTH AND MARKET Sts. JOHN KELLY, JR, TAILOR, HAS REMOVED FROM 1022 CHESTNUT STREET, EDWARD P. KELLY’S, 14» South THIRD Street, Where he presents to former patrons and the public the advantages of a STOCK OF GOODS, equal if not su perior, to any In the city—the skill and taste of himself and EDWARD.P. KELLY, the two best Tailors of the city—at price's much lower than any other Erst-class esta blishment of apl-tf TSLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, ■U ! At 701 MARKET Street. BLACK CABS. PAKTS.|S.Wr ”At 7W MARKET Street. BLACK C ASS: PAMTB, *6; 80, At 704 MARKET-Siretf. BLACKCASS. PANTS. 55.50.... At 704 MARKET Street... BLACK CASS. PANTB.Ib.SO. At 704 MARKET Street.. GBIGG. ; 4' VAK,aUNi I EN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street GRIGG A VAN GUNTEN’S. No. 704 MARKET Street. GBIGG * VAN GDNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG S VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 701 MARKET Street. GBIGG; & VAN GDNTEN'S, No. 701 MARKET Street, mh22-6m 1 JTEW PUBLICATIONS. Jl4 FASHION PLATES FOR MAY. FRANK LESLIE’S LADY’S MAGAZINE GAZETTE OF FASHION. READY FOR MAY, KEASOKS WHY EVEKY LADY SHOULD TAKE FRANK LESLIE’S LADY’S MAGAZINE AND GAZETTE OF FASHION. Ist. BECAUSE IT IS THE EARLIEST CHRONICLER of the latest Parisian Fashions. ' Bd. IT_ HAS ESTABLISHED AGENTS IN PARIS, London, and Berlin, who forward by every steamer the latest novelties in advance of their publication,in those cities, exclusively for this Magazine. 3d. HAVING THE LARGEST- ENGRAVING EST4.B lishraent-in this country, the Publisher possesses unequalled facilities for lapidly reproducing Fashion Plates for our Magazine. 4:th. THE COLORED STEEL FASHION PLATE IS DOU ble the size of the largest plate published ' in any other magazine. It consequently contains twice the number of models for di esses. sth. THE FORTHCOMING MAY NUMBER OUTRANK • Leslie’s Lady’s Magazine contains 114 Fashion Plates, besides the Colored Steel Pi ate, which is a larger numberthan iB published in all the other . American magazines combined. 6th. THE MAY NUMBER CONTAINS A MAMMOTH Four Page Engraving, of life pictures of twenty seven leaders of fashion of the French Court. ' Tth. BESIDES THE FASHIONS, A LARGE SPACE IS devoted to useful and ornamental Needlework,. Braiding Patterns, Tales, Poetry, Biographies, etc. . Bth. THIS MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED IN ADVANCE of all others, and can be had at all Booksellers and News Agents. 9th. THE MAY NUMBER IS ISSUED IN A BEAUTIFUL ensmelied Cover, printed in colors. PRICE 85 CENTS AT ALL BOOK STORES.! ap22-2td<W YANIT Y FAIR. " R ofthis oßiGiKAL> ' ■‘JTTMOROUS, AND SATIRICAL A TED PAPER, ILLU.ii -± u.. _ ' —ui ha for sale at the Will bo resumed MAY Ist, ana w..- Old Price of . SIX CENTS HER COPY. No advance of price, notwithstanding the still in creased cost of materials, and no abatement in size VANITY FAIR, believing that it is the duty of the patriot to forego every other consideration for the time and to strike at the heart of this Rebellion until it crushed, will lend its humble aid to sus tain v»? eGovernmeEfc lathis necessary work, aud at the same ti»T' e p a y attention to our enemies elsewhere, making thC Paper.m every particular, K . NATIONAL. No. 160, for I®** will be ready for delivery on the 24th April, and oru^‘ r s may be. sfint to any of the New York Newsmen, or direct to this OfHce. BACK NUMBERS and SOUND VOLUMES of VANITY FAIR furnished direct, or through agents. Remember, this ie the only ' _ ' ORIGINAL, HUMOROUS, AND SATIRICAL ILLUS TRATED PAPER •, Published tn America, every Article and «very Illostra tion being prepared expressly for it; Conducted by men who are familiar witli the political history of the country,'whoknow what the public wants, it is not to be wondered at that the political illustrations of VANITY PAIR have surpassed all of our contempora ries in design, effect, and sarcastic humor. Our Engra vings can be found nowhere else. In every respect they arc strictly original, not transfers from Punch or other foreign papers, nor reproductions for the tenth timefrom old blocks, made to do duty under new titles, or, when, original, engraved by unskilful, cheap* workmen; but every one is the creation of a : superior artist for the spe cial number in which it appears, engraved by first-class artists, AND IS NEVER USED-THE SECOND TIME on the Paper. The Paper will be published. every Saturday, aud will be for sale everywhere, one week- preceding its date, at SIX CENTS per copy; but those who wish to sustain it will do so more thoroughly by subscribing, and remit ting us THREE DOLLARS, for which the paper will be sent ore-year, post paid. Two Copies to one address, for.. $5. Oft • Five Copies to one address,’ for All mailed free. POLITICAL CLUBS will lie furnished at $4 per hun dred, they paying: express charges- Orders and sub 1 - scriptione in all cases to be accompanied with the money and ltgible directions for mailing or express. Remittances in Government money preferred; Seal all letters securtly, and address plainly to . LOUJS Hr STEPHENS, Publisher for Proprietors, ap23-2i* . 116 NASSAU Street,-NewYork. ' A STBOKOMY OF THE BIBLE.-BY Gen. O. M. Mitchell. $1.25. RESULTS OF-SLAVERY. By A. Cochin. $1.‘50.‘ MADGY ; or. Night and Morning. $1 25.. : THE IRON FURNACE ; or, Slavery and Secession!- ; A thrilling Work.- st. ' % EYERY-DAY PHILOSOPHY,. in Town and. Country? $1.50. t : ' - GOLD MONEY AND PAPER' MONEYr - 25 cents. I For sale by v WILLIAMS. & ALFRED to ARTIEN, • ap23 GOG CHESTN QT Street. " TVEW BOORS, • ' ' Just received by ■ J. B. LIPPINCOTT &CO , ‘ : -Nos. 715 and 717 MARKET Street. MYSTERIES OP LIFE, DEATH, AND FUTURITY. By Horace Welby. MANUAL OF MINOR. SURGERY. .By Dr. Packard. RCEMER’S HISTORY OF CAVALRY, its Manage ment, &c. . THE FIELD AND GARDEN VEGETABLES OF AMERICA. ByFearingßnrr. STANLEYS HISTORY OF THE JEWISH CHURCH.- HITTELL’S RESOURCES OF CALIFORNIA. CROSBY’S NOTES ON THE NEW TESTAMENT.: . D’AUBIGNE’S HISTORY OF THE-REFORMATION, in the time of Calvin. 2 vols. .4 - ap23 T'BE TAX PAY JBB S^GrDTDE, * - COMPRISING TEE EXCI6E TAX, THE LICENSE TAX, THE STAMP TAX. The Law a-* in Force, with all Amendments and -Decisions, in one Book. THE BEST AND MOST COMPLETE TAX-BOOK YET PUBLISHED. Exhibiting the law as it is now in force, including amendments, with the decisions of. the Commissioner of Internal Eevenne thereon, the whole being combined so as to show the statute law and decisions under one head, so concise and comprehensive as to be easily under stood by the non-professional reader, who, in previous publications, has been compelled to hunt out, amid the verbiage of the statutes and the decisions, the points in which he was interested,, as well as to construe the law for himself. - THE TAX-PAYEES’GUIDE, An Analytic and Comprehensive Digest of the INTERNAL EEVENITE AND EXCISE TAX LAWS OP , THE UNITED STATES, • Being a Concise Compilation of the Acts of Congress and Amendments, as thev are now m force, with all the DECISIONS OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE,. The whole arranged Alphabetically for easy-use and reference by Thompson Westcott, of the Philadelphia Bar. ; PRICE 12 CENTS. Canvassers and Newsmen supplied at a liberal dis count. Copies mailed (post paid) on receipt of tlie price. A. WINCH, Publisher, ap!s-d6t&Wlm 505 CHESTNUT St. Phila. ■nUFODE ON SOAPS. * U LINDSAY & BLAKISTON will shortly publish A MANUAL FOR MAKING ALL KINDS Op SOAPS. By Madam Gacon Dufour. in one volume. RECENTLY PUBLISHED. PEISSE ON THE ART AND MANUFACTURE OF PERFUMERY. Illustrated. - WETHERILL ON THE MANUFACTURE OF VINE GAR. PIGGOT ON COPPER MINING, ORES. &e. OVERMAN’S MINERALOGY, ASSAYING, AND MI NING. ' MORFIT’S CHEMICAL AND * PHARMACEUTICAL MANIPULATIONS. ap22-tf "YTEW BOOKS. ■L' “OCR FATHER’S CARE." “MOTHER’S LAST WORDS.” Two popular Ballads, of rare merit; just published in cheap form for distribution. Price $3 per 100. . Published and for sale by THE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, No. 1133 CHESTNUT Street, ap22 3t , - Philadelphia. WTISS BATEMAN’S CARD PHOTO GRAPHS in the great character -of LEAH, &c. -18 different portions. Price 15 Cents. G. W. PITCHER’S, . ap22-3t . 808 CHESTNUT Street, JJAZARD'S BOOKSTORE, 734 CHEBTNUT STREET, Between Seventh, and Eighth Streets. All Books usually to he had in a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, 'Will always he found oh our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES. r«e-tf TJ EADY— ( THE UNITED AV states Conscription Act, or National Militia Bill, with a copious Index for reference. JAMES W. FOR TUNE, Publisher, 103 CENTRE St., N. Y. Price, five cents. , . . mh2s-lm in CENTS 1 10 CENTS I 10 CENTS! For the Bride and Bridegroom, MR. AND MRS. TOM THUMB, In Bridal Dress, AT THE ORIGINAL GIBT-BOOK EMPORIUM, ‘ 439 CHEBTNUT Street, • mhgQ-tf ■ ■ Opposite the new Post Office. OR CENTS—PHOTOGRAPH AL- from 86 Cents to 25 Dollars 1 The largest as sortment, handsomest styles, and lowest prices in the * Standard and . miscellaneous books, au that can he found in a first-class Bookstore, at low G. G. EVANS’ PUBLICATIONS at the OLD PRICES! . Call In at the ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM. fel7-tf 439 CHESTNUT Street. "VTEW ENGLISH MEDICAL AND JCreNTinC BOOKS just received. ; THUDICUM ON GALL STONES. Octavo, HUTCHINSON’S SYPHILITIC DISEASES ON THE EYE AND EAR. FRASER ON WOUNDS OF THE CHEST. WATERS ON DISEASES OF THE CHEST. SUTTEN’S VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. .TYNDALL ON HEAT, Considered as a mode of Mo tion. NEW AMERICAN BOOKS Received or furnished to order as soon as published by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, - ap!B 35 South SIXTH Street, aboVe Chestnut. & ELY, Manufacturers of PATENT CAST-STEEL T A BLBOUT LE BY COMBDfATIOIf CAMP KMYES, FORKS, AND SPOONS, No. ISO PEG STREET, mh2!-ftnth2in § PHILADELPHIA PHRENOLOGI CAL CABINET AND BOOK STORE.—Examina tions, with written or verbal descriptions of Cha racter,- Social Di.sposition, .Professional Talent, Bueinesß Qualification, &o.; are made day and evening. . All the publications of Fowler & Wells, Wholesale and retail. JOHN Tr. CAPEN, ap7tuths3mif ? 933 CHESTNUT Street TATORGAN, ORB& CO., STEAM stuth3m FOR SALE AND TO LET. 4ft FOB SALE THE SUPERIOR three-story DWELLING, with double three-story back buildings, and all the modern improvements. No. 553 N. SIXTH Street Terms accommodating. ap23 3t* m TO BENT—ONLY SSSO—SPLEN- MaL DID DWELLING, 131 SOUTH NINETEENTH Street. _ i ■ ap23-2t* MARCH STREET.—FOR SALE, A first-class four-strory BRICK DWELLING, having large double three-story back buildings and all modern improvements, south side of ARCH Street, west of NINETEENTH Street. Apply to ap23-3c E. TaYLOR, lit North SIXTH St. Mfor SALE—the handsome RESIDENCE and GROUNDS oa the west side of NINETEENTH Street, about one square above Tioga Station, Germantown Railroad, accessible frequently through the day in fifteen minutes. The lot is 230 feet front, extending from Venango to Atlantic streets, by 200 feet in depth, covered with Shade and Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, and Gai*den in excellent cultivation. The House is three-story, double front, with two-storv back buildings, in good order, and furnished with first-rate heater, gas, hath, hot and cold water, &c., in the hast style, together with brick stable and coach house This i venitnt Country Residence will be sold much below its . its value, and upou accommodating terms, t Apply to JOHN H. WEEKS, ap2l-tuthf*r .S. W. corner FIFTH and NOBLE Sts. !TO RENT—STEAM POWER, WITH, ••A large,-light-rooms, 100 feet by 40, . suitable for a" woolen mill : and smaller Rooms, for manufacturing business, on Chestnut street, near the Schuylkill river ; also, fonr LIME KILNS—an old. established-business . stand. • Apply, from 8 to 10 A. M. and 2 t 0.3 P. M., No. I*lG ARCH Street, of Cwths*] . WM. D. PARRISH. rro LET—A FURNISHED SECONB- J- STORY OFFICE, on THIRD Street, between Chest nut and Market. Address Box 2165 P. O. ap22-2t* WEST PHILAD’A PROPERTY ■ * Parties desirous of investing in this favorite sec tion will receive ample information, by calling oa ? ap22-3t*if S'iOiij/n6S Mf6■ it* TES AMATEUR CONCERT TO BE A : jiven on this (Thursday) evenin'. 23d iuSt., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, is POSTPONED until SATUR DAY EVENING, the 26th last. ap2L2c* -■? 'TUBICAL FUND. HaLL!—GOTTS, jjX-r^ALK. i n a'dt4*l>7’H€ celebrated Piano- Forte Virtuoso, L jj OoTTSCBALK, ' - * York, after an exceedingly Ha> U1 * s to *• . ”cert tour of upwards of one brilliant'' v£ r *"**e in Poiladelpbia hundred n m tne We-t, will. v" * hundred n._ ONE QBAtfJ> l*3 ON FRI 7‘ AT EVES ISO, APRIL 31, - Eminent When lie 4m be the following'p- mment; aU 'lwile. LOUISE gowsmoi Mr GEORGE Tenor Mr. CHißLif' SCHMXT& 'PiolinCeffisc.' Conductor.. -Mr. S. BEEBENS. tickets, SO cent?. Reserved cents eitrtfa'. . Maybe obtained at j, E. Gould’& Mttsic Sfo'i , 6V Seventh, and Chestnut streets. - v . The sale of Reserved Seats will comm.®§ce on Wed-nes - - d&y morning, at 9 o’clock. Poors open at 736. Concert to commence at 8 o’clock. CHESTNUT-STREET tHEA tee. Lessee and Manager. -fife. W. WmsITLBT, The Management takes the prteent early opportunity of reminding the public of Philadelphia that the present engagement now in course of fulfil men* bv the . ■ GREAT TKiGIC ARTiSTE, • - MISS BATEMAN, Is an extremely limited one, and camaot, under any circumstances, be extended. The present week will be her SECOND AND LAST WEEK BUT ONE, . . \. And in view of the * . - SPONTANEOUS ENTKU With which the AND PUBLIC OF PHILADELPHIA - Have greeted her great impersonation of the JEWISH MAIDEN, it will he repeated EVERY NIGHT. THIS WEEK •* On WEDNESDAY Aprii 22,1863, WilLbjs presented an original romantic play in five oy Augustin J. Daly, Esq., entitled _ LB AH, THE FORSAKEN. . . : LEAH, a Jewish Maiden ..........Miss BATEMAN. , Supported by the fall strength of the excellent com pany at this theatre, including an increased corps of auxiliaries', besides a POWERFUL CHORUS. During Miss. BATEMAN’S engagement seats may be secured six days in advance. ■ * J&s?* The performance commences at to S o’clock,and is over every night by half pastten. .. . .-BSr* SPECIAL-ATTEN-TION-is''requested.to r tho- &ct that every exertion has been made in the arrangement of the seats of this Theatre to assure the comfort* of Ks visitors. They have been rearranged and the space be tween greatly widened. •- ap2o-tf 1. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. ▼ * Sole Lessee .....Mrs. M.A. GARRETTSOJT. Businfles Agent .Mr. JOHNT. DONNELLY. FOURTH NIGHT OF MISS CHARLOTTE THOMPSON. THIS (THURSDAY)-EVENING, April. 2:?, LITTLE FA DETTE. Fanchon Vivieux, the Little Cricket. -Miss C. Thompson. Landry 8arbeaud..............Char1es Barron. To conclude with the Popular Comedietta of ‘ " - PERFECTION,' OK THE MAID OF. MUNSTEB. Charles Paragon. .fife. J. L. Barrett. Doors open at 7&: Curtain will rise at 8. /' _ TVTBS: JOHN DREW'SABOH-STREET "J- theater Business Agent and Treasurer ...JOS. D. MTTBPHT. , LAST WEEK OF EDWIN ADAMS.- : TO-NIGHT AND EVEBY NIGHT, The great sensation play of : THE DEAD HEART. THE DEAD-HEART. • Robert Landry Edwin Aiiama, Abbe Latour i .B-arton HiH. Toopet, -with songs ..Frank Drew. Catharine Duva1........ ...Mrs. John Drew. Ceiieette, with a song ...........Mrs. C. Henrie. Friday, Farewell Benefit of EDVTINADASIS, and Ms last night but one. ; On Monday, Mrs. D. P. BOWERS. 4g“ Pricea as usual. Curtain risen at S o’clock. ap234tt PENNSYLVANIA : ACADEMY OF X THE FINE ARTS, • ••• 10»5 CHESTNUT STREET, . THE ACADEMY is now closed to prepare for ANNUAL EXHIBITION, and. will open again on the 27th instant. ap6-tf T AST WEEK OP MR. CHURCH’S NEW PICTURE, ‘ • UNDER NIAGARA." painted from studies made on tie • ‘ Maid of the Mist,’ f is now oa exhibition at Wiiliß P. Hazard’s Bookstore, So. 7»* CHESTNUT St., from 9 A. M. toSP. M. ■ Admission, 3fi cents JOHN McCLURE, mh3l-Im Pnblisher. fVEEMANIA ORCHESTRA—PUBLIC U REBEARSALS OTerv SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 3K o’clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, nisi SENTE, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of Awa lickets $l. To be bad of Andr6 & Co., No. 1104 Cheatnmt street: J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the Hall door. n027-tf HASSLER’S orchestra. NEW OFFICE, JH4 South. EIGHTH Street; below Walnut, delO-flii WANTS, A GOOD BUSINESS MAN, OP MANY years’ experience, a practical Bookkeeper, with, some money, wisheß to associate himself, on or before .July Ist next, with a Partner having a thorough know ledge of.‘Bome safe and lucrative business—a commis sion produce or fruit business preferred—and who can furnish the same amount ofcapital as the advertiser— viz: from $2,500 to $5,000. ' All communications will be held, strictly confidential. Address, with real name. “ Mercator, Press Office. ap23-3fc» WAN TED—A CAPABLE AND EX “ » PERIENCED BUSINESS MAN, to travel on spe cial business. None need applv who cannot give good business referenoe as to:capacity and ability. Apply, in person, at "Room No.' 6, S. W. corner FOURTH and CHESTMJT.od the 23d. and 24th only, between the hours of 9 and 11 A. SI. , • - , ' It* ' WANTED A TOUNU MAN AS *.». CLERK in a Law and Collection Office. Salary *£oo. Address, in band writing of the applicant, with. references, '*H. A.,” Box AO7 P Q. it* A PARTY WITH A CASH OAPI TAL of $15,000 wishes to engage in the ; Grocery,' Gram and Produce Commission, or Manufacturing busi ness. Would prefer a connection where a business is al readyestablished, as an active partner, and where the capital wculd produce a corresponding increase in the business. Address “MERCHANT,” Box 214, Post Office. Unexceptionable reference given and required. ap23-2t* . _ WANTED—A YOUNG BUSrNESS * * MAN. well acquainted with the retail busiuess-r Fancy Goods, Britannia and Silver-plated "Ware pre-' ferred —with from sl,ooo.tos2.QGo capital. to-take an inf terest in and charge of a Retail Store on EIGHTH street Address-*‘M. O, B„” at this office. 1 . ' lt*^ A GENTLEMAN OF MIDDLE AGE; A-*- acquainted with the German, aud a good, corres pondent, Ims a fair Knowledge of the Western States as well as with the principal cities iu the German Proving ces in Europe, proposes to offer hie services to a mercan tile or an imoorting house in this ‘city. Correspondence through the Post Office should be in confidence Satis factory references will be given as regards standing and. reputation in any business capacity. . As a Travelling Agent for parties a small capital will be'invested as'se curity by said person. Direct Box 2cS5, Post Office, 44 G* H. S.» .. .. v .. : ap22-3t* * WANTKD-BY A YOUNG MAN OF *jv. good education, a SITUATION in a lirst-clasa Shipping and Commission Souse , to learn the business, or as an Accountant, in any manufacturing lestablish meat. Unexceptionable reference given. Address, for one week, ‘ * Shipping, ” Press office. ap!B-6t* ; m WANTED—-AT A MODERATE JEis. rent, a neat DWELLING, containing eight or nin«r rocms, with gas and bath, in a respectable'neighbor-, hood, within 20 minutes’ walk of the State House. Ad-' dress, stating terms, “R. F. ,” office of The Press. Capl7-tf. Jgfa DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER; SS&Sa GEN REAL'S OFFICE. —Philadelphia, Feb. B. . 1863. VESSELS WANTED Immediately to carry GOAL to the following points: Tortagas. Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe,Va, Alexandria, Va. \ -*'* Newbern, ».C. Port Royal, S. 0. A. BOYD. Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. STEAM PROPELLERr *“*=*“•*»LlNE FOR HARTFORD.—The steamer. MAKS, Nicbolf, master, iB now loading - for HARTFORD,, at WEBSTER'S, Second Wharf above Market street. For : freight, &c„ apply to W. M-TBATRD & CO., : ap22 2t 13a Sonili DELAWARE Avemie. ' Cgl CARPENTER WORK, REPAIRS, “■ AUe "- N9wßOii % U l^i e,! 6lsbEI.L, i OfflceSd floor, N.'.E.-corner FIFTH aud aplM2t* CHE&TKQT Streets. - WELUAM N. WOOD, . - : Has remoyed from his former residence to No. 44 North; ELEVENTH Street, third house below Arch, vre**’ Bide,. - ■ - ' ■ mh3l-lmif EDWIN A. HUGHES, UN DBBTAKEB,' r 950 South TENTH Street, above Sprue*. folO-Rrrt . 'PhUadelDhi*- TMPORTANT :T0 EVERYBODY.—. To be sold to close up a business -800 tons Egg Coal, at $5.28 per ton. IjOOO “ StOYe ;lt at 53.25 44 1,000 44 Nut - “ at 54.30 , V 4 , „ , _ , . NINTH Street, (West side,) third Coal Yard above .‘Poplar. aplS-lm ATEGKTIES—MANUFACTURED AND ol^,rre!l9 • °©4s SIAKKBT Btreet.