The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 22, 1863, Image 3
fiemi-weekly Revie -v of tike PHlladelplila Aiarkets, The Produce markets continue dull, and the sales are mostly in small lots, piourland wheat, are .with jut change. Corn is firm and higher. Oats are leas active. JJark is in steady detuned at former rates. There is mote doing in coal. Cotton iB very dull, and lower. There is rather more fish, Fruit is unchanged. Iron continttfs very r dull. Naval stores of all kinds have ad-, vanced, There is very llttlo doing in provisions, but prices are.without any material change, Wool—there is iittle or nothing doing. FLOCK.—There is very little demand for Flour, either for shipm’eht or *liume, and the market continues very, dull at previous rates; sales comprise about 3. OIHJ barren *.t $6@6.25 for superfine, $6.50@7 for extras, $7 25©7 7.3 ibr extra family, and sB@S:7sper barrel for fancy brands, according to quality. Tte retailers and bakers nre;buy ing moderately, within.the above range of prices for superfine extras and fancy lots; Rye Flour is in steady demand at $4.75 barrel. Horn ifeal continues dull; Brandwine is.held at $4.50, and Pennsylvania at ? s4 25 •^barrel. GRAIN. demand for Wheat is moderate at former rates: sales comprise about 10,01)0 bushels at $1 00@v.71) for fair to prime Pennsylvania reds, and while at-from $1.7Q@1,91) busnel, the latter for Kentucky. -Rye is dull, with sales of Ptiinsylvania at $l. us@LUof? bushel, and Delaware at $1.02 Corn continues lair.withsaljs of 20,000 bushels at Mel? bushel lor prime yellow, alloat. Oat6—Thevt is less doing, with salesof 18,001) bushelvat Sscf weight, and 6S@5Sc 3 bushel, measure. No cha age in Barley or Malt. PROVISIONS —The market is inactive. There is less demand for Kes« Pork, with sales of 200 bbls at $l4 for old, and $16.51© G bbl for-new : Clty-packed : Mess Beet is worth ®l3@ld. Bacon—Hams are iu.demand ■with sales ofaCObbis and tes at 9©ioc for plain, andlO*£ ®l2o for canvassed. Hides at and Sh.mlders at <>©6Kc. Greeu, Meats—l lie receipts are light, with saias or Pickled Hams at BU@9c, do. in salt at 7Msc; S?dls W- lb cash and Bhoul(lers in 130X08 and casks at s&@s)£c . LARD.;—There is wlth sales of-100 tierces aad barrels, at lbr; kegs, in a small way, at 41*@i20.; 100. packages bonntry, in mlxsd pactages, sold at 10. L 4'c. Butter—There is less demand for Koll, with email tales at-2S@26C: ; aud solid Packed. lG@lBc. Cheese is'quiet at'l3@l4c. ib. Eggs are selling at 18c. $ dozen. METALS; -r“Piglron;cohtsnues dull, with smalfsalo.s of 2Jo. 1 Autliraciic, at S3C; No. 2, at $35; and No. 3, at $32 @33 per.ton, cash. T ! n«re is nothing doing In Scotch Pig : Blooms arapcarce. aLd in deimiud. Manufactured Iron 3s firm, with moderate snics of bars and rails, at $;)0@:)5 for the foimcr.. Le.ia—The stock is light, and ho saie3 Lave come underouv notice. BAKKcometiusibWly, with sales of 30 hlids Ist No. 1 Quercitron, to note, at. $3O ton. 'fanners’ Bark is scarce at sl7@- cord. - . ; n " CANDLES are without change, with small sales Ada* mantine atl9@2lc# lb, and ntllow at lb. - COFFEE is dull; the stock of Rio is very.Ught, with sales of 200 bags at i&@3 c lb for the latter, and Laguay ra at S2@33c ib, cai-h and fonr momli«. COAL. —fht ruaris et is more active, and supplies have increased. Orders are coining in more .freely >froin the /East, and large shipments are matting to toe South for the Government. We quote cargo sties at $3@d.25 con, onboard, at Richmond. f' COTTON. —The market is dull, and prices are lower, • Wvftheales ot 76 bales of Middlings at tif>@6Gcl3 lb, cash. FJSATHfcKSaro but littie’inquired after; sales of good Western at 4g@47c %Ub FISH.-Thedemand for Mackerel is rather better; 60i barrels sold from the wharf on private terms. The store quotations are sl2© 12.50 for Bay Is-; $l4@H 50 for shore do; $S©lO lor Nu. 2; ®5 50@5.75 for medium, and. Jj56,76@7 for Urge 3s. ' Pickled Herring sell at $2 sd@3 60, Ihe latter figure for new ; 9UO barrels sold on private terms. Codlbliare steady at $5.25 the 100 lb. FKUIT.—Thero is less doing in foreiga. Green Apple 3 are scarce, and selLat $2 6u@4, as in .finality. Dried Fruit is much more inquired after; sales of Apples at <s©6c, and unpaied Peaches'at G@ioc $ ib for quarters, and halved. GUANO,is in be'terriquest, and prices looking up; Sales of Peruvian at SXS@IUO ton, 'and Superphosphate of Lime at $42©47.00 , ' HEMP.-.— I Tuere is nothing doing, and little or no stock Jiere in first hands, bu; the market is dull and unset tled; * HOPS meet with a limited inquiry at the recent de* cline. Sales of firet-sort Eastern and ‘Western at 2o‘s!Bc 3P lb. . .. -l LUMBER is more inquirt-d for, as thebnilding season las commenced, bines of Yellow. Fine Sap Boards at $19@21, White Pine at $22@23, and Pickets at $6 60©7.50 SP to. A cargo of Calais Laths sold at sl.-00, and one to arrive at SI.6U-'$M. i ~ MOLaSBiSS.—The market is firmer since oiir last no tice, with sales of 500 hhds Cuba at 40c for clayed, and .Muscovado at4s@46c, on the usual credit ; 541 bbleNew Orleans,' by auction, sold at 40@51cf 1 . gallon. NAVAL bTOKhb have advanced. Bales of common Rosin at $24, and No.-2 at $25 bbl. Spirits Turpen tine is better, but the demand is limited,:at $3.40@3.50 W gallon., . . , OILS.—The demaud for Sperm and Whale continues 3imite-d. Llnsf ed Oil is selling slowly at $l. §0 gallon, Bard Oil meets a limited inquiry at the recsat deciiae- Bales of No. 1 winter at $l, cash. The receipts of Petro leum continue large, aud the demand Air; sales 2,000 Bbla crude at 19@-0, an-. 36@40c f.*r inferior and good free, and 3r@33c for b«'nded, which is an advance. PLASTER.—The demand is less active; sales of soft at $5 25@5 sO r oton. . " R CE.—Ti ere is very little stock here; sales -of Ran goon at 7>4@BKc,cush. -* • SALT.—A tmall importation remains unsold; price i are without change. SEEDS are dull, and the sales of Clover and Timothy Small, at $S@S.j5 lor the former, and $1 70©2 for the lat ter. Flaxseed is taken on arrival at bus, the : latter for reclt-aned. SUGAR is rather better, and about 500 libels, mostly Cu ba, have been sold at on time, aud 109 hhds New Orleiius by auction, atB^@llc^ib. SPIRITS. —There is very little inq airy for either Bran dy or Gin, but they are held firmly N; E.Rum is quiet at 6?®7oc gallon. AVhisby is dull; sales of Pennsyl ■vania and Ohio bbls are making at 46@17, and Drudge & c gallon TaLLOW is but little inquired for; sales of city-ren dered at 11>5@22c. and couutry at 10>jc lb, "WOOL continues very duil, and prices are without change, with small scales oi F.eece at 80@92c lb, cash, for common to fine quality. . ‘ . ■, The following are the receipts of Flour and Sraln at this port to»day • Flour... Wheat. Corn... Oats... Kew York Markets of Yesterday. Ashes are steady at $8.25 for Pots,andsJ@9.l2Kfor pearls. Bkeaustufps.— TLe.niarket for State and Western flour is S@llc tower, 'with only a very limited business for export and the home trade. • Tie sales are 7,sCobbls at Sd@6.3ofor superfine State • $6.7C@8.90 for extra State; s6@6 40 for superfine Michi friii, Indiana, lowa, Ohio, &c.; $6.70@7.11) for extra do T ncluding shipping brands of round-hoop Ohio at $7.10® 7.20, and tradebramlsdo at $7.25@5.25. ‘Southern dull, and s@loc lower, -with sales of ©oObbls at »7(©*v2o for superfine Baltimore, and $7.30® 0.75 tor extra d«.; ' ■ Canadian Flour is heavy, and s@loc lower, with very' , little doing ; sales 450 bbls at $G.76@(3.90f0r common, and $/@8;10foi\good to choice extra. Rye FI ur is innetivc-at $4@5*25 for the range of fine &ud.snperfiue. . Corn Meal is dull. and heavy; we quote Jersey at $4.10; Brandywine $4 05 ; Wheat isHVnlh heavy and nominal,at:sl.B7@1 t 63 for spring and Sl. C6@l. 72 ior winter red and amber Western Rye remains quiet at $1.05@L09 for Jersey and .North liver. Barleyis dull and nominal atJßl.4f)@l.6o. ' Oatsare.steady.atS4@S3cior Jersey, anil Ss®S7>fc for Canada,-VVestern,-and State. >• : Corn is heavy* aud lc lower, with a fair demand at the decline;salesaikCOliLusoels at 87@S9 lor sound Western anixed,.andSo@B6 for unsound do. Hops are dull, with smaH sales at 16®23. - , .Oil-Meal is scarce and steady at $2 30. - Hay.*—There is-a fair busiueas doing, avSs@9o for ahip~' |>ing, and9t@9p fu.-retaiLlots of North rlver. •Canulhs are .dull at 20®2;j,:for adamantine, 40 for plain, and 50 ffir’pateiit t'perra; On. Cakk —We notice sales of 200 tons bbls, at *>27*Cityyin -bags, is *q.ioied at's43, and Western thin oblong at $4O. ••* " • BOSTON MARKETS,'ApriI 20r~rFi,ouR. —The .receipt s since Saturday* have been 3.512bb1s Flour. The ma> , aet for Flour quiet:: We. quote .Western superfine at $8.60®6.75; comuoii extra at. 86.75." and choice brands at $7.25 bbl; medium extra at'>{o, aodchoice extT&Oncluding the best grades ofStl'Louis) at $8@10.50 Southern FJour is scarce and nominal. ' Gitain. —No receipts since Saturday; market still quiet. We'quote ordinmyco good Western mixed at9o@9ou,and Southern and Western ytilow at 95c@$l bu. -Oats steady;-sales of-Westeru. ami.Canada at 8 bn; Prince Edward Island-are.nominal. Rye is quiet at •$1 Bhorts and Fine Feed scarce and dull •at -on, and Middlings at s3l@3sfi ton. . Provisions.—Pork market quiet;.sales of prime at sl3 -0-14; of mess at $16@16 75;' of clear at bbl, cash. Beef i 6 steady, with sales ofEastern ana Western mess and extra mess at sl2.sC(3H4.fioperbbl, cash,' ac ■cording to qualify.. Lard ip.qmet; sales in bbls and tea at lP3f@]lc, and in kegs at T2c lb, cash. Smoked Ham* steady at 9)*.@loc lb, cash' Butter is dull at 22@25c $ 4b for good and *choice, and at lb for common. Cheese continued 13@15c lb lor common to prime. . ’ . LOUISVILLE TOBACCO MARKET, April 18.-Sales to-day only 86 -lihd* as follows: 3ats9j 18at$l0; 21at -tjai; 12at $l2: : 9'iitslS; 10 at $l4; 6at $l5; 3 at $l6; lat slS;‘2 at slli per ICO potinds. , CITY ITEMS. FURTHER DEPRECIATION IN GOLD.— Yesterday-marked another decline in gold, notwith standing which .there was a perceptible impetus ap parent in business circles along all our leading ave arneß. , The* well* known coal yArd of Mr. W, W, Alter, TTinth street, above Poplar, was especially active, the orders at the office having amounted to nearly a thousand. tonß between eight in the morn ing and/Bix in the evening. It is no longer ques tioned by any well-informed y>ersonß that the best placeia‘Philadelphia to buy coal to advantage, is at Alter’s, Ninth street, above Poplar.. Orders may also’bc sent to his office at Sixth and Spring Garden Streets. A MAcsmcßNT -Stock of Clothing.— heard much praiße bestowed upon the great clothing emporium of Messrs. O. Somers & Son, No. J 626 Chestnut street, under Jayne’s Hall, we yester day paid a visit of inspection. Their spring gar ments embrace every variety of style and taste, adapted to the wants'of all. And in addition to Iheir superb assortment of ready-made clothing; Ahey have now also a very rich and extensive stock cf fabrics, of all shades, textures, and designs, for gentlemen to select from, who prefer having Buits jnade up to order. Tbeir trade has set in with un usual activity, and it should be borne in mind also that their prices are allow as the lowesL Fine Confections and Choice Fruits. «~Mr. A. E. Vansaht/s popular Confectionery es tablishment, Ninth; and Qbestnut streets, has been literally besieged with customers during the past lew days, for, their delicious new Spring Confec tions—French Bonbons, French and Americau Sweet Jordan Boasted Almonds—creamed and plain, chocolate preparations, et cetera; also, for Jiislusciouß Bananas, Sweet Havana Oranges, and jotherflne_ Fruits. r . BITTETIS.”—If is yieWom that any medicinal article wins ita way into jßiioh universal iav or with the public in so short a period as f* Bitters.” Like every tother desirabie' article of reaL merit in this line, it can be had at the old grocery stand of G. H. Matt -jion, Arch and Tenth streets. The proprietors have 3ust received a large lot of it, direct, and are pre pared to furnish it to the trade and at retail. Their price for it, at retail/is seventy-jive cents per bottle. Notelties in Bonnets. — Messrs. Wood St Gary, No. 125 Chestnut street, arc now daily opening new atylea of Crape, Silk, Lace, fine Chip, and'fancy Bonnetß, of various kinds; also, Bonnets Sot Travelling. Ladies of taate do not think of (purchasing a fashionable hat without visiting thia famous old establishment. “ The Prize Medal,” is tlie name of 3he best-fitting Shirt of the age. It Is cut by the twell-known cutter, Mr. John F. Taggart, and sold »t the Gentlemen’s Furnishing Store of Mr. George Grant, No. 6io Chestnut street.. .Military Qoods, ofvthe finest descrip lion and In every variety, suitable for the outfit of Army and Navy officers, can be found at Oakford 3c Sons’, under the Continental Hotel. * ■■ ■■ Messrs. Wood & Cary, : 725 Chestnut Btreet, have now open a superior, assortment of pisses and Children’s Hats, of every grade and de scription. Sfktng.Hats for Gentlemen; also, Hats and Caps for Boys, arc now ready at Oakford & Sons 1 , under the Continental Hotel, One of tiie Latest,, and by far tlie most; beautiful accomplishment of the modern. Sewing 3Machlne, i 8 that of executing'the most elaborate and elegant embroidery. No machine will hereafter %ye considered fit for lamily use except it embroiders at well as sews, and no machine but the-Grover &, faker pretends to attain to this perfection.,, It is said, on very good authority, 'some where, we believe, that to return good for evil to your enemy, you “heap coals of fire upon hia head.” 'Tbis may hold good as a rule, but like all good rules jhas its exceptions. Our old enemy, hypocritical and aristocratic England, proves the exception. Our Oriswold:w:e sen) in exchange for their Alabama' Jias the : effect Of, instead of pouring “ hot coals on” their head,” the pouring of “hot shot” on our heads, ai ; is exemplified continually in. our conflicts with our rebellious slaveholders. The time will come, ■we when ;we will give old., England fits. Speaking of fits reminds; us of those elegant ones furnished by the rolothirig 'store of Charles Stokes & Co., ur.der the Continental. The 11k ai. akd Fahcifhl Yankee.— When a caricaturist desires to produce a Northern mao, he sketches a tall) slight) lank*jawed) high* collared, hatchet-faced man, with a long-tailed coat, descending to his heels; striped pantaloons, some inches too short in the leg, but elongated by. stupen dous straps, connecting the individual with a pair of New England Wellingtons, A particularly fuzzy hat completes his attire.- The Yankee of;real life,- upon the other hand, is Quite as good looking, gene* rally, as any other race of men 5 while, in respect to \drees, he is the peer of the moßt elegant gentleman the world can produce. This remark applies par ticularly to those who procure their Buits at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nob. 603 and CO5 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Spring and Summer Clothing—Re- DUCI3D Prices.— Great inducements are offered to those in quest of spring and summer garments,at the mammoth “ one-price” Clothing Emporium of Gran ville Stokee, No. 609 Chestnut street. The, choicest variety of goods have just been received, and will be made to order, for purchasers, at priceß twenty-five per cent, lower than any other establishment in the city. The most expert cutters and workmen are em ployed, and every garment sold is warranted, in fit, fabric, and fashion. Apkii, 21—Evening. ARRIVALS AT TIIE HOTELS, TJP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT, , i Contiuental—Nintltt W L Pierce, Boston Sami S Hersh,York, Pa J Stair,York,ra A GaftmaD.York.Pa • W Stoddard, Alexandria,Ya O N Lun.Chambersburg Miss A C LuJl.Chainbershg' B PBinman, Cincinnati,O ' Mrs Harrison,Englaud W Howland, New Bedford A C Otis fit wf,Maine fit J Haslup, Baltimore Chaa'H. AddickilJ S A A Simon,Ba.timore Mr’& Mrs GriiTith, Cincinnati G Ashman,Massachufetts J C-McGuire, Washington A G Gordnll.New York O E Latbiim &.la,New York J Brown,Logunsport, Pa' P M *ells.Xogansport " Mrs A L jMeIICD & ch, Wash S A Allen, New Jersey E C Fitzhugli.Npw York . J II Pi ice jtla, Wilm;Del W >M Riijf'a'l, Scliylk Hav F Biuhd, Milton. C V Sal or. Trenton ' G W Wobb,Snffolk,Va J M Courtright, New Y'ork E S.Q en Eyck, Albany, N Y Eyck, Albany,N Y : JTPorter, Boston .T W Mohler, Baltimore " G W cbapiii.Rhode.lslftrid M Mcßurnoy, Boston FGHarrick, New York S G Cj?cle, • New York .4. John Hill, New Jersey N G.Hickbon, Maine > John C'WalkenBliaw,N Y' H Yon Keller, New York Wm Lederle, New York John G Witte, New York R W Burnet, Cincinnati • Miss Burnet, Cincinnati Miss Springer, Cincinnati W A Dpuholm, New York J J Cooper, Wheeling, Ya W.Fordieks, Boston Y,’ Faxon; Boston J O Elms/Boston W W Baldwin, Conn J C Yonng, Boston R W Burke, Pittsburg Wm Lincoln, Boston Mrs N Caruth, Boston Miss Cr-rnth, Bcj-toh : Mi>-8 Duff, Boi-ton N M Barker, New Y’ork G M Steiiiman, Lancaster Geo Steinman, Lancaster Mfrjor Benrickfttts & wf, Md SH Mel>in, Illinois Mi’s A K McClure, Peana Miss Keley, Penna ■. . ' A B Mudge. Baltimore \V B Hassinffer,Louisville >. Chau.ber)in. New York- G C Byrne, Ntwjork J T Luck. U bN •: Wis* Taylor, New Haven C M Harkev Lit Holly, N J •; P '1 ilyou. New York OA Seward, New York W BiDunning.Boston Le Grand Lockwood,NY. ii B Fry k Jacy,Phila- Col.l'e Fussy Bobf II How,St Louis J.lf Bmdbury New York W Leoou & wife.N Y Geo W Campbell,New York W Bdlotchinson Mr&Mrs Kingsley, N Ilaveu Giraitl-Chestnnt si J M Pomeroy, US A X Mrs ,T Sanderson, Chicago ‘Miss S Sanderson, Chicago -T A Twining, New York T H Way, New York ; W A OrbUon, Penna >V B Smith, Maine •T O Smith, Maine H Friend, h ew York .1,600 bbli. .6,775 bus. .4,100 bus. 5,800 bus. F a Van Dyke, Jr, N York C H. Shelley, Dist Columbia TBHibbard, Dist Columbia H Ramsey, Burlington C Major, Burlington i)r Sioikton, Burlington S S Fieher, .New York 8 Bachman. New York - v Geo'ge NijrthrOp E A Ward, New York Thos Fitzgerald Thos T Weinnau, Harrisbg Miss T Weiunan. Harrisbg H H Duckworth, New York Nelson Duckworth. NY L Stillman, New York - C J Francis, New York B Fmirh, Jr ; G H SimondsV.New York Thos H Adams. New York ■E H on ard, New York R Jamison, Pittsburg J> bn Sutton,lndiana, Pa W M t'cluack, Somerset Dr Charlton, Harrisburg J R Park, Jr,-Walden, C W J E Martin, Delaware : Mercli ants’ —Fourth Thos J Burchfield.Pittsburg M Koldenheim, Pittsburg .Wm Mann,' Jr, Lewtstown J Thompson, Potters Mills Worley Adams, Ohio • C.F Shepard, Ohio G G Ramsey, Somerton, 0 W H C Coleman, York- 111 Jos E %PBalstoh '& da, Ohio - D Heister,-'Easton Mrs A Beister,- Easton J TThornbenyy Ohio ' Thos McFee, Pennsylvania rT Hogue, Somerton 1 H Park, Youngstown, O- W Mcllwain, Penna J Truesdeii, West-Alex Gen Chas Carter Beaver .Solomon Daily; Indiana ' Oliver Chase, Fall River ;D Stratton, Salem Th os' MeNfc marra. Penna A 1-lostetter,New York Richard Brodhead,Easton W W BlaksJee, Wetherly Danl Bitler.ohio J W-Wright,Clearfield,Pa C Pfeck. New York O Feldmann,New 1 ork J Kiminger, Ohio John Add* n. Boston- Mrs John. Schlangh, Penna! American—Chestnut Street, above Fifth, B F Wills, Baltimore J ABlair, Lewisburg T Morris, paltimore G Deß Mears, Pliiladelphia J SPrettyman& la,Milford JFHollins,Nebraska .7 W Adkins; Newtown, Md D C Waggoner,New. York W H Hanover, Washington Cyrus Pickett, N Haven H Herrington, Felton, Del P N Truckenmills St la, Pa T J Moore, Felton,Del J M*Forsyth,U S Navy Jas‘H Cook,'Felton, Del C Dawes, Easton»Pa N P Luff & ]a,Felton,Del Mrs Roman,Trenton,N J •Miss Mot re, Felton, Del A 1 Whiting, New Orleans •.Mrs-WyattiFelton; Dei.. T E Hopkins,Rochester,NY R N Jenkins, New York E Harvey, Pennsvl vania John Tobin, Philadelphia A H Lndlam, Cape May . Job n Moore, Philadelphia J B Gamble, Jersey Shore R.Collins,Pliiladelphia C W Sepburnj Williamsp J t H Lewis, Philadelphia D Stewart.Pennßylvania ' S Colhns & la, Hazleton,Pa: MrsMeNish" ? Mrs Newonli,Maryland '.: E J Kelly, Kellysville Bliss Neworth,-Maryland . Wm O G-ill,Lancasterco P C Baird, Lee, Mass • W McHelder, Baltimore RDongan C J Richards, Prov, RI Jihn in or Delaware Henry Steele,-Jersey City J L E.lisi-n. Delaware . W S Rodier, New Jersey Jas O’eNile, Delaware H L Ranson,Boston Mrs E K Hooper, Maryland J McNish, Jr, Wilkesbarre Miss F Travers, Maryland W W Berry, Baltimore i .»••• Miss K L-Wailes, Maryland Capt J R Lyons, O S 'Army .Airs Dr Humphreys, Md -. • EM Sumer Sc la, Montrose Miss Humphreys, Maryland M F Shaw, Massachusetts BF Call. Bangor, Me . F R Falconer, New York : P Harper,New York G B Eldred.Montrose ' Jos Sherman,New York A Nichols,Montrose.Pa Jaa.C Wlmlley A Hammond.Montrose, Pa : John O Connor D Libbey, Montrose, Pa • L F Fitch - • I Rogers, Newark > J A Pelton, Lliddletown . St. Z.onls—:Clxesti\ii.t J Rodger's, Burlington J Mcbauiels, New York . ATKoone, New;Jersey •T M Barrows, New Jersey JKerhoek Alibs L Weslerfeld, N Y : Miss’A .Westerfeld, N Y * RDick, Buffalo • J .1 Dovey, Pottsville E V Thompson, Penna Mrs Thompsrn, Penna J E Taylor, New York Dr J Burden, New Jersey A Bateman, New Jersey J N Hunter, Columbus, O F Tuxbury. Boston F .Warner, ; Washington National—Race S T C Yeager, Allentown .; S E Stein, Penna E Burbank, Washington S F Brown, Washington . 0 Baton, Reading RobtC Green J Bousum,-Pittsburg . 1) S Reber, Lebanon ' J 31 Harley, Bucks co , f> h Eiy. 3Xt Joy Ang Lochman, HarrisbiiTg G F CJapp, Lebanon co Adam bice, Lebanon ' Thos Rice,-Lebanon »x-d RfcOHds, Minersville Miss Rhoads, Minersville W Boj key, Berks co ]>aac Plank, Maiden Creek W Nyce, Phainixyille Th.e TJitioii—Arch. si L E Crossinah; Newt’n, Pa B.Pickel & da, New York/ Samuel Lewis, Penna E Young, New York , S Dunford, New York " J W Edwards, New York - L Leonard & wife, Ohio Robevt.Lewry,Newark,N J MrsEJetcber. Massillon, 01 »Jacob Ritchey, Fairview, 0 Sam’l Craig, Cambridge, 0 F li JaeksoD, Ohio - S G England, Salem, Ohio MUs Elder, Franklin co, Pa C W Benjamin/ Newark . Richard llarliey, Paterson John F Brin ton, Lancaster E Connolly, Baltimore . Jos Hedges, Ohio . George 1). Keigel, Ohio Jokhna Motter, Maryland States Union—Sixth and Market streets. Johi Strong, Miftlin co ' RCochran, Cochransville. Jas Henry, Coatesville Henry Dickinson, Lane co Geo AHeaton, Penna - CliasLHenston, Wmsport WWwmer./Peimft R F Barrow, Centre co Robt Campbell, Penna NH Wright, Penna \Vm r PeopJes,rWbBtm dco G W-Blackburn. 'New Paris J L Mulligan,-Princeton J B Robinson, Penna JolinGroven, York. - T H Smiley, fcean’a . W H" Gable, Lancaster J S Demarer, Newport, Pa A Sample, Pmegroye, Pa. GAayiuz, Newport, Pa CMusser, Pinegrove. Pa . WS Head & son, Latvobe • M A Graham, Westm’dco Mrs Forsyth. Newport .7 H Fisher, Penh’a - • Jas Umbler, Lane co David Roth, Marietta, Pa/ J Watson «& wf.Wash’n. Bald Eagle—Tlilrd Si D Reed, Schuylkill co ‘ EN Snyder, Lebighton A Eisenbart, Orefield, Pa J Ortt,Montgomery,Pa: P Brown, Lancaster H L Sultzback; Marietta D Y Urft'er.Pennsburg W, Beaver, Annville Black Bear—Third S' J F BuikhavtV Bernville 8 SeUeman.St Clair J Ben) y, Port Carbon ; H Drumhella, Pertna- MTUyer, Millsburg -/ • •' / J Hersh, Pennsbnrg : ' J Buckman, Yardley ville' | Madison— Second sti X 5 Kelsey,Penna W Kelsey, Pfnna .-; / J W Hees.ey, Delaware H S'Prettyman.Delaware A H Quimby, Wilra/Del J T/F Knowles; Wilm, Del .T Silvers; New Jersey j SiWersNew Jersey S 0 D^u, Deposit,lf Y Coirtnttsrclal-Siitli sti Jesse M 3saker, -W Chester J SiJonef, Clevelsnd, Ohio H .Winter,; Baltimore . Mtsi M ■ Miss C/Etrenger,- Balt' - ■Wn. A Dixon", Chester, Pa M Taylor, Bucks co . . I ind Cliestmtt streets. Mr & Mrs I Van Work, N Y A Yan Work, New York ’ J Tucker, Jr,& wf,Boston Miss G Tucker, Boston G D Parker. Boston Mrs Seymour Mrs Allen H Rogers, New York. Mrs Heath & cli, Mrs Heath, New York John.B Brien,Nashville Jones Hofmayer, Ohio Mr & Mrs Rnmrill, Mass • Mr St Mrs Wilson, Wash Eow G Porter. Boston L D Newell,New Y'ork APGo man. Wash, DC D DE Vivo, Wash, D C L a Wilson; Baltimore. H Wilson, Massachusetts H Mult cen,Boscon E Coxe, Baltimore . JohnCowles, Baltimore J C Wood, Baltimore R D Sparks, New York Co! Wm Phillips.Pittsburg Jas MeAuley, Pittsburg Robt Patrick,Pittsburg Sll Meredith, New. York J Kingsbury, Prov,R I . W R H Tro wb rid ge,YaleCol S Chamberlain, Boston A Mauning & da. New York- Geo Manning, New York O S Manuing. New York J T Falkncr.New York A L Bancroft, California Newton Case, Hartford Chas Mooi*e, Baltimore J Steele & wf, Washington J L Dudley, New York J G Brown, N.Jersey f A Boyd, Maryland B P Jones,-New York R S Lawrence, Hertford R Townsend & son, U S N J.HStotter, New York A G.;Beardsley,Auburn - E T Day, New York l T GColiius, New York G W Hamilton C A Curtis, Boston C A Bryan, Delaware , J A Jordan. Harrisburg A V Stout. New York Everett Clapp, N York. Col J G Barret, Washington C WWelsh, NewYnrk: H Onderdonk,New York - Wm H Onderuouk.Long Id T F Potts. Illinois E B Grubb, Burlington' tfeth Bryaat, Boston J M Steveuv Louisville R Knott, Louisville G A Luce, New York H Cla3 T lon, Tamaqua CFSnoeuer,Tamaqua- T L bill, Tamaqua H S Hagai*, New York R Ten Brook, New York J B Dunham, New York J M McClure, Milford Mrs J Eckert; Reading Miss M Eckert, Reading W CampoeU&la, Lexiugton Rev M Leacock, N O' WLoacock, No Mr&Mrs Barrett, New York JH Diggbe, New York WThomas & la,New York J Q Henry, Boston Mr & Mrs G Rush Dull Capt J Lawless, Delaware street, below Ninth, j EL Mart in, Delaware • Mr and Mrs. Buckiiu, Mass M’ss Buckiiu, Mass ; PrWO; Perkins. Maryland J C Pattersoa, Chicago • Gen Apple bach, Penna -• Miss Johuson, Penna E D Blecklej*, Easton ; Maj b H Bardwell, US A A Dissinger, Elizabethtown • Col & Mrs Bucoanan, USA i S Lantenbaclu New York J H *. Miles, West Chester B F Stevens. New York F B Ayer, Nashua, N H ' JD Berry, Bucks co Mrs L Berry, Bucks co- L D Latimer" Mrs,L Latimer . E Drey,’Baltimore r G R Elliot & la, N Haven r Geo Weatherhead. R Island : H J Hull, New York . E Baker, Pennsylvania J Womer, Pennsylvania. S Pcaslee Latimer A Gensel,: Jefferson City, Mo J.W Wier & J, Harrisburg H H Douglass; Easton • H N a wF, Conn Mrs B HCheny, Conn A S Austin, Connecticut •Mrs J R Jones, Maryland B W Woodward, Kansas street) below Arch.. R M Acton, -New Jersey W H McConkey, Penaa Geo White, Marion, Ind Miss H Hannan, Penna Chas Haite & Ja, Baltimore L W Bendre, Washington Geo S Fox, Yorktown. Va Chas Sp.anglenWork,' Pa ■ - Geo Flack; Chambersbtirg J A Grove, Chambersburg- Wm Boardenhames. Pa R_Derbey T Schuyl Haven WW Wilson, Mi/ttintown Miss B Wilson, Mifttintowa Mits L Wilson, - s MUliinto\vn Jos Patton u Hollid&ysbarg E Ozgood, Boston J W Wiley ,>Trenton.' G W Croft, Shippensburg E J McCuney Penna Jas McHenry, Cambria D L Chapin & son, Ohio ■ R A Neal, Southington P W Stafford; New York' J Holdenj Jr, Marietta, 0 J ABtrong,Forfcßoyal,S C HCBRoeiding, Cincinnati R B Youngmaa.Easton W Armstrong, Ohio ' B L Parsons, Ohio E Rosamond, Ohio H H .Cole man, Kentucky Street, above Third, J G Sanker,'New Berlin W B Simpson. Wheeling,Va J Day, Boston J Kensell, Washington H C McLear, Delaware G F Thompson, Penna , C Heishley, Pt Carbon ; F H Winterstein, Pt Carbon Mrs Hoolsey, New York C H Borch, New. York A B Wymen, Boston F H Eaton, Pittsburg . H M Penn,- U S N L Slider, New York E Kendall, New Vork J May her, New Jersey W H Robinson, Mass it. 9 above Tixircl. Mrs Williams, Scranton Ezra Reist, Lexington Mrs Jones, Scranton Eli Hammer, Orwigsburg : E Wilson, New Berlin Geo Gross, New Berlin W 8 Baum, Troxlersville Roht Paul; New York W G Parvin, New York E Bnrback, Washington’ . J S Brickbill; Washington Jas Schuly, Washington F A Whitaker, Hsizleton C B Fisher, Wilkesbarre Jas McA Corney, Plymouth WR Dunham Sc ht, Penna W Gfiusimev, Sch Raven Mrs Boas, Tamaqua W S Newman, uanton' itreet* above Third* S Wei f, Washington, DC John London, Altoont,;Pa' ; S Joliuson," Jeffersonville JP Chapin, Ohio Mrs'Wilson,-Ma6illon, Ohio Matthias Anderson, Penna.. Wm. Elder & la,. Penoa - Miss Elder, Franklin co, Pa Miss Burk, Franklin co, Pa Geo W Tliompson, Fa Mrs Judge Kelley, Ohio Geo Bpumer, Lancaster Thos Fergus, Peuna P Brabaker, Lancaster co'. " Chas Thomas, Attica, Ind Salem; Ohio James FochL. Pottsville, Pa J C Bockius. Canton, Ohio B Cranage, Ohio: F T Darling, Baltimore J G.Reading, New Jersey. it,) above Callowhlll, D 3 Moss, Lehigh, co ' N Wetherill, Lehigh co W F Donnusky, Allentown W Stem, Penna • A Bchneider, ! Summit Hill J Kehner,Summit Hill D Feltenzer, Easton, Pa it, above Callowhill. Miss M M Spatz, BernviUe G Danner Sc la, Penna /: ; W Harner, Penhsburg'-’-' / C Finney, - 4 V Dickerson,AUleboro-’- H StevenB,FeaBtevville breetj above Market. J ;-E Thompson, Deposit, NY> W McClure, Deposit. N Y : : W-McHenry, Deposit, NY A Potter; New-Jersey Miss L Anable,;New Jersey . W H Norton, UnlonvUle H H Gibhoney, Milroy - C C Stanberger, Lewistown' treety above Chestnut.. Mias M Fredd. Chester,'Pa A Baker, Chester, Pa" v v - ?s : a G ATriple, SafeHarbor' AC Nesbitt, Pt Deposit s D B Meredith, W Chester vf D V Crosby, Pottstown 1 •“ SPECIAL NOTICES. BV THE BARD OJ» TOWER HALL. Yes! April, like a mairio . fair. Is changing every hour; • Sometimes she has a cheerful air, , Sometimes she weepß a shower. • Her smile can r carcel, warm my heart, Before it d-sappears; Ohl must a soon depart. And merge itself in tears ? Our life is like an April day, , Uncertain at the best; One moment all is bright and gay, * And rapture fills the breast;. But chilling gales.begin to rise*; A gloom pervadts tho air, - , A murky cloud o’erspreada the skies, And earthno.moro looks fair. ’ Like April’s evanescent smile, - .■ Life’s sunshiho glides away; - Beaming a moment to.beguile, . Enclianting to betray. • But. they who come to Bennett's Mart; Spring Clotliing to procure, Are not beguiled ere they’depart, : But find their comfort sure. ; ffOur assortment of seasonable Ready-made Clothing is tlie j largest and . most complete in Philadelphia—our . prices much below present market rates, TOWER HALL, 518 MARKET Street, It : ' r: • - . ; BENNETT & CO.. Jayne’s Hair Tonic Promote tli e 0 row th of the Hair, Remove the Schrf and Dandruff, Give the Hair,a Glossy Appcarauce, Prevent Baldness, Cure Diseases of'-the Scalp,. Reclotho Bald Heads with New Hair, Prevent Premature Gray ness, And being tastefully put up, in hew style glass-stop- pored bottles, aud delightfully perfumed, .is adapted to the toilet-table, and will afford general satisfaction to all who give it a trial. Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & BON, No. 343 CHESTNUT Street.; ap22-2fc Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment has been used by more than a million of people, and all praise it. .; / .' Steinway & Son’s Square, ri fiTT.f 'Upright, and Grind .PIANOS.M I acknowledged the most perfect instruments, in Eu rope as well, as: in‘this country. They'were award-, ed, in the last seven years, twenty-six first premi nms, over the best makers in this- and in addition thereto tlie first prize medal at the Great Inter- ; national Exhibition in London, last summer. All the leading artists of this country, and some of them even-in Europe, use them-in their. Concerts. YVarerooma at BLASIUS BROS., 1006 CHESTNUT Street. r V'ap2'thstaim : A Beautiful .Complexion -Can be ob tained by the nso of HELMBOLU’S EXTRACT BAR : SAPARILLA. March, April, May, and June, are the beb» months to use a Blood-Purifying remedy. See adver tisement. - v' fe27-fmw3m Batchelor’s Hair Dye I . THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair In the least; : remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and Invigorates the hair for life.' GRAY, RED, or- RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a iplendid Black or Brown, leaving the hair sofc and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, &c. : KSP“ The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A BATCHE LOB, on the four sides of each box. Th FACTORY* N0..81 BARCLAY Street, i (Late 233 Broadway and 18 Bond street.) my23-ly "v r New York. One-Pricis Clothing, of the Latest TTLE3, made in fcb e Best Manner, expressly for. RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi •fares. All Goods madeto Order warranted satisfactory. Onr One-Pride Ststem is strictly adhered to. All art hereby treated alike. " dol2-ly .TONES & CO.. 604- MARKET Street MARRIED. ELKIN —CALVERT. —On Wednesday. (4th month*) April 15, 1863, at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. Dr. P. D Gurley,. Abram Elkin, .Tr., to Miss Lucv Victoria, youngest daughter of Hon. Charles and Grace Calvert, all of Washington city. .WHITESIDE—WHITESIDE —On the 17thia«tantyby the Rev. Daniel Gaston-Captain Henry Whiteside, Com pany A, SSvh Regiment P. V., to Miss Mary Jane White side. of Philadelphia, APEL—SCHIMPF.—On Tuesday the 7th instaut, by the . Rev. Edward C Donnelly, of St. Augnstine’s, Mr. Ferny Apel, of-Milford, Del., to Miss Mary Schimpf,. eldes-t daughter of Jolm Schimpf, Esq.., of this city. [No cards.], '■ \ - • - • * X3XSX>. EAKlNS.—Suddenly, on the2otb inst, Ellen, daugh ter of James and Ellen Eakins, in the 12th year of h°r are. ■ - * HARVEY.—On the ISth instant, Elmira Harvey, wife of William Harvey, and daughter of Mr, Whamshir. aged 24 yeai*s. : J * McCARTER-—On the 19ih instant, of typhoid fever, Joseph, son of William and Anne McCarter, in the 4fch year of hie agei * O’BRIaN.—On the 20th instants Thomas of John and Ellen o’Briau, in the 27th year of his sfge. * ■ TV/rOUBNING GOODS AT REDUCED iU prices. - ' 7 ; Black Balzorines, 15 cents. Do. Bareges, 22, 25, and 31% cents.' Do. Crape M»retz, 3lKcents:" ‘" ' T< '"'‘ - •'-ODo.-'TairiaTtiries, 37% cents. : ; - '■ Do. Balzoribe Barages, 25 cents-. Do:'Plaid Bareges. 25 cents- 1 r Do.-Neat Check cents. Do- Barege Hemani: 69 cents; > . Do. Silk Challies,-62% cents. / Do. AU-woolTamise,sl.2s; ■ Do. Monsselines, 44 cents.- ; - . Do. ‘ do. double width, 57% cents* - Do. Bombazines, #l.* • Do. French Corded Organdies. 25 cents. . Black-and-White Mozambiques,. 1S& cents. Do. , .wide Mozambiques, 37% cents* •- ; Do. • Silks; $1; Do. Silk-and-Wool Valencias, 56%cents. ; - Do. " - Paris cents. Do. Monsselines, .37% cents. . Do. Chintzes and Lawns, IS% cents. Gray-figured Lawns, JSst£cents.. Gray-mixed wide Glace Mohairs, 50 cents. Steel-mixed wide Paris Poplins, 87%-cents. And ail other Goods, at the lowest market prices. - >• •BESSON & SON.-Monming Store, ap22-6t No. 918 CHBSTNUT Street. "PINE CHECK SILKS,/#!, #1.12|, #1.25, A and $1.50 per yard. , Black-and-white,,Brown-aod-White,JLilae, Green, and Blue, select Colors plain Prult de Soies. EYRE & LANDELL, ap2l FOURTH and ARCH. T IGHT CLOTHS, FOR LADIES’ Spring Mantles. Light Mixed'Middlesex. French and English Cloths. . ' ap2l EYRE & LANDELL. VBLOTJTINES AND MODE AL 7 * PACAS. Veloutines, Silk Cbaia. • Alpacas, Fashionable Colors. a.p2l > ' EYRE &.LANDELL. A GREAT NATIONAL CELEBRA TION.—At a meeting of the Board of Directors of THE UNION-LEAGUE: of Philadelphia, held- March'26, 1663, the following resolutions, presented by Mr. CHAS. GIBBONS, were unanimously adopted RESOLVED. 1. That the League will celebrate the approaching an niversary of American Independence by appropriate ceremonies, at the Hall of Independence. . 2. That all the Union Leagues and Associations in the. United States he invited to participate"in fehe celebrationy and that they berequested to send deputakionsfroiu their respective bodies fbT that purpose. ; 3- That it be recommended that the deputies be autho rised to represent their. respective/ constituents in any action that .may be. deemed necessary andexpedient to perfect the • organization of the friends of the American Union and Government throughout the United States. . 4. That the /Committee of Correspondence be autho rized to prepare a circular letter, communicating these resolutions to the. Union .Leagues andloyalcltizens of the' respective States, and to adopt such measures as may be necessary to carry them into effect. WM. M. MEREDITH, President. GEO. S. BOKER; Secretary. ' V r apLlm OFFICE OP THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANS—No. 3XO WAL NUT Street Philadelphia. April 21st; 186). NOTICE is hereby given, that a ;SPECIAL MEETING of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Company will be. held at this office, on THURSDAY, May 21st 1863, at 12 o’clock M.. to consider the propriety of accepting the provisions of the supplement to their charter,:approved April 14, -1563. and authorizing the Board of Directors to increase the Capital Stock of the Company.' . . ap22-dtmy2l* ; , :■ A, dL. CRAWFORD, SeoY. REV. J. lIYATT SMITH WILL tpeak at‘ the: Twentietft-ward Union Reading Rooms, corner of ELEVENTH ttreet and GIRARD Ave nue. on THURSDAY EVENING, April 23,'at 8 o'clock. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited. An extremely inte resting an d patriotic address is expected. .. . ap22-2fc* THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of tlie GREEN MOUNTAIN COAL COMPANY ;will be held in Philadelphia, on the second TUESDAY of May next, ffce 12th proximo, atl2o’clock, in Room No. 3L in the MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE.- . - apil-swtmylg* / WILLIAM S.; GREEN, Secretary.. LECTURES ON BOTANY. THE Eighth Annual Course will reopen on WEDNES DAY, April 22d, at 5-o’clock,-in the Scientlftc and Olassi-* cal Institute, CHESTNUT Streeti/N.W. corner of Twelfth street (fntrodnetory,free),'hy ‘ r ap!6-6t •- , , . ■ - . , J. ENNIS, Principal. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA R.AIL ROAD COMPANY, PHJLAPKhPiiiA, April 15, ISB3. - The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FOUR PER CENT. ou the Capital- Stoclr of the Company, clear of State and National taxes, payable on and after May 15,1863. . Powers of Attorney for Collections of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company, No. $238 South THIRD Street. ; mhls-tjel , THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. NORTHERN LIBERTIES AND township railroad company, Philadelphia, April 7th, 1863. -, : v r A meeting of the Stockholders of this Company wiR he. held f t thebfflce of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail road Company, No. ? $252 T SOUTH FOURTH Street,-oh MONDAY, the 4tli day of May next, at 10 o’clock A. M.» at which time an d place an election of Officers' will ,be [apB-dtM43 .A. A. KONIGMACHER, Sec’y. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQ,UEHAN-; RAILROAD COMPANY, Office Y 27 South FOURTH Street— Philadelphia... Apnl 3,1863.—The an nual meeting of the Stockholders of this company and an election for -President six hlanagers wilL take place at the office of.the company, on MONDAY, the 4th day of May next, at 12 o’clock M. H :ap3 : tmy4: ~ . ‘ Secretary. ■bsa. OFFICE OP TIIE SURGEON-AR TIST TO THE ARMY AHO HAVr. PHiI.AEiiL PHIA, October 24, 1862. - Wounded Soldiers - and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of .the'National Appropriation for supplying. Artificial’Limbs, should'apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the-Government, No/ 1609 CHESTNUT Street. : B. FRaNK PALMER, ja9-6m .v- ,f , r ' Government Surgeon-Artist. NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE DELA- AND RARITAN CANAL and the CAM DEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTA TION COMPANIES, - - r . Pkixoeton (N. J.),- March 31,1863.. i of. the above. Companies is now prepared: lo PAY THE BONDS due at Princeton,-August 1, 1863, being tlie five per cent. Converted SterlingX'oan; ‘The also the last coupon; ; will-be paid on pre-- sentation to WILLIAM H. GATZMER, Philadelphia; or to. Cap3-lmj „ RICHARD STOCKTON. Treasurer. THE ANNUAL MEET ING OF THE RI&BLOOMSBURG IRON COMPANY will be held at the Company’s Office, Irondale, Pa . on:.WEDNESDAY; May 20, 1863,. for, the purpose of electing nine Directors to serve.tho ensuing year, and for the. trausactidh of other- ' ‘ WM. ES. BAKER. Treasurer, / j ap2o-30t*; - . . No. at 3 North WATER Street.- WKSP*" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEY that the Commissioners named in anact entitled ‘ * * An act’ to, incorporate the Connecting Railway Com pany,” approved April 14, 1863, will meet for the purpose of Receiving; Subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the said Company, on MONDAY, tho llth day of May, 1863, at 10 o’clock'A. M., at No. 4t WILLING’S Alloy, in the city-of Philadelphia.) . .. ••■ Clement B. Barclay,, John A. Wilson, Oliver WV;BaTnes,v R. D. Barclay, * Edmund Smith; • J; ,C. Sharploss, S. B. Kingston, Jr. i ' Isaac V. El well, •. . ■ Joseph Lesley, • Harmer. ap2o-tmyll GOLD, SILVER* AND; DEMAND W^NOTES’WANTED/' DREXEL k CO., apLVlm 31 South. THIRD Streot. THE I>BBSS.-PniLADKLPHIA. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22. 1863. TAGG & 880. OPEN FROM AUO TIOK this morning— ' I case high colors plaid Mozambiques, 40c. 1 flo do plaid Valencia*. 50c. 1 do Lisle Thread black and white Poplins, 40c. 1 do Barege Auglais, 12&C.' 1 do black and white deXaines, 25c. Also, 10 carton Paris colored silk dress Gimps, 80 and 50c per Piece of 12yards: 1,000 Linen Coil-rs. plain and milled, ,0 and 6c;socanons white ai d colored Collate RulUing, 20 and 38c per piece of 6 yards; 50 dozen ladies’ tnuivoa .and ruffled Chemise Yokes, 25 and 38c;1 lot blue Grena dine Veils,-75c; 30dozen all-colors spring style Mohair -Belts, 15c; 25,gross white Piquet Buttons, 2c per dozen; llot. 2>£ yards lone, white , wrapper Girdles, 10c; very heavy scarlet silk Girdles,-75c; worsted-Shutter Ties, 6c perpair; GOdozen children’* fancy Leather Balts, Cc; l lot colored guilt Morocco, Belts,-15c.* Also, otlinr lots at half regular prices. ' v ,v TaGG& BRO;, . a.p22-2t*. - ' .Corner TENTH and PINE, THE PARIS CLOAK AND MAN STORIJ, Northeast comer of EIGHTH, and WALWUT, liaye opened with a LARGE STOCKiOP SPRING GOODS,. ' MOST FASHIONABLE MAKE,-/ and respectfully ask the early attention of ladies wishing to purchase. nLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. IVENS & CO., No. 33 South NINTH Street, have now on hand an extensive assortment of '• SPRING STYLES, ; , ; , ' of the finest qualities, at the LOWEST PRICES. . . . ‘ ‘ Ladies, do not fail to give us a call; - 'ROYS’, MISSES’; AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, CLOAKS, W, in endless variety, AT LOW,-PRICES: . No 131 South EIGHTH Street, Three doors above Walnut. Ti/TUSUNS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Z_ .r Wgoffer a large stock of Shirting, Pillow, and bbeeting Wutfl}ns r -ia every width, both bleached and URDuacnea, at the. very lowest prices they can how be Doußnt. As it . seems to be a growing--impression that Muslins-will very shortly;be much higher, we advise our triends to avail themselves of our-present reduced prices to purchase their supplies. - H. D. & AV. H. PENNELL.- ; 1031 MARKET Street;: T)RRSS GOODS AT .REDUCED PRICES, from the lecent Auction Sales. Black and .Whit# Plaid Alpacas at 37c, worth 50, .' ■ ' : Choice Colored Alpacas at 60c, worth 62c. Plaid Mozambiques 15 to K)c: Plain Mozamniques 16 to 60c.- Plaid Poil Be Chevres, all colors, at6oc. N*w Styles Figured, All-Wool Delaines at 50c.' Light Chal.ii Delaines at 25c. " 4-4 French Chintzesat 31&c. Jaconet Lawns at 123tfc. Black and White Organdies at 25c. - ' , . . - - H. STEEL & SON, '• . Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. 17DWIN BALL & CO.. 26 S. SECOND will open TMs Morning the following lots of GOODS at a great reduction from the prices at which they have been selling; ' ; Glossy Check Silks, at $1;. - Paicy Silks of various styles; Superior qnality Summer-Poplins, sl.l2>£; One lot of Fine Mode Alpacas, 37H: One lotof Figured All-wool Delaines, 37*.; : One lot of Neat-figured Challies, 37>j*; ’ One lotof Black and Mode Delaines; - - Three lots of Fine Organdies; With'many other additional lots of Goods at VERT REDUCED PRICES. _ apl6 “A 1 RETAIIj -” JAMES R. CAMPBELL & CO., OFFER AT MODERATE PRICES IN THEIR RETAIL DEPARTMENT, Black and Fmoy Silks, Linen Shootings and Shirt- Black ana Colored Alpa- ings, ! _ caa > „ Damasks, '"Napkins, and Poplins Fantasis,. . Doylies, , . . Taffeta d’Annessey, Table Cloths and Towel trench Lawns and Organ- ingß, Counterpanes and -.dies, - ./ Furniture Dimities. French . Chintzes and. Per- WHITE GOODS. _cales, . . . Jaconets, and Cambrics, Brilliants and Piques, Soft Cambrics and Naln- Spring Shawls, new color- sooks,. - ■ x ' . „ . Tarletons and Swiss Mull 3, clack Thibet and Merino Fancy Muslins and Dimities, . Shawls, L. C. Handkerchiafe. Square a-nfl Long Shawls. Gloves.,Hosiery,a And a general assortment of DRY GOODS in desirable styles and qualities. ' ' mh6-2m At prices!generally below present cost ; of Slmpor > : :; - tatioc, WHITE GOODS, all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES, ' do LI tfEIT HANDKERCHIEFS, do VEILS, &c.-, &c. And respectfully incites an inspection of his etock. CHARPLESS BROTHERS k-' L Offer by the package, at the Lowest rates of this f-eason. Pacific 1200 and 1400 Lawns, Manchester Spring De-Laines, ' Pacific - . do. Prints, Do.. -do. DeLaines. CJHABPLESS BROTHERS. . Mode-colored Silks, Foulards, . Chocked Silks, India-Silks, : Mantle Silke, Black Figures, Bareges, Challies. Imperatrice, Poplins, Organdies, Chintzes, Zephyr and Barege Sba-wls. CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets, TjTCURED BLACK STLKS, $1.25.- - 1 - FIGURED CORDED BLACK SILKS. TVo-faced Figured Black Silks; 5 Striped Moire Arraure - Blffck-Silks’. r ' PLAIW : BXIACK SILKS, to $2.60, >• Wide Black Silks for Mantles. , Choice Colors of Plain Silks. 500 MALTESE COLLARS, 25 to 62&c.: / . These Collars are worth double - the money. ‘ Paris Printed Bareges; 37>ip., froni last season. ’-'V- Printed Silk Tissues, 62Kc T <:iromlastseason. * Handsome Spring Balmorals, ■-a- .\ ‘ ' . . n. STEEL * sox Noa. 713 and TIN North TENTH Street, pi OTHS, CASSIMERBS, AND TEST INGS. . Cassimeres for. Boys. Casssimeres for Young Gents. v. Cassimeres for suits. : • Cassimeres for everybody. - Cassimeres,' mixed and plain. \> ; * Cassimeres. striped and plaid. Cassimeres, Black and Brown, ; At : •JOHN H. STOKES’ apfl ■■ ■ ■ ■■•• ■ ■■■ . 70% ARCH Street. SPRING CLOAKS. HEW CLOAKS, NEW CLOTHS, SPRING SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS. • Cloaks ready made or order. Large.stock of Cloths to select from. Ladies’; Cloakings at the right prices. * l . NEW: CASSIMERES. c. - ’ . ...-. Boys’ Cassimeres, - . - -The new. colors.: Gents’Fanev Mixtures, . : 6-4 Coatings. : - ; Boys’Clothing ready made or made to order. > • Large stock Cassimeres to select from. Fine Black Cloths and Cassimeres. WILLIAMSVILLES, . ... WAMSUTTAS, . Wide. Sheetinjrs, Flannels, Linens, Towels. Muslins and-Woolens at-WHO [iESALE. COOPER & CON ARB, aps S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. TV/TARSEILLES quilts and linen ATX : GOODS AT LOW PRICES.—The subscribers re spectfully invite the attention of buyers to their. present complete stock of HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS, comprising a large assortment of very choice Marseilles' Quilts, in all sizes; Counterpanes, Blankets, Dimities, Furniture' Chintzes, arid aU descriptions of the. best makes of Shirting,. Sheeting, andvPillow Case Linens. Table Linens, Table Cloths, Napkins,' Towels, Towel ings, and of Linen Goods generally, imported at much, less than the present prices. • SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, * apll 1008 CHESTNUT Street. QEORGE A. MILLER & CO., MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WINDOW AND HOLDOW G-LASS WARE, Special attention given to the wants of the City Trade. ap2l-lm JOE ! ICE’!! ICE! !! We are prepared to furnish a good article of TO DEALERS AND OTHERS, ON FAIR TERMS. Serving rates for 1863: 75 cents per weok. ' 90 ■' ““ ' .105 “ .120 :v* ' Prom 40 to 100. lbs. at 75 cents per hundred; 100 lhs. and over, 70 cents per hundred,. S lbs. daily. CHAS. S. CARPENTER & CO.; N. E. corner FRANKLIN and WILLOW STREETS. C.' S, Carpenter.' J. Giendenixg. J. M.Truman, Jr. . ap22wfmt6t*: ; : .... TAMES EOCLIS, MACHINIST AND V ENGINEER. 1331 BEACH : Street. Manufactured Shafting and Mill-gearing, Lift and Force-Pumps, on the most approved principles. Heavy and light Planing and Turning executed with despatch. > • ap22,3m* 1)Y BABBITT & CO., AUCTIONEEES, ■AJ No. 5430 M ARKET corner bflJahk' street.—* NOTICEITO CITY AND-COUNTRY MERCHANTS.— Great'Catalogue Sale of 8,000,-GARMBNTS, comprising every variety, of .desirable Spring and Summer Clothing, in Jots to suit'tlie trade,THlS MORNING,'ApriI 22d, at 10 o’clock/ Catalogue now .ready. >Alsoi included in* catalogue, 0 cases Clothing on account -of underwriters. It* ■■ BARRITT &■ CO.,- Auctioneers.. TJEIMEB’S IVO BY TYPES ABE At a great;artistic success; observation reveals rare beauty of coloring, simplicity of style aod fine finish, and natural arrangement of-light and color.- SECOND Street,;, above Green. - ~ - ap22-4tj| nOBOBED PHOTOGBAPHS FOB §l, V; such as REIMER .only makes,' give:;ehtire'satisfac tioii to those who purchase,’ and elicit’admiration of all/ SECOND.Street, above Green.. , ap22-4t•*' 1 POBTEAITS OF FINE STYLE AND ‘ A perfection of likeness, are nowmade at REIMER’S, at reduced prices. ’ Life-size Photographs in Oil Colors,'. Secure one at SECOND Street, above Green. . ap*2 , 2«4fr;: v : onft DOZ. CANS FRESH PEACHES, OUv goO doz. cans Cranberry Sauce, Oysters, Pears, Apple Sauce, Adams County Peaches, ■ Cherries, and Blackberries. Tor sal* by JAS . w ' CAMPBELL. ‘ ■' No HD Soutli \VA CER Street. A LBUM PHOTOGRAPHS, EITHER J\- : full' figure or vignette, .made : by LAUGHLIN, TWELFTH and MARKET Streets, are unequalled. FOUR, for $l. :■ ' ■■■■■■" TAUGHLIN’S ALBUM PHOTO- X-J GRAPHS are not surpassed in tlie city. TWELFTH and MARKET Streets. . ,• > ■ ■ rnAGUEBREOTYPES COPIED INTO large-siie PHOTOGR VPHS better then at jnv othfr place, for *l. LATJGHLIN; TWELFTH and MARKET Strceis. ; apM-et* MACKE EEL, HERRING, -SHAD, *"X'*c..&oV ' '* 2,600 BtlsMass. Woe. 1,8, and 8 Mackerel,laW*inikl fat ash, ic assorted packages; i". ■_ J 3,000 Bblii New Raatport, Fortune B&r> and HaUM. Herring. ■ ■■■-. *; 1 2,600 Boxes Lnbee, Bc&led.andNo. 1 Herring. \ 160 Bbla. new Mese Shad. i 260 Boxes Herkimer County Cheese* fte. ' 1 In .tote and tor «al« by MURPHY M KOON& UU-U Me. 146 North WHAJtVI*. retail DRY GOODS. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, 1084 CHESTNUT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALE 1084 CHESTNUT STREET. 506 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN D B TJ G S EASTERN ICE, DRV-GOODS JOBBERS. J)RILLINGS AND! DUCK. SCO BALES STANDARD DRILLS, 70,re0 YARDS TWILLED COTTON DUCK. 8-0 Z PER YARD. " FOR SALE BY . ; WALN.LEAMtNG. &00.,- i - ' No. 30 South FRONT Street. ap2o-3t No. ru LETITIA Sweet. QOODS FROM AUCTION. Now opening, fromrecenfc I LAKGE AUCTION SALES. A great variety of NEW FAITCY DRESS GOODS, Bought at a HEAVY REDUCTION IN PRICES, And which will be fold to City and.'Conntry Dealers AT A SMALL ADYANCE. M. L.' ITAIjLO WELL & GO., apl4- )2t No. 615 CHESTNUT STREET." ; JJAWSQN, BRANSON, & CO;, : N. W. CORNER MARKET AND FIFTH ST3., (601 Market Street,) JOBBERS OF ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN DRESS FABRICS, SHAWLS, &c. IVainvite the attention of the RETAIL TRADE to onr well-assorted stock of FOREIGN DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS, which we will Bell at the yery lowest market price. We. par especial attention to the large Auction' Sales, andvßuyors can find Goods in our Store, at much lees than.cost of Importation; and as cheap as they can be found anywhere. : ’• : • v ■ - T. R.[Dawson. J. G. Bomoardner, , O. Branson. aplS-36t •-' ’. COMMISSION HOUSES, Q.l’ NT O N F L ANN ELS, Heavy and Medium. ,i MEGKO KERSEYS, ; Plain and Twilled. LIN.BETS, "*«! . White Rock, Westerly, &c/, &e. | BROWN DRILLS, On'handi and for sal© by SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, ap32-12t -lIS CHESTNUT STREET. ■- J)|U C K . 8,10, AND 12 OUNCE COTTON AND LINEN DITCK, FOR SALE BY DE COURSEY, HAMILTON, & EVANS, No. .33 LETITIA. Street, and * -No. 33 South FRONT Street. J;WINI COTTON TWINE. \ SUITABLE FOR SAIL-MAKERS, For Sale by BE COURSEY, HAMILTON, & EVANS, No. 33-South FRONT Street. COFFIN, & CO., ■ 880 CHESTNUT STREET, Have for sale by the Package a good assortment of Staple PRINTS, LAWNS, BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS,. , : . .COTTONADES,-PRINTED LININGS, SILESIA S, NANKEENS, CORSET JEANS. : ‘ 0-1 BLACK AND MIXED BROADCLOTHS, UNION CASSIMERES, EXTRA, MEDIUM,. AND LOW. QUALITY SATINETS, NEGRO KERSEYS, PLAID LINSEYS, . ■ ARMY GOODS, &C., &C. ap2l-tf- - . STOKES, & 00., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nd. ;! 18 SOUTH FRONT STREET, Have for 6 ale. a general assortment of BROWNAND BLEACHED COTTONS, CLOTHS , CASSIMERES, AND SATINETS. AHMY GOODS: DARK BLUE KERSEYS, > SKY-BLUE KERSEYS, DARK BLUE INFANTRY CLOTH, • , • GRAY MIXED FLANNELS, ; - ‘ v blue flannels. STANDARD DRILLS, .. | COTTON DUCK, COTTON DUCK, HEAVYBATAPSCO AND TOLEDO TWILLS. ,ap2o-4t t •- r •*. - ■ - 75,000 YAEDS S-OUNCE COTTON DUCK, FOR SALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, & GO., ap3K!t - : ‘ 380 CHESTNUT, Street PHILADELPHIA “BAG” MANUFACTORY. BURLAP BAGS' OF ALL SIZES, FOB CORN, OATS, COFFEE, BONE DUST, &0. ' j- ■■ . a ALSO, . SEAMLESS BAGS, Of standard makes, ALL SIZES, for sale cheap, fornet cash on delivery. :geo. grigg, apls-3m Nos. 319 and 3581 CHURCH Alley. . GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKI-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK.- DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVXLINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. ■ se2-if tf ", „ V-V BLINDS AND SHADES. ij'S AND I SHADES. JJLI'N-Df B . J ... -WJ.L J.J.AJW- ..... ir d 16 NORTH’SIXTH STREET, MANUFACTURER OF VENETIAN BLINDS WINDOW SHADES. MS- The Largest andVinestAssortinent.ih the city, at the Lowest Prices., Blinds Painted and Trimmed equal to new. "Store Shades Made arid. ap6-2m EMOV A L - GEOBGE W. VENETIAN BLIND MATJFAOTUKER, Has REMOVED from 13G North SECOND Street, to B. J. WILLIAMS’, NO. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET G. W ZIMMERMAN solicits a continuance of favors at No. 1G North SIXTH Streot, where will be foun the Largest and Best Assortment of VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES /; In the city, at the LOWEST PRICES. 49* Store Shadeß Made and Lettered. Jobbing Promptly attended to. ap6-2mif HTHE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED X against negotiating or receiving a Check of the Cam den and Amboy Railroad .Company, No. 314, for Thirty Dollars, and a Check of the Delaware and Raritan Canal Company, No. 261, for Ten Dollars, both on the Farmers’ and Mechanics’Bank of Philadelphia, in favor of Mary Humphreys, and dated Jan. 21,1863. Also,a Check of Daniel Thackara, on .the r Gloucester County Bank, State of New Jersey* dated thelßth inst., for Four Hundred and Eight Dollars, payable to the order of tne undersigned, but not endorsed—-the aforesaid checks havingbeen lost and payment of the same* having bten stopped. ap2o-St* . J. HUMPHREYS McILVAIN. WILLIAM H. YEATON & 00., So. »01 South FRONT'Stroets Agents for the sale of the • ORIGINAL HEIBSIECK & GO. CHAMPAGNE, Offer that desirable Wine ,to the trade. ' Also. 1,000 cases fine and medium grades BORDEAUX CLARETS. 100 eases. “Brandenberg-Freres” COGNAC BRANDY* Vintage 1848,‘bottledin France. 60 eases fineetTnscan Oil, in flasks; 2 dozen. In case. 60 totals finest quality Monongahela Whisky. 60 totals-Jersey Apple Brandy. 60,000 Havana Cigars, extra fine. - Moet A Chandon Grand Vin Imperial, Champagne.- Together with a fine assortment of Madeira, Sherry, Portf&o. fe24-lr QCHEDULE OF PRICES AGREED UPON BY THE ICE'DEALERS of- Philadelphia, to take effecton. MONDAY, April 27*. 1863:* , , . : 81bs. pei’day........porwook. \% “ ** 90*; 16 .......i..;.....:i05 “ . ; 20" “ ' 11 120-** Customers taking from 40 "to 100 lbs.., at the rate.of 75 cts. per lOOlbs; .. lOOlha. and upwards; 70 eta.-per hundred.. ap2l-Im » T ABGE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS !$1; AJ duplicates fifty, cents, LA.UGHLIN, TWELFTH and Market Struts. ZIMMERMAN, “or*«i SMd” watches and jewelry. "WORD ABOUT AMERICAN WATCHES. AFTER A THOROUGH TRIAL OF MORE THAN TEN YEARS, the time-pieces manufactured by the Americau Watch Company, of Waltham, Mass., have sained a firm , hold upon the favor of the public, and now, no less than 75,000 of thorn are speaking for themselves in the pockets' of the people. From a very insignificant beginning the business has increased to an extent exceeding our most sanguine anticipations; .and we- are* now - ustified in Btatingthat WE‘MAKE MORE THAN ONE-HALF of all the watches sold in the United States. Repeated enlarge ment of oar factory buildings, and thelaborof 500 opera tives, still; find us. unequal to supply the constantly in creasing demand; : And we - may here,observe that not withstanding the high price of labor and materials, we actually sell onr products at less prices than those current five years ago. ; .’V \ ■ We refer to these facts only for the pnrpose ofproparly introducing another subject relative to our manufacture of watches. Hitherto our chief object lias'been to make . O’ood- watches for the million at the lowest possible price - —something to take' the place of the make-believe watches called “Ancros,” ‘4fcepmes, ‘English, Patent .Levers,” &c., annually . thrown upon this-market, in. countless nnmbere,;by European..workshops—-watches which are: the refuse of their factories,'unsaleable at home and per-' fectly worthless everywhere. ; v . ' This object wb have accomplished, and now.wehave to announce, lhat we have commenced the manufacture of watches of tho very HIGHEST GRADE KNOWN TO CnRONOMETRY, unequalled by anything hitherto madeby ourselves and unsurpassed by anything made in the world,; >For this purpose we have the amplest facilities. We have erected an.addition to onr main-buildings expressly for-this, branch of our business, and liave filled it with the best workmen in onr service. " Profiting by, our long expe rience, we have remodelled the form of our watches, in troducing such-improvements as have been suggested and proved to be good from time to time, and have instituted new and severe tests of isochionism, adjustment, and compensation. New machines and appliances have been cohstructed, which perform their workwith consummate delicacy and exactitude, and the choicest and most ap proved materials only are‘used. Nothing, in fact, is* wanting either in mechanical principles, material, or workmanship to insure perfection in the result. We. continue, to manufacture onr other well-known qualities undtr the following names :: . . i , ‘' APPLETON, TRACY & CO. ” “P. S. BARTLETT, ” And tie “Soldier’s W&tch.”- “WM. ELLERY.” The latter, the lowest; priced watch, we make, is a sub stantial, reliable time-piece, cased .in sterling .silver hunting pattern, and is; Hot liable to get out of order either in marching, riding, or fighting. :AU the above described watches including the which is named “AMERICAN WATCH COMPANI” on : the plate, are sold by watch dealers generally throughout the country. ROISBINS & APPLETON, , Agents for the ' : - AMERICAN'WATCH COMPANY, ; 182 BROADWAY, N. Y. ap3-fjnwl3t* REMOVAL.. The OFFICE of the AMERICAN WATCII COMPANY has been REM IYED from 712 CHESTNUT Street to. S. E. Cor. EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Sts., where'will be found a more extensive assortment than heretofore kept in this city, including all styles of GOLD •and SILVER CASES, for ' LADIES AND. GENTLEMEN.; ! The attention of the Trade is solicited^ I. B MARTEE, AGENT. NEW PUBLICATIONS. VERY CURIOUS ROOK. PUBLISHED THIS DAT,- "MYSTERIES LIFE, DEATH, AND FUTURITY. ; . By Horace: Welby, > ' Author, of “Predictions. Realized, 1 ’ “Signs Before Death,” etc. CONTENTS. Tlie Grucifixion ftf our Lord The End of the World. Man after Death. ; . Life and Time. Nature of the Soul. Spiritual Life._ Mental Operations. ; The Intermediate State Belief and tk'-pticism. The Great Resurrection I Prfcmauirelntermenh Recognition oi (he Blessed *Thenomena of Death. Che Day of Judgment Sin and Punishment. ; The Future State, Etc. One Vol.'l2mo, Cloth,, handsomely printed, -with an emblematic frontispiece. PRICE $l5O. It is difficult to give any adequate idea of the varied and curious topics of which this eminently interesting, volume treats. It is a valuable array of the best thoughts, impressions, and beliefs of the most distinguished mind 3 on the phenomena of Life, Death, and Futurily; it is such' a commonplace book as some thoughtful divine mighthave compiled, and in its thousand and one re-: ferences to the works and opinions of our best and freat est writers is not inferior, as an interesting literary curi osity* to the famous “inatomy of Melancholy. ” It is indeed astonishing what a mass of curious facts, anec dotes, personal traits of character, and notable opinions are brought together in its pages; and with trhat pecu liar and fascinating interest the editor has invested his -themes. JAMES G. GREGORY, Publisher, No. 46 WALKEK Street, ' • '' '• - New York. 1 YUPOOIi ON SOAPS. LINDS AY & BL AKISTON will shortly publish A MANUAL FOR: MAKING ALL KINDS OF SOAPS. By Madam Gacon Dufour, in one volume. -RECENTLY PUBLISHED. PEISSE ON TBE ART AND MANUFACTURE OF PERFUMERY. Illustrated. - . ■WETHERILL ON THE MANUFACTURE OF VINE PIGGOT ON COPPER MINING, ORES, &c. OVERMANS MINERALOGY, ASSAYING, AND MI NING.^ MORTIT'S CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL MANIPULATIONS. ■ - y ap22'tf BOOKS. XV “OUR.FATHER’S CARE;” ' ' ' ' - ‘‘MOTHER’S LAST WORDS. ” - ■.** Two popular Ballads, of rare merit ? just published in cheap form for distribution. Price $3 per 10U. Published and for sale by • : THE AMERICAN SUND AY-SCHOOL UNION. No. 1X23 CHESTNUT Street, : Philadelphia. "V/riSS BATEMAN’S CARD PHOTO GJtAPHS ra the great character .of LB IH, &c. 13 different poiitions. Price 15 Cents. G. W. PITCHER’S, 808 CHESTNUT Street; , ffiap22-3t v \TB¥ BOOKS, Just received by j. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO , Nos. Tl 5 and TIT MARKET Street MYSTERIES OF LIFE,' DEATH, AND FUTURITY. 5y Horace Welby. MANUEL OF MINOR SURGERY. By Dr. Packard ROEMER’S HISTORY OF CAVALRY, its Manage - lent, Ac. ° THE FIELD AND GARDEN VEGETABLES OP kMERIOA. '.By Fearing Barr, .Tr. STANLEY’S HISTORY OF THE JEWISH CHURCH HITTELL*StBBSOURCBR OF CALIFORNIA. • V CROSBY’S NOTES ON THE NEW TESTAMENT ' D-’AUBIGNE’S HISTORY OP THE 'REFORMATION,'' a the time of Calvin. 2 vols. THE GENTLE SCEPTIO/vßy Chancellor Walworth " REDFIELD’S HAND-BOOK OF U; S. TAX LAWS I J. STUART MILL ON LIBERTY. ’ . ap22-tf *£%§ FOUR NEW -BOOKS. C A R L ETON PUBLISHES THIS DAY: ' TJ. S. Tax haw;— 4 ‘ GOVERNMENT EDITION ”as ) amended at the late Congress. Embodying the Govern ment Income Taxes and Stamp Duties; Tariffs; List of Assessors; Decisions, - and information of every-kind >■ Prepared upon a new. andimproved plan by E.H Hall, Washington,, D. C. One elegant 12mo, cloth bound, price 75 cents; or paper covers, 50 cents. The best and cheapest edition m the market. . Copyright secured. V s Be sure to order Carleton’s * ‘Government Edition ” The Ih’lsoiiier .of State —By. D. A. Mahony, of lowa. Abook for the people. One large 12mo, cloth bound, price $1.25. ; Wanderings of a Beauty.—A Story of Three Loves By Mrs. Edwin James. A romantic and spicy: work, that will irresistibly attract a large portion of the novel-reading With steel frontispiece. Cloth bound, $1; paper covers, 75 cents. .... IV. . ■ Imlu.— A capital new Novel, by Manse T. Walworth, of One large 12mo, cloth bound, price $1.25. IN PRESS: And wilLheready, in a few days—l. MY SOUTHERN FRIENDS, by the author of V Among: the Pines ” 11. VINCENZO, anew novel by the author of “Doctor Antonio.” lIL EXPERIENCES IN MY LIFE, by Hum'e, the celebrated Spiritualist, with an Introduction by Judge Edmonds. . - These books are sold by all booksellers, and Will be sent by, mail, free, on receipt ofprice, bv . a. nr - CARLETON, Publisher, New York, ap4-s&w No. &13 ffroadway, corner LISPfNARD St. 9ft CENTS TO $45. GET THE BEST* AT THE LOWEST PRICES! PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, . CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, and The LARGEST STOCK, BEST ASSO KTMENTL LOWEST PRICES TO BE FOUND IN THECITT. “ Our. Albums are selected as to STYLE, FINISH, CO- ’ LOR, and DORABILITYV .Our prices are lor ' Albums bolding 100 pictures, from $4.00 to $15.00 ' * “ “ SO “ “ 3.60t0 12.00 60 “ “ .3.00 to 10.00 50 ' " r • ‘ ; 2.00 to 10.00 :: v: 40 “ , “ 1,75t0 S.OO jo ; “ ” " ”” 'Sito i.eo CAM) PHOTOGRAPHS of distinguished persons; by • ths best artists in the.coun'try, comprising a full assort-, ment under the following heads: Army, Music, Di vines, Statesmen, Foreign Celebrities, Navy, Drama, Ar-. tists, Literature, Work of Art. *' Call and get one of our List of Pictures. .any Card Photograph' published in the United States sent by mail oh receipt of 15 cents. Frames .for Card-Pictures,- a beautifalassortment, at prices from 5 cents to so. : ■ '' u - L y J ~ ' ’ G. •W. PITCHER S . New Book-Store, No. 808 CHESTNUT Street, <a few doors below-the Continental Boteh just above EIGHTH ap2Q-3tlf 8C8! HEMEMBER THE NUMBER. -808! ||AZABD’S BOOKSTORE, Ta 4 CHESTNUT STREET, Between Seventh and Eighth Street,. All Books usually to be had in A FIRST-GLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES. fe6-tf . . pEADY—(OFFICIAL;, THE UNITED -IV states Conscription Act, or : National Militlalßill, with a copious- Index for reference. , JAMES W. FOR TUNE, Publisher, 103 CENTRES*., N.T. Price, five cents; . • ~mh2s-lm SMB D L E Y’ SY A T LAS OF , PHILADELPHIA, From the official, recorded Burveys of the City. In. twenty-five Sections or Maps, showing the size of blocks, widtlr.of streets, location oLbuildings, churches, parks, railroads, cemeteries. &c. ;I Exhibiting ou-a large.scale GERMANTOWN, ;WEST PHILADELPHIA, FBANK FORP, and the; entire city. Printed' on heayy a rafting paper and handsomely bound. A work of groat value at the present time, to capitalists and! those: seeking real estate investments. -Price, ft2o. . By SAMUEL L. BMEDLEY, OJty.Snrywor. Distiict, corner Lancaster avenne and Thirty-fifth street, where copies may be of 0()TT & No. 715 MARKET Street. mh27-lm in CENTS ! 10 GENTS 1 10 CENTS I •1U For the Bride and Bridegroom, MB. A2JD MRS. TOM THUMB, • In Bridal Dress* • : AT THE ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM, Ai I** valv «. 439 CHESTfITTT Street, Opposite the new Post Office. 9K CENTS. —PHOTOGRAPH AI»- OJ BUMS from 35 Cents to 25 Dollars 1 The largest as sortment. handsomest styles* and lowest prices in the ''Standard and miscellaneous books, ail that can be found in a first-class Bookstore* at low ra jJI of G. O. EVANS’ PUBLICATIONS at the OLD PRICES! Call in at the ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM, fe!7 tf : *3O CHESTNUT Street. XfEW ENGLIBH MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS just received. TBUDICUM ON GALL STONES: Octavo, HUTCHINSON’S SYPHILITIC DISEASES ON THE EYE AND EAB. FRASER ON WOUNDS OF THE CHEST. WATERS ON DISEASES OF THE CHEST, SUTTEN’S VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. , TYNDALL ON HEAT, Considered' as a mode of Mo -10“‘ ' ‘ NEW AMERICAN BOOKS * . ■ ~ Received or furnished to order as soon as published or LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, apis »5 South SIXTH Street, aboye Cheatabt, NEW YORK AUCTION SALES. JOHN H. AUSTEN, AUCTIONEER. AUCTION NOTICE. HADDEN & GO. WILL SELL, AT THEIR STOKE, No, 340 BROADWAY, • NEW YORK, ON THURSDAY, APRIL 23, AT ELEVEN O’CLOCK:.' ON A CREDIT OF FOUR MONTHS. 300 PACKAGES OF BRITISH LINENS AND WOOLENS, Of their own importation, as follows 350 CASES OF LINEN GOODS, CONSISTING OF- 4-4 SPANISH LINENS. 4-4 WHITE LINENS, 4-4 SPANISH UNIONS, TABLE DAMASKS. ,4-4 UNION HOLLANDS. DAMASK AND SPOT CLOTHS, Ac.. Ac. AND 150 PACKAGES OF BRITISH WOOLENS, CON- SIBTING OF 6 4 PLAIN MELTONS, 6-4 FANCY MELTONS, 3-4 MELTONS, - And a Heavy line'of 6-4 BLACK UNION CLOTHS. The attention of the trade is particularly, called to this gale, as comprising only regular and well-known goods. ai>2o 4t CIRCURATING LIBRARIES. W. : BRGTHBRHEAD'S CIROULA .• TING -LIBRARY. —All the NEW. English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This istLe ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW: ENGLIbH BOOKS. that are not RE PRINTED here. ' c * • < Terms . $5 per year ; six l months $3? three months %1.60 ; one month, 75 cents, or 3 cents per day, £lB South EIGHTH Street. mh7-3m FOR SAI.E AND TO LET. TO LET—A FURNISHED SECOND ■A STORY OF PICE, on THIBD Street, between Chest nut and Market. ; Address Box 2165 P. O. up 23-21*. WEST PHILAD’A PROPERTY— Parties desirous of investing in this favorite sec tion will receive ample information, by calling on ‘ - : . E. R. JONES, ap22-3t*if No. 309 South SIXTH Street. TO RENT-STEAM POWER, WITH . large, light rooms, 100 feet by 40, suitable fona woolen mill: and smaller Rooms, for manufacturing business,-on Chestnut street, near the Schuylkill river ; also,'four LIME KILNS—an old established business stand. • • - • ApDly, from 8 to 10 A M. and 2 to 3 P. M. , No 14r16 ARCH Street, of Cwths*3 WM, D. PARRISH. T7QR SALE—A EINE LOT OF GROUND on ARCH Street, near NINETEENTH, 25 by 2SB to CHERRY Street E. T. COXE, No. GIT SPR fNG GARDEN Street. ° """ ■ ■ • }t* $21)00 T 0 $3,000 TO LOAN ON first Mortgage in the city. Also, a num ber of Ground Rents for sale. Apply to : ap22-tf - ; . R. PETTIT, 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE, CHEAP—CHESTER -JUCO.UNTY FARM, contaitiinglB3 acres, convenient to railroad; nicely watered. Good substantial improve ments, two Apple Orchards, &c. Price onlv ppr acre Immediate possession; - E. PETTIT " ap22-tf r ; , ■/ 309 WAL NUT Street. ■ £& FOB. SALE—DELAWARE FARM, -*«—called “HOPYARD;” 183 acres; good fencing* well watered. Situate near-Newark, on White Clay creek' U miles below "Wilmington. Excellent improvements and laige, surrounded with a-beautiful lawn; hand somely laid out and shaded; running water in the kitchen and bath-room; fine fruih, &c. . ' " E. PETTIT, 300 WALNUT Street.; M GOODWILL AND FIXTURES FOR SALE, Store to let. No. 1113 MARKET, near Farmers’.Market. . . . . , -ap22-4t*- FO R SALE—A FARM OF 38 -Jkl ACRES, beautifully situated; good improvements; nine miles from Philadelphia, near a station on Readme Railroadv., .Apply 580 COMMERCE Street. ap22-4t* ' i© FOR SALE—SEVERAL DESIR A.- EPa BLE RESIDENCES, ;very pleasantly situated in West Philadelphia. .Also,”desirable Lots, situated on all the main streets. Apply to ROBERT MACGREGOR, corner of THIRTY-SEVENTa and LOCUST Streets, or at No. 233 South THIRD Street. ap22 M FOR SALE CHEAP, OB LET AT A LOW RENT—a pleasantly situated three-story brick dwelling, carriage-house, &c. f a few minutes' walk from Parkesburg Railroad Depot, Chester Countv, PennA FuiThef information can be had on application to COWELL & SON, CHESTNUT and SEVENTH Street, or DAVID J. BENT, Parkesburg.. ap22- wm3t* MTO RENT —ELEGANT RESI DENCE, Roxborough 5 , with Stable, and acres of land.- E. T. COXE.No.Gty SPRING GARDEN St. 5* MFOR SALE—a NEW FOUR STORY . RESIDENCE, on . ARCH -Street, above Twentieth-Apply to WM. ROSSELL ALLEN, S • E corner FOURTH and . W ALNUT, second floor. ap2l-3t* «FOR SALE- THE HANDSOME three-story DWELLING, No. 805" North EIGHTH Street, above Brown. Apply to WMROSSELL ALLEN. S. .E. corner FOURTH and .WALNUT, second floor. ap2l-3t* : : M for sale, very low—four three-story DWELLINGS,- on MASTER Street, above Eleventh.- Apply to WM.ROSSELL ALLEN,'S E corner FOURTH and WALNUT, second floor. ap2l-3t* MTO RENT—THE THIRD AND ' F f O< ? RS OF-: WAREHOUSE, So.' 336 ohURCH Alley, having separate entrance, with Hoist ing Machine, Ac, i. . rv. ap‘2l-2t* A FOR SALE, OR WOULD BE EX -i- CHANGED FOR. CITY PROPERTY, A DESIRA BLE SMALL' FARM, situate in New Britain Township, Bucks county. Pa., three miles from Doylestown. ana one-and a half from...Ne,w Britain Station, on the Doylestown Railroad, containing 65 acres, six of which is woodland, and five meadow, divided into convenient fields, well watered, goodbuilding, fruit, Ac. Ino Hire afr3P4r'North SIXTH Street. Philadelphia. mh7-2m* M TO LET—A CO'MMODIOUS DWELLING, 80. 133 North FRONT Street. Kent moderate. Apply to WETHERILL it 880., 0c27-tf ■ . 47 and 49 NorthigECOND Street. COP ART N KItSHIFS. THE COPARTNERSHIP OF STEW ST- -AKT, CAFiSOIV. & CO., having expired this day, Mr. WM. H. STEWART retires from the house. The remaining partners will continue the old business under the style and firm of GEORGE C. CARSON St CO • WILLIAM 11. STEWART. GEORGE C. CARSON, .. , CHARLES NEWBOLA Philadelphia, April 6th, 1863,. ap9-12t* THE SUBSCRIBERS WILL CONTI oId si D n E d,§o e #^ G A^!ffi t .“ heretofcre ' - WM, ELLIS & CO., Druggists, Jal-tf . 734: MARKET Street. MIIITAKT GOODS; QOVERNMENT GOODS. Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Flannels. Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, & CO., No. 330 CHESTNUT STREET. mh.24-3m Q W. SIMONS <ft BROTHER, SANSOM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. . MANUFACTURERS OP JEWELRY, FINE SWORDS, ■ ASH MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY. Jftia-lfßm (IRPHANS’ COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE.—In , pursuance of an order.of tlie Or phans’ Court of Delaware, county, will he sold on the premises, on THURSDAY, the 7th day of May, ISS3, the' ioUowing described property, belonging to the estate,,<ir_ Chester plank road, half a; mile: north, of Springfield Friends*meeting house, aboutTO miles West from Phila delphia 2 }4 east trom Media, the county seat of Delaware county, and 2 miles from Clifton station, on- the Phila delphia and West Chester direct railroad in a good neighborhood* convenient to schools, churches, mills, &c. The improvements consist of a substantial stone dwell ing; two and a half stories high, with portico in front; it contains-7 rooms: three on the first floor, with hall and kitchen back; also an outer kitchen with- pump in the same; a substantial modern built barn, 65 by 48 feet, with stabling for 30 cows and 6 horses; with large ;over shoot and wagon-house attached,stone spring house,two si ories high, over a never-failing spring of excellent water, about 30 yards from the dwelling. There is a young ap ple orchard of fruit, in thrifty bearing, and a variety of other choice fruit trees On the pi*emises.. Tnere are'about 20 acres of wood-la nd, the balance farm-; ing land, unoer good cultivation, iB: divided by good fencing, into convenient fields, well watered by never failing springs and running streams.: The above-de scribed property is worthy the attention of farmers and persons desiring a pleasant home of easy access with the Persons wishing further information may call on Pe ter H. Bill, residing near the premises, the un designed, at his residence, 543 Worth SEVEN rHbtreet, Philadelphia. . , , ■ ___ • .... Sale to commence atl o’clock, P. M.,,when conditions Will be made known by »WJI. H. VOGDEa. , ap22w&s4t* - - Trustee to make sale. MARSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE JMs of a Writ of Sale by the Honorable JOHN CAD WALADER, Judge of the District Court of the Halted States in and for, the;Eastern District of PennsvlyMii*. in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, fa tjjg highest and' best bidder,..for, at So.. »19 ARCH Street, On MOWD AY, May 4th,. 1863, at 11' o’clock A About 250 packages hardware i and : miscellaneous ar ticles, among which are 122 dozen Tshovels and spades; 4 cases axes; 14 do. hoes; 6 casks hatchets, 2,d0. . socket spades; boxes shot, bar, block; and ingot tin; pig lead, cable iron, 1 fine and table- cutlery, saddlers’, hard ware, spurs and military articles, rasps and files, ma* mathematical instruments; machinery; Paris,curb,:and otherobains hand and other saws; horse brushes, cast steel, iron wire, iron, wire cloth, and other articles in hardware. Also, 7, and implements. - 7 ’ do miscellaneous implements for engravers. ' . 6 do carding machinery. ' 5 do double-barrel guns, and stocks. 20 do sabres. • 2 do revolvers. 1 do swords. r ■ • 2 do 1 cask china ware. : WILLIAM MILLWARD, United States Marshal s. D. of Pennsylvania. Phtladelphta, April 20. 1863. : ap2l-6t gTRAWBERRY WINE,. EQUAL TO MALMSEY MADEIRA, " Just received. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, - DEALER IN PINE GROCERIES, : : fe*- HORNER ELEVENTH and TINE Street.. n RAVE STONES, GRATE STONES, VT AND MONUMENTS, AT REDUCED PRIGE&-A large assortment of Italian Grave;Stones, of various de signs; offered at reduced prices, at Marble Work)*, of A. BTEINMETZ, RIDGE Avenue, below Eleventh atreefc. -> mh3o-3m , .ffoCK.—B, 10, AND 12-OUNCE COT- TON and-LINEN-DUCK, for ca\e by DE COURSEY, HAMILTON. Sc EVANS. avtel-tf 33 LETITIA Street, and South PRO NT St rpWINE—COTTON TWINE, SUITA- A BLE for Sailmakers, fo-' sft]eby , DE COURSEY, HAMILTON. * EVANS, apgl-bf ■ ' Soath PRO NT Street . XECKTIES—MAN UFACTURED AND for Bale to ft* Trails, by QOLDTHQRP& CO., apgldt- o*s MARKET Street. AMUSEMENTS. (CONCERT HALL, „ ■ chestnut STREET,'ABOVE TWELFTH. Most positively for Fights Night only, commencing FRIDAY, April 24th. £ irst appearance in six years • e«* orld-renowned FAMILY 'OF TWELVE W MIi RINGERS - : n^, a U N n 270 SILVER BELLS. wma P X P “Lverti;fd. lat ° Iy ret ™ d Admission 25 cents Reserved seats 25 cents entra-' «« at J ' K «H Children admitted to the Matinee for 10 cents Doorsopen ; at 7 and 2; to commence at 8 and 3 o’clock a PZ 2-4t ' &C. CHASE BwAils, £ Sf' jyjUSICAL FUND HALL!—GOTTS CAEI>.—,nie celebrated Piano Forte Virtuoso _ L. M. GUTTSCHALK, Having returned'to'*New York, after an exceedingly brilliant and prosperous Concert tour of upwards of ona hundred nights in the We- t. will eivein Pniladelohia ONE GRAND CONCERT, _ FRIPAT FjVEMNG, APRIL U, 1863, artists- assi the following eminent Mdlle. LOUISE ViyrEß. Soprano. Mr GEORGE SIMPSON, Tenor, n -j 1 Mr. CHARLES SCHMITZ ViolLncellisfr. ......;.vMr. S. BEHRENS. Tickets, »0 cents.- Reserved seats, 25 cents extra. & obtained at ,J. E. Gould’s Music Store, Seventh and Chestnut ftreets. The sale of Reserved Seats will commence on Wednes dav moniing; atfl o’clock. Doors open at 7,*£. Concert to commence at 8 o'clock. CHESTNUT-STREET THEA- L ?““ e “ n| i Manager. Mr. W. WHEATLBY. lanagement takes the present early opportunity 2;£^? ,nd,, l s tne P al of Philadelphia that the present engagement now in course of fulfilmen* by the GREAT TR \GIC ARTiSTE, T f * , : MISS BATEMAN", * Jfrc'SnefaSfb’eextended 116 ' and ' caunot > “ d “ The will beW - . " SECOND AND LAST WEEK BUT ONE, : And in view of the l f Withwhioh S t P h? I ’' TA ? EOXJS . E!,TH -^ M "PKESS AND PUBLIC:OP PHILADELPHIA Mi!DE^ifwn e i r hfre^™ P d erfiol,tt,io “ of t!l8 JBWIBH . - EVERT JSiGHT THIS WEEK On WEDNESDAY-EVENING, April 22,1363, Will be presented an original romantic play in five acta’ by Augustin J. Daly, Esq., entitled ' _ _ . LEAH, THE FORSAKEN. LEAH, a Jewish Maiden................Mi5s BATEMAN. pan yat this tneaire, including aniQcreasedcdrpsr'of auxiliaries, besides a POWERFUL CHORUS. During-Miss BATEMAN’S, engagement seats may be secured stx days in advance. The performance commences at to 8 Is over every Dight by half past ten.- SPECIAL ATTENTION is requested to' the fact c “at -has been inade ln~the arrangement-- or the seats of this Theatre to assure the comfort of its visitors.v They have been rearranged and the space he tween greatly widened/ ap2Q-tf j A/TRS. JOHN DREW’S AROH-STREET THEATER / Business Agent and Treasurer JOS. D.KURPHT LAST WEEK OF EDWIN ADAMS. TO-NIGHT AND EVERYNrGHT, ' ; The great sensation play of ' THE DEAD HEART. THE DEAD HEART. Robert Landry Ed win Adams. Abbe Latojir... Barton HIIL Toupet, with 50ng5.......... ....Frank Drew. Catharine Duval .Mrs John Drew Cerisette, with a song..;... v~;:..Mrs. C. Hearie. Friday,.Farewell Benefit of EDWIN ADAMS, aud his ■last mghtbut one: On Monday, Mrs. D. P. BOWERS. ' Prices as usual. Cnnain rises at 8 o’clock ap2^2t WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. ■*T Sole Le55ee.......... -Mrs. M, A GARRETTSOBf Business Agent....... Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY A GLORIOUS 7 RIUMPH. . THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, April 22. LITTLE FADETTE. - Fanchon Vivicux, the Little Cricket.. Miss C. Thompson Landry • BaibeaudCharles Barron To conclude with the Pooular Comedietta of PERFECTION, OR THE-MAID OF MUNSTER Charles Paragon Mr. J. L. Barrett. Doors open at 73i: Curtain will rise at 8. A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS—TENTH A an d CHESTNUT. POSITIVELY THE LIST WEEK. ’ BIONOB BLITZ, The great MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with hi* LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will give his new and popular entertainments EVERY EVENING during tha week.' commencing at 7H 'o'clock, and. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3. The attractions •will; be marvellous: Experiments in Hagie; wonderful powers in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Bird* in their new characters. Admission 25 cents. Children IB cents. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE 'ARTS,' - . • • 1035 CHESTNUT STREET, . THE .ACADEMY is now closed to prepare for the ANNUAL EXHIBITION, and will open again on the 27th instant. : ; , ap6-tf T AST .WEEK OF MR. CHURQH’B -M NEW PICTURE, “UNDER NIAGARA” painted from studies mad* on the “Maid of the Mist,” is now cm exhibition at Willis’P. Hazard’s Bookstore, 3To T 34- CHESTNUT St., from iA. M. t 0.5 P. M. Admission, 25 cents. • . JOHN McCLURE, mh3l-lm - . Publisher. ORCHESTRA—PUBLIC every SATURDAY AFTEENOOJe at 3& o’clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, GAEL SfiNTZ, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of firr tickets $l. To be had of Andr6 & Co., No. 11CS Chsstauj street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Ghestnut, and at iht Hall door. / ■ • ■ n027-tf TJ A SSLB S’S ' O EC H E S TBA. J - L NEW<.OFFICS, 81d South, EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. delO-fn BOARDING. 'TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN DESIRB A BOARD, with pleasant rooms within five cr six squares from Fifth and Market streets. Address Box 106 b P. 0. • • it* WANTS. A GENTLEMAN OE MIDDLE AGE, acquainted with the German, and a good corres pondent, has a.fair-knowledge of the Western States as well as with the principal cities in the'German Provin ces in Europe,' proposes toloffer hteservices to a mercan tile or an imoorting house in fchia city.... Correspondence through the Poet Office should be in confidence. Satis factoryreferencesjtill be givenas regards.standing and reputaiion in any business capacity. As- a Travelling Agent for parties a small -capital will be invested as se curity by said person. Direct'Box2cBs, Post Office, “G. H.;S.” ' ; k - ap22-3t* “WANTED- CLOTHING.—PERSONS 77 having Clothing to dispose of-will please call or address C. MILLER, 303 CHESTNUT st. mhl6-mwf3m* WANTED—AN ENGAGEMENT Aft "•* Railroad Freight or Express'Agent, or Travelling/Agent -for any .Manufacturing or Mercantile house. Can give .the best of city reference. Address. * Parker, ” this office. - -v a p2 l-2t* A' SMALL PRIVATE. 7 family—boarding for. two young Ladies,.(sisteri) Rooms eitherfoimshed or imfurnisliecL.' Reply to “w. T.,’l Press office. ■ ' ap2o-3t* ‘ WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN OF good education, a SITUATION in a first-clasa- Shipping and Commission House,to learn or as-an in any manufacturing lestablish ment. Unexceptionable reference given. Address, for one week, “ Shipping, V Press office; aplB-6t* MW AN TED—-AT A MODERATE rent, a neat DWELLING, containing eight or nine, rooms, with gas and. bath, in a respectable neighbor hood, minuteß’ walk’of the State House. Ad dress, stating terms,; “R. F. .’’'office of The Press. Capl7-tf M W ANTED TO RENT—A, STORE on : WATER Street or DELAWARE Avenue,between. Arch, and Chestnut, or Market street, below Second: street; Address Thomas,” Press Office. : ap!6-6t* DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFlCE.— Philadelphia, Feb. fl» VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following points: Tortugan. Key West, Fla.' Fort MonroerVa. - v a. • Newbarn, N. C. Port Royal, S.C. A. BOYD, felO*tf. ... . •_ .Captain and Assist. Quartermaster, REDICATi. J)B.,STOBTBB'S STOMACH BITTERS, For the cure of Dyspepsia. FOR SALE AT HOTELS AND DRUGGISTS. Principal Philadelphia Depot, ap4-sw&ml2t* 956 South SECOND Street. rjTHE GREAT STANDARD REMEDY i DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRTJP OF WILD CHERRY. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE PREPARATION.!; ' " - ■ The reputatioff of this medicine is now so well establish*. \ ed that liberal-minded men - in the, medical profession ; __ throughout the Union reconamsad-«a it In curing Coughs, Colds. Consumption, As- : thma, Bronchitis, Spitting of . Blood, Whooping Cough, pain in the side or : breast. Sore Throat, -. Difficulty in brea- • r: . - thing, ; Pal- ‘ ‘ pitation,. Disease of the Heart, Throat, Breast, or Lungs. No Medicine has ever obtained a Higher or Mor» Deserved Reputation!. Established over Quarter of . a Century. DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. Volumes might he filled with proof from all parts oftha world, to prove that no remedy has ever been discovered! 5 in the whole history of .medicine that, acts so promptly, even in the worst cases of pulmonary disease. appetite, complete digestion, strength, for active exercise, is sure to follow, its use. If yon-havA been tampering with the many articles put out by per sons totally ignorant of’tbe science of* medicine, ift theory or practice, and your case been-neglected; tho dough deep, with, purulent and bloody expectoration./ pain apd . oppression, sore throat, dian hoea, night sweats, fever, 'parched skin, you will fiud in .Dr. Swayne’s Compound your only hope of''cure.. If tha bowels are costive, or headache accompanies your dis ease, a dose .of Swayne’s Sarsapa.andTarPiUs will remove it. .Thirty years’ experience* andthe increasing popularity of "Dr.Swaj/ne's Medicines, ” are convincing proof. Prepared only by . . DR, S-WAYNEy*. SON, No. 330 SIXTH Street, above-Yino, Philadelphia. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. ap 13-iftf_ • w STEAM; P-BO>PELLER BiBcHttJJL LINE FOR; HARTFORD —Tbs Vteamer MARStNichoDimaster, i« now loadinwfor HARTFORD, at WEBSTER’S, Second Wliarfabove Market street-. For freicht &c annlv to W. M. BAIRD,& COi, IpM 2t PP T 13B;Sonai DELAWARE A,venufl^: - _ a. FOR ALBANY AND TROY. JhSSBK -commercial transportation - COMPANY.—The' PALO. ALTO*. -Johnson* mas* ter. is now loading for the above points, andwill ; leave on WEDNESDAY ’clock. At Mt ' * For freight, which will be taken on reasonable terms* aP ana-2t No. 30a-.Sonth:Dg.A^Aßß^!iw.; JCEMCEI- ICE!- ICE!- ICE!' ICEt ■ GOLD SPRING ICE-COMPANY. Families, Qfftceß,Hotels, Shipping, Ice-Cream Saloons. Ac., &c.. supplied daily with a pure nsticla ICE, at the very- lowest market rates. Dealers an&. - large aonsumesta supplied vmHJesaaj fmaes. Wago&s-mn in ah paved limits o?the Consolidated,wy*. B ‘ V7 , ’ North Penna. S.A MasterBtre«t- ' - Offl.J9B:, iom t aP a and Twenty-fifth sfcreetei '■ ap3-3mif* I Pine-street wharf. Sohuylkill. OABFENTEB work, ebpairs^ -Kill Alterations, New Bnildings ereoted, &c. . : DAVID S. GENDELL. Office 3d floor, N. E.; corner FJFTH and ap!s-12t* CHESTNUT. Streets. WILLIAM N. ATTWOOD, '^■ s * . UNDERTAKER, Has romoved from his former residence to No. 44 ELEVENTH Street* third house below v Arch, wees 8 *. mhSi-lmif EDWIN A. HUGHES, UN. DERTAKBR* r 350 South TENTH Street, above Spruee. IWIO-Svn Philadelphia. •: , : > ■ TMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY.— A To ba sold to close up a business-. ■ - I. 600 tons Egg Coal; at #5.25 per toa. , . i;ooo “ stove.-* .. ■ Nii?TH StiSv CWeaf alfea &if-J Oial Vard Poplar.