The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 18, 1863, Image 3
G ITY ITEMS . The Reading Feat at the Academy of Music, on Tuesday evening next, will attract a very large house, judging the sale of-tickets that has already taken place. The selections upon which the trial of skill is.'to be made between the •champion pupils of New York ’and this city, are from Shakßpeare, Longfellow, and Poe. For par ticulars the reader is referred to the advertisement, inanother part of this paper. Elegant Stock of Spjung■ Clothing. 'Our ; readers Who have made the acquaintance.of the popular clothing establishment of Messrs. O. Somers & Son, Na 625 Chestnut street, under Jayne’s Hall, need not be told that it presents more attractions to gentlemen of taste , than any other house in this city. Their stock of fashionable gar ments, constantly on hand, is onfe of'the largest and most-varied ever, offered, and their stock of spring fabrics, largely of-their own importation, affords •the amplest facilities for gentlemen selecting, and .having their suits made to order. They employ the most Skilful cutters in the country, and fill orders >With the utmost promptness. J We advise all who are in want . of clothing to Visit this popular'esta blishment, under Jayne’s Hall; Tiie Popular Carte be Yjsite.— There has been nothing, artXbr Boience within the presentjeehtuTy thnTt is moreScer tain to be perpetuated to the latest; day popular carte dc visife for the'Alf>um. : The famous house of Messrs. Eroadbent, St' 00,, Nos. 9'ifc, 014 : and 916 Ohesnut stieet, above Ninth/ arc now turn dug out these exqaisitexminiature. portraits the rate of thousands per week; the; finest and most life like that we have ever examined. Their stock of Albums is also very, superior. - ‘ ; r Pike Siting Confections.— Messrs. E. G.’Whitman &.00. have now-ready their fresh Spring Confections, the most tempting display ever made in this city. Their delicious sugar choco late preparations, roasted almonds, bon-bons, French secrets, mixtures, - caromels, atfd cream candies of various flavors, are exceedingly tempting, and, as they are made froifi the'pnrest materials, they should be used in preference-td anyothers in the market. Their prices, also are very moderate. THE DEFEAT AT CHARLESTON, altllOUgli a disappointment to all loyal people, hasnotdisheart -«ned any one in the ultimate success: of our cause. •Charleston will yet, be made to pay the penalty of, her guilt. In the meantime, our townsman, IMr. W. "W, Alter, coal merchant, Ninth street, above Pop lar, is doing an immense business in furnishing our citizens with the best and cleanest Coal at the lowest -prices. Military Furnishing Goobs, in best Style and great variety; will bo found at the popular Old house of Charles Oakford & Sons’, under tire Continental Hotel. "WoRCESTERSiimE Sauce and Cavers.— The proprietors of/h6-store’of- the late O. H. Matt-, son, dealers in firieTftmiiy;groeerie»,,ilreh andToiith streets, have now-in storS a fresh importation of •the celebrated Worcestershire Sauce and. Gapers. The “ Piube-Medai. ” Shirt is unques tionably the best-atting shirt of the age. It is out fcy John f\ Taggart, and-sold at George Grant’s •gents’ Furnishing listablishment, No. filO Chestnut street. • . '■ . ■ Charles OAki’O'kb & Son’s New Spring Hats and Capß, for gentlemen and youths, are now ready, and are greatly .admired. _ , Westward- the Star op Trade Takes. ITS Ooursk.—Tiic tmth of this expression will be vividly realized by all who have occasion to pass down the busy thoroughfare of South Eleventh street. Who. could have imagined ten years ago, that in ono»ehort decade the private residences of this quiet street, from Chestnut to Spruce, would he changed into an arcade of stores and manufacto ries, where all the wants of aU’clasßCß may be sup plied upon as fair and reasonable terms as those of any other, locality in the •city ! It is, indeed, the truth. There, the dry-goods merchant throws out tiis streamers to the breeze—there you may see the Windows of some adorned with embroideries .and Jbeautiful'.works of art—there you find the choicest groceries, chinaware, confectionery, and, Indeed; all the wares and manufactures which'tire Wants and tastes ofruancan require.or suggest j and . Which gives to the street an activity which bids fair to make it in time the rival of Eighth. Among,.the Improvements constantly going on here, we- have noticed with pleasure the recent alteration effected by our young and enterprising townsman, George 33yron Morse, at. his-store, 238 S6uth ? Elevenfchi : 'lt is one of thelargest establishments of its kind tn the city, and its interior arrangements are in a Btylc ihat can hut fiuit ; the most fastidious. Here may you find an endless variety o£pla*in, fine, and fancy cakes, biscuits of all kinito and prices, ice creams and water ices of any flavor, jellies, foreign and do meatic fruits,* and . cbiifectfonH from one of the best manufactories in the city. He.also supplies families, *t their doors, with the; very^best quality bread, made up in all shapes.and forms to suit every taste. "We earnestly advise, all of our readers who wish for anything in ( .his line to give him a cail, and also to lemember, that in his immediate, vicinity may be found almost any oilier article which they may have Occasion to purchase. . 11. Union -League. —Hon. Isaac Hazlclnirst, Hon. M. Russell Thayer, and Hon.'William Maris Davis, will .’people of Germantown, Twenty-second ward^/at 1 . Eongstroth J s Hall, this Evening, at eight o’clock, The Bohemian Trouts op Grass Blow bus close their instructive and entertaining exhibi tion tliiß evening, on which occasion Mr. E, J, “White, the gentlemanly and attentive • business agent,/to whom the troupe are greatly indebted for much Of their,success, during their stay in this city, Will take a benefit. All who have not seen the glass Uteam-engine “ Monitor” in operation, should not avail themselves of this last opportunity. "We predict a crowded audience for; Mr. White’s benefit this evening. Bolts iron Bread.— Tlie bread that the people of the United States sent, to the starving poor of England is coming back to us in the shape of Iron*clad vessels and 100-pounder, steel-pointed shot Smd shell for, traitor hands. Republics may be un grateful* but it is clear that at least one kingdom Is perfidious and cruel. There is a day of reckoning coming foxTerfidc Albion , and in the meantime we Recommend our military readers to prepare for all contingencies, by procuring for themselves iron-clad Vests at the Brown Stone Olothing Hallof Rock- mil & Wilson, Nob. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, while civilians cannot do better than „ lo obtain for themselves elegant and comfortable garments, at the same popular establishment. Spring and Sdsimer Clothing. Spring and Summer Clothing. • Spring and Summer Olothing. First-claßß, “ One Price,” First-class,” One Price,” First-class, “ One-Price,’, 1 , At Chas. Stokft'&.Co.’s, At Ohaa. Stokes & Oo.’s, At Chas. Stokes & Co.’s, Under the Continental. Under the Continental. i 1 Under the Continental. Important to those Selecting Family l Sewing Machines.—-Grover & Baker’s celebrated premium Machines are the only ones which stitch pnd embroider, and do both to perfection. Beown’b Bronchial Troches.—From the Medical .Director of tlie Generali Hospital, Ben ton Barracks, near St, Louis, March 8,1862, “ Messrs. John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass.— Use of your far-famed and most serviceable Troches Is being made in the hospital of which I have charge, and with very beDefldiar and decided results, in allaying bronchial irritation and morbid sensitive- ness of mucous membrane of glottis and parts ad jacent.” The. Wbatheii. —Tlie present month well Sustains the reputation : giyen it; one day clear, dry, and warm j the next, cold* wet, and ' disagreeable. Well is it called “ fickle” April. Clothing suitable for the season can be procured at reduced rates at ■GranyilL Stokes’ fashionable Olothing Emporium, IfO. 609;Oheatnut street. AEWVALB AT TUE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Girard-CJustoutg] 1P Noble. New Y ork . ; •S A Pancost, Virginia / WFCamp, NefV.zork £ F Camp, New York ‘ E A Doughty Jersey Xevi Fisher, Chester : O M Bray ton, U S A <7 S Berry, Erie .. J D Chambers, Wash, Pa j; F Mathews C Mathews JR Eby, Harrisburg Mrs Coyle, Washington ' MiakCoyle,'Washington 3tfaster Coyle, .Waslangton MrsB Lyons, Vermont SUssF'Lydris, Vermont Jas D.Gi'aham, Maine Henry-D'Styles, Maine -. . E R Wellington, EngJalid Adam S Beeae, N Orleans. ‘ IP.Waltou&wite.Vt C C Jackson, U S A - ACStimersj US.A-:;. jDavid B Mrllety Rochester: ; • 3M C Eby, Harrisburg ;'i 1 ': A Getty, Philadolplila Chas Dean,- New ITork U H Orgeß JHBue ; WG.Randall, Maine 1 Continental-Ninth a MrsAC Barlow,.N York Rdward Barlow, N Yoik J)rJ/R Newton, Baltimore J If Fessenden, Washington A Steele* Washington B A Hood, Troy, N Y C W Ferry & In, Yonkers - H Wingarteu, D C ' fr Green: Washington,:!) C r m Ranb, Waslimgton*D C Williams * la, Boston J H Thompson, Dubuque Jas B.Winslow. Bostou T W Whitlemore, N York W B Wilson* Oregon, Mo CARomly, St .Tuseph J C. Kimball.-Mompliia W Fernistone, Eaaum y B Kimball, Memphis J H Flagler, Boston |_R Mitoneli, N York W A Mitchell. Brooklyn W A CrukervN York George A Criiker, H York jH Saeger, Pennsylvania Mrs GrLevericb, Trenton T W Edwards, L Superior Mr Kersheiin,' France *P HEaster, Baltimore . • Stephen P Raseel, .Tr, NYork Mrs'S P Russel, New’Ydrk STL&u ghlin, Wheel in g,‘ Va. : - 3>rQ w Blocksou, Lanesvil 3> w>Kilbourne, -lowa* - Amos B.Corwine, New York jTS'Keiih, ColoradoT J A Lilleston, U S N J B McClure,Fulton City,lll John George, jr Sir & Mrs CF Black,York .Pa Commercial—Sixth sti George McDowell, N J C W/Maxwell ,K 1 kto n, Md J Scully, Wash; D G •- J Kensula, Wash, D C t Northrop, New York • rs'EMcCalla, York co,Pa r Kersban, Jr, N J Jaa Peoples, Ches ter co,Pa National—Race l J G Soltzer, Berks, Penna AG Briggs, Luzorno M T Green, Luzerno . AS.Saul, Washington, D C J KColein, Bhellshurg J WMlller. Shellftburg 4 IT B&vre, Itebanon i treet, below Ninth. Mrs J Roberts, Boston E Baker, Pennsylvania C Williams & lady, Wash - Miss Williams’, washing’n'’ Miss Judson, Washington" HonELiSlifer, Harrisburg A J Parker. New York John F Quigg, Pittsburg • .Tarnos F Gtngg, Pittsburg ; R Mockbee,. Baltimore - G W Lamson, New York W E bp-riding, Washington D Scott, Elkton,. Md .. Chas.W Homer. Mass Sami Milliken, Blair co C W Ponlson, New Y"ork Alex Wentz. Bncyrus, 0 Jas Thompson, Pittsburg Johußogers, Hanover. Pa Alex Wirt, Hanover, Pa D A Rupp, York, Pa Mrs Bdatty & daugh,Balt Jafc Poflti Chamhev.sburg A E Perry, Washington D B Brainard, Scranton John’Tobin, Philadelphia G E Crater, Denver ’ Hon II P Bennet Sc wf, D’vr DTCrookett, New York A,F Hazard dc laVßucks co 1C MScofleld, New York ind Chestnut streets. Thos T Davis* Syracuse. NY Miss Anna E Davis, N York Beni F Shenk, Lancaster “ II L Newman,Leavenworth Robt D Morris, Oxford. 0 J R,Swan, Columbus, 0 s Win H AledUli Illinois" B Champney, jr, Lancaster R C Root & wf. N York • : C CookAjwf.Wash, D C D H Pierson &wf, N Jersey J P Roman, Maryland H C Whitaker, Providence C Hager, Pennsylvania W-A Russell* England W H Peterson, Us N Geo B Walter, N-York K Robinson, N York Arthur Amory, Boston John A Greon, Baltimore . Alf A Correa, N York J D Naar, N York SW Heaton, Boston S Sweat, jr, N York * J P Hartman. Baltimore JPeghnei & la, Brooklyn Wau, Hew York • W M Wiley, Penua .-t Bern Bryan, New York W 3 Bailey, Boston Jos WHaWley, Penna, Jno C Ham, New York J W Lane, New York H B King, New York A M Zimmerman, Penna E E BarloWr New York HBurgess A M Parker, Carlisle treet, above Chestnut. •T J Jones, Baltimore John Scott A la, Salem, :N J | H Johnson, Elkton, Md J.H NiYin & wf, Clieeter co B Nivin, Chester co AL Hughes, Coatesvllle - Mrs Clay ton, West Chester W Sharpless, Pa above Third. WM Lilly* Lebanon 6 6 Steever, Millcrubiirg WE Whyte, Pittston JT Brechbill* Wash, DC W G Power, Wash, D C KB Clark, Pennsylvania A‘in«trtc a i» -Cliestn ut C Wiley, New York E A Doughty, New Jersey K Collins 8 H Lewyt J T Andrews & la, Bedford E Wash, Penna James JP.Smith, Reading * , Rickard T Buck, Worcester i W Dcitk, i'ew York ! E M Brodliend, Penna . o P**rts, New York • t Robe Clelrtnd, Glasgow ( M eicli a ji ts'-Foiu’tli DBreneman, Elizabethtown T fa ira/ier. bavnesviile Mis J Burchfield, Pittsburg IS Ernst, Petersburg, Ohio John Hagan, Green co, Pa - T 0 T YeugLing, Ohio . Ea«ton, Penna DO bush. Bellefonte,Penna fa RadciyEaston D fcrKenua, Slatington, Pa E D Crawford; •MiflflntoWn- A P Lusk, Hairihburg - 25 J' c 9 i 'ty,. Muncy H fa Wells, Pennsylvania - St. Louis—Cliestmit A Lrhman, New York Mr Bayard, New Jersey j. lif pwood, Chosrer. Pa Chas.ShieldpV-ffew York Thos .Tenkius, Trezton Thos Gass, St Louis \ m Oreenleaf, New York Mrs Chisholm and child The TJnion-Arch S' ”B F Kendall, Hagerstown ■ Rev-rD, Gitcr.Dickinsou.Pa C Hitrholzttn, Allegheny Jos Long, Pittsburg .. : itreet» above Third. Jas Seibert.'Bothiohcm J FI iiankft, Wooster,O R Little, Illinois A L Beilis, New Jersej' Miss S S Bellis’,New Jersey AI Ernewein, Birmingham • V Holt,Dolbi, Ind OH P Swisher, Ohio Geo Dean, Backs co and Marlcet streets, W S Joues .& sis.-Lewisburg Chas Johnsou, New'Yovk W C-Cofiverse. New York - Hy Walton;'Jr, Carboadale Geo Edson St la,Wmsbg, NY S G Cook'; CoafroavUie Jos Huntingdon States Union—Sixth P Barrett,- Baltimore Jas Cnlgar, New .Tertey John-Barr, Juniata J W Hushes, Chester, Pa Geo Bollibut, Salem. N J John Deveiiy, Salem, N J ' Theo G-HoyL EAGarnall, Chester, Pa Madison-Second at M Burnett, Stroud*. l>ur£r' L Bvniik, New York M R Burke, New'Jersey.- L L Lyons, LeweSy/JDdt- Mrs M A Schutt, Danville l <£ ;rcct, above MavJcct* " Joha-Grossley M'L Johnson, {New Jersoy J N Reman, Greansbnrg J N Brodhead, Washington IGeo W Jviigier, Maryland Bnlrt Eaglc-Tliii’d Si JMumford. Wayne co -V Reese, Jr, New Jersey P Sp«.ng, Allentown A Staffer, Allentown , W W Mumford. Wayne eo C G Mumford, Wayne co: »t., above Callowblll. J Berger, Pennsylvania J MKaufinan, Penna B W Smith,- Backs co‘ B Beaus, Bucksco 0 V Fradeneck,rßethleheui 'l Witkcoaib, Bethlehem Black Bear—Third Si Geo W Wolf, Danboro Ohas C Hiestaudv Penna C Harper, Jenkintown 'Okas Morrisson, Bucks co TYerkes, Hatboro Mr Yevkes, Hatbbro AOebhart, Bucks co A Buckrnan, Pennsylvania E Roads, feomerton, Penna p* H inner, Pennsylvania Mai Knight, Byherry, Pa 'J C Pais, Pennsylvania 1, Tomlinson, Byberry >t. ? above Callowliill. Isaac; Tomlinson, Byberry Bonj Tomlinson, Byberry . Samuel G arner, Doylescown Jac Ern'ein, Boylestown Lynford Roads, Somertown Asa K Jonesi Pennsylvania J Willard,. Pennsylvania Geo Clemens, Chester co.Pa Ohns Knight, Chester co, Pa Beoj H Moll. Pennsylvania Isaac Buclier, Reading FT Beaus, Yardleyville SPECIAL NOTICES. : Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment is the best remedy for Sores in tlio known world. Farewell to Winter. BY TOE BABB OF TOWF.R II ALL. Season of frost, farewell! Gnless thou mean’s!; to linger * And, with thiue icy finger, The opening fiowrets quell. Stillin the “lapof Spring" Dost thou intend to tarry, Till all her fruits miscarry, And birds forget to sing? . No; thou wilt not delay, ' And sliow thy haughty humor ' To that delightful bloomer, Sweet, innocent Miss Mas'l • * ' I wish to be polite; , ;i _ Therefore in. civil verseq, . Not intermixed with cufse3, I bid thee tako thy flight:’ ' Go, seek thy chill abodes, ‘ - s Where Esquimaux encumber Theiv.limbs with hajry lumber, And look like waddlid g toads. . Suclv awkward, wintry wear We now cast off, (ihankgracious!) Since Tower Hall, so spacious, - .3?: Is stocked with Spuixo Goods hare, : Our assortment of. seasonable ready-made Clothing is tlie-largest in Philadelphia. , " : ' : . . ' TOWER HALL, ... • ■ 518 MARKET Street,' It BENNETT & CO. The Hair to continue healthy and ti-_ GORors in. its'growth, should not be plastered'; .the hefld-wilh oils anij pomades, iu such a manneras to : prevent the air from circulating freely through it*;for ; this caa’only result in the head perspiring; thus, as it; hair; loosening it at its roots, andl < causing it to turn gray and fall off. This practice, be sides, is a prolific cause of dandruff, ahd the many an nOy ing diseases of tlie scalp. If J AYNE’S HAIR TONIC. boused, these unpleasant results will be avoided, for while imparting a rich gloss to the hair, and retaining it in place, it is free from the objectionable features men tioned, and is thus superior to all other articles as a dressing for the hair. Prepared only by Die D. JAYNE & SON, 343 CHESTNUT Street. Batchelob’s Hath Dye I THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated Hail Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair in the least; remedies the ill effects .of bad dyes, and invigorates the hair for life. GRAY, RED, or, RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a iplendid Black or Brown, leaving the hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, &c. . .. Jtsh The Genuine is sighed "WILLIAM A BXtCHB* LOB, 09i the four, sides of each box. . * FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, {Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street. ) my2B-ly •_ ~~ New York. ggpffejg Stein way & Son’s Square,gpss|&a fl 5, f ’Upright, axd Grand PIANOS,vT # T %J acknowledged the most perfect instruments, in Eu rope as- well as in this country. They were award ed, in the .last'-seven years, twenty-six first premi ums, oyer the best makers in this country, and in addition thereto the first prize medal at the Great Inter - national Exhibition in London, last summer. All the leading artists of this country, and some of them even in Europe, use them in'their Concerts.- Warerooms at BLASIUS. BROS., 1006 CHESTNUT, Street. ap2-thstulm One-Price Clothing, of the Latest ttles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain F igures.. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our One-Price System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. de!2-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street MABBIHD. CO YE—LAWRENCE. —On the evening of the 15th in stant, at the residence of the bride’s parents, by his Honor Mayor Henry, Edwin T. Coxe to Corilla,. eldest daughter of Spencer Lawrence, both of this'city. * PETTIT—DONALDSON. —On the 16th instant, by the. Rev.. Dr. Muegrave, D.D., Mr. ElnathanPettit and Miss Martha E. Donaldson, daughter of the late Andrew Don aldson, Esq., both of Philadelphia. [No cards. 3 . * SWAXNE-rDILLIN.—In this city, on the 15th of Fourth mouth, according to the order of the Society of Friends, "William H. Swayne, of Cheater county, to Sarah M. Dillin, of Philadelphia. * CARTLEDGE—NEALL.—ApriI 16, 1863, by Rev. Dr. S. Townsend, at tlie house of A. Bartlett, Eaq., Holmes .burg. Pa., Mr. Thomas Cartledge, of the above place, to 'Miss Emma NealLof Burlington, N. J.; STEYENSON-r-McLEAN.—On the 16th instant, by Rev. W. Sterrety Mr. Joseph J. Stevenson to Miss Sarah Mc- Lean,'; both of this city. : , * > ASHCRAFT—BISHOP. —By the Rev. Joseph Perry, at the house of Mi’s.- Julia Sparks, 519 North Seeond street, April’ Id, 3863,-Mr. John Ashcraft, of this city, to Miss Mary Bishoivof Gettysburg, Pa * BOWEN—vINEY.—On the evening of the 14th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Alday, Captain J. K. Bowen, of Alex-" andfia, Ya., to Miss Mary Viney, of Philadelphia. * r LAWER.—On the 15th instant,Airs. Sarah Ann Lawer, Wile of John S. Lawer, in; the" 79th year of her age. [California papers please copy. ] a The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend; her funeral, from the residence of her Jmsband, No. 115 Keefe street, this (Satuxday).after noou, atS’clock. •. . ; ? SIMPSON.—On the 17th instant, Caroline M. Simpson, wife of Ephraim R. : Simpson, aged 33 years. Due notice ofthe funeral will be given. ; . * ' STEEL.—On the 17th instant, Mary S., wife of John. R. Steel, and daughter of the late'John Graeff, formerly, of Lancaster’, Pa. • . The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, on Monday next, the 20th instant, at half past 2 o’clock F. M., from li«r late residence, No. 44 M 01th Sixth street. Interment at Laurel Hill. **. DUNWOODY.—On the morniug of the 17th instant, Hannah Dunwoody, in the 50th year of her age. Her. friends and relatives'are invited to'attend her funeral; from the residence of her husband, in Newtown township, Delaware county,' on Second day morning, at 10 o’clock, without;further.notice. - • •**■ LOTHROP.-~on the 17tll instant, Z. Lothrop, aged 65 years. - Hife friends and those of the family are invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, No. 1323 Spring Gar den street, on Monday, April 20, at 3 o’clock P. M. * ‘ BARTON.—On the 15tli instant, after a. lingering ill ness, Mrs. Julia Barton. % : The-relatlves and friends of the family are respectfally Invited to attend the funeral from her late residence, Noi 410 Lombard street, tins (Saturday)moraing, the 18th instant, at half past 9 o’clock. , IntemenS at Bt. Joseph’s Cemetery. 4 " .’SEVILLE.-On the 16th instant, Frederick Douglass, infant son of John D. and Sarah A. Seville, aged 21 months. ; . The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend thefuueral, from the residence of his grandfather,No. 1231 Locust street,this (Saturday) morn ing, the 18thinstant, at lOo’clock. To proceed to Olive (jeiuetery. * ?aPPLEGATE.—On the 16th, Joseph P. Applegate, son ofthe late George and Rebecca Applegate, iu the 21st year of his age. ; . * LOFLlN.—Suddenly, on the 16th instant, William J, LoJlin, son of John A. and LonisaK Lciiin, in the7th year of his age. ■ ■ * McCLOSKY.—On theloihinstant, John, sonofßarney and Celia McClosky, in the 3d year of his age. * j SLACK AND WHITE CII ALLY DE LAlNES—Rednced to 25 cents a yard ; Black A!pa oas, 31M cents; Black Bombazines, §1; Black Silk ohallys, 62J£ cents; Black De Lainea, 25 cents; Black Wo o|,Mo u sselin e B, 44 cents; double-width do., 87% cents; Black Glossy Mohair, 62K cents; Black Crape Tammatans, 62>£ cents;-Black and White Chene Grag r-^ H * “? -R? n^ s ’ and White Chintzes, 193 f cents ;- ftc h Chally de.Laines, 25 cents; Black and. White Lawns, cents; Gray and Purple De Laines. . conts. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, ft P l5 ; No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. A-A KIOH CHINTZES REDUCEDTu * . 25 CENTS. 1 case wide Chintzes, 25 cents ; lease 4-4 Double Purples, 2* cents ... l ease 4-4 Gay Styles, 25 conts. * 1 case Spring Styles, 25 cents. „ ■ EYRE & LANDBLL, fipl • FOURTH and AR<sh. TONE gT 0O K OF SEASONABLE A GOODSadaptedtoFirst-classTrade.- • Novelties in Dress Goods. Spring Silks, new styles, v . Opening of Spring Mantles. New style Bock-spun Shawls. EYRE & LANDBLL, apl . . . FOURTH and ARCH. GREAT NATIONAL CELEBRA- TION.—At a meeting of the Board of Directors of THE UNION LEAGUE of /Philadelphia, held March 26, 1£63, the following resolutions, presented by:Mr. CHAS. GIBBONS, were unanimously adopted; . RESOLVED.' ■ 1. That the League will celebrate the approaching an niversary of {American Independence by appropriate ceremonies, at the Hall of Independence. 2. That all the Union Leagues and Associations, in the United States he invited to participate in the celebration, and that they be'reauested to send deputations from their respective bodies for that purpose. 3. That it be recommended that'the deputies be autho rized to represent their respective constituents in any action that may be' deemed necessary and expedient to perfect the organization of the friends of the American Union and Government throughout tlieTJnifced States. 4. That the Committee of'Correspondence be. autho? rized to prepare a circular letter, communioatlng these resolutions to the Union Leagues and loyal citizens of the respe 4 otiye States, and to adopt such measures asmay be necessary to carry them into effect. ".. . WM. M, MEREDITH, President. GRO, H. BOKEB, Secretary. ap^-la t Street, above Fifth. Valentine Schriver& la, Del Albm-t Butler. New Castle A A Hesser, Schuy Ilayen J l/Lupton, New Jersey John w Hall, Delaware K B Glcuu, Jr. Baltimore John Mull, Chumbersburg Miss Mull, Chambersburg R Buckly, Washington. D C denry Frick. LewUburg Goo WS Niclioisou Del C E Fletchei;, Failadelphia l street, below Arch, J Allen. Ohio Geo L Carrington, Conn Goo Sweeney, Easton Jos Jackson;VKicKwood.Va Sami R .Johnson, Rock Bluff Uon C M Doni-van & lady Michael Barry, Lancaster W Marsh Pa VV D Bigler, CloarOeld A. B-WeiU Pennsylvania J MD, lowa W H Roll, Indianapolis Mrs. W II London, ind flfrs'Rhodes, Hollidaysburg Street, above Tilled* Thou Wetherhead, Jr, N J J B Brigham, Chicago J Polk, Wash, D C p Warner, Wash, D C A P Wellaud. Mass C A James, Massachusetts Mrs J'W Crampton&2ch,Ky Cbas Reed, New Haven J i> Kenler, Cressou, Pa' J H Hobart, Pottsyille ST.BARNABAS P.B. CHVACR, Seventeenth street. above Chestnut s-reeL—Rer, iV/-;£.v.SL4^i ,t 'N, U. D.. will preach m this Church TO (S'-ncav) /iFTiShNi'ON, at 4 o'clock. Seats allfrec. re-oecTully invited. , it* REV. J. H> PETERS WILL prench in the UNION VOLUNTEER biENT SALOON, onoUNDAY EVENING next, at half rast 7 oModc. It* REV. GEORGE W, SMILE V WILD yCJ** preach 'I O- .borrow at half-past 10 a. M , and half past 7 P M. Evening’s subject, “The Resurrection ofiChj ist. ” Church in Handel aad Haydn Still, corner EIGHTH and GREEN streets. It* FIRST REFORMED DUTCff CHURCH, cm-ner of i*EVEN l'H and SPRING WARDEN SGvet.s —R*v. J. HOWARD SUYD AM will (D.V j prench TO-MORROW. atlQt< A- M and7 l * I MM* FIRST COiVGREGITiO^AL CHURCH, THOMPSON below Front.— Preaching; hy Rev D. : L. GEAR, SUNDAY, 101 b A M. ; subject— “Tho GojtiJeJ'llArvont,” and at 7& P. M. ; sub ject— Christ beading tb,&fl-bleman’s sick son ” It* AIICHiSTREETPRESRYTERtIN i&o=a OTIURCII. ARCH, ahuveTenth.-The Rmv CUAS J-. 10RTER, of Boston, will preach^TO-MORROW, at 10& o’clock A. M. aud 7 H o’clock P. M. ~ it* NTARDATjEN ASVKitln.—A. SEK.IMON on behalf of, th* Magdalhn Asvlum wil be preached on SFhDAV Evening next. lDth ins*-. bv tb« Ro.v HENRY ,T MORTON, D D. at the Church of the Epiphany, CHESTNUT and FIFTEENTH Sheets Services to commence at 8 o’clock. : . ’ It* C . H IhDREN’ S CHURCH.-TUB next monthly. Sermon to the Young will be CHURCH OF-THE EPIPHANY, TO MUIthOW Afternoon. Service at 3 o’clock. it*; IMS?* CHURCH OF THE NEW TESTA* MENT, ELEVENTH and WOOD Str4tf-R C v OivKRAUTH, 10& A. M. ; Rev. T. H.' STOCKTO 7% P - M - - - i t* iptsthird reformed dutch % CHURCH. Corner .TEN ’H and.FILBERT Streets —Rev.: G.: ITENRY MANDEVIT.LE. of;Newbnrrh, N v 1.., will'preacb in this church TO-MORROW. Service at 10j£ o’clock A. M., and 4 o’clock P. M. it* SEVENTY- EIGHTH SOLDIERS’ MEETING OF THE CHRISTIAN COMMISSION Will he held m tho Church nf tha-Covchant (Rev; B. T.- NOAKES. Rector), on FTLBERT- Sfcrpet. above Seven teenth. TO-MORROW EVENI <G, at 8 o’clock. Public attention is agaiu called to these meetiuns. ; All should mtevesi themselves in the causa, and giva the Commission ahelping-hand in the good work which has claimed ite attention so long. A number of speakers rvifr be present and address the meeting, as usual, among whom uto Rev. Georeo J. Mingius. of tho Commission; Rev. A. G. Thomas, U. S. A., aud Peter B; Simons, Esq. aplS-lt* ... . . - - . 1M?5? v. S. SANITARY r, O MMI S S I ON. HORACE HOWARD FUKNESS;'Esq., Asso ciate Member of the Sanitary Commission,, will meet all; interested, at t>e request of the Ladies’ Northwest Sol diers’Aid AsscciationofPhiladnlphia. at the Spring Gar den Institute, N. E comer o f Broad and Spring Garden streets, next MONDAY: EVENING,rthe 50th instant, # ov the pr>n>oso of communicating ihformatiou concerning tlie practical working oMhe institiitibn-which he repre'- sents.. Admission free.- - v a.plS^^ AW. ADJOURNED MI3KTIWG OF &C?=- tlio “NATTONaL UNION LEAGUE OF-THE' TWENTY-SECOND WARD ” will he'held THIS EVE-*-? NING, the 18th instant, at 8 o’clock, at LONGSTRETH’S 1 HALL, Germantown, for the. purpose of receiving the : report of the CbEoroittee on Organization:■••Several' speakers, it is expected, wiH addreßs-th« Associarion. •• . - •' -EDWARD ARMSTRONG, it , - • Secretary pro tem. POINT BREEZE PARE.fTHE Annual Meeting of the Members will be held at tlie Park on the 27th instant, at 4 P. M., and the Annual Election frr a President and Directors will be held at the Office, No; 14-4 South FOURTH Streeti Ou tho 4tii Afay next, between IQ A Af. and. 2P. M. aplB-3t- rs?* SPIRITUALISM.-MISS E' MC"M \ KS* HARDINGE will lecture, at SANSOM-STREET HALL on SUNDAY at half-past 10 A. M. * ‘OnOur Chil dren—a Plea for Youth,’! and at 8 P.-M. “On the-. Pi lgrimage of a Spirit in tlieJSpheres in Search of God." Ad mittance 5 cents. : - - it* . PROF. C. C, SCHAEFFER WILL present, in public, th e “Jjawof Gander in the German Langucrae” at the Hall of the University, on TUESDAY, April 21,-at 5 o’clock P. M. Admittance free.. . It* STATE BAKK:, CAMDEN, N. ,1. fit April-lTth, 1352. " At a meeting of the Directors, held-this day, JSSSE TO WNSEND was unanimously elected' Cashier, m place of Thomas Ackley, deceased. . ' • - ; aplS-3t* ’• ' ‘JOHN GILLf President. IKp TjHEi ANNUAL NUSIgTING OF THE Stockholders.of the GREEN MOUNTAIN COAL COMPANY" will on the second TUESDAY of Mav n?xtV U e 12th proximo. at l 2 o’clock, in Roox&No. «.in the MERCHANTSI-EXCHANGE. • •;apdl-BWimyli* WILLIAM S.. GREEN, Secretary. GOLD, AND DEMAND ftep notes drbxel & co., apl.3-lm ,3* Sonth THIRD Street. INATIONAL UNION CLUB OF 40=* PHILADELPHIA—LoyaI men who. desire to attend the massrassgiDVt age 10 be 'held in - New York to commemorkte the'Great Uprising of the Loyal States in answer to the caU’of the-Government , for troops, to put down rebellion against;itB'iaws;-WilVmeetat f ,WALNUT STREET WHARF, oh-AJONDAY- MORNING. 20tlrinst:;- at IK o’clock, whcniiT.i'ckets and -Badges will be fur nished. Excursion-Tickets^-l By order of the Cinb, ap!7-2t S SNYDSII LEIDY, Secretary. f»-sp» A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PENN RELIEF ASSOCIATION will .be held at their ROOMS, northeast corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, onSEVENTH DAY, 18th inst., at3K o’clock P. M. Business of importance;- • apl7-2l* ANNA P. LITTLB, Secretary* LECTURES ON BOTANY.-THE Eighth Annual Course will reopen on WEDNES DAY, April 22d, at 5 o’clock, in the Scientiflc and Classi cal Institute, CHESTNUT Street, N. W. corner of Twelfth street Untroduetory free), by - ap!6-6t J.-ENNIS, Principal. »»»•> AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. PHILADELPHIA vs. NSW YORK. . Great trial of Skill in the Elocutionary Art, by the CHAMPION READERS. Three Pupils each of PHILIP LAWRENCE, Philadel phia,- and X. B BROWN, New York, on - APRIL 21, 1863. A portion of proceeds foT the benefit of ‘ THE SIG-Ks.-AND. WOUNDED SOLDIERS. .JAMES POLLOCK, Prof. MAffDlißE;>Princ. Philada. High School, ■ ReVniALFRED NEYIN. D. D. . Tickets 25 cents: Reserved seats 60 center For sale al the American Tract House, Tenth; at Gould’s.-Seventh and Chestnut .streets.' ; aplo-G.* Office Pennsylvania rail- ROAD COMPANY,PHifcADEiPniA, Aprilly, 1533. •v.The Board of Directors have this day declared a setui animal dividend of FOUR PER CENT, on the. Capital Stock ;of the Company, clear of State and National taxes, payable on and after May 15, 1563. ! Powers of Attorney for Collections of dividends, can be had on the office of the Company, No. 338 South THIRD Street.. - mhld-tjel - . - THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer.. NORTHERN . LIBERTIES AND PENN TOWNSHIP"RaILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 7ih, 1863.- A meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held ft the Office of thePhiladeiphia and Reading Rail road Company, No. ■ 337 SOUTH FOURTH S‘reet, on MONDAY, the 4th Qa3’of May next,-at 10 o’clock A. M., at which time and place an election of .Officers, will be held. CapS-atM43; . A. A. KONIGMACSER, Sec’y. • HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 1113 CUTBBERT Street.—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded. Soldiers, who will be received and. provided 1 for. in the most comfortable manner, free of charge. . .B. F. GLENN, n022-tf . Secretary-of Board of Managers, SCHUYLKILL AND SUBQUEHAN- RAILROAD COMPANY,-.Office 227 South FOURTH Street— April 3, ISB3.—The an nual meeting of the Stockholders-of this company and an election for President and six Managers will take Slace at the office of the company, on MONDAY, the 4th ay of May next, at 12 o’clock M. . :W. H. WEBB, . ap3-tmy4 ■. . . . '■' . Secretary. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR ICSto TIST TO THE ARMY. AND NAVY, Philadel phia, October 24, 1862. • Wounded Soldiers and; Sailors desirous of .availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying ArtificialLimhe, should apply immediately at the office ofo the Suigeon-Ai’tlst to the-Government,. No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, ja9-6m - Government Surgeon-Artist. r<?=* NOTICE-OFFICE OF THE DELA- IcSfc- WARiE- AND -RARITAN CANAL and the CAM DEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTA TION COMPANIES, •• ... Putnoeton (N. J.), March 3l,lB33. The Treasurer of the above Companies is how prepared to PAY THE BONDS due at Priaceton, August 1, 1563, being ,the five, per cent. Converted Sterling Loan. The principal, an! also the last coupon,-will be paid on pre sentation to WILLIAM H. GATZMER. Philadelphia; or to [apB-lni] RICHARD STOCKTON, Treasurer. gPECIAL NOTICE! I MAC HINE THREAD FROM AUCTION. W. D. BROW, DRABS, and BLACKS, all numbers, which will be sold cheap. ‘ : ; On hand, a large assortment of SHOE and SADDLER’S THREADS, ORR & McNAUGHT’S SPOOL COTTON. AOEXIS FOR ■ - HILTONS INSOLUBLE CEMENT, FOR SHOE MANUFACTURERS. LAINO & MAGINNIS, It* ; • 30 NORTH THIRD STREET. - * TtNITED 'STATES, .-EASTERN DIS- TRICT OF PENNSYLYANIA, SOT. • -THE PRESIDENT OF THE'UNITED STATES, TO-THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT 0£ PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: - ' - WHEREAS, The District Court of the. United States in and foi* the Eastern District of.Pennsylrania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel; filed m the name of the of America, hath decreed all persons in genei-al who have, or protend to have, any right, title, or -interest in'sixty bales of 'cotton, the cargo of the sloop Aureliavwhereof John C. Whitehead is master, captured off Mosquito Inlet, on the coast of Florida, by the United States steamer-Ai’izona, said steamer Arizona being one of the squadron under'command of Admiral Farra gut, and brought into this port per the brig John. Welsh, Jr„ .to be monished, cited, and called to judgment; at the time and ; place •-underwritten, and to the.effect hereafter expressed, (justice so re quiring.) You are therefore charged, and strictly ea-. joined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city ofPhila : delphia, and in the Legal Intelligencer’, you do monish -and cite, - or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, .all persons. ; in general who have, or pretend to have, ' any. right;-title, or interest in the said sixty bales of' cotton, the cargo of the sloop Aurelia, to ap pear before the Hon. JOHN, CADWALADER. the- Judge of the said'Court, at tlie District Courtroom, „in the city of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day af ter publication of-these presenter if-it be-a court day, •or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or due form of law.a reasonable and lawful ex euse, if they ha-Ys» why . the said sixty bales of cotton, threargo of the said sloop Aurelia, should not be pronounced to belong, at the timoof the: capture of the .same, to the enemies of the United States,And as goods •of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subjeetto con demnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to'do andreceive in this be half as'to justice shall appertain; And that you duly in timate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons afore , said, generally, (to. whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above-mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, . then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture; and may pronounce that the said sixty bales of cotton, the cargo of the said sloop Aurelia, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to.the enemies,of the United States of- America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject' to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, ; thiß sixteenth day of APRIL, A. D. 1863, and in the' eighty-seventh year ofthe independence of the sahLUnitedStafos. ‘ ap!B-3t : G. R. FOX.rClerkDistrict CobrL T OST CERTIFICATES.—NOTIGE IS '-AJ hereby given that application lias been made to the Auditor General of the State of Pennsylvania for the issue of duplicates of the following-described CERTIFI CATES of Five per Cent. Stocks of said State, created by the Act of 2Ut March, 1831, issued by the Bank of Penn sylvania, (acting as Transfer- Agent of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania,) in the joint names of George ■ Wiggins, of FurnivaPs Inn, London, Esq.. : Richard -Hicken’B, of St. Ives,' Cornwall, Esq:and- Charles Henry Rhodes, of .Denmark Hill, Surry, gentleman, with benefit ,of survivorship, . which Ceniflcates have beenlostiviz: ... No. 1,400. dated Nov. 4, 1839,- for 4,000 dollars. . ‘ J 5,000' * " OQQ dollars And all persons are hereby, called’ upon to show cause to the Transfer Clerk, at ; the Farmers’ and Mechanics* Bank, in the city of Philadelphia, why such duplicate Certificates should not be issued. : - o f THOS. BIDDLE & CO., ' aplB-gm ■ - No. 326 WALNUT, St, Philadelphia. ;; T OST—PEBPETUAL POLICY No, • Spring Garden InsurancelCompany. issued E. HESS ibr: $2,000. Application has been made to.the company for .renewal. . ■ ap4rs&wBt* JCE! ICE I ICE I ICE I ICE I ICE I COLD SPHUSTG ICE COJIPANT. Ofßces.Hocels, Shipping, Ice-Cream Saloons,* &o w Ac. .supplied, daily with a pure article of BOsTON ICE, at the very, lowest market -rates. Dealers = and lane consumers mvvllea at wholesale prices. Wagons rnnm all of the Consolidated city, and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. E CAHILL. f 335 .WALNUT Street. 1 - Offices* J.J Penna._R. A Master Btreet. Omces. I Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets. ap3-3mif* / LPine-street wharf, Schuylkill. TYORYTYPES AS PRODUCED BY A REIMER are perfect counterparts of nature,-form, and features, finely modelled and exquisitely colored, at his popular gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. -lc MORGAN, ORB, & CO., STEAM "A engine BHILBEKS, Iron Fonnders, and General Machiniete and Boiler Uakera.Efo. litlO CALLOWHII4 SUeet'PhHatUipUa. ' ftiw-lr THEi SATURDAY. APRIL 18. 1863. LOSSY Mo'J>E ALP AC AiS—CHEAP AJI -lots of auction goods. • 31 pieces choice shades * natrons double-width, drab A.l - 56 to 70 cents." \ . ' _ ';' Oriental lustres, or single fold, fins drab Alpacas, -A and 37 cents. . v ' ' Black mohair Alpacas—auct.*Q n lots-“ 37,45, 43, CO, 59, 62 75, and 87 cents. Doable-fold Pil-de-cbevres for ladies and children's wear, 40'cents. Silk crape Plaids, double width, b goods, 62K cents. • Shepherd’s mohair Plaids, several extva cheap lots, 31 and S 3 cents. Ladies’ Cloaking Cloths, new goodß, O-ew colors, at CLOAKS, i . CLOAKS „ CLOAKS; . CLOAKS; Braided French elolh Cloaks, Braided .Spring Cloaks. Plain and fancy Spring Cloaks. Black an‘d brown Water- proof Cloaks. SPRING SHAWLS. . BLACK THIBET SHAWLS. STRIPED BiiOCHE RHaWJLS. , • „ . COOPRR &CONARD, It S. E. Corner NINTH and -MARKET Streets. T)BKSS GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES, from the recent Auction Sales. Black and White Plaid Alpacas at 37c, worth 50, Olioico Colored Alpacas at 60c r worth 62c. Plaid MozambiqueslotofOc. y Plain Moza hi biques 16 to sflC: Plaid Poll De ChevreSj-all colors* at sCte. R«w Styles Figured, All-WoorDelaines at 50c. Light ChaDi Delaines at2sc. 4-4 ; French Chintzes at 31)5c.: •Jaconet Lawns ai 12%c. Black and White Organdies at-25c. H. STEEL h SON', ap!B Nos. 713 and TltS’NortTi. TENTH Street. QPEGTAL NOTICE TO FRIENDS,—* JAMES E. KAIGHN, No. 71G'-ARCH StreeUhas in store, from the recent Auction Sales, a large aud hand some assortment of DKY GOODS, in neat <ml medium, styles, which he is selling at greatly Reduced* Prices. -aplS-3t* f X . - Jg'.Y RJ3 & X, A N DE X X , ARE OPENINfI'FOE ’ SPRING SAXES; DONGOLA ROBES, STRIPED FOULARDS; BRAIDED ROBES, BEST BLACK'SILKS, FINE CHECK SILKS, EAGLE POULT DE SOIEB; • SOLID FIGURED SILKS, SPRING SILK SHAWLS, SUMMER BALMORALS, QUILTS, TOWELINGS, &c. mh2B-stuthtf Q.REAT REDUCTION IN; THE N. B.—Several, lots of GOODS from the NEW YORK AUCTIONS of Last Week; and the PHILADELPHIA AUCTIONS of this week, at GREATLY /REDUCED PRICES. : apltfths2t J7ROM THE LATE - AUCTION- SALES IN NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, ’A LAUGH AND VARIED STOCE'OF FANCY DRESS SILKS, .. .. FANCY DRESS GOODS, * . in-:- " \ BEITISH AJfD FItEiVCJt FABRICS. All, purchased at a very great reduction, and are marked at sucb prices as will insure RAPID-SALES. • - WHOLESALE BUYERS are invited to an examination' of the Stock. ' . v k ' CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 N.SECOND.St., above Willow.. TpiNE FRENCH QP.GANJDES, From a late Auction Sale, at Very -Reduced- Prices.. » . - CURW EN STODDART & BROTHER; . 450, 45a, and4s4-N SECOND St., above-Willow. FRENCH CHINT2S.ES, , Only 33 Cents, ' . From a late Auction Sale. . - CURWEN STODDART &. BROTHER,. . 450,452, and 454 N. SECOND-St ,above Willow. "C'RENOH PLAID VALENCIAS, , In Bright Colors. • - - For Children; and Misses, From the late Auction Sale, ' At Greatly Reduced Prices. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., above. Willow. E'ANCY dress silks, . Solid Color Silks, Small Check Siiks, • From the late Auction Sales, • At Greatly Reduced Prices;- - CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER; . , 450, 45a, and 454 N.SECOND.St., above Willow 1 . XT ODE C 0 L 0.11 ALPACAS, A*J- Of all Shades ancTQiialities. “ ~ ; : CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, - 450, 453, and 454 N SECOND St .above Willow. TSLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, From, the late Auction Sales, At less than usual prices CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 453, and 454 N. SECOND St., above Willow. pHOICE STYLE MOUSSELINE DE- LAINES—At 25 Cents. CURWEN STODDART Jr BROTHER, ■ 450,45g, and 454 N. SECOND St., above Willow.' (CHOICE STYLE BRITISH LAWN, At 20 Cents, From a late Auction Sale. • CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, v 450, 45a, and 454 North SECOND Street, _ v ap!7-8t . Above Willow. Tj'D’WTN HALL & CO., 26 S'. SECOND 'J-J street, willbpen the following lots of GOODS at a great reduction, from the prices at which they, have been selling: V - Glossy Check at $1; • • Fancy Silks of various styles; •Superior. Quality Summer Poplius, One lot of Fine Mode Alpacas, 37%\ , One lot of Figured All-wool Delaines. 37>£; One lot of Neat-figured Challies, 37>£ 5. . .One lot of Black and Mode Delaines; Three lots of'Fine Organdies; With many other additional lots of Goods at VERY REDUCED PRICES, . - apl6. «A T RETAIL JAMES R. CAMPBELL & CO., OFFER AT MODERATE PRICES IN THEIR ' ’ RETAJIL^DEPARTMENT, Black and Fahey Silks, Linen Sheetings and Shirt- Black and Colored Alpa- ings, ■ - • cas, Damasks, 'Napkins, and FoplinsFantasie, Doyliea, Taffeta d’Annessey, Table Cloths andTowel -French Lawns and Organ- : ings, Counterpanes and. dies, ... ■ Furniture Dimities. •French Chintzes and Per- WHITE GOODS. cales, Jaconets, and Cambrics. . . Brilliants and Piques, Soft Cambrics and Nain/' Spring Shawls, new color- sooks, ? ihgs, Tarletons and Swiss Mulls, Black Thibet and Merino Fancy Muslins and Dimities, • Shawls, • • •L. C.. Handkerchiefs,: Sqnareaitd Long Shawls.. Gloves, Hosiery, ■ And a general assortment of DRY GOODS in desirable - styles and.qualities. mh6-2m 1.033: C.HESTMPT ETBEET. B. M. NEEDLES % OPPERB FOE SALS lo At prlceslgenarally below present cost of jjlmpor t, tation, « WHITE GOODS, all descriptions. . g EMBROIDERIES, . do do § LACES, V do do ’§ LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do .. ' h VEILS, &c.-, dec, -• • And respectfully invites an inspection of Ms stock. 10»4fc CHESTNUT STREET. CHARPLESS BROTHERS *■7 Offer by; the package, at the Lowest rates ol this season. Pacific 1200 and 1400 Lawns, ; Manchester Spring De Laines, Pacific : do. : 'Prints, Do. ; do. De Laines. CHABPLESS BROTHERS. Mode-colored Silks, Foulards, . Checked Silks, India Silks, Mantle Silks, Black Figures, . Bareges, Challiea. Imperatrice, ; Poplins, Organdies, Chintzes, Zephyr and Barege Shawls. CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets, FIGURED BLACK SILKS, $1.25. A FIGURED COBBED BLACK SILKS. Two*faced Figured. Black Silks. . 5 Striped Moire Arinure Black Silks, / PLAIN BLACK SILKS,'SI.I2* to $2.50. ' ■Wide'Black Silks for Mantles. ' r £ Choice Colors of Plain Silks; ‘ : * 600 MALTESE COLLAKSi'2S to.62J£c. These Collarsare worth double the money. t vParis Printed Baregesj;B7Jic., from last season; Silk Tissues, 62>£c., from last season. ‘ Handsome Spring Balmorals. " H- STBEb & SON, Nos. 713 and TIB North TENTH Street M ar SEILLES QUILTS AND LINEN; GOODS AT LOW PRICES. -The subscribers re spectfully invite the attention of buyers to their present complete stock of HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS/ comprising a largo assortment of very choice Marseilles' Quilts, in all sizes; Counterpanes, Blankets,' Dimities, ■ Furniture Chintzes, and all descriptions' of the best makes of Shirting, Sheeting, aud 'Plllow 'Case Linens. 4 Table Linens, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Towel ings, and of Linen Goods generally, imported at much 1 less than the present prices. . . . SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON. apll 1008 CHESTNUT Street. QLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VEST.? Cassimeres for Boys. .: Casssimores for Young Gents. - Cassimeres for suits. 1. Cassimeres for everybody.; . • Cassimeres, mixed and plain; i r Cassimeres. striped and plaid. // Cassimeres, Black and Brown, At JOHN H. STOKES’, -ap9 70J1 ARCH Street. Tl'Oß SALE—3-0-2 0 AND O STEEL HEEDLES. 15 MILLIONS TO AKKIVE. JOHN G. WITTE, 10» CHAMBERS Street, New York. T7YERY, HOUSEKEEPER SHOULD " buy a' PRIME SUGAR-CUBED HAM. There is : nothing cheaper. Only lie. per lb. for Extra Fine Quality at the Popular Ham Stove of W. H. WANAMAKER, It* No 1519 MARKET 1 Street. TTOIiWBLL’S REAL ESTATE REGIS , ,TEE, r *published for.Qracuitoas Distribution, ionorr ready. . Cull anil get acopy. at FOLWfilili'S Seal Estate Office, H*. 3iMKortb. FIFTH Street. ,lt*. . RE JAIL DRY; GOODS. FOURTH AND ARGHj PRICES OF FANCY SILKS, CHECK SILKS, PLAIN SILKS, FOULARD SILKS, and DRESS. GOODS. EDWIN HAXX & CO;, 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET: 727- CHESTNUT STREET, GENTS’ ftlßNiStilNG GOODS. QLD ESTABLISHED SHIRT; STOCK, AND COLLAR EMPORIUM, NO. 140 NORTH FOURTH STREET. CITABX.ES X. ORUM & CO. ;Are prepared, to execute all orders for Ih&vgelebrctted make of Skirt#, on Bhort notice, in the most satisfactory manner. These Shirts are cut by measurement, on sci entific-principles, and ‘surpass any other Shirt for neat ness of Jit or- tboSrcast, comfort in the Neck, and ease on the fffroufoftp. • . aplB-stuth6m QKORGE GRANT. NO. 610 CHESTNUT JSTREET, Has now ready A large AND COMPLETE STOCK OF GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, of his own importation and'manufacture. - His celebrated • “PRIZE MEDAL SHIRTS,” manufactured under the superintendence of / . JOHN F. TAGGERT, L 'FORMERLY of OLDENBEirO' ft TAGOERT,) mostperfect-fltting Shim of the age. _ ■■aw*’Orders promptly attended to. mli26-thstu3m 606, ARCH street. 6Q6> FINE SHIRT AND WRAPPER DEPOT. - : AN ELEGANT ASSORTaTSAT’of GENTS’ J? U ttN IS RING GOODS, A -AT MODERATE PRICES. FOUR PREMIUMS AWARDED FOB ' SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, AND- STOCKS. Or. A. HOFFMANN, Successor to W.:W\ KNIGHT. ftpe-mwsSm * • GOO ARCH STREET, 606. I>UY~GOOI>S JOUHEHS. Q.OODS- FROM iYfj OTION. Now opening from recent LARGE AUCTION SALES. ’ A great variety of ■MW FANCY DRESS GOODS, ! : ~ .Bought at a HEAVY REDUCTION IN* PRICES, And which will be fold to City and Country Dealers 4 AT A SMALL ADVANCE.. M.VX. HAXLOWELL CO., ap!4-12t No. 615 CHESTNtrijSTREWr. BRANSON, & GO;, -‘; N.V7V CORNER MARKET AND‘FIFTH .STS. , (501 Market Street,) JOBBERS OF ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN DRESS FABRICS, SHAWLS, &c. We invite the attention of the RETAIL TRADE to our well-assorted stock of FOEEIGN DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS, which we will sell at the vary lowest market price. We'pay especial attention to the large Auction Sales, and Buyers can find Goods in our Store, at much less than cost of Importation, and as cheap as they can be. found anywhere. ' . T. R. Dawson. J. G. Bomgardner. O. Branson. apl3-36t jgPECIAX NOTICE. We invite the RETAIL TRADE to examine our pur chases at the recent extensive ' AUCTION SALES DAWSON, BRANSON & CO. ap!3-6t : PRINTS.— HANDSOMELY-COLORED A PRINTS, 1 equal to the finest Paintings. A very' large variety afeiov sale, at vers* low rates, at the cheap book house of T.. 8. PETERSON & BROTHERS, It “ - • : No- 306 CHESTNUT Street. COMMISSION HOUSES. pH IE A D E L P H I A “BAG” MANUFACTORY. BURLAP BAGS OP ALL SIZES, FOR CORN, OATS, COFFEE,,BONE DUST, &0, SEAMLESS BAGS, Ofstandardemakes, ALL SIZES, for sale cheap, for not cash oil delivery. • , , GEO. GRIGG, apls-3m Nos.-319 and 321 CHURCH Alloy. GOODS. BARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. BARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKT-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIG3?. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. . HEAYT LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale hy FEOTHINGHAM & WELLS. ; se2-iftf, ' RIIMDS AND SHADES, AND SHADES. B . J . WIXjLI A M S , NO. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, MANCrACTOREK OP VENETIAN BLINDS WINDOW SHADES. The Largest and Finest Assortment in the city, at the Lowest Prices. Blinds Painted and Trimmed equal to new. Store Shades Made and Lettered. ap6-2m V All. GEORGE W. ZIMMERMAN, VENETIAN BLIND MAUFACTUREB, Has REMOVED from 136 North SECOND Street, to B. J. WILLIAMS’, NO. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET ; G. W ZIMMERMAN solicits a continuance of favors .at No. 10 .North SIXTH Street, where willbe foun the Largest and Best Assortment of VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES la the city, at the LOWEST PRICES. : A, hAS-i Store Shades 'Made and Lettered. Jobbing Promptly attended to. 6 * ' ' ap6-2jnif FINANQIAIi* •Jg HARVEY THOMAS, . STOCK AND BILL BROKER, Ko. 313 WALXUT STREET. • STOCKS and BOHDS, and all kinds'oftt.S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES, bought and sold on Commission. ' Business. Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at rates. ■ UNITED STATES 5-20 TEAR'SIX per cent. BONDS, furnished at PAR in sums to suit. Orders by Mail shall reoeive prompt-attention. Refers ;to V • „ Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co„,. Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., Johnß. Myers &.Co;i‘ ‘Samiielß.Thomas.Esq., Furness,Briuley, & Co., John Thomas, Esq. f *... ... - apl-Srn if JjDWAKD M . DAVIS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 39 SouthTHIRD Street, (upstairs,) Philadelphia. A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING BUSI : ;: : A . NESS TRANSACTED. • ' . ' •Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. : Dividends and Interest Coupons. Collected and' Remitted. Exchange on Europe Sold. Special Collections made. Coin and Cur rency Bought. Interest Allowed on Deposits. apl-3m JOHN 0. CAPP & SON, STOC,E AND NOTE BROKERS, N0.'33 South THIRD Street, Directly opposite the Meckanics’ Bank.' STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS. MONEY INVE S T E D NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED mtal2-3m OK THE BEST TERMS. ORMAN & ELY, ; Manufacturers of PATENT G AST-STEEL TABLE CUTLERY > : _ ASD' ' COMBINATION CAMP KNIVES, FORKS, AND SPOONS, Ko. 130 I’EO STREET, ' mh23-stuth2m ' \ Philadelphia. disease of the Heart, Throat, Breaet, or Lungs. No Medicino has ever obtained a Higher or -More Deserved Reputation! ' Established over Quarter of a Century. s DR. SWATHE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD- CHERRY. Voluroos'inlglit be filled with proof from all parts of the world, to prove that no remedy haseverbeen discovered in the whole history of medicine that acts so promptly, even in the worst cases of pulmonary disease. A good appetite, complete digestion, strength, and a disposition for active exercise,'is sure to follow its use. If have been tampering with the many articles put out by per sons totally ignorant of the science of medicine, in , .. . theory or practice,'and your case been ;neglected, the •m r i-nDTiM t!,« « a tt>v imJTTTIi! cough deep, with purulent and bloody expectoration. A/TABSHAL’S SALE. —BY vlitl UL pain and oppression, sore throat, aianhma, night ATX ofaWritofSaleby the Honorable John Cadwa- sweats, fever, parched skin; yon will find lader. Judge oftheDistrict Courtof the United. States m Swayne’s Compound your only hope of cure. If the and for thu Eastp-m District of Pennsylvania, in Admi- bowels are costive, or headache accompanies your dis fStoftomedSMted besold at Public bale, to the ease, a dose of Swayne’s Sarsapa. and-Tar Pills will highest and best bidder for cash,- at MICHENER’S Store, remove it. Thirty years’ experience, and the increasing No 142 North FRONT ’street, TUESDAY, April 23, popularity oi'Dr.Suxiyne's Medicines, ” are convincing at i 2 o’clock M., the cargo sloopAureiu. consist- proof. Prepared only by ™.™,, . e « w inn of balps of cotton ’WILLIAM MILLWATtT), DR, S WAYNE & SON, . - ingoiw Dales 01 g Mareiial j). o f Penmt. No. 330 SlXTHStreet; above Vine, Philadelphia. * FBdAPELtHU, April 17* IW3. • i&pm-Gv --- .Bold by all. Dealers In Medicines. ap 13-111( C ALT.—GOO SACKS “ GEORGE DEA- P KIN’S” FINE SALT, in apl7-st : 3a S. FRONT Street. CURTAINS & CURTAIN MATERIALS* pIANO COVERS EMBROIDERED - 1 - CLOTH. »EW AND RICH EE3E6N3. Onmßon Lmbroidered, Green Embroidered, Ruby Embroidered, Maroon Einbroidei-od PIANO COVERS, . to®2Beach. MASONIC HALL, 71*1 OHESTNCjr Street, W. H..CABRTL, WINDOW SHADES, * * For Parlors, For Sleeping Rooms, For Dining; Rooms,. For Libraries, and' For Cottages—CHEAP AND GOOD. In MASONIC HALL, ?19 CHESTNUT Street, W. H. CAItRYL. PURTAIN MATERIALS AND OUR- X' TAlN&'On'Salfi at W. H.OARRYL’S, MASONIC HALL. 719 CHESTNUT Street. Wide French Satins: Wide French BrocatelloS. . Fi’Gdcli Satin Delaines’; Worsted Damasks. ' ; All-wool Reps. , . Union Reps. ' / ■ ’ / Wide Moquotto. . French Plushes. Gilt Cornices. - Tassels, Gimps, Fringes.' Lace Curtains, 87.00 pair, : . Lace Curtains, ; 89.00 pair. Lace Curtains, 812.00 pair. Lace Curtains,’ Sl5. 00 pair. Lace.Cuvtains,.B2o.oo pair. Lace B2s.’oo‘pair'. ■: Lace Curtaiun, 830. 00 pair. Lace Curtains. 835 00'pair. CURTAZN MATERIALS and • CURTAINS ’ of er&Cf Style and Description at the LOWEST PRICES 'fetf a- Good Article'. . . MASONIC HALL, *l9 CHESTNUT Street. apl7-2t W- II- CARRYL. MII.ITAKV coons. Q.OVERNMENT GOODS. Standard 10-ounco Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Flannels. > ■ Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys. FARNHAM, KIRKHAMi <S OO„ No. »3 O CHES T N U T STSgET mh24-3m: Q. W. SIMONS & BROTHER, SANSOM-STKEET HALL, PHILAHELDHIA, MANHPACTOREBS OF JEWELRY. - FINE SWORDS, , MILITARY GOODS, IN EVBBY VABIETT, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. A WITOHEK, ' JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER EUROPA. GOLD WATCHES, LADIES’SIZES, OF NEW STYLES. SILVER A NCEES AND CYLINDEES. GILT ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. PLATED ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. For Sale at Low Rates to the Trade, by. X. T. PRATT, apStf ; CHESTNUT STREET. J. O. FULXEE, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY; No. Yia CHESTNUT Street, (Up-stairs, opposite Masonic Temple), Has now open a ' LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK, EMBRA.CIKG AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, K. HOWARD & CO.’S FINE AMERICAN WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, GOLD SPECTACLES, THIMBLES, AND FINE JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. fel3-3m •' : • - • j?INE GILT COMBS IN EVERY VARIETY. IMITATIONS OF PEARL AND CORAL.. J: C. FULLEB, No. 713 CHESTNUT Street. mhl3-2m FINE WATCH REPAIRING mteSßi attended to, by the most experienced workmen, and every watch, warranted for one year. G. RUSSELL, 8» North SIXTH Street. J- 0. FULLER'S FINE GOLD PENS, THE BEST PEN IN USE, FOE SALE IN ALL SIZES. fel3-3za YULCANITE RINGS. A full assortment, all sizes and styles. J. C. FTJLLEH, No. 113. CHESTNUT Street. fcl3-3m MUSICAL BOXES. TN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES, ■4* playing from 1-to 12 tunes, choice Opera and Ameri can Melodies, «, -FARR. & BROTHER. Importers, ap4 334: CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. INSURANCE COMPANIES. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE A INSURANCE COMPANY. . OFFICE, No. -433 CHESTNUT, STREET. CHARTERED. BY- THE STATE IN ISIS., This. Company is now. prepared, to make insurance against LOSS BY FIRE On the most favorable terms. Their losses.-w,ill be promptly settled, ?*£,<! that those fop the year 1562 were so, thsy refe? fo the following re cipients : * Mrs. Jane Ferree ....$1,902 45 L. G. Mytinger & Co .... 918 9Y Beverly R. Heim.... 4,846 67 WilliamE. Taber ......... 4,894 19 JohnCun'dy 121 87 P. P. Mortis 2,000 00 W. Y. Petit , 60 00 L. G. Mytinger & C 0..........• .......... 1,493 73 R. E. 5e11er5....................V.'5i8 Other small 1055e5...... lsasi This Company have no unsettled losses. The assets of the-Company are now Mortgages and ground rents Real escate (taken. for debts) cost Stocks andb.onds, Bills receivable,.... i Due from individuals Cash in. Bank Stock n0te5......,.',... DIRECTORS. E. P. King, President, M. W.. Baldwin, Vice Pre- Charles P. Hayesr ‘sident, : ' John Clayton, P. 8.. Savery, Ed. Wiler, Alexander Murphy, T. K. Collins,. - -V H; C. Howell, J. M. Cowell,. John Killgore, S. J. Megargee. - iah2B-stuth3m*if F. BLACKBURNE, Secretary. QIRARD FIRE AND MABIN3 INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $300,000. This Company continues to take risks oa th# uhl classes of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the beueftt of the public, during the last nine years, exceed 500,000 DOLLARS and we respectfully solicit its favor in the future. DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, JOHN W. CLAGHOBN, JOHN THORNLEY, C. E. HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HAST, DAVID BOYD.-J*., PETER S. HOE, of M. Y. WM. M. SWAIN, FURMAN SHEPHARD, JOSEPH KLAPP.M. D.. N. S. LAWRENCE, THOMAS DRAKfe, JOHN SUPPLEBA THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S. GILLSTT, Vice President, JAS. B. ALVORD, Secretary. - ap2s-ifti XPAMB INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. A 406 CHESTNUT Street. . : • * PHILADELPHIA. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. Francis N. Buck, E. D. Woodruff, Chas. Richardson, Geo. A. West, ; Henry Lewis, Jr.; • John Kessler, Jr., ’ JohhWi Everm&n, Chas. Stokes, Philip S. Justice, A. H. Rosenheim. 0. W. Davis, Josep B. Rilla. _ . FRANCIS N. BUCK, President. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vice President/ WILLIAMS; I. BLANCHARD. Secretarv. (jalS-ISI TNSURANCB COMPANY OP THE A. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE No*. * and 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North aids d/ WALNUT Street, between DOCK and THIRD Streets, Philadelphia. INCORPORATED in I7M-CHARTBR PERBPSTUAL, CAPITAIi ***oo 000. . •■ ”. PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1,1*2, - 5455,51«.13, . -.i-. - MARINE. FIRE. AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION DIRECTORS. Henir 3). Sherrerd, Tobias Warner, . ChaTles Macalesfcer, Thomas B, Wattson, William S. Smith, . . Henry G. Freeman, ' William R. White, * Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George C, Carson, , Samuel Grant, Jr., Edward 0. Knight, ’> John B. Austin, HENRY D.-SHERBEBD, President. WiLHAK Harper, Secretary. .nolB-tf MEDICAL. J)R. STOEYER’S STOMACH BITTERS, For the cure of Dyspepsia. FOR SALE AT HOTELS AND DRUGGISTS. Principal Philadelphia Depot, ap4*BW&ml2t* . 95G South SECOND Street. IJHE GREAT STANDARD REMEDY I DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WiLD CHERRY. • THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE PREPARATION! . The . reputation of this medicine is' now so well establish- . ed that liberal-minded men in the medical profession throughout the Union rocommend • it to their patients as. the .very best of all remedies for Pulmonary Complaints and General Debility, and in curing Coughs, Colds. Consumption, As thma, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Whooping. Cough, pain; in' the side or breast. Sore Throat, Difficulty in brear thing, Pal pitation, KEW PUBXICATIONS. JHE GOVERNMENT EDITION OF ’TIIB LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, ; . PASSED AT THE LAST SESSION OF CONGRESS, * CONTAINING ALL TFIE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LAWS, TREATIES, RESOLUTIONS, AND PROCLAMATIONS, The following aro among the many important Acts of Centres* of general interest embraced in. this, THE' OFFICIAL, I'T : luteisalßevenue; Backing Associations and National Currency; .Loan Act r or Niue Hundred Million Bill; Conscription Act ; DtfSies on Imports aud 3SW RogilJa tions for Entry* or Gooifc; Contrasts with.’ Oovernmen? and'Prevention and Pcnishment .of Frauds; Letters of Marque, Prizes, Prize (?oods, and Proceeding.* Vn Prize Cases; Post Office-Regulations; Patent Office Regula tions; Disabled Soldiers ;-Bbunty to Sridiers disclvarged Within two years of enlistKcnt; Public Lands; Habeas Coipus and Judicial Proceedings: Appropriations for Array, Navy, Pensions,-FortiScations, &s., &c. I vol. Royal 8v r o, 337'pa'ge3. With marginal notes asd references, and full indexes: Price 25. Sent free by ataii onreceipt of price. THIS DA*? PUBLISHED BY* LITTLE’, BRO WN, & oa,. ' •. PUBLISHERS OF TTfcE LAWS OF THE U. S:, BOS T O aplg-etath3tif , • • - •- . •.... - JUST rUBIJSriKD) DARRELL LS-'A M ; THE CAPTAIN OF TISE VULTURE. A NOVEL. BY MISS M.E.BEADDON. Author of “ Lady Audley’s Secret, ,r “ AuroraFl©yd,” “ John Marchraont’e Legacy,” '‘Thcrliady Lisle. ,y etc. PAPER, FIFTY CENTS. CLOTH,"ONE HOLLAS. This is another novel by the author of “Lady Audley's Secret, who is now being read, talked about,$d - more than any writer of iiction of the day. **Lady ~Audley ! s Secret” created even raore exoitemeat • among tEe novel-reading public than “East Lynn, ” but the book before u& surpasses either in point of plot character. Whether or no, the plots, crimes, and con-' trivanccs cf Captain Duke and his subordinates rivet the attention of the reader, and he cannot rest until the mystery lias been solved. “Darrell Markham" will gratify even*-one who takes it up, and ao one wilL lay-itdown until he has arriyedat the lastpage. • Published b3* DICK & FITZUERALDi No 18 ANN Street, New York. Also for sale by all Booksellers in this place-, . Copies of the above book sent by mail,-So any ai dless, free of postage, on receipt of the price. ■ aplß-satutbSt * rjVHE ATLiANTIC MONTHLY' FOR MAY ,18 69;, The May Kuiibek is now reads* with contributions from John - G. Whittier, Oliver Wendell ■ Holmes, Gail Hamilton, Nathaniel Hawthorne. Lesas Auas stz*;HAiißiET B. Prescott, the Author of “ Life in the Iron Mills, ” etc. Charles Larob’s -Uncollected Writings.; Ways} After “Taps?” The- Hinnan. Wheel, its Spokesaad Fel loes;’Paul Blecker; Up the Thames; The Fern-Forests of the Carboniferous Period; The Countess; Gala Days; Give; Only an Irish Girl; Shall we Compromise? - Terms.-. Twenty-five Cents per number-.. .Three Pol*: lavs per year, post-paid by the publishers.. TIGKNQB & IMBEDS, 135 WASHINGTON Street, Boston, Mass. N EAT, ENGLISHi NOVEL SLAVES OF TISSE;RINe^ BEFORE AND AFTER. Br the Apthor or Spell,” “Grand-. mother’s Hones’,” eto. ■ One volume Svo, paper. Prise 50 cents; eloih7scents. * Slaves of the Ring” asa-sfcory is superior to any of the previous it is developed’With,great skill. -~Lo?ietou. Post. - T. 0. H. Ti BURNHAM', 143 WASHINGTON STREET* BOSTON. Sent by mail PostjvsTDi.on receipt of Re price. ap 10,13,1 S " . NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS t LOUIS NA2&LEON. THE DESTINED. MONARCH OF THE WORLD, and THE BATTLE: OF ARMAGED DON, with -Diagrams and Maps. By 3tev- 31. BAXTER. Cloth, 60ceiits: fiaper, 40cents. . THE SENSES, with numerous-Illustrations. 4Q-.ceats. THE CROWN OF SUCCESS.; 30 cents. THE'RORISERS’ CAVE. Af-itory of Italy. 80 cents. CHRISTIAN LOVE AND XGSALTY: On THE RE BEL RECLAIMED. 60 cents.. ..$50,116 48 .. 19,370 00 .\* 21,509 91 ... 9,942 91 .. 7,374 47 .. 3,082 87 ... 70,265 00 THE RIVAL; KINGS; Or,'OVERBEARING. By the author of “ Mia and Charlie. ”• 60,cents. For sale by WILLIAMS. & ALFRED MARTIEN, aplB-tf . QOb CHESTNUT Street. I^OW BEADY: LISZT’S LIFE OP CHOPIN, Traaslated ftom the French by Mrs. Martha Walker. Cook. . Ivol. 16mo. With Portrait. Cloth, $l. MENDELSSOHN’S LETTERS FROM ITALY AND SWITZERLAND, Translated from the German by Laly Wallace, With a biographical notice by Julie de Marguerites, lvol. 16mo. Cloth, $1.25. “In these letters, the playful, affectionate nature of the man sheds everywhere the loveliest radiance. There is music in his descriptions, and a murmur of song •seems to run through all his letters They are the con verse of-his Songs Without Words , and we venture to predict that the Letters of Mendelssohn will become as classical as those compositions. . . It is seldom that we have inclination to speak of a book in terms of equal warmth. Parthenon . F. LEYPOLDT. 1333 CHESTNUT STREET, aplS-3t Philadelphia. $179,602 61 XTEW ENGLISH MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS .iust received. TBUDICUM-ON GALL STONES. Octavo. HUTCHINSON’S SYPHILITIC DISEASE} ON THE EYE AND EAR. FRASER ON WOUNDS OF THE CHEST. WATERS ON DISEASES OF THE CHEST. SUTTEN’S VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. .TYNDALL ON HEAT, Considered as a mode of Mo l° n \ ' NEW AMERICAN BOOKS Received or furnished to order as soon as published by - . LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, ap!B 35 South SIXTH Street, -above Chestnut. CHIP BUILDING. Just published,.by J. B. LIPPINCOTP & CO., 715 and 717 MARKET Street, A-TREATISE ON PARABOLIC CONSTRUCTION. OP SHIPS, and other Marine Engineering subjects, by JOHN W. NYSTROM, C. E., with, illustrations. , ■ J. B. L. & CO, have also a NEW EDITION of POCKET-BOOK OF MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, containing a memorandum of fact«. ; aud connections of and theory, by JOHN W. NYSTROM. , aplS jg M?A N C I P ATION, THE PAST AND THE FUTURE, A Beautiful ALLEQOHICAL PICTURE, illustrating tile PAST ADD' THE EUTURE OE THE SLAVE. HANDSOMELY PKIJSTED IN COLORS. Price 30 cts. KING & BAIRD, apls-4t 607 SANSOM STREET. HAZARD’S BOOKSTORE, CHESTNUT STREET, Between Seventh, and Eighth Streets, All Books usoallr to be Lad in a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PBICES. feB-tf - POUR NEW BOOKS. Hdsf* aARL E T O N PUBLISHES THIS DAY: XT. S. Tin Ziaw.—GOVERNMENT EDITION”as amended at the late Congress. Embodying the Govern ment Income Taxes and Stamp Duties; Taring; List of Assessors; Decisions,; and information of every kind. Prepared upon a new and improved plan by L. H. Hall, Washington, D. C. - One elegant T2mo, cloth, bound, price 75 cents; or papercovers, 50 cents. The best and cheapest edition in the market. Copyright secured.'' *** Be sure to order Carleton’s ‘Government Edition. ” • 11. Tile Prisoner of (State.—By D. A. Mahdny, of lowa. / A book for the people. One large 12cno, cloth bound, price $1.25. Wanderings of a Beauty.—A Story of Three Loves By Mrs. Edwin James. Aromanfcic and spicy work, that will irresistibly attract a large portion of the novel-reading community: \Wiih steel frontispiece. Cloth bound, $1; paper covers, 75 cents. ' I.ulu.—Acapital newNove’l, by Manse T. Walworth, of Saratoga. One large 12mo, cloth bound, price $1.25. "IN PRESS: And will be ready in a few days—l. MY SOUTHERN FRIENDS, by the author of “Among the Pines.” 11. YINCENZO, a new novel by the author of “Doctor Antonio. V HI. EXPERIENCES IN MY LIFE, by D. D. Hume. tlie celebrated Spiritualist, with an Introduction by Judge Edmonds. ;j|®» *** These books are sold by all booksellers, and Willbesenfcby mail,free, on receipt of price, bv . / CARLETON, Publisher, New York, _ ap4-s&w No. 4tl3;Broadway, comerLISPfiNARD St. THE IMMENSE PATRONAGE OP BEIMER’S Colored Photographs Is the best test of their merits. Their fine quality and natural and: artistic coloring please all. $3. SECOND Street, ab. : Green. 'lt T> EIMER’ S LIFE-SIZE PHOTO- in oil colors are unapproachable in merit; in form and feature, perfect counterparts.of nature; color ing agreeable and natural. ~ SECOND St,, ab. Green. It jyjOHENING MILLINERY, MOURNING BONNETS. OP rtlK LATEBT AND NEW YORK STYLES, Always on-hand and made to order at the shortest no -- , tice, at the “HEW MORRMIfG STORE,” 936 CHESTNUT STEBET. M. & A. MYERS & OQ, iah26-thstutAp2B LIST OF CONTENTS. PUBLISHERS," NOW REA D Yi PIr3SdSHERi PHOTOGRAPHS. . . AMUSE^EtiI.T'S. :N®£ OHESTNU LSTRISKT TH&£. , Manaesr......... .-.Mr. W. WHEA'f'LKY ° F THB t** 3 ™ * GE E j >r fAI ' ° PTH e TT • ■ * JEWISH MAIDEN, ;Has created the great success of the season, and will ‘ _ be pitfved EVERY NiGHT THIS WEEK" . ,THrB Aoril 1353, ' THE GREAT TRAGIC ARTIS IE ' Miss Bauman ' Will her srXTJjI APPEARANCE ?u r A KOVBL. OniQIA-ALpaoJUNT C PL“r ■ In five acts,, by AurusMu J, Daly, ’Esq.-, antitloj . LSiH, riISFOIiSAJKBK. ■ LEAH, a Jewish Maiden .Misi Sr-Tvfo.Vri Rudolph, a.young German fkrm«v.M>. J. McCallomrh* Nathan, an apostate Jew... „lfr. J. W Lanercl-*' iP r J e ? 7 " a Magistrate..././...,,Mr. J. G Burnett!* Madalena, Kermamrs Niece. ..Mrs. J.'H Align Villagers, cfficeis, and a powerful chorus of male anS* female peasants. NEW COSTUMES AND NEW SC2NERY; ‘ The latter painted by J H. Selwyn. NEW aND ORfGiNaL MUSrCi- During Mias BATEMAN'S engagement seats may be secured fiLv daps in advance. ■ . . . . .. , •. The performance commences at K fo 8 js ovGr even-night by half pisi ten. SPECIAL ATTENTION is requested to the' fact/ that eveiy attention has been made in.the arrangement.. of the seat* *f this Theatre t* assure the'cmnfori of ity visitors. They have been, rearranged and ween greatly widened. - . apio-tf M RS. JOHN DREW’S AKCff-STRBS’F THEATSE. Easiness Aggntand Treasurer .TOS. D. MOKFHSr ' SISfTWRIGHT OPEB-wW ADAMS. Who will appear in two-characters- TO-HIGHT, (SATURDAY?,) LAST TIME, . ' THE HERETIC. Aaru-*a, the Htiggeno't. .. «•»•. r. Ed win At! g».m* r ( « ...... vßarton HUI . Elinor*. .Sits. John Draw. lo conclude with tbe thriliinff-Draina of ti2e - 3S>IOT WITNESS: T ,. Or, A Tale of. Blood. _ n^ e i\'T Idjoty..v. . .v.-.’.v.vEdwiu Adams OnQlonday THE DSaD HBAST. ' . ir nc&s as usual. Curtain rises at S o’clock-' aplfJ WALNUT-STREET theatre. —Mrs.M. A. GABEETTSOIT. Mr. JO UK T. DOKIfKI.' V .Dili A JiJ.' a T Aa* D JaA£T ISTOIOT (Vp Af?2C TT4 r 7'l? TJTi'WrV THIS ,EVE&aCSri:- a EIr ™- . THE HIDffBK- Hand’. P Gapifola, witli song. Mi-s Kale Benia Vool, a Virginia Nigger..... Mr Sara Evan To conclude with the thrilling T»c3yia of-' y * • . THE BEACON 09'DEATH’ ■» Jack Jnnk.-................... ...........llr. j. 5 -ffri^ht Boors open at 7Hz Curtain "Will rise at 81 " ‘ A.SSEALBLY BUILDINGS—TENTH and CHESTNUT. x POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK. • SIGNOR BLITZ* TIT© great MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with' Ms LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will giv© his new and popular WERT EVENlNG'darin* th© at 7* o’clock,' and WEDNESDAY SAitJRDA'Y AFTERNOONS at 3L The attractions Will be marvellous: Experiments in Magic; wonderful powers in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Birds in their new characters. • Admission 25 cents. Children IS cents, (gl.Assi'd'Al s orks : b. ■„ Siessrs. CROSS & JARVI3’ Fourth (and LastV of the Season-will take place on SATtIKnAY EV-ENlNfl the IStli, at the FOYER OF, THE ACADEMY’OF MU s]c - -.. . ... ~ aputar T3BBEAESAL - OP CLASSICAL MU SIC,, at the FOYER, SATURDAY, the-18th. at -12 o’clock". - Subscribers and ticket-holders admitted without extfacharire. - ap!4-tf- - - MESSRS' CROSS &■ JuRY-IB; A SSEMBLY- BUILDINGS. XX GTtANIF- GALA -WEEK;. An- avalanche of Presence, ■ Look at the attractions - THE BOHEMIAN TROUPE.OF GLASS-BLOWERS. - One week niore only The Bret-Fresenfeach evenin"--will jhe-agplendid Polished WALNUT CASE.-filled wirlrlverw ; £?S ce ;? ableVB ' T i et i‘ : P f Glass-work, or the actual v&luaof if&d, 116 FfSsOnt Will he a beantifnl SMyEINff- PIPE, made entirely ofGlars-, valuedatrSlSitbscetherwith. ■ other prizes of every description. ■ On WEDNEsDAY ■ and SATURDAY.'ChiIdren -'a Festival MAtinees, on-which: i SfSWPSMSg?? ehu 4"WiH receive a-PreSent Aepleniii BEAD-ERES-S, made entirely M Span Glass, - will be-fflven to tne_Ladies as a special present. On. FBI- I) .A A E yi-: Li A 1 .7 .‘,u r 1; 17,0. O A P.GI V AtuOF FUN; Ai ■ BplendldPrizewtll he given to tile homeiiest utaniu-thw the grX BABY' • -tVt ’ or Contestot Infantile Beauty, when thp Hall •wm be- transtormed-into a Parterre- of - SumMrxlioea : ■ s * * A watdsomePreseat will be given to the hand- OK SATURDAY, Benefit of , l,r. E. 3. WHlTis, and positively last night of-the Glass Blowers in this city-. The Glass Steainfeiiirine MONITOR •will be in full operation. Admission, IS cts. No half price. Exhibition. com mences in theeveningatB o’clock; afternoon atg. ap!3-6t*~ : PENNSYLVANIA -*- r THE FINE ARTS, __ " 1035 CHESTNUT STREET, , ACADEIITisnow dosed to prepare for the A$[l\UAL EXHIBjiTTON, and will open again on tha 27th instant. . ap6-tf' J: AST WEEK OF MB. CHURCH’S " NEW PICTURE, “UNDER NIAGARA,” painted : from studies.jeoadt .on.the “ Maid of the is now on. exhibition at Willis P. Hazard’s Bookstore,' tfo 734-' CHESTNUT St.,from 5> A. M. to SP. Mi Admission, 26* cea\ s «-, JOHN McCSURE,; mh3l-lm Publisher. fJERMANIA OROHESTBA—PtfBLIO REHEARSALS every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at BH "o’clock, at the MUSICAL FUND-HALL, CAX& SfiNTZ, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Biu&ages of tickets $L To be had of Andre &• Co.No_ H(ftChestnut street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the; Hall door. •' : n027-tf• Tf A S S.L.B R'S O RCHESTRA. 'iAA NEW"OFFICE, 314 South EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. de2o-€»- wawts.: WAN TED—A BURNISHED -OFFIG 0.- * * suitable for a Shipping audCoramission Merchant-. Address “a. B. 0., ” Press office. ' ; li"? WANTED-BY: A YOMG- MAN W ** good , education* a; SITUATION, in a first-class Shi’p'pvng- and Commission House, to learn the business,, or as an Accountant, in anv manufacturing iastablish ment. Unexceptionable reference- given; - Address, one week, •* Shipping, ”-Prgjff.ofliee. ‘ aplS-6;* WANTED—BY AN - INTELLIGENT * v Business MAN, a Position iu a Manufacturing,* or other corporate company. -Address “U. S., ”at the. office of this paper.. aplS-31;* A LADY- OF SEVERAL YEARS! EX PERIENCE in teaehangEnglish,French, Drawing, and Painting, desires a situation.-Good references given. Address 4 * Teacher, ” Box 941,. Philadelphia Posit Office. ap!7-2t* ... v '• T>OY WANTED—IN A SHOE STORE; D about fifteen years of-' agev of 'good address. None need apply but those who can. furnish the best o? recom mendations. Address “Industry/’ Press> it* ■WANTED—A GOOD CANVASSER ,.*f to solicit orders for a new and popular article. To a man of good address the .employment offered will prove highly iucraiive. Address, with real name, * * Franklin, ” Press office. aplo-6fc M WANTED—-AT A .MODERATE rent, a neat DWELLING, containing eight or nine rooms, with gas and bath, in a respectable neighbor hood, within zG-minutes’ walk of the State House. Ad dress, stating terms, * SB. of 2%&Press- CapTMf gg, WANTED TO RENT—EOB^THE -BBisUummeiv a- SMALL COTTAGE, aocessibla by cars, and within driving distance from, iae city, . Address 4 * Cottage, ” Poet Office. "aplS-2t* m WANTED TO RENT—A STORE on WATER Street or DELAWARE Avenue,between Arch and Chestnut, or Market street, below Secohd street. Address •* Thomas,” Press- Office. apl&-6t* IS9C 000 WANTED FOR. FIVE years, at sper cent., ona City Mortgage. S. W. THACKARA &.SON, - apl7-3t» - No. 2.44 South THIRD gtre&„ dtib nnn or sn,m wanted on Mortgage ibij five years on a Farm. Pro perty seven miles from the city, worth upwards of $lO,OOO. Interest punctually and promptly paid injtiia city. J. D. - ap!7-3t* 436 .WALNUT: , DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFICE.—PHH.ApBLP2ttA, Feb. 9,. VESSELS WANTED immediately to capy GOAL to the following points : ' ] Tortugas. : Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe jW'a. Alexandria, Va. . Newbem, N. C. Port Royal, S.C. A. BOYD, . felO-tf ' Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. BOARDING. UOOD BOARD GIVEN IN EX-! VX. CHANGE for CoaLor Groceries. Address ‘‘ Home - Coinforts,” atrbispfiice.: . _ ; v apl3-6t* : FOK SALE AND TO LET. ■POR SALE CUE AP—Til REE “BUILD- A i n g lots 20 feet front by feet deep, situaied in the Twenty-first ward; near the corner or York and’ Twenty-fourth streets. They are part of the. property.' formerly embraced in. the Lpgan Land Association, but are free from all encumbrauces. Inquire of J. L. BING WALT, 111 South FOURTH Street. . aplS-6t TWO ROOMS, WITH STEAM-POWER.. A TO RENT—They are well'lighted, have hoisting machine and water-ciosota.; ; " VALUABLE B.UILBING LOT, NINE* . t : TEENTH and COATES, Streets, 41 feet front, by 12-il feet deep; will be sold a bargain. ' . - A. C. F. POLWELL,. ' It* 3fc Noith"FIFTH Street: T7OE SALE—C HOI C E M A;I Nf A AVENUE -LOTS in improved portions of- MOUNT MORIAH CEMETERY. •. Inquire 683 MARKET Street, second story.. , . aplfl-thstnSt* m FOR SALE—A LiEGE AND. mi PLEASANT COTTAGE at CHESTNUT HILL; near the Depot; substantially built, conveniently arranged, and dtsirably situated. . Will be sold much beloSE.its, COSfc..: - ' ! - Also, at a bargain, a large, convenient, and- well built COTTAGE, on Limekiln, pike, half mil.© £rom ; Church-lane Station, on the Germantown Railroad. - Also; large and superior COTTAGE at Mermaid Sfca tion, on the Chestnut-Hill Railroad. ' . With other-Cottages of. various sizes in Germantown, - Chestnut Hill, Holmesburg, and other desirable, locan-.- ties.' ’ : "• v ' And, also, every vanetr of City Properties. B. P. GIENN, 133 South FOURTH-SEreeh ' Aft. BENT. $275. —DESIRABLE. D-WEIr-I JftllLxiNG, 920 North ELEA7BNTH, aboveAPoplar;. modern conveniences; eleven rooms. ~ apls-3t* . m FOB SALE—THE MAGNIFICENT* •JBaLNEW HOUSE, Ho, 911 North ErGHTH Street, above Poplar, finished inexquisite style, and must be seen to, be properly appreciated. " Lot 25 feet front, R4-deep* Price $9,500: only $2,500 cash required. Persons wish ing- to .“ee the property must apply at No. 15t North. SIXTH Street. ... - aplB-3trd* MFOE SALE—THE OLD AND, well-known Grocery Stand, i northwest corner SE COND and KOBLE Streets, with the tliree-story dwell ing adjoining: on Hoble street. -Will be accom modating terms, to close an estate. Apply-to W*. Mi PARHAM, 51 North THIRD Street. apIS-stuth6t* FOB BENT—DWELLINGS,. NO. ■H&S-1552 and 20*10 Mt. Vornon street. Arplyto. ETAPtKE * SCHOLFIBLU, jglt* ißßOaij and WALLACE. M’ FOB SALE -A THREE STORYDOU; BLE BRICK DWELLING, with Back Buildings/ 1625 SANSOM Street, containing: 10-rooms ;• good, closets.-' in each room; large store-room.closet on fiijjt landings gas throughout; in perfect order, having just been pa pered and' painted. Two good; .dry cellars, with back outlet on Exeter'street, being a twenty-feet-wide street .Apply 619 VINE Street. $3,000 clear. apl>2t* HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. ]^ABDWABE. CLOSING OUT AT OLD PRIOE.S. The Stock. of a WHOLESALE HO-TJSE, comprising a LARGE ASSORTMENT OF . ALL KINDS OP GOODS. *37 MARKET aud 410 COMMERCE Streets. • aplG-im : ■' "• ’ ~ - PHILADELPHIA PHRENOLOGI ©SpS'CAL CABINET AND BjOGK STORE.—Examiua y\j tions, with written or verbal descriptions of Cha racter. Social Disposition,; Professional Talent, ■*““ Business Qualification, Ate. * are made day and evening. All the publications of Bowler k Welle, wholesale and retaiL a ; JOHJf L. CAPEN, ap7tuths3mif . 033;CHESTNUT Street.- WILLIAM N. ATTWOOD, TJNQESTAKER, „ - „ Has repeoyea from Ms former residence to No. XI aorta ELEVENTH Street,' third house below Arch, west sida. mhBl-lmif EDWIN A. HUGHES, UN. DEETAKEE, ■. r .69 Bouli TENTH Street, above Sprue*. . hlO-ta FifiadeipW-fc ACADEMY OF CHARLES EVANS, . BREAD and QUARRY.