The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 10, 1863, Image 3
CIT Y ITEMS. We publish to-day a statement of the managers of the.Woodlanda Cemetery Company, In of their course in respect to the legisia* tion recently procured to enable the company to ■Bell off a part of their front on the Darby road or Woodland street. The fears of many of the Jioldere have been unnecessarily exoited in respect lo this matter. There have been no steps taken to ‘©xeroise the power granted by the Legislature, and *it will not be hastily or rashly exercised, by such, .gentlemen as have signed the explanation now jjnftde. In-view of Ihe objects contemplated by the pro iposed change,-(that is, paying for preaentand future 'improvements and enclosures,) and that more .ground than that authorized to be sold was to be -added to the cemetery, and tfielatter of a kind more 'Suitable for cemetery purposes than the former, it •appears to us there might be good reasons assigned .‘for the the power the Legislature has •conferred. But the lot-holders can safely trust to .Iheir interests being carefully considered and their views respected by gentlemen who have a common with themselves. . One of our dailies has, we think, without due in •quiry or-examinaUon,done injustice by the remarks inserted in an editorial on this subject. An inquiry •Of the officers of the company would have satisfied them that the statements there made ought never to •have appeared. ■“Affairs of tiie Nation.”—This will l>e the subject of a lecture to be delivered by: Mr. Frederick Douglass, the colored orator, at National Hall, before the Alumni Association of the Insti tute for Colored Youth, on Friday evening, the 24th instant. A Busy Scene.-—Among the most inte resting events which transpired yesterday, was the first grand “ Opening” of the season, of Fancy Goods for Ladies and Children, by Messrs. Charles Oakford & Son, under the Continental Hotel. Their splendid warerooms were thronged throughout the day with the beaufy and fashion of our city, and the opinion was universally expressed that their display Of goods was the richest and most varied of the kind over offered in Philadelphia, Messrs. Wood & Cak-v rn ~ . . . . . ... iNO. 720 Chest nut street, have the v ... .. „ bleaching k" „ >n the erty for a* .-u pressing old Straw Bonnets and Hats. -iiort; notice they are prepared to enlarge, oolor, atrincderate-coct. 'SurEmcut Quality 'Of Sweet Oil.—The '.proprietors of the popular old grocery stand of the /late G. H. Mattson, corner of Tenth and Arch 'streets, have just received a fresh invoice of extra tane quality of Sweet Oil—the pure extract of the olive. We invite attention to Messrs. Wood Si Cary’s splendid new stock of Misses’ and Chil dren’s Straw and Fancy Hats, now open at their' Store, No. 726 Cheßtnut street. Window Shades for Drawing Kocftfs. ■Window Shades for Parlors. Window Shades for Sitting Booms. Window Shades for Dining Rooms. Window Shades for Libraries. Window Shades for Chambers. Window Shades for Halls. Window Shades for Bath Rooms. Shadeß for Kitchens. Damasks, Satin de Laines, Reps, Lastings, &c. Damasks, Satin de Laines, Reps, Lastings, &c. Damaeks, r SatiD de Laines, Repß, Lastings, &c. Damasks, Satin de Laines,, Reps, Lastings, &c. Damasks, Satin de Laines, Repß, Lastings, &c. Damasks, Satin de Laines, Reps, Lastings, &c. Damasks, Satin de Laines, Reps, Lastings, &c. Kelty & Co., 630 Chestnut street. Kelty & Co., 630 Chestnut street. Kelty Sc Co., 630 Chestnut street. Kelty & Co., 630 Chestnut street. The Attack on Charleston.—All eyes Are now turned in the direction of Charleston to see the result of the threatened bombardment of the rebel nursery. It will be practically a battle of iron-clads, the Bhips engaged having their sides ftheathed with iron, and Fort Sumpter having been coated with T rails by the rebs. Some of the sol diers in General Hunter’s army are also protected from ordinary projectiles, as they are furnished With Iron-clad vests, procured at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Poetical. — Our carrier having obtained a very beautiful rose, laid it up and put forth the following: If you steal that roße, I’ll hammer yournose With numerous blows, And hook out your eyes with the nails of my toes, And tear off your clothes, And send you for others where every one goes— To the palatial store of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street. “ A Word to the Wise is Sufficient,” gays the old proverb, and proverbs are said to be volumes of wisdom condensed into sentences. We Wish, in this instance, to say one word to the Wise, and that is, “ Stokes,” Stokes Chas., Stokes Chas. & Co., Stokes Chas. & 00., under the Conti nental j Stokes Chas. Sc Co., the eminent Clothiers, under the Continental. If any of our readers want firstHslaßH ready-made Clothing for the spring, made Up in the best manner, of the most sty lish materials, Of the most fashionable cut, and at just prices, hav ing the price marked on all of the goods, let them •Visit Chas. Stokes & Co.’s “one price,” under the Continental. Upholstery.—' Tlie only successful up bolstering establishment, since the days of our old favorites,- Cowperthwaite & Christie, is that of the new Upholstery store of W. Henry Pat ten, .1403 Chestnut street. Pure. materials, good Workmen, and . prompt personal attention, is se curing Mr. Patten a, very large share of firsbclass business. •- ap9- 6t The undersigned having purchased the entire stock of Silver-Plated Waie and House furnishing Goods of the late firm of E. W. Oarryl & Co., will hereafter conduct the business at the old Stand, No. 116 Chestnut street, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the patronage heretofore extended to the late firm. The Btook will be sold very cheap for cash to close the business. apB-4t Wm. E. Nbwhall. Bedding of every description, of the purest materials, at W. Henry Patten’s New West End Store, 1408 Chestnut street. ap9-6t Old Furniture reuphostered, mended, Varnished, and made to look equal to new. Persons having fine old furniture may send it to this esta blishment with confidence, as I make this a special branch of my business, and none but the best work anen are allowed to work on old furniture at W. Henry Patten’s West End Upholstering Store, 1403 Chestnut street. ap9*6t ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Continental—Ninth. Chas Harrison, N York Thos R. Evans, Wank'a 3t Clickner, Lancaster S A Bamilton, N .Jersey Major Williams. USA E Robinson, N York J Wentworth & wf, Wash G Barbeck, Jr. N York Dr Whelan, Washington WmH Kelley, USN John Wyeth C P Eakin J. J Albertson, Plymouth BH Albertson, Plymouth Maj J I) Smith, Newbern Capt Jas Smith, Newbern Lieut Com T Abbot. U S N W C Kingsley, N York G W Blackson, Zanesville JBamuel Laugh! i n.Wheelng J M Brown, Ohio B McGrim, Pittsburg *W Evans & la, Tniodo *W T Rnnk & la, N Y ork PM Brown, Mass A Currie ’ Alonzo Tilly, Baltimore Chas Weaton, Burlington g F Quimby, u S N JFithian & wf, N \ ork C Cook & wife, Washington Mr & Mra A b Chaw, Balt Col A Provost, Washington Major F S Earle, USA J Camrick, Hew Jersey Geo F Seavey, Boston 'Win HRockfellow, N York j H Parsons & wile, Troy Mrs L S Parsons, Albany C R Marvin, Hew York C Hartshorn,Cincinnati *T IC Latbrop, Boston W N Hawley & wife, Wash A Planter & lady, Brooklyn J N Lightner, Baltimore RevDr Crooks,'Hew York MHoyt, HewYcuk !T ACunningham, Baltimore Geo Peirce, Boston Geo Shannon, Boston J De Groot, Jr, & wife, NTc V Blanchard & wf. Washn ‘ Wiss'Blancbard, Wash 8 B Moore, Wilkesburre • ■ T A Jenkes, Provulenee,R I Hunter, Pennsylvania C Mason, New Y»vk C.M Wheatley, Pliuinixville Col Shoch, Colombia, Pa Chas M Cox, Boston £ F Van Choate, New York Jas E Reynolds & lady,N Y Girard—Cliestmit s 3S C Shinn, New Jersey j fiW Jones 1 75 J Sears, N York ! H PGootee, Baltimore ! J E McAllister, St Paul i <3eo D Leaf, Reading J J Wilberhain, USA S' H Turner A E Brady J H. Bunt G W'Wilkuis, Boxlmry 35 Amleraon, Boston JChos Slaughter, Delaware A E Warner & U, Mainland JJ B H Sturtevant, U 8 A J Craven, Salem, N J 35 8 W Hirons, M J), Del W W Gallaer, Meinphiß J C Megher SI James, California Chan Spear, Boston j J Heckart, Port Deposit SD Hall. Salem, ,N J "WP Stratton, Memphis JfP Riley American— Chestnut VT K Seltzer, Pentia 3? G Smith & la. Bal timare Geo babson, Boston - Hr Roalany, Washington H E Storms 33 F Btadt, Lewisburg r SF Hilton, Rhode island '• EF Briggs & la, R Island J D Pancoast & la, N Jersey H A Daniels, Boston C M Bowers, Massachusetts 6 Dickey, Oxford, Fa 3> E Stout, Reading JF'W’Deininger, Reading 2 H Wintersteen, Pt Carbon J 3 J Dauber, Penna J Waran Sc la, Washington JUF Mullen John C Mulford & wife Commercial— Sixth street, atoove Chestnut. *T Armstrong, Port Deposit W W Wattneight, PhamSV WE Leas, Huntingdon RPaul, New York. A Rankin, Potter’s Mill Mr Norris. Washington 23 Loughery, Potter’s Mill J Sculy, Washington S Miller, Mt Union, Pa J S Brechbill, Washington 0 Brown, Doylestown J King, Washington Corn M A Stewart, Ponna J Wilson. Bucks co tWorrilow, Delaware co D Field, West Chester ies Whiteside, Oxford, Pa W A Johnson, Oxford ise Sloan, Oxford, Pa 0 D Huyck, Virginia, (J Moses, Phcenixvilio States Union—Sixth J Francis & w, Trenton WKinx.NewYork jj B Keefer. Mdchamcsburg % Brandt, Mechanicsburg O Beelman, Mechanicsburg J 3 ZStrait, Salem, Ohio Ufaiint Vernon—Secon JPCConnely, Detroit 9*-W Jones, New xork JT Heckler, Pennsylvania fißatas,N «f. Jersey ind Chestnut streets. P R Stetson, USA Lieut H Stone, USA J C Spear, U S N F G Ballard, Boston J G Kendall, Pittsburg Geo W Pettes, N York C Mason, N York E T Mason. N York f P Thompson, Boston Chas G Tavlor, N York P fl Kellerhouse Sc la, Jf Y S Story Sc la, dost >n F A Dana, N York E Paddock Sc wf, Conn Mrs L L Merchant, N York Mrs Harrison MrsHamtramck & sis, Va John A Green,'Balt James H Browne, Balt R A Taylor, N York P A Rich, Boston D W Seiler, Harrisburg Jas D Dougherty, Harrisb G W Smith, N York Mi & Mrs Cushing, Boston Ml & Mrs J Richard, Boston - T R de Otaneta, Wash’n Mrs Otaneta, Washington D C Branham & son, iad’a S H Cobb, Madison, Ind’a W A Brabiner, Boston E H Allen, Jr, New York W B Cooper & lady, NX L S Waters; Luzerne co John A Kenyon & lady, NY Geo W Perry &laay, N Y. John W Goin, New York Geo H Stanhope, New York T Baumgardner.Lancastcr MajorHagner, USA W Wilkinson, Washington John A Welsor, York, Pa I Chas H Mullin, Penna D M Swain, Baltimore F E Wetherell, New York Geo a. Goodyear, Boston Geo W Ware, Jr, Boston Wm Fosdick, Boston AP Wilcox, New York C S Hager, Lancaster Wayman Crow, Sc Louis RSfleiesel, Georgetown ■R Myers, Georgetown S M Shoemaker, Baltimore W V Brokan, New York J A Morrison, New York G Low- Old Point Comfort J M Ridlehuber. Illinois Miss A Hinds, Illinois B Mallony, New York S C Babcock, New York F M.Rose, Providence, RI itreet, below IVimtli. Col P Sides, USA lIP Leslie, N York W Ward & la, Del co, Pa Mrs E Mann, Baltimore Miss A P Mann, Baltimore E Gardner, Cincinnati, 0 J S Van Oleef, N York .T W Butterfield, Maine Judge Jackson, Halifax R A West, N York J T Lockhart, Nevada E Anderson, Connecticut C Anderson, Connecticut John Taylor, Halifax JM Johnson J T Anderson, New Orleans G W Fassett, Maryland S H Collins, Maryland W G Randall, Maine Lieut M Poore, Virginia C 0 Chapin, Sprmgf’d.Mass FT Hunt, N York A Estabrook & wf, N B M Pratt, Deep River' IJ Picard, NYork t Street) above Flftlii Joh D Smitli, USA JP Coates, Coatesville T Middleton, New York AJBaldwiu, Oxford John Cox, Penna G L Hoifman. Baltimore 8 S Stone, Baltimore C H Voucv Schlk Haven Miss N A Kelley, N Jersey 0 MKnauss, Bethlehem , W H Miller, Delaware Mr &Mrs Gittings, Wash. R G Cook, Jersey Shore RLB Bratton l Ira Gile, Massachusetts James B Field, Taunton - WF Bokee.Bokton Geo M Bokee, Boston : and Market streets. J Foust, Pj incetoa 0 Maitland, Baltimore J B Snyder, Lancaster P Barrett, New York N Hantch Carlisle J Miller, Lancaster co id street) above Arch. R Howard, New Jersey ABedford, New York J Hover, New York H Sully. - Merchants’— Pouitl ® B Godfre>, Pittsburg J> W Hanna. Ohio Jno Lawrence, Ohio F Failhaph, Lewistown.O 6 N Haller. Cornfield. 0 O B Merrill, Clearfield Mrs <-ardner,Danville T It Evans, Baltimore Joe Coldwoll J Cochran,f*hio Goo lekes, Ohio J L Mjackman, Penna Geo J Bohlin, Harrisburg J R Cleckner, Lancaster Col R N Cummins, Penna Jns Glenn, California F Rinding, Trenton C A Grlej-emer, Reading C Laubach & 2 da, Danville A Mi ler & la, R rwick E G Pomeroy, New York J S Brand. Chambersburg Miss Flack, Chambersburg St. r.°,Us—Clrestm.t Street, above Third. En.A Bead, Now York F Wnener W,«)i li n SSKjni* -T Paufk, frashlkton? B C JJa.jßy, PottB\lllG J Heilgfir Bditimiii'fl pfl» U M M llg f e f> Potts '; illo D Potter, New.Tettey I h S (lHW e R lv ,“ ia S Butler, New York H I fiSrfi.f'ii"f. N Y orlc Maj Wilson, US A S p S IriS I MIVi & 'n l3y ’’apt Sampson, Fair Haven u e J van Konsselear, N Jearsy t ffi,;* H S v f, n „ s A Fengh, Washington,D C r % 3s S r > Bellefonte Mark Crosby, Boston C l) Keller, Bellefonto T Farnsworth. Boston J I S, f? 11 ' l/ellofonte G Steel, New fork SclLfJ'nSw: E ACi;rk,NewYrirk I^4.l, \sn "' JChe »' Pa The Union—Arch s’ John Foble, Maryland Wni Foble, Maryland - J G Thompson, W Chester Wni Dulty, PbiTa J R Baldwin, Ohio' R VV Lamborn, Penna .1 C Rochester, Ohio ,T 2 Collins, Ohio F H l)avis, Trenton J K Russell, Lancaster b L Brown, Salem C howler & wf, Penna (trcet, above Tliird* Mrs a P Fowler, Penna C Cranz, Ohio H Faikes, Ohio GJ Young, Pittsburg J R Smith, Peuna HTorrey, New York L Bateman, New York Mre Clark, Hagerstown iVViMcGear, New Jersey M Cromer, Penna C Hillborn, Penna National—Race! John C .Tones, Penna'? JosWhitaker.Mt Clair A .TWhitaVer R Guth, Allentown S’W Sturgeon,Penna K* Jenningß, Pittston S DreifnsB,Tow''- • ■fMpiw - . ..rtiuia *- -u.-Hiiy, Jenkiutown J 0 Beck, Sunbury St., above Third. liehigh’cb at Lebanon. Mraßartmtt yqtlsville S. * v ftOce, Allentown . e‘Borman. Pittston J Si’.hoeufeld, MD,Reading T Willett & la. New Cutnb’a Miss E Gohn,Penna Madison—Second sti A Weaver, Monroe co E B Walton. Penna E G Smith, Penna M Polin, Wisconsin H Weid, Peuna Dr G W Britton & lady H E McKeever trect, above Market. C C Stockley, Delaware J M Yimarsdalcn, Bristol J A Johnson & la, C Arnell & soil, New Jersey E A Hukler, Doylestowu R McKum, Doylestown Bald. Ea glc—Third E Hope, Butzttf tvn W P Huber, Penna »t., above Callowhlll* D 2 Barnes, Peuna M D Dodson, M Chuck Geo F Price, Newark .T Beuson, Cedarville R JKeime, Penna Eph Dietrick, New Jersey S Datesmau, Mt Bethel A R Schott, Penna J Smith, Backs county J M Reese, Allentown Mrs F Kauffman, Allentown ,T P Nitz, Hummelstown Mrs Williams, Carbon co Ezekiel Packer, Somerset John H Saumes, Somerset Wm B Dodson. Philada J H Geri ert, Lebanon co Mrs S Gernert, Lebanon co . Barley Slicaf—Second street, below Vine* J V D Snlpliin.Cent’ Bridge WPFox, Luinberville Stanford Snyder, Hartsvilie Jas Blileiv Doylestown John. Scotß, Sbhmony, N J G V Rice, USA Wm Llppircott, Bucks co C B Ely, Bucks co Wm Hughes, New York 1W Pi*etz, Centreville' W Stuart, USA T J Brown, Lumberville J Cadwalader, Fox Chase Joseph. Canby, Bucks co J Eemble, Hatboro Harry Cain, Decosto, N Y J D Myers, New Jersey] Amos Ely, Bucks co M T Fox. Lumberville D K Furner, Hartsvilie Jacob Sutter, Pt Pleasant Black Bear—Third Si G W Foering, Lehigh co T Yerk*’?, Hatboro M Wallheiser, Penna R Wanner, Katztown it, above Callowhlll* H Geirge, Kutztowa A Buckmann, Penna- G W Wolf, Danboro Wellington Kline, Penna SPECIAL NOTICES. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment cures Toothache in one minute. Batchelor’s Hair Dye ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the'hairfor life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, &c. 4®» The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of each box. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street. ) my2S-ly ; • .' • New York. A Beautiful Complexion can be ob tained by the use of HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT SAR SAPARILLA. March, April, May, and June, are the be»s months to use a Blood-Purifying remedy. See adver tisement. fe27-fmw3m One-Price Clothing, of the Latest TTT,es, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL 3ALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi gures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Onr One-Pbice System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. - dfl2-1v JONES Sc CO.. 60* MARKET Street. MARRIED. THOMAS—DUNGAN. —On the 9th instant, by the Rev. Jonathan Edwards, D. D., George C. Thomas, Jr., to Sup M., daughter ofCharles B. Dungan. * WHITE—GORDON.—On Thursday, April 9tl\, 1863, at Christ Church, Reading, by the Rev. M. C. Lightner, of Binghampton, N. Y., J. Brinton White, of Phila delphia, and Jane Dundas, daughter of the! late Hon. D. F. Gordon, ofßeading. * STRaWBRI DGE—LUKENS. —On the 7th instant, by Friends’ ceremony, Justus C. Strawbridge to Mary Lukins, both of this city. (Nocards.) • * KBEIDER—WALTER.-On the 7tU instant, bv the Rev. N. Gelir, Dr. O. L. Kreider, of Lebanon. Pa., to Miss Caroline L. Walter,, of Philadelphia. [Lebanon papers.please copy ] * WILSON—DOLE.—On the Ist iustant, by the Rev. A. E. Ballard, Mr. A. A. Wilson to Mrs. : Amanda Dole, all of Catoden, N. J. * LEF.S—LECHLER.—On the 6tli instant, by the Rev. Mr. Patterson, Mr. Charles Lees to Miss Sallie A., daughter ot the late William Lechler, butcher, of this city. * X3X813. STUART. —On the morning of the 7th inst., William David Stuart, in the 23d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invittd to attend his funeral, from the residence of his father, George H. Stnarfc, No. 1313 Spruce street, on Saturday afternoon next, the 11th inefc., at 2 o’clock, without further notice. Interment at the Wood lands : HOLLINSHEaD.—On Tuesday, the7th inst., Charles H. Hollinshead, of Mt. Holly, New Jersey. His friends are invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, at Mt. Holly; on Saturday, April 11th. at 2}« o’clock P. M. % WILSON.—On Tuesday evening. 7thinstant, William, son of John M. and ElizabethF. Wilson, aged 8 years, 2 months and 22 days. * BARRETT.—On the 7th instant, Willie A., infant son ofW. B. andM. E. Barret, aged 33 months. * BOYD.—On the 7th instant, William, infant son of Janies and Catharine Boyd, aged 9 months and 18 days.* CRISSEY.— On Wednesday morning, the Bth instant, Mary Douglass, daughter of Augustus M. and Emma E. Crissay, aged 6 months and 17 days. * DAVIS-— On the Sth instant, Victoria Adelaide Davis, ; youngest daughter of Richard and Jane Davis, in the 6th year of her age. ~ ~ * TVLACK AND WHITE MOZAM- J-> BIQUES, 4-4 WIDE, 37J£ cents. Black and white striped Mohairs, 28 cents. Biack and white De Laines, 28 cents. Black and white all wool Mousselines, 44 cents. Black and white Lawn, and Chintzes, 18# cents. Black and white Challie de Laines, 81>6 cents. Black all wool Mousseline de Laines, 44 cents. Black all wool Mousselines, double width, 87K cents. Black silk Challie, 60 cents. Black Bareges, 25 cents: Bombazines,sl, &c. «Stc. BESSON* SOS, MODRNING STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. A-A RICH CHINTZES REDUCED TO 2o CENTS. 1 case wide Chintzes, 25 cents. 1 case 4-4 Double Purples, 2 s cents. 1 case 4-4 Gay Styles, 25 cents. 1 case Spring Styles, 25 cents. „ EYRE & LANDELL, ' ■••• FOURTH and ARCH. PTNR ST OO K OP SEASONABLE -i- GOODS adapted to First-class Trade. Novelties in Dress Goods. v Spring Silks, new styles. * Opening of Spring Mantles. New style Bock-spuu Sbawls. EYRE & LANDELL, apl. FOURTH and ARCH.- THE AMUAL MEETING OF THE Philadelphia Society for the employment and instruction of the poor will be held at their House of In dustry, CATHARINE Street, below Eighth street, on HE' :O’ND-D AY, the 13th of Fourth month (April) inst., at 4 o’clock P.M. Election of officers. . ap-103t* - CHARLES P. PEROT, Secretary. SCHUYLKILL AUTO ST7SQ,TJEH A.lV |LOh> HA EaILHOAI)-COMPANY, Office 227 South. IoURTH Street—Philadelphia, April 3, IS63.—The an nual meeting of the Stockholders of this company and an election for President and six Managers will take Slace at the office of the company, on MONDAY, the 4th ay of May next, at 12 o’clock M. - } W. H. .WEBB, Secretary, ap3-tiny4 NATIONAL HALL-NATIONAL ft<2=> * HALL. —FREDERICK DOUGLASS will lecture before the Alumni Association of the Institute for Co lored Youth on FRIDAY EVENING, April 24th, at NA TIONAL HALL. Subject—*' Affairs of the Nation.” Tickets of admission, 25 cents. Tickets can be had at J. E- Gould’s Music Store. 632 Chestnut street, and at the office of the Lebanon Cemetery, 717 Lombard street. Doors open at 7X o’clock; Lecture to commence at 8. - ap9-6t* iv<b» OFFICE OF TIIE AMERICAN l<2> FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia,' April 6, 1563. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SIX DOLLARS per share for the last six months, which Will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal repre sentatives on and after the 16tlv insfc., clear of all taxes. ap7-9t* A. C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary. UNITED STATES CHRIS T I A N COMMISSION FOR THE ARM ZAND NAVY— j-i S NATIONALITY, AIM, ECONOMICAL FACILITIES, AND UNBOUNDED OPPORTUNITIES. The United States Christian Commission is -■ NATIONAL. v embracing all States of the Union, all parts of the Ar my and Navy, and all denominations of Christians, and has the full tanction of the National authorities, civil, military , and naval. M is to minister to the religions and temporal wants of all rearing the national uniform on land and sea. The Christian Commission regards our brave defenders a Bvnen, having both bodies and souls. Bodily relief to suffering men is important and imperative; without it, religious admonitions are in vain, and a .mockery.. Therefore, the - Commission receives and distributes clothing and comforts, and sends relief to the sick, wounded, and destitute, by every one ofits delegates. Religions instruction ana consolation are more price less still, and the Commission,' while meeting bodily wants, doeshot forget that God made men hying souls to live by His own precious Word, and that there is none other name given under heaven amongst men whereby we can be saved” but the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore sends as delegates only such men as love the Saviour and his Word, and delight to point others to the Lamb of God. ITS PLAN is to have ministers and laymen as delegates in eyew Military Department and Naval Squadron to aid Chap lains, preach the Gospel, hold prayer meetings, relieve the sick and wounded, instruct and console the dying, write to their friends at home, receive and distribute the Scriptures, hooks, papers, and tracts, with clothing and comfortß, and accompany all with words of cheer to the men from home, and with prayer to Godfor His blessing upon them. Over four hundred men have already enlisted as dele gates, many oi whom are still in the field and at work; thirty-one in the Army of the Potomac, others in the Army of the Cumberland, the Army of the Mississippi, at Memphis and near Vicksburg; the Army .of Missouri and Arkansas, amongst our soldiers at Harper’s Ferry and Winchester, Va.; in the Parole Camp, near Annapo lis, and Convalescent Camp, near Alexandria; at New port News, Norfolk, Newborn, Port Royal, Pensacola, New Orleans, and Baton Rouge. economical facilities. Nearly every office and store-room of the Commission is given rent free for its use; nearly every employee gives his services without, salary.; all railroads afford their facilities either free or at halt price; over the wires of twenty-five thousand miles telegraphic companies transmit despatches to ana from the. Commission with out charge; and .the Government gives free transpor tation over all its lines.. • - . „ . ■ For economy, directness, comprehensiveness of aura, and certainty of execution, no other agency ha? ever ex celled this; and as a field the world never presented r of^i r s»°£iS) o s!>po ß -ro H iTiis.; . A million of patriot soldiers and sailors, eager for the benefits we bestow. • , . •. . ... Urgent calls coming daily from the .various parts of the army and navy* , Great movements and bloody fields at hand. What an opportunity offers for the Christian Commis sion and for the Christian public! Let it not be lost. Money and stores are grealy needed. . For further" information, directions, and documents, address the Rev. W. E. BOARDMaN, Secretary, No. 13 BANK Street, Philadelphia 1 ... ' All stores should be addressed to GEO. H. STUART, Chairman, No. 13 BANK Street, Philadelphia; auc money be senUo JOSEPH PATTERSON, Western Bank, Philadelphia, GEO. H. STUART, Chairman, CHARLES DEMOND, Boston,: E. S. JANES, Now York, JOHN P. CROZER, Philadelphia, JAY COOKE, Philadelphia, *p6-mwf6t . Executive Committee. l street', helow Arch* Miss M Huff. Milton, Pa Miss Strine, Milton, Pa Lt J R Smith. Hazleton A Hyman, Dallas, Pa D Cash.Towanda, Pa K D Mitcheil Trenton, N J W McLellao, Chambersbg Wm Patton,Columbia, Pa Win Hollands, Mansfield Jos Sm tli,New Jersey T H Ball,St John, N B Edw Qi'otzinTOr.N York JF Weaver, mlearflold G S Green, Trenton ER Burnitf, Felton,Del Sami Sayler,Easton Jno Lang, Carlisle R K Ditiborogb MW Lyman, Meriden,Ct A B Erhard, Centre co N L Lafferts', Penna Miss C Reed, Mifll.nbnrg fS?-A GREAT NATIONAL OELEBRA TION.—At a meeting of the Board of Directors of THE UNION LEtGUE of Philadelphia, held March 26, 1663, the following resolutions, presented by Mr. CHAS. GIBBONS, were unanimously adopted: RESOLVED. 1. That the League will celebrate tfie approaching an niversary of American Independence by appropriate ceremonies, at the Hall of Independence. 2. That all the Union Leagues aud Associations in the United States be incited to participate in the celebration, and that they be requested to send deputations from their respective bodies for that purpose. 3. That it be recommended that the deputies be autho rized to represent their respective constituents-ln any action that may be deemed necessary and expedient to perfect the organization of the friends of the American Union and Government throughout the United States. 4. That the Committee of Correspondence be autho rized to prepare a circular letter, communicating these resolutions to the Union Leagues and loyal citizeus of the respective States, and to adopt tuch measures as may be necessaiy to carry them iuto effect. ~ ,WM.M. MEREDITH, President. GEO. H. BOKER, Secrotary. -apf-lm WW 9S- I ' A !® DS cje.ti sTEftv.- Pf" s imsropiepentatipns have been made in respect reel tLom? " r ’ Ism « n “ l,ontolltli e “>Miigerstooor latuhr»'ti?^^hin,no.ah ' tllor ! U ? P r ° cu ™'» from theLegis- IVont tafn l d J he i wholB ,“f the Woodland-street °*i y C^e w ? stPrn end of that front; and the th?ro?nettvt h a c L rizes 5* 8 milna /ersto pnrcli .se and add to slmlStliT as much ground as they, dispose of; and foraud,-h>r,Si™ ha,vB s .e»“«d,-b y contract, grounds “i” ™ of the cemetery sonihwestward winch tn 1.1 S n!? 1 '? 1 ! ,| ej>."n’oBes of the cemotery than that admie hi tii= ™ 8 esls al, i ou .tf h™ s "on wa- procured not *'°“?ky the managers, bnt by the authority of the cor- P mi 0J& of the cemetery company ct,l. e f°iw a ,^ o,lh ?/ disposing of a portion of thn Woodland ' r , arc these: there have never been any taxes iSSi 5 ?on lotholders m the.cemetery, and it isnotdo an ytime,to impose them. There is a bond doht (noJienon the cemetery), yet unpaid, of about SiVOM. ra the costly granite entrance, erected since rno-t or the wte o e n e s , ol ,‘l’ a S d 'or other improvement-,aud towards wh oh thelo holderscontnbuted nothing, whichdebtit is 888 “ : fri. 10 h-tye discharged. r> w ing to tile rapid pro westward, pipes have been laid for-tke water on Woodland street, and curbing, street paving, and foot paving mnstsoon follow, the charges for which - would be lif-ns on, the cemetery, snd on two thousand icet front would swell to a mige amount. It is very de sirable, and is The purpose of the managers, to make a secure and permanent enclosoro of .stone ou the other tnree sides of the cemetery—an object of large cost, and Which every lotholder would like to see icoomplished. , TbepurpoheofthebuildiJigimprovcments is not ro mar the besutv ol'the cemetery, nor to make it secure, but the more secure. A heavy wait wiils-tili enclose the cemeteiy on the same side, neai which no building v ill be erected, and the houses on the front be built in pairs, witli open spaces between them; consequently, the oc cupantt of tlie houses, while they will enjoy the pros pects and free circulation of the uir over the cematery grounds, will he its friendly protectoi\ The Managers sincerely believe what they propose will be for the truest interest of tbe lotholders. It has bo n by the Managers’ capital, and their care for many years past, «hat tbe most beautiful park in the vicinity of Phi ladelphia has been preserved as an ornament. aDd res cued from tlie levelling process or buildings by the ex tension over it of houses and factories. They have pre served it at a cost that has not been, and thev expect never will be, recompensed, otherwise than by securing an objtct of public interest and humane utility. There they themselves have secured, aud wish to protect, their own burial lots; there they have burled those they most loved, and there they expect also to be buried. They think, therefore, they ought to he trusted to manage for tbe best security of all; and if they could do better than they proDOseto do, they would endeavor to do it, haying in view both the security of the lotholders and the pre servation of the cemetery, as the most beautiful piece of rural scenery that can in the futare ornament the centre of the great city now advancing rapidly to enclose the cemetery. ELI EC PRTCE, President. JOHN C. MITCHELL,' ■ WM. H. MOORE. FERD. J/PREER, EDWIN GREBLE, EDWD. F. GAY, WILLIAM W. KEEN, JOHN C.: PEOHfN, It JOHN LINDSAY OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR- K> TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, -Philadel phia* Octobers, 1862. • Wounded Soldiers and" Sailors desirous of availing thf-raselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the Suigeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRaNK PALMER, ja9-6in Government Surgeon-Artist. NORTHERN LIBERTIES AND PENN TOWNSHIP RaIIROaD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 7ih, 1663. a meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held i tthe Office of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail road Company, No. 5427 SOUTH FOURTH S-reet, on MONDAY, the 4th day of May next, at 10 o’clock M., at which time and place an election of Officers will be held. [apS-dtM43 A. A. KOXIGMACHKR, Sec’y. HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 1113 fcC?* 6 ' CUTHBEKT Street.—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner, free of charge. B. F. GLENN, n022-tf Secretary of Board of Managers. jyssa. OFFICE OF THE FIRE IN4U fcc?* RUiCa COMPANY OF THE COUNTY OF PHI LADELPHIA—ApriI 3, 1863. - ' At a meeting of the Directors, heldTH { S DAY, HENRY BUDD, Feq., was unanimonsly elected Vice President of said Company. BENJAMIN F. HOECKLEY, apS-inwi'r 3t Secretary. NOTICE -OFFICE OF THE DELI- WaRE AND RARITAN CANAL aud theCAM DEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTA TION COMPANIES, Princeton (N. J.). March 31,1363.. The Treasurer of the above Companies is now prepared to PAY THE BONDS due at Princeton, August 1, 1863, being the', five per cent. Converted Sterling Loan. The principal, an! also tbelast coupon, will he paid on pre sentation to WILLIAM H. GATZMER, Philadelphia; or to Cap3-lm] RICHARD STOCKTON, Treasurer*. OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Philadelphia, April 6,1563. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, held this day, a semi-annual Dividend of SIX PER CENT, and an extra Dividend of TEN PER CENT, was declared on the capital stock, payable to the stock-' holders, or their legal representatives, on aud after the 16th instant. , J. W. McALLISTEft, - ap7-10t . . Secretary pro tem. UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSI ON, No. 13GT CHESTNUT STREET, To all who have Friends in the Army — Soldiers, Aid Societies, Clergymen, Editors, and others, are respect fully requested to aid in disseminating the following notice, which is of interest to all who have friends in the Army: DIRECTORY OP THE HOSPITALS. The Sanitary Commission have made arrangements for supplying information gratuitously with regard to patients in the United States General Hospitals at the following points (others will be added): . PHILADELPHIA DEPARTMENT.—For information, address Office Sanitary Commission, No. 1307 CHEST NUT Street. ; Philadelphia, Germantown, Chestnut Hill, Chester,' Reading, Harrisburg. NEW YORK DEPARTMENT.—For information ad dresss Office Woman’s Central Union, No. 10 Cooper Institute. ' New York, N. Y.; New Haven, Conn.: Boston. Mass.; Portsmouth Grove, R. I. ; Brattleboro, Vt.; Burlington, Yt.; Albany, N. X.; Newark, N. J. EASTERN DEPARTMENT.—For information address Office Sanilary Commission, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C.; Georgetown, D. C.; Baltimore, Md.; Frederick City, Md. ; Alexandria. D. C. ; An napolis, Md.: Annapolis Juuction. Md.; Point Lookout, Md.; Aquia Creek, Va.; Cumberland, Md. ; Fairfax, Ya.; York, Pa. WESTERN DEPARTMENT.-For information address Office Sanitary Commission, Louisville, Ky. Columous, Ohio; Keokuk, ’lowa; Clarksville, Tenu.; Cleveland, Ohio; Davenport, ’ Iowa; Jackson, Tenu. ; Camp Dennison, Ohio; Paducah, Ky. : Murfreesboro, Tenn.; Galliapolis, Ohio; Bardstown, Ky.; .La Grange, Tenn.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Lebanon, Ky. ; Gallatin, Tenn.; Quincy, 111.; Columbus, Ky.; Nashville, Teun., Cairo, 111.; Columbia, Ky. ; Vicksburg, Miss.: Mound City, 111.; Louisville, Ky. ; Corinth, Miss.; Jefferson ville, Ind.; Covington, Ky.; Helena, Arkansas; Evans ville, Ind. ; Lexington, Ky. ; Grafton, Va.; New Al bany, Ind.; D.mville, Ky ; Point Pleasant, Va.; St. Louis, Mo;; Perryville, Ky;; Parkersburg, Va.; Iron ton, Mo. ; Bowling Green, Ky. ; Clarksburg, Va. ; Rolla, Mo.; Memphis,' Tenn.; Charlestown;, Va.; Springfield, Missoui'i. ’ Information will, under ordinary circumstances, he given to any one applying for it in answer to the iollow lng questions. If the application is by letter, the au swerwillbe sent by return of mail. . If in. person, it will be answered at once. . ; 1. Is —- (giving name and regiment) at present m the hospital of ? ~ . 2. If so, whatis his properaddress? 3. What is the name of the Surgeon or Chaplain of the hospital? . • , ‘ ' 4. If not in hospital at present, has he recently been in hospital? . 5. If so, did he die in hospital, and at what date? 6. If recently discharged from hospital, was he dis charged from service? 7. Ifnot, what were his orders on leaving? Moret-pecific information, as to the condition, of any patient in the Philadelphia hospitals, will be furnished within twenty-four hours after a request to do so is re ceived at ihe office, No. 1307 CBESTNUT Street. . The office of the Directory will he open daily (Sandays excepted) from 9 o’clock A. M. to 6 o’clock P. M. The Commission receives no pecuniary aid from the Government, and is wholly dependent on the voluntary contributions of the public for the means of sustaining its operations. Contributions to : its treasury are so licited, and will be thankfullv received by CALEB COPE. Esq., Treasurer, apl-wfm T2t N. E. corner of MINOR and SIXTH Sts. SPRING miLINERY, CS-T\ MISSES O’BRYAN-, 1107 WAL •*$f&'i)NUT- Street, will open PARIS- MILLINERY ii'*' FOR THE BPRIBG, on THURSDAY, April 9th,. 1563. . ' ~ • • ap7-lm* rffh MB S. M. Ar K,I Na, NO. 1026 jMpL'A) CHESTNUT Street, will open a handsome assort 11W mcnt of Spring and Summer Millinery on THURSDAY, April 9th. - . - ap6-6fc* U. S, INTERNAI. REVENUE. Y FOB THE SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX STAMPS, Wo. 57 South. THIRD Street, first door aboTe.Chefitnut A full supply of all kinds of TAX STAMPS constantly on hand, and for sale in quantities to suit. A liberal discount allowed on amounts of $5O and up wards. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. . Office Hours from 9 A. M. to 5 F. M. JACOB E. RIDOWAY, deSMjelO No. 57 SouthTHIRD Street TTNITBD STATES INTERNAL RE, U VENUE, SECbND COLLECTION DISTRICT ■ Of Pennsylvania, embracing the- First, .Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth wards of the city of Philadel phia. , NOTICE. , '.' , The annual assessment in the above-named, district of all persons liable to tax on Gold and Silver Plate, Car riages, Billiard Tables, and Pleasure Yachts, and also of Si persons required to take out Licenses, having been, completed, notice is hereby given that the taxes due under said assessment will be received by the under signed, daily, Sundays excepted, between the hours of 9 A. M. and3P. M., at his ofltce, southwest corner of THIRD and WALN OT Streets, on andafter SATURDAY,: the 11th instant, until and including Saturday, the 9th day of May, 1863. PENALTIES. ■; • All persons "Who fail to pay the annual taxes on. gold and silver plate, carriages, billiard tables, and pleasure yachts, on or before the aforesaid 9th of May, 1563, will 1 incur a penalty of tea per centum additional upon the amount thereof, as provided for in the 19th section of the exciselawof Julyl,lS62. , . . All persons who in like manner shall fail to take out thbir licenses, as required by law, on or before the 9th day of May. 3563, will incur a penalty of three times the amount of said licenses, in accordance with the provi sions of the 59th section of the excise law aforesaid. the United States on lg r.coi i ved. uectori ; ap9-dtmy9 cor. oi THIRD and WALNUT Sts. T>Y ALL MEANS GET AN IVORY JP t yPE ofRBIMER. Those executed,at his Gallery have no parallel in beauty, accuracy, or simplicity of style, SECOND Street, above GREEK, r T3RANDY— JUST RECEIVED EX D “Golden Leaff” one hundred and fifty packages, Bellevoisin Brandy, pale and dark, in>£ pipes, % ana yc casks; also, in store Marefct, BLsquit, Buboucho,- Ac.. and other fine Cognacs, assorted packages. Imported and for sale by HENItY BOHLEw & CO. , ap!o-6t and g&3 South FOURTH Street. A DHEBIYB LABELS.—LABELS OF -CL. on descriptions Printed and GUMMED, on reason able terms, fay RINGWALT & BROWN, Steam-Power Printers, IXI and 113 South FOURTH, Phlla.. mh3l-i2t JOE! IOEI ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE 1 COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. ' Families, Offices, Hotels, Shipping* Ice-Cream. Saloons, &c., &c. : , supplied daily with a pure article of BOsTQN ICE, at the; very lowest market rates. Dealers , and large consumers supplied at wholesale prices. Wagons run in all paved limits of the Consolidated city, and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. THOS. E CAHILL, 335 WALNUT Street. : nfficAH» J North Penna. R. & Master street. , umceß. Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets. ' ap3-3mif*. (.Pine-street wharf. BchuylkllU no AL —SUGAB LOAF, BEATER and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain from Schuylkill; prepared ex pressly for family use. Depot N. W. corner of EIGHTH Ld WILLOW Streets. OffiM. Ho. 118 South SBCOND Street £ap2-lyl J. WALTON &CG. THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY. APRIL 10. 1863. gPECIAL NOTICE TO LADIES. DOUBLE PATENT NEEDI4GS. Thpae needles are eecnred on paper like pins, and sold' in package 0 f one dozen each. They are more economical and useful than any needle Offered. For eale by JOHN MUST IN, r Street, and corner of ARCH and SE-; V ENT H Streets; also at LEE & REED’S. (Waroock’a £ 3 North EIGHT'S Sireet; R K. STEW and CHESTNUT* MAXWELL Sc HON, ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT'; 6CHUELLSRMaNJI & CO., 33 North.^JGHTlTStreet' . apl-wf&mGt niOTHS, GASSIMiSBE& r 'AND‘TEST- INGS. Uftsslmeres for Boys. Casstdmeies for Young Gents; Cassimeres for suits. < Cawitueres foreverybody. Casejmeres, mixod’and plain; i Cassimeres. striped and plaid: Caßsnneres, Black and Urowii, At JOHN H. STORES’, ap9 -yoa-ARCH Street. pB EAP DRY GOODS; CARPETS, OIL CLOTH-, AND WINDOW SHADES I .—V. E. ARCHAMBAULT, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MAR KET Streets, will open this morning from Auction, In grain Carpets, at 50, 62, 76, 87c., ; and $1; Ef try and Stair- Carpets, 50c. to $1; >n‘ffCarpetH, 45 to 65c.; Floor Oil Cloilip, 60 to 75-cts. Gilt-Bordered Window'Shados> 75c. to $1.60; Sheeting, Shirting, and Pillow Case Muslins, 20 to 40 cts. ; Table Linens, -62 c. to $1; NapkinS, l®Ko.; White and Color* d Marseilles Quilts, $1 to $8; Stella Shawls, sSto $8; Mous do L'aines, 25.t0.37c. ; Chiutzes. 22 to 28c. ; Cloth Table Covers, $1760 to s4;' Plain aua Fancy Cassimeres, 76 cts. to $1.60; Fancy Shirting Flannels. 60.t065c. . mhli-wfm lm COMMISSION HOUSES. l/V</i/VV\AA/WWVV\A/WVVW'A GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. ' DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKT-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, ST AND AKD "WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD "WEIGHT. HEAW LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale by " FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. se2-iftf ; JJEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR, NEW DIAGONOLS. NEW MIXTURES. NEW COLORS. NEW 0-4 COATINGS. Managers. BOYS’ CLOTHING READY-MADE. BOYS’ AND MEN’S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. COOPER <6 CONARD.' apS-tf S. E. corner NINTH AND MARKET Sts. JOHN KELLY, JR., T AILO JR , HAS REMOVED FROM 1022 CHESTNUT-STREET. TO EDWARD P. KELLY’S, 143 South THIRD Street,- Where he presents to former patrons and the public the advantages of a STOCK OF GOODS,equalif not su perior, to any in the city—the Bkill and taste of himself and EDWARD P. KELLY, the two best Tailors of the city—at prices much lower than any other first-class esfca-- blishment of the city. mh3l-tf T3LACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, XJ At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, At 704 MARKET Street, BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.60. At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50. At 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET.Street, GRJGG & VAN GtJNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GTJNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GUBTEN’S, No. 7C4 MARKET Street. mh2l-6m XI. s. FIVE-TWENTIES, os TWENTY-YEAR SIX-PER-CENT. BONUS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. - I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest 'will commence from the BATE OF SUB SCRIPTION, and fs PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States r on the first days of May and November of each year. At the present premium ok gold, these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent, per annum. A Ml supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 EOUTH THIRD STREET. SPECIAL NOTICE. On and after July Ist, 1563, the privilege of convert ing the present- issue -of -LEG AL-TENDER NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX-PER-CENT. LOAN (com monly called “Five-TwentiesV) will cease. Ail who wish to invest in the Five-Twenty- Loan must, therefore, apply before the Ist of JULY next. JAY COOKE,: Subscription Agent, mh4-tjyl . 114 South THIRD Street, Phiiada. FREIGHT KILLS- THE LOWEST MARKET RATES, HUNTER, NORTON, & GO., g HAKYEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. y 3I3.WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and all kihds of U. S. GOVERN KENT? SECURITIES, bought and sold on Commission. ; Busines&'Paperand Loans on CoUateral__negoti**ftd at Lowest fates. ' ’ , _- - "■'r" ' UNITED STATES 5-20 YE&K'SIX per cont. BONDS, furnished at PAR in sums to suit. .... _ . Orders By Mail shall receive prompt attention. Kefere Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., John B. Myers & Co,, Samuel B.Thomas,Esq., Furness, Brinley, & Co., John Thomas, ,Esq.. <apl-3inif • fU'All TERMA SIKHS’ V OTTO H ERS, '<* and U. S. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, Bought and sold I)AVIBS fc so:f , 325 DOCK Street. DWA R I) M. DAV I S , STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 39 South THIRD Street, (upstairs,) A GENERAL BEOKEEAGE AND BANKING BUSIf Stocks and Bonds Bought and; Sold on Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Eemitted. Exchange on Europe Sold. Special'Collections made. Coin and Cur* rency Bought, interest Allowed’on Deposits. apl-3m ? JOHN b. gapp & SON, S T O OKA ND NOTE B it O K E R S , i No. »3 South THIRD Street, ' "* - '• t ■-• • • Directly opposite the Mechanicsj Bank. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON AT THE BOARD OT BROKERS. MONEY IN V E O NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED mM2-3m ON THE BEST TERMS. A RMYCLOTHING EQUIPAGE, XJL TWELFTH AHD GIRARD STREETS. • • • - • Philadelphia, Apnl.o, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office until 12 o’clock M., on WEDNESDAY;, the lSth instant, to fur nish promptly the following supplies at the Schuylkill ya rds4-4 Bleached, Muslin. Canvas Padding. , . ... Bidders will state In their proposals the quantity .bid for. and time of delivery, and also give the namesor two sufficient securities for the faithful fulfilment of the contract, if awarded. . , Bidders are requested to send samples,, and are invited to he present at the opening oftlje qrOSM A-N, Ass’t Q. ;M.VGe'neral U. S. Army. TV/TARSH AL’S SALE.' —BY VIRTUE of a' Writ of Sale by theiHonorable JOHN CAD WALADER, Judge of the District Coart of the United States in and for the Eastern District ofPonrLaytyanla, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOW HILL-STMET -WHARF, on TUESDAY, April 21, at 11 o'clock A. M. ,lthe Schooner GLIDE,,her tackle, etc., as she now lios at said wharf; Imnudiatehr after the sale nf the vessel, will be sold at MICHENER S STORE, No. 142 Noith FRONT Street, the cargo oDthe same, consist ing of 78 baloaand2l ba ® B w?|xiAitt i<>^LtWAßD, - s v : United StatesMarehalE. K afPshasylvanla. PSttAUELPHtA. April MSB3. . i »PW-6t RETAIL DRV GOODS. USE GEORGE P. FARMER’S CLOTHING. CASSIMERES: NEW 6-0 MELTONS. LADIES’ CLOAKIKGS. FINANCIAI>. BOUGHT AT WALNUT STREET, Up Stairs. Philadelphia. NESS TRANSACTED. COMMISSION. TRIMMINGS, Jec. JAVANS & HASS ALU, MILITARY FURNISHERS, N#. 418 ARCH STREET, PHU.ADEI.PHIi, «as"WHOL ; ES AND' RETAIL. JAMES’ DRESS AND M AN7TIP.UA" TRIMMINGS. Bugle Gimps, . Embroidering Braids, Bead and Bagle Ornaments; Silk.Gimpe, Soutache Trimming, Cotton and Silk Zooarys Alpaca Braida, Silk Ribbons," * [Braids;-. Guipure Laces, . . Silk and Unionßeltinga,- . And a variety of "otbdr "fashionable Trimmings. Also, a full assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED AND SMALL WARES. The goods being all our own manufacture and impor tation, we can offer particular advantages in prices, and uvite the attention of the trade. WM. IT. HORSTMANN & SONS. Manufactory and Store, mhlfrlm FIFTH and CHERRY Sts., Philadelphia. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ! WORD ABOUT AMERICAN WATCHES. AFTER A THOROUGH TRIAL OF MORE TH iN TEN YEARS, the time-pieces manufactured by the American Watch Company, of Waltham, Mass., have gained a firm hold upon the favor of the public, and now, no less than 75,000 of them are speaking for themselves in the pockets of the people. From a very insignificant beginning the business has increased to an extent exceeding our most sanguine anticipations, and we are now nstified in stating that WE MAKE MORE THAN ONE-HALF of all the watches sold in the United States. Repeated enlarge-. ment of our factory buildings, and the labor of 500 opera tives, still find us unequal to supply the constantly in-' creasing demand. And we may here observe that not withstanding the high price of labor and materials, we actually sell our products at less prices than those current five years ago. We refer to these facts only for the purpose of properly introducing another subject relative to our manufacture of watches Hitherco our chief object has been to make good watches for the million at the lowest possible price —something to take the place of the make-believe watches called “Ancres,” “Lepines,” “English Patent Levers,” &c., annually thrown upon this market, in countless numbers, by European workshops—watches which are the refuse of their factories, unsaleable at home and per fectly worthless everywhere. This object we have accomplished, and now we have to announce, that w e have commenced the manufacture of watches of the very HIGHEST GRADE-KNOWN TO CHRONOMETRY, unequalled by anything hitlierlo made by ourselves and unsurpassed by anything macle in the world. For this -purpose we have the amplest facilities. We have erected an addition to our main buildings expressly for this branch of our business, and have filled it with the best workmen in our service.. Profitingby our long expe rience, we have remodelled the form of our watches, in troducing such improvements as have been suggested and proved to he good from time to time, and have instituted new and severe tests- of isochionism, adjustment, and compensation. New machines and appliances havebeen constructed, which perform tlieir work with consummate delicacy and exactitude, and the choicest and most ap proved materials only are used. Nothing, in fact, is wanting either in mechanical principles, material, or workmanship to insure perfection in the result. We continue to manufacture our other well-known 1 qualities under the following names: “APPLETON. TRACY & CO.” “P. S. BARTLETT,” And the “Soldier’s Watch.” “WM. ELLERY.” The latter, the lowest-priced watch we make, is a sub stantial, reliable time-piece, cased in sterling silver-? hunting pattern, and is not liable to get out of order either in inarching, riding, or fighting. All the above described watches. includingthej?ne££, which is named “AMERICAN WATCH. COMPANY” on the plate, are sold by watch dealer's generally throughout the country. ROBBINS & APPLETON, AGENTS FOR THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, 193 BROADWAY, N. Y. ap3-fmw!3t* S& WATCHES,; RECEIVED PER STEAMER EUROPA. GOLD WATCHES, LADIES’ SIZES, OF NEW STYLES. SILVER ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. GILT ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. PLATED ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. For Sale at Low Rates to the Trade, by 1). T. PRATT, ap3tf ' GOT CHESTNUT STHEET. J. <3. FULLER, UtaSE. importer and Wholesale Dealer In FINE WATCHES-AND JEWELRY. No. 713 CHESTNUT Street, (Up-stairs, opposite Masonic Temple), Has now open a LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK, ■ EMBRACING AMERICAN ANDSWISS WATCHES. E. HOWARD & CO;’S FINE AMERICAN WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, GOLD SPEGTACLES, THIMBLES, FINE JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. fe!B-3m ' 1 • JP l-N E GILT COMBS IN EVERY VARIETY. IMITATIONS OF-PEAK!. AND CORAL. J. O. FULLER, No. 713 CHESTNUT Street. mhlS-2m FINK WATCH REPAIRING Mtlsi attended to, by the moßt experienced workmen, and every watch warranted for one year. > G. BUSSELL, 33 North SIXTH Street J C. FULLER’S FINE GOLD BENS, THE BEST PEN IN USE, , FOR SALE IN ALL SIZES. fel3-3m yULCANITE RINGS. A full assortment, all sizes and styles. J. O. FULLER, No. Tl 3 CHESTNUT Street. felS-Sm MUSICAL BOXES. TN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD CASES, A playing from Ito 12 tunes, choice Opera and Ameri can Melodies. FARR & BROTHER; Importers, ap4 334-CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. )SLmS AND- SHADES* AND SHADES B . J . WILL-lA. M. S , NO. - 16 NORTH SIXTH- STREET, OF VENETIAN BLINDS WINDOW SHADES. j6£§j“The Largest and Finest Assortment in the city, at the Lowest Prices. Blinds Paint!?!'and Trimmed equal to new. Store Shades Made and Lettered. ap6-2m- E M O. V A Xi . IiLOUGE W. 251M-MBRMAN, VENETIAN BLIND MAUI'AOTUKEK, Has REMOVED from 136 North SIXTH Street, to B. J. WILLIAMS’, NO. 10 NORTH SIXTH STREET G. W-. ZIMMERMAN solicits a continuance of favors at No. 16 North SIXTH Street, wherowill he foun the Largest and Best Assortment of VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW; SHADES . In the city, at the LOWEST PRICES. jjgp* Store Shades Made ’and' Lettered. Jobbing Prompt! to. ap6-2mif h e , ; “EXCELSIOR” HAMS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. NONE GENUINE UNLESS BRANDED “J.H. M. & CO. PHILADA. EXCELSIOR.” J. H. MICHENER & CO., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS AND CURERS OF THE CELEBRATED “ EXCELSIOR” SUGAR-CURED HAMS, : : Nos. 14‘A and 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Race streets, Philadelphia. The justly-celebrated “ EXCELSIOR ” HAMS are cured by J. H. M. & Co. (inastyle peculiar to themselves) ex pressly for FAMILY USE, are of delicious flavor, free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for sate.’ ap4-tf. NO T I 0 E.—THE UNDERSIGNED "•will continue the FLOUR ? GRAIN,SEED, and GenerallProduce Commission business, at No; 369 Worth BROAD Street, where he hopes to hear from former pa trons, by his ability to keep, up the ;system,of our late firm, J.Dunwooay &Bro., in tho way |of making , good Bales and prompt returns. . •~T T . T iTT/-,/-sTnr aps-wfm 3t* - - EZL. DUNWOODY. Ctrav HAIR RESTORED—BALD- PREVENTED.—“ LONDON HAIR-COLOR RESTORER AND DRESSING,” the only,attcsted.article : that will absolutely restore the hair to its original color and beauty, causing it to grow where it has fallen off or become thin. Wholesale and retail at Dr. SWAYNE’S, 330 SIXTH Street. abcve-Vlne. Price, 50 eta. ap3-tf ■WOOL.—I6O,OOO LBS. PENNSYLVA * T NIA ahd Ohio Wool, find .medium, and; low, for Rsiftbv - HENRY' C. DAVIS, ap9-3t* 106 South FRONT Street. TTODGSON’S CHEMICAL BLU E - 11 BLACK WRITING FLUiD,. warranted oqual to any, either American or Foreign; vouched by the Irapic lin Institute's Silver Medal, and by the testimony of the first merchants of Philadelphia. ... This WRITING FLUID has now won. an established reputation aB not being excelled in quality by anj ink m het Ameritan market* Its advantages are, that 7 fectly limpid, writing blue and soon 'changing to pure black—not clogging the pen;'and remarkably mild on steel pens—not given to niouldiness or decomposition, and though equal in all respects to the best Eagjish. yet not much more than half its price. It should, therefore, take th&place of all foreign vjritipg fluids..; For«lleby themhnufacturer^ olii o)ieiaiBt . No 103 North TENTH Street, above Arch, , Sold by Stationers and DtusgbAs ta elsowhova. -- “*•**“ NEW PUBLICATIONS. •pwo NEW BOOKS. Messrs, ticknor & fields Punusit This Dat Hew WORK BY THE COUNTRY PARSON- THE EVERY-DAY PHILOSOPHER) IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. By the author of “Recreations,” “Graver Thoughts ” “Leisure Hours,“etc. “ ’ 1 TOl. ItJHIO A new volume by the “Country Parson” needs no introduction to American readers. His “becreatione” Lave been sold by tkoui-auds of copies, and have passed into classics,gaining a place in the estimation of the' literary world beside the esaays of Goldsmith, Lamb,- and Hazlitt. ‘ 11. O N L.I BE KTY. BY JOHN STUART MILL. 1 Vo). 12mo CONTENTS. efTAPtEBI. INTRODUCTORY. CHArtRR 11. OF THE LIBERTY OF THOUGHT AND DISCUSSION. . .Chapter 111. OF INDIVIDUALITY AS ONE OF THE ELEMENTS OF: WELL- BEING. Chapter IV. OF THE LIMITS TO THE AUTHORITY OF 1 SOCIETY'OVER THE INDIVIDUAL. / Chapter V. APPLICATIONS. JSSP The above works for sale by all booksellers, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price by the Publishers, TICKNOR & FIELDS, It 135 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. NEW ENGLISH NOVEL NOW READY. . SLAVES' OF THE RING; - OR' BEFORE AND AFTER. By the Author of “Under the Spell*” “Grand-- mother’s Money,” etc. One volume Bvo,- paper. * Price 50 cents; cloth 75 cents.' * ‘ Slaves of the Ring” as a story is superior to any of .the author’s previous works. It is developed with great’ skill. —London Post. T. O." H. Pi BURNHAM, PUBLISHER, 143 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON." Sent By mail postpaid on receipt of the price. ' ap 10,13,18 - jyjAJOR GENERAL O. M: MITGHEL, “The Hero, Philanthropist, and Sayan.” BLAKEMAN (ft MASON, No. .31 MURRAY Street, New York, Publish To-day: THE ASTRONOMY OF THE BIBLE. O. M. MITCHEL/LL. D., Formerly Director of the Cincinnati and Dudley Obser vatories, author of “Planetary and Stellar Worlds ” and ‘ 1 Popular Astronomy, ” and late Major GeneralU.S. V. One vol.» 12mo, muslin, 524 pages. Price $1.25. Containing Seven Lectures, under the above title, and a brief Biography and Steel Portrait of the distinguished author. ' i Few persons who heard his lectures on the Astronomy of the Bible, which are found in this volume, willforget the magnificent effect produced by them. Those who heard him deliver them will easily recall the almost in spired speaker, and hear again, in memory, the lectures as they read them. • B. &M. also publish; uniform with the above: PROF. MITCHEL’S PLANETARY AND STELLAR WORLDS. Price $1.50. PROF. MITCHEL’S POPULAR ASTRONOMY. Price $1.60. . These Books should have a place-in every household and library in the land. FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. ap 10,11,14,16 . - • fUEW BOOKS— Received this day, by • J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO , . 715 and 717 MARKET Street. THE EVERY-DAY PHILOSOPHER. By the author of the “Country Parsons. ” JOHN STD ART MILL ON LIBERTY. SLAVES OF THE KING; or Before and-After. A DARK NIGHT’S WORK. By Mr. GaskiLt. SEA KINGS AND NAVAL HEROES. By Edgar. LY ELL’S ANTIQTTITY OF MAN. DR. SMITH’S PRINCIPIA LATINI. THE CROWN OF SUCCESS. By A. L. 0. E. . SCHALK’S CAMPAIGN QF 1562-C3. . It •• OAO|: GBEAT RUSH AT OAO | OVJO • Head what everybody says: \J\J\D .»■ “Pitcher is selling Photograph Albums at REDUCED PRICE 3, FAR LELOW any other store in Philadel phia.” “Pitcher has the best assortment of Card Pictures, Frames,” etc. “ Pitcher’s store is so convenient to get all the New Books, Magazines,” etc. 608 CHESTNUT Street. ap!o-2t • - ' CONDUCT OF THE WAR.—REPORT of the Committee on the Army of the Potomac, causes of its inaction and ill-success; its several cam-, paigns; why McClellan was removed, &c., &c. Price, 6 C6 THE ORGANIZATION OF THE PUBLIC DEBT, and a plan for the relief of the Treasury. By Robert Mor ris.' 16 cents. ENGLISH. NEUTRALITY. Is the. Alabama, a British Pirate? Pamphlet, 20 cents. A GEOGRAPHICAL, SATI3TICAL, AND ETHICAL View of the American Slaveholders-. REBELLION, illustrated with a Cerographic Map. By Sidney Ei Morse, A. M. Pamphlet, 20 cents. < FORWARD OR BACKWARD!- 10cents. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, : aplO-tf - 6<>6 CHESTNUT Street. PHOTOGRAPHS, THOSE WHO WANT A GOOD LIKE •J- NESS, at reasonable cost, should‘‘get -REIMER’S Colored Photoglyphs, of fine quality, naturally colored, and only $l, at Gallery, SECOND St., above Green.. It THOSE WHO CONTEMPLATE . G-ET TING PICTURES should patronize REIMER’S ex tensive and popular Gallery, on SECOND -Street, above Green. Colored Photographs, for $1 only, are pleasing pictures. . it XEGAXi, "VTOTIGE.—LE.TTERS- TESTAMEN -L* TARYou the Estate of JOSEPH S..RILEY, Jr., deceased; having been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of wills'of, the county of Philadelphia, all persons said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same to present the same to ISABELLA W. RILKY, Executrix, CHESTNUT, west Forty-second street. Or to. CHARLES . . aplo-f6t DELAWARE Avenue, below Green street. T?STATE OF ISAAC HENRY, DE- Aj ceased. . . Letters of administration upon the Estate of said de* cedent having: been granted to: the PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCE- ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make, payment, and: those having claims against the sane, to present them,, with-, out delay, at the office,of the Company, 304* WALNUT Street.- CHARLES DU TILH, aplo-frtu6t* President; Ff THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. EDWARD C. FASSITT vs. JOHN W-. MIDDLETON. Vend. Exp., June Term, 3562, No. 727.: The Auditor appointed by the Court to report distribu tion of the fund raieeu by tlie sale under* the above writ of the following-described reaV estate—to wit: All that certain lot or piece.of ground situate on the east side of Delaware Seventh street, continued at the distance of 520. feet northward from, the north side of Poplar lane, as formerly laid out of the width of 33 feet, but at the distance of 511 feet inches northward from the north side of Poplar street as now 3aid out in the District of Penn, and county'of Philadelphia; contain ing in front or breadth on said Seventh street SO feet, and extending in length or depth eastward between parallel lines at right angles with the said Seventh street 90 feet. Bounded northward by - ground granted to Richard Christie and Edward T. Shaw> on ground rent, south ward by ground granted or - intended to have been granted to Horatio G. Rowley and William M. AJburger, eastward by ground intended to be granted to the said : isfi^et W^miig '"the same premiseswHicli Edwar3”6 1 T ] Fassitt ancUwife, bv indenture bearing date the 21th day of Juue, A. D. 1851,-recorded in Deed Book G. .W. C.,. No. 99, page 354, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said John W. Middleton in fee, reserving thereout and, therefor the yearly ground rent or sum of $240, in equal hall-yearlv payments, on the 7th day of the months of* May and November, without any deduction for taxes, &c , unto the said Edward C. Fassitt, his heirs and as-. signs, forever—will attend to .the.duties of his appoint-, ment on FRIDAY, April 24tli, A. D. 1563, at 4P. M„ at his Office, No. 025 AVaLNUT Street, Philadelphia, when and where all persons interested are required to urosent their claims, debarred from coming in on said fund. S. HUNTINGTON JONES, aplO-lOt Auditor. MEDICAIfi ROUGHS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, VJ CONSUMPTION. Cured to a greater c«tam|yhy NE , s . ■ - Compound Syrnp of WILD: CH.ER-RY, than any other remedy or treatment yet discovered. ; Have you Cough, Sore Throat, Weak Breast ? Have you Bronchitis, Asthma. Haveyou Weak Nerves, DisturbediSleep?- Have you Disordered Liver, Blood-spitting ? Have you Pains, Side, Breast, Soreness? Have yon Night Sweats, Great Weakness?- Bave you any Pulmonary Complaint ?■ How important to employ at once a reliable remedy, and not tamper mixtures, lozeng§s,.&c., which only palliate. Thirty yeavs’ experience* has proven that **Dr. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY” seldom, if ever, fails to cure-a cough. Even where the lungs have become much, disordered, With night sweats, burning fever, pains and oppression, it has effected many wonderfuUeures.. Prepared only by Dr SWA) NE & SON, 330 SIXTH Street, above Vine, , Philadelphia Sold by all dealers in medicine. ap3-tf “ A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYS II pepsia; " DR. WILLIAMS’ ANTI-DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR, Di spepsia of the most aggravated form, Nausea, Head; ache. Jaundice, Loes of Appetite, Oppression after; eat ing, Debility of the Nervous System, Disordered Liver, Vertigo, Dimness of Sight, cured by this remedy. Wholesale and retail,.at VDR: SWAYNE S, R3O S’XTH. above Vine- - • a i* J T'ETTER; SCALD HEAD, ITCH, JL BLOTCHES—aII Eruptions of the Skin,. Chronic ■prvßl-Delas of the face. old*Ulceis of longstanding, that other-mode of treatment, are per manently curedbv , II . HEAIiIK g OINTMENT. ” Prepared &-SON, 330 North SIXTH Street, above Vine. “P 11 . I?YE AND EAR. —PROP. J. ISAACS, ill Md Aurlst, from Leyden, Holland, la per-, lncSbdtt No- 611 PINE Street, where he treat* dfoSSea of the Eye or Ear sciontiflcally, and curea- Artiflclaf Eyes inserted without pain. 11 if 5 1?—No charges made for examination. Office hour, froinlto 11 » A. M : and2to7P.M. jas-3m« gTR AW BERRY WINEj'T EQUAL TO MALMSEY MADEIRA. Just received. \ ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES.’ | feß! CORNER ELEVENTH and VISE Street*. fiOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, \J of all numbers and brands. „ _ _ Raven’s Duch Awning Twill*; of all description* foi wlda. Tarpaulin. 2&i, A LADY DESIRES WRITING OR ■AN. COPYING. Addre»« B.V Pre*x Office aplo--3t* WANTED CLOTHING—PERSONS "" havinpClotliißffto'itisposfiofwiUpteaHe call or address C. MILIEU, 803 CHESTNUT at, mh'frrtuvßm* 'TO OaFTJA LlS'J'S— a M AOHINLST J- of large experience and an established reputation, is desirous of foriDin g a con o/ction, wifh adequate-capi tal, to go into the.. MACHINE business. Address M., North American office. .. .ap7-6t* .'.WANTED—AN ASSISTANT SUB i f GEON in a ffrst-class Cavalry regiment, now in service in Tennessee' Applicants nSusl present un doubted references as to'skill and respectability. Ad dress Cavalry.” Box 3873 Philadelphia Post OfHfce. s. WANTED TO PURCHASE- OR : EX- I * CHANGE for city property a. DwelH«r-ll\>'u<e.- ■wifch mrnien? improvements, situate between w'SJRKBr and VlffE Street* Price aboizt $lO,-000, Addrctt. with description,- **■&< 8.,” Box 2403' Pniladelphfa Post Oflice. anfegt*' •Price SLSO. <l*in nnn —a young man wit® the s above amount wishes to'engage in' some active buniness: Mercantile or pre ferred. sddresx,- stating nature of R H; L.,”lhis office'. * aplo-2t* GOO—Wanted to iMvest, thbammiit in a safe arff’profitable fcnsiDesp, by a soodbusiness man. Address •“Partner,” this office. 0-pX? 2t * s7>W°:. 7 > W ° : . $B,OOO. —T B’ 7 e s~e arnoonfe WANTED on flr»tWt£lfi.l». on farms m the adjoint nr* countries Addlv tn aplQ. & PETTIT,. 309 WALNUT Sfr&C ‘ DEPUTY (QUARTERMASTER WTiuiLii GENERAL'S OFFICE: —Philadelphia, Fels-fK -1863. -• VESSELS .WANTED immetlisiteiy to carry COAT. the following Joints: ' Tortugas. Key west, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria,' Va, Newbern, N.C. Portßoyal, S.C. A. BOYD, felO-tf Captain and Assists Soartermaster, A , PRIVATE FAMILY WISHES A f ew first-c]a=s Boarders, who will pay liberally, and . have the comfort's of a home, opposite one of the. public squares. Address ‘ v QirilliD, ” Post Office. ap!o-2(* TOST CERTIFICATES,—NOTICE IS hereby given that application has been made to fie ‘Auditor General of Pennsylvania for the issue of dm pli ca tes of the following described Certificates of the- Five perCcnt. Loans of the Commonwealth, is3ned by the Bank of Pennsylvania, (acting as transfer agent-of the Commonwealth,) in the nam* of the Honorable Colonel LEICESTER FITZGERALD STANHOPE, of the Cedars, Putney Surrey, in England: No. 356, dated April 6, 1837,act efi April 13,1835, for $5,000 No. 356,' do do do- do for $5,000; No. 357, do do do “ do for $2,000. mb3l*3m FOB SAJL.E AND TO LET. PUBLIC SALE.—WILL BE SOLD,’ON. A- 1 , the premises, on SATURDAY.'ApriI 18, at 2 o’clock P. M., a desirable COUNTRf RESIDENCE, situate iu NEWPORTVILLE, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, two miles from the Neshamony Station, on'&ie Trenton Rail road, and thr*e miles from Bristol. . IMPROVEMENTS. —A substantial Stone House, con taining twelve rooms; Carnage Houser Stable, aud Ice House, filled. Grounds of two acres, with a fine Gar den,' containing a variety of choice Fruit and Shaide Trees, and Shrubbery. The trains on the Trenton Railroad make this place very convenient to persons having daily business in the city. . The property can be examined by applying on the premises,. to Charles 8, Boutcher. T*rms accomnroda-' ting. CaplO-7t*3 JESSE G. WEBSTER, Auct’r. POB SALE—A WELL-ESTABLISHED r“-' Gun and Rifle Manufacturing Business, of fourteen years’duration, which has been carrietToa with, suc cess. Apply at 210 South. THIRD Street, Philadel phia. ap9-St* rro .'LUMBERMEN, SHIP-BUILDERS, “''AND OTHERS. —FOR SALE,2, 300 Acres of the finest and largest yellow-pine timber-land, in Pennsylvania, lying within one mile of a railroad commuuicating with, the.cities of Philadelphia, New York, and Baltimore. Thisisa rare chance for capitalists to make a fortune in a short time, as hard lumber of thi*bind is in great de mand. Any one desiring information will please call, for three days, at Room No. 221 GIRARD HOUSE. CalL between the hours of IQ A. M. and 3-P, M. 1 ap9-2t* (70AL YARD FOE SALE—THE best fitted-up Yard in the city. Capacity for doing any amount of business. Inquire on the pjeraises, No. 1)57 North NINTH St., below Girard avenue. apB-6t* ® FOE SALE—THE SUBSTAN- I&TIaL MANSION and GROUNDS of Mr. * J P. DOANE, on Echool-house Lane, near the station on the Norristown Railroad. This place contains 10 acre*, and is beautifully located. The house well shadedand com modious, containing twelve rooms. Hot and cold water; and Gas are introduced tnroughout the house. -There are also on the premises a large Barn, Stabling, Ice-house, Green-house, Spring-house, &c Possession can be had on or before the first day of June next. Apply to C. H. MUIRHBID, aplOfrtufit No. 303 South SIXTH Street. • M VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. .3. Three-story Brick House, No. 72S ButtonTOod street, subject to ground rent $54. - 2. Three-story Brick House, No. 241 North Twelfth. 3. Mansion House and Lot, corner Thirty-fourth and Bridge strtets. Lot 105 feet by 142. BU-LDING LOTS. 4. LotN. E corner Thirty-fourth and Hamilton streets, 7a by So feet 5. LotS.'W. corner Thirty-fourth and Hamilton streets, 210 by 20S feet, with a front on Bainy street. . The above properties will be sold clear of incumbrance, on accommodating terms. • ap!o-12t 11. E.WALLACE,I2B South SIXTH St. Mto rent, for the summer, a handsome COUNTRY SEAT, oh the Media Rail road, two minutes’ walk from Gray’s-lane Station; three miles from Market-street Bridge. Several acres of ground, well shaded; good stahliue, etc. Apply to ' D. SNYDER, Jr., on the premises, Or, J. W. STOKES, ap9-12t* . 619 “WALNUT Screet. m. FOR SALE—A FINE COUNTRY ■ Jo. Residence, with about five acres of ground, some fifteen miles from the city, northward. For information address “Y. A.,” Box 1835, Philadelphia Post Office. ap6-6t* ’ • MOEPHANS’ COURT SALE.—Es tate OF'ARCHIBALD ROBERTSON.—See THO MAS Sc SON’S SaLE for April 14, at 12 o’clock,-at the EXCHANGE, by order of the Court. Hotel No. 3S Washington avenue. Also, Nos. SG, 34, 32, 3a, 28, 40, and 42 Washington avenue. Also, No. 719 South Tenth street No. 722 South Eighth street. Nos. 42S and 430 Gaskill street. Nos. 945 947, and 949 Otsego (late Church) street. Also, five Frame Dwellings, with Lot. 73 feet front on Mary street, 92 feet deep, renting for $414 per annum. Mary street is between Front and Second streets, is 50 feet wideband is the first street north, of Washington avenue. - . ■ _ Full particulars in . HANDBILLS AND PAMPHLETS, which may be had at the AUCTION ROOMS. Terms of sale, half cash. ap9-st‘ MTO COAL AND lOE DRALERS.— FOR SALE or TO LET, thelargeßUlC.DiNGon the northeast corner of CALLOWHILL and EIGHTH Streets, having a front of 55 feet, end extending through to Wil low street, with railroad tracks into the building, and large and substantial bins for the storage of Coal. For the retail trade this property offers unusual in ducements, having been built and arranged expressly for ihe Coal and fee business, the locality being con sidered one of tbe best in the city. The rooms in the second ana third stories are large, and suitable for public meetings, armories, &c. v &c. Apply to J. D. REIN BOTH, apB-3t* 43G WALNUT Street. M COUNTRY'SEAT ON THEsgk River Delaware, near Torresdale, located, with Wharf on the river; containing 52 acres of excellent Fanning Land, well supplied with Fruit, Shade Trees, <Stc.; communicatiou with the city in less than one hour’s time, by steamboat or rail road. For sale by I. C. PRICE, corner SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets. ap9-lm MA BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE,^ with 30 acres of good Land, fronting on tbe-*2£- Bristol Turnpike, near Cornwell’s Station, on the Phila delphia and Trenton Railroad; with good Stable aud Car riage House, aud abundance of Fruit, Shade Trees. &c. For sale by I. C PRICE, corner SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets. ap9-lm •4R' FARM OF 62* ACRES OF JoLvery productive Land on the Bristol Turnpike, at Andalusia, a quarter of a mile from Cornwell’s Sta tion, on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad; well watered by running streams, good Farm Buildings, Fruit and Shade Trees, with several desirable lots for the location of Country Seats, within view of the river Delaware. For sale by I. C. PRICE, cor. SPRING'GAR DENand THIRTEENTH Streets. ap9-lm M F ARM —A VERY DESK. RABLE FARM, of 150 Acres of excellent Land, under good fence and well cultivated; watered' by two running streams; situate at the forks of the Bethlehem and Sumueyipwn Turnpike roads, one mile from Pen lynn Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, and fifteen miles from the city. For sale by I. C. PRICE, .cor.' SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets. ap9-im FOR SALE—SUPERIOR,-FARM,. six miles from Market-street bridge, NINETY SEVEN ACRES. Uudergood fencing, and nicely water-, ed. ;• Near railroad station, Pennsylvania Railroad. Fine improvements, a c Apply to aplO E. PETTIT, 309 WALNUT Street. . g& FOR SALE, OR PART EXCHANGE !*3L-AYaluable FARM, containing-Two Hundred and Seventeen Acres of land, in a high-state of cultivation, situate in Burlington county, New Jersey. Handsomely located on the Delaware river; railroad station on the place, and within a half mile of steambeat landing. First-class improvements; w,ater introduced in the man sion, running water through the barn yard; fine fruits, . &a -_. Apßly — rgr«riTITr3Og~TOLWDT Street. PUBLIC SALE OE RARE TREES -3i- AND-SHRUBBERY.—WiII be sold on MONDAY, the 18tli of April, 1563, at one o’clock P. M., a large and valuable collection of rare Trees, Shrubbery, and Plants, collected and propagated by. the late Jonh Evans, of Radnor township, Delaware county, and will be sold from his late residence, now occupied by the subscriber. a P 9-3t* DAVID PAXTON. ! N. B. —Catalogues will be ready ou the day of sale. FO R SAL E—A. SMALL. BUT 2}—desirable FARM* the estate of' James Adams, deceased, containing 48 30-100 acres of good,.land, si tuated in Burlington county, on the turnpike leading ■ front Burlington to Beverly, 1H miles from the former place, 'and about-five minutes’ walk to “the steamboat landing; adjoining the lands of Mauderson, Helsler, and others. Improvements ..consist of a good FARM HOUSE, Tenant House, Barn, and all necessary out buildings, with wells of never-failing water. . Inquire of . WILLI AM-H. ADAMS, At Troth & Beagary’s, FRONT and-MARKET Streets, • ap3-12t*- - Camden, N. J. VALUABLE FARM AT. PUBLIC SALE, in RIDLEY, Delaware county, Pa., five ■ miles from tlie Philadelphia .line.—On. WEDNESDAY, April 15, 1663, at one 'o'clock'P. M., Ninety-six Acres of first-rate Land; large and convenieutiSTONE DWELL-, JNG ; Stabling for twenty-seven head of stock; Stoue and Frame Barn; Wagon House; two stone Spring_Houses, over excellent water-; -Ten ant House for two families. All the buildings in good repair. Two Apple Orchards and other fruit-trees. There is-a good landing on tide water, at; which vessels of a,large class can load and unload at common tides. The trains on the Philadel phia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad stop at the Lazaretto station, within one mile of the premises. For .farther information, call previous to sale, on the under signed, at the premises. J. ENGLE SMITH, . a P S-6t* - - THOS. P, SMITH. "PENSIONS. —$100 BOUNTY AND PAY procured and collected for Soldiers, Sailors, and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Soldiers who have served two years, and all soldiers who have been discharged by reason of bounds received in battle, are now entitled to the $lOO bounty; and the latter, also, to a pension, JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants, mhlS v WALNUT Street. Tinmn MUTTON! MUTTON ! *w|3|§ DAVID E.IPAtJL~& BROTHER re ceived’some vfery fine South • an<TLeiUar MIITTON. Alg?» s^ r NG LAMB, which can be had at their 55 WESTERN MARKET/ corner of ,sfNTEENTH ana “ffibOTOMutton aid can be b^ any DR FINEj DEN. 'UHIDtiST for thei last; y A a i f,’i-/sETH 0 f below Third, age, mounted on fineWd, ralite, Amber, *c., at Jntlet in this<l§ „ work, more reasonable than Artificial Teeffi fZ State. Teotb pIMWd ‘o}as‘ ®»ctlng. No charges/J EftaSfjSi l.riabt Kafr,'d <5 ,r HUTTON’S SIMPLIFIES) system of- s >| aa * SANSOM St?eetJ > ®‘r CO i J ; ner imkers wbmA'do-well to call arA Q *> at iodnsements , agent*: ' ■ \ ' : — yC„. PELLMVO'ISIS li&ANDY.— £$ IN- L voids, lnßond, |r |flg b| jAg caßSjaij* WANTS* BOARDING. lOST AWD FOUND. PERSONA®. AUCTION SALE. BAZAAR-NINTH AND SAN ,/IOM STREETS. .rK'TTION SALE OF HORSES. &c., . A ft'K SAaDBPAY MORNING, At 10 HORSES. «.sti t>* some'valuable animals for light , TrDhpes: also. some work horses; f iRvW mJIt ulfJt Wares, six years -old; an elegant n "* ac ? • >£. a Dark Bay Saddle Iljr&e, Gray .Horse for a- wtth '** ■. ~ cost $5OO. . TjSO, A nd second-hand Carriages, JjfrlS? te’ja for horses: a Watson top wagon, jnat new. . previous to thfi-Horsep, Dur^am Cow, three yeafhold, froru Mi 1 . GoWen’sstock;- • ,#• A very bandeau Alderney Bull Cv Ji, rt J&&- No postponement on account of s weather. It .ALEKEP M. BERSNES. *» Auctioneer. -pUB. SALK—WILL BE AT Public Sale 09 SATURDAY, llcfe April,V f Herknoes’ Bazaar, two very haiioaoihe and superior Cv' rr,a of Watson's best nia&», v>£: ; a top Buggy Wage.’ l * never osed, and an Inglieh* Mail Phaeton, very anrl scarcely ever used. May btf seen at the «up to time of sale. AL-TRED M.’RfiRKNE^Sr ap4- srotuAf* ..JOINTS and S&NSOM Streets. AIStJSIEMEBTS. OF JVfpSIO,—LA JUIYE. DIRECTOR.--. J GRAU. last sight but one • of* the season. TBJS (PRIITAYp3V>NI NG.. April 10; HAI/EVET’tJ GREAT WORK, X,A* JDIVJt,. (7 HE JEWESS,? Which, on its representation, wherever, cre-tted the greatest ehtJtieiaam ever achieved by any Opera. Gorgeous miae en scene, unprecedented cast. Madame LORTNI in'thecelebrated'rdie'of the Jewess. M’lle COBOIER bsss kindly;consented, to pe r fect the cast, to appear its the role,as Princess EUDOXIE, Si°Tior MAC-CAPERh Jin the greatatad rchowhted role of “ ELHAZEK, tie .Je*.v; Sig. SUSINI-in the high draniatievr-oie.of the Cardinal. BERK IJOTTJ as LEOPOLD,’tha'Prince. Grand Piwost Di Confctanza, Sig- BaRILI._ Conductor ana'Musical Direct0r...........5ig. MUZfIO. OF MUSIC.—DIN OH AH. SATURDAY, AFBJLII, Last Night,of the Season. Meyeiheer’s yfeFeb'rated and latest Opera. DINORaB, (LE PiKDON*'DU PLDERMEL:) CARD.—in orderto'enable the Management of the Opt ?a.40 produce the Second* Act 'of “ DixoiTAn 1 ’ with all desi*am-8; effect, the Dinvstovsof the Ac Abe my of Music have 'Prepared!a. New and-' Superb Scene, named “The Innni »aSien uf Ploermel. ” Besi bes- tWe cascade of hathral .water which flows from the mfun-tarns in the rear. tr>e Directors of the Academy, after c r. zac care and considerable expense, hav'e'md-ced ed in att aiding the success of the combined' Waterfall and Imihdath the same profidiency and rich ness of ex ecution w hisn they have displayed m the erection of the Grand Pal ace*of Sicilian Vespers? Co'rdier. ' Merenai, - Stokton, Susini in the princ, < - . ap!o-2t LesseeSri Man a»r W. WHEATLEY, b t ii ti I i 1, __ * ASP ' . ... THE-LAST APPEARANCE This Sea? on, of s FORREST. THIS (FEIDAT'sEVBKIKS, April 10/1363,' Upon which he will appear, 2tF‘ LAST TIME, ‘AS s&'K Cade, In Judge Conrad’s nybble Dramatic. W.w3r, entitled, JACK CADEa or, bondman ©feent. The Tragedy will be SCPEHHS-T CAST, • . - With the entire strshfgfli of the Corzpany. SATURDAY EVKaTJA'G,'ApriI 'll, ISSF, THfl Bfi-IJiSFIT, ’ And Positively the Sasfr Appearance*,-of DANIEL E; DfeNDMAM, In his thrilling, successful character of NAK< ilk SE R AM-E-AU. TIME CHAIfOSIfr. * - Curtain rises at 751 o’cloct> Doors open at 7>4" Mr. WBEATLEY takes pleasicn aunonncthjj' that be has effected a brief Farewell pricr'Sb her' departure for Europe, of the GREAT TRAGIC A3TI;SrE, MISS BaTBMxNi. She 'will aprear, for the fir it tin’ei'.rarher Character of - k LEAH, THE JE WI S KIM AI D E N', On MONDAY EVENING NE^T r 'April 13 . Tbe Box Sheet fir SECURED SEAT& during the. first week of Miss BATEMAN’S Performaixoes will db opened on Saturday morning. TV/TRS. JOHN DREW’S ABOH-STREED A.YJ. THEATER Business Agent and Treasurer JOS? D. MURPHY. FAREWELL BENEFIT OF MARY PROVOST. Each.- lady visitor will receive a fin e carte-de-visits of MARY PRO YOST. THIS {FRIDAY) EVENING, April 10, THE DUELLIST. Countess of Clarville. .Mary Provost. Robert, the Gardener .Barton Hill. Pierre Rouge .. -%ank Drew. To conclude with ANDY BLAIT6! : Andy Blake .Mary Provost. w • Saturday, MARY PROVOST’S last nifht. ; In Rehearsal, a New Play by the late Judge Conrad# in which Mr. EDWIN ADAMS will appear. Prices as usual. Curtain rises at 7# o’clock. THEATRE. Upon the occasion of the FAREWELL’BENEFIT of' the Great Artiste, MARY PROVOST, FRIDAY EVENING," April 8, She will appear in two New Characters, the most Fashionable and Powerfulhili of her successful Engage ment : and every visitor of the Theatre on that evening will he gratuitously presented with a cart& de visite of MJSS PROVOST. *mhB-2t W-ALNUT-STREET THEATRE. u Sole Lesfee. Mrs. M. A. GARBETTSON, Business Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, April 10, . . Benefit of Mr. J. S. CLAREE: THE SCHOOL OF REFORM. Boh Tyke Mr. J. S. Clarke. Mrs. Fcrmeßt. Mrs. Anna Cowell. To be followed by the CONJUGAL LESSON. Mr. Simon LulJaby..... .Mr. J. S. Clarke. To conclude with TURNING THE TABLES. Doors open at 7: Curtain will rise at 7&. WHITTAKER'S CIRCUS, MARKET » » Street, above TWELFTHStreefc. Admission, 25 cents; Private Box and-Balcony Seats, 60cents; Gallery—Adults, 15 cents; Do. Boys, 10 cents. Colored Gallery, 15 cents. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING,- April 9, A GRAND SACK RAGE FOR A SILVER MEDAL. . BENEFIT OF MR. E. WOODS. Upon which occasion the full strength of the Company Will participate, including MR. Wfi£ R. SMITH, Who will appear in the awe-inspiring Gymnastic -Triumph, styled . ZAMPILLAEROSTATION. A Brilliant Divertissement of EQUESTRIAN GEMS and GYMNASTIC SCENES, Sea, A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS. A LAST WEEK. - "W OODROrPE’S BOHEMIAN TROUPE OF GLASS-BLOWERS. EVERY EVENING, The celebrated low-pressure Glass Steam-Engine M MO NITOR” will be in full operation. All the works of art distributed gratuitously to the visitors. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS Child ren’s Grand GIFT MATINEES.- Every Child will re ceive a GIFT. On WEDNESDAY EVENING, April Bth, a CASE OF WORK will be given ;o the best-looking Lady in the Hall. On FRIDAY a CASE OF WORK will- be given to the best-looking Gent in tbe Hall. The First present, each Evening, will be a splendid CASE OF GLASS WORK. Admission, 15 cts. No half price. Exhibition com mences in the evening at 8 o’clock; afternoon at 3. ap6-6t* PENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY OF A . THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, . THE ACADEMY is now closed to prepare for the ANNUAL EXHIBITION, and will open again on the 27th instant. ap6-tf p. CHURCH’S NEW - PICTURE, J-’A UNDER NIAGARA, painted from stadies made on the “Maid of the Mist,” is now on exhibition at Wil lis P. Hazard’s Bookstore, 724: CHESTNUT St., from 9 A. SI- to SP. M. Admission, 25 cents.- mh3l-lm JOHN McCLURE, Publisher. A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS—TENTH "and CHESTNUT. . AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. SIGNOR BLITZ,' - The great MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with, hla LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will, give his new: and popular entertainments EVERY EVENING daring th« week, commencing at 7K o’clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3. The attraction* will "be marvellous: Experiments in Magic; wondeifnl powers in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Bird* in their new characters. Admission 25 cents. Children 13 cents. GERMANIA ORCHESTRA—PUBLIC '-A REBEARSALS every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 334 o’clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, CARii SENTE, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of five tickets $3. To be had of Andrb & Co., No. 1101 Chestnut street: J. E.-Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the Hall door. • n027-tf HASSLIB’S orchestra. NEW OFFICE 814 South EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. delO-fc* RAIEKOAD LINES. - UNION . TRANS JEff COMPANY.—We have solo and transferred the business and property of said Company fo the PHILADELPHIA AND EASTERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, of and from this date. G. W. CASS & CO., Proprietors, ; Union Transportation Company. Philadelphia, April 7, 15G3. aplO-tf fSTHEFS'iPiS PHILADELPHIA E ASTER J TRANSPOKTA TION COMPANY having purchased the property, aud succeeded to the business, of the Union Transportation. Company, will continue the same as heretofore, via. CAMDENand PORT MONMOUTH. W. F. OKIFFITTS, Jr., General Manager. GEO.-B. McCULLOH. Freight Agent, 138 North 'WHAfiYES, (3d TTharf above Arcb st.) tS7 WK P-U-J-a A. I) 1)1 I a - , AKD EASTERN TRANS POMA'IIOM COMPANY is iuw prepared to forward FROM PHILADELPHIA TO SEW YORK VIA CAMDEN AND POUT MONMOUTH ’ freights received at THIRD Wharf above ARCH St The attention ot Merchants and Shippers is directed to this new and expeditions ronte, and a portion of their patronage is respectfullv solicited. For fortherparticulars apply to GSO. B. ifcCTJLLOH, Freight Agent, 138 NORTH WHARvSa W. F. GRETFITTS, Jr., General Manager. G OK & THE BALTIMORE AJTD OHlo< + RAILROAD.—This road, being fully, REPAIRED. effectually GUARDED, is now open for the transporta tion of passengers and freight to allpoints in the GREAT" ■WESTv. For through tickets and all other information,- apply at the Company’s Office, corner of BROAD StrObi* ana WASHIKGTOIf Avenue. 8. M. FELTON, i ap3-tf PresidentP. W. andß. R R. Co. / | INSURANCE COMPANIES. v'‘" QIRARD FIRM AND •- MARI?' INSURANCE compart. OFFICE, *l3 WAIITOT ; CAPITAL // 4, ,»-T^ This Company continues to take riica /*• Mfeft •lasses of Property at low rates. ' / / The public can rely upon its responsibly** sbilftj* to pay losses promptly. Its of tie public, during tbe last nine yeaw®^ 500,000 and we respectfully solicit its favor-future.^ ■ BISECTORS.- * t Tfiitj CHAS. 1. DUPONT, JERRT^^f?^ JOHN W. CLAGHOEH, JOM TMSJVg. 11 ■c. E. HEAZLITT, AVRATP imXof Jf TA DAVID BOYD, j E ., gg??S-‘S«EPi>AaD' 4 WM. M. OTMwrkmob^' JOSEPH KI.APP, M. D., THOMAS DBAKk THOJ MmM4«L A S Gg'/*, Vice Preside*!. JAB. B. ADVOBD. IJ -- ap26-H»_ UAMB DfSURAN/jf COMPANY, NO. -T ‘406 CHESTNUT Street' ' jj riKE AHD^^^^WSVKAKCS. DI Woodruff, . / uSo. A. West, p John Kessler, Jr.« I; Chas. Stokes, - 1 A. H. Rosenneun.- | Jb&qd D- Ellis. CK,President. ARISON, Vies President, rp; gecratarv. Ciaro-ira Fronds IT. Buck, 'Clias'. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., John.W. Everman. / Philip SI Justice, v . O. W. Davie, A i FRAT.pTft jCbdi WILLIAMS^ - _ »rp~ ;AnR ALBANY AND TROY. ..-r«ra TAGONY, W. RUST, master, is now load 1 CSS tie above rotate. will sail on SAT - -td /-^ 0 Ka South'spELAWAßh Aveane. tis o'oV A 1) 0 MOLASSES.—2S2 J /iL -hMs lauding, forsaieW R. A.' SOUDER & GO.. ‘ - POGK-STREET WHARF. 'WILLIAM N. ***** ..■■■ ■'. UNDERTAKER, x HH-h-wMOovedfrom his former residence to No. 44 North. ELEVENTH. Street, house below west . •••••-v- ,» Vs---* •_ . r , • tfift-j*. EDWIN, A. HUGHES, ’ON , -DEMAKEB, # ,„ „?** Bonti TENTH Sfeet. above Sprue*. PHladellkia.