ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Coutl nen t al-Nlnth W H Carver, New York J M Kimball & la, Memphis *W B Brooks, Columbus, 0 J L Woodward, New York 3 I>aly, Tenness© Jtt Smith, Tennessee W J Castner, Clarksville B Schott. Cincinnati, Ohio 'Henry Kayser, Mew fork 3B Van Horn, New York J T Stuart, Jr, Illinois <J Buck, Tennessee j N Buck, Tennuisee H J Bead, Jr, Tennessee Miss Bead, Tennessee MU*-M A Peebles, Tenn Mist N e Buck. Tennessee Miss L C Buck, Tennessee A J Pitch, Jersey City •J Gamble A fa.SanFranclsco Henry « Morriss i B Garvin, Ohio n , "W Thompson & lady. Bel H a Bent, Potter 00, Pa I JMisa Bent, Potter co, Penna A L King, Leavenworth Prank Swan, Cincinnati .Jns Laughliii Mrs 3 Laughlin Mrs E Lauublm Miss M Arthurs Mr & Mrs B Onderdonk,N 1 Chao H Price & lady, Mass <5 p Bemeoway, Boston <3 E Butler, E A Weeks & son, N Y N E Monroe. New York ”T Bemutb, New York m , N B Sinclair & la, Brooklyn E G Porter, Boston ytm H Dunning, Boston ! Mrs Bu Barry & dau. Pa “Wm Brook, Pittsburg 4 Xieut Thus Brease, V 8 A Jt H Kousseam£o«ywyiio mJhs S FowlerWa,w|y J w Wills At ifTN Y JBBanforth ■ W M Yermilve, NY J T Bxtrtis, ll J < *0 W Fenno Stwlfe.Woreeatr J E Chapin, Michigan ,Jas Watson, Maryland 'fiaml A Walsh.N Y Mrs 0 Looser, Fottsville Clias A Berkshere.N Y Okas H Palmer, Michigan. .A A Belknap, B SN -J L Wilson & la, Baltimore 4 A Willoughby, NY; '• 33 E Marvine, Auburn, N Y Mrs Marvine. Auburn, NY .A Seeley, N Y G W Pitkin & wife, Chicago WH-Witte Wm B Pv ate, U 8 N <3 F Koebn, N Y <i Rhodes, Providence., R I H FaDbrother, Providence Wm J King, jr, Providence W W Kattfa, Boston -JtP Beaston, New York B Worth eim B Cluff, New York • JPBurton, Massillon, O Wm Bagoby. Pittsburg C G Douglas & lady, Gin J B Munson, New Orleans Girard-Chestnut si A J Pitch, Jersey City M Campbell *Wm Lea, Delaware 31 j Thompson, Delaware Jos Jewell Jas McMann Albert H Northrop, Mass Cel G Gay, New Jersey *T G Pomeroy, Harriaborg AlfP Smith, Deloo, Pa MK Moorhead, Pittsburg Jas L Scott Ada* WTaehngtn <5 L Lamberfcon, Harrisburg AHGlatz. ITorte_ -Jas Thompson, W'msport J B Stark* Wilkeabarre B Sbriver, Maryland P B Stetson; USA Hon J W Wall, Burlington *W G Bands!!. Maine Dr Bee Be & 2 sons, Maryland •Col Buchanan, USA Mies Buchanan P Barrows, Mass Mrs H EMBopkiing, Brie Merclmiits’—Foiirtli D KTayior.U S N Hon J 8 Black, York,Pa Jas A Brown, Huntingdon Thomas McNnmais H H Boggle, belxuyl Haven J H Long .Jua F McNcal, Perry eo D M Black, Perryco T Hiirtnmn, Pony co John I) Parnih, Michigau Mrs Stewart, Marietta/Ohio Alias Stewart, Marietta, Ohio J M Bowman,Munoy,P& Ezra©Parker,Mifflin,Pa ’ Dr H B Puleifer SS Black, Ohio ... Hon W a Wallace, Penna Adam Wilson, Pittaborg James B Wilson, Pittsburg 'WsL Fenrick, Harrisburg E Daly K Smith , . J WMeCiellaUiYoungstown ~W T Wilkins, Trenton , E 0 Upson, Hew Jersey J D Biplejr, Brooklyn Hon A H Coffroth, Penna B F Meyers, Bedford. Pix J W Dickerson, Bedford,Pa Dr 8 W Grimmer, Penna H A Hlohey, Baltimore Wm Lilley.Fenn Haven Col JBlsaWey, Franklin, Pa A merlcan—Chestnut 118 Sliutc.Ncw York F Abbott, Hew York At N’ Sperry, New Haven J S Norris, Hew York ~Wm L Williams, New York . P Coiiins, Hew York - Mr Mighen, Now York, At Thompson, Allentown : Samuel Baird J 0 Cochian, Maryland KS ADittroeif, Evansville tGeoHsnon, Boston J W De wl’tt, °MD, Penna Thos Yernoo, Pottsville Miss Palmer, New York •St, boulß-Clicstmit i Cbas H Gay, New Haven I A F HoppeJl, New Orleans -w S Weed; New York J; J K Byerson, Yarmouth , 1 Henty J Michael, Baltimore 'Wm Canning, Philadelphia I 7T Lvsho®? ■ i S Smith f Pittsburg } D Bayoagb, Now York. John Grayson At son,- Mass 1 H Gray, Pennsylvania .Mias Crabtree* CanadaWestrj Mrs Hoover, Ohio l •Geo B Brown, New York Mrs G W Sertver.Yash, D Ql S Scrlver, Washington, D C •Wm P Smith, Conneotiout ■! Tile Union—Arch gi John G Leslie. Poland, O N P Sawyer. Pltabnrg Geo NishnUz. Ohio . J W Plummer, Indiana S H Gross, Allentown ,J Diojulse. Cin. Ohio **P 0 Johnson, Maryland ■Cspt H H Walpole. N Y- Dr A Bnmber, New York LieutDuchaman. NY iieut.JMMcKern, NY State! Union—Sixth I 3 S Paxon, Bell’s Corner JasS Martin, lowa O Evans, USA Beni E Hays, New T ork Thos A Dudley, lowa J L Smith, Denver, C T l F A Hutton, M D, Wash B BKelser. Tatrobe Jacob Graff, Blaixsville AH Nicademn*. Blair co ' ff«imsf JK Shuler, Ottawa Commercial—Sixth si Isaac Slade P J Piohols, .Chester co JHanly. Baltimore Xt Davis, Falmouth, Ya E H Miller, Columbia Jos B Phillips, Minnesota D Kindt, New York ~W P White, Car.versville D C Hunter, New Haven Jos S Ely, Newtown Mrs JosS Ely, Newtown National—Race J Adams. Ohio J G Weinberger, Penna C E Goetz, New York, E D Chisinau, Penna. JTobn Francis. Penna <3 A Ballade, Beading U G Steinmeiz _ Mount Vcmon-Secoß Miss Mary McCormick/ N J Wm Burnet*. Bristol ■Geo W Heller, Bucks oo fa Smith. Lancaster eo A Walker, New York Madison—Second St •J B Xuther, Madison, N Y % p^.«asb’* 'ThoB Ashmore _ Xntliy SHeaf-Secom Wm Bruner, Doylestown Wm Penrose, Bneßs co S Taylor, Doylestown ,-R Corson, Delaware W Huffnagel, New Hope J Huffnagel, New Hope Bald Eagle—TJUxd J H Boyer, Fenna John S Lees S Bachmon, Fenna A Beicaw, .Easton _ , H 0 Jame*, Summit Hill *_ Black Bear-Third St , above CaUowWU. T iri,!t£ii LeM*h eo |J Hostetter, Bristol, Ohio, M ****** BttcSa co Ft Btans, Yardleyrille I . j - SPECIAL NOTICES. Dr. Sweet’s Infalmble Liniment affords relief f°i «»a seldom fails to care. a Beautiful Complexion can be ob- Aained'- by the use of BELMBOLD’S EXTRAOTSAR fffIpVprt T.A. March, April, May. and Juno. a« the bos. numthstoTUie a Blood-Purifying remedy. Seeadver- Seemont ' T fe27-taw3m One-Pmox Clothing/- of the Latest mrrrva made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL ihS wTBST Selling Prices marked in Plain FI SrsTß* is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated .60* MARKET Street Weekly Report df lntermmt a. wee jary office, April 4,1853. PISSABB3* Abcesa ♦ •«.*•<*« apoplexy* • •*• Barns and Scaldl».« ■Cancer „ * Uteroß******* <3roup :® Congestion Brain..* ■ g 9 Lungs**** 3 Cramps Cholera Infantum. - Child Birth* >:*•,*•’»*• • f Compression, Brain. .£ Conaunrotton, Lungs. « H Convalsions..*•• * l - “ . PuetfiriM.** * Dropsy,, 4 * Abdominal,* “ Brain.. , “ 1ieart....... 1 Disease ofßrain...., 2 f ‘ Heart.. 2 ■--‘*«W•&:: I browned i M&v.v.v.v.:. J 3>ebauch. 11 Effusion on Brain.... 11 EmpbyD6ma.LniiKs. uaagfg®:: i “ Scarlot ...••■■! I Total,. .».*» t •♦•••• v Deduct deaths from tn< sSKSKsr pt’aassaaasu'shs.n *By order Of the HealUl oflcBr . mil Clientnwt streets* H W Bosser & \vf, B iiffulo H McCormick, New York 0, Brumini, Wash. I> 0 B B Childs. U 9 * . _ B L Luvmbor, Baltimore J W Butterfield, Marne Miss M T Fosten Maine Dr J Homans. Boston Hiss B h Humans, Boston Ml-s S K Homans, Boston D Kinsey. CiuoinnatlrO w l Barton, Cincinnati, O T h Motley, USA M Hunt, Baltimore Cspt M W Tyler, Maes WUliHn, Massachusetts O W Earned, New York W Griswold, Hartford Mr Jay, New York I, M Smith, Elmira R B Smith, Biltimore Lt W G Thompson, Va Mrs N Camitli, Boston Miss Carrnfch, Boston, Miss Doff, Boston Miss Esterbrook, Boston Mrs dyz, New York M&nsonMooto, Mass Chas H Mason, Phila HT Helmbo'd, Phila Gapt £ Do Kelm Harrisburg C Auttman, Canton, Ohio B W Bryant, Chicago J M Lindley, USA Geo £ Finney, USA \Y T Culbertson, Indiana Mrs 0 F Morton, Indiana Mrs B F Turtle, Indiana J M Trowbridge, Milwaukee B Von Phul & la, Cincinnati Hon J W Fuller,Oatasauqaa John A Green. Boston . W A Shepard,. NY C Van. Norse, N J L de Joys, N Y H W Gray, N Y J H Wright, Louisville, Ky G RTtutherford, Trenton, Ky Jas M Stevens, Louisville G W %jasey,Olnoiimati Louis Westermaa & la, 111 J HWhitehotd, Baltimore H Hill. Portland G Hamblin, Portland J £ Merriman,Memphis J A W-lt.Troy.N Y W £ Cherry, Troy.N Y btephen Philbrio, NY Ales Sartweli, N Y J Langdou, B'mlra Dr A Howe, Ma« • JF Bailey,Wash, DC: L Mordecai,*:" d Soring A H Holgato, West Point H C *'Odge, West Point Henry A F *ster, Boston C G King, Providence. R £ John Mcßbatli, New York G L Linsley*BurUagton O ft Alden, Washington D Ba«cer, Boston __ |WSE« wnrds NwTork Dr E P B Kelly, USA FBound John A Eleisfcand, Lancaster Mrf Green & son, Nashville A T Lolly, Mem phis J P Howard, New Tork itwet, below Ninth* S BMcLear, Delaware G W IJassau, Jr, N J D S Peal, California F_A; Cokkling. D 8 0f Wm Eaton & la, Brooklyn N R Ridont, Maine C M Jewell, Maine GeoF Thompson, Gr't Bend geo Taylor, Huntingdon Mias M A T Taylor Kangdn Han’gdon i d Getty, Huntingdon f Geo W WolWon, Hangdon H_6 Coggahell, IH nntlngdon WP Stratton, Memphis J WVeazey, Maryland DrA.Thomas, Washington JWllliams JLB&11, Stafford. O Geo A S»eel, Woodfield, O C W Westendnff Davis Miller. Virginia Sami J Percy- England R S Todd, Maryland i street, below Aich« R it Cocji rau, Franklin, Pa FfcHiJdebrand.E Berlin,Pa Elias Horning, Lancaster co Stephen Rains,Lancaster co Mrs H a Brown,Huntingdon Chas F Hill,New York L Ritterskamp, St Louis L J Haws, Clearfield G & Saunders, Penna James Welch, Pa Jos W Batt, Penna Lieut A Hubbill, Penna Hiram Dryer, U ft A Edgar Hout JR Marston I § Draw Alfred Blflmyer, JBarrltt Robinson Templeton Luther Ainsworth J ohn Y„ Raisbrlck W B Thompson. New York Robt Hallahan. New York WK Mills, Connecticut H Dixon, Connecticut J H Foley Massachusetts H M Mould, New York John O Page. Massachusetts J Linscott, Massachusetts SM Woodkock, Altoona HP Alien,Unionto wn,Pa ; Street, above Fifth, C H Richardson, Baltimore O*G Rente, Baltimore Chas Hesvesj Baltimore M Carman. Trenton Frank A Baker Ckester-Thomas v J P Fisher Hugh Donnelly M Cttley D J Layton, Delaware B C Gragg, Delaware Major M Byrne, Baltimore AM Baker, Hudson. N Y Chas L Stewart, New York J C Osterloh, Huntingdon Street* above Third. IM B Stotsenberm Wil, Del fW Robinson, wil* Del D Jones IJ Hall, Ohio C M Gager * Alex H Sharp, Salem H-J Romain, New York }W J Cheyney. Delaware • fMiss Anna Goaded,Lewzsb’g (Miss Maggie Wales, Lewis’g ID Calhoun, Philadelphia |T Jones, Philadelphia IThoa McCarty, New York \ John Glover, New York >1 Jas StockstiU, Dayton. !{J B Roberts, New Jersey^ I John P Bratty, New York itreetj atjove Third. John REllls, Mass Kohert Loudon, Troy, N Y Henry E King, Conu Frank S Cookson, Maine Thos E Hassell. New Haven Lieut D P Hardy, N J Lieut MF Williams, Boston LMentzer, eennsylvaaia A Ktchardaon, Jersey city and Marfcet street!. I JoMrHan'’iBT Jersey City |L M Swartz, Jersey City F P Newhart, lowa .City 1C Young, New York IP Barrett ISaml Miley, Ephrata, Pa IB Smith, Ephrata, Pa Jas Smith, Ephrata, Pa 1A Kinser, Chester co ■ W Spottswood, Chester IJ P Clark. Newport Col W M Ralston, Indiana AWolfkill, Lewistown F Hopkins, Jersey City .reet, above Chestnut. J^o?us, y bhester emuty Jas N Murphy, Wash J W Stevenson, Juniata eo C Grigg, Pittsburg H Bowen, Daroy , KGosban. New York AWelst, New Ifprk. W W Lawson. C.nemnatt Jos T Jones, Phmnixviile It., above Third. H D Shafer & fam, Penna J B Kevinski, Lancaster John Adams, Ohio M Darner, St Clair F M Hockhelmer, Plttsbnrg Wm KD-insmore, Albany id street, above Arch, Joe De Mare, New York, L Lyons, New York W Nolen, Boston HFleming, New York Capt Williams, Boston ;reet, above Market. ■ Jas Grnver, Lewistown J.T Simpson, Doylestown ; J T Schofield, -Pa John Price, Lewistown Jos E Lyman & la, N Y street, Below Vine, QDelp, Norristown Wm Rhoades, Wayne co P Smith, Boston . A Jackson, Columblaco Wm Howey, Luzerne co It., abor. CalloWhUL J Kale, Snmmit Hill _ SI D Stanley, Newark. N J Mias AV St Clair, Ohio . L do la Montague, St Louis PISHA9BB. Typhus. Malignant. • Fever, Typhoid**?.**-* Gangrene.****** -Hernia* H»morrha«e*'*‘ LtUtgß.... Hooping .Cough...,. Inff animation ISraln. “ Larynx., , .** Lungs,.,* “ Perito’m " Pleura. ... " , S.&.Bowels Insanity Inanition.. ...••••••■• ..**.-•* Marasmus.. .*••***• • Measles -*-..»**« * »♦■ • Ossification, Heart. - Old Age pa15y......**......... Porpwa. .*.*......*** SKmaUam Heart-* Bun oyer -on Bail* road.***. ..*•*•* **»*. Scrofula.•*•♦*•»«■•••♦ Small Pox fctttl-born. .•*•« Suicide....... Uraemia............. Ulceration of the Bowela... mcerat'n of Throat., tneerat n Unknown.. W ouada—Gunshot... Total MARRIED. EPSTEIN—WAMPOLE.*—On Thursday evening, April 2d 3863, at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. I). W. Bartine, Mr. Joseph B Epsiein to Miss Lou. S., daughter of Col. Elias Wampole, Consul to La guayra. * STODDART.—On the 30th March, by v eY * K Eva *„*£ Stanford Stillwell and Miss Sarah Ann Stoddart, all of this city. * 33X3ETD. MASON,-— OnThnrsday evening. Match 26th, atCatan Garesche, Murfreesboro, Tenn., Thomas T. Mason, Jr, aged 19 years, of Co. A, Anderson Cavalry. His friends and the Mends of the family, are invited tojattend his funeral from the residence of his father, No. 419 Arch %, et ' _ on Tuesday morning, at 9 o’clock. The fnweral sEuviees will bo held in the Union M. 33. ot T eet ’ below Arch. ** Tea^ r “ Ma ofthB in3t ~ Ed ™, rd oShJ^fkMVea?^ 0 ™ 1118 oft,le 24 lnat " Marla . T - The relatives and friends are invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, 3-8 Spruce street, this (Monday) morning, at 9 o’clock A. M. * n^S^ JX j'l? il^ mor . rii W Bth instant, of con sumption. John Barton, in the 32d year of Ms age. <w V l be given of the funcrai, *** ® oY Ar onthe u Mr. John Boyd, in the 73d year of bis age. • * BRaGDON.—On the 8d inßiant, David Bragdoa, aged COyears. * BARTHOLOMEW.—SuddenIy, on the SI inst., Mrs. Ann, wife of Jacob Bartholomew, aged 56 years. * , GROW. —On the 2d insL, aged 8 years, Lvdia C Wolfr, daughter of Ella and thelato Andmw .T. * TfcLAOK AND WHITE MOZAAI “ BIQUEB, 4*4 WIDE. S7M cents. Black and white striped Mohairs, 28 cents, Black and white Be Laines, 28 cents. , . Black and white all wool Moueaelines, 44 cents. Black and white Xt&wxu and Chintzes, 18M cents. Black and white Chame de Laines, SIM cents. Black all wool Mousseline de Lames,-44 cents. , Black all wool Mousselines, double width, 87 pi cents. Black silk Challie, 60 cents. . , No. 918 CHBSTNPT Btreet. A A BICH CHINTZES REDUCED TO 26 cents. 1 case wide Chintzes, 25 cents, 1 case 4-4 Double Purples, 2' cents. ' i ease 4-4 Gay Styles, 25 cents. 1 case Spring Styles, 25 cents. EYRE & LANDELL, *pl FOURTH aid ARfiH. TONE STOCK OP SEASONABLE J- GOODS adapted to First-class Trade. Novelties in Dress Goods. Spring Silks, new styles. Opening of Spring Mantles. New style Rock-spun Shawls. EYREJt LANDELL, apl . FOURTH and ARCH. KpJLaaiU! HATIOSAI, CBUEBRA- W^ S ’ TION. —At n meeting of the Board of Directors of THE UNION LE AGUE of Philadelphia, held March 26, 1863, the following resolutions, presented by Mr. CHAS. GIBBONS, were unanimously adopted: . RESOLVED. 1. That the League will celebrate the approaching an niversary of American Independence by appropriate ceremonies, at the Hall of Independence. 2. That all the Union Leagues and Associations in the United States be invited to participate in the celebration, and that they he requested to send deputations from their respective bodies for that purpose. ' 3. That it be recommended that the deputies be autho • rized to . represent their respective constituents in any action that may be deemed necessary and expedient to perfect the organization of the friends of the American Union and Government throughout the United States. 1 4. That the Committee of Correspondence be autho . rized to prepare a circular letter, communicating these resolutions to the Union Leagues and loyal citizens of the respective States, and to adopt such measures as may be necessary to carry them into effect. WM. M. MEREDITH, President. GEO. H. BOKBE, Secretary. ap4-lm NATIONAL UNIONOLTJB.-A STA IC&* = TBa* MEETING of the CLUB will be held on MONDAY Evening, the 6th tost , at half past seven o’clock,’ at the .Rooms of the National Union City Exe cutive Committee, CHESTNUTStreet. ftbove Sixth, third-story room. S. BKYDER LEIi)Y, Secretary. Kite TENTH WARD.—AT A MEETING! of the NATIONAL UNION LEAGUE of the ENTH WARD, the following gentlemen were elected officers of the League: PRESIDENT: HEBRY C. HOWULL. vice presidents: - WmS, Pierce, I Garvin H. Woodward, Wm. .P. Hamm, I A. M. Herkuess. Secretary—Wm. B. Leeds. Corresponding Secretary—R. W, Cushman, Treasurer—Bichard M. Bailors. The Constitution of the League will be at the office.of the Treasurer, No. 3 State House Row, during the day. Citizens of the ward desiring to become members, and who are favorable to the cause of-the Union, are re quested to call and sign it * It* ■ ' WM. R, .LEEDS, Secretary. UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN <3s* COMMISSION FOR THE ARMY AND NiVT— IS NATIONALITY, AIM, ECONOMICAL FACILITIES, AND UNBOUNDED OPPORTUNITIES. The United States Christian Commission is .. NATIONAL. embracing all States of the Union, all parts of the Ar my and Navy* and aU denominations of Christians, and has the full tanetion of the-National authoriiies t civil, military* and naval. „„ ITS AIM is to minister to the religious and temporal wants of all wearing the National uniform on land and sea. The Christian Commission regards ourbrave defenders as men, having both bodies ana souls. Bodily relief to suffering men is important and imperative; without it, religious admonitions are in vain, and a mockery. Therefore, the Commission receives and distributes clothing and comforts, and sends relief to the sick, wounded, and destitute, by every one ©fits delegates. Religious instruction and consolation are more price less still, and the Commission, while meeting bodily wants, does not forget that God made men living souls to live by His own precious Word, and that there \s none other name given under heaven amongst men whereby we can be saved” but the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore sends as delfgates only such men as love the Saviour and .his Word, and delight to point others to the Lamb of ; is to have ministers and laymen as delegates in every Military Department and Naval Squadron to aid Chap lains, preach tho Gospel, hold prayer meetings, relieve the sick and wounded, instruct and console the dying* write to their friends at home, receive and distribute the Scriptures, books, papers, and tracts, with clothing and comforts, and' accompany all with words of cheer to me men from home* and with prayer to Godfor His blessing . ™sverfonr hundred men lave already enlisted as dele sates many of whom are still in the field and at work; .thirty-one in the Army of the Potomac, others,in the Army of theCumbefiand, the-Army of tne Mississippi. 'at'Hraphis and near Vickßburz; the Army of Missouri iabd Arkansas, amongst our Midlers at Harper j Ferry and Winchester, Va.; in the Parole Camp, near Annaoo- Ms, and Conyalescent Camp, near Alexandria; at JSew "Port Hews, Horfolk, Hewhern, Fort Boyal, Pensacola, few Orleans - Nearly every office and store-room of the Commission is given rent .free for its use; nearly every employee gives hia services without salary; all railroads affori their facilities either free or at half price; o ver the wires of twenty-five thousand miles telegraphic companies transmit despatches to and from tho Commissioo wUh out charge; and the Government gives free transpor tation aver all its lines. , - For economy, directness, comprehensiveness of aim, and certainty of execution, no other agency ha* everex celled this; and as a field the world never, presented one of OPPORTUNITIES. . A million of .patriot soldiers and sailors, eager for the from the various parts of the aJ GreMmuvem4nts and bloody fields athand. ' ■ What an opportunity offers for.the Christian Commis sion and for the Christian, public! Let it-not be lost. Money and stores are grealy needed..' f ■ , OFor further information, directions, and documents, address the Rev. W. B. BOARDMAN, Secretary, No. 13 BANK Street, Philadelphia All stores should toGBO. H. BTUABT. - Chairman. No. 13 BANK Street, Philadelphia,. and JOSEPH PATTERSON, Western Bank, OEO. K. STUART, Chairman, CHARLES DEMOifB. Boston, E. S. JANES, JJfew York, . JOBS P. CROZBK, Philadelphia, JAY COOKE, Philadelphia, ap6-nrwf6t Executive Committee. ■;£»» CUSTOM HOUSE,PHUI.ADBIC.TOia., t&£» COLLECTOR’S OFFICE, April 4. J, Transportation Companies, Owners and Officers or res sals, Merchants, andofchers interested, , . tTTntil otherwise ordered, Shippers ofGpoasto point in the State of Delaware, south of the parallel or Newcastle, as well as to all places on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake, will he required to from this offiee, which will he granted uponthepre Station of the Oath of Allegiance of the Coaa and Consignee, and the submission of such evidence of loy alty as may he requlredhy the f Small packages shipped, in good feith, ttricuy ipr S&SST’ of lhlß prt wl*b! raoSSs.^ffior.* 0 ';• ap6-3t ' ' ■ • • ' " • ■ ■ KJO CAX.ES cope, trbasureeof (SET THE WHITED COMMIi,- SJONVNortheast corner of SIXTH streets, the receipt of the following contributions Branch of the U. 8. Sanitary W CommiBXn, p Mr . John-H. Fraser, Treater of William Dunlap..-. - —••—■ 8* Klerom A Brother.——— -,K m Hadden, Porter, A Booth- -- —row S. & J. M. Flanayan, 3d Mntrihatioii....-- ” II I* oo Wilson. Childs, & Co. t {additional)..g W Smurt H. Carpenter,Mcontrihution.....«j 00 Previously reported.... Total 25 THE SANITARY ‘COMMISSION, No. 1*” CHESTNffT Street, also acknowledges the receipt of tbe foliowing donations in hospital supplies, since thelssf regort • . Montrose Ladies’Aid, two packages, Mias Emily B. Aid, one package, Geo.F* Lewis, Ladies’ Aid, two packages, perßey ®mrt H <aStarLadies’ Aid, one package,Mra:Dr. Price, S?J., Ladies’ Aid, ono package, Mrs. Dr. Jl S^)ewkg e Sd, a 0M package, Mrs. Wm. L. Chaf 2d, of the Church ofthe SaTionr, two pack iur<w. 8. H*. Goddard, feecretary. _ t JJnion Sewing Association, one package, Miss J. Lew life* Mrs. .IL _-s,' homceopathic hospital, ms KST2S2S»-S£ai?SKSMS^«3Sa I3i- a o“" e<>for lD G« ablfl m SSolfe gea Secretary of Board of Managers • THO. ACKLEY, Cashier. g^«aBBSWiMS»Sp»?g* Sn TofauttoriSng the BoardofJMrectora to Increase the g'^^LIAMB. HILL, Actuary. ONMOSDAY BVBSHG, APKIL6, S?5iS?. ln the French EeToltttion ’ AU K/e r *ven£ tth A e gn C S,n a ge 8 .1.‘ fy Soiaie» of timVnion Kg' ASMClATWN^Sfloiaier*®Sd tary CommlsDion are rwnwiea Visiting Committee report the same at nmeetlM or » goidfers’ Beading ofthe W.PJa& st«st, atogo Ciieenat, onMOlf Boom, TWENTiraH »«w& » attention of charita ble Asfmciationa among Si?* of fiends is particn lariY invited - ‘ ISfr»A BaILROAD jgs3._The an foOBTH Ftreet— AP™ WB COBl paay and anal meettaaof the Stochho i Maaagere_wm take ST&ectioit 4th X,.e»ttlieoiMofthecMnp»hr.o»“ Say of May next, at l 2 o clock w H. WBBB, r Secretary. ap3-tmy4 •- —i-* —— rsa?- TO'm&SiilgftSßESf TION (jr j.). March 31,158. The Treasurer of the aboT« Compaq to PAT THB BONDS doe ' The five per cent. Coaverted Dwruais p Wr . Principal, aslhlso the last £°SK&imphiiadelphts; or to Treasurer^ at 12 o'clock M., at which time and placaan eleoHon lor Nine Directors, to serve for one rear, wiinMyiem. ’ Dated Philadelphia, Kerch 20,1883. ’ mh2l-l« E®' WOgaMITY OF PBWSWA, DEPARTMENT OF ARTS —Thotmrd term f«i h6 ? 11?i ? year will open on WEDNESDAY* the Stn last Ganoutate* for admission wlllappear at the unt vcrsity, for examination, on that day. at 10 o'clock A M. Tuition lor each term. Thirty Dollar* „ . TT « W OEORGE ADDER* Secretary of tho Faculty of Arts. OF* THE FIRE I*2^RM*C* COMPANY OF THK COUNTS Oi PHI LADELPHIA—ApriI 3,1863. ncjfßV _ a meeting of the Directors, held TH '8 D AY, H Brf KY was unanimously olectod of said Company. BENJAMIN F. HOECKWiJ, ap6«myrfr 3t Secretary. OP THE Ks* TIBT TO THE ARMY AND NAVI. Fhiladbl pbia, October 24, 1862. . , BW#il tni Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of tbf mselvee of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs-, should apply immediately at the mce of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government. wo. *I» OT CHESTNuf Street. • B. FRaNK PALM SK, jaS-6m Government Surgeon -Artist BLINDS AND SHADES. JgLIN DS AND SHADES WILLIAMS, 33 . J’, NO. 16 NOBTH SIXTH STREET, MAKUPACTCBEU OP VENETIAN BLINDS WINDOW SHADES. JK9~ The Largest and Finest Assortment in. the city, at the Lowest Prices. Blinds Fainted and Trimmed etiual to new. Store Shades Made and Lettered. mh6-2m gEMO V A E GEORGE W. ZIMMERMAN, VENETIAN BLIND MAUFAOTUBER, Has BBMOYED from 136 North SIXTH Street, to B. J. WILLIAMS’, NO. 16 NOBTH SIXTH STREET 0. W ZIMMERMAN solicits a continuance of favors at. No, 16 North SIXTH, Street, where will befoun the Largest and Best Assortment of- . VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOmSHADES In the city, at the LOWEST PRICES. *9“ Store Shades Made and Lettered. .Jobbing Promptly attended to. apfl-2mif REMOVALS. JJEMOVAL, J„ B. LIPPINCOTT * CO„ PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, Have Removed TO THEIR NEW STORE, ap2-6t 715 & TIT MARKET STBBEtI GENTS’ BURNISHING GOODS. ARCH STREET. OQg 606. FINE SHIRT AND WRAPPER DEPOT. AW BLBGANT ASSORTMENT OP GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, - AT MODBRATE PKICES. , FOUR PREMIUMS AWARDED FOB SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, AND STOCKS. G. A. HOFFMANN, Successor toW. W. KNIGHT. 606 ARCH STREET. 606. ap6-mws3m FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM, y . *OI.IUI * NORTH SIXTH STREET. JOHN O. ARRISON, (FOBKEBLT J. BUBB MOOKB.) MPOKTEK AND MANUFACTURER OF GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY AND AT MODERATE PRICES. K. B.—Particular attention tfren to He making oSShIrU, Dollar*, Dra-arcrc, to ja2S-tap7 f?INE SHIRT MANUFACTORY* A The sahseriber would iavlts attention to hi* IMPROVED COT OP SHIRTS, tThlch be make* * specialty la his basiaess. Also, eoa' itantlT receiTins, ■ HOVKhTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W.SOOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, So. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, Four doors bslow the ContlnsatsL MHIINERY GOODS. garts MBS. M. A. KIN G, NO. 1026 JhkLsJ CHESTNUT Street,-will (men a handsome assort /r- r ment of Spring and hammer Millinery on THUKSDAY, April 9th. : ap6-6t* T?IGHTH-STBBET RIBBON STOBE, -Li Ho. 10T North EIGHTH Street ■ ■ *We would inform our customers, aud-tne ladies gene- - rally, ihat we open this day a full aud nery superior stock of MnSdSEBY AND IiTBAW GOODS, tor tha Soring and Summer seasons, which. we are prepared to offer, wholesale and retail, at the most reasonable prices. Ho 4 CORD-EDGE HIBSONS, all colors, *lp«rpien«. Ho. 5 OOKD-BDOB RIBBONS, all colors, -«L25 per k! BLACK VELVET BIBBONS, every width, superior <I BeIS'BLACK VELVET RIBBONS, with, white edges, every width, at last season’s prices. , „ BOH NET kIBBONS, plain and fancy, every shade, 'width, and Quality—an immense variety to; suit all 0 «I T A#lllCIAL FLOWERS., a superb variety, the fashionable shape, in braid, split straw, and hair; white, gray, and black. INFANTS’HATS AND CAPS, every new design, all AND CHILDBEN’S SH AKEKHOOpS. THE BEST NEW YORK AKpPBSNCHBONNET ■ FRAMES, lower than they can be bought elsewhere, hy th Givc J ue a r caU. 59, SICHEL A WEYL, mh27 1m No. 10V North EIGHTH Street. TRIMMINGS, dec. £ADIES’ DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS. Bugle Gimps, Embroidering Braids, Bead and Bugle Ornaments, Silk Gimps, Sontachs Trimming, Cotton and Silk Zouave Alpaca Braids, Silk Eibhons, [Braids, Guipure Laces, ■ Silk and Unionßsltings, And'a variety of other fashionable Trimmings. Also, a full assortment of / BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED SMALL WARES. The goodß being all our own manufacture and impor ation, we can offer particular advantages in prices, and nvlte the attention of the trade. WM. H. HORSTMANN & SONS. Manufictory and Store, mMS-Tm FIFTH andCHBBBY Sts. ■ Phiiadelphia financia*. (CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS, PRIOB TO 1863, f A HT l'i), ■' drexel & bo. AMERICAN GOLD WANTED. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. DREXEL & 00. jq-AVY FREIGHT BILLS < bought ' THE LOWEST MARKET? RATES, HUNTER, NORTON, & 00., aos)i WALNUT STREET, UP STAIRS. ap3-St* ; . .1. C HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 31» WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds ofU. S. GOVERN-. HENT SECURITIES, bought and sold on . Business Paper ana Loans oa Collateral negouavea ai> 6-20 TEAR SIX per cant, BONDS, furnished atPAR in sums to anit. ' Bafnr . Orders fey slibU receive prompt attention- Jteiera Messrs. Nathan Trotter &Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Bag., John B. Myers & Co,, Samuel B. Thomas* Esq. % Fumjp.Brinley, ft Co., John Thomas,^ •gDW OD M. D AVIS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 39 Sontb THIRD Street, (up stairs,) ' PHOiAnnnpnrA. A ftyNTTRAT. BROKERAGE and banking busi- •NESS TRANSACTED. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold, on Commission. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. Diyldend*_and Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted. Exchange on Europe Bold Special Collections made. Coin and Cor rencyßoughfc. Merest Allowed onDeposits. apl-3m JIIRST APRIL COUPONS INDEBTEDNESS ABOUT MATURING, IJOUGBTOR COLLECTED. mh®-10t peksoNak. Cr^lONS.—sloo BOUNTY AND p T,roonred and collected for feldlers. Ssllora, ■*-, PAXKhStof suchasarodeoeased, *t reaaonaW* . and tta ralat*l?? i sLj"^ o idiera who haye serredtwo “ftjhaye been dischanraAby ■ years, and aU soidiera batUef „„ now envied to latte r, also. toawnsion, tte * lo °M ’PULTON. SoM^te^stoat. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY. APRIL 6. ISK3. 7 8-10 DREXEL & CO. nity awDS. QPEN I N G PARIS C L O A KS MANTILLAS. ON MONDAY, APRIL 6th, 1863, J. W. PEOOTOR & 00., Ho. 920 CHESTNUi’Strwt. jg M. NEEDLES, 102* CHESTNUT STBEET, Has just received NEW 00003 as follows: PUFFED MUSLINS, striped, figured. Bayadere, and other fancy SHEER MUSLIMS, tor waists, todies, and dresses. 10 pieces pure white, plaid, and BAYADERE FRENCH ORGANDIES. ' " ' 40 pieces real FRENCH MUSLINS, 2 yards wide, 7S centsup. • . BO pieces PIQUES, in fancy and plain buff and white, 40 cents up, JACONETS, CAMBRICS. NAINSOOKS, MULLS. SWISSES, etc., in all their Tarieties of plain, striped;and plaids. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS in all varieties, 12Kcup. 100 pieces New Styles PRINTED LINEN CAMBRICS for dresses. NEW EMBROIDERIES, INFANT'S ROBES, COL LARS and SETS, EDGINGS, INSERTINGS, FLOUNC INGS, &c. •• - . ■NEW LACES, VEILS, COLLARS, SETS, 4c, 100 dozen GRENADINE VEILS. ; NEW LACE, Eabroidcred andRaffledJSODKFS, The above, with ni&jyy>tfcer goods, are offered at very LOW PRICES, many of tliem much below present cost of importation, and at a very small advance on prices of a year ago. An inspection of my stock is respectfully solicited, E T M. NEEDLES, mb3l-taplo gPXJN PLAID SILKS, BLUB AND WHITE PLAIDS. PEARL AND WHITE PLAIOB. LEATHER AND WHITE PLAIDS. WHITE AND BLACK PLAIDS. ONE DOLLAR. f PLAIN SILKS, CHOICE COLORS. PLAIN REP SILKS, SMALL FIGURES. FANCY SILKS. PLAIN BLACK SILKB, A LARGS STOCK. FIGURED BLACK SILKS* AT THE OtiD PRICE. SHALL CHECK SILKS. We are selling all our Silks at lower prices than we can replace them. PLAIN ALL-WOOL DELAINES, . In Modes, Drabs, Tans, Leather, Solfe rino, and Yiolat COLORED ALPACAS, In Choice Colors. LIGHT FIGURED ALL-WOOL DELAINES. Fignred.aH-wool delaines at 50, 58, 62c. SHEPHERD'S PLAIDS, 25 to 50c. Light Spring Delaines, at ilc. FRENCH LAWNS, AT OLD PRICES. Fine French Organdies at 50, 62, 75c, Fine French Jaconets at 3?&* 50, 62c. Good Sty It s of Lawns at 25, 28, Sic. A large assortment of SpriDgand Sommer Dress Goods* at less than wholesale prices. DARK DELAINES at 25e. s MBBRIMAC CHINTZES at 25c. ENGLISH CHINTZES at 25c. GOOD CHINTZES at 22c. YARD- WIDE ENGLISH CHINTZES at 37&C. FINE FRENCH CHINTZES at 50c. A large assortment of , ' LIGHT SPRING CLOAKS. “Milß™ 1 ' “ 4 EPEING AND 6UMMEB SHAWLS, At our usual low prices. 40-spring Skeleton Skirts at $l, 25, Ames' Patent clasp .Gore Trail Skirts. 500 Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, broad hems, at 500. COATB’ SPOOL COTTON at *1.05 per dor. CLARK'S ENAMELLED COTTON, colored, at $L H. STEEL & SON, Noa. 713 and Tls'North TENTH Street. 1024 eBESTNIJT STREET. The Ladies are invited to call and examine the NEW “COVENTRY RUFFLING," The most desirable Trimming yet introduced for LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR. El. M. NEEDLES', apl-6t 103* CHESTNUT Street. rm&NVILLE B. HAINES STILL sells below the 1 market price. UNBLEACHED MUSLIN at 38 cents; do. at 20; very good afe2s b and rea» first-rate at 30. ; BLEAC BED SHIRTING at 20 and 22; very heavy at 25; extra good Shirting, at-SB; fine yard-wide at* 39; ‘WilUamsvilles, Wamsutfcas r aud Forestdales, 1M yards wide Sheeting, afc 40 cents by the piece ;2, 2M, 2£, and l $ yards-wlde sheeting, all qualities. One lot cents by the piece, worth at least 37M. I have now one of the largest ana cheapest etocksof LINEN GOODS in the city. Just opened, one lot of those very heavy hand-loom Table Linen at 87j£c., very cheap;: Union Table Linen at 62M and 7fic.; all Linen do., at7o,- S7Kc.,and $l. All Linen Towels, $2, $2.60, and $3 per dozen. All Linen Doylies, $ll $825, and SLSQ per dozen. AlTLinen Baykins, $2, $2 50, and $3 per dozen. All Linen Handkeruluefe,.sLso andt&L 76 per dozen. One lot Fron ting Linens ■at 45. worth SQ. cents; one lot, very, fine are a great featgain, being nearly ,*B. low as they everwfre Case \Linens, 40, 42; and 45 inches wide; neavy Bock aback, ail UnSS, at 20, 26, SIM, and 37K cents; one lot half-bleached Hack, over % wide, for bath towels, 37M; Russia Crash. at 15,16,181 and 20 cents per yard. - , . * ' V ‘ ‘ . One lot of very- heavy Marseilles Counterpanes, much under their present value, have been bought long time’ aS AUendale Quilts, all sizes, from $1350 up. - Quilts, all 52.50 up. Honey Comb Quilts, 12-'4, at> - . Housekeepers will save money by looking through thia .tocV.fortl l er e ar B manygh f l ! ar f i | «mit iiifß ap6-3t XOl3 MAEKBT Street, above Tenth. "BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, JL> • ■„ At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.60, At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $6.60, At 704 MARKET Street BLACK CASS. PANTS, *5.60. At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, fe.6o. At 704,MARKET Street. GRIGG & PAN GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street „ GRIGG | PAN GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street T> AT?P A TNS TW TITIV dOODH FROM GRIGG £ PAN GUNTBN’S, Ho. 704 MARKET Street. Axf, u • ■ UJa ‘ GRIGG A .PAN GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. AUCTION—To be opened this morning- - GHIGG & PAN GUBTEN’S, No. 7C4 MARKET Street. One lot of Figured Grenadine Bareges, 124 s cts. rnhSl-Om - One lot of Shepherd’s Plaids, Mohairs, 26 cts. . One lot of very Quo-quality do. Slots. - —- One lot of Chene Mohairs, 31 eta. „ . ED WIN HALL at CO., No. ae s second st. N. B. —The above-goods aro from twenty-five to fifty per cent lower than they have been selling. Spring styles of De Lames reduced to. 25 cts. &p3-fcf •VfBW GOODS' NEW GOODS!—WE -L'i axe daily recoirinf- from factory new patterns of WALL FAPKRS,to which we invite the attention of dealers in Paper Hangings. . . In onr retail department-we have paid special atten tion to tastefnl designs spiting Philadelphia taste. Booms papered by selected map, and war ran tedtogive satisfaetionT JOHN H. LCWGSTRETB, api-lm* No. 13 North THIRD Street. gFECIAL NOTICE TO LADIES. USE GEOEGE P. FARMER'S - DOUBLE PATENT NEEDLES. These needles ate secured on paper like pins, and sold in packages of one dozen each. They are more economical and useful than any needle offered. For sale hy JOHN MUSTIN, 806 CHESTNUT Street, and corner of.AHCH and SB TENTH Streets i also at EBBS SEED’S, (Wamock’n old stand.) 4:3 North BIOHTH Street, apl-wl&m6t tt A T RET AIL.” jljL • JAMBS R. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFER AT MODERATE PRICES Df THEIR BBTAU. DEPARTMENT, Black and Fancy Silks. - Linon Bheetlngß and Shirt- Black and Colored Alia- lugs, „ . . . cas, Damasks, Napkins, and Poplins Fantasia. Doylies. Taffeta d’Annessey, Table Clothe and Towel* French Lawns ana Organ- ings, Counterpanes and dies, , Furniture Dimities. French CMntrea and Per- WHITE GOODS. caies, - ■ Jaconets, and-Cambrics, Brilliants and Piques, . Soft Cambrics and Nain- Spring. Shawls* new color- „ • • ingsi Tarletons and Swiss aims, Black Thibet and Merino Fancy Muslins and Dimities* Shawls, . , L. C. Handkerchiefs, SatLare andXong Shawls. Gloves, Hosiery, And a general assortment of DRY GOODS in desirable styles and qualities. . mhs-2m PHECK SILKS REDUCED TO #1.25. VJ shepherd's Plaid Silks, *1.25. „ ’ Brown and vmte Plaids,#!, 25. - Lilac and White Plaids, $1.25. Smut SUfc Plaids, at $L' Foulard Silks, at $1 and 123£. ,__ . EDWIN HALL ... ifo.-»6S,SBCOMD&. N. 8.—35 dozen Grenadine Veils, at *1 a piece, keant! fal styles. • ap9-tf SPRING OIiOARSi> O' v NSW CLOAKS, - HOOP SKJ&TS, ‘ Cloaks ready made or made so order, - Large stock of Cloths to select from. LadW attherijM goes. Boys* Cassimeres, • The new colors. Gents’ Fancy Mixtures*' 6-4 Coatings. , , Boys* Clothing ready made or made to order. Large stock Cassiineres to select from. Fine Black Cloths and Casstmeres. \ WILLIAM3VILLES, j 'WAMSBTTAS, Wide Sheetings, Flannels, Linens, .Towels. Muslins and Woolens at WHOnESALB, _ , . COOPER A CONABD, ap4 S. B. comer NIHTH and MARKET Streets. IVTAIZE AND LEATHER-OOLOR iU. dress goods. . Mode and Tan Wool X>e Lalnes; Double-width DeLaines and Mohairs; Plaid Valencias, all colors; . ■ A great variety of Dress Goods for suits , ftyna.ii black and white,' and brown and white, Plaid Silks; ■ Brown Silks, dark Bhades : . Plaid Olive Poulard Bilk,forFriendß; 3 . • One piece of Olive Summer Silk, wide and good, for Together wftk Williamsville. Wamautfca, and all the best makes of MuslinS, jt * • - ■ * JOHN H, STOKBS\ . ~ mh23 703 ARCS Street CPRING AND SUMMER DRESS k? GOODS. We are selling stock left over from last season, and those purchased at the late auction sales, at Low Prices, to effect rapid sales. The Block comprises: Paris Printed Bareges, Plain and Fancy Moaunbiques. : Fancy and Plain Barege Anglais, White and Printed Piquet,’ Organdies and Lawns, Fancy Dress Silks. . From the late auction sales: • Shepherd's. Plaids, SS and 90 cents, . . Ih : regular receipt of;Aaciion Goods, which. will be '™ ° ff? ? cfcRWEN STODDABTA BROTHBR, . 4SO, 452* and 454 North SECOND Street, ■ . ■ ;• Above Willow. __ ttigh lustre black silks, At. from tie late Anction sales, s . AT BKDUCBD PRICES. CUBWEN STODDABT ABROTHBE., 4SO, 482, and 484 Nor.h SECOND Btr«*, . 7 Above Willow. tn-d COLORED BORDER DIMITY iU i ± K p B EADS; ontT ■ CURWEN STODDABT A BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 Herth SECOND Street Above WlUorf. ■SfODE COLOR ALPACAS. 4.TA.1 ‘ .;TOn color Alpacas,' * , • Btbwnoblor Alpaca, . ‘ * AT MO DEBATE PBICES. CURWEN fihfODDART & BROTHER, 450, 45»"and 454 North SECOND Street, ap3-St Abore Willow. RETAW. DRY GOODS. T R. CASSELBERRY. 45 NORTH “ • EIGHTH Street, will open, THIS following Goods from this week’s Immense ffew YorK sales THE BIGHT TIME TO BgY. THE RIGHT PEACE TO BHY. 1 case Spring De Lillies, choice styles, A) ceuta. 1 lot English Mourning Calicoes, 15 cents. 1 case good quality plain Mo?: -anbiquea, lo# conts. „ 75 pieces plain all-wool De Lalnes, superb colors Modes, Bines, Magenta, Fink, Blacks, AzaHne, &c., cheap. 2 cases-finest drab Alpacas yet offered for the price. BLACK SILKS. Black Ottoman Silks. Black G? os-grained Silks. Black Bep Silks. Plain Black Silks,'cheap. Plain Foil de Soie Silks, all shades. 2 lots superior qnality Toil de Paris. 4*4 wide, 62Jtf. LINEN COUNTER.—SHEETINGS, Sc. _ 22 pieces 10-4 and 11*4 all-lioon Sheetings, $1.12, $1.20, $1.25, worth the attention of hotel and housekeepers 110 dozen Snow-drop Napkins, $1.15 per dozen. 75 do do do all linen, $165 per doz, Several lots Table Cloths, 2 yards long, at $2. Several lots Table Cloths, 2» yards long, $2.50. 1 case 2 yards wide bleached Table Damasks, 25c. 20 pieces fine Bird-eye Liiens, 35 to 50. Shirting. Liner sby the yard or mece. _ SHEETING AND SHIRTING MUSLINS for less than ca>e or bale prices. Coates’ Spool Cotton, all numbers. i% emits. OPEN ON MONDAY MORNING. 2 cafes 11-4 Honey Comb Quilts. ' 1 case 10-4 Allendale Quilts, lease 11-4 Allendale Quilts. 1 case IJs yards wide, slightly soiled on ends, white Victoria Lawns, or patent linings, 18& cents, worth, perfect cents * ■ • * 1 case fine Marseilles, with colored figure, 37X cents. STELLA SHAWL*. EoTCral l0t “ T6ry . “Mammoth Dry Goods House,” $5 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. pBEAP DBY GOODS, CARPETS, Vy OCL CLOTH, AND WINDOW SHADES.—V. E. ARCHAMBAULT, N. B. corner ELEVENTH and MAR KET Streetß, will open this morning from Auction-In grain Carpets, at 60, 62, 76,.87c., and ,1; E' try and Stair Carpets, 60c. to *ls >ap Carpets, 4S to 85c.: Eloor. Oil Cl ofin>, 60 to 76 cts. s Gilt Bordered Window Shades, 750. to *1.60: Sheeting, Shirting, and Pillow Case Muslins, 20 to 40 cts. r-Table Linens, 62e.„t0 #1; Napkins, 18Mo. i White and Colored Marseilles Quilts, *1 to *8; Stella 81 awls, *3 to *8; Mous de Laihes, 26 to 37c.; Chintzes, 22t0 28c. s,Cloth Table Covers, #1.60 to *4; Plain and Fancy Caesimeres,. 76 cts. to 51,60; Fancy Shirting Flannels. 60 toSSc. mhll-wftnlm CIOTHING. Fine Clothing, Made up early, for. .. Spring sin d Snmmer Sales, now ready, WAMAKEE & BBOWS, “OAK HALL,” S.E.cor. 6th & Market. DESIRABLE PROPERTY* *os INVESTMENT. PRICES 'SUES TO ADFAKCE, •jypN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR. CASSIMBRES: NEW DIAGONOLS. NEW’MIXTURES. NEW COLORS. • NEW 6-4 COATINGS. NEW 6-4 MELTONS. MDIES’ CLOAKINGS. BOYS’ CLOTHING READY-MADE. BOYS’ AND MEN’S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & OONARD. ap3-« 8.-E. corner NINTH AND MARKET Bte. JOHN. KELLY, JR., TAIL O R , HAS EEMOYED FROM 1022 CHESTNUT STREET. EDWARD P. KELI-t’S, lta South THIRD Street, £ presents to'&rmer patrons and the pnblio of a STOCK OF GOODS, equalif not sa pffirior, to any in the city—the shill andtaste of hfmsetf and EDWA3D F.-KELLY,; the two best Tailors of the, at prices much lower than any other first-class esta blishment of the city. ’ . ■ mh3l-tf WATCHES AND JEWELRY, MUSICAL BOXES. TN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD. CASES, -*-• playing from 1 to 12 tunes, choice Opera and Ameri can Melodies. FAKE & BROTHER. Importers, ap4 324- CHESTNUT Street, helow Fourth. WORD ABOUT AMERICAN WATCHES. AFTER A THOROUGH TRIAL OF MORE TH AN TEN YEARS, the time-pieces manufactured by tho, American ■Watch Company, of Waltham, Mass., have gained aim hold npon the favor of the public, and now, no less than 000 of them are.epeaking for themselves in the pockets or the people. From a very insignificant beginning the business has increased to an extent exceeding our most sanguint anticipations, -and we jure now justified m stating that WEMAKEMORE THAN ONE-HALF of all the'watches sold in the United States.- Bepeatedenlarge ment of our factory buildings, and the labor 0r.500 opera tives, still find us unequal to supply the constantly in creasing demand. And we may here observe that not -■withßt&nding the high price of labor and materials, we actually Bell our products at less prices than those current *We reft/Sthese facts only for the purpose of properly introducing another subject relative to,°ur manufacture of watches - mtnerto our chief object has-been to make 'good watches for'the million at the lowest possible pace —something to take the place of the make-believe watches celled ‘ ‘Ascres, ”4* ’Lepinee, ” “English Patent Levers, ” Ac., annually thrown upon' this market, yi countless numbers* by European workshops—watches which the refuse of their mctories, unsaleable at home and per fectly worthless everywhere. •- •- ■ , , TMs ohjectwe have accomplished, and now, we have to announce* that w e have commenced the manufacture of watches of the very - ~ . r^ HIGHEST GRADE KNOWN TO CHRONOMRTRY, unequalled by anything hitherto made by ourselves ana unsurpassed, by • anything made in the world. ■ For this purpose we have the amplest facilities. We have erected . an addition to our main -buildings expressly for this branch of our, business,.and have flUed it with the best workmen in our service, profiting by our long expe rience. we have remodelled the, form or. our watches, in troducing such improvements as havebeen ana proved to be good from time to time, and have Instituted new and severe tests oflsochionlsm, adjustment, and compensation. New machines and appliances have been constructed, which perform theirworkwithconsummate delicacy and exactitude, and the choicest And most ap proved materials only are used.. Nothing, m met, ib wanting leither in mechanical principles, material, or workmanship to insure perfection in the result. We continue to manufacture our other well-known qualities undtr the following names: ‘‘APPLETON. TRACY & 00.” “P. 8. BARTLETT,’’ _ _ And tie “Soldier's Watoh.. ' WM. ELLER k. .The latter, the lowest-priced watch wo make, is a sub stantial, reliable time-piece, cased in sterling silver hunting pattern, and is not liable to get out of order either in marching, riding, or fighting. AU the above described watebe* including the finest, which is named ‘•AMERICAN WATGH COMPANY” on the plate, are »H country. ■ ■ ’ ‘ ■ ‘ AOKKTS FOR THB _ . . AMERICAN'WATCH COMPANY, . -e-3-fhrwlSt* 1S» .BROADWAY, N. Y. “*®JUST RECEIVED PEE STEAMER EUROPA. GOLD WATCHES, LADIES’ SIZE?, OF RBW STYLES. SILVER ANCRES AND CYLINDBES, GILT ANCRBS AND CTLINDRES. '.PLATED ANCBBS AND GTLINDRE3. For Sale at Low Rates to the Trade, .by. 7 D. T . PR ATT, apStf 601 CHESTNUT STREET. J. O. FULLER, jjfe Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY. No. TX2 CHESTNUT Street, ..(Up-Btairs, opposite Masonic Temple), H ““ OT * O EaBGB AND COMPLETE STOCK, BSCB&Acnro AMERICAN ANDBWISS WATCjEDK. JL HOWARD & CO. ?8 FINE AMEBIC AN WATCHES, GOLD CHAINB,GOLD SPECTACLES* THIMBLES, • Ann TINE JSWELEY.OF, EVERY DESCRIPTION. fel3-3m '.. .. " : j ‘ : v - • J?INE . G IDT COMB 3 IN EVERY VARIETY. IMITATIONS OF PEABD AND OOEAL.' J. O. FULLER, No. 71!* CHESTNUT.’ Btr66t |wVl«Uftn A FINE WATOH. BBPAIBINO miSt” attended to/lSy ike most experienced workmen* and mry waick warranted for one rear. Q. BUSSELL* m% Horfch. SIXTH Street. Q. FULLER’S FINE GOLD PENS, THE BEST PEN IN USB, POK SALE IN ALL SIZBB. felS-3m EJNQS. A (nil assorfirient, all slsos and stylo*. 3. 0.-FULLER, No. 7W CHESTNUT Strut IM3-3at "M"OTIGE.—MR. ROD.OLPHE LlEtf- X' HAST, In Hew Tori, Is authorised to sign our ten brproouration. APPOLD fcCHULTHESSiCO., Lions. Franca March 1,1863. . apl «f . (OißAir '* HAIR RISTORBR^B^L^ FEFV'ffiETrBD.—LOHIbGIf "Btttß^COEOg 330 SIXTH Street, above Vine. Price, SO eta ap3-tl NEW PUBLICATIONS. JfEOM THE PRBSS OP J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 716 AND TIT MARKET ST. SOHALK’S CAMPAIGNS. CAMPAIGNS OF 1862 AND 1863 ; ILLUSTRA TING THE PRINCIPLES OF STRATEGY. BY EMIL SOHALK, Author of “Summary of the Art of War. ” One VoL I2mo SI.TS. Few years of Military Annals are so fertile in events as that which hasjnet expired. Full of varied chances, the year IS6S ought to teach us a great lesson. It ought to remind us that ‘ • The great principles of war cannot be violated with imjniiuty. ” It may be well as useful to investigate the causes, both of the great dis asters which'have oeiHllea, our armies, and of the suc cesses which tiicy bare achieved. By passinß in review the different operations, and by discussing them from a strictly military btand-point, we may so perceive the errors or the past campaign as able to avoid similar ones in the campaigns to come. These reasons have induced me to write a Military. lie view of the Campaign er 1882, and even to discuss ope rations which will probably take place in 1883. PgBFACE. HAMMOND’S PHYSIOLOGICAL MEMOIRS: A SERIES OF EXPERIMENTS IN PHYSIOLOGY. BY WILLIAM A. HAMMOND, M. D„ Surgcok General U. s. Army, 8vo; S 3. -, CONTENTS. ' 1. The Relations existing between Urea and Uric Acid.. 2. Urological Contributions. 3. On the Excretion of Phos phoric Acid through the Kidneys. 4 The Physiological Effects of Alchohol and Tobacco upon the Unman System. 5. Experimental Researches relative to the Nutritive Value and Physiological Effects of Albumen, Starch, and Gum, when singly ancLexclusively used as Food. 6. Oa the alterations induced by Intermittent Fever in the Physical and Chemical QualitiesUf the Hrine, and on the Action of tie Disutphftte 7.- On'the injec tion off Urea ana other bubstances-of the Biodd. 8. On the Action o Certain Vegetable JJinretics. 9. Ex g»rimental Researches relative to Cdrroval and Vao, two ew Varieties of Woorara, the South American Arrow Poison, {with Dr. Mitchell),* 10. Oa the Physical and Chemical Characteristics ofCorroval and Vaortwo re cently discovered Varieties of Woorara, and on a New - Alkaloid Constituting thefr Active Principle, (with Dr. MitcbelO- H. Experimental Besearcbes relative to a jmppopea New Species ofcUpas. 12. Further Bxperimsnts relating to the Diuretib Action of Colchieum. 13. Ura emic Intoxication. ap4-6t Q.ET THE BEST. THE REVISED TAX-PAYERS’ MANUAL. D. APPLET ON h CO.; Nos. 443 and44B BROADWAY, New York, PUBLISH THIS DAY: •’ * NEW AND .COMPLETE TAX-PAYBBS’ MANUAL, ' containing the " DIRECT AND EXCISE TAXES* with the Becent Amendments of Congress, and The Decisions of the Commissioner. complete and marginal references, ■ AND AN ANALYTICAL INDEX, SHOWING ALL THE ITEMS OF TAXATION. THE MODE OF PROCIBDIN^ANDT^UHESOE. WITH ’ AM EXPLANATORY PREFACE. One Volume, 6vo, 181 pages. Paper covers, 50 Gents; Cloth, TS Cente. ON FRIDAY: ON THB • • ORIGIN or SPECIES? • Or, - The Causes of the Phenomena of Ormnic Nature: ACourse of Six Lectures to WoridngtaeiL By ■ Thomas H. Huxlbt, F. B. S., One Volume, 12mo. Cloth, 91. CONTENTS: L The Present Organization-of Organic Nature*, 11. The Past Condition of Organic Nature. ITT. The Method by which the Causes of the Present and Past Conditions of Organic Nature are to be* covered. The Origination of Living Beings. IV. The Perpetuation of Living Beings; Hereditary Transmission and Variation. ' • _ V. The Conditions of Existence as; Affecting the Per l ' petnatioD of Living Beings.' * . . „ VL A Critical Examination of the Positions of Mr, Darwin’s worfe the Origin of Species,” in. Rela tiontothe Complete Theory of the Causes or the Phe nomena. ; "* EXTRACT FROM PREFACE. ‘ Taken from the lips of thedistinguiahed Naturalist as be addressed an audience of Workingmen.- they have a clearness, a directness, and a simplicity whieh belonged to the circumstances of their delivery. In this respect the following Lectures-are' incomparable. Dealing with the most abstruse and fundamental Questions of mind and organization, these subjects am, nevertheless, pre sent ediu so lucid and attractive a manner as to impress vividly the commonest*lmagination." D. APPLETON * CO • HAVE RECENTLY PUBLISHED; MADGE ; Or* NIGHT AND MORNING. By ILB. G. One volume, 12mo. 407 25. HOLLY'S COUNTRY SEATS.. CoatainingHtbograpluc Designs for Cottage, Yillas, Mansions, etc* One vo lume, 4to. Cloth, $3.50 ap4-2t QEISS’S LAST TIMES. k 5 a NEW EDITION,. JUST READY. A*sd9»* SEISS ON LEVITICtJS. ISmo. cloth. HUXLEY’S ORIGIN OF THE SPECIES. MARGE; Or, NIGHTANR HORNINfr. . NEW ANB COMPLETE TASEPA YEKS r MANUAL; NEWTON’S BIBLE ILLUSTRATIONS. SCHALK'S CAMPAIGN of 882 and *6B. r „ HAMMONR’S PHYSIOLOGICALJttEMOffiS. ap6 85 Chestnut. “CTREE EXHIBITION S EBEE EXHL JL BITION!! —Splendid stools of Photograph Albums and Card Pictures. 808 CHESTNUT Street. ap6»2t G. W. PITCHES. Ife CENTS! 15 CENTS !15-CENTS! Av Any Card Photograph published in the United States sent by mail on receipt-of cents. Cl*« send for om of °“ li6t e,. W pitcher BOBCHESTNO C Street. nABD PHOTOGRAPHS OP THE \J GERMAN and ITALIAN ✓ ap6-2t 808 CHESTNUT Street. gAZARB’B BOOKSTORE, T 34 CHESTSUT STKBET, Between Seventh aniliyhth Street*. AllßooksnunallTtobehsitn* FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always he fonnd on onr shelves at the lowest pbices. SMEDL E Y’S a. tl a s OF PHILADELPHIA, . • ‘ , x Prom the official recorded Surveys of the City. In twenty-five Sections or Maps, showing the size or blocks, Width of streets, location of buildings, churches, parks, railroads, cemeteries* &c. Exhibiting ona large scale GERMANTOWN, WEST PHILADELPHIA, FRANK FORD, and ’the entire city. Printed on heavy drafting paper and handsomely hound.. A wore or great value at the present time* to capitalists and those seeking real estate investment.'. Price, $2O. , ■ • _ By SAMUEL L. SMEDLEY, City Surveyor, Eleventh District, corner Lancaster avenue andThirty-fifthstreet, where copies may be proeoredior of ■ _ _ J. B. LIPPINCOIT T &Xa, No. 715 MARKET Street* mh27-lm T>E AD¥—(OFEIOIAJi ), THE UNITED States Conscription Act, or HaeonalMilUia Big, with a copious Inaex.forref&Kpce. JAMES W. FOK TD3SE, Fnblißher, 10» CEHTSESi., ». T- Mce, Ave costs. - msiß-lm "PROS'. GREEN ON COLENSO.— •** The Pentateuch. Vindicated firom the Aaperraons ot Colenso. By Wm.H. Green, D. D. SU2S. - SKETCHES OP THE WAS.- ASeries of Letters to the. North Moore Street School of New Y ork. By Capt.Chaa. c gej&dmlma’B sdhshuib and othbe stoeies. imo. BQcente. , »<*»£ THE DUTY OB THE HOUB. By m Samuel Tw pear, D. D. Pamphlet. 10 cents, For Sale by ALFBBB.MABTIBN, 606 CHESTNUT Street. ONLY 10 CENTS!—JUST RECEIVED, Vr Cartes do VMte of Gen. TOM THUMB and BABY, toWeaa^ i Corto g e, a at F the ooK g • 4:39 CHESTNUPStreefc, mli2o-tf Opposite the new Post Office,. in CENTS I 10 CENTS! 10 CENTS! lvj 'Foi-the Bride and Bridegroom. ME. ASD MRS. TOM' THUMB, In Bridal Dress, AT TEE ORIGINAL GI kT-BOOK EMPORIUM, 4:39 CHESTNUT Street, Opposite the new Post Office. ELEGANT PHOTOGRAPH COPIES AJ OP NATURAL FLOWKEB. \ Orchids, Ferns, Roses, Aunnalr,;Ax. .Ac , In the most perfect, troth fatness to nature, jtut ready for the album, and as copies for the pencil In water, oil, and crayon, TDEKS . J B. TILTON * CO., BOSTON. ; Price for the copies of Ftowere Mcents each.te NEW TOIS’S Prepared Colors $3-30; incloaing Dome of Eo dncing Liouid and foil directions for nse. Beware of m leersbleiin i iations of these colors. The genuine haye name, J. E. TILTON A CO., .on each box and bottle. mhSO-im • OR, CENTS. —PHOTOGRAPH AJj t)y BUMS from 35 Cents to 28 Dollars! The largest aa sortmenC handsomest styles, and lowest prion in the “’Standard and miscellaneous books, ail that’nn tafonnd In a flrst-claas Bookstore, at low “ifl offl 0 EVANS’ PUBLICATIONS at the All or OLD PRICBS! fall in at the ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM, feWtf 439 CHESTNUT Street PHOTOGRAPHS. EEIMER’S COLORED PHOTO*- GRAPHSarepleasing/nahiral, and Ufe-Uke pic tures; colored end finiahedwith taste and ability, for #fc only, at SECOND Street, above Green. It TTOLLOW THE FOOTSTEPS OF IL -E ITJSTRIOUS prtdecenotswho hare patronised- RBIMBR’K Gallery, SBCOND Street, above Green. Co- Sred Photographs, of soporior Quality, only *l. It B. STOETEE’S .STOMACH BITTERS, For the cure of Dyspepsia. FOR SALB AT BOTBLS AND DRUGGISTS. Principal Philadelphia Depot ; apl-ws&mia* age South SBCOND Street -CRICK PRESSES, OtAT WHEELS, Jt> wnn» T Casting, Bdckmakera’Tools, r acipp3o9 geetb FlFt’b St Cmhl4-lm»1 8. P. MO.LKK. T?ASBIONS! FASHIONS 1 GRAND JC OPENING OF SPRING AND BUMMffit FASHIONS ! - ya. *** iDatii»Tiui of ftYflry 'dsscTiptioiL w"iiolfts&ls aid pS3f r MSS* SSfOSEST’S EMPORIUM pinHIONS, *3O CHESTNUT Street, oror Grover & Particular at tention paid to Dress Making H jf. P. ALLBN. rpjji~WORTH OF REIMER’S ITO- Grten. - - - —- TOE 1 ICE I lOEI ICEI ICE ! ICE! COLD SPRING ICB COMPANY. Families, Offices,Hotels, Shipping, Ice-Cream Saloons. 4c., to.,- supplied daily with a pure article of. BOSTON ICE, at .the very lowest market rates. . Dealers and ■itarge consumers supplied at wholesale prices. , .Wagons run in all paved.limits of the Consolldated'city, ■ andin the Twenty-fonrthWard. ‘ - . THOS. E CAHILL, f 335 WALNUT Street. Offiraa. J North Penna R. & Master street voices. < Bombard and. Twenty-fifth streets.. apS-Smif* lPine-street wharf, SohnyUcilL SALK. asnsyt, bazaaS- ninth and Qs&S&t SOM kthbeth. - 'wIISNESMy HORNfflOr •*Bfil Bth, at 10 o’clock, at the Bazaar.. , wm i f .fc n TheaseortmentwillW very jextenwy® r^Sfiees'- eom p itetag at least two hundrtd and £fl ~T. wnmfne pom the best manttfacturers «: tfcae city* and w ummg tea, Delaware. fpv *, SPECIAL NOTICE, 4V , will . \®e auctioneer reapeetfaily auaoissce* that W* wui the largest Pnbllc Sale of held city of Philadelphia. Mr, Herrick's invoice, include near one hundred Carriages; ateovhH'S® 1 11 from the Messrs. Lanes. The Carriages will be arranged and opeasd for exanii-' nation, with catalogues, os tne day previterw to sale, which will positively take place on the above day, without «g»rd 60 tn e wentJ, WMEßElS9raBi Auctioneer. F)R SALILr—WILL RE BOLD AT Public Bale OfrSATURDAY, ITS* April, at Bazaar, two very handsome and signor Carriage of Wasson's best maSe, viz: a top-Boggy Wagon, never used, and an English Mail Phaeton, very nnUme ar*l scarcely ever used. May be seen at tb* subscriber's c\> .to time offal*. ap4 smtuAf* NUS.TH and Fs'.r*e i a. WASHINGTON AUCTION! SAXES. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTERS -ft OFFICE, comer 0 and TWENTY-SECOND titreete. WAshtnoton, D. C-. Maren 26,-1883. WILL BE SOLD AT POBWC AUCTION, , ON WEDNESDAY, - . April 15th, at the large barn; on the mare bounded hr £ and F.and Twenty-first and Twenty-second Sra , ■ AXAR&B LOT OF QUARTERMASTER'S STORES, . condemned as unfit for public service. cQasistmK in part of Saddles. Harness, Portable Forges ; _BlackBimEhs, Carpenters’, and Saddlers’'Tools ;WbH and Sibley Tente, yftrgon Covers, Shovels, Spades, Axes, ana a variety other implements, &c., to be sold in small lots. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock A. M. - Terns, oath-in TOMpKIN3 _ Auctioneers. mh2B-16t ASSISTANT QFABTBESiASTEfrS OPFICE, 250 a Street, Washington-JBC Will be sold at Public Auction, on WBDSSSDAT, April 2>d, at the Depot of the Orange and Alexandria- Eailroad. in Alfxandria, Va : From 40 to 00 tons Old Iron Car Axles. V From 60 to 60tons Wrought-iron Scrap. From 40 to 60 tons Strap Kail, -•••••■* A large quantity of Old Car Axles, Skeet-iron Stackß, &e. - . £ale to commence at 10 A M. * • '' T Terms Cash, In Government Funds. H. It. ROBINS9HV- Captain and 41Q.1L WANTS, WANTED CLOTHING.—PERSONS * * having Clothing todispose of will please call or address C. MILLER, 303 CHESTNUT st mhlfrmwf3m» JSk DEPUTY. aTJAETEBM ASTEE SSas* GENERAL’S OFFICE, -Philadelphia, Fob. 9, VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following points: Tortngas, Key West. Fla. . Fort Monroe JTa. Alexandria,va. Newborn, N. C. Port Royal, S.C. A, BOYD, felC-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. I,OST ATSID FOUHI>. T OST CERTIFICATES.—NOTICE IS hereby given that application has been made to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania for the issue of dupli cates of the following described Certificates of the Five BjrCent. Loans of the Commonwealth, issued by the anh of Pennsylvania, (acting as transfer agent of the Commonwealth.)in tbenam* of the Honorable Colonel LEICESTER FITZGERALD STANHOPE, of the Cedars, Putney Surrey, in England: No. 355, dated April 6,1837, act of April 13,1885, for $5,000. No. 366, do do do do for §5,000. No. 857/ do do do do for $2,000. Tob3l-3m FOB SAXE AND TO DET. M FOB SALE—A FINE COUNTBY Residence, with about five acres of ground, some fifteen miles from the city, northward. For information l address “Y. A., ” Box 183&T Philadelphia Post Office. - apg-61* _ .• m FOR SALE—FOR AN INVEST-. Valuable improved property, in complete condition, EIGHTH Street, near. Chestnut, four-story STORE 'and DWELLING, with four-story back build ings, paying, at the present rental, an interest of 10‘ per centum of whet it will'be'sold for. Lot 23x99. Also, a number of RESIDENCES,- pleasantly located in different parts of tie'city. Apply to _ , B PgrjlT. ap4 3TO WALNUT Street. 4% FOB SALE—A VALUABLE MAN ™?" tua Property, nortbwestcor. THIRTY-SIXTH’ aud BRIDGE Street?; Dwelling 35Teet front. Lot 105 by l€p: Apply on the premises,- aps-fft* • AB SUMMEB BESIDENOE—FOB i KafPftT.T a Beautiful Residence, FBANKFORD ROAD i and ALLEGHANY Aventffc. House bhilfc in a most bu • perior manner, and in perfect order; kitchen, laundry, milk'room, aud bake-reom- Jn basement. Fom rooms cm first floor, seven on second. .Two furnaces* two r&ngte, stationary wasMfcands. Gas through out. Icse-bouse, and fine stabling. Grounds handsomely lafd* out, fruit trees, shrubbery* statwury, &c. Lot 100 to 820 feet. Apply to.I. H. CURTIS fcSON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 WALNUT Street* mh2s-l2tif» FBUIT AND ORNAMENTAL 3E TREES AT PWBLtC'SafiE.—Will' lie sold on THURSDAY, the Sthof Ara-ffijEt dhe- “ atrville Hnr seriee," MOORESTOWN, Burlington county, N. J., Fruit of the best selection rand Ornaments* Trees, Ever greens suitable for Lawns, Hedgpsj.&c. _ , ap6-2t* JOHN PSaJKINS. g FOB SALE-^&MAiXBDT SEdeeirabSe FARM, the estate of James Adams, deceased, containing 48 30-100 ac»» of good Bwid.*.Bi tuated in Burlington county, on tne-tarnpitar leading from Burlington to Beverly, 1H miles from* the former place, and a»out five ‘ minutes’ walk- to* the steamboat landing; adSoming the lands of Sfanrierson; Heisler,. and others. Improvements consist of- a- good* FARM,; HOUSE# Tenant House, Barn, and. aU.necessary out buildings, withwells of never-failing water, lnttuiro ol WILLt |_M H. ADAMB - AfcTrofch & Beagkry’e,- . FRONT aud MARKET Streete r - • ap3-12t* - Gamabn/». Jtr"r. KROFOSAIiS. pSOPOSALS FOIL BEEF O&TTL& SEALED • P RQPOSALS are invited until EPM. of the 15th of April, 186% forfnmishing to the Subsistence De partment 4,000 head of Beef Cattle. The Cattle to be delivered'at Washington, Di C-, on the 25th day of April, or as Boon thereafter as the-Go vern ment may -direct. The Cattle to average at least 1,300 pounds gross, and no animal to wa y less than 1,000 pounds. Any person desmag to bid for a less numberthan 4,000' should so state it Jn his bid. . ' A bond with good and sufficient security wUI- be- re- from contractors who have failed to comply with former bids* from disloyal persons, and 'fromrthose who are not present to lespond to their bids, will not be considered. . Payment to be made in certificates of indebtedness, or such other fnnds-as the Government may have* for dis bursement. ■ ’ _ . ~ All bids to he accompanied hy a guarantee, signed by two persons, and directed to Colonel A BECKWI IHi A,D. C. anoC. S,U. S. A., Washington, D. ; C., ana endorsed * * Proposals for Beef Cattle ’ JFbrro of Gtearantee. We, ,of the county of ~ and State of— —,- do hereby guaranty that is ahleto fulfil the contract in accordance with the terms of his proposition; and* that should his proposition he accepted, * he will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith. Should the contract he awarded him, we are prepared to become his securities- , ,' , . (This guarantee must be appended to each bid; b The responsibility of the persons signing guaran tee must toe shown by th q official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court or of the United States Dis- trict Attorney. , .. _ . Side which do not comply with the above will be rejected. ~ . &p 6 9t ASSISTANT QUARTBBMASTJEB GE JX FERAL’S OFFICB, PnttADEiiPßiA., 6th April. 1863. SEABED PROPOSALS will be received at thie office until MONDAY, the obloek M^for Sc., all the CCkliand'WOOD reanired for the use of such buildings, ffoimthe let of' Mar. 1863, until the SOOt April, 18M; inclusive:: Hospital at Broad and Cherry streets, l b unde! pin a. Do. at sixth and Master streets, ■ . . do. Do at Twenty-fourth ana Southebeetsv do. Do. at Twentieth and Horns streets, - do. Do. at Sixteenth and Filbert Streets.. do. Do. at Tenth and Christian streets,- do. Do. at lelington lane, do. Do. at Germantown, do. Do. at Heetonville, do. Do. at Chestnut Hill, do. Do. at Nicetown, “ McClellan,” do. Do. at West Philadelphia. Do. at Chester, Pa. Do. on Darby road, -* Summit House. Proyott Barracis at Fifth and Buttonwood sts. ,Phila. Med. Laboratory at Sixth and.Ox"ord sts.. do. Offices of the Quartermaster and Array Clothing and Equipage,at Twelfth and Girard streets. Philada. • Offices of the Pay, Commissary, and Mustering De partments. No. 1102 Girard Street,Phlladolphia Offices of Pdymsster, &e„ No. Ills Girard street. Phila. Offices of the Military Headquarters, Medieal Directcr, &c“ No. 1103 Girard street. Phi la. - v ‘ , Office of the Medical Purveyor, No. T, North Fifth street, Storehonse’at Twenty-fourth and Chestnatstreets Phila. do at Twenty-third and Filbert streets, Phila. do on Broad near Gherry street, Phils. Schuylkill Arsenal, on Gray’s Ferry road, and buildings connected therewith• and any other buildings which may he erected or rented for Hospital or other Government purposes, withmthe city limits, during the time specified. _ Coaltohs of bait quality anthracite, atove, egg, or broken, as mayhs de sired. subject to inspection: to weigh 2.210 pounds to ihe ton- to he delivered at Bnch times and in such quantities as may be required. The right is reserved to reject aU hide deemed to high. Proposals to lmendorsed. Pro posals for supplying Hospitals, Ac., with coal or wood; * , ana addressed to BOYD,' Captain and A."' Q. M. ap6-13t UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION, No. 130? CHESTNUT STREET. To all who haw Friends in theNiroy—Mdiora, Aid Societies, Ctegrmen, Editors, ahd.othera. m «■£** 'SSL.'SKS? ffiEE the Army: DIRECTORY OF THE HOSPITALS. The Sanitary Commission have ™ aa ®S? a !^S| n to for sntmlTine information gratuitoaslywrth regard to patS. tale United States General Hospitals at the following points (others will be added): PHILADELPHIA DEPARTMENT.-For i “fr r 2gg?£ address Office Sanitary Commission, No. 1307 chasi PhiiadelpUia, Germantown, Chestnut Hill, Chester, Beading, Harrisburg. ■_ mrwv<VßK DEPARTMENT. —For information ad dreSf Office Central Union. No. 10 Cooper IflßtitPte. w v err _, TTnirnTi noun . MftS3* y TjiSTRRPT DEPAKTMENT.-For information address ary Commission, Washington, D. C. °sr%|lgtonM* 6 Ma.i..^A e^.” t Z:i i Md,; Fairffixl Ya.’ i York, Pa. ■BTESTBBN DEPARTMENT —For information address Office SanUary Commission, Louisville, Ky.- Columbus, Ohio;Keokak, Iowa; Clarksville, Tenn.; oimissd. Ohio; Davenport, Iowa; Jackson, Tenn.; Camp Dennison, Ohio; Paducah, Ky.; Murfreesboro, Tera ; Galliapolie, OMo; Bardstown, Ky..; La Grange, Tenn.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Lebanon, Ky ; Gallatin, Tenn.; Quincy, 111.; Columbus. Ky.; Nasnvitle, Tenn., Cair!;. IU.-, Columbia, Ky.; Vicksburg, Miss.: Mound City, 111.; Louisville, Ky.; Corinth, Miss. ; JeffersoiH vilfe, Ind.; Covington, Ky.; Helens, Arkansas; Evans ville, Ind.; Lexington. Grafton, Ya. ; New Al bany, Ind.; Dluyttle. Ky ; Point Pleasant, Ya -, St. Louis, Mo. ; PerryvUle, Ky rParkerahnrg, Va.; iron ton, Mo.; BpwlingGreeD.Ky.; Clarktbnrg, Ya ; Roll a Mo.; Memphis, Tenn.; Charlestown, Ya.; Springfield, Missouri. * Information will, under ordinary circumstances, be SYeatoany one applying for it in answer to the loilow g questions. If the application is by letter.' the. an-, swerwiti be sent by r eturn of mail. If in person, it ‘ will be answered at once. L Is (giving name and regiment) at present in the hospital of ? • .2* If so, wh&l is his proper address! 3. What is the name of the Surgeon or Chaplain of the hospital?'' . - • ~1 4. If not In hospital at present, has he recently been hl ~ , , _Tf |i 1« . 6. If so, did he die in hospital, and atwhat date? . 6. If recently ditchargea from hospital, wa» bedis charged from service? . . . . 7, If not, wbat were his orders on leaving. . More specific info»mation, as to the ®{ ■sse its&gg&SS&iSr ll * exwpted) fromPo'dohk.A. M-loßocloffir P- 4 fpom tbe uv trossnry srs so ticitea, and will a wo f “flpE Treasurer, apl-wfm 13t N. B A Q“n e r WdS ind SIXTH St, EHTS,- Director.. OF MUSIC. ITALIAN OPERA, . Mr. GKADlmgs respectfully to aniono™,!. . . met completed a season of sir wSS b. 5“- bavin, the artists of bis double coinjMisy and Se w J“n» meMBas «fffin^ n »^#r Will to eke her I!RoT FAREWELL APPTAPiwnn prior to her departure for London whorA«b»fir RA!f CB at her Majesty’s Theatre. She whf S£»m? to '“fmged opeia selected for her OMut in London 018 sama LIHBA LI CHAMOroiX, Supported by the entire strength of the cam-m™ Admission to Parquet, Balcony, ani ; Dre*rc'vX' ... reserved seats 50 cents. Family Circle 60 cenU fi.r lery 25 cents The sale will corainonce .in Saturday...; A. M. at the Academy, and at Gould’s MOsie Store 1 TUESDAY LVEHING. Second Oiwra Bight trHV. tJeMirafed Opera, ERSASI. ’ ’ v? - ru fFEBBIiSBAY, Third Grand Opera Bigh t. WBeHor and Musical Director Signor MUZiY CHESTNUT-BTREET THE A . TEE. lessee and 1 Saoager. ....Mr, W. WHEATLEY. »BITIvaW LAST APPEARANCE BUT THEBE: ESJWIN FORREST, TH inn 4T ] EVENINO.’ April Stb. 18S3. vrai a*ea? TH * PIKST ® IMB THIS'SEASON, r THE LAST TIIE WiM PAHO AG S." S&iTa.«*■ a*. COMPLETt AND Sm>ERB ST?M3 B * I “» ■which has distingnielied' ■*“*" ©XFLE ALE TBfr PRO BBC [lOBB OP THE MANArKMRNT Mr. J. McCullough as .** • ,T* Mr. J: B. Leak as., Lord FiUaraoid. Mr. J. Can®)las "••J"?® 10 ?- Mr. J. W. Collier a 5.... -A'"”??”*-. Mr. J. Matfin as- Mr. S. Becks as . r ’ wife as--.........-.. k&hnSSJfl* Mrs, J. B.‘Alienas h nZS5£ Conductor Mr, mapp bT«htb>» * TUESDAY, LAST NIGHTBUTtWq <vp **** _ ED WI 5 FORREST OF WEDNESDAY, LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF DANIEL E BANDMkNN: ur CHANGE OF TIME. Poors open at IHi. Curtain, rises at SVclcck -Mr, WBBATLEY taker pleasure in announcing that he h&9been enabled to efiect a’brief farewell engage ment, prior to her depar urefor Europe, with the GKEATTBAGIG- ARTIS rE, MISS BaTSMaN. This- young lady’s remsrkaWe impersonations are UNPARALLELED IN THE HISTORY OF THE STAGE ; On MONDAY EVENING, April 13, im, ghe wiil, appear, for the flTat time, in her great new character, »• ' • LEAH, THE JEWISH;MAIDEN: DREW’S ABOH^TSEET Agent -an d rr. . .JOS. D.' MURPHY. LAST WEEK OF MARY PROVOST. EASTER MONDAY* RIGHT. April 6th, 1863, MA«KS AND FACES. Peer Woffington ... .. Mary'Pro Yost. Mabel Vane Mrs. John Drew; Triplet—---—. -.Barton HOL Erceßt Vane.... Mr. Aibsngh. To conclude with the Drama of • THE GUSMAKKR OF MOSCOW. RuricNeYil —• Barton Hill. Blesw&cks >— ...-Frank Drew. Rosalind— -....Miss L. Price. E9r Prices as usual. Curtain tisea at 7*4 o’clock. THEATRE. I f Sole Lessee- .Mrs. M. A. GAEEBTTSOH'. Business Agent.-. ••T. DOS WELLY. THIS tMOWBAY) EVSNIHG, April 6.’ 1663. v the LIVaLS ; Oe, A TRIP TO BATH. Bob Acrefw-..........Mr. J. S.'Clarke. To befollowed by the Capital Farce of BOMEBODT ; S COAT. Sroasltogton. - .......I To conclude with THE HYPOCRITE, Poors open at 7;_Cartain will rise at 7K. WHITTAKER'S GIRCUS, MARKET T i Street, above TWELFTH Street. Admission, 25 cents: Private Box and Balcony Seat*. 50 cents; IS cents; 80. 80y5, ,10 cents. Colored Gallery, 15 cents.. LAST WEEK OP THBSEASOIT: MOB DAT and TUSBDaY BVEKOf GB, April 6 and 7. 'B5. Tbe'Great Act of the _ ZAMPILLABBOSTATIoy. A HEW AHD VARIED PROGRAMME, • . BT THE GBBAT STAB TROUPE BAST WEEK. LAST WEEK, apS^t A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS. XV. HAST WEEN. WOO'DB-OFFB’S . BOHEMIAN TROUPE OF GLASS I BLOWERS.' EVERY EVENING; The celehratedlow-preesnreGlass Steam-Engine ** MO NITOR” will be in full operation. , „ All Hie works of art distributed gratnitonsly to the AY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS Child yen’s Grand GIFT MATINEES. Every Child will le* n GIFT On WEDNESDAY EVENING;-April Bth, a CASE OF WORK will he given xo the best-looking Lady ia the •Rail _ On FRIDAY a C ASEOF. WORK will be given to the best-looking Gent in the Hill. The First pretent, each Evening, will be a splendid CASE OF GLASS to ORE. Admission, 15 cts. No half price. Exhibition com mences in theeveuingatS o’clock; afternoon at 3. ap6-6fc* -PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF 1 ®HE btbebt, THE ACAD SHY is now closed to prepare for the ANNUAL EXHIBITION, and nfHl open again on the 27th instant. ; ape-tf TKYEBISTJN’G STBREOPTICON EX- Jt hibITION AT BPRING GARDEN HALL, Corner THIRTEENTH. aud.SPRING GARDEN Streets, MONDAY EVENING, April 6, 1863; m 7h O'CLOCKx On Which; occasions nnfflberof ORIGINAL PfCTUEES Will be exhibited, and the entire proceed&devoted to the listadatien of the debt of tbe CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION AMsefen-5.......... 25 cent*. -. <.v.vwA,d*-... -lUcf a Tickets may be obtained of Messr?. SOHOMACKER A CD,Plano Wareroonie.RSl CHtSSfNUf Street ; A ; H. VAN BAtnr** Kfifl SPRENG'G ARDEN Street; Dr. W. T. TATI DRUG BTORE, im '(ttßAbD Ave&ue, and at rhecoor on the eveal»g of the Exhibition. mh4 '2i ■pmST HABTMANN’S SECOND SATIRES will be given _ , , , , , , Oq EASTER MONDAY, from 12 to 1 o’clock, at BLASIUa BROTHER’S PXaJfO WaBEROOM, 1006 CHESTNUT STREET. A limited xrostber of Single Tickets to be procured at the deor. ~ - price of a Single Ticket 50 cents. Ti/fcE/ OPSISOffiS NEW PICTURE, X*X ujfDBE NIAGARA,. painted from stddies made on the ‘'Maid of the Mist. ,r is exnibition at WU- Ms P. HaaareTs Bookstore, 7** CHESTNUT St., from 9 A. Mto SP„ M. Admission* 25 eenta rohSl-lm JOHN MeCUTBB. Publisher. CPBING-6AEDBN INSTITUTE O HAM. corner BBOA&and SPRING GARDEN Sta. ETER Y EVEIfINCf THIS WEEK, The original and magnificent Diorama of the burningtof Moscow, Beautiful Dioptric Paintings, and amusing Scenes in Yentrilognfcm, by theworhf-reaowned humorist, He. GALLA&HEE * Admiemoa*- K eents. Boors open at t. To commence at 8 o’clock- mhS&-15t* A 33EMBLY BUTLmNGS—TENTS •AA- and CHESTNUT. AMDBBMBRTS POB OLB A3fß YOOBO. . BIOROB BLITZ, The great MAGICIAN and YENTKfLOQUIST, with hla T.EarNET) CANARY Blffi&S, wflt give his new -and popiuar entertainments jEYBBY hVSNINO daring tht week, commencing at 7% o'clock, and WB0NB81)AI and sATtTEBAY AFTERNOONS at a The attractions will he marvellous: Experiments in Magics wonderful gwers in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Birds their new characters. , M Admission 25 cents. Children 13 cents. de27-tf fPSRMANIA ORCHESTRA—PURUIG every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 8K o’clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, GABja SSB TZ, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of flvu tickets*!. To be had of Andr§ k Co.» No. llQi Chestnut street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at tit Hal) door. • rnm-U HASSLEB’S ojbchestsa. NEW OFFICE, , _ »14 South EIGHTH Street, below Walnut delMfc, IJ! H E “EXCELSIOR” HAMS ifle THE BEST IN THE WORLD. NONE GENUINE UNLESS BRANDED “ J. H. M. & CO. PHUADA. BICEMIOB.” J. H. MICHENEK & .00., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS AND (HIRERS OF THE CELEBRATED “EXCELSIOR.” SUGAB-CURBD HAMS, Nos. I*B and 11‘t North FRONT Street, Between Arch end Rsce streets, Philadelphia. Theiustly-celebrated “EXCELSIOR” HASfSare.cured I ti M A Co. (in a style peculiar to ihemselres) ex pressly for FAMILT Has, are of delicious flayer, free from the unpleasant taste of salt, .and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now- oflereiLfor sale. apf-cf FOR NEW. ORLEANS, LA— fft'W PROM NEW YOBK.—The splendid new steamship CONTINENTAL. Captain CHAS. P. MABBH- MsN. wfilMiil from New York, on SATUBDAY. April 11. at 12 o’clock M. . Freight will be received and bills lading signed by the undersigned until "Wednesday,. 8 h instant, at 2 o clock, p 5f For freight or passage, having elegaui accommoda tionSa annly to A, HBnOJS, Jr., sMk apWt 126 NORTH WHABVK3- Mm UTTO N 1 MUTTON ! DAYID B.IPAUL, & BBOTHERhave just re ceived same very Ss®,South Down, cots wold, and Leister MUTTON. Also, SPRING LAMB.- wnich can behadat,theirStalls. Nos. S| and SB- WESTERN MARKET, corner of SIXTEENTH ana and Lamb can be badany dOT In (be week. _____ ° lll * i ~ lm YTODGSON’S CHEMICAL BLUE- H BLACK WRITING FLUID, warranted equal to any. either American or Foreign; vouched by the. Frank lin institute's Silver Medal, and by thetestunw of the ■ftretrrnercbants of Philadelphia. , , ' This WRITING FLUID has now an estebtahed reputation as hot being excelled inahaHty by an« “£*? tbe Aiwowf an market- Its advantaged-are, that uis per net much more than half its price. £ should, therefore,. take tbe place of all foreign wnttag-Nauis. For sale by tbe manufacturer, Chemist, No. 103 North TRNTHStreet, above Arch, Sold by Stationers and Druggists In Philadelphia, and, elsewhere. ; mhlB,wfmtm pOAL.—SUGAR; LOAF, BEAVER; and Spring Mountain. Lehigh Coal, and. best Locust Mountain from: Stihuypcill; prepared ex rtreesly for family use. Depot, 5... W. corser of EIGHTH a and WILLOW Streets. O&£. Mo. US South SECOKD-. Street Capt-ly3 J. WALTON k CO. Tuck.® B’S PATENT SPBING BBt>, PATBSS» JELT %1B». , . . Universally acknowledged for Neatness, Com#jrt,and Durability to Be tSe Standard Spring Bed. TheabOYearamanufoetored No. St.KSVKBB Block. Boston. Mass. ADHESIVE LABELS. —LABE LSI OFv all descripticas Printed and GUMMBP, on reason able terms, l>y KINGWALT A B&oW£fi Steam-Power Printers. nifc3M2t HI and 113 Sooth FCtTETH. Phila. JERK'S FURNISHING, CHINA AND GLASS ESTABLISH*. KENT, CHINA HALL, 5*9 CHESTNUT ST£EBT, DIRECTLY OJ3SO&IT2 INDEPENDENCE gflpfc PHJLADBLP Hotels, restaurants, and supplied- CiunA tMrg@*ss?!_'* w * HUBS 8. J. SIMSQpEI> vtd JS?&S^w£Bte«»tei SBTffi TSSSW* weoafep. : —■— r* R AVsTsTONiS, GRAY'S STONBS, ofierpd at prices, *k.M&rbifr Work* nT a, SfirisMETZ, RijSsEAventie. fcelow Etewerntb street ■» * rTEAS—CHOICE OttLONOS AT BE wmw ** : WTIT.IAM N. ATTWOOO. Hs»rea>oveaftojnhisiraßMisM*H»M*t<>Sfa Sweet. tMrd house.below , 'lp: •~"~gnwt.w" aT RO<J H ES. UN, DBETaKES, *» s TO^ 58pr^ •J GRAD >...k!tfr. J; S: Clarke.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers