The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 16, 1863, Image 4
SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Tradition' Balloons, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY livening, April 0, ISM, at 4 o'clock. at Sausom-street Hall. All that within lot or piece of ground, with the three- Story meeenage or tenement thereon created, situate on the north side of Wind street, at the distance of one Modred and fifty feet westward from the west aide of Sixteenth, in the city of Philadelphia• ; containing In front or bread'li on the cud Wood street fifteen feet, and extending in length or depth northward ninety-nine feat three tureen to Carlton street. Bounded northward by maid Carlton Areal, eastward and westward by ground Now or late or Joseph Hartshorne, an southward by maid Wood street. EC. P.. 141; 3ter. T.,'01. Debt, i1t13.40. EL C.Thompson.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of &tong Patterson. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philada.. Sheriff's Office. *March la. MI mhl643t SBERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF Psi a writ of 3/condition( Exponas, to me directed. Will be expta-ed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY' Rvoidug, April 6 at 4 o'clock, at San/min-street 111111, All Mut certain lot or piece of ground, with the two story brick inessitage or tone went thereon erected, situate on the northwest wardly corner of Richmond street or avenue and William street, in the Nineteenth (now the 'wit iy-11 MI) ward of the city of Philadelphia; contain ,ng in front or breadth en tho said Richmond street or mime) Fix* , feet and extending in length or depth be tween lines at right angles therewith two handrail feet to Salmon street. [Doing thesame promises which Jacob Id. Douglass and wife Jiy 'edentate bearing date the day of December, A. Din 662, granted and conveyed unto %land Coe , ln fee, under and subject to a mortgage of WOO. N.H.—The improvements on the above lot are two !story brick dwelling-house and a one-story frame shop. (S, C,, ft) Jan T. '63. Debt, $1,006. B. Woodward 1 Taken in execution and to be mad as the property of 31lcharil Coe. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. • Philadelphia. Sheriff's Offico. March 12,1063. mhl6-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY UE OF a writ ofVendltiont Expense, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or routine. on MONDAt Even ing, April 6, IEWI, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three, Story brick mesenage or tenement thereon erected, situ ate in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, lon the west side of &erica street, at the dishuce of hundred feet northward from the north side of Cumber -3 and street; containing in front on said Sepvtra etract gri nen llrb and of that width extending in length or depth at tight angles therewith sixty-four feet. [Reel tai—Deed, W. N. bitten and J. D. Sergeant, Trus tees, et al . , to Win. Totten. dated September 72, ISIS, recorded 111 R. 1). W., -12, 244, reserving a ground rent of 812. [C. P.,100; March T., 'dl, Debt,s2s. file.. ) ' Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of William H. Totten. JOHN .TIIOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sherlfrii Office, March 12, 1S S. mhlG-9t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OP a writ Of Venditioni Ex - pones, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, April 6, DM, at 4 o'clock, at Stinson-street Hull. Al! diet certain lot of ground with tho three-story brick meaanage thereon erected. situate on the north aide of Anita street, bet ween Tenth and Eleventh streets, 3u the oily of Philadelphia, at the distance of ono hun dre4 and footmen feet from the west side of Tenth street: containing in trout on Anita street sixteen feet, and in depth northward of that width sixty-six feet three and one-ball inches. [Being the same premises which Christopher and John Fallon, and wives, by indenture dated Sith June, 1852, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 29, page 2ert, grslited and conveyed to Timm; Stewart, resorvieg a yearly ground rent of $54; payable lot of June and December. (C. R. Dl5 i M. T., '63. Debt, , 8112 89. Serriirk. Token in oxmutiou and to be sold as tho•_property of - Thomas Stewart. JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff. rhilndelphin. Sheriff's Office, March 14.196{. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a Wilt of Vendit lout Exponas, to me directed, will ho exposed to public /1111 C or voluble, on MONDAY Evening, Aprti G, 1801, at 4 o'clock, nl Sausom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west side 1f Hutchinson street, at the dietetic° of one hundred and ninety -Moo feet and one-eighth Gran inch northward from the north sit e of Poplar street, in the district of Peun and county of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Hutchinson street eigh teen feet, and extending in length or depth westward between parallel lines at right angles with the said ilutclainson street sixty-four feet. Bounded on the north and smith by ground late of Robert M. Lewis and Lawrence Lewis on the west by ground of the said de fendant, George Heodorlir g, anti on the east by Hatch lotion street aforesaid. [C. P., 110; M. T., '6l Debt, 831.90. Ryon & Dobson.] Taken in oxecntlon and to he told as the property of George Senderling. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philndtt.. Shertirs Other. Slurch 14, 16113. mel64it SHERIFF'S SALE,—BY VERT UE .0 F a writ of Vemlitioni Expellee, to me directed, will be exposed to public onto or vendee, on MONDAY Eve 'ging, April 6, MI. al 4 (Aloe r, at Sammie-street lint I, All that certain brick building and lot of ground situate on the east aids of Alder street, at the obit:ince of two hun dred end ufilety•eicht Get three and one-fourth inches northward from the north aide of Poplar street, in the Twentieth woad of Ike city of Philadelphia; containing in front or brim] Ili on SR id Alder street eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth eastward between parallel Thies at right mini with said Alder Street twenty feet eight and one-hell inches. Bounded northward and moilward by ground late of N. P. Wood, southward by ground late of Bub.rt M. and Lawrence Lewis, and 'ism Vivant by raid Alder street. [Being the sainepremises 'Which :Mho Ran,ford and wife, by indenture dated Sop teinber Bth, ltM, granted and conveyed unto said Wil liam Woods In tee: subject to the payment of a cerhtin yearly groti»d rent or sum of A., payable half yearly un the first day - of the months of March and September; subject also to one-half the expenses of cleaning the miry well, used in common with this and adjoining premmee. [C. P., £4; Mar. T., '63,1 Debt, $.51.43, Archer. ] Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of 'William Woods. JOHN TiIOMPSON, Sheriff, rh lladolphitt, Sheriff's Office, March 9. Mi. inhl6-3 .9.IIERIFFS SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Vend itioui Exist:outs. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or molar, ou MONDAY Evening, April 6, 18133, at -1 o'clock, at Sansom-street flail, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west side of Judson street, at'the distance of eighty-five feet northward from the north side of llsre (late Pratt) street 'in tbeFifteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Jadson street fourteen feet, and extending of that width in length or depth we.twarel between linos trirallet with the said Msstreet fifty feet to the middle of a certain three-feet- Vide alloy extending southward and communicating with a eerie's' other three• feet-wide alley leading east ward into the said Judson street. Rounded northward and southward by ground iuteuded to be granted to the raid Francis 31 Ryan on ground rent, eastward by the said Judson street, anti westward by the first above mentioned three fact-wide alley. [Being the same pre anises which John R. Afittincic, by indenture dated July 11, 1860, granted and conveyed to the said Francis 31. restrving thereont the 'payment of the yearly rent or sum of thirty-six defiers in equal half-yearly seg_m . T e r g e e firsteday aid e e t a m m e an e t e l l r e o e f d l awni rfe, iryalued dedare dated the 11th day of January, 1861, granted and conveyed the said yearly rent or sum of thirty-six dol lars reserved as eforessfd unto the said Alien R. Pbaro in fee.) N. B.—There It erected on the foregoing premises a two-story Mick building. CC 1'.,104; M. T., Debt, tiMIM. Briggs.] Taken in execution and to be sold ae the property . of Pranels M. Ryan. - JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Officeditfarch 10, lea mhl6-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF Ka a writ of Venditioni Exponas to me directed, will to public sal or vendee; BIONDAY Eve ning, April 6 , 160 y, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west side of a forty-feat-wide street, left open by Henry Appel l . through his ground parallel with Fourth street, called 'Apple street," at the distance of seventy-nine feet seven inches emithwitrdly from the south tilde of a cer tain thirty-three feet wide limo now railed " George gireet," in the Northern Liberties aforesaid, including lot marked No. 24 and the northern half of lot No. zi on the plan of said Appell's ground; containining in front or breadth on said Apple street and extending from thence westwardly at right angles with said Apple street. one Modred feet.. Bounded northward by lot marked No. 53 on said plan, granted or intended to be granted to George McCoy p ienthws.e-try-the southern half of lot o the said Henry Appall, weetward:by the back ends o lota Nos. 5 and 6, and eastward by Ap ple street aforesaid. (Being the same premises which Bent? Appall pied wife, by d sed. dated 26th day of Octo ber, A. D. 15( 0 2, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book F,. 10;27, page 527, 3c. granted and conveyed unto Joseph Cole, ills - heirs and assigns; reserving thereout the yrarly around renter sum of twenty dollars, payable yearly on the 25th day of October in each and every ear tw forever.] Together with the common o and opriv of said Apple air. et. For arrears of which !laid gr and rent the said premien s are sold. (C. P., 329; Mar. T., '63. Debt, $1.11.13. Potts;] Taken in execution and to bo:eold as the property of Joseph Cole. JOIIN' THOMPSON, Sheriff.. Philadelphia, Sheriff's 6itice, Mar. 13.1363. mhl6-3t SZEI ERl_Frs: yan UE OF sundry ifritaktfltesMil Facies, to me directed,Awtilbe exposed toleolille:sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, April 6, lIghl; at ireelhok. at Sansorn-street Hall. o. I. All thek,-.4114.411k Tour-story brick rnessnage or Unmet I RithßtAhlaWttectett on a certain lot or piece of ground at ilte..fiatheast corner of Twenty-second and Arch streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Arch street eighteen feet, and extending of that width in length or depth northward one hundred fectsight inches to a four-feet-wide alley. No. 2. Alt that certain four-story brick messuage or tenement, with the three-story back buildings situate and erected nit a certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Arch street, at the *distance of eighteen feet euttward fruit tire east side of Twenty-eecond street, in the city of Pbtadelphia, containing in front or breadth ,an r•irld Arch street eighteen feet, and extending of that width in length or depth northward one hundred feet eight inches to a four-feet-wide alley. No.::. All that certain four-story brick manage or tenement, with the three-story back buildings, situate and erected on a certain lot or piece of ground sitnato on the north side of Arch street, at the distance of thirty-six feet eastward from the east side of Twenty-second street, 7n tire city of Philudelphia, containing in front or breadth on said Arch eh eet eighteen feet, and extending of thkt width in length or depth northward one hundred feet eight inches to a four-trot wide alley. IC. I'. 97, 9S, SO; March T, %S. Debt, each, WAD. ?ditch KOll. I Token in execution and to be sold as the property of Richard It. Townsend, owner, kc._, and James D. Shaw, coayactur... • lOHNTHCSIPSON, Sheriff. Phtladclphia, Sheritre Otfcu.sfs;[:cllo: SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF an Order of Salo in Partition, to me directed,' will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY evening, April 6, MI. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street f ail. No. 1. All that corral n lot or piece of ground with the Improvements thereon, situate on the east side of Second sitreet, between Chentunt and Walnut streets, to the city of Philadelphia, and on the south side of a certain alley, formerly called Norris alley, but now called dray's alley; containinx on front on the said Second 'street twenty feet and in length or depth ninety-seven feet. No. 2. Also, all those two contiguous lots of gronnd with the building., thereon situate on the south side of Gray's alley aforesaid in the city of Philadelphia. and adjoining tile above described lot of ground to the east, containing together in front on said ()ray's alley thirty het, dud extending in depth southward nineteen feet, eubject to the payment of two yearly rout 'charges of twenty shillings each. N. D.—The ',hove premises will be sold together as' one property, and will ho sold subject to two mortgages, one dated Idly 31, 1.812, and recorded in Mortgage Book T. H,, No. 19, pogo St dm., given by Robert Nowell to Thomas Roney, to secure the payment of the principal ifum 'of 40.000, with interest. And the other dated Oct°• er 10, 1852 and recorded in Mortality Book T. H., No. 4, nage d ll, &c , uleen by Robert Howell to Joseph owell to secure the payment of the principal sum of */3,000, with Interert. CD. C., W 4: Mar. T.,'&3. James W. Paul.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of "William H. Howell, Joseph Howell, and Joshua R. Nowell, Trustees under the last will of Robert Howell, deceased, and Joseph Howell. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office.illiarch 14, ]S63. mhl6-3t SHERIFF'S SALE. -BY VIRTUE OF a writ or Exponag, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vondue, on MONDAY Eve ming, April 6, MA at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Mall, All that certain lot or piece or around situate on the 'wtsit side or Fourth street, at the distance of one hundred and twenty-two feet eve inches northward from the north oldo of Monroe ter Norris) street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or lireadth on sald Fourth street sixteen feet, and extending Szt length or depth wootward of that width, between linos at right angles with said Fourth street, ninety feet, to a thirty-feet-wide street, formerly called Mechanic street, now called Leitligew street. Bounded northward by other ground intended to be granted by Charles F. Lex to Gottlieb Elenseer on ground rent, eastward by said Fourth street, southward by ground of Owen Jones, and westward by said Leitligow street. [hieing the same premises which Charles F. Lox, by indenture bearing date the 80th day of May, BM, and recorded at Philadel phia, in Deed Book A. C. [I., No. 16, page tab Braided and conveyed unto Gottlieb Bisasser in fee; reserving therrout a yearly - ground rent of $6O, payable half earlyon the Orenday of the months of April and October every Year forever.] N. B.—on the ;hove premises there is erected an un- Aniehed three-story brick house. CC. P:, 1221 L T. '63. Debt, $63.33. Lox.] Taken in execntion• and to be cold so the propeltY of Gottlieb Bioassay '._JOlLiff TFIOMPSON Sheriff. -3 Philadelphia, Merin Office, March 13, 1,563.. RHERIFF'S B A R. --131r : VIATUE •OF lk .J a writ of Venditioni Exponsuqto me directed, . will be exposed to publics:de or vendee. on SIONDAY Evening, April fiat certain'clock. at Sansomestreet Hall, All lot or piece or ground situate an the west side Of Essex street. at the dis townsh ip gty feet north of Christine street, In the late of Aloya mewing, in the county "of' Philadelphia, now in the Third ward of the city of Philadelphia (which field Es sex street Is twenty-lien feet wide, and runs from Catherine street Southward to the said Christian street, Intranet with Eighth street, and at the ?defence of ninety-six feet six Mew westward therefrom, measuring along Ito south stile of the said Catharine street); con taining in front ur breadth on the said Essex street six teen feet,and extending in length or depth westward be tween lines parallel 'with the.said Catherine street, on the soatit lino thereof, forty-finer feet, Moro or less, and On the north tine thereof forty feet seven inches, more or ie B s , to the line nt ground now or late of John Flowers' airs. Bounded northward by ground vested now or Me in the truss ea hereinafter mentioned, steuthwardiF y ground granted ott ground rent to Samuel U. Grier, eastward by the said hseex street, and 'west ward by the said Flowers' ground. [Being the same premises which °barge Drintou and Sarah Brinten. trustees of the estate of Catherine Ann Ingersoll, with the consent of the said . Catharine Ann Ingersoll, by indeuture dated the 10th , day of August. alien Domini 1841, end recorded ,In. the office for recording deed a Sic., for the city andcotulty of 31111edelphist, in Deed gook A. C. H., No. 80, page Ail, granted and conveyed unto John Linn, in Bat, reserving thereont unto the cud Clearest prints:s and Haralfrln fon their heirsand assigns, the yearly rent or suet of 1820, , lawful Over money of the United States ofAmerice, in equal half-yearly payments on the Brat tidy of efseeti and September lst every year thereafter forever. for ar rears or which this snit is brought. Together with the common use, right, liberty, and privilege of the said Essex street. N. 8.-I'hore I. Greeted on the abovo described loi two•story brick dwelling house • [C. P. 132: Mar. T.,'63. Debt. W. 28. Lowbar.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Linn. JOHN THOMPSO, Sheriff: philndelph la. Sheriff's 011ice,.111arch 14, 188.1. rultl6-3t SHERIFF'S SALES. • suntrnos SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF .0 writ of Vend!Boni Exponas. to me direeted. will be expensed to public sale or vendor, en MONDAY Even ing, April 6. ltd i at 4 o'clock, at Snamont-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground sttnate on the north side of a certain new street forty toot wide called Sherswend street, inid out tied opened fir public use forever by John Lambert, extending from Schuylkill Second to Front streets, the north line thereof Wing at the distance 210 het sontliwanl from the south side of .Tetferson street, in the district of Pentland conuty of Philadelphia, the said lot beginning at the distance of 46 feet westward front the west aide of the said Schuylkill Second street; containing in front or breadth on said Shorewood street 14 feet, anti extending in length or depth northward of that width 00 feet to a certain new sheet 20 feet wide called Wright street. also laid out and opened by the said John Lambert for public use forever, extending from the said Schuylkill Second to Schuylkill Front street. Bounded northward by rho said Wright alreet, southward by the said Shorewood street. east ward by ground granted to Samuel T. Roberts on ground, rent, and westward by a certain other lot. N. B.—On the above described promises there is erect ed a three-story brick dwelling house with two-story back building. W. P., 141; Mar. T., tubeeb, 807.61. Harkins.] Takon In execution and sold a s the property of Samuel T. Roberts. JOHN TITODEPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sherif:M(lolc% March 14,1863. nllllB-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OP it writ of Lovari Fackm, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 6, BBL at 4 o'clock, at Sonsom-street Hall. All Hat certain messnago or tenement and lot or piece of ground situate on the eastwarilly side of Delaware Front street continued south of Greenwich street, in the First Ward of the City of Philadelphia (late District of Southwark) beginning at the distance of forty-nine feet southward from the south line or corner of a lot No. 195, allotted to Mary Sykes, thence extending southward six teen feet, to the lino efground granted on ground rent to Jol n Gatchell ; containing the said sixteen feet In fronton Front street. and extending eastwardly of that width be tween parallel lines one hundred and throe feet six inches in depth. Bounded northward by ground of 'Joseph H. Broguard, eastward bya line anni.di.stant be tween Front and Church streets, southward by ground grunted to John Oatcbell on ground real, and westward IT Front street aforesaid. [Bohm the same premises which James Kerr and Mtrgnret , his wife, by indenture bearing date the 17th day of May. A. D. 1953, recorded in Deed Book No. 149 ' page 477 , &a. granted and con veyed unto the said Mary Fogarty. wife of P a trick Fo garty, her heirs and assigns; under and subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent or sum of *3O, payable on the first day of the months of April and Octo ber in every year forever, without any deduction for taxes.] E.C. P. 166. Mar. T. '63. Debt $1(15.67. MacCalla.] Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Patrick Fogarty and Mary Pocarty. his wife. JOIIN TIIO3fPSON, SherlX. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March 10.1911. Inhlo-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ o[PharicsVenditioni Exrxmas, to me directed. will be exposed to public onto or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, April G. 153. at 4 o'clock, at Bassein-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west side of Delaware Eleventh street. at the distance of fifty-ono feet northward from•the north side of Master street in the city of Philadelphia. ( into district of Penn); containing in front or breadth on tiro said Eleventh street seventeen feet, and extending that breadth in length or depth westward, between parallel lineewith said Master a'reet one hundred and three feet. Bound ed northward partly by ground of the said Manly Rowe and John •]town, and partly by the alley three feet wide which lends westward Into Marvin.) street, east ward by said Elventh itreet, southward by remaining ground of the said William B. Stephens, and westward ground intended to be this day granted to the said Manly Rowe on ground rent. [Being the same premises which William B. Stephens and wife by indeuiura dated the first day of September, 1654, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 166, page 302, &c.. granted and conveyed unto Manly Rowe in fee; subject to the yearly ground rent of fif,y-four dollars, payable half-yearly on the fleet days of April and October, and which said ground rent was assigned by said William B. Stephens and wife by in, denture dated the first day of September, 1654, recofded in Deed Book T. H., No. 166, page 406, granted and con veyed to Charles Henry Fisher in fee.) 'CC, P., 100 ilHar. T.. Debt,SSl.63 Wister. Taken in execution, and tote sold as the property of Manly Rowe. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Marsh U. 1963, mitl6-3t sIIERIFF'S SALE.—BY.. VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditionl Exiionitie. to Me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendtto, on MONDAY Even ing. April 6, 1913, at 4 o'clock, at Somoza-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in Ger mantown (to the Twenty-second ward of the City of Philadelphia) on the southwesterly side of is new street thirty feet in width, laid out and intended to be opened and dedicated to public use as a highway by Hobert El. Thomas and Samuel Keyser , and John Schaffer, leitiltriq from Herman Street northwesterly to tho line of Michael Y. Clark's land, called Osceola street- containtatt in front or breadth on said Osceola street thirty-two feet six inebes, and extending in length or depth between par allel Dues southwesterly pne hundred stud one feet six inches on the northwest line thereof and one hundred and three feet nine inches on the - southeast line thereof. Bounded on the northwest by ground granted to James Aiken, on the southwest by laud of Bernard Toner, on the southeast by a twelve-feat-wide court, and on Ito northeast by Osceola street. [Meg the same premises which spencer Shoemaker and wife, by indenture bear ing dale the 23d day of March. MS, recorded in Deed Book B. D. W.. No. 10, page= &a., granted sort con voyed unto Henry Parades in fee; reserving thereont a yearly ground rent of SST. 00, payable half-yearly unto the staid Spencer Shoemaker, his heirs and assigns with out deduction for taxes, An ] N. B :The improvements on the aboYe described' lot of ground consist of two small frame dwelling houses P. 1.% ; Mar. T.. 't4. Debt, 5e91.3.5. Brightly.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Paradee. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office Ofarch lt, 1862. mhl6 3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BT VIRTU] LO a writ of Venditloni Exponen t to me direetett. will be exposed to public sale or venues . on MONDAY &e -ning, April 1863, at 4 o'clock , at Seam-street Hall, All that certain three-story frame messnage or tene ment and lot or piece of ground situate on the east aide of Washington (now called American) street, in the dis trict of Bensingtou, now Seventeenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; beginning at the distance of eighty-three re( t south ward from the south side of Master street; con taining in front or breadth on the said American street eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth eastward seventy-seven feet six inches. Bounded on the north by a lot of ground granted to the Borth Pennsylvania Railroad Company, westward bythe said Amcricanstreef, eastward by a certain eight-feet-wide alley leading into blaster street and southward by other ground ofthe said John Bea Ity. (Being the_same lot of ground NO ieh Jacob C 7 esaon and William Coppinger, executors. Sr.,y in denture dated the twenty-eighth day of April, A. D. ISM. recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book A. C. It., 80. 70, pegs 4,93, Src., granted and conveyed unto the said John Beatty In fee, reserving thereont the yearly ground rent or sum of forty-flve 'dollars, payable half yearly on tho fleet day of the months of July and Janua ry in every year, for arrears of which theindgment was obtained upon which this execution was Issued. To gether with the free and common right, use, liberty and privilege of said eight-feet-wide alley at all times hereaf ter forever. Idar. T. 'St Debt.l6l. 70. IL S. Campbell.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Bratty. JOUR TIIO3II'SON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March 10,1863. tubl63l. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exportas, to me directed, *ill be exposed topublic sale or wane, on MONDAY Even ing, April 8, In% at 4 o'clock, at Sansom- street All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick mossuage or tenement thereon erected, - situate on the north side of Race Arcot, at the distance of one hundred and sixty-two feet westward from the west side of Sixteenth street, in the Tenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Race street eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth northward between parallel lines with Sixteenth etreet one hundred and forty-four feet to Spring street. Bounded northward by mid Spring street, eastward by ground granted to James D. Wile them, southward by sold Race. street,-and westward- by ground of Holstein De Haven. [Being the same p remits which Jacob Steinmetz, by indenture bearing date te 21st day of Marelt, A. D. 16W, recorded 'in Deed B k G. W. C., No. 42, page 317, granted and convoyed to James D. Whetham In fee, reserving thereont it ground rent of one hundred and eighty dollars per Bosom, paya ble on the twentieth k days of the month's of March and September, and for arroarages of which the said pro perty will be cold.] W. P.M; Mar. 'T.. 'B3. 'Debt.Boo 03. J. Sergeant Price.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of ,Tames Marsh. - KOHN THOMPSON, Sherd?. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. March 14,15 3. .SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vanditioni Breporma, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale eivendue, on MONDAY Even ing, April OASES, at 4 o'clock'. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of "round situate on the southwesterly side of a certain thi rty-feet-wlde street, laid out and intended to be kept open forever hereafter by Ben ia rn n Lehman for the use of his ground bon nd me thereon, called ' Godfrey street, 'in the Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning on the side of the said Godfrey street, at the dietance of two hundred and Eve feet four and three-quarter inches suthensterly from the southeast side of Lehman street: containing in front or breadth on theeald Goa ey street thirty feet, and ex tending in length or depth between parallel lines at right angles with the said Godfrey street one hundred and fifty eight feet ten and one-eighth inches. • Bounded on the southeast by ground granted or intended to be granted by the said grantors to James Clay on ground rent,• on the southwest by ground now or Into or Henry Frees, on the northwest by ground convoyed or about to be conveyed by the said grantors to James Montgomery, mid on the northeast by Godfrey street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Benjamin Lehman and wife, by indenture dated the 14th day of February. A. D. ISfA, recorded in Deed Book A. D. B. No. 09, page 452. Ste., granted and conveyed unto Will iam Henderson in fee: reserving thereout a yearly ground rent or sum of twenty-four dollars per annum, payable on the four teenth dayj of August and February in each and every year. ] W. P. ID3; M. 63. Debt, $33.17. Denton.] Taken in execution and to bo sold AR the property of William Henderson. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Pbilitda., Sheriff's 02ce, March 13,1E63. mhl6-3t sIIERIFYS SALE.-BY - VIRTUE OF t•-' a writ of Alias Venditiont Exponas, to ins directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on IdONDAY Evening, April 6,1563,at 4 o'clock,at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain two-story brick dwelling house and lot or piece of ground upon which the same is erected, situate on the east side of Howard street at the distance of sixty feet southward from the south side of Somerset street, in that part of the city of Philadelphia formerly called the township of tho Northern Liberties: contain ing in front or breadth on the said Howard street tiktrty feet, and extending that breadth in length or depth east ward one hundred and ten feet to Hope street. Bounded southward by ground of Win. Deal and Daniel hi. Fox. eastward by the said Hope street, southward by ground granted to Flment Schmitt on ground rent, and west ward by Howard street aforesaid. [Being the same Premises which William Deal and Emeline, Ids wife, and Daniel M. Fox and Elizabeth C., his wife,by inden ture bearing date the first day of December, anuo Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty four, and intended lobe recorded. granted, and convoyed to John Murphy in fee, a object to the payment of a yearly ground rent or sum of thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents. l CC. P., DM; Mar. T. 133. Debt, iii3S.f4i, Booth.] Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of John Murphy. J 011 N THOMPSON, Shonff. Pldlada.. Sheriff's Office. March 14, 1883. mbl6,9t 5,03 MIFF'S SALE—BY. OF a writ of \rendition( Expenses. to me directed.'will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on hIONDAY Eventing, April 6, ISM, et 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Hall, No. 1. All that certain lot or piece aground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected situate on the north side of Coates street, at the distance of fifty seven feet eight and a quarter inches eastward from the east aide of Eighteenth street, in the said city of Phila delphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Coates street eighteen feet, and extending in depth northward between parallel hues at right angles with said Cosies street one hundred feet to Olive street. Bounded north ward by said Olive street. eastward by other ground now or late of the said George Cobbler, southward by raid Coates street, and westward by ground now or bite of Charles Rand end Elwood N. Smith. [Being the tame prenittea which Samuel P. eG winner and wife,' by indenture dated the 20th day of Jnne, anno Domini 1551, and recorded in Deed Book A. C.-H., page Ks, granted and conveyed unto the said George Cobbler in tee, siihject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent or tutu of fifty-four dollars on the first day of the months of January and July.) • No. 2.A1l that certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings and innerovements thereon erected, situate on r the not th aide of Coates street, at the distance of seventy rive feet eight and a quarter •inchas eastward from tho enat side of Eighteenth street, in said city of Philadel -4 Ma; conlaining In front or breadth on said Coates sheet eighteen feet, and extending in depth northward between parallel lines at right angles with said Coates street one hundred feet to Olive street. Bounded north ward by said Olive street, eastward by ground -now or late of William T. Rafsnyder, southward by said Coates street, end westward by other ground now or late of sold George Gobbler: [Being the. same premises which Samuel P. 'Winner and wife, by indenture dated the 20th day of June, nano Domini leNl . „ and recorded in Deed Bunk A. C. 11., No. 24, page 373. &c., granted and con veyed unto the mid George Cobbler in tee, subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent or sum of *34, in equal half-yearly payments on the first day of the ninnies of January and drub-. N. .I).—The premises consist of a three-story dwelling In tl:o front with a court In the rear. - • • EC. Pi, 110; Debt, $:3O. DI. Gofeith.) Tacit in execntlon'aild to be sold as the nroperty of George Cobbler. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Shertri Office. Matruh 12. Isat In hiG-Zit SEEBIFF 'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF ^•-•' it.writ of Alias Venditioni Eames. to me di wenn!. will kr expostcl to Nitrite Nail) or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, April 0, 18J3, at 4 o'clock, at San som-street Hall . Oil that certain lot or piece orgronnd situate cn the northwesterly side of Somerset street, at the distance of eighty•four feet southeasterly from West street. tbrinerly in the township of the Northern Liberties, now in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Somerset street eighteen feet, and extending in lenghth or depth northeasterly of that width between parallel lines at rightangles with tho said &menet street op(' hundred and six feet six inch to to a three-feet-wide alley trading southeasterly into a thirty-feet-wide atreet which leads into and from said Somerset atreet Bounded not thwesterly by other: ground of the Enid Joe. J. Ball, eolith westerly by the said Somerset street. aoutheasteri y by grounds granted to James Drum, and northeasterly by the raid three-feet-wide alloy. [Being tho same pre mises which Joseph J. Ball and Rebecca H. Iris wife, by indenture bearing date the 16th day of February, lati, (Tented at Philadelphia, in .Deed Book A. W. M . No. h7.Page V 2, Ste., granted and conveyed unto the said James Prror In fee; reserving thereo at a yearly rent or spur or. thirteen dollars and fifty cents, payable half Yearly on the first daye of Starch and September in every year forever.) Together with the free use and rorivilege of the said three-feet-wide alloy anethirty-feet-wido street at all times hereafter forever; under and subject to the condition and restriction that no slaughter house, skin•dressing establishment. glue manufactory. or other buildings for offensive occupation shall at any time `hereafter be put or erected upon any part of the hereby granted lot of ground, and subject also to the restriction that no building otberfthan brick shall at any time here after he erected upon eaid lot of ground within elxteen feet of the line of. said Somerset street. N. •B.—On the abovo premises there is Wrocted a three-. dory frame dwelling houstt. [O.. F. , 137; Mar. T., 'fgt. Debt, .107.01. Lex.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Mary Pryor. administratrix, de bonia non cum testa meat° annexe. of the Mate of James Pryor. deceased. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's °lke, March 11,1533. mhl6 SHERIFFS SALES. RHERIFES SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF r•-' a writ of Venititioni gxponsts, to mn clireeted_. will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY' Broiling, April 6. 1263 :it 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the smith side of Centre street. at the distanoe of one hundred and nine feet ton inches eastward from the east side of Twenty-aecoud street, in the Fifteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Centre street sixteen feet, and extending in length or _er depth, between lines parallel with the said. Twenty- se lond street,seventy-seven feet to an eight-feot-wlde alley leading from Twenty-first to Twenty-second street. (Being the same premises which William Campbell and whe and Allen R. Pliaro and wife by indenture dated the oth day of September, A. D. 1 415, recorded at Phila delphia in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 101. page Z 73. &c.• granted and conveyed unto Jonathan Campbell. in fee: reeerving thoreout unto the said William Campbell and Allen it, Pharn, their heirs and assigns, the yearly rent or sum of eighty-four dollars , payable In equal half yearly payments on the first day of the months of Janu ary and July of every year, clear of taxes, &c.) Together with the free and common use and privilege of the said eight-feet-wide N. 13.—Thero is erected on the above lot of ground a three-story brick building. (C. P.. 106. Mar. T. '63.) Dobt , M. Briggs.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jonathan Campbell. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March P. 1563. mlll6-31 ITERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF h- J a writ of Yleri Enclas. to me directed. will be ex posed to public sale or vendor, on MONDAY livening. April 6,13k3, at 4 o'clock. at. Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground sithete on the east :tido of Reese street, at the distance of SF velity-live feet not Omani from (ho north side of Dauphin street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing In front or breadth on said Reese street fifteen feet, and extending of that width in length or depth eastward sixty feet to the east side of a certain three-feet-wide alley, which leads sto nt h ward into a cei thin four-feet-wide alley, which extends from the said Reese street to Fifth street: Bounded northward by other ground of Park 11111 Cassady, east ward by the said thrs e-feei-wide southward by the said four-feet . ..wide alley, and westward by the said Reese etreet. (Being the saine lot or piece ofround which Park Hill Cassady and Sarah his wife. by laden. tore dated the sixth day of February, auno Domini one thin:mid eight hundred and fifty-eight, recorded iu the office for recording deeds. &c., in and for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 1), Page 121, granted and conveyed auto the snid John Dampinan, In fee. Together with the free and common use,righ t, liberty, and privilege of the said three-feet and four-feet•wide alleys respective s', as and for passage ways and water-courses in common with the owners, tenants, end occupiers of the other lots Of ground bound ing thereon. Tiolir ins; and paying therefor and theroo nt unto the said Park Hill Castady,ltio heirs and asminns, the yearly rent or sum of nineteen dollars and fifty cents, in equal and even batf-yearly payments, on the day of the months of January and July, in every year hereafter forever. • (C. P.,; Miter, '63. Debt, .5611.75. Fletcher.] • Taken in execution and to lie sold as tha_property of John Dsminnhn. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office. ?larch 14. ISG3. mhlB.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Eupora's, to me directed, will be extmed to public solo or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, April 6. lift, nt 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on tho northeasterly' side of Wood-street between Franklin avenue and Brown street, in 'the district of Kensington aforesaid; cuetaining in front or breadth on the said Wood street eighteen feet, and in length or depth north easterly of that width. one hundred and eight feet one inch. Bounded 'outhweslerlyt by said Wood street, eoutheatterly byground granted to William Heaney, on ground rent, northwesterly by other ground of Manuel Eyre, and northeasterly by a strip of ground fifteen feet wide 'which is to be opened for a street or alley for the use of this and other lots of ground bounding thereon. [Being the same premises which Manuel Eyre by gronnd rent deed dated March WA A. D. 1614, recorded in Deed Hook T. H. No. 45, rage 56'2. Sm. grunted and conveyed. unto the sa i d harles Evers, his 'heirs, and assigns, re serving thereout until the said Manuel Eyre, his heirs , and assigns, a yearly ground rent or sum of eighteen dollars, hi equal half-yearly payments, on the first day of the months of April and. October .in every year for ever.) For arrears of which ground root the above-de scribed premises are to be sold. . . [C. P., Mar, T. ; 13. Debt, gt 33.1.1. Potts.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the' property of Charles Evers. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's OEce. March 13,1863. mhle.3t sIIEREPPS• SALE-BY VIRTUE OF sundry writs of Alias Levari Facies, to me directed, will ho exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDA.I Evening, April 6. 1663. at 4 o'clock, at Ransom-street Hall, No. I.—All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three-story brick measuage or tenement thereon erected. situate on the north side of Christian street, in the Third ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning at the distance of two hundred and sixty feet east of Broad street: containing in front or breadth on the said Chris tian street sixteen feet, and extending In leng It or di pth northward of that width between lines parallel with said Broad street fifty-two feet, more or less. Ist N. 11.—On the above described lot are erected on Christian street a three-story house, and on the rear of the seine n three-story brick house. 2d N.B.—The writ by virtue of which the above pro perty will be sold has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia to thonse of Robert Armstrong vs. William Armstrong. owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philo delphin, cr September Term, 1660, No. 631, fur work done In front of said lot, to wit: for culvert. CC. P., 116; March T.,'(6s, Debt, 812.70. Millers. 1 No. 2.—A1l that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three-story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the north side of Christian street, in. the Third ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning at the dis tance of two hundred and forty-four feat east of Broad street; containing in front or breadth on the said Chris tian street sixteen feet, and extending in length or' depth northward. of that width between lines parallel with mid Broad street fifty-two feet, more or less. let N. B.—On Chef above described lot are erected on Cluistian street a three-story house, and on the rear of the same a three-story brick house. 2d N. 13. —The writ by virtne of which the above pro party will be sold, has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the CRy of Philadelphia to the use of Robert Armstrong vs. William Armstrong, owner or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Phila delphia. of March Term, 1861, No. NI for work done in front of said lot, to wit: for cnlyert. [C. P., 117; March T., .63. Debt, 313.20. Sellers.] Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of William A rmstrong. JOHN TitomPSON, Sherif. Philadelphia, Sherirs Mee, March 11 1-3R3. mbl6 -St SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF ki sundry writs of Venditioni ExPonas„to me directed, will be exposed to public ale or vondue, on MONDAY. Evening, April 6,1663. at 4 o 'clock,al Sansum-street All that certain' lot or piece of ground situate at the southwest ctrner of Brown street and Bucknell street, in the Fifteenth ward of the said city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Brown street fifteen feet. and extending of that width in length or depth southward along the west aide of the said lock nell street sixty feet to a certain two-feet wide alley. run ning iiro and from the said Bucknell street. Bounded northward by the said Brown street, southward by the said two-feet-wide alley, eastward by the said Miami' street, and westward by other ground intended to be this day granted by the said Campbell and Pharo to the said Henry Haviland on ground rent, [Being the same premises which William Campbell and wife, and Allen E. Pharo and wife, by indenture dated the iSth day of July, A. D. 1561), and recorded in the office fur recording deeds, Ac. , in Deed Book A. D. B. No . page HI, RC. , granted and convoyed to the said Henry Liaviland in fee; subject to the ground rent therein reserved.] N. B.—There is erected on the foregoing premises a three-story brick building. s ' - all that certain lot or piece of ground Minato on the south side of Brown street, at the distance of fifteen feet westward from the west side of Bucknell street, in the Fifteenth ward of the said city of Philadelphia; contain ing In front or breadth ou the said Brown street fifteen feet, and extending of that width in length or depth southward between lines parallel to the said Bucknell street sixty feet to a certain two-feet-wide alley running inui and from the said Bucknell street. Bounded north ward by the said Brown street, southward by the said two-feet-wide alley. and eastward and westward by other ground intended to be this day granted by the said Campbell and Fbaro to the said Henry Havilaud en ground ran% [Being the same premises which William Campbell and wife and Allen R. Pliant and wife. by indenture dated the 241 th day of July, A. D. 1811, and re •corded in the office for recording deeds. Re., ix Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 135, page 401; Ste., granted and on veyed to the said Henry Haviland in foe; subject to the ground rent therein reserved. . N. B.—There is erected on the foregoing premises a three-story brick building. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of Brown street, at distance of thirty feet westward from th e west side of Bracknell street, in the Fifteenth ward of the said city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front or breadth on the said Brown street firteen 'feet, and extending of that width In length or depth southward between lines parallel to the said Backnell street sixty-two feet. Bounded northward by the said Brown street, southward by ground intended to be granted this day by the said Campbell. and Pharo to Daniel Ilaviland on ground rent, eastward partly by -ground intended to be this day vauled. ey the said Campbell and Pharo to the said Henry ilaviland on ground rent, and partly by the bead of a certain two feet-wide alley running into and from the said Bucknell street. and westward by ground now or late of Robert F. Williams. (Being the same premises which William Campbell and wife, and Allen R. Pharo and wife, by indenture dated the 29th day of July, A. D. 1860, and recorded in - the office for recording deeds, Sc., in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 135, page 096, Ate., granted and con veyed to the said Henry Ihtvtland in fee; subject to the ground rent therein reserved.] N. IL—There is erected on the above lot of ground a three-story brick . - (C. P.,108, 10?, End ]DL Mar ch T., '63. Debt each US.' 09. Briggs.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of Henry Ravi laud. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. ibilad'a, Sheriff's .Oftlec, March 6,186:1. mbl6-3t SIIERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE, OF a writ of Venditioni Expense, Wine directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Evening, April 6, 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom4treet Rail..ts No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the three-story brick mesanage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the southwesterly side of Lancaster avenue, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia. Beginning at the distance of one hundred and thirty seven feet eoutbesst from a corner formed by the inter section of the southwest line of the Lancaster Turnpike road and the southerly line of the Bamford road, thence southwestward on a line at a right angle with the said Lancaster avenue two hundred feet to a fitly-feet-wide street called Crean street, thence southwestward along the said Crean street forty-four feet or thereabouts to the middle of the brick wall of the house of Edward 11. Pugh, thence northeastward on a lino at aright angle with the said Lancaster avenue and through the middle of the said wall eighty-four feet thence southwestward by the same lot six feet or thereabouts, thence northeastward on a line at a right angle with the said Lancaster Avenue one hundred and sixteen feet to the southwest side thereof,-thence northwestward along the same tiny feet to the place or beginning. Bounded on the sontiteast partly by the messuage and lot of the said Edina U. Pugh and partly by other ground of the said Robert W. Hanson, on the northwest by ground formerly of Wil liam Crean ' on the northeast by the said Lancaster ave nue and on the southwest by the said Crean street: Nave.—These by No. I will he sold sattiect to a mortgage given by Robert W. Hansel I to Henry Smith to secure the sum of $1,500, dated August 511,1E56,recorded in Mortgage Book R. D. W., No. 45, page SI, kc. No. 2.• All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the southwesterly side of Lancaster avenue, in the Twenty-feurth ward of the city of Philadelphia. Begin ning, at the distance of one hundred and eighty-seven feet southeast from a corner formed by tho intersection of the southwest line of the Lancaster Turnpike road and the southerly line of the Hayerford road, thence south westward on a line at a right angle with the said Lau mister avenue by other ground of the said Robert W. Hansen (being the premises No.l in this writ described), one hundred end sixteen feet to a lot conveyed by Ed ward H. Pugh, thence by the same and by the back ends of other lets fronting on Crean street on a linepa rallel with the said Lancaster avenue one hundred feet to the southwest line of said Robert W. Hansell's largo lot, thence by the Boma northeastward sixteen feet to the corner of a lot convoyed to Thomas R. Petty, thence by the same northwestward parallel with Lancaster avenue fifty-four feet to another corner, thence northwestward and still by the seine Petty slot ono hundred feet to Lan caster avenue, thence by the same northsvestward forty six feet or thereabouts to the place of beginning. NOTE. —On this lot there is erected a two-story frame tenement li,e 4 ?welling house and store, and a large trick building used as onith shop and Wbeel w t tight shop. No. 3. All that three-story brick moseuage or tene ment and lot or piece of_ound thereunto belonging, situate on the northeasterly side of Crean street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia. Be ginning at the distance of one hundred and twelve feet seven inches or thereabouts southeast of the east side of Cedar lane or Till street; containing in front or breadth on the said Crean street seventeen feet six inches, itt cluding on the northwest side thereof the half part of a three-feet wide, alley and extending in length or depth northeastward of that breadth between lines at a right angle with the said Crean street eighty-four feet. Bounded on the southeast by a lot of the said Robert W. Hansel), being the premises No. 4 in this writ described, 011 the northwest by a messuage and lot or Edward El. Pugh, on the no by ground of the said Robert W. Hansel, being tho premises No. 2 in this writ described, and on the southwest by the said Crean street No. 4. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the two and u half-story brick znessuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the northeasterly side of Warren or Crean street. Beginning at the distance of fifty-three feet northwestward from the east line of Robert W. Batmen's large lot, which line is at a right angle with the Lancaster turnpike and at the distance of two hun dred and eighty-seven feet southeastward from the in tersection of the southwesterly line of the said Lancaster turnpike with the southerly line of the Havorford road; containing in front or breadth on the said Warren or Crean street eighteen feet, and extoo ding northeastward of that breadth between lines at a right angle with said Warren or Crean street eighty-four feet, it being ex- Measly understood that Do Amtheanterly line of the said of is to be and rsmain directly in the centre between the Wm/erected on this lot and the house on the adjoining lot on the southeast. Bounded oo tlie eoutheast by a messuage and lot now or late of Sarah E. and Elizabeth Pugh, on the northwest by a messnage and lot of Robert W. naneell, being the premises No. 3 In this writ de 'scribed, on the northeast by other ground of the said Ro bert W. Hansen, 'being the promises No. 2 to this writ described, and on the southwest by the said. Warren or Crean street. . . • • Norm—The premises N05..24 . 3.'and 4, Will be sold. subject to the balance or about $lOO, due upon a mort g• go_ given by RoberrW. Hansen to William Crean, dated March, SC 1247, recorded inNortgage Book A. W. M., No. 12, nago26l, &c. • ES. C.. 69; Jan. T., 'M. Debt, MAO. A. Miller.] Taken in execution . and to be sold as the 'property . of Robert W. Hannell. JOHN THOSIPSON, Sher_ • Philadelphia, Shethre Once; March 12, 18&3. Juli/61-3C W ILL lAM • H . YEA.TON" k .- s s No. 201 South FRONT Streets Agents for the sale of the ORIGINAL HEIDSISCR" & CO. CHAMPAGNE, Offer that desirable Wino to the trade. Also r 1.01:0 eases fine and medians grades BORDEAUX CLARETS. 100 caws " Bra nd nb Freres" COGNAC BRANDY, Vintage 1848, bottln France. BO eases finest Truman Oi l, In flasks ; 2 dozen In case. 50 bbla finest Quality . Monongahela Whisky. 60 bbla Jersey .Apple Brandy. 60,000 Havana Care, eztra tine. Moet & Chandon Gra nd Fin Imperial, "Green Seal" Champagne.* • Together with a fine assortment of Madeira, Sherry, Port, Ste. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. MARCH 16. 1863. PROPOSAI I S FOR HAY, OATS, AND • • . CHIEF QUARTRENAsrER's 054 , 1014 DEPOT OF WAMIINfITON, Corner Eighteenth Marchts. 'Washington, 1). C.,, 1833. • SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until FRIDAY. the 20th due of March. at 12 K.- for tar nishing the Government with (2,0 M) three thousand tone of HAY, c 200.000) three hundred thousand bushels of OATS. and 100,030) oue hundred thousand bushels of, old shelled CO f.N. Hay to be good merchantable Timotby.pitt up in bales, and delivered at (2.000) two thousand pounds to the ton. The Oats to be of a good merchantable quality, put up in bags of about two bushels each. Oats will be received by weight, at (32) thlitY•tWo Pounds to the bushel. Sacks to bc furnished without extra charge to the Oa lyernmont. The Corn toe of a good merehantablequality,*put up tu C b ora s w iabl oue tw e o cbuvsehd el b y mill. weight, at MD pounds to the bushel. Sacks to be furnished without extra charge to the Go vernment. Delivery to 1* mrulo in the city of Washington within (25) twenty-Ave dare from the date of Ilia contract. " PROPOSALS. - Proposals mill be received for (500) five hundred tone of Bay and upwards, and for (60,000) flf , y thousand bushels of Oate and upwards, and for (50,000) fifty thou sand bushels of Corn and upwards. The propositions for the flay, Oats, and Corn mud/ be on separatc papers, and entirely distinct from and inde pendent of each other. The frill name and post office address of the bidder most appear in the proposal. if the bid is made in the name of a firm, the names of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be considered as the individual proposal of the parties aiming it. Proposals from disloyal parties will not he considered, and AN ( - writ OF ALLEOIARCE KIM ACCOMPANY EACH PROPORrrioN. Proporale mu.t be athlreesd to Colonel D. R. Rocker, QuartermAger U. S. Army, Wa•Allogton, D. C., anti. IFAlOllid be ,plainty ,, marked "Proeale for Ray. Oats," or Corn, ailt ervlL: may be G UARANTEE. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should it beavvarded to him, must be anaranteed by two respon/ siblo persons, whose signatures must be appended to the guarantee. The responsibility of the guaxantore must be shown by the official certificate of the clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United States District Attorney. Bidders must be present in person when the bids are opened, or their proposals will not be considered. Bonds equal In amount to half the slim to be received on the contract, signed by the contractors and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder upon Molina the contract. As the bond must accompany the contract, it will bo necessary for the bidders to have their bondsmen with them, or to have bonds signed in anticipation and ready to be produced when the contract is signed. Blanks for bonds can be procurt d upon application being made at this office, either personally, by letter, or by telegraph. Form. of Guarantee — a . We. —, of the county of nd State of—, and of the county of and State of --, do hereby guarantee that In able to fulfil a contract In accord.- ance with the terms of his proposition, and that, should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter into a contragkip accordance therewith, _ . _ Should the contract be awarded him, we are prepared to become his sureties. . . (To this guarantee must ho appended the official certifi cate above mentioned.) INSPECTION, DELTVRRY:"&c. AU Ray, Oats, and Corn contracted for under this ad vertisement will be rigidly Inspected, and such as does mot prove of a good sound merchantable quality will be retected. Payment to be made upon the completion of each con tntct,or so soon thereafter as the Chief Quartermaster shall be in funds, Any informality in the bid, or non-conformance with the terms of this advertisement, will insure the rejection of the proporal. Delivery to be made at the Railroad Depot, or at one of the Government wharves in the city of Washington. The Chief Quartermaster reserves to himself the right to reject any or all bide that be Tarty deem ton high. D. H. RUCKER, Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, • mhl0•lOt Depot of Wnshingtoa. MEDICAL • PURVEYOR'S OFFICE, 466 BROOME Street, New Yong, March 9, 1863. PROPOSALS will be received at this office up to 12 o'clock N., 20th or MARCH inst., for supplying the fol lowing articles, in the quantities reettired, at this depot, up to the Ist of January. IWit DRESSINGS, &c. Binders' Boards-2gxl2 inches. Do. do. _....-Ixl7 do. Cotton Bats. Do. Wadding. Flannel—Red, all wool. Cutts Perch& Cloth. Muslin—Bleached, unsized, 1 yard wide. Napkins fer Ophthalmia. Oakum—Fine picked. Oiled Muslin-4% yard pieces. Do. Silk—Hi yard pieces. Silk—Green, for shades. Ta . .v . io-Cotton or twilled—stay binding. .—Woolen or worsted binding. Thread Linen—Unbleached. Tow. Towels. Towelling. Do. for Rollers. Twine—Assorted. STATIONERY. • Envelopei —Printed, large, medium, and small. Paner — Wrapr g, white and blue. Do. Writ g—Cap, letter, and note. Pons—Steel. Pen Holders. Penet's—Lead. Faber No. it Portfolios—Cap size. Sealing Wax. • DING. Bede—Water, India Ru BE bbDer. Blankets—White. Do. —Gray. Blanket Cases— Canvas. Counterpanes—According to pattern. Cushions—Rubber, for air or water, open centre. Do. Do. do. do. small. Cults Percha Bed Covers, so made as to form, when united, a continuous covering. FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES. . 'Basins, tin, small, for dressers. Do. do. Wash hand. Bed pans—Dell, shovel shape. Bowls—Dell. Bedsteads—lron. Brooms. Brushes—Scrubbing. Buckets—Leather. Do. —Wooden. Candlesticks. • Cauldrons—Tin covers (20 gallons). Claviers. Clothes Line. Close Stools. Dippers—Tin, I pin t. Dishes—Assorted sizes, Feeding Cups. Flesh Forks. Funnels—Glase, 34' pint. Funnels—Tin, 1 pint. Graters—Nutmeg, and large. Hatchets. Hones. Knives and Forks. Do. do.—Carving. Do.—Butcher. Do.—Bteid. Lanterns—Glass. Measures—Tin, from 1 gall. tol pt. Medicine-Spoons—Dell. ' Mess-Chests. Mills—Coffee. . - Mugs—Delf. • Pill boxes—Turned. wood. . .. • . Pill•Mathines. DO! Misr!. Sto 10 in. .• • • Plates—Deli. Yoti—Chamber—Delf. • Do. do. 'odorous. Do. Tea—Dell. Do. Coffee—Tin. Razors ze rerynired—Fixtures complete. ' • Razors and Strops, In cases. Retort—Dell. 1 quart. . &Ales and Weights—Shop. Sheep Skins—Dressed for plasters, Slates. Spstul as—S to 6 in. Spirit Lamp. -Simons—Table. Do. • Tea. Spit Mugs—Without tops. Spittoons. . . Steel.. Stoves—Cooking, size are required , fixtures complete, Tin Warmer—For stomach, for hot water. Do, do. do. feet, do, • do. Tubs—Bath. Tumblers—Glass. Urinals. Vials—Assorted sizes. • Wood Saws. FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES. Bed Tick Frames. Chairs. Gridirons. Kettle—Tea, Iron. • • Ladles. Pans—Frying. Do. Sauce. Do. Tin. Pots—Mustard. Do. Pepper. Refrigeratori—Butchers'. Sadirons. Silt Cellars. Tables—Bedside. Tray—Butlers'. • HOSPITAL CLOTHING. Caps, according to pattern. . Drawers. do. do. Gowns, Dressing, do. Shirts, Cotton. do. Slippers. do. Seeks, Woolen, do. Particulars as to sizes of packages, quality of articles, probable quantity, d:c., will be given at this office. The Medical Purveyor reserves the right to reject any sail all bids, if not deemed suitable, and all contracts accepted will be subject to the approval of the Surgeon General. lt. S. SATTERLEB, Surgeon D.. S.-. Army and Medical Purveyor. mh13,111.18.19 p ROPORALS. PQR , ROMS `'AND • CITIET QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OP WABRINOTON, Corner Eighteenth and 0 Streets, Washington, - D. C., March 4 1883. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at thtuoffice nntil Tuesday, the 17th day of March, at 12 o'clock K for furnishing the Government with (2.000) two thousand horses, end (2,000) two thousand mules, of the following description, viz: CAVALRY. • • For Cavairr. (1,000) one thousand Ave hundred horses, from OM fi fteen to (le) sixteen hands high, between live and eight years of age, of dark colors, well broken to the saddle, compactly built, in good tlesh, and free from all defects. ARTILLERY. For Artillery. (51)0) five hundred horses from (163;) fifteen and one-half to (16) sixteen hands high. between five and eight years of ago, of dark colors, free from all defects. well broken to harness, compactly built, and to weigh not less than 1,100 Monde. MULES. Two thousand mules to conform to the thuovring SPECIFICATIONS. Ara, to be in ALL to be (14) fourteen hands and over in height. Ann to be sound serviceable mules for draught pur poses, and to bb OVER THREE ANT/ UNDER NINE TEARS or HUE. . _ PROPOSALS. The full name and post office address of the .bidder must appear in the proposal. - If a bid is made in the name of a Arm, the names of all the parties must appear, or the bid will he considered as the individual proposal of the party signing it, Proposals from dtstoya/ part.k.s mill not be con sidered, and an oath of allegiance must accompany each proposition. • - IF POR nouns, Proposals must specify clearly whether the bid-is for Cavalry or Artillery Horses, and In no ease must both be bid for on the same paper. If any bidder wishes to propose for both classes. ho must forward two distinct proposals—one for each class, complete initseV—and having no reference to any Other proposal by the same party. • IF POR MMES. Proposals Must be in separate envelopes from those for Horses, and must Sn no manner refer tO or depend on, them. • rrunOsale • mnst be addressed to Colonel D. D. HudgEA L th!s.rternittPter United States Army a Washing ton, D. C., and ehou! ,l be plainly marked Proposals for Horses," or • Yropoi.ela far Mules,' , as the case maybe. • • - • • •• The ability GUARANTEig. ' of the bidder to fill the cdffettet. shonld It be awaTded to him, must be guaranteed by tiro respon sible persons,. whose signatures must be appended to the guarantee. • The responsibility of the guarantors most be shawnlo the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court or of the United States District Attorney. Bidders must be present in person when the bids are opened, or their proposals will not be considered. Bonds equal in amount to one-half the sum to bo re ceived on them:atant, signed by the contractor and.both of hui trnarantors, will be required of the successful bid der npon signing the contract. As the bond must accompany tho contract, it will he necessary for bidders to have their bondsmen with them, or to have bonds signed in anticipation and ready to be produced when the contract is signed. • • Blanks for bonds ran be procured upon application he ir g made at this of either personally, by latter, or by telegraph. FOBDI DP GTIARANTBE. • • We, —, of the county of and State of and —, of the county of —. and State of—, do hereby guarantee that Is able to fulfil the con tract, in accordance with the terms of his proposition, and that eliould - . his proposition be accepted; be will at onco cuter into a contract in accordance therewith. Fhould the contract be awarded him we are prepared to hecnme his securities. (To this guarantee mnst be appended the official certifi cate above rnanttonPd INSPECTION, DELIVERY, &a. . • All Horses contracted for u nderthis advertisement will he statiected to a rigid Inspection. and those not conform ing to the SpfelfiegtiOam be rejected. No Mares will be received. ' - • . . ' The Horses mast he delivered in this city within twenty days from the date of the contract, and no Errfensfon of time will be granted on any pretext. - All 'Antes contracted for under this advertisement will be antdected to a rigid inspection, and those not Conform ing to the specifications will be Punted. The Mules inset all be delivered in this city within (26) twenty-five days from the date of signing tho con tract. Payment to be made upon the completion of the con tract. or so seen thereafter ai 'the Chief Quartermaster &ball be Intends. • Any the bid, or non-conformance with. the terms, of this advertisement.. will insure the re jficlion of the proposal:- • • The 'Horses will be awarded in lots of (200) two hun dred each, and the Mules in lots of 0100) five hundred each, unless tbaGhief Quartermaster should deem it for the interest of the Government to vary the number. • The Chief Quartermaster reserves to himself the right to reject any or all bids that he may deem too high, D. H. RUCKER, : Colonel and Chief Quartermaster. mbe-trilhl6 • Depet of Washington. PELLEyOLSpi BRANDY.—AN VOICE. In Bond, for gale WALNUT JAS. OkRiTAIIOB, - No. 1.96nd St GRANITS PROPOSALS. MEDICAL. .VVV , W , ‘ , JVVVt/WV 5 M051,.W1,10 , 011,%,,,,,,,,,,A"""1 HE:L MB 0 L D.' GENUINE PREPARATION. "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED", COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCtill. A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THS BLADDER, KIDNEYS, DROPSICAL SWELLINGS This Medicine Increases the Power of Digestion and Excites the Absorbents into Healthy action by which the Watery or Cal careous Depositions, and all Un natural Enlargements are Reduced, as well as PAIN AND INFLAMMATION. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII HAS OWED) VRRY CASE OP DIABETES IN . WHIOII YT TIAS SEEN GIVEN IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER AND INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. For these diseases it is indeed a sovereign roniedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose has bean known to relieve the moat nrgenrsymptoms. TRY IT. FRLMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHLT, ULCERATION OF THE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, RETENTION OF URINE. DISEASE OF THE PROS TRATE GLAND, STONE IN THE BLAD DER, CALCULUS, BRICK-DUST DEPOSIT, And for Enfeebled and Delicate Constitutions of both axes, attended with the fallowing symptoms; Indiaposition to Exertion, • Imps of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, • Horror of Disease, Wakefalness, Direness of Vision, Pain in the Back. Hot Hands. Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face. PALLID COUNTENANCE, uluviresn LASSITUDE. OF THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of &DIURETIC RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT. BUCHIJ Crsr;a►.4~~)li/iiaY~i~l-~~4~~t?~~Z~}~il~l:biyl~;d HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII CURES ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM 0 HABITS OF DISSIPATION, EXCESSES, lIIPRIIDENOIES IN LIFE. ACB, 0 , .L D: 8 HIGHLY CONCE NTRA TED COMM) FLUID EXTRAOT. SARSAPARILLA, For Purifying the Blood, removing all diseases aria• log from Excess and Imprudence in life, chronic! . Constitutional Diseases, arising from an im pure state of the blood, and the only reli able and effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swell ings of the Bones, Ulcerations of the Throitt - and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Totter, Erysipelas, ' and all_ Scaly Erup tions .of the Skin. Two tablespoonful of the EXTRACT of iiiRSAPA RILLA added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is fully equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the Decoction, as usually made. *BP THESE EXTRACTS HAVE BEEN ADMITTED TO USE IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY, and are also in very general use in all the STATE HOSPITALS and PUBLIC SANITARY INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as 'well as in private practice, and are considered as Invaluable remedies. SEE MEDICAL PROPERTIES OF BUCHII, FROM DIS PENSATORY OF TEE UNITED STATES. Bee Professor DEWEES' valuable works on the Prac tice of Physic. See remarke made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSIC. Philadelphia, See remarks made by Dr. DPITRAIIIIEIcDOWELL, a celebrated Physician, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in the transactions of the King and Queen's Journal. See Nedino-Chirurgien/ Ream, Published by BEN JAMIN TRaVERS, Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard Works of Medicine. PRICES Extract 813C1117 S 1 per bottle, or six for 5.3 " SARSAPARILLA ..61 " 65. *i PHYSICIAN In attendance from BA.N.toB P. IL DELIVERED TO ANY ADDRESS, SECURELY PACKED FROM OBSERVATION. ADDRESS LETTERS FOR INFORMATION, IN ..WPM/WM HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, lot- souls TENT/I antrxr, (BELOW eIigSMIT,) PHILADELPHIA; BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, 'Who endeavor to dispose of " their ovrn" and "other" articles on the reputation attained by HELMBOLD'S PREPARATIONS. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE EXTRACT BIICHU lIELMBOLVB GENUINE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA: EIELNIBOLD'S GENUINE IMPROVED ROSE WASH, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S ; TAKE NO OTHER! /Kr Cut out, the Adverigement 114 send for it, and OM Imposition and exposure. te97•tmwlm *"..Mno ,,, ,,A.VVYKOVVVVNAPW , Ank.W.ANY, TN THE ORPHAN& COURT 'FOR' J THE .Crli AND COUNTY Or PHILADELPHIA.. • . :BNlnte or SAMUEL J. II lINDIIRSON. deceaged. • The auditor onpainteti by the Ornhans'Court to audit, Fettle and ndjtod the third amanita of said Tllo3le,si SHIPLEY, tritabe under the will of SAMUEL HEN HENSON, Et'oi., dernitaell, tied to report dletribetlon of the balance, Sec., will meet the particle iutcreated, for the'format) of I& itopointilielit, at life office, No. 40$ PRUNE Ktreet, nu 'I'DES DA Y, the Twenty-fourth 'day of hlarch,lB63, at 12 o'clock, IN, of tha' day. P. P. hfOltHfS, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY 4W 'PHILADELPHIA. Estate of 'JACOB WHARTEhRY, Deem..ed. The Auditor appointed 1w the china to [ulit. nettle. and adjust the account of MATTHIAS R. MILLER, Rs ecutor of the lett will and te s ta m ent of JACOB WHARTENBY. deceased. RR Sled by MAROAREP STEEL' etal..ExecntorsofssidlMATTlTlASit. MILLER. decemed, and to report dietributlon of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purl:owe of his appointment, on TUESDAY, March Mb. ISSI. atilo'cleck P. M.. at 111, office; No. 627 WALNUT Street, in the oily of PII rehe-fmwet SARUM O. PERKINS. Auditor, IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE =SAND COUNTY OF PFULADELPFif A. Estate otANTIIONY O. QUERNELLE. Doc'd. 'The Anditorappointed by the Court to audit, Nettle and adjust the first account of Caroline F. Quer voile, admin. istratrix of tho Estate of Anthony G. Onoryolle, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties intormit•d for the purposes of his appointment. on WHOM:WAY. March 18. at 4 o'clock I'. N., at his office. No. 121 X South . FOURTllifirret, to tiM city of Philadelphia. rnhe-trmw-Gt JOHN HANNA, Auditor. T N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of ELIZA WEI kRTEN BY, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle, and adjust the fi rst and final account of CHARLES M. WAGNER. sole Executor of the last will and testa ment of ELIZA WHARTENBY, deceased, and to report distribution of i ty balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the thee interertwd, for the purposes of his appointmeßt, on TUESDAY. Mara 17Lb.1863, at 4 o'clock P. M. at his office, No. 6E7 WALNUT Street , in the city of Philadelphia. SAMUEL C. PERKINS, mh6-frowdt Auditor. GRAVEL, VITIIE, ORPHANS' COURT FORTHE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA_ EetatoofWlLLTA3i JOHNSON, licensed The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. mettle, and adjust the second and final account of MIN MOTS, Exeentor of WILLIAM JOHNSON, deemed, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the Purpose of his a pnoin tmen t, on WEDNESDAY. the 13th day of March, ma at 4 o'clock P. 31.. at his office, No. TS South SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. mh9-msrffit J. RUNLET ASHTON. Auditor TN THE ORPHANS' COURT: FOR - 1 - THE CITY ANTI COUNTY OF PAIT4OELPHIA. ilLie of REII - 11 - 166.11T - PEA LE. deceased. The Auditor appointee' by 'the, Court to audit, settle, and adingt the account of HARRIET C. PEALE, RO SALMI PEALE, and J. Of. oßrscom, exeentors of the last Will of the said REMBRANDT PEALE. deceased. end to make distribution of the balance in Ufa hands of the acconntants, will meet the parties interested for tho purposes of his appointment on MONDAY, the M 1 dap of March, 1563. at 4 o'clock , at his office. No. 131. South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. m1,13-6owst AVM. ROTOR 'METER. Auditor. `STATE OF JAMES TWADDELL, -A- 4 DECEASED.—Whereas, Letters Testamentary on the Estate of JAMES 'PWADDELL, late of the Twenty fourth ward of the City of Philadelphia, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the said estate will make pal meet. and those having claims against the same will present them to NAMES S. TW &ODELL, No. 2136 M ARKET Street. EDWARD TWADD EL L P S , No. 1828 MARKE treet, fe9-mBO , Executers. N THE DISTRICT COURT. FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM W.• PAUL vs. S. WEINBERG. December Term, 1662. , No' 471. Vend. Ego. The auditor appointed by the court to report distribu tion of the fund raised by the sale, under the above writ, of rho following described real estate, to wit: All that certain lot of ground, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the west side of Lawrence street (late Apple street), at the distance of 179 feet 7 inches not thwardly from the corner of George street, in the Sixteenth - ward, city of Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth on said Lawrence etreot twenty-two feet, and extending in length or depth , westwardly one hundred feet ; subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent of 4 .t6, payable half yearly on the first •f nty and November, unto George Griscom, his heirs and assigns— Will attend to the duties of his appointment on WEDNESDAY. the 26th day of March. 1861. at 11 o'clock A. 31., at his office. No. 13L South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where all parties inte rested most present their claims, er be forever debarred from cooling in upon said fund. rohl2-101'.. . GEORGE M. CONARROE, Auditor. TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Frederick T. Lesperenco vs. Susanna IL Lowry and terre tenant. Jnne T. 050.3. No. MI Plaries Lev.Fa cies. William - Lawrence et al. vs. George H. Lowry, owrier, &c. Dec. T., net Noe. 332 Mk 'Lev. Factas. The auditor appointed by the Court to report distribu tion of the fund raised by the sale under the above write of the following described real estate, to wit: All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west side of Thirteenth street, at the distance of 98 feet northward from the north sideof Wharton street. in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front on said Thirteenth street 16 feet, and in depth 65 feet. & All that certlin cottage or two-story brick and frame building and lot appurtenant thereto, situate on the wed side of Thirteenth street at the distance of 66 feet north ward from the north side of Wharton street, containing in front on said Thirteenth street 16 feet, and depth 1M feet to Clarion street. All that certain cottage or two-story brick and frame building and lot appurtenant thereto, situate on the west side of Thirteenth street, at the distance of 82 feet northward from the north side of Wharton street, con taining in front on said Thirteenth street 16 feet and In depth 100 feet to Clarion street— . . . Will attend to the &aka of hie appointment on Tnos day, the 17th day of 'starch, 1553, at 4 o'clock.P. M., at the offing of Stephen Benton. Esq.,Ho . 5A Walnut street, (Fallon's Building, rooms 3 alin) Philadelphia, when and where all persons mnat present their claims or be debarred from cornier in neon said fued. • mh6:lot GEORGE W. HARKINS. Auditor. TN THE DJ STRIOT COURT FOR THE -a- CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILNDELPIITA The PENNA. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION vu. WILLIAM HARRIDAN. No. 672. Dec. T., 1661 Vend. Mem!. D. C. JOSEPH A. CLAY, Trustee, vs. WILLIAM EARTH GAN. No. 372. Dec. T., 1662. C. P. The Auditor appointed by the Court to report distribn- Hon of the fund raised by the sale, under the above writs, of the following-described real estate, to wit: No. 1. All that certain lot of ground and three-story brick messuago thereon erected, situate on the south side of Saneom street, in tho city of Philadelphia. at the dis tance of 26 feet eastward from the eastern aide of Seven teenth street, containing In breadth on SansOfil er92. 1 . feet, and extending of that width southerly 50 feet, with the free and common use of a certain twr-feet alley load in along the eastern side of the next-described property into Moravian street, and of a water course in the cams. No. 2. All that certain lot of ground and 3-story brick xnessuage thereon erected, situate on the north side of Moravian street, at the distance of feet east from the eastern side of Seventeenth street, in the city of Phila delphia, containing in front on Moravian street 13 feet , and extending of that width northwardly 40 feet to the Premises hereint efore described as No. I, together with the free and common use, right, liberty, and privilege of a certain two-feet-wide alley on the eastern side of the premises herein described, and of a water course in the same, and also the right and privilege of building under and over the westernmost one foot of the said two feet•wide alley, leaving at least eight feet headway la the clear. • . No. 3. All that certain three-story brick store and dwelling house and lot of ground situate. at the north east corner of Seventeenth and Moravian streets, in the city of Philadelphia, extending in front on Moravian street 26 feet. an I extending northward on the eastern Part and side of the lot about 49 feet to and alon' the sonthern boundary of the lot formerly of John Shannon. and now or late of William Noroney, and on the western part of the side of the bgreby granted lot about 46 feet 3 inches to and along the southern boundary of the mes suage and lot late of John Shannon. Will attend to the duties of his appointment on TUES DAY. liftirCli 241 h. IS6i. at 3 o'cloca P. !iL, at his °Mee, No, it 2 South EIGHTH itreet, iu the city of Philadel phia, when and where all persons mast present their claims, or be debarred from coming in on said fund. inh18:10t JOHN B. OOLAHAN, Auditor. IFIRANDRETIF. 1101388, COI ner of BROADWAY CANAL and LISPENARD STBBETS. IEW YOAN. CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The above Hotel's located in the most central part of Broadway, and can be re'ohed b - omnibus °roily cars, from all the steamboat landinge and railroad d€pots. The rooms ate eters ntly forniehed. ' Many of then, are constructed in suits of comm onicating parlors and cham bers, suitable for families and parties travelling to gether. Meals served at all hours. , Single Rooms from 59 cents to SI per day. Double Rooms from $t to 512.50 per day. deS-6m JOS. CURTIS & CO. . EDUCATION. 1100.1L.A.D SIN GIN BISHOP, 1632 ''FILBERT Street. mlll-Im* :g0n001... FOR BOYS; CORNER • OF I.k r r;BaDAD AND SPRING GARDEN Streets. mbMwtriln* E. M. HUNTINGTON, Principal. TMWEST CHESTER ACADEMY MILITARY 1 NSTITUTE, at WEST CHESTER, Penna., will resume the duties of the Summer Term (frill five months) on the let of MAY next. BOYS and YOUNG MEN thoroughly prepared for College or Busi ness. GERMAN, FRENCH . arid SPANISH taught by native resident teachers. Military Instructor. Maier Gustavus Eckendern: Instructor to Gymnastics, Prof. Lewis. For Catalottnaa. containing full Inform-Mon, apply-to the Principal, WM. P. tvrEßs. A. M. mh4-wta2rn VAGLESWOOD MILITARY AC A.D.E.- - A - 4 DIY—PERTH AMBOY, N. J.—Three hours from Philadelphia. by. Camden and Amboy line a A.M., fare 01.23. Ptipils may et ter at any time. paying from date of entrance. Prospectuses, with catalogues, at No. 903 CLINTON. &met, Philadalrlds. B.C Philadelphia references—Prof. Henry Comilla, P im liny hase. nail° FEMALE COLLEGE, BORDENTOWN, -a- N. J.—Pleasantly located on the Delaware river, 30 miles north of Philadelphia. It has been in success ful operation for eleven yearn, and is one of the most flourishing institutions in this section of the country. Special attention is paid to the common and higher branches of English, and anivorior advantages furnished in Vocal and Instrumental Music. French taught by a native, and spoken in the family. For catalogues ad dress Rev. JOHN H. BRARELEY. felß-Ins President. 'V ILLAGE GREEN SEMINAIIY.-A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA, PA. Thorough Coarse in Mathematics, Classics, English Studies, Sic. Military Tactlei taught. Classes in Book-keeping. Surveying, and Civil Engineering. Pupils taken of all ages and are received at any time. Boarding per week, SI W. Tuition per quarter, 18. • For cataloirues or Information address Rey. J. HER VEY BARTON...A. Al.; Green.- coolo4-.. COPAN! NER§HIP .2•TitiTIORTH undersigned hays this day formed a copartnership. under the arm of COATES .BROTHERS, for the transac tion of the WOOL their present location, 12.7 MARKET St., Phila. BENJAMIN COATES, Feb. 20,1863. ffe2B-1tn•1 GEO.MORRISON COATES. THE SUBSCRIBERS WILL CONTI NUE the DRUG BUSINESS, ee heretofore, at the Old Stand, No. 724 MARKET Street. WX, ELLIS & Drninglete. 791 , 1M.LNKET Street. • C°Al4-THE UNDERSIGNED. BEG leave to inform their friends and the paella that they have removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on the Delaware, to that, Yard, Northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW •Eltreets, where they intend to keep the beet quality of LEHIGH COAL from the most approved mine& at the lowed prices. Your patronage le revecthelly collated J 08: WALTON & CO., Office. 112 South MOND Stmt. Yard. EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-tf F. L G. * ETNC ARMY AND TOILET MIRRORS, The beet to the world for luta and durabllitY. B. M. S. The beat brand Silk Finished VELVET RIBBONS. Sole Agent BENJAMIN . N. SMITH , ISIS MINE Street, near West Broadway, fes-51n New York. ci EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAP! STE 16 SOUTH FO OR URTH STEEETt PHILADELPHIA. PA. • large variety of FIRE-PROOF RAPES always oa kind. TO THE DISEASED OF ALL CLASSES.—AII acute and chronic diseases eared. hy special guarantee, at 1220 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, when desired, and, in case of a fall. are, no charge ia made. • Prof. C. H. 'MLLES, the founder of / hi t new gri . tee i h i rgt m a=ted. with him Dr, Mu of those oared; also and comPli: mentary resolutions from medical men and others, will be given to any person free. • B.—Medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery can enter for a full course of lectures at any time. Consultation fDRSree. . BOLLES & GALLOWAY. de9Art 12A0 WALITITT Street. LEGAL. HoTrazi. COpARTNERSICUPS. COAL. ATICIriON SALES. vw.nnesovvv.e./AAr.e ~,,,, JOHN B. MYERS & 00 ., AUCTION ERIK Nos. 233 Rod $34 jfiARICKT Stmt. PEREMPTORY O&M!, OF PRENCH,INDIA, GERAfAIf, AND BRITISR DRY 00oD4, ago. MORNIN9. Eittreb lA, al A o'clock: will be cold by ostaioutte, OR four months' credit, about 7O PACKAGES AND LOTS of French, India, Ogrinan,and British dry l n) fadnc! y: sembl ear n i ga es a n e ilk d a a ted,woo r ri n nn,andco t a on fabrics. POSITIVE SALE OP BOOTS, SITOES, dm. ON TUES DA MOR INO. March 17, at 10 o'clock. wlll be N sold by sstalono, on four months' credit— About POO packages boots, slim, brooms, caviar) , boots, arc., embracing a goneral assortment of tingle goods, of City and Eastern manufacture. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH, YR.ENCH, GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. WO will hold a largo sale of British, French, German. and Domestic Dry Goods, by catalogue, on four months. credit. ON THURSDAY MORNING, March 19tb, embracing. about 700 packages and lots of staple and fancy articles in woolens, linens, cottons. silks, and woretedn,'to which we invite the attention of dealers. N.B.—Samples of the same will be arranged tor OSZ. amination,with catalogues, early on the morning of eale. When dealers will find it to their interest to attend. PEREMPTORY SALE OF CARPRTINGE. CANTON MATTINGS, RIIOB, WATS, &c. Per Spring Salsa. _ ON FRIDAY MORNING, March 20th, at precisely 1034 o'clock, by catalogue, on four menthe' credit— Comprising English, Brussels, three-ply, superfine ingrain, venitiao, hemp, and het carpeting's; white and red check Canton and cocoa makings, rugs, mats. drag gate &c. FuRNEss,.BREN-LEY. & CO., No. 439 NABENT STREET SALE OF IMPORTED DRY GOODS. ON TIIRSDAY MORNING. March 77th. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue. on . four month credit. tOO lots of fancy and staple imported and domestic dry goods. * Samples and catalognesSarly on morning of sale. STOCK OA DRY GOODS. ON VIZEIDAT MORNING • A stock offline)! and staple dry goods. BLEADITED LINIeN, DAMASK, &c. ON 71j1LSDAY, 8-4, 0-4, and 10-4 double damask, bleached linen damsks. Linen napkins, linen cambric Mids. &c. - ALPACCAS AND ITALIAN CLOT RS, &c. —Fine to extra tine 8 4 black alpaccas; 4 fine black Italians. Small check Marsaillsise vestings. 01110 HAMS. PRINTS. DRILLS. COTTONADES, &a. —Plaid gingham, indigo blue do., Madder prints, inconets and lawns, printed mousliu de laines, tape checks. Bley linens, Spanish linens. —Blouse linens, brown ducks, Cottonades; printed drills. hc. . . LOONS SILKS, STELLA AND BROGLIE SHAWLS. 2CO2o•lnch plaid stripe and plain colored poilt de sole. +ll-wool Parts Melia shawls. Long nil sonare brocbe shawls. 800 CARTONS BONIIRP RIBBONS. Extra No. 4 snit 0 noble cord pout do sole ribbons. Extra N0..1211,40 bonnet ribbons; 1.12 , 90 °stn. white and black do, ; extra black silk velvet do. IRISH LINENS. LOOM LINEN DIAPERS AND BUR LAPS, STINT LANDED. ON TUESDAY, An entire invoice. consisting of —29-inch heavy Irish linens. all linen. 4.4 heavy Irish linens, all linen. and 8.4 heavy loom dice linen table diaper, all linen. —9-4andlo 4 heavy loom dice linen table diaper, all linen. —ll-4 heavy loom dice linen table diaper, all linen. —4B-inch heavy linen Dimities. 2,000 POUNDS PATENT TRREAD, OF SUPERIOR MARE. Nos. 2.0:40 dark blue, white, brown, drab, and as sorted colors. 1.4 CASES BLACK ALPACCAS AND ITALIAN CLOTHS. crises 8-4 London fine to extra fine black &trances. 2 cases 8-4 extra fine pure meliatra 2 cases 28. inch fine black Italians. 2 roses 41-inch fine black Italian, LINENS, DRILLS, DU(KS. COTTONADES, TWEEDS, VESTING°, &c. Linen drills, brown ducks, padded dock., Spanish cottonades, black and white checks, fancy linen drills, English tweeds, Melton cloths, cassimores, sati nets, white corded Marseilles, fancy figured do., silk 'mating,. Sm. CI,ILLETTE & SCOTT, AttOTIONBIRS, Jane's Marble Building, 610 CHESTNUT Street, and 616 JAYNE Street, rnbq-lm Philadelphia, - WASHINGTON AUCTION SALE. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OPFlCB,corner 0 and TWRNTY-SECOST aged& WAsrmwrolv. D.C.. March 6, 1933. WILL' BB SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, on the grounds, on I' Street.tetween Twenty-first and Twenty second Streets ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, • March 18th, about EIGHTY (69) TONS OF SCRAP IRON AND LEATHER, bel ongina to the Quartermaster's Department The Iron to be sold in lots of not less than one thousand MOD pounds. and the Leather not less than dye hnndrod (800) pounds, with the privilege of the whole. The property to be taken away within six days after tbe sale. Terms eneli, in Government hinds. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M: a. CHARLES H. TOMPKINS, . Captain. A. q_l4-U.S. A. rob9-9t. Auctioneers. . . . .. FOR SALE AND. TO LET. 1250 ACRES . TIMBER..LAisTD FOR SALE! For Sale, a Tract of Bret-rate WHITE PZYE TIMBER LAND, Containing One Thousand Acres, situated in CAMBRIA County, Pennsylvania, within a few miles of the Penn ' sylvan% Railroad, connected by a Plank road at Tipton. The lands are heavily set with White Pine, Oak, aid Hemlock Timber, (principally White Pine). The improvements consist of a Eirst Class Steam Saw Mill in complete running order; a good Grist Mill, with two run of stones, driven by water ppower, and a good Water Saw Mill ; r.lso a good Store House, Blacksmith Shop, Stables, twelve good Houses for Workmen, and everything in complete order for manufacturing Lumber to good advantage, and can be made ,and put into market on as good terms as can he done all Williamsport 9r Look Eiftven. There are Schools near, and a Church on the property. Tipton' is a first-rate point on the 'Pennsylvania Railroad as a Lumber Market, and as a place of residence la very healthy, and has Chnrches, Schools, and every advantage of a thriving Country This is a very desirable Property, and the Timber and Mills are e sal to an . WHITE P IfN TIM :ER LAND FOR SALE IN CLEAR FIELD COUNTY, PENNA, For tale, a tract of MO Acres of first-rate White Pine Timber Land in Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, with in two miles of Clearfield Creek (which is a good ratting stream), and within hauling distance, over a good road to Pennsylvania Railroad. There is a new and first-class Steam Saw-Mill, in good running order, on this propertyovith dwelling houses for workmen. and other necessary improvements needed. around a Lumber manufactory . The White. Pine Timber is heavily set, and of the best quality. There is also first-rate Oak on the tract, and the soil is rich and rolling, and can he readily sold for farming purposes after the timber is off. There are Several Hnudred Acres of first-rate Whits Pine timber lands adjoining this property which ma ho bought at a reasonable price, which would supply timber enough for several years' operations. Lumber can be readily rafted or sent to market by railroad at a good profit There are Churches. Schools, and Post Office near the property, and the neighborhood is flonrishing and prosperous. This is a most des'rable property, and well worth the attention of capitalists who wish to invest in active business. 'For farther particulars, address HUGH W. TENS% inhd-rn&frSnr No. 78 South THIRD Street, Phila. FOE SALE.—THE LUMBER YARD, _Corner EIGHTH Street and antuto avenue: FMK VID with Counting-house, Stable, and Shedding. Mao, a very line char HORS, Harness, Carts, m~tll-6t• VALUABLE COAL LANDS TO BE r LEASED. —The valuable Anthracite Coal Lands of the DELANO LAND COMPANY in Mahonoy and Rnsh townships, Schuylkill county, comprising nearly 5.900 Acres, are now ready to lease in suitable parcels to re sponsible tenants. COAL OPERATORS will find va rious favorable locations for tulvantageous coal openings on this extensive property. fir mining ABOVE as Well as below water-levet; and Railroads are being made lab it (on e already completed), which will afford ample means of transportation of the coal to the different mar kets. . . For information as to terms, aptly to F. R. DELANO. FRI. Sa BROADWAY, New York, or to T 110311.8 PETNERICE, Potiaeille. ROBERT RUSSELL, of na honoy City, near the property, will show the Lands to persons applying.. mht3 6t* et FOR SALE-A VERY - FINE mem RESIDENCE, No. 963 FRANKLIN Street. Ap ply at the LUMBER YARD, Southeast corner EIGHTH Street and Girard Avenue. mhll-Ht• tift FOR. SALE-THE BELL TAVERN and FIVE ACRES OF LAND, situate on the Phila delphia. and Darby Railroad, 434 miles from Market street Bridge. This property has been known as the Bell Tavern" for more than 1W years, and has always commanded a first-class business. No public house in the State has greater advantages for a large and lucra tive trade. Apply to • R. S. PASCHALL. mhlo-6t. 715 WALNUT Street. in FOR SALE LOW-A LARGE •=l* BRICK BUIT,DING, euitable for Manufacturing par pores, in rear of Nn. 1 Arch street. mh7 B. F. GLENN, 1213 South FOURTH Street. fa FOR SALE, NEAR HOLMESBURG MR" and a Railroad E tatinn. tan miles fromnfarket street, a NEW STONE COTTAGE. with Stable and Coach House attached. ALSO A STONE MANSION HOUSE. nearly new, with Stable, Vegetable Garden, &c. Por a lull de,wription and particulars, apply to B. F. GLENN, mll7 123 South FOURTH Street. e t FOR SALE-A DESIRABLE - COT AKA TAGE,.with all the modern conveniences, pleasant I y situate/I on PRICE Street, Permenlown..i.4 mile from Depot. It has five Chambers, Gas, Hot and Cold Water, has riSOMB GAS FlX . tllll4l variety of Shrubbery, Are. Apply to . ROBERT MAC GREGOR, mhl3-fmillt* . • . 933 Sonth THIRD Street. • TO :LET--.4I:.COMMODIOITS =tDIVELLING, N 0.1.39 North FRONT Street. Rent moderate. Apply to •WSTiI,BRELL & 13h0., 0c27-tr 47 and' 9 NOM SECOND Street. sFOR SALE - THE TWO THREE toryDWRI.LINGI9. Nos.' ltiCO and 1 , 41. Cherry street, stoner offitteenth street. Terms easy. Apply to ALLEN &SIM& S. E. corner - FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, second fluor.. • . • mhl3-3t.• de WALNUT STREET—THE FOUR magiTORIED BROWN-STOKE front house. with three story double back buildings. and all modern conveni ences., No. 2009 Walnut street. For nabs b ANTHONY P. & J. H. MORRIS. rahl3-3t* No. 916 ARCH' Street. rFOR SALE-A HA kJ - DSOM four-Story RESIDENCE, on Arch Rtreet, above To - enOotb. Apply to AUER & SI:118,S. E. corner of FOURTH e ndWALNUT Strects,.2d Boor. mh13.30, FOR SALE—VERY LOW, THE tour throe-story DWELLINGS. Nos. 1111. 111% 1115, and 1117 Nestor street. An ply to ALLEN'S , SIRS. S. R. yner F PURTH and WALNUT Sta., 2d floor. milL3-3t* FOR EIALE----COHNTRY SEAT :=A and Farm, containing f. 16 acid; Of Idll3, bandsome lysitisated, convenient to railroad station; inrc miles from, )larket-atteet bridge: first-class - improvemente. &c. Alas. desirable farm, 60 acres; 9 miles west of the city, within Svc minutes' wallcof a station on the Me dia Railroad. Apply to • • B. PET rrp, .m 1,12 • No: 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE—SEVERAL VALUA BLE. FARMS in"Cliestar and Delaware counties. 'Mtge number in the State of Delaware some of them line fruit farms.. First-class farms in liew .Ter;ey and State of Maryland.. A number in Bucks and Montgome ry counties. Gallant' examine register. Arolv to E. PETTIT. rnial 1 . • • . No. 309 WALNUT Street. .sa FOR SALE, OR WOULD BE EX.- ..oa CHANGED FOR CITY PROPERTY, A. DESIRA BLE SMALL FARM, s ituate in. New Britain Town-ship, Backs county, Pa., three miles from Doylestown, and ono and a half from New Britain Station, ou the Doylestown Railroad, containinE 63 acre:, six of which is woodland, and five meadow, divided into convenient field* wall watered. good liniidieg, trait. ge. I nqu i r e at 104 . North SIXTH Street; Philadelphia. mla•lin* MI VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.- The subscriber offers at private sale a valuable FARM, eitnate in Now BKitain township, Bucks county, within half a mile of the Lead Mines, containing SO% Acres of good Land, 6 of which are wood land. This property is situated within three miles of Doylestown: For further particulars, apply to the subscriber., on the pro z ly 2k or at 104- North S.lXT.l.TlOSAtioel,irPlagrita. MA OKER E L, HERRING "' BRAD, p Ao-a- Ste., gie. . • 2,600 Bbis Hasa Nos. 1,3, and 8 Mackerel. late-osaigNl. fat fish, kt assorted packages. ~. 2,000 Bbla New Bastport, Portnne Bay, and HAMS Herring., ~ • • 2,500 Boxes Lubec, Heeled, and N. 1 Herring. Igo Mesa Shad. . . 260 Boxes Herkimer County Oheeae, ikci. ' In Mora and foF*lBllo by MURPHY & Iroolll6 . . Ilandf Na. 146 North WHIR O LIVE OIL.AN INVOICE JUST received and for Bale by CHAS. S. & JAS. CAR STAIRS, No. 126 WALNUT. and $ 1 °RAM 41 PS treets. ind 9 AUCTION SALES. M,,, THOMAS & SONS, • Non. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street. SALE OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. At the Zwohange, every 12 o'clock. ifir lAkmph int ratalogrmi each Saturday previous. AFR- PURNITIIIII/ SALES at the Auction Store. /WARE 711 WOWS Ir. 70 mAryyryarryEßEßS, CAPITALISTS. MACHINISTS. *c.--PVISMPTORY SOLE FIRST-CLASS COTTON FACTORY, VA LHA RLE STORES, ELEC./ ANT AND PLAIN RESIDENCIN. ON STOCK . LOANS. &cS. A, Mere', 17. at 12 o'clock. noon. at the Exchange. a. largo Tnnnnt and variety of real eatate Including the valua ble foamy. tilt atmpt tonomonta and 12 acres, hY order of ex.rotora: also. wslnable city Owen. machine chop, el=t..and plain roahleroma, otneki, loam, &e You flawriptione of the whole (altogether IS pro ;Kellett) may be had, In pamphlet catalogues, at the anition rooro4, Y.gretitor'4 Stip. VA TJTA ItLF LAW LI is fumy. WEDNESDAY A rrEarrrox. March IA , cm(lBl.nc3ng ♦t 4 o'clock. will he soM, at ILp pllction Rtrrrp, MR Val mild,: law Illwary of the Into .T. lilorroy /loan. which Ineliales rnanv Important works to tileprofession. s complete net of the Pennsylvania and ms np other Ttnports. 4 - 4 - The books will he SiTanzed for examination, Wills catalognee. on Tiviolay morning. "^ prITLIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, ' A. 62L MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Streets. SALE OF 7,000 CARER BOOTS, SHOES. BRO.. ANs. RTS March lath. at 10 T o:clockBT ORNINO . will be it , )ld by it. talogqo, rases men's, hope, and yontba', kip, and srrain boots, brogan., dm. • women'a. ralasee. and children's, call', kip, goat, kid, and morocco tested boot; and ',hoes. EALB OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BRO. I3ANS. Ste. ON TEtiIIRDAY MORNING. • March likb. at 10 o'clock precisely, will he sold by ea• talents, 1.000 cases men's. boy's, and youths' calf. kirk. and strain boots. brogans &c.: WOlll.llOl mtviele, and children's, calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes. PANC() AST & WARNOCK, AIIO- TIONEERS, No. 5113 MAR= Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN' AND IM PORTED DRY -GOODS WHITE GOODS, HUME DERIES, Ire.. by estalo7mis. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, March 18, commencl ng at 10 o'clock prpciNOlT. Comprising about 700 lots of seasonable goods. Worthy the attention of purchasers. mar Catalogues and sample; early on the morning 01 sale. FRANOK,. AUCTIONEER, Y • Corner SECOND and BUTTONWOOD Streets. PAWNBROKERS GREAT SALE OF CLOTHING. __ • BEDDING. &c. ON. MONDAY MORNING. Mardi 91d, at 9 o'clock. at Praticra Auction Store. cor ner of Second and Buttonwood StrPotii:. by °pin- of JONES & CO.. Brokeri. SIG South THIRD St. C. J. WOLICERT, AUCTION • MART No. 76 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. Between Marl et and Chestnut. BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, - AUCTIONEER. No. 202 MARKET Street, South nide. above Second SC RegnTar Salsa of Dry Goode. Trimmings. Notiona. every If I O O N o p e r ic WEDNINDAY, and FRIDAY MOW- City a and eoniftryTe c aleriiare minested to attend theme Like. Coneltrnments respectfnlly Rolletted from Manufactu rers, Importers, Commieslon, Wholesale, and Jobbing Eames, and Retailers of all and every description-of Merchandise. STOCK OF A RETAIL STORE. ' THIS MORNING, - March lg, ale o'clock. will be sold, without reserve. the stock of a retail store, comprising ladies' collars, sleeves, taros, edgings. velvet ribbons, sewing silks, nets, worked bandkerchiefs, chenille head nets; crape nets, shawls, mantills.s. ladles' wool shirtd. gloves. hosiery, fans, beads, spool cotton, tarts tons, trimmings, steel spring skirts, dress and domestic goods, slaps, pomade, gnn cape. needles. PinP. Purses. l tons, neck ties, braids, marking Canvas, Marseille s sacks, muslin shirts, &c. MOSES NATHANS. AIIOTIONEKR •LI- 1 - AND COMMISSION =ROLM southeast cor ner of SIXTIPand BAGS Streets. FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS YOU SHOtrf,D GALL AT NATHANS' LOAN OFFICE. S. E. corner of SIXTH AND RACE STREETS. AT PRIVATE SALE. FOR LESS THAN HALF THE USUAL SELLING PRICES. Fine gold hunting-case English patent lever watches, of the most approved and best makers ; open-face ditto; ladies fine gold hunting-case and open face lever and lerdne watches; elegant fine gold diamond and enam elled hunting-case lever watches, fall Jeweled; fins gold enamelled lever and 'opine watches; line gold neck, vest, and chatlein chains: fine gold bracelets, earrings, breastpins, finger-rings, pencil cases and Vint!, lockets, medallions, charms. specks, buckles, scarf-pins, etude, sleeve buttons, and jewelry of every description. FOWLING PIECES. 20 very superior dot:ide-barrel English twist fowling packs, with bar locks and back - action locks; superior guns. rites, revolvers, dx., together 'with _various fan_cy articles, fine old violins, do. Call soon, and select bargains. FREIGHT. Simim THE UNION TRANS. PORTATION COMPANY is now prepared to forward freights FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK. VIA CAMDEN. AND PORT MONMOUTH . Freights received at THIRD Wharf above . o:t t ri st The attention of Merchants and Shit:Ter". is directed to thin new and expeditions route, and a mr tt e „ r their patronage is respectfully solicited. 'For farther particulars #ppiv t. OEO. B. MeC7iLiOFf. Freight Age nt. 12R NORTH WHARVRH. y. ORIFFITTS. General Kammer. • • EXPRESS COMPANIES. ADAM6 - 91 PIRGFMF IC ZT, Office 3 S 24 c EXPRESS Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Merchandise. Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or in connes tion with other Exprees Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities in the United States. fell S. S. SANDFORD. General Snpertntandsnt. SHIPPING. &Mk BOSTON AND PHILADEL PHIA. STEAMSHIP LINE. sailing from Mak Dolt on SATURDAYS, from firvt Wharf above Pllll Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. The steamship SAXON, Capt. Matthews rail from Philadelphia for. Boston, on SATTIRDAY, .Ifarch 21. • at 10 o'clock A. M. : and steamer NORMAN. Capt. Baker, from Beaten. on the SAME DAY, at 4 P. M. There new and substantial steamships forma regular line, sailing from each port punctually.on Saturdays. insurances effected at one-half the premium charged hy sail vessels. Freights taken at fair rate. Shippers are reqnested' to send Slip Receipts and BIM Lading with their goods. • Far Freight or Passage (haying fine accommodations) apply to HENRY WINSOR & CO., mhS 332 South DELAWARE Avenue. alk STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER. POOL, tonehing at Queenstown (Cork Har bor.) The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York. and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intended to Pail as follows : . . CITY OF NEW 'FORE (CITY OF BALTIMORS EDINBURGH .... _ ---- .-..- And every sinceeeding Saturday at noon , from Pier I(o. Q. North River. RATES OP PASSAGE. Payable is Gold, or lie (nivalent hi Carrency. FIRST CABIN. SSO 00 STEERAGE VS 5) Do. to London. SS CO D. to London, 35 SO Do. to Paris, 95 0) Do. to Paris, 40 50 Do. to Hamburg, 90 00 Do. to Rambnrg,37 90 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp. &c., at signally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cable, *75, 1185, SIC& Steerage from LiverPOol, CO. From Queens town. SSA Thom who wish to send for their friends aux buy tickets herest these rates. For further information, apply at the Company's Oftlese. TORN G. DALE. Agent, fe2S 111 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. FOR NEW YORK THIS DAY.-DEVATCEI LINE, VIA DELA WARE AND BARITAN CANAL. The steamer CONCORD, Norman, is now at third Wharf above WALNUT Street, and will sail THIS DAY atl2ll. For freight, which will he taken on reasonable terms apply to WM. H. BAIRD & CO., mhIS-tf 132 South DELAWARE Avenue. je gr a Gt FOR NEW YORK—NEW DAILY LINE-VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN ,CDNAL. PhiladelPiia and Now. Yerk Express Steamboat Com pany receive freight and leave daily at 2 P.M , delivering their cargoes in New York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SMITH 'WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND. Agent. anl-tf Piers 14 and 15 EAST RIVER, New York. WIDE FINE, PRAOTIOAL' DEN ST for the last twenty years, 219 TINE St.. below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH. of the age, mounted' on tine Sold, Matins, Silver, Vulcanite. Co. tante, Amber, Ste., at prises, for neat and substantial work, more reasonable than any dentist in this city or State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth re. paired to suit. No pain in extracting. No charges an.- 111 satisfied all is right. Reference, best taiga= cage s EDWIN A. HUGHES, UN DERTAKER, ' 259 South TENTH street. above Spruce, felG-Em Philadelphia. 01ERNMENT SALE.-WILL BE C l , Sold, by order of the War Department. at public Auction, at ALLEGHENY ARSENAL. Plushu_r.c. PA. , to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock A. M.. ol IM:tic-ES DAY, larch IS, INS, the following United States pro perty. vf.z :12,600 pounds of Scrap Iron. LCOO " • " Suet. 12,000 " " Leather. 1,100 Powder Barrels. 1.000 Bullet Rage. I,OW Padang Boxes. Terms cash. R. H. R. WHITELEY, m123.12t Major of Ordnance. 100 BBLS. JERSEY CRANBERRIES, in fine order. SOO 15 Fresh reaches. 3)0 Cranberry Sauce. • 30 Ws. Currants. GO New York Dried Apples. A sample lot of Eastern Cider, Just received and for sale by JAS. W. CAMPBELL. 115 South WATER Street. mlll3-U* BOWEN & CO.'S LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT, Southwest Corner of ELEVRNTH and CHESTNUT Ste.. - NO. 515 SiINOR STREET. PRILA.DELPHLL -Every description of - LITHOGRAPILT, PLATE PRINTING, and COLORING EXECUTED IN THE MOST SUPERIOR RAYNER. mlllO-cf PEPPER SALICE.-200 DOZ. PEPPER Saucy 100 doz. Continental Sauce; 00 doz. Wor cestershire Sauce. FINE die EWAN 'PICKLES. —2CO doz. half gallon rick' oS f 200 doz. quart Pickles SOO doz. pint Pickles:Who in bble ,_half bbls.. and COD:MS.SBBD MILK. —4OO doz. Win. K. Lewis & BrO. • and Borden's Condensed Milk. For sale by RHODES & 'WILLIAMS, fen 1.0"/ South WATER Street. A CARD.—TRE SUBSCRIBER HAV ING made arrangements with hissers. REEVE L. ENIGBT & SON will be found at their New Store, No. 1307 CHESTNUT Street. above EIGHTH Street. North eide, ready to wait on hie olds needs and customers, on MONDAY the 23c1 inst., with a new and superior stock of every aescription of CARPETING and BEDDLNO, which will be offered at the lowest cash prices. A. call Is respectfully solicited. ROBERT B. STALKER. 607 CHESTNUT Street. Above EIGHTH Street. North side. pERFETIIAL BEAuT H llN't S J.- WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, prepared from the re ceipt of Madam Rachel Leverson, the celebrated - Parisian Ladies' Enameller. It whitens the skin, giving it a 'BOll. satin-like texture, and imparts a fret hness, smoothness. pearl-like tint and transparency to the complexion which is gaits natural, without injury to the skin, and cannot possibly be detected. Price 25 cents. Ladies are re quested to call for a circular, and try the enamel before purchasing. This preparation is indispensable for the Aftga. Sold only as RUNT dt CO.'S, Parthmere. feottm 733 Smith SRITRNTR Street. abnvt Waloot. • COFFEE! OOFFEEII COFFEE:HI-- The best and cheapest prepared Coffee In the city. A trial will convince the moat skeptical. No charge made it satisfaction is not rendered. Prepared and for sale at the Engle Steam Spice and Coffee Works, 244 and A 46 HOWARD FRONT Street. HOWARD WORRELL. BOSTON ICE. Orders received and filled withliespatch. Freights mg to 75 cents. Ice 16 inches. A. GARRETT. • inhli•ris • lig SOTITHNTURVES. Second Floor CLARET. -200 CASES ST. JULIEN CLARET. Just received and for silo by CHAS, B. dr.JAS. CARSTAIRS. NO. 1210 WALNUT and 2LORA.- NITE Streets. tub9-tf EL NATHAN& •Saturday, March 14. .Saturday, March 'XL Saturday, 'March 33.