CITY IrI'EMS. SABBATH SCHOOL .ANNIVERSARY—This (Tuetally) evening the anniversary of the Bethany Mission Sunday-school," South street, , ,;,west of 'Xwenty.first street, (John Wanamaker, Eso,, perintendept), will be held in the building of the „mission; When the annual report will be read and appropriate addresses delivered. The friends of this tiourishing young enterprise deserve much credit for ' the marked success which has a , tended their efforts • among the children in that section of the city. LECTURE .AT SALEM M. E. CHURCH.- . A lecture is to be delivered at Salem Methodist Episcopal Church, Lombard street, below Broad, this (Tuesday) evening, by the Rev. John S. Inekip, of Brooklyn. His subjectwill be "Fourteen Months' Experience as Chaplain in the Army." The pro ceeds of the lecture will be for the benefit of the Vest Federal.street M. E. Churoh. Admission, 26 ,cents. FM'S TEAS AND COFFERS.—Mr. - C. H. Mattoon, dealer in line family groceries, A.roh and Tenth streets ; has now in store a superior stock of 'lithe best Black and Green Teas, of his own nation; s leo pure old Government Sava, and other .hoice Coffees, to which we invite the attention of •ur readers. COUCllla.—The nclministration of meclici tal preparations in the form of a Lozenge, ie of all modes the most eligible and convenient, more cape . elally as regards a Cough remedy. ‘! Brown's Bron ehiaf or Cough Lozenges, allay Irritation which induces Coughing, having "a 'direct influence 'lO the affected parts, its there are {mils:lions, be sure do obtain The Genuine. ARTEMAIS • WARD AT MUSTCAL FUND .HALL,—On Saturday night Allem= amused a large audience by 44 speaking a piece," in his own original rand peculiar way. Some things he, said were very ttrue, for instance—that there wee a great difference 'between him and George Washington in his boy hood, "as he told lies and had no hatchet ;" also the reason he did not make his lecture on the army was that the army was too large a subject,. he NM afraid he could not handle , it, and he would like to sec the man that could. But there was one thing 241 r. Ward said which we, the writer of this article, must take exception to as not being the truth. He mays : -44 Sometimes we see the right man in the - wrong place, as, for example, a person writing verses thinking he is a poet, when he ought to be a sutler in the army. It would be better to be born a ten than a modern poet, because then his lays would be . yorth so much per dozen." Now we claim to be n•poet, as some of the " advers." of Charles Stokes & Co., the eminent clothiers under the Continental Rotel, bear witness (but we would not be a sutler), and our lays pay us so much by the dozen, and above the price of eggs whan they are at the highest. Consequently we think ourselves better off than any Chen that ever cackled, and the comparing us to a hen :afoul stamfer. " ' FASHION AND CRUELTY, , ,—The Brazilian ladies have live huge and fire•tilea collected, to wear in their hair, and attach them by a delicate .wire or needle passed through the vitae :part of the body. IThis gives such extreme pain as to cause the little dreatures to emit intense sparks, thus imparting in the evening a dazzling and extraordi lary eieot, in this latitude thrroPposite sex make themselves elegant without causing pain to any creature: This Is micomplished by wearing garments made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hail of Rockhill & Wilson, .NoA. 003 and ties Ohestnut street, above Sixth. BE YE CLOTHED properly to avoid expo mire to the weather and to present a genteel and at tractive appearance. No matter how great a man dray be in other teepee* if he Is shabbily dressed there seems to be a great deficiency In his purse or -taste, _woman need be without good clothing so long as we have such establishments as that kept by ,Ctranvillo Stokes, at No. 609 Chestnut street, Phila. .delphia, where the finest and cheapest garments in the city can be obtained. - ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, oze 2'o 3-2 O'CLOCK LAST ITlGwrs tiontißental—Xtu, 'Wm Wolff, Boston L 8 Lawrence, New - York J(? BWilliams, Now York X F Holbrook, New York John W Vorborgh. Balt II T Runisep & wf,LaCrosse J R Morton, Cincinnati - H 'C Carvister, Cincinnati :David Aiken, Jr, Pittsburx - Lt Com Baker it wfoX &X IX Day, Now YireiC , •.• • • PP taste. New York • fJ li Bassett, Taunton ' • Robt Barnett, St Lorne 'Thos Clark, New York . :l i B Shafer, Jute) , City J Id tioddaril, New York. W H Roctifello'w &. wf,_N Y II 0 Wolfe & le. New York '0 I K•Patttyn, Both la R Coat,' & wf, New York Jae Crone. M I), Brooklyn. lint Dent Webster, Mass , J Wilson, New York 'C II Craves, Wilmington •'• 7 X Wills & la, Now York . irs. 'Codwin, New York • Drawin H French & wf.iDnaton • R Weir & le, New York 4.11111 & wt., New York Mal T II Hunt & la Mich _OM Jackson Baltimore Wellautl,''ttllmere W Moults,. liltimore ' J •Vf Kra; Baltimore Nor 0 Woodtne Hp, Illinois . Those Witt, New York A Frahklin, Flushing.i., I - T B Stillman, New Yo . rk B C emelt). & wife. N Y AElmendorf &Wl', Brooklyn CR Wledmay, Wash', P C IV Jones and lady, N Y W Shout, Washington, D C W 0 Bartlett, Prost, R I II R Gladdlng, Pray, R I 11 1 , ; Pope, LIB A • B Noggin New York Hall& niece, Harrisburg Mr Richmond & la, Chicago B F Rail, New York J 0 Oroye_,r Maryland A Kuntz, D S A Dr John Ordronain, N Y W A Potter, West Chester Chita Northrop, Memphis Mrs J R Hall, Trenton Jae Bonney, Jr Pittsburg W R Phipps, Cincinnati, 0 B. M Cortise,_U B A J Norman, New York Thos Fuller, Raw Jersey H N Porter, Jerery City • P La Bose Albany W A Buckingham, Conn Win Bell, Jr, St Loots 1V Matthews Wayne co,Pa R D Meaner , ' Wayno co, Pa W S Carrick, Tennessee Cleo MOW, Tennessee - - Stotz, RPIU ing Jos Lewrott, New York Mrs Moore, Boston Jas L Sutton, Baltimore B H Pennington, Baltimore Mrs McCauley W N Wood, Norristown John 13 Kennedy, N F Mem:Lard, New York B B Washburn,- Illinois Jea D Ford & wf, Troy W 0 Steele, New Jersey Bra Weed, Newberg" 'l' If Shober, Germantown W L Newell, Virginia W It Denny, Pittsburg Girard—Cheats:mt. a' E Weston, Boston Chas Matthews. Bostoi Chas Knecht, Phila. • E Leisure, New York C Christie. Boston A Jacobs, - Boston H Clarkson, Now Orleans MrsClarkson & ch, N 0 L g Ever.r. Boston R Fink, aillornia D Setche 1, Washington W J Watts enry. B Stiles i ltos S O'Nelle, Now York Jos W Miller, Pittsburg Thin Fitzgerald. Ohio Gen Hunt, U S A • Israel Painter, Pa Wm D Thatcher. Easton John Bantle, Beaton Lieut. John Bradford .• •:•• John J Cochran, Lancaster , Mr Atkins & la, New York' Miss Atkins, New York . T.l Yorke,•Jr,Balrm, N ' J Colville, Cincinnati P Hamilton, Patina 3 DI Moore, NA* Jersey A H Schultz, New York B B Ingersoll, Mlchignii Heller, New York E Byers, Harrisburg R Alexander. Harrisburg .1 E Graeff Pinegrove,_Pa M Smith, Nona T Tilmen, U S A Mrs g McCarter. IT Jersey R orey, Wart.. D C A 0 'alien, Moreliantav'e T Bebitotts & ls, Did Mime Vickers, Maryland Mrs B Carville Maryland (leo B Eckert, l S A Jac Fellheimer, Witsh,ll C Jas Shuster, Baltimore Mr Watson & Is, N York C 0 Temple, Smyrna, Del .7 T Hazel, Smyrna, Del John Clark, U S A ; .1 Davis, New York', Geo W Rummel Harrisburg 3 F Hummel, Harrisburg Nerthrints'—Fourt Y Robinson; New York C McKayNew York llarwink . le, Kentucky Dunn, Kentucky O Meson, BRI tlinure Jno tilterwood, Baltimore II 0 Wyeth, Baltimore 0 B Schell, Allentown S Elder, U A J lehback, Milton, Pa J S Danville gg K Hull, Indiana 'W 0 Foster, California. Dozier, Bethlehem A Koler, Alex. Pa _ C II McKee Harrisburg W B Toothier, M Chunk , 4 1' R 31eCollutn, Penns . A L'El Campin, Penna. James Belford. H Chunk" A 0 Brodhead & la, Penns W H 'Nachman bows Semi Thomas, Gatasaucina T Elfylar, Pittsburg .T Lambert. Olrard, 0 .7 LeayittOOlni.r.i. 0 P Blake, Waterbury, Ct. Geo F , Dodd, New York 43 F Dash, Pittsburg T. E Tull, Maryland American—Cher nn II) Marvin, N OW York • fichnyder, Easton H Thurston, U S N It Hackett, Easton • actinuel Del/kilo/Ise. Pa C C Jennings, Beaton P Bower, Maryland Horatio Moran. 'Muth, D C J H itoaengarten, Wash W Dougherty & fa, Pa John Allen, New York C 11 Mann, Baltimore T Parker, New York - El D Ferrel I,New . S ork OTHiggins&la Now York f t J Eatorvart, New York J Bennett. Now York Whaley, Maryland $ .1 Anderson,Mary/and St. Louis—Chestnut SC Lane, U 8 N Wm Canning Inapt 8 Wright John V Rodem, Alex, Va I 0 A Smith, Reading Reynold. Driver, U 8 N Dr a g 8 °lcon k N York Y 'y B B u gcni! f , Z;Vl o g r e. ‘ J J Scott, Boston Ifni Donor & Wm, St Lords The Union—Arch wheerar, Hancock W Watt,. Maryland 21.rrhomita, Reeositurg, 0 Tars Irarrliwa, NOW urk W IlFulpor, New Jersoy C Cootie, Plow Jersai 8 Wallace, Diameter co. B Cleaver, Delaware Mr Steck, Pennsylvania M Oclioa, Now Mexico Potts, Penney Planta Munctlial, Masaillon. , 0 National—Race 'nesse, above Third; 33 P Zimmerman, Penns H L Donahoe, Minoritylllo John Roblueou, Poona W Ridenour, ‘Vaelitata'a C Henry, Lebanon, Pa A 7. Rightmyer, Beading N H Jonee, Halifax, Pa Joe Wilson, Reading Wl3 Fleher,Reeding • 0 hone 'Mr Marks, New York Murray W William., Pa T V G Rhoads Allentown Jan Davies. &Mk Haven ICtrs JOLJonaseorge, Allent'n Amos Sonrbeer, Pea Irs 33 Molten, Allentown 0 8 Fry, Millentylile B Catatauqua John 13thcelman, lifillerev'e J M Cloak, Lancaster Joe whltitkor.. Mt Clair States Union—Sixth and Market streets. 3) Bender, Elmira, Nlr . Chas J Connor A Hammel, Harrisburg .7 L Turner 4 Ooodyear, Denville • . T W Sweeney. W Chester IB Adison. Lewisburg, Pa .7 E Howard, I3ostuu Hammen. Delaware co HR Smith, Boehm W Kennedy, Penns, WB MeDernioutl, Penne Aignharger, Prima J W Hantishew, Pentad irMller, Lancaster co L Thisay, Cheater co Bgok, Jr, York, Pa W H Phillip+. Cito.ter co Bier - hewer, York, Pa A Harris, Lancadtor Chestnut street o A Allen, New Je-aey J B Henry & 331, Del City J W Webb Stiff"lk, Va S W TwotAly, 1111453 John Dugan, !Hass R Spaulding & la, Boston C B Mini & la, Boston Mina R m 13 ars, oston JA Willard, Cuba DMFairfax U IT .1 M MeChare,PrAnsylvanis C W McCune, New York P 8 Van Rensselaer, N Y E R Seccomb, Boston /LT Wells C Flall, New York S A Bock & art, Cincinnati MrsT D Dole, Buffalo S J Ridenour, Xenia, Ohio J W Darist, Dayton, 0 K N Peternon, New York 31 E Ford, Now York . . . Gee T Knight, Be gland Vaughan, West Point D D Webster, Boston Mrs C H Little, Boston Miss E L Webster. Boston J Wilson, New York Chas A Luce, New York W McClintock & wt. Pa II Savage, New York W L Dewart & lu, Sunbury L E Kellogg, New York D 0 Badger, New York J M Adams, Chicago A Pardee, Hazleton Cory ell, Hazleton John - Scott, Mauch Chunk A W Leiseuring, Chuok .7 F Seymour, Utica, N Y Thos T Ferris & la., N Y E H Tracy, New York M B Mason, New York .1 C Kunkel, Harrisburg S S Carrier, Pittsburg R Messoramith, Fenno. R Coulter, Greensburg Robert Bolling Geo P Plant, St Louis Mrs Plant & son. St Louis Miss P Brother, St Louis B Weir New York 0 Blake. Pittsburg A B Mitchell, New York Henry A Lnce, Baltimore tercet s below. Ninths B L James, Jr, !Now Jersey .I JO Valentine, Bellefonte Warren Lazoll, New York .1 Bacholder, Connecticut J M Carpenter, Salem, N J W C Henderson dt la. 11l Parker Grubb, New Jeraer L P Duller, Pa Win Raves, Reading C Ellis, Reading J 8 Pierson, Reading H J Roninfort.flarrisburr G Adams & la,Norwich Miss Adams, Norwich _ P Archibald, Norwich T Wilkins, Norwich John Brooke, :Mini, Dal Mrs Price, Maryland A R loan lowa Col Price, Baltimore (IRS Hernary, Baltimore Peuock, Lake Superior Wm Menzies, New York J Larkin & la; Brooklyn WY Clyde Edw Bowers, Baltimore R R Robinson, New York J Howell, Carbondale D T Richards, Hyde Park D Howell, Hyde Park Hon H Evans, Pittston L Pile) ,e Carbondale Mre D Samuels, N Y 6 Hollis & ref, Wiikosbarre .1 L Watson, Now York . Chas C Farrow, Milton J Demeter, Hollidaysburg J K McLanahan, Poona John Benn, Hollidaysburg Jos Kemp, Hollidaysburg T Wilson, Hollidaysburg Lt Wilson & wt, California Miss Wilson, Calif gala D T McDonald, or Wilson D Clayton, Del A B James, new York H 0 Crampton, Fauna - E M Wateon,Alexandrin, l 7a J Eldridge, New York L K Bowman, Maryland street. below Arch. Mrs Rubley, Rlizabethtown Miss Dougherty. Palma J Thomas , Uniontown Capt J W 'County. & fain, Pa B Kirkpatrick, N Jersey 11 A Nelson & la, Montreal Mrs Spear A Orr, Indiana Misr A L Rutter, Penna Miss Beaumont, Fenno T McComb, Pittsburg Hon T Ross & la, DoYiesVn W Butterworth, N Jersey C A Ridgway, Now Jersey H MoDosvoll, - el Lieut C W Chapman, U S A 3113 Bates, Williamsport .Tas F Shank & wt. York John Palmer, Bedford A J Season, Bedford Saud Stahl, Bedford J M Shoemaker, Mulford B P Myers, Bedford W Gump, Bedford 11 Shoemaker, Bedford John Little, Bedford Geo sycarous Mulford Geo W slymiro, Bedford 3 L Leadg, Redford street. above Fifth. E Edmonton Wash, D C 1) Whitcrist, rlymonch J Fen%ging, Wayh, D C N C Morrinun, Pott O Flolferkamp, Pottiville W Homes. Slilopenitrar. , .181 Curtis St T 7 SA S W Cone), New York I Pierce, Buffalo E Loud, Mass Richard Sharpe, Eckley Went J W Pryor, Pa J 8 Dale, Maryland P Coulborn, Delaware P Collier, Delaware J Olean, lowa City R M Glass, itilleghtigi A 6 Graham, Yonkerti.N Y J Westcott, Yonkers, N Y street. above Third. M 8 Kephan, St Louie Dr J H Sick ler, New JerslY D Potter, New Jersey Van Ramietear N JorsoY C Horner, Now 'ero` O II filweitzer, Remit ag Geo 0 Gibbs, Remains: Wm Ridgway, Jr. N Jonmy N Terry, Now York J 8 Ha ynee, Pa Imo L Winchester, N York treat, above Third. W H Thompeou, N Jeral . It Parker B More, New York Jll. Gould, Delhi 4) B Caution, Delhi Col It Rattail lf, u nagoa T A Bower, Hagaratown, lIS D Herbert, Heger:down W S Swartz, klageratowu F. Swift, Radon W S Bowen, Bridgeton, Commercial—Sixth st E qin. Chester co reet. above Chestnut. W F J Henry, Elkton, Md: S C Bond, Newtown B M Stubbs, Lancaster co 3 Wood, Chester co K Williams & la, Penna G Walton, Chester co W Barnes, Baltimore • L Bissell, New York . . Lipid E staride, Baltimore Slutilitir, retina E Potts, Bridgeport, Pa M Pennock, Wilmington Gen Richards, Pottstown 'l' Hayes, West Cheater W Ely, Wilmington Ji 'Lofton, Penna Madison—Second at R K Kan. Doylestown John White,Belyidere B Wllking s Easton Lt C S Petrick; Hilton Head L G Reed WII Norton, Black Rock A C Barber, New Jersey •eet. above Blanket. W R Barnes, Lewistown Jas bleFarla ad Reedsvillo Nvleon Potty, N .Terser .Taeob Skillman & lady, N S Saml Taylor, Taylor3vlllo F Taylor, Taylorsville Bald Jgagle—Tltairdl. s V Roffman, Allentown Ov en P Huber, Allentown Dr W P Donuuakey,Pa James E Lowright, Pa Oliver Dolderson,Pa. B S Pieter, Reacting Adam Myers, Pa John Ackerman. Henry Tool, Lehigh ,co' above Calicivvhl2l. E W-Barnet, Easton David. Qum, Easton Amos Gum, Easton 1? S Shimer, hilllortown Levi M Johnson, Bucks. CO Jacob HiHems, Pa Levi E Marshy, Pa 'Jonathan Miller, Pa Mount Vernon—Second street, above - Aron. B F Brady, Boston I s Andrews J . Harman, Now York Capt Johnston, Q S A R Long, Baltimore D Williamson, N SPECIAL NOTICES. KERR'S PUNISHING Hawk AND GLASS ESTABLISHMENT, CHINA HALL, mils CHESTNUT STREET, Directly opposite Indipendence Hall, Philadelphia. Hotels, restaurants, and shipping supplied, China and glass packed in a proper manner, and warranted from breakage, to all parts of the United States. N. B.—China decorated to order; also, initials and ,erests elegantly engraved en ,table glace, ia2t ]m OWE-PRICE OLOFRING OF Tag LATHS? Mims, made in the. Beat Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Priem marked in Plain F 1• awes. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our Ons-Pitum SYSTEM 113 strictly adhered to. Ali are thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES & CO., 604 - MARKET area. B:ATOBELOR'S HAIR DYE! THE BEST IN THE WORLD WILLIAM A. " BATCHELOR'S celebrated .Hair Sys 'reduces a color not to be distinguished. from natures warranted not to injure the hair in the least: remedial the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigoratee the Hair for Me. GRAY, RRD, or RUSTY HAIR instantly tulle a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful, Bold by all Druggists, &c. le- The Genuine la signed'WILLIAM A. DATUM& LOB, on thefour ahrks” of each box. FACTORY. No. Si BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 18 Bond strata New Rork. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTER& They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. . • They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome'effects of dissipation and late hears. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure LirmePaia and Constipation. They mire Diarrhcoba, Cholera, and Cholera Herbs& They ours Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the beet BITTERS in the world. They mats he weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the eels- orated Canter' Bari, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimilant. Sold by all Grocers, Drug stets, Hotels, and saloon.. P. m DRAKE at co.. 201 BROADWAY. New York. 5e24.61c . mmilm. - Etimo:). STILWELL— BONVERS.—Nov. 10th, 18G2, by the Rev. Dr. Clay. hlr. S. C. Stilwell to Mee Emily Rebeecc Bowers, both of this city. TOWN—BOURRUIN. —On the 15th of February, by Rev. Jame* P. Simmons,ol. Gustavus W. Town to Grace A. Bourqum.'both of this city. • DONA.LDSON—WILSON.—On February I.2th. at No. 1.3013 Pine street, by the Rev. David Steele, Mr. James Donaldson and Miss Catharine Wilson, both of this city. 3D1M17,. BEn T jTri.—On Saturday evening, 14th inst. , Hon. well Hepburn (formerly of Pittsburg). aged 63 Years. The relatives and friends are invited to attend his (a nent!, from his late residence, No. 1633 Spruce street, on Thursday, the lath Instant, at 11 o'clock A. M., with out further notice. SHANTZ, —Ou the 15th instant, Joeephini, daughter of Amos and Jane Shantz, aged 10 years and 5 mouths. Burial to take place at Lawrenceville, Pa.. on Wednes day morning._ hicDOWELL —On Friday night, Feb. 13th, the Rev. John McDowell, D. D., senior pastor of the Spring Gar den Presbyterian Church, of this city, in the Sid year of hie age. His friends, the clergy generally, and the various Boards -with which he was connected, are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral, without farther notice, from his late residence No. 655 North Eleventh street, on Wednesday morning,. at 9)s' o'clock. Services in Spring 'Garden Presbyterian Church, at 10X o'clock. i• FOULKE.—At his residence, Gwynedd. Montgomery county, n First-day meettieg., the 15th instant, Joseph Foulke, in the 77th year of lilinage. His relatives and Mends are respectfully invited to at tend his funeral to meet at Friends' meeting-house, y Gwnedd, ou Third-day morning, the 17th instant, at 11 o'clock. • CDRTIS.—At his residence, No. 1001 Spring Garden street, on Sunday, 15th Met., Captain George R. Curtis, of Co. K., 115th Regiment, P. V. . Due notice will be given of the funeral. WAGER. —At Moutgolllol7 Bourse, Montgomery coun tY, on Tuesday night, 10th inst.; P - Peter Wager, in the Blot year of hie age, formerly of Philadelphia. His friends arc respectfully invited to attend hie fune ral, thin day, the 17th instant, at 1 o'clock, P. N. .WOELPPER.—On the morning of the 13th instant, Belt .7., wife of David A. Woeipper, and daughter of the late Dr. Benjamin Kugler. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, front the residence of hor mother, No. 624 Franklin st reet, this afternoon, the 37th instant, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Laurel Hill. * comoys.—At Dover. Del.on the 13th instant, Wil liam H. J. Coe egye, in the 55t% year of his age. • BAILENGBR. — Sliddealv. on the 14th inst., Richard B. Ballenger, in the 56th of his ago. • BELSTERLING. —On the 12th instant, Hmtwir Belster ling. in the did year of his age. CROWLEY.—On the 115th instant Elisabeth, wife of Charles Crowley , in the 47th year other age. • DEVISE.—On Friday, Feb. 13th, Bridget Devine, aged &I years. • SPRING MOURNING GOODS-BES SON & SON, --Mourning Store, No. 918 CHEST NUT Street, have received ' Black Silks of the moat desirable makes. Black and White neat Striped and Check Silks.' Paris Printed Pollard Silks. Black Slouseellnes, Tamises. Bombazines, Black Crape Tammetans, Alpacas, and Mobairs. Black and White Lawah, Glizgharns, Mohairs. Black Silk Grenadines, Grenadine Baregea. • Black English Crapes and Vella. Shawls, Hosiery, Cloves, Parasols, Collars, Sleeves, & c . telft-tf lE YRE LANDRLL, FOURTH AND ARCH. alwai keep a line stock of Staple Household Goode. • jalo Best 'Muslin', Linens, and Flannels. E YRE LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, alwaya keepatUf Ras Of - Monnnug Shawls. 30.10 Fashionable Shawls. LYRE & LANDELL; FOURTH AND Ll3oll_, have a tine assortment of Uood (Jimmy Black Silks. • WO Widows' Silks without glom. IFIORTICULTURA.L BEALL, BROAD AND WALNDr STREETS.—SIated Meeting THIS DVENING, at 8 o'clock. It. A PHRENOLOGICAL CLASS FOR LADIRS AND GENTLRMRII NOW FORMING. Apply to J. L. CAPER, at 922 CHESTNUT Street. Examinations; at the office day and evening. fell-tthat MOFFICE OF U. S. ASSESSOR. THIRD DISTRICT, PENNSYLVANIA.—Notice is hereby given, that THOBIAS AIACBRIDE, residing . 949 North FRONT Street, 14 appointed Assistant Assessor for the Sixth Division of flue District, in place of LEWIS GREEN, resigned. J. FLETCHER BUDD, fel7-5C Asgesnor. OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE IN. SURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, 308 WALNUT Street. • PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 18, IEO3. At a Stated Meeting of the Director's of the Reliance In mar:knee Company of Philadelphia, held this day, THOMAS C. HILL 'was unanimously elected SECRE TARY, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of 13. M. Hinchman, Esq. • C. TINGLEY, fel7-9t President. A COURSE, IN A. DOUBLE SERIES, OF LECTURES, explanatory of his New System, and with a view to instruct in German, will be given to Ladies and Gentlemen, .by 'Prof. C. 0. SCHAEFFER, from and after February 2dd and 20th, respectively. List of subscriptions (to close February 2/th), particulars, and a copy, for Inspection, of the chart, at each of the following Piney J. Veningion & Son Seventh street, above Walnut. Wm. B. Bieber, Third street, below Chestnut. Office North American and United States Gazette. Episcopal and Lutheran Bookstores. Presbyterian Board of Publication, 8811. Chestnut at. REFERENCES.—Prof. Henry COPP‘te, A. ll,' A. Ingham, Esq. • Prof. J. F. Frazer, D; irof. ,Geo. Allen, A, M. •, 'Hon. J. I. Clark Hare; Rev. Richard ew ton ; Morton McMichael, Esq. ; Rev. J. &Awards, D. D. ; J. P. Lesley, Esq. : Prof. E. Otis Kendall, A. M. ; B. Kendall, Esq. ; Geo. W. Norris, M. D.. Rev. Wm. B. Farness; Wm. H. Allen, L. L. D. (See oliart. ) Family and Teachers' Subscription Tickets at 108 N. TENTH Street, a o'clock P. M. fel7-tritlis3t* /M. SEATI O A SPE SCIRAILNMEAETENGOEF THE WAN CHURCH, held FEBRUARY 14. Hlel, in COnee tuenee of the death of Rev. JOHN MeDOWRLL, D. D., he following reiointions were unanimously adopted— liesolved, That in the decease of our venerable senior Pastor, Rev. JOHN MoDONVELL, D. D.,we recognize the sovereign right of the Great Head of the Church to dispose of His servants according to His own will. That, in the long and active life of our beloved Pastor, we have great reason to rejoice. and to thank God for all that Ho accomplished through him in the promotion of His glory. That, in uniform regularity, in preclze punctuality, end in unwearied perseverance, even np to the last hour of physical ability, our departed Pastor set a noble ex ample, and was thereby enabled to perform a vast amount of effective labor. . . That, in being permitted to exercise the functions of the Gospel Ministry for fifty-seven years, with lees than a single month's interruption in: all that period, our beloved Pastor was greatly honored by his Divine Master, and discharged an *mount of ministerial labor, such ES seldom falls to the share of any one man. That the Session of Spring Garden Presbyterian Church cherish the memory of its first, and for fourteen years its only Pastor, with a lively sense of his large instrumen tality in its foundation and prosperity. That, ae a Session, we tender to the family of our late Pastor oar warmest sympathies in this hoar of their bereavement. That, in token of our regard for our deceased Pastor, and. of our bereavement in his removal, the Church be clothed in mourning. _ 11. D. GREGORY, Clerk. M. C. SUTPHEN. Moderator. SIMAIKLUAKTERS, PENNSYLVA. NIA MILITIA, HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT, HARRISBURG, February LI, ISO. THE STATE MEDICAL BOARD OF PENNSYLVA NIA will meet in PHILADELPHIA on TUESDAY, March 2d. 1683, and continue in session during the week, to examine candidates for the post of medical officers in Pennsylvania Regiments. The appointment of a num ber of Assiatant Snrgeans will be required immediately to fill vacancies now existing, as well as for others con stantly occnrrinu Physicians of Pennsylvania in good health, furnish ing Proper testimonials for industry, sobriety and loyalty, will be admitted to the examination. It is im mtmanetdihnairt the names be registered on the first day of By order of the Governor. JAMES KING, fel6-dtmh2 Snripyin General Pennsylvania. REV.II,IOIIN S. INSKIP, LATE CHAPLAIN OF TILE FOURTEEN/11 BROOK LYN N. Y. S. 11 .lecture in the BALER M. E. CHURCH, Lombard street below Broad, on 'TUESDAY EVENING.IFeb. 17tb. Subject: Fourteen Months' ex perience as Chaplain in the Army. For the Benefit of the West Pedant.' Street N. E. Church. Tickets, TWEN TY-FIVE CENTS. For sale at PerkinpineA Higgins, SO North FOUR. Street, Methodist Tract Society, 119 North SIXTH Street, and at the door on the evening of the Lecture. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLE, N..E. cor..BEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Instruction in Book-keening, Penmanship. Mercan tile Forms, Commercial La*, Calculations, & c. fiat-St. Individual lustniction. Open Day and Evenin:. 11Z3OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA ROAD COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. February I), IE3. • NOTICE. TO STOCKHOLDERS. —THE AMNI3 A L ELECTION FOR DIRECTORS will be held on MON DAY. the second day of March, Hat at the Office of the CaniPallY. No. 238 South THIRD Street. The Polls wilt be open from 10 o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. AL No share or shame transferred within sixty days pre ceding the election will entitle the holder or holders thereof to a vote. EDMUND SMITH, felo-tmh2 Secretary. HONCEOPATEITO HOSPITAL, Ills CUTHBERT Street —This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will he received and provided for in the most comfortable manner, wee of charge. B. F. GLENN, no22,tf Secretary of Board of Manager,. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON.A.K. TI.T TO THE ARMY AND NAVY. PHILADBIe ruts, October 24, IM2. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for sapplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at'the office of the Bnigeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1009 CAFItTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER. jaßfira Government Burgeon-Axil/it. TUE PRESS.-PHILADELPIIIA. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1863. FINANCIAL. SEVEN THREE-TENTEES COUPONS, 14'rR FEBRUAIZY, OERTIFIOATES IPTDEBTEDNESS I QUARTERMASTERS' VOU4iIIERS, ORDERS ON. WASIIING-TON, WANTED SHY= Tana-TENTHS AND ALL OTHER UNITED STATES LOANS FOR SALE, DREXEL it CO.O . - 34 Soutir THIRD Street IL S. FIVE-TWENTIES, TWESTY-YEAR SIX PIM om, BOND& PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVZHNHNNT AFT= FITZ THAR& I am intrutod by the SECRETARY OF THE TRU fillEY to receive subeeriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will omemence from the OATS OP SITBSOROP VON, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sob -Treasury or Depository of the United' states, on the Int days of . May and November of each year. At the Present maxim oa ma>, these Bends yield Omit BIGHT per cent- per annum. A fan purply always on band. JAY 0001 M, SUBSCRITTION AGENT. toe-tuall 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. JOHN 0. 0/...PP & SON, STOCK & NOTE BROKERS, NO. 28 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DMECTLI orroskrz THE MEMEANICS' BAIL STOOKS AND BONDS SOUGHT "AND SOLD ON COMMISSION TU . BOARD OP - BROKER& MONEY INVESTED AND- NOTES AND LOANS grBOOTIATED ON TH3 Mr.l=3l S . ELAIIVW THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROILER, No. au WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and . BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES bought and sold on Commission, ex drely. nsiness Pallor and Loans on Collateral neaoelated at lowest rates. Orders by Mall shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter dt Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq, John B. Myers & Co., Samuel B. Thomas, DR, Furness, Brinley, dg Co., John Thomas, Esq. dell-ltmif TO $lO,OOO TO. LOAN ON 8 3 000 9 mortgagee( Improved farms in Now Ser- Bey. fish-12t' 2i2 CARPENTER, Zi2 South TRIED Street. $35,00 TM 0.--,9 LOA., In Pl A re M t iPortUN T TO Property, or Farms, within 20 miles of the cages on Ai?p i l.; to MI E. PETTIT, No. 309 virmaurefitreet. MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Honorable John Cadwalfr der, Judge of the District Court of tke United States, is and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale. to the highest and beat bidder, for cash. at Michener's Stora No. 142 North Front street, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, DM, at 12 o'clock M. ,part of the Cargo of the Steamer PRINCESS ROYAL. consisting of 400 bags of Coffee, 450 pack ages of Teas 150 bags of Pepper, 500 boxes Tin, 890 I bundles of Sheet ron, Soda Ash in casks, and 00 barrels of Codfish. WILLIAM BUIL WAR.D, United States Marshal B. D. of Pa. February 18, IBM fel7-8t MARSHA.L'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE a-v.-- of a writ or order of sale, tasnrd out of the Circuit Conti of the United States, Third Cif cult, to me climate t, 1 will expose to sale, at public auction, on FRIDAY . , FhBRUARI 27th, 18e6, at ]2 o'clock M., at Auction Store. No. 124 South Front Street, the following merchan dise—to wil Eloven cases Amputating Instrnmente, 15,066 Friction Cannon Primers, and 6130,000 Percussion Caps._ WILLIAM fdILLWARD, United States Marshal. B. D. of Pa. •, February 16, 1281 fel7-6t LEGAL. JOHN DE BROT, In the Court of Com mon Pleas for the vs. City and County of Re pt. T., BLIZABETH DE BROT. J IE2. No. 3 A ND NOW, THE FOURTEENTH OF -"L'FIBRUARY, 1£63, on motion of the Libellant's At torneys, the rule on the Respondent to show canoe why a divorce shall not begmnted is made absolute; and it ill decreed that the said John De Brot, the libellant, bo di vorced and separated Prom the bond of matrimony con tracted with the said Elizabeth De Bret. Certified from the Record. THOMAS WEBB, 11 'Pro-Prothonotary. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT .FOR • A- THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of SAMUEL STEVENSON. The Auditor appointed by the Court to auditi,, settle, and adjust the account of JONATHAN RICHARDS, Executor of the Will of SAMUEL STEVENSON, de ceased, and to report distribution of the balance ,in hands of said accountant, will meet the parties interest ed, for the purposes of his appointment , at his °Bice, No. 220 South FOURTH Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 4th day of March, A. D. 1863,_ __at 4 o'clock P. M. fel7-tutiusE" JA MBS W. PAUL, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -A- CITY AND COUNTY OPPRILADELPHIA. Rotate of.A.NNIR and ELLEN REILLY, Minors. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of FRANCIS COUGHLIN, Guar dian of said minors, and to make distribution of the ba lance in the hands of the accountant, wilt meet the par- ties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, March 2d, M, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, S. E. corner SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, in the City of Philadelphia. D. W. O'BRIEN, fel7-tuths 6t • - Auditor. I N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.' Estate ctf ANNIE L. FOALS, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, aettle_, and adjust the amount of RICHARD G. STOTESEURT and EDWARD L. FOALS, Executors of ANNIE .L. FOALS, deceaaed, and to make distribution of the ba lance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the par ties interested , for the purposes of his anointment, on TUESDAY, March ad, 180, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his of fice. S. E. corner SIXTH and WALNUT Streets in the City of Philadelphia . D. W. O'BRIEN, fer-tu the 5t Auditor. N. & G. TAYLOR Sc CO., Boa BRANCH Ortarr. . PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN TIN PLATE, COPPER-, PIG TIN, LEAD, SPELTER, ANTIMONY, CRUCIBLES, SHEET, ROD, AND HOOP IRON. METALS, WIRE, CAST STEEL, EMERY, FILES, BORAX, &c., fel7-tutha St* R. MADDETTS sociatea with -me. from this' date, in the CLOTH JOBBING BUSINESS. Style of the firm will be HULL & FLANAOA.N. JOSEPH A. HULL, • 2140, CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, February 16.1583. fell3t+ TVORY'rYPES.-REIXTER'S IVORY TYPES are a wonderful encases; they evince rare artistic ability. C,ampintion; drapery, and accessories are finely colored. SECOND Street, above Green. It E NVELOPES AT N 0.316 CIIRSTNIIT STREET. Envelopes at No. 316 Chestnut street. Envelopee at No. 316 Chestnut street. Envelopes at No. 316 Chestnut street. Idagee's Envelope Manufactory • • Magee's Envelope Manufactory . Is at No. 316 Chestnut street. Is at No. 316 Chestnut street. fragee's Paper Store, No. 316 Chestnut street. agee's Paper Store, No. 316 Chestnut street. holesale and retail , Wholesale and retail At MAGEE'S, No. 316 CHESTNUT Street, between Third and Fourth. fele JAMES M. SOOVEL, ~• . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Muter and Examiner in Chancery. iaSam• 113 PLUM Street Camden, N. J. GOLDTHORP & CO., 625 626 (Late of 16 North Fourth street.) Manufacturers of Tassels, Cords. Gimps, Fringes, Curtain Loops,Centre Tassels. Dress Trimmings, Blind Trimmings, Tapes, Braids, Neck-ties. Military Trimmings, etc. fe9-lm No. 6:113 MARKET direst. PhiladelPhba A PFLICAI lON WILL BE MADE TO the Managers of the MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY for renewal of Certificate of. ONE BRAKE OF STOCK, No. 4484, standing in the name of DAVID it. EMBRY, the same haying been lost or mislaid. fe3-tuSt. LOST—A CERTIFICATE OF THE 5 per cent. Philadelphia county Loan, under an . act of Assembly dated the 10th day of April, ISA, for Bight) , Eleven Dollars; payable to Richard Teadom, executor of Francis Rroeson, deceased, or his heirs or assigns. The tinder will be rewarded by returning it to BENJAMIN 11. TURNER, delatu3m. No. 102 DANA Street CHAMP GNE WINE.—AN INVOICE of "Yin Royal" and "Green Seal" Champagne Wine, to arrive, and for sale by JAURETCIII & Ltiyamorix, 361 AO5l and $lO4 South /WANT Street. RETAIL DRY GOOOS. SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Owing to tho depressed condition of Trade last spring and summer, quantities of DAM{ GOODS were sold at auction at considerably LESS TB AN. IMPORTATION OOST, at which time we were induced to purchase, and have carried over a larger stock than usual, _which is now ar. ranged, and marked at such prices as will effect rapid sales. Purchasers who will antielp tte their wants must rea. lire advantages, as the increase of Duty and Exehange will advance the price of this character of goods greallY. Wholesale buyers will find desirable Goods in our vit. AV E LIN 0 DRESS GOODS, PLAID VALENCIAS, PARIS PRINTED BERKO ES, PLAIN BEREGES, BLACK lIERNANIEL BLACK BEREGE ROBES, and - FANCY DRESS SILKS. OURWEN STODD A.RT & BRO. - 450, 452, and 45* North SECOND street, fold-St . above Willow, Philadelphia. USLIN S.-WE HAVE ON BAND A good stock, bought "a month ago, which we are selling rapidly at from 2 to 5 cents per 'yard loss than manufacturers' priCeS. WILLIAMSVILLES, WAIIStITYAS, ATTAWAUG NS, FORRESTDALES BAY MILLS, SOCIAL MILLS, And other well-known makes first-class Skirtings." SIISETINGS. 10-4 'Micas, 10-4 Walthams, Pepperolla. 12-4 4.acakolgs, 9 7 4 Bates, 9-8 Waltham ;, &c., fly theyard or toece—some makes by tho case. . . CLOTHS AND CASSIKERES. . Having' Been' fortunate in holding a large stock of • Fancy Cassimeres, Water-proof •doakings, Middlesex do., Linings, &c., &c., We. are enabled to sell thorn much less than the pre... soot wholesale prices. 'N. B.—We call our friends' attention to the great ad vance in all of the above within two or three days, and state toe Lave not yet advanced our Mock. COOPER & CON&RD, • fel7-2t S. E. Cor. NINTH and Of ARKET Streets. TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS.- -s-I bave closed But a large stock of Linens, which I will open on Monday, and sell 25 percent. less than they can be imparted for at the present time. - -One lot fine Union Table Damask, at Mo. . One lot all Linen Brown Table Damask. at 62i4c. One lot all Linen Bleached Table Damask, at 75c. One lot do. much finer, at 871.1@ . • Three different - widths of those very heavy hand-loom half-bleached Table Linens which are desirable. And the cheapest lot of Napkins in the city. One large lot of Snow Drop pore linen at $1.75. One do. Damask, very heavy, at $1.75. Due do. Snow Drop, liner, at $2. -One do. Snow Drop do $2.60. One do.. Damask. fine and heavy, at $3.. - These are worthy the attention of HousekeePers, for they are pure Linen, and low priced Napkins are scarce. 150 Dozen fine Handkerchiefs, all Linen, At-. 51.50, worth $2. 100 Doz, very fine do. at $2, worth at least $2.56. One lot all Linen Towels; at $1.50. One lot do. finer do. at $2.2.5. One lot large size, fringed with border all around, 83. Russia Crash, at 11,15, 16 and lalf.c. Linens are advancing on account of the high price of sold and the heavy duty on them, which is still increas fn he above lots are very low, and should be attended to at once. ' GR NVILLE B. HAINES,. fel6-3t 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. j R. OASSELBERRY, 45 NORTH J •EIGHTH Street, will continue selling his DARK DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, CLOTHS, I AND OASSIMERES. Also, Kid and other Gloves, at the - old extreme low' prices, for one week more, previous to taking account of stock. ONE WEEK . MORE OF BARGAINS :ONE WEEK.MORE OF BARGAINS! Selling Dark Fancy Silks, 62.14 to $1.25. Selling best American Delaines, 24c. Selling Figured French Merinoes, 75 to *lt Selling Plain French Merinoes, 75 to $1.25. Selling all-wool - Figured Delaines, 35 to 500. S.ellivg Plaid Geylons, 25 cents, worth 44. Selling Men's and Boys' Wear, at old prices. Selling fine Droche Shawls, at auction prices. Selling, fine Blanket Shawls, low. Selling small plaid Wool Detainee, 31c. Selling Plaid and Stripe Shirting Flannels, 500.. Selling Winter Mourning Goods at old prices, _ The kind of goods for speculators to buy are just such goods as are being low as at any period known, which is the case in all of the above goods. MUSLINS of every kind. FLANNELS in great variety. • LINEN GOODS, And every description of STAPLE DRY GOODS, for less than package priced. . J. R. CASSELBERRY'S Mammoth Dry Goods House, fel6-2t 45 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch, COTTON GOODS; TERYLOW-THB GREAT MUSLIN STORE has some of the old stock on band yet,. which is being sold at prices that will dory competition. They will be sold at the same for a few days longer, notwithstanding they are still on the rise. Consumers should take advantage of this and buy now, for by put ting it elf they will undoubtedly pay more. All my.. Muslins are worth more by the caso than I am asking, but as they did not coat me high, I can afford to sell cheap, which I am doi D a. • There 1, no make in the market but what I have, both in Bleached and Brown. Sheeting : li, all widths; Pillow Casing, all widths and qualities. In fast, I vo everything in the mualin way there ia. . .A first rate stock of Calicoes, Merrimacks, Sprague% and all other good makes. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, fell-St No. 1013 MARKET street, above Tenth. EMBROIDERIES ! EMBROIDERIES !I —Freneb Needle-worked Bands, Edgings, Insert trigs, Hdkfs, Collars, Setts, Skirts, &c. ; a large assort ment of very choice goods at low prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, feS-awlf 1008 CHESTNUT Street. PTINTED LINENS! PRINTED 'LINENS! I—At a small advance on the old prices, a lane assortment of Printed Linens, In new and desire ble patterns, suitable for children's wear. dresses.' &c. SHEPPARD; VAIVHARLINGEN, & ARRISON, fe9-Iwlf 1008 CHESTNUT Street. TIOMESTIO MUSLIM, SHEETIg GS, dte.—all of the desirable makes for sale, at the lowest cash prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN,__Ik ARRISON, fee-Swlf 1008 CHESTNUT Street. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. AGENOIT FOB THE SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX • - S.T.A MP S, No. 51 South TAXIITt Street, Ent door above Cheatant. A fall supply of all kinds of TAX STAMPS constantly on band, and. for, sale in quantities to suit. -, - A liberal disconnt allowed on amounts of 550 and nio• wards. Orders by KIM promptly attended to. Office Hours from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. JACOB E. RIDE/WAY, de9-9309 . No. 57 South 7111115 Street. N !BED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. MITI COLLECTION DISTRICT. PENNSYLVANIA. NOTICE.—The ANNUAL ASSESSMENT for the above named District of all persons liable to a Tax on Car riages, Pleasure Yachts, BilliardlPables, and Gold and Silver Plate, and also of all persons required to take out LICENSES, baying been completed NOTICE IS HERE .BY GIVEN that the Taxes aforesaid will be received. for the TWENTY-SECOND and TWENTY-FIFTH WARDS of the City of Philadelphia, by WILLIAM IL MILLER and THEODORE S. WILLIAMS, Deputy Collectors, at the office. Laugstroth's Building, GMMAINTOWN, and for the TWENTY-THIRD WARD of said city by DA NIEL W. GILBERT, Deputy Collector, at the o Bice of the Collector, Frankford street, Frankford, tween the hours of 9A. M. and P. hi PENALTIES. All persons who fail to pay their Annual Taxes upon Carriages, Pleasure Yachts. Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, on or before the twenty - first day of February, 116.3, will incur a penalty of ten per contain additional of the amount thereof and costa, as provided for in the 19th section of the Excise Law of July 1,186'A. All persons who, in like manner, shall ikil to take oat their LICENSES, as required by law, on or before the Slat of February next, will incur a penalty of ten per centnm additional on the amount thereof, and THREE TIMES THE AMOUNT OF SAID LICENSES, in accord ance with the provisions of the 19th and 59th sections of the Excise Law aforesaid. • • ' Money of the United States. only received. No further notice will be given. • - JOHN W. COWELL, Collector: Germantown (Philadelphia), Jan. 9), 1583. ja3o:tib9.l TINITED STATES INTERNAL REVE NUE —THIBD COLLECTION DISTRICT, Penney'. Venia, comprlsin g Twelfth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Seven teenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth wards of the city of Philadelphia: NOTICR.—The ANNUAL ASSESSMENT for the above named Disuict, of all persona liable to a Tax on Car riages, Pleasure Yacht°, Billiard Tables, and Gold. and Silver Plate, and also of all persons required to take out Licenses, having been completed , notice is hereby given that the taxes aforesaid will be received daily by the undersigned, between the houts of 9 A. M. and 3P. M. (Sundays excepted,) at his office, Southwest corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets, on and afttr MONDAY, February 21,186.7, and until and including SATURDAY, the 21st day of the same N month. PEALTIES. - - . All persons who fall to pay their Annual Taxes upon Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables. and bold and Silver Plate, on or before the aforesaid 21st of Febru ary, 1863, will incur a penalty of ten per cen turn addi tional of the amount thereof, and costa. as provided for in the 19th section of the Excise Law of July 1.1862. All persona who, in like manner, shall fail to take out their Licenses as required by law, on or before the 21st of February I§62. lr will incur a penalty of THREE TIMES HE AMOUNT OP SLID LICENSES, In accordance with the provisions; of the 69th section of the Excise Law aforesaid. Air Money of the United States only received. AG , No further notice will be given. WILLIAM J- WATICIHT_, Collector, lal7-dtf S. W. nor. THIRD, and WILLOW Stet, .A . TTENTION 1 OFFICERS .OF THE A NEW PATENT ARMY FELT HAT re now ready for Inepeetton and sale at WARBURTON'S, No. 430. CHESTNUT STREET. adjoining the new poet office. This new ARMY HAT In novel and appropriate in design, and posseseee unusual convenience us its combinations. Vino?' No. 1. Exhibits the Hat in fall extended Shape; when worn in this form it has more of the truly military character than the disliked and almost discarded taper ing or steeple-crown regulation bat. VIEW No. 2. Exhibits the crown depressed or folded. agreeably to a fancy much indulged in of late by mili tary men.. VIEW No. 3. Exhibits the Hat compressed or folded down flat, so that It can at times be carried or held under the arm, or be packed In the trunk or knapsack, and oc cupy only the least possible space. , The ordinary hat may by force be folded down, but on opening it out again it will be found 'disfigured irre villa marks and creases; this is not tho case with this newly-invented Rat, for it is so designed and arranged that it folds or shuts up in its own lines, naturally and without force, and when opened oat again exhibits no irregular marks or creases. Many of these Rats are now in the use of the Officers of the Regular and Volunteer service, affording to them unusual satisfaction. Prices dependant solely on Quality of material. fal4-at W HENRY PATTEN'S NEW WEST , • END WINDOW. SH kDE, CURTAIN, UPHOL STERY STORE, No. 14D8 CHESTNUT .Street, next door to Hubbell'e Apothecary. W. HENRY PATTF.N most cordially thanks Ids friends and tho public generallyfor their liberal and extended patronage, which has enabled him to increase his business, in proportion to all calls made upon him, and hopes to merit, by strict attention to every depart ment of the same, a continuance of their favor. Window Shades of every style and quality in the mar ket:Damask Lace Muslin and Nottingham Curtains, Vestibule Lace and Rods, &c., &c. ; Gilt Cornices, from massive and elegant design to a small, cheap (though), neat band. Upholstering Departinent comprises every branch in the trade, and thorough workmen employed for its separate parts. Bedding in Halr,Husk or Feathers. ou hand or mado to order (with despatch) of the very best materials. Spring Beds allowed by customers to be nnsurpa.sred; one man hired exclusively for his ability in this direction. Furniture reupholstered, varnished. and repaired. Carpets or Matting cut and made, or al tered and put down, by the best men to be got in the city. Furniture Slips or Covets handsomely made and fitted. Verandah Awnings, of various patterns, fitted to windows of private houses, public buildings, or stores: Iron Bedsteads of every description, Rile , . and quality. Carpet Bindings. Carpet and Gimp Tacks, and Shade Trimming. Wholesale and Retail. W. HENRY PATTEN. fal4-6t No. 1408 CHESTNUT Street. lIHAMPAGNE.-AN INVOICE OF ‘-/ •• Comet" and " Crescent" Champagne Wine, to ar rive per ship Carl, and for mashy 3AURETCHE & LAVERGNE. fell 902 and 204 South FRONT Street. • THE MOST SIICOESSFUL AND SCI ‘..a:gIiTITIC HAIR DYRR in this city I OUTEKUNST FOURTH and BRANCH, fall t[ COMMISSION HOUSES. Ai.TEMUS & DOZENS, 241 CHESTNUT STREET, SOLE AGENTS FOR GREEN & DANIELS',' CELEBRATED IVORY FINISH SPOOL COTTON, WARRANTED MOO YARDS. Prononneed one of the best makes in the market: felt-1m ARMY GOODS. DARK-BLITZ COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. ISOIIINCE DUCK.. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIG . Err. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED MEETINGS AND SKIRT. INGE Far gals by FROTHING - HMI .8c "'WELLS. sel-If tf CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. GLEN - ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA M'OALLUM & 00:, MANUFACTURER'S, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS, 509 CHESTNUT STREET, (Opposite 'lndependence Hall.) O.A,RPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c, We have now on hand an extensive stook of CARPET- NO, of our own and other makes, to which we call theUltention of cash and short-time buyers. fel4-Brn SEWING MACHINES. GROPER Be BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES-, EVERYWHERE TRIIIXPECANT Thae'MACIIINES have taken the First Pretainta- at he State Pairsliet held in. NEW YORK lOW JERSEY, OHIO, TENNESSEE, INDIANA, VIRGINIA, ILLINOIS. NORTH CAROLINA MICHIGAN, ALABAMA_, lOWA, CALIFORNIA. HMV:WING EVERY STATE FAIR WHERE EX HIBITED IN ISO. Wit - The Work made upon the CI - HOVER, & BAEHR MACHINE has taken the Fist Premium at every Fair in the 13hited States where it has been exhibited to this date. 2 MACHINES furnished of the same patterns and at the same:price'. makingeither the GROV ER & BAKER Stitch or the Shuttle Stitch, RS customers prefer. GR9VER & BAKER S. 111:. ja31414 730 CHESTNUT STREET. MILITARY GOODS. EVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, , No. 418 ARCH STREET. PHILADELPHIA. SWORDS, SASHES, BELTS, dm, . • And everything IMOOSISIT for the conwlete ooMof , ARMY AND NAVY OFFICEitti, WHOLESALE ANto RETAIL G W. SIMONS & BROTHER, 1301SOM-STABET HALL. P . l c IILADELP/CLA. MANMOTtheEPS OB .111 WILEY. FINE SWORDS, • AND MILITLRY GOODS, IN EVERY UMW! .164151 n WATCHES AND JEWELRY. J. 40:. FULLER, al ImpoTier and Wholesale Dealer in mom FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY. No. 719 CHESTNUT Street. „(Up-staire, opposite Masonic Temple), Has now open s LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK. • • EMBRACING - AMERICAN AND SWISS WATOEMS, E. HOWARD & CO.'S FINE AMERICAN WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, GOLD SPECTACLES, THIMBLES, • *UTE JEWELR Y OF EV ERY DESCRIPTION fell-3m e i D. T. PRATT, (arcomosois TO Pall? ix luura.) 607 CHESTNUT STREET, Is •onetantl7 in receSpt of BNOLISH, SWISS, AND AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and qualities, to suit all elegem of buyers. • fel-1-3mlf ti?FINE WATCH REPAIRING attended to, by the most experienced workmen, and every watch warranted for one-year. 0. RUSSELL, 22 North SIXTH Street aFINE AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES, Gold, Jewelry, and Sil verware. at the loweet possible prices. , ( 1 0. FULLER'S FINE GOLD PENS, THE BEST PEN IN - USE, FOR SALE IN ALL SIZES. fell-3m ELI HOLDEN, Dealer in Eno ISt AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES, . JEMMY, AltiD CLOCKS oc3l4bie. ' - 708 uthrwr Street. Vnai!INMC RINGS A Nth essortment, all sizes and styles. •-i'. ." J.. 0.. FULLER • • .N0.112' CHESTNUT Sleek - fell-STa WATCHES, JEWELRY; &O L FRESH Assorrifirr ,• AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICES. FARR a BROTHRR. Importers, mh2o-If 314 CHEM= Street, below Fourth. EOGBRS it BROTHER'S FINE ; PLATED WARE, • I SPOONS. FORKS, LADLES, KNIVES, &a. J. 0. FULLER, 211-3 m No. 112 CHESTNUT Sine PAPER HANGINGS. aILADELPHIA PAP-ER - HANGINGS. HOWELL & BO=P, CORNER OF FOU.RT.H: AND MARKST BTREB2I3; NifiIIFACTtatEREI OF PAPER HANGINGS AND . IVINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, Offer to the 'Trade a LARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORT MENT OF GOODS, from the cheapest Brown Stock to the Finest Decorations. ILYOURTH AND MARKET STREETS N. B.Lealld Green, Blue, and Bair WINDOW PA PSRS of every grade. fel3-2m EDUCATION. CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL OF H. D. GREGORY, A. H., 11.08 MARKET Street. jeleam. . VITA AGE GREEN SEMINARY. -A T " SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA, PA. Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics, English studies. &c. Military Tactics taught Clam' to Book-keeping, Bun toying. and Civil Engineering. Pupils taken. of ell ages, sod are received at any time. Boarding per week, $2.25. Tuition per quarter, 86.00. For catalogues or information address Rev. J. NERVY! BARTON. A. if.. Village Green. Pa. ocll4f MATERIALS FOB DEDTORTIES. • " IItINC4I, LATER. AND SULTANA RUBEN& CITRON CURRANTS. SPICES, . ' • • CIDER WINE. Ac., Ac. ALBERT O. 'ROBERTS. DIALER IN PINE . CORNER BEEVIEPTEI AND VIER RTP. 5 OASES 30-INOH BLA.CIICSTONE UMBRELLA 01 4 ,0THS. For wile by MATTEUVW EMBRY'S SONS, ler, BOSTON, Maim COFFEE! COFFEE!! ,COFFEE!!!— The best and cheapest prepared Coffee in the city. A trial will convince the most skeptical. No charge made if satisfaction is not rendered. 7 ' Prepared and for sale at the • • Eagle Steam SO C° and Coffee Weill& 244 and s*o.lforth PRON r street. HOWARD, WORRELL:. ' NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE RESNI;TS OF EMANCIPATION M. COCHIN'S GREAT WORK. "A il•orongli and admirable treatiso.."—New York Ettning Poet. Cool) In is eminently practical. This boolA is not tin eat] usiaotic argot:tient to toOstain apOtlireoty. imore American. Crowded full with facts. i the work of a-philosopher and 'a lever of truth. "—Christian intettioneer_ lleally valuable and interesting. "—X r Worl4. And all Booksellers. Sent by mail free an receipt of $1.60. WAILICEII, WISE ; 63 CO'_; fel7-tuths St BOSTON. THE IRON FURNACE, SLAVERY AND SECESSION. BY REV. JOHN H. AFOriltY, A Refugee from Mississippi, Mr. Aughey's volitme discloses a few cases, among thousands, and makes us shudder to think of what might be told could the whole truth find its way to the light He was about eleven years at the South, and in this work he gives us an inside view of the machinery emroyed to precipitate the rebellion; of the stilling of Union voices, and of the merciless conscription. His own personal narrative is one of the most thrilling and touching, ever written. The arrest, the imprison ment, the escape, the rearrest, the ironing under the uplifted sword, the reincarceration, the filthy dungeon, . the loathsome:food; the second' escape, the pursuit by cavalry and bloodhounds, the famishing from thirst and. hunger, and the final exogius from the iron / enlace, and reception under the (Olds of the good old flag, form such a story that we envy not the heart of him who can read it without- deep emotion. His views of slavery, as it presented Itself for eleven successive years to his -own eye, cannot fail at this time to interest all. This day published by WILLIAM'S. ALFRED MARTIN, felS . 606'C EIESTNUT Street. . HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE, SSOUR_,I KENTUCKY. THE GREAT. CONSUMMATION: -- .Dr. CUMMING'S NEW VOLUME, Also PUEIISHED THIS DAY Also Lectures on the Apocalypse, 3 vols. Do. Lectures on the .Parables and Miracles. Do. Lectures on Daniel, I.vol. Do. . Family Prayers, 2 vois. Do. Signs of the Times. Miner Works 3 vols.,Trrelye Urgent Ru.intion ,s dtc.- . LINDSAY ik , BLAKISTON. 4 Publishers and Booksellers, felS 25 South STXTif Street, above Chestnut. 26 PENTS.-PH OTOG,EAP H AL DIIMS.from 25 Cents to 25 Dollars I t The largest as sortment, handsomest styles, and lowest prices in the city ! STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS: aU that can be found in a first-class Bookstore, at lout rates. . . GENIRA:L: •TOM .TEUMIVAND Taiims• inTa i ti 'd A Portrait Porie'll7:llt Hn tride . W • e oft Pretty Little air.. At the OHIGINAL onmanominaromui, ieT/-ff 439 CHESTNUT Street. Ar• VINDICATION OE " OBJECT =ACHING " ppyy " SCOTIA.".Por sale at Ho lEptolo3,. CHES I TEUT and TENTH Streets, and at HENRY LONGSTRETIPS, 1336 CHESTNUT Street 161.4-snath9t. A PPLXTON'S NEW AMERIOAN 4 •-•• CS CLOPEDIA. , -It will be completed • IN ONE NOES .VOLUAIE. This invaluable Library of information should. be In POrSOSSiOn of every intelligent family in the land, form ing, as It does, the cheapest collection of useful reading matter published. Tt ose who subscribe now will save SS on the set. OFFICE OP TEE CYCLOPEDIA, 38 South SIXTH. above Cheetant. N. B.—Agents 'wanted in this State and New Jersey to take orders for the above. . fe7-I2t a. RUSSELL, AN North SIXTH Street 12mo. cL SO. '‘Vacts and sound logic. Plea of all parties will read his book. "—Philadelrihia " It in by pm the most elithorntelvork °for Written: on he subject. --Rome iburnat. , or sale by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & PHILADELPHIA, PITCHER'S NEW BOOKSTORE, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. 1 .1 1 bat assortment to be found in the city, < f a and , prices ranging from: 4o cts.lto VIS. ; OARD PORTRAITS' n • . • ',B Of dattnottished persons, Irony the best artists, at reduced price*: BOOKS 'AND' STATIONERY.- 0 Al l i t alig; t a r ? a 2;cl a ra t e l a? r el l n t S fr.; if et° g on kind, Publications, at Ivry I'm prices. , fort:3t, 1308 CHESTNUT STREET; PHIL.A.6 724 CHESTNUT STREET, Between Seventh and Eighth, Streets .11 Books Tumidly to be had ina FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LQW ES T PRICES. fee-tf All of G. G. EVANS' PUBLICATIONS at the OLD PRICES! Call in at the otioirtAL Giri-BOOK.EMPOSIUM E te1.74 439 CHESTNUT Street. Price 15 cell OFFICE OF APPLETON'S GYCLO TEDIA, 33 South SIXTH, above Chestnut. Agency, also, for the followiniworks : PUTNAM'S RECORD OF TH REBELLION. WORK NATI S. ONAL EDITION OF W HINGTON TRVYNG'S LIFE AND. LETTERS OF WASHINGTON TAPING. BAYARD TAYLOR'S COMPLETE WORKS. • HOUSEHOLD EDITION OF DICKENS' WORKS. GEMS FROM THE DUSSELDOR r GALLERY. GRANT WHITE'S SHAK)PEARE 12 Tole.. BANCROFT'S UNITED STATES, ,§ vol 4. BRITISH POETS AND ESSAYISTS. Boston Edition. WORKS OF FRANCIS BACON, 15 vols. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS at lowest prices. fe7-12t, CIRCULATING . LIBRARIES. Npr • BROTHEREMADS OIROULA.. • TING. the NEW. English and American. Books, _lncluding ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is the ONLY Library la the country that includes 'all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not HEMET ND here. Terms t 6 per year; six months $3; three months $1.80; .one month H 75 cents , or 3 cents per day. 11 8 m ElGStreet. . se&S PHOTOGRAPHS. THE FAIRY WEDDING}] 1 By glecial arrauleniant. we Publish ocitizine/g the CARD PHOTOGRAPHS of the LILLIPUTIAN WEDDING PARTY, tui follows: OEN. TOM THUMB, in hie Wedding Bat—price-2h oLe. Mrs. GEN. TOM THUMB; in Weddtnadress Mr. and Mrs. GEN. TOM THUMB, in Wed ding dress COMMODORE NUTT and MISS MINNIE. - groomsinan and bridesmaid Mrs. OHN. TOM THUMB, in celebrated Re cepti oness Misses LA dr VINIA and MINNIE WARREN... `• •, whole BRIDAL PARTY (ATOM? of four) Card SO ete. The BRIDAL PARTY (Stereoscopic picture), " The BRIDAL PARTY (Stereoscopic col " 73 cis. The s prictdof card pictures, COtOred. will be 15.1 cents extra. Can be sent by mail on receipt of price and postage stamps. None genuine unless stamped with our trade mark RA in a circle, on thefront of the photograph. Beware of spurious copies made from engravings, &c. . E. & 11. T. ANTHONY, 501 BROADWAY New York. Manufacturere of the beet Photographic Albums, and Publishers of Card Photographs of celebrities. - The Negatives of these exquisite pictures were made for us by - BRADY. feletei&W3t TASTE AND SKILL ARE MANIFEST -a- in the execution of REIMER'S Colored Photographs for *l. The public appreciate and admire them. SECOND Street. above Green. • It JUST OPENED, A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. No. 9013 ARCH STREET, Where FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, • PROM THE CARTE DE VISITE TO THE IMPERIAL S IZE. Are produced hy the most LEPERIENCED ARTISTS. Those wishing Ant-clam pictured are invited to call and examine specimen's. A choice selection of Albums, cases, and triunes, on band. F. A. 0. KNIFE. del7-9m TRUF; ARTISTIC PORTRAITS-REI ,.- mBR Bllfe-size Photographs,•lb Oil; Colors, are pro einem& by judges most natural ant Itfe-like, at war prim: SECOND Street, above Green. • It Tim II OTO Git A I" HIO :ALBUMS- A lama yertety for @glean/ cox co., .924 CHESTNUT Street. PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, dm. jrAId:ES a.. EARLE &. SON, IMPORTERS AMD .MANIIIPAOTURERS OP LOOKING GLASSES. OIL PAINTING& INORAVINOB, PORTRAIT. PICTURE, and PHOTOGRAPH MAIM. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. =Kam WILING OURS WAREROONII AND GALLERX OF PAINTINGS. &am . 816 minim Strad. Phibuielphia. MEDICAL. AFFLICTED DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD .O,IIERRY. No Fe.nrzr, particularly at this' 'should be without Dr. Swayne'a Compound Syrup'. of Wild Cherry;' coughs and colds, which are very prevalent, are quickly cured. Even in neglected cases, where the cough is seated. pains,bresst and side, fever, bloody ex pectoration, sore throat, night sweats, lunge more orlees affected, • 'ffwayne's Compound" will not fail to give re lief, and wonderful cures have laken place, when to all human probability it could not be possible. DR. SVTAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. Tits Pramian and most. reliable remedy for a recent. or seated cough Sore Throat, Asthma. Weak Breast, Bronchitis Mitt Sweats,' Pains, (breast or side), Ner vous Debility, ooping Cough , Restless Nights, all Pul monary Complaints. Volumes might be filled with Proof tram all parts of the world, to prove that no remedy has ever been discovered in the whole history of medicine, that acts so prompt, even in the worst cases of pulmonary disease. A good appetite, complete digestion, strength, and a disposition for active exercise, are sure to follow its nee. If you have been tampering with the mazy modes put out by persons totally igrio. rent of the science of medicine. la theory or practice, and your case been rije ted. You will find in "DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND " your only hope of cure. If the bowels are costive, or headache accompanies your SWAYNE , s-iss finesse, !dose of sar SARSAPA AND TAR FILLS I will remove it. Thirty,,' experience, arid the in creasing popularity of DR. WAYNE'S MEDICINES" are convincing proof. Prepared only by. Dr. BWAYNS & SON, 330 SIXTE Street, above Pine. Sold by Dealer* throughout the United Statea. fell-111f BRO r Wkl BRONCHIAL TROCHES, fo s. Cold'', and Irritated Throats, are offered Coughs. with the tallest confidence in their efficacy. They have been thoroughly tested , and maintain the good reputa tion they have puny acquired. As there are trait& Hong, be sure to OBTAIN the genuine at FREDERICK BROWN'S Drug and Chemical Store,lN. E. cor. CHEST VDT and FIFTH btreete. Also,Mutter Cough Syrup, Wlatar's Cough Lozenges, - prepared from original prescription . lay)-lm if E YER AND EAR-PROP.. J. ISAAOS, Oculist and Arafat, from Leyden, Holland. is per maneutly located at No. fal PINE Street, where he treaty all disease° of the Eye or Ear ecieuttfically. and cures— If curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain N. B.—No charges made for examination. Office hours from 8 to 11 o'clock A. IC lad 210 7 Y. X ia3-213e WANTS. I'o ONE HAVING- FROM_ TWO TO Five- Thousatd Dollaro, as an Malys Partatir: will please call ai. Factory foot of WOOD-8 WEIAK,F, ch uy ill; for full particulars, W A NTED--A GOOD SECOND-HAND FIRE-PROOF', of HERRING'S or EVArLik. EAT SON'S manufactitre: Address Box 04% Philadelphia Post Office. WANTED BY A YOUNG L KEL AWY . , and Phonographer,. a Satiation in a Law or Nowt paper Office. ilas had considerable experience in report ing Law cases. Salary iron much of an object. Mdreza GEORGE PERY, Press office, fel7-2ro (]'.ANTED -AN ASSISTANT BOOK KEEPER. Apply, in huanftriting of tho appli cant, to Box 431., 'Pont Offiee. fel4-3c, WANTED, -A YOUNG. MAN . fully competent to teach , French, Latin, and llTatbentatics, desires a situation avtoolutr; would not object to the country, address B. IT," at this office. fert-tutlis WAN TED- , --$l4 000 $5 - 1 000% $4 , 000; AT • . live per cent., on nra-lien Mortxima on Fanny near Norristown worth d'oable the antontit; Altply to WILLIAM ROSSITER, Conveyancer.. I Norristown, rebfaary - fe1741 . 'WANTED. -TO RENT A SWORE on or lefore January lid, ISA, on nortglooide of MARKET Street, between Second and Fifth- etretitt. Address J. E. T., `` Prost Mee." sEco ND-HAND . FURNITVICE WAWIED—AIso, Carpets, Mirrors, Beddlocattrtes, &c. The highest price paid in cash. Call or afid - iew LEWIB, No. 931 RlllpEAronua. fel4.-6V WANTED-A GENTLEMAN WIT.S' a cloth capital of from Five Hundred to Throe- Thousand Dollars,, to inveat in a luttittive businosa: Large profits and nniek sales. Address "R: G:," Roy , 38 7 PhEadelobialVet °Moe. fol3-4t* DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENE , RAE'S OFFICB,---Pitmanat.Pura; Feb: 4.'1365. VESSELS scatted immediate/1r to carry COAL, to the following points Tortoni& Rey West, Via. Fort Monroe,Va. Alexandria' TEL Newborn, N. C. Port Royal, S.C. A: BOYD, felt-tf . Captain and Assist ' Quartermaster. TO CAPITALISTS.— PROW $2;000 TO WANTED. in a este and profitable business; no competition, None but timee hayin the money to invest at• once need apply. For particulars , ars, call on or address THOMAS GOCI-MAN, care of Colonel X: Q. CITORYLaNN; _ feis-thstu6t 4 ' 41 North SIXTH. Street, Philada.. fa WANTED TO PURCHASE —A , moderate sized.three-story Erick HOUSE, in a cen tral location. Must have all the modern improvements. Address "House," at this oflide. stating price, terms, and location. ja3l-tf al WANTED TO RENT, FROM THE litst of April next, ._a moderate-sized thronetory BRICK DWELLING ROUSE, in a central locality. It F re t nt l Y" T a e t th a l l e l o t ßt,Tt o ali e alo l e:Fi r t7Z B p a ri lt 412-7 en COUNTRY-SEAT ANTE The advertiser wishes to purchase a well-situated first-class RESIDENCE, including from twenty-five to seventy-five-acres of. Land, , with pod improvements, within fifteen or twenty miles of Phusdelphla.• Address 'H. L:H.," with full particulars, at the office of this paper. • fel6-2tif* VESSELS- WANTED TO LOAD COAL' immediately, for Key West and New Orleans. Charters made upon the most favorable terms. Apply to BUN CER NORTON & CO„, felt-51. 2053; WALNUT Street. Up. Stairs. BOARDING. T 0 RENT WITH BOARD,TO A GEN , AND TLEMANWIFE—One or two band,ome Booms, in a small, private family. D 2 North THIS. TEENTH Street. fell-3t. p i OAR D IN G.- SINGLE ROOKS VACANT. at 415 South FIFTEENTH Street, with full or partial board. . fol4-31* POE SAME AND. TO. LET. 0 CAI. YARD R L R.—THE . beet fitted np Yard in the city:. capacity for doing any amount of business. Inquire on the premises, No. 967 North NINTH Street, below Girard avenue. fel4-60 ONOUIYIBERED COUNTRY REAL ,_ ESTATE and CASH to exchange for MERCHAN DISE or go a d CITY PROPERTY.' B. PE PTIT, fell-M• • 309 WALNUT Street. TO RENT-THE IRON. FOUNDRY, - 4 - on GERMANTOWN Read. above SIXTH Street. Possession on April bit. Fixtures tor sale. Inquire at . No. 406 North SECOND Street. felG-tutheSt• FOR SALE-A. FARM. OF 100 Acres, nine miles from. eity; best kualitY, high and rolling; pure epring water; suitable for coun try seats; price $llO per more. Also, a first-rate Dairy Farm• of /16 acres near N. P. Railroad; price $9O per acre. Also, a Farm of .24'4 sores near Norristown. Ap ply to W3l. ROSSITER, Norristown. fel 7 ,9t* gith VALUABLE TIMBER .AND PARSE ILZ,LANDS FOR SALE. 2,100 acres Land, eituated in Porter township, Pike county, Pennsylvania, on the waters of Middle Bushkill creek, Irmiles from Strouds burg, Smiles from the Delaware river. and 10 miles from Anatornick. Station,. on Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad, about five hours' ride from New York. QUALITY'. OF; SOIL. The Boil, the larger part, is smooth: two-thirds is caPlt ble of raising cereals, ,and Jorge quantity of excellent meadow ground, with small streams running through it. THE TIMBER It is covered with timber; such. as oak, chestnut, ma ple, hickory, birch, ,3 ellew pine, poplar, and a spring ing of white pine, THE IMPROVEMENTS Are a Sawmill, with 11 feet head of water, capable of sawing 2,600 feet every SI hours ; a log Hones and Stable, with some :Macre., cleared off, ready for ploughing.Adjoining, a larger tract or land, owned by the late James M. Porter,,ot Easton, of which there are 100 acres cleared and in good condition. it also adjoins other im provements. The title is indisputable, being patented by the Gover-. nor of the State, and the .taxes being regularly paid to the County Treasurer. For term', apply to . ALFRED FITLEB, Conveyancer, fel7-tuthe3t. Nos. 49 and 5t N: SIXTH tit., Phi lad.. ARE FOR SALE.-THREE-EIGHTHS of the brig Thos. Walter. Apply to OfiAS. S. & JAS. CMISTAIRS, Jr., No. J 26 WA_T,Ntrr Street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. G::EWID ! I IRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICE, 41 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $200,000. This Compani.contisues to take risks non the Gobi 'lames of Property at low rates. The public can rely lIMII its reanotudbility, and ability to Pity losses promptly. Its disbursements for the bertaill of the public, dining the hat - nine years, exceed 600,0. Q 0 I::!Olaiis t ßS and:we respectfully swan its favor to the Mare. DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, ' 'JOHN W.CLAGHOIN, JOHN THORKLET, • C. B. HEAELITT, • ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD JR.. PETER S. HOR,_ of Irj vna. H. SWAN - FURMAN SHEPPARD, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D.. N. S LAWRENCE. . THOMAS DRAKE, JOHN BUPPLEP.. PROVO CRAVEN, President. A. E. GILLETT. Vice President, JAB. B. AT4VORD, Secretary. iso26-111! rrIiIRD.I . 4I4NNII4I , STATEMENT OF THE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILABEL.PHIA—OFFIcS,. 331 North COMP ANY Street. Amount of Property Insured....,,, Amount of Premium Notes .. Balance in Tr( asnryl mo. 15t,.1862 Interest on Premium Notes the past year Policies, Surveys, and. Transfers interest on Investments. ...... ~ Fire L055e5.........,..;.::.... . Pawnees Interest on Premium Returns . Perpetual Policies cancelled , .. Investments in City Six Per Cent: Loan. w . Do do 11. S. 7 340 Per Cent. Do: Balance in hands of the Treasurer .. ASSETS OF TAB COMPANY. Premium Notes City Six Per Cent. Loan . United States 7 3-10 Per Cent. Loan. ' Office Furniture . . . In hands of Trs'aenr►r The underetgned, a Committee appointed by the Com pany, have examined the above Statement, compared it with the books and vouchers, and find it correct. rIIILADELPHIA, Ist mo., 17tb, 3563. BENJAMIN HUNT, CHARLES EVANS. It has taken less than one half of our cash income to pay our lostee and expenses. DIRECTORS : Simeon Matlack Thomas P. Rowlett, Joseph Hayward, Thomas Masher, Aaron W. Gaskill, Edmund Webster, 0. 5 South FIFTH Street. MIN MA LONE, President. :rotary.fel7rthstugt Benjamin Dlalone, Jame Smedley, T. Ellwood Chapman. Eli Dillin, Frederick Cadmus, Wiliam M. Levick, OFFICE REMOVED to No BENSa • WILLIAM M. LsvicK, See, FAME INSURANt PH 406 t HNISTNITT Street. ILADI FIRE AND INLA. iRLPRIA_ AND INSORATiOR. TORS. B. D. Woodruff, Qeo. A. Wed, John Kuehn, Jr.. Chas. Stokes, A. H. Rosenholm, • Jos ep D. Pais. 31C, Provident. AIM SON, Vice Presideut UtD. Secretary. Cja76llH Francis N. Back. • Chu. Richardson, RenryLewb, Jr.. JOllll W. Emma, phlli 8. Justice, O. W. Davis, FCHRANCABLIS R I N.ICE RC, WILLIAMS I. BLAN • • FAMILY DYE COLORS LIST OF COLORS: BLACK, EA.LMON DARK BROWN_, SCARLV SNUFF BROWN DARK TIAB . , LIGHT BROWN; LIGHT DRAIN, DARK BLUE YELLOW, LIGHT BLUE_,_ LIGHT YELLOW. DARK GREED ORANGE, LIGHT GREEN. MAGENTA, PINK SOLFERINO, PURPLE, FRENCH BLITE,_ SLATE, ROYAL PURPLE CRIMSON. VIOLET. FAMILY DYE COLORS, For dyeing Bilk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls. Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hate, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wear ing Apparel, with perfect fast colors.. A SAVING OF SO PRE CENT These Dyes are mixed in the form of powders concen trated, are thoroughly tested, and put up in neat pack ages. For twenty-five cents you can color as mans goods as would otherwise cost five times that min. The pro. aeon is simple, and any one can use the Dyes with perfect success. Directions inside. Manufactured by HOWE & STEMBOTB, 9158 BROADWAY, Boston. For gale by Druggists and Dealers in every City and Town. de3o-tuthe-Sm if CARSON'S SCOTCH-PATENT SILVER-CLEANING POWDER, Warranted free from acid, and the game as used in the houses of the nobility and gentry of Scotland. It is nn. equalled for cleaning Gold and Silver Plate Looking Glasses, etc. Prepared by A. 31. CARSON, waiter, from a recipe given me by the head butler to the Duke of Athol. For sale by HAZARD Oc CO., Twelfth and Chestnut streets. I. TOWNSEND, Thirteenth and Chestnut streets. T. BLACK 1401 Chestnut streets. W CLARK ,L, 1900 Chestnut street, J. Fi ft h and Prune streets, And wholesale by WILLIAM PARYIN, 1204 CHEST- NUT Street, and __CAWELL„MACK. & CO, Chemists, Fifth-Avenue Hotel, New York,_ And Thames street. Newport, R. L All orders addressed A. IL CARSON, Western Sub Poet Office.Philtulelphla. jn2o-tuthalm MICROSCOPES, SPECTACLES, AND SPY-GLASEDIS, for womb' is W fory QUEENJem & 00.. 924 CHESTNUT Street. delli4mit 411 . T DR FINE; PRACTICAL" DEN. IST for the last twenty years. 219 VINE EL, below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted on fine Gold Platina, Silver, Vulcanite. Go mike, Amber, &c., at prices, for neat and substantial work. more reasonable than any dentist in this city or • State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth re paired to suit. No pain in extracting. No sharps' un til satisfied all is right. ReferentaLbest familia& lalo-3m HENNESSEY BIi.ANDY.-AN' - VOICE Inbonded storm, tor side by CRABIt JAE. CARSTAIRE. Jan No. 128 WALNUT and 91 ORkting Bt. BALE OF lINOTAIMED MEROHAN IST., Ato, by the WEST . IVIIRWRR AND PRILA TIM. RAILROAD coorptult. ON TITESDAY MORIV,Tki. The rith of TRBRUARY, 186 , 3,' at 10 tdlack.,l Will coil at the Auction Room,, 1023 MARKET Strciff, for account of whom it may concern, the following desdribtli ISiERCEANDISE, The sarnah eying been left unclaimed at the Pa.-ringer station of the Cianpany.. corner EIORTSSNTII and MARKET Streets. - Philadelphia, for more than :Abets dayaprecodlagaa date of thicadVertisement 1 Darrel, marked 011 Works. 2 do. no Mack. 1.3 f do. do. Is Carboys, marked Sewage Sr Stewart. 21 Truck Ea. kets; marked T. Murphy, DeldWare. I Carpet nag, do. 3. Pu.Sht. I do. do. no avark:- 1 g 41.): Medicines. inarited Siihrison.V. Gree n . I; Package Salayaigkf, do W. Morrison, Olen Biddle. I!Corn tquiller, do. W. S. Witmer. I.lla - r.rel Whisky, nolpark. I'll. Glass Framer, do. T. A. DAILTX, Auctioneer, 023_tifARIfEr Street. AM/CAN A:CUDEMY OF MOHO, CARD. ..Ic.tlEtater by the:soncitatiorf of nvany rft. trolls of the , tele German • oOorx' senebn,- thbunbteribm , ha 3 induced mt. CART; A NSCRITITZ:to consent to:another short season of GER'ISAN . OPERkr i Phil3delpb4; the, ACADEb OF MUSIC. The imik.s . or,' Will consist of six nights, conn±encing atkmwtedg.ed favorite Opepii on tho'name Orme as before,. teserveYSeats in Balcony. ratViist; or Parr:not Cita% nv eV Admissiontto , Single Ticliebi, reserved seat 1 cet The Citierzinights will be .-itfq;OY. And. no more Wu!. three Subscription Tlights will be givetv in any one week, and subscriberf will have the right to retain their seats at any extra pertirmanee. The Manager xliring, in a suitable way, to expn,se, his gratefulness a , the most liberal manner in which he was encouraged in itbi undertaking, during the S"rst visit of the Troupe to Piiiradelphia, by the Dlreetorif. Steele: Leaders, and HabltuG of the. Academy, will give a per for the sore benefit of the announcementy - of Music in Philadelphia. All furtheror this performance willbemade by the Committee of Ar rangements (both considerably increased) will be brought =limas New York; and the uardersigried pledges himself that. while under his management evexT part of the alMve prospectus will be carried out precisely as stated; Baal nOthingleft undone to make this ever witnessed in Philaaelpbia NEW CHESTNIITSTREET THEA TRE. Lenge and Manager ' L A ST W vrasleriirr. POSITIVELY' FOR ?RR TIME. The management feel regret in announcieg, that, 1* spite of the U.K.E7STAXAB LEENTHUSIASIIf which attendedthe re-appearance EDWIN - FORREST AS FEBRO, THE BROKER, In Dr. BIBD'B great Play, THE BROKER OF BOGOTA, it can be produced ONLY 0b."78 ifORE . UPON THIS )Tueeday) EVRNING, Feb. 1-G_lsa.. NEW SCENERY, NEW DRESEY,S, NEW APPOINTMENTS. Antonio de Caberero Munoz Mary:into de Palmera. Pablo .1111111 a • ••• Leaner Conductor. . . Mr. MARK HAULER. WEDNESDAY EVENING—Last appearance but one of MR. HACKETT, who will appear for POSITIVELY THE LAST TIME, As FALSTAFF; or, The Merry Wives of Windsor. PRICES OP ADMISSION.—FamiIy Circle, 25 cents: Drees Circle, 50 cents; Parquet and Secured Seats in Dress Circle, 75 cents; Seats in Private Boxes, each 41. Doors open at 7; Curtain rises at 736. WALNUT -STREET TIIEATRE.- Sae Leases Km. M. A. GARRETT'S= Baldness Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. 70-NIGHT. MR. E. Et DY. THIS (Tneeday) EVENING, February 17th, 1865, Will be presented JEAN REMY. Jean Remy Pertne....... Bruno . Hector de Savanose To conclude with the favorite Farce of THE LAST OF THE PIGTAILS. Mr. S. Hemple. Thayer. Docklies Sir Noah Starehington Doors open at 7: Curtain will rise at 736. ivi RS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET d 0... THEATRE. • Bnainees Agent and Treasurer JOS. D.H7 7 FLPHY. Last nigh tj7 ut Four of MISS JANE COOMBS. A.STAMIPARD PLAY and NEW FARCE, TO-NIGHT, (Tuesday,) February 17th, LOVE; Or, the Countess and the Serf. The Countess?' Miss Jane Coombe. Buon,. the Serfßarton Hill. To conclude with the new Farce of • PORK CHOPS, Septirnne Set I,ks Frank Drew. Darkey Dabbs Ur. Seymore. MONDAY, JOHN WILKS BOOTH. Jilir Seats secured without extra charge. MERIOAN ACADEMY OF MUST°. A - The COURTLAND SAUNDERS CADETS' DRILL. SATURDAY. next, at 8 P, M., for the benefit of SOL DIERS' CRILDRE. Tickets (26 and 60 sante) at Academy and .oonld's, Seventh and Chestnut. fell-81. FOR THE BENEFIT OF,. THE SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS.-11.11AVNGS by PHILIP LAWRENCE and his PUPILS, at AMEMBLY BUILDINGS, on WEDNESDAY EVENING.. February 18th. " GARII3ALDI'S" entrance into Naples &c. Tickets 25 cents. Commence at 8. fel7-2t* L. CARPENTER'S EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL FLORAL BALL, AMERICAN ACADEMY OE MUSIC, TUESDAY EVENING, Aprill44. TICKETS TWO DOLLARS, Which are,notv ready for delivery, by JOHN THORN LEY; Esq.. _ell Chestnut street. and D. L. CARPEN TER, 'at his Moms, 6,26 Arch street. N. B.—So tickets to be had at the door on that Eve ning. • fel7-fit• . GRAN CONCE R T AT THE MUSICAL FUND HALL, • • TUESDAY - BVSNINI3,II3BRUARY 33, 1933. ' TSB HAYMAKERS: Anibaatiti Cant ataHOOT ~ in two parts,. . • M. p. Will be portamed byLnity Select Voices. Tickets to be NAM the Hell.. Concert to at B.o'clock. . : fel6-5.1* . , 26,034 71 $57 43 1583.77 71 03 83 70 CON OEUT The 'Manager has the pleasure of announcing that ho has secured' t4e oarrieav of THE DIIRANCI SISTERS, l e FOR ONE GRAND CONCERT, ON TUESDAY EVENING Febriaty 17, Mi. These young ladies. combining as they do in one Et, mily, three voices of magnificent quality .and remarka;.. ble flexibility, are STARS rig THE MUSICAL WORLD. They appeared lest• Private Seines, where, their brilliant, andlapltlese execution and extenaiTs, ranaesof voice elicited the. MOST RAPTUROUS APPLAUSE; From audiences compseci.of.the EIiITE OF THE CITY. The Manager has alio effected an engagement with MX G. (METE, Pianist, - A gentleman who is well known in mpsical cicclee aeis, perforineC of great ability. • Tickets 50 cents. To be had at the Music skim of ft. ANDRE di CO.; CHMSTNin Street, and: at. OW 1411 on. the evening of the Concert. Doom. open at 7 Concert to commence 84 S.gecirk. . et4-3t 221 87 704 94 14.90 81 80 610 00 212 28 3;2 71 $2,100 90 Vb 3,032 71 2,058 50 512 SS 134 59 373 71 ahlT, 78 E COMPANY, No. AUCTION SALE, ia21;fe2J4,77.4t GERifai fDP RA WEEVESRAT. Much 46. ibt. The Operas tsbertaadneed WiR irs . .! • DIERIrr VrrVES OF WINDSOIi;" .br "JOSEPH, 0 b mast!" "SERAGLIO, Neagh: “STRADELLAV 7 b) , P.. Vaerfa&k. "THE TrlAßErren OF FTGARO,"BIi Minf And' DER FiR3ISCHO'PZ:" emnii cable Forttie 6L OPERAS a SzSseriatiorCanll be 'olSittiklP SZDSCRIPTIONS FtMe-3M'OPE:RAS W - PInVESDAT. and FRIDAY, :•or RATDEFiAY.' THE ENTIRE'CNORUS AND ORCHESTRA THE'MOST BRILLIANT SEASON ADOLPH BIROPELD, 1:170=I CHURCH OF, THE REDEEMER, 4-s-A gBEMBI,X BUILDINGS, CORNER OF TENTH and CHESTNUT . Streets.-LSEVENTIL WEEK AND GLORIOUS SUCCESS OF Tin BOHEkIl; AS TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS, EVERY EVENING. AND ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER NOONS.—At each Enlertainment, the celebrated low pressure GLASS Steam-Engine MONITOR, made entirely of Glass, will be in full operation. All the Magnificent Works of Art, fiLtnufacthred byte Company, will be d et rl bn ted gratuitously to tb e visit ors. On FRIDAY Eve ning. February 20th. a Spleni 4.,Cluie of Work . given tc the Anther of the.bast Conenti- ncron thePlasi . Stearn legit e. PARTICULAR NOTICE .— The First Present. slab. eve ning. will be I. Splendid Case of Glass Work. Admisaion,ls cents. No baltmice. Exhibition commences in the Evening at S o'clock. Afternoon at 3 o'clock. fele-6r A s - A - t If 1:3 - EY BUILDINGS-TENTH AND CRES`IITUT. AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. SIGNOR BLITZ, The great MAGICIAN and VENTRILGQUIST, with bla LEARNED CANARY BIRDS,, will give hie new ant. popular Entertainments EVERY EVENING during thi. Week, commencing at 7X o 'clock ; and WEDN and SATURDAY afternoonsat3. The attractions will be marvellous: experiments in Magic; wonderful pone* in Ventriloquism and the Learned Canary Birds in their new characters. Admission 26 cents. Children IS cents. de27-tt GERMANIA.. ORCHESTRA. - P . 013, LTC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY NOON at SX o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUNDIM, Carl Bentz, conductor. Tleketa 25 cents. Packages of 1 tickets, sl—to be had of Andre & Co.. HU Cheetant etreet ; J H Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at.ths hall door. • n027-tf _HASSLER'S ORCHESTRA.- NEW OFFIC& 214_ South METH St.. below walent. deb:Wm I)ENNSYLVANLA. ACADEMY OP TEE PIM ANTS, . 1035 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from S A. RE till I P. M. Admission 26 cents. Children half MM.. Shares of stock. SIM. jy4 PERSONAL. PERSONAL --4. D'ANOONA• GIVICS a high 'price for Ladies and Gentlemen's Oast-of Clothing, at 330 SOUTH Street t 1443431* PENSIONS.-$lOO BOUNTY AND -I- Pay procured and collected for soldiers, sailors. and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced 121001 by JAMES FULTON Sdlic'tor for Cla imyn 4214 WALL Street, Philadel Particular attention given to parties living at a dia. lance. oelB4f 4 1-,( { l STEAMERNOTICE.-STEAM ' SHIP MARY A. BOARDMAN will Rail from ivilw York on THURSDAX:aeb. ERA. for BEAUFORT. N. C., and PORT ROY;AL. For fininht or please, apply et Herndon 's Exp Tess Offlee, No. 007 CHESTNWP Street. Cfel6.4lttin F. A. PHILIPS. Agent. ;ix.. THE PHRENOLOGICAL CARL , clir NET AND BOOK STORE Is open day and even ing for the sale of Books on Phronoloatr, Physic.- Aelik logy,Bygiono, Phonography and for Phrenologi cal exanminatioxm. Orders hy mail should be addressed to JOHN L. APEN, fefi-satntb3mif 425 CHESTNUT Street. Phila. ar s , EDWIN A. H GEE S , UN DERTAKER.• • 259 South TENTH street, above99rtute, felo-3m Philadelphia. • NI °SUIT° NETS AND .NETTING for sale by JOSEPH H. THOMPSON, itgent, fel2-6‘• No. 4 North FIFTH Streak. OPERA GLASSES ,- OPERA SLAMS. For sale by_ JAMES W. QUEEN & CO.. 924 CHESTNUT Street. del.4,3)nif ROW - EN & CO., LITHOGRAPHERS •-• AND PRINT DOLORINITI, Sonthweet corner of iIIESTNUT and RLEVENTR Streets, are prepared to en cute any description of Portrait, Landscape, Natural Ihstoor, Architectural, Autograph, Map, or other Litho. ( - may, in the moat superior manner, and the most res. .on;ble terms. Plioto_gTallhe, Portraits, Natural Historr, and Medlin]. 'l t ea, Mane, and any other description of Plates, colored 3 the beet style, and warranted to give satisfaction. 2artiotdar attention to Coloring PhotelKnlgts• • cd3ll BILSIbI9AB A,go W. Wheatley. ...Mr. J. McCullough. ...Mr. L. R. Semen. • Mr. J. G. Burnett. Madame Ponist. Mrs. J. H. Allen. Mr. E. Eddy Miss Kate Desin ...Mr. S. Hemp's. E. L. Tilton.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers