FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, THE MONEY MARKET. PHILADRIPIZIA, Feb. 0, 1961. Affairs opened quite briskly this morning. Every body seemed to be in good trim for "trade" under the influence of the good news from Charleston. The wit- . limpet's of' the House to accept the amendments of the Senate Finance Committee to the financial bill, is in 'fleeing a confidence and a hope that Congress will soon acid the troubleseme question by meeting it boldly and disposing of it satisfactorily. Governments continue to Improve. and the demand for them enlarges. Victories 'are in I slashed, harassing financial schemes have had :their day. nod altogether matters look more cheerful. 13old ,opened at 166, fell to 154. rose to 150, with a very week market. Old demands fell to 153 and closed X better. Money is again easy at 6 per cont. Certificates •of indebtedness sold to-day at 95. Stocks were moderately active and prices without wraith change. united States sixes 1631 were to large re quest at 9434. The seven-thirties also rose. State fives were weak;'falling to 1038. City sixes were steady attlaturday's figures; Ponneylvaula Railroad stud Read lug railroad Louds were steady. Philadelphia and Stmt .-bury sevens sold at 10631. North Pennsylvania sixes acid at M. Elmira sevens at 112, the chattel tests at 70. Schuylkill Navigation sixeslBB2 sold at 70. Reading Railroad shares won in better demand and rose Byrom 46 to 43X, closing at mg. Pennsylvania rose to 08K, an advance of 74. .Citlawissa seld,itC73a, the pre ferred at vg. an advance of X. Elmira sold at Va", an advance of ; the preferied wee steady. Beaver Ales dew sold at 66. Huntingdon and Broad Top at $534. Camden and Atlantic, preferred rose 2. Ilarrishurg sold at 67X, Norristown at 00. Mine hill at 54 X, Long Island advanced to 2S. Little Schuylkill rose Lehigh Navigation was steady at 69C'the Scrip ad- Tented 1. Schuylkill Navigation was steady. Morris venal was steady. Green Mountain Coal sold at 334. ritsaamiter Railways are unchanged. C reca and Coates Sold at 43; Chestnut and Walnut at .54. X ; Girard College at 26%. Arch-street improved X. Commercial Bank sold at 49) 4: Philadelphia at 119 t.Girard at 4034; 31anu• ihoturers' and Mechanics' at 24%. The market closed firm—s7.coo in bonds and 2,600 shares changing hands. Drexel & Co quote : ICultedStates Bond', 1981 0434(411 ruifted States Certificates of Indebtedness 94)1093X nited States 7 3-10 Notes 102 t itt26 1U234 artermasters' Vouchers 6 die. Orders for Certificates of indebtedness 4 i)(dia. Oold i 6 pin. 3)ematid Notes tr33‘ "134 Pm. Jay Cooke & Co. quote Government securities. &c., as Yellows: :trailed States Sixes 1881'... 4 4i:tied Statea 7 3.10 Notes .. rtiflcates of ludeblodnees • uatiermasters' Vouchers. :Demand Notea ` 3 ,9`x-151c76.-VP, r:liFgreg. E 147. A. 5 .5 ipten t. er : 2 • gg§n§§§§.§§§§§§§§§ - .7m2§,§§§gt-§ gpi.lPA'pg.5)lNPNT,§l. §§E'aggir,f,E:o,l§'n§Yd§ 1- • IaggstWOMINM Ogg§Mgll§a§§gM 9.4.5FFNm9g10:405g8$ §§EgtggalaNtA „t Opgilg.wsm.PßOO §§o:2o4§gtriggiNN PRRAWiar 4 r e ' - '" ; §§§aso . lg ,Annq - ggailtzltii§o§§2§,v,§ Clearings. Balances. .$5.117,447 75 $237,925 07 . 6,543.779 04 447,450 78 . 4.6)7,104 ,3 450,728 18 . 4,120.813 CO 421,020 23 . 3,0,16,760 05 . 4115103 19 - 8,1361,499 89 213,420 94 ,(030, February 2 V 7, tement a its at Tai The following stat ibanke of Phttadelpl 7.363: 1862. January 8— • • • W e r ra& y •••• April June 2 July 7 u, 4 bep m bar 1.... October 6 Tiovgmber 3..:. 10— " 17— 31,046,137 30486,119 93,393,356 26.037,69] 19.391,432 31,747,070 ,617.903 33,200,661 33 ' 33,899.331 34,626,161 35,614,346 v 5,978,1.13 16,737,071 37,479466 31,774, ,0 7 22 36,48340 96,1Z,910 36,772,912 37,267,620 17,670.670 17,633,767 37,416.694 37,479,712 137,20.691 137,336,367 IDectmber 1. iftpnari l l.lBo3 pbrpary ~ , The New York Evening Post of to-day says: The week opens an a quiet stock market. Early in the week there was a buoyant feeling, but as business proceeded prices yielded jaffiH 15 cent. from the best Quotations of Saturday. Brie is the most active at the railway list, but was freely supplied at 761 4 ' E before the hoard, then down to 75)49703..' There is but a mo derate amount of business doing through the commission /lOWAN, and speculation in the principal railway stocks. Is chiefly confined to the operators of the street. Among the firmest of the railways are Hudson, Har lem, Cleveland and Pittsburg, and Galena and Chi cago.ay These me strongly held at the full prices of Solar- Cl. The railroad bonds are firm, with a moderate demand for investment. Erie seconds sold at 125 alichigan Cen tral eights, 130; Illinois Construction, 125,4". One of the prominent features of the market to-day is the increasing strength of the Government list. - The de pend for the six per cent. eertilioates ls quite brink, and N./X®oLXwas paid, against £4101434 Saturday. The coupons of 113111 are alto firmer. Seven-thirties rose V® 34 per cent. Gold to higher since the " first call," selling at 1-5534® 151514. Demands ale 154 X bid. The money minket •is only moderately active, at 6@7 tier cent. Tie deniand is slackening, owing in part to glikldiminished activity in stocks. schen ge on London is lower and dull, at 171@17'. ie inspoi tation of foreign merchandise at the port of Pew York, exclusive of dry goads, fur the week, ending Yesterday, was $2,041,370 ,to which add imports of dry Wells Invoiced at $1,376,891, and the aggregate imports of the week will foot up 83,418,270. Against this we ex worted 4(3, 5i11,1173 of domestic produce and merchandise, land 5916,7&5 of specie, amounting together to 44,248, 730. The trade of the week thus leaves a substantial balance In favor of the port. sage Sallee, Feb. 9. BOARD. a. Philadelphia Exchange./ ... 120 American Sll rer —ll7 M 129 100 106 Long Wand Et 'B 8 Elra E Vi 50 Ca mi tawis E. Pref.esh 21 60 d 0... .... Pref.l.4 235; DO Penne Is 10.1 ' SOD alit do 101. ' 260 abt do 101 2000 d o SOSD% 1000 17 S 1-year Certif... 500017 S 7.30 T N.b1ank.102.% 100 Green 3 100 Lehig dll R h Scrip 30 inel 8 M 61X Phila. Stock Ezell [Reported b 7 8, B. SLAYNLAK FIRST 63 Cato & Am 1t.c.h.153 MO 17 S 5-yr opt 6, , 1ts 95 17 !hen & Will It.csh 54x 100 t reen&Custs..b3o 13 1600 SW Nay 6,, 'Bl 70 2000 do 70 6000 DEA 1 81 Ng 660 do 943' 11.1003 do Ng 3000 N Pen na Os 91 75 Penns E 67% 1 6 2 do cash FM do F 87 do 68 6 do 68 10 Reading R 46 . 60 do cash VW 50 do "1 100 do 2,13 , , , 46. N 100 do WO 453 i! 1051AM° Bela R. • ... 46 60 do ux 200 Elmira It 7s. .1,5.112 11:03 U B 5-year 68 ETWEEN 01 y 1000 Penns do 111SX SECOND 1000 Poona 5 , 8 —sdys.lo4 ' 486,1 Z do l'al 160 Reading R 32 Penna H. 68gi 84 60 do "do.. 6 ffBX aj 8 Girard Bk 4056 NM City 6r Nnwl.l6 1600011 9 Coup 6s 'Bl • , 9435 50 Cam & Allan Peer 10d 60 do 20 AFTER 1 11500 Phila & Snub . s "s .108 k 1!.1 60 Cam& Atlantic Prf 10 100 Man Sc Mach 8k.... 24M 50 Cam &Ail R..asvrn 11 200 do s3own 10 RorriatoWn R 00 MOO City 6o NeW•ll5)4 150 Harrisburg R 673 i; IBM Elmira Chat 10s. b 5 09M BOARDS. Pnna R H 8 025 E a lmira Chat 10a. b 5 7 68 0 BOARD. 74 Hnntingdn & ,B T R 2 Philadelphia 8k...110 ' 10 Beaver Meadow... 69 1 2 Bimini R 100017 Sl3-year 6s 01 aoo 19 oCity irard College R... 53)( Bs 97 100Catalvi3me. 31 7)( 15f00 Elmira R7B 10.112 .24 i; Erie R 37. g OSS—FIR3I. Bid. Catawless Aske it Heaver Ele r ld R.... '2 . 3 . ' Mi nehll I R. • • • Did.. dated. V emu 9 , M 94 17 7-SOD b1k....1024 102.11 American 001d..1116 166 Whil de old..ex in.IUBK 1W Do new.ox 112.116 116 rag co Ein E • exam 6e.. ...... .16 . 04 161 ceding ..... erda 45X Do de 130.• .116 118 Harrisburg Wilmington B. .. Lehigh Hat , 85.. •, Do sharea.• • 53 5) Do scrip •••• Si 34 cam & Amb R..... Do de '70...1.11 112 Do bda 1084 Weans 64}5 65% Do Int an 65..1154. 120 Do 2d m 6e...114 116 Norris Canal.... C. 5.14 57 Do . K fd 10.1..150 L4l • as 263,i Do !ponds.... Delaware Div...... Do bonds... Elprnee.etreet 16)4 Mutant-et R• • • • 64.56 • 65 Arch-street R...• 2734 273 f Race-street 10 11 Tenth-street 11..•. 39 al)i W Phil& 65 6 Thirteenth-et R.. 'MX 57 6 Do bonds—. .. • Green-etreet 43 Do bonds.... • . Elecond.street R.. 78X 79 Do bonds... •-• • I'Mb-street R.... 67 .. Do bonds., , Oinird College R MX' 75 Seventeenth-et R 104 11)4 Little &churl R.. 44% 45 Do 2,1 .. Enact Do Canal • • • • On • • feleltnyl Nv p a rfd 1 4 51411 Do ea '82...-70 • .70Si 13lniira R 38,% 59g Do pill-- 605; 61 Do 7a Ist m..111N 112 Do 10e...... ...- Perms Do Be 90% 91R Do 106— ..... 110 111 reills Ger & ior. high Val R.. high Val New York Ste Closing_Quoiario Asiwt, V B ea 'Bl reglet. 9.336 B.Bi 'Bl oonp.. 9496 . 97% reri. Notes. 7.80..102g • wag 81 yr ipc ear .1173$ 96g bold. and N0te5...154 154.41 ....... Liam 'Tennessee 61h 62 4 17Lrginia 72 73 Bilesottri flt 8e.... Gag 66 ICanton Company 2Ag 27 California 7e..... , pet re End. LT 130 I /Penn Coal C 0.... Cumbland C Co. 10 10 Emilio Mall Mg 170 K Y Con RE,.... 118% 119 1 is common.— 783‘ 7331 as at 8,4 o'clock. BM Asked. Me Pre( 100 117334 Hudson Riy 94)(c Harlem R R St Silt Harlem R R Pref 69 - Reading R R 91 • NM Michigan Cen.. • 96M 97 Michigan South. 601 a" 69M Do. Guar 406 led Panama 11! Central 9134 Cleve & Pitts.... 724' 713; Galena Al CM.... 91 x es Clay & Toledo. • • frOf S-r 1 Ohl & Rock 1a•••,9Ce.1 EON CM Bur & Q . • .. . • • • • 1111 & PrDnd•••• •• •• Fort Wayne ..... • • Market rather heavy on Vorder-State bowls strong. Philadelphia Markets. FEBRUARY o—EYORing There le very little export demand for Flour today, but the market is quiet and Arm at previous quotations. [Sales are mostly to supply the trade, at $8.501§6.76 for •imPerflue; f0g7.50 for extras; $7.7.5©8.28 for family, kind $8.601§9.00 for fancy brands, according to quality. llThe receipts are falling off. Rye Flour is selling in a Small way at $3. 7.;(4,5 MIL Corn Meal Is firm and rennerlyania scarce at A-rf barrel; Brandywine is hold st ALM GRAlN.—Wheat cornea in slowly, and meets with &limited demand at previous quotations; sales comprise about 3,000 bush fair to prime red at 171©17.90, and white & bush, the latter for Kentucky. Rye Ls pled at 97@M for Pounsyl va.nia. Corn is unahamrod; bush new yellow sold at 87 @ 88c , and 5,002 bush , astern mixed at the latter figure, all in store. Oats are in steady demand: about 8,000 bush heavy Penusyl im ia sold at 62@alc for 32 lbs. No sales of Barley or, BART. —First No. 1 quercitron is scarce and in de inland at WS tit ton. COTTo2l.—Buyers are not disposed to operate at the Vat& rates now demanded, and there Is very little sell ing, and we _quote middlings at • • E• 6oc lb, cash. OROCRRIES.—The stock on sale is very light and the &market firm at fall prices,. PROVISIONS. —There is some inquiry for Mesa Pork, 'ith sales of old at ,61L60@114.75 bbl, and new at /5.60(011). Lard—a sale of 100 ice was made at 10ffu el+ SEEDS. —The demand for Cloyerseed is less active; W.mut 800 bushels found buyers, at *6.75@7.25 int. 'Timothy is scarce; IIIU has prime sold at $2.76. Flax ileqd la also scarce, and hold at 50.2.5 btt. WHISKY is firm but inactive, at me for bblr, and Ode NS gallon for drudge. The following arc the receipts of Flour and Grain at this port to-day: lour eat nit ' 6 600 lam (Ala • 6,600 Lea 91 95 10'235 la 3 92. 93 54 .159,34 154 155 156 AT TAE MERCHANTS' EXOECANGS, PIIILADILLYIILA. Ship Shatemuc, Oxnard Liverpool, soon Ship Belle of the Ocean, Reed Liverpool, soon Bark Edwin, Peterson Liverpool, noon Bark Savannah; Stinson T iverpool, soon Bark Emerald Isle, Hunter Barhadoes, soon Schr Lion, Creighton Havana, soon • • . Steamship Norman, Baker, 44 hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to liehry Winsor. Off Cape May saw au unknown barb' coming in; off Fourteen Feet Bank passed the Five Fathom Bank Lightboat, in tow of steaming Gen Burnside, bound to 'Wilmington, Del, for repairs; hark Frank, for London, and brig Semi Walsh, from New Orleans. off Ike Ledge Light; ketch Corn mF rce, for Mayaguez, Pit, at anchor off the Buoy on the Middle; ship Crescent City, for San Francisco, in tow of City Ice Boat', off Ship John Buoy; revenue cutter Dob bin, off Bombay Hook, coming up; bark Thos Dallett. far Laguayra. at anchor off Duck creek; bark Aaron I Harvey, for West Coast of Africa, off Morris Liston's, going down tinder CRELVM. Behr Ida F Wheeler, Dyer, from Cardenas 25th ult., with molasses to John Mason & Co. Left bark Cheiten, Pennell, to sail in 10 days, and brig Eltra Aan, Herrick, to Sail 26th ult, both for Philadelphia. Edit* Clara Merrick, Montgomery, 4 days from Now York, with mdse to D Cooper. Schr East Wind, Bash, 8 days from Boston, with pota toes and apples to Balser & Bro. Schr Powwow, Sparks, 3 days from New York, with sumac to captain, Behr Prize Banner. Small, 4 days from New. Raven, with iron to captain. Saw Bloudel, Avery, 5 days from New Raven, with iron to captain. Schr A Tirrell, Higgins, 7 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. ed ri g ts47l' lAA 79 $2, tows the conditi, OUS times.durtne 233,110 on of the • ISO 2 and 21,396,014 20 ,541,130 068,899 18 16,821,513 21,316,614 24,334.644 24, 24, 618,VM 789 567, 24,397,496 23.419;440 26,033,714 27,336,678 27368,122 2026,342 28,695,22 27,4433 M 27,577.964 27,7.13,674 27,8E4.290 4'33.1,49 2.9,018,192 37.877.069 :M,773,517 20,231,753 567,164 10 Commercial 8k.... PhDs & Erle 88.. Sun & Brie 79.... les, February 9. shares. Governments and ........ 3,100 bbls. ........ 9, 000 brvi Philadelphia Cattle Market, Feb. 9, 186 The receipts of Beef Cattle at Phillips' Avenue Drove Void arc larger than they have been fur several weeks past. reaching about 1,600 head. The market in . con 44- queue° Is dull, and prices are fully 21c the 100 ibs lower than last quoted. First quality Chester county and Western Steitrs arc selling at $9. iitaE/10; a few choice are reported at $10.20; [heir to good nt+,vi,Qtt, and common at $047.00, according to quality. The market closed very did], and sales were mode at lower prices than the above, 2@kBoo heartwlll be left over. Cows are selling slowly at former pricer, ranging at from *lB to 08 it bead, according to quality. The receipts of Sheep are moderate this week, and prices are unchanged, ranging at from filleggc 7i4 lb. gross. The Rog market is very firm, and Ids, net, APIA advanced ; Wes at 86.75@& , ,a 100 loc. net, ancoming to quality. The Cattle on sale to-day are from the following States: - - KO head from Pennsylvania. • COO head from Ohio. SILO hood from Illinois. 60 head from Maryland. "...0 head front 'Delaware. The following are the particulars of the sales: • Fellhimer & Kirwin, 170 Western Steers, selling at from $6.6009. '26 for fair to good. Cochran & Wenn, 61 Western Steers, selling at from tia acorn, the latter price for extra. P. ISlcFilleu, 90 W. stern and Lancaster county Steers, eellingntfromsB.&(4o.6o for fair to good. Ullman 3: Shainberg, 85 Illinois Steers, selling at from fteult. 50 for fair to good quality. Jores IdeClese, 62 Laucaster county. ‘ Steers, selling at. from sFta9 for fair to goad. Alexander Kennedy, 25 Western Steers, selling at (vim $7.6109.50 for common to good quality. P. Hathaway, 711 Lancaster county Steers, selling at from $8.50(410.25, the latter for choice. Fuller & Brother, 60 Western Steers, selling nt from Eg9 for common to good quality. S. Kirk, 90 Chester county Steers, selling at front 8® s,Vc for common to good. Mooney & Smith, tS:00 Western Steers, selling at from 6@lo for fair to extra. - . B. F. Huston, 2S Chaster county Steers, selling at from Set 10 for fair to extra. Rice & Smith, 210 Western Steers, selling at from sow for common to good Reality. Barclay C. Baldwin, at Chester county and Ohio Steers, selling at from WO for fair to extra quality. COWS AND CALVES. The arrivals and mks of Caws at Phillips' Avenue Drove Yard are moderate this week, reaching about 00 bend. There is n fair demand, and prices are isl(42 head lower. Springers are selling at from $1863r2S head, and Cow and Calf at $50@):38, according to quality. Lean COWS are dull, and sell at Wald 11094. CALVltti.—There is very little doing, and prices are unchanged, Ist quality soiling at 6e}l6c, and 2d do at .40 435 c ns to weight and condition. . THE SHEEP MARKET. The arrivals and sales of Sheep at Phillips' Avenue Trove Yard continue light, only reaohing about 3,500 head. The market is less active, but prices aro without ally material change, ranging at from 6)0)731'e for lot quality, and 6®6,lac goose., for Ed do, so to condition, Stock Sheep are scarce, and selling at from 8171A1 Tit head, according to quality. THE HOG MARKET . _ 'The receipts and sales of Flci, are very light, anti we again advance our quotations - Z®soc T 100 lbs, with a good demand at the advance. 900 hand sold at the Avenue Drove Yard, by John Crouse & Co., at from Eigg.S.2.l 100 Ibo nett, as to condition. 1,941 head sold at 11. C. Imhoff's Union Drove Yard at front s7l§elii 100 lbs ttett. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TEAM TAOS, S. PERSON, SAML. K STOKES. 1001110=11 OP TIM MONTE GEORGE N. TATMAN. . . LETTER BAGS MARINE : INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PRILADRLPILTA, Feb. 10.1863. 11314 RISES.. ......... .•.660-SIIN SETS HIGH WATER ARRIVED Sclir Lncy, Spence, I day from Brandywine, Del,witli corn meal to A DI Len. CLEARED Bark Brothers, Man finer, Cienfuegos, S & N Welsh. Bark A blandereon, Thompson, Port Itonyal, H A Adams. • Brig Geranium, Pierce Cardenas, D S Stetson & Co. Brig Black Fish, Fairchild. Marseille, J Bazley & Co. Brig finrea. (Br) Strachan, Berbadoes Geo Atkins. Brig Mazatlan, Merriman, Carden/sr+, I Mason & Co. Behr .1 Randolph, Wall, Porto Rico, D S Stetson & Co. Sehr R 0 Whilden, Neal, Raw York, Noble, Caldwell & Co. Sciir Calista, Payson, Portland, Twells & Co. Schr F Tyler Tyrrell, Alexandria, Tyler. Stone & Co. Sebr It S Miller, Godfrey. Fortress Monroe, do Seta. J 0 Babcock, Jeffers, do do Schr Old Zack. Lynch, Piney Point, Hunter. Norton & Co. Schr Woodruff Sims, Mason, Hampton Roads. do Bah Emma & Buelah, Atkinson. Washington, captain. Behr George Thomas, Merrill, New York, L Andeuried & Co. Gtr B: L Gan-, Her, BeltimOre, A Grovels. Jr MEMORANDA Bark Velox, Wiseman, sailed from Bordeaux 14th ult. for Philadelphia. Bark Roanoke, Baling, from Laguayra for Philadel phia, wee spoken Ist hist, let Si, long Sl. Bark J Hicks, Greenman, from - New Orleans, with sugar, at hew York Sth inst. Brig Romance, Duncan, hence, was discharging at Pernambuco 12th nit. • trig W ai Dodge, Anderson, hence, at Pernambuco 30th Dec, and. was loading 12th nit, to return. Schr Is rank, Middleton, at New York Bth inst. from Frederica, Del. Sohn Sea Flower. Clark, E Potter, Shepherd, and A Corson,High, hence, at Baw York Bth inst. A W Dyer, lifainfile, for Philadelphia, and 3" Fenn= Hall, for dovia Bristol, sailed from Providence oth inst.' . . .Bark Reindeer, Wellington. at New York from St itts, passed let inst. lat 38, long 73 30, a vessel's top meat, a number of wine boxes, and other wrecked stntf. SPECIAL NOTICES. FURNISHING CHINA AND GLASS ESTABLISHMENT, CHINA HALL, 529 CHESTNUT STREET, Directly opposite Independence Hall, Philadelphia. Hotels, restaurants, and shipping supplied, China and glass packed in a proper manner, and warranted from breakage, to all parts of the United States. N. B.—China decorated to order; also, initials and crests elegantly engraved on table glass, ia26lm B—T-1860—X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTRES. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hears. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach- They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They care Diarrhoilia, Cholera, and Cholera blorbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. • They are the bait BITTERS in the world. They mats the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the exile prated Calisaya Bark. roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persona fequiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drug• Vista, Hotels, and Saloons. P. R. DRAKE & CO., %OS BROADWAY. New York. se24-13m BATCHELOR'S HAIR Thrzl ' THE BEST IN THE WORLD WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated. Hair Bye Produces a color not to be distinguished from nature: Warranted not to iiure the hair In the least; remedies the 11l effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Stair for We, GRAY, RED. or RUSTY BAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful, Bold by alr Drmarista &c. Saw- The Genuine Ss signed WILLIAM A. BATCH'S. LOR, on thefour Mete of each box. FACTORY, No. Si BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and le Bond street.) my2B-ly New York. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING ; OF THIS LATSBT FrTina, made in the Beet Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Platn [area. All Goode made to Order warranted eatightetory. Our Orm-Parch SYRINX la strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. del2rlY JONES & CO.. 604 MARKET Street. DOUGHERTY HERBERT. —On Sunday evening, February let, by the Rev. G. Btroebel, Mr. Wm. H. Doug c tr i thte i tanz4l it ar beg ; t r e l d o o f f eity. by the Rev. George Alex. Crooks, Mr. Wm B. February, Guline to Mies Emily A. Brlakworth, both of Philadelphia. * DIED. BURR,—At Nashville, Tenn., on Monday, January 26, 1563, William C., youngest son of M. L. and R. ht. Burr, in the Zlat year of his age. • Ms relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. 716 mith Tenth street, on Wednesday, llth Instant, at 7 o'clock A. M., to proceed to St. James' Episcopal, Church, Evaneburg, Montgomery county Pa. •• BEAUMONT.— At the residence of his son-In-law, Charles C. Oat, 710 Parrish street, on Sunday. February . 601, Davis Beaumont, in the Seth year of his ago. The relative , ' and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his son, Theodore 'B. Beaumont 'Bernard street, between Walnut and Matlack streets, West Chester on Wednes day afternoon, llth instant, at 2 o'clock, without further notice BUNTING.—On the Sth inst., Mary S. Bunting, in the Slat year of her age. llor friends are invited to attend her funeral from her late residence on the Marshall's road, on Fourth day, the Ilth instant, et 1 o'clock P.M. The interment to be at Darby. sa (iLIMY.—On Monday morning, oth instant, in her 11th year. Mary Emma. daughter of Rev. Samuel H. Gleey. The friends of the family, and the congregation and Sabbath school of Christ Church, are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral from her father's residence, 141. 2043 Wallace street., this (Tuesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock. The funeral services will take place in Christ Church, on Green street, near Sixteenth greet. Inter ment at'Octtysburg, Pit. SCHNEIDEIt.—On the oth inst. , Catharine, daughter of the late Casper Schneider, aged S 7 years. The funeral will take place from her late , residence, 11361) Arch street, on Wednesday, the 11th inst.', at .10 o'clock A.M. FLA KB. —Suddenly, at Lancaster, Pa.. on February 7th, ltev. Jacob Flake, aged 66 years. His funeral will take place from the residence of his nephew, 200 Spruce street, at 10 o'clock this (Tuesday) morning. LIINVIS.—On the 7th instant, at her grandfather's resi dence, .644 Franklin street, Sfarlan Eva, only child of Barclay Z., and Susan A. Lewis, aged 4 years and 0 mouths. • . . TOM ASO-N.—Suddenly on the evening of the 7th in: stout, Fanny), wire of Louis Tobiason, and eldest daugh ter of I'. S. Rowland, in the me year of her age. The mule friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, 850 Franklin street. above Famish, this (Tues day) morning, 10th inst., at 0 o'clock, without further notice. • CLADDING.—On the Sth instant, Albert F., eon of Charles F. and Sarah Auu Cladding, in the 3d year of his age. The relatives and friend° are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the resideuee of his parents, No. 1308 North Fifth street, to-day (Tuesday), at 3 o'clock, to proceed to St. John's N. E. Church vault, Third, below George street. • BLACK SILKS.-NOW OPEN, OUR Spring stock of the most desirable makes of BLACK SILKS, Including every quality, from $1 to $3.50 a Yard. N Black and White eat Check Silks. • Orgy and Black Neat Check Silks. Black and White Neat Striped Silks. Whito and Black Nest Cheek Silks. Black and White Foulard Silks. Black and Purple Foulard Silks.' BESSON & SON;Honrnlng Store, feB Na. 918 CHESTNUT Street. . TYRE & LA.NDELL, FOITRTH AND ARCH, alway s keep a line stook of Staple ousehold Goods, jail) Beat Idneline, Linens, and Flannels. PYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. always keep a full line of • alo ParannaliZtitiils. ipYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCINA.bIVIII . & floe assort . .mont of Mood Glossy Black Silks. Silks wityout aloes. THE PRESS.-PHLLADELPHILL TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1863. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS ' 11P TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Glrstrd--hestnut M Leech, New York Misr Isabel Cuban, N York Sig Xis:tenets, New York .T M Nixon, Novi' York Wm D Manilall, St Louts Joe hionthall. Pittsburg ND C 'Torrington, N Y F. Murtutot John Herzog. Baltimore Jobu Kelley Jubu Macdonald James Duck, New York Juba Vance, Washington J Yon Bunhorst, Falmouth Capt Geo Uihetm. U S A ' • treet; below Ninth. 0 W Cox & la, Washington T Fitzgibbotts John Ross, McVertown Win 'l' Wallnce & wr, Miss Turnbull, Now Yor'< I.lnmes Carmon,. L Sitperior lion A R Wootton, Del Corn Carpent.r, U 8 N Ms for (100 II Bardwell, IP W Illestand, Penult Henry Bowman, Peoria ' henry Daniel Magorien 'John Crnikshank. Ilarrislnt IChas lioumfort. Harrisburg Seigmiiii, New . York Piesinhard, Wilmingtoa Falmotith,V A el Jameson,. Readillg A J Uerr & sen, - Harrisbarg Wll Livingood, Reading 0 S Muller, Middletown Jll Munson, New York Col .1 K Lylind, US A T Schroeder, Providence John (Amami' , ' U 3 A .1 Stewart & la. New York Wll jackson,Saminit Hill - Miss Stewart, New York I' Maher, Harrisburg A May, West Chester . Wl' Small, ilarrisbarg - Col D Heenian,Philadelphia 0 Coles & la. New York 1.(Co1 W C'A S Ilnat ter, Reading W P Striation, Pittilmarg 1.1 (I Kaufman Lee.suort Hon 'l' .1 Yorke, N-Jerser T H Brown, gew Jersey C Eabton, Limo, S A J Van Aistyne. New York A Cramer, St Louts • A Vo. burgh New York . Mr Best &In U 8 N (I W Bullard Eli Bowen, Pentia /3' Ulehop. New London It 11 Sayre, Bethlehem Miss MAIM), New London S M Hamilton. Baltimore S M Dickisation,Trenton t X J W Ewing & iii,Connectient Mad Beinelmatis, New lork Miss Ewing, Connecticut A J Walsh, Pottsville Miss Th °moven, Connecticut .1 Prendergast West Cheater L T Thompson, Piffled J Scanlan, I facksheraville .1 Bledsoe, Falmouth, Va IV McLaughlin, Tremont l',Froblash & la, St John V K Keesey & art. York, Pa / Miss Frobusli „ _St John Thomas Duncan, Chicago Cant C Moss; Now' York Miss Duncan, Chicago Way, New York R Merrifield, Stonington 0 L Alartield,•Cbillicothe • I? Elder, Steel aureola .Miss Chillicothe W L Wright, Maryland W H Wilson, Maryland Jamas Thwarts. Pittsburg .Tolan 11 White, Maryland David B Bombay, Ohio M L Smith, -Maryland Charles Wilson, Now York H albertstm. Germantown 13 H Matson, Pm-, 11 1 A F Smith, Delaware co Jailluti Griffith & wt hi B Spahr, York, Pa Miss Scanlan VT Rickey & wf, Elmira Mrs Roberts S KeYnolds, Pa • R Tyson Davis, New York B S Kunkel & lit, Harrislarg Clans Griswold, 'New York Chestnut 'streets. David Reed. Pittsburg N D Sawin. Boston L Bradner, Jr, Chicago S F Damon & in, Bogen W ft Rockfellow & wf, N Y W C Kent & wf Beachwood D E Pork, Pa, Corn T Crabbe, U S N L Belrose. Philadelphia J M Courtright, New York J Fritz, Bethlehem Dr R V McKim & wf, Bait Henry Lunt. Boston E IVI Ward, Boston Stephens, New York thitionden, New York B Whitney. U S I' Wall, Worcester E J Thayer, New York B Bart, Bew.York Miller, Baltimore R C Ado t'op, Bt Job;th 11 1:01m, Georgetown, D C M Stele, Baltimore J W Mohler, Baltimore IV Biddle, U S A J A WcHherran, U S A Geo Fritz, Johnstown .J P liacon. Now York Mrs Wood N Thayer. BoSion . T J Wells. New York Morebant. U 8 N Miss 1,.8 Merchant A A Burnham & wt. Conn B Fenn, Jr, Connecticut Col Harden . . ditr L Wood W /V Marcus, New York S A Allon O Parson. Chicago C Furis'eh. Chicago A B Mudge, Baltimore P L Van Bensonleer, N A Phillips, New York W L Darling, US N • W Roth, New Bedford C Brockimer, Wheeling' A Welsh, New Jorser • T Oxley, Manchester, Eng W Huxley, Manchester. Eg J W ChtuCer, New York D 118 Davis, New York W C Nixon, Tenneteteti . NP Ho. ark, Now York E B OFborn, New York W 1i French & wf, Booton S Id Cornell, Now Ynrk Col MJ Cohen, Baltimore Edw J Fox, Boston A Barricbt. New York .1' A Nicely, St. Joseph W H Randolph &wf Y York Capt Harding & wf, Now Capt T Robinson, US A Sorg S Healy, .0 8 A J A 1 finch mats, California R C Stems, Wash, D C 3fre A Elliott, Wash, D C C P Wyman, New London S tif Wyman, New London H Wyman. NewLondou 8 Cornell, New York W N Bowels, Now York B Holmes. New 'Cork o G MillO;, Buffalo Geo Blight, Jr A Greanoug , Boston 0 D Norton, US A Mrs A B Hasbrouck, N Y W B Fitch autl wife, N Y - Z 8 Hawser, Baltimore John D Wood, New York. Henry Minor, Baltimore M Elliott. MD. N York • Mlsa Elliott, New York Peter Stevenson, N York .Tames Usher .1 M Vandeigrift, Pittsburg E Woodward, Ballads Chan H Elorhesd,"Philada H Coleman and lady. Del C ',Tomo/mint, M D, N F J Leimenring, Pa T Dixon, Salt T fielleck, How York GeerAnt Bl'mitt Win Wells., Clevelatd, 0 B BaU New York Alex Hunter &In, NAlbany Miss E L Duckwell,- Ey Lewis Dobbs, New York J SI Hasbrouck & lady, N Y .7 D Mitchell C R Rau. all, New York W C Benson, New York Mrs Astou New York E Taylor, OW York C W Scofield New York W Gri ffi th, B rooklyn T M Sprole, U S Army Miss E, W Treadwell, Mass Miss L Treadwell, Mass Miss A H Treadwell, Mass E Cordes & la, Masai J Fry,Baltimore • Mrs F. E Sonthworth, N Y P Stevens, New York Dr S 0 Bacon, LC S Moat G W Davis . H elilouey, SUsguehanna Wru Sinciar, Ohio hl or Judd & wife Col ES Sanford, Washington W A Backus, Delaware II 0 Budd, Pennsylvania J H Graham, Wilmington Samuel DI Lawrence, l'onna Coo M Holiest): n, Penna Airs S Itlanchaut, Poona Afro": H Walcott, Poona Bliss Walcott, Penua miss lifarchant, Denim Mr Lewis J II Savage, New York Itl6s L Marehaat, l'enna W 11 Kelley, retina .w Hunt, r enna Isaac Hall & In, Brooklyn B Coddlugton, New York D DFaYerweather, N York Cbos 1) Drake, StLouis W C Hnndy, Berlin, Mo I` H Konnedy,Chambersb'g j A Itedfleld, Elmira Liont nos N Spencer street. above Fifth. Geo W White, Wash, D C Geo B•Goliing, New York W F P Fairbank H B Morton, Boston Jos B Hayes, New York Illarshbank, Lancaster A Ashfield, New York Airreeriensi—Chestsiut A Rosenberg, New York Hon Arnold, Conn France Meurico Walsh, California Jos Howard Cincinnati J Holahan, U S A S Richardson, Muss \ii V Tarn, Delaware 11 Radcliff, Montg y Co Geo A Heckert, York, Pa: Sites A C Falls, York, re .1 C Benson. New Jersey W Foss US A 1' Mulford; Dayton, 0 C J Hall, Delaware S Grier, Delaware W Hill, Delaware II Hill 1111 Clark & la, U S . . . . F CLowthorp, Treutoa Mre Williams & da H H McConnell, Id Chunk at s Williams & eon • . . S ft Parkhurst, New York Joke W Clark, Conn B.Crane, New York L T Dlooyo, Delaware A 0 Gallup. Perry co. Pa J C Townsend, Baltimore J Brown. Baltimore E Buck. Mahe street s below Arch. Hon Asa Packer, M Chunk Chas Al Erben, Lancaster Chas LChestut Hill H Hannan, Hartford, Conn Jos Hutchinson, New York J R MoNarr, Now York Hon 3 D Stiles, Allentown D Thomas, New D B Hunt, York L H Shattuck, New York Lewis Tillawley, N York E Brodhead, New York W Cornwall, Ilartford,Nort J Allison Eyster Pa Henry Saxton, Carlisle, Pa Henry S Bitter, Carlisle, Pa Thos Stough, D Matlack Elerinhasator—Fourth .Thos Saball, Wash, D C 11 C Victor, Port Royal Limit C H Snyder, Pa Stambaugh, Pa 1) B Stet irk, Newburg, Pa C Einstein, Harrisburg Wm R Sturges; Wash A Wolle,Betbleham .7 Seitz. Easton W It Wilson, Easton John Mee 0, ' Easton Thos 'White, York, Pa Joltu Gallegher, York, Pa D G Illiabach , Beach Halm Jas McKeon, Easton J W Reyolds, Boston Hon Rini and Beodhend,_ Pa WmFrymsyer, York , Pa Mrs Sand. Wetherill, Pa street. above Third. Misses Joh aston, Boston W Carter, Boston G Simmons, Lowell. Mass W P Plume... New York S SI Alvord, New York Mrs Hawley & 2 de, Ky Miss Foster, Columbus, Hy F Fould Columbus, ICY D Potter. New Jersey - Dr II T. Hyde York W D Hyde, New York irrl USN -I' u S N. S Buckelew, New JeraitY Mrs L Devoe &fun, 11 1. J W Young, Baltimore Alex Hibbs New Jersey E D March: II S N II Mumford, Brooklyn Martin Welsh. New York B lice. New York W J Cheyney, Del co,Pa St. Louts—Cheatunt Ackley,Bridgeton S M Crossley, New Jersey Dine 311 Garrison, N Jersey G B.ounell, New Jersey' J B Ilfaebridc, New York P Henderson D Jokonnott, Mass J S Jorck, New Jersey A B Poet, Pittsburg Jr,ltlaryland W P Drownell.fiew_York E shimin up, New lork E Underhill, ..-- J H Metear, Wilm, Del JAN Taggert, Seansville H T Walter, New Castle, Del B Newlin, Delaware M R Thomas, N Henry Jones, N H Aaron Quineey, N H H Comly,Maneltester,NH Jas W amnia, New York • Jos C Magee, New -Jersey treat, above Third. Jos L Reeges,_Now Jersey Mrs Painter, Baltimore George Gowere, Muncy Thos Clapp, Muncy John Orr, Kittanning P 11 tittemmorer, Zanesy, 0 The Unlon—Arch Wm DicCauna. Chester co JR Gant, Philadelphia J A Bancroft, Philadelphia F Bright, Tamaqua DI Early, Lebanon co It Ii Burch, Pennsylvania reet, above Chestnut. Dugan, West Chester D 0 Tyler, Now Jersey J Leaman, Lancaster W Worger, Rhode Island N H Gillespie, Lane co C Blackburn, Lane co J F Lee, Baltimore . JE Downs, Baltimore Commercial—Sixth et B Graham S: wk Chester co BR Foreman, New Jersey H Swisher, Fulton co J II Swisher, Fulton co R Bunting, "Cincinnati W ltcClellan Elkton A Pomeroy, New York 0 R Shaw, Cumberland • National—Race D D Elder, Penna Cyrus Miller, Jenkintown J C Winslow, Tamaqua II 0 Budd, Penne C R Jones, Tamaqua J W Pfeger, Lebanon Lewis Reimer, Pottsville' S Ross, Penns J B Clark, Lanimeter Dr Ceo Rose, Lebanon •et, above Third. R G Rats, &haylk haven S P Haak, Pinegrove C F Rent.'chler, retina A Mull, Penna. Jos Whitaker, Mt Clair H A Math muff, Lebanon Ezra Heist, Lexington, Pa fl Breitigain, Lancaster co B L Snyder, Lebanon co.. and Market streeta. H Henderson, Chamberab'g C Jeffries, Nunn W Morrimon, Penna Joel Miller, Canton' David Hartman, Clinton co I' Myers, Lancaster S C Ritchie, Wilmington Staten Union—Stxth A J Wolfkiel, Lewistown D Bruner, Hitroton t Pa J 11 Venable, New 7 ork II 13 Snyder. Danville S Ryan, Millerstown B Goodwin, Johnstown Amos Townmeud, Penna A 3 Johns, York, Pa rect. above Market. J W Brown, Botllehom S Brown, Penult Pahiorfleld, Stnuilium, Dr. Risley, Wisconsin Madison—Second at J Dilworth, Del co, Pa Mrs Young S Kirk, Forestvillo,Pa Richards, Bristol' .1 5 Young,Milford,N J HORTICULTURAL HALL, S. W. corner BROAD and WALNUT. —Display TO IGHT of Fruits, Flowers, and Vegetables. It TWELFTH WARD.—A REGULAR. Meeting of the NATIONAL UNION ASSOCIA-• TION will be held THIS (Tuesday) EVENING. at 7% o'clock, in the - Hall. northeast corner FOURTH and GREEN Streets. or] THOS. A. GRACE, Seo'y. /Z 3.... OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. ROAD COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, February 9, 1963. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. —THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DIRECTORS will be held on MON .DAY, the second day of March, 1963, at the °Moo of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. The Polls will be'open from 30 o'clock A. N. 'to 6 o'clock P. AL • No share or shares transferred within sixty days pre ceding the election will entitle the holder or holders thereof to a vote. EDMUND SMITH, fe.lo-tinh3 Secretary. IMGERMAN OPERA BENEFIT.—TRE Committee of ,the Citizens' Volunteer Hospital present the following statement of the receipts of the Benefit given by the tierman Opera Troupe, at the Aca demy of Music, on the 31st ult. they regret that the result has not realized their ex- Notations, but the Committee labored under difficulties which could not be avoided, and which materially re duced the profit to the inetitution: Receipts of the house PAYMENTS. Cash paid to Carl Auzehutz for the employ ment of the Opera Troupe 8300 60 " J. B. Budd, Treasurer, for the • use of the Academy of Music. 100 00 • for printing, advertising, &e 63 46 " to superintendent and employees • of the house, &e., Ste 36 41 670 sr Balance paid Treisnirtir: Of Hospital 8144 73 IMCHRISTIAN 0001111ISSION.—CASH ' acknowledgmeuts to February 7th. JO 4. PATTERSON, Treasurer. Albany Y. M. C. A., per Harvey• Wendell, Jr • • ..8116 03 Cas Meeting in Rochester, N. Y., per Rev. R. J. Parvin 61 96 B: F. Bradbury, Bangor,. Maine 40 03 Soldiers' Aid Society Muanesbarg, N. Y 28 00 John Harbinson, Ge'rmantown 20 00 John Frick; West Philadelphia 20 CO .Samuel .Hood 10 03 . F. O. Elliot • 5 03 J. 2'. Elliot ; 000 . Cash • . 5.00 J. W. Marshall, Miss ' 3 00 Thomas Stewart ' 2 00 Ladies' Hospital Relief Society of U. P. Church, York, Pa. for freight.... • • • 2 MI Rey. Anson 11. Seely, Esperanee, New York, for freight . ' 2 00 Ladies' Society, Troy, IL Y., for freight - 170 A Soldier 1 00 H. J. Barnard,. N. Y • . lin ' A Soldier 100 • Cash7o John E. Pierson, N. Y., for freight • 60 Academy '•• 8141415 : . The following amounts collected at the c of Music, evening of January 29. 100.3: A Friend to the cause 9.500 03 —, Tames P. Smith 100 . 00 Jas. Graham & Co., (additional) 60 00 ; Ferdinand J. Dreer 25 00 C. A. Kingsbury ' 10 00 ' J. W. Early 10 00 • ln baskets ' ' 430 30 i ; . ' —1.134 30 Amount previously acknowledged Total MANTUA MANTUA.—THE ITl tens of HAPITI3A, interested in a cheap and eoin turtable line of travel to and from the heart of the city, are Invited to attend a meeting on FRIDAY RVSNINO, February ISth,at 7_,eY o'clock, at the corner of THISTy- SECOND mid HAYRRFORD ®d. second story. Let all be present who are opposed to the..bigh rates of fare now charged to reach their places of business. • te9-6t* • nontiamoPATHlO HOSPITAL, 1118 CUTHBERT Street—This institution is whoPOII for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers,will be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner me of charge. ' B. F. GLENN. no2Z4f . Secretary of Board of Managers. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMKRCIAL COLLEGE, northeast corner SEVENTH and CHERTNirr Streets. —Thorough prepara• Lion for the Counting' Henze. Individual instruction. Open Day sad Syoutrig. Ti!enty . -flye per cent. off re4u lar prices. ' - fr to' NOTICE.—AT AN ADJOURNED A mina' hfeetiug of the Stockholder'. of the Wt.:STUN IIiNNSYLN ANIA. it A ILHOA U COMPANY, held February 9, IBA the following-named gentlemen were duly elected to terve a. Oliveto:lra for the (matting year Thomas A. Scott, Josiah Bacon. Wintar Ittorrin. John Mime, John M. HounedY. Thomas C. Stewart. N. W. M. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR- T 1 .T TO THE ARMY AND DAVI, PIIILLDEL- Pll lA, October 24, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of Avaiiiini themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the otßee of the Surge o n-Artist to the Government. No. 1800 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALDIBB. inS-Sm OovbrumenL Surgeon-Artist. OFFICE SCHUYLKILL unvnti AND LEHIGH RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY', No, 15 South SEVENTH Sorel. Felindkry 3, IRA ROTH:E.—Notice is hereby given that SUBSCRIP TIONS to the additional Capital of the Company, as authorized IT the stockholders at a general meeting, held this day, will be received from the Stockholder of the Company, and of the Alinehill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company nutil H o'clock. noon. of the 11/th instant. ALEXANDER J. DERBYSHIRE, fe4-61 . President. INSURANCE COMPANY - OF.THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, Fehrnary 2 1563. 'I lie Directors have this day declared a DIVIDEND OF SIX. PER CENT. , or twelve dollars per share, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatims, on do :nand. Ife.4-100 WILLIAM HARPER. Secretary. F.M. NEEDLES, AAR the SPECIAL Arrwrnox of the Ladies to his LARGE STOCK of WHITE GOODS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, BAND A greater part of his goods have been purchased pre vious to the recent GREAT ADVANCE, and are now being RETAILED at LESS than wholesale mica% Ho hes JUST OPENED • . 100 dozen broad I ternititched Ildkfs.. at 30c., and op wal do. 300 dozen corded bordered all Linen - Hdkfc., at 13c., worth 25 cents. 50 pieces plain,buff, and white Piqui•, for Children's wear. 20 pieces printed and figured Plane, for cbildron's wear. NOVELTIES IN LADIES' BOWS. Emb'd Muslin, lace trimmed, &c., received every morning, from 50c. to OM. felo4( FMEROIDERIES ! EAEBROIDERIES I! --Trench Needle-worked Bands, Edgings. Insert lags, Bdkfe, Collars, Setts, Skirts, &c. ; a large assort ment of very choice goods at low prices. SHEPPARD. VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, fe9-Swtt 100 S CHESTNUT Street. PRINTED LINENS! PRINTED LINENS! a small advance on the old prices. a large assortment of Printed Linens, in new and desira ble patterns, suitable for children's wear, dresses, &c. • SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ADELSON'. (c9-3wif . 1008 CHESTNUT Street. TIOMESTIO MIISLINS, SHEETIN GS, &c.—All of the desirable makes foil sale, 'at the lowest cash prices. SHEPPARD, TAN lIARLINGEN,A; KEELSON, tefl-Swir 1008 C,HR,STNUT Street. CARD METROPOLITAN. HOTEL. Ni*'? YORK. February 7th, 1563. As it hag been published- in moat papers throughout the country that our prices have been advanced to Throe Dollars per day, we wish to state that the charged at the MEI'ROPOLITAN HOTEL will remain the Name as heretofore, $2.50 rim DAY. Wo can pay expenses at that price, and are willing to work for nothing In war times. tem SIMEON LELAND & 00. IRRAIMRETH HOUSE, • • • Corner of BROADWAY, CANAL, and LISPENARD STREETS, NEW YORK. CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The above Hotel to located in the most central part of Broadway, and can be reached by omnibus or city oars from all the steamboat landings and railroad depots. The rooms aro elegantly furnished. Many of them arc constructed in suite of communicating parlors and chain hers, suitable for families and parties travelling together Meals served at all hours. Single Rooms from 60 cents to $1 per day. Double Rooms from $1 to $2.50 per day. de2-6m • JOS. CURTIS & 00. U.S. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. I am Instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TRU MIRY to receive subscriptions for the above Interest will commence from the DATE OP SUBSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLB IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the Bret days of May and November oi each year. At- the present PSBMIUM ON 001.0. these Bonds yield about BIGHT per cent. per annum. A foil supply always on hand. D.: DI i .1' _ JOHN C. CAPP t STOOK & NOTE BROKERS, 'DIEEITAT OPPOSITE inn unmeL3atilLi BOUGHT AND SOLD OA 0031103810 N ♦T THE AND NOTES AND LOANS INZOOTIATED ON 'MB O 0 HARVEY THOMAS, . STOCK AND BILL BROKER,. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of 11. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES bought and sold on Commission, ex clusively. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negooiated at lowest rates. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Oeo. D. Parrish. Elm.. John B. !dyers & Co.; Samuel B; Thomas, Seq., iGieji.Kiniei, di Co., John Thomas, Eaq. &dB-Omit $35000 __THIS AMOUNT TO ~ LOAN in First Mortgaes on City Property. orFarms, within 3) miles WALNUTy. Apply to [fen E. PETTIT, No. 309 Street. $8,00()"1= • I on a Sepia, in Chester county. Apply to Sag • R RWTIT. 309 WALNUT Street. -31 500 $2,000, $2,500, $3,500; AND $B,OOO TO LOAN on ettylfortgoons. Ap • ply to PST IT. ja3l No. 309 WALNUT Street. U. 11, INTERNAL REVENUE. • AGENCY FOB. THE' . SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX STAMPS, No. 57 South THIRD Street, first door above Chestnut. A full supply of all kinds of TAX STAMPS constantly on band, and for sale in quantities to mutt. A liberal discount allowed on amounts of $6O and so- wards. Orders by Mall promptly attended to. • Office Hot= from'S A.M. tot P. M. JACOB . D. RID GW AY , de9-tie9 • . • )57 South THIRD Street. STATBE . I FIFTH COLLECTION-DISTRICT, PENNSYLV.A.. . NOTICE.—The ANNUAL ASSESSMENT for the above named District of all persons liable to a Tax on Car riages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiardrables' and Gold and Silver Plate, and also of all persons required to take out LICENSES, having been completed, NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN that the Taxes aforesaid will be received, for the TWENTY-SECOND and TWENTY-FIFTH-WARDS of the City of Philadelphja, by WILLIAM H. MILLER and.TREODORE S. WLLLIAKS, Denty Collectors, at the oflice,Langstroth's G sMIA.NTOWNi and for the TWEIM-THIRD .WARD of said . city. by. DA NIBL W. GILBERT, Deputy Collector, at the:mike of the Collector, Frankford street, 'Frankfort', daily, be; tween the hours of 9 A. M. and 3.P. , M. PENALTIES. stet e) All persons who fail to pay their Annual Taxes upon Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plato, on or before nt the twey-first day of February, 1.983, will incur a, penalty of ten per contain additional of the amount thereof and costa, as provided for in the 19th section of the Excise Law of July 1, MR All persons who, in like manner, - shall fail to take out their LICENSES, as required by law, on or • before the 21st - of February next, will incur a penalty of ten per contain additional on the amount thereof, and THREE TIMES THE AMOUNT OF SAID LICENSES, in accord ance with the provisions of the 19th and 39th section of the Excise Law aforesaid. •• ' • • Money of the United States only . reeeived. No further notice will be given. JOHN W. -COWELL, Cellector. Germantown (Philadelphia), Jan. 30. 1881 ja3o-tfell UNITED STATES INTERNAL . REVE. NIIN—THIRD COLLECTION DlSTRlCT,•Pennsyl vailla, comprising Twelfth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Seven teenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth warda of the city of Philadelphia • . . NOTICE.—The ANNUAL ASSESSMENT for the above named District, of all persons liable to a Tax on Oar lieges, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables and Gold and Silver Plate, and also of all persons required to take out Licenses; having been completed, notice is hereby given that the taxes aforesaid will be-received daily by the undersigned, between the home of 9A. M. and 9 P.M., (Sundays excepted,) at his office, bonthwest eorner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets, on and aftt r MONDAY, February , 2d, 1663, and until and including SATURDAY, the 21st day of the same month. PENALTIES. All persons who fail to pay their. Annual Taxes upon Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, on or before the aforesaid 21st of Febru ary, 1033, will incur a venally of ton per centum addi tional of the amount thereof, and costs, as provided for In the 19th section of the Excise Law of drily 1,1892 E All persons who, in like manner, shall fall to take out their Licensee as required by law, on or before the 21st of February, lgiityvil I incur a penalty of THREE TIMES HE AMOUNT OF SAID LICENSES, In accordance with the provisions of the 69th section of the Excise Law aforesaid. sir Money of the United States only received. Sir No further notice will be given. '- WILLIAM S. WAINWRIGHT. Collector, jal7-dtf 8. W. cor. THIRD and WILLOW Eta . 2E 51,1T75 088 64 $M,56119 'REIMERS:. GREAT A.RTISTIG. EF -a-s , forte are lde natnral and pleasing Ivorytipea Ela borately colored and tantefully arranged and finished. Drapery rich and truthfully colored. fiIiCAMD Street, above ureen. • •-. • .• • - . . It APPLICAI lON van BE MADE TO. the Sfanagers of the MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY for renewal of. Certificate of ONE SHARE OF STOCK, No. 4484, standing in the name of DAVID B. DIRNEY. the same having been lost or mislaid. fe3-LuSt„. on (Inn POUNDS SUPERIOR f. ARMY BREAD in *ore, and f sale. C. ALBRIGIPIT Se CO.. 6 and DOCL/Breet, SAMUEL T. BODINE. President. Damming. It. N. Burroughs. William L. HirA, 0. W. Barnes. William Maher, • Collins, WI .1, Sterett. UARKNESS. Secretary. RETAIL - DRY GOODS. No. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, KERCHIEFS. Re HOTELS. FINANCIAL. FIVE-TWENTIES. TWENTY-YEA-74 SIX PER CENT. BONDS. LOAN AT PAR_ JAY 000KE, SUBSCRIPTION AGIBIIT, No. 2111 SOUTH THIRD. MONT, STOOKS AND:-MONDS BOARD OP BROM= MONEY INVESTED BEST TEEMS No. 312 WALNUT STRUT INTERNAL REVENUE. COMMISSION HOUSES. WFTOLESALE HOOP-SKIM MIENCY. , W e ceill° leb subscriber, having been appointed sole agent for thrated . 110uP4 , 1ithT bI, I ,NUFACTiIItERS, M. DONNELLY & CO., lIIRMINCID AM, Connecticut, hoe rented the aceand fluor. No. 221 CHURCH Alley, where he to now . prepared to supply wholesale dealers at manufacturer s • Just - received an invoice of 0 dozen assorted alylee and qualities, white and colored, ladles' and misses'. In the present advancing Mato of the market, an In ducement is offered to purr Lase immarliniely. CHARLES ADAMd, Ile. 221 CIIURCIL Alley, Second floor, ARMY GOODS. • A7-86iMW DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 110UNCE DUCK. . DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINES DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHBETINGS AND SHIRT. MG& For sale by FROTH:INGHAM & WELLS. eel•Qlf MILITARY GOODS: VANS ds .HASSAtL, MILITARY FURNIBIUEiiiS, Ni;" 418 ARCH STREET SWORDS, SASHES, BELTS, &c., And everything necessary for the complete outfit of ARMY AND NAVY OFFICERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ia27:lm 6. W. SIMONS & BROTHER, BANSOM-STREET HALL, PHILADEIRMIA. MANUFACTURERS OP JEWELRY. • FINE SWORDS,' • nuurearvooDs. IN EVERY VARIETY .118.8 : 118m . • • • • • , WATCHES: AND JEWELRY. .•-• ell FINE ..WATOII REPAIRING attended to, by the most experiettoed workmen, and every watch warranted for one year. G. RUSSELL, 22 North SIXTH Street. F I NE - AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES. Gold, Jewelry, and Sil verware, at the lowest possible prices. CI, RUSSELL, 22 Worth SIXTH Street. alt D. T. PRATT, (BOCOROSOR TO PRATT & REAM) 60'7 CHESTNUT STREET, Is eonetanUr In receipt of INGLIBR, SWISS. AND AMERICAN WATCHES. Of desirable styles and qualities, to nit all classes of buyers. 'ELI VOLDEN, Dealer in fine laga VeliP a L 9 flEas. ATCHßB ' osSant. 708 idAB.KET Street. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &O- A FRESH ASSORTMENT AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICE: FARR & BROTHER, Importers, Bi3/2041:,. 324 CHESTNUT Street, below Fo HOLIDAY GOODS. PHOT 0 GRAPHIC ALBUMS A ••- large Tartar for sale at low nri b 8 W . c at& .t & CO., 9:34 CHESTNUT Street. derMnilf MICROSCOPES; SPECTACLES, AND SPY-GLASSES, for prorzhlw lb . 924 cassTwr Street. delMmtf OPERA GL ASSES , OPERA GLASSES. For sale ri m= W. CItrEEN & CO., 1014 CLIESTNITS Street. delMmit SEWING MACHINES. THIS BEST IN USE. NOISELESS FKMILY SEWING MACHINES HAVE TAKEN Fini/Sr-in AT EVERY STATE FA It AGAINST ALL OTHER MACHINES OFFICE AND SALES-ROOMS, . 730 CHESTNUT STREET. COPARTNERSHIPS. VOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of E. W. CARRYL & CO. , is this day dissolved by its own limitation. The business of the late firm will be settled by both of the former partners at their Store, No. 715 CHESTNUT Street. E. W. CARRYL, VX. B. NEWHALL. felMt Philadelphia, Januarr 81st, 1663. DISSOLUTION. -THE PUBLIGA tion made in thispaper on February 2d, 11, and 4th, of the formation of a copartnership between the undersigned and ROBERT C. ANDERSON, under the firm name of McCAMMON & ANDERSON, is hereby withdrawn. The said copartnership is hereby dis solved, and the public arc notified and cautioned that the undersigned will pay no debts contracted by said R. C. Anderson, or in the name of said firm. WM. J. MeCAII3ION. fog-3t• Philadelphia, Feb. 7,1563. NOTICE.—PHILADELPHIA, FEBRIT ARY, 2,15&4.-The COPARTNERSHIP heretofore ex isting between THOMAS A. BIDDLE, HENRY 3. BID DLE, and ALEXANDER BIDDLE, Stock and Exchange Brokers, under the firm of Thomas Biddle & Co., is this 'day dissolved by the terms of our articles of copartner sh_lp, conseenence of the death of Major HENRY.I. BIDDLE. The business will be carried on by the surviving part ners at the same place and under the same name. The affairs of 'the old firm will settled b the snb- TEE COPARTNERSHIP "HERETO -a- .fore existing between EDWIN HALL & BROTHER is this day dissolved, by mutual consent, LEWIS S. HALL retiring. The business will be continued by EDWIN HALL, under the.unme. of EDWIN BALL & CO. EDWIN HALL. LEWIS S. HALL. fed-13t• FEBRL , ART 2, 1863. • pHiLADELPHIA, JANUARY 28TH, 1563. Notice is hereby given, that the partnership lately subsisting between George Henderson, Robt. W. Southxnayd, 'Edwin Henderson, Thomas D. Henderson, and William H. Henderson, under the firm of HENDER SON, SOUTEiIIArD Sr. CO., has been dissolved by .mu teal consent. fe242t NOTIGE.—THE UNDERSIGNED hereby publish the terms of a Limited Partnership, which they farmed on the 21 day of February, 1861, to terminate on the 31st day of December, 3862, and which they have THIS DAY renewed, in compliance with the Laws of Pennsylvania. The name of the firm under which the said Part nership is conducted is MATHIAS M. MARPLE. 2. The general nature of the business transacted is the buying and vending of - VARIETIES and FANCY DRY GOODS, at No. fa North THIRD Street, in the city of Phi ladelphia; State of Pennsylvania. 3. The name of the General Partner of said firm is MATHIAS M. MARPLE. residing at No. 1220 COATES Street, in 'the city of Philadelphia, and of the Special Partner et said firm GEORGE GORDO.N residin at frio. North FOHETEI Street. in the city of Philadelphi g a. - 4. The amount of capital contributed by, said George Gordon, the Special Partner, to the common stook at the tirnecaid partnership was formod—to wit, on the 2d day of February, 1661, was TWELVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. • 6. The said partnership Is now renewed, and is to con tinue until, and to terminate on, the 31st day of Decem ber, 166. L Phiadelphia, December 31 tin • AsTares M. means, General Partner. GEORGE GORDON. Special Partner.' +' NOTICE.—THE LIMITED PARTNER SHIP heretofore existincbetween the undersigned, tinder the firm of J. T. PLATE & SCROTTLER, expires this da . y . , by lie own limitation. Philadelphia Decem ber 31, 1862. J. THEOPH. PLATE • CARL C. scHorrLEX, General Partners. CAR. I'. PLATE, Spacial Partner. • By his Attorney, J. THEOPEL PLATE. The undersigned continue the Importing and General Commission Business, under the Brm of J. T. PLATE & SCHOTTLER, for their own account. J . THEOPH. PLATE, CARL C. SCROTTLRR. lal-6v/ Philadelphia; January 1, 1883 : • DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER . SHIP.—The copartnerehip_heretofore existing under the name of SMITH, WILLIAMS, & (10., is thiedny dis solved by mutual consent, and the busmen of the late firm will be settled by either of the undersigned, at No. Dl3 MARKET Street. P. JERKS SMITH, H. PRATT SMITH .11d0. WILLIAMS,, • WM. P. SMITH, Jr. Philadelphia, Dec. 31,1863. • THE SUBSCRIBERS WILL ' . CONTI NUE the DRUG BUSINESS, as heretofore, at the Old Stand. No. 721 MARKET Street. . . - WM. ELLIS & CO._ _O. Druptste, Sal-tr . 724 BlA_FaChr Street. PERPETUAL BEAUTY.- H UNT'S WRITE LIQUID ENAMEL, prepared from the re ceipt of Madam Rachel Loveraon, the celebrated Parisian Ladles' Enamellett It whitens the skin, giving it a soft, satin-like texture, and imparts a fret hness, smoothness, pearl-like tint and trausparermy to the complexion which is quite natural, without inyttry to the akin, and cannot possibly be detected. Price 2.3 cents. Ladles are re quested to call for a circular, and try the enamel before purchasing. This preparation is indispensable for the 'stake, Sold onlY at -BUNT & CO .' S, Perfumers, fesvem 133 South SEVENTH Street. above Walnut. LOST -A CERTIFICATE OrTHE:t per cent. Philadelphia county Loan under an sat of Auxembly dated the lath day of April, IEtN, for Eighty. seven Dollars, payable to Richard Teadom. executornf Francis Kroeson, deceased, or his heirs or mimes. The finder will be rewarded by returning it to 13ENJAININ H. TURNS% No. 102 DANA Street. delfMn3Eo ••eNV%/V,y4 0 ,. 1AW•••• Y . W HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE, • All Books imolai!, to be bad Ina FIRST-GLASS BOOKSTORE, FEIOTOGRAPII ALBUMS Of every variety of ' ':.CARTES DE . VISITE in endlesa.;quiety, together with an h 1112201130 stock of Accompanies every Book sold, 'Avon of Choice Goodß, at Low Ratea. Fair Dealtog, and Polite Attention, patronize the GREAT ORIGINAL MILITARY, NAVAL, AND SCIEN. TIM 0 K S —The subscribers have on hand all the recent public:atom In this department of science. including a general assortment of BOOKS. They also keep on hand a full' assortment of WORKS ON MEDICINE, SURGERY, &c. And receive as coon as pnblished, or will famish promptly to order, at low mica.; NEW BOOKS% In every department of literature.' LINDSAY & ELARISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, fele No. 25 South SIXTH. St., above Chestnut. PIIIWELPHI PITCHER'S NEW BOOKSTORE.- .PHOTOGRAPII ALBUMS and CARD PHOTO GRAPHS at lower prices than can be found at any other Mere in Philadelphia. . G. W. PiTOGRR. felo-3t No. 805 CHESTNUT Street. A VINDICATION OF "OBJECT TEACHING," ' "SCOTIA." For halo at !do- ELROY'S, CHESTNUT and,TEBTH Streets, and at HENRY LONGSTHETIVS 1336 CHESTNUT Street, Price 15 Celits. tolo,4lt* BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE AND THE BRITISH REVIEWS, PRICES CHEAP AS EVER. To those who pay promptly In advance. Notwithstanding the cost of reprinting these periodi cals has more than doubled in consequence of the enor mous rise in the price of paper, and of a general advance in all other expenses: and, notwithstanding. other pub lishers are reducing the size, or increasing the price of their publications, we shall continue, for the year 1913, to furnish ours complete, as heretofore, at the old rates, viz: . . E 5. BLACKWOOD'S EJBRURCiIi MAGAZINE (Eery). TERMS: rer annum. For any one of the tour Reviews • V. 3.00 For any two of the four Reviews • 500 For any three of the four Reviews 7.00 For all four of the Reviews • LOS For Blackwood's Magazine 3.00 For Blackwood and one Review 5.00 For Blackwood and two Reviews 7.00 For Blackwood and three Reviews 9.00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews 10.00 These will be our prices to all who pay prior to the let of April. .To those who defer paying till after, that time. the prices will bo increased to such extent as the in creased cost of reprint may demand ; therefore, . - A PPLITONS NEW AMERICAN 3 .*- CI OLOPEDIA.-4t will be completed IN ONE MORE VOLUME. This invaluable Library of•lnformstion should be in possession of every intelligent faintly in the land, form ing, as It doss, the cheapest collection of usefnl - reading matter imblished. Those who subscribe now will save SS on the set. OFFICE OF THE CYCLOPEDIA, ' 33 South SIXTH, above Chestnut. N. B.—Agents wanted in this State and New Jersey to take orders for the shove. fe7-121 nol64mlf OFFICF OF APPLETON'S CYCLO PEDIA, 33 South SIXTH, above Cheetnut.. Agency also, for the following works: PUTNA'M'S RECORD OF THE REBELLION. NATIONAL EDITION OF WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORKS. LIFE AND LETTERS OF WASHINGTON IRVING. BAYARD TAYLOR'S COMPLETE WORKS. HOUSEHOLD EDITION OF DICKENS' WORKS. GEMS FROM TOE DUSSELDORF' GALLERY. GRANT WHITE'S SHAKI•PEARE, 12 vols. BANCROFT'S UNITED STATES,_SVOIS. BRITISH POETS AND ESSAYIST'S. Boston Edition. WORKS OF FRANCIS BACON, 15 vols. lIISOSLLANSOUS BOOKS at lowest prices. to-r,c DR. GUTHRIE'S NEW WORE.— : SERMONS. O THE HEART; or' SERMONS FOR THE PEOPLE. •Hy Thomas Guthrie, D. D. 70 cents. PATRIARCHAL SHADOWS 01 CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH. Br±:octavitis Winslow D. D. 90 cents. ..THE MOTHm. AND HER WORK. 40 cents. . . . _ • CIIRISTIAN SBLP T CULTURBI or, Counsels for the Beginning and Progress of & Christian Life. By Leonard Bacon. SO rents. • A BOOK FOB . . THE HOME By Rev. T. C. Upham, D D. Steel 811A - raVft.. tt. b Am. tr. a ALF RED MARTIEN, RA. 606 CaBSTBUT Street. ft 7 . xr UST:THE WAR GO ON 2-AN IN QUIRY whether the Union can bo restored by any other means, and whether Peace upon any other basis would be safe or durable. By hoary Flanders. Pamph let Svo. Price 15 cents. • Published by WILLIAM S. Et ALFRED MARTIEN, 38.29 606 CHESTNUT Street. a It 7 0 g ;.B B B A KDE ....,,nnevv-vvsnevvvvvysn,nAnNyVyrows. IM PERIM, it ND: OARD 'PHOTO: ithi et t r ibr felo-6t • . No. 1308 CIIRSTNiI r Street. OF 1562. 'WHEN REIMER'S IVORYTYTFS ARE RARE specimens of natural and beautiful pictures, not ex aggerated in colortna or' eXpreseion, but a truthful copy 'of the subject. SECOND Street, above Green. It • • • • TEACHERS WANTED.-LADY FOR Englfsh and Music, -in Pennsylvania. Lady • fur English, French, and Music, near New York city—salary liberal. Lady for English, French, and Music, as Go verness, near Louisville. French Lady for School in New York city. Call at American School bulimic, 25 North FOURTH Street, Scherinerborn. Bancroft, & Co.'s Bookstore. Streets. ja3l-)2t• THOMAS A. BI DLE, ALEXANDER BIDDLE These Dye's are mixed In the form of powders concen trated. are thoroughly tested, and put up in neat pack ages. For twenty-five cents you can color as many goods anwould otherwise cost five times that sum. The pro cess Is simple. and any one can use the Dyes With perfect success. Directions inside. Manufactured by HOWE At STEVENE, . faBB BROADWAY. Boston. For sale biDriurgists and Denten In evor7 Clity ‘ and 'Town. da.lo.tuths-8m If NEW PUBLICATIONS. 124 SIIESTNUT STREET. Between Seventh and Eighth Streetreeti Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES 1.44 SIZE. STYLE. QUALITY. AND. PRIC THE CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY! STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE • ALT VI3S OLD PRIDES 1 A HANDSOME-i'RESENT GIFT-BOOK 439 CIIESTIIITT Street L THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). 2. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). 3. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Nree Church.) 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). SEND IN YOUR OHDF.RE AND SAVE TOUR MONEY. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., Publishers, kO-3t, . . • No. SS WALKER Street, N. Y CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. BROTRERHEAD'S CIRCULA •7.O TING LIBRARY.—AU the NEW English and Aiinertcau Books, including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOORS that are not REPRINT ED here. Terms $5 per year; six months $3; three months $150; one month 75 cents, or 8 cents per day. 5118 South. EIGHTH Street. • seB-6m PHOTOGRAPHS: REIMER'S COLORED PHOTO eRArris FOR 9L— Everybody . should have one of these fine picturing. They aro accurate likenesses, natu rally and artistically colored. Get one . SECOND St., above Green. It JUST OPENED, A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. No. 906 ARCH STREET, Where the FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, FROM THE CARTE DE VISITS TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE, Are produced by the most- EXPERIENCED ARTISTS. Those wishing nrst-class pictures are incited to call and examine specimens. A choice selection of Albums, cases, and frames on hand. F. A. 0. murk EDUCATION. SELECT SCHOOL AND PRIVATE INSTRUCTION—N. W. corner TENTH and ARCH rij, A SSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL ' l / 4 ." OF H. D. GREGORY, A. M. 1108 MARKET Street. jal9.lm* IVY INSTITUTE, . PUGHTOWN, CHFSTEP. COUNTY, PENNA. The next term will commence on the 6th of April, gt Terms for Tuition and Boarding for fourteen weeks, $lO. For Circulars.' address fed.6t. E. M. HAWLEY. VMS. GE GREEN SEMINARY.-=-A T SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, MEAS. MEDIA, PA. Thorough course in. Mathematics, Classics, English studies, &c. Military. Tactics taught. Classes In Book-keeping, Stu , veving, and Civil Engineering. Pupils taken of all ages, iLna are received at an time. Boarding per week. .21L • • . Tuition per quarter, 03. • For catalogues or information address Rev. S. HERVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green. Pa. . 0c1.04 PERSONAL. P ENSIONS.- 8100 BOUNTY AND Pay Procured and collected for• soldiers, sailors. and the relatives of such as aro deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced mail by AMFTON Solicitor for Cla UL imants 424 WALNUT Street, Philsdelphfa. Particular attention given to Parties living at a Ills lance. • • . . . ociftif •'•.• . . • , A OPPENHEIMERi . . No: Sal =WEI Alley, Pht lade]pbta. Co/micron AND BIANDFACTMIER, Olf ARMY CLOTHING , of Every Description. ALSO, • TENTS, HAVKESACKS. PONCHOS, cemp BLANKETS, KNAPSACKS, and BIM PICKINGS POR HO.SPITALS. MATERIAL BOUGHT FOR CONTRACTORS: All gotaie 'made will be guarantied regulation In else. N. B. Orders of any size filled with despatch: 303ie CgRB.O N ' S SCOTCH PATE SILV3R-CLEkNING POWDER, Warranted free from acid, and the same as need in the houses of the nobility and gentry of Scotland. It is un equalled far cleaning Vole( and Silver Plate, Looking Glasses, etc. Prepared by A. H. CARSON, waiter, from a recipe given me by the head butler to the Duke of Athol. For sale by HAZARD & CO., Twelfth and Chestnut streets, I. TOWNSEND, Thirteenth and Chestnut streebe, T. BLACK,-1401. Chestnut streets, \Y. H. NAULTY, 1800 Chestnut street, 3. CLARK, Fifth and Prune streets, And wholesale by WILLIAM rAmvni, 1201- CHEST NUT Street, and CASWELL, MACK. & Chemists, Fifth-Avenue Rotel, New York It And Thames street, Newport, I. All orders addressed A. H. CARSON, Western Sub Post Office. Philadelphia. . Ja34tnthe2m FAMILY DYE COLOAS I LIST OF COLORS BLACK, SALMON - ' DARK BROWN, SCARLET, : •• SNUFF BROWN. DARK DIU& ' ' LIGHT BROWN, LIGHT DE . DARK BLUE, YELLO YELLOW: • LIGHT 13LUE,. . ' LIGHT ' DARK GREEN, ORANGE. LIGHT GREEN. MAGENTA,: • PINK, ' - SOLFERINO PURPLE, gRENcn Betrs u SLATE, . • . -ROYAL PURPL E CRIMSON.: .. VIOLET.. • . . . . ... .. . FAMILY - ....DYE.:O4SLCittS, ... For 4yetng Silk, Woolen' and Mixed Shawls. Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, (Royce, Bonnets, Rats, Feathers, KM Gloves, Children's Clothing and all kinds of Wear ing Apparel, with perfect fast adore. A BAYING OF 80 PER CENT WANTED -A POSITION AS 130011- K/6EO3R or ASSISTANT BOOK-KEEPER by a youtg MAN. Moderate salary expected. Address M. R. P., at this frffion. fnW-3t• 101TANTE1)-A PARTNER, SPECIAL oractive, with 41.00 t) to $5,0110 cash capital, In a sale profitable, cash business. Address "Safety," im mediately, Pre** office. felll ^t• WANTE D-AN ACTIVE SITIJA -I.ION as SALESMAN or COLLECTOR, by strum of business comet lenoe, until recently of a Bonk. Re fereuce, his old employers Comuii*don and forward fog bIIAiIIPRK preferred. *ouldFrefer . kelv out of the city. Addroos,. for thin week, . E. Y. L., 800 1,825. Post Office. Phtliolelphie. folo-3T.* AL-'U- FROM $2,000 TO SS.IM WANTF.D. in a safe, and profitable litr.inos,; no competition. None Ant thosO hnvinn the molter to tnveot of num need apply lor particulars. call on or address THOMAS COCHRAN, care or • Colonel H. O. CIIOIIMOIN, fed-tbstuSt, 41. Worth SIXTH Street. Philada. • DEPtrry QUA RTE RMASTEII OE NE RAMS OFFl.C.N.:—Pitt..titbent.t. Feb. 9. 193 t. VIL.FsIsT.S was, ted immediately to enrry•COAL, to the following mints : Tortugas,. . Kpy West. Kla. ' . Fort 'Monroe. Va. • . Alexandria. `tea., Newborn. N.C., • , „. rort Royal. S.C. A. 130 FD. • fe10.4 Captain and Assist. Cluarterronster. $7OOO TO $8,000.-WANTED, AN f native r A F. TN ER with the aimed amount, to join to 'tomtit busine. , s, paying from :10 to (I 0 percent. Addresn WASRINGTOh. Pre** office. felo-31* $7,000 TO $lO,OOO TO INVEST IN some Inerative busictem Wants to he roine an ACTIVE PARTNER in same. Would prefer the Commission Produce. Business. Address "Acrivz,r Prune OlOce.PA-Sr. EMPORIUM . COUNTRYSE.A.T WANTED.- - malaise itiveriteer witches topitroliese.a. Arat-elass RESIDENCE, including from twenty-five to seventy-Arc - amen of Land, with good improvements, within fifteen or twenty miles of Philadelphia. • Addrean It. L. IL, with full vortical:tn. , . at the office of this paper. . • felo-tutlisStif. in • WANTED TO. • 'FUROR ABB-A moderate sized three-story Brick HOUSE, In a can-. teal location. Must have all the modern improvements,' Address "House," at this Once. stating price. terine; and location. , laBl-tf eWANTED TO RENT, FROM THE first of April next. a modern te-slzed threfkitory BRICK DWELLING BOCBR, In a central locality. It must have all the modern Improvements. Address, "Rent." at this once, stating locality and price- iald4l A.CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. " Camp Metcalfe," near HADDONFIELD, N. J. —MEN wanted to complete Companies now nearly full, to secure tbe Citizen.s' Bounty Fend awarded to the first Twenty Companies mastered into the service of the United States. . . . Two or three positions of Second LIEEITEXANTS are vacant. which will he neatened to Tonnz men of good re. formica. and who have seen service. TO RENT-THE IRON- FOUNDRY, -a- on GERbIANTOWN Road, above SIXTH Street. Posnession on. April M. • Fixtures for saki. [Petro at. No. 'O6 North SECOND Street. . • fole-tutbsGts TO RENTONE OR TWO ROOKS, Nrith or without Board. Art a private family. 5 North TMTITEENTIT Street. . • teo-3r. FOR SALE OR TO LET.--STORE No. II North THIRD Street, with Fixtures. Inquire at No. 32, optsmite. fel-6t• TO RENT, WITH BOARD—SECOND story communicating rooms (front/ unfurnished) ; Location central. Terms moderate. Address "A. B, ' Pram office. fe9-21.. SAW AND . PLANING MILL FOR, RENT.—The Siihscriber offers for Rent, from and after the 15th FEBRUARY, his extensive SAW AND PLANING MILL in the borongli• of Marietta. There are a Fifty Horse Power Angiue in good running order, a Slitting Saw, two upright Log haws, a new improved Planing Machine and all the Circular Saws necessary for making Maids, Laths, &c. The Mill is on the Pennsylvania Railroad, a siding mining up to the Mill, and it is within fifty feet of the Pennsylvania Canal; in short the establishment has all the facilities for doing an extensive and profitable Blisiness. For further particu lars inquire of the subscriber, at t 1 Mill. - fin-at • GEORG}, W. MERAFFEY. TO LET-HOUSE 2017 A.EOH Street, with all the toodern j e c r s tirgoiretAitter No. HT Sonth TIRD Street. up stal6. Office hours, IC L. to 2P. IL * klO-st* A FURNISHED HOUSE.- . .:Wanted; &well-furnished Rouse. A good tenant: arid liberal rent... Address, Bean.% P. 0. fehleo ACRO.RTH.. FOURTH:STREET Am - DWELLING. No. 538, three-storied. with double throe-storied back buildings and stable in rear: lot 'M feet front, 133 feet deep. Is specially adapted for the (re sidence of a Physician. For sale by A. P. St J. IL MORRIS, 916 ARCH Street. fe74ts gla • FOR SALE OR TO. LET FOR THE MIL SUMMER.—A new and commodious ROM: with from Six to Eight Acres of Ground. There is, on Nib, Property, a line spring of water and a beautiful spot for building, commanding a line view, and fronting ou the Jenkentown road. The above. Property is situated in Abington, a half mile from Abington Station. on the, North' Pennaylvania Railroad, and a good turnpike' lending therefrom. Call on C. TYSON LIMENS, at WELDON, half mile from Abington Station. (fed-thatte al FOR SALE, OR WOULD BE EL CHANGED FOR CITY PROPERTY, A DESIlki- BLE SMALL FARM, situate in Now Britain Township, Bucks county, Pa., three miles from Doylestown, and one and a half from New 13ritain Station, on the Doylestown Railroad, containing 63 acres, sta. of which is woodland, and five meadow, divided into convenient fields, well watered. good building. fruit, Am. Enquire at 104 North Sixth street, PhiladelPhin. fe7-Ims ask _COUNTRY SEAT AT PRIVATE -a— SALE.—One of the best properties lying within ten miles .from Doyleestown, the county town of Backs county, is offered for sale. It is situated in a beautiful country, half a mile from Doylestown. The Mansion is large, containing thirteen rooms, with large airy halls, replete with all the modern conveniences. The out houses also new and substantial. There is also twenty four acres of laud attached to the premises, with an abundance of good water, and a stream running through the land, together with fruit, shade, and ornamental trees in abundance. Such aproperty is seldom offered for sale. If not sold before the 20th inst.. it will be rented. For particulars apply to SIMON MEREDITH, at the Barley bheaf Hotel, North SECOND Street. or to A. PHILLIPS, Avenue Drove Yard, West Philadelphia. feel-&° sai • ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF , REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE.--On WEDNES DAY, Februaryoll. MI. at 12‘o'clock. M., on thepre mises, all that VALUABLE FARM late the property of • (image Pickering, deceased, situated in BENSALEM Township, Bucks County, on the ROM leading from Newportville to Bristol Pike, about 131' toilets from the former and ISi om Neshamoni Station ou Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, - enjoining lands or F. E. Dixson, Murtha Allen, and others, containing 101A.cres of first qnallty Land in a high state of cultivation, about 6 of which is wood land, the balance tillable and divided into fields of convenient size, with a stream of water running along the west aide. The improvements Consist of a large two-story Stone Mansion of modern structure, built in a convenient and substantial manner, with two Parlors Hall, Dining Room, and Kitchen on the first floor, Milk Vault in the Cellar, and Pump in the Kitchen; large Overshot Barn, Stone Stable. high Wagon House, Wood House, Chicken House.. Straw House, Bostick, and other out Buildings; also, a two-story Frame Tenant House and School House, excellent Wells of Water at Rouses and Barn, an Apple Orchard of well-selected Fruit, also choice varieties of Peaches, Pears, and Cher ries; a tine Lawn in front of the House set out with Ever greens and other Shade Trees. To persons wishing to purchases home in the country, this is a:chance . seldom offered. Also; at the same Hine and place, will be sold the Personal Propert of the deceased, consisting of Horses, Cows, Pigs, Hay, Wheat, Como, Oats, Pota toes. and Farm utensils. Terms at sale. fey-tbstuSt . Wlt. C. PICKERING. Administrator. FOR SALE.-THREE-EIGHTHS of the brig Thos. Walter.' Apply to CHAS. S. & JAS. CARSTAIRS. Jr., Sal-tf No. 126 WALNUT Street. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENE RAL'S OFFICE. —PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 9,1 S 3. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until Satur day, the 14th instant, at 11. o'clock. M ., for the delivery in this city, on or before the 15th of March next, of fifty Ambulances to he constructNl after the model known as the "Now Coolidge Vattern," to be EMI at the Schuyl kill Arsenal, in this city. The right is reserved to re ject all bids decreed too high. A. BOYD. fclo-51 Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENE RAL'S OFFlCK—Pmx.untrmitiA, Feb. 9, MA • PROPOSALS will be received at this office until Satur day, kith instant, at 12 o'clock AL, for the delivery in tias city, on or before the 2.5 th host., of One hundred Front Wagon Wheels. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. A. 134)YD, .Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. R. STEWART, _ Principal DEPUTY QII,IRTERALLSTER GENE. RALS OFFICE. —Pnr LADi:T.THIA. Feb. 9, .1563. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until Satur day, the 14th Instant, at 172 o'clock M.. for the delivery in this city, on or before the 15th of March next, of one hundred and thirty Mediciuo Wagons, to be constructed after the model of Mr. J. Duutort, to he seen at the Schuylkill Arsenal, in this city. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. G. H. CRODIAZI, felo-bt ' Deputy Quartermaster General. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Street. PUMA- IiELPIIIA, Febrile 0, lark SEALED PROPOSALS are invited, and will be r , celv ed at this Office, until 12 o'clock AL, on THURSDAY. the 19th instant, for furnishing promptly, at the Scanylkill Arsenal: • 20 Cavalry Standards, with Staffs, complete. 1121 do. Trumpets, with extra Mouth Pious. 100 Infantry (copper) Bugles, with do. do. 500 Drum Heads, snare. ],OOO do. Cords. 000 Fifes, C. SO Regimental Tndex Books. 30 de. - General Order Beoks. • 2,000 lbs. Baling Rope. - . Samples of the above can be seen at the Schuylkill Ar senal. Bidders will state, In their Proposals, the time of de livery and quantity bid for ; and also give the names of two sufficient sureties Inc • the titithfut fulfilment of the contract, if awarded'. Bidders are invited to be present at the °peeing of the bids. . G. G.E. C.ROSMAN. felo-St . Deputy Q. M. Gaueral. TN THE ORPHANS' 00IIRT,FOR THE CITY AND CO1:1 . 11711' OF PffiLADELPIIIA. The Auditor appointed by tbe.Court to audit. settle, and adjust the first and final Account of ROBERT DUN LAP, Jr.,and GEORGE efeGAGUE, executors named in the last will of ROBERT DUNLAP, deceased, as flied br George bicCagne, surviving execntor, and to report dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet all parties interested in the estate to attend to his duties, on SATURDAY, the Elst day of Febnutrv, 'A. D. ma% at o'clock P. ld., at his °Bice. No. 259 gonth FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. fell-tutbsst ..YOS. P. LOUGHEAD, Auditor. TBE RUBBER SOLE I HAVE WORN -a- for years. I would not part with it fora thousand dollars. It keeps out the dtunp, prevents slipping ; and wears five titers as long as leather, at the same cost. Fur women's boots it is invaluable. DR. LEWIS. These SOLES are attached to ladies' and. gentlemen's boote. at 921 ARCH Street. Patent rubber shoes ro- Trti red. 11* WM. BERTON. THE PRINCE OF HAIR DYERS IN this city to GUTEKUNBT , FOURTH and BR6t7tt_er RHUBARB ROOT. - 1 7 OASES FOR •-""' sale by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Druggists. . • E.W. corner SECOND and GEEE'd Streets. ATB:A.T'S-FOOT BBLS. FOB Welty ZIEGLER & SMITH. Druggists. S.W. corner SECOND and GEEEN Streets. RENNA.ALEX.-5 BALES FOR SALE by =En= & SMITH. Druggists • S.W. corner SECOND and GREEN Str eets. SAL AMIONIA.O.-4 CASKS FOR sale by ZIEGLER & WITH. Dresglets, ti W. cornfr SECOND a me nd GREE N Streets. BORAX REFIiZED. 2 4O BBLS:FOR sale bY CREAM TARTA . PUBE.-8 BBL,S, for sale by ZIEi3DER3tSMITII. Dr''treats,' S.W.corner SECOND and GREEN Streets. IRISH.-5 CASKS ISOR SALE v.- I 'by ZIEGLER & SMITH, ni Doen O h• S.W. corner SECOND end REL Streets. ()LIVE OEL, .QTS. AND,PINTS.-FOR sale by ZIRGLER & SMITH, Drug'Ws, • S.W. corner SECOND . and GEBRl,Areets. I PECAC. ROOT.-ONE CEROON. FOR sale by ZIEGLER & SMITH, //mete, S.W. corner SECOND and GEBEL Streets'. lODIDE POTASH, CONRAD'S.--. 1 cases for sale by ZIEGLER & SMITH. Drus else, B.W. corner SECOND and . GREEN Streets. FLOWERS OF stmrlluit-475 BBLS tor sale bY ZIEGLER & SMITE, Lormists, .- feG-Ce S.W. corner SECOND and PREEN Streets. WANTS. FOR SALE AND •TO LET. !PROPOSALS. LEGAL. ESTATE OF ROBERT DUNLAP AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIO. GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL In behalf of the NEW ENGLAND SOLDIERS' AID ASSOCIATION. On TUESDAY EVENING, February 10. IOEI. Prof. A. R. TAYLOR.• Conductor Every effort will be made by the pious of New England residents of Philadelphia to render this one of the most attractive entertainments of the semon. The proceeds will be devoted to the relief of the an ifering New England soldiers confined in onr hospitals, DOUGLAsS' AMERICAN BRIGADE BAND Etas been engaged for the occasion, and will execute g number of National and Popular Airs. PROGRAMME: PART National Alm By the Thad. Address to the none and Daughters of New ELl:laud. By H. R. We !MINI. It. Presideut of the New England Soldiers' Aid Alsoclation. Solo. —" Home. Sweet Home." bits* JObEPHINE O'CONNELL. Story By Yankee 0 reenlieL Hi. first apPeara nee before a Philadelphia muttence. BCCittitloll — lrene from rho School for -caudal, (Sheridan) Mrs. CECELIA RISK. Who has kindly offered her herviem. , for the benefit of the cause. Duet — " L.v ti Darem,' M ozart.lSti:s .105E1'111NY 01.;01iNELL 8: Prof. A. R. TAYLOR. INTERMISSION OF FIFTEEN MINUTILS, During which the Band wilt perform amoral Populac Ain: In the Foyer. GRAND PROMENADE BY THE AUDIENCE. I=E! • • • - • Music—Medley By the Band. Foot th of July Oration. (Spread Eagle) By Yankee Greonlief. "Standard Watch." ' Lindnaintner. Prof. A. R. TAYLOR. Recitation—" The Maniac," fin character) Lewis. Mrs. CECELIA RUSH. ••-- - - - - Hnet—'' Floravantl's Singing Legson," Miss JOSEPHINE O'CONNELL & Prof. A. IL TAYLOR Ventriloquhan BY Signor Blitz. Auld Lang Syne Orchestra Prof. H. C. THUNDER will preulde at the piano -forte PRICES OF ADMISSION: "Parquet, Parquet Circle and Balcony, 60 coats; Family Circle, 11 cents; Reserved Seats in Parquet, Parquet Circle. and Balcony. 76 cents; Seats in Private Box, *1; Orchestra Chairs. 75 cents. Tickets can he procured of the merobersof the New England Soldiers' Aid association, and at the principal Music Stores. AL - so, at the Gift Book Store, Cho:Anat. street near Fifth, where choice of seats can be se cured. fe9-2t NEW CILESTNUT-STREET TEMA,- TRB. Lessee and Manager Mr. W. WHEATLEY'. TARONGED HOUSES EVERY NIGHT THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, iNtruary 10, UM EDWIN FORREST Will onlear for the Secoud Time iu this Theatre. ii one of his GREATEST SD ANSPEARIAN DELINEATIONS. The chantcter of OTHELLO, Stimrted by the following edmimble cast WITH law DREStiLti AND AProurrafmrs. lago LudoN Moutano.. Brebantio Roderigo. Julio Antonio.. Graliano... Desdemona Emilia—... The Now Scenery for the tragedy has been painted by Illeaarr. 'Dillard and Hayes. Conductor WEDNESDAY EVENING, for the Last Time bat • One, HACKETT mill appear in his 'world-renowned impersonation pi' FALSTAFF, " Sbakspeara's greatest comic creation, en his 111,torical Play. the First Part of KING BENNY IV. PRICES OF ADMISSION . .. . , .. .. . . Family Circle '25 amts. Dress Circle 50 cents. Parquet and Secured Seats in Dress Circle ... • • 76 cents. Seats in Private Boxes. each 151 Doors open at 7; Curtain rises. at 7.0‘. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET THRATRE. Businesa Agent and Treasurer First week of the young and talented American Artists. brISS JANE COMBS, TO-NIGHT, (Tuesday.) February 10th, THE WIFE Mariana, (the Wife) To conclude with MUSIC MAD! 431 - Seals secured without extra charge WALNIJT.STREET THEATRE.— Sole Lessee Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSON Business Agent Mr. JOBE T. DONNELLY Second night of the beauteous Senorita ISABELLA CUBAS. THIS (Tuesday') EVENING, February 10th, ism Will be repeated, by universal desire, The Grand Military Spectacle of THE FRENCH' SPY; Or, The Etorreing of Algiers. Mad. Mathilde, Henri St. Alme, Hemet, The performance will commence with the farce of the TWO BS. Doors open at 7; Curtain UZZAß will r D bse at CARL..WOLFSOHN'S CLASSICAL SOIREES, FOYER. OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. The subscribers are respectfully informed that the next • SOIREE (Third of the Season) trill take place on SATURDAY EVENING. February 14, 1863. Single Admissions; ONE DOLLAR each. felo4t MUSICAL FUND HALL.—THE public arlirr E ctlitly s inl4r r A n that RD (F. C. Browne) Has been engaged to deliver his - POPULAR AND HUMOROUS LECTURE, SIXTY MINUTES IN AFRICA." ON SATURDAY EVENING, February 14. LMS. Being positively HIS (LILY APPEARANCE DURINO THE SEASON IN THIS CITY. Tickets for the Lecture._ TWENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. May be procured at the principal Hotels, Music and Book Stores in tbecity, ou THIS MORNINO,and during the whole of the week. tab -St 5/1 - USICAL FUND HALL. CONCERT. MONDAY EVENING. March P,1963 . Mr. ERNST HAitTMANN, the distinguished pianist. has volunteered his services for a Concert, which he propoees to give on MONDAY EVENING. March 2. at the - 21USICAL FUND HALL, assisted by eminent must cal talent of Europe. The procetds of the Concert are to be divided among four Societies of great ntLity to our soldiers—a 1 Asso ciation ft r the conveyance from the hospitals to their homes, of discharged soldiers pronounced incurable; The Ladies' Aid Society ; • the Twentieth-street Read ing Room, and the West Philadelphia Reading Room. Pickets, dl each. • MANAGERS. Clement 13. Barclay, Henry .T. Towne. Horace Blaney, Jr., Gibson Peacodt, Gen. T. Cadwalader, Dr. Francis W. Lewis. Adolph E. Boris, Henry T. Falters, Samuel Field, Dr. John B. McClellan, John W. Field, - • Alexander Brown, Win. S. Smith, A R.-McHenry, Bloomfield H. Moore. John Rice, Charles J. Peterson, James L. Chighorn, James W. Paul,. • Gilbert FL Newhall, Joseph Patterson, Edward (Treble. Philip F. Randolph, Edward TjUliman. Aubrey H. Smith, - James H. Watmough, Charles J. Stith, Horace B. Fry. Ward B. Haseltine. Morton McMichael, Dr. J. Forsythe Meigs, Joseph L. Moss, F. A. Drexel. John Haseltine, J. L. Moss, Dr. W. C. Swann. lt" ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, CORNER OF TENTH' and CHESTNUT Streets. —SI MTH WEER AND GLORI OUS SUCCESS OF THE BOHEMI- A'S TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS, EVERY EVENING, AND ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER NOONS.—At each Entertainment. the celebrated low preseure GLASS Steam-Engine MONITOR, made entirely of Claes, will be in fall operation , All the Magnificent Work of Art, Manufactured by Le Company, will be distributed gratuitously to the visit ors. Oa FRIDAY Eve ning, February 13th. a Splendid Case of Work will be given to the author of the best Poem on the Glass Steam Inez e. PARTICULAR NOTICE. —the First Present, each eve n::,,. will be a Splendid Case of Glass Work. Admission, 15 cents. No half price. Exhibition commences in the Evening at tt,o'clock. Afternoon at 3 o'clock. ' fe96t* ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS--TENTH AND CHESTNUT. AMUSEMENTS IGNOR FOR OLD AND YOUNG. S BLIT& The great MAGICIAN and V ENTRILOQUIST, with Ida LEARNED CANARY BIRD, will eve his new and nonular Entertainments EVERY lEViaNING during the Week, commencing at Di o'clock ; and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY afternoons at S. The attractions will be marvellous: experiments in Magic ; wonderful powers In Ventrilannism, and the Learned Canary Birds in their new characters. Admission 25 cents. Children 13 cents. ORCHESTRA.. - LIC 2L REHEARSALS even. SATURDAY APTKR. NOON at 3% o'clock, at the Hamel. FUND HALL, Carl Bentz, conductor. Tickets 3S cents. Packs gee of t &eta,—to be had of Andre & Co., 1104 Chestnut J. street ; J. R. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the hall door. n027-tf HASSLER'S ORCHESTRA -214 South EIGHTH St.. ° belo i rtiralnut deloBhn pEYNSYLVANLL ACADEMY OF • THE FINE ABM 10X6 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. BL till P. M. Admission 2 cents. Children half price. Shares °Wink...l3o. • 199 lIEDICAI.. DR.: §W4Y.KF-f!8 COMPOUND SYRUP • 'OF WILD CHERRY_ THIRTY YEARS' ERDERIENDE HAS PROVEN ITS GREAT SUPERIORITY OVER ALL OTRER REMEDIES. THE ORIGINAL AND GRNIYINE PREPARATION! The reputation of this medi gin is now so well esta blished that liberal minded men in the medi. cal profession throughout the 'Union recommend it to their patients as the very best of all remedies for Pulmonary Complaints and General Debility, and in curing Coughs, Colds. Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spit ting of Blood Whooping Cough, pain in the Side or Breast, Sore Throat, Difficulty in Breath ing Palpitation or disease of the Heart, Throat. Breast. Ortwig - 1K" NO REDIgNE,HAS_BVER OBTAINED A If !OMER OR IN PITLISONARY - DISEASES of the most alarming character, "Swayue's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry" effects permanent cures. A stubborn Cough. Bore Throat, Night Sweats, Bronchial Affections are quickly cared. Declining years of aged persons will be great': benefitted: it acts as a strengthening alterative. For disturbed, restless nights,. keep it by the bed-side; its use will give repose. If the bowels are cost i ve take take an occasional dose of " SWAINE'S ereplired. only by Dr. WAYNE & SON, 330 North SCXTIL Street, above Tine. Sold •by all Druggists throughout the United Slates. • ja3l-iftt BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, tot. Coughs. Colds, and Irritated Throats, are offered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy. They have been thoroughly tested, and maintain the good reputa tion they have Justly acquired. As there are trnita eure to °want' the genuine at FREDERICK BROWNS Drug and Chemical Store.lN. L cor. CHEST NUT and FIFTH :streets. • Also, blutter's Cough Syrup, Wiatar's Cough Lozenges. prepared from original prescriptions. is3o-Im.if RYE AND EAR.-PROF. J. IS.A_A.CS, Oculist and Anrist, from Leyden, Rolland, is per manently located at No. ON PINE Street, where he treats all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically, and mues— li' curable. Artificial Eyes Inserted without yam N. B.—No charges made for examination. Office hours trout S to IL o'clock A. M. and 2 to 7 P. M. PERENOLOGIOALTKE OABI- Yit NET AND BOOK' STORE ht open day. and even a, img for the sale of Books on Phronologr, Physio • Ask' ',ln Hygiene, Phonography and Dr Phenologi cal exanutinations. Orders I,y mail should be addressed to JOHN L. CAPEN, fcti-satuthStnif 922 CHESTNUT Street. Phil& lefts EDWIN. A. HUGH ES, UN in South TE*l4l dt;e l o . Spruce. !Mau • • Philadelphia.' • , MATERIALS FOB WINCE PIES. BUNCH. LAYER, AND SUITANA. RAISINS. CITRON CURRANTS. SPICES, CIDER WINE, Am, &a. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, .e1.541U CORM P.LEyENP . I iND VINR ors. .Mr. W. Wheatley. Mr. J. McCullough. ..Mr. C. Binge Land. J. W. Mr. J. Canal. Mr. C. Becks. ..Mr. S. B. liolmes. Mr. Caries& ....Mr. J. T. Ward. . . . „Ur. J. Martha.. Mra. J. IL Allen. .. Madame Poaisi. Mr. MARK HA,SSLER. JO& D.IEURPIIIr. DIMS JANE COOK= Senorita Isabella Cabas