NEW YORK CITY. tripecial correspondence of The Press.] NEw Yotar, February 2,1883, THE SENATORIAL CANVASS at Albany reveals no ohange this afternoon front what I wrote you on Saturday, though the stock of the Hon. David S. Dickinson has taken a slight rise fin tho Republican caucus, and the numerous outlide aupportera of the Hon. Henry J. Raymond claim for that gentleman an equal chance. But ca-Governor :Morgan is still at the top of the heap, and the im pression that he would suit the present popular ma .sority of the State better than a stricter party man, more than counterbalances the evil effects of the malign insinuations that "be is rich enough to buy the nomination." Although a Republican, Blr. Morgan is so extremely amiable in his general poli tical aspect, that even Gov. Seymour endorses him as a "good man." There are many Democrats in this oily who would be delighted to have the vene rable Thurlow Weed nominated by their men, as 'they now very reasonably esteem my Lord Thurlow to be a thorough convert to modern Democracy, and a worthy compeer for Brooks and the two - Woods in the next Congress. Probably the Albany Democrats would fully answer the desire of their New York compatriots, but for a shrewd suspicion that air. Weed is too old a rat to accept such a no mination this soon aftethis recent change of base. • SECESSIONISTS IN TOWN are very exultant to-day - over .the capture of the Federal gunboat by the Charleston rebels, and the reported sortie from Galveston of the new pirate Harriet Lane. The release of the martyred Boileau . is quite overshadowed by these greater crumbs of rebel comfort, and they are discussed with more gusto than even the ridiculous rumor that Mr. Horace Greeley is to be arrested for intriguing for french mediation( In short, the Secesaioniste of this city—not the crafty Democracy, but the out and-out "Secesii"—are growing bolder every day. They have a regular organization up .town, with agents at the different hotels to watch for the arrival ;4 :wale& ac. c(Asuto,. al low mta... Thinkers' iefortma& - ! SO.VES DROWlC.Solfolbord: 3H .6t : d .d . ' d : 2. - .PARE.PrAoo. Now 'folic. )ENSIOI.4B.- $100.• •-:110;UNTY AND •t- Pay m Atondittid °Glinted fur , raiders. gallop' • lad the taros of suolt.ita.en tionr,aed, at ranonao3 got!aarli?. r!ttoo..: 4?.alirurtfhtyttr i omprok . '..."i'. • - goli itor for Clelpfir 424 W . 4l,l4llT e streat, Phapht eatikaissiatteatkat inv.= 1.- Pa:TS:a/2414i 141341 -066e4 jar Ogit Kr. W. WEILITLEY .... 21 accts. W cones. ... 75 fonts. kuonymonit T. B. Bela. - —oleo Gm