The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 03, 1863, Image 3
- - OWLS AT THE HOTELS, ur To 12 O'CLOCK LAST IfIGUT. 0 00eOta l Ntot N. , "" ' Horton i: s - A • f kr240 1 nom York tiew York 1 1- • P h ilodt 0• oJ . •• 11 tirri:A " p,l: s A qlll!.!lPittbbug ih l ifeißlin Li 3 144 'sile k l'enna „4 1 ,1 4 ,. iottr, Potion f, hut ,tr v., Chester .S: in, N 1' New York 11, ; :is, New York a York 41 .irrneir love lien ~,In vr bill f •' " ll New York Pout Now York ; 3 0 % 1 j• Teentoti,N J (tenni/town . ; bls.fierin'town P 4 ° *•;:•iser fierrientown ork 11• 1" 4,tv t tiY ork 'plosion ; N York A ftl, Y ;'l.os York ?;ss.• York i, New York rie, Co rl klo York. 4.'".t,;•je11, Newburg q.lllints Nor York ' & wr, collo • . :c..11 Jersey ( .14' Jersey' .1 " 4.... II idle'4ll'4 are fiewYork L ' ld4-I ` l. S •• York tit •, ,; tow York Yot•I: •;?; boils New York se). • , kantros. wr, Wash ••• • C II Breueinan, L•ncaster T T Caswell, U SN W Foster, Jr ,_Now York ,11 14 Walker, liew York Col 0 H Sharpe, New York Mrs Sharp & eh, Now York J Job nston, Louis Toy, Now Jersey J Post, New Jersey NsgttertY & w New York J L Seneuck, Baltimore MI s Schenck, Baltlwre Mast AS Murray, Pittsburg .1 13 Murray, Pittsburg Mrs B Merrily, Pitt. burg B W Chidlow, Cincinnati C W Oaddes , , Baltimore W Williamson, New Jersey John T Heart!, Boston T Hoard, Bo+tort 0 D Chase, Illinois A Woutze, New Jersey Wm Keyser, Baltimore II J Keyser, lialtitnore IDSnler,ITaA .1 A P Ramsdell, Newbern. Mrs Rains & oh, Newburg —Snow, St Louis Miss II Him West Chester Miss II Lowe, Mtn, Dot D May & la, Nashville Mrs Bainbridge 3tnith. N Y Thor. T Gamble & la, Wash Miss Scott, Columbia, Pa Mrs (learhart, Columbia, Pa Win Brand, New York Dr (1 S Franklin, IT 8 N W 4 &nee & in, Now York Miss Steele. New York 111 Murillo, New York F Farrago, Now York U Bainbridge Smith, N Y N P Hosack, Now York (leo Huddle. Mooch Chunk Loisenring, Mauch Chunk E Wloklo, DaMinor° Mrs J S Dram, Wash, D C le Follows & wf II Fitzhngh, Nov York A M Stewart, Maryland J W lifollter, Baltimore W Leeds, Now York T C Kilobit', Now York W Carey, Illinois WEHilla&wt Penne J D Small, Now Joriey C K Hall, Now .Torsey T J Henry, Delaware II Sanford, Now York J Chamberlain, N FT McConnell, Now York Dr .1 B Lyons, Wash, D C N D Swonzer. LT 8 A R B Bolling, Maryland taut, below Ninth. Geo W Garrison, Salem, N J Jon B Bispham Phi la J W Thomas, New York Miss Thotnel, New York Mrs M MIES M Finn Philadelphia T 1) Haines, New Jorsoy W Tomplin, Harrisburg Mrs A NV Roynelds, Alex Torrey, Boston J . Bell Smith, LI S Col Joh 112101 Is Pottsville Chas Neal ODOM /louse—Me: prqh:ikel, Lane CO, Pa ; ',"l...•iipacher, Philo New York e )•• 11^ , 1 1 : 4,011, Norrlet'n ..•• • 11 , 301" • t.i . ; • f ilen., Penns ;ikee,llollldaysb'g Ih o merhuti wt, Ohio • rt,ri. caster , i' . !l! , :o Plain Pltihulelphift foi!!nil; Pennsylvania ;irrer Scln,NewJerneY ,ne4ionft, Lane co . ~ : MOW CO, rit M' :: nittti, S N New York j '3 .:41le. lielewoire '3:liekoU.PittehUrg M Jone.s, Pennsylvania Mrs Bennett, Pottsvillo R Kendall, Portland, He H A Wilamas, New York K H Pell. Illinois °scar F moov;,.l;htiftda street, below Arch. I B B Long, Mauer, Pa A.Wolle, DMlloitom J F Randolph, Hazleton .1 Waters, Jr, Brookeville S Powell, Brookevllle F Porter k la, Milton, Pa .1 . D Gosh, Milton, Pa Miss A E thko.,, Milto, Pa Miss H Leadenhara, Penne. Lieut T touthipe 1) H McNair, Wotherly, Pa 1.8 Book Litiz,, Lane. co 8 A um!, •rt, )(Awing . R McDowell Slating on, Pa I T 1) Beeber, Mangy. Pa s t rchnut s'—Fourila S .lCr ' tey, York Nei York 4 . :jastor. York. Pa rl2 ladrr. York. Pa & la. Milton tVhr i..ti tarsal t. Penult fintareth.Pa ,Y.a” rattuadon co New Jersey :11.5a.t. Now Jersey P.O ter 21 :? ,I rr ibl.l)g Amtarati—Okostaint. entol'..Paryln.tid D C .11tlibuotiii. Summit Hill 11111 Abi. 4 tinrbou co, Pa l'Apright, 24•••:;. ..nv York • Windbecker Pount , ylvattia frir.occ, PH New York ,N r York Alesburg, street, above Fifth. Dr E H Hams Win Wit ion Thomas II itnes Pa Jos IC Riley, Aew Jersey Wm Wolff & wr, PJa4VIIIO MiraC P Wolff, Pottsville Mrs B A Elkin!, Pottsville Jacob Mocks, .11aryland J Corllm, Troy, IN y 0 Wat LinA, Vermont W A Richards, Baltimore T Henry, Mal timorn A Capnlaud, Now York Louis Darr, Now York Cape P litone h Indy Thos W Hotchkiss, Elmira ,Louis Hotel--Ches mutt street, ab. Third. Afro M Beowulf, Boston J J Suanlnu & fatly, Va W D Harrison .1 NV StlinmonU S N 13 Smith, Indiana W It Bunny Terra Haute Cl T Baird, Terra Haute 0 T Jones, me Malt', Pit \V X Ferrier Sr. vr ifo,Boston ' 31114,4 Ferrier, Boston T Maleomsou, Now York ..tte!...,:t, New York ,14,-":..l , eir lurk bkiskie, Phan(' ,-, .l.:l6ebter county a :ley, Pottsyllio t Harlington .y y,,. Cincinnati ~e.,Wilunnieu Del cl Jr, Noe, - Alb), The low—Aroh 01,olha. Chester co, rn ' INtl-burg Et' a, ii-wa rk, N f.dan. Yercer county, 0 reef, above Third. 8D Miner, Michigan Jag D Lawmen & lady, N J L 8 Cropper, Maryland Mrs P Z Patrick, ig Jersey tommerdel—Stxth street, below Market. ,;.i;er. Del co, Ps d B Champion Lane co, .1 1 6 13 M Auderson, Chester co F • . co, Pa IN B Hammond, Chester co :ion, Wllll4OOl C Stubbs, Pennsylvania Wron, Del Charles II La Rua oxford. Pa Sll Baker, Pennsylvania Ca INVItIIqUa !Intl.. Union—Sixth and Market Street'. ••,%. , • , o. Vermont 11l .1V Shine... Maryland Its c oon, Venus Chr Engle &wr route co,Pe. tcoN. Pen utllvaula Thor R Evane,Ph I luda )I..rusti. Chester co, Pa Alex' Taggart Chester co,Pe • olinue altos 8 Richards, Reading Sfillonal—Race et Itlikor, Mt Clair Ti.lusker, Ma ry Ia nd :Armee, Miners villa mi.erholtzer, Penult ;Atli. Milton, Ohio Milton, Ohio reet, above Third. Copt Ii ii Ritter, Yorktown Juhu IVeitzol C P Smith, Womeladorf,l4). .T Teusig & mon, Penn% W A Kttobb, Seta co, Pa attley sheaf—SeCou .ii,NovtoWn street, below Vine. M T Fox. Lumberville,Pa B Aoilleo,lUp Bice Eddy;Pa Hibbs, BOWWWII, Pa M Prue, New Hope' C Mouro, Now hope AV James, Backs co, Pa E Pickering, Bucks co, Pa Miss Buehler, Pa B Barton, lulls . Ely, Bucks co, Pa B Hughes, Bucks co, Pa F 'Taylor, Attleboro, J 'Parrott, Doylestown IS kg; tztn. Ziew J obi CY V. 04,14 t , Ma vylatul C.Livirhr , titnylvaitta. .11; vaunt," PIA, X .8) tgomory oo 1 , 0 1 1.1 , 0 r.. Montgomery . Harm Ille N r l d rifr,Mlddlnto le we' IC' I ido. Midd'n !e.v. Bock. co, Pa .$.0...e. Polar Ploaaant 1,4 l't Plummet tk tioar—Third,A. laiverrie 00 m.ndatid Byberry, I i•on. Ftlotorrillo m Lokeux . ~ . TVauariadalen, Penna Franklin Roads, Penna. A 8 Roads, Ponue, J Albright, Orwigisburg W 'Weaver, Penna Wm Lengshure, Newtown oil St.. above Market. 0 Chapman, Now York S J Horn, nUngtoo, Del M IVlllkama. Dehmtre Wm Krnsen, New tuw A E McKeever, Penna. .1 Fell, Bucks county, Pa Wenn House—.Seco , •E:t•h tear, Newtown It4Nowtown !••!yeer, lturtrord New Jersey erthorn,•Belvidere 4 I: tititek, Belvidere lent Vernon—Second street, above Arch. ';.Bi!eal, Delaware Thm4 lambert, Trenton, NJ ,# Mr. Trenton,N 3 3 13 Redfield, Pennsylvania ..disifeed.Stroudsbrg Bald Engle—Third Nt., above Callowhill. BeadinglWr B laps, Backs co A 1 lentown NOTICES. ItEIT. D. S. BURNET, Or CINCIN ' NATI, will Preach TO-MORROW (Sunday), at X 14:13 733 P. X., in the Church TWELFTH Stl,l* reet, THE BROAD-STREET BAPTIST CiiITRCH will be reopened for Livine Worship 4 0 1:Ititlir (Sunday), Jan. 4th. lt• NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH, CORM Street. west or TWentloth.—Divine set , :I'SDAY, RUM A..X. Roy. W. H. BINADE, f.r. 11* ft- ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, SUNDAY •••• EVENING, 7,%4 o'olook.—A Meeting lu behalf of wants of the Army and Navy. Elnhop tITO: to preside. and addresees from Rev. lirs. A Collection. rTHE JEWISH TABERNACLE AND ' ITS FURNITURE IN THEIR PYPICA newt srrmon In this course will he preached tz %Malt= OF EPIPHANY TO-MORROW AE rElf, 'N. &mice nt half put S. re CHURCH OP THE NEW TESTA . Ett . l'. corner ELEVENTH and WOOD Streets.— A. M. by Rov. Dr. KRAUT'S: 73e" M. Roc. T. IL STOCKTUN. It* re - A STATED ,MEETING OP THE LIMES' ASSOCIATION OF THE HOINEO. ' 1 " I, will be hold in the Lecturo•Room llomoopothio CoIIege,FILBERT Street, above (13ntertlaY_3411114., at I o'clock P. M. - L A. DU.BOUCiIkIf, Sect:many. .76- TUE SECOND COALING 010 CHRIST 71) JVIIDE TUN WORLD, about IS/1-70; v. than 1i11) Expositors.—Rev. IL BAXTER, tgOld4tot, Lectare4 on this, SUNDAY .AITYER. "a..., Dilfgent Hall, 'TENTH and vtLnEarr. Ile *Les out-of-duors, before State,.on fins le FIRST REFORMED DUTCH •••• ellrttelt, SEVENTH Min 8 NUM) •GAIWSOI —Tile Nev. JOHN H. SUYDAM will f %NO % Ida Introductory Serinoll TO.MOIMOW MORN- X .I6 inVICP at 10)4 o'clock A. M., ,and 7M o'elo ek • . . 0 1 1 Il I D REFORMED DUTCH eitUki(ll, TENTH and ViLssitr.—nev. ALEX: h DICKSON,I4 Lanaleglitirg. N. Y., will preach. TO•idORROW. Service at 10,s1 JlJrnlnc . . lt* 'es DEDICATION SERVICES AT CEN "" llitiNIAG M. E. CHURCH, FORrIKINI StreN, P h i lit " li mi tt j at T 3I - 1 3 ) 1 y ° 11r. ;Mb: sit ;4 r. M. by Rev. JAS. 24.5 AL; at 7. 1 .1, Rev. e. 1:0 DIA k Its r •• EF.K. OF FRATER.—orm umoBL )lELT I ou each .aft.rnoon nt .1;3 OnOniC, 4, % : - • —3" I I AV, Jun. 6, West Sprko and Soyentolutli, Pros -4t t l 4 Po.. W. I'. Breed 1 '. h 4;..t , Jun. 6, Eigitill'abavo Race, Methodist, Rev yli• u. Mix l ',.%•DA •gi on E Smith. Jun. 7, SpruceNbove 'Fourth, Baptist, •. ?.;• 44) AY• Jun. 8, Race bolow Fklurth, First Gorman 1t,••,-„1, A. Boinlgover. ,'• 1 ,1 1 .5Y, kin. 9, Wa.sltiugcou Square, First PresbYto :;''''r• A. Barton Jun. .10, Epiphany, Episcopal, Ear. Dr. Prayer Meeting. through the week, to roforenee to the "Week of Prayer." A pryside eaoh day. It* TERESTING MEETINGIN BE ' " TIIE SOL DIERS,Itt EL MattitOW's Church HMV She it. below Fourth, EVEliffiG, January 4th, et 7;40'0 10 0k. Rev. Pester, will preside and make an ad- It ra 8140 AN: boa retorted remit the battle, will give seise ititeresting deuts of ... : , 1 7 . 1 . 1 .110. hy Wm. Rev. W. E. BOARDMAN will .• „' O .llO ,werl: or the ClirlAthin Commission, Rev. also, will address the meeting in be • hrnve men * who are sending appeal after tsp. ....hoientA, Hymn Books, Liererles. gtiott .1.1 " P* t'—" AFESTIVAI7IIAID OF THE SE— sTRE}7I. M.13. - 0111.11K1H•will h,e hrld oik VA. ENINCis JanuaryI3.44,BANSOMSTUEET We irrir street, - .Summon tho htbi°m*4 •• ii•r soh) at Perkeepine k lintins'. Al4o, by —1..4 Ult. M. E. Churches Utrougheut the city. lto t'',,„SOCIRTY FOR. SUFFIArING TWA 7 W I FII SOUP, CItISCOM Street , NOOMItt ~ P„. ) , of Pine rcot, will cuminctiou the distribution wfirthy applicants on Sowed day (MON lmid, at 11 o'clock A M. •etr has co Collector, Contrll ll l llol l% In mu Nvill he gratefully received by either of toateNt °Won. end members: JACOB 'l'. BUNTINO,,PrOsIdent,. No. 311 South Dplittifitro avenue. JOHN J. THoMPSON, SecrotarY, No. 239 North Ninth street. W5l, EVANS, Jr., Treitsumr, • NO. 362 Nonth Front stroot. JERE'II. HACKER, No. 3111 South Fourth street. JOHN HORTON. Nci. no South Fourth street. JOSEPH S. LEWIS, N Olt Walnut street. TITOMASI J. 1111 0. 811 AND, N. W. corner Third and Spruce. JOSEPH C. TURNPENNr, N. E. corner Tenth and Spruce. DIONWICALTR INSURANCE d....t im 'APANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVA ':th''"'• Commonwealth lintlillug, Nu. 013 CllEST tu*t. • 1 4 leftm; , PffiLADHLPITTA, December 6, UM__• 4 4 of the Stockholders o f tho CO3IIION I SSURABCE COMPANY of' the Stote of Penn he held, nt.the Office of the Company, on }1t...114;111%r ) , 6,18 et, at 10 o'clock A. M. ;ZA'110:1 (fl TEN DlREaroftS, to serve the en ill be held at the 'sante piece; end on the I, ;;;)l,httwe ea the hours ofl2 and *2 P.M. SAMUEL S. MOON, SecretarY. r lath and Chestnut. E'y, La • ca. ter al W 13 Garrett, lilltimore A C Bradley Wamit NOTICES. M. MASONIC NOTICE.—THE OFD FICHRS and Members of SOLOMON'S LODGE NO. 314, told the. Order genernlly, are invited to meet at the lIALL, CHESTNUT Street, on SATURDAY After noon, at 2 o'clock, to attend the funeral of our lato Brother P. M. WILLIAM W. THOMSON. I By order of the IV. 111. JOHN CRAY, jag -2t' liecrotatT. t: OFFIcE OF THE .ENTERPRISE INSURAISCE COMPANY, No. 400 WALNUT Street, PrtILADELricIA, January 2,150.9. NOTICE —The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY will be held on MONDAY, the 12th instant, at 30 o'clock A. M., at the Mace of the Company. An election for Twelve Directors to serve the ensuing year, will beheld on the same clay, at the same piece. rtIVITII the hours ofln o'clock A. 21.. and 2 o'clock P. M. ja-St CHARLES W. COXE. Secretary. M. OFFICE OF THE SEALER. OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, No. 1317 MAR KET Street.—Persons using Scales. Weights. or Men. Burps, are have them Regulated and Sealed for the year 1663. JOHN R. ORR, Sealer of Weights and Measures, It* No. 1:07 Market street. C3am OFFICE; OF THE HOSPITAL OF THE P. R. CHURCH 11`i PHILADELPHIA— AsTARY 211.1811—The Annual Meeting of the contribu tors to the 1108PITAL of the PROTESTANT MSC°. PAL CHURCH in Philadelphia will be held at the Other, 708 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, the 6th day of January, 1863, at 12 o'clock M. The report of the Board of Managers will be presented, together with the animal statements and accounts, mut t eight Members of the Board elected to serve for the en suing three years ja:3-2t JOHN A. CHILDS, Secretor M. PHILADELPHIA. J AN. NOTICE—A 14 emi-annmil Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the- Stook of the BEAVER MEADOW RAIL ROAD AND COAL COMPANY has beau declared this day„payable at their Office on and after MONDAY, Ann ary Pith. L. CHAMBERLAIN, Preasarer." lIODICEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 1116 CUTHBERT Street.—This institution Is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner, wee of charge. B F. GLENN, n022-tf Secretary of Board of Managers. M. AVIS AUX ELEQANTS. M. PAUL ANDRIOT, Gerand de la matson de Tailieurs do K. GRANDVILLE STOKES, 609 CHEST NUT Street, Philadolphte a l'honneur de prevenir see tloMbrellX amts et connaissances qui l'ont dem favorise de leerclientetle, (sins' quo lea etrungersd vient do recevoir de Paris et Loudros les modes les plus recontes et les mioux porteos pour la saison d'hiver. M. Grandville Stokes a mis a ea disposition les etoffes les plus belles„ et les meilleures qua tilos, dos premieres manu factures d 'Europe. Les militaires, Must quo les °Meters do tons grades 3' trouverous los meilleures (mikes d'etoffes, a dos prix tres moderns. L'elegance do an coupe, Must quo le cachet do distinction qui la caracterise eat dojo trop counu do public pour en reuonvelles lours merites, riza. OFFICE OF THE FRANKFORT!, AND 'SOUTHWARK PRILADELPFIIA. CITY PASSENGER RAILROAD 'COMPANY, BERKS Street, below Fourth.—FIMADELPITIA, January 2d, 18S3.—The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company out of the earnings of the past eix months, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on and after vali lust.. c l ear of eat taxes. The Transfer Books will be closed until L'ith inst ja3-tlti CHAS. R. .ADBOTT. Secretary. PHILADELPHIA _I DEC. 31, 1883. At a meeting of WOOLEN DYERS, held at the honre of WM. COLLINS, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Absolved. That. in consequence of the terra advance in Dyestuff:4. we are under the necessity of advancing the Prices of Dyeing Woolen Yarn ONE CENT per pound. JOHN KITCHENMAN, Prosident. Couxas Rom, Secretary, jaVit. IM. AMERICAN LIFE INS UR ANC E AND TRUbT COBlPANY.—PuttansrmurA, Janu ary 1, Ifet—Tho Trustees have this day desisted a divi dend of Four per cent out of tho profits of the last six months, payable to the stockholders on demand. clear of all taxes. JOHN ta, WILSON, ja2-31 • • Secretary. COUPONS OF TEE ALLEGHENY MY BONDS. payable In Philadelphia, duo Ist inst., will be paid by WORK, MeCOUCH St CO.. No. 36. South THIRD Street. M. , OFFICE OF. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NORTH AMERICA, PHILADEL PHIA. Decembor SLIM. The Annual Meetiu_g ofthe Stockholders will be held at the office of the CompanY, 'No. 7.32 WALNUT Stmt, on MONDAY. January 12, IStn, at lit o'clock ,M.; and on TUESDAY, the' day iollowlng, January 11, 1563, an Eloctiou will be held for Directors to sorvo the ensuing Year.__. CHAELE3 PLATT, 11Z. AN ADJOURNED MEETING Or the AN FOR THE RELIEF OF ME WIDOWS AND CHILDREN OF CLERGYMEN in the communion of the Protostaut Episcopal Church in the Commonwealth of Pennlvania" will be hold in the Ve+try Room of ST. PETER'S CHURCH, on TUES DAY, the 6th of January at 5 o'clock P. M. jnl 6t JAMES M. AERTSEN. Secretary. MPHILADELPHIA. JAN. 1 1803. The Spring Garden Soup House, BUTTONWOOD Street, east of Broad, will be opened for distribution of Soup to the Poor of thoir District on TUESDAY Morning, Bth Instant, from log to 12,i; o'clock, and c,intinue daily (except Sundays) during the Winter. Contributions arc respectfully solicited. JOSEPH .1. WILL[A]IS, Secretary. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, PENN SQUAR.E.—The Lectures and Practical Instrac ion will be reamed both in the Technical SCIIOOI4 and in the Scientific School. on FRIDAYc Janita.7 2d, 1863, at 9 o'clock A. . ALFRED L. KENAT.9I., D-, Jal-30 . President or Faculty. MA MEETING OP THE CONTRI BUTORS to the NORTHERN . DISPENSARY OF ADELPHIA will be held at the Halt of the twat.. tattoo, No. EH SPRING GARDEN Street, on TUESDAY, the 6th of January, 1933, between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock P. M., to elect twelve Managers for the enentng Year. de3O.&' JOHN KESSLER. Ja. • Secretary. • MPHILADELPHIA AN D .DAREIY RA ILItOAD CO.—NOTICE.—The Annual Ideating of the Stockholders of the Philadelphia and Darby Rail road Company will he held at the Company's Depot, on DAItBY Acetate, between Forty-ninth and Fiftieth Streets, at .I_,Y o'clock I'. M., ou MONDAY, the 11th day of JANUARY,IB6B. when an election for a President and six Directors, to serve the ensuing year, will take p 1 ace. deStial2 THOMAS SPARKS.. Secretary. OFFICE OF FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 4r6 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, December 29th, 1362. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Fame In.urauce Company will be held at the office, on MON DAY, January 12th. /562. at 10 o'clock A. 3F. An Election for TWELVE serve for the ensnin if year, will be held on the same day at the came Place, between the hours of 10 and 2 P. M. deR-t.ial3 W. I. BLANCHARD Secretary. IMINSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE 01 PENNSYLVANIA. PuttrAnctrurA, December 24, 1863. AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of the Company D l to serve ranifesYiV6lVlGeri.laitt,l).laglomon olvo DAY,. oaunory 12, 1963, between the hoard of 10 o'clock A. 31. and 1 o'clock P.M. de23-dtjal2 WILLIAM HARPER. Secretary. g. OFFICE OF 'UNION MUTUAL SUIIANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 27, IS62.—The •Aunnal Meeting of the Seripholders t UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY of Phila-- delphia will be held at the office of the Company, n MONDAY, January 12,1886, at 12 o'clock noon, at which time an election for Eight Directors will be held to serve for the ensuing three'years. JOS..,COLLISON, del)-11U MOFFICE OF TIM PRANICFORD AND SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA Orri . PASbENOER RAILROAD COMPANY, BERKS Street, below Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 26, 1861. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at their Office, on MONDAY, January 12th,166.% at 12 M., at which time and place au election Will be held for. President and twelve ihrectorq, to serve the aliening year. CHAS. 11. ABBOTT, der,-tial2 Secretary. mi.- . PHILADELPHIA. AND READING RAILROAD CO.—Oymer. 227 SOUTH FOURTH Sr., PHILADELPHIA. December 9,1862.—N0T1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the Stockholders of this Company that the Annual Meeting and an Election for President, Six 3lana gen. Treasurer and Secretary, will take place ou the SECOND MONDAY (12th) of JANUARY next, at 12 o'clock W. H. 'WEBB, de9-tial3 Secretary. NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO., No. 401 WALNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, December 26, ISE. The Annual Meeting of the .fitockholders of the North Pennsylvania' Railroad Company will be held at the Office of the Company, on-3IONDAY, the 12th day of Ja nuary, 1563, at 12 o'clock M., for the purpose of electing a President and ten Directors to serve the ensuing year. de27-tial2 • EDWARD ARMSTRONG, Sec 7. OFFICE OF THE WESTMORE— LAND COAL COMPANY, (N 0.2311 South THIRD Street, corner of Willing's Alley.) PaILADELPII/A, De. camber 17,166`!. At a meeting of Directors, held this day, a Dividend of ONE DOLLAR per share, on the Capital Stock was de. Glared on; of the profits of the past year payable on and after JANUARY d,16(13. The Transfer Books will be' closed until January sth next. F. H. 'JACKSON, delS•tiasTreasurer. OFFICE HUNTINGIION AND BROAD. TOP MOUNTAIN RAIMAD COM- Prln, 1511 South THIRD Street—PtimanurniA, Dec. V 1862. BOTICE.—The Annual 3feetlng of the Stockholders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top, Mountain Railroad and Coal Company will be held at their ollice on TUESDAY, the 19th day of January, 1863, I.; U o'clock A M. when an election will be held for a Pfreeldent and Twelve Dl rectorm to serve for the ensnlng_year. de23.tjal3 J. Y. ABRTSEN, Secretary. AMERICAN LIFE iNstraANcie. IND TRUST COMPANY, PAIVADELPHIA, De cember 9.0.1562. NOTIOE.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Company, fur the election , of THIRTHEN THUS TEES to serve the rimuing year. will be held at the office,, WALNUT Street, S. E. corner of FOURTH. on MONDAY, January 6th, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 12 X. de22-10t JOHN S. WILSON. Secretary. M 0 OFFICE OP TILE 'WESTMORE LAND COAL COMPANY, PIIIIADELPIIIA, De cember 17, IM The anunal meeting of the Stockhopora of thie Com pany will he hold et .their office, Ntfrlll South THIRD Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 7th of January, 1.263, at 12 o'clock M.; at which time au 'election will be held for &L EVEN DIRECTORS, and a SECRETARY and TREA SURER, to serve for the ensuing year.. • • • •• . . R. 11. JACKSON, •. . Aearetary. MCORN EXC PHILADELPHIA, * Nov. ovoinbor 17th, 1012, I were elected Directors of thi. • Alexander 0. Oldie 11: Dell Robin, Jr., .• George L. Etiaby, Edward C. Knight, William L. Maddock, James Steel, • Charles B. And at the meeting of ANDER 0. CATTELLEsg, President; ALEX. WHILL: ando2iht JOH f N W. TOBREY Cat n Ir‘. ..t. TYRONE A Nac LTsIARirrELD RAIL, 310 D 00.111•ANY.—Tlie Alllltlai Meeting' arch° eretenfolders will be hold at no office, No. 3 FORREST Place, 123 14 South FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, Jjinintry 12,1583, for the Purpose of electing a President. 1 , lee President. and Twelve Director., to eorve the en- Millie year; and traneacting each other business me may come belbre the, meeting. H. 11. SHILLIN4IFORD, deT-nistjal2r Secretary. M. OFFICE OF" THE THIRTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH-STREET PASSENGER RAIL WAY COMPANY," PHILADELPHIA, DeCCHIINtr 27, ISW. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Company's office, No. 417 WALNUT Street, on MON DAY, January 12,18133, at 11 o'clock A. M., at which time an election will he held for President tend five Directors for the ensuing year. HENRY HAINES, c1e27,j113,1P,1'^ Secretary. OFFICE OF THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 921 CHEST NUT Street. ELECTION.—An Election for Nine Trustees to serve for three years, ono for one year, and one for two years, will be held at the Ofilcts of the Company on MONDAY: the sth day of January, ISB3. Polls opou from 10 to 12 A. M.: 11. S. STENIENS, • deS).ewtias Secretary. M. OFFICE OF THE ER.O.A.D TOP IMPEOYMIENT COMPANY, No :32S WALNUT Street, Dec. 31, 'Wl—The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders or the above Company will ho bell at, their Office on TUESDAY, January 601,1563_, fan o'clock A. 31; sllluingit JAMES APPLETON, Secretary. i re ICENSINGTON SOUP SOCLETY.— . - Tho Society at an increased expense having com pleted the erection of a building on the northwest side of ALLEN Street, near Marlborough street, Eighteenth ward, for the making and distributing of soup to the suf fering poor of their District, have appointed Mr. JOHN 0. HOPKINS, No. 321 North NINTH Street, their agent to solicit and receive contributions to aid in the payment of said building, and to further the operations (Witte Society during the, coming winter. Any donations railer In inoney, wood, flour, or vegetables, will be thankfully ro. ceived by the Managers or either of the undersigned., ABRAHAM P. EYRE, President, • No. 422 RICHMOND Street. • GEORGE J. HAMILTON, Treasurer, Commonwealth Bank, S. \V, corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, CHARLES M. LUKENS, Secretary, 1030 Beach street, above Laurel. PHILADELPHIA. December 13,1882.. doll-wagons OFFICE mixwarm. AND SCIIUTI.- KILL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA; December 10th, "A stated Annual Meeting of the -Stockh elders wilt he held at their °lnce, in the HALL of the FRANKLIN IN STITUTE., N0..15 South SEVENTH :Street, on the lath day of first month, (January) 1863, at 11 o'clock A. M., at which time a report of the proceedings of the Board of Managers will be presented, and an Election will he held for a President and ten Managers, to conduct the affairs of the Company for the year ensuing. de-13swat WILLIAM DIDDLE, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUN TAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY, • Pio LADELPII I A, December 20, 1882.. The Anneal Meeting of the Stockholders of the above Company will be held at, their Office, No. 23D South THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the 19th day of January next; at 11 o'clock A. M,Vwhon an' Election will be held for seven DIRECTORS to serve for the ensuingyour. The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed for Moen days prior to the day of Piet:Mon. de2U-sw&jal9 .105. C. COPPCCK, Setteiaryi §(TDLaaiy HANGED BANK, 21, 1932.—At the election the following Stockholders s Bank: Christian J. Roffman. Robert Ervion, .11. W. Catherwood, William P. Cos. Edmund A. Sunder, Samuel T. Cabby, Directors, Directors, this day, ALEX , was unanimously re-elected DIN, Esq.. Vice . President. shier. J. W. TORREY. Cashier. NOTICES. 111L.A=. OFFICE OF THE ASSESSOR CH? THE SECOND COLLECTION DISTRICT, Pirr' LADSLPTITA, Decembor 27,1861 NOTICE.—GUSTAV GUMPERT has been transferred from Division .known formerly as 6!-; (now 8) to Divi sion No 6, vice Constant W. Newkirk. resigned. JAMES SWEENEY has bean appointed to fill the post formerly occupied by N Gustav Outlined, known as Divi sion No. 6%, now Division o. S. THOMAS W. SWEENEY, de2o-12t U. S. Assessor Second District, Pa. MILITARY. $176 BOUNIY. $175 A PHILADELPHIA CITY GUARD,". 157'rii REGIMENT T. V. I (DOL. WM. A. GRAY. 'A few good men wanted for Company.A. $25 paid on enlistment ; $:5 when company is full: $75 at cad of war. This flue Regiment Is now in good winter quar ter', at Fort Delaware. ,5 paid to any person present ing an accepted rem Mt for this Company. A good Bugler and Drummer wanted. Apply at Isio. 718 VINE Street, or No. 627 CHEST NUT Street. RICHARD YOUNG, BOARD OF TRADE RIFLE REGIMENT.. 15ati► REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA voLurprEEßs BOUNTY • RECRUITS WANTED for the above fine regiment (the only Regiment of Infantry for three years now recruit ing and in camp in Philadelphia.) Men joining this regiment will receive the folloWing bounties: Cash in hand on being mustered in $25 when the company is fun when the regiment is full At the expiration of service 75 Total $175 None but men of good character received, Apply at HEADQUARTERS, 533 CHESTNUT Street. CHARLES ERNENWEIN, Colonel. W. A. HAMILL, Adjutant. . de344f \At e CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. - " Camp Metcalfe," near HADDONFIELD, N. J. —MEN wanted to complete Com_panies now nearly full, to secure the Citizens' Bounty Fund awarded to the first Twenty Companies mustered into the service of the United States. Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are want, which will bo.assigned to young men of good re rareaora, and who have seen service. doll-tf • FINANCIAL . . COUPON JANUARY, OP VIE UNITED STATES, WANTED AMERICAN GOLD WANTED DREXEL.' & CO. H.AHVBY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 312 WALNUT STREET STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of 11. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES bought and sold on Commission, ex elusively. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negociated at lowest rates. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish. Esq, John B. Myers & Co., Samuel B. Thomas, E.sqL., Furness, Brinley, & Co., John Thomas, Esq. del6-3mir JOAN 0. c4.PP ; & SON,. STOOK db . NOTE 'BROKERS; • - No. 28 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MECHANICS' BANK. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS. MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED THE BEST TERMS. de3,3m • . . U. S. • - 'FIVE-TWENTIES, TWENTY-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE, GOVERNMENT _ AFTER FIVE YEARS.` I tun instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will comMencefrom the DATE OF SUBSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United. States, on the lint days of May and November of each year. * At the Present PREIIIDIS ON norm, those Bonds_ yield about EIGHT per cent, per annum. • A> fall supply always on hand. - -JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, nolktuhl 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. $250;001 INIAROE OR SMALL AMOURTTCON.: DIAMONDS, SILVER;PLATE, WATCHES, JEWELRY. AND GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT ISAAC NATHAN'S OLD ESTABLISHIED MONEY LOAN OFFICE, N. E CORNER THIRD AND SPRUCE STREETS, • (Only one square below the Exchange.) Advances made at the lowest rates REVENUE .STAMPR: GE N.O Y . FOR Tat; UNITED: STATES TAX STAMPS, No. 57 South THIRD Street, first door above Chestnut. A fall supply of all kinds of REVENUE STAMPS that have been issued by the Government for sale in Quantities to suit. A liberal discount allowed on amounts of $5O and up• Wards. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. JACOB E. RIDGWAY, deB-6m No. 57 South THIRD Street. WILLIAMVI. YARNALL, DEALER IN ROUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, No. 1020. CHESTNUT. STREET, Agent for the sale of HALEY, MORSE, & BOYDEN'S PATENT. SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES-WRIN43-ER, re : s 0 ; r ;: .1$ It will wring the largest Bed Quilt or smallest Hand kerchief drier than can possibly be done by hand, in very much less time. B.—A liberal discount will be made to dealers. 517 AROR. - . , C. A. VANIEIRIt. • db:6s. Hare on hand a fine assortment of CHANDELIERS .• AND O ' I~HERr • ~. ,GAS FIXTURES. . . Mao, French Bronze lilgures and Ornaments, Porcelain and Mica Shades, and a variety of • FANCY. GOODS •• • :-;. wilor.zsA AND R'ETAIL.: .Please call and examine goods. . delSly 5 CASES BLACKSTONE.• For sale y . • • MATTHEW SINNEY'S SONS, ns , • - • -BOSTON, Mum MAGIC POCKET-BOOK, FOR THE NEW CURRENCY. Sent by Mail, for TWENTY.FIVE CENTS. J. R. DILLON, Manufacturer, jaS6t • 17 ANN Street, New York. 14 EIMER'S IVORY TYPES, NO EQUALS—They On not overwrought, lint simply natural copies of lift; flesh tints, life-like, snit agreeable; light and shade naturally arranged. SECOND Street, above Green. WILLOW. ,SLEIGH BODIES* T largo lot just received. For solo low. ioB- 2 31. 4 ` 157 and 151 1 )Ti W orPh THIRD Street. HAIR DYE, BLACK OR BROWN, SS its. a box, or three boxes for $l. 53 THIRD Street, above Chestnut. . . • It* ADIES - TAKE'THEIR 'CHILDREN, ;!luiror HAIR CUTTING, •to ..L:' 61:111111EUNST'S, TH and BRANCH. • . • • , jo-tittr E YE AND FiAll.-PROF.. J. ISAAOS, Oculist and Aurtst, from Leyden, Boliana, is per manently located at N0..611 PINE Street, whore he treats all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically, and cures— if rumble. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain B.—No charges made for examination. Office hours from Bto 11 o'clock A. M. and 2to P. hf. . jay-3re 00 t°R 8 LIST OF COLORS . . . . BLACK, • ••• SALMON,_ DARK BROWN ,• ' •• SCARLET. - ' • SNUFF BROWN,DARK DRAB, LIGHT BROW N. LIGHT DEAR. ' : DARK BLUE • '• YELLOW.' '•- .•• LIGHT • BLUA.• • • LIGHT YELLOW,• DARK GREEN. • - • ORANGE, LIGHT GREEN, MAGEITA, • -• PINK. • ' • SOIFER [No, PURPLE,• • . • • • FRENCH num. SLATE, ROYAL PURPLE CRIMSON.- . : _VIOLET. • FAMILY DYE ,COLORS,• For d_yeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Cloode„-dhawb. Scarfs, Dresses, ltibbo.ns, Glove**, Bonnete,JUts, Feathery. Rid Olowes, Children's Clothing, and all ktads of Wear hag Aortae], with perfect fast A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT These Dyes are mixed in the form, of powders concen trated, nre thoroughly tested, and put up in neat. peak ages. For twenty-five cents Ton can eoloras many goods as would otherwise cost live times that sum. The pro cess Is simple, nd'any ()aeon 11138 the Dyes - with perfect, sucrose. Directions insid e. lititnufactured by , . HOWE & STEVENS, %DS BROADWAY; Botton.t For sato by Di,oggist.s and Deatur3 in every Citrand Town. 10:10-tedles-ain tr THE PRESS.-PHTLADELPHIA; Captain Company -DISSOLUTION OF SPECIAL PART . NERSHIP.—The Special Partner. Alp heretofore ex ,istin_g_betvreenl. R. PHILIPS, F. S. PHILIPS, and JOHN AL KING. nnder the firm of J. R. & F. S. PHILIPS has, MS fourth day of September, 1862, been dissolved by nut- Aral consent, John M. King, special partner, havingwith ' drawn the sum of six thonsa.n4 dollars in cash, amount_ contributed by him to said Arm.- 1. R. PHILIPS, F. S. PHILIPS. SEPTEMBER 4, 1862. J. M. KING... rIOPARTNERSHIT.—WE; THE.: Vic DERSIGNED, have, this fourth - day of • September, 18(A, entered into a Copartnership, under the Jinn of 3. 'A F.I.IIIIILIPS, for the purpose of transacting a JOB BING:CLOTH BUSINESS at the store No; 302 MAR. HET. Street. "r" J. B. PHILIPS, • F. S. PHILIPS. SEPTEMBER 4, 1662. . • •• . • • •jai-St's NOTICE.-THE LIMITED PARTNER SHIP heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of J. T. PLATE & SOHOTTLER, 'expire.% this dayy, by its own limitation. Philadelphitt,Docem ber . J. THEOPH. PLATE: CARL C. SCSIOTTLER; • General Partners. . • CE R: P.. PLAT • : , 'Special Partner. • . .10. his Attorney," J. TEEOPII. PLATE. The undersigned continue the Importing and General Commission Business, undor the firm of .1 T. PLATE $t SC:BOTTLER, for their own account. J. THEOP]I• PLATE CARL C. scnorrart. Philadelphia, January 1, 1663. jitl-6w DISSOLUTION. -THE PART N E SIIIP heretofore existing between Messrs. KELLER & EDIORY is this day dissolved by . mutual consent. PAUL P. KELLER January 1 5t,1863. THEO. D. EMORY , . NOTICE.—TUEO. L. EMORY has removed to 209 South FOURTH Street, below Walnut. PAUL P. KELLER re mains at tho Oh Stand, 327 WALNUT Street. . jal-30 COPARTNERSHIP • NOTICE. = THE subscribers have entered into Copartnerghip gar Refiners, ender the firm of HARRISON, zIEwiAALL, WELSH: and will conduct their busineis at the FRANKLIN REFINERY. No. 221 VINE Street. WALTER S. NEWHALL:. SAML. WELSH, JR., • CHAS. C. HARRISOIL)- Philadelphia, January 1.11361. jag. DISSOLUTION OF CO":4III!NER SHIP.—The cepartnership lieretoforeisilidliftander the namo.of SMITH, WILLIAMS, & CO., is this day:dts; solyed by mutual consent4nd the linsiuoss of the late . firm will bo settled by either of the uodorsigned, at No. 513 MARKET Street. ' P. JENKS SMITIL H. PRATT SMITH JNO. EL. WILLIASIS, • 'Wld. P. SMITH, Ji.. • ' • . Philadelphia. Dea.•31,18112.. • , • Jail( --. • . 11811 . 11 7 - Ifo tL elP • 1.21P-77:117116 08.k re ..00... ; . ••• • • •. • the. senior partner froutbusiness. Thollusiness of the letellrm wlttbe settled by either of Morelli:lcm • EDWARD K. TRYON,' Deo. Sl; ' GEO. W. TRYON:, JR . . THP, UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS -A- (lay formed a copartnership under the . firm of TRY ON & BROTHER, for the_purpoSe of transacting the WHOLESALE GUN BUSINESS, at their stores, Nos. 6PIIBI MARKET Street 616 COAIIVIERCE Street. and 220- North SECOND Street GEO. W. TRYON JR. • - • EDW. R. TRYON, JR. . • • Ist. dela-1W fIOPA.RTNERSHIP.---TIIE U N D E It •••••• Agued Eiye. this day formed a copartnerAltip anger the name and style of If. C. 'MUNICH'. & CO., for the transaction of the Importing and Jobbitur Dry Hoods Easiness at N 0.227 hIARKET Street, and No. 316 (011URCH ALLEY. • . H. C. ' TRUNICK . 1,V31. H. GREW", • . HELIX BARR. January l, 1913. DISSOLUTION. -T HE PARTNER SHIP heretofore existing betwoon F. F. WOLGA MUTH; AIMIRICE RALEIGH and SOHN SULLIVAN,an der the Otto of the PHILADELPHIA WEBBING COM PANY. is thiS thy • dissolved. ' • COPARTNTERSHIP • N OTI CE.- - T H 7, ...... .. d gp_ e 1.1 hairefornied a comrtitershi under the llriU' of.. e lli i . - TOIING & ALTEMJS, for the - purpose of transacting the Dry Goods Jobbing buqinate, and have taken the warehouse No. 4,30 MARKET Strect.• . . • JAMES S. YOUBIG.. THOMAS &IMF:MPS. Philadelphia, lan. I, ISA .•• • . • - '. jal-120 : . . . • THE: 1114 DIM SIGNED %•H.A.. THIS . . , DAY (Jan. bit) formed a cayartnership,. mailer the atyla of JOHN C. 'HOPKINS 3: CO., fur the tranwietion of . the. Wholerale CHINA, °LASS. and CIUSENSWARE Business, at 612 MARKET Street. ' .4011N.C. HOPKINS, jal-6t* JOHN IiIcBLVENEY. COPARTNERSHIPS. "nrs.Annovy%., rIVIE SIAISCRIBEM. ; HAVING 'RE:- .-z-pubild the wholesale dry-gOodii busipeas,,,aid; die of their stock of goods to DAVIS, I:M[I 2 TM, k • 0.. resFectfully recommend their friends and • ctfe+ leMers to the nest• firm. as their succeioiorn in tra do. .Ire wilt ronain at the old stand, No. 211 MARKET- Street, for the purpose of settling tip our 'Mi. D. JONES & CO. . Philadelphia, January 1,1E63. • ja3-12t* • THE trNDERSIGNED THOM A.S W. . DAVIS, late of T. W. Davis & Co., and WILLIAM B. KEMPTON and DAVID; THOMPSON; late with Wil liam D. Jones & Co., have this day formed a cepa rtuor shtp. under the name end Arm of DAVIS, }CEMPTON. & and having purchtteetrthelnige and woll asmrted stock of W. D. Junes & Co., continue as successors the Wholesale Dry-Goods busirmss, at the old store, No. 217 MARKET Streot and 1i0..200 CHURCH. Alley. TrlcmAs w..DAvis, WM KEMPTON„ • • DAIIII-THOMPSON. • • Philadelphia, Ist me. Ist ISM. • • - .itt3.l2 . * . . . . THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO • FORE existing under the Ann of LIPPINC(Yrrie PARRY Is this day dissolved by maims! cement, Joshes, Lippincott retiring. The business will be soffits] by either partner, at No. 200 MARKET Street. • JOSHUA hiPPINC(YPT, - , SAMUEL PARRV. Philadelphia, First month, lst, 1130. • . SAMUEL PARRY has this day associated with him ELLWOOD JOHNSON and JOSHUA W. LIPPINCOTT, who will continue the Wholesale Cloth business, under the firm of LIPPINCOTT & PAllltrott the old stand, No. Re MARKET Street and No. G South SECOND Siete. SAMUEL PARRY, . .. ELLWOOD JOHNSON:' • JOSHUA W. LIPPING° • Philadelphia. First month, Ist,lBKi. DAVID T. BURR retains the position held ith w te • li • former firm. . . . . . • . nuAs..Era HAS THIS DAY BEN Admitted into our Firm • the name of the Firm 1011 be JANES LONG, BROTHER, 8: CO., 203 CHURCIt Al ley. • JAMES LONG, OLIVER LONG, ' • • • CHARLES HILL . Philadelphia, January 2,1663 . NT 0 TiC E.-THE PARTNERSIIiP NT heretofore existing between the subscribers is this day dissolvedis mutual consent. • January ], M. • A..D. CASH t • L. H. REDA RR. , A. D. CASH, Conveyancer, No. 150 South FOURTH St.. LEWIS 11. lIRDNER, Conveyancer, No. 15.1 South FOURTH Street. • . ja3-2t* THECOPARZWERS.HERETO foreHIP- .HERETO fore existing in the name of MEGARGEE BRO THERS, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. J. N. MEGARGEN. S. .T. MEGAROSS. - Mk:ODORS AIEGARTEB. Philadelphia, Dec. 91,1862. The business will be continued as heretofore, under the style of THEODORE MEG AROSE CO. THEODORE MEG ARG EE, is2-3t* ' Nos. 3 and 5 DECATUR Street. (TAMES ELLIS AND HIS SON EVAN T. BLLlS,of.the late Arm ofCHARLES ELLIS' & have associated with theta WILLIAM . aI...ELLI 'COTT, under the firm of , • CHARLES ELLIS, SON & CO., And having taken' the. Warehouse on MARKET . Street, northeast corner of Seventh street, will continue the . DRUG ircrsuass anti the manufacture of Chemical and Pharmaceutical preparations as heretofore. • - They respectfully ask of their friends a share of their trade- and a continuance of the business relations wit* they have so long enjoyed with them. • • ja2-1.. Tll HE UNDERSIGNED . /I.VE THIS -•- day entered Into coiartnerehip for' tho' traiialtion of the general Jobbing Dry Goode Imaineag, under the name or style of ADAM, ATRINSQN, & CO., at No. 33,, North THIRD Street. EDWARD •.A. ADAH,_ . ••• r: HENRY. P. ATKINSON e JAMBS .M. WHITNEY. -'• ;. Philadelphia; Jan...1,'1863. 9-3 CB NOTICE: , :-I' HATE THIS., DAY -L. SOCIMIXI *nil me EDWARD . .T.',,TAYLOR and WILLIAM J. sToras, under, the. Ammer; name - .0f CHARLES STOKES & C_ t o. Ito yam* on - 001,bzudnesabf Clothiers and - Merchantautiors: • : CHARLES STOKES, lii4 2 OllESTMFTStieet:; CHARLES STOKES,' EDWARD T. TAYLOR, WILLIAM J. STOKES. . HARROP HAVE THIS day associated with them 'WM. R. ELLIS. nud will continue the Cloth trade, at ..No. MSS MARKE'r Street, under the firm of ELLIS, HARROP do Co. J CHARLES J. RUM.. J. THWAK HARROP, • WILLIAM R. ELLIS. Philadelphia, let m0.1et,1840. ' faS-3t* All persons hi ebted to said Company will. inake pair meta at the office of the undersigned, and alL' Per/bps samehaving claims will present them for settlenie4,ALthe place. ;, • R R. wor,GAMITii;- MAURICE RALEIGH. No. 9 BANK, and No. 1* STRAWBERRY Streets. Thiladelphia, Dec. 31, 1862. . t WM.-11: RICHARDSON IS THIS-DA T T admitted to as Interal l ig o cru l r y lirr iAt i m ic 60., January 1, 1963. . . C • OPARTNERSILIP.. • ..THE;': UNDER ,•••, signed have this day entered into' WOopartntirahip, under the name of W. D. SMITH & CO., fol. the transac tion of the BREWING • business, at the old Stand, N. W. corner of FIFTH and MINOR Streets, formerly occupied by their father, Robert Smith. jal-8t • ' • . W. D. SMMI. ' • ROBERT F.'SMITH.' . fIOPARTNERSIIIP..-THE . :- . BITBSCRI- N-' BEES have this day associated themselves; for the transaction of the Wholesale Boot and Shoe lmstness, at No. 501 MARKET Street, under the firm of MONROE & SMALTZ. ' JAMES MONROE. ' JOSEPH E. &MALTZ. .Philadelphia, January ISM • jal-41t* . TAMES CRESSON ~ .PARRISH -• IS " thin day admitted di a Partner with the underellmed in the Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Dry Goode buil nei,s, which will be coutinyted m iteretotire, Att 812 CDESTE U7' Street.' • • •••• • • The Ft yle the '.nei• •firut wilt be 0 EORGR.D. PAIL RTSH & CO. • ", 'GEORGE D. reiptrsrf. Pliiladelphla; 1441: . WE: .:HAIr.FL •THIDI3AYIitfITED ittma lllCjlnd cius. o..swopE to v in. ii MAGEE Sc HICKS. J'LSludelnhia, i,1863. NTIOKERSON: . & MOSELEY ...HAVE Dir Lst) associated M. R. ;HAMS with them in their business„ under the firm or NICKER SON, BARRIS. Si MOSELEI. Ihminev, continued at the old stand. NELSON .1. NICKERSON, MAD,ISON R; HARRIS,' ial , ths&toPt* - WESLEY B. MOSELEY. ~ T HE PARTNERSHIP .OF'Sit O r D READ & BRO.. -is hereby extended for st further term. Tbey will continue the WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS, att their old Stand, No; North TIT 112 D Strpct. Ant ilaulolphia. . . . j8.1.81.'t . • • ' ~,BRODUEAD 4.131t0. OTICE. THE - , COPARTNERSHIP .. 1 • existing between CHARLES• ht.: MOORES and SAMUEL It. EVANS, •nnder the . Iltitiof now= 3t EVANS, Note Brokers, was dissolved on tito Ist itt:g.'dnr the dealt of CIIAULES Ai. ItOGERS. . liee. Ist, 1862.' • SAMUEL It. EVANS. . .. - - .._ ,_.,. .. , • . ' .The.subscribers have this duy IWOCIALCU memaetvest wider the firm or BOYD & EVASS,.forlhOltantaictiou or .the •NOTE BRULNERACIE bustuitsa, at. Na : No: - 41t StMini M Tltb Street: •; ' . . :.7AMES W '130.1'1.1.. Den:leit, , l#lo—' . asil-319 ". SAMUEL It Ar.t.Es. T 17. E COPARTNERSHIP :HERETO • ,' -A- FORE exiiding under the name .01'8140LT:4: PEl l'Elt, & Co. .)/At dbeed vett - The bust tiegs 'will 16 nettled at the Ohl Stand,' dai'North TIIIRD Street. ICC:Mtn .O..PEIPER. . December 11,1862: • . . . 'THE SUBSCRIBERS , W1LL; , .001,171T tbe 'DRUG •BUSINESS, as lieretotbre,. et4he OM Stead, No. 724 MARJO'? Street. : • •-• • Wll. EL.LIS.& CO., Droltitbit 3 4. , - jel4f:. • . : ; • • : 7214 , /4A.ItKST. Stredr.- NTOTICE. I, -THE STYLE AND TITLE: .of.the. Aria of WBA.VEtt.,_FITI:OI.. & change'd to F41.11;141‘114,V9114A CO.: __._ : • . . EDWIN FITLER, • MICHAEL WEAVER. - . cpagA . p F:CLOTiI [Pat. . S C - 7"; U: T I 0 FIRM! Lw . -L-F 13111:1LTS„:PEIPRE: & CO., lethil day diq, , olved , by .11naltatket. 'The busintwn of. the late firm t•ttl. be I I: O r tied at the old stead;4 s No. North Tkitt etreeeo•p , 1/), . • • WAL Mit v. sittrpT • . . • . •• ALBERT C. era RUNE Z. lisllndelphlit, December 31,1832. • • COPA.RTNERSHIP.-lIIE UN DEI - 1,- . Kurd have this day askociated together under the name of SUULTZ & GARI)II.Rit, fur the traitsuettoit of tho Wholesale Boot and Shoo•builooss, at Nu. 4.5 North htrott, second story. • F. SIIOLTZ; • • Ar.TIBItr C. GARB3(ifft . rbibuielobia. January isti 154 .4 • 14/".4*4 1:;:i AT RD AY, . JAIWARY.. 3, . .1863. CQPARTNJERSHIPS. OF•'-OOPARTNER. firm • Of Avasow, • ANDERSON, Ai iNgel lied this toy dissolved by mutual °mow. business .of sold: firm will be st‘tled by either tners w at their place of business, No. 415 stARENT , et. OLIVER -HOWARD , WILSON. SAMUEL 11. ANDERSON, EDWARD DE URNS& - iiiladelpfilay.lanuary 1,1863. ' • : 'OTICE OP • LIMITED PARTNER SHIP.—Tfie' trabsiiiiberm hereby give notice tbut they o entered into. limited partnership,' sgreenbly to' the ition of thAY.siVertfl lairs of the Cuminontvaalch•of. nAylVenin relating to limited partnership.. ,at the la 11110 of the firm wider which sa id partner.' is tn be conducted is WILSON, ANDERSON,46 'NBA. t hat. the general' near i of the business intended to be' ibtt sada by the Rai& thrim or portnetahip, ii the .Tob g Of-DtY . 0 . 00611 , ,- and (he same will be transacted in t city of rbiladelpliim at the names of tlic - general pertuers'of said firm are VER HOWARD' 11 I•l6Srtzt, SAMUEL M..-ANDER so. and EDWARD' pE CERNEA, 311 of whom re6.6lde Intim city - of Philtuletphia. The name of the special. (dui is WILLIAM 11,.. HOLLOWAY, who re iad o g at tl ort, Delmont con oty, Ohio ; that' the capital coo t ut by the said WillibmiW. Holloway, special pan. n , t the common stock of said firm, it, twenty, thou. Ed d lore in cash. -, • - ' • • • • • • y t hat the said polinersbiP is to Cotakience on the Brat o unitary, A.• D.• ISM.. and is to terminato ou the 61. • of January. A. D. 1861. OLIVER' R. WILSON, SAMUEL. M. ANDERION: EDWARD' HE ORR NSA, • Genera i Partners. WILLIAM 'W. HOLLOWAY, Special L'ni'tner. _ TI GE . I 'r .13 E UNDERSIGNED. I -rebr Publish the terms of a LiMited Partnership, w Id they formed on the 2d day of February, MI, to terni ate on the 31st day of December, 1562, and which Mgr ve THIS DAY renewed, In compliance with the LAN . f renusylvsillin. • / ' le• Hanle of the firm under which the said. Part tutsl p Is conducted is MATHIAS M. MARPLE. 9 ' to general nature of the business transacted is the In.i S g and vending of VARIETIES and FANCY DRY G 0 S. at N 0.53 North THIRD Street, In the city of Phi la el hia, State of Pennsylvania. S ke name of the General Partner of said firm is M I lAS M. MARPLE, residing at No. 1220 COATES St e in the city of Philadelphia, and of the Special Pit rof said firm GEORGE GORDON, residing at 540 1, N .Ititryib d !•c a u m nT on i Street, n f tofmp i t t n e n c le on c o u f te P d he y ad sea l i p d h G in eorie Go i n, the Special Partner, to the common stock at the ti : ild partnership was formed—to wit, on the 2d day of ' re:try, itg, was TWELVE THOUSAND FIVE H Is )RED DOLLARS. 1 ie said partnership iii now renewed, and isto con t i i until, and to terminate on, the Slat .day of Decem- dolphin, December 31,180.. . • • BIATHIAS M. MARPLE, . General Partner GEORGE GORDON, sr. , . Special Partner . ..... . ... ... 'COPARTNERSHIP HERETO existing in the name of SOUTHWICK, MERLE, is this day dissolved, by tetanal. consent. JAMES L. SOUTH WICK, • GEORGE IL SHEBLE.,_ EDWARD A. GREEXE. n6lphia, Dec. 31st, 1662. E 'UNDERSIGNED HAVING tined a limited partnership: do make the following talon, in compliance, with the law relating to I. partnerships, n s e a rah i i i l s: ; t a n n e d rsi the p l o up t p o le i m ,n ezitsliereto conducted : under hame and style of SOUTHWICK, SIIEBLE & . tub' , imi Fi Ot •• . tot nd. The general nature of the husiness intended to be I trisected by the said partnership is the WOOL DU' i 'LZS, and MANUFACTURING •OF WOOLEN G i )S. IC , d; The general parl,nbrs are 'JAMES L. SOUTH. W vresiding No: 232 South FOURTH Street, GEORGE 41. %BELE, residing No: 047 FRANKLIN. Street, anti t E 1 ARD A; GREENS, residing No. 13S North TwEN- T H. Street. earth, The amount of capital which SETH B. STITT, Ili spec); partner, has contributed to the common stock of said artuership, is . ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TIMIS "D DOLLARS, in Cash. fifth, Ito said partnettship is to eommence ,on the 8 t day (January, 1883 , and to terminate on the thirty- Arelday f March, A. D. 1868. - ' .' • . ' TAMES L. SOUTHWICK, • '. • - ". , GEORGE H. SHEBLE, : '. :".'...'.-'.:!.... EDWARD A GREENE, :•_:.i • . . ' .' -• SETH B: STITT. Philade lila; Dec.3l; 1662. . , ... At I. F 3 RM OF DE COURSEY tILTON is this day dissolved,. by . mottutt con- SAMUEL G. DE COURSEY, HUGH HAMILTON. • etyma, Dec. 31st'; 1882. PLila • TB pain First name j UNDERSIGNED HAVING lied a limited partnership. do make the following lon, in compliance .with the law .. relating to rtnerships, and the supplement thereto : he said partnership le to be conducted tinder the Arm of DE COURSEY, HAMILTON, & EVANS. 1. The general nature of the business Intended to acted Is the DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSE- Thir The itencral partners in the said partnership are SAME L G. DE COURSEY residing at 328 South SIX TEEN H Street, HUGH IIAIILTON„' residing_ at RI North +WENTIETH Street; and CHARLES T. EVANS, rl residi at 1411corth TWENTIETH Street. Porn r. The amount of capital which SETH H. STITT, the spe Sal partner, has contributed to the.common stook. of said artuerldrip is PIPTY .THOUSAND DOLLARS, In Cash; Fifth The said vaitnership Is to commence on the first day of *unary, 18111,and to terminate on the thirty-first day of eceMber,lB6s.' . . igued, • • ) SAMUEL C. DE COURSEY, ...) HUCII HAMILTON, CHARLES T. EVANS, • jal.-tillt SETH - B. STITT. 0 ARTNERSHII'--THE UNDE R. at entered into copartnership for the • Hon Ora General Commission an . d'Lrnytortlng . Muth' under the of CHARLES I . T A M ES A: _ C E ST CHAS. S. CA ST LE'S. . * JAS. CABSTAIHS, Jr.. NO4ICE , OF.: DISSOLUTION.-THE . _• inership heictofore existing: between . 114:10 1 If BAR t LD and 'EDWARD .1. WILLIMS style d' HARROLD, WILLIAMS, & CO., liat u itc:i=l:l Excba o Dealers, is this dap dissolved_, _by mama con sent, • ; , .OH HAR' J. ROL_B" _ . • •• • EDWARD J WILLIAMS Phi elphia. Ian: 1 1, 1801 • • ' jal-6t I\l - 011PE.-JAMES H. PEABODY HAS ttils Attybeen admitted as a partner in onr Ern*. GEO. F. 'PEABODY & CO. Jainism Lied TH • DEATH OF 'PETER L. FERGII. .• . BO K. on the 25th of June tut. dissolved the' firth of P. L. YER01:18911 & CO. Thebusiness will be continued by the surviving Partner, under the name and style of de.5160 , : ... • • CHAS. FERGUSON. LEGAL• • TN THE ORPHANS' + COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate.of RUDOLPEUREIBICY,Deceased. • Notice is hereby given,that CHRISTIANA REIS&Y, widow of said decent, hulled .in. the said Court her Petition and appraisement, claiming toretainAuersonal property of the said decedent to the value of M. under file act of April 14, 1851, and the supplements thereto, and that the said Court will approve the same on thel6th day of January, A. D. 1863, unless exceptions are filed thereto. C. B. ROBERTS, Attorney for Petitioner. ja3-un 4t* PROPOSALS. ' : LINEN —r4TERT---totfOK, STANDARD 8 AND 10 In 'store and for WI by • AZTEMUS &i COZENS No. s4i. CJ sftutitreit;•iiiima DEPUT.T.QUA.R'PERMASTER' GEN E RAI'S OFFlCS,PmfiAnKLritte,.2l Jaina'ry, 1863. rtitoroseLs ism b ' received at :this of fi ce until 'WEDNESDAY next,7Ott 12 o'clock DI., for the delivery in this city, on or before the 20th inst., of Fivo huedred Sets four-horse Wagon Harness. wonty-dro Carts (one-horio). Twenty-five sets Cat farness. • The harness to be ma .e of the bast quality "oak-tan ned " leather„subiect to inspection. The right is reserved to reject all bids tleeme, too high. G. H. CROSKAN, j a 3_4t, .• pasty Quartermaster General, ARMY SUPP . • DEVICE OF Cs LNAASARY OF SUB3I3TE NUE, No. 1.1(.2 OIRAEo 'ream Philada., Jan. 3, Int Proposals will be •received at this Office until twelve o'clock on THURSDAY; January S, for furnishing for the use of the United States Army, at such times and in such quantities as may be required during the month of Ja nuary. the following Pubsistence Stores, viz: 400 barrels new PRIME 1 , 41.:&" PORE, to be fall salted. . free front rust or stain, in new, well coopered oak barrels. 25,000 pounds - PROM BACO4N SHOULDERP; (smoked.) 2,000 barrels EXTRA • SUPERFINE, or -ExTaA • PAMLY Fr.oun, (which to he stated) of approved brands, name of brand, with number •of barrels. of each brand offered, to be mentioned in the bid. rrels EXTRA CORN MEAL, (brand to be men tioned.) 400 bushels now WHITE BEANS, in flour barrels. 10,000 pounds prime Tloxixy, in tight barrels. 20,1360 pounds prime 1110.COFFRE. in barrels. • • 75,61,13 pounds light yellow COFFEE SCUMS, in tight bar., 10,000 pounds WiliTE SUGAR, in barrels. 2,000 gallons Irixim.ta, in new, well-cooperod barrels. 200 gallons, Moiassgs, or SYRUP, 111 new, well-coopered • . barrels. • 500 btishels clean, fine, dry SALT.. .4111. articles to be of the best quality, securely-packed, and in perfect order for transportation Bids will include packages and delivery in this Seller's name and date of purchase required on each paokage. Certificates of inspection of Nelda and Flour Will be re quired,and no Pork Will be accepted, packed (ruin "bulk Meats." No bide from parties who have failed to fulfil a - former agreement will be considered. Samples in boxes; distinctly marked„mast accompany bids for all articles except Meat. : Bids from known dealers only will lie considered, and eaten bid must be accompanied by the written guarantee of two responsible persons for the faithful performance of the two. The Government will accept the whole or any part of the above articles, as needed. Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for Subslidenee Stores," and directed to • F. N. BUCK, jal-ttaS .Captain Com. Snb. A RMY OLOTIIING AND EQUIPAGE onvE, nvipprif and GIRARD Streets. . . „ • • • rITILADELPHI.I4 January 1,1865. • SBALED,PROPOB6LS will be recelved. at'this Office mull 12 Won MONDAY, .sth instant,so fu at ,the SchnylkillArsenal • of Wall Tent Poles," to be mado•upright, of Ash, with pine ridges. 'Sets of Common Tent Poles," all of clear Pine or Ash, or 'Ash upright and Pine ridges. - • Biddens will state the number; price, kind of wood, and how soon they can be deliveretit,and also the names of two sitreties for the faithful fulfilment of contract if awarded. , The Government reserves the right to take any portion, or to reject all; if the prim should be deemed the high. • • TP. CROSIdAN, •":310 4 14 . • Deputy Quartermaster General S. A. AnET OLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OPPME,'TWELFTEE AND. o.l.E . A.R.D."*.azinve. Ptimainti.PmA,:Dec. 2.9, 1862. • : • ' • ' - SEALED PROPOSALS will be•zeCeieed 'at this Office until lto'clock 31 on Saturday,. January 1933, to fur ash' , • • Vilthiiiied water-proof RUES= TENT:BLANKETS, ottdrille or sheeting. Vulcanized, 'water-proof' GIITTA.• PERCHA.' TENT BLANKETS, on (111113 or sheeting. TAINTED WATER-PROOir TENT BLANKETS, .drills or shorting. • • To he grummetted, and,mode in accordance with atoe ciff cations and samples seen in this Office. Propo sals will state the number bid for, the price ()reach, whe ther on drills or sheeting, and the earliest time the Blankets can be deliverodiat thoSclutylkill Ar..enal; also, -the names of - two surettles for the faithful performance of the contract. The prixilingt is reserved of taking any proportion hid for, or of remding the whole, if the price dertnetl too high., dderS aro invited to be present at the opening of their bids. Q. H. OROSMAN, do Se • • . Q. M. Gen. U. S. A. R)dY CLOTIEFING AND EQUIPAGE. TWEL.TTR AND GIRARD:STREETS.— PUILADHLPHIA. Dee. "ffi, SEALED PROPOSALS -will he received at this Office until 12 M. on SittIIRDAY, :id 'January, to furnish • TENTb D'ABRI, to ho made of SAW. 268; inch Cotton or Pure Linen. Duck, and to ho made in accordance with specifications and sample to be seen. at this. Office. Proposals will state the number hid for,,the price, and the earliest time the Tents can ho delivered at the Schuylkill Arsenal; , also, the names of two curettes for the faithful perforumine or the contract. The privilege. is reserved of taking any pro portion bid for, or of rejecting the whole, if the tr i ce is deemed too high. G. 11. CROSMAN, de` K' D'y Q. llf. Gen. U. S. A. ATLANTIC COTTON .11.tildia. .* • . SREETINGS AND SHIWINEM. CHARLES AM6RY, JR., & 00., 205 CRITRCE ALLRY. CJIfII4 w! 1 1 L SA. LE OF DAMAGED CORN. —Will be ogened for sale. at Public Auction. at the GOVERNMEN T DEPOTS,, in this city, on 'rlSf URSD January 15th, ISM, au amount of GRAIN, conJemned lc( a Board of Burvey. The sno - asto be sold'eepankto from the Grain, n.t.kwiee to be fixed by the Quartermaster, or retained if usconed desirable by him. Terms, cash in Treasury notes, on delivery. JAS. BF,LGER. Colonel and Clusttormaster. • OrAIITER.MART.RIt'S DALTIMMitt, $ . . GENTS' VURNISHING GOODS. • seVVVVVVWVIVVVW.A/VVVVVVV 606. .ARCII STREET: -.606• FINE. SHIRT AND WRAPPER —PoMPORIU.k! FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENTS' FURNISIEFING GOODS, *VARIETY, • SUPERIOR QUALITY, AND AT • • MODERATE . PRISM. G. - A. HoFEVANisr, ARCH W. SOB TO W. =IOU% 6C)G. ARCH sTREEII; _ 606. ift3iitutli 3m. . BOLIWS; PRESENTS WNE. A `DROWN Jo CO.. Are now prepared :with their asrial stock of very superior 1V11P.R.E.1,1. A S, .V.R4Y griTABLB 808 PRESENTS PHOTOGRAPRIO AT,BI3IIS- A Isl g e Ta r iet Y f9l : bale Y at " V c &IAN & CO.. deIS4P , 924 CHESTNUT Street. MICROSCOPES, SPECTACLES, AND SPT-GLASSES, for presents for sale bi • JAMIS W. QUEEN & CO., de1. 1 3-tf if • 924 CHESTNUT. Street. Og Es r ERA GLASSES, OPERA: " sale j ' IMBS W. am= & co., dAlS4fif 924 CHINTNTIT Strnat PATCHES . AND JEWELRY. • ANWWWWWWN/V . AXEEICAN WATCHES: . 41 . E 9 • . • AMR FOR.TRK.. -" "AMERICAN. WATCH COMPANY," NOW OFFERS. EKFRESSLY ADAPTED FOR : HOLIDAY PRESENTS, A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF AMERICAN WATCHES, FOR • LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT MODERATE PRIORS. No. 712 CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, OPPOSITE. MASONIC HALL PRA.irT, (411hX=1108 TO P/I.ATT h mut.) 607 CHESTNUT STREET, Is constantly is robetot of- AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and qualities, to snit all classes of HOLIDAY.:-PRESENTS. 4a, RUSSELL, • " am No. 22 NORTH SIXTH ' STREET, Offers a choice assortment of . • WATCHES DIAMONDS , . :FI grgWEIARY, STANDARD SILVER WARE, Suitable for Holiday Presents, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. de2-lm ELI HOLDEN, Dealer in fine AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES, : JEWELRY, AND CLOCRS OC3I-600 'Z'OS MARKET Street. AMERICAN WATCHES, IN , GOLD AND SILVER CASES. JOS H. WATSON, - 441.6 in • • No, 326 CHESTNUT Stree WA T OHES, JEWELRY,I4O. A PRESH ASSORTMENT AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICES LADIES' FURS FOR • „ . HOLIDAY PRESENTS. JOHN A. STAMBA.OH, IMPORT/1R INIVUNITFAOTMIER, OP L'A'DIES' FANCY' FITTIST --- No: 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. . ,'- HAS NOW OPEN . . A splendid stock of Russian and Nadeau Bay and Mink Sable, Royal Ermine, Chinchilla, Siberian Squirrel, and other styles of FURS, suitable for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR PRESENTS. delti-tja7 —• JOHN. FAREIRA; No. 718 ARCH STREET, BELOW EIGHTH. IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER LADIES! FANCY FURS. My assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladies and Children is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable daring the present BeaSOLL. All sold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladies, please give me a calL oc34mif FURS! • FURS! • • GEORGE F. WOMRATH, NOS.. 415 AND 417 ARCH STREET. • HAS NOW OPEN A FULL ASSORTMENT- • 1, A.D S R S, To which the attention of the Palate is invited. nol94nt COMMISSION ••HOUSES. C . O.T TON AIVN. STPNNON COTTON• YARN. No, PRO THINGHAM It . WELLS SHIPLEY, HAZARD, et FITITC - 11.INSON, No. 112 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS . 5e76-6m - A RMY GOODS: DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY:B.LURCLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMT, BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILL& STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale by • FROTHING:FLU( & WELLS. eel-UV RE.IIIO,V rl. L . 505, CHESTNUT STREET. jal-6t A3030011E1 STEAM FLOUR MILLS,. Non. 77, 79, AND 81 LAUREL STREET, Below Front, Philadelphia. ,The andersigned, having commenced the Milling bust-. mass. at this well-known old stand, are prepared to fur, nig' • GROCERS, DEALERS. AND FAMILIES With the vety best article of Wheat Flour, at the lowest, rates. Give us a trial, and we will guarantee entire satisfac tion. Mill Feed constantly on hand. , n027-ws2m* • . BARNES & BROOKE. MATERIALS FOR MINOR PIES. BUNCH, LAYER, AND SULTANA RAISINS, CITRON CURRANTS, SPICES, CIDERAVINE. &a., &a. ALBERT C. RaBg.BTB, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, delMf tf CORNER ELEVENTH AND. VINE STS. a r i f ir t LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT "IP MOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH. Street, near .e 'ranklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for, putt' favors, out baba determined to merit inture Pgxoriigf), has sec*, to elegant and convenient store, and, him..npw on. d a large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated \Trough, Chilled Iron Fire 4.151 Burglar Proof Safes (Die, strictly fire and burglar proof safe& niaol4 Also. Atuhr% Unequalled Bank Tanu, Ws. and Bank Locke. Li tie's Bank Vault Dooraanct Looks will bo furnished to ceder on ehori notice. We is the strongest, boat pro Ad, and cheapest Door and Lock yet o ff ered. lso, particular attention is called to Y,iliide Nov Osbinet Safe. for Plate, Jewelry. As. This Safe is con ceded to sunless in style and elegance anything yet . offered fox this purpose, and is the only one that strictly fire and burglar proof. SPROIA.L NOTICE.-1 have now on hand say twenty of *Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes, rnost.of them neatly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complot& assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged, for the now celebrated Lillie Safe, They will ba said at veil, • low prices. Please call and coalmine. 3Na(dyit kt. G. zputt. AGENTS. HOLIDAY' GOODS. 246' MerlFrET EMMET ENGLISH, SWISS, AND PARR & BROTHER, Importers. MMIII POE SALE,BT FOR THE SALE OP A. WINCH HAS REMOVED' TO NEW PVIIMICATIONS. NEW BOOKS JUST • ...PUBLIEMBII and for sale, at retail or whnlecale, T. B. PETERSON Sr BROTHER'S, • No. aOG CHESTNUT StreerePhiladelphia. SOMEBODY'S LUGGAGE By Charles Dickens. 25 cents— . ANDBEE DE TAYF,33PIY, By Alexander* Dumas. Beimi-the noel end of "MernoirS of isPhysiolaw " series: 2 vols.' .r g e m er,sl.; or I vol., cloth, 61.21.. THE PIRATES OF THE PRAIRIES. By GP:stave Aimard. author. of " Tho Prairie FloWer." 50 ants. • INDIAN ,COUT. By Castro Aimard. 50 cogs-- FLOWER' OF THE PR AIME. By Aimard. POktents. THE TRAIT; 'HINTER. Sy Aim - ard: 50'ebots.. ' A LIFE'S SECRET. By Ifedit 'Wood. 50 a:414:4. TUE MYSTERY. By Mrs. Henry V, SO cents. TILE CHANF:INGS. 'By - JEW felir IYood. 50 cents: , THE EARL'S'HEIRS.' By''Mrs. Wood. 50 cm- THE MAD SECRET." BN"Wilkle• author of the "Women' in White " lIDWAND• SEER': 'By Wilkie Collins, . rtereantß. AFTER "DARK: ' 50 7 eintw. THE BANDITTI 0 THE PRATRITIff: 50,:cetts. 7 WIN .LIEILITENA 7E; Siddier'S Bilde. , By Alev ander Dumas:. 50.6 e ms.' ' • ' • • lIARMINO FOR NOX(Ei iis By Mrs. 7/Alinleig- 50 et,, LABOR LABO LCP3w Mrs. Southvbrthi- Cloth, 0L25. or 2 vols., paper eei01:: TILE FLIRT. By Mrs. Grey. Paper, 50 Colnes of any of the 'ttlAvati works, or anytl Otar PEv^ 4 Published, are for sale here, : or *lll be sent_nt'onCe Pet 'fret mail, free of postage, on remitting to us tAIY Price: 9l an of the works wanted. .• Call in person, or addres*ordere for whittelybet want, to • T. B. 'I .4.oN•dt - BROTlrlat It . No: 300 CREST a. Street ; Philadelph ai DEAFNESS ! • A POPULAR TRNaTISE ON . D E A F_N •ITS CAUSES ADD PIOETENTION. •BT Das. LIONTEULL, OF IfIpiTTONIC. • FOURTH EDITION: Oar Mao, with Illustrations, Frio Oat; Dollar The verT remarkable sale of this little volcuite.tei suit guaranteeflcient of Its popularity andliral rte. Three edi tions hove been exhausted in as man Y Months, and a fourth ilejust ready. The anthor's aim has been to produce a bobk FOR THE PEOPLE, Not for the medical profession, but for afflicted individa; ala and families, who, wishing informatiOn on the sub ject, have heretofore been at it loss for arirf wdrk treating in unprofessional language upon Deafness and its attend ing evils. This hook tills the vacuum. It is clear and comprehensive, and should, therefore, third ths way Into the hands of every individual suffering with Dehfness, or any accompanying affliction. Its value will be at once ap reciated. 1d by Booksellers everywhere, and it willto sent by mail free, on receipt of Oao Dollar, by . CARLETON, riblisher.. (Late R VDD & CAttt.e . tott). No. 413 BROADWAY, corner Lispenard..litreeti N. Y degle3mlf . • NEW : HOLIDAY BOOKS. MDT TIM WEEK • • ILLUSTRATIONS TO LES MISERABLE A superb small quarto on tinted paper; elegantly bound, containing 26 magnificent photographic illustra tions of Victor lingo's Los Miserables. "fhe illustra tions after the original designs of G. Brion, who has al ready created a sensation in Paris by these master-pieces of illustrative painting. Price $3, cloth bound, beveled boards, elegant, and $5 antique morocco. ALDRICH'•S POEMS.'. banning little Volume, in blue and gold binding, Thrfirst complete edition includlng"The Ballad of Babie Bell." Price $l, with a Steel Portrait. THE KING'S BELL: An exquisite mediteval Legend. in verse, by Richard IL Stoddard, author of " Songs of Summer," Tinted pa per, beveled boards, cloth. Price, 75 cents. A Remembrance of Emma WhiSm . ;by Hugh. Smith Carpenter. 1 vol., elegantly .prinM'on Anted taper. Price $l. . . . . ***These books sold by all booksellers, and sent by mailfree, on receipt of price, by C ARLETON, Publisher, New 'York, , del2,wstf Cor. BROADWAY and LISPENARD MAGAZINES PROMPTLY DELIVER. +xi- •ED TO SUBSCRI BERS TITS DAY RECEIVED, ' ALL TILE NEW BOOKS. • _ CARDS WRITTEN AND ENGRAVED.- Fasse-rmiout Frames made any size. Large and Card PliotograPbs. Pliotograpb Albums, Portfolios, &c. Fine 'Note Paper and Envelopes, with Initials Stamped gratis. Stationery of all kinds very cbcap. • jal-6t CHALLEA, 1308 CHESTNUT Street n6l64mit ,TEW AND ATTRAOTIVRBOOKS, IN • elegant bindings.. ' LYRA COMESTIB; HYMNS OP HEAVEN. THE IMITATION OF. CHRIST. A new and elegant editieh. THE EXCELLENT WOMAN. - By W. 11. Sprague. no A p P t% RESENT HEAVEN.. By the author of Patieuee of GRAVER THOUGHTS OF A COUN PRY RARSON. , ' - .:3IACXETT'S SCRIPTURE ILLUSTRATII/ES. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers, jai,.. 211 South SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. • W; SL rE'S., PA mPHLET. READY _T U AIS MriENING:—HOW - FREE PEOPLE CON DI= A LONG WAIL Bvo Pamphlet. Pricels cents. ' Published and for sale by • WILLIAM. S. & AIaTit aiD ESTNURT DIATIEL No. 606 CH Street. • NEW BOOKS! . NEW BOOBS !-THE STORY OF THE GUARD: A Chronicle of the War. By Mrs. Jessie B. Fremont 16mo. $1.25. SPRINGS OF ACTION. By Mrs. C. IL B. Richer:Li. 16mo. Si. MEMOIRS OF TUE REV. NICHOLAS MURRAY, D. D. (Kirwan.) • By Se mnel I. Prime. 12.m0. 8145. MEMOIRS OF MRS. JOANNA BETHUNE. By Rev. Georte W. Bethune, D. D. 12mo: 51.20. • BROADCAST. By Rev. Nehemiah Adams.. 16in0.. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, •• de3o . No. 696 CIiEiTATUT Street. ' ALECTURE FOR YOUNG MEN.- Just published ,_price 6 cenb3_,_a new edition of the late Dr. ,CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED LECTURE on the Abuse of the Reproductive Powers. inducing De bility., Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Ph SIMI Incapacity. Ste. The radical modo of treatment, without medicine, isfully explained, so 1.9 to enable every one to be his own physician at the least possible expense. " A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." Sent under seal . , in a plain envelope, to any address, Post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the p, CB. J. C. KLINE di. CO., 127 BOWERY, New York Yost Office Box 4,M6- no4-3m if • Yo Tr :CANNOT . . ;OVER-ESTIMATE the.worgisV. a corrg/ s tnrtrait_geLthoqQ true like ocros-cy.13.13!-M-RUM-lito ot t erannti.lo ou-colors, at reduced prices, SEC rect, Itholle eras GARDEL • 11014 Itld EN T.L-A VERY • fine CARD PHOTOGRAPH of the MONUMENT late ly erected to the memorY•of the late MADAME,GARDEL. McALLISTER& BRO.; No: .728 .CHESTNUT Street. P ORTRAITS. -SECURE THE .BEST, now being made to times, at reduceirPrier.s. it i liFiAltAingar and pleasin&pieture.s, life-size pinto- OND Street. above Green. It JUST OPFNED,. 1- ' II B"WTHOTOGRAPH Where the FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, FROM THE CARTE DE VISITE TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE, Are produced br the most 11XPERIENCED ARTISTS. Those wishing' first-class pictures are invited to call and examine xpecinieua. A choice selection of Albums, cases, and &knit , on band. F.'A. 0. sisaPh. CLIRCIJA.ATING LIBRARIES. .."....w.neVs:SA:AnXiviii.noVvv:nnovvvvws W ' 'BROTRERHRA OIROULAI • • TIBO the' NEW English and Aiserican Books including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW BKOLISLI BOOKS that are not .REPEINT ED here. Te t ms.l6 Pb? year; six months '43 ; three months $1.60 one month 76 cents. or IS, cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. . • • • se643m ENGLISH AND FRENCH; FAMILY CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND• CABINET DB DECTURD,I322. CHESTNUT STREET. Subscriptions peryear; month, and day. . Catalogues furnished gratis on application. • . Just ready, Catalogue of the Young Ladies' French Li* binry. " Catalogue de la Bibliotheque chofsie des /haw d des Demoiselles." M M. -MONACHRSI t Agent, uwd-4m . 1323 CHESTNUT Street. 101EgNSYLVAIsTIA.: MILITARY DEMTz at WMT CAERPER; (Sir BOARDERS u only.)—The u nties .of this Academy will be resumed on TIII.I.ItSDAY, January Stb. The advantages afforded for the acOuirement of a thorough 'classical, scientific, and military education are unsurpassed. • Tried' and competent. Profeisors conduct the Depart ments of Ancient and Modern Languages and the Practi cal Sciences, and a graduate of the United Sutter Mili tary Academy, of class standing and large military experience, devotes his exclusive attention to the Mathe matics, Engineering, and Military hinnehes. Military system, order, and precision are strictly en forced, and the most Vigilant care over. the moral and personal habits of the Cadets is exercised. Circulars may ho obtained at the Boot: Stand of the Continental Hotel, of JAMES 'H. ORNE, Esq.. No. 626 CDP.STRUT Street. or of Col. THEODORE HYATT. Presi dent Pennsylvania Military Academy.; de2.llm HYATT will ho at the Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, the 24 and 3d days of January, between the hears of 10 A. H. and 12 M., and will be happy to see auy of the patrons of the , Penusylvania Military Acideiny, or others, on business pertaining to the institution. de-tit ArILLAGE GREEN - SEMINARY.-A SELECT. BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR. MEDIA, P.A. Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics, English shidias, &c. Military,Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keepin_g, Stir veying, veying, and Civil Engineering. Pupils taken of . a ll ages. and are received at anytime. Boarding per week, 82121 Tuition per quarter, $6.00. For catalogues or information address Rev. 3. HERVEY BARTON:A. M., YUlage Green, Ra. oclo4l WINES AND . LIQUORS. Inesnevvw.n.n.novsneve..cyryvywy aikS: S.:: 4, JAS CIARSTAIRS; NOS. C 1%6 WALNUT and,2l. GNANITE Streets, Offer for sale the following goods in bond of their owl inutortatiou, viz: • • . . - • Cognac , and Rochelle,Broadies, in half pipe", quarters, and. octaves. Burgundy•Pprts, in,quarters mod octaves. , • Oporto Ports, in. °heves. s . Triple-Anchor (itiu, , ,in pipes awl three-onarter pipes. Jumalcii Rum. in Putic4 oollB : • Bay Rum, in puncheons end; lama& Claret. in casks and Also, the followintt,,for we are the P ole agents : CIiAItiPAGNE.-A ha,calebsMed brands of Gold Lac" nod. " • Parry. & Blarneal,4wriat Trench Mustard. Olives. " Capers. "-Carstairs"' pnra,Salad 011. Also for,sale. to.arrive, • 180 casks Marseilles Madeira. 200 bnskets Oliva Oil. 120 cases French; li4ustand. 1100 cases Claret. 717v:tarter canke-Bureptudy Part. Waif:l 1 oli3l WHISKY! WHISKY I From our MA and. other celebrated Distilleries. Waarnconstantly, receiving • OLD. RV,' ,•VAIIKAT, AND BOURBON WHISKIES, Witlawtnc for_Rrioe_and quality, WKOH/ALLRNOE COMPARISON. • ,OurOPT.hiskies. forpurity, mellowness and delicacy, are EgIINENnY THE BESTIR THE WORLD, And• Wei sellthem at about HALF PRICE.. • ' ' • • — OUR .RETAIL DEPARTMENT Mae already becomea'constderable feature in our buti ness;:and,tocoatune it in its present state, and to ealardt Biota Shall sell, notwithstanding the Tax, about sachet*. ly as ever. CONSIDER THESE PRICES! MdgonXebsla Whisky. 60 cents par gallon, d Bourhort "Whisky, 76 cents per gallon. Old Rye 'Whisk $1 per gallon. Extra. Mt Rye Whisky, $1.60 per gallon. Very Choice Old Rye Whisky,.s2 per gallon.. IL,TAX;MEL. • • •118 North SECOND Street, ninedxfors'abolie Arch.. deg-Ixrdf • . . I\ll TI CI E E -.- , - A . MEETIING. .. - . , CIN. , THE,. -‘‘ 0 parties toad agreesacnt 'between Creditors arid Stookholders of. the Oreenv,illeand•Misat Ibdlroad-Com, paaY„ tinted the 12th 414,y ofFebruary, ' will be lielil at tbo. office of the s:0 - XCOMpLay, i2Ait city of DAy_top, i la the ,, State.of .ohio,„67lTiflißSDA,K;. taiighth At,y• of . January; 1863, at , 11iiie clock A. hlt:',Tha'objeotasof•snqlt. meet ing.willhe tiretitiwor:chanwilto natio or vent- . potation; to doci4e, for the that:pipping, the ansAuie tic its capital, and the umber . of shareeinto which such , card, tal Khali be dikided , ; to tlx tikeuumber of tlirecto,ra, and their term of effice ;.to elect ouch directors isd to do all thi ors netneettay or rroper to reorganise said corporation. under, of the Cioneral Assembly of tho State of Ohio,. entitled "-A law to regulate.the sale otritilroads, and the reoritaokallou of the same, .' named April llth 186 L • ANIUSI., J. '.1`11,1)13N • • • Deeetnber Ist, ISQ, HENRY C. STIMSOIk,'. detS-sot - Trustees: G. R. BLAKISTON, No. 22 SOUTB .• WATER StreetPhiladelp24, Cortmtission Dodo In Olito and IlliAPle /3,140051 (.10ZiDs EibEiDlatS. NV'IRK TWRIE, ftc ocetHisa ISEALPNEgfI TRANSITION: RIM EDUCATION. AMITSEMIEMT9a AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIO. J- 1 , HOOD OW SHELDON • ..... . Ler.3ora. TWO more of tbeal, beautiful HOLIDAY ETERTAINAINTS) • will be SATURDAY A r i lkNCiON l Sit 50'4111'4'kt Oie otris P u / A t t Y ta " ° CI NDEKEL ;'OR;ISE GOOIY Titan' 3.4501 C AND THE Ot•k.:N SUM* Will Do given at each entertalnsient •• • • f . Admission 25 cents to all parts of the' house. ja2-2L 4- ltif RS. JOHN DREW'S ARCIISTREEI' L T A TEirfiienr+. 'Baldness AtroltrlitTreamwer.. . . L Wiliam! at. hiolf of the iorionh remiaiment et NH .T.43;OI:AIIKE. • • LAST NIGHTH OF THA NAIAD'QubEN .• . • CLARKE IN ,014,744: AND SPE(MCLE. • TOSIGH9'O S*TITIMAN). .lantiary..94964 . PAUL n y . PAUL FEY • Eva Pry . leci . l'hebe • • ... . ... . Mrs. JoYi& Drew. To coat:lndy WW(thirteenth.time) • NIB NALSIVWEEN: • • t Scbrrappe . . Mr. Clarke. Ou Moneta. Mt. and Rim RIOHINOS. Seate ;wee red NiX days in whence. • • • WALNIITSTIMET THEATRE.- Sole Lessee...., • 'Mnet,-GitHR.ETT_OO , g Bruttnesa Mont 76WIT T. DOVNILLY.. TI DS (Saturday) .rittpllNG4ltnitarY The performance will Virrinence with • • RACLIBLIHR.REXttEttI • Rachel the _Reaper ' • ' • • • ...Miss. Laura KOOll3. Patrick........ C. Vir.heatteigh. To be followed tiith.the.Dtini‘tic Drama of THE LAST M&15.. OC(.lThey MITE, the Last .. ..... .IJc. W. R. Blake To conclude witlitheT.lildWDramo of 2.110K,01? TEM WOODS. ER*AN 01ERA1,- : G 4lPE rCl e 6Ie C. AlTii ß raldli YlliST OPA, TuESLua i inu: 2 1 A.MeV.Aien ~ A VOLFSOBN'S • OVASSIOAL 'SOI . - •••••' Second Soiree (if• the riscizt on • SATORDAY EVENING. 3. • ' OF ' THE AOADEMt OF MMHG. 10-3 VaNCERT HALL,- callsTrars STREET. HONDAIY, December 29, AND *EVESI 4 :EriIiTH DU RING THE WEEK (except Tuesday.-He mbar SO/. PEARSON'S HISTORIC IJIREOR OP/ 11 WAR. Illustrating all the principal'eftnts and from the-firing of the first gun' tifto the mfitlEnt time. Tickets 'l5 cents packages of six, IP - Itotts open at 63ct to ammence at 7* ExViibitiona Rtgdn'etday_, Sa turday, and New Years afternoons at EArcldck.: hilr dren sulatittsd afternoons for "G bents. *• Tip:tett 'maim ob tained at the hall bet ween the hours of 1•11 and 12 A. IL. and 2 and 4 P. M. da9ll-6e BBL Su CO.'S • STEREOPTICON: ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH ;tilt' CBE L STNOR Streets. • LAST 'WEEK. . • Every : Evening, arid New:fear's and Saturday Manama. Admissiou,2s cts. Children 10 contg. de2861• APTAIN -WILLIAM*? GREAT WHALIND 'VOYAGE, AT LtOTURE, ROOK CONCERT HALL, • Jinni's , Evening at.73lo'elock. And SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 0 o'clock. This entertainment has a Real 80at , 27-feot long.. with full crew and was exhibited 250 successive nights in New York. • Tickets 2S centi, or five for $l. AMERICAN ACADEMY. OP MUSIC. EDWARD PA.YSCIN *ICSTON oßPrima t f r o i s p im. c d oV lA,TlON'S . PULL 'AITLiTARY BAND AND caaifiP . ORCII.ZSTELA. Comprising ForV,of.tlie l!Ot ladpgans. CART, &En'. z Under t.!IF direction ot . CONDIJOTOSL • _ WESTON • • EDWARD PAYSON W would ne t ,speettelly En thral the'opbseribers to the abovwnemed Concerti. wad. the public thht thelret Concert will be Web! on - - . • MONDAY EVENING, January 8:1363: • Single tickets to others than sulaicribistS,Tarqaet (in- Olniting reserved seats), SO cents, (entrance on Locuststreet), 25 cents. The whole of the Pargitet Circle, BalcOny, Bele:any -Boxes, and the Brilliant Foyer Promenade, is reserved fOr snhs, Abets and those holding subebribeni extra tickets: • SUBSCRIBER'S. TICKET, Admitting one person .to the FOUR CONCERTS, to be given once is two weeks. ONE DOLLAR. -thoso desiring, to become gulisbribers will please read (heir address to the Manager, Bdx 3194 Philadelphia Post Cltrice. Preview' to Ssturday, ;January 3, 183, as no subseribers' tickets mill be Issued after that date.. •.: • de27-7t* A S E BUILDINGS-TENTH AND CHESTNUT. HOLIDAY AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD.- AND YOUNG. TOYS AND GIFTS FOR THE LITTLE ONES. SIGNOR ' BLITZ, . . The great MAGICIAN and VENTRFLOQUIST, with hit LEARNED .CANARY BIRDS, will give his nee and. popular Entertainments every AFTERNOON and EVE NING during the holiday :Week, commencing at 3 and Z.% P. M., and on YEAR'S DAY. at 11 A. M., S and 7% P. M The attractions will be marvellous : experi ments in Magic ; wonderful powers in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Birds in their new characters. Admission 55 cents. Children 13 cents. de2l-tf N sFOODROFYES- ORIGINAL:. BOHE MIAN TROUPE OF:9LASS . BLOWERS and the Great Glass Steam-Engine, 'MONITOR" , are coming. 41.3314 u. GEMANTAORCHESTE:A. -- PUB 11.1C MANTA RFJIEARSkLS • every SATURDAY AVM NOO' at 3X o'clock, at the MUSICAL' FUND HALL Carl Sento; conductor. Ticket; 25 cents: PacSages of t tickets, *l—to be bad of Andre. & Co., MOT- CheatanS street ; B. Gould, Seventh . .and • chairat, and-at tbr ball door. na37-4f HASSLER'S .OROFIESTRA -2.14 South EIWITEI E Tta,Vel7frUlont. delo4ko. PENNSYINANIA. • 'AOADEb.LY OF EVE ARTS. . . . • 1025 CHESTNITT STREET, lii open daily (Sundays exceptedrfrOm 9 A. S. tillf P. N. • Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Shares of stock;V:i. ' • .' ' • im9 • OB EDNVAII DS': ::..GATEIri B HALL, HAERISBURG:—Thie populay niace of amusement continues to attract% large audteLces. Mr. Edwards is familiar with the' wishes- of the pleasure going people of Harrisburg, and constantly producing new attractions. de3o-8t WANTS. -vvvvvvs.wv.eav, WA.NTED-LA :.YOUNG - MAN IN A :Cciminisskin Him*, wird- hi a swift. Penman and n cotrent•in Ates. 'Address J., at tits adios. • it* WANTED -A BOY IN .AWHOLE SALE DRY GOODS STORE, on 'MARKET Street. AndreFs.!" Mcrebant." Pres* 0111qe. • - its a few BOARDERS, where they can llnd all the comforts of a home. Apply .at. 52 North THIR TEENTH Street. • WANTED -A. SALESMAN IN A. •I , Hat .HOwle. who eittt 'inflating* Peruml vania and Ohio trade. Apply to • ' 30$. &T. H.' SAUNDERS. de:30411,* • Ho. 3* North FOURTH Street. WANTED -A ":SPECIAI7 .- PARTNER with $ 15.000 , in -a mizinftuturing . Imainess already established. Twenty per cenUretdized- on, a business of one hundred thousand dollar& . Seventy-five per cent. of -the sales are for cash. Address. with real name, as no - other will be recognised, G. L., Box SW Post Of de29.6t• T 0: JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS.- . An experienced SALESMAN, having an influential and valuable acquaintance. (to whom he has sold goods for a:number of years past in Baltimore,) be opn to an engagementafier the Ist January next. For inter view and reference. please address X. Y. Z.." care 871/1 office. Baltimore, Maryland. •. de9.3nt" CAPITAL WAN TED.-A PERSON :engaged .in filling n Government ovdcr, extendinz several months, desires a PARTNER. Asilent preferred/ with $23,000 or 0+50,000 cash capital. The order of articles made from cotton and wool, and the huAiness being a' pleasant one and sire I .atablisbed. otters a safe and rare opportunity. Detah a and particulars made known by correspondence or personal interview. as de sired, on addressing." )lannfacturer," Bix 2344 Phi ladelphia P. 'O. inSstnth $3,500 an w ACTI T VE ED MIST la l f AStf,l'a,;lBf?c'rep tary and Treasurer au Manufacturing Company. where. with 'salary and profits, lie can realize the investment the lint year eer,tufn. thidonlittul references re aired. For full istrticulars, address "Manufacturingeo.," - Pre at e.ffice. withfull name, to Insure an interview. ia3-914` BOARDING. - -SINGLE. .GENTLEALeq• WOULD A like to engage's comfortably furnished. roOm. for the winter, within ten minutes'. wed : lc:of:The . Prom Mikes Address " Russell,"'et ales ' 4.TL-M' PERSONAL. .TTIGHEST : PRICE • PAID FOR OLD GOLD;SILVERAnd DLUIONDS,at SOUTH'S, 3t6 FIFTH Street' bel0:1r Slintte. ja.3-2t.* MIIStrER Y ' PA: ROLLS, ANIC Governinent claims or all itimis cashed or col leeted. at reasonable rates, by JA)I ES . FULTON, 4 WALNUT Stont, Philadelphia. noS-t f 2 - ENKoNs.-$lOO BOrwry - AND - 1 - Pay procured and collected for soldiers, sailors. and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable bandy satisfactory rates. Claims cashed'oreavanced uggia • JAMES FULTON, Solicitor. for . Claimants, . . . 424-WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. Particula r attention .given 'to parties living at a dta , blame. • FOR SALE A!1I) TO . LET. ^ls-NA:KAN; TO.:BF LET= • Tl.ll SECOND. fr)1111.1),.,49) FOURTH STORIES Of Store No. 41J collll3.llgE'Sticet.. . deSO-4t* 4.2S.MAREET Street. • FOR. SAI 1 41 :.DESIRABLE: FARM, containing &I acres, 2% miles from Bristol. Station or Steamboat Landluzer the same distance from Med way Station, 20 miles north of the city. Also tine farm. of 217 acre s, on the banks of the Dean:are. Railroad Station upon the place, from the 'Steamboat Lauding. First-class farm improvements, bath hot and cold water, & c. Apply to "B. I'ETTIT, de:3o • • • • • • • No.- 309 WALNUT Street. jrti k Foit.BAUV.;.nigrit-Ereanas the brig Thost..Waltor.- ..toga to • _•• St IAS. CAR•bTATIIS,g•., ..htl-tt' . N 0.126 WALNUT SUM. • aIgiMM•P:HIL A DELP AND TRENTON AND yat.RRI AND A atßor lERO.A.I) •COMP.ANIES: PHILADELPHIA AND NEW _,YORK LOTS. • CHANGE OF9IOURS, AND PLACE' OF. DE WAR On and attar Monday, January. 5,194 ptl) LOW& - New Yorkwilffleatte as lolloWa. viz: " Flteat• WALNUT STREET WHAF4 . O .- • • VIA AN)) Alniolt, • ' • At 6 A. M..and 2 P. , M • stoppingDA ritil Wt,,y • tions. Ll faanotzr A. 7,13 ASST.. OE7, At 6 A... 10„ and dtoPpitop at ?, all • it‘itl NVaz Sta tions.: ' 4 s• •••• FROM KENSINGTON .nntsEt, CITY. fAt 1144,41%,. ktoryiut, SUstroi4 •At 3 YAklr, Washington., and Y Now uOt Frpres.4. ••••.At. 653 1 7 P: M., Washtzigtotiltutl ICri^ - ark 14%.-ptesl:3. '• ~ . .krlttl3 I'. 111.. Wsudsdngtosi' stud' I' ev.cru rk atitit.+" • j!.AVI3O(I/ight) Wftutt)mgton . and Ne lak*KrY 1,4803, • • .ling. If.III.4.TZMEE, %Mont. r(Mtuypiug .froiu,New.i7ork, - Warclswy. Stz•cot.!ttl.s,•M., 44,1, •M. NAV..Amboy Mu' Gu,DiciPti .. ." l"T rIP-14 nu 6; k s l * Yl l, itZAnllse i 11-4 t • • TEM P,HItENOLOGICA., CABI Ta t NET. AND .131)61C STOUji open der acl even- ICJO' few tie wale of books oat PnrenoLam Physic* logy, Hygin e:Phonongaf, and In Phrenolegi -44 cal caaroinationt: - CMOs by_ in4ll alfould addressed 'ea JOHN L CAPEN,' "0e22-vrsanladf 02a, CHESTNUT Stroot,. 'Ph Ha. __ 1111 08 7 ..A.0rE ST. , W . 13 ,C.H. 1 ITA.VE - 8*13 . 1[714.11 AS pindapiCY, A 1374 114;4 tO.TXD._ Pit iii notice is herektiarren • that, On:a . .nd altar AID - DAV we 13th DAY Ok..ll4o2ll33.EßA.l.l,Acip,stpAmps, whtcli have book - user: A na ourrerfcl be Piceived at tha.iThltadelphia. Post.. And rtgatered. for- rettentp.: tioa,.botweon the te r tf ft.A. A *has Raltb. chilly 11- prraeateit wlthha ' • t.DAYS . .ilatk . plat atte, St tops prosoptO re(linilio'' tp,:are lix bo SClArlitea 4 by, the owner acc 'lig •to the hermit. *nominations, au:A enetose4 l iii - ptircels, ttp inpon.tio.:43 smolt Int - cots taw ille aptotott. f early denomination, and then the ' dAtire. otAutite§aub in. C4O ot.velope or . wrapper, antb • VaR , • aggroggX value. elt,,lrakett entler i ett. thereon, tor, - ..KW' er ay,ifk tho,V4iii afA r teigt,g r s.ri e a of busqtess - erthe ownrr, and; in i t • " ), ‘ ,r.on thin or as.. Stimps 4: ikl h;irpc.6ivAll.r.r.4 t ;tho saga-104. . soctatimi. . '..- _ • . The thihiatiag, tptets4„ as part . cethe instructions re, teived ft VIP: ) t er " e ir tri V. l 4.' - ( 1. - von ? Ire ' rho APahnotbr Goa e,, that int. waking appl attic 4 is enipbattz aidliee that the th 4 C. k lit 1 , ,, , f t al . linitteit lo:TM !WV' .W. 4 TS: sttA i at the P" ' c ) Warn tit that litho WO of . N.lea tt el o l T 4 n ra l . firedlCY. is Colltinytt ft their iiiitni . bk_elgir • _dt_ 'Conditions upon whiel t Stumpy • - Chen ors, .atotalb run r , redmption limy De obtained on at" • - 0 . A. . - . pli s L l !t il i e or r i e .sit l 4;:a l t.Pe. fr C.l . Drk 'i 11.4 . . • w kTatw, T.. x : irwhilodel Aix P05t...061m Dee.,1661. fiat - 20i9:41.0-4t Aj SODA. -160 SHALL OASES NEW S a aTLE Sal Sothkust received, awl, for sole by BROW it WILLIAMS, 401 ; .• • • • NP. 1 : 1 11 6 6:ttil 1 Y CIF. *;44 KANLasiL