„ INSURANCE tiURCH A MFIRLUA, PHILADEL 0! t!le Stockholders will be held No. 23'2 WALNUT Street, ; 1.!..0:z, o'clock; K. and on nes, Jecilari "13. I;`.l,l;l, t Pirector , to ncrve the encatag C I EARL PL APT, Secretary. nrctr. MOUNTAIN COAL. : Of : 11 , 1 , ,bioncry Meeting of the Stockholders of cOAI, COMPANY will be held No. 320 AVAI,NUT Street, 4tb, ISO 3, 11, o'clock A. M. (1 Directors lu servo the ousttlog ;, hI lie 4 , 11111 e any, het ',vent tho hours of •! 1— 1 , P, JENKS, President. P li. " 7— ultriin ED MEETING OF Ar!v i i kT io:s; FOR PRE RELIEF OF '' l , l !;itfill O ff CLEROYMEN ' Prete:mint scemil Cnurch • " I"nitgrlynnin" will be held in " JAMES . I t 'NTRR'S CHITRUR, on VIES n. IT. n' t6 I 4s 7I F I N q ,erohl'T 1 - 0141LPIIIA. JAN. It 1.8r)3.- 11."!; (;•rd , a Soap liouNe, DtrrTONWOOD 1. ti itt bra opened lirr . distribution o f vistrivt,ou TUB SI)AY Morutag., 4 10 IV., o lavioter.ck, and continue dotty solicited. J. 'WILLI - A:0, Secretary, COLLEGE, PENN ',velum:4 and Practical. luoitettc ,e,i I,oiNii t j a:l'e l V: i ti I e1t 2, 1 1 it a t l L, ICENXEDV, Pvesident of FooultY. BUILDING AND Lo Alma Annual Stnekholul ,,, A',.l 1w bp1(1, at tho Bill, 000 North ,1:1;111A ErENLINTO, 2d instaut, at JAMES E. SCOTT, Secretary. S.,O I UP SOVIETS,' al,l6Nr(irlig 04, tiTe ' ho i — jc'3 3 l7 „"; ru. NA NLI3OIZOI.IO it tin 1 R " nl Iv"' e lt t A .re l I', inl-2t* 1 ' O C F O M T PANIEY, NI R 44 0 48 N W A LN UT hr Animal Meeting of tho Stock- Company will be held at their :,Ar.,h,lityary dill, IS, at 11 o dock A. M. JAMES A PP% tiTON, Secretary, "viaISITY OV PENN:4I'INA "ThiTAIITHENT OF MM.-4U Second your will open on Flit DAY, the 2a 'c:,lkl:tlato• for actin's: 40u ivEil a ppea r ail tl~e ou that day at 10 o'clock A. • *rat Thirty Dollar', GEORGE: ALLEN, Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. O THE COMMA- A NORTHEPN DIPENSAN. OF he held nt ' the Hiiti of the Cnstt DARDEN Street, on TUESDAY, 4 between tho hours of 2 and ct heel Monager.4 for the ensuing • JOHN KESSLER, JE.I Soerotary. - - - pIiILADELPHIA. A ND DARDT I CO.-210TfCN.—The Annual Meeting of the'Philadelphia and Darby Hall ,y will be held at tho Company's Depot, on between Fortyminth ; and Fiftieth M., on MONDAI.. , the lAth day when an election for a President n nd •,crac the ensuing vent', - will take place. THOMAS SPAUKS, Secretary. itTICE OF FAME 'INSURANCE y. 4r6 CIIESTNUT Street. December agth, 1562, or the Stockholders. or the Rime ,tay will be held at the offiee, on MON. 1201, 1563, at 10 o'clock A. It, TWELVE DIRECTORS,to serve rot the hold on the same day at the same hours of 10 and 2 P. M. W. 1, BLA,NCHARD Sectetam mirIiANCE COMPANY O&' THE of PENNSYLVANIA, DrlCOinlvn 24, UG2. :- , 0):; FOR TRIRTEEIN DIRECTORS of the •:rc for one vearoyill be held at the Com -4 ;Ind 11 . .EXCHANOE BUILDING, on 1531, between the hours of 10 „ I' ll clock WIT,LI.Ag HARPER, Ber:retail% OFFICE OF UNION MUIVAG IN :t E t'OMPA.NY, PIIILA A, Dec. 27, • Nuns: Meeting of the Seripholders of the ".*::.11 , INSURANCE COMPANY' of PIMA L„. nt the office of the Company, on ~ o ::ary 1,911, at 12, o'clock noon, at which •.:ioa for Eight Directors will be held to serve !lve rents. JOS. COLLISON, Sserotary. nricE OP THE ASSESSOR. OF 5"t.1. 1 ND COLLECTION DISTRICT, PRP Peonnbol. 241862. -:q*STAV OLIMPERT has been transferred known Thrmertr as 6)4 (now 8) to Div'- , •• Cotstant W. 2(011-kirk, resigned. , TY.ENEY has been appointed to till the post 101 , 119' Ouster Onmpert, known no Divl - Division No.B. TI10:1IAS W. SWEENEY. It. S . Asmeesor Second District, Pa. F IXT MAHANOT RAILROaDvoar. 41() wa.acrr Street. Pitn.mmt.rntA, December*. Int SlNthil of the Stockholders or this Com. Inection for Officero to serve the ensuing at the COMPANY'S OFFICE, 410 on MONDAY the 11th of January next, t M. WM. WALK, ilt.i • Seeretorr. 110)1tEOPATHIO HOSPITAL ) 1110 IBERT Street.—This institution is now open , t 1 of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will a.. 1 provided for in the roost comfortable 7.? ezarge. B. F. GLENN, Secretary of Board of Monessm. yt)TIOE.—THE JANUARY COU ::,..ad lotereal on tieripor tho NllKrit PENN ..% :;A: WAD COMPANY will be paid on and onminio, at the Mike of the Company, No. Street. A :it ER IC AN ~ L IFE INSURANCE :I . .TRUer COMPANY, ' l3 De. —The animal meeting of the Stockholders for the election of THIRTEEN TRUS .f. • ensuing year, will he held at the office, f'lreet. S. E. corner of FOURTH, on MONDAY, between. the hours of 10 A. and 1211. JOHN S. WILSON. Secretat y. AVIS AUX ELEGANT& t PAUL *ANDRIGT. Gerund de la TlNtholl de de M. ORANDVILLE STOKES, 609 GUEST. Philadelphia, a Phouneur tie precenir sea mii et connalesances qui Pont dein Cavorts. (sins' qne lea etrangers.) OW de Part. et Londres lea modes lee plus remake, 1 •Ix priees pour la ealson (Philter. •...!'!eStokes a nits n 'a disposition les etoffes lea • mellleures ullates, des premieres mann- Must que lea ofliclers de tons grades y mellleures gnalites d'etotils4, a ties mix Yelegauce de ea coupe, ainsi quo le cachet :,.it la caracteriee e.4t dela trop counu du :rneuvelles lours nierlte.4. dert-lm OFFICE. OF THE FRANKIFORD rOUTIINVARK. PMILADIti,PILIA cu PAILItOAD COMPANY. DERICS Street, PHILADELPHIA. Dee. 26, 1562. 61.etina of the lt , torkholder. , oP thia Cam- FI at their 011ie% on - MONDAY, January . h: 11. M.. at which time and place an election Pre ideut and met ye recterx. to nerve ya ynT. eitAS. It. A EiIiQTT, N 97 ICE.-0 IFFICE OP THENORTH RAILROAD (:0., No. 407 5 , .1 cot, Pot LATEl.Pllll,..Detenther __lBB2. ...mai Meeting of the Stockholders or the worth inia Railroad Company will be held at the Comp loy, on MONDAY, the 12th tlay of Ja• at 12 o'clock M., for the pnrposo of electing a • ten Directors to serve the en g year. . I• 2 'EDWARD ARMFTRONTI, Sec y. COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE 'O3WALII OF THE STATE OF PENNSVLVA- Ike. Commonwealth Buildfug, Xo. OM CHEST- PHILADELPRIA, December 6, 190'3. • :lug of the Stockholders of the COMMON IESURANCE COMPA:siY of the State of Penn he held. at the 'dice of the Company, on V„lan no ry 6, 18111, at la o'clock A. M. F..E 1 .110N OF TIN DIRECTORS, to ere the en : rill be held at the same place, and on the bolween the hours oft:land '3 P. M. . .• SAMUEL 8. MOON. Secretary. OFFICE OP THE WESTAIORE• • Lan) COAL COMPANY, (No. 2.11.1 South TIILRO c of Willing's Alley.) PHILADELPHIA, Do. .tl..er of Directors, held this day. a .Dividond of per share, on the Capital Stock was de. !• •• f tip prolitu of the past year; payable ou and A:t• ARV tki, Tr..l.fg Books will be' closed until Jannary tith P. H. JACKSON, Trott:quer. 0" OFFICE lIITINTINGWN AND Rl% 1D TOP MOUNTAIN RAttatOAD COE TS. bJuth THIRD Street—PmLAmmentA, Dec.. E.—The Annual Meetinc of the Stockholders of and Broad Top :%lonntain Railroad and . I, Pvir, will be held at their mace o a TUESDAY, lay ot January, '15 , 13, at n o'clock A , when till! be held for a President and Twelve Di ve for the emu i ntyear. .T. P. AERTSEN, SQomtary. Z.. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR— ,' 7!7rr TO THE ARMY AND NAVY. PHILADEIe (1 / 4 ItAPTI . 04, MS Z.!;;;4.1 Se•lthers awl Sailors desirous 4f availing them- National Appropriation for aupptyiug sliould apply immediaa-ly at the 4)ffire of the q ,, qa-A;tlit to the Government, :40. 1009 CHESTNUT B. PRANK PALMER, - Onverrunent So raveit-Atsi.t. OFFICE OF THE WESTMORE . T.! II COAL COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, De rL. .11..citc.3: ;7...ming of the Stoekholilerg of thiA Cour 'qt.) i at their office, Xo. 2:3U South vim ivOiNg.i DAY , the 7th of January, 188 i, at 12 z.! whith time nu election will be held far 2CTORS, and it SECRETARY and TREA the enceinte year. F. U. JACKSON. Secretary. CDR. F.:XCII.ANGE BANK, P:1 111.1.Pil A. Nov. Si. 19.11.—1 t theection •• ............... 7th, 1563, thfk following Stockholders Directors of this Beak: Aioo :Tarr CI. Catcall, Christian S. Elotfinan, l'•!! N,,,b1.1t. Jr., Robert Ervinu. rue L. Lusby, 11. W. Catherwood, C. lintght, William P. Cox, I:iltrn L. 'Maddock, Edmund A. Smuler, :mm, 'Steel, &mallet I'. C-mhy, Charles E. Wilkins. A-. 1 et the rneAting of Direct-yrs, this day, ALEX 1. G. CATTELL, Esq., Wan unanimously re-elected PT 'Meat ; A LES. WHILLDIX, Esq., Vice President, JOHN W. TORREY Cashier. B;01103140 R N EXCHANGE IM BANK. PRibuisitratA, NoYetaber byt e ~be t I!. wing rekolutlon was this day adopted o !I I :rec:or. and ordered to be published: ..k.,../rtd, That the unsold portion of the Stock of this !NO be °tined to the present Stockholders at par, each ': - .khelder to have the rivilege of takin a pro rata •.2 cto.dlog to a pa y ment pte made beforeard, pro /-4 tbscription and be the Brat v i . .fdantm:Y. int svitsjal .1. W. TORREY. Cashier. OFFICE ASSISTANT TREASURER. rtiITED STATES, U. S. 3IINT, ~; 15tH.—To facilitate the payment of the , 1 1 . PoiNl.l4 MEM S. LOANS the 14! 4.fentiers' fe requested to pro,eut thum at this office. ".;:p tosviptsil schedules. t day.nifter the presentation of such schedules, if .'utt correct upon exausluation, st_yinttnt Will be tler muds, . Assist's Treasurer United States. „OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE IN 'CHANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. I laiits D .T ... - ... - i l!o4rd , of Directors have this day doctored a Cash d of TEN PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, and „. oER c ENT. interest on the outstanding Scrip of the . 'asap o r the ELEVEN MONTHS ending on tho ilith ; .. ..mysitile on and after the lOth inst., tree from Untied al,l .:ate taxes. a Scrip Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on . the (-Jelled on risks determined during the said e:ev.sia months, and that Scrip Certificates. in the v- e; `. 4.4rlnn and . IN deliveredafter the to the inst. assured entitled to receive Ilith B. M. HINCFINAN, Socrates-Y.. 11 -:.!nnu liu MILITARY. BOARD OF TRADE RIFLE REGIMENT 13 G:: REOINENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS BOUNTY t EiTh:ITI;• WANTED tor the above fine regiment (the '1 •••• eefiwat of Infantry for three years now recrait .AU asap to Philadelphia.) "' jot Mug this regiment will receive the following baud on being mustered in $l.l yll'eu. the company is full 30 . the r,Rimen, is full 25 "extdration of service . 76 7 • I .• b ut men or good et/greeter received, • A I 1 :" : Y t.t U ADQUjTEIta. 333 CHESTNUT Street. W ctimiLE,T ERSENWEIN, Colonel, Adintgut. d034-tf A L CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. 31 Ca Elmp Metcalfe," near HADDONFIELD, N. J. wanted to eotuplete Comtunios now nearly full, to secure the Citizens' Bounty Fund . , to too brat 'Twenty' Compuules mustered into ice of the United States. 4 7 1 s or three positions of Second LIEUTE N ANTS are It wt‘lch tele, he maligned to young men of good re. c* , . and who buve seen service. dell-tf WM. WISTER, Treasurer ES= VINANCIAL. COUPONS, IST JANUARY, 01? ?FIE UNITED STATES, NV • "D AMERICAN GOLD NNADIT D DREXEL c.C.; CO. $250 1 000 TO LOAN; IN LARGrOR SMALL AMOIJNTTS, ON DIAMONDS, SILVER-PLATE, WATCHES, JEWELRY AND GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT ISAAC NATHAN'S OLD ESTABLISHIED MONEY LOAN OFFICE, N. E CORNER THIRD AND SPRUCE STREETS, (Only one square below the Molt:Lugo.) .Advances made at the lowest rates S . HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No, 31 WALNUT STREET STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES bought and sold on Commission, ex clusively. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., John B. Myers & Co.. Samuel B. Thomas, Bsq., Furness, Brinley, & Co., John Thomas, Esq. dele-Smit JOHN C. CAPP & SON, STOCK & NOTE BROKERS, No. 23 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE BIECRARICS' BANE STOOKS ~AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS. MONEY. INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS ;NEGOTIATED ON THE BEST TERMS U. S. FIVE-TWENTIES, OR, TWENTY-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA. SURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUBSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At the present PREMIUM ON GOLD. these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent. per annum. A full supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, no6-tf 114 SOUTH .15TREET. O $9,000 o City i no o rt A ga N ges, O . N iso r ,-,L..\l soo P t ß ol o o. l . 7 . E n D a farm within 12 miles of the. city. Apply to. . .• • E. PETTIT, N'o. . WAL.I 309 1:7 Street. • . WILLIAM. Y ARNALL, DEALER IX HOUSE-FURNISIILNG coops, NO. 1020 CHESTNUT. _STREET, Agent for the sale of RALEY, MORSE. &•BOYDE\'S PATENT SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES-WRINGER, Bellecetl to be the beet CLOTHES-WRINGER in nee it will wring the largest . Bed Milker entallest Hand kerchief drier than can poe-ibly be done by hand, in very much le*.vtime. • ' 8.7-A liberal dieeount will be* made 'to' dealer*. norm . . . RE - mov AT, A. WINCH HAS RIM9TED•r4) 506 CHESTNUT ..STREET. NEly-YPARS' SALUTATION. . . A HAPPY NEW TSAR teytituag and to old, . Fur all mail; multiplied blessings unfold ; Its mornings and eveuinga come laden.with•pleasnea • And time, soi it passes, to all prove a:treasure.. Nay tho soh wing of pence hover over the nation;:' • Dispemdg,g its gifts in the whole population; •• • And good-will and kindness Clow muug all the people, Till the face of setiiity went:; not a ripple. Nay honest indmetry and temperance abound, • And virtue and piety reign all around: And all, of all cl a sse,c improve their condition, And at the year s end be in higher position. Thus, grateful for favers,.she sea atation To the Ladles, her patrons; without reservation; For the c_euerous interest they continue to feel In the CORSET ESIPORICA OF SIRS. STEEL. IfottiOttgerg would test, now, its high reputation, . Ott TENTH, below CHESTNUT, they'll dud the lo cation' Where CORSETS and BRACES, the neatest and best, Are made for all ager, and every tame. 'al-2t* "kr AGAZIN ES PTLY DELIVER ."' Eli TO SUBSCRIBERS THE DAT 'RECEIVED, ALL THE NEW BOOKS. CARDS wittrrEN AND EXORAVED:•• • • Pape Partout Frames made any •=ilze. • : . • Large and Card Photograph*. Photograph Album, Portfolio*, kn.. • - . • • Fine Note Paper and Envelope*, with Initials Shinnied gratis. Stationery of all kind= very cheniv._• fe-jauk CIIALLEN C 1,1308 lE...sTNLIT Street. IN THE .FOR -L THE CITY AND CoUNTY.OII`.:ITILADELPIIIA. Estate of CONRAD. HAIME, deceased. The Audkor appointed by the court w audit; Petite, and adjust tlie account Sled by .AARON THOIIPSIIN, Administrntor d. b. n. c. t; a: to the estate of CONRAD I.IAC3S deceased, and to mat e distribution of the balance in the bands of the accountant, will meetl.ll,rties tere.lo in said estate. to enter upon the 'd.harge of Lis duties, on t'ATITIZDAT,_January 10th, A. D.lBB-L_at 8 o'clock P. M., at his Office, No. 109 North . SIXTH Street, In she city or Philadelphia. • ml•thatuat.. I\ THE ORPHANS' COURT PORTER CITY AND COUNTY OP - PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN SMITH; deemed. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, eettle. and adjust, the second account of 3IARY'S.3IITH and WIL LIAM JOHN PEROCSON, Executors o f the last will anti testament of John Smith, late of the city of Philadelphia, liquor dealer, deceased, and make distribation of the ha- In sto , iu tha hands of the accountants, will meet the p4r tis4 interested. for the purposes of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY. the 14th day of January, Mt, at 4 P. 31., at his *Mee. at the southeast corner of TIIIRD and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. jal thstuat' ' . .• O. W. DAVIS. 'Auditor. 4.4,-• • A MIX CLOTHING -. AND EQUIPAGE on ICE, TWEISTWaud GIRARD Smite: PHILADELPHIA. January 1, Mt PEALED PROPOS&LS will be received arlhis Mice . nutil 12 M. on MONDAY, sth instant, to furnish, at the Schuylkill Ar, , enal : "Set, , of Wall Tent Pelee," to be made 'upright, of Ash, with pia.. ridges. "Set: , of Common Taut Polee," all of clear Pine or Ash, or Ash upright and Pine ridkces, Bidder. will Natio the ituniber. pries, kind of oro)d, an d h ow u0e)11 they can be and, also the name% of two mireties fur the faithful faldltaeut of cumittc: it awarded. The Goveroiont re.erve4 the right to take any portion, or to reject a 1!, if the price ,:bottlit be deemed too high. • G. R..(IIIOSMAN, ja 'hat Deputy Quartermaster General fj• d. A. - M A..R.SIIAVS : SALE. -BY VIRTUE of-a ot.t of sale by . the •Houentitie Sohn • Catlwatt, der, 3udge•bf , the Distr ict estigt of the-yoked §th :fetes In and for the t astern DistrleE Vrenn-yarantWin Aiti.' r at ty, to tee directed, witliie sold at public sail, to the bi l t i ,,..t st ud best udder, for ca.A. at Micitener :. .;ore, 142, N. EltoNT Scivi.t. ou MON DAY,.Jo.uuary 12th, 1863, at II o'cloec A. M., the follawiag• artiel:l4 . or. ur. tr our n . dise b oxeslt : . SI Tin. • . 9 rases Howard & Sot's Quittlito; 6 case,. Foolscap. Letter, stud N..ts Paper. 2 bales Union Twilled G n u sincere stnit.. . 1 small case Shoes. Port Wine. il i gttl " f pipe, Bra ad Y. • 4 - Casks Claret (m:rar.! • • 13C0 WA Burgundy Pen. ' ' . .. .14. " " Sherry Sack. . ~ - 4 - • Claret. - - • ii . ' " Whisky.. . .. . . . F..Anirly Claret Camk 4. . . . .• ... .. . 1 " Whisky Quarter Pip?.. . .. ." . • Catalorwss will be isoted tire dayivriOr to the . otle, and the govtls ..Kanlitied at 'aid Steve. ' . WILLIAM MILLWARD, - . rnited States Ba .1) rshal E. of Ps.;.. Phlhultirbla..Dorontber 31. 3952. - : - . —. . '. ' •-3al-1t • • AfARSHAL'S -:S...i.LE;L . BY • AJ-a• of , a writ ."if Aide. lay the Honorable .10bn Cadwala der, Judge of the Di:oriel. Coart of the' Crated State.. in and for the Ea , :tern 111.trict of Penn.iviva Edo, it! ini ralty, I.) the directed. will be avid at public toile. to the highest and tioi-t 1.144.','. for ra