SIIERTETIS SALES. 9,III3RIFF'B SALE. BY VIRTUE OF K. , a writ of "rendition' Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to puddle or vondue, on MONDAY' Even ing, January a, Mnt 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two frame buildings thereon erected. Hit Hate on the east side of Horst street, between Lombard and Cedar (South) streets, In the city I'llihidelph in, containing in trout or breadth on said Hurst street twenty-two tect, and In length or depth eighty feet, more or lass, to it ten-feet 'w id e alley. Denuded on the west by said Hurst street, on the south by a messuago and lot of Robert Thomponi, on the east by said ten-feet-wide alley, lud on the north by a inessninto and lot of Robert Carpenter. Sold fur arrenrages of ground rout. Seized and taken into execution as the property of David Eakin. and to be rola by JOHN TTIOMPSO'S, Sheriff. l'h nada.. Sheriff's Ofllee, Deo. 10, 1E62 CO. P., Si, V 2.) Debt, Ma . Lucas 'West. del4-3t SHEI RIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF. a writ of Venditioni Expoua... to mo directed, will be exposed to public wile or vomint!, on MONDAY'. Even ing, January 0, 1863, at 4 o clerk, at Sansoru- street All that certain three-storied brick messunge or tette 3nent, nod lot or piece of ground I'pou which the stonete erected, situate on the eastshle of Delaware Front street. at the distance of thirty-two feet northward from the north lido of Mifflin street, in the late 'district of South wark, now the consolidated city of Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth on the said. Front street six teen fee, and extending - in length or depth adult breadth eastward between parallel lines at right angles with the said Front street eighty feet six inches to a certain thirty feet wide street, called Dutton street. Being the same premises which Henry Stiles and wife, by aced dated the pith of September, 1350, and recorded in the office for recording deeds, & c., at Philadelphia, in Deed 13eok T. M. No. 101 page h 2.2 Stn., granted and conveyed unto the Paid David C. Ricilartistin in fee, reserving thereout the yearly rent charge of *45, payable on the 15th days of the mouths of March and September in each and every year forever. Seized and taken in execution as the property of David C. Richartham, and to be still( by AMEN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's (Ace, December 8, IS6I CC. P., ;D. 62.] Debt, .$93.76. Ernst. • dels-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF n writ of Alias Vonditioni Exponas, to me directed, 'will be exposed to public solo or voodoo, on MOZZDAI Evening, January 6,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-strect Hall, All that certain three story-brick messuage or tene ment, and lot or piece of ground, situate ou the west side of Eleventh street, at the distance of one hundred awl thirty-six feet south of Master street, in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Eleventh street seventeen foot, in cluding the one-half of a two-Met-wide-alloy laid out be tween this and the adjoining lot of ground to the south, and extending in length or .lepthwestward of that width at right angles to the said Eleventh street ono•hundred and ten feet t bounded northward by ground now or late of Charles henry Fisher, south ward and westward by ground formerly of Haines, and eastward by Eleventit street aforesaid. Being the saute lot of ground which Henry Heine; and wife, by indenture dated the fifth day of September, Ann° Donald one thousand eight hundred and fiftv-three, recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book T. IL, ;Co. MIL page 422, &c., granted and con veyed unto the said Isaac M. Post, in fee. Reserving thereout the yearly ground rent or sum of seventy-five donut's, payable half yearly on the first day at the mouths of January and Ally, in every year, fur arrears bf which thejudginent was obtained ott which the °Keen tlon wits issued. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Isaac N. Post, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sher.ff ()flier, December, S 1562. IC. P.,94; . D.,.:62.) Debt, $77.12,5‘. E. S. CtanpUcll. dcl•T-3t RBERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF 1, -•••• a writ of Vend Mold Expomts, to medireeted, will be exposed to PlibilC Sllilt or vemlue, on MONDAY Evening, in nun ry at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Shippen street, at the distance of seventy seven feet westward of Shippen lane, formerly in the township of Mow mousing, now in the city of Philadel phia ; contning in from on said Shippon street thirty-two feet, Rod in length or depth sixty fret. Bounded north ward and eastward Imy ground of John 11. Bri atom west ward by ground Intended to be granted on ground rent to William Jerk, nod sontlaward by Shippou street afore said. (li-;tug the same premises which John 11. Brinton, by indenture dated the fifteenth day of March, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book O. W. It., No. `S, patrol:3o, &c., granted and con veyed unto Edward Dougherty in tee, reserving Himont a yearly ground reef or stun of thirty-two dollars, paya ble half-yearly on the first day of the months of May and November in every rear forever. The following only of the above-described premises will be sold : - All that certain lot or piece of ground with the two-and at-half-story brick MVSSI1111:11 or tenement and one-story frame kitchen thereon erected, situate on the north side of Shippen street, (No. 1320.) at the distance of seventy seven loot westward of Juniper street, formerly called hippen's lane, in that part of the city of Philadelphia formerly called the WWI/Ship of Moyamensiug; contain ing In front or breadth on the said Shipper street sixteen Met. and in I enatiftor depth sixty Met. Bounded north ward by ground Into of John 11. Brintou, westward by ground now or late of.lameslieCnlhtn,southward by the said Shippen street, foul eastward by ground of Together with the free use and privilege of a certain two-fret-wide alley, ant now laid out and opened between the above-tlNcril l lot of ground and the lot of ground adjoining to the westward thereof, at all times hereafter forever. [Being the easternmost moiety of a lot of ground which Minton sold to Dougherty on ground rent.] Seized 11110 take» In execution as the property of Edward Daugherty, and to be sold by JOHN THOIiiPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 12, 1802. CC. 1'.,123 ; D., '62.3 Debt, ($88.40. Lax. dels-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni RsLamas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or v endue, on MONDAY Evening, January 5, IKI, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street No. I. Alt that certain lot or piece of ground situate on The west side of Fourth street, at the distance of fifty feet Ave inches northward from the north side of Norris street in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing:in front or breadth on the Said Fourth street eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth wed word, between parallel .lines avright angles to the said ltotwth street, lifiy-two feet. Bounded northward and westward by other ground of Francis M. Ryan, south ward by ground now or . late of John Carson; and east ward by said . Fourtli.street. (Being part and parcel of It 'larger lot of ground, which Owen Jones, by indenture dated the fifth tiny of October, A. B. 188), and recorded in the (files for recoiling deeds, &c,, in and for said City, in Deed BOA A. C. It., No. •6), page 74, &c., granted And conveyed unto the said Francis 31. Ryan in fee.) P. S. The above lot of "'Mind is sold subject to a pur chase-looney mortgage, "lyen by Francis M. Ryan to Owen Jones, for thirteen hundred dollars, doted the Ilfth day of October, A. D. IS6I, and recorded in Said office on the seventh they of october, B. 1931. in Mortgage Book A. C. It.. No. 111. page 4, &e. N. B. Upon the above premises is erected an unfinished three-story brick dwel Ling-house, with a two-story brick back building, and a stone privy well. No. 2. Also, all that lot or piece of ground situ ate on thewest side of Fourth street, at the distance of sixty-eight feet live inches northward from the north Aide of Norris street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing hi front or breadth on the said Fourth street eighteen feet, and extending in length •or depth westward, between lines parallel at right angles with the said Fourth street, fitly-two feet. Bounded northward by ground now or late of Owen Jones, south ward and westward by ground of the said Francis 31. Ryan, end eastward by said Fourth street. (Being part and parcel of a larger piece of ground, which Owen Jones, by indenture dated the fifth day of October, A. D. 1861, and recorded in the office for recording deeds, &c., in and for snid city, in Peed Beek A. C. 11., No. 29, page 74, &c., granted amid conveyed unto Francis 31. Ryan in fee.] P. S. The above lot of ground is sold subject to a pur chase-money. mortgage, given by Francis 31, Ryan to Owen Jones, fur thirteen himilred dollars, dated the fifth day of October, A. Ti..l.Bnt, and.reeorded in aid °nice MI the seventh day of October, A. 1).1661, in Mortgage Book A. C. H.. No. 16, page 1, &c. N. - B. Upon the above premises is erected an unfinished three-story brick dwelling-house, with a two-story brick back-building, and a stone privy-well. No. 3, Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, with' the improvements thereon erected, situate on the Wed side of Fourth street, at the distance of two hundred and eighty-four feet five inches northward from the north side of Norris street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing' in front or breadth on the said Fourth street eighteen feet, and extending lit length or depth westward of that width between parallel lines at right tingles with the said toarth street, fifty feet. Bounded northward by I by ground now or late of Williate B. Fling, southward and westward by other ground now or late of Owen Jones, and eastward by said Fourth street.. [Being part and parcel of ttlarger lot of ground, .whlch ;Owen ,11111 CS, by indenture dated the thirteenth day of innultrj•, A. D. hli2, and recorded in the (Alice for recording . deeds, 3:c., in and fur. aid city, in Deed Book A. C. 11., inc. 40, page Si, Sze., granted and. conveyed unto the said Francis 31. Ryan in feu; together with the free use, right, libertY. and privilege, ot as certain two,feet-• six-inches-wide alley, extending foto and from the said Fourth street, between the lot thereby granted and the hot of ground bounding to the sentil, as a passage-way and water-course; also, with the privilege of building under and over the northerntnost half part of the said alley, as the salute is nun built under and over, at all times thereafter foreyer.3 . I'. S. 'rue adiove lot of grrieed is sold subject to a mort gage, given by Francis M. Ryan to Owen joue.4, fur thir teen hundred dollars, dated the thirteenth day of Janu ary, A. 1).1&.2, and recorded in said office, on the astute day, in Mortgage Book A. C. 11., No. 20, page 31, &e. N. B. On the above prembms is erected all unfinished three-story brick dwelling-house, with a two-story brick back-bull ding, anda shine privy-well. 5o- 1. Also, all that certam lot or piece of ground, with the improvements thereon erected, situate on the whit side of Fourth street. at the distance of two hundred and sixty-six feel five ladies northward from the north side of Norris street, in. the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadel pith', containing in front or breadth on the said Fourth street eighteen feet, and extending' in length or depth westward of that width, between lines parallel at tight angles with said Fourth street, fifty feet. Bounded itorthward - and westward by ground now or late of oWell Jones, southward by gronlid now or late of Illtam Ches ter, by said Fourth street. [Being part ;I.nd parcel of a larger lot or piece of ground, which Owen Jones by Indenture dated the thirteenth day of January, A. D. i&2, and tecorded in the office fur recording deeds, in luta for said city, iu Deed Book A. C. No. 4Q, vaire 61, &c.,,nanted and conveyed auto the said Francis ill. Bien ht lee; teX..diel. With the free use and privilege of a certain two-feet-six-Inches-wide alley, extending lute Mid front said Fourth street, betweett the lot of ground and premises bounding to the north as it passage way and water-Nurse; also, with the privilege of build ing over and ruder the southernmost half part of the .trail alley, its the same is now built under and over, at all times them& er tbrever.:l P. S. The above lot of groltud is sold subject to a mort gage, given by Framis M. Hyatt to Owen Jones, dated the hirteenth tiny of January, A. 1). 1662, and recorded in said office, on the same day, In; Mortgage Book A. O. 11., No. 20, page 2-6, 3:c. N. B. On the nbovepremises is erected an unfinished three.story brick dwelling-house, with a two-story brick back-building, and a some privy-well. Seized and mkt n in .t.X04!11(1011 as the property of Francis 31 Bye and to be sold by • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff: Philadelphia, Slufrilf's Office, December 12, 1,662 [C. P., 113; 8., 62.1 . De1d,14134.10. Bousall. dell& kRERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF ai writ of Venditheli Expousts, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, en M OND A Y Evening, Jan uu ry at, IS it,, tit 4 o - eloek, at Samenn-street 111111, All Hint ceyta.n three-story brisk inessuage or tenement and lot or vete of situate on the west side of Delaware Second street, on the New Market Square, be tween Cedar and 1, unintril streets, in the city of dolphin; ton' tattling in front or breadth on the said Second street nineteen feet one inch, more or less, and in length or depth one huudred and twentyreet t to a twelve feet wlde alley leading lute Cedar street. nuniided on the north by at tuessmige and lot heretofore grituted by James P. Lyle to Leci 'Taylor, now belonging to John Seravondyke, on: the east by New 31arket Square. on the Routh by a lot new or late of David Evans, and its the west by the said alley which said described lot in chides, the southern moiety or half part of a three-feet- Wide alley, extending from the said twelve-feet alloy eastward thirty feet, then graduall narrowing that further depth of three feel, to a peiut for the gate post. [Being the same premises winch James P. Lyle, by in denture dated the y of November, A. 1). 161 1 3, re cbrded in Deed .Book .1. W. M., No. 26, page 5 , 2 Sce. (panted mudconveyed tutu: the said lrhemits . E. Baxter, pan fee, together with the conitnell uses and privilege of the said three-reet-wide alley, and the right to build under and over the southern •inolety thereof, leaving sittlicieut liefidW;ly in the (lea re her also with the COllllllOll use and crivilege of an alley four feet iu width by forty two feet 111 depth, on the north side of the hereby granted .senge and tut leading over the said John Seraven dyke' :, formerly Levi Taylor's ground, into and from the said Second street, its the satiate way excepted Mid re- Nerved in and by tit,' deed of conveyance from the said James I'. Lyle to the -tali Levi Taylor, for the, said tot of ground inik Inning tie. literby granted premises on' the north, bearing date the. day of December .1. D. 1527, and recorded in De. Hoak 6. w. 31., N 0.20, Alga 213, .51c. Also, tall that eert.lin lot or pieta) of ground, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, Ritual° on the southeasterly side of Classier street and the north easterly side of a thirty-live-wet-wide street called Fern street, in the Twenty-Aecettd ward of the city of Phila delphia, the said hat I,4 l ,o 4aii t ang at the distance of three ,hundred and sixteetit feet six inches northeastward from the northeasterly side of Schuyler street; containing lu front or breadth on the said Monier street one hundred and fifty-seven feet one and three-quarter inches, and extending in length er depth southeast wardly, it right angles to the said .Clapier street, on the southwesterly side thereof aloug the northeasterly side of the said rn street three hundred and twenty-two feet three inches, and eta the southeasterly side thereof three hun dred and thirty feet and ,it quarter of an. Well, to Norris street, and trout on Norris street one hun dred and fifty -Nevi u 11•17) feet four and one-eighth inches. 13ot:tided north westwardly by the skid Clapier street, south east mull] y lay t lie. said Norris street, south west vardly by the said Fern street, and nonheastwardly by ground o'llllllam W. Knight. Also, tall that coria:n lot or piece of ground situate on the southeaster": Ado of Cluster street and thesouth `westerly side of Fern street, In the Twenty-secuud ward of the oily of l'hilatielphia; the said lot beginning at the distance of one hundred and nhtety-live (195) feet four nod a half Inches northeastward ly from the north easterly side of Sell nylq.r street, and containing lii front or breadth on the said Clitpier street eighty-six feet and one-balf au inch, and extending in length or :tlertlt southeitqward, at right angles to the said (larder Street, on the southwester:). side thereof, three hundred find sixteen feet seven Mid a half Inches, and on the north easterly side three! , :dung the southwesterly side of the said Fern street, three hundred and twenty (it.r) feet rine inches, to .' . .orris street, anti containing in front on the Raid hotels street eighty-six feet two and seven oightlis inches. Bounded north westwardly by the said Clapier street, southeagwarally by the said Norris street, northeastward I y lay the said lent street, and south west wardly by ground of 11•illiain W. Knight. [The mid Iwo last described pr 4.141144444; being the manse which W Knight and Will., by Indenture dated the twentieth day of v, Ann() Domini 1861, recorded in the °face for Recording Leeds, &e., fur the city Mid guiltily of Plillaili:lpliht, Deed Book A. C. No. 48, rage , guiltily &e., granted and convoyed unto Thounts Iv IhtXter, bi fee, under nod subject as to the first described of slid pmenises, t:: the payment of a mortgage debt of Your thousand live hundred dollars, secured by the mort gage tattle said William W. Knight to Harriet L. Thump sun, doted the third day of Decomber, Anno Domini 18.71, end recorded in the :inlet. aforesaid, in Mortgage Book A. D. 8., No. 4.1, page N. IL—There is erected un thin second above described lot or piece of ground at two-and-a-half-story. stone dwelling house, fronting usi Norris street. There are also simuner-house air larlko a., end n tIA/1 pond, out Hlaitl l lot. Seized end tat taut ill 14XeCtlt1011 as the property of Thomas E. Dexter, arid to is' sold by JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. • Ph lit:deli:it ist, y herilrs Oilier. December 8,1865. ' CJs.C„ ; li„ el] Debt, "i'.3,70U. Wait, S. Price. dels-3t SHE RIPP'S SALE::- BY1 7 1.11,T(Ilil OF a. writ of Ventlitioni xPettas, to Me direrfed, W itt be exposed to public sale or vondtte, OIL MONDAY EVelling, January 5, MK at -I.o'elock, at bonsoth-street All that certain lot Or piece of ground Situate on the south side of Poplar street, at the distant* Of two hundred and seventy; live feet title Inches and IMO eighth of an inch eastward from the ete , t Side of Thir teenth street, in the district of Spring Garden and county of Philadelphia, containing In front or breadth on the said Poplar street twenty-one feet six 'aches (jacl tut n g OIL the east side thereof the westernmost inallity or half part of wrtmid court or avenue eleven feet wide iu the clear by one hundred and thirteen feet ten incites and one-eighth of au inch in depth, laid *out aunt left open by the said Richard IL Towitsend for the common use and accommodation 'of MIA and the other ground of the said Richard 11, Townsend adjoining thereto) and extending southward in length or depth of that AViatil, between pa rallel lines at right angles with the said Poplar street, sixty-five feet (including on the rear end thereof the whole (Wan alley three feet wide laid out and opened by the said Richard IF. Townsend, for tho use and accommo dation of rite lot of ground adjoining the hereby fly:tilted lot to tloovest.) Dottuded on the north by the said Pop lar street, nod on the south, east, and west by other land of the suit! Richard If. Townsend intended to be this day- M7l ted to the said William L. Harney on ground rent (which suit) described lot or piece of ground 18 composed of parts and parcels 'of two contiguous larger lots of ground, one of which Charles Ileury Fisher and Sarah Ann, his wife, by indenture dated the sixteenth duty of February, A n no Domini, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, recorded at Philadelphia in _Deed Book A. W.. M. No. 40, page 72, &e:, granted and conveyed unto the said Richard Townsend, in fee; find the other of which John Davis and Sarah 1., his wife, by Indenture dated the eighth dayfof March, Anne Domiui, oneathon sand eight hundred and forty-live, recorded at Phil:tile- Pltia in Deed Houk A. W. M., No. 40, page 57, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Richard H. Towasendoin fee.) • Seized and token in execution as the property of Wm. L. Harney, and to be sold by .THIIN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Philadelphia; filtaSlff's Mice, Dec. 11,156 2: CC. ]'.,1011; D., 'O2.J Debt, $10.76. B. Gerhard. deBs3- SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFFS SALE.BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vendltlota Exponas, to me directed = wilt be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAI.. Eve- Mug, Jauntily IS t IEW, at 4 o'clock, at Sansotu - street All that certain hit or piece of ground situate at Ow southeast corner ofßerkes street and Tenth street, in the late district of Penn,. now within the city of containing lnt trout or breadth on the said Tenth street one hundred feet, and extending in length or (kW!? eastward that width, the north line extending along the south side of the said Berkos street one hundred and fifty-live feet one inch and live-eighths •of au inch, and on the south line thereof one hundred and sixty-one feet eight and three-quarter inches to the Germantown and Norristown railroad- Bounded northward by the said Dotes street, southward by ground of John 11. Gomm!, eastward by the said Germantown and Norristown rail road, and westward by the said Tenth street, subject to the payment of the yearly rent or sum of one hundred and tidy dollars. dieing the same premises which the said . .lohn B. Canute, by .indenture dated June Di, 1557, . recorded in Deed Book • 31. D. W. No. 139, page 50, &c., granted and conveyed to John G. Burk, his heirs and as reserving the said yearly rent of one hundred and fifty dollars, payable half-yearly on the first .day of the militias of April and October iu even - year thereafter for ever.) Se,ixed and taken in .execution as the property of John G. G. Burk, and to be sold by JOHN' THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheri in: orlitc, December 12,1W2. CI): C.; 345: D., '62.3 n0bt,: Olmsted. de"ls3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY -VIR'T'UEOIt' O a writ of Voiditioni Expomis; to' Me' direeted,Will be exposed to public male o vendee, on MONDAY' r,ve fling January 5, 1883, at 4 o'clock, nt Sansom-street Hall, All titer certain lot or piece of ground situate - on the eastwardly shie of the Frankford road, at the distance of eighty feet northward from the north side of Huntingdon street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front on said FraukfOrd road twentrfeet, and in length or depth extending thence castwardly, keeping the same width at right angles with said Frank ford rued on the northernmost lino thereof fitly feet one and seven-eighths inches, and on the suuthernmost line thereof forty-six feet one and three-tburtlM inches, thence again eastwardly keeping the same width at right angles with Amber street on the northernmost lino fifty feet one and seven-eighths incites, and on the southeranunit line forty-six feet one and three-fourths inches to said Amber street. Bounded ou the north by ground granted. to William Derick on ground rent, CM the south by ground granted to Jacob Hugg on ground rout, on the east by Amber street, and on the west by Frankford road afure said: liking the same premises which William T. Emica and J. D. Sergeent, trustees, of al., by deed dated June 21, 1847,and recorded in Deed 13ook O. W. C., No. 18, page 567, grunted unto Joseph M. Thomas to fee, reserving a ground rent of $15.) Seized and taken in execution as the property of Joseph Tlionlits, and to be sold by .101 IX THOMPSON, Sheriff. - Philadelphia, Sheriff's O ffi ce, December S, 1861 [C. P., 82; P., '6ll Debt, SM.I2. Pile. - • dels-8t sIIERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Veuditioni Exponas, to ino diroted, will be exposed to piddle sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, January It,lStU, at 4 o'cloCk, tit Sawmill-street Hall: All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the eastwardly side Of .tho Frankfort' road; at the distance of 0110 hundred feet north of Huntingdon street, in the Ni/10- teonilt ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front ou said Frankfort' road twenty foot, and in length or depth extending thence eastwardly keeping the same breadth at right angles with said Frankfort( road on the northernmost line thereof, fifty-four feet two and one eighth inches, and on tho southernmost Imo thereof fifty feet one aud seven-eighths inches, thence again eastward ly, keeping the same breadth at right angles to Amber street on the north line, tifty-four feet two and oue-eighth inches, and ou the south Due fifty feet one and seven eight hs inches. Bounded on the north by ground granted to henry liallman on ground rent, on thesouth by ground granted to Joseph M. Thomas on ground rent, on the east by Amber st reef, and on tho west by Prankford road afore said. (Being the same premises which W. R Luileu and J. D. Sergeant, trustees, et. al., by deed dated March SO, 1847, and recorded iu Deed Book 0. W. C. No. 18, page WS, &c., granted unto Derick, in feo, reserving a ground rent of sl,7i. &Ind and taken in execration as the property of. Wil liam Dorick, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December V., 168' CC, I'., St, L.,'02;1 Debt, $5012. Pilo. dels-43t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exrosed to public sale or voudne, on MONDAI Eve- January 5,1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground (with the Otte story stone building used as a carpenter shop thereon erected, fronting on Eleventh street,) situate on the south west corner of Eleventh and Parrish streets, in the late district of Spring Garden, now the Fourteenth ward of the city or Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Eleventh street eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth westward on the north line thereof along said Parrish street fifty-seven feet, and on the south line there of at right angles with said Eleventh street, sixty feet two and three-quarter inches. Bounded northward, by said Parrish street, eastward by said Eleventh. smet, a southwrd by ground granted or 'intended to have been granted to William Weatherstine, and westward by a three-feet-wide alley running southward' fromisaid Par rish street. [Being the same lot or piece of ground which William Morgan and wife, by indenture, dated the 14th day of 3nue, A. D. '1853, recorded in Deed Book T. 41. No. IR, page Sl7, &c., granted and conveyed unto ham Weather:dine, in fee, reserving thereout a yearly ground rent or sum of seventy-six 50-100ths dollars, paya hie in.equal half-yearly payments on the first days 01 the mouths of May and November, for arrears of which said yearly ground rent the Judgment has been obtained upon execution issued.) Together .with the tree use a nil privilege of satithli me-feet-wide alley as a passage way and lvater emirs) at all times thereaftertbrever. l' eizeti uti taken u execution al the property of Wil liama \Venda:mina; and to lie sold by • JOHN .11103IPS0',V, Sheriff. - • Philadelphia, Sheriff's 'Office, December 1.9., 11452. CC: 112; D., '62.3 Debt, $100.19. Shoemaker. tlels-3t REMIT'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF. P....". a writ of Veuditioni Expert:is, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or reunite, on MONDAY Evening, January p, 1803, at 4 o'clock, in Sausom-street A certain lot ur piece of ground, situate on the north side of Christian street, at the distance of two hundred and ninety-scren• feet five inches westward from the northwest corner of said Christian street and:Delaware Fifth street contlnued,in the district of Southwark and county of Philadelphia; thence extending northward, .by ground now or late of Culpepper Bridges and wife, ninety-three feet five. inches, more or leas,- to the southerly side of Queen street; thence westward along the said Queen street fourteen feet six inches, more or less, to time corner of a lot of ground . granted, or intended to be grunted, by said Hannah Clittrun to John Sims, ou ground rent; thence by the same southward ninety-one feet six inches, more or less, to the north side of Chris thin street aforesaid; and thence eastward along the said Christian street fourteen feet eight Inches, more. or less, to the Place of beginning. Granted by Indenture dated time day of June, A. 1./.ISII, recorded in Deed Book 1. 11., No. hi, page 159; Ste., by Hannah Clifftou to Samuel Burnell, in fee, reserving a yearly rent of twouty-flro dollars and thirty-seven and a half cents, payable semi aunmttly ou the 20th day DlNorember and May, iu every N. D.—On each front of the said lot there is a frame mes,mage. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Samuel Durnell, and to be Fuld by JOIIN THOMPSON, Shorlll. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 12,1882. [C. I'., ltlz D., Debt, $:.13.35. Ruddimati. (105-3 t REERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF kJ a writ of Ventlitioni ExPones, to me directed, will be . .exposed to P u b lic said or veutine, on MONDAY Evening, January 5, at 4 o'clock, at Sansoni-street 'fall. AU that certain frame messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Queen street, between filacitamaxon street and Frankfort' road, hi the late Kensington district of the Northern Liberties in the county of Philadelphia, now in the city of Philadelphia as consolidated, containing in Croat or breadth on the said Queen street twenty feet, and extendingt, that breadth in length and depth northward' y one hundred and fitly feet, more• or less. Bounded northwardly by ground granted to Benjamin Day. eastward' y by ground IIOW 'or 'hue in possession of John Sutton, westwardly by ground now or late' of Mary B. Broguard, and southward y by. Queen street tame...aid. EBeing the came pot or ,Ironna. which miry B. Brognard, single woman, by indenture dated the Jhh day of November, A. D. in% recorded in Deed :Book 11. D. W.,No. 54, page granted and conveyed to the said Samuel Smeoton farce, reServing ibereout a yearly ground rout. or sum of one hundred and ten dollars, payable half-yearly on the first day of the months of June anti December in each and every year fOII•V(T.] Seized and taken in execution as the property of Samuel S.lneeton, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 8,1861 CD. C.,.113; D., 155 . 2.) Debt, 55.. 2 .455.1t3. dorr3t REEMFF'S•"SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF r•- , a writ 01' Alin Venditioni Exponne, to the directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. January d,, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Sergeant street, and West side of Lemon (new Memphis) street, in tho Nineteenth ward of tlke city of Philadelphia, containin iu front on said Sergeant street filly-four feet, and extend ingot that width iu depth along sold Memphis street one hundred and thirty-eight feet a did one and one-eighth inches CO Fox street; bounded en the north by said Fox street, on tho south by said Sergeant street, on the east by said 31emphis street, and ms the West by ground of the Sepviva Estate.. [Being the same lot a ground which W. F. Etnien and J. .D.-Ser geoid, Trustees et al. by deed dated October 31,1313, and recorded in Dead }look B. D. W., \o. 5, page 337, &c., granted unto Aaron Yankirk in fee, reserving a ground rent or ;$54, payable on the first.of .Tnno and December.] SOMA and taken in execution as the property of Aaron rankirk, and to be Rohl by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Ph lb da., Sheritrs Office, Dec. 3,1332.. (C.l'., ru: field, $456.33. Pile. deb]..3t p„ EMIT'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF h..." n writ °P.:kiln--; Venilitioni Expousis io me directed : will be expo4ett pabi ie• sale or vedue 314)NuAr Evening, January 5, ] Staff, •nt. 4 o'clock, ZIA Sausout street nail, All that certain lot or piece Of ground with the three story brick factory anti three-story brlck mr,.st CC or tenement thereon erected, situate on the uortherlv side or Bedford street continued, late in the District or Ken sington,' but now in the city of Philadelphia beginning at the distance of SD feet 736 Melte.; eastwardly from the easterly side of Hanover street; containing in front or :breadth 011 the Bed ford street 36 tied, and on the rear end thertmf 40 feet 0% inches, and in length or depth on the westerly side thereof and' at right Millie , . with the said Bedford street 70 feet, and on the easterly shit' Chore of along the westerly side of Boss street continued Ti) test and 2 inches. Bounded northwardly by ground granted or intended to have been granted to Solomon Doubly on ground rent, westwardly by ground granted Or intended to have been granted to westwardly on ground rent, east %vanity by Boss street, and southwardly by Bgdford street aforesaid. And also,all that certain lot or piece of ground with the• two several Owe's-story frame mesanages or tenements thereon erected,situatc on the easterly side of Elul street,' iufi out and opened forever for public use by James S. !tit her and dames B. Reese, which runs sont Ward y between Franklin and Bedford streets, and between Hanover tad • Palmer streets, late in the District of Kensington, lint now in the city of Philadelphia, beginning at the die inure 01'247 test and one-quarter of an inch southwardly from the southerly side of said Franklin street; contain ing in front or breadth MI the said Elm street 13S feet ON inches, and on the rear eud thereof feet 0 inches, and in length or depth nit the northerly side thereof at right angles with the said Elm street 74 feet, and on the soot side thereof parallel with the stud Bedford street 74 feet 196 inches. (Bounded northwardly by ground grantrd to Frederick Diekeson on ground rent , south wardly icy the rear ends of the Bedford-street lot, emit wardly by 'Boss street, and westwardly by Elm street aforesaid.) Being the same premises which Solomon Doehl y eud int ia his wife, by two , several indentures bi artog date respectively the sl)th, day ofJnue, 1&50. re- Corded . in Peed DOOll NO. 57, pages 122 and 110, &e., gra iitcd stud conveyed unto the sitid.Ferdiinuul Doebly in fee. N. IL—The first above described premine.4 will be sold as et present divided upon the ground, via: No. ]. Ml that lot (aground and three-story brick lota no thereon erected, situate on the north side o( Bed ford (now Willey) street, and containing in front 24 feet, and in depth gradua ll y narrowing to the width of about 14 foot Ouches, 44 ieet or thereabouts, as the same is now enclosed. The Nab' premises being the western meet 24 feet_ in trout on Bedford street. of the - said larger Jot. No. 2. The factory building with the one and a-iialf Rtory haw building attached thereto .and connecting therewith,(intely used as an ullice,) containing', in rr,nt On Bedford street about 12 feet, and Widellillg to the full width or the said larger lot at the rear end 'thereof; to gether with the steam engine, pulleys, and .41110111 m as the Y;11111. 'ln ante - enclosed, the said premises bring the enstermnot4 12 feet in front on Bedford street', of the said Int ger lot. The premises on Elm street, second above described, will be sold as at present divided upon the glilUllll, nil.; No. i. The illesSllllp and lot of ground On rho easterly s!de arm). strArt, beginning ut the ithdattoo of 247 feet and taw-quarter of an inch sonthwardly from lite - south side of I:ranklin street, containing in front ids Elm street le reel 4 inehes and % °r an inch, and in length or depth 74 lief (1 r thereabouts: No. 4. 'rile messunge cud lot of ground on the easterly side a Elm street, beginning at the distance of 'NIG feet . invites and 3i of nil inch southward' y from the south side of Ft link] in street, containing in (rout 011 Elm street 19 feet 4 invites and Traits of au inch, and la length or. depth. •4 feet or UtefenLunts . . Seized and taken in execution as 'the property of Ferdi nand Duebly, curd to he sold by JOHN THOMPSON", Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Decemilerl.2. 1%2 , [D2C., MO; D. 'DI] Debt *4,739. W; &Trice: "tiel3-3t SHERIFF'S SALES. SUERIFF'S SALE.—BY. VIRTUE OF L a writ of Viuditioni mo directed, will be exposed to public sale or vend tic, on MONDAY' Evening, January 5,1f43, nt 4 o'clock, ut Sansourstreet All that certain lot or piece, ofground Montle formerly is the district of Moyamenslng, now lit the First Ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning at a paint on the east side of Eighteenth street, litrmerl y called Schuylkill Fifth street, at the distance of thirty-fonr feet- southward from the south side of Bedford street, thence extending atodg the said Eighteenth street southward seventavti feet, thence castwardly by n lot of ground grantol to Daniel McLaughlin on ground rent, sixteen feet, thence south ward by the saute lot sixty-Mur foet to the n.irilt Side of Shlppen street, thence by said street eastward seven feet two and seven-eighth:: Nelms more or less to line of land devised by James Pemberton to the children or Mary Morris. deceased, thence 1w said 11110 northeastward to ground gyanted to Samuel Fife on ground rent, thence by said Flfe s ground, westward at right angles with said Eighteenth street, fifty-eight feet more or less to the place of beginning. (Being the same lot or piece of ground which . I la n nah Parke, Anthony P. 'Morris,. and ARUM his wife, I_ ,)v indenture bearing date the third day of October, Anna Domini IPM, recorded October fifth, ME, in Deed Book T U, lio.ll/4, page 497, &c., granted and conveyed unto John Armstrong in fee, yielding and paying there- Mr and thereout, unto the said Hannah Parke and An thony P. Morris, their heirs and assigns, the yearly rent or sum of forty-eight doll/111 , and fifty cents, lawful money of the United States of Amara, in equal half yearly pay ments on the first days of the mouths of January and July, in every year thetvafter forever, without deduction for tnxes.] B.—On the above lot there Is erected a three-story brick house. • • Seized and taken in exeentinn as the property of John Armstrong, and to be sold by .101 IN T.llO3ll'BON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mike, December 12, Ma • EC. P. 115, D. .62. Debt 60..50. Hopper.)- • dels-3t • SHERIFF'S SALE.----13Y VIRTUE OF a writ of Pilules Venditioni ExpouaQ, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendee, ou MONDAI F.vening, January 5, LSG3, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-stroot Nall, - All that certain lot or piece of ground with the two brick tenements erected on the rear end thereof, situate on the south side of Arclustreet, (late Mulberry street,) at the distance of one . hundred and eighty-four feet ca.twanl front the east side. of Twentieth,street, in the Ninth ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in bent or breadth on the said Arch street twenty feet and extending south ward of that width in length or depth ninety rect. Bound ed northward by said Arch street, weitmard by ground now or late of L. Ellmaker, southward partly by around now or late of Charles White and Samuel L. Hibbs, aunt portly by the head of a four-feet-wide alloy leading south ward into Dorothea street, and eastward by other ground grouted or intended to have been granted to said Tacob Carrigan out ground rent. [Being the saute premises which the said 'Lines W. Dexter and wife; by indenture dated May 1, A.D. 185-1, recorded at Philatdelphia, in Deed Book T. No. 14.5. page 215, Ike., granted and conveyed unto the said Jacob Carrigan in fee, reserving thercout the yearlv groundrent or su I/I Of *PA Payable half-Yearly, on the first day of the months of May and November in every year, for arrears of which the judgment wag ob tained uron which this execution was issued.) - Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jacob Carrigan, and to he sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheri fl Office, December 8, 1862. [C.l'., 63; D., 1862. Debt, $9333. B. S. Campbell.) del.:s-3t ERIFF'S SALE.-BY - VIRTUE OF RH P%-/ a writ of Venditioui Expouas, tome directed, Will be exposed to public 'sale or vendue, on MONDAY live ning, ja noon - 5,.18ffJ, at 4 o'clock, at tiansom-street AIL that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia, begin , - Diem at a point , on the northeast side of Germantown avenue, at the: distance of seventy-five feet six inches northwestward froth the north side of Wyalusing street, thence extending northwestward along the said German town avenue one hundred and twenty-five feet eleven and' II half inches, thence nothaestward with a line at a right angle with the said Germantown. avenue forty six feet three and three-quarters inches to a point, thence eastward by ground of J. Dickinson Logan one hundred anti twenty-four feet ten and three-eighths inches to the west side of Stentow avenue, thence southward along the west aide of said Steelton avenue one hundred and twelve feet eleven and three quarters inches to another point, thence westward by other ground of the said .1. Dickinson Logan eighty feet five and five-eighths inches to another point, and thence southwestward on a line at a right angle with the Sall Germantown avenue forty six feet throe and three-quarters Inches to the place of beginning. Subject to the payment of tho yearly rent or sum of two hundred and fifty-one dollars and ninety-one cents. (Being the so me • premises which-John Dickinson Lop n and wife, by indenture dated July 1,18 Y), record ed en Deed Book A. D. B. No. 87, page fral, granted and conveyed to William S. Mclllienuey, his heirs and as signs, reserving the said yearly rent of two hundred and fifty one dollars and - ninety-one cents, payable half:year b- on the first day of the months of January and July fu every year thereafter forever.) Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wil liam S. Mcllhenuey, and to be g'llet by •Joirk THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheri frs Office, December 12,1862. • deld-3t CD. C. 317, I). '62.3 Debt, $827.46. Olmsted. - SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY - VIRTUE OF a writ of Yenditloni Exponas, to me directed % will be exposed to public sale or routine, on MONDAY Evening, January Li, 18(if, at 4 o'clock, at I. 4 ansom-street All that certain lot 'or: piece of ground situate on the east side of Tenth street, at the distance of one hundred feet southward from, the south side of fences street,ln the bite District of l'Onti, now within the- city of Phila delphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Tenth street one hundred (root, and extending in length or depth eastward of that width between lines parallel with the said Borkes street, on the north linelhereof one hun dred and sixtx-one feet -eight and three-quartets inches, andh on the south line thereof one hundred and sixty eight feet three and seven-eighths inches to the German town and Norristown Railroad. .Bounded northward and . southward by ground of John B. Camille, eastward by the said Germantown and Norristown Railroad. and westward by the said Tenth street; subject to the payment of the yearly rent or sum of one hundred and fift y dollars. (Being the same premises which the said John B. Comae,' by his indenture dated June 16, 1,557, recorded in 'Deed Book B. D. W. No. DA page 5.5, &c., granted and conveyed to Jolin d. Burk, Ms heirs and assigns, reserving the said yearly rent of one hun dred and fifty. dollars, payable half yearly on the first day of the months of April and October in every year thereafter forever.] • Seized and taken in execution as the property of John G. Burk, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff; Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Decemberl2, 186 . 2. [D. C.. 340; 3). '62] Debt, V 92.12. Olmsted. dell-&t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE. OF a writ of Mirka: Venditiotii Exponas, to urn directed, will be exposed to public sale r yondue, ou MONDAY Evening, January 5,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the east side of Delaware Eighth street, at the distance of two Impaled and two feet southward from the south side of Maker street, in the late District of Penn, now the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Eighth street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth eastward between parallel lines at right angles with the said Eighth street one hundred feet to a certain twenty-sevon-feet-wide street called. Merchant street; bounded ou the west by the said Eighth street, on the north by . ground granted to George Barnard, on the east by the said Merchant street, and on the south by ground granted to Jacob Wlreman on ground rout. [tieing the same premises which Joseph Helzkorn and Sarah H., his by indenture hearing date the 15th day of August, A: 1.;.1.8.57, recorded iu the office for recording deeds for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. D. It., No. 27,yaste 20, granted and conveyed unto the said William h. Shoemaker, in fee, and subject, nevertheless,. to the ratyment of a certain yearly ground rent or sum of forty-eight dollars in equal half-yearly payments on the first day of the months of July and January in every year forever, without dednction for taxes, &c., pinto John (twin and Nicholas Gwin, their heirs and assigns; to gether with. the free and common we, right, libertr, and privilege of the said Merchant street at alt - times there after ibreVer.) . . N. D.—There is erected on - the said lot on Merchant street a three-story brick building. ' Seized and taken in execution as the property`of George Barnard, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia; P.dierlfts Mee; December 8,1932, CC. 1'.,1'25; D., lel Debt, *,.54.74. Briggs. dels-3t suElur • B.A_LE.-BY VIRTUE OP a writ of VenditiOni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public solo or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, January 5, 1883, at 4 o'clock, at San:ma-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick and framo messitage or tencinent and lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Brandywine street (tormerl y called Centre street), at the distance of one hundred and forty-ono foot ten incite% eastward from the east side of :Twentieth street in the Fifteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on said Brandywine street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth northward, between lines parallel with said Twentieth street, se venty feet to Wilcox street. [Beier • the samo lot of ground which Henry Beckett and - Eliza 8., his wife, by indenture bee ring date the twenty-third day of June, A. D. 1854, recorded in Deed Book H., 10.155, page 2)5, &c., granted trod conveyed unto the said Thomas P. Row lett lie simple, reserving thereont unto him, the said Henry Beckett, his heirs and assigns, a yearly ground roil or sum of forty-four dollars, in equal half-yearly payments, on the first day of the months.of January and Jul) - , in every year forever, without deduction for taxes, &e.) . . Etdzed and taken in exeention as the property of Tho mas P, Rowlett, and to be sold b's .7011.1\ THOMPSOK, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's °thee, December 11,1561. (C. P., IM n., '62.3 Debt, $22.61. J. C. Price. 4015-3 t R,IIEIIIFrS SALE.-BY VIRTUE 01? Ps- 1 a. writ of Alias Venditioui Exponas, to me directed. will be exuosed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, January 6, 16112, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Haall All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate. on the north side of South (or Cedar) street, between 'Sixth and Seventh streets, in the city . of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said South (or Cedar) streecsix teen feet and. extending in length or depth northward: ninety feet to a thirty feet wide street called Mary street. - Denuded On the. South by Smith (or Cedar) street afore said, on the least by ground now or late of Owen Jones, •on the north by Mary street: and on the east by a lot of ground granted to George Mercer. (Being the samePte mises which Owen Jones, by indenture dated November Ist, A. D. 1795, recorded tu the office for recording of deeds, &c.; in and for the city .of Philadelphia,in Deed Book —, No, 59, page 979 , granted and conveyed said Patrick McHugh, reserving thercout as yearly ground rent of (532, payable half yearly.] N. D.—The above described premises will be sold as fois' lows: All that certain lot or piece of ground and three stor)- brick and frame dwelling thereon erected, situate on I south side of Mary street, between Sixth and Se venth streets, containing In front on said Mary street six teen feet end in depth thirty-six feet. All that certain lot or pidce of ground and two-story fraine hies:amp thereon erected, situate on the north side of South street, between Sixth and Seventh streets, con taining in front on said South street lli feet, and in depth uorthwardly 54 feet. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Pa trick Meliugh, and to bo sold by JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Shertirs Office, DeceinWr 5,1%2. . (C. 1)2, D. 'ff2. Debt, 507.30. C. D. Freeman.] del•33i. SIIERIFF'S SALE.— BY. VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Veuditioui Expoutts, to me di meted, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening', January 6,18Ct3,•at 4 o'clock, at Sausum-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of Locust street, at the distance of ono hundred feet 'westward from the west side of Thirty-eighth (late Blary) street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia, (widowing iu front or breadth on the said Locust street fifty feet, and extending in length or apth southward of that width one hundred and seventy-live feet to Church street. Bounded north Ward by said Locust street, eastward by other ground now or late of. said Robert W. D. Truitt, southward by said Church street, and westward by ground now or late of Susan N. Goddard. [Being part of the saute lot of ground which Susan N. Goddard and John L. Hough, executors, &e., by deed dated the sixteenth darer April, A. D. L 5.39, re corded in Deed Book A. D. H., No. ID, page 1242, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Robert W. D. Train, in fee.]. • Seized and taken in execution as the property of Robort W. D. Truitt, and thin sold by. . JOHNTYIO3IPS6N, Sheriff. Sberirs'ollito,'Ditcetaber 12,186'2. (S. C., 3S ; J., '83.1 Debt, $2.750„ „11. C. Thompson. deli-.9t _ 5 11ERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE. OF ►;s writ of Venditioni Exponas; to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or .vondue, on MONDAY Meiling, January 5, ISM, at 4 o clock, at SatmoM-street IMO, • ' All that certain lot or piece of ground (with two-story brick factory building thereon erected) situate: en the 'est side of Church street, in the district of Southwark and county of Philadelphia (now city of being part of a lot of ground marked, in the plan drawn by John Inns of the estate of Joseph Wharton, deceased, 0, No. 106,coutaining in front on said Church street forty eight feet, and In length or depth one hundred and tltroo feet six Inches. Bounded on the south by ground granted to El lis and Longstreth, on the north by ground of John Henniss on the west by ground grunted to J. Willetts, Una on the east by Church street aforesaid. [Being the stone lot of ground which Cherie); Robb and Rebecca his Wife, by i Rd - clam* dated the eleventh day of November, A. D. 1848, recorded in the office for recording deeds, &c., for the city stud county of Philadelphia, in Deed Bank A. ItL, No. 34 page &c.,granted and conveyed unto Wl] limn G. Thornton and CialieS Mailer ill fee, reserving. thereout a yearly rent of fitly-seven dollars amt sixty cents, isiyable on the Brat duty of the months of July and Jonnary lst every.year thereafter forever. Stized'and taken in execution :IN the' property of Wil liam C. Thornton and Charles Mather, and to be sold by JOHN' TIIOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 12, 1562. [C. 110; D., - 02.) Debt ee.0.81. Robb. ••dels3t SIIERIFV'S SALE.—BY 'VIRTUE OP a writ of Alias Vend Meal lkipeints to nie directed, will be exposed to public sale or vetaftwou MONDAY Evening; January 6,181, at 4 o'clock, at Sauswn-street All that cirtsiln lot or pieee'of grenad,.with the three story brick messitage or tenement, with three-story back buildings. now thereon erected, situate on the north side. of Columbia avenue at the distance of thirty-tour feet eastward from the east side of !Vieth street, in the Twen tieth ward of the city of Philadelphia (late district of South Penn), containing , in front or breadth On said Co.; lumbia avenue sixteen feet, and extending in• length or depth northwardly of that width between parallel lines at right-angle' with said•Coluinhin avenue seventy feet ; Winded aorthWardly and eastwardly by ground granted or intended to have been ginitted to James McCloskey on Broth d rent, westwardly partly by:wlot of grout d grant .l4l or intended to have been granted to the said James McCloskey on ground rent, and partly by the head .of certiOn three-feet-wide alley which leads westwardly into raid Ninth street, nail sonthwardi) by said (jaunt bia avenue; together with the free use and privilege of Sold three•feet-avide alley as a passage way and water 'coupe, at all times hereafter forever, in common with the owEers, tonants, mid occupiers of the other lots of ground bounding • thereon. [Being the same premises which Prentice T.Cuatiau and Ellen S., his wife, by. iadenture dated the 17th day of April, Anno 18:11, and re corded in Deed Book IL D. W., No. 111, sigh •1116, grouted and conveyed unto the said 'James McCloskey, 7ve; reserving there Out a certain •yearly ground nun or sum of ninety dollars, payable on the first day of the mouths of Jamsary and July t for arrears of t which said around rent the judgment was obtain e d u p on w hi c h t hi s execution issued. -. • E. ]l.—The purchaser will be required to pay the'Sunt of one hundred dollars at the time of sale., Seized and taken in execution us the property of James McCloskey, and to Le sold Ll 2 . - • .1011. X THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. December 12, 1.952, P. V 2.3 Debt, :;IG. Shoemaker. tlels-3t THE PRESS. -- PHILADELPHIA, Isf(ADAY, DECEMBER, 29, 1862. • 4.1. ,4, :` , 145,.:$ • lk R• ITERIFIPS SALE-BY. VIRTUE OF • writ of Alin Venditloni. Exponal, to me directed. will be exposed to public stile or vondue, on MONDAY Evening, January 0, ISGJ. at 4 o'clock at Samonu-strect }lnil • - • - • „ • •. e tharrthialw lot' or piece otground'slinats On the South side of Locust street, et the distance of lift.)7.feet Westward fronithe west side of Thirty-eighth (into Mary) street, in the Tweut3--fourth ward of the eity,of • containing hi front Or breadth in tho said frJCILI4t street fifty feet, and extending in length or depth south- Ward of that width one hundred and • seventy-nre feet to Church .street. Bounded northward by said Locust street, eastward. and westward by other ground now or late of saith-Robert -D. Truitt, southward by sand Church street. (Being part Cl' the Same lot of ground Which Susan N. Goddard and Min L. Hough, executors, Ac., by deed dated the sixteenth. day of April, Annu Do mini IST), recorded in Deed Book 0.60, page 21% dm., grunted and conveyed unto the said Robert W. D.: Truitt in lee.) • • • - Seized and taken in execution ABM property of Robert W. D. Truitt, and to be sold by • JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheritrs Office r Dec:Cribber 1833. CS. C., J., '6L] -Debt,12,750.41. C. Thompson. deli-3t • SHERIFF'S SALE:—RY VIR'T'UE a writ Of Venditionl Exponis; tome directed, will tic exPosed to Public solo or vendue, ou MONDAY livening, January 6,186.1, ht 4 o'clock:, at Sa usonvst met Hall, All that certain lot or niece of ground sitnato oh the Fond, west corner of LoeuSt and 'Thirty-eighth (late Mary) street, lu the Twenty-fourth ward of tho city of Philadelphia; containing in. front or,broadth on the said Locust Street, fifty feet, mid extending in length or depth southward' y, between panillel lines at right angles with the said Locust street, one hundred and tatventy-tiye_feet to Church street. Bounded westward by taller ground now or late of said Robert VV: a Truitt, eastward by said Thirty-eighth street, southward hysaid Church street, and northward by said Locust street. [Being part of the same lot of ground which Susan N.' Goddard and John L.-Hough, executork, fie., by deed dated the sixteeutlt day of April, A. D. 124), recorded iu Wed Book A. B. B. No. nap 24 h Arc., giantedud conveyed' unto the said Robert . in Truitt fee.] . Seized unit taken in execution ns the propert y of Robert W. D. Truitt, and to be sold by • Siterift. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Dmunherr2,lB62. • CS. C., 40; '62.3 Debt, $2,750. IL C. Thompion. dels-3t SHERIFFS SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Veudiiioui ExPonas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 5,15G1, at 4 oielock,at Sansom-street All that certain three-story brick mossuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground striate on the north westerly side of Richmond street or Point-no-point road, formerly in the township of the Northern Liberties, in the county of Philadelphia, now in' the Nineteenth ward of the, city of l'hiladolphia, at -the- distance of two hundred and eighty-eight Met six inches and three-quarters of au inch southwesterly -from the southwesterly side of Clearfield street, containing in front or breadth on the said Richmond street forty feet, and extending of that breadth between lines parallel' with. said Clearfield street two hundred fedt to Salmon street. Bounded on the northeast by ground. of Kuhn, on the northwest by the said Salmon street on the senth , west by ground now or late of Robert McCurdy, and on the by said Richmond street. [Being the same premises which Moberg McCurdy, by indenture dated the twenty-seeond day of• September, A. D.- 1651, recorded in Deed Hook G. W. Q., No. 1117, page 2.98;&c., granted and convoyed unto the asid William 11. Miles in tee./ NOTE.—To, the above-named meseunge or tenement there is attached a two-story brick back building, and on the rear end, of the said , del4iribed lot there Is erected a three-story brick thctory.bniiding, flirty feet front on the said Salmon street, containing a steam engine, shaft, rig, and machinery; also, on the said lot; a one-story brick building and frame sheds, Seized and taken in execution as the. property of liain 4 ll. Miles, and to be sold by • JOHN THOMPSON: Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Ofilce,-Docember-11,1663. IC. P.,106; D., 01] Debt, W 6.51: lltfrpicy. flels3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY , VIRTUE O P . 11, writ of Venditioni.ExponaS,Ao no (limited Will be: exposed to public sale . or vendue, on MONDAY Meiling, January 5, Mt, at 4 cluck, at Sausom street MIL. • No. 1. All that eertain.lot or piece of ground situate in the Twenty-fourth. ward of the city of Philadelphia, marked No. 4 in a certain plan of-partition, beginning at a point in the Lancaster Turnpike road add the middle of Filly-ninth street, thence extending along the middle of said Fifty-ninth street north six degreeaulneteen min utes, west eight hundred and thirty-two feet eleven and one-quarter inches to the .iniddle of Peter's avenue, thence along the middle of paid Peter's avenue south eighty-three degrees forty-one minutek, west four hun dred and sixty nine feet eight .and three-eightlm inches (4 feet 83g. inches) to the middle of said Sixtieth street, , thence along the middle of •the said Sixtieth street south six degwes nlnetoen minutes, east seven hundred anti forty-eight feet three and a half Inches to a.point in said Lancaster Turnpike road in the tine of Lewis Jo lICA' laud, thence by said Lewis. Jones' land south eighty-six de grees six minutes; east four hundred and. seventy-seven feet three and one-quarter inches to the place of begin ning; bounded un the north by lot marked No. S in said . plan, on the east partly by lot marked No. 5; and partly by lot marked No. ion said plan, on the sonth:by (said) land of Lewis Jones, and on the west by lot Marked No. 2 in the aforesaid plan, containing eight acres and tire hundred and twenty-live thousandths part den acre. No. 2• All that certain lot or piece aground situate in the Twenty-fourth :ward of the. city; of %Philadelphia — , marked N 0.5 in a certain plan of partition, beginning .at a point iu the intersection of the middle of 'Becks avenue and the middle of Fifty-seventh street, thence extending by the middle of said Fifty-seventh street north six de gives nineteen minutes, west five hundred and eighty feet to the middle of Peter's avenue, thence by the middle of said Peter's avenue south eighty-three'dogrees forty one minutes, west nine hundred and eighteed feet nine and three-quarter incites to the iniddle• of Fifty-ninth street, thence by middle of said Fifty-ninth street south six degrees nineteen' minutes, east two hundred and ninety. feet to a corner, of lot. marked No. 7, in the said plau, , -thence by said lot marked N0..7, north eighty , ' three degrees forty-one minutes, east four hundred and ninety-seven feet two and seven-eighths (riche.; to the middle of Fifty-eighth street, thence-by the middle of said Fifty-olgth street south six 'degrees nineteen minutes, east two hundred and ninety feet to the middle of Melts avenue, thence along the middle of said Becks avenue north eighty-three degrees forty:one (41) minutes,' east four hundred and twenty-tine feet six and seven eighths inches to the place of beginning; 'hounded on the north by lot marked No. 6 on said plan, on the east by lot marked No. S on said plan, and on the south partly by lot marked No. S and partly lotsmarked No. 7 on said plan, and on the west partly by said lot marked No. 7 and partly by lot marked No. 4 on the mid phut, con taining eight acres and nine hundred and twenty-four thousandths part of an acre. No. 3. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on west side of Mervine street at the distance of one hundred and thirty-six (136) feet southward from the south side of Master street in the lateDistrlet of Penn now the. • ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth ou the said Mervin° street fourteen Met and ex tending in Muth or depth of that widtb(sixty-three feet; bounded northward by ground now or late of Charles Homy Fisher, southward partly by ground of Henry Haines and partly by the head or northernmost end of a certain three-feet wide alley lending sMithward. into an other alley three feet in width which leads westward into Mervin° street, eastward by gronnd granted to the said Isaac M. Pen on ground rent; and westward by Mreviue street aforesaid.' [Being the same 'itemises Which George Megee, HightSheriffof the city and county of Phila delphia. by deed poll dated and acknowledged.,in'open Court .on -the .26th day of June, - A. DAS33, Mithentered among the records in the office of the •Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas for said city aud county; in Sheriffs Deed Book S, page 366, &c., granted and convey ed unto Albert Boileau in fee, under and sninect to the payment of a certain yenrly ground m10)1'4445.) • No. 4. All the estate, right, title and interest of Albert D. Boliean of and in all that certain three-story messnage and lot or niece of ground (with double three-story back buildings) situate on the east side of Franklin street, at the distance of filly-three feet.sixAnd li ve-eigh this inches from the north side of Peplarstreet.:44lmTwentieth laird of thecity thence extending Mirth went along the east skid of said Franklin street twenty six feet nine and'one-eighth inches to ground now or late of Allen J. Hubbs, thence easgward'along the same on a line at right angles with the Said Franklin street; ninety- eight lea seven. and thiee-eighths inches to a paint, thence southward partly . along ether ground late of the said Allen •J. Hobbs and party along the rear end of ground now or late' f Catharine Pearce twenty-five feet two and Hi ree-eigths inches to a coriter,ht,the rear end of the Poplar street- lots, thence- westward , alung the same on a line at right angles with Seventh street sixty-four feet three and five-eighths inches to the Other ground late of said Allen. J. Tubbs, thence northward along the saute threce-ighths of au inch' to point; and thence westward along the same at right angles with - said. Franklin street thirty-four feet eleven and one-eigth inches to the east side of said Franklin street and place of beginning.. . .' Seized and taken in execution as the property of Albert D. Boileau, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, December-8,1361 • . CD. C., 334; D. 186'2.) Debt, te116.50. Hieskoll: dee 1341 • SE REIFF' S SALE. .BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expousts, to:me directed, will be exposed to public sale or volatile, ou MONDAY Evening, . JllllllBl7 5, ISat, at 4 ty . clock, at Samson' street Hall, No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of pottud, with the two-story brick nfessuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the north side of a certain new street;tWenty -61 ve feet in width, called ;Pritchett street'(which said street by deed poll bearing date the Second . day of Octo ber; A. D. 1854, and recorded in Deed Book. T. 11., No. 167; . page 40e, &c., was dedicated' to public use, centraencing on the west side of Thirteenth street, at the 'distance of seventy-fire feet southward from the south side of \ Yoh ington street, and thence extending westward to the twenty-feet-wide street hereinafter described), at the distance of ninety-eight feet, eastward from. the east side of a certain other new. street twenty feet- in width laid out and opened at the distance of. aid hundred and fifty feat ono and three-quarters inches eastward front the east side of Broad street in that part of the First ward'of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid, included in the late district offtfoyamensing, containing in front or breadth on , said Pritchett street fourteen feet, and thence extending 1 southward between lines paraAlei with said twenty-feet ! wide /greet inlougth or depth forty-eight feet mere (Jr less; 1 . together with the free use and privilege eta certain two -- feet-six-inches-wide alley on the west of this lot and ren t wing north into Pritchett street, between this and Lut ..No. - 2, hereinat ter described. . • : Ku. 2. All that certain lot or prace of ground, with. the • two-story brick nrassenge or' tenement .thereon erected, situate on south side of tho said Pritchett street, adjoin.: ing the above (No. 1) peemises on the west, containing • fu 'front or breadth ou the said Pritchett street fourteen .foot and extending iu length or depth southward of that .wititit forty-eight feet more or leis; together with the.. - free, use and privilege of the •saiktwo-feet-six-inches , -. ' with; alloy running Worth wai-d between this lot and lot No.3„and.on the east ,of.. these ptpmises into the said Pritchett street. [Bein' the same prethises (Nos. 1 and 9) I 'which Charles P. Lex,by_belenture dated the twenty=. I 'fourth day of March . , A.-1).-15.15„and recorded'in the °Mee . for reeOrding deeds tor the city and county of Philiulet -1 phia, in Deed Book 11. D. W.; No. • 13, page 1.15: IIEC4 i granted and convoyed unto the said Samuel MeC. Foster in lee; tinder and subject nevertheless to the sayment of - a certain yearly ground rent or sum of forty-eight dollars -OM on the first days of the months ,of January and July in every year thereafter forever.] , , . No. :i. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with- the• .two-story brick messtrage or tenement thereon erected, I situate on the north sale of a certain, forty-feet-wide i street called Lewis street, in the First ward of,the city of Philadelphia at (ho dlstance of sixty-four feet eastwanl I, front the east of Seventh street, containing on the. 1 front or breadth on , the said Lewis street:thew Sylvester . street,) thiCteen feet six inches, and extending iu length 1 or depth northward of that width, fifty feet; together ; wifh the free use and privilege, iu common, with pre ! miser .Nos. 4,5, - and 6, hereinafter described, of two cer tain two-feet-six-inches-wide alleys ; one of said alleys running parallel with the said Lewis street, in.the rear: 1 of said four premises, mat the ether Of sitid alloys running 1 at right angles with and opening Into the said Lewis street, between premises. Nos. 4 and S. (Being the same ! premises which Luke W. ,Ihtlfell,. by, indenture dated i Ittny.second,lSs6, and recorded in the aloe' fur recoiling I deeds, &c., in au n t for the city of Philadelphia, in Deed Book AJ). 13., No:106, page 202,. &c., granted and con -veyed mho the said-Samuel • McC. Foster in feel-under and subject nevertheless' to - the payment of ivicertain yearly ground' reef of twenty-four'dollars per annum on . the first days et' the months of January and July in every 1 year thereafter forever:] No. 4. All that certain lot or piece of ground adjoining premises N0..3 on the east,, with the two-story brick ; messuage or tetieMent thereon erected, situate on the Inorth side of Lewis (now Sylvester) street, In the First ward of the city of Philadelphia, at distance of seventy-seven tCet six incites eastward front the east side . of Seventh street, containing in front or breadth on the j said Lewis street thirteen feet four and a half inches, 1 and extending. in length or depth northward of that I- \Vi d th titfy fee; together with the ire use and privilege, in 1 - corvine/14 with Prenditealteee described as Nos. 3;1, and if, I of two certain two-feet-six-inches-with) alleys; one of the • 1 said alleys runningpmallel with the Mull Lewis street, : in attires rof the said four premises, and the other of the 8311(11 alleys running at right angles with and opening into • the Said Lewis street, between- these premises and the • premises next desitirlited as Nn. 6. [Being. the- same pre mises which Luke' W. Ditffelh. bY indenture dated .the - • second day of May, A. 1). 1556, arittrecorded in the office for recording deeds, &c., in and. for the city of Philadel -1 phia, in Deed Book A. D. 1.1., No. 'lO6, page 215, &c., punted and conveyed unto the said Samuel McC.Foster nt fie; under and subject nevertheless to the ptyment of .!. 11. certain yearly ground rent or •suin of twenty-fraw dol e hirs on the first days of the months of January: ml July in every year thernifterforever.l No. 6. All that certain lot or..pleee of ground adjoining Premises No. 4, on the east, with the two-storybrlck Ines , messuasre Or tenement thereon erected, sitraue on north ! side of Lewis (now Sylvester) street, in the First ward of . the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of ninety feet , 'ten and '11: half, inches eastward' (rein they east side of ! 'Seventh street, containing In front or breadticon the said ~. Lewis street, tli it teen feet four and a half inches, and ex tending. in length- •or depth 'nerthward of that width ; fifty feet ; together with the free use and privilege, in ( COllllllO.ll with premises here described as Nos. 3,4, and ; '13,• of two certa in two-feet-six-itches-wide alleys ; oneef 1 said alloys running parallel with the said Lewis street, in I • the rear of the said four premises,• and the other of tite said alleys at right a iigleit with and 'opening into -the said ; Lewis street, between these premises and the spremises , hereinbefore described its Nu. 4.,, [Being the :guns pre‘ iniseS . whichl..uke W.._ Duffel I, by indentere dated the so -1 lid any of May,A. D. nit, and receded in the office for I . recording deeds, &c., iu and for the eity of Philadelphia. ; Lin Deed Book A. D. 13. No. 106, a ge' n lb, &c., granted and ; conveyed unto the sai d Sanltli.,l MCC. Fester in fee; under : and subject nevertheless no' the PeYment of. It ooritki a l yearly ground rent or snm of twenty-four did tart on the, first days of the months of January and July iu every . r. Tear thereafter tbrever.3 ', - . : - •' • i • • No. G. All that certain lot or piece a ground; adjiiining I prt mises Ni'. 5 . 011 the east, with the [ we-story • brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the - north site of Lewis (now Sylvesteastreet, iu the Fir:it ; Vat rd of 0 e city of Philadelphia, ati the': distance of one hundred and four feet three ticker eastward from the I. Oust side of Seventh street, cent:lining in front or breadth 1 on the said Lewis thirteen feet four and - a half :Inches, anal extending in lengt it.or:denth.nurth ward of , -that width, fifty feet': ' Mgether with 'the free use and. privilege, hi etnainou witit,prentise4 hereitthefore dej - scribed as NuS. 3,4, and 6, oh two certain two-feet-six inclice-wide OW of the said alleys _running papillel With the said Lewis . street, bilk. rent,of the Bird four. premises. and the other of the sold' alters being at right angles with and one Onto the nail Lewis : stmt. between die prOuised hereinbefore Ilescrib cil :ns Nos. 4 and S. Ming the same•preiniseA which Luke W. 'wren. by.indeiitnre tinted the seeeud day of Ably, A. D.16543. - and reeordedlit the oldie for recording deeds, ire.. in and for the city of Philadelphia,: In Deed Book A. B. 8., Nu. ]OE; tinge 210, 110., grunted 'and con veyed onto tite saidlAtionel MK% Poster: in he: under subject nevertheless to the ratyntent of a certain yearly ground rent or sum of twenty-four doilnrs.ou the lirt days of the months of ;January and July to .every :,•egr" thereafter forever.) • • ' = , ' Seized end taken in execution as the property el -4 49,01ne1'. M. Pesten:oo to bo sold • ' • , JOHN Tll.o3lPS.osVSlfirlif.- SHIERIEPPS SALES. _ . Philtidelph Sheriff's Onice. December 8. .'• - CD. WI; D. Vial Debt, $.1..170. Edummig. MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Hon. John Sadvralader, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best,bidder, for cash, at Michener's Store, No. 142 North FRONT bireet, on MONDA.I, JanuaKY 12th. 1263, the cargo of the steamer CAROLINE, consisting or sta tionery, spool cotton. muslin, prints, shoes; cal ['skins, buttons, niiisket9, cigars, shoe throads, drugs; medicines, • cavalry swords, shol.powder, percussion caps, castile soap, coffee, starch, 1 1 15Pper, brooms, and a variety of other articles. For particulars sec catalogues, which may be obtained five days prior to the sal e. WILLIAM MILLWARD, United States. Marshal E. D. of Ps.. • Philadelphia, December 26,1(962. de27-6t .A_RSHA_L'S SALE:-BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Honorable John. Cadviala der,• Judge of the District Court of the United States. is and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the hi heed and best bidder, for cash, at the steam Ship . Witati, above Vine street, on MONDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1863, at 12 o'clock, M., the Steamer CAROLINE, her Jackie, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at said 'Wharf. The ship is an iron vessel of 678 4846 tons bur 'then. W (ILIA M MILLWARD. United. Pa. Philadelphia. Dec. 18.1862. • d01.9-10t, LEGAL. TN THE .COURT OF COMMON •-°.''PLEAS FOR THE OITE,ANR_COUNTY OF PIMA DELPRIA: Assignee Estate of the QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY.' The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the first account SETH H. BUTLER, assignee for the benefit of creditors of the Quaker City Insurance Com pany, and to make distribution of the balance, will meet all parties interested for the purpose of his appointment, on TUESDAY; December a1th,.1862, at 4 o'clock, P. M. at him office, No. 109 North SIXTH street, above Arch, in the city of Philadelphia.. delft-fmwst TN• THE DISThIOT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY O F PHILADELPHIA. THE MUTUAL ASSURANCE COMPANY vs. CHRIS TI AN A. DANNAKER. Levert Facies,. of September Term, 1562. No. 61. • The auditor appointed by the Court to report distribm. lion of the fund raised by the sale under this writ, of the following described real estate, to wit: All that certain four-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the east side of Delaware Third street, beginning at the distance of about two hundred and forty feet one inch and a half north ward from the north side of Sassafras street; in the city of Philadelphia, containing front or breadth on the said Third street seventeen feet, a lid 'in length or depth east ward seventy feet. Bounded northward, eastward, and southward by other ground of the said Christian A. Dan , maker, and westward by Third street.afomaid, Varhich said Hot or piece of ground above described is part and Parcel of a certain larger lot of ground thirty feet front and one hundred and ninety feet deep, which Catharine Dannaker, by indenture dated the thirtieth day of No vember, Anno Domini 1561, recorded in Deed Book 'A, M. No. IS, page 642, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Christian A. Dannaker in fee, Subject nevertheless, the whole of, the said large lot, to a yearly ground rent of El even pounds ten shillings, current money of Pennsylva nia, papable unto John Shallcross, his heirs, and assigns, forever,) will attend to the duties of his appointment on TUESDAY, December .20 1862, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his Office, No. 220 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, when and where all persons. interested in said fund are required to present their claims, .or be debarred from earning in upon the same. JAMES W. PAUL, Auditor. ' . Philadelphia, December 16, 1562. del7-10t* • PROPOSALS. p,,EALED PROPOSALS ARE • IN VITED until the 29th day of DECEMBER,IB62, for furnishing 'the Subsistence Department. at Washington, D. C., with 400 tons ofHAY, in bales. • • The first delivery to •be commenced on or about the 6th day of JANUARY, ISO 3, and the whole quantity put 'in Within thirty days fronf the first delivery. The Hay to be delivered at Sixth-street wharf, and to be 'weighed and inspected. • Bidders must state in their bids the price per 100 pounds at which they will furnish the Hay. Firms making bids must state the names of all the parties interested: • ' • Payments to he made in certificates of indebtedness, or such funds as Government may have for distribution. . Bids to be directed to Col. A. BECKWITH, A. D. C. and C:- S. U. S. A., Washington, D. C., and endorsed Proposals for Hay." • • • de15428 INSURANCE COMPANIES. WWWWWWWWWV,VWVWWWVW*,,,,, DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. CORPORATEID BY THE LEGISLATURE OF FENN SYLVANIA,IS3.S. OFFICE, S. E. CORNEII. THIRILAND WALNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. . MARINE INSURANCE. ON VESSELS,/ CARGO, • To all parts of the world. FREIGHT;'-. _ _ L INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River. Canal, Lake and Land Carriage, to • all parts of the union. , FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. • On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &c. ASSETS • OF THE COMPANY, NOV. 1,1802. mow United States Five per cent. Loan.... $93,000 00 fe 20,000-United States Six-per cent. Loan 20,750 00 33,000 United States Six per cent. Treasury - Notes .41,910 00 , 26,000 United • States. Seven and Three tenths per cet. Treasury Notes.• • 518,N0 00 100,000 State of Penna. Five per cent. Loan.. .96330 00 64,000 do. do. Six do. do • • 67,130 00 123,050 Phila. City Six-per cent. Loan• 120,083 00 • 30,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent. Loan .. 12.000 00 20,003 Pennsylvania Railroad Ist Mortgage Six per cent. Bonds 22,800 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad 2d Mortgage Six per cent. Bonds 63,375 00 6,000 Penna. R. R. Co. 100 Shares Stock 6,503 00 16,000 Germantown Gas Co., 300 Shares Stock, Principal and Interest gua rantied by the City of Piffle .. • 15,600 00 113,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply • • • - -secured 113.703 00 ' • $688,750 Par: . • Cost $6.749 62. Mkt. val. $533.178 00 Real Estate 61,363 3.5 Bills Receivable for Insurances made 91,212 68 Balances due at Agencies—Premiums on Ma rine Policies, accrued Interest, and other debts due the Company - 36,911 55 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurande and other Companies, $10,803, estimated value 9,618 00 Cash on deposit with United States Government, subject to ten days call $BO,OOO 00 Cash on deposit—in Bs nks 28,727 94 Cash in Drawer DIRECTORS. Charles Robert Burton,. Samuel E. Stokes, Thomas C, Hand, John C. Davis, Edmund A. Sonde!, Theophilus,Paulding, John R. Penrose, James Traqualr, William Eyre, Jr., James C: William OiLud wig, Jose _ph U. Seal, Dr. R. M. Huston, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, A. B. B,errip) JOHN HENRY LYLBITRN, Score Fir,g, INSURANCE BY THE RELIANCE WSUR.ANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OR PERPETUAL, MER CHANDISE, FURNITURE, &c., IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. OFFICE NO. 308 WALNUT STREET. CASH CAPITAL 8218,000--ASSETS 5330,17510. . Invested in the following Securities, viz: First Mortgage on City Property, worth double , • the amount $171,1 00'00 Pennsylvania Railroad' Company's 6 per cent. Ist Mortgage Bonds 5,000 'to , . Do. do. 2d do (tAA0,000) 29,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent. Bonds.. 4,660 00 Ground rent, well secured 2,000 00 Collateral Loan, well secured...... :.. 2,500 00 City Of Philadolphla, 6 per cent. Loan . 45,0:10 00 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, *3,000,000 6 per cent. Loan 5,039.00 I:hilted States 7.:540 per cenL-Loan* ' " ' 10,000 CO Allegheny county 6 per cent. Penn. R. Loan.... 10,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company's 6per cent. Loan (*5,800)• • —, 4,710 00 Camden and Atnbciy Rallroid Company's 6per cent. Loan C 95,000) 4, 800 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Company's Stock 4,000 00 Reliance Insurance Company's Stock ' 3,850 00 Commercial Bank Stock 5,135 p) Mechanics' Bank Stock 2,812 50 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock • • Delaware M. S. Insurance Company's Stock Rnion.M. Insurance Company's Scrip Bills Receivable Accrued Interest Cash in bank and on hand Losses promptly adjusted D.I.REP" T .nd paid. ORS. Clem Tingley, • . Samuel Bispham, William R Thompson, • Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, , William Musser, • William Stevenson, : • Benj. W. Tingley, John R. Worrell. ' 'i. • Marshall Hill, . H. L. Carson, "• . . 'J. 'Johnsen Brown, Robert. Toland, - ' ' '.Charles Loland, .0, I:olioseizarten, 't .. .Jaiiob T.l3llUting, Charles S. Wood, • .Smlthllowen, James S. Woodward, '`. - :John Blwll, Pittsburg. CLEM TINGLEY, President. B. M. HINCIIMAN, Secretary. ' .iyll-ff AM 'RICAN FIRE „INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. • CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Ph ladelphia. ' Racing a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in sound and available Securities, continues to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels In port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. Thomas R. Marls, James R. Campbell, John Welsh. Edmund G. Dutilh, - Samuel C.,Morton, _ Charles W. PoultneY, Patrick Brady Israel Morris. John T. Lewis, TFIO , lAS R. •MARIS, President. ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD. Secretary. featf • INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—:OFFICE Noe. 4 and 51 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WALNUT Street, between DOCK and THIRD Streets, Philadelphia. INCORPORATED in 1793—CHARTER PERRPETUAL A CAPITL $200,0e0. .... . _ . PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY, PRBRCARY 1,1582, /URINE, FIRE, AN l Mll l ikt TRANSPORTATION NSURANCE. '.: DIBC . BTORS', k : Henry D. ShorrCrd, Tobias Wagner, Charles Macalester, Thomas B. Walton, William S. Smith, . Henry G. Freeman, William R. White, . Charles S. Lewis, George li. Stuart, • George C. Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr., . Edward C. Knight, John B. Austin, HENRY I WiLLTAN HARPER, Secreta ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PANY.—Anthorized Capital Coo,coo—CHARTSIt PERPETUAL. • • . ! : _ .. • Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss .or damage by Fire y , on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gen+ . . . Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. William Esher, Davis - Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Seiger, Lewis Audenried, J. E. Baum, John R. Blackiscon, Wm. F. Dean, Joseph Maxfield, John Ketcham. WILLIAM ESHER. President. WM. F. DEAN, Vice President. W. M. SMITH. Secretary. • • • - ara-tf. THE ENTERPRISE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE INPURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. • F. Ratchford Starr, itordecai•L:Dawsori, William McKee, 'George H. Stuart. Haßiro Frazier, John 11. Brown, John M. Atwood, • B. A. Fahuestook, Benj. T. Tredick, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, J. L. Erringer. F. RATCHFORD STARR, President. CHARLES W. COXB, Secretary. fel6 FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUS.I v ELY. -a- —The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. Incorpol l ted ISM. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No: 510 WALNU Street , opposite Independence Spare. ThisCOMpany,' vorably known to the community for thirty,eix'vars. continues to insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise .generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is Invested in the most careful manner, which enables ;ham 'to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, • Thomas Robins, Qrtintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, _ Thomasvereux William blontelius, Smith Isaac Hazlehurst JoNATHA WILLIAM G. CROWELL, Se, .F,RENcH musT A R D.—P URREY BIARNEB Imported Mustard, for sale In store and to arrive, by the ewe egenk_. • c uARLES S. CikiiiirrAlkr.3. ; Straid. MARSEILLES . 4:I4SITLE SOAF':--100 AJA- Bolus choice Castile soap for RIEIODFS 6 WILLIANE. kio. 107 South WATER Street. dell So 74 169,008 68 $976,212 16 Henry Sloan, Edward Darlingt on, 11. Jonas Brooke, Spencer Mcllvaine, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple, Pittsburg . D. T. Morgan, , Pittsburg. )SEAS C. HAND, President. C. DAVIS, Vice President. tarp. 1,05() 700 00 380 00 1,00184 5,504 81 7,010 95 $330,176 10 . 6itElll3'ER3l O , Presidont. ry. noIS-tf PATTERSON. President. retaey. apil RAILROAD LINES. _1862. 1862. - - ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW. YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA. - AND TRENTON RAILROAD . COMPANY'S LINES_, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO i NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. • PROM WSLNITT-BDREET WEARY AND KISNAINGTOS =Mr. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS — VIZ:,, PARS. At BA. M.. via Camden and Amboy. •C. and A. Ac comm °dation . $2 VI At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) Ac commodation 229 Atli A. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, Morning Mall $ OD At nA. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, West ern Express 3 00 At 12% P. 81., via Camden and Ainboy Accommoda tion 2 ZS At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex press 3 00 At 4P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Express 3 00 At 4P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Class Ticket. 2 'A At 6% P. M.. via Kensington and JerSey City, Eve ning Mail 300 At 12, A. M., via Kensington arid Jersey City, South . ern ail 3 M OO At 6P. M., via Camden And Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticitet.... 2 26• Do. do. 2d Class' do.. ... . . 160 The 12% A. M. Southern Mail runs daily: all others Sundays excepted. For Water Gap, S tron dent r g Scranton, Wilkesharre, Montrose, Great Bend, Binghamton, Syracuse, &c., at 6 A. 61. from Walnut-street Wharf, via Delaware, Lacka wanna, and Western Railroad. For Manch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, [Lambertville, Flemington, &c., at 6 A. M. from Walnut-street Wharf, and 3 P. Af_ from Kensington De 'Pet (the 6A. M. Line connects with train leaving Easton for Blanch Chunk at 3.20 P. M. For Mount Holly at 6A.M. 2 and P. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. rd. WAY LINES. . For Bristol, Trenton. &c., at d and 11 A. M. 3 5 and 6.30 P. M. from Kensington. For Bristol and intermediate stations at, 11% A. Bf.. from Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Riverton. Delance, Beverly, BurHeidi:M. Florence, Bordentown, &c.,at 12%, 1. 4%, and 6 P. M. AV. For New York and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above. Walnut. half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger.. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as Dag' gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for (87013. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 'WO, except by special contract. d 022 VTAi. H. GATZ:VIEE, Agent. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA. WILL LEAVE, FROX FOOT - OF CORTLANDT STREET, At 10 A. IL, and 1.2 If., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 A. M., and 4,6, and 11P. M. via Jersey City and Ken sington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. and 2T. M., via Amboy nod Camden. From Pier No. 1 North river, at 1 and 6P. M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD TEE GREAT DOUBLE-TRAM ROUTE 1862. ti=_: r 1863. THE CAPACITY OF THE ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. -THE GREAT SHORT LINE TO THE WEST. Facilities for the transportation of passengers to and from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul. Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all other towns in the:West, Northwest, and Southwest. are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Sleeping and smoking Call on all the trains. THE EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Line Sundays excepted. Mail Train leavxs Philadelphia at 800'A. BC Fast Une • 11.30 A. M. Through Express leaves Philadelphia at .10.45 P. M. Parkesburg Train • " . . . 12.30 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Phila. at.... 2.30 P. M. Lancaster Accommodation " 4.00 P. M. West Chester passengers will take the trains leaving at 8 A. M., at 1130 and 4 P. M. Passengers for Sunbury,'Vi'llliamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, &c., take the trains leaving at 6 A. M. and 10.46 P: M.. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, S. E. crimes of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. By this.ronte freights of all•descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio. Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin , lowa, or Mis souri, by raNroad direct, or to any port on the navigable rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the West. by , the Pennsylvania Railroad, are, at all times, as favo rable as oharged by other Railroad Companies. Mer chants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Compaty can rely with confidence on its speedy transit.. For freight contracts or shinning directions apply to or address the Agents of the Company , : - • r S. B. KINGSTON, Ja., Philadelphia. D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKE & CO., Chicago, LEECH & Co., No. 1 Astor House, or No. 1 South Wil liam street, New York. LEECH & Co., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. K MAORAW & OONS, No. 80 North street, Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON; General Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT, General Ticket Agent, Phila. ENOCH LEWIS,'Gen'l Snp't, Altoona. iyl-tf GERMANTOWN, AND NORRIS-, TOWN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, October 20, 1862, until fuz:ther notice. FOR GERMANTOWN Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8,9, 10, 11,12.' . A. 31.,1, 2. 3.10, 4. 6. 6%, 6,7, 8. 9%, 10g, ILX. P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7.35,.8, 8%. 9%, 10%, 11% A. M.. 1,2, 3. 4, 6. 6,10, 7, 1.10. 8, 9. 10.10. 11 P. At: ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9.10 A, M., 2,7,103 1 P. AL Leave Germantown. 8.10 A. M.. 1, 6, 9 1 FP. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAIL OAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10. ]2 A. M.. 2, 4. 5, 6,8 and 10% Le i : e N Chestnut Hill, 7.10, 7.35,9 10 11 10 A. 31 L4o,* 3 40 3.40, SX. 0,4, 7.40, and 9.6 i P. " ON SUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia. 9.1 D A. M., 2,7, P. M. Leave Chestnut FEW, 7.50 A. Af.,12.40, 5.40 and 9.10 P. if. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 8, 9.115, 11.116 A. M., 1%, 9,4%. 6.05. 8.05, 1A P. M. ' Leave - Norristown. 6,7, 7.50, 9, 11 A. M., 13(, 4X, and 6 P. M. ON SUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. K. and 2.3‘ P. M Leave Norristown. 7g A. M.. and 5 F. M. - FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia, 6. 9.Cei, ILCiS A. M.. 134. 3,4 X, 6.C6', 8.05, and 11X P. hi. 6.14 P. M Leave P.M. Bananuak, 6%. 734, 8 . 20. 9%, 11% A. M., 2,5, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 234 and 6X P. M. Leave Manayank, 7% A. M., 5X and 8 P. M. H. K. SMITH. Geiteral Superintendent. oeIS-tf . Depot NINTH and GREEN Streets. riF-,u.;.,;; , :u4g4 NORTH PENNSYL. • • ARIA RAILROAD=—For BETH LEHEM, IIOYLESTOWN t MAUCH CHUNK; HAZLE TON, EASTON, WILLIAMSPORT, &c. WIN-TER ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after Monday, Nov. 17th, 1862, Passenger Trains Will leave the new Depot, THIRD Street, above Thomp son street, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows : At 7 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, &c. • The 7 A.M. Train makes close connection with the Lo high Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the. shortest and most desirable route to all points in the Lehigh Coal region. . At 3.15 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, &c, This Train reaches Easton at 6.40 P M., and makes close connection with the New Jersey Central for New York. At 5.15 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. For Doylestown at 9.15 A. M. and 4.15 P. SL For Fort Washington at 6.15 P. M. White cars of the Second and Third-streets line City Passenger Cars run directly to the new Depot. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA- Leave Bethlehem at 7 2.30 A.M. t and6 ; lo P. M. Leave flOyiesiciveti at 6.30 A. M. and 3.40 P. Id. Leave Fort Washington at 6.40 A. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 10 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M. and 2 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem $1.50 Fare to Easton L5O Fare to - blanch Chunk 9 60 Through tickets most be procured at the Ticket Offices, at ;THIRD Street or BEERS Street, in order tosecnre the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (eicept Sunday Trains) connect at Berke street with Fifth and Sixth-streets Passenger Railroad, five minutes atter leaving Third street. nol7 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. WEST CHESTER -AND PHILAJ)ELPHIA. RAIL ROAD. - • WINTER etRIIIGIA.IIENT. - . On and after MONDAY, ,Dec. 8th,1562„ the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the depot, N. B. corner of EIGHTEENTH and MA.RKEr Streets, at 8.30 A. M., and 2, 4, and 6.45, P. and will leave the corner of THIRTY MIST and MARKET Streets West Philadelphia, seven teen minutes after the starting time from Eighteenth and Market streets. ON SUNDAYS, • Leave PHILADELPTITA at S A.lll. and 2 P. M. . - . Leave WEST CHESTER at 9 A M. and 4P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at S A: M. and 4P. M. connect at Pennelton with trains on the Philadelphia and -Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, dm: . II WOOD, deg -ti Superintendent. WEST CHESTER RAILROAD TRAINS. -Via the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. LEAVE TAR DEPOT, %. ' Corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, Firat Train at . S.OO A. M. . . Second Train at -.-. "'' ' ' " 12.35 P. M. Third Train al.f . L ._ -- . , __ 4.00 P. M. Lp4v_4 mwn , CHESTER, At 7.00 and 11)1IX.Si„ Freight delivered at the Freight Station corner Thir teenth and Market streets, before 12 o'cloc ' k, noon, will be delivered at West Chester at 2.3.5 P. M. For tickets and further information, apply to 'JAMES COWDEN, Passenger Agent. jy‘M-tf LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Ticket Agent. PHILADELPIII.A. AND ELMIRA R. R. LINE. 1862 WINTER „ARRANGEMENT. 1/362 For WILLIAMSPOR'I' SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all Points iu the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leave De pot of Phila. and Reading R. it., coy. Broad and Cal lowhill streets, at 8.15 A. M., and 3.30 P. M. daily, except Sundays. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to Points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New Yorkv&c., &c. - Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Nia gara Falls; or intermediate points. Through- -Express Freight Train for all points above, leaves dailyat6 For further information apply to - • - • Jo S. HELLES, GeneralAgind, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL, and N. W. corner SIXTH and CIIESTIM Street .. • ja3l-tf REOPENING OF THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.—This road, being fully REPAIRED and effectually GUARDED, is now open for the transpor tation of_passengers and freight to all points in the GREAT WEST. ' For through tickets and all other information apply at•the Company's OtTLce, corner of BROAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. S. M. FELTON Presjilent P. W. and B: R. R. Goo EXPRESS COMPANIES.. COTAEPHABNY' . Office . 3 g 2 4E H s R T E N % T S Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Merchandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or in conn%c tion with other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities in the United States. fel9 E. S. SANDFORD, General Superintendent. TO THE DISEASED OF ALL CLASSES.—AII acute and chronic diseases cured, by special guarantee, at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, when desired, and. in case of a fail ure. no charge is made. Prof. C. H. BOLLES, the founder of this new practice, has associated with him Dr. M. GALLO WAY.. A - pamphlet containing a multitude of cer tificates of those cured ; also, letters and compli mentary resolutions from medical men and others, will be given to any person free. N. B.—Medical men and others, who desire a knowledge of my discovery can enter for a full course of- lectures at any time. Consultation free. DRS. BOLLES & GALLOWAY, • de9.3m . 1220 WALNUT Street. ME EVANS •it WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFI STORE, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES always on hand. • TERR A COTTA WARE. Fancy Flower Pots. Hanging Vases. Fern Vases, with Plants. Orange Pots. • Ivy Vases, with Plants. • Cassolotts Renaissance. Lava Vases Antique. Consols and Cariatadea.ll • Marble Busts and Pedestals. Brackets, all sizes. With a large assortment of other FANCY GOODS, suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, most of which are manufactured and imported for our own sales, and will nut be found at any other 'establishment. S. A. HARRISON, ' den 1010 CHESTNUT Street. COTTON -SAIL DUCK: AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions for Tenth, Awnings, Trunk, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from Ito feet wide. Tarpaulin. Bolting, Sail Twine &c. JOHN 'W. BYEEMAN & CO., 102 JONES' Alley. SAL SODA.-150 SMALL CASKS NEW CASTLE Sal Soda just received, and for sale by RHODES WATERIAS. No. 107 South Street. SHELLBARKS • AND BLACK WAL. r•-• NUTS.—A Consignment of New Shellbarks and Wet , nuts, of prime qaality, for sale UT .RNOESS Si WILLIAMS. No. 107 South WATER Street. AUCTION SALES. JOHN . & CO., AUCTION . 232 and 234. MARKET Street, LARGE PEREbIPTORY SALE OF FRENCH, Irma, G ERMA IV AND BRITISH 'DRY GOODS, &c. • THIS MORNING, December 21, at lo o'clock. will be sold by catalogue, on four months' credil, about 7150 PACKAGES AND LOTS of French. India. German, and British dry goods, &c., embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles in silk, worsted, woolen, linen, and cotton fabrics. N. B,—Samples of the same will be arranged for ear smination, with catalog Des, early on the morning . of the sale, when dealers will Cud it to their interest to attend. FURS, FURS. Included in our 6810 THIS AFTERNOON • - - . December 29, will be f, rind A valuable nosortment of fashionable fnne., in sable, ma.; tin, fitc'n, squirrel,. and mink, in pieces and setts. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF_EOOTS, SHOES, &o ON TUESDAY MORNING, December 30, at 10 o'clock, will be sold without reserve. On 4 months' credit— About 1,000 pactages boots, shoes, brogans. cavalry boots, &c.. embracing a general assortment of prime goods, of City and Eastern manufacture. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO., No. 429 MARKET STREET SALE OF IMPORTED DRY GOODS. ON FRIDAY SIORICING, January 2, at IS o'clock, will be sold by catalogue. on 4 months credit -400 lots of fancy and s•tarle dry goods. pTLI_P FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 525 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Streets. SALE OF 1,000 CAS/ S, BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, itc. THIS MORNING, December 20th, at 10 o'clock, specially will be sold by catalogue: 1,000 cases men's, boys' and youths' calf, kip, grain and thick boots, calf, kip brogans, balm otnls, d:c. ; women's, misses', and childe' calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeld boots and shoes. Open for examination, with catalogue, early on the morning of sale. • MEDICAL. T A . R T S. EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT. . . %Is valuable and popular Medicine has universally re. ceived the most favorable recommendations of the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the public as the most EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE SALINE' APERIENT. It may be used with the best effect in Bilious and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affections ,G ravel, Piles, AND ALL COMPLAINTS WHERE A GENTLE AND COOL INRGEQU APERIENT OR PURGA TIVE IS IRED. It is particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents in Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids. and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will find it a valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully put np in bottles to keep In any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it to produce a de lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily increasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable charac ter, andicommend it to the favorable notice of an intelli gent public. Manufactured only by TARRANT?ee CO., No. 275 GREENWICH Street, corner of Warren at„ NEW YORK, And for sale by Druggists generally. YER'S SARSAPARILLA IS A CON A centrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote for diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. Such a remedy is surely wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of im mense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. Flow completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found in the following complaints: SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, ERUPTIONS AND ERUPTIVE DISEASES, ULCERS, PIMPLF"..% BLOTCHES, TUMORS, SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AND SY PHILITIC AFFECTIONS, MERCURIAL. DISEASE, DROPSY,NEURALGIA OR TIC DOLOREIIX, DEBILITY, DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION, ERYSIPELAS, HOSE OR ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. This compound will be found a great promoter of health when taken in •the spring to expel the foul hu mors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the timely expulsion of' them many rankling disor ders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and Ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions. if not as sisted to do this through the natural channels of the. body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitia ted blood whenever you Bud its impurities bursting through the Akin in pimples, eruptions. or sores; cleanse it when you find it is obstructed and sldggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. 'Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy :better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well : but with the pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something mast go .wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. . . During late Years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsa parilla for one dollar. Most Or these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little , if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Renee, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself isjustly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and client. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. Aud we think we have ..Tound for believing it has virtues which are irre sistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended to cure. . Prepared by Du... 1. C. AYER & CO. Lowell, Massa chusetts. Price $l. per bottle; Six Bottles M. one pack age, do. Sold by J. M. MARIS & CO., at wholesale, and by FREDERICK BROWN.. delOwfm2m 'HEALING POWERS OF ELECTRI CITY DEMONSTRATED ON OVER POUR THOU SAND INVALIDS, AT IVA WAkNUT STREET, PHI LADELPHIA. 'The object of the following certificates is to show that curds at 3....n0 WALNUT Street are permanent and re liable. The first cure was performed nearly three years ago, the second was performed nearly one year ago, the third about one year, end -hundreds more of like cases Might be shown. - • READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY: About twelve months ago .1 had a severe attack of Diabetes, attended with other difficulties too numerous to mention. My desire for drink was constant, and al though I drank gallons per day, soy thirst was never allayed; I was only able to sleep at short intervals, which seemed like a trance. The mucous surface of my mouth and - throat had become so . parched and feverish, that I was in constant misery. I was also suffering from all the horrors of Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, Nau sea; and frequent and severe attacks of vomiting; and so prostrated was my general system, that was scarcely 'able to move about. I had availed myself of the science and skill of distinguished medical men, both of the Allo pathic and Homeopathic school, and exhausted their 'catalogue of remedies, but found only temporary relief. lu this condition, when every ray of hope seemed para lyzed ,1 beard Of the discovery of Professor Bolles in the use Of Electricity, and the wonders he was performing . in curing disease, add placed myself under his treatment ; and, to the astonishment of myself and friends, in two operations my 'Diabetes was controlled, and other diffi culties soon disappeared ; my appetite has returned, sleep undisturbed, and, in fact, I feel like one made anew. I would further state that I have seen other remark able cures perfOrmed by Prof. Bolles, and would advise the diseased to call at 1220 Walnut street, and be restored to health. 1 shall be glad to give any one information eallingen me. THOMAS FIARROP, Rose Mill, West Philadelphia. Philadelphia, May Ist, 1860. Bead the following from a preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church, No. lffiSS Helmuth street, Philadel phia: In attempting a definition of my disease,•l can only. give some of the many symptoms which, taken altoge ther, were the most horrid ; and even medical men did not know my disease from pa thorogical symptoms' How ever, Professor C. H. Bolles, by whom I was cured. lo cated my disease in the pelvic viscera, in lice minutes after I entered his office, and offered to warrant a perfect cure in eight applications. And I frankly admit that in eight applications of Electricity, administered by Pro fessor Bonus lin D Walnut street, Philadelphia, I am perfectly cure d ; and to me this is most astonishing. for I had exhausted the catalogue of old-school remedies, and grew worse all the time. I had long believed that in Electricity resided a potent agent for the cure of disease, if a right application could be made; and now I can comprehemt•from its powerful effects on me, for a speed} cure, although no shocks were given. All was pleasant, and accomplished as if by magic. I will give most of my symptoms, for the benefit of suffering humanity. I bad dyspepsia, bad marssinus, or wasting of the tissues of the whole', body; at times a difficulty of breathing, some palpitation of the heart, much bronchitis, trembling of the limbs alter exercise, aversion to business and company; at times gloomy, ina bility to collect my thoughts vigorously on any subject, a loss of memory, pain in various parts of the body; suf fered much from lumbago, deranged secretions of the kidneys and - other glands of the system, constant drag ging pains in the lumbar region, and severe nervous diz ziness. . I believe It is my duty, as a lover of humanity, to re commend this discovery . of Professor BOLLES to !the athlete(' of all classes. There - seems to be no guesswork, no confusion no matter of doubt in his treatment. He fixed proceeds on principles, and according to fixed laws, which seem to me infallible and harmonions. He war rants, by special contract., the most obstinate, chronii and acute cases, and charges nothing, if he fails. I ad vise all of the diseased to try his treatment. EDWARD T. EVANS, Preacher in M. E. Church, 1633 HELMUTH Street, Philadelphia. ANO'lligat CURE OF PARALYSIS OF THE LOWER LIMBS (Paraplegia) AND APOPLEXY COMBINED. Read the following: PHILADELPHIA, March 61.1. PROFESSOR BOLLER, MI Walnut street: The remarka ble cure which I have derived from your method of ap plying Electricity compels me to thus acknowledge the great obligations I am under to you for snatching me, as it were, from immediate death. About two years ago, while a resident of Cincinnati, Ohio, I was visited with an attack of paralysis of the lower extremities, which rendered me almost entirely unable to stand upon my limbs. I employed some of the most celebrated physi cians to be found in that section, but received no appa rent benefit, and after a lapse of about eighteen months was taken with a spasm, which one of my physicians pronounced a fit of apoplexy. Two weeks elapsed from that time before I became the least conscious of anything that had transpired, nor could I concentrate my mind or converse upon any subject without becoming very vi sionary and excited, until I placed myself under your valuable treatment. After my arrival in Philadelphia my attention was called to your treatment by a pamphlet banded me by my father, which contained.the names of sonic gentlemen whom bad been. formerly acquainted with, and whose statements I could rely upon. I imme diately made up my mind to place myself under your treatment. I have now been the recipient of four treat ments, and I now feel perfectly satisfied that I am re stored to a. sound Condition, and thefore feel it my duty to gratefully acknowledge the benefits which I have re.- ceived through.your treatment. • Very jespectfully yours, &c., WILLIA3I H. SHAIN, Publisher of the Notional Merchant, office 126 South SECOND Street, Philadelphia. N. 33:—Tt Will be well for-the diseased to recopeat that Prot E. has given a word of caution in his pamphlet to , &nerd them against trusting their health in the hands of those in this city claiming to treat diseases according to his discovery. This caution may seem severe on those using Electricity at heard, but it is the severity of truth, and designed for the good of humanity. See advertise ment in another column. Oonauftation Free. - . PROF. C. H. BOLLES. 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. SPERMATORRHCEA CAN BE CURED. "•-' —DR. NAND% SPECIFIC canal bermatortheos. Seminal Weakness, ImpoteneT, Loss of Power, Am, speedily and effectually. A trial Of the SPECIFIC will convince the most skeptical of its merits. Price :$1 a box. Sent, post-paid, to any address by S. C. UPHAM, No. 403 CIIESTION Street. Descriptive Circulars sent free. . ' nollt•tdetir COAL: COAL.—THE UNDERSIGNED BEG leave. to inform their friends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on the Delaware to their . Yard, Northwest corner of EIGHTH and W ILLOW Streets, where they Intend to keep the best quality of LEHIGH COAL, from the most approved mines, at the lowest prices. Your patronage is respectfully. solicited. ,TOS. WALTON & CO., Office 11.2 South SECOND Street. Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. • CKERE L, HERRING, SHAD, &c., &c. 2400 Ws Mass. Nos. 1,3, and 8 Mackerel, late-caught cat deli. in assorted packages. 2,000 Bbls. New Eastport, Fortnne Bay. and Halifax Herring. 2,500 Boxes Lubec, Scaled, and. No. 1 Herring. 160 Bbls. new Mess Shad. 260 Boxes Herkimer County Cheese, &c. • In store and for sale by MURPHY & KOONS,_ Jal4-tf No. 1443 North WILS.B. 66 T :1701FER" OIL WORKS. -a-A 100 bbls. "Lucifer" Burning Oil on hand: We guarantee the Oil to be non-explosive, to burn all. the oil in the lamp with a steady. brilliant flame, with out crusting the wick, and but slowly. Barrels lined with glass enamel. WRIGHT, SMITH, & PEARSALL, • fe2l-tf. - Office. 515 hilatllßT Street. CHAMPAGNE. -GOLD LAC Y CRAM d , sale PAGNE, a -11nrta " C pints HAßLES for S. CARSTAIRS. oe2o Sole Areut. No. 126 WALNUT Street— IQITEITRS.-50 CASES ASSORTED LIQUEURS, just received per ship Vandal's, from Bordeaux, and for sal J by AURETCHE & LAVERGNE. eati 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. AlMinim 3 -it-p- MTHOMAS • !fo e , 139 aad 141. South So Prnerb, STOCKS ANO REAL RiZATE—Try„ nyuphletcatalkignex 11.11 V r..a4r "At tionfi of ail the properiy 4'll';?i, SOthinbi., Wi th 2 liSt et' Jamtary compriiiing a Varimy trt • {111,7414:1 ruBLIc SALES OF STOCK,: Az on TugsDAY, in 4, I) now re; i dy; catalog ftP_X SNIAINIRT On TUESDAY, eth Pe; renily in iis.ii:dtitll,, Lr.t • Ou TuES.I)ATs 13th JannitiT , ready' in liautlbif s. REAL PSTAT): SA LE -. 4•41....,„. To .Cnvitalis.f,, Snildrr,.. mkt ti VIALILAI>LE LOT, 3tit r.ot front 411 s Li etrecue.. . • feet . 01l ntlitlo4 , ll bp: u ." 21 i?' Full particular- in l•ntothilln. . . ---- • - - REAL ESTATE AT Mom jot SIT' A large =aunt at Pritate:46 SAtt description of city and comittr pr,... "Itt.. l t may be had at the Auctiot Sum -.." qt. p; ........ • REAL ESTATE SALE, 4,.. Trustee's reremptory s, sat...—Tw is ... , DWELLING ~.ig _,....5 , 1 0.1, et• kopo . . m...,., T4 . .... Ninth streets.. side a ihollite ' Peremptory Sale.-i TWO firi j i t y ~, L INGE, State street, between Perr i ,* " P lft Wharton and Revd street:, list w 1441. 4 a.i t. LARGE LOT. Bath street, (.1.,, p , 0 well Street, 'late district of Rieinnokkjk three fronts. LARGE LOT, BRICK DW RIAINC, rs and 2 LOTS OF GROUND, X. W,t,,;,:1t, avenue and Dickerson street. 1ad,i.,44.4, THREE STORY BRICK IMF:A.111 t inson street. multi of p0p1iir..41n,t . ,, L . 0. , NEAT TWO STORY RitiCK irreiptl B r ag avenue, not 'R IC E illant. in , inst . ..; — % TWO STORY COTTAGE . s u • s kte sintra venue ? south of Wharton stm i : j brick dwell= in the rear, Sale for Account lh+it 14 BOX LUMBEit, LATHs, TuEsi)Av Ate o'clock, noon, at . , abovSbackamaxon, 'Kele melon, ih ft Mary Eliza, viz-1.749 box howling, ings, 4 each; 2.9 baud 10,, 7 la ! b„ ; 1. 4 6 ; 4. broom-handles; lot loose brot4taialk:-.14' Terme. cosh. SALE NO. 549 N. TV.STII crr-• NEAT lIOUShIIOLD Ft Ir .?..T. GRAIN CARI.Er..,. " & „." 1 : 1 1: ON WEDNESDAY Wig irs- Dcc. 31. at 10 o'clock, at N.. 4 43 s„ n , 101 V green. The wttlnnt rot:titan 8rn.,.....ft of o family declining bousekeenipx. May be examined tit S o'clock „, thj . sale. .A. 3N OAST & WAR:go er rTIONNENS, No. 213 MARKET s t 44, let LARGE RESERVE SALE OP A.111:111Qt PORTED DRY GOODS. 3111.1.11ggy .111. BROIDERI ES , dm. BT catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY Itortxfp; Dec 31st. commencing nt pt o'd, wk prising about ail/ lots or new :Ind ,i;•.irjhrr, • sent sales.. . ;T : WOLBERT, AUCTION Ito. 16 SOUTH SIXTH STIlEre Between Market bed Clasz.lo The subscriber will give Es att , gitig t ur Beate, Merchandise, Household Ftrda ire I+4 Paintings, objects of Art and Fir,te.: hir ' shall have hie personal and Ps‘not au Which he solicits the favors et hie ftlattat tati: . CARD.—Onr catalogue for WIT Ta-kw, comprises the finest as.orpnet t of par. ever offered, and to which we facile diem % chasers: RICH CHINA AND FANCY GOODS. SIM TlllB WA O RE. &c. 3 111 Ni:. December 29th. at 10 o'clock: wt street A Sa 13S1 A general acsorttnent of rich Chiva.-ilv , r r: fancy goods, superior waiterA and tray., BILLIARD TA THIS MORI, The 29th rust., at II o'clue S ls,at NG th> ' " -4 " tre, Race street, below Third. 2 billiard tables of which ha, tnxtbk cash ions.. EXTRAORDINARY WINES. BRANUM: CA SES AND DE3lt.toitxs ON TUESDAY 310ItNING; stee.The 30th instant, at 11 v'elech, ut :Vu. Inclading all the tine aid high %WK. a. been selLing for the past year, MCI theakt.. 12 lots very choice. .10i-For partiealars see catategnw,ll4,,,!l - MOSES NATHANS, Aunt AND COMMISSION MERCILINT, nor of SIXTH. and RACE StrEet4.yV FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Kt UR; AT NATHANS' LOAN OFFICE. Z., SIXTH AND RACE STREET'S PRIVATE SALE, FOR LESS Mit RI ME USUAL SELLING Fine gold linnting•case English rarest lortr; of the most approved and best makers; ifFl4., ladies fine gold bunting-rase and opal g et l e lepine watches; elegant tine geld &I:mai elled hunting case lever watches, falljewelmu enamelled lever and lepine watcligs; gne ti vest, and chatlein chains; fine good hrsrek breastpins, finger-rings, pencil co-et and medallions, charms, specks, buckle , , sleeve buttons, and jewelry or every FOWLING PIECES. 20 very superior double-hanel pieces, with bar locks and hackoettml duck guns, rifles, revolvers, &c., together a.' fancy articles, fine old violins, S:e. Gall soon, and select bargains. 31. c SHIPP/NG. alga BOSTON AND PHIL PELIA STEAMSHIP LINE. %thy pert on SATURDAYS, from second when,: a Street, Philadelphia, and Long wharf, Bzma. The steamship NORMAN, Capt. Baler. wf:1: Philadelphia for Boston. ou SATURII4.7.I.,tuo at 10 A. lit and steamer SAXON, Ova. Boston, on the SAME DAY, at 4 P. M. These new and substantial steamship fqrni line, sailing from each port punctually on Sam Insurances effected at one halt tbepremima sail Tessels. Freights tsken st fair rates. Rippers are requested to send Slip Rece!p:s Lading with their goods. For Freight or F.t.ssuge, (having tine atom: apply to HENRY WlNißig nol•5 332 South DELAWARE OM - THE BRrrisri AND AMERICAN ROYAL - VAL IzNE: BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, C AT CORK HARBOR, AND BETWEEN BOSTON AND LIVERPOOL. AT HALIFAX AND CORK BARBA AFRICA, Andersott4eaves Boston, Wedat,lty. I CHINA, Cook, leaves New York, "WisintAiay, De ARABIA, Stone, leaves Boston, Weduedsr, Der. SCOTIA, Judkins, leaves New York.Welie,l4. EUROPA, Moodie, leaves Boston. W.,le4sr.h: PERSIA, Lott, leaves New York, Welok-.14-..1/ FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage FROM BOSTON TO Lrvanor. Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage Berths not secured until paid for. Au experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will nut ba met Gold, Silver, Banton, Specie, lewela, P:Lxia or Metals, unless bills of lading aresiglud the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage, apply to Ecc • 4 BOWLING CRESS,S. IL C. and 1.0.1 103 STATE Stn-:' do, STEAM. WEEKLY TO POOL, tonal log a: 43 , semowt. boy). The Liverpool, New Yea:. sad &eau ship Company intend ere( Clyde-built Iron steamsbils Si WOW? • GL.A SCOW Sattiritay. J ETNA Sarardar..l And every succeeding Saturday at 1 4 . 2 .." 44 North River. RATES OF PASSAGE. FIRST CABIN, 'OOO ON STEERAGE. Do. to Loudon, 10.500 Do. to Lin!'2. Do. to Paris, 110 00 Ile. Do. to Hamburg, 110 00 it,el Passengers also forwarded to Rash., Stem dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low tat.-. Fares from Liverpool or Queem.t.ova: lu Cs $lOO, $1.2.5. Steerage from Liverpool,:', 4 -si. town W. Those who with to send torte ein buy tickets here at these rates. These steamers have superior secommAdatiu sengers ; are strongly built in wain-Ugh:3v. and carry Patent Fire Annihilators. ExPrlu: geons are attached to each steamer. „ - For further information, apply in LiverPe. , LIAR INMAN,' Agent, 22 Water sweat; is Y..;" ALEX. RIALCOLIII, 0 St. Enoch Square in Qar'' : C. & W. D. SEYTIOUR & Co.: to London to MACEY, 61 King William street: In ?Arista Jr.. C 0 13E, 45 Rue Notre Dame ass Victeiror.„ Bourse; 'in New York to JOHN G. DALE, Bova or at the Company's °dice. JOHN O. DALE, Agent del 111 WALNUT Street. Pktladi jadriat FOR NIINV YORK DAI-DESPATCH.AN D LINES—VIA DELAWARE .ARD EARWAX C.! Stoamers of the OW Linee.WW. leave DAI: and 6 P. M. For froP , ht, which will be taken on meor terms, apply to WM. M. BAIRD k my2l-tf 1,32 Sontb DBLAWAKS mag}=l% FOR NEW YORK.- FOR LINE. via Deis all. Pa P l. hiladelphia and New York E:cpws zicoul o party receive freight and leave dells et . 2 their cargoes in New York the followiP4 ,l4, Freights taken at reasonabte rstaA. WM. P. art!E No. 14 SOUTH WILLIIVE,. rag. JANES HANP. 11121- tf Piers H and lb EAST RIVLS MACHINERY AM/ IRON. ENN'A- WORKS, . ..• .0n the Delaware River, below Phi1:1•10101. MESTER; DELAWARE CO.. PENZ IS/31 RBI/NET, SON, it ADCIIISOO, Engineers andiron Ship Snag& • .11 . 1 1.N.UPACTITHERS OF ALL srp: CORDS SING AND NON-COICDES 3IS6 Iron Vinele of all descriptions, BOIL I 1 Wi t4 ' , -. 7 . . • Propellers, &cote- THOS. BBdRSF. , W. B. REANET. labi of Ramey, Neafte, La? Ftwcia Sasi Penn'a Works, Phila.. .3Y22-13, J. VAVOSAN MERRICIr. SOU T IMWARiTda I bE Y, FIFTH AIND wAsuisapoS .PMILADELP IIII . DIERTILICK. sop s ENGINEERS AND Manufacture High and Low Preure sesta.' land, river, and marine service. t . • i Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boa of all kinds. either iron or brass. Iron-frame Roofs for Gas Works, `Cup,. Stations. Stc. • Retorts and Gas Machinery of the law; lei I Proved construction. Every Every description of Plantation Nob , ... L ., Sugar, SAW, and Grist Mills, Vacnnzu Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Ettgi4°l 4 Sole Agents for N. Eillieux's Patent Apparatus ; Nesmyth's Patent Swam N 31 .1 1 7 14 & Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal l'a^ Machine. . ara PENN 3( STE --NA AND BOILER WORKS.E Ari- i PRACTICAL AND TUEORETICAL ENtiDer," CHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACEOI.I POUNDERS, having fo r • • lei • bla Or MAIO • 3 4 a ysib operation, and been exclusively au repairing Marine and River Engines. ttig,o2‘'' A. sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks ProPeJlebo; aMmtfully offer tbeir services ro p_repttred to contract for Engines of all sites .River, and Stationary; having sets of litfera: sizes, are prepared to-execute orders With (1,, Every description of irattern-makiug made notice. High and Low-pressure, Flae, Cylinder Boilers, of the beat Forifinga, of all sizes and kinds; 'mu of a 1 descriptions : Roll -Turning. Srew-IAL.! other work connected with the abyss lavrjo, Drawings and Specifications feral! wor 4 • gt i. establishment free of charge, and work Koat The subscribers have ample wharf pairs of boats, where they can lie in Potl e are provided with shears. blocks, alls, •• raising heavy or light weights. t• • - BEACH ljots!Culd°4,l:t?titli: MORGAN, ORR, ENGINE BUILDERS. Iron Va lii,Le Machinists and. Boiler linkers, .§treet; Thitadetabil.• CRA.NBERRIES.- - C.A .PE Jones: Cranberries for satr o hi ss k N rti,tol No. 7107 South WOO: YW YORK. STATE APP.LE:N;,.. lbs. Now York Dried .fLpßies of ehoKe Triyi ileived: and for sale by ItIi(MES. de 13 Nn. FY/Smith WAT.b_ BA LATOUR 011.i.-492 tkir olive Oil. lust revived per ibb Bordeaux. for sale bi .. 7 Attilsiv as A 1; 202 awl Sig* Sout & h E Lli• ;T REM