The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 29, 1862, Image 3
Vork Markets of Saturday. - Nov (l io :it c`.0 4 . 5.0 for Pots, stns F1w,4.w,4.41 for p ear l s . —The market es quiet and firm 'rho at $L7t Ng 1,9 for superfine State . ; $6.10 sly ; 5•.7 1 0 15 .. 9 9. Al' superfine Michigan, 1 0, I , a , ohm, &r : 1;1).144.40 tor extra de„ in -I.,,ritor hvands of round-hoop Oltio $0..70a. Maud,. do. a t *.a.3 Sig#S.23, 'l a r hettry, hut the demand. is verE „• . ! 11 " .1 ;,„; TOO Inds at Sti in®7 for superfine Bain. afio far extra de. ,;'ilear (064 good,ea, sales 450 hbla f rormiton to and . $1.40@8, for extra , wooly is quiet and firm at fi44.50@5.50 for the range ,aperftne. is firm aim moderate demand. We iki.M(7-1, lhandywhte at $4.110, and pan- ‘:" ,1110. limn, but the market Is rather quiet. The 'lO p pen bushel.; at :?1.1.1101.30 for Chicago .sprint (er waukee CI al); $1.35Q1,38 for a inhi‘r lowa, Whiter rya Wt•stern, mut iC1.440111 , 46 t'or MOW w N. 'Mire nt Lk fee Western, and 4t3@ do for 1., o BOARD OF TRADE. .c l,ol\l,ll llllTi q Dl3 }COMMITTEE OF TRR MONTH. I, •I) A, SOLIDEAS, LETTER BAGS NISTICI4ANTS' EXCHANGE, P Liv HIADELPHIA. l,loniftta, L erpool, soon r' '• Colln Oampbeli, Vigos, .Kingston, Ja, soon itakoao fb 9op PHILADELPHIA Dee. 29, 186 9 . RNA ........ 7 22-STIN SETS I . . h;II Al% 1 D f ro m Liverpool_ Oct 29th, • O'llryu it, 11 days from lialithx, with I patatorp. to Jolla Atwoo M d. "' AMI - Wl', 4 (lass feom New 1. t,',.a,11:1-t to 1111'10cl:sow torn. natio, 'Melt. 4 (lays from Proyineetown, to ( h en it KorMitt. . t .o. Suriblk, Moody, G days from Boston, with • IZ,,ss, 1 ithinilo.o IlitYB from Portland, with C141111"1:,1 lb): from Smyrna, Del, with 1, 800 lay tlz. „ Co. SIMPSIIII / 7 tint's from Port Royal, ,„ et tatoi a. S (44,Ve,days from Beaufort, in ballast Wllmon,l ila y from Millon, Del, wait 4 ,', n. I ,t i ktrk to ,liot Bit rratt S7Oll. I l i t t t . l% ! l 47 l ' l l ll l l ! g l i; V il fi lf' 11. 1 1 t i g c t: e " :1 11 1(.0, r ?:;)Il s ti Itso altrilt Paiiiind the riversehr Ulf . 1 0 r;‘,, 1 0 , - , St ,Toll ti t NB, ",' •6 Dorimitle, Bowee, ti boors from Bombay , a tow. Itnpnris passing at , nno'clock to the Bight of New Clustlii, ship Fanny for Liverpool, in tow of tug America, , - NAVAL. Th • r .100 p-o f-war Savatugn; Coin A:TayloV from tho Airtea, a vri tho navy yard on Satur mo.aanz. in! • CLEARED. ion, DTuttln Boston, FE Whetor, Nate Prima+, Lllthey, Aramtleo, Workman & co, ftio tle.Tanairo,J 3lttaon& Co, iq Houston, 'Russell, Ky e West, A -Moron, Jr, , • fn, ) Senninw, Clouruegog, SSt W Weigh. 'llirra Id, Bratll Inc, St Thottu4, A E Otttorbridge. Williomson, WI ioonore, New York, Sinoieks;on ,„ , , Am)onried, Be rtiett, Plney Point, Tfuntor, Nor- ilk Co, ;..! 1) .T 0310., Tattstil, No whorl!, do 4112n1rn Coriwlltv:, Aloxandrin, Work. ( oTti Zorb, i ii It POWPII. 61.,1 , g0 T10'1)111, 31111er, Wushingtou, Tyler, Stoue ,111 001dimrNeb d 114qorly, nerve, NV:i 4lti ngtwon , ern; o pelln% 0 re, Ashmore. . -do CO Alger, r,ntiril, Alexandria, T Webster, dr :nil I, Haw. Her. lialtimare, A 0 roves, jr, t I), A rilula Creek, copth ia. SAILED. City ter Rout,-fat SnnellP it ger, 14t Snippon-street Hino o'rlork on Sittmlln y morning, taking in tow irk Yrnire, hound to London, o.7,rrellendence or the Philndelnitia'E xeli n aire.) LEWES, Del, Dee 21 lala nagelino, for Delned, Ireland; U revenue nehhirt sehrs Leader, with wood; Clara Norton tlrarr bollllll 81), with hay, and steamer it ltewmait at anchor inside the Breakwater. Tho bre. with real for Fait iii WM!, anti the steamer. wr. IWO vitt this morning. Wind SW. Mouttor 'Arotittmk and steamer Con aeon wonted lrnt•hrrt balled With ink. for Fortress returned to the Breakwater the same day, and morning', in vonnarny with the steamer A 11 nhrsn,on brig, and about tWollty gehOOIIPTS. Wind . ;at Irma the NW. Years, Sze, HY Arm sATellondence orrho 1.1.11;111(.1phIn Exelinime.) LI:IVES, Del, Dot'. 2;,11 A M. kilorthel• ria rii ld 1, rot . Da ribndoes, n - ent to son mrning, The telegropli wires will be taken down ' yours; &c JoIIX I'. MARSILALL ff.'orrespotlenee of The Presoo 11AVIZM UE ORM% Dec 23, isfel river anti ennui ore now viosed by f ee . Th e , w yo . 'n bathr her last trip the Thl water Canal to rrhiny, the 111th f 'lst, with II bunter •Isnoster, with h; ,uudl the (leortre iII MIL with 4:the sump .18) for Ito I thoore. o tot left 1:3 loaded hontn Ism. tie Brace for Baltimore, with a very poor proi millibar that More for the present. There are inhsit fifty anil sixty light hoots laid up for the winter lhetedr(lrave. ME3foI2A N nA. F.iit rev. soiled from Liverpool previous •.t. rt.r Phi huielphiii. ;pTclapc.t, at Fraockco front Philadelphia. had la the Militate% Cupe lbw!' with mind: i•i•wowil the Eqtatt•ir in the 'Pacific Nov :Id, •11.r.iu W; then bud light trades up to '2O N; after ',Hein NW winds. wit. at lliroguitne Oth butt, ht: tiny.. ok Thomp..on, hence, arrived Wi4.l MOW'S. Wlll lit 'rrhildnd, fort Spain, 1.4, for Philndelphin, vln 'forks (shunt, In 3 (lays. linker, and Kodiak, Potenott, hence, nr :•,l Boston oth I tv.t. 1;11..11(141. Miller, hemp, nt Barinuloes 4th lust, to it " her return , O n, n 'Purl:. Island, Nathunlet Ntecemrllaskell, from Bo4ton for Now at Newport !nth Inst. .:• le.ust Wind, lush, und Leuttesn, 'tapper, hence, dot Boston •2011$ Inst. Arir. YORK. Der gitlP neorfre Waqhington, Liverpool; ship Elirm 31(4,1111011in, l'rom Newport, : ddp MICIP. front .1p twerp; ship Yorktown, from 1r0n51 , 10 ,, , from Liverpool; hark Dtte tie from St Thom 4; bark Indus, from Rio; brig T.rry. from Cadiz. • .w• two mipp,"4..41 to be the Alex Marshal, I.lverpoel, and the Seal's fantail, from lirlstel. Mt IYALS AT THE HOTELS, rr TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGIIT. Continental Hotel-- Iliirriqmrit inth and Chestnut. 11 It CsOlierwnotl, Now York Wln 1) Swnn, Boston 12 1, f:ampliell, New York M !lowland St Indy, Mst6l4 Thos Small New lark .1 11 Maxwell, Ii S N :,•••••lae•ton,st F„oo'i 1111 , 11 , ...,11..111th% 0 •••1 1 Wright M , 111 nti poli lAs ilrllll4.lltll'. $ N ).••• Parker, ii 8 N ' 7 ! • rollky, kt 1,1)04 P r )' St r!V Whi11 , )011... KY l' fi A - )4tulo, New York r • Duall. llnithuurr 1 ••11' W Ongo 11 , Id more Waslt'n & holy' Col •l . •• 11, Weelllottto,11( . .I It' (oyler, New York & Indy, N York . z • -!••r & Itoly, ' Roxbury • • Spear, Boston .- l'unlitiol r. Rrenlrn %writ Bosun' U S A a•& 111,11Intoo,N Y -•uul. New York ;.' t .•ws & 10, I tlooll NYosliiiiitton. 1)C i. k lily M I), cord i) 'sew York Mvs S A Blolow, swill 0 Blirolow, Build° Cow flrf) Melchor \V Muting, Brooklyn flu,' F. Silencer, U S A I) (I Wright, New York II envy Janney Chas II Holden A: wiro, N Y ttr Mitrenr, Towanda, It $ Wilseu, Neir York Johtt Copp. Mnsxlilon iN Drown A: wire, U S A 1 Wm S tatter. Webster, Mass jeggp !Mies jr, Maryland (loom(' W Wood, New York .tanies Welsh, :New York ' John (3 Stoat, Now York Oeo Carruthers. N York C C Tacker, Wash, F I la 11, Wig ertii w 'l' N Jllller, l'ittshntx Venwick, Cluellieati, 0 It Reynolds l'rev It I lie 111.4 !MI )* 11 II 111111(11'0r., New York 11 MI, llorrisliorg_ .1 31 Deotosiii. New JorsoY Witt C Curvlll, Kentucky :Ilerelkant 8 A buoron, ' Eno.s Delaware I) SleKei. r.x, Nowt Ito mlier I n it .1 . 1011..1,. 1)111,i !lard, Ciitiiiertli. lit 1 4 . ,)1 111 in, hnitimoro )l M I Brannan M , ir Brannon, Unit IIiir 1 1):;:. Beading •slirentinr, York, Pa S\'ilkeMl,nri. I'ennl43•lcxula street, below Arch. II (I Fisher, Huntingdon .1 Menu, Now Vork faen"W Lyon, Iluntingdu, Pa M Btl'ollLf taw U 011 more, Pen Tia ToMVIIMOII4I Ol,,'er, MarYina .1 Al MoUreiv, Wash, 1) C If Wollner, Baltimore James Jones, Baltimore Wm Cuchran, Baltimore Alexandria, Vs. 11 }Wishful', Httrrisimm Chas F. Pugh, Newport, Ps. lion P Sterrett, Pittsbng 11 Matthews, Cincinnati. 0 tit!). II L (lvtiei; 11'uottl ' m Elizabeth I, clo , tor. Y qr )filar , Wilto, 110 .'i,ll,:: v. ( : l l 7l4r.Wit, Dot • Wriao:r. FcW York mcreet, above Flab. 8 :cones, Wilru, Doi lW F Voute, Pottsville E.lsv North, .New York i; Dyer, Woodbury W 14ibo, hilmtte.ittutotts 11 Wall & lu Baltimore 8: 'Painter, bj 1), New York .1 NV Bobiumon, Boston. Bend. Mt Holly, N jorsey I soot! Stelae. Wash, D C IU H Mulony 011oolnrert„Baltimore W D %Louis liotel—Chestnut street, ab. Third. F:irren ,k hi. New York •C 11 King , Dr°°lc/ Y n . .. lie., Wiliolocton, Del A MuYor .!...0-1•N Wa.liingunt 'l' l'ayl or, WilmingtOu , D e l '.:.... 2 PittS l / 1 111.! (I R fox ter ‘' ... ;,wley , 1 / 4 fa, Dolt 'll' Nelson . H" . 1 1. 3 bini'lligi.r, Kota Mix+ g A Drown, Now York :.-.K . —Hs Pennsyi voi l i a FM To rinr, New York i ,ew ..;.o.'N York F. C (111 num.., Wllin, Doi •• q.. 0, r s N $ f. MI mum, Wilco, Del Nvw York IV I , renkl In, Connecticut • , ?bier W Itsimon, Burlington ' ~ 31aPylitii,1 ?he Volon-.Arch street, above Third. .1. Huttnnd, Vt Taylor, Whitt) linvon 3: In. 1.; Shapley New Jerney 1.1 110.4, I>lllln, • •••wall , l'lttslivug !Win McLullan, Chambersbg • sh..t.ler NM lona—Race at 1ni....n recd., above Third. ILe v I J. Tate, Columbia c..),l'a !J 'I , .Nlahals, Peaasylvaula :11 I. timid stibash, Pollan. A :I Hach, Peausylvauta David M Tice. Leb4uon CO W li Johns, Wash. D C IP C Lawn:lee°, Minergville I 4 t inhn. Pon n,yl ni.• Pennsylvania 4 Pim uswl vnula s4,b v ark, Lanni sfri• it m man, Lone co, Pit rkthun, lloylvst.iw it tr 14:aus, u Pei/ usy I vit A ‘ c . t.lll, l'1•111IN Y I VII fu Ipor. 14101'111X 11. IlhitPri Now Vork rt mum, Deluivuri reet, below Market. Traynor, Cheater co, l'a, 3t Bailin, Downingtown F Donn, Illarylitud E 13 Johnson, Elkton, Mil W 13 Lour, Huntingdon co Itornor Joslyn. IVow York t Frlgor, DoyloAtown !termite. Smyeillt, Del .es Unlnin—Sixth and Market. styeete. it..xhore' .1 S lierkstresser, Penne. cf.!) Whit. Pittsburg .1 8 fleet!, Pennsylvania. 8.11 Nunitinaker, Peatut Allegheny. Pit M ChitSePell UK. en:, Allegheny, Pit (1441 /. Plitt. 1 ittnbitra A .1 Wulf Mel, Lewistown t 6 1 ,14 .t Vernon--Seeoud street, above Arch. .111.,5m th , Now York 10 11 171 4 1 Waeth, D C A I. lk.unett„ . a lkiltimorp Ml' COMM 31 la, Now York C ll . 4lll Win Ho tm i e: s -S r teo i• Sr,,.a ‘‘ 11:Nu.r V. At;;).111lIvan• I:,p Ih•lawitn. I: ,.„ l : . ‘udit r.l Intl 314,11 r„ c l ute. oil ( 1 4 Pa. 01 ri,t IHIA ad St.. above Market. I) S i)Aler, New Jer3ey 31143 Kouitzing, Lock Haven W Fenlort, ook I Ilaveu Win Buller, LowlAtown T C Killen, Buyer, Del KT Sinai', Wilinlngton,Del t Warford, Milford. N sta • , •kenz.-Svettit I'4 14.Y.h.h, r.1.%11' .i I 51% 11 1111, TI ellt , l/ , .1 d .‘ 1112. .11" 1 1 ( 11 Pennington 4 ;A.! ! 11.itek, burg, 4 Mat, Pit ['liven tlion :1t Milford N J Il ork 14, 41. Ditetil4 4,0 il street, below Vine. I't:WIN:4, Blade, N J IA Duval, N .fer.4ey A A foyer. N Jenny II) N Fenster,.Nowtown II (i Parry, Attleboro I. Cloudy, Mantwimory I' Robbins, Pennsylvania C F Robb & son, Rockwille I) W NOT, PoniulYivitillit .1 Tyson Pennsylvania, 'l' Ely, Burks county C Magill, Bucks county ill 'l' !Ward, Atlouttc City l.f Davis. Pennsylvania In Rich, Bucks county 1.1 I! Torry & dm,Wilmitodon 1W Ilnlderoton, Penult • I {I4IOE - • led at., above Callowitill. .• 1. odunlliu tn, P.L. W Eltort, Carbon co, P 3 Penuu Be Chunk Vett A P Iluy, Jr, r;unt nu, rr : I...,t r ' i rliYl nu ltu 31 Gurgle. Dieton, .. 1 ,,, ii (4. 1 1;1 . 1 1 1 , :ill t .1 1 , (j ; I ,r ai i.v it I n r f ig v n CO I vs Whiterltultl, Maryland 1 111 1 H i , II —Third st reet, above Clallowhill. bs. 4 , • Ih r / 11-) I 4 .44 It AV %milers, Kutztown ' "Hutirit I Cleo Rickert, Pottsville . . .9 6 His friends, and those ail he familY ; also, Raxborough Lodge, No. 135, A. V. M.; the Stake Council of the. O. U. A, Id. ; Keystone Council, No. 00, of the same. Order; the noxburough Home (timid; members of his - regiment, and all other soldiers who may be in the city, aro re. sPectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the resi; thence Ma mother-in-law, Mrs: S. B..McClennanHipple's lane, a W bove ashington street, Manayank, on Tuesday, December 30th, at It o'clock, 'ro proceed to the Rex:bo rough Baptist Cemetery, : BART.-On the' morning of the-!nth inst., Mrs. Eliza Hart, relict of the late William Hart, in the 00th year of her age. , Funeral services will take place at boy late residence, No. 307 South Third street, on Tuesday next, at 3 o'clock P. M., precisely. The funeral from the same place on Wednesday, the 131st inst., at 7 o'clock A. M. To proceed to Hartsville, Thicks county. THAI - Ell-0u Sunday morning, the 28th inst., Martin Thayer, in the 73d year of Wage, 'l'llo male friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from his bite residence, So. 11P3 Girard street, on Wednesday, tho 31st inst., at 11 o'clock A. M. ** tho evening of the 27th inst., Thomas Wlstar, Jr , aged E 6, son of Thomasof Abington. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to to attend the funeral, from the house of his brother in-law, No. 2.-ti North Tenth street, on Third•day morn ing, the :slth inst., at 10 o'cloek, without farther no tice. Fauerui to proceed to 'Friends' Southwestern (3 run lid, URON MARSTIALT, Deaths and Interment: from the .1111, to t Abscess Aspluxin Apoplexy Burns and Scalds.... Cancer Fenno. • 'Stomach CasattltieA Croup Congestion of Brain.. Lung+. Conirre&gion of the Brain Ch him& Cirrhosis • Consumption, Lttugs Stomach • Convulsion , : 3Apt berth. DM ',ems Din vacua Dropsy Abdominal— " Brain " Mariam.. DiAraNC. Brain Heart " Lungs ..... ..... " Hip.— ....... Dyi , entery• Debility Erysipelas 'Under 1 year. From 1 to 2. 2 to 5. to It) 10 to I't. " 15 to 20. " 2D to 311. " 30 to 40.. WARDS. Fick Second Third. Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh. ... Eighth Ninth 'rota 1..•... Deduct denthx. trout the country Nvt ifratlis in dip city 513 Nntivity—United State , F, 143; Foreign, d 3; Unknown, 10. From the Ilmshon4e, 7; People of Color, 11; from the country, 9. The number of deaths, compared with the correspond in a . week of Mi. luta of last week. was as follows: Week ending December 2Sth, IS6I, WaS 279. Week ending December 2nth, 1562, was 243. Mules, 132; Feumle4. 8): 80y5,52 3 7. Deaths and interments of soliers in the city, 19. By order of the Board of Health. WILLIAM READ, Health Officer. LESSON & SON HAVE JUST RE CEIVED: MUSLIN ANB REVIERE BOWS; Linen, Mull, Tarla tan, and Loco Collars and Sleeves wide Hom'd Ilandkfs; English Craves and Veils; REAL MOHAIRS or Glossy Alpacas Poult de Sole or Mourning Silks: Black and Purple do Lollies; All-wool Black Cashmeres, Morinoez, OTTOMAN POPLINS, Velour Reps, 'remises, MOlliNer Li nes% Th Met and Blanket Long Shawls, &c. deN MOURNING STORE, 918 CHESTNUT Street, EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH STREETS, Have a large stock of Shawls for Pennsylvania Trade. Silks for Pennsylvania Trade. Dress Goods for Pennsylvania Trade. n027-tf G OOD QUALITY BAL M.O RA L SKIRTS. —These Skirts are full four yards wide and one and a quarter long. Colors all-wool, and styles are adapted to genteel trade. nor-tt EYRE & TANDEM. MOFFICE • OP 'UNION MUTUAL , IN UMANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 2/, Anneal Meeting of the Seripholdors of the UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY of Phila delphia will be held et the office of the Company, oa MONDAY, Jan nary 12, TSVII, at 12 o clock Peon, at Which time au election for Eight Director,. will be held to serve for NIP PDAIIIIIH three year. , . JO S. COLL ISON, de`ll-12t • Secretry. OFFICE OF THE lITESQ.U.EHONING VALLEY RAILROAD CO3IPANI", PH ILAnKLrigl.l, Dec. 27. ISII . The 'Animal nwttng . "I . the stoodwidei,,if this Com pany will be hell on MOND kV, thenth ofJannary next, at IS e.. 122 South SECOND Street, at 13 o'clock Irwin, at which that , au election will be latld lor a Prwldent and twelve Direetor< to nerve the emoting year de29-m3t . JAMES S. COX Secretary. OFFICE OF THE ASSESSOR OF THE SECoND COLLECTION DISTRICT, Piu- LAlMl.Pittli. OPeember 27, ISR2, IviyricE.-017sTAN otnIPERT has been trawiferrod from Division known formolly n_ Bi 3 Onon* S) to Divi sion No (I, vice Colima lit•WnOvki - rk . ; ritsi good. JAMES SWEENEY has been appointed to till the post fornwriy net:opted by thistav (Jumper% known as Divi sion N. 64, now Division No. S, TiIoIAS W. SWEENEY. de26-12t U. S. Assessor Second District, l'a. CALEB COPE, TREASURER OF 1 '''' THE UNiTED STATES SANITARY COMMIS SION, aeknow led vs the receipt or the following contri butions slim , the last report: From Friends, per \‘'. R. W 2 11 John 11. Towne, additional 1W (l 0 From a Lady of Bergen, N.. 1 IV 00 Cash, 11. tl. L. 50 0J Valley Forgo, Pa. . 10 09 :lames Bayard, additional 25 W Nixth preelner, Ninth ward ... t 00 lON. L., additional 501 k) From a .4 St. rotATN Chtlrell 1 :X) 02 James C. Rand t Co., additional - ad 00 Robert Cornolins, additional - ' 50 oo E. K. T. & Co 2.1 NI SPECIAL NOTICES. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dys produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. ORA l', RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns s splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair Bo n an d beautiful, Sold by all Druggists, Sec. /sr The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHS LOB, on the four 8148 of each box. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street,)' New York. InY2B-ly S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are au antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late he'll% They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhwha, Cholera, and Cholera Morton. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BITTERS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the cele brated Callsaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time Or day. Particularly recommended to delicate person, requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drug gists, Hotels, and Saloons. ,P. H. DRAKE CO., MOW BROADWAY. New York. ,se24-6m ONE-PRICE CLOTHING OF THE 'LATEST BTYLEs, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Pric'es macked in Plain Fi gures. All GoOds made to Order warranted satisfactory . , Our ONE-PRICE SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES & CO., COI- MARKET Street. UPHAM'S HAIR DYE, 38 CENTS A BOX.— Three boxes for $1 ; the best in use. Try it. Sold only it UPHAM'S. 403 CHESTNUT Street. se2l3m* Ivl.l&.itiumr).. HANDLE—IINTEN.---On Wednesday morning, Do comlwr 24tb, at Trihity Chapel by the Roy. Chas. Brook, Capt. John Handle to Mrs. Rebecca, Houten, both of Wit niiniston; }Maws re, CROLL—COV Williamsport, Pa., ou Taesda v, the 22d or December, by the lbw. William Bterrilig, George Westplaull Croll, formerly of Philadelphia, to .111.1s8 Al meda F., daughter of E. Covert, E4q., of Williams mot.s. BIDDLE—INIEREDITII.--On the 27th of December, at Christ Church, by the Rev. Dr. DOLT, Major James C. Diddle. U. S. Volunteer:4, to Gertrude G., daughter of the Ron. Win. M. Meredith. LAItIiIIi—CIIADArICK.--On the 22d Wt., by Rev, Samuel Appleton, Mr.•Fra ads Larkin to Miss Rosette it., daughter of Lieut. T. 13. Chadwick, U. S. A. IJIED.. rfOßlN!.—Killed, at the- battle of Fredericksburg, on the lith inst., Capt. Jahn Morn, of Co. ,D, .40th Regiment, New York Volunteers in the Dth year of his age. Oh, sad are the hearts of the dear ones today, For the loss of the gallant, and brave, Who thus in the morning. oflife passed away*, To rest in n patriot'e grave. Be lies with the sword that he wore at his side, The flag of our eon ntry his pall, While the deep mutiled-dimm, with its echoing tide, Tells the world of a brave horo's lie lid! at his post with his tried armor on, In a moment of triumph and pride, And thus from the scene of the conflict has gone, :Yet in honor and glory he died. Come, gather, ye comrades, in grief 'round his bier, And gage on the form ye loved well, - Eadi quivering lip and each sad falling tear,' Of Ins vi•atue and valor shall tell, Come, twine ye the laurel above his pale brow, Lay the evergreen wreath by his side, For fadeless his name and his mute will be now, Who defending our ling nobly died. : , Weeklyinep t of Interments. ALTIT OFFICE, Dec. 27, 1662. IT the City of Philadelphia 27th of December. 1963 CI=EEM 1 I Total E THERE WERE -- 40 Frnm 40 to 00 13 " GO to GO 38 " GO to 70., ...... 15 " 70 to SO - 4 " SO to 90 9 " DO to 100 =MEM Total I WAR I WARDS, 14 Touch. 4 NiuetPentli. Elp t IL TN% elf(11., _ .. ....... .lilThlrteenth oTweriii-second . 8 Fourteenth 11 Twenty-third 71Fictecuth 11rwenty-fourth. 1A Sixteenth . 7 Twenty-flfth ... 71Seventeenth 14 Unknown 71Eighteouth 6( Previously reportod The Sanitary Co»nabmion, No. 27 South Sixth street, also acknow I edles the receipt of the following donatio Ild le HOAPSIaIi AMC tart report: Eaft Sinitlitield Ladies' Aid,l package. orwigsburg Ladies' Aid, l packatte. Burlington (Bradford county? Ladies' Aid, I package. Allentown Aid, 1 pac age. llyberry laillicAll,l package. J E. 13rn wit. camp stoves. A Llly, gs. Mrs.)... IL Ord, stnrlclng+. Church of linly. Trinity. clothing. &c. 311 t.. FARNWELI., President. C. IL SEANAX, It gIiECCA A. lig•SS, } Secretaries. Ati NES; WA 1,3151,E , g'l' FIE CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER -. IIOSI'ITA I, take pleasure in acknowledging' the Inl lowing receipts fur the week ending' December 26: Mrs, C. J. Mooro, *5O; F. A. Hoyt & Dro., $29; Josiah Bryan, 0?6.25 ; Mrs. lines *3: Mrs. Ince, $5; Mrs. March, $3; Mrs. Ph II lips, : Miss E. llayinor, latly maim ger, *1 ; cash, €r2.: A. C. Cattell & Co., II); also, trop Penn Relief Association, 27 pairs muslin and canton flannel drawers siod socks; Soldiers' Relief AnSOCiatinn of Holy Trinity Church, D pairs pants, COMO, and shirts; Hunt ingdon Ladles' Aid Society, 24 red mud gray shirts, 34 pairs cuntou Ila noel drawers, IS shirts, IOS ha:piker :A:lds, 21 pillow Vetsf" , , 2 hair rush ions, wrappers, coats, sheets, vests. &c.: S.4diers' Relief Society of Wilkesibarro. 4 wrappers, 10 pairs wool socks 4 _pairs drawers, 16 shirts, 21 towels, moslio, &r.; Lutheran Sunday School, :20 par rs dna %rev 4, 18 pairs Shirts, and 21 pairs stocking: ; Mr. Ben ghtirst, ii ,barrels of apples; 'I roman & Shaw, boiler, mat ee 1 011$. /41)...111A. forks, Sc.; Wm. M. Com tilings & Soo. 24 Calls preSaved pin* apples and green gages ; John Perry, 2 hod chairs and 12 wrappers; .101111- Von!' or poultry, pie: fruit, vegetables, Sc. for Christ i:lns, from bits. SittlX:s. Mrs. Lo I nrison, Mrs. lorkok, Mrs. Hips, Mr. Fisher, Captain Deacon, Mrs. Win. Sands, .1. L. Haloes, :Lod Isaac Rowe, Jr., Mrs. Ashton, Mrs. It. EVIIMS, Dr. Wltt Al our, re. Farleson. Mrs. (ire aves. Mr. M Moser, r. Shrotior, Miss Shaw, Mrs. Dartol , Mr , . L. Pollock, rs Mrs, ollock, M. Lewis, Mrs. Dull ant, Miss Kate Stu th, Mrs. :Nowell, Mrs. Clavier, Mrs. Walt, Mrs. Bul lock, Mr. Fisher, Mrs. Thompson, Mr.. Patton, Mrs. 11. Watsoo, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Lingo, Win. Naylor, Mrs. llockins, Mrs. Field, Mrs. Campbell, and a friend; slip yers, pads. drawers, shirts, Sr., from Mrs. Early and Miss 1.y.1m Loodom, and others. it TYRONE AND C LE ARFIELD RAIL -1:0Al) l'Uilll'ANT.—The Armand Meeting unlit• r;tork holder, will be held at the °nice, Nu. 31 , 011AF:4T ]'lnc, 123 1-1 South FOURTH Street, on MO.NI) .Tuniniry 'MI, for Hui purpose of electing a Proshleo Vire l'reallient. a oil Tu'el ye .11ireetarti, to servo thyen stlingyr•ar,and uvosnetiiig Nueli other bitatto-04 a.; rimy row slot Ow in...cline. H. H. SHILLIMirOIti. ) , tle2P4ll.4thillx Secretary. EIDICE! Bxpomire ....... Fever, Scarlet Fever, Typhoid. liteluorritage Uterus—. 'looping Cough Hydrophobia Inflammation Brain.. Bronchi.. " Ilona .... Lung.— Peritou'in Stom Sr. B: Inanition Intemp. and feterns Maltia-a-Putti MarasmlLS 311stsles fild Age Palsy. I'vemia ITheninathim lloart.. Scrofula Softening of Heart—. Small-Pox Still-born Tvtanits Ulceration Bowels. Tti Won udi—G ttu4tot Twentieth.. 8, Twenty-firs 754 11 46,1 - u 01 47,nt 15 HOIVICEOPATM HOSPITAL, 1116 CUTHBERT Street.—Thls institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner iree of charge. B. F. GLENN, 11022-ti Secretary of Board of Managers. NOTICE .--THR JANUARY COU PONS and fnterest ou Scrip tattle NORTH PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY will Le paid on and after the 2d proximo, at the °lke of the Company, No. 407_ WALNUT Street. de27.6t INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF 'PENNSYLVANIA. PIITLATMLIITIA DeCeraber 24, 1861 2 AN ELECTION "FOR THIRTEIn Dmarrous of the Company, to Ferro tiff one year, Will be held at the. Com pany's Office, NON. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDING, on 'gummy, January 19, Hat, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 1 o'clock P.M. de2.3-dtjal2 WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA AND HEADING 11 " , ItAILROAD COMPANY.Office 227 South POIMPR Street—PntLADELPIIIA, Dee. ;1801—To 'avoid detention the holders of Coupons of. this Company, due on the ISt proximo, are requested to leave them at thiS office on or before the 31st instant, when receipts will he given, and cheeks will be ready for delivery ou the 241 proximo in. exchange for said receipts. S. BRADI'ORD, de2:34:fi Treasurer. .• AMERIC AN LIFE INSURANCE Arm TnusT COMPAN 17, MILMIELPHIA, De cember 20,1562. NOTIOE.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders or this Commons, for the electiOn of Timm:EN TRUS TEES to serve the ensuing year, will be held at the (Mice. WALNUT Street, S. E. corner of FOURTII, on MONDAY. Janhary sth, between the hours of 10 A. M. end 12 M.' de22-Jut JOHN 5.7 WILSON, See retai 3-. IM7TO THE BENEVOLENT.—MORE - than two hundred Ladies have associated them selves, under the name of the PENN RELIEF ASSO CIATION FOR SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS, and are devoting one afternoon and evening of each week, at the Spring Garden Institute, corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, in making up such articles as are most needed by our sick soldiers. Committees of these ladies visit every hospital in the city to ascertain the necessities, of the inmates, and, as far as possible, to supply theta. They are also forward ing to distant points such Supplies as are most wanted, where responsible parties are to he found who will re ceive such, and make a proper distribution of them. To do these things large means are required, and this appeal is made to the benevolent to assist them by dona tions of money or goods. ' - The following-named gentlemen have consented to re ceive, on behalf of thit, association, any donations that may be made: ALEXANDER HENRY, Fifth and CheStnnt streets. THOMAS T. TASKER Sr., 1622 South Fifth street. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, Co., 2;39 and 20„ North Third street. REIGEL, WIEST, & ERWIN, 47 North Third street. JOIIN C. SA TRY, 807 Market street, LITTLE, STOKES, & CO., 237.CItestent st. del7-12t* imp AVIS AUX ELEGANTS. M. PAUL ANDRIOT„ Genital de la maison do Tailienrs de N. GRANDVILLE STOKES, 609 CHEST NUT Street, Philadelphie, a l'honneur de prcvenir ses nombreux amis et connaissances qui Pont dem Mvoriso de leur clientel le, tainsi clue les etrangers,) melt Tient de reCeveir de Paris et Londres les modes les plus reroutes et les mieux portees pour in saison d'hiver. M. G ro ndville Stokes a mis a Fa disposition les etoU'os les plus belles, et les meilleuresqualitm>, des premieres manu factures d'Europe. Les militaires, alum quo les official's de tons grades y trouverens les eilleures qnalites d'etotres, a des prix tres moderes. - L'elegance de sa coupe, ninsi quo le cachet de distinction qui In caracterise est debt trop coal= du public pour en renouvelles tears merites. • dell-1m ilf; OFFICE PMLADELPMA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY, PlriLioEL 1111A, December 20, 1862. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Company's Office, No. 224 South DELAWARE Avenue, on MONDAY, the 12th January, ISO 3, at one o'clock I'. M., at which time an election will be held for DIRECTORS for the emoting year. de22-inwftjl2 , MORRELL, Secretary. fre:A., THE THIRD LECTURE OF THE Course in aid of the "CHURCH. OF ST. MAT THIAS" will be delivered at CONCERT HALL, on TUES DAY EVENING, 3(lth inst., at S o'clock, by the Rev. RO BERT S. DOWLAND, of New York. Subject—"Tbo Ca tacombs of Rome," from personal observation. Tickets 25 cents each. For sale at C. M. BURNS', 911 CHESTNUT Street; Episcopal Bookstore, 1324 CHESTNUT Street, and at the Hall, ' de27-3t rr--,,r-P 'OFFICE OF THE PHANIEFORD AND SOUTHWARK PHELMALPHIN CITY PstSttENOER RAILROAD COMPANY, JHRK Street, behihy Fourth, PlElt , :thmruta. Dee. 26', ISO. u The Annal Meeting erne Stockholders of this C 4411 1- rally will be held at their Office, en MONDAY, Janary 12th,18(11, at 12 M., at which time and place an election will be held fur President and twelve Directors; to serve the ensuing year. CHAS. R. AEBOTT, Secretary. CUSTOM HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA, COLLECTOR'S ORSice,.December 20, ISGI NOTICE TO SHIPPERS O F COAL.—Shippers of An thracite Coal will please take notice that, in accordance with instruetions froth the Hon. Secretary of the Trea sury, no clearances will be granted fur the shipment of Coal to any home port south of the Delaware Bay, nor to any foreign pelt north of Cape St. Roque or west of the Thtli degree of longitude east, except upon special permit from the Treasury Department for each shipment. de`27-3t WM. B. TiIOMAS, Collector. NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO., No. 407 WALNUT Street, PniLAIMLPIIIA, December 26, 1862 The Animal Meeting of the Stockholder.: of the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company will be held at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, the 12th day of :Tn nuary,l663, nt 12 o'clock M., for the purpose of eloCtiug President and ten Directors to serve the ensuing . year. de27-tial2 EDWARD ARMSTRONG, Spey. r• COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE, sTATH OF PENNSYLVA NIA—Office, Commonwealth Bail/Hug, No. 613 CHEST NUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, December 6, Rift A meeting of the Stockholders of the COMMON WEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY of the State of Penn sylvania will be hold, at the Office of the Company, on MONDAY, January 5, LW, lo o'clock A. M. An ELECTION OF TEN DIRECTORS, to serve the en suing year, will be held at the same place. and ou the same day, between the hours of tz, and 2 P. M. delLkias SAMUEL S. MOON. Secretary. OFFICE OF THE WESTMORE. LAND COAL COMPANY, (No. 2A) South THIRD Street, corner of Willing's Alley.) PHILADELPHIA, De cember 17, 1882. At a meeting of Directors, held this day, a Dividend of ONE DOLLAR per share, on the Capital Stock Wali de dared out of the profits of the past year; payable on and after JANUARY `AI 1161. Vie Transfer Books will be closed until.Tatina ry sth next. F. H. JACKSON, delf3-tia 5 Trea.,urer. OFFICE HUNTINGIWN AND BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD CO.M PANY, 9.5 S South THIRD Street—Pum.toEr.putA, Dec. 72, Mr/ . . NOTICK.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain P,aiiroad awl Coal Company will be held at their office on TUESDAY, the Pith day of January, 'lnt at 11 o'clock A M.. when an election will be held for a President and Twelve Di rectors to serve for the ensuing year. de2:3-tjal3 d. P. AERTSEN, Secretary. /M. OFFICE MOUNT CARBON AND PORT CARBON RAILROAD COAIPANY. PIIILADELPFITA. December S i 18tH, The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 407 LIBRARY Street, on MONDAY, December 29th, at half past ten o'clock A. M., at which time an election for of- Acers, to serve the ensuing year, will take place. del) td29 P. C. HOLLIS, Secretary. M. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON—AR— TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY. PHILADEir PRO, October 24,1502. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing them selves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artifi cial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1009 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, 0c26-tf Government Surgeon-Artist. NOTICE.—CORN EXCHANGE BANN, PHILADELPHIA, November '4, 1862._—The following resolution Wltt3 this day adopted by the Board of Directors and ordered to be published: .Rekaved. That the unsold portion of the Stock of this Bank lie offered to the present Stockholders at par, each Stockholder to have the privilege of taking a pro rata share, according to a scale adopted by the Board, pro vided subscription and payment be made before the first day of January, DM nobs tial J. W. TORREY. Cashier. rite-: OFFICE OF THE. WESTMORE LAND COAL COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, De cember 17, M. The. ann nal meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will he held at their office, No. 230 South THIRD . Street on W January, EDNESDAY, the 7th of Januy, 1501, at 12 . o'clock M.• at which time an election will be held for ELEVEN DIRECTORS, anal a SECRETARY and TREA SURER, to serve for the ensuing year. F. 11. JACKSON, Secretary. delS-tja7 VCORN EXCHANGE BANK, Thur.Annr,pprie, Nov. 21, 1861—At the election .I%evemlier 17th, IS6'l, the following Stockholders were elected Directors of this Bank: Alexander G. Cattail, Christian J. Hoffman. Dell ROAR, Jr., Robert Ervion, George L. Ruby, H. W. Catberwood, Edward C. Knight, William P. Cox, William L. Maddock, Edmund A. Solider, James Steel, Samuel T. Canby, Charles E. Wilkins. And at the meeting of Directors, this day, ALEX ANDER G. CATTELL, _Esq., was unanimously re-elected President • ALEX. WHILLDIN, Esq., Vice President, and JOHN W. TORREY Cashier. unftg-tf J. W. TORREY. Cashier. r; PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CO.—OFFICE 2 2 7 Sorra FOURTH. Sr., PHILADELPHIA, December 8, Ma—NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the Stockholders of this Company, that the Annual Meeting end an Election for President, Six Mana gers, Treasurer and Secretary, will take place ou the SECOND BIONDAY (12th) of JANUARY next. at 12 o'clock M. W. H. WEBB, defl-tial3 Secretary. MILITARY. BOARD OF TRADE RI.F: REGIMENT. 156th REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS BOUNTY RECRUITS WANTED for the above Mu! regiment. (the only Regiment of Infantry for three years now recruit ing and in camp in Philadelphia.) Men joining this regiment will receive the following bounties: Cash in hand en being mustered in $25 " when the rouwany is full 30 " when the regiment is full At the expiration of service 75 None but men or good character received, Apply at HEADQUARTERS, 533 CHESTNUT Street. CHARLES ERNEFWEIN, Colonel. \V. A. lIAILILL, Adjutant. de7.4-t[ CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. "Camp Metcalfe," near HADDONFIELD. N..T. —?dEl'. wanted to complete Cou.nies now nearly full, to secure the Citizens' Bounty Fund awarded to the first Twenty Companies mustered into the service of the United States. Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS ars vacant, which will be assigned to young men of good re ferences, and who have seen service. dell-tf HOTELS. BRANDRETH HOUSE, Corner of BROADWAT, CANAL and LISPENARD STREETS, NE CONDUCTED ON THE EURO PEAN PLAN. The above Hotel is located in the most central Part of Broadway, and can be reached by omnibus or city cars, from all the steamboat landings and railroad depots. The rooms are elegantly furnished. Many of them are cobstructed in suite of communicating parlors and cham bers. suitable for families and parties travelling together. Meals served at all hours. Single Rooms from 50 cents to $1 per day. Double Rooms from $1 to 0.50 per day. de2:4sm JOS. CURTIS & CO. PROPOSALS.' ARMY CLOTHING-AND:EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH AND GIRARD STREETS.— ILADELPIII a. Dec. 1862. PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until 12 M. onfSATDRDAY, 3d January, to furnish TEM D'ABRI, to he made of 8 oz. 28s Inch Cotton or Pure Linen Duck, and to he made in accordance with specifications and sample to he seen at this Office. Proposals will state the llinnber hid for, the price, and the earliest time tho Tents• can be delivered, at the Schuylkill Arsenal ; also, the mimes of two sureties for the faithful performance of the contract. The privilege is reserved of taking any pro portion hid for, or of rejecting the whole, if the price is deemed too high. G. H. CROSMAL D'y Q. M. Geu. U. S. A. LEGAL• T N THE ORPHA_NS' COURT FOR TilE -A-CITY Alp coupqx OF PHILADELPIIIA. Estate of IePATR CK. • The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JORN DARRETI', DANIEL BEIDELMAN, and WiII,LIAM KIRKPATRICK, Ex ecutors of Juices Kirkpatrick, deceased, and to make dis tribution of the balance in the heads of the accottutacit, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, 7th January, 1983, at 4 o'clock, P.M., at 'ISS South SIXTH Street, tu the city of Ph ilad &t; itt. E. WALLACE, • . de2s-mwflit Auditor.... HOLIDAY S.-AVOID THE PRES SURE. Gd early. His beautiful style of I vorytypeo ore• in betel flontend—freAlt. warm. and lifelike in color. ii{CONUStreet, above Green. it MATERIALS FOR MINCE PIES BUNCH, LAYER, AND SULTANA RAISINS. • CITRON CURRANTS. SPICES. ' • CIDER WINE, &c.. &c. . ALBERT C. ROBERTS; • DEALER .IN FINE GROCERIES, • ; dels.llt,e • CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE S• THE PRESS. - PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1862. WM. WISTER. Treasurer EDUCATION. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACA DEMY, at WEST CHESTER, (for BOARDERS only.)—The duties of this Academy will be resumed on THURSDAY, January Stb. The advantages afforded for the 'acquirement of a thorough classical, scientific, and military education are unsurpassed. 'Trim! and competent Professors conduct the depart ments of Ancient and Modern Languages, and a graduate of the United States Military Academy, of high class standing and large military experience, devotes his ex clusive attention to the Mathematics and Military branches. Military system, - order, nd precision are strictly en• forced, and the most vigilant care over the moral and personal habits of the Cadets is exercised. Circulars may be obtained at the Book Stand of the Continental Hotel, of JAMES H. ORNE, Esq., No, 6 CHESTNUT Street, or of Col. THEODORE iIYATT, Presi dent Pennsylvania Military Acatlemy.l , Cola HYATT will he at the Continental Hotel,' Philadelphia, on FRIDAY' ;id SATURDAY, :the 2d. and days of January, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 12 M., and will be happy to see any of the patrons of the Pennsylvania Military Academy, or others, on business pertaining to the institution. ; dett(l,4t VLLLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.-A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA, PA. Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics, English studies, km Military Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keeping, Sur veying, anti Civil Engineering. Pupils taken of all ages, and are received at any time. Boarding per week, $2.25. Tuition per quarter, $6.00. For catalogues or information address Rev. J. HERVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Pa. • • oelo-if. WINES AND LIQUORS. cc THE OF . , LIGHT WINES IS CONDUCIVE TO TEMPERANCE." STRICTLY PURE! (Los Angeles City ofithe Angels.") CALIFORNIA WINES ; • DIRECT FROM THE VINEYARDS OF MESSRS. KOIILER & FROHLU.VG, EQUAL IN QUALITY AND CHEAPER IN PRICE THAN THE. WINES OF THE OLD WORLD._ WHITE, OR HOCK WINE-Very delicate; fine in savor, superior as a Dinner Wino to the famous:Rhino, MUSCATEL—Very choice, of exquisite boUquet, an ex cellent Desert'Wine. ANGELIC/VA highly luscious; naturally sweet Wine, greatly admired by LadieS-Hvainable in the sick chain ber—recenunended by the Medical Faculty. PORT—Of fine flavor, free from Logwood, very similar to the Old Winos of Lishon--used by the Laity in Com munion SerYiee 7 -highly approved. - 1 GRAPE BRANDY- , The pure juice of the Grape, of un equaled superiority. The attention of the Trade, Iktel Keepera, Pamtlies, and Connoisseurs, is invited to these Wines. To Inva lids and Oonvaleseents , they are particularly recom mended by the Medial Faculty, recent Chemeal Ana lysis by the State Assayer of Massachusetts having fully established their purity, richness, and excellence. In deed, in these very desirable essentials they are pro. nomwed unrivalled, whilst their lowness of price eer ie' illy' - commends them to universal favor. ' We cordially invite all who are disposed to favor the introduction: of really pare NATIVE AMERICAN WINES, to give us a call and examine samples. For sale by, the ettee gallon, or single bottle , at the SOLE AGENCY, No. 12 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT (Late office of Blood's Despatell,y G. G. EVANS, Agent. For the sale of Nobler & Froltling's Wines, from the old established vineyards of Los Angeles, Sotithern fonds,. . N. B.—The—present high- Tariff; Exchange': linsUrance, Freight, on Foreign- Wines, anointing to , 130 per cent. over the original cost; has in:Wit:el/ cMifain un principled dealers to uninnkicture and , offer spurious brands: We desire to caution: our friends against this imposition, and to assure them of the strict purity of Messrs. K-0111,1M FROHLINffi4 CAm W gouNlA,ixits. In addition, it has been proved-that in bringing these Wines to this market by sea, around Cape Born, the six-months voyage improves them at least v 0 per cent. detllftjal WHISKY ! OLD WHISKY! WHISKY! From our own and other celebrated Distilleries. We are constantly receiving OLD EYE, WHEAT, AND BOURDON WHISKIES. With which, for price and quality, WE CHALLENGE COMPARISON. Our 'Whiskies, for purity mellowness and delicacy, are EMINENTLY THE BEST IN THE ,WORLD, And we sell them at about HALF PRICE. OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT Has already become a considerable feature in our busi ness, and to continue it in its present state, and to enlarge it,we shall sell, notwithstanding the Tax, about as cheap• ly as ever. CONSIDER THESE PRICES! - - - - - - Monongahela Whisky, 60 cents per gallon, Old Bourbon Whisky, 75 cents per gallon. Old Rye Whisky, $1 per Extra Old Rye Whisky, $1.50 per gallon. Very Choice Old Rye Whisky, $ per gallon. N. VAN BEIL, US North SECOND Street, nine doors above Arch. deg-hnif READY-MADE CLOTHING., VERY DESIRABLE IN STYLE AND PRICE. Suitable for the Eamon. OyERCOATS :AND BUSINESS SUITS, In great variety. WA.NAMAKER & BROWN, POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL, S. B. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS (IY. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR CUSTOMER WOES. noS• a 'I FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING. C. SOMERS & SON, No. 625 CHESTNUT STREET, UNDER JAYNE'S HALL, Have now made up for sale an entire new stock of FINE CLOTHING. Also, a:full assortment of CLOTHS, -CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS, which they respectfully Invite the public to examine before purchasing elsewhere. se27-td3l FINANCIAL. 8250 000 T O LOAN, • IN LARGE OR MAIL AMOUNTTS, Ov DIAMONDS, SILYER•PLATE, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT ISAAC NATHAN'S OLD ESTABLISHIED MONEY LOAN OFFICE, N. E CORNER THIRD AND SPRUCy. STREETS, (Only one square below the Exchange.) Advances Made at the lowest rates S HARVEY THOAA.S, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 312 WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES bought and sold on Commission, ex clusively. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negociated at lowest rates. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention.: Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, ESq4 aohn B. Myers & Co. Samuel B. Thomas Esq., Furnasa, Bilnley, 3c G o a., 71oTilith — ornas'sia. delMmif - JOHN. C. CAPP & SON, STOCK & NOTE BROKERS, No. 23 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MECHANICS" BARK: STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COAIMISSION AT TDB BOARD OF BROKERS. MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS YEGOTIATED ON THE BEST TERMS U. S. - i . FIVE-TWENTIES, OR, TWENTY-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUBSCRIP . TION, and, is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Snb-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At the present PREMIUM ON iimm, these Bonds yield about BIGHT per cent. per annum. A full supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, - SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, noe-tt ,3114 SMITH THIRD STREET. U. S. REVENUE STAMPS. AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF UNITED STAT'ES TAX STAMPS, No. 57 South THIRD Street, first door above Chestnut. A full supply of all kinds of REVENUE STAMPS that have been issued by the Government for sale in quantities to suit. A liberal discount allowed on amounts of $5O and up wards. Orders by Mail. promptly attended te. JACOB E. RIDGWAY, defttari No. 57 South THIRD Street. R BLAXISTON No. 22 . SOUTH * , WATER Street, Philadelphia, Commission Dealer In Ohio and Illinois BROOM CORN, HANDLES. -WIRE. TWINS, am, - oau,3nst GENTLEMEN'S WINTER CLOTHING, do ,lm RETAIL DRY GOODS. CIA OAK. S CLO AKS! THOMAS W. EVANS . 66 CO. ARE CLOSING OUT THE BA.LAIsTOE OF THEIR STOOK PARIS STYLE CLOAKS AT REDUCED PRICES 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET R. OASSELBERRY HAS NOW j . opened and Mr Nal°, by the yard or Piece, 10 cases COTTON FLANNELS, bought lor cash at the great great NEW YORK SALE_ Heavy Unbleached Cotton Flannels, 20 eta. Heavy Unbleached Cotton Flannels, 22 cts. Heavy Unbleached Cotton FlannelS, 23ets. lleav y:Uublea Chet/ Cotton Flannels, 28 cts. The cheapest Cotton Flannels in the market. The place to buy Cotton Fla unela. The above prices are by the piece for DORCAS AND AID SOCIETIES. Cotton Flannels for Dorcas and Aid Societies, Cotton Flannels for Dorcas and. Aid Societies, Cotton Flannels for Dorcas and Aid Societie- Ey the piece, 20, 22 and 25 cts. By the yard, 22, 23, 25 and 28 cts. The above goods comprise leading makes, and buyer • DORCAS AND AID SOCIETIES • Should make their purchases at once, ae the illnYVe goods ' cannot be replaced. BLANKETS .BLANitEiTS! 100 pairs 11-4, and 124, and 1:34 BlaukelS just open, well worth the attention of purchasers. Old prices. No rise. • 100 picces best style Fignred Delaines, Nets. 20 pieces Woven Striped Shirting Flannels, 65 cts. . IN STOCK VIES DAY, 1 case, SO pieces of the noted 2d ct. Dress Goods, called hEOCHE CEYLONS. A 10t all wool Flannels, 135 cts, 44 extra heavy Shaker flannels, 6232 els. 100 pairs heavy gray blankets . , at ill. 75 a pair. - • FRENCH MERIPMES—CI EDICE SHADE'S. Humboldt Mode, Blue, - Brown, Claret, and all the lead ins colors , at reduced prices. 4-4 Poplin Hem altt he choice shades. . : • BALMORALS! BALMOIIALS! . The best Mammals, for the prices, In Anis city. MiSSCFS': Bal morals, rich colors, $2. 20 Pieces richest styles Wrapper Cashmeres, at 28 ets.; never retailed at less than 37:g. R. CASSELBERRY'S Ilaminoth Dry Goods House, No. 45 North EIGHTH Street, Below ArCix.' _ _ r. S.—Consta.nrif receiving al the MOIMIZNING COUNTER', Fresh and destrahl!e AIOUTINING (.400DS---Of every description. , de29.21 _ CASSELBERRY. • COMMISSION' HOUSES.- ARMY GOODS... DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN 'AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT WHS. ' For sale by FROTH - INGHAM & WELLS. sel-if if UOLIDAY GOODS. o t i HOLIDAY PRESENTS et WM. A. DROWN & CO., 246 MARKET STREET. Are now prepared with their usual stock of very superior UMBRELLAS, VERY SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS ESTABLISHED 1812. ; WILLIAM WILLIAM WILSON & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER WARE, S. W. CORNER OF FIFTH AND. CHERRY STREETS. • - . A very large assortment of Plain and Fancy SILVER WARE on hand, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. ALSO, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, del.3.tial • AMERICAN PLATED WARES. 111q - OLIDAY PRESENTS. An assortment of USEFUL AND FANCY GOODS Now open at WILLIAM YARNALL'S HOUSE-FURNISHING STORE, del3•tfe3 No. 1020 CHESTNUT*STREET. GOLD SPECTACLES, GOLD • EYE GLASSES, Field Glasses, for Army and Navy use, Kaleidoscopes, Microscopes, Stereoscopes, and Stereosco pic Views, and a variety of other articles, appropriate gifts for the season. MeALLISPER & BRO., del9-7t 728 CHESTNUT.Street. PHOTO GRAPHIC ALBUMS-A •-•- large variety-for sale, at low prices, by JAMES W. QUEEN" St CO., del.B-tf if 024 CHESTNUT Street. MICROSCOPES,SPECTACLES, AND SPY-GLASSES, for presents, for sale by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., del.:3-tf if , 924 CHESTNUT Street. P ERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., delS-tf if 924 CHESTNUT Street. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Paint Boxes, Photograph Albums, Writing Albums, Drawing Albums, Picture Albums, Toy Albums, Cartes de Visite copies from Engravings,. Pictures for Children, Pictures for Coloring. Colored Engravings for framing, Fancy . Papers, Gilt Borders. Also, .Boxes with Fancy Letter Papers and Enver. lopes. SCHOLZ St TANENTZKY, del-lm 112 South EIGHTH Street. LADIES' FURS. LADIES' • FURS FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. JOHN A. STAMBACII, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS, No. 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. HAS NOW OPEN A splendid stock of Russian and Hudsen Bay and Mink Sable, Royal Ermine, Chinchilla, Siberian Squirrel, and other styles of FURS, suitable for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR PRESENTS. dels-tja7 FURS! GEORGE F. WOMRATH., NM 415 AND 417 ARCH STRUT, HAS NOW OPEN A FULL ASSORTMENT LADIES' FURS, To which the attention of the public is invited: tiol9-2m LADIES' FANCY • FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS. My assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladies and Children is nbw complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the present season. All sold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladies, please give ine a call. oc3-4mif pA.RET'S ELEGANT ZEPHYR EMBROIDERIES. THOMPSON'S DURABLE HOOP SKIRTS, WERLY'S UNRIVALLED PARIS CORSETS, FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. J. G. MAXWELL So SON, LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, S. E. corner CHESTNUT and ELEVENTH Street , . de27-St if ITAY-E YOU SEEN THE SPLENDID ALL-STEEL CHALLENGE SHA:TES P For Kite by LESLEY & CO., 607 MARKET STREET. tle27-3t SKATERS' HE ICE AND PARLOR SKATES FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SKATES FOR LADIES. SKATES FOR GENTS. SKATES FOR BOYS. PARLOR SKATES, OF ALL SIZES. SKATES of every description. for sale low, by PHILIP WILSON & CO., 4615 CHESTNUT STREET, .de1.5.12t - OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE. p s RYANT, STRATTON, & CO.'S COM -11-0 MERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E corner SEVENTH awl CHESTNUT Streets. Superior italtateuteuts offertui. Scutt for circular. - - de2s-Gt. The following introductOry note, by the author, explains the origin of the V °tumid: The author of these pages has been in the habit: of put ting down, in the briefest form, such of his own reflec tions as aright serve him for hints in preaching. Having answered this purpose, the thought occurred of snaking selections front them and turning them into their present *bane and - use: - Air Sent postpaid on receipt of price. - FURS! NEW PUBLICATIONS. MESSRS. TICKNOR & -FIELDS, 13050N,4-T-R ON,4-T-R- PUBLISH THIS DAY: MRS, FREMONT'S NEW BOOK, STORY OF THE GUARD; A CHRONICLE OF THE WAR DY WHS. JESSIE DENTON prtumoNT l rot . Milo: Elegantly bound in beyelled boards I=ffM This book; from the pen of the Wife of Gen. Fremont, is a true story of the eel t!bra fedbody-guard, whose aChieve melds 'have been made the subject of sUch diverse criti cism. Mrs. Fremont has undertaken the story from a desire to do simple justice to "those truly, soldierly young men, Worthy of a place in the chronicles of knight ly dteds, who were misrepresented, slighted, and finally insulted out of the , serViee, because of the name they bore," and to contribute something to the relief of the families of such of the Guard as lost their lives in the seri • ire. To this latter Purpese the profits of the work Will bedeVeted. The "STORY GI" THE GUAM) 7 is :not a .Mmderous historical chronicle. Though it deals strictly in facts, it abounds in romantic and thrilling incblonts. It is, as the author says =of it, '" the fireside EOry ot the Guard interesting from the. factii—interesting because in ten thousandiMines some vacant tilare wilt lend a strongeC interest to the talq," '44' For sale by all Booksellers; or sent posti)oiti to any fhlres, on receipt of pike by ihe TICKNOR &I FIELDS, 135 WASHINGTON Street, Etwiton MESSES. TICKN OR & FIELDS, TON. PUBLISH THIS DAY: BEY. ADAMS' NEW VOLUME. BR 0 AD C'AST; BY BEY..: NEHEMIAH ADAMS, D; 1 elegant ratable, berelied boulds and red edges Price $l. ThiS is a book of original thoughtk brief from suh- Riots rdaied to dri istian knowledge anti experience. The high repntation of the author, as a thinker and a devo tional writer; is a guarantee of the valve of the thoughts contained in this vol utile. The wide range of topics em braced in it, the brevity and suggestiveness With i;rhieh each is treated,' render BROADCAST a desirable volume for every Christian home. ' ct FIELDS, FROM THE PRESS OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. THE POLICY OF EMANCIPATION. THRIiI LIMYERS' To. the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, the SECRETARY OF WAR, and the SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, By the Hon: Robert Dale Owen, late Minister to Naples. Pricelo cents; Six. Dollars per hundred. THE TRIAL OF ' THE CONSTITUTION,' • By Sidney George Fisher, author of "The Law of the Territories," &c.; &c, 1 viii. Svo. THE WAGONER OF TILE AL7EGIIANIES.. A Poem of the days of Seventy-six, . : By Thomas Buchanan Read, PARSONS ON NOTES AND BILLS. A Treatise on the Law of Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange, together with an Appendix, containing an accurate reprint of the provisions of the statute in rela tion to Bills, Notes, Letters of Credit, Drafts, Orders, and Cheeks, with an examination of the questions which the Statute suggests, and the English authorities upon those questions which have arisen under the English stamp acts,. and may arise under our own, By Pbeophilus Parsons, LL. D., Professor of Law in Cambridge Univer sity, author of Treatises on the Law of. Contracts, &c., &c. vole. Svo. • Law Binding. $l.l '" ' V. HILLIARD ON BANKRUPTCY AND'INSOLVENCY. The Law of Bankruptcy and Insolvency ; being a com plete and compact view of the English and' American Laws upon the subjects: By Francis Hilliard. I. vol. B vo. (In a few days.) VI. TIMERS' CONSULATE AND EMPIRE. The History of the Consulate and Empire of France 7- 7: M. A, This great work of M. 'riders is now completed, and the concluding volunie (V.) of the American edition will be speedily issued. - - Complete in five eels., SNrO; REED'S UNIVERSAL HISTORY: OlitliueS of Universal:History, in Three Parts, with a Copious Index; showing the correct mode of pronouncing every mune iu it. By Joseph J. Reed. PART. I.ANCIENT HISTORY. (Just published.) Quarto, WO. .4%.- Constantly on hand; an extensive Stock: of the moss desirable miscellaneous and standard works, in great varlet - Timid in even' style of binding. Photographic Albums, Bibles, Prayer Books, Sm., Ste, specially adapted for Holiday Presents. J. D. LIPPINCOTT Sc CO., 'de.23-5t 22 and 21 North FOURTH Street. DARE Y'S, NEW PICTURE DIMMING, NOON, AND NIGHT. Now 3 eady at principal Book and Print Stores. A pleasing group of Baby, Dlother, and Grandfather, handsomely photographed from the origival,a nd mounted on heavy board--6x7g. Price $1.50. J. E. TILTON t.t•CO., de2u%3t Publishers, Boston. irr 0L I DAY PRESENTS. VERY Cheap: CLOSING OCT , AT' LOW RATES.' TOY BOOKS IN GREAT VARIETY. Childreirs Books, Games, Puzzles, Ste. Photograph Albums. Large and Small Thotographs. . . Phantom Flowers in Vases, : , Fine Note and Letter Paper and Envel'opes. , Stamped ratis) CHALLEN, 1308 CHESTNUT, de244t Publisher, Bookseller, and Stationer. THE SU\DA.Y•SOHOOL TEACHERS' MINIATURE D CARY AND , ALMANAC FOR 1.863. •: This little gem of an Annual can be obtained. of J. C. GARRIGUES & CO., de24-6t*. No. 148 South 'FOURTH Street. (7 1 ,PAVER THOUGHTS 0]? A COUN TRY PARSON: $1.50. • ' A PRESENT HEAVEN. By the author of "Patience of Rope." $l. • NOONDAY. A sketph. By the author of "Capt. Rus sell's Watchword." TO cents. THE TWO HOMES: or, EARNING AND SPENDING. 13 V1% .9 1rS i tItTS 5 V th EMANCIPATION. By Cochin. $1.50. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED 3IARTIEN, de2.3 No, 606 CHEW= Street. STILLE'S .PAMPLELET.L-IN . A FEW DAYS will be ready . HOW A- FREE .PEOPLE CONDUCT A LONG WAR: A Chapter from English History. 13y Clum J. Stills. Pamphlet. WILLIAM S. St ALFRED. MARTIEN, de23 Ile. 606 CHESTNUT Street. T_TOLIDAY BCYOKS. HOLIDAY BOOKS. The subscribers have on hand an assortment of ILLUSTRATED AND STANDARD BOOKS, suitable for . Holiday Presents ; also, JUVENILE 3800 KB in great variety, and all the NEW BOOKS Of the day. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers. dell 25 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut :ROOKS AND PHO T O:GRAPH. ALBUMS. , NO ADVANCE IN PRICE. DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON. - • , HENDERSON & CO., 328 ARCH Street, Will continue the sale of, Fine Books, Photograph: Albums, and Fancy Goods , during .the month of 'Decem ber, St the old prices. de27-2t* A LECTURE FOR YOUNG MEN.— Just publishe_ 6 cents, a new edition of the late Dr. COLVERWELL'S CELEBRATED LECTURE on the Abuse of the Reproductive Powers, inducing De bility, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c. The radical mode of treatment, without medicine, is fully explained, so as to enable every one to be his own physician at the least possible expepse. A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." Bent under , seal, in- it plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six - cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publishers, CH. J. C. KLINE St CO., 127 BOWERY, New York, no4-3m if Post Office Box 4,6f36. PHOTOGRAPHS. CRISTMAS.----A RARE TREAT. TO see such line portraits es those Lifesike Photographs in Oil Colors of ItEIMEWS. They are invahtable to the possessor. Reduced prices. SECOND Street, abOve JUST OPENED, A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Where the No. 906 ARCH. STREET, FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, FROM THE CARTE DE VISITE TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE, Are produced by the most EXPERIENCED ARTISTS. Those w!slting drst-class pictures are invited to call and examine specimens. - A choice selection of Albums, cases, and frames, on hand. F. A. 0. KNIFE. dell-3m TTOLIDAYS.--M A N Y BEAUTIFUL pictures can be 'seen and obtained ;it REIMEN'S; among them. Colored Photographs of line character for $l. Go to SECOND Street, shove Green, It 517 ARCH STREET. C. A. VANIKIRK Have on hand a fine assortment of CHANDELIERS' AND, OTHER GAS FIXTURES. Also, French Bronze Figures and Ornaments, Porcelain and Mica Shades, and a variety of FANCY GOODS. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. • Which they will sell at reasonable prices. Please call and examine goods. - del34f THE PHRENOLOGICAL CABI -4 NET AND BOOK STORE is open day and even ifn,:yrohwinstpoaTkr: ,P a h n r sz log re th o Z oi: cal examinations. Orders l3 'by mail should los addressed to JOHN L. CAPEN, 0c22-waramif 922 CHESTNUT Street. Phila. MEDICINAL COD-LIVER M IL.- BAKER & Co„ Druggists, No. 154 North THIRD Street, are now receiving their supplies fresh from the fisheries. The superiority of their Oil in every respect has gained for it a reputation and sale beyond any other brand in the market. To maintain it, they are :determined to supply an article that may, be entirely relied on for fresh ness and purity. See testimonials of Dre. Mutter, Jack son, Dattach, and others. n0214-ernwlm if PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. We have now on hand a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT WATCHES, DIAMONDS. SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES, SIIITABIAE FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR PRESENTS. We invite special attention to the moderate prices of our DIAMONDS. LEWIS LADOMUS et CO., del2-tial No. 802 CHESTNUT STREET. i tat AMERICAN WATCHES. I. B. MARTER, AGENT FOR THE "AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY," NOW OFFERS, EXPRESSLY ADAPTED FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF AMERICAN WATCHES, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT MODERATE PRICES. - No. 712 CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL. .de9-Im. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. iff2 G. RUSSELL, No. 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Offers a. choice aceortment of WATCHES, DT A IvIONDS, FINE JEWELRY, AND STANDARD SILVER WARE, Suitable for Holiday Presents, at the - LO W EST POSSIBLE PRICES. deVini At D. T. PRATT, &la . (succßssoic TO PRATT dr REATII,) 607 CHESTNITT STREET, Is constantly in receipt of ENGLISH, SWISS, AND . AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and qualities, to snit all classes of buyers. — nol6-3taif • l a ELI HOLDEN, • w Dealer in fine •/,,, AMERICAK AND IMPORTED WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND CLOCKS, oe3l-sm* 708 MARKET Stre,st, AMERICAN WATCHES, 1 1 81 IN GOLD AND SILVER. CASES. JOS H. WATSON; aul-6m No. 326 CHESTNUT Street j a WATCHES, JEWELRY, &O. A FRESH ASSORTMENT • AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICES FARR & BROTHER, Importers, mh2041 324 CHESTNUT Street, below Fond,. WANTS. SUBSTITUTES WANTED AT 4 . • O'Clcak . TO-I..AY; at the Philadelphia. City -Motet, earner of FOURTH and WOOD Streets. •WAN.TED • A •• SPECIAL .PARTNER V with SIAS% in a mannfaduring bu.siness already established. •Twenty per cent: realised on a business of one hundred thousand dollars. Seventy-rive per cent.-0( thesnler. ere for cash. Address,_ wish real name. as no other. will recognised, 0. J. L., Box 307 Poq Of fice. • . .• ' • deWL6VP C H,U RO H OHO I (TODD -a- BASS VOICE can iM hint b suldreasing Bok.lSra, Post Office. Emscost I scrvice prefo . red. • ' d027-St* WANTED -BY A PERSON WHO fully Understands the business of raising frutte, vegetables, and flowers—also, Southern produce gene rally—the charge of a small Farm lu New Jersey or Dela ware. Address Americas. '..Pres. Office de27-2t5 A BOOKKEEPER OF EXPERIENOE, - With exiellenf , references, is 9pen for an eiittUe nest. Address THOMAS, Box No. nap. O. ''. • • JOBBERS ' OF'. DRY GOODS..-L TO' .I ‘ . . An experieitted SALESMAN; having an influential arid•valtufhle acquaintance (to whom he has sold goods lori'numberatyearsPast in Baltimore,) open to an engagement_a dor the list - January next. For inter view and Warmly., please add ress " X. Y. Z.," care Hun .office, Baltimore, Maryland. - den(it* . . . . BOARDING. A . . GENTLEMAN . . WISHES TO OB TAIN BOARDING in a first-class private family. Boarding-house keepers need, not apply, Addrea Box. MO, Philadelphia P. 0. . de27-3t* -ASINGLE GENTLEMAN WOULD - like to engage a comfortablythrnished room for the winter, within ten minutes' walk of The Press office. Address "Russell," at this. orrice.• dell4f* " . • PERSONAL. . TN F 0 RAI A T:TO N WANTED .OF OF FRANK I'. MeNRILL. Company K, 2d Rogimont, 'Pennsylvania Reserres, (Oeu. Divisiou,) who disavveared at the battle of Whito Oak-Swamp, Jane A 862, (one of the sercu-dnyebattles in front of Railunond..) Any information. concerning him will confer a great favor on - his distressed-mother, Mrs. JANE MeNEIL, N. E. center TENTH and FITZWATER Sts., Phila. de224 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS, AND o . oveinnierit elaiine'Of all kinds cashed or col leeted,_at reasonable rates, by. JAMES PULTON, 4-29 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ' noB4f $lOO BOUNTY AND PENSIONS. Pay procured and collected for soldiers, sailors and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advauced upon by. JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants, 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dis lance. FOR SALE AND TO LET. '.DR . G GGISTELAW.OLD-ESTA MASHED DRUG STORE FOR SALE. the pr:mrieter Laving been appointed Surgeon in the Navy. OnlYeKo cash required; the rest. on good security. Apply nt the S. W. corner ELEVENTH and BROWN. tle272C , . iii I? 0 R.- L Ve-:THE OLD AND well-huoirillotet-Broperty at 310UNT EPHRAIM, four miler from Camden, New Jersey. Good Buildings, extensive Stabling. Hay-Scales, &c. Fine healthy Item nun. A good business Stand. Apply to ' B. P. BRDDLETON & BRO., 5 North FRONT Street. de FOR SALE - THE RESIDENCE DR. RHO ADS, at GERMANTOWN, on GREEN Screct, above Cliche!' avenue. Howie iu good order, with all the modern conveniences; ;its% It now stable and coach lionse attoejied. Apply to CHAS. RHOADS, der-Gt. No. 4313 WALNUT Street, rhihula. SFOR RENT-MARKET STREET- From January Ist, thO second, third, and fourth Iloors of Nos. 420 and 428 Mskrket street, Why w feet. now occupied by Leon Berg 3e Co. Apply, between 12 and 2 o'clock, at 320 WALNUT Street, 011 ice No: 2, up stairs. nol3-tbtatf gq MILL AND FACTORY - 1 - 'OR SALE. I will sell that valuable. Mill Property, Water Power, and about Fifteen Acres of Land, situate in Buimeville, Bucks county, Penna., about sg. miles front Ramon, - Station, on the Philadelphia and Trenton Rail road 5 miles from Bristol, and mike front city line. The buildings are a stone factory, 45 by 65 feet, :33i stories high, with staircase in stone, tower, wheel house, Ste., a stone flouring mill, with two run of stones, now rented, saw mill, and large barn. It is the best water power on Neshaminy creek, and has a head and fall of 9 feet. Price $12,000.. CALEB N. TAYLOR, den. 41 5 BRISTOL, Bucks County, Penna. illt6 FOR SALE-AN EXCELLENT FARM, of '",il) acres, two miles northeast of Norris. town, on the Germantown Turnpike, with moderate Buildings, good Fences large Lawn, Apple Orchard, and other improvements. Inquire on the premises. de3lm* S. L. STTER. INSURANCE COMPANIES. G.IRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICE. 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL 5200,000. This Company continues to take risks on the. seal classes of Property at low rates. Tbe public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the beneill of the public, during the last nine years, exceed 500,000 DOLLARS and`iwe respectfully solicitits aver in the future DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER JOHN W. CLAGHORN, JOHN THORNL C. E. HEAZIATT, ABRAHAM HART,, DAyib BOYD, Jn., PETER S. HOE, of N. Y.i WM. Zif. SWAIN, FUJIMAN SHEPPARD, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D., N. S LAWRENCE, WM. C. BUD3IAN, - JOHN SUPPLEE. THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S. GILLETT, Vie Presidatt, JAS. B. ALYORD, Secretary. - ap2G-iftf TTNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK. JOSEPH R. COLLINS, President. -JOHN EADIE, Secretary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $900,000. The busincss,f this Company is conducted exclusively on the cash principle, which is now fully recognized as the only. Correct principle. The law under which this Company is chartered pro- - vides that, if the capital should, from any canoe, become impaired to the extent of 4;24,000, or more, the stockhold ers shall be called upon to make good such deficiency. This is the only cash Company in America which atfords this safegUard to policy holders. Dividends declared every three years, the next on 3larch 400E65. Rates of premiuM charged bY this Company are as low as 200 years . experience and the: probable future rate of interest williustify. . : O.:.BARDENWERPER, Agent, No. 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Joseph Patterson, Esq., President Western Bank. Hon. Archibald Mclntyre, Treasurer U. S. Mint. Messrs Jay Cooke & Co., Bankers: , MeSsrs.-Baker, Westcott, & Co., Baiticers Messrs. Stuart & Brother. Bank street. delo-wfm.qm FAME'INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 406 CHESTNUT Street. EiRE , AND'INLA: DIRE! F. N. Buck, B: D. Woodruff, Chas. Richardson, John Kessler, Jr., ilenry Lewis, Jr., P. S. Justice, Alex. Whilldin, Washington Jones, Geo, A. West, , Chas. Stokes, G. W. Davis, John W. Bverman FRANCIS N. RUCK, President. CHARLES RICHARDSON, - Vice President WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. Dukl9-iftf a ggi u m q .: - WEST CHESTER - AND PHILADELPHIA': RAIL. ROAD, via MEDIA. CHRISTMAS EXCURSIONS. Excursion. Tickets will be sold to West Cheater, good from December 24,1162, to January 2,1863. Fare for the round trip $l. • HENRY WOOD, ,de2.3-Gt Superintendent. NEW CURRENCY.: MAGIC POCKET-BOOKS. Cash orders promptly attended to. J. DILL ?1, Sole Manufacturer, 17, ANN. Street (up stair,), 1\ ENV :YORK.. V - VE AND EAR.-PROF. J. ISAACS / - 1 -J OCULIST and AURIST, from Leyden, Rolland, is permanently located at No. MI PINE Street, where be treats all diseases of the eye or ear scientifically, and cures if curable. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. ff. B.—No charges made for examination, ,ND INSURANCE. AUCTION SALE. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' FASUIONAT4LE FURS, SLEIGH ROBES, &0.. AT AUCTION, AT .TAMES A. FREEMAN'S AUCTION ROOMS. 4D WALNUT Ftr,set, between Fourth and Fiftk. On TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, Dec. 30th and 31st. Sale to commence each day at 101 i.. A. M. One of the largest and most superb stocks of Ladies' FUItS ever °tiered in this city, which has been received from a first class house in Broadway, New York, with orders to close the same without reserve; consisting of Hudson Bay,Yorkfort, and Bermuda Sable Mink, Grecian; Stone Martin, Fitch, and every description of fitshionable Furs, in Carriage a nd Card i nal capes. to l mas, victori nes, muffs, cuffs, Ste., &e. Amelia the stock will be found a great va riety of Misses' and Children's FURS, and a large assort ment of SLEIGH ROBES. Having received orders from a house in New York to sell at any pries, on account of retiring from business, the public will have an opportunity of purchasing. suit , of the best Furs at half the price of any house iu the world. • - The goods have been ma nutitctured this fall, Ladies are particularly in vited to attend, as every arti cle Will be sold without reserve. A. 8.---The sale will be CONTINUED FOR TWO DAYS. when _every effort will be made to sell out the entire stock. del -:3t JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY EVENlNG,„oecornbc:e 29. TUESDAY EVENING, December 30. WEDNESDAY EVENING, December:l. NEW YEAR'S AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock. :NEW YEAR'S NIGHT, at S o'clock. THE BEAUTIFUL LITTLE CINDERELLA, THE BEAUTIFUL LITTLE CINDERELLA, THE FUNNY LIT'I LE PEDRO, THE GREAT LITTLE rEnRo. TILE AFFECTIONATE LITTLE PEDRO, THE GOOD LITTLE PEDRO, THE I'RE'I l'F LITTLE PEDRO, The PonieS, The Ponies, The Ponles, The Ponies, The Ponies, The rou.'o6, TILE SWEET LITTLE PONIES, : WILL APPEAR. Miss ALLEN SON, by particular desire, will sing HOME, SWEET HOME Master EDWARD, the Wonderful LITTLE DRUMMER BOY,- Late of the GSt h ltegiment, will give his great imitation. of THE BATTLE OF AN'FIETAM. • Admission 21 cents to all parts of the house, :lie extra Charge for Secured Seats. Doots open. at.l ; commence at S o'clock, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC OPERA MATINEE. GRAND OPERA AND GALA MATINEE. WEDNESDAY, December al, at 23 I'. M. Mr. CRAG has the honor to announce that, in compli ance with general request and the received custom that at least one Matinee should be given during the season which he was precluded frem tieing during his recent visit to' hiladelphia, on his way . through with his corn rimy Wash ington . to New York he will give one arand'llJatinee, wtth full * Oreltestr& and Chorus and spier did hostutiiet, and a MAT, en. Seem:, when will be presented Verdi's Amens Opera of LA TRAVIA7A, On which eeeasion • AVITOLTNA CORNER, whese success in lthiladelphia ha. thoroughly . proved her great artistic Merits, Witt appotit a, " ieletta." .. Iti I, ACCAFERRT, Who recently elicited the greatest,entlinsinsra in New York by his thoroughly artistic dad original interpreta tion of this role, and who will opbedr id it for the first time in Philadelphia on this oceasinn!offly. REMONT—AMODIO. 'PI lE-DOCTuTt—litAlt ILI. Between the second and third nets II ERR ERNST lARTMAN.N : the eminent Pianist, will perform Liszt 1. trebrated phrase. the "Midsummer Night's Dream.' Admission, all Parts of the cents; reserved seats; rents extra. The sale of seats and tickets Will commencoon Mon day at the Academy, and Gould's Music :3tere, Yo. t3:it Chestnut street. Doors open at 1l A GRAND PRIZE BALL, SELECT, MILITARY AND CIVIC. Cratsr OF' TRF. SERIES.] In aid of We SICK AND WOUNDED of the WEST PIFILADEL PHIA HOSPITAL, yr 111 he ffiVCII by the " MERCURI LO QUANDI," on TEt t epAKEVENING, DEC. 30,1663, at the MUSICAL FUND BECK'S. BRASS AND STRING BAND is Pogaged for the occasion, sod will iutroduce several NEW INSTRU MENTS, and execute a ouinber of New Airs. Ait attractive feature of the evening wil (he the presen tation to ladies and gentlemen, respect' vel y. A NUMBER OF BEAUTIFUL AND COSTLY PRIZES, ' Consisting of A GENT'S PATENT ENGLISH LEVER WATCH AND mASSIVE CHAIN, cost 021X1 In Liverpool, A LADY'S HUNTING CASE WATCH, Enamelled and Diamond setting, valued al - $lOO, AN ELEGANT .SILVER-MOUNTED REVOLVER, is Rosewood case, worth *SO, MAGNIFICENT PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Etc., etc.; AR of which will be awarded by Int or otherwise, as the purchasers of tidetx may decide. Arir SPECIMENS OF THE PRIZES MA' HE SEEN AT THE GIFT-BOOK STORE, CHESTINIUI' STREET. BELOW FIFTH. . The net proceeds of the Bill will he devoted to the be- Relit of the SICK AND WOUNDED' SOLDIERS OF THE • WEST PHILADELPHIA HOSPITAL. The Trustee's receipt for the amount realized, with a Ntatement of the expenses, etc., will be published in The Press and in quirer of January 1 ISM. CARDS OF ADMISSION, $3 00, admitting a Gentleman and two Ladies, and including five courses of Hefiesh .ments. EVERY EFFORT WILL BE MAIM HQ/DER TIIJS ONE OF TAE MOST SELEC'r, B EILLIANT,• AND 'ATTRACTIVE AFFAIRS OF TELE KIND , E\ ER HELD IN PHILADELPHIA. None but persons of the most on doubted respectability will be ntimiittetr. Thant ter of Cards limited,- to be obtained of the Alanagers...• a nil at the. principal Book mid Music Stores on Chestnut street. MASTER OF CEREMONIES. HARMANUS NEFF. • ASSISTANTS. J. MONTGOMERY WARNEICEO. 0. EVANS - , WILL S. TURNER, !J. C. RISLEY. MANAGERS. CHAS. DURANG, Esq., EDW. W. NICHOLS; Env. .T. MONTGOMERY WARNE THOS. LEYLAND, Wit. HOWELL, JOHN P. CHARLTON. GEO. G. EVANS, PETER ABEL, J. C. lIISLEY. GUSTAVUS BENSON, EM.. WILL S. TURNER, .1. C, TAYLOR, D. W. CLARK. ' . A. M. CALDWELL, Ml DI, CHARLES 'N. MANN; • P. R. FRIES, Esq. . • Colonel D. W. RIDDLE, . • ' 'Captain ALEX.•WILSON, A.lO, C., • :Ca d tain VAN FITCH, New York, • A ntant C. RICE, New York,. • •••••• V. RICHARDS. lieq,New York. " . Colonel T. W. LOCKE, Boston, . Lieutenant F. IL - MARSH, Boston. ' IL C. FLINT. Esq., Boston. de2l-St VTAINIITSTREET THEATRE.- . Sole Lessee Mrs. K A. GAREETTSON. Disliking' Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. THIS (Monday) EVENING, December,29, 1562, ' .- The Laura Keene Company will appear in • •• ' ' OLD HEADS AND 1 °ONG HEARTS. Lady..Allce ' Miss Laura Keene. Jesse Rural • Mr W. R. Blake. Tom Coke ' ' .- ' Mr. OM; Wheatleigl. 'Littleton Coke . . . Kr. C. Vgalcott i Sr. •To conclude With • •-• . . ' .. -THE MAID.WITH THE 'MILKING PAIL. It • MRS.JOHN -DREW'S ARCH-STREET Ritsintwk.ftentandlireasn . Der JOS. D. MURPHY. FIFTY-FIFTH NIGHT OP MR. J. S. CLARKE, -And last a eek of his Eugattement. TO-NIGHT, MONDAY, December 29,1562, • • SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER. Tony Lumlikin ' ' Mr. J. S. Clarke. IdlosHardeaslle ' Mrs. John Drew. To cowhide with(Seventh NA I AD THE NAIAD QUEMT. SanEmPs' Lnrline Mr. J. S. Clarke Mrs. John Drew. MATINEE ON NEW YEAR'S DAL THE NAIAD QUEEN at half past 2 o'clock. Book Fleet now open.' It ABEL . CO.'S STEREOPTICON. ASSEMBLYBUILDINGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. . LAST WEEK. Every Evening, and New Year's and Satnrday Afternoons. Admission 20 cts. Children 10 cents. de294X* AMERICAN ACADEMY, OF MUSIC. EDWARD PAYSON WESTON ORPHEUS MUSICAL ASSOCIATION'S GRAND CONCERTS! FULL 'MILITARY BAND AND GRAND ORCHESTRA. Comprising Forty of the Best Musicians, Under the direction of CARL SENTZ CONDITOTOR. EDWARD PATSON WESTON would respectfully in form the enbsctibers to the above•named Concerts and the Public that the first Concert will be given on 'AIONDAY EVENING, January 6, ISai. Single tickets to others than snbscribera, Parquet (in chiding reserved seats), 50 cents. Family . Circle (entrance on Locuststreet), 2. cents. The whole of the Parquet Circle, Balcony, Balcony' Boxes, and the Brilliant 1. oyer Promenade. is reservedfor subs. ribers and those holding subscribers' extra tickets. SUBSCRIBER'S TICKET, Admitting o»o person to the FOlift CONCERTS, to be given once in two weeks. ONE DOLLAR. Those desiring to become subscribers will please send their address to the Manager, Box 1144 Philadelphia Post Office, previous to Saturday, January 3, 1863' , as nu subscribers tickets will be issued alter that date. de27-41* ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS-TENTH AND CHESTNUT. Rummy ABIUSE3IENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. TOYS AND GIFTS FOR THE LITTLE ONES. SIGNOR ELITE. The great MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with his LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will give his new and popular Entertainments every AFTERNOON and EVE NING during the Holiday Week, commencing at 3 and 1,1,1 P. M. ; and on NEW YEAR'S DAY at 11 ,A. lit, 3 and 734 P. - M. The attractions will be marvellous: experi ments imMagic ; wonderful powers in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Birds in their new characters. AdMission 2d cents. Children 13 cents. de`27-tf CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET. POSITIN'ELY FOR FOUR WEEKS ONLY. COMMENCING - MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, AND CONTINUING EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK ; ALSO ON WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, AND CHRISTMAS AFTERNOONS, TIIM GREAT HISTORIC MIRROR OF THE WAR, Painted by Messrs. 11013EBT - Sr WM. PEAR SON. of New York City. The Only complete artistic work of the kind in exist enco; being a complete history of the great contest, inner, tratmg all the principal Battles, Battles, Battles, Naval Emtagements, Naval Engagements, Naval Engagements, Parades, . Sieges, Parades, Sieges, Parades, - Sieges, Camp Life, Camp Life, - Camp Life. Not only showing all the principal Fortifications, Towns. and Cities, but also following our brave. troops through their various positions and evolutions, the whole form. iug series of ARTISTIC AND BEAUTIFUL SCENES.. fa hes, AI. ~ Maiche', Collected at great expense and trouble by Mr. Pearson. ADMISSION 25 CENTS; PACKAGES OF SIX TICKETS, - ORE DOLLAR., GRAND MATINEE, WEDNESDAY. SATURDAY, and CHRISTMAS AFTER, NOONS, for the accommodation of Schools and Widnes. Doors open at 2 o'clock. - To commence at . :3. Evaxtxtts—Entertainment to commence at-7: 1 4. Doors open one hem; previous. Persons desirous of engaging tickets n ill please apply at the Ball every day, between 10 and 12 aad!2 at:IAA fIONCERT HALL-LECTURE N.' ROOM—CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS' GREAT NAUTICAL ENTERTAINMENT, Every Evening at 734 &clock. And SATURDAY AFTERNOON:at 3 o'clock, This splendid Entertainment drew crowded houses fop 2ho nights' in New York; will remain. open a few Weellis longer in Philadelphia. Every family should win Capt. Williams' Great Whaling Voyage before its demi*. hire. Liberal arrangements will he made for schools and benevolent purposes. Tickets 25 cts., or five for $1 del-Ito aERMANLA. OROATiITRA. - PUB. MC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY AFTER, NOON at SY; o'clock, aA the BIUSICAL EUND HALL Carl Bentz, conductor. lickets 25 cents. Packages of $ tickets, 441.—t0 be bad oat Andre & Co., 1104, Cheattuat street ; J. E. Gould, seventh and Chestnut, and at ths hall door. - n027-tf HASSLER'S. ORCHESTRA NEW OFFICE, 214 South EIGHTH St., below Walnut. pENNATLVANIA ACA DENY 0 F . 4- TOE EIN E ARTS. 10'15 CHESTNUT STREET. t npen daily (Enrol:iv; cixoeptedi from 0 _ au .v.hi. Admission 2b: ca,XltS. Qtalrati gtQcqs‘ 31,t1rAos Bombardmmts, Bombardments,. Bombardments,. Rec 'ewe. Reviews, Reviews,