CITY IT,E,IVIS. SALMON, &c,—Mr. C. -dealer in line family grooeries, Aroh ll i;c111, fitiects, has now in store a very choice ~,e4n mackerel, put up in kilts ' suitable for „:,; also, a fresh supply of sardines, spiced il''' ) i n vether with all the finest articles iu the ill:. I virCENT PRESENTS.—BeyOIIu 0011- liotion the richest and moat elegant gifts for the ';;;,113s, that are now being purchased, are the sots of ladies' and children's fancy furs Pri nt ; by Messrs, Charles Oakforcl & Son, Nos, 834 I:l3;l6(lestnut street, under the Continental Ho • 0 0 at once and make your selections, You will ' I , r tlor and save money. Tht, Ifirrx , R, the justly. celebrated Photo . No. 810 Arch street, .4s winning , universal I.y the beauty and excellence of his pie inl:en in all sizes and styles and in all weath i„,, lii,i gallery, moreover, is on the ground floor. 1,71 MTh MILITARY GOODS FOR THE Persons desirous of making suitable pre to army or navy officers will find the very thiq A they want, in beat style and quality, at. Oak sows, under the Continental "Rotel. 1.110`411 WHO would have the BEST Sewinn . ;\l.liline should call at Grover /v. Baker's, no I,otlltit greet, deia-2t ei. Gouw, corner of Seventh and ch a q ua streets, is the only oneinPhilndelphia who ' t oo the popular and truly beautiful Geo, Steak poncnorLeri. de4-tf WouLD lou nn HAPPY ?—Then call at 0i „ e r.5.3 Baker's, 79U Chestnut street, and buy'one of their " noiseless" Sewing Machines, of either eo tti s q,," with the privilege of exchanging if not del6-2t rt'IO:IIASERS OF S.EWINO MACTEINES Will craot their own interest .by selecting where they 011 I,flo their choice of - either stitch, with. the ~r i s pep. of exchanging if not suited with their first ~1 o h , e, This can only be (lone ,at Grover & Baker's, t nut street. tlel6-5t ON To RICHMOND I—This is now the wAr cr) ; Burnside has ()roused the Rappahannock, and nederiobsburg has been knocked to pieces about the Vat 3 of its rebel occupants. We hope that the Union soldiers will eat their Christmas dinners in j i i c h rn ond, and that Jeff. Davis will either be, a prisoner sw3iting a hempen collar, or a fugitive and as ou t ea Nt. The good people of this latitude watch intettHe interest the progress of eventsiand they prop themselves elegant and comfortable by wearing norel made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Beckhilt & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, A loe t4txth, CIIRMTKAS PRESENTS !--Get a beautiful ter ti Plano of 3. E, Gould, corner of Seventh and cheAnct streets. de4-tf IIitIIPILY IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING V.Ai it frills, produced-by Grover & Baker S. M. Co., elle3tnitt street. They are noiseless, very rapid, sti.ple in construction, and sdapted to all work, he m.) and light, for which the shuttle-stitch is and much superior ft> the shuttle or " lock :stltcl." machines heretofore in use. Price $4O. 615-:n n• I at A PEACEFUL LINE.—A line of peace was di,orn across the continent amid the tumults of war of 186 I—the Padtic Telegraph. A survey of the route Erna commenced in November, 1860, by Mr. ),:d l v A rd Creighton,who travelled the whole distance mule-back. The party this side started from , intitai, Kitrissii, and erected their first post On the nn of July, 1861, They travelled ten miles a day, setting up thirty posts to a mile. in parts of the country destitute of wood, these had often to be dinwn two hundred end forty miles. The reach of wire Otllo3 the continent, from Cape Race to San Trartelsco, is five thou , and • miles, making a dlf icience in time of more than four hours and a half. A Jorge business house'in the East, like Charles :ziohes' " One-Price' , Clothing Store, under the ..Contlnentayi . has half of iteday's sales made be y:e the California' merchant has : taken down hls :hitters, Tili; No. 9—A new "Lock-stitch" Ma rtine of great speed, capacity, simplicity, and dura kity, made especially for Army Clothing and 13ifors' use. It is greatly superior. to any other ..lock•Stitch" machine in use. Price $4O. Grover Baker S. M. Co., '730 Chestnut street. tlels-2t THERE IS GENERAL BANKS ?—This is a i,uNtion very few can answer, We had a statement, .1 few days ago, that he left Fortress Monroe and sent out by sea. This, if true, would indicate that to Is alining at some point south of that inland ex- MSC of waters. Still, the impression is strong itat he is aiming at Richmond from the south, but In what particular route is a secret that has been 1401 kept; Meanwhile the rebel army is falling 1;1.1. and all loyal folks are rushing forward to the IN-Price Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, 70 GO Chestnut street, Philadelphia, where the els,pesi and finest assortment of winter garments Atte country are kept constantly on hand. SPEOIAL NOTICES. tVii.r.hutspOßT,. LTCONING COUNTY' PA • • DECIMEIt 11,1983. EVANS & WATSON, PhUadolphia, ni.sitatstor : I went to rock Haven yesterday, to ex. mine the different Fire Proof Safes which bad passed 6.oligh the ireat Fire. I found throe of your Safes, •ohieli had preserved the Books, Papers, Sc.; Sc., In a P condition, bearing not the least mark of the groat rauda %ration. The certificate of one I forward to you, the .....rtifw;•tA of the other two I will forward by to-morrow's eisii. file,4rs. Bowls St Beadle had in their store one of Milts'.. snake of Safe, which was burnt up. I send you ittor:.-: part of the charred remains of the wood- Very respectfully yours, _ _ - Loa harlot; Pa., Dacelabor 10, 1802. Me..r, EVANS 3: 'WATSON, . • ief Xll !Mks: Aly Salamander Safe, tnado at your este hlidanent. hro. passed through the great fire, which korly de.troyed this town, ou the 6th inst., and pre ,rved lb contents to my entire satikfactiou. The Safe expowd to an intense heat, so much" so as to melt -- miter plates and knobs, yet after being opened, Lav ic:L•dd twelve hours in the ruins, not a paper was a.url to kinittred; Respecfully yours. ORIN T. NOBLE, Attorney at Law ONE-PHIOE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST .rrt•B3, mode in the Beat Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES• LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi xates. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. o .lr Oxe-Pnten SrATEM is strictly adhered to. All are theieby treated alike. JOBS & CO,. GO* MARKET Street. B&TCHELOR'S' ,WATS ...DYE! TIIP 4 BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM 'A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye vr-Isre, a color not to be distinguished from nature; le4rranted not to injure the hair in the least; remedies ill effects of bad dyes, and Invigorates the Hair for GRAY. RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a ndesdid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and i , Natiful, Sold by all Druggists, &c. Tis:. Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE. Log, (01 thefour sides of each bore. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late= Broadway and 16 Bond etreet,) New York. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. • They area CI antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late honrii. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent foyers. That' Purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhcelia, Cholera, and Cholera Morbne. They cure Liver - ComPlaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BITTERS lu the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great r.storer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the cote, mated Calixaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate parsons requiring n gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drug gists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DRAKE & CO., 202 BROADWAY. New York, ae2.443m UPHAM'S HAIR DYE, 38 CENTS A BOX.— Three boxes for $1; the best In nee. Try It. Sold only at UPHAM'S. 403 CHESTNUT &mat. 3tt27-3n3* MARK=FD: WAPELS—HAMM.—On the 9th instant, by Rev. Win. Talbott, Mr. G. B. Wapels, of Milton, Sus sex county, Del. to Miss Marianna Hamm, of Lit tle Creek Neck, Kent county, Del, WOOD—SHIYERS.—Un the 9th ;Instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by Friends' Cere mony, John B. Wood, of Philadelphia, to Sue Shivers, of (tamden county, N. J. LORD—KILLGORE—On Thursday morning, De cember I I, 1862, at the residence of the bride's father, 11. the Res. E. W. Hatter, Mr. John Lord, P of Ches ter, Delaware county Pa. to Miss Amanda S. Kill- Pie, daughter of John Killgore, Esq., of Phila delphia. 1101,—OURTIS.—On the Bth instant, by the Rev. Mr. Jones Captain Thomas D. Horn to Miss Lydia Duffle, alt of this city. • oh (IRATH—ELLIS.—On the 11th inst Int, by the Am Thomas-Taylor, F. H. McGrath, of New York, fo Illts Mary E., eldest daughter of Jacob Ellis, Ese.. of Vreehold, New Jersey. • IV I LSON—RECKTENWALT.—On the 9th ult., by the Rev. Willistrt B. Wood. Mr. Thomas H. Wil• bon to Miss. Catharine M. Becktenwalt, both of this city. DIEM KERN.— bee. 13, 1862, Mrs. Ann 0. Kern, widow (Atha late George Kern. F'unerat from the residence of her sister, Mrs. H. usrlite, No. 702 North Nineteenth street, above Costes street, this (Monday) morning, at 10 o'clock precisely. • lilibliNHEßG.—On the 13th instant, Charles Wilson, son of Charles J. Ifedenberg, aged 'l9 yesrs. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the I eaidence of his father, Thirty-second and Hamilton streets Mantua, on Tuesday, the 16th instant, at 2 o'clock P. M. •• LUT/.—On the morning of the 12th instant, of Illphtherla, Ida Virginia, daughter of Michael B. and Sarah V. Lutz, aged 2 years, 9 months, and 14 dna, The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the reel -4,l,encepf her parents, No. 1022 North Fifth street, 'dila (Monday) morning, 1 5 5th instant, at 10 o'clock. Interment . at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. ' * the.morning of the 12th instant, Alm. Sarah, 'widow •of Samuel White, in her 86th Tex r, Iler friends, and those of the family, are respect- Ails - invited to attend her funeral, from her son's rel "once) • 616 North Tenth street, this (Monday) morning, 15th 'instant, at 10 o'clock. WOLF,--On the morning of the 13th instant,. Ed wntti B. Wolf, in the 32d year of his age. EVARS.--On the 11th instant, Miss Ruth Evans, in the 47th year of her age. CiILIIEItT.--9n the 12th instant, Ann Sagers . 01ihert, wife of Samuel Gilbert, aged 18 years. * GORMAN.—On the 11th instant, Mrs. Annie 11 orinnn, Aged 80 years. • • (11 (OFV.—On the 12th instant, Jones Groff, aged tvi e arn ERIDE.—On the 11th instant, Rosanna Mc /14r, in the 80th year of her age. • vOROSSON.—On the 12th instant, James J. ?la.:moon, son of Patrick and Mary McOrosson, in ~/ •21at year of his age. • AcUtiLLOU.--On the 12th instant, William Jill 0 1341 lon of William and Margaret McOullonih, aged 14 months, AM].VAIN.—On the 11th instant, Mrs. Elizabeth clivain, in the 81. st year of her age. • MONROE:4/n the 12th instant Mre. Rosanna Monroe, , • 0111 I.PORI).—On the 12th instant, Emma .Pris daughter of George W. ° II and Mary Jane Mill- NerllB years and 2 tnoutlin, . • EUSTWE.—On the 11th instant, Catharine Eus tice, aged :JO years. • REANE].—On the 10th instant, Mrs. Mary licaney, wife of John Bonney. • ROBERTS.—On the Ilth instant, Jacob S Roberts, aged 58 years. SIIAMLEY.—On the I Shamley Weelay Rcpor Denthh tout I»tetnnente i from the tith to the HP 4 I ri ui I 1., ntsnAsns. .--. ',.."i Drsrasus. .- o o ~-. h , o ..* ...0 LSI • ~...L...........;.... ";"' ° - ,4 u --- -Asphixia- .... 1 Fever, Typhoid ' 4 9 Apoplexy - 2 1 Hternerrhage 1 Burns and Scalds..:. 1 , "Lungs- 2 • •.• Cancer 4 Uterus.. 1 " Uterus:....... 1 looping Cough 1 Stomach 2 Inflammation Bruin.. .6 Casualties 3 " . Bronchi- 1 6 Croup ' 10 " Kidneys.. 1 Congestion of Brain 3 2 " Lungs.... 8 7 Lungs...... 2 3 " . Periton'in 1 Cramps " •11 ;Pleura ... . . 1 Consumption, Lungs. 24 3 , " Stem &B. 4 2 Conpistons, . 1 7 Intussception 1 Puerperal.- 1 Inanition 1 1 Cyanosis. 1 intemperance 1 Diptheria a • & Exposure. 2 Diabetes 1 Totems ..... ..., 1 Diarrittert 0 Ma nia-n-Potu 3 Dropsy 3 1 sfarasiuus. . 1 8 '' Abdominal 1 Ossilicat'n Arteries.; - 1 Brain 1 Old Age 1 Heart. .:. • . •-• 1 Oedema of Glottis.... 1 DiSease Brain 1 Palsy 1 - " Heart - 2 1 Scrofula ' " '3 Dysentery ' 1 . Softening of Brain... 11 Debility 7 5 Small-Pox - 1 Erysipelas.. ..... .:... 7 1 Still-born. 14 Fever, Nervous..:. - .. '1 Scarlet f 5 l Total 1031101 . _ tit , Ilia ABOVE MERE WERE— • Under 1 year. 48 From ‘ 40 to 50.... .. • .. ...•• 10 From Ito 2 14 * 50 to 60 9 " 2to 5 21 " , 60.t0 71) 19 " sto 10 .9 " 70 to 80 ' S 10 to 15. 6 " SO to 90 .3 " 15 to 20. 20 to 30 2.5 . Total 207 30 to 40. 20 WARDS. - 1 WARDS, ' -I WARDS, First 12 Tenth 4lNineteenth...... 9 Second 11 Eleventh 7 Twentieth 6 Third. 6 Twelfth 8 Twenty4lrst ... : . 3 Fourth ' 6 'Thirteenth • 2 Twenty-second., 8 Fifth 12 Fourteenth, 7 Twonty-third—' 8 Sixth 41F1fteenth " 6 Twenty-fourth.. 22 Seventh. 141 Sixteenth " 3 Twenty-fifths ..• • 0 Eighth 91Seventeenth..,. JO Unknown 14 Ninth , . Total. Deduct deaths fron Net deaths in the city 164 Nativity—United States, 144; Foreign, 47' ; Unknown, 16. • From the Almshouse, 7; People of Color, 5; from the country, 13. The number of deaths, compared with the correspond ing week of 1851, and of last week, was as follows: Week ending December Nth,' 1861, was 2.52. Week ending Deeember 6th, 1862, was 212. Males, no ; Females, 97 ; Boys, 53; Girls, 50. Deaths and interments of soldiers in the city, 12. By order of the Board of Health. WlT,r,Lan READ, Health °Meer. RESSON RSON RAVE NOW IN - 1 " STORE, Black all-wool MeCinoes, SUM to $l.BO. Do. do: Velour Reps, $1,3714' to $1.50. Do: do. - Ottoman Ponlins, Sly to $l.: - Do. do. , Cashmere, $1.1.2,4 to $1.50. Do. • English Reps, 25 - to Do. Turin Cloths, 50c. Do. Pa ramettas, 31.1.,f to 50c.; Alpacas, 28c. to Do. Drap d'A lams. a)c. Do. Bombazines, Mousseline, Tainises Sze. MOURNING STORE, MS CHESTNUT Street, N. 8. , --Samples post free. dels-1t VYRE & LANDELL, -LA polar and ARCH STREETS. Sh awls for P a A e rt l 4 l l l . L =l s a t a'crka of Silks for Pennsylvania, Trade. Dress Goods for. Pennsylvania Trade. n027-tf C4.00D QUALITY BALMORAL ‘-" SKIRTS.—These Skirts are full four yards wide and one and a quarter long. Colors all-wool, and styles are adapted to genteel trade. n027-tf CHRISTIAN COMMISSION CASH ACKNOWLEDGEMBNTS.Jos. Patterson, Trea surer, acknowledges the following receipts: E. B Jones, Chairman Christian Commission, Y. M. C. A., St. Louis, Mo., (additional.) A. T. Lane • Win. Diune & Son M. W. Baldwin & Co Welling, Coffin, & Co Drexel & Co.. (additional.) Wm. Buckutill, do Jos, Patterson, ' do Ceo. H. Stuart, • do 'John A. Brown, do S. Morris, Wain & Co., do Jay Cooke & Co., do Cash Misses Ulory, Morrison, Baker, and others; ladies of Suminerfield M. E. ,S, School, part proceeds of a fair, (additional.) - 53 60 S. Milliken, Jr„ New York 50 00 St. Paul's Church, Cheltenham, Pa., per nev..tit. f. Parvin 20 00 Isaac Rich, Boston 20 00 Coo. Metzger, Carlisle, Pa 10 00 A servant girl, her third contribution making $2.5 600 C. M. Chamberlain, CarlisK Pa .......... • • • • 000 Ladies'' Aid Society, Wet& Alexander, Pa, to pay for freight 5 00 Sabbath School, Mannsville, N. J., per A. Wardnell A Friend, Doylestown, Pa A few hullos, Munev, Pa., to pay freight on box, lst Preshli Church, Easton, Pa.; to pay dray'ge. Ain't previously acknowledged It Total amount IMPNOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholdors of the QUICKSILVER MI NING COMPANY will be held at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL; hi the city of Philadelphia, ou MONDAY, the Sidi (lay ofJanuary, IA& at 1.1 J; o clock A M. dolbßN WILLIAM BOND, Secretary. MTHE O DONALDSON IMPROVE MENT AND 'RAILROAD COWAN 17— , Ottice, No. 276 South THIRD Street, Washington Building. PHILADELPHIA, December 15th, 1862. Owners of the Seven Per Cont. Dlctrtgage Bonds of this Contpuny are requested to ptesent all Coupons how tine to this Wee for settlement, in accordance with proposi tion of the Company dell& IX.• POST OFFICE NOTICE.—A' MAIL for NEW ORLEANS, LA., to be despatched _per simmer CREOLE, will be cleaved at this Office THIS (Alouday) EVENING, Doc. 13,1962, at 9 o'clock. • C.. A WALBORN, P. If. PHlLAnsuitiA POST OPTICS, ACC. 13,1562. It JOHN B. GOUGH'S LAST LECTURE OF THF, COURSE will be delivered ou TUES DAY EVENING NEXT, 16th inst., in.the Academy of Mnsie. Subject: "London, its Lights, and Shadows, and Street Life,'• with a closing address to our bravo soldiers, a large number of whom will be present. Reserved seats 50 cents, may be had at MARTIEN'S, 606 Chestnut street, the ADIERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, VA) Chestnut street, and at the door of the ACADEMY: Fa": 17 circle 24 tents, at MARTIEN'S nnd;the TRACT SO ' CIETY; also at the' ACADEMY on the evening of the Lecture, Proceeds for the benefit of our sick and wounded soldiers, and other objects of benevolence. ,1e13.30 0, D, EMERY, MAVIS AUX ELIGGANTS. IL. PAUL ANDRIOT, Geraud do la =igen de Tailienrs de AL GRANDVILLE STOKES, 009 CHEST ran Street, Philadelphie a l'llonneur de preveuir sea nombreux antis et connaissauces qui rout ileja favorise do lent. &Mown°, (ainsi quo les otrangers,) tin It vient de reeevoir de Paris et 'bonfires los modes lea plus recentes et los mieux ponces pour la saloon d'hiver. 11. G randvill e Stokes a ntis a sa d6positiou les etoffes les plus belles, et les meilleures qualitos, des premieres manu factures d'Europe. Les inintaires, ainsi que lea °Meters do tons gradoi y trouverous les manicures (mantes (Felons, it des prix tres tooderes. -L'elegance de se coupe, Must quo le caenet de distinction qui la caramelise est deja Imp outwit du public pour eu renonvolles trust morites. delVlut MTHE DISTRESS IN ENGLAND.— The Committee to receive Subs&lotions to aid -in the relief of the DISTRESSED OPERATIVES in Eng hind, will sit daily in INDEPENDENCE HALL' from 12 to 2 o'clock.. JOSEPH WM. MILLER, JAMBS A. %VIIWIIL', . GEORGE A. McKINSTRY. tlell-tt TtigRADAy COMMONWEALTH . INSURANCE . COMPANY OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVA NIA—Office, Commonwealth Building, No. 613 CHEST NUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, December 6, Mt A meeting of the Stockholders of the COMMON WEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY of the State of Penn sylvania will be held, at the Office of the Company, on MONDAY, January d, ISGI, at 10 o'clock A. M. An ELECTION OF TEN DIRECTORS, to serve the en suing year. will bo held at the same place, and on the BUMP tiny, between the hours of 12 and 2 P. M: dell-tjad SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. MHODICEOPATIIIC HOSPITAL, 1116 CUTHBEWZStreet.—This institution is now open for the reception oftikk'and wounded Soldiers, whoPrili be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner. tree of charge. B. F. GLBNN, n022-t! Secretary of Board of Alan:were. • 109117 - E.R.SIT Y OF PENNSYLVANIA, (DEPARTMENT OF ARTS).—The F.xaminatiou or the College Classes, at _the close of the First Term, Will be held in the following order: THURSDAY, 11th. Frain 9to 11, Juniors, by Prof. Ken dell, (Analytical GeomOtry,) and lophomores, by Prof. Frazer, (Somatology ) written. From 11 to 1, Seniors, by ' the Provost, (Moral Philosophy). FRIDAY 12th. From 9 to 11, Sophomores, ( Geometry,) and Freshmen, (Algebra ,) by Prot Kendall, written. From 11 to 1, Juniors, by the Provost, (Intellectual Phi losophy). MONDAY, 19th. From 9to Ti, Seniors, by Prof. Allen, (Xenophdil •de re °quadri). From 11 to 1, Juniors, by Prof. Frazer, (Statics). TUESDAI 18th. From 9to 11, Junlor:4, by Prof. Alien, (Theocrituil). From 11 to 1, Seniors, by Prof Fraser, Cesirononiv). WEDNESDAY. 17th From 9 to rt, Seniors, by Prof. Jackson, (Cicero's Timid:ma). From 11 to 1, Ropho mores, by Prof. Coppee, (Logic). THURSDAY, 18th. From 9to 31, Sophomores, by Prof. Allen (Polybius). From 11 to 1, Senlors, , ,by Prof. CoPPee, (English Literature). FRIDAY, 19th. From 9to Ti, Freshmen, by Prof. Allen, (Xencphon's Hellenica). From 11 to 1, Juniors, by Prof. Jackson, (Juvenal). MONDAY, 22. d. From 9 to 11, Sophomores, by Prof. Jackson, (Mattis' History). From 11 to 1, Freshmen, by Prof. Coppee, (History). TUESDAY, From 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Jack son, (Liu). GEORGE ALLEN, delt/-9t Secretary. M• OFFICE OF THE ItEL/A.NCE INS. COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Nov. V 186 L A GENERAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS of this Company will be held, in pursnance of the charter, on biONDAY, the 15th day of December next at 12 o'clock bl., to hear the report of the Board of 'Directors for the eleven months ending with the 30th day of the present month, and also to consider and determine.upon. the expediency of incremiuz the CASH CAPITAL of the Compan_y to !he sum of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, 'according to such rules and regulations as may he adopted generalf meeting convened f or that purpose. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that EL E CTION for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS to manage the affairs of the Company for the ensuing year, wilt be held at the same time and place, between the hours of 12 o'clock M. and 2 o'clock P. M. n022-swmtdhi PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD 00.—010nca227 SOUTH Fouirrit Sr, PITILADELPII! it, December 8,1662.—N0T1CE IS HERESY GIVEN, to the Stockholders of this Company, that the Annual Meeting and an Election for President, Six .llana,- gers, Treasurer and Secretary, will take place on the SECOND MONDAY (12th) of JANUARY next, at 12 o'clock M. W. H. WEBS; dee-tjal3 Secretary. OFFICE 111 °LINT CARBON AND 114 PORT CARBON RAILROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, December 81862, oc The Annual Meetinz of the Stkholdere of thL Com pany will be held nt the Office of the Company, No. 417 LIBRARY Street, on MONDAY, December 'th, at half Past ten o'clock A. 81., at which time an election tarot- Hemp, to serve the eusetng year, will take place. de9 td29 P. C. HOLLIS, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AH TisT TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, PHILADEL PHIA, October 24 1861 Wounded Soldiers and Sailors dPairoua of availing them ;wives of the National Appropriation for !supplying Artifi cial Limba, Should apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist , to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK. PAL3IER, 0c21341 Government Surgeon-Artist. NOTICE.—CORN EXCHANGE BANK, PHILADHLPHIA, November 4, 1862._—The fon °Wing revolution wits this day adopted by the Board of Directors and ordered to be published: ReBolvd, That the unsold portion of the Stock of this Bank be offered to the present Stockholders at par, each Stockholder to have the privilege of taking a pro rata share, according to a scale adopted by the Board, Pro vided subscription and payment be made before the first day of January, '1863. n01.4-tjal J. W. TORREY, Cashier. COH.N EXCHANGE BANK., PHILADELPHIA, NOV. 2,4, IS62.—At the election lelTNovember 17th, 1862, the following Stockholders were elected Directors of thiank : s2D Alexander G. Cattell, r 'Christian J. Hoffman, Deli Noblit, Jr., 'Robert Ervieu, George L. Braby, 11, W. Catherweed, Edward C. Knight, William P. COX, William L. Maddock, Edmund A. Sonde'', James Steel, Samuel T. Canby, Charles E. Wilkins. And at the meeting of Directors, this day, ALEX ANDER G. CATTELL, Esq., waii unanimously re-elected President ; ALEX. WHILLDIN, Esq., Vice President, and JOHN W. TORREY Cashier. w no2frif J. . TORREY. Cashier. STOLEN—O\ SATURDAY MORN.; log n PORTE 310E - NAIE containing 'arsons notes of baud, two of Mtellael Andress, one amonathm to tiro hundred and fifty or sixty dollars. one of three hundred and thirty odd ; one of Andress & Duren, dated .iamtnry 1. P 156, for A;1321.51 ; one of Thomas: parch!, August 11, 1 .1;00 ; t h ree pha reA of Consolidation Bunk ; tell slier Vatted Fire Assmintion, and various ,other papers. Ail persons are forbid, negotiating for them,tu payment but del:Wit• been stopped. — T4F,IMER'S u frOtYTYES AR E . spiendi*einiimiiidai P t. Look at them, andyou will be convinced' of their worth. - Aa like n perfect: in colothm .naturat and Impresmtv'e. 'SECOND Street, above tiretm. • 11 t del2 th instant, Bartholomew of Interments. the {My of Philadelvhia, 13th olDecember, 1861 ALTH OFFICE, Dee.l3, ISiyt EYRE & LINDELL ALBERT E. ECKEL, Treasurer Dec. 11,166'' B. M. ITINCHAIAN, Secretary $ 1 7 5-PHILADELPHIA CITY GUARD—sl7s.—Every Man Enlisting in the above Regiment will receive $2.5 cash when he is enlisted, nnd good winter quarters in Barracks, and, not ex posed to the weather. The Bounties paid as follows : When enlisted ' er.:s When Company is full , At expiration of Enlistment 75 Tot nl itl7s • Recruits Equipped nt once, and furnished with a Glum Blanket. Apply at Headquarters, 6217 CHESTNUT St. WILLIAM A. GRAIry CoIrmo! Walt Regiment P. V. VOLUNTEER S WANTED FOR COMPANY A. Captain SAMUEL HAZARD, JR., Late First leutenant WI Pennsylvania oavalry. ROBERTS' HEAVY' ARTILLERY Is a battalion of Six Companies to be raised For the special • _ . - A part of the Battalion is now on duty there, and each company is sent off as fast as completed, without regard to the others, COMPANY A is nearly fall, and is now in camp in a most beautiful and healthy location on Dewey's Lane, Germantown, and as soon as completed will leave direct ly for the Fort, EVERY MAN MUSTERED IN PHILADELITIA. WILL RECEIVE BOUNTY • • " AS FOLLOWS; . Advance United States Bounty $25 00 Pay and Premium 15 00 Citizens' Bounty Fund on arrival at Fort Monroe... 50 00 Bounty from United States at the end. of enlistment 75 00 Making a total Bounty of " $165 00 AR this is to be a picked corps none but sober and order ly men need apply. Apply at the Camp, DEWEY'S LANE, above Church. Germantown. The cars run every hour within quarter of a mile of it. no2S-tf CONTINENTAL CAVALRY: "Camp Meten.ll°,7' near HADDONFIELD, N. J. —MEb wanted to complete Companies now nearly full, to secure the Citizens' Bounty 'Enna awarded to the first Twenty Companies nnuitered into the service of the United States. Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are vacant, which will be assigned to young men of good re ferences, end who have seen service. . MILITARY GOODS. MILITARY GOODS. EVANS & lIASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH MEET, PHILADELPHIA. - A complete assortment of General, Field, and Line Offi cers' [Swords, •Sashee, Belts, Paisants. Epaulettes, Can teens, Haversacks, Field Glasses, Spurs, Candlesticks, Chapeaus, Hats, Caps, Drums, Silk and Bunting Flags, Camp Knives and Forks, Baldrics, G um-cloth Over coats, &c. Also, a full line of PRESENTATION SWORDS, Sashes, Belts, etc., and everything requisite for the Complete Outfit of Army and Navy Ofilcers, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. del3-tat $5OOO Iva 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 10000 100 00 100 00 100 00 100"00 100 00 A TRUTH AMPLY "VERIFIEDUPON examination that REUdER'S Life-sizo Photographs in oil colors are the most correct and natural portraits made. War prices. SECOND Street, abovb Green. it 25 PER CENT. SAVED BY HAVING. Photogravis COLORED by S. N. WARPEL, Is 0. 701 CHESTNIT Street. de-b-mws3t* you WILL FIND IN REIMER'S - 0 - colored Photographs for id_ a picture_ that will please you in all respects. A tine likeness atuanoderate charge. SECOND Street, above Green. . it • COLEUR DE ROSE CARTES DE VISITE. THE NEW FRENCH STYLE TAKEN IN SUPERB STYLE AT TURNER'S New Ground-Floor Skylight No Ambrotype, and Photograph Gallery, SOS CHESTNUT Street, The most Extensive and Elegant in the United States. • Our Skylight Reception-Room • - and bales-Room are • • all on the Ground-Floor, so that none of our patrons are required to go up even a single Hight of stairs. Also on hand, at VERY LOW PRICES, A Splendid Assortment of • PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS TURNER, 808 CHESTNUT Street. 1,927 34 $1 13 5;048 99 121 95 V. S. REVENUE STAMPS. VVV," AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX STAMPS, No. 57 South THIRD Street, first door above Chestnut A full supply of all kinds of REVENUE STAMPS that have been Issued by the Government for sale In quantities to suit. A liberal discount allowed on amounts of SXI and up wards. ' Orders by Mall promptly attended to. . JACOB E. RIDGWAY, No. 57 South THIRD Street. 517 ARCH! . C. A. VANKIAK & CO. Haee on bumd a line as sortment of • . . . • CHANDELIERS AND.OTU R: • GAS FIXTURES. - Also French Bronze Figures and Ornaments, Percelain and Mica Shades, and a variety of FANCY GOODS SUITABLE FOR HOL.ID AY GIFTS. " 7 • *hick they wilt sell at reasonable prices. Please call and examine goosigi. . dine SKATERS' . . ICS AND PARLOR SKATES FOR HOLIDAY PRSSEWfS SKATES FOR LAMES. • " SKATES FOR GENTS. SKATES FOR BOYS. PARLOR SKATES, OF ALL SIZES. SKATES of :evert dsc eription. for sale low . Ls P.1111.42 - 11V IL,S 0 N ezC CO., 43.5 CHESTNUT STREET. • `OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE. 4.TERIAIS . . .-15011CH;LATER. AND SULTANA RAISINS, CITRON, CURRANTS, SPICES, . • CIDER'WINE, &c., &c. ..ALBERT C. ROBERTS, . DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, . dels-it tf . CORNER ELEVENTH AND. VINE STS RAGS - FOR SALE. • • 50,000 POUNDS WHITE CANVAS RAGS. Address • JOHN .0. GRAFFLIN, de)2lL ' • BALTIMORE, 14, JOSEPII B. BUSKER; Sz los and 110 SOUTH WHARVES, Below Chestnut street, offers for sale: FOREIGN FRUIT. , Bunch Raisins, whole, half, and quarter boxes. . Layer Raisins, do. do. do. - Seedless Raisins, Smyrna Raisins. Sultana Raisins, Pilules in kegs. • Imperial -Prunes, high cost, in cans. •. Prunes in glass jars, various sizes. Turkey Figs, in drums and. cartoons. Arabian Dates, Oranges and Lemons. Citron, Lemon Peel, and Currants. HERMETICALLY SEALED GOODS IN CAPS. Tomatoes, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Quinces, Grapes, Blackberries, Cherries: Pineapples, Green Corn, Peas, Roast 13eef, Roast Mutton, Roast Veal, Beef Steak, Sausage Meat, Veal and Vegetables, Mutton and Vegetables; Beef Soup, Mutton Soup, Succotash, Tripe, Roast Turkey, Chicken, Turtle Soup Clams, Oysters, Salmon, • Lobsters, Milk, Cranberries - , Sm., &c. ATMORE'S MINCED MEAT, In barrels, firkins, cans, and glmlsjurs. Also, Pickles in barrels, Tripe, Pickles in glass, Jellies, Preserves, Tomato Catsup, Pepper Sauce, Mustard,-Pep= per,. English Pickles, Sauces, and condiments in groat variety. de Mt N E.W CURRENCY. • MAGIC POCKET 4100 K ii. A larga assortment for the holidays at wholesale. J. 11. DILLON. Sole Manufacturer, No. 17 ANN Street, (upstairs), IS 03W York. SEALED PROPOSALS ARE, VIM until the 29th day of DECEMBER,IB62,, for furnishing the Subsistence Department at Washington, D. C., with 400 tons of HAY, in bales. The first delivery' to be commenced on or about the fith day of JANUARY. 1863, and the whole quantity put in within thirty days from the first delivery. The Hay to be delivered at Sixth-street wharf, and to be weighed and inspected. Bidders must state - iu their bids the price per 100 pounds at which they will furnish the Hay. Firms =icing bids' must state the names of all the parties interested. Payments to be made in certificates of indebtedness, or such funds as Government may have for distribution. Bids to be directed to Col. A. BECKWITH, A. D. C. ~, W ashingtou, D. C., and s e nder I "T i ron . c. forst . ls tl B ifa A i WRISKY ! OLD WHISKY! !?., • ,• WHISKY ! From our own and other celebrated Distilleries. We are consta utly receiving ' _We RYE. WHEAT, AND BOURBON WHISKIES, With whic, for price and quality WE CHALLENGE, COMPARISON. Our Whir:hies, for purity, mellow ness,and delicacy, are EMINENTLY Purity BEST IN TITS WORLD, And we bell them at about HALF PRICE. OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT Has already become a considerable feature in our busi ness, and to continue it in its present state. and to enlarge iI,AVe shall sell, notwithstanding the Tax, about as cheap ly as ever. • CONSIllin THESE PRICES! . hionongahels. Whisky, 60 cents per gallon, Old Ihnirbou Whisky, 75 cents per gallon. Old Rye Whisky, $1 per gallon. .Extra Old Rye Whisk *1.50 per gallon. Very Choice Old Rye whisky, $2 per gallon. • N. VAN BELL, 118 North SECOND Street, nine doors above Arch deo-17nif G UTEKUNST, THE' GREAT 'HAIR DYER, FOURTH Ditkl and BRA, is making all who M call upon in young and halide deL3-tf if R, ELLB ARK S AND BLACK. WAL NUTS.—A Consignment of New Shollbarks and Wal nuts, of m sale b ime quality, for y • .• RHODES & WILLIAMS, No: 107 South WATER Street. • MARSEILLES CASTILE SOAP.-100 Boxes choice Castile amp for Sale by 01110DMS & WILLIAMS, • No. 107 South WATER Street. (. I ,OSREN GLA_DES, WESTERN, AND G Penneylvanin Butter, of ebnlce quality, constantly I received end for. Rale br RHODES &,..NUiLI4.IdS, 107 - Smith WATER . RtrAat. . • . nalfl ' ' r ro TOBACCONISTS.-A FINE AS SAL SODA.--150 SMALL CASKS NEW -L v),",:iti i ."‘','ilf(! ,l ,:kr'il.', great i l e ‘ i . t i t3 .l - , e ci l i c l ell'er (. ..irti ‘ c i tg. ' k , ' CASTLE Sal Soda just received. nnd for RR{ P by• a saleo V y 88, 1 inn° rtes., .. ' ltiloDSS Ai WIT.Lt ANS% , . - 432 South FOUPaII St roit. ' NO.IOI South WA:l'Kit Street. i ..' Open of et;edugs• il el3-lt • THE PRESS.-PHILADELPERA, MONDAY, DECEMBE MILITARY. PHOTOGRAPHS.' RETAIL DRY GOODS. U SL ?FUJI, PRESENTS. . • • To persons who would make a useful and acceptable gift the subscribers respectfully invite attention to the following named articles, of which they have a large assortment at low prices: • Embroidered Hdl:fs., Sets, and Collars. Embroidered Lace and Muslin Curtains. - Embroidered Piano and Table Covers. Fine White and Pink Marseilles anilts. . Premium Bed Blankets. Afghan Sofa and Carriage Blankets. Rich Did, Dareask Table Cloths. Napkins, Doylies, and Towels, to match, etc. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & AREISON, Staple and House Furnishing Dry , Goods, 1008 CHESTNUT Street. JB. CASSELBERRY,4SN EIGHTH • • • Street., has on hand an immense stock of tine DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Also, Staple Goods !of every kind. Staple bought b 4 fore the great rise, and , Dress Goods and Shawls from The recent large French Auction sales. The stock comprises 'many useful goods for ' HOLIDAY G I FTS. 75 French Blanket Shawls, $075, worth $lO. . Broehe Long Shawls for Holiday:Gifts. French Blanket Shawls for Holiday Gifts. Open centre Brodie Shawls, $22 to $5O, for Holiday Gifts: 2 lots Camels' Hair Broche Shawl 4 $5O awl $70.: Ll lot Scotch Himalya Shawls for Holiday Gifts. 44 Poplin Bee; $l, for Holiday Gifts; 44, $1.12, 100 Ps. fight Delaines, 24 cents, for Holiday Gifts; np DreSs Goods at 25 centsr, for Holiday. Gifts. ~.. 'Magenta Delaincs, 50 cents, for Misses'e Hada Gifts. 20 ps. rich thod hlerinOes, $l, for Holiday Gifts. SILKS, SILKS, SILKS. Black Mid fancy Silks, in great variety; 20 per cont. less than importation cost at this time, handsome styles for Holiday Gifts. :FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. A: fall line of every kind of Gloves; Broehe Scarfs ; Thimikerchiefs, :Silk and Linen; Boys' Colored Border 1 landkerchiefs ; Gents' Colored Border Handkerchiefs ,• Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs ; fine Embroidered Collars. Gents' Driving Gloves. " PERFUMERY FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. 10 gross Lubin's Extracts, cents. An immense variety of Perfumery, at old prices. FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. Linen Dankask Table Gtoths, Damask Napkins, Da mask Doylies: 7 Damask Table Linen, by the yard. Also, fine 124 Blankets. Fine Marseilles Counterpanes, Mullins, Flannels 4c„,' &c., at 3. R. CASSELBERRY'S . Mammoth Dr -Goods House, " 43 North EIGHTIIStroet, below Arch.' P. S.This; of all others, is just the :mason for giviti* useful Holiday Gifts, [it) : S. R. G. GRAI\ T V ILLE B. HAINES. HAS NOW oneof the best assorted and Cheapest stocks of MUS: LINS and CANTON FLANNELS in the city,, and. will sell for a few dayS at very low prices; Preiiions to taking account of stock.. , Per Sons in Want of any domestics will dud it gmtiv to their advantace to examine. Bleached Muslin 14 cents; better do. at 16; extra - Aced Shirting at 20; full yard-wide do. at 22, of several dif , ferent kinds; very fuie do. at 25; three eases Williams villes and Wantsuttrts; unbleached Muslin atls, 17, and 20; full yard-Wide and very good at 22; extra heavy it's, wide 22 and 25 cents; Shooting at 50 cents; one case bleached Sheeting, good quality, 20 yards wide, 50, worth 624; bleached _Canton= Flannel.: 22 and 2.5; un bleached Canton Flannel, 22 and 25; ono lot colored (1,04 . . _ 11e l a i'o -v r y C' a b t ri 2 s i tm .. laSPrevents rhav e an excellent assortment of Merrimac Calicoes, among which are some beautiful patterns. One lot of heavy Comfortables, $2.50. All the above Ooods 'are vary cheap, and worthy the attention of buyers. GRANviLLE B. HAINES, No. 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth.: WAITED—OLD NEWSPAPERS. FOR WRAPPERS. TABLE LINENS -JUST RECEIVED a nice lot of I-WM-Loom Table Linen that are extra heavy 64 Hand-Loom Table Linen. 74 Rand-Loom Table Linen. 64 Hand-Dm - 6d Table Linen. One lot Snow-Drop and Damask Table - Gloths, mea suring, 2;. 1 1; yards long, at $2.80 each; they are very - cheap: 3 bales Russia. Crash; at 1234.", 11, and. 16. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. PLANKETS,AT THE OLD LOW A." PRICES. '7 TWllled Blankets for $1.50 Per pairk larger for $1.75 per pair; good size and good quality of Twilled Blanket, for $4.50 per pair.: Wishing to offer an extra helneenlent to present Blankets as Christmas Pre sents, we will on all-wool good Blanket for--$5 per pair. Also, Blankets at $5.50, $9, $7,53, $9, $lO, $l2, and $l5 per pair. All at old prices. Brit Blankets. R. D. Sr W. H. PENNELL, dels-3t 1021 MARKET Street, below Eleventh; TAI3I,E LINENSREAL BLEACEEED - 4, Barnsley, 7-4 Table Linen. for 50cents **yard ; extra fine and heavy, 62%" cents 8,4 do., 75, 87, and $l. per yard. Very superior double Damask!, 1.50, $1.75, $3, $2.59, and Hanel-loom Table Linen, in all the widths unbleached, Table Linen. Good all Linen Napkins, $l.OO per dozen ; better, $1.75, $2, $5,50, $3,53.50, $4, $5, and $lO per &ken.' Towels, $1.50 per dozen. Also, fine. Towels and Towel- These Goods were imported under the old.. thriff; and many Of th cm are near half the present prices. • R. D. & W. H TENNELL, N 0.1021 MARKET Street, below Eleventh. COMMISSION HOUSES. PHILADELPHIA BAG MANUFAC TORY. BURLAP RAGS OF ALL,SIZES, For Corn, Oats, Coffee, Deno Dust, &c. ALSO, SEAMLESS BAGS • OF ALL STANDARD BRANDS, For sale nt low figures for net cash on delivery, by GEO. GRIGrG; No. 219 CHURCH ALLEY, PHILADELPHIA. ARMY GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. • DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. • BROWN AND BLEACHED MEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale bY FROTHING-HAM & WELLS: sel-If LADIES' FURS. LADIES' FURS FOR HOLIDAY . PRESENTS. JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPORTER AND DrAIitrFACTORER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS: No. 826 ARCH ETREET, BELOW RUFF!. HAS NOW OPEN • . A splendid stock of Russian and Hudsouß,Vaitilitlnk Sable, Royal Ermine, Chinchilla, Siberian S'quirrei; and other styles of FURS, suitable for CIIRISTRAR and-NEW YEAR PRESENTS. • FURS! FVR;SI: GEORGE F. WOMRATH, NOS. 145 AND 417 ARCH STREET, HAS NOW OPEN, ' . A FULL -ASSORTMENT . • OF LADIES' FURS, To which the attention of the public is inured. nol9-2m LADIES' FANCY FURS. . - JOHN FAREI.RA; No. 718 ARCH STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, IMPORTER AND MANUFAMTRER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS. • My assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladles and Children is now complete, and embracing every Teriety that will be fashionable during the present season. All sold at :, the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladies, please give me a call. oc3-4mif FINANCIAL. JOHN 'O. CAPP & SON, - ' STOCK ez NOTE BROKERS, No. 23 SOUTH. THIRD STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MECItARICS' BANK STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS :NEGOTIATED ON THE BEST TERMS. GOLD, SILVER, QUATERMASTERS' VOUCHIMS, CHECKS ON WASHINGTON, awl CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS WANTED 7 3-10 NOTES FOR SALE DREXEL, .&-CO., no2l-1m • FIVE-TWENTIES, OR, ' TWENTY-YEAH SIX PER CENT. BONDS. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. interest will commence from the DATE OF SUBSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Miut, or any Suh-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the rs days of May and November of each year. At the present PREMIUM ON GOLD, these Bonds, yield about EIGHT per cent. per annum. A full *RIPPLY always on hand. . , JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. noS-If 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET.- DEMAND NOTES, 34 SOUTH MILD STREET WATCHES AND JEWELRY. nompAy.:PitESENTS. - ' • - TUOMAS C. GARRETT, 71.2 C_IOSTI`IUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE MASONIC HALL. PHILADELPHIA, Hasiust reeeived an nasortiriont of: LADIES' GOLD WATC'.IIES, . . Of the newest styles, and of very superior 'quality, as wellas those adapted to men's'andboys' wear. He is inanufacturing extensively a groat variety of USEFUL AND FANcr ARTICLES OF SILVER, And gives special attention to getting up things suitable for BRIDAL AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS PLATED WARE, Goe up under the peoprietor own inspeOtion, inn groat variety of styles, Will be warniiitetl HEAVILY PLATED with pure silver, iii k.way to insure its wear- ing.weil Nu - ch of his JEWELRY Is manufactured on the premises, Raab's stock will be found to comprise a greitt Variety of fashionable goods, from the smallest articles to SETS OF DIAMONDS. These are offeredfor sale at ' PRICES ADAPTED"TO TIPS TIMES, And persons are invited to 011 and examine th-em , "1 HOLIDAY PRESENTS. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Alp SILVERWARE, No. 622 MARKET STREET,' PHILADELPHIA Persons wishing to purchase good GOLD'or SILVER WATCHES, Fino Gold Jewelry, Solid. Siirier or Silver- Plated Ware, suitable for HOLIDAY P.RESENTS, will And a large and desirable stock to select from at STAUFFER 6.I , II . ARLEY!S, del2-12t No. 622 MARKET st, Philadolphia. 4. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. 0 have now on Itandit SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, DIAMONDS, SILVERWARE, AND JEWELRY, OF ALL HINDS AND PRICES: SUITABLE FOR . - CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR PRESENTS. We invite special attention to the moderate prices of our DIAMONDS. • LEWIS LAD MUS del2-tjal ' No. 802 CHESTNUT STREET. • . 4 11) AMERICAN WATCHES.a I. B. MARTER, AGENT FOR THE "AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY," NOW OFFERS, EXPRESSLY ADAPTED FOR . HOLIDAY PRESENTS, A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF AMERICAN WATCHES, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT MODERATE PRICES. No. 712 CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL., de9-Ixa HOLIDAY PRESENTS. a di - • G. RUSSELL, No. 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Offers a choice assortment of ' WATCHES, DIAMONDS, • FINE JEWELRY, AND STANDARD SILVER WARE, • Suitable for Holiday Presents, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE . PRICES. deeebn D. T. PRATT, (SUCCESSOR TO PRATT As MATH,) ' 60'7 CIIESTNIJTSTREET,. Is constantly In receipt of „ENGLISH, SWISS, AND AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and qualities, to suit all classes of buyers. nolb-bnif gi)ELI HOLDEN, _ Dealer in fine ~7. AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WA.TCIIES, JEWELRY, A-1.13. CLOCKS, ocBlfim• 70S MARKET Street. AMERICAN WATdRES, IN GOLD Alf1)-1CLVER CASES. JOS. H. WATSON, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C A FRESH ASSORTMENT AT LESS THAN 'FORMER PRICES FARR & BROTHER, Importors, mh2o-tt 324 GIiBST.NUT Street, below Fourth READY-MADE CLOTHING. .GENTLEMEN'S • WINTER CLOTHING VERY DESIRABLE • IN STYLE AND ?RICE. Suitable for the season. WANAMAKER & BROWN, POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL, S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS M. B.) Q,PECIAL DEPARTMENT KJ FOR CUSTOMER WORK. noßlalif FINE READYZIADE CLOTHING. C. SOMERS' & SON, No. 615 CHESTNUT STREET, UNDER JAYNE'S HALL, Have now made up for sale an entire new stock of FINE CLOTHING. • Also; a full assortment of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES. and TESTINGS, which they. respectfully invite the public to examine before purchasing elsewhere. se27-td3l BOYS' CLOTHING.- z _A PULL AS SORTMENT of BOYS' CLOTHING always on hand at MATLACK'S, N0..004 MABKET Street. dpl3-Sts A YER'S SARSAPARILLA IS A. CON centrated extract of Pam Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substnnces of still greater alterative power' as to afford an effective antidote for diseaseS Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. Such a remedy is surely wanted by those who suffer from &ruinous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of hn mense service to this large class of our afflicted follow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found in the following complaints : . SCROFULA AND lICROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, .ERCPTIONS AND ERUPTIVE •DISEASE_ ,S ULCERS, PIMPLEA,' ELOTCRES, !rumens, Sala RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AND SY PHILITIC AFFECTIONS, MERCURIAL DISEASE, DROPSY, NEURALRIA OR. bc.DOLOREUX. DEBILITY, DY3PEP3IA• AND INIEORSTION, ERYSIPELAS ROSE OE Si. ANTHONY'S FIRE, and indeed the whole .class of complaints arising from I.3truurry TRETLOOD. This compound will be found a great promoter of health when taken in the spring to expel the foul hu mors which foster in the blood at that season of the year. By the timely_expulsion of, them many rankling disor tiers are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions ,and ulcerous sores, through which the .system will strive to rid itself of corruptions• if not as sisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an nherative-medielue. Cleanse out the vitia ted blood whenever yon had its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you lind it is obstructed. and. sluggish in the \fetus; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you -when. Even where no particular disorder is felt,peopleenjoy better bealth,and live longer, for cleansing thOhlood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but with the pabulum of life disordered,' there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or over wrong, mown. - - During late years the public have been misled by largo bottles, prkending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsa parilla for one dollar. Most of close barn been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Stfrielparilla, but :often uo curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter and • painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself isi ustly despised, stud has heconiesynonyinous withimposition and cheat. Still we eall this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to Ripply such a remedy as shall rescue the name front the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And WO think we duive ground for believing it has diseaseshich are irre sistible by the ordinary run of the It is intended to cure. . Prepared hi DR: J. C. AYER & CO.. 'Atwell, Massa chusetts. Price .} per bottle; Six Bottles in one pack age, $ 45 . - Sold. by .T. lit. MARTS & CO., .I.t wholesale, and by FBEDERICK.BROWN. dell acfm3m mOrdizsiAti.:Dbo44lTEß .BAssR-& co., Drattitists, No. IM North THIRD Street, are noW•recelving their Impplios fresh from the tlaberies. . • The superldril or their Oil in every respect has gained for it reputa tion and sale beyond any other brand in the marker.'- To maintain it, they are "determined to supply an article that may be entirely relied on for fresh ness and purity. See testimonials of Drs. Mutter, Jack son. Darraoh. and others. , on2lloanwlm if ....... . : • -- -,- g - 5 - - lIIE - PHRENOLOGICAL CARL +NET AND BOON STORE Is (Awn day sad even lug.7 for the Bale of boob -, bit •Phronolugy , Plipti.r :logY.-11Ygiue, Plionography, awl for rhrooologi efil rxanituatious. Orders by nail ghoald- be . . JOHN f.. CAPETI, riefarlksrn3mit 9212 CHESTNUT Street. Phil% iro. 326 CHESTNUT Street tIVERCOATS AN]) `•-• BUSINESS SUITS, a great variety. t 15 / 186'2. HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY PRESENTS WM. A. DROWN & 00., 246 MARKET STREET Aro now prepared with their usual stock of very superior U TB ELLAS, VERY SITITA:RLE FOR -PRRSETF.3 ESTABLISHED 1812.. WILLIAM WILSON & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER WARE, A. W. CORNER, 01, FIFTII AND OTEREY STREETS A very large askiortrnent of Plain. and Fancy SILN - ER WARE on hand, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS., OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. ALSO, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ENGLISH, FRENCH. AND AMERICAN PLATED WARES del3•tinl HOLIDAY PRESENT& An asliortment of USEFUL AND FANCY GOODS Now open at WILLIAM YARNALL'S HOUSE-FURNISIIING STORE, den-tfe3 " No. 1020 CHESTNUT STREET. APPROPRIATE GIFTS. FOR THE SEASON.—GoId Spectacles, Gold Eye Glasses, Store ogeopes, and Stereoscopic Views, Photograph Albums, Card Photographs, Spy Glasses, Opera Masses, Kaleid oscopes, Mathematical Instruments, Mantel Thermome ters, and a great variety of other articles, appropriate gifts for the approaching holidays. McALLISTER & BROTHER,, (Established ini17.9(4) 728 CHESTNUT Street, TMPORTANT NOTICE - 4 - TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. de 3-61-' SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS ?RESENTS. GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! For sale, a lot of fine, English Double-barrel Shot Guns, Laminated Steel, Stahl) and Steel Twist. Also, two Steel Twist Guns for boys. These guns were the samples of an importing house, and are offered for sale very low. Call early and make your se lection as they cannot be duplicated. TROTTER & DAWSON, Nine Hundred and Nineteen MARKET Street (919). del?-6t* 11OLIDAY PRESENTS CHARLES ,DUMAIIG NO. 812 CHESTNUT- STREET, 1 . PHILADELPHIA;` Begs leave to inform his customers that his stock of newly imported goods, suitable for :PRESENTS, Sur rsi3;ses this year in elegance, variety, anal; cheapness of prices, anything before seen in this City: Please call and examine his goods before buying else- VANC . '... GOODS. Pocket Books, Work Boxes and Calms, Purses,Porte-mininales; Writing Desks and Cases, Cigar Cases and Boxes, ; Bronze and Gilt Goods, Ladies' Bags, ; - China & Pitrian Ornaments, Papier Macho Goods, &McMinn GlaSs and Terra Fine Cutlery, . -; Cotta Ware. DRESSING CASES. Gemes of every kind knoivii.; - Cricket, Archery, and Gymnastic IMplements.• - 'Walking Canes, Paris Fancy Goods generally. Musical Instruments - of all : . TOYS,• • • In every variety known, In thousands of differen kinds and styles. .. doll-A if p P HOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS- A large variety for sale, at lawprices, by • JAINIES W. QUEEN & CO., 924 CHESTNUT Street. del3-tf if CARTE, DEITISITE-AN ThatENSE assortment,lo cents each for salet y • • • ' JAMES W: QUEEN & CO., 924 CHESTNUT Stied: deli-if if • mICR 0S C OPE.% " SPECt AC LES, AND J. 3-- SPY :GLASSES, for preSentS, for sale by ' • • : • JAMES W. QUEEN k CO., 92 CII ESTNUTStreet. delS4f if n Ell A GL ASSES , OPERA O GLASSES. For ssilo by JAMES W. QUERN & C 0.,. 2 024 . CILESTNUT Strooi.. delS.trif OHRISTMAS BALLS, 'ALL SIZES, dazzling colors. W. TILLER, Importer, 'clel3-3t ' 32 South FOURTH Straet. CHRISTKAS .PRESENTS:: Paint Boxes, Photograph Albums, ; Writing Albums, Drawing Albums, • • ' Picture Albums, Toy Albums ] •' Cartes de Visite copies from Engravings. .•. Pictures for Children, Pictures for Coloring. Colored Engravings for framing, . • 'Fancy Papers,.Gilt, Borders. Also, Boxes with Fancy Letter Papera.aiseEo4- lopes. SCHOLZ &SAN MMZICY; • del-lm 112 SoIith•EIGHTH Street. - - ~_ T 0 Y S.-CHRISTMAS. TOYS AND Fancy (iocias, iri a„Il varietieis at lowest poisible rates. .. W. TILLER, Importer, del3-3t . .: --.- 32 South FOURTH. Street. LEGAL. • ~.- , ,,,,,,NNYVV4.10.".es TN THE. COURT COM M ON PLEAS -'- FOR THE CITY —AND COUNTY OF:PHILADEL PHIA. Assigned Estate of CHARLES L f .KNEASS. The auditor appointed by the Court to milli t, settle, and adjust the second account of JOHN M. SMILEY; assignee of CHARLES L. KNEASS for the benefit of creditors, and report distribution of the balance in the ;hands of the said assignee, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on WEDNESDAY 17th De cember, 4 P. M., at his office; 512 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. WILLIAM ERNST, - defitinwlit Auditor. N THE ORPHANS' COURT .'FOR -A- THE CITY AND COUNTY "OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of CHRISTIANA ZOOK, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit settle, and adjust the account of JAMES D. FREEMAN, Executor of the last trill and testament of CHRISTIANA ZOOK, de ceased, and to make. distribution of the balance in the hands of the acconntent, will Meet the yarties intotested for the purposes of his appointment on TUESDAY, De cember 211862, at 4 o'clock P. M„ at his Office, No. 134 South SIX.TH street, in the city_ of Philadelphia. *del2-fmtsst EDWIN T. CHASE, Auditor. LEONARD CULP, AND ROSINA, -A-a MS wife, in right of the 'said Romina t , who was as signee of WILLIAM HANNIS, and ROSEN A. his wife, iu right of the said Rosina, vs. HENRY PARKER, WIL LIAM RICHARDSON,Jr., and PETER GRANS, with . notice to LUTHER C. EDMUNDS.. In the District Court for the City it'd County of Phila delphia. Lev. Facia.s. Sept. Term, 1862. Nos. 438, 41). The auditor appointed to distribute the fund in Court raised by the sale of the following described real estate, sold by the sheriff, by virtue of the writs above men tioned, will meet the parties tuteeested in said fund, for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, the Sid of December, 11362, at his office, No. 232 South THIRD Street; at 11 o'clock A. M. • - No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two three-story. brick ,messuages or tenements thereon erected, beginning at the northwest coruer of Fourth street and Worth etreet, in the First Ward of the city of Philadelphia, thence extending northward in front or breadth on the said Fourth street thirty-two feet, and thence extending of that width in length or depth west ward along the said Worth street, and between parallel lines at right angles with said Fourth street sixty feet to an alley three feet seven •and a quarter inches wide and thirty-two feet in depth, leading to and from said Worth street, (which said lot or piece of ground Peter Crallti and wife, by indenture dated the twenty-sixth day of Janu ary, A. D. 1854, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 126, page ieY2, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Henry Parker and William - Richardson Jr., in fee, in equal moieties, as tenants in COIOIIIOO, reserving thereout a cer tain 'yearly ground rent or sum of sixty-four dollars, payable as therein mentioned, which yearly ground rent the said Peter Crafts and wife, by deed-poll bearing ditto the third day of May, A. D. MS, recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., No. IS, page 491, &e., released and extinguished unto the said Henry Parker and William Richardson, .Jr., their heirs and assigns,) together with the free use and privilege of said alloy, and the right to introduce • water pipe under the sane. NO.I above described Ls to be sold as follows: No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three-story brick mini...nage or tenement, with frame bath - heuse and verandah, thereon erected, beginning at the northwest center of Remit street; and Worth street, in the First ward of the City of Philadelphia, thence ex tending northward, in front or breadth on 'the said Fourth street sixteen feet, and thence extending of that width in length or depth westward along the said Worth street, between parallel lines, at right -angles with the said Fourth street, sixty feet to an alley, three feet seven and a quarter inches wide; and thirty-two feet] In depth, leading intoand from the said Worth street, together with privilege of said al ley . as aforesaid. No. 2. All that certain lot or. piece of ground, vith the three-story brick messuage or tenement, with frame bath honk: stud verandah thereon erected, situated on' the west side of Fourth street, at the distance of sixteen feet northwaiNl front the north Side of Worth street, in' the First ward of the eity!of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth, on tho said Fourth street, sixteen feet, and extending of that width in length or• depth west- ' ward, along the north side of the lot last above de , scribed, and between parallel lines, at right angles with said Fourth street, sixty feet to an - alley, three .feet ' seven and a quarter inches wide, and thirty-two feet in ' depth, leading into and from said Worth street, together with the privilege of said alley as aforesaid. . No. 2. All that certain messuage or tenement, and • tot er piece of ground, situate on the south, side of Reed ' street, at the distance of one hundred and sixty-seven feet five inches eastward front the east side of Fourth. street, in the First ward aforesaid, containing in front or breadth, on the said Reed street, eighteen feet, (including the one:half of an alley two feet sixinches in width, and thirty-five feet in depth, laid out by Benjamin Jones, Jr., ler the use of this and the adjoining lot to the west ward,) and extending in length or depth southward, be tween lines parallel with the said Fourth. street, on the east line thereof; one hundred and four feet four and five eighths incites, and on the west line thereof one hundred feet ten and one-half inches. Bounded northward by the said Reed street, eastward by ground now or late of Robert Clark, and southward and westward by groand now or late of Benjamin Jones, Jr.. (being the same lot of ground which IA ill iam Clark and Eliza A., his wife, by indenture dated the Wilt day of June, A. D. 1856, in tended to be recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said Henry Parker in fee ; subject to the restriction that On 110 part of the said lot or piece of ground should be erected or placed any court house or Immo buildings, slaughter houses, bone, glue, or otherwise objectionable factories or buildings of any offensive or detrimental character ; and subject, also, to the restriction that any building or buildings erected on the said lot should be thirty-three feet in height, and should have marble ashen, water tables, heads, and sills, rmierving thereout the yearly ground rent of forty-fl vo dollars, payable as therein mentioned,) together with the free use and • privilege of said alley. No. 3. All that certain lot or piece of ground. situateun the mirth side of Federal greet., at the distance of one hundred and thirty-four feet westward from the west side of Alexander street (now Twenty-sixth street), in the First word aforesaid, cuntaining in front or breadth on the said Federal street due hundred and sixty feet, and extending of that width iu length or depth north ward, between lines parallel with said _Alexander (now Twenty-sixth) street, seventy-six feet to Deshong street, No. 4. All that certain jot or piece of ground, situate in the First ward aforesaid, beginning at the northeast corner of Washington (now Ellsworth) street and Hemp ton (now Twenty-seventh) • street, thence extending north Ward along the mist side of the said Hampton (now Twenty-seventh) street •uinety-seven feet to a point, thence northeastward ninety-seven feet six inches, inure or less, tothe middle of Back road, or lane, thence south eastward along the middle or said Buck road or lane three hundred and eighty-seven feet, thence southward sixteen feet to the north side of the said Washington (now Ellsworth) street, and thence' westward atung the north side of the said Washington (now Ellsworth) street' three hundred and ninety-six feet to the place of begin ning. (The lots of ground and 4th, above described being parts of a tract of laud which William Minnie and wife, and othere, byindeuture dated the Atli day of -24Diy, A. D. 1855, recorded in Deed Book R: D.:W., No. 911, page &c. grunted and conveyed unto the said William ''.ltieltersou, Jr., in fen) ' N. 8.--The mossnage or tenement NO. 2on Reed street le,a three-story brick tiwolliug, with two-story brick double back buildings. N. It-Mr. Crary has parted with alt Interest in the mortgaged premises, after having first paid, in 1859, his proportion of the mortgage debt. All pie-Kills are required to make their claims before the Aulditor at the time and place above appointed, or be debarred from coining in leant said fund. . dein et , CII ARLES G BIIONS, :Auditor. EYE AND EAR: , - . -PROF.. J.:ISAACS; OCULIST and AURlelt.from Lo_ydon; gotten& to immanently located at No. 5 PINE fittest. whore lie treats all dinettes of the eye Or ear scientifically, Mid COMO t curable. Artificial ayes inserted Nettle* pain. A. 11.—Ne charges made for examination. • .1: deafidin• NEW PUBLIGATIONSO BOOKS SITITA_BLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, FOR CHILDREN. • FOR PARENTS, FOR SUNDA Y-Se I I 001, TEAOH LIIS, FOR CLERGYMEN, AND FOR FRIENDS. All the, time BoOks of the season:ire to be found on our Bhelves, , togethor with a large well-selected stock of la tor dates. BIBLES IN' FINE BIND:VBS. va.tious OXFORD and other ENGLISH editions. PRAYER BOOKS. The BOOK OF COMMON PIIAYEII, from the smallest 48m6,, published to the largeq folio for desk. 46:n0. Prayer, Turkey Morocco,. gilt mtge...., 4.8m0. do. do. do, ribbon, edge 4Smo. do. do. do. with eho.p.. 4Smo, de. thug and elasin- ffimo. do. velvet rims and elmsps ..... l6mo. d 6. Torkey.tlex "tUme. ~do. bevelled boards 32m0. Prayer. (be 4, edition published for children,) arabesque..., ........ •• • 32m0 Prayer, Tuitcy - Atcroccc•—••••.• • 32m0. do. do. rims and clasps 32m0. do. ve3vet And O variety or styles not mentioned, besides all the different - English editions of I'ItAYEE, BOOKS aud , CHURCH SERVICES. Also, .IMOTOORAVII ALBUMS A large stock, of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, as baud some and as cheap as can be found in the city. FOR SALE fiT TILE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL:BOOK SOCLE . Ty, 1221 CIIESTNIIT STREET. N B. —For the accommodation of Sunday-School Teachers tbat may not be able to make their selections through the day, the Depository will be kept open in the evening during the week preceding Christmas. delstf ESSRS. TICKNOR & FIELDS, BOS- J-T-m- TON, PUBLISH THIS DAY. I. .RICIITER'S GREAT ROMANCE TITAN: A Romance. -- From the Gentian of :Talus' PAlit, FRIEDRICH "EICHTEIti autllio of "Flower, Fruit,: and • Thorn 'Pieces," etc. Trztuslated by (Btarles T. Brooks.. With a fine steel.portrait of Richter, 2 vols. 12r00., veiled boards, gilt top. - The present is the first English transhition - ever made of :TITAN; long recognized as Richter's greatek and best romance. The author was ten years engaged in its corn- Pektien, and all his other works were preparatory and tributary to.thiS.' It is his crowning life-work,- and the master-Plece of his striking gtmins. The TITAZi has err. cited the strongest testimonials from• eminent literary authorities: "Jean Paul's works are the ealaxv of the Gerinan lite rary firmatnentl - I defy a tea a to: lay his baud on that i sentence which snot a I and ebullient with wit,”--:.02 Quince?, "Overall he sees, over all he :writes, are . spread the sunbeams of a cheerful spirit, the light . of inexhaustible human Mire.. The avowed object of all: his literary la bors was to raise up again the down-sunken faith in God, and Immortality.''—Lon &fellow. - • "We defy the most careless or prejudiced reader to pe 'ruse his works without an impression:of something splendid, - wonderful; and daring; * * His fa unities are all of gigantic mould"—Carly le, , The more 'Th.Atx' is read, the 'more it - will be 11 , 0 :: knowiedged e work of exalted genius, pure morality and perennial *fluty. . . 11, MISS - PROCTER'S POEMS; - - POEMS. By Amason , : PROCTEIIi COMplete iii one volume, blue and gold. - Price K. . . This latest addition to the Blue and Gold- Library cem: prises till the published poems of Miss Procter; vt he has become so gTeat a favorite in England and .this country. In it may be found both series of "Legends and Lyrics," but one, of which has been reprinted ill this country and Miss Procter's later Volume, ...A Chaplet ofiTerscs," recently issued in Loudon. Tire Lenidon:Apientrunt says, l'eow that Mrs. Brown ing is dead there is no . English living poetess to take her place, e•oinparabln with Adelaide Procter. Her gen 111.4 secures for her' poems the •blghest: literary rank among her coutareporaries as a lyrical writer. Ater Either of the above books for sale by ans. bmik seller,-or sent podpaid on receipt of the price, by the Publishers, TI€IKNOR FIELDS ; PUBLISHERS, • 135 'WASHINGTON Street, boston, Mass, P ORTA NT ANNOUNCEMENT !- Will be published in Philadelphia ant Sew York,tm Saturday, January 3, 1,56.3, to supply an important want; the first number of THE ENGLISH AMERICAN a weekly newspaper—size, double toyal. hxeept the first two numbers, it.will be wartly printed in England,and give a complete digest of general English news. In thi, respect (its being partly printed in England) it will be sm..: interesting novelty, and of great advantage to those whit, wish to he fully posted in English matters. Its grand ob- • jeet, however, will be to secure the contributions of the choice men of each country, by which instrumentality:l • golden may be formed to bind the two nations to gether by the ties of peace and good will. The 'advan tagEst accruing from a. p E erpetual UNlON;both .thie country' aid with the nglish .PEOPLE, will be folly pointed out by the Editor, who, whilst an Englishman, . has traveled over eight thousand :miles through this great country, and is accordingly acquaiuteVwfth its vast resources.. The Editor, who has had a taste of • ' • • FOUR MONTHS OF PRISON LIFE IN.RICHMONDi will trent his readers to a faithful descriptidM-oldeep in terest to the nation and Englishmen to know whet the rebels are, and how they.deport themielves to and before their prisoners. This subject, prefaced'. With the Editor's views on the week's fight before Richmond, and the opinions lie holds aeregiirds the men of the respective armies, will form chapters extending over the first-three' months' issue; and as he has been for more iltu'eight years the proprietor of an English newspaper (nearly ruined by the rebels unjustly detaining hint), it will- be seen that he has had sufficient experience to enableldin • to successfully conduct the new project. As , tlie paper will be partly printed abroad, the importanceof giving orders at once—for the first three months, at least—will be evident, as the time and expense of having the nom transported' over three 01011141.11 d 11111G4 will show that orders cannot be executed at the last moment. Only a limited number of unordered copies will be on hand for new quarterly subscribers; therefore give your orders .without delay. A large number of the publisher's fel low-prisoners have subscribed. Reference to the follow lug is given : • Rev: J. W. Wightman, Presbyterian-Minister, Pitts burg; R. C. Evelith, Esq., 373 Henry street, Brooklyn; N. Y. ; Captain. R. Roof, Little Falls, Herkhner county. N. - ...Y.:: Capt. L. E. Smith, Pike Run, Washington county, Pa. ; Lieut. J. E. Doughty, 'Ai U: S. S.'S., Lake Cityi-Mlnue.sota ; Lieut. C.l). Fenton, Forest- Port, Oneida county; N. Y.; Lieut. J. Y. 'Roberts, East Corinth, Penobscot co. Maine, (Pope's officer.) Also, Mr. C. H. Barnes, of the Sturgis Nines, 97 South Clinton street, Chicago. TERms.—Three months $l. ; .Six months, sl.&i; Twelve months, Eci.75.. The cash lutist 'accompany each order. Address MR. THOMAS CO RTES, The English Ameri can office, Philadelphia,.Pa. -The following papers will please copy for two weeks : The New York Herald and Tribune, Pittsburg —, Cincinnati —, Chicago —, best. Michigan paper, and Boston, —. And likewise please insert the letter nod testimonials to Philadelphia Inquirer, found in another column of the Philadelphia Press, of Decem ber 15th. • • dell-19t ITLALLEN'S HOLIDAY BOOKS. • I. FRUITS AND FLOWERS OF PALESTINE. • 11. EL KHUDS, THE HOLY ; OR, GEIJIPSM IN THE. ORIENT. 111. PALESTINE, PAST AND PRESENT. IV. CITY OF THE GREAT KING. The above are bound in cloth, full-gilt, Turkey gilt, and antique, and are the MOST SUPERB HOLIDAY BOOKS. JUVENILE BOOKS. RADA IN SYRIA. Cloth. 756. LITTLE PILORIBIS IN THE HOLY LAND: Cloth, i"Cic ; BIBLE STORIES IN VERSE FOR THE LITTLEONES AT nom. Cloth, Me; gilt, 81. CHILDREN'S BOOKS,' GAMES, Sic., in great v LLE ariety, at CIIAN'S, 1308 CHESTNUT Street. IRS. SIGOURNEY'S ILLUSTRATED. POEMS—AN ELEGANT PRESENTATION VO LUME, printed on cream-tiuted paper, with illustrations, designed by Barley, and engraved by various artists. Beautifully bound in various styles, suitable for pro sentatiou. ALSO, An assortment of HOLIDAY-BOOKS ~illustrated, stand, and and juvenile. LINDSAY & B.LAKISTOS, • Publishers & Booksel lore, 2$ South SIXTH Screet, above CrIF.STNOT. GUSTAVE DORE:. ILLUSTRATIONS READY ON TIIF. 18th OF DECEMBEIL DANTE ALBUM, ay. Photographe from fifteen select Illustrations to Dante's Inferno, by GUSTAVE DOItE, in Portfolio, Cloth, $7.50. In Turkey Morocco, *lO. THE SLEEPING BEAUTY IN TRE WOOD, by CHAS. PERRAULT,' with Photographs front the Illustrations by GUSTAV E DORE. 1 vol., 4 to. Bound in cloth, gilt edges, .70. Turkey Morocco, *BM. Also, Photographs of the latest Portrait of ALFRED TENNYSON, painted by G. F. WATTS, engraved by JAMES STEN ENSON. Size of the original St. Card size, S 5 cents. F. LE..YPOLDT, Bookseller and Importer, 1323 CHESTNUT Street. del3-12t• H -01.1:I,DAY BOOKS. HOLIDAY BOOKS. The subscribers have on hand an assortment of ILLUSTRATED AND STANDARD BOOKS, suitable for Holiday Pre s ents; also, JUVENILE BOOKS in great variety, and all the NEW BOOKS Of the day LI , N u irSAY & BLAKISTOX, and.Bookseners. 25 South SlXTHStreet, abovo Chestnut. THE ARMY. OF THE POTOMAO.- - . BY PRINCE DE JOINFILLR • - TRANSLATED BY WILLIAM HENRY RURLDERT. With Notes and a Map. Bvo. Paper. 3S cents. "The work is written in the grand historical style, in which avers - word and every sentence appears, studied in form and irrefutable iu fact, and it will stand as one of the best written chatMers of historical events extant"— Nem York Times ) Paris Correspondent. For sale by - • WILLIAM S. St ALFRED NARVER,' • • 606 CHESTNUT Street. • - • • • .9,PEOTAL' . NOTIOTAViNG - SOLD Psj (tilt my stock of BOOKS, JEWELRY, &c., at No. -MO CHESTNUT Street, my interest in said store ceases Iron this date. • All business letters and orders for Books, with or with out Gifts, should be addressed to G. W. PITCHER, Phila delphia. My facilities for filling Book-orders aro equal to any house in the United States. G. W. PITCHER DECEMBER 1 0, 160 '—deli-i t s . • • Philadelphia. A LECTURE FOR • YOUNG: 7 ION. Just published, price ' 6 cents, a new edition. ottie late Dr. CULVERWLLL'S CELEBRATED LECTURE on the Abuse of the Reproductive Powers, Inducing De bility, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical incapacity Ac. The radical mode of treatment, i without medicine, s fully explained, so as to enable every one to be his own physician at the least possible expense. " A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." . Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publishers, CH. J. C. KLINE & CO., /27 BOWER Officew Yok, Post Box 4,sSti. no4-3m if 'FAMCATION. • VAA/VVVVVV,WAAN,,,, pENNSYLVAITIA MILITARY ACA DEMY; at WEST CHESTER, (for BOARDERS only.)—This Academy will be opened on THURSDAY, September 4th 1862; It was chartered by the Legislature, at its 1 ast session, with full collegiate powers. In its capacious buildings, which were erected and. furnished at a cost of over Sixty Thousand Dollars, are arrangements of the highest orde hundred comfort able quartering and subsisting of one and fifty Cadets. A corps .of competent and experienced teachers will give their undivided attention to the educational depart ment, and aim to make their instructions thorough and practical. The . department of studies embraces the fol lowing courses Primary, Commercial, and Scientific, Collegiate and Military.. A graduate of the United States ' Military Academy, of high standing in his clefs, aid o experience in the geld, devotes his exclusive attention to • the Mathematics and Engineering. The moral training of Cadets will be carefully attended to. For circulars. apply to JAS. H. ORNE, Esq., No. 03 CiII?,STNUT Street. or at the Book Stand of Camthieutail lintel, Philadelphia, or to Col. THEODORE HYATT, President Penusyl rnnix Military AcademY. < dell4m PROF. MASSE, A. M., IS NOW FORM- A- - IN() 'a, CLASS On Pronunciation, Grammar, COD. Taination_, and Beading. on flat Oral plan. • Lawns EVERY .DAY-46 a monh. 1342 SPRUCE street. - nols-1m • VILLAGE . GREEN EiEMINAY.- SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL. NE AR M E DIA. P A. Thorough course •in Mathematics. Citussics, , English studies, Sic. Military Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keeping. Sur veying, and Civil Engineering. PUPS taken of all ages, and are recolved at any time. Boarding per week, $2.26: Tuition per quarter, *S.OO. For catalogue* or information address Re v.. 7. HERVEY BARTON. A. M.. Village. Green. Fa. 06144( . MILS: D:'PERRIS,. 1037. OHHS'I'- TUT Street. bas npw open Marge . assortment of Black. Wilite, ala Gratr. Ostrich Feathers, tr. nether . Ladies' and Children's Winter DUL- L - INERT. . - del-le !CUTS ! TOYS t ToYs! In every variety, ivw, 32 Snuti. 14117101( Stren 1de13,4t -, • , . 4 bavyrter 0124 N 888 1111418.0 411 OOP. Jevey Ctrulo;trico No. 107 South NUTRIA B:.reetl AITIII:SIL'I7 , II2IhrTS. A MERICAN ACADEMY 01? MUSIC. DIRECTOR ,1 GRAD, THE OPERA, OPENING NIGHT ON lATEDNESDAY, DEC, 17. Ni. RAU respectfully informs the public of Mils, de:113111a that he has completed his arrangements for as OPERA SEASON OF SIX NIGHTS, Comniencine on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, the only ones that he i:i ILIAC to give, the Academy of Music having peen previously rented alter December 2.5. It will he distinguished by the rapid succession of tho, debut of the „lopLyciumalid lalenlo Primeponu. ..... S l llllOl P 6 tTERRABELLA, Signora EORINI, N'Ee CORNER., Signorina AfORENSI, 'Who on or thetn ila VC: met with such great success in: New York, anti the production of Meyerbeer's new and latest Opera, DINORAII, (Le Pardon de Ph - mm . lloo • ; which is new the leading event to the tattsical No care nor exppuse will be spared to render the per forrimuccs acceptable to the highly cultivated taste of Philadelphia audiences : and special attention has bee* paid to the organization of a Tull, complete, and efficient orchestra and Chorus, which has beenexpressty brought from New York. The trace parts are in the capable band: of SignorjtßlGNOLl, MAGCAFEIIIII, • AMODIO, RUSINI, BARTLE. Conductor and Musical Director Sig. MUZIO. The want of suitable patronage has prevented a regu lar and complete season during the last two years, but Mr. Gran trusts that the immense attraction which he fn compelled to crowd into the single weelethat he could obtain the Academy of Music will command such suc cess that he will be encouraged in his future attempts to give the Opera that standing it formerly enjoyed in Phi lad el pb ON - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, SIGNORA I NEVRA CATERRABELLA $1 50 1 50 2 b 0 3 00 will make her deliut iu Philadelphia in her highLY cele brated character of Violetta iu LA TRAVIATA. OiS' THURSDAY, DECEMBER:IB, SIGNORA - LORIN' and SIGNORINA MORENSI WWI make their de - hut in LOCREZIA BORGIA. OP; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 'DDLE ANGIOLINA CORDIRR will make her debut in Illeyerbeer s latest. °Pert, of DINORAIf, (Le Pardon de PloermeL) - Which will be given with the same nOW•141:86 en *Mint as in New York, arrangements having been made for the transportation of the requisite scenery and accessories to Philadelphia. ON SATURDAY, GRAND GALA NIDIFY, IL RALTO MASCSIERA AND VIE SICILIAN VES PERS Will be positively given on the remaining nights. PRIUS OF ADMISSION $L RESENTED' Sian CENTS - EXTRA; Family Circle :50 cents. Gallery 25 cents. • The sale of Seats will commence on Monday morning at the Bon °Mee of the Academy of Music, andat'Gould's Mimic Store . Chestnut and Seventh streets, ' del -if C!LASSICAL SOIREES OF MESSRS. CROSS AND JARVIS.—FIRST SEASON,. ISGVEP3. Messrs. C. & J. take pleasure in announcing their FIRST SOIREE to take place on 'MONDAY EVENING, DECEM BER ;Nth, fit the FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MU-- SIC, assisted by Messrs. A IL TAYLOR, CARL C. AER.T NM; CHAS., M. SCIHMITZ, WM. STOLL,.J. OREM. Will commence precisely al EIGHT o'clock. The fol lowing" three of the Series will be in JANUARY. FR BRUARY, and MARCH, with such additional assistance as may- be available. - PROGRAMME - OF FIRST SOIREE PART FIRST. TRIO in (i Major, No. 3, (Messrs. .Tarvis t Gaertner, and Saulit:O.— Feiiett. PART FECOND. 1: RECITATIVEand SCENA, from "Faust," (A. R. Taylor) Spohr. 2. DELI/CRAM CONCERTO, Op. 40, Rain tetteAccompan iment, (Mieh.l IL Cross).MF ndelssoka. 3. FANTAISIE CAPRICE, (Carl Gaertner)..Vieuxtempte. GOOD ;NIGHT, Farewell, (A. R. Taylor)..Knoken. PART THIRD, QM - TETTE in A, for Clarionet and String Instruments, (Messrs. Stoll, Gaertner, Cr()SF, Ureitri, and Schmitz) .. . Mozart. PRICES OF. SUBSCRIPTION AND ADMISSION. Single Admission 31 00 Single Admission Ticket for Series of Four... 3 GO Ticket, admitting Two to each ..... 5 CO • Ticket, atbaitting Three to each Soiree 7. (Xi Ticßeta to the Musical Profeasiou, FOE SEASON, at Alf of the above rates. gir Tickets to be had at the Music Stores of Mnssrs .7 L. Gould, Leo & Walker, and C. Oudre. dell. 71VI' , ItS: JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET -4 -T- 0 - THEATRE: . Business Agent and . .JOS. D. MURPHY. EIGHTH WEEK OF J. S. CLARKE. CLARKE IN TWO GREAT CHARACTERS. THIS: (MONDAY) EVENING, Dec. 15, 1862, OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. Asa Trenchard. Mr. J. S. Clark.. Florence Trenchard.... • Mrs. John Drew. To conclude with the Comedv"of BABES IN THE WOOD. Jeremiah Beetle ........ J S.-Clarke. Trank Rushton Barton Hilt. Lady Bi a orb e Rushton Mrs. .701111-Drew. WEDNESDAY, BENEFIT OF MRS: JOAN DREW. Doors open at 6%; to commence at 734. Seats secured six days in advance. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE.- Sole Lessee Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSOIL *pleas Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. SEVENTH AND LAST WEEK . 7 . " OP-MRS. AND MR. E. L. DAVENPORT. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, Dec. 15,16 e ' , VIII be presented Sltakspeare's Tragedy of MACHWIL liteebej.b . ~ .. ..)Ir. E.D. paireoporf: Ki . tiy Macbeth Mrs. E. L. Davenport. To conclude with the Farce of THE TWO BUZZAEDE. pLASSICAL SOIREES.-THE SUB scribers to ISlessm. CROSS and JARVIS' CLASSI CAL. SOIREES are iutormed that the first of the season will take Pl ace 'NEXT MONDAY EVENING. Dec. 15,1859, • JIT THE FOYER OF VIE ACADEMY OF MUSIC - - - - - Subscription and other Tickets, with Programmes, at J. E. Goulds, Andre's, and Lee & Walker's. des►6t fHONOERT HALL -L E 0 T.O . R ROOM--CHESTNUT:Street, above Twelfth. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS' GREAT NAUTICAL ENTERTAINMENT. • Every Evening at 7i o'clock. And SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock. This splendid Entertainment drew crowded Images for 2.50 nights in New York • will remain open a few. weeks longer in Philadelphia. Every family should witness Capt. Williams' Great Whaling Voyage before its depar Lure. Liberal- arrangements 'will be made for schools and benevolent purposes. Tickets 25 eta., or five for $t del-lm • GERIULXIA. ORCHESTRA. - PUB , JAC ,1 3 ,214.8.5AL5. every SATURDAY AFTER NOON at."3,Y, o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL Carl Bentz, conductor. Tickets 11 cents. Packages of & tickets, $l-4o be had' of Andre & Co., 1144 . Chestnut street ; J. E. Gould, Seventh' and Chestnut, and at th• ball door. n 02741 HASSLER'S ORCHESTRA NEW OFFICE 214 .E.IGHTFI. Si, below Walnut. .deIOAD I )ENNSYLVANIA THE FINE ARTS, 192.1 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. I P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Shares of stock, WO. PARTNER WANTED.-AN, OLD ES - tablisbed Fancy Dry Goods flouse,.now doing a busi ness of SICOSAV, on a cash and short nme basis, desires a partner having from $lO,OOO to $15,000 to invest, in 14ace of a member of the-firm about to retire. Address "W. M.," at 'the office of The Press. Communications will be considered confidential. delfi-41 SPRUCE UMBER WANTED Three million feet of 1 5-16 inch, and one million of inch BOARDS, aciteolied. Hemlock will not do. Address, stating price, and amount that can be furnished. C. AL- BlilGlIl & CO., Kos. 5 and 7 DOCK Street, Philadel phia. delowfmSt4 TIOYM AKERS, ATTENTION.-1,000 .11- to 1..500 BOXES per day wanted, at C. ALBRIGHT & CO.'S Bakery, Nos. 5 and 7 DOCK Street. Phtladel ph a t .1610-wfm3t. , _.... ..._.. T/ 0 0 K.K EEP ER' S. SITUATION AVANTED by a competent Bookkeeper. City refe rences ggiven.• Address " r. it. 5.," dice of The Press. d0.2-3e WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN OF WANTED -BY I energy, bills to collect. Satisfactory reference or security given. Address "Pacsmore," 712 WOOD Street. dell fit* ABThTGLE GENTLEMAN WOULD like to engage a comfortably furnished remit for the winter, within ten minutes' walk of The Trent Office. Address "Russell," at this office. dell-tf• "MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS, AND Government claims of all kinds cashed or col lected, at reasonable rates, by JAMES FULTON, 1 5 44 VirALlf UT Street. Philadelphia. noB-tf _ P ENSIONS.- $lOO BOUNTY AND Pay procured and collected for soldiers, sailors. and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon by JAMES FULTON', Solicitor for blaimanta, 424 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties . living at a dia• tance.. ocle-tt LOST AND FOUND. LOT`- A CERTIFIA.TB. FOR Is. shares in the Capital Stock of the Hazleton Coal Cora pally. in the name of T. Frank Walter,.datod March 2S, 1562, No. 2,751. Notice is hereby given that application has 'been made to the Company for a renewal of said coctifiatte. T. PRANK WALTER. Penn Haven. September. 356'3. se234n3m• .oSrli-A. CERTIFICATE. FOR, 15 _, shares in the 'Capital Stock of the Beaver Meadow Railroadand Coal Company, iu the name of T. Frank Walter, darEd April '4, 1562, No. 0,611. Notice is hereby giyen that application has been made to the Company for a renewal of said certificate. T. FRANK WALTER. Penn Raven, September. 1862.. se3l-m3m* . • FOR • SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE-A.- &MAX PROPELLER VIYO ; length, Eafeet ; beam, 33 feet; depth, 3 feet, In.; has two ditectiteting-Terthmtl high-pressure EughkeN, 14-inch cylinders, 21-iitelt stroke: APPIT at Na. MP*. Routh 1) ELAWAIIII Avenue. del,s4awllk A • - RARE OPPORTUNITY.--THE. entire FIXTURES, and GOOD-WILL .of an old emitting-established firmin the Wholesale HOSIERS: .andOTION :Irade. The partners desirous o tiring ISOM badness, offer for sale the Stock, ,tc., at the same .prices at which they were invoiced twelve months since, ' large part consisting of Hosiery and Gloves, and staple articles, rally 5 per cent. less than same goods cam note be purchased for cash. The house has a large, selling even in these (lines nearly $lOO,OOO, mostly Mr cash. Terms, $20,000 cash, and balance on a reasonable credit. Address DI. R. 5.." at this Office, with real name. de1.3.3t fft, TO: BE LBT-DSTORE NO. 1617 -M" MARKET street. Fbitures for sale. Apply - to delS•Gto M..PATTO.N. 29 South EIGHIk.ENTif St. IFOR.S ATX—PARM AND COUN -.TIIY Seat, situated in Honeybrook township Ches ter county . on the road leading from Rockville to Forest Station, on the Brandywine Railroad, one-fourth of a. mile from 'Forest Station, containing 91 Acres, .9 of Wood land, the remainderlood farm land. The improvements are a Stone Dwelling, which has recently been modemlized, with Piazza on three sides, to large Frame Kitchen c a never failing, spring, 1110 feet front Kitchen, with large Springliouse and Than - room. One of the best new Barns in the countr, $0 by 4 by 9, shu 3o n roof, with Coach and Watson House attacheth:lo . with all the necessary out-buildings. A Hain supplies the House and Worn with water. Appty to • • CHARtES.HARBSRT. ' • No 2017 014SitTNOT Start. WILLIAM r.w.soROVE, admitting farm,. near Forest Station. da- --- -FOR- SALE OR TO LET—STORE ma..N0: . 11 North THIRD Street. Inquire at No. 1.2 comb:cite.- : ' ' • deLS•Ors do. .to..LEI.THE DESIBA,BLE BU imm•snast wax% N 0.17 Norrh THIRD StrOet, corner of Church alley. Apply on tl c prenilses. den•ar, W.ELL IMPROV ED SII9OO • 0 ROUND : RENTS. of thia amount, for Sale ut a ilb , couut; irredeemable Ground : Emit of 8173)p0r aroma : a. number of around Rente. frump dpi to 441X0- Apply IO PETTIT. d t. 13 NO. 309 WALNUT Street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. TTNitE.DSTATIIS 1 0 1,ZUNSURA , )i011 COMPAZ'Y NEW' YORK. JOSKPIA R. COLLlNS , ,Presidriit. • JOIIN hAPlE„Secretam . CAPITAL . At:l> ..... .sooco,,goo. The inwthei:s of thhi Goitißtini iscOnducted exclusive' y on the cash vriutiple,..wilich nou• fully recognized h 4 th r e e= unly *correct inviernle. tr4ll,.;lslf.fcbeckhoomide o law under vr,lfla Couglany is chartered Pro vides that, it . the ea t . • tvoli n k t r ee l: fling:Aired to the extent of SOPA Or cm shall he culled it,)?cfs; to 0z...k.e :tato such deficiency. This is the (mix cs„sht.:otepfffy in Anforica which afford.% this fegiihrd-to . Divideuth , flecifixed ever, - three }ear.. the uzxt on 3lartit 40. bill. , Bates td nrehduin ruhrtl he t a as tapany are a- low tigl years I; , xuarieree and the orobaole future razes trill of f+ lIARDENWSRPEII. Agent, AvAt.....NuT Street. Philafteiphin. • Putter:4.u. Esti., President We-tern R.fuk. 3telidyre. Trea;trer S. Mint. hit wore .'11) tiiffd:c. 3: Co., lifftiker.. pleas r+. 'Raker, Wredeett, C Co.. UT:Aar:. Stagtt S: Brother. Tt..11; wvzt. delJ-wtm3nt ACADEMY OF WANTS. BOARDING. PERSONAL.