I'll I LADELPITIA BOARD Or TROY& itt(mitts , ;F,I lI G GRUBB, c ...OMMITTHE OF THE MONTI'''. I) SOUDE.R, -..:—. -- - LETTER BAGS 11 1 li r MIAWITANTS' EXCIIANGIC, VIITLADIMPIIIA, K; .11orlitor, Eaton London, soon ; 64 . Rio Davis Rio de Janeiro, soon 'iii; Timolliy Field, R0ya1....,.... Port Spain, soon '. ,•11- Nil' I 'olin Campbell, tilgos..Kingston, Ja, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. 01ST OF PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 9, 1863. 711-SUN SETS •ii .... ARRIVED. "10 . ft W Tull, Smith, 7 days from Key West, in ..ilsst to captain. ', ; „1 0 . Marv, Tice, 6 days from New York, with (-r to W 141. Baird & Co. Minerva, Jefferson, 3 days from Fall River, 41 to Cn stner, Stick ney Wellington. 4 ,4 0 Atkin, Lumbert, 3 days from New York, with to City tins Works. Elranor T, Facemire, 4 days from Stants 4, NY, in lailast to captain. , ; iurr firl4tol Charles, 24 hours from DI 'York , vl,c WY 0,, ;I. CLEARED. t. i4cio, Wooster, Trinidad de Cuba, E A Sontier We, Cunningham, New Orleans, Simous Co& C, p r ig Trenton, Atherton, St Johns, PR, :r Maaon ! :, : tr i l o l l i er Thompson, Havener, Boaton, Stnnick. ,11r Blackburn, Weaver, (ilrashington, Tyler, ENit, Corkran, Wrtshington, J R White. S, Ilarmonla, Maloney, Portsmouth, NH, S E 1, 1 & Co. :ilr Bei crly l'ieree, Now York, IN P Clyde. ..-tr II b(law, ller, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of The Press.) , HAVRE DE GRACJE; Dec. 6. The stesmer "Wyoming left here this morning with 3 , following boats in tow, laden and consigned as Blows: Wta lumber to H Oroskey; A. Monroe, Ltd S Taylor; Cloy Leeman, ship timber to New law man & Owen, wheat to Bud & Oornly; vn v, Crawford, do to Bowman &Ii chey; S S wvel. coal to New Oast-le, Del; Vtryoming, Sehuyi ill barge. to Philadelphia; H W' Hunter, do do MEMORANDA.. Itt u taal, Noting, was adv at Liveapool 23d tit. for 11.1. t port ?St, Ship Ohara, Peabody, from New York, at Aca oleo 11th Mt. Ship ''has If .Perkins, Stevens, sailed from artllao rot Mu, to 12th tilt, for Chinches. : .;1,1 1 . Belvidere ' Johnson, cleared at New York t-derday for San Francisco. 5, , !;!. Trade Wind, Corson, from Boston for New York yesterday, st Antares, Colliery, from Providence, at New ,iesse Winsmore, and N J Bray er, I,:iwm - in. cleared at New York yesterday for Ste,onris Ironsitles ) Vanderveer, Fire Brick, Fen o:, sod Itasca, Williams, hence, arrived at N York CITY ITEMS. I'OPULAR PHOTOGII,APII ESTABLISH , T lose desiring good and life-like pictures certainly patronize Mr. Gutekunst, Nos. 104 Leh street. His pictures are unrivalled. ',iv an fair specimens of his general work may be . Mr :Aide at his counters, in the likenesms of ;:ijor (lea, McClellan and lady, Prig. Ci ens. Totten, AIL'. a[l Vitillk Patterson, Adjt. Gen. L. Thomas, ear Admiral Dupont, Admiral Stringham, Prof. V. S. Coast Survey, and many others. A .ne Awl: of Albums is kept eontinunlly on hand, ud di:ipLiyed to purchasers and visitors until 9 rack evening during this month and the 31m. MFICE NT , STOCK , Funs.----Messrs 'Lades 0:11c1bril & Son, No .53,1• and 636 Chestnut St., :der tic.i 'on tinental Hotel, have still a magnificent --atment of Ladles , Fancy Furs, notwithstanding !! , .r enormous sales within the last few weeks. en. stoJc Is all of their own importation and nulls hire, and their prices are lower than the qiialities of goods enn be obtained nt in any lirt home is the country GENTI,EMEN'S DRESSING GOWNS FOR Pit invite attention this :mc.ing to the superb disiday of Gentlemen's 'losing Gowns, and a thousand other articles of ,Ae and comfort In the Gentlemen's Furnishing inc . . suitable for Holiday Presents, now offered by I:.G. A. Iloffmnn, successor to W. W. Knight, No. Arch street, Hilprices arc unusually moderate. "LEA & PERUNS' " CELEITRATED WOR- , :mmsitinn SAT;CE.-Mr, t 7, H, Mattson, dealer in Family Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has mr la store /full assortment of the best Eng- lbit r:3:l,:eA and Pickles. His celebrated "Lea li'oreestershlre Sauce is a most delicious saiefor cold meats and soups, and is regarded as Ren-s , t healthful sauce imported. FINE :MILITARY TRAPPINGS FOR OFFICERS r Anmv AND NAVY, in the best styles, can be :,lin Brent variety and richness, at Dakford Nes, wider the Continental Hotel. Orn 1500 YOLMIES Ok CHOKE ENGLISH at: American Books have been added to W. rotherlwad's Circulating Library within the las lacillis—certainly unprecedented In this city. The of this institution arises from the fact that r. hooks are snowed at one time, and less rigorou, :ilea. than and• other Library in the nation. Special 3nmigeinent3 are made with persons living iu the omirc. ONE OF OUR GrOYEICS*MEXT OFFICIALS, ;Ist returned from Peru, tells us that, among the tint and most frequent inquiries made of him there ala Nut out public men was whether he knew or had estr te. n the celebrated American chemist, Dr. J. C. Aye:. of Lowell. His remedies are found in arts s ri;re from the cultivated slopes of the Andes down to the coast, and their remarkable cures stem to attract even more attention there than in this reentry. The sentiment of wonder at their streti tikes a far deeper hold on a half-civilized superstitious people than it does with us where fa:allot:4de of medical problems is 80 much more Paltilly understood. No other American has made iL elf so familiarly known to the masses of the reple in foreign countries, or excited in them so holy en Interest in himself, as the Doctor has by La skilful application of chemical science to the testmetit of disease. That must be n dull man who does not feel some ;We of country when he finds among distant na bx.4' that he is nlrcay known and welcome there, trough the labors of our statesmen, merchants, tut st'holars, whose renown has become national ;tnp••rfr, mid consequently in some measure his ram Whether Dr. Ayer's remedies do actually nte more than others or not, they have secured the 1"Mlion of being a God-send to those afflicted wit di-sage, and where great numbers in any com- lainiiVelieve that they owe their health a nd lives 11 one's Mall, they are sure to feel An interest in bbi.h will find expression when they meet his amAttyinee.—National. Era, Washington, D. CLASSICAL SOIHEES of Cross & Jar- Th next Monday evening, December 16, N 1 Payer of Academy of Music. Programmes at the Mune storm des-tuths 3t lIIF. DAYS OP KNIGHTS.— in other days, when Knights and Minstrels Through the land their praises sung, Iltedi of force, and blood, and battle, Were the burden of their song, At.dtheir Poets, in their verses, Told of scenes of crime rind wrong. Rut Wel 0 in times when Knights and Singers arr• not seen and heard as then ; Srm. our Nights are far more useful, Anti our "Singers" are not men mnehines, that do our sewing on Clothing in the land of Penn. •Il.d our Poets they write " advers." ltut in this cane 'tin accidental,) • and our "Coats of Mail" are male coats 'Worn by those whose power is mental, showing off their strength in this line By buying 'neigh the " Continental" Charles Stokes' "one price" Clothing Store, 'Ailey the " Continental." J. E. Gomm, corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets, is the only one in Philadelphia who keeps the popular and truly beautiful Geo. Steck Pisnofortes. de4-tf TuF. NE W POST OrPreE.—The new mar -1,;,. building for the Post 'Office and United States l'f , tirt uit form one of the striking features of Chest. sheet. Fine structures now crowd that locality, mine of them rival the splendid Brown Stone eiothin,v. Hall of 10010111 /c. Wilson, upon the oppo. lite side of Chestnut st. Just above Sixth. This famous hiahlishoient combines high utility with elegance, for within inn walls a regiment of busy workmen ply their Mann and their needles making garments for schlterJ and civilians, for adults and for youths. CIHWiTStAS PnEsENTS !—Get a. beautiful sunk Piano of J. E. Gould, corner of Seventh and Chestritit sheets. 2CF3V : I FOB THE LATHES.—We are assured, e 5 good authority, that leanness is going out of 'Ashton. 3hd that grace and elegance will no longer consist of slender waists and cadaverous cheeks Nellie. the Empress of the Frennh, as well as Era- Pletu of the whole world of fashion, is getting well o'4 to fox ty, and is becoming quite corpulent, whereat tae ladles of her court, no matter what their ages, lne suddenly acquired a great liking for embonpoint 4 ouch so as all sensible men have for the elegant 55.11 AA..innting styles of garments manufactured at ' t l4 ' Urat one-price Clothing Emporium of Granville 141 `e'• NO. 609 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. SPECIAL' NOTICES. 1/1 106 . y l r n I GEORGE STEC S 113 IITAFII,E PIANO FORTES, 6' rawls and Squares, !1 15111 ' 1 :Y taking precedence of all oilmrs for their :','"?weaness of touch, and pure qon uality of tone. None : 1 , 141 relcoo Without examining them no . upp- 4 eminent teachers aro almost dully selecting unk. ru t milt the tlinvi ;Mt W 7 o i GRF,A.T 7.'R11:31111. 1 .-BfIIOMAOICER &r. CO. have made a aim and grand (14. ;!. .rit la the menuthctitre of the Plane Forte. By a nhar t•m:truction of the settle and ')rt , too nn the td hoard, they are enabled to give 'Leftrill f1"11414 leuitth of the et etety, tr.Ain the to•tage I,, ,winier strikm th e strtilg, which prollocoe exil.mrciluary effeeti. The power ti greatly in tbeltormonyprodneed i. truly /oolvierfe 4 , l ' 7 4 itoittu entire new/pea/J/1i : which Tien, ZO , l. oo,t inf 1,01 jolts, WWI a singing weallatity to each /.. )%r ! ) i into to any Pll2llO erir Iteret,›- • id le " C• 10 VI ne public are 11...pet:dully invited to call p . 4 . ut DiA rproonts, No. 1021 CIIESTNU'e Street. witnro e4s .4114. ess wise this great Innwor oiliest in the Piano SCHOMACKEIt k CO„ 1021 CIIEST.NUT Street. & BARER'S No. 9 SIIUTTLE k 0 aci a . I AEIII:CE. for manufacturing porimem, k the BEST I.Anf t " i e the market, and is sold fur FORTY DOL. 1 . tie tone/doe ever Introduced to thl4 city has sold :4 4 ;P: Ali r or Oven end' unlyeretil Hatiefeelion. „Bo not tau sad oxfttntas it before purolutelug elsewhere. • 1:11) cIIESTNUT Street. uult•tf Use JAYNE'S EXPECTOPANT. D not:Mow your cold to take its own coarse. Two-thirds of the victims of co o _ somption Owe their affliction to the fatal mistake of "wait ing for a cough to get well of itself." Do not fall into this orror, but icrall yourself ttt once of a remedy which tide ty years' experience has demonstrated is certain to pro cure a speedy cure. J. E. GOULD, SEVENTII and CJIMTNUT "FOlt A COUGiI, FOR ASTHMA, On LT;of JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, which will overcome the spasmodic coutraction of the wind tubes, and cano th knit to eject the mucous or matter which clugA them up, and by en easy and free expectoration remove all diffi. cult - of brenthing. Fi)K fJZU\(UIITfS, Use ,TAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, This wide-spread dis ease, which may generally be described as an inflamma tion of the line skin width lines the inside of the wind^ tubes or air vessels, spreading through every part ante lungs; is often taken-for Constmiption. The Expectorant subdues this inflammation, relieves the attending cough, pain and difficulty of breathing, end, if the case is not of ton long standing,, will certainly prod nee it. cure, FOR CONSU,II.I"rI Use .TAYNES.EXPECTORANT. '•lt cleanses the tangs from all irritating unifiers. while at the same Buie it heals and invigorates them. Of all the remedies which ha te been offered to the public for this dread disease, none liftve stoOd the test of time or maintained so Mil VerSai Popularity as this Expectorant. Thousands who have been given up by, their physicians as: incurable have been restored to erfetit health by it: use, and their testi molly must carry conviction to all who read it. FOR PLEURISY, ' . use JAY E'S EXPECTORANT. By taking two or three large doses lu the early stages of the diSease, in quick succession, and covering warmly in bed, the preouirti lion acts as a sudorific or sweating medicine, and subdues the inflammation at the outset. . ,„. FOR 'WHOOPING COUGH, 'Use JAYNWS EXPECITOROT.:,j' There is no reinedY which so effectuall3 • OvereoMesi;this disease as the Ek peetoraut, What parent can witness the sufferhm,i o. her children from thtstiStressing complaint 'without de na; ail in her power for their relief? What medicine so pleasant to the taste, or se certain to produac immediate' benefit? Clive it a trial, then; and let it prove its ritlicacY. MEIM tr. se IIiIi'S,EXPECTORAirT, Children are sub.' eel s====imimiAmamimammmikA Folic(' of prompt relief, nonemoro thtul in ik results, than Croup: Parents, therefore, Aeonld keen on hand a re medy cute and thorough. Such a rein ody may be found in the Expectorant, and every careful mother will keep a supply hy her,, JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT I. a - standard medicine. For thirty years it has been befero the public; and daring this period its mint live powers have been testified to by all classes of people in all qUarters of the world. Physicians, clergymen, law= yers. menthe nts?auil. mechanics have experienced its re it-Mt:tie effects, and have furnished Us With their testi mony, and it may die Ihund at length in our Almanac. To their convincing certificates we would refer the doubt- Prepareil may by Dr. 1). JAY NE &: SON, 242 CHEST NUT Street. deg-2t WiNGER & CO.'S LETTER A FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE is the most beautiful, best, and. oho:west, °fall Sowing Machines, It embodies the.principles of Singer 8: Co.'s . well-known ManufaCtaring MachtneS ; makes the interlocked stitch; will sow on all kinds of cloth, and With all kinds of thread ; will Bind and Braid, Gather and Quilt, Fell; Hem, and fact; Will do ALL KIIcDS OF FAMILY SEWING, and suricisses . eyery other litlehine for :the great range and excellence of its wok. Send fora pamphlet, • • M. SINGER & CO.. No. 45S BROADWAY, NEW YORE. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, oci-tuthstdc3l- SlO CHESTNUT STREET BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! - THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELORS celebrated Heir Dye Produces a color not to be distinguished from 'nature ; warranted not to injure the hair in the least ; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, BED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly tarns a splendid fleck or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful, sold by all Druggists, &c. Aar The Genuine is :signed WILLIAM A, BATCHE LOR, on the/our sides of each box. FACTORY, No. S 1 BARCLAY Street, (Late 2f Broadomrond 10 Broid street,) New York. 111 ..- S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constirstlion. They cure Diarrhccha, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They aro the best BITTERS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and ale exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the eels , orated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drag,- gists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. IL DRAKE & CO., 2021 BROADWAY. New York. sal-em UPHA3I'S HAIR DYE, 38 CENTS A BOX.— Three boxes for S 1; the best to use. Try it. Sold only Id UPHAM'S. 403 CHESTNUT Street. se27-3m* MARRIED _ SMITH—BROOM.—In this city, on May 4th, by the Rev. Edward Jones, Mr. Robert Smith to Helen T.. daughter of Hon. Jacob Broom. * PEROT—BARLOT.—On the 4th instant in New York city, by the Rev. Samuel Clook, D. , Ellis ton L. Perot to Julia E., youngest daughter b.f John M. Barlow. • DIED_ BUZBY.—In the city of New York. on the morn ing of the 6th instant, Eliza Adah, infant daughter of Montreal Buzby, aged 5 months. Funeral from the residence of her father 634 North Twelfth at., this (Third-day) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. • FINLEI .—On Monday, DecemberBth, 1862, Eliza, daughter of the late Rev. John Finley. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her mother's residence, northwest corner of Fourth and Callowhill, on Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock. 'To proceed to Ger mantown. et McOLINTOCK.—On the 6th inst., Anna, wife of James"McClintock, and only daughter of Mr. John Miller, aged 44 years. The relatives and friends are invited to attend her funeral-, from the residence of her husband, No. 514 North Fifth street, this (Tuesday) morning, 9th inst., at 10 o'clock. BL'NNETT.—The funeral of Horace C. Bennett, who fell at Tocotaligo, October 22d, will take place from the residence of his brother, C. H. Bennett, 'Mt nersville, this (Tuesday) afternoon, 9th, at 2 o'clock, P. His friends and those of the family are in vited to attend. • LAURENCE—At Beverly, N. J. on the 6th inst., Joseph Redman Laurence, in the 78th year of his age. Li. Bi s friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, on 'Wednesday of- ' ternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. * ANDERSON.—On the Gth instant, Hannah M. daughter of Robert and Christian Anderson, and grand-daughter of Wm. H. and Hannah Harris, aged 14 months and 19 days. • CAlll2.—On the 6th instant, George Carr, in the 66th year of his age. • GARY.—On the 7th instant EdWard Cary, of Co. I, 95th Regiment, of disease contracted in the Army. ILCOATES.—On the 4th instant, William J. Coates, in the 29th year of his age., • FARLEY.—On the 7th instant, :Mr. James Farley. GRIFFITH.—On the 6th instant, Mrs. Mary A. Griffith, in the 61st year of her age. • KLOTZ.—On the sth instant, Madama, youngest daughter of John S. and Julia Klotz, in the 21st year of her age. MONAHON.—On the 4th instant, Mr. Jas. Mona hon, in the 49th year of his age. • MOSLEY.—On the sth instant, Isabella, wife of G. B. Mosley, and daughter of Margaret and the late :Dimes Breckenridgs in the 30th year of her age. MILLER.—On the s?h instant, Mrs. Catharine Miller, aged 62 years. • MURRAY.—On the sth instant, Mrs. Catharine Murray in the 90th year of her age. NUGENT.—On the 6th instant, Alice, wife of John I Nugent, aged 30 years. • PAUL.—On the 7th instant, Margaret, daughter of Wm. and Mary C. Paul, in the 13th year of her age. REX.—On the 6th instant, Mr. Christian Rex, in the 47th year of his age. 10t ESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street, offer for sale; Black All-Wool Velour Reps, 75c. • Do. do. Ottornau Poplins, lc c. Do. do. 6-4 Monsseliuc, 62;ic, Do. and white All-Wool Mousselines, Do. do. Pinta mid Striped Moliairs, 2Sc. Do. do. Silk Striped Poplius, 3734 e. Do. do. Delaines, 1S c. Do Reps, 25c. ; Black Parainattas, .25c. • Do. Alpacas, 23c. ; Black Darat hots, 62gc. del] Do. Turin Cloths, 50c. ; Black Bunkbazine, Sine. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH STREETS, Have a large stock of Shawls for Pennsylvania Trade. Silks for Pennsylvania Trade. Dress Goods for Pennsylvania Trade. na^7•ff (71.0 0 D • QUALITY BAL3I 0 R AL SKIRTS.—These Skirts are full four yards wide and one awl a quarter long. Colors all-wodl, aul styles are adapted to genteel trade. n027-tf EYRE & LANDELL. PENNSYLVANIA. HORTICIMYU- V.:P' HAL SOCIETY, HOE CU LTURAL HALL, Sualli wet4 corium. of BROAD and WALNUT Street.i. Mouthly display of Frain and FloworF, THIS EVENING, lc* ir3z., A STATED MEETING OF THE ST( WKI I OLD ERS OF "THE MARSHALL SA INOS ICSTITUTI oFPHILADEL:PHIA" minim held THIS EVENING, 9fh 7,q 0 clock, at. the 13,E ual place, t,r the porpoz4e of woof flitting ottleerg for the emitt ing' Yetis. WILLIAM M. LEVICH.", Secretary. OFFICE MOUNT CARRON AND PORT CARBON RAILROAD CuMPAN y. PHILADIMPHIA, December 8, 1542, The Annual Meeting' of the Stockholder:: of till,: com pany will be held at the Office of the Company, No. -107 LIIfRAIIY Street, on MONDAY, Decemher •2 4 .)th, at half PaAt ton o'clock A. M., at which time an election for of ficers, to serve the en,ming year, will take place. de9 ttiti P. C. 11.011,16, Secretary. M. A MEETING OF THE MEMBERS of 110. NATIONAL UNION ASSOCIATION of the EIGHTEENTH WARD wilt be. held THIS (Tue. , daY) KVENIN(I, Dec. 9th, 1862, at 7 o'clock, at their Hail, to take into consideration the outrage perpetrated by the majority niPuiber4 of Common Connell on Thursday last, adopting' the resolution, &c., expelling our repris.4entatice from that body. By order of 'HENRY BIMI, 11* Preddent. THE PHILADELPHIA LIBRARY COMPANY will celebrate their Twenty-ninth Anniversary, TIIIS EVENING, at S &elan in the Lec ture Room of ST. THOMAS' CIUiRCH, FtyTIL beloW Walnut. Addresyes by D. B. BOWSER., 3. M. FMITH, THOS. M. CIIESTEM, and WILLIAM J. ALSTON. Admission, ion rent 4 .,, Lecture.; and Delmit..N held on every TUESDAY E\ EMSG, during winter and Firing. Seat: free, It* PHILADELPHIA AND B.E.Anr_vo, j; LimAD '227 rouwrn ger.. I'm A t Deceptlwr Is HEREBY GIVEN, to tlw Stoclaiolaer. of this Company, drat the Annual Moi.tlitt; and an E'wction for PrqglOnt,Sln Kama l't,a owl. and Sectoory, NOE [alto placo on the 3LoNDAY (12th) of JANUARY lIONC. at 12 o'vlock M. W. 11. WEBB, deft-010:i Secretary. r::.• THE WEST PIRILADELPHIA MAl ,rti.ti, sAVISU FUND AND TRUST COMPANY, at !twit Annual 3leetlna, held on the lit inst., elected the following Stockholders Directors for the ensuing year: David D. Pant, .Tabu C. Keifer, .Tame., 311X10Aitey, Jr.,l. w. VanHouten, Edwin llaf•mytier, John B. Ferree, Wm. I'. Hamm, David W. Bradley, :John L. Frailey, S. lienry Askin. J. K. Lee, 31. D., Edward Lane, . Henry ii. ling . ..rt. At the nierthia of Din:con:omM an the 49, instant. DAVID B. PAUL, F. , 41.,- WIIN itnanintonsly re-elected Ftesitleut, and. It. tiLENDINNING Ca,hler. de9-31.• IL U LEN DLN N I NO, Cashier. WUNIVERSITY OP PENNSYLVANIA. —Thn Annual Oration before the Society of the Alumni wilt be delivered by the Honorable M. RUSSELL THAYER, on THURSDAY December 1931, at eight o'clock P. M. The public is invited to attend. Tickets will be Janitor,by Mr. Hazard,.724 CHISTSUT Street, and by the at the University. dertit* NOTICE:—CORN EXCHANGE BANK, PHILADELPITTA, November 4, 1381—The following TrAoltition IVAN thls day adopted by the Beard. of !greeters and ordered to be published: That the unsold portion of the Stock of this Rank be offered to the present Stockholders at par. each S.iorkhelder In have the privilege of talcinga pro rota Snare, according to a sento adopted by the Board, pro vided sithseription nod mytneut be rondo before the first day of January, nol4-thil J. W. TORREr, Cashier. • FREE PUBLIC LECTUICE.--THE OPEZtiIDi(I LECTURE of the ANNUAL COURSE, BRYAN7', STRATTON, & CO.'S COMMERCIAL COL southemd corner of SEYENTI I and CI E4.TN UT Strech , , will be delivered on THURSDAY - EVENING next, the 11th inst.. at 7K o'clock. by ELI HU BURR r, the Learned Blacksmith." Subject—" The: Higher Law anel 41118641 m of Commerce." The public are cordially invited. Ad iii scion free. dca-3r. .FM..." DRY ANT,STRATTON, & COMMERCIAL COLLEOE, 8. K cer. of SEVENTH non CIIESTNUT Street, One of eleven Colleges located in the lending, eommer cialoitios of the United States and Canada. Instruction in BOOK-KEEPING . PENMANSHIP, EpilmETIC. COMMERCIAL LA W,'PIIONOG RAPIIY, SIOIIEII MATHEMATICS, LANG CAGES; &c.,DAY an d EVENING. 'Dm most extensive and practica course iu the world. The advantages offered by the union of these Colleges place them above every,,merely local school. Each de rives snocial benefit (rein all the others in the combined experience or numerous teachers, the collection of manu scripts, (upon which we rely almost cntirelyin teaching, )look-keeping,) and the :publicatlen of- books loeyond the /military mmns of any single Institution. We have no incompetent' Assistants. Each student. front the begin ning, is under the,charge of one or more f!f the Principals, Those desiring - a thorough business education will- do well to call and 0:CP111111e the facilities we offer for their iustruPtitnt. On January Ist our rates of tuition will be a/Um - need per cent. Until then, lichnlarshiCs, good .for. an un limited neried in eleven cities, will be issued.fer 01. le TiONCEOPATMC nOSPITAL, 113.6 CUTHIMRT Street —This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers. who will be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner, 31Ci. of charge, B. F. GLENN, n022-tf Secretary of Board of Managers. ''' THE SECOND LECTURE OF THE COURSE; in aid of rho " CHURCH OF ST. MAT THIAS," will he. del irKed at CONCEST HALL, on TUES DAY EVEN I .NO, 9th instant, at S o'clock. by the 11, 1111 biTLNOTON, B. D., of Boston. Subject—" ry80,5- tom" 'Tickets, Wi cents each , , foe. sale at C. M. Barns', 9111 Choßhmt Street t Episcopal Book Depository, 1224 Chestnut tstreet, and at the Mal. deb-3: - URGENT NEED OF TDB WOUND * r BL).—The Suivrilitendont of the Sanitary Com mission at Washington writes to the Depository in Phi ladelphia (1235 CHESTNUT Street): "that in view of an impending battle; there is Urgent need of the following articles : Blankets or Quiits. Bed Sacks. Cushions and Pads. Ptilows. " • Pillow Cases.. Towels Wool en Shirts. • - : Woolen Drawers. Hospital Shirts, woolen or cotton. ' • Handkerchiefs. Woolen Seeks. 1 Thick Wrappers: Cocoa, Chocolate, Tea, White Sugar, Dried Fruit, and Farina." The immediate attention of the patriotic and benevo lent citizens of Philadelphia is essnustly eailcd, and they are requested to send all they eau spitre:th•the DEPOSI TORY, '1•35 CHESTNUT Street. C. J. STILLE. W. H. ASH - HURST; THOS. - KIMBER, JR., Committee of Depository. JOHN B. GOUGH. , —THREE LBO. TURES will be delivered by this brilliant and distinguished Lecturer, in the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, as follows: TUESDAY EVENING, December 9th.—" Eloquence and Orators." An entirely new lecture, said to be the gem of all his lectures. THURSDAY EVENING, December llth.—" Here and there in Britain."-, TUESDAY EVENING, December 16th,—" Lights and Shadows of London Life." The sale of tickets will commence on THURSDAY MORNING December 4th, at 9 o'clock A. DI., the Aca demy of Idualc,' the centre; at Martien's,- 606 Chestnut street, the left, or south side t and at the American Tract Societv,929 Chestnut street, the right, or north slits. Re served seats in the Parquette, Parquette Cirle, Balcony, and Orchestra, GO cents for each lecture; Family Circle, 28 cents. To be had at Martien's and the Tract Society. Doors open at 7. Lecture to commence at 8.: The proceeds of these Lectures will be appropriated to the benefit of the Sick and Wounded Soldiers at and near the battle-fields. and other objects of benevolence. f n025-9t OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AE. TISI"rO THE ARMY AND NAvio, PIMADEL PH I A, October 24, IS6II. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous Of availing them selves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artifi cial Limbs, should apply nnmediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No. MOD CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK I'ALMF,R, oclG-tf Government Surgeon-Artist. COHN EXCHANGE BANK, Irk:PrtitAnumnitA, - Nov: 24, 1862.—At the elecriou held November 17th, 1862, the following Stockholders were elected Directors of this Dank; Alexander G. Cattell, ' Christian j; Hoffman, Dell - Noblit, Jr., ' Robert Ervien, George L. Buzby, 11. W. Caner-wood, Edward C. Knight, William P. Cox, William 1,. Maddock, Edmund A. Sender, James Steel, " Samnel T. Canby, . ' Charles R Wilkins. And at the meeting of Directors, this day, ALEX ANDER 0. CATTELL, ESQ., was unanimously re-elected President; ALEX. WIIILLDIN, Esci, Vice President, 'and JOHN W. TORREI Cashier. mai-if J. W. TORREY; Cashier. OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE IN SLTRANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, December 1, 1,M2. The Board of. Directors have this day declared a Cash Dividend of TEN PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, and SIX PER CENT. interest en the outstanding Scrip of the Company, for the ELEVEN MONTHS ending ou the 30th ult., payable on and after the 10th lost., free from Untied States and State taxes. Also; a Scrip Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the premiums earned on risks determined during the said term of eleven months, and that Scrip Certificates, in the usual form, be delivered to the assured entitled to receive is same on and after the 15th inst. E. M. HINCITMAN, - Secretary. dot-tuths 1m . CONSOLIDATION BANIC., PHILA.- DELPHIA, November 24. IS62.—At an eloction. held 17th instant, the following gentlemen were elected Directors for tho ensuing year: James V. Watson, Ludlam Mathews, Thos. I. Potts, James S. Watson, Henn* Crosker. A. Snow Naud:klu, Josiah D. Brooks, John I'. Verrec, Joseph H. Collins, Wm. Hogg. Jr. Abraham S. Wolf, Robert Shoenniker, Jos. B. Van Dusen. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, JAMES V. WATSON. Esq.. was unanimously're-elected President ; GEORCE W. THORN. Esti,. Solicitor ; PETERC. EMMA!: Elt. Esq.. Notary; JOSEPH. N.. PIERSOL, Cashier. uol - st tails& • NOTICE IS 113E - IVEBY GIVEN TiukT "THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSII,.. \ AMA " intend to apply to the Legislature of Ponnsyl- Nunn's, at their next session, for a renewal of their char ter.-Said Bank is located in the city of Philadelphia, with an authorized capital of one million of dollars; renewal of which will be asked for, with the usual bank ing privileges By order of privileges. Board. je23-tu(lm NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that nu application will he made to the Leglsia cure of Pennsylvania, at their next session, fora renewal of the Charter of the BANK ON THE NORTHERN LIBERTIES. The said Bank being located in the city of Philadelphia, with au authorized capital of five hundred thousand'dollars. Br order of the Board. W. GUMMERE, Cashier. Philadelphia, Junt , 23, ISB2. . - ]e24-triGin MILITARY. ti VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR • COMPANY A. Captain SAMUEL HAZARD, JR., Late First Fieutenant 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry. ROBERTS' HEAVY ARTILLERY Is a battalion of Six Companies to be raised for the special Purpose of garrisoning FORT MONROE. A part of the Battalion is now on duty there, and each company is sent off as that as completed without regard to the others. COMPANY A is nearly full, and is now in camp in a most beautiful and healthy location on Dewey's Lane, Germantown, and Rs soon as completed will leave direct ly for the Fort. EVERY MAN MUST RECEIVE BOUNTY AS FOLLOWS: Advance United States Bounty $2.5 00 Pay and Premitua . 15 00 Citizens' Bounty Fund on arrival at Fort Monroe... 50 00 Bounty from United States at the cud of enlistment. 75 CO Making a total Bounty of Sidi 00 As this is to be a picked corps none hut sober and order ly men need apply at the Apply at the Camp, DEWEY'S LANE, above Church, Germantown. The cars run every hour within quarter of a mile of it. noS•tf CONTINENTAL. CAVALRY --WANTED.—Two Companies to fill the Regi ment of CONTINENTAL LIGHT CAVALRY now in "Camp Metcalf," HADDONFIELD. N. J. Officers who have had experiencepreferred. nol7 J. E. PEYTON, Col. Commanding. PHOTOGRAPH THE KNOWING ONES ALL GO TO - 1 - REIMER'S for Colored Photographs. They know such pictures cannot be got elsewhere so good or cheap; only $l. SECOND Street, above Green. is APROPOS. -SPEAKING OP PIC TURES, examine REIMER'S splendid portraits, life-cizo photographs In oil colors,. now made, in view of the times, at reduced price ?. SECOND :RVCei, above Green. CIOLEUR DE ROSE . CARTES DE VISITE. THE NEW FRENCH STYLE TAKEN IN SUPERB STYLE AT TURNER'S New Ground-Floor Skylight Ivorytype, AmbrotYpe, and. Photograph Gallery, • SOS CHESTNUT Street, The most Extensive and Elegant is the United States. Our Skylight Reception-Room and Sales-Room are - all On the Ground-Floor, so that none of our patrons are required to go up even a single Sight of stairs. Also on hand, at • VERY LONG: PRICES, A Splendid Assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS TURNER, 848 CHESTNUT Street, BOLIDAY GOODS. CIHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Paint Bnices,Photograp.ii Albinos, Writing At IMF ug Albums, Picture Albums, . • Cartes do Visite copies from Engravings. Pictures for Children, Pictures tor Coloring. Colored Engravings for framing, Fancy Papers, Gilt Borders. Also, Boxes with Fancy Letter Papers and Enve lopes. SCHOLZ & JANENTZKY, • del-im. 112 South MG fiTH Street. pEIMER'S IVORYTYPES ARE PIC " TITRES of rare beauty, and also the most natural and pleasing pictures of the day ; warm and• impre,-,the coloring. SECOND Stmt. above Green. lt. T_TAIR AND WHISKERS DYED. rrieeA to mutt the times. No. 63 THIRD Stree above Chestnut. 11. OLD WHISKY! From onr own and ocher celebrated Distilleries We are cousiinitly receiving CiLD RYE WIIKAT, AXD BOUEBQN WHISKIES, With which t)r price nud quality WE CHALLENGE COMPARISON. Our Whiskies. for purity, inollownessolnd delicacy, are EMINENTLY THE BF.ST IN THE WORLD, ALICW(..,henOURmETAIoL t D H E A A L RTME I N E T . Has already become a considerable feature in our busi ness, and to continue it in its present state, and to enlarge itove shall sell, not withstanding the Tax, about as cheap ly as ever. CONSIDER THESE PRIC:F,St MonongaltecnriViiiitlCy76s cent» per gallon, Old Bonrbou Whisky, 75 cents per gallon. Old Rye 'Whisky, $1 per gallon. Extra Old Rye 'Whisky. $1.50 per gallon. W Very Choice Old Rye hisky, $2. per gallon. N. 'VAN BEM, 118 North SECOND Street, nine doors above Arch. de!-Imil 1000 REAMS. NOTE PAPER i $1.50- , LETTER PAPER, at 02 perreams emphatil catty the very cheapest in the city. For sale by the quire or ream by CHALLEN, M.3' 1308 CHESTNUT Street. slia'assortment MRS. D. FERRIS, 1037 CHEST NUT Street, has now open a large 'assoment of Black, White, and Gray Ostrich Feathers. to gether with Ladles' and Children's Winter MIL LINERY. de4-I2 TERRA COTTA WARE. Fancy Flower Pots. Hanging Vases. Fern Vases. with Plants. Orange Pots. Ivy \ uses, with Plants. Cassoletts Renaissance. Lava. Vases Antique. Consols and Carlatades.o Marble Busts and Pedestals. Brackets, all sizes. With a large assortment of other FANCY GOODS, suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, tnost of which are manufactured and imported for our own sales, and will not he found at any other estahlishntent. S. A. HARRISON, de) 1010 CHESTNUT Street. IVII.ITE PRESERVING BRANDY PURE CIDER AND WINE VINtGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SERE, SPICES. Sm., &c All the requisites for Preserving anti Pickling purposes. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, • DEALER IN FINE OROCERIES, 805-tf 001INER OF BLEYFerti AND ITIN4 THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1862. prtorosAws FOR INDIAN GOODS DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, OFFICE 1 NDI AN AFFAIR:7, November 17,146:. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Proposals for Indian Ooods," (Class I, 2,3, or 4, as the case may bo,) - to be de livered in the city of New York, will be received at the office of Indian Affairs, until twelve o'clock IIL, on Wed nesda, the 10th day of December next, fur furnishing the following named. articles_:_ Gr. - Ass No. L MACKINAC BLANKETS CLOVIS, AND DRY G.OaS. 3,000 pairs 3 point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh SPonnds 3,000 pairs 2;4 point white Mackinac blankets' to Men sure .04 by 66 inches, and weigh 6 pounds. 200 pairs 2 point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 42 by 56 inches, and weigirsM pounds. ' 600 pairs IM point white Mackinac blankets, to mea sure 35 by 50 inches and weigh 4'4 Pounds , 100 pairs 1 point white Mackinac blankets, to measure by 46 inches, and weigh 14. pounds. 1,200 pairs 3 point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds. 700 pairs 234 point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to mea sure 04 by 60 inches, and Weigh 6 pounds. 100 pairs 2 point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to,me.asure 42 by 56 inches, and weigh 55h pounds. 100 pairs 1 point scarlet Mackinac his ukots, to measure by 46 inches, and weigh pounds. 100 pairs 3 point green Mackinac blankets, to measure ' 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds. 100 pairS 2,1'; point green inches,Mackinac blankets, to mea sure 64 by 66 and weigh 6 pounds. 1,000 pairs 3 point WOW blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds. 800 pairs 2.14 point indigo blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches; and weigh 6 pounds. 100 pairs I point indigo blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh 3M pounds. 600 pairs 3 point gen tinell a blue Mackinac blankets; to measure 60 by 72 inches, and Weigh 8 pounds. 300 pairs 234 point genii uella blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, anti weigh 6 pounds. 11:k pairs IX point' gentinella blue Mackinac blan kets, to measure 36 by 50 inches, and weigh 4.14 pounds, 100 pairs 1 point gentinella blue Mackinac blankets; to measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh. pounds. 3,000 yards fancy list:bine cloth. 4,000 do gray list blue cl4h. 200 do do black cloth: 1,000 do saved list black cloth- • 4,000 do —do blue cloth. 5,000 do - do scarlet cloth, 200 dozen 8-4 woolen shawls. 500 pounds linen thread. No. 40. 1,200 do cotton thread. 60 gross worsted gartering. 75,000 yards calico. .5,000 do Merrimac calico. 8,000 do Turkey red calico. - , 25,000 do blue drilling, 20,000 do, brown 30,001 do bed ticking. 3,000 do satinet*. 25,000 do plaid linseys. 20,000 do unbleached domeitic sheeting 2,560 do bleached sheeting. 10,000 do checks, stripes, and plaids. 10,000 do flannels, assorted. 2,500 Pounds brown Oiling twine. No, 34, 800 do - cotton maitre. . 2,000 twilled flannel skirts 600 dozen hickory shirt*. 2,000 calico shirts. 300 &den Canadian belts. Grass No. READY-MADE G. • 200 blue Satinet pantaloons.' 2io 250 do • ; coats. 50 cadet mixed satinet coats. 250 ,do do" pantaloons: 175 frock coats, indigo blue, broadcloth. 100 pantaloons do do. 530 casiuet coats, trimmed with red. CLASS HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Atc. 2,700 pounds brass kettles, : 40 neetsjapanned kettles, (8 m a nest.) 600 camp kettles, (3 sizes.) , '3OO dozen 2. quart tin pans. • : • 300 do 4 quart tin pans. 60 do 6 quart tin pans. 7o4 do tin cups. : 1,200 do squaw awls. . : 1,500 do fish hooks. 7 do coarsees, 250 do tooth combs, 117 do fine tooth combs. 609 do scissors. .600 do - shears. 160 do weeding hoes. ;, 250 do handsaw files, 4% inches, „ :- 2,500 short handle fry pans. ,• 75 dozen basting spoons. 1,500 do table spoons, (iren.) 65 do axes, to weigh 4% to 5% Pounds. 050 do half-axes, to weigh 3 pounds, (with bandies.) 600 do zinc mirrors. - 60 do fire steels. 600 pounds brass Wire. -350 do best Chinese Vermillion. • fa) do seed beads. : 100 dozen butcher knives. 100 do scalping 'knives. . 250 do squaw hatchets. , - 12 do 4% inch fiat files. 20,000 pounds tobacco. CLASS No. : GUNS, AMMUNITION, &c. - 300 rifles, cap lock, (half-ounce 5110 shot guns, (double barrel,) Irk kegs powder:: 1,000,000 water-proof caps.. • , - .300liags Wald belts. 200 flasks. ' 2.00 bolts. 600 powder horns.- - : 3,000 flints. 292 dozen gun nipples. Goods of American manufacture, of the required. styles and quality, will , be preferred; but, as the samples of blankets and cloths are foreign fabrics, it will he neces sary; in - proposing a domestic article of either of those kinds; that a- sample thereof shalt accompany the bid . The articles to be furnished must in all respects conforrit to andlie equal with the Government Samples, which may be seen at this office on and after the 24th instant: The articles will he rigidlyinspected and coranared with • the samples, by an agent or agents appointed for that purpose. Such as may, be unequal thereto in any pat , dottier will be rejected, in which case the contraigoi-will be bound to furnish others of the required kinder quali ty within three days or, if that be not dona: they will be purchased at his oxPenSe. Paymtmt will be made for the goods - received on invoices thereof, certified bythe agent or agents appointed to inspect them. It is to , be understood that the right will be reserved to require a greater or less (launty of any of the articles . named -than that specified in the above schedule ; and bids: for furnishing said articles may be rejected at the option of the Department and that mine front persons who have felled to comply with the requirements Of a Provioug contract with the:•United States, or who are not manu facturers :or wholesale dealers sm the required articles. will bp :considered : and the fact that bidders'are such manufacturers or dealers must be evidenced by the eer, titicate of the collector of the port where they reside, or where it is proposed to deliver the articles. The Mope sals must embrace the articles, with the quantities-there of, as they are arranged in the schedule, with the prices annexed to each, in dollars and cents, at which they are to be furnished ; and the amounts must be carried out and footed up for each class.., Said prices and amounts must be so given, without any modification or proposed ,modificatien, or variation whatever. They- should- be submitted with the following heading: I (or we) hereby propose to furnish for the service of the Indian Depart ment, and according to the terms of its advertisements thereof, dated November 17th,1662, the following arti cies, tit the prices.: thereto, affixed. (here inSert the list according to the class or classes proposed for,) deli Ver a, ble In the city of New York by the Ist day of April next,: or at such time or times during the year 1663 as may be ordered by the Commissioner. of Indian Affairs and ' if the proposal be accepted (here insert thewords, whole or in part. if: more: than one class be: proposed for,) I (or we) will; within twenty days thereafter, exe cute a contract accordingly, and give security, satisfac tory to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, for the faithful performance of the same." Each proposal must be accompanied with a guarantee, in the following forM, to be signed by two or more- responsible persons, whose sufficiency umetbe.eertified to, by. aUnited States , judge or district attorney:We hereby jointly and seve rally guarantee that the above bidder (or bidders), if a . contract shall be awarded to him (or them) according to his or their bid or proposal, will execute a contract ac cordingly, and give the requisite security for the perform ance thereof, as prescribed in the advertisement for pro posals for Indian goods dated 17th November, 1862; and, in the event of his (or their) failure so to do, we hereby: agree to bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and assigns, to forfeit and pay,the United States, as damages, a sum not less than fifteen per cent. on the amount of said bid or proposal." Bonds will be required in the amount Of. the for the faithful perforinance of the contract, With . two or more entreties, whOse sufficiency must be certified by a United States judge or district attorney. No pro posal will be considered that does not strictly conform in all particulars to the terms and. directions of this adver tisement. WM. P. DOLE,; - nol9-wfmlot . Commissioner. S. C. PALMER, Cashier 101332 EM PROPOSALS. OFFICE INDIAN AFFAIRS, NOVEMBER 241861 Since the above advertisement, dated the 17th inst., for "Proposals for Indian Goods,' was published, it has been decided to take from Class No. 3 the 20,000 pounds of Tobacco called for, and let it form Class No; 5. Al though there is a sample of the Tobacco-in thin office, bidders are requested to forward samples with th*r bide, for consideration. W. P. DOLE, no2B Commissioner. NAVY DBPARTMENT, NOVEMBER 25, 1862 The Navy Department will, until the Z3d of December, 1862, receive propositions for the erection and completion of a wharf at Port Royal, South Carolina, in conformity with the general specifications herewith accompanying. The proposition must state the gross amount for which the wharf, derricks, hoisting engine, scale, rail-tracks. and cars will be completed, according to the plans and specifications and name the time within which the party will agree to have it finished. • Parties intending to hid can examine the drawings in the Navy Department, and in the office of the Construct ing Engineer in the New York Navy Yard, at the office of the Navy Agent at Philadelphia and at Boston. The bid mast be accompanied by the usual guarantee that if accepted the party will execute the contract, which will be dated from the time the party is notified .that his oiler is accepted, and the eentract will embrace the usual conditions. Speetfloations,jor a Wharf at Port Royal, S. C. The wharf is to be in the fonn of a T; the part loading from the shore to the front will lie 521 foot long and 42 feet 6 inches wide; and the front will be 201 feet long and 42 feet 6 inches wide. From high-water mark to 7 feet 6 inches water the distance is 288 feet ; from 7 feet 6 inches depth t 0.19 feet 6 Inches the distance is 140 feet ;from 19 feet 6 inches depth to tl feet 6 inches depth the distance is 70 feet, and the front wharf will stand in about 27 feet 6 inches water, all at high.tide. The piles are to be of good sound heart pine not less than 12 inches diameter at the butt; and must be driven to a good firm bearing; they will be in rows 8 feet from centre to centre, running across the wharf, and seven piles in each row, with a tender pile on each:ode, making nine piles hi each cross row, These piles are to be barked and covered with sheet zinc, 10 ounces to the square foot, front high-water mark down to 6 inches below the sur face of the ined, well and securely put on, to protect them (coin the, worms. The piles will be cut off at the proper height, its shown On The plan, and clapped with bard pine timber; 12 by 12 inches, every third pile being tenuoned into the cap and . pi MINI, and the others secured with an iron bolt'one inch in diameter and two feet long Around the outside.. of the wharf there is to ben string or of hard pills timber, hby 12 inches, resting upon the caps and ~ t rongl bolted at each crossing, and between these stringers t h ere are to be hard pine joists 4 by 19 inches, laid 12 inches apart upon the caps, and fastened with 6-inch spikes at each crossing. Upon the joints there is to be a floor of 4-inch hard pine plank; fastened with one 8-inch spike in each plank at each crossing. Around the edge of.tbe wharf tidre is.to he a cap sill 9 by 10 feet, of hard pine, well hastened and rounded on the top to shed the min. The fender piles are to be strongly bolted to the stringers and cap sills. Four clusters, of about six piles each, are to he driven, capped, and prepared as founda tions for derricks. There are also to be twelve mooring posts of white oak timber, 12 1116104 in llilthleter, well driven and strongly secured to the wharf at the points indicated on the plan. These will be four feet above the floor of the wharf, and all piles are to be sheathed with zinc. as before described. At each end of the front wharf, and on each side of the Wharf leading from the shore, there is to bo a /ending stair 3 feet 6 inches wide, strongly secured to the wharf, and reaching to low-water mark. The contractor will be required to build a bulkhead where the wharf joins the shore, and fill tip with earth to receive the rail track hereinafter described. ~ On the wharf, at the points indicated on the plan, will be four derricks for hoisting coal, similar to those used at the COO depots on the North river, provided with all the necessary falls, with, sufficient rope to reach the hoisting engine, and shieves for changes of direction, and all ready for use in hoisting coal. A particular de scription of these derricks will be given. 1 .. There is to be a hoisting engine of most approved con struction, having four drums, and to be of sufficient power to work the four derricks at the same time in hoisting coal. Over this 'engine there is to be a frame house to protect it from the weather. In the cap sills around the wharf there are to be iron ring bolts of Ig-inch iron, and ring 6 incites diameteLin the clear, placed, at every 50 feet, and stronelY fastened TO the sills and stringers, On the wharf, and extending up on to the land, will be a rail track of iron, about fifty pounds to the yard, with ranch branches as may he required ; the total length of I single track being three-fourths of a mile ; the track on Ithe wharf will be laid on the plank floor, with suit -1 able chairs, and that on the land on ties" three feet six inches apart, laid in the usual manner. This track is'to be provided with twelve dumping cars properly con strutted for moving coal. a On the land near the shore and of the wharf, as shown • on the plan, there is to be a platform scale, capableof weighinge ten tons' the rail track will pass over this scale as shown on the plan ; there will also be a small office, eight feet square, near the scale, and two of &M a lar size on the wharf. I The propositions will be addressed to the "Navy • De partment," and must be addressed "Proposals for Wharf Port Royal," that they may be distinguished from other business letters. n029-ew6t UNII7I --- 11)STXTES PATENT OFFICE, WABIIINGTOX, Nov. 28,1883 On the petition of JEPTHA DYSO'.`.7, of Philadelphia. Pa., praying for the extension of a patent granted to hint February 20, 1840, for an inrprovement in "Carding En gines," for seven years from the expiration of said .patentBo3—, which takes place on the twentieth day of Febra au,l- ••• -it is ordered, that the said petition be heard at the Pa ' tent Office on MONDAY, the 2d of February, 1833, at 12 o'clock 81. ; and all persons are notified to appear and show cause, if any they have, why said petition ought not to he granted. Persons opposing the extension are required to Ile in the Patent. Office their objections, specially set forth in writing, at least twenty, days before the day of hearing; all testimony filed by either party to be used at the said. ' weah itng mu e s s b of e t t h ake o n fi an whi an h s w m i i ltltd ein u a n cc is o h rd ed n n application. . The testimony in tho case will be closed on thel.eth day of January. 1803; depositions and other rapers re lied upon as testimony must he filed in the office on or before the morning of that day; the arguments, if any, within ten days thereafter. Ordered, also, that this uottee bo published In the Na tional Intellipencer. Washington, D. C., and The Pros. ; Philadelphia, Penn., once a week:for three successive weeks; the first of said publications to be at least sixty days previous to the day of hearing. D. P. TIOT,t,OWAY, Commis.ioner of Patents. RETAIL DRY GOODS. EYRE '& LAND,ELL, E. & L. FOURTH AND ARCH, AVE MARKED SOME FINE, 'GOODS AT -LOW FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. EXPENSIVE SHAWLS. 111011 BROCADE SILKS. FASHIONABLE POPLINS. FROSTED .BEAVER CLOAKS. • RICHEST PRINTED REPS. FINE BLUE MERINOES. SCARLET BROCHE SCARFS.. POINT LACE COLLARS AND SETS NEW FANCY POCKET HDKFS, GLOVES OF FIRST QUALITY ONLY dew pIYWIN HALL BROTHER, 2G S. sEcoND street, will open this morning a feW pieces of 4-4 Cloak Velvets, Pure Silk,' real Lyons. One piece at $8.50. One piece at $10: , One piece at One piece at $l2. One piece at $l5. These Velvets were left ever:from last season, and are for sale much below the present cost of hupottation4c943t* VINE FRENCH 141:EPaNOES, : OF EERY CHOICE SHADES. : , . Plain Reps and Poplins, all colors. Rich Printed Dress (loOds. : Plain Solid Colored Black and Colored Corded Silks, , Brown and Fancy, lf:igured Plain Black Silks,' rich lustre. Chaine Leine Long Brecht" Shawls. Open Centre Cashmere Shawls. Gay and Plain St} le. Blanket EDWIN HALL &IMO., 2.6 South SECOND Street. B.—Bust received and Will be opened lidsmorning. anotker large lot of BALMORAL SKIRTS( at $3.25, full iwn: lot that we closed out freat a:New:York importing !ouse.- These Skirts are now and have been retailing at Misses' Balmoral Skirts. deg COMMISSION HOUSES. CANTON FLANNEL Of 'various grades, • CHECKS, - - - -- 44 DTA BAOHEI' , • DM - SG iNS. BROWN MUSLIN'S, TICKINGS, and CORSET JEANS, - For Fele low . , net cash, by GEO. GRIGG, 219 CHURCH ALLEY, deg COTTON YARN, N. 10 FILLING AND 12 TWIST, For Atlo R. T. WHITE, 242 NORTH THIRD STREET RAGS ! BAGS ! BAGS I - -A- , 5,000 Androscoggin, it bus.,ll oz., cotton. 13,000 Ozark, do. do. 4,000 Yeoman, do. do. 3,000 Centreville, do. do. 2,00)) Prince Albert. do. do. 6,000 Hanover, do. do. 3,000 'Union A, flax and cotton. • Gunny and Burlap Bags, all sizes, for sale by JOHN T. BAILEY & CO.. 113 North FRONT Street, fi . OTTON YARN. 014- ul STPERIOR COTTON YARN. No. 10 FOR SALE BY FROTHINGRAM WELLS, oc2-tf ARMY GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTFIS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 16-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAT Y LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS ANDSHIRT INGS. For sale by FROTEEINGIIAM &WELLS. set-if tf HIPL' EZ~, HAZARD`, & HUTCHINSON, No. 112 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMIS , SION ME:ROILkNTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA - MADE GOODS e026-6m . - CONFECTIONERY. CHOICE CHRISTMAS CONFECTIONERY. FINE MIXED SUGAR PLUMS, PRESERVED FRUITS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN BON-BONS, SUGAR TOYS, NICK-NAGKS, &11 1 ., MANUFACTBEED AND IMPORTED BY ED. G. WHITMAN & CO., CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW FOURTH, • deer-stutbgt 'Next door to Adams Az Co.'s Express. U. S. REFEIITUE STAMPS. REVENUE: STAMPS OF ALL. KINDS IN ADDITION TO TIM. PRINCIPAL DE.P T , AT NO. 304 CHE3TNIIT STREET, I idive established a CENTRAL. DEPOT . At the Southeast Coiner of FIFTH A.ND CHESTNUT STREETF, (Entrutice on FIFTH. Street.) PROMISSORY NOTES STAMPS, Of every denomination, are now issued and for sale as above, GO:, 10c., 15c,, 20e., 30c., 40c., GOc., $l, anti $1.50. . CONVEYANCE. STAMPS, Of the deUemination of rk cents and • MORTGAGE, 56cfflifs and 85 CERTIFICATE•STAMPS of all denomination. LEASE, CONTRACT,. BOND, ORIGINAL MOW. PROBATE,." . OI O WILLS, CUSTOM-HOUSE. STAMPS MANIFEST: . ENTRY Or 000DS, All the Decislon.s of the Commissioner' of Internal Re veuue can in consulted at these offices. Expericuce. persons will always be in attendance to explain the kinds of stamps proper to be usel—a matter of considern Lie importance JESPER AARDING, COLLECTOR OF FIRST DISTRICT. • • .. • AGENCY ..FOR ;•TIECE.: I .....SALE OP . . . .••. • . • . . • N Tn . D STJATE,S . •TA X • STA,INIPS, - • 'so. 51 South THIRD Street, first door ab9ye Chestnut. A full miprly of all kin de of REVENUE' STAMPS That have been issued bl the Goveratitentfolala In ettantities to :mit. A liberal dieouut allowed nn amounts of g49' and op-. ward.. ' Orders by Mail promptly attenaie to. • .. 1- • •• JACOB •-• kleSslui • • . Ne. 51 South.TEIMD Street.. TO THE DISEASED OF ALL CLASS ,- D5.-All acute and chronic disease., cured. by spa cial gunrautee. at I''_'2l,. WALNUT Street Philadelphia, when desired, and. in. ease of a failure, no, charge is made. Prot C. It BOLLP.S.thojousule.d . thl.9 nem practice, has as.-soclated with him Dr. M. t.:A.LLOWAY.. A pamph let containing a multitude of certificates of those cured ; also, letters. and coniplimentary resolutions from medical men and others, will be given to any person free. N. B.—Medical wetland others who desire a. knowledge of my discovery can enter for is full course of lectures at any time. Consultation free. DRS.. BOLLES &R ALLOWAT: deftSm ..11.240 WALNUT Street: EYE AND EAR,PROF. J. ISAACS, OCULIST and AURIST, from Leyden, 'Reiland, is permanently located at No. Su PINE Street, where he .create all. diseases of the eye or ear scientifically, and Cceresii'll curable. Artificial eyes inserted without lain. . B.—TIO charges made for examination. de3:iin. AMERICAN • STEAM FLOUR MILLS; NOR. 77, 70, AND Si LAUREL STREET. • The undersigned, liming commenced the 3ti Ding bust xtess at this well-kuowu old stand, aro Prepared to fur nieh GROCERS, DEALERS, AND FAMILIES With the Very best article of Wheat Floes, at the Lowe. ratee. • • Orco us a and WO .- NY ill tranreinteo ontlresatiifac Lion. Mill Feed comtuntly on leArtd. r10?.7-AT S2lll. XV If: B S, ..:LET.II 4 3ItS OF AD. XixisTßAtrfct.l . etim tertamento (in nexo, %tom the ohne otCHARLE;-; I t . BAKER, deem...sod, have been Panted to.the under.signed, all persons indebted to tho paid astate•are recrdomett to make payment, and those haying ob4nto the saute.to pW . e A. nt theta to 1)011BYY, 615 cliFsvu'r Street. Atltainitdr.per, C. T, 4.... ocal-f6t* tua FOREIGN EXCHANG WAREIIMISIXG RECEIPT Below Front, Phil44oli:old 'BARNES dz.BROOK . - WATCHES AND JEWELRY. AM IMICAN AVATCIIES. I. B. • AGENT FOR THE "AMERICAN 'WATCH COMPANY, NOW OFFERS, EXPRESSLY ADAPTED FOR HOLID Y, PRESENTS, • A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF • AMERIC - AN 11'E S, FOIL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, . 'AT MODERATE PRICES. ' No. 712 CHESTNUT STREET, • SECOND FLOOR, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL. de9-1m g a, HOLIDAY PRESENTS. G. RUSSELL, No. 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET. Offers a oboice assortment of WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FINE JEWELRY, AND STANDARD SILVER WARE, Suitable for Holiday Presents, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. de2-Ira L , D. T. PRATT, (srco.tst.oß. TO PRATT & REA.TR,) 60'1 CTIESTNUT STREET, Is constantly iii receipt of ENGLISH, SWISS, AND AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and qualities, to suit all classes of ELI HOLDEN, a Dealer in fine AMERICAN AND IMPORTED NITATCMES, JEWELRY, AND CLOCKS, oc3lslre 708 MARKET Street. 1 AMERICAN WATCHES, 5 IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES. u-c> No. 326 CHESTNUT Street. s a WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C. A FRESH ASSORTMENT AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICES FARR & BROTllBlt,jmportors, rah2o-tf 321 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth LADIES' FURS. FURS! • FURS , . GEORGE F. WOMRATII, NOS. 415 AND 417 ARCH STREET, HAS NOW OPEN A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES FURS, To Which the attention of the public is invited. nol9-2m LADIES' FANCY FURS: JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS, No.. 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH Just opened, a large and handsome Stock of LADIES' AND CIIILDREN'S FANCY FURS, of every description and in the newest and most approved styles, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES LADIES' FANCY FURS. • • • JOHN FAREIRA, . No. 718 ARCH STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER: • • OF • • • :T..4.Dlgs' FANCY FURS. Hy assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladies and Children is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the present season. All sold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladies, please give ins a call. • oc34mlf READY-MADE CLOTHING. Gr ENTLEMEN'S WINTER CLOTHING YIERY DESIRABLE IN STYLE AND PRICE, Suitable for the season. WANADLAXER & BROWN, POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE. OAK HALL, B. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS (N. B.) S PECIAL, DEPARTMENT FOR CUSTOMER WORE. no3tjal , _ , FINE READY-MADECLOTH:ING.. • •••• . • - 0.. SOMERS Si :SON, No. 625 CHESTNUT STREET, • UNDER JAYNE'S HALL, Have now made up for sale an entire new stock of • • FINE CLOTHING. Also. a full assortment Of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS, which they respectfully invite the public to examine before purchasing elsewhere. se*-17-tc1.31 COOKING .RANGES, FURNACES, dm. COOKING RANGES ELEVATED DOUBLE-o=f COOKING 141IGES l'his range has afforded 11101 . 8 initishictiOn ti*. any.y offered to the public.. . . " ARNOLD; WILSON, 1010 CITESTSIiT Street WAR3I-AIR PURNA.CES, I I Of the. most approved awl economical 'Mai , SUITED TO ALL :CLASSES' OP BUILDINgS. ARNOLD WILSON, • . iolommismurr Stre4 ENAMELED SLATE MANTELS. ilarge variety a( these beautthil 31antels at VERT LOW PRICES.. : ... ARNOIJD WILSON, 1010 .CHESTNUT Street LOW-DOWN AND .CO ON PARLOR qitLT PO Beating Par Chainiere;.offlegia,lte... ADAPTED FOR EITHER BARD OR: 30FT COAL. Rot-air Registers and Ventilators-3, lhrge. assortinen ARNOLD & WILSON,. < 1010 CHESTNUT Street. THE GREAT CLOTHES WRINGE • "PLTN 3M "SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER' Is warranted to be superior to any other in use. kvi✓RY FAMILY SHOULD• POSSESS A OLOT.HES WRINGER t&t. It is a relief to the hardest part of washing-day. 2d. It enables the washing to be done in one-third less time. 3d. It saves clothes [rem the injury always given by twisting. -ith. It helps to mash the'elothes as well as dry them. • • WE BELIEVE IT ADVISABLE TO PROqJRE ONE QF THIS "KIND, -•• • • putev. The' Atolls 'being et • vulcanized rubber; will bear hot and cold water,.and'will 'neither break nor tear off buttons. • • SficoYri. The frame being of . iron, thoroughly p.l - all danger front rust is removed, and the lia bility to shrink, swell, split, &c .,. so unavoidable in wooden machines, is prevented. Titian. The spiral springs over the rolls render this ma, chine self-adjusting, so that small and large articles, as well as articles uneven in thickness, are certain to re ceive uniform pressure Fonarit. The patent 'fastening by 'which the machine is tightened to the tab, we believe to be superior in aim plic ty and eflteiency to any yet offered. FIFTH. It Will fit any tub, round or square, from ono . half to oneand-a-quarter inches in thickness,vrithout the least alteration. • RETAIL PRICE: No. 1, 60.00 No. 2, 85.00. .111%•• agents wanted in every county. kir Reliable and energetic men will be liberally dealt with: For Sale at the • "WOODEWARE., ES.T.di3LISEL4ENT" • • A:: S:'FRANOISCUB wo. 433 MARKET St. and 110. 5 North NINTH St, d e g. - • Wholesale agent for Petutsylvaut THE MOST tENOWNED.HAIROUV -I- TER find Dyer in this 6;4107- . 9unircuswr; FOLIRTII-a ail BRANCH Streetw.,: , . • • '7" aeittit • nols-lmif OVERCOATS AND BUSINESS SUITS. In great variety. BECAUSE, BECAUSE, NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE AEMY OF THE POTOMAC, BY PRINCE DE JOINVILLE. • TRANKATED BY WM HENRY RUELBERT, With Notes and n Map. • Svo. Paper. 38 Cents. "The work IS written in the grand historical style, in which every word and every sentence nppears studied in form and irrefutable in filet. and it .will stand as one of the best written chapters of historical events extant " A'. T. Tiince PM* ()erre/mondani,. RANDOLPH, • • No..OI33:I3IIOADWAY, Now York. J. IK:VIPPIN'COTT•tt C 0.,: deB:4t* • ".• South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia.. GAMES •ROR THE SEASON'. • The Spirit-Rupper or the. Wonderh:l :\fedimi. The ourosnot game of Nip Sledge. Tuck, and Frizzle. Sita at or Wlt from the brain pan of Memos. • 71‘ ell' (tome .4. Quotations from the Poot.:, . . The merry tot me of the l'et or Elie Cradle. . • Pictorial game of Ciumoles. • The merry game of Fuffeits, or Fun for Every One. „ IVim game of Mat rimony. or Who will be Married Firsti Published and for sole. wholegolo ond• retail, by FISHER & BM , nom,- ice:•l2 Borth SIXTH Strout.• • ANA'$. MANUAL OF . GEOLOGY —Maud of apology: Treating of the principles of the Sciences, with special reference to American Geological. History. By James D. Dann, Al. A.:,'LL D., Profe.ssor. Geology inTale College. . . We have satisfaction in announcing the completion of this important Work, the earlier publication of which has been delayed by the state of the author's health. We feel authorized, bY . the opinion of those capable of judg ing of its merits, In stating our conviction that no work which has been issued on Science will be bailed with more satisfaction than this, or will mark more clearly an era in the history of Geological Literature. . ' The Work forms an octavovolumeofidOpages,iihis tratetl with over one thousand figures, and in its entire me chanical execution we have hesitated at no expense or labor which would in any degree add to its beauty, clear ness, and value. Price, in beveled muslin, $I; half Turt: key morocco, marble edges, $4.50. THEODORE BLISS'S CO., N 0.113 North THIRD street. • We likewise publish . Professor Siltimau s Prliwiple3 of Physics, ern&. Professor Sillimok's First Principles of • Chemistry, 11 fA de 6-31* • BISHOP COLENSO ON THE rEN --.TA'rEIICIL PUBLISHED THIS DAY - • . • Ihe'PENTATISUCII end' BOOK OF JOSHUA, eiltically examined by the Right : lto% John William Colenso. Bishop of Natal.: ' • . . • ALSO. • SMITH'S HISTORY 'OP DELAWARE . COLTNTT, beauti fully illustuitecl with MAPS, PLATES,. dic. NNW BOOKS of all kinds for tuile.by __ _ 'LINDSAY & BLAKISTON', , • . • '• • Publishers and Booksellers, dew - No. 25 South SIXTH. Street, above. Chestnut. • WA. R DI AP S.—A.. FULL sllior . or LLOYD'S WAR mars now on hand. ' • Mali of Tirginin. . 3S cents , . Map of .Scnn horn Staten: S'S cows. Mop of Ott lifiesit=sippl • One Dollar. .Blunt's Mop of Virginia cents. . For sale by • • LLM •,° .43 . 6reMISVITIFil r efl ‘ FIC(Ti MEN - :IN . • EA.RNR3V. PRAYING AND WORKING—Being- some account of what Men can.do when in Burliest; ; By Itov. Win. F. Steven son. Itno. SI.S: - • • ' For sale by WILLIAM S. ALFRED MARTIEN, 606 CHESTNUT Street. PURDON'S DIGEST, NEW -a- -Ninth Edition. thoroughly revised, with Notes of Judicial Decisions to date, 1700 to MI. A digest of the Laws of Penns - ylvania, from the year one thousand seven hundred to the twenty-first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. Origi nally compiled by John Purdon, Esq., ninth edition. revised with marginal references, foot notes to the decisions, analytical contents, a digested syllabus or each title, and a new, full, and exhaustive index, by F. C. Brightly, Esq. One Thick Volume Imperial Svo. Owing to the great increase in the cost of paper, the price of the above work has been advanced to $6. Just published and for sale by RAT & BROTHER, Law Booksellers, 19 South Philadelphia. A LECTURE FOR YOUNG MEN.- Just published, price 8 .cents. new edition of the late Dr. CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED LECTURE on the Abuse of the Reproductive Powers, inducing De bility, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical I urapacity. Ftc. The radical mode of treatment, without medicine. is fully explained, so as to enable every one to be his own physician et the least possible expense. A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." Sent tinder seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publishers, OA. J. C. KLINE & CO.. 127 BOWERY, New York, Post Office Box .1586. no 4 fiin if PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, 41:c. .CH . RISTIIAS JAMES S. EARLE & SON, HAVE NOW OPEN THEIR NEWEST IMPORTATIONS • or FINE ENGRAVINGS, PARIS PHOTOGRAPH - ALBUMS FOR CHRISTMAS SALES. OIL PAINTINGS, PICTURE, AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. LOOKING GLASSES • IN GREAT VARIETY. EARLE'S GALLERIES, del-tf 816 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CIRCULATING. LIFT.RARIES. w BROTHERIWAD'S crRoULA.- • • • TING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and American Books. including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINT ED here. Terms $5 per year; six months $3; three months $1.50; one month 75 cents, or 3 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. seS-6m VNGLISII AND FRENCH FAMILY -s-J CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND CABINET DE LECTURE, In 3 CHESTNUT STREET. Subscriptions per year, month, and day. Catalogues furnished gratis ou application. Just ready, Catalogue of the Young Ladles' French Li. brrtry. • . " (lidalegue de la. Biblintheque-el• k de* Dames et des Demoiselles." M. M. MONACHESI, Agent, 1323 CHESTNUT Street. MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE. -BY - VIRTUE of a writ of venditionl exponas, issued out of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District ofPennsylyania iu the Third Circuit, to me directed. Will be sold at the MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, in the city of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, January 7th, 1S5:1, at 12 o'clock M., the following described property, to wit ; No. 1. One equal nudividcd fourth part of a certaiu tract of laud called the Greenwood Tract, composed of three smaller and contiguous tracts, described as follows One of said smaller tracts, situate in West Penu Town ship, Schuylkill County; bounded north and east by laud of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, and south and west by laud of the Little Schuylkill Naviga tion, Railroad, and Coal Company, containing three hun dred and thirty-three acres, more or less, with ulrt he ap purtenances, consisting of a frame coal-breaker, with sautes, screens, slopes, three engines, railroad, five double two-story frame dwelling houses, steam saw mill, blacksmith shop. and ea:pet:ter shop, together with the railroad leading from the said Greenwood Tract to the Coal-breaker, screen s . and .chutes; also, Railroad lead ing front thesaid breaker an nd screens to the Little Schuyl kill Railroad, in the borough of Tamaqua, used in COII - with said tract. The second of said three smaller tracts. being a certain lot of two acres, described in deed dated November 12,15 D, from Little sehuyl kilNaviga tion, Railroad, and Coal Company. to John J. Smith, re corded at Pottsville, iu book :No. 37, page 00.4, Eebruary 12, 1352, on which said last-mentioned tract is erected one double tenement house and the screens. And tiro third of said thl-Ce smaller tracts, being described in deed dated November 16, A. D. 1,346, front Thomas Wilson and Wil liam Levan to John N. Smith, recorded at Pottsville, in book 22. page 70), December Stir, A. D. 1540, contabung one acre, one hundred and fourteen and one-half perches. tot which there are two double tenement houses and a barn. No; 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground composed of three contiguous lots or pieces of ground, Sitainfi in the liorough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill county %bounded. north by laud of the Little Schnylkill Navigation, Rail road. and Coal Compauv, and west by a twenty-feet wide alley. containing in width one hundred and sixty-three feet, and iu depth one hundred and ninety-four feet.more Or leas. with the appurtenances, consisting of It two-story stone foundry, anda two-story stone machine shop. No. 3. All that certain tract or parcel of land, situate in the borough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill county ; bounded north by Rowe street, east by the western half of Lot marked o. 2ou the Little Schuylkill Company's general plan of the borough 'of Tamaqua, south by Broad street, and west by Ntabope street, being lot marked No. 1, and part of lot :narked 150. 2 on said plain, containing in width seventy-five feet, and in depth one hundred and fifty feet. with the appurtenances, consisting of a three. story brick dwelling house, with a three-story brick back building thereto attached. No. 4. Alt ,that certnin let or piece of ground, situate in the borough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill county • bounded north by Rowe street, east by lot marked No. too "Little Schuylkill Company's General Plait " of the bo rmmit of Tamaqua, south by Broad street, mid west by Inntr of Michael Beard, coutnining in width forty feet, and iu depth one hundred and fifty - feet, with the appur tenances, consisting- , of a three-story brick dwelling house. with a large store-room on the first Mom, and three-story brick Mick building, with a two-story Dame hack building . attached. No. 5. Two undivided third parts of five contiguous lets of ground, partly in Rush township, Schuylkill county, and partly In Carbon cettutv ; howided on the north by land sm•veved to Andrew Nennedy, Zee:triad' Robins, and John Deemer ; east by land sm•veyed to John Ifeath and Peter Sonard ; south by land snyveyed to .101111 13entel amid John Kunkle, and west by land sur veyed to George Mifflin, containing out'theinealld seven hundred and fifty-eight acres and forty-five perches, strict measure, With the appurtenances, consisting or two two-story frame dwelling houses, With a one-story frame kitchen attached, and a frame steam saw mill, with at twenty-horse power etnti No. U. All that certain tract or piece- of groimd, siinete partly in Rush tow nship. Schuylkill County, partly' in West Pool township. Schuylkill county, begiunine at a Maple tree corner,t hentat by land At rvoyed on warrant to Venus Lewis, and nowlate the property it Thomas Kitteraitheuce north twenty-six degrees west, crossing Owl creek one hundred and forty perches, to a stone cor ner in line of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com pany's laud, thence by the saute, • north sixty-four de grees east one hundred and eighty-seven perches to a pile of stones, south twenty-six degrees east twenty-eight perches to a Chestnut Oak, north sixty-four 'degrees east two hundred :mil twenty porches to a pile• of stones, south twenty-six degrees east twenty perches to a stone , north sixty-four degrees east one hundred perches to a yellow pine,. south twenty-six degrees east thirty-two perches to a. CHOW pine, north seventy degrees east crossing the Due of Schuylkill county one' 3nardroil anti one perehes to a pile of stones by a Chestnut Oak, thence by other laud south twenty-six degrees Oast sixty-five and nhalfperches to a, yellow pine corner, Anal: - sixty four degrees west throe hundred and twenty perches, crossing the county line to a corner,morth -degrees west sixteen perches to stones, sonde sixty-four dt , grept west two hundred and eighth-eight perches to a ! -corner, the place of beginning, coutain lug four hundred and sixteen aerv,andallowance, with dmappurtenances, consisting of a one-and-a-half-story frame dwelling homse and frame stable. No. 7. All that certain lot or piece of ground, composed Of three small leis or pieces of ground; situate in the bo rough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill county, being lots :narked Nos. 38, 19. and %, on the "Little Salurylkitl Couipany s General Plan'. of the borough of. Tamaqua, bounded berth by lot marked No. 17 on said plan, oast by Hunter street; South by lot marked No. 21 on said pion, and wost by Bow street - , enntaining in width one hundred and twenty-six feet (each lot forty teeth. and in depth one hnudred and eighty-live feet, With the appurtenances, cm:slating of a block of four two- .s tory frame miners' dwelling houses with basements. - No. S. All that certain lot or piece of gronnd, situate on the Cast side of llunter street, in the borough of Tama.qua, Schuylkill county ; bounded west by Hunter street, north by:: ten-feat wide alley. east by a twenty-feet wide alley, and south- by lot marked No: 38 On the "Little Schuylkill Company's General Dian' of the borough of Tantaqua,.contaming in width forty feet, and in depth one hundred turd fifty feet, with the appurtenances,- con- Asting of a double two-story frame dwelling house with hasemouts. •No. G. All that certain lot orpiece of ground. situate on the west side of Bunter street, in the bereegb of- Tama. qua. Schuylkill t•ounty; bounded north .by a lot of flat elide and Johnson, east by Router street, south by lot of Mary Cnrter, and west - hy Bow street, containing in width twenty-three: and a half. feet, and.in -depth one hundred and seventy-live :bet, with the appurtenances. consisting of a three-story brick dwelltuct house,Witil one•ltory bnilding thereto attached. Se. 10. All those two tots or pieces of ground. situate on the north side of Rowe street, in the borough of Tama-. qua. Schuylkill conn& ; bounded north:by the Railroad; east by lot marked 2.170.12 on the '' Little schuylkill Com-. • patty's General Plea " of the borough oeTsunaqua, south ; by Rowe street, Wad west by lot marked No. lii oasaid: • plan, containing npaety feet on Rowe street, twenty-eight feet on the eastern side, and forty-six- feet deep on•the western side with •the appurtenances, consiseng of a large brick stable nod carriage house. No. 31. All that certain lot or piece of gmiumh. situate on the south w.est corner of Broad and Swatant streets. in the borough of Tainaquo, Schuylkill county; bounded north by Railroad street, east by Swatarast - esett south by Broad street.. °pad west by lot- marked No. lon the "Lit tle Schitylkilltompatsy's.fieneral Plan" or the borough of Tainatom, containing in width fifty feet...at:din depth • one hundred and fifty feet, with the appurtenances, con sisting of a double into-storyframe dwelling house. No. 12. All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in • 'Wilson's and Leyan's addiiion to the borough of Tama No. Schuylkill county bounded north by lot Marked No. ri on the plan aNytison ad d L addition, to the borough or Tainaqua, east by Railroad street, south by Iluion street, aud west by Oak ,treet,.conta3nisig in width one )tune red and thirty feet, and in depth forty feet, more or less, with the appurtenances, consist:tug of • a one-and.ashalfsstory dwelling house, and a block of three two-story Dame miners' dwelling houses. No. It All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate 'in the borough of Tuscarora, Schuylkill 'County, being let marked No.l - 21) on the Tuscarora Coriapany'a plan of said borough ,• bounded north by poi marked No. no on said plan. cast by Trogo street, south by Chestnut street. and west by Seneca street, containing in width fifty feet, ant in depth two hundred feet, with the appurtenances, oensiatiug of a two-story frame cluwoh. W 11, 1 41 AM MILLWARD. ' 17. S, Marshal Eastern District of Penu3Ylval ,l2 - PHILADIMPAIA, December S, "MI 4:e9•1 wit Amt,;sEmswrs. MRS. JOAN DREW'S .ARCH-STBERT TB BATAS. • Business Agent and Tressnrar..e.,•••.lo s }. D. MI/RNIT. SEVENTH WE:EN OP MR, J. S. CLARK a. CLAIM IN COMM'. PARC& ANY "KAMA. TO-NICIIT (TUESDAY.) Dee. IklAt SWEEI I IIKARIS AND WIVES. Dilly Lack:lda y Mr. J. a Clarke. Eugenia 'Mrs. Joh* Drew. To be !billowed by the glorious Farce. _ MI NEW BOX'S WI FR. Timothy Brow n Mr. J. S. Clarke. To conclude with ROM NSON CRUSOF.. Nipelteesc . Mr. J. S. Clarke, . Doors open at to commence at 7.44. &ate secured Mx days n advanea. ALN UT-STREET THEATRE.- Sole •Lessee Mrs. M. A. OARRETTEON., Business Agent SIXTH WE mr. JOHN T. DONNELGT.. OF MR. AND. MRS. E. L. DAVENPORT. THIS (ruksDAT) EVENING, Dec. 9, In, Will be presented the Tragedy or • ItICHAiDIII. Richard. I)uko of Clostor Mr. E. L. Davenport. Queen Elizabeth Mrs. K L. Davenport To conclude - with Cho-Farce of SEMI tit; I tEMPLE. WDNER & I3EMMING'S AMPHI iII 'iIItATRE-MARKET Street, above Twelfth. Admission 25 cts. Private boxes and Balcony seats, 50 etc. Gallery,ls etc. Doors open at half past 6 o'clock: to commence at a quarter pact 7. CLOWNS, DAN GARDNER and JOHN FOSTER. Second Appearance of Dr..T. L. TILAYEIt. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING. Dec. fl, 1862, To commence with Exercises du Haute Edon, by Tea Ladies and Gentlemen. Brilliant Abdul:me of Dashing Horsemanship and %Wonderful Athletic Feats. To conclude with the performance of the Comic Mules. C a CLASSICAL SOIREES.-TIIE SUB cribers to Messer, CROSS and JARVIS' CLASSI CAL SOIREES are informed that the first of the season. wilt take place ZilsxT MOKDAY L'VENING. Dec. 15. 1863, AT TIM FOYER OF TILE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Subscription and other Tickets, with Programmes. at, Uould's, Andres. sad Lee & Walker's. dea-rst CONCERT HALL -LECTURB ROOM--CEESTNUT Street, above Twelfth. 'CAPTAIN WI LLIAMS' • • ....GREAT NAUTICAL ENTERTAINMENT. Every Evening at 73i o'clock. ' • And SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock. This splendid Entertainment drew crowded houses for MD nights in New York ; will'remain open a few weeks longer in Philadelphia. Every thrally should witness Capt. Willinms' Great Whaling Voyage before its depar ture. Liberal arrangements will be made for schools and benevolent purposes. Tickets 26 cts., or fire for $L del-lm . CIERMANIA ORCHESTRA. - PUB LIC REHEARSALS 'every SATURDAY AFTER, NOON. at. :D; o'clock. at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Cart Bentz, conductor. Tleketv 25 cents. Packages of tickets, s3.— , to be had of Andre & Co., 1101 Chestnut. greet; J.' E; .Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the hall door.: • - n027-t$ pENNSYLVANLI ACADEMY OF FIEE ARTS • • • --Admix an 25 ernes: - tea half price • Sbardsofmtock, 190.' . . WANTS. • • AYOUNCI. MAN WISHES A SITUA ' TION where ; ti t th e end of three or six menthe. he conldinvest from *2OO to .86,01)0. all things being satia ble:ern 'Add mea1...Z...0111;141kt% den 31.* W. ' The TPve p rt.::?....i l e l a E tlt ß oro (' l:gb Ti lt tie . r a i l ' 1100 . Ift. HEVER. desires to obta i ht a situation in Philadelphia. He has been seven years with one arm. in another city. to whole he cam refer, and aim- to several well-known anti responsible persona here. He would like to confer with parties about to form a copartnerahi p r o: wi th nature who Witty need a Book-keeper at once. Salary will not be regarded us the principal object for the trat Address 11. M. WEEKS. office of The Frees. de4.130. 5), 5 nn : 7-THE • ADVERTISER DE .4l` • 1"." • SIRES to inveat a limited amount in an established and .pratable.business--mereautile; mann theturidg, or commission: 'Addrims. during this week. "D. C. H.,' this Mike. • •• • . • •• • . . S 16 0 1000; .11 .M.1j6"T8..'4M1 . - PROVBI),, centrally situated City Property, to the :amain of kag),(Ml,4:4 wanted iu exchange for several well eitunteil lots of ground, in improving localities, including a good second mortgage security of $ll4lOO. . . Whatever c:11 mar be needed, itr •tratinst - d i fl'erencee of valuation. cult be Lod. • ;I'.. ..RF.1.N130111, &Mt* -.436 ALUUT Street.' PERSONA/. MUSTER AND PAY . ROLLS., AND Government claims'of all kinds cathg.bil or cot. lected at reasonable rates, by JAMES FULTON. 424 WALD; UT.Street, Philadelphias no3-tf PENSIONS.- SI.VO BOUNTY AND Pay Procured and collected for soldiers, sailors. and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory,rates. Clat cashed or advanced upon by JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dis tance. • . oclikt FOR SALE AND• TO LET. TO • LET-•-THE DWELLING- PART ' of House No. 126 North. TWELFTH Strut, alive Arch . . Range. hot and cold water. Apply, STORE. • .d•Adt' _ . LARGF: 'FACTORY. AT PUBLIO sm.E.,-on the premises. on 310XDAT., 'BEE:YAW - IM, uhed'for the manufacture:of SU slle-i, and other articles required.by hone builders. . The Factory is situated oil Street. in the 13," roma) of PIVRIC 1 X VI TX, near the depot.:Oreet in front by 60 foot in depth, two stories high hi front and thre. stories back. The building. the lot,a nthell the inaeitim , - ry. consisting of a 20-horse-power E n gine, 'Traver..o. P;aiting (Mee 's patent,)`Sash, cd;Mouldiafi, and 'remaining machines, Gig now:..crall Saw. Slitting' Saw, and two Circular Saws, will besohhtoeethcr---all in good order and fit for immediate use. A large liasines. has been done at thisidace—a desirable location, a. th ero it no competition in Phoenixville or the surrotwdin countr3 - . it is well worthy te attention or buiiness wen. Conditions at sale, at - 2 o'clock P. Dl:' on said clay, will be made known by E. F. PEIVCYPACKEir, deli fit • Agent Air I riLStePtlettsl. INSURANCE COMPANIES. GIRARD FIRE AND M:AR.T.NB liiStrg*NCE COMPANY OFFICE, 415 'WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPRIL. CAPITAL 5200,000.- This Company continues to take risks on•the safer classes of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the benedt of the public, during the last nine years, exceed 500,000 DOLLARS, and we respectfully solicit its flavor in the future • - - - • • DIRECTORS. . CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER. JOHN W. CLAGHORN,. JOHN THORNLEY. C. F. BEAZLITT. - ABRAHAM. HART. DAVID BOYD, Jr., PETER S. HOB. of It Y. WM. III: SWAIN, • FURMAN' SHEPPARD. JOSEPH LAPP. M. D.. • nS. h wit AENcs. WTI. C. RUDMAN, JOHN SLIPPLEE. THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S.; GILLETT, Vice President. JAS. B. ALVORD. Secretary. ap2B-ilit FAME INSUBAINCE COMPANY, NO. -A- 906 CHESTNUT Street. FLEE ANDAI Ink- • REC` F. N. Buck. Chill , . Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr.,. Alex. 'MIRI4IiII. Gen. A. West, O. W. Davis, ' FRANCIS N. U. CHARLES RICH. WILLIAMS 1. BLANCLIA:i 9111110..:WF,A_LTH FTR E MISTY -1 RANCE COMPANY OP THE STATROF PENNSEL y Auc lA. DIRECTORS. David:Fa vne, M. D.. Charles IL Rogers, John M. Whitall, John R'. Walker, Edward C. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thorium S. Stewart, William Struthers, Henry Lewis, Jr., • Elijah Joues. DAVID JAY NE, M.- D.-, President. JOHN M. WTI ITALL,Nice President. SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office. Commonwealth Building, 613 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. serif tf _ AN THRACITE INSURANCE COM PANY.—Authorized Capital SMOCO—CTIARTER PERPETUAL. Office No. 311 WALNUT Street,.between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Wurniture, and Illferchandise Also, Marine Insurances on Vossels, Cargoes. and Freights. Inland InsuranceC TOR to all rails of the Union. DIRE . . . . . William Esher, Iltrie Pearimu, . D. Luther, Peter Seiger, . Lewis And enriell, J. E. Baum, John IL Blackieton, Wm..F: Dean, Joseph Maxfield, . Jahn Ketchain. WILLIAM-ESHER, President. . WAL F. DEAN, Vice Preehlent. • W. 31. 5.31 rim Secretary. . ap3-tf SOMETHING FOll, I.II.E:.SOIDLERS AN ACCEPTABLE HOLIDAY PRESENT! A PROTECTOR AGAINST. DISEASES *INCIDENT CAMP LIFE! • THE SOLIIEII - S' "BEST - FRIENI)" IVIIEN FACED BEIM nvour ENEMY..." DR. D. EVANS' PATENT ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. AND MEDICATED •.SAFEGUARD,. WITH " - MONEY: BELT" ATTACHMENT •THE MOST USEPUL.SAXI TART D EVICE OF THE ADEt • APPROVED.Er THE PRESS, THE runic, FACUETY! • (II O ) e4 light, al gz.vie cluolp r emo forfsble4gurielie. mutrelioble, nctitor not only 31,4 a renterly . for bar. also as a preventive! it endor*ed by t It igtiest autho rity in the laud! Among the eminent practitioner* who have exantimti awl approved .Ini, . lanai propertie, art Surgeon General I lainniond. U. ri. Slimmest . General Daly; of Alasstichusetts•-.Dr:llan, of "flitLee.,fixtrtiator /kola *" Dr. Job it 'War.% °filo:atm ; Dni. illainA'S and Ron, of New York : and all the Prolttilleitt inclithers of the ;acuity of Philadelphia. The Safeguard is Cinnpoiied of Ited•Viattnel..metlieatml cotton being placed lonYetmen TWO thichtpl. , .,ay.. of gannet and quilted in dianio:l4*. Thrt and whalebone aro ArraisnA to pro%n' the *Lib gourd from wrinkling or rolling up. pr ;totting ma of Place wit en die wea erSsSnMotion..lt ets! , not take up room In the knapsack', a. , it Is worn...tut.. the inarch, awl give* strength to the Rohner. Th . e... "MONEY DIA.?" made of lino water-proof rubber cloth. mantia , i %%Vat , adnutrifitic tbr rico and affords sanit And convenient receptacle thr soldiers` bills awl privampaprtra. Price according to sue Amy nunih4 o ~. ontialte of potaga. on recolptotthe The frieuds of cur brave men in ,the deld. wishing to tender them an acceptable 110 May pre.on,i, and at the same time do them and their count s 9 a real service, need only sold the Medicated Side-gnarl •; it *in 9k.AAttredly prove the most appropriate and val'ualfle..olft. they can OeNtONV. Persons purcha.. - ting, SaV.llpards for Presents can have them mailed direct without eXtlll. digne. Ate' - Yolle genuine unless stalyined.-Dr: 4a Brans. Deserlpt INT Circulars uutalea tree. Liberal commission; allowed ugeuts zed. Persoa 4 form ing clubs: X re* experienced 'Ca n veaser , a mated. ,lour others need apply to ti. 0: Er.,% NS & Co., Agents for the United States. \o. 439 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. No. 912 BROADWAY.. ~)levsl:ratc. No. SO W.ASIIINGT(IN.Street.,ploo.on. IS WASHINGTON 131.:11:5130..; Ililtshittaven. Also for sale at OAKFORD'S. under the Continental Hotel BROWN'S...corner Fifth. anal Chestnut At Met. 4 AVAtt,BURTON' B .400 • Glua4uut• street t WILSON St CO.'N 415 Chestnut street, - and hplallealers in Militate, Furnishing Ooods,aud Bjuggist- geuentlly. , TICULAR -\-OT/t7R..-a-13E0R0E EVANs con tinues. as beretofore,to reel o.ll.orders for Books published in the United Stutos,.on, receipt of the advertised price. Send all Book orders to (-IEO. 0. EVANS. de..&f No. 439 CIiESIENUT Street, Phihtdeitphia. IPP• LER , TE2.B SAFE. DEPOT RE -310V.T.D to No. South aITENTI:I Street, near t e ranklia Institite. The undersigned,tbanktal for past favors, and being determined to me at Ilium patronage, has secured an elegant and conienient store, (aped her now on hand a large assortment of Lillie 's' lebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes (the oulT strictly fire and burglar prooi safes made). - Also, Lillie a Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank 'Mae. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be furnished to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, Particular attention is called to 1 0 116 's New Cabinet Safejor- Plate, Jewelry, &c.. This Safe is la ceded to samara in style and elegance anYthieg Yet offered for this -purpose, and is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. SPECIAL Iforion.—l have now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes, mosaof them nearly new, and some forty of other makers. comprising a complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low prices. Please call and exa ßt: s ADLER. Agent. ia2s.lyif CARROTS FO R SORES. NI -ADDRESS CHOLSON. deS-Stilw ILLTITIONFIELD. New Jersey. VEST APPLE SAP SAGO CHEESE. for sale by RHODES .Sc WILLIAMS, oertf 107 South WATER Street. RAY EtTAL—VN PUNCHEONS wine?..arrel9, to soltily CHARLES S. CARSTAML U 6 WALRUT fitted. ND INSURANCE TORS. E. D: WOodraff, .Tohll Kessler, Jr., P. S. Justice, . Washington Jones. Chas: Stokes, John NV, Everman, Cli President. ARDSOW, Viee'President, itp, Secretary. Cmbl9-iftt VO- $1.59; No.