~INTBLIJ«KNOB. ABBIYBP. _ Tirpcrif. Somer*, from Si John lUver, Fla,, ~f cr t p ,1. ballast to captain. U Ha?*', Bobmwn, 3 dnya from Baltl- ? r > a Ul *i S « M#x»® D > l day from I ' r6 '' erl,i > i*St "im Barratt * Son. JJcrr» Bowen, 21 hours from Now Yarlt, with CLEARED. ,Bril Morrison, Laguayra, John Baliott* fli[l * Orr, Boston, Noble, Claliiwelt & Go. i.V T u,',» Brown, Newbern, Tvlor, Stood & Os. {■.r to. Etoolnian, Fort Monroe, do. crfir s ,Jr. Freothey. Boston, L Auilenraid & 00. Parsons, Norwlon, Uastuec, Sttckuey Lynoh, Snow Hilt, Ml, captain. McOnr, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. f Y I T E M S de Visits of DistmmsHED s & 00.,U08. 912 and BHOhest now In their, naaea, for sale, , a nut J. O of cartes de visits of distinguished T ' r) EnilUnfy officers, Bfctteamon, - authors, ar- ml(i promioont civilians, all executed lathe !^ ,( * in J| 6 ’ 0 f the art. Wo would alao call attention tfa and Life.stoo plcturne, in variona ttfir (XijtiUUo Ivorylypo, Wondßrotypea, Orapou, oil-cclor printing. The exhibition gallery of ;,S! ‘ C |j a magnificent depository of art. ' TT itACTIVK DISTLAY OF W ILT.INE R Y.— ’ . ‘ ! tasteful display of Silk, VetyeMFeltou Don- I t: l())tr fashionable Hats for 1 liaMos and Hbaes, dt ,r | n the targe Bbow-windova of Messrs Wood & : '"' (!oprlettirs of the Philadelphia Millinery Bmpo (fj. T 25 Oheslnnt street, is attractlug the atten '!l*'rtiitetrians in general and the ladies in perticu bonnets are justly considered ,»i the most ‘i.hst'i ~re,sy offol ' cd 111 ,h,fl ctty ' Presents,—The good work of ' r , ,! : i] fot, of Ladles’ Furs, at the great Fur es- of MeSßrfl. Charles oah ford Sc Son, Nos 831 ;i '. I fhntnut street, under the Ooritioontal Hotel, ¥ ‘. on. Their stock of these bbauMful and sea ? initioies is the largest and most desiraole in the Ihtlr prices are unusually moderate. %,-jj «H'*n Coffee. —Mr. 0. H. Mattson, " hliio family groceries, Aroh and Tenth streets, I, f tore the Boost quality Old Government Java p „ lf jlorba, end the celebrated Liberian Ooffao, slll , lithe most delioious flavored coffee imported, far bASOBST assortment of Gents’ Fur ,.... g ; ,,ds in Philadelphia may be found at Charles h gon’f, under the Continental Hotel. E Eastern end of Arch street is fast i. .sir: oriiowented with handsome business establish* f J ,i, trcuilnent omong which is the Photograph Gal ?f *| Bf, BipplerStO Aroh street, who has introduced ii!J .ji.,l attractive feature in locariog hi, skylight on jq| lioor. His cartes de visit!- are uuautpasiable in sst’wtto. p tW , the AfsGGfATED Press.—The agent i tis ir.wciatal Press, we see by the papers, learned -t e Mattel tom tee State Department, 'to-day: “ That ,'b coMrllntiW 1 ' between Mr, Seward and Mr Bnohansn IrpreimwiMfi tee reported proposition of Mr, Wer cirr aporryyhe l , and the alleged Cabinet changes fabu [‘.j •• iff would also inform that latitudinarian'"of the Pros that the report of that extensive Jlstbh’2 elnro on Pennsylvania avenue being a branch Jjgtrirt Sioita’,.under tho Continental, of this city, iii!lb*alf/.1. There may, indeed, be a “ one price” eloro there, but that it is in any wav con* s'lh [he celebrated house in Philadelphia, is mere jtjalrh ]is»- thf, Gas -vras Turned Off.—On a !,jks inning, a few weeks ago, a congregation in aa "’er® suddenly plunged into total darkness, j iftsK. was that crinoline had jnat entered j a lady's Jan W caught in the hey of the gas-meter, the lady crinoline, and crinoline dragged the key, pJtdJ*** locked out. In this country; crinoline 0KBlf»!!| tots caught in scrapes, aod it trips up the »«*», httft has never 'get put the garvut The wears no-such traps, Masculine humanity twulsUalwsis dresses in good taste, for it procures its at die Brown Stone Clothing Efati of Bock jjl j Wliito, Nos, SOS and 60S Chestnut street, above !S!i 1 ! i SdSAL.—Mr, Jolmß. Gowen,wtio raised ; Earaian ships sunk at Sebastopol, has been deco •iioitf the Emperor of Russia with the Cross of tho irfiroi Saint Vladimir.. Vidor Emmanuel, King of .a’,-, t»s dec .’.rated him with the Cross of tho order of ie'i Maurice and Lazzaro, and the Saltan of Turkey i! •:«! spin him the Imperial Decoration of the iiiij b, soil Granville Htokos, the fashioner and o Met, No COO Ohietnnt street, Philsdo.phia, will soil tin a hrei. class suit of fail and winter clothos at his tallow pticca. AMUVAiS AT THE HOTELS, t 'J' TO .12 OJCLOCK0 J CL0CK LAST NIGHT* CirriHIiNTAL HOTIL-Hinth and Uhefftaat siPUoar 3 B MoOrewr, M Chunk I;-.*l! IP .Hoe. PSr DfJSI Oleroeut &K Md Fd Asi;r, Kerf York W H Bookfdlow ST Y ■Cnißiif. i* S N K L Witrnau, Harriabnrg Chicago H. WaUom U H ti LtaiC&aitrell, DSN. W Hidgway, Jr» N J HCe!!, Paterson, N J ‘W Carpenter khik-Uaw Wm Pratt, Now York Bhode Island K 11 Walker, Now York ktEßiicou, Jr, Boßton B T Bacon, Bjgton ULot, Boston J Lelaenriog, Ba Ti!vC>gswen, New York T (Jadwalader ?Kt«jser, Baltimore MiisKeyeer, Baltimore Pcnnßylvania 3S at Allen, lYaah’o, D 0 Cuba Dr Geo Hammond, U &A tlB jiAo,Maryland Mrs Roman, tdaryland u-.sritljiig, 08 N Mtb Hoaer Jonea* WasVn USA BU Peek, BocUsster. N Y SB Pllibury, New York *? ! rXhar(U, Hew York- Mrs E Sanderson, Wlac’n * l Kent, Boston H D Ward, Boston JJ rniHh, Buffalo . Maj Ward, Yt zto Dr Betty & la, Harrisburg CBastr. Lancaster 0 N Wattd, OarlMe Int Alf Ltoii, New York B&nj Leon, New York ,! ®|vm.ra EYardloy, Pa vSititir, P» Madison StlUdo, Reading 6kPav?cL. Wssh, I) 0 Mr Wolcott &an JBEkw t wf,Wash,D 0 T B Sillmau, New York St 1 ,' V.tChester • <8 0 Hsrrio-. New York HBLsrjAj, New York- Gso W Browo, Wash, D O wri-Vuni, iudiaoa Mr Bridge & la, Wash, D O 5f „ s ' ri| How Jersey Jfl Badger, New York hju-.-iiMD, Newark,NJ H Host, Masiaohnaettj -ia. ieg York A B Mott, Alexandria, Y.i •EFit;;;, Memphis Wm M Day, New York *. i -• J J Blair, New Jersey > i-Eti-u, Lancaster / T A Matthews, Kentucky •.wit. bi’ngtonV Ky M Cobb, Boston I •wittr, i£< ntneky Bev T M Dwight <t la, Yt, Boston GK Wheat, 'wheeling, Ya d'f'ifci, Dsyton, O A H Gray, Erie, Pa edfrrtkis, Dayton, 0 J Oonrtright, New York ?.VNew York Mr Jacoby :'nt<s.Vfathingtoii I DO Mn Jacoby .-iKtukjt, Baltimore Bobt Chadwick, Hartiord P.mlord OEKnotwell tUPop,, Providence, B I W L Wheaton, Providence A.smi T W Atkiosor, Maryland I if?r;F Thomas, Washington,o J V ' J P Bartholom, Washing’n ,o° ! ON Gregory, Alexandria York 0 P Patterson, Washington wffFshcwtock, Washington -i tc.tr, t'ti'JH iSSSICtN-Oliistirat street, above Fifth. I f ®™’ N «w York J Kish, Aif xandria, Ya r»» A ProT i RX Isaac Da7is, Jr ‘ pt v 't'd Baltimore J Hamilton, Chester I " : | . M * I*. Wash, D 0 Z W Ssndford, Maryland MartotUi, Pa JB Baker iV3 Jersey J W Batman, PottsviUe ii Fotlßville J M Laning, New Jarsay Jt. r.??^* 3 ’'Jerssy J K Biiey, New Jersey W JV,'. , r *i JXaryiantl F A Stroblman, New York n j'j 1 j “Itertvillo J Jameson a la, Beading Vt w , , Jttsey 0 F Hazleton & wf, Wash 1» M ;™ «ath, DO J a Bankin, Madison, Ind- G f wsy, HsryUnd W T Hitch, Delaware iIMTI-' , ’ H,r J Und x> o Way, Maryland Jihr.V. j sr ’ !Is ryland J H Primrose, Delaware "WCtrlcn, Delaware I Ur? 4 8131 H OTEI>-B-cmrth below Aroh. 5 n,,' s 'Hm°r» J Stambangh. Mifflin. Pa Tk, *tf»borg 8 H Bmitb, Jjhnstown Gr ii ffistc,!J ' M Chtmk O Schwaoizar, (Janton, 0 EerP u“. wr ‘ ®aat°u, Pa GeoY WVlUoa, Easton, Pa f "*laoe & ion, Pa J p Donghler, Delaware H'. r C; , Oo.umbia, Pa W Hoppeoatall, Wrtgbtav’e s,l' t, 11111 Prodhoad, Pa Scott Ooyle, . Harrtabnrg ,„V'M|4' den, Hanover JOD Lilly, Kasdiog Wash’a, DO AO Wilson, Library, Pa i r J Jlt,in.H BH N M Ellla. Pbce-iixylUa Pa I S Brewer, Morcersbnrg Mercer(b’g Oban Spangle-, Pork, Pa ijV 'ttrsJer, Gettysburg Hon A lUoAllUt«r&son, Pa *i' l' 1 ibaels. Pa E Phipps, Franklin, Pa Sir, ** ,r > Freeport S Lilly, New Jersey - . b i„ ckaon < Berwick, Pa GaoObioman, SI IV,, v * itr * son, Pa Dan’i Henderson, Pa Plainfield, HX ABo'h&lady, Carbon oo l C"' Piensj Ivnnia S' S Hildebrand, Berlin, Pa U irJir l! '« BS '' van ’ a J Weil. TnnkUannock Jfi,,™' 1 ’" New York J Brennetnan, Pltisbnrg jpi scer.OMo ■ If B Pratt, Connecticut Mb-chun, Maryland Mrs Ashtm, Wllm, Dei Delaware it HOTEL—oheetrmt street, above Thirl Bemmore M Brown, Wllm, Del S ’'»««'* Jlrahon, PottavMe A H. Zabrlakie, N J 1 S r ;a r j, * e 'i Jer5 ®v Oapt Arrowamitb, N J iJUovB. v 11 slm * 8 Tnrner, Port Carbon W Kendrick Ool W BUckbam, Ohio S '* T ;?.’, I); l a 'i lrB J W»lw. New York S \ H Bwee '' Davlavllle, BI j%• ().'L ? 'y I Albert S Rev not l*, R I J Bradford, New York ; Q W (Jondv, Deni villa f e W«’uSrw 1 " > " !sy lll6 W B Elwelt, lodlana • »tk|« »«S ew Tork 8 Whitlock. Boaton 5t art I :“H*T r , B OWllklna, Baltimore 1 ri*9, Delaware J B Mattlaon, Hew York Ajek street, above-Thlrd, B ® 6 t'>lehem W S Sharp & la, N Jersey 7 E Ecffi t 1;' a i ciBtcr “ LL Pa,k, Ohio 7 s !<tim d Pot(97ll *° D Etmantront, Reading t* I ’’ifeit A J Brown. Pennsylvania fjrj G,-;: ; f t rl '!? epo y t G» Scott, Bridgeport i E Mu' u' 1 s f«fy*«w>a j B Miller, Woodbury, Pa * 8 GtHt La 0 ” 11 ” 8 °®’ Pa wll Delian, Ohamberabg H 0T EL—Race street, above Third. fß6f'i«««iing,Pa Sam! Stanch, Bucks co t? > W^T r \ Bllck » 03 0 P Williams, Cheater 5 p, ~'Jhoau H P Moore, Lehman .. f !v * Hi »i r V T i U# Mra Bogart, Washington r? I CI Peter Hotter. Lauo co Btl*h 1,, '‘“town IJ Sawyer, Allentown ! * •t*™ Mahton Hoover, Pa if "vM,.- I 'Allentown Jos Smith, Milford Bin, 'fS< Allentown Ohas Gross, Allentown jM'iok, ! tlto . TO M Huber, Pa v»*'li sli?.. ei ir?' B*,,®on 8 * ,, ® on J J Blair, Lebanon t- 1 ®tolare Sami Garle, "Easter ifUmt, anon L Horning, Fottsvll’e it t'isitr m?' 6 ’ l 1 a LBamberger, Hanover M? rBTIHo - T Marsh, Mineravllle t 1 w 3 Koch, Ring-own, Pa B,'' & ii, v , H 8 5’ l a L H Davis, Pottstown jß'f Or: ;: , r i yttstown John Graeff. Lebanon lew 1 .,. b * noa A J Moore, Lebanon : £*l%,. J Lazarus, Ashland, Pa ro??F 0 ™ Ja» K: Davis. Selinsgrove r . sbg John Gray, Wilkeabarre ® K Maobcck. Pa JK s lf, iman^P» orn £ Acclefeld, Back Horn Pa K Miller, MiffllnviUe ,i,sr 'Trx&TO DH ° n,,,m,Pa T-^, PKAE —™rtl street, above OaUowhHL wiUßf? Jonas Fry, Weesonbnrg Wre™*!!* 8 If Kranllsh, Weeaenburg In,® 1 4ft, p. Ellas Arl, Pennsilvania 1>„ E "ylvaoia Jos Krasby, Pennsilvania Ct CI A-i.«ck n”^ 11 4 8 Leicbank, Kind lot t-: t z ?r T P e , B ?' , ng jL S Leinbarfc, Beading 6 il Slf tl,£ehi ißtl C 0 John 0 Knorr, Lehigh oo 8 V L«, Set,. Ph J Kbo “ P L Diener, B rtu co f-l, E ' !| pt, Jao ob K Hill, Earlesvtlle CAtHlsr. Leulh ? * WO Hardman, Lehigh oo S “'Oir r,v,?B 00 Alfred Kas ly, Lehigh oo Vi?, "ah Bskor D OO H «iry Z Bake-, Penna -'Oro Merkel, Barks oo f Berks oo j G Kline, Pennsylvania STATES UNION HOTED—Market, above Sixth. HEMartin, Lancaster co J Miller, I. incaster co D Both, Marietta, Pa D Purdy, Wrtghtsvlite! W H Sprout Lancaster oo J McLain, Lancaster co W Bailey, Suffolk, Va B W Jones, Chester co 0 Suayne, Chester co J Cook, Karristmrg A Snyder. Lancaster co J G Wail, Gettysburg A B:essiog, Ymk co, Pa F Btossing, York co 1 L Holmrs, Tyrone co GIV Jacobs, Juniata co W p Graver, Juniata CO 5 B Morrison. Juniata oo C Both, Penna J Beck & da, Mifflin co W Bunting, Chester co E Newell COMMEBOIAL— Sixth street, above Chestnut, D Kimble. Chester co A Kimble, Chester 00, Pa E Potts, Philadelphia M Pcuuock, Witm, Dai H E Weiduer, Ponna B H Hoopes, Chester oo J Hoopte, Chester co J Lackland, Ma-yland 0 Morgan, Marylatd W C Hasson, Maryland J A Hasson, Maryland B Price, Cheater co M Woodward, Chester co S Pnsay, Chester co P O Riley, Beading G W Foering, Penna D B Nivin, Cheßtor co HP Owen, Chester co Morydand O W Stewart, Lane co J W Dinsmore, Wa*ll. Pa LB Thompson, Dovlest’n Miss M A Hcott, Penna Miss L L 0 Hamilton, Pa E B Patterson, Penna Dr B P Greenlaaf, Penna J White, Lancaster co BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Uallowhiil, V Hf fftniiD, Allentown D Bettz, Carbon oo T F Kistlcr, Ly nnport, Pa B J Ktstter, LynnDort, Pa J F Ktstter. Lehigh co Stephen Fritzmyer, Pa A L Newbart, Northam’n co L Berkemoyer, Lehigh c 3 E J P Hoffman, Penna S Bergstroser, Pena D W Bcboll, Penna Poter Shelley, Backs oo Peter Miller, Lehigh oo W Howser, Lcbtgh oo Jacob K Hartman, Lehigh CO Henry Toll, Lehigh oo E Bittner, Penna J F Hummel,. Hnrara-ist’n S P Beads, Hummelßtown P Honstr, AsnvUle.- Pi P Grabill, Annville, Pa 1 HD Blever, Annvllie, Pa H Shirk, Annvifle, Pa J L Henning, Aunvillo, Pa P Warney, AtmvlUe, Pa J Herr, Annville, Pa W Scholl, Penna ' D Kletler. Lehigh co S Sigenfußß, Cherryville ' J F Brehm, Danphin co Miss 8 Brehm, Dauphin co MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market, J Btnmp, Stroudsburg J K Mellin, New Hope J B Oase, Stroudsburg Jos Wolcott, Dover, Del B T Fountain, Delaware F Aldridge, Eiktoa, Md JB Atdtldge, Elkton, Md W W Paxson, Pa D Morris, New Jersey A S Oadwadader, Pa Tboa Ooffey, Pennsylvania S Mellish, Stroudsburg John L Staple, Stroudsburg Okas D Barber, N J Bobt Hentcn, Btrondsbnrg BABLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second, below Yine. Wm Wetherley, Wayne co 0 A Gilt, Morrisvitto B White, MorrisviHc Llßnt Hawk, Morrisvilta P P Bartho, Penna H Bail, Wayne county J Sailor, French town,N J J T Simpson, Doylestown D J, Swartz, New Jersey 0 Bennett, Wayne oo A Fox, Lnmhorviiie, Pa B Dobbin, Penna - : L How, Wayne connty B A Howeit, Penna Oapt J Oban, Wayne co H Woodbridge, Wayne oo AM Eilis, Hammouton, N J A Tomiinson, Newtown 0 Harry, Newtown MOUNT YlKNoH—Second street, above Aroh. A Giltenbergfr, Penna , Jos M Smith, Stroudsburg J Wetderson, Pennsylvania Mr Ghattordon, Maryland] C Gi.pin A la. New Jerrey SPECIAL NOTICES. PIANO FOBTEB, are rapidly taking precedence of ail others for their pow er, ovenness of touch, and pure quality of tone. None shonid purchase without examining them closely. The most eminent teachers ore almost daily selecting ■ Prices to suit the times. them. * J. K. GOULD, ocll-stnthdOt SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. Singer & Co.’s Letter A Family SEWING MAOHINE is the most beantifal, bert, and cheapest of ail Sewing Machines. It embodies the prin ciples of Singer A Go.’s well .known Manufacturing Ma ehines; makes the interlocked stitch; will sew on all kinds of cloth, and with .all kinds of thread; will Bind and Braid, Gather and Qnilt, Fell, Hem, and Tuck—in fact, will do ALL KINDS OF FAMILY SEWING, and surpasses every other Machine for the great range and excellence of its work. Send for a pamphlet. I. M. SING2B & 09., No. 468 BBOADWAY, NEW YOBK. Philadelphia Office, OcT-tnih3tde3l No. 810 CHESTNUT STBEET. Gboyeb & Baker’s No. 9 Shuttle BEWIKG MAOaiNH, for manufacturing purposes, is tbe BEST machine in the market, andis sold for FORTY DOLLARS. Ko machine ever introduced in this dtp has Bold so rapidly or given such universal satisfaction. Do not fail to call and examine it before purchasing else where. Office, 730 OHE3TBUT street. no3-tf Batchelor’s Hair Bye ! THE BEST IN THE WOELD. WILLIAM A. BATOHELOS’S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be diatingnished from nature; warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. SEAT, BED, or BUSTY HAIB instantly tarns a Splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soil and beau tiful. Sold by all Druggists, Ac, The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHB LOE, oa the four rides of each box. FAOTOBY No. 81 BARCLAY Street,/ (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street, ) : myiS-ly New York. B—T—lB6o—X. DBAKE’B PLANTATION BITTEBS, They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overoome effects of dissipation ond late hours. They strengthen the system and eoiiven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They oute Dyspepsia and Constipation. ' They oute Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbns. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache, They are the best BITTEBS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature’s great restorer. They are made of pure St Croix Bum, the celebrated Calisaya Bark, roots, and horbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to luge or time of day. Particularly recommended to deii cate perrons requiring a gentle stimulant. Bold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P.K. DBAKB £ 00., 802 BBOADWAY. New York. goS4-8m Upham’s Hair Bye, 38 cents a box. —Three boxes for $1; the best in use. Try it Sold only at UPHAM’S. 403 CHESTNUT St. 5027-3m* MARRIED PBILLIPP—DAVIS —On the 6th instant, by Rev. B. F Her.den, 51 r. Thomas L. Phillips to Mias Sarah E. Da vis. bo(h nf Camden. ‘ . # . WHITE—WILSON—On the 9th uliimo. by Bev. Da vid Steele. Mr. Bcbert White and Mary Ann Wiison, btth of this city. * BOWdND—BOWMAN.—On the ith instant, by Bev. Nicholas Gebr. Mr. W. G. Bowand to Miss Josephine 11. Bowman, all of this city. # DIED. JOHNSON—On ihe 7th inat, Jana Johnson, relict of ♦he late Benjamin Johnson, in the 87th year of her age. Her Mends and those of the family are particularly Invited to attend the funeral from her late residence, 118 North Twelfth street, to- day, 11th instant, at 10 o'clock A. M., without further notice.! * NICHOLSON—On the 9th instant, Barbara Nichol son, aged 77 years, wife of the late Benjamin W. Nl choleon. . The relatives and friends of the family are respeotfnllv invited to attend her funeral, from'the residence of her gen-in-law, Joshua S. Fletcher,Bidgeavenue andWash ingte-n lane, on Wednesday afternoon next, at 1 o’clock. [Take the Bidge avenue oars.]’ To proceed to Bonald aon’s Cemetery. ** W OOD.—On the Bth instant, at the residence «f her nephew, J. B. Wood, M. D., West Chester, Pa, Theresa Wood, aged 71 years. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to meet the funeral, at Woodland’s Cemetery, to day, (Tues day,) the 11th instant, at 12 o’clock, without further no tice. : ... * : GBEEN— At Princefon, N. J., November s, 1862, Jjmes S. Green, in the 71st year of his age. Bis friends and relatives are Invited to attend his fane rat, from the First Presbyterian Church, in Princeton, H. J , this (Tnesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without farther invitation, tS MARKLEW—On the Bth instant, Edward Marklew, in the 48d s ear of Ms age. , The relatives and friends of the family, also Lodge No. B, A, Y. M. Colombia Mark Lodge, No. 81, Aurora Lodge, No. 486,1. O. of O. J\, Sons of St. .George So ciety, and Spring Garden Fire Engine Company, are re sprctfnlly invited to attend the funeral. from_ his late residence, No. 1923 Hamilton street, this (Tuesday} after noon, at 3 o’clock. * ZIMEBMAN —On the Bth instant, Mary Ann Zlmer man, in the 18th year of her age. Her relatives and friends are respeotfnlly invited to at tend her funeral, from htr father’s residence, No. 138 North Second Btieet, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * Funeral services in the First G. B. Ohnrch, Race street, below Fourth * PROTEST,—At the Continental Hotel, on the morn ing of the 10th instant, Matilda, wife of Alexander Provest, of Washington city. [Wa'bington papers please copy.l REMINGTON.—Oo the lOlh instant, Isaac Reming ton, M. D , in tho 69th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 312 North Sixth street, on Fourth day afternoon at 3 o’clock. ** MCGINLEY.—On the 9th Instant, James, son of Jarnss and Oatbaiine McGinley, aged 2 years and 3 weeks. * QUIG.—On the Bth instant, Charles Qoig, in the 30th year of his age. * BRADLEY —On the Bth Instant, at Lumherville, Pa., Mrs. Fanny Bradley, aged 70 years. * WOOD—On the Bth instant, at the residence of her nephew, J. B. Wood, M. D., West Oheßter, Pa , Theresa Wood, sgtd 71 years. # BOAT.—On the Bth instant, MargaretM., wife of John W. Boat, in the 54th year of her age. * CRAMP—On the Sib instant, Miss Mary Cramp, in the 48th year of her age * ■ .*fl BABRY.—On the 6th instant, Corporal David A. Ear. ry, of Co. B, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry, aged 25 years * EBYIN.—On the Bth instant, William Ervin, aged 32 years. * LIFPINOOTT —On the Bth instant. Job Lippincott,in the 37th year of his age. ,* GOIIMAN.—On the Bth instant, John Gorman, aged 30 years.. . * BILLGER.—On tho 8 h instant, Elizabeth Billger, in her 77th year. * GRA HAM —On the Bth instant, Adam Graham, in the 24th year of his sge. * OABEY.—On the Bth instant, Lieut. Patrick Qasay, 116th P, Y., in the 31st year of his age. # DONNELLY.—On the 9th instant, Arthur Donnelly, aged 17 years. * FORSYTHE—On the Bth instant, Thomas Forsythe, in the 46th year of age. * HEBSER—On the 7tb instant, Daniel Heaser, in his 76th je-r. * WALKER—On (he 9th instant, William J. Walker, aged 46 years. * CARTER —On the 6th instant. of diaeare contracted in camp, John Carter, of the Bth Pennsylvania Oavalcy, 00. A. ■" ... .. * ■ O’BRIEN.—Oo the Bth instant, Arthur O’Brien, aged 70 years. • * MILLER —On the Bth instant, Martha Washington, wife of John M Miller, in the 48th year of her age. HARTLEY —On the Btb instant, JohdM. HarUey, son of William A. and Mary Hartley, aged 14 months. 8- STEWART.—Ontheßlhisatant, Mrs. Ettenor Stewart, In the 67th year of her age- - * RICHARDS Qn the Sth instant, Mary Richards, widow of the late Jacob Richards, in the77th year of her »ge . * DEMCTH- —On the Bih instant, in her 50th year, Caroline S. m , daughter of the late Jacob Demnth, of Lanoaeier, Pa. is Black dress gqods.—slack . Valour Reps, Velonr Ottomans, Grain de Pondres,; Eplnglines, Popelines,. Frenoh Merinos, French Gash- s ineree, cheap Cashmeres all-wool Monsselina de Laines, single and double widthss. cheap De ,Lainesj.Tamises, Baratheas, Drap d’Almas; English and French Bomba-' zines; Silk, warp Cashmeres, Turin Cloths, Crape Cloths, Paramattas, Irish Poplins, Satin de Chines, Bomhaztne Alßßcas. Ac. Albo, Black Bilks and Shawls of every description. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, 0059-tf No. 918 CHESTNUT Btreet. ; TT'XRE & LANDELL, « I*l ' - FOURTH and ARCH STREETS. OPENING FOR FALL SALES: Magnificent Silks. Magnificent Bhawls. Magnificent Poplins. Good Black Silks. Richest Printed Goods. ' Good Stock of ■ js2D-tf' AT A STATEH MEETING OF THE U 3 Boaidof Directors of the BEAL ESTATE BANK of Delaware, held October 28tb, 1862, JOSEPH W. H. WATSON was etectedvOashier of said Bank from and after November let. 1862, to flit she vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Thomas W. Robinson, noli 21# CALEB MARSHALL. President. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF UC3 PHILADELPHIA—A Special meeting of the Coh.ge will be held at tbeir Hall in SPBtTOK Street, on THIS (Tuesday) AFTERBOON at 4- o'clock, to take ap propriate action in regard to the death of their late Fel low, Dr. ISAAO BEMINGTON. » By order of the President It# JOHN H. PACKARD, Secretary. wteca TWELFTH WARD.—A REGULAR, til? Meeting of the NATIONAL UNION ASSOCIA TION ef the Ward will be held on THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, the 11th imst., at 7# o'clock, at the Hall northeast corner of FOURTH and GREEN Streets, li* THGS A. GRACE, Secretary. ryc==» GRAD'D EXHIBITION OF ASTRO LLS nomioal, w*r, and other soenes; Motfocißof the Heavenly Bodies, Eclipses, Influences of the Mi on upon the Tides, Iso. War Scsnes will inolndo theprinolpsl Battles of the War. In Handel and Haydn Hall. EIGHTH end SPRING GARDEN Streets, THIS EVENING, Nov. 11, 1862, commencing at halt past 7 o’clock, Adnlt Tickets 26 cents. Children 12 cents. Tickets at the door. It# iyr==» -FOSTER HOME—IT IS WITH EX- Uk3 treme relnotauoe that ihe Managers of the Foster Home appeal to the public ouce again for tha means of sustaining this truly important and useful Institution. Nothing but the n:o.Jt urgent and pressing necessity would induce them to ask for aid at a time like the present, when the demands upon ths benevolent . are eo numerous and so frequent; but with a Irrgely increased number of children, made orphans by the death of many of our brave volunteers, and with no proportionate increase of fnnds for their support, the Managers feel that, without immediate pecuniary assistance, they must close their doors at once, and tarn from the cart fui protection of tho Homo tho poor be reaved children already sheltered there, to struggle as best they tr ay with poverty and sorrow. The Managers cannot beiievs that the many warm and genereus hearts in this city will, by refusing their aid, compel them to this distressing alternative. Denations may be sent to the Secretary, 1312 PINE Street, or to any of the msnagore. It ryv=» THE FIRST LECTURE OF THE Its COURSE, in sid of the OPUROH OF ST. MATTHIAS will be deliverd at CONCERT HALL, on TDESDAY EVENING, Nov. 18,1862, at 8 o’clook, by tho Bt. Bevl JOHN HENRY HOPKINS, D. D. Sub joct—“Aetroiogy, Divination, and Necromancy.” Tickets for eate at 0. M. Burns’, 911 Chestnut street; Episcopal Book Depository, 1224 Chestnut street; Wyeth & Bros, 1414 Walnut street, and nt the Hall. Price 26 cents. nolQ-8t If MEROHAHTSV AX'D MANUFACTU LLS BEES’ BASK, PITTSBURG—This Bank has declared a Dividend ol FOUR PER CENT , free of all Taxes, out of the profits for the last six months, pay able on or after the 14th inst. Eastern Stockholdera will he paid Bt tho FARMERS’ AND MBOHANIOB’ Bank, rf Philadelphia W. H. DENNY, Oashier.a PITTSBURG. Nov. 7..1862. , . no9-6t ■Mmp* OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-ART IST its TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, PHILADELPHIA, Oot 24th, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themeeives of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the : Surgeon- Artist to the Government, No 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, oc26tf Government Surgeon-Artist. eydSp* TREASURER’S DEPARTMENT, Iks PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia October 17, 1862. - The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day de clared a Semi-Annual Dividend of FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State and Government Taxes, payable on and after November 16tb, 1862. . Powers, of attorney for the Collection of Dividends can be had on application at this office. THOS. T. FIRTH. Treasurer, oct 181 m No. 238 South Third street. IY==» MECHANICS’ BANK—PHILADEL- I,kS phia, October 7, 1882. The Annual Election for Directors will be hold at the Banking Honee on MONDAY. November 17, between the home of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M ocS-teoJT J. WIEGAND. Jr. Cashier. iy==» COR« EXCHANGE BANK—PHIEA UJs DELPHIA, Novbmbbr 4, 1862 —The Directors have declared a dividend of FOUR PEB CENT., clear of all taxes, payable on demand. nos-6t J. W. TOBBEY, Cashier. 'pws=> FARMERS’ ANEb- MECHANICS’ LL§ BANK—PHILADELPHIi, Notrmbeii 4,1862. —The Boai d of Directors have thiß day deolarea a divi dend of THBEE AND ONE-HALF PKB CENT-, payable on domaitl, clear of United States and State taxeß. ncs 6t W. BUSH t'ON, Jr , Cashier. rfc> COMMERCIAL BANK OYPKSSSYL- Lk3 VAN I A.—PHI LaOKL PHIS, Novsmbku 4, 1862.—The Beard of Directors have this day declared a dividend of THBEE PEB CENT., payable to the S ock hoWerß, free of State and National taxes, on and after Friday, the 14th inst. nos-dtl4 8. 0 PALMER. Cashier. ws». BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP PHI LLS LADKLPHfi. November 4,1862.—The Direct ors have this d»T declared a dividend of FQUB PEB CENT, on the capital stock for the last eix mouths, pay able on demand, clear of United States and State tax. nos-12e JAMES BUS3BLL. Cashier, rvr==» GIRARD BANK.—PHILADELPHIA, Hot Nov. 4,1862.—The Directors hava this day de clared a Dividend of FOUB PEE CENT, out of the prtflts of the last six months, payable on and after the' 14th toßtant. freo of faxes. noßßt ' W. L.; SCHAFFER, Cashier. Wag» MECHANICS’ BANK. —PHIL AD EL- M-Jt PHLA, November 4, 1862—Tho Board of Di rectors of this Back have declared a dividend of FIFE PER CENT, od tho business of the last six months, pay able to <ho Stockholders, on and after the 14th instant, free of ell taxation. nc6-dtl4 J. WIEfIAND, Jk , Cashier. T H E PHI L A DE L P H i A B A N K.— UvS November 4.1862 —The Directors have declared a Dividend of FOUB PBB CENT, for the last Bix months, payable.on demand, nos 6t B. B. OOMEGYB, Cashier. rv==. KENSINGTON BANK. PHILADEL LL_3 PHI A, Kov. 4, 1862—The Directors have this day declared a Dividend ot FIVE PER CENT., payable on demand, clear of State and United dtstos taxoß. no 6 6t 0. T YBBKKB, Cashier.. FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS* Llls BANK—PniLADELPHti, October 6,1862. The Annual Election for Directors will ba held at the Banking House on MOND AY, tho 17th day of November next, between the bonre of 9 o’clock A. M and 3 o’clock P. M.; and on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House, at4o’clockP. M., agreeably to the charter. W. BUSHTON, Jr , * 007-tnol7 Cashier. ry-sn- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LL3 “THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENN SYLVANIA” intend to apply to tho Legislature of Penn sylvania, at their next session, for a renewal of their charter. Said Bank is located in the city of Philadel phia, with an authorized capital of one million of dol lars; a renewal of which will be asked for, with the usual banking privileges. : By order of the Board. S. C. PALHEB, je23-tu6m Oashier. rjr=» NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES, Lks that on application will be made to the Legiste tare of Pennsylvania, at'their next session, for a renewal of the Charter of the -HANK- OF THE HQRTHSRN LIBERTIES. The eaid Bank being located in the city of Philadelphia, with an authorized capital of live hun dred thousand dollars. By order of the Board. W. GUMMKKE, Cashier. TMadelpMa, June 23,1862. . >24 tuBm Mire*. WESTERN BANK OF PRiLAM yLjjp October 15,1862, The Annual Election foi Directors of this Bank will be held at the banking house, on MONDAY, the 17th day of November next, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 2 o’clock P fit. G. SL. TROUTMAN, ocl6-thstQtnl7 Cashier. BANK OF COMMERCE— PHILABEI.- Us 3 PHIA, October 6, 1862. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 10 A M. and 2 P. M. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on TITKaDAY, tbe4fch day of November next, at 12o’clock M. J. A. LE9PTS, oc7-tuthstnolS Cashier. COMMONWEALTH BANK-PHILA {JJ? delphia, October 6.1862. The Annual Election for Directors wiil be held at the Banking Bouse on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 10 o’clock A M. and 2 o’clock P. M. * T and on TUESDAY, the 4th day of No vember next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House, at 10 o’clock, A. M. oc7-tnthstnol7 H. 0. YOUNG, Cashier. AT A MEETING.OF THE CITfSENS 1 lO BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, held the Bixfch day of November, A. D. 1862, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted Whereas, This Committee did, in conseitnoaco of tho draft to take place on the 28lh of October, disoontinne the payment of bounties.to reortuts enlisting after the 27th, and it, having been ascertained that.tho quota of Philadelphia Is fulVand the draft thereby avoided, and as this Committee still have funds which were subscribed by (he citizens with a view to. obtain eoldiors to defend the Government of the United* States against the present rebellion: therefore, ' " Sesolvrd, That, until olherwise ordered, this Com mittee will pay a BOUNTY OF FIFTY DOLLARS to each recruit hereafter enlisted and mustered into the service in this city for the old Philadelphia regiments now in the field, as formerly, and also for the regular army of the United States, when he Joins his regimsnt, in such m inner and form as shall be adopted, and all re quisites being cemplied with. Mesdlved, That all resolutions, Ac., inconsistent with the foregoing, are hereby repealed; Provided this reso lution does not affect the fermer action of this committee In regard to fho twenty companies of three-years men heretofore authorized. Resolved, That the aid of this committee will be limited altogether to (he above bounty, and that all applicants for additional facilities be so informed. . THOMAS WEBSTER, Chairman. LobiK Bi.odoet, Seoretary. Action on the above will commence on WEDNES DAY, 12th of November, by wluch time the forms will be ready. Recruiting Officers will apply at the Disbursing Agen cy. No. 3 WILLING’S ALLEY, for inatrqctiona p07.6t «==■ FOR THE SICK AND WOU3SBED.— g Under an orderfrom the President of the United Btah s, a national Byßtem has boen established by tbe BANITABk COMMISSION for the safe transmission and judicious distribution of articles contributed by the people, for tbe sick and wounded of the Army and Navy. The system, after being well tried, has been formally ap proved and recommended by the President, the Gsneral in-Chief, and the Surgeon General. The Beonrity it offers against misappropriation 1b practically perfect, until the contributions are delivered In the hospitals, where they necessarily pass from the control of the Com mission. Of more than a million articles seot through one of the largest of its channels of supply, it has been as certained that not one hundred have miscarried, or been dishonestly used. Discreet and trustworthy agents are constantly employed in visiting all divisions of the army, including those on the Southern ooast, the Missis sippi, and tbe Western frontier, to observe their wants, to direct supplies where they tire most needed, and to secure, as far as practicable, their honest use. The Ctommieslon dees not undertake to deliver articles to_ in dividuals, and declines to receive contributions with any restriction as to their destination, within the limits of tbe force emptoyed in the service of the Nation, it being one of its secondary objects to strengthen the Bentiment of National unity wherever it can come in antagonism with State or local pride. The distribution of hospital supplies is hut a branch of the work or the Commission. It employs the best professional talent which can bs ob tained in the country, to aid its larger purpose, to do all that is possible for the health and vigor of our fighting men, to Tighten tbeir bnrdens, and to sustain their spirits under the privations and hardships which are an essen tial part of successful warfake. For thiHpurposs, oon tiibutions to its treasury are solicited. They may be directed to CALEB COPE, Eea., Treasurer of the Philo deipbia Agency, No. 608 MARKET Street, or to WIL LIAM PLATT, Jr , General SuperEßnHsnt, at the Depository, No. 1236 OHE3TNUT Btreet. Contributions of the following articles are earnestly solicited, at tbe Depository, viz: Woolen Pantaloons, (partly Slippers, worn,) Social, ' Woolen Drawers, I’arlnaoeon* Food, Woolen Shirte, Brandy and Wine. Blankets. MISSES O’BBIAN, 1107 JCT WALNUT Street, will open B ASIS MILLINEBY for the oo TSTJBSIM.'Y* November 6, 1862. poB»l3t* t [ : Tbs articles ofagreeiaentwith a btnd will bo repaired to bientered into within two days bom. the. oponingof . , ihsbids. ho". Eer-ra 4Wn TflATt YNR’TVtM *BV xr- '! The bids to be directed to OoL:Jk.'BEOKWIIHIy A. D- X ill IX Jhiaxit XIN Jj XlsiYl iaxt X j lrt 0* ' Q t an d (j_ g , Washington, D. G. > and, endorsed a PropD j 337 North 81X.T3 Street.—lt is with do small gra- gals.” - noll-lSt SBcation and pleasure that I am able to refer to my la-': bon as an oculist nod anrist daring the past eight months in the oity ot Philadelphia. Numerous oases of deafness** some ot which hive been for years standing, and very many affections of the 1 Eye and Ear* when sight and bearing have 'been seriously obstructed, or almost en tirely lost, have been successfully treated; ana the pro- _____ ___ i A BARE GHANQE Iy, til warrant a cure tn every ease where the organs are XL. • superior BlFliE—two rifle and perfect in formation; and I entieat all those who are one - shot- barrel—finished, in elegant 'style;' cbmniete afflicted to avoid pretending quacks, who have no confl- incase. For s»Je by PfIELIP WILSON * no, deice in their bwi-abiftiy. .JAMES LEWIS, M; D., T i 415 CHKSTNUr Street, no? lot# ■ QeuUst rp4 Anrlgt, »010-3 t • oppositeOostew THE HOyEMBEK 11. 1863. NJ| CONTINENTAL CAVALKY. 538 n DAMP METOALF, Hsddonfield, N J- Bo v "w glmental Headquarters 403 WALNUT Straet. Ail wbo wish to attach themselves to a Oaealry Begimsnt, will meet with no equal opportunity, as this is tho only onthorizsd Cavalry .Regiment being'iraleed in the State. The line and staff officers are men of character and ex perience. JESSE E. PEYTON, no&.tf Oclone) Commanding. M RUSH’S LANCERS.—YoifIig jBB&h Men wanted to fill the ranks of this regiment *r " Torn new companies to b 3 raised Principal Eeadezrons Ho, 800 CHESTNUT Street : oc2l*Bw* Muster and fay rolls, and Goverrment clttima of nil kinds cashed or col* lech d, »fc reasonable ratta by JA.MSS FULTONi 424 WALMUT Street Philadeipbia. noB-tf PENSIONS.— f 100 Bowity and Paj procured and colleotod for soldiers, sailors, and tin relatlvos of such as are deceased, at reasonable and eat!* factory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon by ! JAMES FULTON, : Solicitor for Claimants, 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dis tance. .... oplß ti mBE PROOF.—REIME.S’S , GOLO JL RED Photographs for $1 are offered to his patrons and the public as a superior, cheap picture. Examine them end see. SEC OS D Street, above Groon. It# MABK THIS ! SPLENDID Pic tures AT WAR PBIOE3. REtMER’3 uu equslled Portraits, life-size Photographs, in oil colors—a rare chance—seize it. SECOND itreet above GIVE BN.J 'OTANTED—In a commercial’ house v v | n 3ga w York, a middle-aged person as BOOK KEEPER. Must be thoroughly acquainted with foreign commission accounts, must read and write the Spanish language, and bo familiar with business mages and foreign currencies. Applicants will elate when aad in what kinds of business they have been employed during the Ir, t five years. A liberal salary will be paid, and to 'save time, no'application will be considered unless ac companied with first-class testimonials and refersnooj. Addresß «Import & Export,” office Journal of Com.’ meres, New York. nolO 2t -ROARDINO.—Suites of ROOMS for Femtlieg. and piogle at northeast corner of SIXTEENTH and I/OOU3TStreets. noil 3t First-class boarding—with slDgle and communicating rooms—at 1417 LOOUST Street. noB lm* RATIONAL L0A.N—7.30 BONDS PBOPOSAiS will be received' at thia Department for five days from thetenth instant, *Dd opened on the eistfl day*for; Thirteen Millions,Four Hundred and Twenty Thousand, Five Htmdred- and Fifty Dollars, (&1tM20,550), being the whole amount of 7 30 Three Tears 1 Honda authorized by law, and remaining undis posed of. Offers for any amount not less than one bond of Fmy Dollars will be considered,' but the Department will be at liberty to decline all'proposals not regarded as advantageous to the Government, Ten percent, of each amount offered must be deposited with an Assistant Treasurer, and will be forfeited in case of acceptance of'proposal and'noo*payment of the ba lance, within ten days fromdate of notice of acceptance. All deposits on account of proposals not accepted will be immediately returned to the offerers.- ■\ On receiving deposits- the Assistant' Treasurers will, when eny deposit may be made, issue duplicate cortifi cater, tie criminal of wbteh’he must deli ver to the offerer, by whom it will be sent, with hts to the Secre tary of tfco Treasury. 3So proposal will be considered In absence of such a cretificate; nor will any proposal be received after twelve o'clock of the day fixtd for the-openicg- B. P; CHASE, DolO-5t Secretary of the Treasury: U. S. ' ■■ FIVE TWENTIES; OE, 20-YEAR SIX PER SENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION GOVERN MENT AFTER FIYEY®AES. l am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY to receive subscriptions for the above; LOAN AT PAR, Interest will commence from the DATS OF SUB SCRIPTION, and ia PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the,United States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At the present premium on gold, these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent, per anmmj^ A full supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCEIP'TIOS'AGEHT, 114 SOUTH THIRD St. Ht 6 tf mn aaa fio-000,j5 000, 11,000, VV V. $2,000, S9OO, and 8700, to invest on Mortgage. Apply to ALEREDFIL'LER, Conveyancer, Ho 61 North SIXTH Screet ' noll-81#- naA -TIHS AMOUNT TO ipOO.UU V. LOAN in sums of $3,000 to 88,000 on Mortgages or G. Bents. Apply to E. PETTIT, No 309: WALNUT Street. . : . . ... . no 3 CARPETS AWD OIL CLOTHS. yoimTH ST. CARPET STOSS, Invites an examination-of his stock -of Carp3tinga, in ■which u ill be found 250 PCS. BRUSSELS CARPETINGS, At less than present cost of importation. Also, 200 pieces extra Imperial, three-ply, superfine, medium, and low grade Ingrain, Venetian, Hall, and Btair Carpetings at retail, very low for cash.. noB 2m or to points South of the parallel of Gettysburg, In ■ Adams or Franklin counties, Pennsylvania, to obtain' a PEBMIT from W. B. Thomas, Ooileotorof the Port. oct23thstnlm MILITARY. PERSON AI, PHOTOGRAPHS. WANTS. BOARDING. FINANCIAJL. No. 47 SOUTH FOURTH STBEET J. T. DELACROIX, A RCH-STREET CARPET' WARE AL. HOUSE. OLDDEN & RICRNER, No. 832 ABCH STREET,’ TWO DOOEB BELOW NINTH STBEET, SOUTH BIDS, ' we now receiving their FALL IMPORTATIONS OF. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETINGS, jmbractag all the new styles, which they are offering at , LOW PBIOES oe27*2m . FOB GASH. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO. PHILADELPHIA, NOV,. 5,1862. SPECIAL NOTICE. By order of WM. B. THOMAS, Collector' of the Port of Philadelphia, and I; EBED HtEE, Surveyor, It be .comeghEeessary for SHIPPEBS OP FBEIGHT FKOM THXB OIT Y to any point within the .■ STATE OP MARYLAND, Shippers will please be particnlar to attend to this notice before sending Goods to this Depot, as they can only he forwarded by complying with.this rule. B. B. KINGSTON, Jr., KJHE BIG GUN ” i REMOTES FROM 432 TO 415 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE CUSTOM HOUSE. PHILIP WILSON & CO. Have removed their Guns, Pistols, Biflea, Tisnin* Tackle, Skates, Cricket and Base Ball Implements, Cadet Muskets snd Equipments to OC2O lm 415 CHESTNUT STBEET. SEALED PROPOSALS ARE IN vlted till the 25th'day of November. 1862, at 12: o’clock M., for porehaaing all the Hides, Tallow, Hoofs, and Horns of the Cattle killed by the Army of the Poto mac in the territory embraced by the Bappahannock and. Potomacßiveraand the Blue Bldga Mountains. It ia intended that the contractor eh«U follow the Army snd collect the hides and- tallow, hoofs and horns, and shall pay a certain sum for those articles from each ani mal, lo be collected at his own risk He wiii be charged with the articles in each care, unless he esn clearly about that he was prevented from obtaining them by projerfia- Ihority. A bond with good and sufiecient- security will, be re quired for the fulfilment of the contract, and no .bid will bo entertained from previous contractors who have failed to cora'Aly with their contracts, and no bid. will ha en tertained unless the bidder is present to respond to his bid. ’ ;■ v.,-,:.-;; TYORtTOES.-SEE REIMER’S 1 beantlful specimens, and yon will have tie desire for any other pictures. Their fine coloring and beautifsfc Btyle cannot be eqnrlhed. SECOND' Street, above Green. , ' JJYKE & LANDELL, E. & L. PURPLE POPLINS, GREEN POPLINS,, BLUES, BROWNS, BLACKS, MODE MER.INOES, BLUES, PURPLES, BROWNS, RICH MOIRE ANTIQUES, , PINE SHAWLS, CLOAKS, Ac., 4 4 LYONS VELVETS, ' WOOLEN SHAWLS, BROCHA SHAWLS, GOOD BLANKETS, VELVET CLOTnS, : WELSH FLANNELS, CLOAK CLOTHS. no7-tf : DRY GOODS FOR WINTER. Bep. Poplin*,. French Merinos* Colored MoTtscelfnee, Poult Be Soles, Foulard Silks, Blanket Shawls, Balmoral Skirts* Black Silks, Fancy Silks* Black Bombazine^ Worsted FlaUJs, Choßp,do Baines, French Ohiotzss, Shirting Flannels, B l roche Shawls, Fine-Blankets, Crib Blankets. BH&BPBE3S BBOTHEBB, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets, T R, 45 NORTH » EIGH2 H Street. b»s now opened the largest and cheapest stock of BROOHE and EL tNKET SHAWLS in this merketj aleo, ' ,20 pairs 5-4 various shades floe BRO WL COBTIR93, ■l4 ci nts. 10 pairs 5 1 slightly imperfect BROWN COBUBOS, 37J<C.- ■ ■ - : : 5 lots of MERINO'ROBES' 9J* yards, each robe con tains‘all tbe trimming reanlred. Eichoit goods of the season.' : l ease 4-4 French Chintzes," 28Cents. l oose English Fnrniture Chintzes for Comfortables, 12J4&, the old price.. 300 pairs of Delaines, air the now designs, 24 and 25 'cents.'.:;:" 30 pairs Btch FIGLBED and’PLAID OOLORB, at 25 cents. ■ . ’• 20 pairs 4,4A11-Wool Plaids, SO Cents, cheap. 3 cases 4-4 Poplin Heps; all .the. choice shades, 81c. to 81.251 ;■ r SILKS!' SILKS.! SILKS! BLACK SILKS, just opesed, from 90 cents to $2. Hot Daik Blue Plain Silks, at 81.12 1 lot Mode Silks, very heavy, at 97 cents. 1 PLAIN SILKS FOR EVENING 08E38E3. Pearl, Pink, Cherry, Bine, Magenta, and White. Tim above goods 22 inches wide, and extra heavy, at 81 251 s'lots 4-4 Heavy FJgnred Reps, at 60 and 56 cents. MOURNING GOOD 4 DEPARTMENT. BLiAOK GBOS GRAINED''SI GKB, @l.lO to SI 62- Black Bombazines, i X'-yMds wide, something now. * Black and White Neat Figured Wool Delaines, Sl% cents. Btsck and Wbite Delaiuos. " 6'4 Black Imoin’s Cashmeres, cheap, y Black all-wocl Delaines, 37: cents, good Quality. 2 yarda- wide Block Cashmeres, at 81 cents. A large line of Black Alpaca from 25 cents to $l, old prices Hamilton Bleached Cotton Flannels, wide, 31^. A Urge stock of all-wool White Flannels^ Shaker and Welsh Flannels... Gray and Bed Flannels, Twilled and Plain, less than bale prices 4 esses Blankets, 12jf, cheap. 2CO pairs Gjay Blankets-$lB7 per Blanket. WILLIAMSVILLE MUSLIN, Wamsntta, Bay Mills, Toreedalc, Whitney, and all finest olass 4 4 Bleached Shirtings less than case prices at this time. 42-inch Waltham Muslins, cheap. MANTILLA AND BONNET VELVETS. Several lots (Slack Mantilla Velvets, from the late sales. , 32 inch wide from $4 60 to 7 59 Bonnet V.lvefs, cheap . : A line of Figured All- Wool FrenchMerinoea, left from ast season, 62, 75, and S 7. , • ' *-3. B. OASSELBEBBY’S Mammoth Dry Goods Honse, - 45 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. P. S.—Alot of imported WATER-PBOOF OLOS.K -INGB by the piece or yard, cheap. Black Cloaking Cloths in sreat variety. nolO 2tif GASSELBEEBV. ONE CASE Of PLAIN POULT DE SOJE P3LKB, just received, for sale below the regular ; prlcee, as the goods were ordered by ub last spring, at a eiipuUted price, v Also, oce case of neat figured Groe d* Athens Silks» in Brown. Mode, Homboldt, and Green figures. Fancy biiks. in variety of sSjlea. .. . . Heavy Black’Oorded Sllfes. Heavy Colored Corded Siiks. r BlackFignred Siiksyfrom Auction. cktap. To be' opene d this morning, one case of rich lustre Black Silkß, for sale elmostaa cheap a* they have ever been sold. _ BOWtN HAIiTj & 880., co3o * 2d South 88COND Street. H STEEL & SON HAVE JUST • received," from Now York, a few choice lots or FIN E DBESS GOODS. Wido fancy Silks, very rich stvlos. • • Eich fignred Brown Silks, a great variety of these very scarce and desirable Silks. A great variety of Fancy Stlks, at low prioos. Bich figured Black Silks, from $1 to $2. Yard-wide Plain Black Silks, at $l. Black Silks, all widths and qualities, at VF.BY LOW PRICES. Bich shades, Brown, Blno and Green. PLAIN IRISH POPLINS. Bilk and'wool and all-wool French Poplins. A choice lot of new Plaid Alpacas. RICH PRINTED MEEINOES. BIOH PRINTED MAGENTA OLOTH. Bich printed all-wool Delaioes, at 62J40. worth 870. SHAWLS. SCARFS, AND OLOAKS. Brocha and PlaM Blanket Bhawls. Bich Obaitie Latne Broche Shawls. Striped Shawls of every variety. Merino Scarfs, Broche and Ohalne Lalne Borders. Habit and Water-proof Oioth Oloaks. 509 SHEPHEBD PLAID LONG SHAWLS, at $4.25, ' . worth 86. 0c25 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates. riHOIOE DRY GOODS— Just re \J ceived. Brown Poplins, Plain and Figured. Brown Wool Poplins, Double Width. Merinoes of all Shades. Wool D’Laines, Plain and Figured. Cotton and Wool D’Latnes—a nice Una. Figured Merinoes. : A full line ol Plain Shawls. A full line of Gay Shawlß. One lot of Black Figured Mohairs, at 260. Six lots of Brown Alpacas, choice. A full line of Oassimeres. A full line of Vesting. JOHN H. STOKES, ocS 702 ARCH Street. WOOLENS. Ladies’ Cloakings of every description. Black Beavers and Tricots. Frosted Beavers from 82 to 53.50 Union Beavers, good weight and cheap' Fine Black Cflolhs, Extra fine heavy Cloths. Low- priced Clonkines and Overcoatings. FANCY OASSIMERES ' And Black from 87 cents to $2. Oassiroeres, extra fine stock, from $1 to $1.38. Boys’Cassimercs. low-priced goods. BALMORALS. Large lots at wholesale and retail. CLOAK AND SHAWL BOOM. Fine Oloaks, ready-made or made to order. Seasonable Shawls for Ladies and Misses. BOYS’CLOTHING.' Overcoats, Jackets, Pants, Soils made to order. COOPER & OOHARD, ncs-tf S. E. comer NINTH and MABKET Streets. BURNISHING DRY GOO DS. P Fine Marseilles Quilts in Pink, Blue, and White. Dimity, Allendale, and Honey Comb Counterpanes. Blpnkets for Beds, Cribs, and servants’use. Sheetings and Pillow ease Muslins, all widths. Flannels, both Goto ed and White, of all makes. Woolen Floor Druggets, &c. SHEPPARD, VAN HABLINGEN, & ABRIBON, no4-12trp ‘lOOB CHESTNUT Street. YUABHIONABLE POPLINS AND Jj BEPS Just opened, New Shade Violet De Alps. New Shade Claire Bine. New Shade Fashion Green. New Shade Wine Color. ' Brc-wns and fine Blocks EYRE & LANDELL, nol.tf -- FOUBTH and ARCH Streets. Silks- and mirinoes from Hew Tori. Anetions. Fashionable Drees Silks. Moire Antiques, very rich. Fine Purple Merinoea, new shades. ■Fine Bine Merinoea, hew shades. Mode-colored French Metinoes. EYBE & LANDELL, net-if FOTTBIH and ABOH Streets. T7ILANNEL AND CLOTH OVER JD ' BHIBTB ! • FINE LINEN AND MOSLTN SHIRTS, On hand-or made to order, of the most approved, cut, and warranted to fit. ; GENTLEMAN’S TRAPPERS, ThaJrrgf at and best assortment in the city. CHDBBOLOTHIHO, HOSIBBY, GLOYBS, TIES, 4a WHOLESALE AND DETAIL. G-. A. HOEFMANN, od-tnths3m 600 ABOH STBEET. FBEIGHT AGENT. J€>HN G. ARRISON, Importerand Manufacturer of GENTLEMEN’S SINE FURNISHING GOODS, Nos. 1 & 3 N. SIXTH STREET. FIBST BTOBE ABOVE MABKET ST. (FORMERLY J. BURR MOORE’S.) The well- known reputation of tide establishment for selling Fine Goods at Mobebatb Batons will be fully unstained. P. B.—The celebrated Impbotbd Patoerv Shiets, so justly popular, can be supplied at short notice. FLANNEL & CLOTH OVERSHIRTS IN GBKAT VABI3TY. ocll-tf .RETAIL DRY GOODS. FOURTH AND ARCH. POPLINS FROM AUCTION. BTAPTi® GOOD 3, GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Q.EORGKE GRANT, MANUFAOTOEEB 0» AND DEALEB IN CENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS* . - No. 610 SaBSTNUT BTBBET. sAIB-8m ... ■ ■- , ■ i'-'" - . TjMNE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Jj The scfe&OTiber would imdlaattontlonlo.his SMBBOYED CTDif OF BHIETB, Which homahes a rreclalts hr his bnaineas. Also, con stantly veeeivihg -- .'•■.■■■ v-'-,- UatSIiTTSIB FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAB. J. W. SOOTT, e*NTLEMEN’B'FDBNIBHINB;BTOBB, -iro. m OHBSWVr STKSKT, ■■ jag-tf Few door* Os;>t!B9os. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. ggg BROADWAY, • NEW YORK* NOVEMBER, 1862. ORVIS, NEWELL, & SMITH Invite tho attention of the Trade to their largo Stock of VELV E T S , RIBBONS, &G. 8010- 6t COMMISSION HOUSES. JJAMILTON'COTTON FLANNELS. Laconia Cotton Flannels, Salmon Falls Cotton Flannels, Standard Sheetings and Drills, For Bale by De COURSEY & HAMILTON, 0c26-stuth-12t 237 CHESTNUT Street.' STANDARD ' : BLEE; '/KERSEYS, CANTON FLANNEL, &c , Ac. FOB BALE, NET CASH, BY GEO. G-RIGGL EoIO-tf No. 319 OHUBOH Alley BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! 5,000 Androscoggin; 2 : bus , If ox., cotton. - 13,'C00 Ozark, (10, bo. 4,000 Yeoman, do., do. 3,000 Oentreviile, do., _ do. 2,000 Prince Albert, do., ' do. 5,000 Hanover, i ■ do;, . do. 3,000 Union, A, flax and cotton. Gunny and Bnrlap Bags, 6)1 alzes, for sale by ’*■ JOHN T. BAILEY & CO., nolO-lm* 113 North FEONT Street. 0 ARPE TIN &S , ■'' OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. WOLFE & CO., : COMMISSION ME BOH AST3, No. 132 CHESTNUT STEEET, PHILADELPHIA. S9* A Ml assortment of Philadelphia.made Oarjwta always In Store. ~ 002. gm QOTT ON Y ABN. ■ SUPERIOR COTTON YARN; No, 10, FOB SALE BY FROTKINGHAM & WELLS. 7 ■ ■ ■ ; oc2-tt GOODS. DABK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DABK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. BKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOB OFFICERS. ABMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BBOWH AND BLEACHED SHEETING 3 AND HUSTINGS. For sale by FBOTHINGHAM & WELLS. .: 7 sel-if tf - JELLING, COFFIN, & OO. s v NO. 230 CHESTNUT STREET, era prepared to _ CONTRACT FOE THE DELIVERY OF A RM IT WOOLEN AND OOTTON GOODS, . ©f STANDARD QUALITY. * . . aus7-*32S gHXFLEY, . HAZARD, & : -HUTCHINSON, Ho. 112 CHESTNUT STBEET, ' COMMISSION SIEBOHANTS VOX TH« BAL3 OF philadelphia-ma.de goods; se2fl- 8m LADIES’FURS. RADIES’ FANCY FURS! JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPOBTEB AND MANUFACTURES OF LADIES*; EANGY : ; No. 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. Just opened, a large and handsome Stock or LADIES' AND CHILDREN’S FANCY FURS, or every descrip tion and In the newest and moßt approved styles, at the Lowest Cash Prices. 007-3 m JUDIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, Ho. 718 ARCH ST., BELOW EIGHTH, IMPOBTEB AND MANUEACIUBEB LADIES’ FANCY FURSi My assortment of Fancy Furs for Lacfiea and Children is now complete} and embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the present season. All sold at the manufacturers’prices, for cash* Ladies, please give me a call. _ oc3-4mif military; clothing. REPUTATION. There Is no honse in the United States that Ibis as wide-spread reputation for getting np Military Clothirg as EOCKHILL &• WIIj- SON’S, Hob. 603 and 605 Chestnut- streot- Besidos being thoroughly acquainted with the business, they are prompt to'filt all orders at moderate and .always have a large (took op Military Goods oh hard. , . ' se3o-iftf ■ CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. T. SNODGRASS, ARMY, NAY Y , AND Cl VI L CLOTH HOUSE, No. 34 SOUTH SECOND ■ STREET, and. No. 23 STRAWBERRY STREET. I am fully prepared for the FALL AND WINTER CAMPAIGN, Having just received a complete arsortment of- R U E BLUER, Of all shades and grades fr0m...,.....,®1.12J4 to 88.00. Bines, Blacks, and Fancy Bearers,from 2 00 to 7.50. Bine and Black Pi10t5...,,,• J J® Jo =OO. Moscow Beavers..... 3.75 to 7.00, Chinchillas.... .*». '*»« Ye1vet8eaver*......;,,,.............. 3 00 to 0.00. Esquimaux 8eaver5.,,,..3J0 to 8 00, Tricot 8eaver5....................... 2.00 to 6.00. Fancy Coatings I IS to 8.00. CLOTHS, all colors and prices, Albo. a heavy stook of splendid OASSIMEBEB, PLAIN and FANCY VEL VETS, So., &o. oct24 lm*- SILK AND DRESS GOODS. IjlALilj STOCK SILK AN-B FANCY DRESS GOODS. ' A. :‘W. LITTLE & Go, selfi-Zm No. BT. “"HOUSK-FURNISHING goods. WILLIAM - YARiIvAEE, DEALER IN HOUSE-FURHISHINO GOODS, Tto. 1020 01ijes-t#sts,' Street, Agent for the sale of HALEY, MiOBSE, & BOYBEN’S patent selb-adjustikg CLOTHES-WRINOER, Believed to be the besiOLQTHES-WKINSEB in toe. It will wring the larjast. Bsd (inilt or ssaahost iiand kerohfef drier than ciu*.K>shbly be done hj hand, i»W! much lees time. ' . . , ; H- B.—A liberal discount will be made.to dcaSsea. • noS 3m ; ' ' . CHINA j and:.XUPRKNSWARIUj -gOYJj & STROUJ), NO- 3.2 NOBT3 FOOBTH=: STREET, •Have now oiwn a Iwga pew rtoefr o! CHINA, GLASS, AND QRESNSWARE, otifj Jijt HEW PUBLICATIOHS- PEOTOSBAPHB AT FIFTEEN JL OB STS! We have now afnll assortment of Uffld Photographs, cotaprMrg POBTBAI PS OB DISTINGUISHED PBBSOSAGKg, OOP IBS OB OELBEBATED BNGB&TINGS, GBOUPS, VIEWS, &0., &0 The snperiorlty of these Photographs in every partiou lar, Is universally acknowledged: every Card is perfect and lasting. - FJBIQE—FIFTEEN CENTS EACH, OR 81.S0 TEE DOZEN. Also, B Jarse assortment of superior Photograph A!* bums, at very low prices WM. 8. Ss AT.FREB MARTIE N, 69fl OHEBTNDX Street. RULES FOB SPELLING—CompiIed and Arranged toy FBAJTOIB J. COLLIES, Frioe, 10 OBKTB. The Bolro here given have been collected from the writings of standard anthers, and are published in a cheap and condensed form, so that any one might avail himself of the information thus afforded. WH. S. & AMTREO H VBTIKff, 606 OHESTSXfr Street. rp.HB REV. MS. HARRAUGH’3 X WORKS —NEW EDITIONS HEAYEN, OB THE SAINTED BEAD. 15th edi. HEAVENLY RECOGNITION OF FRIEND 3. Ss'edl. TRE HEAVENLY U DME. 10th edition. THE FUTURE LTFEc Including the above three vols; THE TRUE GLORY OF WOE&K. 12m0., cloth. UNION WITH TEE OH ÜBOH. HABBAUGH’S POEMS. 12mo. LINDSAY & BLAKIBTON, Publishers and'Booksellers, . ncB 25 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. MILITARY AND NAVAL BOOKS. ixl MEDICAL AND SURGICAL BOOKS BOIENTIFIO BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. The subscribers keep constantly on hand a large as sortment of Bocks in every branch of Hcienoe. They also receive as published THE NEW BOOKS OF THE DAY, Including all books of a standard oharacter. Books not on hand procured promptly to order. . Complete Cataloguer of Uedlosl Books fomlshed gratis upon application, or rent free by mall. All Books sold at low prices. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, nol-tf . 25 South nIXTH St., above Chestnut, A LECTURE FOR YOUNG MEN. _ -XJA: Just published, price 6 cents, a new edition of the late Dr OULVERWBLL’S CELEBRATED LECTURE on tbe abuse of the Reproductive Powers, Inducing Oo bility, Nervousness, Consumption. Epilepsy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c. The radical mode of treat- . mint, without medicine, isfnlly explained, so as to en able every one to be his own physician at the leest pos sible expense. ■ “ A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS.” Bent : under seal; in a plain envelope, to any address, port-paid, on receipt of Bix cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publishers, OH. J. 0. ELTNB & 00., I2T BOWERY, New York, nc4=3mif Post Office Box, 4,588. CIRCVLATIMSS MB&AK.IES. MT" BROTHERHIAD’S CIRCU II i LATINO LIBRARY.—AH the NEW English and American Books, including ALL OLABSE3 of Lite rature. This is the ONLY Library in the oountry that includes Blithe NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are no*. REPRINTED here. Terms 85 per roar; Bix months 33; three months 51.50; one month 76 cents, or 3 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. seB-3m fjWGLISH AND FRENCH FAMILY JELi CIRCULATING LIBBABY AND CABINET Da LECTURE, 1323 OfiESTNUT STREET. Subscriptions per year, month, and day. General catalogue just published, furnished graft*. j In Press, Catalogue of the Young Ladies’ French LI- | brary. . “ OataUaut de la BibliSlAique del Damn ei del Be meiieUet.” H. M. MONAOHESI, Agent, se6-4m 1323 OHESTNUT Street. SEWIKG MACHINES. QSOYEE & BAKEE’S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING- MACHINES, SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS, Parfcfeular attention la called to the fact that, besides the Machines making our celebrated etitch, wemanu facfcure, in great variety of styles, anperior FAMILY LOCK-STITCH MACHINES. The peculiarities of each; stitch will be choorFully shown and explained to purchasers, and they hive the great advantage of being able to select from our slock either a Machine making the GROVER & BAKEE STITCH, ©r one making the LOCK-STITCH, The only valuable Sewing Machine Stitches in practical use, . PRICES FROM $4O UPWARDS. Office 730 Cliestaxut St. noS tf : . ■■ mHE WILLOOX & GIBBS JL : PAHIX.T ' sewing machines have been greatly improved, making it HHTIEEiT NOISKI.ESS,-. . ; ; • and with Bolf-adjusttog Hammers, are now ready for nde by FAIRBANKS ft BWIHB, seST-if 715 CHESTNUT Street: , & WILSON. SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHE S T NUT STREET, eeU-Sm PHTT.AnBT.PHTA, READY-MADE CLOTHING. GENTLEMEN’S WINTER CLOTHING, YTEBY DESIR ABLE Y IN STYLE AND PRICE, Suitable for the season. OVERCOATS -AND BUSINESS SUITS, In great variety. TXTANAMAKER & BROWN, YY' POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL, S. I. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STS. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT " FOB CUSTOMER WORK. noS-ti&l -Jptfß READY-MADE OLOTHINS. O. SOMERS & SON, No. 625 CHESTNUT STREET, UNDER JAYNE’S HALE, K»7« now made up for sale an entire new stock ot FINE CLOTHING. 4.190, » Ton assortment or CLOTHS, OASSIMBBBS, and VESTINGS, which they respectfully Invite the public to 4 examine before purchasin* elsewhere. «e27tdeBl LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE ft SON, . HANL¥ACmJBEBB AND EHPOBTBK4 o» LOOKING GLASSES. OHi PAINTINGS, imi assBAviHOS, PIGOTBB ANB POBTBAIT fbamjs, PHOTOQBAPH ntAMSUS, JHOTOOBAPH AhBVKB, OABTE3-DB-VISITB POBTBAIT3. SlAlilLiE’B GALIiEKIES. *IB CHBSTNDX BTKEK3, !bIS wm.AP«JHi*. . ....... HIUJSS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & OOoj», NorQsajt Cosaei FOURTE. and RAS3 Streeta, PHrLADDAPHIA, WHOLESALE.DRUGSiSTS, IMPOETEBS. Aim DEALERS r ORE I«N AND ROMES TIC WINDOW AND ELATE GLASS, HiHOTJkOTDMM 0» WHITE TjEABAND ZINC PAINTS, PUTify, * O . igwft TQM fBl OHLBBRATID FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. 7 Beaten and eonstunsrs supplied at >' VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. »e3O-tf CARD Neat and Cheap. UiBIKOWALT * 111 B.FOURTH tsteo ffiiatoat. ms amusements. WTALNUT-I’TREET THEATRE.— W o-T- v.-t.. ..Mrs. M-A. QABBETT3ON, Busing -M - JO™ T. DONNELLY. * D ™ PoEr ‘ THIS (I OEBDAY) A YENING, Nov. 11- Will be presented, second t>. Tl , e ,a lb!B tho nsw Brsma from the French, entitles.' „„ , SBS BIA'JK DOv I 0 5” t „ Fahisn.,,.., ib. '■ ®> L Dwenporf. Pauline de la So/nerfe. .’.V,'.".'.*.V."Mrs *• Davenport. »ith«W'joTt*Vbli' Farce fit YOUNG WIFE AND my OLD li,®7SS6it Poore open at lift —Performance commences. atl. -jyKS. JOHN PBEW’S A &Q& i?JL BTBBKT THEATS3. Pnataeas AgenS and Treasurer......JOß. D. MUBPK?. TOTBD WMK Of J. 3. CL&.RKB -G&ftBKE TO-HISHT„AS BEgTOB ftM J CEKI3TO PftEß OOC&LSS SIO'NPAT i-tiXX 3t 7 8K1H(33, BABBS TB TflE WO&P8. JeTewfrh Beetle.,*. ..,v.Vr... 3 Olstfea* Lady Etyjpcfee Bnshtcn'.,v«... Mr* John Drear. To coS&sde with the thrilling Draotjs of industry £ni> idlers; Or, The Merchants Cleric . •-3. G!a*i», Betty Briggs^,-....C. Henrto* Boors open ci 6)£ —To oftlock »A’L-fr V> 3BCTUBW KOOM. HONDAV, 80V. IT. WILL ES.OP2N, CAPTAIN WISIiIAUS' SOUTH SNA' nolO 6t WHA’fiING TGTAQE. k BEL & GO. ? S- STEBEOFTIOOiI A- KXHnsXTING ariEE ASSEMBLY DUHiB -INSS, TENTH and CHXSfJTJSU.T SVeer*, - EVKBY EVENINO THIS WEEK. Admtßßion 25 cents. Commence at S’o’olock. MATINEE on BATUEUiT; -at 3 o’cXnck. nolfr-ST piSB'NBYLVANIA' A'GADBMt Of J. TEE FINK AET9, 1055 OBEBTKOT STIiSKT, I« ojran d&tls (Sundays oxcestadj from 9 A. H. tffl t P. M. Admission 25 cants. Ohifdren half price Shares of StocS, -S3O FOR SAIiE AND TOXET. Ebb se y B, &{>•, Complete Machinery for falKhg l 'and fiffiSKhla® 1 Blankets, Kersoja, &e For sale cheap. Address Box Ho 106? P. 0 ]G\OR SAKE— < •U A BETAir. DaiTp ST'OfiE;' ' JSS TAB IISHBD 'llf IS*' Tha BBtronber. wishing to retire from bnsloeif,' wHf dispose of bia STOBIB. It is situated on the' lforthewf corner of BALTIMORE r.rul GAY Streets, two of Ihe principal tliorongbfßree of "the 1 ottr. Is in !nTT opitratton, end doing a large PRESORT PTIO?f AsfE> RETAIL Business. with a pstronoge of the highest ricftaatahijjtT. The stand comprises a Front Store and iu'c); Room; two large Booms in aecpnd story ; a largo Oeilir, digged; a smaii Ynrd. with HVdrarit, &c. ’ B?nt'modsi-feta, Fixtures of the drat qualitr. with a complete stock of GEfSUIHE BBUGS;’OHEMIOALS. and TANDY AK* TICLEB, Kith al! the BEOIPES for ihe PKOPBtB TABY ARTICLES. . , . As good an opportunity for business ia seldom offered to the trade, Address .. „ • - .THOS.- 0.-HAOKSBZfB r . Bortbesot corner BALTIMOBH! and GAY Bti, no6tbistu9t Baltimore. Kd, g|g JOB. S'&L'E—[One “ of‘ the’ mc^fc beimrifuily located F&8513, on tbe Forth Penn sylvania B»iiroad,balf way between Gwynedd and North Wales Stations. one mile from each, about one hcmrfs ride from the city. . Tbe location and surrocndingcoiin try are on ear passed f>r heaUhTiTfcesa, viriofy.aud beauty of Ecenery for many miles around. Tbo Farm contains one hundred and four acres fb?t r « six. ©arches *, ranch money has been expended on the improvement of the land, etc.. It wiilbe sold low, at a price which wiH pay as a farm ; end to any one who has tfao moans t-o improve and divide ifcioio Gauntry Seat?.*'there is every reason to believe that a large profit will be reallssad. For particulars apply to H. 0. TO WFSE STD., Eai. f 809 ABOH Street. Philadelphia, or to A.. S. Jia575.1N8, •Fgq., GWYNEDD P. o.,‘sear tha"premises. Terms ac commodating. P. 6—lf not ?o!& at private sale before the 24th oC this moitb. it will be offsred at Public sal© the 24th proximo, with ibe produce, stock, farming implement?, etc., on tbe premises. coXl-tu3t VALUABLE PURNIOE PRD ■4.PXBTT AT PRIVATE SALE. The Lend, BuiMioge, Machinery, Engine. Ac .Former ly owned by the Harrison Furnace Oompauy, in Scioto county, near Portsmouih, Ohio. oompriiiog 8,000 AOBES OF LAND, HOSTL* TTHBERED, A well-built Furnace, with a capacity of about 2,500 tons per annom. A Steam Engine of thirty-horse power, with two blow ing C! linden, complete, Storc-honse, Sheds. Brick Church. Log Houses. Ac , the improvements costing near (S 20,000) Twenty Thou ■ sand Cottars. Ore is abundant on the lands, the county is the centre of a mineral region, and Portsmouth is strongly urged as the site of a National Armory. The property will hi'told on reasonable terms, far be tow its value. Apply to B. A. TOWNE, Es<j-, Portsmouth, Ohio. CHARLES BONSALL, E?q . Cincinnati. Ohio”. J. D. BETS BOTH, Bn, 486 WALNUT St., Philada. hoH-tulh 2SW3t Ml FOR SALE OS TO LET—A sMtplenate largi Stone COTTAGE, near CUE >TBfOT HILL- at a Station on the Railroad, with eight acres of ground, be&uHfnUy situated. Farm-house* bouse. Stable* <fcc. Everythingmo; t substantial anA complete. Teims very easy- B. F. GLENN, rr-6-tf 123 South FOURTH , g* T O L E T—A COMMODIOUS Sia DWELLING, No. 132 North FRONT Street, Boat moderato. Apply to WKTHEBILL ft BRO., 47 and 49 North SECOND 3traet m lOR SALE OR TO LlT—Four *™L HOUSES, on the west Bide of BROAD Street, below Columbia avenue. Apply at the eoathweßt corner of NINTH and SANSOM Streets. mfi33-tf FOR SALE— A - splendid, large 3S Chestnut Hill COTTAGE, with every possible oon venienoe, and eight acres of ground, carriage hon <ei ftoi, complete. On very eoay terms. B F. GLENN, oclB No. 123 South FOURTH Street TO RENT-- A THREE-STORY B.RIOK DWELLING; on RACE Sheet, one door above Twelfth, north side Rent low to a good tenant Apply to WETHERILL ft BROTHER, jf’l2 . 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. A FOR BALE—A good Jersey -ST-FARH OF NINETY ACRES, on the Rancocas, half mile from-Delanco, twelve miles from Camden. Twenty acres excellent Meadow, a great abundance of Fruit, good Buildings, ftc., or will Exchange for good B. F GC.ESN, No 123 South’ FOOBTH Street City Property. oc!8 FOR S ALE—OHESTE R VAL SSE-MDY FAESI, 80 acres, 12 fine timber, thebaHnoe in a nigh Btata ot cnltivallon, situate half a mile from railrcafi station, 16 mites from the city First-class im provements ; handsomely shaded lawn; fine frnit*, &o. •’ Alro, a nomber ef F ABMB in Delaware and Chester conn ties. Apply to 0c26-tf FOB SABE—BE AUTIFTTIi 320.7 ABM, 55 acres. 2J£' mites from Bristol, or Bhs» monv station, 20 miles from the city, with fine improve ments Also, a large number of FECIT 7ABM3, Ih the State* of Delaware and Maryland. Also, a number to exchange in the adjoining counties* New Jersey, &c; Apply to 0c25-tf INSURANCE -COMPANIES. niHARD FIRE ANI? MARINI Ijr INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE 4IS WAIiNTFT BT3KET, PHUiiBBKPEIA. OAPITAIs §200,008. This comsany eoattonea to take risks em tea M*«f elaaion of Property at low rates. - The public can rely aeon itsrespcnsl&'Jltyynndablll' ty topay loeseg promptly. Its disbursements tor- H* benefit of the sn’oUo, Stain* the last nine yeara,J2eeeS @5O 0,0 0 0, ana we respanttnily BoUfißHaSa?®? intee Inters. dibeotobs. JEBEY WALEBB, OHAB. I. DUPONT, •JOHN W.OLAOHOKN. JOHN THOBHLBY, C. F. HEASDXTT, ABBAHAM HABT, HATED BOTH, Jr., PETEB 3. HOB, of 3iS. WM: M.-BWA3Nr FURMAN SHEEP-ASSA JOSEPH KLAPP, SLD. JJvS. L AWRESOS, •- - Wffi. O. BUBMAH, JOHN BWPPLKB. -• THOMAS OfiAYKN, PreaUeat ' A. S. QILLSTT, Tice PreaSoftt. JAS. B. ALYOBD, Seoreiary. epgviftf _ T7AME-INSTJRA JD - ' No. 4C6-.CIHESTNCT I - FIJtE AND im.A DIKED F. N. Back, Chae. Richardson, Henry Lewie, Jr., Alex. WinlilJin, Geo. A . West, 0 W. Davie, FRANCIS N BTJOI GHABLES EH® WILLIAMS I. BLANO) COMMON W E AM DANCE COMPANY O'. SYLYANTA. DIEEC/TOBB. Dosid Jayne, MrD., Charles. H. Rogers, John M.-Whttsll, ' Joim-H,'Walter; , Edward O.BjdgUt, B>bert B6qwn>ker, Thomas S. Stewart, ./■■■' ’AliHara Sb’nthors, Henry Lewis, Jr., . I Elijah Jons®*. RATIO J AYNE, M.,p.. President. JOHN M . WE.4TALL, Vice President. BAMTTEL S. MOON, Secretary. , Office,' Oommonwor jth Uniiding, Cr 3 OHEBTHH® Street. Philadelphia. eed-Ntf ■Be LILLLE’O SAFE DEPOT R - SSspHOVEB to No. XL Sooth SEVENTH Street, n32* &e Franklin Ixw’tftnta. The tmaerßigr,ed, tionkfcl tor past favors, and be'SJ determined to'merit future pajaanaje, hae ceoorad os elegant and store, and has now on h*og» large aseortaient rit.JtltlHn’ii Celebrated Wronfiht "J6S Chilled Iron Fire and Bcrgi&r Froor Safes, (theJBC» strictly Are and b sglor proofeafee made.) Also, 14*181 TJn«walledßanl*Tault, ; Ba*, and Bank Loola. . liillie’s Bank Trait Docre and Locks, will he fn.pMtai to order ou BhcAnoSbe. Trials the strongoet, MS IM* • tooted, er.d ch apeet Doo»andLock yet Also, parti r.alar, attention is N*C Cabinet oafc*tet.l?Ute, jewelry, “J?-*"; ceded to in sbHb*Bai& elegance myfcUgt Tn efr fered for t2*2g.ynrsose, mu& » sh« only, one uteri* nmay hay now on hand say tweajj at & oo.’i»fta. w»* and eoeye forty of other makers, oomrri&i a oompM* lUortytHkt u to u**h and all lately OEcpfc&hged for ’fift- SflHa Baft. They wt&>W iold at Y«3 lowyrit** ©»«exMofaM. . ' EVANS & WATSON’S HO SALAMANDIB SAFE BTOBIU *' " 1« SOUTH FOUBSH stbeet, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIBB.J?aoO» SATES always e» hand. . ' "IDXE AND StAR. -— 3?R* JAMES X3i LEWIS, OOUL3ST and ATJBIBf, has again r»- tnmed from bis profesatonal tonr nenHy located at H° rt h S lX'fH BtreetO^J hoars from 9 to-12 A. M.> and 3to4P. M. as» Jmltw T?YE AND EAR. —PROFESSOR J. I’J TO It no nnnr.lST AND ADBIBT, fromLey towled himself at No. 611 PINE Itrit wlerf wlth dteeaees or the EYE RiWto BClentlfleally treated, and oared, If mraSa *TheProfeesorhasnnmeronstestimonialsinhla Saremlonof btoremarkable cores which ha hasjer- Itemed throughout the United Btates, from the highest which be wUJ show to any one whonwycalL ABTIFIOIAL BYES Inserted s#fe. „ H. R_ No obargesoade for exMdjtaitttgi tto6*6t* oc3l-12t^ E. PETTIT, No 309.WALNDT Street. E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. INCE GOKFMiY, Btroct *” LNO iNSURANOSI*. , ITTOBB. , -E. D. Woodruff^. ; John Keeihor,-V., ; P. S Jnatlce, . WashingtonJonss, ' Ohae. Stokes, ; Jolm,,W. Evwihtoi. K, President, .BD3ON, TlaevFresddent. iABH, gearctcxy, ,[a»hl9-tttl 'H ’ TBS SYAYB.-.0F.P855-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers