The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 05, 1862, Image 4
THE CITY. The Thei NOVEMBER 4,1« H. 2 NOVEMBER 4, 1883. 6 AH 12 61. M 12 M 3P.M. 44. 64 ,M)i 41 48# 49# WIND WIND. BWbyB..BWbyW..WBW NW..,,..NE...,...ENK. Through the Markus.— The Phi ladelphia markets are the markets of tbs world. A wait through them the Bo Invigorating mornings, when the vegetables and frnit, fish, flesh, and fowl, are in the freshest of their prime under the Inflaenoe of the roar nipping frost, is at least <Hke. the last new novel) ex tremely refreshing. The old women at the doors of entry, with clothes-baskets filled with a thonsand notions, from needle-cases to nine-pins, from slippers to shoe-b’ackiag; the batcher hoys cracking jokes and cart-whips, tattooing window-panes, and going anon Into the saloon below for punch or sangaree; the good-humared-lookiug country-' Woman, munching sausages, sipping coffee, and biting Jbnckwheat cakes; these form a bizarre with variety enough to please. We are led to speak of markets and marketing from the great outcry made In various quarters in regard to the high price of provisions. The fact is, however that grocei ies and not market commoaßies,|As a role are exorbitant in prices, To bo Bare, good white pota |oes are one dollar a bushel, and sweet potatoes one dol lar end a Quarter; twenty cents is given for cauiiflo vers, where twelve cents was given a year ago; pork, which last year was exceedingly cheap, is now very dear. Farmers end butchers, however, are not making money faster now than ever they did, Among the groceries, black tee comes to one dollar and a Quarter per pound, And green lo very much more; the best coffee is from thirty-four to forty cents per pound; best white sugar, crushed or sifted, is sixteen cents; yellow thirteen, and brown from ten to twelve; no good lemons can be pro cured for less than five cents apiece; flour Is ten dollars a barrel ; raisins are twenty-five cents a pound, and usßd to be only fourteen; currants are fourteen cents per pound, and used to be only seven; ten oents is given for the same Quantity of salt which was formerly procured for six; lard is also in the ascendant, and good butter rangeßfrom thirty.five to forty cents par pound. A si milar rise in prices obtains among a ihousaud other com modities which we might name at random. Thirty-seven and a half cents per Quart is;asked- for chestnuts,in various localities, and none can be procured under twen ty ; while oyßtera range from sixty-two cents to one dol lar per hundred. Coal, without the use of which few of these commodities could be rendered pleasurable to the educated palate, is really fearful in the exchangeable va lue it claims. Nevertheless, grocery stores and market stalls must be patronized, and are patronized. The dearth of post age curiency develops in many cases one of the most important feeUnga which can exist in a community— confidence. The butcher who has no ohange will trust for a season, and the huokster, ceasing to haggle, will premise to “remember the face.” Besides, however poor one is In pocket, he Is often rich in appetite, and will pinch bis desires In every other possible way rather than forego the demand slot digestion. The luxury of the after- dinner feeling becomes a necessity, and there is no emotion more gratifying than that which suggested the Aphorism of the poet, “ All then is full, possessing and possessed, no craving void left aching in the—a— stomach.** . . Bet our housewives contrast these prices with the prices they have formerly paid for • the same articles- Above all, let the citizens of Philadelphia contrast the state of the markets here with the state of the Southern markets. The gleanings furnished upon these points by the moßt vigilant and scrupulous reporters; the accounts in letters from soldiers, who, from the sad experience of the oaptiTe, know only too well that what they say is the startling truth; the testimony received personally from the lips of convalescent soldiers; tho attestalfcn of deserters and captured spies, and the involuntary wit ness givenby the famished looks and tattered garments cf rebel hordes, demonstrate the fact that the Southern market is in the very worst condition, at the lowest ebb. Not only ai e the prices of clothing and provisions un paralleled, but these, also, even in the few cases where enough can be with difficulty obtained, are of the poor est, most worthless description. At the North, however— in Philadelphia, at least—while many articles are dear, and some are soarce, prosperity still rules. Visitors from Europe to this city—men who know the world, and are well , acquainted with every mart of trade of each metropolis -of manufacture—have remarked upon onr constant sunshine of success. We “mudsills” have no reason to clothe ourselves in sack-cloth and ashes. The good-liver bos plenty of chances of living well yet, and need not yet commence to live off bare bones, stale crusts, And obeess rind. These he might manufacture into “food for the poor,” aid send South, where, we doubt not, they would be acceptable. Naval Items.—Matters and things at the Dairy yuul retain their usual business-like appear ance. The most altraciive portion of the yard for visitors appears to lie In the direction of the Bhip-houses, where fhs" erection of two noble specimens of Philadelphia work manship hi"rapidly progressing. The Shenandoah will be ready for launching us soon as caulked) this process being already more than half completed. The launch will take place in two or three weeks. The flat-bottomed Side-wheel steamer Tacony, in the smaller ship-house, is being pushed forward ; her broad skeleton frame gives some indication of her future appearance, and the pur poses for which she is designed. The number of war vessels is not at present as great as usual; but two gunboats are lying in the stream, where we have frequently teen half a dozen. The gunboat Bale in the river, a short distance above the Navy Yard, is about to be transformed irto a school-ship for the instr uction of midshipmen, sailers, etc. We under stand that preliminary arrangements havo_ already been made with this view. The gunboat Augusta will pro bably'sail in a abort time. The receiving ship (Prince ton) hts recently received an accession to its usual com plements of raw recruits. Additional accommodations have been provided, and if Is to be devoutly hoped that the newly-enlisted Beamen may not hereafter be huddled together like sheep, and subjected to every manner of inconvenience, as has lately been the case on board the Princeton. The almost finished Juniata and Mouongahela (gun boats) will probably be ready for sea next week; the ar mament of the former has been placed on board, and with the accumuHtion of her small stores, she may bs con sidered fully prepared for a cruise. The prize iron gunboat Lodona is now on the dock, un dergoing repairs. Her prize companion, the Florida, has token the place of the Lodona, at the sooth wharf, in order to receive new plonking, and repairs generally, some of which will prove father extensive. A'recapitulation of the vessels of war built, repaired, and overhauled at this yard since the commencement of the war would seem to indicate to any one not familiar with the place, a navy yard of considerable magniluie. The fame of Philadelphia mechanics is wcrld-wide, while the mullipUcfty of graceful looking, neat, and skilfully formed oraft that first kissed the water at our own yard, Bud which may be seen in the waters of alt the nations of the world, entitle onr city to the credit of a naval es tablishment that may be commensurate in appearance and facilities with any similar station on our .continent. We therefore trust that eaily attention may be given to the subject of a navy yard at League Island. Its im portance should be a sufficient argu ment in answer to all attempts at delay in the matter of its practical execu tion. .. To Philadelphia belongs the palm of superiority in the execution of naval architectural designs, and she will prove abundantly oapableto wield it with credit. Contagious Diseases.—Every day we are more end more convinced of the great necessity for a building for the reception of patients afflicted with contagions diseases. Philadelphia, we are informed, is the only large efty in the North where a structure of this kind is needed. Yesterday we learned of the case of a joung man who is now tying iU with the BmaU-pox, and .whose father is anxious to have him removed to some suitable institution, for fear of the disease spread ing. The parent is able and willing to pay all expenses, and made application at all the hospitals in the city, also to the Board of Health and Guardians of the Poor. 01 course his application was refused, For the want of a hospital for contagious fliteasts ihe health of onr city may be greatly impaired. We know now of several bad cases of email-pox, where the patients are confined in dwellings located in built-up portions of our city. An ordinance has been passed by Councils for the erection of such a hospital, which should ba completed at as early a day as possible, without regard to expense. Mozart’s Requiem.—This sublime composition -was peiforhied by the choir ol St. Angus tins’* Ohureh on Monday last, November 2d. The ser vices ol the Catholic Church on that day are peculiarly impressive, being commemorative of all the faithful de parted during the past year, and the solemn strains of Mozart’s wonderful creation iorm a most fitting accom paniment. The performance, as is usual with this choir, was in every respect satisfactory and effective, despite the small vocal force, which consisted of a double quar tet. The offsets were oarefnlly brought out under ths direction of Mr. Thunder, who presides at the organ, and assisted by tbe baton of Mr. Taylor, who also sang the “ Tuba Minna” and other solos with splendid style end expression. We hope to witness the production of thia great wo rK as an Oratorio during the season. Fins Military Display.—'Yesterday afternoon, our citizens were somewhat gratified by a handsome turn out of the 2d battalion of Colonel Sage barth’g heavy artillery regiment, now in camp at Cam den, H.Jy numbering about 500 men. The battalion paraded through some of our principal streets, accompa. hied by the baud of the regiment. The battalion pre sented a sph ndid: appearance, and were frequently ap plauded during the march through the city. After making a short parade through Camden, the battalion returned to camp. The Ist battalion is in service at Port Delaware. Recruiting for the 84 battalion goes on finely, and it is expected that the organization will be complete in tbe course of a few weeks. Acknowledgment.—The secretary of the Hospital Aid Society of Darby acknowledges haring rewired the following donations npto SOthult.: 48 wrap pers ; 1 grossfinetooth combs; 105 muslin shirts; 1 gross gutta-peroha pocket combs; 264 towels; 168 handker chiefs; 1 bed-spread; 39 woven shirts; 61 pillow cases; 2 comfortables; lot of cork soles; SO flannel shirts; pack age of needles and thread; 27 pillows for hips, arms, &o.j lint and bandages; 6 cushions; 6 bottles sherry wine; stationery ; 15 fly brushes; lot of magazines and books; 3 vesta; chess boards, dominoes, Ac; 12 pairs panta loons ;62 pairs drawers; 6 pairs stockings; 17 pairs clippers; 9coats; large quantities of apples, pears, ve getables, eggs, jellies, milk, &e. Action to Recover the Value of MULES—Yesterday, in the District Court, before Judge Hare, an action waß brought by Hamilton Graham against Patrick Kelly to recover the sum of $323 50, be ing the price or two mnles and a horse, the property of plaintiff, which were sold by the defendant. The plain tiff owned the horse and mules, which ho entrusted to defendant to sell for him and to apply the proceeds to wards the purchase of a pair of horses. The horse and mules were sold, and afterwards defendant sent to plain tiff a pair of horses, remarking at the time that he did not believe they would suit. They did not suit, and they were returned. Defendant never Tarnished other* In their place. Verdict for plaintiff for 5528.17. Subscriptions to the New Loan.— Yesterday the subscriptions to the new 5 20 national loan reached about $120,000. Since Tuesday, nearly three quarters of a million of dollars has been subscribed, at the office of Jay Cooke & Co. The pnbllo rundi of the United Stateß are constantly rising In value, atd persons who have money to Invest, have, within the past few days, shown by their ready Investment in the securities of the Government, a remarkable confidence in the sta bility and financial strength o! the nation to overcome Its piesent troubles, and be yet able to pay off Its heavy IndtbU dress. ■urometer. Union Pacifio Railroad.—To-day at noon the subscription books to the stock of the Union Pacific Railroad will be opened in the several States of the Union, and in this city at the office of Jay Ooeke St Company. The road is to be constructed under an act of Congress, approved July 1,1882, entitled an “ act to - aid (n the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the MitEourf river to the Pacific ocean, and to se cure to the Government the use of the ntme for postal, militery, and other purposes." The company has been organized, and Messrs. Jav Cooke Sc Co., J. Edgar Thomson, and Jos. Harrison, Esqa., of this oity, ap pointed to take charge of the subscription books for this Ecctlon ot Pennsylvania. The oapital stock of the com pany consists of 100,000 shares, each there at 82,000. No person is allowed to be a subscriber for more than" 200 shares. Until the road fs completed 100 miles are to be constructed yearly, according to the provisions of the act. Whenever the earnings of the road reach more than ten per cent. Congress may reduce the rates. The Regiment of Cavalry, known as the Continental Cavalry, Colonel JesseE. Peyton, goeß into camp to-day, on the fann of John E. Hopkins, near Haddonfield, N. J, The camp is beautifully situ ated on healthy ground on the margin of Silver Bake, of easy approach from this city, and distinguished for its conveniences for camp life. It has been styled Camp Metcalf, in honor of a Kentneky patriot, who has ren dered great services to his country on the battle-field. The regiment expects to be placed under his command for service in the Southwest, and his reputation and ability insure the regiment an honorable Mure. We are informed that great success has hitherto attended its formation, and we hope that the citizens of Philadelphia will co-operate in expediting the complete organization of this regiment. Police Intelligence.—Mary Mc- Kenna was before Alderman Beitier yesterday afternoon, chsrged with keeping a disorderly house in Pine alley. Eiiza Celey, who was the prosecutor, had sued Mary six times, and Mary bad sued Eliza about the same number of times. They live next door to each other, and it is alleged that they have a free fight among themselves as often as twice a day. Mary was held in 81,000 to an. swer. Charlotte Briley was committed by the same magistrate for having stolen a gold watch from Mrs. Ella Gilmore. Late on Monday night some three or f >ur young men amused themselves by removing the signs from the win dows of the residences of physicians along Walnut street. The police interfered, and one of the party was arrested. The prisoner had a hearing yesterday morning before Alderman Patchei, and waß held in 8100 bail to answer the charge of malicious mischief. Vegetable and Fruit Discussion at the Horticultural h.ill —Last night, at the Horticultural Hail, southwest corner ot Broad and Wal nut streets, an interesting meeting was held. A. W. Harrison, Esq , presided. The subject for discussion was,« Storing vegetables and fruits for winter.” None but those who have attended lo such subjects can appre ciate the accuracy of detail required and given In meet ings like this. The different varieties of vegetables and fruits touched upon provoked animated discussion, and proved interesting even to'the one or two present who did not thoroughly appreciate the subject. The sped, mens of fruit presented were very fine indeed. In no city is the beantiful science of vegetable cultivation more sedulously and successfully cultivated than in Philadel phia. ■ : . : True Patriotism —Generosity or as sistance to the crippled and unfortunate is the soul of patriotism; and, though loth to acknowledge it for the credit of our sex, yet, nevertheless, we declare a truism in the assertion that the ladies of our city are, in this particular respect, exclusively entitled to the meed of praise. A number of them in the Tenth ward have es tablished a store at No. 940 Race street, the proceeds of which are to he devoted to the relief of the Bickand wouaded soldiers in our hospitals. The enterprise has already given some assurance of success. The articles for sale consist of donations from ladies and gentlemen, and are sold at low prices. The pnblic should look kindly upon this noble effort in a good cause, and leave with the ladies gome substantial appreciation of their trnly patriotic endeavors, \-- The National Tax ,Law—Under the National Tax Law, millers must take; license as dealers. The tax must be paid upon the whole amount where the animal product of any manufacturtr exceeds 8660, the duty to be assessed ad valorem, excepting in the few instances mentioned. Billiard tables kept for use, and taxed as such, do not require a license, and being licensed for public use, are not subject to the £lO tax. An individual, or a firm, having taken out a license as wholesale or retail dealers, may sell anything excepting liquors upen the same premises. Passenger Railroad Relief Asso ciation.—tms humane organization are making every preparation for, their grand annual bail, which is an nounced to take place on the night of the 221 of De cember at Musical Fund Hal!. The jroceeds of the af fair are to be expended for the benefit of those of the members of the association who have volunteered in the Union army and haya become disabled, either by dis ease or wounds. The arrangements for the ball have been placed in the bands of Col. 0. H. Bamberger, who will render this, like all the olhexe, the grandest affair of the season. The Bounty Fund.—THe subscrip tions to the Citizens’ Bounty Fund for Volunteers on yesterday were as follows: THIRD WARD. V W. H. Pi1e,..........53 00 John Sullivan, L. Hc- Jas. Marshall, Samuel Oarthey,Js iNewbert, Darkness, eachB2.. 400 J.Betaon, M. Kinz- F. Cover, 50 ota.; Mr. ler,S,McKaferty,M. Waterman, 25 eta;, Wilhelm,Bl each...B7 00 and cash, 75 cts.... 1 50 twkxty- fourth ward. , John Gardner....... 810 001 Wiliiam 5t0ke5......825 00 John F.C0mb5...... 10 001 Beceivrd on Tuesday..., ......860 00 Total.. .8487,525 00 Deaths at Abmy Hospitals.—The deaths reported yesterday were as follows: Filbert street Hospital—Hiram Richer, Bth N. Y, Independent Battery. St, Joseph’s Hospital—EhleChaunoey, Co. D, 2d Wisconsin. 'Master-street Hospital—Thomas Mon tague, Co. D, 16th Massachusetts: Jonathan Messlnger, Co. K, 11th Pennsylvania. A Labge Cabgo.—The steamship Bahia Honda sailed from this pert for Havana yesterday morning with the following cargo : 300 tos. lard, 61 tea. tallow, 628 kegs lard, 9 tcs. hams, 60 boxes cheese, 20 bbls. spti. turpentine, 65 bbls. apples, 150 bbls. potatoes, 50 bbls. onions, 53 boxes clear pork, 16 boxes batter, 200 boxes candles, 28 boxes machinery, 40 bbls. beans, 35 bbls. ale, 2,060 head cabbages; 5 cabin passengers. A Company of Beaks.—Quite an ex citement wae created in the neighborhood of the Volun teer Befrtsbment Saloons on Monday, oauaed by the ar rival of seven bears, deetined for New York. One of the animals weighed 1,600 pounds, and all had been trained to dancing, and under the guidance of their keepers per forated some queer antlcß. They are Intended for some ehow. ' Revenue Stamps.—The impression has gone abroad that the law with reference to the In ternal Bevenue stamps will not be enforced until the first of January. This is a mistake. All penalties for the non-use of these stamps are now in force, and they will be rigidly enforced as fast as the various stamps are is sued. Church Fair—A ladies’ fair, in aid of the Church of the Annunciation, is progressing at Musical Fund Hall, and attracting large assemblages nightly. The display of the articles on sale, as well as the persons to witness them, is of an.inviting cha racter. Sunday Amusement.—We have re ceived a complaint that on nearly every Sunday dog fights are permitted to take place on the lot adjoining the depot of the Chestnut and Walnut streets Passenger Bail way Company. Discharged.— Henry Sidell, of Dills bury, York county, who was arrested on the charge of discouraging enlistments and using disloyal language and bi ought to thlß city on Monday, was yesterday dis charged upon taking the oath of allegiance to the Go vernment Identified, —The woman-who was ran over and killed, last week, on Third Btreet, near Green, was named Martha Barr. The deceased resided in Olive street, below Broad. The Criminal Court. Oases of minor importance occupied the attention of the Criminal Oomt yesterday. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. THOMAS KIMBEB, Jr., ) AUGUBTUB HEATON, > CommittxxoviHSMost*. EDWARD O. KNIGHT, > LETTER (BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Northampton, Morse .Liverpool, Boon Ship Lancaster, D0can.................Liverp001, soon Bbip Ellen Stewart, Coffin .Rotterdam, soon Bark Albertina, Olmstead Rotterdam; soon Brig Elia Reed, Jarman...i..............Havana, soon Scbr Anthem,.........................P0nce; FB, soon Bchr Ann Leonard, Wilson ..Barbadoes, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. TORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov. S, 1862. BUN RISES .6 36-SUN BETS... 4 63 high water.......... ...112 ABBIVED Steamship Norman, Baker, 48 hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to Henry Winsor A Co. Brig Samuel Small, Haskiil, from Boston. Scbr G W Barter, Gilchrist, 7 days from Boston, with ice to Thos E Cahill. Schr X Nickerson, Baxter, 6 days from Boston, with barley to Massey, Collins A Co. Schr John Price, Sears, 3 days from New York, in bailasi to X A Bonder A Co. Schr O C Smith, Smith, fram Norwich. Scbr Lizzie Maul, Frambea, from Boston. Schr Tantamount, Davis, from Boston. Scbr J Frunber, Frambea, from Boston. Schr C Williams, Golding, from Lynn. Schr O Stetson, Bobinßon, from Braintree. Bohr Adelaide, Crowell, from Providence. Scbr T Lake, Doughty, fiom Fall River. Schr Mary Haley, Haley, from Fortress Monroe. CLEARED. Brig Bamuel Small, Haskell, Boeton, Hammett, Van Dusen A Locbtnan, Brig Edwin, Webber, Boston, J E Bazley A Co. Bchr Fred Dyer, Shnte, Boston, do Schr Ohara, Cole, Boston, do Scbr Kate Carleton, Dix, Boston, do Bchr B M Price, Kelley, Boston, oaptain Bchr T Lake, Doughty, Boston, J B Blakiston. Schr George Edward, Weeks; Boston, W H Johns. Scbr O O Smith, Smith, Sing Bing, L Audenried A Co. Bohr L Manl, Frambea, Salisbury, Hunter, Norton A Co. : „ . Schr C Stetson, Robinson, Braintree, Oastner, Stick ney & Wellington. ■ - Schr J Frambeß, Frambes, New London, do Schr L A May, Baker, New Bedford, do Sohr M Haley, Haley, Boxbnry, O A Heokscher A Co. SAILED Bteamsblp Bahia Honda, Oapt Ousi, sailed for Havana at B}f o’olock yesterday morning, with the following cargo; 800 tee lard, 61 tea tallow, 628 kegs larff, 9 tea bams, 60 boxes cheese, 20 bbls spts turpentine, 68 bbls apples, IEO bbls potatoes. SO bbls onions, 63 boxes; clear pork, 16 box eB butter, 200 boxes osndle*, 26 boxes ms cbinory, 40 bbls beans, 35 bbls ale, 2000 heal of cab bages; 6 cabin passengers. - (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Excnange.) , LEWES. Del. Nov. 3. All the vessels have left tbe Breakwater, except one bark and the buoy boat, Cspl Ware. About twenty vea- sets in all went to sea lids morning, with the wind strong from the north end a heavy sea. . „, . T T Yours, &c. AARON M-IB3HALL. f Correspondence or the Press.) HAVES DE GBAOB, Nov 3. Tho steamer Wyoming lett here this morning, with the following boots In tow, iaden and consigned as follows: Korin, .wheat, and Union, oats to Humphreys, Hoffman # Wright; W J Courier, lumber to Wilmington; Mary F Qroome, lumber to W,C Lloyd; Frank Brown, James Yeung, and Fowler & McCarty, lumber to Norcross St Sheets; Old Spud, do to L B Dalby: J B Wagoner and John Brown, do to John Oralg; Dolphin, iron metal to Norristown; Past Time, railroad iron to D Beeves Sc Son; Baltimore, No 41, ooal to B F Nubian; Mary Jane, Fire Fly, »nd Only Sister, do to B Homlerson;' O p Ent, do to Wilmington; 8 K MoOonkey and D Nicholson, do to De laware Oity; Lightnoc, Caps May, Charles, John Malony, Chas E Harris, Chas E Sterling, ail light. '. MEMORANDA. ' Ships Rockingham, Melcher, and Belle of the Ocean, Seed, for Philadelphia, were loading at Liverpool 18th ultima. Bark Alex McNeil, Somers, was loading at Llverpsol 18th nit. for Philadelphia: : : Bark Kedron, Farrell, cleared at Baltimore 3d inst. for Bio do Janeiro and a market. , , Brig Breeze, Outerbridge, hence 23d Ang for Bio de Janeiro, was spoken 25th Sept, lat 25 N, long 34 W. Brig J W Woodruff, Sprague, hence, arrived at Ma tanzßß 251 h ult. Brig Abby Watson, Watson, sailed from Cardenas 26ih ult. for Philadelphia. Brig Irene, Look, hence, arrived at Boston 31 inst. Brig M E Thompson, Havener, hence, at Kingston, Ja, fitli nit—arr 7th—to return. Schrs Knight, Gage, from Boston, and Star, from Hy annie, both for Phi adelphia. at Newport 2d Inst. Schr T Benedict, Goldsmith, sailed from Pawtucket Ist inst. for Philadelphia. Schrs Nightingale, Nickerson, and B Thompson,Black man, sailed from Providence Ist inst. for Philadelphia. Schrs Alabama,. Van gilder, Amelia, Falkeubnrg, and F O Smith, Anderson,’ hence, 1 arrived at Providence Ist Inst - Sch, Zoo, Cottrell, from Delaware City for Pawtucket, at Providence lßt inst. NOTICE TO MARINERS. The rchr’ B L Terry lies exactly in the channel and track of vessels bound into Edgartown, and is a danger ous obstruction. TheU S schr Banger had a hole stove in her bottom by running foul of the wreck. EDUCATIONAL. TTILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— V A select Bearding School, near MEDIA, Fa. Thorough course in Mathematics,' Olasaics, English studies, See. Military Tactics, taught. Classes In Book keeping, Surveying, and CivilEi gtaeering. Pupils taken of all ages, and are received at any time. Boarding per week, 82 25, Tuition per quarter, 88.00. For catalogues or information address Rev. J. HBB VEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Pa. odO-tf Linden hall Moravian fe male SEMINARY, at LITIZ, Lancaster county, Penns., founded 17B£ affords superior advantages for thorough and accomplished Female education. For circu lars and Information, apply to Messrs. JORDAN St BROTHERS, 209 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia; or to Rev. W. O. BEfOHEL, Principal. . an29-8m WRENCH LANGUAGE. —PROF.' J? MASSE is now forming a class, of between twelve and twenty boye, to receive instruction in FRENCH, by the oral method. The course will consist of sixteen les sons, of an hour Bnd a half each, four lessons a week, end in the afternoon. Terms, 84.00 for the course., He will constantly converse with his classes, and afford every facility fsr attaining a thorough colloquial knowledge of the language. Prof. M. has matured his new system by which those having a slight knowledge of the French language may make rapid Improvement,’ withont devo ting to the study any other time than the hour passed with the teacher. References: Rev. Bishop W. B. Stevens, D. D., Prof. H. Ooppfee, of Penna. University, Charles Short, Xsa. Apply at his residence, 111 South THIRTEENTH street. seB-2m The west Chester academy, AND MILITARY INSTITUTE, AT WEST OHESTBB, PENNSYLVANIA, will commence the winter term of five calendar months on the Ist of Novem ber next. The course of instruction is ■ thorough and extensive, designed and arranged to prepare boys and yonng men for business or college. The Principal, who devotes, all his time to the interests ofhis school and its pn pils, is assisted by eight gentlemen of ability and experi ence, The German, French, and, Spanish languages are taught by native resident teachers, an advantage whioh will be readily appreciated by the patrons of the Institu tion. , - . . The Military Department is under the charge of Major G. Eckendoxff, of Philadelphia, whose qualifications for the position are extensively known. Its duties and re quirements do not, in any way, interfere with the Lite rary departments, white enrollment among the oadet corps is left optional. For catalogue, See., apply to WM. ff. WYEBS, A. XL, - seB-9tnth2m Principal. OOARDINS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. XJ , REMOVAL. The Sixth Session of the BOARDING BOHOOL FOE GULLS, heretofore conducted by the Subscribers, near Darby, Pa., under the name of “BHABON FEMALE SEMINARY,” Will open 10th mo., Ist, 1862, at Attleboro, Books county, Pa., under the name of BELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE. Every facility will be afforded whereby a thorough end finished course of instruction in all the elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, and MATHEMATICAL Education may ba obtained. Circulars, embracing full details of the Institution, may be had on application to the Principals, Attleboro, Bucks county, Pa., or to Edward Parrish, Philadelphia. TEEMS. ...... The eharge for tuition in English branches, with board, washing, fuel, and lights, including pens and ink, end the nse of the library, is at the rate ot *lBO for the school-year. Latin, Greek, French, German," and Drawing, eaob extra. ISRAEL J. GBAHAHS. JANE P. GBAHAME, ' seS-8m • ■ • " Principals., IT. S. REVENUE NOTICES. TT O INTERNAL REVENUE.— U * O. OFFICE OF THE OOLLEQTOB OF THE FIFTH COLLECTION DISTRICT. PENNSYL VANIA, DOYLESTOWN, BUOK3 COUNTY. HOTIOE TO DISTILLEBB OF SPIRITS, BE FINEBB OF COAL OIL, AND BREW BBS—The at tention of parties resident of said District, comprising the County of -BUCKS, and the TWENTY-SE JON D, TWENTY. THIRD, and TWENTY-FIFTH WARDS of the City of Philadelphia, who are engaged in either of the above-named occupations, is called to Sections 39, 41,47, 60, and 51 of the EX 315 E LAW of July 1,1862, wherein they are required to make monthly and tri monthly returns and payments to the Collector of the District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the under signed is prepared to receive daily at his office, in Doyles town, between the hours of 9 A. M.-and 3 P. M. (Sun days excepted), the returns and payments above speci fied for the County of Bucks. ADDITIONAL NOTICE. The tax-payers of the District are informed that I have appointed THEODORE S„ WILLIANS, M. D , Deputy Collector for the Twenty second and Twenty fifth Wards, whoso office is in Langatoth’s Building, oorner of OHELTON AVENUE and MAIN Street, Germantown; andDANIEL W. GILBERT, Deputy Col lector of the Twenty-third Ward, whose office'ls on FBANKFOBD Btreet, below Church, Frankford. They are, in their respective Divisions, empowered by law eauaily with the Oollecter, to receive and collect the Na tional Taxes accruing therein, and to whom the monthly and tri- monthly returns above mentioned must be made Tor the wards they respectively represent. JOHN W. COWELL, oc3o-6t Oolleotor Fifth District. MARSHAL’S SALES. TI/TARSHAL’S BALE.—By virtue of a lfi Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OAD WAL ADEB. Judge of the District Court of the United States io and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at GALLOWHILL-STBEET WHABF, on TUESDAY, November 11th, 1862, at 12 o’clock M., the schooner NELLY, her tackle, apparel, and inmtiure, as she now lies at said wharf. WILLIAM MILLWAED, 0. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PhiiAdelphia, November 1,1862. no3-6t Tl/TARSHAL’S BALE.—By virtue of IVJL a Writ of Sale by the Horn JOHN OADWALA DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and beßt bidder, for cash, at GALLO WHCLL STBEET WHABF, on TUESDAY. November 11th, 1862, at 12 o’clock M, the bark FANNY LAUBE, her tackle, apparel, and furnitnre, as she now lies at said wharf. WILLIAM MILLWABD, U- S Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. . Philadelphia, November 1,1862. no3-6t Tt/fARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of JLtJL b Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the United State* in and for tbe Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at public Bale, to tbe highest and best bidder, for cash, at OALLOWHTLL BTBEET WHARF, on TUESDAY, November lltb, 1862, at 12 o’clock M., the sobooher DEFIANCE, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at said wharf. WILLIAM MILLW iRD, U. 8. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHil.Ahki.pHtA, November 1,1862. • no 3 6t TITARSHAL’B SALE.—By virtue of JxL a .Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DEB, Judge of the District Court o! the United States in and for the Eastern Dfetriot of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed will be sold at public ssle, to tbe highest and best bidder for cash, at GALLO WHILL STBEET WHARF, on TUESDAY, November 11th, 1862, at 12 o’clock M, the echooner LOUISA, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at said wharf. ‘ WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, November !, 1862 no 3 8t PIANOS. fjSMfaj A SEVEN-OCTAVE $4OO FTTTP ROSEWOOD PIANO FOB 8200-Payable in easy sums of Three Dollars per month. The public will please take notice that the books of tbs PHILADELPHIA MUSICAL SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY are now open to receive subscribers to l Fourth Series. The first distribution ot Seven-octavs Rosewood Pianos for this series will take place at ths Office, No. 1021 CHESTNUT Street, on TUESDAY, October 7th, 1882, at 3 o’clock. Circulars, giving ths lull plan of operations of this highly beneficial Institu tion, can be had by applying to the Secretary of ths Society. H. W. OKAY, Secretary, OC4 H Office, 1021 CHESTNUT Street. tesm THE FINEST ASSORT- U 8 TT'mBNT of new, modern, and durable PI ANOS from $l5O to $4OO. Also, PBIBGE’B World-renowned MILODZONS and HABMONIUMB, for oaah, at a great reduction, or to small monthly Installments. JAMES belt, a k, 279 an* $Bl South FIFTH Street, above Spruoa. *e2-3m* QADTION. The well-earned repntation of FAIRBANKS’ SCALES Has induced the makers of Imperfect balances too ffe them as “FAIRBANKS’ SCALES,” and purchasers have thereby, In many Instances, been subjected to fraud and Imposition. Fairbanks’ Boaies are manufac tured only by the original inventors, E. Sc T. FAIR BANKS A CO., and are adapted to every branch of the business, where a correct and dnrable Scales is required. FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, apio-tr MASONIC HALL, 715 CHESTNUT ST. ® F. L (j. §§ ZINC, army,'and toilet mirrors, Tbe beat in tbe world for finish and durability. B. M. 8. The best brand Silk-finished VELVET RIBBONS. Sole Agent, BENJAMIN M. SMITH, 166 DUANE Street, near West Broadway, seSO-Sm - Hew York. BLAKE’S PATENT AR&AND GAS BtJENKE for sale by the subscribers, sole agents therefor. All persons are cautioned against infringlni Wtd patent HKHBT H. HOOPKE & 00„ 18 COMMERCIAL Street, Bosto*. October 16.1863. 0011-lm QCOTOH WHISKY.—2S punoheona Jame* Stewart's fine PAIBTjEY MAJuT, Imported direct. In bond and for sale f, oclS-Sm THE PEESS-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1862. QUO. WHITEST, 137 Booth FBQHT. PROPOSALS. DE PUTT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFICE, Frm.ADEJ.PHrA, 3d Hoy , 1862 PBOPOS J.L3 will be received at this office until SA TURDAY, Blb lost., at 12 o’clock M., for the immediate delivery, in this city, at any point thstmay bo required, of two thonsand Wagou Covers, ten-ounce duck, Army standard, subject to inspection. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. A. BOYD, no 4 5t Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. A, Deputy q u arte rm aster GENERAL’S OFFICE. Pmi.ADSLfirt*, October 30,1862., PROPOSALS -will be received at this, office, until THURSDAY, 6th November, at 12 o’clock M,, for the delivery, in this city, of all tbe STOVEJ reooired for Hospital purposes j to be 12 14, and 18-inch Air-tight, best Aratrfcao, smooth Sheet-iron Stoves. Binders, will state the somber they oan deliver within sixty days; #lBO, the price per Stove, and tbe price per foot or pound for Stove,Pipe. Stoves to be delivered at any point in this city that may be required. A. BOYD, Capt. and A. Q. M. B. 8 A, A RMY CLOTHING AND EQIJIP -O- AGE OFFICE, TWELFTH AND GIEABD BTBEETB— Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1832 Open PBOPOSALS ere invited ot this office for furnish lug the following articles for the army: BHIBTB, either of white domet or gray twilled flan nel or knit. BOOTS AND BOOTEES, either “ pegged” or “ sewed,” of Array standard, quality and pattern BACK COATS OK BLOUSES, of blue I willed flan rel, Indigo-dyed, blue or knit, of dark colors. Indigo blue preferred, STOCKINGS, to weigh 3 pounds to the dozen, ali wool. - , , Proposals will state how Boon the articles can be deli vered at the Schuylkill Arsenal. G, H. OBO3SIAN, ocBl-tf Dep d. M. Gen. Deputy quartermaster ge- NEBAL’S OFFFIOE, Phil adelphia, Ist Novem ber,lB62. Proposals wll! be received at this office until Friday, 7th Inst.; at 12 o’clock M., for grading and macadamiz ing a road from the Baltimore turnpike to the entrance of the grounds of the V. S. Hospital, at West-Philadelphia. The work to bo done in accordance with the plans and specifications of the Bame to be seen at this office. The right is reserved to reject all bidß deemed too high ' A 80YD, . no 3-5 t Capt. & A. Q. M. XL 8. A. Proposals for iron iron clad SEA STEAMERS. Navy: Department, October 3.0,1862. BEADED PBOPOSALS will be received until No vember 24,1862. for ths construction of one or more Iron I, on-clad Sea Steamers, of about 7,300 tons,' complete, including machinery, masts,'* and spars of iron, wire rigging, iron, boats, wish anchors, cables, Bails, and all other equipments necessary for an efficient cruising shlp-of war, excepting only the ordnance and ordnance stores. The, general plans and specifications can be examined at the IS avy Department . The proposition must state the price, for the whole complete, and the time in which each vessel will be de livered at aS avy Yard on the Atlantic coait. ; Bids will only be received from parties who are known to be able to execute the work, and the contract will embrace all the usual conditions. no 3 mw!9t Army s u p p i e s. OFFICE OVIHE COMMTSSAUT OP SUB 1 SI3XBNOE, Ho: 1102 GIBA SB Street. S . Pdu.acki.fhu, September 20, 1882. ) PESPOSAIiS wiiibe received at thlß office nntil 12 M. t @n Fit I DAY, the 7th day of.. November, 1862, for famishing for the use of tbe United Stateß Army, at such times and in such quantities as may be required, during the month of November, the following subsist ence etorea, viz: 400 barrels first quality prime mesa or winter-cured mess Pork, to be fulT salted, free from rust or stein, in new well-covered oak barrels. 200 barrels first quality now extra mess Beef, in new, will-corf red oak barrels. 2,000 barrels extra superfine, or extra family Flour, (which to be stated,) of approved brands: name of brand to be stated with number of barreisof ' each braid offered, to be mentioned in the bid. 600 bushels first quality new white Beans, in new, well-covered flour barrels. <O,OOO pounds prime Bice, in clean, well-covered oak barrels. 40,000 pounds prime Bio Ooffee, roasted and ground, packed in good, tight barrels, liasd with stout . wrapping-paper." 60,000 pounds light yellow coffee Sugar, in tight barrels. 5,000 pounds Adamantine Gandies, full weight, 12s. 32 000 pounds good Hard Soap. 8,000 gcllona Molasses or Syrup, in new, blight, weU , covered barrels, AH articles to be of the best quality, secarely.pioked,' and in perfect order for transportation. Bids to include package and delivery in this city. Seiler’s name and date of purchase required on each package. • Certificates of inspection of Meats and Flour will be required, and no Pork will be accepted picked from “ bulk meats.” Samples in boxes, distinctly marked, must accompany bids for all articles except meats. Bids from known dealers only will be accepted, and each bid must be accompanied by the written guarantee of two responsible persons for the faithful performance of the agreement ffhe Government will accept the whole or any part of the above quantities as needed. Proposals io be endorsed “ Proposals for Subsistence Stores,” and directed to F. N BUCK, no3-6t ! Captain O. S. Foi. Service. Deputy qtjartebmastek ge- HEBAL’S OFFICE, Philadelphia* October 3t, 188? Proposals will be received atthia office until MON DAY, 10 th November, at 12 o’clock SI., for the deliver? in this city, at any point that may be required, of Five tundred Army Transportation Wagons. Two hundred four-wheeled Ambulances, “ Wheeling pattern.’’ Five hundred sets six-mule Wagon Harness. Two hundred sets two horse Ambulance Harness. The whole to be completed and ready for delivery on or before tbe 15th of December next. , The right Is reserved to reject all bids deemed tee high. ‘ A. BOYD, nol-8t Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. A. PKOPOSALS FOB BEEF AND JL POBK.-—Office of Hitt Agest, 112 South THIBD Street, Philadelphia PROPOSALS will be received at this Office, until SATURDAY NOON, November Bth, for* furnishing FIYE HUNDRED BARBELS OF BEEF, and ONE THOUSAND BARRELS OF POBK, to be delivered at the PHI £i AD ED PHI A NAVY YABD within thirty dayß from the data of the acceptance of proposal for the same. The BEEF, POBK and BARRELS to be ef the quality and description, invariably required for the use of the Navy, (except that the Iron Hoops be dispensed with.) and be subject to the inspection of the Inspector of Provisions ( and .deliverable at his storehouse, at Prime and Swanson streets, without extra’charge. Every offer made must be accompanied (as lirected in the 6th section of the act of Congress, making appropria tions for the Naval service of 1846-7, approved 10th of August, 1846,) by a written gnarantee, signed by one or more responsible persons, to the effect that he or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if .his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within ten' days, with good and snfficient sureties, to furnish the article proposed. This guarantee must be accompanied by tbe certificate of the United States District Judge, United States Dis* .trict Attorney, Or Navy Agent, that the guarantors are able to make good their guarantee. ■- No proposals wilt be considered unless accompanied by such guarantee. JAMES B. CHAMBERS, 801-6 t Navy Agent. PKOPOSALS FOB HEAD BOABDS FOB GBAYE9. Depot Quartermaster’s Office, ) Coshes'Eighteesth ahd G Streets, > ' ■ November 1, 1862 ) BEADED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until MONDAY, November 10,1882, at 2 o’clock F. M., for fnmlßhing to the United States two thousand (2,000) head-hoards or tablets for graves, of the following de scripHonr—viz: All to be of good black walnut, clear of knots and splits, ionr (4) feet in length, ten (10) inches wile and one aid three eighths (1%) of an inch thick, with five eighths {%) of an inch . groove twenty (20) inches in length, and in all reßpect t to correspond with a sample to be seen at this office. All of said boards to be delivered at such point or points to ibe city or county of Washington, D. 0., as the Depot Quartermaster may direct, within thirty days attar the awarding of the contract Proposals from diiUnjalparties will ml he considered, and an oath of allegiance to the United States Govern ment must accompany each proposition. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should it be awarded to him, must be guarantied by two respon sible persons, whose signatures are to be appended to the gnarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the hid. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court or of the United States District Attorney. Bidders must be present in person when the bids are opened, or their proposals will not be considered. The full name and post office address of the bidder mnat apnear in the proposal. If a bid is made to the name of a firm, the names of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be considered as the individual proposal of the party signing it. ; Bonds In the sum of one thousand dollars, signed by the contractor and, both of his. guarantors, will be re quired of tbe successful bidder upon signing the contract. The right to reject any or all bids that may be deemed teo high ir reserved by the Depot Quartermaster. . Informal proposals will be rejected. Proposals must be addresssd to Captain Edward D. Bartz, Assistant Quartermaster U. 8 Army, at Wash ington, D. 0.. and should be, plainly marked '•} Proposals for iurniahing Head-boarda for Graves.” Farm of Quarantee. We, —-—, of the county of ——and State of , and —, —, of the county of ———, and .State of —, do hereby guarantee that is able to fulfil the contract, In accordance with the terms of his proposition, and that, should his proposition be ac cepted, he will at once enter into a contract to accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded him we are prepared to become his snretleg. (To this guarantee must he appended the official certi ficate shove mentioned.) , IDffAED L. HARTZ, .. no3-7t . Captain and Ass’t Quartermaster U. S. A.— LEGAX. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR A THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of THOMAS G. CONNER, dec’d. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of Adam Mintzer, Administrator Do Bonis Non 0. T. A; of Thomas Q. Conner, dec’d, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY AFTER NOON, November 17th, 1862, at 4 o’clock, at his Office, No. 268 Booth FIFTH Street, in the City of Philadelphia; JOB. P. LONGHEAD, noS-mwf-Sl# Auditor, TN TBE COURT OP COMMON A PLEAS FOB THE @ITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the Assigned Estate of PER KOBE B. ' '■ HOOPKB. The Auditor appointed by the oonrt to, audit, settle, and adjust the first account of Joseph W. Gaskell, as signee of Penrose B. Hoopes, and to report distribution of the balance remaining in hia hands, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment an TUESDAY, the 11th day of November, A D’1862, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office, No. 126* South FOUBTH Street, opposite Library, in the city of Philadelphia. oc3l-fmw6t JOHN HANNA, Andltor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR A THE CITY AND OOUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM 8. BUBBIS, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that CATHERINE H. BUR BIS, the widow of said decedent, has this day filed in the Bald court her petition and an inventory and appraise ment of the personal property to the value of $3OO, which she claims to retain under the act of 14th Apri‘, 1651, and supplements thereto, and they, the said court, will ap. prove the same on the 7th day of November, 1862, unless exceptions are filed thereto. THOBN for Petitioner. Ootobxr 22, 1862. 0022 ws4t# mERRA COTTA MANUFACTORY. A; Hanging Yasos. - ~ Fancy Flower Pots. Orange Pols. > Fern Yaaes. Ivy Vases. Garden Vaaes. Jasmin .Coupes. Oasaoletta Benalssanoe. Oaasoletts Louis XYL Lava Vases Antiina. Pedestals, all sizes. Oonsola and Oariatades. Parian Busts. Marble Pedestal*. Tor Sale Befall, and to the Trade. B. A. HABBIBON, oolS 1010 CHESTNUT Btreet. COTTON SAIL DIJCK AND CAN VAST of all numbers and brands. Kavßn’a Dock Awning Twills, of all fieserfpHoni, fb! Tout:, Awnings, Trank and Wagon Covers, Also, Taper Mannfaotnreis’ Drier Felts, from 1 to I fat! wide. Ttnpanling, Belting, Ball Twine, &o -iOHISI w. BVEEMAN ft 00., 103 JOHEB All*?, MEDICIAAL. XT AS PROF. BOLLIB’ DISCOVERY li- in fee application of GALVANISM, MAGHB-' TIBM, and ether modifications of EE.EOTBITOTY, re ceived general favor among the most liberal’ Medical Mon of the OH Schools, and is Prof. o.’a system now being bronght rapidly into public favor 1 Yes, verily, and if you doubt It, readeore/olip the following extracts 'of letters, and afewopinions of some of the most eminent Medical Men of this and other States, who- have bean traveling and lecturing, teaching {aid applylngibe differ ent modifications of Electricity, as taught thaaby PreS. BOLLE8: BEAD THE FOLLOWING-FROM EMINENTM. D.’ff Tbe testimony or a Medical Man of the Old' fichoqis, thirty yews—fifteen years in the Allopathic School- and fifteen in the HomceopaShio—and has-for two y earts-sinoe, being qualified by Prof. JJ., made Electricity a tporialty, has cured thousands never benefited by medioines: Some five months ago I was attracted byactriof Professor Bolies, No 1220 Walnut strsei, Philadelphia, claiming a discovery that he had made-in the use and ftp. plication of the various forms and modifications of Elec tricity for the cure of all oirable diseases, I called cm this gentlemen, and after listening to- hio theory of the Electrical laws governing life, health and disease, and his discovery in the application of Etoctrioity in accord ance with the polarities of the brain and- nervous system, I was impressed that be had something now. an-i at once applied for instructions on the subject. 1 now speak from experience, as I have remained in hi» office for two months, watching the result of hlsoperatlons and having tnyseh the charge ot one of the treating rooms for nearly the wl ole time, and treated from twelve- to fifteen cases daily, comprising nt t rly every kind and grade of chronic disease. Although my expectations were high, I must confess they havo been fully realized.' I have seen a great number of patients who had availed themselves of the best, medical skill and remedial agents for years— cases I well knew to be incurable by all other known, remedies—permanently cured by a few applications of Electricity ; and what has surprised me most, was the rapid improvement and cure of many cbbcs programed pulmonary consumption by their physicians, because I had been instructed by Dr. Paige to avoid all such cases, as the treatment tended to injure. I feel Impelled by a senie el duly to caution the publio against the indiscri minate use of Electricity, as I have known injury to re- Bult from its use, in the hands of the ignorant. I would here remark that I have never in my whole experience, or observation from books, pamphlets, or intercourse with men, read or heard of the goneral or gpeoial appli cation of Electricity to the cure of disease, as taught by Professor Bolies, and, therefore, conclude it is original with him. I would say to those tampering wilh this mighty agent of life and death to beware lest you strike a blow at the citadel of lift, and never think of applying it to the living organism nntil you understand its nature, and when, where, and how to apply It. I would here take occaaion to reoommend my profes sional brethren throughout the country to tom their at tention to this important Agent as - taught by Professor Bolies, who has certainly, in my opinion, discovered the only reliable mode of its application, and thus rendered an important service to the healing art, and a lasting blessing to Buffering and diseased humanity JAMES P. GBBVES.M.B., 206 Piae street, Philadelphia. Bince then Dr. Greves has been qnalifying his brethren’ in the medical profession, who, to a man, endorse the discovery of Professor Belles iW. B. Wells. M. D„ Buffalo, N. Y„ after a year’B practice, writes to Prof. follows: - • I think-my faith fnlly comprehends the fact that Elec tricity, correctly applied, according to your discovery, is abundantly competent to cure all curable diseases. My experience and success, after extensive practice, fully warrant this assertion. Were I sick with a fatal disease," Iwould far sooner trust my life in the hands of a skilful Electrician than all the “ pathles” on earth besides BUFFALO, N. X. W. B. WELLS, M. D. < - Pro?. Bonus: I am fully satisfied that Bleetrlcity, when understood according to its polarities and their re lations to the fixed laws of the vital economy, as taught by y ou, is the most powerful, manageable, and efficient agent known to man for* the reiief of pain and cure of disease.- I would further state that Xhave for the past' few weeks used Electricity-in my practice, to the exolu- ; eion of nearly all other remedies, and have been emi nently successful, and consider it a universal therapeutio. Dittos, Ohio. D. IIoOABTHY, M. D. Prop. BOLt-Rs : For the last nine months I have made Eleciricity a specialty, and my faith is daily increasing in its therapeutic effects, and I believe, when applied ac cording to your discovery, it will cure all curable dis eases, among which are numerous cases never benefited by medicine. Buffalo, N. Y. P. W. MANSFIELD, M. 0. Wbat I have now to Bay is from actual observation, as I havo spent roost of my time for the last two months with Prof. Boiles, and have witnessed the effects of the Elec trical agent on from fifteen to twenty-five patients a day, suffering from almost every form of chronic disease; and as strange as it may appear, in a majority of cases a per fect cure was effected iu trom five to fifteen days. And I will here remark that moat of his patients were afflicted •with’long,standing complaints, considered incurable by all other "known remedies. H. G. KIBBY, M. D. . CINCINNATI, Ohio. : - Prop. Bollbs : I believe your discovery to be a re liable therapeutic agent, and feel it my duty to recom mend it. Since I have received instruction Irom you, I have applied it in cases of Aphony, Bronchitis, Corea, Amenorrbcea, Asthma, and Congestion,, and fiod'"that I have the same Buccess that, you "*h|idewhen tya?jioder -your instruction, I invariably racdaKnefiiP to avail ibsmselvea of an ac quainted with your new method of applying Electricity. Detroit, Michigan.. DATID THDBBTPN, M. D. Pkof. Bolleb : A great revolution in niy mini and practice has taken place since I became 'acquainted with your new discovery; of applying 'Galvanism, Magnetism, and othermodifications of Electricity as a curative agent. I have found by many experiments that EleotricUy is a safe therapeutic agent in all acute and chronic oases when applied according to your discovery. I desire that medi oai men should become conversant with your discovery. Cleveland, Ohio. EIAIiYIIi GODDAiID, Itl. D. - v Boceesteßj-N, Y„ September 10,1859. Pro?. Bolles—Dear Sir a The more I investigate this Bystem of practice, the more confident I am that it is all-powerful to meet the ten thousand disease’s to which flesh is heir. You. who first discovered ,-Electricity to be a reliable therapeutic agent, should be considered a great benefac tor of the race, for it is the only reliable system of cure for the woes and ills of Buffering humanity. It is'strange that phvaicianß have become so wedded to theirseveral systems, brought up from the darkness of past ages, that they will close their eyes against the light now beaming forth through this system of practice. All other systems I regard as the morning star to the rising suu. : P.BHEDD.M.D. 1 Prop. Bolles : The nearer I conform to your system ofApplication, the more spccesaful I am, and os I have examined all the guides and works published upon the subject, and seen nothing in reference to your theory, I do not hesitate to say I believe it to be original with yon, and the only reliable system extant for curing disease. Respectfully yours, CH AS. BAND ALL, M. D. The opinion of a medical man, after thirty years’ practice, fifteen in Allopathy and' fifteen to Homeo pathy : ‘ , '• Prop. Bolles—DeA» Sib :. I never have, since you gave me instruction In'your new disoovery of applying Electricity, and God -forgive bob if I in the future ever do, praotisliigither Homoeopathy or Allopathy. I have been strictly governed by the philosophy you laid down, and for the beat of treasons—namely: That I am gene rally Bnccessful.’ aiid I ftankly say to yon that I am done with medicine ferevtr. My success has been great since I have been to New ark, N. J. JAMES P. GBBYES, M. D„ • 206 Pine street, Philadelphia. N. B,—ln addliion to the above extraots, Prof. B. could furnish over one thousand, fully showing that he is well known to the medical and scientific world as the discoverer of all that is reliable in the therapeutic admin istration of Electricity, and that all other operators now in the different cities (except those qualified by Mm) are using Electricity at hazard, and Prof. B, takes tMs occa sion to caution the community, against charlatans. Office 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia; N.B Medical men and others whs desire a know ledge of my discovery can enter for a full course ofleo tures at any time. ocl3-tf rp A RK A N T’S EFFEBVEBOENT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine has universally re ceived the most favorable recommendations of the . Mrdioal Fropessioh and the public as the ! most EFFIOISKT AND AGREEABLE SALINE APERIENT. ■ It may be need with the beßt effect to Bilious and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Siok Headaohe, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatio Affections, Gravel, Piles, IBP ALL COMFLAISTS WHERE A GENTLE AND COOLING APERIENT OB PUB GATWE IS REQUIRED. It Is particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents in Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will find it a valuable addition to their Medicine Ohes'.s. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully put np In bottles to keep In any climate, and merely requires water poured npon it to produce a de lightful effervescing beverage. Nnmerons testimonials, ft om profess!seal and other gentlemen of the highest standing Ihrongbout the conn try, and its steadily increasing poonlarityfor a series of years, stroDgly gnaranty its efficacy and vaioable character, and commend It to thefarorable notice of an Intelligent pnblio. Slannfactnred only by TARRANT & GO., H0.'275 GBEENWICH Street, oomer ot Warren st., BKW TOES, And for sale by Druggists generally. ap2l- ly A YER’S CATHARTIC PILLS.— JLX- The sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed their utmost to produce this beat, most perfect purgative which is known to man. Innumerable proofs are shown that these PILES have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordinary Medicines, and that they win unprecedentedly upon the esteem of all men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but . powerfni to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul hu mors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disordered organs into their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, hut also formidable and dangerous diseases that have baffled thebcßtof human skill. While they produce powerful effects, they are at the same time, in diminished doses, the safest and best physic that can be employed for children. Being sugar- coated, they are pleasant to take; and being purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not substantiated by men of such exalted po sition and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Msny eminent clergymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the puhiiothe reliability of onr reme dies, while others have sent me the assurance of their conviction that eur Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The Agent below named is Jpleased to furnish gratis our American Almanac, containing directions for the use and certificates of their cures, of the following ««n - Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising from a! foul stomach. Nan sea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain arising therefrom. Flatulency, Lobs of Appetite, _ ali Diseases which require an evacnant medicine. They also, by purifying the blood and stimulating the Bystem, cure many complaints which it would not be supposed they could reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neu ralgia and Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and other kindred complaints arising from alow state of the body or obstruction of its be put off by unprincipled dealers with some other pill they make more profit on. ABkfor AiLß's PILLS, and take nothing else. No other they can give you compares with this in its intrinsic value or curative powers The sick want toebeet aid there is tor them, and ‘’prepared by Dm J. 0. AXES & CO.,Lowell, Mass. Paine 25 Cams pea Box. Pits Boxes for 81. Sold by J. M. MABIS A 00., at wholesale, and by FREDERICK. 880 WN. 008- wfm2m fTT IN CHESTER’S SPECIFIC PILL W i, a radical and prompt remedy for Spermator rhea or Seminal Weakness. From one to three boxes will effeot a cure in the most aggravated cases, whether constitutional or arising from abuses or excesses. Prioe SI per box. by mail, or six for $5. . . Address 8. O. UPHAM,4O3 CHESTNUT Street, .Agent tor Philadelphia. «e27.8m» A/TES. JAMES BETTS’ GELEBRA IVL ted BUPFOBTEBB FOB LADIES, and Oft Dtdv Bnpperters under eminent medical Lu. ilea and physicians are reepoctiaUy requested tooaU only cm Mrs. Betts, at her atm^ Philadelphia, (to avtfidttonewl invalid! have been advised by their physicians to um he* BaplianM*. Those only are genuine bearing the Unites Btattacopytlgfat, labdsonthe wai 93m on Hi# BcyportWa with testimonial#. o<a»»tatfa#P T>AY RUM—In Puncheons snd Wine n Barrel, lor sale g OAEBTMBg , waa 128 WALNUT Btteot. RAlXllOAl) LINES. 1862. mm ABKANGEMENPS OF NEW YOBK LINE A THE OAMBEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TBENTON BAILBOAB COMPANY’S LINES PBOH PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YOKE AND WAY PLAGES. »ROM WALNUT- S3KEBT PHABP AHD EESOIHOTOif S>K?OT. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: As 9 A. BE, via Camden astS Amino?, G. sad &. &o caamedotlon ~, .81 Si At@ A. M., via Camden and Jersey Oity, fll. J.) Aasesmiodation, 9 91 At 8 A. HE, via Katßliisrton and Jersey 01 ty, Storing Mail.... g OS At H A. M„ via Kensington sa«i Jersey <sity, Westons Express 3 GO At I 3& P. M., via Oamd,:m and Abk&oy, Aoooimse (Wo..„ f 3i At 3.P. M., via Camden nr.d'Ainl>oy, and A. Eli- At s A . BE, sa Camden and Jersey City, ICwniny S/WeM*.-....... 3 88 Afc4 P. HE, vl» Camden and Jersey 08?, 3d Class Ticket.,... 9*90 At SJf P. BE, via Kensington' and Jessey City, Evening Mali. s 88' Atlljf P. M., vteJOamdon and Jersey City. Senti ent Ma5L..................... S 05 AtAP. IS-, via. Camden and And Soy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lsteiass Ticket.. ISO Do. do. adOlsss d 0.... 1M She llfc P. H-. Southern MaiPrans dally; all others Bandaya excepted, For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesharw, Montrose, Great Band, Binghaxnpton, Syracuse, <&!,, at A A, M. Iron, Walnut-street Wharf, via Delaware, taokawanna. and Western Baflroad .' For Manch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem.. Belvfclere, Easton. DambertviHe. Fiemington, Ao„ at AA. M. and 2X P. M., from Wafesut-street Wharf; (the 8 A. HE Dine connects with train leaving Easton tor Manch Chunk «tS.2O-P.M.) For Mount Holly, at 8 A. M., 3 and fyi P. H. For Freehold, at A A. M., and 3 P. M. WAT DINBA . . For Bristol, Trenton, &0., atB and 11 A. M.i S and 6.SS P. M. from Kensington, and 3 H P. H. from Walnut street wharf. . For Bristol and intermediate stations' at' 11% A. BE, from Kensington Depot. For Paimyra, Biverton, Delanee, Bersrly, BnrUnjfton, Florenoe, Bordentown, &0., atlSJf, 1, and A.F. 11 Steamboat TBENTON for Bordentowa and interme diate stations at 2% P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. : IW For Hew Tori, and Way Dines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Filth street, above Walnut, half an hoar before departure. The cars ran into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train ran from the Depot ■ Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers, are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. Ail baggage oyer fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and ■will not he liable for any amount beyond *lOO, exoept by special contract. . foS-tf WM. H. GATZMEB, Agent, DIKES FEOM HEW TOBK FOB PHIDABEDPHIA WILL LZATK, FKOSt FOOT OF OORTLABD STHK3I, At 10 A. M., 13. M., and 0 P. M. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7A. HE, and 4 and 11P. M. via Jersey City and Kensington. .From foot of Barclay street at 8 A. M. and 2 P. ME,' Via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1 Horth river, at 1 and 6 P. M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. selS-tf The pennsylyaota central , BAIDBOAD. THE BEEAT DOUB-DS TBAOK BOOTH. 1862. 1862. PHILADELPHIA, -rfSEBM&HTOWH, AHD .HOB BISTOWN BAILBOAD. TIME TABLE. ; On and afterMomlay, October 20, 1863, nntii farther j notice, ■ FOB GEBMANTOWN. ! Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8, 9,10,11, 12, A. M., 1,2, '3.10, 4,5, 6X,«, 7, 8,934, WK, 11*, P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7.86,8, B*,' 9*, ICJf, 111 ft A. M., 1,2, 3,4,6, 6.10, 7 10, 8, 0,10.10,11, P. H. : ON SUNDAYS. ■ leave Philadelphia. 0.10 A. M„ % 7, IOJf, P. M. leave Germantown, 8.10 A. ML., 1,6, 9*. P. 61. CHESTNUT Hill BAIIBOAD. leave Philadelphia, 6, 8,10, 12, A. M., 3,4, 6,8, 8, and 10*, F. M. leave Chestnut Hill, 7.10, 7.85, 9.10, 11.10, A. M., 1.40,3.40, 6*, 6*, 7.40, and 9.50,1*. M. OK SUNDAES. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. H., 2,7, P. H. leave Chestnut Hill, 7.60 A. H., 12.40, 6.40, and 9.10 e. ML. - FOB UONSHOHOOKEN AND NOBBISTOWN. leave Philadelphia, 8, 9.06,11.06, A. M., lif, 3, Alt , 6.65, 8.06, lljf, P. H. leave Norristown, 6,7, 7.50, 8,11, A. M., l)f, 4)f, and 6, P. Ml. ’ ON SUNDAYS. leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., and 2*,P. M. leave Norristown, 7lf A- M., and ft P. M, . FOB MANAYUNK. Loave Philadelphia, 6, B 05,11.06, A. M., I*, 8, 4jf, 6.06, 8.06 and 11*, P.M. leave Blaaoyunfc, B*, 7*, 8.20, 9lf, lljf, A. M., 2, 5,63f,P.H. • i— ON SUNDAYS, leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 2* and 6*. P, M. leave Manayunk, 7* A. M., 5* and 8 P. M. H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent. oclB-tf . , , Depot NINTH andQBESN Streets, RS awa.U' i.iaa, asLun NORTH PENN ■ eSSstlii=iPi SYLVANIA BAILBOU).— FOB BETHLEHEM, DOYIESTOWN, MAUOH CHUNK, HAZELTON, EASTON, WILKES . . : . . BABBE, AO, F All: ABB AN GE ME NT. THBEE THROUGH TBAIN9. -On and after MONDAY, September Ist, 1882, Pas. scnger Trains will leave the new Depot, THUID Street, above Thompson street, Philadelphia daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: At 7 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Msuoh Chunk, Hazelton, Wiikesbßrre,l&c. The 7 A. M. Train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and moit desirable route to Wilkesbarre, and to ail points in the lehigh Coal region. At 3 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, &c. This train reaches Easton at 6 P. H., and makes close connection with New Jersey Central for New York. J At 5.16 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manoh Chunk. : At 8.16 A. H., and 4.15 P. H., for Doyiestown. At 6.15 P.M. for Fort Washington. •White' cars of the Second and Third-streets line City Passenger Cara ran directly to the new Depot. TRAINS FOB PHILADKIPHIA Leave Bethlehem ‘ at 5 40 A. M., 9.18 A. M., and 6.83 P. M. leave Doylestowf! at 7.30 A. M., and 3 40 P. M. leave Fort Washington at 6,40 A. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. • « « Doyiestown at 3P. M. Doyiestown for Philadelphia at 6.30 A. M. Bethlehem for “ 6 P.M. Fare to 8eth1ehem............ .81 60 Fare to Ea5t0n........... 1.50 Fare to Mauch 0hnnk........ 2.60 Fare to Wilkeßbarre. 4.60 Through tickets must be procured at the Ticket Offices, at THIRD Street or BERKS Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) oonneot at Berks street with Filth and Sixth-streets and Second and Third streets Passenger Railroads, five minutes after leaving Third Street - ' . gel ELLIS OLABK, Agent. WEST CHBSTEB PHILADELPHIA BAUi- YIA BEEDIA. PALI. ABEAHGBHKHT. On and after MON DAY, Sept. 16th, 1562, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA from the depot, N. E. cor ner of EIGHTEENTH and MABKHT Streets, at 8 and 10.30 A. M., and 2, 4.15, and 8.30 P. M., and will leave the corner of THIBTT-FIBST and MABKHT Streets, 17 minutes after the starting tone from Eight eenth and Market streets. ON SUNDAYS, Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A. Leave WEST CHE3TEB at 8 A. M., and 4.45 P. M. The traina leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M., and 4.16 P. M., connect at Fennelton with trains on the Philadel phia and Baltimore Central Bailroad for Concord, Ken nett, Oxford, Ao. HENBY WOOD, jolf-tf ; , Superintendent. WEST CHESTER TRAINS, via the PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD. ns* vn THB hBPOT, Comer ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, First Train at........ .................7.16 A. M. Second Train at . 8.45 A. M. Third Train at 12.00 Noon. Fonrth Train at .......1.............4.00 P. M. lifthTiMQ ftt a gauge<•!«•«•*«(*•**#**■«•»••«*6*46 r* LEAVE WEST OHESTBB, , " At 6.25, 7.45, and 10.55 A. M., 3.10 and 4.15 P. M. ON SUNDAY. . Leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M., and West Chester at 4 P MC Freight delivered at the Fright Station, corner MAR KET and JUNIPER. before 11.30 A, M., vriU be de livered at West Ghwter at_2 P. M. - yor tickets and further information, apply to JAMBS COWDB&, Passenger Agent. LEWIS L. HODPT, General Freight Agent. jy2l-tt BEw—c PHILADELPHIA and blmiba b. b. line. 188* BUMMER ARK AN Q-2MBNT. 186* For WILLIAMSPORT, BOBANTON, ELMIBA, and all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leavs Depet oI Kiila. and Beading B. 8., cor. Broad and Oal towhitt streets, at 8 A. M., and a.l» P. M. dafiy, except B, QTO)kEST SOUTH from Philadelphia to points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western Hew York, Ao., Ao. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Hiagara Falls, or intermediate pointa. Through Express Freight Traill for all points above, leaves daily at 6 P* M. . . For farther information appjyto * JOHN S. aSLLEB, General Agent THIRTEENTH and OALLOWKLLL, and N. W. oor. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Steeete. ■ ia3l-tl ShH reopeningoi |KB9Si THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO BAILBOAD.—This road, being fully B3PAIBED and effectually GUARDED, ia new. open for toe trans portation of passengers and freight to all points ha toe GREAT WEST, For through ticket* and all other to lormation apply at toe Company's Offloe, corner BBOAu Btreet and WASHINGTON Ayemm * nllTOJlt apS-tf Prarident P. W. and B. B. B. Co. EXPRESS COMPANIES. rTomb THE ADAMS EX* iSlaßai' PRESS COMPANY, Offlce SM CHESTNUT Street, forward# Parcels, Packages, Mar ehendlse, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by Its own lines or In connection with other Express Companies, to ali the principal Towns and Cities of theUidted State* • H&- '. fiA a DffQleiyt fe!9 General Superlutepdwal^ PINE APPLE BAP SAGO CHEESE, for Ml* by RHODES A WILLU.MB, oe2-tf 187 South WATEB Street. JOHN B, MYERS & 00,, AUO TIONE£BS:.Hob 232 and 234 MAB.K3T Street. 1862. BALE OF BUT GOODS. OH THUESDAY MOBSIH3, KcYemlerß 6610 o'clock, by csteSogne, oa SDEaeffle' credit. *OO p.M*»gse and lotg of staple and fancy dry goods. SALE OB’ OABFETINGS. ON FBXDAY MOBHISS, November'?, at IOJj o’clock, on i months’ er«SK— . Bloods YaTsS.- Brofeala, Ingrain, and Ytß.eHan car jtKfag, oooos mattings, Ac. SAL3T *>F FBENOH BEY GOODS. OY SSOSBiI SOJfflSa, NoTCEabar 30, nt3B o’clock, by catalogne, on 4 raosib*’ eredit— -700 seepages and fete of French ana other European dry goods, comprising- a 1 general aasarttaent of staple and fenoy fertile*. SALE OF BOOTS AND SBOS6, ft*. • v OHTOKBBBMP'MOH»J»ei November 11, on ftrar months’ credit— i.noa packages Boots, Shoes, Carpet Bags*; As. TpfBNEBS, BBlffirlY, & 00., J? No. 422'MABXET'STBE2T’, BALE OFBIP3ONS, THIS MOBNItfG; at Wo'clodf. . A GABD.—The attention oft all dealers Is- requested l to" our sale of 800 cartons trimnsisg, and bonnet ribbons, Ibis morning, Wednesday, N»v. sth, at 10‘o’clock, by catalogue, en four months’ credit, comprising the largest and moßt attractive assortment offered this season; Also, black silk yalvet ribbonsj beltioEß? Ao. 300 CABTONB BOULT DBS SOIE- TBIdISHNO- AHD BONNET BIBBONB. ■ THIS MOBBING, November Stb, at 13 o’olock, on 4?-n»nths’credit. Consisting of— Ex. No. 4, sr,5 r , and 6cable cord chefoo colored POalfc do Sole ribbons 10a60 heavy plate, plaid, Bbnsse, aedbrocho do. —12a40 heavy colors*! edge do. —l2a@o ex. quality sable oord, solid "colors do do. beat quality while and biaciedo. N B.—All of the newest styles and' choicest colors, jnstlanded PAN COAST <fc WAIINOOK, AtIC TIONEEBB, No. 213 MAEKKT Street, : BALE GF ISO LOtSOF AMEETOAN AND IM POBTED DBY GOODS. BIRBOBB-, tt'ILLINEBF GOODS, WHITE GOODS. Ac., by catalogue. THIS KOBNIHG. November 5, commencing at 10 o'clock- precisely. Embracing a great variety of seasonable goods, worthy the attention of the Dade* Oatalogoes end samples early on the morning of Bale. Included will be found, viz— BBEBB GOODS, CLOTHS AND SHAWLS. AninToio; of Saxony dross giodu, mohair, reps, plaids, Ac. Also, enter 6-4 French black cloths, meltons, water proof cloafcing. &c. BIBBOS6 AMD MILLTNEBX GOODS. cartons choice new. styles bonnet and trimming rib bons, velvet ribbons, Paris artificial flowers, bonnet ma terial, &o. KMBBOIDJSBIES AND WHITS GOODS. Also," late styles embroidered, jaconet, and cambric collars and setts; infants’ waists, bands, flouncing, Ac. AU:o, % and % linen cambric handkerchiefs. Also, ZOO dozen ladies and misses steel-spring hoop shirts sn ii.yoice of lsdiet’, goats, and children's meri- and silk gloves; cMldren’s fancy hosiery, fancy knit Germantown goods, Ac. EABGE SPECIAL SALE OF GEBMANrOWH FANCY KNIT GOODS, by catalogue. OH FRIDAY MORNING, November 7, commencing at'lo o’clock. . •Comprisinga general assortment of new and choice styles fancy knit goods, for best city trade. Jp.RE INSURANCE RELIANCE INSURANCE COJLPANF OF PHILADELPHIA, ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OB PKBPETUAL, MEEOHANDISE, FUBNITUBE, &0., IN TOWN OB OOUNTBT. OFFICE NO. 308 WALNUT STREET. CASH CAPITAL *248,000-ASSETS 330,175 10 Invested In the following Sesuritiea, Tiz: Tirst Mortgage on City i Property, worth d0nb1eth8am008t.....\................8171;100 00- Pennsylvania Bailroad Company's 8 per cent, 1 Ist Mortgage 80nd5........ 6,000 00 Do. do. 23 do. ($30,000) 29,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent. Bonds 4,560 00 Gr'onnd Bent, well 5ecured.................. 2,000 00 Collateral Loan, well 5ecured................' 2,500 00 City of Philadelphia, 8 per cent. L0an....... 15,000 00 Commonwealth of Pennsylrania, $3,000,000 6 per cent. L0an.................. ..... 5,090 00 United States 7 3-lc per cent. Loan 10,000 00 Allegheny county 6 per ct. Penna. B. Loan.. 10,000 00 Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad Company’s • 6 percent. Loan ($5,000)......... . 4,710 00 Camden and Amboy Bailroad Company’s 8 • per cent. Loan (.?5,000j................ 4,800 00 Pennsylyania Bailroad Company's Stock.. 4,000 00 Reliance Insurance Company’s 5t0ck........ 8,850 00 Commercial Bank Stock.. * 5,135 01 Mechanics’ Bank Stock. 2,812 50 County Fire Insurances Company’s Stock.... 1,050 00 Delaware M. S. Insurance Company's Stock.. 700 00 Union M. Insurance Company’s 5crip....... 380 00 Bills Beceivable 1,061 84 Accrued 1ntere5t........................... 6,504 31 Cash in hank and on hand.................. 7,010 85 Losses promptly adjusted and paid. DIEEOTOBS. C!»m Tingley, I Samuel Bispham, William B. Thompson, I Bobert Steen, Erefierick Brown, j William Mnsser, ■William Stevenson, | Benj. W. Tingley, John B. Worrell, Marshall Hill, H. L. Carson, J Johnson Brown, Bobert Toland, Charles Leland, G. B. Bosengarten, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, John Biaseli, Flttsbnrg. OLESM TINGLES', President. B. M. HINCHMAN, Secretary.; jyll-tT rjHE ENTERPRISE HiSUBAHC® COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. (FIBB INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY’B BUILDING, 8. W. COBNEB POUBTB . AND WALNUT STREETS, DIBEOTOKS. W. Betchferd Starr, MordecaiL. Dawson, "William McKee, Geo. H. Stuart, Halhro Frazier, John H. Brown, John M. Atwood, 33. A. Pahnestook, Benj. T. Trediok, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, ' l J. L.Krrlnger. P. BATCH3TOBD STAEB, President Oaimss W. Cox*. Secretary. felS Dislaw are mutual safety INSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENNSYLVANIA, 1835. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT OFFICE 8. ’ OK "VESSELS, ) OABGO, } To all parts or the World. FBEIGHT, S IKL&KD INSURANCES OnQoo3») br Biver, Canal, LaSe and Land Carriage to all parts of the Union. ; FIBB IHBUBAHOE3 On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &c. • ASSETS OS' THE COMPANY, NOY. 1,1661. - JAB. ' COST. *lOO,OOO United States Five per ct. T-ioan... $100,250 00 60,000 U. Stateß 6 per ct. Treasury Note* 49,995 3T 35,000 United States Seven and Three tenths per ct. Treastsry Notes... 25,000 00 100,000 State of Penna. Five per ct. Loan, 89,501 25 64,000 do. do. Six do. do. 64,15150 123 050 Phila. City Six per cent. Loan 119,448 17 80,000 State of Tennessee Five*per cent. 24,075 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad. Ist Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds 20,000 09 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. Bondß 40,130 83 16,000 300 shares Stock Germantown Gas Co. Prlncipai and Interest guarantied by the city of Phil a. 1-5,587 60 8,000 100 Shares Stock Penn. 8.8.00.. 6,000 00 Bills Beceivable, for Insurances made,.., 90,730 07 80nd5andM0rtgage5...................... 75.000 00 Beal E5tate...,,...,... 61,863 86 Balance) due at Agencies—premiums on Ma , rine Policies. Interest, and other debts due theG0mpany............ 48,181 97 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and - other Companies, 811,843, estimated value. Cash on hand—ln 8ank5........ 861,098 08 in Drawer 617 33 Thomas 0. Hand, Edmond A. Bonder, Theopbilns Paulding, John B. Penroge, John.G- Davis, James Traouair, William Eyre, Jr., James 0. Hand, William 0. ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, Dr. B. M.Huston, George CL Helper, Hngh Craig, Charles Kelly, tho: JOHN ( HENBY LYLBTJBN, Sei M„ and 2 P. M. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE LY.—The FEHNSYLVANIA FIBE INBUBANOB COMPANY. Incorporated 1826. OHABTEK PEKFB- TtJAIi. No. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ encoSauaro. \ •. - This Company, favorably known to the community ior thirty-six years, continues to insure agakast ua mage by Fire on public or private BujMfojrs, “ther per manently or for a limited time. Also, on Fnrnitnre, Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, in liberal Capital, together with a large Surplus Fond, is Invested to the mo»» careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an nndoubted security in the case of loss. DIEICTOB9. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Bobins, Qointin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Devere&x, William Montellns, Thomas Smith. Isaac Hazlehnrst, JONATHAN PATTEBSON, President. WIU.IAH 6. Cao'im.L, Secretary. . apß A NTHRACITE INSURANCE JtjL COMPANY.—Authorized Capital *400,800 OHABTBB PEBPETUAL. Office No. SU WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by fire, en Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene- Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts or the Union. 8 BIBEOTOBS. WffiiamEsher, | Davis Pearson, D. Bother,. i Peter Sieger, Lewis Audcnried, I John B. BlaUston, | Wm. F. Bean, Joseph Marfeld, } John Ketcham. WILLIAM EBHEE, President. WM. F. BEAN, Vice President W. M. Bran, Secretary. ap3-g TNSURANGE COMPANY UP THE X STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WAL NUT Street, between BOOK andTHIBD Streets,Phila delphia. IHOOBFOBATED in 1794—OHABTEB PEBPETUAL, CAPITAL *200,000. PBOPEBTIEB OF THE COMPANY, FEBBUABT 1,1861, *607,094.61. MABINE, FIEE, AND INLAND TEANBFOBTA TION INSUBANffiB. . DIRECTORS. Henry D. Bherrerd, Samnel Srant, Jr., Charlea Macalester, 5? b 08 ——-TTn ■William 8. Smith, Thomas B.Wattson, , Vm-ouTWO SHA* 1 John B. Austin, H e wr G - * r6 ®f att > if ACKSBUEu SUBBING 0 "^'^^o.LnSr 860 - I%>&*£««. .ISboOßoxkiinbee, Sadsd, tn 4 Hr< 1 •* Vatere and ror asJ» 6? T IQUEUBS.- —50 oases assorted la* Jj auetiw, im*»eelTßd P6t *hlsV*ndttlla,frosaßot m( 233 * aoi aocth rsoHT SALES BY AUCTION BASSE SPECIAL SALE " . OF ;f • • GLOVES ANREOSIEBY GOODS. INSURANCE COMPANIES. BY THE BTBEETS, PHILADELPHIA. MABINE INSHBANCB. DIBEOTOBS. 1 Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Penißton, Henry Sloan! Edward Darlington, 'H. Jones Brooke, ; Spencer Mcßvatne, Thomas G. Hand, Bobert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple, Pittsburg yD. T. Morgan, “ A. B. Berger, “ S 0 HA3SD, President. !. DAYIS, Tice President, iretary. del6-lr ! MT EoM A 8 & To'r^-^ • Eos. 139 Baa m Fn . r 3, EBAE TBSVATZAXr^Z*^ . "fI.A •»>*« amonaf os dessrfpSoß of etty and ootsatr? •«wSi ia **&» EIST bo bed at tbs anetion atei* ' Ph?? % EoUdsaoTipaoiis fa haoiiiJb aro _, cs»aiogTtB3 oa Bateiay aei{. “T I **/. GKBMAS FLOWsi^_ THIS MO2HS«-g ?2 > ° ‘Jx&t at ®M> Attctioa gSo r6 knjbons facts, comprising the Banal clntfcg, tnllpa, Orocne, & 0 . “* Bfto! haj sl ' __ • "* %L Sal© fri 2*08.135 and I eCPDHIOB FUENITtTK2, BLKr'a'S 51 , FINS MIB-BOBS, ISHaLIABD AMmH? Pfi„ Tißl>sB, FIBS.PBOt)? CHINES, MSB 01BPBT8. 4c ’ ‘’"iSp, „ C » - „., GN THIJBSBiST MOBSIfK, **■ At 9 a does, at the Ancsioo 8t Wa ~ „3, 2 eluant roaewooc? f octave nfonnef««? wrt<! t .V, mirrors; parlor tiHard tabSr, fegowm?? If Va proof safe; 3 omcbk;* S ' ,l S l4> Baker j very Eupenir geared thnAw. i. l J s twi ! ‘ latbrs, double Urer sn» s^ Catalogues bow ready. "**•{ ’■ • Execntor’s Sale-No. 32*'V? a i t „,^ CHAIB MAKER'S STOOK—FB.* ; ‘ _ TOILB-J GLABSHa't 3 ' **s% - ON FMi%Y Ifoyeaber 7, at 10 o’chsek, at N 0 4,\ the stock of the late Josejh Snyder -il-a , !t SI ■ the exeeators, “ 0 ’ Bni e . • Full particulars ia catalogues. * * *ST May jj 8 esamlaed af 8 o’clook the sale. £.■' Sale at the FranMiu Iron TAEU4B2.E MiOHINKRI", STbI» C 4&, , ON MONBAT MORKjK.f'OIaE, KoTembor 10th, at 10 o’oloce, b “ X ■ worfee, Girard avenue, between iw t® 15 - «a. streets, Kensington, vatnablo SEBchiß.™ , “ ni Secw steam engine, twenty, horse power; V«i» J ’‘“fate ptaeiDg machines, large BlotUngemihtii- , ,f‘ B s * entters, steam pomp. largo cranes i- ’ £5 carriages, belting, - bar Iron, belts iod aafe 6 *' tools, we. - “-a, taw . Foil particnlMß in catalogaes -ie a d „. 4 to sale. a ca ?s snj e 3. WOLBEBT, • Ho. 18 SOUTH SIXT3- HTvvJ-'&l ■ Between Market sni ChSteat *’ The subscriber will give hia aHeattaTt. estate, merchandise, household farois-ir* 14-I 4-5 ’ 01 «a paintings, objects of art and virta». & c v ‘ lIF I Ssb& shall hare his personal and prompt -list which he solicits the farorß of his fr'sr'de "' 11 ' 504 i» HYACINTHS. TCXmT7-„ this hobsing! ' November 5, at 10#|o’cloek, at 16 S-'et’-.c- - in lots to Bait purchasers, - '-a eats tire* A large assortment of the finest imcorSeS ’ clnth, and other bnlbs, warranted T 1 km SOn. Hs, Catalogues at tale. Also, a large; assortment of standard , trees, grape rlnes of the new hardy ‘ lsr,t f t*s fine fruit trees, &c. end ofoa Philip foed & coT^jg^ HEEBS, sgs MABKET and 521 OOHEEsnat SAIiJB 01 1,000 OASES BOO'i’S, R7r#v*a ; ■ SATO, 4c. ’ ao * e ' 8»- ON THUBBBAX MORNINS November 6, at 10 o’clock precisely wffi baW' logne, 1,000 cases men’s, boys’, and yoathet’cc. s ?' grain, and thick boots: calf and kip bioscaa. r' : ’ K h gaiters, BaJmoralß, 4c.; wrmeo’s, aussas’J eS’rS*? calf, kip. goat, kid, and morocco, heated ik-ITiM* gaiters, slippers, Balmorals, Ac. Also, a ■ meet of first;class city-made goods. " e «sn. Open for examination, with catalogues, early a, a* morning of sale. , ' ,ua «* 11/TOSES NATHANS, AH UNIONISM J.YJ- AND 00MHI3S10H MEBOHABT corner of SIXTH and BAGS Streets. ’ ©BEAT BARGAINS. WATCHES AND JEWBLEY AT Fine gold and silver lever, leplne, EagHsa, 2 • French watches for U;i Ouus half fi.e pri es. Watches from one dollar to each Sold chains from 40 to BO cents per ik=t ejz -cheap. . The highest possibles price is baaed oaj.-«.j 5 3,* thans' Principal EtiabUthner.i, soetbeesi Simh andßace streets. At least or~-uir4 hoc. u» l any other establishment in this city. u ' ass NATHANS' TBINOIPAI HOSES' S«TASr.IRS aiBNT. - MONET TO BOAS. ; In large or smell amounts, from one dolisr fr (hasjui on diamonds, gold mj silver piafe, watoas, merchandise, clothing, fnrnltnro, fcessw, «i u » m goods or every description. ' ' *■' LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST SUBSET B4IE This establiEhmeat has large fire bes tt&f-jiocr s£ Tor the safety of valmible goods, together yrtffc iS watchman on the premises. ESTABLISHED BC-B THE LAST THIBTI T«w BST JMlargt lams made at this tks Prieeipel »«*, blishment. ~ s S£P~ Charges greatly rc&ueed. AT BBIYATS BALE. One superior brilliant toned piano-forte, sift sa® plate, sort and loud pedals. Price only 599. One very fine toned piano-forte, price 0ci, 53.5. 40S& ? 0E hayana and new —*«■ «-«-j?s^O&.i/EAN5.—The splendid n*w SteMfites COKTINEKTALj Captain 0. P. >lar«hs%2. i? to be ready for asa on the 10th hat, and-will e&iwitak. Spatch as above. *830,176 10 The o*ntlnentallß 1,600 tone harden; she iaslws built with the most strict regard to strength mi sj'tir, beirg doable iron braced from stem to atere. aa-i'SStet out with every modern improvement, inc[udbivt>atiiKra, &c, that can add to the comfort of passe leeti. ■ Due notice wilt be given of her day of sailing. Tor freight or passage, apply to A. HEBOS. Jr., * 00. 125 KOKTH WffiSVES . EOS TOM AND PHILA DELPHIA STEAMSHIP LISE-?®-, from each l?ort on SATHBBAYH. From second Vst below SFBUOSI street, on SATBBBAY, NoTeahst. The steamship NGBMAN, .Capt. Baker, wil «l 6n Philadelphia for Boston, on SATUITDAT. 5e?.?,ii1l A. M.; and steamship SAXO!?, Capt. Matttsvi fea Boston for Philadelphia, SATOBBAZ, Sot i, 5t t o’clock P. M. Insurance one-half that by sail vessels. Fre!?l:tsto at fair rates. Shippers will please send their bills of LsdinjyS goods. For freight or passage, hating fine scmsch&s, apply to HENBY WINSOB A CO, ItBo ■ WiUSI*. ISJOTICE —The Restrictions on Travel JL i having befn removed byorder of the TBrDr?«- ment, passengers about to visit Enrops will no loararN required to piovide aayporte. JOHH G. BILE, ktA STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVEBPO«* wfcalC&g touching at Qneenstown. (Cork HaM - ■ •' The Liverpool, Sew York, sad PhiM#* Steamship Company intend despatching theirlnli-ja*®* Clyde bnlltlronstosmshipeas follows: EDINBUBGH Saturday. Sorenfer >■ ETK A.. ..Saturday, Yoremiw«. And every succeeding Saturday at noon, froo Fierßa 44 North Biver. BATES OF PASSAGE. FIB9T CA81N.... .8100 00 BJJ* do to London..,: 105.00 do - tob«S«-..»» da to Pari5......11000 do to Pari5......®,” do to Hamburg..llo 00 do to Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, dam, Antwerp, Ac., at eanelly row rates, _ „ Fares from Liverpool or Qneenstown: Ist Cams. sis, 8105, 5125. Steerage from Liverpool, S5O tm ' Qneens'own,, S4O, Those who wish to send for i® friends can bny tickets here at these rates. These steamers have superior accommodationsfort* son sore: are strongly built in water-tight iron swan and carry Patent Fire Annihiiators. Experience geona are attached to each Steamer. ... For farther information apply in Liverpool to » LIAM INMAN,Agent, 22 Water Sheet; in ALEXMALOOM, 5 St. Enoch Square; mQne®-« :JO ft AW, D. SEYMOUR A CO.; in London to so* A MAOI7, «1 ffipg William Street; m P«® ° DEOOBE, 48 Bne Notre Dame des Yiotoireo, tk. Boor so; in New York to JOHN G. DAL*- 15 way, or at the Company’s Offi«. j*L ocl' m Wahrat Street, PhiMag^ <g&m. THE BRITISH AND NOB® 2grSBB& AMEBIOAN BOYAL MAIL SXIW BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LTTEEPOOL, ING AT CORK H iBEOB. AND BETWEEN BOSTON AND LIYKBPOOMi ING AT HAHFAX AND OOBK HABBO3. ATJ3TBALASIAH, Cook, leaveß New York, We u»“» November. 5. , .. y « ABABIA, Stone, leaves Boston. Wednesday, n«J SCOTIA, JTMlkins, leaves New York, WedneEW, MJ * EBBOPA, Hoodie, leaves Boston, Wednesday, w PEBBIA, Lott, leaves New York, Wednesday, FROM NEW YOBK TO MYEBPOOb OhieF Cabin Pa55age.;......... Second Cabin Pa55age.................• •• • ' FBOM BOSTON TO LIYEBPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage S' Second Cabin Passage..# 4,086 00 £1,615 86 8869,126 37 Berths sot secured until paid Tor. An experienced Surgeon on board, , w The owners of these ships will not be account I*' 1 *' Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Prcciocs - , or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed there* tße v&lne thereof therein exproascd. For freight or passage, apply to ®. OUhh“r; t i BOWI.ING GBBEU. 5 f E. 0. & I. G. bat®;, 103 STATE Street, 8o*», - -bt-> JOB NEW YORK-T®? Jr AltW 1T r Ir - r 1 T . — i-p BWIFT3tW LINES—VIA DELAWARE AH D B ABIT AH oi6"j Steamers or tie above Lines will leave DAHL" and 6 P. M. ,jm Eorfrcight, which will be takenon terms, apply to WH. M. BAIRD A O'* myff-tf 132 Sonth DELAWARE Atg*. r .»!r-> FOR NEW YORK. ■Kri ' »»HBW DAILY LINE, Tie Dels** 1 Switazi Canal* . e\g& Philadelphia and New York Express Bte»ji l > 0 '; t iL, pany receive freight and'leave daily at 2 P. »•, tog their cargoes to New York the following «*f ■ Freights taken at reasonable rates. . ■ WE P. CLYDE, A*e»L No. U SOOTH WHARVEB, JAMES HAND, Ag«'v ahl-tf Piers 14 and 15 EAST RIVER, Newlt^ \J be< leave to lnfonn their. Mends mjl »* |«j! that they have removed their LEHIGH OQJkbJ' t» from HOBLK-BTBEET WHABE, on the their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and « „ d Streets, where they intend to heap the beet Q g* LEHIGH COAL, tom the most approved lowwt Yom **»»». £ gt oibm, m sooth seoohp Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. TTERMEriCALLY Sealed Goode. n gale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, Ho- 107 WATEB Btrist, coMlatinf of Treeb FeaAs«, : Preeh H“ k Ke, <i ToßOtos®, " FiJ ie Ap?*'> II Pee, Meats of all « Qtncee, Poultry « ‘ ii pare, Boose “ it pinna, Mnshrooms, ii - trawberriee, Sardines. „ Ti<&* Alao, (rosso A Blackwell's Pickles, and San?*. Catsups, Jellies, Frnlt Syrnps, Ft* ad-# tarda, polish Mostarda. t\E&IN PlPK—Vitrified 1/ tfater PIPE, from 2 Inches hoi* G * v«w of Benda, Branches, Traps, to *y in the market, and at !«•end gjj being interested in one of Jk* ss?^M»s®f •ff? %K.,.»».m§™tag,‘SSi idannfactory cor. Tbomjeon and An tifladelnbi*. TAKE NOTICE. SHIPPING COAIi. •So. iw sort* ****