THE CITY. The The) NOVEMBERI, 1861. NOVEMBER 1,1862. Ba. h..,.12m.,..;.8p. *. Ba.m I s » Br.». 44 67 80 60 ..68 .70 WIKI). WIND. MW NE NNE. SWbyS..BBW. 88W. NOVEMBER 2, 1881. NOVEMBER 2, 1882. 6am. ...12 m.;,.'.3p.m. 0 a.m.....12m 3p.m. 69 03 62 06 ...70 WIND. WIND. ME ENK... E. 55W........85W .SW. No Draft to Take Place—Oub QUOTA FILLED.—The .Proclamation of his Honor the Major, calling upon the residents of the dity to oanvass their different precincts and wards, with a view of ascer taining the correct number of volunteers furnished from each, has had the effect of adding largely to the numbers credited ns by the commissioners, and of rendering a Braft unnecessary. -The various wards and preoinots formed tbeir eunvssßlng osmmittors, through whoa j exer tions no less than two thousand six hundred and eight names were added to the regular enrollment up to Friday night, and their claims havs been allowed. This left but about five hundred men still needed to fill the quota of the city. On Saturday, fifteen hundred additional names, properly verified, were filed. The probability is that but a few, If any, of these names will be rejected ; and Phila delphia will thus be proved to have filtod her quota by the siriotest construction of the commisiioners, and that she has at least a thousand men to spare In her allotment. Of course, this will render the draft—which was fixed for to-merrow—entirely unnecessary. . JgThe enrollment, as taken by the ward-committees, Showed some groea errors as having been oommltted. A curious feature, bowevor, in ono precinct, was that the new canvass disclosed that the deputy marshal had re turned more men as enlisted than the oommittoe was able to flguro up. The canvass of the precinct was very careful, but It was no use; the number would persist In being lets than that for which the commissioners had given credit. Under the clrcumstanoeß, it was deemed best not to report that precinct -to the commissioners. This was the case in a single precinct. fjSThe anronneement that there will bo no draft will in deed be sad news to those who were holding back in hopes of being able to bite at the many tempting offers for substitutes, in case conscription had been resorted to. Notwithstanding the great iaduoemints held ont to vo lunteers, in tho shape of bounties, yet the number of men obtained during last week and since the draft wag post poned was exceedingly small. Those who had subno tion of becoming soldiers were determined to hold bask, expecting by this arrangement to realize small fortunes. What a disappointment 1 Now that our citizens -and Councils ieo that we are safe from the draft, it is more than likely that in a very few days all the tempting offers to reernits will be withdrawn, and manF a greedF indi vidual will be left in the cold, The usual bounties will oniy be given If is more than likely 'that, in view of this, the enlistments will be heavy for a day or so, or as Jong os (lie present bounties are continued, Camp Philadelphia—List of the COMPANIES AND THEIR OFFICERS.—This camp, the rendezvous for drafted men, was visited by a large concourse of people yesterday. There are now at the camp about 7,000 men, .all of whom are either substitutes or draftees. Squad and company drills take place daily, and matters are beginning to assume a military appearance. As usual, squatters have surrounded the camp ground with tbt ir booths and wagons; and, In addition, piss, cakes, nuts, cider, Ac., articles that are contraband In side the lines, are sold by the ontsidodealers, Thejdrafted men from Wayne and Delaware counties are expected to arrive at the camp early this week. Thoso present now are from the counties named, and officered as follows: Mcctgantrfj county, Colonel Daniel M. Voiifc. Htr proponitn of the draft is 1,380; Colonel Boyd is commissioner. We subjoin the various company organizations, so far as they have been effected •. Company A, 101 men, Captain Joseph 0. Steele; first lientrnant, Valentine Taylor. Company B, Captain Joseph Smith; first lieutenant, Ramsey; second lieutenant, H, O. Hughes. Company C, Captain A. W. Soheffey. Company D, Captain Chas. S. Jones; first lleutsnent, Anger. CJouipany E.-Oaptain A. M. Metz. • Lthiffh County.— The proportion of the draft of this county is I,C-60 The commander of Company Aia Levi Smoyer, 98 men : first lieutenant, Monroe; second lien tenant, Birgmaste6. Company 8.102 men, captain, Sa muil I). Leber; first lieutenant, Daniel ICransa.; second .lieutenant, John Culbertson. Company O, 93 men, cap tain, Hendricks; firat lieutenant. Tigblman Lttzsnber. gar; aecond lieutenant, Daniel Meyer, Company D, 96 men, captain, Daniel H. Miller; first lieutenant. W H. Keyser; second lientenant, Joseph Krauss. Company E, 96 men, captain, Sohieider: firat lieutenant, A. B. Jacoby; second lieutenant, H. H. Hlcherbode. Com pany F, 97 men, captain H. H. Everhart; firatlianten■ ant, J. B Beiehart ; aecond lieutenant, Jonathan J. Paul. Company G, 92 men, captain, 1,. P. Heck ; first lientenant, J. P, Cornell; second lientenant; WV F. Heoker, Company H, 94 men, captain, D. So'aall; first lieutenant, S, A. Brown; aecond lieutenant, Joshua Kern. Contpßuy 1, captain ‘William Morgan ; first lieu tenant, Devi Erauee; second lieutenant, Daniel Thomas. Company K, 96 men, captain, L, C, Lee; first lieuten ant, Charles Fester; second lieutenant, J. H. Shelley. Pike County has two lull companies of fuil numbers. They are commanded by Captains Frazier and Tinsman. Tbia county has nobly responded to tbe call upon her patriotism. Bucks County,— The companies of this county are un der the direction, ao far, of Commissioner Eli, of Books county. The captains of the different companies now organized at the oamp are as follows: Captains Hess, Glisinger, Applebaugh, Hager, Bayley, Boberts. Chester County. —Major McClure, formerly an offi cer of the Pennsylvania Home of Representatives,. iu conjunction with Commissioner Hooton, has oharge of the Chester county coi tingect. The following are the names of the officers of tbe various Chester companies, aK being full up to the maximum requirement: /Company A, Captain UolSebower. Company B, Captain Levi Fetters. Company O, Captain Thomas A. Hicks. Company D, Captain Thompson, Company E, Captain Woollen. Company F, Captain Walton- Company G, Captain Rowland. Company H, Captain Wernfz. Company J, Captsln W. N. Worthington. ..Chester county has had a draft ot 1156, of whom 990 men are now in camp. Tbe others, it :b understood, will he in camp by Wednesday of this week at farthest. Personal.—Levi Short, Esq., of *< Greek Fire” notoriety, and at present United States Government agent for the application of his new “ means for desti notion” to modern warfare in various ways, Is In town, and will remain in Philadelphia for some days. Mr. Short has just recovered from a long and severe at tack of paralysis, which was suddenly developed by his arduous labors during the Feninsa ar campaign, Bev, Dr. Eddy, the new pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist church at Eighteenth and Chestnut streets, occu pied bis pulpit for the first time yesterday morning, and delivered an impressive end edifying sermon to a large and attentive congregation. Major General Schuyler Hamilton, the man who first conceived the idea of catting a canal aronnd New Ma drid, Missouri, by which means that place fell into the hands of the United States forces, has been stopping at the Continental for some days past. Chestnut-Hill Hospital—The large military hospital near the Mermaid station, on the Chest nut Hill Railroad, is fast appro aching completion. When finished, it'will accommodate some three thousand pa tients. The site selected is a piece of upland, not far distant from the water works, from which the people of Chestnut Hill obtain a Buffi riant supply of water. The middle part of the hospital is In the form of an ellipsis, the wards for the soldiers diverging from it like the spokes from the hub of a wheel. These wards, or wings, will be eighteen or twenty in number. By this arrange m-nt tbe principal, from a stand-point in the centre, will be eble to take a bijd’seye view of tbe entire establish ment, It will be one Btory high, so that it will not be necessary to carry the nick soldiers np or down stairs. There will be plenty of light and ventilation in the wards. Tht ground, in that section of the city, is higher even than the highest building in the old city proper. .Arrested. —A man who lias been en i listed a few weeks in Colonel Ssgebarth’s heavy artillery was arraigned on Saturday alter noon before Alderman Beilicr on the charge of stealing a couple of beds and beddirg, the property of Henry Harms, residing at 115 South Eighth street. The accused claims possession to the following title: A. Gihonn Delevan Antonio La Ohspelle. He took boarding at tbe house of Hr. H., and last night, one week ago, picked up a couple of beds and ;the pawn shop at Sanaom and Eighth streets, where he “spouted” them in the name of J. Josephie. ..-He admitted .having purloined .them, but said he was ready to pay for them. He was committed in default of 8600 bail to answer, The prisoner dees not understand a word of English, - Provost Marshal’s Office. —A com mittee of ladies were recently authorized by General Montgomery to examine the quarters of the soldiers un der charge of the provost marshal, of this city, and to see what might be done to render them more comfortable. The provost offers the ladies every facility to execute their commission, and there is hope that his office may speedily become as comfortable as our hospitals. Contri butions are urgently needed for this purpose. The arti cles required are pillows, blankets, coverlets, brooms, brushes, buckets, and mops. They may be sent to Na tional Guards’ Halt, Race street, near Sixth. Pocket Picking — h. man giving the name of James Hopkins was taken before Alderman Beitler on Saturday, on the charge of pioking the pocket of Edwin Derious of a gold watch valned at $l4O. Mr. Serious testified that he was at the public meeting held in the Stale House yard on Friday evening, and daring a rmh in the orowd he feita jerk at his fob-chain. On reaching out bis hand he fcund his watch In another band. He took a light grasp of the holder, and the prisoner was then taken to the lock-up The accused admitted he was in the crowd, but denied that he took hold of the watch. He was committed in default of $l6OO to answer. Minerva Base Ball Club—This club held . heir meeting on Friday last, when the follow ing gentlemen were elected to serve for the ensuing three months President—Theo.E.Wledersheim, Vice President—Re-elected. Secretary—Edwin B. Paul. Treasurer—Charles MoCleary, Captain of Field—Richard M. Newman. Ground Committee—F. Seaver, Wm.Oulbert, and ffm. Thomas CommUiee of Inspection—George Esler, George Eshe rick. J. Taylor, and Thos. Ayres. Election Committee—B. N. Maun, S. McKeaver, Mo lancthon Ruth, John Boss, and Edw. Toung. New Telegraph Line.—The Ame rican Telegraph Company are preparing to build a new line from New York to Pittsburg, via Easton, Beading, and Harrisburg. The section between Harrisburg and Pittsburg is already finished, and the line between Har risburg and New York will be commenced as soon as the wire can be furnished. This line is to be used entirely for through business, and will have Instruments attached only at Easton, Beading, and Harrisburg. - Important Relative so the Tax LAW.—The Con missioner of Internal Revenue has de cided that dealers in coal, lumber, and plaster, and country storekeepers, although they keep an assorted Stock, .require only a dealer’s license. Butchers must take license as dealers. Cattle brokers »f quire but one license, which must be taken where they reside. Maiket men buying in the country and selling in Phi ladelphia, must take license as dealers i i that city. Found Bead.—The body of a man, supposed to bo one of tbe * drafted soldiers from iebigh coa&tyt was found dead on Saturday, in o corn shock, In the vicinity of the camp ground, Twenty-fourth ward. XUa body was removed to the coroner’s green house* * Fatal Accident.—About six o’clock on Saturday evening/a iittla girl, named Emily Wise born, aged five years," war run over by a rallrcad oar, at Tenth ard C3llowhiU streets, and was instantly kiilel. -mometer. A Sharp Triok.— James O Hose, a drafted man, from Pike oountyl Pa., arrived in this olty a day or two since, in search of a substitute. While topping at bis hotel, he became acquainted with a con pie of gentlemen, with whom he took a short walk for the purpose of seeing the <* sights.” Finally, the new ac quaintances became quite familiar and proposed that the gentleman from Pike oounty should advance tome money on a note-of hand, on which he oonld draw gold, and with this bait would more readily catch a substitute. He [rather guessed that would do better. He advanced the Bum oi $135 in green-backs and other good paper money, and one of the men, calling himself Hsnry Thompson, handed him a promissory note, or order: October 28,1802. Messrs. Dumont & Co. Pay Hun Thompson, or bearer, tha sum of Nine hundred and seventy-two dollars and forty-two hundredths, without defalcation, for value received. - $972 42. MARSDKN & COULD. The note is endorsed Dumont & Co. Gratified with his great financial transaction, Mr. Bose proceeded to draw the money on the note, when he learned, for the first time, that he had been duped. He made application for redress at the Central Station, and then proceeded to the camp at Haddonton with the view of hunting up a substitute. A' New Railroad.—The construc tion of a new railroad is progressing on the west bank of the Schuylkill river, from Columbia bridge to Gray’s Forry bridge—a distance of about five miles. It wll unite the Reading road with the Pennsylvania Central, and the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore with tho Media and West Chester road. From the Columbia bridge it will keep near the river on the west side, cross ing the Pennsylvania Central near the Wire bridge, passing under Market and Chestnut streets by tunnels, and terminating at Gray’s Ferry bridge. This will enable freight intended to be transferred from one road to another to pass around the city, and thus evade the present nuisance of cars by horse-power, reducing the expense, and greatly facilitating and increasing the busi ness of the Philadelphia termiol of these roads. The anticipated eoßt of the road will be *500,000. If iaboing built by contract, and will be owned jointly and equally by the Reading, Pennsylvania Central, and Baltimore and Wilmington roads. Shocking Outrage.—On Saturday afternoon, a man, named Hulae, who lives at No. sil Federal street, went to the honse of Mr. Berger, in Me- Tivaine street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, and knocked at the door. The call was answered by Mrs. Berger, when she was attacked by Hulse with a hatchet. The bead of the unfortunate woman was laid open, and a very serious wound was inflicted. After committing the act Hnlre went home and to bed, where he was arrested and taken before Alderman Harmer, who committed him to await the resnlt of Mrs. Berger’s injuries. The only motive known for the attack is the fact that a bpardor of Hnlse’s recently went to Berger’s to make his home. Bulee had been drinking hard for soma time beroro tho occurrence. Interfering-—The Deputy United States Marshal appointed for the Ninth precinot of the Fourth ward, and the canvassers appointed by the citi zens of said precinot, came in collision on Friday, and the result was a scene of pugilism as interesting as novel. In consequence of this affair Mr. James Devins was appointed assistant marshal by the commissioners, and entered on his duties forthwith. On Saturday he,re turned to them the names of one hundred and sixty-four persons who had enlisted in Pennsylvanian regiments from the Ninth precinot of the Fourth ward. The Recent Murder at Brides- BURG —On Saturday, Judge Thompson, in the Court of 'Quarter Sessions, was engaged in hearing cases'on writs or habeaß corpus. The case of Henry Gilbert, charged with themurder of Benedict Reinhart, at Bridesburg, on the 16 th of September, was heard. After hearing the testimony the court remanded the accused without bail. Soldiers’ Fair.—The teachers* and: pnpils of the public schools of the Ninth section will ‘ held a ladles’ fair, commencing on the 26th in it., at the Library and Beading Boom, Twentieth, above Chestnut street. The affair, we understand, will be of a most re cherche character. • i Sodality Celebration.—Last eye ning, tbe sodality’attached to S&. Patrick’s Gharch hold; their twelfth annual celebration, ia the presence of a; large congregation. The society embraces in its mem- i bership 214 males and 327 females. = Collision.—About five o’clock on Sa turday afternoon a train of csib came in collision with a horse and cart at Seventeenth and Washington streets, throwing the locomotive from the track and instantly killing the horse that was attached to the cart. The ac cident caused much confusion on the track for a time. Sudden Death.—An aged man, un-| known, died suddenly, just as he entered a railrosd car at Twenty-third and South street, on Saturday afternoon. ■ His body was taken to the Eighteenth-ward station: house, and the Coroner was sent for. Postponed.—Tbe ceremony of bless ing a new bell for St. Paul’s B. 0. church, Christian: street, hear Tenth, which was to have taken plaoe yester day afternoon, w a s postponed in consequence of the ill-: ncsß of the Bt. Bev. Bishop Wood. Barn Burned.—Tbe barn of William Harrison, situate near Torreßdalo, in the upper part of the county, was destroyed by fire, between ten and eleven o'clock on Friday night. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. THOMAS KIMBEB, Jr , ) AUGUBTDS HEkTON, > COMMITTkkOr THBMOSTK. EDWARD O. KNIGHT, i : LETTER BAGS * At the I/LerchuntP Exchange, Philadelphia. ; Ship Northampton, M0r5e....,.........Liverp001, soon Ship Lancaster, Decan....Liverpool, soon Ship Wyoming, Burton .Liverpool, soon. Bhip Ellen Stewart, Coffin.. .Rotterdam, soon Brig Anna, Morrow. St Thomas, soon Brig W H Harris. C0a1f1eet.............8arbad0e8, Boon Brig Ella Reed, Jarman .........Havana, soon Scbr Anthem,............ • .Ponce, PB, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov, 3, 1869. BUN RISES. 6 34-SUN 5ET5..........4 54 HIGH WATER... 12 26 ARRIVED Ship Tropic, Nowell, 4 days from New York, in bfllast to Workmen* Cc—towed np by tng America. Passed off Bombay Hook brig John Lovitt, coming np. Sehr Argus Eye, Townsend, 3 days from New York, in ballast, to D S Stetson & Go Bcbr Texas, Orr, 8 Uaysfrom Portland, with mdse to TwellsAOo. * Schr Jas Barrett, Nickerson, 5 days from Albany, with barley to captain. p. Schr Charm, Cole, 8 days from Cape Ann, Mass, with stone to captain. Schr J B Watson, Jones, II days from Hartford, Conn, with mdse to Wm M Baird A Co. Schr Clara, Matthews, 5 days from Gloucester, with mdse to J E Bazloy & Co. Steamer Jenkins, Jenkins, 48 hours from New York, With grain to Ohas 8 Stockman. , Steamer Sarah, Jones, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird A Co. Steamer Mars, Nichols, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird * Co, Barge Wanderer, Knowlton, 24 hours from New York, witk mdse to Wm M Baird A Co. Barge Supply, Smith, 1 day from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Berge Cygnet, Suii'b, I day from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. 01,EARED. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, Boston, H Winsor. Brig Ortolan, Lord, Sagua la Grande, 6 & W Welsh. : Brig Jas Davis, Staples. Wilmington, Del. TweilsA Co, Brig Abby Thaxter, Coombs, Turtle Bay, Hunter, Norton' & Co. Schr Antelope. Caldrey, St John.Nß, E A Souder A Co. Schr Belie. Bulger, Newark, NJ, do Schr Grecian, Dow, Boston, Milnes A Co. {-Correspondence of the Press.} HAVRE DE GBAOH, Oot 31. The steamer Wyoming leit here this morning, with the following boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: Traveller, with lumber to order; HenryiA George and J K Lippincott, do to Lippinoott A Patterson; General McClellan, do to W 0 Lloyd; J 0 Crawford, do to Nor croes A Sheets; General Cameron, railroad iron to D Beeves A Bon; American Eagle and H Bartley, coat to N P Willis; J B Levan,:J O Beads, Oolmart A Warner, Ocean Star, and Margaret Duffy, light to Philadelphia. MEMORANDA. Brig George Downes, Paine, hence, via Demerara, at Turks Island abont 16th nit, leading Brig Wm Oreevy, Diddle, hence for New Orleans, was spoken 16th ult, lat 33 08, long 76. Scbrs SearsviUe, Scars, Herbert Manton, Crowell, Eliza Neal, Weaver, and 0 W Locke, Huntley, hence, arrived at Boston 3let ult. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Prtoxt Spit Buoy —Trinity House, London, Oatober 7,1832. —Notice is hereby given thM a black buoy has been placed in 13 feet at low water spring tides on the Priory Spit, with the following marks and compass bearings: , The High Tower of St Osjth’s Friloryiu line with a small white house next west of No 3 MarteUo Tower, bearing northwesterly. East Mersey Chnrch, three times its apparent length, open of Colne Point, bearing HW, northerly. Wallet Spit Buoy. S 34 E, 22-16 miles. Know!Buoy, Wby S % 8,1 810 mile. Eagle Buoy, W, 18-10 mile. By order. F. H. BEBTHON, Secretary. EDUCATIONAL. •\7ILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— V A select Boarding School, near MEDIA, Fa. Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics, . English studies, do. . Military-Tactics, taught. Ctasrea In Book keeping, Surveying, and Civil Eiglneering. Pupils taken of all ages, and are received at any time. Boarding per week, $3 36. Tuition per quarter, $6.00. For catalogues or information address Rev. J. HEB VEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Pa, 0010-H Linden hall Moravian re made SEMINARY, at DITIZ, Lancaster county, Penna., founded 1794, affords superior advantages for thorough and accomplished Female education. For circu lars and Information, apply to Messrs. JORDAN A BROTHERS, 209 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia, or to Rev. W. O. REICHEL, Principal.: ; au29-3m TJfRENCH LANGUAGE. —PROF. A? MASSE Is now forming a class, of between twelve and twenty boys, to receive Instruction inFBENOH, by tbe oral method. The conrse wilt consist of Bixteen les sons, of an hour and a half each, four lessons a week, andin the afternoon. Terms, *4.00 for the course.: He will constautiy converse with his classes, and afford every facility fsr attaining a thorough colloquial knowledge or the language. Prof. M. has matured hts new system by which tbosa having a slight knowledge of the Frenoh language may make rapid Improvement, without devo ting to the study any other time than the hour passed With: the teacher. References: Bov. Bishop. W. :B. Stevens, D. D., Prof. H. Ooppfce, of Penna.. University, Charles Short, Esq. Apply at his residence,lll South THIRTEENTH street. »eS-3m Boarding school fob girls. REMOVAL. The Sixth Bession or the BOARDING SCHOOL JOB GIRLS, heretofore conducted by the Subscribers, near Darby, Pa., under the name of ' 7 ..BHABON FEMALE SEMINARY," Will open 10th mo;, Ist, 1862, at Attleboro, Buoki county, Pa., under tho name of_ JL ■ _ BELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE. Every facility will be afforded whereby a thorough and finished course of Instruction in all the elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, and MATHEMATICAL Education may he obtained. Circulars, embracing full details of the Institution, may be had on application to the Principals, Attleboro, Bucks county, Pa., or to Edward Parrish, Philadelphia. ■■ TERMS. < 5 The oharge for tuition in English branches, Witt board, washing, fuel, and lights, including pens and ink, and the use of the -library, is at the rate or $l6O for: the school-year. Latin, Greek, Frenoh, German, and Drawing, each extra. ISRAEL J. GRAHAMS, , JANE P, GBAHAMB, seB-Sm Principals. SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF’S SALE —By virtue of a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, tr mo directed, will bs exposed to public sale or vendue on MONDiY Evening No vember 3, 1862, at 4 o’clock, at Sanasm-street Hail, All that three story brick messuage or tenement and lot cf ground, situate on the north side of Filbert street, at tho distance of forty- nine (49) fret eastward from the oast Bide of Sixteenth (late SohttyikilJ Seventh-) etreeV in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fil bert street sixteen (16) feet, and in depth northward ceventr-six (70) reel. (Being the same. lot which Christian Finney, by Indenture dated August "first, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and recorded in Deed Book A, M , No. 52, page 158, Ac., granted and con veyed to Zenas W Lisseell in fee, rojerving thereout a yearly ground rent of eighty-six doliirs.] [D. 0., 680, 8., >62. *335 39. Conarroe.J Seized and t»ken in exeontfon as the property of Zenaa W. Lassell, and to be sold b JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Bherirs Office, October 22.1802. oc2S-3t SHERIFF’S SALE—By virtue of. a writ of L B vari Facias, to me directed, wilt be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Novembers, 1862, at 4 o’clock, at Bansom-street .Hall, i • , AH that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick building thereon erected, situate at the southwest corner of Sassafras (or Race) Btreet and a twenty ft et wide alley, between Delaware Sixth street and Seventh street. In the city of Philadelphia, contain ing in breadth on the said Sassafras (or Race) street fif teen feet six ’inches, and extending -in length or dopth along the west side of the said alley 88 feet. Bounded westward by ground formerly of John Shultz, southward by ground formerly of George Haynes, eastwardly by the said alloy, and northwardly by the said Sassafras (or Race) street: [Which said-lot or piece "of ground fa “frame blacksmith sfaop”beiDg then thereonereated) Jacob Hoars by indenture dated the 30th day of March, A. D. 1826, recorded in Deed Book G. W. It , No. 12, page 259, Ac., granted and conveyed unto the said-Peter Fritz in fee.) [D. 0., 701; 8., ’O2. $2,000. Lex, Seized and taken in exeention ai the propsrty of Peter Fritz, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia,'Sheriff’s Office, October22,lBB2. 0c23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of, a writ of Levari L? Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3, 1882, at 1 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All tbatlot of ground situate on the norihweat.corner of Twenty-second and F streets, in the Eighth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front sixty-two feet, and in depth sixty-uino feet. • N. B.—On theaboyedescribed there.are erected 4 three story brick houses. .-■ P. B.—The writ by virtne of which thh above pro perty will be sold has been issued on a judgment obtained in the caße of the city of Philadelphia vs. Wiiliam Prim rose, owner or'reputed owner, iu itbe Common Pleas Court of Philadelphia, of June Term, 1862. No. 58. for taxes against said property. [C. P. 171; S. ’62., $53,09. Poi'Jbod. Seized and taken in exeention as the property of Wil liam Primrose, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Oct. 22, 1862, 0023 3f SHERIFF’S BALE —By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me direoted, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3,1862,-at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hail, v: All that certain two story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the west side of Delaware Fourth .street,: at the. .distance of 170 feet 10 inohes northward from Franklin street,' in "the , (late) Kensington district of the Northern Liberties, tilths oounty of Philadelphia, now the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Fourth stree 116 feet, and in length or depth westward 100 feet, to Me chanic street. Bounded eastward by said Fourth street, southward by ground granted, or intended to be granted, to Ben.amin Sheimire, westward by the said Mechanic street, and northward by a messuage and lot late of James Masson. [Beingthe same premisas which Geerge Connell and Elizabeth, his wife, by indentnre bearing even date with a certain indentnre of mortgage, (viz: Jnlylltb, A. D. 3844,) gran’ed and conveyed nnto the said William Irvine and Andrew Given, in foo. Subject to the payment of a certain yearly rent-charge of forty dollars, payable on first days of January and July to every year thereafter forever ] fD. 0., 694 ; 6., ’62. $588.42. Letch wroth 7 ; ‘ , Seized and taken in exeention as the property of An drew Given, and to be sold by ' . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, October 22,1862. 0;23-3t SBERIFF’b SALE.—By; virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed; writ be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3,1862, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Ball, A yearly ground rent, or charge, or sum of forty-die shillings and eight pence sterling, oharged.on and issuing out of a lot of ground situate on the .south side of Ghar ry Etredt-between Third and Fourth streets, in the city of Philadelphia ; containipgjn front oh Cherry street 25 feet 8 inohes, depth 160" feet; bbnhdetL eastward 6y a lot late of George Randall, end westward tiy.lotrof. Benjamin Loxley and John Wirikle. - -. u N; F. S—The writ by Virtue of which the above propsr ty will be sold has been Issued on a judgment obtained in tbe case of the city oi Philadelphia, vSi I. Dawes owner, or reputed owner, in the Common Pleas Court of Philadelphia, of. Jude- Term, 1862, No. 318, for taxes against said property.',[o. P.,173; 5.,’62. SB 85. Foul-' son. V ‘ Seized and taken fin .execution as the property of J. Dawes, and to be sold by ; JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff: Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, October 22. 1862 0c23-3t , SHEKtFF’3 SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public Bale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3, 1862, at 4 o’clock, etSansom- street Hall, No. 1. AH that ctrtain lot or piece of ground, with the , two-story frame dwelling, with kitchen hack, thereon erected, situate on the northwesterly side of Thomas’ Mill road (now called Cottage street), at Chestnut Hill, in the Twenty-iecond ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said road 40 feet, and extending in length or depth, between parallel lines at , right angles with said road, in a northwesterly direction/: abont 110 feet 6 incheß, to land of John H. Shultz, ’> Bounded on the northeast by ground now or late of Wil- : Ham Bitting, on the southwest by ground now or late of 1 Cephas G. Childs, and on the southeast by Thomas’,Mill ‘ road aforesaid. - Ho. 2. And, also; all that certain-lot or pieca of ground; with the two- story frame dwelling; with kitchen back, thereon erected (adjoining the above-described premises), situate on the northwesterly side of Thomas’ Mill-road (now called Cottago street), at Chestnut Hill, in the Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia 1 ; -con taining in front or breadth on Baid road 40 feet, and ex tending in length or depth, between parallel lines at right angles with said road, in a northwesterly direction, about 110 feet 6 inches, to land of John H. Shultz. Bounded on fhe northeast by ground granted, or intend ed to bo granted, to Samuel Watson, on the southwest by ground now or late of Cephas G. Childs, and on the southeast by Thomas' Mill road aforesaid. (Being the same premises which Cephas G. Childs and wife, by two several indentures, respectively hearing date the ninth day of January, A. D., 1855, and recorded in Deed Book B D. W., No. 6, page 258-260, Ac, granted and con veyed unto Samuel Watson, in fee ] [D. C., 651; 8., ’62. 5889.70. Shoemaker, Seized and taken in execution as the property of Sa muel Watson, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Pkilada,, Sheriff’s Office, Oct. 22,1862 0c23 3t / C HEBIFF’S SALE —By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to pub lic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3, 1862, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ali that ceitain lot of ground with buildings thereon erected situate on the north side of> Spring Garden Btreet, at the distance of 97 feet eastward from the east side of Broad street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Spring Garden street 82 feet, and extending in depth northward 100 ieet. [Being the same lot of ground which George M. Oonarroe by indenture dated the 30th day of September, A. D. 1859, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8.. No. —/page /granted and’eonveyed to said Jacob B. Casselberry in fee, subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent of 8574 ] ■ N. B —On the above lot Is erected a large two-stary brick and mastic church building. ; P S Mr. Casselberry has no interest. [O. 0,835; 8. T, ’62. 81,500. Connarroe. Belzed and token in execution as the property of Jacob B. Casselberry, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, October 22,1862 0023-3 t SHERIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3, 1862, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the Bontheaßterly side of Dnke street, as widened to the width of one hundred feet, in the late District of Bieh mond, now in the Nineteenth ward of the oity of Phila delphia ; beginning at a point two hundred and thirty five feet six inches northeasterly from the northeasterly Bide of fcomereet street, containing in front.or breadth on the ea!d Dnke Btreet one hundred and thirty, fdet, and extending in length or depth southeasterly of that width,: between paialleUines, at right angles with the Baid Duke Btreet, eighty-eix feet seven inches; bounded northeast erly by ground formerly of Ann Ball, southeasterly partly by ground now or late of Joseph Moore, partly by ground granted to James McOolgen on gronnd rent, southwesterly by other ground of tbe said Joseph Moore, and northwesterly by Duke street, widened an aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Joseph Moore and Ce cilia bis wife, by indenture dated the 11th day of Janu ary, A D. 1855, and recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 4. page 417, AdT, granted and con veyed unto the said Peter Fritz in fee, ae in and by the said recited indenture relstion thereto being had may appear.] [D. 0., 702; S,’B2 52,500. Lex. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Peter Fritz, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, October 22,1882. 0c23 -3t SHERIFF’S SALE—By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3,1862; at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hail, All that certainlot or piece of ground, situate on the - southeasterly side of Passyunk road, at the distance of 243 feet 93£ inches from the south side of Mifflin street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia ; thence extending sonthwestwardly along the mid Passynnk road 16 feet; thence soulheastwardly, by a lot of ground granted |to the said John B. Rodgers by Charles F, Lex, 66 feet, to a point; thence stillsoutheastwardlyalong the same groond 32 feet 2 inches; then northeastwardly 10 feei, to ground now or late of the said Charles F. Lex; thence northwestwardly along the same 93 feet 8% inches to the Bald Passyunk road, to the place or beginning. [Being the firstdesoribed of two lots of-grbnnd which the said Charleß F. Lex, by indenture bearing even date herewith, (September 2d, 1361.) but duly executed and acknowledged immediately before the execution of these presents, and intended to be forthwith recorded, for the consideration money therein mentioned, part whereof, together with the said mentioned advances, (amounting in all to the sum of one thousand-dollars.) is hereby se enred, granted, and conveyed unto the said John B. Rodgers, in feei as by reference to the said recited in denture will more fully and at large appear ] . N. B:—On the above promises there is erected a two story brick cottage, [D. C , 700; S,, ’62. $1,009. Lex. Seized and taken in execution asthe property of John B. Rodgers, and to be sold by / ' ,-i JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office,/Oct. 22,1862, 0c23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Nov. 3, 1862, at 4 o’clock, at Bansom; street Hall, j All that certain three-Btory brick messuage or tene ment and lot or piece of ground, situate on the west side of Eighth street, at the distance of 42 feet 1% inches or thereabouts, southward from Arch, formerly Mulberry street, in the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on said Eighth street 14 feet, and continuing th,at breadth or length westward 17 feet 6 inches, thou widening southward to the breadth of 18 feet, and continuing that breadth further westward 7 feet 3 inches, then .narrowing to the north Bide to the breadth of 7 feet, and continuing that breadth 7 feet in length further westward to the extent of 40 feet from the line of said Eighth street Bounded northward and sonthward by ground now or late of George Flake, east ward partly by the said Eighth street and other gronnd now or late pf George Flake, and partly by ground now or late of Sarah Moore, being the same premises which Thomas B. Darracb and Cordelia E. hiiwife, by indenture bearing date the 22d day of March, Anno Domini 1845, recorded in the office for recording deeds In and for the city!of Philadelphia, in Deed Book R. L. L., No. 37, page 221, Ac., granted and conveyed unto the said James Harvey in,,fee, subject to the payment of a certain apportioned yearly gronnd rent or snm of sixteen Spanish dollars nnto Thomas Moore and Sarah his wife, herheirsaud asrigns, and which said yearly gronnd rent Overman, in whom the same bad become and was theh legally vested, by indenture bearing date the twenty-first day of September, Anno Domini 1852, re corded in the aforesaid office in Deed Book T.H., No. 37, page 430, &0., granted and assigned unto the said James Harvey, his heirs and assigns, whereupon the same ceased, merged, and became forever thereafter ex tinguished. [D 0., 703; 8 , ’62. $9,680.42. Coleman. Seized and taken in execution as the property of James Harvey, and to be sold by ' JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Oct 22,1862. 0023 3fc SHEBIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponae, to me directed, will be exposed to pnblio sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3, 1862, at 4 o’clock, at Bansom*street Hall, All that oertain three.story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Rodman street, at the distance of one hundred and forty, four feet westward from the west side of Tenth street, in the oity of Phila delphia; containing in front on said Rodman street eighteen feet; and extending in depth northward of that width forty-eight feet. [Being the southernmost part of the same lot of gronnd which Marmaduke L. Burr and wife, by deed dated the 18th day of January, AJ). 1851, recorded in Deed Book T. H, No. 5. page 181, &0., granted and convoyed to Jeremiah ABher in fee. Sub ject, together with the premises adjoining to the north ward, to a certain yearly ground rented $72.] [D, 0., 606; 8.62. $l,OOO.- Oonarroe. ' Seized and taken In execution as the property of Jeremiah Asher, and to be Bold hy JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Bheriff’a Office, OMoher SS, 1882. oaS3-3k THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1862. SHERIFF’S SALES. SHBBIfTF’S BA.I/E By virtue of a writ of LeVarl Faciaa, to roe directed, will be exposed to public sale' or vendue, on MONDAY November 3,1802, att 4 o’clock, at Sacaom-street Hall, - A)1 that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three* story brick meesnnge or tenement tbereon erected, situ ate on the eontb ride of Baines stream the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia, at a distance of 117 feet westward from the west side of {Twelfth street; contain ing iri front or breadth 12 feet, and extending ia length or depth southward of that width 60 feet inches to a thr6e-feet-wWe alley, communicating with another three feot wide blley which leads from said Haines street to Carroll street. Bounded northward by said Heines street, southward by said first-mentioned three-f&et-wido alley, and eastward and westward by ground now or late of Wm. K. Beacon: together with the free use, &c,„ of the said alleys- [0.0., 712; S.»’§2. 9m 79 Petit. Seized and taken In execution as the ptoperty of John It. Perkins, and Mary Ann. his wife, and to be sold bv JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. , Philadelphia, Office, Oot 22, 1862. 0023 3t : SBEBIF.B’A S£LE —By virtue of a writ of Levari ... Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3,1882, at 4 at Sansorn- street Hall, AH that certain three*story brick m?S3uage or tone? ucer.t and lot or piece of ground, situate on the east side of Bandolph etreet (lately called Elizabeth street), at the distance of 614 feet northward from the corner of Poplar street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in breadth or front on the said Bandolph street 18 feet, and in length or depth extending thence eastward between lines at right angles with said Bandolph street 60 foot. Bounded north ward by ground no w or late of Henry L. Bpsngter, southward by ground late of George B. Wood end Oaroline his wife, eastward by ground of John Mitchell, and westward by Bandolph street aforesaid. [Bring the same premises which the said Isaiah Bird and Sarah his wife, by indenture dated the sixth day of November, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifly-tour, recorded In the office for recording deeds for the cit 7 aDd county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book Book T. Hi, No. 164, page 179, granted and conveyed unto the Raid Lydia Lofton in fee.] [D 0., 689; S.T., ’62. $549 83. Bunaicker. Seized and taken in execution as the property of'Eli Lofton end Lydia Lofton big and to be sold by . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Pbilftdelphia, Sheriffs Office, Oot, 22,1862. oc2S.3t QBEBIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Alias YenditioDi Exporao, to me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale or Vendne, on MONDAY Evening, November 3,1862, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick dwelling bouse thereon erected, situate on the west side of Eighth street, at the distance of 90 fsefc southward from Locust street, in the city of Philadel phia, containing in breadth on said; Eighth street 22 feet 6 incline, and extending in depth westward 100 feet to a 10-feet wide alley, leading into and from the said Locust street, and communicating with another alley 9 feet wide, extending Into Blackberry alley . Bounded northward and southward by other property formerly owned by George O. Lybrand, westward by sail 10-feet*wide alley, and eastward by Eighth street aforesaid. [Being the same lot of ground which Alexander Henry and Sarah, his wife, by iadenture dated the seventh day of July, A. D. 1814. and recorded the office for recording deeds, &0.. for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Peed Book M.B , No 3. page 217. Ao., granted and conveyed unto Georgs 0. Lybrand in fee, reset ving thereout the yearly rent of one hundred and eighty dollars.] [D. G, 692; S., ’O2. $283.89. Paul - Seized and taken in execution as the property of George 0. Lybrand, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, October 22,1872. 0c23-3t SEEBIFF’S SALE.—By,/virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3,1862. at 4 o’clock, at Saucom-street Hall, ; ' All that certain lot or piece of ground situate southwest corner of Sixteenth rireefc (formerly called Schuylkill Seventh street) and Brown street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on said Sixteenth street 18 feet, and extending (of that width) westward in length or depth, along sdd Brown street, 70 feet 8 inches to a 3-feet-wide alleys leading into and from said Brown street. northward by said Brown strtet, southward by'/ptberJ:grouDd of the said. Etbelbert A. Marshall, eastward l)^ 7 tbe?gaid Sixteenth street, and westward by alley. [Bring the B&me lot or piece of grouhd Which the said' Etbelbert A. Marshall, by indenture bearme even date herewith, but executed immediatelybefore the execution hereof for tbo consideration therein; mentioned, (the whole of which was advanced * by William S. Blight, Isaac O. Dickinson Sergeant, execntOTß as aforesaid, and granted unto the said Bobert JEE. Wilson in fee.] Together with the use of said common with 'the feadd Ethelbart A. Marshall, bis heirs and assigns; [IX C 1:679: S. T., , ? 62. $1,932.75. - Miller. Seized and takes in execuliohas the propertyof Bobert H. Wilßon, and to he sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Bheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, October'22, !562.0c23-3t SBBBIFF’S SALS—By virtue of a writ ot-Veudi . liODi Siponae, to mo directed,, will bo exposed to public gale or vendue, on MONDAYKvening,'Nbvem-' her 3,1862, at„4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Hail, AH that cortfllii lot br pirce of ground, beginning on - the east side of 'Hffl-road, o¥ ; ‘Cedar lane, at the distance of 142 feet and one-haft'of Ah inch southward from the , south side of a certain fifty Tsefi,wide street, called Orean street, (laid out and intended bpeued (or public use by the said William Orean,) formerly in the township ot Biocfciey, now in the: city of Philadelphia; thence ex*-, tending eastward along, other ground of the said Wii- Hem Clean, on,a line at right angles with the said Oedar lane. 176 feet 9 inches and one-quarter of an inch, to the Boutbwestwardly eide of,the said Orean street; thence southeastwardly nlpng the same 29 feat 9 inches and one haif of an inch, to a point in the line of the said Orean Itreet, formed bythe* intersection of the said Orean street and a certain forty-feet wide street, called Miller street, (laid ont and opened by tho said William Orean for public use, at the distance of 200 feet eastward from the eastwardly sideof the saidjMill road, or Cedar lane, and running paralUl therewith;) .thance southward along the west aide of the said Miller street 31 feet 4 inches, to other ground of William Orean; thehce'west word along the same, on a lice at right angles with the said Miller street, 200 feet, to the east side ot Mill road, or .Cedar Jane, and thence northward along the same,SO feet, to the place of beginning. (Being the ssme premises, which : ,the .said William Orean, by inden ture bearing date, the second day of January, eighteen hundred land fifty,-recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed B ook -. No. 29, pugn 1130, granted and conveyed unto the.p’aio.Jbhß-Howard, in fee; reserving thereout a yesrlyigroußdfrent or sumof thirty-fivs.dMlars-paya hie half yearly, on the first days of the months ofFjbrn-' ary and August in every year, forever.] Together with the free use and privilege of the said Miiler street'.and Orean street, respectively, at all timea herca'ter forever. Under and subject, nevertheless, to the expreis restric tion that no slaughter-house, ehin-dressing establish ment, glue, soap, candle, or starch manufactory, or.other building for offensive occupation, shall at any lime hereaiter be put, erected, or used on any part of the hereby-granted lot of ground. . N. B.—On the above premises there is erected a two story frame dwelling house; on the rear end of the lot. [D. 0., 708 ; 8 >82..; $118.64., ytex. : c w v c„; ; 'v Seised and taken in execution as the property of John Howard, and to be «ld by - - ; . -w.-JTOHH THOMPSON, Sheriff. - Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct. 22,1892. 0c23-3t SHEBIFF’S BALE —By virtno of a writ of Vendi tioni Exponas, to me directed;' will be exposed to public saio or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, No vember 3,1862 at 4 o’clock, at Sahsom- street Hail, - All shat certain tract or parcel of land situate in the late township of Oxford, now the Twenty-third Ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning at a corner of other laud belonging to the said Oxford Park Association, and in a line of lend late of George Oramer, now of Philip Bobinson; thence extending by the eaid land of said as sociation north 43# degrees east, 68 perches and 9-10 the: of a perch’ - to a corner in the middle of the road dividing the townships of Oxford and Lower Dublin; thence along the middle of said road south degrees east, 20 perches and 86 hundredths of a perch to a corner; thence by other land of Jacob ShaUcross and Margaret, his wife, of which this is a part, BOUth 43X degrees west, 69 perches acd 2 lOths of a perch to a corner in a iiue of the said Philip Bobinson’s land, and thence by the same: north 46degrees 56 minutes west, 20 perches and 86 hun dredths of a perch to the place of beginning; containing' 9 acres of land. [Being the same premises which Jacob Bhalicross, with Margaret Shallcroes, his wife, by inden ture dated the Ist day of April, 1858, granted and con veyed Unto the said “ The Oxford Park Association ” in fee ] |D. O y'693; S, ’B2. $3,062 62. Lctchworth. Seize® and taken in execution as the properly of The Oxford Park Association, and to bo sold by JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, October SB. 1862. oc2-3t ©HEBIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Venditioni l-V Exponas,-to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3, 1862, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-Btreet Halt, All that-certain three-story brick messuage or tene ment, frame back buildings and lot or piece of ground, situate on the weßt side of Third street, between Brown and Coates street, in that part of the city of Philadelphia lately caHed the Northern Liberties; containing iu front or breadth on the said .Third street 18 feet, - and extending in length or depth westward eighty-five (86) feet, be tho some more or less. Bounded southward ,oy ground for merly of Bewald Olois, northward by a certain threeffeet wide alley hereinafter mentioned, westward by ground formerly of John Browne, and eastward by Third street aforesaid. Being tho samgjot or piece of ground then of the width of 20 feet, which John Haas and wife, et at., by indenture bearing date the seventh day of June,'X,' D. 1841, recorded In the office for recording of deeds, &o„ at Philadelphia, in Deed Book B. L. L., No. 52, page 423, ’ &o , granted and conveyed to the said Peter G. Bowers in fee, subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent or sum of three pounds, unto Boyer Brooke, his heirs and assigns, on the first day of May, in overy year forever: and the said John Haas and wife, by dead endorsed on the above recited indenture bearing date the 24th day of July, A/D 1844, recorded in the office afore said,! in Deed Book B. L. L., No. 61, page49s, &0,, after reciting among other things, that whereas the said Peter G. Bowers, and wife, by indenture bearing even date therewith, granted and conveyed unto the said John Haas, his heirs and assigns forever, a certain strip or piece of ground on the west side of Third street, adjoin ing ground of the said John Haas on the south; contain ing in front on Third street 2 feet, and in length 85 feet. [Being the northernmost two feet of the said lot convey ed to the said Peter Q. Bowers as above reoited, did grant and convey unto the said Peter G. Bowers, his heirs and assigns, and the owners and oocnpleraof the lot or piece of ground adjoining the lot of the said John Haas, on the south the free and uninterrupted use, right, liberty, and privilege of an alley three feet wide in the clear,* leading into and from the said Third street, along the north line of the lot of ground above described, and of a water course over and along the said aHey, and oflaying and repairing pipes of conduit for the purpose of intro ducing the Schuylkill or other water from the said Third street, in common with the said John Haas, his heirs and assigns, owners and occupiers of the premises adjoining at all times forever, subject to one half of the expanse, of keeping the Baid alley in good order and repair ] Also; all-that certain three-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the west ’.Bide of Brinton street, (No. 1422,) at she distance of about 180 feet northward from Master street; containing In front or breadth on said Brinton'Btreet 20 feet, and in length or depth westward about 40’feet Bonmled north ward by ground granted or intended to be grantod to John A. Bender, southward by ground-granted or in tended to be granted to John Dubree, westward by ground now or late of Charles Leech, and eastward by Brinton street. [Being part of a large lot or piece of gronnd which James Markoe and wife, by indenture dat «l the 17th day of May, A: D, 1846, recorded in Deed Book A W. M., No. 45, page 215, Ac., granted and conveyed to the said Peter G. Bowers, his heirs and assigns in fee, and the said Peter G. Bowers and wife, by indenture dated the 7th day of December, 1852, recorded in Deed Book B. D. W , No. 50, page 10, Ac, granted and con veyed to Charles Leech, his heirs and assigns, the west ern part as by reference thereto will appear] [D. 0., 665 ;S, ’62. $3,000. Erely. , Seised BEd taken in execution as tho property of Peter G. Bowers, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct. 22,1862. 0c23-St SHEBIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, tome directed, will be exposed to Pnblic Sale or Vendue, on MONDAY Bvening, November 3, 1862, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hail, Alt that certain three story brick messuage and tavern, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the northwest cor ner of Laurel and Budd streets, in the late district or the Northern Liberties, in said: city of Philadelphia; con taining in Iront or breadth on said Laurel street 16 feet, and in length Sor depth on said Bndd street 69 feet 7 inches, and widening on the rear end thereof to 81 feet 3 inches, including the three small frame tenements ihereon erected. [Being the same premises which George Megee, SEgnire, High Sheriff of the City and Oouaty of Phila delphia, by deed poll dated the 4th day of October, A. I>. 1856, dnly acknowledged in open District Oonrt, the same day, and entered among the records thereof in book I, No 2, page 127, &a., grant, d and conveyed unto said Amos Scott, in fee ] Subject to the payment of a yearly rent charge of 526 60; issuing out of the easternmost 13 feet 8 inches in front on Laurel street, payable to David McGormic and wife, and as it respects the western fifeet -9 inches in front on Lanrel street, to the payment of a proportional part of a yearly rent charge of *lBO to Hugh Ferguson. [D. 0,668; S., ’62. *2,8*1.25 Paul. Seized and taken in execution aB the property of Amos Scott, and to be sold by JOHN; THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, October 22,1862: 0023-3 t SHEBIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public aale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Novem ber S, 1862, at <1 o’clock, at Sansom stroot Hall, All that certain three- storied brick dwelling house, or atoie honse, and tbe lot or piece of groand on which the saaie is erectsd, sitnate on the northwest oorner of Apple and Master streets, in the Seventeenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on tha rorth aide of said Master street IS feet, more or loss, and extendingof that width in length or depth along the west side of said Apple street 100 feat, more or less. ID. Q,, 707; S T.,’62 *225 29. Nichols.: : " Seized andtaken In execution as the property of Wil liam Shoemaker, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, 00t.22,1862, 0c23-3t 'SHERIFF’S SALES. fc? 11 Bb IFF'y 6ALE.—By virtue of a writ of Levari U Fecias; to me r.lrected, wilt be exposed-to public ads or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, November 3,1862, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. Ail tbat certain brick messuage or tenement, and lot or piece of ground, situsta on tbo east side of Hutchinson street, at the distance* of 60 firt 'northward from the northeast corner of the said Sutohinson‘street and Pop lar street, in .the Twentieth ward of the city of Phila delphia aforesaid, containing in front or breadth on the said Hutchinson, street 16 feet, and extending thence eastward in l&Dgib or depth between lines at right angles ■with said Hutchinson street 40 Sect and seven-eighths of anflnch ou the north line, and 37 feet 10# inches on the south line thereof. Bounded northward by ground now or late of David B. Evans, eastward partly by ground now orlate of Janies Shaanesy, and-partly by ths head of a 3-feot ; wide alley - leading eastwardinto d 1 cer-; tain 20-feot-wide street oalled Tyler street, southward by ground now-or late of Job Kirkbride, and westward by the said Hntohinson street, [Being tho same premises which Stephen Slatcbford and wife, by indenture dated the 24ih day et October; A. -D-. 1845, ■ nai ■ recorded In Deed Book B. L. L-; No. 49, page 429, Ac,, granted and conveyed unto Henry Felton in fee,] Together with ths free end common use and privilege of the said 3-fest wide alley’, at all times hereafter forever. ID. 0„ 709: S., ’O2. $941.24 Pan!. . - - • ’ Seized and taken in execution as the property of Henry Felton, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, October 22,1862. 0c23-3t SHERIFF'S SALK.—By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public Bale or Ytndne, on MONDAY Evening, -November 3,, 1862, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All tbat certain lot or piece of land, situate on the easterly side of the Ridge Turnpike road, In the former township or Boxborongh, and now in tho.Twonty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning on tho afore said side of said road, at a corner of this and Joseph P 0. Hoffman’s land, thence by the same north sixty-two degrees forty-five: minutes eaßt, sixteen perohes and seventy-five one-hundredtbs of a perch, to a corner of this and land granted,? or intended to be granted, to James F. Nicholas A Co.; thence by the same the two following courses'and distances, sonth twenty-six de~ gfees five minutes east; fifty feet, thence south sixty-two degrees forty-five minutes west, sixteen perches and forty-two oce-hnndredths, to the aforesaid aisle of said iurnpike road, thence by the same north thirty-two de grees thirty-five minutes west; fiftyfeet to the place of beginning. Containing fifty square perches of l»nd, more or less, within, said limits. [Being the same pre mises which William Levering and Clement Levering, executors to the last will and testament of Thomas Le vering, late of the township of Roxborough aforesaid, deceased, by deed bearing date the eighth day of April, A. D. 1884;recorded in the office for recording deeds, Ac., for the city and county of Philadelphia; in Deed Book T. H.; No. 170, page 346, Ac,, granted and conveyed to Deborah Levering, her belrs.ahd assigns, forever.] N. B—On the above described lot there is erected a two-storied stone dwelling house. ‘ TD. 0 ,657: 8 , ’B2. $1,163 33 Paul. A,:;. Seized and taken in exeention as the properly of De borah Levering, and to be sold by - V JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Oct. 22,1862. 0c23 3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Levari -Facias; to me directed; will be exposed to public sale crYendue, on MONDAY Evening, Nov. 3,1862, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall,: All that certain lot or piece ef ground situate on the east side of Seventeenth street, at the distance of 17 feet northward from the north side of Swatn street, in that part of the oity of Philadelphia, late tho district of Spring Garden; containing in front or breadth on ealdSeventeenth eiiee! 17 feet;'and extending in lengthjor depth of that width eastward between lines parallel with s old Swain street 67 ieef, to a three feet wide alley leading south ward into said Swain street. Bounded northward by other ground of the said Bobt . H. Wiison, southward by ground William Kes on ground rent, eastward by said three-feet wide alley, and westward by said Seven teenth street. [Being the southern half of a larger lot of ground, which ISthelbert A. Marshall, by indenture 1 da ted the twenty, ninth day of September, Anno Domini 1855, recorded at Philadelphia in DSed Book B. D. W., NoLjSfl, pege 301, Ac.,; granted and conveyed rinto the ; SaM-Bebert H; -Wilson In fee, who intends, shortly to ciccff her.jn a three-story-brick dwelling house] Sub ject’to,'the restrictions that no slaughter-house, skln-i dressing establishment, hoße or engine house, blacksmith shop; 1 carpenter shop, glue, soap, oandle, or starch ma nufactory, stable or buildiDg for offensive occupation, shall at any time hcraafter be erected or used oh any port or the said lot [D. 0.;687; S., ’62. $2 800. Dennis. ; Seized and taken in execution as the property of Ro bert H: Wilson, and to be Bold by - JOHN.THOMPSON, Sheriff. ' Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Oct. 22,1862. • 0c23-3t. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directedj will be; exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3, 1862. at 4 o’clock, at Bansom-street Hail, .. Ali that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the southerly side of ,Huron street ana westerly side of Lex ington street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Lexington street forty feet, and extending in length or depth of that width westwardly ninety feet^Bbrmßlid-oh the north by Huron street aforesaid, on the.east by said Lexington street, on the south by other grbjmtojnveyed by the said Edwin TV. Lehman to said- Enoch H Beaus,, and on the west by ground late of Oharles F. Lex. [Being the northern most forty feet in-Jtreadth pf a larger lot of ground eighty feet in breadth which the said Edwin .TV. Leh- - man and wife, by an indenture bearing even date here - With,. (August 7th, I 860,) and intended to be herewith recorded,' grsnted .and conveyed unto the said Enoch H. Beaus, his heir/ and dsHigna, The moneys secured by this present indenture or mortgage being the amount of certain advance moneys to be made by. the said Ed win W. Lehman to the sMd Enoch H. Beans; according to the terms and stipulations in a certain agreemeht 'ip'- writing, bearing even date herewith, and intended to be ' .herewith recorded. N. B —On the above premises there is erected athrea story unfinished brick dwelling house. [D. 0,697; Sg ’62. $1,103.00" Lex. . : .Seized ahd taken in execution as the property‘of Enoch H. Beans, and to be sold by . ' ■'/./: ."V-v-, JOHN THOMSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Oct. 22,1862. 0c22-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue rdfc. a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale dr vendue, on MONDAY Evening; November 3, 1862, at 4d’oioek, at Sarisom street HalL Ail those two"contiguous lots of ground,' with the mes suage or tenements thereon, Bitnate on the south side of Chestnut street, in the Fifth ward of tho city of Phila delphia, between; Sixth'and Seventh streets, (being known as Jones’ Hotel); containing in front or bread* on the said Chestnut etreeFSO feet 6 inches, and extend ing in length or depth that breadth southwarirtwo hun dred and iwo (202) feet, where it widens oh the east side to the breadth of Slfeet 0 inches, thence .extending the last-mehtiohed breadth the further depth of 33 feet to George Street, including the westernmost half part of a .Sheet 6 inches wide alloy, left open on the east side of th# ’aforesaid lot for the common u*e['osnveniehce, and ac boromodalfon of the tame and the. adjoining lot to the eastward, gjtending from the said George street in length northward 33 Let. Bounded northn-ard by said ' Oheßtnnt {street, eastward: partly by gronnd late of ’ Thonißß Billibgten, and partly' by the middle of the said 9 feet 6 ihches wide alley, southward by the said Georgs street, and westward by gronnd late of George Harrison. N. B—Oh .the above described there is erected the property or. part thereof commonly known as Jones’ Hotel . - _ P. B—The writ by virtue of which the abovo pro "perty will bo Sold has been issued on a jndgment ob tained in-the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Oatlm rine Yohe, owner or reputed owner, in the District Court of Philadelphia, of June Term, 1862, No. 87, for taxes agjlnsf said property. [D.0.,711; 8.; ’62. $2,- 73980. Pouison. i . Seized and taken in execution as the property of Catharine Yohe, owner, Ac., and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Offlco, Oot 22, 1862. 0c23 3t Si IF. BIFF’S SALE.“By virtue of a writ of Levari , Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to pnblic hale ‘or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Noyember 3, 1862yat 4 o’clock, at Sanßom-street Hail, No. 1. All that certain three-story brick mesanageor tenement and lot or piece of ground, sitnate on the east side of Delaware Filth street, adjoining the next describ ed lot, between Lombard and Geskill streets, in the city cf Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the eaid Fiffh street, twenty feet, and in length or depth one hundred and twenty feet. Bounded northward by the back ends of Lombard-Btreet lots, eastward by ground now or late of William Preston, southward by the naxt described lot, and westward by Fifth attest aforesaid. [Being the tame premises which James Johnston, by in denture dated the 10th day of April, A. D„ 1805, granted and conveyed unto Alexander Moore, and others, for the use and benefit of the said “The Fourth Presbyterian Congregation, in of Philadelphia,’’ in fee, subject to the payment cf a yearly ground rent of forty dollars, part of a larger gronnd rentof seventy two dollars, paya Micrs Fisher, his heirs and assigns.] No. 2. AH that large brick, rengh cast church edifice and lot or piece of ground, sitnate on the east Bide of Delaware Fifth street, and the north side of Gaskili street, in.tbe city of Philadelphia, containing in. front on ' the said Fifth street forty-one feet, nine inches, and In length or. depth on said Gaskili street; one hundred and twenty feet. Bounded northward by tho above described lot of ground, eastward by ground formerly of Miera Fisher, southward by the said Gaskiil sheet, and west ward by Fifth street aroresatd. [Being the same lot of -ground which Israel Israel, Eeg , High Sheriff, by deed poll dated the 30th day of March, A. D.. 1802, and en tered among the records of the Court of Common Pleas, in Book 8., page 293. granted and conveyed unto Edward Hanna, Hubert Jackson, and Robert Gordon, and the survivor, In fee, a yearly ground rent of forty one dollars and three fourths of a dollar, in trust for the , use, benefit, and behoof of the said ** Tho Fourth Pres byterian Congregation in the city of Philadelphia.”]— [D 0., 631; 8., : 62. $1,077.35. John H. OampbeUJ —Seized and taken in exeention as the property of The Fourth Presbyterian Congregation, in the city of Phila delphia, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. .» Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Oct 22,1862; : 0c23-3t q; SHF BIFF’S SALE —By virtue of a writ of Alias ..Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be: ex posed, to pnblic aale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 8,1862, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hail, No; 1. Ail that certain lot orplece of ground, with a two and a half story stone dwelling house, with ioe home, barn, and wagon house thereonjoreotod, sitnato on the northwesterly side of Main streetj in the late borough of. Frankford, how the Twenty-third ward of the city of. Philaileiphia, beginning at a comer in the middle of Dyre street, as laid onton tbe plan of survey of the late » borough ol Frankford aforesaid, thence along the middle of said Dyre street north pofty-four degrees forty-one minutes .west, seven hundred and thirty-six feet to a cor ner in a line of Emanuel Peters’ ground, thence by the same south thirty-six degrees forty-five minutes west, ..two hundred and fifty-six feet to a comer, thence by * e ther ground of which this was formerly a part, south fifty-five degrees thirty-six minutes eaßt, seven hundred and forty, two feet to a corner on the side of said Main v-Street. thence by said Main street north thirty-five de grees nineteen minutes east, two hundred and forty- five feet eleven inches to the place of beginning No. 2 All that certain lot or piece of ground sitnato ■in .the . Twenty* third ward. of. tbe .city of Philadelphia, beginning at a corner on the southeasterly aide of Penn street, as laid cut on the plan of the late borough of Frankford, thence along said Penn street north thirty, five degrees nineteen minutes east, three hundred and forty feet' to the middle of little ; Taconoy creek, thence down the middle of said creek the several courses and distances thereof to a corner in a line of landlateof Bichard Wilson, since of Emanuel Peters, thence along taid line sonfhlhirty-sevendegreestwonty-threeminntes weal, two hundred and ninety-seven feet and one-tenth of a foot to a corner in a line of other ground of which this was part, and thence by said ground north forty eight degrees sixteen minutes west, two hundred and fourteen feet to the place of beginning, 'i ho two pre mises ebovo described arc (he same which Emanuel Pe ters and wife, by two several indentures dated respect ively tbe first day of January, A. D. 1856, and the 18th day of April 1857, intended to be recorded, granted and conveyed unto George 0. Barber in fee. The premises JNo. 1, first above described, having been divided into lots, will be sold as follows, viz: No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground sitnato on the northwesterly side of the Main street, in the late borough of Frankford. now Twenty-third ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning on the westerly corner of the said Main street and Dyre street, thence extending northwesterly along the said Dyre street, two hundred and thirty-nine feet five inches to the southeasterly line pf Franklin street, thence southwesterly along the.same two hundred and twenty-nine feet four and a half inches, more or leas, to ground of William H. Keichline, thence southeasterly 1 along the same two- hundred and thirty nine feet three and fivo-eightha inehes to the northwest erly side of the Main street aforesaid,: thence northeast erly along the same twe hundred and twenty-five feet eleven inches to the place of beginning. No. 2. All that certain lot or piece [of ground, with a two- and-a half story stone dwolling-housei with ice honse, bam, and wagon-house, thereon erected, begin ning at a corner formed by the northwesterly side of said Franbiin street, with tho southwesterly side Of said Dyre street; thence extending northwesterly along the said -Dyre street two hundred and nineteen feet four Inches to the southeasterly lino of Penn afreet; thence southwest erly along the same two hundred aind thlrty-fonr feet four and seven-eighths inches, to ground late of William B. Bethel); I hence southeasterly along the same two hundred and nineteen feet four inches to the northwest erly aide of said Franklin street, and thence northeasterly along the Bame two hundred and thirty feet seven inches to the placo of beginning. No. 3. All that certain lot or piece of ground begin ning at a cpraer formed by the north westerly aide of Penn street, with the southwesterly tide of said Dyre street, IhencCwxtendins northwesterly alODg Bald Dyre street, about one hundred and fifty feot four Inches, more or less, to ground late of John O. Üblp, trustee, *o., thence southwesterly e’ong the same two hundred and twenty, six feet, more or less, to ground late of William B; Be the!!, thence sonntheaßtorly by the same one hundred and fifty eightfeetfour inches, more or less, to the north westerly line of «ald Penn Btreet, and thenoe northeast erly along the same two hundred and twenty-six feet five inches, more or less, to the place of beginning [D. 0., 666 : 8 , ’62." *854.9%' Woodward. Seized and taken ‘ln execution as the property of Geo. O. Barber, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, Oct, 22,1562. cc 23 St SHERIFF’S SALES. QHKBIFF’B SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Vaadi- Lc tioni Exponas, to me Cireoted, will be exposed Jo public salo or vencue. on hiO— DA 7 Erenfng," Noveaa • ber 3,1862, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom. street Hail, All tbat certain lot or piece of ground Blluate .on the eastside of Fifteenth eSreet, at the distance of 62 feet 9 % inches southward from lbs south side of. Oxford aireer, in the city &r PbiiadelpMa, in the Twentieth ward ; eon tainihg in frontor Breadth on the said Fifteenth street 26 feet 4% inches, ani ex-landfeg in length or depth east ward of tbet breadffi between lines at right angles with the, said. Fifteenth street 159 feet 8 inshvs_to Oar.ile street; bounded northward by ground of Washington Brown, and southward by ground of OraSo 8 CUffia, eastward by said QariHe street, and westward, by Fif teenth street aforesaid, pi sing ths same premises which Joseph W. Bonder and Anna M., his wife, byindenturo; bearing date the 17th day of September, A. 0., ISBI. re corded in Deed Book A. a Hv, No. 25, page 139; Ac , granted and conveyed unto-the said Henry Haviland, in fee, reserving thereout, however; tho-yearly ground rent or Bum of ¥240, payable is eonal half-yearly payments ou the first day of the mouths uf December and June, in every-year thereafter, unto the said Joseph W. Bonder, his heirs and assigns.] N- B— On the above lot there is an vmfinUhsd brick, messuage. [D. 0., 691 :-8., ’62 ¥247.211. Simpson. . Seized and taken in exeention as the property of Henry Haviland, and to be sold by JOHN TBOMPION, Sheriff. Philadelphie, Eheriff’s Office, Oct. 22,1852. 0c23 3t SIIEBIFF’B BALE —By virtue of a .writ of Lavari Facias, to me directed, will bo expoeed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, November 3,1802, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom- Btrest Hall, All that certain lot,or piece of ground situate on the westerly side of Lexingtm street, nt the dietanca of 40 feet southwerd from the southerly line of Huron street, in (he city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on said Lexington street 40 feet, and extending in length or depth wcetwardly of that width SO feet. Bounded off* the north by other ground conveyed by Edwin W. Leh man and wife to the said Enoch H. Beans, on the east by said Lexington street, on the south by other ground of the said Edwin W. Lehman, and on the west by ground late of Charles F. Lex. [Being the southernmost 40 feet in breadth of a larger lor of ground 80 feet in breadth, which the said Edwin W. Lehman and wife, by indenture bearing even date herewith, (August 7, I 860,) but exe cuted before these presents and intended to be herewith recorded; for ihe consideration therein mentioned, a part of which is hereby intended to be secured, granted, and conveyed unto the said Enoch H. Beans, his . heirs and assigns] N. B —On the above promises there is erected a three story unfinished brick dwelling house. fD. C„ 698: S., ’62. $1,103. Lex. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Enoch H. Beans, and (o be sold by - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, 0ct0ber22,1862 0c23-3t SHERIFF’S, SALE..—By virtue of a writ of . Levari Facias, to me directed; will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3, 1862, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom- Btreet Hall, All tbat certain lot or pieoe of ground, with thejthree- Btorr brick. metsuage or tenement thereon erected, situate ou the south’side of Jefferson street, at .the dis tance of 69 feet eastward from the east side of Ontario Btreet, in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Jefferson street 17 feet 3 inches, and extending in length or depth sou;h ward between lines at right angles therewith 100 feet. Bounded northward by ths said Jefferson street,' east ward and westward by ground now or.iato of John Mul vaney, and southward by ground now or late of Thomas 8. Potts and Townsend Smith. [Being the same premises which the said Oyrus Oadwallader and wife by indenture bearing even date with the above recited Indenture, but executed immediately before the same, for the considera tion moneys therein mentioned, part whereof is thereby secured, granted unto the Bald Wiliiam 8. Ernßt in foe, Subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent or sum of $9O, in equal half-yearly payments, on the first day of January ’ and July forever.] [D. 0., 682 : S., ’62. $2,330.17. v Paul. Seized and taken in exeention as the property of Wil liam 8. Ernst, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct. 22,1862. 0c23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—By virtue ofa writof LevariPa ; cias, to me directed, will be exposed to nnbiicsale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November ,3,1862, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-Btreet Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southeasterly side of Passyunk road, at the distance of two hundred and fifty-nine feet and three-quarter inches from the souih side of Mifflin street, ia the First Wardof the Icity of Philadelphia, thence extending southwost wardly along the Baid Passyunk road thirty-four feot eleven and a quarter incheß to the ground of Charles F. Lex, thence southeaetward along the same one hundred, and four feet three inches,- thence northeastward ten feet ten Inches to a lot of ground granted by the Baid Charles F. Lex to tho said John B. Rodgers, thence northwest wardly along the same thirty-two feet two inches, thence stall northwestward by the same slxty-fiva : feet to the said Paet-yunk road, the place of beginning. [Being the second described of two lots of ground which the said Charles F. Lex, by indenture bearing even dads here with (September 2d,-1861), but duly executed and acknow ledged immediately before the execution of these pre sents, and intended to be forthwith recorded for the con sideration money therein mentioned, part whereof, to gether with the Bttid mentioned advances, amounting in all to ihe sum of one thousand ono hundred dollars, ia hereby secured, granted, and conveyed unto the said John B Rodgers, in fee, as by reference to thesaid recited indenture will more fully and at large appear.] N. B —Ontbe above premises there is erected a two story brick cottage. [D. 0., 699; S„ ’62, $l,lOO. Lex. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John B. Rodgers, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Oot. 22, 1862. 0c23-3t CHEBIFF’S SALE—By virtue of a writ of Vendi k3*Moni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to’pub llc Salc or Yecdrle,.cii MONDAY Evening,-November 3,1862, at 4 o’oteck, at'Sansdm-street HaH, Ail that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Fifteenth street, at the distance of 79 feet 2 Inches southward from the south side of Oxford Street, in the city of Philadelphia, iu the Twentieth ward; contain ing in front or breadth on the said Fifteenth street 26 feet 4% inches, and extending in length or depth east ward of that. breadth between, iines^At right angles with the said Fifteenth street 155 feet 8 inches to Qarllle street; bounded northward by ground of Joseph W. Sender, and southward by ground of John Bice, eastward by Eaid Oarlile street, and westward by Fifteenth street afore said. '[Being the same premises which Oratio S. Olafiin and "Elmira D., bis wife, by indenture bearing date the 17th day of September A. D.. 1861, recorded in Deed Bock; AV O. H, No. 25, page 185, Ac., granted and con veyed unto the said Ilenry Hariland, in fee, receiving thereon), however; the y early gronnd rent or Bum of two hundred and forty dollars, payable in equal half-yearly payments on the first day of the mouths ot December and June in every year thereafter, unto the said Oratio S. Olftilin, his heirs and aesigns ] N. B:—On tho above lot thero is an unfinished brick messuage. [D. 0., 590; S., ’62. $247 20. Simpson. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Henry Havitsnd, asd to bo sold hy JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Pbiiadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Oot. 22,1362. 0e23-3t SHEBTFF’S SALE—By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed,-will be exposed ts public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3,1832, at 4 o’clock, at Sanssm- street Hall, A certain lot or piece of gronnd sitnate on the south side of Brown Btreet, at the distance of one hundred and forty,five feet eight inches westward from the west side of -Sixteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing ■in front or breadth on tho Eaid Brown street, eighteen feet, and extending southward between lines parallel withf’ the said Sixteenth street to length or depth eighty feet, Including on tho oast side of said lot the western half of an alley two feet two inches wide, laid out to tho depth of twenty-nine feet six inches, for the accommodation of this and the lot on the east. Bounded northward by the said Brown street, eastward by other ground of the said Ethelbert A; Marshall, westward by other ground of the said Ethelbert A. Marshal!, and southward by ground granted to said Philip S. Brown, on ground rent. [Being the same lot and premises which the said Ethelbert A, Marshall, by indenture bearing even date herewith, hut executed immediately before the execution hereof, and Intended herewith to be recorded for the consideration therein mentioned, the whole of which was furnished by the said William 8. BUght, Isaac O. Blight, and J. Dick inson Sergeant, exeoutQra .aforesaid, and is hereby secured, granted, and conveyed unto the arid Philip 8. Brown, iu fee, subject to the condition, reservation, and restriction; that ho slaughter-honse, skin-dressing estab lishment, hoseor engine h’ouso, biacksmitlr or carpenter Shop, glue, soap, candle, or starch manufactory, stable or other building, for offensive occupation, shall, at any time hereafter,:be ereoted thereon, as hy reference to said indenture more fully appears.] Together with the free use and common privilege oi said alley, and the right of building over the western half of the same, leaving at 'least eight feet headway in the clear above the level of the curbstone. [D. 0,678; S., ’62, $2,060.12, E. Spencer Miller. " Seized and taken into execution as the property* of Philip S. Brown, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, October 22,1862 0c23-31 JLEGAL. TESTATE OF EDMUND DJNGfEE, J_J DEO’D —NOTICE —Letters of Administration on the Estate of EDMUND DINGE E, late of the County of Philadelphia; Brickmaker, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, aU persons indebted to said estate are regnested to make payment, and those having claims to make themknown without delay to JAMES E. DISGEE, No. 934 North SEVENTH Street, Or \ HEN BY <>. MOOBB, • 932 North SEVENTH Street, OCl3tn6t* Administrators. TN TEE COURT OF COMMON JL PLEAS FOB THE SHTY AND OOUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Inthe matter of the Aasfened Estate of PESKO3E B. HOOPES The Auditor appointed by the Conrt to audit, settle, asd adjust the first account of Joseph W. Gasheli, as signee of Fenrese E. Hoopea, and to report distribution of the balance remaining in hia handg, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on TUESDAY, Ibe 11th day of Noyember, 1 D 1862, at 4 o’clock P. M., at hia office, No: Soath POUETH Street, opposite Library, in the city of Pbiiadelphia. oc3l-fmw6t JOHN HANNA, Auditor. ) T^TOTICE. —In the Court of Coinm.on JL v Pleas f r the City and County of Pbiiadelphia. Of September Term, 1862. No. 16. SABAH JANE NEWELL, by her next frieud, WIL LIAM LAMMEBS, OS. THEODOBE NEWELL. To Theodorb.Nbwei.l. Sir: Take Notice, That De positions of Witnesses on behalf of the Libellant wUI be taken in the abovo case, in answer to the interrogatories filed before JAMES B BOOTH. Esq., Examiner, at his Office, No. 221 South FIFTH Street, in the Olty of Phila delphia, on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of November, 1862, at 3 o’clock P. M. EDWIN T. CHASE, oct7-]st Attorney for Libellant. COPARTNERSHIPS. KTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN— JLtI That JAMBS WILLITS,date of the/ firm of Is. ATBINfcON & 00,, having dispb-ed of his interest in said firm, the business in future will ba continued by tho remaining partners, who are authorized to settle the business of the late firm. October 25,1862, rfOPAB TNEE SHIP.—The undersign ed have this day formed a copartnership under the name and firm of ANDBE W 9, WILKINS, S ALTE MTiS, for the transaction of the Wholesale Drr Goods Jubbing business, at No. 603 MABKET Street JOBIAH B. ANDREWS, ; ABEL B. WILKINS. EDVYABD J. ALTEMOS. Philadelphia, Oct: 20,1862, oc3o-6t* COAX,. rfOAL.—THE UNDEBSI aipJD beg leave to inform their Mends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH GOAL DEPOT from NOBLE-BTEEET WHABF, on the Delaware, to their 'Yard, northwest comer of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the beßt duality ol LEHIGH COAL, from the most approved mines, at thi lowest price*. Tour patronage Is respectfully selloltofi. JOS. WALTON *OO-, Offloe, 112 South SECOND Street Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-H mBB RAILWAY TIME-KEEPBR, JL especially adapted for .Ariny sales. Good imitation gold; will run and keep excellent time; have fmey colortd hands and beautifully-engraved dials, the letters standing in relief. This is me of the, most taking novelties of the dag, and should retail at prices from twenty,five to eighty dollars each. They are fur nished by the case,-containing six of different designs, as; follows: Engravftl. per case of half dozen, *33. En graved and electro- gilded, per oase of half dozen, assort-' ed, *36. Engraved, superior, per case of half dozen, as sorted, *39. Engraved, superior, and electro fine gilded, having all the improvements of the foregoing, per case hall dozen, assorted, *42. EDgine-tnrned, same material cases, over-wbioh is good silver, heavily plated, per case of half dozen, *B6, Samples of the foregoing, comprising two of the first, and one each of the others, making a case of half dozen, at the regular wholesale rates, *36.50, Terms cash. Will ho sent to any part of the loyal States,. . wlih bill for collection on delivery. Buyers in. the army will have to send jpojtment in advance, as the express companies refuso making collections south of the Poto mac. ■ • Thiels one of the moat saleable artloles of the times, and jnst the’thing for Ihose inclined to maka money among the soldiers. • Bend in yonr orders early. GAIUS F. WHEATON, Bole Importer, Oor. NASSAU and JOHN Streets, Sew York. P. O.EoxIMB. 0028-I3t* LEWIS ATKINSON, JOSEPH B ATKIBSON, JAMES WILLIT3. BALES BY AUCTION. JOHN 33. MYERS & 00., AUO~ If TIONE3ES, New 232 and 234 MASKS? Street t BALE OB' FRBNOH PRY HOOPS. this horning, November 3, at 19 o’clock, by catalogue, on 4 mouths’ ei'edtt—, ; TOO peckages am! lots of French and other European dry goods, comprise# a general assortment of staple sad fancy art ids*. . SALE or BOOTS AND SHOP®, «•, ' ON TUESDAY iIOENIsiT Noyenrloßr 4, on four, months! creon— -1,000 packatre.l Boots, Shoes, Carpet Bags, Su„ SAL* OF OBI' GOODS. OH TiXEESDAT MOBBING, - November®, at 10 o'clock, by caesoasw, MUtssatW credit- 1 . 560 packages and lots of staple and fancy dry goo&A SAtK OF OAB?E?IHH9. OS FRIDAY MOBNING, November 7, oMO# O’clock, on 4 mouths’ arsdft— Please Velvet, BrcssolJ, Ingrain, REd TasotUm c*r» jetths, cocoa mattings, Ac. ' . Furness, rrinlhy, & go., .. No. 429 MABKET STEEDS BABE OF FRENCH, BRITISH, AND SAXONY DRY GOODS. ON TUESDAY MOBNING, November 4th, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue on 4 months’ credit— ’ 600 lots of fancy and staple imported goods. . WT Samples and catalogues ready on the morning of sale. BABE OF VIENNA BRdOHE ANDCHAINK LAINE LONG AND SQUARE SH AWh i IS COLORS, Only of the Importation of Messrs LUDEWIG & D.AYBTIB,' • ON TUESDAY MORNING, At 10 o’clock, comprising a desirable assortment for present sales. . ■ ’ : "< Consisting of— -14.4 Vienna broche shawls, In colors only, warranted all wool. do do stripe broche cashmere do. do superfine Quality do do long do. do do broche long do do do Indoux caolimere do. ■For the best city trade. BOOTCH ALL-WOOL PLAID BONO SHAWLS, For beat city trade. 200 large size Bcotoh all wool long shawls, choice pat terns and colors.. DOUBLE-FAOS BLK. FIS. 6BOS SBAINS. 30 pieces ex Quality donbie-face neat figured black grofl grains. SAXONT DEESS GOODS. Just landed.' OK TUESDAY 'MOBNESTS. November 4, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. caseß reps ground silk plaid Arabiasi —do reps a Carreaux . —do Jaeauered figd MaoarlHas. A : do plaid and ffgd Trnphenlas. —do check and figd diamond Amitas. —do neat silk plaid Monitors. •Plain ground silk piaid Klegantai. The above are ail fresh goods and’ never before offered at auction. ■ • ■ • ALPACAS, MOHATBS" AND GOBTJBG3. ease 6-4 fine black alpacas. —do do fine mohairs. —do do do coburgs. —do do : mixed mohairs. BLACK AND COLORED DBESS SILKS. ISineh heavy black figd siiks. 19 do double-face; do do. 26 do Lyons ex heavy black taffetas. 26 de Paris patent do . do. 26 do brown taffetas and black moire antiQUß. 21 do all boiled colored Poult de Sole. 20 do noir fond cannele and enlumlce lance do. 27 do rich Paris plaids do. LARGE SPSOIAw SALE O? 800 CABTON3 POULT DE SOIE TBIMMING AND BONNET RIBBONS. - " ON ’WEDNESDAY MORNING. ’November6th, at 10 o’clock, on 4 months’oredit. Consisting of— . .1 Ex. Kb. 4,5, and 6 cable cord choice colored Poult de Soio ribbons 10s60 heavy plain, plaid, Bkusse, and broche do. —12a40 heavy colored edge do. —12a60 ex. Quality cable' oord, Belli Colora do do. —12a60 best Quality white and black do. N B.—All of toe nowost styles and choicest colors, just landed. PANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUC TIONEERS, No. 213 MABKET Stress. SALE OF MAOHIJSEBY, AT GERMANTOWN. TUIS MC-BNING. November 3, comrneneing at 10 o’clock, will be sold upon tlio premises, Miller street, Germantown, the entire stock of machinery, of Mr. Jamea Farnsworth, consist ing cf a number cf looms and knitting znachinea for hosiery end Taney goods FUBNITUBEjHOBSE AND WAGONS. Also, one horse, two wagons, harness, Ac. Also, household furniture, beds, bedding, kitchen uteneih, Ac. BALE OF 760 LOTS OF AMEBIC AN AND IM PORTED DRY GOODS, BIBBON3, HILLINEBY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, &0., b 7 catalogue. OH WEDNESDAY MOBBING, November 5, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. Embracing a great variety of seasonable goods, worthy the attention of Ihe trade* . Catalogues and samples eariy on the morning of sale. ’ PROPOSALS. TWUTL QUA RTERM ASTIR JL/ GENEBAL’S OFFICE. PHiLADKi.viiii, October 30,1882 PROPOSALS will be received at this office, until THURSDAY, Bcb November, at 12 o’clock M., for the delivery, in this city, of all the STOVES reQnirefl for Hospital purposes; to be 12,14, and 10-inch Air-tight, beet American, smooth Sheet-iron Stoves. Bidders wilt atate the number they can deliver within sixty days; aisoi the price per Stove, and the price per foot or ponnd for Stove Pipe. Stoves to be delivered at any point in this city that may be required. [Signed] A. BOYD, ocSl-et Oapt. and A. Q.H.I. 8 i, ARMY CLOTHING ANJ) EQUIP AGE OFFICE, TWELFTH AND GIBABD STBEETS—Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1852 Open PROPOSALS are invited at this office for fnrnish Ing the following articles for the army: * BHXBTS, either of white domet or gray twilled flan nel or knit. BOOTS AND BOOTEES, either “pegged” or *s sewed,” of Army Btaudard, Quality and pastern SACK GOATS-OB BLOUSES, of blue twilled, flan pel, inaigo-dyed, blue or knit, of dork colors. Indigo bine preferred, STOCKINGS, to weigh 3 pounds Jo the dozen, all wool. ' : Proposals will state how soon the articles can be deli vered at the Schuylkill Arsenal. G. H.OBO3MAN, oc3l-tf ; Dep Q. M. Gen. QUARTERMASTER’S CHOICE, . U. S. Marine Gobps, Washimotos, 17th October, 1882. , Sealed Proposals, lor each class separately, will be received at this office until 3 o’clock P. M,, the SOth November next, for famishing to the U. S- Marine Oorpa, during the year 1883, the fallowing supplies to be de livered at the office’of the Assistant Quartermaster of the Corps, Philadelphia, Pa,, free of expense to the United States, in such Quantities as may from time to time bo ordered, viz: Glass No. 1. 14,000 yards Sky-Blue Kersey, all wool, free from hair, 64 inches wide, to weigh 22 ounces to the yard, (indigo wool-dyed.) , _ 6,000 yards Dark-Blue Kersey, all wool, free from hair, 64 incheß wide, to weigh 22 ounces to the yard, (indigo wool-dyed.) 3,500 yards Dark-Blue Twilled , Cloth, all wool, for uniform' coats, (indigo wool-dyed,) 64 inches wide, to weigh 22 ounces per yard.' : 160 yards of Scarlet Oloth, all wool, (cochineal-dyed,) 64 Incheß wide, to weigh 16 onncea per yard. Glass Nc, 2. . B,COO yards of 6-4 Dark-Blue Flannel, for oversacks, all wool, (indigo wool-dyed,) 54 incheß wide, to weigh 13 ounces per yard. 16,000 yards of 3-4 Dark-Blue Flannel, for Bhlrts, all wool, (indigo wool-uyed,) 27 inohes wide, to weigh 6)£ ounces per yard. ' 1,200 Gray Biankeis, alijwool, to weigh fonr pounds each, with letters “ U. S. M? 1 in black, four inches long, in the centre;, to ha 7 feet long and 5 feet wide, and free from greaso.' - ■ 7,000 pairs of Woolen. Seeks,-three sizes, properly made of good fleece wool, with double and twisted yarn, to weigh three pounds per dozen pairs, free from grease. : Glass No. 3. b 6,000 yards White Linen, for Panto, £0 inches wide, to weigh 13 onncea per yard. 9,0C0 yards White Linen for Shirts, 80 Inches wide, to weigh 11 onuses per yard. 16.000 yards Canton'Flannel for Drawers, 27 inches wide, to weigh 7 ounces per yard. Glass No. 4. 1,400 Uniform Gaps, complete, (except pompons;) 1,800 Pompons, rad worsted, bull-shaped, 5 inches in circumference. , 4,500 Fatigue Caps, (with covers,) to be made of bine cloth, indigo wool-dyed. 2,(00 Stocks. Class No. 5. 600 Gross Goat Buttons, (Eagle.) 200 GroBS Jacket Buttons, (Eagle.) 100 Gross Vest Buttons, (Eagle.) 1,800 Pairs Yellow metal Crescents and Sc'ale Straps. ISO Sets Epaulette Bullion for Sergeants and Corporals. 1,600 Seta Epaulette Bullion for Privates. 50 Bed Worsted Sashes. 2,000 yards of Yellow Binding. 3,000 yards of Bed Oord. 100 Swords for Sergeants. SO Swords for Musicians 50 Drums, (tenor,) complete. 50 Drum Slings. 200 Batter Drum Heads. 50 Snare Drum Heads. 100 Drum Cords. ; g 100 Sits of Drum Scares. 50 Boxwood 11 B” Fifes. Class No. 6. 10,000 Pairs Army Boots, (iafantry pattern.). Class No. 7. 1.200 Cartridge Boxes. 1.200 Bayonet Scabbards. 1.200 Percussion Cap Pouches, 1,200 Cartridge Box Belts. 1,200 Bayonet Belts. 1,200 Waist Belts. 1,200 Waist Plates. , 1,200 Breast Plateß. 200 Sword Progs. > - ■ Class No. 8. 1,400 Knapsacks. 6GO Haversacks. 600 Canteens ; 300 Musket Slings. - Glass No 9. For making and trimming the following articles, viz: Watch coats jisergeants’, corporals’, musicians’, and privates’uniform and fatigue coats; woolen and linen pants; flannel and linen shirts; drawers) flannel sacks; and red and bine jackets for boys. The above- mentioned articles must conform, in all re ipects, to the seal standard patterns in the office of the Quartermaster Marine Corp 3, Marine Barracks, Wash ington, D. O ; Assistant Quartermaster office Marine Corps, 1220 Spruce street, Philadelphia; nnd at the Ma rine Stations, Brooklyn, New York, and Boston, Massa chusetts, where they can be examined. And whenever the articles named above, or any por tion of them, ehall be considered as not fully conforming to samples, they will be rejected, and the contractor will be hound to furnish others of the reauired kind at once, or the Quartermaster will supply the deficiency at the ex pense of tho'conlr actor. Payment will be made upon the aocepted delivery of the whole guarantee, which may from time to time be or dered, withholding ten ner cent, from the payment of ac count rendered under first order, until second order ,is filled, and ten per cent from account rendered under se cond order until third order is filled, and so on, until con tract is completed. Each proposal must be accompanied by the following guarantee: POKJt or Goaraxts®. The undersigned -.of in the State of — r , smd ,in the State of —, hereby guarantee that In case the foregoing bid of -—— for supplies, as above described, be accepted, he or they will, within ten days after the receipt of the contract at the Post Office named, execute the contract for the same with good and sufficient securities; and in case the Baid : - shall fail to enter into contract* as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference between the offer of the said —■ — and that which may he accepted. A. 8., Guarantor. I*" O. D., Guarantor. , E..F., Witness. .. ,1862.. . ■" I hereby certify that the above named are known to me as men of property, and able to make good their guarantee. G. H. To he. signed by the United States District Judge, United States District Attorney, or Collector. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by the above guarantee. , , Newspapers authorized to publish the above w send the paper containing the first insertion to thiß office for examination. . , , . The biddtr’a place of business, or manufacturing esta blishment, must be apsotfioaUy stated In the proposal. The above list of articles is believed to be about the Ouant'ty of each article that will be reauirod during the year: but the Quartermaster reserves the right of order ing a greater or less Quantity, should the interest of the service require it. . , „ . . ■ _ Proposals will be endorsed on the envelope, “ Propo gals for Supplies for Marine dorps f0r1863,” and address-' ed to Major WM, B BDAQN,> Quartermaster H. Q. s Washington, & Qi. oeSO m4t MS' HOKE As &’To'so • SOS. IS9 snfi Ifl South ) STOCKS AHS 2® AX ' Pamphlet catUogne3 new ready »». scririicta of r.B the property to to (ir*T. Bext. Koremter 4», with e Hrt ofY»i S'rjr.l ls !- IWnber, compmkp a of Tamable property, by Older of O-tf,£?,*«« *3 cctore, and others. -aa-am,* 0,^,/*!% . EKAIi' BSTASCB AT TKlvVy* -, ‘ te A largo amctaif air Privaio ? A ia. ,' .MODERN FOUB STOBY 3BIOE 8y,,, E. corner of Eleventh and Eodman s'reeta ■ s ®> 11 srory Brick Dwellings in the roar on ItwvtS t, catalogue, 1,000 cases men’s, boys’, and yocihs’ctiiiHf, grain, and thick soots, calf and kip bnmss, BAe rola, Wellingtons, Ac. Women’s, misses sit dM calf, kip. goat, kid, and morocco, booled bootiMlshm gaiters. Ac. Also, city-made goods. Goods opes for examination, with catrlopw. stir on the morning of sale. BAD® OF 1,003 OASES BOOK, SHGIB- BSC - GANS, Ac. ON THURSDAY tfOBNCTJ, November 6, at 1C o’dock precise) j, writ iescki.brciu- Jogue, 1,060 cases men’s, boys’, ini youth*’ calf, kii, grain, and thick boots; calf ansi kip brogans, Oosgrei gaiters, Balmorals, Ac.; wt men’s, mins"*’, and chil-tari calf, kip. goat, kid, and morocco, hated boots and ska; gaiters, slippers, Balmorals, Ac. Also, a large east meht of first- class city-made good;. Open for examination.-with catalogues, eariy ah morning of sale. CJ. WOLSEST, AUCTION MAET, * No. 16 SOUTH SIXTH STBKST, Between Market and Chestnut, The subscriber wJU give his attention to pki of rttf estate, merchandise, household furniture, fescr gori* paintings, objects and virtue, &c, M vfcicfe shall have his personal and prompt attention,set & which he solicits the favtxrs of his friends. CHOICE OLD WISES. BE INDIES, bBEOIAL AUCTION BALE. ON TUESDAY MOBNJNO. November 11, at precisely 11 o’clock, at Eo lisjri Sixth street, between Market end Chestnut strife, 600 cases and demiJohns high grade pure usiissae MartelPs Imperial par© brandies. port wines, of undoubted brands; Hollaed finest M>Bongahe!a and Boutbon wbiskie*; cherry brandy, &o. A large poriion of these honors were Ifocdon, several yeare since, aro of the wairanted as represented, andaresped^Urre^asi®!* 1 to private gentlemen. , . Catalogues now ready, and will be forwarded per to gentlemen sending their address to C. J. WOBBSBTyi^iucesr. HYACINTHS; TU&IF9, kz. ON WEDNESDAY MOBNINd. November 5, at o’clock, at Id Sau!h in lots to suit purchasers, . u .. A large assortment of the finest import cimhj and other bulbs, warranted fresh groivaM- • son." Catalogues at sale. a . . arfr - Also, a large assortment of standard and dw «g trees, grape vines of the new hardy, varieties, fittf “ fine fnut trepa. &o. . ir - FOR HAVANA AND NSJ ORLEANS.—This splendid new Stas®g CONTINENTAL, Gaptain 0. P. Marsfcman. is to be ready for sea ob the JLGtli inst., and will sw R ‘‘ spatchas above. . The Continental is 1,600 tone tardea; bnilt with the moat strict regard to strenglb being donble iron braced Iram stem to sterl \„-, r ,} 3l oct with every madtrnimprovoment, inclollM 6 -* 5 * &c.\ that can add to the comfort of paaseigera. i Dne notice will be given of her day of sailieS- For freight or passage, apply to . „ A 126 HOBTH boston and p®* aftSmSa.- DELTHIA STEAMSHIP * lhi Tjrß from each tvort on SATURDAYS. Trom below BPBTJOE street, on SATUBDAY, So«»“f b3S The steamship NOBBIAN, Oapt. BaSer,'jlJ -' y Philadelphia for Boston, on RATUBDAY- /' m* A. ML; end steamship SAXON, Oapt. t Boston for Philadelphia, SATUBDAY, - o’clock Insurance ofte-half that by sail Tesseia. * rt‘4- at fair rates. . Shippers .-will please send their bills of (OOdS* rulitipSl For freight or passage, having flno secs®** 1 apply to HUSKY WIK9OB 4 jjSO 333 SOUTH ■VTOTIOE— I The Restrictions on W* JJX haying been removed, 'by order of tb“ ment, passengers about to visit Europe ”, D 1 ' required to ptovide themselves with psssp’t- 3 , ,j JOHN G. PALS-« .*£££*. STEAM WEEKLY TO torching at; Queenstown, The biyerpool, Now YorS, f. c Steamship Company intend despatch*# Clyde built Iron steamships as follows: TC ft Teni^ EDINBTJBGH.*. Ana 6Ter7 succeeding Saturday at bo<®> 44 North Biver. „„ _ f BATES OF PASSAGE FIKBT CABIN §BO.OO STEERAGE-;-;; jjg ■ do. t0E0na0n......90.00 do *°wn« da to Paris. . 95 00 . do do to Hamburg.... 95 00 do to 5. en ien, Bo* 58 " Passengers also forwarded to Havn>> or dam, Antwerp, Ac ,at equally row rates. Cable-,, -Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown • fS> 17, and 81 Guineas. Steerage from MJrCeitg From Queenstown £6.6. Tickets ar ® * t 0 current rate of exchange, enabling f eop: These steamers have superior sengers: are strongly built in Mid carry Patent Fire Annihilators. geons are attached to each Steamer. to r 1 1" For further information apply m M T° K,Gls* cC i MAM INMAN, Agent, 22-Water Street, w AIEXMABOOM, 5 St, Enoch Square, S OF to O. &W. D. SEYMOUR & OO.; in boaoen Jo j^ & MAOEY, 61 King William Street: « f " B plB rtdif DECOTJE, 48 Bne Notre Dame dea V*«toß«j - 3 Bourse; in New York to JOBH ®- ’ way, or at the Company's Office. & ocl . ; 11l Wainnt Streel, PW y THE BSmSHANDN^. SSUIL AMEBIOAN BOYAL S BETWEEN NEW . ING AT OOBK •AND BETWEEN BOSTON AND, ING AT HALIFAX AND «>SK ATOTBABASIAN, Cook, leaves New iorsi ABABIA, Stone, leaves Boston. £«g£J^2»4S£*i SCOTIA, J fidkin s, leaves j, C f- EUSOPA, Hoodie, leaves Boston, Weln p*. PB3SIA, Bott, leaves New Tort. We Chief Cabin Passage... '* Second Cabin Passage. Berths hot secured until paid for. p An experienced Snrgoon on board, .ccoos^ai^ The ownersof these ßhipswia notoe i 5E j. j Gold, Silver, Bullion. Specie, JeweW' or Metis, unless hltte of lading we E” the vains thereof therein expressed. c.-it Forfireightorpas^PPlvo ■ toi ri W.-1j t AKJSTO^j’, V)T. South WATEBStroet, Beil® in .Ohio gj®" S ** J “ s^l DESS. WISE, TWIKE, &o- P, aniNGLISH DAFiiY CHBj E S ;^ Hi Boiee °b? , t T nn cdved *nd for sole b* AJS~ ooS-tf no ‘