The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 29, 1862, Image 3
ITY ITEMS. j3l,,c.rrlrrL SPECIMENS OF PfleinaLapiry.— Vie Levet° aebnowledge the reception from Kr F opr, Len t o Pbotographer of this aity, of several sport ," o f bit great cartes do vinte of distinguished per r°, arl eng others those of Hun. Judge Stroud, Colonel . 8 13°- r s itr (Daster's Zonaves ), Roar Admiral Dupont, and - er R fearer Bache, cf the United Slates Coast Survey. iv:retie:rose of tone, streugth of likeness, artistic taste in pr anging the positions, and general excellence, they pro uuear passed by the finest French cartes that we i h ever examined, a' fuy expain the noparatieled b ore a[ his galleries, Ne ll e. 764 l and 706 Arch street. P' la the larger air ed pictures , also—the plain and ro- touelard Imperials, life size, in crayon and oil, and the er,tutslte iverityee — hir G. has also a national reputa tion. Ilx NeeN•DAY TYN lON .PItATEII. MEETINO r held lathe Saescarestreet Church every day at 12 o'oloek. is etill code:ad. 'three and four important objects are kept before the area Aug day after day. First, one coma VT - , Its peril. Second, our army and navy, Third, our Birk end %remitted folders and tailors. Fourth, our president and his Cabinet. The attendance 'Athens noon or „meatless for prneer, is not as large as it should be, cm id er lng their worthy object, and the numerous 0105.1 fur whom they are intended VIE FLAT. TO PURCHASE FALL AND 'WINTER 0 tow s.—Dieurs, C. Somers it Son, No. 625 Chestnut s treet, cruder Jayne's Hall, have succeeded in establish el, In tbls city, such a Clothing &sport= as has long been needed, in which the advantages of a first-class r eady.reade Clothing Store are combined with those of Ile. 1 Merchant Tailoring Establishment, Their neck of piece goods le extensive and admirable, selected for the beat customer work, and, In their ready-made de ;queued, the highest regard le paid to style sod supe riority of workmanship. Their prices are decidedly lower, also, than are charged elsewhere for the same Bless Of goods. • ,SPLF.NIriD ASSOIrrsiENT OF • HATS AND Box tuTl roe CHILDREN .kND MISSES —bloat of OUT lady ta mers notd not he told that the choicest and most extensive stock of Headgear for mime and children is to be mead at Messrs. Wood & Cary's, No. 725 Chestnut street; but we would state, for the benefit of etraugers and those who have not made the acquaintance of this celebrated Bonnet Emporium, that their present stock of gblldren's Owls—eft of their own manufacture and im• rortallon--is mere extensive and complete in all respects than any that they have ever exhieited. The very mo derate prices at which they sell affords another induce ment to purrhaeore. THE Firn. SEASON.--Messrs. Charles Oak ford e Son, Not, BC4 and 836 Chestnut street, under the Continental Hotel, have Inaugurated the Fur Season glib more then tonal eclat. They bad the sagacity to provide a superb Week of these elegant garments for winter, and the large amount of sales which they aro al. too roa tteg precise that they will have en adequate de mand for their immense sleek Their extraordinary lop . , peke; give them great advantages. CONCECTIONERY.—Mr. A. L. Tenant, COTE er of Ninth and Chestnut streets, has now le store at the ohoiceet new geode in his line, made from the purest materials—delioions Bon. bone of all flavors, Sweet Jordon Boasted Almonds, rich Cream Chocolates, fartrieneee Secrete, and firm French and American Mix. lures, the latter of which, nt 25 cents per pound are folly cosi in quality to those commonly sold at 50 cents, His were grapes, pears, to , ebould also be remembered. Flts'F TEAS AND COFFEE.—Mr. C. H. Matt son. dealer In fine family grocerie., Arch and Tenth swots, has now in atom a fresh supply of ail the beet BMA and Green Teas ; also, pure Old Government Java lug Liberia Coffee. The latter %the richest and most delirioualy•flavored coffee imported. TILESSRS. OAK FOND & SON, under the Conti mild Hotel, now offer a splendid stook of Gents' Fur ebbing Goods. FOREIGN INTER'S' ENTION.—A cock-and-bull gory lies teen started to the (Net that England and Yuma nee about to interfere in the American war, and thst in the event of o refusal upon the part of Govern- Meet to submit to mediation, then the bogus Confederacy to to be recognizsd. . Er gland has too much gumption to doter inch thing; while France hag too much regard for her old friends and allies to act so security. There sill be no ikervention yet awhile; but there will be an salsterrupted supply of elegant and comfortable suits for soldiers and eirillaw, kept up at the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of Itockhill and Wilson ' Nos. 603 and 0(6 Chestnut street, ',hove smut, PEnSONAL.—Mr. John E. Gowen, who rais. ed the Russian ships sunk at ,Serastopol, has been deco rated by the Emperor of Russia with the Croaa of the Order of Saitt Yladirnio. Victor Emmanuel, King of Daly, bas decora'td him with the Cress of the Order of Salute Maurice and Levier°, and the Sultan of Turkey bee conferral upcn him o Imperial Decoration of the Aledijith, and firansi le Stokes, the Fashioner and Clothier, No, GO Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will sell him a Brst•ctass suit of fall and winter clothes at his usual Idly prices. SniGUI , AR SIGNALS or SINGLENESS.—In the town of Qulmher, in Brittany, a very singular custom prevails. The men wear a nuttier kind of one cornered bat; the manner of wearing it gives very important in formation to the women of the neighborhood widow er wears his het in such n way as to bring the corner right over ale foriLeul , sbowiag that his life has been ores shadowed, > The in min] man wears his so that the corner Is over hie back, signifying that he can only look Oat* for happinera. The "jolly baohelor'l causes the corner to come jauntily over the oar, which may mean that ho is open to propoenis. Here almost everybody leeks as if oetno for proposals, as almost everybody dimes in the spruce clothing from Charles Btokee' dr st • close,' l under the Continental, Mil/ALS AT THE HOTELS tir To 12 o'ohooP: Lees linear. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Oheattut ats. 8011, Pittsburg D Floatetter, Pittsburg B B Barclay, Lexington Kr E Wise, New York lY B Tolke & In, Clot:found John Oorodo, Westinland G D Brook, Now Yo.k L & Chart), New York GlBlotorson, New Jersey Mrs J (.1 Oliver, Pottsville Aln 0 Y Moore, Pothentio D W Tarr, Boston EWBouthworth, Bprinitlell A B Sturtevant & wife /EWA B Gordon, Balumo.e Li 8 Norden J &Brown & 1 / I ,liitten'ing 0 W Hoffman, New York J Lary, Germany D I. Norris F filioapp & wf, Wash, D O Mrs J 8 Clark, Wash, D A Allen, New Jersey W n Abel, New York W A Nes/ - MD Miller, New York J A Willa Jr la, Detrolt,ll'll J G copolln & wf, St Louie 1E & wf, Portland F Palmer & la, Des Moines IJoncs& la, Alas Faille, N Y J B Whitlock & le, N York Peter Beynolds, Weierford B Vanderpool Jr vet, Newark Era (} II Baldwin, NYu k. 8 Norris Dr 0 F Looming, Cape mar Oaz W Swain, Now York 0 Boutin, Weetch'r c Y F Brown, Westch'r co, AI l' Jame P rooter, If S N A 0 Berolay B Logan W C Calvert & la, hid W 0 Woodville, Plarylar.ol S Pock, - Maryland Mrs Dallas, Marl land Miss Mathias, Maryland J E Beetle, Washington , William Porter, Lynn Seth 0 Keyes Seth 0 Keyes. Jr J H Beatty Col Oohee, Baltimore W Holloway, Keutucky W D Patterson, N J B S Dean, Taunton, Maas T 5 Sdllman, 'Newark J H Poet dlr Is, Coon A W folilispaueh & la, Ind'a 0 A Alortin, Brooklyn Blej Magner, II 8 A H W Lockwood, L Y W A Fernald `N 'Bedford r H (Joanne Jr la, N York (3 D Hand & wf, Loafer J B TehndY, tiltiz, Pe, J 061611 Eby, Lana co Wm A Mullin kla Clarliole A 0 Alden, Belfast, Me Mist Ptllord, New Toth. John B Murray, N Y P C flolliushead, Ky J E 1 ThontelOn & wf, N Y E. Burr, Massachusetts J J ones, 'Pennsylvania A Wilson, Lafayette, Ind'a hi Duncan & la, N Y Joho E Vans & wf, N Y Thad Ournser & wf, N Y E 0 Tolls, Boston W (lonise, Pro v, B J B F.yro, Sheffield. Engl l ,l B W Mohler, N York 10 Matthews, fialtitnoro B P Wheeler & wf, Boston J Painwr & wf, Pittsburg E Nalph, Washington kl (tallow, New YOlti 8 Prayer New York W D Davls, N Jereey Al Wods, Lafayette MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fortrth at., below Ara. W L bleafee, Wheeling, Ya P. Oooke, Chester co, Pa John B Jones, W main) , t U SankeY, MiUbeim. Pa Pitteburg W Kern & son, Allentown IN Hampshire, Jeanaville Hampehlre, Jeaneving - Ulmer JeansvAle (3 Nolen, 11/ 11101 s fi M Hoot/ass & ale. Illinois w McCready, New Jersey Lorkacback, Merlehem fl Hedges*, Newfield, 0 A JEoae & wf Ii C Ryster, Ohamberaburg A Wolk', Bethlehem Dire 'Fetter, Lancaster Mri El/maker, Laccaater B Kew., telinerayille B Taylor & la, Boston It Wey man, New York II Cohen, New York 1' ElencedY, New Jorasi P B Fithian, Bridgerci t,NI ft Elmer, New Jersey Chas Hirsh, Len cutter 0 P Kewles i . Lowell, HIM Hones 0 Mott, Me co, Pa D L Piper & do, Wmaport Capt G G Lott, II S A D Nam Milton, Pa /en J 0 D Lilly, Br ad lrg T McGraw, Penna J PDoogielOn, Snaryslaerg W U Fountain, She/Tilburg J A Polk, Manch CtilnE A Barnes, Ohio J N Metcalf, Kentucky J Q Adams, Penna W Murray Jr, wf, Penne D ‘ Ahl, (lacattris co, Pa J A Locke, Boston Jas IL , :lCelvey, Pittsburg N Pelere, Delaware II it Walton, Delaware J C Odentieiroer, M °eta& J L Stedman, M Chunk 'Ciro W Esser, Tot Unaeic N Walser, Allentown 1 1)11Ter Tomey, Indianapolis 0 0 Meollelland, Penna T Seitz, Easton John 0 Spencer, Ohio A Fe!ey, Weliaboro, Pa 11 aufford, Pittston Gee White, Marion a M Douglass, Indianapolis J Verne, Vi r esblngton, D 0 J G Lyon, Fulton co, Pa NH neat, Pura B Adams & family W Steele, New Yolk Cr fi Howland, Pike J Hut, Catcwatqua P Howe, Chester, Pa AMEREAN—Uhestuat street, above Fifth. J B 7 tllitirl, Coudersport, p,, John 'Jawlike, Oeoeoia, Pa Jobe, A Moore, Delaware John hillier, Columbus E D Orme, Baltimore Samuel Deokey, Oxford P Bowen, blaryiend J 8 Steele, Maryland James Flint, Alexatth la, Ye G W Howard jr, Baltimore P McLaughlin, Baltimore Jo. It Riley, New Jersey H B Bull, t h , ster to, i'a S F Minnick, Summit Hill Cbas Ilichurdr, Braci.lyr, G W Richards, Chicago B R P J ThomPaintpson, Valle, !Jot ge Geor J e Williams er, bloom.. Pa (a G Painter, Muncy, Pa J Banner Jr, ?aunty, Pa II Harold, Pennsylvania 4. 8 Gregg, Pent iva,,ia W H Dimmick, Pa filmtnick; Pa W A Gook, Connecticut 0 Kai' G Tgadyille, Maryland ft , LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. r riunsworth & foto, J B Finley, Newark Dunham, Boston 11 F Gilkeson, Boston ffi taw Eldridge, New York Geo W Upright, Alabama Zebriakie, New oik 0 W Baker tiz la,Yarmonch r atrYant & la, Delaware Gantt frisson, New York oho A Cale. BOstoxj (tyros Uatoh, Bostott a 'Chick, Ohio J 0 Bosch F rooriughorson J 14i Bilger, New York 7-7 . 1 ar 3 'i 'fol'scel New York fir Butterfield, New York FrEtt, Now yolk & Ordway, Boston Cos, Prens)l rattle J D Pearson Ji la, Baltitn'e /till Akers, Beldam, c, TAB llNlON—arca meet, above Third. 3 Molten, New York J toleher, Cheater co, Pa eiltr Kent, tobeiAer CJ Jos Fiser Cheater War, Cheater co J @tet h e, Chicago co aster:need, Ohio B J Roueltnle, Hageratown ~,!,a c hteli Mohican. Ohio 0 Brittetn, Beavr Meadows "'"l'inrion, Jr, r• .T ame U W winnertoo, NJecsur 11 Freeman, New York J Berton kt Is, Del co Geist wf, LailL c; 13 Shaffer Pittsburg 1, 1 1 °11 ' 1 er) Port Pet.n D J Flnestnef. numuteleit'n A Duper, Mars lin,d .1 0 Brown, Reading °,llBeyfert. Reedit r. T Bletealf, Ohambecabarg Z 9, 24 1, New Jtrecy Frank Reeder, Easton 4l kune7, Troy, J Carver, Now York DOM XBROIAL—Sizth street, above Mestant . Ft Buddn, Osmod, Chester co S 'Rhoads et la, Chester co Maryland J Powley Penna O 0 Gurney a! n La c Ie br McMillin, , Williamsport 0 ‘4calter, Mao lard 1! Ferguson, Lancaster cso hic lietrY, Doylret, - D K Lndom, Newto wn a W Stackhouse. Peuba L Mce, Doylesto 13 / 2 01 Rota, bryleemwn B PrizeHrn ryo , Dylestown wn llt Wrlord, POULII Cornett, Pbteoixvllle Lancaster co J W Cowell, noyleyetowa °, In , DoTiestown 'W Eder, Elkton, Md atkliO,Oxford Penna occernaker, N'lrsi. E Lamborn, Chester co • 9BISTIONAL noTtii—lisee street, above Third. p i t, k4 le, Wilkesharr a L Allentown 11,",trolog New Jerst y 0 W "Evans, Penna Wend', W, ,h rl Gornaloy, Maryland la'°,.; Rellsayu,,t„wis.4 Whitaker, Bt Olair 3 ; 0 11, Lebant:o, tire F Beek. Penns ' r Nor b th . SeylWs!, j'a G w Ellint GeDanglgelstoerr *.6 okscoo men, Pa , Bo DDiscloser, Labsorm J George, Lebanon D T itlklak, ovvr,Nolo, W DWager, litoriebraker, err, Lebanon MADISON 110138 D—Second street, above Market. Miss @ Sargent, Delaware Mrs Eh rah °abed, Del Joe Burma & la, N J W H alme, Bristol • R Rea, New Jersey & T Short, Dagsboro' Del J Devkiel son. DeAmara J B Adams, Bridgeville 211 Ad ems. Bridgeville, Del B K Kttbe, Doles own H B Gibboney. Mifflin co M Long tt la, Hartsville W Gleason, Pennsylvania Llent W J Bwiggert, Del N K Taylor, Pennsylvania H Yardley 'lc la, Incas oe 3' Whitlock, New Jersey Dr K Wiley, Backs co W H Herry,Doylestown Jos Johnson, New Hope II Ball, New 3 op R Scliumerhorn, New Hope J H Scishollz, Pa J W Qilbo.t, Greenville J W Vase, Greenville BALD EAGLE—Third street, above ClallowhM. W Camp, Lehigh co John Camp, Lehigh co W Fried, Echoylkill co Aaron Gromen, Washington Wm King. Lthigh co Jamul Anthony, Penns G F Anthony, Penneylvaala W P Henber, Lehigh co D Eferberllng, Weisepori E J Kurtz, Northumb'd co Jacob Aitert, Middletown J Bittenbender, Penna Levi Pcbrierar, Lthlgh co R Kleckner, Lehigh co Richard Fobbe, Lehigh co W ff. &glade, Reading Chao Pennypacker, Beading D 0 I - labelling, Weiceport A H Bcrile , Weinport A W Pottelear, Beading C R Hoffman, Leadlug John T Berger, Bucki co STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Bath, John Bell, Marietta, Pa 'T F Moore, N J Waterhouse, Mobile, Ala W illcOarty, N Y J Y McCartney, Indiana co II B Whiting, Roollester 3) R Davie, Clinton co Semi Banner, Danville Jacob Allack. Amoa Townsend, Pa Wash Frich. Pa A Henderson, Pa Aug Canis, Boston P 0 Rogers JeesePonnebakor, Lasso co D Littman, Perry co Geo Markel, Jr, Pa MT. VERNON—Becond street, above Arob. N R Currie, Belvidere J R Mitctaell, Baltimore; CI IV TreAo,'Baltimore T H Hopper, Baltimore A P Edmondson, Baltimore BLACK. BEAR—Third street, above Ca llowhflL Joel B High, Reading Wm Horner, Pennsburg J B Patinelman. Penns B M Lamb, Pennsylvania Cbas ljerprr. Jenkintown John Herat, Pennsbnrg J S Cornell, Feastorville L Appleton, Attleboro Chas Drelbelbes. Venango Sol Smith, Weiseobnrg Mrs Breit°lbes, Yenango L 0 verboltzer, a 8. - ..thlehem Osenbach, Pennsylvania Jos Rickert, listblehem Stepben Beath, Fenno. J U Knabb, Reading F C Barnet, Allentown Thos Hoffmnn, Allentown A Moyers. Allentown J Stream Illinois U W Nagel Newtown A Beisol, Allentown B Steckel, Allentown Lewis Bley, Allentown A Miller, Allentown M Snyder, Allentown A Yebl, Allentown S Yebl, AllentoWn AlPmilh, Alit ntown J P Dirler, Milford, Pa H S Cope, Bunks co, Pa E Roads, Byherry John Knowles, Penns M A Seller, Penns RMarsteller,Montgomery co Q T Gehry, Montgomery co Mrs Vansheets, Kutztown MARINE INTELLIGENCE. gig" SEE 70138TH PAWS. ABRIVM Behr J Buckaloo, Bennett, from New Haven, in ballaiit to captain. Sam /Mechanic. Corlies, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with corn to Jae L Benley dr, t/o. Fcbr Golden Gate, Fleming, 1 day from Odessa, Doi.' vitt% wheat to las L Bewley dr Oo Behr John Whitby, Henderson 1 day from Odessa, Del, with oats to Jas L Dewley & Co Steamer Bristol, Charles, 24 hours from New York, wiih mdse to W P Clyde. PITT B 5.0 K Brig Triad, Mitchell, from Philadelphia for Boston, in the gale of Wednesday Oct 22, lost sails (tom!l and fora• mil) and dragged ashore on Ship John &mai, striking very heavily, where eho remained until the 24th, when, after throwing overboard about twelve ton' of coal, was taken off by steaming J H Hickman, and arrived at Phi ladelphia in a leaky condition. Will discharge cargo, and go on dry dock for repairs. UL ABED Schr E W Benton, Taylor, Staten Isldnd, Caetner, Stlekney & We ling ton. Behr W B Lood, Clerk, Belem, do Behr B H. Shannon, Marts, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, Stone & Bohr B J Pickup, Pickup, Washington, do Behr Tennessee, 'Wooster, Pembroke, Me, E A Bonder & Co. Behr Mellen, Tansant, Saugus, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Behr J Truman, Gibbs, Now Bedford, J T Alburger & Co. Seim Mary ticradden,,AlODonald, Elkton, IlLd, B B Wigton. Sebr Benj Shepherd, Morris, Laurel, Del, J Tully. Etr Diamond State, Oanik, Alexandria, A Beybold. Str H L Gaw, Ler, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. Btr Beverly, Pierce, New York, W P Olyde. NZHOBANDA Brig Vincennep, Eodgdon sailed from Newport 26th inst• for Philadelphia Brigs S Small. Haskell, from Boston for Philadelphia; A J Rose, Nall, from Providence for do; and Emily, Flondcre, from St John, NB, for Wilmington, Dei, Bailed from Newport 25th met. . Bohr Gazelle, swain, hence, arrived at Halifax rah inataht. SPECIAL NOTIC3ES,, HALLOW EVE. BY TEE BARD OF TOWER ItALL. That mystic Ere approaches nigh When spirits walk about. And lasses oft by witchcraft try Their fortunes to find out. Some rural nymphs upon the fire, Nuts, named for lovers, range, And as they blaze up or expire, Those loves must grow-or change. The Scottish lass, to have revealed Her husband's shape and size, Flacks up a cabbage from the field, With bandage on her, eyes. But how much better would it be For our enlightened Fair, To judge a youth by what they see Of his own dress or air. Good taste and judgment most correot, To them they may Impute, Who at tho TOWER HALL select Their new autumnal emit. Our customers have the advantage of the largest and most complete assortment of Boady-xnade Clothing in Philadelphia to select from, of all sizes, styles, qualities, and prices—made up in a manner and style surpassed by none, from materials which were purchased before the recent groat advance in prices. We bull end self for Cash only—therefore, at the lowest prices. Tower Hall, No. 618 market street, Philadelphia. it BENNETT & CO. 'GROVER & BAKER'S NEW 011IITTLE BEWING MAOHINE.-PRIOE, The attention of tailors and other manufacturers re quiring the we of a fast and durable lock.stitch machine, le directed to oar fie. 9. Thiele anew and admirable machine, operating with the greatest ease, and with but little noise, and, although but lately put into the marker, is already a great favorite with manufacturers. It is a flret-class machine, at a low price. No machine ever introduced is this city has sold so rapidly, or given ouch universal satisfaction. It is very simple in its construction, easily learned, not liable to get out of order, works with fine cotton, silk, or linen thread, equally well ; and the low price at which it Is sold places It within the reach of all who desire a reliable, service able macldne, GROVER do B&HEE. S. CO., 730 CHESTNUT Street. 11M5A .„,5 , GREAT TRIUMPH.---,STEINWAY I & SONS were awarded the FIRST MEDAL at the late great International Exhibition, London. Over two hundred and eixtp-nine Pianos, from all parts of the world, entered for competition. Warerooms at BLASIUS BROTHERS, 10()8 CREST - NUT street oetdm BATCHZLOR I S HAIR DTI ! TUE BEET IFa TEE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BA.TOELELOB'S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be dietingnished from nature; warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill affects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, BED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Sold by all Druggists, ‘ito. 11Zr The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHE LOB, on the foyer sides of each, boo. FACTORY No. 81 BAROLAY Street, (Late 238 Broaduray and 18 Botsd street,) tny2B-1y New York. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and inligorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Diapepsia sad Constipation. They corn Diarrhona, Cholera, and Cholera liforbas. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous lleac'ache. They are the best BITTERS in the world. They make the weak msn strong, and are exhausted nature's groat restorer. They are made of pure St Croix Rum, the celebrated Uslierrya Bark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleacure of a beverage, without regard to ago or time of day. Particularly recommended to deli cats persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Bold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. K. DRAKE & 00., 202 BROADWAY. New York. sal Su) UPHAM'S Han DYZ, 38 cents a box. —Three boxes for $1; the beat in use. Try it. Sold only at UPR AWS. 4413 CHESTNUT 13t. se2T.3ns* MARRIED. ILI,AiII—OALE Y.—On the 2ad :instant, by Friends' ceremony, at 'the house of EsmueiOaley • Hervey Galata. formerly (I Buchiacounty, to Bailie, daughter or Funnel Oxley, all of this city. [Bucks and Delaware county pavers will ➢lease co➢Y * REIZENSTEIR—KANNREUTETInt —On the 21st instant, by the Lev. Dr. Elation," Mr. Isaac Beizenstein, of this city, to bliss Sophie Kannrenther, of Oolumbla, Penna. - * 11617SSLBY—W &Trani/LW—On the 234 instant, at the residerce of the bride's father, by Roy. B.IE. Stevens, Omar J. Kinfley to Vaunt, FL Waterman, both of this city. * WIEGBDIAN--BGEIEBB —On the 12th instant, by the Bev. J. G. Wiebio, Mr. Herman Wischman to Miss Blelvina L. Schell . , both of this city. * DIED. EIS SET —On the 27th Mat , Levi Kinsey, in the 41st year or bis no. Hie relatives sad friends are reel:moray invited to at tend his Amend, from hie late residents, No 4 Ammican glace, Fourth street, below Vine, on Thursday, 30 th inst., at 3 o'clock. [Burks count; Paters Please copy.] ** LITOHTE —tudOentv, on the 25th inst., Henry 0. Ritchie. eldest son F.f It Alice E. and the lath Captain 'bowman H Ritchie, in the 29th year of his age. His 'Tient - el and male friends, as well as those of the family, are remotion/ invited to attend his funeral, firm the residence rf his mother, 1209 south Fourth street, this (Wtdoesday) afternoon at 2 o'cloCk. To pro• reed to the (Atbcd,al Cemetery. HURLEY.---At St. Andrews, Florida, on the 16th of 2[7U-tuber, of yellow fever, Henry A. Hurley, Acting least e of ii. S. gunboat Taboata, aged 26 years, eon of James 8. and Alice 0 Hurley,' of Oamden co., NOW Jersey. BHTLIT: —On the 26th inst., Elizabeth, daughter of the lace Joint Steylie, Sen. The filet de of the family are resentfully invited to at er (1 the, fun. rel from the residence of her brother, John Elm lir., Jr., No. 616 north Eixteenth street, this (Wernesr ny) afternoon, at I o'cico,"g. * .151AITL &ND —On Sunday, the 2Gth lust , Elizabeth 0.. wire of Edward V. Maitland. Her frit rds and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral on Thursday atm:ming at 8 o'clock, from the residence of her husband, No. 523 Plue street, without f tt.ther notice. **. MAONEILL —On the 25th inst., Alexander J. mac. nein. His mile friends, and those of the family, the Profes sore and A turn 31 Association of the Oentral High School, are rovacctledly invited to attend his funeral, from the reateecce of his parents, No. 310 south ll'ifth street, on Thursday afternoon, 30th loot , at 3 o'clock, without further notice ** ORA &MEM --On the morning of the 25th inst., after a !Meeting Illness. has. Sarah A. <Members. .11110V} S --October 251 h, Emma, daughter of The mat at d 71 erste Eloodes, aged S months and 2L i daye. * TWYETEN.--On the 25th Jut., in Camden, N J, Amalie D of sir; William H. Tatieten. * ORRIN —On the 2fith inst., Willie Green , youngest son of Nathaniel and Mary Jane Green t aged 2 Terme, 1.1 months end 26 da3e. PATTERSON —On the morning of the 27th int., Erre. Martha Pattcreon, in the 49th year of her age. * NOBLE - On the 21at Mat , Samuel T Noble, of Com pany I, California Regiment, from woande received at the liable of Antietam. eon of the late Edward and Eli • zaboth Noble, in the 22d year of bia age. CALYEET.—On the 27th Mutant, Irene. daughter of Charing W. F. and Remits Calvert, aged 4 years and 6 month& . . BAUM —On the 26th, Catharine Baum, widow of the late Samuel Baum, in the Slst year of her age. * LOY GE —On the 27th inst., James D. Mlle. son of James and Mary Aen Doylo, at the age •of 6 years and 17 deys. *- HENRY.— Killed, in action, at the bettle or Bull Run, 30th of 6. ugust, John, beloved son of John and Ruth Henry, in the 21st sear of his ago. L A PPEN —On the 27th loot Mrs. Mary Lapp en, wife of Mr. Peter Lappet), aged SO pears. ik . . ERICKSON —On the 26th inst., Mr. Frederick E. RHO son, in tho 30th year of his age. * ALLEN.:—On the 20th inst., at Tackerton, N. J., Charles E. Allen. eon of William I. and Lnoy Ann Allen, in the 23d year of hie age. • II HERI3.6.IIT,—On October 26th, George Frederick, Ron of George and Dinah Herbert, aged 3 years and 3 wont he. C&STOR.—From a disease contracted before Rich mond, October 25th. lisnry Oaator, of Company D, 71st renneylvania Regiment (Col. Wietv's), aged 29 yeare, B 1 AC DRESS GOODS.-BLAOK Velour Reps, 'Velour Ottomans, Grain de P.mdres, Erleglines, Popelines, French Merinos, French Cash meres, cheap Cashmeres, all w.ol Manoselfue de Leine', single aid double widths cheap De Laines ; Tamises, Baratheas, Drop d'Almao English and French Bpmba -731N6 Silk warp Cashmiree, Turin Clotho, Craps pierbo, raramottoe, Irish Poplins, Satin do Chimes, Bombazine Alpacas. &c. Aldo, Block. Silks and Shawls of ovary description. SIMON & SON, Iffourniug Store, oc7B•tf No. 818 CHESTNUT Street. EYRE & LA.NDELL, FOURTU and ABOE STREETS; OPINING FOR FALL SALES: Magnificent Silks. Magnificent Stands. Magnificent Poplins. Good Black Silks. Richest Printed Goode. Good Stock of Staples. se2o-tt 50(1 BOXES TOBACOO.—We gua v rantee to sell Tobacco, Snuff, and Oigats, at lower prices than any other hone in the city. A. bargain in Havana Cigars. purchased at ?larahal's Sale. WOOD WARD & 00.. 41 South FOURTH Street. oc&l.m* Tr THE DRAFT IN PHILADELPHIA. If the citizens of any Division of any Ward will obtain proof that their Division is entitled to credit for a greater number of 'Volunteers enlisted in'the service of the United States, in Pennsylvania Regiments or companies, than it has received from the returns of the Deputy Marshals, and from the additions Made thereto by the 00111113iMIOLCTS fcr Drafting, the undersigned will give them a bearing, at the Nisi Prim Court Room from U to 1 o'clock during the present week, and will make the cor rections which are just. B. GERHARD, WILLIA.BI R. ALLEN, °lief Oomtniesionera for Drafting. Philadelphia, October 23,1862. 0c29-4t aTA MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE FALL6TAEF. (Fifth Preciuct Housed tlimh Ward, THIS (Wednesaay) EVENING, at &clock, to aecertain if more men have not already been sent from this Precinct than are required to exempt it from a draft. . ltd ErrSU INDA.Y.SCHOOL MEETING.—Rev. JOHN CHAIM Eftti will address the Sabbath reboot meeting on THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, at 7).i &oink, in the of the Second Reformed Dutch Church, SEVENTH. Street, above Brown. lt* TrSIXTH WARD, FIFTH . PRECINGT.— The enrolled Militia of this Precinct, who are anxious to avoid the draft, are requested to meet in the Gentlemen's Parlor of the AREItIOAN HOTEL, THIS (Wednesday) RYES'S°, Oct. 29th, at 7X o'clock, to adopt snob trumenres as are necessary to Set are the object of the meeting. 07 . SEVENTEENTH WARD, NINTH P EEO I o:T.—Meeting THIS (Wednesday) EN &NINO, at corner of RANDOLPH J CET fiSO Streets, to secure due credit for onlisiments, and avoid the draft in the precinct. TWENTY-FOURTH WARD, SIXTH 113 PREC.INOT.—i meeting of the citizen 3 of the Precinct wilt be held THIS EVENING at :X o'clock, relative to the quota of the Precinct for the corning Draft, at AFFI,IOK , S, corner of L.A.NOASTER and RAVERPORD Botta: it RECRUITING OFFICERS FOR THE LL3 OLD REGINI.F.bit'S are requested to moot at the A31.10(.11)AN ircPrEL, CRIB HORNING at II o'clock, us business of vital importance will be considered. A. full attendance is respectfully solicited. it Lk MEET IN G OF THE CITIZENS OF THE FOURTH PREOINOT, THIRD WARD, will bo held THIS EVENING, at the MARION HO SE 11.01JeE, at 7 X o'clock, to take action on the Draft. Boonds—Third and Sixth awl Catharine and Christian etrceta. It ryl,'" A 3ISETING OF THE CITIZENS OF 113 the THIEDiPREOINOT of the Second Ward will be held at the PEE OINOT HOUSE, northwest corner of ftIOYAMENSINO Avenue and. WASIIINGTON Street, on TlllB (Wednesdal ) EVENING, 29th inst., at 7.}i o'clock, to adopt measnreeln relation to blackleg the Precinct, in order to ascertain the number of men far:ltalie() tor the war. lt* PROCLAMATION.-OFFICE OF. TILE 113 MAYOR Or 'THE OITY OP REMADE& YttlA In accordance with a recommendation of the Councils of Philedelphia, the citizens of each Preeinct, in the several Wards of the Oity, are ,hereby aril:seated to take measures for arcertalning forthwith the name and reel. deEce of every person who has enlisted from such Pre cinct in the service of the United States, as well as the Company and Begiment of the Volunteer, and there upon to furnish full and accurate information thereof daring the current week t) the Commissioners appointed to tuperintend the proposed draft. In testimony whereof, I have hereto caused the seal of the City of Philadelphia to be (Mixed this twen (sEir..3 ty.eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty. two. ALEX&NDF.B HE NIX, oc2o-21 rileyor of Philadelphia. prtE---aa FOURTH DIVISION, FIRST WARD. U.& —At a meeting of the citizens of the Precinct, a committee was appointed and instructed to meet at Capt. HAP• D'S, corner of SIXTH and DIOKERSON Streets, EVERY EVIINING this week, from 7 to 9 o'clock; where the citizens are coquetted to send to the Oommittee the came of every man who has enlisted since the corn: menrAment of the war, with his occupation, residence, regiment and company, and the time be enlieted--the ob ject being to ascertain whether the quota of the Precinct has not been filled without draft. The Preanct extends from the south side of Wharton to the north side of liEfflin street, and from the east side of Seventh to the west side of Fourth. JASIES G. PEALE, President. JOS. H. CHUBB, Secretary. oc2B 2i* T R.E. AS UREA' S DEPARTMENT, Lk3 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD GOAIPANY, PHILADELPHIA October 17, 1862. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day de clared a Semi-Annual Dividend of FOUR PER ()ENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State and Government Taxes, payable on and after November 15th, 1862. Powers of attorney for the Collection of Dividends can be had on application at this office. TRIOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer, oat 184 m No. 238 South Third street. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA, U l / 4 3 GERMANTOWN, AND NORRISEW,VN RAIL. ROAD COMPANY, PatranFmrate, October 13, 1862. Tho annual meeting of the Stock and Loanholders will be held et the office of the Company, northeast cor ner of NINTFI and GREEN Streets, on MONDAY, the 3d day of NOVEMBER next, at 10 o'clock A, 111. An Election to choose four Managers, to serve three years, will be held the same day immediately after the Stock holders' meeting, and close at 2 P. rd. 0013•tn3 W. S. WILSON, Secretary. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' 113 BANK—PHILADELPHIA, October 6, 1862. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Barking House on MONDAY, the 17thday of November next, between the boors of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. 31.; end on TUESDAY. the 4th day of November next, a general meeting or the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House, at 4 o'clock P. U., agreeably to the charter. W. RUSHTON, JR , od7-tnol7 Cashier. tyr-, MECHANIC 5 , BANB.—PHILADEL [I3 milt. October 7, 1862, A. general meeting of the Stookholdem will be held at the Barking House on TIIBODAY, 4th day of Novem ber, at 12 AL ocB-tool The Annual Election for Dlteotorirwill be held at the Banking Mutts° on DIOND&T. November Pr e hetwesn the bats s ot 10 A. 11. sad 2 P. M ocB-tnol7 WIRCIAND. Jit °ashler. wigg. , OFFICE OF -THE SURGEON-ARTIST TO TEL ARIIY AND 2TAYY, PHILADELPHIA., Oct 24th 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing thenmelves of the National Approp:iation for srippiring Artificial Litnbe, bnould apply immediately at the Mhos of the Surgeon Artist to the Government. No 1609 OHISTI'll:1 Stied. B. F11.4.1.1K. PAE, l 5l.,tlt, oc2o if Goverranent burgeon-Artiet. SOUTHWARK RANK. U,3 PHILADELPHIA, October 7,1862 The ANNUAL ELEOTTON for DIRSOTORS will be held at the Banking Hone° raa kfOND IY, the 17th day of November, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. I. and 2 o'clock P. AL. A GEntral lifeetiog of the Stockholders will be held at the same rases on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November next, at 12 o'clock kl. oat. ethntnol7 F. P. STEEL, Cashier. gkels—te..- GIRARD RANK.---PRILA.DELPHIA, 11_3 October E. 11361 The Annus' Election for Directors will be held at the Banking House, en MONDAY, the 17th day of Novara. ber, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. 11. A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same plate on TUESDAY, the 4th of Norember, at 12 o'clock M. W. L. SCHAFFER, oclo-frnw , thol7 Cashier. wtalea-.7- RANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP. Exs PEULADHLPHIA., Oct. 11, 1862. An election fot thirteen Directors will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between 14 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Hottee, on TUEt3DAY, the 4th day of No vember next, at 10 o'clock a,. X. acl9.mwftel7 JAMES RUSSELL, Cashier. THE PHILADELPHIA DANK.— PIIILADELPICIA, Octobar 8,1863. 'I he annual meeting of the Stockholders will bo held at the Barking Ilona° on TUESDAY, November 4,1882, at 12 o'clock M. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking Reuse on • MONDAY, November 17,1862, be tween the 11011 TR or 10 A. M. and 2 P ocB wlmtnoli B B. COMEGYS, Cashier. respo- COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL IL3 STAliitt. PHILADELPHIA, OCt. 13, 1862, A general meeting of the Stockhoiders will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of tfo vember next, at 12 fd. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 10 A.. 111. and 2.1'. M. ocl2.2nwf tI7 S. C. PALMER, Cashier. IrCONSOLIDATION B A Nifi.--,PHILA DEL ?MIA, October 9, 1802 The Annual Election for DIRECTORS will be held at the Banking Hones on MONDAY, the 17th day of No vember next, between the hours of 10 A. AL and 2 P. M. A General Meeting of the Stockholdera will be held at the same place on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, at 12111. (0010.fmwtn17] JOB. N. PEIRSOL, Cashier. PUBLIC SALE OF THOROUGH BRED DURHAM CATTLE --We wilt offer at Public Sale ' at 1 o'clock P. Af., on FRIDAY, October 31, on the Fair Grounds of the York Donuts , Agricul tural Society, York, Pa a large and select lot of THOROUGH-BRED DURIEfAId CATTLE,. embracing animals of both sexes, from three months to four years of age, and all of the BEST BLOOD. Full information and pedigree will be gifen . on anon. cation, or can be obtained on the grounds at the time of sa l e . EDW , D J. EVANS & 0c29 of YORK, Pa. ak SAUSAGE CU TT ER S AND —di—STUFFED% for ottle by D. LANDRETH & SON, 1t 21 and 23 South SIXTH Street. THE TOPIC. OF THE MIX-BEI MEWS Tvorytypes are the theme of all who admire fine paintinge. Their natural, life-like appearatma de light all who eee them. SECIOND Street, above Green. * pRoFEBBOR J. ISAACS OCULIST and AUBIST, from Leyden, Holland, has Derma• rently looted himself at No. 511 PINE Street, where 'persons afflicted with diseases of the Bye and Ear wilt be scientifically treated, and cured, if curable. H. B —No charge made for examination. - 0c29 43t,1/4; THE PRESS.-EMLADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 1862, MILITARY. TENTH DIVISION! - CLOAKING 'CLOTI-IS, I FIFTEENTH WARD! i i , FROSTED BEAVERS, Extra Founty, $3OO. ELEVEN RECRUITS WANTED Any. Citizen or Resident of the TENTE DIVIEION of the FIFTEENTH WARD (to the number of ELEVEN) will receive a $3OO DIVISION BOUNTY by enlisting in either of the Regiments now in the field, or those forming, if mustered Into the service of the United States By F_aturday, November 1 1 1862. Application can be made to, and information obtained from: H. G. LitISENBING, Chairman, No. 232 Sarah Third street. A. 0.. L. CRAWFORD, No 2105 Green street. E. D WARREN, No. 1.'030 Mount Vernon street. JOHN KILGORE, No. 2019 Green street. JOHN W. STORES, No. 619 Walnut street. WALTER F. SHULTZ, No. 2137 Green street. D. A. ALLISON, No. 12 State House Roiv. W. W. ALLEN, No. 322 Oheetnnt street. J. F. KILLE, No. 2103 Green street. Dr. R. STEWART, No. 736 North Nineteenth street. JESSE DOULDEN No. 118 Market street. ODABLES VA NHORN, No. 214 North Front street. JAMES M. TOY, No. 333 Chestnut street. CHARLES D. SUPPLER, No. 740 N. Nineteenth street. JESSE COX, N 0.1903 blonnt Vernon street. WM. T. EIILL/VAN, No, 30 South Seventh street, COMMITTEE ON FINANCE, on. WM. MATTHEWS, 'Summer, Bach Hill IronVorke. DIVISION BOUNDADJES.—From Green to - Pe/Jar streets and from Nineteenth to Twenty-second streets. An ADJOURNED IitEETING will be held an WEDNESDAY EVENING, 29th twit., at °OATES and WEST &roots. oc29 5t 7OrE REGIMENT, P. lr. AN,/ (RUBWB LANCERS.) Good Reornits want. • ed at JONES' Hotel, CHESTNUT dtreet.: 0c.20. 64.* 15775-PHILADELPHIA GITY GUARD, 167th, 001. WILLIAM, A.. GRAY-9316 and a Gun/Blanket to each Recruit joining this Regi ment. Oall at 627 011EST.NUT Street... ; 11 CITIZENS OF PHILADELPHIA, —Yon have one week longer to work, and do away with the Draft. .11316 and a Gum Blanket to each Beeman for this fine Regiment, now In camp. Headquarters, 627 UHRSTRUT Street. It I COME ONE, 00113 ALL! _ Seem $315 and a Gam Blanket, at 62T OBBBT BUT Street. it !IfMONEY ! MONEY'! ! MONEY,! ! --fait - I.—All those in want of MONEY and a GUM 13LANKET, and who wish to serve their Country, can do so by salting at (27 CHESTNUT Street, and asking for Ooi. Wfd. A. OR &Y. alt $315 BOUNTY !- $315 BOUNTY!! $315 BOUNTY!!!—PHILADELPHIA OITY GUARDS, eol. WK. A. GRAY, 627 ORES mur Stmt. This Regiment will giie each recruit 8300 Bounty, one month's pay in advance, $25 Government Bounty, making a total of 8315. This is the 'last chance. It 70TH REGIMENT,- .P. V. (RUSE'S LANCE aS.) A few more men wanted, of good obaracter&orner of EIGHTH ana OHE ~ TICO• I Streets. 0029 St* IPHILADELPHIA CITY GUARD, 00l OR AY.—s9oo OFFY BOUNTY ! 8315 BOUNTY !—Onelliontli's Pay in advance, sta ; Eniletroent Fee;'s2s of the Government Bondy. (total $315), r.l.d a Gnm Blanket to eaoh man—an ar ticle not forntehed to other Regiment& Oall at 627 GB ESTIS UT Street. ' It PRECINCT COMMITTEES, AT TENTION !—By calling or (Rending word to Gol. WM, A. GRAY, 627 ORESTNI7I' Street, you can arrange to do away with the Daft in your Precinct. Now is the time to work., do not delay one hour. .4 IBOARD OF TRADE RIFLE REGIMENT, 166th P. Y.—Twenty Men wanted to fill up 00. G—8165 bounty. Apply at 605 Bourn - Street. GEORGE B. LAIRD, Captain. JAC , ESON D. COOKE, let Lieut. 0e2.4.6t* CORN EXCHANGE REGIMENT OOL. 0. M. PREVOST. I RECRUITS WANTED for this popular ReOreent. BOUNTY $lBO, and ONE MONTH'S PAY' IN ADVdNCE. RECRUITING STATION'S, 138 WALNUT STREET. and 808 MARKET Street. Capt. DENDY SHARWOOD,` oc9-tf Recruiting Officer. RUSH'S LANCERS (70th Regiment P. V.) Recruits wanted, corner of 'EIGHTH and OHESTNUT Ste. 0c29 6E*.:, RUSH'S LANGEItS.--Yourig Men wanted to fill the ranks of this regiment. Two new companien to be raised immediately, Principal Rendezvous No. SO CHESTNUT Street, 0c21.3w* U. S. REVENUE STAMM D EPOSITORY OF U. B. TAX STAMPS, No. 419 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA BANK BUILDING (EAST BOOlif). Received a full supply of the different Male and de nominations of , U. S. - TAX STAMPS, which have been issued by /be Government, and will con tinue to receive them se soon ria they are ready for de livery. ?be above are now offered for ettio, and orders for them will be promptly executed. THOS. W. SWEENEY, - UNITED BMW ABSEBBOIL G. GIIMPEIIS, Agent, No. 1341 CHESTNUT STREET, 3twthsa (One door above the U. S. Mint.) TT U B. BEVENUE STAMPS, • The undersigned has received the following EITAIIIPS for Bale: CHECKS, Proprietary, 1, 2 - 3, and 4 cents. CONTRACT, 10 cents. CERTIFICATES, 10 cents. TELEGRAPH and- EXPRESS. I respectfully call the attention of the public to See- Nona 25, 104, 105, and 107, as THE PENALTY WILL BE ENFOROED. JOHN M; RILEY, Collector, oat St 427 OHE3TNTIT Street TT INTERNAL REVENUE p i 4..) a KJ* OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR OF THIRD COLLECTION DISTRICT PENNSYLVA.- BIA., S. W. CORNER THIRD AND: WILLOW STREETS. NOTIOE TO DISTILLERS OF 13P1RITS, RE FINERS OF COAL OIL, AND DREWERS.—The at tention of parties resident of Third District, comprising the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeputh, Eigh teenth, and Nineteenth Wards of the City of Philadel phia, who are engaged in either of toe above-named oc cupations, is called to Sections 39, 41, 47, 50, and 61 of the EXCISE LAW of July 1, 1862, wherein Ahoy are required to make monthly and tri-mouthly returns and payments to the Collector of the District. NOTLJP, IS HEREBY GIFUN, That the under signed Is prepared to receive daily at his office, between the hours of 9 A. Ili. . and 3 P. M., (Sundays excepted,) the returns snd payments above specified. ADDITIONAL NOTICE. • The tax-payers of the District are informed • that I have pal ti cloned it into two divielons—viz : The Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Sixteenth Wards constitute the First Divielce ; to receive and collect the taxes and,duties crning wherein, I have appointed H0D.&1311,D. PEOS the Deputy Oollector. " ' The Second Division is composed of the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Wards; to receive and col lect the taxes and duties accruing wherein, I have, In like manner, appoluteA GEORGE F. KEYSER the De puty Collector. The Deputy Collectors will jointly, with the Coliketor, occupy the office, S. W. corner THIRD and WILLOW Streets, where they may be daily consulted, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. M., (Souders excepted ) They are. in their respective divisions, empowered by,; law, equally with the Collector, to receive and collect the - National Taxes accruing therein. WILLIAM J WAINWRIGHT, 0c29 Gt Collector Third District:• ' TT Q, INTERNAL REVEN 13E.— cYrlEMOlTVlNa l io O T ß :Paling.tiltiq l o ß .:2 ORESTNIIT STREET. PIOTIOR TO DISTILLERS OF SPIRITS, Rlll - OF COAL OIL, _titrD BREWERS.—The attention of parties resident of First District, :com• Driving. the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eleventh Warde of the city of Philadelphia, who are en gaged in either of the above-named occupations, is called to - Sections 39.41, 47, 50, and 51 of the Eicise Lew of July 1, 3862, wherein they are required to make monthly and trimonthly returns and payments to the Qolleotor of the District. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned is prepared to receive daily, at his office, between the hours of .9 L. N. and 3 P M., (Sundays excepted ' ) tbe reams and Payments above epeciSed. 'Mr JESPER rf&RDINGI., Collector of First District, oe2O. dt No. 304 "CHESTNUT Street. TT Q INTERNAL RE VENUE---- IL .7 • OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR OP SECOND OOLLEOTION DISTRICT OF FENNSYL VARIA. S. W. CORNER ,THIRD AND VVALNIJE STREETS. NOTICE TO DISTILLERS OF SPIRITS, RE FINERS OF COAL 01L, AND BREWERS ,—The attention of parties resident of Second District, compel sing the First. Seventh, Eighth, liinth and Tenth Wards of the city of Philadelphia, who are engaged in either of the above , named occupations, is called to sections 39, 41, 47, 50, aid 51 of the Extise Lem- of July 1, 1862, wherein they are required to make monthly and cri monthly re turns and payments to the Collector of the District. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned is prepared to riceive, daily, at his office, between the hours of 9 A M. and 3 P. M.. (Sundays excepted), the returns and payments above specified. TT B. 'INTERNAL,. REVEN,UE,-- OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR. OF - FOURTH COLLEOTION DISTRIOr PENNSYLVANIA, No. 42 CEESITUT Street. . . • • ; OF 00,SL OIL, AND BBEWEIES. 'The attention of parties resident of the Fonrlh Dis trict, comprising the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth, TweotyBrst, and Twenty, fourth Wards of the City of Philadelphia, who are engaged in either of the above named occupations. is called to Sections 33, 41, 47, 63, end 61 of the EXCISE L W of Snip 1, 1863, wherein they are required to make monthly and tri re tains and paymente to the Collector of the District. NOTICE 16 HEREBY OIY ES' that the undersigned is prepared to receive; daily, at his °ince, between the hours of 9 A. Id and 3Y. K. (Sundays excepted), the returns and payments above specified, . JOHN rd. RILEY, Collector'of Fourth District. JOHN H. DIFML, Collector Secand District RETAIL DRY GOODS, FINE OASSIMEEES, VELOUR REPS, BALMORALS, BLANKETS, LADIES' CLOAKS. WOOLEN BRAWLS,. rx BOYS' CLOTHING. COOPHR & CONARD, cc2B-tr 'S. E.COILIiINTEI and 11E&RHEr tilts EW FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, AT MEDIUM AND LOW-PRIORS, OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER Have just received from Auction a large lot of WOI - EN SAXONY DEEM GOODS, Ranging from 26 to 36 cents per yard. In dallY receipt of cheap lots. Nos. 450, 452, and 454 N. BEDDED - STREET, 0r28.3t 4.01, Above Willow RUSSIA TOWELING. Just opened, several bales SUPERIOR RUSSIA. URA.SH. CURiEN STODDAtiT & tROTHER, Nos. 460, 452, and 464 N. SZOOND STREET, 0c28.81 A.bovo Willow. SHIRTINCr FLANNELS. SUPER WRITE FLANNELS, SUPER SCARLET. TWILLED AND PLAIN, • SUPER YELLOW FLANNELS, HEAVY GRAY TWILLS, AND STRIPED, PLAID, AND FIGURED FLANNELS, For. Military and Travelling purposes CURWEN .STODDART & BROTHER, Noe. 400, OR, and 454 N. SEOOND STREET, 0c28.3t ' Above Willow. U . S. ARMY BLANKETS. Volunteers emitted at the lowiit OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 46 4 2, and 464 N. SECOND STREET', eat& 3t Above Willow. FAMILY 13 L A NIc.E TS, Of all grades and style& CURWEN STODD.A.RT & BROTHER, Nos. 460, 4.12, and 464 N. 13BO0ND STREET, cic26 qt Above Willow. ri R , BETS. Just below CHESTNUT, On the East side of TENTIT, The ladies, well pleased, Have discovered at length Those elegant COR3ETS In style and material The Parisian rivaling Yea, e'en the Imperial! such now is their verdict, Without any fawning; And g+ AIRS. STEEL' , They descry on the awning. 0029 2t* NTEw GOODS AT OLD PRICES.- ..LI 2,000 yards heavy Linen Rucked:arch. 200 dozen Ladies' heavy. English Cotton Hose. 500 rich I'm/bound and Applique Lace Curtains. 750 yards rich Tambonred Drapery /Iran. 150 Marseilles Quilts-11,12, 13, and. 14-4. Also, a large assortment of Table Linens, Table Cloths, Naplins, Doylies, ToweLings, Linen Sheetings, heavy Cotton Ebeetings, Pillow-Case and Shirting Muslims, Flannels. Blaqicets, &c.. at the lowest cash prim. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ABRISON, Importers of House-furnithing Dry Goods, oc2El 1008 CHESTNUT Street. LADIES' FURS. LADIES' FANCY FURS! JOHN A. STAMI3A.CH, AND MAITUIPAOrunEu or LADTFIS' FANCY FURS, No> 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. Jnet owned, a large and handsome Stock of LADIES' AND OiIILDBEN't3 FANCY FURS, of every defeat'. don and in the newest and most approved acyles, at the Lowest Cash Prices, 007-3 m LA. DIES' FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA„ Na. 718 ARCH ST., BELOW EIGHTH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER LADIES' FANCY FURS. My assortment of Fancy Tura for Ladles and Ohlidron fa now oomph3te, And embracing every variety that will be faeMonahle dating the present ;mason. Ali sold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladles, please give me a Can- N. oc3.4m.if COMMISSION HOUSES. CASES LOW-PRICED PRINTS. bales Brown Drill% Army standard cg 4-4 Lawrence trilia Standard Brown Trills fg Army-blue Twilled Flannel. --- - Caeca Cadet and Oxfard-mlxed gents Je ti Farmers' Linen Drills. 13Iaterville Canton Flannels. --- bales 29-inch Bea Island Cottons cam 28• Inch Black Cambric, extra, For solo low for net cash by GEO. GRIGG, 160 DOZ. STAY BINDING, Na. 3. 1,850 doz. STAY BINDING, Nos. 4 and 4 2,800 doz. STAY BINDING, No. 5. rox sale very /ow, net cash, by i GEO. GRIGG, 0c,28-tf . No. 219 0111:111011 Alley. ARMY GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHE. EOLY.BLUE CLOTHS FOR orruncea. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD 'WEIGHT. 'LEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETTINGS AND SHIRTINGS. Foz Elsie by FROTHINGELA.N & WELLS. tal-if ce SILK AND DRESS GOODS. "MALL STOCK SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. A. W. LITTLE & "15026-2 m No. 320' NAIVESZT ST. "THE BIG GUN " ..A_ REMOVED FROM 432 TO 415 CHESTNUT STREET, nzp OPPOSITE THE OUBTOIL HOUSE. PHILIP WILSON & CO. Have removed their: Gime, Pistols, Hides, Planing Tackle, Skates, thicket and Base Ball Implements, Oadet Muskets and Equipments to oc2o lm 415 OHESTITUT STREET. PARLOR SKATES.— Superior Par lor Suttee, of improved pattern, neat and light, for sale by PHILIP WILSON do 00,, 0c28.1m 418 CHEBITUT St , oppoeite Custom Home. ('COAL OIL ! COAL OIL !-150 bbls. Blemmer's (Norristown) OIL for sale by ZIEGLER do SMITH. Drua, Pant, and Glass Dealers, 0e28.5t* Corner SECOND and GREEN Streets. tpm, oria! COAL bbls. RATROLA for sate bY ZIEGLER & BISITEL Wholesale Druggists, oc2B-61* Gorses SECOND arid GREER Streets. /10AL OIL ! COAL OIL !-150 bbls. PETROLIrs for sale by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, oc23•St*. Corner SECOND and GREEN Bissell!. fIOAL OIL ! COAL OIL !-2.00 b.bls. Ardesco and Lucesoo for sale by ZIEGLER & SMITH,• Wholesale Druggists, 0c28.5t* Corner SECOND and GREEN Street& riIHE COPARTNERSHIP OF LIP -L. PINOOTT, MINTER, it SCOTT having been dis solved by mutual cement. the briefness of the firm wilt be settled bp * WBl.. RUSTPE, Ja, and GEO. S. SOOTT, 20534 WALNUT Street, who alone are authorized to use the name of the firm in settlement. -(Signed) B dROLAY LIPPINOOTT, WM. HUNTER. Jit , GEO. S. SOOTT. ? October 24, 1862 ec27-6t* 1003 000 AND M F o O rtg ß ages, B in O sums D o S f S 6 OW and upwards, on firsLclass city properties. None ' otiters will be considered. J. D 11EINBOTH, 0c27-31* N 0.486 wmalur Street. A RMY DESKS.—A capital article for camp and fleicl nae. Safe from wet, compact, and convenient to carry in pocket. For wale by W. R. DADZIUN, 104 NORTH DE IJAWARBIA.venne. A GENTS WANTED to,soll them in Philadelphia, and oc23.ltnii. 210 CHTTROH.AIIeY DRY-GOODS IMPORTERS, .EO, P. 3/2 CIIFSTNET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, ' Offers for eats 10,000 ARMY BLANKETS, !lye pounds each, fi feet 6 incheiwide, T feet tong. Also, ' • BROWN-GRAY AIM BLUEGRAY - 131JANICE1 1 S, 4 ib., 6 lb., 6 lb., and T Ib,„ the pair, Of various taiZefi, Also, LOW PLAID HORSE BLANKETS.' - HEAVY COTTON AND LINEN . DRILLS; BLACK. BILEUAS, ALPACAS, in all qualities, and other LININGS, adapted to the wants of the Trade. • • TERNS CASH, Alto, Fine, heavy OFFICERS' BLANKETS. 12,000 YA.BD3 11.4 SIIEETINGS ) FOB HOSPITAL USE, And the usual assortment of British STAPLE and GOODS. 0c29 WIVL ds CO., No. 240 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer for Bale a full aeeertment of LINEN GOODS, Consisting of 4-4 SHIRTING and FRONTING LINENS. XI X, and 4.4 BLAY and BROWN DO. 10-4, 11.4, and 12-4 BARNSLEY SHER TINGS. X and 4.4 BROWN, BL &OE, & BLAY ROLL ANDS LINEN REEFS., LAWNS, DAHANN.S, &c &o. Ale, PAPER .MUSLI.NS, • All Odors. oct24-frn v6t MILLINERY GOODS. MILLINERY GOODS. M. BERNEIM, T 26 CHESTNUT STREET, Has now in store, just received from AIIOTION, a large and choice stock of RIBBONS, of all widths and colors FLOWERS, ail the new shades. FEATHERS, do. do. do. VELVETS, do. do. do. SILKS, do. do. do. BLACK ENGLISH OR&PES, at all prim, and MOURNING RIBBONS to snit, and all other artielep belonging in tbe Millinery Line. He le now Belling off his entiro stock at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR OWL end would call the attention of the trade to tale fact Don't forget, No. 72.6 CHESTNUT STREET. N. 8.--Velvete oat bias. 0c213-tf 1862 FALL. 1 862 WOOD & GARY, SUCCESSORS TO 'LINCOLN, WOOD, & ENROLS, Dave now in store a COMPLETE STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS, CONSISTING OF Silk, Velvet, and Colored Straw BONNETS AND HATS, French Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, 4t0., To which they reepoolltdly Invite the attention of the former patrons of the Holm, and the trade generally. roS4m THOS. KENNEDY & BRO. 729 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH. HAVE NOW READY THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS OF FRENCH FLOWEIRK, FEATHERS AND GENERAL ALIGLINEBY GOODS. 1114.3 m op FALL MILLINERY GOODS. ROSENHEIM, :-.. BROOKS, & Om, 31 MARKET STREET, NORTH UDE, nave now open for Moir FALL SALES A LARGE AND HANDSOME STOOK ON FALL MILLINERY. GOODS, OONSIBTISIO OP RIBBONS, VELVETS, SIT KS, FLOWERS, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, " To which the attention of the trade is 0.20.12 m BESPEOTEULLY SOLICITED. OhPBONNET AND BAT FRAMES, PATTEBI BONNETS, AND DRESS OAPS.-- e beet place to bay &Soil Assortment, at Wholesale Cash Prices, is at MOROA.N'S MANUFACTORY, 408 ARON Striet. seBo.lmlo MILITARY CLOTHING. WIDE -SPREAD REPUTATION. There is no house in the United States that has as wide-spread reputation for getting up MILITARY CLOTHING as ROCKHILL lk WIL SON'S, Noi. 603 and 605 Chestnut street. Besides being thoroughly acquainted with the business, they are prompt to fill all orders at-moderate prices, and always have a Loma *OOK 01' MILITARY Goons 02( HAND. geBo-iftf READY-MADE CLOTHING. CLOTHING CHEAP FOR CASH ! The best place in Philadelphia to obtain well-made, gOod-iltting, durable CLOTHING, CLOT RING. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, AT REAzONABLE PRICES, AT RE ASONABIatx : PRICES, AT REASONABLE •I'PRIOES % AT REASONABLE PRICES ; IS AT WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WANA MAK & BRO WN'S OAK HALLS OAK HALL, OAK HALL, OAK HALL, OAK HALL, SOUTHEAST CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET, SOUTHEAST CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET, SOUTHEAST CORNER . SIXTH 'AND MARKET. P. s.—Wanamaker & Brown's Oak Hall ()lathing Establishment, at Sixth and Market streets, hi NOT= for west made, goad fitting, durable Clothing, at ask. BONABLZ REIOOB. MOP" Wanamaker & Brown have an Immense stock of I Fall and Winter Goods, bought , early In the season at , low prices FOR CASH, Which will be sold coatissronstxo - OHEAP. GUSTOKIR WORK WELL DOER AT EXTRA. LOW PRIORS. 'NE READY-MADE CLOTHING. C. SOMERS & SON, No. 625 CHESTNUT STREET, UNDER JAYNE'S HfitLL, Nave now made up for sale an entire new stock of FINE CLOTHING. Aloe, a full assortment of CLOTH% O&SSIMEBES, and VESTING% which they respectfully invite the public to examine before purchasing eisawhere. se/Tidal IptiaND AND DEAF---Consult Dr. JAMES LEWIS, whose unremitting sraot.eila is meeting with the entire approbation of his patients in Philadelphia. Moe 337 North SIXTH 3t. eadlmis NEW PUBLICATIONS. - - • ALRx. ANDER DUMAS'. GREAT EST WOBE. A.NDERE TAVERFEY ANDERE DE TAVERNKY BY ALEXANDER. DIMALEII ANDEEE DE:TAVERNEY; on THE DOWNFALL Ok FEENOI3. MONAROIIY, Being the final conclusion of " The Countess de °ha:ay," MEmoirg of a Pbssielan," Queen's Nei*. lace," and **Six Years Later," Br ALEXANDER DUMAS, Is mahliehrd this day, and for see by all booksellers, complete in two large octavo venoms. Price 'MY .casts paper ecver, or b,uud'in one volams cloth, 25. - It is valid/id and for' sale at T. B. PETERSON & BEDTIME.% It No. 306 OWES Mt I' Street, Philadelphia. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. • LES MISERABLES---VALJEAN. The Fifth and last part of VIOTOR, HUGO'S tomer. tai. French novel, Lea Aileen/31m" The wtiole of this magnificent series is now ready. All parte uniform in appearance and mice. TEM SERIES COMPRISE 3" Part 1.--F Ali TINE; Part 11.— COSETTE Part , Y. 7 -VA.LJB tar Paper covered, price 50 cents, and cloth-bound, (on superior y apt r„) 11 , ,x,it'It would be Aweless to urge any one to purchase Ibis superb work. Its reputation hai beconio eo fixed, and its splendid character so perfectly admitted every where, tbat the binuple announcement of its completion will produce thousands and tbousanda of readers. THE SLAVE POWER. its Character: VProz, arle. Probable Designa; being, an ..nitwit to Zxplaitt the real ISSTISS iniTl.Yed ih: rican contest By J. E. CAIRNES, 141. A , Profonor'or Jurierandence and Political Economy, "England. One large octavo, sloth bound, price 81. This remarkable voluMe has already created the. most intense excitement in London, where - it has been just lamed, and it wilt be found to be for this country the most candid and impartial band- hook for every class and shade of political and social opinion ever published. -.*- 4 ,„*.: Cooks or any of these books will be sent by mail, POSTAGE FEES, on receipt of price, by CART.EU'ON,Piibiisher. New York, 413 1311.0b.DWAY, COX. LILIPENARD Streit. 0611.31;11 ,ONLY ONE DOLLAR. Qi MIRIAM. By Tattlim tJ. • ocfla 3t PITMIEWB, 439 OBBSTNU P Street. TI TA-Rlks! DIARIES DIARIES ! at Greatly Reduced Prices. 0c28.3t PITCHER'S, 439 CHESTNUT Street LESS THAN COST TO MANU FACTURE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUALS FROM 40 OEBTS TO $25. orSa 3t. PITOGER.S, 439 CHESTNUT Street. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS REDUCED to $1.60 pet dozen. 0c184.1t PITOHEWS, 439 ORESTITUT Street. REECHER'S NEW BOOE.— Eyes and Fare. By Henry Ward Beecher. $125. The Origin and History of the English Language. and of the Early Literature it Embodies. By G. P. Marsh. 55. The Rebellion Record, Part XXIII. with portraits of "Major Gen. Kearney and Stonewall Jackson. 50 'cents. The Poems of Oliver Wendell Holmes, with a portrait of the anther. Bine and gold. 88 cents. For sale by WI& S. & ALFRED IZARTIER, oc2l 606 GHESTNIFT Street. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES WBROTHERHEAWS CIROU s LATINO LIBRABY.—AII the BMW English and American Books, including ALL GLASSE of Lite rature. This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINTED here. Terms $5 per year s slx months $3; three months $1.50 . ; one month 75 cents, or 3 cents per day. 218 South NIGFITEL Street. seB.3m VNGLI3EI AND FRENCH FAMILY CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND CABINET DE LECTURE, 1317 CHESTNUT STREET. aubscriptlons per year, month, and day. General catalogue just published, furnished pr.stis. In Press, Catalogue of the Young Ladies' French Li brary distal-ague de la Bibliatheque des Dames et du Ds 'noise/tea." M. X. MOSAOHESI, Agent, sett-4m 1317 CIE GWEN - 17T Street. PHOTOGRAPHS. A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE -A A good PORTRAIT. Get one of RE MEE'S Life size Photcgmbs, in oil colors, now made at Ireduced Tricee, to tun the times, BEOODTD Street, above Gran. ONLY $1 FOR A FINE, NATIT BALLY-Colored Photograph; a moderate charge for . a - picture of acknowledged merft, as those made at REIMER'S, SECOND Street, above Green. 31* rpo COLOR CAR]) PHOTO GRAPHS in an elegant manner, and not affect the fine surface in the least, is an easy process to any person, Mina not an artist, by the use of NEWTON'S PREPARED COLORS FOR ALBUMEN PIOTIII3ES. Price or box, S 3; with large bottle of reducing liquid, $3.25. - Sole Agents for the Uiited Btatee, J. E. TILTON la CO ' Boston. in this city' and State, S9IIOLZ 4 JAITENTZKY, 112 South EIGHTH Street. CAIITION.—The arrest popularity atrealy acquired by this valuable discovery has induced some dishonest persons to offer a worthless article in imitation. FIFTY DOLL AM will be paid for• the Conviction of any party Hailing their stuff for Newton's -'Albumen Colors. lm COOKING RANGES, FURNACES, &c. COOKING RANGES. ELEVATED DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING. RANGES. This Range has offorded more satisfaction than any yet offered to the public. ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. AVA,RM-AIR FURNACES, Of the moet approved and economical patterns } SUITED TO ALL ()DAUBS OF BOILLINGS ARNOLD & WILSON, ENAMELED SLATE MANTEL. A large variety of these beautiful Mantels at VERY LOW PRICES. ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. Oar-DOWN AND COMMON - PARLOR GRATES. For Heating Parlortt*hambers, Offices, tze. -ADAPTED FOB EITHER HARD OR SOFT 00A.L. Hot-air Hegietere and Ventilators—a large assortment. ARNOLD & WILSON, oell.sw2reif 1010 CHESTNUT Street. -3-< WE INVITE THE ATTEN _, TION of the public to our large and very any°- . rlor stock of STOVES, HEATERS, AND RANGES, which aro put at prices to suit all. We have the Large Oven Cooking Stoves, Royal and Prince Royal; to gether with the Wellington, a new cook stove, with large and spaciona oven. The Fuel-Saver Oook, with warm closet, tin roaster, and a reservoir for hot water. Cook Stoves with water backs, afrordirg an em pie supply of hot water for the bathroom and other pur poses, both for city and country use. The &mann Cook, with capacity for cooking for one hundred par sons; Parlor Cook, for wood or coal. a. great variety of improved and beautiful pat:erne of Parlor Stoves, for both wood and coal ; among which will be found the Fiery Star, Silver's Air-Tight, Gsa-Burning Bases, (all sizes, from 9 to 18 inches,) Vesper, Violet, open and close front; Franklin Stoves, Portable Grates, for anthracite and bituminous coal, New Egg, Golden Egg. In addi tion to these will be found, Thomson's London Kitchener, or European Range; Philadelphia and Fire-Side Ranges; Locomotive, Torre and Egg Heaters; Low-Down Grates, Fire-Board and Illuminating Stoves, by which the parlortare made pleasant and cheerful. NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH, 0022-wfmlm 200 North SECOND Street FINANCIAL. lJ 1. S. d FIVE TWENTIES; 20-YEAR SIX PER GENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE pA7Iox OF THE GOVERN- MEET 4F4T,4,mE -YEARS Y am _ftmWtumr by the 12 , 01rETARY or THE TREAt3tritY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR, TRIO INTEREST TO COMMENCE FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT, Thne avoiding the difficulty heretofore experienced by requiring payment in GOLD of the interest from May A fall Kipp/ of these Bonds always on hand. JAY COO-FrE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD St. jy2Q-tf iAMJ.I. WA.I.TOII, WALTON & YOST, Y BANKERS, BROKERS, AND ' ttIeNZEAL OOLLIOTORS, No. 2Ta South TEIBD Street, Philadelphia. BBFEHRHOZB. Jay Cooke & 00., Hon. James Pollock, Janice, Kent, Santee, & Ca., Hon. H. D. Poster, Zsberlok, Blaok,-& Oci., Hon. A. H. Reeder, 0♦ MoKibbbi & Bon, Hon. Asa Packer, B. P. Middleton & Bra., Hon. WarronJ. Woodwircd. Eon. Wm. Wilkins, V. L. Bradford, Bar. strt-iim Q HARVEY THOMAS, KJ' BTOVK AND BILD BROKER, No. 312 WALNUT . BULEITT. Stooks and Bonds bought and sold on oommisaion. Promissory Notes and Loans negotiated. ootlamif WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. GREE.N GINGER, MUSTARD SEEDS, SPICES, &c., &c. AU the requisites for Preserving anti Pickling Parma: AT BERT 0 ROBERTS, DIALzu IN PINE GROOEDIEB, sell-tt DONNER ELEVENTH AND WEB. Pert ItE.—rti &BIDS. Part IF. -sr. DZ:',l/3 1010 CEIESTNUT Street. ?KOK/LS A. Tow. AMUSEMENTS. LM. GOTTSCUALK. '^III BD CONCERT AT OONCEB.T HALL, MOND&Y EVENING, Nov. 3, at 8 o'clock, 151'LLE. filAlh,Or EA PATTI. The principal Prima Donna of New York and Boston Academy of Hugo, will appear follatlY with MIL GOTYBOEIAIA, who will play, on this occaalon, some of hiklateat cam.: Positions, which hays created so great a sensation in New. York and Boston, Admission 50 cents—Reserved Seats 25 cents extra. The sale of tickets commences Sal LAID AY MORN ING, of r o'clock, at 3. E. Gould's Music Store. oat) 6x Mita. JOHN DREW'S AR tiff - STREET TREATER. - Branson Agent and Treasurer JO5. D. NURPfIr. A GLORIOUS WELUOM.E Rom.E. • THIRD NIGHT OF J. S. (ITARKE, THIS (WEDNESDAY) EITENING, Oct 23, THE DI VALS,, - - 808 ACRES (1;1.1111R. CAPT. ABEDLITir BARTON RILE/. LYDIA LANGUISH /ARS JOHE DR 3Vt. ... . ....FRANK DRkeW. To conclude ,with JONATHAN BR kDFORD ; OR, TEE MURDER AT TEE ROADSIDE IHN. 001,E13 EOTIIRIKID,GE J. S. ANN DB ADRORD MRS. - JOHN DRS Yr. Docre open at 631—T0 commence at 7% o'olook. WALNUT-STREET TEE ELTRE.- v v Sole Le55ee........11r5. M. A. GAE,BETTSON.. Engines! Agent Alr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVEN/N9. Oct. .19, The performance will commence with LIT ESE EADErill. FA.NOHON VIVIRUX • MIS THOUPBON. LAND - BY P. tRBEADD —YR. BARRETT. To cor.clude with HOBERT hi 3.0A.1RE." ROBERT IHA.OAIRE KS. BA.RREITT. JAQUES STROP; BO WEBS. Doors open at 7—Performanco oommencea at 7N. CON R CET HAL-L, 'L.' WONDERFUL STIOCIESS! CAPTAIN WILLIAMS' WHALING VOYAGE, ANOTHER WEEK. EVERY EVENING at if to 3 o'clock. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock. Admission, 25 cents; Ohlldren half prize, A BEL & CO.'S bTEREOPTiooN - 9 -CA-ASSEMBLY BVILDINGS, Tenth and Chestnut nu, Exhibiting Every Evanfr.g This Week. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE LADIES FE N.N AID SOCIETY. Admlsaion 25 cents. Commence et 8 o'clock. co27•St PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY O THE FINE tcars, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open daily , (Bundays excepted) from 9 A. N. UR 4 P. M. Admission 26 cents. IThildren half price. bare of Stork $3O. , ,iY4 INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.. .—EXDIBITION every WEDNESDAY, P. M. Conductor, Carl Bentz. Director of Vocal MLA), Mr. A. F. Taylor. Tickets, TEN CENTS. Store, Nil 11 South EIGHTH Street. WANTS. - WANTED.— A young lady, graduate of Fort Edward Institute, Kew Tort, wishes a situation as GOVERNES3 or TEACIFER in a School. in the city or country ; can teach French and HOMO Latin. Best reterence given. Address ss Ida 0.," Prtss office. 0c29.8t* ITANTEr—Resident TE WHEY, and GOVEBBF33.---.The advertiser, who re• eldeS adjacent to a Western city, desires to employ a Lady of education and retitled manners, as Teachar and luttructress to ble daughter, eight years old. Oorsatan EngliFh branctes and pianoforte indispensable; also, French preferred. Address, for thrie drys, Ur. RBEYEB, 'Boom 249 Continental Hotel. Best of city references given and required. 0c29.2tw DEPUT l or QUARTERMASTER PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 28, 18&. SEOENTY•FIVE C&RPENIESS 'WANTED DE.. DIEDIATZLY to work upon Government Hospitals I Washington, D. 0. Wages, Two Dollars per day. Each Oarprnter to furnish his own tools, to consist or Ratchet, two Saws, one Square, one Screwdriver, awl a few Chisels. Arm': to E. E. CAMP, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, Washington, D. 0 WANTED—A man not liable t+, Draft, to go as a SUBSTITUTE., for which $20411 via be, paid. Apply at 7 A. ff., or betwasn 12 and t P. RI, at IT. W. corner TWELFTH and CALLOW HILL Etnete. 0c28.20:' TO - ANTED—A BOY, not over 16 V V years of age, in a Dry Goads Commission. Hansa. Address in handwriting of antlicant, "A. B. 0.," TfIJB OFFIOE. oe2B 2t BOARDING. BOARDING.—A handsome suite of 1100147 e—four communicating—with Bath Boom, &c , adjoining, can be had in the,neighborhood of SIX TEEN-7EI and WALNUT limas, delightfully gutted for a Family or a party of Gentlemen. Addreee WeStern." Press office. 0c27.3t4. mwo FURNISHED BOOMS—In a j_ private family+, with or without BOARD. Apply it No. al South SIXTEENTH Strfor. 0c23.7t* PERSONAL pENBIONS.--$lOO BOUllty and Pay Ja- procured and collected for soldiera, esilorz, and the relatiTee of moll ea are deconeed, at reaeonabie and eats factory rate.a.Selma caehed or advanced upon by JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Ciaimanta, 424 WA:LaiI:TT Street, Philadelphia. Particufar attention given to partiea living at a dis tance. onlS. tx LOST AND FOUND. TOST OR STOLEN.- . THE PUBLIO I are cantiored against negatiating the following 'UNITED STATEd GETZT/FICATES OF INDEBT EDNE 33, The same having been Wet' or stolen from the sub scribers: ISSUED TO D. & C. KELLY No. 24:391, dated Sept. 25th, 1862 . —Bl,OOO No. 24,392 do. do. 1,000 No. 24 393 do. do. 1,009 No. 24,394 do. do. 1,009 No. 7,096 do. do. 5,009 ISEUED TO N. P. LOPER,. No. 25 090, dated October 2d, 1802 $1,004 ALL PAYABLE TO BEARER. BLAKE, BROS, & 29 Wall stria*. Ifew York, Oct 18,1982. 0c22.4 PIANOS. , A SEVEN - OCTAVE $4.00 ROSEWOOD PIANO FOR s2oo—Payable to easy sums of Three Dollars per month. The public will please take notice that the books of the PHILADELPHIA MUSIC , AL EtAITINGS AND LOAN 8001ETY are now open to receive subscribers to Fourth Series The first distribution of Seven.ootave Rosewood Pianos for this series will take plsse at the Office, No. 1021 CHESTNUT Street, CM TUESDAY, October 7th, 1362, at 3 o'clock. Circulars, giving the full plan of operations of this highly beneficial lastita lion, can be bad by applying to the Secretary of Ms Society. H. NV GB fY, Secretary, oc4 tf Office, 1021 CHESTNUT &reek. THE FINEST ASSORT ,' MEM' of now, modent, and dnrallo PI ANOS from 3580 to $4OO. Oleo, FRINGE'S World•renewned MEDOISIONE on 2 HARNIONIGMB, for cash, at a great redaction, or In mall raer.thly instalimenta. 3 IES SET•a , A 3 r, 279 281 Finrith FIFF'FR atTPAt. Rbnve% grime* ael-aro.4. INSURANCE COMPANIES. rtißE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, VIS CHESNUT STREET, CIL( R TERED ItY" 1536, ASSETS $1 43,360 e 4. Make /NbURANCES on LIVES on the most reason• able arum Receive and execute Traits, and act as Executers mil Administrators. 'I hey declare a BONUS on PROFITS every five year to the insured for life, and nay in the interval at the de cease of the insured up to the year of death, in the satire ratio as the last bonus. The following are a fear examples from the Register : IBonne or addition. Po/icy Bum nen Ed tr. , 00 3,G00 2,000 5,000 $BB7 51 1,050 (0 No. 89 No 182 No. 199 Nn. 833 4CO 00 1 S7a 00 Policies for whole life by ('OO premium. Or is TEN. ANNUAL And no more premiums to he paid will be issued to per sona desiring theta. Pamphlets and forms of application and further Infor mation can be had at the Offira THOMAS RIDGWA.Y, President. JOHN F. JAV.ES. Actuary , . 0c22-wfaudzic- F.AME INBUEA ,No. 406 CITESTNUT FIRE AND INLA • - DIRE F. N. Buck, Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., Alex. Whilldin, Geo. A. West, 0 W. Davis, FRANCIS N DUO OHLILLII3DM WILLIAMS I. SLANG COMMONWEAL RENON COMPANY SYLVANIA. DIEXOTOBS. . Dircid 'Jayne M. D., Chark4 11' Bogor*, lan N. Whiten, John K. Walker, Edward 0. Knight, B3bert Shoemaker, Thomas B. Stewart, William Struthers, Henry Lewia, Jr. Elijah Jones. DAVID JAINIC, N. D.. President. - JOHN DI. WHITALL, Vioe President. SAMUEL B. 3100h4, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 613 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. sat.if tf TEE PHBENOLOGIOAL CA ';c MEET AND BOOK STORE is open day and kevening for the sale of books on Phrenology, Pbr 810.10gY,IHYgiene, and Phonography, and for Phre— nological examinations. Orders by mail should be ad—. dressed to TORN L. OAPEN, 0c 22 -rnwsnrain 922 ORESTNIM Street, Phila. THE RAILWAY TINE-KEEPER, especially adapted for Army sales. Good imitation. poi d,• will run am/ keep excellent lime ; have f sncy colored hands and beautifully-engraved dials, the letters standing in relief. This is, one of the most takirg nacellies or the diy, and should retail a tprices from twenty-five to eighty dollars each, They are fur nished by the cane, containing six of different designs, as follows: Engraved ; per cane of half dozen, $33. En graved and electro.gilded, per case of half dozen, aseort ed, $3O, lingraved, superior, per owner half dozen, as sorted, $39. Fn raved, superior, and electro fine gilded, having all the improvements of the foregoing, per ewe halt dozen, assorted, $42. Es gine-turned, same material caneover which is good silver, heavily Platel, per case o f half dozen, $36. Samples of the foregoing, comprising tno of the first, and one each of the others. tasking a cue of half dozen, at the regular wholesale rates, -e,30 50. Terms cash. Will be sent to any partof the loyal Stater, with bill for collection on delivery. Bnyeri in the army will have tO eendpayment in advance, as the excites m co , m c panles refuse making south of the Polo- This is ono of the most saleable articles of the times, and, just the thing for those inclined to make money among the soldiers. Send in your orders early. GAIUS F. WHEATON, Sole Imparter, 00 r. NASSAU and JOHN Streets, New York. P. O. Box 4355. oc2B.lBtis QUESTION.—Where can you get TDBRATIN'? ANSWER.—At PItOSSEIVS, 808 IttiltKET Street. 0c28.6t E AND EAR. -D. JAMES °MUST and ATTNIST, has again re turned frcm his professional tour In Europe. and perma nently located at N0..337 North SIXTH Street. OEttea hours from 9t012 A. Id.. and 7to4P. M. as 24 2mtfir TRENCH MU .12 Marne's Imported Mustard, for ealo to store and to arrive, by the cols neut._ CHARLES Et CLBST AIR% /25 Vir4L2Tl' Et;e34 dukount of Policy sod Do nut to be increated by future additions. $3.387 50 0504 OO 1 400 00 6 ; 875 00 NCE COMPANY, street. ND INSITRANOZ. TORS. E. D. Woodrirtf, , John Kessior, Jr., I'. S. Justice, Washington ,Jonos, Ohm. Stokes, John W. "[Overman. , President. BOSON, Vice President ARD, Secretary. [mhl9-if is H FLUE INSU- TiE STATIC Or PENN-