The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 27, 1862, Image 3
lsociAL AND COMMERCIAL. T NE IVIONEY aIAILKE tobTer. rtitt.Anst.,ruiA, Oo 25, 1862, er thing of vary attirin g interest taking place day, illtaineet Wai nriodurately active, at ti}r' .. , 6 Gold opened at 130 X , and oloeed at 180, e j,1 . %` 100 , Wag observable. Saver ruled at 123. pt 1260126 X Stooks were very InsoLve, Pr s each the some as yesterday. Government tell off ; the eixee were firm at 10 , 3. n° 4111 : 0 Ih I'e,reil were rather soave 94X, Olt,. ;oxen nto r l aj t ',, prenolvania Railroad tire mortgakea rose rr re t i i r a serene advanced g North Penney' v ..nta tens 191, an advance of 1 ; the sixes were firm 1:9 j tertb,etreet Pawnor Railway awning eold at t ,: e dirg mortgage sixes, 1886, rose X ; toe others I d'm log opened at ao trance of g, e , eye,' to advance, of Yesterday's figures -Penn. WI bIX. Beaver bleed ow sold at 59X. Pencvylveula WAS firm. Long IKlarid roes rib i n and Goatee coutinuod firm a. sold at 0X39 ; Teirteent, sp h ruce and 0 0, e e 2,olisce sad Vine . rice f e ll IWert Phnedoletlie 1. 818.090 bends, elnterpod 600 shares changed hands, the 117 ters all closing steady. 0,04 quote: Vitt Errhange.,. . parel.lo die. o D ................. P 4,121.10 prem. diaore itschiluge ............... • . ' p ut t'nods, .......... , ............ r ...... ......... ......... . .tiot, 631 k, Prom, d floods, .............. ...... as 27 4 prem. , Oft3iers' Vouchers 1 n die. ilateinenta of the hanks of the tin ee mooted yr v o ice, far the Net week, compere with the and the correspoodiug tlcno of 1851, es Lamm Dap )oits, 'r k October 18...... $172.512,085 $104,3171.458 •,... 72.534,9316.002 '.4!:4los,•Ociolter , „ 35.520,854 2.,80 2070 „,,,, ....... . $240,571 864 $20,6 t 6 430 trek . .. 276.10011N4 7 . ,374 646 246.692.344 173,674.303 )0r.„., ..” '4to.clo. tMri, tlon. o.:taber ..... $38.750,256 $9 907,529 ,1;toor 20.. , 7.'12 733 7,822 276 bi— October 20.... 5. 467,90 T ^6 05.1.814 $52 069.696 #82`3.789.619 ...... •• . $52.740,17 d 22 926,63'. 66 681.497 17 392,7U9 f vxlr , g aro the latest quotations for Domenic ," fa Jto X die. lip I .42 1-11) mos r jc ' , Y p Into X die. qr.' a ll !Await' Central and Western r r o YOI 1,{,:3,1i Ohio X dia. ..... ..... s . ,41.611, Ohic. t, Yl 0 ia .... it die rei ....... ....... . . . . . . die. n a. rued* .......... t ruler notal . B ' ere r, 511 r ear uradurL bere ea i die. :hoc, lows 1 034 die, 034 die. losel I , Ile num f ors the Bank of England for the week fiq the id of , October giVlia the following rerulte to cowyered vitth the orevlon+ week: .... £3.647.845 ...i5,,733 , b li i t c . n . e • po " m .. Dec..... 163.056 ...... ,10,b30 122 Dec...... 65,315 dap...... On the other aide of the amount: vernmeut aecurillea,.£L l 4 62,BsB No change. er Felnritlte ..... 10 75(.704 Dec. 89.64.7 aulonloyed .......0.002.06 Deo .... 343.810 TIN amount of noted in circulation is .f.2-,369 826, be. £361 235, ace the s ock of bullion io o,,,rttereis le £16648 156 showing a dein-141e of when compared with the preceding return. Ilf (.teem Dimes' city article of tne Stn, 1,1 spiking ta.rat portent of financial matters in the United . ' bovine transactional in connection with rue sectlitig Ibe goob fonds yesterday, old not lead to the I•light• decimators in console = There was generally m ire ,J,t.d for money, and the rate both in the open uuteket dticrk Exchange %ma egosl to bank minimum Wish c.‘rEount of £1.2,000, the whole of the £218,000 nehi by the American Women' last weans ha' neon 10ii la Preece, It is not thousht that the par. is sill li , eontinued on any considerable 1104i0. &t tad lir rate of exchange on Paris will not admit or '6 bolas rent !here at a profit. The total amount of 'd ttrlietn citonlation in the United &ate., review, Its siaieullfn Of Ponta payon-ute. ia ?opposed t. have , 001 %,rwt 1 M,000,000,0r1360,000,000.which [Heap oesred eole,lecoevallelel , overotneot Oa tWr was modes legal d, r to won Lou until this vacuum had been third or Owe that the currency could be HZ aeot..d to expo. I ,co ierrro depression. The Washington marmot' ~ bey Era, cow reached a point of debsaemsnt, icl:,t' it awe to occur in tiny oommoroial country in ;E, mould bo regarded as ao extreme and atm sit, in ;tit (Intuition protemt, New York i.e sending week en amount equal to a 44 iarter million in-; !a Orel clone ; bat. with the aoproach of dolpg of Western canals the grain - ehlpmenta lilt treoced, and remittances of gold mast ne mm. mtalaiy segmented, then the financial aisle will net tech /coa l delayed, t ',4IL York Evening Post of to• day says : urit:Citharhet is firm and advancing Tee railway good demand, especially Brie. Toledo. sod Bock island There was also a fresh tic litairrn Riser, Michigan Central. and dichigan re el Itlichlgan Southern old stock was dull and Mail dropped 2X omit elling as low as ~eatwatds 5t.1184 • The drat b 'at nf the new ti due Wives on Monday, with about live to six paqtrotera 3;rcisg We quiet at former prices. Virginias sold roe.n.cli)a st - t. , ....0rut3 are a Aerie firiner—'he 7.3) notes slid Sixes c.. 1 LEM at 103 Y, erlo3g Tne quota sts. Bid /4.lNi, A Sixes 186 , 107 107 Fixes 1863 (sou pop) 107 - 4+ Slxes 1867 .101 101 I• rixoslB6B 102J4 Sixes IE6B (conpon) 102 .. +4 FireelB6s (coupon) 9a Fives 1874 (repl4tered) 94 Fie, 18N, (coupon). 923( 93!( ititB4.lB7l. (regisrered)..... 94.1( 93X Fires 1871 (cannon) • F.ixes 1881 (registered).— .103 103,v 44 Fixes 1881 (coupon).. . , —lO3 3 1 ; 1033( Treasury N ot4s, largo. 7 80..1r5 ,V 10.iV , 4 4 , Treasury Norse, 7 30,4.mi11-1115 1.05,1 Oregon War Loan. 1881 .. 101 Oregon War Loan, yearly,lol 0.130. Year Corti ficatqa 98X 9i7,1 4 ++ New 620 (realm erei ) 103 .. New 5 20 (coupon) ny market pressure no chinße The muscly' capital le liberal, an dl at 5 per cent. burrowers i:elr,',!aterals find no ditlionliy in et:welling their t -,III A lull and heavy at 1907 j gel3Dg, after ogling )lu %ids) at 131 g. Tbie le the last day that gold I 4 - iutid or dealt in at the Board of Brokers. 1 ;4'4 'NUMMI I .7 oiPe are steady, oaring to the lo la ttmata lot duties. The arrival of three ste.,mers 7.ton9vsitb valuable cargoes has stimulated the in. 7 9.. c. impontra. dciango on London closed very drill for the foreign 0 eV, Fuer oleos Mlle are glinted 1141(0144' 3 1,. N. - Nellie Stock Exchange Sales, Oct. 25. 40:9.99/ 8. IC Pena. Bxchaug'e ] BEFOnE lao 5.8 oi. i L'W.'.? ...88.9 4 100 'Medi oft .....38 94 '',-..„„.,.. „ 83.94 60 0 o ....38-94 t'! . ............38 '94 00 do ..38 98 ',).., ...... ... 38 94 FIR 3T , !, GI , : & floa`es. 89 Orfra R7e 98,11 •:•Noth Ptanalo3.lo47f . %.,i': - ; 51 '81.......103 .:: I'n:A h 15t tu..11.4 h . ' .. . , 11...b4 38 94 14 L'c .„....t5, 38-94 63 P:: , _ , 3l'. 11 .... . 04A din . 51% BET WY.F..I .Oily el 103 ;Elmira/I 70„... 1184 ril,to ..ii tilh. et II re./08 t Ctailng ..„.... 384 r.. d 4. 38,7 i 8 ECI) .ii: F-7 t.,OTrNItud.IO3ON,3( . 1 P(41.8 01st mrt..ll4k 2 .......55tyn..881i r i do ....„b3O -39 23 Peens B 3 Co;. ... • 51X 7 13 th & 15th- . st B 115 24g 25 do ...... h 6 21) 25 do ...... ....b5 24% 500 City 6a.•• .. . . —.102 50 Baca & Vine .21,4' 1 Beavar hleadhw.. 59X BO A.BDS Sanding 82.74 tOO . .. . 28% 200 do. ..... ....... 8834 LOO do 353 130 &BD 1 16000 Parma 5 1 010 111%1 943 ' 12204 .do ... .. 91g 200 ...... 013 i 200 do . .. .. 1 24 it A.RDES. AFTER sl.4l'`oot r NEk.,iuo ELita .99 7 E'Etdir1.....,.b30 39 100 'leading...... :.:. 100 do. .. ... .. 39 50 do. b 1 0.31 100 d 0.... b 5 39 100 do bl 5. 39N 100 do . . ... .....b5 39N 0118--S BEADY. - da ..... bSSYU 39 do ...... ...b5 89 . . .39 t.Lith Poring P. .. 1034 . %ORM) PB - 11 B.Ri I Bst ie3'Bllo3d Asked 103 X 81 , bi1c...105 1054 o.iitst 25X 32 t 4. 4tg.„log 102 ° n 4 w...10tA 106 g co g 3 •5i,,.... PS{ 94 bd 1 '80..140 - . ' 0 1,x;0..104 100 , 1,53 ) 84,.99x 10 0 34 04 34 55 11; gt gt. 114 114 X ° 74'm $5..164334 107 . 7, `A Csa:„ 55 6634 I''4 101.125' 126 1,4 • -1 1 .;E10 „ , 6 1 70 13 .. II) r'ti 80 • . :„ 7 -7t '9BX 99 Bid. Aiked. Catawba& 3... . .. 4 5£ 6 Do erre. 153( 16 Beaver Mead B. .. .. sltneblll 11 .. .. 'ilarriabarg 1/,. _ .. Wilmington 8.. .. .. Lehigh Nay Sa. .. _ Do shares— 55X 55 Do Scrip— 31. 82 Gam & iimb 11... .. .. Sidle & Brie 63. Snob & Erie 7s. .. .. Long Maud It.. 23 22% Do bonds ... ~ .. Delaware Div... .. .. Do Donde._ Serace.atreet B 16X 17 Oheetmit et R.. 46 ~ Arch. street R.. 28X 27 Ifriee.atreet 11.. 9 91( ' Terith.strget 11 86 Thirteenth. at R 24% 2/X W Phila. R..... 55 Do bonds.. .. Green. titreet R.. 39 40 Dn bowl a ... .. .. - . ._ -`"..... .. .. Sealed et R„ .. .. 7 8 , 2 R., ". MX 10X D0. b0w15.... .. .. ?, d',,,,,, 84% 85 Fifth 6t R. ..... .. .. ~',., 1 ` . ; ,3 10 % 104 Do bondg.... .. ''.. '' S: llcr •. • ~ Girard Did 11.— .. 26 1 5Val V... Seventeenth-a,. 10X 11 !dill V.:, bile .•. .. Oi , OSING PRIORL. - - - 0,, ; I, --- did. Asked. 39 89 4 0.01.00K-9TEAMY , Philadelphia Marls ets OCTOEI ES 20-Evening. to 1 . 1. , 0s market continues firm, bat the stock on tillaht, and the demand, both for ahTpment and home t."erata ' The only tales reported are In email lots t. • - ..408 04) for superfine; 881607 for extras, and 800 tit writ family at $7.50e7.75, including 200 barrels ttk,,r (Air mills at .87.00 4p' barrel, and 8808.60 4# l " nil lot Inner brands, according to quality. kit la in demand at 104.50 4p . barrel. Corn scarce and wanted at 8 315 qm barrel for Penn , herla Mid :4 for Brandywine. Rattz.-The market is lees firm, and the demand tto r b effully former quotatlond, with sales of aboututatl4lol47o for common to crime Wester° and waiitacia reds, In store, aid 147n1600 for hionthern *W O ranges at? 160c51760 4fr" bac the latter i•j- °l4 Kentucky. ale is very scarce, and ?emelt "if tere, would bring 85090 c butt Corn is F. 4 11 n ratber more freely, and 8,000 bee prime yellow t at 74 llred, including some white at 76c. Oats td ?.Ertsod le limited, with Wes at 420430 for Southern re nttflvania. 0 Barley is carce and high. - Qutreitron contlow s e scarce*, small galas of I are leported at 830 60 4P fon. ir: e "t'S -The market continues very firm, with eittiotrorz,ioquiry ; small sales of middlings are making rash e., -There is very little doing in the way of 40 1 1 ; bat Prises of Sugar and Coffee are firm ; Rains Qlb.t. Cabe Blum.. aro rep ~ r ted at o,li el° o 41 0 ' "' 44 mitt of Rio Coffee at 21)0213c, and Lagoons at 26 of -There is very little doing In any de the, • nzall wetted mesa Pork are melde a at 813 60 t 'lyett , LE Lard is selling at oil c 841/ ;"II and solid pacsed at 4tY lb. 1 worlh reslBc 4P dozen. 4,:" Y bc is in emand, nd ces hawe bit; l ea's d of 30, but a ere p re ri sorted at } tin a 82.2502 Timothy bu.ranges at $1.76 0 2 12)il la t 30 4p nnchanged; we quote bble at 380400- enter lo a all way-and image at 31 4fr BRIGHT OH O kIARKICT. Toredels t„..—dt marketLVTLID 1.750 Beeves, 660 3tor h ee, 0,300 hoop mtn. sad 00 Swipe. do B. third do I,,"" t ft —Market H0er 65 , 4.6005 extra, $5.75, tint quallte $0.5 0 , B._ . V" 415 5' Cattle, moue. 1, 1 °, 1 4 Oaen. none. c " efwe 8 4 201 e, oommou 818019. }h l Calves. none. 41 Zi7lientolv 5709, two Tears old 1514016, three tame S X " eTc„ (Dope but elaueglitrr at Stile market I) -12. Maas l iege 4 , rb Beet at 54 7,1( Ito 414 (11.26 each. rto had Lambs 82.5002 75, extra $3 50 ca 76. 17.19 P lae—Wbolesala 4g nem; retail 4g afil. , %.15 NATI PEOVISION 51&11%.03 r October 24. 4,-07 trar.d Mese York le bell at bat 410 bale 14:1.eoleativ sold at 1510 26. - Lard WIVI offered tv-daV, i_OOttiviter delivery, at ejic, tiothiog done to Balk '4ltl BALTIMORE COFFEE MARKET, Ootober 25. The speculative Mullin , for Rio tbronghout the eaet week has been fair, and sales to roue extent have been made both to the local and Weettra trade. The market has ruled steady, prices Phowlug no change Mace tha date of our last summnry. Trannactiona embrace 1,700 bilge fair to good Rio at 26025,4 c, ono 4,000 bags good and prime Rto at 26c 4P lb net, cash. We now (loots felt Rio at 25c; gond to prime Rio at 25% ra26n; gnayra 273, ce2EM ; and Java at 81.30r5323 4P lb, Stock of Rio 13,500 beg , Since writing toe above ws have to note a sale of 1,400 bags prime Rio, to go to a 'Western market, at 263 4P lb. BOSTON BREADSTUFFS 61.A.R1iET, OfITOBER 25. —The rperinta since yesterday have been 6,651 bbia of Floor, 36 050 bus Corn, ar d 1,050 do Oats. The market for Flow firmer, with a better ferliog. We quote wunt ern eunerfice at $6 2506 60; Wes ern extra at ft6.75 . 61T for common; 57.2507.60 for medium; and ST 75e5.60 fo. arnica do, inoludlog favorite brands of St. Louis. In Southern Flour there is no change. and prices are nomi nal. Corn rero.les without change ; we um •te Western mixed at. 07075 c, and Southern yellow la held at Boc 4P' hit. Oats are in demand, with Wen of Western and Canada at 68001 c bu In Rye the ealcui have been at OOc bn. Shorts are 'ldling at s2 , Jeel6, and due Feed and litliddlinge range from 525 cr 2T 40 , ton. ORTO6‘OO 0 ATTIAI &RILE T--Trinas oar Erw in, Oct. 23, 1562—User CATTLE—The reoeleta today were liberal, amounting to 1,183 head, which were re ceived at the various yards as follows : • • St moan's yards 850 Michigan Bouttorn 1.08 Pittsburg - • - 85 There is no changeln the, market to note mince yeeter- TUE WHEAT 01t0P CENTRA.L The Rockville Monitor says: The wheat crop, which premised so well during the early part of the summer in this tection of Oanada, has proved deceptive in its yield 'l he weevil and the fly have played sad bacon with it in several tewnehins, more particularly in thew' in the di. Intim of Kingston, and in numberless cases it will not procure the seed sown. In the neighboring counties the same state of things prevails, and the crop through out all central Canada may be eat down as a very long way, Indeed, below the average. Under those circumstances it is a matter of congratulation that the other fall crops, and particularly the potato crop, are excellent. CITY ITEMS. A MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF lifissEs' AND CHILDREN'S BATS—Our lady readers will be pleased to learn that the superb stook of Lar,les , Bonnets, of [timers. Wood di Gary, to which we have already bad occasion to refer, is fully equalled by their magnifloent stock of fashionable Headgear for Mimes and Children. Their spacious retail rooms, No 72t Chestnut street, for several days past have been thronged with purchasers, exami ning the choice new things in tills line, of their own manufacture and importation. Beddes having the moat extensive, and, In all respects, desirable assortment to select from, their prices, being the largest merchants in this department, are ;unnsnally moderate. We Invite attention to their card on the first page of our paper to day. NEW STOOK OF LADIES' FURS.—Messrs. obarlos Oakford & Son, Noe 834 and 836 Olaestunt et., invariably close out their entire stock of Furs evert sea. aer, and comaquently their goods are always new and frerh Their present stock of Ladias' and. Oblldren's Furs is the richest they have ever offered, and is wholly of their own'manufacture and importatiOn. They have several popular styles not met with elsewhere. TILE r‘ DUPONT" NATY d WRAPPER . , FOR LA DIES —A tribute of our French cousins to the hero of PI rt Soya', just received from Paris, by I. W. Proctor & Oo , No. 920 Ohestunt street. SUPERIOR CHEESE FOR THE TABLE.—Mr. C. H. Mattson. dealer in fine family groceries, Arch and Truth streets, ham now in store it splendid lot of Pine Apple, Sapeago, and Dritchhead Oheeee, to which we in• Vito the attention of our readers. CHILDREN'S HATs—Messrs. Charles Oak ford & don, on& r the Continental Rotel, have a splen did stock of Children's headgear, of new and desirable styles, at moderate-prices. PREPARATION FOR THE COUNTING HOUSE. —Young men have an excellent opportunity for acqui ring a preparation for business life at Orittenden's Phi ladelphia Commercial College, northeast corner Seventh and Chestnut streets. Each student Is instructed sepa rately and in the most thorough and practic II manner. THE FRIENDS OF THE PATRIOTIC DE A.D . , WI o wish their demand friends bronght from the battle fields or camps to their homes for interment, should apply to John Good, undertaker, Ho. fra Spruce street. Terms moderate. He will leave in a few days for the camps. ABEL t COS STEREOPTIOON, at the dssembly Build. inr, Tenth and Obeetnut streets. This exhibition is a splendid affair, and the greatest and most interesting no. velty of the time.-. As an, intellectual and Instructive steufement, it is without a superior, and cannot fail to become extremely popular. Scenes from the famous placesof Europe, chosen with perfect taste—from Eng. nd, trelnd, Ecotland, France, Getrusuy, Italy, in fact all quarters of the globe, are brought out vividly under the m •.gic of the stereopticon. Everybody should see it SENSATION AND AstpuTATION.—A G - dratan r of the Second Michigan Regiment, in the hospital at Washington, bad hie arm amputated. His deecription of the seneation he felt from hie fingers, which lately be. tom ed to his arm, caused frequent bursts of merriment from the other patients He geld, I vests der tinge mit mice vlr gore yen I knows I'se got no vingers dare, an it mat es me mat van I vests der tinge all de time mit mine vingere ain't dare any more dare shtlii." People may mile at the myetified Herman, but he stated the trath. But this delusion is not kept up in all things. A man who has been wearing a warm overcoat until it is worn - out, can't imagine, when three cold days come. that he has his favorite coat on, but will find that the only way to make the imagination complete will be to go to i)hts: Stokes', under the Continental, or .43/110 other place, and buy one. THE .DRAFT.—The draft will inevitably come off on Tuesday next. In the , tnird one( hail. dyed end eighty men aro to be clraim, and the employees of the Brown-Stone Cluthing Hall of Bockhill and WU. van, Nos. 603 aid 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, could readily till the quota of their ward, without ex hensling their number. But the soldiers in the camp, and those who are about to be drawn, require uniforms, and Its services of patriotic tailms are needed upon the shopboarti as well as in the tented field. To this end they will take their chances in the draft, and those who es cape it will continue the good work of enabling stems. Boekbiil & Wilson to supply both soldiers and civilians with elegant and comfortable snits. . AN OLD MAN'S ADVICE.—The Reverend Daniel Waldo says: 'II am now an old men. I have seen near a century. Do you want to know how to grow old slowly and happily? Let me tell you: Always eat slowly—masticate well. Go to your occupation smiling. Keep a good nature and soft temper everywhere. Culti vate a good memory, and to do thie you must be com municative; repeat what you have read ; talk aboutf t; particularly if It has any reference to the elegant fall and minter clothing gotten up at the One , price Clothing Store of Granville Stokes, No, 609 Chestnut street, Where every garment sold is warranted in fit, fabric, and fashion. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP SO 14 O'CLOCK LA.B2 111C117. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sta. G W Beer, Day ton, Ohio Captain 011 Capehen Lieutenant Gi Neff Geo NoHtgglnaon, Chicago] Niel] Van NV agener,Chicago WII Lewis &W. Nee Albany J A ivord, Sou th port, Con P Beardslev, Bridgprt,'Ot A G Fay, Boston B Stoples Boston T F Mien, New York W Zabriskie, New York W Campbell & an, hex, By Miss Kate Cochran, Lier.,Ky J G esitcbell ,kw,Columbs 0 Jelin P Jackson, jr, Newark N Painter & wife F J Painter Cl•asiW Bat chelor,Pittsburg John G. Lefferts, New York 0 apt H Vitcent, II 8 A L B Hawke, New York L Webb, Boston Mrs H J Moore, Boston Dr R Grodis & lady, Mass Miss Dorsey, Baltimore Foe er Waterman, Boattm Dr Stern, Jamaica • J W Wills & lady, N York L W Atwood, Portland Rugb Campbell, Pittsburg 00l R 0 Enright, US A Mies Beton, Canada Mre (Joist, New York W McVengh, Wad Cheater 0 F Straull, Now York Joe W Dana & wife S W McCrea, Michigan Wm T Harris. Bellatnte G W Harris, Etolltdaystrarg Thos W Braidwood W W Hale Harrisburg En w Farrell, Calleornia D Crewe S: al, New York P Hoagland, Indiana J H Carroll, New Haven J N Brewer & la, Baotou 8 B Pratt & wf, 803tOCI Mr Danforth, New York B kl alcbarde, N- w York F Bartranft, Norristown BA. Walsh, New York. R A Vezin, Torreadale San Grant, ire Torresdale J brncer, Boston 0 A Rodwell,Boston it Li Denny, Pittsburg A A Douglas, H Chunk W 0 Wbitridge,l4 Bedford J W Jones A Wolff, New York Mr McLane &la,Washing'n D L Einatein, New York G S Colt, New York . D Marsh, Quebec G Stott , n, New York J nook & wf, Newark, NJ OT Wbite & 10, Boston J H Blot Oa Elmira - N P Bacon, B Island Obaa Sired, New York Jee P Snow, Boston W T Hough, Baltimore Capt B Sims, Brooklyn O W Geran, Brooklyn Bobi Patrick, Pittsburg 3 B Jones, Pittsburg A Vezin, Carlisle J Vetsbnrg, New York A N Zevely, Waabing'D,D 0 P Brown, Wheeling Mra G W Zeigler, BAR W Bradley, Byrom's), N Y Jot L Prosetts, Baltimore 0 Sterling, Watertown J Stevens & wf. Virginia W S Whitfield, Newark, N J 0 Kuno, Washington, D C H 0 Egbert,l3 tiN II V Or Amer, New York Woods, Parkeburg J R Murdock, PArksbarg W Perky, Bt Johns, N 8 J 0 Hayes. Wisconsin R Barneiz, Cincinnati, 0 F Id Reel, Chicago A Burr, Chicago D L Phillips. Bpringfleld,Tll W B Hays, Pittsburg'N Duane, II S N H Ruben, Madison, Wis J . a. Walker, Banana G C stout, Chicago B J Mulligan, California D Thayer, New Jersey Mrs CaptS EC Dickinson Mrs Alt Tram', St Louis H W Chandhr, Pittsburg A 8 Baxter, Chicago J G Allen W Earvy, New York B hi Clark, Wacblogton, D 0 B Bens, Harrisburg D D Briggs, New York BGoodeell MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch. J Longatclt. Hollidaysbnrg Cant .1' Hastings & la, Pa Liens Thos R Hastings, Pa Ohm Hutchison, Penna A Reid, Ohio B la Ws!lace & sou, Pa A Lyon, Nancy, Pa Beni It'Owen, Cincinnati Mies Bowen, Cincinnati Ohne L Green, Pittsmirg Chas Brodhead, Bethlehem D U Nelson, Nientra P Fitch, Elmira B 0 Daiwa Lewisburg D Drieabacb, Bch Haven B 0 Fear, iomerset co, Ps S Johnson, Somerset co, Pa D Frenkhonae, Virginia L Edgerton, Ohio John France, Ohio Joe Jones, Smithfield. 0 P Seeringer,Tyrone, Pa _ X W Mathews, Penne G F Breneman, Lanceeter I- hi Bacilli, Now Jersey T J hlaught,Merviand W T Smith, Marietta, 0 El Seaman, New York () W Eltreib Dathrows H Sells, Baltimore John B Carpenter, la S N J E stay, Allegheny, Pa X W Skinner. Pike co, Pa Louis Strayer. York, Pa '1 Etre, er, ) ork, Pa J 0 Mc lulloch, Pittsburg 0 W Berrie. Pennsylvania S Hitchcock Cape D B flicKibbiu j it Mro-its. Virginia Joe Jacksor, Virginia F F Betio Sew Yora Jcaut Heirs, Carbon co, Pa Pr King, Harrisburg 001 Jos 0 Mclittinin, Cal John Bruner, Penns D Garrett, Pittsburg P 11 Osterhont. Tunkhan'tt J Maynard. Tembhannock J W Lyman, al 0, Tunk'k Si (Town Drigge A S Eveue, Fort Wayne Geo 3C Minor, Waynesburg El H Lindsey, Jefferson A Johmiten Wm T Graham ' Kfillf,RWAN-=(Jheetuut street, ehoTe B F Rubvrte,Mezendrie,To & II Roberts, Virginia, Wailer Roberta. Virginia °has Johnes, Bristol M U No 3 es, Baotou B Stnulckson. N Jersay J •imvsou. Bommit hill DI & th,r veils, New York: T tl Leland, Bobton • B B Dnrland, Chester co (1 M cCullough, lib:T.7lmA Brady 31, Preabnry,Taunton,Maaa 'nos Jook, Plltelanrg jno G pincer. Ohto Jerome Bock, Now York Win (Molnar , & don, Patna Wilitya. .irt Deft!. hien Win Wvti-rer. C. ItY &mix, (Waning.. N Y Wm klarn.ogn, el.tryland V; Doherty, Pittriterrg V W ilhambers, Biltlcaure 0 W Motveny, Dritherbert ()Apt Franklin. ow ing° Wm B 7 w York •Ohm trines% Prttledelphia 00J iY Walter. Phitsipiphi, 21. Gilmore, prod S W Goodwin, Indiana . . . US!. 1.01.113 UOT.X.l..—Cheatitot arreet, suove Third. .• I=l Pessk, Baltimore . W Thornton, New Y o rk: .1 W Do( dy • J B 81tione & wife J Ts lba'or, Ohio W A. Farnsworth Wes Faresworth & sister 0 U Olark, New York 8 A Prugh. Wash, D 0 Nye Lewis, Weah, D 0 0 Leash, Lim York 0 °handler, New fora Jll Jones St Is, WWI, D 0 A - M Halbert. T.Disti DN . Merl 01. US N Jas ri Ferris. 11 a N .J 14• Lisirgetot. & *l, bid J B B.ndliy, US N . 4 Ihne 9 , 0 s Br Louie ' ii a Boole, Urbana, 9 Ps Geo B Sheidon,KeyWest iJas E Whiteside IT S N .T hi. Obriety, Peons 'I /I AlrMitrOtill ) Urbana 0 ....: Miss Hume, 'Abatis, 0 TIM UNION—Arch street, above Third. W Wade, Fit John. N B J R.Taylor A L Of" Maryland Wesley Wilson. Delaware J.onee T Moon, Delaware Charles Wines. New York Ruins Burton, Delaware J H ttroup & la. Beading John Watenn, Fparut, ill B lethuttnnon, PlPthbarg Geo Heed, Fairmount. Va W T Hettmeyer, Lealet , wn etepheu Warta, Penns W d Depny, Pennaylvania STATES ONION ROTlia..—Market, above Sixth. John Leggate. Colombia Chi rorgan & la, hi if S A Sbroff, Bainbridge E J Roston, Walliington G W Stromlo & eon. Pa W W Gingrich. Pa H blevr3 , Owego, N York J B Linn, Perryville, Pa J G Williamson, York co, Pa B Gawthrop, Oneeter co T Davie, Providence, It I kg Y Palmer. Delaware 0 T JeEriea, W Oheeter P Efandle, Great Bend W B Dolma% Ponta ylvanie, W Snligbaoh, Penn , a I IN ()twisty A «Coulter B W Sn i b, Chicago - Ezra P Pitzell W B Irearlea, Weab'n co.Pa COMMEBOIAL—BLxim street, above Chestnut. L B nubrie, Plthrburg Than A Lamhort,Beading W J Spring & la, N York 0 F Ballard, Kadin, Pa J s Baidwiu &1. Delaware Jobn Lord, Wilmington 11 Robertson,tew York William Jones Charles Write Captain' John Ihmsay Geo Holtan, Wilmington, Del Chas Poinselt, Wilmington J B Farquhar, Drier/ars B O Johnson .& la, PittelPg A Wilson, Pew s) Ivants NATIONAL kiOTNL--rave street, above Third. P Dresher jr. Tamanna James Wise, Allentown lease Bice, Kingston Theodore eimith. Pittston H W Isorristlwre hi. K Cmith, Bethlehem J 0 Johnston,- Bethlehem S W Ail wein„ - Lenation A B Okla, Let:moon Baronet !dolma. Pottsville Joseph Bowen, Pottsville A S Won', Washington, Pa T T Jet hints. Harper's Ferry °has Ke etch, Oa ;wises J Y Bechtel, Alientewn John . Weitzel MT. VBRNON-Beoond street, above Arch. Jacob Zinger. Piss co, Ps PAL Quick, Pike co Win Vegt..ll. Now York Robt Bennett, New York B ID Weidner, Bucks co J . W Plater, Proy, R I W 8 'Farr Jae Brickeon, New York Lien' G W Zitomertorn W Maths, Panne) , !viola M E Routon, Goubectiout t 3 Dtmenbury, Now York Jobn Young, New York Geo /letter, Georgia BARLEY SHEAF—Second atreetrbelow Vine. Obike Holt. Ph mnuth Stephen Seco, Milltown 'PBS NF Drake, Easton J servoss, Doylestown Gardner Kelly, Newtown Nugent W Wood. Ponn.ylvacin 348 Boaton. Doylestown J 0 Jackson. Pennell lvanta Thos Vanhom, Penns Sergt A Whits, Pennsylvania DILAOR BEAR--Third atmet, above thdlowhill. D Harper, Otrey, Pa By Gessey, Ramberg, Pa A S Pwsee, Southampton Joe r Whllai Northampton John Knowlee, reaeterville J Vaunt 'platen, Feaiterville J Oberholeer, Akron, Ohio Louie Ward, Trenton J 'teaser, Ohio D Sitzfried, Allentown, Jacob oDillinger, AMentovn John W "Leiner, Pa BALD EAGLB—Third moot, above Claliovibill, H Jonea, Imitate Pa i,irs Worrol, Columbia W Beata, Bunke co, Pa B 1 Watting, Pa J E stair, Eabtou. W 3 Hampton, if York Dr N F arillto4n, glatington D Hartzog, Easton ' Jam G Stender, Allentown— Dr C U Hoffman, Pa T S Leiserninp.,!Weet °beater fdADIBOII rioutext---Beoond street, above Market. B F Taylor, Pa Jesse Comfort. Backs co E B Craulcre, Pike co, Pa Jas n Ro9B s Pikeeo, Pa Daniel V Drake, Pike co, Pa F P Gilbert, bleaMern, W J Bethany D B Cramer, Bethany W P Juicy and W Y Finch, New York SPECIAL, NOTICEE4= GROYNE. h.: BAKER'S NNW SEIUTTL3 SEWltkla MAORISZ.—PRIJE, 11340. The attention of tailors and other manufacturers re miring the nee of a fast and dm abbi lock •stitch machine, is directed to our No, 9. This is anew and admirable machine, operating with the greatest ease. and with brn little nob*, and, although but lately pat into the market, Is already a great favorite with manufacturers. It is a dret-class machine, at a low price. No machine ever introduced in this city has sold so rapidly, or given such universal satistactiou. It is very simple in its cons:ruction, easily learned, not /table to get out of order, works with fine cotton, silk, or linen thread, equally well i and the Sow price at which it is sold places It within the reach of all who desire a reliable, service able machine. GROVER, & BAKER S. M 00., 730 CHESTNUT Street BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE ! THE LEST IN THE WORLD. wlrdas 61 A. BATCHELO 'I'S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. biIAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and bean. tiful. Sold by all Druggists, dm. The Genuine le signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of each box. FACTORY No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 18 Bond street,) my2B-ly New York. LiRNAT TB.I.I3I4PII.—STRINWAY & BOBS' were awarded the Vint' MEDAL at the late great International Exhibition, London. Over two hundred and etitq•nine Platter, from all pule of the world, enterrti for competition, Wareraoms at BLABIUS BROTMCBS, 1006 01:018T NUT Street. ociLlm B-T-1860-X.. DRAKE% PLAtiT&TIOIi BITTERS. - They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet: They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers, They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach, They onto Dyspepsia and 'Constipation. They cure Diarrhoea. °Were. and Cheturamerbua.___, wt.rr - cure Liver Complaint and Nervo... - alaitri"e• They are the best BIT fßlais - m the world. They make the weak rot,,n strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St Croix Rum, the celebrated Oallsaye Bark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a.beverage, without regard to egs or time of day. Particularly recommended to deli cats I.rtions requiring a gentle stimulant Sold by all Grocers, Drugsteta—Gotels, and Saloons. P.A. DRA.KX & 00., 202 13140A.Dwicr. - leery York. - 5t09.1,6m Upruat's 11Ara DYX, 8 cents a box. --Three boxes for $1; the best in - me, Try it.. Sold only at UPH AN'S, 408 CHESTNUT SL ae27.3m* MARRIED. BANGER—HARRISO6. Oo the 23d last by Rev. R. A. Garden, D. D., Wil.i&to 11 W. Baoger to Babel A. 5 Harrison, daughter of Richard G. Harrison, all of this city. [New York and Norfolk papers plea*o copy] BLLISON—AO YON—On the 23d instant, by the Bey. Geo, 0. Arnold, !dr. Elendriok H. Eillann and Miss Margaret A. Acton, both of Philadelphia. DIED. CHRISTOPHER.--Suddenly, on Saturday, 25th inst., Anne A., second daughter of Jesse M. and Mary Ann Christopher, in the 20th year of her age. S * SWEAZET —On the 25th October, Frederick Stoever Sammy, of eiptheria, in the 7th year of his age, only child of Caleb B. Stveazev, of the Butler Hones. * MONNIRR —On the 25th inst., Illrs Margaret Mon .nitr, relict of Daniel Moonier, in the 57th year of her. Sge- The relatives and male friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral from her late re sidence, No. 1237 south &wend street, on Tuesday morn ing, October 28tb, at 9 o'clock ** BiCKNE WA —en September 30th, in camp near Ban Frarcisco, of the typhoid fever, Ludas 13teknell, of the Second Regiment Oatemnia Cavalry, in the 231 year of his age, sou of Dr. Rufus and Emily Bicknell, of this city. ** CLARE..—On Virednerday morning, October 22, Su sanna A. Clark, wife of Richard Clark, in the 25th year of her age. BARI ON.-:--Ort the 9th of September, on board steam er Santa Martha, at Congo, South America, Charles S. Barton, aced 29, eon of Joseph and Sarah Wrigley, Cherry street, PbiladOphie,. * GB a.P.M.AN.—Suddenly, on the 23d inst., B. Franklin Chapman, son of Enos and Elizabeth Chapman. * CLYMER —On the 24th inst., Maggie H. Clymer, in her 22+1 year. * CROWING —Killed, on the 20th inst., while oa a march, John Craning, private in Company If, 23d Regi meot, P V. BLACK IRISH POPLlllB.4tist received, one case of Pim'a celebrated slain black Irish Poplins. BESBON & SON, Mourning Store, ocB No. 918 CIIIISTNIIT Street. ••• ENGLION 'CRAVES ON ROILS.- Jost received, English Trimming and Veil Crapes, on roll,. English Crape Veils. Englieh Crapes, all widths and qualities. Large Crimp Crapes and Veils. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, oc6 No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. 'MBE & LANDELL, FOIGITIJ and ARCH STILERT OPENING FOR FALL SALES: Magoiftcent Silks. Magnificent Shawls. llsguilloent Poplins. Good Black Bilks. Richest Printed foods. Good Stock of Stalling. se2o-t! 500 BOX E to S se T ll ° To ß ba °° Bl — and e Cirtars, a ; tower prices than any other temee in the city. A bargain In Hmana Oigare, nurehaaed at ttlarehare dale. WOOD WARD k 00.. 41 South FOURTH Street. ocB lm* ErrPHILADELPHIA, OCT. 23, 1562. Captain WILLIAMS: DEAR Six: We address you in the tope that ton will consent to remain bore non a days longer. that your Exhibition may be seen by such of our citizens and their families as have not pasted an evening with yon. We do highly appreciate its merits, embodying, as It does, amusement and instruction, and being Ego entirely novel in its character that we loth to have so desirable an entertainment removed from our city. Very respectfully, Rev. Dr - MORTON, BLLIDRSLIE WALL/J/10, M. D , EDWARD EIART3EIOANZ, M. D., W. L. ATLEE, al. I)., B. AGNEW, M.D., . M. 0 SElttliLoßoss, WM. DiRRAOR, M. D., J. V. PATTERSON, M. D., TEIOS. R. MARIS, PIIGIi menotri&, f JOSEPH J. SUARPLEBB, Rev. GEUAGE BRINGI-lIIRBT. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 24, NM. GENTLY-11EN: I with gradtnne acknowledge the re ceipt of your kind favor of yesterday, end am limy to say that I betVe, boon enabled to effect an arrangement for .the me' of Conceit Dell for another week, nom.. ntrnetng MONDAY EVENING, the 27th instant. I remain, gentlemen, your ebedient'servant. ' E. 0. WILLI&TtIi. • [G--. PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER 35, —at a meeting of toe Ottawas' B nnty Fond Committee, held THIS DAY, the following resolution was: adopted : Whereas, There is a rrobahility of an offer by the (Mr of PhiladOnhta of a bounty larger than that here , Infra. .pald to Volunteers, with a view of preventing a military draft; tberrfore, Resolved, That this Committee do respectfully inform de Comic:lle of the City, that .they are ready. to • co•ope rate 'with them for that purphee, and are willing to apply 'Oise Hundred .Thouland Dollars of the funds in their trust in aid of such objeot, after the amount heretofore :appropriaud by the oouncile as a bounty fund shall Dave been.upended... • • Ea, APR GIRL NOTIV E. YOUiW 111E149s ort 4.7sTf at , / AttliOaf ATlON.—iritluelEtectioa of Vffiiere ou ELDN DAY uext. 27th tut,the 1110m3, fromB it. K. to . VP. M. Zverf mmnber to oxfiected to do hie duty. lbe regular rnentbly meeting of the Association ;win he Leld le the Lecture Wow of the T LEFIT DKPEI . - MOT OHU3OI:i. BBOAD end S e SO3I rtrests, to .11s0 EVESlvli, et 7% o'clock. The result of the also lieu will be iumouuccal . •.. .4.026 2.* GEORGE H. STIFIAT. President. trrCON SOLI D&T : WA; SOL; LULA.; DEL '1) lA. tictober 9; •1863-.•-••• • be Annual ',neaten for DlRiol'oll 4 alli ho bel.l at the Banking EIOIIIO on MOND Of; tho"l7th del of No vember next, between the boars of 10 . 1 1.' M and 2 P 31. A General Meeting of-tbs Stockholders •will be held et the same, place on Tneeday, the 4 h day of Noiemher; at 121 d. (odd. fnowtulT] J 05.17. PEIRSOL, oa.hler; THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1862. CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED BY 07 ° THE ARMY (106100TP1HIE OF THE YOUNG Pnltti'S OB.RIt3TI.A.N ASSOO/A.T.10/i OF PIEEICAL -1861. September—Check from J. IL 8.-.. . .. Click from Bow , n &frox.. Oolloctino from Rev. W J. 11. Tay .lnrits Church 60 77 October.— Mr. Toimen 20 00 W. Veltoh 6 00 itady'at. Rev. ear. Charnbere Church 600 Collection Rev. Dr. Clerk's Church 42 62 Ancnymous. 6 01 Frierd," by 61r,. Baker .60 Collection by Rev. J M. Crowell.. 60.77 Collection by Broad and Arch tiburob Collection by Bev. Dr. Bomberger's Church 37,00 November .. Collection or Rev. Or, Breed 60 60 le+iends. by W. G Crowell 10 00 Friende,_be Mr. kilowatt -. .6 00 Green Bill Cburoh.... 7 53 December .. Collection by Rev. Mr. Shields.... 20 71 From Dr. Baird > 25 Cobection by Rey. Dr: Kennard.... 03 03 Collection by Bev Atuumd.... 55 53 Collection by Bev. Dr. Edwards.... 93 71 Collection by Rev. Mr. Chambers.. 50 11 1882. January, ..Collectlon at Clinton. street lhurch.. 23 33 Collection at Frankford. Rev. Mr. Murphy 30 03 Lady in prayer-meeting . 1 00 Meeting at Rev Or. adame on Thanksgiving Day 28 00 Coßooted at Dr. McDowell's 40 96 Two Sunday. school girls to Mrs. Stuart. 2 10 Chaplain Thomas P. Hunt 5 00 February .. Collection by Rev. W. Kenney.... 16 22 Collection at Parkereburg, Rev. Mr. Reed..., 11 80 Collection at Rev --Mr. Barnes'.... 64 85 Collection at Tabernacle Bootie 36 78 Poor woman, from sir. Crane 25 Collection by Rev. Mr. Idurray.P. M. 14 50 Donation by Indy. per A.. Martin.... 600 March Donation by lady, per W. G. Oro . well Donation by lady, par W. G. Oro well. 10 10 Donation by lady, nor J. O. 51cfann 200 Donation by lady for tent for 81st Regiment 100 Cc:Mee - lion at Church of Intercessor, 30 45. Collection by. Rev. Dr. Smith 84. 50 Collection by REV , Hyatt Smith (21) 21 61 Donation from colored Sunday i:,^bool of. St. Andrew's 5 00 • Be.v 3. Edwards, Pottstown 8 00 Rev. W. a. D Hatton for tent 100 00 Geo. H. Stuart for tent .'5OOO Lady fotteat 1 00 April. Collection at bevantb and ,f3klng- Collection at Dr. Braiaerd'e 88 68 Collection at Wharton street 51. E. Church. 45 71 Collection at Bev. Mr. Jeffriee' 85 81 Collection at Tabernacle M. E. Church. 37.00 May Collection at Broad and Bhippen.... 23 92 Collection at Dr. Adams' Church.... 25 85 January.... Collection at Forth Baptist Church.. 22 24 • Collection at Dr. WILESOI4 55 49 June. ......0011ection at Fourth Pres Murat; oe ReT P Mower 26 25 May Collection at Rev. Dr Mama' Church 35 sa Juno Collection at Sansom.ot. Church—. 939 Collection at. Alex. Pres. Church.. 51 31. Collection at Trinity M E Church.. 22 79 Collection at meeting of 225, Rev. P. B. Hent.ort . .86 50 Collodion by Mr. Btteimard - 500 Collection at Princeton Pres. Church, Mr. 44 00 July. Collection- at Central Pres. Church, Rev J. Y Mitchell 4 45 03 .Donation from W. W.'51., 8. 8, It P. D., and J. &. L Collection at Moravian Church, Franklin and Wood , . .... 31 00 Collection stßeformed.Prei. Church, Highteenth and Filbert 50 00 Beptember..Collection at Ninth Pres. Church, Rev. Dr. Blackwood 43 00 Collection at Western E Courch, 27 00 October ....Collection at Grem-street 111. E firwo . REPORT OF THE WEST PHILA. DE 4PD - 16. LADiEB' AID from August 28th to October 22, 1882: 'Deceived Item Mrs Fire, $6; Mrs. Comeyes, $10; Bev J. W Bobine, $5; Mr. Samni I Field, tin; Hrs. aumel Field, $10; Mrs. O'Brien, ill ; Mrs. v ala'ano, $1 ; Miss O'Brien, 81; BITS Gray, $5; Mrs Lea, $10; Dirs. Sonthworth , $1; Mre. Alen, $1; alts. Belcher, '4 5 Sir. Combs, 9 ample cologno ; Mary Scattergood, 2 boxes lint; Mrs. Keen. 2 bottles wino: Miss Eimer, 7 p Tele corn starch, 6 papers farina, old linen; Mrs Boox, 2 jars currant jelly ; Miss Price, 1 bottle brandy, 1 bottle wine . l jar cherries; Mrs William Yarnell, 1 box lint; Mrs L. Massey, 1 box tint. 6 bandages; Mrs. Barrieon, old limn; Mrs. Brown, old- linen ; Mrs Wa-- ren. Hilt; Mrs. O'Brien. I bottle wine; &Ire Pennell. 3 ottles wine, 1 bottle ea. befry wine, L ta're clotb, Sire. Field, lint; lire. Julian, old linen; Kra. Maury, 8 bandages, 3 papas coon starch, 8 papers tartan ; Mrs. Morrie Wlrts. I jar to narinde. 22 bandeures. 3)4ra pickles, 4 jets sateen:beats. lint ; Miss am, old linen; nits Van Dore, •linen, 1 bottle brandy, 1 bottle wine, old linen, lint; Mr. McCanimon, 2 bt-ttles rye whi-ky. 1 bAtle wine. 1 bottle Holland gin. 1 bottle cherry brandy; Girls' Public Scbool, West Phitadelphia 6 bottles wine, 4 papers farina, I paper corn vetch, 2 M 6 currant HI. 6 jars sweetmeats, Saar, pickles, 1 jar eaten., lj sr mut. is d, 1 pair slipper., 7 bandages ; creceere, large quantity lint; Mr oo!ehower, 2 bottles wine. 2 cans cranberries, 2 jars mustard. 2 papers gelatins, 2 papers oorn starch; bliss C Lirnird. 1 chest; Mr. Marks, 1 bottle brandy, 1 tattte wine; Miss west, linen and lint; Mrs. Lenir, lion; mss Williams 2 linen sheets; poor man -1 battle Col ba andy s; er, Ant;Mrs M3d m roan nu itchel, banem tut; u— ladies at e &,,' ,i_kriirs2b--. dreg house, lint; Mrs. Henry Hatt, 45 -yet ds muslin, 1 bottle brandy ; Mire. Bingham 3 shirts, lint, 88 bandages, 2 papers corn starch. 2 papers farina; Mr. Wetham, 5 pour ds oakum; through Mr. Townsend, lint ; a friend, lint; a friend, 8 bdkts., 1 bandage, 1 exit, 3 pairs pants, 2 vests, lint; a friend. 4 bottles elderberry syrup, lint, 12 feather cuadons Eliza and Sallie Snake.. 1 bottle catsup, 2 cakes, castlte 'soap, 2 ponnds oratkers, 2 work b'ga. 6 lemons, lint; T. D Snplee, 4 books, news pspers ; Mrs. Alex. Massey, 2 pairs dinners, lint; Mrs. Booths, lint; hire Toweisend, 8 &isms jelly, 2 bandages, hut; M lea Age ew, 1 bottle wine, 3 glasses jely ; biro. Yarnell, lint and mama; a friend, 2 bandages and bat; Mrs. Worne, 1 bottle brandy, 1 bottle whisky, I bottle current. wins ;in dies ef. Hollinsville, 2 packages lint, old linen; Mrs. Oolaban,. ; a lady, bet and" ritm.l.n; through Mr. Field, 1 large box lint, 7 hdkfs., shirts;. Mrs Kerlin, 1 large package ; thronett sirs cast* 38 bandages, 7 shirts; Mrs. Mallory, o'.d linen; children of Mrs. Chanson, lint. The holes of this society have been engaged during the fall in snaking up flannel shirts for the sick soldiers in the West Philadelphia Hospital. These articles are abso lutely nest:in-try for the comfort of the men, and as the mate ial is expensive, the treasury is nearly exhausted. Donations of money and towel tat are earnestly requested. S am for stockings will also be very acceptable. The Wert Philadelphia Ladies' Aid has been in ope ration since the commencement of the war, and is not connected with tbo Soldiers' belief Association lately orynnized in Went Philadelphia. Donations Rhoda be marked accordingly that mDtakee may not occur. Tney may be sent to Mr. SAMUEL, FiIEL 0, N. W. corner of FBONT and WAL?-117T Streets; Mr H 0.. T IWN -13 END, No. 811 ARCH .Street; Mr OHNHLEI B. KEEN, No. 826 WALNUT Street. or to Miss JULIA. A. WILTBEBGEB. No. 8947 61A,SIC1IT Stioet. • Sirs. t A ADZ& FIELD. President. Mrs. 01168 LES B KEEN, Secretary. 11* Miss J. A. WILTBIBBSE 11, Treasurer. TREA S.IIR ER ' S DEPARTMENT,- PENNSYLVANTA. R&ILSOAD COMPANY, October 17, 1862. The BOATED OF DIRECTORS have this 'day de clared a Semi-Annual Dividend of FOUR PH Et 0111N1`. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State and Government Taxes, 'payable on and after November 15th, 1862. Powers of attorney for the Collection of Dividends can be bad on application at this office. THOS. T. .Trefintrer, No. 288 South Third street. SOUTHWARK RANK. .PFULADELPHIA October 7 1862 The ANNUAL ELECTION for DIBECTOES will be bele et the Banking Elonee on MOND I.Y, the 17th day of November, between the bourn of 10 o'clock A. H. and 2 o'clock P. M. . . A General kleotins of the Stockholders will be held at the mune place on TUESDAY, the dih day of November ticxt, at 12 o'clock X wfmtnol7 Ea'GIRARD BANK. —riathe.DEL PERA, ' October 9, 1862.. ' The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking Homo, on IdONDAY, the 17th day of Novem• ber, betv:cen the hours of 10 A.. M. and 2 P. A General Meeting of the StoolthoWere wUI b 3 held at the same place on TUESDAY, the 4th of November, at 12 o'clock M. W.. L. BOHA.FFER, 00100 few- tnol7 ea4bier. try. BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 11, 1882. en election to: thirteen Directore will be held at tho Ilaukivg HOUK, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Nevem b(r next, between 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P The avnual meeting of the (Vockholdere will be held at the 'Banking Home, on TUINDAY, the 4th day of No vemlxr next, at 10 o'clock ocl9-maftel7 TIME BUSS LL, fleshier. i ErrTHE PHILADEL.P HIA 8ANK...1 PAIL ADRLPHIA. October 6, /sat ho nnmial meeting of the Stockholders wilt be held at the Banktust Eonee on TUESDAY, November 4. 1862,a 12 o'clock lit. . The - annnal election for Directors will be held tit th Denting Heine on MONDAY, November 17, 1862, be: twern the hours of 10 A. M. end 2 P 141.- ocB witctnoli It 9. 0031991'9, (Whiff: trrCOMMERCIAL BANK OF PerittsyL,.. VANIA. Pima DELPESIA. Oct. 18, 188-2. A general meeting of the dtockboidere will be held at the Banking House. on TIIIBDA.Y; the 4th day of No vember next; et 12. H. ' The anneal election for Direotere will be held at' the; Bankirg HonsP, on MONDAY, the Del day of Novels.) her next, between the home of JO A. ?,L and 2P. EQ. f ocl3. mwf tl7 8. 0. P4l. tkitil, Cashier. ca.AVIS AUX ELEGANTS. ME. PAUL ANDRIOT, Gbraud de le toafecm do Tallleure de AIR. GRANDVILLE 8 COHE3, 800 ORESTEUT Street, Philadelphia, a l'honnonr de int . ,- Veal: lee nombreox amie of connaiseancee gni font deja favorite de tear clientenu, (tined Quo lee strangers,) vient do regovoir de Paris et Londres lee modes lee gets reeentes et lee miens uorteee ponr la saloon d'utver. fdr. Grandville Stokes a nile h ea eieweition lea etoilts lee pine belles, et lea meillenres (mantes, des premieres manufactures WE nrope. Lea militalres, ainel quo lee othclore de tons grades 1 trouverons lee meilleuree gualitee ,Petoffe,3 a den prli tree ruoderes.. Velettance de ea wane, eine one le "caohet de dlatlnctlon gni la caracterlae est deja trop cunnn du pub lic, norm en renonvellos lour meritee aft27.lm 2riende, bv Mr. chewed...... .. Collection by Rev. Mr. Breed Collection at meeting at Ur. Cra croft'a 110 88 Collection at meeting at Dr. Daletr'.. 70 32 Jamey+ Graham for ring 10 00 Lady, by G. EL 8 1 00 Mretirg at W Smith's 44 79 Gardfn Church Collection St meeting of Y. A , Dr. Wiley's 31'83 Collection at meeting at Otintomst. Pres. Church 184 50 Collection at meeting at Button wood etre+. t, Rev. Kr. Sheppard...`.. 9318 ect 18-1 m OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, AND NORRISTOWN RAIL ROAD COMPANY, PHILADHLNITA, October 13, 1862 . The, simnel moetiog of the Stock and Loanhoklers will he beld at the office of the Company, northeast cor ner of 'NINTR and GREEN Streets, on MONDAY, the 3d day of NOVEMBER next, at 10 o'clock A.. d. An Elevien to choose four Managers, to tierce three ware, '.will be held the same day immediately after the Stook. holders' meeting, and close at 2 P. N. ogle. toe W. 8. WILSON, Secretary. 'ErrAT A MEETING OF THE CITIZENS' BUUN rY FUSCO CO 31.11LITTEE, held thi day, the f, llowirg reeolntion woe agread.t.: • Whereas It Is announced that the draft will take ylace in ibis city on Tneeday, October 28d, and that audit will bo given for ali recruits uatil that day, be it • Resolved, That this commits°. will dbicontione the .pm went of premiums and bounties recruits for oil regiments in the field that enl:et after Monday, 27th instant, VW NILS WIC BSPER, Vice OhalrrnAn. Philadelphia; October 20. , oaol.-6t FAR MERS , AND MECRANIOS' r.rr BANK—Pnti.Anemetite, October 6. 1862 the Annual Election tor Dtrecters will be held at the .Bel king Aortae on MOND &Y. the 17th day of November next, betwoeu the boars of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. U. and OP 'TIIESnALL the' 4th day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the. Banking House, at 4 o'clock P. et., agreeably to the aarter. W. RUSHTON, .Ja on7-tnol7 - • flashier. NI 1E CHANIC BANK—PIit.LA_DEL ruts, Octohor 7, 1882. A general •niceting of the Stnc>holders wU l s bo hold et Howe the Barking Hoe on TUESDAY, 4th day of Novem her, at 12 ni.. .odtliAnot The Annual Election for Directors will be held at ttMi Decking Howe on MOND November 11, between - , the bow of 10 A. ht. and' P oCB4IIOII WIIIGAND,' Js , Onabster.. $52 83 ..... 9 V. ...... 20`00 . 2 I' - 15 F. P. STEEL, Cashier arOFFICE OP THE SURGEON-ARTIST TO THE ARMY AND NaVY, PHIL&DELPHLI, Oct 24th. 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Bailors de.3ron3 of availing thitnerives of the 1761100111 Appropriation for an solsill4 A rtificl4.l Limbs. snonld aprly IcamedlOali at thtl cella of the Surgeon Artist to the ilovornmeiit. No Ib°9 CHI+ STtiII2 Stteet. B. FRANK PAL LflttL n 026 If onverrniAnt .surizAnn. A rtilat, MILITARY . 157 m. BEGINEENT P. V.. COL. WIIAIAN A. GRAY.-7 he Offleere of the ahtrre Bfyirneut will meat at Headqoartere 'THIS DAY, at 10 o'cicck. By order of It Colonel WILLI& NI A. 011%.Y. PH)LADELPII.IA CITY GUARD, COLONEL WILLIAM A. GRAY. Let every eitiz.n samba in filling this Regiment. Come one! come all! and bring your friends, and Bbettro ' B3OO BOUNTY. • Call at 627 CHESTNUT S'reet. lEXTRA BOUNTIES ! ~ExTaA. BalniTlEtt l--PHlLitint,Pflia. CITY GUS itp. Headquarters 627 J 4TMUt Street This aegi• merit offers extra iteittetontnts tor the young :nen of title city. Opole before it is too late Come e t MICR. it . 1 ATTENTIONO !-P R E IN 0 T 00611BITTBEB, bl calling on OA WM . . A.. G&IY, 627 OBESTN UT Street. can make the tiec4g4iry ar rangements to till quota. Gall at bifT 0 GUS r- DDT Street, Headquarters of Philadelphia GUY GUARD. !PHILADELPHIA CITY GUA.R.D; 157th REGIURNIL P. T. Philar'elphians. Awake ! It you would avoid the Draft on the 28th, enlist or send recruits to the 157th Regiment One effort on your part and the work is done. MI the Bounties, one month's pay in advance, and a Gam Blanket to each man. it, DRAFT ! DRAFT! DRAFT Why have a Draft in this city, when every citizen can and should exert himself to bring a recruit to fill up the Mb REGIMENT, Col. WILLIAM A. Gair. Dy so doing you will avoid,the Draft. It FRILALELPHIA CITY GUARD. Enlist in this Regiment, and sEnure all the Bounties and a Gum Blum et Drafted men get no Bounties, and have to furnish their own Blankets. Bell before it is Ka late. RE&DQUAWEERS, 6gT CHESTNUT St .PHILADELPHIA - CITY GUARD. Shall it be said we had a Draft in Philadelphia, when 3 013 have a chance of enlisting in toe above, Beet merit, and securing - all the Bounties and a Gam Blanket, and Serying.with offictre who have seen ser vice 7 .. , It OALL AT No 627 ORESPNUT Street, PEiILADELPHIA CITY GUARD. Bullet lathe One-Hundred-and. Fifty-Seventh Be. ehnent, , Colonel WILLIAM A. GB ALY, now in Chinn Poliston t near Fells Et dobultkill. • Do not be dratted, but join this Itegiuteut, and receive the Bounty. it AVUD TEE DRAFT ! - JOIN THE OITE•HUNDSED-AVD-FInY.SEVXINTEI Papiraent, Oolonet WILLIAM A.. (12.A.Y. (lon Bete outfit, one month's pay in advance, all the Bounties and a Gum Blanket. It OALL' AT We. 62/.OHEBTBUT BTREBT. ITAVOID THE DRAFT!-Every Precitet in thi city could avoid the Draft by Feuding L.. their quota to thels7th Regiment before the 28tu in. nent. Now ie the time. .Let every man :work!:, Work ! ! work ! ! ! lt FBILADELPEILAOITY, •. - 157th Regiment P. V. --Philadelphiane, affake I If Ytu could avoid Vila Draft on the 211tb,'enlisi or solid rvrutte to the 157th Regiment. One efroct on polar nati, at d the work; is done. All the Bounties i onemonth t e pay in advance, and a Gum Blanket to oachman. it tiDR AF T ! .D.RAFT! DRA.Fr_! Dld 6 T !—Wby bave a draft in tbie sity'r Utah every citizen can and ebould er.ort bimeol( f' bnti aBB CRIIIT to fill up tbe 157th BEGI if'', Ohl'. WIL LI/6N A. (in 6.1(1 By to doing, you avoid the IYraft It PHILADELPHIA OTT) G GAR O. Enlist he this Regiment and secure all the Bounties and a Gum Blanket. Drafted men get no Bountfre, and bave to furnish their.own blankets. Gall before. it's too late. Headquarters No. 627 CHESTNUT Street. ' iPHILADELFEITA CITY. GIUARD. —shall it he said we had a draft in Philadelphia when yon have a chance of °Dimling is the above Begin:writ and securing all the Bounties and a Gum Blanket, and serving with officers who have seen tier. vice 7 Call et Ito 627 OBESTNBT Street. it PH ILA DE LPHIAMITY GU AIM ! —Enlist in tbo One-bundred and-Fifty-seventh Re giment, 001. W rd. A GRAY, now in Camp Paiteron, near Falls or 13chuylkIII. Do not be drafted, but join this Regiment and receive the Bounty. .I.t AVOID ,TITE. - DRAB'r ! -JOIN th,- 157th Regiment, Ail . . Wyd: A. GB Y. Complete outfit, one. *nib% imp In advance, all the Bounties. and a Gem Bleuket. Cell mile•OM 0 GBB COOT. &root. it AVOID: THE DRAUT !- E VERY precinct in tbie city avoid avoid the Draft, by Leading .helr quota to the ONE - HUNDRED • AND - - EU fir-SEVENTH BE OMEN r Before t 136 28 h instant. Now fa the time Let every rose w. rk ! work ! work ! It I $302. THREE .lITJ'II7 $302 DRED AND TWO D0D14143. • By authority of the • CLT PI (LD if_ - IT - DiAN WHO inLISTS - • ROBERTS' ARTILLERY ' , FOR FORT MONROE, BEFORE TUESDAY Nr.x?, BOUNTY) Aa follow#: . . Bounty from the city, in advance VW Bounty from the trolted States, in advance......... 26 Premium from the United States, in advance ' 2 One month's pay, in advance, 13, lieleklu . g a total advance of. S2O and 156 at the expiration of time of enlistment. Apply to CAPTAIN SAMUEL HAZ aND,'7II. - ; .0061PAtili A, IL. N. corner BIGHTS and CHESTNUT Streets, ce26. . Up •stairs. BOARD • OF TRADE RIFLE REGIMENT. 166fh P Y.—Twenty men wanted to 811 np•Co G—sl66 bounty. Appiy at 505 SOUTH Street; . GEORGE B. LAIRD, Osptatn: 6001111, let latent. 00244 tit h • CORN EXCHANGE REGIMENT, COL. O. H. PREVOST. RECRUITS WANTED for this popular Regiment. BOUNTY $lBO, and DNB MONTH'S PAY IN ADVANCE. RfiORUITING STATIONS, 139 WALNUT mor. ltd 80811AICKET Street. Capt. DENDY SHARWOOD, Recruiting Officer. ACONTINENTAL CAVALRY, 001. J. E. PEYTON Commanding.— tlegi mental Eteadquertery, 403, tit /LIAM T direst. 111‘net..ring orders baying been reeved recruits join ing Ibis Regiment will be mustered into the service of the iltdad States immediately, and sent to Oamr Metcalfe for ,thetructiou. after which the Regiment will be trans ferrcd for service in the Bouthweet. . 0c24 at RUBIPI3 LANCERS.—Young Men wanted tordi the mks of this regiment. Two new oomy4nies to be raised immediately. prlncipal Benderorone No. 800 0/1188TNU r attest. te2l.Ba 8. REVENUE STAMPS - - The undersigned has received the following STAMPS• CHE.CIKB ' Proprietary, 1, 2 3; awl 4 c ents. CONTRAOT; IO rents: :CERTIFICATES, 10 cents. -.- TELEGRAPH and EXPRESS. I rtepeettally "calVtibe : attention of the public to Soo - one 96, 304,106, and 107, se• TIIE PEN<Y WILL BE ENFORODD. .TOEIW-111. RILEY; Collector, 427 08BSTNIrt Street . 6 frIE BIG GUN" RTIMITED 'PROM 482. , .T0..415i CHESTNUT STREET , ' OPPOSITE 'THE' CUSTOSIIHOUSE. PHILIP: WILSON & co. have retrieved &oh , Guns, Pistols, Rifles, Fistdng Tackle, Skater, Cricket and Base Dail Implements, Cadet Unakets and Reinlytnents to ot2olm 415 CHESTNUT 81111611 T. TV ORYR I' ES. —lt ou , r,eelize-y our idea. of gpitieet picture in 11E131E11 , 3 I vcry ty pee, Such accuracy of Mellen and a natural coloring are rarely found in a picture. SECOND Street, above Green. It* ITIEVII.SIONt OF ' RESIT. BENJ. PTIII IPS REYNOUDS.—I hare great pleasure in bearing testimony that I havi.inat witnessed one of the 111(44 delicate ‘nrgical Opertuions, the moot hilfni and scientific manner by Dr. J [AWES, at his 11E and EAR 11 , 1FIEltle,ItY, North r.IXTfI Street, on the eon of ftir J. C. Varattrk. Arch street. The Doc tor to evidently a gentleman of fine professional ability, in whom all persona who are afflicted With diseases pecu liar to the Es e and Ear may softly confide. 0c24 3t* Yours. truly, B. P. BEYNOLDS. 6Emr QUErTION..—Where can you "6. zet TZBEAPIN A NI - SWIM —At PNOSSZR , S, 808 MAIIICAT Street. 0023 6t SIOO,OOOBONDS AND, i l lPtigsges, in aunts of 85,000 and norarGo, on Orot.aitue ofiTpropertles. None others will be .cotnidered::l . RBI ti BOTH, 2 0e27 No . . 488 WL 13 I' Street... - . -13.•. EATUN it . . Ito 201 Borah FROST Street, Agents for the e :le of the Origin.l .Ileidfdeck & 0,. Champagne, oZer that deeirable WWI, to the trade also, 1,000 cases fine and medium:grade Bardeen:lola-, rata - • 100 cows If Brnudenberg Freres" Oognac Brandy, yin tagel24B, bottled in France. 00 cases finest Tuscan 011, in naslcs, 2.dozeu in care. .2Abble. finest quality Monongahela Whisky. 60 000 lINVATIVI L Seg,ars, extra fine. _. & Chandon Grand Vie Immortal "Green Seal" CbaroPeene.••_ Tog ether with a fi ne assort m ent of Madelltat Sherry, Port, &c. • • • orde:lor /1113 E COPARTNERSHIP - OF-LIP , PINOOTT, IaTIN TER. & SCOTT haying bean die• solved b) mutual. consent. the btudnessaf the firm wit be eutded ny Whl. BIINT11.11,•Ja , and GEO 8. 89OTT, at 2034 WALNUT Street, who alone are anthorlted to nee the name of the firm In settlement. (Signed) B &ROL e‘Y LIPPINCOTT, `NM. HUNTER. JR , ,GEO. S. SCOTT. October 24, 1882 0c37.5t* N©w Clarified. Champagne 'kJ tlider, of extra quality, by the blind or taoitahuai, For 8010 by • /thIlL MATRIX ti. ct27.12t irr 'Boa. 124, 122, st,d 124 LOal BMW Bt. D If— . Consult JAMI RRLINI ~63 LEWIS, whoseniiremftting exteoebs tii meetligrwittt the entire approbation of hla is it Ptdpsdebbis.• Ottico U 37 Nottli 8/XTR St. saleimit RETAIL 'DRY GODDS. T R. CASSEL 3ERRY will, open this V s morning the cheapest Dress Geode of toe aelFlGni from the male of O. F. Schroder & Uo., through Fur. rens' Brieley, & 00. Also, a line of Broche Shawls and Clothe, the ea e o€ J. B 51) era. & 18 Memo Stipexior Quality rich and novel Plaid Oeylons, at 25 cents. 4 lote, 60 pieces, excellent Brocade fabric plaid Brach* figure ealvatorae, at 28 cents. LAM pieces. rich Jacquard 'Brocade, and Broohe Madras, an elegant style, 81.4 cents. The above lots of Drees Goods are better than any goods sold even last BOBBOD, for the vetoes. • PLAIN BILKS FOB RVENING DRE.T3E3. 22 pleees Plain Dress bought for csah, the owner having sailed for S urots3. 2 pieces reagnilicrnt quality White Silks $126. 2 44 44 .4 Magenta Silks, 81.25. 1 " us, Searles dilk, -Si 25. 1 44 " Pink Silk. sl2sr -1 " Pearl eiik, $125. 1 44 44 4; Light tine Silk, $1.26. The above are 22 'Stites wide, and richly worth $1.50. 6 pieces Plain Colored Bilks, Modes. at 3To. 2 " new shade Purple Silk, 11.25. 2 " 81 26. 2 4 ; 44 Green Siik,.sl.26. The above goods are worth the attention of wholesale or retell buyers. CLOTHS! Black all. wool Moths, from $1.132X to $4. Waterproof Moths by the yard orltleca. A smell lot Waterproof Clotho, at $ 1 . 12 X• Dark Gray' Cloths, at 13,2 1 piece magnificent heavy French Gray, i 6 4 Cant mere, Cloths end Gaseirneres in great varlets. SHAWLS! A stook of nearly $lO,OOO in Stella, Blanket, Broche Long and Square j aho, Stripe Broche Shawls, ripw on hand. Shawls, from $1 50 to $65. 42 dcwm real Kid Gloves ' at 56 eta. Superior quality all wool Brown Reps, $1 12X, Wareentla, and all the leading makes of Mueline, alaayiselling less than ease Irle.ns J B. OAR iELSBEST'S, Mammoth Dry Goods House lt ' 45 Worth B 'GUT a St:,below A Bdtl. T_T STEEL & SON RAVE JUST •• received, from New York, a few choice lots of FINE IMPORTED DRESS GOODS. Wide fancy Silks, very rich styles., _Bich figured Brown Silks, a great variety of these very scarce and draftable A great variety of Fancy Silks. at low prices. Bich ftg tired Black Bilks. from $l. to 82. Yard. wide Plain Black Silks, at $l. Black Bilka, all width', and qualities. • VERY LOW PRIDES. Rich shades, Brown, Blue and. Green. PLAIN IRISS POPLINS., Silk and wool and all-Wool French Poplins. A choice lot of new Plaid Alpacas. BIlEi PRINTED MItiRTNOE3. RIOII PRINTED MAGENTA. 01.10111, . Rich printrd ad.wool Delalues, at 62,,41c worth 87c. SHAWLS, SOARES, AND OLOAKS. Broche and Plaid Blanket Shawls. Bich Obaine Laine Broche Shawls. Strived Ebawls of every variety. Iderino Searle, Broohe and Ohaine Laine Borders. Habit and Water.nroof Cloth Cloaks. NO SHEPHERD PLAID LONG SHAWLS, at $1 25, worth itit, oc2B 713 North TENTH Street, 'above Coates. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. M. Ana EE 00., v No. 240 CHESTNUT STREET, , , Offer for sale a NH martment of LINEN GOOrI)14 ) Oonelsting Of 4.4 SHIRTING and 2SONTING - OHMS. - %. 76, and 4 4 Vita dal BROWN AG. 10-4,*n.4, and 12.4 RAHNSLff t Y Sat X and 44 BROWN, Bit 1.011 & BLICk !TOLL &NHS. LIARS Hlll€l/ 7 5., LAWkIS,'DAhI &SKS, &c &c. trlffeLlNS, all colors oct24-fm v6t • A . RMt GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT MOTH& DARK-BLUE OAP MOTHS. • SKY- BLUE CLOTHS FOE OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10.OUNOD DUCK. DRILL& STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINER DRILLS &ND DJJOK. BROWN AND BLEACHED MEETINGS AND GIMPING& For We by ~ ~ r 5E le -If 41 CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. t7CTIISIAbs` T: 6NODGRAES, - 7 ARMY, NAVY, AN - P. CIVIL OLOTH :r.IKOVSE, No. 34 soOH,RSOONS.-.. S HOEIST, - .iiid: : . . No. 2313*AWBEIiirt I am frilly prepared for : the FALL /PD WiNrEn Having icet . reaetirisliieomplate eortment of TRUE BLUES, 01 all shades and grades from 81 .17;( to BEI 00. Blues, Blacks, and Fancy Beavers, from ' 2 00 ' to 7.60. Blue and Black Pilots 150 to 500 Mcecow 3.75 to 700. Chinchillas t 2.75 to 860. V :tup ele no t B itau e: x v : erp e:;;;;;_s • .3 3 0 0 0 ut 2 4_ Tw t o . vo 83 6 . g .:1 6 Tricot Beaver, . 2 00 to 5.00. Fancy Coatings 176 to 14.00. OTHI3, all colon and. ,v-m ock LADIES' FURL LADIES' FANCY FURS! . • JOHN-A.. STAMBACFI, - ,. • IMPORTER AND DIANIIPAOPURER LADIES' FANCY , FURS; No. 826 ARCH STREW,- . • . BELOW NINTH. :• . •• • Just rimmed, a largo and handsome Block or LADIES' AND CHILDEEN'd FANOY FUSS, of evory descrir Lion and in the newest and moat approved mice' at the. Lowest Owl" Prices. 00141 at LADIES' FANCY FURS. JOHN ,FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH BT., BELOW EIGHTH, IMPOiTER AND MANUFACTURES LADIES' FANCY FURS. My aseortment of Fancy ram for Ladies and Children le now complete; and embracing every variety that will' be fashionable during the ➢resent season. All sold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladies, please give me a call nc3-4mll MILITARY CLOTHING. WIDE- SPREAD ...REPUTATION: There is no house in the United States that has as wide-spread reputation for getting up MILITA•RT CLOTHING GO ROCKHILL & WIL- SON'S, Nos. 603 and 605 , ettestnnt street. Besides being thoroughly or,quoiutted with he businees,.they are prompt to fill all orders. at tnoderate prices, and always have a iminit no= OP, ART GOOD. A agaa ne3o.lfif • , • : . •04D 1 r 41 W )1 ! , ' CP.TIUNG. . CLOTHING . 011.11 AP FOR °ASIR The beet place In Ildladeighbx to obtain well-made, good-fitting, durable - • • • I • • • CLOTHNG, .CLC).TETING. • • • ,GLOTHING, CLOTHING. AT REMONABLE PRICES, AT...BEASONA.BLE PRICES, AT, • REASONABLE „PRICES,: AT. REASONABLE: Piticks, • • • WANAMAKER & :BR OW N' S • WANAMAKER • & BROWN'S WANAMAKER • & BROWN'S WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WANAMAKEB -& BROWN'S OAK HALL, OAK HALL, • OAK 'HALL, OAK HA.X,L, . OAK HALL, SOUTHEAST COSNER SIXTH AND t4ABENT, BOUT HNAST CORNERSIXTH AND BIAIGBFST, SOUTHEAST COSNER SIXTH AND MARKET. Wir P. 8.--iVaztamakfir & Brown'a Oak Hall Clothing Eetabiiehment, at Sixth and 'Market Street% le NOTED for we/lA:ands, good-piing, duyablg Moiling, at ling sgarant.x prices. RT Wanamaker do Brown have an Immense stook of Fall and Winter Goode, bought early in the season at low mioee yoa ogs.s, which will be gold ooaptimoltomia- LY OSZAi. gar °MOW= WO= WELL DONE AT' EXTRA LOW I%IOEB. 00i•tr SINE READY-MADE OLOTHING. ID, SOMERS & SON, No. 625 CHESTNUT STREET, UNDER JAYNE'S HALL, Firers , now made up for sods an ' Sntireriew stork of FINE CLOTHING. moo, a Ni assortment of °LOTUS, Oik9Bl.hlloBl l B. and VESTINGB, which they respectfully invite the p0!.,1i0 to examine before purchasing elsewhere. taTttlen NEW PUBIduATIONS. A LEX. DUMAS' GRE ATEST WORK! WILL BE PUBLOMCD ON ooroosa 29. ANDREE TAVERNEY THE DO WNFALL FRENCH'MONARCHY. BEING THE FIUAL CONOLDsIO , / or THE "COUNTESS DE UHARNY," «OIEIIOIsS OF PHYSICIAN," "QUEEN'S rigOKLAOE," AND "'SIX YEARS LATE B" BY ALEXANDER DURAS, Anthor of "The Iron Mast," l•Loni.e IA Palliate," onoteercdo (Thorny," " The Queen's Nookin9e," knx Irars Later." " llteaturto of a Poyzi• clan." "Cientinbve," "Isabel of Bavaria," "Edmond Dantas," "Diana of Hai . oor," ko OOMPLETE IN TwO bei.R.GE'OOI! , IVO voLum[ir.s. IN PAPER COVEN. FIIIOX. 50 °ENT'S A VO MIELE, Ott IN ONE TrOLOOIE, FOR $1.25. Read the Translator's Notice, of the Work " A anima DE TACHENEE" is the fit concluSiou of the great series to which it belongs. Not a few other writers have taken incidents from the reign of the Sixteenth Lolliff, and wrought books upon them, but this work of Alexander Dumas alone has comprised the whole dram% of the downfall of French monarchy, whose last scene , beheld the fogs of passion roll away from before it to're veal the unknown form of the guillotine. All is vender bow the throne of the beautiful fdaria Antoinette {mold ever have crumbled, till one hero sees the motive thoughts of the revolutionists. When some of them acted through love of liberty, many, like Billet, by a thirst of revenge for injury, a still greater numbor from hate, poverty, and evil instincts, how could royalists— though every one a Oharny or an Andres de Taverney— hope to maintain it? NVe form the acquaintance of how many in this book ? The Bing, the Queen ; Oliver de Charny, dying beneath the axes and the pike s of the sans-culottes, gasping : For the Queen Pin dying, as fell my brothers!” Then sin dree, his wife, who would not save her life with silence, veha..that.sileace,ndght _cast doubt on, her opinions; .toe repentant Gilbert; Catharine Billet, ti Widei-w—withent having been wife;" the good, simple eltou, whom all must like, and Billet, the inflexible Patriot. Then, the country stenos form that repose for the mind, which may be over , excited by the bloody scenes of city riots. 040 turtle gladly from the storming of the Tuileries by the mob, to the quiet, natural pictures of provincial life; from the gory-streaming locks of heads borne amid yells_ on pikes, to the seas of verdure of the forest, where a sweat-smelling brsezemmmurs sleepily; from the'spirit ed eveechefii from the rostrum: through which winds itotetpierre'a " bash !" like a serpent's hiss—to the re volution in miniature at Villere Cotterete. Aintree de Taverney will prove to be Dumas' greatest book, and must have a tale unparalleled'in the annals, of literature Copies of , t Andrea de TaVerneY will be Sent et once to' any one, frequf rootage, on remitting One Dollar to the publiabtrtl i 130010U15375, News Agents, and all others, will please send on their orders at once, for what they Willa of this boa, as it prove to be the most popular book pub. halted for 's we- Zubliehed and for sale T. B. PETERSON' & IfROTEtERS, 300 allESTeifir St., Philadelphia, Toltphom all elders mint Mae addressed, and they will receise immediate tttention. T, PETERSUbI I:MOTHERS itAfe disolost {a imed nate and fine editions of the preceding works of this Jerks, all of which will be &applied to the trade at the 681130 low rates of discount as "Aradrce de Teverner far any or all of which we solicit orders. Tne following are the names of the series: THE MEMOIRS OF A PHYSICIAN. Beadtifillifill, Two voinmee, paper cover, price One-Dal, I a aea In; or one volume, cloth, l 25. H THE QUEEN'S NECKLACE. A sequel to and con. tipuatioo of "The Memoirs of a Physician " Tyro vols.,* 'paper cover, price Due Dollar; crone vol., cloth, St 25. L SIX YE ABS L &TER ; or, the Taking of the Ihstile. A continuation 4,f .6 The gotereb lioolcieco 17 Two vole., pepf-r cover ; price One V Didier or one vol., cloth, $125. TB COUNTESS OF OIia.RNT. A. sequel to Six Years Later." Two volumes. Dew cover, price One Dollar 3 or one volume, cloth, V ANDERE DE TAVERNEY ; or, The Downfall of Frinet Monarchy. Theo Sequel to and End of "The Countess of (Thorny," and of the .tll,rocrMe of a Phy sician,' series. Two volumes, nap-r cover, pricer Oae Dollar ; or one volume, cloth, 81.25. Booksellers, News Agents, and all others witi please setd in theti orders at once tor what they want of these books tis they will - move to be the most popular Ones Phtdiated for years. . Published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON ,t BROTEIERS, 300 ONESTNIIT Street, Philadelphia To whom sli orders must come viddreseed t end they will receive immediate attention. RR - Editors of newspapers throughout the country, on copying the above adverii went in their papers, and Mailing a copy of the paper to us with' advertisement to, shell have a copy of ANIIPSEE DE TA.VDENBII tent to them at once, per mail, free of postage. It D omßEy & SON. • MESSRS. SHELDON & COMPANY, No. 335 BROADWAY, CORNER OP WORTR ST., PUBLISH THIS DAY, DOMBEY & SON: Zlegant Efousebold Edition of the Works of Obarles Pickens, with 'illustrations froti designs by r:ark.y acid Gilbert. bit-sere SHELDON & 001i1PANY would call tte at ienlion of the public to the exquisite illustratious imeach volume, surpassing in design and execution anythingo7er before attempted in this country. The neat in the series, ft DAVID Ci)PpEtainwr will be isszvd very soon. - oet24 8r • NEW IVIUBIC--,,NaryloLtd ) , Pair iYiary - land, answer to Marililidiellagand; Union" 74'r". 26 C"". 116 North 81ZP0.4 0c 24.31.* and ail other ddaiks, PERCHER'S . E W Eyes. A., and Ears. By Henry Ward Beecher. The. Origin and. History of , the Voglishbangnage, and of the Early Literature it embodies. By G. P. Marsh. The Bebellion Record, Parr XXIII. with-portraits of Major Oen 'Kearney and Stonavall Jackson. be cents: The Poems of Oliver _Wendell fiolvoes, with a portrait of the author. Blue aid gold. 88 cents. For sale by WM. 8. do ALFRED glawrraw, oc2l 606 OBESTNBT Street. PHOT(AIRAPHS. A T WAR PRTOES, A fine. etranee to get a valuable piehere cheap: REINES'S life- Rim PbotOgrSphe io ofecolore, a life like, natural portrait. SE .OND Strett, above Green. 11* FrIPE ART OF PLEASING IS MN. BILBSTOOD BY BBIBEB--AL glance will Con vince they are flniebed with skill ammiEwhing perfection. Only 81: SIMONE , Street. above Green. it* CIRC CL A.TIN LIORMUES BROTHERHEAD'S CIROU. cLa.TING LIBBARY.-641 the DEPT Beganle and Ametioan Beate, including ALL GLASSES of Me rear°. Thie-te the 41INLY Library in the oonntry that Includes all elm NEW ENGLISH ..8 OOKEI that are not ItEPEINT.BD bere. Terme*ft per - 7 ear; six monthell3l.. three monthe 51.5eq one month 'Fa emits, or 3 emits per day. 213 South r. IGB.TH Strzet. eeS-3m VNGLISII AND FIIEIIOI3 - FAMILY ALA CIIIOIII.A.T3NG LIBRARY &BIDEVIBINET DI LLOTDRII,.II3ITOIDESTNIIT 838F117. Subscriptions per year, month, and 43.7. General- eatslogse inat pnbliehok, furnished gratis. In Prise; Catelozne of the You Ladfeer French Li brary. Catab'egue de is Bibb-Dtlagets des IJesme; et der De- DIONLLOWESI, Agent, ee6-4m IiSTNIJT Street E'ER ANAL IDENSIONS.-- * $lOO liourrhy and Pay vrectired and collected for soldiers, sailors, and the relatives.of such 38 are deceased, at reasonable acd esti" , factory rates. elaims cashed or advanced eapon by .T:ts.all/18 FULTON, Solicitor for ..Cliaimtuits, 424 WlLlailiFT Street, Philadelphia. Particular olfaction given to parties living at a dis tance. 0018 if IYIARsIL L ' S,`. s2mrs. MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a , .LVJL :Writ Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWA.LA.DHII. Judge of the District Court - of the -United Statee la and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to ane'direeted, will be sold at public eale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at 8661.13 IBL. O. COOK'S &no bon btore, N 0.124 South Faleill Street, on THURS— DAY, November 6,1862, a postion of the cargo of tho Witmer Bermuda, consieting of 221 cases army Brogans, 12 cases Rustett Brogans, 7 cases Osvairy Boots, 124 cases leather "Leggings. 4 Hawsers, 182 coil Manilla Rape, 326 7.12 , dozen Cotton Hose. and 113 pieces Bu-ace. The articles can be examined , ana catalogues obtained at, the auction store; five days previous to the day of sale. WILLIAM 111.1.LI.WA.111), $ Marshal E. D: of Penna. October 20. _ 0c27-8t iTLE .AND DRESS GOODS. FALL STOCK SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. A. W. LITTLE & Co., 5e95.2m Ro. 394 MAIMET ST. - i „ THE PARENOLOGIOAL , OA -4 :I' . MEI' AND BOOK BTOSE is open day and , evening for the sale of books on Porenology, Pb V ? sialosy4Sygisne, and Phonography, and for Phro- Le iogioal examinations. Orders , by mail should be ad drtssed to . JOHN L. O&PCI., 0e24 rpwsiolut 9°2;OEIES'ENTIT Street. Phila. 113/1 DESK S..— A capital article for cerop and field nee. Weir= wet, compact, ata convenient to carry in pocket. For sole by W. EL DA.DEUN, la/ NORTH DE r.tiWtattlAvenne, AGENTS WANTED to sell them in Philadelphia and oc2lam* HAMPAGNE -- Gold Lao Chum- C • pegne, In quarts and pinta for este br OrI&RGEB S OAB AIRB.. r.c2.0 8010 Ageut, No. 128 WALICEIT &rear. lIREN CR MIJ BTAB D, Purrey. -12 Blerne's Imported Musiard, for salein store and to arrive, by the sole agent, OHA.BLES B. OkftST &IS% No. 146. WALNUT Street. VIE 'AND' EAIL- DR. JAMES LZWIB, 00131AIBT twat AtBIST, ha again re.. trotted from hitt profeasional tour Jo Nurna• mad perma nently located at No. 837 North SIXTH Stmt. OMM holm from Ato 12 A. 14.. aad 2t04 F. "31.• t0324.2c0i1* f . IQ Erg B.— oases assorted Li. 1.1 Quearo, suet moollma Vor olairi ',sodas. from Bor mar:34 and for alga IMIEGITOILZ & L ar. 114. Routh 1111111 4 1" Ctroot .4 - IARD PRINTING; Neat and Cheap, k.,/stRINGWALT & eacance, m a, iratafall itxtet, baby Ohosta4. SALE. AUCTION AcianC7N LARGE AND IMPORTANT SAW BONNET RIBBONS. JOHN 13. IVEYERS 8c co., AIIOTIO.NEBEE, Nos. 232 AND,234. MARKET STREET, b' catalogue, on four mouthy' credit, ON MONDAY MORNING, 00TOBER 27th, 1864 1900 CARTONS, Comprising a large and very , desirable assortment of rich and fasbienable styles, PARIS BONNET RIBBONS, JUST L eLNDID. Alm, a large and complete assortment of BLACK SILL VELVET RIBBON 3, Including other MILLINERY GOODS, and 'EL 1 1011 C. AND COLORED eILEA. DRESS Goo T4S, twt,,B, HID GLOVES, EMBUOIDEhIES, HOOP SKIRTS, &c. 0c23 4f AMUSEMENTS 4OTTSC4ALK. 6R&ND 00 NOKST— AT MUSICAL _Worn) NALL, -----m-oNDAY EtitSG, Oct 27. at 8 o'clock. On tbis cccastien oo2IrBOLIALK. wilt be assisted by the young. and talented vocalist, MISS FANNIE STOCKTON, And the new aed auccessful Toner, ME WILL 15.51 Oe:3TI,IIG, Mr. BKIIKENS Tbe rogramme will be entirely new. Admission 50 cents—Seserved Seats 25 cents extra. The sale of ticktts commences Tlll4 (Friday) ifOlta- ING, at 2,o'clock, at J. E. Gortld's etude Store oc2B 4t TUBS. JOHN DREW' AR 111- 11.1. STRX&T THEATE.Z. enetneoe Agent and Treasurer D. GIIIIIPHY. TOME AGAIN FIRST NIONT OF J. d. CLARKE, 7be DibtingthiNlaeo OfiroP,sinn., TO-NIGHT (MONDAY) EVENING, Oct. 2T, THE RIVALS. DO a ACEE9 J S OTARICH. GA PT- ABSOLUTE - BARTON LYDIA. LANGUISH. LIES JOHN' DRM'Ar. DAVID.. - FRANK Das w. To corclnde with THE TOOPLEiS " TIMOTHY TOODLES J B.OLSRKE, TULE °RANGED. Doors open at 81.1—To commence at 7if o'clock. CONCERT HALL. WQ ' 0 DE RF U SEMR3S OAPt/JR WILLIAM S' WThALINO VOYA.G.R I Al? OTB W.BW.c.) , VERY NYBNING at m in § SATURDAY 3rTEI3I OON, at 3 , o , ninck. Admie.sink, 25 cents; Children bait price. . W aLN UT-9T.11E6T Tilt' ELTIL - E,_ F Sole Lowe ntrit. hI. A GA.R.IIETTiON.- .. Business agent Dit. JOHN T. DONNELLY. THIS •( 1 11.0NDAY) EVENING, Oct 27, Will be petfermed the Desert ttl Play, entitled THE LADY OF LYONS. pA , 51.110E.. . MISS LHARLOtTE as ODE „ . . istAamerr. To conclude with the Lail;rhebfe Farce of _ THE TAILOR OF TAAIWEIS elff. OREgORY TIIIMBLE.WELL MB V. 'ROWER'S. • Meta. THA.YI3.II. Doors Own st 7—Perionnance commences at IX. A BBL A; 4!7TEB,EOPTIOON, ..EiASSEItIBLY BIJILDIN GS, Tenth ard Ohestneit sho, Exhibiting Every Evening This Week. ' FOR THE BENBEIr Or. THE 'LADIES FENN AID SOCIETY. Admission 25 cense. Ocrincience at 8 &deck. 0027-8 t PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FIN - % ARP% 1%6 OBBSTNUT STREET, Is open daily (iittndae excepted) from 9 A. L. tiiE ir Admission 25 cents. Children tall' price. Sham of :rock. WANTS. rpw 0 SUBSTITUTES WAN' 1).- -A_ A liberal pries will be paid upon application; lie toaeu the bouts of 8 at d 12 to- psy, at Poereire °plume/be No.lll Sr 10.0 . 3 D street. BOARDING. BOARDING. ---A handsome sti,...te RDOVIE--four. ocrauttrnicating—wttly Bath Yony, , edjeiphs. can be had i x theirealghberhood inX- Tirgliolift and !treat", delightfully nutter f.r a Fetril3 or a . party of Gentleman. Addrosa toro, , ' lzress F fficd. 0c27 3.i< WO FITENTSHE 0 t)O-NIS T privato fatoih, with nr without 60'1 D. A. poly st: Igo. 31 South SIXTEENTH. Strtet 0c23 FOR SALE AAP TO LET. VEAL ESTATE Investments •is 1 - itithik. 4 B/, EWA CR nay now he inmla which will tant ,„ ~._,trus*.- i -no nor teas , and thn attentba of caul , ix tav!ted Ur a tarn unmoor very for' rates. J. kk yoff *fEw orli 44)'WM,. it . OWN THE 11011 g YOU.,LIVX. IN,—A few hundred dollar', and easy yearly pay.. meats, wilt bay a supprlor !lonia. Apply, at RE Photograph Gallery, E`RC DSt ; Ebolll Green, OC2T. di TO LET-A GOMM th r ''' ). seat DWELLING; No. 182 North trilfrlfi'ATin ..llent .moderate. Apply to avETH* 6 ' .. " 3 ' " 0( tr 47 . 6E1049 bath SEIOND stree t. OR BALE--A: sperior OFFICE. NI- BIIMPING on Walnut etner, near Fifth ; a snit or ' o 7 . .i . oorne on first floor. Xotr9 to '='C J. D. 111:11380141.. 436 WALNUT at. al b.L. - , story Btrii,94LE— The SUbstantal four- COll3Fr ot 'th i LOOK an d—y3 4 . o _rou froats, on the northwest' pitnaton of rbis proper rf, ..D 'Streets. The prominent toßkre it desirable for bankl4; two hAndeonie fronts,• CO:llpaties. TOIIIIB ealV. A pvty - wiTence, and railroad' 3. D Rite, tr a 436 W.t.kLbfli-4 - sired,. oacT dith BaI.NTS RE DUCED —De= iiatA ß . Dsvellirgs. Al CODY enienneo. $ll- to $2l n pplp 1109 00 5TY..9 Street. oc2S 3t* TO . BENT—A Lot with' Store-- mu u.use, end track, eaitatte for a :Produce or Loot ber Conttniesioa . Depot. Aadreaa sC. B," as ibit office. ce23.3t4t - A FACTORY TO RENT—On, Wilk w eireet r below New Roast Ellrdeti, with au in let into the °Divert. &Poly to • .• J '&IE3 24.4.84)N & 138 and 140 North- P Rnti at. - CIZEM FOR BA.L.E- A FOUR 8 Will FLOUSE, No- 20Th ANON Street with three-story double beck bieldinge. Lot 20 foot front by 140 leek droi to a 34 feet wioe Etreet Inquire nu tbe:oremisee. FOB SA LE --A ts . .T 00 II Z6TAGE, Carriage Hansa, Stable, &c,, with a lot o 1 ground containtag a yaritty of fruit treat, grand vines, &o. Situate )( 1 eta mile.from 13fid i./reek elation on the Reading Railroad, in Lower Merlon, Montgomery catnap, Pa. For particalara, apply to ZS& /10 r40z , tr..14, living on the pvl2/flee& near Het 101 , 4 Ehltleol3. 0c166 * lITO ItEDlT—l'lle splendid CT ePER BOOMS- of Store No. 20'1 UtTl3llOll Spey, Bolt— abte for a Package Dry. Gooch' Nome having F Tit o9r tor 14b1r.' ApPIT on the prendtes. oot4:l2t* • C FOR SAI.. - E —A aplameal a . large, FOR Hill OOT?A GR. with every possihla con venience. Wad eight ikons. of ground, carriazp hqu , e, complete. On very easy terms H F (16BISIN, (418 123 tirmth POEIIiTET it- .5 OR BAIA OR TO Li.. T—Poux . BO:at% ors theirc:Nit Ride of 14103. D stmt, 001 nrul 4 e- dvenne. AN'4l' at the southwest' c.:)rner et: DUNTE arid BANSOM Streets mE&tr tt TO. RENT-, A TRIVE.fLE-, - STORY BRICK DIVIMT,ING, on B A.CB' eet, one d0 , , , r. shove. Twelfth, north side B low to a good tenant. 46.913 , '/O WRTHERSLik,do Bitotagg, j.el2 427 and 49 ztooth SECOND BtreoS. ea FOR 8A L E---A good. Jerky. ....a.-FArat or 'NINETY LOBES, on the Ranoecaa, bell mile from. Dtlonco, twelve milea from .oamdeu. Twenty a,crea excellent 'Meadow, a great , abundance o! Fruit, gacd Buildings, &c., or will Exchange for-gocat. Property. ' B. F. OtiPitf, cclB.. No. 1.21. r.. South R 01311TH .Street, at if OR SALE---CHESTZti, VAL . I VYYAM., 80 aerre, 12. fine 'timber, the.baltnce iri altigh. state ' of oultiration. situate 'hall a mile from, 'oilman staffer, 16 miles loom the oft 7 First-elass 'Movements ; landeemely eltadedlawn:; tinefrunst an. Afro, a nturaer of 17:96.1018- in Daaware and.Onestet , ciaritiee. kpDjY tO . 0e26-tf - - - as PUBLIC SALR-OS. THURS.- DAIL , VfIov 1410,1862, at I o'clock A, AL, a Dela ware couso FARM., lx miles southwest 'of hledta, 65, acres dead land, wall watered,, all necessary improve ments, house large, •Atie fruit, ao., &c. Also, .9 acres improved land, good Frame.Hortse. - Trustee to mAe sale, ldaDt a. Pecos. 0c23 27 30 no3-11* • - gal, FOR. SALE—Ba A. Will -A-7,s,sx, a acres,. 24 nonce from Firiatol, or Sho.-. 1: 11 MY ntation, 20 Wilco from the city, with improve— monis Also, alarge number of WBVIT FASAIS, la thebtateat of Delevart , and 1114111find_ Mao, e 'number to exchange in the adjoining ceizarietr i ,_ New Jersey, 'Apply to 0r25- f INSTI RANCE G-9111PANIES, MHE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE 00M.P ANY. OF FIOE, 4fil OfIESITUT STREET, CHAR 'FXRED lAT 7536 1 ABAETS 51,543.360 34 Make lI*IIIELS.NOES on LIVES on the moat r 043013,.. able terms Deceive and execute Tru, to, and act as , - Executers and Adneolitrater bey declare &BONUS on PROFITS every five Yana. to 'he insured, for life, and pay in the interval at the ae-- cease of the insured up to the yearof death, in the eareer , , ratio as the last bonne. • The following ;we a few examples from the BeFiilar ; - - 1 ' • &mount of Policy and BD.. Polio. EIIIII Bann or not to be inoraoded by- Insured addition. future additions. —....—......... —.---...._ _........."----. ... ---- N o. 'BO $2,500 8557 51 $3.33i 50 No. 152 3,000 1,050 CO 4 080 OD '0.199 1.000 400 00 - 1 400 00 10; FM 5.000 .1.575 00 6 875 tiO - . ---,---- - - . ..,olicies for "shale life by one prof:nine:l., sar in ' TEN D.NDIIUta , NICHTWrIS. titd no more premiums to be Dalt:kr/di be isanni to pat- PODI deatring them Pau pbtets and forms of naPleattion and further infer. elation can be had at Oa Of , a. ROM BIDTF &Y. Prefddent. JOlll4 F. Ji#VENB. I - 2 ..GtaFT• tr.* Ounductor oc2 2w Pwrrits No" 308-N7 &LVOV Street F. PETTY; No. SO , VirAGSUT street