Letter from General Scott. fdr , Mtn Van Buren, in a emu% delivered on Thurs day oci w o g, at a DOMOOIIIIiO ratification meeting, read the too t o letter, which he declared 0-n ad oat ticott h Seward a day or two before Mr. Lincoln's Miltonto jr.A loautellou: WASIIINOTON, March 1, 1861. n ,k PS: HOPitiff thati to a day in two, the new t Will have happily passed through all personal and dud himself Installed an honored successor tit at Washington, with you as the chief of his ci1,71 beg leave to repeat la writing, what I have es l.,° '„' id go you orally--thls supplement to my printed Ids t(dated in October WO—on the highly Motor , rendition of oar (so late) happy an d giael,mu Union. the extraordinary exigencies of the tints, it seeing 'To Beet sin guilty of no arrogance in limiting the I° Vl' field of ricketier' to one of the tour plans of rfride ut ceduregObiOtned ; l Throw o ff the old and assume a 'low doelgnation ! for pat ty, Adopt the cmucirlatory measures pro fb Aby bin Crittenden or the Peace convention, and m 9 we obeli have no new ease of den Mon ! but Die t ihe contrary, an early return of many, If not all of " o Metes which have sweetly broken off from thu Union. pppo H olly benign measure, the romaintog 7 ti ' ee b p iding Kates will probaoly Join the Montgomery well waxy is lest than sixty days; when this city, b les included in is foreign country, would require a per . ThL e ee - ,,{ orilton least thirty-flve thousand troops to c r — rot !t ibi Coyerunient within it. ' C o llect the dirties on foreign goods outside the of which the Government has lost the command, or „ l et, ports by act of Congreas and Gioconda them ' HI Cot utter the seceded Mateo by invading armi . en i!odeubt this might be done in two w three year, b e a tied able general—a Wolfe, a Desalx, or a Hoch° 3C0,000 disciplined Merl, estimating a third f or tSlT'Auna and the lose of n greater number by Air degas, battles, and !Southern fevers, The de incrtion of life and property on the other nide would be figt, , fa i i Loom perftct the moral discipline or the t o . cO i cr s cppolot t completed at that enormous waste of lus so life to the worth aud' Northweat —with at least ;50,01:1)000 added thereto, and cur 1; ono Fifteen duvets pri NISCOS L not to be brought tutu harmony with ' tr moniiirorei but to be held for generations by heavy cn o r ,,y, at an expense qusdruple the net duties or which it would be possible to extort from them, paid lira protector or an emperor IV. Say to the seceded btatel—witywaTd slaters ) de- T at! it, pi KO, In bade, Lremeln, Vary traty yours, WIN FULD BOOTT Wm, H. SEWARD, &C., &a, Triennial Episcopal (.3tnivention of the United States. TWELFTH DAY. 70e Convention met again this morning, and was sr Divine EIerVICO. he dm Dr. Schuyler, of end the Rev. Dr. T Manson, of Vermont, offi. „ :1 ,;,,d is morning prayer. OF CLERICAL AND LAY DEPUTIES. Alto the Rome had organized, the Bev Dr. Wad ipcoticed the continued Mese of the President, and rer 1)r Powe was elected chairman pro tem. , 7 1, 0 gm Dr. read a report from the Committee on ONO rt rfpo contained the following resolutions : olvoct, 7ho That the resolution and substitate for the' 14 , c rth o look , ommon Prayer found on the Journal (loge 3751, he referred to the next ieneral tlon y,nueo 11 r cotelderation. tirsoleed. That the resolution of the title of Bishop. o . o e of the divisions of dioceses, be else egferred t;;;Iik neat Clews' Convention for consideration. Tap Tryort Wei adopted. 10ISEION AND DODIESTLO luiSsrorts, 71 1 e vacn tarn read a report on Foreign cod Domestic 611mion 3 slab recommended the adoption of the follow icy Fowl:tint—TM the Board be entreated with the en llrs Elligrrisiou of the missionary operatieue of the ciajcb: that no chirp man shall be appoin'ed a mid - :vier; hp the Board, until atter conference with the t altsit•tical authority of the dioc.mte or ruleatonary die to ..hieb he belongs; tnat no person he. re ptoyed aY El, except a member of the Precedent 10 ploy td! (larch In regular standing; and that associations J , d ,- ted toad In conjunction with the Board may be tvs annierY. 7L3 report wee referred to the Committee on ralesionti. TYPOORA.PHIOAL OOREECTIONS. Dr Meson, of Md., read a retturt of the typo -11.751cal corrector of the Standard Bible. which stated tee intervening three years, he had again re mud the sacred volume, and that a Bible which, with niseetiou of the omitted references to , the Amory. t tole make the British (Oxford) uutireo ithtfoo of .1.5 1 ito would, present tee perfect 41/ edition of the ;a;lsttiiiteres as human art or , skill too present day titer , and, when so reprinted, it would be a worthy tqataete of tbselinrotrin America. Darin be progress c. Coe Ce avail Conventloe, some sheets of 8130 h a IT%. lard aurisii before the members of that House, yrd helm , wittiest a. dissenting voice from those who exen , ip m them. apprcrvoi l it was thought the present mpiot, through the Joint Comact tee appointed. st, 56.4 end receive the completion of a work so Jong Vo Nowt wee accepted, and the Rev. Dr. Melon was Opogr3phlcal corrector. ItETRIOAL `PSALMODY. be kin: Committee appointed at the last Donvention irtrre shatter any improvements could be , intro l.cttete the present, collection of hYmne and metrical Fr,'Lle snouted a report, the spirit of which le con. cc: a, to Me following resolutions Prre'„rd, 7he Hones of Mahone concurring, that the lot Committee On fd.e tricot Pealarody and HYmnulogY end consist, for and on hehalf of this hones, ltev, Dm, Howe, ..!oxe, Rev. J. Yout•g, Rev. Dr. !hhlreherg, Rev, Francis Wharton, Prof. Henry COP cr, out Preselect Samuel Dillott, Re,olzYcl, That this Committee be Ina rioted to pre ;sre and report to the next General Convention a bid), of iniotsel hymns., and to revise the pealme uew bound up ; !sa Ile prayer book, and to moult to Ma next maven cc Use ;Oka. r a 1(14 debate, In which Rev. Dr. Higbee, Prof. :Ana, and Bev. Dr. Goodwin pertielpatel, !Jr Brnnot called for tbe reeding of;one of the limos cJ 11e...:14yer book, abd the aboreiary, in comilisace, an t.. td it aa !low, may the God of vacs and power Attend bie people's bumble try, Mend Meru in the neodfut hour And arnd deliverance from ou In his enivation is our hope : And to the nerve of Lintel's God, Our troops shall lift their tt‘nnere up,AO' Our navies ftprolid their flags abroad: lir.l3renot Imre] a committee wont, he appointed to , tiert whether that li)mn was or was vat a political one. ;Esuglad. Dr. Vinton Alluded to a hymn (the 71st), wileh e tint!. taught universal ealvation : It For as ia Adam alt mankind. Did goilt and death derive, 80. ler the riglatoeueneas of Christ, Shall all be made alive "t Ire reverend Doctor euggested that the word 41 may" "..euteted for shall" in the last deo. },et Dr Higbee said the mane embodied the words tu, text tehich inspired thern. The mutton was not lemrt end resolutions were then adopted. AMENDMENTS TO CANONS. The 'air Dr Bisbee then moved the followings kept: The !huge of Bishops concurring, that all he peopeded smosiments of the canons, on candidates thrctert. he referred to a joint committee of both douses at. that the committee on canons be she committee on the sot of tk , floure. The melmn re ac adoseted,. }LEI :;t N 8 OF 1802 —lllalnr, NOW Hamnshire s kesachuserts, Rhode Island, Oonnectiout, 141, Illinois, Oregon, and IlAlirornia, all tiF , /n;;;'.1le (hat have voted this year, have voted IN ...( ,, TAINING THE Armitmernerrott or President L. in. sk Houk tri or ands. CITY ITEMS. riNE P It :s OF REAR ADMIaAL DUPONT.-- Sr F. Gt l lol3ool3t, NO3. 704 and TOO Arab street, has brought out two capital pictures of Rear Admiral Itixmt, of the United States Navy—One sulgerb Portrait imperial size, and a floe carts de v4ititc, They are, tetend doubt, the moat faithful and life-like. Pictures of b .ucnlral that have yet been published. Duplicateet lbw pictures can now be had at Mr. Guteknnet's - : ,, thiera: alto caries of a large number of our moat dia. Curinien, military officers, statesmen, and ',llvete citizen?, together with a fine assortment of .11i,tra? In stitch to keep them. CONFECTIONS.--Mr. A. L. Vausant, e, !Wive rot rectioner in thin country, uses only 'the lot.angars and purest materials in manufacturing, d caters exclusively to Bret.clase taste. Me delicieue Sucharke preparatioes, in the way of bon.bone, French Imttat. Portuguese secrete, cream chocolates, (trysts. sweet Jordan roasted almonds, and fine Pcmcb uni Metrical) mixtures, are universally popular, 4 '"'" they be said of hie elegant sweet domestic rata ft wan %men, Sean', and other choice froth). PuRE Sco'rcii ALES.—Itlr. A. L. Vansant, tieml!r It fine family Groceries Arch and Tenth streets, bee row ID store a fresh supply of 't Tennent's " and left:lTN " celebrated Scotch Ales, and the best Quality I Lubaoa Drown Stout, either by the dozen or case, to stt .re Invite the attention of our readers. 3it esiriorsr $6OO ROSEWOOD 7-00TA.VE Nap, carrel lege, extra carved mouldinge, round cor n, gr,s4,l num, Overstruog Base, sweet and power taee,mede to order by one of the beet New York " - wily need fly, months—will be sold for $250; 6 ft , r leaves the city in a few days. Vas is the EtlEe bargain In the city. Call at 717 &rah street. 15.3 t A Ni TRAST.—There is a wide difference the appearance of the Union troope and the tatterdemalloeeof rebellion, who are dascribed Nilo* with a rank compound of villainous emend, 4 47 with ahrede of what was clothing, and creeping h Terialn The aoldtere of the Union are all , well fed stll dethed, and moat of them present a particularly to appearance, which le to be attributed to the fact nalr uniforms were procured et the Brown Stone Gall of Rocklin! & Wilson, Nom 608 and 605 *et 'treat, above Sixth. This le the greet Military 'Wet Emporium of the country. /NIIIIIATED TAII.On indulges in .the " i" A grain of carmine will tinge ch op of water so that In every drop the color will be r twitle; and e grain of must will scent a .rOOOl t wenty io. Jost to if a man cheat a tallor—Lhe stain will be '"tr fleible on the minute atoms of hie soul, and wit tea scant of rascality about an individual strong 'deb to mete en honest men tarn up his note in "aid kick him out of his presence, if be cannot get ti ia any other way," The proper way to avoid h s ev aahoobe Is for all men to go in for the oath sto and La in 0 7 their clothes at the elegant establish "lie Stokes, No 600 Ohestnut street, where , nnen, cheapest garments in the country are tulacleceo, FALL r) , NI T [NTER ()tont IN(l. I , and Wetter 171 tht It I s pd ° O E6 winter Cbtblng, II fu • Winter (nothing, For ten and Boys, ror Men and Boys, F°l ' bleu end Boy., For Eton filla 893 e, At Ohm. Stokee', under the (tontine] At Ohm,. Stokee', under the Oontinei At elte. Stokes', tinder the Conttnet (Mae, etottee, under the Cantina' M ARTiNE "IN` TOMITH PAGE. •—•-•• iiiirle e,. gItRIVIDD - 411 4 ,s,a, Ryder, 8 *Jaye from Boston, with mdse,o. :hid Williamsn. Winemore, 6 days from Fortri ZHunter, Horton & l'Jo. dea „1 p° Brown, 6 days from Batton, with ra o {logien, `4t Isiah Warren, Hollingsworth, 1 day from Lit' 4 1 1,1t'11. Del, with grain to Jai 14 BowleY & Co ~ii,.:°lliB America, Lawrence, 1 day tram P. h, ;,ie.ith wheat to J . 1, Bewley & Co. ti 1111414111 Ann, Jones, 8 days from tit lartio iii,„ il cora t 0 3113 L BBIVIPY & Co. 7, anonh Urant,aricot Jandrln i 4 days from Newbar fillet to li. 1 ''' vin BH. h 4., 1 4 it W B 1 loneldes, BairdYad& oeer, o 24 hours from New I'm. t,!41'8,i1, Warwick, Egit 3ll o3re; 1 p:1 1 Wawhington, Tr 1 0 4,lC:°e'sllatian, Poulos], Winktogtoo, linnter, W Bcalth, laacutn, Providence, TYleri B T p 44, Batmen, Montgomery, Snow Hill, L —l4Tood, Mobiles, Alexandria, Tyler, SI (313Y D 018 1 13 41timore, A Groves, Jr. SPECIAL NOTICES., TUE REBEL RAID INTO PENNSYLVANIA. BY THE BABB Or TOWSR BALL. The daring rebele, se if bent Upon some high and grand intent, O'er the Potomac came; On Obambersburg they laid their claws, But were too nervous long to pause, To carry on the game. Much like a Rook of frightened crows, Up from their plunder they arose, And dared not spoil our farms; But o'er the river back did fly, Choosing the speed of lege to try, Bather than force of arm. True, tiler bave stolen Dome good oboes, And o'er Me feet the rebel muse Quite jubilant may be Such !memories tbey can't bus', But trust to stealing to supply Their sad necessity. Some lucky one'', too, found whole clothes, And changed their tattered garb for those; Since now they must despair - Or ever s g t that proud hour When th ght filch from Bennett's Tower Pritildes to wear. • . On hand, the largest and beet aesertment of Reads-- meth) Clothing in Philadelphia, comprising every style, size, and quality. Our goods were mostly purokased be fore the present advance in prices—ws buy and sell for cash only—and are thereby enabled to offer unequalled inducements to purchasers. Tower Hall, No. 518 Her. ket street, Philadelphia. BE tf NET T . 6c 00. • GREAT TRIIIMPIL—STEINWAY r & SONS were awarded the FIRST ME➢ AL at the late great International Exhibition, London. Over two hundred and sixty nine' Plano, from all parte of the world, entertd for competitiOn. Wareroome at BLASIUS BROTIIERS, 1000 oansr- NUT Street. 001-lm GROVER hf. BAKER'S NEW SHUTTLE SEWING MAGIIINE,--PEIOE, $4O. The attention of tailors and other manufacturers re. oulring the use of a fast and durable lock.stitch machine, is directed to our No. 9. This is a new and admirable machine, operating with the greatest ease, and with but little noise, and, although but lately put into t h e market, Is already a great favorite with mannacturers. It is a first-class machine, ata low price. No machine ever introduced in this city has sold so rapidly, or Riven such universal satisfaction. It is very simple in its cons,ruction, easily learned, not liable to get out of order, works with tine col ton, silk, or linen thread, equally well; and the low price at which It is sold places It within the reach of all who desire a reliable, service able machine. GROVER It . BAKER S. It CO 730 CHESTNUT Street. S-T- 1860-X. DEARS'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen; and invigorate ; They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic end intermittent fevers They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and ConstipatiOn. They cure Diarrhrea, Cholera, and Cholera Horbtui. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BIT rEas in the world. They Sake the weak men strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They, are made of pure Sc Croix sum, the celebrated Oalisaya Bark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without reg mil to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to deli sate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Gold by all Grocers, Druggiste, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H DRAKE & 00., 202 BROADWAY. New York. se24tim BATCHELOR'S HAIR BYE ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Tlair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR Instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Sold by , all Druggists, do. V" The Genuine to signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of each box. FACTORY No. 81 BARGIJAY Street, (Late, 233 Broadway and 18 Bond street,) my2B-ly New York. UPHAM'S Ham` DYE, 38 cents a box. —Throe boxes for $1; the beat in me. Try it. Sold only at UKIAH'S, 403 IMES rntrr St. se27 knit MARRIED NELTRVIOR—STARRY —On Tuesday, October • 14, by Rev. Charles A. Smith, D. D., Oaptain John. F. Uhrlch, of Barrisourg, to Mies Mary B. Starry, of the same place. • * HANSON--TAYLOR.--On the 12th last , by the Rev. M. D, Kurtz Mr. Sampson Hanson to Miss Bettie Taylor, both of this city. * MDS—L DRS -On the 24th ult, by the Rev. Samuel Laird, Mr. Louis Amos to Miss Anna Lees, both of this city. * TRESE—BAICEOVEN.—JuIy 24, 1862, by the Rev. T. B. Miller, Mr. George L. Tease to Miss Susan H. Bohfoven, both of this city. DLAKER--WURELEIL—On Sept 27, 1881, by Rey. John Thompson, Mr Ulysses B. Maker to Miss Marge. ret S. Wheeler, both of this city. * DIED. 11110kD13.—At Bellefonte, Pa.,, on Seventh day, the 11th itiettint, Samuel 'eases Rhoads. eon of Daniel and Maria D. Rhoads, aged 6 mlethe andl4 d aye. * WYLIF.—On Monday, October 13th, Mrs Louisa L , wife of Bey. T. W. J. Wylie, D, D., In the 32d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 1822 Wy lie etreet, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, without further notite. To pi oeed to WoOdland ()erne tery. • Aft** WHIM LL.—On First•day, 12th lost ' of inflamma tion of the brain, Torte P. Whiteil, aged 70 years, relict of the late John G. Whim,ll, of Red Bank. Niiiv Jersey. The relatives and friends of the family are reepeotfully Invited to attend the funeral, fIOM the residence of her somindsw, Benjamin W. MIYOI3, No. 603 North Six teenth street, on Fourth-day, 15th inst., at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Woodbury, N. J. - * CHOSKY.--In the borough of Chester, on Sunder rvenirg last, the 12th irst Hrs. Rachel Crosby, widow Of the late Pierce Crosby, in the a2l year of her , age. Funeral from the residence of Mtn Martha Smith, in Cheater, tide (Wedceaday} afternoon, to meet at the house at 3 o'clock. . ASH MER —Killed, at the battle near Shepherdstown, on the 20th of September, Benjamin Ashmer ' eon of Sa rah and the late John Ashmer, in the 10th year of his age, of Company H, 118th, Corn Exchange Regiment, P. V. . * TASEY.—On the .12th inst., Joel Teeny, in the 69th year of his age. * NOBELL.—On the 19th September ' at Hound City Hospital, Wm. Nobel', of the U. gunboat Cincinnati, in his 321 year, son of the late. Edward and Elizabeth Hebei! , * PRTTIT.—On the 13th lust Obarlee W. rettlt l eldest eon of Wm. and Sallie Pettit, aged f 3 years. * MINISIOK.—On the 13th hum, Michael Minnick, aged 41 years. * BBERLOCK.—On the 12th Inst., Mary Sherlock, aged 82 years KNIGHT.—On the 12th inst., Thomas Knight, eon of Jan and Ellen Knight, In the 28th year of hie age. * MAXINE fa,.—On the 13th inet, Jane, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Maxwell, aged :8 months and 4 days. . BAllTOEtifkli —On the 12th inst., John Kantehtnan, son of Abraham and Mary Bantehman, aged 19 years, 9 months, and 11 days. * BLACK IRISH PO PL IN S.—Just received, one case of celebrated plain black /Mb Poplins. DEMON a SON, Mourning Store, oc6 No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. F.NaL.Tsll . CRAPES ON ROLLS.- /:.1 Just received, English Trimming and Veil Crapes, on rolls. English Crape Veils. English Crapes, all widths and qualities. Large Crimp Crapes and Veils. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, oce No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. VIRE & LANDELL ) JLA FOURTH and ARMS STREETS. OPENING FOR FALL. SALES: Magnificent Bilks. Magnificent Shawls. Magnificent Poplins. 'Good Black Silks. Richest Printed Goods, Good Stook of Staples. olf BOXES TOBAOOO.—We gua f) tante. to HSU Tobacco, Snuff, and Oigare , at tower prices than any other house in the city. A. bargain in Hal ana Cigars, purchased at Marshal's Sale. WOOD WARD & CO., 41 South FOURTH Street ocS lm* THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE LEC. Ll s 3 TUREd will commence on tRUItSDAY EVEN ING, 18:h instant, at 8 o'clock, and be continued on Tuesday and Thursday Evenings for twenty weeks. The first course of ten weeks will amidst of-- Tuesday Evening—On Galvanism and illagnetism,hir Professor John T. Frazer. Thursday Evening:—On Olermistry, by Professor R. H. Rand. The arrangement for the second coarse will bo pub shod in due thee. Each member, on paying his annual contribution' a:. mourner , each life mourner , will receive a season ticket for him self and a lady ; also tickets for hie children, wards and apprentices under 21 years of age, on the payment of one dollar for each minor. THUMB OF MBMBER9HIP—Annust 0 intributiona. $5 •11 Membership, $25, with an additional charge or $1 ' the first sear for a certificate of membership. Stock members pay $2 per `year. Price of stock, $lO per share. Gentlemen wishing to become members will please ap. ply at the Hall, In nEVENTE( Street, above ,Jheetnut. WILLIMiI HA HILTOV, Actriar7 m g. CITY. COMMISSIONERS , OFFICE, PIIILAMILL'III.k. October 14, 1862 1? OTIOB TO OFFIOEIIB OF ELECT' )R —The City Commissioners will furnish WARII&Np3 due to the Officers of Ilirction, as follows : On WELMESDAY, October 1501—The lit, 2d, 81, 4th, sth.and 6th Wends On TbURSDAT, October 18th—The 7th, Bth, 9th, 10th, 11th. and 12th 'Wards On 71131DA.Y. October 17th—The 13th, 14th, 16th, 16th, 17th, And 18th Wards. On SAVJEDAY October 18th—"he 19th, 20th, 21st, 22d, 23d, 24th, and 25th Wards. 0c14.6t JAMES SHAW, Clerk. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA.— hIIODIOA L MOAB EWE NT.—The regulsr Lec tures will begin MONDAY, October 13th. ROGERS, Dean of Medical Faculty. oeB-mwf2w o FEMALE niEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA, North COLLEGE &reacts, ni sr ()Irani College The General IntrodoctorY i will be given on WEDNEB JAY, the 15th inst., at 4 P ,by Prof. A. G. litre. oe9-6t* NORMAL MUSICAL INsriT UTE, 113 No 024. North ELEVENTH Street. —SINGING CLASSES Day and Evening. - SaTUSDAY Afternoan for Boys and Girla. Class ha ELOCUTION, taught by Irene White Bradley, on MONDAY Evenings: `Our Institute is a rawness, and we Invite all interested to Call and see ua:. JOHN BOWES, ocll.fil* Principal, A COURSE OF TWELVE LECTURES ON GEOLOGY, theoretical and in'actical, Illus trated with many thousand apscicriens of rocks and fossil remains of plants and animals. aud by two excursions among the strata aronnd Philadelphia, to ladies and gen tlemen, in the Scientific and Classical Institute, OEIEST NUT Street. N. W cor. of Twelfth street, beginning 5 o'clock P. IK., ISOTOBER 16th. Introductory free, by 0c10.6t I. ENNIO, Priacipal. oTe OEFICE. OF THE PHILADELPHIA, GE krd ANT() WN, - AND NO /IRMO CVN BA 11,- ELME COMPANY, PHILLDELPHIA, OCtol:kr 13, 1882 The annual meeting of the Btoek and Loanholders 'will be held at the office of the Company, northeast cor ner of NINTH and GREEN Streets, on MONDAY, the day of NOVEMBER next, at 10 o'clookA. M., An Election to obooee' four Itisuagere, to serve three Yeats, Rill be held the same day immediately after the Stook holders' meeting, and close at 2 P. M. tn 3 W. S. WILSON, Secretary. THE PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY AOADRIY AND ITri PILIIIMPAL; WEST ORRSTER. October 14,1882, TO TRH LOYAL PUBLIO. Colonel Hyatt, President of the Pennsylvania MllitavY Academy, directs me to enbmit for your Inspection the following teatlxitonials, tie his loyalty leis beer, called in Question. JAMES M....810E, Adjutant P. M. A. WILMIZIGITON, October 10,1002 Ca Theo. Hyatt: my D EAR y lUEND : I have j net heard that a newspaper in Year vicinity has thrown out imputations againat you loyalty. To those of us who have known you long and well—who have conversed with you GO often on the es• citing topics of the day, and found you eympathizing with us to tee full Ina rything that related to our Government and this wic k rebelllon—who have heard year voice In the drIll•room In the early days of the war, and when we knew that each hour given to the volunteers was en hour of sacrifice of health, then too much im paired for the discharge of your duties in your school room—who knew of your desire to go personally into the field---who have talked with you but a few days since, end found you abreast with the foremost supporters of the Government, the charge is eitnply absurd. No one here would have ventured or even thought of making it; but If this note from yanr late pester will be of any service to you in West Chester, where you have bad no opportunity to make yourself known, you are more then welcome to it. Yours, mort truly, WILLIAItI AIN, DI /IN. Rev. Wm A &man Ia Paator of Hanover-street Preaby terlan Church. Col. Theodore Hyatt My DEAR am: I have been astounded at hearing that your los ally has been called in question by some of the residents of West Chester. I had supposed you had suf fered preeaution sufficient during the past year at the bands of the beoession sympa , hizers in this dtate, to have placed you far above the reach of suspicion of belonging to that hateful band of bad men. I never had the honor of y onr acquaintance till those persecutions brought us together. I cannot imagine how any, the slightest, sue- Pinion should attach to you, for I am sure that I and all who yon in Delaware can bear testimony that yon have always been held by our people as a man of un blemished paMotiem and integrity. I also learn that James Bice. Esq , has also been sus. parted or charged with dialoyelty, I have known him well far acme time past. He was one of my warmest, boldest, and moat reliable enroportera in the memure ble campaign oflB6o. If l can be possible that either you or he le dislof al, then I confess I shall not know where to find one true man. I obeli, indeed, begin to doubt of my own loyalty when come to Question that of either of 1 hope the community where you reside may do you justice, to correct any misapprehension upon the subject. Yours truly, • GEO. P. FISHER The Hon. Geo. P. Fisher is the Lepresentattve in Oen vete from Delaware. WILMINGTON, October 10, 1832. Colonel THEODORE HY it.T r who has lately renLived from this city to. West unester, was ' many years„ the Principal of a school here hi which scholars were in• eirmetetr in the higher English* branches, the °lassies, and mathematics. He was very [monomial as a teacher; discernitig and competent judges, from their own obser vation, attested hie ability, and commended his method. Hie school tiourithed, ana was as prosperous at the tima of his removal as it had ever been. His removing was much regretted. Colonel Lieatt was a professor of religion when he came among us. During hie residence here he mole rained a consistent profession. He wee active acid useful in the church, confided in as a sincere, and sympathized with es a growing Obristain We have been surprised to hear that a suspicion has been intimated of file loyalty. 'There was among us no more film, and coLelant enpaotter of the ticion than Colonel Hyatt—he was loyal froth principle, and we be lieve he continues steadfast, nawaveringly attached to the Government and institutions of. the Bolted states. WILLARD IT. S. District Judge. The lion and venerable Willard Ball is District Judge for Delaware COL. T. HYATT: ril./ Dear Sir :.I have iinderend that your loyally to the "Union and our Government has been celled in flotation eloce you have been in. Chatter county. I have to a ate that if there is any foundation for an imputation so base, that You must have changed ulnderfnliyeince you left here. I osuuot look into your heart, but I have the most thorough Oro/lotion, from your uniform language and conduct, that no• more loyal man lives in Pennsylvania, ..ndeed, I should bare as noon trusted the education of two of my eons to abrfrglar or profeostd Rambler, as to one who sympathized with Sect salon If you want testimony to support your loy alty, you can bave any amount of it from the place of your former residence. If I can be of any service to you in repelling this vile asperaion of your character, you can use me to any ex tent. and in any manner, Very truly your friend, EDWARD G. BRADFORD. October 10, 1862 Edward G Bradford, Reg, is United States . .9.!atrie , A.ttorney of Delaware, under the present Administration WiLMINGTOR October 10, 1882. Having, for many years, had a personal acquaintance 'with Colonel Hatt, I cheat fully testify to Ms loyalty. At the commencement of this wicked rehclion, he took a decided sten, in favor of its forcible suppression, and VEle active, even to the detriment of his health, in orga- nizing the militia of the State. It is to us who know i im a matter or surprise that his loyalty should have ever been called iu question, as in this latitude his character as an honest, high.minded, and therovokly loyal man is far above suspicion H. V. GILPIH, hlayor. I most heartily concur in the torgegoing statement in r4-epect to the loyalty of Colonel Hyatt, and hie waters good character. It is matter of surprise to those who know him here that his loyalty should have been mated in question. • le W. GILPIN, betober 11. 1862. Chief Justice of Drlawaro. Hon. P. W. Gilpin is Obief Justice of Delaware, and an unconditional Union man. PutLArELrffro, October. 14, 1862 To the Loyal lAre are abundantly satisfied of the uncompromising loyalty of Coi. Hyatt and the 'Academic Staff of the Pent sylvania Military Academy, and take pleasure in recommencing to the public , this Institution, which is not surpaseed by any in the country for its facilities for imparting a the) ongh acientific. classical, and nallitary education. TAMES POLLOCK, Presit et Board of Trnatees of P M. A. JAMES H. OEMS, Chairman Mil'y Com., P. ocift 3t ibelkww-- OFFICE OF THE DIAMOND' COAL 00h1PANY.-I.IOTIOE.—At a meeting of the Ihreotore, held on the lot instant, a Dividend of Fl7ry CENTS per Share was declared, payable on and atter. thelltt instant, at the °face. 713 hISCRRIIT Street. "- eon 614 - B. ALTER.,.Seeretary. OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN FIRE 113 INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADIMPS/A, 6, 1882 At a meeting of the Directors, held this day, a semi annual dividend of S(X PER or NT., and an extra divi dend of TEN PER OENT., were deolared on the capital stock, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal repro- Sentativee, on and after the lath' lost. 0c34.0t J. W. IitoALWTER, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN FIRE rbISGBANOE 00IIPANY. PIIILADELMA, October, 13, 1832. At a meeting of the Stockholders, held purulent to charter, on the etk inet, the following named gentlemen were elected to serve as Directors for the ensuing year: Chas. N. Bancker, David S. Brown, Tobias Wet ner, Isaac Lea, Salta. Grant, Edward C. Dale, Jacob B Smith, Geo. Fetes, Geo- W. Richards, And at a meeting of the day, OHMS. N BANOKER, dent. arid EDWARD G. Da.; ocl4 3t • J. W. Mc& ry" OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN EIRE I N KORAN OE 00 PANY—EHILADELP“Id, Oc tober 8, 1862. The Directors have this day declared, a dividend of FIVE DOLLAR 3 per share for the last six months, which wilt be paid to the Stockholders, or their legal re. presentatives, on and after the 16th instant, exclusive of taxes ALBERT 0. L. on/±,wvoao, oc7.9t* Secretary. ME CHANIC BANK--PHILADEL. rnta., October 7, 1862. A general meeting of the Stockholders !AWE* held at the Banking Donee =TUESDAY, 4th day of Novem ber, 6E12 M. . ocB-tao4 The Annual Election for Directors will be bald at the Banking Home on MONDAY. November 17, between the bout eof 10 and 2 P M ocB-tool7 J. WIEGAND, Jn, Ciaohler. Ilys. FAR KERS* AND MEC IKANYCS , BANK--PHILADELPIIIA, October 6, 1862. The Annual Election for Directors will he held at the Battling House on AIONDA.Y. the Uthday of November next, between the boors of 9 o'clock A. N and 3 o'olook P. N.; and on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Home, at 4. o'clock P. H., agreeably to the charter. W. RUSHTON, , 0c7.tn017 Cashier. ettriSOL 'DATION B A NB. —PHILA. TOIL MIA, October 9, 1862. be Annual Election for DIRECTORS will be held at the Banking Donee on MOND&Y, the 17th day of No vember next, between the hours of 10 /I. M and 2 P M A. General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on Tuesday, the 4.h day of November, at 12 M. [oclo•fmwtnl7] JOS. N. PEIRSOL, Caqhier. UGIRARD BANK—PHILADELE'LIIA, October 9, 1862. The Annual Election for Directors will be held'at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the Pith day of Novem ber, between the home of 10 A. AL and 2 P. M. A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, the 4th of. November, at 12 o'clock bk. W. L. SCHAFFER, oclo-Imw. tnol7 • Mailer. traria.- THE PHILADELPHIA BANK.— Plus,Arißuque, October 6, 1862. the annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at tbe Banking House on TUESDAY, November 4,1862, at 12 o'clock IC The annual election for Directors will be held at, tee. Banking Hense on MONDAY, November 17, 1862, be. tween the hours of 10 A. H. and 2 P H. ocB. wiretnol7 8 B. CONE EGYS, flashier. wen. BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP. u... 3 PHILADELPHIA, Oct 11, - .1862. - en election for thirteen Directors will be held at tho Banking Boum, on lIONDA.Y, the 17th'day of Noveco bEr next, between 10 o'clock A. H. and 3 o'clock P. 11. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Home, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of No vember next, at 10 o'clock &. H. ocl9.mwftol7 JAtXES BUSSULD, Cashier. wpm- COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL -11,3 TABU- PHIL)! DELPHIA, 00k. 18, 1852. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Rouse, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of No vember next, at 12 K. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking Bowe, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and Z.P. K. ocl rowf ti 7 S. 0. PAL RE% Cashier. SOUTIIWARK BANK. PHILADELPHIA, October 7. 1862 the ANNUAL ELECTION for DIREOT011:8 will be lido at the Banking Hones on ktOND AY, the 17th day of 'November,' between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. A General. Meeting of the Stockholders wlll.be held at the same olace on TUESDAY, the , ith day of November next, at lrolclock M. oat. wfmtno-17 AT A MEETING OF THE CITIZENS , BIANTT FUND 00 .11NITTEE, held the 13th day of October, 1802, the following resolutions were passed : Resolved, That this Committee will pay to each Non commissioned Officer and Private in each of the.first two Regiments of 'lnfantry for NINE 1110 NTH% to be here after (ionized sad raised in this city, with the sanction of the proper authorities, or such portion thereof of each of said regiments as may be received by the 9overnor as part of the quota of Philadelphia, the sum of T WEN ry-Fivz DOLLABS on said regiment of nine hundred and eighty men, as hereinbefore mentioned, being mustered into the service, and the following terms complied with: The ne cessary evidence required will be certified copies of the minter rolls, or copies thereof, with the originala, for ex amination, also a certificate of the proper authority at Harrieburg that all the members of said regiments. or the part thereof entitled to receive, are credited to • the Philadelphia Quota; and, iirmadedfurther, the recruits relinquish any claim to any and all bounties except such es may be paid, by the 'United States. Resolved, A sum Mal to TWO, DOLL &BB for , etiofi such man be paid to the °Detain!' thereof to reinunerate him for expenees incurred in raising bie Company, to be paid him on complying with preceding requirements, THOMAS, , WEBSTER, Vice Olaairman. Lear x 131.0DOIST, Secretary. 0c,14.12t AVIS AUX ELI GAMES. 11.3 MR. PAUL ANDRIOT, Gerard de la maim oe Taillenrs de MR. GRANDVILLE BLOKES, 609 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, a l'honnear de pra yer& see nombrenx amts et oonnaissanoes qui Pont deja favor* de lour olientelle (Dined quo lee etrangers,) quilt And de regevoir de Parlis et' Londres lei 'models lee plus reeentes et lee Wertz portees pour la ealsoit dikivor.. Mr. Grandville Stokes a rule h satispoaltion les etoffea lee phis belles, et lee meUlenree quanta, des premieres manufactures dlEuroPe. - . , ILea qua lee °Motors de t one grades I eroaveroue lee mellleureo qualites d'etoffoe &dee prix tree modems. Veleganoo.de att.coupe, Masi qua le oaohet de. dletinotion eat la stusotatise est dela trop mum du Dub. ne t war ea tvaellYoll,ol tQUr writes. ee27-lut PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1862. DOVER, Oct. 10, 1862 I Alfred Fitter. Board of Director's, held this W 11.3 re•eleoted Preei .l.E, HFq , Vice President. - .LUSTER, Bee's , Dro tem. F P. STEEL, Cashier MILITARY. . CAVALRY! CAVALRY! • ) DA.VALBY t—OURTIN DBAGOONO, OR • Ahab MOUNTED GUARD— A. few more good RUN vented rar tbis organization, now in camp at Her rioburg. All Government and 'State Bounties ' and 85 Prinoimo. &poly , , immediately at No. 304 rd4,II.ET Sheet, or LANOBTROTH BUILDING, Germantown. T. WATERS FERREE, commanding officer. Lst lieutenant, H. 0. POTTER, liontenant. C. H. STOKES ROBERTS' INDEPENDENT AR . TILLERY, - TO BE STATIONED PERDLANENTLY AT FORTRESS MONROE COMPANY A, oaotain SAMUEL HAZARD, Jr., formerly of the it Waahington Grays," and Lieutenant of Infantry, lately of iimat'a Lannon% le now recruiting at the N. E, COB.NER . EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT STS., (UP STAIRS.) This organization offers peculiar advantages not before equalled by any regiment during the war. The Oorn mender, - Major Roberts, is a soldier of great experience, of the Regular Army, 4.11 United lltstes Artillery, and its officers have been appointed for their experience and ability. It is a permanent poet,, has comfortable quer ters, is in a charmingly healthy locality, thus avoiding all the hardships and exposures of field service. The men will be instructed in all the duties of infantry sol diers, garrison as well as tleld, in sea coast, heavy and field artillery. As the number of companies is limited, none but strong, able.bodird men will be received, and early application is advised. Bounty is allowed. Old artillery soldiers, who can come well recommended; will receive appointments as non commissioned Officers in this corpse!' picked men. oat. mwf tiFORT, DELAWARE. -- Recruits Wantrd for BATTERY 61 F." The fall Bounties paid, 'OO cash, f 57,5 at discharge—in all $165 Pay, Rations, and Uniform from late of mlter. Inquire at 909 OLUESTNITT Street. JOHN A. BLAKE, captain commanding FREDIC W. BEERS, Ist lieutenant, S. J. FOWSON, 2d lieutenant. ONLY SIX DAYS BEFORE DBAFTING.—Men of the , dePtelefft Precincts, avail Yourself of the advantages offered, and Pnitht In ROBERTS' INDEPENDENT ARriLLEar, CO. A, Capt. SAMUEL- WILE D, Jr., (Late of RueWe Lancers.) By ea doing YOU will be per manently and pleasantly located at FORTRESS 010N BOE, where YOU have good quat tare. able officers; no ex posure, and sefficient instruction to at you for t , °position of an officer. on will get all the Bounty, be msatured for your nnl'orm, and have your clothes to fit you, draw pay and rations from the time you are mustered in, and be sent immediately to camp, PICKED MEN ONLY' NEND APPLY AT THE HEADOPARTERS, N. E Cor. EIGHTH and CHEST NUT Streets, UP STATES oell et tiBOARD OF TRADE RIFLE RE GIMENT, 158th P. V.—Twenty men wanted , to till, Pp Co. G—sl.os bounty , . Apply at 505 Sputa street. GEORGE G. LAIRD, Captain, JACKSON D. COOKE Da Lieut. ocll-6t* 7 CORN EXCHANGE REGIMENT, COL. 0. hI. PREVOST. RECRUITS WANTED for this popular Regiment. BOUNTY WO, and ONE fiIONTR'S PAY IN DV NOE. = • RECRUITING- STATION, 138 WALNUT sumnr. Capt. DENDY SHABWOOD, oc9• tf Recruiting Officer. MEN WANTED FOR A 0031- pang hi the Board of Trade Rifle Regiment, 166th fleethei t P. Y. This regiment will go into camp Immediate/3T, near the city. "Bon ity, SlBs. Aoolir early, toltient. GEO Cl. REuszvz,VO. 833 trIARKET Street, below Ninth street. . 007 12c RETAIL DRY GOODS. UP STAIRS DEPARTMENT. Fall atil Winter Cloaks. . , Black Phibet Shawls. Strified Broche do. Broche - Bordered do. Woollen do. BOYS" CLOTHING. Jackets and Pants. Sacks, Overcoats, &c. 4 Suits made•to order. COOPER & CONARD, • 0830-3 m S. E. nor. NINTH and AdtkRICET Sts. JAS.R.CAMPIEIELL do CO , IMPORTERS AND CASH DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Have jun received, and are now offering, magnifeent Knee of SILKS, &RAWLS, it DRESS GOODS, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO TIII3 SEASON. oeB-tf 1024 CHESTNUT STREET M. NEEDLES. LACES, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. full assortment of the above on hen& et 1.4) PRIOES, to which additions are made of ail NOVELTIES. ee2s-tf 1024 CHESTNUT STREET DEAL B &RUAIN 8 IN. Erosraß Y. _cut, —Jest opened, 175 dozen Ladies , Heavy lingtish Hosiery, full regular make, in 8 BX, 9; and'9X inches, at old prices . SHE PP NED, TAN HARLINHEN, ARRISON, 0c1.5-10trp 1088 - CHESTNUT Street. REAL BARGAINS IN RICH lAA OR CURTAIN - S.—Just, opened, 500 Rich Tarab , d and Applique Lace, elurtalme, at old prices. Akio, 500 'yards Bich Tamb'd Muslin Draperiea. SHEPPARD, TAN HARLINGEN, & ARAISON, ocls 10trp 1008i . 01HESTNETT Street. "pit EA L; BAROAINS IN LINEN: HUORAB ACE. —.Toot opened, 2,000 lards of good Quality heavy bleached Linen llnckaback, at old prices: SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, a . ARRISON i 0c1.4-10trp 1008 CHESTNUT Street. Q.ILK E FAOD POPLINS.. V.../ Dark tine colors in French Poplins. Wool Poplins, double fold. Plain colon Mousseline de Laines. French Marinas, assorted analities. Oheap Wool Poplins, Broche figures. SHARPLISB BELOT ants, CHESTNUT and MIMI Streets. T .ATE ST .NOVELTY.—Jrzt opened, I a large stock ot Ribbons, Cowers, Strew and Mil linery Goods, at JOSEPH EMMY BAER'S, 0c1.3-st* No. 31 South SECOND, ab. Chestnut. ITIOIL DU . NORD , —RicS Autumn. 11 colorings In Tails, Poll de Chevron and Worsted Dress Stuffs. Fine all wool Plaid Caehroeres. Lama Plaids and serviceable Dress Gin ds for Children's wear. oclo-tf SH A.HP.t.,E3S & BROTHERS. ASSIONABL.E STRIPED Broche Long Shawls. Paleley Long Shawls. Paisley &p are Shawls. Vienna Long Shawls. Paris Long Shawls. impress Woolen Shawls. Long Blast 'Rabat Shawls. Full line of Woolen Shawls. Sheppard's PlaidiLong and Ettnare Shawls. School girls' Woolen Shawls. EYRE & L&NDELL. HOUBTB and AMR Streets. 1 - 1110I0E DRY GOODS—Just re v mica. Brown Poplins, Plain and Figured. Brown Wool Poplins, Double Width., liierisoes of all Shades. ' - Wool IPLaines, Plain and Figured. rotten and Wool IPLaines—a nice line. Flgured Merinoes. A lull line of Plain Shawls. A full line of Gay Shawls. One lot of Black Figured Nollairs, at So. ' • Six lots of Brown Alpacas, choice. A full line of Classimeres. A full line of Vesting. "VALI, CLOAKS* AND SHAWLS. 1.7 New Fall Cloaks opened daily. 'Winter Cloaks in preparation. Striped all=wool Brdche Shawls, NS. Fall and Winter' Woollen Shawls. Balmoral and Hoap Skirts. BOW CLOTHING. Fine Ready-made Clothing for boys. Suits made to order. CLOTHS, CASSIM.ERES, VESTINGS. Snot opened, several large lots Oassimeres. Boys' wear of every grade-and style. 11,000 yards Black and Fancy Dassimeres, 75. to !2. 6.4 Blue Flannels; Black, Bine, and Brown Cloths. Ladles' Cloaking Cloths for Fail and Winter. DRESS GOODS. Rep. Poplins, French Merinoes, Detainee, &a. Black Dress Staffs at reasouable rates. ARMY BL ANKETS. COOPER & (JON &RD, NOD B. cor. NIN7 fi and MARKET Streets. VIYWIN HALL & BROI HER, NO • AA 28 South SECOND Street, will open this morning— Brown, Blue, Green, and Black Irish Poplins. • French Plain Poplins, same colors Bich Figured and Plaid Poplins and nem Plain Poplins and Beps, rich colors. Bich all wool Cashmeres and De Laines. - Figured Merboes and Valencias.. • Fine French eferinoes t choice colors. Striped and Figured French Chintzes. • • Cloth and Cashmere Plaids for Children:, ocB HSTEEL & SON, e No. 718 North TENTH St., above Costae, Have now open a choke assortment of NEW -FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS. Bich Fancy Silks. New Shades Plain Silks. Figured Black Silks. Plain Black Silks at Low Prices. Rich Figured and Plaid French Reps. Plain French Reps, all shades. Plain French Merinos*, all shades.. PLAIN ALPACAS, In Black, Brown, Mode, Blue, and Scarlet. Poll De Ohevree, Poplins, Delainee, And every variety of New and Choice seasonable Dram Goods. Also, a large assortment of BLACK STELLA, SHAWLS, LONG AND SQUARE WOOLEN SHAWLS, • sell-tf AT LAST YEAH'S PRIOES. • 'CHEAP DRY GOODS, 'CARPET'S, OIL OLOTHS, AND WINDOW SHADES:-V. Z. AROSAMBAULT, N. E. corner ALIMENTS and PIIKIIKET Bluets, will open this morning, from ¬ion, Ingrain Oarpets at 37, 45, 50, 62, and 750 ; Entry and Stair Oarpets, 16 'to 6504 Bag Carpets, 31, 37, and 450.; Floor Oil Oloths, 37 to 500.,• Gilt , bordered Window Shades:soo. to 411.56; Buff and Green Window Rolland, 16 to 20o.; Flannels, 25 to 50o. • , Dress Goode in great variety, from 16 to 500.; Canton Flannels, 2. 0 to Mo. se24.wfml2t NARD,,,P,RINTING, Neat and Cheap; at SINGWALT & 111. B. FOURTH, Street' below Obeeturt. soa rl k °CI • J (JOHN H. STORRS, 702 ARCH Street. MILITARY I GOODS. THE ARMY! SWORDS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, SASHES, BELTS, 80. No. 113 NORTH SIXTH STREET. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. oc't EO. W. SIMONS & MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS, SANSOM.STREET HALL; SANSOM STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, (Ep Stairs.) SWORDS! INFANTRY, CAVALRY, MEDICAL, Etc. BELTS AND SASHES * SWORD-KNOTf3 AND COVERS, SHOULDER STRAPS AND MILITARY BADGES. PRESENTATION SWORDS MADE TO ORDER. ang-,w Sm MILITARY TRIMMINGS BRASS 'KNAPSACK 'TRIMMINGS, IL S. &via tion,-with Buckles, in complete seta. R0r4,1411 BUCKLES, X -inch, for Haversacks, BRASS INFANTRY AOOOUTItEMENT MOUNT INGS, in complete sets. BRAN EAT ORNAMINTS, Eagles, Bugles, Trum pets, Crossed Sabres, and Crossed Cannon. BRASS LETTERS arid NUMBERS. BRASS CAVALRY. BELT MOUNTINGS. BRASS INFANTRY do. ' do. BLUED CAVALRY MOUNTINGS, U. S. Regale- Mint In sets, 'complete, indnding Saddle Tree, Picket Fin, Lariat Rope, Curry Comb, Horse Brash, and Spurs. BRASS SCREW and STRAP SPIT as, for Officers, BLUE, SCARLET, mid GRAY BLANKETS, for Officers and 'Privates. Nor eel's in (mantilla; and of the beat Quality, by W. P. WILSTAQH & Co.„ 38 NORTH P , TEltlip STREET, Philadelphia. se23 lm* PRABB: GROMMVSWA.rmy Blau ,, , . A., lo ta and Logginga,' . mainfaitared and for We is any nuantity at SIXTH and CIOtIIBIBLi., - • , de2s-Itaig' . E. MINS. rrENT-BUTTONS ANDelitieljva. A. Standard, manufaotnsed and for sale by J. P. REED, • Corner of TRIETEENTN and NOBLE Streets, de26-33no* Philadelphia. MILITARY GLOTHING. WIDE• SPREAD REPUTATION There is no bonne in the united States that has as whle-spread repriiettiva tort getting up MILITARY CLOTHING as ROcK - Efil, WIL SOWS, Nei. 603 - and 605 Chestnut street Besideg behig thoroughly acquEsinted with the business, they are prompt to fill all orders at moderate prices, and always have a LARGE STOOK OF MILITARY GOODS - ON NAND se3R iftf FINANCIAL. U.S. FIVE TWENTIES; 29-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PGTABLE AT THE ORTION OF THE GOVERIc Ig.ENT AFTER Fin YEARS I am !Batt note& :by the BEORETABY OF THE the above LOAN AT PAR, TEE INTEREST TO COMMENCE . - FROM' DATE OF DEPOSIT, Thus avoiding the difficulty heretofore experienced by requiring payment' GOLD of the intereat'from•lffey A full supply of theme Bonds always on hand JAY COOTtE, SUUSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH' THIRD. St. ip29. tf JA3[II3 I. WALTON, Tato*As K. T 0137. NVALTON di YOST, , BARKERS, BROKERS,' GREENAIi OOLLasO 4 EORS, No. 24 fiiouth: TWEE) s treet, Phprid*phis. _ . BBFBBENORS. ay (look. & 00., - Hon. James Poiloek, James, Meat, Santee, &Oa., eon. H. D. Foster, Reberiok, Black, & Co.,:Hon. A. H. Reeder, 0. Moßibbin &Bon, - Ron. Aea Packer, B. P. Middleton & Bro., lion. WarreaJ. Woodward. Ron. Wm. Wilkins, V. L. Bradford, En. att743m IL A•R V' E - K A 8 , KY, STOOK. AND BILL SNORER, No. 312 WALNUT STREET. Stocks and Donds booght and sad on commission. - Promissory Notes and Loans negotiated. - 001-lmit MARSHAL'S- SALES. li/EATISHAL'S BALE.—By virtue of a ATI. Writ of Sale, by the Hon. 'JOHN 0 ADWALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of •Pennspivania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash. . at MICHENER'S SPORE, No. 142 North FRONT Street, on TUESDAY Odto bar 28: 1862, at 10 o'clock "A. 112:, the cargo of the schoon er LOUSIA, consisting of 10 half•ohests of Tea, 1 case of Shoes, & bbls. of Mackerel, 14.bbis. of Herring, 54 sacks of Salt, 4 bbls. Kerosene Oil, 20 boxes Soap, 13 boxes Yeast Powders, 5 bags Coffee, 7 bags Pepper, 9 bble. Copperas, .5 kegs of Soda, and an assortment of Drugs and Medicines. Immediately after the.sale of the cargo, at OA LLO WEEILL-STREET wites.P, will be sold..the said schooner LOUISA, her tackle, &c.. as she now lies at said wharf. WILLIAM. MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILAVALPHIA, October 14;1882.'0015-St.::" MARSHAL'S- SH AL'S- SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Bale bathe Hon. JOHN OADWALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the-Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at Samuel 0. Cook's Auction Store, No: 124. South FRONT Street, on BIONNJAY, Oct 27, 1862, atlo o'clock A. M , the residue Of the cargo of the schooner AUTIVD, consisting alit bags of Ooffee, 20 boxes of Adamartioe Candies 2 boxes Borax, 10 boxes Soan, 2 'deem; white Runnel, 2 chests and 2 half chests of Tea,'2o _ball. barrels Oath. Soda, and other articles of Dry Gas and' Medicines. Catalegues will be issued Prior =be day of-eale. WILLIAM hIILLWARD; O. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, October 14, 1882. oels.tit MARSHAL'S SA.LE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN QA.DWAL.B.- DEB., Judge of the District ()court of the United. States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for, cash, at QUEEN . ..STREET WHARF, on WEDNESDAY, October-29th,.1862, at 12 o'clock M., the steamer EMILIE, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at said wharf. WILLIAM MILLW6.IID, U. S. Marshal Eastern Matelot of Pena& PHILADELPHIA, October 34. 1862. 0c164t ' MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of .I.YJI_ a Writ'of Sale by the Ron OADSVALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States. in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at nubile sale, to the highest and best bidder, for milt, at Q,IIEEi•7• . STREET WHAEP, or. WEDNESDAY, 'October 29th, 1882.1 at 12 o'clock M., the carso the steamer FLORIDA, tonnatir gof 211 bags of Cotton. The Cot• - ton carkbe examined at the - store three days previous t) the day of sale. WILLIAM AkILLWARD,' U. R. Marshal Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, October 14, 1862. 15-6 t WL OO 11. H. ELSEGD DOOT MAKER., No. 236 North EIGHTH Street. for merly SIXTH end WALNUT Sweets. 0016.3t* REIMER'S IVORYTYPES WILL compare favorably with any piettiree made. We think they are more freshetind natural than any we have seen. Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green, It* TTIERRA COTTA MANUFACTORY. Hanging Vases Fancy, Flower Pots. o, sage Pots. - Fern Vases. . . . Ivy Vases. Le a !Inn Vases Caseolette Renaissance. Cassoletts Lonis XVI. Lava Vamps Antique. Pedestals, all sizes. Consols and Cartatades. Fulani Busts. Marble Pedestals. For Sale iletaiL and to the Trade. 'B. A.. HARRISON, ocls . 1010 CHESTNUT Street. • AR, HYACINTHS, TULIPS, 080 {MB, and all other varieties of German RtilbS, for raliplanting, imported and for aisle at low rates by ROBERT RIIIST 1 SO W, horticultural and Agricultural Warebounc, 922 and 924 MARKET Street, above Ninth. oda OOMMISSION HOUSES. CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS; AND MATTING'S. WOLFE & CO., 0011HISSION AtEHOHARTS, No. 132 OHESTEDT STUMM, PHILADELPHIA. Mr A full commitment of Pbßadelphle.made (Jambi always in Store. oc2 2m SEAMLESS B A GS. Lewiston 3Bulhel. Lewiiton 23i-Bnebel. Lewtetan 2.l3aahel, and •• Androscoggin 2-Bushel. For sale, net cash on delivery, by • GEO. GRIGG, cola if 219 CHURCH Alley ARMY 'GOODS. ".DABS-BLUE COAT OLOTBS. DARK-BLUE OAP OLOTHS. ORY.BLIJE (MOTHS FOR MINTERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS !!ND 'DUCK. BROWN AND BLEAOHED SIIEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. For sale by 4 1 11 FROTHING-RAM Sz. WELLS. oel-if ti B UNNELL a. /MD CtREENE MANUFACTURING CO.'S P R I N . T S 400 0811436 NEW FALL STYLI& JOB' BALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, 86 00. 1 jy2l.-miitBzu Aro. 220 ONESTNIIT Street. SEAMLESS BAGS. " LEWISTON" and PREMIUM" " A." FOR SALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., -7 -Iyal-inwtBm /To. 5510 OSEESTNUT Street. WELLING; OOFFW . ) it 00.) NO. 220 'CHESTNUT EITRENT, •- are prepar4 to OONTRAOT FOR THE DELIV.eRY ARMY vx WOMEN AND COTTON GOODS, eV STANDARD QUALITY. an2Y-Stm LADIES' FURS. LADIES' FAICY FURS!. JOHN STAMIIA6I-1, IMPORtEII. AND lIANUFAOLIDIER OF LADTES' FANCY FURS, No. 826 A.ROWSTREETI BELOW. NINTH Just rpeoed, a large and handsome Stock of LADTEW AND CHILDREN'S FANCY FURS, of every descrip tion and in the newest and most approved styles, M the Leweet Cash Prices. • 007-301 LADIES' FANCY FURS . JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH ST., BELOW .EIGIITH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER, LADIES' FANCY FURS. Ply assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladles and Children is now complete, and embracing every-variety that will be fashionable during the present 0010013. An sold at the manufacturers' jprices, for caah. Ladies, please give rues ' oc.3l4mif OILK AND DRESS GOODS. FALL STOOK SILK - AIND - E211113Y-13RESS-GOODS. A. W. LITTLE /fic 0325-2 m No. 325 MARKET St MILLINERY GOODS. 1862 FALL: 1862 WOOD & OAB,Y, SIIOONSBOBB TO LINCOLN, WOOD, & NIONOLIS, Hare now In store a coNEFLFITE STOCK of MILLINERY GOODS, CONSISTING OF - silk, Velvet, and Colored Straw BONNETS .AN ID HATS. French Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., To which they respectfully invite the attention of the former patrons of the Douse, and the trade generally. T aos; KENNEDY ez 13 RO. 729 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH. HAVE ROW READY THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS - OF FRENCH FLOWERS. FEATHERS . AND GENERAL MILLINERY GOODS. seB-8m FALL MILLINERY GOODS. RC)SENHEIIVI, I3ROOKS„ 8a 00., 431 MARKET GTRWET, NORTH SIDE, Have now open for their FALL : SALE . B A LAEGE -AND HANDSOME STOOK OE FALL MILLINERY GOODS, OONSIOTING OP RIBBONS, VELVETS, SILKS, FLOWERS, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, AND . MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, To which the attention of the trade le RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. 5e20.:21n $p BONNET AND BAT -PRAMBS, PATTERN BONNETS, AND DRESS OAPS.— he best place to buy a Full Assortment, at Wholesale Oast Prices, is at 'MORGAN'S MANUFAOTORY, 408 &BCH Str , et. se3o.lm* f a p MISSES 01311,YAN, 1107 WAL NUT Street, will open PARIS MILLINERY for t Fail on THURSDAY, October 2,11362. GENTS' FURNISHING GOO DB. TORN O. ATCRISON, Importer tend Manufacturer of GENTLEMEN'S FINE FURNISHING GOODS Nos. 1 & 3 N. SIXTH STREET. FIRST STORE ABOVEOMARKET Sr.. (FORMERLY J. BURR 1/114X)RE'S.) The well known reputation of this establishment for selling Fine Goods at Idol:mittens POIOES will be fully sustained. P. /3 —The celebrated INPROVEM PATTERN Swam, so justly popular, can be supplied at short notice. FLANNEL & CLOTH OVERSHIRTS: IN GREAT VARIETY GEORGE GRANT, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN .GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, - No. 610 CHESTNUT BTRRET. sel6.Bm • VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. i• The toabscriber would invite totentice, to his IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty In his bushman. Also; cork staidly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTriEDERIPS WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHEB2'NUT .STREE T ] jp.9.tf Four doors below the Continental. MEW MAOKEREL. 11 160 Ebbs New Large No. 8 816 010411.. 160 Ball DMA g 4 as In store and and for 561647 MU/MHZ a EQCI/11/• 16.1.466 i Wo. 146 Nosh wHABVXIII. -GiN.—Just received., per Brigantine VIVA. , from Rotterdam, an invoice of Treble An chor Gin. For We from 'the Wharf, or from Custom. home Store, by OHM. 5. OABSTAIRS, Sole Agent, Nos. 128 WALNUT and 'JI GRANITE Streets. serf ,VNGLISH DAIRY - CHEESE. 350 .1-1 Biwa Mace English Dairy OHE SSE; lust re• calved awl for sale by RHODES & WILLI&HS, od-tt Ho. 107 South Wi.TER Stmt. NEW PUBLICATIONS. tit . • PUBLISHED THIS LAX. LES MISERABLES-VALJEAN. The Fifth and leer part of. VIOTOR H11(1-0'8 immor. tat Frenoh novel, ,‘ Lee 111herablea." The whole of thief magnificent series is now ready. All parts uniform in appearance and price. THE. SERIES COMPRISES— Part I.—FAN TINE, Part lI.—COSE TUG Part V.—VALJEAIT. Paper covered, price 59 cents, and clothbound, (on superior paper,) $l. _ ***lt would be useless to urge any one to purchaee this euperbUOrk. Its reputation bar become so fixed, and its sidendid character so perfectly admitted every where, that the Wimple announcement of its completion will produce thousands and thousands of readers. THE. SLAVE POWER. • Its Character, Career, and Probable Designs; being an • attempt to explain the real issue involved in the &me tican context By 3. E. OATILNSS, N. A, Protesaor of Jurisprudence and Political Economy, England. One large octavo, cloth bound, price 81. Tide remarkable volume has already created the moat intense' excitement in London, where_ it bas been just ued, and it will be found to be for this country the most 'Candid and impartial hand-book for every class and shade of political and Social opinion ever published. ** Copies of am of these books will be sent by mail, POBTAGE FREE, on receipt of price, by CARLETON, Publisher, New York ) 418 BROADWAY cor• LIBP.BNARD Street. BW BOOKS AT REDUCED .I_ll PRICES. bliserables, part 5, by Victor Hugo . . eta. Wife 7 s Btrategem 60 ots. Inside Out, by a Stones Elan El Country Living, by Gail Hamilton El Pantries of Hope .. . ........ cta. New Gymnaatice. by Lewis. .. ... . . ..... ........ 8 0 dB. BrisCe, 12mo. cloth 80 cts. Like end Unlike. by A`.`.B. Roe Zany othera, too numerous to mention. PITOHEB'S Cheap Bookstore, ,'orlB.3t No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. DR. BOARDMAN'S EERMON.-- _ Thie morning will be pablished— The Severely/try of God the Sure and Only Stay of the Ohrii tient Patriot in Our National Vratables. A. fiermon Preached In the Tenth. Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, September 14, and is the 9irest Seruce.rtreet Church, September 28, 1862. By the Bev. HEN EY A. BOARDMAN, D. D. Price Ten Cents, or Twelve Copies f0r.01143 Dollar Feb Sited by WM. B. & ALFRED MARTIN/1 3 ocE) 800 OH ESTNIIT Street. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES - vpiT BROTBERHEAD'S 'OIRCU e LAPPING LIBRARY.—AII the ISIEW Eagllsh an American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Lite rature. This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINTED here. Termt3 $l3 per pear; six months $g ; three months 81.50; one month 78 cents, or 8 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. seB-3ra ENGLI AND FRENC FAMILY CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND CABINET DI LECTURE, 1317 CHESTNUT STREET. Subßcriptions per year, month, and day. General catalogue just 'published, furnished great, In Frees, Catalogue of the Young Ladies' Emrich LI- " Catalogue de la Bibliothique des Dames et des Ds - moisefles." M. M. 2106.A.031151, tigera, see- 40) ' 1817 OH 4STNIII" Street INSURANCE COMPANIES. GERARD VIRE AND MARINI iRS MUNOZ COMPANT. OTTIOX 43.6 "TgIi&LNUT !MEET, PIEMADELPIIIA (APITAL $200,00, Tele entnpanp &nth:OMS to take ride en the WA' dews or FThperty at low rate.. The pewie sTin rely upon ita rewponalbllliy, 6it3 pay loasee womptly. It. Ellabortmente for ibi benefit of the pnblio, cluing the fait nine years, exceed S5O ()..00011 •Ad we reppeotftitir solicit Ito fieMish the future BIRBOTORR. CHAS> L _OUTON'f, JERRY wAtmirt, JOHN W. OLAGnoirril JOHN THOBIHINT, O. F. lIRAZLITT, ABRAHAM NART : DAVID BOYD . , Jr., PETER. 8. HORiAt WM. EL SWAIN, BEErIiAILD JOSEPH KLAPP, M. B. N.' 44. LAW/MHO/IL WM, O. RUDMAN JOHN atiPPLEN. THOMAS CRAVEN; gnsidocit. A. 8. (BELLETT, Vice cent . JAB. B. AIIVOED, Secretory. VANE INSURA; ..12 : No. 406 CHESTNUT 1 FINE AND INL A. NEW F N: Buck, Obas. Rieht.rdscon, Henry Lewitt, Jr., Alex. Whitldin, peo. A. West, 0. W. Davie, FRANCIS N TWO CEIARLESH. WILLIAMS I BLASO OISIMONWEAL. BANOE COMPANY OJ NyLVANIA. DLNECTORS. .Dikvid Jayne, AL D., Charles 11 Rages's, John M. Whits% John K. Walker Edward O. Knight, Jaen Shoemah 7 cr, Thomas S. Stewart, William &runlet% Henry Lewis, ' Jr., Elijah Jones. DAVID JAYNE, M. D.. President. JOHN M. WHETA.LL, The Presiderri SANDHI: B. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 613 CHIESTNII2 Street., Philadelohia• soCif tf COOKING RAN COORINGr RANGES. ELEVATED 'DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGES. Thin Bangs has afforded more satisfaction than any yet acrid to the public. ARNOLD &- WILSON, - • 1010 MIES MUT Street. ANTARM-AIR FURNACES,' T T Of the most approved and economical patterns, BUTTED TO ALL °LASSES OF BUILDINGS ARNOLD & WILSON, EN 4,M8 LED SLATE MANTELS: A large variety of these beautiful filtmtels at VERY LOW PRICES. ARNOLD & WILSON, iOIO-oandrricur Street. LOW-DOWN AND 0021 M ON PARLOR GRATES. For Healing Parlors, Sheinberg, Offiteg, &c. ADAPTED FOR EITHER HAMS OR SOFT COAL. Hot-air 'testators and 'Ventitators—a large agsortment. ARNOLD & WILSON, con...2[oif OHESTSIIT Street. CAUTION. The'welt-earned reputation of FAIRBANKS' SCALES Has induced the makers of Imperfect balances too ife tbers as 4, I O AIRBANES' BOAT $," and purchasers have thereby in many instances, been subjects& to fraud and imposition. Fairbanks' Bealea are manufac tured only by the original inventors, B. & T. irdLIB BANKS .k. 00., and are adapted to every branch of the business, where a correct and durable &Wes is required. FItIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, artlo-tf MASONIC HALL, 716 O.I3BSTNUT ST. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTA=RD SEEM, SPICES, &c., &c. All the regniel tea for Breserving and Plait Hag PurPoati ALBERT 0 RO BERTS, . DDCALEN IN IPINB. GROONDIES, sels-tf, 43GRNBII ELXIMENTH AND VINE. F. I. G. 4: ZINO, ARMY, AND TOILET MIBHOES, The beet In tee world for finish sad• darabliii7 B. 111. S. The beet brand Sllk.enlehed VELVET RIBBONS Sole Agent, BENJAMIN M SMITH, 265 DUANE Street, nearWeet BroadwaY, ee2o - am New York REWARD !--LOB7 , on TUBS, itPtIVAT DAY, Septa:Set 9, Three 7.30 TREti. SUET NOTES, conpone attached, Numbers 91.568 i 31469, 131,570. partlea are forbid negotiating said Notes", as wbotiei has been Oxen, and payment stopped at the Treasury and all ,Sub- Treasury Departments. 8500 , 1 N GOLD! Will, be paid by the underedgneet for the return of the Noble. F. GALLAGHER., North TaititD Strad. 7bliadoliehis, October ni f oc2-18tta IEIITRUSS AND BRACE DID. • PARTNINT. • O. H. friNDLES, COMM TWELFTH and ZAOR &rade, Phlladalphin. Hernial Traased and mechanical appliances masa* adjusted by 0. S. IiZZDII.II3. Vine numb and approved American, adapted t 4 wary form of suittlire, in adults and children, kinglAstk American Supporters and Belts, &milder Braces, SUB Pensories, Blartlo Stockings, and Syrinxes in groat vs. riety. Ladies , Department, TWBILFIII Street, firs door below lime. Conducted by aomseteat ladies. ty4B-Bin if a W. AK IST 0N Nth 22. NA , r South *ATER illtreeh Philadelphia. Oommiscion 3Jealar in Ohio and Illinois BROOM OORN, Ha.N. BLEB, WIRE, TWINE, &c. ooll•8m:_ irFATAPBCO DUCK JL For Bale by O. N. XILAVER, 237 South SZCIONI). &root 0011-6 • DLIND AND'DEAP—Consalt Dr. 3 A/ 11113 IarAVISt .- whace unremitting swam is coating with the entire approbation or ids Patents in Philadelphia. Office 337 North SIXTH St. eaSKrait WYE AND EAR. Da. JAMES 0017 LIST and .81711IST, has again re tinned from his professional tour in Strom and porno. neatly located at No. 887 North SIXTH Street. gigot hours from 9 to 14 A. M., and _S to 4P. M. se24.7malfsr its LAK E'S PATENT ARGAND GAi Ji—P BURNER for aide hg the subscribers, sale agents therefor. All persone-are cautioned against infringing said patent. RittlitY N. 1100P111), 18 00112111,1101/SL ,Btreet. llowrog, October 10,1862. S COTCH WHISK:Y.-25 puncheons Kg James Stewart's Aria PAISLEY bILLT, linported direct. In bond and Tor sale by GEO. WIII VET. 0013-2 in I3T South Part I L L-11 AXIM Part IV.-43 r. -D E NIS .NCE COMPANY ; Street. ND INBaRAIV'tJE. )TOllB. E. D. Woodruff, John Ressler ? Jr,, P. S Justice, Washisgton Joastr f Ohs& Stokes, Sohn 77. Ererman. 41, President. A.RD9OII, Vice President. Luau), Fecretary. (mhl9-ffil 2.11 FIRE INSET- Ir THE SPATE OF PENN- 1010 OREiT.Nur Street. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Lessee and Manager.. WM. WHEA.TLIM ' POSITIVELY LAST_ NIGHT BUT THREE OR GABRIEL RAVEL AND TROUPE, AND VuUN AMERICA. THIS (W E DNESDAY ) EVENING, 00T.15, THE EEO GNOME, e.) GABRIEL RAVEL as the FAM OUS WA. 'RTOR. YOUNG AMERIOA ae the RED GNOME!. POSITIVELY LAST NIGH 0 OF THE WORLDWONDROUs FEAT or THE THREE FLYING T lAPEZE. BY YOUNG ARERIOA, THE LAST TIME! THE LAST TIME! DR aDILWORTH VAUDEVILLE OOM.PAS V. O' For full verticality see email bills. Admission SO and 25 cents. Doors open at 7 ; COM , merice'at 7%.' Scats secured three days in a lvanee, without extie charge. VirALINUT-STltEitiT dole Lessee Mrs. Al A ' 4 / I .URETTSGE Business Agent ..Mr. JOHN T. DONNELL, 'THIRD NIGAT of Albs C/IsRL.ITTE TROUPSON. THIS (WEDNE 37/AY) EVENING, 00T:15 Will be up' heed Shiel's Great T age, in 5 Arta, of EVADNE; OS, THE STATUE! Evodne Mies CHARLOTTE TIIOMP OF. To conclude with the Lang.hohle Farce of THAT BLESSED BABY' Mr. Frank Pinnicke Mr. Dascomb Doors open at 7—Performance commencee at 7X. MRS. JOHN DREW'S AROII- STREET THEATER. Business agent and Tresencer...... ± .JoS. D . MUBPHE THIRD WEEK OF HISS BATEDIA.N. TUESDAY AND WED NE iDAY EPEBIROS. GEB&LDINE 8,0 LONE'S VICTORY. MISS GATEMAN 80 GER ALDINE. J. W. WALLAOS as .A.N +REaI(). EDW)D . A.D.P.BH. as .HUB mar. H. L 'BATEMAN ae NEW SCENERY by 8 E. Er i.YES. To conclude with TRE SWISS SWAINS SWIG .FRANK DREW. Doors open at 7—To commence at 73‘ o'clock. Seats secured six days in advance. A BEL & CO.'S bTEREOPT LOON, ..AOLASRE LY BUILDINGS, Tenth ard Chestnut ate. Exhibiting Every Evening This Week. Admission 25 cents. Commence at 8 o'clock. 0c1344 Q.T. GEORE'S CRICKET G GROUND, TIIIIITEEUTH Street, above GOLUB/ MA ANEMIC GREAT PEDESTRIAN FEAT,,; AND GRAND CONCERT, This DAY. Beats reserved for Ladies and Children. Admission to the Ground and Seat,l.o Cents. 0014-5010' CONCER -- T HALLLECTURS kJ BOOB' OAPTAIN WILLTAItIT SOUTH SEA: • WHALING VOYAGE. EVERY EVENING, at quarter to 8 o'clock. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock. Adolfoßon, 25 cents: Children half price IN6TITUTION FOR THE BLIND. —EXEISITION ovety WEDNESDAY, at 33i P. AI Conductor, Carl Bentz. Director of 'Vocal Music, lir. A. D Taylor. Several fine new Choruses. Tickets, .IBN OEM B. Store, No. 11 Sol4t, 'MGR ra Street. It PENN6YLVANIA ACA.DEAY OF THE FINE ARTS, 101:5 onrartivr STREET, is open deity (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. EL tW P. M. Admieeion 26 cents. Children half price. Shares of Stock s $3O. 'y9 PROTOGRAfFIS. IVOT TO BE HAD EVERYWHERE. -Only at REINEWS are life size Photoarapbe is Oil Cetera made re truthful, and •firtialeally co'oret at war prices SICCOIND Sheet, above Green. 14* A TRUE TESP.—The iminclase tronage of REIREE'S Colored Photographs proves their many fine qualities are fully appreciated by the public. Only $l, SECOND Street, above Green IVos ,rIFIRAPE6T YLACI 'TEE CITY 16.-1 to boy PltOTOOrtiPfl A. 1.1317115, CABO POR TRAITS, and thiED FRANE3. A large lot of NEW STYLES, just reel !Ted from SUCTION, and Witt he Sold at a area: reddedun from 51anufacturers' prices Every . Album cliartanted perfect. Path:Hß. ()cll. et 439 CUE .3TN'II r Street. TO COLOR CAD PHOTO- GRAPH 13 in an el.-gent manner, and not affect the fine MI face In the least, is an Easy process to any 'Arson, though not artist by the u.e of IiEWTO2O4 PREPARED COLORS FOR ALBUIVE PICTII RES Price per box, $3; with large bettle of r,11n910% , INTIM, 53 25. Onle Agents for the Mita ,t. CO , Boston. In tbis city and State, StIHOLZ & JANFiiiTZRYJ 112 24.ntb RIGHTH Street. 9M9710N.--The great popularity alrealy acquired. Isis valuable discovery has induced some dishnneat perwedt to offer a worthless article in trail/00E. .F.TrTir POLL aIIS will be paid for the conviction of any paes, eelffng their stuff for Newton's dobucoen Color?. octl-aw /An WANTS'. ANTED-A FURNIBEIED T Berme, in a control location, vvbere foci_ sebiot friends ma, be accommcKlartiod; as Boarders 3.tidr , 4tr a A E. M,' l 61 this office. nel4-2.f WANTED -A FR'll5O ji 'CD to give teams In rrench an Music go cp.* need wrid3 , mama ahe taw had experience in terotiing'va.il cart ferule& aatisfectoty references. ..4.c14.1e5s 0 P. , 4g4s Borah ELEVENTH fitreet, Ehiladelphle. sen-t' A, PARTNER WANTED, V,YtTil gts,eao capital, to take one department of s paying bueineee in the beet locetion in thee city, the two depart manta being too IBM h for one carer(' to attend to Ad drew being. Box 2031 Poet Office elating ether(' a con. Sdential ii oet:ng can be had, Protstely come arrange znent can be made if o pArtnerebip ie obAa-elonable. oclo-ftnw 3t* Q" U 0 ND SONE WitiA R, LLE bes aunts,TraitTunda, to Loan on Kort ga,se Jell,/ B. UOLIMIS.ti, ocll-stnth3t lie.lY2 South EIGaT@ titroet. BOARDING, EASANT ENOOND- START _ rooms, with board, at Banta 307 Swath THIRD Street. PERSOIV 100 Bounty and Pay JL - procured and collected for soldiers-, sailors, and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satis factory rates, by JAMES PEILTODI, Solicitor for Claimants, 424 WALIMP Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties tiring at a dis tance. ocT tlf DSORABGED SOLDIERS' OEII,- :TIF/CATBIS end other Claims combed tly JAMES FULTOIf, 14 Military and Naval Arent, 404 WALNUT Street, Fhilads. B HIGHEST PRICE PAID. 808 .I.' 9EOOND•HAND 'FURNITURE, cutpitrs. STOVES, BEDDING; &c. Gall or address, WIGGMBI LIWIP, No. 931 RIDGE Avenue. 0c9.01-* FOE SALE AM) TO LET. voi SALE— 011ESTRR COUNTY' ...IL7 EARN, 80 acres, divided into convenient enot, . scree, nem Kennett Square railroad station on the place ; large - atone improvements, in good order ; hydrant and' well water, bath, Sae fruit, do. Also, a nice. Farm St acres, two miles from Neehamany Station, nineteen miler from the city, and two miles from staandmat landing; Apply to E. PE Tri r, 04. No. 309 WALNUT 3treet. A DENTAL PRACTICE FOR SALE —To a Dentist who wishes a good location, anus hear of one by addressin.g 4 ‘ Dentist," .Press selB.linit FOR RENT— Canvenient to city. Bailroadera ROUSE with all the modern improve menio-at sl7.per month. Inquire at RE/51Ea'S Pnoto graphic Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. lt* TO - BENT—The splendid UPPER 11: BOOMS of Store No. 207 UIIUROH Alley, suit able for - a . Package Dry Goods Boum, having superior )ight: Apply on the kreMices. 0014-12 t* FOR SALE —The.lleatand conve— lirg. plant cottage-built DWELLING; S. W. corner of EIGHTEENTH and. NtaRTH Streets, with lot 75 by 20 !set, handsomely decorated with Ihrtibbery. and brick %table and Carriage.hettee. complete; splendid situ, tioa. Terms eau. Ahoa large variety of IITAIILDDIG . Ibo CB and Im yrovu;Propertiee, both city and country. B. P. SLXNN, 121 South FOURTH Strret. OolV and S. ,W car. tiIIVISTEE N a asd CREE L TO . B.ENT— A THREE-STORY MAL BRIM DWELLING, on s %or,- St cot, one door above Twelfth, north elde Rent low to a good tenant. looly.to WE reEttEbt, & OSO rtiett:, je32 47 arid 49. North S-EGOND Street. TO RENT—A THREE-STORY` Els. BRICE. DWELLING, on "PINE Street, neat: Seventeenth, north side. itoply to WETHE RILL et-.BROTHER, 47 and 4% North SECOND Street. OR .BALE OR TO LET—Four BUSES, on the west side of_ NEOtall Street. below Columbia avenue. Apply at the' eoe➢thweet corner Of NINTL and SAN9OIII. Streets. . mh23- tr sa, FOR SALA-,AN ELEGANTLY -46= improved Farm of 800 scree, ea the inastern shore of Maryland, right on navigation; 350 acres of heavy oak and, pine timber, price 81& ,pea acre. The bast. in ' velem , eats ever offered. For partkulars. apply to 8- ! TOWNbI NI), No 18 North TBIRO Street ocll-12t*. &SIFXS. I.II,LIE'S SAFE DEPOT 11.116- -I, KOVNO to No. Si south MODISH= Street, neap tft enklin Institute. The undersigned, Omaha for pee; fawn, and beta& determined to merit futore patronage, hoe secured On. elegant sod woven-Umlt atone and has now on hand rir Large ataortmeitt of Loilthell atone; Wrought Dna Milled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the ouilit strictly flora and burglar proof safes ma4p.) Also, LEW* ilueduallsdMenk Ysoti, Bale, and /&tah:Looka Lillie* Bank Vanli.Doors. and Drees Trill be hurdling* , to order on short ateliCe. This is Shit strongest, beat two-- :toted, and cheapest Door and Lack ;vet adored. Also, particular attention is cadre to Lillie's Bo* , Jabinot Safe, for Plate, Toweln, 3c. thls Safe is con.. ceded to surpass to stylo.tudd eisseate anything yet farad for this 'purpose, and Letts* only one that is strictipv tiro and burglar proof. SOSOIAL NOTIOI.—I hunts n e w an hand say simmy teasel, Barring, & Co.'s-Farah most of them nearly Man end tom' forty of othey makeup, oemPrifilni a aortypiiimp assortment as to sizes, and all lately. exehanipid for.. Birb IPOW celebrated LIU.% eats. They will be sold lOW Lou prices. Please eall . and examine. jaz _ iyif . N. 0. SA BLAB, in EVANS ha WATSON'S 13 ALANAND1131 &MI STOBE, 16 &RUH VOVRTEE BET, PRILADIDLPIIIA, PA. a. large variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES alwaY6 00 hand. PIANOS.' A. SEVEN 13.11{X) r • •• • • • ROSEWOOD PIANO NOB 6200—Payable to easy emus of Three Dollars per month-- The public will please take notice that the hooks of thoe. PHI.DADELPHIA. MUSICAL SAYINGS AND 1 OW2 SOOIETY are now open to resolve subscribers be te Fourth Series The tirst distrilontion of Seven-ooteme Hopwood Pianos for this eerie+ will take plow!) At tleto Office,. No. 1091 CHESTNUT Street, on TEtHSH3.Y.,,, October 7th, 1869, at 3 o'clock. Oirciltoo, gl;alas elme. toll plan of operations of this highly boneflotiM s tfiaditit. Don, can be bad by moot,' irsi to the Becratary of tbli Sudety. HW OR kirorefitrY • ou t ti's Office. 1021 - 06819THUT StreeHt. THE FI NEST ASSORT MINT of new, modern, and detrabla Pi, , 10 2 from $l5O to SOO. Digo, PitINOIG'S World •ronowm.l 6 ,4 - 1...1.01101 4 /Ull lB , for oast..'std gnat reduction, or Alai monthly Instal meats JAMES VZ1.A...t.116, a7O 1.4 .81 South FIFTH tiltniet, iboVe 414120*. gigii;4/12171