••• - - • Ti-TE PRESS, . . . • •' • 0' ‘ i I fi --- . 4... 1 " -,- \"•,„. /4 ` \ \ ‘,' lil / / P '' * ' '''..l. - ,4 / ' , , g DA/LY (SUNDAYS EXONPTED') - N -e.. •- - . . -e. s e e N.,,l ii i 1 /// 4" ,„-;,---.., -4 ,Nt-.t.t • _ `-... ",'`,0, ,, 7 ilr 't , it ,s ' ---- 7 , '7.7,:; ,',;'''',...., , 1151naVIIJOIIN W. FORNEY. /,....- _ _ , ' r , A - ' "' .. "'":i ..-. -%-.% .... `,.:. ~.1 t 1 r//,' "L d ietti. , i .....„. ' ”:"..-- • :- - 1 tree le. ------ ' ( la Ls ' 'ele e ..-;.'• '•< -- g'eT --- 's-e - --e - - - e - e' ' ' --- . s ' s ' e \ s e '„_e•• •• , , ,‘ ...% 0 •011 - 4 - I ' --:+ eee r -- - "*. ei e ..e. ..- - ler* ___ ..,,,eeeN__ &..._ ' (... w 111 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. . t _,- --e - _ i e• "o. .. - ' - -,1 -7-"- e. -- --- - ........ -. , ,- • e seette - .0----....e - _ e. ....•" 4 - ... . ..- ei .' er- * '-- . , 1 0, • . , . 4 erteos ''.... • . BE DAILY PRESS, 1. - -"" t- -...--- e.-- -.see-- ee _ ee--e...-- e -- :4-7 - / .. .:- • , , - itk i ; . :L..' ' - -.-,-. el .-reri-- -- : ----. ..e_ - - . . a. . _.. " jt , - I '." L . :- 11. T - CW r a _ e payable to the Carrier. 4...5e5- - oft:,, (~,,,-.; i hel. it n . ... I lee , , ...---, _ - . VELrgil°ffigisol"rsibueßPlßeß_Clou:t L i: A t:t a b ' e r O o i a ly at Ste Dom.-tote k :: ----,.!--..-z-- , ---;x-_ , _l.- f - 7- - -. - ,---' l'O'll% ''' 'Sri :•'.." .. ::"' t e ,.'45- - I'-'.." - ' 1.1 '4 . , - -:-.; , ' • -, • ---,:,-;.---;-',' ••"_„--. 1, ....s ,- - r•-'lValllai ;t iQ , , , ZiZit " ..t•, - ',- .'-`-'-.,,,....Tra ~ _ ' - ' - '1_,,2„ , -;.....i.,,,,,,,_,-' '';.:,',.. -,:::,.._,„ _. ---.T. -- - - .7:-.-47....-::..2,,,,--- - v - , _. ,•_-__.,.....,... oie l to SUMP MONTHS, ~..: - _---- ---r-- - - --,-.- - ''' ' - ' , - - m -, -.:: .- ma r„...........--- -- - "1 . „,........ -_:', ........... p ost, To 13 , . 1614 FOR SIX Dlogras-lavariabiy in ad- - .n en " enne ee een e e _ n o. ee ~ - -e - ,--- , yot.tAss . • 4---.....___:::: - ....e ' 10 . . .*, . . , - sot lot ibe lime ordeted• . : 1 Tits TRI•WEEKLY PRESS, ' Subsoribere out of the Oily at !Munn Doe. Belled to VOL 6 -NO 57 . PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY - - OCTOBER 7 1862 - _..:-.---„.. - „‘„,„„„, in advance. • • ' • a i . C TWO ENTS -11' , ,,,----- ---- -'.._____ , , . -,,,- - nss , BATTs, & CARPET CHAIN. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. RETAIL DRY GOODS. h . . THE ARMY- OF THE POTOMAC. t m tahhn e eed O rsri o am o r k ihdi s to n hwa d ada n traho o r sse c.e a n n if:Mk another road to the left of \ e G on e e n sg e k r i a g l ik e d O h .ti caco t p te i n an den ifthT W ho o lm od ae , . _ e _..........aaaae. i 1_ _ . , . gl . Ttbirhe,umgre POLITICAL. ITEMS. , co ----- A,EID II4 G I W A .13D iN(I 1 1/1 14.1 . 140.,,LL0 WELL it 00., JAB- R. CAMPBELL - & CO. VT vie &xi DING! 4-7-11-1 . a )18 ' 1 e$ pe .4. Order Relative to t r h g e os S i uppression oe Lawless 1 P ces. . eillnardetisiosft g oLnwpoosit , ni an enera coo an mean e eft. SIXTY-FIVE DODGES.-Thee Beading -roweled of s avoi e ne fl eg,. c oor o n n i v tfh e see rn ea to ,e ge e t e h r e g r s l i s n ae th w e sw v e ic k in e i m ty lia o s f A t3a n t oo nni nn aT s y eet o mo ses e ess W o e h b e ay leag e tu g s a gi ne y e em sgro ara h tent eress en s t h e n ! r ign o. . No. 615 - CHESTNUT STREET IMPORTERS AND CASH DEALERS IN el - REAP:MARTYRS ARMY OF TIM POTOSI-4.00 - °Amp DEAD SialerSBURG, eld , Oct. i., 1862. closing upon the enemy. Bardateent road. We are again session of Oeugreve. It will be note& that, in every in a. , oabuldigel,dinteogmer G ed, ENZllAL ORDERS No. 159 ese.law e staan fir oe eltyas ale: teemtne ost degi , v in en r. A ig n in co s n h ie n b i a n s urc ei s t s h o e o r s w•i gn thh o e fi ld e W eep s- ee vo t t e e t • ' 'WADDING, TM--' liell's weetHING. COTTON YARNS, (JAYNE'S MARBLE BLOOH,), , DRY GOODS. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1862. i b b e e tte v fl o t te o s f b i 3 :6 7e r tul ebele and M ise r; A s i rm n o tbe na ila i:we se lre n n o o f t e mi oi. s... CARPET CHAIN, &0., ko. Notwithstanding the frequent orders that have been issued from these headquarters in regard to stragglers The War in Arkansas--Strength of the In his e s 3:y e e ll ta i Ztbe co t li r rt onbi% m to e t t al h l a : lien LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, flaTe /net Cliened an AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL e - LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. n th c e aß Oo th m e tn a an tt d e i n n t e nan Ge c n t er c a a t r r n e a gr a e c te d t o o fh ti er e The largest rebel feree ß i e n b gL e r l k s a . isas le lying iis camp iit 1 t i V s e e l i r: dodg e d a vote. The remnd Meows the falsity of eche subordiatite commanders to this subject, and to Impress Austin, on the Cairo and Fatt g o T : ha 1 R ns d a f 0 ;1 Ir an mo o e a d o nis su rte ri e e om y sisa t tir w ef e rfi n ee tz e ri g t t t h ha r e eserse,sttwatinte u a t unfrp W it. oArmasieso atzaanasmixeldefieevenedformalr, owee te m n il e t o s n fl o f ri teen a f th L o i n t s tl a e n d B o a c t k r o . n 1 14 8T C) .13. E . ENTIRE NE W . STO OK 727 CHESTNUT STREET, g t b et e g s tif f ° i s e i n o t . Eat IifANUFACTU , BERS , PRIORS, by , c i lm o i o n t n n t a e h n f e 1 :a d e e e n t e g h e r e s s e s a o b o l 3 :I t l e e n f e e c r e Z s hi i t s y d o t f r e h c o te l e l a i a n 1 g regiments of conscripts. Several regine g nts of Texans d FOB SA L ' OF teeecial Correspondence ef the Press j 40 1.1 FRANCIS° US, A . • FANCY SILKS from Auction I Are none exhibiting novelties in • a WASTIDIGTOR, Oet. 4) 1882. Few cities are more destitute of news than Washieg- . We are now occupying a country inhabited by a loyal were reported on their wad to join this command. Gen. population, who lock to us for the preservation of order Monroe Parsons, of Missouri, was at Cotton Plant with or two wre n ' - 1 '' e 0 tariff hille, in wh eti his constituents :Iv c c i 1 i k i a :l:3e m p at i L n o t , .::::. aro ol2 o :- . :7 • 171t 3‘ ..3:::: , ,„ : ,,, :n n other on the treaenry-note MIL In many' cern. - Me. - tell-tre KET and No. 5 North FIRTH etreen, ton at this meretrut. Scarcely a rumor reifies the calm. and discipline, instead of suffering our Dien to go about 2,300 men, bound for Northweetern Orkansits At Du e°, 453 MAR DRESS GOODS in great variety, SILKS, SHAWLS, & DRESS GOODS tr a tZTArt nt .. r 8 t e time, and that ehe ii dodges" were Mine nese of the public Mind, and, save hospital lista or notites in entail parties lawisesly depredating nron their pro- voll's Bluff, on White river, there is said to be a force of e tt i c e h *w o o f t a li: De er A b s o c a , t w n it SHAWLS GLOVES RSPEOIA.LLY ADAPTED TO THIS BEASO . of Presidential appoletments, there is very little for a . . ' piety Armed patron will be sent out daily from ail the 1,200 rebel's, wltb a battery of six gun& to resist the ap hoTuloarrtielleimrye.ntsGeat. MOBride VA BAIIS AND 1 a d th i ff er e a re w n h t o co a r re pa s i b n se t n h t is fr a o r m my th t e o l a im rr i e t r o a f l t l h o e ftl ir ce ca rs m a p ir w v i l i : sperho leeleations, showing that be wag in Weeshe , vAit 0-) 2 RIBBONS TRIMMINGS &0 &0 eel - of . I / • e it N correspondent to send for the gratification of his frietlds g 0 Missouri tional. ' j- CARP ET CHAIN.. Which have been at home. We are in the midst of a deluge of dust. lto out written exudation from cor divide) BLACK SQUARE & LONG SHAWLS was latel at ocahon s Arkan HOW TO 8 , P De, re or brigade y P ta . sag, with 2,200 men AVE THE UNION.- Tbe Pittehinra rain him bleseed the city for weeks, aid the mejoritynt commanders. Ail - persons BO arrested will be sent the (only 1,600 of whom ere effective), intending to march on Gazette, speak - leg of Hughes' treeksonable lesolntioasy tber Le prepared to sell when wanted: PUBOHASED EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, BROC E - the Orono being unpaved, the army wagons cut their tame day to the provost marshal general at thege head- Greenville.. (This force has %ince occupied Southeast says : . 4 Bere we have the Leamereeic method of iSavida , The Winer • iti Square and Long Shawls. • • quarters who will mail further orders send teem under Iffiesouri e There are five re iments at ark n the 'Union' clearly and authoritatively Mated Efe hoped' a e g adelph a, ~,, . . r . , S rpet Chain-Cotton Lm -50,000 lb-, aa ) And still be sold at PLAID Square and Long Shawls. Berra:ea ieto the fineat particles, which, being reised by a ' ' , geard to Harper s Ferry, there to be kept at wotte on where the rebels bane a manufactory of ganpowder ey rinsing the Menem' Rag in Pennsylvania, to tuned- FANCY SHAWLS, in great variety. the southwestern winds coming from Virginia, fly abote the defences of that Place Caps, and cartridges, ' date thee New England States, tend thito give Jeff Davis &- en, and Woolen. CHEAP PRIOES. AT - , me et recklessly. i Marcbieg troope add to the trouble, In order that the requirements of this order may be Since Porter left North Missouri affairs in that section Co. the entire 'Union. Yes, that would have saved it. lbs Ootto Nos go 000 , n Yarn- . from u ) 5 The attention of city and country b,uyere is invited. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO.'S, - perfectly 'understood by ell concerned cor s command- of the State have beep quiet There are a few rl' We are glad those Democrats as they call themsel arid every ove is complaining of bedimmed eyes anil a . . i D , i amb mg , _ _ • yea ere wile within 24 hours after the receipt of this order, Meads of guerillas still infesting a few counties. but their We Mean MOWN eingliem and Rarr-have drawn and me te. 20. sae tf , e tty countenance. ocl-tf 727 OHESTNUT STREET. mu , . furnish evidence to the commanding general, through cider aim is to avoid meeting Union troop,. When they Whited their own portraits. The people can now vote e en ' PS NIARCITING TR 00 . • the aesistant adjutant general, at these headquarters. hear of Porter's departure they will either try to follow nnderslandinall'-" 10,000 lbs. Single Jute atm low Yarn. 1862 FAla 14 1862 MER.INOES AND REPS, - - The commanding general is resolved to pat a atop to him to the South or disperse permanently. THE DUTY _ • People at a distance have little idea how many thee- the pe ' i di i l ti f d t ems OF LOYAL PERTNFILVANIANS. 'OO 000 SheetS Black W adding. IN skrzor mins. rDIC 012E1 an cr mna prac ces re erre O. Th.re is an effort bein made in t g hie. State to secure a 0.. 2 sand troops move almost unnoticed to the assistance of By cc 12. ' mmand et ajor General McClellan. LATE SOUTHERN NEWS majority.of members to the Legielature• from the petty 1 tts n Batts , PRINTED MERINOE A D 5 , 000 Bales all grades Co i , s N ittars, Choice the ' army. Regiment after regiment debarke at the 0. IVILLI&M.S, Adjutant General. . holdieg allegiance to Buchanan and; Breckitaidge, so as from 12 to 50 ets- per lb. -. atyles, So Mrs' Retreat near the Cavitol and marchee throneh - DRESS GOODS, in desirable fabrice, ' ld ' - ' -- - , AN Sib 30 1882 P * e to secure the election of that noted doughface, ntank 1 000 Bales all grades Wick. AT . the city and over the Long Bridge into Virginia. Each erzeen, ep em er , . ognacions Correspondence Between Rebel Hughee, to the Senate of the United States. N Tif h b d ' - - _ ere as een a isposinen manifested Inethe effean Generals-From Texas etc. etc - r g a o greater , , . wOD 0 übe committed by the loyal people than falling 1 ~,, is headed by a farmonnding drum Corns whieh deafens effineepartment to relax in a certain deg, se the r i e d s Twine.-- tton 1,000 Bales all gra s Co RIEGEL WIEST & ERVIN JAS. R. CAMPBELL &00 'S - - i the ears of all around. e Many go up the river to General i , , ig d eFrom the Jackson Mississippian, Sept. 23.3 to vote for men who will defeat these demagogne plans. mites touching the release of the wounded from present n 0 A r • and Linen. 1 7 9 eel- tf • 727 OKESINUT STREET. ill 01 II 4 f it b-d d f h ' c e ate an so ar as can e eti ge rom t melight service • but the pressure has been so great and the A t • • Se t2l 1862 -Palter JoUra al ' A RSON, ISS., p . , . • en e general essortnient of -rwurns, TIDY COT. difficuldes ie man of dee din bI, ' y, 1 g e ween the urgency of ajar General Gideon J. Pillow, present : THE SOLDIERSe VOTE.- We cam novec believe in S I 1 3... K -s . amount of information made public here, the field in Weide to assume the home care of the wounded, and lt hoe been represented to me, trom rellableetonreen the nnitice of any detasion that win-deprive-the- soldier of 30Pg8 am, at the o ITN' ' Western Maryland will be the great point of interest. the,claims of the service, that the lines have had to be that, at a gathering of the citizens at CiatlisyilleeTenn., his rte. To ne it Wins a gross outrage that many of LARGE POUR-STORT STORE, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS in Febenary last, you made nee or language direct!, re. our most res cted; and Intern exit citizen h BONNET'S BLACK TAFFETAS. • Few armies' are reinforced more quietly than hie, and drawn son ewhere It has finally been decided, I tinder- Reath Id' ' y ' ' " g °I w o are No 242 NORTH THIRD eTREET, g umin me ae aso - ter and an officer, as comiected periling their liveain defence of their coantry, phoned be steed, that mere lieeh wounds do not entitle the patient BLK. POULT DISOIE and GrOe Grain& few, perhape, will follow a victorious leader more eon- evith the defence of Fort Henry. d'' I us rand:deed-deprived lof voting because they are per (Corner of New St ) - COL 4 D POULT InSOIE and Ottomans, very to the privilege of going home. On the contrary, these lid tl wry in the Yarn imeinees, lam pretsared to me choice. en y . . • . • A proud conscieusness of having performed my whole forming a duty which compels them•to• beab t f San rom es I ne le r house in thie - •abese imams are of a character to render them puma- • , duty to my Govennment will not permit me to allow their hemes. 11 this principle Jo correct ethen•it ma ha rel m e t eem goods lower than Any othe RICH FIGeD SILKS, in new styles and colorings. AN AUDIENCE OF THE SECRETARY AT WAN,. • Dently, or for a long period, unfit for duty, may; ir theft MY name te rest under MU a breath of cen h ' y Sure said t attraiters, rebel sympathizers, lagereds, and coar ser, AT RT. W HIT E. ,frienes denim it, be remootd. The existing floe weather - There is but a small idea abroad of the real mode of is b ng improved to get all the wounded in as comfortee • Non will. therefore, be kind enough to state in writing aide, who may choose to stay at home and-oppose the seteeke DRY GOODS JAS. It. CAMPBELL &CO 'S performing the practical business of the Govern t ble narters as possibje Bat where there are such a men . whether or not lam to conelder your remarke, made at Government and the war against the rebels; haw) a per ___-------------- • . 1 Olarkeville, as intended to reflect upon my conduct as an feet right to make laws for and role over them whose \TARNS BATTS, CARPET-CHAIN. ..s. , - ee • 1 tf 727 CHESTNUT STREET. , STAPLE DRY GOODS. Fiore a distance, it seems that the President and heads ron Dude conitautly °tainting the tenderest care. it must of departments are like so many oracles, constant! officer or a soldier be at muck suffering will exist even under the best • • ' y Bur' mellow) syetem of care and treatment. - 'patriotism has deprived them of a privilege dear to every Respectfully, your obedient eervant, freeman. That the Breekinridgers should be unwilling to- NO. 471t0 HT II THIRD STEM'S% rounded by an almost impassable barrier and only to be 'The following le a anal and correct list of losses in *I LLOYD TILGIIea&N, let our soldiers vote is not singular, when we refect that f Batting, ef all grades. 2,000 Bales o , , Brigadier General P. A. (J. fe. they manifest mere ease for the slave, of rebels than for consulted by a favored few. Each is imagined to be Gen Bus tendon Corps in the two Lite engagements: sma 1 000 Bales of Black Wadding. DAMASKS, Linens, Towellinge, ) GEN. PILLOW S REPLY. the soldiers of the Nerth.-SunburyeAmericats. . - L• C. 11.DKES., Hosiery, Glovee• e o dre lied in fine clothed, seated n a throne of state, an AITIES I E NIN 11 ARMY CORPS, SEPT. d CAM If TR T 800 Bales of Wioking. pgaineLpgra,,, FLANNELS, inankete, Bleached Cottorm, being approached in the most abject rammer by the half ' 14, -1862 JAMISON Klee Sept 21 186 ff A SCHEME OR mom-The North , American T i 1 000 Bales of Cotton or ne. .., i . . WHITE GOODS, i • .- do . zen who are admitted to hie presence, talking to them Neter-Gen. Reno, commanding, killed. • • Brig. Gen.-Tilghman, G. S. A. says: We wonld warn the pubtic to beware of aikeen which is now afoot to poll a large fraudulent vote Your Dote of to-day, stating that you had been in- genie Ovriones Mnie cty for the , Demooratic ticket. Itio well , knowa with the mein of a king. lentil Waehington- is entered - - _ ' I fumed that I had made use of remarks in Fehrua v in ibis i - n GOO Pounds of Cotton Yarn. ETC, . d the Secretary vieited su ha i , c n mpresenon prevails, .. Kinen Wn'd. Killen Wn'd• Ring r - that numbers of foreign•born persons applied-to the draft f Colored mid White - ~',0,000 Pounds o ALL AT LOW PRICES. au , but after the suitor bea had his interview, he walk • • Filet Division-Gen O. B. s away - :Wilcox commanding 4 8 n 276 last reflectin upon you as a soldier and we officer in g conducting the defence of Fort Henry, is received. • commissioners to be exempted frommititia duty on thee Carpet Chain. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO. thipking what e ninny he had bto bette ' ' • • • •** ' • In reply, 1 state that at the iime and place referred to e eon ve anyttangof eecond Division-Gen. S. d fbi li dthtth ear I.' groun o eng a ens, an a ey were gnome uin their application, This woefully expected as-it-bag hap ocl-tf 727 OHESTNUT STREET. the sort. . ', D Boargen commanding, 1 .. 9 112 80 1 made s few brief remarks, expreseive of the coavie- C'oo Coils of Manilla Jute and Cot- --- 'Third Division-00l E timed. everywh e Is a d th r ' hi lion then upon my mind, that the works of Port Henry e e ar "' a ' ere ere,. not eg was , .. / ' Merchants visiting this city to purchase DRY Since the rebellion began, the War Department has •- * thoug ht o It. But since the close or the timefor ezemp were prematurely surrendered. ton Rope. .., 11 T. S MODGRASS been the Mecca of none, I h , Harland, commanding .. .. 2t 28 yal w o bow St the shrine of Reerawhe Diviedon-001. This conviction was forced upon me from information- teen, lists ofell-thisparticular class of -exempts have been Alto. Cleterlet Yarn, Bed , (lords Wean Lines, and a 00 an 0 G DS will d nr Stock large Vir. power, and every day hundreds of visitors enter its doors. 111 P Stammoll come which I then believed to be true. Subsequently, and while obtaieed by- 413110115 well-known Democratic peliticians nli todi of Goods in tbe above line, for sale bY I 3 ' and admirably assorted, and at • .„ , nio . o de , atFortDonelson 1 receivedfromMaj Gilmer engineer d ill a' 1 f tth th ' • ' an . s outgo ar ac at e courts are-crowded with- I Tbe great majority stop On the lower floor, their bagman mar " u g '• • **** •• . e '''' *".' en" al- ' - '• - °a aPlilieations of foreigners to be naturalized/ The reader A. 1 - 1. FRANCISOUS, Low FionnEs. In certain, classes OLOTH_ HOUSE, being with the Adjutant General, or Surgeon General, or Sept. 17-Firet Diviefon.„ 220 44 264 , / duty 'with you at Fort henry, and present during the as- will, of course, see at a glance the nature of' this. dodge. a 2,g, 433 ELS.IIKET and 5 North Ftie CH Street. of Goods we offer inducements to Quartermaster General, or Chief Commissary, or others i Boit 17-"Recond Division 7 29 121 493 18 Pe t. 17---Third Division.. 840 212 743 70 nito th t t t t tfftet f b • • sa n a pos ,a s a emen o aa san ot e cirotim• me. e .ie s eee erase Ali aa , announced, will take 011,00- Only • o etances connected with its defence, which satisfied my ' - - t-jr Id NO. 84 SOUTH SESOND STREET. fth bd* mind that my first information was incorrect and that days after the election, so that it is thought there will; ' _ purchasers unequalled by any other house in 0 esu or mates. Very few ascend the stairs- to the 5erit.....17-Ranewha .Div'n 5 7 83 14.5 23 : not be time enough to place on the enrollment-the names th k uid 1 d ..... 00. , nee e wor co not ong have withstoo so "morons an• e WOODEN AND WILLOW W ARE. Philadelphia. sel6-2m ARMY AND NAVY GOODS. holy ,of holies aboven-the Secretary's reception room- ' a snit. It i to ath t h and ihei e they are again sifted man call` th I y Ingo Total ..... 29 121 549 2307 , 148 n e clerke, tal i killed, wotusded, and missing in the Ninth . ei as _ s proper s-9 awen my remarks were mode ,I had no - unkind personal feelings towards-mem but t ed fe ei s of th newly. na roadie r gner . Thus they will be ableeto go to the pciis, vote the Democratic ticket,and• . yet eecepe liability to draft. But stiorp•as thins trick was. ' YIN AND WILLOW WARE THOS MET.,II.IOIt &00 or that geniel gentleman of most arbitrary auth 't A ' on y e Corps, in the bettlesofSanth Mountain andel An- WOOD -- e e "a " MSIf d th HIM b vi f A 1 BH4 PLAIN WEAR FOR FRIDNDS. T. an or , e ary uper Roe o rray yew& tet „ . . were - the result of a conviction tamed n on erron' in formation. Y " u s -* meant to be, it will net be auccessfue Thee ritetrahal, it i iit known,. will-haee at each election precinct an agent to- ' Very respectfully, your obedient servant . genre. A. fair proportion, however, crosses the threshold- Tiedamages done by the rebels to the canal are nearly Gan obtain the names of those who are liable to enrollment • _____, all repaired, and the -water was to day let into and below •J. PILLOW, Brig. Gen. 0: BA. h b ale b 1 d - ' ' . A 11 FRANCISOUS, ~,,, • ENGLISH AND GERMAN IMPORTERS, A FULL STOCK OF FANCIES. sello.l2t of Mr. Stanton's audience chamber. Win:Meant as has been the business transacted therm- Hamer's Fern. In a day-or two, our supplies for the ern& nhioh heretofore have been wagoned-all the way -still the room is of the most ordinary style, The fiber he ' froneFrederick, will be coming by canal to the very spot ' LATEST FROM TEXAS. w e ave not omy een p ace on the lots, and the• • Commissioners will place all such additional names among ! e p ee , the m erephh , Appeal , Beet. 28 J the others from which the draft is to be-made. Those, t After a tong absence, we again find upon onr table, the- thereformethe want on exemption .becatiee they have 133 MARKET at d 5 North FIFTH Street, ' FANCir CASSIMERES. of plain boards, the edges rounded, arid the nails shining when they are required. . n eue t en yv ee kiy N ews o f t h e lo t h k ei t, f t pa h l i e h ee not already been registered, wilt find theinseiveswofullY rElLAlninozem., , 40 AND 42 NORTH THIRD STREET. from the multitude who bavdpaseed over them.. It is a s ' •••-••• , „ the addrees of the Governors - of the four trane-Missis- Intstakem Black Oaseimeres. small place, about twenty feet by sixteen. The 11 wa s are M N L TER FRO ORTH CAROLINA-. taped States, and explorer's gratification at its issitareee. -.........agea5n0p...------..... 01101,L' DEALER 1.2 V i', It thinks there can now be ao more misapprehension as The Blue Reserves.. . of no describable color, being, however anythin but or- 1- • g e to the objects to be accomplished, nor can any ma res it' . HOSIERY, GEoirEs. mon Cassumeres. nate. The paint is dingy from age, and the main 4. Cott *I , g . 114e1 o ea leg en a e y f L sl - 111 CII d b senate, entertain a doubt of the necessity for a• proper .... Parenzenettia, Bein 26i 1842: WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. 'et ) „ . ....aye yassimeres. stain by the rain leaking through ed from above. On the' Governor-Union Regiments Fill- concert or action and matnal =dental:ding between th e :Po the Editor of The Press : Black Moths. either side, a door leads into the private rooms of the ins,- up. four States represeuted by them, in order that we may be Bin :: Your coerespondent, writing from Williaresperti Aheaye ea hand, a fall Stook of Shirts ana Drawers, 4 - 4 Linens. properly prepared for the present emergency. tinder date of 20th instant, mentions that the Gray an& Secretary and his clerks, and two unwashed windows, at •Se Ben, N. 0., October 3, 9 o'clock A. 11.-The • )3 It - f thi, ' ed te, ' Black Beavers. Hon. Gay M. Bryan is now in Riohniond, for the par- ine eseenes o a city enDeort ; Fencer elillerne ee n, wave; CHURNS, MEASURES-03E00MS, . , . the end, let In the light. On the left, le an old-fashioned Unit States transport ;steamer Baltimore leaves Bean- f tl tP'dt D " h Battery in the advance on Williameporn Md ,on datum pose 0 - pram ng o reel en nen t 0 trteasUree re. "'" e WHISKS Ladies' Cloakings &o. grate and mantelpiece, the former filled with crunched fort th mornin via Fortress Monroe for Baltimore. day last: Permit nie to correct yourscorrespondent bet ; g commended for these four States, ano asking his appro. s Fanny Woolens, Linen C. Hdkfs. OOMPIUSING TUB paper and. tobacco quids, anti a stone ink-bottle, doubt. All e able-bodied negroes in eastern North Carolina val. Ile is also the bearer of a communication from the sayiog that the Grey Reiser-yes werceat no time tit or FANCY 13ASKE'VS, ' LARGEST STOCK WE HAVE EVER OFFERED. lees empty, standing alone on the latter. The furniture are behg seized, by order of the rebel Secretary of War • four Governors to the eminent and- Representatives of ' the other States of the Confederacy. near said battery in the advance on that town, and. that the Bine Reserves was the only Philadelphia regiment ' COOPER & CON ARD is about wrath)" the character of the room. Ten plain and ea Mei into Virginia te work on fortifications. Major Wm Armstrong bad arrived from Richmond supporting that battery, and who also occupied the ad- FALL, •WEU B + and 4 t r egr ref4l-88 647124 Manufacturers of Shirt Fronts. .3m S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET Sts. / ht a bed chat a 8 ch etraig -b e r, et ae can be reality made Oeve nor Vane° Nee called a commit of the leading veith 62,000,000 for the public service. vanoe daripte the entire affair. I•snerely,mention thia. E LOOKING•GLASSES and WINDOW PAP E., on.em iii HE lit NEW MOURNING STORE' for two dollars apiece, and a boOk-ease of the plainest men a JIM State, for the purpose of taking President character, are distributed about the fl d Lin 1 0 t 1 . ti i t id ati U oor, an over in oo yecen proc UM on n °cone er on. rdon that facto may be known. Yours trul Mr. George Holland, who bad • been to Sabine Pass, 3", Ate Mt Beaummat, Orange, &c., to ascerteln the truth Of ruenore A POLL ASSORTMENT OE CLOCES, F ALL. , , 1862 - NOW °MN .e.T about the prevalence of yellow fever, reported that the one corner is a trecretary, with an armchair before it, war m tinge are bang held daily, in adjoining counties, e ' it' b ell S • pidentic was preva mg ay at abut° Pass, but there 111 pty - lasts, Keelers, Flour Buckets. Nest Boxes, No. 926 CHESTNUT STREET, the seat of the chief clerk. A tall desk, in the centre, for the purpose of filling up the loyal North Carolina had not been a Bingle cage at any of the other points." 4 : v L ANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. . EVERY VARIETY OP DEEP MOURNING is the Secretary's post, and behind one of ale doorshangs rest - meets, which are addressed by Hon. 0, H. Foster, - -op mom CORN, HANDLES, AND W , IRE s JAMES KENT. SANTEE. AND an aged straw hat and rusty coat, All bears an air or the Affinnistratien candidate for Congress, who nag OrlieJai Army Vote of October, Mita nrirT eteriE MON_EY MARKET VISILADARDS) ROLLING and aburtraz flifff, s a co MOURNING . BONNETS- rA ' the severest economy, and, were it not for Arne beautiful Daus rmet with - great success. Cos. Voting. Bee: Dem. _ . __ _ 002-tlestat little pictures, of victories sehleved in the Mexican wari Six new companies for the famous Ist North Carolina . Adams 4 11L 2e PHILADELYSI,t, yeti:Met' 0,../042. AlleRlsell; it- . - 12,45 - lender a apectdative demond for gold the market wag FLOOR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS, nummus AND JOBBERS one might ttink such to be the intention. ~- have then sworn in, the brave Colonel Potter oem- - 14 1024 CHESTNUT STREBT. Rebind his dealt Mr. Stanton stands, with rotted face and meind* h h ed f hi d nm, w o as recover roro. a woun s, received Beaver ' 57 Armstrong 6 126 very firm, at 128012,3% bid. Old demand& continue OF --- ------- 143 Sa SCHOOL, MARKET, and Dta NEB BASKETS, E M NEEDLES DRYGO 0 Er S . - ckbeard. Hisclothes areio lain in the race t attack i ' heavy bla eee arida , and his n on Wash ngton, in which engage ` them bear evidence of a walk upon the doily Avenue. At melee his regiment carried off the palm. Bedford "Berke . _ 4 33. steady at 1190119%. The good•newe from, the West 8 15 • 21 442 104 gave a decided firmness to thee Stock market„and- prices, Bucks * ....... 10- 153 100, eiceet in one or two instancee,are the setae as Satin. m i n Bap, beige, Blacking, natenes. Sled% pan'ewe , Nos. 239 and 241 N• THIRD S PIDIET, ABOVE . -- -- his left hand druids Mr, Potts, the chteederk, itarge man, On' Wednesday last, nine of our tdckets took a Hite n e B tl r _ 7 181 88 day's, and some quotations noting-an advance. Govern- Carriage!, Robby Horses, Ac , &c. BARE, PHILADELPHIA, ', se • • - with eeectacles, and moderately-mortise in his moustache pit and repulsed fifty rebels, near Bachelor's creak, Cambria * . 9- 1.15 , LAOES hie' d 99 merits were bald yery firmly the see tie 11 mien& I se lee attire now open their urinal ; and whiskers. He seems to onoroug nn erstand the acme fifteen miles from Newborn. Carbon 9- 241 le - ' ---- Ail Goods sold at 11 eee . ee .in mall quantities at 105, slims at leix, both closing routine of the place, anti Wake kindly to all w h o eon _ The Unionists in Camden county have petateneil 'Centre t ***** ' * ''• ' ' - " LitIRGE AND COMPLETE STOOK ••• WHITE GOODS, • • Ch. ster . 8- 232 6 very tunny. Pennsylvania this des& are a crowd, each one President Litwin for permiseion to drive all the rebel . • le 204 4 eg Rees were weedy at 95. Gay ,OWEST NET CASE PRICES. , 2 OP i .* ' LIN NS Huh him. In trent c se, an d anxious"' SCatillino * " u Clarion awaiting en midi' Y e the wins. families ot of the county. If granted, they promise Clearnele - - 6 132 2 sixes, old, were steady ; themew advanced X. Reading 4 ' lecurities were in demand , those of 187 a• advanced x tzi 5 Yonne," AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, , z pering mitten ' has atta etio ined the privilege, and is tell. two loyal regiments for the Union, half of which are Clinton 173 29 1. LARGEST STOOK IN THE UNION. Aeneas which will be found a more than usually it. EMBROIDERIES. tor at the &Greta ' " b e on a 1" ry s light hand. . • already raised ee one of cavalry and one of infantry. Columbia 2 44 2 Susquehanna Canal sixes were firm at 8.7. Pennsylva tractive varlet" of 0 A , , . - . To each one nin Stanton listens, says a word some:. -Recruits for the North Carolina Union r • egiments are Orewford g 187 15 , Dia Railroad first. mortgages -rose X e secaad do., I,X. . . , .., Strlngers visttiag the city are twrited to look through Cumberland ** • *** . * .......... 6 116 40 Chesapeake and Delaware ()anal sixes sold at 83. Pillio n' Ineetishment, which is the. largest of the kind In LADIES ' DRESS GOODS ; g , , - - A . - times of explanation or approval but , Me ' • ~a.Wid ' • • • 2 0 0 of- dame. er, ly, oeuvre; iD i Sinntthe heroics conauctdf-the Fled, ;Dauphin... ... . e ......U. _ IS4 .. .....- - • 2 ° delete% and auninery inmate were steady at SSX Bole 1- • bit manor, Also, the ouly W holeaale agent for H. W. wcc proval 02 reject:ton, and, patientlyhearing him out, stands ein the enganment at Washington. ~ • --le.- ;Ddaw_pne..------ ----------- 2 ° -- -- - ----°ee--- - ee o - • 117 A. full amortment of the above on band at-T- 4 te 1 - 28 -_-_ kill oinvimition sixes were a shade lower. namden. and Also a full assortment of et . - -• ' • - ready for the next. They are from e atinioefooe ~......-en ---- - e- -- -- --- - -- e------ - ----- ee p a i ene • te Yette FeTtiell6 CLOW:Kee WRINGER in the State of ELEREIMACK AND' 00011E00 PRINTS, ;.- PstroSe, lo whit% addltions are mailed' an se try, many being of the militaiseeete , --e-etoenefew 'its- 3- 14-3 THE SECOND VICTORY AT CORINTH Fulto• ' 77 Amboy sixes, 1875, sold at 98)e; 1867 s at par. Ma , P53[414'84)10,, nalek-2m . _ ~,--essoie are d sod - , tot _ _ ene ,......e. o n ne eer n ne , . sie , in their newer , e , , e „ Franklin ~„ 7 82 - 4 27 details and Erie sixes sold at par, lakeira Ohattel tens d _ ---- - - - PromAMPLPIIIA-BIAIM GOODS. - ' NOVEra r r.T;VeS. ' - -_-- -.1 - " beet clothes, whilafotherti do not mem to h , _ -eve Paid the @TRENGTK - OP - THE CONTENDING AlleflP3--TilrEla '' 1312 n 2 1 2101213 - •- - ***** z ---;. -• 5 132 _ 2O at 48; the sevens were firm at 98, Schuylkill elavigse DRUGS AND ell Emil trA.LS. -,,,.....e.e..e5eee-eAnetewe fig - Cash buyers specially invited. s.2t_tf - ,---- - Seoristary that teener. One man, witn the longest and BITUA.TION BEFOR•E Tun STRITAGLE. Indiana • ••• • in 204 ,en eion elexies ivera steady at 6)( ; the preferred advanced ----oneweeenee.,... ne ' - '''-'•"•------- ' i fb I r - ' lite e e - STREET. ugliest pa rooo s eve seen in po sel tee brings ... Jefferson 6 185 41 s X ar rii 0 1 X. h f . an2B-2m ------ i - 37 l'el -77-- e" ____lo24__OHE The telegraph inform us that Corinth, like Renegues, Jnidatire..... . . e nee o . o a ana rose ,t o pre erred I. Lehigh 14 °BERT SHOENIA.K.FeR l - Ir AL,L . • CAN NOW FUR- • - TILANNELS•- -1 . log them to Mr. SlOnton, who looks askance at the en , The foiloning • corregrondenCe• from General Romer/me Lawrence ----0,...„ _ anna thinai Was firm at fiee .o , Readin Jo co, 1862. 1862• ju le yea an gaieties and other benevolent associations velope of one, and hands the whole back. Stich things arrnye.written before the battle took place, shelve what _Lebanon . -• • i t h ri an niels at much less than . the agent's present . ____.. ___ __ __ _...... s____ __ ._ . preparations had been made to meet it: r_ Luanne ' ,w a 80 2 1-- - e55.........-________, .... .' -s-- ! 17 291 49 better than on Saturday. They solaurlng the day at e 3e k .-- , ' UMW% Corm lOIJF.TR and RACE Streets, . prices, haring e time lam able and bad my stock Wm . , are oi as man Waa Pa a 0 ".....y P.a . .'" 0, maim paPer. [Prom the Obleagcarlbune, Oct. 4 3 .. , ---- --Lycomieg....... ..... 0 177 91 North Penneylvania opened at 11%, closing ~it lower, - lOHNE/ 3 . DEM : Pita & 00 -, - willing to sell very cheap. All wool. gray. 32%, 35. and A grardlooking personage neat introduces to it ei t-e -.sore- - , _Aitur GI/ rim alrestSsiryi, McKean . 1 63 2 which Was an advance of Xon Saturday's closing figure. ' 4 7 ell wool red 25 2TX 30 32% 86 and wrg; tary a solemn -looting man whom he balls iijnage " GOitinris, -aLtaa...,..Eope..-30,4.1.62., Mercer 11 303 9 PHILADELPIIIete , „„ en ,_ , 4 0 0 I i 2 . At the time Braggfirat threatened the forces of Buell Mifflin . T 89 75 Long Island rose x. Pennsylvania sold up to 55X; liner red twilled, 81 and 87% ; heavy gray twilled. 40, The judge tells his tale and leaven An intellectual two large divisions of this army (of th file " - 1 - 0 tasissippi, Monroe 2 58 5 an advance of 1. Oatawissa rose X ; the preferred Xi WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, (summon to Abbott, Johnes, a Coe) 45. and 60; heavy blue twilled, 45 and 60, with a choice mon, with a visionary collection of white. from 25 cents rip. Shelter Flannel; _ , gaze, shows numerous draw- ere temporarily transferred to Buell'a commend a 4 lei tom w . ,wc i- on * ery . ~ 12 199 91 Norristown sold at fa. Little Schuylkill finettisted ton 117 "MARKET, AND 424 COMMERCE STREETS, suitable for ladies' sk , . Irts full yard wide Heavy Canton begs to Mr. Stanton, who takes a sidelook at one, quickie ing his aggregate effective force to fully 50,000, and sub- Nortbammon„,...... . ... - - 120 10 ea n en e 22 n o w eto i et a d y f 1., een Aan , c g a e a r-a ec ine o n o INPORTMRS AND Oldenslelta Flannels at 22 25, and 23. Bleached Hamilton at 31. X. returning it, and t ng ano er g ance a in he . ski th 1 tit • t memeotly when Cincinnati waa threatened, other troops Perry . .... 6- 120 61 ' ut b Id sodetie wee and many other goods that will eso to s y owner's hand. This suitor is an inventor, and has a 'e e ede a d fro Beaver Meadow was firm at 61. Elmira rose 1. the re belonging le r wer t che ne the comine.nd and Philadelphist ....- 1225 914 , e IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF 0 i d t ed h o un er he totem order to and of General Gordon echuyikill 18 ' 446 89 ferred ,X. Minehill was stationary at 48. low. The above prices are by the piece, but wilt be oat eobeme w hi c h, if adopted, will infallibly being the war to Gran i vi , G al B * 8 ' ger, ea ng suer creorans with only ationt nyder 3 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC at a email advance. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, ' 26 4 There was not so much etrength in passenger railways, "INDOW Al4O PLATE GLA.SS; • B I . 14 EC , ec6 St NO. 1013 MARKET Street. a stinceseful elose. Officers come-colonels and generals 40,090 effective men, with wbich 0 proteot ettr railrosd Somerset . 5 225 62 - •-el • 4 their stor and no and thus hear after hone communications en some seventy or eighty -wiesper I .s. i s i i mites of road Sullivan 2 68 30 a alight falling o being obeervable. Race and Vine Im. . An r'ES' DOB CAS BOCIETIE S, L-- - the current rune until the fatigued listener retires to the ana the advanced lines of our picket& ficespnehanna 6 87 17 named X ;Green and Coates' X; in Chemin and Walnut . 'When Pike was driven from luka ort the 19th and Tioga 8 135 34 and Thirteenth and Fifteenth there was no change; MANTIPAOTVSERS Or AIDS, and charitable associations, will please no- privacy of the next room. 20th. he marched hastily south to Bay Springs the firet Union ' a 77 24 Spruce and Phloem X ; Girard Offilegedeclined 1 ; Arch "v GOrlirwt ' HITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, .ho. FANCY ' DR - - --. }l ee o a t w e nave ono of the largest stocks of domestic goods and articles, such as they nee in Philadelphia, most • Tins is the daily office and communion with the world day. thence via Marietta and Fulton to Tnpelo-his old Teranito . ..... 2 70 4 street X -all desire rather weak, the market for the f man WhO COuthole the expenditure of nearly four entrencbed camp, and thence he has marched northweet Warren ..... ..... 2 72 a of whist!' was bought previous to the rise in cotton and e a to Ripley, where be was joined by the forces of Van Washington 1.8 254' ma other securities closing firm. A very fair business was Latina POI TES 012LignitarirD Nave now Opened an entirely ars and commands one f the len fabrics, which we offer for charitable purpoees at hundred millions of doll , 0 .ncrd. VOO 'W ay ne 5 128 9 done, but fell considerably sheet of that of Saturday. FRENCR. WINO PAINTS. - NEW AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK., IR ' b the acka e. Ravin for *iffiest armies in Ohristendom. The whole thin de- ' IL rincb less than the price y p g g gr g many years impelled most of the Dorms Societies of this notes the plainness and simplicity of republican imitate Minn tble • place, upon which they are ant* The combined forces are now about twentY. five miles Weetmoreland •18 440 187 Bank shares were inactive. wed to be Wyoming ' 1 37 g Drexel &Oo quote ' city. we feel a full Beane/ince of our ability to supply , 9 233 103 . • Dealele and eineasmere supplied at ENGLISII., FREI'4CH, GERMAN, AND le Hun Goode their wants and save each a censiderab . th h t mi ed however, with much woes- making a ffiroed march by the way of Jonesbsro and Po- York none, oug ne nu x , oshontas,and oherwalia, (the last two on the Memphis New York exchange parel-10 Ms. VERY LOW PRIOEs ytyd. CASH. AMERICAN . win he cheeritilly shown, and mitterne and prices given, Barn baste arid seeming neglect In that chamber have so that any who may wish to compare with other stores been the moat wonderful men of the na . and Utimieston Railroad i with a a on tion All have -- o tt s column by die - ------ 1 Boston exohange . . temel-10 pm 1,351. ama etawireare - Exchange - pare ji dia et2o tf way of Month e The ceradles of Blair Bradford, Cameron, Erie, Fo- ------- --- - - may have the opportunity of doing so. gone to that desk and conversed 'with the Secretary he. It is inedoubt known to the rebel generals that the rest, Greene, Lehigh, liontonr, N h bri d Pik Country fund 5......... .... e ... .. I. fici X die, DRESS GOCODS. R. D. &W. H. PENNELL, on um ean , e hind it. They were on a perfect equality with the 111134 army of the Steeiserippt had been redaced for the purpose and Potter, no returns received, but have understood "lettuall gold 2'2X 023 X gm CARPETS AND OIL ()wills. , oc6-3t* 1021 MARKET Street, below Eleventhell 19 019 Old Demands. ~ a % een , - lin the land. The humblest pre unobtrusive individua o e strengthening Eton in Kentucky, and Wright at Oin- the proportion is about the same as - above table Algot a full antortrnent in Menet'. and that Rosecrenie effective foto° did not ex- ' QUertetmasterie vouchers .... 20 8 die. . LEN ECHO MILLS. - ii OTWITHSTANDING the recent ceded them, and the moat unknown would relieve. They ceed 14,000. They knew also that Gene. Wright and Ord el Allegheny and Lancaster ti th te cotm es, ovo given is The Franklin Fire Insurance Company has declared a Wiii.TE GOODS, RIBBONS,GLOVES, great rim in domestic goods, we will continue a wereell of them parts of the nation communing with ite b a d gore t o Ja c k s on, Tenn , with aearge forae fr . = here, Republican and Union. semi- annual dividend of six per cant., and an extradiyi few days longer to sell, he the pieces our stock at last Government, and all left the place, whether successful or and then think Rosecrans. and Corinth, with its large, 1 - Owen, Koltes, Schimmelpfenig, and Banter's regi- dend of ten per cent payable on and eater the 16th of SHAWLS Jzo • i God II aed Muslin, 12X cents; • • d to th 1 'y -week's low pr coo o nbie ch not in their mission, with a profoun respect e e pa- leelletliel store houses, are easy prey. Bea what they merits, on account of fraud, &a • are not counted in the r GERMANTOWN, PA. leached 12X cents ; heavy Unbleached Canton do not know is that the command of General Roseorans vote of Philadelphia, - .- °Mob( r. . Which they offer at the very Lowest Market Prima end good B 't • dßi hed d 25 ents • good Menem of ite occupant. has been reinforced by two Bike divisions of the army - The American Fire Insurance Company have declared A.,,, Flannel, 20 con s , goo eac o , se , ---- liancit the attention of Cm Trial& aullie- Calicoes* 124 cents; heavy Gray Blankets, el 75 each • 1 7115 PENNSYLVANIA SOLDIERS' RELIEF ASSOCIA- ot Vele Teneweee, and inetead of 13,000 they will find New York State Politics. ~ a dividend of five Melee s per share. 2% yards wide Bleached Muslim, 46 cents. A large lot TION IN WAMIINOTON. a thoreughlyeffective army of over - thousand, with , ot Linen IVieCA.LLUIVI di Cam VARD,OLLEMOREOSaCto.,.• Goods at the old prices. a large propertion of fine artillery, and well entrenched. GEN. WADSWORTH'S ACCEPTANCI OF THE NOIII - D. &W. H. PRITNELL, This noble charity, which numbers among its mem- No doubt one pickets have been already engaged with OFFIOIAL BANK STATEMENT. WISELY ATISAOII3 OF TEE PEI.I.ADELPHIA BASKS oce.Stee 1021 MARKET Street, below Eleventh. bees some of the first citizens of the Keystone State who their sdvancegnard., - - • NATION FOR GOVERNOR. , -E. . n I ethloie 'yen a min of the four ortheastern counties LOANS. &exam Gen Jas. S. Wadsworth, lately nominated by the I 69 9 ()HIST le U T it T MAST, rIHOICE DRY GOODS-Just re- i " e • re . aident in the capital, has for some time past been of Misissippi, which will enable you to comprehend 131111E8. --... . ameliorating the condition of the Pennsylvanians now in Union party of New York as their candidate for Cover , , betteethe past present and future movements of Gen, 1 Sept. 29. i Oct. 6. Sept. 29. Oct. 6 d (opposite Independence Rat s ) Noe. 617 CHESTNUT and 614 JAYNE @tenets, %el ceive . . at. hospital here. It has labored effectively, and as its ef- Reserne , a :nye and you may be mere that Gen Rose- nor, bas accepted the Nomination. In hie letter to the . -,-- --- -.1- _ , Brown Paellas, Plant and Figur Brown Wool Poplins, Double Width. forte, owing to the great number envier its care, have war will kp it moving and fighting, if he is permitted resident, of the Convention that nominated him, be de. Philadelphia... l s4,l4s,ooo 84,132,000%857,01R $858,000 - - rellreetlTlDlEl34l, IMPORTERS, AND DE &LABS t tensive the t asory is well nigh exhausted, Merincee of all Shades. been mos ex , re to do.'l re will be a fight or a foot race within a ' fines his position as follows: North America.. 4,471.723; 4,471,781 663,62 e 562,155 Have now open their Wool D'laintes, Plain and Filmed. and it appeals for aid to the benevolent in Penneylvanta. few Mys ; for if the enemy do not attack us, we certainly - • - Farm & Mech.. L 184,6151 5,243,010 1,085,095 1,084,381 I think 1 cannot be metaken in assuming that the will itrike at lihn: The hero f W t o es ern rg nut w Vi 1 ' ill Commercial..... 1,888,000 1 1,891,000 251,000 25a 000 IX Cotton sad Wool D'Lainesee-a nice line. To aid such an organization would be well. directed cha- reettnit a 'rebel arnir to come within fifteen miles °this 8 leetion will turn o o th it f • p n e nacelle y o sustaining onr Mechanics' 2,139 000 2 182 000 208 88a 208 96e Figured Merinoes. Battened Government in its efforts to uphold itself and e ',' ' ' (3 ARPETIN 43'13. FALL IMPORTATION ii neuters without brnshing their clothe for A toil line of Plain Shawbe rity, and it gives me much pleagure to forward to you a he s , a therm - maintain its territorial integrity, and espeolally noon the - - N. Lihertaes.... 2,184,000 2.12e,000 349,004 351,000 A. full line of Gay Shawls- circular addressed to 3 our citizens. 3. 0. , -411 " , - proclamation of the President, tented to that end, and I 214 198 1 264 857 199 868 189 330 Southwark- • . , y y y y y KengingtOn s y ... 949,84,9 952,486 137,866 /39 278 One lot of Black Figured Mohair's, at 250. . referred to in the fourth resolution of the Convection. I p , OIL CLOTHS, &e. six lota of Brown Alpacas, choice. TO THE PEOPLE OP PENNSYLVANIA. i THE WAR IN KENTUCKY. • , - esm Township 1,00a,983 1 002 630 10. 268 174 445 / car SILK AND FANCY . entirely approve of that proclamation, and commend it weeeere Ise 7 738 7 , Bol ' fit y, Ria ' a7 , , Rri ' ma A full line of Classimeres. • The 4 ' Washington City Pennsylvania Soldiers' Relief l e to the support of the electors of New York, for the foie - --- '' ' -, '--- ---'-' - s- -P -EWS DOW on hand an extensive stock of A. full line of Vesting. evements of Penns Ivania Cavalry. Association " - makes this, lb second appeal to you for e e- ,Y. _ oven , Man & eilech .. 1,644,445 L 671,400 145,170 145,240 i 1 g reasons . . , eJOHN H. STOKES, Commerce ..... 567,904 605,e48 ' 166,452 165,nel t eil id in further rosecuti the tans It has now ;lie Louisville Journal, of the 4th Mot , contains the I. It is an effectual aid to the speedy and comnlete tartennga, of our own mio other makes, to - DRESS GOODS SHAWLS Mang ocs Y 2 e O2. ABoef setreeit. lita en a , p ng p f ' • t fth f t - I' Ini fla b 11* Si •h. rnatured. It does so, net because its first appeal was +rowing no ice 0 0 movements 0 wo foamy V& a inippression ote re e ion. xor mg, t millions of - Girard.......- 2,320,085 2,364,797 278,716 300,872 Tradesmen'e ... 763,175 773,373 129,833 129,974 hid we call the attention or csah and short- ' GOODS, VDWIN HALL & BRO., 26 SOUTH not n• obi generously reePondid to, but because the new co sal regiments, who have, ever since the war . teegan, whites, having bad • time to organize their Government exigenciee of the times demand corresponding efforts and bin in active duty in Kentucky, and the participants and atm their troops fed and supported by the labor of • 1 Consolidation... 930 ill 922 449 110 297 110 423 , , , f City.. .. .... • ,044,009 1,087,906 146,360 '145,255 ""tllerS' 029 fen ILI SECOND Street, will open, this morning- sacrifices of a'l of us. rd fht b ttl • f 1 f 1 tth f innany aha • ong a ie. our nail one o s sees, presen e most ormidable rebel- ... gm grg Bt. 76 1 .7 Beautiful Shades of Peptizes. This detected' nhi rto longer a mere experiment, as Iwo regiments of Pennsylvania cayalry-the 7the Col. lion recorded in history- Strike from this rebellion the o Commonwealth. 650, J , e ,543 6,547 W ATCHES AND -1 EWELIt Y. - LINENS EMBROIDERIES, &e. ) 'Plain and Fancy Silks. when in June last it came before you. Then, its labors tehOOP sod the Oth, Col Wilihtule-here been in the support which it derives from the unrequited toil of these '-' . orn Exchange 805,000 800,000 121,000 121,000 Union 798 Mio 807 000 69 000 69 000 Rich Printed Cathmereit and EON. were all in the future, and it was entering upon' them st nearly a Year, and have rendered most efficient sere slaves, and its foundation win be undermined, , ••• •• ..;,•• .• • , _ 1 , t , Fine quality French Merinoes. With a trembling hope of usefulness ; now, it looks back lee, although the regiments have been on detached 2 It is the most humane method of patting down the Tette 7 -- ei e i •-• --- e ( ) B.lllERlOlasi WAI CHES .../ 7 BOUtitHT IN EUROPE BY ~ , , N.8.-New Goods opening daily. ea2s-tf nes done and is doing. Witnesses for it are in every {nowhere thee Vicinity Of Nashville With Part of his the feare of slave insurrections and massacres are en. DEPOSITS. o . fitutiLailow. IN hos} Rai in and about this city ,• and not there alone, but rand, andlidajor John E. Wynkoop has the Ist bat- tirely unfounded. While the slaves earnestly desirefree. Boots. GOLD AND BILVEB OASES. CONE CoF THE FIRM. 'PALL CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. wherever, since the Association has had taistence, there lemon Beryl& in the vicinitY Of Elizabethtown, where deal, they have /Mown no disposition to Wore their roam Sept. 29. Oot. 6, Sept 29.1..0m -en - 1 fr. ..112 New Fail Cloaks (maned daily. ems been a battle, or a suffering band of Pennsylvania has been 'very useful- On the lelth nit. Major W. left ters They will cease to work for them without wages, rr - 22.1 520,6t2 _ JOS. H. wArrsc.)N„, To "t an the attentian er /ba nide la nartieniarlitr e" -- Winter Cloaks in Prenaration. soldier& Ito bounty and its care wen e felt at Harrisoree ave City ore the extreme advance or General Buen 8 h u t th e y wm form, throughout thmSouthern States, the PhiladelPhia .• .12 81.9 'IV/5497 167,620 162,120 etaletint rni eith orders to halt at Bear Wallow as the oute m eacef al and docile' easantr on te a Landing, at Newport News, at Annapolle, and at 71 .0 oat P P Y hfce of the North A ."'•-'" ^ 1 229 000 361,000 318,000 Wer, 1,17.000 , , ni ' 6 °' N 326 OBEeTNUT etant. Iliad ' 0. - - ' Btrateil all.wool Brocbe Shawith ea Centreville. • et, and to carry out a thorough reconnoissance of the earth. The sleiveowners, once compelled to Leber for len -- i ''• - 1 393 000 1,368,000 402,790 411,280 Fall and Winter Woollen Shawls. • - -r - Mimics ...• I i • 564,000 118,000 116,000 ren ' SILK AND DRESS GOODS. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts. To eecure the co operation of mu:aberitin accomplishing tifferent roade diverging therefrom. On that day the their own support, the war must m it Wi r e t i liern States N. Liberties.... 1,544,00 0 1, ' e..- . . BOYS' CLOTHING. the ends thus generally stated, the Association has commend bad frequent skirmishes with the enemy, killing carnege come L to_an_and.--eaeoveliT• 865 1 172 975 64,815 52 320 "bt tnat the should Southwark...," 4,127, , , 897,119 935,068 805,320 '296 941 ' 1 WOCHES, JEWELRY, fie• FALL STOCK Fine Ready-made Clothing for boys. • adopted a Constitution, and chosen a board of officers, tw . elve ts•• fifteen and taking upwards of sixty prisone e rm e _eater hei Rereyer relieved, as it is rig .. y b he Jeers of a great influx ot African . 1a orers, Eenoington.... , RR I 5 866 62,7 193,262 .186.956 consisting in• a preeldent, five vice presiden.s, an execn. tothout austaining any loss except in _Mime sineuereine be, firm t d ti 1 Penn Townshin . eed• • 5 • i Suits made to order. • bin the relations of those Northern no as r s e ' 1 727 544 1 716 27e, 183,400 184,165 CLOTHS, GeIiSIMERES, VESTINGR tive committee of thirteen, and a- finance committee of fie/one/Jed hines. On the 20th tb, -.,. g .eamy, who were dieter g Ili t the suti- Weatern -, t 1 se en a treasurer and a recordin and comes ondin t regernentametrached bodiee • lessee who have so freely given the r yes o 861,130 906.07 , 421,785 - 424,200 GOO SILK AND FANCY DRESS DS. Just o ned several large lots Cassimeree. v , g D g ee „..„, e f. j,, me and took seven commis - c the mato "." ' e _... o ..e. tu era. noir escort port of the Government. . 13 On , . . Thi d e and the whole Afri. Man. A Mech... FRESH ASSORT NIENT LESS i ,at re ' ad d 1 item °tiny. The executive committee bag appointed a; e° r--- "e e" ' 1k.76' wear of every gr ean sty e. ,Wm ed officers o - new rank, thee er ulation will drift to the South, where it wi n 11 fl d Commerce..... 644,78 e 6/0,762 71 Sift 69 165 7 GAN FORMER PRICES. 'Gnats committeee ea h 11,000 yards Black and Fancy Ottesimeres, 76c. to $2. number of stibor , 0 with their appro. of thirty -seven infanry, four mat one, and an imbalance. can IMP . rl sat Meets of land never yet Gins rd '" 1,480,086 1,627.497 870,975 355,46 S 46 179 600 183:485 Lir r rrr.F. 8a 11011 Mate duties. They have also telected a stere.keeper, - FARR & BROT tIER, Importer., 4 4 A. W. ...._ ___ _ 0.. 6-4 Bine Flannels; Black, Blne, and Brown Cloths. P t _ 6 . me i The officers 'were OnonerForffith, chief of staff to Gen. a congenial climate, an v Tradesmen's.... 647,-V1 697 6 i , nee -1 ant CHESTNUT et tb 1 or t- 1 " no s e.ow _ 0ur.... ' Ladies' Cloaking Cloths for Fall and Winter. and provided a s ora room. The nance conam ee e • H 0 tiltevettd W eke.' hi f f taff to Gen arde • apt. c • Bragg" Major I ae o g • , e, Ke n d - es, e • 464 80 454 tft.6 218 246 232 8 Consolidation .. , . = e a 79 ' ' b21,13/9 667,897 239,557 49 ,41.3 e memo ee2s-2m No. 325 MARKET ST. DBMS GOODS. enjoined to collect funds and other supplies, and em..l 1 .., Sheppard, one of Goornor Harris' staff; Oapt. n e lit ..„ tio u Republican Convention in NeW Oity ____ dto a in if fonnd necessary subordinate corn Rep. Poplins, French Merinoee, Detainee, Jo. ponere pre t, , 0 ' add of enartermager's department; Capt. Smith, of u _ Co oneyealth. 280.534. 310,223, 291,985 805,00 Jersey. 6 9 1 0 6°l 000' 205 000 196,000 Ibliiiiiiin RV IttrilTiLittit. . Black 'Dress Staffs at removable rates. mittees to visit you, andin person ark your ald. ontri• Sharp's Missisaind iegiment, and two surgeons. In the Corn Exchange. e, _ - • t ....„ ~... - CAItPETINGS. ARMY BLANKETS. _e_ bums will send money donations to any member of th da • ' reconnolsrice Major Wenicoop lost but one ['Correspondence of The Press.] u n i on ,. 380,000 394,000 277,000 2-enuee / I di j. ALLEN & BRO ' ..,------ COOPER & utiNARD, undersigned finance committee, or to Jay Cooke & Co. two es d beh ved with d man, and his entire oemman a sit 6 letintintsleed MAY'S Littioneee lg. 3., Oetober 2 -- ---- -------- --- I • ARCH - STREET CARPET WARE - No 'b. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET Streets. treasurer. All inquiries relative to soldiers shoul d b . directed to the corresponding tecretary. i g hog gra ue of allantrm and are entitled to the last 7 926 25 419 340 5,111,474 5,095 701 The Republican Union Convention met here to•day, to Total - 24,99 , , , HOUSE. . I ' 2 C A.B ES SOLID leDa'D SILKS- Goods trent to the mire of R. 0. Hale, Quartermaste their O"nt r y . 1 . . n o minate a candidate for Congress for the First dist • riot •-•_.......................-•-•------ - ;go vA. and the greateet . General of Pennsylvania, at Hartisbarg, for the Penn A SKIRMISH 'AT FIDYD'S romt-A PENNSTI , mhe C on vention was largely attended, . _ __ 41 02 O &BINET WAREROOMS KNEE. OLDDEN & RIO sem Brown Figured, sylvanis Belief Association, Weenington, D. 0., will b - has E Elmer Mei ,or Bridge. 0- ept. 29 . ..... •• s NIA. RE&RENT ENGAGED. _ enthusiasm prevailed. ti s ,_ e c _ iow ng 3o 70 I No. 832 AB.= 8 TRENT, - Solid Bine Figured, 74 08 TWO DOORS BELOW NINTH STREET, Solid Green figured. forwarded to the Aseociation free.of expense. To this tie a , ton, was chosen De permanent Cha11133303. 41 Ilaf I, lin ... placed in nomir &dottier engross : ..3' 57 14. ROUTH SIDB, EYBE A LAN-DELL, call special attention- I A corrispondent writig to the Journal, from a Floe' 0 gentlemen were .. • n , ohn W. Gazieton, James 111. &oven Wiliteen 35 72 ‘J. 4209 CHESTNUT ST. ire new receiving their se24 FOURTH and AltoH. 'With entire confidence the Am:relation again appeatele count of a Fork, October let," ves the folleivizon eic , F. Stare, J 8 RI d II Alter the first ballot &tr. 55 85 FALL IMPORTATIONS OF, " the 10 shy and generosity of onr people to replenish cir ' •t i • ' Moore, and Dr. .rge . i enlimieb In that vlcini . . ~, e Scovel declined, saying he did not desire or expect to re- ,_____ - FOREIGN A.ND DOMESTIC WINE - BLUE AND BROWN MERI- treasury and our stere-honee. , ma advance of Re tal sus .. tinition ' lnstudina LLL 1 ti t this time, hut accepted grannettlY • 51,396 822 81 . In behalf of the finance committee, ceive a nom na on a A LARGE ASSORTMENT CARPET.INGS, i l NOES- D. L. EATON, Chairman sth brigade, of Shiloh emery, . under Colonel Edward th b d of ed from a party in whose the compliment he had receiv . t embracing all the new styles, which they are offering at Humboldt Purple rderinoes, We animal to Yon, not only because onr hospitals Ire an e agement to-day we a 0 y N. Eilk, have bad h ea bank of Fioydn Fork, where ranks no disloyal man , . lived lie was conten to con- LOW MOBS New Shade Blue Merinoes, now full, but because Pennsylvania will moon have nea l e rebel cavalry onn e t h ' 1 Their pickets tinue Democracy as aOn his fight ageinstißreokineidge Or ee27.2m FOR CAM. Light and Dark Brown Merinoee. . EYRE & L &EDELL, twf as many of her sons in the field as she hed men they on tehe s. Were heavily poet , , were engaged by a Beaulieu of Indiana cavalry and dier in the ranks et Dr. Birdeell also withdrew his name. , _ oah _ ~t e, moneii o, e. ei e e _ ce ' i was or anized W' t i mi the , Associat on g ..iner s co ng. fee. held driven back upon the nein bode - , where they were f The contest was narrowed down between Mr. Starr, 1882, • FOURTH and ARCH. 5524 oore ad II 11 It On the ad ballot, John Jan. 6 ....31,046,3 37 :, tipsn, SHOE-FINDINGS. tie' the inflate came up. Detachment!' o e e ee irk crock tin Y n a &ZS 011.• throWif ' . "1"8" '''''' ' ' h Convention 3 SO 385,119 zatIOR FURNITURE virma ., ~;,,-. -. fi n. 1 • 7 , T -0 nratrm i Iso aOODS FOR AUTUMN. clef, as you have already so generously sent o , t us veil be . specially needed, and thould be prweided at once. •We the Sith Illinois and th MIMI 'Van% were , F Steer win declared the nominee of t e t Feb. ... . . ..• • __e___ , ,,_ _ ' LA.1:1.0/7 1 1 A1ik.V.1%,13.1 PA .141.1.1111.3.11%.11110 AA Antenna Silks, dark colored Cheeks. .1 shall need money also to carry on the operations d the t f as skirmithers, nd drove them from thew Dina forward „ ad then C o l one l ar, on nio io *( 4l ' t' a the nomination was made unanienens. He Mar. 3 ... . ..... lhusua. 4 1 b 4 „ ) nd intelligence, and Will a prill ... .. .. ..28.037,691 . No sooner had t tiring common. d is a gentleman en character a may 5 ........ . 29 324,432 moo Black, Plain, and Figured Silks. • Amociation. Of this we have hitherto had an maple tion. . 1 ti m his woun recovered fro make an able revretentative. A.LWAYS ON HAND. BEST QUALITY, - New designs Fancy De Lefties. supply, bet the demands upon us are every day tamping Kirk who has Jest eufd en y ' Shiloh to eke the field, dashed forward ad ed the Convention and Mae succeeded June 2.- : ....:81,747, 070 4E/NM FURNITURE AND Bile One and Two-Otmoe Spools. Rich De Laines of lower gradee. Foil du Norde and Long Champs. t until our tend is rennin low more mgen , g The am. Mallon has at its rooms, No. 5 Washhgton hen received at d tine all the Revenants and ever refs r d -to take ad- Mr. Starr a ress F. Nixon Mr. ai7 „ e , ....83,206,661 b e AI Scovel, Eirq , Hon. Jolan I n Y • .._,. ___ * d tying them about 3' Jam 0 . there who discussed the issues Were Aug. 4 .... .....33,513, 9 u0 LlenD TOBLEIL ' Handsome and new Plaid OW:Unarm Building, corner of Seventh street and Pennernia e 'enema of every penten. Alter r et thou and o , II led d themielves to eupport the ie 3.1.........33, 656,878 - SHOE THREADS i three miles, an . mug mu . db • i able to overtake the flying -az i the people, a • nd a 0 ee , . 0 83,126 039 'Plaid Malencias a” ,l Worated. ' e .... tteetue, lists of the names of Pennsylvania eel ars n nof tit tam Es intones battery Val , , 18 s tliCiOnvii ~, -4e 2 8a C3AMPION. OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Figured Dro Ws 't Poplins and gn • the hoem. els here, and, as far as possible, elsewhere. It thie sire, a Kettle , P a brought so bear upon thim at a distance of about ene nomination made. . The remitatona susettin the e A Meinistretion of Goy. It 25 .... 83 731.,b76 tee ene , nee 24 - South SECOND Street French ok/tutees of new titYles &Big= end will labor to place in their hands and. abont b d t .. .. ' 33 899 351 i . i hich oily accelerated the rebel move . . 11 ' ii all loyal citizens wit cut regar o Sept. I . FOR WARNESS MAITUFAOTITREE I3 . New assortments of French Merinos. thousand t ards, es , l the Olden, ca upon • e t pport President St 8 34,631.3501 iii teeee e'li e .with their extensive Oaf:duet Retithelle, are h Ifttl am I c f t ht h (tavern then/ t ose e n e ess om or syec no rd it the las ditch.' The cave ry a e liticsl alterations, osu then...form r ele Ad •1 t ation and to nee all means ii es eene5,03761 e' l emrieg a etiperior article 1 0 KAOHINE•BILK, COTTON, NEEDLES, AND Stolle Sh a w l s and Striped Broche' went, however paternal, and no Government Agency. m"ta tclwa I d d th t mites far ' • charged gallant Yan r e em some wo Lincoln spit the 03113 13 r ,s , . , , Fancy Starting Flannels. however complete or efficient, can procure or detribute , .eht coinin ou the chase was Masud-mei . lif II tiara to • • crueh a rebellion w hiCh IS 22......._ 34,871.6351 B ILLIARD TABLES - OIL. Embroidered Table Clovers. It will endeavor to impart at its rooms such infermation 'beet woeni ule . ' I h of their to ere ze wa known , h Cites deep:A.lam on the mini of sr 25 .34 589071 I 3 RLE BROTHERS ' end the trooDs went /PO aaii. n the urry Kielce to erect as am 11 0 t 1 Si 826,163 _, , RA P ;36 a ae rosy conduce to the great purpose in view-the coin- • rebels left =and a large quantity of eels lib . t . i . 5, - . o . 1 . _ .......... _ .1 _____ 'O o k 4 lt now o n h d run tied with the LAING* 812 MAGINNIS• kg 4 04 an • IMMO, finis • sel2./ CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. fort of the s i c k en d su ff er i n g so ldi er fr om oar slate, . ' 1 etteat, the • r • • . C vention were markal by _ e ____ --I nme a /MON'S IMPROVED (moutons, snots TINDERS, ammunition , • All the vroceedings of the on tident , - 286,776 13 6081 . Mat . the esemenced all .e. r itt ta th bi " rh° hale °sea attain to ba , seg-lat" 30 NORTH THIRD STREET. TT , STEEL & SON, - . - ~ dstown road A correspondent we-Meg from Rae ' brirmany and enthustaera .We feel tan Itscresee ....... 1 ._. _ -o, ,e,_ all 0 ers. . ... ... 1 N "ll show their enrage at the D e eiease, . I /'' T October Tett citizens of Is ew Jersee vi d 1 - "' - ... . e.. .tieslity and finteh of these Tablas the mann- Millet-box as er So la - Idlers bave - isp eyed their bravery wi re timid:nee' 'The folio lig a „age! refer to their situeierons patrons throughout ''' ' ' ' ' SEWING MACHINES. Have now open a choice aseortment of - . , ... The fall b ttl field aen whith - owing oaths of Pennsylvania soldiers in ee3 a: __ e beret , ee e n rance ,on every a e • e V ' rr e 2lBo are familiar with the eharenter of theft • NEW FALL AND WINTER - .e.• • „y et ei o s poe f Gil t for the nee" • - weelengton hospitals have been published in the news- Om vast army is again n motion. Marching orders im e . v. .. 3 _ e _ e,,,,.. . , . . . ~ . , DRESS GOODS. - - -- -- - "`e. anell.an • Trim wu, t is. - LOOX & GIBBS , M o p r om p Enka. papers of that city : ' were received lest night, ad' 'this morning, at seven th y, n,:e „ , e 1: 1 • 1 e.. 1 . -ts . .__„_ e. „..___ e ______. ___ , . e„. 'clock, we left the city o Louisville and its hospitable ' TROUBLES IN THE 'N.IIITH. • Far to e e,e Mee , BTA T/ONERY & FANCY GOODS. . , FAMILY New Shades Plain Silks. ' Daniel Glower, .A.: 135th Pa.; Harewood Hospital. ' o coal TBE INDIANe e toy al geople behind us. T funeral of the late Gen T G nersi Dole Commiesioner of Indian Affairs, De . ~ n o4l ' " "eneenee,„. e .„„, oe SEWING MAOHINES Figured Blade Silks. , ' Edwin Bickford, K, 149th Pa. : Columbian Oollege,Hoft- e , i WaS largely attende yesterday, and preparations WES .- e hi , ton from his ouerous not to say Min la -N & QIJAYLES' have been greatly improved, making it . ENTIRELY NOISELESS, ' Plain Black Silks at Low Prices. ens). -Hebron, Potter county, Pa. . est 8" ave his remittent' conveyed to Hayfields, his bee returned to Was ng a , be in , jam... Re 1 . flo p e eell . t tern trip to p °lint d town College Hos- made to h Rich Figured anti Plaid French Reps, John Springer, A, 48th Pa ; George , ' 1 co o res en . t id ce General Jeff Davie le tO be tried be a d--- - -II " N ' Ttlivelj Wee are uiet d h e le to .an av mg ed e ea wee - ' 44,T10NE 's Plain French Reps, ail shades. pie ce lea i I have reports RY, TOY, AND FANCY GOODS and with &Meditating Hemmers, are now ready for military tribunal. All the pacers with whom tbat the Chine q to G deitages for the 'property of the Government that Previously re - EIdPORIUM, sale by - ?lain French Eterinoee, all shades. . Jacob Morris, B, 75th Pa ; Waters' Warehouse Hos. eel:vetted upon the nufortnime occurrence ins--Y en- Pay ken: There•was at one time an apprehension ; soaose WALNUT STREET, et. FAIRBANKS & EWING, PL AIN ALPACAS, pita. , they.have to ake oommon ,!.), ' 715 OHESTNUT Street. In Blatt, Brown, Mode, Blue, end Scarlet. Cliffb rne Hos- Davis. Bobt. L. Sterling, G, Bth Pa Cavalry ; u i ' ed t 1 ger and that the Northwestern Indiens would m , • 'rely BSLoW 11,11YEETH seMietf Ger era ,rt en l 0 i t den bag ben aseign oa Or Siert/Lin rebelling ageenst the Government Poll De Chevres, Poplins, Delaines, TAM. ' f action he having within ' the lest few canoe with the PfiIIetADELPHIA metal wider e Mire o , 2 have an dee that the white • This authority. They teemed to , I li ' • WHEELER - & WILSON. And every variety of New and Ohn_ine se!miona . ble Deem BusiLn r I 83d Pa.; Georgetown College II . • I; ° et ' 28th Penns Mania; Mount Plea- days, been placed at the bead of an army r e c 'e G f p (ienerals warrims wore all upon the war path Reeled the r ebels, , . I }IA % PI ' c w PE.-Vitrined Drain and .. . , Goode. Also a large assortment of Richard Owens, 0, Y BLACK STELL & SHAWLS, sant Hospital. • ' • dd d visions corps is composed of the seem i e . Smith and Crittenden's original divisions. • an y . Gen d the • therefore conits initiate offendve no veteents with p ea ..„ . the PIPE 1 3ln SEWING MACHINES, LONG AND SQUARE WOOLEN SHAWLS, al M. Lath, 0, slat Penna ; Clitiburne Hoepital. 7ood ' ' i r bri edict.' will take command of the ecmparotave es etY f 0 I Pope Mines it expedient arena t It bi an over nee, e m eada ..,1 rote /ibex bore up, with every leUett AT LAST YEAR'S mucus; Balton Granger, K. Ist Pa. Rifles; Car ver Hospital. 1 a Cake, a win o it i ler the Govetnment to exhibit its an n tt ec y I t 'r eed of ten then ' ke i is ~, p rDonohee, Traps, &0., warreated equal ' division. David Shatter B 7rh Pa.; Armory Square Hossital. the direction of Bards- powering lone. Hence be entrees a t 0 al Dole A bbi tCs !nand, and at ism rates. The nude:- 628 CHESTNUT STREET, l op a vprEq p rin Te p ee n e e et ve.v A NTA SL.LL3 al .....l ..1 , 00••• .0.134.1116.0......4 r ~ . ..., . ..0 0. ' ' It dlld kt et Pleasant We marched from Louisville in 3. F. Brown, F 7th ho esan ; ou e ~ ih I' d A operate in the Nerthwes em 1 re re tented as being n eav eee :men , 0 ener il at s e , •,.. toari,.where the en 7 3 P t i et yi c T o rrouted in one of the largest - and beet e or i can- d ' t t the Sioux warriors now actually host e i al ' ample , OPS DO Pe ''' * %rabid strongly =Med. Gen. Crittenden s c V , , are they as formidable n • lei i aY In this co try f th nfacturit ' * *8 e we _ __. tue or e man .. 15 .,._. -c„ 'le 26 3 OW PHIL . 15EL InA . . ; Full Line of Black Shawls • Uriah F Lselley, A. 7th Wieconsin. • e a- * ftb divisions above named, took the centre OD much above a thousand, nor . leee • ' DO Othar oma „.., artieles, defies competition, boilt , . eating o a ictored them General William Rundle, I. 29th New York : * Oolumbian Cone le re and Generals mpearance as romance hes P of Black Stellate , ' the main Barnstorm road. GOD. .01108 mot Un e States tro as en , . it d "" 415 . PETER B.' MILIOK, Full Line heir - divaions, took the Dole, in bis return toterner, ' buten . ~._ ih,„ ! oraoe and More 721 CHESTNUT Sala, .. OAK') PRINTING Neat and Cheap, vuu Line of Woollen Shawls. lege Hoepital. New York city. Thomas al d atitcheth with t nee "tell o n tee e , EYRE ,k L &ODELL, James H. Fettle, H, 56th Penna. ; Mount Pleasant sdi throe h She erdeville. Generals route for St. Paul, Minnesota. tifi l l e „ . Gatiwon sad Antinacits messy ‘,../ at RINGWALT & BROWN'S, 111 O. FOURTH FOURTH and ARCH. Hospital. . turnpike rval le ng g e , 111184 Street, below Chestnut. ace Ben , - • , Clearings. ilalaaoss. $3,604641 02 $333 872 04 3,111,080 70 180 733 74 4 80. .. ...... . Oct. 1 4,085,074 OS - 277.018 45 " 2 ................. 8,425,667 14 223 494 03 Is 3 ................. 3.685,005 72 178.908 31 t; 4 .......... .• • . 3,811,265 81 203,733 30 821,122,7 8 C 51 151,3 i The following statement thews the condition of the banke of Philadelphia at Noxious times during the lad few months : Increase ... ... . 238,7761 13 608 . 1 Decrease....... .• • . ••• -1 15,7701 The 1g:111011.1%g ere the Sftlciel tables of the foreign trade of tble port for the week and dace Jaanery 1: •IMPORTS. • For the week. 1860 , 1881. 1862. Dry - goods .. ... . ... .81,682,619 8547,940 51,548.274 General merchandise-1 2,0414 62 1 142,403 3.041,723 Total for tbe week.. .8,703.731 1,890,352 4 589,997 -evtously reported.lBl,,llo,lB7 100 061 768 183,515,425 !Mace .January 1....186,113 963 101 768,118 138,106,422 EXPORTS or.raopoos AND 11311011ANDI811. • • • 1 880 . 1881. 1862 • For the week. . . _.....12,7ge 288 $8.042,333 58,870 '4 60 reP0 rt 1F1 t ...66 . 961,586 93,014 908 102,839;988 Since January .1....69,157,193 96.067.241'106,710, 893 zzrowrs or armors. - • 3880. 1881. 1862. For the week 5889.419 S 1 7t3,074 Previously reported... 42,180 711 6,404,825 43 936,828 --- Educe January 1... 42,870,130 6,404,825 45,649,902 THE WAR PRESS. (PUBLISHED WEEKLY.) TiS Wii Panes will be sent to subscribers by mall (per 6111111111 in advance) at 82.0f' Three Copies st a d.roor Fb sl tt si 8.00 Tea ii 12.041 Larger Clubs will be charged at the same rate—thus 20 copies will cost 1624 ; fid copies win coat $6O, and 100 copies 0120. For a Club of Twenty.one or over, we will tiered air Extra Copy to the getter.up of the'Club. sir Poolanagtera are requested to sot as Agents toy Tni Wia Pages. •Or Advertisements Inserted at the usual rates. SIX •lined constitute a Kinn: 200 .... .b 5 89% 21 893 i 29 do 39 31 29 do. . . .. 39% 25939% 100 do ..b39 39% 300 do ..A3O 893§ 43 Pi:IIIIIII 8.. . . . 55 20 55 % 25d0......:... 55%, 12539 'Pen na 95 3999 Elmira Obatloo. 43 558 eohl Nov Prof.. 17M 130' . ... b 5 17% 98 do .35 - 17% 13 Norristown ar. 50 131CTirEZ SEbnira B - 17 1 Penna B. 6F ; It 240 Ostawina 13 - Pref. 13X tiIGOOND 1250 Sal Ntrr , 82:. 33 1000 d 0.70 N 15 Norriat . orrn /Loth 50 320 Little Soh .Nay:.: 22 20 do . . 22 - 180 L Nerd ' 8.."... 23X. 1053 3 Thila&Ertab M.. 2 Morris 0ant4.... 58)i 40G eetit NnT Pret.: 17N 150 do . . .... .14'1734. 60 Bela NW; .. . 100 Eletowiseet It Prof 14' 50 '.do 1e314' . 150 Rending 12 r 3729.4. 465 204 100... .' .65 39x AFTER PhiladellOin CSOBING PRI Asked'. 11. B. efl 'Bl. ..<,.,-,104;p: 1.044 El Tr 7 8.10 15.105 - 105'h Philads (21....../05k , 101 • ' Philada 80 new 3444 105 Penns 56. .95 964 Beading —32 3 3-16 3 04: Reid IA 65 , 80'48.107 Reading 'Ode '70.131 102 Rend nit Si )88_ 98 osg Penns 8.. . .. 58:X 55X Peima P.l to 6e..110 ILO x, Penns 2m .88..103X 104 Morris EU Con.. 583 59X 6iorrte 001 Frell26 wily, and HO bbls. choice Ohio do , all on private terms. • Bales to the trade range at from $6e55.2.5 .for superfine, $8.50m6 for extras, and from -$6.5040.75 for extra fa mily and Pitney branfs, as to quality. The receipts sad stocks contin me light, and holders generally firm in their views. Rye Floor continnes scarce and .in demand at 83.75 bbl. Corn Meal is dad, and Permaylvanie is of-- fered at .3313 x Waiter comae in alowly, and pricee are lee2c bet ter ; about 5,990 bilabeia have been disposed of at $12861- , 1:35 for Pennsylvania and Western rade, the latter for Specie. Cllrctil'n. Depoolte 5,688,728 2,145,219121,39 8 , 014 1 5,884,011 2,144,393120,06 8 , 898 1 5,881,108 2,343,493!18,541, 198 6,888,424 3,878,9701 18,838,538 6,049,636 3,769,59221,316, 814 6,583,482 4,335,01224,884,8 44 6,646,007 4,749,220 24.307,782 5,860,187 5,028,070 24,658,289 5,6'2,730 4 997,935 24 217,855 6.662,806 5.008,851 24, 041 . 8 W 5.483,051 6,002,418 24,237.682 15,548,18 0 5 071,865 24 697.598 15,546,857 5,192,935125,062.171 .15,516.044 5,177,587124.780,168 .15,449.02716.17 4 , 6 m 3 1 24,194 . 214 5,940,140 5,111,474124.997,926 I 5,453,718 6,095.704126.419,340 Mums, Sales, Oat. 6. JUICER, Phil*. Exchange.] BOARD. Philadelphia Steck E] (Reported by d. ;N SLAY: rrasT 150 N Paine 8... bb 3 IA 200 do bb 113 13 do 1131 300 do TA 11 200 L Island R 2335 820Beadieg B a?pg Bch Nat Stook.. 6Al' 6% 80b, Nov Pref... 17% 17% Bab N 6084,.... 73 74 Nlzatra N. 16 18 Nlmira B Prat. 284 30 Elm 7a'73...... 08 800 Philadelphia Markets. Ocrosswe--leyerdag. The Plow market 113 inactive, arid prices -without any quotable change. 200 bb)a. good talperfine eol4 at ti-5 25; 8401)bta. City Mils extra, 800 Bed-stone extra fa— choice lots in store, and $l. 00611.60 for White. Bye le selliosi on arrival at 72e740. COM dawn, Dill tinielt: at 70c for prime Oats continua in request and - scarce at 41e48c for southern and Pennsylvania. ' BARK bas advarced i and about 60 bhds let kto.l Quer-. camp sold at $.53 tY ton. COTTON —The market le firm, but very quiet, at pre- VlOll9. quoted redo. GROCEM AND PROTSSIONS are tirm r and the latter very aulL &rens —The arrivals and sales are light, at 8 6 / 1 6:123i, for Glover, $202.12% for Timothy, and $1.9001,95 for vlaxseed. - WHISKS ie firm ; tbe sales are email at 350 for 'Western bble, and Mk Wr gallop for Dredge. Philadelphia Cattle Market. OCTOBER Si 1852: The reteliate of Bed Cattle are unusually large this. week, reaching , about 2,500 head , ; the market in conse . quence fa very dull, sad prices fully 250 the 100 lisst lower than last quoted ; first quality extra cattle, itificht are geSkre.e, selling at $8.25 4e' 100 los; fair quality, $708; ordinary, $6,6007, and common at 304 c 41f- lb, gross, as. to condition and quality. . The market opened very poor this morning, there being, very lithe, inquiry except for extra steers, and moat of ' the butchers are buying sparingly. ' Several lots of :Row ter county steers solo at our highest quotations, but most of the stook on sale is of ordinary quality. At the clam no improvement was noticeable, and several lots of poor cattle were disposed ,of at still lower prices, as the re ceipts are much larger than the demand. - 3000400 head pill be left over this steak. • The receipts are from the following States : 900 bead from Cheater county. 800 head from Ohio. 4CO head from Illinois. 155 head from Indiana. 60 head frrm'Virginia. " .46 head from Maryland. 'a be following are some of. the principal sales : Fellhimer & Eirwin, 85 Ohio Maws, selling at from $7OB for fair to good quality, and $11.5004, gross, for COMIDOXI. & E.B. McFillers, 150 Chester county steers, selling at from 0708 25 for fair to,extra. Baroisit C. Baldwin, 40 Chester county steers, at from if 808.25 for good and extra, and 42Wesbern. steers at $l. 06.50 for lain Fuller & Brother, 100 Ohio and Virginia steers, selling at from $7..006 for fair to good quality. - Smith & Mooney, 106 Ohio steers, selling at from $7O . 8:25 for fair to good quality. • fcr Cochran 8,7 sicoali,-300 cheater and Delaware count' , steers, selling at from $7.5008 for fair to good, and 06m 7 for common, as to quality. I'. Hathaway,loo Cheater county steers, selling at from $7 5008 for fair tagged, and 25 Ohio steers at 52.54. 03 gross, for common. jonet. Motdese, 25 °fiesta' county steers, selling at. from s7e7 60 for fair to good. P. hic,Fillen, 53 Ohester county steers, for George G. Young, at Vie 8 for fair to good, and 110 Ohio steers, at from $303 50 gross, for common. , Malan & SebaltllßrEf 08 Chester county steers, Mire= $6BOB 50.f0r good to extre, and 67 Greene county, Pa., at from $803:75' gross, for ordinary. J. Abrahams, 40- Ohio stems, -selling at from $7OB for fair to good; Smith & Rice.' (salesman, N. Werutz,) 64 Ohio steers, at from $6 5007.50 for fair to good. • S. Scott, 39 Maryland steers , selling at from 0706 for • fair to good. H. Hood, 70 Chester county steers, selling at from $6 5003 for fair to good quality, COWS AND OA.LVES. The arrivals and tales of _Cows at A. P. Phillips' &venue Drove Yard reached 100 head, selling at from $lB to MT per bead for springere, sad $2O to $l6 per bead for Clow and Calf. There Is very little demand, and prices are un changed : a f. ;w , poor (lowa sold at $15016 per head, ac cording to quality. Csnrss —Thereis rather more demand, and prices are well maintained ; first quality selling at from 4050 4P' and second do.'at 303x°, as to weight and quality. THE SHEEP MARKET. The receipts , and sales of Sheep are very large this week, reaching about 6,000 head, which is an increase of 2,000 head on last week's receipts. Prices af first. quality Sheep are well maintained, ranging at from $404.50 4, head, as to quality, and stock Sheep at 82.5003.25 head, as to condition. . • Lhasa quality are scarce and prices are Simi ranghight $2 5004 4fr bead, according to quality. THE HOG MARKET. The receipts and sales of Hoga at A. P. Phillips Avenue Drove Yard reached 630 heed, selling at $506 41 1 ( 100 ihs let. • The arrivals and sales of fat Hogs at H.- G. .Imhofroi 'Union Drove Yard reached 2,459 head this week, selling at from $4.7505.75 for stilifed, and' from $5.5008 100 . Ms net for cowered Hogs as to condition and quality. The following are the particulars of the sales Jerry Gilcrist, 607 head from Pennsylvania. Ellwenger, Gross, & Co., 153 bead from Pennsylvania, - Wm. Br! ant. 116 bead from Ohio. W. M.- Gallagber, - 94 head from Pennsylvania. W. A. Kifer, 98 head from Pennsylvania: Jerry °florist, 82 head from Pennsylvania. Glass &Leeds, 81 head from Penneylvania. John H Glass. 97 head from Pittsburg. Jacob Leiby, 75 head' from Pennsylvania. Messenger & Co , 81 bead from Pennsylvania. A. Heckman, 77 head from' Pennsylvania Ellwenger. Gross, & Co., 160 bead from Penarylyarde-- -- Geo: Emerick, 171 bead from Pennsylwaff- --- Homes & Pt:direr, 305 he: Nllwenger, 11-32..hr0-in - Ctilefigo Fuel Market. [From the Chicago Tribune.] It has been circulated from Month to month that there was no coal in the city and very little wood—that winter . was staring us in the face, unprepared to meet it—that even the rich would be compelled to suffer in conse quence—and as for the poor, what were they to dot Meantime, coal advanced $3 per ton and wood $1 60in $2 peecord—and what made matter s worse wits the re. • fusal of hard coal dealers to sell at all Not withstanding it was piled mountains high in their yard's, they refused for some time to sell a single pound at icy price. The cause of this panic is as follows: When the rebel army crewed into Maryland, and three:tined Pennsyl- VPI3IB, Governor Curtin, of the latter State, issued a pro clamation ceiling the militia into tervice, and the entire country was swept of laborers ; the coal districts were completely stripped of callers, In this way an arm,' of 70.000 men was ratted, and kept ready for action. 11 was lien that the panic commenced, and every coal dealer in the country was telegraphed that their orders could not .bo filled at present, and that there was not much, proba bility that they could be filled this year This Panic was imparted to the local dealers, and from the dealers to the public, _and then every housekeeper discovered - that he wanted coal. It was going clear np to tv. enty dollars Per ton, and they must lay in agood supply ! Ti would never do to be out of fuel when it was high—and, gathering all the money they could command or borrow. they castled to the coal yards, stool their turn at the desks, and bought liberally. Never before were people so generally 'provident about laying in their winter'a ftel. Some, In their anxiety,laid in twa seAsou'd supply ! Cates are numerous of rimed fernilio a worming 'nine and ten tons of coal who cannot near five tons it they kept every stove , in the house res. leg night sad day from October till May The panic was in/P .lled to the interior of the State, and orders came in here so fast that it was impossible to fill them.. This 'continued for two or three weeks till the hard coal dealerse stoppe ahnestd sell- ins et any price, and then the perms bcame 'mein. Ten, eleven, end even 'twelve killers per ton Se offered, but to no purpose. The panic in coat caused a el:oiler panic in wood, for which there wee no cause whatever, except one of gyms thy ; but the wood deal ers were wiser than the coal men. Theyted sold all they bad at the enhanced prices, and con trea to deliver as mach as they could at the same price t hi s f a ll. They bad more faith in the woods of chigoe, Wiacopsin , and Canada, than the coal dealers had in the mines and miners of Pennsylvania Bat the consternation in coal proved to be a bobble, and it we speedily pricked by•tbe Army of ts•ss Potomac. The retreat of the rebel army across the .Potomac, and the dear:rras of "Young Napoleon " that 4 , Pennsyl tniaoo imilitie,a s saf" caused Governor Curtin to. dieband his 0,0 men, and now the colliers time hurrying back to their mines to supply the urgent detain , for coal which has been created in their sheet ce. The stories of coal•dtaleee and agents to the frightened populace, that .• them were no miners left in she mines ;" that " coat could not , be bad for love ,or money," no longer hold Rawl', and nervous bonsewiies mar new sleep sonodlY, nndistorbed by iststitnaares of Conti:0001one can.ei by Darning up sofas, &Mite, and plano.stoois. tr protect them from the rnd e blasts and severe frosts of winter. • mu§ ior COATI . ON OM 30, FOR TWO YEARS. 1862. 1861. 5.° 00 $ 6 50 Lehigh.................... 5 650 0 Sago.. ......... ............. 10 00 Lackawana .. . ...................... lo 00 6 Briar ...................... 800 SCO . . . .... ............. 800 600 ........ .7.50 450 3 60 7"Ptiola' .......................... .. Iti7prict aof coal sear asd.lapt; and this In th e tate of the fact that We 'have lecPlyed 45,000 tons more up to this date th•a fa 1861 There insY, it to blip, be an incrome in the consumption ; but we seemly htlievo it to be Min the increase in the supply. 422 Ibtenrisem R PrC 131 fr 150 d 0.......... 133 150 do cash 13% 60 Qalawieea R. 200 Little Gehl R.... 23% 50 do 21% 50 do 22% 360 Areerieett G01d.123 2 Betwer Meadow. 61 13 p hil a Bk 1111 f 700 City 65....New.1043 600 do 1014.100 6 Blears B. Prof., 281 6 Marcia Oanal... 60 30 d0. , ......,.58,4 10 LehigtScrp..,. 331[ 1000 Own ec /tea 613'67.100 CV 50 - Rene & bins B. 93i 30 Green & Coates. 35 11000 Phfla & Erie BLICO 20 Chea & Wal—ba 45V f.BOO 11 . ti 6a'81.:....,161' boeitllts, 100 thitswisea B 4,4 lowyown & Am 63 '75 9814 10 ri P'enna ••- BOARD. 82 Penna lota 55X. 20001"enntr @ ht t0,..1103( 20017"-Penna II" •- • 11. m. 100 Spr SrPiae..bswia 15% 7200 Ilhes & DOI 64.... 82 74 abigh Stirip 2d ye 83 gi" 3000 Penns R2d m: .103 N 7triatb Bc-15th-31;:a. 23 1000 City 0"4 New.lo4* 5000 enFq Canal 6a; .tra• 15'0easwiesa aj 200 Val ~30 Tr L btk . .105 2000 do .end.lo4' 1000Itisdhig - 0:1 mg- - trARDS. 11:5 4%, ES--111111: Ea Asked. 1, Wand R es.di 23* 23g; Leitel 64*- 65 al arNavenl3. 33 90' SBX lA - Penns 8..... 11* 11* li`Paß'Ba• 83' 84 SN Peana - eie1f.20234, los% Elataw IS Con... 43f 4X CMV9I/987:1 Prf.. 14 14%. taileuth'lclL. 50 See & Third' ES It 71 BO Raea&Tine-stall 9 9* W Phil& 8.. 54% 69 Space & Pine.. 15%. 15% Gr Voaras' -34% 35 • Obeat d' l 4 - elnnt 41% 45g Arch-8t 26%. 27 Thlr APift'nth. 22g 23%. 6even it , filne'th 7 9 I Girard College.. 26 57' 'Tenth & Blev'tb 36 ..