The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 26, 1862, Image 4
THE CITY. 12ZEM 8EP1163.1131111 25, MI. SEPTEMBSS. 25, /332. (IA. at. 22 rt. 3 r. 3 b A. st.. 12 u. 8 71X 7 62 68)4 ' 66 . WIND. =AID. E. 8. MEETING.. OF CITY COUNCILS The liosetalitielof she City Tendered to the Commission on the Selec lion of a Navy Yard— ' Extension of the Water Works—Extension of the Term of service of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department—The Mayor's Super. vision of the Highway Department—Expen ditures, &e. The regular noted meeting of both branches of City Councils was held yesterday afternoon. SELECT BRANCH Eel at ball past three &cloak, the president, TITEODORR Comm, EMI., in the chair. Petitions and Resolutions Presented. Paitions for the laying of water•ptpe 'on _Carlisle "'Thirty•foorth, and sycamore streets, Twenty.faurtt: ward; frem Richard Lbng, for the payment of a claim; ;and for the curbing and paving of Sigel and 6tber &teats, - in the TwentY.Sret ward. were presented and referred. Er. Ratan offend a resolution instructing the Highway Deparixotnt to grade, crab, and ,pare certain streets in Yranklord, referred to - in a communication from the Chief Commissioner of Highways. Adopted. A communication on the Presldent'e table from the 'Chief Rogiteer of. the Fire impartment appointing a -clerk, and one from Captain J. M. Klapp. of Co. F. l2let Regiment, P. V., tusking information, were laid before the Chamber. Deports of Committees—The Coal Contract of I'arker and Oldfield. , m r . kitcAhr. chairman of the Committee on Water, submitted a report, with an accompanying resolution, authorizing the t hid Angineer of the Water Works to lay water pipes In Forty- tiro street, from iiaverford to Marker, Hobe street, :rem Olford street to Lehigh ave nue, aid also In Broolth n street, near Haverford. The resolution was adopted. The same pi-Alen:en also reported, in reference to the contractor Pinker 8 Olcitleid, for famishing coal to the city, that, in 001181.(111811C8 of salving eironmstiutoot. It was neceseari to snout the contract between that firm and the city, to date from the Ist of July last. An orch , mince to this enact was submitted. The reasons for its adoption are sot forth in the report, Mr. liAzamtwoon Opposed the 1)118130g0 of the ordi.' canoe. Be thought it was the business of this dun to take into consideration all risks and damage likely to ar rise when they made the contract: Such had been his rule of business. Be thought the firm should be held to the letter of the botd. Mr. Mitoeny stated that certain parties, upon whom the firm reilOd for tilting the contract, had refused to sell as beretefote, aid the firm was totally unable to carry out their stipulations. After some further dismission, the ordinance was on from Fre derick Braley president the Company, calling the attention of Councils to a breach of the siarc«ruent by this company tinder which the water it drawn from the ratrinotint dam. The agreemeat stipulate: that whenever the water Is drawn Delo w the top of the dam It ehal be stopped, so that the navigation of the river piny not be ib.poded. The water la at/W daily thus drawn, and yet not stopped, as agreed. Re ferred. Ordinances Presented 'and Passed. Mr. WEinzeihr. eubitted an ordinance relating to the Government cominiehion on the selection of a site for the navy yard. The then section was read, providing t h is the Mayor of the city be nemesis:A to extend to the geu • Heinen compoeing the commission the hospitalities of the city, &o. 'The second section provides that a committee, consisting of the presidents of the two Chambers and two members Iron , each Chamber, be appointed to co operate with the Mai or in the dudes prescribed by the ordinance. The third section appropriates $3OO to pay incidental expenses. Adopted. • !Minna presented an ordinance providing that the consent el the city be ,given to the occupancy of Willow (hove Avenue lino, between Chestnut Hill Hail road and the township line road, where a hospital build lug may be erected. The tender of the grounds is made by Mr. Charles Heebner. .&copted. Mr. BAIRD prestuted a resolution providing for' the tr stponetnent of the lime fixed fur the election of a police magistrate for the if taunt oistaict Adopted. An ordinance tiutitoriztug the transfer of certain items, from item 4 to item 7, entitled an ordinance making an appropriation to clerks of Councils, was offered . On motion of Mr. WItTIIIIRILL, the resolution was amended so as ,to make the amount of appropriation ($bGO) a epecial matter and not a mere transfer. The ordinance then parsed. Mr. Fox pr 'anted a resolution relative to the payment of certain grapnel rent providing that the ground rent ' payable by the city upon the market property, situated at Broad and Mace streets, which, prier to the present . year, has been in charge of %hematite; department, shall be and is hereby mode payable by the Commis:loner of City Property, the said officer being empowered to dis charge siroh duty. In reply to an inquiry, Mr. Fox explained the necessity of the resolution, when Weaned. Mr. Dorionnazv presented a report from the Committee ea-Highways relative to the pavement of Salmon street, with an ordinance. Laid over. A resolution was submitted, requiting the headrof de partments or the city to present estimates of their ex penses for the current year. Adopted. Ordinances from Common Council. . An ordinance from Common Council supplementary to an ordinance regulating the fire department'providing that the term of the chief engineer shall be three years, etc., was ooncurred In. • An ordinance approving the sureties of David M. Lyle, chief engineer of the fire department, was concurred in An ordinance to authorize satisfaction on the official bond of George Gaw, collector of outstanding taxes for the Second ward, in 1859, was coaoarred in. A resolution to enter satisfaction on the mortgages of William Holmes and P. Ticknor was concurred in. An ordnance to snake an appropriation to pay the funeral expenses of Colonel John A. Bodes was con curred in. An ordinance authorizing the grading, curbing, and paving of Cedar and Summerville streets, in the Twenty fifth ward. Postponed for the present. The amendments of Common Council to the ordinance for the detence.of the city were non• concurred in, and a committee of conference appointed. Nomination Confirmed. The nomination of Mr. T West Blake as clerk to. the Chief Brighten of the Fire Department was, on motion, 'unanimously confirmed. Concluding Business. On motion, the vote by which the contract between Mesas. Parker A Oldfield and the city was annulled was reconsidered, and the ordinance relative thereto made the special order of business for Thursday next. • COMMON COUNCIL. A number of petitions for gas lamps, water pipe, Sal, on Otatain streets, were submitted. -The Funeral' of Col. Holies. Mr. Hemp, chairman of the Finance Committee, sub mitted an ordinance making an appropriation of OW to pay the funeral espouses of Colonel Bolles. Adopted. Extension of the Water Werke. Mr. Baize submitted an ordinance making an appro priation of $9OO 000 for the further extension of the Water Woiks. The resolution. accompanying, that the ordinance be published, was agreed to. Paving Streets. Mr. Quote, chairman of the Committee on Highways, reported an ordinance authorizing the Chief ,Comocia- Meter to enter into a contract for the paving of Cedar street, between Lehigh avenue and Somerset street, and to cause the property owners interested to pay the costa, in case they do not pave the streets voluntarily. Agreed to. The Fire Deportment. Mr. LOUGfilLill; chairman at the Committee on Fire .and Trnste, repot ted an ordinance making the term of service of tLe (dila* Engineer of the Fire Department three years, and that his celery be increased $3OO. Mr. Ds Roan wee oppoeed to the extenelon of the term of service of the 011181 engineer.. He believed that the Biro Department ebould bo changed, and the time may soon cc me. In caeo the engineer wee foisted upon the city' for three 3 ears, 1 , 741 may have to , pay him for service which he may not render, in case the office is abolished. Mr. Limon raised a natation whether Councils could extend the term of service of the chitf engineer, who welt elected for:two years by the firemen. The ordinance passid, with a promo, it Provided the Department eo long exinte. , ) Message from the Mayor. The Mayor 'returned to Council, without his signature, the bill making appropriations for the repairing of bridges, culverts, &0., damaged by the recent freshet. The Mayor states the amount named for the construe lion of brldgee, is not warranted by a report made to him by the Chief surveyor, for which $40,000 would appear ample for such purposes; widlit the sum of $2b,(00 for repairing hotels and culverts is greater than the original appropriation of the year, and it is believed, from inquiry, is largely la excess of the public neceedt tiee.,• The objections are-worthy of attention, in view of the nnurual expenses, of the current year; but they would not have been allowed to retard necessary repairs, if theternis of , the proposed ordinance were not in plain violation of the act of consolidation. -Tide prohibits mem byre, whether as a committee or otherwise, from the per formance of any executive duty whatever; but the ordi. nonce in question enacts that the work of repairing and reconstructing the damaged bridges is to be done under *sae direction of the Committee of Highways." The Mayor suggests that an ordinance be adopted ap propriating each sums to the Department of Highways as may be deemed advisable for the repair or reconstruc tion of the bridges and of the Jolene, and that the Chief Commi, stoner of Highways be authorized to proceed with the necessary yea in accordance with the plans and under the supervision of the Chief Engineer and Sur veyor. The conrideratioa of the ordinance was postponed.. Mr. QUINN offered a new ordinance appropriating $50,000 for the construction of the bridges awl repaiging the Inlets. Mews. HARPER and Lion argued that the amoun was even now too largo. An amendment, altering the amount to 840,000, was agreed to, and the bill peened. Further Messages from the Mayor ' The Mayor also returned, without hie gignature, the bill appropriating to the Highway Department $ 25 , 0 00 for repairing tax utile, and $lO,OOO for repairing roads and unfitasited struts. He objects to the bill on the ground that the yearly appropriation ought to be sufficient for the purpose 'I he appropriation this year wall $l,OOO more than that °that year. The subject lu all tosrpAned. • Another mel sage was received, returning without hie approval, the bill changing the place of voting In the 4th 'precinct of the Te buts , second ward. The bill was again taken np qui was no: passed. - City Policemen. Ilmsp.ssers offered a resolution of inquiry, that the Committee on Police report, on Thursday next, the present number of the police force, substitutes employed, Au Agreed to, The Volunteer Militia• Mr. Sauna offend a resolution tendering the thanks of the oily to the Gray Beeerves.•Home Guard, National Guard, Con) Exchange itegiment, and other citizen sol diery for thoir prrmot response to the late call of the Govtrnor.. Agreed to. A number of bills from Select Council were concurred in, and the Chamber adjourned. TEE NORTHERN HOME .FOR FRIEND LIES OHILDBEN.--431z children were yesterdatselli to the Northam Home for Friendless children, theli mothers having been committed to Moyamensing Prison for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. The little once were, as may, be supposed, in a shockingly filthy condi tion, with inanely erflicient ragged clothes to cover their shivering limbs. The fathera of these little ones are now on the battle•fleld and are known to be lor aro men. They may' rest assured, however, that at the Northern borne their children wul receive that kindly care and culture which they, have not recently enjoyed. The Home,.we learn, Is receiving many more children ' than can be hound out at this time, and is very much crowded now, heririg no lees than 210 children to provide for. It should be the duty of every citizen to endeaur to prevent c r restrain the, improvidence that may be no ticed in one's neighborhood, otherwise our charitable and .penal inslitntlone will soon be to full that they atm re ceive no mere Local committees, or individuals, can do much good by dinouraging dissipation, and by re ;porting the incorrigible to those gentlemen having the .disbursement of the city retie; .fund. JiWIEI/1 CELEBRATION.—The &wig 11' Ireettym of Bosh Ileshonah, or the New Year, com menced on Wednesday - evening. Tide festival. Is. sone peculiarly sacred to the Israelites, and is observed with,. great oelonanity. It hi the commencement of the time eel apart by sacred Scripture when the leraelltea are atm. moved to•niske atonement foe th'uir OLne committed da rbirthe.itet 4e-ar. - • The B,ehouah commenced on Wediitaday eye. Ding at atinfitt. acd termit atee this evening. During lbeise two days no busicesa is transacted br the Jews, and all secular attain - are banished from the Mind. Ono. of the peculiar core monies attached to this festival le the blowing of-UO bhophar, or trumpet, to the BYlLl gogue. This trumpet is formed of a ram's horn, and each sound has a peculiar shimbolicsl and allegorical al lusion conneoted•with the history of the JOWL CORN OFIAN GE REGIMENT.- - --The ball of the'.oorn'ltichange Association fe olad in mourn. its, to testily the grief felt for those who have Mel In the Corn Yu:hence Regiment, whilst fighting for their.. country. In .Iricreei,denoe tunare,`a'ziaw i tent.will erectcd to.dsy, to reorive recruits for: ihts`iEglin3nt;' which the OitiZeltk,' 'Bounty _rand. bonunfttee have re volved to consider a veteran one, though it has been only four weeks in service. Tlits.proceeding Xdrie to the toasts and seryices of the regltnent'ln ; late ngstrecacni4. f MOD28110r• NE. by E. N. by It THE eOLLEOTION OT TUN NATIONAL TAX IMPORTANT INI3TRUOTIONB TO TM" COLLEOTORS —Tile collectors appointed under Melee cent act of. Congress, .-to. collect the national tnx, age making their arrangements end will won't:eminence ope rations. The Coinmissloner of Revenue at Waehington bee hut leaned the following Important regulations which are of vital interest to our business community: L All mechanics, except those who merely do repairs,' must be registered as manufacturers, and must take out a Herne° as such if their arena! sales amount to %A GO. 2. But mechanics and tithe , manufacturers who sell their own manufactures at the place where they are Pro &lord ere tot 'conked to take out en additional license as it - utters: This does not include rectifiers, who must pay both licenses. 3. If manufacturers have an office, depot, store-room, or agency, at a place'dlfferent from the Mace where the goods are Made, or if they sell tbo manufactures of others, in addition to their own, they must pays traders' as well as a manufacturers' license. Thug, a tobacconist who both makes cigars and keeps for sale goods in his Has which he has purchased must take out both licenses. Soy must a druggist, who also makes patent articles, or medicines, &a., for which he he a private "formula or • receipt. 4. Persons beeping bar-roome or saloons, forthe sale Of liquors, must take mat a liquor dealer's license.' If the) also !umiak food, they must, in addition, take out an etitiug-house license; and the sale of cigars, ,to., re quires a tobacconist's or retail dealer's license besides. Billiard tables reunite a special license, and bagatello tables are reckoned as billiards.. . 5. Con:minion merchants who are aro ehip or com mercial brokers are required to take oat two Menem 6.' Grocers Bolling .floar by the barrel, or salt by the seek: or any other articlo in the original package, ere r( ached m sholt sale dealers. 7. &s meat be attached to the papers requiring them at the time of their execution, and must be oblite rated by the person writing his initials upon them. Telegraphic deepatchea must be stamped and effaced when' delivered to he transmitted. Alert railroad and telegraph companies are not required to stamp their own deseatches over their own lines. 8 Arrangements will be made with the collector of this district to supply stamper to parties desiring .to per chase 860 worth or over, at the retell of discount eats birthed by the Treasury Department. 0. Doles and bills of exchange drawn for a certain sum, with interest, alit be !damped * according to the principal rum Foi'elen currency NW! be estimated at tfie real per or exchange; the pound sterling, for Instance, at the rate fixed fur toeeteigns not at tho nominal rate of $4 43%, Poe at the market rate of exchange, which is now some thing above the real par. 10. On and after October Ist the followiog instruments Mutt be stamped : All agreements, appraisomenta, cheeks, tight drafts, promissory notes, island and foreign bills of exchange; bulls of lading to foreign ports, package.% de., per express, bends, certificates of stuck, or profit, of de posit In banter, of damages, and all other certificate's, charter parties., brokers',' memorandums, conveyances, mot tgages, leases, telegraph deepatchee; custom-house et tries and maulfests, policies of insurance—life, marine, and fire, and rectories/a of same—passage tickets to fo• reign profs, powers of attorney, proxies, probate of wills, protester, warehoure receipts. and writs or otter original process for commencing snit. Also, patent medloines, pele ruiner les, and playing- cards. . • In reference to public houses and liquor dealers exchr klytly, it is defined that in a tavern or Dolph° house- Wntre is !!,1 eada brt- Eil ere, the licence for lb* tavern to be according to the rental, and the license for liquor in all came of retail to be twenty defiers. By retail le understood any quantity under three galloei. To sell above that qnautity is wholesale, and the license is one hundred dollars. Re staurants which, furnish bedding, and which keep quors, are required to obtain three licensee—first a tavern license, secondly a Beanie for the - liquor bar; of twenty donate, and thirdly a license for the eating bar, cost ing ten dollars, , when the, receipts amohnt to or exceed one , thousand dollars per year: Rating houses are permitted to keep c,coefect'onery without an additional license. All dealers in liquor by retail are re quired to pay a license of twenty'dollara per year. The per ally for refnial or failure to take out license Is a fine of three times the amount of duty arise imposed by the law, one-half of which goes to the' leftirmer. These taxes are, of course, in addition to the State and city licenses now imposed, and the accumulation of expenses will materially affect the smaller.dealert, who abound is every part of the city. The prosecution. of-. delinquents is mode iznperafivo on the Collector-en who hold the names and residences of all dealers; so that escape fromthe penalty is next to impossible. ,„. EXTENSION OP THE WATER- Vl' (AK& The ordinarce • reported by the Finamie Oomitttitei of City Councils authorizes the creation of a loan -Of $900,000, to be expended for the purpose of furnishing to our citizens a better and purer supply of water than: that which M tow obtained in some parte of the city. The items of the bill are as follows: For a 40. inch main' in Columbia avenue, from Spring Garden reservoir to' Tenth Meet, $109,800; for a 80-inch main in Columbia avenue, from Tenth to Seventh street, and on Seventh street to Remington reservoir, $87,500; for building a retaining wail around and raising the Kensington reser voir, $55,000; for a 48-inch connecting main, from Co lumbia avenue reservoir to Spring Garden reservoir, $46,500; fora 48. inch 211 C in ending - main; from Fairmount wor. to emit:Valise-avenue reservoir, $05,000 ; for the yrarctase of ground and erection of a rerervoir in the Twenty-fourth ward, 8100.0t0 ; for a Cornish engine, escendieg mate, alterations to buildings, etc., at the 'mica Garden works, $185,000; for the purchase of around end the erection of works and reservoirs in the Twenty. first ward, ,5280,000; for contingencies, 'etc., $BO,OOO These shakable imprbTements will abolish the Dela ware work', which have long been a disgrace to the city of Philadelphia. Each of thee improvements is pod lively needed for the welfare and comfort of our citizens, and must be obtained sooner or later. Chief Engineer Casein, as won as authorized, will at once commence the good work, and push matters forward with his tonal etenry sad activity. ltdr. Obtain, since elected to his position. hag Introduced many beneficial change. into the Water Department, which have saved the city oonaldera ble money. The Spring Garden Water Works have been repaired, and yesterday the supply of water was turned on. The dirt was all removed from the forebay, and, although the works are not all that can be desired, yet they have been' made to meet the demand on them mach better than generally expected. . THE GRAY RESERVES HOME AGAIN.— Yettetday morning at 10 o'clock, the Gray Reserved reached this city from Rarrisburg,•where they had been called by the Governor, in defence of the etas. As the eoldters disembarked from the care at the western end or Market street bridge, they .were . greeted with pro longed cheers, and then ft Rowed a series of affemitig scenes, se =there recognized their eons, and wives their ',sheet husbands. • The rtglment was soon formed into Aline, and marched over the bridge into Cheetnut street. It was expected that the march would be kent rip to • Third street, but, as the men were much fatigued, it was concluded to ditmies in Seventh threct. Tele caused a great dieappointacent to an anxious throng, who lined • Chestnut street for several senates. • The Grays deserve credit for the servicee which they have rendered the State. When the call of the Governer ; was issued, the regiment was very prompt in itareeponee; :The members, comprising many of our leading buainess •men, and many who are exempt from military duty, left their homes and their families, and hastened to the border of the State to assist in repelling the threatened invasion of the rebel hordes. They were unused to the hardebips of camp life, but have passed through the brief , campaign without murmur. Luring their absence they Dave been enthusiastically received In all the towns through which they have passed. When fears were entertained for the eatety of I:lates t urg, the arrival of this regiment in tiatcity so promptly In response to the call of the Executive, greatly relieved the spina:tensions of the citizens. It was the first regi ment which had reached there as a regiment, and when reviewed by Gov. Curtin. was highly complimented by that official upon its splendid appearance • • The regiment wee tent to Chambereburg, and when atlitd to crow; into Matiland to better protect the State, there wee a unanimous reeponee In tbo affirmative. The Grays went to Rageretown and waited anxiously to par kins their part in defeating the rebel;. THE DRAFT.—Messrs. King, McHack in, and Clain, of Oonncila, - wbo were appointed 'au the committee to got° "Washington and submit to the floor.- tazy of War the facts which they had ascertained as to the enlistments of Philadelphians, the number of which tenders unnecessary a draft of the militia her, have not yet returned. Mr. McMackin, however, reached he e yerterOhy. Mr. Loughlin, chairman of the whole committee, states that in view of the postponement of the draft, no final report of.the committee will be made-for some time yet, as they are engaged in ascertaining the fullest particulars about the matter that can be obtained. The committee ore of the opinion that the city has furnished about L 0,400 volunteers. In their recent report. to Councils they did not include the 82d Regiment, Colonel Williams, do Anderson Cavalry, and numerous' winade and com yanies which were mustered into the service separately, the _memos of which are difficnir to be found, unless in the ffice of the' War Department. Colonel Ruff mus tered in many companies °t a lk) men, the officers of which atterwardi recruited the ranks to the maximum' giand• ard. Rix or seven thousand men have probably been mustered in singly in this way, the record of which can not be PENNSYLVANIA k OLDIERB IN Ntw YUBlf..--We learn that there are at present nearly two thousand sick and wounded Pennsylvania soldiers in the hospitals in New York city, and that they are aildeing well and receiving the best attention. The New York A sseciation for the relief of Pennsylvania sick and wounded consists of about sixty Pennsylvania reeidentel in New York. John 0. Montgomery is chairman, M. G. recording, and Max Goepp corresponding genre '4ary. Among the members of the association 82,300 was 'raised, which is nearly expendeli. Donations will bo acceptable, especially of woolen un derclothing, as a large number of the men are suffering trim rhtnmatism, and flannel underclothing is in great demand. Beading matter is also In demand. Adams' rxprees will cheerfully carry such articles free. Thoy should be addressed to Col. 0. W. Burton, State Agent for rennellrania, 176 Fulton street, New. York 0 • WAN MEETING 1N NEW J&RSEY.-- A ler meeting, largely attended by bo th sexes, was held hr:llbe •grove near Longacoming, N. J., on Tuesday, the 22d that. . Hon. John 0. Ton Eyok, James M. Scorch Esd , Bev. J. V- alker Jackson, and John Goforth, BK. addressed the meeting, which was marked all through with the greatest enthusiasm. When mention was made of the Preahleat'a proclamation, the audience roeponded with aiplause. come of the Brecklnridgers present, who wero pros pectnsg for Congressional boners, went away sorely dl. • THE SPRING GARDENNATER. WORKS OPERATlON.—Yesterday afternoon the chief engi neer of the Water Department antboried the romp. -Cori of onerativee at the Spring Garden Water Works, which bad been so damaged by the recent storm as to revent the working of the machinery. Daring the past h.urteen days that portion of the city which draws Its_ tune's of water fromthese works has, suffered great in --cpovenience in consequence of only a limited supply ob filitd from the Corinthian avenue Reservoir, which has, during that period, furnished .water to the following warns: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Yourteenthi Fiftet Lab, Sixteenth, Twentieth, Twenty•firat, and Twenty•second. AN EVIL TO BE CORRECTED.— Loud complaints have frequentiy.been made that many convalescent soldiers have been forwarded to their .regt bALts before sufficiently recovered to bear the hard. Chips of .the field. This to done by the surgeon In charge .cf the hcerpltal in order that he may establish for himself rte reputation of sending large numbers back to their itepective commends. In many oases these convaleicents ere imrotelatel; sent to other hospitals, nod, from being ccnbiy exposed, twice the lime Is required for their care. This evil has effectually been checked in this city by Dr. King, the- medical director, but is still Practised to a vest extent in other cities. Any surgeon detected in en Inhuman act of this kind abould be made to suffer. ARRIVAL OF WOUNDED OFFICERS., Yuan day morning the following named wouided officer§ et Max Weber's brigade arrived fit this city, under the change of the Rev. J. T. Thomas; and'Were placed in the Wecen street hospital " Lieutenant J (Mit, 14th Ocinneoticiit. • Private M. Molloy, E t 71st Pennsylvania. • Captain A. Shordidge, 0, let Delaware. 'Lieutenant. N. Y. Swigget t E, let Delaware. Lieutenant E. W. Thomas, I, sth Maryland. • Captain D. B. Yardley, D, In Delaware. ( orporal E Wolf, DOA Delaware • Tbey were ill wounded in the engagement of Wedues- Oa) lent tear Sharpeburg.. m MORA ARREBTB.--1.170 'more . men, nen ed John Ityan and Thomas McGraw, have been ar.. ytbl e upon the charge of being implicated in the mar duo assault and battery made on Mr. John McOoaker 'Etn.e.time since. Mr. Mot/miter, it will be remembered, eVOlllieett by,scano half dozen ruffians, at a tavern fa. the Niftsenth warn, "end to bully beaten that he was racked' up tar. e.eßd“. ISIV and , several •ribv were ohin.( - Faii - Of bid sealihint. were arrests° 'and held' tel at ett4r. Since then two Wee, them named above, bare Int u taken into custody. They also were held. in, the. it% of $2,C00 eiah fOr theireipearanee at court. ' Fez f itititAi‘.ZSamiiel N. I mailable of the Ifletrenth ward, , ,W.hb acaldentally shot Limeeli white out on a guaniag :oxpeditioa on %Tedium g 94, died et the Pennsylvania *Hottetterfteterdni morn- frig at 10 &clock. The contentroi the gun lodgfdialds a) to at the ebonlder, end ethylene to WS sltd limb was amputated with the hope of aviog ii,(o4 • • SHOCKING Liz Alll.—Y esterdi , y: mo,rn- Ivo -coroner wee icitided to-hold mein:lutist . E t a Sae_ body 41 en unknown negro man found .ds . a.da.ty„the side rf a l!niekilni at Thirttoth! and Bridgewiteedesiett: r is nyposed,ho.was anffutated by.the gas skiksibffroi n ., the Ei , e. The body was taken In charge by thelcoroace. TER CORN RiONANGE REGIMENT -- Co. F.—We ore indebted to Carttstn J. P. Bankson for a complete mutter roll bilge compaiy, which incicatee those svho are safe, as well es those who are injured Or in rebel hands. It is as follows supt, J. P. Bankson, safe. Corp R. A. lllll, wounde d Lieut. Kelly, detached Co and pritioner. X, state Corp. John Roach. safe Edens. Hand, wounded and Corp J. S. Green, killed. • • prisoner. ' ' Corp. Jes:Blppert,wounill ' Ilergt.l. B. Inman,Wotind'd and prisoner. and prisoner. Corp. 3. IL Vandegrift, BergL Chas. Smith,wonntrd, wounded and prisoner. knee:. • . 15orre. Carpenter, sate. Borst. Ferrel, safe, Corp T. J. Reed, safe. Sorgt. Were. safe. aflueidn e. W. Carteret,laafe Beret. Rafferty, wounded Musician G. W Eastman, and prisoner 1 in hospital, bruised. Wagoner Jas. Ralston, safe Matlack, safe. Geo. W. Breen, safe ffurPhy,'Joe. W., wounded Chancellor B, wd in hip. and prisoner. Boone, John, safe. Murk' later, safe. Bahl, gale. McCabe, James, safe. Bubeck, safe. McGovern, wounded and Callahan, sate. prisoner. Cooper, wounded and pri fdotlai. safe. Neal, safe. Dunlap, in hospital, bruised. Oaks, Sate. Davie, missing, pi teener. Osborne, wounded and pri- Davis, Jeff; missing, pri- sonar. loner. Picot, wounded and pri- Demme e, safe. goner. Deen, safe. Paul. John, safe. Downie, badly wounded. Paulding, safe. Emmett, missing. . Rhoads, sale. Fowler, safe. Ralston, John, safe. Fordney, wounded and pri. Robertson, Charles, safe. loner. Bcgers; Clarence, wounded Perth*, safe. and prisoner. Gent, missing. . 'wounded and - Prl- Genera:tau, sate. • goner. Gann, safe. , Snider, Missing. Burley, missing. Sands, safe. Hodge, Samuel, wounded Smith, James,Misaing. and prieoner. Helmond wounned and pri- Bodge, Pe m. 1111/e. 'sonar.' Horuby, wounded and pri. Sinmull, safe. ' eoner. Stauffer, safe. Baines, safe. Sullivan, sale. Barr, safe. • School, Henry J., wounded Inman, safe.• badly in the eye. Johnson, safe. • ' Stoy, sick at Camp Onrttn. Jacheon, (sick) safe, Silcock, reported wounded Ring, esfe. Trainer, missing. .. • Ryie, missing. Turner, safe. Keel, wounded & prisoner. Taylor, wounded and Mlle Long, safe.. ing. Lilly, prisoner. Tuff, misting. Link, safe. . Poland, wounded and pri- Dugan, Jacob, wounded & goner. prisoner. Thompson, see. . lingen;Henry, sage. Williamson; safe. Little; safe. Wird house, missing. Murphy, Thomas, wounded Wheeler, safe. , and prisoner. Wermenth, wounded and Id matey, F are pi i toner. Martin, Zebr., killed. Wise, wounded in arm. Murphy, Joseph, safe. Woodfall, safe. Captain Bankeon deserves high credit for the spirit of firmness, which by his soldierly bearing he infused Into his company. 'No company in the regiment Buffered More, and no company of • regulars could have fought , longer or bettcr_sgainat_surb_f...erol- oado -then did --vonspiaill - P7 It MB the last to leave the held, and held its own even alter the order to retreat had ben sounded! Lieutenant Band fought bravely, (this being the Bier teenth battle in wblob,he has foc ei ht tho bols,) and 'Wed takenprisoi64r.• k'be report that he was wounded is Incorrect. Sergeant i'errai, in the most gallant manner, and off thesalors in the face of ,a murderous fire, and readired the thanks of Colonel Preiost for the noble deed. In fact, a rebel officer admitted to one of the pri 'toners, that the entire regiment fought like veterans. and was perfectly astounded at the idea of their being - green troops. The committee of the Corn Exchange Association, who bed proceeded to the battlefield to succor the wounded, returned to the city lasi evening, having accomplished their mission. DONATIONS lizoarviD.-:-The chaplaini of the United States Hospital, Fifth and Buttonwooli streets, gratefully acknowledges in behalf of the sick and! wounded soldiers, donations of books from the followingl named sooieliee Prost., tartan. Board, (0. 5.,) Baptist, Publication Society. Protestant Episcopal, Methodist! • ,Bcok 1id0164, Olnistien Commission, through the Amerl-r tun Tract Society, besides numerous books loft by pd.', vete individuals Also, Bibles and Testaments from the Philadelphia Bible. Society also,a• liberal supply of . Union envelopes, from 61r. - J. Magee, stationer,. 316 Chestnut alma 6imilerdonatiors are solicited. Few libraries are more lboroughly.need than Glom of this hoepital. The cones ' lescents and In books a pleasant and profitable relief for many otherwise weary hours. The Union Volunteer Refreshment Committee acknow ledges the following oontributions Thin •Weleettie, Lodge; 0. of 0. - F.; No. 229, $10 * ; Mrs. Samna' Harvey, Germantown, $10; Aaron Hurley. $6 ; collections by Thomas I. Potts, $f 4; pro ceeds of a lair held at No. 846 South Front street, by Mims Dollie Ilimer,.Jane Hines ' • Lilly Drew, and Anna Drew, $l5 25 ; !draft harles D. Talmage; $2O; proceeds of a fair held at 123 Keefe street, by Misses Mary 'Keefe, Amelia Lockhart, Clara Craig, and Mary C. Dodge, $5 52; proceeds of a fair held at No. 1508 Palmer street, by Martin Keshard Bondi Misses Mary L. Keen, Gull eima litres, and Sallie C. Harlem, 826.50; operatives at Itichardeon at'Overman , s Bide Mg. 00., $6O ; Jonathan Palmer, $7; Leonard Baker, $25; J. Cook & $5O; Carson & Son, $2O; Adolph Borie, $5O; Moses Co.,dr own, ; Frothipgham & Wells, $10; Directors of the Com mercial Bank. $25 •, Wm. W—e, ;Y. Mellor $ Co., $5 •W P. wiletach & 09,.521.; A. J. L ewis, $25; Berri ed & Star, $5; Slade, Smith-Jr. Co., $25; Walter Lea rning Co., $25; Joel Lane, $ 2; Wm. B. Har t, $lO. Mrs. Lee, one of the committte, writ.s from thehattle fields of D 7 aryland for supplies, to be sent to Hagerstown. Any .artiEles sent to the saloon, in care of James B. Wade, ;secretary will_be distributed •to the Dick and wounded in the hospitals or the field. DONATIONS.-='—The surgeon in charge of the Christian•street Hospital gratefully acknowleages the following donations for the nee of the inmates : From ]it. J. Hinckle—b baskets peaches, 4 baskets cantelopes; a choice collection of fresh moat. Froia Penn Belief Aeeociation—Several doz. towels, 1 doz. canes. From Mrs. Eives-1 baskot apples.. From Ladies of Rolrnesburg—Lint, bandages, poaches, apples, butter, eggs, sugar, bread, cakes, ttc. . • From Mrs. J. Harrison—Olothing. From Mrs. Thomas Hari ison—Olothlog. Prim Mr. Frank—lce cream. sponge cake. Proceeds olbfair held at 1216 Coates street, by the Humes Mary:Mankle, Emily Kopler, LOulsa Halback, the sum of E5O, expendol by themselves in purchasing comforts for the sick and wounded soldiers. From the Church of Our Saviour, per the Rev. Mr. Quick-8 jars preserved peaches. Proceeds of fair held at WO Christian street, by the Nieces Helena Cue, Jeanie Currie, Maggie Miller, Any .Stephens, the sum of *SO, expended by themselves in the purchase of socks, apples, it'd' a beautiful flag 12x20 feet. Also, donations of sundries of children of Primary_, echool'hisr. - 13-Primaz7 No: mud C, Slice street. • _,BRIDGE • REPAIMED.—'-In consequence of;the destruction, by the late storm, of the bridge over . • tbe Wingohotken,jnat beyond the second toll gate, the travel on the Kensington and Oxford turnpike had been interrupted. The road is now; however, open to travel, the repairs having been completed. • A IguaTertor. Furizaiii,:-=iresterilay afternoon, the funeral of Captain Peter F Lame, Coro Parry 0, 28th Itegiment Penneylvania Volunteers, took place at the Odd Fellows' Cemetery. At the battle of Antietam, he fell at the head' of his company, while charging the enemy through a wood, on the 17th instant. PAID - OVER —The' appraised value of the steamers Florida and Lodona has been paid over by the, agent of the Navy Department, end the vessels trans ferred to the Government. The sum paid wee 5120,000. • • EXPECTED ARRIVAL OF FICK !AND WOUNDED.—Last, night ffiedioil Director King received a dergatch, stating that 462 rick and wounded soldiers had kft Frederick for this city, where they are expected to arrive Some timelhla morning. • • FOUND DROWNlCD.—Yesterday anin foot, titel,tb iti a beg, was &and fleeting in the dook et Weebington-streetwherf. - HAY BURNEM—An 'alarm of fire was caturd yesterday. .afternoon by the burning of about twenty bales, of hay, belonging to the Government, at the Reading Railroad depot, Port:Richmond. Thu hay caught from sparks from the locomotive. „ .. FUGITIVI FROM JusTioz.--Yesterday afiernocn J. Hampton North, a fugitive from justice from the District of 'Columbia, had a hearing before Al t eiman Ogle, and was committed to await a requisition. , DEATH OF A eOLDIER.-7 he only death reported at the ,army hoepitale in .thie city rester • day waa.that of Thoitee Rose,' of 00. A, 49th Pa Vole.. FIIILADZLFRIA — BO/4iD OF TSADE , ".- ALGERNON& ROBERTS, OltsB.-RIOHARHSON,HoIum= Or TN* 111.45 m. A. J. DERBYSHIRE, , , . . LETTER BARS • . , , .. • . • At, the . Merchants' Ezehange,Ph.sladelphict. whip Tonawanda, .Tnlitur Liverpool, Sept 26 hip Adelaide Bell, Robertson ....Liverpool, soon Ship Northampton, MOM Livery :M I soon Ship Lancaster, Decan Liverpool, soon Ship Grey Eagle, Burgess BM Janeiro, soon Bark Hamilttn, Sprague Barbadoes, soon Berk John Payson, "DirrY Havana, soon Brig 0 Et Prost, }Borth. Barbados, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PIIILADRLPRLIL, Sept.. 26,.1862. BUN GIBES 6 53-81121 SETS 6 61 HIGH. WATER 4 2 P.1:4:41Wil Behr J W Hine, Manson, 3 days from New Haven, .with mdse to captain. ' liebriteddington, Mirk, 2 days from New York, with mdse to captain. Bchr 31n3 A Parsons, Shaw, from Boston, in ballast to • Noble, Caldwell es Co. CLEARED. Schr Americus, Wa!tern, Port Royal, Tyler, Stone & Co. Behr L B Myers, Somers, Port Royal, do Bohr Reddington, Clark, Boston, L Andenried & Co. Bohr Jas A Parsons, tihaw, Boston, Roble, Caldwell & Co. ' Behr H B Cogchall, Tilton, Boston, Caatner, Otickney & Wellington. • . Bohr E H Atwood, Bich, Boston, do Bohr J J Hoffman, Abbott, Hartford, do (Correepondence of the Proms.) BEADING, Sept 23. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Bchuyikill Canal to. day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: D A Albright, limo to Mr. rinfruck; Elias Bober, do to,E.ias Bober; d W Edgar, with boards, and J Shower, lumber to D B Teiylor; - Miledborg Iron Warke, bar ikon to life Wentworth; IC Lawrence, light to captain; Peck dt Barnard, bituminous coal to Mcfivaine & Bon; B D Crawford, grain to A G Witten ,t Co; 1" B Pronto, do to Humphreys, uoffman & Wright. (Correspondence of the Press.) HAVER DR GUAM, Sept 24 The steamer Wyoming lett here this morning, with the following boats in tow, laden and'consigned as follows: David Lncy, corn to Alex McElroy, Now York; Wm rotor, lumber to Princeton, - NJ; Margaret' Gangher, 0 Miller, and William, all light to Philadelphia; M J Link and James Henry, anthracite coal to Delaware Olty. .11EMORA:NDA. Bark Parker Cook, Fulton, fronsFernandina,at Port Royal 19th instiandeallea 20tb•for Bark Yeneion, Boating, eallekfrom Boston 23d inst. for Philadelphia. Brig Brilliant, Clolburif, for, Philadelphia, remained at Leghorn eth inst. ' " Beige Chicopee, Piukhem, and Birchard & Torrey, ; Colton, hence, arrived at Boston 24th Inst. Brig George Harris, French, cleared `at Bcieten 23d inst for l'bilinielphfa:" Brig Plilwaithee, Brower, for • Philadelphia, cleared at •Ntw Tork 24th inst: Brig Blintra, Hall, ()leered at St John, NB, 18th fut. for Philadelphia: r" • " ••' Brig Intended, 'White, hence, arrived at Port Royal. 17th inst. - . &bra Benedict, Elll3, and Now Haven, Glor3Fole . ayett at New York :4th Inst. for Philadelphia, • • lichr Mary Ella, Tapley, hence, arrived 11l Nimbi:wit: pot t 22d lust. Bats Naiad Queen, Hulse; S d Taylor, Duker, and I 0 Ilnuyon, Mathis< hence, arrived EirProvidexiCi 23d inet.. ~ Scbr Julia E Pratt, Pratt, benoe for Fell Elver; Balled 11 um blest port 231 intt—eat Into IVOCUre a new jibboOth• Setae Snow - Flute, Derrickeon'D' filvErench, Jon4e,. • Otter Bock, Lune, L-diDanenhower; Hiller,Eliza &HO-. hetes, Price, J kittterthwaite, klelciy,\Lizile Ha. L & It Smith, rmilh, Wm WallaceocnU;•John runce . Lice, and II Leach, Thompson, hence; arrived Boetoit , • • • Schi Flidoi4 Wallace, cleared at St Jolut,'NE Tith it et for Philadelpbt 1. Behr M.Powall,,r.enton, cleared at New-York 24thiket: fors:Philadelphia. ' - • f Fehr Laura:, Tackei, cleared at St' Jahn; II zOtit'hynt,.. ikr - Yritiadelpbta:Jy . . .Schr Magnolta,J3likerson, cleared at •Boatiir23ellinat:! • • QPLIT 4.33 :zst • • THE PPLES.-TAILA.pEtikitu.A., I .FAT : pAy, smiwg pRIVATE TUITION GIVEN IN • LATIN, OBIFEK.,•,AND . NATHENATIOB, TO STUDEN'TB IN THE UNTVEBSITY, who, on account of insufficient s previons preparation, need such aid for the successful pursuit of their present studies. Also, in English Literature,- Literary Analyst!, and the nigher ~brancbeyof a liberal culture to Ladies who have finien 'cid their course of school education, but are desirous of continuing their study in other than the ordinary scho lastic directions 4,• Addideli 4 .i 8 ;M: . .0.,” at Ude °Mee. . BAWIMANN, TEACHER OF the Piano , Orion, Melodeon, and. — Violin, 624 North'NLMNTII Street. At home ]2 to 1, noon, tl er2.5.1.1u* CUASSIOAL INSTITUTE.-DEAN Street, above SPBIIOB. The, °Wales" ' 'agitate will 88 - OPEN S E PTEMBER let. t • , • - au2B-24i* , , .3.'W. /SIZE% D. D., Principal. . .21.1ARIVS . EPISCOPAL ACA `DENY, 1.09115 T Street, west of Sixteenth, has reopened for the "Siteventh Session. J. ANDISBWIS HARRIS, A. M., Principal. iiieStftf m - 1138 MARY. THILOPP WILL All. reopen 'her BoABDING end DAY 801:1001a, for. Young Ladies,, 1841 OFIXOTNIIT - Street, Philadslphuy SEPTEMBNE. ittb: sul2.tool* MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. E. BALL will reopen. their Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, at 1218 WALNUT Street, on MOB DAY, September 8. . • eel-2ni MR. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S Boarding and Day School for Young Lad /CI, No. 161 b 9P1111034 Street, will reOpen on WXDNESDLT, September Mb: i719-8m VICOLISH; FRENCH, AND LATIN BOBOOL ? Allies BURGIN'S. School: for Young Ladle' will reopen SIPTXMBER Mb, at 107 WAL NUT Street.. t - " 44,12 QOIIOOL • 50UNGt LA OM& MISS •L E. ildinfiridoseDdred to receive ono or two classes of Young Ladies,at,loll7.,WALNUT attest, commencing September :115: , Oirculars may he ob tained, previous to th 15th, at 1020 RAGE street. seB lm* , • • . Aki D CLASSICAL .I.llstaibrifi.—ibe °lmola the 'subscriber, in Same' TWIFLYT and 011 118TNIIT Streets, will re-open on MONDAY the Bth or September. • an2l-tf OBARLIOB SHORT,• A. M. aLEN W.O D ACADEMY FOR BOYS.-The above institution will re-open on, the 15th of 9th mo.'(3epteinbor.) 'For'particnlers, apply to lAMIIIL 'ALBOP, Principal, an2B-1m . Del. P7atar , Gap, Monroe county, Pa. TROY 'FEMALE REMINARY.- This Inetitntion o'ffere the accumulated edvnutegeg of nearly fifty years otAncreeeful operation. . - Every facility 11 proyided fora thorough course of use -191 and ornamental eincatton, under tne direction of a corps of more than tw ty professors and teachers. For Circulate { appl to IT aci22-2co JOH. H. wirmairm,. Troy, if. Y. IAIRVIEW BOARDING SCHOOL, NOIWISTOWNiPa., for Young felon and Boys, will commence SEPT 9r819 a 29. eetl-22 . t*, _ GROB.GIC A. NEWBOLD, Principal. • R O M E . 131110 ME STUDY FOR LADIES.— • , . 1!-AL...a_ The subscriber proposes to form an advanoed i‘ elan in ,Philology, History,. Mental Philosophy, and English Literature, to meet twice a week, commencing 1, Qctober esh: Oirculars at 903 OLIfiTON Street. I sealm PLINY Ea.litsE OHASE. CIEORGETOWN COLLEGE, D. 0., Atravar,lBBl. The exercises of this College will be refinmed on the let of.B&PTEfdBEIt. Terms for Bosh! and Tuition, $2OO, payable ball.) early in advance. 'For further Information apply to the President of the College. [ariB-ftutt2n] JOHN LIBLY, 8. J. -I`IIIBE BEST .PROVIDED SCHOOL LAN THE UNITED STATES.—The Solontitlo and awlsfoal Institute, anEarNuT Street, N. W. cor. of Twelfth et, re-opens on MONDAY, Sept. Sth. In no •other school Of our country have so great pains been • taws to provide everything requisite for the complete %and thorough education of boys and young men in all do. *partiiiiints of , Learning.. Entrance on. welfth it. • • , , I. ENJIIB, Principal. COLLEGE, BORDENTOWN, This. well-established and flourishing Institution. is pleasantly located on the Oamden and Amboy Railroad, 1( hours' ride from Philadelpnia. Special attention is paid to the common and higher branches of English, and superior advantages furnished in Vocal and Instrumental Music. French is taught -by a native and spoken in the family. For catalogues, address Rev. JOHN H. BEAR/LEY, A. M., sub-2ta. • . President. CHEGARAY INSTITUT INSTITUTE; . MUDDING AND DA! BOHOOL' NOB YOI7NE LADIES, No: 1627 and 1629 BnII9EI INrieti*Phitadel yhia The regular course of instruction embracesthe Ewald and French Languages and Literatures—Latin if re. Quired—and all the branches which oonetitate a thoronjh Englieh Education ; especial attention being paid to the latter by the Principal,assisted by the beet Professors. French is the iangume of the family, and is constantly When in the. Imititute. FRENCH - LANGUAGE.= PROF. messE forming a class, of between' twelve and twenty,boys, to receive instruction in PRIM OH, by, the oral method. The course will consist of, sixteen lee acne, of an hour and a half each; four lessons a week, ind in the afternoon: - • Terms; $4 00 for the course. He will oonstantly,converse . with his classes. and afford'very facility for'attalning's thorough colloquial knowledge of the language. Prof. EL has matured his new system by which those having. a slight knowledge of the French language mpy make rapid Improvement, without dere -ling to the study • anr other; time than , the hour pissed with the teacher. Refe rences : Rev. Bishop W. B. Stevens, D. D., Prof. as Clopsibe of Patina. Univeraity, Crbarles Short, Esq. Apply at his residence,lll South THIRTEENTH. street.? sob-2m :EDUCATIONAL SHA RON- FE E SENEINARY-- Located within , on , mile of the village of Darby, ao oeesible half hourly from the city, will open on the 29th of 9th mo. (Septe mbe r.)' For circulars, address . an29-Imel , JcISIAH WILSON; Darby, Pa. THE MISSES(CASEY AND MM. 88E13113 French Ind English Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles, No. 1703 WALNUT Street,' will re-open on WEDNESDAY, September 10th. 11n11-2m MME. MASSE- AND MILE. MO BIN'S •FRENOIOAND 'ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SOHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 111 South .THLRTEE.NTIr Street, will re-open on WED NESDAY, September 10th, 'Philadelphia. For Circu lars, apply at the above number. • sn2l .2m LINDIN HALL MORAVIAN FE NALENBMIPLARY, at.LITIZ, Lancaster oonntr, Penna., founded 1794, affords superior advantage° for thorough and accomplished Female education. For circu lars and information,' aPply to Meagre. JORDAN BROTHERS, 209 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia, o SO Rev. W. C. REl.OBEL,l l Priucipal. au29-8m INSTRUCTION THROUGH BOOKS, Objects, PlCtures, and suet Enclossments as have boa, or may be given, to the Teacher and; the Taught. ANNE :DICKSON, att27-Im 108 South EIGHTEENTH Btreet. Bth Septemter. POLYTECHNIC . ; OOLLEOE; PE eIN SQUARE, for the Professional Ednoatioir . of Eu pineere, Architects, Practical Obernists, and Geologic , * the tonne on Military Engineering it eludes Field For tifications, Siege Operations, Strategy, and Tactics. Oatalogues on application to . ALFRED L. KENNEDY, M. D., .'.. 5 0 842 t r President of Foetal'. UOLMESBURG SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, located on the Bristol Turn pike. 8 miles from Philadelphia and 2 from Tacony. The first . term of the scholeetio year begins the Bret MON- IydY September; second term the Ist day of Feb. snarl. A circular, containing terms, references, &0., can be obtained by application to the jyl4-Bmo . Misses atu,riceqr, Principals. QAUNDERS? • INSTITUTE, .MAR _P..2 EAT ,siniI,::'I93OI3TWIIIINTII iStreeta=itcglish, ialeical, sad Military !lay and Boarding—wilt reopen fiepteatbar 1; " THE. SAUNDERS CADETS" will Ja. am berets:4ot* receive _the best of Military In Emotion"one Lim day. Address ausconc, Prof. E. D. SAUNDERS. ITILL'AGEGREEN SEMINARY.- V A select BOARDING SCHOOL, near MEDIA, Pennsylvania. Thorough course in Mathematics, Clas sics, English Studies, !co. Book-keeping and Civil BM. glneering taught. Exerchses In Military Tactics. Seventh year bogins September let Boarding, Per week ....... . • • • E2-Vb Triltlon, per quitter 6.00 'For information, address - ' : • -Rev. J. HERVEY BARTON, A. M., . - ' , VILLAGM GBOMMIN, Peun'a. The Scholastic year commences September 18th, and 'Closes July let. For circulars and partioulars, apply to aols-2mit MADAME D'HERVILLY, Principal. FRENCH AND ENGLISH DAY . SCHOOL FOB BOYS, Prof. K. HASSB, A. X., Principal =This nt w Institute receives Boys between eight and fourteen years of age. ,While French Is the language of the Institute, the greatest attention will be paid to theUnglishltudies. Competent teachers are engaged for all the ordinary branches of a good 'English e.findatiou. Latin taught Without extra charges. The academical year begins On the 17th of September, and ends on the 28th of June, Further information can be obtained at the residence of the Principal, No. 11PSouth THIFITHE NTH Street. BNYEBBNOKB.—Biebop Vir. B. Stevens. Prof. H. Coopire of Penn% University, Prot O. D. Cleveland, Hon. W H. Seward ' : • 5e17.120 LINWOOD- 'H I .ON VHIIf4TON Avenue, York Boa& Station, B. P. R. 8.. Seven miles from Philadelphia. The Third Term of Miss CABE'S Boarding and Day School for. Young Ladies, at the above beautiful and • healthy location, will commence en the (1000114 MONDAY of September. The number of pupils being limited to fifteen, the es tablishment has as muoh of, the freedom of a:home as consistent with mental Imrcovement. Exercises in the Gymnasium and open air are promoted, for wldoh,the extensive grounds afford full, opportunity. Circulars oin be obtained at the office of Jay Cooke & Co., bankers, 114 South Third street. or by addressing the Principal, Shoomakertown post office, Montgomery County, Pa.-, • . " , au26lm' PENNbI PLANTA MILITARY ACADNMY, at West ()heater, (for 'boarders only.) This Academy will be opened on Thursday, September 4th, 1862. It was chattered by the Legislature, at its last session, with full collegiate powers. In its caeabidus bnildingp, which were erected. and for niched at ticose of over eixty thousand dollars, are ar. ?engem/tits ,of the-highest. order for the comfortable quartering and enbiisting of one hundred and fifty cadets. A corps of competent andepxperienced 'teachers will give their undivided attention to the educational depart.; • Meat, and aim to make their.instrnottons- thorbrigh and practical. The department of studies embraces tho fol. lowing courses :—Prinaary, OoMmercial, and Scientific, Collegiate and Military. A - gradnate'of the United States Military Academy, of high standing in his class, and of experience in the field, devotes bie exclusive attention to the Itlathematies and Nngineerint. The moral training of cadets will bo carefully -attended to. -For circulars apply to JAMESNeg., No.. 626 Chestnut street, or at the Book Stand . of Continental Hotel, Phila. delphia, or to Colonel. THEODORE HY &TT, President 1 - 4 Pennsylvanla Military,A.entdern.p.. !elf! -Int - BOARDING. SCHOOL TOR , GIRLS. , 8161101TAL. •• - •>, , • The Sixth Session Of the'BOARDING - 8131100L FOE GULLS, heretofore conducted by the.Alubecrlbera n niitii. Derby, Pa ,;tinderthe name of *IA • "SHARON FEMALE SEMINARY." _WM Open . 10th mo , Attlebert, Boob - oounty, Pa., under the name of BELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE, Every facility will be affordod whereby, a „thorough: 'llllol,BlMsbed r do — nrieiff s inttructien 'filial the elementary liodAtigber branches io/ au ENGLISH, OLASSIO&L, tikeiIMATHEBIATIOAL Education may be obtained. 1::"Illsoulare, embracing tall. details of the Institution, irittyle badon application to the Principals, Attleboro, !Bucks ootMty; pa.,, or to Edward Parrish, Phtiadelphis,, _The charge for tuition in % English branches, with bard, washing, Iceland lights; including NIA and .:inirthe mOO% the'llbram le at the: rate of 8 . 160 for the school. e - -Pain "Optel4 French , and i :llisving, each extra.;,„ . , 1911.8LEL J. %MN,. 'LA I . ,‘" 7", - ,JABE 'P.-(1 "11 : AEIME , s ha ,A:),41....• • -„. _ it:o44 MEDICINAL. S T 1860 -X. LET our poreeesioni be what they may—marble pe,: lacee, broad lands, magnificent plate; or cazkets of 4 , pro cloys atones"—they all sink- In the balance as against Heaven's great boon. HEALTH, and they cannot be enjoyed without it. The language/of nature attests that whoever would enjoy illeploasures of 190, the beauties of flowers and landscapes, the 'joys of 'companlonehiP, the richness of literature, or the honors of station and renoam, Must preserve their heath. And yet, how little is it rained, and how carelessly - preserved l Thoitornaoh ie the receptacle of, all nourishment, and the fetuitain from which all parts of the body derive their sustenance. When foul, injurious, food enters the stomach, acute 'syrupathp disorganizes all other organs, atiddiasstse, more or less painful, must follow. Tile. laws of nature cannot be violated with impunity . .. fright reve/ry lams .rious living, irregularity of meals, and a disordered appetite, will gradually destroy the power and activity of the stomach. How many ladies and gentlemen eat and drink disease at late suppers; and arise in the morning with headache, loss of appetite, feeling tan 'gout, unrefreshed, feverish, low spirited, weak and incapacibiled to perform any mental or physical duty, and dream not this is, the beginning of that horrid disc dee, . DYSPEPSIA, which asstunes a thousand shapes, and points tawaidll miserable hie and premature decay ? There can be no medical remedy that will turn lead iuto food, or wt. sonid dritkainto nourishment, but medical science out assist natdre, supply exbatuited fluids, and, to a great extent, correct the effects of dimes°, when the habits are abandoned. . • • \ The Medical Faculty has exhausted its research for .generations In creating appetizers sad overc ate macbic derangements. Certain Ingredients were well esteblitted as pcsseetring beneficial qualities; among these were CALISAYA - BARR. AND ST. CROIX 'RUA. But Mill components were wanting, and regularity could not be obtained.. An invalid physician, sojourning in the tropical island of St. Croix, *beerved the habits of the natives, and gathered from them the receipt for the final accomplishment of this most important end. Its component parts, largely incorporated in the vegetable diet of that island, produced the effect without a proper bnowkdge of the canoe. ' The article was firet male and hied es a private medicine. Its effects were so salutary tbat It is kow being produced and consumed is Immense quantities under the name of . DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, • OR • OLD lIONDSTEAD TONI I. They act with the power of a medicine, and are taken by old or young with the pleasure of a beverage. The Cale of these bitters wee at first confined to our exfzems Southern oitiee, but. they are now becoming well known throughout the world, and are recommended with the moat unbounded contleence, for all complaints origina ting from a disorganized or diseased siostesel&—each as Dyspepsia, Liver . Complaints, Nervous Affeetioss, Loss of Appetite, Intermittent Fevers, Diarrhaa, Sour Stomach., Headache, Fever and Ague, Weak ness, "dc. As a morning Appetiser, and after•dinner tonic, they are Lehi in Malt estimation, and should be found npon the sideboard of every family. They are also mach relied upon In the Tropics for Scrofula, Rheumatism, and dropsy. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE " ROCUEBTER• December 28th, 1861. - MeBBIll• P; H. DRAKE & 83( EN : I have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia for three or four years. I have tried many, if not all, the remedies re. ccamended fOr its cure. Instead of relief, I became worse, had to abandon my prof: salon, and suffered greatly, from . everything I ate. _My mind was much affectcd, depressed and gloomy. About three mouths ago I tried the Plantation Bitters. They almost Imola diately benefited me. I confirmed their use, and"to great joy, lam nearly swell man. I have recommended them in several eases, and as far as I know, allitays with signal benefit. I am, very respectfully yours, "Bev. J. B. BATHORN." - T 1860 - X That you may be your own judge of the efficacy of these celebrated Bitters, we submit a partial formula of the articles of which they. are composed. BT. OROIX, RUM. 'She tonic properties of pare Bt. Croix Rum are well known, and it hae long been recommended by pbyei. tisane. It is manufactoryd from the Sugar Cane Plant s slid that we use is selected with great care frem the ontatee of a few planters in the interior of that island. 0 ALISLYA, OR HIND'S BASK, was unknown to civilization until the middle of the seventeenth century. The natives of Peru are generally slimmed to have been long prevfously acquainted with its most wonderful medicinal qualities.. -Humboldt makes favorable mention of the febrifuge qualities of thin arti cle es ',an antidote to leaven AND AGNI, Intermittent and alfalarioua Fevers, in his extensive South American travele. The Countess, wife of the Viceroy of Peru, having in her own person experienced the .benefroial effects of the bark, is said, on her return to Spain, in the year 1640, to have first introduced this remedy into Europe. After its introttnction it was' distributed and sold by the Jesuite, who are said to have obtained for it the enor mous sum of its weight in saver. Prom this circum stance it was called Jssurr's Powusa, a title which it re t a i ne d f o r many years. In 1658, we are told that an Englishman by the name of Sir John Talbot employed it with great success in France, in the treatment of Feve r an d .grie, Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Loss of Ap petite, Weekneisand Debility, Palpitation of the Heirt, Dierrheea, &c., &c., under the name of English Pow ders; at length, in the pear.l6l9, he sold the secret, of its origin and preparation to Louis X 117., by whom it was divulged. It is now a stardard'remody, and is om ployed in the preparation of the Plantation Fitters. CABOARMLA BABE , is another important ingredient. It yeas known in Ger many as early as 1790, and much used as a subetitute for Peruvian Syrup. , It le employed as a gentle etimtt lant and tonic. in Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarrhms, Colic, Dysentery, and diseases of the stomach , and bowels. DANDELION is used for inflammation of the loins and spleen, in c %see of buiary secretions andyropsical affeotions, dependent upon obstructions of the abdominal viscera, and derango. meat of the digestive organs generally. CHAMOMILE • FLOWERS, need for enfeebled digestion and want of appetite WINTBEGRICEN is a medicinal plant of very groat efficiency, and is es pecially valuable in Scrofsaa, Rheumatism, and He . !ratio affections. L.LTENDICB F,LOVirESS, an aromatic stimulant and tonic, highly invigorating in nervous debility, generous to the palate and stomach. ANISE, .an aromatic carminative, creating flesh, muscle, and milk. 'Much used in nursing. `. • 19- B— T 1880 X • Another ingredient, of remarkable and wonderful YIN thee, used in the preparation of these Bitterer, is a native of Brezil, and as yet unknown to the commetoo of the world. A Spanish writer says: * * * * * sad. ministered with Bt. Croix rum, it never fails to relieve Nervous Tremor, Wakefulness, disturbed sleep, to.; lend that it is used with great effect by the Brazilian, Spanish, and Peruvian ladies - to heighten their color and beauty. It imparts'ekeetfulness to the disposition, and brilliancy to the complexion." - We withhold its name from the public for the Present. 4 . To the above ere added (Bove Buds, Orange,(larraway; I:Winder, and Bioko Boot. The whole is combined by a perfect chemical process, and under the immediate supervision of a skilful and scientific Pharmaceutist. DHAXZ'S PLANTATION BlrTiras, OR OLD HOMESTEAD TONIC, aro put tip In Patent Boltlce, representing a Swim cottage, and are an ornament to the side board. ° BE& SIOK.N IC 39. Triyellere by railroad or neon the inland riven, where the great change of water is such a prolific cause of In cdplent disease like BILIOUS, , INTERMITTENT, AGUE, AND DRILL FEVERS, may feel a certain reliance if they protect theuistehali Pith those Bitters. The muddy water:, of the Western. rivers, Ailed with decayed 'vegetable and animal malign, bi Quite sure to produce digests°, unless guarded bye in antidote, such as le found in the Flantation Bitters.. . ": . I I : : P • • z rime DE trirre, Ist montb,"l6th day, 1862. g 4 Esrttruenn Futagn : Wilt thou send me another case of thy . Bittelef Nothing has proven so beneficial or agreeable to my invalid wife and myself as the Planta tion Bitters. 0 Thy Friend, DMA° HOWLAND." N. B.—The secret of the Immense sale of the Plinio tion Bitters is their tested purity. The St. Croiz Rum and every article used is warranted perfectly pure. It is the intention of the Proprietors to sustain the reputation of this . article upon its merit. -.Be careful that every bottle bears the fan-simile signa ture of tie Proprietors, P. H. DRAKE & 00., Now York. Drake's PLANTATION BITTERS are sold by all 'Druggists, Grecere, Hotels, and Restaurants. . P. 11: DRAHR & CO., afmlst* No. 202 BROADWAY. VARRANT"S ZIATERVEI3OENT SELTZER APERIENT. _ . This Ts!noble and popular Medicine has universal:lY re- oeivod the moat favorable recommendations of the Marnon. PIOPPBEIION and the Public as the not RFFICIIIIT 'AMID loarnaui SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the beat effect In 31116 us and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Si* Headache; Name, Lose of Appetite, Indigo , tion,_ Acidity of the Stomach , Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affections, Gravel, riles, LID ALL COMPLAINTS WHIMS A GENTLE AND COOLING APERTENT OR PUR GATIVE IS REVIEWED. It le particubsrly adapted to the wants of Travellers by'Sea and Land, Beeidente in Rot Oiimates, Tersonc of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Oonvaleaoenta; Oartaitui of 'Vessels and Planter" will find It a valuable addition to their Medicine Cheats. :It Is In the form of a Powder, coral:My pat op In bottles •to keep In any climate, and merely requires water poured upon It to produce a da lightfal effervescing beverage. • Numerous teethnonfele, from profeetdonal and other gentlemen of the hlgheat standing throughout the oortn. Icy, and its ateadfiy there:lasing poi:amity for a seem of years drone) , guaranty lm efficacy end valuable Oharnotet l , and" commend it to 'the favorable notice of an intelligent !oleo. NagnfaogikedOnlY bY TAIMAAT & CO. *o• 1171111.401111aPir1011 atreet; comer Warren et. • pyQ.]y And for/ililii,Drairglate generally. . • trlci THE DISEASED OFT,A, • ..1. otAEBp3.—All acute • and chronic diseases oared, by special guarantee, at 1220 Walnut st reet, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure no charge • made. ttosProfeesor BOLLNS, the j.eitej , tail note lice, wild raperiaisnd the treatment of all cane him- self. A pamphlet containing a multitude of cmti& tee, of those cured, also letters and complimentary ieeolutione from medical men and others; will be " given to any 'Perform free' . 7,..LectureeMe constantly given et 1220 1 to mein ' mini end others who desire, a knowledge of my dli- • . sever,_in •IiP1)/Yhig Electrlclty'aa a relishielfiern . : j L ti • penile g•ept ', .. Lgonstatation free.. -: • ,—,r,428.811 61862. JMLEDICIPIAL. TIFEALING POWERS •OF ELFC TEIOITY DEMObiBTRATED, at 12.10;Stfatsjoe; „NOT fit, Philadelphia, *here Trot BOLLES hastrtent4). o at e d nearly three years teetleg be, neerdisc.overy in thie• ..applicatlenei Galvotdin, Ma tnetism, and Electricity, atria : -therapeutic agent, on over four thousand invalids, most ; of whom had been pronounced incurable by the most. eminent medical men in this and other cities, but after wards were cured by a-few applicatione of Electricity Professor BOLLES. • REMARKABLE CURE OF CONSUMPTION. PNILADELIMFA, Sept, 16,18 M. ' I Cheerfully Make tits following statement of fact, coo earning my own astonishing cure, which was to me as - Lifefrom the dead: About eighteen months ago I took a ecvere cold, .whioh seemed to becate on my chest and tangs, and since that. time I have born afflicted with oopeuraptive tendencies, . and most of the time my condition has been truly earra ' Ins. Especially for one year, my physicians, myself. autl, . • friends, bad tdraedoned all huge ef my recovere. NO . arnage can describe my anfferiuge, which eneoyed me bate day and nt€ ht. No effort on my part for a care has been . ~omitted, for .1 employed. from the commencement of ms .•sicknees. the most eminent medical men of the Statei and • took their remedies faithfully, tiutil they frankly Warm" 'bet I had consumption, and could not be cubed. Pre • alone to this tuinomomment by my physicians, I had fro: quently'eeen Professor Dollen' card in The Press, and ' a short time previous my applying to him I chanoed to ebeervo several certificates, and some which excited toy mind to call on him for advice, about ten days • ago. I told the Professor that I had no money , to throw away, and did not wish to be treated unless he could cure me ; and he frankly told ,me that he did not . 'wish to treat me unlette he could cure me, and said he would decide that fact in twenty minutes; and iroceaded to examine, and in less than fifteen minutes he said he ' could cure me, and offered to warrant a perfect cure, and Charge me nothing if he failed. Now, I am willing to 'say, for the benefit of others suffering from the MOB diffi culties, that I have only received seven applications of electricity, and am a well man. I had anticipated that I '.should be shocked with electricity, but, on the contrary, •hiegave mono shocks. The whole treatment, from the - beginning, was very pleasant and agreeable. I have beard many speak of the treatment, who have been cured. All, of one accord, seem pleased with the agreeable sensa tion. There seems no confusion or geese work about his treatment or diagnosis of disease. He proceeds upon fixed prinolplee, and according to laws well understood by • himself, and there is good evidence of their iufailibillty, from the fact that ho is generally snosessfnl, and can, With perfect safety, warrant the oldest chronic cases. I look forward with hopes for suffering humanity. It seems to me that medical mon of the old school will soon inveetigate this new discovery of Professor 8., and, in stead of drugging the stomach for months and years,' many times without any benefit, they may be able; in a few days, by the proper application of electricity, applied Professor B.'s system, to cure nearly all cases which they abandon asincuraele. I have watched the success of Professor B.'s treatment carefully, and I have come to the conclusion that the one•half of his wonderful success has not been told, although thousands speak in nearly the language that I do.' ANTHONY CARNEY, - No. 1217 Market street. Judah Levy, Bronchial Consumption, 814 South Front street. . • Edward T. Evans, preacher of the M. E. Church, Dye• pepsia of long standing. Laryngitis and Lumbago, 1638 Helmuth street. Alexander Adaire, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Lum bago, long standing, 1312 Savory street, Eighteenth ward, Ireeelegtee. William H. Bhnine, Paralysis of the lower limbs (Ba raplegy) and Epilepsy, publisher of the National Mee- Chant, 128 South Second street. Thomas Owens, Congestion of the Brain and severs Hemorrhage of the Lunge and Diabetis, American Hotel, Philadelphia. Charles L. ionee, Dyspepsia and Lumbago, 523 Aroh strati, ; James Nugent, Deafness for six years, and ringing and roaring in the head, Fifteenth and Bedford etreets. George 0. Presbury, Chronic Bronchitis and Catarrh, formerly proprietor of the Girard Home. Thomas Harrop, severe Diabetis, Rose Mills, West Philadelphia. George Grant, Rhenmatio Gout, long standing, 810 • Chestnut street. H. T. De Silver, Chronic Neuralgia and Inflammatory Rhenmatlam, 1788 Chestnut street. O. H. Oarmioh, Chronic. Dyspepsia and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Chestnut and Fortieth streets. George W. Freed, Epilepsy, 1492 North Thirteenth street ' " • 801401 1 / 1 .1. Kirkbride, Epilepsy, No. 1020 Market Street.. • . JameeP.Grevee, IL D., long standing and severe Lum bago, 216 Pine street. Edward McMabon, Consumption, 1227 Front street. M. Galloway, Chronic Dyspepsia, Allen's Lane, Twon tar-emend ward. • Charles D. OnshneY, Paralysis of the lower limbs (Paraplegy) and Dyspepsia, Western Hotel. J. Bicket, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation, and Con gestion of the Blain, 618 Callowhill street. - Caleb Lamb, .Bronchial Consumption of five years standing, 1436 Chestnut street Bev. J. Mallory, Aphouia, Philadelphia. M. M. Leaning, Nervous Prostration, Cadbury ave nue. J. 8. Ritter, Oatarrhal Conicaraption, 833 Blain:rand R. B.—ln addition to the above cases cured, Prof. O. H. BOLLEB hae cured two thousand Ohronio and Acute cases within less than three sears in Philadelphia, all of which cases had resisted the treatment of the most emi nent medical men.. Please take notice that Prot. B. does not advertise any certificates of cures, except those cured In this city. Prof. B. has established himself for life in this city, and hie emcees' in treating • the'sick le a sufficient guaranty that he . claims nothing but scientific facts in his diem; very in the use of Bimetal m a reliable therapeutic . agent- N. B.—lt will be well for the diseased to recollect that Prof. B. hist given a word of caution in his pamphlet, to' guard them against trusting their health in the hands of those in this city claiming to treat diseases according to his discovery. This caution may seem Bevel° on those . using Electricity at basalt, but it is the severity of truth, and designed for the good of humanity. See ad. • vertleement in another column. Voratatatios Free. PROF. 0. H. BOLLES, 1220 WALNUT Street, Philads HOTELS. IRVING HOUSE, NEW YORK, • BROADWAY AND TWELFTIL STREET, =TRANCE ON TWELFTH EiTNBILT, Conducted on the KITROPEAN PLAN. This house le now open for the accommodation of families and tray sient Guests. GEO. W. HUNT, yyyy Late of the Brevoort Hon" 5 Proprietor!. ' OHAB. W. KAHN, jy 7.thetten FOR•THE SEA SHORE. LAXTIO RAILROAD...I OBANGE OF HOMIB.—On and after ONDAT, Sept. 14,1862, Mail Train leavee Vine street leo{ry at 7.80 A. 8L 'Express " " it 8.45 P. M. _ . Accommodation train, for Af..baocom only, 4.40 Becoming, leaves Mlantio—Blail, 4 P. EL.; Exprave 6.06 A. EL Aocommodation leave% Abgeoom at 8 45 A. X FARE 81.80. Round-Trip Tickets, good only for tki Day and Train for Wad& - Vag are issued, Si 2 60. Ix cursion Tickets, good - tor three days, $3. Botola DOW open. • sa2B-t.f. - JOHN G. BRYANT, Agent. COAL. COAL. -THE UNDERSIGNED beg leaie to Inform their friends and the public that they have removed Utah. LEHIGH COAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the best quality of LEHIGH COAL, from the most approved mines, at the !Meat prime. Your patronage respectfully solicited. . JOB. WALTON & 00., Ofilee, 112 South SECOND Street. Yard, EIGHTH and WDLLOW. mhl-tf ILLIMIBIATING OLLI. " . UCIFER"•'OII4'WORIte. Ll' 100 bbis "Lucifer." Burning Off on hind. Wo guarantee the off to be non-explosive, to burn all the oil ID the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without trusting the wick, aud.but slowly. Barrels lined with slam enamel. WBSORT, SMITH, 3 PEABBALL, 6321-t! Office 616 MARKET Street. SAFES. JAILTSINII3 SAYE DEPOT RE movzo to so. 91 Booth SIVICLYTH Sheet, n. e anklin Inetitate. The madersigned, thankful for peat favors, and beta!, determined to merit future patronage, has secured at, elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand t large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought sat Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the oat strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Unequalled Bank Vann, Safe, and Bank Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be humbled: to order on short notice. This is the strongest, beat .300. tea*, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Waw Cabinet Safe r for Plate, Jewelry, &o. This Safe is oon ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet el fared for this purpose, and is the only one that hi atrial; fire and burglar proof. 13sgoist. Iforros.—l have now on hand say twonlg -Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes, most of them nearly now, and some forty of other makers, comprising a oomplsW assortment as to cdzon, and all lately exchanged for tki now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be said at vary low prices. Please call and examine. Ja26-1711 M. 0. SARI B, Agent. 111 EVANS & WATSON'S. • EIALAIIAIDNIt EITOIIII 16 13013TH FOURTH EITBRIT I PHILKDWLPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIFE-PROOF 61.711113 always on hand. • CAEr T I 0 . The weil•earned reputation of FAIRBANKS' SCALES Has Induced the melons of Imperfect balances too ffe them as " FAIRBANKS' SCALES,” and purchasers have thereby, in many instances, been subjected to fraud and imposition. Fairbanks' Scab* are manufac tured only by the original inventors, E. & T. FAIR BANKS di 00., and are adapted to every branch of the business, whore a correct and durable imam in reiuired. FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agenta, aplo-tf MASONIC HALL, 715 CHESTNUT' BT OBBIOE OF THE PHII.ADELPHLI AND BEADING RAILROAD COMPANY. . PHILADALPRIAL, June 28, 1882. The RATES of FREIGHT 'and TOLLS on'AINTHILA.- CITE GOAL transported by this Oompany will be as fol. owe during the month of BERTEMBER, 1882: • Port Carbon. $2.18 81.88 Mount Carbon. 2.17 1.87 Schuylkill Bayern 2.10 1.80 Auburn 2.00 1:70 Port Clinton 1.96 1.06 By order of the Board of Managers. jeBo-fie W. H. WEIBB, &oratory. DRAIN PlPE.—Stone Ware Drati Pipe from 2to 14-inch bore. 11-Inoh bore, 250 pw.• yard; g.jaah bore, goo per yard; 4-Inoh bore, 400 yard; fk-inott bore, 60c per yard; 6- Illob bore 6 60 Ptif . yard. Every -variety of connections, bends, era)" and . hoppers. We are now prepared to tarnish pipe in ant , ' Inantity, and on liberal terms to dealers and those lour-. abasing In large Quantities. ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPS.—Vitrified Torre Ootta Chimney Tops, plain and ornamental designs, war ranted to stand the action of coal gas or the weather NO any climate.. • GARDEN yASEII.—A • great variety of ornaments' srden Vases, in Terra Ootta classiest dee:Cane, all [daily And warranted to stand the weather. Philadelphia Terra Cotta. Works, :Office and Wars Rooms. . . 1010 ORESTNIIT Street, ierf-ts IL A. HARRISON. BLAOk. .; VARNISH-P- I T o.lli :PITON the old Railroad Grease Factor). or R. B. BliBBLYJ:1•A BON, foot of Wood street wharf, -Bchu7 lll illt,.Or No. 127. Walnut street. This yang& is row in general use, being superior to any varnishes for the bottom, bends, dio., or ships; also for railroad companies, buildings, cars, dm. AU kinds of iron netting', Ao., •••• ' • • • eedo.l2ite R. 0:111711BAND, Agent. AN TI-FRICTION METAL,' a' Baperlorouditys For sale by' ..• • ' :Arne YOOO3l L _,Ja. , CITY BEAN FOIONDBY, D 81311113115 Between Front and Second Item and Arch eta entt-Rnitl'"‘ ' CAMDEN ANDI AT- To Blobm'd. To Ph. ~ 7: .B ALEB BY' A: :TORN B. MYERS It 00., AUG TIONVEI33, tvae. s aid rde MARTIET Stmt. - PALZ OF OABPIDTINGS. ''TEL3 MORNING,. September 26th, at 10,14 o'clock, on 4 montha' rged3-- 3 , 00 places Velvet, Bruasela, Ingrain, and Venetia% crr pedag, cocoa rust - tin:a, &c. 13ALE 01 if BENUII ORY . GOODS. ON MONDAY MORNING. Sept. 29, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four 'month' credit— A general assortment of staple and fancy articles. .. BAIT: OP BOOTS AND. SfiONS, TUESDAY IdOBNINO. Septeawbx 39, on four mamba' credit -1,000 packages Boots and Shoes.; &a. • . BATA OF DRY GOODS ON TRUNBDAY TrioILNINO, .. October % at 20 o'ciook, by Obtalogat, On 4 Isrnithir cetwtit. , . , ~ . , Vt 13 ilttißS3, 1111,111EY, It 00.. JVato. 42 V AXOrn WIAZAT SALE THIS (rRIDAY).M.ORNIEG, &Wernher 2.13, at 10 o'cl. ck A CAND.—The attention of purchasers is roweeted to our sale cf French goctls this looming, Friday, Ese,,t at 10 o'clock, by Catalogue, on 4 months' credit, compri sing &sell and desirable moods. _.. LUPIN SHAWLS.. NOTICE TO DEALERS IN SHAWLS. - Tide morning In sale 200 lote of Paris shawls, consisting of mode Mud black tbibst Shawls, silk fringe; mode and black de laine and tbibet shawle, ; wool, bilk fringe, mode, black, de lain long shawls • mode printed thlbet shawls; broche and printed bu rder etribe gayly; bream. long sod Nome ihewla; printed thibet sante. Also, 100 Diem, fancy btripe and Void wool shirting& SALE orFbENCH DRY 400 Do• THIS HORNING, . • Beat 25, et 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on 4 months' credit— goo tote of fancy and staple French dry goods, received per late arrivals. PLAIN AND FIGIIBED BL&OK SILKS. Just Landmi. • Thilli 'MORNING. 100 pieces 22 to 38 inch highlustre, superior all-boiled Lyons black grog de rhinea. ". 100 Piece* Lyons imperial' onaliffr heavy" figured black grosgrains, for city trade. LION 8 BLAOK Sib MANTILLA. VELVETS, Of a well-known make, far Olt, Trade 25 pieces Lyons extra heavy black silkmantilla velvet, - of well enperlor Quality. 800 CARTONS OF BONNET A.ND • TRIKKING BIBBONB, OF SETE buo a QUALITY. cartons Noe 4 to 30, motorising a fall assortment. plain and corded edge, plain, figured, stripe, and plaid posit de sole bonnet and trimming. ribbons, in choicest and newest shades. SHAWLS. THIS MOBBING, Black and mo e thibet shawls, silk fringes do do inotudiu-delaine shawls, wool triages. -- do do 'double tailed do fine black thibet long ebawla. brocle and printed border atoll& 'bawls Pails broche °Debaters, long and square ahaw heavy woolen shawls. SPECIAL BALE Of 600 CARTONS POULT DE SOIE BONNILT AND 'IRIMNING RIBBONS. ON SATURDAY MORNING. September 27, at 10 o'clock, on d monthe credit. 600 cartons Nos. 4DsO extra quality plain, strive, figured, end brocade Ponlot tie- Sole trimming end bon net ribbons, of the neweot styles ana moot desirable ohades. PANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUG TIONEELBS. Nos. 218 "MARICST Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF A. i3TOOK OF FELT, WOOL. AND SILK RATS, by catalogue, At No. 337 MARKET STREET, (second story,) TIE it MORNING, September 20, at 10 o'clock precisely. Comprising the entire stock of a jobbing bowie deolin log business. Embracing a general assortment of silk, wool, elt, and cloth hate and cape 1 superior fixtures, counter. drawers, tools, eko. Open for examination : with catalogues, early on the mornlng of sale. , • . • MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Bat) by the Hon. JOHN CIADWALADEft, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Bastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash,'at Samael C. Cook's Auction Store, No. 124 South FBONT Sweet, on TUE3L.AY. Oct. 7, . 1862, at 12 o'clock bf. , a portion of the cargo of the Schooner 6138 AX JANE. viz : 4 cases Hats, 1 case Stationery, Jewelry, Itc., 1 case Lustre Coats, and 20 cues of Axes. WILLIAM MILLWARD, 1:1; S. Marsha Z.. D.- of Pennsylvania. - I , S7.ADELPitA, September 118: 1882. se24 .IkirARSIIAIIB' SALE.—By virtue of • IX/. a Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN GADWALA DER, Judge of the District Oourt of the United States, In and for the Beastern District of Pennsylvania, in &dm!, ittity, to me directed, trill ,be sold, at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at damnel 0. Oook'a Auction Store, No. 121 South FRONT Street, on TUE I DA Y, Oct. 7th, 1882. at 12 o'clock M., a portion of the cargo • of schooner LA OBIOLA. viz: 10 kegs Batter, 1 box Spool Cotton, 1 box Glass Chimneys, 1 case Smok ing Pipes, 2 cases Spool Ootton. The goods can be Been at the Store. • • • WILLIAM MILLWAIM V. S. Marshal Eastern District of Pena. Ps I 1 September 23, 1861. . ee24.6t MARSHALL'S BALL—By virtue of s. I‘.l. Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADW &LAMM, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and ' for the Bascom District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the - highest and beet bidder, for cash. at SAMUCS O. COOK'S AI3CTION KORB, No, 124 Routh. FRONT Street, on TUESDAY MORNING , October 7, 1802, apart of the cargo of the steamer LODONA, consisting of Salt Fish, Currants Figs, Raisins, Coffee, Tea and Almonds, (shelled.; WILLIAM MILLWABD, B. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHIMADRLPIIIS, September 204882.. , ete22.Bt PROPOSALS. kJ PROPOS AIS are invited kJ till the let day of October, 1862, at 12 o'clock M , for furnishing the Subsistenco Department of Washington, D. C., with 10,000 Bushels of POTATOES. The Potatoes to be delivered at, either G street wharf, Washington, or at the Railroad Depot. Put up in good sound barrels or sacks, without cost of barrel or sack, and to be delivered by the 15111 of October, 1862. The bids should state the price per bushel of 60 rounds, and be directed to Col A. BECKWITH, A. D.. 0 , and 0. 8., U. B. A., and endorsed' " Proposals for Pots. Wm.), 15821430 QE . AbED PROPOSALS are invited tin the Ist day of October;lB62, atll o'clock Et., for furnishing the Subsistence Department with 20,009 bar rels of FLOUR. Bide will be received for what is known as No. 1, No 2, and No 3. Tne member of barrels of each kind shonli be dis tinctly stated, and the price proposed for each grade. The quantity of Flour required will be about 600 bar rels daily, delivered either at the Government Ware houses in Georgetown or at the Railroad Depot at Wash ington. The usual Government inspection will be made just be fore the Flour is received. The barrels to be head-lined Bide will be accompanied by an oath of allegiance, and be directed to Col. A. BECKWITH, A. D. 0., and 0. B, S A.. at Washington, D. 0., and endorsed , 4 Propo sab3 for Flour." 8822 t3O ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUI PAGN o.l7loE—Pau.ADiLnui August lath, 1882. PROPOSALS are invited for furnishing Uniform Re gulation Clothing and riemp and Garrison Equipage for the now levies of volunteers and militia of the United States. The Clothing and Equipage for the different arms 'of the service to correspond in make and material to that heretofore used, and to conform to the patterns in the Office of Clothing and Equipage in this city, where specifications and samples may be inspected. Proposaig should state the article which it hi proposed to furnish, the quantity which can be supplied weekly, the earliest period at which the delivery will be Oommenced, the total quantity offered, and the price for each article. All ar ticles delivered by contractors are required, by law, to be 'legibly marked with the contractor's name. The fol lowing list embraces the principal supplies needed : ARTICLES OF CLOTHING. a Uniform Coats, consisting of Engineers, Ordnance, Ar tillery, and Infantry. • Uniform Jackets. consisting of Cavalry, Artillery, In fantry, Zonave, and knit. Uniform Trowsers, consisting of footmen, horsemen, Zonave, and knit. Cotton Ducks, Overalls. '- Drawers, flannel and knit. Shirts, flannel and knit. Great Coats, footmen and horsemen. Straps for Groat Coale. Blankets, Woolen and Rubber. Ponchos and Telma& Sack Coats, flannel, tined and unlined. Boots, Bootees, Leggings, Stockings. Leather Stocks, Wax upper Leather, Solo Leather and •Briddle Leather, Uniform Hats, trimmed and untrimmed. Uniform Caps, Light Artillery, Forage Caps, Stable Frocks, Sashes, Haversacks, Knapsacks, Canteens. ARTICLES Or EQUIPAGE. Hospital Tents, Wall Tents, Sibley Tents, common tents, D'Abri Tents. Hospital Tent Pins, large. Wall Tent Pine, large and small_ Wall ;Tent Pine, small Common Tent Pins. Mosquito Bars, double and Single. Regimental Colors. . Camp do. National de. Regimental Standard& Storm Flags. Garrison do. Recruiting do. Guidons. Felling Axes and Harulies. Spades. Hatchets and Handles. Mese Pans. • Camp Kettle*. Pick Axes and handles. Bugles. - Trumpets. - Drama. Fifes. BOORS. Company Order. Clothing Amount. Descriptive. Morning Report. Regimental General Order. Letter. . Descriptive. Index- Order. root Order. Morning Report. Letter- Guard. Target Practice. Consolidated Morning .Iteport. Inspection Report. Security will be required for the fulfilment of every oontract. All proposals, received by noon of the tenth day from the date of this advertisement, will be opened at noon of that day, and the articles immediately needed will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidders present. Contracts for further supplies win be awarded from time to time, as favorable bids are received, always to the lowest responsible bids received, up to the time of making the contract. BY order of the Quartermaster GeneraL "0. H. 0110)31(AN, atile.tocl Deputy Quartermaster General. NOTIOE.-SEALED PROPOSALS at e invited until the 30th day of September. 1862, at 12 o'clock M., for supplying the United States Subsistence Department with 6,000 head of MEW OATTIIIO, on the hoof. The Cattle are to be delivered at Washington City, D. 0., and each animal to average 1,300 'pottruts gross weight. Po animal admitted which weighs leas than 1,000 pounds prose weight. Heifers and bulls not wanted. The Cattle to be delivered at such 'times and in ouch gnantitte On the GovertMent may require. The first delivery of Cattle to be made ten dsys after eigning the contract. . • „ A bad with good and suMelent security will be re nuired. • . Government reserves to itself• the right to pay in Trea sury notee or other Cloven:mat funds. . . No bid will be cuts rtained when put in by contractors who have prcvlounly failed to comply with their contracts, ormben the bidder is not areiwnt to respond to his bid. All bide' to be &commanded by two guarantees. 'The names of firms should be stated in fall, with the precise address of ell the members of the firm. Bids to be directed to CoL A. BECKWITH, A. D. 0., and 0. 8., IC B. A., and endorsed " Proposals for Beef Cattle." , • . FORM OF.GITAB.ANTEE. We orthe county of and State of and —, of the county of and State of.-, do hereby, guaranty .that"- - is,:able to fulfita contract accordance with thelarns of hie proposition ' indlhiiti 61KivIt1 hie proposition be ateepteti,"Vti will at e.inoll enter into "a contractin accordance therewith'. ' . ebocad th e cootrect be swertled wean prepatel" I. telecoms t Ix eecnritlea. 7; j The East autee ruuet be weveuded to each bid. NHS tBO 3~,~'C ~3t ~il7L'~; TH.OMAS 802 IR Jtit4 Nr.t. It* cad 141 &midi Afenvza,4 24 ILEAI. ESTATE AT PRIVATE Ba A largo =Loma at PE Lr, Sals . cantpticil of city arAt otictottY Ar?fltt - . Art: rray he had it aid) nactkAi daft.. '4 Pad?descriptions in bazdtslti not , 1 , 3647 . z, caled4gT/811 OD 134tarday rext Ewa Eta PlO Bargonnt ntri;)t. .NRAT. kill/AIWA% • • Pid•, 'VELVET rw NO , e.tit ON TUESDAY MORNING. 30th feat. at 10 coclock.• at No. 910 Serou, bitireeetritacDie a n dnstreets, the enur e h raibli, !:. Tet carp( tq, a ac.. thel oar may be examined at 8 o'clock on Um lbOt t OWN pith catalogue. -Dgiup FORD 01 VOA, Aft 6 MARKET and 622 0 0Was p. 04, SALT OR-1,00 OASES BOOTB, • • • • • GANS. • .. OW MONDAY Sept. 29,- at 10 o'clock precisniy : Wogne, 1,060 cases 'metro, bore'. and Youth 7 oath and •tbiok boots. • calf ond kip brem ill gallon Balmoral, Wellingtons &c.; ,le end children', oalf. kip, goat, kid, and1a0,.. 3 ;: boots and shot*, gaiters. allocate, ge: a large mart:near of fire,-clam c, mute ISr Goods open for examination, cdtk, on the.morning of sale. vDmoior 1_108123 NATILUIS,AIJOTIONgt ILL' AM) 0030#18KT.0?1 yitROPAVT , , - corner of ISIXTR RL O IL ntreeks. "Itl4, GRZAT EARGAMI. WATCH - L - 5 Atilt j•F‘NYKLEY AT PUTVA72 Fine gold and dicer levsr ka1n" 4464. 6 _04 French watches for 'less than ha, Oa zkr ug r: , ;! , ' pri et from ow ;foliar iiaskWairic,' each Gold chalng from 40 to 50 cents cheap. TAKE NOTICIA. highest ..tarsiblo reic-r , is I°a°N: t 44.14 the„,,,,, Trio-iron RstoniziatitW. sail;; o 1 ta t , Oixtb and RNA' stream. A; leg& otte,-Aetra "„- , re th any other eotabliqhmont this c;tr NATRANS , PRINUIPAL NWEIRI t52A,31,44. MENT. RONNY T0.. 1 LOAN, In lune or onsil amount,e,r -roue one, dnilm. to tt.'op, on distacmds, goltt sad silver plats. aste r , .; merchandise, clothing, itirnittitt: uniti n g , goods of ovary disactireor, LOANS RADE AT THELOWEST nr..REF,T This eetablisbment has isrge dre Eitd thje l , r , x i tc for tim safety Of .siblimble 5, tagethsr V.V.! 5 watoilm r on the promisee. ESTABLISHED VOL'. THE LAST THIRTY yp bli ent o, Oar' AU large, loans made at ate tele Priscipttpt;' shm Charges prettily reduced. AT PRIVATE nALR One superior brilliant toned piano•tone. aity plate, soft and loud podah. Price only 890 . One very Illno toned piano-forte, rem or.;), VOPARTERSMITS. NOTICE.—It is hereby certified the undersiened have formed s 'Dinkel Pi ohipotgreeably to the proyisions of the acted A, of the Oomnionweelth of 'Pennsylvania, eyes tst, hereinafter set forth,to wit: 1. The name or firm.nortor which the acid It to be conducted is BURT & KURTZ. •2. The general nature of the brininess tut y, traneaoted le the Importing and Jobbing of Dry G, 4 the City of Philadelphia. S. The general Pittner's in the said nun au DAMP 'BUSH and WILLIAM WESLRY zrE both residing at No. 1937 VINE Street. In set4:7, Philadelphia; and the special partner le TER);:.-. W BAKER, residing at No. 227 North TWERTI Street, in said city. 4. The amount of capital contributed by thee% dal partner to the common gook in the nun et TO THOUSAND DOLLARS. In cash. 5. The said vartnershic is to commence on the TEXITTH DAY OF AUGUST, e. D. 154 .4 terminate on the FIRST nit OF JANUARY, 1884. , ' Made and severally signed by the said Darts Ere, City of PM'Metals, the Nineteenth day of A. D. One Thonsand Zight Hundred and Bizty.tec. VAN CAMP BUSH, WILLIAM WESLEY KURT& General Yuba THISIODORB W. BARBA, Special Ear* sii2l.6w MUFFING alk BOSTON AND pi DELPHI& STICAMHIP fan from each port on SATURDAYS rrom p; Wharf, SATURDAY. September 20. The Steamship NOEbtAB (new,) !Ischia Us. sail from Philadelphia for Boston, SATISSTWI ING, Sept. 27, at 10 o'clock ; and steamibis encp Uapt Matthews, from Roston for Phila)ciebil, • 11!WAY, September 27, at 4 P. M. Insurance one-halt that by sail Teasels. ifri tit fair rates. BhlPPero will pleoes send their Me of X 1 goodi. For frilitta or mean, having Vito siceantre t k i apply to . MINIM WINSOR CO., 7530 '382 SOUTH Warn. STEAM WERKLY TO VERPOOL, touching at QIFEENtiII ' (Cork Harbor.) The Liverpool, New York, ad I delphia Steamship Company intend &smith* Pali vuorered Clyde. built lion steamships as Mow: EDINBURG .Saturday, Seytwkwy ETNA Satrsday, Otto* I, CITY .OF BALTIMORE Setnrxisy, And every succeeding SATURDAY at Now. ira PIER No. 44, North Bivei. RATES OF PASSAGE. MIST 0A81N.......G85.00 STEERAGE do to L0nd0n......90 00 do to London— hi do to Paris 9600 do to Paes.—.B.ll do to Hamburg..... 95.00 do to Hambreg..B.l Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Brstmg.,• Be:* dam, Antwerp &0., at &malty low rates. Fares from Liverpool or QneeflatONlll: Ist Oath. 8. '17.-end 21 G 11111064. Steerage from Liverro?, 91 Prom Queenstown, £6.6. Tickets are sold here at lit onrrent rate of exchange, enabling people to their friends. . Those steamers have supesior acoommoilatima a pes. angers; are strongly built la water-tight iret !ale* and cony Patent Fire Annihilator& Experirs4tte. geons are attached to each Steamer. For further information, apply in LirfarrNA SO' LIAM 1.181.141. N, Agent. 22 Water Sheet; is OW ALEX. MALCOLM, 5 St. Enoch Square; in town to O. & W. D. SEYMOUR A 00.; MU,. RIVES & MAOEY, 61 King William Street; in 1! JULES DEVOTE, 48 800 Notre Dante Deak Place de le Bourse; in — New York to JOKE G. 16 Broadway, or at the Oornaanyte Office. JOHN G. DALE, Agent 111 WALNUT Street. Philedelith. TILE BRITISH AND NOM AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, Mg. ING AT CORK HARBOR. AND BETWEEN BOSTON AND LIVISM, CALLING AT HALIFAX AND CORK HARM SCOTIA, Capt. Jnakina. CHINA. OaptAtutente. PERSIA, Capt. Lott. ASIA, CapL-Ocok. ARABIA; Gapt. Stone. EUROPA, Oapt. J. L4lt AFRICA, Capt Shannon. CANADA, Capt. Kirk. AMERICA, Oapt. Moodie. I NIAGARA, Capt. L 31.1 AIISTRALAUAN. Thoso yeeeels carry a clear white light at mast green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. FROM NEW YORE TO LIVERPOOL. Gbief Cabin Paesage LLI Second Cabin Passage FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. ChM Cabin Passage —.ALF Second Cabin Passage .... EUROPA do. Boston, Wednesday, Salt i• PER51A........d0: N. York,Wedneaday,&itlit ASIA ' do. Beaten. Wednesday. &IA it AUSTBALABLAN..Ieaves N. York, Wedneaisr• &Pa ABABIA " do. Boston, Wedceiday, Oct. t SCOTIA • do. N. York, Wednesday, 0 111 . Berths not secured until paid tor. An experienced surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be acenstathill Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Sprite Metals. unless bills of lading are signed thereLo, neat value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to B. OIINASS, BOWLING GREEN, New Ted E. C. & T. G. BATE! 103 STATE Street. 11010 Or, to Jrl4 liadKtFOß NEW YORK-TM DAY—LEBPATCH AND SWIFTES I LINE6—VIA DELAWARE 'AND RARITAN WA Steamers of the above Lines will leave DAILY, ki and 6 P. M. For freight, which will be taken on aroma 'rte terms; afplr to WM. M. BAIRD CO, mr2l-tf 184 Booth DELAWARE Avail aid t 808 NEW YORK. DAILY MIDI, via PeWrite Baritan Canal. Phfledelphle aid NOW York Zxprese 'N e wbold* Pang receive freight and leave daily it 2P. M . , OW' ing their cargoes in Now York the following de f• Freights tell= at reasonable rates. W. P. OLYPI, Age N 0.14 SOUTH W1L1.11V11.9, Phgsastis. /AIM HAND, Agee, Piere 14 and lb 7ABT DIVE/1, Nee IA WV", Dctr-`11"14M 13ENN'A WORKS; On the Delaware Elver, below PhiltulelphOl ORESTES, DELAWARE 00., PENNSYLYAI REANEY, BON, & AROIII3OOI Zrzineers sad Iron Ship Builders, XANITFACTUREBEI or ALL KINDS or 001 , 11)INSYNG AND NON-OONDENBING VIGEIM Iron Veneto of all descriptions, Boilers, Water-Isiah Pro Polka's, Am., &o. IMON. BILLICWY, W. B. BEAREY. &kV,. Anentolsl Late of Bewley, Neatle, tt (Jo., Late Eti3IDY I4P Penn's Works, • (Thief, 11. B. NOW kr22-ly YAI7OI.AZ Namara, . wismax s. grasiog , JONI, s. 0023. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, 111TIPTH AND WASFEINGTON FIERO PETLAMILYELI. MEBBICK do 80E13, aNenlirEW AND NACFILLNIBIZ__,. lifanttraetoro High and Low' Pressure Ream for land, river, and marine service. • Ca& Bailers, Gegometerg, Tanks, Iron Boats, S . -1 hogs of all kinds, either iron or braes. Isk Iron-Frame /loofa for Gag Works, Workebol4, road Stations, So. -(1 Itcd Retorts and. Gas Diaohinery of the law , ' a ' oonstruttlon. Every deaoription of Plantation Ilsobineff, Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, OV: Trains, Defecatore, Filtars, Pumping Enene °, '%4A Bole Agents for N. Rilliems's Patent flagur;l l . Apparatus; Ifeemyth's Patent Blom Hamaler , Wolsoy's Patent . Oentrifugai BU W.,1 Machine id MIL - PENN STEAM ENG_Ao h AND BOILER WORKS.—NU r api. LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL DEERS, MAOHIBISTS,DOELER-MAKERS, , SMITHS, and ,FOIINDERS, having, for Oa been in enoossefni operation, and been excingletr: Raged in building and repairing Marina sod River, elm, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Viatel,,T i n Propellers, &a., ,to., respectfully offer their Ber' — _, 1 1 . the public, as being folly prepared to c o ntrectk 4 :,g gives of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stabonsrl , seta of patterns of different sizes, are prep tf cute orders with quick despatch. Every dtec„,,,rt”o pattern-making made at the shortest notice.ur. r of Low-presume, Flue Tabular and Cylinder i ku- o fft the best Pennsylvaida char coal iron. Yorgic s ;' Aeos ty Siam and kinds; Iron and Braes Castinit, goi Eons; Roll Turning, Screw -Cutting, sad a °"'"' connected with the aboie biudneoa. et OS Drawings and Specifications for ail wort den', eetablishment, free of charge, and work anar arke 7orit The mbacibera have ample wharf-dock rea r , eta pairs of boats; where they can lio in Perke fa nk are provided with shears, blocks, fe ll a, " (I ' 4 - ins heavy sr light welghhe. * • ..lll2l3lMl7:9SEAC3:d:ll_—i"llA—i-t VIA* 140litlitAN ORE a; 00., oi ANA. NOG lEfll BITtEsDRUS- i affia i sio General Machinists and Boiler 'Makers , o ss r. - -- , 0 15.1f LOWIIII4. Pigladelabi• : DER'SiAokEREL• 150 Bbls firt , w Large Fio. 8 bleolters. 160 Half Ebb " " 112 store and an' for scle br tcoon, l l, No. 160 North Wak•-•'