fi T Y I T E At S. ,---------_,_7 .„ 0 , 11. Itixersorg, dealer in Fine ramily 4 " t, Ar ch and Tenth streets, hits Just received a Or ° , T o of Useton Ginger, and French Mustards, in 11 " 1" ,,,e; Moo a tine lot el White clover Honey, in e iseet - W.,...,, delicious honey for. table uae. s lo y v to iintrisrriox for a regiment calls for' A rg R eticles of clothiug and egnipment : 1015 10 rust ooa y,015 trousers, 1,015 meagre, 1,016 n bullet- SI v ow 's . 1,015 bootees, 1,016 cape, 2,030 shirts, i c!oeldliel', 2,03 0 great coat otrar, 1,016 knapsacks, .19: i..veree ci,s, 1,015 canteens, 939 privates' coats, 843 1. 016 "' to os tiller lints, 28 wall tents, 170 common r " l' i ,'. l pal t et, 102 axes, let hatobees, 130 Pick. 040, x LOP ," w ho, lae , Comp kettles,' 20 battles, 10 druns, jrre, 0 n , 0 0,p colors, 1 tottonel color. • log f t is i ~. .; , The o bullet troy veil Se UNO 1,00, ire only pro. , e i tho dittoes and iiitlßmis , Clothing Hence of awedh p 824 Chestnut med. Philadelphia ' Males Fto e i N. . DiE V.F.08L.9 1N INDEPENDENCE SQUARE,--' ~.. over promised, recently, - that Stoves/au ,A btes o 7 o 0 ,,,,i, to rtahnleightt and dictate terms ideleue e/ , „ a , to the United &emu in lodepeadmce So, aare, 0 ' r , e t i t is lit iv that somebody CVO^ - - e ',rill be hurt before tot exploit 0 occoroplithed. Our ancestors made the I .d Stale Clouse lard sacred soli, and 'we Intend to tiold ~...t to l ow well as to the famous neighboring Brown 1 : 0 30, , it flail of &atilt' & Wilidn, Noe, 803 and t Cheatngt Areal shove sixth,- where one brave 'miao w, on pro ne the best, the most substantial, and "the pot co?' Ortshlo teofOrme extant. , VFAI,T3 OF LANAI` MEN Or ANTIQUITY. tsetse had en estate equal to .£1,700,090, besides a _ we b , lets onlog ot in moneY. slaves, and furniture. r ,,..oo , ee her teepees had property valued at £3,000,.. 'lf , ii ",, l votnltts, the Wend of Cicero, wu said to be :; 11h ,101000 Tho Emperor Tiberius left _at hie ,f,23,50 0,000 , mi n, lete which Caligula, Mi l anenemr . ; gcoded { a eleaudering to less than a year.' None of n i e, Val ite rich, however, ea he who has a tiht heart ~,d0 fire co oscomce, and can wear the elegant and Bub -70,1,1,ke Cl,,thlog manufactured at the Palatial s ' oth o en s roof Granville Stokes, No. 009' Chestnut ow l, 000 lbeelliapostmuldrtment of military uniforms , e the mutat Is en hand. : ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS or TO 12 o'OLoon war MIGHT. NTINIESTAL BOUM—Ninth end Ohestnnt p Ebolord,O,tows,l.ll -Dr Sweet, US N - )E row, Colo SR. McClean, Pittsburg 5 13 0 ,ch, New York TD Steele, New Havel] A r l bards, Pittsburg -B St John youratatown, 0 ie 11 Noon's Louisville, Hy . 11P Wolcot4dieutieurille,o Sarni $411:16d, Q, , PIUCY, 11l - lr , i , t Brewu, F 03000,10 Coo tinatuu,'Nfilwaukee 11111(++4 Tram Dr F Bull, Toronto, U W - Ls Joe ho,e, Toronto, nW J J Pratt, U 8 N rhart lousy York A Llouoh, New York "DR T Marred, Washington Chits M Herbert, N j ',lAliogrwan. Pa 0 A Piteser, 'Wash, D 0 Maily leosnon A 11111, Boston A W Pn-slos. Hectoliter A D LuNPny;k wf, Saratoga - 7 1S At F Dad It soll,N Jersey Thos Moir, New 'lurk r wbituer, us N Bev N Peek, M. Chunk I, A Bart, Y' 5 el E d N Aug luriana E Loomis, New Bever% T 1 , 1 Venda, hes Bares 11 •King, Kamm • Knaiwill, Cllllibbl% Pa l) to M Norton, fJolumbla R Murry, Ahlwaskte, F Atuutinollen, Jr, Ale, K r Nib' Porker, Lemon, Kr J G St ne,o Illinois 00l (lanada W New York P Folder, Now York Dr J Gushing, Boston 11P Voris, Nal Bold. Cons B Brooke Nice, Belttmore W Barribborg Caps 0 1 Goldbrook, N Y t . Torts, New Jersey Wilkinson, Waeh, D 11 K Southwick John Atwood, 1111nota .114.1,1entios is, YD 0 Growl & Boston P Kellam Hike d , N Y Gardner Colby, Braton Imes to h u ,s, Elsrrbburg Jos tampion - , Newark, N 113 Ward. Folio, h J S ti Pint, Jor.ey. Otte 1114 8 Pue, JerseyChM Blrll, pi err e, Nrw Bei ford TI Beuedict, OBV. , York A Webb, New York Gee NI foal Tibbi-ta, Troy B L Briggs, England N. -w York D B Kershaw J Groat Alarrl and It 13 Brubaker, Lancasterco salsa" W ew U or IV T LeWts, New York ' 8 (lamb, Yk Dr S , ;Muer, Baltimore Mini Balite Mutant,. Balto Ipp Bolto JEI Bickerton Pittsburg 11 aiFrrin . bm Yuck G 1) Blohardson, Boston ' BOALOIa E Goodman, Chicago - At Brooks& I, Missouri B 'Gerard, London Ask, bile Morarland & I, Pittsblg epphot. MPipBA4llPetta Ii t.litrral S. Fox .t Jerecy Olty Thos Britton, New York ituetn , W V Bohl, laustm Alerwortl, Porno N B Boston, Baltimore Welch J of, B NY A Allen, Delaware if Glikfq o, Nrw York B Illot.look, US N. •• • 11 . Alaimo, New York 1, D Bev:Minsky, US & 118110BASTS' EllfriO4—lroartb et, below Arch:a Q A PM, Lafsiette, Ind 8 T Poles, Washington N Data itraulthu, Pa hire 0 31. Brdgee, Ohio . . in 11 F. Osiky. Ohio W RiUh, Otn4tta Ofty 5 Kramer, Lniaburg BF Butt, Poona r II 150.8 ../ OM m He tidy, Danillabli CO H:alplultlitilftge Allow Wilson, PittAbarg 1 W , lgooti. galena, D 1 Lyniaa Muted, Gdleui, ILI •lit•G list kle II W Jblititon,4lmar Jerasy 11 W4Hou, Waro, Mons 0 Moraidon,Dowaloglown r will' r DI enKinne, Losnonver ',0”.• l'oce 110.• F Knightop N J tbonuel Turner, Plymouth .1 a I' itune, Ohio ytN'bteokey,NJ W..rf r. OHO L Mel)nha'd, St Jossall UT Thompion. Now York sn Jas In i, & la, Penn MR. Na no•blre, JBneevtUe H T Q Botankies, Brooklyn ANERlOAN—Obeernut sweet, ttbove Fifth. Atilay, Little rtstle, NY J V Onuntughacu, Del u Lewboen. thintlen,Dll J E Smyrna, Del G Bellime, New Jersey 0 Haag, New Jereey _ . . _, F I ally, 51 Chunk T lon R°lds. Wdm, Del 360 Is I libm pion 8 Dnuelltet I wf, Emma. Pe 3 ti..l)le,last.n, Pe 3 W litonnbraker I wf, illld 11+,1 II Stye:nut & 2 ch,ldd Roht Astely, New York surkl,q, Wub, D C Ohs+ R Maier, N. w Jersey W HR W H Mord et wf, B4trimone , hs Atslo, Ps H d Augio, Welsh Run, Pa ST. LOUD! ElVEEL—unesteut strews. above Third.. • Ilavrack. Hertford, Oe G W Buck. New York II Sway, UM N C II lisle, Wlltn, Del ll Funk, Del R U Unriet,. lid. Del • harm, gv,o, Del U A (Rive, Scrauttin Gkreteon, Yottevllle A .1 to at. Jr Vf Itoetly P W Whiteley. New York re, lb wf, Nebraska T T dole, Wa.hlogt .n, D 0 fires Alk ttr wf, N York W Ohe.e, New York Custer, Betty t co, Pa L P Geruor, Suhyl co, Pa e Gabe, Jr. Pittehnrg W F Shattuck. New York Skbol , en, Pt Louis , 'J fl Forum, 9t Lows irks V Blihe B U Sltattoon. deer) !raven Norte g, kl P. Boston Mrs Barker, New York Iktieteley, New York A L ;emote Brooklyn II Fury, Webeter, Neee 9(J Stone, U S N 11111. etreti, motive Third. uo D Dem.en & la, Bill Misa Mendell, Baltimore MINT, Ohio J N tower, New (Ueda Houdersoo, Nea42lolo B N Oleodeoen, $ Oeatle M Cheer , , Castle Johh Gt ahvo, N °Rade ifiticet, Ohio Jail A Fithiso, N J Bolden, C d N B F Orontoe, She-ol' urg ialrocceioek & wire, Ohio S 0 Lockwood it wife, Ohio 'LosiorooJ, Oh. buttial•—;•.kot 41.112q1. above Third. 'wig Volik, Pesnolvsnia A Bailie, Lehigh ca, Pe )1 Del, I ebsoon rapt Waken, Rile, Pa hol.r, Poorburg ()sot J JSMOOIIIO, .Virginis J Glor, Doylestown John Buckley, Pottsville %ohm, tiorbtimb'd COMOlEBUteu—olaa., Chestnut. Line. Penne W 6i Wilson, Newark, Del r sit, Delaware ,II e. Girding, Rake w Sting* Baltimore J R Thompson. Pt Dwelt %;' smell, Prov. B I John 0 Crowell, Bared,* Wiilisgu, Panne Ore 4.18 Lamb ill, Panne IA Dermot, Penne Geo L Baser, Penns 11 Eter, Maryland W Postai, Weat Cheeter Dickman, W °heeler St J George W Cheater L Sauk, Chaster 00, artes. New York 4TAIT9 UNION HOTkL—Market, above Sixth. M Reynolds, 111nr)land J T HAyrrolder Jr, Md .tio Bruner, Lane co, Pa BIV Harmor & la, Penne •bnllanuell. New York John Btepheneoo, N Y •LuMCnmnrluge H D Ooodwla, Poona Mere, Boston II Baker,Poona (10. ire, Border co, Pa D Bat, loyle•town Grukk, Denville L A Harklnr,.Brownsvllle Jr t , r, Oerliete E J Bosch, Baltimore / 1 01801 i 13 01:1tit—beeoad street, above Market. Vst9olah, New Jersey 0 T Healey, /indorser Oav PAtirrsan,anderson Clay IV Thompson, Anderson 0 fierier, &oderison Cavalry Wm Hazen, Baltimore ihn I , Victor, Halilmore Wm Esetburn, Lah.,eka Morris, Jr, Poltavilie ML•■ Morris. Pottsville H Herder, Pa N 11 Boat, Milford, N J II Ilk:Cord, Llwielown BARLEY SLlBAr—cecurat street, below Vine. Randall, N Banco, Mese J olngbem, New Hope Dungen, Bustleton W elcDowell, Wrlghtatown reser, Bib Pe Cavalry J Marra°, elontsornerY W 011bert, Greenville, Pa B 0 Moore. New Jersey ,Lone. Washington, DOBR Rion, Books co ste, Nuts, N J j, Martin. Poona lot era, Milltown Wm Robbins, Fox Chase P D Berths IllontgomeryWm McGee* la, N J Lamy, Ducts co, Pa BLACK BRAB—Third street, above oallowidll. T Benue, Lehigh co F Obristcnen, Lehigh co 5 S NEY, Pence W W liteader, Penns acTrailimion, 13yberry Tare Tomllnnon do eon, Pa r '" 18 1 Jr. Wrath, to 0 8 Norris. Waite Blarelt .throo, Now Jereei GI W Wolf, Denboro' ftr 3, elLoi, Reading Wellington Tilrne, Pellni rERNON—Second striet, above &rah. 11(2 1(1th 3: CM, Allentown Atlas ffi & Buck, N Y / 44 , Pena Dr if }Likes, Poona ' Wlikesbiltre 0 P Unrter, aelletonte BALD ELGLX—Third argot, above OallowblLL ,eeler Tancereville, Pa J B Graybill s Richfield, Pa teckler, Lebanon Obrlit'n 'linger, Quakert'n 'Schoch, Berke co, Pei Blast Schoch, Rorke Co, PA MARINE lIV TELLIIiENCE Vbrg rov er s PAIN' bit Batch Bernice, Oalligan, 11. dap( from ()ordering, tihtb ohleces to John Batton & go: Stilt tints. (Br) Hughes, from , Botterdarri July 39th, 11111111 k c. to ' titePtis i t (JO. tot J Attica 0' Donohue . , Coney, 19 asps rom sirrac t o d ' 1, 4 _ 14 E4 with lowood to D Weiziar 4:10.1 ,Briga 0 antl g Nary Norton, both for Neff York, ni Black litter, Ja, 21st ult. hh Bthr &Mit Staples, 2 day from Bridgeport, Conn, ihdee to Twells (30. • &11l ( )curse J Jou eo, Crowell, 5 days from Boston, Ith ludic to Crowell & Ooliine. wit fichr H 1 ben Sawyer, Trace 3 days from Now Bedford, h tuct at. to Tweils Co Behr 51 al l'h west ecizan, Nickerson, 5 days from Dostont ° ItIA Twells t h N h Flagg, r bonnie! L ewlo days from Fortland,with t " t hr 8 W to Twills Co Pier °ring Lf son Portland, with Mt* to Utile &ll°. 'lO dia" shr hsucet, Bayard, 1 da from Chriatlaus, Del y pato to Christian & Co, , Br 4 14111 1 00 Fo; day (Mn 1 fromea, Del, with ;gain Schr MarY, Rickards, 1 t hr ay ttith oats from Camden, Del, with iru to Jn L Bawler & CoC° ' hrelaytonto Jag L B oy e Lowb, wley a tio Jackson, a I day from Smyrna, '!%• lortir Parket, Buckeon , 1 day from.Lelyalot Del, with heat i n Jam L 8499/1b) & •Chr Ualik titet n Boiii . noon 2 day from Braintree, ltellast to cllA4l4ll°' Btearne hb lidstol, (Markle, 24 hours from Ne , w York, B Wile to W P Clyde. se to W p °llBl f BlB , Nutt, 24 hours from New York, with 01/11AILED. 441 k Maria Eugene, Parodi, Cork, for orders, GOI tiCelideoll Oo 3ecrl.,Jr• Hoare, Candy, ni...aarlestown, Noble, Caldwell StFe i iiptose, Olenle, BOsion,•Hammett, Van Dasen & 14r,11,,r Laurens, J, McDonald, do kat, k Frances, cDonald, Fortress Monroe, Ir 4 : r ur ilth /I y n c B Oo lc°° ,.jotrason, Alexandria, i, Active Simmons, do do Almtra' T oo do wh z , , raver* stb Hopkins, Fall Alver, do 4 rJ,„W Lail, Day, Alexandria , 0 Otimminge. 4 r uliroot Keen, Navy Agent. Z 1 1; "Moll Qa ll lin, Snow Hill, Jas L Bewley & Co. . „.A Hunting, Dawns, Alexandria. 0 CI Frick. o tgaypoolt, Baltimore, A Geoyes, Jr. q4AllOa, Robinson, Bow York, W P Olyda. XIXOBANDA' t N ! I i.." 411,1 11D If rth Lig ht, TinkloPliugh, domed 4 .., lektv d t' 6ra I BM If ? 4 f°r Allt4"" Liverpool for Phila. A orthomtiton, Elwell, from 6 14 1 11 )%, woe initeed 20th mit" iit 31, loop 85 _, 40 1 1 N York "411er Anna mite, ban, hence, arrlY" w *toter, SPECIAL NOTICES. - FLAMM AND Ri -2=4. ,AEONS AT AUCTION PRICES.—To be fully Prepared, to respond , to the re commendatiOn of Governor Curtin, and for the exigen cies of the war. I will sell my entire stock of elegant Pianos and Melodeons, Dew and little need, ae Chord. It embraces 12 of the inimitable Steck Tittles, besides others of well-establisbrd repufation. Melodeons of Melon & Haralip and Treat & Idnaley's make, all warranted for Ave years, and kept in tune, in pis oity, for one year, J. E. Q 01141), eeB.l2t* SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. GROVES, & V .BAKO NEW:tHIPETLB SEWING Iit&OHINIL=PRIOB, $4O. • . The attention of tailors and other manufacturers re quiring the use of a fast and durablelook-etitch machine. is directed to our No. 9.: This tea new and , admirable machine, operating with the greatest ease, and with but little noise, and, although but lately put into the market, already a great favorite with manufacturers. It is a trot class maehine, at a low price. No machine evsr Introduced in thin city has rapidly, or given such universal satisfaction. It is very simple in its construction, easily learned, not liable to get out of order, works ,with fine cotton, silk, or linen thread, equally well ; and the tow price at which it is sold places •It within the reach 11 all who desire a reliable, serviceable machine, • GBOTICE & BARER B. M. C 0.,. atatMi 730 OIIESTNIIT Street. EINGIR &- CO.'S LBT`TEII. "A" FA . MILT szwnro 'MACHINE, :WITH ALL TEES RE GENT IMPBOVBPIENTS, is the BBBT, and OHBATEIST, 1513e1 MOST BEAUTIFUL, of all Sewing Machines. This Machine will sew anything, from the running of a tuck In Tarlatan to the r making of an Overcoat--anytidna from Pilot or Beaver Oloth down to the softest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue, and Is ever ready to do its work to per fection. It can fell, hem, bind, gather, tuck, quilt, and has capacity for a great variety of ornamental work. This Is aot the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, and so (drib, but it will do ire beiter than any other Ma chin& The Letter sl Family Sewing Maohine may be had IA a great variety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case which is now becoming so popular, is, as Implies, one that can be folded into a box or , case which, when opened, makes a beautiful, substantial, and stta clone table for the work to rest upon. The cases are of every Imaginable deelgn—plain as the wood gresrin its native forest, or as eleborately finished as art can make them. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the very beklinallty. Send fora copy of "SINGER & CO.'s GAZETTE.: , L M. SINGER & 468-BROADWAY; N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 810 CIqSTNUT ST. .414:mwftf BATCHILOIVEI - Hint DTA! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Mill produces a ooloritot to be diertingniebed from manic.— warranted not to Injure the Hair in the least; remedies Ile ill effects of bad dyes, and Invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or BUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Mack or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and bean drat. Sold by all Dnigsdeds, &O. Sr The Genuine is dined WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on Ma four sides of each boo. FACTORY, No. 111 BARCLAY Street, (Late 288 Broadway and 18 Bond street), • MY23-1Y New York. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OW THE LATEST 3,11.15, made in the Bed Kanner, expressly for BE TAIL- . BALES LOWEST Selling. Primo marked Plain Ir igures. All Goods made to. Order warranted aatisiaistory. Our Ons-Parcia Braying is strictly ad kered to. AU are thereby treated Mike. sal-1v JONES 8: 604 MARKET Strom. MARRIED PALrilllfillioßßlDE.—On the leth September, by Bev. B. Ltille, of St. Theresa's Church, Sergeant George W. Palmer, of 00. IC, Scott Legion Regiment, to Mee Bill X. illairlde, all of this city. * DIED. SOYERRIII.I.—FeII at the battle of Ball Bun. Satur day, Lingual 30, 1862, Frederick• W. Sovereign, aged 21 years, adjutant of the sth Regiment New York Volun teers (Duryea's Zonavee), only son of the Rev, Thome* Bovertigo, of the New Jersey M. E. Conference. New York and Beßimers papers please cony. dk ,tdd.WBON.—On the 23d amgast, 1862, at his residence, St. John's Wood, Loudon. England, S. M. fd.awson, Eau., in the 7let year of his age. OROFF.—On the 10th instant, Jeremiah R. Orotf. The relatives and friends are reApectfrilly invited to attend his fonernal from his late residence,. No. 1846 Mount Vernon street, on Saturday afternoon, - at 2 o'clock, witeont further notioe. ** SMITH.—On the evening of the 10th' instant, Mlles Stewart, relict of James Smith, M. D., formerly of Oheat nut bill, in the 06th year of her age. 'lbe relatives and friends of the fathily are Invited to attend the inLeral, from the residence of her eon, Dr. Samuel 11. /I Smith, Brookfield. Montgomery county, on Satutday morning next, at 10 o'clock. Interment at South Laurel Hilt all o'clock. *# AN tiTICIE.—On the let lost, from a wound receivol at Centreville, Ye , William Henry Anstice, aged 34. eon of William Anetice. of this city. W a LTON.—On the Bth filet , Edmund Walton, of Nog .Obese, Twenty-third ward, in the 54th year of his age * HUGHIS —On the 9th lust , Joseph John, son of Joe. 13. and Ann Hughes. aged 1 year 2 months and 15 .lays* ItUttbllLL.—On the 10th bast, 'Mize Ann Anise% daughter of Mary Ann and the late Wm Russell, aged 3 'tore and 5 months, oOLUAB —On the 30th inst , Charles, eon of John and Maresret McClure, aged 21 years. llNTlERWOOD.—findthmly, on the 7th inst., Mr. Henry Underwood, fn the 42d year of his age. FOCIO —On the oth Just , near Salem. N. J., Beulah, only child of Joseph T. and Sarah H. Fogg, In the s th year pf her age. OABNB —un the 9th Inst.. Robert William, twin son of Robert atd Nlizrsbeth Oerns, aged 2 years and 3 wontho. ' * BLACK AND 6 (JOND MOUAN IN G Drees titke, just opened ! Black Gros Grains and Poult de Soles. Blat k Taffetas and Oroe de Rhine& Black Armures and Venetiennen. - Black Gros d'itoosse or Ottomenti. Black and White Taffeta Lance. Black and White Varsoviennes. Black and White neat Stripes and Uheokia BREPION & SON, se2.-tf Mourning Store, 'No. 918 MIES rtm £ Street. ccrNINTH 'WARD, ATTENTION t—AN Adjourned Meeting of the Citizens of NIN Ward will be held TO. MORROW AFTEBNuON", 39th lust , at 4 o'clock. at NATIONAL HALL, for tee perpoee of forming Military Organiz4tione. cab NOTICE.—THE CITIZENS OF THE bit VENTH WARD are eareestly reqaested to meet at O'Neill's Hall. LOMB %BB Street, below Broad, THIS (Friday) EVANING, at 7g o'clock. for the pnr aof organizing a committee to collect funds in said Ward for the °Muerte Bounty Fund committee. THOMAS WEBSTEkt, Vice Chairman ]t Citizens' Botnty Fund Committee. ocrTWENTIETH WARD, SEVENTH PREGINOT.—The citizens will please assemble IRIS (Bride,) EVENING, at Tx o'clock. ec the house of James Griftithe, B. W. corner of ELEVENTH and JEFFERSON streets. to orsanlze a Comoeny in acnord tines with. Order No. 35 of the Governor ef 'the Hommon- Wealth, • 07. ONE MORE RALLY AND THE' DAY 78 oußa—tax lelVaDlllll'3 iFOtiT Id effq OUR SOILNOW II TU E THEE OR NWINCR A Ilan Meeting of the lay and patriotic citizens of the TWENTIETH and adjoining Wards will be held at the comer of RLEVENTH and GIRARD Avenue, on FRI DAY, 12th September, at 8 o'clock F. M., to take meat sores to fill up the Regiments now In the field. Rally, patriots, rally • Eleanent nesters will address the meeting. A full Band will be in•attendance. it* ITTLAW DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF PENT LVA.N A.— e. Term- com mence on NEON RODAT, October Ist. The Introdu. tory Lecture will be delivered by Professor E. SP EON CER MILLER, in the usual Lecture Boom, at 8 &Mock P. 111 of that day. (a. A MEETING OF THE CITIZENS OF the Eighth Legislative District of Pennlylvanta woe held on TUESDAY EVENING, September 9, 1802, when the following resolutions were unanimonsly adopt ed, viz: nese/nett, 'That, at this fearful crisis, with a civil wet In magma, our State threatened, and our city menaced, we have no disposition to engage in party strife, nor to try experiments in legislation or with legislators. Resolved, That Wm. L. Dennis, Bect . bee proved him self a faithful and able Representative, and we hereby tender him a nomination, and pledge ourselves to use all honorable means to secure his election Resolved, That a meeting of the friends of Win. Ti: Dennis, Eta., be galled at the hone* of Ohisrl.s Over beck, southwest corner of ELEVENTH and VINE Ste, on FRIDAY EVENING next, the 12th inst , at 8 o'clock P. M.; for the purpose of adopting measures to secure hie election. ALGERNON 9 ROBERTS, President. Attest, JAS. R. OdaRIGUIS- Secretary. PIitLADSI.IIIIa, Sept. 10, 1882. sell-21* THE 'UNDERSIGNED EMCEE Y GIVE NOTIOE,that they have b een appointed by the Go vernor et Pennsylvania 00 id tiIISSIO STIRS TO SUPS INTEND TIM DRAFTING OF MILITIA IN THE CITY OF PRIG S.DISLPEII,a, in. accordance with the laws and regulations of the United states and Pennsyl vania, and in obedience to General Order. Nb. 99 from the War Department at Washington. bittice is hereby given that on the2Oth DAY OF SEP TEMBER, 1862, we will proceed to draft for each of the Wards and Precincts within the bounds of our appoint ment the number of men necessary to fill their respa live quotas, unless the several Wards and Precincts shell furnish the men as volunteers on or before that day. Each Ward and Precinct can offer volunteera . to fill its quota on or before the day the draft is to be made, and thus obviate the draft therein . ; The Citizens of each Ward will be-notified by band- Dills, to be hereafter posted in their rerpective Wards, of theTtline - andifftme w are Lae vOtntatireoV6ltt -alt ,to hear and decide neon'claims for exemption. WM. H. 'ALLEN, B. GERRARD, Fifh and Sixth Wards, Ohief Commissionerti. THOMAS •DALLAS, First and Fourth Wards, l EDWARB G. WEBB, • Second and and Third Wards; SAMUEL BELL, Jr, • Seventh and Eighth Wards, JOS. B. TOWNSEND, Ninth and Tenth Wards, LUDLAM MATTHEWS, • Eleventh and Sixteenth Wards, CONRAD ti. GROVE Twelfth and Thirteenth Wards, THOMAS W. PRICE, - Fourteenth and Fifteenth Wank, . JAMES BELL, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Wards, 3 LLOYD, .Nineteenth and Twentieth Wards, BENJAMIN B. MEARS, • Twenty-Drat and Twirrity ! second Wards, AMOS LAREDO, Twenty-third and . Twenty-fifth,Wezdt, WM. STOKES, Twenty-fourth Ward, selo•3t : Commissioners tam POLY TECHNIC COLLEGE; OF aTA.TE of Pennsylvania, HELMET Street, and wmar PENN Square. The SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL, for the student of gene. rat fiCieTiCei begins Plondap, - September Bth. , The TECHNIOEL SO1100Lt; for, professional educa tion lu Civti, lilechanlcal. and 'Hine Engineering ; .prao tioal Chemistry, Iletallurgy ; and Architecture, open TueedaY; September 18th • The course of If ttary Engineering, oomprislos Stage Operations, Field Fortifications, Strategy, Tactics, and Drill, will be enlarged, and continued. Th e khostiedgelud means of !nehmen= acquired by the president, who has visited, during the past season, r t o h ll e e r w ri m cip b al - e xli xo so ili e ta a r y f a ian tab d ie in b d i ns th w e i f al in arat e ty ntatio inkee ne ring of Fn ; att college fully 'tp to the . Stiropeari standard. _ For admission , atsPlratido li edw Building. or address ALFBEID L : KENNEDY, erti•dt President of Faculty. trIrTHE, PENNSYLVANIA. FIRM INSU RANCE COMPANY, SLIPTSMBH2 1,1862. he Directors - have this dardeolaied a -410dend of NIFTZSN DOLLARS per. Share on the Stock, of the Company for the last. six , montbsorhich be,Paid to the Stockholders, or their legarrepresentatliee. after the WM. 6.OllOWOlliLr ae2.lotlilecretaa7. , , “. A THING op BEAUTY IS A Cl-. joy forever” If you get one orIIZIBINIVB, Tvorrtypes son ant` resifts the Meaning of the " poet.' " Throe 'pictures are the moot beautiful and natural 1114-7 amine extant. OZOOND street, above Given. It* MILITARY. ICOMPANY A, 2D REGIMENT Br agava BRIGADE—ArmOry S No. 05 OLIBIT- Nur Street, font th story.-000D MEN are wanted to fill Ude Oompeny to the atandiat d for Sante and flttv IDefence. Itolle open at 8 o'clock THIS MOUSING. All members are ordered to report at 9 o'clock. ii* E. B. DAVIS, Oaetein, ATTENTION.!—The 14th Permsyl- NRllili Cavalry, Uol. James id. Beloonmalier, gives 5162 Bounty. A few able.andled men, seewtound to babes, will be' accepted. Pay from $l3 to 622 oer moral*. Apply immediately at No 209 Son:h VOU Ira titre et. C. W. BABBLSoeI, Hajor. ti CO. .Er 2d REGIMENT BROM:TITS WANTED FOR tvreas SERVICE. —A few more men wanted to fill the c„impear, to march at the call of the Governor, under hie re• Dent proclamatiOh. ' Recruittag officee,. BOARD OF TRADE BUILVING and. SaIT.ANAH RAJA, Eighth and Cailewbill etreele. By order of G TO. W. GRICE, Capt. JOHN BATOR, 0. S eell.2t ICO. I, I.ST.ItEGT. INF. P. :EL al Armory N. Vi. corner SPRIRG (3AIi . BISN and TBIRTEENTH StreetP. open EVE BY EYB SING. et 8 o'clock, for the reception of recruit!' and drill. , Ben St* .. LC. PRIOR,-o,ptain. GYMNAST ZOITA.NES--4 1 TFI GMT 1CNT,11..8 OftUrrS WANTE D for STAVE Pt/ PENCIL Amory opfn from 1 to 10.0'0600K P M., No. 37 South THIRD Stroot. 3.1* • P. V. 811I.VEC,Paptain. • NATIONAL GUARDS , REMELTS WAFTED TO DEFEND THE STATE i ()Menu. are invited to join our Regiment at once, nn , der good officera, who have ali seen service. . . GEO. UHLER. Captain tJe. A. _ . JEO. 8. WARNER, Oaritaill 00. B. BARRI ANUS 1k RPF. Captain Co. O. JACOB . B DE H AYR R. Captain Co. D. JAMES M MIDDY, Captain Co. E, J. ELLIS 147011.E8, gapt.iin Co. F. - • - W. K, EriI,CRK REAR, Captain Co. 0. • ' W. A. THORP, Captain Co. H. P.t. A. DRIANRY, Captain Co. I.' V II I LIP B R L.L8113 G ER, 0 aptainlOo. K. Apply at MILITARY 114..1iL, , LIBRARY Street, . 1012-2 t Between Fourth and Fifth Streets. TO IRISHMEN AND OTHERS OF PENNKYLVANIA-T E BRIAN 80- B UNITED IRISH LEGION OF PBII S. VILPHIeI WM. BE TRE.G4.I.,b ANT 0011- CORER 8 BhIGADE --Government and City Bene fit% of VA secured up to the 20th that. This is one of the regiments baying authority to offer such great in dum4rents prior to tbe draft. Captains with full Como remit pre.enting themselves to Headquarters, will re ceive $460 recruiting expensed when =leveed la.-- Men of good character, bringing horn 16 is 25.g00ti men. will be commissioned B.cond end First Lieutenants.; .40 urea, a Captaincy. Game from all cities and counties of the State—we will receive you like 'brothers: Telegrdigli despatches or letters repiied to. Free transportation on all the railroads to Rearleuarters,CONNOlitir'S opposite State Hones, Philadelphia. Apply tis GEORGE 01101011E3, senatit Colonel of 144th Regiment, P.Y. TO THE 'LOYAL GITIZMNS OF PHI LA DEL PHU AT r s NTION compli ance with the suggestion of hie Excellency the Go vernor of Penes; lvania, the Officers of Oita:many, 0, Begiment RESERvE B BIGA DB, will be in attend ance, en FEIDAN AFTERNOON and 'EVENING, at the Regimental Armory, No. 605 otlEiT NU C Street, (over Board of Trade !footpad to drill all those mime who have the welfare of their mate and ()wintry at heart, and who wish to become proficient in 'the manual of arms, as the most effectual means for their protection. AP self- protection makes it an imperative DUTY for all good citizens to avatrthemselves of the present opp trtu ttity, it is to be bored there will be a good atandance. - 011'4.011E8 Vaptain.. -: GEO. J. NAYLOR, 21 Lieut. sell-20 1, .W.T. EIELLF,EkISLN,'Lient, TO THE PATEIOTIO.—The WE.- • me in charge cf CAMP ROE PENTOENCE will kePp their.tents open until 9 9.' fit. EVERY EVE NING- this week. for the purpoee of Enlisting Re cruits for the PhiManilla Regiments now in the field. `Come and get your bounty, and void the draft. H. A. SREETZ, Captain, ss9•tls Officer of the Day. iOOP I.NDEPEND ENOE.-OUR • COUMARY-70 A 8A13 1 .-1 HE VETERAN RIC• GlPd EN TB.--The galladt off, cern end brave soldiers detailFd from the otd Philadelphia Beeituents, now in the field, have pitched tents in INOZPICtiPiCiIIOE EQUAitt,A and .will enlist recruits for their glorious batta'ione on that sacred ground A full Military Band will be in attendance every day after 3 P. Id TO ARMS! TO ARMS!! TO ARIIS! ! I By order of the Citizens , .Bonoty . Fond . Committee. •. JOHN E. ADDltlfid, . ee9-8t • Chairman of 'Committee on Recruiting. BEADQUARTER9 HAMIGTON . RIFLES, September 5711, 1862 —ln pursuance of the proclamation of Governor CURTIN. calling upon the citizens to organize Velunteer Cocapautes, for the purpose of general defence, the armory of the Hamilton Rifles, at the 0911111IS6IONER8' HALL, Wiat Philadelphia, will he open EVERY AFTERNOON, at and alter 3 o'clock, for the purpose of recruiting the Company up to one hundred men. The citizens of the INFER TY. FOURTH WARD are invited to come for ward at coca for enrollment. _ By order of B. ANDREWS KNlGHTveirotain. J. R. elo , , URDY. Orderly Borgeaot. sed.6t lA. O. WASELINGTON . GRA* YB.- ATTgNTION !—Those persons. who have enrolled their women in tbis Corps will attend at the Armory ponclually, et five end eight o'olock P t , for Drill: Any friends who desire to enroll their names for instruc tion, oan do so at those hours. By order of ALEX fdUE,PHY, Commanding. JACOB T. ROFFMAN. Secretary. Philadelphia, Sept. Bth. 1862. BE9 St I. OUR COUNT:KY ! TO ARMS ! TEIR VETERAN BEGIdIENTS.—The gallant officers and brave soldiers detailed from the old Pails; d elphia Regiments, now in the field, have pitched tette In INDEPiIiDENOE SQUARE, end will outlet recruits for their 'glorious battalions on that sacred ground. A fu I Military Bald will tie in attendance every day after 3 P. M . TO althil3 I TO tattlit3 ! TO ARTS :- By order of the Oonimittee. • JOHN Z. ADDICKS, seB 06 Ohairman of Committee on Iteotaltiog. THE ATTENTION OF ABLE BODIED MEN' is called. to the reoruidng of BATT/MT 0,1152 d Pennsylvania Volonteers..or M Pennsylvania Artillery, at the ReadttnattertwNe ' BB6 RAIOIONY street, between Chestnut and.. Walnut, bt-low Pourth. Also. 506 lir INK street, and bow Oom-. misslonere' Ball, Weed Philadelphia. . Bonnty'sl7o, with advanced pay. JAMBS MARTIN, Jr., ae6-12t* . Captain Battery G. 31:MEW - MEN T, RESERVE BRI GADILOCiri. 0. M EAKIN...aeon:LIM wanted, to MI the various 'Companies Apply immediately, at any of the following armoriea Open during the hours named for recruiting and drid :. - Company A—Lieut. John S. 'Wenn, commending, coiner Ttiiteenth and Filbert streets; at 7) o'clock P. M. Company B —Captain Jobn F. Leak, Fai. mount Mar ket, Twenty•second and Spring Garden streets, at Ito 10 F. Id. Company C—Capt. J. P. Sowers, at Sanders' Institute, Tbilty-niotb street. above Market, West Philadelphia. Company D—Oaptain B. Andrews Knigbt, Commis sioners' Halt, Thirty-seventh and Market, after 3P. M. Company R—Oapt. Benjamin T. Barret', Reed street, below Fourth. every evening. Company F—Lient. Andrew J. Bekerjcommanding, 810 'Market street, fourth story, at 4 and 8 'o'clock P and 0--Oapt G. West Blake, 803 Locust street, 8 and 8 o'clock P. M. • ... RAO 4t ), 1 4 1 . 4 SPECIAL ORDERS No. 2.- Ileadquertere Wiesen Troop of Philadelphia Light Horse,. Independence Aqua-e.— .rnembere of this Troop will report themselves at these headquarters at 7 o'clock P. M. for parade. By order: T. MORRIS fiNMORT, 0.8 CAPTAIN W. IL FRY 8 '4: 4 11:ISBELL TROOP OF PHILADELPHIA: • LIGHT HORSE. 1 Ms Troop bae NO recruiting office on Chestnut street. The tifadquartere are in INDtPE NDENO dQU and the ftecruiting btationtr tto • 210 DOCK Street, and the Greet Western Hotel, No. 1809 MARKS r Street. A fouTmore active, reepettable young men will be accepted. it* • Captain Wtt. 11. FRY. • CH 0 R MA NYS INDEPEN , , .DENT REGIMENT OF MOUNTED RAN GERS—ALL PATRIOTIO AND ABLE, .b()DIRD WEN 1 .--Ohormannis Independent Regiment of Mounted Rangers having been accepted by the War De partment for special service, reornite will apply imme diately at the Eleadquarterr, GIRSRD HOUSE, Phila. • Colonel. E G. OHO Itftl N. Lieut pot. W. H. STs.E.R. Sen. Major, ALEX leicneLLTTra. 2d Major, GEO. BEE CB Lit. 3d Major, MALCOLM tJAMPOELL sel2.ll* Adjutant. G. W. L. JOHNSON. RECRUITING OFFICE :OF s THE ANDERSON- TROOP, Grotuatl- Floor of. Misk:. the . Pennsylvania Railroad Office; corner: of ThitaD Street and WI I.,LINCPti Alley. . Cant WILLIAM J. PLLHER. ergt. ALFRED-IT-REIN. - Private NORMAN K. SMITH. The Secretary of War has ordered that, tbe'Anderson Cavalry be detailed, for the present a for duty in the State of Pennsylvania. They .will: be—st once actively era ploy.4 in scmting, &c., in the Ourdlierland Valley. selo.4t4i : . . *BUSSELL TROOP OF PHI . ' LADELPNIA LIGHT. DORM —OHANGII OF OFFICE.—The 'Recruiting Office of this (impelling been changed from No -212.0HESTNUr Street to No. 219 DOOR Street. A few more young, active, and respects As men wanted. This troop will be organized On the same principle as the Anderson Troop. Young men, the most efficient Home Guard is he who ' nobly via lunteers to go arid meet the enemy ere we have to fight him on our own ground. Do not let the rebels get upon the sacred soil of P.rinsylvania. To all of you Deztend an InVitatiou,'eome and join me. We.will be brothers in ' . gime fur the defence of one Oferione oonntey-,„ - - ~' :=sell.St* OAPT. WIC H. FRY. DRY - GOODS MELLO:34 & ENGLISH AND "GERMAN IMPORTERS, 40 AND 42 NORTH THIRD STREET. H SIBAY, G LOVES: Shirts and. Drawers, 4-4 - Linens. Fancy Woolens, Linen C. tikfs. Manufacturers of Shirt Frents EDUCATIONAL. VNGLISEE FBENOH' AND. LATIN . SOBOOL —Mho BUROIN'S School. for Young yntiiee will reopenIIEPTEMBRB:ISIII, at len Wat BUT Street. ' ' • -ael2Aintr' THE 'UNDERSIGNED WILL OPEN 3. about tbe 20th of Septemboi. a Seicict School, ex. elusively for MILITARY INUTRIJCTION FOB BOYS, under the patronage of some of the =atrial:tenth' chi-, zees For future vaxiieulars (at ' areseut) 'Marais IL' ECKNEIDOBFF, M0.•1912 COATES 13treet. N. B.—l . hale` withdrawn., all couneetioi . floin . Blasko's splumiLl [B6l2:stife] OI'MOICENDOIIFF: PHOTOGRAPHS: THE MOST AGrREE ABLE ANDI life-like pictures are REVILER% Colored Pboto- graPlis, colored by skilful artists. and Subbed with care and attention to all details. ' Callern 83003 D 13reet i above Creen. „ 46 TANIYNOT UPON THE ORDER , . of *Aug, but go _ at once" to BZlllllll , B,,irbote Ms fitful - Pprbaittis life-sized Oil;Ookniiii Pinkest:tots - 'aro no made at' war Prices, "colorimi-- bienitiefi or Sae ability. Celery, OZOOND Street / above. Green. Itit THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, y rBEPTEM+BER - 12, 1862. E M., NEEDLES, NEW GOODS FOR FALL TRADE. Laces, OnUwe, Setts, Eliita;,-„, CeiffStee, Barbee, wca pR, Freda A NNW LOT OF: POINT LADE OOLL&P.S, $1.60 The above Reds have been bought almost entire,sr "for cosh," and Will be *mid, with few exceptions, at "old. Vices, " offering .t very , great inducements" to those 'seeding anything in this line to at....mine my stock, as the prices are "very , much below" the present' mar. NOVELTIE'S SILKS,, SHAWLS, . . AM) FANCY DR. - SS Jlisel FA anding, and foi sale by JAS. R. CAMPBELL & 00., aeB.6t 727 OHBEITNIIT STREKr. Capt. Whi. H. FEY. . It* NOW OPENING, OF THE LATE3r srnans, And for age at the old prices In Pointe Alennen; Pointe A111)11016; Real :Thread, Point An 17 " 10 . 9 9?, Prench Gulintre,• flattest., VAten cienne ,fie., and laces by the yard, in real and •'rattan uni all varieties:' Jaconets,- Cambric Nato.. nooks, Dimities Preach Ruslins, Figurcli Plaids, Stripes, ika., in great. variety. White Gonda. New ONta'at, Old prices.' . . . . Shitting, Sheeting, and Fronting. Li= 'neve,.Printed: LlllO l ll3 Rad tlam brios, Diapers, Napkins, Doylies, Table Olotee, 7ante Da4iseks: Encitaback end Dama,k Tev►ele and Towelling. 5.0 dozed ail Li nen Napkins, $1,25 . per dozen.' Linens and Daumi,ka. Towelling Corded and tape bord'd Printed, Re vlon). Rem- cititched:. Broad Rona, Mourniog, colored, Parto.9, Ruf fled, &c. in all grades. Baneketchiefs, 01 kinds, - Ladiet.'• Gents', and' Obilorecio. (Mare, ,Setts, FlonnoingS, Edgings, Inserting's, Banda, In fante' AVEdets, Robes, ke., very :cheap. Embioldnrfee, in B variety of DEM detigns. E. M. NEEDLES. U 7 HITE ..QQQDS - ,. ••• , , • .• , I,IIIENS 3 -C. STU'S, - . BARNSLEY DAMASKS AND BREETINGS; a. .110SIERY- AND GLOVES; . . - • • POPULAR -PRIOBB; BY - - J. R. CAMPBELL . , . . 5e8 . ,;,13t „ 727. OHNSTNIIT. STREET. WHITE GOODS, - EMBROIDERIES; - • "`HOSIERY, .= MERINO UNDERSHIRTS, VESTS, DRAWERS, &0., AT TEE • LOWEST GASH PRIDES. SHEPPARD, VAN.RARLINGEN;dVARRLSON, XlO 6tip • 1008 OHEsTNAT ST. HOUSE FURNISHING. • . A large assoitigsat of DRY GOODS AT LOW . P.RIONS. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BLANICBTS. Welch ; Shaker, and Patent Flannels. Nem Linen Shadings and Pillow Linens. Bicker& on's and Dunbar Dickson's Spirting Linen& Heavy Tabla i. Tiamasks, in Neat Patterns. Double I amatAt T able Cloths, Napkins, and Baylis& Buck and Diaper Towels and. ToWeiings."....r..-.. Turkey,Red Table Coveriogeand Wylie& • Counteipanea, and Dimities. ,Forriture Chintzes and Carriage Linings, Bich Lace and Mtwiin oi:truant'. Curtain itiatsrials, Brooatelle, Damasks. Ac. • Window At:Aland° and Gold Border Shades. SHEPPARD, VAN H.ARLINGEN, do AR RISON, selo.6trp " 1008 CIEIBSTNIIP STREET. BLANKETS, • . •AN D - BEE'.4O:CHED GOODS; Inoreat variety, at low prices. , eI'AS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., ee- . 61 - 727 OFIESTNTIT BTBEST. - GOODS SORIAIITIIMS. Autumn Silks, dark. colored Checks. Black, Plain, and Figured Silks. New Fancy - Da Gaines. Rich De Leine% of lower srades. Foil du Horde and Long Champs. - • Ilandentne and new Plaid Cashmeres. t • Plaid Valencias and Worsted. . - Poplins and Figured Drognets. French Chintzes of new styles New assortments of French Heriooll. Stella Shawls and Striped Broche. Fancy Shirring Flannels. • Embroidered Tab's Corers. • SEIARPLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and El 'Streets. BARGAINS 1N DAY GOODS "PUR chased at the Ti. B. Marshal'e sale, being' part of the cat go of the prize vessel " vumbria." Lots of Linen Cambric Hdahs. " " British Millis.. at at s w i m 4. at •at pi gurib d at ac " Daitieooki. " " PlaiAtembrice. Black Alpacas. at Vobarge.. Regatta Bhawls. • Blue Horse's, &0., Ac. - CUBMIN ST t)DI)AiT A BROTHER, 450, 452, and 464 North BZOOND Street . ; • above Witow. HSTEEL & SON, . No. 1/5 North TINTS St., above Coates, • Have now open a choice assortment of • . NEW FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS. - Bich Fancy Me. ' ' Noyr Shades Plain Bilks. • Figured Black Silks. Plain Black Silks at Low Prices. Rich Figured and Plaid French Reps. • • Plain French 'Reps, all shades. • Plain French Merinoe*. all shades. PL aIN ALP &CAS. . :In Black, Bro;n, Mode, Bine, and Scarlet: • Poil De Obevres, Poplins, Detainee, . ' And every variety of New and Choice seasonable Drell Goods. Also, a large assortment of BLACK BTELL SHAWLS. • - LONG AND SQUARE WOOLEN SHAWLS,. sell-tf AT LAST YEa...13 PRICES. LARGE STOOK OF SHAvyLs.- Fiat Line of Black Shawls. . • • Full Liz.° of Rode bbawle. Full Line of Bleak Stella! Foil Line of Woolen Shaxis. Full Line of Smola* She. . ins of -Long Shawls. Shawls Wholesale. and BYRE & 559 ; . FOURTH: and &EOM • "NEW 'FALL AND WINTER Clothe and Cassimeree. Desirable Mixtures and Plaids. Solid Owors, hibbed s and Black. Plain, Striped. Neat, and Fancy Oimtimeres.• FINE BLACK 4OLOTH9. ( t Union Camoinseret and Tweeds. Satinets and low-priced Goods. • • . FL AN NE LB. New Shaker Flannels. Fine and low priced White Flannels. Baccine and Shirting letannelß. - SHAWLS. New Woollen Shawls. . ' • ' Black Thibet Shawls. ALSO, Balmorial and Hoop Skirts. Bargains to Black Alagoas. - • Daily opening new goods. . ..- 000 Plot & COWARD, seo 8. B. corner NINTH and 11.1.11KEIT VANOY SHIRTING TLANNELB.-1- Just opened, a few cases of Wrench Shirting Mit. stall, in neat Stripes, Checks, and Plaids, of &sights. *des sad qualities. ALSO—Gray, Scarlet, and Blue Flannels. salt SILLEPLESS BROTHBBA. NEW GOO DS.-MOUSLIN !eines ; new styles neat Plaid Glace Poplins; . Plain Bepe, Blue, Green, and Brown ; Figured Oaditneres; beautiful neat Fig ured Rep Poplins; Bine and &Mirk. no Delaines ; new Calicoes, choice patterne•, nest Plaid Flannel for Gents' Shifts, very desirable - rind .scarce; also a nice assortmentof Classimeres for Men and Boys, at JOHN H au3o 702 alltOH Street:. A LL -WOOL CHEMED". 0 A BR MIRE 8.-40-inith Black and White (Media One pure Leine Coatoneies. Imported and for aide by SH&RPLESIS BROTHERS,- anl2 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH RtreekV riIWEEDS AND CA.SBDIEREB. A. 1,600 yards heavy Cassimeres, just opened. Also, 1,000 yards oil. wool Tweeds, 62 to 76 coati. Bummer and Fall Candmeree, a fullranck. mews and Boys' wear. our stock to complete. - • DOMESTICS: . tßle,acted and Brown Skirtings. ' .• Bleached and Browobeetings. Cotton Flannels, Domet, all wool, and Banque dn., Herbert Goods, at lowest market rates. HONBY-COMB•QUILTIL Marseilles and Lancaster Quilts. , • Bathing Flannels, Mosquito Nets. Linen Table Damasks and Napkins. • Cheap lots of 4.4 heavy Dish Linens. . CLOSING OUT. Bilk Mantles, Thin Dusters, Lane _Good'. - Boys' Bummer Clothing. Thin Dress Goods, Black Tamarttnee... Mattaire,tiosambiques, dro. - 000PDB 800NA-RDs • 1781-0' SAC. corner-NINTH sal MA MP" OS. LATOUR 011;.--4.921iislietuA LA of ou, Jtigt, received aer.,.44 v l 4 l O Bordeaux, tot sale by' - • • JAIIBETOHS &•T:AVDBGPL au -tt 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. CAR. TATIGES OARTItiDaES CAR'T'RIDGES I I ! Bartholow 7 e, Bolid Water-Proof Oartrilges, for all kinds of Arms, — of all calibres, smooth-bore and Meth with Elongated Bullets for Rifles had Pistol's. BOUtei Ball Carrridgeti, Bookend BO do ~ and all Buck do, for smooth-bore Arms. , - Them Cartridge - I'4o not require biting Or tearing, thus saving time and powder, and being -old, are necessary fOr the soldier using them.- Manufantured arid for sale bY the BARTIIOLOW CARTRIDGE, •-• CHESTER, Pennsylvania, All ordere by mail promptly attended, to - [O2 6t ABBE-BAYONET RIFLES AND RIFLED MUSKETS, WILL BE BOLD TO CirizENS &RUING THEM . AT COST PRI-CBS, A BY S PHILIP S. JUSTICE, 6tirt No. 14 NORTH FIFTH STREET. sel2 12t All MY GOODS Eky Blite Ferseys. Sty Blue eassimerea l (for Officers Penis.) Diyk Blue jUniform Cloths. Dzelz Blue Cap Cloft. Dark 'Blue Blouse Flannels. Vhite.Domet Flannels. Tvilled - Gray Milecl Flannels. IV B. Regalain]] Blankets. . _ 10-ounce and 12-ounee Standard TENT DUCK. in store and Wade by SLADE;SMITI-Llii Oo KO. 39 LETITIA, ANO 4424 8013 TE FRONT STS.. at27-1m - PHIL AD Iff,Ll , ll I A. . .. (VD CERS' E Q IT .I;1'!-. MILITARY. NJ' MENTS, auddleu,. — trlilltie, liiavermuks,.-SkOetuu liDapsarliP, &D. Full assortment .at 720 NEA.IIIC.ET &rue, below Figbilk. . ' . ; . stl9-4t*. 0`" TENT" CONTRACTORS.—Se verat Tboneand 8181,11 Y TENIS wrripod tlen. tree," of beet quality malleable iron, ready.matle and an. pealed, cen be:bad OD reaeonable ;terms. hiddreti" Bex 278, P. 0., Pottcviile, Schuylkill county, Pa." seB76t* • - frENT BUTTONS , AND U: , SLIPS , U :. JL B. Patterns, for sale at J: P.. BEIM'S: matrafao ,, tory, corner Of TAIRTILENTIT isnd'NOßLElbtrastai: FraLl.r•*. U. FIVE' TWENTIES; OR, • 20-YEAR. SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE' OPTION OFTIT,POVELRAT MEET AFTER FIVETRAWL' • ..• • • I am. titilintOted.'brthirt3BOXlTAßT OF THE TENASIRM to receivi•eabseriptionx for the above LOAN AT PAR. THE INTEREST TO COMINIZIIOI FROM DAT) OF DEPOSIT, Thu avoiding the dlificulty heretofore experienced by reCialring payment In GOLD or the Intend from Na,v bet • - • • ..11111 supply of these Bonds always on band. JAY ObOKE. • EVlsoginnolf: magi% , • 114.8010 TH THIRD ST.. $3,000 .OR $4,000 .TO LOAN ON Mortgage, In one or two mime. $1,906 to iDVPBt in Ground Rent. LIIIESNS & MONT.3OMM. BY, 1035 BEA OH above'Latwei. aoll.3t* JAMBS H, WALTON, THOMAS, W. YOST W ALTON & YOST, V V - EdliKEBB, BROKBRI3, AND GENERAL COLLECTORS, No. 25 South THIRD . Street, Philadelphia BILTBBENOBB. Jay Oooke & C0.,0n. Jomee Pollock, James, Kent; Santee, & 00., Hon. H. D. Poster, • Esberick, Black, & 00., , Hon. L. H. Reeder, 0. kicKibbin & Son, Hon. Lea Packer, E. P. Middleton & Bro., Hon. Warren J. Woodward. Ron Wm. Wilkins, V. L. Bradford, Esq.. en7-11In . . . EASTERN DISTRICT' OF _PENN SYLVANIA, OLICHII'S OFFICE U. S. OLSOUIT COURT, No. 104 S. FI.FTti Street: 0110 E is hereby given that a Ott-cult Court of the United Staten for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania wfu be held at PHILADELPIII I, on MONDAY. the Bth day obOctober next, at 11 o'clock A. M., for the trial of an informed= filed by George A. Coley, Esq., At torney of the United States for the said District, against 11 cases amputating instruments, 15,000 friction cannon primers,- and 500,000 pt rcussion cape; the said articles being seized and captured on land, by the Marshal of the United Rates for the Said District. and now in hie cus tody', as being forfeited to the United States fur the canine set forth in the meld information, praying that the same may be cendemned and confiscate:4 for the use and benefit of the said United States, according to the Act of Congress in such case made and provided. - WILLIAM MILLWARD, li. B. Marshal Itaitern District of Parana. PHILADELPHIA, Sept.ll, 1862. - sel2-31 TTNITED STATES OF AMERICA, EASTERN DI9ThIOT OF PENNSYLVANIA, • • 'B3. 0 5/13 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, .T 0•1 HE fd A RISE AI, OF. THE EASTERN DISTRICT OB PkIvNBILTASLS, GREETING : • . YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED, M the name and by the, authority of the United States, forthwith to seize and attach,,Eleven (11) Oases AOf PIJ rATING INSIRUMENTS, Fifteen Thousand (15.000) FRIC TION OAe. NON, PRIMERS, and Five Hundred Thott gaud (500.000) PERCUSSION CAPS, as the same now are, fed Abe same safely keep, to abide the final order aud•decree of this Court, in a certain plea nerein Prose cuted against the said 11 Cases Amputating meets, 15,000 Friction Cannon }'rimers. and 500,000 .Per Cl3BOOll LSDIS. by the United States of America, &bal. lents, for forfeiture, &c. And you are further com mended, in the name and by the authority aforesaid, to cite and admonish all'pereone herein oonoended. so that they be and appear before the Judges of the CircnitOottrt of the United States, in end for the Eastern District of Penns} ivanta,ln the Third Circuit; at a Session of the emus Court to be holden at the City of Philadelphia, on the FIRST MONDAY OF OCTOBER next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, then and there to show cause, if any they have. why the said 11 Oases• Amputating Inetrumenle, 15,000 Friction Gannon Pri mers, and 500.000 Percussion Cape, should not be con. Sarah d and condemned, for the nee and benefit of the said United States, according to the prayer of their said Information and the Act of Congress io such case made 'dad provid d, and have youths]) there this writ. Witness the Honorable BOGER B. TANEY, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, at Philadelphia, this eleventh day of SEP TEMBE R. A. D. -1862 bed to the-eighty-seventh year of the Indepen dence of the said United States. • BENJAMIN PATTON, Clerk Circuit Court. 102 8t SPANISH *CONSULATE, IRPOBTANT NOTICE TO CAPITALISTS - AND • OWIMBE3 OF QUARRIES: The City Council of Havana advertises for Proposals, which will take place in said city, on the sth kit/VEIL-. Bkß next, for the furnishing of 50,060 . : square metres. of T11.6.PP BLOCKS and 60,000 square metres of SIDE "WALK, at ti sho the laying of the same in the streets of: Paid city. The jwort must be commenced within sixty dais after the signing of the contract, and be finished in • .the term of two years; the oontractor.every month to lay, 2.100 metres of Blocks and 2,100 metres of Sidewalk. The price of the 60 000 metres of Paving Stones, at the. rate of $4 65.180 for- each square metre, wilt be paid: b). the • City Council, in municipal bonds, with ow/0;1'M sent .per annum, amortizable in ten yeare;•and payable. with , due to the holder. For this purpose, these hoods Will be delivered to the contractor on the receipt of the works are executed, which will be done monthly, the - calms' therefore being received in payment of munici pal taxes, and the City. Council will consign yearly, in tin ir budgefas obligatory and preferable expenses, the neatiesery sum ter the payment the ! interiesta and amortization of the capital. The payment of the 60,000 ;metres coupon Sidewalks, at the rate of $4 20.100 each square metre, will be made to the contractor in each,- oxpeehalf In six months after the work is ex , coned and re ctified, and the other half at the end of the six following month.. If bide are offered to perform the above works - -at lower figures than those fixed by the corporation, the • Contractor will have the right to execute the number. of. /quark metres of Paving Stones and - Sidewalks nenessary - to-cover the sum of gracKyaoo, to which both contracts united Will be extended is such case. To'be it bidder, parties must deposit In the Council City offices; in cash, or in Share* of the Spanish Bank of alairtuas the stun of $z5,0(.0. which sum the contractor will lose if he does not fulfill, strictly, ail the eel:10111one of; the .contraot. Those; wishing further information on this important sub,eat may examine the Havana Garetcrof the 2d Sep timber, which will be found :at. the Spanish Constar. office In this city,'and also at the office of - -The Pm:. . • -CARLOS - DB ' 'The• , oonsal of Snafu. .PEILADELPITI4 September ii; DIEU.' sel2:3t PIReItiPAGNE.—An invoice of Croo 0 .4.. &tit ChtimParoo.iitarts aria pints, Yost reoshied :Par„ 4 .; lefeel . for:sale by wlllriCaLse B. OA.BBTAIIIII. • leg • • ze. UM WL JUT and 21 GRANIfI MILITARY GOODS. FJNAN DIAL. LEGAL. COMMISSION HOUSES. G E°. D. AP RRISII OFFERS FOR SALE 70,000 yards MEDIUM ALPACAS, 88;000 yards FARMERS' DRILLS. • 35,00 STANDARD BLANICEIS. oeB-14t NET CASH ON .DELIVERT pIiI,LADA., SEPT. 8;1862. Canton Flannels—heavY, Army Standard Drills 4-4 Standard Sheetings Cra'wford Denims, for Overalls, Bley Linens, for linings, 12- oz. 281- inch Duck For sale by DECOURSEY & HAMILTON, eeB• BE 237 oHXBYFUT STREET. ATLANTIC DFAIJAINE COMPANY. MOURNING . PRINTS, Black and White, Black and Purple, Black and Gray, Black'and Lavender, NEW STANDARD STYLES; , BRUITED BY WILLIAM SIMPSON. NEW 'FALL StYLES OF MADDER PRINTS, SAMUEL SLATER & SONS : SUTTON MANUFACTURING CO., FOR SALE BY JOSEPH LEA , 12S AND 130 CHESTNUT , STREET. , an27.lm DUNNELL - . . AND GREENE -MANUFACTURING CO.'S PRI-NTS. too Osseo NEW FALL STYLES. TOR SALE . . COWELLING COFFIN,C No. 220 OHESTWIIT Street. SEAMT;ESS BAGS. cc LEWISTON" and " PREMIUM". " TOLSALEBY .. WELLING, COFFIN & C0., )121-tewfßre Rp. 220 .01EUSSTNIIT Street. -;OONTRACTORS. LINENS FOR ARMY PURPOSES. Bales Canvas, all widths. Bales Farmers' Drills. , Bees - Light arid rietivy Auk. ALL FLAX TENT CLOTH. FOR SALE IN STORE AND DAILY ARRWING, BY CONWLD `,'Bd:,l3E aRIEL, okkirortaiSTßOT GopDEL •-• ARMY OADIE•BLITA Op/LT . ..CLOTHS. • DABIO-13iMr0AP. CLOTHS. • EIRT:BLIIII . CLOTHS FOR OFFIbERS. ARRY BLANKETd, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OIINOE DIME. - 'DRILLS, STANDARS WEIGHT. HEAVY LINER DRILLS AND DUCK. SHOWN AND BLEACHED SMISTINOS lab\ Bantam:as: • For Bale by . • _ - • • FROTH:LNWIAII *Bz,, WELLS:. ARMY BLANKETS, GOVERNMENT STANDARD, FOR SALE BY FROTHINGrIIA.M. WELLS, AGENTS. ett2O-tf B ED- W ILTS, SUITABLE FOR HOSPITAL PURPOSES,, Low 104 WRITN Ain) mum AND *aril. AND Al,BO, 8-4 and 154 INDIGO BLUR FLANNELS. For sale by FROTHINGH.&II & WELLS, i7lB-2n 84 N. FRONT and 88 LIITITIA STREW. WELLING, 00117 IN, esagnsrtrix EITIORT, art PretteircAJ 0 11V.4 2 • COIC TR ) Apir" FOR THE DELI:VERY, ARMY • WOOLEN AND COI TON GOODS, STANDAILD QUALITY. 5027-itei . s*-thil*lt.. . Etu I SON. Mo. 112 016118TISTIPT STEUT, COMMISSION lINSOURIVIR Poisssw.nop PEMADEGPEWB6ja GOODS. odoleAlot' • - - ~GOODS. s FALL . 1862 • 1862 WOOD Ba•PA.RY, ff7oo/1811088 WNOOLN, WOOD, Have_ now lifidore a .; COMPLETE ST.J)OK - 08 MILLINERY GOODS, • - 00N . 131871Nal OF Silk Velvet and Colored Straw ..• - 'BONNETS AND' FIATs.;:: FrenchFlowere l •Feathers, Itibborts;Ao4 To "Licli: thefrespeadally invite the attention if the former vationa Of the BOUM; and the trade generally. seB 2m. , • r°B•;KENNEDY & BRO., No. 729 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE NOW 'BEADY THREE • - • • • FALL IMPORTATIONS OF , Atti.oll FLOWERS; FEATHERS; . ANP , G:ENEIRAkMILTANEV GOODS. 94.3 m • : DELICIOUS, BATH, - 1101"/MV, oinp, ouribe toe at the greet Hair Dyeing ' loen.:FOIIBTH end BRANCH Streets. selo- if HAM W E == An invoice 6 . f . a (kid , loon Cleat HPAGNIC ink reciAveeper ToT:salle-bi: • - " • , `''OHMS: B.OARBtAIu Bole . tont, , ' eelo , No. 126 WALNUT and 21 GRUM/104AL' .T -413131tB • =so' 'wort . shij sue ; % diisuic, bud for ate yys, -• ?=:zig. • •,,`, • JAUSZTOELIC J..•44V, , u,5 , sot ROR a 204 Saud, FRONT 34ges: NEW PUBLICATIONS. MILITARY BOOKS. GILD' &M'S MAlgtr&L. COMPREHILNSIVE, COMPLETE, &ND EEL/ABLE GILMAN'S MANUAL, For 'Volunteers sad Militia, by Major William qllhain, U.S. A., of Indiana. 743 pp.. 600 trona. Price reduced from 521* to $2031 Comprising an Introduction, containing a Glossary of the terms in use among Military men ; Army Organizte Don ; tirganization orlDfantryt, (revelry, Fitid Artillery, end the staff; Arms and Ammunition; Bcboola of the sower ; Company instruction in' Zonave Skirmish Drill; Battalion, Trooper, Troop, and eqa•droo ; Evolutions of the Regiment; Light Artillery . Tactics; iinnora • pald by Troops; buttes ol Captains; Companies; Duties in Camp and Garrison ; : lhe dittfr; Battles; Court Martialei Mu sty and the Arliclee of War. The Most complete Military Manual published, cmstahi g se much of the systemsof Cover, facott, and Hardee, as is recognized in the United States &run'. Ravine lectivrd rep Sated applications from many odi• cora of the United states . Army, and of the Volantoors, for the Mite f ihoee portions or • GILBAM'd MANUAL comprising infantry Tactics, Canaly Tactics; arid Light Artillery Tactics, iv separate volumes, the Publisher now premium th• se distinct volumes. feeling, confident that' they will meet the wants of those arms of the service. Price for each volame, in neat flexible mo rocco bitding, El 50. GILTIAM'S CAVALRY TACTlCS—Flexible Moth Gilt Dinolug, price, 1 vol., $l5O. GILBAM'S INFANTRY TACTlCS—Flexible Cloth Gilt Biudiug, 1 vol . price $1.60. The above works have been ordered in quantities by our" State Goveremeut, for the we of our volunteers, are' lto in extensive use throughout the United states. have been adopted by many of our Military Schools, and . are 'rutty endoteed by Major °metal George B. McOlellau, Com mander in-Chief of Bolted States Army, Major General George A. McCall, - Brigadier General John W. Geary, Major B. Joh:bon, 11, 8. A., !dam!' holly, U. S. A., Bri gadier General James 8. Begley, Brigadier General E. O. Williams, Adjutant General J. Meredith Read. of State of Few 'York, and many other distinguished officers. Extract of letter from .the late gallant and lamented Major General Philip Kearney : WAsurscvos, D 0., Pe= fitajor Gen. P. Kearney, U. S. A. Permit me to add my testimony to that of all other military men, that tic publicatlonof Githam's et atm ti le moat useful to the country. It is useful for all, but par ticularly for our Volunteer forces. It is comprehensive, complete, and tellable. I regard it the beat tdditery 'Work that exists. There is no dirt, either of the Staff or of the Line, that is not thoroughly explained. P KEASNICY, Major General U. S. A. 000PEW8 TAOTIOB, BBVIBBD BY OAPL MINOR • • KNOWLTON, U. B. A. INSTRUOTIONS AND RIGHITLA.TIONS FOB THE MILITIA AED. VOLUNTEERS OF THE UNITED Comprehending the Rxercires and Movements of the Infantry of the Line, Light Infantry, and itiflemtn, se established by authority for the Governmentof the Regu lar Army, toge'her aith Manna! for Non-Commissioned Offleersof the Infantry and Wee. United States Army. by Captain Alfred Bally, United States Army, vowed and arranged from Cooper's, !'colt's, Gaeta's, and Her det's Tactics, and other authorities, by Oapta'n Mixes RNOIVLTON, United States Army, formerly Instructor of Tactics at the United States Military Academy at West Point. Price, in neat cloth, gilt, 81.00 ; In illuminated paper, 76 cents. - • NANUAL , FOR NON• CO 11 bIISSIONED OFFIVIIS INFANTIAT'AND BIFLEMEN OF THE UNITED ; • • STATES AWAY, BY CAPT. ALFRED SULLY, 11. S. A. VONTENT3. Obedience to Orders; Arrests; Ban'alof Non-Commis eir.ned Officers; Duties of - First Sergeants; bMies of First Sergsante in Garrison ; Unties of First Sergeants in Wield ; Duttea of Seigeante ; Danes of Sergeants in Garriaoa ; Duties of Sergeants in Otoup ; Duties of Uorporabt; Duties of Guards; Countersigns; Honors paid to Officers; The Plotter; Claud GU% do ; Saluting; Arms; Maim for (lamp Fire, Camp 'Kitchen, and Camp Oven; Ardchaof War; Glossary, eco. PgION, in morocco, flexible, gilt aides, 50 cents paper, 38 cebte. Pub!Maid by CHARLES DESILVE R., 1229 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and fer sale by Buokeellers generally throughout the Mani d States and the Oanadas. Descriptive Cattilognee,.furnished on application, and any book all! be Bent brute% 'loans paid, on receipt of the advertised price. " Irr OR L DESILVER has on band, and . can fur nish the publications* of all other homes, on the most fa vorable terms. Fall sn ppiy of Military Books, of all descriptions, con stantly on hand; Maitary Maps. &c OBARL.J mr,stLvira, selO• 3t • 1229 ClitB3111;1Jr Street. 04IZED MILITARY BOOKS! -. PUBLISHED BY J. B. lIPPINCdTT & CO. UNITED STATES INFANTRY AND RIFLE TALL TlllS—prepared tinder the direction of the War De partment. One vol 81 25. • IL McOLELL A N'S BAYONE T EXERCISES—Published • by otner of the War Department. One vol. $1.26. CAVALRY TA OTlCRPnblisbed by order of the War Depertmtnt. Three vole $3 75. .IV. MANUAL EVOLUTIO 1 s OF THE LlNE—Arranged in tabular torso for the use of the Army'tjfficers. sequel to the U. $ Infantry Tactics. 60 cents. V. MANUAL OF BATTALION riumL—For the nee of Army Officers. Arranged in tabular form and pro perly explained. 60 cents. VI. SOLDIER'S HANDY BOOR—Containing a complete system of Instruction for the Soldier on coming into • the striice. 25 cents. VIT. REV . ISED A RMY REGULATIONS—PubIished by au thority of the. War Department. Svo. $1.76. V 11.1.. INSTRUCTION IN FIELD ARTILLERY—Prepared . , by a Board of Artillery Officers. $2 50. IX. MANUAL OF TARGET PRACTICE—For the United States Army. By Major G. L. Willard, U. S. A. 30 Centlid. DUFFIELD'S SCHOOL OF THE BRIGADE AND EVOIAITIONI OF THE 'LINE By Col Wm. W. Duffield, Ninth Michigan Infantry. 75 cents. liar Will be sent by mail on receipt of the price by the 'Publishers. • J. LIPPIN - OOTT & eel° 6t -22 end 24 North Ft BATH etree SAINT DENIS-BEING : PART 4 of LES ISISSRABLES—ouIY 40 elate. All now Books, at a discount • PHOTOGRAPH ry $1.'75. AE817918. 141 L.l ' s: A new lot bound in 1 1 1:11tKICT MOBOOOO, FULL SIZE, with clasp, reduced to St 76, LESIS THAN' OOST 'lO hIANIIFILLITI3/13. Other .styles nrowwtloneteb low ! P1T01321113 °beep Bookstore, tw6 12t iF 939 C/IBSTRUT Street. THE BATTLEB IN We shall have ready TO-DAY, ANOTHBE FULL 'AMPLY of Blunt's Map of Virginia, giving clear and accurate information concerning • ALL-THE BA.TTLFATICLDB now engaging attention in Virginia. • Prlce. 50 cents. Also, McClellan's War Man of the Middle and South ern-Staten; upon which are marked all the Battle.ficlds, ac companied by the dates. Price 61. For sale by WK. B. A ALFRBD-01ABTIFN, set • • 606 OH MEITNUT Street. A R TELEGRAM /IRKING MAP OF • SIZE 26 BY 25.. PIiTOE. chtrrs. Sold. in all Pericdicl aid Book Stores, also aont to,any aderesa on receipt of price. For particulars see adver tisement In Frank Leslie's Pictorial. PBAI4O it 00., Publishers, 109 Washington street, Boetnu. Macs ' an2B-lm •- Iblibiitaa . TING LLBRARIES VBROTEERHEAD'Et OFROII- - • Lerll6 441331A8Y:—A.11 the, BIM' Baglish and American nooks, incltuitma ALL °LAMM 3Of Lite rature. :This is the ONL Y , In -the country that includes all the NEW 'ON: GLIB!' BOOKS that ate not 'IMPRINT& 0 here. . . . Terms $ 5 per year ; six months 83 ; three months $1.60; one _month 76 cents, or 3 cents per day. 218 South 'ZIGHTH . Ettreet. NOLIIR AND FRENCH FAMI L Y . . "CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND CABINET DE LECTURE, .1317 ORM r 1 . 4 UT STREET. - Subscriptiona per year, month, and day. General catalogue Just minimised, furnished gratis. In Press, Catalogue of the Young Ladies' French Li brary. , I • Catakose de La Bibtiotheque des Dames et des De Inoiselles.” DI. MONAOHESI, Agent, er9.lm • r, 1317 tCS VNU e Street. PROPOSALS. B.P U lir - .:QUA'RTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, Septum. ber 11, ME.' PROPOSALS will be_received at this office until TBURSDAY next, 18th inst.: at 12 o'clock 11., for sup plying, delivering, and setting up complete, American ebeet-iron gaaburning Stoves, with their appurtenances, is follows, for the United States military hospitals in awl ar mind Philadelphia - • , • HOSPITAL AT WEST PHILADELPHIA. 29 ten-inch Steven. 15 twelve-inch Stoves. 16 fourteen inch Stoves. 108 sixteen inch Stoves ' Rearrest. AT Burn AND MASTER. STREETS. a ten-inch Stoves. 4 twelve-inch Stoves. 2 fourteen-loch Stoves: - 6sixteen-inch 'Stoves. • - . HOSPITAL AT SIXTSENTII AND FILBERT STREETS. 10 ten-inch Stoves. 4 twelve -inch Stoves. 15 sixteen-inch Stove.. HOSPITAL AT TENTH AND CHRISTIAN STREET'S. 7 ten-inch Steven. B.slxteen.inch Stoves. HOSPITAL AT CHESTER. 8 twelve inch Stoves. • " 108 sixteen. inch Stoves. HOSPITAL AT FOURTH AND GEORGE STREETS. • ' 4 tWelve.inch Stoves. Benair four furnaces. HOSPITAL AT TWENTIETH AND NORRIS-STREETS. 13 ten .inch Sieves. /7 twelve-hich Stoves. • • 4 fourteen- Inch Stoves. . • 22 sixteen inch Steven. HOSPITAL AT HESTOXYILLE. . • • • • 6 ten-inch Sloven ?twelve -inch Stoves. 6'aixteen-inch Stoves. noSpivst, A 7 GERMANTOWN. 11 ten.inch Stoves. 9 twelve- incleStovee, . . • 2 fourteen-inch fitoiteS. 2 sixteen-inch Stoves. ' • • " ' Berefr beaters in cellar. HOSPITAL AT 7W.EXTY-FOURTH AND SOUTH STREETS. ' 3.rixteen•inch.thovee. ".All'tbese Steven must be made of No. M wire gauge, Amtriean taneoth cheat iron, with 'galvanized iron 'Eand *bolts,. projecting not - lesa than twelve inchee in frifnitefstowebeartha. All pipes must be of No. 24 iron, etie/Ite as stoves, and riveted at' the end of each 'it4ll4,:c All 'AVM must be carried np through the roof 'where there are no brick flues, and shall terminate five teef above the rilge. with iron cape. All emboliAnn wood. -Well in danger from fire from the stoves or Dirk's Molt, he Dried with finial:id all ftoore and roots through which the Alyea east, must be , protected with tin collars. con ftetuinst substantial earthen pots. Each stove must be provided vitlf one , itrobg poker, one shovel, and one large.siled salvasiiid iron scuttle. Bidders will state the ' cut of each stove andits appurtenances, set npeeninbite, including w >rk and inaterials'of,every description. . • ..eel2-6t °eel and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. A. - ill T HE: INSSZ ABSO/IT 111_ T3s of. now, nrodors, and. dnron4o . •M' • loos ity;nrl/501i) $4OO. WOrld renowned NjitaDIVIEN h& j visziunnuais; for each. at greorinlionon, or LI Oilantonthlkhistig ments JklifirrinaLU.K. 279 eau • 181 south mint etiOtt, above fipme. PITOHCIVB, * . 989 OHEBTNErr Street. $Y J.. facQUISE eg CO., Ana dooms. GOVICENMNIIT E4LII OA' TENTS, KNAPBAsITCS., BTB B B A OIIB IPONOIIOB, OLD ISON, 80.01f214, SPAWNS, AXON, &c. ON MONDAY HOSNT6TO.• teptember 16th, at 10 olelvek, at the 1319.17ZBNIIISN'r We RNHOURPI,. - foot of 0 street, near: the Oily: .Gee Wor&i, we shell eel! the following articles condemned as 14 nubile service: • 6,847 old Tants and Fifes.' ~ 10,840 Knapgact 8. • 4.166 Haversacks. .8.788 cetuteece. 1,988/Porirticia. • Aare. SOWN', Shovels, Plcks, Okorgettles, Stoves, ?Inn Pans, • . -Thump, Bugles,. Flaps, BodKachi, • Lot of. Ircn, Tont_Poles. &c Terms castiOn United 8 atai . Treasnry.notea. Dy•otder of Ca t, TUO ks, - •B. e. - .163. O. ititku.ntic ~ . Att-tioneere. AMUSEMENTS NV A LN LT T-STR E ET - THE . Sole Lessee alys: RI 'A GARRETTSON. Business Agent Kr. JOHN T. DONNELLY JOINT FAREWELL BENEFIT 'AND la9r AP PEARANCE, 8i1T; OhiE , . • Of those favorite and 'azipular artiste; . ' MR. AND MRS. E.' L. DAVEHP I WRIC . FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMRER.,I2;• • TBE APOSTATE. 03 ass FALL OF GREN&EL• Pescara. Governor cf Grecada .111. r R. L. Da vIINPOBS Flotinds.'elrt. D.'T.. D POST, To conclude with THE SO ALP. HIINTERt '• • . ME B. JOHN DBE Vi".l3 ABM-. STREET THEATRE. • Acting and Stage Manager W. 8. 111ED1181 1 2102 Busip.mi agent and Treanarar JOB. Di 181108!. BENEFIT or MISS TEAGGIE . TV;ILIGHT, FRIDAY EVENING. 2EPTIIIIBII2 12. DIAIIGOT, THE POULTRY DEALER. MISS IdAGOLIG MITUNEIsk Alareot . • To conclude 'with RATTY O'SHEA"! etty, with Songs. 21ISS IKAGGIE nuroamr. Performance commence!! to to 8. rONTINENTA,L THEATRE. B. RANDbI4 Sole 1,„, GRAND frEoPE WING, • TO4IORROW (SATURDAY) EVENING. spe.r.os. • The house has been eatirfly redecorated bud remo deled, and will be , opened for the E all and Winter elelliOß 118 LEGITIRTATE TEMPLE or hair, With the largest and MAGNIFICENT COMPANY, OPetatio. Terpsichorean, Spectacular, aryl E.tetemhais t EVER ASSEMBLED IN AM E 61.0 A. MDME MAR rIN - 1 WORRY, The retewned Prima Donna .!ontralt , ; lIIDAIE VON D ERIE MD, The ceebrated Prima Dorms ittopre.uo; MDLLE. ANWETTE °MATTI, . The beautiful and ecc-mpliebial Premier Dansetiee; ARYLLE. RELINE, The Sisters AUGUSTA Rut MARIE, • All of the Academy of &Icelc, Rear YGrk. and Nlblo'n. Garden. GRAND BALLET OF FORTY, Under the direction of , , DM. GEPRGE SMITH, Together with ' a Host of Taiont; which will appear he a Grand Intertaiamemt. embracing SELECTIONS FROM OPERAS, GRAND BAI.LET AND SPECTACLE, FAIRY EXTRAYAGA NEI.- .? . ' CONCEIiT AND COMEDY - 80E0113, ' NEW GRANT) 'PATRIOTIC 'I'A.BLEA.R, TRANSFORMATION SCENE. ' Br B. RANDALL. For fun PPYBCD/IM ace Small Mile. ADMISSION —Porquinte, 26 cents; Orchestra Chairs and .Private-Box &Ate, 50 septa; Fawns , Oircle. 16 unfit. Deers open at 7 jj ; rmannecce at 3 eel 2-22 pIisIIiBILVAIVIA 'ACADEMY OF . . . ' TEE FINE ART% • 1026 OB ESTNUT STREET, • Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9A. ht. tali P. m.. Admission 25 cents. • Oldldren half price. Shares of Stock, ND. WANTS. Y , 0 ITN.G %T.; A D 'DESIRES' .11 BOARD five days in the week in a pleassek hail/ instruction ; in Drawing, French, or English *Neches would be received in paymont: The. °kat of refereaces n. - Address " Teactiel," - Box 941 Pnila. delgoblayost QBice.. es t 2 4t* VANTED--ln . a - Commission nouse, a soling man who has bad eome expe rience in handling woolen goods. • Address box %M t P. 0 nee, et $l7 g i bri.—This amount 'wanted s 3 tIIVV flee improved property. Perpetual hi- Puente to cover the mime. Apply to E. PE rar, No. 809 WAMMT Street. se6 'FART OF A FUANISIIED soireauwAßTED by n amen family, in central location. > iltddises Ros 1396, Post Office. aeSIS-C BOARDING'. . - ROOKS VACANT AT NJ • 1 0:.282 Bouth:SOOBTR Streat. • po9 61 A GENTLEMAN AND TWO LA DTES Sdesire BOABWIti s Glenn...l Private Gunn/. in the vicinity:of Tenth lien Walnut streets. Mate ad onis 14 18," .at thie office. sed 1101 FOR SALE AND TO LET .12°6181'08 SAL W.Nine Jaoquard. Locimo, varktig from 8 to 16 shuttles and 2,4 to 1 i Also; oprit4:wipa 4.f00m0. 4to shuttles. Apply to .pON it.NOBBIs, 74 DUNE Stied, Now York. see•rmwf.4t N 0... 1711 vniE Street; 14 loom, with wieder° eonvenielem W. G .BEDIrOIIO, 1918 0 ILLO W B ILL Street Apply to selo-Bt* e l TO - BENT—HOUSE No. 608 gra North TWENTY-FIRST &Fret; 6 rooms. gas, go. Bent $l6 67. ApplY to •-• W.V.. 9 1 1 )70e0, 800 lit* 1913 OALLOWRILI. street. lal OR SALE •OR LET The. deeirable three-story brick RE811:1Eg01t.N0..7271. FRONTNorth Street, below Brown. liiiitiaticd Order tbrougbent, and bag a tine Garden attsebeoL - ::P01:01Baz Riven October 1,1862, and it may be at anr Apply to ALBERT A OUTEREIRIRG/7, ielo.4t* . 217 Oonih.Bl2E TR Street VOR SALE=Two Pigh-Pressure Ex hatuting Condensing ENGIN EB,r(nortght beam), cylinder 18 inches bore. 34 !Lichee stroke. connected Si right angles on fly wheel abaft: .otherwise entirely inde pendent; each Engine having a strong and heavy box bed plate ,cset in one_piece, supporting theism Moms pedestals on columns carrying brain Pillow . blocks. Tboee Engines aro modern in style and finish; strong and srbstattially built, baying only been is use a few monihr, will be found Cu examinecion enaal to any in the mark et. Also, two CsUnder Flue BOILERS, 88 feet long, 42 inches diameter, with two 15 inch lines in each, with whole fire front, and other appurtenances used while In operation. Also, a Friction HOISTING DRUM, with shaft, driving, and reversing gear complete. Will rater at or dinary apeed five tons, with single chain direct acting. Also, the CB AiN belonging thereto. Abo, sae pair BLOWING CYLINDERS'. - Cylinder 30 inches diameter. 30 inches stroke. Horizontal, with cast iron bed plates, all properly connected,:with about 175 feet 10 Inch Blast Pipe, in IS feet lengths. The Cylinders' re modern in style, and substantially Also, two pairs CRUSHERS, with gear heavy, need for (rushing ores ; with Driving Gear, Shafts, ?al leys, Hangers, .kc Also,. SHAFTING, from 7 inches diameter down to 1 Inches, with Pedestals, Bangers, Wheels, bevel and spir t Puller a, att. • Also. CORNISH PUMP, with.neceseary connections, Rod, Sheets, Chain and Bucket Sheine, Pulleys, go., B el, Shaft, Pedestal, Wheel, etc. filll the above having been need bateshort time at the Cbattam Cobalt Mines, Middle Haddam, Conn. Persons desiring to 'examine them will please call cm GEORGE -H. BISHOP, - Middletown, Conn., near the premises; or apply to C. 11. SHINN, Bed tf , ' 222 -WALNUT Street, .gbilidelphie. ROB, - 81 E— The tlifeesfory . brick . . sew. Duetting Ito. 621 GREEN Street . all the modern. eflavenieoceo. - . Lot 25 feet front by 121 deep Poseeeekis Is:f given ovea bar I. . Inquire of G a EL &M oeuy SET, office of FALLON & MIER ELL, 520 WeLlill f Street. ee3 wfmfit* . . . . • , • FOIL SALE =D . gLAWAAFr , ECOtrk:TY -FARM, 96 acres of first•rete lead. Prico only Terms easy. • Alpo, Peeks-county Farm • good land ; 98 acres; only 6.75, per acre. Farm one nine from bled'.; 96 scree Delaware county ; $95 per acre. Farm. 89 acres, near Norristown. Montgomery county; $95 per acre 'Fact further particulars, apply to' - • Z. P gaT TIT. se 6 . No. 309 WAINIIP dtreet. TO BE .SOLD—Large Modern Eff/USES—No. 1825 OftWICN Street, lotmetOrled„ 21 teet front ; and to 14 1 09 OMEN Street, thibe•etortitd, doable front; both deep lot.. " BONAKLL 8110193 vas, 116 North NI VTR Street scs.3Bt dia A 'STORE AND DWETALING . , in a goad' gagahborboad, 1030 yniis 'To LLT B . o.l A 2t O it ti, tO Ina p'xr.. Qiee okiii .-13Q1713E ANDFUBNITURRFOR: Is= SALE —Elegant Brown Stone House and hand- Seale Parnitm-e, Walnut street, between Seventeenth. and Blghtienth streets. Apply to 0.. s H. 11133D1HICID, 203Sontli SIXTH Street. en26-1m git FOR SALE—A beaiitiftil • COT— gra- • TAGE, and six acres of Ground, in the interior of Pennsylvania, desirably situated and arranged for air.: academy or Brat-class school, near, a thriving and in a healthy location. Also. a desirable DWELLING and Lot, in New Blooai field, Perry county, Penna. * - Also, a large number of cottages, lots, and other pro perties, for sale or exchange.. . . • B. P. GLENN, 1.% South 701311211 Street, aulfl and S. W. oor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. CATO:LET—The eligible STOP. iritirtreza, 432 ORESTNII,T Street; wit - tiks. 110 W )Oli Offioe ItEMOV &L. The GUN and FISHING -TACILLZ Store will be re moved to 415 OAESTNUT Street, SEPTEtdBEB let. Inonfro of .PHILIP. WILSON & 00.. .i928-tf 432 ORESTNITT Street. - TO LET— Dwelling No. 24 South. BEYNNTENNTH Street Apply to VI/MUSE/IL & BM/Tatar., No. 47 North FflitOOND Streit& • iNk TO RENT-- - . 1". ., RiON DWELPTING, on BARR Street, ono' Et dope. above TWeifth, north aide. Rent tow to a good tenant: t 11 9 19 t o' WETRICRILL k BROTHER; 4T and 49 North BACIOND Street To RENT—A THREE-8T s BY . Blum Dwxr..Lnoi, on PIN fitteet„ war. 3eventeenth, north aide. Attvir to WZTEDERML g BEOTHIIi, 47 and 49 North BNOOND Street FOR BALE OR TO LET_lpour gig Soi son the west aide of BEOltti Street, beim foltarbieb. avenue. d'kply, at the eonthweet comes of Arnr . ro and ,M 1,110.111. E3treata. FOR THE SEA-SHORE. Ott AT - .terrip;4;AlLßoA.D.—. .° II,I NGB .41 F He.l MONDAY. M r,„. Sept.,let., lust; • • - - • ' Mall Train Isaias Ulu , K. M. • Express 4t ' 4I • oit KO P. M. Attune? - aiion 0ja7: 4 . 40 P. at. Roiurßindeavits Athuitko—liftil, 4 P. S. • 8i441542., 9.06 K. 11. • Aocolosoodition leaves /Lima= it a 46 K. M. lE'asseugerr for 1014 ;womb , and intermediate Wye: Nons,will lake Ws, , A. H.' train; • • PARE 111.80.,IBound•Trip Tickets, gdod only for awl Day.,srui Train ,for waitrl LW are issued, $2 60. itre. cursion 'Tickets, .gooCtor,„ three d 474, gpsoki - now open. - 11n28. tr . , . 41)811' G. BRYANT__ . wiNE- -=-T anag' s.lind °P°. Port for " 181 ir ! t ol i , I..okittsTiras. wo. ma Imam= en&