The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 19, 1862, Image 3
M . —— /n tm V The New Ironsides.—This marine »«*«>* o O n.p»nyat>o: B : . i T Tj l l 1 I 'I Y , , New York exoffiuige din. rp H JJJ V i x ' monster has been hauled .Into the rtrea-n oppulta the Boston exchange.. parbi lo pin r J- * „avy yard, and Is being rapidly fitted no with material, Baltimore exchange ... *»*l % dial tne TherjuometM; „ baggage, an'd impplleß. The decks exhibit all the oon- Coouwy funds *O4-10 4U. A ooost is, 18«. |„ A Jf ao g 2- IM !v. m* tarfoß «**»* jobs bound tor aee, and every. '**?* »£ t l'i* B sb M T3X TT# Where may he Bren signs of activity and preparation. Quartermasters’ vouchers ... Ia Z ale. 77 % WIND. Dnriig yesterday, the vessel was visited by a number of ' OFtSKJIAU Barrie -*TA>v*Mror ■ahr 8- BW ' 1 tt * ,W< NS ?* NE.byß. graters. It will be someday, yetberore ehe wtllUme „ MK „ av B »a B «b ne, B . ft “• . tl>B port for Sontliorn harbors. No regular trial trip ,th» raiuAPgtJßU. ba»xs - lViSh 0? THE U. S. TRANSPORT w j|| be mode. IF, after Bailing, anything is found to BlKXfl '.pans. aeacix. 8 is -Between 3 and 4 o’clock yesterday work wrong, jhe will hsulin at tho nearest and moat ‘ ennm ol,tl « Qovert meut transit Commodore convenient place and have all obstructions removed. ■ - . .til I- the Id. Goten.meat transp , Her correct Hut of officers la aa folio*>s : . PhiladehtKla «a ns« ruin'nd ora UOu >«“« f “ UonSb f 0, ,! d o ll ai P flrs .- Captain, T. Turner; lieutenant, W, H. Gamble; Hen- NorthAmerteK. 871,25ft' 571,857 fi.nhsdtmboaro 817 Sick and wouuded soldiers, irnsut commander, Robert B,*yd, Jr.; .paymaster, A, W. Farm & Mecb . 5,207,173 6,143,4861,108.37811,107,449 r ‘ ,i tor Newark. B. J* The Commodore left Bussell; surgixm. M. Dnvallj,Harmui Commercial 1,834.000 1,848,000 263,001. 251,000 ,„()»M |jl '“ ,„„,nihe 14th. and arrived at fortress Newell; master, Henry B Hobajon; assistant aurgeon, Mechanics’..... k. 136000 2,182,000 224.28 a 224,638 n ,b, Muwidnx of the 16th about Jdwato Kersbnar; acting masters, J. VY. SkitHiig, John N. Dibertios.... 1,893.000 1,870,000 389,0«1 432,000. On the morning of till ldtb, ab ut H. Butler, George W. Doruett; aotlug assistant surgeon, Smthwark 1.150,535 1,177,379 206,034! 205,239 »r“ rt Y tbs encountered a severe storm and bad to run w . T. B. Plant; first assistant epglneer.GenrgaT. Kensington.... ‘ 913,5(28 912 954 187,169: 137,215 a o’eiobß' a.,,, where she remained until yesterday Bright; second assistant engineer, Omar H: liVokey; Penn Township 1,006,817 tMiB.2BO 174,319 174,373 W» pri Delaware City two of the soldiers, 'second .osatatant engineer, Robert B, Harris; third as- Western........ 1.840 997 .1,812.549 , 393 749 894.092., .niliß. . .a. W, were burled The >.»•*“» engineer, William !*. Smith;, third as'islant en- Man A Mech.. 1.6*2,490 ,1,61.1,338 .148,088 146,213 die* ,IW ' BB * til '“ W up, wer. 9 64 , gineer, Everett Batelle;,third assistant engineer. H. <l. Commerce..... 703,384 . 772,088 166,197 168,424 *w n - lulened In the grounds attached to the Beckwith; first lieutenant marines', George A Bartlett; Girard.,:..,.,.. 2,830 799 2,244.679 307,368 895,686 M 1 I Wes's M. M. Church, 'lbia gentleman did second lieutenant, B,B. ; Sturgeon; captain's clerk. Tradesmen’sV.. 766,150 - 730.883 129,7091 129.8U1 Per. *', ~i. nuiver to promote the ease and oomfort Charles IP. Fisher; paymaster’s clerk, John P. Denson; Consolidation... 920,685 919,993 ,113.682 113.868 ereCtt’ 118 " <ll , u vessel left Delaware City intending boatswain, Tbomaa Bennett; gunner. Charles Stuart; City............ 895.839 901.571 124,331 122.778 ;;»<« 8 ' r carpenter, Deonarh ;W«mtwortb; sadmaker, John A. Commonwealth 666,738 656,623 76,075 76,106 el a net to Rucark, but being detained by the storm Birdeall ; acting master’s mates, Charles A. Jones, Corn Exohang* ■ 765,000 • 747,000 100,OOC 100,000 isl» 0 ,hort I't inel and provisions, she were obliged Shangar B: Band, Benjamin I. Morris. George H. IJrdon... j.;... 768-,000 749,000 69,000 69,000 «odl» ,tlllg ~r (i H e necessaries, Bradly,Thomas B. Bnrvev,Robert Sheppard. ——— v IS lo''f tlf, !:.. l .l, s tof the medical officers on board 'T, .. T0ta1.;...... 33,626 039 33,566,878 5,660,187.6,6|2,739 f TW folic"'"*: s _ ; t Fibb.—Aboutll o'olook last evening v “ dsposits. ' oirooI»tVo»;' imC""*" . V ims 'acting assistant snraeon D 3. A . •« alarm of fire was cans«d bv thn bnrnior of th». Bahis/ : - s—————- BM*"" 11 - rear portion of the buildings, Nos. 824‘aud 628' Star- ’.Ang lS Aug. 11. Aug. 18. Aug. 11. ket etreof, formerly called the ' Farmers’ Inn, and . - ;——— neenpted parllally as a recruiting station for 001. Hce- Philadelphia... 52,638,00 t *2,560,000 «33»,000 5347.00! nun’s 116th Regiment: North America, 2,65(1,462 2.686.1,30 601,648 813.670 The fire originated in an upper back room, and the • Farm A Mech.. 4.840.748 4,693 680 219,115 221,'425 rear portion of tbobuilding was destroyed. We avoid Commercial.... 1,164.006 1,(71,000 *38?,006 350,000 ’ > get no idea, last evening,* as to the owherahin'of the Mechaitics’.... 1,168 0110 -1,231,090 339,240 334,720 vs pioptrly. It was.used last evening as a bunk room N.^^Liberties.... 1,556,000 1:688,000 132,806 139,000 as frr varicus soldiers, and It is probable that the fire Southwnvk,.... 1,081,551 i;089,622 68,6>5 , 72,245 j), ortflnatfd between the whisky,'straw, and pipes. Kensington.... 082,969 * 899,328 307,6»S 305,868 ~ We were more then ever convinced last'evening of the Penn Township 852.3f3 846,094 i 202,508 193 801 • folly of so mneh talk about the efficiency of the Fire De- Western..... ... 1,564,914 (,471:148 162,255 164.445 ' pfrtmeiit, Ptenlslng that what is here stated we wib Man. & Mech... 847 823 844.003, 313.372 : 292,2 s ! , nested with our own eyes, we say that theconlnotof Conimerce....... 634 427 683,588; 102 005 * 103; too; .the flrturn lastdvrnipg was sltnplv outrageous.' After Girard..:...;.. 1,572,763 1,687,999* 412.9*19 415,094 giving an alarm totbe Central station thatcould not he 'rradosmen’e.;.. 619.035 613,028’ 161,875 161,718 regsrded, it was so imperfect, a company located not iar Consolidation .; 40*,091 427,848' 298,920 308.273 fromthe soeno seized aU the pings in the vicinity and 0ity.1:.....U. 492823 600,043 233,7i0 524.285 kept them, . Ooamionwerith. ■, 294,885 J278,025:,277,355 281,600 After their ladders were thrown about at random, and . Com Exchange. 551.600' 64i,0n0[ 204,000 199,000 an Immense Btresm of water was thrown from the top Onion. 325,000; ; 389,001; 250,000 254,000 of one ef the buildings ioio such band engines in the 1 J - —:— street as happened to be in sight, forthe purpose of stop- T0ta1........ 24,047,81424,217,8555,006.3514,997,935 pieg their work, the height ;of the firemen’s ambition ' * —: —-—: : ——— seemed to he to allow the destruo<ion of a liquor* ■, Bnlascea, store, immediately east of the burning tavern, if it. Ang. 11 553,200941 49 8256,803 11 were possible. : “ 2.687447 95 242,457 87 We donht not.that these facta will bB denied by the ; '“ ,W 2,6'i9444.U ; . ,384,162 74’ fraternity but they »re facts nevertheless. Tt ia bat 4 -••• ; .2,9?7*< t* 1 * fair to add.that Chief Engineer liylb was not present, on- .......... account of sickness. ; « Vaulin, acting Best. Bargsoo, Philadelphia. ot£ "| S V M»8 »B«. surgeon, Franoc. * »'bi-db, actt-S a-st. surgtou, Now Vork. l (,u6 t'K-rh ot vt.6-.el. New fork. board, "Uh a few esotptlotis, ware the** 11 ■ ' fj.jvini! only been slightly indisposed. * | IJ( luurß t h»ti fregn tt i r and a short KW BW t ff w ft iUa lit ug»lu (Of the held. ' The follow 8,1 lB mieftiis Peirtsil’shltuson boards v te U »«„«, ,ii,6.hOuy: W Oidvii, D, Btb Oav. yr,j.?•*?, .I. a. ucbouaid, h,6Bth. JiW-a a Smith, K, lsC-- 8. tfil'ff- } ! , < Fceoerieks. K, 4lh. V. 1 !, y •>,!. D Munhow*. U, 4lh. B, llii' l ' lll ' A. Bolton, sergr, F, 4th. fl.hesSi f 1 , o(bi Kl Bitbiiij 4th Heserves. J. B 1 ;"** B ',,'Bjili. J ■ obmluf, K, 4th. . li. j. J. Biggin, D, 424. W. S /K.fya 1 Jt*>oril, eorp ,F, 4th. I* 'l l 'i l? . A rnllery «. Wimer, H, ith. ®‘.r e ifh w,ni.. K> 4th. «. Jouksou, hi, Sth 0»Y. S. Lt, E 4. . H . i'iiburgh. .0, 4lh Oaf. l eih f Swoki Q,BBth. , « Vatin. JM'btfhf. t MttJgmr, l>, 6sb B. fr.i veo. B.Btb CnV 'I Johtißou, X, Oili Bos. & o gj« top Si M, did. I Bacty, E, 12tu Em. E KB. A, Uoisuer, B, Bth Oar. 1' Muiilu, 0. Sih '- UT - Johu hlce, B, 6th Oar. J?. j 1 li, Bin OsY. *■•.' vv l!so». Set'S, uiaj. 31st, f’S-Mhliiiaihß. Peuuiru, F, Uth 3 ~to h «, »m car. I*. Whiteland, .o, Uth. . - iSi 1,724. B. limmlin, Ist ark , K, Mi Res. J. Simps .u, d, SthCav. * (Lts n' o! sii> Cavalry. I Bmhn, 0, lrt. wiilUm-.A.(l'h Cavalry iff; liagur, dram. K, 61st. j&a-iK OiUi/avalr, * . Doherty. F, Aid. nStfß Mt> Cavalry, 8 Alien,! 12th. ... 'll' ut Artillery, I Warier, 1), Ist Artillery. ?*«**! I»Vli Oovn|ry. I> Hugtimj, A.* Ist Arfciliery. • J. Ball. K, Bth Cavalry, tetr i «el D tfeald, M. Bth Cavalry. , Malwat. sVi«t. t 0, Slat. J. Carlos, A Bih cavalry, s' Uobilli Ki 3*i. 3 Thomas, K, Bth Oar airy, o Wbitnei, F. 31«*. 3. Moore, u, 31 Cavalry. S Tliouissea. 0, Slat. (V. Msnaiaoh, B, 62d. . 'nS ill” o 3iat. A, Marble, B, 6th Oafalry. C UM W. Stewai'd, (I, Oth (lav. Kme li, Bfserves, w. S. Wood, F, dth tfav. i olm Tot W. a. Bib Cavalry. I BHilii-n, 0, Bth oava'.ry. Neatfri l Wli S Patterson, C, Ist artillery . Thonipioih IHh Kea. C Alfred, K, 831, liefd, V, Dili it». I- Murray, A, S)3.i,_ w, Taney, I. 0 h Beaerres. il. COKiey, K, Ist rlflas. II Wilson, 0, S ’.I A Emngeriswortb, 4th eav. , Boiincsi it, Si * w Haaghton, K, 4th eav. I Tsjlvr, B. Mill. 4. Whltesal,3, 96th. Ksenoy, E, 02d, > Slaicneraian, H, DBth, . Myrtle B, 02,1 G. XJoFaddea, H. 831. w, Findley, 0. Ist Bes. S JohMSdn, I, Bth cavalry, f.n. Jobeton. li 0 hoar, it Gould, 0, Bith. ,'s, Bewoii, 11, 6th Cav J, W. Myers, 1(624. ■ 2,Booklismriwr. I, Btu c|J. Simpson, JS. 6th cavalry. Cochlsii, A, 4th "av. 4. H tlevliu, E, Tth Bes. E. Dougiasa. I,loth Bes. W. Padeu, G, 10Hi Ban;. • }. Shsml, K. S-1 B. W, Hoberts, t,, 3j Oav. ait«M(i, i. iqiji.lire, O Itandall, X, 67 th, 0 OgdPßj B, 10th Bes J *W\ H Utwi*, ,<HM* ,D. Sacked, *, lien ttea. <f, Mclutoati, L, 02-:, loflVr, G, lltn Boi. Uorp J/ VVakeLs, ifl, 85th, Sicao, E, Uib Be** T;«terrtifc» B, B»th, . ChtlttbCi H. 8«b , IB 8i»; r, B, Soli, Tie oils Individual on board frem New Jersey was J. toed, Clo. K, 4i|< S J i who was doing well,' On the puasane n p. lour dev ha occurred, a, follows: John O'Uomel, Wm Jlctlamim, 06. B, BBth New orb: John Hiffrum, 00. E, 2d U. S, Cavalry ( A. J. jarrr, Co, K, !M Pemieylvama , . r: hast evening aorinien were nHsily engaged la placing' id and proif i bm® b. an! tbu Oonuncdure, which, it is might, will litre this mornii g OrMt dissatisfaction si expressed th»tthe Pern eylvent* soldiers were not lowed to remain in ttda city, where many ofthom have lenCs, Seme cf Ibu men were suffered to leave the vea- I, although lit* Uiends weie , suffered to goon board, le surgeons in eheige were both gentlemauly and Ira nw, sid did every thing in their power to satisfy the my bumiieii wLo applied tty thorn for lofortnatlon. i Bounty Fund.— ay* to tb« Citizens* Bounty .* follows: Tub Voj.uw'tjbwb is fnbKriwionJ, yestcrSn ltd for VrltUi'.ftrs werd a. ..... 150 W6i fcrnen employed la Allred Jeans & S m'.i , D. B W. Detlsot. soDiot Bow) ; SO Armory at Brides- . Vm.K.8ra,,.,....... 10U| burg....... ..K6.23 SKth XU DIVtsIOX FIFTIX WARD. W, QUltligbauii,......B6 Tnom'is Ford 1 Streeter.... 1 Wuilau Hires...... 1 is Jonfß 6 Adoipb 80rater...... 6 m, 111igh,,.,.......... 1 Hranoaids 8r0ther...... 2 nib W. 3 '. Tnatfurd..,., ... 2 th.. 3 Misha Cr0*eK.......... 5 , la-smog 1 1 1- hn A1ter............... 1 Whelham. 5 J, e. ffeiiloo.., 2 di.............. lltmth & 8r0ther......... 6 m JMnisuo.., iNanrnd R. Melsoo. ...... fi ’ Uadthey........... S|J 8. Unyd0r,..„.,,,.,,,10 fittlSl tWKLrTB WARD. H.Bmlii Ct> S2OU U Beikrjaau $5 ,8. 41i 0. Bright.. 60 Wdlf 8ttmger....,,... 6 mob Vti'.t 160 John G Snyder,...... 6 HaM. Barrlaj 100 C-W.:Oraigo 6 trabam 1ViJt,,,,,,,. 110 *. &T A...... 6 »(» Bn mere Mas.. Si iB. Nuulty... 6 Ct it Knots,, 25 J*-ues Ke11y...,...... 10 j. a 2/ a, m.......a. $ owsaCfftige & Sap. 25 Sbtidry pf1ra0na..15.25 yilOM TJtIftTEBHTH "WA .a»ttw 0. Bourmm* uh* rleB & Btokihg M ,,.125 Title,M. D..».......560 Joflbph FtOdman*.lo IbanL. Hatfield, M* Bigh Prime,. 10 l'M 50 tfharl*B ftioGoffea,,,.,, io Oathwine Milior.. 60 iwles Kpc&bK....... '6ft Ifc Einhorn, ftt.D...;.. 10 ?ary Htildy. 50/J* Q 6 rfwig SfcWfiibsch.... 2SiB 6 .r&hain S Wmt,,..., 25 . Felwnma,6 rß.Bwti»Bbß»ovr>niid Wpb- E W0rn*......... 5 Mu Ktrtor 26 oilma Wright 26 j U«F, firttcl; 26 bbobiveb AT ISOi W. W, 80w.,.. SI H 6 mitts 0, Love, 100 rge W, Hurt ft Oo , lOC rgo B, Btoce, Bon & BOO J 5 ,1, tewO 200 John Mansfield......... 6 0. L, Stsctbouee 6 F, M. anl others 18 isrsHOßHoa .ball. Employees of Taylor, Gillespie, & Co, 'Union Steam Sugar 8e&nery.......,.. 103 68 Leonard Myers 10 00 H. Kellogg & 50n5...100 00 Henry W. Hensel... 100 01 ’ -’t Jlnciar. .5(3,148 ' T '>ud»y. .$414,€30, u*. -- _ i _ JjOOAL - *^ es “ was brisk,'nod a iaige nriSheF $M* nutered into the serrico If reciultinjf tide* H&t , anf rn ™ « h»t it is at preneut, our first qu»*MMU \ ™ P® 1 ®' 0 by the 23d inst.' (i. '» ld < ! Pendent company of Engineer!/ “ogtaid stmt parade, accompanied wlth'a band of i IsdfPttdtnt Battery Ooopany, Under the oom ot ffl, Hastings, will lsfcw for Washington during went wei k It takes 176 men to work the gnus, “*nnnsbc*:’ has already been mastered Into the Wl the {Jolted Ststes. Capt Hastings is an old ■nhavtngeiTYcfl to (Sadwatader’B Battery la 1840, c(m Paoy are as follows: itein—hlsilhew Hastings, lot First LlnitHiant—John Y Oredy. ?” *•*! n,( ' l ant—Stephen B. Poulterer, or Second liemenunt—lohu T. Roberta. ' »L 8 f c » d U'W-ti aot-John B.Sailer. th * 27ttl Begiment, Under Captain r l ’ Br oldest companies, and attached to i srrnid S 'n M h lta tf wlll< * Pennsylvania has reason Cn' nn l h fr r ( f re " , ?? oB ® d at the arsenal, In In #hf'b v r lh ? mo,t important posts held by «nr m «r ika 1 “hf the Company is acknowledged to " “I. drilled aed bost disciplined In the »]’ a „w e ? ulttngoffloe ia tM* under mJrtIVJ 2" 27th «"«“#« Ker fs the reoruit iernen Is 2, M 620 0»ll°whill street, and nnmblr h 2, t * irfd *° fl)1 it OP to the maxi i #JST’ Snr ' T *h®t number can be easily ob it 0 ” f“ 0 »* onr PHtildlo young men. jloDel pMvn«> W “p B f d °1 Bnn<iay 8 nn<iay last at the oamp ISI iT,?' Begimeot, near-the Jails or the / w»iir.2 i ? WBt awmon was delivered by the i. «? ■ ! m w * o- for some time past, has idoes 9 ™. ftc ri c “' 6 la military matters. His voice 4MC,n it totheranhe <mt 600 soldiers pasted through this olty on Sunday on their.wai to toe seat of war. They were well <&M at tlia rffre&bnieDt saloons. ite th» President bag leaned bis call for more troops, I'maot* b»» wot more moo to the seat of war than «»er State, Ahont two regiments leare the « old (tone" dally. Union Bimef Association.—Last l^ 8 * regular elated meeting of tbe Union Belief °*. ,llc I 0 -f.. oiganii«i for the purpose Jtalag aid hud comfort to the eiok end wounded r> >o the U S, hospitals in this city, was held, ■e «re at preaei t 145 Lodges and Encampments ooa. Mg to Its funds. They hare a committee to visit hospital in the city,, whose duty it is to oare IL** L of 11,0 i( ,mates,>nd report to the Board of tMs at their Uicbtings on Thursday evenings. The itais are at pireeut filled to their'utmost capacity, ranmltuei, are attentive to their duties, which, rti t “ B , DomI >er of inmates, are very anurous, The Utmetery have presented to the Asaooia. ~ “Jtlai lots for the propose of burring deceased ms Order, The (Government has taken the Hospital, at Twentieth and Norris streets, whioh in.M quite a number of patients. Oontri , ~ n hihacco, pens, ink, paper, and other mu V wlt . h the wrretary, E. Pancoast Morris, No. , . rt !' 8 reet, or at the Brand Secretary’4 office, street, betow Bace, will be properly distributed. mportant Railroad Pboision.— ® D option w»e dellrored on the ft»- oaoflhe Cntmlou and Amboy Railroad Company injunction 10 restrain the Delaware Bay Railroad D ® wltl * the o “niden and Atlantic Railroad ■Mo. on the ground that It would make a oompe» « betwron Mew York and Philadelphia, and bean /.T®?* of Hie rlghta glren them by the Slate. > ( , re(ente# the rlghia of the reapiotlvo „ * *® n > 0 fllleen potnta; but dented the iujuno lon •tLS?.*? 1 tke righta of the oomplalnanta had i ant • I,lte d> and could not be tutli some un ?S WD,mined. I ? ww< * were diMßiwed with eosfe, Tbs tI,M baa been going m for more than a u ttm * contended that It wmi not their a w ma * e a competing road between the two ol- op Enlisting in AN Ou> iti o „ ,Ir7 The °‘ d r 'B i ® Bo, » •«» «oem a drag la the It is slngnlarthat, with all the ad. n,„l 9 fS s4d b * thme organtziitloDß, there should nmch iliffluu ty In filling up their ranks. Among r»L.“ nli *B e » of joining the old regiment lg. that ImLiV 1 88 80011 ■» •worn ini recelrea the whole of wniy money, while thosewith new regf. nete to wait until thoir reapeotlre companies are S grE . at mir'antago is, thatthore will pro -1,, ,ma ‘°#B <4 I’fo in battlo la an old ■ organisation “,, n “ w - Experienced officers will be lew likely "aim, . “OMllesaly than inexperienced odes. «??>»■ "HI bo lass likely to be thrown Into aisor- A “ a general thing, tb« men will be bet tor Ik! “ w °nnued, became of a better organlssa cns w cu !° } f tSi ® wounded, and became the old h “ ! greater experience In the treatment wck acd wotmaed* . if? OauMHAi - Court.—Yesterday din *? lia of tbe Quarter Sessions com* - b *fore Judge Ludlow, a ter a receia busint... A * u,niil t Upon (he Brat dajr, there was or w.uTVV the “Ofulns *M conaoraed lo of uf b»bo»s corpus, Issued to sooora the lar Mnii'"' ■ lu <iTerr ln ai»nca where the sailor ihaS e ‘ D "*® be was ordered to re fit ajy* 6Bt tb ® 824 France pay, beforo re- -of ™ ® WORN - —The omplojees of hs 'n % Oo have mtiUoned that <i J-Bnd f »>lBgl»noe^ Mmtnieiored to them ihoHi, 4 Thi J." ,b s e th f be oompUed l>, t Cl| nipenr have over three hundred rf bl>Uw ? 0B » Bad “»*»« New Wharves.—The west shore of the Schuylkill river, from Mariet-strtut bridgo up to nearOftllowbiU streU, formerly a largq tratft of marsh land," is be>Dg rapidly reclaimed. Instead of low marsh, with the tide overflowing It, a magnificent stretch of wharves will be macro. Toe touthoru poi Uoa is already filled up. The Pennsylvania Rahrbad Company have tracks lMd:< n a portion of the reclaimed land, and many car-loads of coal oil, lumber, acd coat have alreadf.been shipped from the cars into boats, and conveyed to dis tant points. The entire space, when filled up, will enable, the Pennsylvania Railroad te have storage room for their coal, lumber, and oil trade of larger capacity than any road in the country. These grounds have lons been lying idle. 1 Want to go into Active Service; —Wedo nos understand why it is, save a correspondent, that old companies are left iu Washington, doing guard duty, while there are plenty of r.ew ones able to porforof the tame service, and at the same time perfect themselves in drill and discipline. We have reference to iJo. P, of IheiTth Pennsylvania Regiment, under Captain 0 tf por ing, who have bt>cnin Wasbiogtoa,doing guard duty a? the arsenal, since August last, while their regiment ha* bten in active service under FremoDt, in Western Virgt-. ria. Surely there mut-t be some motive in keeping them thus while the men are so anxious to get away. Scarcity op Good Surgeons.—The Government is still in need of active, energetic young physicians to oofc as assistant enigmas, The now Quota of troops about to be p’aceo in (he field will require more good physicians than can be found or induced to give up ihsir practices: Young men having diplomas from re spectable medical colleges, tiokota from hospitals, &0., can cow have an opportunity of presenting theoide ves for examination. : Wo un: erstaud that there are wauted, for the regular army alone, about 200 young physicians. The examining board is now in session at Washington, Where au applications must be made. ' United States District Court.— •The Grand Jury met yesterday mcrniag and found one true bill. Lewis Ooppee was appointed foreman.' A ha be ob corpus case was beard, in which ono Louis! Pos ner, a minor under the age of 17, had shipped, at Brooklyn os a seaman in the United States service. The boy had been eont to our receiving ship Priuoeton. The lather testifitd yesterday (hat Louis would not be 17 years of age until recember, and that his health was bad. Ondge Oadwalader ordered his discharge. Tins is the first case that has come before the District Oouct: Samuel Hell, Era., appeared for the relator, and United States District Attorney Coffey fur the government. : The 130th Begiment.— -Col. Thos. B. Florence, we understatd,haa received authority from ibe Goverocr to raise a rtpfmeot for three yearn or the war. /It is csKed tho iyOch .H&gjzndjit Ptnaarivauia Vofrmletrs. Four companies from the Congressional diauict which be represented are now ready to be mus tered into the services The .hearquarters of the regi ment is at the southwest corner of Fourih and Walnut atr*cts, 1b the second scory. A flue opportunity h hfr*re offered foi active yourg wen to distinguish themselves in their country’s annals. The Navy Yard.—Owing to the large number of vessels constantly arriving, work at the navy yard is brisk and on the increase. The master workmen are pushing matters .forward with a wifi, and a vessel no sooner arrives for repairs than : she is off again. The only drawback ia the want of space but t ie to be hoped that wo wlil mem have a navy yard, such as is deserved by Philadelphia, and which will b» able to turn ont tome of the finest work in (he world,. Even as it now te, our woibmon build the strongest and best ves sels afloat. More Emigration.—For several days past, the captains of veeeels clearing from this port for New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ouba or Bermuda, have been annoyed by people desiring to tako passage with them. Many people have been anxious to get oat of the country, being either too cowardly or too traitorotts to stand the expected draft. The captains and Govern ment officers bat e shut down on this business, and those »ho go hereatter will have to be very smart to avoid de tection. Came Alabama— This camp, which Is the rendezvous of tbe Anderson Cavalry, will be started to* day at Carlisle Barrsos, Pa. The camping jparty left this city ia*t night for the rendezvous. . the remainder of the Philadelphia rnamriers will leave to night, and early to morrow morning. Hereafter, the men will be scut up to Gamp Alabama as fast as re cruited. The High. School.—The vacanoy created in the Faculty cf the Central High Sohooi by the resignation of Professor A. J. Mao Neill, has not yet been filled. An examination of candidate* f>r the posi tion Mill be held at the school building, on Tuesday, the 2d of September. Accident.—Thomas Hughes was. tl rownfrom a.wagon, by his mules taking fright at the Getmanfown ears yesterday afternoon. . His arm was badly broken, and he euslalnei such other injuries as to require bis removal to the St. Joseph’s Hospital, He reside s at No. 717 Sogth gpyenth street, , CAlre&f 1n; ; fils(^Yesterday t , w “„°’f! cck ’ Jj6wia Mead wrsarrested While In the act of climbing over the fence of a dwell [us at Nineteenth and Coates atreiln. He was held on suspi cion oJ having intended to commit a burglary. The Dog Haid.—Captain James Francis' guerillas have oaptured.over fourteen hnndred canines this .season. Of this nnmbori very few were re leased by their owners, the others being released by death—in the shape of a rope and mallet. Water Bents.—Those persons who do not desire to have their water .facilities ont off on the Ist of September must stop up acd settle their rents before that date. The office is at Fifth and Chestnut a rests. . - ■ Port Delaware.— At, the present time about thirty political prisoners are confined at Fori Delaware. Numerous additions to this class of traitors are made weekly. Vegetables Wasted.—We are in. formed that the comfort and health of the soldiers In the. various hospitals would be touch improved by donations rf vegetables from citizens generally. Who will more in the matter 1 • Lancaster Comity and the War—Another Regiment Forming. I.ascasthr, Angus! 18.—Although the quota of this county was' only eight companies, fourteen were re cruited and mustered in prior to the 10 hlUBt. Of these, ten companies composed the 129ih Kegiinent, now in Vir ginia, 00l Emlsn Franklin c,-mraaadiog. Major Thad-; deus Stevens, Jr., and .all the. field and staff officers,' had experience in the three-montbß service, Oapt Edward McGovern, of the 79th Pennsylvania, had been appointed lieutenant colonel, but as be cannot be detached from the field under the late order from the War Department, that office will he filled by a new appointment. ' The other four companies are now In Gain p Curtin, and will be organized in a regiment, of which B'. W. Sharp, Kiq., of this oily, will be major. He was also in the three-months service. This mikes 6,000 volunteers from thhcnuiity, A third regiment, the 142 J, is now recruiting for the war under the auspices of Colonel Nathaniel Burt, a prominent and wealthy citizen of this county, who is giving ali bis energies to the' work. Captain Sheetz, of Geieral McCall’s staff, who distinguished himself in the rocmt battles before Richmond, will be nontenant colonel of the regiment, which will he speedily raised and oom posrdcf a superiorclass of men. The comity commissioners, it is understood, extend Ibtir liberal bounty, for which they were the first within. the State to make an appropriation, to every man volun teering in this regiment, as well as to those who enlist to fill up the Lancaster companies in the Ist and 6th Penn sylvania Reserves. The 79th (Colonel Hambright), and the 199th (Colonel Franklin), were raised in less time and at less expense to the Government than any others in the service, and it is eonfidently jexpected that the 142 d will not be be hind them in arty respect. The commissioners of this county will give a bounty of fifty dollars to every-volun teer in Burt's regiment, , FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PIiILADRI.t-HtA, August 18.1882. The recent proposals issued by the Assistant Quarter master in this city, for an unlimited supply of army clothing and eauipage for , the new levy now being raised, has caused a general advance in all kinds of material used in their manufacture. It is unfortunate that a move in the matter was not mode a month sooner, when wool, which is the heaviest artlcle needed, might have been purchased by our manu facturers from first hands, and not suffered to accnmuiste with the commission houses, as it has done, compelling the Government to pay from twenty to twenty-five per cent, advance on the manufactured goods. Another very objectionable feature Is that there is a very large amount of rejected at my cloth in this oily that will be made into clothing and issued to the new recruits, inflicting an injury not only on them, but the manufacturers of our city who furnish goods up to the Government Btandaid. ' r The stock market was again firm to-day, with au ad vance in several sound securities, and an upward move ment among the fancies. TJ. 8. fit, ’Bl, rose , 101 & bid ; 7 3-10 s, unendorsed, sold at 104#; Slate 6i rose 1, Belling at 90, and cloied very firm j City loans closed at 97# for the old and W 2 for the now issues; the Pennsylvania Bail road shares advanced # • the first mortgage bonds #; little Schuylkill BaUroad # ; long Island Ballroad X; aid Beading#. - There is but little doing in hank shares and city pas senger railroad securities! Race and Vine street sold at 10# ; 65 was bid for Second and Third street; 24 for >rch street; 23# for Bidge ovonne. There Is but Ihtls inquiry for money on the street, the banks absorbing nearly all the legitimate paper issued. The was but little fluctuation in gold to-day, opening at 14# anddoßlng at the Bame figure, with but Uftle dis position to operate on a large scale. Silver has ranged for several days at 8 to 8# per cent.| and but little in the market. Old demand notes remain about the asms as on Saturday, without any speculative feeling being mani fested. - .. .! « It .2,977,792.83 198,798 77 « 36 2,*31.978 61 200.06188 “ 16.,M'5,833 98 843,889 89 517,039,937 01 81i&3i;i53 79 Tho following statement showy the condition of the banls of I’liiladelphia at various times during th© last few months: ’ r 1362. Loans. Spooie. Oircnl’n. Deposit*. Jan. 6.........31,046,881. 6,688,788 2,146,819 21,896,014 Peb. 3 30,886,119 5,884,1)11 2,144,398 20,068,898 Mar.3.........29,833,866 4,881,108 2,343,493 18,541,199 April 7 .28,037,691 5.886 424 3,378.970 16.830,536 “14 .28,676.717 5 912,870 3,498,420 18,112,546 “ 21, 28.246,738 6,046 260 3,496,420 19,0 H 838 28.... .....28,793,110 6,052,827 3,613,994 20,223,556 May 6 29 324,432 6,049.635 3,759,592 21,316,614 .“12. .29,966,347 5,7 18 028 3,867,200 23,092,268 ' “19.........31,(21,565 5 529,22 ) 4,045,696 2 1 335,009 “28.........31,538,603 5,587,012 4,188,055 23,973,065 Jim02,,,...;,V51;747,070 \553.482 4 335,012 24,384,644 9.;..,....31,951,716 5.832.307 4,354.599 24,973,011 “ 16.........32,132,654 5,6:30,503 4,298,023 24,807,057 “ 23-........32,554,655 5.61)9,928 4.324,735 *4,143,314 ' “ SO 32,911,578 6,575;099 4;450;057 24,410,423 July 7 33,206.661 5.545;007 4 749,220 24.367,782 “ 14 33,118.502 6.579;945 4,859.911 24.183.604 “ 21 33,086,808,5.613,724 5,005,583 24.485,817 “ 28.........55.388.37316 579.788 5 055,276 24764,281 Aug: 4.........33 517.900(5,660,187i5 026.070 24,858,289 “11..1......33.666.87815,652,730i4997.935 24 217,855 “ 18........ 33 628,039| 5,652,605! 6,006,351| 24,04T,814 Philadelphia Stock' *sieh»n s e Salsa, Aug. 18, (Beported by 8. K. SLAysiAKjis, Pbiia. Hiobange.l WEST BO ABB. 2500 Tioga,B 75...... 95& 10 Lehigh Kav.... 51K lOOOity 65.......... 97 ’4 27 Little Sc.hyl R.. 17X • 100 do. ~..,91X 100 d 0........... OT* 100 do., new.:.. .102 2M O Wilmington B 6s 104 * 1 12 I’enru It 49% 3800 Scb Nav 63 ’B2 ch 60V 7000 a0......b6:., 69K 1100 Pflititt 6a. . 90 160 Readings.,easb/29% 160 do 29% 200- -d0......b&,,. 297 r 100 do .}>3o.. 29% BETWEEN 100 N Penna K.. 65., 10 t 6000 Penna Coup'ss. .92 ( SEOONI 35 Arch-8tR....... 24% 40 d 0........... 24% 100 Reading R....b6. 29% 100 d0......660.. 29% 200 Long Island R ..18; 7000 Wilmington R 6s 166 CLOSING PBI Sid. Anted. I U S6s ’81......101 101% 1 UBTr 7 3-10 N .104 104% fbilada 65...... 97% I 98 Philada 0s n0w..102 102% Penna 65....... 89% 90 Reading 8......2981 29 94 Bend m 65’80’43.101 .. Beading bda’7o. 96 96% Bead mt 6b >86.. 86% -86 ‘ Penna Boxdiv. 49% 49% Penna fil m 65..204 Hi 4% Penna B 2m 65..100 100% Morris Cnl Con.. 41 46 • Morris Cel Pref.ll6% -117% 1 SchNav Stock.. 4Jf 6% 3ch NavPref... 16 15% 3ch N6?’B2exint 69% 69% Elmira 8...... 12% 13% Elmira B Prof . 28 23% Elm 78’73.ex int 85% 86 Philadelphia Markets, Auoust 18—Evening. . There is very little doing in Flour. . The only sales re ported are 200 bbls Ohio extra family at @3.75 per bbl, and 460 bbiß Bedstone on terms kßpt private. Ths sales to the trade- range at from @5.25 for supsrflno, #5.44®; 6 69 for extras, @5,8i%86.25 for extra family, and 88.50 ®7,25 for fancy lots, as to quality. Bye Floor is selling in a email way at 83.50 per bid. Com Meal is selling at 53«r312% perbbl. : ' Wbkat —There is a fair demand at full rates. Sales of 15,000 bus at 125®131c per bus for good and prime Penna. red, and 133©l35cforSouthern. fromUOeclßOo. Bye selis on arrival at BDoB2c.' Corn is not so active, pales of 8,060 bns yellow at 63®610 for prime, and 60c tor inferior. Oats are steady, at &2o for Old Penna , and 39®100 for new Delaware; 3,500 bns sold at the latter rate. Bahk.—First No. 1 Quercitron is steady at ®33,60 W ton.' '" - CoTTq^,—Prices are very firm, but there Is very little dotos way of sales. GqqgtpsPiS. and Peotisions —There is vory little doing in either, aid wp hear of do sales worthy of notice. Sugar and Grffee are firm, and prices unchanged. ' ;C Pbkds,—Oloveiseed is scarce and selling at ®5«5.25 W bushel; new Timothy is selling at ®1.76a1.87% buehel. - - ■ Whiskt conttone# quiet ; sales of Ohio barrels at 31c; Penna. nt ,iO€l81c; hhds. at 29c; and drndg3 at 23 gallon. Philadelphi a Cattle Market, August 18. Thereceipts of Beef Cattle continue large, reaching abontUCO head. The market is very dull, and prices CAc. the 100 9iS. lower than last quoted- rar."i->r at from $7 aB6O w 100 a«. for 9 ?. d . § 7 ® B for Ordi nary ; tome ihfeilcrlolß eold ntlowkr figures. First quality fat Steers have been very scarce for asvs-' ral weeks, and, if here, would bring better prices, Jbe markeJ closed very dull, and stock was sold at Etiiijower prices. 4©5CO head will be left over, as the receipts are larger than thedemand. * . The stock on sale are from the following States: 897'hesd from Oldo; 190 from Illinois; 588 from Ches ter county, and 86 from Kentucky. The following are the particulars of the sales : - Isaac Abrahams, 45 head Illinois Steers, selling at from #7.80b8. E. Scott, 20 Chester county Steers, selling at from @7«B 25. D. Kimbiei 70 Chester county Steers, soiling at from $7.60a8 60. B_. C. Baldwin, 66 Indiana Steers, selling at from 8T.50a8. - , Joeeph MoFIHen, Jr., 70 Ohio Steers, selling at from 87®8150. P.Hathoway, 112 Illinois and Chester county Steers, selling at from St 50©8 50. - . j . P. McFUlen 104 Ohceter county Steers, selling at ffomS7fflB. Cochran A MoCall, 130 Chester connty and Ohio Stems, selling at from 870 8 50. J. SeMomrldge, 90 Illinois Steers, selling at from $7.60 08.50. Mooney A Smith, 112 Ohio Steers, Belling at from $7.50 ©8 62. Oilman & Co., 90 Chester county Bteors, selling at from 8?«8. Carr A Fellheimer, 86 Eentncky Sjeers, selling at from 87aS. . . G. Darlington, 40 Chester county Steers, selling at from $6«B. '/V. E. S. Mifflin, 44 Ohio Steers, selling atfrom $7.5008 50. Fuller A Bro., 82 Ohio Steers, selling at from 37 ®B. Chandler, 17 Chester county Steers, selling at from 97 08 25. Miller A McOlese, SO Chester county Steers, Belling at from s7®B 37#. B. 4B Chester county Steers, selling at from 87 ttß, Smith A Mooney, 34 Ohio Steers, selling at from ®7oB. h. Frank, 10 Ohio Steers, se’ling at from ST aB. C. Maißhall, 52 Chester county Steers, selling at from ®T®B. . B. Hood, 73 Chester county Bteers, selling at from 86.5C08.25. ■■■'. ' Kimble A Kirk, 23 Chester county Steers, soiling at from 57.50cr8. Beis A Smith, 134 Ohio Steers, soiling atfrom 85a8.50. Bamaker A Bro., 51 Ohio Steers,"selling at from 86 >t." v ' v_, v \' F. Reidenbaugh, 31 Ohio Steers, selling at from S6®7. J. Kaufman, 33 Ohio Steers, selling atfrom 55708. 0. Airsman, 46 Obi} Steers, selling: at from 87.500 8.50. ; .V: '• : ' Keppler, 42 Fcnna. Steers, selling at from So®7. • Cassidy A Kimble, 32 Ohio Steers, selling at from $7 ®B. COWS AND CALVES. The'arrivals and sales of Cows at Phillips’ Avenue Drove Yard reached 120 head this week, soiling at from 318a28 V head for Springers, and 520®36 head for Cow and Calf. Calvbs There Is. not much demand, and prices ar e unchanged. Ist quality Yeal Calves selling at from 8# « 4#c #' lb, and 2d do at from 2#®3#c, according to qnsiily. ■ . THE SHEEP MABKET. g The receipts and . sates of Sheep: at, Phillips’ Avenue Drove Yard are very large, reaching 7000 head, but prices are well maintained, ranging at from 81®4# for first quality Sheep, and 82.50a33.50 for 2d do. aj to condition and quality. , g Lambs are scarce and very ! few arriving, and selling prices range at frond 83®34 per head according to quality. The arrivals and sales of Hogs, above Phllllpt’ Avenue Drove Yard, reached 320 head thia week, selling at from 86'a6.75 perToolbs. net, as to quality; The receipts of Fat Bogs at'H. G. Imhoff’s Union Drove Yard reached 1325 head this week, selling at from ®®Sfi for Still-fed, and from ®5®§5.50 per 100 lbs. nit ' for corn-fed hogs according to quality. The following are the.parHcnlara of ,tho sales: "Allenton A Hurd, 165 head on sale, from Chicago. jgGloss'A Leeds, 297 bead on sale, from Pittsburg. r c Holmes A Peiffer, 267 head on sale, from Ohio. Jerry Gilchrist, 121 head on sale, from Pittsburg. Banish, Both, A Co., 46 head on sale, from Ohio. Bllmenger, Grose, A Go., 94 head oa sale, from Ohio. Bllmenger, Gross, A Go., 237 bead on sale, from Ohio. James Wallace, 107 head on sale, from lowa. The Chicogo Live Stock Market. Afiacsflß, 1862. OAtti-E.-— I The receipts to-day were about 573 head, t against 061 received yesterday. The market opened with j i lathermoue activity than on yesterday, the principals! THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. AUGUST 19. 1862. 2000 firmed R 7b b 5.. 85 if 2000 an. b5..,85k 5000 V S 7 39 T N bIS.KHK 2000 Pemm R l>t ms.. 104i£ 4000 Pebna Gorip 5?.;. 92 . 200 N PerisO 8..b5.. 10 ■ 6 8o b 5.. 10 100 Race S Yine.c«ti. 10J£ 1500 Bfmtra Ghat 10*. 3?)f* S Beaver Maalow.. 57)2 4 Mlnahill R 48 10000 Ponna R 21 jnt.loo BOARDS. 1000 Punnn 5a 9 Q BOABD.. 2000 Dehigh Val Os.. .108 5000 Long liland B 7j.10I) 5 tishigh Nav..... ■BI 12 Penn a R 'llk 2 d 0........... 48% lOEB-STEADY.' i " ■ ■. Bid. Alices. lliMand 8...,, 38 18V LoLGI&N.x-dv fclK’ lieOlft Navsbs. 29k N Penns 1i..... 9*; 10 N PaßOu 77* 78 NPa B 105..... 100 lot Oatow B Con... 3% 4 Oatawisua Prf.. H* 11K Sec & Third St B 6070 Bace&Vine-stß 10V 11 W t-hita K..... 62jj S 3 Spruce* Pino..' 12jf 13 Gr & Coates exd 33 3i% ObestA Walexd 39 40 Arch St ex dir. 2i% 25 Tbir A rift'nth. 16£ .. A Kine'h. ... - Girard College.. 23% 2i Teeth A Blov’th.3l 32 ynTcb&Pors bvlsg Govurnrur nt contractors Th* H.ick offered wap ol a medium quality. The disoouraglng ad vice*' from tend Jo andilberVwas no demand for by The amiket closed dub ae a.ducltne of 10ol$c 4P 1 WO iba. 9b« p**le» t<i*dny Inclado tnefoHdwlnq: ‘ Rmto. sold Morris 30 tbead, averaging 1248 lbs, at 6o—ShirrnF»i i , ' iY*rrts. ’ ' . SDepbard sold Bowlin 15h*ad,avAra$iEg 1,196 lbs* at s2.lo—Piit-burgaud IVt Wayne Tarda. *v; Williamsfold Webb 44 h«*d, averaging I*lo2 Iba, at s2.4o—Wtcfligan kkmhero Yard*,..'■ Binfiledio r«»M Webb 18 hrad, averaging t,104 lbs, at $2 Michigan B*ntbeni--Yiird«.v - . Gvernbaum fluid Bimao averaging 1.235 lbs* at 5*2 37^—Pit k and Fort Wayne Y*rdS; Young fold Rnbio 32 head, averaging 1,109 Ibi, at $2 36—tome yards- Shew sold Morri« 37 head, averaging I*lo6. lbs* at $2 25—She?mail’s Yards Calmer fold Bidding 10 head, averaging 13017l 3 OI7 fi)4, at s2.'io—Michigfln'Sonthfrn Yards,: Jftypold BHJdina 17 head, averaging 1,013 ft>3, at $2 20 —Michigan Southern YftTds. /Whitley, sold White ’l5 head, averaging 1,160 lbs, at s2,3l>—Sberm#& , B Yard* Bntde, told Hu«heßl2 tiead f averikgiQgl*o9olbai at $2 —.gbeTtnan’fl Tarda; - ' ■ Bogs.—Receipts to day, Market firmer, and mere Retire at an advanco of 100 100 lbs. Tfio stock !eof betterqualitythan tHat of fast week./ Sales: 56 Bogs, averaging 220 lb», at,..........,.*..*52 70 66 ; 235 « 70 66 « « 251 « at. 26 %% ISB «« “ 226 “at... 2 60 316 “ “ 227 « at,.... 260 , 360 “ « . 255 “at.......... 2 87# 61 “ « 271 “ at. 250 149 “ « " 217 at 245 40 “ “ 194 « at...... 240 134 i< u 201 « f at!,............... 240 207 «\ «< ‘205 “ at............P>. t. Shbsf quiet hot firm ' Sales: .83 Sheep, averaging 9Vibs, at,.,..... ..S3,SO 05 - « 98 “ at,;.................. 360 The Baltimore Cattle Market* August 11th. Oattlb —The ufferiugs at tbs live stock boblcs ta-da? Amounted to 900 head,'an increase of 126-hefcl -on the receipts of last we*k; Of the number recfivad 350 were Hft ever unsold, and the balance (550 head) taken by city butchers packera at ©rices ranging from $2.50 lOO 1b3,, only a few orinae bringing lb© outride a decline of 12){ cents IP* 100 Iba on the better grades. The market closed quite dalt and heavy. •• '*' Hogs.—The supply of Hoes was only fair, and prices uniUr a good demand ehowed a alight itnDroveiuant* fair to trlme itve selling atSto to $5.76 100-lbi. S«Elsi*.*-Wifb largo rpcslris and onW a moderate rie mapd. tho market ruled dull at $2 60 to $3.50 IGQ lbs* grofis.* ■ . ■ • ■ CITY ITEMS..: HoMfflOPATmo TTyoeta Coffee.—This Cof fee, sold by . Mr. C. H, Matfn'jn, dealer in Bne family groceries, , Arch and Tenth streets, is a compound of heaUhy vegetable substances, and i« a most delirious be verage/ at once wholesome and palatable to persons in health, but peculiar!? adapted 'for tho use of patients un der Homoeopathic treatment. ■ The’ lsE\f Caskon.—The disposition of our citizens to furnish means as an investment or contri bution for testing the claims of tho new long-range can non, is appealed, to In. our advertising columns to-day. The matter Beerim to be of urgent importance. Tiie Continental Hotel Refreshment Sa loons,—Mr. Rtevbns, whose .evident aim it is to render these apaefons and elegant saloons complete in every matter of managerial detail, has engaged Mr. Bardsall, ilie deservedly popular caterer And especial favorite of ■tho Indies. Owing to his iacfunnd urbanity ns stioorln tpndcnt, this appointment will bo highly satisfactory to the pu’riic, aa Mr. Bnrdeali achievedTa Urge and well merited popularity during tho time that his own saloon vas-open, from his thorough knowifdso of ail the re-" qnirfmenta of his patrons, and continuous attention to; them. The public have thus an additional gnarantoa that Mr. Steven? wiU spare no' pains to colnlator to tho comfort of his visitors. ‘ Comfort for tub Drafted.— The drafted men of 1814 received no, bounty, but, yt tho contrary, had to fmsiah their own equipments, iacludiug gun, knapsack* canteen, cartridge'box, and twenty-four rounds of ammunition. Their nay from Government was £8 per month. Offers of substitutes vreronurnemn*, hnt very few were eecortod. In 1862 the pa?: of ft soldier in the Union rank? is SIS a month, bis equipments are fur nished him, and he enj ?ya the privilege of wearing a neat and comfortable uniform mode at the Brown Stone Cloth ing Hall of Rnckhill ft Wilson, Hos. 603 and 605 Chest nut street, above Sixth. \ gjjWONBERS OF THE TEM GRAPH ]£ WOnder fol feat of telegraphing was executed at a telegraphic eoirce given by Mr. Gurney. in-London. Tho wires of different telegraph .companies were brought into Mr Gurney’s house. An unbroken circuit of wire, 6,000 miles In length, was then formed, and through this great distance, the electric menage war flashed in the space of two seconds. The following tnessago war also transmitted in the short space of one minvfe: <» Bnv your summer garments at the One* price Fashionable Clotling Empo rium cfGranvillc Stoke?, No. 609 Chestnut street, Phila delphia.” Messrs. Broadjbest & Co., Nos. 912 and &14 oheelDnt street, have recently added to their fine coin ction of cartes de visits pictures cf Hon. Edward Everett; Brigadier General Negley; Dr. J. K. Bboadg; Dr' A. C. llart; Bov. PrTSufldards; Governor Yates, Of Illinois; Bev. A. B. Atkin*;. Eov. Kingston Goddard, D.‘ P.; Btv. K. Conrad; Dr., M. Dnane ; Bov. E. W. Uullor, P. P ; Colonel Collie, of the Zouaves d*Afriaae ; Ur. Seed ; late Hon.'B. T. Conrad, all in the highest style of the art. This Summer, . * . • The snmmer wears her coronal As proudly as, before f God’s gifts of beauty to the earth Are lavish as of yore. Yet never radiant snmmer days Were half to's&d and long; A monrnfnl music Alls our souls, A dirge, bat not a song. For low on yonder fields of blood, . a friend is lying t For truth and right they bravely stood, And sealed it with thoir dying. We think or tbafc dost Fla? of*Sfcars, Borne down In Battle’s tide; Our shattered Union hows her head, While hostile bands decide. ' .* Uniforms ready made at Charles Stokes’, under the Continental. ■*-, . PASSENGERS ARRIVED. In steamship Baxon, from * Beaton—Miss .Annie Chia hoim, cf; Boston; Messrs Wm Calhoun, J Wation, J 32 Hostoii, Geo H West, Steel, '.and Pogb, of PhiUdelphia. MARINE INTEIiiiIGENCE. wr SEE FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED, Steamship Saxon, Mutthewe, 45 hours from Boston, with mdse to H Winsor ft Co. Bohr A Hammond, Higgins, 6 days from Boston, with mdte to Kennedy, Stairs ftJ3o. Magnet, Perry, 5 days from Boston) in MW* IV vr .uuwimonerafMaxfleld;" „ • _ ..Sclir Ann S Cannon, Sowell, from fldw Bedford, In bal!a»t to Noble, Oaldweil & Co. Sctir Thos E French, Hannah. ttam Newburpyort, in ballast to Hammett, Vat) Duteo t Lochman. ««hr Alvira, Brannan, 3, 3*ys feom New York, with salt to T* 7 ™ Bnmm. Bohr it 6 Whirlsw, from Boston, in ballast to .? l&buMinWv* Brooks’,’ Sew York, withai]* *». order. Bcbr GoWen Gatei Fleming, ldi.f ffom fredorica, Dal, Willi wheat and corn to Jag L Bewley St Co. ■ ■ Steamer Bristol, Ohariea, 24 hoars from Sew York, with nidge to W T> Clyde. : .Steamer Wm Kent. Brett. 6 hours from Cape May,; with passengers to captain. Baw au unknown kerm biig coming in the Capes on Monday morning. Steemer Commodore, Wilber, from Harrison * Land iogdhthinßt, via'Fortrres Monroe 4 P H earns day, with 600 sick and wonnded soldiers. The Ohadibesn ordered toNcwark, NJ, bnt inconsequence of being short tf coal, water, and provisions,;bad to proceed to Philadelphia. AT QUARANTINE. The bark Tacosr and achr Fannie, previously reported at Quarantine, still remained at eight o’clock: yesterday morning; atso, bpisr Andrew Peters, from MatanaAß.which arrived there on Sunday. AT WILMINGTON, DEL. Danish brig Eliza, Wiliernp, from New York, to load for St Oroiz. clkabbb; : Bchr Oen Marion, Griffin, Portland, Tyler, Btono & 00. Bcbr Mary Anna, Haler, Fortreajj Monroe, Bishop, Si mone & 00. ■ Scbr B A Fogers, Steelman, Fonresß Monroe, do ;" Scfar Ann 8 Cannon, Nowell, Portsmouth, do Scbr Baiatia. Barbarle, Hillsboro*, NB, Twells & Co; v Bcbr Ivy, Honderson, Fortress Monroe, Baker & Folsom, Bcbr Tbos B French, Hannab, Salisbury, Hammett, Tan Busen & Locbmsn. ScbrS P Hawes, Baymon, Providence, Bepplfcr & Bro. . Scbr Silver Magnet, Perry, Na wb ary port, Waanema cher A Maxfield. ? ■; Str H L Gaw,JT!er, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. ; .StrAlida, Bobinson, New York, W P Clyde. SPECIAL NOTICES. Buy your Bathing Robbs, yob Lal wss and Gentlemen; at SLOAN’S, 806 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. ' aal6-St# Batchelor's Hair Dyb! ■ THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S oelebrated Heir Dye prodnoes a color not to be distinguished from nature— warranted not to Injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of baddyes, and invigorates the Hair for life: GRAY, BED, or BUSTY HAIB Instantly torn, a splendid Blaokor Browtateaving the Hair soft audbtan- BM. Boldby all Druggists, Ac. . 'Wr The Genuine Ib' signed WILLIAM A. BATCH*. LOB; bn the four tide* of each box. FACTORY, No. 81 BABOLAY Street, ‘ (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street), . my2B-ly New York. One-Pbiox Clothing, of the latest Btyub, made in . the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Belling Price, marked In Plain Figure.. AH Good, made to Order, warranted aatlsfaotory. Our ©SB-Paicn Btstbh la .trlofly ad* beredto. All are thereby treated alike. BeUS-lr JONES A 00,604 MARKET Street Card Printing, Best and Cheapest In the Gity, at 111 Sonth FOURTH Street. CARD PRINTING, best and cheapest In the Olty, at 111 Sonth FOUBTH Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, best and cheapest In the Gity. at 111 South FOUBTH Street. MARRIED. THBOCKMOBTON-BOAOH—At Elizabeth, N. L. on the 16th Inst., by the Bey. Samnel A. dark, Edmnnd Throckmorton,' of this city, and Jane T., daughter of P. B. Roach, Eeq., of Elizabeth. # BO BEETS—OUS AOK—August 16 th, James M.R«- berts to Mies Bose A. Cusack, by the Bey. Charles M, Honiglo. - - # DIED. OOXE.—In action at Slaughter’s Mountain, Ya,, on. the Dth ihst, Arthur Haslett Ooxe, of the Zouaves d’Af tiuue, General Banks’ Body Guard, in the 21st year of Ms.sge, son of James E. and Jane K. Ooxe, of this city. • • . * BTOBEY.—-At the residence of her husband, near Suite burg. Pa., in the 3dth year of her age, on the 10th August, 1862, Mrs. Eliza, wife of Hr. James M. Richey, and daughter of Hon. S. S. Jamison. • BABBINGTON - On Friday, the 15th, at Oley, Berks county, Mrs.' Eliza Harrington, relict of the late David Barrington, and daughter of Mrs. Mary Small, of this city."" 1 V’ ■■■ i■ - ; Her friends and relatives are invited to attend her funeral a’ the house of her brother-in-law, James Sheri dan, No, 1516 Brown street, at 9 o'clock this (Tues day) morning..:. .To'proceed to Laurel Hill. " # JACKSON.—Qnthe 16th Inst , John B i son cE Enoch and Sophia Jackson, pged 16 • WlDf LVTOiy Ob the 16th inet, Kata A.wifeof Allan Atidr.latfiß, Jr.. In the Slth year < f har a^e. The rvlativea and frlenda.of the family are respectful!? ftjTi'Cd to attend the.funeral frem the residence ot tier bnshaiid,* Bo lm North-TwelfHt atteet,*this (thirl day.) ' mcrninK. the 19ih inet., at 10 o’ciocfc -. * MlMlLETON—l.‘.lira danahter of Allen and Kate M litdietob, in the 7th year ot her uga. 1 he nlatires and fiknds ol the family are respectfully Invit. d in attend the funeral from the residence of her fether, 80. 045 Horsh Fwritth street, this (third day) nii rninp, the 18th inst., »t!0 o’clock. # jj BAL I Z —On the 37<h inet, after a Unaering Illness, Err dm irk Btflz, aged 31 years ar.d 2 months. * • ZItL»SER~UD the 13th test. at Falla Church Etna, pita!, Benry L, Zelner, of Co. 0,90 th Regimmt P. V,, eon. cf the late Levi and Elizabeth Zeiner, in the ‘lothy yper of bis age. * COBSEi— On the 17th lust, Catharine Conner, In the 70th yoar of her ago.. » # , EOBEItTS On the 17th Inst, Margaret S.» wife of John C.Koherts. aged 28 years. ' * , 8 WEBBY —On the 17th inst.,, Philip Sweeny, aged 28 years. .: r;. # v EI'ELMAN.—On the 16thInat ,Seo.'W.Edelman,.r?., in the 28th yrar of his age. , .# , P4YIB —On the eyening of tile IGth ioet., Simuol Devi*,* in the>72d year of hts age. - ... . BOOKIE'S.—On the 15th inst., Margaret, wife of V. Wni. BccMos. - ' ’ 11 . , : # ; LOCAN.~Oh the lTth Inst.;*Mary Ann, daughter of Bngh and Ellen togaoi aged 3year*. 1 #• KBOBB —On tbe 16th lost,, Matilda Hollingsworth, daughter of 'William M. and Bosanua ICnorr, aged 6 year*asd.,4mouths. . Mourning stoke.—bessOn & SOB, 80. 918 CUKSTSUT Street. Blftcfe Mpussciino da Lames, fionblo widths. -liiftck Taniifleß. ' ; Black gumoicr/Bombaeinos; : * Black EugUsh Bcmbaziuos, Black Alpacas bcmbnziaa finish. • ; Black Grns Grain arid Poult de Sole Silks. ' Black‘Crape Maretifi and Bareges. Black Sawa Hcruaui, Black Silk Grenadines., - BUck and White Lawns* Ginghams, &c. ‘ Jy2B . nrrz=*- TENT« WARO -.A MEETING OF 113 - THU -IOYkL imizms of tho Tenth Ward,' wnhontt to party.qrt?an?z»Uon, and in favor.of s suitalniug .tbc National'Administration in the pre»ent|j cilbls, will/ be held at the b«>use of Charles O. beck, B .W. cotnir of Eleventh and Vine streets, THISh EYENIN G, August 19,; tor the purpose of organizing HAtional .Union Ward Af soriatlon. • By ol der/of the citizen* of tho /ward, ‘ It* ry~* TO THE FRIENDS OF THE' NA LL§*? TIONAB CNIUN OF TtlE FOUU W A BP.—Bellevlog that in this the time otonr eQQqtry’a peril >it becomes all who love aUu PheriKh our National Bnion to rtseehove P*«> jlWjndioe, and past politictt. patriots ihdeed aid ',U neArf, W* tberefpre inyite.ail citlzehs cr tlie '.FOIHI tTBtS¥H WABO" ehtertaihing liha Beqttaeht*,‘to co operate with ns in forming an.,organization whoseohjeef si n]l b? the election to office of reliable 'ahili true Uniba men. to meet at SPRING GARDEN HALL atS o'clock pn TIfBfDAY EVENING, Angnst 19th. 1862. - I>-D. Barlow, M. D. GeorgeH. Garden,. 8. P. Stottebory, George W. HcGinly, Wai nerßssn, ' Richard B. Dioherson, _ C.fllii C-iiiet, , . James O. Chase,■ Thomas A. Boyd, VJilliam B Tnsy, B. 'J . Fry, Badl Wood, ; t r William Jordon, Alfred L. Anderson, W. P. Pott*, - Theodore Antloraon, • W. O. Henfzey, George Jacobs, W. 'Ayres. E. S Esher, W. F. Mitchell,- ] ' and many othera. —lt ry~s=* FirTEESTH TO THE BBS. Lk_3 COE! —AH loyal citizens of tiir Fifteensh Ward, who sm in'favor of , forming a NATIONAL' DNIOH’ A 8800IATTOS Bud sustaining the Hationa! Adminis, trationin the-proeecution of tUe war with ylgor, afejn-, vifsd to meet THIS EVENING, Atignat.lSth, at 8 o’clock, at the'Hall, N, E. corner of WEST and COATXSSrroeIp, in pnranance of the recommendation ofthVJdintßopubHean and People's; City; Committee of Superintendence, lield at the County Court House, on the Bth inßtant. Joel Hare,, George Btnrges, Jehu D. Nineetcel, U’ro. H. Keioble, JoseDh It. Bolton. < ». W. O’Brien, Samuel Panconst, Henry li. Smith, \Vm. Curry, • ■ JemraßiKser, Joseph Dogeerall, Geo. W. Saylor, Robert H litebinson, : Evan 0. Jackson, It* K SIXTEENTH WARD —A MEETING ot the People’s’ Association of! the 16tb Ward held THIS (Tnesdav);EYSiNlNG,' at 7K o’clock," at ROBERT WABDELL’S, BHCOND above BEAVER, to reorganise. Deiegatea to the City and Ward Conven tions to nominate; and other important business to trans act. 5 - By order of A. ,W. WRIGHT, Seb. ryr=» EIGHTEENTH WARD —ATTEIF- Lk3 TION !—A meeting of the iojal citizens, of the MGHTEpNTH WARD, without regard to former poli tical organization, nml in favor of tho National Adminis tration, and a vigorous proseention-of the war to snp prefg the present unholy,rebellion,..will be hetd at the Hall at BIOHMONO and MARYBOROUGH Streets, on THIS (Tuesday ) EVENING, August 19tb, o’clock, for the.pnrpoee of organizing a NATIONAL ON CON ASSOCIATION for tae Ward, and to make arrange mente for the eelectlon of Delegates to the various; Oon ventieng to nominate candidates for the Ootobor election. Semnel E_ Gw inner, Benjamin Honsekeeper, .Benjamin Norman, A-*W; Green, Joeeph S. Allen,■ ... John Damon, Peter Cramp,. John Bose Kemble, John JVBaker, William B Gardy. ' Robert J. Ritchie, SamueU. McFarland’ iy» xwektiethitabb.—friends of UcS TBE UNION, BALLY I IULLYI <UL PaBTIKS ABANDONED POB TffE THE UN 10 N.—Every loyal citizen of the TW3SNTIE PH WABD, in ffcvor of preserviibg the Oonstitutiohaod Lnion, the enppreeßion 'of ibis unholy; reb? liion, and;tlte euppott of otir patriotic President andtheAdmlmstra tioD, will meet THIS (Tuesday) E YENING,’ (the 19th Jest) at 8 o’clock, at tho HaU of the South Penn Hoae Company, Tenth: street, above Girard Avenue, for the pur pope of organising a “NATIONAL UNION ASSO» CIATION,*' and for. the appointment of election officers to conduct the election for Delegates to ilia Nominating Conventions; agreeably to the action of-the Convention held fit the Contity Court House on the Bth lost. Edward Grata. T. U. Bobbins, Joseph P. Marcer, Errst ftttntger, Theodore Williams, B. H. Clinton, James J. Allison, James Irvioe, B« 8. Garrison, B. H. Haines, Jackson Bordeer, John Gregory, Matthias Meyers, ‘WiUiatn Bowera, Thomas Ashton. Philadelphia, Anenst 15, 1862. . rrs=- * Rom th k so ndh bis patch— m3 SEVEN SEASONS WHT CONSOIBNTIOTO KE PUBLICANS OANNOT VOTE FOB ALEXANDER' BENBlf: v First Became lie violated tho ’ sacred 1 principle of .“Freedom of Speech,” when he in effect closed a public hall in this city against G. W. Onrtia, E«i„'wh6 pro pored to deliver ft literary and scientific lectors 1 The. animus of this tyrannical proceeding,"on the part of Mr; Henry, was hatred of the well-known'polltldal principles of :Mr Ourtiv, prominent among-wbioh was opposition to‘ • the extension of slavery. Oongreas and President Lin coln have recently set their seal of condemnation on the prchalavery views of Mr/Henry, by the, passage; and ap proval of the law declaring that ail Territories now or hereafter to be acquired shall be forever free t. and by tbe.fnnher and,atlU more glorious Act totally abolishing BIiAVEKT in the District of Columbia ’ Second. BeCanse he cpjJosed the election of onrhon ed President, Abraham Lincoln, and, joini"— ‘ the party of John Bell, sought. *— '" o imnstlf to dencj: tho. man Who is-'—' ... elect to the'-Presi-, t-y. - " - J * a malignant traitor to his flab d. Became he opposed the election of onr gallant' and patriotic Governor, AndrewG. Curtin, and voted for Henry D. Foster, the candidate of the Pro-slavery and Disunion Democracy; " . Fourth;-Beimnse,‘whilst professing to belong to ho party, bC'throws : his vote'and influence, so far 'as we bnow and believe, invaiiably against Republican prin- Fifth Becanse he is the acknowledged representative of a soda I aristocracy, : who, having grown rich by sell ing to the Spnth boots and buttons, dry goods and drags, harness and.hard ware, find excuses for - the treason of 2?ell.:and others, and set off “Black Bepnblicahs ” of the Nor}h : »;;! &1 f 1 f«»iT»l»»t of the robbers, .traitors, and murderers of the sl2 n *l*. - . Sixth. Becanse be I-reppried abd belief ed to havede clared in argument with a citizen, a few short months since, that “ lit 9as almost ready to lay that ho would be willing ..that thei mar; should years if,in consequence theraf, Si A VER T could be maintained in the cbnditioh-it occupied at the eoawnancemant” Seventh;: Becanse Bepnblicans do not labor for mbs, but principles;' Becanse they cannot, and- will no*, vote for any man for any offloewhois in favor or slavery, aod. who is liable, in consequence thereof to be made weak abairrgaolnte In bis loyalty. And became, Anally, Be- ' publicans can join hands snip with those who heartily and wholly support the Administration of Abraham Lin coln in its heroic efforts' to suppress this infamons re bellion, and maintain intact against all enemies a conse crated and undivided Union. : v it# rv-==» NATIONAL UNION;—THE CITIZENS Uot of Philadelphia, who desire to unite in sustaining the National Admleiatratlon, are requested to matt on TUEBDAY EVEN ING, the 19th inatant, in the sererat Wards, At the' places designated;; to organize NA TIONAL UNION ASSOCIATIONS: First Ward—At the Franklin Hose Hail. Second—Sruthwark Engine Halt. ■ Third AS.' E. corner Fifth and Queen Btreets. Fourth—Gampher’s, Fifth street, below Shippen. Fifth—New,Market Hall, Second and Pine streets. Sixth—Golden’Fleece‘Hotel, Oborry, above Third. Seventh—O’Neill's Hall, Lombard, below Broad. Eighth—SchnjJiiU HoseHouso. Ninth—B. W corner Twelfth and Filbert streets.' Tenth—B. W. corner Eleventh and Vine. . A Eleventh—North Pennsylvania Hotel, Third and Wil low streets. , . .Twelfth—N. E. corner Fourth aud-Green streets.- Thirteenth—S. E. corner Ninth-and Spring Garden streets. , Fourteenth- Spring Garden Hall. Fifteenth—N. E, corner Ooatoß and West streets. Sixteenth—House of B. Warden, Second, above Beaver street Seventeenth —8. E. corner Front and Master. Eighteenth—N. W. corner Marlborough-and Rlch mond streets. ' Nineteenth—Frankford road and York street. Twentieth—Sonth PeDn Hose Honse. Twenty- fltst--Temperance Hall. Manaynnk. Twentyvkf condi-Longstt eth Hall. Twenty-third—Seven Stars Hotel. Twenty-fourth—West Philadelphia Hal]. After their organization, 'each association shall pro ceed to elect a Judge and two Inspectors for each Elec tion Division ioconduct the election-hereinafterprovi ded for, such precinot officers to bo selected by the citi zens of the various precteota present at said, meetings,, and also to elect one person as a member of a General. Committee of-Superintendence. That on the evening of TUESDAY,,tbe 28th of Angnst,ttae citizens shall meet lit their several precinots and elec tas folio ws One per son from each precinct aa Relegate to a City Convention to nominate city , and ebuhty ; officers j one person from each precinct as'Delegate to a Congressional Conven tion, except inch precincte as are within the limits of 7 the Fifth Congressional District; one person from each precinct of such Senatorial Districts as are required to elect a Senator to a Senatorial Convention to nominata candidates for Senator; one person from each precinct oa Delegate to; a Representative Convention to nominate: candidates for Representative; two persons from each precinct to g Word Convention to nominate members of Council and other Ward officers. .f \ ’ On .Thursday following the election, the'.Delegates elected to the City Convention shall meet at Bansom-stroet Hall, al-10 o’clock A. M„ to enter upon their duties, and meet from day to day, until their nominations are com pleted. ". ■ ■ V The Delegates to the other Conventions shell meet m their several districts on the first Thursday subseqaedt to their election, at 8 o’clook P. M, and shall pro ceed to the discharge of their duties, except the Delegates in the Fourth Senatorial District, who'Shall meet at 3\ o’clock P. M Resolved, That upon the election and organization of the Committee of Superintendence of the “National Union,!’ this Convention, end , tho two Committees of which it is composed, shall each adjourn sine die. ... T. 8. DARLING, . Chairman People’s Committee of Superintendence. • GEORGE H. MOORE, ‘ Chairman Republican Committee of SnpsVintenAenco. JOHN J. FRANKLIN, E. H. MKRBIOK, Secretaries Ftople’g Committee of Snperlntendenco. 1 JOHN'W.'DUBREE, HENRY J. GARDNER, Secreisries Republican Committee of Superintendence. au!B 2t I . . r yr=M NATIONAL UNION.—THE CITIZENS UJ? of the TWENTY.FOURTH WARD, who have no sympethy .with Treason. or Traitors—who give the Administration a cordial support in. ait Its efforts to'put down tbe Rebellion, and who love their country hatter than its offices, will meet at the ; Commissioners’.* Hall, THIRTY-SEVENTH and MARKET streets, on TUBS DAY EVENING next, 19th Inst, at 8 o’clook, for tha pnroe c f farming a “ National Union Assodatton.” James Miller, | Robert Steen, Jamea Rhoads. Henry,A. Dreer, Jonaßmn Bontall, John Hnnter, J. M. Linnard, Isaac Heaton, . James Alien, ' ‘B. Andrews Knight, - Peter Lane, Samuel Field, Thomas A. Andrews, . X. Ssenntr SUUWi #nlB-2t* Wm H Kern, \ Charles E. - Pancoast, ■ Thomas M. Triol, Samuel Daniels, A. H. Freeman, - Ephraim Haas, i David A, Aiiiton, 11. W. Gray, : George Fry, J. T. B. Hahn, Josiah Danflell, George Handler, _ Fred: G. Wolbort, ■ Christopher Hughes, . and many others. JAME 3 W. SAYRE, Pros. »ul9-lt# J. N. Ko?b ersporgar, George Boggs, Tbomoßli. Stafford, George M. Hill: • It* ry-==* TWELFTH WARD.—A MEETING OF |l * (be o4tir,engof the ward will oe held THISEVB ■CiinG. In accerdaec* with th«following r,Solution adopt ed bytin£ joiiit’TliebjitWe'OommUteea of the Republican ard Pe' pie’s party: I i Recoined, Thai wo cordially. Invite, all men wholoTe ♦heir country better than their party, who esteem her safety-and welfare ab»ve ( their own personal advaaoe* rnei.t. ;to unite’with tis; ••tb let the dead past bnry its dead,” and to rise to the full discharge of the solemn duties of the prefect hoar, and to the recognition of the responsibilities wnlch crowd tho tn’iirn. : Meeting to be held at the N.B. corner FOURTH and GREEN Streets, at 8 o'clock. , v t THUS A. GRACE, Secretary. MILITARV. I ENXjIJST I ‘ TEN EOUBARB WILL BE GIVEN, IN ADDITION TO ALL OTHER BOUNTIES t * To recrnits for the 45TH REGIMENT Pennsylvania Volunteers, (OoGthOMAS WELSH,) now at Newport News. ONE HUNDRED UEN, of tho first class, are wanted Immediately for this regiment. Apply at EVANS & HASSALL’S, . nnf-tt NQ..418 AROH Street. i| B U CRT AI L BaiGADEi f 165 ffiBOUNTT—#IO EXTRA FOR FIRST FIFTEEN i JJJMEN ENROLLED.—Doh’t Wait to ns Dbasted, thereby losing all bounties. Mon masterod on eniut i ment.o Pay and rations to commence' at once. CHARLES 9. BOYD, (Formerly of Commonwealth Artillery,) 1 Second Lieutenant and Recruiting Ullicor, 4;,on10-6l* ■ No 727 MARKET Street. » POPE ONTHEAD VANCE TO BBIRIOBMOND.f-TTNIOK OUaBD3 -REGIMENT ||ffi ‘commenced mustering on tho 18 tb, and - haa mua ■ . tered more mco tfcan »ny other regiment now mu*- tering into tlie Beryice. A. few more able-bodied men : are wanting to fill tbie regiment, ®l6O Bonntr gaarontigd, Watered *wd equipped gt once. will move positively on Thursday, ifsail- Waartevs of; the rogimeai fcoutheast correrof ifRONT and MASXEK atreotß. J. B. ADA. 513, . .. , Coloml Oommanfling Regiment. I?, B.—A meeting of tbo Board ef Offioere every eve ning at 8 o'clock. * • ■ auls-2t* -II f!62 BOUNTY —119th. RE Gi fs MS.NT, COL. P. 0. ELLMAKEB. A few good J[f men wanted 'n Company Oi ofthis Regiment.!: Pay; and rations ■» $100" before going into serrieo RecrniSng Office 204 Wa LNUf Street . Oeptain, A. T- GOOOMAN, First Lieutenant BENJ, SAYLOR, aulß 31* Second Lieutenant JAHE3, W.XATTA. ll NO BOUNTY OR ADVANCE 'l3 PAT AFTER THE S2d INST.—T RE ISIS P EEGf- IRMFNT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEBE3, COD. OHAPMAN’BIDDLE, accepted ;by the State as one i of the regiments to be raised in Philadelphia. Recrnits for this regiment are entitled until the 23d, of - August to the United,States bounty of .3)00, to tho City : Of Philadelphia bounty of $5O, and to an extra bounty ef #lo—iD all $l6O, besides a- prmnium of S 2 at the time of muster, and onemohlh’s pay in adv«n<»(sl3 ) ; : Recrnits ( ate immediately mustered into service, uniformed, and sent by cars on the eamo day to the healthy damp at Edgewood, near Chestnut Hill. ’For >he several recruit ing 'stationrsef* the general advertisement in this piper, or apply at MO VI bE Street, 728 ZANH Street. 229 North SECOND Street,43 North THIRD Street, 821 MARbET Street, Ac Ac. ; an!6 dt23 jy THE 116th REGIMENT, P. V., ® accepted for three years, are now noarly ready for Ilf the field. Fractions of companies will be accepted “T from the country, \ Roornits from the oiuutry coming into this regiment will receive $5B bounty in addition to the bounty paid by their county and General Government. Transportation will be furnished on aoplication to theso Headquarters, 624 MARKET Street,Philadelphia, or to. Major G. H. BABDWELL, at “ Herr’s HoteV’. Harrig bnrg. , ; , .D. HEENAN, anll-12t Col. Commanding 116th Regiment, P, V. . jl > GITY BOUNTY FUND COM ' 0 mission. - > Jlf ' HOTIOB TO YOLUNTBERS.—OfficiaI Informa-v tlon has been given to tlio City Bounty Fund-'Com mission, that the following named regiments hay© been - accepted by the Governor.ofPanaßylvaaift, on acoouat of the quota of Volunteers roauirod from the'city of Philadelphia, viz : ~ Zouave d’Afrique, 00l OolHa. Regiment No. 116, Coir Heenan, a ; n . «r 117, 001.-A. EL. Tlppfn, Soott.tjQgclon. .. tt u ns, CoLO.M.PreyoatjOornExohaug©. • ” ,•* 119, f tOoL P.O. BUmaker, Gray Reserves. “ “ . 121, Col. Chapman Biddlo. Tho Commifislon are ready to pay the bounty to volun toors in said regiments under the rules and regulations heretofore‘published. , aol6-13t : ;V'-*v;-JOBJSTO. KNOX, Chairman. ‘ f 121st REGIMENT P. V.—HE GBUITS wanted fbr Company B, of the 23d Philadel phia Light Inftsntry, Colonel Chapman Biddle. Apply ** «t (be ANDERSON HOUSE. 1619 SOUTH street, op posite the Hater Market.- Bounty SISO. Mustered in at once. CHARLES E.KTTIMG, aulB-6t . Second Lieutenant.’ JU 121st REGIMENT PENNSYL j*' VkRIA VOLUNTEERS, Colonel CHAPMAN W 'BIDDLE. RECRUITS WANTED FOB THE WAR. Apremimn of $2 will bo paid 10 pash recruit at tho time, of mutter. One- month's pay in advance, and • 8160 Bonniy, to wit:. : 825 states Bouuty in cash. $5O City ef Philadelphia Bounty. 810 Extra Bounty, and ‘ 876 United, States. Bounty at the end of the war. , Recruits will be muecered immediately into service. Pay and, rations from dote of muster. - Apply atihy of the following recruiting stations: ALEXANDER LA WBIE, Captain (Jo. B, No. 606 Tine street. ..... .... . CHARLES F. HULSE, 2d Lieutenant Co'. B, N. W. corner of Franklin Square. J. FRANK STERLING, Captain Co. 0, N. E. corner Sixth sod Minor streets. . , GEORGE WM. POWELL, 2d Lieutenant Co. 0, N. E. comer Twelfth and Spring Garden streets. CHARLES E. KITING, 2d Lieutenant Co. D, No. 1629 South street. Mi W.~ C. BARCLAY, 2d Lieutenant 00. E/No. 715 Girard avenue. : J..ALFRED KAY, 2d Lieutenant Co. F, Bruner’s Hotel, Main street. Germantown. WM. SMITH HOBART, 2d Lieutenant Co, G, Potta town, Montgomery county. EDWARD GR,V‘ Z. Jr., 2d Lieutenant Co. H, S. E. comer of. Tenth and Thompson streets. JOHN DURBOBOW, 2d Lieutenant Co. I, No. 229 North Second street. *.■■■. ■ . JOSHUA.GABBED, 2d Lieutenant 00. K, Main street, Fran*ford ... JOHN lUNGEBICH, 2d Lieutenant, No. 43 North Thirdatreet. . ■■■■;'. . ... SAMUEL T. LLOYD, Captain 00. E, No. 723 Zans Btrcot. ■. •. ■■ HARRY HERTZ£iER, Lieutenant,.No, 321 Market street. ; , JAMES Frank ford. . and Mimfr etieela j N. E. corner Sis* UB" DORR, Lientenant, 356 North Thir teenth etreet and 406 Walnut atreet. SAMUEL 0, THOMAS, Sergeant 00. D, No. 431 Chestnut street. T. E ZELL, No. 42 South Fifth street. an!6t23 THOMAS H HALL, Adjutant Ngl) RECRUITING OFFICE Off jrpgf) THE ANDERSON TOOOP, Ground Floor of ■-f--.;-B».the Pennsylvania" Railroad -Office, comer of THIRD Street and WILDING'S. Alley. > Capt. WM J. PALMER, Bergt, ALFRED YEZIN.* Private NORMAN M. SMITH. IMPLEMENTS OF WAR. rjl 0 BUSINESS MEN AND OTHERS . OF ENTERPRISE EARNEST PATRIOTISM. The condition of circnmstances regarding theprotfue (ion of the StW LONG- RANGE O ANNON, and the pcßitlonof the Inventor, cell for action In'a pecuniary way to advance its progress to completion and readiness hjr nse. Subscriptions or contributions will be received, and are urgently needed for a fund or capital for producing It as speedily aa possible. Ho time should be lost. It Is of' importance to the lives of our men in tho field that such weapons of unequalled range should be in use as soon as possible; Beceipts will be given for' all subscriptions, and these receipts will be exchanged whenever desired for certificates of membership or .partnership interest in the proceeds of tho business of manufacturing these gnns and fnralsblng them to Government.- Hence, (til Sams con tributed will be Invested profitably, and the needs of our armies and the demand of patriotism will at the same time be met. . ; "7. ','.'77' Shall this be done at once ? Shall Philadelpllans have the honor cf promptly doing this work as a popular movement in aid of the Union oanse ? The vital time to act la now. Shall there be an earnest response? . A. SI. DBNSMOBE, Attorney for the Inventor, South THIRD Street. FINANCIAL. fl»/j CAA AND SEVERAL SMALL iPtiuI/v • BB Siubb, to loan on first.mortgages of City'JPronerijv JOHN B. COL\HaNt anlS-St* 142 Sonth EIGHTH Street JAMBS H. WALTON* THOMAS W. TOST* WALTON & YOST, I T WBANKBRS, BROKERS, ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 'AHD- ■ GENERAL OUL LECTORS, No. 26 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. - REFERENCES. Jay Hooke & 00., Hon. James Pollock, Jambs, Kent, Santee, 4 Co., Hon. H. D. Foster, Esherick, Black, & Co., Hon. A. H. Reeder, 0. McKihbin A Son, Hon. Asa Packer, E; P; Middleton & Bro , , Hon. Warren J. Woodward. Hon. Wm. Wilkins, '' V. It. Bradford, Esq. . an7-3m . . M SCHULTZ & CO. have removed a. 5 to No. 13 Sonth THIRD Street, where they will attend to the purchase and sale of Foreign andDomeetio v Exchange, Gold and Silver, Old Demand Notes , and other Secnrities. ! , .. anl-lm* fl? 9 KAA —TfflS AMOUNT WANT *P/VaMv V» BD npon Mortgage, flrst-eloBs Farm near the city. Apply to m ‘ B, PETTIT, Jyl2 No. 809 WALNUT Street EEIMER’S IVORYTIPEB are with out a rival; their Bne natural and life-bke ap pearance place them foremost in the rank c.f likenesses. They ere beautiful SBCOND etreet, above Green.: It# mRY AUTER’S JET-BLACK HAIR Dye, 26 cents. Also inboxes, complete, for ladles. Ho. 63 THIRD Street, above Chestnut It# <|»(r A REWARD.—-Hired, from SftaWes lPt/v_s4 University Place, August 141 h, at OX P. M.; one, Bay; Mare, 14% hands high, Pony.built, short tall, heaty mane. A Snifting-top wagon, with foil Elliptic Sprilgs; half patent Axles; Painted- Plata Black; open frontußody; close-panelled Back, with round-cornered psherSeat; Bine .Lining, *ith Patent Leather, Facings; open sides to top. Bqiit by Armour, No. 6 Seventh ave nue. The above reward will be pald’for the'return of same, or any information leading to thsir rsoovery. ; \ A. G. ARHGUR, . aulß-St MUSrVEBSITY PLAOB, New York. Dbaftihg - TH* iIUTCAL TiITR INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 Office, 4M W AMWE Street. ; fIASH AS3BTB, Jaounrf 31,1802, „ \ 55.086 260.6 ft. ' This Oosejuny will- Issue Wer Penults to all who are insured in afdd company before they ara drafted, not •AirrERWAKDiI . Persons will be 'waited upon at their residence or rises of business, by addreseine a uote to H, A. CHAMBERS, 400 WAiNPT Stwot,'. ' ' ' ■ aulS ef NEW YORK ADVERTISE MENTS. YOttK AUTUMN IMPORT. BRITISH GOODS. SAMUEL McLEAN & Co., 39 AND 41 PARK PLACE, Have now open, and are by eaoh steamer receiving ad ditions of FANCY DBS S 3 GOODS, BLACK AND WHITE PRINTS, BROWN SHEETINGS, BLACK AND COLORED" AtAAUAS, * BLACK AND COLORED CO BURGS, BLACK AND COLOR ID DB LAINBS, MOB RUING, PKINTE D, AND .WOVEN GOODS, •DEBEGKS. LAV ELLAS," ’ -TV BLAIO AND FANCY LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS, To an examination and purchase of wbiob they respect fully invite bui ers. SAMUEL McLEAN & Co., 39 AND 41 PARK PLACE, anlfl-I2t* NEW YORK. MILITARY GOODS. T. SNODGRASS. CIVIL & MILITARY CLOTH HOUSE, NO. 31 SOUTH SECOND STREET. We give special attention to Officers’ materials, and have now in store a very select and extensive stock of all shades nod grades for salts and overcoats. Also, a great variety of WOOLENS, adapted to La diesYGentietnon’s and Obiidren’s wear, . »ulB Gt RETAIL DRY GOODS. ;T?ANCY SHIRTING FLANNELS. — J- /Just opened, a few oases of French Shirting Fla nnels, hi beat Biri pea, Oiiocks, aul Plaids,Gfdeßirable styles and qualities. v ■ /ALSO—Gray, Scarlet;, and Bine Flannels, •"!. aul2 . SilA-ftPDESS BiIOTHEBS.. FA L LM>E LAINEvSr ALL NE W PATTERNS.—HamiIton Do Laities. Puciflc Do Lames. Matcboftor De Laiuea. BYBE & LaNDELIn * FOURTH and ARCH. ■PNGLISH PRINTS,PALL STYLES. -Li Opening of British Prints* 4-4 French stylos, • - - BYBB A LANDFILL, a*B FOUKTtt and iaOH. T inens, white goods, OOSIE -LJ BY, EMBROIDERIES —The eubscribers, in ad dition to the House Faruishing asd Onrtain of ■ the Dry Good* Business, give speciat. attention to and have always on hand a fresh stock ot the best Sheeting ■Linens,'White Goods, Hosiery,'and - . Embroideries, to which, the attention of respeotfaHy regueßted. SHEPPARD, VAN HaRUNGER & ARRISON, auslBt • .1008 CHE3TSOT Street. mHE LAST CHANCE FOR J3AE- A GAINS. FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES.' We are determined to close out tile balance of oar Sum mer Stock before the first of September. In order to do so wo willoffer stir entire stock of . . FANCY SILKS. DESIRABLE DRESS GOODS, LAuE MAf TLES AND POINTKB, SELK COATS AND SACQUES, At lower prices titan, those of any other Retail House in the city. OUR BLACK-SILKS can't bo matched in trices and uuuHtios, as they wore all bought before the lust rise, and we are able to sell them at our . OLD LOW PRICES. One lot cheapest Black Figured Silks oyer offered. Also, a good assortment of DOMESTIC GOODS. H. STEEL & FON, aul-tf No. 713 North TENTH Sir, above Ooatea. TDAKGAINB IN GEY GOOi/S. JLr The following lots will be sold at a great sacrifice to close them ont—viz: Two lets Black Silk and Wool UhalUes atlBJjc, worth 37* c. - Five pieces Barege Angle at 4c, worth 100. Five pieces plain Barege at 12>$ c.. A Iso, a large lot of Shetland Shams, at very low prices, splendid for travelling or at watering places. * At JOHN H. STOKES’, i? 80 . 702 ARCH Street. 1024 CHESTNUT SCEEST “ OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO LADIES." E. M. NEEDLES Has just opened NE W GOODS as follows: Broad hem-stitched HdkfsV,2,2J£, and 3 inch hem; hem stitched Bdkfs. (all linen), 13c., or SI .SO'par das:; hew styles Darrow vil. edgings' and headings; new styles point© lace and.ether dollars'and setts, - J ALL FOB SALE AT OLD PRICES. ' f All fancy made-up goods, ench as lacs and other set's; collars, sleeves. veils, hrikfe.: &o. &c., will be closed onr; FOR THIS MONTH ONLY, prepara tory to laying In Fal Stock, - AT A REDUCTION OF 20 PER CENT: '‘Remnants’’ of all kinds 'ofiLinens, Whitt Goods, Edgings, Insertings , &o. &<s , will also' be closed out at a HEAVY DI3OOONT. V" T As all of the above goods have recentlyadvanced from 20 to 25 per cent., Irom fho increased rates of exchange and tariff, the above great reduction from pt ir old prices should prove a great iadnee nient for purchasers of these articles to buy da-jag thia month. ah 9 tf 1024 CHESTNUT 63-TIEBT. .A LLWOOL E’RENCH FLANNELS Fancy stylos, for Gents'. Shirts. ; BYRE & LANDELL, auB FOURTH and ABOH. A LL-WOOL CHIOKED 0 ASH XII. it BE E S.—4o inch Black and White Cheeks fine lore L&ineOaflhmeroa. Imported and for sate by SHABI-L893 BBOTBEBS, OHBSTSTOTand BfOHTff Ofroots. Tweeds? and cassimeres. = yards heavy Gaasimerbs. just opened. Also, 1.000 yards all' wool Tweeds, 62 tn 75 cents. Sommer and Fall.Oasaimerea, a full slock. Men's and Boya’wear, onr stock is complete. ...... DOMESTIC!}. ■ Bleached and Brown Shirtings. Bleach! d and Brown Sheetings. Cotton Flannels, Domct, all wool, end Saoino do. Cotton Goods, at lowest market rates. . HONEY-COMB QUILTS. Marseilles and Lancaster Quilts. Bathing Flannels, Mosquito Nets, linen Table Oamaska and Napkins. • ... Cheap lots of 4-4 heavy Irish Linens. -- „ J>i6BflT& OUT. Bilk Mamies, Thin Dusters, Bace flood*. Boys’Summer Clothing. Thin Dress Goods, Black Tamartlnee. Challies, Mohairs, Mozambiques, &o, , „ OOoPEB & OONABD, JyBl-tf B. B. corner NINTH and MARKET stt. CIRCULATING LIBRARY; WBROTHERHEAD’S OIR • BATING BIBBABY—AH the NEW English and Americas Books, including ABB CLASSES oi Lite rature.' This is the ONLY Library in the country that Includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that arenot BBPBINTED here. . Terms $5 per year; 6 months S 3; three months 31.63, or 8 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH street. jyT-2m* PHOTOGRAPHS. PICTURES APPRECIATED—The people have long patronized, l and still continue the taTor to BEIMKB’B Colored Photographs; their merit, and popular prices (®1) satisfy all. SEOOND street, above Green. It* El* M G- ANX COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS-r-€S*rt«s de Tisitt, and other Photo graphs, may bo colored in the most elegant menner. by any person of taste, by the use of NEWTON'S AL BDMFNCOLORS:; For circulars of information, ad dress J.E. TXLTOS & CO 1 ., Boston, Sole Agents for the United States. - 1 ,, ; f .s.. SGHOBZ * JANENTZKY, 112 South EIGHTHS*., Agento.for this city and State. ,i ; , aul9-tuths3t V&TAR PRICES.—Seize the oppor * » time moment, and go at onoe to BBIMBS’S, SECOND street, above Gre«n, arid engage a superb life size Oil-colored Photograph, at War Prices. : ! It* ' LEGAL. fN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR JL THE OITT AND CSUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of.I’ATIOK KENNEDY, deceased. -Notice is hereby giwn that .CATHABINE KEN NEDY, the widow of the said.decedent, has Sled in the said Court her petition and appraisement for personal property and proceeds of real estate of the Said decedent to the value of s3B®. under the Act of Assembly ef April 14,1851. and the eupplement thereto, and that the Bsme will be approved by the Court on FRIDAY, September 5,1882, unless exceptions thereto are filed. J. B. COL AH AN, , aul9-tnth4l* Attorney for Petitioner. TESTATE OF JAMES HOLMES. JUi DECEASED. ' letters of Administration having been duly granted to the subscribers, all persons indebted to said estate will make payment, and those having claims present them, to JAMES HOLMES, No. 241 MONROE St., DANIEL B.VISD, No. 711 FLORID A Bt., aul9»uBt* Administrators. IVyfABSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue cf a ITJL Writ of Sale, by the Hon: JOHN 0 AD WALADEB, Judge of the District Court of the United Statos, in arid for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admiralty, te me directed, -will be sold at pnblic Bale, to the highest and beat jbiddor, for cash, at OALL©WHILL-STBEBT WHABF, on TUESDAY, September 2d, 1882, at 12 o’clock H„ the schooner AQUILL A, her tackle, Ao.j and the cargo laden on board, consisting of 210 barrels of spirits of turpentine. - - WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. S. Marshal B. D. of Pennsylvania. PHItADStPHiA, August 18,1862. - aul9-et TMTARS,HAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a iVA Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OAD WALADEB, Judge of the District Oonrt of the United Status, in and for the Eastern District.of Pennsylvania, in admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale;.to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOWHILL-STBEBT WHABF, on TUESDAY,. September 2d, 1862, at 12 o’clock M., the schooner LION, her tackle, &c., and the cargo on board, consisting of cypress shingles, juniper rails, yellow pine boards, and yellow pine scantling. , WILLIAM MILLWABD, 13: 8, Marshal E D. of Pennsylvania. PnnADBLriUA, Augnst 18,- 11>62. , ■ aul9-6t PROPOSALS. TWUTY QUARTERMASTER GE XJ .NEBAL’B- OFFICE.'- ' Psn.ADriz.rnu, 18th August,, 1862. . PBOPOSALB will be received at THIS OFFICE, nhtil FBIDaY next, 22d instart, at 12 o’ciook M.‘, for the immediate delivery, on hoard of vesßeis lying at this port, of FIVE HDNDBEDV6OOVTONS ANTHRACITE COAL and ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE 1176). TONS GAS COAL. . G. H. OEOSMAK, anft-4t Deputy Quartermaster General, D. A. Bounty, pensions, and back PAY; Claims on the United. States Government for' the $lOO Bounty, Pensions, an* Back Fay promptly Collected; : .. J - ; , ■ .1 , A charge of $5. only wilt h® snaae.: Ho. commissions whatever. A. MeELROY, aul9.3t-K* 27 South SIXTH Street. TUBT RICI32VEP 10,000 POUNDS U best Quality linen Thread for Sewing Machines, Nos. 40 ri> 70, pug up in 2-ounce and on 200-yard spools, aidfor solo by WQL6AMGTH & RALEIGH, aul2-12t No. 9 BANK Street. WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. DY W. L. WALL & GO., AUO- Otioneeba, GOVERN MEM SALE OF CONDEMNED ANIMALS. V ill be sold at public,auction, .at ,the CORRAL, near the h aval observatory, ON MONDAY. .... , August 26th, 1862, commencing at 10 o’clock, A. M„ a number of - ■ - ■ ■ ' HORSES AND MULE 3, Condemned es unfit for public service. Tenns, cash, in Government funds. t. 3. 3. DANA. Gaptain A. Q M. IT. S A, W. L. ~TOADT. & CIO.. Auctioneer'. a«l9-!25 New PUBEioATioNsT T BE FREED BLACKS OF SOUTH OABOLINAWYhe Addrew Md Letter of J/ If. McKimoD this aobjeot, in handsome pamphlet form* .ftnd , for eaie ,by W. P, fJA.Z.\£U>, 724 CHESTNUT St) ©6t.; Prlca 10 centH, Proceeis to go to the foods of Boyal Belief Oommitte*. &tt!6-3fc A 1 nasltoa for Mon. Wotnen, and Children. By Die Lewis, M D. With 300 Ulukratioßs, St. Ponas of Arthur, Hash Clough, blue aodsoULlftcent*. Volume 0 Locfehait's Life of Scott, Boston edition, TS cents, -■ .. Portrait of Major General Papa. S 3 cents. Tor sole tty WILLIAM Si * ALFBKO MATtOIEN, 606’OaBSTNUT S:n»t. EDUCATIONAL. T5OYB> AND GIRLS’ SCHOOL, na- I) fertile care of FRIENDS’SPRING GARDEN IN -BTTTHTK, will reopen 9ihrooDtb, (September), Ist, 186*. Gircntarsi 667 ’North BJBOAD Street aul9 tu ifa a I2i* VOTOrLADIES’ SCHOOL. NO. A 90S CLINTON Street,; established >7 Professor 0. D. oUtYßbAfiPfcl]BjM.' Full Sea»inii cimmonoes September Bth. PLINY EABCE CAA9H. MilOlm . '• "YOUNG LADIES’ INSTITUTE— J- ([Wi’li Preparatory Department attached) S. E. corner'd! DILLWYN and GREEN. Fail Termcom mesces the Bfb of Ninth Month (September.) For Oir cnlaia apply at 870 North SIXTH S«reet. anlO lus* . ■ E. PAX3ON, Priseipaii R T. BOCKMA.N WILL REOPEN :- W SOlTfiftf, POE GIRLP, 1030 SPRING Garden SHwt.on SB PTE M3E R lit* H: I>. GEEGORYv A. M>, will reopen •• W« OlaesicR 1 ftTjfl; "Kneliab SOHOOirfi No. 1103 •M AEKBT;str«fet, mWQ&MJIS*&!* ■: > TOMALE COLLEGE, - JO BORHBNTOWN, N. J. ' - This welt established- 'and' flonrishing- Institution hi pleasantly located on the,Camden and Amboy Railroad, 1% bom-a’ ride froth Phlladoip»ia. Special attention is paid tii the common arid higher branches of English, and’ superior advantages furnished in Ynesl and Instrumental SI uaic. French is taught' by a natiye and spoken in the family. For catalogue*, address . Eov. JOHN H. BBAEBIiBY, A. M, • /"j. • AMUSEMENTS. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Off THE FINE ARTS, - - 1026 OH KSTNDT STREET, , •• Ib opeu .daily -(Sundays! excepted) From 9A, M. OH ft P.-M. Adnupdort 25 cer.ta. Children halt jjrlca. t Shuras of Stoclr, 830 *’• jy§f BOAK.MNS. EO AR DIN G WANTED—For the a family of. three persons, who would fnrnißh tbelr own apartments, and who wish ail the cini fons ol a home. Addreas li ßox 1922.” Post Office It* WANTS; REGISTER.-WANTE— D-LT Y01i:72 JW 73, asd 75;0f Niles' Register . Addly afc the office of the Philaddcbla Press. . &nl9-3c CXTANTED—lmmediate employment, V W with ft salary, by a young lady who has received a fine Eoplish and Mathematical e«Juo «.tiaar and baa had some years* experience as Teacher. tToex-r cepfiouabie' given. A-ldrppiß * s ELM4..** Fo* 1110 OALLOWHILIi Strat. Is willing, to leave ,-tha City, v , . au!9 2f.#, TXT A NTED—A BOY, about 15 y« ara » V of age, to help in a store; most write welf, and with good reference'. Address M G-., at this office. 19 2^ WANTED.—A GERMAN LADY, ' ? experiencf din teaching the Piano, the German, aid French Languages, Grecian Painting, and ttoa Needlework, dtsites a situation in a Boarding School. Address F. M., No. 905 North TENTH street. Phils dflphitt. . - anl9-3t* gjSi WANTED TO RENT—For a small family, a Furnished House. Address G. EL OBOSM AN, Box 327 Y Post Office. au!3-6t WA N T E D2OO Wagon-makers. Blacksmiths, and Wood-workers, to fkl.TacaA ciea for Enlistments in (ho United States Army. Apply to : ' :. ■ HENRY SIMONS. United States National Wagon Works, Corner SECOND and CUMBEBBANO Streets, , ttulA6itt , c . .. 1 . c. .. Philadelphia, Pa. FOR SALE AND TO LET. MTO LET—The new STORES anft DWELLINGS Nos. 108 and 110 South ELEVEN Off Street,-replete .with modern conveniences Ininire of tBOWAS S STKW.-KT, b E. corner SIXTH add WALNUT, or 623<3onth TENTH Streets.* TTOR SALE—The Stock an<J Fixtures, JL' or Fixtures without Stook.,of the Grocery Store northeast corner SIXTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets. Inquire on the premises. Fixtures entirely new and of the meet approved style. aulGft# IA ARR AIDING MACHINES WITH ; * yV: Doublers and Winders, for sale cheap for cash. All in good zucuing order. Apply to - ~ " ■ O H. B ABN ABO, Empire Works, foot of Twenty-fifth street, and . East Blver. New York. an!3 fit . REMOVALS. WM- S. WILKINSON. DEN- . has removed his Office to/No. 210 North- 1 ELEVENTH Street, above Arch street. aaliL Ot* COPARTNERSHIPS. rpHE UNDERSIGNED, S GOOES- X SOBS to!OHAFFEEB, STOUT, &CO , have THIS ; DAT formed a copartnership, under the firm of STOUT & ATKINSON, for the purpose of conducting tha * Wholesale Dry Goods business, and have taken the store. ■: No. 623MABKKT Street Pnn.ADEi.PHiA, July 21,1862. rpHE COPARTNERSHIP fcwtofm, - JL SkistinghetFten .ftS Btjdersignei, the firm of ; A. T. LAKE £'o6., was this day dissolved hy its own ‘ limitation. The business will bo settled by either of the , undersigned) at No.-419 MABKET . Street ... . ■ alex t lane, ■ WM. F. HANSELI* 8. F. SANSBLL, - B. HANBSLL. Pnir.AhiEi.PUil, Jtfy 1, 1862.' . ! .jyl-lnth&B EXCURSIONS. IMPORTANT TQ « A PLEASURE-SEEKERS. THE PENNSYLVANIA BAILSOAB Is prepared -to. issue, daring the Sunwes, tickets. *T greatly reduced ratesaa fellows: PENNSYLVANIA BAIB2OAD COMF-ANH, COMMUTATION TICKETS For one, three, six, nine, or twelve months, at Mar low rates, for the accommodation of persons living out e# town, or located on or near theline of She road during the summer. From arid after July 1, a BtOl great* redaction has been made on those tickets. COUPON TICKETS For. twenty-six trips between, any two points at about two cents per mile. These tickets are intended for the' rise of families traveflfeg frwjneally, and are of gnat ad vantage to persons making occasional trips. SCHOOL TICKETS For one or three months, for the use of sohoiarw at tending school in the city. CLKItSTMEIT Living on or near the line of tbs road, and hariv oocasion to nse the road freonendr in their clerfoxf capacity, are furnished with certificates entitling Umar to travel at half fare. AppHoatfow to be mode only M> Enoch Lewis, General Superintendent, at Altoona. EXOUBBION TieHBTS Issued at half fare to parties of. over forty, good te - ■ny reasonable time. EXCURSION TICKETS during-the Ssunmer are mK atgreatly reduced rates, for the' benefit of those seek ing recieation from bnsineea, or in pursuit of health. Tbeseticketsare gsod for ten days, and are Issued to OBESSON (top of (he Allegheny Mountains), Al— TOONA (foot of the mountains), BEDFORD, DOUB LING GAP, and EPHBATA SPBTNGB. ' For time of departure of trains seabiHu and oarda at the road. > :; For Through Tlcketaapply at the offoeof the Com pany, Bontheaet comer of ELEVENTH and- HABEAS Streets. . . -■ . . JAMES COWDBN, Agent ‘ LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Ticket Agent. jylG-tsel ■ •’ fgiesrwwi WEST CHESTER PHILADELPHIA BAB*- BOAT), VIA MEDIA.. PHEASANT AND CHEAP AFTERNOON MX CCRSION3 ON TUESDAYS Aim PRISA.TS, Through the finest Country and the most boaofffsl Scenery to the vicinity of Philadelphia. On TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS of each waek out# farther notice an Extra Train will leave West Chester B 8.66 P. M. Tor. Philadelphia. ... Passenger* having Baoursion Tickets can tats«“*» the 2 or 4.80 B M-. Train from Philadelphia, and fa** or 6,66 P. M.Train from Wort Chester. ROTJSD-TBIP TICEBTB PBC«f PHII.ADBIiP|naL to all Stations east of West Chester, good of «»y above Trains, ont or in, map be had-on those any* ONuT, at KXOBBSION BATES, good issued* For farther-information, apjJvattte ™ket Office, ti tbe Depot,.Sr, B. ooroer of BMHTBEIJTH and Mtg- KET Streets. Mjt « _ MAirrDairtOHTruildOOATioaia sob amoaKßoAunS* ON T9B iiJSM 09 JPH3_I*OA®* je2l-tuwfa tf ~fTL WSS ANB BBAOI DE» #Ss2spabtmkht. ‘ 0. H. SUBDUES, ■ Corner T WBLFTH a*i EACH Stneti, Philadelphia. Hernial Trasses and mechanical appliaacea oorrootly adfrutedby C. H. NEEMiEB. Fine French and approved American, adapted to eferr form or rapture, in adults and ohJldren, English, and Ameriosn Supporters and Beits, Shoulder Bracee, Soa pensoriea, Elastic Stockings, and Syringes in srea* jrar riety. Ladies’ Hepartmeat, TWBLFTH Street, first doer below Bace. ■ Ocndneted by competent ladies. j*2B-Bmtr .■ TTECKER’S AND FAHNESTOCK'S No. 107 Booth WA.TISB Street.. T A DIBS’ AND GENTS’ HAIB 1 i dyed is Faria »tyle» at fCDBTH and B&&KQIL. asis-tor J. W. STOUT, F. T. ATKINSON, ivs-im* HENRY WOO®, Superintendent..