The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 11, 1862, Image 4
ADDITIONAL FROM EUROPE. OUR FILES BY THE STEAMER JURA. THE LONDON TIMES ON ANERICAN AFFAIRS. . The Defences of Canada. (From the London Times, July 23.] Such an overthrow as the Union army has received before Richmond cannot but have had au instantaneous effect throughout thrwhole i.f the South. Wherever In that'vaat area the news of the great success has been conveyed, by telegraph or steamboat, by horseman or runner, we may be sure that the exultation has been wild Mid frantic. Wemay, then, it seems to us, oxpuct move ments of the highest importance ail through the South. It is not easy to discover, wbat is passing Inthstoon vulsed.'but silent region. The Covfederates have learned to unite the more fervid enthusiasm with a secrecy which not even Russia has realised m modem warfare. Their enemies never see ihem tui they reel them; never know wbal is tbelr strength, their position, or their re sources, until the dawn of some morning brings au irre sistible attack, or reveals the fact that a whole Confede rate army has made off without the loss ol a man, a gun, or a barrel of powder. v There is every reason to believe that the WesternCon foderato States will become in a.week or two—perhaps have already become —the tccne of new struggles, far wider and Sercr r than that of the part spring. The nows received j esterdsy of the capruie of Mtirfreeeborough by the Confederates shows that the work has already began in Tennessee, and, unless tbe Unionists are reinforces far more largely than .we think them likely to be, It is possi ble that bt fore the month of Jnly is over the whole of Tennetsee will be in a blase. Tbe fact that Murfrees boro nyh should be in the handset tbe Confederates shows that the rising most have made groat head, and it is quite "Within probability that the threatened , attack on Nash ~vUle; may succeed in throwing the Uolon corps, which .holds it back, on to the frontier of Kentucky, and in re storing Central Tennessee once more to the Confederacy. [lrom the Osledonlan Mercury, July 28.] . “Brave and heroic" tbe northern soldiers undoubted ly are. Such is the verdict of. The Times’ New York correspondent, with all »he evidence of the recent battles before him ; snd yet The Times Itself, day after day, .pours ridicule upon these brave and heroic men,' aoden ■deavors to rouse up the reelings of the people into sym pathy with the slaveholders and contempt for “thnmiu grel race of .plunderers and;oppresiiors of the North." These are the wetds by which It designates a people, sprung mainly from Put itau forefathers, and added to by a wholesale emigration from these United Kingdoms dur ing tbe lest twenty or thirty yeaTS. It styles the South ern siaveboWers—the Legrees and all this odious class— our ewn English kith and kin,” and calls upon the people to give their whole 1 1 moral weight” to the immo ral rebels who Sght tor dominion over human flesh and blood. Nay, not only does itwish the people to throw their“moral weight” into that scale, but it is laboring with devilish earnest"eng to urge on this country to war with their brethren in the Free States of America, In order that Confederacy may lie established. It permits no chance to escape for pouring ridicule, oon tunuly, and abuse upon the No, them armies and people 'What, except war, can be the issue of these deter mined, repeated, and odious calumnies against the northern freemen which day by day appear in inflneu tin! English journals 1 These are the despatches which are tead throughout tbe Union, and not the silty plati tudes of ft- Cabinet Minister. False news, dishonest glosses, reckless revliings, wholesale calumnies, and an . 'NttlUlldllUlfll Bfsvery—these form tbe staple ofthe artl cles which ate read in the exchangee of the large cities and the settler,’ homes of the West. Human nature cau sot stand these incentives to war without resent taint. No high-spirited people can tolerate threats end insults patently; especially can they 111 endure to be taunted when in the midst of such a stupendous calamity as the reckless slaveholders have brought upon the Union. TH* DKFBHCBS OF CANADA, [From the London Times, 24th.] The Conduct of the Canadian Ministry, in refusing to provide.for ifae defenoe of the country, the dertiniesof which, sue inti nated to their charge, neither raises our opinion of themselves or of the community over which they preside. They w, re brought into power by a vote refusing to create for the colony a militia consisting.of fifty.thousand effective troops and fifty" thousand reserves. For. this plan they have substituted tbe following; The Canadian militia consists of two clesae- A, numbering five theusand men, who hare hitherto been drilled six days in the year, receiving in payment one dollar for each day’e drill : and B, which consists of eight thousand men, who have hitheito received no pay at all. It Is felt in Canada .that under existing circumstances a necessity has arisen for doing something towards put ting the country iu a respectable position of defence, aud" they hsve accordingly get about it Id* the following man ner: They take 5,000 men out of class 8 mid add them to class A, thus raising class a. to 10,000 men, and these ;• 10,000 men they propose to drill for twelve days in the year at half a dollar a day, instead of six days at one dollar. They propose, betides, to give Borne allowance in lieu of clothing.; The 8,000 left iu class B will proba bly quit the service, as they are to reoeive uothing, and we cannot think that the prospect of half a dollar a day will be a very efficient stimulus to enrolment in class A. This is absolutely ail that Canada is disposed to do at the pnblic expense for her protection. Whatever mili tary force she requires beyond this must be made up of volunteers and tumultuary levies called together at the very moment of danger. We know by. the experience of . the American war, and partly by our own, the valne of militia, snd we know also wbat importance to attach to the services of persons untrained to arms and acting to gether for the first time. It is scarcely an exaggeration to say that such an organization is worthless, and no ex aggeration at all to say that it could not afford even the semblance of protection against any one of the several great .armies now contending in the United States. A correspondent atks ns if. like Borne, we are prepared to give up tbe frontiers of oar empire. We answer, un hesitatingly, that a colony which sets itself hi opposition to the Imperial policy by adopting protection in the'mtdst of free trade, which imposes upon ns heavy expenses in its defence, and will not tighten our hardens, undertaken on its behalf, with one of its fingers, is a sort of posses* sim which neither Rome nor any other community of sane men ever held, and which: if roe continue to hold much longer an such terms, will make us the laughing stock of vie world. ' (Written for The Frew.] AWAKE! AWAKE! BY BLHBIt BDiK OOATKB. Ifen of the mountain and men of the valley, Hen of the woodland, of city and plain, A Demon is plo l ting the death oT our nation, And ’ranging the work for the funeral train. Tha Star-spangled Banner this moment implores you, The ashes of Washington nervously shake;" The eagle la eager and anxious for action, Hen of America! 'Wake! Awake!! Come from the hamlet, where close by year darling Ton see the com ware from your bower like door; ■Come Atom the counter—your wires and yonrdanghters Will tend to the books and the lace of*the store; Come from the college, thon student of pallor— What rhetoric grand will a battefV make ! Eaimtri, mechanics, and men of profession, Away with the soldiers! Awake! A wake! 1 . “v 111. : flee how the monarch* of Europeans Asia Are weaving the evergreen on to each throne; See how the despots are fiendishly laughing And holding their reTels in boisterous tone; See how they love, with a vampyre affection, How kindly they wish mediation to make;— Our Albion mother wooid kill her own darlingj Awake from yonr slumber! Awake 1 Awake 11 IV. ■ Talk not of politics, talk notof party, Already the death- bell of Freedom is rnng; Talk not of airy .and subtle distinction . In slippers and wrapper o'er goblets of ram. Talk you of class, when the vessel is oinking. Or when the tornados yonr dwelling-house shake; Would yon debate when 1 the patient is dying'!— Honor and valor—Awake 1 Awake!! This is the work of the base politicians, Of schemers defeated and bent upon bane; ' This is tie fruit of a maddened ambition, To stand at the wheel and to gloat over fame; This is the end of.forgettlng Almighty, A* long as they thought there was lucre to make:— Shall but a few leaders dissolve us forever ? God banish our slumbers and keep ns awake. What ! shall we break into bits like the challco Some wine-heated toper would dash on the floor, And see ev’ry fragment a-unakiag with horror, ' Whenever the old British lion may roar 1 'Shall the Booth leave the North, and the East leave !fhe West! Bhall counties and townships authority take ? Didn’t let it he said that America drafted; Soul of the nation—Awake! Awake! ! ■Will you anr; ender the Father of Waters— God’s gift to the West far an eternal time? Will yon consent to a custom-house officer Searching yon crossing Virginia's line? ■Shell flowers of Florida be the exotic, While Northmen the name of the foreigner take— And this the resulto f a morbid ambition ? ; Bo! for the army! Awake! Awake!! TUI. ■■ We are contending for holiest principle. What if onr giaDt Sepnbiic should diel Union will say, “Yon hate made the experiment; Ont with Democracy!—it Is a lie i” Future Bepubllcan effort will languish, The heart in the Goddess of Liberty ache, Barth will unwind ail the reeling of ages, , Then,Oh! for Jehovah!—Awake! Awake!! . ' J-. . IX. ■' ■; Bouse, tike the ancient and mighty Leviathan! Bouse, like the pent-up Vesuvius fire! Down on your knees, and declare to yonr Father— Onr country shall rise to a destiny higher. Never give up—it is low and contemptible, Having each means, with a Nation at stake— The Star Spangled Banner mast wave over Bichmond! McClellan is waiting—Awake! Awake!! Strike on the chain that Bbali circle the Union— Binding the North to the South, East, and West; Strike for the Upity that will secure us A shield and asylom for all the oppressed; Strike for yonr homes, Tor your wives and your children— For all the refinements that Progress may make; Belly, ye freemen! Aionse to the rescue! Bleeding Columbia—’Wake! ’ Awake!! A PROPHECY BY COLERIDGE.—In Coleridge’s Table Talk (1834) these may be found the follawing oplonlOD, suggested by the nnlllfieatioD movement: “ Naturally, one would have thought that there would have been greater sympathy between the Northern and Northwestern States of the Union and England than be tweeh’England and the Southern States. There is ten times as mnob of English blood and spirit in New Eng land ae in Virginia, the Oaroliuas, eto. Nevertheless, ,snch has been the force of the interest of commerce, that n°w, and for some years past, the people of .the North hate England with increased bitterness,' while among those of_the South, who are Jacobins, the British con -neepon has become popular. Can tin ra be any thorough » ot th« Northern and Sonthern States? I if fa °ti the Union'wil! be shaken almost to a serious auestion'between the .Stotes.tu'ises,, The Ameriosn centre,and ' "f? *?“»>“ one. TheSdre they ex ntKihe J n4ian '»land the weaker will { “i 1 * 1 look upon the States as ! splendid mestes, to be used, by and Jnm. of two or three great GovernmoitJ.-" THE PRETENDED SON-IN-LAW n« aiwi Evidence' accnmniates that u Rev cihas H;,p|ark;”. who, under the auspices of,certain omi-tii.' > 5 addressed; a meeting on’the Boston Common,“ln which hi ; *■ claimed to be a son-in-law of Geh. ! Houston, and: son of' - the present ’Govemor of Texas, is an accomplished and * -successful swindler A Bangor clergyman writes to the' * -Chief of Police, that, by his plausible story, fad succeeded * -in obtaining money and clothing in that city. He:also' -obtained about 8?0 in-Portland. Tbe clergyman has. -made seme ingnirids which lead to the conclusion that' ihe is the tame person who, under the name off Captain James L. Emitn dwindled the citizens of St. Panl, Mln netota; Rockford, Illinois, aqd other places at the West, aboutayeapaeo. . ... v-’;. A CUP FOB DIXIE SEIZED—The Unitfd Stales authorities In this city have seized in the hands of an engraver a child’s cap, which had been sent to him to be marked— ; ■, . ■ ■■ . ‘ ■ ■. . ? i 11 SIOX*WAJ-h Jaoksok, L. 1862.” It is not known whether it Is intended for some lodge or !< ague, or whether it is a present for some child In “ Dixie’’—-tbe latter is probably the case. The subject is, however, under investigation l>y the proper authori ties—ittwar/.- AivtTtutr. - THE CITY. The Thermometer. AU®7BT 9,1861. [ AUGUST 9, 1882. 6 AM. 12 M. 8r M. 61. M. 12 K. SF. K. 6T 76 77 , 84 «f 9Of NNK. NB. NE.jW. by 8. W3W. W3W. AUGUST 10,1861. J AUGUSTIO,IB6I. «a. sc. 12m. • Sf.m. (Ba.m. 12 M. Bf.m. 78 Bi% 88« I 82 89 81 N. by B. W. by N. SW. 1 WNW. On Saturday morning, at 6 o’clock, the thermometer reached 84deerees,'a thing which has not occurred la this city within the recollection of the oldest resident. At 8 o’clock it reacbed as high as ninety degrees, and de creased np to S o’clock in tho afternoon. The heat was exceedingly severe, and both man and beast died from the effects thereof. Military Mattbrf- An Itontful' WEEK.—The business of recruiting has made last week an eventful one in tie history of onr city. , The loyal people ef tbe whole North are how determined that, come what will, this foul rebellion is to be crushed, and its leaders are to meet with the punishment they so richly deserve. The great uprising of the people in 1891 will be handed down to nations yet -unborn, as a proud evi dence of the earnestness and elasticity of the loyal people of a great and freeßepublic. The people have be m; aroused—alt - party differences are swept away—Union'is the watchword—Liberty is emblazoned on their shield, and stout hearts are behind cold steel ready to do battle for the Union, tse Oonstittt lion and the laws. Things now begin to assume a brighter aspect—Government has set an example of ear nestness which has encouraged the people to pledge their all in its defence, and tbe skulking cowards who have been preaching quasi treason in our midst, by discourag ing enlistments and sneering at our preparations for the overthrow of this political despotism which is now ruling the southern portion of our great commonwealth, will be obliged to remove from onr midst, and seek an asylum on a foreign-soil. . ; .- Recruiting in our city is going forward very prosper ously. Borne ot the regiments are neariji fall, and the others are meeting with very encouraging success. The Zouaves d’Afrique, under command of Uoiouel Ooliis, are nearly full. They, will make a street parade on Tuesday, instead of to-day, as was at first proposed, la conse quence of the heat and the delay in the recepiiinof uniforms. Three hundred full suits will be fioished to day, and the regiment will parade that number of men. Tbe Germantown Brass Band has been mastered into the regiment, and performed at the camp on Saturday after noon, ; Forty-nine members of the old company will arrive in tho city to-day, to fill positions assigned them in the new regiment by Colonel Ooliis ' The 121st Regiment,: under the command of .Colonel Chapman Biddle, is i apidly filling its ranks. The regi ment wilt shortly go into camp at Edgewood, on tht Chestnut Hill Railroad. Mr, Wm. O. Atwood has'- been, appointed regimen tal quartermaster. A despatch has been received from Harrisburg, stating that Colonel Elisha W; Davis* regin ont had been ac cepted by the Governor, and an immediate and thorough organization will bo made. The 12th regiment to be raised in sooth Jersey will Boon be filled. Captain Davie, of Camden has b sen ap pointed major of the regiment, ■■ v 7- The Gray Beaerves, Got. El'maker, the liailtßfgi-. ahead very encouragingly. Iu addition to these organi zations, nearly I,OCO men are divided among the regi ments, Coiorols Davis, Scrolbor, and Adams,- : Four empanies from the McClellan Guards have joined them telves to the “Bncktail Brigudo.” Two independent companies are to be received from this city, making in ali 600 men as Philadelphia’s portion of one of the regi ments of the brigade, capt. Geo. M. Cullen is how re cruiting for one of ttrse companies in Independence Square, whore an opportunity, is offered for any one to emollhis name on the muster-roll of this famous rifle brigade. It iB supposed that Oapt. W. Wistar, who has now commend tSf one of the-companies in the original Bncktail Begiment, will command this new regiment, and S. Morgan Bsmsey be lieutenant-colonel of the same. Captoin.Wrigley’s Independent Engineer Company is now lull, and in camp near the depot of the Bldge Avenue - Bailroad Company. It is expected to leave for the seat of war to-day. , ; The Home Guards, Gray Reserves, companies, squad*, ard skeleton regiments which cannot be accepted under tbe first call for 300,000 men, will come under the second nquisition, andfform an admirable nuclein for the second quota of the Stole. The enlistments ior nine and twelve months closed on Saturday last, and all officers who were engaged in reernfttog for the above trrms were to report their squads. Those who have enlisted for nine or twelve months may change their terms for three years, or during the war. The Volunteer i following enbseriptlona to t aid prompt enlistments were AT THE BOARD O Employees ef Najlor | A Co.. Bloo| 8. Welt Lewis. 61) from tbb William Hoffher...... 8 15 David Sbetzline...... 25 John T0nne..:.,.... 36 Charles H.Vantier., 5 Harvey T. Meyers.... 6 Jacob Young., 5 David Terre 11........ 25 John Simon, dr ...... 30 George Getty IQ Francis Getty........ 2 JamesXafferty 5 John Vautier.i....... 10 Hemy Simon, 5r..... 5 Henry Simon, Jr..... 5 Jacob Keesler. 6 William 5im0n....... 6 Jacob Farrel.. 6 John J. Krider ...... 6 William Yonng., 5 Charles Vantier.»...., 10 John Turner-. 5 John Bastion ........ 60 Thomas Bell ; 5 FROM IRS; John O. Cresson...... 100 Wm.G. Warder....,, 60 Shrppard, Van Harlin gen, A Arrieon...... 150 i FBOM TWBHTV- Chas. A. Bnbicam..,. 100 Edward Miller.. 2f JohnC. Mitchell..... so franklin 8ac0n..,.., 25 T. T. Butcher. 16 Margaret Shippen.... 10 ; . BKOBITBD AT ISDBPBHDEHCB HALL. v JosephT. Page.:..... 300 Bdward Watßon & 00. 100 Girard 8ank......... 3,000 M. M. Marp1e........ 60 Thomas P. Hoopea... 1,000 N. Beltings & 8ra... . 250 O. A. Thndiom 60 I. P...„ 10 Mark G00dman,..... - 50 Irwin & Stinson:.2so Joseph Stelwagon.... 20 H. W. Woodward..;. 60 Jacob T. Williams.... 1(0 Ihomaa J. Mile*. 108 Son O. Thompson.... BO Hon. Wm. D. Kelley.. 50 Hon. J.l.Clark Bare. 100|Wilaon O. Swsnn.... 100 Johnßesfcirt... SO t. Andenrefd A Co.. SO3 Mia & Harrop...... 50 Code, Hooper, & 00.. 800 Wm. Blcherdson..... 600 Noblit, Brown & No- Weeton A Brother.... 25 b1it...1,000 John Pondir... 1,000 Henry Gramond,...., 100 W. B. Lehman........ 100 Beceived on Batnrday., Total to close of Saturd United States Sanitary Commis sion—Caleb Oope, Treasurer of the.Umted States Sani tary Commission, acknowledges the receipt of the follow ing contributions since last report: Thomas Bidgway ...,...,...,...$5O 00 Harlan, Hollingsworth, & Co., Wilmington, T)el..loo oo- Jobn Wyeth & Brother.... 50 00 J. S, hovering & 00. (additi0na1)......... 100 00 Bobert Pear5a11........... . SO 00 . j.T. w«r ®-0».,,. .ViT.'. 100 oo James Be 00x,25 00 Sheppard, Tan- Harlingen, Sc, Arrison 50 00 8.-B. G. (Thirteenth ward) 5 .00 Second Beformed Presbyterian Church, Bev. Sami. O. Wylie, pastor 40,00 M. W. Brldwin 4 00. (additi0na1)...7............150 00 J. G. Maxwell &Son .............i..,.....100 00 George 8. Pepper. 50 00 Mi55H.h.C00per,.............................. 50 00 Thomas W. Evans &Oo (additional, 25 00 Joseph Andrade (additi0na1)................. 50 00 T. I. Atherton, Pittaton, Pa.........,........ 10 00 Oarti 5 00 Five cent collections 6,00 Evans Sc Hassail. 100 00 James O. Hand & 00....100 00 Henry Bohlen Sc 00.... .100 00 Isaac P. Morris. 100 00 Cash 10 00 Gash '5 00 Bncknor, McOamman, ArOo. (additional)......,. 60 00 William Tnrve5..,............... 25 00 Frothinghsih & Wells (additional) 50 00 B. S. J 50 00 Prcvionsly reported. 522.459 49 The contribution published last week, »b from Patrick Mcßride, was from Patriot Moßride 4 00. Thb Volunteers’ Bounty.—The families of the sick and wounded volunteer# ,wha visit onr military hospitals where their relatives tire lying, and get their discharge and take them home, at this time/ in every such Instance Job© the one hundred dollars bounty; also, the monthly pay of the volunteers; So that* the sick and wounded area'ter wards a charge upon their families and friends and do not receive any Government aid or bounty. There is no necessity for taMng them away, especially at such a great sacriftce to their pecu niary interests, as at the Government hospltals thereare Dorses and doctors, good airy buildings, and everything furnished which is needed for the recovery of tlie sick or wounded who are placed there. Resignation of a Pastor.—Rev. D. L. Gear, one of -the ablest preaohers of this,city, has rei r algmd the pastoral care of the First Independent Chris plan Church. A number of the members have also with drawn from the church, and intend to form a new reli gious organization and give Mr. Gear a call to the pas feme. A ha!] has bten secured temporarily in Thompson street, between Front street and Frankfort road, where religions services will be held morning and evening. Quite.a large and attentive andi ence greeted Mr, Gear yrsterday, in the new place of worship, and there ie every reason to believe that his la bors in that neighborhood will be crowned withabundant success.' ■ . . Patau Effects of the Heat.—On Saturday the intense beat proved fatal to a number of persons. The Coroner held inauests, on the folio wing cases: ■ . . ■ . Catharine McDowelldied in the Fifth ward. Andrew Lacey died in the Fourteenth ward. An unknown man died in the Eleventh ward, from sun stroke. , Patrick Bbodes ditd in the Seventeenth ward. Robert Gibbons In the Twenty-third ward. An unknown man in the Twenty-fourth ward. John Nehanan, living at 218 Nolo- street, fell in the street, and died while being carried to the hospital. An ingnest in this case was held at the Central Police station. At 618 South Eighteenth street an Ingueßt was held on the body of an unknown man. . - A woman fell dead at Tenth and Buttonwood streets. An nbkhown man died at the Pennsylvania Hospital; Jamcß G. Gihon fell dead in Second street, near Baca. Be leaves a wife end six children, living in Third street, above Bace. Fire.—At a late hour on Friday eve ning, a fire broke ont in the drying-room of the match factory of Fred. Zaiss, at thacorner of Twenty-first and Jefferson streets, Twentieth wart. Thß firemen were early on the ground, and, although tha fire burnt for a couple of hours, it was confined to the room in which It originated. The loss was 8700, on' which there was no insurance. Tfce origin of the fire was attributed to friction. , f Arrival of a United States Steam er.—The United States steam gunboat Keystone State arrived at the navy.yard ou'Baturday : evening, from Fortress Monroe, She brings a small number of pas sengers. ’ "AN4 Exploded Gun.—The steamer rO. 0- Alger passed the city yesterday, on her .way from ;the Junes river to the West Point Foundry, New York, having, on-, board the remains of the large rifled cannon which bust on the Naugatuok during the fight at Fort Darling.®-* “ * . ■ ■.. . _ ' WAr Meeting:—A! m'eeting of citi tbe fifteenth ward to encourage enlistments was held ottbe Fairrrount Market House on Saturday evo* Bing. A series of patrldlic resolutions were adopted and speecbeß made. • Effects of the Heat on Horses. —The heat of Saturday caused a considerable number of ® e *tbs amongst the horses of the various city railway companies. The Girard Avenno company suffered se verely in this respect. “ State of the Crops.—TKg reports of tbe crops from the Western States are nnuroallv f*. vorabie. A large yield of nearly all kinds of grain is beyond chance. On the soulbern border of Pennsylvania the tobacco crop looks promising, and will well reoav the planters for their trouble. Bounty Fund.—The the Citizens’ Bounty Fund to made on Saturday: if tradb rooms. T. A Conrad 350 Tonbrook & Broths... 100 'IRST WARD. George Beicbner...... 5 Godfrey Stwsben.... . 6 George Tu5tin........ 5 JobnSloek.. 5 Jacob 5im0n......... 5 S.'ShetzUne.......... 6 Wm. Shetzliue.• 5 Win. Maag 6 John Elkins ......... 10 James Elk t0n........ * 10 F. A1gier............ 5 William Duncan...... 6 George Sbisler....... , 5 Frelerick Simon..... 10 WilJiam Weideman... 5 George Y0ung........ # 4 Peter Y0ung......... 6 Isaac Myers. 5 Frederick V01mer....» 20 John Frank.......... 5 John A. Garret......, 30 Stevenßon 4 Morris.. 300 Various amounts..... 41 lIS WARD. Mrs. Sarah Cornelius. 30 August Hunt......... 50 B. P. Kershow....... 50 Various amounts..... 46 • FOURTH WARD. M. Bpackman......., 5 G. G Gaw.,... 5 Jesse B. Burden. .10 Wm. Howell 5 G. Jacobs. 1 su,oxs Say.. . ... ...... 3T9.820 51,605 00 ..20,834 49 Republican City Convention— NOMINATION FOB KAYOS —On Saturday after noon the Republican Oommlrti e, called for the purpose of making nominations for .the city, and county or Phila delphia, the county Court House Dr. Malone was appointed temporary chairman with Messrs Hoff man and Adair as secreiarieo. A committee consisting of Meiers. Humphreys, Patton, Taylor, Gillingham, and MciTlnteck were appointed to examine credentials, fre ientlals were received as follows: First Ward—S. 8. Money, James Egan, James Mitchell. ‘ Second Ward— Benj. L Taylor, David Griffith, John W. Fraz>r. Third Ward—B P. Newman, Mark Lowj James Orr. Fourth Ward—Bam. B. Murphy, Geo. W. Gampher, Henry B Gaidner. . f ifth Ward—Sam. Zane, Wm. F. Flemming, Joseph., M. Tbackay. ’ Sixth Ward—Dr. Gregg, Asa Jones, Harrison D.avis. - Seventh Ward—Jos. J. Bouohc. Wm. Johnson, MM-.: com Martin. . . ’ • Eighth Ward—No response. ..Thqs. Martin. Ninth Ward—E. H. Williamson, Thos. Pearson, John S.lGrisbom". . - \ Tenth W ard—Charles Humphrey, James Aioom, Amos Hilborn. Eleventh Ward—G. Wolf, T.Wood, J. Meoko. Twelfth Ward—Jno. Cummings, Peter Faze!, Henry Sidrl. '■ Thirteenth Ward—John Everett, .0. W, McOlintook, Dr. Malone ' ' Fourteenth Ward—M. Conroe, Eli Dillon, Georgo W Whiting) Fifteenth Ward—Ab. Myers, Jao. O. Snowdon, WU- MstnG, Steeffcontested.) fixteinth Ward—Robert Clark, Edwin Fused, Wil liam J. Gillingham. tevenleeath Waid—Georgs W. Hoffman, WiliiamJo rode. Jno. Ketaler. " / Eighteenth Ward—Georgs Hawks, J. Barnett, Okas, ‘Williams. Nineteenth Ward— response. Twentieth Ward—James H/Biilihgton, James Lowry, J. P. Adair. Twenty-first Ward—J G. Allison—no others named. Twenty-second Ward—No response. . -, Twenty-thiid Ward—George H. Earle, Joseph Mills, Malcolm McMurray, -*■- Twenty-fourth Ward—D. P. Sonthworlh, George W. Patton, William B. Gawdßr. , Twenty-fifth W ard—Jno. Tumor, Adam Marton, Rich ard N. ftaunton. . The committee on permanent orgenizatiou reported Dr, Gregg as president: and S 8- Money, Firpt district; 8. B, Murphy Second districb; Dr. Malone, Third dis-. trie!; James H. Biiliogton, F.mnh district; John H. Turner, Fifth district, as vice presidents; Dr. Gregg, upon taking the chair, referred to the charges that had been made against the members of this Convention; that they were disorgauizars ’ This he de nied; and be gave a history of tho party since it acted in conjunction with the People's party. Intho tots move ments the representatives urged harmony of action. They had done all they could to bring about a union of all the ilements opposed to sympathizvfs with rebellion, hut they had been unsuccessful, aud there was no course to pursue exerpt to resume tho old organization and meke a distinct ticket. . ‘ . The following i ommittee on .Besoiations was then ap pointed: Geo, H Earle. Mr. kfiouihworth, Mr. EUison, ' Dr. Malone, and Harrison Davis. The Committee on Credentials made a report The Fifteei th ward was,the only one in which seats were centrsted, and the committee recommended the admis sion of both sets o'flelegates One of tbe members of the'delegation from the Fit. teenth ward objected to this arrangement, and said if the ■report was accepted he would feel obliged to leave the A mollob was adopted to allow both sets of dekgates to state their ease. After this, the Convention decided to admibboth seta of delegates, whereupon the gentleman who first spoke left, with the rest of bis delegation. A motion to go into nomination for Mayor was adopted, and the folloiviog named gentlemen were placed in nomi nation: '■ . 7. *' Briggs, Alexander Henry, and WilliazqrJ.' Wala wright. - The-following nominations were then made in' the or der in which they are given: " City. Solicitor, —Willtahi 8. Peirce, James W. Paul, and Charles E. T.ex. Receiver of Tomes.—Joseph Lyudall, A. H. Shoema ker, George W. Ford, William P. Harmer, Joseph Ketsb, Charles O’Neill, James Freeman, Jonathan. Buttock, William Miller, Alexander H. Freeman, William Elliott, .William Stokes?* ; , -/ /; • “ Rfstrict Attorney— William B. Mann, Amos Briggs, Leonard B. Fietoher, Wm. M. Bml, Moses A. Dropsie. City Controller.— James H. Bowie, Alex J. Harper, Georye W. Hufty, Thomas M. Femington, Parson Ed mut ds, Thomas Parley. Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleat —James Shaw, Frederick Woibert, Robert O. Hioks, James A. Freeman. A. II Bhoemakir. ’ : City Commissioner —Thomas Dickson, John Given, Jacob. J. Gumpert, BoWrt B. Salter, O. H. Bamberger, Benjamin Jenkins, James Shaw. A ballot was token, for a’csndidats for Mayor, and it resulted In the choice of Amos Briggs,-Esq.,; the 1 vote Branding—Briggs, 49; Henry, 8; Wainwright, 2; Tre -8 ’• 6-"' Mr. Briggs was declared the choice of the Convention for candidate for Mayor. After the transaction of some other business of minor importance, the Convention adjourned nntti this after noon- ■ Annual Conference of the Colob- SF^nmmnu 8 OF TBE ME CHODI3T EBISCO - ? Proceedings—Roy. Bishop Scott called the Conference to order, and re quested Bev. N. Young to conduct the religions exer clses. The minutes of previous day were read and ap proval. The Commitlee on Statistics made report, show ing a considerable increase since lost yeap. ... The Committee on Finance requested to. have some time to prepare a report. During the absence of the committee, Bishop Scott ex amined the travelling preachers, and exhorted them all to aim after high attainments in learning. He also gave an account of his own efforts and success in the pursuit of knowledge. .77 The report on Watch-night collections was The preambles and resolutions in relation to old and dis abled preachers was reaffirmed. 7 Tbe recommendations of Mr. Spencer were received, and he was accepted into the ministry. The afternoon session was opened with the usual de> volional exercises, conducted by Bar. W. 8. Elaoy. A. report from the Committee on Finance was received and adopted; and 500 copies of tie mtantosbf-the Con ference were ordered to'beprinted. Btv. John G. Man-’ lnff was appointed to pjeacb the opening sermon at the next Annual Conferences - On motion the next Annual Conference will be held at 'Wilmington, Delaware, on the first' Thursday in August, 18(3. ’ r , ■ On motion the Conference were to meet in love feast at 6 o clock yesterday morning. The Bishop then feelingly and forcibly addressed top Conference on the uncertainty of hnmaif life and the ful ness of that grade and I'ovo which hath always been able to keep and sustain the followers of Christ. After which, he made the appointments to the different circuits. On motion the Conference adjourned to meet again, and participate at the ordination : service which took place in the Zoar M. B. Church yesterday afternoon. Bey. W. B.' Blsey delivered the ordination sermon. A Bajxroad Company's SUBSCRIP TION.—The directors of the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Ba! timers Batlrosd Company, at their: meeting on Friday, (the first that had been held since the-call for new. volunteers,) made an appropriation to the boun ty fund of nine thousand dollars,;as follows: Three thousand dollars to Pennsylvania, three thousand dollars to Delaware, and three-thousand dollars to Maryland. An Improvement.— The Camden and Philadelphia Perry. Company hare made an improve ment at the foot of Market street by the erection of a new slip) having a "separate entrance for iAdiea and children. Expobts of Petroleum:— -From-the Ist or Janhary to the aS of rAuguit, 1862, the export of Petroleum from'Phiiadelphia has been 1,309.502 gallons. From other ports in the United States 3,659,416 gallons, making a total export of 4,968,948 gallons for seven months.''"' 7 :, V Shipments to New Orleans.—The trade between this City and Now Orleans is rapidly in creasing, and a large nnmber of vessels hare been taken np for that port dnring'tbe past week. Drowning Case. —Two young men* named George Harvey and McMullen, were drowned in the Schuylkill near the Oolnmbia'hridge, yesterday afternoon; by the upsetting of a boat in which thov had been rowiDg about the river. The bodies were recovered and an inquest will be held. A General Invitation.— The com mittee of the. Cooper Shop Volunteer. Befreshment Saloon have extended an invitation to all the regiments now forming in the city to partake of the hospitality of the <t fihopf ,, .beforeieavingfortheBBatofwar. Commanding officeis are requested to . give ,an hour’s notice at the Saloon, Ho. 1009 Otsego Btreet. Committed.— John Marston was, on Saturday, committed, by Alderman MePeak to answer the charge of highway robbery. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. SAM. W. DECOUBbEY,) JAMES O. HAND, > Committsb OF in Hosts. J. B. LIPPINOOTT, i LETTER BAGS Jit tha Merchants’ Eseekange, PhiladgfyhiM, Ship' Tuscarora, Dnnievy .Liverpool, Aug 25,; Ship Westmoreland, Decan .. Liverpool, Boon, Ship Zered, McGonagle, .Londonderry, soon Ship Argo, Ballard ..Liverpool, soon Bark Czarina, Treat Montevideo and B Ayres, soon Bark A HcNiel, Somers. ..Liverpool,' soon- Brig Loango, Evans .................; Havana, soon Schr Nellis Tarbox, Yoge, .Barbadoes, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 11, 1863. SUN RISES ..'•'..S' B—SUNSETS... ~T 1 HIGH WATER. 8 17 ABBIYED Brig A Miliiken, Fish, 5 from Boston, in ballast to 4 B Bazley <fe 00. . Brig San Antonio, Scow, 3 dayefrom Harrison's Land ing, in ballast to captain.'" Schr Trojan, Sbourds, from Fortress Momob, in baliaat to D S Stetson & Co. 4 Schr, Ambossidor, Eaton, 5 days from Boston, in bal last to captain. ~-Schr M- Gould, Shelbrook, 4 days from Haralson’s Landing, in baliast to E A Bonder A Co. i Scbr Sylvester Gesßner, Thompson, from Newark, with cement to French & Richards. 5 Bohr Thomas :Borden, Wrightington, 8 days from Fall Biver, in ballast, to captain. Bchr-Delaware, Connor, 1 day from Bmyrna, Del, with oats-to Jas Barratt & Son. Schr Golden Gate, Fleming, 1 day from Frederioa, Del, with wheat snd.eorn to Jas L Bewley A Co.- Schr Susan ,F Abbott, Ludlam, from Bos ton. - SCbr Armenia, Cavalier, from Boston. Schr North Pacific, Marcy, from Boston. . Schr Wm H Bows, Harris, from Boston. • ■ Schr California, Stiller, from Boeton. Schr Haven, Bose, from Boston. Schr W F ,Clark, Clark,'from Boston. : Sch'r J Burltyj Brower, from Boston. : Schr-P Heilner, Graoej from Lynn- Schr Wm Loper, Bobineon, from Lynn. Bcbr Mary Emma, Hooper, from Egg Harbor. ' Schr New Haven, Grifflo, from Norwich. - Schr Ann 8 Brown, Brown, from Providence. Scbr Bath Halsey, Denny, from New Bedfort. Schr B W Godfrey, Weeks, from Salem, Scbr Richard Law, York, from Salem. Scbr S Y W Simmons, Godfrey, from Salem. Scbr Sharon, Tbnrlow, from Newbnryport. ; Steamer Ynlcan. Morrison, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird A 00. OLEABED. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, Boston, B Winsor. Bark Moonbeam, Dorad, San - Francisco, J E Baziey "A Co. ? Bark H Crooker, Sheriff, New York, Workman A 00, -* , Schr Sharon, Thurlow, Newbnryport, Bancroft, Lewis A Co.' ' ■';' Schr B Law, York, Salem, . do Schr Bhssn F Abbott,iLndlam, Boston, W H Johns Echi W F Clark’ Clark, Boston, do Schr Armenia, Cavalier, Boston, Castner, Btickney & - Wellington. : : , v ' Schr Ann S Brown, Brown, Boston, , do Bohr Wm H Bowe, H arris, Boston, .. do Bcbr P Heilner, Grace; Lynn* J Brßlakiston. Schr Wm Doper. Bobinson, Lynn; do Scbr J Barley, Brower, Providence, • Schr Mary Emma, Hooper;'Frovjdence, S B White. , Schr New Haven, Griflin, New LoMdii, - do - Bohr North Pacific, Marcy, Boston, J Milnea A 00. Schr Buth Hslsey, Penny, Lynn, Phinney Ftsk. s Schr Oelifornia,-Stiller, Ipawlch, Hammett, Van Dnsen A Lochman. ''s-.j? ■; -Schr H W Godfrey,: Weeks, Boston, Sinniokson & Glover. - ■ - ' ; Scbr Rose, Boston, BeppHer A Bro. ■ .s . Schr S V W Simmons, Godfrey, Salem, 0 A Hioksoher! 'ACo. ' . .(Correspondence of the Press.) ■ HAYBE DB GBAOB, Ang 8. ’ Theateamer Wyoming; lett here • thia moralng, with 6 boats in tow, laden;ond oCn>igned’aa foHows:- . M H Deckard; with Inthbor-toiNdrcross .A BEteote:,.H Kicb. do toB Wolverton; Bfit'Brothers,’do to H-Oros key; Sierra Alta, do to New York; Worthy Chief and S E McConkey, aatraclte coal to Delaware City. MEMORANDA. Pchr Jf-bn Wilsoa, Mills; for Philadelphia, cleared at Lo.-Ln Sth iiibt. 'W THE PRESS: PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1862. KK—ommp ]f O R TH® SBA. SliOBi!-SUMMER AS* BoN CEMENT.—CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC BAH* ROAD. . Three trains dally to Atlantic City and return, (Bun : days-excepted).' Trains leaye YINB-Street. Ferry M follow*: - > M«n Train.. •**#»*#•***••••»*•*■* .80 A. M Express Train... ...4.00 P. M freight and Accommodation. 6,00 P. M. RETURNING: /Leaves, Atlantic Mall train...... P, K “ « ' Kxprera Train... ....615 A. M “ “'f Freight and AGConunodatioa.S. 18 A. 1L FAREgI.BO. Bound, trip Tickets, good only Jet tfc (toy and train on which they arc isttted, *a.6o. Bxoar sion Tickets, good for three days, S 3. Hotels are no* open. JOHN G. BSYANT, jelS-tf- •■■■■■ Agent. - Jfa" FOR CAPE MAY.—Till ■HSi steamboat WML KENT, Gapt. Bretl leaves AB< 'H-street wharf every TUESDAY, THUBB* DAT, and SATURDAY atOX o’clock A.M., for OAF* HAY, returning alternate days, touching■ each way ai NewCaatio.' , iyll*lm# QURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC OITY. iO —Comfortable Boom* can now be had at tbla well -feept and conTemently-located honae, as there are a num ber of departure* dally. außrlstt* H. 8. BENSON, Proprietor. SEA BA'JBING, BBIGAN TIN® HOUSE, BBIGhNTINE BE4.QH, H. J. How open for the season!' The Bathing; Pishing,.Gnn aing, and Yachting being very superior. Boats win await guests at the inlet on arrijal of trains. Board per week. £3- P. o.Address, Atlautic Oitr. H. ». SMtTH, Proprietor. jy4«fmw2m , SEA BaT-HIWG.—A FAVORITE THE «• WUITEBOUSE,” MASSACHUSETTS A venae, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J, Th s popular house is open. Its situation is unite near the beach; has good rooms, all opening neon the ocean, and tarnished with spring mattresses. I’S reputation is well established as a fliet-class home. Plentiful.table. Ever} attention given to guests, and, terms moderate. ■ ffM WHITE BOUSE, Proprietor. W No Bar at the “ Whitebonso.” auS-Im. Central boose, Atlantic 'CITY; New'Jersey: '■«' ‘ • . 51. LAW 808, Proprietor. .The above hew house is now open for Boarders. Booms canal to any .on the beach; well ventilated, high ceilings, Ac. Servants attentive and poUte. Approximate to tne Bathing grounds. aas-lm* OTAR HOTEL, . /Nearly opposite the United States Hotel,) >ATLAKTIO OITT, N. J. . BAMUBL ADAMS,: Proprietor.* ••••«►•*#•••»•••••******• ••••••*••• W oouto. Carriages to Hire* - ■®y Boarders aoconm»d«tod on the moat reasonable terms. je2o*Sm riOLUMBIAjaUUSE- - '• ~" KJ ATLANTIC CITY, SITUATED ON KENTUCKY AVENUE, ; Opposite the Sort House. «" Term* to suit the times. je2o-2m EDWARD DOYLE, Proprietor. Sea-side house, atlan ti o OITY, N. J. BY DAVID BCATTERGOOD. A NEW PBIYATE BOABDING HOUSK.beautiful lyaitnated at the foot of Pennsylvania Avenue. Now open for visitors for the season. ie3o-2m MANSION HOUSE, JLILL ATLANTIC OITY, This House having been thoroughly renovated and en larged, is new open for permanent and transient boarders. The MANSION HOUSE is convenient to depot, churches, and pest office. REhe,bathing grounds are unmrpaased on the Island. The Bar is conducted by Mr. EBIEL, of Philadelphia, who will' keop superior wines, liauors, and choice brands of cigars. ' je2o-2m. EAG L B rHOTBL, ATLANTIC CITY," Is now open, witii a - f LARGE ADDITION OF BOOMS. ; Board $7 per week, bathing dresses included. Je2o-2m POTTAGE RFTRBAT, ATLANTIC CITY, is how open and ready for Boarders. K few oholce R’oms can be obtained by applying Boon. The Proprietor tarnishes Ms table with fresh milk from his cows, and fresh vegetables from his farm. ' Also, about four hundred desirable Cottage and Hotel Lots for sale by M. McOLEES, je2o-2m Proprietor. « fTIEBS; ALHAMBRA,” ATLANTIC ] "JU OUT,” N. J., a splendid now house, sonthwert ooraerof ATLANTIC and MASSACHUSETTS ivenses, will beopen tor visitors on and after Jone 29th. Therooms Mid table ef « The Albambrai” are unsurpassed by any an the Island. There is a spacious Ice Orean and Be fireehment Saloon attached to the home. Terms moderate. C, DUBOIS & 8. J. YOUNG, Proprietors. I Je2o-2m REDLOE’S HOTEL, ATLANTIC II CITY, N. J-At the terminus of the railroad, on ihe left, beyond the depot This House js now open for Boarders end Transient Visitors, and offers aocommoda- Hons eotial to any. Hotel: in Atlsntio.Oity. Charges mo derate, ' Children and seryanta half jffioe. . ; WST Parties should keep their seats nhtil the cars ar rive in front of the hotel. ie2o-2m ' fIHESTER COUNTY HOUSE.—This x-A privateßoarding House, coraerofYOKK. and PACIFIC Avenue, Atlantic City, convenient to the beach, with a beautiful view of the Ocean, is now open for the season. * The accommodations" are egnai to any ethers on ihe Island. Prices moderate. ' :*je2o-2m J. KKIM, Proprietor. SEA BATHING.—“The Clarendon,” (formerly Yirginia House,) VIBGINIA AVENUE, ATHANTIO CITY, is now open for the accommodation of Boarders. This House is situated immediately on the Beach, and from every room affords a fine view ed the tea. . pegO-Bm] JAMES JENKINS, M. D. ! DBA BATHING.—UNITED STATES D HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J., is now open, situated only fifty yards from the seashore, central of the place ;hou»e fronting the ocean 800 foet; two how* from Hew York. Steamer leaves Mnrraj street twice ially,6 A. M. and 4P. M.: thence by the B. and D. B. Railroad. .Address B. A. BHOBMAKKR. i Communication from Philadelphia is by the Oamden ind Amboy Railroad, by the 6 A. M. and 3 P. M. train a >v:.x.-S;V jel9-2m* . Forest grove house— SOBOOLEY’S MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, HEW J BBS BY.—The 'above popular Hotel to now ready for the SUMMER SEASON, having been thoroughly set In order for, the accommodation of visitors to Schooley’a Mountain Seringa . f V. The FOREST GROVE to a moat oapacious Honße, de lightfully located, with>ld«-»pro«dtag lawns, and com inanding a,vJ»w"orSoenery unsurpassed In attraction and lu>»Tifx j and offers to viaitors a Quiet retreat from .the, turmoil and bustle of city life.- , f . Having no exorbitant rent to pay, the proprietor of the" FOREST GROVE BOUSE will accommodate families and visitors at as low a 'r ate As a (Met regard to the re- ■ spectabllity of the Honse will afford.; The moderate charges of this House, as compared with the neighboring boarding bouses, to a feature which must commend itself to the attention of families who do not desire to pay ex travagantly for a tew weeks’ recreation. TERMS BBVBN DOLLARS PER WEEK. ; Vtoltors to the FOREST GROVE HOUSE will enjoy pure air, pleasant drive,, finest scenery, and the Purest of 'chalybeate waters, whilst its accessibility to tho cities renders it among the most desirable of Inland resorts. • All communications addressed to the undersigned will meet with prompt attention. : jy2s-smlm F. MATHEWS, Proprietor. DUMMER BOARDING.—BROAD- U TOP MOUNTAIN HOUSE A romantic spot for ■ 3TJHMEK RESIDENCE oh oneof the Mountain Tops ; -*9f. Pennsylvania, reached daily by the Pennsylvania ■ Oentral, and the Broad. Top Mountain Railroad from ; Huntingdon.- The House is one of the finest in the in terior of the State, handsomely.famished, with all the re inteites for comfort and convenience—pure air, deli rious spring water, romantic scenery, and everything to restore end invigorate health. Telegraph station and a I Isdly mail, so that daily communication may be had with Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Railroad will famish excursion - fickets through the season. Persons leaving Philadel phia in the morning, oan take tea at the Mountain Mouu ihe same evening. >i-V The subscriber has kindly, been allowed to refer to the' Allowing gentlemen, residents of Philadelphia, who have been patrona of the Mountain House.- Wm. Cummings, Esq., David p.Moore, Esg,, Sand. Caetner, Esq., Thos. Oaratairs, Esc., Hon. Henry D. Moore, Lewis T. Wattson, Ebb., . John McOanles, Esq., .■ : G. Albert Le wis, Esq., John Hartman; Esq, Richard D. Wood, Esc. ' . TMXB Modxxam. - For further information, address JOSEPH MOBBISOH, Proprietor, lelg-tf Broad-Top Pity. Huntingdon county. Pa. ' mHE UNDERSIGNED, SUOCES-' JL SOBS to CHAFFERS, STOUT, & 00., have THIS DAT formed a copartnership, under the Arm of STOUT & ATKINSON, for the purpose of conducting the Wholesale Dry Goods business, and have taken the store, No. 628 MARKET Street. mHE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore A existing- under the firm of WANAMAKEB A BBOWN is this day dissolved; JOHN WANAMAKEB, . NATHAN BBOWN. Pbh.amh.pbu, July 31bI, 1*62, ■ NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNER : -L\ SHIP.—The subscribers hereby give notice that ; they have entered into a limited partnership, agreeably • to the provisions of the several laws of the Commoh- W( elth of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships. The name of -the firm under which said partnership is ' to be conducted is WANAMAKEB & BB3WN. } That the genera! nature of the business intended to be : transacted is the manufacturing, purchasing, and selling of Oio-.hiug. . ..... That the names of the Senerai and Special Partners, ; all of whom reside in the City of PhlladelpHa,,are JOHN WANAMAKEB, General Partner, residing at 821 Lombard Street : NATHAN BBOWN, General Partner, residing at 38: North Fifteenth Btreet; and THOMAS BBOWN, Special residirg at 1219 Spruce Street. . . .. . That the amount ef Capital contributed by the said Special Partner,, THOMAS BBOWN, to the common stock of the said firm, is Six Thousand Dollars, which has been actually paid in cash. ‘ .That the said Partnership is to commence at the dale hereof, and is to terminate on the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and sixty five. JOHN WANAMAKEB, '{ ~ „ . NATHAN BBOWN, $ General Partners. THOMAS BBOWN, Special Partner. - Jplt 31bM8S2, : ; •c; „ aul It m6t rpHE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore X existing under the firm of RIEGEL, BALED, A 00., ia this day dissolved. PETEB SIEGER, D. B. KEVIN, JACOB BIEGEL, H. 8. FISTEB B ‘® A I?D, JOSIAH BIEGEL, “ JOHN WIEBT. Jora 80. Jyl-Ow TVTOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNER JLI SHIP.—The subscribers liereby give notioe that they have entered Into a limited partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the several lavra of the Common,, wealth or pennajlvanla relating to limited partnerships. That the name of. the firm under whioh said partner ship is to be condnctedis BIEGEL.WIEST, A EB YIN. ' ,C. g " That the general nature of the business intended to bo transacted is the Importing and Jobbing of Dry Goods. That the names of the General and Speolal Partnefs, rail of whom reside In the city of Philadelphia, are JACOB ’BIEGEL, 1 General' Partner, residing, atilw North Sixth street; JOHN WIEST, General Partner, residing at 822 Hew street; D. B; KEVIN, General Partner, residing at 1615 Girard avenue; HENBV B. i.HM EB,‘.General Partner, residing, at 419. North Third street; JOSIAH.BIEGEL,. General' Partner,' residing at , 416 North Third street; PETER SIEGES, Speolal Partner, residing’at ; 717’North .Eighth streets WM.;S. BAIRD, Special.. Partner, residing ‘at the -Gohtlnenfal Hotel. - {I ■ That the aggrejato amount of the capital contributed by; the Special-Partners to the common stock Is One Hundred Thousand Dollars, of whioh Fifty Thousand Collars in cash has been so contributed by Petersßieger, Special Partner, and Fiftv ‘Thousand Dollars In bashhas been so contributed by Wm. S, Baird,'Special Partner. That the said partnership is to commence on the first day of July, A.,D. -1862, and Is to terminate onthe first day or January, 1865. - ; •, JAOOBBIEGEL, ) - JOHNWIEBT, D. B. EBVIN, } General Partners. HEKBTIS. PtSTRB, JOSIAH BIEGEB, PETEK SIEGES, ) „ 3yl-8w WM. S. BAIhD, } Bl SEA BATHING. SUMMER RESORTS. COPARTNERSHIPS. Philadilphia, July 21,1882. Musm WEST CHESTER TRAINS, via the PENNSYLVANIA B*ILBOAD. taavß th k bkpot; , Corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, - First Train at... ......Trts A. M. ■Second Train at........ 8.45 A. M. Third Train at.,... la.oo Noon. Fourth Train at.. 400 P. M. Fifth Train at 6.45 P. ML '•SAVE WEST CHESTER, At 6.25, 7.46, and 10.65 A. ML, 8.10 and 4.16 P. M. ON SUNDAY. Leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M„ and'West Chester at 4 P. M. Freiglft delivered at the Freight Station, corner MAR KET and JUNIPEB, before 11,80 A. M., ‘will be de livered at West Sbester at 2 B ; M, ;> For tickets and forth* r information, apply to -■ JAMES COWBEN, Passenger'Agent. LEWIS L. HutTPT, General Freight Agent. jy2l tf mHE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL X * railroad. THS GREAT DOUBLE TRACK BOUTS. 1862. THE CAPACITY OF THE BOAD IB NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. Facilities for the transportation of passenger* to and from Fittstrarg; Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louie, St. Fad, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all other towns In the Went, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed Tor speed and oomfort by any other route. Sleeping and , smoking ears on all the trains. THE EXPRESS RUNS DAILY; Mail and Fast Line Sundays exoevted. ■ ' Mail Train leaves Phflsdelphla at 7.16 A. M. Fast Lin# “ « ............11.30 A. M. Through Express « v 10.30 P. BL Harrisburg Aooommodation leaves Phila. at. 2.30 P. M. Lancaster “ « « .. 4.00P.M. Weet Chester Acoommo’n No, 1 “ “ ..8.46A.M “ “ Ne. 2« “ ..12.00 noon. Parkesbarg « •< “ .. 6.45P.M. West Chester passengers will take the trains leaving at 7.16. and B 45 A. M.: 12 noon, and at 4 and 5.45 P. M. ; Passengers for. Bnnbnry, Williamsport, Almira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, Ac., leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. and 10.30 P. H., go direotlv through. . For further information apply at the passenger Sta tion; B. B. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET .Streets..- By this route freights of aR descriptions oan'be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West,hy .steamers from Pittsburg. - The rates of Height to and Horn any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad, ar«v at all times, as fa vorableas are oharged brother Railroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, oan rely with oonfidenos on Its speedy transit. ■ lor Height contracts or shipping directions apply to or - address Hie Agents of tfaa Company. 8. B. KINGSTON, Jx., Philadelphia. . D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKE A Co., Chicago. LEECH A Co., No. 1 Astor House, me No. 1 Booth William street,Newjfork. ..LEECH A CO., No. 77 Wachlngtcm street, Boston. SLAGBAW * KOONS,No. 80 North street, Baltimore. ' H. H. HOUSTON, Gon’l Freight Agent, .Phils. L. L. HOUPT, Gen’l Ticket Agent, Phila. . ENOCH LEWIS, flenl Bnp’t, Altoona. jyl-tf 1862. 1862. > ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND. PHILA ! DSLPHIA AND TRENTON BAILBOAD CO.’S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PfrAOBB. paoK wAunra-svxsgy whaxp Mrn nasnsvoa naroy. WILL LEAYE AS FOLLOWS—YIZ : ' VAag. Ata A. M., via Camden and Amboy, ffeand A. Ao soommodation li At* A. M.,.via Oazndsn' and Jersey City, (N. J.) ! Aooommodation........ SSI At 8 A. M., via Kensington and' Jersey City, jKornfagMaa.;....., .... 8 00 At 11 A. M., via Kensington aud Jersey, City* . . H2P** E*wess .ii.. ..‘8 00 At 12k F. M., via Camden and Amboy, Acoommo . 2 25 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ex- . . lttse*s4S4SSstaSS»sflssSSsS4SplsSl4tl 8 00 A.t 4 P. iL, via Oamden fufuj Jewey Gity, Sveninx 1 ■ sssSSs saSPSMss*** l*f ss*«s>*i«,sl 0f 'a m • soo At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Otass . ®^®^-*** At6K P. Mvia Kensington, and Jersey City, .Evening Ma 11.... 8 00 At UK P. M., viaJOaadonand Jersey Olty- South .em MML............4....*................. .*. 8 00 ; At 6 P. M., via Camden and: Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Glass Ticket.. 225 Do. do. SdClasa d 0.... 160 B»:UK P. M. Southern Mail runs daily; all others. .Bnndays excepted. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg,. Soranton,, Wllkesbarre, Montrose, Great Braid, Btoghampton, Syracuse, Ao., at 6 A. M. Horn. Walnut-street Whan,.via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad For Manch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton,, LkmbratvSle, Flemington, &o. a st BA. M aud, 4P. M., Horn Walnut-street Wharf; (the. BA. sL_Llne connects , with train leaving Easton tor Manoh Chunk at 8.20 P.M.) , For Mount Holly, at 6 A. H., 3 and 4 V. M. For Freehold, at 0 A. M.. and 2 P. M. WAY LIK3S. For Bristol, Trenton, So., at B and »A. M., 5 and ABO P. M. Horn Kensington, and SK P. M. from Welnnt- ■ For Bristol, and intermediate stattona, at UK A. H. Horn Kensington Depot.' ■ For Paunyraj Riverton, Delanoe-BsewlrrßuHtugtonr 'Florence* Bordantownydtoipat 10 A. M. and 12K* 4,' 5, 5K and 6.30 ,P. M. , < , Steamboat TRENTON for Bordentbwn and Interne dlata stations at 2K F. H. Horn Walhnt-street wharf. 8W For New York, and-Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. - The oars run Into the Depot, and on the arrival‘of each train nm from tin Depot*'. ■■ Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. Ai! baggage over flfty pounds to be paid for extra. Tho Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar * per pound, and .will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, exoept by special contract ■ .■ V foB-tf ; •■ ■ - -■ - TO. H. GATZMSB, Agent LINES FROM NEW YORK BUR PHILADELPHIA WILL LKATB, FROM VOOT OF eOOBTLASD STRBBI, At 10 A. M>, 12 M.,, and 8■ P. M. via Jersey City and Camdeni At 7 A. -M., and 4 and UP. M. via Jersey City‘and KenMngton. , * ; From foot of Barclay street at 6 A. SI. and 2 P. M-, via Anibey and Gamdan. From Pier No. 1 -North river, at land 6 P.M. (freight ODd passenger) Amboy and Camden. . je9-tf : E. LEE, Proprietor. TABLE.’ On and after Monday, may-2otn,-itK>a, —...Hi-fnrUuu.- notice.. , ■.■■■ Leave Philadelphia; B,T; 8,-9,10, 11, 13, A. M„ 1,3, RIO, 4,8, e, 7,8, 9jf . IOMi IIX, p. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7.36,8, BV, 9)4, 10 Si, HSi, A. M., 1,2, 3,4; 5, a, 7,8, 9,10.10, U, P. It ON SUNDAYS. Leave Phlledelphia,9.loA..M., 2,3, 5, 7*, 10)4, IP, w.. Leave Germantown, 8.10 A. M., I, 4, 6)4, 9 Si, P. It CHESTNUT HILL BAILBOAD. ■ . Leave Phiiadelphia, 6, 8,10, 19, A M., 2,4, 6, 8,8, 10R, P. Ml ’ Leave Ohostnnt Hill,- 7.10, 7.36, 9.10, 11.10, A. M„ 1.40,8.40, 6.40,6.40, 7A0,9.60: P.M. ■ ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. M:,.2, 6,7*, P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.60 A. M., 12,40, 6.10, 9.10, P. M. - ’ ' ' : FOB CONBHOHOOKBN AND NORBISTOWN. 11-05, A. M., Ilf, 3, 4)4, ,6.10,8.05, lljg, P. M. Leave Norristown, 6,' 7, 7.50, 9,11, A. M., 114, 4)4, 614, P. M...... .... ■ - ■ • " ON SUNDAYS. • Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M , 214, 414yP. M. Leave Norrtatown, 7A.M.; 1,6, P. M. • FOBMANAYUNK, Leave Philadelphia, 8, 9,11.08, A. fit., 114, 3,414,6.10, 8.05.11*,'P.M. • • n ' Leave Manayunk, 6)4,7)4, 8.20, 9*, U*. A. M,, 2, *’7’P‘ M ' . ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 2*, 4*, 8, P. M. Leave Manaynnk, 7* A. M, I*. 6)4,9, P. M. H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent. my26-tf Depot NINTH and GREEN Street*. : fSSamvmmmßßa NORTH PENNSYL- KhSPS! VANIA BAILBOAD. FOB BETHLEHEM, - DOYLEBTOWN, MADGE CHUNK, HAZLETON, EASTON, WILKSS BABBE, &o. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, M"AY 6, 1862, Passen ger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, daHy, (Snndays exoepted,) as follows: -At 6.40 A. M., (Express.) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Hanoh Ghnhk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, &o. At 3-46 P. M., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Easton, die. This train reaches- Easton at 6 P. M., and makes a Sobs connection with the New Jersey Oentral for New York. - ■ ’ At 6.0* P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Hanoi Ohnnk, Ae. At 9 A.M. and 4 P. M., for Doylestown. At BP. M., for Fort Washington. - ■ *njeo.4O T Train „ m ftkM olom oozmeotlon Wifch the Lehigh. Valley BaUroad at Bethlehem, being •the shortest and most desirable ronto to allpotntirtn the Lehigh ooal region. V TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA. Leave, Bethlehem at 6.40 A. VL, 0.18 A. BL, and 6.38 F. Mi. Leave Doylestown at 7.25 A. H. and 8.20 F.K.. Leave Forf Washington at <LSO A. M. ON SUNDAYS—Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 7.46 &.M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.48 P. St, J. W. STOUT, F. T. ATKINSON. jy22-lm* , Doylertowa for Philadelphia at 6:30 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 6 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem....*l.6o I Farelo Manoh Ohnnk.S2.6o Fare to Eartoa 1.60 [ WiiKeabare. 4,60. Throngh Ticket* mnst be proonred at the Tickei Offioee, at WILLOW Street, or BUSES Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. ' > - All Passenger TrafnsVeroept Bandar Trains) connect #t Berks street with the Fifth and Blicth streets, and Be eond and Third-streeta Passenger Railroads, twenty mi' nntes after leaving Willow street. myB- ":■ ■' v •:ELLIS OLABK, Agent BSrat || PHILADELPHIA JBg'W'ilSH.. AND ELMIRA B. B.LINB. 1868* SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 186*' ! For WILLIAMSPORT, SCBANTON, ELMEBA, an* all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leave Depot of Phila. and Beading B. 8.,00r. Broad and Oal ' lowbill streets, at 8 A. M., and 3.16 P. M. daily, exeeyt . g^yidayn,. 1 QUIOKS67 BOI7TII. troia Philadelphia to points Is Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, Ao., Jto. Baggage checked thron*h to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or Intermediate points. Through Express Freight Train tor all point) above, leave* daily at 6 P. M. For farther information apply to JOHN S. HILLBB, General Agent THIBTEENTH and OALLOWHILL, and N. W. oor. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Street*. . iafll-tt BSmoMme- WEST CHESTER ■&MtlMft-_UK£AHD PHILADELPHIA BAXL BOAD. TI A MEDIA. .. On and after MONDAY, Jnne 9th, 1862, the trains will leave PHIIiADEIiPHIA from the depot, N. H. oor ner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Street*, at 7.46 and 10.30 A. M., and 2, 4.80, and 7 P.M., and on Tues days and Friday* at 9.14 P. M., and will leave West Philadelphia, from THIBTY-FIBBT and MABKET Streets, 17 niinntes after the starting time from Sigh eenth and-Market street*. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A.' M., find 3 P. M. Leave IPEST OHESTEB at 8 A. M., and 6.00 P. M. , The trainoleaving Philadelphia at 7.4# A. M., and 430 P. M., connect at Pennelton wlth tralns on the Phi ladelphia and Baltimore Central Bailroad for Oonoordi Kennett, Oxford, Ao. HENBY WOOD, Je9?tf v ■Superintendent. HE OPEN IN OOF -.■BUKiKSaS.THB BABI'IMOBS AND OHIO EAXEBOAB.—This road,X>eing folly BKPAIBED and eßectnally CHIABBED, lsnow open for the trans portation ofpaasengera and freight : to all point* in the GBEAT WEST. For ( through tickets and all other in formation apply at the Company’s Ofßoe, ooraer BBOAD ’Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. S. M. FELTON, npß-tf President P. W. and B. B. B. Co. THE ADAMS EX lKiggi: PBESS COMPANY, Office 328 CHESTNUT ;Street, forwards Fardels, .Packages, Mer chandise, Bask Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or In connection with ether Exprenß 0 >in panics, to all the principal Towns and Cities of the United States. E. S BANDFOBD,. feX9 * . , General Superintendent. PAMPHLET PRINTING, Best mi JL Cheapest in Ihe City, at EINGWALT St BBOWN’S, 1U Bontl, FOUBTH Street. . aplO Ipecial Partners. RAILROAD LINES. 1862. THE GREAT SHORT LINE TO THE WEST. FOB GEBMANTOWN. , BUMMEB ABKANGEMENT. OSSDNDAYS, EXPRESS COMPANIES. insurance companies. JPIKJB INBUR&NOE BY THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANr OF PHILADELPHIA, ON BUILDINDB. LIMITED OB PERPETUAL, MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, Ao., in town ob country. OFFICE NO- 308 WALNUT STREET. CASH CAPITAL S24B,OOO—ASSETB 330,173 10 Invested In the following Securities, via: First Mortgane on (Jits Property, worth d ouble the amountBl7l,loo 00 Pennsylvania Rail* oad Company’s 6 per cent. Ist Mortgage 80nd5.... 6,000 00 Do. do. 2d do. (860,000) 29,000 00 Hnntlngdon and Broad Top 7 per cent. Bonds 4.660 00 .Ground Bent,wellßecnred 2.000 90" Collateral Loan, well secured ............... 2.500 00 City of Philadelphia. 6 per cent; Loan 45,000 00 Commonwealth of Pennsilvania, 88,000,000 6 per cent. Loan... 6 000 00 UnitedStatee73-L percent. L0an.......... 10.000 00 Allegheny county 6 per cl. Poana. B. Loan.. 10,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Oompanv’s II per cent. Loan (5t0,u00)............... 4,710 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company’s 6 per cent Loan (85.000)................ 4.800 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Company’s Stock.... 4,000 00 Reliance Insurance Company’s Stock. ' 8,850 00 Commercial Bank Stock 6,135 01 ' Mechanics’ Bank Stork 2,812 50 County Fire Insurance Com pany’s Stock.... 1,050 00 Delaware M. S. Insurance Oompanv’s Stock.. 700 00 UhiOD M; Insurance Company’s Scrip ...... 380 00 BIIIb Receivable. . 1,061 84 Accrued 1ntere5t........................... 6,604 81 Cash in bank and on hand..-... ............. 7.010 96 Losses promptly Adjusted and paid, DIRECTORS. Clem Tingley, Sumnel Blspham, William It Thompson, Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, William Muaaer, William Stevenson, Ben). W. Tingley, John B. Worrell, Marshall HHI. H. L. CarßOn, - J Johnson Brown, Robert Tclaud, Charles Leiand, G. D. Bosengarten, Jacob T. Banting, Charles S. Wood, - Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, John djsstdt, Pittsburg. „' . - OLBM TINGLEY, President. B. M. HINOHMAN, Secretary. jyll tf Delaware mutual safety maURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED by the LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1835. OFFICE B. E! CORNER THIRD AMD WALNUT SI REE'B, PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE. ON VESSELS, ) CARGO, S To all parts of the World. FREIGHT, S INLAN d insurances On Goods,'by River, Canal, Lake and Land Carriage to all parts of the*Unton, FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Bouses, Ac. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOV. 1,1861. :vaa. • ' .dost. $lOO,OOO United States Five per ct. Loan... $100,250 00 60,000 U. Slates 6 per ct. Treasnry Notes: 49,995 37 , • 25,000 United States Seven and Three- , tenths per ot. Treasury Notes,..’ 25.000 00 100,000 State of Penna. Five per ct. Loan.' 89,561 25 64,000 do. do. , Six do. do. 54 151 50. : 123 060 Phila. City Six per cent. Loan.:.. 119,448 17' 30,000 State of TenneßsefiFive percent. nn _ L0an.24,075 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mert - gage Six per cent. 80nd5....... 20,000 00- 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gegeSix percent. Bonds....... • 46,130 83 16,000 300 shares Stock Germadtown Gas-' Co. Principal and Interest „ guarantied by the city of Phila. 14,587 60 6,000 100 Shares Stock Penn. R. R. Co.. 6,000 00 Bills Receivable, for Insurances made.. . S 90,730 07 Bonds and Mortgages.. . 76,000 00 Beal Estate...... i..... 61,868 36 Balance* due at Agencies—premium* on Ma rine Policies, Interest, and otherdebts due _ theOoinpiMiy.. 48i131 97 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and • other Companies,' #ll 843, estimated value. 4,088 00 Cash on hand—in Banks; 851,098 08 in Drawer. 517 38 DIRECTORS. Samuel E. Stokes, J. TVPenteton, Henry Sloan, ; Edward Darlington, ' H. Jones Brooke, Spencer McHvaine, I Thomas C. Hand, [ Robert Burton, Jacob P Jones, James B. McFarland, i Joshua P. Eyre, [ JohnS; Sample, Pittsburg D. T. Morgan, « A.. B. Beraer. o AM MARTIN, President. ) HAND, Tice President. , sretary. ; de!6-ly : William Martin, Edmund A, Bonder, Theophilus Paulding, John ft. Penrose, John 0. Davis, James Traquair, William Eyre, Jr., James 0. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. B- M. Huston, George G. Helper, - Hugh Craig, . Charles Kelly, WIHHII - THOMASO HENBY HYHBUBN, Seci TPIRE INSURANCE. J-’ MECHANICS’ INSURANCE COMPANY OF PBIHADEHPHIA, No. 188 NOBTH BIXTH Street, below Race,, insure Bondings, Goods, and Merchandise generally, from Hobs orDamage b 7 Fire. The Company guaranty to adjust all Losses promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patronage of the public. DIRECTORS Francis Cooper, William Morgan, Michael McGooy, James Martin, Edward McGovern, James Duress, Thomas B. McCormick, < ■ Francis Falls, Matthew McAleer, Charles Clare, John Cassady, Thomas Fisher, Thomas J. Hemphill, John Bromley, Bernard H; Hulseman, Francis Mo Manns, .Michael Cahill, Hugh O’Donnoll, James McCann, Bernard Rafferty. _ FBANOIS COOPEB, President. Bernard Baffbsty, Secretary. • myl7-tf TOE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE- X? LY—The PENNSYLVANIA FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1825. CHARTER PEBPE TUAH. No. 610 WAHNDT Street, opposite Independ ence Snnere.. This Company, favorably the community for thirty-six years, oontinmes to insure against Hoss or Da mage by Fire on pnblic or private Bniioiogs, either per manently or for a limited time. ‘Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Knrptns Fimd, is invested in the most careful manner, which enabled them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security in the case Of IOBS. * DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, , Thomas Robins, Q„IT.«Ti Co.mtibell;“ — Doaitol flmltlr, Jt., Alexander Benson, John Devereux, William Montelius, . Thomas Smith. Isaac Haziehurst, JONATHAN PATTERSON, President William G. Obowsii., Secretary, apB rpHE ENTERPRISE . INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. W (FIBE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY’S BUILDING, S. W. COBNEB FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. F. Batchferd Starr, MordecalL. Dawson, William McKee, Geo. H. Stuart, Halbro Frazier, ' John H. Brown, John H. Atwood, B. AVFahnestock, Benj. T. Tredick, Andrew D. Gash, Henry Wharton, J. L. Erringer. F. BATOHFOBD STARR, President OtrAHLSB W. Coxh, Secretary. ' fels ; A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. OHABTEB PERPETUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, abeve Third, Philadelphia.'- :i.-: . ■ Having a large paid-up Capital Sjtook and Surplus, In vested in eonnd and available Securities, continues to insure on Dwellings, Btor<s, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and: their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. AH losses liberally ond promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS, Thomas K. Maris, James B. Campbell, John Welsh, Edmund G. Dnti'h, Samuel O, Horton, Charles W. Poultnoy, Patrick Brady, .. Israel Morris, John T. Lewis, . . . THOMAS B. M ARTS, President. Ale bet C. li. Ceawfobd, Secretary. fe22-tf TNSUKANCE COMPANY OF THE I BTATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WAL NUT Street, between SOCK and THIBS Streets, Phila delphia. ' ;;; r ■■ INCORPORATED inI794—OHARTBR PERPETUAL. CAPITAIi 8KK),000. PROPERTIES OP THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1,1861, *607,09481. MARINE, PISE, AND INLAND TRANSPORTA TION INSURANCE. DIBSCTOBS. Henry D. Sherrerd, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Maoalester, Tobias Wagner, William 8. Smith, . Thomas B. Wattsoc, 2®J*® ®" A™*'."-. Henry G. Freeman, William B. White,. Oharlee S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, - George O. Carson, - Edward O. Knight. 11l NR Y D. SHEREEBD, President. WIM-LUt Habfbb, Secretary. : jyi!9 tf Ah t h racite insurance .COMPANY.—Authorized Capital $400,000 CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office No. 811 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia, Tbla Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, eh Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. ■ ■ " Also, Marine Inmranoes on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. **•' . William Esher, D. Luther, Lewis Andenrled, John E. Blakiston, Joseph Maxfield, WILL] . wm. : W. M. Smith, Secretary. T?XCHAN9E INSURANCE COM lli PANY—Office No. 409 WALNUT Street.. ; Fire Insurance on Houses - and Merchandise generally, on favorable terms, eitherUmited or Ferpetnal. DIREOTOBB. Jeremiah Bonsall, Thomas Marsh, ■ John Q. Ginnodo, Charles Thompson, . . Edwartl D. Roberta, . James T. Hale, Samuel D. Smedley, , Joshua T, Owen, . Reuben O. Hale, , , John J. Griffiths. JEREMIAH BONSALL President. JOHN Q. GINNODO, Yloe President. RiqhAkd Ooh, Secretary. „.,- ■ jail STATIONERY & FANCY GOODS. * Klf&mm & QUAYLEB UL BTATIOITEBY, TOY. AND JANOY GOODS BMP 081 DS, < Ho. 108fi WALNUT STBBBT, ' BJB.OW BL*TB»TK,'» PHILADELPHIA. Wl-fPly COAX. ffOAL.— THE UNDERSIGNED \J beg leave to inform thoir friends and the pnblio tot toy have removed their LEHIGH OOA.Ii DEPOT from NOBLE-STEEET on to Delaware, te their Yard; northwest comer of BIGHT® and WILLOW Streets, where toy intend to keep the best Quality of LEHIGH GOAL, from the most approved mines, at the lowest prices. Your patronage - is respectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON A 00., Offloe, 112 South SECOND Street Yard, EIGHTH and;WILLOW. mhl-tf. U.XVMIHATIJNO OILS. «T HOIEER” OIL WORKS. JLJ 100 bbls “ Lucifer” Burning Oii on hand. We guarantee the oil to be non-explosive, to burn all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant Same, .without brnsting the wick, and but Blowly. Barrels llned with glasa enamel. WEIGHT, SMITH, A PBaBSALL, ' tesn-tf - Office SlB MARKET Street. original "Gnld Lao” Champagne, In quarts and pints, for sal* (to arrive) by OH AS. S. OARBTAIBB, No. 138 WAL NIIT and 21GBAHITE Streets. 1«2B BAY RUM—I 9 casks very superior, : jost received. Far Bale by OH 18. B. OABST4.IBB, 1I« 'WATjUITT and 21 (VEtINTTIB Btreete. HIOKER’S AND FARNESTOOK’S T ARINA coMtantli received frenh by RHODES & WILLIAMS, No. 10T South WAXES Streat *330,175 10 61,016 86 8809,120 3T Dalis Pearson, Peter Sieger, • J. E.. Benin, Wm. P, Dean, John Kotchem. AMEBHEB, Prosldent. JV DEAN, Tice President. apS-tf 6AJLES BY AUCTION rOHN B.' MYERS & CO., AUO- U TIONEEES, Nob. 232 and 384 MARKET Street BALK. OP BOOTS AND SBOBB, Ao. ONTUEBDAY MORNING, August 12, on four mon hs’ credit— - 1000 packages Boot, and Shoes, Ac, SADR OP DRY GOODS. ON THURSDAY MORNING, August 14, at 10 o’clock, bp catalogue, on i manUss’ eroajt. PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTION EBRB, £25 MARKET and 622 00 MMKBOK Sta. SALR OF 1,000 OaBES BiiDl's, SHOE 3, AND BRO- - ■ GASS. ... ™IS MORNING, Anirust 21» Bt-lQ o dock precii*ttfy. will be sold, by cata logue, 1,000 caeee nien’e,* boja’, and youtb&’c-uf, kip, p »in, and thick boots J calf ami kip Oongfesa gaittrs, Oxford ties, Balmoral hovto* Ac,; women’s, D-ifrsep, and children’s calf kio goat, kid, morocco, and enamelled beel<d boots and shoes gaiters, sU&oerg, buB - Ac. Also, a large essortmeut of first class city- XBPrf* goods. ' * IST Goods open for examination) with catalogues, early od tbe morning of sale BA.IE OF 1,000 CASKS BoOIS, SHOES, 880- GANS.&c. ON THURSDAY MORNING, Acgusrl4 f at 10 o’clock precisely, will be sold, by cata logue, 1,000 cases men's, boys’, and yon*bs’calf, kip* and grain boots; calf and kip brogaus; «alters, ties, &c.‘ women's, misses', and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, xncrocco. and enamelled heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers, Balmorftls, &c. Also, a large assortment of first- class city -made gnoda. 957~ Open for examination, with catalogues* early on the morning of sale. PANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUC TIONEERS, Nos. 213 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE 5 vLE OP AME ttlO AN AND TM TOhTII DRV GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE’ GOODS, BOOP SKIRT i, Ac., by catalogue, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, August 13, commencing at 10 o’clock. Comprising a general assortment of goods adapted to fa!! sales. Included will be found, viz— KKBROIDEKIE4 AND WHITE GOOD'. An invoice of new style embroidered collars, sets, flouncing, bands, Ac.: ladies’ aud gents’ 6-8 and 3-4 plain and hemstitched handkerchiefs. • Also, a full line of gents’ Union and linen shirt fronts. HOOP SKIRTS. 260 dozen single end double-tie and woven taps hoop skirts, a full line for ladies, misseß. and children. ’ THURNESS, BRINLIY, & CO., J? No. 429 MARKET STREET. PKOPOSAES. OFFICE OF WAfHINSTON AQUE DUOT,.AuanST 8. 1862. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received until the 18th dap of AUGUST,.3B62: for furnishing the Brfom, De ment, and Sand requirt d for the co npletion of the Wash ingtrn Aqueduct.. . There will be required about 400,600 Bricks, 5,000 bar rels of Cement, 30.000 bushels of Sand; but these quan tities will be increased or diminished as may be f und neerssary. ‘ Five hundred barrels of Cement are needed, which will set very quickly, and entirely to the satisfaction of; the Engineer. ". k. Forms: for proposals may bo obtained-at this office. 1 They will be endorsed " Proposals for Brick,” “for Ce ment,” or lor Band,” as the care may be, aad directed to “Bon. Caleb B. Smith, Secretary of the Interior, Washington.” . i t. WM. R HUTTON, , ! anB- fgiffSt Chief Engineer. f\FK] CE OF WASBIN bKTON AQUE VA DUCT, August 6,1862. PROPOSAL? will be received unlit the 28th day of AUGUB T, 1862; for the completion of the auxiliary Pipe’ Ysult of tho Waibingtcn Aqusduct. ; Plans and speciflcatious can be obtained at this office. : Proposals to bn sealed, endorsed 1 Proposals for 'Pipe: Tacit,” and addreistd to «• Hon. Caleb B. Smith;* Secretary of the Interior, Washington.” WM. R HUTTON, suS-fmwßt Chief Engineer DIP UT Y QUARTERMASTER QKNERAL’tS OFFIOE, Philadelphia, 7th August, 1862 ; PROPO ,ALBwill be received at thfa office until TUESDAY Doit- I2tb inef., at 12 o’clock M., tar five' hundred (SOO) ABU Y WAGONS, the wools to be com pleifd and delivered in Philadelphia, subject to inspec tion, on or before the Ist of SEPTEMBER next. Pro- ' resale will be received for any ppriion of the above somber, and security will be required for - the faithful pirfonnance of the contract.,? Proposalßto be endorsed' ” Proposals tor Army- Wagons,” and addressed to N fl H OEOSBAtr, auB-4t Bop. Quar. Mast Gen U. 8. A. _ nE’MOI ; OP THE COMMISS aRF \J OF SUBSISTENCE,-No 1139 GIBAItD STREET. • 'PBILAD»LPFIA. august 8, 1882. PBOFOS ALB will be received at this Office, until 12 o’cltek M., on the 14th day of August, 1862, for furnish* tog, tor the use of the United states army, at such times and in such Quantities as may be required, daring the months of August and September, the following subsist ence stores, viz: 400 bat rels Prims Mesa Pork, to be corn-fed, well salt ed, free from rust or stain, regularly packed (Govern ment standard) in new, bright, well-coopered barrels. ' 200 barrels Extra Mess Beef, (necks and shanks ex cluded,) in new, bright, well-coopered barrels. 600 barrels Extra Superfine Flour. : 600 bnshelß new White Beans, in flour barrels. 20.000 pounds prime Bio Coffee, m bags. . 45 000 pounds light yellow Sugar, in barrels! 6.0 C-0 pounds Adamantine Candles, full weight 12s, 12.0x0 pounds good hard soap. 200 bushels fine Salt, in sacks. 1,000 gallons Syrup Molasses, in barrels. l,ooogallons Yinegar, in barrels; . Ail aiticiestobeof the best quality, securely packed, and in perfect order for transportation.. 1 Bids will include t pacaages and delivery in this city.. Sellers’ names and date of purchase required on each package. Certificates of inspection of Meat and Floor will be required, and ho Fork will be accepted packed, from « bulk meats,-’ Samples in boxes, distinctly marked, must accompany bids for all articles, except meat. Bids from known 'dealers or manufacturers only will be con sidered, and each bid must be accompanied by the writ ten guarantee of two responsible persons for the faithful performance of the contract. Proposals to be endorsed :« Proposals for Subsistence Stores,” and directed to F. N- Buck, Captain O. S. Yol. Service. au9 fit A RMX CLOTHING AND EQUI- JtjL page office, t yelfth and girard Streets.— Philadelphia. August 6; 1862 . “PROPOSALS FOR ARMY SUPPLIES.” ; Separate seated Proposals, endorsed “Proposals for Stockings end Begimental Books,” will be received by the ni dersigi ed. at this Office, unfit 12 o’clock ML, on MONDAY, Utta tost., for furnishing and delivering at the SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL: - —-SOO.OOO.paire of stockings, alt wool, assorted sixes, and to weigh three pounds to the dozen; also, 150 Begimental General Order Books. ISO u Letter , “ 350 “ Descriptive ” ISO « . “ > 160 « Order « and SOO Infantry Drums, full rize, complete. '■ All deliveries will be subject to inspection, and must conform In all respects to thejealed army pattern in this Office. Proposals will he received for Any-oart of the above articles. Bidders will state explicitly the time and amount of each delivery. The books are wanted imme diately. The right is reserved by the Deputy Quarter master General to accept any part, or the whole, of a bid offered, or to reject the bids, in whole or in part, as the inter eat of the Government, in hia opinion, may demand. Bach proposal must be accompanied by a satisfactory guarantee that the bidder will execute a contract, with a good and sufficient bond, if his bid he accepted. Pro posals unaccompanied by a satlsfac ory guarantee, will not be considered; end contracts wifi be awarded only to established manufacturers of, or dealers in, the articles. Failure to deliver at a specified time wili subject the contractor to a forfeiture of the whole amount of the penalty or the bond. • G. H. CBOSMiN, , auT Deputy Quartermaster Genera! U. 8. A. •WASHINGTON AQUEDUCT. I t DBPARTJIBOT OF THS ISTKatOR, ) ' Washington, July 25,1882. J FBOPOSALS will be received at this Department, until 12 o’clock on WEDNESDAY, the 2Tth day of Au gust, for completing, the. DISTRIBUTING BE3ERYOIS of tbe Washington Aqueduct. Plans and specifications may be seen after the 12th of August. Proposals to be sealed, endorsed “Proposals for Reser voir,” and directed to “Hon. CALEB B. SMITH, Secre tary of the Interior, Washington.” WATT J. SMITH, jy3o-wfml2t Chief Clerk. ' T3UREAU OF ORDNANCE. JLM Navy Dkpartmext, ) Wasuixotox City, July 29,1882. \ DOMESTIC NITRE. PROPOSALS wilt be received at this Office for sup plying the Navy with DOMESTIC NITRE, either Crude or Refined; JNO. A. DAHLGRBN., i ; au6-8t ■ . Chief of Bureau of Ordnance. ; "PROPOSALS lOR COAL AND 1 from To Bichm’d To Pbllade. ~~ Wool> * SBNATB OF THE UNITED STATES, 1 -*fll *?s Office of the Serosast-at-Arsm, { fctolMUHaven 170 iS WASHWOTO.V, J01y25,1882 v iTS! 1 ™ “ V “ H! SEALED PBOPOSALS will be received at thie office "• J « fS tint!! 12 M„ on MONDAY, the lltbday of Aogoet next, £°” 156 ift— for furnishing for the nse of %he Senate of the United j Baring the month of AT7GH7SX, 1862, the rates will M States, Foot Hundred Tons (of, 2,000 ponads) of the best »B follows: J* te A|h Furnace Coal (thoroughly screened) „ j Also, Seventy five Oords of the best dry Hickory •’ ■ ■ 'wteS*- ° ord “ ° f th ° b93t Spruce Pino jPortCarbon 51.98 «1.6 S ! Tbe whole to be delivered on or before the Ist of 00- \VT TOBEE next, and packed away In the vaults of the Se- Aohnm * liS J‘S Date Win* of the Oapitol, under the direction of tiie En- PortCUntonl*!**! -»••••* • * a w * fjtneer of the Senate • ■ • - - - - — r Bids for Coal and Wood will be separately considered, On and after SEPTEMBERS 1,1862, the rates will to and bonds foT the faithfol execution of the contracts re- : m follows: , mnsi eilao be made for correct measnri- ' Wlom [To Bichm'd [To Pffilad*. ments. OEO. T. BROWN, jy26.dtanll Berg’t -at-Arms 0. S. Senate.' JJ FRAMK.PALMER, ' Surgeon Artist to the Government Institutions, Wash ington. Also, to all of the Medical Colleges and Hos pitals. Tha “ PALMES LIMBS, 1 ’ adopted by the Army and Navy Surgeons. Pamphlets sent gratis. Address, ‘ B. FBANK. PALMEB, jy2-6m Ho. 1609 CHESTNUT Street, Philad’a. #TO THE DISEASED OF ALIA, r CLAUSES—AII acnte and chronic diseases'’] Afflcured, by special guarantee, at 1220 Walnut street, m 'Philadelphia, and In case of a failure no charge is' ■ made. , ' . j. Professor BOLLES, the/ouijder of this now prac-i Entice, will superintend the treatment of all cases Aini-jm kse if. A pamphlet containing a multitude ofceitißv Jl klcates, of those cured, also letterß and complimmtaryfjy resolutions from medical then and other;, will be given to any person free. A Loctnroe are constantly given, at 1220, to medicalk Fmen and others who desire a knowledge of my dis-vQ kcovcry, in applying Electricity as a reliable there-J wjpeutic agent. Consultafion free. ; ap26 dm pF A “THOMSON’B LONDON £bJh KITCHENEB ?? —We are now manufacturing ®5 “THOMSON’S LONDON KITOHENBB,” or EUROPEAN BANGS, suitable for large and small families, hotels, hospitals, Bind other public institutions, In great variety.. Also, Portable Banges, the « Philadel phia Bangej” 6as Ovens, Bath Boilers, and Oast-iron Sinks, together with a great variety of small and' large •ized Hot-airFurnacee, Portable Heaters, Fire-board Stores, Low-down Grates, Ao. Wholesale and Betail OMLV at our Warerooms. NOBTH, CHASE, A NORTH, No. 80S North SECOND Street, ieS-Sm - • - four doors above Baoe street. ' A N TIFRIOTION METAL, JLX. . Superior quality, • For sale by JAMES YOOOH, Jr, ■ • .CITE BBASS FOIJNDBY, DBINKER’S ALLEY, .Between Front and Becond, Bace and Arch sts. anB-2m* • ' .. - TYRAIN ■ PIPE-—Vitrified Drain and JLr Water PIPE, from 2 inches bore up, with every variety of Bends, Branches, Traps, Ac., warranted eaual to any in the inartet, - and at less rates. The mnder ,signed being interested' in one of tho largest and best jbeds ef Fire Olay in this country for the manufacture of the above and other articlos, defies competition, both in quality and price. ■ • pgTEB B. MELIOK, ■* Office and Store 627 OHESTNUX Street. > I Manufactory cor. Thompson and Anthracite, streets, Philadelphia. -auB-tf jpOTTON BAHT DECK AND CAN?! ' YAS, of all numbers and brands, . ' :-‘t S ; Haven’s Buck Awning Twills, of all descriptions, for Tents; Awnings, Trunk and Wagon Covers. , Also, Paper,.Manufacturers’ Drier Felts, from! to S feet Wido. Tarpauling, Belting, Sail Twine, Ac. , JOHN W. EVEBMAN A 00., my4-tf ' 102 JONES Alley. PIASTILE SOAP.—Warranted Pure VJ Marseilles Soap in store and for side by RHODES A WILLIAMB, Jylß - V 101 Sonth WATER Street. BAiLJSS BY AUCTION. M THOMAS & SONS, • Hos. 138 and 141 South FOURTH Street, PEREMPTORY SALE ON TBS FRESIBBB on Friday, - 15tb August, at 12 “’clock norm, the “ LOBEtiw SPRING!” AND FARM, four miles from ORBiKFS STATION, Pennsylvania Raifraad, Oaraorie cantf Pennsylvania, together wi h the fumiEare, li, uo „’ brrses, carriages, ! arm* ns implements, Ac, is one lot Full particulars in.handbiiis i nti inventory, now ready t&~ Stole absolute. Terms—Half cash: 3HH3 to pa’dAt sale. ™ 818OH3 AND It BAR EST ITE—AUGUST 26 ■ A large rale at the Exchange. Part of .the Hons now ready in.handhiits, including the PRiNKLIw IRON . WOSBS, with machinery, Ac., lot. Moses nathans, auctioneer AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, soutWr corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. GREAT BARGAINS WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SAL* Fine gold and silver lever; iejune, English, Swigs, sad French watches for less than half the usual t'.liinl prices. Wetches from one doUar to one hundred dollars each Gold chains from 40 to 60 cents per dwt. Plan,-* cheap. TAKE NOTICE. ..The highest possible.; prico is loaned on goods at Jfr- Principal Establishment, southeast corner ct Bixtb and Race streets. At leaßt one-third more than u anF other establishment in this city. NATHANS’ PRINCIPAL MONEY E3TABLIBB . MENT. -• " 8260,000 TO LOAN, In large or email amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on diamonds, gold and silver plate, watches, jewelry merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos, usd goods of every description. . ' LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES, This establishment has large fire and thief.proof aatat lor the safety of valuable goods, together with a private watchman on the promises. ESTABLISHED FOR THE LAST THIRTY YEARS A®" All large loams made at this (he Principal blishment. 10- Charges greatly reduced. AT PRIVATE BALK. One superior brilliant toned piano: forte, with uetMUa plate, soft and loud pedals. Price only 880. One very fine toned piano-forte, price only 880. HOTELS. pOWEBS’ HOTEL, NoB. IT and 19 PARK BOW, (oprosir* ib* JSToa hodbj,) NEW YORK. TERMS 81.60 PER DAY. This popular Hotel has lately been thoroughly renq. rated and refurnished, and now possesses all the reqnt liteeofa FIBBT-OLABS HOTEL. The patronage of • Philadelphians and the travelling public, desiring the best accomodations and moderate iharges, Is respectfully solicited. ’ Je2-8m H. L. POWERS, Proprietor. ACABD.— THE UNDERSIGNED, late of tho GIRARD HOUSE, Philadelphia, have leased, for a term of yean, WILLARD’S HOTEL, in Washington. ..They take this occasion to return to their >ld friends add customers many thanks for past favors, tnd beg to assure them that they vriU be most happy to iee them in their new quarters. - SYKES, OH AD WTOK, « GO, WtsumoTOii. Jnlv 16. tK«I. SHIFTING. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- SHIPS • V ■• ■ BETWEEN HEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, GALL. J TNG AT CORK HARBOR AND BETWEEN. BOSTON ANT) LIVERPOOI. CALLING AT HALIFAX AND CORK HABBQB, BOOT! A, Capt, Judkins. . CHINA. Cant. Anderson. ■ PERSIA, Capt. Bott ASIA. Oapt. Cook. ABABTA, Capt. Stone. EUROP\, Oapt. J. Lolteh. AFRICA, Oapt Shannon. CANADA, Oapt Hair, ■ AMERICA, Oapt. Hoodie. | NIAGARA, Oapt A. Eyrie. ' AUSTRALASIAN , These vessels carry a clear white light at meat hetf; green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. I m FR6M NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. j Chief Oabin Passage gISO j Second Cabin P5a55ge............... .... 8S , FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. 1 Chief Cabin Passage $125 • Second Cabin Pa55age..................... To AUSTRAL ASlAN.leaves N. York, Wednesday, Aug IS. ARABIA. do. * Boston, Wednesday, Ang. 30. A. •... do. N. York. Wednesday, Ang. ST. JSJJCP A. do. Boston, Wednesday, Sept 3. •• • - do.' N. York,Wednesday, Sept 10. do. Boston, Wednesday, Sept IT. i Berths not secured until paid for. j An experienced snrgeon on board. A be owners ,of these ships/witl not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or M< tais, unless bills ot lading' are signed therefor, and tba value thereof therein expressed. •• For freight or passage apply to E. OUNARD, 4 BOWLING GREEN, New York E. 0. & T G. BATES, 103 STATE Street, Boston, Or, to jy!4 STEAM -WEEKLY TO LI VEBPOOL, touching'at QUEENSTOWN, (Cerk Harbor.) The Liverpool, New York, and Phila delphia Steamship Company intend despatching their full powered Clyde built iron steamships as follows: OP WASHINGTON.. Saturday, 2d August. - .Saturday, 9th August EDINBURGH,,.., Saturday, 16th August "As* ««T succeeding SATURDAY at Noon, from PIEB No. 44, North Bivor. , BATES OP PASSAGE. FIRST CA81N..... .SSS.OOIBTEEB AGE........ $35.09 do to L0nd0n..... .90 00| do to London 38.00 , do to Parle 9500 do to Pari5......43.09 do to Hamburg.... 95.001 do to Hamburg..4o 00 . Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Bolter dam, Antwerp Ac', at egnally low rates. _ Farei) from Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cabin, 15, IT, and 21 Guineas. Steerage from Liverpool, £B.B. From Queenstown, £8.6. Tickets are sold here at the current rate of exchange, enabling people to Bend: fee their friends. ; These steamers have superior accommodations for pas sengers are strongly built in water-tight iron sections, and cerry Patent Fire; Annihiiators. Experienced Sur geons are attached to each Steamer. For further information, apply in Liverpool to WTL LIAM INMAN. Agent. 22 Water Street; in Glasgow to ALFX MALCOLM, 5 St. Enoch Square; in Queens town t» C. A W. B. SEYMOUR A GO ; in London to EIV»S A MTAGKY, 61 King William Btreet; inParisto IDLES DFOGTJE, 48 Bue Notre Dame Des Yictoires, Place dele Bourse; inNewYort to JOHN S. DALE. 16 Broadway, or at the'Comsauy’e Office. . JOHN G. DALE. Agent, ; ]T3O tA9 HI/WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. BOSTON; AND PHTT.a. DELPHIA STEAMSHIP LlNE—SaOisg from each port every ten days—From Pine-street Wharf OnHATUKDAY, August 16. i The Steamship NOBMAN; (new,) Captain Baker, will “J’i to”?. Philadelphia (or Boston, on SATURDAY 5 1 OR®JUG, August 16, at 10 o’clock; and steamer SAXON, Matthews, from Boston fer Philaleinhia. on SATURDAY, August 16, at 4 P. M. ; Insurance one-half that by sail vessels. Freight tak m at fair rates. . ... Shippers will please Bend their, bills of Lading via goods. For freight or passage, having line accommodations, «PPly to HENRY WINSOB A CO., * iISO SS2 SOUTH WHARVES. FOB NEW YORK—THIS «SsSS@*I)AT—DESPATCH AND SWIFTSCSS LINES—VIA DEL AWABE AND RARITAN CANAL ; Steamers o£ the above Lines will leave DAILY, at II and 6 P. M. ’ For freight, which will he taken on accommodatiSf terms, apply to WM. M. BAIRD A 00., ; my2l-tf 182 South DELAWARE Avenue. FOB NEW YORK. HEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware «4 Bari tan Canal. ; Philadelphia and New Tork Express steamboat Com pany receive freight and leave dally at 2P. M., deliver ing their cargoes In New, York the following day. '• Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia * .. JAMES ELAND, Agent, anl-tf Piers 14 and 15 EAST BIVEB, New York. fXßmm OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING BAILBOAD COMPANY. i PBO.Anui.pmA, June 28, 1861 The BATES of FREIGHT and TOLLS on ANTHRA CITE COAL transported by tills Company will be as M lows during the month of JULY, 1862: Port Carbon.. 1 Monnt Carbon. "i Schuylkill Haven. : Auburn Port Clinton. 1 By order of the Board of Managers. ? je3o-3ra. W.-H. WEBB, Secretary. T H E j 44 EXCELSIOR” HAMS 1 ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. 3. H. MICHBNIR & CO., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, And curers of the celebrated “EXCELSIOR” SUSA B-CU RE D HAMS, Nos. 142 and 144 North FRONT Street, = Between -Arch and Race streets, Philadelphia. The justly, celebrated “ EXCELSIOR ” AMS are cured by J. H. M. A Co., (in a style peculiar to them selves,) expressly for FAMILY,USE ;are of delicious flavor; bee from the unpleasant taste of salt, and an pronounced by epieures superior to any now offered for sale. :' i- V. jy2*-lra QA UTION- The well-earned reputation of FAIRBANKS* SCALES Has Induced the makers of imperfect balances to oft* them as “ FAIRBANKS’ SCALES,” and purobMsri have thereby, m many instances, been subjected tofrairi sndixoposlUon. FAIRBANKS’ SCALES are mannfsc jnred only by the original' inventors, S. SI. FAB** BANNS A,(%-, and ue adapted to every branch of business, where's. OMreot’sad durable Scales Is rejuir*® FAIRBANKS 4 EWINS, , r . General Agents, Sslo-tt MASONIC HALL. Tl* OHEffESBTSr fIAUTION.— Owing to the popularity Vy and .oomplete success which our PATENT Sffl“j* ADJUSTING CLOTHES-WBINGER haa met «<“’ other parties' are endeavoring to sell their' inferior®?, ohinee,by adopting bur name of « SELF-ADJUST™" asameanstodeceive'the'pubHo,' \ We, therefore! give 1 notice that our name will be stamped on each Machine manufactured mid sold W and none others Sre , genuine.’' ‘ Any one using our •*** mark-win be dealt trim according to law. Mr. L. E. BNOWi chrhar or FIFTH and OraiSTHU Streets, Philadelphia, is onr SOLE AGENT for l; sylvania. ‘ HALEY, MORSE. * BOYD®* Je24tael2 ‘ V NUT 8 Almonds, Cream Grenoble Huts, Bordoatix Wfthmtu, Pea Nut«> berta,'Pecan Nure, In " t WmblAjf 107 South WATKBStr^ $2lB $l.BB 2.17 187 2.10 1.80 2.00 1.70. 1.96 1.65