THE CITY. The Thermometer, AUGUST 2, 1881. | AUGUST 2, 1882. «A. M 12 K. Sr.* ißi.j. 12 M. Br. 11. 78# 81 88 I 76 88 91 WIND. SE. vv HEbyE. IWSW. NE. EKE. *UOiraTM«l j AUGUSP3, 1882. 6am i- m. 8p « 6A. m. 12 M, 3r, M. 76 86 90 I 71 88 80 SbrW. S. BSE. | ESE. ESI. BE by 8. The Volunteer Bounty Fund The subscriptions received on Sit lh day, Augaat 2d, to the volunteer bounty fund were a:! follows Bank ef North America ...... Edward Coles Employees of Cabby, Heyllle, & Hughes.... Samuel Fox Vfm M. Fox Mm Cope... Girard Ftre and Marine lnsttranco Go Geierahofer. La* wi, & C 0..... Johnß. Stevenson. ... Clement 8idd1e....,,.....,.., A. B. Carver & C 0..,........ M. Thomas ft Son James Somers Smith Banlet B Kniaht., Gash, (G. F. W) Bank of Penn Township T, & J. W. Johnson & G 0.500 Dr.GeorgeW. 0rri5,......... ...100 Bernard S.Dnpay • 25 beckiybd at independence hall. Charles L. Desanaue. $lOO George HalOnon 100 John W. Fi»r»»..... Beery Dialogue ..... Samuel Y. Greer. Jacob W. Goff. Anaoymous contribution to envelope. Bathan Young 200 Charles Young.,.. 290 Lawrence Lewie, Jr.....,,.,...' " 200 American Lite and trust Company 1,000 Benners A Braber.... 200 John O, Kn0r..... 100 A 0. Jones ..... 200 Gash, of B. G 100 Men and Boys, Employer s of the Southwark Steam „ Planing Mill, Box and Sash 5h0p...... 102 Withers A Petersen 200 Alfred O. Banner. 200 Jacob L. Sharpe -*«« 200 Henry 8nuun.....^........ Captain Joseph H. Henderson 100 John Pearce..**................ 100 Arnold. Nnsbanm* * Nirdlioger*,,.6oo lire Association of Philadelphia,.*.l,ooo Hand; A Brenner. 200 W. 8 Phillips* 60 Charles K00d5...... J. Binsw anger....„ John Horn,of N. B. cor. of Third A 8r0ra....... 200 J. M. K . . 20 Bdward Strickland.... 20 Cash,... . .. ..... 25 Htwlin, 2ell, A Abbott.... 100 Itaotfa £!])*••« 800 George S. Lang.......... 100 Jeaaeß. Smith, of Twenty*ibird ward... 800 ImisL. Sprok.... 10? V. L Bodfne 200 Wolganmlh ftßalelgh... 250 W. Stewart* Co 250 Becehred cb Saturday. Total to close of Saturday... Hr* Thomas Webster, chairman of the Oitiaens* Bounty Committee, wtnt to Washington on Friday n!ght,to have an interview with the Secretary of Wari to request that recruiting officers, mastering officers, And disbursing agents for Philadelphia regiments* may be sent to this city, so that the men may he mustered in here, and sent direct to the regimenis, instead of being sent to Harrisburg at an additional expense. The committee have received a letter from the Secre tary of War, thanking them for the aid rendered the General Government* and also stating that orders have been sent to Gen. McClellan to detach officers to reoroit for Philadelphia regiments. ""Military Matters.— The committee on (he Volunteer Bounty Fund hare received from the Adjutant Gemral’e office at Harrisburg* the following list ofiegiments from Pennsylvania now in active ser vice, and recruiting in Philadelphia: IRFAHTBY. i 2d Reserves, Lieut. Colon* l Wm. McCandless. 3d Deserves, Col. H. 6 Birkel. 4th Reserves, Col. A. L. Msgilton. 58J Volunteers* Col. V. H. Bell. 26th Volunteers* Col. W. F. Smtll. 27th Volunteers, Col, A Busbbeck* 28th Volunteers, Col Gabriel Be Korponay, 29th Volunteers CoL John K. Murphy. 68th Volunteers, Col. J. Richter Jones.. 67th Volunteers, Col. John F. Staunton. 69th Volunteers, Col. Joshua T. Owen. 71st Volunteers, Col. Isaac G. Wialar. 72d Volunteers, Col. D W. 0. Baxter. BSth Volunteers, 001. Geo. P. McLean. 60th Vo unteers, Col. Peter Lyle. 01st Volunteers, Col. B. X. Gregory. 95th Volunteers, Col. John M Gosline. 106th Volunteers, Col. T, G. Move he ad. 109th Volunteers, Col. B. J. Stamrook. 116th Volunteers, CoL B E. Patterson, CAVALRY. 2d Begiment, Col. B. Butler Price. 3d Begiment, Col. Wm. W. AverUl.i 6th Begiment, Col. David Campbell 6th Begiment, 601. Bichard H. Bush. Bth Begiment, Col. D. M. Gregg. 12th Begiment, CoL L B Pierce. 18th Begiment, CoL James A. Gallagher. ABTILLBRY. Ist Battalion, Major Segebarth. 2d Battalion, Col. A. Gibson. BASKS’ BODY GUARD, Ist Company Zouaves tTAfrique, Captain Charles H. 7. Collis. An order has been received from Harrisburg, fixing the number of regiments that will be received from this city at five. Of these four have alre'dy been accepted, to wit: the Scott Legion, CoL.Collis’ Zouave d ! Afrique, the 116th Begiment, Col. Keenan, aod Col. Provost’s Com Xxcfaange Begiment This decision wiO cause some anxiety among the officers of the other eix regi ments that are in process of forming as to which shall be the chosen one to fill up the complement. As soon as the remaining regiment to be accepted is designated, it will be tbe duty of those who are “ left out In the cold” to fill up the ranks of the chosen five, or enter the ranks of the old regiments that are already in the field. Major Boy Stone, who so gallantly led the BucktaU regiment through the recent battles before Richmond, by request of the War Department has been ordered by Governor Curtin to superintend the raising of a brigade, to be composed entirely of skilled marksmen and young men of intelligence who can readily acquire such skill, to be armed with the mast superior weapons, equipped in the beet maimer, and, in every respect, to constitute a corps de slitey worthy to set as the vanguard of a grand army. Those young men of Pennsylvania who enlist to the earnest hope of diing their country service, and de sire to enroll themselves in a corps, whose name and re putation can only he sustained by steady discipline, stern endurance, rapid marching, and hard fighting, will the BucktaU Brigade their opportunity to win an honorable distinction. Two additional regiments are to be raked, and they will form a portion of the quota from this State. Two or three companies are to be recruited in this city. Mr. George M. Cullen, orderly sergeant of the Gymnast Zouaves, has been authorized to raise a company. Tbe energaticefforts of the Scott Legion Regiment are meetißgwith a rich reward. Company G, under the commard of Captain R B. Window, has been mustered into service, haring reached the proper number. Several other companies will soon be ready to pass muster. The camp, (near Brantford,) presents a scene of active mili tary life, and in a few weeks we rill be able to announce the regiment ready for the field. The field and line officers are untiring in their efforts to bring about this result. An old soldier, who has served sixteen years in the regnlcr service, suggests the following facts as induce ments for volunteers to enter old regiments: Volunteers entering an organised regiment will enjoy the following advantage*: 1. They will isara more in one month in an old regi ment than they will learn in six months in a new regi ment. 2 They will better escape the diseases of camp life among old and experiei eed soldiers than in newly organ ised regiments. 8. There Will probably be less loss of life in battle In an old organisation than In a new. Experienced officers will be lets likely to expose their men needlessly than in experienced ones. 4. Young sol iers in an old regiment will share'the glory of a veteran corps And, finally, as it is presumed that all who volunteer desire to r* nder the most efficient service to the Govern ment, it is safe to say that ten thousand men distributed through the regiments now in the field will accomplish more in the next six puralbg than thirty organ ized into hew regiments. Yachting.—The season for this de lightful sport has bow f*irly opened. There are many ekganfy debts In Philadelphia, hot there hae always boon tost want of Bpirit of organization and harmony which makes the sport here se doll and uninteresting in com parison'to New York, Brooklyn, or Boston, or even New Haven or Newport. Selfishness or exclnsivenesß may hare much to do with this state of affairs, although the watt of a leader in amor .meat towards concert of action may be the principal canse. We understand that there are plenty of yachts in onr river, owned by respectable, gentlemen, to form such an organization, bnt we do not possess the means of informing onnelves as to filenames, measurement, and owners thereof, and some practical measure e.uld ha digested If, however, the owners are unfavorable, there are yet in onr city young menenongh to accomplish all that is desired, without being taxed too heavily*, knd we understand that a movement of this kind is now on hand. The Delaware river and bay may not be so attractive nor afford each fine facilities for yachtieg sa other noted pieces, bnt it nevertheless affords ample opportunity to remunerate the seeker after recreation, pleasure, and health. ' The Brooklyn Yacht (Bob consists of 108 numbers for the year 1881. Their Beet contains 32 yachts, with about the same number of owners They have a dab boose in Gowenos bay and a club room at No. 9 Court street, Brooklyn. Their officers are a commodore and vice commodore (each of whom must be owners of and T6prcMBl separate yachts), a secretary, assistant secre tary, treasurer, and measurer, each of whom has his dntist assigned. AH the owners, with one or two excep tions, appear to be members of the dob. The dues of the members are: Foroneyear at' so cents per month. ~gl oo Annuafsabscriptibn 2 00 Annual fccotne, 108 members. 8750 It seems almost incredible that the fleet conld be main tained endor the control of an association, for this tasig nificantsum; and yet, besides the necessary uniform, alt other expenses are voluntary. No yacht of less than 16 feet is admitted into the club. The squadron is under the command of the commodore, and all the property is under the charge of a stending comnitiee of three elected once a year. A candidate for admission meat be proposed and seconded In writing, balloted for at the , ncceedlng general meeting, or one called for that pur pose, and three tlack balls will exclude him. There .ball be one or more regattas (taring the year, and ex cursions as oßen asthe majority of the yachtownereshan decide at any general meeting. Yachts may be loaned or let, bnt only to a member of the club. They shall not use lha dub's .colors or signets on such occasions. All these regulations are very simple, and afford the neces sary harmony of action to produce the utmost pleasure and recreation to those connected therewith. There is nothing whatever in toe way to prevent the levers of agnatic sports from forming an organization of this hied iuPbfladelptda equal, if not superior, to those in existence elsewhere. War Meetings.—The committee of citizens of the bounty volunteer fond have, as lias been stated, determined upon holding a series of meetings, In differaitj?aitaof the city, for the purpose of encouraging recruiting. Meetings of a similar character are also iaouradjacent counties. Elowent and. die of whom belong to this city, Wm * D * Kelley, who was pro reat atefhe jratixffiuary mealing held at the Boardof raising reived th.t, dnrtag his woS' devote his whole energies to toe cause, saa Sm,! ™, doljer or one recruit conld be obtained there hewodd™ This promise has bean tally kept, as Mr. Keller haalmlC present at nearly all of these meetings, and will tskTS, active part at those contemplated by the committee A Soldier Killed.—Corona Conrad commenced an tannest on Saturday upon the body of Wb. Marshall, a corporal In the Bcott Legion Regiment, who was kuifd on Friday by being run over by a passen ger car on Fifth street, bataw Buttonwood. Marshall had a difficulty with toe conductor of a ear, and attempt ed to get upon the front platform of tea next ear, when he tell under the wheals. Els head was mntiUted ina shocking meaner. The tainted man was taken into too MM tary Hospital at Filth and Buttonwood streets, and died in about three hours alter the accident. In toe absence of wßßtoam, to# taqnaetwaa adjourned nntO Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock. A NNW-fHosyiTAL —The State Armo ry, atvtlie corner of Slxteenth and Filbert streets, has been eobvettadtetoa hospital fortherecepaon of elek and woimdrd Unitod Statea eoldlori. Tbe bulldmg is large and conveniently boiltfor toopurposa, and la well ventilated- Some of the; wants will be reedy for scan pancy during the present week. Ibis thought that from fonr to five hnndrrd paitents ctu bo attended at thu plare 3*«bßiMtogiathreootori«,onehnn tired nad eighty feet in length, by aboat sixty is bwialk Departure op Bebel Prisoners FO IT DELAWARE—The steamers Atlantic * Mfninmc left Fort Delaware on Frl-iny with a lot rtbtl prisoners on boards bound for Fortress Monroe, exchanged. Out of three <hous*&d end fifty-odd prisoners off war at Fort Drlawarefour hundred ha^re been allowed to take the oaih of alle giance to the United Staten, wbi'h is about one-third ot *h« whole number wbrne wish it ie to support the old flag under which they were boro and reared Moat of these mtn who have been permitted to take the oath are Northern men, some of whom have been regularly enlisted men in the rebel service, and who bow see the error of their ways and wish to repent- Others are men who have supported the South in its infamous conrae to destroy the Fnion, by word ef month, yet having no desire to become soldiers, have been impmaei into the rebel ranks, and since become repentant, Some of these men bad resiCed bat a abort time in r&beldom. and are mostly of foreign descant, without sufficient thriitiness ™ '""l 8 ® IOTl 0T tb<aa “ ,T «s >» matters sB»hX®™£«is?*5 B »hX®™£«i5?*« !O JEi ttan< 2 *° lbeir OWM welfare. Others of tbla motley crowd are Southern lu. n born and raised emly ff o m l n »?,1, 0n ’ who , haTO bl ™ hSft® i?itt?,a frol^a W v at tbey veTB ,e 8 *° helieve they wonld be uaect Af I th« w a rt. “H?* 4 the vast difference in the Sntfer erthern State. when compared with three nentod , 2 of , Jtlf Dayl8 ' tbst they, too, hare re ao“ Obftrc to-remain under the protection of the ? 6Bt tbatbM Watered ihem from infancy. Hnn arras of ccmniunications were received daily by M+jor liigeborth, the provost marshal, and Captain Gibson, the commandant of the post, requesting that ths writers Ef “Fb t i he allowed to take tbe oath, all uoder the special injunction that the communication should be Btiictly prl rate, each one trying to keep the fact of his Vrithing to take ihe oath from bis neighbor, at tbe same time professing his love for tbe so-called Confederate States, and in many cases assuming to be of tbe vilest and bitterest rebel cUqub For a time thes* communications were read and passed over without any action b«ing talren in the matter until such large quantities of these requests to take the oath came In that Capt. Gibson c-rmimmioated the fact to the Secretary of War, who immediately issued an order, which Btated that none of those men who would take the required oath and could show sufficient proof of their sincerity and loyalty toward the Government would be forced within the rebel lines. 85,000 , 500 25 lOO IDO 100 lOO ......... 100 ......... 200 260 250 ........ 100 lOO .1,000 ........ 250 A Captain in Trouble — A portion of tbe Nineteenth ward has been in a great state of ex citement during the past week, and, as females were the parties principally interested, the various outbreaks were delicate matters for tbe policemen. Tbe wtaMe difficulty originated with tbe presence of a Captain Cooper, of one of the regiments now in service The offioer-in question recruited a company from the neighborhood, and, after he got tbe men into the field, his conduct towards them waß such as to occasion fears for his personal safety, as the men frequently uttered threats to that effect. Finally, the Captain resigned and returned to his home, Bis reputation had preceded him through rations letters to wives and relatives, and ever since the Captain’s ap pearance in this city his situation hasbeen a most un comfortable one. The women determined to pay him for his treatment of his soldiers, and daily and nightly ha has been the recipient of uncam plimebtary presents and vi sits. At night his sleep hi broken by serenades gotten up in calathnmpian stjle. In order, if possible, to put a stop to the annoyance, tbe Captain had two ofjthe prin cipal women arrested, but in this too be was outwitted. At the hearing at tbe aldgrmau’e office on Friday, the friends of the two defendants were present in strong force, and by tbs plentiful use of Cayenne pepper, so im pregnated the office of tbe justice, that the hearing had to be postponed. Thus tbe matter stands—the Captain having received notice to leave the neighborhood, under penalty of having another bucket of dour paste emptied enhishsad. lOO ............ 200 lOO Fire —An loe House Destroyed,— About eleven o'clock, on Saturday morning, a fire broke out in the bouse of the Sweet Briar Ice Company, situ ated on the Schuylkill, above Bgglesfi'eld, in the Twenty fourth ward. The buying was a very fine one. It was divided into three sections, and had a stone base with a wc oden superstructure. Attached were sheds, platforms, hoisting machines, Ac. At tbe southern end of the house was a cottage intended for a tenant. The ice house and its contents were entirely destroyed, and the cottage is almost a total wreck. The latter was occupied by the family of Edward Hansford. Mr R. is at present at tbe seat of war, and his wife keeps a boarding house for la borers. The most of her effects were rescued, but in a greatly damaged condition. The property belongs to 'William Torr, and is rained at 810.000, upon which there is an insurance of 84,000—83,000 In the Etna, of Eartford, and 81,000 in the Frnklin of this dty. The ice-house was occupied by Messrs. Boyd, Kelly, A Bunn, who have had no ice there since June. There was some personal property, valued at 8500, in the building. This was destroyed, and was not insured. The origin of the fire is being investigated by the fire marshal. St?,O77 ...8318,909 The Tax Bill.— ln answer to an in • quiry as to whether goods manufactured between ths Ist and 31et of August would be subject to payment of du ties imposed by the tax bill, the Secretary of the Treasury, at Washington, replies as follows to William B. Thomas, Esq., Collector of Customs at this port: Bar. Office of Internal Revenue, Washington, D. C., August 1,1862. . Sir: Your letter of July 30 ch to the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the operation of the tax law, has been referred to this office. In reply, I have the honor to inform you that the prac tical operation of the tfcx law is postponed until the Ist of September next, and its previsions will bare tbe same relation to that time that they otherwise would have had to the Ist of August. [Signed,] G. W. B. BOUT WELL, ; Commissioner of Internal Revenue.' The New Comet.—The position of the new comet, discovered at the Cambridge Observatory on the 28th nit, is nearly on a line joining ihe bright and firit-magnitude star Gapella with the North Star, and two-thirds of the distance from Capella to the North Star. 'Capella can be seen at 11 % P. M., in the north northeast, near tho horizon. The comet is rapidly ap proaching, is ii creasing in brilliancy, and will soon be readily seen by all Its tail appeared to the comet seeker quite one and a half degrees in length; the comet itself four minutes of a degree. Of courie, at this time the comet dees not set, either night or day, and by the revolution ot tbe earth it appears to move arena 4 the North Star, like tbe constellation ot the Dipper or Ursa Major, the tail thus pointing at different times of the evening to the different points of the compass—east, west, Ac. An Actor Soldier.— Mr. William A. Wood, ihe pantomimist, died on Friday last, in the 30th year of his age. Tbe deceased was formerly attached to the Arch-street Theatre, and was quite a favorite with tbe public. He left the stage to enter tbe service of hla country. He joined tbe National Guards, and while en camped at Federal Hill, Baltimore, he contracted a dis ease which terminated bis life Bis funeral took place yesterday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, No. 953 Wamock Btreet, and was attended by the Na tional Guards, the “Actor’s Order of Friendship,” and the members of the theatrical profession. Agkicultubal Exhibition. The time of bolding the annual exhibition of the Chester County Agricultural Society this fall has boon changed from the first week in October to the last week lu Sep tember, the 26th and 27th. This change has been made in consequence of the State Society holding their exhibi tion, at Norristown, this fail, daring the first week in October. Free Freight.— The accommodation trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad win hereafter carry free of charge in the baggage car all articles of produce cur manufacture far the use of the soldiers in the hospitals of Philadelphia. They will be taken to Eleventh and Market, and if of a perishable nature, will be sent at once to the hospital, West Philadelphia. Other articles will be kept for a seasonable time, and if not called for will also be seat tree. Eggs for Soldiers.—A. number of gcod people residing at Warwick, |q Chester county. Pa., anxious for the welfare of the disabled soldiers in our hospitals, recently made up three boxes of eggs, compris ing about two hundred and twenty dozen, which, befog properly apportioned among the sufferers, were grateful ly received. Notice to Housekeepers. —The city contractor for cleaning tbe city and removing ashes and garbage announces his regulations. Housekeepers will do well to preserve a copy of them for their gnid apec. They will be found in onr advertising columns to-day. Drowning Case.—Coroner Conrad tald an inquest on Saturday morning upon the body of Owen Donnelly, who was drowned on Friday in tbe Del aware, at Noble-street wharf. The deceased belonged to Easton, and was employed upon a canal boat. The jnry rendered a verdict of accid<sitai drowning. Capture of a British Vessel.t—The British schooner Emma, of aud from Nassau, shoes, salt, Ac., was captored on the 24th ofJuligby the United States steamer Adirondack. The EmnPlrriYed off (he navy yard on fcaturday momioggJMr captain and crew are on board of the AdiitmdaoigpgHroßS. The Washington Hose Compant. — This company, on Saturday afternoon, placed over their hose house a magnificent and patriotic design. It Is carved ont of solid wood, with a medallion likeness of Washington In the centre, surrounded with flags and emblems of war. Payment of Interest.—The pay ment of the interest on tbe State debt commenced on Friday, at the Fanners’ and Mechanics’ Bank. The percentage allowed the holders of the bonds is 12!*, tons being‘~tbe mean rate between gold, silver, and paper. A Bodt Returned—The remains of Jobs H Aiks, of the 90 th Regiment, P. Y., who died at Alexandria, Ya , will be brought to this city for inter ment. Mr. Ailes served in Captain H. B. Yeager’s com pany, in the Scott Legion Regiment, in the threePmonths service. ' Disorderly House Wm. H. Stokes, charged with keeping a disorderly house at Seventh aud South streets, has been committed by Alderman White. Eight perrons, who were found in the house, were com mitted for disorderly conduct P Vegetables Needed.—Onr army Is greatly in need of vegetables, and any donations of ibis kind sent to the proper organizations win at once be for warded. Onisna particularly are needed. A Boy Kicked.—On Saturday morn ing, aboy, named Charles Warden, waakieked by a horse, oaf the Jrrankford road, above Cumberland Mrcet# and severely injured. ’ Lease OF ABallroad. !Hie Millville e*d Oiasstoro’ Railroad Company, in toe lower part of New Jersey, propose to lease their road for one or mors year*» - - - ■ The Census.—The population of Cam den, N. J., from the census just taken, is shown to be 14.858. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. BAM. W. DE COUBSEY, 1 JAMES O HAND, , > OoHURaa op m Bom. J. B. LIPPINOOTT, • ) LETTER BAGS At tkt JStnhmW Ettdumgt, Philadelphia. Ship Westmoreland, Decan Liverpool, aoon Bhip Zered, McGon.glo Londonderry, aoon Ship Argo, 8a11ard.....................Liverp001, soon Bark Ozartaa, Treat. Montevideo and B Ayres, soon Berk American Union, Tibbetts Cork, soon s«k Sea Eagle, Howes, Port of Spain, Trio, soon Brig Elia Bead, Jarman Havana, soon FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 4, 1869. BEN 81885.... .8 2-SUN BETH T 10 high water n Sobr Bird, Duffel], 1 day from Lewes, Del, with wheat to Jae L Bewley * Co.v Bchr 8 Washburn, Thrasher, from Taunton. Scbr D SMerahon, Hand, from For frees Monroe. Scbr Saco, Wescott, from Lynn, Bchr It J Mercer, Robinson, from Norfolk. Bchr A Heaton, Byan, from Providence. Bchr Wave, Merritt, from New Yojto. |cbr J L Hsrned. Holmes, from Pawtucket. Landtag 6 * 0 * 8 ® Washington, Steelman, from Harrison’s iwmJS??!?®*! AlJama ' from Camden. witalX Syrg&uZS*' ** bom * XaA > md ß « to W M B"aliToo 24h0n ” ,h, “ H ° W Totk ’ Wl * h _ . OUBABIB ici? JW o ° <irßff ' Port o Bico, John Maaon AC?® M 0 MaTTta ‘ r < Marriner, Portland, D g Sotren Bchr 8 W»ahburo, Tbro«bar, Taunton, j s Scfir Saco, Lyzm» do*** 7 ' Bchr J L Barneti, Holmes, L Audemiad Bchr Geo.WsehizjgtoivßteclmaS} Boxbnry, * do Scbr Saratoga, Adams, Kortrcas tfosxoe, Tyler, stou* A GO. ... ”,;* ,~i vj'/i','; ' _;’Vr _ Bchr D S Meaahon, Afleu, Boston, G A H?ckscher A Co. HAMMS INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED. Wellington® Someri ’' Oastney, Stiokney A Scbr B J Mercer, Robinson, Boston do bcb l y SL e :, Me " ltt - B'Jifoa- K R 3»w r.r * 00. a tor" Jr 0 “ borlnlll > Brought™, Washington, T Web- * (Correspondence of the Press.) HAVE* BE OBAOB. Ang 1. ins steamer Wyoming lett here this morning, with 6 Do * t ® * n tow, laden and consigned as follows: E Bnffield* lumber to Norcross A Sheets; Ii droold and Matzine, do to Adams ft Co: Prospero,coat, and Hannah Fio<d, bituminous coal to Delaware City: Wm Forsyth, anthracite coal to order in Philadelphia or Delaware City. MEMORANDA. Steamship Marlon, Fbiliipß, cleared at Sew York 2d lost for New Orleans Ship Santiago, Hamson, cleared at New York 2d fiat for Melbourne. Bark St Marys, Pendleton, at New York 2d tost. from New Orleans. Bark Mablon Williamson, Tbomp3on, cleared at New Orleans 21st ult. for New York Brig Thomas Walter, Hewitt, hence for St Barts, was spokes 13tb nit, lat 27 10, long 63 01. Brig J Davis, Staples, hence, arrived at Boston Ist last Brig Viator, Toastie, from Providence for Philadelphia, went to sea from the West Bay, Newport, 81st lilt. Brig Daniel Boone, Seger, hence, arrived at Boston Ist instant. Brig Forest, Sawyer, hence, arrived at Portsmouth 31st nit. Brig* Samuel Hall- Haskell, sailed from New Bedford Ist inst. for Philadelphia. Bcbrs Wm Wallace, Scull, Samuel B Sharp, fflayhsw, John B Mather, Nickerson, and Adelaide, Hatch, hence, arrived at Boston Ist inst. Scbr B L Tay, Osin, cleared at Boston Ist inst. for Philadelphia. Scbr J S Wheldin, Wetmore, hence, arrived at Bristol Ist lost tDSt. Bchrs Woodruff Sims, Mason, and JeoSatierthwaUe, Maloy, hence, arrived at Portsmouth 80th ult. , Bchr John Compton, Yates, hence, arrived at New,Bed ford Ist, „ _ Bchrs Xben Sawyer, Ti acy, E O Dennison, Southworto, and Buth Halsey, Penny, sailed from New Bedford Ist inst. for Philadelphia. , _ __ ~ Bchr J O Buayon, Mathis, hence, arrived at Marble head 80itb Ult. . - _ , Scbr Bichard Daw, York, hence for Salem, at Glouce ster 28ih ult. : gchrs Gazelle, Hoffman, and -W "B Batcbie, Treathy, hence, arrived at Gloucester 28vh ult. Bchr Henry Laurens, Johnson, hence, arrived at Salem 31st ult Schrs W H Mitchell, Sprague, and Benj English, Ha thaway, cleared at New York Istinßt. for Philadelphia. Serbs B B Bascomb, Williams, aid Excelsior, Riley, hence, arrived at Boston Ist Inßt. Scbr B M. French, Stiles, for Philadelphia,, and Yanda lil,SmalL for do or New York, sailed from Bristol 3lstult. Schrs J P Bent, Reynolds, Ann S Brown, Brown, and Martha Collins, Bboards, sailed from Providence Slat ult. for Philadelphia. ; Scbr Tbos F Cooper, Taylor, sailed from Baker’s Land ing 3lBtnlt. for Philadelphia. Schr Mary Price, Blizzard, cleared at New York 2d init. for Wilmington, DeL Steamers C jgtfet, Jones, and H Burden, Loper, hence, arrived at'New York 2d Inst. FOR SALE AND TO LET* m TO EXCHANGE—Fine FARM, -*-Dituate on the banks of the Delaware'river, con taining 217 acres, of excellent land, 22 mites above the city; railroad station on the place; witbin half mile of steamboat landing; excellent improvements,' &c- Also, a. valuable Farm in Chester county valley, 73 acres. Another near Darby, eight miles from the city, 75 acres. Apply to E. PETTIT, jj26 „ No. SOS WALNUT Street. gH FOB SAL E—Large Delaware HfABM, containing 622 acres, 400 under a first-rate state of cultivation, the balance good timber land; situ ate west of Harrington Station, Delaware Railroad. Large brick Man ion, large and commodious Barn, Car riage Hon*e, and many other out-buildings. Lawn, con taining six acres, fruits, Ac. For further particulars, apply to E PECTIT, jy26 No. 309 WALNUT Street TO LlT—Dwelling No. 24 South HI SEVENTEENTH Street Apply to WETHERILL & BBOTHER, ’ No. 47 North SECOND Street. m FOR BALE—COTTAGE, AT ■si GERMANTOWN —A now Cottage on MANHEIM Street, with all the conveniences of a first-class oily red deuce; good lot; terms easy. Also, a Neat Cottage at Chestnut Hill, near the Rail road Depot; very cheap. Also, a great variety of City Properties. B. F, GLENN, 123 South FOURTH street, and jy2l 8. W. cor. SEYENTBEgTH and GBSEN. TO RENT, WITH OR WITHOUT nia-EUBNZTUBE, several neat Country Places, with a few acres of ground, convenient to railroad stations near the city. A»ly to B. PETTIT; je3o . . No. 309 WALNUT Street. fBL FOR SALE ‘‘CHEAP,” 3E« CHEAP.”—Perry County FARM, containing 133 acre., 28 woodland, the balance under a high state of cnltfratiohfirst-rate fencing, nicely watered, excellent improvemests, 18 miles from Harrisburg, Price only 86,600.' Terms easy. Also, a BRUIT PASH, near Dover, State of Dela ware, 107 acres. Price only 86,600. Apply to E. PETTIT, . jtSO No. 309 WALNUT street mo RENT—FACTORY ON WIL JL LOW Street—on tbe first of September next.—No. 124 and 126 W®k>w street, south side, west of Front street, east of New. Market street; 40 feet by about 50 feet; three stories, and cellar under the whole: well lighted ; a slate roef; drain from cellar into Wiliow stxeet culvert Has been used several yean as a whale bone factory. Apply to JAMES S. MASON St GO., jy23-I2t* 138 and 140 North FRONT Street 4* TO LET—The eligible STORE ■Slaßd FIXTUEES, 432 CHESTHUT Street, next to new post office BEMOTAL. The GOT and FIBHING TACKLE Store will be re moved to 415 CHESTNUT Street, BEPTBMBEB let. Inquire of PHILIP WILSON A 00 , jj2B-tf 433 OHESTNOT Street. A FOB SALE—Delaware-county Farm, containing 96 acres of first-rate land) situ ate .near Marcus Hooky Philadelphia and Wilmington Railroad. Large end substantial atone improvement!, nicely watered, good fruitaj &c. JPrice $9,000. Also, a fine Fruit Farm in the State of Delaware, near Boyar, 184 acres, immediate possession. Price only $7,000. Apply to E. PETTIT, jes6-tf Ho. 309 WAIiKUT Street m TO RENT—A THREE-STORY Ki bBICK JXW JBIiLING, on BACH Street* one door above Twelfth, north side. Bent low to a good tenant. Apply to WETHEBILL & BBOTHEB, Jel2 - 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. m TO RENT—A THREE-STORY BbIIIX DWELLING, on PINE Btreet, neer Seventeenth, north side. Aptly to WETHERILL A BROTHER, |e!2 47 eni 49 North SECOND Street. A FOB SALE OB TO LET—Fow B. Houses, on toe west ride of BROAD Street, below Golumbla avenue. Apply, at the southwest comer ol NINTH and-SANSOM Streets. mh96-ti ga FOB SALE—A first-rate Mont ■JlT gomery-couuty Farm, containing 89 acres, with large and substantial stone improvements, on the Ridge Turnpike, new Norristown. Price only §95 per acre. Apply to Be PETTIT, je26 if Ho.-SOS WALNUT Street. mo DXSTXJxLERS. -I- The DISTILLERY known Mth. “ FHCENIX” and formerly owned and occupied by SAHL. SMYTH, Esq., sttnated on TWENTY-THIRD, between BAGS end VINE Streets, Philadelphia, Oapadty M 0 bnaheU per day, hi now offered, for sale on reasonable and accom modating terms. Is in good running erder, and has aS the modem Improvements An Artesian well on the pra tntaee tarnishes acunfadiug supply of gcod, pure water. Addrces Z. LOOKS A 00., No, 1010 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. faM-dtf EITOCATPONAI,. rtOLLKGIATB INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, 1530 Arch street, Rev. A. Smith, D. D., principal.: The eighth pear .wilt begin September 15th, Aidrese Post-office Box 1839. atil-lm# . PENNSYLVANIA MIL ITA B Y ACADEMY, at West Cheater, (for boarders only). This Academy will be opened on THURSDAY, Sep tember 4th, 2862. In its capacious buildings are ar rangements of the highest order for the comfortable quar tering and subsisting one hundred and fifty cadets, y. -.A corps of competent and experienced teachers will give their undivided attention to tbe educational depart ment, and aim to make their instruction thorough and practical— The department of studies embraces the fol lowing courses; Primary, Gommercia), and Scientific, Collegiate and Military. The moral training of cadets will be carefully attended to. For circular*, apply to James H. Orne, Efq., No. 626 Chestnut street, or at the book stand of Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, or to aul-40t Col. THEO. HYATT, President P; M. A. P« S.—lt was advertised that this Academy would be opened In April last, but a sudden and severe sickness with which the subscriber was visited compelled a post ponement of the enterprise. By the blessing of God he has been restored to health and fitness for active duties. If any applfcaitons for circulars or for information con cerning the Academy were unanswered, the neglect is ascribable to that sickness. -anl-6t THEO- HYATT TTILLAGE- GBEEN SEM3NABY- V ; A select BOARDING SCHOOL, near MEDIA, Pennsylvania. Thorough course In Mathematics, Clas sics, English Studies, Ac. Book-keeping and Civil En gineering taught. Exercises in Military Tactics. Seventh yearbegics September Ist. Boarding,per week ~,,....82 26 Tuition, per Quarter......... .. ........... 6.00 For information, address Bev. J. HERVEY BARTON, A. M., jy 28.9 m VILLAGE, GREEN, Petra**. TtyfADAME CLEMENT’S FBENOH i-TLL BOARDING 50H00L FOR YOUNG LADIES, GERMANTOWN, Fa The Eleventh Session will open on WEDNESDAY* September 10th, 1862. For particulars, please apply to the Principal, West WALNUT Lane, Germantown, Pa. jy23-wfra6tAW Bbistol boarding school for Girls will open its Fail seetion on Sec:nd day, Ninth mo., Ist. References.: James Mott, Philadelphia; Aime Churchman, 908 Franklin street, Pbiladelpbia t .O. N. Peirce, 601 North Seventh street, Philadelphia; Henry W. Bidgway, Crosswicks, New Jersey: David J GriScom, Woodbury. New Jersey. For circulars, apply to RUTH ANNA FEIROE, Principal, Bristol, Pa. j;23-2m* Mb. winthbop tappan’S Boarding and Day Bchool for Young Ladies, Ho. 1816 SPBUOE Street, wifi reopen on WEDNESDAY, September ITtb. - jyl9-8m TTOLMEBBHBG SEMENABY FOB '.Mi JL YOUNG LADIES, located on the Bristol Turn pike, 8 miles from Philadelphia and 2 from Tacony. Tbe first term of the ecbolastic year begins the first DAY in September; second term the Ist day of Feb ruary. A circular, containing terms, references, Ac., can bt obtained by application to the t - . > > jyl4-am* T Misses CHAPMAN, Principals. FRANK. PAJLMERj Snrgeon Artist to toe GovarmnentlnsHtotions, Wash ington. Also, to all of toe Medical OoUagee and Hos pitalSe Tins "PALMER LIMBS,” adopted by toe Amy and Navy Burgeons. Pamphlets sent gratis. Address, . b. .frank, palmer, jya-flm . , No. 16W CHESTNUT Street, Philad’a. BAY BUM—I 9 casks very supenor, just received. For .ale by ■; OHAB. K OARSTAIBS, jyia Ufi WALNUT and gl GRANITE Streeta. Bay bum.—an invoice of very superior BAY RUM, in quartet casks, inst received and for aaleby OHAS. S. OARSTAIBS, jyil 138 WALNUT and ML OBANITB Streets, OLIVE: OlL*—An inyoioe of “ Oai> staira”’ pnre OUve On jnzt reoeived per Ocean ftfamw For sate Inr' OHABLRS B. OARSTAIBS,' jy* No.llB WALNUT and 31GRANITR »a. fTIASTILE SOAP.—Warranted Pure Husefflwßraginttffl»>nl for ad4<bT BHODIB ft WHiIiIAMBt WT Bwth¥AT*S THE PBESS.—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1862. fSSraPjjgjgjg; WEST CHESTER TRAINS, via th« PENNSYLVANIA BMLBOAD. LBAVS TBS DXPOT, Corner BLEYENTH and MABKBT Streets, First Train ,t .7.15 A. M. Second Train at..,.8.45 A. M. Third Train at 12.00 Noon. Fourth Train at....... 4 00*P. M. Fifth Train at P. M. i.BAVB WRST CHESTER, ’ At 6.25, 7.45, and 10.56 A. M , 3.10 and 4.15 P. M. OK SUNDAY. Leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A. U., and Weat Chester at 4 P. M. Freight delivered at the Freight Station, corner MAR KET and JDNIPKB, before 11.30 A. M., will be de livered st Weat Cheater at 2 P. M. For ticheta and further information, apply to JAMBS OOWBBN, Passenger Agent. LEWIS L. HUUPT, General Freight Agent. jv2l-tf mas PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL _L BAILBOAD. TH* GREAT DOUBLE TRACK BOUT*. 1862. TH* CAPACITY OF TH* BOAD IS HOW BQUAL TO ANY IN TH* OOUNTBY. TH* OBBAT SHOBT LIN* TO TH* WEST. FaciliSes for the transportation of passengers to and from Fittsbnrg, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Loots, St. Pad, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all other towns hi the West, Northwest, and Southwest, an nnanrpuMd for speed and oomfort by any other route. and amoUng cars oh alltfae trains. TH* HXPRXSS BUNS DAILY: Msll and Fast Line Sundays excepted, Mail Traih leavee Philadelphia at... 7.15 A. M. Fast Ltoy “ .. ............11.80 A. M. . “ ....10.80P.M. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves PMI&. at.. *BO P. M. “ *•« .. 4.00 P.M. Weat Chester Accommo’n No. 1 “ u ~8.45 A. M _ “ No. 2“ « ..12.00 noon. Parkesbnrg « « <1 .. g4sp. jl West Chester passengers will take the trains leaving at T. 15 and 8 46 A. M., 12 noon, and at 4 and 5,45 F. M. Passengers for Snnbnry, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo. Niagara Falla, Ac., leaving Philadelphia at 7.16 A. M. and 10.30 p. M., go direotlr through. For farther information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, 8. B. comer of BLEYBNTH and MARKET Streets. By this ronte freights of ail descriptions oan be for warded to and from any point on the Ballioads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, HUnoia, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct , or to any port on the nayiss ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point In the West by the Pennsylvania Bailroad, ana at ail times, as fa vorable as are charged byotherßailroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can roly with oonhdenos on Its speedy transit. For freight oontracts or shipping directions apply to <* address the Agents of the Company. S. B. KINGSTON, Ja„ Philadelphia. D. A. STBWABT, Ffttsbnri. BTiAUif|i k Oo.j Chicago, LNZCH & 00., No. 1 Astor House, or Ho. I Booth William street, New York. LEECH A CO., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. MAGRAW A KOONB, No. 80 North street, Balttmort- H. H. HOUSTON, QenT Freight Agent, Phils. ' L. I. HOUPT, CenT Ticket Agent, Phils. ENOCH LEWIS. Qen’l Bnn’t, Altoona. Jyl-tf 1862. 1862. ABBAHaKMBNTS OF NSW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.’S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TON*W YOBK AND WAY PLACES. WO * W4^S?i B I?"LS HA * F *■» “WfflKWOa MPOt. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—TIE: si— At 6 A. M., vis Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ac commodation.* * At CA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) Accommodation. 2 SS At 8 A. M., via Kensington wad Jersey Oily, Morning Mall g 00 At 11 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Western Express 8 00 At 12Jt P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aoogmmo dation.... 3 25 At 2 F. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ex- press. 00 At 4P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening . Express. gg At 4 P. M., via Oamden and Jersey City, 2d Glass Ticket..,....,.. 1 It At 0# F. M., via Kemringtoa and Jersey City, Evening Mail. g gg At 11* P. M.,via;Omnden and Jersey City. South ern Mail. 8 00 At 6P. M«, yla Oamden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lat Class Ticket.. 116 „ „ do- 2d Class d 0.... 160 The 11* P. Ms Boathera Mail runs daily: a& others Bnsdays excepted. ' For Water Gap, Btrondsbnrg, Scranton, Wllkesbarrs, Montrose, Great Bend, Binghampton, Syracuse, Ac., at 0 A. M, from Walnut-street Wharf, via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Bailroad For Manch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Beividere, Xaston, Lambertville, Fiemington, Ac., at BA. M and 4P. M., from Walnut-street Wharf; (the 0 A. M. Line connects with train leaving Easton for Manch Chunk at 8.20 P.M.) For Mount Holly, at 6 A. M., 2 and 4 P. K. For Freehold, at 6 A. SL. and 2 P. H. WAY LIKES. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 8 and II A. M., 6 and 6AO F. M. from Kensington, and 2X P- M. from Walnut street wharf. For Bristol, and Intermediate stations, at njf A. M. from Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Biverton, Delanco, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, Ac., at 10 A. M. and tfjf, 4,6, ei and 0.80 P. «. n ” ’ Steamboat TBBNTOET for Bordentown and interme diate stations at 2# P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. Vot Hew York, and Way.lilnes ieavins: Kenshtf ton Depot, take the cars on YifUi above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from toe Depot. Slfty Founds of Baggage only allowed eaehßagsenger. F&ssesgera are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing appareL All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not' be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. feB-4f WM.H.GAT2MXB, Agent. DINES FBOM HEW YOBK FOB PHILADELPHIA WILL LEAVE, FROM FOOT OF OQETLAND STRKST, At 10 A# M., 12 .Ms, and 6 P.M. via Jersey City and Camden, At 7A< IL, and 4 and 11P. M. via Jersey City and Kensington. From foot of Barclay street at 6* A. M. and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. From Pier Ho. 1 North river, at 1 and 6 P. K. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. je£M£ BgjMoafß PHILADELPHIA, mri »« ' AeggPGERMANTOWN, AND NOR RISTOWN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. On end after Monday, May 26th, 1862, nntil farther notice. Leave PhiladelpMa, 6, T, 8, 0,10,11, 12, Ai M.,1, 2, 116, 4,6, SX, 6,7, 8,9 X, 10X, HX.P.H. Leave Germantown, 6, 7,7.35, 8,82, OX, 10)6, 11X, A. M., 1,2, 8,4,6, 6, .7, 8, 9,10.10, U, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. M., 3,3, 5, 7#, 10#, leave Germantown, 8.10 A. H., 1,4, 6#, 9#, P, M. CHESTNUT Hill RAILROAD. leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, 11, A M., 3,4, 6,0, 8, 10#, P. M, ■ ... leave Choetnnt Hill, 7.10, 7.35, 9.10, 11.10, A. M., 1.40, 8.40, 6.40, 6.40, 7.40,9.50, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. M., 3, 5,7#, P. M. leave Chestnut HiU, 7.50 A, 11, 13.40, 0.10, 9.10, P. M. ’ YOB CONSHOHOCKBN AND NOBBISTOWN. leave Philadelphia, 8,9.05,1195, A. H., I#, 3,4#, 8.10,8.06,11#, P. M. . * leave Norristown, 6,7, 7.50, 9,11, A. BL, I#, 4#, 6#, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M , 3#, 4#, P. M. leave Norristown, 7 A. M„ 1,6, P. M. FOB MANAYUNK. leave Philadelphia, 6,9,11.05, A. M., I#, 3,4#, 810, 8.05,11#, P. M. . leave Manaynnk, B#, 7#, 8.30, 9#, 11#, A. H., 3, 5,7, P. E. ON SUNDAYS. leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 2#, 4#, 8, P. M. leave Manaynnk, 7# A. M., I#, 6#, 9,P. M. ■ H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent. Depot NINTH and GREEN Street*. , B5«o«i NORTH PBHNBTL. .■rWHWS3HE?73BB» yania bauboas. . POE BETHLEHEM, DOYLEBTOWN, H A UO H CHUNK, HAZLKTGN, EASTON, WHKES BABBE, Ac. SPRING ABBANOKMENT. THESE THBOUQH TRAINS. On- and alter MONDAY, HAY 6, 1883. Passen ger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, daHy, (Snndays excepted,) as follows: _At 8.40 A. H., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Btncb Chunk, Hasdeton, Wilkesbarre, Ao. At 3.45 P. M., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Easton, AO. This train reaches Easton at BP. M.,~nnd make* a sjoss oonnecHcn with the Now Jersey Central for H«w York. At 6.04 p. H., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Hanoh ffirnnk, do, _ At 9A. Me and 4P. M. t for itoyleatowii* At 6 P. M-, for Tort Washington. The 8.40 A. M. Express Train make* doee connection Kith the lehigh Valley Balkoad at Bethlehem, bahw th* shorteet and most desirable rents to all points In tbe lehigh coal region. TBAXNS YOB PHILADELPHIA. Daava Bethlehem at 5.40 A. M., 9.18 A. M., and 6.8* Y.H.. Leave Doyleotown at 7.26 A, M. and a.*) F. M. leave Port Washington at ABO A. M. ON SUNDAYS—Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 7.44 Philadelphia for Doyleetown at 3.45 P.M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 8.30 A. M. .Bethlehem for Philadeiphia at 6 P. M. Ear* to Betblehem....M.6ol Yarn to Manoh Ohmalc.t3.SO Fare to Easton...... 1.60 I W11ke5bare........... ijfo Through Tickets most be procured at theTlckat Office*, at WHIOW Street, at BERKS Stmt, in order Is asotue the above ratea of fios. AH Passenger Trains (except San&ay Trains) ssnssri ai Berks streoiwith the Fifth and Bixth streets, and Be eend and Third-streets Paseangsr Bailroads, twenty ml antes after leaving Wflkiw street. myS nr.amr, Agent., Shmb PHILADELPHIA AND EIMIBA B. B. 11NE. I8«A SUMMER. ARRANGEMENT. 1803 For WHIIAMBPOBT. t 808 ANTON. ET.MTTt* all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leave Depot of PhOa. and Beading B. 8., cor. Broad and Oal lowbiH streets, at 8 A. M,, and 3.14 P. U. daily, except Sundays. QUICKEST BOUTE from Philadelphia to points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, Ao., Ac. Baggage checked thronih to Bnfirio, Niagara Falls, or intonnediate points. Through Express Freight Train for all points above, leaves dally at 8 P. M. For farther information apply to .' JOHN S. HtllEß, Oenera! Agent THXBTEENTH and OALLOWHILL, and N. W. oor. . SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. i»3l-« JSIMM WEST CHESTER fcV W 3WT-W-ANP PHILADET.PHT a RaTT BO AD. * 1L YIA MEDIA. ’ SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On ana after MONDAY, Jnne 9th, 1883, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA from tbs depot, N. I. oor nsr of EIGHTEENTH, and MABKBT Streets, at 7.46 and 10.30 A. M., and -430, anil? P.M:, and on Toes days and Fridays at 9.14 P. Hi. and will leave West Philadelphia, from- THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets, 17 minntes aftarthe starting time from Sirit eenth and Market streets. •A ON SUNDAYS, - ■ Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A M., and 2 P. M. lieave WEST OHKSTERat 8 A. M., and 5.00 P. M. Thetraina leaving Philadelphia at 7.44 A. M., and 480 P. BfJ, Penneiton with trains on fhe-Phl ladelphia and Baltimore Central Ballroad for Concord, Emmett, Oxford, Ac; - HENBY WOOD, )e9-tf Snperlntendent Shk reopening of ■■SHE THE BAIiTIMOBE AND OHIO'' BAHIBOAB.—This road, being frilly BHPAXRSD and effectnally GUABDED, is new open, for the trana portatlon of passengers andfrebdit to all points in the GBSAT WEST, Fw thiongh tickets and all other in formation apply at the Company’s OSes, comer 2BOAD Street tad WASHINGTON Avenue., <■ YEUTON, , apB-tf President P. W. and B. B. B. Oor rfW “THOMSON’S LONDON £5l E3TCHBNEB We ere now ma&nGwtarbw TO "THOMSONS' DONDON KITOHENBJt” or EUBOPXAN BASSE, suitable fox large and maa UaSHea, hotels, hoßjdtals, and other public insHtnUona, in gr eat variety. Also, Portable Bangea, the “ Phflade? *M» Bange,” Sag Ovens, Bath BoOera, and Oast-irbn SjMU, together with a great variety of MB and large. Meed Hotaatx Yamaeea, PorteUe Haaten; Yire-boald '•Store*, Orates, Ao. • ' • . Wholesale aedßetaQ bnur’at onr Warerooma.-' ; HOBm CHASE, A-NOBTH, • No. ’304 NorSk SECOND Street, )et-fet four door* abova Baoa utraet. RAILROAD LINES. Mflßl 111 W |.lli §JUm FOB GERMANTOWN. medicinal. g T> 186 Q X- S.-T.-1860-X. S.-T.-1860-X. S.—T.—lB6o—X. S-T.-1860-X. Bet cur possessions be wb at they may—marble palaoee, broad lands, tDaguificent plate, or caskets of precious stoDes—tbey all sink in the balance ae against Heaven’s great boon, health, and they cannot be enjoyed without it The language of Nature attests that whoever would enjoy the pleasures ef food, the beauties of Bowers and land scapes. tbejoFS of companionship, the richness of litera ture, or the honors of station and resown, must preserve their health. luxurious living, irregularity of meats, end a disordered appetite, will graduatty lay the fourth daiiim for disease . How many ladies andpentUmen eat ana drink disease at late suppers , and arise in the f naming with headache , loss of appetite, feeling lan» euid, unrefreshed, feverish, low-spirited, ueak and in capacitated to perform any mental or physical duty, and Cream not this is the beginning of that horrid disease , . DYSPEPSIA, DYBPBPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, Which assumes a thousand shapes, and points towards a miserable life and premature decay. The Medical Faculty has exhausted its research for generations in creating appetizers and overcoming sto machic derangements Certain ingredients were well established as possessing beneficial Qualities. Among them are __ OAIfISAYA BABK AND ST. TOOIX BTJ«. GADIBAYA BABK AND BT. CBOIX BtTM. CALIBAYA BABK AND ST. OBOIX BUM. But still components were wanting, and regularity could not be obtained. An invalid Physician, aojoormng In the tropical island of SL Oroix, observed the habitant the natives* and gathered from them the receipt tor the final accomplishment of this most ’ important end. Its component pent, largely incorporated in the vegetable diet; of tost island, produced effects without a proper knowledge of the cause. The article was first made as ft private medicine Its effects were bo salutary that it la now being produced and consumed in immense quantities, under the name of DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, DRAKE’S PLANTATION BITTERS, DRAKE’S PLANTATION BITTERS, OLD HOMESTEAD TONIC. OLD HOMESTEAD TONIC. The medicinal qualities of theseßittershas&ud is ac quiring for them a reputation which no other Tonlo Bit ter in the United Stales or the world has yet attained, and, from the active ingredients (several of them never before employed in similar preparations) which enter into their ooroposition, will continue to retain an ascendancy which has been 10 liberally and so justly conferred upon them;. Such are their rare and peculiar properties that, while they operate as an active and efficient medicine, they possess the properties of an,agreeable and delightful beverage, and are drily sought after drank by all classes of people. The sale of these Bitters was at first confined to our extreme Southern Cities, but thay are now becoming well known at tbe North, and throughout the world, and are recommetded, with the most un bounded confidence, for all complaints originating from a DISQBGANIZED OB DISEASED BTOMAOH, DIBOBGANIZED OB DISEASED BTOMAOH-, Such as Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Affections, Intermittent Fever, Sour Stomach, Headache, Fever and Ague* Ac., Ac. . ...... AS A MOBNIN& APPETIZER, AS A MOBNING APPETIZER, AND AFTER-DINNER TONIO, AFXEB-DINNEB TONIC, They are he!d in high estimation, and should be found upon THE SIDEBOARD THE SIDEBOARD OF EVERY FAMILY. OF EVE BY FA MI BY. s[From ike Richmond Whig, April 16.] The Charleston Courier makes jo timely suggestion when it says the Tomato riiould receive particular atten tion from our fanners. Its extensive cultivation is ne cessary for th© preservation of the health of our soldiers. The Tomato seems to have a direct and peculiar action on the liver, producing all the beneficial effects of mer curial preparations without any of the Injurious. It is g&id that the great success of the celebrated Plantation Bitters of Dr. Drake, which, previous to the present un happy condition of our country, was to be found upon the sideboard of thousands of Southern families, was owing to. its principal ingredient being toe active princi ple of this plant. In confirmation of its value, we have heard one of our most distinguished physicians remark that when he felt unwell in tbe spring of the year, or during the warm months of summer and fall, he knew that it arose from the torper of his liver, and he inva riably relieved himself by partaking freely of these Bit ters at has meals. We trust that our troops will be sup plied with the above Bitters, if they can he procured, or if sot, let them have an abundant supply of the Tomato, as it is both hygienio and nourishing. •* S—T-186G-X. S—T—lB6o—X. S-T-1860-X. That you may be your own judge of the efficacy of the?e Bitters, we submit a partial formula of the articles of which they arocompoaed: ST. OBOIX BUM. ST. OBOIX RUM. ST. OROIX RUM. The -tonic properties of pure St. Croix Bum ‘are well known, and it has long been recommend ed by Physicians. It it distilled from the Sugar Cane Plant, and that we use is selected with great care from the estates of a few planters in the interior of that island. CADIS AY A, OB KISS’S BABK, CAIiIBAYA, OB KI&G’S BABK, —T— CAIiISAYA, OR KING’S BABK, —lB OALISAYA, ©B KING’S BABK, —GO— OALISAYA, OB KING’S BABK, —X— ' Was unknown to cmlfcation until the middle of the Se venteenth century. The natives of Pem are generally supposed to have long previously been acquainted with its most wonderfnl qualities. Humboldt makes favora ble mention of the febrifuge qualities of this article as an antidote to Fever and Ague, Intermittent and Malarious Fevers, in hit extensive South American travels. . The Countess, wife of the Viceroy of Peru, having in her own person.experienced the beneficial effect of the bark, is said, on her 'return to Spain, in the year 1640, to have first introduced this remedy into Europe. After its Introduction it was distributed and sold by the Jesuits, who are said to have obtained for it the enormous sum of its weight in silver From this circumstance it was called the Jesuit Powdbb, a title which it reiained for many years. In 1658, we are told that an Englishman, by the name of Sir John Talbot, employed it with great suc cess in France, in the treatment of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia. Nervous Affections, Loss of Appetite, Weak- - nets and Debility, Palpitation iff the Heart, Diarrhoea, Ac., Ac., under the name.of English powder. At length, in the year 1679, be sold the secret of its origin and pre paration to Louis XIV., by whom it was divulged. It is now a standard remedy, and is employed in the prepara tion of the Plantation Bitters. {Sea V, S. Medical Pig-v pensatory.) OASOABXLLA BAEK OASCABILLA BAKK CASOABILLA BABE Is another Important ingredient. It was known in Ger many as early as 1790, and much used as a substitute for Psbuviak Sybcp. It is employed as a gentle stimulant and tonic in Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarrhoea, Colic, Dysen tery, and diseases of tin stomach and bowels. DANDELION DANDELION DANDELION DANDELION Is used for Inflammation of the Liver and Spleen ;Hn cases of hilory secretions and dropsical affections de pendent upon obstructions iff the abdominal viscera, and derangements of the digestive organa generally, CHAMOMILE FLOWEBB CHAMOMILE FLO WEBS Are used for enfeebled digestion and want of appetite. WINTBBGBEEN . WINTEBGBBBN . * WINTEBGBBBN Is a medicinal plant very great efficiency, and is espe cially valuable in Scrofula, Bliouthaiism, and Nephritic Affections* liAYXNDSB FLOW BBS, LAVENDER FLOWERS* LAVENDER FLOWERS, LAVENDER FLOWERS, Ah aromatic stimulant and tonic highly invigorating in nervous debility, generous to the palate and stomach, just the thing for weak and delicate females. • S—T—lB6o—X Is another Ingredient, of remarkable and wonderful vir tues, used in the preparation of these Bitters. It is a native of Brazil, and, as yetvuaknown to the commerce of the world. A Spanish writer says: Administered with Bt. Croix Sum, it never fails to relieve Headache, Langittdness, Her votts Tremori Disturbed Sleep, <£&, and that it is used with great effect by the Brazilian, Spanish, and Peruvian ladies to heighten their color and beauty. It imparts cheerfulness to the disposition and brilliancy to the complexion. . We withhold its name from the public for the present. . ' S—T— lB6o— X . DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. •, , They cseateAhealthy appetite. - - They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the imlndi • . - They prevent miaamaUc and intermittent fevers. . They purify the breath and acidity of tbb stomach. They core Dyspepsia and Constipation.'' They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbca. They core Liver Oomplaint and Nervotis Headache. They are the best Bitters in the world. They maketbe weak man HtrODg, and are exhausted natnre’s great re storer. They are made of pure St. Oroix Bnm, the oele brated Callsay a Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time ef day. ParHcularirrecvmmended to delicate per sons requiring a gentls stimulant. DRAKE’S PLANTATION BITTBBS, PEAKE’S PLANTATION BITTEBS, OB OB OLD HOMESTEAD TONIC,- Are put up in Patenfc bottlea, representing a Swiss cot* tags* and an om&ment to the - - SIDEBOARD.—- SEA SICKNESS. SEA BICKNEBB. Travellers by railroad, or msoa the inland rivers, when the great change of water is such a prolific cause of in cipient disease, like Bilious, Intermittent Ague and Ohm Fevers* Bilious, Intermittent Ague and OhQl Fevers, Bilious, Intermittent Ague and Ohill Fevers, Hay feel a certain reliance if they PROTECT THEMSELVES PROTECT THBHSELYBS 'PLANTATION BITTEBS. PLANTATION BITTEBS. It la the intention of the Proprietors to sustain the reputation of these Bitters upon their merits. Every ingredient is warranted as stated. Be cartful that every bottle bears the fac-tfndle tfgna- the proprietors, P- H. DRAKE & 00.. NEW YORK. DRAKE’S PLANTATION BITTERS Are sold by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY, A OOWDEN, Ho. 38 North SIXTH Street. J. H. EATON, Ho. 25 South EIGHTH Streak DYOTT A CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street. 'And Ml the prindpel Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Bastanranta in Philadelphia. P, H. DKAKE & CO., p.hldXkb jrT-mttist Ho. aoi Bntfirer, Sew Tort, MEDICINAL. Read the following : The opinions of medical mr-n, after having boss instructed by Prof. BOLLBS, 1220 WALtfUT Street, Philadelphia, in the application of Electricity as a thera peutic agent. Extracts of letters from medical men, after haying tolly tested tbe discovery of Prof BOGLES: W. R. WELLS, M. D , Buffalo, N. Y., after Sr year*® practice, writes to Prof. B. as follows: X think my faith folly comprehends the fact that Elec tricity, correctly applied, according to your discovery, is abundantly competent to core all curable diseases. Sfy experience and success, alter extensive practice, taHy warrant this uraertion. Were I»f ok with a fatal diaewe, I would far Boonsr trout mj life in the bawlsof astdlful Electrician than all the “ ”on earth Iwffldea . Buffalo, H. Y. W. B. WBM.S, M. X). p. MCCARTHY, H. D. : . , . I am fully satisfied that Electricity, when understood according to its polarities and their reflations to the fixed laws of the vital economy, as taught by yon, is the moat powerful, manageable, and efficient agent known to man for the relief of pain and cure of disease. I woakl fur ther state that I have for the past few weeks need Elec tricity in my practice, totheexchwionof nearly a® other remedies, and have been eminently successful, and con sider it»a universal therapeutic. __ Davton, Ohio. X>. HeOABTHT, M. P. P. W. MANSFIELD, M. D.: Tor the last nine months X have made Electricity aspe cialty, and my faith is daily tocreastog in its therapeutic effects, and I believe, when applied according to your discovery, it will cure all curable diseases, among which are numerous cases never benefited by medicine. Buffalo, N. 'T. P. W. MiNSFIEIrD, AE. B. AMOS GRAY, M. D.: „ ' 1 would recommend my brethren la the medical pro fession to avail themselves of an opportunity of broom ing acquainted with Prof. B dies’ new method of applying Electricity,-which I think i* not known to medical men, except those who have availed themselves of his instruc tion, for lam very confident that much injury must be tbe result of a wrong, nnskilfnl application of so power ful an agent. AMOS GRAY, M. D. Dstboit, Michigan. H . G. KIRBY, H. X),: . 'What I have now to say is from actual observation, as I have spent moat of my time for the last two months with Prof. Bolles, and have witnessed the effects of the Elec trical agent on from fifteen to twenty-five patients a day, suffering from almost every form of chronic disease ; an<V as strange as it may appear, in a majority of cases, a per fect cure was effected in from five to fifteen days. And X will here remark that most of ids patients were afflicted with long standing complaints, considered incurable by all other known remedies. H. G. KIRBY, BE. D. Cincinnati, Ohio. DAYID THURSTON, BE. B.: I believe your discovery to be a reliable therapeutic agent, and feel it my duty to recommendit. Since I have received instruction from yon I have applied it in cases of Aphony, Bronchitis, Chorea, Amenorrboea, Asthma, and Congestion, and find that X have the same success that yen had when X was nnder your instruction. X In variably recommend medical men to avail themselves of an opportunity of becoming acquainted with your sew ihith'od of applying Electricity. Detroit, Michigan. DAYID THURSTON, M. D. MARVIN GODDARD. M.D.: Prof. Bolles: A groat revolution to my mind and prac tice has token place since I became acquainted with your new discovery of applying Galvanism, Magnetism, and other modifications of Electricity as a curative agent. I have found by many experiments that Electricity is a a if a therapeutic agent to ail acute and chronic cases when applied according to your discovery. I desire that medi cal men. should become conversant with your discovery, OlbvJsland, Ohio. M ARVIN GODDARD, BE. I>. Boorbstbb, N. Y., Sept. 10,1859. Prof. Bollss—Dbab Sib : The more X investigate this system of practice, the more confident I am that It is all powerful to meet the ten thousand diseases \o which flesh Lb heir. Yon, who first discovered Electricity to be a reliable therapeutic agent, consider©* a great benefac tor of the race, for it is the only reliable system of cure for tiie woes and Ills of suffering humanity. Xt Is strange that physicians have become so wedded to their several systems, brought up from the darkness of past ages, that they will close their eyes against the lightnowbeam tog-forth through this system of practice. All other sys tems Xregard as the morning star to the rising sun. P. BHEDD, BE. D. Prof. BOLLES: Tbe nearer X conform to your system of application, tbe more successful I am, and as X have examined all the guides and works published upon the subject, and seeu nothing to reference to your theory, I do not hesitate to sav-Ibeiteve it to be original with you, and the only reli able system extant for curing disease. Respectfully yours, Toronto. OH AS. RANDALL, BE. D. The opinion of a medical man, after thirty.years’ practice, fifteen to Allopathy and fifteen to Homoeo pathy: Prof.BOLLßS—Dear Sib : I never have, sinceyou gave me instruction to your new discovery of applying Electri city, and God forgive me if I to the future ever do, practice either Homoeopathy or Allopathy. I have been strictly go verned by the philosophy you laid dowr, and for the best of reasons—-namely: That I am generally successful, and X frankly say to you that I am done with medicine forever. - -My success has been great since X have been to New ark N» J* *■ - ’ JAMIS Y. GBEVK9, M D., 2C6 Tine street, Philadelphia. N. B —ln addition to the above extracts, Pro! B. could furnish over one thousand, folly showing that be is well known' to the medical and scientific world as the dis coverer ef all that is reliable in the therapeutic admini stration of Electricity, and that all other operators now to the different cities (except those qualified by him) are using Electricity at hazard, and Pret B. takes this oc casion to caution the community against charlatans. Office 1520 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia N. B.—Medical men and others who desire a know ledge of my discovery can enter for a toll course of Lec tures at any time. jy!7-6m •DEOWN’S J_> ESSBNOH JAMAICA GIKGEB, Manufactured only at FKBDKBMK BBOWITS DECO AHD OHEMICAi STOBB, Hortherat corner of FIFTH and OHBBTHPT Streets, PHILADELPHIA, Attention is called to thiß valuable remedy which should be in every family, and for the Army and Navy it la in dispensable, curing affections of the stomach and bowels, and is a certain preventive from the effects of bad water, CAUTION.—To prevent this valuable Ifiraence from being counterfeited, a new Steel Engraving, executed at great cost, will be found on ihe outside of the wrapper, In order to guard the pttrchaeer against being imposed open by worthless imitations. And sold by ail respectable Druggists in the United States. fe6<*frm-Cm rp ARK ANT’S EKs'eBVESOENT SEtiTZER APERIENT. This valuable andpopnlar Medicine has universally re ceived the most favorabie recommendations of the Üboioas. Fxofbssiox and the PnWic aa the most Z7VXCXXK ASD AGRB2ABLS SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the beet effect In Bilious and Febiflo Diseaaeg, Costivoneal, fficlc . Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indigti tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, &ont, Rhenmatio Affeotions, Gravel, Hies, A*D ILL OOMPLADSTB VHIH A GKKTL* AHD COOLING APHEEBKT OB FUB GATIVE IS EIQUIBSD. - It la particularly adapted to the wants of Travellera by Sea and Land, Beddsnte in Hot 01imatea,Peraoiia of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Flcnten wiU And it* valoaWe addition to thoir Medicine Obtsfet. It is is the form of a Powder, carofnlly put op In bottlee to keep in any climate, and merely require* water ponred upon it to prodnee a de iigbtfol effervescing beverage. Htanerooa testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily Inereesing popularity for a aeries of ; yean, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to tiro favorable notice of an intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARRANT & 00., Ho. 378 GBZZHWIGH Street, corner Warren (ft. ' HEW YOBK, apZt-ly And for sale by Prnggiats generally. QLUTEN CAPSULES PURE GOD-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of most patients to OOD-LIYEB OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, has in duced various forms of disguise for its administration that fire familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer in special cases, but nure often the vehicle ueutratizee the usual effect of the 00, proving quite as unpalatable and of lets therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, Ac., to invalids, induced by disgust of the Oil, ia entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. COD-LIVES OIL CAPSULES have been much used lately in Europe, the experience there of the good re sults from their use in both hospital and private practice, aside Lem the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for •them, feeling assured their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by ' WYETH & BROTHER, defl-tf 1412 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. ILLCWNATUIB OILS, « T UCIEER” OIL WORKS. : li 100 bbla u Lucifer” Burning Oil on hand. ■ We gnarantee the oil to be non-explosive, to bom aQ tide oil In the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without erosting the wick, and bat slowly. Barrels Hned with glass enamel. WEIGHT, SMITH, A PEABSALL, fegl-tf Office SIB MARKET Street EXPRESS COMPANIES. ; 'fa;cMßBHa THE ADAMS EX 'ByggSa PBES3 COMPANY, Office 823 CHJESTNUT Street* forwards Parcels, Packages* Mer chsndise* Bosk Notes, and Specie, either by it* ewu jllnea orte-conßectkra with other Express to all the principal Towms sod Cities oLtbe.tJnltedfltatefl. B. S BANDFOBD, Ge&eral Superintendent.; fXBUGE OB’ THE PHILADELPHIA v/ AND BEADING EAELBOAD GOMFANT. • PhiladblphiA, June 23,1862. The BATES or XBXIQHT and TOLLS on AHTHBA.- CITE GOAL transported by thto Company Trill be aafol lows during the month of JOLT, 1868: JTroni To Bichm*d To Pbilada. Port Carbon. *1.78 g 1.48 Mount Carbon... ITT 1.47 Bchuylkill Haven 1.70 1.40 Anb0m...... 1.80 1.30 Port Clinton.. US 136 During tfce month of AUGUST, 1363, the rates wllfb* as follows: Prom To Biohm'd. To PhUadaT Port Carbon 91.08 *1.68 Mount Carbon iot A.BT Bctraylkill Haven 1.90 1.60 Anbnrn 1.80 1.60 PortOlintop....... 1.76 1.4 J “oiland atteBEPIEMBEB 1, 1860, the rateawUlbe aa loßowb : ~~ Pran . ~ jToßichm’d, ToPbiladaT Port C«*ra. I *9lB ££s Mount Carbon. | 2.17 vaj 8cbny1k5H1avan............[ 2.10 i3jo Enbnm... .....I 800 1,70 Port Clinton. | 1.95 u* By order or the Board of Managers! “ je3°-3m W. H. TTEBB- Secretary Yty OBMAN Sc ELY, Ho. 130 PEGS , of patent OAST-STEEL ryww a«tr iimmr*. W. AE!>h Ontteryhanrtria Hardware deslerereSSfr. TO* I** 1 ** atone Ware Drain ■TL. Pjpefrom 2to 12-inch bore. 2-inch bore, 250 per ya* a«h bore, 400 par 6ooiwr yard; 6-ineh bore, 860 par variety of connectfcmß, bento, trap*, and ”"®*’ We wa now jwpared to ftfifttMi pipe in any waat«r» aad on liberal tern* to dealer* and those jar wttiagl& lirgß qoiDtitfei. ■ OBNAMEHTALOBIMNBT TOPS.—TltrmedTfarra wtto Chimney Tope, plain rad oraameaital designs, war ranted to stand the action of coal gas or the weather la any nHm»t» GABDEN TABES.—A great variety of mnmnaata' fardenVaare,toTmra Oottaciaraictl daalgaa,aUrfaec, and warranted to stand the weather. - ~ Philadelphia Terra Ootta Worts, Office and Were Beam --*. -7 1010 CHESTNUT Street, •• WT-tf EAHABBW*. sales by aifCTioft OHJf B. MYERS & CO., AUC TIONEERS, SOS. 232 and 284 MARKET Rtreet. BALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac. ON TUESDAY MOSOTHO. Anguit 5, on four mon hs’ credit— -1000 packages Boot, and Shoes, Ac, SAB* or DRY 00008 ON THURSDAY MOBKXN6, August 7, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on i montn* TMBCOAST & WABNOCK, AUG- X. TIUNBEBff, Sfos. 313 MARKET Street. BALE OF &VTEWOR FIX TURB*?, COtrKTKRS, Ac. OH WEDNESDAY MORNING, August 6, commendnA at 10 _ Philip fob© & co., AUCTION EERS, ess MARKET and 532 COMMERCE SO. tEOrrSE FALL SALE OF 1*62. SAIB OY 1,200 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, AND BBC*. SANS. THIS MOBNXNC. A ©vest 44, at jeO defect precisely. w3l be sold, by eftta* jogee, 1,200 casts men’er bore*, and yontbtr calf, kip; grain, and thick bootfrf calf amd kip brogans, gaiters, Cxfbrd flee, Balmoral bo te, &n.; women’s, miesee, end children’s calf kip. goat, kid, morose*, and enamelled heekd boats and shoe* gaiters, aJips«vF*vbtM kins. Ac. Also, a larger aMorement of first etas* city* madrgeods. ggr Goods open for ejmsfinarti(M»Fwith catalogues,-early on the morning of gale THIRD FALL &ABJE OF 1882. SAXE OF }«20O CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BEO GANS, &c* OB THURSDAY HKHINING, Angtist7. at I 0! o’clock precisely, wiß be sold, by cate-- togne, 1,200’ cases tneb’e, boya r . and youths’ calf, kip, grain, and thick boot*;- calf and klpr brogaus; Oongrew gaiters, Oxford ties, Balmoral Boete, Ac-; women’s, misses’, and children’s calf, krpv goat, kid, morocco, and enamelled heeled boots and ahoesy gaiters, slippers, busking Balmorals, Ac. Also, a* forge assortment of first-class d*>-madia goods. IfiT Open for examination, with cata&sgnes, early on the morning of gale. FUBNEBS, BRINLEY. k CO., No. 429 MARKET STREET LEGAL. IN THE OB PHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY ANBOOONTT OF PHTLADELPHIi.. Estate of JOHN YIRBBS. deceased. The auditor appointed by the tionrt to audit, settle, and adjust the acconnt of SA RAH VIRrDBN, Adminis tratrix of the Estate of JOHN- VIED BN, deceased,-and to report distribution of the balance in her hands, will meetthe parties interested, for the purposes of'his -ap pointment, on THE ADA Y, August 5,1862; at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office, No. 413 WALNUT street. t« the city oi Philadelphia. B. H.HATNB3, jy£s fmwht Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR X THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. 'Estate of MARTHA CONNER, Deceased. The Auditor appoioted to audit, settle, and a’jet the account filed by ADAM MINTZKB, Executor of MAR THA CON NEB, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the Accountant, wiH moot all parties Interested is the said estate, to enter npon the discharge of bis duties, on MONDAY AFTERNOON, Angnst nth prox., 1862, at No 109 North SIXTH St., in the city of Philadelphia . jy2s-fmwst rsr THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THIS OITT AHD PHILADIfLPHIA. Estate of THOMAS B.’SWEENT, Oeceeeed The Auditor appointed bp the Coart to audit, settle, and adjust tbe account of DENNIS H. SWEENY. A - miniatiator of tbe Estate of THOMAS B. SWEENY, deceased, and report distribution of the balance ramein log in bis bands, wilt meet the parties Interested, for tbe purposes of Mb appointment, on WEDNESDAY, the sixth day of August, A D 1882, at eleven o’clock A. M., at bis Office, No. 120 South SIXTH Street, Phtlada. EGBERT X KIOHOLB, jy26-fmwst# Anitor. ri THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OX PHILADEL PHIA. ; ’ Estate of JAMES FOBBES, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court-to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JOHN S.' SNYDEB, Execator or JAMES FOBBES, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in tbe hands of the acconntant will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appoint ment, on FBIDAY, August S, 1862. at 11 o’clock A. X. at 126 South SIXTH street, in the city of Piii ladhlphfa. H. E. WALLACE, jj3l tbsmwfst Auditor. MARSHAL’S SALE,—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by tbe Hon. JOHN OADWA.LA DER/Judge of the District Court of the Doited States, in ana for tbe Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to tbe highest and best bidder, for cash, at OAJLLO WHJOL STREET WHARF, on MONDAY, August U, 1863, at 12 o’clock M., five barrels of Lard, throe half-barrels ditto, and five barrete Fork. WILLIAM MILD WARD, IX. a. Marshal Eastern District of Penaa. Philadelphia, July 30,1862. jy3l-8t PROPOSALS. WASHINGTON AQUEDUCT. f f Department op the Interior, > Washington, July 25,18§A y PBOPOSALS will he received at this Department, until 12 o’clock on WEDNESDAY, tbe 27th day of Au gust, for completing the DISTRIBUTING RESERVOIR of the Washington Aqueduct, plans mad specificaitenß may be seen after the 12th of August Proposals to be sealed, endorsed “proposals for Reser voir,” and directed to “Hon. GALISB B. SMITH, Secre tary of the Interior, Washington.” WATT J. SMITH, jrSO-wftnlSt ' Chief Clerk. Proposals for coal and WOOD. Senate op thb United States, 1 Office of the Sergeant-at-Abms. > Washington, July 25,1862. ) SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 M„ pp MONDAY, the 11th day of August next, for furnishing for the use of the Senate of the United States, Four Hundred Tone (of 2,000 pouads) of the best White Ash Furnace Coal (thoroughly screened ) Also, Seventy five Cords of .the best dry Hickory Wood, and Fifty Cords of the best dry Spruce Pine Wood. - The whole to be delivered on or before the Ist of OC TOBER next, and packed away in the vaults of the Se nate Wins of the Capitol, under the direction of the En gineer of tbe Senate. Bids for ; Coat and Wood will be separately considered} and bonds lor Che faithfol execution of the contracts re quired. \ Arrangements muss: also be made for correct measure ments. GEO. T. BBOWN, jy26dtßTilX Serg’t IT. S. Senate. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUI JIJL PAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIBA.BD Btresta. . Philadelphia, JnlyM,lB62. • PROPOSALS FOR BIANKEPS AKD'HAT*. SEPABATE PBOPOSALS will be received by the undersigned; at this Office, until 12 o’clock Jtt.. on TUESDAY* sth day of Augustnext, for famish ing and delivering at the Schuylkill Arsenal, 75,000 ABUT BLANKETS, wool, gray, (with the letters 17. S. in black, 4 inches long, in the centre,) to be 7 feet long, 5 feet 6 inches wide, and to weigh 5 pounds each. Also, 32,000 USIFOBM HATS, {Black Felt) All deliveries will be subject to inspection, and conform, in all respects, to the sealed army patterns de posited in this office; a just and rigid comparison will be rnwie between the articles offer©* and the samples. Proposals , will be received for any part of the above articles. Bidden will state the time and amount of each delivery. The Blankets are required to be delivered within 90 days, sad the Hats within 60 days, from date of award of contract. The light is reserved by the Deputy Quartermaster Ge neral to accept any part, or the whole, of a bid offered, or to rejecTthe bids, in whole or in part,’ as the interest of tbe Government, ixf his opinion, mar require. Bach proposal must be signed by the individual or firm making it, and be accompanied by a satisfactory guarantee that the'bidder will execute a contract, with good and suffi cient! bond, if Mb bid-be accepted; ucac cempanied with satisfactory guarantee will not be con sidered.; and contracts will be awarded only to es tobhehed mwmfacturers of or dealer* in .the articles. Toe failure to comply with any one order under the con tract to operate to the forfeiture of the entire penalty of the bond. Proposalawill be endorsed, “Proposals'for Blankets and Hats,” and addressed to . ; G, H. CB9OSEAO, jyZZ-tauS _ Deputy Quartermaster Geheral- Notice. —proposals pjrom DEALERS AND HELLERS ABE INVITED, P* 1 * ae *2th day of August, 1862, for furnishing FLOUB to the Subsistence Department, of the same fejn/» as has been received by the United States Government, and known as Ho. 1 Extra. 3 Samples of this Flour can be seen at the Capitol Bakery minis city. It is desired to make a contract for 2Q,000 barrels. Should, however, any person desire to furnish a less quantity, he will state the precise number of barrels in his bid. v,^ h ? c C n°n n !i act ?'^ m be rwim ' red to furnish at the rate of about 500 ban-els daily until the contract is filled. sxo Jftour will be received which- does not come up to the standard:** the Government: inspection made just be fore tbe purchase. The Flour to be delivered at the Railroad Depot in W ashington, or any of the Warehouses in Georgetown, D. G. The Flour to be put up in new barrels. Government reserves the light to reject any bid for any proper cause. Ho bn*swill bo received from contractors who have previously failed to comply with their contracts. Bidders must he present in person to respond to their bids. The oath of allegiance must accompany each bid. Firms making bids should state toe names of all toe parties interested. Payments to be made in Treasury Notes, and the bids tube directed to « COL. A. BEOKWITEL A. D. C aud C. S , 0. KA„ Washington, D. C.,’> and emiorsed “Pr£ posate for Flour.” - ■: jygo.iof GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. rpO FAMILIES RESIDING ra ¥&* RURAL DISTRICTS. , We are prepared, as heretofore, to Bnpjply Famßlea at their country resideneee with every description of VINE GBOOEBIEB, TEAS, *a., ha. ALBERT O. ROBERTS. jaa-tf OOBNEB ELEVENTH AHD TOB STS. XTEW MACKEREL. ■L* 150 Bhla New Large No. 8 Mackerel. 150 Half Bbls « « lii atoro and and tbr sale by • . „ MURPHY 4 HOOKS, Jel4-tf No. 148 North WHARVES. HERRING, SHAD, ”^Tin > [| BM * HeW ffottone Bay, and HaHlta Booled, and No. 1 Herrin*. 160 Bids New Mess ShaiL *6O Boxes Herkimer Oonnty Cheese, 4c. In store and for sale by . „ „ MUBPHY 4 KOONB, jel4-tf No. 148 North WHARVE3. T ATOUR OLIVE 01L.—463 baskets A. LATOUjtt OllVt OIL, inet reoded. and for mT. 4 LAVEBGNE, 903 and 904 Sooth IBS NT Street. CAUTION.—Having lean a epnrlooa artieie of OB branded »J. Latoor,” we eantlon tbe mbHoaariiut ynnhadne the same, aa the genoine J. Latoor Oil oaa he procured only from aa. JAEEUTCHB 4 LAVEBOHE. 909 and 304 &mtb TBOHdPskat, rpo THE DISEASED OF ALL X sub-acute aags gggg.iggssEs.'sa SmSlm »££rss£l= - - • - a . .... aidS-fim « Gold amatr and pints, for gale BAX.ES BV' AUCTioa Jl THOMAS & 80nT tJL« Hod. IS* and 141 South V I-EBEMPTOBY BAEK ON THE PR?-, ‘ ON FBIDAT, lfifb Alie tint. at 12 oYlrck 1.,...!;, tv. , . SPBJBGk” ADD FABM. four mi|^ STATION, Pt-nnrvlvania Bailraad, I'.v,'. Pennsylvania. together with (be rnrni>n, ' • ‘ horses. carriages, terming implements, kr •*' r i . Full rarticnlara In handbills end inreritory “»* ■' nr Sa'e absolnte. Terms—Hair cash- r, Y-' je'datssle ■ ''• i, si BTPCSB AND BEAL E«T VTE— A large sale at the Exchange. p ar > of Horn now readr In handbills, including the fr, !f'S IBOW WOtHS, wtifc machinery, Ac., j B o tt e i'. CJ. WOLBEBT, . No. 18 BOOTH SIXTH STREET Between Market and Cbssbiat. ' 1,000 STOVES. 8 MITE PATTERNS. c !M , r , LATBSS, POHSDBTHEH'3 TODDS Or BINDS, *o , being the entire stock of the s, *4 Stove WcrKe . *•*<*% OH FRIDAY BTOHHXNG, B*h in&r.. a* 10 o’clock, at No SlfrArch street k* Fifth and Sixi*. ’*-'**». 1,000 coobirg, parlor, and heatitw? stove?, of . Iron pattern* »d' fiitkfr of tbe ce?*Vnted u Star’ 1 ard “ B>anty ,} cooftkt* stoves • iron spider**, lore pass. waffles, bun boners, &c % the best manner, and ready for the sand. A large lot of Blfattmg, pollis*. bankers, lathes «,* - er»’t* ole, Ac; casttoes for repairs, Ac. * All of which bavebeen removed to §l9 Arch sire** convenience of sale.. er - *'-r SSF Ma? be examined ail day on Thursday, and on the mcrolrg of safe. u Catalogues may be- obtained al* Ho. 16 6 0 nth «• ■><««»• aot-Wi 4 OSES NATK'MfS, AWSTIONgin, AND COMMISSION MEBOHAHT, KatfaZ earner of SIXTH and BACK Street*. CHEAT BABCAINS WATCHES AND JEWELBY AT PRIVATE BM.I ' Else gold smd silver lever, lepfoe. English, Swiss, w - French watches for loot aws half at usual tins* t PrtfM. IVatebefl from one dollar to one hundred dou£ each Sold chains from 40 to 56 cents per dwt. Be. * Cheap. TAIPB NOTTOB. Tbe highest possible price is loaned on goads at _y. fids s’ JFYinripal EtiabHohment, southeset comer « Sixth and Bace streets. At least en&tkirdrmore tbae J ’ any other establishment in thiscity. NATHANS’ PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISH KENT. “■ - . 8250,090 TO DOAN, Ha largSor small amounts, from one dollar to thousand, on diamonds, gold and stiver plate, watches, jewgw merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos, au goods of every description. LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MABEETK»,73o This establishment han l.rge fire and thief, proof a s a. foi*tbe safety of valuable goods, together with aprirS watchman on'the premises. ESTABLISHED FOB THE LAST THIBTY YBab» Ml large Zoom made at Brio Ike FHncipal dtj VHehment . Chascget greatig redueetL ■ AT PRIVATE SALE. One saperior brilliant toned piano-forte, with mstsm. plate, soft and laud pedals. Price only 890. . One very fine price only 850. sHEPFore :steam Weekly tolT. i ß r**'li YEBPOOIt, teaching at QUEESSTows (Cork Harbor) The Liverpool, New York, and delpbfa Bteamehip Company Intend despatching foil powered Clyde built fr-on steamships as follows* cmr or "WASHINGTON. Batorday,2d Ingas BTNA. .Satunlaw,9th Ann* SPlNBTOOHliii.iFaturday, 16th Avd every succeeding S4TUBDIT at Soon, froia PIJEB No. 44. North Bfrer. BATHS OF PASSAGE. JTBSTCABIN..i;.. SBS.OO STEKB&G* do to London 99 00 do to L0nd0n.... 33% do to Pari*........ 95 00 do to Para 43.04 do to Hamburg.... 95.00 do to Hsmbnre. .40.09 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Hotter, dam, Antwerp Ac, at equally low rattw. Pares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, is, 17, and 21 Guineas. Steerage from Liverpool. £S.B Prom Queenstown, £6.6. TJcfteta are sold here *t ft# current rate of exchange, enabling people to send far their friends. These steamers have superior accommodations for pat. eengers; are strongly built in water- tight iron sections, and carry Patent Fire Annihilators- Experienced Sur geons are attached to each Steamer. For further information, apply in Liverpool to WIL LIAM INMAN. Agent, 22 Water Street; iu Glasgow to ALFX MALCOLM, 5St Knock Saoare; in Qneeat foTTO t* C, & W. D, SEYMOUR & OO ; in London to EIYFB & JffACEY, 61 Kin g William Street; hi Paris to JULES LYOOTTE, 4S Bae Notre Laras DesYietoirec Place de la Bourse; in Haw York to JOHN G, I)AX2, 15 Broadway, or at the Com»any.!s Office. JOHN G. DALE. Agent, 111 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia jy3o-tA9 BRITISH AND NORTH 2Wlr**l AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- SHIPS BETWEEN FEW YOKE AND LIVERPOOL, CALL INS AT CORK HARBOR AND BETWEEN BOSTON AND LIVBBPOOL, GALLING AT HALITS X AND COBK HABBOB. SCOTIA, Capt. Jcdkfna. CHINA Capt. Anderson. PEBSIA, Capt. Lott. ASIA. Onpt Cook. ABABIA, Capt. Stone. EHBOPA, Capt. J, Lattok AFBICA, Capt Shannon. CANADA, Capt. Huir. AMERICA, Capt. Moodfe. (NIAGARA, Capt. A. Ayr!*. AUSTRALASIAN These veosels carry a clear white light at mart heed green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. FEOM NSW TOBK TO LIVERPOOL. Obief Gabtat Pa55age................ ..,...$lBO Second Cabin Passage. J 5 FBOM BOSTOST TO LIVERPOOL. - Chief OAbm Passage.,.. ...SXIO Econd Cabin Passage.... ...... 60 Tbs Passage money by the steamships tuning after &* Ist ATJGUBT will be YROto JSJEW YORK Chief Cabin.., Second Cabin. . FBOfif BOSTOBT. drier Cabin,.. ..............8125 Second OhCrin... 7® SCOTIA leavesN. York, Wednesday. July!*, ISUUOPA do. Boston, Wednesday, Jnly 38. fS? rl, ”“ do. N. Tori, Wednesday, Jnly 88. Ado. Boston. Wednesday, Ane. A APB'JitATARTAN.. do. N< York, Wednesday, Aug IS, A8A81A..,......,, do. Boston, Wednesday, Ang. 20. SCOTIA --. do. S.Tort,Wednesday,Ang.ST. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced surgeon on board. ’The owners of them drips will not be accountable Sat BflM* Silver* Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or M* tols, unless bills of lading axe signed therefor, and foe value thereof therein expressed. JPor freight or passage apply to XL GTTJTAED, 4 BOWLING GBNEN, New York XL CL & T. 6. BATES, 103 STATE Street, Boston, Or, to jy!4 BOSTON AND PHlLA ™r~'t> DXLPHIA BTEAHBHIP LlNE—Bafliaj ”°?. e^SL??rtjTelT tendaya—From Pine-street Wharf bn SATURDAY, August 9. The Steamship SAXON, Matthews, win sail from Phi ladelphia for Boston, on SATURDAY MOBS IN G, Os Bthof August, at ID o’clock ;and from Boston for Phila delphia, on SATURDAY, Angnst 2, at I P. 51. Insurance one-bajf that by saR vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers wDI please and tbeir bills of Hading wRh goods. For freight or passage, having fine accommodationc, •fpz* HENBY WINSOB 4 00., J»5O . 882 SOUTH WHARVES FOR NEW YORK—THIS Js*«-»MY-DESPATCH AND SWIFTBUES LINES--VIA DELAWARE AND BARIT AN CAHAIa Steamers pf fho above Lines win DAILY. at VS and S p. M. ’ wU ch •» token on Accommodtgsl term, apply to WM. M. BAIRD 4 C 0.,. my2X-tf 182 South DEHAWABE Avene*. FOR NEW YORK. SMW DAH*Y HIHH, via Delaware »i Baritau Canal. PhfiaddpUe «d Hew York Exprem Steamboat Cc-o- Janyreceive freight and leave drily atSP. K, deliver' ing tneir oergoe* in New York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. „ „ TVS. P. CLYDE, Agent, . Ho. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, PMtadelihit _ I AMES HAND, Agent, wa-tf Piers 14 and IA EAST BTVER. New Vork MACHUNJERT ARB JUROR. pENN’A WORKS. On the Delaware Blver, below PWtadeiphia, CHESTER, DELAWARE CO;, PENNSYLVANIA. BEANEY, SON,_;g ARCHBOLD, Engineers and Bondera, yrAb urACxuKKuß*r ALL KINDS OP CONDENSING AND NOJSfSjONDENSING ENGINES, Iron Veeseluf all Boilers, Water-Tanks, * Propeilers, 4c. *HOS. RRANET, SAMX. ARCHBOI.D. Erie ofßeaney, NeaBa, & Qp., Late Engineer- in- Penn’a Works, . Chief, U. S. Navy. J122-ly . • B. SMITH. QTEAM FITTING. K 3 BAMBBX, SMITH * CO , finrramtßTO 6 i?*. O F?. S F KIJT Street, opposite Independent xiaUj Pfaflaaelphia, are prepared to introduce Apparent torlhejttDgManufactorieu Store*, Churches, DwelUats, ureenbonaee, Ac. Ac., bjr Steam. " Apparatus for Soap and'Oandle Mamifaetorias . Drying Booms for Hotels, Dye Houses, &c.« fitted up in a superior manner. Aiming Posts end Prameß furnished and put np. Water introduced through Galvanized Tubes. Plumbing in all its branches. Galvanized Tubes for Cemetery Dote. All kinds or work connected with Steam, Water, « Hue. . Hare for sale Valves, Cocks, Tubes, Vittinga, *o. Agents for Worthington’s Steam Pomps. r. rausstait nneeiou, wiujam.x. num, -fosi i. oom. QOTJU'HWJIRK foundby, rara abb WASHmsTos btbbets. reiULBBtPBJA _ w ft SONS, _ msomjtmxa and machinists, High and Lew Praams Steam Sfasis**- for tad, rirer, ana marine service. Bsßwa Qascnnetan, Tasks, Iron Boats, Ac.: OsS bis of an Usft, sfthsr iron or brass. Inm-Frone; Bools for Oas Works, Workshops, Btf- CDM StSthmS, &C. ' a Betortg and Gee Machfoary of the latest sod _ *-rary deecriptlon of Piantaifaa MacMrary, sock # B&£ar, Saw. ond Grint Mills, Tscbsbi Pass, Opes Stsase Trains, Defecators, Pfiters, Pumping Bngtnos, Ae. Soto Agents for S. BflUenx’s Patent Sagsr Boffins Apparatus tlfesmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and A* Pinwall ft Wolbbt’s Patent Centrifugal Bwpr Draintar Ifaohfne anMf PENN STEAM ENGINE '77 M *V AHD BOMB WORKS.—HBATEa $ xm t PBACTIOAL AND THXOBBTIOAX BECK* beeniasncoeßsfcl operation, ted been exchutfrelr «t> SSfed in hniWwy and repafiini Marine Siw JSa ijnos, high aid low pressure, Iron Rogers,Water i?ank*i Ac. r go, respectfully offer their aerrfcef *s roe public, as being folly prepared tt contract for Bfi fftnefl of a& ahses, Marine, River, and Stationary, bavin* *®t*of patterns of different rises, are prepeared toexe ”**» ordMwitfr quick despatch. Every description at P«t»n.makin« made at the ahorteat notice. Higb**» IfW'jfwnre, Blue, 1 fobtte, and <hißder Bo&ffie * 5? best VeSmA* ch*tJ«a oT«8 Jaee end kinds; Ironand Brass of all descnp w»s; 801 l Turning, Screw-Gutting, and another were Trftb ttm atroTo fnirfrirm . Dltw&y irf toy aB work done at iferiT Mtabtfafasusit, freeof charge, Mid work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room fiw **; Baffin of heats, when they cam He In perfect safety, »* are provided vib shears, blocks, ffeßs, Ao* for z**' ia* heavy or Hsbt wafgbfa. .' JACOB O. MKAJm JOHK P.LITT, gWAror *t*r PAT.irsn gfewte Tl MORGAN, ORB, ft CO., BTKAM* JXft. Maonnr buium£bB, W rotmam, »* 6eper«l MatM»l«ti aai Brthe Makm, 80. ISIO OAS sowwria. _ TTECKER’S AND FAHNESTOCK’S JJL TASEHA couianttr madradfterii br BHOjytS * WILLIAMS, Ho. 107 Bonth WiTBB Sbroot- ®AMPHLET PELTING, Bert Obwpertfa tt»CTtT,«tEIHQ\yA'IiT * BBOWIPS, 111 ffeo&i TOOTHS Street. #lBo V. O'KKU*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers