RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. tTsis Funeral of Mbs, Joseph H. Kbhsabd, 3). D., took place in this oily on Monday last, the services being bold in the Baptist Church on Eighth street, above Breen, of whuh Dr, Konnard has been the pastor for many years. Tnn Key, James Bamiltok, of Now York, has accepted the call of the Union Baptist Church in this city, and will commence his tabors as pastor of that congregation on to morrow, the first Sunday in July. The Rev. Theodore CoyLbr, ono of the most talented young olergymen of the day, and a weekly contributor to Ihe New York Independent, sailed for Europe on Wedneslay last. The Most Eey. Archbishop op New Orleans is now In New York, where he recently officiated in the Cathedral of that city. The Loyalty op the Catholic Clergy of Nashville, Term., as contrasted with several di vines in that city of other denominations, who wero recently excluded from their pulpits by the United States authorities for refusing to take the oath of allegiance, is praised in all the Protestant journals in the North. Among the clbeqtmbh that have left this oity during the last few days, under the auspices of the Christian Commission, for the peninsula, to minister to the bodily and spiritual wants of our soldiers, aro the Eeys. Dr. Wylie, William Ster lett, A. G. MoAuUy, David Steele, G. W. Ander-. son, and John H. Castle. . The Eby. J. A. Kirkpatrick has resigned the pastoral charge of the Pequea Baptist Church, to tako effect on the Ist of October. Liberal Bequbst.—Mr. John McCormick, of Cincinnati, has bequeathed the sum of fchroo thou sand dollars to our Board of Foreign Missions. Tri centenary op the Brlgic Confession. _ l Tho Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church, during its late session, resolved to celebrate, iu an appropriate way, the adoption of their Confession of Faith. Their resolution on the subject is as follows: Resolved, That the second Sabbath in September next be appointed as 'the day for a ,tri-oentonnial celebration of the adoption of the Belgie Confes sion, when all our churches be requested to hold a special service*at. their usual hour of morning worship, on which occasion every pastor be re quested to preach a sermon appropriate to tho com memerftiioH of that historical fact ” - The Cbuhch op the Intbbobssor.—The ladies of the Church of the Intercessor are making up necessary articles for the sick and wounded soldiers in the Episcopal Hospital. The collections in this church on Sunday next will be appropriated for the above object. The- Eey, Dr. Carden will preach in the evening to young men, who are re spectfully invited, Beferenoe wiil be made to the iresh call for more troops. ASensiolb and Patriotic Suggestion.—The Bey. J. S. Dickerson, editor of the (Baptist) Christian Chronicle, in this city, makes the fol lowing excellent and well-timed suggestion in this, week’s Dumber of his paper. If the counsel given respecting tiiu Fourth was not generally adopted, it will not be unseasonable on any other day: “ The anniveisary of “ the glorious fourth” is at hand and fisdsu3 with more than half a million of soldiers and suiiorj defending its precious princi ples. ' /- “ What can be more fitting or more requisite then that on that day or the bunday following, every church should make a collection for tho sick and wounded, who have so nobly gone forth for their country ?- “ We are well able to pay all that our Govern- ment may need in conducting this gigactic straggle for its life. And'wo are able to provide fur the comfort of those who have lost health or limbs on Our behalf. We hope every vestry room will be open that day to receive’ garments for the Btok, jellies, fruits, bandages, &o , Ac., to be distributed under the care of proper persons, who personally nnd statedly attend the hospitals. Surely, it is the least that we who stay at home oan do.” The Eey. D Steok, for the last four years pastor of Sr. John’s Lutheran Church, Lancaster, has ac cepted a call from tho Lutheran Church, Dayton, Ohio. The pastor of the latter ohuroh, Rev. F. W. Comad, has but recently become the pastor of Trinity Church,' L mcsster. In the departure of the Eev. Mr Krotel (now the loved and admired pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran Churoh, in this city) and the Rev. Mr, Steok, Lancaster has lost two popular and useful divines. Catholic Chaplains in thb Army.—The.Bos. ton Pilot says that the Roman Catholics in the Union army now number moro thaa a hundred thousand men, and complains that out of the four hundred chaplains in - the service, but twelve of them are Catholic-priests. From whatever cause, this, if the 'Pilot's statement is correct, is certainly a small proportion. The Action op thb Latb Gbnbral Lutheran Synod, held at Allentown, in asserting that “ thb * —n. ,n.. ~„t nro) r—nlf, nf thee on ti nu*“ *o»«' discherged. Since that lime no oisc- Comu cli c m VsU uy , t 0 1 ‘ * l16 ™°’“ ‘" lfto the dCT » >» the FUNNY —Romany & Newcomb’s Minstrels hava'bsen driven out of Gw many. An English paper says: Itan- J oars that Ihe Garmon*, unaccustomed lo this sort of en tertainment, , xpeered to find the troops composed of reM Mack, men, and when it was discovered they were only white men, blackened up for the purpose of cartoltnrtog file ‘‘niggtr. Ihe German presa and people denonneaf them aa Importer. I - The public were informed by the G" man jna ss, iu aH sDiiousnoss, that Rumiey & &w? Mfsslrels ware bare impoatora, that the Walk could be rubbrd off iheir fscoa, and that there was not a a cal black among them! The Jesuit w», that our ml„! Birel friends weie oblfged to bring their performances to *srssj?4^' or in and around Washington ♦££ JISIT a li^ ew ‘ brigaded, nod arrangements made for the proper disposition of others as they arrive. The SSIEr ’“ Ve beo ° ® laced aader command of _ THE ItEBKIi ATI MY.—'Mr, Etheridge says he Is not Jeraonally acQualnted with a slaveholder who Is a private *~ d '" L U f v , rfcfc< ’ l ssrvme. They are military or civil ofricfrP, .or they ate superintending slaves engaged in procuring bread end meat for tho rebels. “ DEOLINE IN GOODS.—A merchant in Bnrllngtin Laving sunk Ha shop floors a few Bet amonneed that, In ooosrauenrc nt recent Improvementß, goods wld ba • ild tpnch lower than formerly,” 8 ) THE greatest horse show ever known, acrordiorr fcs promise, is to bo hold at Uhicseo, on too 21 or September reit. Fifteen Ihcmsand dollars are offered in premium.. MEDICINAL. ELM B O L L’S GENUINE PEEPABATIO N . " HIGHLY CONCENTRATED” OOMBOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU, A Positive and Specific REMEDY DISEASES OF THB BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DBOPSIOAL SWELLINGS, This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Water? or Colcermasdeposl- ttonei and all Unnatural E&« Urgcmentfl are reduced* as well as Pain and Inllamma- H ELMBOiD’ 8 EXTRACT BUOHU Has owed every case of DIABETES is which it has been given. IMITATION OF THE NBOK OF lIS BLAD- DEB, AND .INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. For flies# disoesesit is indeed a sovereign remedy, and too muck osnnot be said in its praise. A tingle dose hee been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. TRY IT, we beg of job, in these oeaes, and you will ever give Your praise te H B It M B 0 It D - S EXTRACT BUCHU. ULCERATION OF THE KIDNEYS AND BLAD- DER, BHIENTION OF URINE, DISEASES OF JITHH PROSTRATE GLAND, STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRA- VEL, BBICKDUST DEPOSIT, AND MUCOUS OR MILKY DISCHARGES. AND FOR ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON STITUIIONS OF BOTH SEXES, Attended with the following symptoms Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Fewer, Loss of Memory, Weak Nerves, Horror of Disease, Dimness of Tision, 4. Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, , Eruptions ef the Face, Dryness of tht Skin, PALLID COUNTENANCE, Universal Lassitude of the Musoulsr System, Disease* ef these organ# require the aid of a DIURETIC. EXTRACT BtjoixTT THE GREAT DIURETIC AND BLOOD PURIFIER. HELMS OLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU OVBXS ADD DISEASES Arising from HABITS OT DISSIPATION, EXCESSES, AND HJ. PBTOENOES IN DIM, Impurities o€ the Blood, &o. An 4 It is c*rtals Co hate the desired effect in Disease! for which it is recommended. BYIDENOK Most Responsible dud Reliable Character Will accompany the Medicines “PHTBIOIANS,” PLEASE «NOTICE,” « Wtmakefrio ‘ Stcrel’ of Ingredients.” HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUOHTJ Is composed ef Bnclm, Cabehs, Juniper Berriw, select* ed with great core by a competes! druggist. Prepared in Vacuo, by H* T. HHLMB OLD, Practical and Analyti* cal Ohemift, and Sole Manufacturer at HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS!! AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman, of the dty of PhiladolpWa, H. T. HRLMBOLD, who, being duly sworn, doth say his preparations contain no nar- cotic, no mercury, er oth«c injurious drugs, but are purely vegetable. Sworn and subscribed before me this 23d day of Ho ))»■ Physicians in attendance &hm 8 A PRIOR ONE DOEDAR'PEB BOTTLE, OB SIX fob FITE DOLLARS. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observe- Address letters for Information, In confidence, to fi. T. HELMBOLD, DEPOT, 104 SOUTH TENTH STBEET, (BELOW CHESTNUT,} PHILADELPHIA. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINOI. PLED DBALEB3, WHOEHUSAVOB TO Dispose of “their own” and « other” articles on the re- puiafion attained HELMBOLD’S .. GENUINE PREPARATIONS! 1 HELMB OLD’S Genuine Extraot Bochh; HELMBOLD’S Genuine Extract Sarsaparilla; HELMBOLD’S Genuine Improved Rose-Wash. Bold by all Drngglsta Everywhere. ASK FOB HBLMBOLD’S; TAKE NO OTHER! »»■ Cut ont the-AdverUsomeat and sondfor it, and avoid imposition and exposare. >p2S-slSt* WARRANT’S SELTZER APERIENT. TUs valuable and popular Medicine has universally re ceived the most favorable recommendations of the Medical Profession and the PnbUo as the most EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE SALINE APERIENT. It may be need with the best effect in Bilious and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sick Headache } Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affections, Gravel, Files, AND ALL COMPLAINTS WHBKI A GENTLE AND COOLING APERIENT OR PUR GATIVE IS REQUIRED. It is particularly adapted to the wants of Traveller# by Seaand Land, Residents In Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Teasels and Planters will find it a valuable addition to their Medicine Chests; , It is In the form of a Powder, carefully put up to bottles to keep in any climate, and merely requires water pouted upon it to produce a de lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily Increasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty its efficaoy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an Intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., No. 2TS GREENWIOH Street, corner Warren st. NEW YORK, And for sale by Druggists generally. OLUTEN CAPSULES POKE OOD-ULVEK OH.. The repugnance of most patients to OOD-LIVEB OIL, and the inability of many to take It at all, has in duced various forms Jof disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them ; answer _|n special oases, but more often the*vehld« neutralises tne penal effect of the Oil, proving quite ax unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, &0., to Invalids, induced by disgust of tbs Oil, Is entirely obviated by the use of our OAPSULB3. OOD-LIVEB OTB CAPSULES have been muob nsed lately far Europe, the experience there of the geod-w -sulta from their use in both hospital and private pcaotiosj snide from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf dcient to warrant our claUnlng the virtues wo do for them, feeling assured their use will result In benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by / TYOOTOR A. H. STEVE NS, ./ JJ late of New York, is nowcaring all kind* of f Acute and Ohrooic Diseases, both of Ladies and Geu / tinmen, by the various inodes iu which he applies I ELECTRO-MAGNETISU. He baa located himself » permanently at 1418 So,uth PE NN i'unare, Philadel phia. The location is a very central one to tho car, as well as pleasant to : those who choose to take board _ in the Boctoria family while U'dertrofttmeat. ~ i References and cprtificates of cures, from many § of the first classes in this cit/ and elsewhere, may bo M examined at the office. . J CONSULTATION AND ADYIOE FEES. J i jel4-stutb3m Diffictilty of Breathing, Trembling, Wakefulness, Flashing in the Body, 0 I« D ’ S H. T. BGBLMBOLD. CHEMIST. DRAIN PJ PEI.-r—Stone Ware Drain Pipe from 2to 12-inch bore. 2-iucb per yard; 3-inch bore, 300 per yard ; 4-inch per yard: 6-mch bore, 60c per yard; fl-inch bore, 850 per yard. Every variety of connections, bends, traps, and hoppers. Wear© now prepared to furnish pipe in any quantity, and on litoral terms to dealers and those pur chasing in large quantities. .; OBNAMENTAUCniKNEY TOPS.-Vitrifled Terra Cotta Chimney Tops, plain and ornamental designs, war ranted to Btand the action of coal gas or tho weather in any climate. . - G ABDEN VASEB.—A great variety of ornaments' garden Vaaes, in Terra Cotta classical designs, all sizes, and warranted to stand tho weather. 3 Philadelphia Terra . Cotta- Works, Office’ and Ware 1010 CHESTNUT Street, jolT-tf , 8. A. HARRISON. QAUTION.— Owing to the popularity ADJnST t£n 1 1> n w.m';; c . OT * waicS onr PATB.VT BRLF olh,rVarto» „? LO E!IKS , Has met with, endeavoring m aeU their mferiov ma ! CWMB.ljy adODtmgourmimoof “ 3BLF-AD JUSTING” os » means to deceive the pobiio. s . We, therefore, givo notice tk»i onr name will he iflalnlv stomped od each Machine inacnfactured and cold by at andnoneotkM-a are genuine. Any oneUßlngourtrade- mark wUI he dealt with accoi diog to law. 8 ““‘ wane Mr. L. E. BNO W, ooroer of FIVTa and fiBrESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, is nor AOLE AGENT for Penn n it&st ■ HiL3EY < MOASE, * BOWEN? NEmOINAL. WYETH & BROTHER. 1413 * AZiKTTT Street, PMlndefohJ*. PROPOSALS. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GEKEKAIi'S OFFICE Juno 80th, 1862. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until TUESDAY, July 15th next, 12 Vclock M.,for the de- livery thousand Bets of six-mule HARNESS, com plete, to be made according to a sample now in; this office, of the best oak-tanned leather, and subject to inspection. Tbo whole to be completed and ready for delivery in thiß city, en or before the 15th day of August, 3302.. . A. BOYD, Je3o*t jyls Captain and A. Q. H. QEALED PROPOSALS ARE IN- O vited until the ISthday of JULY, 1862, for supplying the United States Subsists* Cfßopartment with 6,000 head of BEEF CATTLE on the Hoof. The Cattle to be delivered at Yfasbington, D. C., and each animal to average 1,300 pounds gross. No. animal admitted that weighs less than X.OOO pounds gross. Heifers, Stags, and Bulls not wanted.- Tb* first delivery of Cattle to be made on the Ist day of August, or as soon thereafter a* the Government may direct. - 600 head of-Cattle per week will be required to be delivered under this contract. A bond wiib. good and sufficient security will be re* gulrtd. No hid will be entertained when put in by contractors who have previously failed to comply with their contracts in any Department of Government, or where the bidder is uot present to respond to his bid. - ta The names of firms abould be stated in fall, with the precise address of each member of the firm. Proposals fronidisloyal parties will not be considered, and an oath of allegiance must accompany each proposi tion. .. • • - Ail bids must be accompanied by two guarantees. s Bids to be directed to Major A; BEOKWITS, 0. 8., XL S. A., Washington, D. 0., and endorsed “ Proposals for Beefßattle.” . -■ Form of Guarantee. ■ , • We, - ,of ti e county of ——, and State of ———V do hereby guaranty that- is able tofulfil a contract in accordance wirh the terms of his proposition, and that, should bis proposition be accepted, he wiil at once enter Into a contract ia accordance therewith. Should the con tract be awarded him we are prepared to become /his se curities. (This guarantee must be appended to each bid.) ' : The responsibility of the guarantors nmfct be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United States District Attorney. OF THE PHILADELPHIA U and beading railroad company. ' Philadelphia.. Juno 28, 1862. The BATES of FBEIGH f and TOLLS on AtfTSaA* /ITB COAL transported by this.Company-willbe aafo! -yyiii . f-'Frum • - To-BiehoiM To PhLtada. Port Carbon., ..............' $1.78 $1.48 ’ Mount Carb0n.............. 177 147 Schuylkill Haven.,... . ,1-70 1.40 Auburn...... 1.60 1.30 Fort Olioion 1.55 . 1.25 : Purlrg themonthof A.UGCTST, 1862, the rates will b§ From To Bichra’d. To Philada,. FortOarbon ............... $1.98- ; -$1.68 Mount-Carb0n.............. 1.97 1.67 Schuylkill Haven........... 1.90 ' 1.60 .... ' ,1.50 1.45 1.80 1.75 Auburn... Port Clioton.... On and after SEPTEMBER 1,1862, the rates Will be as follows: Pprt Carbon.. .. Mount Carb0n............, Schuylkill Haven.......... Auburn.................. Port Clinton By order of the Board of Managers. je3o>3m W H. WEBB, Secretary, ]\/J ANY EFFORTS HAVE BEEN iu. made to preserve the form and features of the deed, without the usual mode, so repugnant to the feel ings, of placing the body in ice. This difficulty has been overcome by Good’s air-tight PATENT BOXES. Cold Mr Is the medium used—acting as a preservative—in the wannest weather, and for any length of time required. Likewise,' bodies may be conveyed hundreds of miles with perfect safety, and in a good state of preservation. JOHN GOOD, Undertaker, M . No. 921 SPRUCE Street. N. B—Lead, Metallic and other coffins, furnished at the shorteet notice. Beams and carriages of the best quality „ Lots, half lots, and single graves, in the different oeme teiies; one superior lot in 4 Mount Moriah Cemetery j one, two, three, or four hundred feet, can be had cheap for caßh, or trade. Dr. SAMUEL JACKSON, 224 South EIGHTH Street; Dr. J. H. B. McCLELLAN.'IO29: WAL3SHT Street. zuyO-thutuSm KTATTPS CELEBRATED ITALIAN iy CREAM will poeitirely remove TAN, FBHOKLBS, BALLOWNES3, SUNBUBN, PIMPLES, and all erup tious of the face: giving .a beautiful healthy glow and roßy color to tne cheeks, bo much desired by every one. In short, it PRESERVES THE FRESHNESS OF YOUTH, removing all WRINKLES, and giving a soft, smooth appearance to the face, and a brilliancy to the akin that lB smprimng to all. It is an article that is INDISPENSABLE TO EVERT LADY. Upwards of 1,000 BOTTLES, PER DAY are now sold In Philadelphia alone,-and the demand is daily increa* ing. Price cents per botcle. Sold by M. B. S. NATTI & 00.,4 - Mouufactnreri and Proprietors, No. 621 CHESTNUT Street, PbUadelphla, And by the following agents in ; Philadelphia: J. B- Oasselherry, No 45 _N. Eighth - street; Andrew Taylor, druggist, cor. of Ninth and Chestnut streets: M. Brad field, N 0.802 Arch street; F. V. Barrett, No. .064 N. Second street: Miss Kocher, Seventh and Coates streets; M. L. Adams, N. W. cor. of Marshall and Girard ave nue; and by druggists and dealers In Fancy Goods ge« nertuly. Agents wanted In every town and Tillage of the United States and Canadas. my33-tf fILOTHES WRINGER—U XT R A . \*J CAUTION.—The rmly wholesale agency for PUT NAM’S SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGERS is at No. 433 MARKET Street, where the Wringer may ;be seen at work. . It is far superior to any other in the market,' as it'has no wood to S3?ell, no rubber bands to stretch,‘•and no thumb-ecrows to .gefe out of order. It wtil wring anything, from a shift collar to a quilt, and needs only to bo seen at work to convince any house keeper that it ifl ju-t the thing they need. The pabUe -avAJnwited to call a&d examine. For sale at the woodeo- N0.,433 MARKET Stre©tranO?6r6NOTtrFrFT^E'Bt. — jy2-4fc .The only Wholesale Agent in Pennsylvania, I> IO TIN A ROOFINOi UNITED STATMBIO?In1 D r”oMNG OOMPAHI, No. 8 GORB BLOCK, , ’ Oorner OMEN and PITTS Streets, Boston, Mmj. . This Portable Booflng is the only article ever offered t to pnbho which is ready prepared to go on ihe root withont any finishing operation. It'ia&A*, hanftm* and easily applied, and can be safely and cheaply trans ported to any pari of the world; It will not taint of auemr water running over, or lying on ft, and is, in all respects, a very desirable article. Itß non- cond acting properties &dapt it specially to oovering maiinfactorles of various kinds ; and it is confidently offered to the public after a test of four years in all varieties of climate and temperature, for covering all kinds of roofs, flat or pitched, together with cars, Ac, * It isi both 6heap an & durable. Agents wanted,' to whom liberal inducements are offered. Send for sample, circular, &c., with particulars, to «*U. S. ROOFING CO.. No. » GORE BLOOH. Boston.” en24-8m jA “THOMSON’S LONDON i—KITCHENER ” —We aro now manufacturing “THOMSON’S LONDON EUBOFEAN RANGE, suitable'for large and small families, hotels, hospitals, and other public institutions, in great variety. Also, Portable Ranges, the “ Philadel phia Range,’’ Gas Ovena, Bath Boilers, and Cast-iron Sinks, together with a great variety of small and large sized Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Fire-board Stoves, Low-down Grates, &c. : Wholesale and Retail only at onr Warerooms. NORTH, CHASE, A NORTH, No. ZO9 North SECOND Street, fonr doore above Race street. THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, SA £to rent, with or without FUliNirUß!C,eemalneat Country Places, with a few ocroß of ground, convenient to railroad stations near the city Apply to IS. PKTTtT, j*3o No. 309 WAtiNCJr Street, FOIV feSALIt'— r ihe Goodwill ; and Fix; turn of a DRINKING SALOON, on one of the greatest thoroughfare* In the city. Inquire at B F. GLENN’S Beal Estate Mart, 123 South FOOBPH Street., ie-18-t : 'ffe F 0 11 BALE—Delaware-county ■» Farm* containing 98 acres of.fir»i-rate lat-d, situ ate near Marcus Hook, Philadelphia aud Wilmington Railroad. Large aud snbHtunUai stone iuiw-vements, nicely watered; good fruits, TO LET* ANTHONY W& Co., Chicago. LEECH & Co., No. T Astor House, or No. 1 South WZK«n street, New York. LEECH A O&vNo. 77 Washington street, Boston. -MAGRAW & KOONS, No. 80 North street, Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, - Gen’lFreight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Gen’l Ticket Agent, Phlla. ENOCH LEWIS. Cen’l Bup’fc. Altoona. jyl-tf "155 *8 PHXLADEIiPfIIA, SSS»c^^ s GERMANTOWN, AND NOR RISTOWN RAILROAD. r ? ; TIME TABLE. On Rml after Monday, May 26£b, 1862, until further notice. r FOB GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, % 7,8, 9,10, A. M.,1, 2. 8.10, 4,6, 6#, 0.7, 8,9#, 10#» 11£,'P«“M.‘‘ ~ ;-' l-«ftve Gerra&nto^o«' 6 rfr, 7 ® 5 » 8, B#, 9#, 10#, 11#, B. 9,10.10,11, P. M. : . • . . PUl.deiphia,'BOO AfSj *, S, 6, IX, 19)1, Leave Germantown. 8.10 A. M., 1 4 a ai/ p m CHEBTNUT BILL RAILROAD Leave Philadelphia, 6, 8. 30#, P. M. ‘ “ Leave Cbcstont HiU, 7.10, 7.35, 9.10, 11.10, A. M., 1.40,3.40, 7.40,9.50, P. M. . ON-SUNDATS. Leave Philadelphia, 9JO A. M., 2, 6,7#,P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.&0 A. M 4 12.40, 0.10,9.10, "FOR OONSHOHOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN, i Leave Philadelphia, 6, 9.05, IIiD6, A. M., I#, 3,4 U, ■6.10,8.06,11#, P. M. Aieave Nopietown, 6,7, 7.50, .9, U# A. M.,l#, 4#, o#, P. M. V ■—■ * * ON SUNDAYS,- . Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. M-, 2#, 4#, P. M. ~ Norristown, TA. M.,1, 6, P. M. \ . FOB MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 9, 11.06, A. M.,l#, S, 4#, 8.10. 8.05.11 V. P.M... ~ : * .V: ' i,7X,8.50, Q%; A. M., 2, SUNDAYS. S 3 A. H., 2#, 4#, 8, P. M. ( A. Ml, 1#; 6#, 9, P. M. ; . ITH, General Superintendent. ; NINTH and GREEN Streets. NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAH.BOAD. DOYLKSTOWN, M A 008 P9N, KABTOS, WILKBB- I2BE) £& . ABBANBBMBITY. SBOD&H TBAim DAY, STAY 5, 1862, Pa*M. ga T)Akia will leave FBONT and WILLOW Btreebk FUlMjiphlE, BaUj, (Snndays exoopted,) m follows: m At MO!A. M., (Bxjresa,) for Betb)eta«n, Allentowa, KanohChant, Haaletoa, Wilteebarre, Ac. : , At 2.® F. M., {Express,) for Belhluaem, Barton, An. TUa train reaobea Barton at C F. M., and mahea a with the Hew Jerae, Centra! for Hew _AV6.i F. M., for Bethlehem, AUeniown, Manch At§ £ M, Mid 4 P. M., for Doyleotown. At 6 J. M„ for Tort Waahlnj|ton. Cfea «.» A. M. Bipreea Train mahes eloee connection WtUil to* *Behi6h VaUey Railroad at Bethlehem, beta* aw Fhbrteet and moat doslrable route to ail pointe In the Mhlth coal region. /; IBAIHB 808 PHttADHDPHIA. U»» Bethlrttem 0t6.40 A. M., 9.18 A. M., aaddAl K* .* *j • T * I : liave Doylestewn at 7.25 A. M. and P. SSL LiaveFort Washington at 0.80 A. M. OF SUNDAYS-*Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 7.45 A.N. j ■ Pldlamlphla for Doyleatown at 2.45 P. M. ZSvlMown for Philadelphia at 6.30 A. M. Bcfcblaem for Philadelphia at & Jr. m. Fare to Bethlehem...4|l.6o [Fare to Mauch Chtmk.S2 60 Fare toEagton.,,,.. 1.60 i Wilkesbare.......... 4.50 Tfcroqfc Tickota must be procured at the Ticket Offlcse, ft WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, in ordar to seem! the above rates of fare. All PMenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berfcktreet with the Fifth and Sixth streets, mad Se cond anj Third-streets Passenger Railroads, twenty mi sates asr leaving Willow street. ' m7 * 1 " ELLIS CLARK, Agent. fig.WrffMaawß PHILADELPHIA AND BLMIBA E. B. liINH. ;188S£H wiNTBK ASRAN3EMENT. 18tiB Nor WfLIAMSPOBT, SCBANTON, EL SITKA, an* all point to the W. and N. W-. Passenger Trains leavo Depot'of Fliia. and Beading B. B„ oor. Broad and Oftl lowhiii stnets, at 8 A. M., and 8.15 P. M. daily* exoept ■ Sundays. j . ■ ■ , QOICKIST BOOT® from Philadelphia to points in Northern tad Western Pennsylvania, Western New Torlt Ao.So. Baggage ohecfeed through to Buffalo, Niaara Ftla, or intermediate points. ' TifxraghExpresß Freight Train for all points above, leava daitatßP. M. . . : : r Woe fnrifer information apply to * . J! i.n : si, ‘ JOHN S. HILLEB, general Agent THIBTWKTa and CALLOWHILL, and N. W. cor, SlXMfend CHESTNUT Streets. :. ja3l-H__ Tgl jJstgjc-an BE QPIN I N Q- Olf . BSiJlefeHSci THE BALTIMOBE AND OHIO BAILRAB.-This road, being rally EEPAIBED and effectual]. GUARDED, is - now . open for the : trans portattoiof passengers and freight to ail points in the GBEATWEST. ’ For through tickets and ail ether in fonnaSd apply at (he Company’s Office, corner BBOAD Street ad WASHINGTON Avenne. I '■ S. M. FELTON, BS , ■ V President P. W. and It. K. B. GO. tESTER HIA BAlt the train; ,N.B. cor nets, at 7.45 nd onTnes leave West MABKBT thorn Eigh -2 P. M. i.OOP. M. A. M., and on the Fbl ar Ooncord, WOOD, ntendont. mum via PBNK :ner ELB 1., 12 noon, [eventh and !ster at4P. no3-tf' ; , ITsF Office at tages, Msr* by «e atra mpaniea, to tted States ' r»BD, uteedent CROP OF VANILLA A 7 BEANS, at £9 per pound: also, on hand; the cheap, eet Cbanoin and Split Shins In the city. | CAMPBELL & BROTHER, 172-61* 80. 183 South FBONT Street AMPAQNE.—The original “ Gold W lac” Champagne, in quarts and pints, for sale (to sriive) by .OHAS. 8. OABSTAIBS, No, 128 WaL NUT and 21 GBANITB Streets. .. Je2B €E AMP A GNE.—An invoice of “Gloria,’' in quarts and pints, for sale (to arrive) bT^?^ S N 0.128 WALNUT Street, and 21 GBS.NITE Street. . j«2B 'TODAY, JULY 5, 1862. | RAILROAD LINES. INSURANCE COMPANIES. T\ELAWABE MUTUAL SAFETY XJ HJSUBAHOB COMPANY. IHOOBFOKATED BY THE M9ISLATOBK OP PENNSYLVANIA, 1886. OFFICE 8. E. COBNEB THIRD AND WALSOT STBEETS PHILADELPHIA. . „„ Sabine insdbanob OH VESSELS, ) OABao, 5 TGaasarHoftoWorM. TBXIGHTt j INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by Blvora, Oanala. Lake,, and I*o4 to a(l parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Herchsmdise generally. On Stores, Dwelling houses. So. ABBKTB OF THE COMPANY, NOV. 1, 1861. ' l*A*. ’• ' GOST. ' $300,000 United States Five per ©eat. Lota. 9100,260 00 00,000 United States Six per cent. Trea sury N0tea...... 49,994 87 15,000 United States Seven and Tfcree tentha por cent. Treasury Note* 55,000 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five per cent, Loan*.. 89,Ml 21 138,060 Philadelphia City Six per cent. L0an.....,,110,448 17 80,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent L0an........ 24,075 00 20,G(X> Pennsylvania Bailroad, Ist Mort gage Six per cent. 80nd5......* 20,000 00 50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. 80nd5...,,*, '40,180 81 15,000 800 Shares Stock Germantown Oaa Company, principal and interest guarantied by the City of Phi 1ade1phia..,........,...,.,,,,, 14,587 GO 1,000 100 3haree Stock Pennsylvania BaHi-oad Company..' i,OOO 00 Bills receivable for insurances made...... 90,730 07 Bonds and Mortgages..... 75,000 00 Beal Estate. 51*868 85 Balances due at Agencieeh—Premiums on Marine Policies- InWresfc. and other Debts due the C0mpany...,..........,,, 48,181 ST Borip and Bto«k of sundry Insurance and other Companies, 911,848—estimated va 1ue.......... 4,084 00 CBeh on hand—ln 8ank5.......951,093 08 In Drawer 517 88 11,815 85 251R150T085. William Martin Bomnel B. Stokes, Kdmtmd A. Bonder, J. 7. Peniston, Theophllua PatUdm*, Henry Sloan, Jobs H, Penrose, Edward Darlington, John C. Davis, H. Jones Brooke, James Tratiuair, Spencer M’Ttyalne, William Eyre, Jr., : Thomas 0. Hand, Boberi Burtoa, Jaceb'P, Jones, James 0. Mo Far land, Joshua p. Byre, Jobs B, Semple, Pittsburg, James 0. Hand, William 0. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. B, M, Huston, Seorge Q, Leiper, HoghOrflig, D. T.Morgan, Pittsburg, Oharletf Kelly, i A. JB. Berge/, Pittsburg. WILLIAM SIABTIK, Present THOMAS 0. HAND, Vice President HENBY LYLBUBN. Secretary. rjjlHE ftEMAKGJR! MOTUAi IHSUBAHUB OOIIiBI, O»FHILAB*LFaiJL, * OFFICE No. 80& WAX.MJT STBEET, £wkim* Rgalnst LOSS OB DAMAGE B? FIBS, oa Houses, Stores, and other buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Mer chandiso, in town or country. GABS CAPITAL, S23I,IIO.OO—ASSETS $817,14101, ' Which is invested a* follows, via: In first mortgage on city property, worth ioubtetheamount...slBl,9oo 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’s 6 per oent. first mortgage loan, a* par.,.,.......,, 5,M0 00 Pecnsylvanie Railroad Oo.’a 6 per cent, Kh> oond mortgage loan, ($30,000). $7,800 08 sluntingdon and Broad Top Ballroad mud Canal Oo.’a mortgage 10an................ OB Ground ront, first-c1agg...........5,462 50 Co lateral loans, well secured 8,500 06 it? of Philadelphia 8 per cent 10an...,,,.. $O,OOO 00 Allegheny County 8 per cent. Pa. BE. loan. 10,090 08 Commercial Bank 5t0ck...*...,...0,130 01 Mechanics’Bank 5t0ck...........,,...*.,. $,812 §0 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’s 5t0ck,,.....,,/ 4,000 CO The fielifenoe Mntna! Insurance Co.’s stock. 95,850 00 The Cfcmnty Fire Insurance Co.’s stock...., 1,060 00 The Delaware M.B. Insurance Co.’s stock.. TOO 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.’s 5crip...,,,,, $BO 80 Bißfl receivab1e.,^...,,................... 14,302 74 Book accounts, aoorned interest, Ac. 7,104 0* o«sh os kuid MMMMIM „ mk , 11,544 84 The Mutual principle, ecnabisiod with the security ot a Stock Capital, entitles the Insured to participate in tha 3TSOHTB of the Company, without liability Jo? ZrOSSSS* Boases promptly adjusted and. paid. ; DISBK3TOm Samuel Bfspham, Bobert Steen, William Musser, Seoj. W. Tingley, Marshall HiU, J. Johnson Brown, Charles Leland, Jacob ,T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John BisseS, Frttabarg. : ProddenS. CBesa Tingle?) WHliam B. Thompson, Frederick Brown, 'William Steven Bon, John B. WoweU, 5. L. Oar son, Boberfc Tioland, 0. B. Rosengarten, Charles 6. Wood, , James S. Woodward, d* 18. HL HnroMKi«, B February 16,1861. TORE INSURANCE. JJ MECHANICS’ INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 138 NORTH SIXTH Street? below Race, .insure Bandings, Goode, and Merchandise* generally, from Loss or Damage by Fire, The Company guaranty to adjust-all Losses promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patronage of the public. DIKECXOKS. William Morgan, James Martin, . James Duross, Francis Falls, .Charles Clare, Thomas Fisher, John Bromley, Francis Me Manns, Hugh O’Donnell, ; —JRarhard-.ftafferty. _ CIS COOPES,'President; rt&vj. myl7-tf Francis Cooper, ... * • MiGbael McGeoy, Edward McGovern, " Thomas B. McConnicki .Matthew McAleer, . John Cassady, Thomas J.~ Hemphill, Bernard H, Hulßeman, Michael Cahill, "9 ten« -llaOnnnj-. . : fban BERNARD BAFFEftTY. SeOr TjUEE INSURANCE iaxoiiTjai'V'K JPxY.—The PE '.NSTLT* Wli ; FI Kit INSUBANOH incorporated 1825.'CJSB PEBPE TUAIi. No. ilio WAI,Ni7T Street, opposite Indepoui -ence souare. This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-sin years, continues to iosnre against Xoss or Da mage by Tire on public or private Bniloinga, either per manenUy or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms.: • ■ Their Oap)tal, togethor with a Urge Surplus Fund, ts inyested In the most careful maimer; which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security tu the case sf loss. • • DIBEOTOBB. Jonathon Patterson, , ' Thomas Boljina, Qnmtin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr,, ‘ Alexander Benson, John Derereux, . William Montellus,. Thomas Smith. : Isaac Kaztehurst, , ’ ; JONATHAN PATTKKSON, President. William Q. Ckowbi.l,, Secretary- a p« fjpHl BNTEEPiIISE INSUBANCK COMPANY OP PHIIi ADEUPHIA. (PIBB INBUBINOB EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDINO. S. W, COBNJBB POOBTH AND WALNUT STBEETB. DIEEOTOBS. P. BatchferdStarr, : MonlecalL.Dawson, William McKee, Geo. H. Stuart, Halbro Frazier, John H. Brown, John M. Atwood, B. A. Pahuestock, Benj, T. Trediek, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, J. L. Errioger. ■ : .P. EATOHPOBD STABS, Presidext. Charles W. Coxb, Secretory. , fepg , TNSURANGE COMPANY OP THE A BTATE Off PENNSYLVANIA—©PFtOE Nos. 4 ftud 5 EXCHANGB BUILDINGS, North side of WAL NUT Street, between BOOK and THIRD Streets, Phila delphia. INOGBPOBATED in 1794—OHABTEB PERPETUAL. CAPITAL *200,000. PROPERTIES OF THE OO MPANY, FEBRUARY . 1,1861, *507,094.81, KARINE, FIRE, ANl> INLAND TRANSPORTA TION INSURANCE. . DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, . Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macaleater, Tobias Wagner, William 8. Smith, Thomas B. Wattsoo, Jobs B. Austin, * Henry G. Freeman, WiUiem B. White, Charles 8. Lewis, George H. Stuart, • George O. Carson, Edward 0. Knight. HFNBrD.SHEBBERD, President. Williah HabpbEj Secretary. jy2B tf AMKKICAN FIRE INaUEANCE -LA_ COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-op Capital stock and Surplus, In vested Id sound and available'Securities, continues to Insure on Dwelling*, Stores, Garniture, Merchandise, Teasels in port and tlioir Cargoes, and other Personal Property. AU losses liberaUjr and promptly adjusted. 33IBKOTOSS, • James B. Campbell, Edmund G. Dnti*b, ©harles W. Poultney, Israel JSlorris, \ Thomas E. Maria, John Welsh, .Samuel 0. Morton, Patrick Brady, John T. Lewis, , THOMA Albert O. L. Crawford, a N T BRA 0 IT®. INS UR a.NOE X\- CeMPANT.—AnthorizeS Capital 5400.000 OHABTBB PSEEETOAL. , Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Tire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. . Also, Marine Insurances on Teasels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. V BISECTORS.. William Esher,;/ ' B. Luther, Lewis Audenried, John B. Blakiston, Joseph MaxSeld, WILL] :wm. : W. M. Smith* Secretary. T7IXCHAN&E INBUEANCE CoM lli PANY-rOfflce No. 409 WALSTUT Street. Fire Insurance on Houses and Merchandise generally, on favorable terms, either Limited or Perpetual. DIRECTORS. Jeroroiah Bonsall, Thomas Marsh,. John Q. Gimiodo, Charles Thompson, ~ Edward D. Roberts, Janies T,.Hale, fipmuel D, Smedley, Joshua T; Owen, Beubdh 0. Hale, John J. Griffiths. JEREMIAH BONBALL President ~ JOON Q. GINNODO, Vice President' Richard Cox, Secretary. V . ia3l V COAX, fIOAI,.— THE UNDER SI G NED %J beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH. COAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW where they intend to keep the best quality of LEHIGH COAL, from the most approved mines, at the lowest priced. Tour patronage is respectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON A CO.; • Office, 112 Bouth SECOND Street t Turd, EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-tf I2jLD MLN ATUN &. OILS «r IJOIFER” OIL WORKB. •AJ 100 bbls« Lucifer” Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee the oil to be non- explosive, to bum all the oil In the lamp with a steady, brilliant Same, without crusting the .wick, and but slowly. Barrelr lined with glass enamel. WRIGHT, SMITH, A PEARSALL, • feSi-tf Office 6lfi MARKET Street QAUTION. The well-earned reputation of FAIRBANKS* SOAILES Em Induced the maker, of lmserfeot balaaoM to offer them u u TAIBBANKB’ B0A1BS,” and pnrehaaer* have thereby, In many Inatanoea, been.subjected tofraod tnd Impoeiaon. FAIEBANKS’ 60ALBB aremannfao tmed only by the original lriyentors, B. A T. FAIB -8 ANKB A 00., and are adapted to ewry branohof the bneineM, where a correct and dttrahle'Bcalee Is rewind. FAIRBANKS & EWING, v General Agents, •PIQ-tt MASONIC HALL, 71# CHESTNUT ST. fOHN'B. MYERS Sc CO,, AUG WLtIONBEBS, Nou. 232 and 234 MARKET Street CLOSING SALK OB' DRY GOODS. ON MONO AY HORSING,* July 7» on 4 months’ credit— * About 500 pucltavee French, German, and British Dry Goods, including about 1 000 cartons ribboufl, ju*t landed. mjRJSESS, BRINLEY, & CO., J : No. 429 MARKET STREET. SALE OF FRBMltt DBY GOODS. ON TUESDAY Ho&NING. July 8, afc 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on four months’ credit y 400 lota of iancy and staple French dry goods, com prleii g a general assortment. . - SCHOONER YACHT DAWN AT AUCTION.- ON WEDNESDAY, July 9, at 11 o’clock, at Dock SToet wharf, the ro msrkubl, fast saline and weil fitted y»cht DiWJT, ia complete order. Cun be examined, at Smith's IsUad, at any time previous to sale. An inventory ou board. PANOOAST & WARNOCK, AUC TIONKEItS, No« 413 MiitKHT Street. SALE OF A STOCK. Off DBY GOODS, MILLIHBBY GOODS, STOCK GOODS, *o., by Oatalogno. OK WKDN-KSOAi MORNING, - July 9. commanolng at 10 o'clock preoinil?. PHILIP LORD & CO., AUCTION- J_ KERB, 525 MARKET and 522 OOMMEttCE^StS. TTJSITED STATES, -EASTERN BIS- U ’ TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly ami duly proceeding on a Libel, Filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons ia general who- have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in twelve hundred hare ol Railroad Iron, take r and.seized ns prize, h) the United States naval ferco* in St. Simon’s Sown**, Georgia, under comm md of ’Japtata 8. W. Gordon, to be monished, cited; and called to judg ment at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring.) You are therefore charged, and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, bnt that, by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and pub lished in the City of IMiiladelphia, and .in the Legal In £«lh'o«ncer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to hnvc, aiiy right, title, or interest au the said twelve hundred bars of Railroad I on, to ap pear bt-fdre the Hon. JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said court, at the District Conrt room, in: the Oity of Philadelphia,, on the. TWENTIETH day af ter the publication; of these presents, if it bo a court day, or else on the next court daj following, between the usual hours of heaving canses, then and there to show, or allege, in duo form of law. a reasonable and lawful ex cuse, if any they have, why the said twelve hundred bars of baiiroad Iron should not bo pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as gqpds oF their eneniios, or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to bo adjudged and condemned us good and. lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons . aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of those presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and- shall not show n reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on tho said: : capture, and may pronounce that the said twelve hundred bare of Baiiroad Iron did.belong, at tho time of the cap ture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of .America, and as gwoda of their enemies, or other wise, liable and subject to confiscation and condem nation, to be adjudged aud condewned iw lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and intimated m anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court whut you ahall do in the premises, together with these presents.' Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALAdeR, Judge of the eaid court, at Philadelphia, this second day of JULY, A. B. 1862, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. j?3-3t G.R. FoX,Cierk District Court, U. S. 5960,8T6 14 TTNITED STATES PATENT Of vJ VICE, Washington, June 21,1862. On the petition of WILLIAM BEACH, of Pbila delphia, Peni-aylvania. praying for the extension, of aRv tent granted to him the 13th day of March, 1849, and the same were surrendered by him, canceled, and new letters patent issued on his amended specification dated the 12th day of February, 1850; which last letters vrera also eurrendert-d by him, canceled, mid nevr letters pateot is- Bued on: his second amended specification bearing d'tte the 9th day of December, 1866, for an improvement ia Cuiry Combs for seven years from the expiration of said .patent, which takes place on the l’3th day of March, 1863. lS R. MARIS, President Secretary. fe22-tf . Davis Pearson, Peter Sieger, J. E. Bauto, Wm. F. Dean, John Ketcbam. ‘AM ESHER, President S'. DEAN, Vice President aj&tf - On the petition of DAVID DIOK* of MeadviUe, Poun., praj ing lor tbe*exteiißion of a patent granted to him on tbo 30th day of October, 1848, for an ioaproyeraent ia <• PRESSES,” for seven years from the expiration of said patent, which takes place on the 10th day of October, 1862 It is ordered, that the said petition be heard at the Patent Office on MONDAY, the 22d day of September next, at 12 o’clock M.; and all persons are notified to appear and show cause, if any they have, why said petition ought not to be granted. Persons opposing ilse extension are required to file in the Patent Office their objections, specially get forth in writing, at least twenty days before the day of hearing; all testimony filed by either party to be used at the said hearlsg must be taken , and transmitted in accordance with the rultg of the office, which will be furnished on application J The testimony in the caso will bo closed on the Bth day of September next; depositions and other lied upon eslfstimony must be filed in the office on or before the morning of that day; the arguments, if any, within ten days thereafter. . Ordered, sleo, that this notice be published in the Na tional Intelligencer , Washington, D 0., and The Press. Philadelphia. Pa, once a week for three successive wwksjthe first of said pohlicationß to be at least sixty day b previous to the day of hearing. D. P. HOLLOWAY, Commissioner of Paten f g. : P.B.—Editors of the above papers will please copy, and send their bills to the Patent Office, with a paper containing tlris notice. jy4-f3t PAMPHLET PRINTING, Beist and Oheajetrt in the City, atBISSWALT A BBOWH’B, IH BonttireOßTS Ufc atfl: SALES BY AUCTION LEGAL. OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: ttniteb s fates, $ astjb rn bis- U : TBICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SCT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, , . - GREETING: WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding *on u. Libel, filed in the name of tho United States of America, hath decreed ail persons. in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the schooner SABoIH, whereof Charles A. Rutseil is muster, ber tackle, ‘apparel, and furniture, and the goods, waws, aod merchandise laden oa bo ird thereof, captured as prize of war, by tbe United States steamer Keyßtone State, under command of Oaotaia William E. Le Bov, one of the United States naval eauad tr.n, under command of Flag-Officer S. F. Dupont, to be monished, cited, und called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter ex pressed, (justice so requiring.) You are, therefore, charged, and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit-not, but that, by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in tha city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal latelhgen cer t yon do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, : or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in", the said schooner SARAH, her tackle, apparel, and fur niture, ard the goeds, ware?, and merchandise lalen cm hoard • therbf. to appear before the Hon. JOHN CADWALADEB, tho Judge of ; the said court, at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court dpy following, between the usual hours of h'earing.causos, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse,' if any they have, why the said schooner SABAH, her tacke, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchadrise laden on board thereof. should not be pronouncedfce at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their ene-. miee, or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, -tu tm-wDuaged'and-oondemYififl as ptood-and lawful prizes j and further to do.and receive - shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or, cause to “Vo intimated, *nto All persons aforesaid generally, .(to . the tenor df these"’presents, it is also intima ted,) that if tbey shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a rea sonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said Dis trict Court doth intend and win proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounca that the said schooner SARAH, her ,tackl«, apparel; and furni ture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on -bc-aid thereof, did belong, at tho time of the capture, of the seme, to the enemies’of the United Stated of Ame rica, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Courtwhat youshall do in'the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADEB, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia, this second day of JULY, A. D. 1862, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. Jj3-3t G. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. TATOTICE IS II BEE 8 ¥ GIVEN, X.Y That a Certificate. No, 811, for two shares of the capita! etock in the Bank of Germantown, in the name, of Mary Sexton, has been lost or mid aid, and that an* applicaiir.n has been made for a new certificate in lieu of the one eo lost or mislaid. THOMAS TIHBHAY, jel4«ej6l# . Administrator of Mary Sexton, dec’d. TRUSSES. Ti/TRS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBBA- JjrA TED SUPPOKTKBS FOB LADIES, And tiH only Supporters uuder emineut medieai patronage. Ii»- itoa and physicians are respectfully requested to'call only set Mrs. Bette, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand invalids have been advised by their physicians to use bet appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United >3tate* copyright. labei* on the box, and signatures, and ebto on the.Suuporters. with testimonial*, , IT IS ORDERED, that the said petition be heard at the Patent Office on MONDAY, the 10tfa day of FEBRU ARY next, »t 12 o’clock 31.‘; and all persons are notified to appear and show came, if any they have, why said ought not to be granted. Persons opposing the extension are required to file ia the Patent Office their objections, specially set feu th in writing, at least twenty days before the d*y of he iriog; nil testimony filed by either party to be used al the said hearing must be taken and transmitted in accordance with the rules, of the office, which will be furnished on application. - The testimony in the care will be closed on the 2d day of February next; depositions and other paperirelied upon as testimony must be filed in the office on or before the morning of that day ; the arguments, irany, withis ten days tht-reafter.. Ordered, also, that this notice bB published in the Na tional Intelligencer , Washington, D 0., and The Press* Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, once a week for threosne ccßsive weeke; the first of said publications to be at least sixty days previous to the day of hearing. D P. HOLLOWAY, Commissioner of Patents. P. S.—Editors of the above papers will please copy , and send tbeir bils to the Patent Office, with a paper containing this notice. je2B th3t ■ TTJVHED STATES PATENT OF IJ FIOE, WASHINGTON, June 28, 1862. . On the petition of JOHN P. HAYES, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, praying for the extension of a patent granted to him January 30th, 2549, for an Improvement in 4 BAKING APPARATUS.” forseven years from the expiration of said patent, which takes place on the 3.oth day of January, 1863 It is ordered that the said petition be beard, at the Pa tent Office on MONDAY, the 12th day of January next, at 12 o’clock M.; and all persons are notified to appoir and show cause, il any they have* why said petition not to be granted. Perrons opposing the extension are required to file in the Patent ‘Office their abjections, specially set forth in writing, at least twenty days before the day of hearing; all teslimonj filed by either party to he used at the said hiarir.g must be taken and traosnutted in accordance with the rules of the office, which will be furnished an ap plication ; ; 7 / • , The testimony in the case will be closed on the 29 th day ■ of December next, depositions and other papers relied upon as testimony roust l>o filed in the office; On or her. fore the morning of that day; .the arguments, if aoy, within ten .days thereafter. " . Ordered.'also, that this notice be published In the Na tional Intelligencer. Washington. D..U., and The Press, Philadelphia, Pa. j once a wrek for three successive weeks j the first of said publications to be at least sixty days previous to the day of hearing. . ‘ \ D. P. HOLLOWAY, je3o-m3fc v Commissioner of Patents P. B.—Editors of the above papers will please copy,- and send their bills to the Patent Office, wifcha paper con taining this notice. TTNITED STATES PATENT OF- U FIOE, Washington. July 1,1862. SALES BIT AUCTION, TUT THOMAS k SONS, -LfJU Nob. 189 and 141 South FOURTH Street ItKAL RBTATS SA.I,E—JULY 8. Orphans 3 Court Sale—Estate of Samuel Milter, dec’d, —STONE DWELLINGS, aud LOT of over 3 atobb, No. 29 Norih Third street, between Market and Arch. TWO THBBK-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Bod ma»-street, i or«h of Son»h srreet. * - BEvUTIFUL COUNTRY BEAT 3 acres with mo dern improvements, Holmesburg, in the vicimty of ele gant country residences.. Fxecutorh 3 SaU —Estate of Mary Cornell, deceased.— Valuable business stand.—TdßSEJ-nTORY BRICK STORK AND DWELLING, Sixth street, new Market, Corner of FiJberi street. Lor 20 f>et front.. Same Estate.—MODEßN THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, Eleventh street, No. I City Rt>w, between Bece and Tine streets. Clear of all incnmbrance- TBRXB STORY BRICK DWELLING, south side pf Buttonwood street, third house below Eighth street. Immediate possession. Sate, No. 325 Wharton St-eet. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. OABPBT3. St o. ON TUESDAY MOENINO, Bth inst., at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No 325 Whar ton street, the superior parlor, dining room and chamber forphure, French-plate pier mirror, fine imperial car &C. . r 16?“ Mav be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning cf the sale, with catalogues lt/rOSESNATHA^S ? AUCTIONEER AY-L AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, sentheast comer of SIXTH and RACK 'Streets. /. ; NATHANS 3 SALE OF FORFEITED GOODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING • July B,.at 9 o’clock, at Mosbb -Nathans* AucHma House, Nos. 156 and 157 North Sixth street, adjoining the southeast comer of Sixth and Race streets, cunsisting, in part, r.f— , CLOTHING, BOOKS, PIANOS, FURNITURE, PLAT FOBWI SCALES, BEGABS. FOWLING-PIJCGES, trunks, valises, &c. ' . Viz., fiue cloth frock, dross, and business coats, sacks, Garricks, and overcoats; fine caasicovre cloth, and linen pants; fine silk, satin, Valencia, marseilie*, cioth, caesi m«v, and other vests; summer olothiagj; boots, shoes, and gaitors; ladiea’ silk, cloth, iw d other clocks, ba-Mjues, ar d mantillas ; cashmere, merino. cfuDlzf aul other jlrewMja and dross patterns; side and other skirts; aader 'clo'bmg generally; crapa, silk, merino, etella, broebe, woollen plaid, and other.shawls; umoreUasacd parasols; blankets, quills, spreads, sheets, pillow ca-es, curtains, A’Cknives and forks, tpoone; uiiore 3 shears; 5,t00 Havana cigars, in lots to suit purchasers; Abboti’s plafe fmm scales, weighs 1,500 lbs; two brilliant toaed piano forte-; upright desk; lounges; stereoscopic views and cases; double-barrel towling-pieces; trarelling trunks and valises; hammocks; carpvuters’ and plumbers' tools Bnd fixtures; busting machine, and numerous other ar litlesof dry goods, h&rdwcre, cutlety, Handsomely bound Bib os; American History; Wil liams* History of the United-States, in 2 vols; Grier's Dictionary, tn German anri Eoglirh, 2 vols ; of Franco. 2 vols ; Goethe’s Works, 2 Story on Con tracts; Cbitty’a Pleadings, 3 vols.; Harris on Dental Sur g*ry; La Boche on Yellow Fever, 2 v;.ls ; Shekspeare's Works; Blair’s Bhetoiic: Macauloy’s Essays; Burns* Works; Fuller’s Poems; Life of Com Stockton, and nu merous others. Also, some watches and Jewelry. •MT" The goods will be open for examination early ea tbetnoTßingofsttle. * , .I he pianos, platform scales, dresses, &0., will be sold first; the clothing, books, &c.. immedistdy after. 5 he sale will commence precisely at 10 o’clock. SHIPPING. ■agfißgfe BOSTON AND " FHILA 3S&&X3I* DELPUIA STEAMSHIP LlNE—Saifla* from vach port every ten days—From Pine-strs-et Wharf bn fiIONDAY, JoD 7. The Sttamship SAXON, Matthews, win sail from Phi ladelphia for Boston, on MONDAY BVEMNG, the 7rbof Julv, at 7 o’clock; and from Boston for Phila delphia, on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JuU l t at A o’llock. Insurance one-half that by Bail vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers will pleaae send their bills of Lading with goods. • For freight or passage, having fine accommodations, applvto REtiRY WINSOR &no. # je!7 - 332 SOU PH WHARVES. LONDONEXHIBITION— EETUEN TICKETS TO LONDON AND BA0K: . First-class., $260. S«onc]-ela3B 68. WEEKLY OOMMUEIGA- SffHHwSt gIOH BY STEAK BETWEEN hEW YORE AND LIVERPOOL, otllin s QUEENS TOWN, (Ireland to Und and embark passengers and despatches. The Llverpos!, Nat? York, said Philadolpbia Stoam ebip C7ompan7 , a CSyde-buSt iron , screw sfceam s&ipci are intended to call as follows: FROM NEW YOBS FOB LFVJS3PGOJi ETNA ................ June 27,1862. GLA5G0W,.....;............5aturday, July 5- 1862. OITY OF BALTIMOBE....;.Saturday, July 12,1862, EDINBURGH ..........'.Saturday, Jdy 18 1862. . And every Saturday throughout tfe* year, from PISB No 4£N R ' BATSB Of PASSAGE THBOUGH I-BOM PHUjABEUPHIA. GabDi, to Queenstown, or Liverpool. m Do, to Loadcm, via Uverp001,...,.. M . 0 ..^,. > ot S*s6 to Queenstown, or Liverpool;;.s3B *B3 Do. Botura ticketa, avail able for six month* , from Utciwol g«0 Jf«SM>*enr fonrarded fo Harra, Par-j, Hamturg. asd Antwerp a* through raffle, ■'Jai-UflcsSoa of pansaps iiwiod fma Uverpoo; to Now Vork $49 -:J*raa«st» of paesaso iwmod Iro» Ooeenfrtoire to New sBo Ties# »teHae« S»o enperior accommodations for pan- Sinters, are flonstmoted with wster-tliat compartnuntn, and carr, experienced Snngeons. Vor freltiit, or passage, apply at the office oi the Oom fanr, JOHN O. DAhS, A*»rf». 11l Walnut street, In Liverpool, to WM. INHAte , Tower Built ings. Ia Glasgow, to WIL INMAN, 18 Dltoo efcrs«t. Wl THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN. ROYAL MAIL. STEAM- FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL Chief Cabin Passage.,.,sl36 Second Cabin Passage. 76 FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL Chief Ofthin Passage.....glli Second Cabin Passage.. 69 T&e ships from New York call at Cork Harbor, The sfcips frem Boston cm at Halifax mad Cork Har -s»er. - - SCOTIA, Capt Judkins. ‘ CHINA. Capt. Anderson. PERSIA, Gapt. Ldtt ASIA, Cap*. Cook. ARABIA, Gapt. J. Stoat. EUROPA, Cawt. J. LaStQIL AFRICA, CANADA, Gapt. Muir. AMERICA, Copt Hoodie. I NIAGARA, Gapt. A. Bute . AUBTRAIiASIAN. 9t«to vessels oerry ■ dear white light at mast-head; eaten on starboard bow; red on port bow. CHINA, Andoreon, leaves N.York, Wednesday, July 2. ARABIA. Stone, “ toston, Wednesday, July 9. SCOTIA, Judkins, « N.Y-rk, Wednesday, Jnlv 18. SUBOPA, Hoodie “ Boston, Wednesday, July 23. PERSIA, Lott, “ N.York, Wednesday, Jtdy 80. AFRICA, Shannon, «« Boston, Wednesday, August 6. Bertha not secured trntei paid for. An experienced Burgeon on board. Tha owners of these ships win not be accountable tor Gold,. Silver, Bunion, Specie, Jewelry, Preoltm Stones, or Metals, unless bfils of lading are staled there or, and the value thereof thereto expressed. For freight or pas sage, apply to 1. CUN ARD, 4 BOWLING G39EN. N«* York Or> B. O. A J. G. BATES, 103 STATE Street, Boston. r -»r-> FOR FEW YORK—THIS ■M«S»DAY—DESPATCH AND LINES—VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN OAN Alt. Steamers of the above Lines will leave DAILY, at IS and 6 P. M. ‘ For freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to / • WM. M. BAIRD & CO., my2l-tf 182 South DELAWARE Avenue. FOR NEW TORS. WBKilllV DAILY Lnrs; via Delawsr* Md? Raritan Cana!. • Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Ogsk f&ny receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., deUvGr~ Ing their cargoes in New York the following day. Frdghti taken at reasonable rates. - WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Phhade!;fcst, >• JAMES HAND, Agent, aul-tf Piers 14 and 15 EAST RIVER, New VoiSl MACHINERY AND IRON. J. TAtfGSAN KMM.RIO X, WILLIAM H. MBBXIOK, /OHS S. 00P». QOUTHWAEK FOUNEEY, O FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRBSTB,, PHILADELPHIA. . MEBRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Lew Pressure Steam Bnghisa, for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &o,; Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail road Stations, &c. ; - Be torts and. Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Panß, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &c. Sole Agents for N. Billieux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus: Nesmytb’s Patent Steam Hammer, and As pinwall & Woleoy’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. aub-S -PENN STEAM ENGINE and boiler wores—neafie a LEVY, PBAOTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLAGZ SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many year*, been in successful operation, and been exclusively en gaged in buUdingand repairing.Marinoand River En gines, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, Ac., Ao,, respectfully offer their services So fho public, as being fully prepared » contract for En gines of all sizes; Marine* River, and Stationary, having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to exe cute orders with quick despatch. Every description ci pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, line, Tabular, and. Cylinder 'Boilers, ©I the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings,>f all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all descrip tions; 801 l Turning, Screw-Cntting, and all other work, connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifications-for all work done at their establishment, free ©f charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie In perfect safety, sih! are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., Ao., for rais ing heavy or light weights. JACOB O. KEABUB, JOHN P. MYT, BEACH and PALMEB Streets MORGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAM i.VJL ENGINE BUILLEBE, Iron Foonders, eni (■tenoral Machinists and Boiler Slater*. Ko. 1210 OA1» fitreet. PWladrfDMa MR-tv rriO THE DISEASED OR ALL JL CLASSES.—AiI sub* acute and chronic diseaeei cared by special guarantee at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in cane of a failure no charge is made. Professor BOLLES, the founder qf this raw practice, will superintend the treatment of all cases himself. A pamphlet containing a mnltittido of oerfcificateß of those cored, also letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others will be given to any person free. Lectures are constantly given at 1220, to medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my disoovery, hi applying Electricity as a reliable therapeutic agent. Con sultation free. ap2fl-3m WORMAN & ELY, No. 130 PIGG V T Street, manufacturers of patent CAST-STEEL TABLE OIFILEEY: alee, a‘lately-patented COMBI NATION KNIFE, FOBK, and SPOON, especially adapted for Camp neo, for Fishr.rmrn, Sea-faring Men, Mechanise, Miners, Lumbermen, and all Workmen car rying their dinners.- W. A. E.’a Cutlery is warranted to be of the best finality of ENGLISH CAST-STEEL, and [a intended to suearsode, by ita excellence and cheapness, the Inferior qualities of OnUery now in the market, and to which they respectfully invite the attention of the Hardware dealers generally. MTIIROB, IIIPEEIAI,