O I T Y. J’The'llKeSinDineierU JULY**, 1861. I JULY 2,1862. 6i.x. . ia<6l. ■ ■3;p. U-l 0 A.iSt. 12 H. 3.P.M.1 84 TS”"’ ' 11 65 ‘ 66 65 : WIND. W.bjß. W. Rrg>V,,|SJ>. A EISOUSSION on Pdeuro-Pneumo- HlA.—This disease la spreading so rapidly ia soma por tions of New Jersey, and in other States afro, that the various scientistsocieties are commencing" a thorough nveitigfttion of it. The Academy.of Natural Science of Philadelphia has appointed?** committee] consisting of Dra. Mitchell) Da Costa, andLeidy.to Inquire into the origin of the dineaie and its effect upon the animal*. Dr. Xieidy will shoi tly make a microscopic examination of a portion of the lungs of a cow which is diseased, and' no doubt something new and of interest may develop itaelf. TbeOcmmis&ioners from Massachusetts, and the commit* tee of the Philadelphia Agricultural Society hare been very aeeiduout) in their endeavors to trace the origin of the malady., A s far as they hare been able to ascertain, a diseased animal was imported from England in 1848, and on her arrival in New 'York, die communicated the disease to a herd, and ever since It 'bas been rapidly spreading .Dr. Jennings,%of this ber of cows that were affected, aud it ishis opinion that pUuro- pneumonia la Infectious, and that its prevalence demands immediate attention, in order to prevent it from spreading any lurther. Yesterday, at th* regular stated meeting of the Phila delphia Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, the. only business transacted .was a dteoustion on this pecu* liar disease. Dr. Jennings, ehairman of the committee on Ibis bubjecti said that he was the only member of the committee presents He was not ready to matte a report, but gave Borne additional facte, which he'had learned in regard to iba dirt&se since the la»t meeting of the society. He said that there were three or four cows, which he could obtain for slaughter, in order to make an examina tion. Ihe Academy of Natural Sciences desired to parti cipate in tiie investigation, and had appointed a commit* tie,.as stated, to confer with the committee of theAgri* cultural Society. ' > v . The Doctor said that tbs disease was spreading very; rapidly Trough Burlington county, New Jersey, and he had bt bti called upon .to see two new nerds where eight or vine cattle bud been attackid, three or four of which he considertd’must die. He then, referred to the Han cock hetd, 1 which he had treated some time ago, and re marked that the disease bad been introduced in the in Jgliborhoed of Mount Holly by the sale of one of the cattle to a gfiitUman residing in that vicinity. . A member said that he bad teen in the proceedings of the last mooting & mominendatum to fatten jaM seU.to the butcheis diseased cattle. He wished to protest iigainst this society sending out any such recom mendation. • / . Dr. Jennings explained that this Society had not yet ' c-xpcested an opinlou upea the subject. What ho read at the last meeting w*s merely the recommendation of the-ccn niittce from Mswaachusetts.'.- He said, however, that the maikets bad been flooded with, meat I com ,dis* tasdd cntilelor yews past. ..When the disease made its appearance the dairymen Bent their cattle to, the butcher, so lhat it might not become known that the disease was among their herds. -In England, he further stated, the sale of this meati after thß apparent recovery of the cate tie had been legalized) and in Massachusetts the samo thing had 'been doce. After the cows have bemi once attacked by the diseace, The speaker believed that there •is no perfect recovery.: >- . ' Dr. McOiuie thought that file Massachusetts commit tee had lii&do a vary poor report on the disease. He tticughtwe had barn theorizing 100 much about this com plniutv Ho thought it was more manifest among swill milk cattle. • ; Dr. Jennings did not think ita cohtageeu* disease, but an infectiousone. . The President thonghtJihls'dlveaße was occasioned by keeping cattle in close, unhealthy stables, and feeding them on poor food. Dr. McCluie stated ft case where twelve cows, having this disease, ovi ed by a party in the “ Neck,” had been slaughtered and bronglu.into market. • He informed the Ik-aiO of Health of the matter, and*they stttd. they had no conffol over-it, and referred him to the, clerk of the mftiktt. Hire the matter ended. He knew the markets' were flooded with this unhealthy kiad of beef,-and he thought it wub about time that some one made a move to atpp;\t. ... - Aftef some further discussion on the subject, the so ciety adjourned. • The Few • Ironsides.—Tin's mam moth war steamer is still lying at the foot of Used-street wharf, where she is being rapidlv\ pushed forward towards completion. She will, according to the terms of the contract, be ready to hand over to the Governm-nt by the fifteenth of the present month The New Iron sides is the first plated sea-going steamer. of large size built by the United States Government. She is con structed from plans and specifications - presented to the' Navy Department last September by M&yrlck dc Sons, of this city, who are the sole contractors She was launched oh Saturday, the lDili of May, as will be remembered, in thepiesevceof an immense concourse of people, after which she was towed to her present position, where she will remain until finished. After she is given over to tha Government omo ltette time will elapse before sheis ready lor active service, on account of the delay caused by placing her armament on board, selecting her. crew, Ac. The vessel is 240 fret long, and 8,600 tons burden. Her beamis the largest in the s world,'b*iug 68 f**t 6 .inches wide. Her depth of held is 25 feet. Her frames are of white oak, filled in solid, and caulksd, aud the average thickness ot her Bides ii 20iucn*». T&e Iron platiog commences at a point 4 fe#t fastow the vaterliae, >ud extends to hir spar deck , each plate is 15 test long, by 28 inches wide, and • weighs 7,000 posed*. The wbole number of plates is I*7o, aud iheir wool* weight is about 900 tons TbesideplateHi *re each 4)4 incaej thick, and the uppor deck pistes 1 inch thick. The bulwark places are inches in tbickneMi tutd the port aunttera six inches. Each plate is fasten*.*! to the vessel by 21# inch screw -> bolts 28 inches long, which secure the several thicknesses *4 of timbor to the plates, thus tying all together. The *r •' mament will consist of »ixt#eu 11-iueh gunson gua deck, . ' end two 200-pound Parrott rifles on spar deck, each gan weighing about 16.500 pounds All the carriages are made o! lion, weighing each 8 500 pou»ds. Toe. weight of each 11. inch shell, with its usual chare of-5 pounds of powder, ia 187 p&und*. Each powdtreharge of cartridge V.is 15 pounds .. ... * The machinery consists of two hotizonfcal direct-action cteam engines. Ibe boiers-aiefonfin number, (hori • zoettti tubular,} each 17 feet front, 11 feet deep, and 11 feel high, of a collective fsree of 1,000 horeea. As ibis is a sea-going steamer, intended to sail a 9 well, :is steam, she will have three masta, and be bark-rigged, her topmasts and yards Wing so arrange! that, iaactloa, they are Itiwtrtd, and leave simply the three lower most?: in view. When in action all the men on boarcTafe pro tected from shot or shell, being b*low the spar deuk, the couunaudef only is above tbatdvck, aud lie ocoupies'a shot-prof f iron lock- out, which rises: above tbs spar dtek, and from which he can see ait surroundiog objects, and, by signals, communicate with the officers below. It 1b believed that her powers of resistance will enable her to go alongside of ati? veiwiei or fon with inapaQtty, while from her large *ize she can carry a sufficient force to capture any vestel *be may diuable .V Unlike the monitor and Gaieoa, this vessel can carry a large crew, tufficientiy so to board and capture auy ves sel fch* will be,superior to the latteri which was built «rter the plan of the British iron-clad Warrior, ami which has proved an entire failure.. In fact, the Ironsideu wUI be the finest vessel of her kind in the world. Her greatest feature bting her.tight draught of water) will enable her her to enter any port. According to the terms of the contract she ia to give a speed of 9# knots an hour. Her propeller ia.l3# feet in rttttnu ter, and is calculated to omke 88 revoumona p&r ini rule. Impenetrable to shot or enell, sbecan, by mvaas of her iron prow, sink, or by her heavy guns, capture her opponent, - ■ The Supply op Coat,.—The present high price of coal renders ail intelligence of the condition of tbe ruilroadß and canals in the coat region of inter* st. The Delaware Division Cans! is now in operation. The Lehigh Navigation will not be repaired for some weeks jot, bat vre* learn'that tbe Lehigh Valley 'Railroad and its connections wiil be tn running order tola week f that tbe work on tbe Lebigh - Valley and Beaver ft!e*dow Boad' Is pushed rapidly Forward and that tbe whole rente .will be opecc-d by to-raorrow, arjci tbe coal trade down the valley will then commence, and be prosecuted with the greatest possible activity. Coal from »he mining districts farther up the Talley, which huhsrto was put upon tbe Xitbigh banal, at Penn Haven, will be forwarded by rail to Easton, where tbe Delaware DivisiohiG*n&will >be ready to receive inexactly »■ the Lehigh Canal, when in use, received it at Penn Haven.; the cars wbiclnn the past case delivered it Into boats at' Penn Haven, will in the present case d liver into boats at Easton. Mtioh of the coal sent to market has been taken from Ihe stocks piled at the.minee, and-abme portion of It from tbe Lthigb region, which parsed over the Beaver Mea dow, Qtmkake, G*tawissa, LittieScbujlkili, aod Evading Roads to market. V • ' ■ The average: capacity of the colleriee in Schuylkill county for tbe balance of the season will not exseed,'if it wiilreacb, 80,000 tons a week. A new line of railroad has been commenced, leading fre m Hawley, the 'pdiut where the Peons* lvania Com pauy’a coal enters ; tbeiDelaware aud Hudson: Com pany’s canal, leading to Lackawaxon, en the Now York and Erie Bailrcmo. It will be completed by June, 1803. Freights to the East from jfbiladblphia have advanced again. The quotations to Boston are 5i.25, anssL7o to Rhode Island; . - Soldiers’ Hosbitals—ld addition to the Jorge building at Chester, Delaware conuty, erected normal school building, which has been secured as, a hoppital tor sick and wounded soldiers, tbe Government has also contracted for the erection of some fonr or five other temporary structures, four or, five hundred feet long,jon the seboo l grounds, to be used for the same pur poses. China Ha’l and Bristol College are also spoken of as being suitable for hoipita] .purposes!’ are both admirably adapted for such purposes. They'afe eatily reached by steamboat or railroad. and are wichifl'tfcree fouiths of an hour’s ride fi oca Philadelphia. The menagersof tbe Hospital of the Pf ores tact Episco pal Ghurch would gratefully tbank the benevolent of this city for ilie contributions, in funds and materials, which have been received to aid'in preparing the now building lor the reception of sick and wounded soldiers expected next week.' -They would, at the same time, add that they are atfllJii wa»t of many things, of- which coverlets, blankets, or comfortables*; "sheets, pillow cases are moßt needed. : Articles can be sent to, the Episcopal . Rooms, 708 Walnut »treet; or to the institu tion, eoraer of Front street and Lehigh avenue. The CrOßS.—Considerable grass- has already been cut by the farmers in our adjacent counties. The grass crop, for which much fear was expressed du rtDg the dry weather of the month of May, his picked up, and wifi be of at leoat the average amount. The quality is very good, tbe grats being fine and thick on the ground, If iavorable weathu 1 is vouchsafed during the current week, it wlh begone of great industry in all pvta c.f tbe country. Corn siill rtquires cultivation almost everywhere, hat ia deirg,finely under theiufiuenceef the hot sun. Wheat harvest approa’jhes rapidly, and the fields are fast a-sumiug a straw-colored aspect that warm tbe farmer that it is time* fb gather bis sheaves. This, year produces ah exceiltht crop of wheat, and we alreaiy hear prtdictions thattheprite Will go down to'a'dollar a huehel. But good cropaaud low prices are bettor by far than abort crops and high prices,' at d while we have such plenty ihbrols little.caute for complaint.* Iff another week the wheat barvist . will be here, and the crop may now bo considered a* entirely but of danger. Becruiting.—As'. it lias been an nounetd that tho President .will call for an additional threebundled'lbonsand men, arrangements are ab.>ut btirg made by numerous military men to commsnce re cruiting as soon as ihe order is issued. If: this uew de- ;, mnnd is mad?, each fctato will be required to furnish her • quota; nnti judging from present indications,’Penns?l -vania will, as usual, be the. first to have her required nnrober.in.ihe field. The recent order issued by Secre tary Stanton, antouncln* that hereafter a premium of two dollars would be paid for each and every accepted recruit,.has produced a general increase of army euiiat rnentfl. It lia* also been ordered by the War Department tbai out of the appropriation for and drilling volunteers, thore shall be paid in advat ca to e=ich recruit for three years or during the war the sum of twenty-five dollars, being one fourth .of the amount of the bounty allowed by lasvi such payment to be made upon thp,musteriDg of the regiments to which such re cruits belong into ihe service of. the United States. A Promenade and how it Ended;— While pausing along in the neighborhood of F*a* th and . Arch streets, on last Tuesday evening : a young lady .was accosted by on indivlddal who dtsired to see her home. The young lady, howevtr,paldno attentionto him, but he still continued to Annoy she taught him •a wVolcaome lesion. Finding could not^et rid ol him. she coD9friittd r tfiatthemight;accompaoy her, but after taking & >be stopped at tbe Sixth ward station-house and passed him over to the custody cf an officer’, r wHb lodged Mm-in durance vile, and in the morning ho waa fined S 3 25 for drunkenness. Verily, the way of the trahflgressbf Is bard. Serious Stabbing Affray.— A young :man named Yeager got into a wrangle on,Tuesday after noon, vritba man. named PatrlckLynch, at Eighth and lombard streets. During .the struggle Lynch is alleged to have drawn a knife arid tut Yeager a gash across the forvheadi sud anotherinthecheek The wounds,though pjairfnl, are not dangerous. Lynch was arrested, and, after ft heaiina yesterday nwrning before Alderman Batchell, was held in $l,OlO ball to onswer. A Patriotic Fire Company.—At a Stated tncetlig of the iWuhiniitoß Eire Oomoauj of Franliford, ]B|ld o» TnvFdayovenivg, the tn-aanrer was airti-lsrt to Take SI,OOO of United States Government loan. Tliia will make »f,600 of loan haW by that com-! puny. THi “Saßlf)|^'!gO^|lST*D'ED*CTi6N CASE.—The eontpsted election case waaresumed-yeater 'daX'HWfitoff. * & “ ? J- P live aivHuntlogdoaisfiult - M.Frangrprd u road; redded therea4tho.l&Bt eieclion , ,l kppvr is; l, voted at the last wleo£ tioh iii Frackfordroad,- above York ; I voted there once and'went over to the other eide aua voted again 4thß fecondtfme I votedin ab ovc-Yo rk]; 1 |T ;voje ll -o’cldck the first time, and the . second- place o’clock;; I ’Jotefi a fipliHicketiat both fiist tickefout 6flhe'plat»-'vr}tSre w tteyiv6fdi; don’t knbvrWho gave iV.to me; vote there; I didn't vote FureherjiT I am ta ? ikiog^afroutrvrheu'l;hftve;thas6’Bpens’'6a v , £ don’t know whoTt grot the UckeT from at the asoond place; they handfd it out af the window to,me 3 audrl right again-; Mr. ■Washington Joues wont with 'nfa to the second' place; I voted a full ticket there ; >oiddH scratch any name off.; 4 ~w Qaeßtion. Did yoti vdie -for JoHu Thompsen or bert Ewing for sheriff? . ■- ■. to, and question overruled.. v Question. -Did you know for whom you voted for she riff, ■ ' E. ENE, Answer. Idldn’t voit for sheriff; I never voted that ticket: the ticket vu not printed outside ; I had it, and handed it rightbachrl Totcd the ticketaß.lt was given,, to me entire;; I dfon’t grratch off t'lie'ahenff’a name jVK ; an coming to.my fen«* novr/dod I/dld vote for sheriff^ I to led for Bobsrt EwiDg;nd; itvras JohnThorajwon ; , I Toted both tickets; John Thompson was on both tickets*, I don’t know the najnea l rated• Tvbfed the Americm ticket, and that is the only ticket I. evervbted; I didn’t Tote for the; DemocrMic candidate/* Bobert Bains; I nerer voted the Democratic ticket.' ‘ Cross- examined.—l have; fits; I Was fact very well; nhtn .1 came on the stand thismorniog; on Monday , morning I had three'attacks; I lay for two or three ‘ weeks with them when. theai strsighf ttheady i am unconscious then for 1 a time;; I .'have had ‘them tor stvenyears; they only.cbme trace a week no «v ;I used to bare them every other 4 day; I got the first ticket at the window; it wash little bundle tied up; it was handed to me by one of the metf ii side: I did not untie it; % handed it right back to the man I, got it from: then I ; . went right home; FdidnH'wait there at all after I handed it to him; I don’t know him; I told him hiy name and where I lived; any thingon the outside of the tickets handed me; I told all this to the gentleman X saw before I oame to cbiirt * Sir. Hirst offered in evidence the list or voters oldie, Bigbth sreeinct, Nineteenth waTd/sbowiD.g the witness’ name, No. 202, as having voted a full ticket; also, the list of voters'for fbetFifth precinct, Nineteenth ward, showing the .witness’, name, No. 264, *8 having voted a fulFticket; also, tbo hourly vote of the Eighth precioctr showing, at six'o’clock, Thompsou, 10; Ewing, Jo; Sieve»«m. 10/Lawrence/ 15; Lloyd 10 14. The hourly vote.for the Fifth prscinct of the aamo ward shows Thompson, 22; Ewing, 13; Stevenson, 22; Lawrence, 13; L10yd,22: McCullough, 13. Joseph Taylor ivorm—lchalknyed Eruman at the Eighth prsrintof the Nineteenth ward ; I knew,he lived • in the Fifth precinct aioce 1856 ; ho one seemed to know • ■ him; asked him if he had any vouchers, aodhe sa'.d no; the tickers had keen distributed on ifae boxes; Mr. Orajg, . Ibe judge, looked at the bsadiogs of the tickets, and said “thatlt S* all right;” the heading wa* the opposition to ihftßfmocraticticket; H wa»*a fnU ticket; the -opposi tion ticket bad two beadiogs; there was a «No : party ticket,” and a “People’s*party ticket;” I got* a ticket for the seme man whp.geve Truenaa ,his .ticket,. .v looked insiil^if'Tramanvbted r h!fticket without looking inside of it; I don’t know the ,name of tfcs ptraon who gave Truman his tleket; Truman did net say for whom he was voting. • ' . t Erneßt A. Dressier sworn.—l reside in the First pre- • cinctof the Twenty*fire! ward; I resided thereon iasM election day ;.I :was prasent at the polls; saw ft man i vote named Samuel Maurer; think ho voted between 10 ; at dll o’clock in the morning;, he bad no residence in i that ward to my knowledge; lam tbe assessor of that division; have .been such for toree years; have lived there thirteen years; when he came up to vote I chal lenged him; Wm Thomas, the supt-rvisor of the ward, said that be would . vouch for him; Mr. Thomas gave him hie ticket; I was on the ground pretty much Ml day ; could have distinguished the ticket on election day by the beading; do not know what kind of ticket it was, ; Gross* examined.—John M. Freed was the other as sewbr; I asst-ssedbimin 3860; he lived with Mr .Sbttßtsr then ; Ido not know of his voting at aiiy other place on thatday. .. Daniel Newman sworn.—-I reside in the Firs’; division of. ihe’Tbirtfenth ward; 1 bare lived therefor fifty years; I was au inspector on tbafday; I know Norris Hibbard j ■ he offered to vote tbat'day, trad l objectcd,-for non-resi dence; he was a resident of ray precinct before he left it ; I was acquainted with him particularly; on election day, I think, be told me bis residence was on Eiguth street; below Vito, which was not in ray division; his vote was taken without my consent; he moved out of my division four or five days before the election he had just got nrar : rkd, which was'the cause of his leaving; hale in Chester county now ; he did not say he had moved out when he offered his vote; I knew it; 1 think be bad lived before in Seventh, above Callowhilt; bo voted the'full ticket; be voted about dinner time; when he* came up to vote I told him to go .where he lived; became back, and said that they had sent him to me; I thea appealed to the judge, who decided against me, and I received .his vote. , _ , , f|,Grosß examination. —-I knew Bibberd for a long time; e was a qualified voter before he went to the otner ward. . - - . ' Wm. John Hill sworn.—Laafc election day I lived at 521 fc-onth Nineteenth .street, la tbe.Fiftb division of the tteventh ward; I was returnlnspector at the election; Beniy Tait -voted there that .day ; I saw him vote; 1 challenged him; the window inspector said I was too late, that the tickets were already in the box; he was not sworn, aod no one was sworn for him; be was in uni ioim at the lime; I objected on the ground of residence; they said it was a full ticket, aa it was put inti the box; I did not we the inside of the ticket. • Gross* examintd.—l bad known Tait for about a year; 1 have never been at bis father’s or at bis wife’s house. The case was then continuod until half past eleven this morning, : *}. i—ii' ■ High School Examination.—The foltatfug are the questions given yesterday to the candi dates for admission into the Boys’ High fccbool: PRIXOtPLBS OF GRiMiTAR PRBPARHD BY BR.JE. W, VOGUES. 1 What are the methods of distiagoisuing sex 1: Give an example oreacb method. - 2. Give the masculine of the following nouns, viz: . Filly, Bee, Jilt, Dan, Sint. Give ths feminine of the following nouns, vl#: Landgrave, Tyrant, Heritor, Swein, ikiUer. 3. Conjugate the verb lie (to lie down) in the active voice, indicative mood,' second future tense. 4. What three distinct ideas dees the perfect tenaa in- . elude'l 5. Give two examples wherein the apoatrophe and a are used without indicating the poßsesrivo case. v 6. Give the signification of the following prefixes, and give an example showing how each i#.*n>ployc*d in the construction of words: Ambi, Ana, JBpi, i!ono, Peri «. . T« : Explain the difference between impersonal and de fective verbs, and give an example of each. 8. Explain the difference between the words “one, M « single,” and “fi >V' as they are used in the following One man and his servant. A tingle man and his servant. The first man and bis servant. 9. State the rute for spelling words ending'in silent.e on taking another syllable. When do words ending in ce and ge retain the e, and why 1 10. Correct the folio *ing sentence, and give your rea sons for each correction: To despise others on accocnt of their poverty, or to value . ourselves for. our wealth, are dispokitions highly culpable. Parsjrg.—Parte the word# underscored and num bered in the following Huts: If either of these words ooght to be joined with another in parsing, you will join them: ,Tuat broke from school, pert, impudent, and raw; Expert in Latin- more expert ia tew; • BishonoriJOststlJo’erltalyapdFrance,: -. 3tt< asnrt bbt Peter J s dome, and learns to dance; Thence (2), having quick (3) through various countries ' “ tkiwu, •: Gleaned all ihelr follies, and exposed his own, Be back returns, a thing (4) eo strange all o’er As never agea past proouetd before ; (5) A monster of such complicated worth, As no (8) one single clime could o’er bring (7) forth,— Balf\ 8) atheist, miller, gameater, bubbie, rook; Bait fiduler, coachman, dancer, groom, god cook, Hext, becauseburinessnow is all the vogue, And vfltQ'd (9) be quite polite must (10) he a rogue— In Paili&mtnt he purchases a seat. Pistruotiye Conflagration at Bar- BY.—About one , o’clock yesterday morning a fire broke our in the large grist and merchant mill, at Darby. The building was. owned by Mr. Birueon Lord, and occupied; by Mr. Joseph L- Sagen. The flames burned very stab hourly for upwards of two hours, and-the building was completely gutttd. The greater portion of the machinery and tbe entire stock of Mr. Sagen were destroy ed. The .water-wheel attached to the mitt was saved through the exertions ofthe steafii engine of the West Philadelphia HoEe.Coropany, which : was soon upon the ground, though located five or six mites from the place. Tnere is an in surance of £6,0(0 upon the build tog and $4,000 upon the stock. Thu# amounts, It is thought, will not be suffi cient to cover the Iqm. Borne of the surrounding pro perty took fire from the scattering cinders, any se rious damage was prevented bf the firemen. The Good Will steam engite was present, and rendered good ser vice. The fire created a great light which was visible in different parts of the city, and caused several fire compa-. Dies to leave their hofisea. - Hard Success of a Phila delphia OFFICER,—-Captain William alcMuhael, a son of Morton McMiehael, editor of the North American : and U. S. GaztUt, was captured after a severe day’s fight; at the battle of Sbilch,- and confined for nearly three months in ai Southern prison,.without a single change of, clothiDg. While 'in prison, several propositions for ex change weie received, but from some cause or other the aiT&ngcments ccmW hot be completed. He was, however, finally released. While ftfc M4inphiß, he : learned, for the fiitt time, that the division of the army with which he was engagtd had been grossly calumniated., He wrote to bis father announcing bi 3 delivery from captivity, and earnestly vindicated his .former companions-in-arms. Two days after, while-on his way to Corinth to report for further orders, he was retaken by a band of guerillas and 'Sent to parts unknown. He lias not since been heard of. The Widows and Orphans of Our BRAVE VOLUNTEERS.—a number of benevolent ladies ore now holding a fair at Concert Hall . for the benefit of the widows and orphans of soldiers attached to regiments from this city. .THe object ia a good one,; and should meet with the greatest aucceaa, as some of the c< ainiHtee have used Iheir piivate means freeiy in ex ptetation that the fair willyield a Bum sufficient to enable them to carry out their noble object. The huUiapretti \y decorated, and tb*3 tables are well tupplied.witb bon ; quets snd.tancy.ttvtlckf, fireworks, &c.. Mayor Henry invites to sustain , the, efTorta of tho ladies, and we hope it will be done. The fair is opda day and evening. ■ •. . A Touching Abreal.—Albert New sam, artist, now ;at tbe Blockky Almsbouse, mafeea ah appeal to tlm benevolent, bo that it could be. arranged for him to leave his present abode for the sum mer, andreside at some c'oun|ry Bis health is poor, ardhe thinks a cbahge of this kind would much benefit him. The productions artist ere well ’known flhd.appieciated, "and hia present fdrlsra condition cbu no doubt J3e alleviated in the miunersug • gfitid, if a few’ihdividuala would only unite ih the good work. Marshall Benzey, Bsq , the woithy Steward of Ihe Blockley Hospital, will doubtlees bo gratified, ter see those who may be in this benevolent undertaking. . j-*;.. , y ? oar city of Workmen. —There is gome complaint among the fanners of Hhe scarcity of h»idß to gather ihe harvest of hay and grain. This is purity owing, of course, to the absence of- the dred thoussad able-bodied men who have gone from among us Eo wield tbe~sword instead of the scythe. Wages ; arehot likely to be any lower Iban usuaS and we do not hear that the4nfiux of*, contrabands, lumeated ovor by gome, has as'jet deprived our white population of due employment. - Labor- saving implements of 'agriculture ' find a ready tale this year v Mid tbe manufacturers and dealeis In mowers and. reapers and patent horae-rakes find plenty of cufctomers. , ... '•■Fourth or .Celebrations.—^ The Circie, under the management of. Messrs, Dayid.Kaj^apd Jakoba to mori elghty-sixib anniversary, of our - Inde pendence, in an appTopriate ’mannerj’at. thsir place.of nieetitg, in. Mailborongh street above; Belgrade* The Declaration of lncepei.d c*nc'o will •bo road,-and' several pairlotic pieces will be sung.' Mr. Wm. Woodruff will preside at the melodeon. Tbe James Page Library Association^will oelabrate'the Fomthjof r Jjrly in on appropriate-manner,'ftt the rooms at Girard,avenue.ana Bhackamaxou street. Keyiyal of Trade The receipts at our custom house.for ihe,pafit month iudicgte quito a re vival of trade.. The each receipts were about seven and a half times the receipt&oLJun'e last year, more double those of 1860, and near!? throe tlmes thoao of 1869. For the half of the fiscal year the receipts are®1,807,413, againfct f sB70 $ 374-in.corrdsponding ; time last year.,.. Caught .in the Act.—Geo. Emery was mealed, on Tuesday afternoon, upon , the charge of., having broken into au unoccupied house at Broad and Oxford -streets, and atolen'therefrom a-chandelier. The latter was found in his possession when he was taken. iu.to .custody. Tbe accused was yesterday, by Alderman B«lU«r. ->■■.-■ ■*- % Yerdiot JRbndered.—The jury in the ON of RoWDiDß,;..oh.rg«d 'vi;i% t lteo|iißg: a* Roii.etCpme info o?ur| jejttrjay mor ß ing with a vorfliog -ol ayS indicted. ? The Work i CeMMENOEDi-r~Tlie c work of tulidisirffi. iOfiSoWilVStlfW dfMiaHonttor.iiittenrJ at Jeraes Citv, ia now fairly under way, and everything* is progressing satisfactorily. How ABB following S islhorepori .of Hownrd tfonrital, Nob. 15ft and,1529 ‘ Jjrmbafd street, for June, 1B62: Ncunbprqf gistered’ Blnce March, 1862, l,s7s;‘"rmmt>er of patienta regißlered i 4iiriDg^JuDe, > ,]802.,405 of -pitlents prescribjdMokaurftig ‘Jpne}&Se2, 1*103; number of pre aciiptioDßinppiied during Jiroe, 1&52,1,U38, V Ukivebsitx The corDmeiiCfinent of arte of tho TJni -7£ n £tl£eJ&Ps. , BB!S* •gltljWJtaM thi* morning, at tbo HttraCHtFood Hfil* • The nbaibsr o? Btud6&tj in this department Im las 4 divided „n», follows: Seniors, •*s: juniors, '2B| ‘ sbpfibmorcsf 38'; freshmen, 38: tcioniiSii and Tosal, 188. Amos' Briggs, counsel of A. SfNoo,'convicted in March last on tho charge of the larceny of barrels of . coal oil, the property oOrlr. Behreau, male tm oiaborate'arguorenf on ahrjotion fn Mvor df n new trial. The judge held the cate under his advisement, PHILADEkPHIA KOcitO DIP TBAD/B. BAM. W. DK OOCBiBr, 1 JAMESiOh HAND,r VOomsittee o# tee Moot*. J. B. IiIPPINCOTT, y - ' • lot the Merchants’ Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship :¥■ .Cummings, Wi11ar............Liverp001, Boon Ship Frabft Boult, Moreo.., .Liverpool, SJon. Dallett, Dill..,Lagu»yra, soon B&ikL Johnson, Johnson..;., .Gape of Good Hope, soonf 'Biig Havener;,;.. Barbados, sooof JHaJIINE IHTiLtieJSJSCK. -Eflß^JßfcjgHHiAjßlslieHlA.>aJuly»3aptsjh, -j t j Tv r i /' Barge'Trader, Eaton. r l day from New York, with mdse to W 24 Baird ArCo. “ Barge Wanderer, Knowlton t l day from New York, wdth 600 bales hemp to VftMißaiid & Co. CLEARED. Barkß Eonntaln, ilellar, Boston, 1) 3 Stetson. & Co. Scbr Jane, Cook, Boston; M S Backlesr._ Schr Ann Curlett, Gartott bt Thomas, J E Baxley & 00. ; behrßllenFranccst Smith, St John, NB, E; A loader AO6 ' • n't Schr S N Hall, Paddock, Providence, L Audenried .4 Co* Bchr J Grierson, *Harding, Eoxbury,.. do (Correspondence of tho Philadelphfa Exchange.) J LJBWEB» Del. June 30. The U S transport steamer* Commodore, from New York for : Portreeß Monroe, and live schoonern, left the Breakwater this morning, leaving the harbor entirely bare oftveßaels; Wind WNW* •- \ , Yours, &c. . AAEON MARSHALL. BT TBIjZBBAPH. , (Oorregpondbslfce ot the Philadelphia Exchange.) -fcBWBS, BeWJoly SL. The bM-ks-Joieph Laguayraj arid Tbo- Bias, for Cardenas, went to eealast evening. A barlt and two brigs passed is. - Yours, &o {Correspondence of the Press.} ; • . *• EaV&B DE GRACE. July 1, The’Wyoming lelt here this mor&ing with & boate ia tow, laden ami consigned as - Young America, with blooms, millfeed, a>’ dition. She had SpruDg a leak,-and nearly half of -her cat go of sugar had melted, and when parting from her she was nearly on her beam ends, and driitSug up the Gulf.. At 4PM on the same day, before she was lost sightof, her mainmast had been cutaway. Gaptaia'Pea dleten took from the Kearsage three of her passengers— a Mrs McGregor and two cbildrenj anu brought them to Key West. ■■ MARINE DI3ABTERS FOR JUNE. \ The number of American saa-going'ipraft reported last month as totally lort . or missing, amounted to 21, viz: 1 steamer, 7 ships, 3 barks,'4 brigtf, and 6 schooners Of these 7 were wrecked, 6 burnt, 2 thundered, I ran down, 2 abandoned, 1 capsized, and 3 are miesiog The folio A'ittg are their names, destinations,;Arc, inclu dirg several foreign craft,'bound to or from a United States port, reported during the month. Partial losses are not.inciudtd. ’ . >*.-' r Thoafc marked w, were wrecked; rd, run down;, a, sbsndoned; b, burnt; f, foundered,; c, capsized; m, •mis&iDg.'. . • ... . ' STEAMERS. . Gov Motto*, rd, from New Orleans for Ship Maud. "> snips,’ ... •. Beatrice, m, from Cardiff, for Hong Kbng. Scargo, a, from Java for Holland*. Isabel, (Br) m, from New Y->rk for Liverpool.' 0 H Southard, w, trom Sunderland for Genoa. _ Chicago,'b, from New York for Acapulco. ; Petcy PopOi (Br) a»,-from Baltimore for Belfast, I. Luereiia, n»f from BohgKtrogfor SauFraactsco. Forest City, in, from New York for Rotterdam. Bald Eagle, f.* frtm Hong Kong for Ban Francisco. SAItKS. Wm Woodsidoi a,-fronrManhnaln for Falmouth, E. Uuswortb, (Br) m, from New York for Queeuatawn. Eliza A Charles, (Br) from New York for Gloucester. Tiberius,'(3r) m, from New York for Queenstown.:: Oliver J Bayes, w, irom Aspiuwall for Port on Prince. Oregon, m, from Porto Praya for - • BRIGS. Gipsey, (Br) m, from Boston for St Jagode Cuba. Sahwyb, .destroyed at Norfolk by the rebels. - Bhtitts, (Br; in, from New York for Qaeonstown.- N Stetson.Jr, Havana lor Boston. ■ Aiabtli, (Br) w, from Oienfuegos for Boston. Flora, (foreign, m, from St Thomas for New York. Emma, w, from Macon for Batavia. 4 L M Dennison, m, from New York for Para. . SCHOONERS.' ; ' A EDonglaßo,f, from Philadelphia for Boston. - Garnet, b, from Rockland for. New York. D A Berry and Island City,' b, (destroyed by rebels at Gar lick Landing.,. ; ■: S L Simmons, c, from Baltimore for Beaufort. Beotia, (Br) w, from Pictou for D gbton. Gazelle, w.iiom Port Royalj 80, for New York. Tbo total.valuo of the above domestic craft is estimate! at 5458,000. "* ' ~j. „ . The following is a synopsis of the American orafe ra reporud loit’and miffliDg during the last six Steamers. 13; sbipr, 37: barks, 2; brigs, 30: schioners 91; sloop, 1— total, 204. JSstimated value, $3,308,000. — N Y. Journal of Commerce. ; . * Reported last Febpiaryps mUslng. . .. ~ . LEGAL. TVTAESHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of AVA a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN GADW ALA DEB, Judge of tho District Court of the United Statsa, in and for the Eaatern Diatrict of Pennsylvania, in admi ralty, to me directed, wfll “be 8«ld, et public-sale, to’tho Mabest and bait bidder, for cash, at CALLOWHiLn- STBEET WHARF, bn WEDNESDAY, July 9, 1882, at 12 o’clock M., the schooner GUID E, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and her cargo laden on beard, conaiating of 100 balea of cotton, % tiercea of rice, in bags, 400 empty baga, and a quantity of tobacco. Can bs ex amined on the morning of sale. WILLIAM MILLWARD, . U. S. Marshal Eastern -Diatriot of Ponna. PitiLADEtPHiA, Jnne 28,1882. je27-6t MaESHAL’S SALE.—By -virtue of a W'riiof 8M«, by the Hon. JOHN. OADWACA- e DERi Judge ©f the District Court of the Unite! State?, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admi ralty, tome directed, will be sold, at public sale, to the ■'highest and best bidder, for cash, at QUEEN-BTREET. "W BARF, on MONDAY, July 14,1862, at 11 o’clock A. Mj, tbe' Steamer CUMBRTA, her taokle, apparel, and furniture, and tbe cargo laden on board. The cargo will be sold atvDSBBYSHIBE’S STORE, No. 10T North : WATER Sireet, at 12 o’clock M Cataloguesf will be issued prior to the day of sale. The goods can be ex amined on the morning of sale. - WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal EastOTn District of .Penua. .Philadelphia, Jun0’26, 1862: / ; je27-6t T-fNITED STATES PATENT-Off vJ PICE, : . Washington, June 2i; 18G2- ' ' On the petition ol WlLLtAftl BEACH, of-Phila delphia. Pentisylvauia. praying for Ihe extension of a pi tent granted to him tbe 13th day of March, 1849, and the some.were surrendernd by him, canceled, and newlettera pattnt- issued on his amended specificHdoa daled the r 12tb day of February, I 860; wbicb. last letters were also surrendered by him, canceled, and new letters patent is sued on his second amended specification bearing date the 9th day; of December. 1856, for an improvement in Curry Combs for seven years from the expiration of said patent, which : takes place on the 13tb day of March, 1863. - - IT IS ORDERED, that the said petition bo heard at the Patent Office on MONDAY, the 16th day of FEBRU ARY next, at 12 o’clock M.; and all pereons are notified io appear and show cause, if any they have, why said pelitiou ought hot to be granted. . Peißons opposing the extensku are required to.file ia the 1 Patent Office their objections,; specially- set foi th-m i writing, at least‘twenty days before the day of hearing; all testimony fileiby.either party to .be, used at the said hearing mußt be taken and transmitted m accordance -with ihn rules of the office, which will be furnished on : . The teelimour ill the ca*e will closed on the 23 day o* next; depositions and other- papewretted , upon as testimony must be filed in the office on or before ! the morning of that day ; the arguments, if any, withia ten days tbereefter. .... , Ordered, also, that this be published in the ivu-- tional Jntelligtncer x Washington, D ,C., and Tht. Press, PbHfcdelphia, Pennsylvania, once a week, for three ccefrivd weeks; the first of said publications to be at least sixty days previous to the day -^v ^ Commissioner.of Patents-. •P. S —Editors of the above papers will please copy, and send their hUe to the Patent Office, with coniainiDg this notice. .' je-Ao tnot A/T ANY EFFORTS HATE BEEN • X* ■ >msde topreserve the form and features -of the dead, without the usual mode, ae rcpuipaaDt to the feel ings; of placfDEitha.My in ice been overcome by Good’s air-light PATENT BOXES. Cold air le the medium used—acting as a preservative-r-m the ■warmest weather, and for any length of time roquired. Likewise, bodies may Jbe conveyed hundreds of miles with perfect gaiety, and in a good “state of preservation. * : ■ JOHN GOOD, Undertaker, 921 BPRTJOE Street, : m w- .... s, B— Bead, Metallic and other coffins, famished .at tho shortest notice. Hoarsea and carriages of the best«iuality. -Xots, half lots, and Single graves, to the differentceme- SSriS; one superior lot to Mount Moriah Cemetery; one* two, three, or four hundred foot, can be had .cheap fO R?F B SAMUBfc JACKSON, 224 South MraTE Sfl)r. J. H,B. Wblg ; WABNUT Street. ;■* myo-thstu3m T> tOTINA HOOFING-, • I*V MARUPAOTOR*»'' BT ,th* ■ _. 'UNITED STATES BIOTINA BOOFING COMPANY, urn fA; No. 9 GOBB BLOCK, „ ‘ Oorner GBNEN and PITTS Streets, Boston, Maw. This Portable Booting is the only article • eTer offered to the publkHwhiehlsreadypreparedto goion Vb» root without any-finishing Operation. It i? 5 and: easily applied, and can be safely, and cheaply trans portedto any.part of the world/. It will not, tain* . discolor water running oyer, or lying on it, and is, .in jut ro«pccts, a very? desirable article./Its non-oundaQfcmg properties; adapt it especially to covering maanfaotones, of various kinds: and’it in confidently offered .to, tne. public after a teat of four years in all.varieties of climate and temperature, for covering all kinds of .rooft,: flat or pitched, tog&her with cars, steamboats, &o. . . is bofh'Clwsajp and durable. " Agents wanted, to •\wbom liberal inducements are offered.' Send for sample, Ac., with particulars, to 11 V. S. HOOFING <00.; No. P flOltl BLOCK. Bo«ton> , at»34>Bm G, H AMP A GNE .—An invoice of ~‘“Olbrta, rt in auaTts and pints, for sale (to arrive) -bV CHAS S.: OABBTAIBS, No. 120 WALNOT street, an4jaGlSANlEESttetf. .. 3 et. T?OR SACK— Tlie'Goodwill and Fix -L toreß of n BBINXINQ BALO «N, on one of the greatest thoroughfares in tbe city. Inquire at B F. GLEWB Beal Estate Mart, 123. South FOURTH Street , hTHi! • - • - -> j©2B-f FOR SALE—J)i6la#Me-county Farm, containing 99 acres ef first-rate land, situ ate near-Marcus Hook,- Philadelphia and; Wilmington Railroad. Large and substantial -'Wtbne impreye'ments, nicely watered, good .fruits,, Ac. Psice 80,000. Also, a fir e Emit Farm ih the State of Delaware, near Dover, 134 acres, Immediate possession. Price only $7,C00. * Apply to- 2\ ■ i ■/' A. ■« rR. PETTIT,' jvSSitf- *-* ‘ .NO.3O9.WALNUT . & DESIRABLE HOUSE STO LET, •■tAT M» kIsTS, at *‘MABm’B BBAIi BS- I'ATB OFFXOB.” ' . : . House Ho. 608;lBoiiOt TWENTT-SBOOND Street, containing six rooms. Rent SlO per moi-th. / , Hcuses Nos- 403 and 410 Street, containing four rooms eacb, at SlO per month; - . House No. 1337 ORE ASE Street, containing six rooms, at 810 ptr month. : ~ - House No. 319 : South SIXTH Street, containing ten rooms and e»bopback. .Rent.B2o per,month. Hou^ y Street, containing eight rooms, lately occupied as a bakery. Rent 816.67 per -month. • •. House No. IIO^SHIPPEN'Street, containing seven rooms, bath and gas. Rent $16.67 per mouthy A Stablp^contninidg ; five Btallß, oh OHlO.ficroet, above Quince. Rent $8.33 per month. Apply to THOM AS.MARTIN, p - - v'. -Beal'Estate Agont and Oolleccor, *’ N. W. corner THIRD and LOMBARD Streets. SjJB.—FOR SALE, good FARM LANDB, in Arm strong, Elk, -Forcsf, and liycoming counties, Peunnyl yanla •' v : ■ . : . T:v ie27-6t*.;^ JOHN P. MABSHALIi, For sale or exchange, for merchandise or an-unimprovedslot-Of : ground, desi rable city " ; ”J. WALTON, jel9-tf 413 WALNUT Street. m TO BENT—A THEEI-STOBY pi BRICK DWELLING, on RAGE. Street, one door Sent low to* a goodteaant. Apply to WBTBBBXIiL A BSOTHEB, j«l2 '47 autt4« HortU SKOOND. Street. , TO RENT—A THREiE-STORY KaBRIOK DWELLING, on PINE Strwt, now Seventeenth, north feido. Apriy to : . ; ; ‘WSTHBaitili A BHOTHEB, 47 sad 40 North SECOND Street,;- M FOR BARB OR TO LET—Four ■H-HoßßOßjpn the wesi.sideoF BEOAD -Stroet,-boiosr Columbia avemie, RIKTH aad SANSOSI Street*. r mh2B - «ti ;F 0 B SALE. “CH E & F,” CHEAP-” 138 2O wobdlac d, the - t>al aoca under a high. state of cultivation} first-rate fencing/nicely vrateredfexcelient improvemeste, 16 m£ea from Price only $6,5001 -Xermaeaay. ; Also, a FRUIT FABM, sear Dover, State of Dela' vrarei 107 acres. Price only $5,500; r Apply to E PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT atreet m TWO EARMB EOR SALE IN Cecil-County, Maryland \ one containing 98,' the otLex .100 Acres; near the Peuosylvauia line and a sheet distance from the Oxford station of the Central Riiiroad, convenient to churches, mills, schools, t%c. Situated in the most thickly eettled part of the county. "Also a farm ohIBO acres hear tlio Philadelphia, Wilmington, .and Baltimore Eailroad. They will be sold bn accommoda ting terms.-Apply ; to H. H, MITCHELL, : je24*tutbi>oi* ELKTON, Cecil County, Md,; gsj : yOB - SA.LE—A ’first-rate ;Mont -2C gomery-county Farm, containing - 89. acres, with: ltrge and siihst.uitial 6tone improvements, on the Ridge Turnpike, near Norristown. Price only 895 per acre. : •}• Apply to E. PE Crir, * >26 If;;,-- - , No. 309 WALNUT Street. . . Q ALE JUNCTION KMLitOAD O COMPANY’S BONDS —The Junction Railroad Company invites proposals, in writing, for the ; purchase of the whole or any part of £500,000 FirstMorigage Six percent: Coupon Bonds. '•The Mortgage is made to AlexauderHenry, JESaa., Trustee, and will ho due July 1,1882. lt is secured upon the entire Railroad and Property of the Company lying on the we si side of Schuylkill, between Belmont and Gray’s Ferry- Its terms provide'for a siukiug fdhd .of 815.000 per year, to beinvested in these Bonds, or in the First Mortgage- Bonds of tlie Pennsylvania. Railroad. Company, the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad (Com pany, the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail road Company, in the Loans of the United; States, or of (the State of Pennsylvania, at chedlscrotionof the Board 'of Directors.• " "V. . (The Bonos aie for. One Thousand Dollars each. , Their payment ia guarantied by endorsement of: the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, the - Philadelphia, Wilmington, aid Baltimore Railroad Company, the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Company on the back of each •bond, iuthe following words—viz: ; - " ■ , “ Know all men by these presents, that the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company,* tbe. Philadelphia, Wilming ton, and Baltimore Railroad Company, and'the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Company, and each of them, for a valuable consideration to tiivm paid by. the, .Junction Railroad Company, do hereby (in pursuance ’of tht power and authority conferred by two;;acta of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ap proved respectively on the twenty-third day of March, Ai D. 1861, and the eleventh day of April, A. D. 1862, and of ©very other lawful power ahd authority In them vested,) jointly and. severally guarantee to" the .lawful', holder of the within Bond the puuctual pav oicntot the principal and interest thereof, when and .as tue same gbaU‘ become duo and payable (accordiug to the terms of gold Bond, Or of the terms and c< Tenants of the inden ture of Mortgage therein mentioned and given/to secure the same. - ; •; ■'(- ‘‘ln wuluesß whereof, said Companies have hereunto affixed tbeir common or corporate seals respectively, ' duly attested, and ha re earned the signatures, of their Presides ts, respectively, to be hereuuto wriitsn, thfc second day of June, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-two (1862) ” • ; \ (V. Payment for tbe Bonds wi’l bo regu’red aa follow*: The first instalment of YO per cent, will be payable on, * the first day of August, aad lO per cent, additional on the first of.each succeeding month tbo.whole.amosmt.is .paid.-,' i'.." >.'7 • 7 Proposals will be addressed to CHARLES 13. SMITH, 'lreararer, 227 South PODBTH Street, until MOHDAY, July 21. Each proposal will stale the total number or amount of the bonds wanted, and the price offered per bond of 81,000. The Company reserves to itself the right to accept or. reject the whole or any part of any proposition received. Successful bidders will ba notifl' d of the acceptance of their proposals within one week from'the opening of their bids. * * ‘ JOSEPH LESLEY, je!9-tjy2l .Secretary Junction Railroad Co. WALNUT STREET, WEST JPHI- HiiiADISLPBIA.—FOBr-SALE—A. substantial three-. albry : STOKE DWELLING, with back baiiding, aita ate or the eouth side of WALNUT, (ihe meet fashiona ble street in the city,) between Tbirty-SByeuth aod Thirty-eighth streets,.. Onrbed, : paved, add gas and water inlrodoced. Lot, 32 front by 175. in it bf iDg the wc gternmost house, acd now occupied..Terms' of payment will be made reasonable, it being offered for. sale to close fin estate. Apply to J K JCYiiE, No 115 GOTHIC Street, between 10 wad 5 o’clock. je27«lm* i TO DISTILLERS The DIfiIII.I.EBTr known Mth* ‘’PHOENIX.” and formerly owned and occupied by SAMIi. BMYTR, mkn sttaated on IWBSEfrTHIBD; between BAGS and VINE Btroota, Philadelphia, Oapacity COO bushel, per. day, la now offered for sale on reasonable and "accom modating terms. Is In gbod running order, and ha* aO the modem improvements. An Artceian prelion the pro* mlaee famishes an unfailing supply of good, pore watar,' Address Z.LOOKX A 00., No, 1010 MARKS! Street, Ptijladelphim • friß-dtf- PROPOSALS. De puty qu arte rm as t e a GENERAL'S: OFFICE. Piiilsdeli'iiia, Juno 30th, 1862. •• PROPOSALS will be received at thitj office until TijESpAY.'JnlyMth'next; 12‘ o'clock: M*trarVdg>de livtry'of-one ttionsahd’ setVof Six-mule HARNESS, com pletfl. to be mode according to a .ample now in rhia office, of the beet oak. tanned leather, and subject to inspection. The whole to be ; completed and ready for delivery in this city, on or before the 15th day of August, IS«2. : A. BOYD, .jo3o-tjyl6 v . Captain and A. Q. ill. QEALEI) PBOPOSALS ARE 1N- O vited until tbs l&ehdayof JULY, 1862, for supplying the United SiateVSuballfeace Department with 6,000 head of BEEF CATTLE on the Hoof. The Cattle to be ‘delivered at Washington*’!). 0., and each animal to average 1,300 pounds gross. No aniuial admitted that weighs less.than.J ; ooo pounds gross. Heifers, Stags, and Bulls not wanted. The first delivery of Cattle to be made on tbe letday of August, or as soon thereafter as the Government may direct. 600 bead of Cattle per week will be required to be delivered under this contract. . •••• A bond with good and sufficient' security will 'be re* No bid will be entertained when put in by contractors wbobave prevloußly failed to comply-with their contracts in aoy Department of Government, or where the bidder is not present to respond to hie bid. --/ ■ / v r . The names of firms should be stated m fall, with the precise address of each member of the firm. Proposals from disloyal parties will not. be considered, and an oath of allegiance must accompany each proposi tion. • ■' S '//. . All bids roust be accompanied by two guarantees, v -Xlds to be directed to Major A. BECKWITH, GJB., t. S. A;, WaßbiDgton,». 0., and- endowed -Si Proposals for Beef Cattle.” - , ' ' . r .. * Farm ofGuarantee.. We, - —of ti e county of ——, and State of —. do hereby guaranty that t— is able to fulfil a contract in accordance with the terms of hin proposition, and that, ; should bis proposition be accepted, he will-at once eoter • into a contract in accordance therewith., Should thecour. tract he awarded him we*are prepared to become ids 'Se curities.- -■ : , (This guarantee must bo apperihedto each bid.) The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by thereto! certificate of the Clerk or the nearest District Courr, or of the United States District Attorney. •’ je2B„i r 4t, /-■ /. :;v./. /'■; . COAL. rtOAI..—THE UNUJB-BSIGNED Ulbe* leaveio inform their frieuds and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT from NOBIiSUSTBBHT WHABFron the Delaware;; to tHali ’Yard, northwest corner BIGETH ond 'WILLO'W Streets, whhre they-intend to keep the beat quality ol LEHIGH COAL, from the most approved mines, at th# lowest prices. Your patronage is respectfully solicited- JOS. WALTON A 00., Office, 112 South SECOND Street, Yard; EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-« ILLUMIiSATISO OILS « T UeiEER” OIL WOftKB. 1 1 100 bbls “ Lucifer” Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee the oil to be non-explosive,' to burn all the oil In the lamp with : ft steady, brilliaht flame, without crußting the wick, and but slowly. Barrels lined with claea enamel. WltlGllT, SMITH, & PEARSaLL, feSl.tf ■ Office 61l» M Ai> iilrss. 1862. Msm*m AEBANGEMENTB OPNEWYOBK MNBS. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND fEIDA PEI.PHIA AND TKBNTONBAILBOAD (JO.’B dines fbom Philadelphia to new YOBK AND.WAY PLACES. WM TfALSDT-BTIBBI WHASF ASD AaHBIHGTO* MTO». WILL XiBAVB AS FOLLOWS—YIZ: BAMi. At • A.H.,»ia o«te and AraßatV O. tgod'A-'A^ comnKHlation'... .t. ...7...1 ......... St M At BA. M., yia Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.“) A'ocoaßJodfttJon.. S 3i At 8 A. M-. sia Kensington and Jersey City, ' Morning Ma1i...................'................ 8 00 jit 11 A. M., via Kensington Jersey Oitft . Western Eapreea.......................... 800 Jl% 12# P. H.j via Camden and Amboy, Aocommo- . rdstioß(»iM•••.•••'••»>•»«• 2 26 At 2 P, Amboy, O, and A. Sx> pT6BS*«**«iB 00 At 4 F. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening 8xprw5..,..................................... 8 00 Ai4,P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 3d Olaea .Ticket.,*.*.*%•*•.B SMI At 8# P. H., via Kensington and Jersey City, EveningMaH..........B 00 Atllfc P. M.,Tlf4oamdeaandJej»By Oily. South ern Mail 8 00 At 6 P. M-, via Camden an* Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lot Claes Ticket.. S 3ft Do. do. 2d Class d 0.... 160 The 11# V. M. Southern Mail runs daily *, all others Sundays exoepted. - : For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Binghrampton, Syracuse, Ac:, at i.B AH. from Walnut street Wharf, via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Bailroad. / , For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, BelvWero, JDaaton, LambertviUe, Flemington, Ao., at BAM and 4 P. M„ frorh Walnut-street Wharf; (the ,8 AM. trine connects with train leaving Fasten tor Mauch Chunk at 8.20 P. M.) For Mount Holly, at 6 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at 8 A. M.. and 2 P. M. - ,v - WAY J*lfiv v £B. .'"For Bristol, Trenton, AL LEAYB, from foot of cortlahd stssbt, At 10 A. OL, 13 01., and 6 P. 01. via -ler?ej Ciryaml Camden.. At 7- A. M., and 4-an4 ITP.'M. via Jersey City and Kensington.. . From foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. and 2 P. 01, via Amb»y and Camden. , • , : From Pier No. I North river, at 1 and SP. M. (freight and jiaesengor) Amhoy and Camden. - . . jeO-tf • riTHS PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL I bailboad. THE GBEAT DOHBBB TBAOK BOBTE. 1862. 1862. 205 CAPACITY -OF THE BOaD IS HOW EQUAIi TO AMY 1M THE OOBMTBY, ■ THE GBEATSKOET LINE TO THE WEST. . ; Facilities for ths transportation of passenger!) to and - {rom Pittsburg! Ciiicmmsti, Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paoi, Moshville, Memphis, Mew Orleans, and all other towns to the West, Horthweet, and Southwest, are ramnrpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Sleeping and smo&Sngoara on all the trains. THE EXPBBSS BTJKB DAILY; Mail and Fast I4ae Sundays excepted, SSsAi Train leaves Philadelphia at*............ T. 15 A. H. ; Fast Line .*11.30 A. M Through Express? A* A. - .i1Q.30 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Phil a. at. 2.30 P.M. Lancaster : “ “ . .A* '..4.00 P.M. West Cheater Accommo’n No. 1 u u ~8.45 A. 81; ;.<« - « ... Ho. 2** ** ~12.00 noon. Parkeaburg u ** “ .. .5.45 P. M. West Cheater passengers -will take the [West Chester Nos. X shd 2 and Lancaster Accommodation Trains. Passengers for Banbury,-WilHamHport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Palls, Ac., leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. and 10.30 P'. M.» go directly through. , Por further information apply at the Passenger Sta tton,wS. B.* corner of KBEVSNTH and MARKET Streets. By this route freights of all desoriptions oan befor warded to and from any point on the Railroads ofOMo, Kentucky, Iddiaua, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on thenaviga bie rivers of the Wost, by Bteamere froin .Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad,' are, at all times, as fa vorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Merchants entrusting the transportation of jfoeir freight to thia Company, oan rely , with confidence oh its speedy transit. . - For freight contracts orshipping directions apply to or itadress tiie Agents of tha Company.- . 8. B. KINGSTON, J*., Philadelphia. ©. A; BTEWABT, Pittsburg. GLARES & Co., Chicago, i. ~ • liSSCH &*Co.j No. 1 Astor House, or Ho. 1 South Wifiiam street, New York. - 7 - - liSBCH & OO.i No. 77 Washington street, Boston. SIAGRAW A KOONS, No. 80 North street, Baltimore ' H. H- HOUSTON, Gen’l Freight Agent, PMla. Si. li. HOUPT, Cen’l Ticket Agent, Phiki. ENOCH LEWIS. GenT Suu’t, Altoona- JBS'MHiHiia' philadelphia, : ADD HOB BIS'IOWM BAIIiBOAD. •" * '.■■ TIME TABU. :■ \ On and after Monday, May 26th, 1862, until farther notice. FOB GEBMASTOWN. Leaye Philadelphia, 6,.7, 8, 9,10,11, 12, A. M.,1, 2, UM, *,"*#, o, w MXf-MX. *<*■ - ■ „ lieaye Germantown. 6,7, 7 86, 8, Sjj, A. M., 1,2, 3, 4,6, 6,7, 8. 9,10.10,11, P. M. OS SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. M., 2,3, 6, 7£* 10#, ,p. M. ■ ■ • 7 Leave Germantown. S-tCA; MV7T,4,8#,9#, PI M. i .CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, 11, A M,, 2, 4,5, 6,8, 10#, P.W Leave Obostrint Hill, 7.10, 7.35, 9.10, 11,10, A. M.,, 6.40, 6.40,7.40,9.50, P. M. OK SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A.M.,2, 6, 7#» P. M. Leave Chestoat Hill, 7.5G* A, M., 12.40, 6.10,9.10, P. Iff. ' ; - . P0B ; OONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 9.05,11.05, A. M., 1%, 3, 4#, 6.10, 8.06, ll#, T. M. Leave Norristown, 6,. 7, 7.50, 9,11,- A. M., I#,4#, 6W.P.M.- ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. M ,2#, 4#, P. Iff. . LeaTeXioxTiatown, 7 A- 3ff„ 1,6, P. M. POR MANAT UNK. • Leave Philadelphia,6, 9,11.06, A. M., 3,4#, 6.10, 8.06.11 X, F. M.' : "•••. _ „ - Leave Manajnnk, 6>f, 7#, 8.29, 9X, UX, A. M.,2, 6. 7>P.M. . * J 02* SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9A. M., 2X, 4#» B,l*. M. Leave Jflanay cmk, 7 X A. M., I>|» ,9, P. Iff. . i H- K. SMITH* General dnpcrintandont. ! my!Z6-tf Depjt NINTH and CrfiESN Streets. iff »s nwi:' NORTH PENNSYL jHU tania bajlboad. «OB BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWH, Jtt A U 0 H CHUNK, HAZLETON, BASTON, WILKES • : BABREf.&c.? : SPBINO ABUANGEMBNT. THBEETHBOUGHTBAUfS. Ofi and ftfter .MONDAYj fiTAY 6, 1662, Passen ger Trains will IeavoFRONT. and WILLOW Streep exoepted,) asfollows: 1 ; At 6.40 A. M., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Allentown* Stanch Ofctmk, Hazleton,Wilkesbanre, Ao. .•*- .. At 2:46 P. M;, (Express,? lor BetMenem, Easton, Ac. This trains roaches Easton at 6 P. M., and makes a close ©oimection with the New Jersey. Central for New Yorir. At 6.06 P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Uanoh Chnnk, io. i At 9 A. K. and 4 P* SL, for Doylestown. . At 6P. M.i for Port Washington. The 6:40 A. M. Express Train makes close connection /with the Lehighr Valley BaSroad at Bethlehem,' beings lie shortcut' and- 4 most desirable rente to aU points In gteLehlfth doal region. / v ? , TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA. Bethlehem at 6.40 A. M., 9JS A. U., and 1.81 AH. :: ■•■'■'■■■■ ■■■ -.'':■'•■■■• r Leave Doylpctewn at 7.26 A. M. and 0.29 T. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.80 A.M. - a ON SUNDAYS—Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 7.46 A.M. : 1 '- v Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.45 P. M. ' Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6 3(F A. 2L Bothlebemfor Philadelphia at fir. m. Fare to’Bethlehem,...Bl.6o I Pare to Manob 0h0nk.82.60 -ym to 1.60 | Wflkeahare... 4.60 - Tlirbiiyh Ticket, most be procured at tbs Tlcxet pSoes, at WHiIiOW Street, or BEBK6 Street, in order to eeeare the above ratei of fars. . V ' ; ail Faaaeiiger Trains (except Sunday Trains) eonneot at Becks atreetwith tie Fifth and Sixth streets, and Se cond and Third-streets Passenger Bailroada, twenty nri 'nntea after leaving WUlow atroofc . m y 3 BXiljlß ». »*»**•«» 80. 138 South PKONT.Street. j,3-W> /COTTON SAIL DUCK AND OAN- Awniol Twffl«,<4;«ntaoil»H«M»fot 103 iOSSo 4u*T» IBSURAfICB 001 TVELAWABE MUIUAJ. MJ JBSDBAHOS! OOMPAJrir. ’■"■■■ ' ■ > ■ IMOOEi'OK&MD BTi TUB LBgiSiATCTa* OI ; smmmi&mA, w. ; amra a 'i cubner thibb asv waiißtdt 1862; . BT-BEEm PmUADJttFBIAi . MABIHE IKSBSAHO* ' OH V 859886, ) cabgo, ' f »»«B»«brftt*iWQa!S-'- : . * FBEIGHT, ) ; IMX.AMD INSUEAHOM 3 Ok Good!, by Hirers, Canals, Bakes, sad Inod OndsM • to all parts of the Union, , PTBB IHSUBAHOEB ' On Herohantlise'goneraify. ~i. .. On Stores, Dwelling bouseieAe. : • - j ASSETS OF THE OOiilPgHT, HOT, 1, ISO. Yam. • oosf. $lOO,OOO United States Jive per cent. Doan. (HOtLSSOOd SOjOOO United Statoa Six per cent. Tri*. : : -Bmry*rotBß„„;...„.-„'..-.iA.- *»,B»8T St,ooo United States Seven and Three, , tenths per cent. Trearory Hote* *6,000 60 UOiOOO'Btatc of Pennsylvania Five par ■ " cent; loan. *9,601 » Philadelphia Oity Six per oent, L0au......................... lights it $0,060 State of Tennessee Five per cent ' Xi0ian........................... 31,076 00 30,000 Pennßylvania Railroad, Ist Mort gage Sir per coni. Bonds. 10,060-00. 10,000 Pennsylvania Bailroad, 3d Mort • gage Six per cent.: Bonds «L'l3o'B*‘ 11,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Qaa ■ Company, principal and interest guarantied by the City of Phi. ladelphia.... . 5i;637 $0 3,000 100 Shares .Stock Pennsylvania Ksßroad Company..,.. S,«O 00 Bills receivable for lnsnrancesmade...,oo,73o 07 Bonds and Mortgages... 76,000 00 Beal Estate.... 81,808 8$ Balances !dne at on • Marino Policies, Interest, ■ and cthir ■ Debts due the^C0mpany................. - 18,181 07 Sorlp and Stock of sundry Insurance :«tnl < other Companies* *11,848 —estimated vn~ ' T fne ............i, i,OM 08 C«ah on hand—la Banlcs.......gdljOflS fli In Drawer..,. .* 117 ft William .Martin, jgdmund A. Sotuter, Theophilaa Paoiiltnz, Penrod, John 0. Davis, 5 wees ; Traqnair, ffiHiam Eyre* Jr.» Thomas 0. Hand; James 0. Hand, Bohert Burton, William 0. Ludwig, Jacob P. Jones, /oßoph H. Seal, James B. JSc!T&standV Dr.B.M. tinstone' * -^-+Joshua P. Byref vv " SAOrge G. Lciper, John B. Semplo, £ ittsburg, fiogh Craig, B.T;; Morgan," PitwiJrarg, Obariea Kelly, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. WI&JMAM MABTIK, President- THOMAS 0. HAMD, Yi<* Presidonl. BBKBY LYLPrjEN. Secretary- ial4-t* rjTHJS EELIANOK tfBTUAL INSCBiHOS CO Kf&fY. . , OV rHILA.DJ*I,?SU, OFFICE No. 80S WALNUT STBEET,, fiaatirw against LOSS OB DAMAGE BY FIBjS, O* Houses, Stores, and other buildings, Uyoltad cr perpetual, and on Furniture^ Goods, Wares, and Mer chandise, in town or . : country.. .. CASH CAPPE-AL, 8281,110.00—ASSETS *£T,MfcM, Which ia invested as follows, vis: ttn first mortgage on. city property, worth *oublo the am0unt.'.......,. 8198,990 90 Pennsylvania Boilroad Co.’a 6 per cent, first swrtgage loan, atpar.................... 5,900 09 Pennsylvania'Bailroad Oo.’a 6 per ftent, se cond mortgage loan, (§30,000)...87,909 90' iluntingdott. ans Broad BailrauS and Oflnnlto.’B mortgage t0an.........4,090 30 ground rent, first-c1ae5........2,493 89 jtfatoral loans, well secured..,****'.,*»•*•* ' 5,600 00 of Philadelphia 6 percent loon.. 80,000 60 Allegheny CountyB per cent. Pa. BB.loaa, 10,000 09 ; 3otQ2nerciftlßttnkßtock..**...^.....B,l3s 01 . Mechanics’Bank stock.. 2,312 80 Pennsylvania Eaiiroad Co.’s 5t0ck.......... 4,000 00 Theßelianoe Mutual Insurance Oo.’a stock. 86,360 09 .The County .Fire InauranceCo.’s stock..... 1,060,00 ' •%G l>eleware M. 8. Inaur&nce Co-Vsiook,, 700 09 Cidon Mutual Insurance Co.’s scrip. 330 09 Bills receivab1e.,,...........,14,302 74 Book accounts, accrued interest, Ac.. 7,104 £4 Cash on hand*.;,«..««• 11,544 M The Mutual principle, oosaniMoi with the security o* a Stock Capital, entitles the 'inenred to participate in tbs 4*07178 of the Company, without Liability for JLCBOS3. leases promptly adjusted ana paid. DISJEOTOBS. Samuel BiephaMj Bobert Steen, William Hmaer, .Benj. W. Thiglejr, marshall Hill, J, Johnson Browa* CRbarlea Ireland, Jacob T. Bnntinj, Smith Bowen, John BtaseU, s’lttaborgj : TESSIiSS, PrMtdent ’ (Jlesa Tingley, William E. Thooi'psoc% Frederick Brown, WfUitun Stevenson* Jehnß.Worrdl, S. Xi. Carson, Bobert Toland, §. X» Besengarteii, ; V Charles S. Wood, : James 8; Woodward, ' - CXIS2 ft. Mi Humibuk, Seen February 16,1S81; : LRRE INSURANCE ■■ JD. MKOHAN-KSS’ imstikanob company of PHILADELPHIA, No. 138 NORTH SIXTH Street, balow Race, insure Buildings, Goo 33, and Merchandise generally, from Loss or Damage by Fire, The Company guaranty to adjust all Losses promptly, and thereby hope to' merit the patronage of the public. . - DIRECTORS'. Francis Cooper, William Morgan, Michael McGeoy, James Martin, Edward McGovern, James Duross, Thomas B. MoCormick, . Francia Falls, Matthew Mc&leer,Charles Clare, John Cassady, Thomas Fisher, Thomas J. Hemphill, John Bromley, Bernard H.Hulseman, - VFrancis.McManus, ; Michael Cahill, Hugh O’Donnell, James McCann, . Bernard Rafferty. FRANCIS COOPER, President. Bernard Rafferty. Secretary.-myl7-tf FIBB WSUBANGB EXCLUSIVE LY.—The PB&NSYEVANfA FIRE INSURANCE COM PAN Y; PERPE TUAL. No. 516 WABNUT Street, opposite Tndepend enoe Square. This Company, favorably known to the cornmnnity for thirty-six years, continues to iosure against Boss or Da mage by Fire on public or private Bniiaings, either per manently or for a limited time.. Also, on Fumitore, Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Ttoir Capital, together with a lsrgoSnrjilnaFand, ia Invented in tbe most careful manner, which en&blesthem to offer to the Insured an undoubted security in tbo cue of lose. .■ DIRECTORS. „ JonathcnPatteraon, j Thomas Robins, Qnintin Campbell, | Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, ’ j John Deverenx, William Jtfonteliuß., - I Thomas Smith. Isaac Hazlehorst, I JONATHAN PATTEBSON, President. Wn-LU.H G. GROw»LL* Secretary. ap6 IJIBE ENTBEPBISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHIL ADELPHIA. (FIBE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY’S BUILDING, S„W. OOiiNEIi FOURTH - AND WALNUT STREETS. DIBEOTGB3. , ' F. Ratchford Starr, Mordec&iL. Dawson, William McKee, Geo. H, Stuart, HalbroFrazier, . John il. Brown, John M. Atwood, . B, A. Fahaeetock, Benj. T.'Tredicfc, Andrew If. Cash, Henry Wharton, J.L. Erringer. ' < F. RATOHFOBD STARR, President Chjlrlss W. Coxs, Secretary. fels TNSUKANCE COMPANY OF THE CL STATE OF -PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nob. 4 fftnd 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WAL NUT Street, between BOOK and THIRD Streets, Phila delphia. ‘ v. INCORPORATED in 1794—CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL 3200,000. PBOPEBTIES OF THE 1,1861, $&07,094.51.; - marine, fiae, and inland tbansporta . TION INSUBANOE. Henry D. Shorrtrd, Charles Macalestor, William H. Smith,. John B. Anstin, William B. White, George H. Smart, HANEY D. E Wiu.UK Harper, Secretary A MB.BIiJ.AK FIRE INSURANCE XI COMP ANY.V Incorporated.lBlo. .CHiBTBB pE SPETUA.U, No* 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-np Capital Stock and Surplus, in vested in Bound and available Securities, oontmuea to insure on Dwellings, Stor« s, furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIBECTOB3. James B. Campbell, Edmund (}. DatPh, Charles W. Poulmey, Israel Morris, Thomas B. Maria, John Welsh, Banmei'O, Morton, Patrick Brady, ... . John T. Lewis, , THOMS Albert 0. It. Crawford, A FTBRAOITE. INSORA.NOE _£TL COMPANY.—Anthorteed Capital 8100,000— OHaETEB.PJ'BPETUAL. - - ■; . • Office Mo. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Firo, en Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene r6Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to »U parts of- the Union.: , ■ DIBEOTOBS. William Esher, : ' D. Luther, Lewis Audenried,. John B Blnkiston, Joseph Maxßeld, : will: wm, w. M. Smith, Secretary. Excbanqb insurance com- PANT—Office No. 409 WAiNUT. Street. - . Tire Insurance on Houses and Merchandise generally, on favorable' terms, either Unwed or Perpetual. DIRECTORS. Thomas Marsh, Charles Thompson, Jainea T. Hale, Joshua T.Owon, John k H; BONS A. l»Ii •„ P resident.. &BNODO, Yice President. so-C ja3l Jeremiah Bontall, John Q. Ginr.odo, Edward D.BobertS, SamuelX>. Siutdloy, Beubou 0. Hale, • . JEBBHXA. JOHN Q. G lUcEAnn Oob- Secretary.’ \T ATTFB OBLBBRA.TED ITALIAN OREA’MI will positively remove TAN, FRECKLES, BALLOWNESS, SUNBURN, PIMPLES, and nll erup* tionß Of - tho face |j giving a beautifol, healthy glow and rosy' cokiT to tne cheeks, aoi 5 much desired' by every one, In short, it PRESERVES THE FRESHNESS OP YOUTH, removing all WRINKLES, and giving a soft, smooth appearance to the face, and a brilliancy to the skis that is surprising to all. It is an article that is ‘ INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY LADY. Upwards of 1,000 BOTTLES PER DAY are now sold in Philadelphia alone, and the demand is daily increas ing, Price 25 cents per bottle, fiold by ■ . M, B. 8.-NATTI & Co., aianufaotur era and Proprietors, No; 621 CRESTNUT.Street, Philadelphia, And by the following agents ?ih Philadelphia: R- Owselberry, No'46. N. Eighth street; druggivt, cor. of Ninth and. Chestnut streets; field. No*Bo2 Arch street; F.V. Barrett, No. «• Second street: Miss Kochor, Seventh and Coates steeeta; ‘ tt. L. Adams, N.:W. cor. of Marshall and Girard ove : •aue; and- by druggists and dealers In Fancy Goods ge*' wanted in every town and village °f the United States and Canadas. ■ •-> : payaar** TYTORMAN & ELY, No. 130 PEGS W , Street, roanniactnrere of patent S A ATION CD KNS! ; KOBk a LMoT adapted'for Camp use, for .F&kewa«n» Se&f&nng Mm, ryine tMir difmm. V?-; &•*■’« 1 °? H n e F a S bo of the bert Duality of ENGLISH CAST-BTKSU, ana la intended'to .supersede, by ito excellence and the inferior aual.tiea oi Ootlerr Bqyt in.the mMhet, and to winch they respectful * In-rlte. the attenboaorOie Hardware dealers generally- myda-am GBAMPAGNE.—tThe original “'Gjqjfl' Lac” Champagne, ih 'unaite and pinta; for sale " ap3-tf ■ SALES BY .AUCTION. fOHN.B. ;Mt|RS &* CO., AUG tf .TIONKEBB, Noe. 238 anil 234 MABKET Street; SALEOFDRY 00068. THIS HORNING, July 3. -on 4 moj-tbe’, credit— -6f‘o pftcktgVs British, French, and American Dry Goods.* -• OLOSUSG SAIiE. OF DRY GOODS, ON MONDAY MO&NING, * July , 7, on 4 months’, credit— About 6(30 puckasesFrench, German, and BrrtfHbDry Goods, including about 1 OOO.ciMtsnß ribbons, jnst landed. TjtURWJPSS, BEINLIY. & CO., , : JO3 . : :.; Ho. 429 MARKET BTBEBT. ■ * SAME OF FBENCii BBlf GOODS. • ' ON TUESDAY MARKING. Jtil? 'B, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on four month*- credit— ' . *• 400 loss of fancy andatopb Froncb-drygoods, odm prifcing a general . . SCHOOSEB YACHT DAWN AT AUG CION. ON WEHNSaDAY, > .July 0..at...n-.o’ctocki at :Deck; «h£ tf-' { markttblj fust amling and wcll*stfced yacht- O'lWif, in I cpmekte order. : Can b» exomiiied, at ; .fimittfs Island; at I any tins* .previous to .sale;- An igreotory. on board. PANCOABT .& WA»NOCK 7 AUC : TIONEKBSi Nos. 213 KiIHK Street. ' SALE OF A STOCK OF DBS GOODS, MILLINEBY GOODS. STOIJK GOODS, fcc.,‘by Ofttologae. . ■ ; ' ON' WEDNES&AS MORNING, July 9, Commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. • ; BHILIP EOK3D &-G0.,/AUCUbN BEUS, 525 MARKET and CO-kaiERCS 6U. GDOSING BADE OF THE SEASON—IJHW CASES BOOTS, BHOBB, BKOCANSi , : Tfild MOBNJNG. ' July 3d, at 10 pt»clsel7i WHI be sold, t>jr< eatufcgus) I,QOQ cams men's,-boys’, and yootuK' calf, fejp, and grain boote; catf and kip brogaaa, Oongraw gaiters, Oxford and Scotch ties* walking shoeSj ‘&c,, wo slices*garters, buskins, &o. Included in^silewill -be H&und e£ large assortment of goods, r - 6?* Qcoda open ior examination, with catalogues, iiariy on the mominu of sale. ; *ar Tr ie being our last sateof .the season, bny«rs_wi|i find it to tknr interest to mtend. . ' • . wwdaiiis; A«i> provisions, r£o FAMILIES RESIDIN'G- RUEAL DISTRICTS, Wear© prepared, as. heretofore, to snppl 7 Families at their country residences with every, description of FINE GKOOERIKS. TEAS, *o., '&b; ' ALBERT O. ROBERTS, . : ’ j«2l-)f OOSN3B ELEYKHTB AND VINE STS. VERY f HOIGE OOLGiJQ- TSA at 75 cents per pound. JAMES HOHEB & SON,-.- ' SEVENTH mid NOBLE-; and jy2 ‘ srXUI and WOOD. .TpINE Oi.U JAMAICA COW JD' Frefcli roasted every dayi. -ts Sal JaSIBS FIOMTEII & 90N, SEVENTH and NOBLE, asd SIXTH and WOOD, ;-VTEW MAOBUBRBL. Jl_N 150 Bl>*B Now Large No. JJ Mackerel. .150 Half BdSs “ In store and and lor sale by MURPHY A KOON3, No/146 North WIMBYKB. -ft/rACKEBEL, HKJitoING, SHaU, xVJ_ &d., &o. . 2.600 £bls Maas Noa. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, late caught fat fish,in assorted packages. ■ .. * . • 2,000 Bols New Eastport, Eortana Bay, and Halifax Herring- „ ' ' M ■ 2.600 Boxes Imbeo, Scaled, acd 2no. 1 Jiernng. ■. 150 fibte.NewVSWsß Shad. -.- . 260 Boxes Herkimer County Cheese, &o. In store and for sale by < MBBPftY & KOONS, No. 145 North W3A.SVKS. jel4- tf K BODES & WILLIAJMS, No. 107 South WATER Street, offer for sale the following: 75 caass assorted Jeliies.; 1W) esses Ameiicun Tickles, pints and quarts. : 50 Mdses American tickles, gallons and half gallons. 50 cases French Brandied Ohemea. 75 cases French Brandied Peaches. ; : •40 cases Lewis & BrosA CoodeHsed Milk. - 60 cases Bordeaux Olive ©il> in black bottles, 20 cases Virgin OH'of Aix. 60 cases Bacg*lupi Oil, pints and Quarts. Also, a well-assorted stock Crowet & B iackwell’a Oele bratedEnglish Pickleß. .. JelS r»AETEB’d &ELESEATED NEW v 7 JEBSEY SUGAB CUBED: HASIS, juit received. : JAMES HOMEB 6 SON, j&2O ' Seventh ahd Noble and Sixth a*d ,Wood ats. SAEDINES.— A very superior brand tor sale by OHABLEB B. O ABSTAIBB, ' - ap2 ISS WALNUT and 2] GBANITE Street /"YUVE OIL.—An invoice of pure W Olive Oil, to arrive per ship Yaridalia; also, an in voice per Ocean Skinner, IVr sale by 'r . CHAS. S. OAB3TAIB9, 2?o. 126 WALNUT and 21 GB ANITB St. T ATOUK OLIYS 01ii.—468 basket JLi liA'i OUB OIiIVB OUj, just received* and tor sale by JAUBET€HE & LAVJiIKJNIE, 202 and 204 South JTBONT Street. . - CAJJTXON.—Having seen a spurious article ot Oil branded tl J.l»atour,” we caution tb® public against purchasing the same, as the genuine J. Latour Oil can be procured only from ns. v . i.. JABEUTOHE &.liAYEBGHE,N T .mvis-tr 4 OT and Wd South FRONT Str«w»t.. . MEDIOOAIe. JABS ANT’ S SELTZER APERIENT, »?blB valuable and popular Medicine haa'unlveraajly re ceived' the moaMavorable recommendations of the MuhqalPbofsssios and the Public as the meat BFFIOIBHT AMD AOBBfiiBLS - ; - SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the best effect iff Rilfou* and Febrile Diseases, Coativeaesa, Siofc Headaobe, Nausea, Doffl of Appetite, ladiges- ' tioa, Acidity of- the Stomacfc r Torpidifcy ’ of the v Liver, Gout, Rheumaiio* Affections, Gravel, Piles, : . , IKD ALL COMPLAINTS; WHBM ' A. GRNTLS AND COOLING APBRIBNI OE PtJB • r GATIYBI3 EBQ'CIBEDt It Is particularly adapted i» the : wants of by Sea and Land, Residents in Hot Glimateo, Persona ci Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Tessela and Planters will find it a valuable addition to their MedicineOheste. j It Is in the form of a Powdor, carefully put up in bottles to keep in any ' climate, and merely roQuirefl. Water poured upon it tc>jprodace a do- Ugbttul effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, froiu professional and, ofcbor gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its Steady increasing popularity for a ser*£? of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an Intelligent public. Manufactured only by .. TAERANT & CO., No. Q7S GREENWICH Street, comer Warren st HEW YORK, And for.sftle by Drngglsta generally. “ ✓fSOCTOR A. ;H. STEV'ESS, / I / late of Now York, is now curing all kinds of Actite and Chronic Bi'aeaeee, both Of Ladiee and Gah ■ I tlemen, by- the-waHehs modes in which he applies I ELECTRO-MAGS BTISS. lie-bas located himself ■ * permanently at 1418 Smith PEGS Sftoare, Philadel phia The location is a very centra! ono .to the car, as well as ileaeaot to those who choose to .take board \ •- 1 in the Doctpr’e family while u der treatment. I Riferencee* and”eerttflcate3"of. cures, from many f of the Bretciaeses in this city and elsewhere, may be / examined at the office*' f CONSTTLTaTIOK AHD ADVICE FREE. / jeli-Btuth3m ; ■ •- ■* : • ' ■•' |W.ITEN OAFSOEEB goi>Livbk . OIIL. Tbe repugnance of most patienta to OOD-£IVB3 OIL. and the inability of man; to taka It dcced various' forms jol disguise for Its administration are familiar to the Profession, Bomo ol them answer ln&peclkl cases, bat mors often ibervehicls neutral!aeg the usual effect of the Oil? proving Quite &s unpalatable and of less therapeutic valae. jrhe xepas nsnce,Bouseai Ac., toinvalida, Induced OH, Is entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. COD-LIVBB ©XL CAPSULES bsv* Med lately jjj* Europe, the experience there of the gooe-xs eulta from their use in both hospital and private praotie*; aside from the naturally suggested advantages, *£' fldent to warrant our claiming the virtues we de for them, feeding assured their use will result in benefit Mis deserved favor. Prepared by . WYETH & BROTHEBy fleß-tf 1413 «AIiStlT Street. PWledeUlii* TRUSSES MBS. JAMES BETTS’ CELEBRA TED SUPFOBTEBS. FOB LADIES, and fe* only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La- Hea and physicians are respectfully requested to call only on-Hre. Betta, at her residence, 10S9 WALNUT Streep Philadelphia, (toavoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand invalids have been advised by their physicians to w tor appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright labels on the box, and signatures, and •Iso on .the Supporters.'with testiinonisds. ocia-tnthstf MACHINERY AND IRON. J. TAUOHAK MEX&IOX, ' WILLIAM H. MKBXIOI, AOfflr*. qora. dOUTHWABK FOUNDRY, O FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STBB2TS. PHILADELPHIA. ■ :. “ MEBBIOH A SONS, . X&GmJSEBS, ANDMA CHWJ3T3, j Manufacture High and Lew. Pressure Steam Sugiuaa, for river, and marine service. - •,i Boilers, -Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, «o*, OMS - of all kinds, either iron or brass. . i Iron-Frame Bools for*Gsa Work®, Workshops, B®“* rood Stations, &o. Betorts and Gm Machinery of the latest aoQ mm improved construction. , „ Every .description of Mgh « ghgar, Baw,B,WELLIN£* BoaUi tto* of Bot.'onwood street, tuird bouse below Eighth street; Immediate possession.. . ■ : ..... Pale Nos. 339 and 741 Spnth Fourtii-Streefe. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRB r ■ tBT. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning oF the sale, with catalogncß Tbf.OSlfiS NATHANS,ATJCTIOdSf-BKIt XYX AND COMMISSION' MERCHANT, southeast comer Of SIXTH and BADE Streets. . SAT HANS’ SALEOF PejßFßlTfi)‘ GOODS: July 8, at 9 o’clock, at Moecb Nathans’ Anctiim- House, Nos. 158 r and 157' North Sixth street, adjoining the southeast corner of Sixth and Eace streets,xonsiettna. in part, of— - . ' CLOTHING, BOOKS, PIANOS* FUBNITUSB. PfcAT FOUM SC A LBS, EEQARS, FGWLIaG-Fl SOBS-, TKBNKS, VALISES,.&c. . t ’ Viz., line cloth frock, dress, and bnainess eoats, sacks, Garricks, and overcoats;. Sue caminn*re dotli, sncUiaen pants; fine silk, satin, Valencia, maraiUer, cloth, coesi ujere, and other : vests; .sucompr clothisg.; hoots, ehoes, and gaitera; ladies’ triih, cloth* atd otner clocks, ai;d mantillas; silk, caabtnere, merino, chintz, and ocher dresses and dress patterns ; side and other skirtsj under clo'bing generally ; crap«, silk, merino, etoda, brqohe, woollen plaid, and other shawls-*; umbreUasjVfcd paraiola; blaofccte, quilts, spreads,, sheets, aillnvr onrfAina, -&c ; 'knives and forks, tpaous;,, tailors’ shears; 5.009 Havana cigars, in lotß to suit purchasers Abbott’s plat-. fom scales, wpjgbs LMO-lbs/ two brilliant toned; piano fortes; upright desk; Jonhges;. stereoscopic views and cases; double-barrel towliug- pieces travelling trauka and valises; hammocks-;, carpenters’ and plumbers* tools and fixtures ‘.‘hoisting machine, and numerous- other ar tiriesof dry geode, hardware, cutlery!Ac. . . . .’ ..Handsomely >bouhd : Bibles;' American History; Wil liams’ History of the United States, in 2 vols; Grier’s Dictionary, in German and English, 2 voU; history of Prance, 2 vols ; Goeth»V Story on Goa tracts jChitty’sheadings,-3:Vote.;‘ Harris on Dental Sur gery; La Boche da VelloTr Fever, 2 v<>ls ; Shakspeare** Works; BJair’s Bbetotic; ‘Wtocaaley’s Essays; Buraa* Works.; Fnllry’s Poems ; Life of Com Stockton, and nu«- ruerouii others. ; V " Also, some watches and jewelry. * V~ The.goods willbe open for examination, early #a the morning of sale. The piano*, platform scales, dresses, Ac,, will be sold first; the clothing, books. &c- immediately.after. 5 h« sole will commence precisely at 10 o’clock. "BOSTON AND PHILA DELPBIA STEAHiSQIp LlNE—Sailing from vach port every ten days—Prom Pine-street Wharf on MONDAY, Jab T. :Ths Steamship' SAXON, Matthews, will sail from Phi** ladelphia for'Boetou, on MONDAY EVEMNG. the 7th of JuJt, at . 7 o’clock; and from Boston tor Phila delphia, on .’i UESDAT AFTJfiBNOON, .July 1, at A oNlork. , -'insurance one-half that by sal! vessels. Freight fcakea at fair rateß. ;«■ •will please-send their bills of goods. • - . .i- Kof froight or. paaeago, having fine accnmtnodaiio&fli applvto HEMIY WINSOB & 00„ jftlT ' , . 832 SOTJ-Tfl WHARVES. X ONDON EXHIBITION—EETURN JU TICKETS TO I»oNi)o2ff AJSTD BiOKl . firat’-c15a5.,,... .....Sl6O. Seuond-elaaa.66. - - WEEKLY COMMUNI CA IIOH BIiEM BS3WSSB MBW *GAK AND liITEBPOCi, osßin* »* QTsESNS (lrfilran!,) to !«ad be 4 tmbarJr passengers raid deepntchßs. * TJtic I»iv«rpooi, W** York, and Fkliadeiplila Steam ship Oompasy-'a ‘splendid Clyde-built Cron screw eteam* ifikips are intkidod to aail a^foUowg: FBOIff SEW TOSK ;JFOS ETNA ....................... Saturday, June 27,1862. GLA5G0W...,..,:..... ......Saturday,, July 8. 1» OJTT OF BAMIMOB® Saturday, July 12, TB6J. 5ra58G8aa......... ..Saturday, July 19 1W An* every Saturday ttaou*bout year, from FOB Ho tIK B BA.TSB Off PAB6MM IHBOUOH FBOM PHII.AB3I.PHI&. OsliJni {o Qnsenstom,or Mtorjoel.,B7s Do. : to liondatiti r t& 830 gteersgetoQnfM'nstown,or Liverp001.....,,.,,,.... $3O Do. t0L0nd0n,................ 838 ©o, Betorn -tickets, avaflabla for aiz month* from 'i . Itiv8rvodlo*t»» t »*k»»«w»t»*>o»»»*»**«»» $BO 1 y&aaengers -forwarded to Harre, Paris, Hftsnfcarg, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. OefSJtcatea ol passage-lashed fromlrfvarpoc* to New Certificates of passage turned from Qoeenstowm to New ’These rteamssa have superior accommodations for pas- WBfers, see constructed with water-tisfat compartments, end carry experienced Surgeons. J „ _ ■ ?or&reigtjS» or passage, apply at the oSloe of: the Gom waiy/ JOHN O. DAI»BS Agm**, 111 Walnut street, PhilsdelpM* •. tol»lwrp6ca, to WlSl* tNML&JK. • . . Tower Belle tugs. In Gtoagow, to WM. BTMAN, 1® Dixon street , .gfggMi THE BRITISH AND HCRTH WBKm. AMDkIOAH Bftiria 'BAli.- BTJMJB- SHIPS. i ' f - fe»h hkwyobk to zjvjibpcot. Chief Cabin Passvgo.,..., Second Cabin Passage.*.,,.;:;;,.. FBOil BOSTON TO LIVBBPOOIi. Chier Cabin Passage,,...... 811® Second Cabin Passage.." 9 'The sbipa'from Bow York oall.at Cork Harber- The ships ftem Boston osll at Halifax, and Cork Hftr- ’ SCOTIA, Oftpt- Judkins. CHINA, Cart. Andenon. PBBSIA, Gapt. liott. S.SIA, Gspt Cook. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. EUBOBA, Oast. J. MkA. AFMOA, OapS.ehM.'-,.- CANADA, Capt Muir. AMBBIOA, Cast Hoodie. NIAQABA, Oapt A. Spile “r-.r! . AOSTBABMOAN.- Tiew vessels errry a dear white light at mast-head; green oh starboard how; red on port bow. _ ' CHINA, Anderson, leaves N.York, Wednesday, July 3. ABABIA. Stone,; “ Boston, Wtrinesday, July 8. BOOTIA, Jndkins, “ N.Y.rk, Wednesday, Joly 16. KUBOPA, Hoodie “ Boston, Wednesday, July PERSIA, Lott, “ N.York, Wednesday, July 30. AFRICA, Shannon, “Boston, Wednesday,August 6. Berths not scoured until paid tor. An experienced Surgeon on board. ~ , _ The owners of these ships will not be accountable fix Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precioa: Stones, or Metals, unless biBS of lading are signed there or, and th‘ .value thereof therein expressed, pan sa&e, ninaiy to ’ JS.OUNA.BDj 1 4 BOWI &5Q QBEITH. N«* Tort E. O. &J.G. BATES, 103 STATE Street, Boston* _ Je-w FOR NKW YORK—THIS J6BSBSeDAV--DESFATCH AHD SWUfIMUBK tiNES—VIA DELAWARE AHD RARITAN OANAi. cteftmevß of tLii iiboyo Lines wili leave DAILV, at 18 and 5 P. -M. - For freight, ■which, will ho token on accommodating tema, to' "Wtt. H. BA-HtD & CO., mjil-tt 132 South DELAWARE Avenco. n, fOR NEW £OfiK. jßSffimM-isEW DAILV iilHB, itaßeiiWM Ml Baritan Canal. . , < . . Philadelphia and Hew York Bxpre* Steamboat UMJ nany receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., Q*m«* ing their cargoes in New York the following day* fpdrhfai taken at reasonable rates. . ; WH. P. OI.YBI, Agaat» JSo. 14 SOUTH WHABVBS, PhfladeJjßß. VJAMES HAHD, Agent, »nl-H Plots 14 andlß EAST BIVEB, How Iwfc -A, «T HO M SON’S LONDON KITCHENER ” —IVe ore now tnaOufaetnrin* “THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER,” or EUROPEAN BANG®, suitable for large aod small families, hotels, hospitals, aud other -public ‘aefutlom, In great variety. Also, Portable Benges, the “Philadel phia Kange,” Gas 1 Ovens, Bath Boilers, and Cast-iron Sinks, together with a great variety of small and large sized Bot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Pire-boaia Stoves, Low-down Grates, Ac. ‘ Wholesale and Ketail osiv at our Warenjoms. NORTH, CHASE, A NORTH, No'. 209 North SECOND Street, four doors above B&ce street. BRAIN P}PE.—Stone Ware Drain Pipe from 2to 12-inch bore.' 24nch bore, 25c per yard -/3-mch bore, 30c per yard; 4-iach bor