THE CITY. The Shebot .Contested-Election CASB.—ThiB cate waa resumed yesterday morning. Peter J. Ward tworn —I reside at No. 11 Slain street* Maimyuxjk, Third prectuct of Twenty.first ward, and was an inspector of that preciuct ar the In3t election : Philip Atle> was ihe other Inspector; Francis tichallioger voted 1n that precinct; he presented hie vote at the win dow and I objected ro It; I asked him where he lived, he t ild roe on the Main street, with Ferdinand McLaughlin; 1 atked him if he had any one willing to be quilitiui that he resided there; be looked around and a man by the name oi John Adams said he would vouch for him. John Adams was sworn, aid said he knew him to have resided with Ferdinand McL'uagblmter the laatfoar weeks ; I then qualified Mr. BebeMnger, aud he said he had lived the.e for two or three mouth*; I then took the vote, and handed it to the other ia-tpcocor, aud he put it In the box; ticheliinger’s name was not on the assessor’s list for our division; I saw the heading of the ticket he voted. Q» Wbattiehet wasitl ' ' Objected to. I was notable to distinguish that ticket more than any other ticket of the Republican party; I did not s* o from whom he get the ticket; &lr. A. Thompson, and so on for the other candidates; the first hour eleven for Swing and seven for Thompson, and so on for the other candidates. William 8. Heaps sworn.—l live in the Sixth division ; of the Twenty*first ward; I was on the election; ground in the evening; I know William Spear; he raddes in that precinct; I saw him at the window in the aot*f voting; Ididu’tN* him put his ticket in; I did not give him his ticket; cannot say who did; 1 saw him have the ticket in bis hand; he never opened it; I went with him to the ffiderinan’s to get a tax receipt; l was present when he got a receipt for taxes; he got it from Al derman John Thompson, of the Twenty first word; the alderman refused to give him a receipt; £ threw down a quarter or ado lar on the first time; j Emigrants Arrived.— The ship -Pa-. vannsh, from Ltyerpcol, arrived at th'e p*>rt*«a Bun’ftv, with twolmiidn'd end seventy-five pMstngerr, two him cred of ahooi were in the steerage Meeting op the Boabd op Goar- BIANS.—-The regular stated meeting of the Board of Guardians of the Poor was held yesterday afternoon, President Maris iu the chair. The census t f the bouse wia reported as follows: Whole number in the house..., 2,429 Same time last year ...» *2,838 Decrease...... 2»9 Admitted within the last two week 5...,..., 165 Birthf, 7 Deaths... .......... 23 Discharged 9 J 510ped.......... 56 R0und....... Vi.,... 4 Number ot persons granted 10dging....... 39 Number of persons granted meals.. 57 - The out* door agent reported having collected the sum of 8140.87. The steward reported the house receipts to be §554, The special committee appointed to purchase firewood roperied that they had received proposals from various persons, at prices ranging from S 3 to 164 per cord, and that they bed purchased 200 coid* of sapUug oak at§4 per cord, and 60 cords of oak at $3.60 per cord. : The regular monthly report of the visitors was read. It shows that 1,793 persons have been relieved, at a cost of $765.84, which is within the appropriated allowance. !■ a communication was roc tfved from Dr, Lewis D. Harlow, resigning bis position ab astiotant physician of the Insane department. The resignation was accepted. • Dr. A. H. Smith lent in a communication, offering himself for the position of obstetrical physician at the Philadelphia Almshouse. : Mr. Eroty offered a resolution tbata committee heap- ■ pointed to mate arrangements, and advertise proposals, for a supply of butchers’ meat for the ectuuug year, and report their action to the Board. Adopted. The CoiumUteß on Wanning and Ventilation reported that they had examined the various healing and venti lating apparatus connected with the hospital and in sane departments, and. find the some sadly out of order. The boilers are situated under the reapsctivedep*rt ments, in the cellars, and are placed so low that the drainage of the cellars accumulate in the tiro boxes under the fines, then by requirlog additional fuel to make sufficient steam to warm the apartments and cook in the several kitchens. In regard to the location of tho boiler* your committee have, from the first examination, been imprtesed with the total unficuessof it for the'above .reason* as well &b the great danger arising from an ex pic si on,which may occur sometime fromsome inexpli cable cause. They would, therefore, recommend a sys tem of bettor drainage to get clear of the water the. boilers, or a removal of the boilers to the outside of the buildings* the latter plan being, in the opia {on °f yonr committee, the most desirable. 4 Your committee must not omit to mention-that the email btrilere* which were erected tor the summer cook ery, are not used at present* ow»ng -to the depth of water under them .rendering it -impossible to keep up sufficient steam for that purpose. Hlid constquently large fires are kept up .under the ’***6® boilers, -*hicb ware intended only for witter uso, at a greatexpenae of: fuel, solely for . The comojitlee also reported that the foul and cold air ducts **er® also bad y out of order, the 1 floor* requiring defining, and deprecate the present exroehSi veinauner of iotrodnclng hot air into the wards; aud recommending the removal of the steam coils, which would save much' expenditure of luel. i Mr. J. Maris reported the admission from the'county, prison of 13 insane and 3 sick prisoners, into the house. Messrs. Sheridan, Stevenson, Wbitall, Dickinson, and Taylor were named as the committee to parchass beef and mutton. Dr. Joseph Sheperd was elected assistant resident phy sician in the insane department.' . Dr. A B. f'mlth was eleeted obstetrical physician to ihe institution A communication was rtceived from Dr. 8. W. Butler, enclosing the report of the Insane Department for the six .months ending yesterday Number of patients in hospital: Men........ 183 *» “ • ** W0men.....335 ADMISSIONS. , Men. Women. Total, January 17 17 34 February 8 13 ; -21 March 13 17 30 April... 6 21 . 27 8 : 22 : 30- 24 'l9 43 T0ta1...... DISCHAkGHS, Men. Women. Total, January..B 13 21 February 13 9 . 22 March..... 16 17 * 33 April..... 9 20: 29 lO 19 8 9 This is an inertaee of 34 patients since the 7th of January, being 12 men and 22 women. This large in crease is attributable to the admission of insane from the county prison. The time of the patients has been profitably employed in various ways, much to their benefit,'they.having been, employ ed in making and repairing shoes, sewing, &c. The stewards’ requisitiOna were read, and the Board adjotaned. The Lying in and Foundling Hos* PITAL.—The rennsylvania Lying-in and Foundling Hospital was chartered by the at the last session, and is designed as an asylum for woman during the weeks of her, confinement, where she can have all the comforts, medical, and other attendance that can be com manded in a well-regulated' and .plentiful home. The hospital will be divided into throe sections, for tne espe cial accomrordation of throedistinct classes of wemm : 1. Theie is in every large city a great floating. popu lation, who have no settled homes, but are tbe inmates of boarding-houses and hotels, who have the means of defraying the expenses of accouchement, and who often fiDd it extremely (difficult to procure. comfortable and agretable lodgings during this interesting, but anxious and often trying and dangerous perk'd. Many ladies, thus circumstanced, would gladly avail themselves of the advantages of an institution of this kind, could they be assured o! the retirement, comforts, and safety that might be enjoy ed in their own home, an 1 bo witling to pay a remunerative compensation for th*ir accomm >da tioss. While the cenveniences and comfort of this class would bo much enhanced, they would contribute ma terially towards the support of the institution. This class will constituie the first section. * : 2. Many destitute and .worthy women—wives of in teroperate or thriftless husbands—often endure the greatest amount of suffering at such time, when every stniiroent of humanity and Christianity appeals loudly for relief. To this c!bs* of women the institutionuffers a roost welcome aud comfortable home. 3. Tothat clms ot femaleß who have hitherto .main-, talned a good reputation, but, like thousands have gone before them, have been uofortunate, the doors of the institution are to be.forever open. The managers say, this being the first attempt to in stitute inch an establishment In America* by- legislative authority, they are confident that it will be met by the same liberality that has dialinguist ed the citizens of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in supporting other pub lic institutions : , The promptings of humanity are no stronger in favor of Lying-in establiahmuitathan are the dictates of policy ;In suppo.t of Foundling A strong preju dice, iimust be admitted, fxista la tbe inu.ds of some citizens against the latter kind of charities. When traced to its origin it is found to arise from tbe impres sion that they are refugees for the offspring of shame. Careful observation, however, proves this poaitirn to be in point of fact without fom dation. Tbe officers of this new institution are as follows: Bee sklent. Bichard Vaux: treasurer,“A. B. Thomas, M D.; managers, Joseph 8. Brewster, Lee W. Baffington, M. D., 8. Beasley Kingston, Charles'A. Leech, M. D , Jo seph S. Longshore, If. D.. Isaiah Lukens, M. D., Mat thew Newkirk, JPeter O.Tomson. The Fourth op July and Fire "WOfiKS.—The usual proclamation against the firing of noisy and dangerous fire-works in tbe streets of the city l on the 4th of July has been issued. The. present is worded somewhat differently from former proclamations. It begins “ To the end thafc.tbe dwellings and other pro perty of citizens may be protected from the mtsohiefs that frequently happen -from the firing of . rockets, ser pents, crackers, squibs, and other fire-works, and that the public quiet may be preserved throughout tbe city, more especially for tbe ease and comfort iff the sick and wounded, who are entitled to the grateful consideration of their countrymen, ll #nd then goes on in the usual style. These proclamations are issued annually about the first of July, and are disregarded just as regularly by every one in tbe city. Tbe present appeal it is hoped will be better regarded than tbe usual threat of fine, and the sick soldiers will not ¥e pestered with the din which la so common to the Fourth of July. The West-Arch- Street Institute. —The closing exercises of this institution were held on Wednesday last. The classes were examined in Intel lectual Philosophy. Constitution, Mental Arithmetic, Physiology, Physical Geography, aod the usual elemen tary, studies. The answers were clear and intelligent, evidencing that much pains lin'd been taken to make the pupils individual thinkers. Tbe compositions which followed were ofa high‘order of excellence. A few per tinent remarks were offered by onAOf the Principals fol lowed by an addresß by the Bev. Dr. Newton. Testi monials of the first and second grado were presented to fourteen pupils. Misses Moore, Melcber, Dobbin, bou der, Griffin, Taylor, and Jayne, received testimonials of the first grade. A gold medal was awarded to Miss E. Moore, Hon H. D. Moore, State Treasurer; Miss E Taylor was awarded a premium for French; Miss E. Souder, premium for Mental Arithmetic, and HlbbE, 0. Boberts a premium for exemplary deport ment. ',, Military Hospital Visitors.—Visi - tors entering a ward of a military hospital should not dis tribute oranges or other delicacies to the inmates, unless , they have enough to give to all. Surgeons and nurses ray that it is no less painful to them than to the slighted ones, to. see a distinction made among men who are equally .brave and deserving. Sick and wounded soldiers are naturally sensitive. Away from home, with nothing to engage their attention but their own sufferings, their thoughts naturally run on the friends, the affections, and the comforts, which they sacrificed for the sake of their country. They therefore see and feel a slight where none may have been intended. If yon have any thing to give, and cannot treat aU alike, it is better to give it to tbe nurse or surgeon, to be add*d to the gene ra! stock, out of which all will be supplied alike, as their necessities may require. ! Exports cp Coal Oil.— Last week there were exported to tbe British Weti Indies, from this port, 1,080 gallons coal oil. valued at $266 v The foliow iT-g table shows the exports of the article since the first of the year: . Galls. Yalue.. To British North America..a s26o Great Britain.. ,1,050.850 1206,601 gouthAmeiictt.3oo 13Q West Indies {8riti5h):........... 1,206 29T , (5pani5h)..,.,,.,,... 9,021 4,355 T0ta1,;..,,.'..,...............!,051,877 $211,633 Sudden Death.— On Sunday evening Mrs. Elvina Ellec, wife of the late Colonel Ellet, died at. her residence in this city, in the 46th year of her age.' She was the daughter of the late Judge Daniel, of Vir ginia, and brother of the present'Judge Daniel, on tbe same bench. She wafl* present at the death of her hus band, in Cairo, 111., and came to the city with his re mains. . Her death resulted mainly from exhaustion and grief, on account 6! the death of her husband. / Advance in Coal.—lt is feared that the late severe flood in the coal regioo has very seriously affected the price of coal. The mines have beeo da maged as, well as the canals, and the’consequence is the price of eoalhas advanced at'thomines asrnnch as $ll5 per ton with'n the last ten days. An. advance of $1 has been made by the dealers in Fhmnixville, It is said that the freshet will probably raise the price of coal $1 to $1.50 per ton. . . * 1* The State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania” have appropriated four hundred dol lars for the bemfit of sick and disabled soldiers, as fol lows: “Ladies’ Aid Society of Philadelphia,” hospital department, $100; “Volunteer Refreshment Saloon,” hospital department, $100; “ Cooper-shop Refreshment Saloon,” hospital department, $100; 44 Christian-street Hospital,” $5O; “ Twenty-fourth aad South streets Hos pital,” $5O, ;• •; .../•• • The .Sick Soldiers and the Fourth op Jolt.—.We uudetstand that the medical director of our hospitals has expressed a willingness that the sick and wounded soldiers should bo.Allowed to share in the celebration of the 44 Glorious Fourth,” by an entertain mebt of one hour In their dining-halls, with speeches,, music, and ice cream. Will the patriotic, especially the ladies, tee that It is properly managed ? Paupers Wanted.— Owinggsto ike many improvements now In progress at the Blockley Almabooee the Boa? d of Guardians of the Poor are de sirdns- bf obtaining a number of male paupers,: who will, in return for, receive board, lodging, and' oSoibi»»gi and be provided with “ali'thd comforts of a home.” This Is a fine opening to auy one who desires emplojm&Dt, and no doubt tho Board will ruccive nu merous applications. ' ' B ailroad : Aooiden t.— An accident| occurred near Palo Alto, frchuylkiU county, on.Saturdayj sfteixbon, on tbe railroad, caused by an oagice runufngj over ft cow. The engine and tender were thrown over) sin embankment, and the engineer Henry Pettit, add the .fireman, Harry, Andrews, were killed, by'gettiiig nuder f the tendeK Pettit belonged to ltoyer’s Ford, and An*j dtews was a; resilient - t of?ib,ls city. „ , f . * f More Accommodations por ; Sick! AND WOUNDED.— To-day workmen -will commence’ to.rtflt tie Genuwntown Hall for hospital purposes. A cci kfrg bouse anrt other necessary as>wtmects a-e tn be GtfHditd to the bui’ding. When completed, 300 pitieats will he &cccmmcda 4 ed with beds." ; ■ PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRAD®. SAM. W, BE000mBY,) * JAMES o. HAND, VCOMMIMBB OP Tffs Most 3, J, B LIPPINCJOTT, > ; ' LHTT£K JBAOS ‘ At th* ffitretiants* Ettekemg*) Philadelphia. Ship Ocean Scud, 5ma11......... ..Liverpool, soon BiigTboa Waiter, J0hn50n..............5t Burts, soon Schr Ann Cariett, Cariett ... Thomas,soon PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Jul* 1,1868. SUN BISES 4 SS-SUN SISTS. ...7 31 :aiaH,WAT58......... jPiig AbbyWMson, Wataon, li days from Havana, in ballast to-J JS Baztey * Co. I Brig Ltorge Arnos. Nichols, from Boston. Bcbr Ortander, (ftr) Kmcb, 12 days from Charlotte town, P&I, with fish and potatoes to Yan Horn, Wood worth A Co. \ Bcbr J H Williams, Small, 6 dayß from Boston, with m€te to captain ; Hchr A J Homer, Parks, 8 days from Bucksport, with; mdse to captuin - Schr &. .Lawrence, Stanley; 6 dayefrom Boston, with ice to captain. ; Schr Grecian, Thompson, 3 days from New York, la ballast to captain,; . • Bcbr D'B Doane, Oocmbs. Q days from Boston, with mdie to A A Souder & Do. ; ; Schr F A Beatb, WiHhuns, 5 days from Beaufort, HO, in ballast to IS A bonder A Co. ' bcbr Romp, Stanley, ID days from Oalaie, with lumber to & GaUiu—veststl to E A Souder & Vo. •> Schr B W Dillon, Marts* 6 days from Port Royal* In ballast to Noble, Caldwell a Go. ' Schr John Doirance, Bice, 6 days from Fortress Mon roe, In ballast to TyiwyStone A Co. * - J ' - Schr AJltm Dowuiuki 6 days from Mortress Mon roe, iu ballast to Trier, Sione A 00. ... ’ fccbr Jaa Aiiderdice, titties, 6 days from Boston, In bal last to Tyler, fctone « €o., • / ; J r ’ , tiohr Furman* 2days from Frankford, Del* ■with lumber to 1? H- Memmaa. 2 tichr T P McUolley, Garter, I day from Camden, Del, with corn to Jaa Barratv A Son. ' f* ticbr Mantua, Masson, I day from Frederica, Del, with oats to Jaa Barratt A Son. hchr Telegraph, Connor, I day from Smyrna,Del, with eorn to Jas ttarratt dt tion. tchr Georgia* Morris, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jae tiarratt * Son. , , f ... • ..... * Schr Jaa B Hewitt, Lake, from Port RoyaL Schr Fanny, Ma> new, troni hiemwbern. . " Scur L Clark, Smith, from Hatieroe Inlet. Schr A F How, Colson, from New York. . ■ Schr Minerva; Brook's, from Pawtucket. Scbr Benj Eoglisb* Hathaway, from Uohaseett. Schr h L sharp, McElvree, from Boston. Schr J H Walnwfight; £uaiam, irmh Boston. . tichr D B £teeimaii. ficuU* horn Lynn. bcbr John Lancaster, VViUetts, from Providence. Sebr John Cbmpton Yatis,'trdm New Sork. Schr'h Hals E-y. PtDtiy, Irom Greet port. Bark Lucy Johnson, Johnson, 4 days from New Lon don, in bailast to W eLaford, itanken A Oo—not aa before. Berk Bosina, (Hal) Gamberello,’ Belfast, Workman & C 0... Brig Geo Amos, Nichols, Boston, Sinnickton & Glover, tichr Jas Allderdice, Stitts, Boftton, " do . Schr Lewis Cla k, Smith, Lynn, do tichr D JR . Jasper, NickersoD, Barbados, E A Souder &Co. ■ ' rt ‘Vr tichr Isabella Maria, Wall, Halifax, Yah Horn, Wood worth & Co, tichr B A Weeks, Godfrey, Boston, Bancroft, Lowis & Co. V tichr Grecian, Thompson, Boston, W H Johns & Go. tichr A E Howe, Colson, Hußton, Hammett, Yan Dq sen AXochman. &chr L L Sharp, McElwoe, Boston, " . do Schr D £ titoelmau, ticult* Boston, 0 A Heckscher & Go. Schr J J 9. Waiuwright, Loalarn, Solera, c ao tichr Jaa 6 Hewitt, Lake, Marblehead, Caster, Stick ney A Wellington. ' tichr J Lancaster, - do Bcbr T Botdon, Wrightington, Fall River, do Schr Miutrva, Brooks, Pawuicket, Repplier & Bro. Bcbr J Compton, Yates, Newport. do , Schr Beiij EngUsh, Hathaway, New' Bed lord, E B Sawyer & Co. tichr B Halsey, Penny, Danversport, Noble, Caldwell & Co..' titr Fanny Garner, Pierce, New York; W P Clyde. ........523 m • ; 185 HAVRE DE grace. June 28. The Wyoming loft here' tills morning with 11 boats ia tow, laden and consigned as 1'oIIowb: Crisis, corn, flour, Ac. to Humphreys, Hoffman & Wright; W B Depen, rags and- empty carooya to J 5 Lynch; S»llie, pig metal to Gabeen & Go; 11 Hack, lam. her to Norcroes & Sitters; Old Speed- do to TB Dalny; 'Smith & Rurtß, do to Wiimingtoo; Draper NicblU, do to do; Mary Louisa, do to Jtt Trump & &a; tiamael Christ, do to Gaskiil & Gslviu; Judge Lyon, do to H. Croakey; Saiah Ediih. bitumi&ons coal to Delaware City. 1 1 MEMORANDA. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, hence, airived at Boston 28th uit. / Bark Lauretta, Brown, for Philadelphia* at Cardenas 2Dtk uit, waiting.. JBilg Mary G Mariner, for Philadelphia, was at Havana 18th ult, nearly loaded. Bark,Oak» Rjder, hence* arrived at Boston 28th ult. - 'Bark aieudi* Smith, for Philadelphia, was towed to sea frem New Orleans I7th ult. . : Bark St Marys, Pendleton, hence, via Ship.lsland, at New OrleanslBth ult. Brig Baltic,Maddocks, cleared at New Orleans 19th ult. for New York.. - Brig T W Rowland, McCarty, hence, via Ship Island, at hew Orleans 18th ult. Brig Daniel Ma'oney, Steelman, heane,:was at Port Royal 23d ult. ' , Brig Ahnore, Hoffses, cleared at New York 28th. ult. for Phiiadetphin. : ' • I > Brig Bea Lark, O’Neil, hence, via Key Wesa* at Port Boyal 23d nit. . S<3hr Wm L Burroughs, Bickford, from Havana, at N 29 th üb. • f . TO EKJNT, WITH OR WITHOUT BSkFORNITURE, several neat Country Pisces, with a few acres of ground, convenient to raUroad stations near the city. Apply to . E. PETTIT, I je3o No. 309 WaLNGT Street. TyOR SALE—The Goodwill and Eix i’ turea of a DBINKIffO SALOON, on one of the greatest thoroughfares in the'city. Inquire .fttrß F. GLENN’S Real Estate Mart, 123 South FOURTH Street. ' je2B-tf FO K SALE—Delaware-county ~»Ai7 Farm, containing acres of first-rate land, situ ate netfr Marcus Hook, Philadelphia aud', Wilmington Bsilroad. Large and substautial stone improvements, nicely watered, good fruits, Ac. Price $9,000. Albo, a fine Fruit Farm in the State of Delaware, near Dover* 134 acres- immediate possession. Price only *7,000. Apply to jt2B-tf uibSiEABLE houses to let, Bat L©W BENTS, at “MARTIN’S BEAL ES TATE OFFICE.” ♦ ■ Bouse No. 508 South TWENTY-SEOOND Street, containing blx rooms. Kent $lO per month; Houses Nob. 408 and 410 QUINUE Street, containing four rooms each, at $lO per month.' House No. 1337 GREASE Street, containing "six rooms, at $lO per month. ■ House No. 319 South SIXTH Street, containing ton rooms and shop back.. Bent $2O per month. House No. 227 MONROE Street, containing eight rooms, lately occupied as a bakery. Rent $16.67 per month. ■. House No. 110 SHIPPER Street,, containing seven rooms, bath and gas. Rent $16.67 per month. A Stable, containing five stalls, on OHIO Street, above Quince. Bent $8.38 per month. Apply to THOMAS MARTIN, Real Estate Agent and Collector, N. W. corner THIRD and LOMBARD Streets. N. B,—FOR SALE, good FARM iiANDd, in Arm strong, Elk,- Forest,.and Lycoming counties, Pennsyl vania. je27-6t* XpOK SALE OB IXCHANGB, for merebandiso or an unimproved lot of ground, desi- rable city Property. jel9-tf TO RENT—A THREE-STORY ■is. BRICK DWELLING, on RACE Street, one floor BboTO Twelfth, north sine. Bent low; to a good tenant. Apply to WETBEBILL A BBOTHBB, ie!2 . 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. m TO RENT—A THREE-STORY ■S.BMOK DWELLING, on DINE Street, near Seventeenth, north side. Apply to WETHBBILL & BROTHER, je!2 '47 and 49 North SECOND Street. FOR SALE OR TO LET—Four Houses, on tbe west side of BROAD Street, below Columbia avenue. ■ Apply at the southwest corner of NINTH and SANSOM Streets. . mh26-tf fi 101 CHEAP,” 2C«OHEAP.”~Perry County FARM, containing 188 acres, 26 woodland, the balance under a high state of cultivation; first-rate fencing, nicely watered, excellent improvemests, 16 raises from Harrisburg. Price only $6,500. Terms eur. Also, a FRUIT FARM, near Dover, State of Dela ware, 107 acres. Price only $5,500. Apply to E PETTIT, jt2o No. 309 WALNUT street. TWO FARMS FOR SALE IN -E- Cecil County, Maryland; one containing- 98, the otter 100 Acres, near the Pennsylvania line and a short distance from the Oxford station of tho Central Railroad, convenient to churches, mills, schools, Ac. Situated In the moat thickly settled part of the county. Also a farm of 180 acres near the Philadelphia, Wilmington, aod Baltimore, Railroad. They will be sold on accommoda ting terms. Apply to H. H. MITOHELL, je24-tuthfc9t* ELKTON, Cecil County, Mil. .fa FOR SALE—A first-rate Moat gomery.county Farm, containing 89 acres, whh large and substantial atone .improvements, on the Ridge Turnpike, near Norristown. Price only $O5 per acre. Apply to v E. PETTIT, je26 tf ; :No. 309 W ALNUT Street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— wiIII A convenient House, with all the modern improve ments. surrounded with shade and ornamental trees, No, 96 UNION Street, Burlington, N. J. Apply to E. P. MIDDLETON, je2s*6fc ...... - 5 North FRONT Street. SAL E JUNCTION RAILROAD COMPANY’S BONDS.—The Junction BaUroafl Company invitra proposals, in writing, for the purchase of the whole or any part of $500,009 First Mortgage Six per Cent. Coupon Bonds. The Mortgage is made to Alexander. Henry, Esq., Trustee, and will be dim July 1, 1882. It is secured upon the entire Railroad and Property of the Company lying on the west side of Schuylkill, between .Belmont and Gray’s Ferry. Its terms provide for a sioking fund of $15,Q00 per year, to be invested in these Bonds, or in the First-Mortgage Bonds of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, tbe Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany,' the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail road Company, in the Loans of the United States, or of the State of Pennsylvania, at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The Bonos are for One Thousand Dollars each. Their payment is guarantied by endorsement of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, the Philadelphia,'Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad Company, .the Philadelphia and Beading B&ilroad Company on the back of each bond, in the foliowihg words—via: « Know all men by these'presents, that the Pennsyl vania Bailroad the Philadelphia, Wilming ton, and ' Baltimore Railroad Company, and the Phila delphia r and Beading Bailroad Company, and each-of them/ for a valuable consideration to thom piid'by the Jahciion Railroad Company; do hereby (in pursuance of the' power and authority conferred by two acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ap- . proved respectively on the twenty-third day of Match/ A. D. 1861, and the eleventh day of April, A. D. 1862,' and of every other lawful' power and authority in them vested,) jointly and severally guarantee .to the lawful holder of the within Bond the punctual payment of the principal and interest thereof, when and* as the same shall become due and payable according to the terms of said Bond, or of the terms vonants of the inden ture of Mortgage therein/mentioned and given to secure 'the same. '• : -V '• V; - 44 1 n witness whereof, Bald, Companies ; have, hereunto affixed their common or corporate seals respectively, duly attested, and ha?e c&usea the signatures of, their Pre&ideLtp, re°pectlvely, to be- hereunto written, this second day: of Jure, anno Domini eighteen hundred and (1862) ” ; " ! .• Payment for the Bonds will be reqtflred as followa v ; Tbe first instalment of 10 per cent, will be payable on the first day of August, and 30 per cent, additional on thB first of bach succeeding month until the whole amount Is paid. " ' :: Proposals will be addressed to CHARLES E. SMITH, Treasurer, 227 South FOURTH Street, until MONDAY, Jnly 21. •*, lach proposal will elate the total number or amount of the bbhdß wanted, and the price offered per'bond of ;SX.QOQ. ' .. . > . “ “ The Compavy reserves to Itself the right to accept or reject the whole or-any part of.any 'propnaition received. Succeeaful bidders will bo notifii d of the acceptance of their proposals within one week from the opening of their bids. ■ . ' JOSEPH LESLEY, : jei9-tjy2l Secretary Junction Railroad 00. HAKUiB INTELLIOSNCB. ABBIYEd. CLEARED. {Correspondence of the PreßS.) FOR tiALE MD TO LET. B. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. J. WALTON, 413 WALNUT Street. THE PRESS.-PHILADEI.PHIA; TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1862. •v;/:._’ ri . THSTATE OF ALFEfP SLADE, ■* * DECEASED.—Letters of administration npon the Estate cf A LFRED SLADE, late of the city of Pniladol phia, deceased, having this day beengrautoi to the sub- 1 seriher bytbe Register of Wills of the city and coaoty of Pi iladelpbia. all'persons indebted to s«d ortatajTill mbkc pa>mont,.and those having claims present tliegkto' EDWIN MITCHELL, Administrator^; No. 24 Noith FRONT Street. PiiiLADELpaiA* June 10,1862 - jelo tn6t It/fARSHAL’S BALE. —By virtue of AvA. a Writ of Sale, br the Hoa, JOHN CADWALA DE&, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and tor the Sastora District of Pennsylvania, in admi ralty, to me directed, will be gold, at public sale, to tho highest aud best bidder, for cosh, at CALLOWS.ILL STREET WHABF, on WEDNESDAY, July 9, 1862* at 12 o’clock M., tbe schooner GUIDE, her tackle, aopareV and furniture, and her cargo laden on board, consisting of 100 hales of cotton, 5 tierces of rice, in bags, 400 empty bags, and a quantity of tobacco.. Gan be ex- r ; amined on the mo; nine of sale. WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. &. Marshal Eastern District of Penna. Peila»ELphia, June 26,1882. je27-6t BALE.—By v virtue of i.VJ. a Writof Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DFB. Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and forthe Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admi ralty , to me directed, will be sold, at ptiblic sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cn&b, at QUEEN-STREET WHARF, oh MONDAY, July 14,1862, at It o’clock A. M., the Steamer CUMBRIA, her tackle, apparel, and furnitnre, and the cargo laden on board. Tbe cargo will be sold at LBEBYSHIBE’S STOBE, No. 107 North WATER Street, at 12 o’clock M. Catalogues will be issued prior to the day of sale. The goods can be ex amined on the morning of rate. - WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. S. Marshal Eastern District Penna. Philaubi.phia, June 26, 1882- je27-6t Deputy quakteemaster GENERAL’S OFFICE. ; PROPOSALS will be received at this office'until TUESDAY, July 15tb next, 12 o’clock M., for the de livery of one thousand sets of six«mule HARNESS, com ylete, to be made accnrding to a sample now In ihis office, of the best oak-tanned Jpather, and subject to inspection. The wtole to be completed and ready for delivery in this city, on or before the -16th day of .August, 1862. . , **A. BOYD, • je3o-tjyls Captain and A. Qr M. : i A RMY CLOTHING AND BQOI- Xl. PAGE OFMCE, TWELFTH AND GIKAKD Streets. Y , Pbiladslhhia, Jane 27, 1862. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed « PROPOSALS : FOR IB AT CHETS, SATOHET HANDLES, and FELLISG AXES,” will be received by the at bis Office, until 12 o’clock M. on TUESDAY, Ist; of, July ■ next, for furnishing this Department, deliverable at tbe ScbuylkilT&rsenat, and subject to inspection* with " five thousand (6,000) of each of the above-named ar-' tides. Bids will be received for the whole or any part* of the above articles, and the bidders will state in their bids bow soon tbe same can be delivered at tbe Schuyl kill Arsenal, where samples can be seen of those required. : G. H. GROSMAN, . je2B-3t Deputy Quartermaster General U. S. A. - QEaLEI) PROPOSALS ABE IN IO vlted until the IBihdoy of JULY, 2862, for snpolying the United States Subsistence Department with 6,ooo'head ofHEEF GATTLE on the Hoof. ' The Oattle to be deliver«i at. Washington, D. 0., and each animal to average 1,300 pounds gross. No animal admitted that weighs less than 1.000 pounds gross. Heifers, Stags* and Bulls not wanted. « ' Tht firat delivery ot Gatrle to be made os the Ist day of August, or as soou thereafter as the Government may direct. 600 bead of Cattle per week will be required to bo delivered under.this contract.. r A bond with good and sufficient security will be re- QlUrid. : ' No bid will be entertained when put in by contractors who have previously failed to comply with their contracts in any Department of Government, or where the bidder is not present to respond to Ms bid. The names of firms should be stated in full, with the precise addreto of each member of tbe firm. . Proposals from disloyal parties will not be considered* and an oath of allegiance must accompany eaoh proposi tion.' All bids must be accompanied by two guarantees. Bids to be directed to Major A. BKOJK.WITH, O. 8., V. S. A., .Washington, D. G., aud endorsed 1; Proposals for Beef Cattle.” We, , of tie county of ■ . , and State of——, do hereby gearsniy that ——— is able to iulfii a contract in accordance u i»h the terms of hie proposition, and that, should Ms proposition bo accepted, he will at oace enter info a contract ia accordance therewith. con tract be awarded him we are prepared to become his se curities. 1 ., (This guarantee must be appended to each hid.) The responßibility of the guarantors most be shown by the official certificate of the Gierk of the ncareat District Courf, or of the United States District Attorney. . je2B 14t •• .■ ; v; GHOCEKIES AND PROVISIONS. TJIO FAMILIES EESIMNG ' : IN THE RURAL DISTBICTS. Wear ©prepared, as heretofore, to supply Families at their country residences with every description of FINE TEAS, *a„ &o. ALBERT O. ROBERTS. '. ioM-tf OOBNKB ELBTEHT-H AND VINE STB. •VTEW MACKEREL. ; 150-Bbls New Large No. 3 Mackerel. ' 150 Half Bbls “ " ' « In store and and for sale by u MURPHY * KOONB, , No. 146 North WHABVEB. Mackerel, herring, shad, ■ &0.,A0."-' 1 ' \ 2,500 Jbblß Mass Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, late canght fat fish, in assorted packages. 2,000 Bbls New Eastport, Fortune Day, and Halifax Herring. . ■ ■ 2,500 Boxes Lubec, Scaled, and No. 1 Herring, 150 Bbls New Mess Shad. 250 Boxes Herkimer County Cheese, Ao, In store and for sule by . MURPHY & KOONS, ; jeW-tf No. 146 North WHARVES. T>MODES & WILLIAMS, No. 107 J_\j couth WATER Street, offer for sale the following: 75 cases assorted Jellies; , - 1 ' ' . 100 .cases American Pickles, pints and quarts. CO cases American Pickles, gallons and half gallons. • 60 cases French Braudied Cherries. >. 75 caseß French Bramdied Peaches. 40 cases Lewiß & Bros.’.Condeased Milk. 50 casra Bordeaux Olive Oil, in black bottles. : - * 20 cases Yirgin Oil of Aix. .60 cases Bacgalupi Oil, pints and quarts. Also, a well-assorted stock Croaaet* Blackwell’s Cele brated English Pickles. - ; jo!8 /BARTER’S CELEBRATED NEW VJ JEBSEY BUGAB CUBED HA6fS, jnit roooivod. JAMBS HOMER & SON, je2o Seventh and Noble and Sixth and Wood sts. OARDINES.—A very superior brand Cj for sale by OHABLKB S. OABBTAIBB, »•••. , For Bristol, and intermediate stations, at UK A. BL from Kensington Depot. . For Palmyra, Riverton, Delaney Beverly, Burlington, Florence. Bordentown* Ac., at 10 A. fil. and 12#, 4,0, 6K and 6.80 P. H. Steamboat TRENTON for Bordentown and Interme diate stations at 2# *■ from Walnut-street wharf. t&“. For New Tort, and Way Lines leaving Kensini ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, i half an boor before departure.. The cars run into the Depbt,and ou the arrival of each train run from the Depot. • Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed eaoh Passenger. : Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag .gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage oyer fifty pounds to be ptdd for extra.* The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and ;i will not be liable for any amount beyond 8100, except by contract /feB-tf WM. H. GATZMIIB, Agent. LINES FROM NEW YORE FOE PHIL ADEL ?HI A -Wit.l. LRATBi FROM FOOT OF CORTLAND STREET, At 10 A. M-, 12 M., and 6 P. fit. via Jer-ey City and Camden. At 7 A. M., and 4 and 11 P. M. via Jersey City arid Kensington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M , Tia Amboy and Camden From Pier No. 1 North river, at 1 and 6 P. M. {freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. / je9*tf mHJB PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL X BAILEOAD. ■■ THS OBBAT BOOT-LB TBAOK BOUT*. 1862. THE CAPACITY OF THE BOAD IS NOW EQUAL -TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THE GREAT SHORT LINE TO THE WEST. Facilities for the transportation of passengers to and rrom Pittsburg} Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, Bs. Paid, Nashville, Memphis, New-Orleans, and all other towns In the West, Northwest, and Southwest are unsurpassed tor speed and comfort by any other route. Sleeping and ■moking oars on all the trains. - THE EXPRESS BTJNS DAILY; Mall and Fast Line Sundays excepted. MaU Train leaves Pbiladeiphlaat............ 7.15 A. M. /Fast Line ** (t ............ 11-39 A. M. Through Express “ ............ 10.30 P. M* Harrißbnrg Accommodation leaves Phila. at. 2.30 P. M. Lancaster 44 44 44 ... 4.00 P. M. West Chester Accommo’n No. 1 “ .. 8.45 A. M 44 44 No. 2** « 4 ..12 00noon. Parkesbnrg . « 44 44 .. 545 P.M. West Chester passengers will take the West Chester Nos. 1 and 2 and Lancaster Accommodation Trains. : Passengers lor Snnbnry, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, Ac., leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. and 10.30 P. M., go directly through. For farther information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, S. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets./ By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad, ’are, at all tames, as fa vorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with oonfideno* bn its speedy transit. / For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or address the Agents of the Company. 6. B. KINGSTON, J*., Philadelphia. -■ D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. GLARKE & Co., Chicago. LEECH & Co-, No.l Aster House, or No. X South William street, New York. LEECH & GO., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. HAGBAW h, KOONB, No. 80 North street, Baltimore* H. H. HOUSTON, Gen’l Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Gen’l Ticket Agont, Phila. ENOCH LEWIS. Gen’l Altoona. jyl-tf ■SJRIIffISKGEB'MANTOWN, AND NOR RISTOWN RAILROAD. TIMETABLE. On and after Monday, May 26th, 1862, until farther notice. • . , FOB'GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 7,8, 9,10,11, 12, A. M., 1,2, 810, 4,6, s*, 6,7, 8, 9jSf,lo*, 11# , P. M. v Leave Germantown. 6,7, 7 35, S, 834,9#, 10#, 11#, A. M., 1,2, 3,4,5, 6, 7,8. 9,10.10,11, P.M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. M., 2,3, 6, 7#, 10#, P. H. Leave Germantown, 8.10 A. M. r 1, 4/6#, 9#, P, M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, la, A M., SS, 4,5, 6,8, IOJf.P.M. ... Leave Ohoateut 8311, 7.10, 7.85, 9.10, 11.10, A. M., 1.40, 3.40, 6.40, 8.40, 7.40,9.50, P. H. OM SUNDAYS. Leave Pbiladolehia, 0.10 A. BL, % 5, 1%, P. M. - Leave Cheatnnt Hill, ,7.50 A. M., 12.40,; 6.10, 9.10, ' POK CONSHOHOCKBN AND NOBBISTOWN. \L4ave Philadelphia, 6, 9.05,11.05, A. M., IK, -3, iU, 8.10, 8.06, lltf, P M. Loavo Norristown, 8,7, 7,50, 9,11, A. It., IK, 4!f, 6«, P. M. - - \ ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9A. M , 2% f 4%, P. m, , , Lbave Norristown, 7 A-Ml lj 6, P, M, FOB MANAYUNK. * Leave Philadelphia,6,9,ll.os, A.M.,l|f, 8 } 4tf,0.10, 8.86.11#, P. M. . Leave Manayunk, 0#,7#,8.20, 9#,11#, A. M., 2, 8,7, P. M. 1 ON SUNDAYS. ■ Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 2#,4#, 8, P. M. Leave Hanayunk, 7# A. M., I#. 6#, 9, P.-M. H. K. SMITH, General dupprintendont. my26-tf Depat NINTH and GRE EN Streets. NORTH PENNSYL. ; ln?.glal —JiL VANIA RAILROAD. FOB bethlehem; doylestown, m a uoh CHUNK, HAZLETON, EASTON, WILKES BARRE, &«. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY,. MAY 6, 1882, Passen ger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: At 6.40 A. M., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, BSauch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, Ao. • • r At2.46P.M., (Express,) for Betniefiem, Easton, Ad. This train reaches Easton at 6 P. 3SL, and makes a dose connection with the New Jersey Central for New' York. • - . At 5.05 P. M., for Bethlehem,, Allentown, Munch drank, v Ac. At 8 A. M. and 4 P. M-, for Doylestown. At 0 P. M., for FortWashlngton, • The 0.40 A. M. Express Train makes dose connection with the Lehigh galley RaHroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable zonto to all points in the Lehigh ooai region. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA. ffLeave Bethlehem at 6.40 A. M., 9.X8 A. M.» and 5.81 F. M. . ' ■ . . Leave Doylestown at 7.25 A. H. and &ao P. fit. Leave Fort Washington at 0,30 A.M. ON SUNDAYS— Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 7.45 A, BLV- Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.45 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6 30 A. fiL Bethlehem for. Philadelphia at 5 e, m. Fare to j Fare to Mauoh Ghunk4&2.6o Fare to Easton....,* 1.60 j Wilkeabare .4,60 Through Tickets must *he procured at the Ticket Offices, at WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. ■ All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berks street with’the Fifth and Sixth streets, and Se cond and Third-streets Passenger Railroads, twenty mi nutes after leaving Willow street.: my 3 ELLIS CLARK, Agent 155 hbuagsagßa PHILADELPHIA rKLBfIBA:B. S. LINE. 1863 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1863 For- WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and a}l points in the W« and N. W., Passenger Trains leave Depot of Phlla. and Reading R. 8., cor. Broad and Oal lowhili streets,: at 8 A. M., and 8.15 P. M. daily, except Sundays, QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points In Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York; Ac., Ac. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Faßa, or intermediate points. Through Express Freight Train tor all points above* leaves daily F. M.'4 ; ' For further information apply to , JOHN S. HXLLES, General Agent. THIRTEENTH and OAILOWHILL, and N. W. oor, SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. ja3l-tf REOpening of THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.—This road, being folly REPAIRED and effectually GUARDED, is now open for the trans portation of passengers and freight to all points in the GRE AT WEST.' For through' tickets and all othor In formation apply at the Company’s Office, corner BROAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. 6. BE. FELTON, ap3-fcf President P. W. and B, R. R. Co. - «n cmiwmiM J WEST CHESTER (ESSSKSSEaND PHILADELPHIA RAIL- VIA MEDIA. * SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, June 9th, 1802, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA from the depot, N. E. cor ner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 7.45 and 10,30 A. BL, and 2, 4.30, and 7 P. M., and on Toes days and Fridays at 914 P. M.. and will leave West Philadelphia, from THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets, 17 minutes after the starting time from Eigh eenth and Market streets. OK SUNDAYS, Leave PHILADELPHIA at B A; Leave WEST CHESTER at 8 A. M., and 5.00 P. M. .The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.46 A. M., and 430 P. BL, connect at Pennelton with trains on the Phi ladelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord, Bennett, Oxford, &c. HENRY WOOD, jefl-tf-.; Superintendent. IBHBsSK RAILROAD Trains via P»HN BYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corner ELB VENIH and MARKET Btreets, at 8,45 A. M-, 12 noon, and 4 P. M. On Sunday a train leaves Eleventh and Market streets at 7.80 A: M., and West Chester at 4 P. M. . . . no3-tf TyfANV EFFORTS HAVE BEEN IVI made to preserve the form and features of the dead, without-the usual mode, so repugnant to the feel ings, of placing the body in ice. This difficulty has been overcome by Good’s air-tight PATENT BOXES. Cold air is the medium used-—acting as a preservative—in the warmest weather, and for any length of time required. Likewise, bodies may be conveyed hundredsof miles with -perfect safety, aad in a good state of preservation; -■■■ V . JOHN GOOD, Undertaker, v -H. B Lead, Metallic and other coffins, furnished at the .shortest notice. Hearses and carriages of the best quality. Lots, half lots, and single graves, in the different ceme teries; one superior lot in Monnt Moriah Cemetery; one, two, three, or four hundred feet, can be bad cheap for cash, or trade.. . : j- . Rbfbrenoss—Dr. SAMUEL JACKSON, 224 South EIGHTH Sta-eel ; Dr. J. H. B. McOLELLAN,-1029 WALNUT Street. a - ; , ,my9-thstnSm. TNGOT COPPER—FROM THE A AMYGDALOID MINING COMPANY, ’of Lake Sutmor, for sale in lots to unit pnrchaaf ra, at GEQ.F.WOMBATH’S, 415 AItOII Street. jelS-WBom* Delaware mutual safety jnsubanob IHOOBPOKATEB BY THE L3CM3LATUEE OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1885. OFFICE 8. B. CoitNKS THIBD AND WALNUT BTBBBTS PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSUBANOB • ON VESSELS, 1 OABGO, > T-o aU parts of She ~WoM. FREIGHT, J INLAND INSURANCES Ob Hoods, by Bivers, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carr! aim to all parts of the Union. . FIBB INBNEANOSB On Merchandise generally. On Stoma, Dwelling.housetnAo. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOV. L 1881, Tin. ooa*. •100,000 United States Five per cent. Loan. •100,980 00 60,000 Untted States Six per cent. Trea scry N0te5...... 40,900 81 90,000 United Stateß Seven and Three tenths por cent. Treasury Notea 90,880 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five per cent. Loan 88,601 90 198,060 Philadelphia City Six per oent. Loan 119,448 IT 80,080 State of Tennessee Five per cent. Loan.... 94,070 00 90.000 Pennsylvania Bailroad. let Mort gage Six per cent. 8and5....... 90,480 00 90,000 Pennsylvania Bailroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent 80nd5..,..,. 48,130 8* 10,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Cap Company, principal and interest guarantied by the City of Pbl ladolphia 14,5*7 M 0,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania , Bailroad C0mpany............. 0,000 00 Bills receivable for insurances made...... 90,780 Of Bonds and M0rtgage5.....,..........'.,,. 70,000 00 Beal Estate. 61,863 80 Balances due at Agencies-—Premiums on - Marine Policies. Interest, and other Debtß due the Company.... Scrip and Stoek of sundry Insurance and other Companies, 811,848—estimated va 1ue........... .........4,088 00 C lab on hand—ln 8ank5...... .*01,098 OS In Drawer 01789 .. ■ n, BlO 88 DXBBOTOBB. William Martin, Samuel X. Stokes, Kdimmd A. Bonder, J. F, Periston, Theophilns Paulding, ; Henry Sloan, John B. Penrose, Edward Darlington, John 0. Davis, H. Jones Brooke, James Traottair, Spencer M’Hvalne, William Eyre, Jr., Thomas 0. Hand, James O. Hand, Bobert Burton, William C. Ludwi*, Jaceb P. Jones, Joseph H. Seal, James 6. McFarland, Dr. B. M. Hasten, Joshua P. Eyre, George G. Deiper, John B. Semple, Pittsburg, Hugh Craig, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg, Charles Kelly, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg, * WILLIAM MAB.TIN, Prudent. IJHE BKLIANCJSS HUTU All IKBUAABOI OOMPARI. * or mtkDMhrmtA i . OTFIOBNo. 806 WALNTJT STBMT, fcaurea against BOSS OB- DAMAGB BY YXBB, o* HonB6S, Stores, and other buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Foraitara, ■'* ‘Goods,"Wares,.and Mer chandise, in totrn or country. OAfIH CAPITAL, #SBI,IIO.OO—ASSISTS SSIT,mM. Which to invested as follows, vii: In first mortgage on city property, worth double the am0unt,......................5101,900 00 Pennsylvania Bailroad Oo.’s 6 per oent, first mortgage loan, 5,000 00 Pennsylvania Bailroad Co.’s 0 per oent, ce oond mortgage loan, 87,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad 'Jop Bailroad and Oanal Go.’s mortgage 10an......A,000 00 Qround rent, first-c1ae8....8,469 60 dtlateral loans, well 5ecured............... 8,600 08 City. of Philadelphia 0 per cent 10an........ 80,000 00 County 6 per cent. Pa. BE, loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank 5t0ck............ 5,135 01 Mechanics* Bank stock..' 3,813 60 Pennsylvania Bailroad Oo.’s 5t0ck.......... 4,000 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.’b stock. 86,860 00 The County Fire Insurance Oo.’s stock..r.. 1,050 00 The Daloware ST. S. Insurance Co.’s stock.. 700 00 Union Mntnal Insurance Co.'a 5crip........ . 880 00 Bills receivable.. 14,803 74 Book accounts, accrued interest, &c,..«*•«. 7,104 Si OMhOB 11,644 34 : The Mutual principle, combined with the security ol ft Stock Capital, entitles the insured to participate In th* ymoJira of the Company, without liability for LOB3XS. lieosoß promptly adjusted sad paid. DDBJSOTOBS. B, .m. Hnroxiux, S February 10,1861. Fire insurance. • MECHANICS’ INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 138 NORTH SIXTH Street, below Race, insure Buildings, Goods, and Merchandise generally, from Loss or Damage by Fire. The Company guaranty to adjust all Losses promptly, and thereby hope to merit the pafronage of the public. THIEI IJSSDBANCE EXCLUSIVE- X 1 :iiY.—The PENNSYLVANIA PIBE INSITBANOB COMPANY. Incorporated 1826. CHABTEK PEBPE TIJAL. No. SIQ WALNUT street, opposite Independ ence Sotisre. This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six years, continues to insure against Lobs or Da mage by Fire on public or private Bnilainga, either per manently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. ■ •. ■ Their Capital, together with a Urge Surplus Fund, is Invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. ■ ’• rpHE enterprise INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY r S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. F. Batchford Starr, MordecaiL. Dawson, William McKee, Geo. H. Stuart, Halbro Frazier, John H. Brown, John M. Atwood, B. A. Fahnestock, Beni. T. Tredicfe, Andrew D. Cash, Henry WhartOD, J. L.Erringer. F. BATCHFORD STARR, President. Csablss W. Coxk, Secretary. fe!s TNSURANCI COMPANY OF THE JL STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Noa. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. North side of WAL NUT Street, between DOCK and THIRD Streets, Phila delphia. INCORPORATED in 1794 CHARTER PERPETUAL. . ~•. CAPITAL ©200,000. PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1,1861,8307.094.61. MARINE, FIRE, AND INLAND TRANSPORTA TION INSURANCE. A MERIC AN: FIRE INSURANCE XL COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus, in vested in sound and available Securities, continues to inanre on Dwellings, Stor«s, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. A NTH HAG I T B INSUE &NGE XI. ; COMPANY.—Authorized CapitaT 8400,000 CBABTEB PERPETUAL. Office Noj 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Streots, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene tfaUy. - - - v Also, Marine Insurances on vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union, j DIBECTORS. Davis Pearsoa, Peter Sieger, J. E. Baum, - ¥m.l. Dean, John Ketcham. :AM ESHER, President. DEAN, Yice President 1 ap3-tf Exchange in PANT—Office,No. 41 Fire Insurance on Houses on favorable terms; either LI • v ; ~--v DIBEO Jeremiah Bengali, John Q. Ginoodo, Edward D. Boberts, Samuel D. Smedley, BcubonO.llale,^^ JOHN Q.G BiOHinD Oog« Secretary. M., and 2 P. M. THE ADAM 9 EX- BaKSffi PBKSS COMPANY, Office SH CHESTNUT Btreet, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer chandise, Bank Botes, and Specie, either by lea own lines or in connection with other Express Companion, to ill the principal Towns and ditto* of the United Staten ~ B. B. BANDPeBD, General Bnoerintendent jHIATJTION.—Owing to the popularity \_J and complete success which our PATENT SELF ADJUSTING CLOTHES-WBINGEB has met with, other parties are endeavoring to sell their inferior ma chines, by adopting our name of 41 SELF-ADJUSTING” as a means to deceive the pabiic. - We, therefore, give notice that our name willbe plainly stamped on each Machine manufactured. and sold by us, and none others are genuine. Any one using our trade mark-will be dealt with according to law. Mr. L. E. SNOW, comer of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Philadelphia, is our SOLE AGENT for Penn sylvania.; HALEY, MOfiSE, & BOYBEN. .. ju24tsel2 • ‘ •, " . No. 921 BPRUGE Street. IWSCKANCB COittPAKIBS. THOMAS 0. HAND? TSoe President, HBNBT HYLBtTBN, Secretary. jal4-tf Sanraol Bisph&m, Bobert Steen, William Mosser, Benj. W. Tingley, BlarafaallHiH, J. Johnson Brown, Charles Jjaland, Jacob T. Bnnttnf, Smith Bowen, John Bisaell, Pittabarf. i TUTGMT, President. Clem Tingley, William B. Thompson) Frederick Brown, William Stevenson, John B. Worrell, K. L. Carson, Robert Toiand, 0. B. Bosengarten, Charles S. Wood, - ■ James S. Woodward, OLi DIBECTOBS. -'William Morgan, James Martin, Jaines Durosa, Francis Falla, . Charles Glare, Thomas Fisher, John Bromley, Francis McManus, Hugh O’Donnell, Bernard Rafferty. [CIS COOPEB, President, retary. mylT-tf Francis Cooper, Michael McGeoy, Edward McGovern, Thomas B. McCormick, Matthew McAleer, John Casaady, Thomas J. BemphiU, Bernard H, Hulseman, Michael Cahill, James McCann/ ■ FRAN Bshkard Raffksty, Seer DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Tbomag Robins, Quintm Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Dovereux, William Montelius, * Thomas Smith. Isaac Bazlehurst, JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. William G. Cr&whll, Secretary. ap6 DIBBCTOBS, Samuel Grant, Jr., Tobias .Wagner, ' i Thomas B. Wattson, Henry ,G.- Freeman, Charles S. Lewis, . George O. Carson, Snight , IHEBBEBD, President, r. jy29 tf Horny D. Sherrerd, I Charles Macaleater, 'William S. Smith, John B. Austin, William 8. White, George H. Stuart, | Edward 0.l HANKY D. £ Willi ah Habper, Secretary James B. Campbell, Edmond Q. Duti«h, Charles W, Poultney, Israel Morris, Thomas B. Marls, John Welsh, Samuel C. Morton, Patrick Brady,. John T. Lewis, THOM A Albert O. L. Crawford, AS B. MiBIS, President. >, Secretary. fe22-tf William Esher, 3). Lather, . Lewis Audenried, John B. Blalriston* Joseph Maxfield, WILL] ■■■ WM. W- SI. Suits, Secretary. JStIRANGE COM -109 WALNUT Street. ' : , r and Merchandise generally, rimited or Perpetual.* OTORS. Thomas Marsh, Charles Thompson, James T. Hale, Joshua Ti Owen, John J. Griffiths. great variety; of ornamenta' garden Vases, in Terra Cotta classical designs, all sizes, and warranted to stand the weather,.: . j-‘ Philadelphia Terra Cotta Works, Office and Ware Booms 1010 CHESTNUT Street, jelT-tf S. A. HABBISON. JOHN B. MYEIIS & CO., AUC ” TIOKEBtS, Sob. 282 and 234 MftRKJSE Street. SAI.ES by auction. SALE OF BOOTS ASP SHOES-' CLOBIHO fc*|LE OF TIE SEASON, ... TUiS MOE?uihv credit 1,000 packages boors at.rf üboeg. XpUBKESS, BRINLEY. & 00., -*• Wo. MARKET STREET. Bii* THIS JULY 1, AT A OABD.—Thj attoafejoo of purchasers is requested to oursele of Fiei ch Cry goods, this (Tuesday) meraing, July 1, at 10 o’ciocf, by catalogue, oa four monthe* credit, comprising a desirable ass jrtreeat. fcALE OF 30l* CaBTONS BfBBONS, Kxti a quality, for tbs beit City Rerail Tr ude. NOTICE TO DE iLEES IN KISdONS, The particular attention of alt dealers is requested to our sale oi 300 carton* booner and trimming rioboas, just lauded, being the best quality ever offdfMi at auction, and of the most desirable.fftadea, from Nos. 4 to 60, Bull ed to the best city retail trad*. SALE OF FBKivOii DBT GOODS. _ . ' ' THIS MORNING, July 1, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on four months 1 credit— - 400 lota of fancy and staple 'French dry goods, com prising a genera! assortment. ■’ SAM OF SOO CARTONS RIBBONS. JUBt landed ft em eteamera Barela and ißtna, THIS MOBNINOi. July 1, at 30 o’clock SCO cartons bonnet and trimming ribbons,consisting of cartons Nos. 4,6, end 6_cable cord poult de soie tnmmirg ribbons, white, assorted colors, azatine bine, and purples. * caitons Nos. 12c 60 poult de sola bonnet ribbons, plaid, broche, figurea, and plain. cartons Nos 12®60 extra heavy cable cord white and plain colors do., of very superior Quality. N. B.—The attention of the Trade is requested to the above sale,.as it will consist entirely or fresh goods, re ceived per steamers Persiaand iEtua. BLACK AND WHITE OHRCJC POIL BE OHEYBE. 48,131 9T 3 caeee black acd white check poit de cbevre. * BB3UHE AKB _PHINXJBI> BORDERS BLACK 9889,376 33 3C014-4 Paris brocbe border black Stella shawls. 300 do ■printed do do. PHILIP FOHD & CO., AUCTION- X BUBS, 626 MARKEtamI 522 COSIMBBOM Sts. CLOSING SALE OF TR® SEASON—I,OOO CASES BOOTS. SHOES] BRuGANS, Ac. ON THURSDAY MORNING, Jnly 3d. 10 o'clock/ prwciaoiy,: will So sold, by catmogue, 1,600 cose, men’s, boys’, and youths calf, kip,..and grain boots; calf and kip brcgans, Congress gaiters, Oxford and-Scotch ties, walking shoes, So., wo men’s. tnissesY and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, morocco heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers, buskins, So. Included in sale'will be found a large assortment of first-class city-made goods. Goods open tor examination, with catalogues, early on tbe morning of Bale. Tftia being our last sale of the. season, buyers will find it to their interest to attend. PANCOAST & WARNOOK, AUC TIONEERS, Nos. 213 MARKET Street. LARGE SALE OF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DBI GOODS, MILLINER! GOODS, EMBROIDE RIES, STOCK GOODS, Sc., by Catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, July 2, commencing at la o’clock precisely. ■S KAW GOODS. Also, on WodneaCay— — caste straw goodß, comprising men’s and boya’ hats, ladies’and misies fancy hats, bonnets, Sc.. rpAREANT’S EFFERVESCENT SELTZEE APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine has universally re ceived the most favorable recommendations of the Hhdigal Profession and the Public os the > most EFFICIENT AND AGBBBABLM SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the best effect in Bilious and. Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Siofc Headache, Nausea, Lobs of Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity , of the Liver, Gloat, Rheumatio Affections, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL COMPLAINTS WHBII A GENTLE AND COOLING APBBIENTOR PUB GATIVE IS REQUIRED. It is particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents in Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will find it a valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up in bottles to beep in any' climate, and merely requires water poured upon it to produce a de- . lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout Hie conn try, and its steadily increasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an Intelligent public. - Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., No. 278 GEEEN WiCH Street,comer Warrensfc KEWfOEK, ap2l-ly .. And for sale by Druggists generally. 9817,145 M ✓ TAOCTOR A. 11. STEVE MS, / latebf Sew York, is now curing aU kindsbf / Acute and Chronic Diseases, both of Ladies and Gen / ’ tlemen, by the various modes in which he applies ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. He has located himself * permanently at 1418 South PENH Square, Philadel phia. The location is d vtry central one to "the car, »s well as pleasant to those who choose to take board in the Doctor's family while ui der treatment. I References and certificates of cures,, from many I of the firßtclaßws in this city and elsewhere, may be / examined at the office. M consultation and advice free, y jel4-stutb3m r . pURE GEORGIA ARROW ROOT. The special attention of physicians and families is called to the. superiority of this article, it is rapidly supplanting all other kinds, and all those who hive used it give it the most decided preference. The following extracts, from certificates in the hands of the manufac turer, « OoL Hallowhs,” will show the high estimation in which the Georgia Arrow Boot is by those gen tlemen of the medical profession who have fully ex amined it. MT* One pound, 62# cents, or two pounds for $l. Complete instructions accompany each package, show ing bow to make the moßt delicious articles for the table. FOB SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, - • AT FBED’K BBCWN’B ÜBUG and CHEMICAL STOBE, N. E. COB. of FIFTB and CHESTNUT Streets, - PHILADELPHIA. V: “Ihave examined and prepared some Arrow Boot, manufactured by OoLHaHowes, of St. Mary’s, Georgia. It has the best quality of that variety of feecula I have met with, being superior to any Bermuda, or other Ar-„ row Boot I have seen. « SAMUEL JACKSON, M. D., nVh£o.«tnth3m “ University of Pennsylvania ” Dtt. CHURCHILL’S HYPOMoci- PHITES, for the Prevention and UUBE 0 W CON SUMPTION.—Just received from Peris, a supply of Dr. Churchill’s Syrup of Hypophosphite of Soda, Syrup of Hypophosphite of Lime, and pills of Hypdphosptiace.of Quinine, with directions for use. Persons suffering from CHEST AFFECTIONS can now obtain the above medi cines, genuine, at ,FREDERICK BROWN’S jeB-f.tu.-12t' Drue and Chemical Store, ; .E. corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Phila. q_juuten capsules JPIJKE OQI3-LXVER OIL. The repugnance of most patients to • COD-LIYHB OIL, and the inability of many to take it at ali, has in duced various forms Jof disguise for Its administration that are familiar to the MedloaV Profession. ;Some of them answer in special oases, but more often neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as unpalatable and ofless therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, *o,» to Invalids, induced by disgust of tha Oil, is entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. COD-LIVEB OIL CAPSULES have been much used lately to Europe, the experience there of the good ‘re mits from their use in both hospital and private praottoe, aside from the naturaDysuggestedadvantagea»are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use will result in benefit find deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER. aeSMf Itia.WADHIIT Btreot, Philadelphia. ILJLVMIM ATlMtt OIJLS. «T TJCIFER” OIL WORKS. 1 J 100 bbls‘‘Lucifer” Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee the oil to be non* explosive, to bum all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without crusting the wick, and but slowly. Barrels lined with glass enamel.' WEIGHT, SMITH, & PEARSALL, feH-tf . Office 51CM&-RKET Sheet T»/fRS. JAMES BETTS’ OELEBRA -IVJL IKK BUPFOBTEBB FOB LADIES, aml tlu only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La lies and physician* are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. Betts, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their .physicians to use hor appliances. Those only are genuine betwing the United States copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, mid also on the Sunnorters. with testimonials. 0018-tuthsSf MACHINERY AflD IROH. J. VAUGHAN MERRICK, WILLIAM H. MXBUICX, JOHN*. OOP*. DOUTHWAEK FOUNDRY, O FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTRMTB, PHILADELPHIA. % MERRICK & SONS, ;v . SNQINFBBS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Lew Pressure Steam Engines, for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &o.; Cast ings of all kinds, either iron cer brass. « Iron-Frame Boot* for Gas Works, Work-shops, Ban road Stations, &o. Betorta and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. * Every description of Plantation Machinery, such tfl Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Strain Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &o. Sole Agents for N. Biilleux’s Patent Sugar Boiling, Apparatus; Neamyth’a Patent Steam Hammer, and Aa pinwall & Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Droning Machine; au6-tf 4* m> PENN BTIAM ENGINE S2ISs& AND. -BOILBB WOBKB.-NBAFIE & LEVY, PBACTIOAL AND THEOBETICAL ENGX NEEBS, MACHINISTS,BOILEB-MAKEB6, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDEBS, having, for many years, been in successful operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and Biver En gines, high and low pressure, Ironßoilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, &c.y&c., respectfully offer their seiyices to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for En gines of all sizes, Marine, Biver, and Stationary, having seta of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to exe cute orders with quick - despatch* Every description Of pattern-makingmade at the shortest .notice* Highftna Low-pressure, Flue, •Tabular, and Cylinder Boners, of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings, of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all descrip tions ; 801 l Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. _ • ;; Drawings and Specifications for all work done at their establishment, free ef charge, and work guarantied. r The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boat*, where theycan lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &c., Ac., tor rais ing heavy erlight weights. JACOB 0. NjEAFIH, JOHN P. LEVY, je!4-tf BEACIJ and PALMEB Streets. ayrorgan, orb, & go., steam -IVL SNGEHB BDII.DKBB, Fron Fonntora, mi Genera! Machinists and Boiler Makers, No. 1210 CAL* LCWHTLL Street. Philadelphia. ffßl3-ir_ XfTORMAW & ELY, Ko., 130 REOG W Street, manufacturers of patent OAST-STEEL TABLE CU'JLEBY: also,_a lately-patented COMBI NATION KNIFE, FOBK, and SPOON, especially adapted for Camp use, for Fishermen, Sea-faring Jfc*. Mechanics, Miners, Lumbermen, and a&l worknusn car-. ruins their dinners. W. A. E.’s Cutlery is warranted to be of the best quality of ENGLISH OAST-STEEL, and to intended Jo supersede, by its excellence and cheapness, the inferior qualities of Cutlery now in the market, and to which they respectfully invito the attention of the Hardware dealers generally. my39^m 10 O’CLOCK. For Oity Trtwe. STELLA SHAWLS. MKOMJINAL. TRUSSES. SAI.ES by auction M THOMAS & SONS, • Sob. 139 aact 141 Sc,nt» FOURTH Street STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE—"THIS DAT. Pamphlet catalogues now ready* containing foil scrlptions of all the property to be sold on Tuesday, July 1, with a list of bblob July 8 comprising a groat variety of ■valuable property, by order ol Orphans' Oonrt, exa mfcra, and otherf. BEAL ESTATE SALE-JULT 1. Orphans’ Court Sale Estate’ ©f John Iff. Ookunaa. deceased STAND— Throe- 6 tr,ry Brick Building, Carter street, (formerly Carter alley ) between Second and Third and Chestnut atid Walnut b< roots. NEAT MODERN IiEhXPBNOEj Spring Garden st . west of ElevetitJrT Loi 30 feet I mot THBEE-BTORT BRICK DWELLING, No. 2108 Sun mer E-trpo*. west of Twonfy- first Fartof th« estate o! the late Ben jamin Chew, Fee. BSAL ESTATE SALE-JULT 8 -stone" d wet Itvo Btat !,‘ , T mn " ! amor —-SIUNK DWELLING, and LOT of over 3 a»rca- Bidgeroad. Sox borough,Twenty-first ward. Itfooppo- Mi* *be 6th oiie-nrone. about 1M miks from the Palis of SclmjlkdS, at d % of a mile north of Wiasahickoa BtaUon on tbe Norristown Railroad. Alß order of the Congregation a .r V t? X « ABVB!CBTTBCB and LARGE LOT. 67 by SO feet, northwest comer of Eleventh and Wood streets. * - s£ p^!.anB, Sale-—Eftato of Susan Taylor, dec’d.— GROUND, Eighteenth ward, late Kenalofiton. MODERN THREE-STOBT BRICK DWELLING, No. 3516 Filbert street, with three three--tory brich Dwellings in the rear: One of them fronts on Jonea street, and is occupied as a grocery store and dwelling. B '®u T 2?l. Hob. 1307 and 1309 North Fifth street, with -four three-story brick brick and two two-story frame Dwellings, forming a court, in the rear. Peremptory Sale.—First- claas Business Stand,—The VALUABLE FIVE- STOhY BROWS- STONE orf k Third street, between Market and Arch. TWO TBREB-fiTORY BBIOK DWELLINGS, Bod man street, north of Bowh street. . BBaUTIFPL COUNTRY SEAT 3 acres, with mo dern improvements, Holmesbnrg, in the vicinity of ele gant country residences. Sal.—Estate of Mary Cornell, deceaeed— BUS!NSB3 STAND THREE-STORY BRICK BTOBE AND DWELLING, Sixth Btreot, sew Marhet, eorser of Filben street. Lot. 20 feet front? 8?™" E'tata—MODEßN THREE STORY BRIGS DWELLING, Eleventh street, No. 1 City Row, between .Race and Tine streets. Clear of ail incumbrance THREE BTORT BRICK DWELLING, sonth side of Buttonwood Btreet, third house below Eighth street Immediate possession*' Sale No. 617 Arch Sbreet. COACH-MAKEBS’ STOCK, TOOLB, OFFICE FUR NITURE, GAS FIXTURES, &c. THIS MORNING. July 1, at 10 o’clock, at No. 617 Arch street, coaob makers’ stock, benches, tools, bubs, felloes, 2 hoisting machines, ofßce furniture, gas fixtures, &c, „ Ma y beoxamined at 8 o’clock on the morning if the sale, with catalogues M» Ho?. 139 and 141 Sooth Fourth Street UR 8, MIRBIBB, PIANO, BIL LIARD TABLE, BRUSSELS -IARPEIS, ftc, - ON THURSDAY MORNING, Al 9 o’docfr, at the Auction Store, the annertor ftimi fttre, piano, billiard tables- mirrors’, carpets, &e., from families declining housekeeping, removed to the Btoro for convenience of sale. ; All 6, a large and superior bar, oak top. lyyroSES nathans, auctioneer ATX AND COMMISSION. MERCHANT, aentheaat comer of SIXTH and RACE Streets. NATHANF! SALE OF FORFEITED GOODS. . ON TUESDAY MORNING July 8, at 9 o’clock, at Moseß Nathans’ Auction. House, Nos. 165 and 157 North Sixth street, adjoining the southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets, conuleting, in part, of— 6 * CLOTHING, BOOKS, PIANOS, FURNITURE. PL AT FOWLI-NG-PISCBS ’ . _ Viz., fine cloth frock, dress, and business coats, sacks, Gamcks, and overcoats; fine casßimere cloth, andUneu I»ntB} fine silk, satin, Valencia, marseilfes, cloth, cassi mere, and other vesta; summer clothing; boots, shoes, and gaiters; ladies* ellfc«cloth, and otaer ctoiks, and mantillas; Bilk, cashmere, merino; chintz, and other Gretses and dress patterns; silk and other skirts; uader clo'hmg generally ; crape, silk, merino, ste'la. bmebe, woollen plaid, and oilier shawls; umbrellas a»d parasols; blankets, anilie, spreads, sheets, pillow ca-es, curtains, Ac; knives and forks, spoons; tailors^shearu; 5,G00 Havana cigars, in lots to suit purchasers: Abbott’s plat form scales, weighs 1,500 lbs; two brilliant toned piano fortes; upright desk; lounges; stereoscopic views and cbbcb; double-barrel fowling-pieces; travelling trunks and valises; hammocks; carpenters’and plumbers* tools and fixtures; hoisting machine, and nutnorons other ar ticles of dry goods, hard w re, cutlery, &c. BOOKS. Handsomely bound Bibles: American History; Wil liams’ History of the United Siati-s. in 2 vols.; Grier’s Dictionary, in German and English, 2 vols; history erf France. 2 vols; Goeths’s Works, 2 voU.; Story on Con tracts ; Ghitty’a Pleadings, 3 vols.; Harris on Dental Sur gery; La Roche on Yellow Fever, 2 vols; Skakspeare’a Works; Blairs Bbeforic: Macaulay’s Essays; Burns* Works; Fuller’s Poems; Life ofGom Stockton, and nu merous others. * ‘ Also, Fome watches and jewelry. ■ST The goods will be open for examination early on the morning of sale. The piano*, platform scales, dresses, &c., will be sold first; the clothing. bookß, &c., immediately after. 3 he sale will commence precisely at 10 o’clock. SHIPPING. mT BOSTON AND ' PHILA ■a*3S» DELPHIA STEAMSHIP LINB-Sailin* from tach port every ten days—From Pine-street Wharf on MONDAY, JuL 7. ' The Steamship SAXON, Matthews, will sail from Phi ladelphia for Boston, on MONDAY EYE KING, the 7th of July, at 7 o’clock ; and from Boston for Phila delphia, oa *i UJESDAY AFTERNOON, Jul r 1, at A o’clock. ; Insurance one-half that by sail vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers will please Bend their bills'of Lading with goods. v- For freight or passage, having fine accommodations, apply to HENRY WINSOR & HO., je!7 832 SOUTH WHARVES. London exhibition—return TICKETS TO LONDON AND BACK: Firßt-clasa..... ...„.*lftl6o Second-elaee 66. WEEKLY COMMOTICA TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, oaHiag at QUEKNB - flretohd,) to land and embark passengers and despatches. > The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steam ship Gompany’s splendid dydo-built item screw eteam* •hips aare intended to satl as follows: FROM NEW YORK FOB LIVERPOOL ...Saturday, June 27,1562. ...Saturday, July 6. 1862. ETNA GLASGOW..: CITY OF BALTIMORE.;.. Saturday,' July 12,1962. ED1N8U85H................5aturday, July 19 1968. And every Saturday throughout the year, from PIEB No 44 N B BATHS OP PAS3AGB THBOUGH FESOM PBXLAMILPHIA, Cabin, to QneenHtown, or Liverpool...S¥s Do. to London, via Liverpool. 890 Btrarage to or Liverp00L.....^....... @3O Do. t0L0nden,.,.... j 833 Do. Betnm tickets, available for tdx montiut from ; Liverpool;.-,-.-..860 jPassengere forwarded to Harre, Paris, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of passage Issued from Liverpool to New York. 840 Certificates of passage lamed from Queenstown te New York... $3O These steamerrhave superior accommodations for pas sengers, an constructed with water-tight compartments, mad carry experienced Surgeons. Wat freight, or passage, apply at the office of the Com pany, i JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 111 Walnut street, Phifeddplaa, In Idverpoof, to WM. INHAto. Tower Build inge. In Glugow, to WM. UHMAH, 13 Dixon shut. aps-ti " THE HEUTISH AND NORTH 9hB8& AMEBIOAN BOYAL MAIL STEAM- JPBeM NEW YORK TO LIYBBPGOX>. Chief Cabin Fasaago, ~*.*... 8130 Second Cabin Passage. «•«,..*••.. 75 FROM BOSTON TO LIYXBFOOL. Chief Cabin Passage.., . *n# r Second Cabin’ Pa55age,......... 60 Tbs ship* from Hew York, call at Cork Huber* The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har bor. SCOTIA, Capt Judkins. CHINA. Capt. Anderson. PERSIA, Gapt, Lott. - ASIA, Oapt. Cook. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. ETJBOPA, Can*. J. Irfttch- - AFRICA, Oapt.Bfca&si> CANADA, Capt Muir. AMERICA, Oapt Hoodie. NIAGARA* Capt. A. By» is AUSTRALASIAN. These vessels carry a dear wbite- Ufht at mast-head; / «r©en omrtarboarilbow; redonyortbow. CHINA, Anderson, leaves N.York, Wednesday, July 2. ARABIA. Stone, .«* Boston, Wednesday, July 9. .. SGOTIA, Judkins, « N.Y-rk, Wednesday, Julv 16. EURO PA, Moodie “ Boston, Wednesday, July 23. . PERSIA, Lott, “ N.York, Wednesday, Jnly 30. AFRICA, Shannon, « Boston, Wednesday, Augusts.. B.ertbs not secured until paid for. An experienced Burgeon on board. /The' owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gold, Silver* BulHon, Specie, Jewelry, Proemm Stones, or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed there* or* and th- value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pas sage, apply to CHNABD,' 4 BOWLING GREEN. New York E. O. & J. G. BATES, - 103 STATE. Street, Boßton. ,ip— FOR NEW YORK—THIS ■SbmmSsDAY—DESPATCH AND SWOT-KIBE LINES—VIA DELAWARE AND HABIT AN CANAL. Steamers of the above Dines will leave DAILY, at 13 aniifi P, M. Por freight, ■■which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to WK. Sf. BAIBD & GQ.t - my2l-tf 132 South -DELAWARE Avenue, _ jff-.w FOR NEW YORK. JniSnfffirTTT-T DAILY USE, viaDelawar* ««9 Barltan Canal. \ Philadelphia and New York NiprOM Staamhcst Oo«S -«any receive freight and leave daily at 2F.M., damp ing their oargoea In Now York the following dap. Yrelghte taken ajreamableiraje*. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, - No. 14 SOUTH WHABVBB, rhflwMjhSaa.; JAMES HAND, Agent, »nl-tf Piers 1« and lb EAST BTVBB. New York. BIOTINA ROOFING, HASnriOIDMD BT *S« BUTTED STATES BIOTINA BOOFINO COMPANY, No 9 GOBE BLOCK, Comer GBEEN and PITTS Streetß, Boston, Mara. This Portable Booflug Is the only article ever offered to the pnbllo which Is ready prepared to go on the roof without any flushing operation. It la handtomtf and etufly applied, and can be safely and cheaply trans ported to anypart of the world. It will not taint or discolor water running over, or lying onlt, and ib, In all respoote, a very desirable article. Its non-condnothig properties adapt it especially to oovering mamifftctones of various kinds 5 and it la confidently offered to the public after a teat of four years in all varieties or climate and temperature, s for covering all kinds of roofs, flat or pitched, together with cars, steamboats, Ao. . It is both cAeoj) and durable.- .Agents wanted, to whom liberal inducements are offiwed. Bead tor circular, Ac., with’ particulars, to “B. S. CO., No. 9 QOBE BLOCK. Boston.” w?*- 8 ™ : ‘‘THOMSON’S LONDON £1 KITCHENER Wa are now iMotfarforin* BP «nrOMSON’S LONDON KITOHENBB)” or EUROPEAN RANGE, mutable for large and small familiem hotete, hospitals, and otter public institutions, Also, Portable Ranges, the« PUM* pbia Bongo,” Om Ovens, Bath Boilers, and Cast-iron links, together with a great -variety of small and large sized Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters* Fire-board fitoveß.XiO'w-down Grates, &c. • Wholesale and Betat! onlt at onr Warerooms. W HOETH, CHASE, & NOBTH, Ho. 200 North SECOND Street, four doors above Baca street. mO TBEE DISEASED OF ADD X OIiABBBS.—AII snb-acnte and etaonie dtoeaae* onred by special guarantee at 1220 WALNUT Strut. Pbilade!phia f and In case of a failure no charge is made* Professor HOLMES, the founder of this newpraotiM, vrill superintend the treatment of an cases himself- A pamphlet containing a multitude of certificates of those cored) also letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others trill be given to any person free. Lectures are constantly given at 1220* to medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery, ia applying Electricity as a reliable therapeutic agent Oon •ultAtionfree- J GEAMPAONI.— The original “Gold Lac» Champagne, in nriarta and pints, for sale (to arrive) hr OHaTB. CARBTAIBS, Ho. 126 Wjx.. NUT »nd 21GBANITE Strata.