FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET Philabblphla, Jnne3o,lBS2. The exciting effects of the rumors from the neighbor heod of lUohmoud, which have been prevailing for seve ral days past, and creating an intense suspense, culmi on the recefjpfc of reliable Intelligence from ■the seat of war, reliable, but, as many supposwi, uu favorable. The evacuHlion of. White House by General ItfoOkliau was looked upon as an act of necesdtr, and -caused the moat g’oomy ; forebodings. The true signifi cance of the movement became known too late to affect ibe money and stock markets favorably. Sticks ward lather depressed; Beading shares opened at 29X,soid down to ft, but recovered at the close 4o the former figure ; Eusqnekaima Gaua! shares declined 1, the sixes 3% } Catawftta common ft, preferred ft ; Lehigh Navi gation ft ; Schuylkill Navigation preferred ft ; Morris *Oahai preferred advanced preferred was stationary at 23, BllnehiU at 47 ft, 'Pennsylvan'a 5* wd “vascedfJif; Philadelphia and Banbury 7s brought 90—a •decline of 1 on lait sales. City 6a, new, declined to 101#, recovered to 102, and closed at 101 Pniladelphla and IBrie Os advanced at 93® Penniylvanla Baiiroad second mortgage steady at 98; North Pennsyl vania Bailroad 6s at 82, with 99 bid for the tens. There *wob a general decline in passenger railways, as large offerings were made of thun, and the demand being Short. Greta and Coates declined ft, Girard College •advanced ft ; Arch street ft ; Second .and Third de •dined 'ft ; *7 was bid for ITraukford and, Southwark: IQtf for Race and Vine; 57 for West PhiUrielptm ; 13 •for Bpruci aud Pine—a decline of ft \ Green and Coates decline-of .ft ; Chestnut and Walnut 89-a decline •of ft\ Thirteenth and fifteenth 18#—a decline of-1. Twenty shares. Corn Exchange Bankbrought 28. same ns l|st sales; Gita r d declined ft. America gold 198#. 3.05# was bid for United Stalesfls, ’Bl, no offering*; 195 tfor 7,305, with 105# The market closed steady, with a generßl desire apparent to await moio n?wa. The opening transactions in' gold, no the'sireot, were ‘made at 8 per cent, premium, InU a stand/ demand con tinuing caused an advance to bid, closing at the ’.latter figure, with holders stiff, old demand notes opened at 4, advanced to 4#, and continued steady. S ites were largo. %be money market continues easy 5 prime paper is *acarcej selling readily at 4 per cent. Mesßrs. Drexel & 00. furnish the following quotations: Uew York exchange.................... Parrol-lo peer Boston exohange “ to 1-10 “ Baltimore exchange. to, die. Country funds. ...........45 to o 5 eta. g'dd...................... .... to.9jf pre. ‘7.3-10 Trcaiur) notes. 104# to' 105 *Olddemands......... ........... 4# to B pre. OmoiAL' BANK STATEMENT. WBBSLT ATSBAQBS OF TBHPHH.ADBLPHIA BA9TKB. J uue 3.0.. J une 23.;J une 33 $4,104,000 3,9r-0,193 f 6,336,311 ! 1,712, COO! 2,043,900' 1,932,000 $4,017,000 3,077,530 6,3V?,66tf 1,8h4,000| 2,047,000 1,922,000 1,164,406 Philadelphia.. JSTortb America. sF&rm & Meeh. '^Commercial..,. ’Stf eebanics’. •... ‘ON. Liberties.... MSouthwark..,,. 'HKenßington.... Pehn Township ’Western........ Man & Mech.. '’Commerce Girard..,...... 1,152. ui; 9»8 040 949 779 1,786,089 1,510,430 , 900,1471 1,809,127] 1,530.110 746,515. 2 410,263 680,023 8b7,33S 87 **,533 620 970 644,000 701,000 736,328 2.424.825 693,620 866,770 861,349 618,028 648,000 682,000 tradesmen’s. •Consolidation. "City.......... ''Commonwealth. ’Corn Exchange Uni0n......... 32,911,678 32,554,655 T0ta1.",..,,., Dspoaira. June 23. | June 80.|June 23 32,426,000 $2,414,000*333,00t -2,52(1.050 2,333,678 804 488 4,931,411: 4,975,741 340,210 1,255,000 1,200,000 247,000 3,200,751: 1,201,291; 234 620 1,602,000; 1,660,000 124,000 1,192,703: 1,281.578 9t 980 860.677|, 893,368' 276.790 Philadelphia... :2?orth America. ■.Farm & Mech.. 'Commercial.,,, Mechanics’.... 3K. Liberties.... Southwark..,,. . •.. Penn Township Wes tern....,.,.. Man. As Mech... Commerce. 850,780; ‘ 650,160 161,689 1,672,583; 1,693 646 110,376 868,966 839,090' 247,590 704,62 q 093,647; 102.786 1,782*29 1,772.962 259.289 694 306, 672.876) 123,273 401712 403,098 278.635 * 537,610 .676,208 201.854 248,616 266.203 206,177 613,000 530, Ood 182,U1K - 386,000 381,00® 200,001 24,143,314**24,410,4234.824.735 'Girard.......,, Tradesmen’s.... Consolidation., ‘City....,......' Commonwealth. Corn Exchange. Uni0n...,*,,,.. Total Clearings. -June 53*.,.,.... « 24........ « 26......... « 26........ « 27,.,..... <* 28.,,....., ..53,029,634 08 s2*9 527 19 3,301.094 62 26’.453 83 2,894,209 21 308 795 42 ........ 2.906,319 88 209,913 08 968 37 216 454 38 ........ 3-,074,769 69 - 264,200 78 '818,338,895 75 $1,490,300 83 The aggregates compare with those of previous weeks de follows: June 30.' June 23. Capital 5t0ck.......511,716,620 sll,7lo&£)tuc. 8100 Loans,... 32,911,678 32,6a4,6»5 lue. 356,923 Specie. 5,573,1)99 5,bu9 926 Ouc. “3a. 917 2>ue £m other Bks.,. 6,232,273 4.80 »,o&4 Dec. 432, L 79 jDue fo other 8k5.... 6,63 ,644 6.144 628 i«c. 391016 Deposits ........... 24,410,423 21,143.314 Dec. 267,109 Circulation ........ 4,430,0d7 4,324,735 Ijic. 105,322 The statement shows the condition of the |>anks of Philadelphia at various times .during the last few mouths: . 3861. Loans. Specie. Oircul’n. Deposit*. Sept. 2,,,. ~,,.28,667,264 6,179,482 2,074,0*8 19,030,712 Cct. 7.........30,499,119 6,383,277 2,238,739 20,331,970 Nov. 4.......,.28,431,735 6,764,779 2,273,063 20,350,941 Dec.2...........30,048,05*2 7,404,63»> 2,243,828 ii,047,331 Jan. 6,1862.... 31,U4*>,337 5,088,72 b 1,145,219 1t,39u,014 2feb,;3.........30,386,1it ',884,011 {,144,39* 10,068.896 Mar 8,....,...29,393,366 0,831,10 b 2.343,498 18,641ri9t Apri17.........28,U37,691 5.888.424 3,37».970 lrt.tt3li,sH£ 14.........28,076,717(5 912,870 3,498.420 13,112,541. “21........ .2V246,736 8,048.20 u 3,496,420 i9,011,8.^ “ 28.. 2b,793,1[8}6,062,827 8,613,994120,223,566 May 5. 29 324.43216,049,636 3.7e9,592|2iv8i6 1 014 ; “ 12.........20,988.347(0,J-58.028|3,567,2ijiH23,092,25a “19 31,*2i,66»|6 529,221>4,045,696 2I J36,0t)9 “ 26........ .32,538,60315,687.012|4,186h55|23,973,065 June 2........ £1,747,Ui0p,583 4S2j 4.335,012 J 34,38*1044 «; 9........31.951.7J5>5,032,307 4 354,699 24 U73,6U' “10......,. 82,132 654- 5,630,503 4,298.02 . 24;807.057 . • “'23........32,654,855 5.609.926 4,3';4'785 -4")43.314 “ -30... 82,911,5? h j 5,673,99.* 4 14,410 443 Tbe trade of *he PottsvHJo coal region tmois up as fel lows for the week eu lit g last Thursday: ■V ■. isos. 7 , .. ... fr - iflO. 4r \ ~; < -;c WBHIE :| TOTAL, ffBBK. » TOTa U. OKU. - V. £E. 8... 8ft,474 63*08»! Dk'fi‘»9 ' ? 97.135 Bcbl. Oaimi.. 40,874 48M28 33* 79i |dioo,6oa Xi.YaLB.B. .11,60?- 407,4114 331,9471 0i.%4?5 ILebigb Oanaf 352 '7,061 133.3,31 20,34? !Pa.Coal Co.. ....... 155,7 '6 ....... 100*00 d 35 708 2). & Hud Co 27,378 19-,92* ...... lit. 18? cbO 737 Wyoming So. 61,801 ...... 74'9?*6J 13. i6d «* . N'lb 16,259 ...... '5.7*3 - d 0.496 Broad Top... 6,6 vl . 88,013 . 3 *96 126,198 ??1- 6 Bhamokin s,2B2 fc6,452 0,112 86,050 597 9!re?erion .., 830 21,536 1.3361 23.0*1 ' 6.^«5 B.Mt., H.T. 2,860 .25,298 2,984 35.873 575 JEigkens Yal. 2,193 24,885 . 19 s*B 012,667 196.561 4176.0; 7 106,166 2904,261 • 1:0,1 or !904.261| : 89,414 272,3961 | The New York Htn ‘aid of the 30th says: •Mtigß of tlia.. Chicago and North the- rate of SB5O uO'Q psr : nuuntn, te company is m follows ; ng sinking fund, >4as detnn extension interest ie» ia. Tbe present mt t ur, road'--aid f tht 3st mortsHge, iuclndln -Muted” bo-rds Arrnl end Greet) Baj bt.ndi 2d mortgage,.. Tbfa! bonded *'oM. . 57.930,Uu0 On'which the w-wia] interest jb 554G,0U0. The road te thus earning over, a hundred thousand oculars more than intferestaud exprns s. The assented bonds, which are setting at 63, and the second mortgage bonds, which are selling at 33, appeal to be m re certain to yield income to their hoIdPTH than Brie preferred, wM<-h is gelling at ilfr, and Boot Island; which I* atdliae at 69)f. ’Tbe.New f ork Post of this evening says:... Wall street is remarkably cahnunoer the exciting news from Bicbmond. Mocks, on the first impulse, fed off per cent from Saturday’s prices, but at ton ci'ase 4 jbetter feeling obtains, and a)s pt*r & nt. of ilv*.decline '3s recovered. The impression i, that the account yoc ,o come of the brat two date l operations against the-rebel capital will aiibowiee important reoi'te, in which, the -gunboats on Janus rlvertake a prominent part, : Governments were uuit-t and nomiualiy % dl per cent lower, harly. in • the- day bu -era and sellers were wide apart In tbelr views, bur, at the close, six-per-cents and seven*thirties were in good tiemsud at quitaiioas The 7.30 notes close at ®los; the coupon sixes of 1881 The ney marki tis more active at 6 per coat, on call. There is f'tdit o isiderabie business done at s®s)s ■ per cent on fi'stclsa<-collaterals. ‘Gold was very active ibis morning, and the rate {which had Mien Saturday afEerneoo to 108)$) is agtin Jmck to 100>4©1 9js. Wo hear of sales ofdmib'e e.*sleg ' *»tlo9|s. Silver is quoled 105)$ for quarters and halves Tbo foteign ixobange market is exoitec at l2oJsffr Vil •for first-class bills on London. Some of the Uadiog drawers are askiig. 121#®12l}$, Franca are qa»ted The weekly bank statement shows a farth°r aoMim Snloans, the line now amounting to 8148,318.101, an in crease of 5i,600,000 on last week Tuospo-Ha reserve is slightly lower. The deposits have increa81..,.. i 106# .. USTrJB-10K.106 105* Bhllada 6«...... 96# 96* Thilada 6a naw..101#,102 3Penn» 6a....... 89 89# Beading B 29# 29* Bead m 85’80>43.102 103 fead bds’7o.... 94* 95 eadmt Ba>Bfl.. 89# 90 annaßexdiv. 47# 48 . Banna 81m65..165# 166 N Bannaß 2m 6a.. 98 98# 2lf orris Cn] Con.. 47 47# Tfttorrla Onl Pref.l2o ■Bch Nav Pref.. lb* 16# BcfcN Ba’B2exlnt 71 72# 3tlmlra R la .. Ilmiraß Prf... 23 .: HUnttaTa’73... 89# 90 J/Is!and R 1J n# '..•••••ssvra.. 20# :OES--STBADy. ; j fIPHOIH. $937,00t!*892,000 666,492 664,205 1,112,388 1,110.407 ; 248,0U0[ 243,000 i 2*7,012; . 219,235 385,00tij 400,000 ! 2u7.269 20)1908 ; 136,069 : 135,394 i 174,294' 172,057 ( 4(1426 397,534 146,265: 140,t85 ! 165,845’ 160,074 3(7.446 300.879 - 128,441 127,815 T 100 909; 100 634 121.000 119.757 ‘ 76,484, . 76,H5 99.000 99,000 70,000 70,000 6,60*920 5,673,993 $342,006 607,471 342,220 274,000 246,4-35 113,006 = 33,4(0 287,537 174,231 12(,900 252,875 106.895 241,067* 126,960 281,014 203,590 214,4 U 187,00 C 2L3,00G 4.4£0,057 B tl-uiottii, ~.,......$5,930,0)0 2,000 900 The Taking ofvßichmone !—-The taking of Richmond by the Union forceß seems to be a foregone conclusion, and the details of the.battle, or rather a series of battles fought there, are looked for with great eageroesfl. A despatch was received in this city, this morning, from a high officer in the army before Rich mond; it did not contain any fresh particulars, and in fact simply an order for a full summer suit, to be procured at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bookbiil & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, $ tftug mi *3l 047,915 • 30,812,6 >6 215 319 *8.849,183 8,91 ',344 ...... $120,‘ , 8-1422 ...... 127,860J08 ...... 81,195,285 Bid. Asked LehCl &N.x-dv 49# 50 LeCl&Navscp. 31 81# N Penna E.:... 10 10* N Pftßfis...*,. 81V 91% N PaE 10b..... 99 100 s| Oatttw E Con.., 4 4# Oatawissa Prf., 12# 12# Frnk&Souths 47 .. 2d*3d-st B .... ?fi# 76 Race* Vlng-atß 10K 10 V W Philaß. .... 67 68 - Spruce & Pine.. 13 14 Greeu & Coates.. 33 84 Ghes A Walnut 59 40 Arch Street..... 26 2T Ttoir & Eift’nth, 18# 20 Seventh & N'th 8 8# Girard College.. 28 24# Tenth & Eltv’h. 35 .. Philadelphia Markets.- , JunhSO—Evening. ‘The Flour market is steady hut inactive. Tnere is not much ißflulry either for export or home me, and salts reach about 900 bblß Penns)lvaoia and Western extra and extra family at $1 for the former; and $5.25 a 5 f,O for the latter. 500 bbls Western family also bql* on private terms, and a few email lots to Bupply the trade at 3F4.6Gc4.75 for superfine). $4 87h ®5.75 for extra and extra family, 6Dd“S6aO 50 for fancy brands, mi to quality. Bye Flour Is steady, with small receipts and sales at $3 25 bbl Corn Meal continues in demand, and Pennsylvania is scarce at $2 75 bbl. Wfixat.—There is not much offering or Be'ling to-dav, and the market is quiet at previous rates. About 3,000 bushels .sold at 122c124c for good Pennsylvania red*, and 130®133c bus for white. Bye is unchanged ; Pennsylvania gelling at 6“c. Cora is active and drm, with fates of 8,000 bus yellow at 64c afloat, and 53c in store, including gome notprime at 50®51c, and white at 62c 4P* bueliet. Onto arc inactive; Pennsylvania are held at 4Ge in store, with light receipts and sales. Bark —There is very Mule Quercitron offering, and Ist No. 1 is held at ©30.50 ton. Cotton.—The market continues firm at the advance, with but liitlo doing in the way of sales. . Groceries ani> Pnonsioss —There is a fair demand for Sugar and Coffee, atd a moderate buf-iaesa doing at former rate?. Whisky is dnll and unsettled; bhis selUng at 23® 30c, aud Drudge at- 28®29c gallon, which is rather lower. Philadelphia Cattle Market, June 30. The receipts of Beef Cattle are larger than usual this week, reaching about 1,700 head. The market coa timi*B very dull, and prices'2sc the 100 lbs lower than last quoted, prices ranging at from ©7®B 75 ibs net, aeccrding to quality. At a meeting of the drovers ou the 23d instant, it was resolved to change the market day from Monday to Thursday, commencing on the 24th. of July next:;; , , 81 J. Abrahams, Ohio, ©B®s.sQ. 45 Carr, Ohio, SBu 8.60. 35 Kimble, Chester county, ©7.60®8:50. 37 Amos Kimble, Cht-sur coaotv, 57.6qw8.60. ’ * 339 B. O. Baldwin, Chester county. $8»5,25. 78 .Tames McFillen, Jr;, Ohio, ©Bfit9. * 75 P. Hathaway, Ohio, ©8®8,60. ’ ■ ■ • 84 P. McPiilen. Ohio-©8®8;50. 96 Cochran & kicOhll, obio, SB«r 8 50. St’.T. SeldomHdee, Illinois, ©7®B 50. 125 Mooney & Smith. ObiOj ©B@9/' 306 CHmaD & Schambnrg. Pennsylvania, s7®B]so, ; : 92 : FelH)imer, Illinois, ©B®B 60, - 86 Fuller & Brothers. Pennsylvania, $8©8,75. - -28 McfKeso, ohio,-©8a8.50:. 40 ,J. Christy, Indiana, ©7eB. *■ < 49 E. McFillen, Ohio, ©8.50®9. 39 S. 58®8.76. 68 Bothcbtld, Illinois, ©o®B 50. * 28 B. Hcod, Chesler c ;unty;^7.sQ® 37 Kennedy, Ohio, ©8®8.50. . 18 S. ICnox, PennpyiVrtUia, ©7-6ft®B, 7S Bels A Smith, iniuoie, ©B®B.W), : 60 Bamocher & Brother. Ohio, SBffiS.26,: 7lAir?nion& Brother, Permsyivania, ©B®9, 80 F. Reidenhauah; Ohio, 58®8.76. . 30 D. Kimble, Chester county. ST.5O®B 25. r 85 Cows sold at the Avenue Drove Yard at from $l5 to* $36 head, os to quality. 6.4U0 Sheep arrived,, and Bold during the week at from to 4c ib, to cirndition. 620 Hogs eold at From $4.60 to *5 4FIOO fta. The arrivals of fat Bogs at H. C. ItnhoffV Colon Drove Tard reached 2442 head, selliug at trom $4 to $4.60 for etill-teri. and 54.60®5 100 lbs, net, for corn-fed Hogs, as to quality. GlT¥ IT EMS. Beiupoece3ie’;t to the Beputa-tion op the Coristiak Commission in Eastern Virginia. —During yesterday . and to day six ministers and laymen have left the city to assist in ministering to the spiritual and temporal ziecersities of our br*ve soldiers now iyibg sick and wounded in the hospitals and camps in McClellan’s army. The recent terrible battiea callloudly for more extended work in this humane field. "White the sick and wounded In our city hospitals are being well taken care of, the suffering of the poor follows now lying on the bat tie-field, far from the comforts and sympathies of home, is feaifnl in the extreme. Miss Sbitlds, of this cfly, at present residing ia Wsl«. mington, ha? f*ent tbe Commission ” ©5OO to a?siatia the work in Eastern Virginia. Who will imitate the no ble example oftbfa Christian and patriotic lady ? Devoted ministers and laymen are'giving their time g?atnftoDBly to this work, and we hope it will be sch ialned, and that liberal contributions will be made fc*r tbe relief of the soldiers who are periling their lives in defence of their country. Contributions ;in articles, aent to the room? of tho VouHg Men’s Christian Association, 1009 nod 1011 Chestnut street, or of money, to George Id Stnart, Beq., 13 Bank street, will be gratefully received. : - We hhdekstand that Mr. A. Tilmes, Ko. 1302 Chestnut street, bason hand a most splesdid assort ment of rije Grapes, of the black Hamburg, Muscat, and Frcnfignoc varieties, which be will sell at prices as low as any other , house in the c’ty. Having purchased the enlire grapes of two of the best nurseries in the vicinity of Philadelphia, be is enabled to fill orders for ripe grapes at any bour of tbe day. He also desires us to say tiat to the friends of the eick soldiers ho will furnish them at cost prices.. He has also the finest Bananas ever offered In Philadelphia. .. Stbawberkies and Cream.—The paldi of strring np the ‘ prise J, Btra.wberri « of‘the season mast he awarded to J. Wi Price, proprietor of the splendid Eesiaurant, southwest .corner of Fourth.and Chestout.' For seme days past Ms patrons (who by the way, con ptimte a large proportion of our first-class citizsas who s, d!ue> down toww’ 1 ) have bean feasted upon. such ice cream, at d-strawberry dessert as to occasion general re mark, the strawberries being of the largest size and most tUliddoe flavor that have yet betn cultivated. Price’s , ehgant new dining saloon is daily reaping epicurean lau rels, by the taste mid lnxariarce.with which its tables are constantly supplied. A Cool SucQEsrros—During tl»e heat of Bunmer improper dress is in no partof the human body more de'tiimental to health than the head. An almost omnipotent preventive ofdisease, in fact, at this season, i* four-d in beeping the bead cool The selection of a Aaf, therefore, , becomes a matter of sanbary importance.' Wbrlinrton’s summer hais\ in every variety, at 430 Chestnut street, meet the philoßophy.upon this punt to a,nicety. Bis stock of Straw Hats is unrivalled. /->:= Wholesome Meats ion the W&mi WeaV tiier.—Mr. G. H. Mattson, dealer in fine groceries, Arch end Tenth street?, has constantly on hand a good supply of the best summer meats—elogaby Mean*. - »ra;(&,.'Cbaw,-A‘-North, Ko 200 North Sifoond ,street, ia altJactii g the gaceral attention of the public. Tne Secret Out— The object of the Pre eideni’e visit to General Scott is revealed lid the public by the traitor-ism of the New York fieraZd s reporter. The following extract explains itself:.' “ I attended fchePre sido&t from New York to West Point, and wa*never from' hiß side ; at night" I retired with him to his chamber,‘ pulled off hia boots, and slept (or tried to) on the foot of biß.hed. The President was very res’,less in his drearar,- conttnnally fjacuWidg ‘Brave Yolunteers!»•*■'‘Banka, *: .‘Fremont. 1 ‘Noclotbei or. ghoea,’ &c ; and fromother remarks I learned that the object of the visit was to con sult with the”' 4 Old Vetera . ’ as to. the propriety of- esta blishing, somewhere in the valley of the Shenandoah, a clothing depot, similar to Charles Stokes’ ‘ one-price, l under the Continental, in Philadelphia, where clothing and ’bullet-proof ,vesta’ could be furnished the army, g<.od and cheap, wady made;’ 5 / ' • . What Constitutes a Great Man.—A. great m*n is affable in hia conversation, generous' in his torn-" p? r, qnd immovable in wbat he resolved upon. prosperity does not make him haughty and impe rious, eo neither does adversity sink him into meanaesa and dejection; for .if ever he shows more spirit than or dinary, it is when he is ill usad and the world is frowning upon him. In short, he is equally removed from the ex treme of servility and pride, and scorns either to trample on a worm/jr cringe to an emperor, and, as a general rule, wears the neat.and attractive garments manufac tured at the palaiiat emporium; of. Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, where the handsomest summer clothing in the country can be obtained at remarkably low prices. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. 1&- SEE FOURTH PAGE. ARRIVED, Brig A C Merryman, Gray, 12 days from Key West, in ballari to captain. Brig Emma, Baker, 6 days from Boston, with mdse ,to Twelis & Co. ; i : . Brig Belmonte Locke, Veszie, 2 days froml&ewYork, in ballast to J E Buzley A Co. - - Scbr Celestina, Rtmfeen, 3 days from Piermont, NY, with old iron to J Rowland. SchrO W Bentley, Chase, 3 days from Fall Biver, In ballast to captaip. - ... Scbr W D OargiH, Hawkins, 4 days from Providence, in ballast to captain.. BcbrH Laurens, Johason, 5 days from Stonington, in ballast to captain. . Scbr Milton, Keen, 68 hours from Newbsrn, NO, in ballast to TwbUb A Go< . Schr J W HaU, Spragg, 3 days from New York, with logwood to order. / , Bcbr Fanny Boardman, Matthews, 3 days from New York, in ballast to captain. Bcbr Mary, Hendrickson, 1 day from Odessa, Bel, with grain to Christian &■ Oor Scbr Henry. Wolfe, Atkins, 1 day from Milton, Bel, with grain to Christian A Co; Schr ttaliie Veazie, Bloxson, 1 day from Magnolia, Bel, with com to Jas L Bewley A Co. v Schr Diamond, Townsend, 2 days from Indian Biver, !Qel, with corn to Jas L Bewley Co bchr Baui'Or, Furman, 1 day from Indian Ei rer, Bel, with corn to Jas L Bewley A Co. Schr Mechanic, Corlies,! day from Odessa, Bel, with corn to Jas L Bewley A Go. Scbr JamyOook, 5 days frhm Boston, in ballast to J E Bazley A Co. Schr H A Weeks, Godfrey, from Boston. / Steamer Wm Kent, Brett, 6 hours from Capo May, with patsengera to captain. Passed off Bombay Hook Br berk Flurence,from Oienfuegos, and aa unkoown brig, both be ating up. Btr C C Alger, Fenton, 36 hours from Alexandria, with mdse to Tbos Webster, Jr. Steamer Beverly, Pierce, 24 hours from York, with mdso to WP Clyde. Barge Bicbmond, McGee; 24 hours from New York, with mdio to W P Clyde, Barge Jas Hand, Shellhorn, 24 hours from New York, wi.h mdse to W P Clyde. . CLEARED. Brig Mazatlin, Lowis, Quincy Point, J E Bazley A Co. Schr J 0 Haraden,‘Bhaw, Haverhill, Sinuiukson A Glover. BehrC R Vickery, Babbitt, Dlghton, captain. Schr Ann, BLko, Bath. E A Souder A Co. Schr W E Stevenson, Hears, Beaufort, NC, Fell, Mor ris A Fell. - Scbr II Laurens, Johnson, S Jem captain. Schr 8.8 Doane, Coombs, Beverly, Tyler, Stone A Co. -Bi hr Lebanah, Teal, Boston, J B Blakiston. Scbr Union, By or. Boston, Lewis Audenried A Co. Schr Minerva, Jefferson, Fell Elver, do Schr C A Heckschtr, Stnbbs, Boston, do Schr Mary B Price, New York, do Schr Monitor, New Bedford, do Scbr Sopbia Ann, Smilh, Boxbury, do Schr John Tavis. Bistrou, Middletown, do Schr Certs, Wooleton. Newport, do Scbrß M Browning, Eisley, Pawtucket, do Schr&N Hall, Paddock, Providence, do Sclir Tangent, Rich, Salem, do , schr I) M French, Styles, Fall River. do Schr Elizabeth Fegar, Tribb!eB»' ; Pawtaefeefc, do Str B ’Willing, Oiaypoole, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. BY TKLBOBAYK. (Correspondmieeofthe Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Bel., June 30,.?# P M. The steamship Suwannee- Captain Jobos, from New Orleans, during: a deiise-Fog, went ashore early this moming near 'Fenwick’s Island. Steam assistance has ncen sent loir to Philadeiplua. Yotofi, Ao. , JOHN P. MARSHALL. MEMORANDA. BarkXinda, Hewitt.from Pordand for Matanzas, was spoken 20th nib lat 26 SO, long 67 39. ■ Schr Weslovor, Kidridge, beared at BOrion 28th ult. for PMladelphm. , ff Scl ra I'HHC Rich. Crowell, D A Bayl«s, Ba' los Frank Herbert. Parker, Mary Stiudish, At*ood. Lady 3uffolk, Baker, Widow Harp, Hulse, Hiawatha, r Disney, .vVm Baxon, Coisom D G Floyd, Rackett. O M Neal. Godfrey, Diamond, Norton, 8 P Hawes, Rwmond, aud Ella, Packard, hence, arrived at Boston 29th uli. £chr Water WiVaab, D U ,T Davi*, Boston .Wrhwiag- W ,T Bryab, New Y< rk C K Howard, Boston F Bartung, New York W Pag:, Blissachusetta W Loriug, Midway G W-Grafllin, Baltimore N Apple garth, Baltimore Seth Bryuut, B C Fahnestock, Wabh, DC MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth Bt., below Arch. J B Mfiffat, New York .1 'V Seward,. .Rochester H B S Rose, Baltimore S Fticbiinau, Baltimore S Smith, Penna B 8 CnalfrtUt, Wash, Pa J S Fiocther, Pittsburg Yoik E P Wilbur du*, Pa . . D G Nuling, Gtearfmld O Kimroell, Waab,.D'@ DW McCaumy, Virginia HMoluiaon, Virginia F Beading, Trenton 0 Rr>we, Strashurg, Pa 3 G Fry. Pliiia W WiDk-ate, -Virginia F S Boap, Beading, Pa ’ J Ritter, Hamburg, J?a J Monroe, Penna* . J Mahon, Poona ' B R Jameson, Carlisle J Hoffman, Carlisle 0 Hampshire, Jeanesvdlo Mr Browne, New York Mrs Browne & cb, N York , Miss Longhnrsfc, N York S J NiceoJl-*. Penna W Lilly & la, Penn Haven A.Dale, ftlecbawlcsburg It Locshart, M Chunk P Brown, Connecticut W 0 Fountain, Del W R etnrgea, DO? .J- AMERlCAN—Chestnut street, above Fifth J 0 Cochran, Maryland : Johu U EPrese * Mrs Fit-i-e . E WJcthueon, Bristol, Pa Geo W P, Coates, Baltimore ,F W Itioord, Newark, N J Sami Dickey, Oxford, Pa ’ Wm P Lander, New York M O Pf*ufz. Jersey Shore S B Perkins & la, lad V Rathbone & la. Cincinnati W M RockreUer.Oiacmnati M B Reynolds, Bcston - ■ tnuirPHSfauo, B.+leiinore B Db»od K 6 Buckenh»m,New fcork S B Eextcn, New. York T W Seabreaze, Maryland. W B Tucker & sn-Baltimore , ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. James Dodge, Ne w York Y E Steiger, K'ew York Chaa Latftler, N Orleans Thus Morris, Pa’ l»t J C Benson, Washington W B Rosenbaum. N T Qhaa 8 Weht, U S N T S Pb Hiss Brooklyn John W Good, Wheel’s, Ya Henry C Honloon, Ya Col Johnston, Pa ■ Julian White THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. A M Vickere, New York L C Douehorty MioersYille T Woimen, Penna JB Sbaelfer.,Beading . W B bhaeffer, Harrisburg Jas Po;ts, Lancaster C C Ackerman, Baltimore E.Edmnudsoa, Pittsburg J W Royer, Pottstown * A J Whiteley, Macytaod W W Lyman, Connecticut. L N Freeman, New York ", Geb W Brown* Connecticut ; NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. Tluo H Smith, Penna . T B "Walker, Schlk Haven IT W Btchtel, Schlk Haven E Phisaler, Miaecaviile D Somoni', Dnmil&soii W. Porrer, Piuigrove R * Hi-nton Ashland N Wetzel, Pottsyille • AAV*Jgby Lebanon .. JCarna au y, ’ Penna - Sira Han is, Miss Harris, Germantown Mhs M Harris, Germantw’n R E Burlao, Lewisbnrg : J M Blum, ftew Jersey J S Schminky, Gratz, Pa . E Y Biigb!, Jr, Smibury, Pa COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. D Burnt s, Chester county Amos Kimble, Pa Chandler Phillips, Pa . Davis Hanna, Chester co Jas A Bratton, Chester co - I T Wilson, Wilmington J O Conner, Wiiam.gton ; Wm H Bi'dratis. Md E M Bye, Wilmington _ 8 Shuck. New York G A Trippo, Safe Harbor Mr Hickman, Chester co Mr Devoe, Ohetter county Daria Kimble, Chester Co STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Geo Freud. Cheater co, Pa J G Dickson, Chester co B'B Frier, Columbia, Pa ,S.*n I,L inyder.Dauohia.Pa 0 S .&■ wt: Chester co L W Weld, Peunsylvania T B t*trob, Pennsylvania . Henrv Dichinson t Lane co W F Duncan J G McLnughMn. Penna . EH McCiintick, Pen a a W B Norton; Reading ‘ BALD EAGLE—Third Callowhill. , T Sl»eiser.‘Tii g. Altoora Job Decker ' A W Potteiger. Ro*ding G»*o W Dtxson, Bethlehem F B-Onpelt, MD, Brthl- h’m B Brown, Byherry M A'FfglesrvMauoh Chunk. Sami Boyer, Putt Clinton * H.Fetier, Pennsylvania . BARLEY SHEAF— below Vine. B N Sufqueh’ai co Abm Flnck, Jr, New Jersey A A Gregg, Bostlrton R Ko s ght. Pennsylvania H Tavkr. Pennbylvanla . J Pou'sou, New Jersey J C McCall ; B PBrown, Bucks Capt C A Worthington, Pa * MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—S cond st.; above Arch. 15 .I Fairbank. Bc-r*oq E CnrcwriaUt, New York L J Bodies. NVw York E Mid'Htston, Pennsylvania <.) Lfedntn. flariboro. Geo Furgtispn, Now Jeraey M ChlKtu, New 1 prk ? ' SPF.CIAL -.NOTICES. Deaf Made; to Hear.—lnstruments to assist the .hearing, in evtry variety, and of.the .most approved .construction, at P. MADEIRA’S, 115 S>ntU TENTH Street, below Chestnut. , ie2B 3t SELErADJESTiisa -Patent Clothes- WRINGER.—SoIe Agency for the State of Pennsylvania ; JOHN A. MUBPHEY, jel8»lm - 922 OH Street, Philadelphia. Rich Embeoideeed Lace Curtains, from 85 to 525 a window. MASONIti HALL, 719 CHESTNUT Street. je2B*jyl W. H. CARRYL & BROTHER. Jacquard Lace Curtains, from $1.50 >o $8 a pair, well and handsomely made. MASONIC HALL. 719 CHESTNUT Street. 3e28-jyl _ W. H. CARRYL & BROTHER. Gilt Window Hha-des colored in Brown Pearl, Green Buff,- Pink, Carmine, and Blue, with superior fixtnres. from $1 to £5 each. : . 719 CHESTNUT Street je2B jyl/ W. H CARRYL & BROTHER. Bosewood and Gilt Cornices, Gilt Bands, Pictures. Tassriß and C»rd, for sale low. : : - 719 CHEsTNUT Street. je2B-jyl W. H- OaBRYL & BROTBBB." Allegheny Bailroad and Coil COMPANY- A meeting of tbe Stockholders and Bond-, holders will be held on THURSDAY, July 3d, at 12 o’clock M., at the office, No. 3 Forrest Place, 123# South Fourth street, to hi Of the Report of the Commit tee appointed at tbe meeting of May 9th, and to take such action thereon as they may deem best for their in terests. F.:N. BURROUGHS i H. H. SHILLING FORD, f p rtT „^ 5M . fla FDWABD GASKILL, -Committee. JO3HUA W. ASH, M. D , j June 27th, 1862. - je2B-jul-3 • Office oe the Mayor, City Hall, w , Saint Louis, June 13,1862. Tothe Creators of the Vity of St. Louis.' Interest on the Bonded Debt of the City of St. Souls already, due, and to. become due before the first day of July, or Matured Bonds still imcaccelled, will be paid, on and -after tho first day of .that month, at the Boat man’s Savings Institution, in said city. Coupons and bonds maturing on and subsequent to July first, when not made payable in Philadelphia, will be paid as formerly*, on presentation at the. Bank of the Republic, New York, the Cify’e Eastern Fiscal Agent No interest will be allowed on matured coupons or bonds from and after the first of July, proximo. •- jeis.tjyl D ANIEL G TAYLOR, Mayor. , Lyon’b Magnetic Insect Powder, Tested for nineteen years and grows in favor. It kills and exterminates Roaches, -Bed Buga, Ants, Fleas, Moths in Cloths, Furs, and Furniture, Gardon XnsecU, &c. All genuine bears the signature of E. Lyon, and is not poisonous to persons or~ domestic animals. Be ware of counterfeits and imitations..- Lyon’s Powder ! ills all insectß in a trice, Lyon’s Pills are death to rata and mice. Bold everywhere, ; D. 8. HABNES, 202 Broadway, New York. my3-stuth3m Hair Dra! THE B EST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S oelebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature — warranted hot to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the fll effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for fife. GRA Y, BED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau fcifaL Bold by all Druggists, Ac, ‘ ■ST The. Genuine is .rigned WILLIAM A. BATOHE LOB, on the four tides of each boa. . FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late Broadway and 16^ Bond street), my2B-ly New York. One-Price Clothing, of the latest SrrußS, made in the Best Maimer, expresriy for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST j Selling Prioes -marked in Plain Figures .-All Goods^made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our ; :. ©nb-Prioh Bystbk Is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. 0e22-ly JONES AWT., 604 MARKET Street THE PRESS-PHILADEIiPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1862. V YOUNG—KERN.—On lbo28?b ultimo, at *he residence of the father, by me Rev. E W Hotter, W*t, 8. Young to Sable Kern, daughter of linos 3- Kern, aU ot Philadelphia. *- ‘ ELI ET —On Sunday evening, Jane 29th, inthe46fch ytar cf her age, hlvirn, relict ot Col. Charles fillet, Jr. :Tbo fnmds of. the tauirly. aro attend the funeral, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock, from the honie of Miss Lonestroet, 208 South eighth street. To proceed to Laurel Hi Hr papers please copy. . . . BAWORTH.—Ou Friday afrernoon, 6 mo. 29, 1832, Susanna Haworth, in her :i 79lh.year. ; Her ;ielfiliv Eighth street, on Wednesday: morning next, July 2?, at 9,o’clock. AUNER.—On the 28th ultimo, Lizzie 0. Aimer, only daughter of Geoige A. anclElizabeth Aunor, in the 2ld year of her #go. TI/lOUUNJNG GOODS FOR JUNE JLyJL SALES.—Black.Barege Hernaui or Grenadine Barege,'Bareges, Crape Marefz, Silk Chalvs, Point da Ytnice, Summer Bomt-azinee, Tamiseß, hue MouB j eliaes, Silk Grenadines, Poult rie Sole or Mourning Silk, Gros de Rbinea, Foulards, Grape Lissom-Grenadine and Orapt* Veils, Barege and Grenadine Shawls. Silk Net Shawls, Ac. Also, Black and White Silks, Foulards, Lawnsi Ginghams, Yalcnciaaf Mohairß, Ac. 4 - ’ BESSON & SOtOS Monrniug Store, jell , No. 918 CHESTNUT Street.: ftrt==* TWENTY-FOURTH WARD —AT A lt§ SPECIAL MEETING or the PEOPLE’S AS SIKIIATiON OF THE T WENTY* FOUItTH WARD, ht-ld oh SATUROaY,* Juno 28, 1862, the followtug pre amWo and reeolutionH were urmuiuioualy adopted: , TP7iereay, An All-_vi-e Proviicnno his auditeoly callsd from our midst our esteemed fellow-citizen, ROBERT E. SBULTZ ; aud whereas the death of a"man so public spirited, patriotic, and possessing s« rnftoy oobletinaUties, demanded arecognitifn ot his worth: therefore, Hesolvedr Toot the niemb the People’s Associa tion of the Twenty-fourth Ward .’have heard wirh'pro fouiid r» gr«-t the announcement of the death of ROBE RT E. SHULTZ, the late Prniicfeiit of this m, and that while we bow In’ submission to this dispensation of. on over-ruling Power, “ who do«th ail well,*' we caonot but mouro the irrepainhle low we and our c'lm njutifty have sustained in the so exceltent a citizen, so true and warm a friend—wboee whdlo ife-was one of activity and.usefulness, and whose generous nature rotn mandt’d our affections and respset. . ' Reso/ued. Toat ve sincerely sympathize' with hia be reaved family in their irreparable loss of such a husband and father. ' - Reskvedt That a copyof these resolutions bsfurnishsd the family" of the deceased, and iaserted in the daily p t*. perß,- COMMITTEE : J. WESLEY ROSE, G. W. MORAD, EDWARD QUAY, G. WVFRBAS; GEORGE RUGAN, FRANK-D. BINGHAM. Attest— George Ruga*, President. : 1 NawEirL, Secretary. - ' it# • THJE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE U 3 ANNUITY ANDTRUSrCpMPANiT OF Pill- La DELPHI JuIy I,lB6!i.—The Muniaers havo ihia day declared a Dividend of : F00R PER' GENT/ for" the last fix 'months, on the C»pit**l Stack, oayab’e to the Stockholders, dear of the Stele Tax. on-demaod: ... JOHN F. JAMES'Actuary.. EIGHTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY OF Xk3- AMERICAN r/te Society of Ihe Cincinnati of Pennsylvanid."l-^ThQ'an nual stand meeting of “.The State Society of the Oln- 1 cir.nati of Penutyivapia” will be held at the LA PIERRE HOUSE, on BROAD Street, below Oheetnnt, on FRIDAY, ihe 4lh day of JULY, IS6h at 10 o’clock A. M. - H.L. SPROAT, . jyl-4t Secretary.' *- : LNn r ERRITY ofpewnsylvamia— UJ? DEPARTMENT,of arts. The Annual Commencement, fo’’conferring Degrees in the Arts, will bo held on THURSDAY, the 3d day of July, in the MU HOaL FUND HALL Thp Proe*3- sinn will leave the College Hall at lO o’clock-A. M. The Reverend Clergy, Judges of the United 'States aod State Courts, the Mayor of the City, Select and Oommon Councils, the Board of Directors, and .President:: of the; Girard Oolh ge, the Principal of tile Central High School, the candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts, and other Graduates of the Uniyerrity, are to attend. GEORGE aLLEN, „ jrl* / Secretary of the Facnlty of Arte. PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR PRO IA3 AGRlO^Ll’U&E—Stated Meeting'at- Room a26*WALNOT;Street; on WEDNESDAY. July 2d, at II o’clock A. M. : ; . je3o-2t UMIYERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA— ||3 DEPARTMENT OF ARTS. The Examination of Candidates, for admigßion,will be; held at the Umveisityvou WEDNESDAY, the 21 day »f July, at 10 o'clock A; M. Students can apply for ad mission, to 1 pursue the Foil course for tho degree of Bache lor of Arts, or only that portion of it for whioh the de gree of Bacb lor of -Science jb given, or any Buch portion as the Faculty may sanction., : r >» FOURTEENTH WARD, PEOPLE’S Uo* PARTY.—A meeting of the of the Fouriefiitb Ward will he held at SPRING GARDEN B ALL, on WSDNE3DAY Evening next, July 2, at eight o’clock. The membe“B are respectfully invited to be'pjeeent as, baeiueai of importance will be brought before the meeting. By order of jt2B-4t* ' DAYID, ORA CER, President. - iV?= OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENN. 113 SYLVANIA RAfLRO'Ap CO., 407 WALNUC Street, Philadelphia, Jone 27,1862. : Tie Coup*ms of the NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO , due July l e t., and the interest on the Scrip, due the same day, will be paid at the office of the. Company. WILLIAM WINTER, - je2B'6i Treanurer. . PHILADELPHIA AND READING 1)3 RAILROAD COMPANY—OFFICE 227 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, June 1862." To avoid detentioD. the holders of of thia Company dim on the Ist proximo are req 'ie.ited to leave thf ; m at tl\ie Office on or before the 30ttii met', 'when re ceipts wiir ho given, and checks will be ready’,for ‘de livery on the ,l&t proximo in exchaoee for said receipts. .. 8. BRADFORD. Secretary. OFMi’3E OF THE HARRISBURG, Us 3 POPTSaOUTH, MuUNT JOY, : AND LA f- CaKTER RAILROAD CO.— Peiladeluhia, Ja e 27. 1M2.-i-A sorai-Hunattl d yiiieud of THREE aNOA HALF PER CE ohj the; capiml stock of this Cofc pany -will >he-paid to the StockhofdetHoV their'legAl re' preFfntaiivrg r.n and aOer the3o»h dav of July next. je2B.riuth6»* ■ GEORGE TABER,'Tr*a*Yirer.' ft*S=** OFFICE UNION CANAL COMPANY, Ujjt PHILADBI.PBIA. June 19,1862. g In accordance with the" provisions of the third section of an Act of AswinblyYentitled 4 ‘ afarther sapolement to the reveral acts heretofore relaring to the Union tfianal Company, of Ponnsvlvania,!* approved the 10th day, of April, J 862, notice is hereby given that an agreainont baf* bren ffirmed between the storkholders and the bond-, holdt-rs of the said- Compnfiy on the 9th cHy. of Juae, 1862. for the adjnstmeufc of tlte effairs of said Company, and such horidholdors as took no part therelw,are"called upon to express in writing.thwr aseent The undersign'd will receive, and forward to places whore they may be mort needed, all contributions for the sick and wounded, and wIU furnish all information to persons applying to serve as nurses, dressers, &e., in the Floating Hospitals of the Commission, or elsewhere, ‘ je27.6t : : W. PIATT, Jr„.Superintendent. - PEOPLE’S STATE CONVENTION. THE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA, who desire cordially to unite in * BUST AINING THE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION in its patriotic efforts to suppress a sectional and unholy rebellion against the UNITY OF THE REPUBLIC, and who desire to support, by overy power of the Go vernment, our hundred thousand heroic brethren in arms, braving disease and the perils of the field to preserve the Union of our fathers, are requested to select the number of DELEGATES equal : to the Legislative Representation of the State, at such .times and in such manner as wifi, best respond to tho spirit of this call, to meet in STATE CONVENTION, AT HARRISBURG, • On THURSDAY, the 17th day of Jnly next, at U o’clock on Baid day, to ‘ NOMINATE CANDIDATES for the offices of . AUDITOR GENERAL AND SURVEYOR GENERAL, and to take such measures as'may be deemed nocossary to strengthen the Government in this season of common peril te a common country. • Chairman of the People’s State Committee. GEO. W. HAMMEBSLY,'! JOHN M. SULLIVAN, J aecretariwi. my OFFICE OF THE BOA.ED OF HDADTH. B.' W. corner of SIXTH and 34U5051 Streets —Philadelphia. June 28th, 1862.—t ain directed by the Board of Health to publish the following copy of a resolution adopted by them this data. Yours, &c., " WASH. L.BLADEN,CIerk, ! Retolved, That the Presidents of Railroad Oompanloß and the Captains of Bfttembo&t Lines leading from the city be informed that the rt-moval of dead boeiesout of the city, without a permit from the “ Bicard of Health ” to accompany said body, is n nuisance, prejudicial to the ■pnbllc health, and that all persons violating said rule will be prosecuted according to law, made and provided for caaes of nuisances, ' jyl-tuthaSt MARRIED. DIED. GEO HOB ALIjEV, Secretary of Ihe Faculty af Arti. A. K. MoOLURE, RET All, ORTf GOODS. T B. CASSELBEBBr has how on « h*«Ld the following seasonable goods, all of which ha-ve -heen borgiu ai the recent largo French naiea m - New Y< tk atd Phiiadelehla, for cash. We have » large redaction in G.uda to close out - balance o! Urge loia hefore tmrciiating for fall. 3 capes wool fining Giay Barege A.iigitU, C^c, I care wool filling Gray Striped Barege Anglais, Bc. 1 capejduiu MozHmbiqnes, at \2% c. l'ci&mpoib qualify Mtaambiques, at 20e. 30 smul) plaid Mozambirtne*. at 18^c. A of varied Uft.M Goads, reduced to 12%, all at ouo counter, some of which have- beon acid at 25 cebtaV , J'. *•", , ; 2 j ards wide silk and wool Mdzatnblqaeß, at tho com petition price. I.V ■! -ALo, aline cfDresa Goodarwhjced; to 18,# c. LAWNB.--.Gaodquality 12#6. - LAWNS— a lot of Bupeiior quality a~d style Oc gaudies, 16 &o, > •. ir . „ y.. v ; ; , ; - rOMRMOORNING^EPARTiIENT. Fine OrgttDfly Bl*ck and Whita Lawns, rttHX- Fine FrtiDch Black and White Jaconets, at 18 < ; Beet f quality Blackand Wfcita. Ginghams *( Ander soute), 2zc.- -25 to Black Alpa.cas, ftli pncea. -f 1 „ { B6e;to Si-20. :? ? Bluckanfl Deiaiues, 87>fc. Block’ double-width. Delaines, tome 2 yards wide. ' Black-Mourning Silks* in great variety, ~ . . STAPijlfi GOODS OF ALL KrND3.; 'Wmiapiaviliy, .WamsaUa, Carlisle, J. H. Oftaiolb&rry, -■ Semper Poc»ss6r,. and ' all. the leading makes of Mu»linB ,at p'ricea. . . AUo, 10*’4 Slhetuigei various makes; 6-4 PHlowMus • Has • ....... . Superior quality .white-all wool Flannels, 25c. .Honeycomb' *Quilfe, * '2% yards -wide, 'at competition ! prices *.v { y> -,J, .v . ;*■• Also* »lot of very.,berivy and rich Oounfcorpanos. .LiyFiJ'GOODjS! LISfBN GOODS! 40 fiediLoual,pieces obthe 2-yds.,wiae White. Table Da-., matis/af 4? hi r! 60c .; T „.■ ■ s ....■ LlhEtL TOWkLS, in large or small'Quantities, all froth auction. .... ~ Lti en Buckat>ack,by,tbe yard, 32# fcb2oQ, . ? / Silk*, and Black, at siikicouoters; .} i \ * . All of whichbave at tbe Ereuca Sales, and sold fur btiow the importation cost. ' *. J. OaHsKIjUBBS7|'. > , * MurocuothDxy Goods fcLouafl, ... 4fi North Street, bdo# Arch. P. S— sacond.atory. 100- pfcces of the-ahore-goods being S-S par coot. lorii than the nmol r large asBf>rtmeht ot M.’a:i>ffi.VP GOODS ja»t re ceired. in \ •• • bLRKVES, SRTS.’HANLKBRORIRFS, dc. t in every variety of material, s Ako, a largeaeaortmtnt of MUdOINd, suitable for GABIB.VLDISy &c.ytogother with every va riety of WHITE GOODS.-LIN KNi, LAO*S3. EMBBUDSBIES, VJBIL^ &c -•'i *• •■•'- Just opened per latest arrivals from Europe an, invoice: of Vtry.lioiiatifili. and entirely now atyks 4 % *' ' * PUTTED FhENOIt OOtßiUa for GAItTBALDI’d, MODE" GRBN vlHNfi VKTCiR, and SWISS COLLARETTE lUHTFLING for trimming thin; Dresses, etc—a new and very de eirabk HTticle, A iso, an-invoice of PURE WHJTK PLAID ORGANDIES. ' jyl 10 2 4 CBIB T N U T STB. B E T LEGAIi. TVTOTICE.—TO M&llY WILLIAMS, X'l widow of Abner .WilHiiin",, .late, -of i/oadooderr? tmvin-Wp. Che-t-r county, A BN KB W[bDTAVI3 A3K AVTTII. AAS I>ELANV A3KWITH, AB-T?fl Wl(i- T.IA M9.;;GA:ITJS R WJLI.TAMS, aid KLIZiBBTtI EPWABTiS. legatees aud, kgal. representatives of the said deceased: . " - made to fhe Orphans* Court of Chester coumyfor-an o-dar to sell the real estate of said dpceased, eoi-eietins of-» mensuace and tract of land, situate in Londonderry tt>wt**hip aforesaid, bounded by lai.ds ot John Kam«ey» Hugh Ferguson, and others, con tßmibg about ibirty-eicbt acres, morn nr less, under the proylsiobs of. the act of-A*ril_ 18, 1833, reUtiog to real pßtate, and said. Court has appointed the • second DAT of Augmt next, at the Court House, in West CbtsUr, for the ho»ring of all-parties interested who may: choose to appearand show cause why the a ale of- Baid reel c«t e -te should not he decreed, when and where you may attend if you see proper. •Attnrnarj’for Feritiouprs. ■, photographs. ALBUMS > FOB -WAR* VIE W B. -£* These Albums are prepared expressly for the Card Photograph Tieus of the "War, G-roapa of Statuary, La ! d scapes, copies of Fine . Pairtfueß, £c. t aod ace th» only Albomt suited to this class of Photographs, LIST OF STJTLBS AND PRICES No, 50. Imt. mor., gilt edg. and clasp, for 20 Port’s, §2 50 61. . “ “ “ SO « 3 00 62 «: “ “ ' 40 . « 350 ea. ft « *i. 60 «■ .4 00 64 Tur’y mor.,two clasps, 20 “ 376 66. «■ « “ SO « 4 00 66. '«♦ ** • : « 40 “ 460 67. *< , (i .« , 50 « 6 00 68. « *' pan aides, 20 “ 5 25 69. “ ** •« . 30 “ 560 60. / « « « « 40 • “ ; 576 Cl; « < c k «« 50 « * 6 00 62.. giltmoim’g “ , .20 , k 5 . 576 63.. “ 11 “ 30 ** 6 00 64. “ “ » 40 tt 6 25 65. « « ■«»'.• 50 “ 6 75 66. Turkey, gill edge, « 4 oblo’g 4to, 60 “ 7;<10 67. « «t «» 80 « 7 50 68. «« . « «» r 100 .<*v*'B 00 69. «••. « .« pan. sas., 60 « 875 70. •«. “ «< « 80 <« 9 26 71. *i «< ti « 100 « 9 75 • QD ABTO ALBTT&ES.- '. - * r. .. Imitation Morocco, Turkey Antique, “ “ two clasva, pan aides-200 Slew Styles and Designs are constantly introduced. Every Album ~ia famished with a Title Page and Index, printed in Gold Complete Catalogues of Oard Portraits and Photo graph Albums may be obtained gratis Published by ■" WM R. & ALFRED MARTIEN, •«-N’o. 806 CGESTNTJTStreet, PaxHdelpbia. -■mcAl. CAN- IT BE T.HAT RGI "11 lrtffli'S LITE SIZE Oil. COLORED PHO CO ‘GRAPHS are made at war prices! to meet the exigencies ol the rimes. Take advftutaee of the opportu nity offered SECOND Street, abave Green. It* TB BE V 00ABLETte, good opinion A gained by RETMKR’S Colored Pti«)rOSRiPHS i? due to their characteristic truthfulness and natural coloring—a combination ol rare merit. SECOND Street, above Green, > • .: : * It# MILITARY NOTICES. «G ERMAN TOWN HOME GUAR D. '—A Special Meeting of the Germantown Home Guvd will bo held at thrir ARMORY, on WEDNESD AY . EVENING,.- July 2, at 8. o'clock, to cornider as to tbe - beet ;approprifttion of the fund being Taiseci by the company for the use of the'Soldiers ordered to the Ger mantown Bospitat. A full attetKlnrce of the old members is particularly requested.’ ,B. R. SMITH, Secretary. fi VICTORY! VICTORY! .'—THE SB 116th REGIMENT: P. V. M. f has been specially accepted by the War Department for three yearn or during the war. Oeptaios report immedifttely. - Bounty, Rations, Olothing, and Pay furnished from dote of enlistment. -; This ;te tbe only three-year Regiment authorized by the Secretary of War from this State, and all patriots desirous of servirg our common country muss now come forward. The Regiment will positively march on or be fore the Ist of September next. ~ ' ' : D.- HEENAN, Colonel Commanding. 1 A. MALSEED,.Adjutant. Per G H. BARDWELL-Major. Headquarters, C 24 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. j©i3 if ' REMOVALS. RjEMO V AL. E. Gr. WHITMAN & Co, • -CONFECTIONERS, BATE BEM.OYED FROM SECOND AND OUE3T NUT'SCBEDTS ' TO No. 318 CHESTNUT STREET, BBI.OW FOURTH, NEXT DOOR TO ADAMS & CO.’S EXPRESS. je2o-lmif EIMOYAL.— G. OTJMPBET HAS from A* 4# to 1341 CHESTNUT Street, where, having his two Stores in coujnnction, he can offers* in Havana Cigars to tbe greater induce ments than ever hetore. jf*3o 2t JCJES FITCH JERS. , , HALL’S PATENT PLATED ICE PITCHERS* PERFECTLY AIR-TIGHT, Warranted to keep the Ice longer than any Pitcher in / the market. WM. WILSON & SON, SOLE AGENTS, S. W. CORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY ST3. Also, Pitchers of all the different manufacturers con- Bluntly on hand, ilain and ornamental, at reasonable prices. ; je2B-12t« CARD TO THE PUBLIC. , CONGRESS SPRING WATER DEPOT, 79 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK Saratoga, July 10, 1881. An attempt b&B; been made to deceive the public by persons offering what they cal! “Congress Water” from fountains, and at the price of six (8) cents per glass. The wholesale price of the genuine Oongree3 Water, at Hew Tork, being about 7 % cents per glass, the imposi tion of pretending to sell at retail at Icbs than cost, and 'without allowance- for freight, cartage, or breakage, is apparent. ;bnt their probable course has been to empty one bottle of genuine , Congress Water into irfouataiu. filled with their trash, and thereby christening its total contents;;:- "''' ■ ' ■ We have never sold Congress Water in tonntatns, nor in vesselsof any other description than ordinary-sissed glass bottles. The cork of every bottle of the genuine ia branded,.. And any ■without ' CONGRESS ters on the oork is 0. &W. WATER. whether from form- CLARK & WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring. ' The following gentlemen are supplied by ua regularly with gonnine Congress "Water, in bottles, fresh Stem tbo Congress Spring: FRED'K BROWN, cor. Fifth and Chostnnt sts. O. S. HUB BELL. 1410 Chestnut Btreet. J. 0. TURNPENNY & OCX. 0-41 tspruce stroet. THOB. J. HUSBAND, cor Third and Spruce Bts. , E. J STEVENS & CO, Oontineotal Hotel. AMBROSE SMITH, Chestnut street. OHAS. ELLIS & 00., Market street. WYETH Bros., Walnut Btreot. CLARK & WHITE.. jeSS-Stpif JJRJLLIANT ' , FIRE-WORES, OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY. FBENOH, AMERICAN, ANDCHINHSB SKY-BOCKKTB, ROMAN OANDLK3, OOLOEED STABS, WHEELS, Ft THUS, BOSETTES, FIREMEN'S TOBOHKS, ; TORPEDOES, FANCY PIECES, Etc-, , FOB BALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY :;E.-a:WHITMAN & Co., ‘ AT THRIH NSW BTOBB, - CHESTNUT* ST.yBELOW FOURTH, , f- : ' : 'NEXT : DOOB ; TO ADAMS* ‘KXPRIShS. /: je26-iji3. _ ■; /', • •. . - ■ PEE CRACKERS— SOO boMS.Gold Chop No. lFirn Orrtckp'rH. * Oraugfti and Lcmotiß, In prime order, for Bale by RHODES A WILLIAMS, jel* , So-,107 Bonlh WATER Street ns ■ . national flags. ■ BANNERS ANB STREAMERS OF EYERY DESCRIPTION. ' SASHES, SWORDS, SWORD-BELTS, EMDBOIDERED AND METALLIC). PASSANTS, ..... f .. •- ■ MEXICAN AND FANCY SPURS, • AND „ , ■ MILITARY GOODS , . -■ ■ AND ... EQUIPMENTS OF ALL KINDS. EVANS & HASS ALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, j>2B 71 No. 418 Alton STREET. rational FLAGS. SILK, BUNTING, AND MUSLIN FLAG S , ALL SIZES* FROM 7 INCHES TO 50 FEET. ' GILT FLAG ORNAMENTS. POLES, •. BPEABS, ... . EAGLES, aod ■ ' ' T 'BALLS.: BUSTING, OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS “ SlAim TO OItOER. COUNTRY OBDEBB PROMPTLY FILLED., W. H. HORSTMANN & SONS, FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. j.37-7t JAY COOKE Sa CO., for 200 Portraits ST The,.un<3orßlgned } as Subscription Agent for the Go- vernment, is prepared to deliver NEW SIX PER CENT. UNITED STATES LOAN, Subscriptions received AT PAB, and accrued interest from May 1.1862. 'Legal Tender or Par Notes and Checks received for the Bonds—the Interest to date mast be paid in Gold. Tbis Loan is called 5-20,” having TWENTY years to run, but redeemable at the option of the Government at any time after FIVE years, but is a Six-per cent. Loan. nOUPONS’ OF ALLraOHSNY GTTY \J .'PONDS, due JULY Ib>, payable in PhUwfetpbia, will be paid at the office of WORK, McOO UCH, & 00 , No S 6 South THIRD Street. . . ; jyl-Sl# _ n Wv .CHURCHMAN, No, 32'Soutlr \ j» FROST Street. Philadelphia, is prepared to make cash advances on consigmnents to his friends in- Liver pool. : • ; •' .. jeStlm* , Q.IRARD PIEE AND MAEINS OFFICE 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This company continues to take risks en the safot classes of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and abSh* ty to pay losses promptly. It 9 disbursements for thi benefit of the public, during the last nine years, e xceed S 50 0,000, and we respectfully solicit its favor in the. future. OHAS. I. DUPONT, JOHN W.OLAOHOBH, O.S.HEAZLITT, DAVID BOYD, Jr., WM. K. SWAIN, JOBSPH KLAPP, M. D. WM.O.BUDMAN, THOMAS OBAVEN, President A. B. GILLETT, Vice President, JAB. B. ALVOKD, Secretary. i apSB-tf Fame insueais No. 406 CHESTNUT fi FIRE AND INLA. OT&EO T. N. Buck, Chas. Bichardso&t Henry Lewis, Jr., : Alex. Whilldin, Geo. A. West, O. W*Dftris, FRANCIS N. BUI CHARLES BIOHj WILLIAMS I; BLANOE COMMONWEALTH SIRE INBU- V BANOB COMPANY, OP THE STATE Of PENNSYLVANIA. - . - -_- 1 DIBKOTOBB. David Jayne, M.D., Oliarlee H. Bogen, John M. WbitftH, John K. Walker, Edward C. Knight, Bobert Shoemaker, Thomas B. Stewart, William Btrutberf, Henry Lewis, Ir., EBJah Jonee.' DAVID JAYNE, M D-, President. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vise Proiddtnt SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Boudin*, 013 CHESTNUT Stroet, Philadelphia. sed-lftf A CARD.—I SHALL STABT on a jCL BUSINESS TOUR through ths Western and Northwestern Btateß.in a few days, and will give atten tion to the Collection of Claims, Bedemptlon of Lands, Payment of Taxes, Sc.. Ac. JOSEPH 0. TDBNEB, Attorney-at-Law, jc«.fm-2t* No. BIT WALNUT Btract. Havana leaf tojbaoco.— l4o ' bales ** Yaelfe Abaa©! 451 jußt received* for sale by , A. MUSRINO. 14»Sratfc FKONT Street. those words and let- 0 OIS! Kits 11, QPANJBH QUEEN OLIVES. Supc- O rlor qnalii, in Hoaatoadß, Barrels, and Half Bartels, for sale by A*. MERINO, J je26-W» MO South FRONT Street tains or bottles. fAPENING 01 A SUMMER GAS- V/ DEN .—The undersigned begs leave to Inform th« public that he has opened for the season his FINE 3All D-iN and HOTEL, at the toot of COATES Street, oppo site Falrmonnt Park. Families are particularly invited : lee Cream, Cakes, exsellent Eager Beer of B site’s brow ary. Wines, Ao„ always on hand. HENBT ITtIOKA, myS-Sm TW*SrTT.B*TBNTH and OOATESBte. TURTLE AND CLAM SOUP aerved np daily (Sundays oxoopted) by JAitß, FBOPBEB, 808 MARKET Street. Families supplied astuual. mn-tf ~ FIREWORKS, FI WAIN Cl AL. BANKERS, NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, NEW “5-20” LOAN, AT ONCE, ON PAYMENT, COUPON BONOS. A UTITORIZED FEBRUARY 25, 1862. JAY COOKE. 3UBBOBIPTION AGENT, 114 South THIRD Streot INSURANCE COMPANIES. INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL #200,000. DIRECTORS. JERRY WALKER, ... JOHN THORNMY, ABRAHAM HART, PETER S. HOE, of N. Y. FDRMAN SHEPPARD N. S. LAWRENCE, .. JOHN SUPFIiBB. . , SUE COMPANY,' fm?' MWERAIYCE. MOBS. B.’D. Woodruff, John Kessler, Jr., .P. S. Jnstioe,- • Washington Jones, Ohas. Stokee, - : John W. Everman. IK, President LRDSON, Vice President; ABD, Secretary. [mhl»-lfti COPARTNERSHIPS, I AMES McFAiXPEN lias an interest W in bur buJuesß from tbii date. _ faksham, kikkham, & no. , July l, 1867. : - : i-'LB‘* ■VTOTIOE.—MB. WM. K. HEMP IN HILL'S interest in orirbouaeceased ontho3lat M»y. ■ ■ TYELLS k 00., jjl.lm - 118 NORTH WHARVES- pOPARTNEBSHIP NOTICE—We Aj have THIS .''DAY edmiltod LODIS KIBK PATBIOK SB a I’ttftm-V i»V onr " ' I>. K Jfc SONS. 1 : ■ Philadelphia , July 1, 1802, ..." 'jyl-'tuthßSt# EH IL.AIUE) jPHIA, Jiily 1, 1862. 1 ihp' firm of JH. WILLIaMSON & CO. Is tftiaday diasolycd by mutual c-.nsent. - > M. WILLIAMSON, ' < O. H. WtLSON, < • • 8 ;1L, ANDERSON, jyl-Sfc. - HENRY Q. POI'TKB. rrHE;,UNPE:RSJGN:ED HAVE THIS, JU DA v/entertd into a Copartnership, under ihe title (i COWPEUTIi WAIT ~Jk -/CO., for ?he- .rraDWiution of tbe A'KttKETAIIa.DR.T.GOUDS BUal- NKBS,iar corner of BIGHTHao.d .MAR KET Streets.. JOA. COWPBaVIIWAIT, Jr., r •It* t. J.tLSrHAWB&f,O&.K ; ; rriiE copartner sip here- under >he firm ofaow •ELD, SMITHV &-00 ,i 8 THIS- DAY S disnolvol by limitation. .The business of the firm will ba wanted, by either of the undersigned; - ■■* i*;* v>* < HBSNRY C. HOWELL, bam, a suira, ‘ KVKRETT D HALL, Wlfl, G.'STjffißL. PHii.Aiw>LrHiA. June SO, 3862. jyl-31# rpHE, OOP AtiT N EB SHIP heretofore JU existing between the uefler?igiie(i, tinder the iirm'of A. T. £aNE. CO., thia day dinsulved hy it-i own limitation. .The' businfs 4 - wUI l»tf seiOcd by eiihar of the .lindeisigued, at He. 419 MABKffiT Street. ALEX .T!. LANE, ‘ WM. F. HASSELL, 1 8. F. HASSELL/ . , B. HANSELU ' Philadelphta, , July T, 1862. jy l-tntb2m. CO PART NE R 8 HlP. —Tec uu edersigned bare dap formed a Go**r.,i^ hyjimi tatiob, and.hy mutual consent. Tbe buainess of the firm will be Bfcttitd by the undoraigeed. s Philadelphia, lBO2. SAMUEL Ob GOUK will eontinuefctfe .AUCTION AND COMMISSION «:tnrSES3 at th6 f bld'Atandr No 124 South. FBO NT Streetabo ?o Walnut.' -> ■ • jyl-12t Dissolution— the , copart • -NFIfSHIP k-i-retoFore under thn firm of O. G. BOCKtDS & CO. is THIS DAY. dis*>lvbi by nnilus!conseht 0, G. BOCKIUS, J,DNk3O, 1862. : , E. A. MERRITT^ The husinea« of the late firm will b: erttlpd r»y the .aab gcriber, at lhe old etaud, No. 7 Nortli THfRIi Street. ' ■ ‘ C. G: BO'JKIUS.. n G. BOCKITJS HAT.IMG ABSO- V.-V OTA TP 1> himself with E. A.MEIUnTT, (formerly with Rc-se, Slmrf, & 0n.,) will continue the N'O CIOS AND TRIMifIINGt BUSINESS, in all irsvfvrious launches, uisd*rtbe firm of BOOKtUS tit MEEKITf, at IheoJd Btand, Nq. 7 North THIRD Street. c.G.BOuaas,- E. A MERiitT July 1, 1862, HpBE COPARTNERSHIP. - heretofore ■. existing under.the firm of & 00., is this day dissolved, ' FETE* arSGEff, JACOB RIBGEL, "WM 8. BATED, JOHN WIEsS'JP, . Juke 30, "VTOTIOE O? LIMITED PARTNER- A!v SBIP —The Rubscribera hereby give notfco that they have entered into a limited parmerubtp, agreeably to tbo , provisions of the stsTerai law.’* uf the Common •wealtb ot Pennsilvanift relating to limited partaeratiipa. That the name of the firm under wiiii'.h said partner ship is to be conducted is lUEGSL, W IEST, & ES VINi••••; That the general nature of the bn=mea3 intendedt* be; torn sacted is the Importing and Jobbing of Ur? Goods, That the names of the General and 8 peolal Partners, all of wbom in the dty of Philadelphia, are JACOB BIEGEL, Genera! 1 Partner, residing at 527 North Sixth street; JOHN'WXSfgT, G*-werM Partner, residing at 322 New street j l>. B. ERVEN - , General PrrrtDer, residing at 1515 Girard HENRY 3. FlS'i ER, General Partner, residing at 41b Nbreai'htrd street} JOSIAFI RTEGEL, Genera! .Partner, resi&iug at 416 North Third street; PETER SHUGER. Soacial Partner, residing at 717 North'Eigbtb street; WM. 3: BAIRDy Specihl Partner, residing at the Cootiueatd Hotel, : That the aggregate-amount of fhecapUal contributed l»y the Special. Partners to the c mmon stock ij Oae Hundred Tbunfiai'd Dollars, of which Fifty. Tbou-sHtud B'i llarp in cash hae b«'-n so contributed by Pocer Sieg*sr, Brecmt Pavtoer, and Fiftv Thousand Poll Hrs in cartrUts been sc*Voistubuted byWm. S. Baird;'Special Partusr, That the said :pa-*n**rshfp is o on the first d6y of Jult, A. D. 1862, and is to Ummite onthe first day or January, IBRS. ' JACOB 7TEGEB, 1 JOH?N WIEST, j D B, ERVIN, > General Partners. HENRY Si FILTER I ; JO-sIAH RIKGEL, j PKTER . . Fftrfnflr _ jyf-6w ?M.B BUhU I”^™ CIRCtTIATIKG LIBRARY, m;jß Of HE ERE AD 5 S 01 ECU- W * DATING LIRRaBY,—AH the WW English and American BeohtvinclndiTig ALL CLASSES of Lite rafcure.- This is the ON LY-Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH COOKS cbac arenoi BEPBINTKD here. Teime 85 per year; 6 mouth«s?B; three months 51.50. or S i'j-ntc' nor day. 21R South EIGHTH «treot. ; je7-ln[V* wants. .TX7ANTED— A SMALL GIRL; f. t fond ofchildren. to assist in the lightwork of a emeli family. Inrinifo atTl2B OXFORD St .- je3o-3tr^ T pANVAS.-BKS WANT®'), for Duy. \-J ckinck’s “History of the War for »lie tTuion ’> A.c iiye business men will find this to bn proScnhln employ ment JUHNBOS, FEY, & 00., jeVS 6t* " . 120 South Eighth Strent. » A FlßfcT-CLAfeS SALESMAN WHO .XJI sell? a large amount of near Penney Uauia trade, is open for an engagement with a good Dry-Goods Job bing Bouse. AddreeH * Harry, ,J Press office, je’23 6vfc‘ ; A SSI BT AIN’T QUARTERMASTER’S O OFFICE, corner of* G and TWBXTY-SEOOND Streets, Washington, P. C , June 17,1882. . EXPERIENCED PEA*!STBBS can obtain employ ment on. application at this office. J. J. DANA, .. j«:l9*dtjyl Caplam, A; Q. M- U; ; S i. WANTEP—2 000 Men along.the line ri of the Lehigh Canal, eay 1,500 laborers, 250 car penters, and '250, stone masons. Apply to the officers of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, at MAUOH CDUNK, ALLENTOWN, or EASTON, or anywhere along the line of ihe works.- jeiO-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET. & FOR SALE—A FOUR-STORY KIUdwREiLING HOUSE, No. I£7 fonth TENTH Street—l 9 ftet front, 7' chambers,‘ largo parlor, dining rcom and kitchen in the basement.; Price S7 ; 000, nearly all of which may remain on the premises. Apply No,. SDS WALNUT Street first floor back. , jyt-3t#‘ fH walnut street, west phi- BMIAUELPHIA.—FOE SALE—-A substantial three story STONE DWELLING, with back building, sita ate on the south side of WALNUT, J the m**st fashions- Me street its the city,) between Thirty-seventh and Thirty-eighth .streets. Curbed, paved, and gas and water introduced. Lot, 32 front by 175 in d**pth, it being the wfsterbcoost house, and how occupied Terms* of payment will be made reasonable, it being offered for sale to close an estate. Apply to J K EYRE. No 115 GOTBIC Street,between 10 and § o’clock. je27-lm#” mo pismdtiEßs. ; -a. TheDISTELLERY known a« ths “PHOENIX” And formerly owned and occupied by SAML. SMYTH, Xbq., situated on TWENTY-THIRD, between BAGS and. VINE Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity 800 bushel* per day, iB now offered for sale on reasonable and accom modating tennis. Is in good running order, and has all the modern Improvements. An Artesian well on thepre miaes furuishea an unfailing supply or good, pure water. ' Address' Z. LOCKE & 00., No, 1010 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. . . fe22-dtt r\piCß OF THE PHILADELPHIA. AND BEADING RAILROAD COMPANY. Philadelphia, TbeBAT'ESof FREIGHT and TOLLS on ANTHSA-. CITE (!OAinr«i.sported by tliia'’ompiny will be B 8 fol lows during the month of JULYj YSS'H Port Carbon. •• .... 3Bonnt Carbon...... Schuylkill Haven. Auburn.................... Fort ‘Clinton. 1:60 1.55 During; the month of AUGUST, 1862, the rates will be as follow s;. . *, : '• To Bichm’d. PortOarbon ...i Mount Carb0n......... ... Schuylkill Haven............ Auburn.... . Port C1int0n............ ..... On and after SEP ißilßE' as follows; - Th BicUm’d Port Carb0n................ Mount Carbon. Schuylkill Haven....... * Auburn . .... .. Port 01iDt0n............... By order of the Hoard of Maangers. jf3o,3m W B. WEBB, Secretary. rpHK “EXCELSIOR” HAMS ABE THE BEST IN THE WOULD. J. H. MICHENER & Go., . GENERAL PRGYISION DEAIiEBIJi And ourer* of the celebrated > • : EXOELSIOB ” B U GAB-CUBE D HA MS, Hoe. 149 and 144 Nortb FRONT Street, Between Arch and San* *<««»*, PMt*teJ,*tc The justly-celebrated “EXOELSIOB” HAMB art juredbrJ. H. M. A 00., (In a etyle peculiar to tbani- expreealT ler FAMILY USE; are ol dellcloc, tavor; thee from the unpleasant taste ot salt, and an eronouseed bl WMetarei superior to aa, now offered Eorssle. abl-aii ■DEIMER’S IVQEITTPEB ARE, JA/ without question, the best pictures in their Une, Wed rious as works of art, as a likeneas Kfe-like and agreeable j finely SECOND Street, above Green, --It# pOWEKS’ HOTEL, This popular Hotel bas latdy been thoroughly reno* rated mad refurnished, and now possesses all the read, dtesofa The patronage of Philadelphians and the, travelling public, desiring the best accomodations and moderate -barges, is respectfully solicited. - ie3-3m \H. L. POWERS, Proprietor. / A CARD:—THE UNDERSIGNED, £1 late of the GIFABD HOD3B, Philadelphia, baTo i leased, for a term of years, WILLARD’S HOTEL, in . Washington. They take this occasion to return to tbelr old friends and customers many .thanks for past favors, ‘ *nd beg to Assure them that they wifi be mort happy to jee tbetn in their hew quH*trt-s, BYKEB. CHAD WICK, * CO WAsmgorojr. .Ttilr 1«. Iflfll/ walnut STREET THEATRE— V T Sole Leasee. Mm. M. A. GABBET3OH. ,TIIIS (Tp.«da>) EVENIKG, Ju » let, Boerigafcenient ol the great Ameneap Gomfc Actrese. MISS JULIA DALY. MISi JULIA DALY. EKPEIITION BY GENERAL DEMAND. THE IBWtt SEORETAttY. IN AND OUT OF. PLACE. •_ MISS JDLIA DALY IN STX OfIAIAHTEBS, , With Sofcgs and Characteristic Dance. In active preparation, KING COTTON. . KING COTTON. Doomopeu at 7X o’clock CommoDce at 8. lyraSe JOHN HEEW^S Xvj- ARCH-STREET THEATRE. u TWENTY-SIXTR NIGHT OF F. S. 'IITANFBAU. • BENEFIT OK MR. 8: SEYMOBE. : TO-NIGHT. {Tuesday} July Ist, 1862, A MODEL OF A WIVE, • NEW-YORK. AS IT IS, And ROBERT MAOATBB: CFANFBAU IN TRR ESCHAR ALTERS, ROPE A SOF NSTON BY F L KSLI K SEYMORE IN THREE OH AB AC TEES. Wednesday, Benefit of Miss Pricoi Thursday, Craig's Benefit. fGF Look out for tbe Fuurth of July. Prices as usual. Ourtain rises at * CONTINENTAL THEATRE. V, 3. DAV 15........... Sole Leasee. Third Week of .?/ H OOLEY’S MINSTRELS! Frrat Week of the nharming BttUadist, , MK o. HKNBY. First Week of tbe O^m^diau, HARRY LEFTR. Hoiipps full nightly. Tie best "Entertainment ever given at the m ires. 'x. Mr. HENRY will siog ; . .. ~,( T WO SONGT* NIGHTLY! Djess CircJer 26 cer-ts: Family'Circle, 10 ofntft. A DAY PERFORMANCE ON'THE FOURTH Ok JULY. . s';;.. . ... * ~ je3o tf . BUILDINGS. . B. G. DU 7ILH, SAMUEL C. COOK, CAPTAIN WILLIAMS 1 ; GREAT NAUTICAL ENPERTAINMBJPP. THRILLING 80ENEA I N T H E L IF E 0 F A YANKEE WHALEMAN, .t EVERY EVENING- at 8 oVlnck precisely. SELECT MATINEE, SATURDAY at 3 o’clocß- Admission 25 cents. Sir Tickets for one dollar. Chsh" drew 10 cents. - •• ' Liberal arrangements made for schools on Wednesday Afternoons. . je23 T>Em:SY LVAmA AGABEM3T OF Jr THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET. The splendid eabiMtion' ofPaiotines and Sculpture far the benefi t of the Cooper-Shop and Unf-ui Volunresr Re freshment Saloon will close on SATURDAY, the 6tb July,'.' AdmlseioD 10 cent?. Children half price!. .. Open from 0 A 7 P. M., and from 8 till 10 P. M gPN ' " >36 D. B. KRVm, E. FfbTER, ' JO3IAH BIJSGEL, FOR TH® BBA- SnOR B ! SG'IBIIB AB» BANGEMENI!.—GARDEN AND ATLANHO RAIL* BOAT-. ' Three trains d ails' to Atlantic City and return, (Sun days excepted), grains leave YIiTE-SSreot Sherry ■£ follows: 3L*il Train.. Express Train...... Freight and Accommodation EETi7UISI¥fG: " Leaves, Atlantic Mai! Tram. ..4 40 P. HE. “ «• Express Train....... 615 A. Bfc. J* Freight and A‘CcmnTßCfi?aHon.3lB A. BE. FAKE 31.80- Roniid-trip Tickers, crood only far fife? day and train on which they are Exctar e;on Tickets, good for three days. So. Hotels are now open. JOHN G. BRYANT, J Agent. DE L][ aHTFUL ■8 UMM E -E EX 0 ÜBS ION S. NIAGARA FALLS, LAKE ONTARIO, TFfS T3OH SAND ISLANDS, RAPIDS OF, ST. LAWRHNOB RTVJ3B. MONTREAL, LAKES CHAMPLAIN AND GEORGE. SARATOGA SPRINGS, BOD-Kltf BI TER,-WHITE MOUNTAINS, BOSTON, NEW PORT, NE W YORK, *c. Fare from Philadelphia ro Riftsa*a FaFs, Montreal, White MouMtlifne, Boston. and reftn-r*. 542 20 • Frew Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, Montreal, Sara te?», Pndaon river, New Vork and retnrn, $30.00. For farther pa? tlcnlartf and bandhin* apdlv at the nffi«e of the PBTLADELPHIA AND BLKTR* RAILROAD LlftxS, C-o.ner-of-SIXTH and HREiTNUT Streets, whero a choice o F tnft'° be to suit the ta-?te of anyone. JOHN S. HILLRS. General A?e&t. •Cor, TR7BTFKSNTB a*d CALLOWHILL S'r*«d3. PhilaclHohia. .Inly I,lSfi2:. jy! 38t -PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING RAILROADi EXeiHRSION TICKETS, good from: sinjB®Mr. jtjnf. 2», to- Monday, . JHLY T, t 1862, _ * To be Bold Ui'h'fbHowiEg'rateß : ■ ’ FROM PHTLAtfEtiPHTi* to HABBtSBU'EKJ, POTTSYILLF, or and return.... $3 W POBT 3 00' HEADING' . iv.b M ,r„,wv,.....- 2 25 POTTSTOWN ........ 1 60- PHtENIXVTLLE...... «... 110 And between all stations-at reduced fares during the above ten dai s.v j»>2B'7t JSSurrasiia west ckbsi’eb BML- J.OAli, via MEDIA. PLEASANT ANV-GJm&P IfreEWW'SY- Through the finest Count* y and the most hoiutiful Scenery iu the vicinity of Philadelphia. On TUESDAYS and FBIDAY3 of l each week' until further notice an Extra * rain wiß’leave We Committees-can Taew the Grounds without flliaree. •- Ecr furtherinfozj»ation.ftpp?y at OFFICE in tbe Depot,, N.-Ei Corner and- MARKETStaL j*2S-St To- Bichm’d To'Philada. WESr (MBBTEK L PHUiADELPSIARAE- 1.30 i ,1.25 TXA MEDIA. yOBBTttOF 30LY E2SITBSIDSS. Excnrsfcc. Tickets wtfi be sold io West- Chester, good fo> ttoe 3d, dils and sti of July. Sare for Bte Bound*"Frio, One-Dollar, j<23»at' SENBY-WOOD: aufiprfaten^eut. | To PUil*da. $l-68 1.67 1.60 150 1.45 *I.PB 1 97 1.90 1.80 1.75 Oil LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT BHk lImoVBB t» No. 21 Booth SBVBSWH Street, neat the Franklin Ins&tnte. rates will be 1,1862, the To Ptulada, The tbankSpl for past Savers, and belsg determined to'merit future patronage, has secured fid element and oonventeni store, and has now on haos ft largo assortsaent oT liSSie’s Celebrated Wrought-.onS Chilled Iron Pis® and Burglar Proof Safes, (tha/oßly staidlyfire and burglaff proof safes made.) Also,liilU«*o XJneouaUed Bank Yanitt, Safe, and Bank Locks. . Lillie's Bank Yanit Boors and Locks will beJFoniiahai :to order on short notice. This i&the strongest* host pro tected,and cheapest Boor and Lode yet offered Alsd, particular attention is called to BrHlb’s BMP Cabinet Safe, for Plate, JeweJsry, &o. ThhuSafe is oon ceded to surpass in style and elegance yet of fered for this pnrpose, and Is the only ono>lhat is strkiUy fire and burglar proot Bmoijx Hotios—l have now on hes&s&y twenty oS. Parrel, Herring, & Co.’s Sofes, most oLttwjn nearly new* and some forty of other makers, oongyising a q&opjtafei asaortment as to steee, and all lately exchangei for now celebrated Lillie Safe. be soidatTaryt low prices. Please call and examine. ja2s»lyif ML O. SABI® A»at 11.88 187 1.80.1 1.70. 1.65; $2lB 2.17 2.10 200 1 95 HOTELS. Nos. IT and 19 PARK ROW, (OPPOBITfI THE ASTOR EOTJSB,) NEW YORK. TERMS 81.60 PER DAY. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. A MU SB MEN TS. - sea bathing. excursions; cursioits oir tuz-ssaf&and-prtd-a-7.\ je2l-tu , wfs tf NOE TH PEFTO- R,ULBOA£h Fomrrs of*Bxmmsroffs*-- ' was® 'OSiS» AND PHSLiDBLPHII BAIitBO'AJD. Y’lA H*W'A.. Bt A*T S S«- Y* BHY Xi O>W. SAF®S. —n EVANS & WATSON’3 Hi ' SAIiAMANDEB EUBt BTOBS, IB SOUTH FOURTH BTBBWE, PHUiARrStiPHIA, PA. A large variety of TiRF-PROOF SAFES alwanon band BOYS’, fiUSBES’, AND OBUp DBEN’S ' OIiOTHINQ, rs ENDLESS TABMTT, AT r d<3. 137 Bonth EIGHTH Street, my!6-2m - Three Poore above WALNUT. TFOxt A DELICIOUS BATH, AND «- SAIU BYETNGvin themoßt artistic style, go to FfttTßTg and BBANOH Streets. - je2B-lftf OHAM P A G N B.—An inToioe of “ Gloria," in quart, and ninte, for sale (to arrive) by OH AS 8. OARSTAIBS, No. 126 WALNUT Street* and 21GRANITE Street.' i«SS ...7.80 A. M. ~.4.00 F. BE. ...5.00 FI ML HEtfKY WOOD, Sup»iintßnd«nt.