The Unlink Movement in Indiana. The following is the spoeoh of lion. Henry Sea- Whit, at the recent Union Convention in Indiana, and this letter of United States Senator Wright to Its president, alluded to by " Occasional " in his letter to-day. We copy from the Indianapolis Stair Journal, Juno 19 : SPFACII OF MR. SHACRIST. I feel very grateful to this audience and its pre siding officer for the honor of addressing you at this time. lam unprepared, even with notes, to speak to you ; but the heart speaking from its warm im pluses to fellow hearts is probably the best, as it is the freshest, converse we can bold together. I have no :speech to make to timid men. If there are any here who doubt our capacity for republican govern ment; who thinks there will not be vigor and per-. manerme hereafter,. 6, let him slide." [Laughter.] I talk to men who love their country, and would perish rather than see it perish. I have been a partisan thirty•seven years. I have no regrets for It now. I look back upon my career with pride; Mistakes have been made, but it Is huMan to err. But when I look back upon the achievements of that man of iron will and ineorruptible honesty who crushed the rebellion of South Carolina, I have no regrets. The days:of heroes, political heroes, has gone by. Jackson, who was in heart and soul above any other man of his age, who had no kindred, and lanced his country above all else, that man would have stricken this rebellion dewn at once with an iron hand, without calling out an army of 500,000 men. My political education began under the tutelage of Jackson. , Nine of davit° held the first Demo errysor eneres•wion as Inrarenca, iii 1827, are here to•doy. They major the country, and the Union, and the triumph of the laws. I have always sup posed it was the duty of every citizen, without re gard to party, to stand by his Government, as the child stands by its mother. This was the doc trine of anoient Demooracy. This was the spirit imbued into me when a child. I sprang from that class which furnished common soldiers in our early wars; men of the frontier, hardy and undisciplined. but who would take a battery from the British, or chase the Indian from the woods and swamps, when ever duty milled them. This origin implanted in me a bitter hatred of antiwar men. For myself, I adopted the motto of the lamented Decatur: rr In time of wnr,l am for my country, right or wrong." I supposed this was the doctrine of the Demo cracy. It is true that no Democratic creed had provided for such an emergency, but I shonid have thought that every principle of the party, and even its animal instincts, (laughter,) would hays forced It to the support of the Government in this scar. If not, I would cast such a traitor party from me. There might be circumstances when I might fail to support my Government. If there was an at tempt to establish a despotism, to destroy the insti tutions that prate& us, I would fight against it. But I would be an open enemy. I would give it a written release from all protection, and all claim to any rights under it, and leave it. I would never fight the battle of traitors on the soil of the Go • vernment (applausb) which protected me. If I were a Secessionist I would go South." • [Great appilause and arias of " Good."J ' . • It is said that. the Sth of JanuariConvention party is not an anti-war party. They argue very illogically. In this country, and under every free Government, it is certaiu that any party which or ganizes against the Government, in time war, • becomes inevitably an anti-war party. The motive may be - patriotic, at first, but they cannot help drifting from opposition to the Government into Opposition to the war. How has it been in this country? Let the past speak. The old Federal party. was composed of turn of honor and ability, who were patriotio and did good service in the Re volution ; but it attempted to dictate how the war of 1812 should be conduoted- It was opposed to a war with Great Britain, but in favor of one against Fano°. In proposing to change the direction of the war, it drafted into an anti-war party. The Hartford Convert iton discussed the very yrvesttons which were under discussion at the Bth of Jamiar, Convention- [Cheers and laughter.] • I refer to a recent 'example in point. In the Mexican war the Whig party didn't intend to be in anti-war party. But Polk'e Administration bad to be opposed. They went on, and however tenderly they arrayed themselves, and however slowly they changed, they placed themselves, at last, in direct opposition to the war. I opposed them. I de nounced Corwin ass moral traitor. I think BO yet. As ibe Federal party died of opposition to the war of 1812, so did the Whig party die of opposition to the Mexican war. It made au attempt to change its position by identi yieg itself with the name and fame of Gen. Taylor. and miceeeded for a time. But when he died it died. No party can array it self against the Government in time of war without writing its own death warrant at the hands of the people. Political partied always become anti-war parties, if party organization is kept up in time of war. Even if the Bth of January Convention had nomi nated perfectly unexceptionable men, I would still oppose them, for I will not consent to plane myself in opposition to my Goveroment in time of war. / said that some of my fellow.Demotirats were illogical in their oppusition to the Administration. I differ from them in their premises. They assume that the Administration is attempting to subvert by the war the Government of our fathers. And they tell us complacently that they are in favor of furnishing money for the war. If this was the • ease, I would organize an armed opposition to the Govertanent. I would not submit to any organized treason here. I would as soon support the treason of Jeff Davis as the treason of any other traitor. -I have great respect for the traitors who fl:ht openly against . the Government; none for - . sionista who undertake to direot,t4d.war - .7 oppo sition to the G'overunie.nts- - jvlevred with dismay the progress ef-reis matter. I knew that oceans Of blood . ntutt be shed before the Union could be broken ti p. I expected to see the battle-field here, and am' lest hamlet in Indiana in flames. But this' signet take place, beetles° the people of Indiana overawed the traitors among them. The men to-whom I refer were the original Brack inridge men. The first blow of the traitors was the attempt to.hreale-oe-t)'. nemoeee" o- 1". 4 7.. Those broke up the Cheri often Convention anti folio w ed Yancey, did it to break up the party—es a threat of disunion. I regarded the nomination of Break thridge is a disunion movement. Fur the Brook inridge mon who have repented and are now loyal, I have no word of rents r 4 - 14 -4r st —t Say of judplittu..'"l""g commenda tion. But-rheas no respect for the Douglas men sunoort_the rebellion. At the time Hughes retie iireokinratfge party Voorhees went in. I knew Voorhees es a Whig. I have no personal issues to make with him. Bat fits political princi ples I deal with as I would any other public pro perty. [A voice—" Would you confiscate them?"' Iris, by the Lord, I would confiscate them.if / could. • [Jeud laughter.] Breckenridge was a traitor long before he was . nominated. Ile returned to the Senate after it was ' known that treason was achieved. He arraigned the President because he defended the capital of the nation, on the ground that he had no legal power to call out men for its defence. Many of the Democrats of Indiana cried out, Amen! Shame on imoh•men ! I defended Jackson for calling out the mounted men ,of Tennessee against the orders of the Secretary of War, and the Governor of Ten nessee. Can I turn book on that record, and re fuse to defend Mr Lincoln? If Jackson had been In Baltimore, that bridge-burner Merryman would have bad no chance for. a writ of habeas corpus. Ile would have hung him as high as Haman at otos. My deatrine is, " War to the knife, and the knife to the hilt!" But these old Democrats aro alarmed at martial law, as if it never wee declared before in this coun try. The "Democratic Address," signed by some men who never wore Democrats, and not signed by those who have never been anything else, falsi fies facts when it states that martial law has never suspended the habeas corpus before in this country. It was suspended in New Orleans in 1815, at Sac kett's Harbor, and at other places. I have said those who had not been Democrats long signed this address No wonder they made such mistakes, LITTER FROM SENATOR wrtiairr WASOLNOTON °ITT, Juno 13, 1882. To the Prestdent of the Union Convention; D,Ein Spit: £ regret being absent from the great meeting of the Union men of our State ; but this is no time for any man, however humble, to leave hie past of akin) duty. Nobly have the sons of Indiana sustained the patriotic history and impulses, bequeathed by their fathers, in this terrible contest for na tional existence. Their fame sheds a brighter lustre upon almost every battle-field, and through out every section of the country their valor and patriotism are sounded with enthusiasm and pride; and whilst the heroin mon of all parties and all °lessee are in the tented field, en gaged in the eversbadowing work of putting.down this foul r • ( o .e great Union party of the- State honest and good men, regardless of past prin. •iplea or pettiest associations. If we would suc ceed in preserving the Government of our fathers,' we must have h united North. Party creeds and Platforms will divide us, and thus paralyze the arm of the Goverment. The President has °ailed around him many men of different political opinions; among others, our present worthy and efficient Secretary of War, and IGenerals — lialleck and MoClellan. Those three men have more to do for the weal or woe of the Government, for the restoration of its unity and its priceless institutions, preserving thorn to us and our children, than perhaps all other .men promi. nent among the Amerioan people, the President himself excepted. Yet these men all differ politi cally from the party that brought into power the present Administration. Can we not follow this fine example in this contest, when the question is so pre-eminently one of Government or no Govern ment, country, or no country ? It is my sincere trust that harmony and peace will characterize all - your ants and deliberations. I have only time to add a single sentiment. Ut traism must be:abjured. Ultra measures; whether 3n the North or South; must perish—not one but both—or the Government will net survive. The vitality and virtue essential to the very existence of the nation, is to be found in elevating good and honest nest to places of public trust, far snore than in well-written creeds and platforms of party Conventions. • . . Accept assurances of Yours, most respectfully, '• Jossrn A. WRIGHT. Generals McClellan and Fremont To the Editor of The Press : SlR—Tbero a ro a groat many persona who think and expresa themselves in public as if they knew more about the art of war than any of our major gene rals. I am continually annoyed hearing exprea- MODEI similar to the following : "If Gen McClellan had gone down to Richmond by land, and attacked It in the rear, ho would have taken Richmond long ago ;" and "if Fremont had gone direat : from Franklin to ilarri%onburg, he might have bagged Jackson and hi' whole force." Now, what imper tinent and brainlesa expressions these are for any one to make, evon a military man ! Had Major General Geo. B McClellan gone to Richmond by land, he would have,given time and opportunity for ii3e immense fame at Richmond to board their tranaports, take Fortress Monroe, and steer their way triumphantly to the city of Washington, anp taken It, Mid lifelor General John C. Fremont gone direct from Franklin to Harrisonburg, through that wilderness country, it would have,gtven,Jaek son time to out off his tranaportation line,'and de stroyed a million dollars' worth of stores, at`New Greek Station, on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road; and Fremont might have been attacked front and rear by the enemy, and perhaps annihilated. The above is written for tho public good, and la from one who knows something about field move rnents. datum MOUNT WASHINGTON.—Tbe carriage road up ,TriruntWald:ingot) was conaldarable washed by tte raina of lea. euturnn Two Damns bays contracted to Yaextr 11.0 ro - d bed, to nut to tweuty °invert@ to carry off the worm and to make the whole road In the beet p)oalble cur diti•n for treed. For tole aervice they are to ro. ctive *V2tO. THE CIT Y. TILE SHERIFF CONTBSTICD. ELEOTION . OABIL—At U o'clotl on Saturday morning tho °ama nutlou of Id:net/see in this caw pas resort I. Tito first witness calltd was George Haleck, who, upon boiug es ore, testified as follows: , resided ice the Firat wat d, at Passymek road and Buck street, eighth division ; on the day of election Viitai in the Twenty-fourth ward in crimp, but my family etili lived is the Eliot ward; (box of the Eighth division opened, and ionessment list token out ;) I had been in camp from Septimber ; I telt camp on election day for the purpo of voting; Alderman Lento brought an oomilms to camp, and men were selected to go to vote; the omnibus was much crowded; we were under the Charge of a sergeant; • there were two omnibuses ; tickets were given by Alderman Lento; they were tickets of the • People's party; the nano of the sheriff was on the ticket I voted; the other tickets were like mice; Alderman Lento banded us the tickets in the omnibus; the drat poll the omnibus stopped at was near the arsenal, and two men got out and voted ; I think the serge tut went With them to the polls; the omnibus next went to Broad and Bomb, sue three men voted there; ono of our men. Samuel Burr, was an inspector there; next wont to Eleventh end Federal; sew them get out and go toward the poll; next wont to Dickerson street, between Seventh and Eighth (Eighth precinct); the majority of the load, twelve or thirteen, voted there; were put in Ale and voted there; I voted there; the sergeant pnt ns in els and marched us up to the polls; Samuel Grin was one of the voters; also Hudson Pricket, Brufey, Sergeant Bader, Win. Johnson, James Williams Barney McNulty, John Mittens Grey, August McGlornly ; won't swear positively to these neon, but to the beat of my lumniedge they were the ones: reached the preolnett about four o'clock; from there were taken back to camp; the other omnibus was behind us and followed us over; don't know who was on the other ticket ; the whole regi ment wanted to go away from camp; they didn't cars SO much for voting as to get liberty; Aldermen Lents gilded nut the men In the coach I went with ; I was not aquesed in the Eighth precinct ; never missed paylngmy taxes to give me it vote ; think I paid the lest last spring year; the hmt election in the spring I paid my tax. Croaa-examined.-1 had resided in the Eighth precinct for nine mouths, and I had resided in the Furst ward for forty-two years; I wee challtnged, 'and my residence wag known by ate Milker inside, and the chellonge was withdrawn; there was no division among the election officers in regard to my vote; I was a qualified voter, and Wiser missed a vote duce 1833; the camp was about two mike from my residence; the omnibuses were taken aronnd to the divisions where the men lived ; I don't know of any man voting out of his division ; I ace satis tledi did 'not ; 1 saw tickets handed; they were like Mine Gofer as the outside wee concerned; I did not see the inside of the other tickets; my family was at coy honeeT I was is Colonel Gregory's regiment. . Willis 0. Morgan, sworn.—l voted at the last election In the Tenth ward, corner of Fifteenth and Race; lived in Gotthard sir. et, with Mr. Bolden; moved from there about flee menthe ago; I resided with Mr. Holden thirty deeps before the election; before that I resided at Filbert avenue and Filbert street; rented a room there; my same wee on the reseeatorte list in the Twenty fourth ward; paid taxes in 'lB6O and 1861; I voted for John Thompson for sheriff. Cross examined .—I had been ateseesed in the Fifth ward, and paid a sax; next in the Twenty-fourth ward I W3B assessed, and 1 paid another tax. ObristianKing, sworn.—l reside at Boxborougb, in the Eiebtli district of the Twenty-first word; here resided there about thirteen years altogether; I wont South in 1e55, and returned In D, comber, 1800; I owned reel es tate in that ward; for the last four or Bye years I think I have paid no tax, except upon the real estate; I voted at the last election for Mr. Thompson; don't know for whom my son George voted. Croso-examintd—Within two years before the election I taid all the taxes against nee. Mr. Gilpin now referred to the fact that the witness wee the father of George King, and he thought now was the proper time to enlighten the court in regard to the young man's age. The other side should go into the examination; or allow tile contestant to iman're. • Mr. Burst proposed to take that course. Witness. I pay a I tie taxes against me; when I left here in 1855, or late in 1854, I went to Alexandria, VA', abd staid there three yeare, and voted there every year; I went South principally on account of me wife's heath. and settled down in Alexandria, and staid Wore three years; I then went to Warrenton, North Carolina; I •oted there ; only once;. heft there in December, 1858 ; part of the time my eon George was with me; the whole of the family went out with me in the first place; George lived with me at Alexandria, and went with me to North ferolina ; he staid there all the time, except about a month or two before I left, when he went to New Bruns wick, N. ;he went into budnese for hineself ; I did not tee hint until July, 1861, when he came home from the three-months service ; I have two Bibles ( prnducei the old en.) ; this one belonged to my wife before I mar ried her; the entries were made in the Bible by my wife's sister. in London ; I hare a new Bible ; did not bring it4rith me ; I was married in 1836 ,• my first child was done in 1837 ; Carolina is lie name ; the next child, George, was torn in 1840. (Bible contains entry of the birth of George King, January. 1840.] • its-examined.—l returned to Doxborough front North Cerolitea, because they drove me out because I would not join the rebel army. Crosi.examined.—They oat my hair and tarred my coat; when I left Boxborongh I left part of my furni ture; wren I left I intended to return; and I left my home in care of Mrs. Sims; I went away on account of my wife's health, and I travelled for over a year, and when I got to Alexandria I old not intend to stop there, lent I saw a good opening for my business, and I stopped; my eon was of age in 1861; the entries were made in the 'Bible when the children were born ; I saw the Bible pro duced by Mr. Sims; I know nothing alma} it. Be-examined.-1' did not see the writing teethe Bible produced by Hrs. Bans, and I caul say anything about the entries; when in North Carolina I had fixed April, 1861, to come home, as I found out after Lincoln was elected how things were going on in North Carolina; I neve r intended to stay permanently in North Carolina Another vritneas wan called, but he failed to establish the allegation of the reception of an illegal vote in the ward, Ninth dirl,fon. Hr. Cowen now oro ix,eed to offer testimony under the following epeclflca, tie's,: That in the said general return are computed 233 votes as having been cant for John Thompson, and 130 votes a 3 bosh g been coot for Robert 'twine, for the office of Merl% in the Ninth division of the Fifteenth ward; that . ' the p , reon who acted as judge, one of the twa persona who e • • ..• of the two memo who act • atom inspectors: threnireenet Mud as clerk •in conducting the eeaten in the said - vision, were mere intruders, without any title to the fever al offices which they respectively mourned ; that a largo number of uoassessel persons were permitted to vote in this divides and that the list of voters does not furnish the remota or the evidence adduced in support of the right of these persons to vote, an the respondent hence infers that the list of texables does Oat The object of the offer was said to be in order to throw the entire poll. Mr. Brewster said be bad no objection to proving the receetton of Mega' votes at the pall, but be contended that the people of the preoinet could not hatinfranchkal in this manner. The point argued at length, as It is of coneiderable. importance as affecting the case presented by the re epr.ntlent. No deckion was reached, and the court adjourned until this rooming. JOYMBEITB OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED.— iumerons seggestions hare been made through the pub lic 'prints relative to celebrating the Fourth iu snot' a manner that the must of the sick and wounded in the Government hospitals of this cit. may become partici pants. There is a feeling upon the part of many persons, who are wilting to act and work in the matter, that their services might be construed Into officiousness But this should not deter them from acting out their generous MI. pulsee in a work to patriotic and noble a, that propane& The names of the Bev. Dr. Brainerd, John W. Sexton, John 0. Crown, It. J. Mercer, T. Etmonde Harper, and others Intro been mentioned la this coooection, and were either of the above-named gentlemen to 1110113 in the mat ter they would cheerfully be sustained by the public. A concert of action is desirable, and it is to be hoped that prompt measures will be taken to bring it about. We understand that the haws of several of our large belie ate willing to throw open their saloon. for the reception of donations that ma) be intended for the rr cieksoldieral national Jubilee." There is hardly a citizen but what attains to contribute or aid in some way this good work, and It is to be regretted if such benevolence is permitted or allowed to run to waste: Our churches, through their congregations, also desire to act, and all that seems to he needed is for some one to make a move in the mat ter. The following articles were sent, CM Friday last, to the hospital at Fifth and Buttonwood streets, by the pupils of the Irving Grammar School at Bridesburg: 1 box roitthe ; 5 NI raielne; TT Ike sugar; TO lbs soda bin* • smd clackers ,• 61 lbs corn starch; 41 lba farina ; tea; 3 Ms coffee; 82 lbs rice end rice floor; 6 Ms oat. meal: 8 lbs cocoa and chocolate; 4 Itts prunes; 2 lbs dried plums; 1 lb butter; 36 bottles wine; 2 bottles oat. Imp; 31 jars preserves; 3 jars pickles 200 lemons; 140 oranges; 30 cakes soap; 14 doz eggs; 25 loaves bread; 18 eronge °Ace; S doz rolls and smell cakes; 12 pkgs Woes; 1 roll mutton auet; 110 nutmegs; 2 pineapples; 25 qts strawberries; 1 box cherries; 1 pkg candy; 10. shirts; 1 pr drawets ; 1 or pillosrenr6;:i. pr slippers; 8 pillows; 2 boxes muslin, liner, beudages, rolls, &c.l 4 boxes lint: 12 doz htlkfs. 1 box books, paper,. &c • • Liberal contributions have also been made b, the Biog. gold Grammar School; Boys' Secondary dchool, Second above Catharine, and Wright's Primary School s : tits Iranlcford. A. number of sick and wounded soldiers reached the Union flakes, on Saturdey, and were properly cared fur by the committee. A taiga portion or the wounded be- . Jenard to the 811,, 45th, and 58th New York Regimen • and - were in the battle of Gross Keys. The West Philadelphia Military Hospital Is very meta:t in teed of various articles. The teachers and children of Robinson.etreet school, Thirteenth ward, have Madly offered their set ',lces in the good work. Persons feeling ditposed to lend their aid, will pleaeo eend !h. ir conirlbu tlote to the rxanmittee, consisting of H. F. ffaya, Mrs. Ziegler, and the Aliases Wilkinson and Jeffries, of said parcel A large structure at Sixth and Master streets will also soon be in rewlinees for the receotiou of patients. The battle ex tented to come off tiLliar'l• , • • •,•.. derflilfbosbita is already full to overflowing. The went of increeeed hospital accommodations is most preesing. and every exertion is belog made DE the'proper anthoiltie, to secure appropriate buildings. In regard to the hospitals now occupied, all that need =be said of them is that they are all well managed, and the patients receive the very beat treatment thtt can be ftwadiebed not only by the medical faculty hot by the ja. dice, who have taken spun themselves to see to their wants. The contributions of delicacies of all kinds are abundant. They come from all quarters of the city— from pri•ate dwellings and from public 'school, and pub lic ilbrariee. The Government allowances to the soldiers In hospitals' will provide ordinary food, but in preparing the daily diet for each soldier on the sick list, the contri• buttons from citizen, come very opportune. The visit to the Wards and an examination of every man is a featsre of the morning. The wound. and con. Minn of every patient are examined and dreseed. The am:icons in their visit to wards are accompanied by the, medical cadets. Theee cadets are gentlemen of goal motel character, who have taken one course of leoturea, and who are of average attainment, They reader valuable assistance to the surgeons in charge of the dif ferent warde. - In addition to assisting in the dressing of warinda, &c., the cadets carry with them during the daily visit to the ward the prescription book, in whicleto note" the medicine yrescribed, aid' the cadets are required to sie that the medicines ordered are properly prepared and distribated to the patients. The time consumed in peeling through the wards is somewhat extensive. Some of the cases require nice discrimination in determining the treatment, and also great care In dressing the wounds, especially where the wounds are associated with fractures., •. The large building at Upland, near Chester, erected by rdr. J. 1. Chooser, of Do'nevard count?, kcown as the Nomad School, will be ready inn abort time for the re ception of a large number of sick aod wounded soldiers. An Organization bas been former!, called the Soldiers' Beller Assocsatledt of Deiswaro county, hoeing for its olijrct the providing of Those comforts and necessartes for • the .orozer hospital not furnished by Government. All seamen of Delaware county, who feel its privilege to mitiatzr to the wants of the brave men, sick and wound id, et soon to' he in our midst, are earnestly solicited to .60-operate with this eocerty. The next weekly meeting of the association will bo held at the honse of tire. Geo. raker, of Cheater, on Thrnsday next. as 9A. U. It: is hoped every township of the county wiii be foil? repre sented, as immediate action is necessary.. .„ • FIRE, ACCIDENT ) AND . RIOT.-- . T he Warm of Ore about 1:10011' yesterday will caused by the •burning of the roof of a three.and-a.helf.atory brick :.fligelbrig, No 231 Lombard street. occupied by Sir. Peter Bytes. A little boy, four years old, was playing In the .111)1rd-story front room, and made a fire in the fire-place. 711te flames caught with acme bed-clothing and the Sea board, and were extinguished by Urn. Sykes with trilling an i o g e . Shortly after, however, the roof was discovered to be on fire, having caught from the flakee of the bore. fog bed-clothes. An alarm wart promptly given Ig the, Ilemes wereagain extinguished without calling the fire men tato service. • Just as the firemen were about leaviog the place, a third alarm was Canoed by a alight burning of the "roof of afionse. No 520 south Third street, which outright from the sparks of one of the stem engines. As the Franklin Bole Company was proceeding to the fin, at Tenth and Fitzwater streets, a young man named Francis Brady was knocked down and run over and in jured serionly. Re was taken to a house In the vicinity. This wr a the occasion efa row. A man named McCune, who.had the tongue of the hose carriage, was accused of causing the accident, which be denied. Blows were in terchanged, and 11110tme was somewhat injuredii .1 se rious riot might have 01:1811Pd: had not the interfererice of the police prevented ft. McCune was taken horns by the • officer.. THZ CAIVINE WAR.—Du• ing the week easing Saturday, 118 unmarried cackles wrre . eaetared, 'for wbleh only 811.80 we/received as redremiti‘f charges trum owners. The number captured the previous :week amounted to 118, on• which .818 was recovered. ,11,10 dog taken costa the city fifty cent'. PROFESSIONAL THIEVES AND THE 90- DAY LACY,—On'Saturday, Judge Allison rendered an important decision :dative to the law empowering the bleyor, or his magistrate, to commit protessinual thieves for Of date. The care was nit of Isaac Grant. alias John Al itsgrovr, who was committed, a•short time eines, by Police.niesistrnteßeitlerfor 90days. The hearing wan had on'a writ of bant its corpus. The prisoner westbound. over on the charge of picket the pocket of a Mrs. Camp. bell in a psasenger•raliway car. It was In evidence that the car mutained only four pseaengere.' Ile was re. molted by the police detectives as a professional thief, • and the magistrate, beiddes binding him over, also coca. milled him for ninory days. Mr Charles W. Brooke tip. peered 88 counsel for defence. During a somewhat pro. trected argnmee t Judge Allison decided eeveral points which may be summed up aaTfollows: He regarded the Let of Aseenthly IN :conferring extraordinary Dower upon the Mayor and police magistrates, and the law should be closely complied with in its several provisions. In case of a CMUITIif tat of is person sea profess/oust thief, be has tie right to amial to the court, and be heard on a writ of habeas carpets. The investigation tinder the writ must he confined to the evidence taken at the hear-. tug before the utagietrate. No new evidence could be admitted. In cote of summary conviction, the com mitting magistrate should make a full report of the pro ceedings, in cage an appeal be made. Under the ninety day law it will not do for a polies officer to Arrest a pro fessional thief, unless that thief be in some one of the pcsilions located by the law. It is very evident that the act confines the police to make scrods at steamboat landings, banking house', churches, places of amuse ment, railway depots, and other crowded thoroughfares. If a profesedenal thief should be In is rattroad car, crowded with passengers, then hie arrest would be pro per under the act of Assembly, bat if that car should not be crowded. then hie arrest, simple as a professional thief, would, be illegal.. It appears in the present case, of the arrest of Grant, that the car contained only four passengers, therefore, it wee not crowded, and he is en-• titled to be discharged from impriaonment. The prisoner was at once restored to liberty. TEE INSANE OF THE ettkiSTIOUSE.—We are glad to learn that among the multiplied objects of be nevolence the nubile have not forgotten the ioniates of the insane de pertinent of the almshouse. Some valuable additions hare been made of late to the patients' library. One lady has presented, through Rev. C C. Janes, the dmplair, a full set of the Edinburgh Encyclorgo and twenty-Anr volumes of travels. Other valuable books and inagatlnes have also been received through the same medium. A gentleman in Montgomery county has re cently 'contributed s box of books, remphlets, and magezioes. Through Mr. 'U. pfer, the efficient agent of the Grecian Society, the library has lately received the addition of (lotto an assortment of valu able German works. , By means of books, a reading room supplied with such ionerepere as are contribnted, a nusements, labor, and in and outdoor exerclee, the superintendout is endeavor frig to employ the time and minds of the patients. The beneficial effects of this course are very obvious With more facilities for employment, we should think that many of the insane may become producers to the im provement of their mental Condition, as well as the peen: Mary • advantage of the city. Buildings and grounds better adapted to the treatment of the insane poor are much needed, and should be prodded as soon as possi ble. Several grand jades have, of let', called atten tion to this subject, recommending that the building now occupied by the insane be devotee to the purposes of the much needed House of Correction, and that now bnilei ingebe erected, farther removed from the centre of popu lation, where all the modern appliances for the proper treatment of the Insane may be brought to bear, in cluding facilities for employing their time In some u seful occupation. DECEASE OF WELL .KNOWN CITIZENS. —Mr. Charles Gibbs, who bas been engaged in the flour and grain trade fora quarter of a century pest, died at his residence, in Marshall street , on Friday afternoon. At a meeting of the Corn Exchange Association, on Saturday morning, the president announced the death of thetrold rtesociate. The usual resolotious, enlogistio of the deceased, were slowed. Aldermen lingh Clark died at his residence, In the Seventeenth ward, on Friday; in the sixty-seventh year of hie age. Mr. Clark was au Irishman by birth. He bad been in this country for many years and wee long au alderman of the district in which he resided •He wee a zealone enprorter of the Democratic party, sod blower: deed much influence among his own countrymen. &man Clark - was somewhat eccentric ; but ho wee very conscientious and well-meaning man. • „ THE 111BERNIA. STEAXER .E.XPEOTED. DOME. —The members of the Hibernia expect to re. VITO their steam fire engine home to-day or to-morrow. The engine has been in service at Fertreas Monroe neatly three months during which time it was attended by si corkplement of skilful members. The company in town will proceed to the depot at Broad and Prime etreets,"go meet their returning brethren. They will have mnaio, and probably a collation ' suit able to the occasion, at the house. We understand that the presidents of both brancbea of Council, the Committee on Fire and Trusts, the Chief Engineer of the Water Department, the Chief Jtngineer of the Fire Department, and the Chief of the lire Alarm Telegraph, have been invited to take port in the ceremonies. THE KILLED AND WOUNDED OF THE 1016 T. --Lieut. Janice Croesin is hi this city, and. fur nishee a correct list of the killed and wounded of Compa ny K, of the gallant Viet Regiment, in the battle of Fair Oaks. There were only thirty who came oat of the battle iinwountlixl. Eilled.—Sergeent Edw. Weet, Gettysburg, Pa.; Pri vate Win. A. Garrett. Wounded.—Captain Henry °Mamma, Gettysburg, PR. Sergeant Joseph R. Abbott, Philadelphia; Corpo rals John Coe; Conrad Snider,Gettysburg ; Franklin Graff, Philadelphia ; testes David Adams, John Adams, Jesse Adams, Cambria; James Bit:learner', .110.80 Collins, Samuel Comfort , -Jacob Dail Abraham Kohn, Franklin Krim (missing), Gettysburg; Lewis Lawrence, ter; John Oyler, Daniel Shoodler, John TilltoPloo (mlee log), Geo. Weismantle, John Wilson, Joseph Yeates, Samuel Warren, Gettysburg. THE TURBINE W HEELS AT FAIRMOUNT. —For the extensive supply at Fairmount, three no gitur blues, nine feet In diameter, under eleven feet fall, o pe • rating two - pumps, each of eighteen-inch bore tied six. feet stroke, have been designed by Er. Emile Geyella, and will soon be,hreetive operation. . They, are - miyiected to make twelve strokes pormlnuto, raise sixteen million gallons per arty, one hun trod end Bth en feet high, into the reservoirs. The turbine bulk by Eliceod Morris has been in use eleven years, and is seven feet in diameter, bump:rig one hundred anetwenty- one gallons Tax stroke. THE .SCIIUYLKILL NAVY AND FAIR.. MOUNT PaRK.—An immenso'concbui•se of citizens was attracted to Fairmount Park, on eatorday after noon, to witness the first review of the senson of the Ecbuyillill Navy. The display. was very fine. All the boats, some tvrentY - le number. were in good condition gaily decorated. with - glass arid atreamern, 'Workmen are at present busily engaged at the perk in gravellimg the walks and making other improvements, and in a few years our citizens will have a perk second to none in the country. CLEANING TIIE STREETS.—At a meet nLenum,a,.. on cleaning the street' of the city,tt was determined to r,vmlimeria a re; newel of the contract with Mr. R. 1.. Ebnitb, for clean ing the etreete by machinery. The first contract was for two months, and much of this time wee necessarily con. slimed in getting ready ti. Auschines, and in organizing the force. This nee all been accomplished eine° the first of May, the date of the contract, and the streets are now in a citanly condition. . - : DEATH OF A 'VENERABLE AND wzr,r, KNOWN CriIZEN OF ATOBRISTOWN:—Bir. Dieid sower, formze-pxoari editor of the Norristown Herald, and greatly respected as au exemplery and !meinl citizen, died at Norristown, on Thursday last, la the 69th year of his age. Ale funeral took place from his late resi dence yestereay afternoon, BOY BROWND.—On Saturday after nron Frederick Winebrenner, aged 15 years. WM drown ed while bethingin the Schuylkill near the Girard-avenue bridge. The body was recovered soon after, by officers Barnes and Re, tor, of the Park police, and conveyed to the residence of hie parents, in Vine street, below Seven. teentli, where an inquest was held by Coroner Conrad. • FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT.—On Saturday afternoons boy, named Jitnea Carroll, sixteen years of age, was caught in the machinery of the papevhaoging manufactory of Howell & Brothers, near Twenty-second and Lombard streets, and whirled around a shaft. The right arm was badly fractured, and one log was Injured. The sufferer was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. MEDIOAL APPOINTMENT.—On Satur day morning, Dr. J. P. - O'Neil, of thin city, Teethed an sOpointment es surseon for United States transports, to report at the head Quarters of the army of the Potomac. KEYSTONE ARTILLERY.— The review and drill of this corps. which was to hate taken place on Tuesday, 24th inst., is poetponed, in consequence of tho battery horses being engaged at the races. FATAL RESULT.—MYS. Mary. mord- Pey, who was so badly burned at the fire at No. 148 Almond street, on last Friday evening, diod from her In juries on eaturday morning, while being conveyed to the ,Pennsylvania Hospital. Fenn —The United f tales gunboat itienrille and the traueport Maesanhusette galled from the navy yard on Saturday toy Port Royal . 'PH/LADEGPI:CIA BOARD OF TRADE. BAN. W. DE COIIErRY, JAMES Cl. RAND, 'OommtrzsA or nue nolviß J. It! LIPP Ship g, 8urt0n .:...... : ..;' LlVerpool, soon Ship Ocean Scud, Smell • • • Liverpool, soon Brig C H Jordan • •'• - Havana, wow INTELLIGEPICB. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, June 93.1889. SUIT RISES HIGH WATER... 4 83--OUB A V A L- **, **** ARRIVED. Scbr Clara, Basalt from new Iroik . • . Behr Richard Law, York, from balm. Behr Chas M Neal, Godfrey, from White Home. Scbr A. Photo, Lippincott, from White House. Steamer Erietol,..,Obarlee, 24 bourn from Now Tork, with rr.dee to W P Clyde. , • • CLEARED. • Brig Eaglet, Homan, Bahia and a market, J B BealeY Brig C7l Jordan, Plummer, New Orleans, do Brig Henry, Sparks, Portsmouth. NH, do Brig Amanda-Jane, Bryant, Cardenas, S & W Weigh.- Brig Hodlac, Peterson, Cardenas. Stuart, Canton & 00. Brig Wabaub, }Staley, Ship Island.. Workman "& Co. . Brig Lent, Peck, Hey West, D 8 Stetson & Co. - Seim J May, Cobb, Yorktown; 0 01161MiElill. BehiL A may, Baker, }Seaton, Slunlektion &Glover.- Bahr hi A btandislf, Atwood,lloiton, Hamrnst? , Tan Doan .k Lockman. • . • • - ' Ear Chl Neal, Godfrey, Boetou, • do • Echr Clara, Bassett, Boston, Lehigh Coal and Nay Co. • Scbr Albert Pharo, Lippincott, Boston, Tyler, Stone :& Co. • • :.',!(•••,• Belt B Law, York, Salon, L'Andenried.Co. DY TELEORAPE. (00rfOrPOlidellte of the PhiladelPhia Exchange.) LEWES, DCI.. Jena 21. A bark, unknown, and the brig Ashler, or Astor, from West Indies, both for Philadolphia, which came in yea• terday, atill remain at anchor in the rosdstead. The U S cutter Forward, for 'Beaufort, NC; three-masted echr U A Ward, with honied cattle on deck, bound to Newborn, IW, and several echoonere hound to Fortress Monroe, loaded •wlth hay. coal, &c, went to sea yesterday. The tug America is still in the roadstead. Wind southwest— weather pit want. • -•• Youris, rko. JOHN P. bi&ESHALL. MEMORANDA! Rip Oceeti, (Brew) J &burg, cleared at New York 20th feet. for Phils4lol phis. -Bark Wild Gatelle, Homphref, cleared at Boston 2001 Ink. for Bhaeghae Schra A 4 Lawrence, Stanley. and • Annie J Baleen, Bodgee, cleared at Now York 20th loft. for Philadelphia. Behr Colorado,. Bheppard,'for- Phlladelplila,"clearoi at Brw..Yorit 20th inst. , • . ..• Bohr Georgia, Morrie, for Sin) rue, Del, cleared at New ork 20th inet. • Sabre Julia Marla, Baton, sod Georgia, Sweet, exiled • froniNaabityPert 19th inst. rof Philadelphia. SchreJohn lanta.ter, Wallets, and Afail , Kelley, sailed from Providence 19th inst. fa' Philadelphia. achy Arctic, Perkins, sailed from Providence 19th inet. for Philadelphia, to loai for Newbury port. Schr Elects J Scott, Bothell, hence_ arrived at Dan vers 16th hat. Behr Maria, Godfrey, from Cardenas, at Now York 20th inat Bth that, off Cape 'Carnival, was boarded by U 8 goutmat Quaker City. • • . rpm MORSE, AND: BOY DEBT SELINADIDSTING- • •• ; CLOTHES-WRINGER. • • • Thia Wringer has given, nnivereal eatbfisetionomd is call, l' e x e ted m/A t e d :riii i°, ll i n tr e y ve i r t, y Sl7 part t o tH i t a o r i JOY , Befor ‘ 00 ° &, & • l ea n FIFTH end CHESTNUT Streets. • jel2.3m THE PRESI3.-I'HILADELPHIA, .1116 N I AY. JUNE 23: 1862. MARSHAL'S .SALE.—By virtue of Writ of Sake, by the Hon. JOHN OLLDW ALA DER' J edge of the . District Odurt of the trulted States, In and for the Eastern District of Pennaylvania, in admit ratty, to me directed, will be sold, at public eats, to the hie hest and beet bidder, for cull, at °ALLOW H STREET WHARF, on WICDNSSDAY, July 2, 1884 at 12 o'clock, M., the schooner DIXI4O. her tackle. apparel and furniture, as sho nowlies ateaid wharf; a'al, 100 balm of cotton, 25 bags of peennte, and 30 bags of rice, being part of the cargo of the'aboveonamed vessel. 'The mer chandise ran he examined on the meting of sate, at MICHENER'S STORE, No. 142 North FRONT Street. WILLIAM MILLWARD, 11. S. Marshal Eastern District of Penna. je2o-6t PHILLDYLPHIA, June 19,1882 • SFOR SALR- r The three story D WELLING, with &de yard, No. 112 North Eighteenth etroet, above Arch. Apply to 'ALLEN Jc S 1 113, S. N. corner 'FOURTH and WALNUT streets. • je2o-Bt* Recood door. fttg FOR BALE 4 cOIIEAP," .;.I.:.6 , olll2AP.”—Porry Comity FASTS, containing 188 acres, 26 woodland, the balance under a bigh state of cultivation' Drat-rate fencing, nicely watered, excellent imerovemeets, 16 mi:os from Harrisburg. Price only $4t.500. Terms easy. , Alec, a FRUIT Wall,' near Dover, etas of Dela ware, 101 acres. Price only $35,500. Apply to jt2o FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE, for merchandise or an unimprorod lot of ground, desi rable city Property. J. WALTON, • jcl9-tf . 413 WALNUT Street. C OAL- OIL.. WORKS FOB, BALE, within the limila of the city. Any person wishing to employ a Capital to good advantage, wilt Please apply, 'for full particniare, at No. LW WALNUT Stroet. PHILADILPHIA, July IA, 13 , 32. je12,12t0 TO RENT-A THREK-STORY Bad. BRICK DWELLING, on DA CE, Straet, one door above 'twelfth, north sloe. Gout low to a good tenant, Avid, to WETBERILL & BROTIIRR, • 022 47 and 49 North ElBOutill Street. • is TO RENT--& THR EE-ST OBY BEIOK DWELLING, on PINE Stroot, near Berenteenth, north aide. Avoly to WRITHE RILL iQ BROTHER, jel2 47 and 49 North. SECOND Street. FOR SALE OR TO LET—Folar Rases, on tbo west' Bide) of BROAD Street, below tioltanbia avenue. Apply at the aprithwo4 comer' of NINTH and SAMSON Streets. • mh264t , ga, TO LE're:— . .Dwelling House, South- EEL east corner of TWENTY-BEOOND and GRIMM Streets. Key. at twee grocery, canner of Twentysie, Gond and Mount Vernon Streets. Apply to JAMBS CRESSON.. je7-tf 21 North FOURTH Street. QALE JUNCTION RA.L UItOAD COMPANY'S BONDS.—The Junction . Radioed Company lurites proposale, in writing, for the purchime of the whole or any part of 8500,000 First Mortgage Six per Cent. Coupon Bonds. The Mortgage is made to Alexander Henry, PAO., Trustee, and will be doe July 1, 1882. It It secured noon the entire Railroad and Property of the Company lying on the west aide of fehaylkill, between Belmont and Gray's Ferry. Its terms provide for a stoking fund of 875,000 per year, to be Invested in these BonSe, or in the First Mortgage Bonds of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany, the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail road Company, iu the Loans of the United Stater, or of the State of Penneylvania,. at the discretion of the Board of Directory. , • The Dome are for One Thousand Dollars each. Their payntent is guarantied by endorsement of the Pennsyl raniallsilroad CemimnY, the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad Company, the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Company on the back of each bond, in the following words—via : linow all men by them presents, that the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, the Philadelphia, Wilmiug ton, and Baltimore Railroad Company, and the Phlla delphie and Reeding Railroad Company, and each of than, for a valuable consideration to p tid by the Junction Railroad Company, do hereby (in pursuant° of the power and authority conferred' by two acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ap proved respectively on the twenty-third day of March, A. D. 1861, and the eleventh day of April, A. D. 1862, and of every other lawful power and authority in them vested,) jointly and mentally guarantee to the lawful holder of the within Bond the punctual Pat meat of the principal and Intereet thereof, when and •as the same ehall become due and. payable according to the terms of paid Bond, or of the terms and c .venants of the laden ture of Mortgage therein mentioned and given to secure - the 8811110. wilnese whereof, said Companies have hereunto affixed their common or corporare Beals respectively, duly attested, and ha re canted the signatures of their Preeidette, respectively, to be hereunto written, this second day of June, mum Domini eighteen hundred and pixty-two (1862) n Payment for the Bonds will be re:lifted as follows: The first iustalmeut of 10 per cent, will be payable on the first day of August, and ]0 per cent. additional on the first of each succeeding month until the whole =Lomat la paid. Proposals will be addressed to CHARLES B. SMITH, Treasurer, 227 South FOURTH Street, entil MONDAY, July 21: Each proposal will stale the total number or amount of the bonds . wanted,'aod the pride offered per 'bond of he CoMpavy reserves to itself the right to accept or reject the whole or any pert of any prop?sition received. Bucceestnl bidders wilt ho naffed of the acceptance of their proposids within one week from the opening of their bids.- - JOSEPH LESLEY, ieliktjy2l Secretary Janctims Railroad Co. GRPORRIES AND . PROVISIONS: 0 FAMILIII3 - ,kESIDINCi IA • • . _ RURAL Wa are orepored,'ldi berctOthie, toaaaplY 'Families a their country residen s ces with every description of FINE GROCERIES, TEA 3, &a., &a• • ALBERT O. ROBERTS. ien-tr 170itall.NLEVIDMI AND VINE STS lI'NEW MAOKERBL. - ISO Half Bob • " In store and sod 11:0. bi ' jel4. tf Iforl4CNarth wuLa MACKEREL, LIERBING;: BRAD, &c., AO., - . • 2,600 phis Naas Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, kg& caught fat gab, in assorted packaged. 2,00 Bbla New Eastvart, Fortune . Bay, sad SWIM Herring. 2.600 Boxes Lubec, Scaled, and No.l llorrioit. 160 Bbls New Meaa Shad. • 250 Boxes Herkimer County Cheese, &o. • In don and for 8010 by • KHRPHT & KOONS, ,No. 146 North WHABITSB. RHODES & WILLIAIfIS, No. 107 South WATER. Street, offer for sate the following: 75 cases assorted Jellies. 100 cases American Pickles, pinta and quarts. . ' 60 oases American Pickles, gallons and half gallons. 50 cases French Brandied Cnerriea. 76 cases French Brandied Poaches. • 40 casos Lewis et Bros.' Condensed Milk. 60 cases Boideanx Olive Oil, in black bottles. 20 cases Virgin Oil of Aix. 60 cases Bacgvluld Oil, pinta and quarts. Also, a well. assorted stock Crossett Btackwell's Cele brated English Pickles. jelB fI.ARTER'S . CELEBRATED NEW vv JMISEY, SUGAR CURED HAMS, jut reaelyed. • JAMES ROMER Pc SON, • le2o Beionth and Noble and Sixth aad Wood eta QARDINEEL—A very superior brand foreals by . OHABLYS O. OARSTAIEI3, WALNOT sad 21 GRANITE Street. NEW. CROP ..OF IitCAITS, at.s9 per pound; also, on bind s the cheapest Oluunois and Split Skins in the city. WthIPBELL & . BROTglrglt, No. 183 South FRONT Street. OLIVE OIL.—An invoice of pure Olive Oil, to arrive per ship Vandalic; also, an in voice per Ocean Skinner, for sale by CHAS. S. OARTTAIRS, • N 0.190 WALNUT and 21 GRANITIC St. LATOUR . OLIVE OIL.-460.baskota • . . . • LA7OIOI 01i143 OILS just reoehed; and for sale by 'JNOBNIVECI. t . LAVDHASQ, 202 szel 204 Ei , -^" - TTIANT Sreele C AL ° • J I : • • • - - • ' • JAREUTORE k LA.V1214/N2, m 4242 • 202 sad 8041 Soutk'PRONT "66 LUCIFER" .OIL WORKS: 14 100 bble "Lucifer" Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee the oil non.exploslve, to burn all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without crusting tke wick, and but elowly. Barrels lined with glass enamel. WEIGHT, SMITH, & PEARSALL, fe2l-0 Office 015 MARKET Street. Qg BUS. GOOD OARIAM OIL, Utz sale In whole (el* Ne.ks 001613110 E B RusFirEb Dumdum BALLoWs, BIBLE & wo eat atestki , wad: Riga. VA TT CELEBRATED ITALIAN • a;. - . OBBAM will poritively remove.TAN,FREORLES; '-SALLOWNESS, SUNBURN, PIMPLES; and all erntl •tlitis of the face ; .giving a beantifol healthy glow and MY . color to the cheeks, so much desired. by every case. In short, it PRESERVES THE . FRESHNESB Or YOUTH, removing all .WEINKLES; and eying a soft, Smooth appearance to the face, and abrilliancY to. the side that's surprising to all. It is as irticle that INDISPENSA OLE TO EVERY LADY. Upward, of 1,000 BOTTLES FEB DAY are now sold in Philadelphia alone, and the demand Is daily increase lug. Price 96 mate per bottle. Sold by • • 51. B. S. NATTI Maimfactru era and Proprietors, No. 621 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, And by the following agents in Philadelphia: J. R. Gasselberry, No 46 N. Eighth street; Andrew- Taylor: druggist, oor. of Ninth and Cheek:at streeta; 111. Brad. N 0.802 Arch attest; F. T. Barrett, No. 964 N. Second street; Miss Kocher, Seventh and Coates streets: M. L. Adarne, N. W. me. of Marshall and Girard ave - . min • and by druggist. and dealers In Fancy Goods V.. neraly. Agents wanted in every town and village of the United States and Tlansoins. WORMAN Sc ELY, No. 130 PEG _ Street, manufacturers of patent CART-STEEL TABLE CUILBRY also, a lately-patented 00 MK NATION HNIFB, FORK, and SPOON, especially adapted for Camp use,. for Fiskermen, Sea faring Me., Mechanics, Miners, Lumbermen, and all Workmen car rying their dinners. W. &. E.'e Cutlery is warranted t o be of the beat quality of ENGLISH OAST-STEICL, and la intended to enttersed% by Its excellence and chealmees, the inferior qualities of Cutlery now In the Market, and . to which they reapectfully Invite the attention of: the' Hardware dealers generally. my2fl-aln fIOTTON - SAIL DUCK AND CAR: I," _VAIN Of all numbers and brands. Bareies . Duck Awning Twills, of all demolitions, tor Tents, Awnings, Trunks, sad Wagon Corers. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, front 2 to 1 feet wee. Tarpanling, Belting, Ball Twine, &o. JOHN W. 29TICRINAli & CO., tar4-t 'NM HllB AMERICAN ROOFING SLATES, FULLY NQUAL to the BEST WELBII sLei'm • T. TUOINAB, - BUr26:IT FIT WALNUT Atreet ENT-MAKERS' ()KERRY TENT. T BUTTONS ani SLIPS, United Stated pattern, fin sale' at I. P. REED'S; Southeast corner of THIS. TEEN TB and NOBLB Streets, Philadelphia. iny2B.lm* L. E. SNOW. LEGAL. FOR SALE AND TO LET. E PETTIT, • • NO. 309 WALNUT street. ILIAIMIIVATthe 011.8 IMORANCIC CODEPANIRS. DELAWARE DITTIVAL SAFETY rusintelona anerrelnr. /NOONPORATED BY THN LIPHSLATITAII OY .rENNSITLVANIA, 1836. OrETOZ O. N. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT BTREETtI MAR/tilf INSTMANai ON vNBBELB, CARGO, 'Bo aU parte of the World. IREIGHT, MLA INSIIIt &NOM On Goods, by Rivers, Canals, Lekas, and Land Oarriagefi to all parts of the Union. FINE IN2NBANCZO On Merchandise goneraUy. On Stores, Dwaine houssihjo. ASSETS OF THE 001lIPArilf, NOV. 1, ISM. TAG. 0081.' 8100,000 United States Five par cent. Low. g 1100,260 00 • 60,000 United Stator Six per cent. Trea sury Notes • 49,006 87 26,000 United States Seven and ;Iran • tenths per cent. Treasury Notes 86,000 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Ties per cent. Loan 80,561 25 ;23,000 Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loan.... ...... '. 114,448 17 80,000 State of Tennessee Five per oont. Loan 21,075 00 30,000 Pennsylvania Railroad. let Mort gage Six per cont. Bends 10,000 00 50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds 40,180 90 16,000 800 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interitit gunrautled by the ()Ay of Phi ladelphia. 24,681 60 5,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company 5,000 00 Eats receivable for insurances 20,730 UT Ronde and Mortgagee 76,11000 GO Reel B*tate GLUM 35 .Balances due at Agencies—Premium on Marine Policies. Int-weet, and other Debts due the Company. Berle and Stock of sundry Inenrance and other Colnnanice, $11,84.3.--entimated va lue 0,0110 00 Cash on hend--In Banks ..561,008.00 In Drawer ... ... • 617 88 • ' DuouTOßa Samuel E. Stokee, J. F. Pettiston, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, H. Joues Brooke, Spencer 81PIlvalne, Thomas D. Hand, Bobort Burton, , Mr Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Jostina P. Byre, (John E. Semple, Pittetrg, D. T. i!dorgan, Pitteborg, AL B. Borger, Pittsburg. 'MARTIN, Proa!dont. HAND, Vice President. rotary. $11441 William Martin, lidmund A. Solider Thoophilns Paulding, John B. Penrose, John 0. Darts, James Traonair, William Eyre, Jr., lames C: Hand, William 0. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. U. M. Huston. Hoorgo G.iper, Hush Orals, Charles Kelly, , WILLIAM THOMAS BUM IiTLBURN. z TEE RELIANCE KIITAIAL INBIIRMKOR 0011PA1IT, Or irsziamu.rxra, ONTIOZ No. 805 WALNUT BTBIIINT, Ltourts against LOW OR DAMAGE BY 11112111, Roam', fitoree, and other buildings, Waned or penal:lab and on rnreiture, Goods, Warm, and Mew obandise, in town or oonntry. CASH CAPITAL, 11231,110.00—AS8ITS 16V.7,142.06, . Which is invested as fellows, V 133 Be 21rIrt mortgage on city property, worth Doable the amount 6101,900 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per oent final mortgage loan, at per 6,000 00 Penneylvauia Railroad Co.'s 6 per pent, De pend mortgage loan, ($30,000) 07,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Ton Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage loan • 4,000 GO sound rent, first-claw 3,402 DO Amaral loans, well neural 0,500 00 t City et 6 per cent loan P0,06i 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. 88, loan. 10,000 CO Commercial Bank stock 6,135 01 Mechanics' Bank stock 3,312 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s stock 4,000 00 The Reliance Bimetal Insurance Co.'s Mock. *B6O 00 ?be County Fire Inenranoe Co.'s stock LOW 00 The Delaware 111. B. Insurance Co.'s Meek.. 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s {scrip 380 CC Bills receivable 14,300 76 Book secotuits, scorned Interest, ac........ '1,104 iso csah on hand UM( 64 The Mutual principle; oimblued srith the security oi li Stock Capital, entities the insured to Participate in the mins or the Company, without liability Vor Loatate. Lease, promptly adjusted and paid. DIR31:0TOBS. Mtn Ttusiey, - Samuel Biota" William B. Thompson, Hobart Stem, Traded& Brown, William Humor, Wl:Warn Stevenson, Benj. W. Tingley, John B. Worrell, Marshall Hill, H. L. Carson, J. Johneon Brown, Hobert Toland, Charles Leland, 9.-D. Bosengartea, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles B. Wood, Smith Bowen ' James B. Woodward, John Bissell, Me ow& TIM/1 T, Prosidont. 13. N. Beoro February le. 180 L FIRE INSURANCE. 41.: MECHANICS ) INSURANCE COMPANY 01 PHILADELPHIA, No. 138 NORTH SIXTH Street, behiee Race, insure /3uildings, Goods and Merchandise generally, from Lose or Damage by Ire. Ths Oompany guaranty to adjust all Loom promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patronage olthe publio. DXREOTORS Predicts Cooper,. Miclntel AlcGeoy, Edward McGovern, Thomas B. McCormick, Matthew McAleer, John Casaady, Thomas J. flemphill, Bernard H. fluhmnan, Bichsel Cahill, James McCann, ' FRAN BURN A RD ILAIITESTY. William Horgan, - - James Harlin, James Durum, Francis*Friths Charles Clare, - Thomas Fisher, iJohn Bromley, Francis 5.1 c ?lanes, Hugh O'Donnell, Bernard Rafferty. IS COOPER, President. etary. • myl7-If •. VIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE LY.—The PEZtiNSFLTANI& FIRE INV:MANOR COMPANY. It eoreorated 7535. CIHA RYER P RFS TEAL. Ne.. 610 WALNUT etreet, oppoeita Indeptlad once Scinen). Thie Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six years, continues to insure against Loss or Da mage by Fire on public or private Buileings, either per manently or for a limited time. Also, on Fmnitars, Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. captua, large Siirylaa Fund, is Loveated•in awl...erg - careful moaner. which enables them' to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case t tif DIBIECT ORS. Jonathan Patterson,Thomas Robins, Quit/tin Campbell / I Daniel Smith, Jr., Ala:ander Denson, John Darareux, - William Montanus, . , Thomas Smith. /Isaac Daslahurat, JONATHAN ATTEBSON, President. Waitili G. thowin.L, Secretary. ap6 INSURANCE OOMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNBTINANIA-4FFICE Nos:4 and 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. North itde of WAL -11157 Street, between DOCK and THIRD Streets, Phila delphia. ' • ' INCORPORATED in 119.1-00 &RYER PERPETU CAPITAL 8240,000. PROPERTIES OF TUE COMPANY, FEBRUARY . 1,1861, $607.094.8L ',flint); FIRE, AND INLAND TRANSPORTA TION INSURANCE. • . DIRECTORS Henry D. Sherrerd; Charles Macaleeter, William B. Smith, John B. Amain, William B. White, George H. Stuart, - Edmerd O. HINRY D. WILLIAN HARPER, SMARM THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCMCOMPANY OF PHIL &DELPHIA. • (FIRE INBUIt &NOE EXCLUSIVELY.) • COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER FOURTH. AND WALNUT STREETS. DIREOTORS. F. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, , William NoKea, Geo. H. &mart, Mahn) Frazier, - • John H. Brown, . ' John M. Atwood, B. A. Fahneotock, '• Beni. T. Trediclr, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, J. L. Errinmer. F. RATCHFORD STARR, President. • CILMLIIB W. Cots, &cram,. A MERICAN fi a ,ripg a large paid-np Capital Stock and Surplus, in wineg'in aound and available Secaritiet, continues to on on Dwellinsa, Stet , a, 'Furniture, Merchandise, In portend their Cargoes, and other Personal Property: All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. 'DIRICOTORS. Thomas R. Maria,' James R. Campbell, John 'Welsh, Edmund G. Datilth Samuel O. Morton, Charles W. Poultney, • Patrick Brady, Israel Morris, Johu T. Lewis,' • THO?d ALARM. 0. L. ORAIiFORD. ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY.—Authorized Capital *loo,ooo— ATER PERPETUAL. Office No. 311 WALNUT itreet, between . Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. This Conipany will Insure against loss or damage by Fire, en Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally., - - Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. • ' William Either, ; Davis Pearson, 1). Luther, • . .. Peter Sieger, Lewis &Mantled,' .1. E. Baum, John B. Blakiston, Wm. F. Dean, Joseph Maxfield, l John Ketcham. WILLIAM ESHER, President. WM. F. DEAN, Vice President. W. M. SMITH, Secretaryc apg-td• EXCHANGE INSURANCE COH PANY—OtfIco No. 409 WALNUT Street. • Fire Insurance on Harms and lilerchandise generally, on favorable terms, oithe, Limited or Perpetual. DIRBOTORS. Jeremiah Bousall, ' Thomas 'Harsh, John Q. Ginsode, Charles Thompson, Edward D. Roberts, Janice T. Hale, Samuel D. Smedley, Josigas T. Owen, Reuben 0. Hale,John J. Gri ffi ths. JREMIAH BONSALL President. JOHN Q. GLINODO, Vice President. RICHIRD Ooa, Secretary. ja3l. OAUTION• • The well-earned reputation of FAIRBANKS' SCALES Hee Induced the makers of Imperfect balsam, to offer them as g 4 FAIRBANKS' 80ALES," and purchaaere baye thereby, In many Inatancel, boon aubjeobed to fraud and Imposition. FAIRBANKS' SCALES are, manure°. stied only by the original inventors, E. &T. FAIR BANKS & 00., and are adapted to every branoti of the boldness, where a x•rant and durable Scales Is required. FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, ago-di MABONIO HAIL, ill CHESTNUT ST. B IOTINA. ROOFING, • • WASSIYAOTD*3O XY 111 3NITED STATES BIOTINA ROOFING OOMPANY, No. 9 GORR BLOCK, Corner ORME l 4 and PITTS Streets, Boston, Mae. This Portable Roofing is the only article ever offered to the public which is ready prepared to go on the roof without any finishing operation. It Is light, handAcm44, end easily applied, and can be ea:elf and cheaply trans !ported to any part of the world. It will not taint or disco/or water running over, or lying on it, and Is, ln all respects, a very desirable article. Its non-cond uoting proportiee adapt it especially to covering manufactories of various kinds; and • it is confidently offered to the ! r a mie, after a teat of four years in all varieties of olimate and temperature, for covering all kinds of roofs, flat or pitched, together with cars, steamboats, &o. It Is both' cheap and durabie. Avila wanted, to whom liberal inducements are offered. lead for sample, circular, lee. with particulars, to B. 'ROOFING 410., No. 9 dOBB BLOCK, Bolton." ap24-80, 1862. INimmi 1862. ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORK LINES. TILE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND MILL DELENIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD G 0.% LINES FROM. PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY ELAOES. IPZON WA/1117?-11TREZT WHARF ♦RO xtrerensaros DIM* WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: PAILS. At 6 A. AL, v:a Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Lio commodatior. 62 0 *.t6 A. M., via Camden and Jersui Gay, (N. J.) Ikocommariatton 2 2 At 8 A. M., via Kenataginn and Jonny City, Morning Mall 3 00 At 11 A. 31., via Kensinstott wad Jersey Oily, Western Express 300 At 1934 P. hi, vie, Oata,lan and Amboy, Accommo dation 225 At 2 P. DI, via Camden and Anal!c,y, 0. and A.. Pt- , . press 800 At 4'P. 11L, via Camden asd Jersey City, Evening I.lxpreas . 8 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden anti letup City, 11.1 Clam Tic). 2 26 63i P. M., via lionoiusion _and Jersey City, Evening Mall S CO At 1174 P. M., vlalOamden and Jersey City. South ern Blai.. 8 00 At 6P. N., via Camden an 4 Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Peasen(er)-Ist Maas Ticket.. 2 26 Do. do. 2d. Claes d 0.... 160 The P. N. Southern Mall room daily; all others Sundays excepted. For Water Gap, SP•oudeburg, Scranton. V7ilkeebarre. Montrose, Great Dend, Dinghampton,. Syracuse, Ac" at 6 A. M. from Walnut street Wharf, via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Weatern Railroad. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Hasten, Lambertville, Flemington, he., at 6 A. Si and 23i P. M., from Walnut-street Wharf; (the 6 A. M. Line connects with train leaving Radon for Manch Chunk at 8.20 P. M.) For Monnt Holly, at 6 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M.. and 2 P. M. WAY LINCS. 48,181 97 For Bristol, Trenton, Ac. M 8 and 11 A. FL, 5 and 0.20 P. If. from Konslngton, and 2% P. M. from Vralout street wliarf. For Bristol, and intermediate etations, at 11) A. MI. from }Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delento, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Ronlentown, ao., at 10 A. DL. and 13X, 4,5, 6,1 i and 6.30 P. M. eamboat TRENTON for Bordontown and interme diate stations at23i P. H. from Walnut-street wharf. ma - For New York, and Way Lines leaving Renldng.. ton Depot, tako the oars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The care run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train min from the Depot. 61,15115 E 6 $6439,8" 0 13 Fifty Fonnde of Baggage only allowed each Faseonger. Passeagers ore prohibited from taking anything au bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. fag-tt WM. H. GIA.TZMIII, Anent. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PUILADELPRIA WILL LEAVE, FROM FOOT OE coßruan STREET, At 10 A. AL, 12 AL, and 6. P. AL via Jersey, City and Camden. At 7 A. AL, end 4 and UP. IL via Jersey City and Kensington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M , via Amboy and Camden. From Pior No. 1 North river, at 1 and 5 P. M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Ca mden.; THE PENNBYLVANIA, CENTRAL RA.ILBOAD. THE GREAT DOURLE TRAM ROUTE. 1862. THE CAPACITY OF TH ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THE GREAT SHORT LINE TO THE WEST. Facilities for tho transportation of passengors to and from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louie, St. Paul, Nashville, Memphis, New Orloans, and all other towns in the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for upped and comfort by any other route. 'Sleeping and smoking cars on all the troths. THE EXPRESS RIMS DAME; Hail and Fast Line Sundays excepted. Kali Train leaves Philadelphia at............ 7.15 A. X. Fast Line " ..11.30 A. X. Through Express ‘, 10.80 P. M. Harrisburg ACK44.l:ooooBtiOrt leaves Phila. at.. 2.20 P. Ti!. Lancaster 14 cc . 4 c 4.00 P. M. West Cheater Accommten No.l a .. 8.45 A. X No. 2 " ..12.00 noon. Parkesburg 41 8.45 P. M. West Chester mwseesgers win tako the Weet Cheater KM 1 and 2 and Lancaster Accommodation Trains Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, &e., leaving Philadelphia at 7.16 A. X. and 10.'M P. X., go direct'? through. For farther information apply at the Passenger Sta tion B. N. corner of ELEVENTH and • MARKET Streets. By this route freights of all descriptions can ba for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Xis couri, by railroad direct., or to any port on the naviga ble riven of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are, at all times, as fa vorable as are charged by other 'Railroad Companies. Merchants and ehlppere entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confidence on its speedy transit. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or seams the Agents of the Company. S. D. KINGSTON, Ja., Philadelphia. D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. ELARKE & Co., Chicago. LEECH & Co., No.l Astor House, or No. 1 South 'Milian? street, Now York. LEECH & 00., No. 77 Washington ?street, Boston. SIAGBAW & KOONS, No. 80 North street. Baltimoce. H. H. HOUSTON, Oen'l Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT. Gen't Ticket Agent, Piths. ENOCH LEWIS. Ganz Sus', Altoona. )yl-t1 maittp PH ILADE LPHIA, - Nese GERMAN TOWN, AND NOR 11D3TOWN RAILROAD. T.TSIE TABLE. On and after Monday, May. 26th, 1802, until farther notice. 5817,1411 04 Samuel Grant, Jr., Tobias Wagner ' Thomas B. Wathan, . Henry G. Freeman, Charlei 8. Lewis, George 0. Carson, night. .HHIIRERD, President. ir29• Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 6 r. M. Pare to Bethlehem-41.50 I Far , l to Memo* Pare to Easton _WlotTil.oinrogid&-c - r — n Thiv7ikr - TetoV Trains (except Sunday Trains) sonneti at Barka atroot with the Fifth and Math streets, and Be. send and Third-streets Passenger Railroads, twenty mi nutes after leaving Willow street. - my 3 IEGO3 MARE, Agent. S B. MLSIS, PrOsident. Secretary. fe22-tr REOPENING OF • —"-• THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.—This road, being fully REPAIRED and effectually GUARDED, le new open for the trana vortation of passengers and *night to all points in the GREAT WEST. For through tickets and all ether in formation apply at the Company's Office, corner BROAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. S. M. FELTON, ap3.41 Preeident P. W. and B. R. H. CO. f li t aggeg WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANOMMENT. • On and after MONDAY, Jane 9th, 1802, the train/ will leave PHILADELPHIA from the dipot, N. E. cor ner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 7.45 and 10.80 A. M., and 2, 4.80, and 7 P. M., and on Tues. days and Fridays at 914 P. M.. and will leave West Philadelphia, from THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET . Streets, 17 minutes after the starting time from Eigh eenth and Market streets. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A. - Id-, and 2 P. M. Leave WEST CHESTER at 8 A, H., and 6.00 P. N. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.46 A. K., and 4 80 P. M., connect at Ponnolton with trains on the Phi ladelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, &c. HENRY WOOD, Je9. tf Superintendent. M i ming WEST IP HESTE R -. RAILROAD ^I % via la tSYLVANIA RATLR ot, , (eae onr VINTII and MARKET Streets, at 8.45 A. hl., 12 noon, and 4 P. ht. On Sunday a train leaves Eleventh and Market streets at 7.30 A. 31 ., sod West Cheater at 4P. 31.n03-tf THE ADAMS EX PRESS COMPANY, Offloe 831 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parods, Pisohagee, Mot , ohandiee, Bank 'Notes, end Spools, eithor by its eta Linea or in oommtion with other Expreve Corente k ail the principal Towne and CNtfee of the United Stake E. S. SANDYS&D, fel° •• General Anoerintendent. _ _ a. __., , T 11.0. It B 0 N!8 LONDON KiTOHENER "—We ire now .toaerdeotarlog 60 THOMSON'S LONDON. ICITODZNEB," or EUItOPEAN RANGE, suitable for large . and small ramilleei hotels, hospitals, and other public institutions, In great variety. Also; Portable Ranges, the 4, Philadel phia Barge," Gas Ovens, Bath Boilers, and Cast-Iron Sinks, together with a great variety or small and-large sized Hot-air Furnaces, Portable neaten, Fire-board Stoves, Low‘down Grates, &e. Wholesale and Retail OKLY at our Wereroonw. NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH, No. 209 North BBOOND Street, Ses-8m four doors above Race street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, Best and Cheapest In the Otty, at BMW ALT it BROWN'S, 111 South rounTa •et. sido RAILROAD LINES. FOR GERII&NTOWN Leave Philfulelplais, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11; 12, A. M., 1,2, 810, 4,6,5 X, 6, 7,5, 9X. 10X; 11x, P. H. Leave Gennsatasm. 6,7, 7 35, 8, BX, 9X, 10), IIX, A. M., 1,2, 3, 4,5, 6,7; 8 9, 10.10, 11, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Zeal% Philadelphia, 010 A. X., 2,3, 8,7 X, 10X,, P. M. Leavo Germantown . 8.10 A. 3L, 1, 4 % 8 9}‘, P. If, CHESTNUT HILL • BAILROA. Leave Philadelphia, 8,8, 10, 11, A. at., 2,4, 5,6, 8, 10k, Y. M. Leave Ch(, trot 11111,.7.10, 7.35, 0.10, 11.10, A. bf., 1.40, 8.40, 5.40, 6.40, 7.40,9.50, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9. 1 0 A. 51., 2,5, 7X, P. M. Leave Chestnut HUI, 7.50 A. AI., 12.40, 6 10, 9 10, P. M. FOR CONSIIOIIOCKNN AND NORRISTOWN. —Leuve, 610, 8.08, 11X, P.M. Leave Norristown, 6,7, 740, 9, U, A. 81., 1%, 4X, Ilk, P. M. ON SIINDATS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. /I. , 23¢, 4k, P. U. Leave Norristown, 7 A. M.. 1,8, P. M. • FOR NANKI:INK. Leave Philadelphia, 8, 9,11.05, A. 11.,1%, 8,4 X, 6 10, 8.95.11 X. P. Id. . Leeve MaDayunk, 6X, 7%, 8.20, 9X, ug , A. H., 2, 6,7, P. X. ON 81114 DAYS. Loave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 2%, 4%, 8, P. 2.1. Leave Manley unk, TX A. M., 1%, 6X, 9, P. 8.1. " " ' H. H. SMITH, General duperinlendeut. ra72B-tf De NINTH and ORDEN Street*. NORTH PENNBYL aINIA. RAILROAD. r 5- 17, VA DOR BETMLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, MAGGIE ONVER., MAZLE'TGN. EASTON. WILKES BARRE, Sc. SPEING ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAIrs, On and after MONDAY, NAY 5, 1562, Pawn. gee Trainawill lean, PEONY and WILLOW Streets ' Philadelphia, daily, (Stuidays excepted,) miaow : At 6.40 A. M., (Express ' ) for Ttethlehern, Allentown, Mauch Chnnk,•Hazleton, Wilkesharro, ke. At 2.46 P. (Exxon ' ) for Betnheada, Easton, do. This train reaches Easton at 6 P. Id., and Main a close connection with the ?Fen Jersey Central to Nen York. At , 6.04 P. M., for Bethlelora, Allentema, Mama '.Wank, Ao. At 9 A. M. snd 4 P. M., for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.40 A. M. "Express Train maim close conneentin nith the Lehigh Valley flathead at Bethlehem, being She shorted and most desirable route to all polaris In the Lehigh coal region. Timms FOB PHILADEILPHIA. ViLoave Bethlehem at 5.40 A. M., 9.18 A. M., and ii. 99 P: M. Leave Doylestown-at 7.25 A. M. and 3.20 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.86 A. M. ON BUNDATtl—Pblladelphis for Bethlehem at 1.46 A. kr. Pldladalphia for Doykstown at 2.45 P. IL Doylestown for Philadelphia at 630 A. IL jaitagintPHILADELPHIA IND mom& R. B. LINN. 1802 WINTER- ARRANGEMENT. 1802 For' WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, .BIAIDLA., and all r.oints in the W. And N. W. Peaseastor Trains lea7e Depot of Phila. and Beading B. 8., .nor. Broad and Oal lowhill Amato, at 8 A. M., and 8.28 P. M. daily, except Sundays. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points In Northern and Western Ponnerbrania, Weatern New York, &a., &o. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate points. Through Xrpreas Freight Train for all whale above, !cameo daily at 6 P. AL For further information apply to JOHN S. HILLER, General Agent. THIRTEENTH and CALLOWRILL, and N. W. oor. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. isBl-tt VIA MEDIA ON SUNDAYS EXPRESS COMPANIES. SALES BY AUCTION TOHN s. MYERS & (10, f 91 1 ,13 1 ,1014 U ZEI3B, Nos. 282 awl 934 mn;4../irrr 86.1.31 OF FRElic”4, TI 4001)3. • 1111.9 MORNING, June 23, on font months' crodn— 850 pt Frnnch, Gorman, oßales, awl 131..0ett dry goods. • BALLS OF BOOTS ANTS 3110F.8 ON "PITANDAY MOB-NINO, June 24, on four months' credit. 1,000 porte2es hoots Sul ShOSS. BALE Or DAY WOoo ON T FiffitBDAY Jena 2P, on foor ma:Lae ore !t-- 4 4 :09 pretasen rnm•-h. nu.l Avon:term an Galde SALE DV OAR? E'rlßCen - ON THURSDAY 110.11:TINRI, Jun 26, on tow months' credit -100 Viecim Drnnselt, ingrain, ondiPtnginn oar. ketilmr. MaeingUe dic PANCOAgT . WARNOCK, Aijr.)- Jl. TIOMEER.B. No. Ma M"&8,17.1PY: Wag- LARGE SALE OF AMERIOAR AND IMPOEI'ED DRY GOODS, 'MILLINERY GOODS, EMBROIDE RIES, *c., by 04 tAkYve. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, • • Juno 25tb, 1882, commencirg at 10 o'clock. STRAW GOOD& ON WEDNESDAY, • 'dune 26:11, at 10 o'clock prociselY, cases palm and willow Shaker hoods, Indies' bonnets, wawa' fancy hate, men's sod boys, &c. 101:11LIT FORD k 00.. AU0 1 1.101%). 31Fre.8, 525 =BEET and SZ4 - 00h1:61MEMI f"?.. BALM OF 1,000 flans BOOTH, 81101/18, BRO GANG, dec. ON MONDAY 151ORNING. June 23, at 10 o'clock, procisely, will be old, by cata logue, 1,000 cases menu', boys', and Tontine calf, hip, and grain boots; patent leather opera do.; calf, kip, and enamelled brogans, Congress gait*: Oxf ord and &Melt ties, walking ehoee, &o.; women e, ezd ohildreo's calf, kip, goat, kid, enanielkd, and morocco heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers, buskins. Ito. Also, a tarts assortment of first-clue city made goods. I Open for examination, with catalognee, early on tie morning of gale. SALJ O➢' 1,000 OASES BOOTS, 13E1038, AND . BROGANS. ON THURSDAY morouvo, June 26, at 10 o'clock, procleoly, wlll be sold, by catalogue, 1,000 caaea men's, boys', and youths' calf, kip, and grain boots; calf and kip brogans, Congress gaiters, Oxford and Scotch ties, walking shoot, Ice.; wo men miseea', and childran's calf, kip, goat, kid, morocco heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers, braking, ho. Included in sale will be found a large aaaortmaut of first.clage city-made goods. . OP Goods open for examination, with ostaiosass; early on the morning of sale. PROPOSALS. CITY OF .OHABLESTOWN, M3B - Proposals will be received ' by the Water Commissioners of the City of Charlestown, until JUNE 30th, for laying, in said City and on the line of their Water Worke, about 21 miles of CAST-IRON PIPES. Plane of the work can be seen, and informa tion concerning said work be obtained, at the office of the Engineer or Water Commissioners, Charlestown. Copies of specifications and contract, and forms of pro. ramie, will be Bent to parties desiring to make bids for the work. on their making application for the same to the Water Commissioners. Bonds, with'suretiee, will be required from parties contracting.' The Commission ers reserve the right to accept that prop real which, under all circumstances, they shall consider most favorable to the interests of the city, or to reject all proposals of fered. For Water Commissioner's, EDWARD LAWRENCE, oheirman. C. L. STEVE SON, Chief Engineer 0. W. W je12..10t CITY OF CHARLESTOWN, MAS. SAOHCSETTS.—The Water Commissioners of the City of Charlestown will receive promsals for making, delivering, and laying on the lino of their distribution pipes, One Hundred and Forty F IRE HYDRANTS. In making proposals for We 63121 e, parties must include the Hydrant Pipe, the Bend, the Hydrant, Fraznei, Covers, and ail apptirtenances connected therewith, ex cepting the branches in BMW pipes. They must also state the price at which they will lay and connect the Hydrant . Dime with the branches in the Halos, and perform all the work incident to ;placing the Hydrants in Detract or der for use, including delivery and all trenching orothor. digging. Parties making hropeesle must accompany Hum with designs of the style of Hydrant they propose. These designs most be drawn to scale, in detail, so ae to admit of their being readily understood. Tho toted amount of 4-inch Hydrant Pipe required is about Eleven Hundred (1,100) feet. Eke of Notzle 2X inch, with sufficient sine of Hydrant to admit of increasing diameter of novae to 4 inches, without removal of Hydrant. Proposals will am be received for about One hundred mid Sixty STOP COCKS, of the following elm : 78 of 4-inch, 66 of 6-luch, 14 of 8-inch, 2 of 10-tech, S of 16- inch, 8 of 14-inch. The proposals for Stop Cocks to in chide every essential casting pertaining to the same and the delivery of all Coots or Castings at such places In Charlestown as the Engineer may from time .to time direct. Designs of the styles oroteeed for to be presented at sane time RS bid. Plans of Dis tribution' Pipe, showing positions of Hydrants and Stop Cocks can be seen at the ollice of the Engineer or Witter C ommissioners. All designs mast be sent to the Engineer, on or before JUNE 20th, 13112. The Corn mimioners reserve the right to accept er reject any of the prose:anis offerod. For Water CoMmissioners, EDWARD LkWRBNCE. Chairman. 0. V. STEVENSON, Chief EngineeriO. W.W. jamot COAL: C°lll4. -3711 E UNDERSIGNED bog leave to inform their friends and tbo public VW they hero removed their LICHIGH IZIOALDEPOT from NOBLE' -STRYNT WHARF, on the Delaware, to theft Ya.-d, northwest oornor of IrrIMITH and WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the beet ouallt; cg liatHloll 00AL, from the most approvod mines, at the lowest prices. Tour patronage ie regooollully reolf cited ' JOS: WALTON .h 00., Office, US South SECIOND Stract. .Yard. IL'INNTH and WTGLOW. • mbl-7 MEDICINAL. TARRANT'S EFZEIPTBSOENT . • . . . SEETZI .4 .II, APERIENT`.. Thia valuable and popular bledicine Lee univerilin7 ro- 001 Ted the most favorable recomsnendatiena albs • ---- Stra - oroat,raoFissioSrantrthe• Public as the MOllt MIOISST AND iOnEninial SALINE APE RIENT. It may be asol with the best effect in Miens and Febrile Diseaaes, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indigos- Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affections, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL COMPLATNTS AUXIN A GENTLE AND COOLING APERIENT OR PUS ' DATIVE Is RECOILRED. • It is particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Bea and. Land, Beside= in Hot Olinsates : Persons of Sedentary BORN, Invalids, and °env alesconta Captains of "Peewee and Planters will find it • valuable Witten to their Nettleton ()haat& It Ls In the form of a Powder, carefully pnt up lu bottles to keep in any climate,• and merely requires water poured upon It to produce a de lightful, effervescing beverage. Numerous teittmontale, front professional and.. other gentlemen of the tugboat standing throughout the eons' try, and its steadily increasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty tts efficacy and valuable character, and command it to the favorable notice of an intelligent public. Dianutaetnred only by TARRANT & CO., • No. 278 GRIENITIOI3 Street, corner Warren et. NEW YOBX, And for sale by Druggists generally. BROWN'S... . • ' ESSENOE cu. GINGER, Mannfactored only at TREDEtt.IOIII3ItOWN'S DAM MTP CHEMIOAL iortheaat corner of FIR TH and ORESTNIIT Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Attention is celled to this valuable remedy which should be in every family, and for the Army and Navy it is in diwpeneable, curing affections of the stomach and bowels, and is a certain preventive from the effects of bad water. ...01 OAIPTION.—To prevent this valuable litinfits -- .7, -- being counterfeited, a now 131 ,516fre'iii the wrapper, in grdat cost, !Olt Sdifiiissor against being Imposed op= Vb 4 rifiless imitations. And mold by all reseectaVe 33. *h.. •• tesetrm-em G LUTEN OAPSULEB OR PURE 00.1)-EiVER The repugnance of most patients to 003)-LIVER OIL, and the Inability of many to take it at all,, has in duced various forms iof dirge:lce for its administration that are familiar to the gedloal Profession. Some at them answer in special =sea, but more ofton thelvehiele neutralism the usual effoot of the 011, proving quite as unpalatable and of less tborapentio value. The rentl3- nauoii, nausea, Sc., to love.llde, induced by disgust of the Oil, is entirely obviated by the nee of our CIAPSEILNe. COD-LIVER OIL CAPSULES hove been much riSN.: lately In Europe, the experience there of the gooVrir sulfa from their use in both hospital and private pracftos,. &Ude from the natirrafty suggested advantages, are trif- Solent to warrant our claiming the virtues we do Su' them, feeling assured their net will result in benefit ant deserved favor. Prepares! by • WYETH & BROTHER. de947 14,19 Street. Philadellibts MACHINERY AND utorc I. TAMER:AS ADIRRICH, JOHN Z. COPZ, „ WILLIAM 11. HERRICK HAItTLMY ROUTRWARIt FOUNDRY, . .HIBTH AND WASHINGTON STRUTS, PHILADELPHIA. - MERRICK & SONS, INGINBERS AND MACHLYISTA Manufacture Hlgh and Low Pressure Steam Engfraw, for land, rivor, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, ic. i Cad- Inas of all kind', either iron or brain. Iron-Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workehoya, Ba rad Stations, dio. Reties and Gas Machinery of the fated and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, midi te Sugar, Saw, and Orlnt Mills, Facto= Pane, Open titatim Trains, Dofecatora, Filters, Pumping Engine*, &o. Sole Amite for N. Hiilienx's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus Heamyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and tin pinwall & Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. ann-tt 4 4110- ‘ ,„ PENN STEAM ENGINE •sswftres AND BOILER WOREI3.—HEAPIE LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, MACHINISTR,BOIL Elt- bIAKE RB, BLACK. SMITHS, end POUNDERS, having, for many Year* been in succeseful operation, and boon exclualvoly en. gaged in building and repairing Marine end River En - slam', high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, &a., Ac., reapectfully offer their services iv the public, as being fully prepared to contract for En gines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, having. sets of patterns of different sizes, ere prepared to exe cute orders with quick despatch. Every description 01 pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the beat Pennsylvania charcoal Iran. Torten" of in sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all dosorip. hone; 801 l Turning, Screw - Cutting , and all other work connected with the abovo Madness. Drawings and Specifications fbr all work done at their establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The ellbecribere have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie In perfect safety, and aro provided with sheen, blocks, falls, tc., to,, for rata., lug heavy or light weights. JACOB 0. NEAPIM, JOHN P. LEVY, REACH and PALMER Streets MORGAN', ORR, & CO., STEAM ENGINE BIIII,DERS, Iron Bounders, and EleneraLMaeldnirti and Boller Mama, No. 1210 OAL LOWELILL Street Phillin!elphia. TO 1113:16' .DL3EABED OF ALL GLASSES.—AIt flub-acute and chronic dfseases' cured by special guarantee at 1220 WALNUT Street, PhiladeiDhia, and in case of a failure no charge le made. Professor BOLLES, the founder of this new praoSies, esi/1 superintend the treatment of all case; himself. A pamphlet containing a inultitade of oertillestes of those cured, else letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others will be given to any person free. Lectaree are constantly given at I=o, to medical men and other. whedeslre a knowledge of my discovery, in - sßplying Ilectricity OA a reliable therapeutic agent. Con. saltation free. ap2l34ra SALES EV AUCTION M THOMAS & SONS, Noa. 189 and 141 South FOMITII fitxtvg. STOOKS, kc. 11 I TOSADAY June ?A. owl 12 o'clock coon, at Cie Plillodelphin I. cMmp•. will be tO sharer! McKean and Elk Land Improvement Cons 111.11Y. 1 share Point Breeze Park Associnnon. g2lO Delaware bf camel Insurance Coo-0411r STOCKB AND DEAL ESTATE—Tirgsn'ty zsrsxr Pamphlet catalaimun now ready, rontatning full de eoriptione of all the property to be sold on Tneadar, lone 24 , n, xr, with a list of ADJAP ]et .nd. Bth ;rely compr'etag a great v.tiely of valuable property, by order of Orp:tlnte Court, ere:More, and others.. REAL ESTATE SALE—JUNE 24. OrDbane Court Sale—Kbtate of • join; Smith, fined.— FOUR.STORY BRICK STORE. MARKED STREET, * dwelling and stable. Fenie Fatnto.-2 THRES-S COBY BRICK : I) W E INGE. Ilion blued. north of Wood. . . Same Nstote.--Brick end Stone DWdLLING3, street, eoxtb of Willism. Same Ealato.-3 threo•stcry Brick DWELLING 3, Pricrfotroot, nest of Nioth. Same Istato.-2 lltree•Mory Brick DWELLINGS, /Inward etrert, bete een Markel and Chestnut and Fif teenth arid Sixteenth game Irtate.—LOT. CI. eroeld etreet, 150 by 200 feet. • S#llll, Ebtafo.-5 LOTS, Luenst street. Twenty foiwtta ward. Same Eriate.—LOT, northeast corner of Locust and Fifty-ninth streeta. Same state —:LOT, sontben•t corner of Locust and Sixtieth streets; Twenty-fonrth ward. Same Netare.-2 LOTS. oortbtrutt corner of flue and Sixtieth Biretta, Twenty-fnot th crtrd. Orphans' (!Dort Site—Bstarn of A.. klit-hell. deed Three. story Brick OWIt.LLI,NO, Spruce street, betrrotn Second and Third. Bxecntors Bale—Belot° of Mary 0o.:41, docassed.— Tbree•atol y Brisk DWELLING, Twrlfth street, batween Baca and vine. Clear of an ineninbraneA. Same Relate —Valuable three-story Uriok AND DWELLING. Sixth Sheet, betsreea end Arch. It la s , ssinable buidnees stand, with a handsome front Bnyno INtstio —Modern three story Brink DWELL ING. Eleventh et-eet. No.l City• Row, between Rioe end Vino strotts. rilitgr of all iecumbmnee • 2 tbree.stnry Brtck DWELLISGB, NflA 1219 and 1221 Cierietian et•fft ares' or Tay.lfth VALUABLE BUILDING LOT, Bridgo street, neat of Thirty.second streot, Twenty-fourth ward ; 50 foot front, 150 fret in depth, throned' to Garden street. REAL XSTATB S ki.F.--JULY 1 Orphans' Cane. Sala leatata of John M. Colman. decoase.d —IIIISINNBS STAND —Threa , atoll , Brick Bid Mina, Carter street. (formerly Carter allor ) betweni Second and Third and Ohestont and Walnut streets. REAL ICSTATE BALE-JULY 4 Orphans , Court Sale—Estate of Pamn•l dilipr, dedd. —STORE DWELLING.. and LOT of over 3 afro. Ridge road, Roxborough, Twenty-first ward. Also. by order of the Congregation—VALUAßLE CETTECH EDIFICE and LARGE LOT, 67 by SO feet, northwest corner Eleventh and Wood streets. Salo for account of thn Unitnd Stat.& BOXES, LUMBER. BALING, PAPER, &. THIS HORNING. Jone 2s, at 10 o'clock, at the 1L 8. Aram's!. ne ar Gray'a Irony, about /00 amply boxee, lot baling cloth, lot paper, lot old lumber, dm. Terms—Caeb. bele N 0.150 North Second Street. RAE FIXTURES BAGATELLE TABLE, An ON TUESDAY MORNING 24th Met, at 10 o'clock. bar fixtures, marble top tables. arm cbaire, atoole, bagatelle table, ke... sir May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning el sale. Fete No. 732 eurnce atrect. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. OARPETB, dat. ON WHONESDAY HORNING, 26th inst , et 10 o'clock. at No 739 Spruce Motet. the houtehcid end kitchen furniture, bedding, carpets. &c. also. a coon Tor and id:laying. W May be exarafaed at 8 o'clock on tho morning of the sale. FURNESS,:BRINLEY,. & CO., 429 3IARKET Errszar SALE OF rintrca DRY GOODS. • ON TUESDAY MORNING. June 24, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four months' credit -400 lots of fancy staple French dry goods, comp; tng general assortment. '360 RABBI BLACK LACE POINT BOUTINOUS AND - _ _ . : .-,-,7I[OOOLOkIIN IS. For City Retail Trade. ON TUESDAY HORNING. Paris black lace 'Points, bournons. Plccolondnig- Pelastrcities. latelt styles. BO PIECES LYON'S BLACK TAFFETAS. 50 pieces 240)40 inch higiwultra Paris heaysr bleep taffetas. EXTRA FINE HINAL&VAS & 13BOCIIE B®H ANGLLIS ON TUESDAY MORNING. 2 easee_London gaper. quality Himalayas. 3 do splendid, finality Himalayas, for city trade. 3 do brorbe barega PARIS BROWN AND PRINTED BORDER STELTai SUAIVIA. . • - 10014-4 all wool brocbe border black Mello, shoals. 30014.4 do printed do do do. Also-- ZOO CARTONS Nos. 4040 FOIJLT TV: SUM BONNET RIBBONS Now Landing from Steamer. —.cartora N08.1.2e40 figured and plain toult ee sole bonnet ribbons. cartons Noe. 12at60 cable, cord, and white and black bonnet ribbons. —cartons Nos. 4,5, 6 cable cord trimming ribbons. MOSES NATHANB, .A.UCTIONEIia .I.lm. AND CHTELTIPSIVO 1KE13013635":', cocigumpi corner of !SIXTH and IACMI SS Beta , GREAT BARGAINS—WATCHES AND mcwr,rav AT PRIVATE BALE--Fine sold and silver lever, lo rries. English. S.iss, and French watches for Lest 014111 half the usualselling prices, Watches from one diroll2P to out hundred dollars each Gehl cliaint from 40 to 50 cents per dwt. Pianos cheap. TAX I,IOTYTE The highest possible price le loaned on goods at NI, '04471 , :' Principal Establiesinent, sonthaart. corner Alith and Bece *Arcata. At least one-tAird IMMO We. et any other establishment to this city. NATHAIM parsorpm., NONZY rsTA.BWSP, MATT. 260,000 TO LOAR. In Imago or small amounts, from one dollar to thoriece&-. ort 'dlemonde, gold and saver plate, watchas, lama), merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, game, wad Goode of every deecriition. Thin egablisbment his large fire and thief-proof rated. Ur the safety of valuable goods, together with a artvaLfi affable= on the preadaeo. XSTABLISHZD•FOR THE LAST 33 YAZIR4, AT L LARUE LOANS MADE AT THIE, PIMOIPAL EST&BLIRMUZIT.' CILLSORS GRE6TLY REDUCED. •AT PRIVATE SALE. . One ennerior brilliant toned piano. forte, Will MIMS plate, eon and loud nodal& Price onli 89 0 • _One veto line toned rdeno-forte. nrioe oolv afie . NQ ...... gat BOSTON AND PHILA.- DELpuIA STE/ALSIIIP LIN froM inch port every ten days—From PineHatrit B = OD NVEDNEsnAY, June 24. The Bhar.ehip SAXON, Matthews. will Null from Phl ladelphi."for Rotten, onW,NDNESDAY HORNING, tbe 2511"'f Jane, at 10 o'clock, and from Boston for Phan mplila, on WRDNESDAY AFTERNOON, June 18tly et 4 o'c lock. In/armee one-half that by eafl Teasele.' Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers will please send their bills of Leding with goods. ' For freight or passage ' Laving fine acc,mmoilationa, apple to HENRY WINSOR Sr. (n).. jrl7 332 SOUTH WFIA.F.YES. Isit FOR. NEW YORK—THIS DAY—DESPATCR AND SWIFTER= LINES—VIA DELAWARE AND RA.RITAN CANAL. Steamers of the above Linea Ns)11 leave DAILY, at 1/1 and 5 P. N. For freight, which will be taken on accommodatlalt terms, apply Ia Wll. It. BAIRD ck 00., tuy2l-tf 132 South DELAWARE Avenue. LONDON EXITIBITION—RETURb TICKETS TO LONDON AND BACK: ESMMMM Atia WEEKLY • CONDLUNICA- TioN BY STB,ir& incrorzEN NE7 Tatra _lxv - reeezuO•L, calling at Ql7llllllll - to feral awl embark paasengera eaC dearatchee. The Idyernea, Oen York, and Philadelphia pieta, En, 0o11134171) 0 13 ISPleadd Clyde-hakt boa screw &mit etba ere intended to sail as Mows: FROM NEW YORR FOB LIVIINFOOL. CITY OF BALTIMORE._ Saturday, May 81, 1882. "KANGAROO Saturday, June 7, 1801. CITY OF NEW YORK__ Saturday, June 14,1861. CITY OF WASHINGTON.... Zaturday, Jane BL,_lBBB- And every Saturday throughout the year , 7 rent MM . No. 41154 B. BATAS or PABBAOII THROUGH FROM FIIIIADNVOILL Oat ea, to Queenstown, or Liverpool.... Do. to London, via LiverPoo' ;cc 'rage to Queenstown, or ....... $45. Do. to London.. RIZ Do. Natant tickata, available for six moths, tnnac Liverpool Yarewagere forwarded to fiftY.-6, ?arts, HaeOizza if moon, and Antwerp at through rates. -o.ntifientre of locomen leaned Cram Llverpotd in Sate York Certificate* of passage lamed from Queenstown to Nate York 85% These steamers have waparL. , r-sooontrdala:lons for pme lantern, are tametroetod with water-tied oalar-rtnallft awl awry experienoed Somme , . Yor Wght, or peerage, &Prix at the once of the ORO. Way, JOHN G. PALK Arrant, . 111 Walnut street, Plaided:lb, In Liverpool, to WA ielelutec In Manor, to W 81711711818, 18 Dixon at tat. AigmTlll 1 : I FEOM MEW TOBY TO IiTTERPOOL. Chief Cabin Plumage Nocond Cabin Paling° T 1: TAWS BOSTON TO 111931BPOOTA. Oblef Cabin Passage 15.1.15 Seoond Cabin Peerage Ths &lye from New York call at Cork Nestor. The ships (rem Boston call at Betithut and Code Rs_7... boa. SCOTIA, C pt. Judkins. I CHINA. Capt. Anderson. PERSIA, Gaut. Lott. &BIA , Oast. Cook. AIIABIA, - Capt. J. Stone . EUROPA, Capt. J. Leith,. AFRICA, Capt.Sbassev r !CANADA, Capt. Muir. AMERICA, Capt. ?doodle. IN/LGARA, Capt. A. Er? icuersalasuar. These vessels carry it ohm whits light at ccisrd-houl green on starboard bow; red on port bow. SCOTIA, Judkine, leaves N York, Wednesday, June 4. EUROPA, Cook, .• Boston, Wedussday,.jUne PERSIA, Lott, a N.YorkpWedriooday,Junel3. ABRIOA, Shannon, a Boston, Wednesday, June 25. eIIINA, Anderson, n N.York, Wednesday, July E. ARABIA. Moodie, " Roston, Wednesdar, Jab, B. SCOTIA, Jndkine N.Y•rk, Wednesday, July 10. Berths not secured until paid for. An eccperienoed Burgeon on board. The owners of those ships will not be roocnh 2s bl2s? , Eon Metals, Bullion ' Specie, Jeweify, Preed"a MU'let cr unleee bills of lading are signed therefor, RR } the veins thereof therein expressed. Per freight or NS tads, apply CO D. UtTNAE.D, 11 BOWLING CEBEN. NOW TN*. N. C. & J. G. BATES, 108 STATE Street. Boatels. as gig i t FOR NEW YORK. BMW DAILY Ltbag, via Darwin 1114 Sari tar. Canal. Philadelphia and New York Ilzpress steamboat cox- Deny receive freight and leave daily at 3 P. M., delivao lng their Garages in New York the following day. • Freights takes t at reasonable rat**. W3l. P. OLYDN, Arai; • IPa 14 5011111 WNANYNEI, PhtLade!phia, JAMES HAND, Ageot, anl-tf • Piris 14 and 15 NAST MUD, New York. RAIN"PIPE.—Stone Ware Drain D Pipe from 2to 12-inch bore. 2-inch bore, 250 per yard; 3-inch bore, 300 per yard; 4-inch bore, 40c - per yard; 5-inch bore, 50c per yard; 6-inch bore, 650 per yard. Every variety of connections, bends, kit* • .a nd hoppers. We are now prepared to furnish pipe In any Quantity. and on liberal terms to dealers and tholie pur chasing in large quanildea. ORNAMENTAL WTI td NET TOPS.—Vitrified Terra Cotta Chimney Tope, plain and ornamental designs, war ranted to stand the action of coal gee or the weather in any climate. •• GARDEN VASICEL—A. great rariety of ontatnental garden Vases, in Terra Cotta cleanest designs, all elates, and warranted to stand the weather. . Phi/Maeda .Terra' Gotta Works, Office and Were Booms 1010 CHESTNUT Street, : 8. A. HABBISON.,