" NEW" SMOKER AND SPICED SALMON.—Mr. 0. H. Mattson, dealer In floe groceries, Arab and Tenth streets, bee just rec.ivra a supply of new Salmon, both planked and spiced. Th. ee are the first of the season, sad the finest we have ever seen. We know that lours Of a rare dish will relish this announcement.. A BULLETIN PROM TEN VALLEY OF TUE EIDEN AN Doeli : n You will burn the bridge at Port Republic without daisy. (Signed) I C. Tazmorr, 4, Mal General Commending." ti You will approach Ihe bridge at Port Republic from the east elde. Hold it. if any one attempts to Oro it, Phoot him on the spot. (Signed) FRANK SIGKL, Major General Commanding: , "After arousing the bridge at Port Republieiburn it behind you. (Signed) N. P. BANKS, it Major General Commanding.," gi To thio Provost Marshal :—Send DU Of Your command at Fredericksburg; to pare, to my assistance immediate ly. (Signed) JAMES SHIELDS, 4, Major General Commanding." . 4 To the Provost Marshal , :—You will have all of your command at Frederick= burg tomorrow, as I will he down from Washington with soma ladles to visit you. (Signed) fume MoDovnim., Major General Commanding" w Major Generals Fremont, Sigel, ranks, Melds and McDowell, with their suites, will report to Charles Stokes , under the Continental, and get entire new gait's. Until further orders, the army of the Shenandoah will report to Major General MeClellan. (Biped) Uovszs IN THE UNITED STATES.—There is One house to every six persons in the country. In New- York city there are thirteen persons to R dwelling on the average; in Boston about nine ; in New Orleans nearly seven. in Philadelphia there is no eetablishment similar that occupied illy Granville Stokes, the fashioner anti clothier, at No. 609 Chestnut street, where summer garments, not reunited elsewhere, either In flt, fabric, or fashion, arodisposed of at unprecedented low prices. BUTLER ON WOMAN BEATERS:--General Butler has recently made an example of a chivalrous gen tartan at New Orb ens, who tlaj ed the back of a female slave because he iMilthiCa that she bad given some in formation concerning him. The cavalier washed the raw Person of his victim with brine to increase the agony she suffered. Gen. Butler sent the woman-whipper to Fort Jackson with an intimation that unless he behaved very well he would be served with the same sauce. :Such ie life; lashes and brine for the backs of rebels and traitors; for loyal, true, and humane men, elegant snits from the Brown Stone Clothing Sall of Boothill dr Wilson, Nos. SOS and 80d Chestnut 4rreer, above Sixth. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. V" ORR FOURTH FAME AItMYL3 Behr When Bowyer, 'Limos'; 8 days front Boston, with =doe to Twells St Co.' Behr Florence, Koooti, 6 days from Norfolk, with name Steamer Alido, BOWflt, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde. Barge Young Americo, tdoughton, 4 days from Albany, - with wise to J hlcemtoy. • EIEMME:I Eche L Corbitt, Leo, Warhington, Ilammott, Van Thum & Loolonan. Behr Jas Logan; Eolith Boston, Reading Railroad Co. 11 Willing, Ulaypoolo, "altimore, A Groves, Jr. . - (Oorreepondence of the Philadelphia lexobange.) LEWES, Del.. June 20. The barks Union. for Pernambuco; 0 B Truitt, for eaeorgetown, DO; Gen Berry, for Ship leland; brigs Blies Ann, for Boston; Alix Milliken, for do; ohm Fannie, for 'Havana, and D B Bayles, for Barbadoes, went to sea ibis morning. Ittava, &o. JOHN P. MARSHALL. MOBANDA. Steamship • Saxon. Matthews, cleared at Boston 19th net for Philadelphia. - Ship Geo Green, Fairbanks, for Philadelphia, entered 'for loading at Liverpt.id sth inst. • Ship White Falcon, Windsor, from Manila, at New York yesterday. Bark lifoneynick, Smith, from Key West, via Cardenas, At New York yesterday , • - Saw Margaret Plater, Baylis, cleared at New York :yesterday for Wilmington, Del. &bp s D av id S m i t h, w ititents, and John It Nickerson, Mather, cleared at Boston 19th inst. for Philadelphia. Behr Huntress, Disney, at Newbury port from Phila. -delphla, reporte: 13th lust. Fire Island NNW 83 miles, picked up a long boat, with bows badly stove, and la -belled "U Shepard, builder, Kensington, Philadelphia " Behr Martha ( Wine, ShOUrclo, nailed frcne Providence 39th inst. for Philad tt phi Fehr A C Beeves, RCM es, hence, arrived at Portsmouth 1711, inst. • - Bohr Sarah A BOIC4), Dolce, hence, arrived at Salem Milt inst. Behr requonnock, Barnes, for Philadelphia, sailed from Steamers 'muskies, li:ndervectr, and Torrent, Phil• brook, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. SPECUAI_ COUGH 1 . Coucar. ! Covou! ! !—lt is truly alarming to contemplate the immense amount of human anfferitg from thrfrasta of the Pulmonary Organs, such as COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, ASTUMA, 131ottoutrrs, Wiloorixn-COULD, SPITTING 01 BLOOD, &C., &0., and yet a large amount of these diseases may be speedily and radically cured by that well-known remedy, JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT.- It is undoubt edly superior to any other medicine, as the testimony of thousands of persons will verify. Dere is a portion of the evidence: JAMES I. vna..i.k.tssom, Landisburg, Perry coun ty, Pa., writes': 44 Some two years ago I was greatly afflicted with a very violent GOUGE, which appeared to hive taken ouch deep hold of me that I was 'sauced by physicians that I bad the Consumption, and that thole was but little pro *meet of medicine curing ma. White in this condition I - wee induced to try JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, and I am happy to say, by the faithful use of this medicine, I aeon recovered good be alto, and, to this day, continue to -enjoy ROT. B. F. BEDDRN, Pastor of the]First Baptist Church, Camden, N. J.. rite. : "A few weeks since, while suffering from a Tory se were cold, I became so hoarse that it wee with great dir triadty I could speak en as to be understood While in the condition, your EXPECTORANT not only gave me immediate relief, bat, he three or four dare, com pletely cured my cold and reamed the hnarseness. therefore, take pleasure ;11 recommending the EX.fllO - se being, iu my judgment, the boat Cough Medicine before the pubilc BRADQUARTERS 881 . 11 ( V OLEAN'S) 8E011111217, P. V., Co U., ALIXANDUIA, Minas. D. J.11'311 it. Sox—Gentlemen: During all the time we have been in the rerrice--nearly four months .—but one of our company bee besn si tic enough to be 3slaced in the hospital Our nurgeone have often spoken of this, and agributed the 'mentally healthy condition of the men to the use of Dr. D. JAYNE'S MEDI CINES. . The EXPECTORANT has been much nought after in case' of COLDS, MOOS and has always afforded relief; while the Carmine'lice Balsam hal operated 211 e a charm in all cased of Loneness of the Bowels, Diarrhera, edc.—slistuses lo which soldiers are portion early exposed from the freqnent changes of wester. We are convinced, therefore, that much suffering would be prevented and many lives moved If every com ment' In the army was provided wish a small supply of your medicines, similar to the one furnished no. On be half of the eompany, T.-remain, ha , LOUIS WAGN&R, First Lieutenant Company D. DANIEL R. LEE, of Tuckaboe, Cape May county, IN. J., writes: For the last nineteen Tears I have been more or less afilicted with a COUG If AND DIFFICUL.TY 01 4 EREATBING. About five years ago my cough be came eo serere that I gore np ail hopes of over getting well, as overrating I need afforded no ease. 1 . Your agent bele vent me a Witte of your EXPEC TORANT, *bleb give me immediate relief. By the time I 'had used the second bottle, I. was so much re stored es to bo able to a tend to my daily labor, and with more ease than before. We bare used your other medi cines in the family with complete succoss. REV. N. M JONES, Rectar3of the Proostsct Episcopal Church of St.Bar tliclonisw, Philadelphia, writes: 'lf Titan Sia : In all cases n sembling consumption, I *recommend your EX PINTO IC INT, baying, in so many finances, witnessed its beneficial effects. lam ploaeod to inform you thattle last two caeea which camo under my notice have beau greatly helpod by your ICXPECI• TOBANT." 'The EXPECTORANT and all of Er. E. JANNE & BON'S FAMILY NEMOURS are prepared only at No. 242 onzsviur Street. jell-2t 'DEAF MADE 70 ITEAB.—lnstruments to amulet the Heath g, m every var ety and of the most •approved conetructi9n. n t P. MADEIRA'S, je2l.Bt 115 South 't •NT If ',tree, below Chestnut. KRIM'S ORIN& HALL—French glass Preserve or Jelly Pots, 60, 60, 70, and 760 per dozen. it 9 629 OnEirNIIT street. NEW Nl3Qulru / 1 12Ln:rim, with not dog; very desirable. 110 CHESTNUT street, Je2l-2t • W. H. OARRYL k 880. CURTAIN MATERIALS. Wide Fraud:. Satins. Wide Trench Broomeilea. Wide Trench Satin de Leduc Wide Worsted Damask. 'Wide Union Damask. Wide Damask Table Cloth, per yard. Wide Moquette or Railroad Care. Trench Pholus for Railroad Cars. - 'Gilt Cornices and Bands. 'Cords, Gimps, and Fringes. • "Tassels and Loons. Hooke, Rings, and Brackets. Furniture Coverings. EMBROIDERED LACE CURTAINS, • 'ever BOW and description. Mosquito Netting, Pick and White. W. H. °ARBIL & BROTHER, Wholesale and Retail CURTAIN - STORE, jel9.Bt Masonic Hall, No. 719 CHESTNUT Street. WINDOW, SHADES.-- . Painted and Gold Bordms—in store and for sale at the c o oowfug prices, with good Fixtures complete for each (shade, retail. Gold Bordeird Shades & Fixtures, $l.OO. Gold Bordered Shades & Fixtures, 81.2.5. Gold Bordered Shades & Fixtures, 81.60. Gold Bordelid Shades R Fixtures, 81.76. Gold Bordered Shades & Fixtures, slog. Gold 80, dared Shades & Fixtures, 111.00. Gold Dorderid Shades , & Fixtures, 83.60. Gold Bordered Shadow & Fixtures, 84.00. Gold Bo'rdertd t bodes & Fixtures, $5 00. Gold Bordered aid more Shades made to. order, any edyle or sire. 11. B. Flags on baud and mode to order, all Kites. W. IL HARRYL & BROTHER, J819.3t In Masonic Hall, 719 OUBSTNUT Street. BELY-ADJUSTING PATENT . CLOTHE 97 WBINGER.--Sole Agency for the litato of Pensaglyania. 301197 A. MURPHEY, Jelli•lm 922 OH ISTITUT Street, Philadelphia, • AliAll/01 LINCOLN', 4 * Opmsnonder-loMbief." IOTXOES KING COTTON. BY TIER BARD or TOWER WALL. Who was it tried to make these States In fragments lie, like broken plates Who strove to break oar Northern pates 7 King Cotton V' ho tried to male the world confess, That Southern gentlemen DOMEB The power all nations to distressl King Cotton 'Who tried to starve the toilsome poor, At home and on each foreign shore, That 011 miAt lilouthern wrath deplore?, King Cotton w•ilen of chastioement afraid, Most baaely ran to Frame for aid, And humble prayers to Britain made? • King Cotton Who like a donkey tried to bray Defianed to the Federal ewer, Bitt coon got seared and ran awaYl Bing Patton Who can't, by holding back supplies Of raw material, make the price Of-Toner Bail's fine Clothing rise? Xing (lotion We still offer the icrgesi and best assortment," f Beady', made Clothing in Philadelphia, being daily in receipt pi new and desirable styles of goods, and being enabled, by unequalled facilities for manufacturing be keep up our as sortment, notwithstanding large and rapid sales. All can be suited. Onr stock comprises all styles, sizes, and qualities, and prince, from low grades to the finest. Long experience and our mode of conducting business—buying and selling for Cash only—enable us to sell at the lowest possible prices goods that in stile and workmanship can not be surpassed. TOWlill HALL, No. 518 Market street, Philadel- BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. umefa A. BATCHELOR'S Celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature—. warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, •and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair Soft and Man- WM. Sold by all Druggists, The Genuine is signed wriznar. A. BATOR'S LOB, on the four sides of each boos. FACTORY; No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street), rey2B-1y - Now York. OFFICE OF TILE MAYOR, CITY HALL, SAINT LOWS, Jima 13,1882. To the Creditors of the city of St . Louis Interest on the' Bonded Debt of tho City of St Seals already due, and-to become due before the first day of July, or Matured Bonds still uncancelled, Will be paid, on and after the first day of that month, at tho Boat man's Savings Inetitntion, in said city. Subsequent to the that of July, accruing interest and bonds, when not made payable in Philadelphia, will be paid as formerly, on presentation at the Bank of the Republic, New York, the Oily's Eastern Fiscal Agent No interest will -be allowed on matured coupons or bonds from and after the first of July proximo. jelS-tjyl DANIEL O. TAYLOR, Mayor. 'LYON'S MAGNETIO..INSECT POWDER, Tested for nineteen yeare and grows in favor. It kills and exterminates Boachee, Bed Bugs, Ante, irlaaa, Moths Clothe, Furs, and Furniture, Garden insects, Ac. Alt genuine bears the -signature of B. Lyon, and is not poisonous topersova or domestic animals. Be ware of counterfeits and imitatione. Lyon's Powder insects In a trice, Lyon's Pills are desthto rata and mice. Sold oTorYwhere. D. S. BARNES, my2-stutham' 202 Broadway, New York ONE-PRIO.E.CLOTHING OP THE LATEST. 5T71,96, made in the Beet Manner, expressly for GE TALL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked. In Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our emi-Paton SYSTBIL is strictly ad hered to. Al! are tbfreby treated alike. se/2-iy JONES At CO.. 604 MARKET Street. CARD PRINTING,' BEST AND CIIDAPEST In'the City, at in South FOURTH Stie4. IaWWaIED IiTTCIIEN—BrIERZ.:—June 17th, 1852, .by . N. 0 Pearson, Mr. S. S. Retched to Miss Susan B. Sher', both late of. LKicestE r. tk ERRICK—FISH.—On the evening of the 17th lost., by ROT. D. W. Bartine. 1D.1) Mr.' William H. Alarrick to lel its N ary E. both of this city.-" * REFS--SCHSIIDT.—On the 11th lust, by Rey. John H. Rees ;o Mies Amelia Schmidt. * . . ALEXABBER—BLACK..--Oci the BIM instant, br Bey. N. B. liaidsvio, Mr. Thomas M. P. Alexander to Miss Mary A. Black, daughter of J. B. Black, lag., all DIED FUIVEY.--On The 20th instant, John W. Furey, in the 40th year of his ege. The relasise9 nod friends of the family are respeethelr invited to ettend hisftmeral, from hislate resicteace, lcsn rester turnpike, Bestonville, on Monday, 231 instant. it 1 o'clock P. BC. , ** 111:B1:—on the 18th initant, Mrs. Elizabeth Erre, ra il et of the late John Eyre, in the Est year of her age. Fmn rat from her late residence, 1315 Beech street, altotre Columbia arcane, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 01111.--On the 15th instant, of wounds recaired at Weet Point, Jacob F. Knorr, in the 21st year of hie age. 1100 Z.—fin the 18th instant, Robert Boaz, from dis este connected in camp, aged 42 years. Funeral from his late residence, Milt street, near Weed,, Bristol. Pa., this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock:. .* tJae IBth instant, Henry Lott, in the 47th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of him brother . ..in-law, Alexander McCausland, Tbirty.eighth street, above Market. West Philadelphia, this (Saturday) morning, at 9 o , clock, - without further notice. * _ _ LYNCH.-On 'the ,19th:ireda . nt, Thomas Lynch; aged Funeral from bis late residence, Germantown aroma, below Oxford aired, tbie (Saturday) morning, at 8% oteiock. without further notice. * trt.V L Fifth-day, 19th instant, Seth Mat lack, ib the net year of his age. Funeral from hie lato residence, in Friends' mane, Camden, N. J., (n this (Seventh-day) morning,. at 10 o'rlech, «iibout further notice. 'MATTHEWS —On the 19th instant, Nary Ann, daugh ter of Peter and Catharine 'Matthews, tiled 18 years. Fun( ral from the residence of bar parents, Brown Went, beta yen Emery street and Huntingdon, this (Sa turday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock.' DUFFY —Cn the 19th instant. Agnes Doffs, infant daughter of Thomas and Ann Duffy, aged 1 year and months. Pane's! from the residence of her parents, Pratt street, east of Perty. first, West Palladelphia, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. NAYLOR.—On the 18th Instant, Mason Naylor, to the 67th year or his age. Funeral from his late residence, 336 Borden street, en (to-mcrrow) Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. t JONES.—On the ]Bth instant, Jesse Jones, in the 48th yam- of his age. Funeral from hie late residence, Ocean street, below Green, on (to.morrow) Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, * MOURNING GOODS FOR J UNE SALES.—Black Barige Bernard or Grenadine Bareges, Bit:eget', Crape Maretz, .Bilk Chairs, Point de Venice, Summer Bombazines, Tamises, tine Moustelines, Bilk Grenadines, Pettit de Bole or Mourning Silk, Gros de Rhinos. Foulards, Crape Riese, Grenadine and Crape Barege and Grenadine Shawls. Silk Net Shawls, &c. Also, Black and White Silks, Foulards, Lawns, Glnghams, Valencias, Mohairs, Au. • DIMON & Mourning Store, Jell - No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. ErrST. JUDE'S CHURCH, FRANKLIN . Street, above BSOWN.--In the absence of the Rector, Rey. O. D. 000PIIR will officiate TO-M4R BOW AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock. - TrTABERNACLE BAPTIIT CHURCH, EIGHTEENTH and CHESTNUT etre•ts.—The Bey. DANIEL e EDDY, D. D , of Boston, will preach SUNDAY, n orning and evening, Jane 421. 11 oyCLINTON-STREET CHURCH, TENTH below SPRUCE Street. will be open for Pith° service on IC/410E1/0W (Sabbath) EVENING, at 8 o'clock. Sermon by Rev. DANIEL •MARCH. ltsi ErrFIRST REFORMED DUTCH 091JR0H, corner of SRYENTH end SPRINQ GARDEN itivete —Tbe Rev. 0. H. N. Z &BRUME, of Cox. sickle, N. Y., 'will (D. V.) preach in this church TO•MORD OW—ln the morning, at 10 o'clock; main, at 3. Utt (rrTHE NTANDA.RD UNFURLED—THE REIGN OF GOD PROOLAI RED.—Elder W. La. GAEL, and others. will lecture throe times on SUNDAY, lON A. M.. 3M and 8 P. M. Also, 1110 N. DAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS, at the Eclectic Me dical College, entrance RACE Street, below FlfLta. • Seats free. it* cam FUNERAL •NOTICE.—AII the Mem• here of "Athenian Lodge," No 24. A Y. M., are notified to meet at Masonic Hall, South MATE NTH Streer, on SUNDAY, 22d inrtent, at 12 o'oloek It., to attend tt a funeral of their late brother. NIL LIAM e. CAM ER The members of the Grand L9tige, and the frn'ernity in general, are cordially Invited to attend. By order o!' the W. M. A 'test. JAMIC9 NIZEMIA.III, Becretnry Iffe THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN AS SOCIATION OS PHILADELPHIA—The regular Monthly Meeting of the Ansociation will be held ac the Foams. 3009 and 1011 ORES MOT Street, on MONDAY EVENING, June 23, at 8 o'clock. As basis nese of great importance is to be brought before. the meeting, themembete are most earnestly invited to at tend. 3.2t4t* G. U. STUART, PreeidenL w SPIRITUALISM CONFERENCES AT SANSOM-STREET HALL, on SUNDAY at 103 A. 11., and 8 P. M. Admission 5 cents. Them will be a PIO NIC of Spiritualists and others, at HAMMONTON, N. J., on THURSDAY next, the 28th lost, leave VINE-Street Wharf at 73( A. HI. Tickets SI, for oak hi T. B. MEI, Kith and Ohestnnt, and the Committee. . MEETING IN BEHALF OF THE' EOLDIE BB IN WEST IBILADEL PHIL—A Bee' leg t aid the ?Oilers, Spiritually and Temporally. wilt to bed oa SAIHIATII EVENT NO, June 22d, in the Pi in et ten Presbyterian Church, TN HITT. NINT if sod PoW ELTON Streets. Addressee will be delivered by the Pas'or, Rev ADDISON lIENSY, acd Rev. W. O. sTITT. of Vi, girds. A statement of the operations of the Army Committee will be made by T. E. Harper, Esq. The Rev. Mr. Stitt bee been laboring among the wounded soldiers at Ycrktown, and will explain their necessi- It ErrAN 'APPEAL FOR THE SOLDIERS.- 11 e Ai my Committee are sending large deputa tions with )(myna! stores to the army. and call upon the Christian public to aid them in their wort. A meeting for this purpose will be held on BARB &TR EVENING, June 22d, in the BROAD-STREET R A P 'UST CHURCH, Mune] , of Brown and Broad streets.' Addressee will be mode by the pastor, Be,. P. S. Henson, Rev. T. W. J. Wile . D. D , and the Rev.. James M. Crowell. The Rev. Messrs Wiley and Crowell have recently returned from the bittle ground of Fair Oaks. and will relate their exte rieme wbiLe in that vicinity. Service. commence at 8 o'clock Beats free to all. ' lets orHEADQUARTERS Pa SURGEON GEISZBAL'S OFFICE. A State bledical Board for the Examination of candi dates far the Post of ASSISTANT SURGEON in Penn aylvabia Itridmente, will assemble at HARRISBURG, July 8, at 9 A. M., and continue in session one day. Candidate. will register their names on arriving at the capital. BY order or the Governor. HENRY H. SMITH, . Je2l-fmatjlB Burgeon General Penneylvanla. rysia• OFFICE UNION CANAL COMPANY, PitmADEnrrits, June 19, 1882. In accordance with the provisions of the third section of an Act of Assembly, entitled " afarther supplement to the reviral acts heretofore passed relating to the Union ea..] Company, of Pennsylvania," approved the 10th day of April, 3862, notice Is hereby given that an agreement has bran formed between the stockholders and the bond holders of the said Company on the 9111 day of June, 1882, for the adjustment of the affairs of paid Company, and such bondholder' as took no part therein are called upon to veto ells • in writing their assent to the same, or their dissent therefrom, within three mouths from the date thereof. By order of the Board of Managers. JAMES PAGE, President. 0. Tnostraort, Seerotary. & book for shoisturee will be found at the office of the Company, No. 228 WALNUT Street. Bondholders cell. lug to elgu will please produce their boads, j el9thettil2t car PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. THE PEOPLE or PENNSYLVANIA, who desire , eordially to unite in SUSTAINING THE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION In Its patriotic efforts to suppress a sectional and unholy rebellion against the UNITY OF TEE REPUELIO, and who desire to support, by every power of the Gls.% vernment, our hundred thousand heroic brethren in arms, braving disease and the perils °Oho field to preserve the Union of our fathers, are requested to select the number of DELEGATES equal to the Legislative Representation of the State, at such times and in such manner as will best respond to the spirit of this call, to meet in STATE CONVENTION, AT HARRIriBURG, On THURSDAY, the 17th day of 3017 next, at i 1 o'clock on said day, to NOHLMATIC OANDID&TES for thti officee , • ' • AUDITOR GENERAL_ ♦ N'D SURVEYOR GENERAL. and to take such MOIIIIUMEI as may be deemed necessary to etrengthen the Governw.ent In this season of common peril to a common country. eIeOLIIHN, Ohairman of the People's state Ootamittee. GNO. W. HAMNIGHSLT, Seeretarieff. JOHN M. SULLIVAN. $ mv2-tt 07". NOTICE.—AN ELECTION FOR. DI. /LECTORS of tho CIANDEN AND ATLAN TIC RAILROAD COMPANY will bo held at tne Oflice of the Ccrapany, at COOPER'S POINT, Camden, New Jersey, on THURSDAY, the 26th instant, between the boors or 11 A. M. and 1 P. M. je1f1.12.6 FRAZT•II, Secretary. GTPOST OFFICE NOTICE.—A 51 A 7 L FOR PORT ROYAL, S. 0., to be (lespatehed per steamer M A.SACHUSETTS, frnin this port, will he closed et tbis of on SATURDAY NRXT, June 2let, at twe lye o'clock, noon. ie2o 21 O.A. WALBORN, P. M. NOTIDE.—SUBSCR IBERS .TO THE 113 MOE MEETING to be held over SUFFOLK PARK, will please call and pay their subscription and receive their badges. Privilege hedges for the weak may be obtained at the Book Stands, Continental Rotel, Obtain Lloyd's Blue'Bell Tavern, and at the Ticket Offices at the Course. Field Tickets may be obtained at the Baltimore and Philadelphia Railroad Depot. Trains start for the Race Course daily at 1.10. and 2 o'clock P. 111. [je2o-2t*] JOHN L: 0 A SSADY.. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, (DBPARTMENT OF ARTS.) lhe examination of , the -Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman Clams, at the clime of the - Third Term,,will be held in the following order : - . . MONDAY, June 2sd—From 9 to 11, Juniors, by the Provost, (Intelectuat Philoaapby,) oral. From 11 to 1, Florhomores, by Prof. Frazer, (Metallic Ohemistry,) TUESDAY, 24th.—From 9 to 11, Sophomores, ( &ne ts tical Geometry,) and. Freshmen, (Geometry,) by Prof. Kendall, written. From 11 to 1, Juniors, by Prof. Fi user. (Heat and the Steam-Bngino,) oral. .SVEDYESDAY,. 26th.—From 9 to 11, Sophomores, (Ilisiory,) and Freshmen. (Rhetoric,) by Prof. Oopp6e written. From 11 to 1, Juniors, by . Prof. Allen, (The Birds of iriatophanes,) oral. THURSDAY, 26th —From 9 to 11. Juniors, by Prof. Repeal), (Differential Calsulus.) written. From 11. to 1, Sophomores, Prof. Allen, (Thucydidee,) oral. FRIDAY,-27th.—From 9 to 1L juniors, by Prof. Jackson, (The Epistles of Horace,) oral. From 11 to 1, Freshmen. by Prof. Allen, (Minor Greek Poets.) 310NDAY, 30th.—From 9 to 11, Sophomores, by Prof. Jackson, (The Odes of Itorace,) oral, TUESD July . -let.—From 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Jaokeon, GF.ORt3E ALLEN, je23•tjyl Secretary of the Faculty of Arta. ry- , OFFICE 'MONONGAHELA. IVA.VIGA.- U,...3 TION COMPANY, - • PITTSBDRai May 23,1862. At a meeting of the Board of Managers of this Oompa ny, held on the let of May, 3862, the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved," That coupon bonds of this Company,-:bear ing date the first day of July next, be issued to the amount of Two Hundred Thensand Dollars, in sums of One Thousand Dollars . each, payable in twen ty-five years after the date theteof, bearing interest at - the rate of six per •.contour per annum, Paya ble semi-annually, - in the city of New York, and the said bonds be secured by mortgage of the works and revenues of this Company, to be mado to Thomas Bakewell, as trustee, for the holders of said bonds. Resolved, That the President of this Onmpany be au thorized to proenre, to be negotiated, of the mortgage bonds of this Company. this day ordered to be issued, the amount of One hundred and twenty-five thousand dol lars, for cash, or the outstanding bonds of this -Com- Pally, maturing on the first day of January next, at In accordance with the rowing resolutions!, SUB SCRIPTIONS will be receive) - until threo o'clock of the 24th DAT OF JUNE NEXT, for the abtivo loan. In formation with regard to the character of the Improve ment may be obtained from Joshua llannit, Eeq:, of Nan. na, Bart, &Co l'ittahnrg ; Abraham Gibbons, Be.; Coatesville, Chester county, Pa.; and Messrs. Jan Cock, Co., Philadelphia, who are authorized to receive subscriptions for the-loan. The Cepital Stock of the Company is $726,700 Funded debt, (bondsoutestanding)........ . . 182,000 There is no.floating or other debt existing. The works are in active , operatic , * and complete repair, and the re. eeipte justify expectations of the usual or average divi dend for the present year. Tte works were so far com pleted, and the debts of the Company paid as to enable the 7danatters to declare their first dividend, July 7tn, 1883, since which tithe they have declared fourteen divi dends up to July, 1881—eight yowls—amounting in the aggregate to fifty-four and one-half per cent., or six and eighty-one hundredths per cent. per annum. There are ro bonds in the market better secured than those of this Compsny, and nose that offer greater inducements for investment as to security and prompt payment of iut. rest, which is well known by 'the holders of the present outstanding bonds. The object of this mortgage is to concentrate the bonds - of , the Company and secure the whole. A preference will be given to the present holders of the bonds maturing January let, 1863 The Company reserves the right to accept the whole or any Portion of the amount subscribed. my 27. t.Te24 J. S. MOORHEAD, President. iVICTORY ! VICTORY! !--THE 416th REGIMENT. P. V. M., has been specially accepted by the War Department for three years or during the war. Captains report immediately. Bounty,' Rations, Clothing, and Pay furnished from date of enlistment. This is the only three- year Regiment authorized by the secretary of War from this State, and all patriots desiroos of perviug our common country must now come forward. The Regiment will positively march on or be fore theist of September next. - D. HEENAN, Colonel Comtnanding. A. MALSKEID, Adjutant. ' • Per 0.• H. BARDWELL. Major. Headquarters, 624 MA.REET Street, Philadelphia. PHOTOGRAPHS 14.13V.:13":. BEA.N.-A OARD PHOTOGRAPH of the Rev. H. 11. BEAN; for. merle Hector of the- is (Hearth of the Advent , ' Price 26 cents. MCALLISTER & BRO., It • 728 01188TNUT Street.' COL. THOMAS L. BANE.-'-A CARD PHOTOGRAPH of 001. THOMAS L. BANE, price 25 coats. MoLLLTSTER &RHO , It . • 728 011118TNUT,Street. JUDGE SHARSWOOD -A • CARD PROTOGRAPII of Hon. GEORGE BRAR3 WOOD. Jost Published. '' • , 37031.L1VT1112 & BEO., It 728 OEIRSTRU C HON. HORACE BINNEY. —WE 'lPsvojnst oubliette+) a very SIM o:rd Photograph *Mom HORACE .11111NEY. 1110ALITSTER 'dr BRO., . . It 723 01.158TNIIT Street. ' SUMMER RESORTS LIGHT•HOUSE COTTAGE, AT LANTIC ClTY—This well-known House, having linen enlarged and renovated, is now open for the recep tion of guests. Invalids can be accommodated .with yawns on the first floor, fronting the ocean. light. ROM Cottage possesses the advantage of being the nearest house to the beach. A continuation of the pa. trmage of his Mende and the public Is solicited. No bar. ji2l.lna . . JONAH WOOTTON, Proprietor. BOARDING. aBB MANTOWN .B NO . Vf Fine airs rooms, wills first•cliesimard... Apply on the rro suite!, MAIN Street, ( West • aidea lOW above Walnut lane.. ' jett4ellt -1 'PORI VATE BOARDlNG.—Aroioramo .l_ !lotions for Gentlemen and their Wives, with plea sant single and communicating 'rooms Aleo. Plealiat rooms for several Masks Gentlemen. Apply at 802 North TENTH Street. Terme moderato. Jelo-12ri6 WABTF. WANTED4 7 ., ' 9,000..0EDAR E 8 indt BBINGLIS:. Addiees :S . JOllll CRUMP, jalluttat '21.8 LODGE 8t; aliirve Walnut, Phila. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, corner of t. and TWN NT Y-SEOOND Streets, W.d sum cros, D. 0 , June 17,1962. EXERBIENCED 112AILSTEAS can obtain employ. meot on application at 01.1802e5. J.'J. DANA, jpl9-dtjyl Cap Pain. If.. U. S A. . • • WAN TED-2 .00G Me n'ilong the line of the Lehigh Canal, say 3;500 laboirers, 250 car penter'', and We stone masons. Apply to the °Moore of the Lehigh Coal and lfaligatfon Company, at MAUCH CHUNK, ALLINTOWN, or FASTCN, or anivhere along the line of the works. jet°. V RE UOVALS, REMOVAL. E. O. WHITMAN & Co„ • •CONFECTIONERS, NAYS REMOVED FROM SECOND AND CHEST. • NOT SDBEEIIS • • TO No :818 CHESTNUT STREET, . . '..• BELOW FOURTH, 4niXti;ioOß RO ADAMS de CO.'S 'IMPRESS Jealmlt. FINANCIAL. $2 , 100 $1,500, $1,200 WANTED, 3 on tiret•cissa securities, improved city properties. Apply to E PETTIT, Je2o No 309 WALNUT street. CW. CHURCHMAN, No. 32 South s FROST Street, Philadelphia, k prepared to mats cash advances on ooneignmeata to hie friends in Liver pool. $4;25 0 -THIS AMOUNT TO. IN . VEST, in one Or more improved ground Bents. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 30P WALNUT Street. TO FAMILIES RESIDING RURAL DISTRICTS. We aribpeepared, es heietofore, to supply Families at their einuitry.residences with every description of FINE GROOEBEES, TEAS, ALBERT O. ROBERTS, je2l-1f -COEN= ELKIIINTH AND VINE BTS VOR .ITAIR-CUTTING AND ' DYE- J.: INC, straugers should Tilsit the Bathing tisimn, 701:1RTH and BRANCH Streets. je4l.ft tf LEATH,ER.—Ten TonS of Belt, Hose, and Card nonsdlngs and Shoulders for sale tow. Sole Leather, Calf Skins, and a general asa,rtment of Leather, at lowest cash pricee. R. A. PRATT, 021.2t* 257 MARKET Street. FIRE CRACKERELL-:-500 boxes Gold Chop No. 1 Fire Orarkern. Oranges and Lemons, in prime Order, for sale icq 111.1.0DE8 &•WILLI&RS, No. NT South WATIBIRreet. TH'E.. PIMSB.-PHILADELPRIA--SATURDAY' , - C . JUNEi . ']'.2l, 1862 i.' STATEMENT OF THE gc CONTINENTAL" INSURANCE In compliance with the Laws of Pennsylvania Capital Stock., all paid in Cash $500,000 ASSETS. Beal Bstate held by the Con3pany.... .. . .... .ip80,708 40 Cash to hands' 0,79} 49 Cash in St. Nicholas Bank 45,120 92 Loans secured by bonds' and mortgages....'.: 687,300 00 Etock owned by the Company - 09,060 00 Block held by the Company as collateral so- r- curity for kiIDS 116,953 00 Interest on irireatments made by the Qom pally, due and unpaid 23.272 TT yremiums due and ... . .. . ' 6,851.87 Bents accrued and unpaid .......... ......-.. 458 33 Claims for losses Which are in snit or contest ed by the Company - $2,700 00 'Losses reported to the Company and not acted neon 11,414 75 Dividends declared to Stockholders during the year 70,000 00 Dividends dealer:a due and unpaid SOT 00 Dividends on scripietsued to policy holders do dared and remaining unpaid 7;197 66 AU other claims against the Company, con tested or otherwise - . 389, 87 Coeb premiums received, after dedueting re- turn premiums $275,040 40 Cash.premintris earned, exceed - ..250,000 00 Interest money received from investments by the Company EXPENDITURES. Losses paid daring the year. .... ... . ... ...$108,610 60 Losses paid during the year, which accrued - prior to the year 24,215.31, Lanes estimated in former statement which were paid during the year 24,663 31 Dividends paid during the year .... 79,307 01 Comnaissions paid on premiums during the Year I8,480"40 Taxes paid by the Company ' 12;193 72 All• other expenses and expenditures of the - Company 31,818 78 PHILADELPHIA BOABD OF BBFERBNCE. Stuart & Brother,. (Jay Cooke & Co, Jobe B. M. ere & Co., - A. Campbell & 00., Jamee,'Keet, Santee, & Co. Davis & Birney,' Hiegel, Baird, -& Co., Wm. Taylor & f10., - - James Graham & Co., &Tante, Broher, & Co., cCutehron & Collins, Wright, Smith, & Pearsall, APred Jenks & Son, •Charles P. Rayard, Esq. STATEMENT OF THE gt NIAGARA" FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital Stock Cash in St. Nicholas Nank..... 512,383 Cash in hands of Agents and in course of trans- 7,952 26 Loans secured by Bonds and Mortgages 27,6,550 00 Stocks owned by the Company (market value) 54,837 50 Stocks held by the Company as collateral se curity for loans Interest awned but not yet due on Stocks and Loans—. Premiluns duo and unpaid... Oiher Eecuritiep belonging to the Vompany Interest on investments made-by the CoM. rainy, due and unpaid. ... .... „.. „ „ Interest accrued and not yet due on Mort. 6,034 50 gages Olaims for Imes which are in suit orcontest— ed by the ComPcitilr - 63 000 oo LOGEIO-1 paid during the year 27,100 40 Ifnsettled losses 15,824 97 LOSEOO contested during the year . 1,500 00 dub premiums received Interest money received from the inyeetments of the Company Loaves during the year. Lcesee paid during theyear, which accrued prior to the year, and estimated in former statement. Return premiums.... Dividends paid during the year. Dividends declared due and unpaid.... Expenses, including commissions and foss paid to Agents and Officers of tho Com pany Tales paid by the Company Other exponeea ...... FBILADELPISIA BOARD OF REFERENCE. Stuart & Brother, Jay Cooke & CO Jobn B. 'Myers & Co., it Campbell & Co., James, Emil. Santee, & Co. Davis & Dirtier, Riegel, Baird, & Co., Wm. Taylor & Co., James Graham & Co.. allude, Brother, & Co NcCntcheon & Collins, Wright, Smith, &Pearsall, Alfred Jenks & Son, Charles P. Bayard, DA. STATEMENT OF THE "ARCTIC" FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Cupitul Stock. • a ASSETS. • Iloalyedato bold by lho Company Cash on hand ("Rabin St. Nicholas Bank Amount of Unpaid Premiums.:.... .. Cash In bands of Agents and In course of transmission Loans secured by Bends and Mortgages Amount due Company on which Judgment's have been obtained... United States Stocks Stocks held by the Company as collateral se curity for Loans 10,11245 00 Premium Notes due and unpaid 1,041 57 Premium Notes not due 990 04 Interest on Investmentedue and unpaid 501/ 00 Interest on Investments accrued but not due. 9,11,7 Value of all other property belonging to the Company 5,090 00 LIABILITIES Loma due and unpaid. • A mount of Claims fay Lame connoted by the Company ' .• • • $2,500 00 I oases during tho'Year which havebeen psid. 39,301 90 Loises dnriug thit year which have not been Bettis d • - Losses during the year not acted upon.... 088 h premiums recei mad ............. . $73 3 271 16 Premium Notes takon by the Company...... 1,951 54 Premiums earned 61,271 16 Intereet.reeetyed from. InveMments of the Company 18,071 49 • EXPENDITURES. Losses paid during the year 648,147 28 Losses paid during the year welch accrued prior to the year Amount paid and emingfor re•ineurance pre- minims Return Drernhuni, whether paid or unpaid Expenses paid during the year, including . °emulations and Peed paid to the Agents and Officers of the Company ' • 25,832 34 Taiee paid by. the Company .... 4,963 06 The undersigned haying bcpn appointed Agent and At torney of the above-named Companies has obtained li censes from ibe Auditor General and is now ready to is sue Policies to his many friends in this oily at moderate, rates of Premium. WILLIAM GrETTY, AGHNT, T.BiLADELFBIA. BOARD OF BErEuraos. Stuart A Brother ' . • Jay ( Cooke & Co., John B. Mytre &0o.; • • A. Campbell &Co Jenne% Rent, Santee, & Co. Davin & Biruev,. Riegel, Baird, & Co., Wm. Taylor A Co. • Janine Grahatalt Maule,.Brother,•ilClO., IdnOntcheon.& Collins, Wright, Snail, Js Sennasil, Mired Jenks I Son, Charles P. Bayard. INSURANCE COMPANIES. CONIPANY OF NEW YORK, L.IABILITIES.. INCOME. WILLIAM GETTY, No. 425 OIIE3MUT MUM, rulLADlLeiti.i; OE NEW YORK ASSETS. LIABILITIES. INCOME. EXPENDITURES. WILLIAM GETTY, AGENT, No. 42 OTIESTNIIT STREET, PUILAWILPITIA, PA OF NEW YORK INCOME. No. 425 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILIDELITIA, PA INSURANCE COMPANIES. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE OFFICE 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This company continues to take risks en the Safer claimed Prosily at low rates. The .public can rely upon Its responsibility, and AM. ty to pay loesee promptly. Its disbursements for tht benent of the public, daring the last nine years, exceed 8500,000, end we respectfully solicit its Uwe hi the Muse DIBNOTORS. OHAN. L JERKY WALNION, JOHN W.OLA , MORN, JOHN THOHNLEY, 0. IHBAZIMT, ABRAHAM HART, DATED BOYD, Jr., 'SETHI?, S. HOE, of N.. 1 WM.. H. SWAIN, FITHMAN SHAPPAINO JOSEPH H.LAPP., M. D. D. 6. LAWEENUD, WM O. RUDMAN, JOHN SIISPLEE. THOMAS OBAITHIT, President. A. S. GILLETT, 'lee President JAB. B. ASLITOP,D, Seentarp. ap2B-t3 VAME INSURANCE COMPANY ..12: N 0.406 CHESTNUT Street. FINN AND INLAND INSURANOII. . D/BECITONEt. F. N. Buck, Ohas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Alex, Whilidin, Goo. A. West, O. W. Davis, FRANCIS N. IMO 01IMILES won :WILLIAMS I. BLANC fIOMMONWEALTH- TIRE EASON 'OOEPAHT, or THE STATE OP PFLIEBYLVAITIA. - ' DIRECTORS. i David Jayne, 31. D., Oberlea D. Rogers, John 11. vrbitau, - John K. Walker, Idward 0. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, Beniy bowie, Jr. 111 fish Jones.' :._DAVID JAY lii, At 'D., President. ' - • ' JOHN" lil. WHITALL, Vice' President. sAmuzi, S. MOOK, secretary.. *OfFir.e, Commonwealth Building, 613 ommsrgiol Street. Philadelphia. " " ne 4 -If if WATCHES AND JEWELRY. THOMAS O. GrARRETT, 712 CHESTNUT STREET, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, FINE PLATED WARE haTD TABLE CUTLERY, And is manufacturing a great variety of SILVER WARI adapted for home nee and for presents. Prompt and particular attention , is given to repairing Watches by that-clam workmen. ap24.-thata2m AG I.`7T AMERICAN,ENGLISH AN r - AND SWISSLY, WA LVERE TCHS, - JEW AND SIWARE, • T REDUCED 'PRICES., jny29.2m JOS- H. 326 OREST WATSON, ' NUT srEEET.- R E M.O V A L J, C. F 1.7 .1.414 E It Having Removedirom No. 42 South THIRD Street to No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, 2o.(1 Floor; (Opposite Masonic Temple,) Now offers a Dame and Desirable Stock. of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, .Itooßße.a Br:oTmiata , oPottis AND FORKS, AND . FINE 3-Ew.nrltv, To which the attention of the trade is invited; ap3o-3m AMERICAN WATCH. COM PANY." • ' GOLD AND SILVER, WATOHES, FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. COMPANY'S SALESROOM, Ne. 712 OHESTNUT,Stieet s Second Floor, (opposite Manonii Temple.) 1. B. MARTER, Agent. 0p30.3m $2OOOOO ATULUANITE RUBBER JEWELRY A beautiful line of . . GENTLEMEN'S VEST CHAINS, LADIES' GRA TALAINE CHAINS, THIMBLES, CROSSES, STI7LO, BUTTONS, Now in Store. J. 0, FULLER, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (Opposite Maeonie Temple.) - SOO-ism WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. AFRESH ASSORTMENT, at LESS THAN FORMER PRIORS. • FARR & BROTHER, . Troporters, 324 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. mb2o-If COOKING RANGES, FURNACES, &c, .. 832,399 Ofl ( . 10 crItING- RANGES. ...„. . 11.4vATEri DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING .• • RANGE. This Range has afforded more satisfaction than any yet offered to the pohlic. ARNOLD AC WILSON, . lOl.O :011:1BSTNIT Street. 18,744 22 $43,660.40 8,660 09 „ 6,033 80 .. 40,600 00 100 00 WARM AIR FURNACES, or the teost'approved and economical patteree, SUITED TO ALL GLASSES OF BUILDINGS. ARNOLD & WILSON, 22,852 80 44 6,890 31 VNAMELED SLATE MANTELS. ./IL:41 A largavartoty of these boaatiful Moult& at VERY LOW PRICES. AliNOtto•& WILSON, LOW-DOWN 'AND COMMON ' PARLOR GRATB3 FOR HARD OR $071 ; COAL. Hot -sir Iteigisteis NA Ventilators —a large assortment. ARNOLD' & WILSON, 1010 csEsrltur Street. isp4B-w3e2mof L L CFIAB. L. ORUM k 00., Sucoissoas SO Dinadaaon & Tsooaai, Manufactured of and Dealers in GENTLEMEN'S FINE! SHIRTS A$D FURNISHING GOODS; No. 148 Norfl~ FOURTH STREET, cues L. owl'. ALEX. M. THOMPSON • jes:ll - • • 5250,000 $13,000 00 . 530 30 6,821 SO , 1,557 11 6 000 00 211,182 60 FLANNEL OVER-SHIRTS TUB THE ARMY. FINE • SHIRTS,. .COLLARB,RTOOKR, AND 'WRAPPERS- Manufactured at a.. A. _HOFFMAN'S, (SOOOBSSOI TO W. W. KNIGHT.) NO. 606 ARCH STREET. Nir A full Line of TIES, SCARPS, GLO*IIB, BUSPRNDERS, HOSIERY, AND UNDERCLOTHING, Always on hand, • my23-11/1 $267,917 71 . 4,300 00 . 3,600 00 GEORGE GRANT. XLITOBAOTUIVAIt or AND DiALIER la GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Eto. 610 OHMITIFOT WINEET. mh2o.Bm $19,601 90 FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscriber would invite attention to his. IMPROVED. ODT uS" SHIRTS, • Which be makes a speciality in his business. Also, con. stay tly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. - J. W. SOOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREAT, jaCtifFour doors below the Continental. , . . 10,418 74 • ARMY GOODS • - ON HAND. DASH AND LIGHT BLUE KERSEY& STANDARD 6.4 AND 8-4 INDIGO WOOL-DYED BLUE FLANNELS. INDIGO BLUE MIXTURES. COTTON DUCH, 10, 12, AND 16-OUNON. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, lc CO., a026-2m 222 ORESTPUT STREET. COTTON CAN . VAS, of all imobiisiod. broads. ; . • - &Siren's Duck Awsdar,Terftiof all aawraPiiesa t kr Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon Oovers. Also, Paper blaaufactorere Drier Pelta. from 1 le teat wide. Tanaullmlariting, Sail Twine, %o. JOHN' W. ilirilabaki 6 00.4 . 107 205118 CLIP. my 44 INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL ,s2oosooo. E. D. Woodruff, John Kessler, Jr., P. S. Justice, Washington /emu, Chas. Stokes, John W. Byerinan. President. • RDSON, Vice President. RD, Secretary. [ntb3.9-Ifili Has received a fresh stock 1010 CHESTNUT Street. 1010 ;01IEBT NUT Btreet. MILITARY GOODS. NEW PUBLICATIONS TWO NEW BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. MRS, SC)tJTIIWOJtTH'S NEW BO OK LOVE'S LABOR WON: MRS. EMMA D. E. N. SOITTIIWORTEC,. Anther of The Lost Miress," «The Deserted Win," Curse of Clifton," etc LOVE'S LABOR WON. LOVE'S LABOR WON. LOVE'S LABOR WON. MRS. SOLITIIWORTIPS NEW BOOK, LOVE'S LABOR WON. By DIRS. ERMA D. E. N SOUTHWORTH, author of ~ T he Lost Haltom," tiTbe Deserted "Curse of Olitton, , ' eta., is published end for sale this day, complete in one large duodecimo volume, uniform with " The Lost Redress," bound in cloth, for $1.25, or in two volumes, paper cover, for One Dollar. MRS. GREY'S NEW BOOK THE FLIRT; OR, PABSA.ORS IN THE LIFE - OF A FASHIONABLE YOUNG LADY BY MRS. GREY, Author of the .tGembler's Wife:, etc THE FLIRT ! T.ITE FLIRT! THE FLIRT! MRS. GREY'S NEW BOOK. THE FLIRT OR, PASSAGES IN THE LIFE OF FASHIONABLE YOUNG LADY. By DIES. _GREY, author of ,the 4, Gambier's Wife,. etc., is published itud,for sale this day;complete in one large octavo vo lume, price fifty cents, in paper cover, or seventy-five centsin cloth. Copies of either of the above will be sent to any ens, free of postage, en remitting the price to the publishers rubliabed and for sale by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHER'S, tie. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, To whom all orders must come athlresed. ATLANTIC MONTHLY JULY, 1862, IS READY TO-DAY, WITTE CONTRIBIITIQNS FROM ,, NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, OLIVER 'WENDELL noLNEs, MITROR OF 4.CIIAELES AUCRESTER,'Y BAYARD TAYLOR, I,burs AGASSIZ, AND OTIXER poruLArt NVDITERSt ThoJnly Number is now ready, with the, following Chiefly about War ffiaiidPa I The Poet to his Reader's; Friend Eli's Danehter ;' The Children's Cities; Ericsson and hie Inventions; Some Soldier Poetry; Eronde's Henry Eighth ; . Lyrics of the Street—The Wedding ; Pre sence ; The Minato Guns ; Originality ; Why their Creeds Differed;.Taxation no Burden; Moving; Methods of Study in Natural History; Reviews and - Literary No- BEGINNING OF A NEW VOLUME The present number commences the Tirana Vonumn of the ATLANTIC. The fact that , 10,000 copies have been added to the regular circulation of this Magazine since the beginning of this year lea sufficient evidence of the favor with which the public regard the ATLANTIO. The TIMI 7 VOLIMIEI wilt contain a great variety of the best articles in all departments of literature. Its pages will he strengthened as heretofore, by thoughtful and pa triotic political papers from the bed pens in the country. In the department of Novels and Stories, the ATL OTTIC will in future be specially Men suppbed, some of our most popular writers being now eng Aged on Romances and Tales for its columns. The late TIMODORN WINTHROP the author of u genii Presque 7 ' and , 4 John 'Brim," ?eft a most interesting journal of his travels, which will appear shortly' in the ATLANTIC, with the title of Life in the Open Air." The record is full of adventure.. PrOfeStlor LOWELL and. Profotgor AG Assrz continue their popular contributions, so widely welcomed at borne The Atlantic StatT of Writers in prose and poetry com prises many cf the hest names in American literature. Among them are JAMES BUSSELL tOWSLL, ()LITER WENDELL HOLMES, LiENRY W. LONGFELLOW, JOHN G. WHITTIER, LOMB AGASSIZ, E. B. {RIPPLE, RALPH WALDO EMERSON, BAYARD TAYLOR, NATILMEL HAWYIIOIIIO3, T. W. HlcarssoN, EDWARD EVERETT, ' 45 THE COUNTRY PARSON," BA BRUT PRESCOTT, HOSE TERRY, • Has. H. B. STOWE, • • BENET BILES, And others of par THE . LEADING WRITERS OF AMERIOA..ing TEAMS. —Three dollars a year, or Twenty-tlye cents per number, postage paid by the publishers. CLUBBING ARRANIELENTS.—Subecribers to pay their own postage. Two Copleifor Five Dollars; Five Copies for Ten Dollar, ; Eleven Copies for Twenty Dollars. Postage 36 cents a year. ' TICKNOR & FIELDS, PUBLISHERS, It No. 133 WASHINGTON Street, Boston, Mae OLLOPE'S NORTH AMERICA. TR HARPER'S HAND-BOOK. FOR EUROPEAN TEA- IiIiLLEJIS HARPER & BROTHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK, I=l NORTH AMERICA. ANTTIONY TaoLLors, Author of " The Weet Indies and Spanish Main," "Doc tor Thorne," " The Bertmms," rramley Parson age," "Castle Richmond," " The Tome • Clerks," " Orley Farm," &c, Large 12mo, Cloth, Price Sixty Cents, HARPER'S GUIDE-BOOK FOR EUROPE AND THE EAST. • • • HARPER'S_ HAND-BOOK FOR TRAVELLERS IN E'DROPE AND THE EAST : Being a Guide through France, Belgium, Holland. Germany, Anatris, Sicily, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Switzerland, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, and Great Britain and Ireland. By W. PEMBROKE FETRIDGM. With a Hap embracing Colored Routes of Travel in the above Countries. Large 12mo, Cloth. $2 76; Leather, $3; Half Calf $3.50 ; Roan with Tacks, $3.50. The object of this work it to give a clear and distinct outline, or a eke eton tour through thedifferentcities and places of interest in Europe and the East; the names of the principal works of art by the leading masters is all the galleries; the fees expected by the different custo dians; the names and chergre of the different hotels; the cost of travelling the different routes and the time em ploy ed ; all the items in reference to the transportation of luggage, and the Innumerable number of small charges which tend to swell the account of travelling expensee so that travellers may not only be able to travel without a courier , saying thereby twenty-aye per cent. of their expenses,butwill not be obliged to buy come twenty. five volumes of Ou'deHooks, at an expenee of $BO or $7O, in addition to the charges upon their weight. Those who hare. been in Europe, and those who can not go to Ea rope, will both find in this work a fund of entertainment ; the first, to read up and remember whet they hare seen, and, the second, what they ought to have seen. HARPER & BROTHERS, TILAISKLIN SQOARE,KRW YORK, RAVE JUST PUBLISEED CAPTAIN BURTON'S CITY OF THE SAINTS. The City of the Saints ; and across the Rocky Mountains to By Captain RICHARD F. BURTON, ROl - and Gold Medalist of the Royal Goographical So. defies of France and England; 11. hi Conant fa Went Africa; Author of ' 4 The Lake Regions of Central Af rica With Maps and numerous Illustrations. Svo, Muslin, 113. THE LAST OF THE MORTEN ERB. A Story in Two Voices. By the Author of ti Margaret Maitland." ‘i The House Co the Moor," "The 1114 e of My Ltfo," "The Laird of Norlaw," &e., ac. 12mo, Mediu $l. OONSIPERATIONS ON REPRESENTATIVE GO VERNMENT." By Join Elru.txt. KILL, Author of • System of Logtc.' , 12mo, Cloth, t3l. TEE STRUGGLES OF BROWN, JONES, AND RO BINSON. By One of the Firm. A Noyel. By ANTUOXY THOLLOPB, Antbor of "North America," Frawley Parsonage," " The Berlraras," " Dr. Thorne," " Castle Richmond," ~T he..Th:ee Clerks," Se Bvo, Paper, 55 Cent". W Harper .E Brothers wilt send either of a. above Works by Mail, postage prepaid (for any distance in the United states under 1,500 riles,) on receipt of the Price. Er HARPER'S CATALOGUE may be obtained gra fi:diet:loy on application to the Pablishors . personally, or by letter enclosing els cents in Footage Stamps. It TRAVELLER'S DEVOTIONAL LIBRARY.—The Traveller's Devotional Library, done op in a neat case, suitable for the pocket, contain ing the following works : Spiritual Songs, by the Hey. J. O. Ryles. Wait on the Lord, by Rev. James Smith. My Times In God'a Hand. by Octavtue Winslow, D. D. None Like Ohrist. by Octavius Mellow, D. D. Going Home. by the author of" Hone Like Christ." Go and Tell Jeans, by the author of " Going Home." Price SI. Tor sale by WILLIAM IL d ALFRED MARTIEN, 1.20 • No. 000 08381/lIIT Street. NEW ,PUBLICATIONS. a e TWO CAPITAL NEW BOOKS. READY TO-DAY. THE MOBGESONS • Ma. Straidard'a novel. which has been so eagerly ex ;viand announced. " The deep elements of passion, the intense realism, and the dramatic interest of this re markable roTel, will place its anther high among female novelists." 51) cents, paper corers, and $l, cloth bound. ORIENTAL lIAREIRS AND SOENERY A spicy end piquant book of travel - and adventure in the Glint. iiansish d front the ninth of the Princeei Bt lgitjo2o.. Giving the meet bewildering and tnicinatiag glintwes of life In the root. The freEheet, most varied, aid interesting" book on tide subject ever publishyd. Price, cloth bound, with tinted engraving; $1.25. CARLETON, Publisher, J ' I-we tf THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY FOR JULY reedy this day, and, 4,5 USUAL, in advAnce of all competition. holocriptione received fo, the Now Volume, by T. B. PUGH. It* SIXTH nod MIES MUT. NEW ENGLISH BOOKS JUST IM -ported and for pal+ by MoELHOY ,t CO., N 0.27 Eolith SIXTH Street, above Chestnut: LOWNIDES' SLISLIOGRAPHICIIV MANUAL - . Part 7. - , cloth. Sl. _ DA.bTE'S .INFDDNO. Drootratod by Gosarre Dort hail morocco; *33, - STUDIES FROM LIFE. By the wither " JOha EraltraX. " 12ni0., cloth. $l. 50. BODIN HOOD BALLADS..IBmO., cloth. Printed at the Chiswick Press. 81 CRATE'S MANUAL OP ENGLISH LITERATURE,. and of the Ilititory of the English Language. Sardi OF.OKER'S FAIRY LEGENDS OP IRELAND. New and complete edition. Small Bvo., cloth. $1..75. SIB BENRY HOLLANIPS - ESSAYS ON SIREN TINIO AND 01131111 SUBJECTS. Royalivo , cloth THE JAPANESE: TIME MANNERS AND CUS TOMS. Illustrated by. Stereoscopic Views. Square Bvo., cl•th. $2 25 'COSMO INNES. Sketches of early Scottish Ilistori. 'Royal Bvo., cloth. $5. LAST POEMS. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 12m0., cloth $1 75. - A NOBLE PURPOSE NOBLY WON. By the author of Mary Poirell. 2 vols. 12m0., moth. $3.50. A BOOK OF NONSENSE., By Edmund Lear. IN morons Illustrations. Oblong 4t0.; cloth.. $l. Foreign Books imported to order by every steamer. Monthly Catalogues of new and old English and Preach Books furnished gratis on application. p 15.31 CIRCULATING LIBRARY BROTHE MEAD'S CI TW u- Vil • LATING LIRBADY.—AII the NEW English and. American Books ' including ALL GLA.SSEi of Lice. return. Thin is the ONLY Ulmer} in the country that includes all the NEW ZNGLIELI BOOKS that arenot IMPRINTED here. Terms $5 per Sear; 6 mouths 83; three months $1.60, or 3 eerie per day. 218 South EIGHTH street. je7-Im* RETAIL DRY GOODS. E. & L., E.'& L. EYRE & LANDELL, EYRE & LAIk.TDV,Ly EYRE & LANDELL, EIRE Br, LANDELL., FOURTH ANi) ARCH, FOURTH AID ARON, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, POTTRTH AND ARCH, ARE NOW OLOSING':OUT SUMMER SILKS. SUMMER SHA.WLS. SUMMER ROBES, FRENCH ORGANDIES, RICH ORENADINES, TOURISTS' DRESS GOODS, BUMMER FOULARDS. GRENADINE VEILS, SUPERIOR MITTS, INDIA.:PLAID SILKS, PLAID 310ZAMBIQUES, PLAIN MOZAIMIQUES. BLACK :SILK SACQUES. Jelo-tutbelm • E M. NEEDLES; 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, Invites special attention to an invoice of BEAL FRENCH MUSLIN; . Two yards wide, from 50 cents to 81, being the article now so Jeeireble for SUMMER S&CQCFES, MANCH.- LAS, anti GARIBALDI'S. jell-St • MOZAMBIQUES, • BABEGE ANGLAIS, AND FRENCH GRENADINES, • REDITOCED TO 12,ii CENTS. ()LOSING OUT DRESS GOODS AT LOW PRIORS. • OIIRWEN STODDAUT di BROTHER, 450, 452, and 4E4 North SECOND Stroet, jelcl-St Above Willow. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. CASS lIVIERES. LIGHT MIXTURES. MIK MIXTURES. FINE BLACK CLOTHS. LADIES' OLOAKINGS BL&CH. BROADCLOTHS. SILK EUXED COATINGS. NEW MELTONS. COOPER & CONA'RD. S. E. CORNER NINTH AND MARKET my27-1m TEN PER CENT. TAKEN OFF lIN TIL JULY Ist. We are pled the citizens of Philadelphia have appre ciated our object In tatting a discern:Wog - all sales over sl—to redoce stock, which will be continued during the alteration, lentil July let,. on Drees Good., for cosh only. 'LYE PER OENT. ON' ALL OTHER DRY GOODS in eur establiebruent, for cash nuly. to reduce stock. 011 HATE BUT TEN DAYS - to avail youtvelves of this rare opportunity, as after .Inl7 lot we will occupy cob , the eastern store of the premises, now called Xightb and Arch streets, where we have been located for the past ten years. Gur new store will be in the Harmony Building, NO. 736 (9even•thirty-six) ARCH STREET, Bret door below Eighth street. Recollect until July let, the disconnt will be taken off. ADAMS, • RIORTH and ARCH. Streets. Reds Skirts or OVOI7 grade, at the }owlet pricoe, and 5 per cent. off. BARGAINS IN COTTON 3 AND WlTENS.L—Notwithotanding tho GREAT ADTANCR . in the prices of MTISLINS, we ore prepared to sell a large stock of all kiude, bought argyle= to tho rise, at lent than they can aow be bought. Nvery width of Sheeting and Shirting Winslin. Also, en kinds or FURNISHING GOODS. Those proposing repleniehing their stooks can now do so with a greet saving. Tible Linens from STX cents to $1.25 per yard ; large Napkin', 75 cents per yanl; good all Linen Towel's, 8 cents each; real Barnsley Linen Sheeting, 75 cents per dozen, very good; Blankets ; 40 cent Shirting Linens for 25 cents ; Marseilles Quilts; Honeycomb Quills; Lan caster do.; Dimity do.• ' Cloth Table Corer. ; fi ne bleached Linen Damask Table Cloths, of all OUP. B. Ti & W. H. PXSINSLL, jr2l-tf IMI MARIKIeT Street, below Eleventh. Tr STEEL & SON, . No. 718 North TENTH St , above COATES, have just received, 3,000 'YARDS FINE FRENCH BABEGEI;" At 31% cents, never sold lees than 44 cents, the greatest job of the season. Bich styles of Dareges, at 37,t6 to 50 'lento. Bich Light Ground Grenadines, at 50 cents, worth $l. Rich French Organdies, at 37% cents. Fine French Organdies, 25 and 31 cants. 1 lot of French Organdies, at 18. worth 87% cents. Beautiful styles of Lawns, at 12% cents. Now styles Brown Ground Lawns at 12)6 ciente. • NO ADVANCE IN BLAQIC SILKS. A full line of rood Black Silks, at low price.. GREAT REDUCTION IN LACE GOODS. In order to effect more rapid sales, and to close oat in muslin our entire stock of Lace Mantles, Lace Bournone, and • Lace Pointea, we have made great reductions from our FORMER LO W PRICES. .1020 egiOAKS, PALATOTES AND MAN 1./ TlLLAB.—Ladies in want of the above articles Will End it to their is/yentas,' to visit the old eetsbilshed home of Mn. HENRY, No. ZS Notth NINTH Street, below AEON. The latest Paris Styles always On hand at Prices that astoninh evecybody. se4-Stin EDUCATIONAL. GERMAN.—A New Class for Gentle men will be 'opened on ItIOND&Y, JUNE 23d, 5 o'clock P 11. Only $8 per quarter, in advance. Two lemons* week. Prot. 0. T. EBRN, je2o4lt* , • No. 309 BRA.NO LI Street. p n 0 Y MINES', AND O.llTh -I.P MINN% CLOTHING, •pt•INDIAN) VARIETY, .15104137 eon* ZIOHTH Street, 1e716-11ea - • Three Poore above WALNUT. IMSSPHI ADEL PHI & RACES- -SPRIN G RUNNING MEETING, BUP -IrOLK PARK COURSE. There will be FOUR DAYS' RACING, at from One to Beats. and Half-Mile Heats for Saddle Horses, at the Suffolk Park Course. Commencing on MONDAY. June 23d, and ending on THURSDAY, June 26th, 1882. The met celebrated Ronvn in America Will be pre sent to run tiv ee races. Among them are : Idlewild, Molly Jackson, Laura Park, Lightning, Betty Ward, Hillsborough, Pope, Sweigert, Reporter, Blondin, Millington, Ann Clark, Bay Flower, Norton Eta D. Wagram, Sunshine, West Roxbnry, Jesqe, Throe's Neck, Bovenge, Cs clone, Trontore Capricieuse, Be.M and abet% The meet convenient means of &Gavle to the Course are the fellowine: BY BALTIMORE RAILROAD, in 10 minntoa—Depot By HORSE OARS, from 'Merkel - street to Blue Belt Tavern, one hour. . . Driving Boadn, down Broad strret to Pas.Yttak Road, pant Point Breen+) Park over Penrose Farr/ Bridge. Out 'Market street to Darby road, or through West Philadelphia. Over Grayle Ferry Bridge to Darby road. Prices of Admission to Field and Open Stand, 50 cents. Covered Stand $l, or for One Gentleman and Two Ladies. Priiilege Badges for the Week, admitting One Gentle man and as many Ladies ache changing to bring, to all Darts of the Course, during the Week, 810. No charge for Vehicles. NRW YORK Races to Goonnenco Doily at 2X o'clock. IV - STRICT ORDER WILL BE PRESERVED. JOAN L. OABSA.DY NOTlCE.—Entriesjor the Lady's Cirt, (a Mag. niticent Go'd Watch folaid with diamonds) to be run for by Saddle Horses, on Tuesday June 24th, on the Sul felk Park Course, must be made under seal, enclosing en trance fee, (93.0) by 9 o'clock Saturday atoning, June 21, and addressed to JOHN L. OASSADY, je 17.5r* Continental Hotel, Philadelphin. AIM. JOHN DREW'S MICR -STREET THBAISEL Acting and Stage Manage... . . S. FREDBRIORS. Bushman Agent and Treasurer JOS. NURSES. GREAT SATDDDILY NIGHT'S DILL. BENEFIT OF DIR. OfIANFRAD. TIMED PIEOES. SATURDAY, JUNE, 21, - WIDOW'S VIOTIE! BULL BUN!!! Monday, a new bill. Doors oven at 7 4'. To commence at 8 o'clock. It 1 AATALN T-STREET THEATRE , WALSUT Streets. Solo Lessee ...... Mre. M. A. Garrettoon. ACtirig and Stage Manager... Mr Wayne Olarine TwoUth night of the brilliantly oem nfol engagement of THE ANDDIOAN coarro ACTItBtS, MISS JULIA DA.LYt Immense Bid To Night, Satnrday, June 21st, The Great Drama, in three acts, or JACK SITE P PAST)! WITH THRDDE JACK. SHEPPAND3. Mall Julia Daly, Naif Bro - v;rl,. M J. M. Ward To conclude with the burletta entitled --.IN- AND OUT OF PLACE. With bliss Julia Daly in 6 ebaractere, 3 filings, 3 dances Doors oyes at 7% o'clock, Coruirionce at S. CONTINENTAL THEATRE. AIR. S. DAYIS Sole Lemma. A SATURDAY NIGHT'S ENTIORTAINAIERT B OLEY'S MINSTRELS• MINSTRELSY, DA,IiCES, AND FUN TUB EVE " .11110.15ETH, DAMON IND PYTaJA.S'= LUCRETIA BORGIA. ROBERT M AC/AIRE. Ocmclndiup with— MOH 'LOW JACK SHEPPARD. Tic xes, 25,centa • Family Circle, 15 cetxt4l Chains, ST yi ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS , GREAT NAUTICAL ENTEBTAIITHENT. THRILLING SCENES IN . THE LIFE OF A. YANICS. W aLE.rdiN t EVERY EVENING, at 8 o'cicck precisely. BELEO3 MATINEE, 'SATURDAY at 3 o'clock, Admission 28 cents. Six. Tickets for one dollar. Olott. Oxen 10 cents. - Liberal ariangementa made for schools on Wednesdar „ • Afternatint - • joie -et pENN VAINTA ACADEMY.I THE 'PTNIE AITS, hition of Paintings_and Smitipttire, 1.07,5 011178TITEPt fitreet. Open from 9 A. Al. till 8 P. 51, and .11(4f. ,P. dB 10 P: Admittance 25 cents; Beason 'Tickets 50 cent:. Stockholders, Artists, and, Contributors WM re1:01 , 4 their Motets at the Academy: no admissions without ' Open From 9 A. 51.. till 7 P. 111 .3 and from B nli it an 27 FOR SALE .AffilD TO LET. 91HE STORE 220 *MARKET, AT FIFE lIITERED DOLLARS PER An:fun. Possession given July Ist, 1862 Apply on 0.1.4 pre- . ie19,5304- TO DISTILLERS. —a- he DISTILLEBY known as ttu: end formerly owned and occulted by Eitrl t . 03f7Tri., Zod., eltnated on TIFMTTT-THIRD, betwees. a.A.T4 and MTZ Btreolo, Philadalpbia, Capacity 800 buolutil iSnr dny,l,s now ofierml for sale on reasonable and actxv.r.- modal . = Pomo. Is in gavel : oon€ ,g arior„ and haa za tho modern improvements. An Arundan well on the r.re adseo farrisheo an =falling supply of good, pore water. Addreoa Z. LOOSE et 00., No, 1010 MARKZT Street, Philadelphia. feZt.dtf F 0 R THE BEA.- su RE! -- suuEv. tai- BANGEMENT.—CAPIDEN A 111) ATLANTIC RAIIr BO Three trains daily to Atlantic City and return, (Sun days excepted). Trains learn VINE-Street Ferry as follows: 11141 Train Expreee Train Freight and Accommodation RETURNING Leaves, Atlantic Vail Train ' 440 P. R. 61 Express Train 616 A. M. It ." • Freigbt and Accommodatitia.3 18 A. M. FARE $l.BO. Round. trip Tickets, °oaf only for the day and train on which they are irsued, $ 2 2.50. Exaar , won Tickets, good for three dap', 53. Hotels ere now open. . JOHN G. BRYANT, jolt-if Agent. ~vvc ' WEST CHESTER AND PHILADEI.PHIA R&D.. ROAD, VIA MEDIA. - - - - - - PLEASANT AND CHEAP AFTERNOON EX 'OURSIONS ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDA YR, 7brough the fined Country end the moat 'beautiful Scenery in the vicinity of Philageiphie. -On TUESDAYS nod FRIDAYS of each treat until further notice an Extra 1 rain will leave Weet Cheater at 0.55 P. M. tor Philadelphia. Passe, gere buying Excursion Tickets can take either -the R•or 430 1' AI Train !row Philadelphia, and the i or 6.55 P. DI. Train from Wont °heater. Ronnd-Trip Tickets from Philadelphia to all Statical eaet of Weat Chester. good on any of the above Trains, out or in, may be had on these days only r at Hroarsion rake, good only on the days issued. For farther information. arply at the Ticket Office, let the Depot, IT. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and hi..aft- RET Street's. along delightful locations for Summer Boarders oft the tine of the road. HENRY WOOO, je2l..tux Is tf Superintendent. MOUNT MORTAR CEMETERY This ground is located a few yards of the Darby road, about the same distance from the city as Laurel DUI, and fs Leautifully situated on the highest point of ground for miles around. Its Boa is admirably adapted for the purpose designed, being high and dry. The public are invliedia examine Its claims before purchasing elsewhere. General and sectional plane may be examined at the Nc. 139 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, Wbere'any farther information will be cberrholly af forded by the agent. DESIRABLE LOTS. AT LOW PRIDES, AND ON LDIEBAL Are not; In the market, Borneof them in sodium jest opened, having bLtherto been held in reserve. °arum Houses from 8 A. H. to 4 P. 81., and either ha fore or after Hose hours, at the reeldenoe of the under . 441444, No. 314 NORTH TENTH STREET. FREDERICK A. VAN CLEVE.; N. B.—Conveyance to and !rem the Cemetery roc nth se deetre to mtrehsee. myll. Stin THE EXCELSIOR " HAMS ARE TH 14 BEST IN J. H. MICHENER & Co., GENERAL isoinsioN DEALERS, AM curers atilt celebrated " EXCELSIOR " SUGAR-CUBED HAMS, Nos. 142 and 144 North TRONT Street, Between Aro% and Ears strata, FAG adripAis. The justly-celebrated E1OEL13102" NAM are Arced by J. U.M. h Go., (in a style Decals: to Ems. leaven,) expressly for FAMILY ; are of delicious Savor; free from the unpleasant tart.* of salt, and are Pronounced by epicures superior to EMT now offered sel-Sot MATTI:NOB ! MAT ZINGS ! MAT TI:KIS 2.-4 WHITE AND ORECTEED, • 4.4 WHITE AND. CHECKED, 5-4 WHITE AND °NECKED, 6-4 WHITE AND OHECKED, AT LOW PRIONS TOR OABII. ANT:VD L. KNIGHT, No. 282 , 80uth SZOOND WY 1-Im i< West side. near Spruce. OPENING OF A SUMMER GAR, VEN.—The nadersigned bogs loave to Inform the public that he has opened• for the 1101121011 his FINS GAB, DEN and HOTEL, at the toot of 00A.TNS Street, ono. site Fairmount Park. Fansißes are particularly Invited. Ice ()ream,' Oakes, ezoellent Lager Beer of Beate' brag. ery, Wines, &0., always on band. HENRY FRIONA. TWENTY-SEVENTH and COATES Elia. 41 . TURTLE AND CLAM sarp served np &Wl(Sundays excepted) by JA.M24 ITOSITSR, 808 MASK= Street. • Families Implied Itermei. my7-tf T-MAILE.RB' CHERRY TENT BUTTONS BMA SLIPS, United States pattern, rot sale at - J. P. BEED , S, Southeast corner of THIII - TEI and NOBLE! Streets, Pilau%lehla. mr2ol-Im* TNGOT COPPER-PROM THE •MTODALOID kINIMG COMPANY, of Laka Superior, for sale in tote to suit parobeaers, at GVO. V. WOINRATEr's. of Aitcu fittest, jelB-wOm* TAE TURF S 5,000! STAKES AND PIIRSEi lI=M A.NILISEMENTS SEA BATHING. 4 00 P. M. 5 00 P. 111. COMPANY'S OFFICE, ozuza&L AGENT ip A m . m L! m Nl gi BEM