The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 16, 1862, Image 3
ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT CONTINENTAL lIOTEL—NInth and Chestnut eta. Maninue, Indianapolis T G Moore, KentnekY T H Bobbins 0 F Christiar. & 1, Haryrd lthlmour. Cincinnati Mej J Potne'roy Z Morris, Idarrlosiana, Pa ' J M Gains Mrs lereol, Penneylvanla M Woods, Parkersburg, Ye Mire Furman, Troy, N Y D B r ow n C Meroh Boston Geo J Hughes, PODIA F 8 LOWifl, New York T fI Phipps, Cheerer co, Pa Mrs M J Keys, Baltimore Min Armstrong, Baltimore A J hopper, Tenneaeee Col Price, Wastdoen, D 0 J J Jones, Washington, DC MO (louden A I, U dA John B Loyd, Baltimore J Savage, Salem Z P Torbune, Newark, N J G Spring A I, Now York 6 M Otwrisey, New York F New York B 0 W Burnham. W Home Jos Wilron, Beaton Nis F W Buntt, Wash, D C Mew G 43 Fiona, U 8 A Cant GI Gibson, U S A B W Russell A wr, Brie, PA Copt Gardner, Maryland B M Bowman, U S A Dr W 8 King, 11 S A Semi A Weigh, Now York JSt Clair Gray &la Pa W Street, Norwalk, tJt A P Bruney, Lowell "B F Morley, Pit'eburg W Dixey, Mohnret, Meet 811 Sloths & Is, New York 01' Mar bonnie, Cincinnati W E Reinhard, Cincinnati airs W N Reinhard A oh, 0 W it Clement, Cincinnati J B Ball, New York W H O.te, Brooklyn B Obece ' Brooklyn I' Squire, Sow York A Obrbtie, New York B Hammett, Philadelphia CO Benton, M D, Mau Bey ICU Bolloi, Maine P Eoliths, Portland, Me John T Dunn, Clounocticut A B Wentworth, Cincinnati .1 H. Woodburn&la,lndinna J N Mondry & T U Bowen, U S N B H Cheerer 8 A Guthrie, Zanesville N Stevens, Boston W Copp B wren F D Wells, Pew York Mr Heller A la, New York P Boss, Auburn, N Y Vol Hoffman, U B,A H Hot, Bradford, MUM B hi • Glr Thomas Lt Strawbrigge, Pa _ - - M Pieree, Boston Than Dowling. Terra Haute Wm Mason & la. Taunton R 8 8 Oissei, D Dr 0 0 Keeney, N 8 A J Milligan, Jr. Liverpool John C Milligan, New York J W Bryce, Burlington H L Holden & Is, Pa J 0 Gate,. Boston 0 8 Hanker, Now York .1 O Crain, Jernay City B P Avery, New York W 1Y Hestia, New York Mai A MoD Lyon, U 8 A Henry IYilson, flarrisburg N J Martin, Louisville Boht e wrrard, Jr, Ohio Geo Noon 8 wf, Utica, NY TN Ayres, Maysville, KT Capt Grant,'England Oast Mahon, England J Wrll, Et Louis • Jae Noyes, Matontottutat's II D blears, Watltlngton, D U HOTEL—Fourth st.. below Arch. Norris Peters, Delaware ILA Walton, Delaware C A ROM, NOVA Scotia John Burgos., New York Bichord ot,..Mugland John Mornoskey, Pittsuurn J a Cosgrove, Ptheboirg K Clinton, NJ U It Foster, Phillipsburg J Brady, Pennsylvania T O t towart,Weetmorel i d to J W Wyckoff ,t la, N J Brodhead, U S N James Plidtips, Peoria B N Miller, Pittsburg Misr Lizzio dlUinr, Plttsbig Miss Ante Reel, Pittsburg Kiinspart, Pa .11%11 Connor, Pittsburg Hon A K Wright,Olearfield .3 I. Whlcutt & la, California S J Ittosoit. Now York James Pottoreon, Penns IC M Norton, tVheoling, Va E B Norton, Wboollng,Ya F J Norton, Wneeling, Va Eatul fetlock A Salcedo, Havana C Lasseli, Jr, New York Jos Wilson MAA ui onto, Pittsburg It L wait. Pittsburg S Shore, Pittsburg AMERlCAN—Chestnut street, above Fifth. J M Bnw 1, New York . J R New York P Maus & wf, Danville W C Kamer, ➢ld John Lardner, Jr Jai U Slater, N Jersey Sltrier,.New Jersey Jas B Hoagland, N Jersey P H Combs. New Jersey Z McGoldrick, Oin, 0 J B Champion 0 Jrnterly, N Jersey W Knox, New Jersey B B Combs, New Jersey J B Turton & wf, Wash Mrs L H Schnieder, Wash Weilde, Penult W W Yuba, Bethlehem 0 Yobe, Bethlehem H Blunicagou, N Jersey J 0 Thompson, N Jersey H Hall. New Jersey Tboe 1Y Acton, New Jersey R D Pltct, r, New York 6T. LOMB HOTSL—Oltesiant street, ohm Third Jee Phillips, Pennsylvania B Illeyenberg, Wash D 0 Dr R U Balser, White Given 1C Ssyre, White lima D Gregory B R louse. New York Solomon Jewtll, II S A C F Jordou, Slain° A Hi Zabriskie, N J 7 A Do Plaine. U 3 N Jif Walter, New Jersey J White, Cincinnati • W C Porter, Watet ford F W Lewis, I'euueylvanla Il Hazen Aw, Washington J W Hid LA la. Wisconsin L Batiks, Now York J W bailey, Galena, lil TRH UNION—Arch streok, oboe's Third. J F Carrie, Potterlllo J U Decors, Cincinnati Bobt Bolt, Obi° ltlss J Holt, Ohio J G ?quires, Delaware co Fat Wheeler. Hanoock,tir J Jones, Wash D U Bawl B Leader, Poona henry habit, Pittsburg F Itoeda, ritutersettle NATIONAL HOTEL—Baca street. abort) Third. FEludes, P. IMS A II Buyer, Danville D Dart, Baltimore • Jae kluFey, Hughesville Jet, W William, Scranton W B Hunter, Wmenort {lbw!. W Wilson, N York U Magda, Lebanon .L L Sblrk, Lebanon JOhn Hailer, Lebanon .0 Mark, Lebanon H H Duncan, Pettus W 11 Dtrall, Maryland 0 S Sloane, N York ..11 BM, Portland F Parker, Portland A R King, Portland BARLEY SHEAF—Second !duet, below Vine. T Warner, Wri t ibteloyrn .1 Lukeue, Backe co .S Aikinecn Jc le, Peens J Stoionde, Benedo Wed Mts J Stvedide, Canada W T Addneou, Bucks co Miss S Stepler, Penile MLR A &Apter, Peons 'Altee M eitspler,Penna J 11 Banl4oY. llerteyitle J G GsudY, New G/BaY Jnanw, Ringotla 8 B Bolcorub, Mercer, N J Kainuutzor, 304th Ilegt tiY Hubensack, Milltown R Y Lawrence, N Jane, .0 M Price. Gat denvilii Pa kt Uhler, Fresicanovrn, Pa Outward, Bricks co .1 0 Ric, West Plillatia •Oeo r t la, blatne A D Brooke, Wash, Is 0 0 I' &Luke, Wash, D 0 J Y Sow. Franktord JULDII.ON HOUSK-Beioond Street, above Market. Jet vim Cordon Bobt Soothe, Penult lifeNotr, Lanceeter H Socum, Knoxville, Tenn J 11 et telltiliz, 'Webb, DO F P thibert, Warn, D 0 .8 Fluitnen, Norfolk, Va W 1. Habil, Prone .0 IloCatt), Pli e co, Pa II Eveo9, Devn; N Y lret Te> Inr,Dembege, Mese L Smith, Deimt - Are W J Perkbnret, Delaware Dr JH ll Kuowles, Del. L J Bledeit, Seaford, Del MOUNT VERNON UOTEL—S coed et., above Arch. Mom Brink. retina B.T Stalin. Poona T Dam, Oockectoo, B Y W Gronv,,l(l, NValton, N Y Hafer, Hancock, NY 'X Midannon. Tacanv 4 B Hawk, Y II, Eouninvk •Jao NatbeveN Eoutnnuk .1 B nathawa, Iniulnunk Throw Mathews, BALulounk D Labor, roaulouuk Mr Lard, Eoulnunk. N 111 Nolnue, &pliant* B B MltcllQq, Occhecton,llYJ D lior,..Piko co, Ea John Pm Lly', No, York ''GOMMIGROIAL--Blith amt., above 011ectnnt. Owen nthlor, Maryland S Mason, Dblawuo Jae 1S Narrett, Mars land hire b' It Baird, Norralk,Va TI Ptiluuck, Willa, Del Joe 8 Kbk, i•hoitar co 81 John George Murnet , , Dalawaro O II Heince, Maryland A D Sloauxber, Bucks co STATES llNlON—Marital Arent, above Six 0 W Forrest, Lex ieburs LII Bloir, Boston P L Snyder, Bethlehem L K Lade, Plitisburg T li XiMom, PhDs - Julio thorny, Plain Jae Pine, ti ow ]lrk BLACK BEAR--Third sweet, above Callowhtil. P Brinier, Boyleetown W Ruppert, Northampton D Levis 8 hlornr, Philadelphia BALD EAGLE—Third 'druid, atxmo Cahowhill. A Boor, South Easton . 1 u doOthider, Allentown MARINE •INI'ELLIGENUN. Sr UM VOIMITIi PADS AUItININJ) Retch Commerce, Barnes, 10 days from Onanioa, PS, with eugur thud =limns Le Johu 11u,ou B Co. Passed .belnw the Leuuotto, settle Unmet. Queen, from Corn- Nd, and Anna Carton, [coup tbidetlU, NP, with fralt lithr J Frambes, Somers, from Beaufort, NO, 10th- suet, in ballast to captain. ()optuiu Price, of the colic YLaa & Iti.bicca, who came peee.uger, reports leaving the fullowlug; vomele: U 8 gunboats linylotht end Blouut Yampa; ship Marcia Greenleaf; neon. Eiiza & notocco, Puke; J U Bartlett Connelly; Mary d lifeuks, Matte; Richert:Yana ' ttaluor,Oortlery; tlarrowe 0, Claris, It 13 Miller, Baker; Jolla Yoram, Bator, Ye. rOy, Baker, Young America; Memento; Hannah elloree, (lento; P oftripsotr Sao Juksui Ii IS Metcalf, and One or two . 41 hers not row. 'llected. liehr Cori,lime, Foy, 4 day,' from New York, with mile to 1) Cooper. Eau. W P Pbllllo, Smith, 4 day"; from Beslttmoro, in ballast to Oaetuer t Stickney Welliugton. gala Ltoerty, Jubasov, 2 clit)e from luOlau River, Del tivith cum to Joe 11 Bewley & Co. blechanic, Oodles, 1 day from Odeon, Del, with torn to Jw L Huxley & Co. CLEARED. liteomatilp Saxon, Itiattheae, Boetou, balk Vlctorine, Jones, Et John, N B, Wellman & Co. brig It I) boggles, Coon, Purt uu Snafu, E A Sootier & Brig Louisa, (Br) Crosby, Yarmouth, NB, ' do Scbr Mabel. Moore, Gnadulou pt. J eu retcoo .4 Lavergne Schr T Lundraon, Finch, AlezaLdria, Noble, ualdwel & Co. Blr Beverly, Pierce, New York, W P Clyde. (Corramondente of the Phneuethhie. Exchange.) LEWES, Del.. June 14, 9,4( P hi The bark Amy, for Barbadoe, wen; to am; this evening. The echr (Jerrie Huse, from .itio, aid several othere in balm.; tum, are now at harbor bound up. Wino WN W. Yours, do. JOLLN i. lAB.Btiff.A.LL. MILMOBANDA Bohn Jae Batterthwatte and Jonathan, the former for Lemon, with tom, and the latter La loratowo, with Government Mons, were strung by lightning on Friday evening I •at below the mouth of the echnyllull river, and the Injury sustained by each wee so eerlons as co re quire them to return to We port fur rep-tirr. Bbip B L Lane, Br; tr, hence, arrived at Liverpool 8113 t Uit. Balk ftlatatlen, Nichols, sailed from Cardenas 27th ult for Philedeipble. Burk Unto, Kuowles, cleartd et Now York 14th inst. fur bhengbete. Dills nemuel Welsh, from Porto Rico, arrived at Now Yolk ) tett Way. Says Itabol Alberto, Tooker, nod J g Johns m, John• eon, clean..? at New York 14to tour. for rhlidoelpulue. bchr Wouder, Norton, beuce, enlvetl ut Now York 14th Met bar 0 W Bentley, °hale, hence, arrived at Fall Elver 13th inst. Schr Wand Belle, Keene, hence, arrived at New Bed ford 12th met. new L ti Endicott, Leeds, hence, arrived at NewpGrt nth inst. . . Schr Wai Arthur. Haskell, honed, arrived at Portland 39th lost Seim Wm Paxson, Corson, hence, arrived at Provi deuce 12th intit. ochre Ann 8 Brown, Brown, Allen FI Brown, Crowell, Minerva, Brooke, Warren LI Nelson, Smith, and Amelia, IVelsblll, hence, arrived at Provldeuce 13th Ina. tichrs Young America, Bather, and belly W Ponder, Norton, hence, arrived at Pawtucket 13th lest relit' Salmon Washburn, ht.nce, arrived at Taunton 13th tont. Steamer H Burdon,loper, hence, arrived at N Yerk 141 h !SPECIAL, N OTICES BATCHELOR'S BAIR DYE ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. lILIAId A. BATOIIELOB'S celebrated Hair Dye Broducee a color not to be dletinguishod from nature— warranted not to Injure the Hair in the leant j remedies the illeffects of bed dyeo, and invigoretes the Hair for life. GRAY, BED, or BUSTY BAIR instantly tarns* splendid Bleck or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and than tiful.- Bold by all Bruges* Ac. Sir The Genuine le signed WILLIAM. A.•BATOEIN. LOB, on the four sidos of each. box. EACTOItY, No. 81 BAROLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 10 Bond street), niy2B-1s New . York. 9.-T.-1880-71 DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS--EX. nuked Nature's Great„ Restorer. They tortaorate, 4 engthen, and purity the system, Cure Dyspepsia, hdlty of the Stomach, Dlarrhtes, acc. A perfect ay- Slat' and tonto. They Invigorate the body, without a ulating the brain. They are compounded of pure 6 mix Itnm, Boots, and 'gerbil, and are recom ari ed by all who nee them. Adapted to otil or 170 , but particularly reciemmended to the weak and 4rinad. Bold by an Grocery, Druggists, Notele t sad eal.e. P. 11. DRAICH & CO., RD PAINTING, BEET AND CHEAPEST •It 7. et 111 South FOURTH Street. • PRINTING, boat and cheapest In the Oily, at FOURTH Street. LAB , PRINTING, beet and cheapest tn. the South rOVßTllBtaaet. AV ACT to authorize the appointment of Medical Store keepers and Chaplains of Rosetta's. De it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secrotary of War be authorized to add to ti a medical department of the army medics' storekeepers, not exceeding six in number, who shall have the pay and emoinments of military storekeepers in the quartermaster's department. who shall be skilled, apothecaries or druggists, who shall give the bowl and security required by existing laws for military store keepers in the Quartermaster's department, and who shall be stationed at such points so tee necessities of the army may minim : Provided, That the provisions of this act shall remain in force only during the contlon &nee of the prevent rebellion. Approved May 'lO, 1062. 11. The following are the regulations which will go vern the appointment of medical storekeepers under the first section of the foregoing act of Congress: 1. A board of not lose than three medical officers will be assembled by the Secretary of War to examine such applicants as may, by him, be authorized to appear be fore it. Gto Pierce, Dorton Janou Laudon, 11. Homburg 81. Berry, Hollidaysburg Juana Uhanberlin, PLUa B 1 Hams Groan co P ice :Downingtown 202 Broadway, Now York. MEDICAL STOREKEEPERS,—The fol lowing extrSOt of an sot of Congress in relation to the appointment of Medical Storekeepers le published for the information of pergola desirous of applying for each a goeltion : 2. Candidates, to be eligible to examination, dual be not less than twenty-tive years or more than forty years of age; shall poseets snillciont physical ability' to per form their duties Edltiaractorily ; and shall preeent with their applications eatiefactot7 evidence or goal moral cbnracter. . - - 3. Candidates will be -required to pass a satisfactory examination in the ordinary branches of a good English education, in phatmacy and matoria medics; and to giro proof that they possess the requisite baldness quali fications for the position. 4. The boald will report to the Secretary of - War the relative merit of the candidates examined, and they will receive appointments accordingly. 5. When appointee. each !medical storekeeper will be required to give a bond In the amount of vo,ooo before be shall be allowed to enter on the performance of his duties. By order of the Secretary of War. • • L. THOMAS, adjutant General. A Board of Medical Officers for the examination of applicants will be convened .in the city of Washington ou the . flret day of July, to coo tines in session one month. Applications to appear before the Board should be ad dressed to the Secretary of War. OFF!cm, June 5,1869. .1813-41 • Ox's-Paws CLOTHING; GP THE CATSI37 - EITYLBS, made in the Best Manner, exyressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked to Plain Figures. All Goode made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our Otte-Pitioa SYSTPLY IS strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. en 22-17 JONES lc 00., 604 MARKET Street rirAq4;l.:49 BIOBELBERGER—UPP —On the 10th Instant, by the Key. Thomas Street. Mr. F. A. Kichelberster to Mica Kate, erdeet daughter or Mr. George Lipp, of York, Pa. DIED. RIZAICIRT.—On Itho 13th. hie., Jacob Reakirt, in the 73d year of hie age. Ilie mole relatives end friends are invited to attend his tuners], from the roeidenre of Ida eon, No. 1014 0511ov/- hill street, on Wednesday morning, the 18th inst.. at 9 o'clock, without further invitation. *** WILLIAMS.-0o the 13th inst., at hie reeidence, near Moorestown, N. J., Isaao Williams, in the 44th year of his age. llis rklatives and friends arc respectfully invited to at tend his funeral, from his late reeidence, this day, 16th inst., at 2 o'clock P M. OAMPBELL.—On Saturday morning, 14th instant, William U., infant son of Bdw S. and Mary W. Vamp- Pep, aged 10 months and 24 days. Parietal to take place from the reeidence of the pa rents, b 29 Vino street, this (Mcador) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. TIMIIIP.—On the evening of the 13th instant, Michael Trump, In the 79th year of hie age. 81s relatives and Mende are invited to attend his Tune. ral, from his late residence, No. 406 Green etroet, this (hecond•dar ) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, without farther no• lice. . . FRANKS.—On the 10th inst., Itohecca, wife of Wm D. Franks. • . _ Funeral from her late reaidence, back of No. 838 Char lotte street, above Brown, this (Monday) morning at 8 o'clock. BIEKTIC —On the 12th instant, Mr. William Male, in the bBd year if hie age. Funeral from hie late residence, N 0.910 Booth Front street, below Christian, this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. MOURNING GOODS FOR J UNE BALBS.—Biaok Barege Romani or Grenadine Bareges, Baregos, Crape Karatz, Silk Choirs, Point de Venice, Bummer Bomt.azinee, TBl/1108, find Alunstelinee, Silk Grenadines, Pooh do Sole or Mourning Bilk, Gros de Foularde, Crape Line, Grenadine nod Crape Voile, Batego and Grenadine Shawls. Silk Net Shawls, Gc. • Also, Black and White Silks, Foulards, Lawns, ingham% Valencia', Mohair', etc. , . BEBSON & 30a 'S Mourning Store, • • • • • . Mo. 918 OMIIB MUT Street. arSTRAWBERRY AND FLORAL 'FES ' MAL, in aid of the MIME 0 HEIMAN MI ORM North THIRD Street, above Girard avenue, on She Afternoons and &sonnies of TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, the 17th and 18th inst. Tickets of ad mission Ten Cent*. jelB.3oS mi. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL—A STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL fur the benefit of St. Andrew's Church wilLttsjedd In the 80054 y School-room, THIRTY-hi XTH Street north or Haverrord street, Bantus, on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, June 15 and O. Open day and evening. Tickets can ho had at the door, or at tbo Drug Store Thirty-firth and a wer ford streets. lto ErrA STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL AND °UNMET OP VUO &I. AN D tesrituillEßral, kr USW, for he benefit of St. Stephen's M. B. 13harok, Germantown, will be bold on TUESDAY EVENING, the 17th it st ,at 8 o'clock, in the TOWN HALL.. 'Am National Cornet Bend of Germantown 0111 ne it, attend ance, and will perform Pomo choice music. Tickets Wants. To be bad at llarkinsn's, Parker's, Robert Thoniar, Ewe., Mee Gates', and at the door on the evening of the entertainment. jelo.2t* TrTO TILE FRIENDS OF OUR TROOPS BEFORE RIOR Al ON D.—klaspre. COOK & MARTIN, :Undertakers. having made the most complete art augments for the Elf BALKING., INTERIMSI', and TRANSPORTATION of any 01PIONit or-SOL DIER. who may fall in action, are prepared to receive ordez is. which they will execute with fidelity and prompt ness. Particulars and turns nay be loamy dby applies bon, or.letter addressed to A MAE PIS, 217 BOW New York, or COORa MARTIN, WWI), House, Va.le* arA. MEETING OF. THE REPUBLICAN CLUB OF TUE FOURTEENTH WARD W7ll bp held at the Mechanics' Hall. tale() story, 00.STES ',tree', above Eleventh, on TUESDAY EVENING. June 17, 1862, at 8 o'clock. Punctual attendance le requested. lts DANIEL W. CLAIMS, Secretary. A MEETING OF TUE REPUBLICAN ASSOOIATIOR of the NINETEEN CB WARD all' be held on THIS (Monday) EVENING, Jane 18th, at 8 o'clock, at the homes of John Doerr, corner of ELLA and AS RIBEE Streets. An in favor of sustaining the National Administration are invited to attet A By order of J PLIVIOHER BUDD, President. JAS. MILLIGAN, Jr., Secretary ltik Effa BANK NOTICE.—BOOKS ARE NOW °gamed at the %wore of J Ai&J) D N. MARES, 'rhIRTY.FIGTITH and BUJ NET Streeta. and at the ciliceof the IVES r PHILADELPHIA SAVINti FUND, to receive subscriptions to the capital stock of "The Bank of Wet Philadelphia," to be erainidlied in the wenty•fonith Ward under the free banking law. $e14.51* orOFFICE OIR.ARD FIRE AND MA: BINE INSURANCE 430811.A.NY. 415 WAL- NUT Bt PHILADELPHIA, May 12, 2861—The Directors have this day declared a semi-annual DIVIDEND of three and a half par cont., payable to the stockholders of this Company, on and after the 15th instant. myl4•mwflm -ALFRED B. GILLETT, Treoeurer. NOTICE.—AN ELECTION FOR DI. RECTORS of the CAMDEN AND AI'LiN• TIAJ RAILROAD COMPANY, ant be held at the Office of the lktepany, at COOPER'S POINT, itemise, Now Jersey, on TOURSDA 7, the 28th fnetant, between the hours of 11 A. IL and 1 P. M. je18426 • E. TRIZIR Secretary. ErrOFFICE OF THE LITTLE SCHUTL KILL NAVIGATION, RAILROAD, AND O ,, aL COMPANY, 407 LIBLIABY Street, PIIILADEL ?nu, June 6, 1802. A Special Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at their office on THURSDAY, the 28th Ineigint, at 11 o'clock A. M., for the despatch of business generally. By order of the. Board of Managers: WM. WALK, Jr., jeo•f&mt2G Treaeur err and Seeretari. cry . PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. TUE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA, who drake cordially to unite In wane - 0 ING TEE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION in Its patriotic efforts to suppress a sectional and unholy rebellion against the UNIT! OF Till RISPITIMIO, and who desire to support, by every power of tho Go vernment, our hundred thousand heroic brethren Su arms, braving disease bud the perils of the fold to preserve the Union of our fathers, are requested to select the number of DELEGATES equal to the Legislative Soprosontatkin of the State, at such timeg and in such manner as will best respond to the spirit of this call, to meet In STATE CONVENTION, AT HARRISBURG, On TIIEBSDAY, the 17th day of Jay, next, at 11 o'clock on Bald day, to NOMINATE OANDIDATIES for the °Meet of • AUDITOR GENERAL A3D SURTICYOU GENERAL, and to take such measures as may be doomed necessary to strengthen the Government in this season of common peril to a common country. . . Ohelrman of the People's State Committee. GEO. W. BAMMERBLY.Secretaries. JOEIN M. SULLIVAN, my 2.11 QT. OFFICE MONONGAHELA NAVIGA TION COMPANY, PITTNIOACI, May 23, 3822. At a meeting of the Board of Managers of this Compa ny, held on the let of May, 1862, the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That coupon bonds of this Company, bear ing date the first day of July next, be issued to the amount of Two Hundred Thensand Dollars, in sums of One Thousand Dollars each , payablA in evnin ty-flve years after the date thereof, bearing interest at the rate of six per coot= per annum, paya ble semi-annually, in the city of New York, and the said bonds bo secured by mortgage of the works and revenues of this Company, to be made to Thomas Bakewell, as trustee, for the holders of said bonds. Resolved, That the President of this Company be au thorized to procure, to be negotiated, of the mortgage bonds of this Company, this day ordered to be hunted, the amount of one hundred and twenty-live thonsand del lam, for 'cash, or the outatuntling bonds of this Com pany, maturing on the Irst day of January next, at par. In accordant* with the foregoing resolutions, BUB scsirriorls will be received until three o'clock of the 24th DAY OF JUNE NEXT, for the above loan. In formation with regard to the character of the Improve ment may be obtained from Joshua Hanna, Esq., of Ban ns, Bort. dr. CoPittsburg ; Abraham Gibbons, Esq., Coatesville, Chester county, Pa. ; and Messrs. Jay, Cook, & Co., Philadelphia, who are authorized to receive subscriptions for the loan. The Capital Stock of the Company is ....... ..• • F 72 °11 00 Funded debt, (bonds outstanding). . .... 182;000 There is no floating or other debt existing. The works are to active operation and complete repair, and the re ceipts justify expectations of the usual or average divi dend for the present year. The works were so far com pleted, and the debts ef the Company paid as to enable the Managers to declare their that dividend, July 7th, /868, since which time they have declared fourteen divi dends up to July, 1801—eight yews—amounting in the agpregate to.fifty-four and one-half per cent., or six and eighty-one hundredths per cent. per annum. There are no bonds in the market better secured than those of this Company, and nose that offer greater Inducements for investment as to security and prompt payment of inte rest, which is well known by the holders of the present ontetanding bonds. The object of this mortgage is to concentrate the bonds of the Company and secure the whole. A preference will be given to the present holders of the bonds maturing January let, 1883. The Company reserves the right to accept the whole or any portion of the amount subscribed. m y 27. tJe24 Jr. ILOOPIIIAD. PreekStmt. TVORYTYPES.- REIMER'S IVO BYTYPDS are °irately finished Plcturee. Drapery, tiobly colored; the Reek flats delicate, fresh, and nista. ral. SHOOND Street, above Green. • le* Ti ABHIONABLE HAIR CUTTING Bad static Heir Dyeing' dorie et 11017WTH and BILANOIL lelA-iftt 11 VICTORY! VICTORY! !-THE 116th REGIMENT. P. V. it., bee been specially accepted by the Wet Department for three years or during the war. Captains report immediately. Bonnty, Rodeos, Clothing, and Pay furnished from date of enlistment. This is the only three-year Regiment sothorized by tbo Eecretary of War from, this State, sod all patriots dra!rous of serelog our common country must now coma forward. The Regiment will Positively march od or be fore the let of September next. D. HEENAN; Colonel Commanding. A.. %MASER, Adjutant. Per G. H. ItARDWELL. Major. Headquarters, 108 South SIXTH. Street, Philadelphia. jell tf $lO,OOO WANTED=ON MORT gage on Atilt Propelty. worth $60,000. For particulars address •' 61." box. 1941, Philadelphia P. O. jel4.Bd► CHURCHMAN, N. 32 *Muth C. FRONT &root. Philadelphia, tipiopuod to make cash advanced on canaigomenta to Wu fHeadi in Liver pool. • • Nje6.lm* . . $4,250 .7. T St n in B one or AtOore Toroclyarol N BMW. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 300 WALNUT Street, Trim COPARTNERSHIP heretofore J. • existing b, tween the subscribers, under tha firm of BROWN. KUNKEL. h 00., is this day diaaolred, by nutted consent. Each partner Is authorized to settle the bushiees. W. IL BROWN, C. W. KUNKEL, GEO. W. HALL. Prtmiest.rtus, Juno 2, 1862 THE UNDERSIGNED have this day rotated a Coportnerahip, ender the thin of KUNKEL, BALL, & CO , a, d will continue the Wholoaale Cloth ing buninee at No. 325 MARKET Eityrt. C. W. 'KUNKEL, GEORGE W. BALL. PHILADELPiIi. Juni 2, 1822. jul6-32* .rOPAILTNERSHIP • VOTIOE.—The 'l.l undersigned have rermed a cepattaerolitp, noder the tr6.7eactinvir OL the Mut ) " , of arse, at Noe. 40 and 42 .9oath FRONT Street, tadlirfil6 - TITIA Street.. J ARVIS SLADRI. , . FSAILEY !MUTH. rIIILADELPITTA, June 12 1962'. jel2.6t mBE COPARTNERSHIP HERE -1 torero existing between the subscribers, under the firm of ABBOTT, JOHNES, A CO., to this day dissolved by mutual coneent. The besieges of the firm will be set ihd by George W. Johnes and WillißM H. Berry, either of whom is authorised to lint In liuu i dation. RE DSIAN ABBOTT, GEORGE W. JOH NES, . WILLIAbI R. BERRY, GEORGE J. GEOB3. .T.WILOO3I. Philadelphia. June 2, 1862. 302-12e* ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUI PAGE OFFICE, PEu.4SSLHEIIk, JII1:10 14, 1852, HOSPITAL BUILDINGS W TRD.—Prop nal, are invited for the renting to the United States, for Hospital purrs see, LARGE BUILDINGS convenient to Railroad •or Water Transportation Routes in the vicinity of Phila. delonia, either in New Jersey, Peuneylvania, or Dela ware. Owners or agents rf any such buildings, will please send to the office immediately a description of them, with the location, and tho rate of rent per annum, aLd addressed to " G. 11. 0803)16.N, jelll-11 • Deputy Quartermaster Ocreral U. 8. A. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUI PAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Ste PHILADELPHIA, JUDO 14, 1882. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until SATURDAY, 21st lust., at 12 ff.. for supplying the 5A311311.111 Arsenal with PACKING BOXES, in snob quantities as may be needed, Until December Slat, 1864. They will he aubject to inspection at the Schuylkill Arse nal, where simples sod elms may be men. Also, to furnish OAP, LETTER, and NOTE PAPER, plain, or wiih printed headings, ENVELOPES of diffe. rent sizes and printed designations, in such quantities us 'nay be needed at this office, for six months from Bat of July next. Samples of each kind may be seen at this office. • Proposals wig be endorsed, " Proposals for Pecking Boxes," or "Proposals for Paper. Envelopes, lke and addressed to ' 0. H. 011,05)t&N, )46-61 '• Deputy . Q.. 111. Gen A; . . MOUNT MOBILE. CEMETERY. This ground le located a few yards olf the Darby road, about the same dietance from the city as Laurel Hill, and Is beautifully situated on the higheet point of ground foe Mlles around. fie soil is admirably adapted for the purpose rdeslgned, being high and dry. The. public are invited to examine ita . claime before pnrcharting elsewhere. . General and sectional plane may be examined at the Where any further Information will be cheerfully at forded by the agetit. Are now in the Market, some of them in sections lust opened, having hitherto boon held in reserve. °Trios Boasts from 8 A.t. to a P.M., and either be. fore or after theee hours, at the residence of the under. signed, N. Lt.—Conveyance to and from the Cemetery for nob se desire to purchase. myls-2m. rrIBE BEST ASSORTMENT- OF _A_ Fine Gravely' in the City. at very low pricre. JANES HOldZit d ISON, SEVENTH and NOBLE and SIXTH sad WOOD. ie-14 NEW MACKEREL. • 150 Bbla New Largo No. 8 Malord. 150 Half /Ibis 6 6 6 6 • di In store and and for sale by • . ' • %' MURPHY @. KOONS. jel4. tf No. 145 North WH&RYI MA OKEB EL , • SRB SHAD, &c., &o. 2.500 Lbm Mose Nos. 1,2, and kacierel,. taxi canght fat tab, in assorted packages. 2,090 fib's New Eastport, Fortuno Bay, and EaLlfax Herring. .2.600 Boxes Lubec, Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. 160 Bble blew Mess Sbsd. • 250 Boxes Herkimer County Choose. &c. In store and for sale by MURPHY & KOONS, jeld•tf . . . No. 146 North WHARVES. SUPERIOR . FAMILY BREAD; also, lINBqLTED BREAD, daily, at P. 11, OASSDAYT, je9•mn.Bttt No. 20 North Ninth Mreot MAT'riNGS ! MATTINGS! MAT mosi S-4 WHITE AND CHECKED, 4-4 WHITE AND CHECKED, 5-4 WHITE AND CHECKED, 0-4 WHITE AND CHECKED, AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH.. REEVE L. KNIGHT. No. 282 &ate, BECOND Street.,, My ET-1m If Wootildo, risor Smog. HZ HALM, MORSE, AND 80Y .8147-4DJUSTINGG . CtOTHES • WRINGER. JOHN A. IIIORPTIEY, 922 OBUTNITT Street, is no longer an age• t for the Self. Adjusting Olothea Wringer. This Wringer has given universal intlevetion, and is warranted to do so in every particular. Before purchasing, cell, examine, and try it, at °ince of JOY, 00E, di On, FIFTH and OHEBTHIIT Streets. jel2-3m L. K. SNOW. I_N p FO L R,MA.TION FOIL THE WILLIAM C. SEIII3-IID taken this opportunity to In form his patrons md the public that be ie now prepared to furnish all the lending Philadelohls and New York newopspers, magazines. and periodicals. Agent for the DAILY Jinn WEEKLY PRNSS. sub scribers and others can pave them delivered as soon as hunted of their residences or plates of bluffness in Frank fend or vicinity. • - jeP-Im • CAUTLON.• • The well-earned reputation of • FAIRBANKS" SCALES Han tudrasxl the makers of Imperfect balances to offer them es " FM/MOMS' tiOALlfli," and enrollment sive thereby, In many instances, been subjected retread Ind Itnpositioa • FAIRBANKS' SCALES are casunfao. cued only by the original Inventors, T. & GO., and OM adapted to every branch of the ,netnews, where a correct and durable Sealer, in required FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, sole- AILIONTO H ALL. YIP Off ESTMIT BT A. K. MaI3LITRIA, UNITED STATES PATENT OF TIM WASHINGTON, MAT 29,1862. Ott the petition of Robert Burns Goodyear, formirly of Philadelphia, Penneylegate, now of .1111ctoo ' Maryland, praying for the extension of a Went granted to James A. Bowie and Charles Carr, of rbiladelthia. Pennsyllinia, as th e In4igneest of the said Robert Y. Goodyear, dated March 13, 1849, antedated Ecptember .13, 1843. ;Lod re tueostre. by. then, to Robert R. Goodyear, and reissued to him on the 20:b May, 1862, for an Improvement in apple tains ter operating daunts boxes of looms, for seven years from the expiration or said patent, which takes place on tte 13th day of /September, 1882— It is ordered, that the said petition be heard at the P 4. tent Office on MONDAY, the 55th day of August next; at 12 o'clock M. ; and all persona are outbid to appear . and show canoe, if any they have, why said petition ought not to be granted. Persons Opposing the extension are regolred to file in the Patent .011 ice their objections, specially wet forth in writing. at least twenty days before the day of h< art dg ; all teal IMObf Bled by either tarty to be need at the said hear in. , most he taken and tranamittel in scomilance with the rules cf the °Mee, which will be furnished ou appli cation. 'I be testimony in the case will be closed on the 11th der of Aligned next; depositions and other papers relied upon M t.ettmooy mart be filed fn the office on or before ,the morning of that day; tho arguments, It any, within ten deft; thereafter. Ordered, alio, that this notice be publish , d In the Na ti rm al Republican, WeeMiniton. D. C., and The Press, Philadelphia; Penna.. once a week for three successive weeks; the first of Raid publications to be at Mast sixty der a plevions to the day of hearing. D. P. HOLLOWAY, Oommlssioner of Patents. P. 8 --Editors of the above rapers will please copy, and send their bills to tha Patent Office, with a paper contain log Void je2-m3t LATOUR. OLIVE OIL.-463 baskets LA7 ORR OLIVE OIL, just received, and (Or agile by JAITRICTRUE LAVERGNE, 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. OAIII7O22.—HaTing seen a spurious article of 011 branded «J. Latour," we caution the publio against Purchaeing the same, as the genuine J. Latour Oil can be procured only from on. JAItEUTOHII k LANIMBONIC, 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. WENING OF A subirdsß OAR t~II DU —The bogs loaie to Inform the titiblic that he has opened for.the season his FINK HAR DEN and HOTEL, at the toot of COSTES Street. Fairmount Park. Families are partioularly Invited, Ice Chum, Oakes, excellent Lager Deer of Bakei brow. e 47. Winos, Ea., always on heed. lIRNRY MULL, my3.3m TWEIiTY•BEYSNTS and GOATIBIiii. FINANCIAL. ~K~rJ;~ ;~►il ~► t~} : i 18:~ PROPOSALS. COMPANY'S OFFICE, No. 129 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, DESIRAE, ,E LOTS. AT LOW PRICES, AND ON LIBERAL TERNS, No. 314 - NORTE'. TENTIFSTRFIET FREDERICK A. VAN CLEVE, GENERAL AGENT VRANKFORD GENERAL NEWS AGENCY THE PREM:- . 7-PIPIAPEIMMAI ; MONDAY ; JUNE 16, 1862. • •• • • ••••••• • T B. O.9.BI3E.LBERRY, No. 45 North CP •• EIOHS4 Skeet.—Auction ',archness open this dal• 1 lot Black and White Organdy LPW NA, 12) c; t above good.' hare beau add thie eoaton at Me • lot; inch style Colored ORGAN DEES, at 16X c.; the' above lot of gods coed 22Mc. to import. 3 lots superior white ground Organdies, at 12Xe. 2 lota One black and white Jaconote, French, 18%c. I case % plain Zdozambhmee,good paean/02Mo. 35 piece, Woven Plaid Mossrablques, all colors, the meet &Arable article in the market, 18X c . 8 CASES ALL-WOOL FILLIRO ItAItEGE GL Al 3, 6Mc. 10 pieces 4.4 gray Imbroldered P.iplins, left from last season, reduced (row 50 Col is 415'25. MOURNING GOOO9 00tiliTBIt. All-wool Delano e, 28 to 60 cis.; all-waol Detainee. 1% yards wide, 88c. and ; all- wool Dsdaluee, 2 yarda vice, extra One. $1.117X and 61.50; black Alpacas, 26 etc. to $1; Bontbssines ; plain black Caahmeree, 15 obi.; plain black Lawns; black and white isconets; 1J yards wide black Barege ; 2 yards wide black Barege; black and white all-wool Delaines ; black Grenadine ; Baregos, 18X ,• black Crape Burets; plain black Grenadine, 37 eta.; . black and white Gingham', Ohluturt, Ac.; Black, Grey Patent Persiane, 35c; Black and White Striped Foulard Silks, at 3t) and 50c.; Black and White Plaid IllozatubioutP, also, BLACK BLOVEKING BILKS, In great va riety, cheap. BLACK BILKS! BLACK SILKSI BLACK BILKS! 30 pieces Black Bilks, bought for cash, to clout a con aitzument, and will be sold at the old prices—no rise— all widths. • Sunprior quality Small !gold India Ens, 560 FOIILARD 61L1i5, 3IX, 40,44, and 000. Black, figured, and Striae Silks, 62X, 7S, and WI, MODE AND DRAB mANkoAs, FOR TRAVEL- A lot Polka Dotted 4-4 Au:Wines, obmapest to this market. Linen Table Damwks, Bleached, 2 lards wide, 470. 20 pieces all•linen Bleached llnckabsca, for Towele, 12% lo 18%c. 100 dozen Towels, Ilecksback, all linen, $1.37% per dozen. ED doz. Towels, Htickaback. all Ilium 61.05 per dozen 1 bale finest all. wool pink. edged flannel ever sold at 26 centn. 75 dozen of tile well•kuown Quaker Toilet Soap, at 630.; usual DTSEe 25. CANTON Al ATTINGS! CANTON Iti&TTINGS! Red Check klattinge, 3 4, 6-4, and 6.4 wide. White Idattings, 4 4, 5-4, and 6-4 wide. All arranged in !intend story, and cold at last year's auction prices. HONEY-COMB QUILTS, 29j yards wide. at. the .4 hc.arlce , J O.S3ELBERBY'3 P. B.—A premium will be given to ti:oen who viiicto buy Dry Goods and have Gold and Silver to pay with, ou all amocuits over 81, in order to facilitate change, at 45 North Exosri Street. CASSELBB MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAN. LIQ•ET MIXTURES.,- BILK MIXTURES. ...• SINE BLACK 2 014 0 T S isprzs , inossiumm. • BLACK BROADCLOTHS. BILB =ENO COATINGS. NNW 3111LTON8. COOPER, OONARD, , • S. B.'OORNIER NINTH AND MARKET inyST-Int VERY CHEAP. ReiREGE ROBES. A lair; 'lnvoice or French Bangle Robes, printed bguree and dark grounds, with Bilk 'flouncing% at ;one third of the importing noel. Printed French Bareges at very low prices. Plain and barred Colored Bare/tee, cheap. Barrow and wideßerege Anglefe. French Lamm of flue qualtty and new styles 6BaRPLES3 BBOTBER9. - . CEIBSTNIPP and EIGHTS. Street. B LACK AND WHITE CHECKED poptaNs.—A. mall lot joist reeelved, silk-and thread. Eouble width and Single Checked Worsteds St'SAPLESS BROTHERS, Jen • CHESTNUT and EIGHT! Streets. - nROCRE BAREG4 8 all wool, at 20 cents. Bich styles fine French Bareges, at 81 to 87 cents. Rich styles Silk and Wool Gballiei, at 50 cents. 11.10 H STYLIeS SILK GRENADINES. 60 pieces plain Mozatublquee, double width. Thin drews gcode of every description TRIMMING RIBBONS, COLORED EDGES, ALL SHADES. Jost received, a email lot of Very cheap fancy Silks. 1 lot figured Silks, Solid colors, greens, purples, and modes, at 75 cents. 1 lot herded Bilks, solid colors, rose, maize, purple, and mode, sl,worth $1.25. Plain rown and mode Silks at 87 mtg. Plain brown and mode Silks at 51 12X. . A large and choice assort neat of Lace Reunions, Lace dimities, with Ruffles, Lacs Pointe's, Fifty per cent. lees thou cost of importation. 11. STEEL & SON, jett• if No. 718 North TENTH St. . ab. COATES. JAS. B. CA MPBE do 00., 727 OHICSTECIT STEER; OFFIIR .4? WHOLSBALN AND BSTA.IL, Very choice Goods of rent nt importation. Black F ilk Checked Grenadine, extra quality Foulard Hilts, elegant Mlles and flab quality Black Silks, beet brands. Bloch° Barege, 'Germane and Mozambique. 8-4 Paris Pll d'Obevre. Poll d'Obeyre, all wool Grenadine Veils, in modeittd other shades. WHITS. GOODS 'AND LINENS . In great variety, at altremely. tow griose. 1096 . o 'a ZS T2N17..T E..M. NEEDLES Invites, tin "special attention" ( t y , a Ladies" who Wood 44 spending the runtrane in "the - fog" ski: Watering Places," or hi 44 true& 4 .t0 a very large aairrtuvit of T.IO.IIIIIICD AND MADE-UP GOODS," IN "SETS, SLEEVES," &o. In aPOINTE, VALENOIENNIE, GUIPURE MALTESE,” and otter Laces; and in LINEN, OA 01111i10, A D SWISS," which he hat jnet opened Alen, in 4 , VaLcncienare Trimmed . ' and Rtef 'ed Cambric Handkerchiefs," embroidered. in colors; together with a general anortmeot o White Goods, Linens ' Laces, Embroideries, . Veils, Handkerchiefs," &e., adapted to the • olremente of the . present Eleatoll. A large and 'varied ashortrnent of 4, Caribaid" Marlins," and "Black and While Figured Net' for " Stec res." All tht- above of the "Latest Stylet," and a• he 4 . Very Lowest. Prices." 103 T 024 - OH.IIB.TNIIT BTBSET. "ORB & LANDBLL, FOURTH .and AI!CEI, bate a tine apsortment of Summer Simile. "PYRE &. LANDELL have . the Black and Whit. Plaid Baia fur Bonnet. and Dreelea at ira per yard. je2 NEW. CLOAK ..STORE! Thisteet decant aiSportmeut in the city. No. aloud' NINTH Street, -First door above °hostas& mh26-8m fILOAKS ! CLOAKS ! ` CLOAKS! Na THE GRZATZST BAEOAI SIN THE CITY IVENS & Ho. 213 SOUTH NINTH STREET. . THE LARGEST STOOX, • THE BEST ASSORTMENT, - THE CHOICEST COLORS, THE . FINEST- Q UALITIES, THE MOST SUPERB TRIMMINGS, THE NEWEST STYLES, THE BEET WORK, AWD DECIDEDLY THE LOWEST PRICES, IN THE CITY, IVENS & CO.'S, No. 28 BONS NINTH &TRIM oGOAKB.—Iflou want the best value Abe your titimmoj f , so to the City Cloak Store, 143 Earth NMI= Street. above Cherry. mh2B4Ba ('OAKS AND MANTILLAS. vv A SPLENDID , ASSORTMENT Of all the Newest Materials, ‘. AND ONOIOEST PATTERNS, AT TEE LOWEST PRIDES, AT myl6-2m . No. 26 South TENTH Street. pLOAR.B A MAGNIFICENT ASBORTERNT 0 ALL TUE NEWRBT STYLBS IMPORTED THIS SRABoN, Witt every new material, made up and trimmed In the very beet manner, at prices that defy all competition. AT TEM PARIS CLOAK STORE, u. E. column, lumpy. AND WALNUT STS . . . 80 Y GOODS. 8-cent. Broahe Figured Mohair'. 6}t-cent Dark Idozambiques. 12x -cent. Original Quality I2X• cent. Figured Berages, reduced from 87 cents. 14-cent. St, iped Illezanshiques, worth 26 cents. Neat Fast-Colored Lawns, 12X and 15 cents. 'Large Lola of Cheap Thin Goods. Rum WIDE MOZA.SIIIIQUES. Gray Double-Width Flue Mozembiques. ' Black Bereges, tome bargains,lB% to 25 cents. 25. cent Finest Black Tamart ines. BARGAINS IN ALPAOAB. Finest Blank Alpaca!, ever sold, for 25, 31, 38, 40 cts. Colored Alawas, good, for 2b coats. DAMASK NAPKINS. • $1.60 perdwien, NeatFigures,Fast Edges, worth $2. liner Oradea Napkins, Damask Towels. Power-Loom and other Table Linens. Extra Fine Table Damasks and Cloths. COOPER s UONABD, jer-if 8. B. corner NINTH and MARKET Street!. NEW SPRING PRINTS, CHOWN STYLI& ISPICAGIIN, PAC:H.OIO, • ALL TWELVE AND A HALF MINT& A large lot beet styles and fast colors at 100. 00WPEDTHWAIT & 00., sobl6-tt B. W. cor. ElO BTU and,IIIARKET 'IRE & LANDIALL B , the Li . Fashionable Flack Silk Mantles made of the beet Tugela Silks and Paris shapes. PYRE & LANDELL. have desirable etyleirdark French Limns; oleo; the best stock of toir-priee4 . • • • 392 PYRE & LANDELL are closing out Spring and Einanaer Divas Goude at low prices. 162 T WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of my customers and friends to the following**, which are froth and desirable: • •-• Black and White Plaid Bilks. Organdie Lawns, chbice styles. One lot of. Lisle Gauntlets, at 18x0 a pair. One lot of Black Bilk, SLI23 ; the best I ever had for the monoy. At NEW EMBROIDERIES; 'WHITE GOODEI, Sto.-4uet opened, t• g eneral assortment of desirable French and Scotch Needle-worked eau* Ed g in g s, Insertio n s, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Sleeves, eta, at very low prices. . ALSO, A ma live of all descriptions of White Goods for Ladles' wear, of tho most approved niakos. BB EPPAILD, TAN BARLINGEN, A ARRISON, 1008 WIESTNEIT Strait. CLOAKS, PALA.TOTES AND MAN TILLAB.LsdIee in want of the above articles will (Ind It lo their adventes )to visit the old established bassi of ittre.• HENRY, No. 38 Noi ill 'NINTH Streit, .beloyei A.ROH. The latest Paris Btylee alwafaon head at vritni that setetilah everybody. • ' arrArL "DRY '0130D,4 LING DRESSNS JOHN H. STOKRS , , 702 ARCH Street. Biti . .. GOODS JOBBERS. NEW IMPOBTATIONS. ' . HOSIERY. GLOVES. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS, SHIRT FRONTS, WHITE GOODS, AND EMBROIDERIES. THOS. MELLOR & 00.. 40 sad 42 North . THIRD Street mbl9-8m 1862. SPRING. 1862. W. S. STEWART & IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS 01 SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS,. 80. SOS MARKET STREW. Now In Mrs, POULT DE SOLE, All Shades. BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, In SILKS and OTHER FABRIOt3. ALSO, ♦ FULL LISS or cLotacnlG CLOTHS, PLAIDS, STRIPES, And dostrable PLAIN COLORS. mph sElpisie STOCK SIM AND. YANOY I BEBB. GOODS. .81..w.LITT F E shls-tt At. NABLIT ST. '.:comprzasiori ousbi. 'HURS4-11N - ON , Aft. do CHISTNIIT STHRWrs 00.1i1)1013ION BIEROHANTS =o=l PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. 1 :NATIONAL FLAGS TT - B. FLAG EMPORIUM, t.) 18 ARCH STREET. BUATING .?ND SILK FLAGS, ' GIIBERNTAL STANDARDS, NATIONAL ENSIGNS, CAVALRY GUIDONS, PRESENTATION FLAGS. EVANS AI kIASSALL. No. 4113 ABOH Wad, aboye SWIM my29•Zlt II&RPETIS MID MATTIN GS.. NEW O,4RPETING. JAMES H. ORNE„ -• 626 CHESTNUT STREET t • BELOW BEVENTIL • We have Jut received, by late arrivals from Europa, . loose new and choice varieties of CaIIPETING, own. Prising TRENCH AIIBUSON Square Carpets. 11NGLISII ABRINSTERS, by the Yard and In entire Carpets. PROSBIATY'S 6-4 and 3-4 wide Velvets. 1, Tapestry Brussels. " Brussels Carpeting. also, a large variety of oacismaireand other maker. TAPESTRY. BRUSSELS, From 87to. to $1 Pe.i. Yd. Our assoriment motorises all the best makes of Three. sly and Ingrain Carpeting, which, together with a gene. cal variety of goods in our line, will be offered at the low• rat spasible oder& - -- • - • - mr,CLOTEIFOR .FLOORS from one to eight yards wide, outtesay Bias . FRESH MATT INGS. sr late arrivals from China we have a full assortment WHITE AND COLORED MATTINGS OP ALL WIDTHS. JAMES H. ORNE, aplll-2m 626 CHESTNUT. FOURTH -STREET - CARPET STOKE, No. 47 ABOVE CHESTNUT, • No. 47. J. T. DELACROIX Invitee attention to hie Spiting Importation of ~ CARPETINGS, . . . Comprising every iyle of : .the Newest Patterns and Deena" in "VELVET; BRUSSELS, T APES tRY BRUS SELS, IMPERIAL THREE.PL7, and INGRAIN CARPETING& VENETIAN and DAMASK STAIR. CARPETING& SOOToR. RAG and LISP CARPETING'S. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, in every width. COCOA and CANTON RATTING& DOOR-MAT% RUGS, SHEEP SKINS, DRUGOETS, and CRUMB CLOTHB. AT wnobEstais AND RETAIL; LOW ron-oits H. J. T. DELACROIE. miis.4ra • , •47 Smith FOURTH Street MILLINERY GOODS 1862. SPRING 1862. WOOD & CARY, .(Snocossore to Lincoln, Wood, d Nichols,) 725 CHESTNIJT STREET, - Wave now In Store a complete stock Os STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, -BILK BONNETS, BTRAW AND PALM-LEL!? HATS, duo Te which they respectfully invite the attention of the ormer patrons of the house and the trade generally. - marl9-3m THOMAS KENNEDY it BMX, 129 CrEMSTAUT Street, below Lgbtb. Obofoe Stook of SPRING ..11111.14DTERY GOODS, mblk-lknj AT LOW Nam. GOODS. ARMY GOODS ON RAND • DARE ADD LIGHT BLUR KESSETS. STANDARD 6.4 AND 11.4 INDIGO WOOL-DYND SLUR FLANNELS. INDIGO BLUE MIXTURES. •OOTTON DUCK, 10, 12, AND 16,011N0R. • • •.. FARNHAM, BIRICHAtf, & si2o;2l* "_ • •. 1126 ,OHESTNUT . STREIT. .Loonritt',GLA9lll3B • JAMES B. EARLE &.80N, - MANUFACTURERS AND. IMPORTERS or ' . . LOOKING (;LASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, Ezioasvitroi;. PIOTURN AND PORTRAIT PRANES, • PHOTOGRAPH BRAILA, .PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. • CARTES-DR-VISITE PORTRAITS. EARLE'S GALLERIES, 810 CHESTNUT STREET, , Jal6 - • . . STATIONERY AND:EANGY GOODS. MARTIN it QUAYLES STATIONERY, TOY, •AND':RANOXVOOR3 Em Pont • No. 1036 WALNUT SERBRT .-''• • BELOW rd.wriumor.• - jell tw 1 y s eg TURTLE AND: . ported t; excepted) by JA I I.BI 1.114188E5, 808 BULFULAT Street. . Famines streVied . citelitif • . . AND ..;fOlOl- B OBEN% . , • -CLOTHING., • IN ENDLESS. VARIETY, • • AT No.-137 South EIGRTH Street, • • t0y15.2m . Three Doors above WALNUT. DRUSHES BLACKEINIITHB' BELLOWS, ' gEMBLE & VAN-.HCAIN. rra l 4 l ".. N 0 •321 ".191110":"*Milfatb PAPER. HANGINGS pHILA.DELPHIA PAPER HANGINGS. HOWELL & BOURKE, • VOBNER Or FOURTH diND - HaRKET STREETS ) MANUFACTURERS OP PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, Offee to the Trade a LARGE AND ELEGANT AS SORTMENT OF. GOODS, from the cheapest Brown Stock to the Finest Decorations. - N. E. OOR. FOURTH AND BLA_Ricirr STREETS. B.—Solid Green, Bine, and Buff WINDOW PAPHIRS of every Freda. - w 023-231 BLINDS AND SHADES BLINDS AND SHADES. --- . . a ET. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH 13T1tERT, IlteUtPlideTURRII O VENETIAN BLINDS ... . . .14321 4 . WINDOW SHADES. ~-..r The largest and lined seeestment In the City at f. LOWEST PRIOES.* STOKE SHADES LETTRESD. Revelling promptly Mtentied to. mill-Am AA' AMERICAN; ENGLISH jug AND SWISS WAPORES, - JEWELRY, AND SILVERWARE, .l T REDEtC,RD PRIORS. JOS. 11. WATSCINT, rny26.2m 326 CHESTNUT STREET. REMOVAL. J. C. FULLER Havin g Removed from No. 42 South THIRD Street to No. 712 CHESTNUT Street,2nd Floor, (Opposite Masonic Temple,) Now offers a Large avd Desirable Stock of GOLD AND SILVER AV A.TCHES, BOoEus & BROTHERS' SPOONS AND FMK% Jain - FINE JEWELRY, To which the &Boothin of the trade is invited. apSO-3m AMERICAN - WATCH. (,)oM traw: FART:" GOLD AND SILVER W T.O H E S FOR: LADIES AND GENELEtrEN. COMPANY'S SALESROOM No. 712 OEBSTFOT Street; Second Floor, : orpoolta Dimonic Temple.) I. R. :MARITAL, Agent. iip3O-Rni . : : VULCANITE RUBBER - JE WELRY beautiful line of GENTLEMEN'S VEST °GAINS, LAMTES , OHA TALAINE CHAINS, THIMBLES, °BOSSES, BTVLS, BUTTONS, ezo., Now in Store. ti. FULLEIt, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (Opnoaite Masonic Temple.) spBo.3m WATCHES, JEWELRY &o. A FRESH ASSORTMENT, at LESS 11 THAN PORKER PRICES. FARB & RR - OTHER, linvoiten, 324 ortrATNIIT Street, below Fourth. gibtio. if SEWING MACIIIPI ES WE EELE R & WILSON, SETINg MACHINES ? 628 CHESTNUT STREET,' jel3.Bm PIIILA.DRLPHIA. GEV'S' FURNISHING ,GOODS CRAB. L. ORUM 34 00., BIJOCESSORS TO OItOOMBROTI & "I'AGOART, Idannfacturera of and Dealers In GENTLEMMLIS FINE BHIRTO FURNISHING GOODE!, • .. No: 1.46 Narth./01111TH.STABET, p I i )j ñ : CHAS L. CAHN 3455-1 - -:• FLANNEL OVER—SHIRTS . FOR THE ARMY. FINE SHIRTS. • COLLARS, STOCKS, AND WRAPPERS manufactured at G. A. HOFFMAN'S, . (SUCCESSOR 20 W. W. Y. NO. 606 ARCH STREET. Mir - A lon line of TIES, saeurs, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, • . HOSIERY, AND UNDEROLOTNLNG, Always on hand. m? -1m GEORGE GRANT. . - KANOTACTUHEHON AND DEADER.= GENTS'. FMINISEING GOODS, - No: 810 CHESTNUT STREET. AMA.Sat VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. • The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED OUT OF S N RTS, Wtdch he makes a speciality in hie business. Also, con stantly reosiving BOYXLITES FOR GENTLEMEN% WEAR. 'ET. W. SOOTT, • - GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING eTORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, • 3.94 f Four doors Weer the Continents!. REFRIGERATORS AND COOLERS TDR ! HAYES' REFRIG.ERA 1. TOB." These era, beyond doubt, the most scientific end efficient REFRIGERATO RS in we, being WABRA.NTRD. tn - - KEEP fROVJBIONS LONGER, WITH LESS ICE, • THAN ANY °THUM • RETAILING. AT WHOLESALE PRICES Also, a large assortment of the mod approved WATER COOLERS. J. S. CLARK, No. 1008 MAAR NT Street. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT B.IIOEMAIKER & 00.. !Northeast Corner FOURTH and BAOII tkroste. PHILADELPHIA, WHOTNSALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS rA TORSION AND DOMESTIC -WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. IILIII77ACTIMILTiII Or WEITZ LEAD AND ZINO PAINTS, PUTTY, AO. MINT! lOU TER 0111ABILATILD FRENCH ZINO PAINTS. Dealers and oonstpars IMPPIIed at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. ap211.203 T" "EXCELSIOR . " HAMS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENER & Co., . RENRRAL PROVISION DEALIRS, Lad ewers of Nil oeiebrste6 .",.EXCELSIOR" U.GAB, - C UR.E.D HAMS Foe. 142 and 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Rau streets, Philadelph4s. Tie inetly-celebrated ww EXCELSIOR" RAMS are cured by J. H. M. de On., (In • style peculiar to them selvee,) expressly for FAMILY USE; are rd deiloiont Savor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by opicoree eupertor to any now offered for wile. trol-9m IVRY JAME 3 HOMER & SON'S Choir... Green and Black Teae.' Stort*SEVENTa Bud NOBLE, and SIXTH aud WOOD. jelk PRIVATE BOARDlNG.—Accommo datione for Onotlemeo and thair Wives, with plea. aunt simile and coo mnnicatlog rooms. Alao, pleasat rooios kr never al t ingle Gentlemen. . Apply at 802 North TEETH Etre.t rtm moderato. jalo-12t* 7ANTED—A personhaving means, V V and able to influence a good cash and short-credit clißtorn, to join theadvertiser, who has equal advantages, in a desirable branch of toe near trade Dry Goods boil. nees. A ddrseo" Near Trade," Press Office. jel4•St* WANTED—A 'Copartner, as editor aid publisher of a Newspaper, located in one of the mot bountiful and ilouriabing tomna in Pennsilva nia. To a capable gentleman, with a small capital, the enterprise Win prove profitable and plemnet It is wor thy (.1 attention. 4.dt:rims <- Enterprise," Press office, With real tome iel4 WANTE V—By a young man, 18 tease old, a situation in a wit.. .lassie establish• merit, whero,a kr owlodge of, bruji l utees may be acquiret The best of .rs Canoe will be Wen. Address box t 429 jel3.tit* WANTED TO PUROHASS -A • v twomrty on the south side of AMIE street, be tween ICJgbth and Ninth stream. Apply to A. 13 OARVF,R & 00 , jal3.3t* W. nor. NINTH and FILBERT Ste. IaTANTED-2;000 Men along the line v r of the Lehigh Canal, aay 1,500 laborers, 250 car penters; and 250 steno mapons. Apply to the officers of the Lehigh :Coal and Navigation Company, at MAXON OIIIINE, ALLENTOWN, or EASTON, or anyaliere along the line of the worke. jolo N NEARLY READY. EMBRACING POLITICAL, CIVIL, MILITARY, AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS; PUBLIC DOCUHRN TS; BIOGRAPHY, STATISTICS, COMM t ME, FI NANCE, LITERATURE. SCIENCE, A.GRICCL TUBE, AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRY. TUB events and consequences of (Rya War.emecially --ese eera-...eaevee eo-ut duce us to commence the publication af an -.annual; volume, or Oyelotsedia; containing a truthful record of there occurrences, the contemporaneous events in other nations, and the program made in the various branches of human knowledge. The sources of authority from .which the statements 'and descr'ptions are drawn, will be the actors themselYeS, or their official reports, These embrace events occurring in the North and South. Prepared in such a manner as to illustrate principles and to unfold motives, It will re= main for th- reader to deduce his inferences, whilst the work-will be confines to precise, sifted, and clearly nar rated details, Thus devoid of even , ' thirg like a partisan character, aiming at 'candor and imeartislity in Ito repre sentations, a rust appreciation of the extent and effects of the present unprecedented political troubit s Will be with in the 2 - each of all intelligent readers. But white events, whether trinmphs or disasters, have so absorbed public attention throughout the year, still counnercehas not been idle, science has not tarried in her progress, nor has aSatanical industry been cntireiy pa. ralysed, The fruit.] of the former and the discoveries sad improvements of the hater hare bean too valuable and too 'manna be Overlooked. They form now no leas a - part tf this e derprise than'the amounts of the Overthrow of States with their 'Anal scenes of carnage and blood. But if they occupy , less spsce to this first volume, as they do likewite, for the moment, attract less of public at'ort fion. it is became the life of the nation, the sacredness of the mentor les el the past, and the hopeful anticipations of the future, all hang upon the political and military events now tranapking. The form of a Cyclopedia has been selected as afford ing room for the oreatesc variety of details, without be coming too =inure and tedious. The work is already in en advanced stage of preparation, and will be issued as early in the year as its proper censoletion will permit. The volume will be in the style of the New American Cycloewditi, having not lies than 750 pages, royal dye. - - - The work will be published exclusively by sttbscrip- Eon, and in exterior appearance will he at once elegant and substantial. - PRICES AND STYLES OF.BINDING. In Cloth, $3 y Style, leather, $3 50, Payable on delivetT. In Batt Alorecco, •i 4 In Half Russia, extra, $4.50.... And to insure a uniform price and regularity in the de livery of the volume to subscribers ro all parts of the country, 'tenet agents will be apininted in ail the cities and principal towns in the States and Territories. Orders may be addressed to us, or to any of onr agents, for the above or any of our Subscription Works, and will meet prompt attention,. D. APPLETON A CO., Publishers, jel4 St 493 and 445 BROADWAY, New York-. TUB NB UL L' S MILITARY HY Hints and observationa on Military Hygiene, with the best weans of treating the Medical and Surgical Dis eases of ibe Army. By Laurence Ternbull, - M_ D., one of the Surgeons to Howard Hospital, ,tc., &cc. Jrtsi pub lished. Price 88 cents. - w A great amount of research and labor has been ex pended Twin this book; the author is deserving of credit for the concise yet comprehensive manner in which he has presented the Oubject treated. ,As a monograph uyon and Surgical MEOWs in the Army, and the best means of preventing and curing them, it will be of great value." - Nor sole, x ith a large assortment of works on . AfEDICINE, SURGERY, &e.. at km - yricep, by LI V DSAY & 131. &ELSTON. 1e14..41.*' 25 South SIXTH . St,, above Oheritnuf SEW - BooK4l NEW BOOKS ItA, VEV SIJOA. By 'Henry Kingsley, anthor t , Geoffrey Demlin." 12mo. $1..25. TR , S EDY OF -SUCCESS. 12mo. 75 cent's. j SOIOES OF soltpsl.llo. By ADS. H. D. Stowe. THE SUPERNATURAL I.N RELATION TO TKE NATURAL. By Dr. Mee° PRISON LIFE IN RICHMOND. By Lieut. Wm. O. Harris. 12mo. 75 cents. THE PEARL OF OBE'S ISLAND. By Mee. H. B. Stowe. 12mo. $125. A PRA O' TO AI, GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF THE DI EASES OF 'IIIE EYE. By Henry W . {yllliame, M.D. -12 mo. 51.20. For s m mle by WILLIAM B. & ALFRED ITARTIEN, - jel4. - :_N0.655 ottEfiTlityr Street. • V..BROTELERHIMPB R 0 11 . . 'EATING LtRBIRY.;-411 . the VIEW English and American Boole, inclnding aLL CLASSEI ofidte return. This ie the ON LY Library it. the conetry that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOONS that arena ERPUINTED here. • • 7ezras $5 per year; 8 menthe es % three months 81.58, or 3 cents per dey. 218 South 'EIGHTH etreet.. ie7-1111* ALEX. M. THOMPSON ITHOUT QUESTION-RBI.- MED'S OOLORICD• P2O COGRAPHEs for give the poestssor the utmost satisfaction. Finely fin jibed and faithfully colored. Gallery,' SECOND Street, above Groin, ltik ONCE MORE WE ANNOUNCE that great ink:memento are offerednt REM MR'S So pub Lire. size Oil-colored PHOTOOR&P He are Wog matte at war prices, to suit the Wes. SIZOOtrb Street, above Green. lt* LADIES' TRUSSES, SUPPORT. SIIB, BRAVES, and other Mechanical diopilanosit of correct construction and easy to the wearer. For esh and adjustment as 0. H. NEZDLEEP LADIES' STORE ; TVIBLI7II Street, first door below Race. Gentlemen requiring nurture Trusses will call at the Southwest corner rwzrannt and Baca, where 0. B. N. Arlon. attwnliors M IMP oanolelfawhryti. • rs.h7.2.itm,' CiaINET FURNITIMI AND;BIly: ) 3 1AILD TABLES. MOORE & CL&EEPIQN. No. 251 South SZOOND titheati.. to oonnoction with their extensive Cabinet Blinese ere sow manufacturing a superior article of • BILLIARD TABLES, and have now on band a full supply, finished with the MOORE ct, CAMPION'S IMPROVED OIISRIONS, which are pronounced, by all who have used them, to be utherbn to all others Por the quality and finish of those tables the =Ma - Actium toter to their numerous patron, throughout :he truths who aylk familiar with the obaracinr of the 4e woe*. GIRARD FIRE AND WAHINE of mien 43.*-wexaruT STII.ZST, PIiTh—ADRLPEITA This company contimme to take risks en the safe Mamma of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its reeponelbllity, and PAL. ty to pay losses promptly. Its distraratinente for tie benefit of the public, during the but nine years, exceed $500,000, and wo reapectfully soaticit, its fever In the frame ORA& L DUPONT!, . JERRY WALKER, :011/4 W. OLAGHOBN, JOHN THORNLEY, 0. J. BBABLITT, ABRADHA.M HART, DAVID BOYD, Jr., RIMER 8. HOE, of N. B WM. R. SWAIN, TITR2LAN SHEPPARD Joan ICLApP, DI. D. N. 8. LAWRENCE, WM. O. BUDDLAN, JOHN SUPPLER. VANE INSITA . No. 406 OHXBTNIIT FIRE .411 D INL DIRE COMMONWEALTH PIKE IlsThill RANCE OOMPANY, 07 THR lawn a) FRNEBYLVA.NIA.. DIEMOTOR& ... flavkl. Jayne, K. D., (Medea H. Rogers, John M. Whitsll, . John R. Walker, Edward 0. Knight, . Hobert Shoemaker, . Thotuaa B. Stewart, il l William Stru th ers, Henry Lewis, Jr., /Wish Jocete. DAVID JA 3, M D., Prealdea. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vloe Preeldenl. /t , h151131L S. MOON, Secretary. Orrice, Oommonwealtb 80M166. 613 OITZSTNIT: Strwt. Phil atlelntds: ~;_,..,...,...., .... set-INX . . ci T R.O tvl - S S LONDON wiTeirsNEit "—we are now manufacturing .1110BSoN'S LONDON NITORENKB," or EIIIIOPBAN RANGE, euitoble for large uud small families, hotels, hospital', and other public institutions, in great vat•lcty. Also, Portable Rouges, the Philadel phia Banes" Gee Ovens, Beth Boilers, and. Oast-iron Kinks, together with a great variety of email and large. sized Sot-air Furnacer,'Portable Beaters, Fire-board Stoves, Lew-down Grates, &c Wholesale and Bated ONLY at Our Wareroonm NOBBB, OLIASI4 & NORTH, • No. 209 North SECOND Street, four doors aboveltaos Street. Bo.a.rtonvG. WANTS. NEW PUBLICATIONS THE AMERICAN ANNUAL CYOLOIVEDIA. AND REGISTER OF IMPORTANT EVENTS, OP Tat TBIE 1861, CIRCVLA.T.ING PHOTOGRAPHS TRUSS ES I u L INSURANCE COMPANIES'. INSURANCE COMP ANY . CAPITAL 6200,000 DIBEOTOBS THOMAB CRAVEN; Freaklot. A. B. GILLBTT, Vice Pr:abbot JAB.B..ALTORD, Secretary. ap26.ta' Street. ND INSONANON TOES. N. )\. Back, - E. D. Wocdrall, Oboe. Richardson, John Kessler, Jr., Henry Lewin, Jr., P. S. Justice, Alex. Whilldin, Washington Joins, Geo. A. West, Chas. Stokes, 0. W. Doris, John W. Eversion. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Preaidaut. onAtuals RIDEIARDSON, Vice President. WILLIAMS I. BLAI/OHABD, Secretary. (Entillil-Nt (lOTTON SAII DUCK AND CAN. V&S, of all numbers end brands. ftscen's Duck &tenths Twills, of all descriptions, fm Awnings, Trunka, and Wap,on Clovers. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Dries. Belts, from 110 Net wide. Tarpsnling, Dotting, Sail Twine, &o. JOION - W. MV&RttIAN & U 0.,, 102. JOinh Alhor. SURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—This epaciaue Hotel, over 80C. feet in lengtt, and with 1,100 feet of veranda, fronts on the Mean, ex tending back, with its rear, to the railroad. It poxeesegg the most advantageous 1.-cation on tbelaland, with per fenny safe bathing in front, and is, in fact, the only tint class hotel within a short distance of the beach. A rood Band of Mneic has beau engaged far Me seamen. The Bifliard•ronm and Bowling Allege will be under the charge of Mr. BALM BBNJA.MLN, of Philadelplrii. Additional improvements hays been made, and the se hetarnodatiohe will be found equal, if not superior. to any on the toast. The h4nEe will be opened, for the T eception of waits, on THURSDAY, Jane 19. len-2dt TTNITED STATES HOTEL, iu ATL ANTIC OEM N. 7., Thie celebrated Hotel will be open for the reception of 'jailors on Saturday. June 21, 1882, and will cmthma open until September 15. Since the last season.. many handsome ire erovements have been made, both to the house and the grenade, adding, still further to the comfort, convenience, and plemnre of the suede. Persons deeiring to spend the sum err at the Sea Shore wid find the accommodations at the 'UNITED ST STES superior to those of any other house 011 the Atlantis Coast. Hassler's celebrated Band has been engaged for the 'amen; and will be ander the direction of the Messrs. rifiF THOMAS H. BABRATT, late of Cave May, will bare charge of the Billiard Boom, Tea-pin Alley e, and Shooting Gallery. The extrnslee Improvements made two years ago, and those now in contemplation by the owners of I his splendid establishment, areas ample guarantee of what the patrons or the Louse may expe ct ender its present management. EIHNEY A. B. BROWN, For Proprietors. SUMMER BOARDING.- BROAD TOT' MOUNTAIN HOUSE.—A. romantic spot for a SUMMER RESIDENCE on one of the Mountain Tops of Pennsylvania. reached daily by the Pennsylvania Central. and the Broad Top Mountain Railroad front Huntingdon. The House is one of the finest in the in terior of the State, handsomely famished, with all the re.. onisttee for comfort and convenience—pure air, deli done spring water, romantic scenery, and everything to restore and invigorate health. Telegraph station and a daily mail, so that daily communication may he had with Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Railroad will furnish excursion tickets through the season. PtITSOTti leaving Philadel phia in the morning cen take.teis-4*.-- - -ts'avassvete"Lfouss t l / 4„ foll .,, owing le , , , AtinniLt k epi an d d e l n y t, to t y p a h l i l l o a t i d oh to i. refe to the ch.......werit,-6b s ; • Wen. Cummiuga. Et47,--T--yna,._ s who have Semi. COstner, Eat., Thos. Carstens, Eid7'. ----. Bon. Henry D. Moore, Lewis T. Watton, Eat, John McCanles ' Esq., G. Albert Isewis Eq., Jslin Hartman , - . Esq . Richard D. Wood, Esa. Tatars Monzesrg. Nor further information, address JOSEPH MORRISON, Proprietor. jel2-1m Brosd•Top City, Huntingdon county, Pa. -, . _ ORE SE ON B PRIN CAM BMA. COUNTY, PA.—This delightful and popular place of eammer rheort, located directly on the line of the Pennsylvania Bailread, on the enmmit of the Allegheny - Mountains, twenty-three brodred feet above the level of the ocean, will be open fur attests from the lf th of June till the ]oth of October. Since left Beason the ?romp have been greatly improved and beautified, and a num ber of Cottages have been erected for the accommoda thn of familiee, rendering .Crewn one of the meet romantic and attractive places in the State. The furni ture' is. being thmonghly renovated. The seeker of pleasure and the eufferer from heat and dileale will find attractions here in a first-class Livery Stable, Billiard Tables, Tenpin Alley s, Baths, &c., together wi'h the purest air and water, and the met magnificent monutain !scenery to be found in the country. . Tit'lids good for the romnd trip from Philadelphia, $7.60; from Pittsburg, $.3.01. For further information, addreseg • G. W. MULLIN., Creston Springs, Cambria co., Pa. TIEDFORD SPRINGS. A. G. AL. LEN respectfully Informs the public that this cele brated and fashionable WATETtIiNG PLACE is now open and fully prepared for the reception of visitors, and will be kept open null!, the let of October. Perseus wishing Bedford Mineral Water will be sup plied at the following prices at the Springs—viz: For a hart el (oak) 3 00 " half-barrel " 200 Parties wishing rooms or any information iu regard to the place will address the "Bedford Mineral h 'wings COinpftny.." . my2B-8w pOWERS' HOTEL, 'This ponies Hotel has lattly been thoroughly' renca. rated and refurnished, and now possesses att the mut sitte a a The 'patronage of Philadelphians and the travelling public, desiring, the beat accomodations and moderate charges, is respectfully Knelled. .le2.3nt H. L. PONVEIIg, Proprietor QTEVENS HOUSE, N.) MATS DELHONICO'S,) No. 14 , c , irROA,DW.e , NEW YORK. rive minutes , walk from Fall River bbai ia - a.Pae %%ambers street, and foot of Cortland street. inh2a-Bro ORO- W. * l '.;'TifiN.R. Pro rt to AG - qiARD ia-ivfa .-THE EGNED, late of the GIRARD HOUSE, Philadelphia, have leased, for a term of Sears. WILLARD'S HOTEL, in Washington. They take this occasion to return to their old friends end customers many thanks for past favors, and, beg to assure them that they whi be most happy to see them in their new quartvs. . - SYKES, CHADWICK. do CO. WASIIINCTON, :tidy 18,18&1. an23-ly F 0 It THE SEA -( BEO EtE!—SI:I4SIER. AR BAN-ONACENT -CAMDEN AND ATLANTIO DAlL loar. Three trains daily to Atlantic Ci(. and return, (Sun daYe excepted). Trains leave TINE-Street Ferry as fellows : At .61 Train "Express Train.. Freight and at ccomm •nation RETnRNING: Leaves, Atlantic Mall Train 4'40 P. M • u Exprees Train 615 A. M Freight and ft ceennmodatiou.3 IS A. X YAWN 81.30 Rnnnd trip Tickets. 000 d only for the day and train on which they are irniod, SLSO Excnr won. Tickets, good for three day.. IP. Frotpin are now REOPENED TAE GREAT - SE POT REBEILDIN—SOLDIERS' DBE &11r—T0- 2.lGirr, et Assinnyur BUILDING?. GRAND FLORAL AND STRAW. HENRY FAIR —Tice Ladies of the Union Vo lunteer Refreshment C. mrnietes open their FAIR at the SALOON, foot of WASHINGTON Street. for the Boriptt of the Fund, on MONDAY BINNING, Tuns JO, and. continue every AFTERNOON and KVENT VG doting the steel. where they %NIG be hint.) , to sew their frieids. Donations in Flowere, Fruit. Oream. , win be thsukftilly received. Alt3D BARROWS, j.14.6t Ohairmsn. MB/3. JOHN. DREW'S ABCR-STREBIT THMATEE Actlng and 3taae Manager W. 8. FREDSRIOILB. Bastnaan Anent and Treasurer • JOE D Trrogpgy. A DE-ENGAGEMENT DEMANDED, In consequence of the great outcast of F. B. 013A19FRAD, F. 8. CHANFIta A 9 "Jupiter" and "Mace." • TO-NIGUT, AND EVERY BULL RUN. BULL BUN. BULL RUN! Or, the Sactsiog of Fairfax Court Uotve. Jatite•, (a contraband,) F. 8. Chaufrea. To commence with Nose F s Chantraa. Eliza Stebbins Mrs. 0 Henri. Prices as usual. Doors open at 7X. Curtain rises at 8 o'clock: • jel6 6t pRTUEN OF THE GORGEOUS J. 311 8.111.01" -.TVERELLION: with now views, TO. NIGhT, at AMSAMBIT NGS . It* WALNI?T•BTREET THEATRE= v NINTH and WAISDT Streets. Sole Lewes Ilrts. ➢I. A. Garrett:eon. Acting and Stage Manager Mr Wayne Olwine. A DRAMATIC SUNSAT (ON t - - Will be preeented the greet oritrinel Comedy cf "OUR ,FEMALE AMBRICAN COUR " To conelndi selth the Gorski Dramatic Sketch of TIM 'RISS' EMIGRANT GIRL. Mies DALY as Fnmeiie Appleby Mies DALY es Biddy Either MISS L.ALY-1N FOUR BUNGS. Doors uses et 1,11 Commenos at B. A SSB&I.BLY BUILDINGS - CAPTAIN WILLIA GREAT NAUTIOAL EN rERTAINSIENT. TERILLING SCENES LE THE LIFE OF A yorKvir, we' tLICIPIN, EVERY 'EVENING. AS 8-Atka prockely. BELEM. MATINEE, SATURDAY et 3 o'clock. Admission '25 cents. Six Tickets for one Saar. OM. dren ]O cents. Liberal arrangements made for schools on Wednesday Afternoons. jelfl-6t CONTINENTAL. THEATRE. la MR. S. DAVIS Solo Lesaee. MONDAY EVENING, June 16, 1662. OOLEY'S MINSTRELS, Int. the Summer Season. THE REST BAND IN THE WORLD! THE 000.LUT THEATRE IN AMERICA: The greatest entertainment ever given at the urines-- viz: 25 cents to Drees Circle, Family Circle 15 cents. CE COMP NY PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE ARTS. Thirty-ninth Annual Exhi bition of Paintings end Scnipture, 1025 CHESTNUT Street. Open from 9 A. M. till 6 P. IL, and from T P. M. till 10 P. M. Admittance 26 cents; Beason Tickets 80 cents. Stockholders, Artists, and ooutributors will receive their tickets at the Academy; no admissions without. Open from 9 A. K. till 7 P. M, and from 8 till 11 P. R. asoB LII.4IIE'S South DEPOT BE, ,movito to 21 EI:EV/MTH Street, new the Franklin Inetitute. The nndersignsA, thankful for past favors, and being determined to 'merit future patronage, bas secured an elegant and convenient store, and has now on band • large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought sad ;billed iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) also, 1.11111 . 1 Untoualled Bank Vault, Safe. and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locke win be fare shed so order on short notice. This is the etroncest, best pm meted, and cheapest. Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particalar attention is called to Lillle's N. Oakluet Safe, for Pieta Jewelry, ,tc. This Safe to ce.. ceded to enripas ill st yle rt and elegance anything yet 4- forftd for this porrose, and is the only one that Is striotlit 'ilre and burglar proof. Farrel, Herring, r ;r rf ri o n r g i , o t a. tut . sta y e Q. no , ts mo o s n t obranuidoni.esswtyrartenos, neat, • nod some forty of other makers, compnsn.g a complete nesertment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for o,a uow celebrated Lillie Sate. They will he saki elvers , ow prices. Please call and examine. , 0. pit.DLEIt. anon. e l EVANS to WATSON'S SALADS/11%DRR STORE, - IA SOUTH FOURTH enturr, • PHILADHLPHIA, PA. A large Tartan , or irraIL.PROOT RAPlga I,fONUNIIINTB. KN - ID Or , ti AV 76 wrotrEs at very roritaufaitaa• ai Kitbag Woks .r EW ATOM btig". in."l2lll' SUMMER. RESORTS. BENSON, Proprietor .1.5.51 ZS K. R08139.1i. Superintendent. HOTELS No iT 4741 -PA"R'J. orrosrra THE estoß nous%) NEW_ YORK TEEMS $1.60 PEE DAY FIRST-CLASS 110Ttt. SEA BATHING JOHN G. BRYANT, Agent. AMUSEMENTS A GLANCE AT NEW YORK Second week , f the merman' engagement of the CRY: AT CATaI2.I J..arnia.c.-...- m-ro-I — J - 0 LI A DALY. NTIAY XVItNING. Juop 18. 7564, SAFES. A. M. 400 P. M. .er..4.00 P. M.