The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 14, 1862, Image 3
glumly than In defence of hle country, and they who were now falling in Ode great atruegle would reap rtrh reward, and tboi:e whoa° hearts were now bolog liming by the death or their friends on the battle-now Would lu the into. o bo honored for the connection they fatty sustain to thole departed loved once. In conclu sion, the Wive of Indiana received a glowing compliment st the manager's hands. BPUEOH OF ODNERAI, S. F. CADY, OF OHIO. It was now long after 11 o'clock, when there wee a lend call from all over the house for General Gary. • He responded in a boll and decidedly original speech. He congratulated the citizens of. Philadelphia upon being permitted to hear directly from the hero of Neatern Tenoseeee. Ile bad 'antlered; but the same band which had eared Daniel from the Gone hod rescued 23rownlow from the wpm than imago bawds of the v•eo-called Southern Confederacy." If wo bed to ex 'laminate the South in order to MVO the Union, do it; Land for hie' - Dart' be thought the time had come tlir the AdMtnisirettou to twain to use the bolter. ,[ apelauis ) Wpm South Carolina the fate of Sodom and G. ,, norralt gbould be visited. For fourteen months we had been in as state of war, rod yet there was not a Angle instance tin which a rebel had been hung by thedireetion of the sfloverpment. He said he felt wolfish about this matter, maid tble leniency must glee way to firmer measures. The meeting l was not concluded until alter 113 j o'clock The Wild Waves. SHOOESTED BY HAMILTON'S PAINTING ll:Written for The Pros,] Along the en.dlces resettles Of bleak and barren beaehes, The billows comb and pour ; Mot king with bitter laughter The hope of the hereafter, , Thepride of heretofore. soul of gifts divinest, Thou, too, forever pinest, Lashing the bordering sands . no bars of thy dominions 'Beating with broken pinions. Grappling with bleeding hands 'The sunset, deep and tender, loarkens in solemn splendor Over the heaving waves lied with its radiance; under Clouds of storm and thunder; And in the deep are graves. -'To morrow and to-morrow 'The Ben shall keep its sorrow, But thou, 0 soul of mine, Thy day to day grows dimmer ; Shall no to-morrow glimmer On this unrest of thine. I grieve not. If the sOrit Could keep the chains that wear it, too, might bitter be— So sink, thou sun supernal Into the deep eternal, And laugh, thou cynic sea! A rATRIOTTO LADY.--AMODC , tin names •-or the ladies who went to Beaufort. recently, is Um. Gregg, the wife of the late pastor of the Presbyterian solo:itch at Wilmington. N. C. She kept the Sts:s and tr free upon her house long after the act ef Secession ieee passed. Whilesither Union people were driven away and persecuted. in r e great reverence were held her piety and Christian henevoienee. that the mob even spared h from viol , nee. The family left the place, and their house bold effects were confiscated and sold. Dirs. Gregg to • the sister -of Theodore ()wrier, of this city. Another, Sarah Cutler, accompsnied her on her mission of 'mercy to the unfortunate Africtne upon the Sea-island plantations. STRUC' EY LIORTNING.—During the heavy thunder s'orni yesterday arternoln several places throughout the city wore struck by lightning The cupola of St. Paul's ROOM! Catholic C o utmh, Tenth •ud Christian streets, destroyed some time Mace by firer 'WM struck by the lightning, and the cornice about the cross badly dreamed.. Two cows, brimming to George Carpenter, in the Twenty-second ward, were killed. The renidenre of Mr. McDevitt, corner of Second and ' , Catharine streets, wag atrack, and the roof wet on lire and slightly damaged. CITY ITEMS. PREACHING AT THE FIRST REFORMED DUTCH 'Cannon BY Dn. CLARKE, OF BROOILLTIL—Wo learn that rtho Rey. Dr. Clarke, of Brooklyn, said to be a pulpit ore. tor of snyeriter merit, Is expected to presets in the Fint Deformed Dutch Church, corner of Seventh and Spring Garden streets, to.morrow mooning and eyenint. As 'the difficulties of this church, uo long punting, hare been. finally settled in its favor, the congregation are now hear log demi men - with a view to making a. selection. wi11.% 'ltas not yet been made, us was erroneously reported in pone of the papers. FINE PAOTOCRAPU COPIES oe ENGRAVINO9. hlr. F. GliteNunkle great Photographic estililishrneuP, 'roe. 704 and. 700 Arch street, is rapidly becoming ono of 'our moat attractive galleries of Art. His eaCcess in pro ducing the carte de visite, now rio popnlir, and in pre ,planling in this past and atiraotivo form copies of the rarest and most exrcrolve engraving% la unrivalled by other artist in this country. In addition to' the im rouse business now crowding upon him, employing con stantly full refs of operatora' in two different a‘yligle.a, hie sales of cartes, from lire, of dlstingulahel porpoise, .tine copies of engravings, and Photograph Albuoil,, are Tory large. Ills collection of prominent clergymen, em. in-acing the mat influent names in sit the different Iranchea of the Mimi), is attracting much Mt ninon. 'The gi Ifounted House," an exquisite etching by Horan, Se a beentiful work of art. He has ilia added to his cot- Intim of carte engravings a beautiful Beatrice Cenci, which will become a universal favorite for the album. .811OPPiN(1 FOR Simnara TRATEL.—A large I geroportiou of the shopping now being done by the istilea lof our city is preparatory tea journey to some summer treeort. Shrewd er orelteepers are taking advantage of this circumstance by duly, preparing for the wants of the trommunity in this particular. In the Dry Guots de- Vattenrolt, Erie tt Lunde% proprietors of the fa- Semis old stand, =oar of Fourth and Arch streets, hay- Sing long had the reputation;el catering to this clam of vents More successfully than any other MAW in the trade, end, judging from their magnificent stock of goods especially adapted for Summer purposes, they are deter suined to =till:tarn their name and fame in this reepset 4 Good geode ttt fair prices," is - their motto. kk Traih," ea they term it, they never deal in, having prided theM selves more upon furnishing the public with articles that give enduring esti 010i1013 than upon acquiring fhb re mu tation of keeping a "cheap store." The result has been to secure for. them the beet trade in the city nad through , put the country wherever,good goods and . fair dealing are appreciatid. We may state in this connection that their 3preaent stock of gt ode for summer resorts, tither in seem ing apparel, bedd ng articles., or housefurn g rode, is teuaually large and complete, and should be seen by all Soho aro about tusk itg purchases in thie BUSY DAY AT °ARM') & SOS's.—The - . state of ....mercury within the last tow days has in duced a general tlslangtitp2p,X.ittla Oakford Sc Son's SPninter exionelve stock in the oitr. 'f holaeligAnt Stead-gear fur Children ,and Misses are else deservedly and the same may be said of their large sad /superb stock of Gtutlemen's Furnishing Goode. It is therefore eats to predict that the crowd of buyers at their beautiful ware. rooms, under the Continental Hotel, to day, will be large. Our most fashionable citizens give Oakford k times stock the preference over all .there; and while their all he are better, their prices are as low gm the lowest. , MESSRS. E. G. IViirrunzi & Co., the popular and aucceinful confectioners of Second street, below ILMentoot, have literally outgrown their eato'lliehment, And are about making their debut In more ample, c..,m -lhodious, end central quarter!, on Chestnut street. In the meanwhile, the it progress in the art of mannfaciur- ing tke choicest sod finest confections in America gees On apace. Their present stuck is rich and varied beyond description, inlbradog a large Qumber of palatable Oieeties not mot with elsewhere, and that are especially odepted for the nation now upon us. FINE GROCERIES.—MY. C. 11. Mattson, cor- tier or Arch std Tenth streets, has rightfully the reputa tion of keeplrg d soiling the finest groceries iu this. r -Orly otber mettet. lie has lung successfully catered to the very beat himlllea of oar city, and now justly com mands their p•treunge. We see teat accost of tile leading watering-place proprietors have made arrange. Snouts to obtain id/ link groceries fur the season from Mattrol gueeta, we bete no doubt, will up. (prochite this fact, SPEcIAL Nos IcE.—Persons wishing a hand- Come sUlt, cut uwl made In the customer style, and very cheap, would do well to call at Grlgg Sc Van Gunteset, 110.704 Market bin et. • WE LEARN TIIAT DR. STEVENS, Electropathic rbYslcian; of MS SIMI. Penn Slime, Is doings large Intelnette, and hes conch tied to permanently locate here. ate We card In another column. .RICIIIIOND TO r.t TAKEN BY ASSAULT.—UrCTI. McClellan's address to his army, of June 2d, creates the .impresalon that he attend to carry Richmond by aasiult, .instead of taking it by a regular siege. At Bay rate, be 'refers to one mere decisive battle as an event now at bend, Many were inclined• to believe that the great jbattle would occur this week, but the last despatch from Gen. McClellan speaks of the obstructions to moveinsels &reduced by the flood of 'rota. Therefore, lot all patriotic and loyal citizen° wait patiently, and in the meantime -take advantage of the delay, and aloft the fashionable -clothing temple of Granv:lle Blokes, at No. 609 Chestnut -Direst, labor° the f neat and cheapest astortment of oum •fuer garmena in tLe countrt is ou hand. gi FIGHTS TO COBIE."--(By our Sporting r.clltor)—Between little sae, the "Union pet," and Jeff, lthe , i Richmond novice." Articles nre to be dravre and ..leigtied at the " Sewn Plnee," whore the Met pert of the stakes is to be paid - down. An "intelligent cootie. 'band " will be there to enliven the performance. Next Ineelhog W tkik at Charleston, when Pete Beauregard will appear on behalf of the novice," and Jim Hunter for the "pet," wben the belts will be given. A boel of comic talent Is engaged, a , d a lively time hi expected. On the •Damo day, in Philutlapble, tbere will be an exhibition of igounter Hitt, between . 4 One Price" and an w Mous tomer," at Cherl.-y Stokes', No. 824 Chestnut street, . loader the Continental. , The parties can be seen to-day, A MOaLION rx GOLD.—To the question, . 11 1Vbat le the Weight of a million dollars In rad as e of the Mint answers as follows : The weight of one dollars United k Wes currency in gold is 53,760 'Troy ounces. Thie matea 4,479 lbs. 2 on., or newly two tone and • quarter, reckoning 2,000 lbs. ti each ton. .:The next question to be ascertained is How many re. :pnecfabls adult gentlemen and youths could he mode -comfortable, with a million In vid, by purchasing their tgrirmonts, -ecooomically and judicionsly, at the Brown stone Clothing Bell of Backlitll & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 4606 Obesteut street. above Sixth, • MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ifir BEE TOIIETII PAGE ARRIVED Brig Lillian, Bailey. 15 dajni from Arecibo, I'A, 'with tooltusaeli to J F Penimon. 9chr Rope, Mort% 1 day from Indian River, Doi, with lumber to J W Bacon. Behr Freemason, Fnrman, 1 day from Indian River, Pal, with lorober to W Bacon. Bohr Golden Gate. leteming,l day from Frederica, With oorn to Jos L Bewley &Co. Behr George J Weaver, Tonnell, 2 days from Italian ;liver. rod, with corn to .1 I, Bewley & Co. • Behr Henry Wolfe, Atkins,l day from Milton, Del, .10 Ai grain to Christian di Co. scbr D J ditch, 16 vanii, 1 day from Indian River, with torn to 3 W Bacon. &lir 0 Vickery, Babbitt, 2 days from Fortress lion roe, In ballast to Iwttla & Co. Bbip Holyhead, Swanton, Liverpool, P Wright. & Boom Behr Levin Lank, Boyce, Aiexaadria, Noble, Caldwell & Behr Wm Jobe, McDivitt, Waahington, do Behr Areree, Bennett. Baltimore, T Weh,ter, Jr. Bfr B wiThog,.Claypoole, Ealtlezore, A. Groves, Jr. (03rreapondenge crf the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Dd., June 13, 34" P A Ti 6 elooratf-war, thought to be from the Southern blockading fleet, and a ship, scummed to be the Tara, from Llrerpool, came in this forenoon. and are at anchor in the remittent'. Wind WM—weather clear. . . June 13, 9.15 P M--The ketch °eminence, trim Titsyn silent P Rt, came In this evening. Wind SW. Yours, &o. JOHN P. MARSHALL. • ' MEMORANDA. klbip Argo, Dollard, cleared at Liverpool 28th ult. for Philadelphia. 811111 Bharemuc, Oxnard, mailed from Liverpool 28th tilt for Philadelphia. Brie Mary Alvina, Amea, from Matanzas, arriva at New TOik yesterday. Seine 'Trader. Eaton. Itasca, Williams, Little Da-41, Foxier, and Hallahao, Edwards, hence, arrived at New YOlk i leaterdaY, - Echr TIT M Freeman, Howes, olssred at Boston 12th bat for Philadelphia. • Fehr Wm Paxson, Conon, hence, arrived at Prost deneel2th Met. - Echr Mary Nowell, Covill, from Lynn for Philadel phia, at Newport 11th inst. • Behr Fanny Fern, Briggs, hence, arrived at Newpn't 12th inst, to dlecharge. Eltevner Tronsides, Vanderveer, hence, arrived at Now ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut eta John K Field A. Vr, St Louis Jam Dunigan, St Louis N Field, New York J B Bei:friary, 42 Otaink H K Parson, Harrisburg E E Platt, Harrissurg ti E Wriabt, New York. Jas Hall & w, Cincinnati W A Hall, Cincinnati E Wilmsr, 'Delaware A D Graff, Ohio - - "-Win G Waiteley, Delaware Wm Torrey, New York 11 d. Stevens & w, Boston D A Gregory kw, Boston M 0 Lang and wise F S Davidson, 'Boston Mrs Davidson, Boston Win Robinson t w, Mass Mrs II S Wells, Mass Oen H Walbridge, N Yolk ltdrs.W W Eaton, Hartford John Graven, Belem, NJ. If II Arehor, Salem, N j S F l'ory & la, Ohio Miss A J Duer, New Jersey Geo Welker Poniarlvania 0 D Shirk, Baltivore S W Iteamtrelc, Oalifornia Thee P Capin, Jolla . , 111 Col Roffman. II S A See G.tty, Baltimore . - N oHunt. Boston Geo P Scuith Jesse Teddy, Fall Diver John Hill, New Jersey Hiss Mary B Hill, New York A J Waisworth. II S Ban It A Smith & wr, Wash J A Green, Baltimore 1' A Jackson, Balvenore 11' Philp, Wash, 1) 0 J W Bowlabd &la, Balt El Delano, New York A J Anderhon & la, Penne Jol J Stewart, Maryland B Hayes, Wash, D.O Thou &moron , . Baltimore .Atleni Kuhn, Virginia . Geo Meg Porter, Virginia John Dowdin, Beaton Gee 'Postai ,tivf, Carbond4le Wm V, Nelson L , la, N Y W J Walser, Lamina, Ind A natio Whitney, N Jersey - J H WhittioY, Giasboro, NJ B G Beli, New York D S Hammond, Lebanon A 1 btewart, New York Billie, New. York Veltman, Paris, France H J Jacobs, Kingston T J Cochran, Baltimore H W Coalman, Ralimore 0 Leckie & la, Chicago P Capron, Hilsraukee . 7.flias Kuhn, New York John Sligo n, Cincinnati nribteman, Penna Chanties , Page & la, Boston F G Worbert, New York G B Perry - Jos Grinnell ,S Is, ti Bedford F k Coe & wife, New York faro 0 A lelitchell, NY • Geo A. Phelps ' New York Br Tyler, Peons Bobt Halsey, New York John Torrey, Jr, N J T Sararesse, Paris Time Furlong, St John, NB . . 0 W Bull & la, Bridgeport' BenjLetoher, Kentucky A P Reynolds, New York A l King, Leavenworth 'DEL Smith, Boston Doff, Pittabarg Levi B Dail. Poona Jour A. Douctix R 0 Role. Harrieburg Jae T Brett, New York Faml Small S: le,York Pa S Fox, Baltimore 3l ire Fullmer, Baltimore C E Hunt, New York D J Bigelow Boston A Pardee, Hazleton Miss Alice Bigelow, Hazleton Alias .B ID Pardee, Hazleton. 1,1 A White, Provideeet, RI Jos Wetmore, New York W II Dodge, Now York Com t 3 Green, U S N Mies Green C L Green W U Barthley, 'Memphis Thos S Blair, Pittsburg Geo 11 Whent,Wheeling,Ya C P Burdett, New York Mr Mitchell ,k la, Dalt- John. F Payson & le,Boston Johr. G ball & la, Bruton H T Malkin la Bpeton J. bn F Connelly, 13 sltimora W A DAVIR, Louisville, Ky W Pellgeberg, New York J E Now Haven 111 - Sheemaker. Baltimore G O Odeon, Wit*, D 0 J W Bektr, Columbus, 0 G A *Binary, US A. Li4t, Wheeling. John Donlon, Wheeling JD Miller, Baltimore J H Reel, New York A Penner, Baltimore G Julian, New York F H Grecs, New York hire J Braude : ger, N York Biro Lyn,ar, Hertford S Tudor, Hartford n M Illake , liew Boson Jae &Potter, Prey, E I W 0 Warhead, Rockland J 11nrno, Wash, 1) 0 Jahn P ree, Phil% J . Janney, New York MET.CHANTS" HOTEL—Fourth st., below Arch. Z 0 Crain & wf, N• Jersey Hon Thos ROM, Doyiest'n Fire Roes, & da, Doylestown Col I Painter, Penns John Corson, Clinton G W Shelton, Easton Mies Chandler, Reading B Childs, White Haven Send Paylor, Easton B De Kalb, Washington J W Wilson, New. York . W R BWrgss, Washington 'rhos White, York SD Howe, New York F May & La, Marylard J C Eyster, Ohamberebnrg G W Nonro, Prov, R. IB Smith, Reading P Kerr. Pitt*lnirg Abel White, Mass A F Rosenholm, New York D C Dural', Indianapolis W B Roll..lnoinnapolle J Goodwellie Miss A It Goodstein.° AMERICAN--Chestnut street, aborts' Fifth. C Slitterly, Trenton, If J J W Martin; Brietat, Pa S Bright, New York J Smith, New York F Smith, Beading Cart Melo4l. Reading B A nom Beading T Mclntire, Delaware h L EElieon, Delawarsi W H Ausitp.r,-Harriabarg Bre W Mary. B leland A Hitchcock, New York S B McLean, Dilawaro B A Sage Easton " G Eaters Ale, glow York TABed /4 Is, Maryland • West Chester. E s ecelius, M D, N Y rtry J Atkinson, Virginia - Jae L Waugh, New York John A Cochran, New York ; • BT. LOWS HOTEL—Oheetnnt street, Om Third. Wm Hancock, Trenton, NJ Richard Oaranhell, N York John 0 Grunt, Trenton, NJ NW Keene, Puma Robert Burnes, Peuna E Gould, Williamsport E D Wolton, Ilbstou DTI Whittmore, Kass W W Richmond. N Haven A Adarna, Set tricky P Baugh, Downingtown Mrs Smith & den, Easton B S Mouttln Now York Marred Fowlec J 141 Spear, Jamestown Aire Hinchter, Jarnestown J ResFler, York, Pa Moses Duckworth, N -- York B. J Humphrey, Penns. . TUX ITNION.—Iirch skims'', shirrs Third. J D Allen & la. Pennsylvania John Harrold, Philadelphia P. Cleaver, Port Psiin 11 8 Koons, 'Lancaster co B Boorns, P pavan, Hass J K tleang, Berke c0,.P0 J A. Matter, Pennsylvania D Barris, Chicago Mrs M Chicago D Torrey, Itallauripolia Miss Torrey, New York 111 Bell, Nev Jersey NATIONAL HOTEL—Sacs street, above Third. Mrs L - Lobdell, Beading 31 I. Key, New Jersey H A Banner, Now Jersey John N Conine, N Jersey Jacob H Bachman N J j Ham New Jersey E T Wiggins,*.New Jenny 'N Green, Now Jersey E Evans, Lancaster Jos Kern, Lancaster,. Patel Isngbes, Port "Carbon A H Theatn, Lehigh - co L Kreiger, Lebanon I) Lc mieon, Penna E D Scarborough, N J A S Ely Sz, la, Lebanon STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. has L Harrison 4. W Hoover, Wasb, D V it Ilmol)hroV, Wash.T) Cothran. Jobn G Lover, Plarkiesburg John. M. Cuaning4, Philo Henry layman, Lana co John A. Moore, Cecil co, lid MOUNT YEBNON llOTEL—Si.cond at,, above Arch. Nit Twaddell, New York Ohms H Reeder, Baltimore Andrew Reeder, Baltimore W Owens, Warne co • Aaron Bear, Wayne co A It Sloan, Pltreborg I,lewt Geo Wood A la, Md Thee Reilly, Now York W Borchert, New Jersey W Kimble, Penneylvisola Joe Percher', Pa Jaa A Lord, New Rork Witron lrrd, Now !--Pn 6 lrtifenl7 . e John I Cos, Now York Mr Skaffa, New York 3fr Mitchell, Now York MADISON ROlJSZ—Second Street, shave Ilarket. J S Dett A la, New Rope A B Cadwallader, Pemba *Mfg, Griffin, Bradford co A Reading b ladies,N J 3) Ettla, Ilarrieborg W S Corwin, Nerrowebnrg Mrs CO Murray Donna . Oboe Fleury, Mooroe co Homer, Baltimore J Tell, Mechanicsville W G Butler, Cheltenham Robt Huston, Stroudsburg It 0 Hadley, Depneit, N Y }KM Preston, Wayne co J P Nallenbeck,Albany,NY 001,IIIEBOIAL-Bth street, above Choetnut. J . A lie)nolde, Penns A F Zimmorntan, Harriers A A Anderson, Peoria L J Kirk, Lano co Jli Rae'lnge, W Cheater W Porter, Itocherter, N Y It D Irene, Delaware J B Duckett, °hes co BLACK BBAlThird street, above. Callowhtft. Lewis Rehr, Pa Chao Harper, Jeakiato Ira A. 'Kephart, Doylestown A Bachman, Pa Jae Tom'Well, Biberry• Win Psff, Yardispville I L Tresler, Yerdleyvillelastor Trezler ' 'Yardleyv Aiwa Madman, Daoboro A V Roads, tlionthamplon Jos F Weital;Norlbernoton J.B Creasman, Bucks co Rcbt Burrows, Yardley vllle Wm R Read, Yardleyville F T Benne, Tardleyvilie Dr J B Reading, Somerton Mrs Beading, Somerton Gasper Robb & le,Somerton Linford Roads & la,Somerton Thom Bs e, Buckingham Mrs Bye. Buckingham Miss 9 Bart, Bnckinohnm .Baint A Neal, Yardle)ville G Clemens, Chador Valley BALD EAGLE--Tblrd street, above Callowhill John Klemm, Pittsburg TS Leisenrine, Pa Bblery, Birdsboro B W Solidi, Bucks co Beni 'Beane, Bucks couuty . Chas Beans, Bucks co W 8 Berir, Berke county NIDICAL STORJEKSEPEEtS.—The fol low•ing extratt of au act of Congress in relation to the anpoiotment of Medical Storskeepari is yoblisbod for the information of persons desirona of applying for such a poeltlon AN SOT to authorize the appointment of Medical Store - keepers and Olts.plotus of flossiiiits. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre itliiailVeS of Ike United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Beeretery of War be authorized to add to tt o medical department of the army medical storekeepers, not exceeding six in number, who shall have the pay and emoluments of military storekespers in the quartermaster's department, who shall be ekilled apothecaries or druggists, who shall give the bond and Temerity required by exlstiog laws for military store keepers in the quartertnatter , e deportment, and who obeli be stationed at such points as the necessities of the army may require: Provided, That the provisions of this act shall remain in force only during the continu ance of the present rebellion. A °proved May 20, 1862. 11. The following ore the regulatlone.which will go• Tern the appointment of medical storekeepers under the Bid steepen of the foregoing act of Congress: 1. A board of net We than three medical officers will be marinaded by the Secretary of War to examine such applieitnta at may, by him, be authorized to appear be fore It_. . 2. Candidates, to be eligible to examination, shall be not leas than twenty• Eva yifare or more than tom Yearn of age; phial pommel; sufficient pby'ical ability to, per form their duties satisfactorily ; and shall present with their app}ications satisfactory evidence of go ,d moral character. 3. Cat dilates will be required to pasi a satiafactory examination In the ortlicary branches of a good English education, in pharmacy sod materia seedier', and to glee proof that they possess the requisite business quali fications for the position. 4. The board will report to the Secretary of 'War - the relative merit of the candidates examined, and they will receive appointments accordingly. 5. When appoinee 1, each medical storekeeper will be required to give a hood So the amount of $40,000 before be Ann be allowed to enter on the performance of his duties. By order of the Secretary of War THQ.IIA 3, A djutant General. A Board of Medics' Officers for the examination of applicants will be convened in tho city of Washington on the first day of July. to coLtlnue to session ono month. A pplicatlons to appear before the Board ebould be ad• dressed to the Secretary of War. Evion:ox thasswii . s Ovvicx,Juue 5,1861 jel3-81 •••• LYON'S MAGNITIO INSECT POWDER, Tested for nineteen years and grows. in favor. It kills and exterminates Beaches, Bed Bugs, Ants, Fleas, illotbs in Cloths, Furs, and Furniture, Garden Insects, Ac. All glnufne bears the signatnro of E. Lyon, aid is notpoimmous topersons or domestic animal/. Be ware of counterfeits and hnitatione. Lyon's Powder ills all insects in a thee, Lyon's Pills are death to rats and mice. Bold everywhere. D. S. DABITE . B, n43.atathBm 202 Broadway, New York. CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST In 'the City. at 111 South FOURTH Street. • CARD PRINTING, bag and cheapest In the My, at 11l South FOURTH Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, beet: and cheapest In the Olty,,at 111 South FOURTH Street. 0 EARED UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT ,i • •_ NzWf3):3o± . S. SONG.- 11Y TER HARD OF TOWER ELUL. Here's yet extrat—!bird edition— Sixty thousand rebels shtd. ! Beauregordle last expedition To a place that's rather hot Where his hone he means to water, As he swore last March, you know, Traitors beaten !—horrid slaughtei! Here's yer extrasl—here they go'. Ifere's yer extrat—fourth edition t Reauregard completely banged; Richmond in a bad condition, , Old Jeff Davis osuehtaud hanged'! All the rebel It adore 'taken ! Horrid fellows—quite a stow; . None of them could Pave their bacomt , Here's yer ex tras t—here they go ! Here's yer extras l—(Weil, aoinctimes, sir, We May make mistakes—a few; But such errors are not crimes, air, And I hope they'll coon prove true. But it . you are fired of fiction, Tower Haire last card will show Facts that fear no contradiction)— Here's yer extract—hero they go! Th. indisputable facts referred to to the last stanza are, that we hare tbe Largest and best assortment of heady- Wade Clothing in Philadelphia, adapted to the wants of all, eempribing all oualiths, from low grades to supergae; that. from our mode of conducting bnsine?e--buying and settiepfor cash only--we are enabled to sell, at the lowest. peseible prices, goods that cannot be excelled in style and workmanship. We have also a well-selected stock of Piece Goods, which will be made up to order in the bed manner, for there who prefer. TOW AR. MALL, No. bl.B Market street, Phil:vial- COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION ? f 1 STU •MA, BRONCHITIS A.c --For these. and ail PULMO NARY COMPLAINTS, DR. D. JAYNE'S EX PECITO- . RANT bee been for Witty years the standard remed y. RECENT COUGHS end COEDS, PLEURITIC Ping S, An., are quickly and effectually cured by its diaphoretic, soothing, and exPectorant power. ASTDMA it always cures. It overcomes the spasmo dic contraction of the sir vessels. and, by producing free expectmation, at once removes all difficulty of breathing. BRONCHITIS readily yielda to the Expectorant. It subdues the thilammation which extends through the wind tubes, expectoration, and suppresses at onto the cough and pain. CONSUMPTION.—For this insidious and fatal disease no remedy on esrtb has ever been found .o effectual. It subdues the inflammation, relieves the cough and pain, and removes the difficulty of breathing, and produces an easy expectoration, whereby all irritating and obstruct ing matters are removed from the lungs. WHOOPINU-COUGI is promptly. relieved' by this Expectorant. It shortens the duration of the disease one.balf, and greatly mitigates the sufferings of the pa- In aII:PULMONARY COMPLAINTS, Ds CROUP, PLEURISY, Am., it'ssilL be found to be prompt, safe, pleuorutt, and reliable. - TUE EXPTIOTORANT,,and all of DR. D. JAYNE Ac SON'S FAMILY MEDICINES are prepared only at 242 CLIESTNUT Street, and are sold by druggists go. nerally. jelo-taws3t BATOIrELOR'S HAIR. DYE! THE BEBT.IN- TITE WORLD. 43, ILIA - AM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated flair Dye .produces a color not to ho distinguished from nature—. warranted not to injure the Hair in the leaot remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED. or RUSTY HAIR instantly- throe s splendid Bleak or Brown, - leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Sold ity all 'Druggists. ' 39" ThiGonnine is signed WILLIAM. A. BATCHE LOR, on, the four sides of each box. BAC:I2'OI3Y, No. 81 BAROL AY &root, (Late 233 Broadway anct 18 Bond street), lor2B-17 New York. UNE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF TIIE LATEST STymnsonade In the fieet rdanaer, expressly for BE.. TAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Vignres. AU 'Goods made to Order warranted aatiefactory. „par ONE-PRICE BrrSTEM le Strictly ad hered to. All'are thtreby treated alike. 0f.29-1T -50ETto fifht OKRA - IST ftiraNt. 'MARRIED NEELEN—PULLIN.—On the .12th in3tanE, near Eisbtatewn, N J., by liev Jam Shrigky. ler, of Pldladelphia, to Cordnlia., daughter of . Isaac Pat. DIED. - TRUISIT.--On the °Nulling of the 13th,,instant, Mohae Tromp, in the 79th peer of bia age. fits relativea and friends are invitOi to attend his fune ral, . from Ida late residence. No. 406 Green street, on Bocand•day afternoon, at 3 o'cicick, without further no. 'WHEELER —On tke 12th instant, at Concord, Dela p are county. Mary Ann Price, wife of Thomas Wheeler, formerly of this city. The friends of the family are invited to meet the fune ral at the Woodland Cemetery; on Sunday afternoon. at , 2 o'clock, without further notice. - !) 'FELL.—Qn the, 13th instant, Martha S. Fell, in the 60th year of her age Her friends. and those of the family, are particularly invittd to attend her funeral, from her late residence, Ourabetland, above Mill street, Germantown, on First day. Om noon 15th inat., at 3 o'clock, - * BROWNING.—On the 11th inat Kra Sarah Brown the f,Mb year of lur age,,, Funeral from her late residence, on Pee Shore, near Camden, this (Saturday) afternoon at 1 o'clock. COBSON.—On the 11th instant, Caroline W , wife of Rufus T. (Imam in the 25th year of her age. Funeral from the re4inenee of her father, Robert Thornton. Main street, Frankford, this (Saturday) after noon, at 2 o'clock. FRP. 74.11.5.—0 n the 10th inst., Rebecca, wife of Wm. G. Franks. Funeral from her tate residence. back of No 838 Char lotto street, above Brown, on Monday morning at 8 RI FETE —On the 12th instant, 111 r. Wlltiam itiekte, in the 83d year of his nee. " _ Funeral from - his late reside.neo, N 0.910 Routh Front arrest, below Christian, con Monday afternoon, -at 3 MOURNING GOODS FOR ;JUNE SALES.—Thaek..Barer o Hernatii or Grenadine Hareem, Bareges, Grape: Alareti, Silk. Chilly% Point de Venire, Summer BonS.azlnfa, 'remises, fine klaus.elinee, Silk Grenadines, Poole do Foie or Mourning Silk, Gros de Rhinos. Poniards, Crape Liam.' Grenadine and Crane Veils, Barege and Grenadine Shawls Silk Net Shawls, &c. Also. Black and White Silks, Foulards, Lawns, Ginghams, Velenciam, Mebairs, &c. BESSOIi & Mourning Stare, jell No. 915 CHES ['NUT Street. AB 1111- ST R EE T PRESBYTERIAN 11.3 CDTMOII B.,rvlce to-morrow at 105 i o'clock A. M.. and 8 o'clock P., II ,by No Rev. WIG -WADI DI BAIRN, of St. dames Chnroh, York, PA.. ltA BANK•NOTICE.—BOOKat ARE NOW , Domed at the . eve or Jft IV/ ES N. 51 A MIS, TRIETII- El CIITI:l and 61A lIKRT Street& and et the officeof the WREST PHILADELPHIA SAVING VUND, to receive mehectiptiona to the capital ittavh4r i gi ti ; TUttgfiiiiiirCla under the free banking law. iel4•st* BT. sEcorm REFORMED DUTCH OBUROFI. PRVENTII Street,. above Brown Bev. E. P. TRRTJUNR, of Newark, N.. J., will preach in the morning at 10 o'clock. In the evening, at 8 o'clock, a er trice will be held commemorative of the bite Mr.. T. DeWitt Talmage. The exercises will be MI. ducted by Boy. Dr. Taylor, Rev. John Chambers. Rev. Dr. Fieher, end other,. Dry SPIRITUALISM—CONFERENCE AT 8A BO 111 STREET H ALL. on SUNDAY sting A. 3H., and at BP. EL A Lecture by Dr. 0 ;MO, "On D. NILWTON'S mitten' of treatment, and tho cased adapted to it " Adrottnion 5 cents. Thera will ha a PIMNIO of Spiritualists, and alms, at Habib:LOFTON, V. J., on TERTRiDAY. Jona 26th. lame 'Viva-street Wharf at 730 A. K. 'rickets $1- For rale by tha Comm Wee, and by T. B. Posh, SIX e H and OHESTIiIIT Streets. PHILOMATHEON LODGE N*. 10, O. of 0. F —The members aro reque.ted to meet at their 'BALL at 12,V o'clock THIS (Setnrday) Arran. NOON. to attend 'bel:wend of rheir late Brother It VNJ. F. NORTH, P. 0.) The Brethren wilt be tarnished with titbits for the 1 o'clock steam can, to vroceed to idaneynuk. By order of the Ludee. - GICO. FLING; WM. 110 PR IN. BORT. HAMILTON. 11* Committee. Tr PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. THE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA, who dcelre cordially to night. In SUSTAINING THE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION In Its latriotio efforts to suppress a sectional and unholy rebellion against the UNITY OF THE REPUBLIC!, and who desire to support, by every power of the-Go vernment, oar hundred thousand heroic brethren in arms, braving disease and the perils of the field to preserve the Union of our fathers, are requested to select the number of DELEGATES equal to the Legislative Representation of the State, at such times and in such manner as will best respond to the spirit of this call, to meet in • STATE CONVENTION, HARRISBURG, On THURSDAY, the 17th day of Jnly next, 'at 11 o'clock on maid day, to NOMINATE CANDIDATES for the offices of • AUDITOR OENERAL AEI) BURVETOB GENER&L, and to Aoki, each measures as may bo deemed necessary to strengthen the Government in this season of common peril to a common country. _ °batman of the People's State 00amittee. ago. W. HAfit BOOM Z st ,„ ot „ r i . 92 tf IYI Jolla M. SULLIVAN, 1 lx:rrrl i oti F cfg:prk i ?; .o . NG 44 ELA Prrrsuuna. Mnr 23, 1862 Ala nientlri of tbo Board of Mauagora of this Onmpa tff, held on the let of May, 1862, the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That coupon bends of this Company, hear ths date the tint day of July next, be Issued to the amount, of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, . In nom of One Thousand Dollies each, payable in twin- ty-five year's after the date theteof, bearing interest at the rate of six' per cents= Per anon, para.' ble semi-annually, in the city of New York, and the said bonds be secured by mortgage of the works and revenues of this Comprtoy, to be made to Thomas Bakewell, as trustee. for the holders of said bonds. Resolved, That the President of this Company be au thorized to procure; to be negotiated, of the mottoes beide of this Company. this day ordered to be leaned, the emcnrat of one-hundred and twenty-flee thonsand dol lars, for cash, or the outstanding bonds of this Com pany, maturing on the Brat day of. January next, at Par. rn actordanoe with the foregoing resolutions, SUB BORIPTIONB will be received until three o'clock of the 24th DAT OF JUNI NEXT, for the above 10an...* In formation with regard to the. character of the Improve ment. may bo obtained from Joshua Hanna, Ear , of lian as, Bait, dt Co, Pittsburg; Abraham Gibbons, Esu., *Ooateavillo, Chester collet>, Pa.; sod Messrs. Jar, - Cook, A Co., Philadelphia, who are authorized to receive debecriptions for the loan. The Capital Stock of the rompany le 9728,700 Funded debt, (boodaoutstan'dlntO 182;000' This's is no lloatinX or other debt existing. The .werks are to motive operatic)* and complete repair, and the re wilds justify expectations of the usual or average divi dend for the present year. Ti o works were so far cote jpleted, and the debts st -the Company paid as to enable Abe Managers to declare their Brat dlvidena, July . 7tta, -3663, bioce which time they have declared fourteen divi dends up to July, 1561—eight yert•s—amounting In the egeregate to flftr-four and one-half per cent., or six and eighty-one bendredthe per cent. per annum. There are go bonds in the market better secured than those of this company; and BONO that offer greater inducements for investment es to security rind prompt payment of into. rest, which is well known by the holders of tbo present outstanding bonds. The object of this mortgage Is to Concentrate the bonds of the Company and secure the whole. A preference Will be given to the present holders of the bonds Maturing January Ist, 1863 The Company, reeerves the right to accept the whole or any portion of the amount subscribed. My ''''' J. B. NOO.IIIIEAD, President TEE PREM.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1862. THERE A..IO4FIJS CLARK, o! Brooklyn, (D. V.) oreach to thl - FIRST RE FORMED DU mil Oh Er KOH, corner of SE V IC:f 141 Ind t pultio OMIT/RN Streets; to-marrow, at 10 In the morph Q , ord 8 in the evening rmAN• URGENT APPEAL IS MAUL , to the ebrittlau caulk, in behalf of nor Sick and V. untied &lima. Tt.e "Ann) CommiTteo." by &cil iation, are 'ow in Virginia with the army, and Bend for. aid. A kleetit.g to consider tide appeal will be held in the Al,xerder Presbyterian iJknrah, corner of NTNE TERRI B nod GREEN, TO-MORROW EVENING, at 8 o'clock. The ;maw, Rev. Dr. GUNNING-HA n, will prrside. Addrases nlen by Rev, T. W,.. WYLIE, P.l) , Rev. SILAS LIVERMORE. a Union man f*nin North Garolina. and °thud. All ate Invited. I.l* OrCOM PROMISE—PE ACE. —SIIA.Lf. NE make the former and thereby Mueuru tS.e tottnr 7 Or, Shall we nubmit t' Foreign Inwrvontion 7 NIVIER! LPVIIre 011 thi,i subject, by the. Roy. R. A. 'GARDEN, P. D.. (fur the benefit of Ziou Churt.h.) nt , Soring Garen stilutu, BROAD Acti SPRING GARDEN &rePti, ou ONItAlf EVENING, JunelOth, 1862. Admt ninn 10 ennui in3-121* TrTHE COMING GLORY. WIEETOGS Ilbo EGLEOTIO MRDIOAL 1101A.1✓;t}gi'7lo tropee RAVE below Fifth; SI3I , OIIAT, 101 L A. AL, 3X I'. 111, and every evening during at week, by Ellor 1A lz GABL erol other R. Setae free. 11* IVICTORY ! VICTORY! . !---THE fifth- BY,GIMBIiT. P. V. M., has been opraially accepted tat the War Department far three years or during the war. Captains report immediately, Bounty, Rations, Clothing, and Pay furniabed,lrom date of enlistment. .. ' Tl.ia be the only tbree•year :Segment authorized by the f ecretary.of War from this State, and all patriots deslroua of servirg our common country muss now coins torwatd. The Bruin:lent will poaltively march on or be foto the let - of September next , D 'ERN AN, - Colonel Commanding, A. MALBEED, Adjutant. • Per G BAH-DWELT, Major. Efeadonarters, 108 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. PAI3SON 13 ROW NLOW.—A very fine Card Photograph of PILMII EttrAVIAUW; , price ilt:ernte. WALLIS - I'ER & BRO., jtl3-2t -728 0111t8TNUT Street. VERBIJM SAT SAPIENTI.--The r boat thing von ran doll yon want a aa'imfactorY Trictnre, gn to lIRIMER and got a Colorad Pbotograph for $l. SECOV P Strcet, &owns Groom It fIOM. MoREAN, U. Card Pbotogiaph of Commodornlsl.ll.nn, S, N., iitst robli.bed. McALTASTER TIRO: inB.2t 728 CHESTNUT Stmt. fIAPT. SYLVANTRi W. GODON.- ^1..." A Curd Photograph of Capt. .8: W. Godot just Published. PI eAL LIST UT & B 8.0.; ' jel3-21 . 728 OffEiTNIIT Stmt. 'MAY -T.)AY RESTIVAL.—Card Pho tographs of lifity-lisy Fedi val nt. Miss Oscr's Scbool, Linwood Hall, Montgamory county, row:viva obi, just published. ' EIcALLIST FCC & je73-2t 728 CHESTNUT Street. MEMORABILIA —RE EMER'3 far famed pictures, Life-Size, Oil , colored Photngrettiha are being made to meet the demand of the times at war prices. SECOND Street. above 03 en. It THQMAS O. GARRETT, 712 CHESTNUT STREET, TABLE CUTLERY, And is manufacturing a great variety of SUN= WAEB adapted for home UFO and for presents. Prompt and particular attention is given to repairing Watcbeti by first-class workmen. 5024-thstu2in AMIRICAN, ENG-LISLE AND SWTF 8 JEWELRY, 6ND STLVER97ANE, AT REDUCED PRICES. JOS. H. WATS() NT,' my29426a 326 CHESTNUT &clam. R E M*o VAL.• j. C. PULLER Having Removed from 42 South THIRD Street to No, 712 CHESTNUT f3treet, 2nd Floor, (Opposite Mamie Temple,) Now offore a tar g e and Desirable Stock of GOLD AND , SILVER WATCHES, B.OGIMB & BROHERS' SPOONS AND FJRES, AND FINE JEWELRY . To which the attention of the trade "is invited. apSO-3m . ci AMERICAN wATeEt con ga PANY." GOLD AND STLYBE WATCHES. FOB LADING AND GENTLEMEN. COMPANY'S SALESROOM, No. 71201LESTNIIT Sirest. Second Floor- (oppoeito Liao. niG Tempte.) I. B. MARTER, Agent. avit3o.Bm - • VULCANITE RUBBER. JE WELRI • . A beantifulllne of GENTLEMEN'S VEsT OBAINS, LADIES! ow*: TALALNE CHAINS, THIMBLES, CLEOSSES, STUDS, BUTTONS, &0., Now to Store. 3 C FULLER, 110...712 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (Opnceite Masonic Temple.) np3O-Sm A FRESH AS6ORTMENT at•LESS MAN FORAIER PRICES, ' FARR & RROTIIIIB, Importers, 324 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth.'" . • !•,-$75-finft'TO. OAN - ... ON . MORT GAO& of Rest 'Estate itt the oftror4l- chatty, la sums of $3,600 ti $20,000. Ault, ' E. R. JONES, 12* No. 129 south SEVENTH Urea.. SlO,OOO WANTED- ON MORT gage on Glut Property. worth 4650,0410. For particulars address 4 4 31." box 1941, Philadelphia P. 0. , j.42.6t* (1 CHURCHMAN. No. 32 South' 'FRONT Street, Philadelphia, is prePsrad to midi cosh advances on consignments to his friends its Liver pcol, je6-Im* $4,25 0._ T81S AMOUNT TO IN VEST, in nno or more iroorore4 Ground Bents. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Etre4. je6 CEF • . D'CRUVRE. - REEMERPS IvorytyPee are the Swot works of thy painter's art, acre , ate io likeneav, and rich in coloring of drapery. Siti,CiqD Street, above Green. it rpRY JAMES HONER & SON'S 1 Choice Green and Black Teas. Stone SZVENiEL and NOBLE, and SIXTH and W00D . ... isl 4 FiE BEST ASSORTMENT OF Tr Flme Groceries in Mr. at very low pric.s. ..- JAMEH BOBER et 80 Lc, SEVENTH and NOBLE and SIXTB and WOOD. ie-14 NOTICE IS HEREBY': GIVEN, Tbst a Certificate, No. 811, tor two shares of the capital stock In the Bank of Germantown, in tho name of Eder,' Sexton, ties been lost or mielaid, and that an 'sootiest'. u hes bet u made for a now eert,fleate in lieu of the one so lost or mislaid. • D(OCTOR A. H. STEVENS, late of New York. is now curing all klndeilef Acute and Chronic DlSPaaaa, both of Ladies and Gan 'lnnen, by the various modes In which he a p plies ELECTRO-11166NNTISU.' Be has located himself permanently at 1418 South `PENN square, Philadel phia The location le a very metrel one to the car, all wen as Ileataot to tboso who choose to take board in the Doctor's family while tr der treatment. Referencee and certificates of cures, from many oldie eretclamies iu this c:ty and eLsewhire,.may be examined at the office. CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE. jel4-ntntb3stt NEW MACKEREL. 150 la New Large No. 8 Mackerel. * 150 Half Dole In Moro and and for ado by • 1111111P11Y d: KOM, jelsl. etNo. 146 Norai WIWITII' • &. K. MoOLUEE MACKEREL HERRING SHAD; , dc. 2,500 tsbis Mess Nos. 1,2, and 8 Mackerel,. late. caught fat flab, in seem ted packages. .2,00 Bbls New NaWport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring. 2.500 Boxes Lubec, Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. 150 able New Mess Shed; • 260 Boxes Herkimer County Cheese, &o. • In store and for sale by KOONS, • jtl4•lf No. 146 North WIL&KVES. IUrATTIIMEI ! MATTINGS !- MAT :II.INGS ' 8-4 WHITE AND OHNOIEND, 4.4 WHITE AND. CHECKED, 5-4 WHITS AND CHECKED, 8.4 WRITE AND CHECKED, • AT LOW PRICES FOB CASH. REEVE L. KNIGHT, • • No. 282 Saudi SECOND Street., my 27-1 m if West side. near derma. SUPERIOR FAMILY BaHAD; also, lIRBOLTED IlltßA.O t daily, at mHE HALM, MORSE, AND: BOY ' 1 DEN BELS.ADJUSTING • • • CLOTHES JOHN A. munrimy, CHESTIOTT StregcSio , longer ao agent for the floltiOnatingetiothati This Wringer has univaniakaaiisfattsfon, mod I. warranted to do so in every ipartioular. , Before intrella' Inge call, ex amble, and try it, at oftlte of SHY, CON, 3 Oo , FIFTH and CHESTNUT Street.. jel2.Sot . • • L. E. SNOW. 4 4 TURTLE AND CLAM SOUP served up daily (Sundays excepted) by JAllleg 18)50881tB, 808 tdeltHET Street. Fittornee nneelled sons-nal. . re77-t! VASHIONABL HAIR CUTTING sod artistic Hair Dyeing done at FOURTH and BR&HOH. jellditf MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES at vary reduced 111464111 at Marble Warta of A. STELEMATZ, SIDON' ar.azto, b211:01 , Carona BUM& PBOTOGRAPHS WATCHES ANI) JEWELRY. Has raceived a trash stoat GOLD AND: SILVER WATCHES, FINE PLATED WARE WATCHES, JEWELRY,'&o., FINANCIAL. TIIOBTA.9 TIMBNAY, s 61* . Admlntetrator or efacy Sexton. dec'd P. U. OASSDKVEI, No. M) North Ninth ;groat je9•mw,3t* :RETAIL DRY GOODS. E. & L., K & L. EYRE & LANDELL, EYRE & LAMDELL, EYRE & LANDELL, LYRE & LA.NDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, YOURTEi AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ,ARCIX, FOURTH AND ARCH, ARE NOW CLOSING 'OUT SUMMER SILKS, SUMMER SHAWLS. SUMMER ROBES, FRENCH ORGANDIES, RICH GRENADINES, TOURISTS' DRESS GOODS, SUMMER FOULARDS. GRENADINE VEILS, SUPERIOR MITTS, INDIA PLAID SILKS, PLAID 31113ZAMBIQUES, PLAIN MOZAMBIQUES. BLACK SILK SACQ,UES. jelo-tutloilm MEN'S AND BOYS't WEAR. _ CASSIMERES. LIGHT MIXTURES. SILK MIXTURES. FINE BLACK CLOTHS. LADIES' CLOAKINGS. BLACK BROADCLOTHS. Brix. MIXED COATINGS. • NEW NELTONS. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. CORNER, NINTH AND MAR CET. m 727-1. VERY CHEAP BAREGE ROBES. large invoice of Freud) Barege Robes, printed Benne and dark grounds, with eilk ilouricings, at tone third of tbe importing coat. Printed French Bureges at very low prices. Plato and barred Colored Bareges, cheap. - narrow and wide Burege Anglais. -- French 'Lawns of fine quality and new slyles. SHAM PLES 3 ROTHF.RS. 103 OBBSTISITT and ICIGHPEI Streets. pLA OK AN 0 WHITE • CHECKED PQPL7NS. - A small lot just received, silk and thread. Isonble width alai Silk% Checked Woreteds. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, je . l3 CURSTNUT end EIGHTH Streets. 'DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. NEw IMPORTATIONS. • HOSIERY,. CLOVES, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS, SHIRT FRONTS, GOODS,,AND EMBROIDERIES. THOS. MELLOR & 00 011119-'3ln 40 10 . 0 42 North THIRD Street 1862. SPRING. 1862. rmpoßTElas AND _JORDZINii OP SIGES'AND FANCY DRESS G-GODS, U. SOS hdd,RJERT STREET. Now in store, • poura DE SOIE, 21.11 Shades. BLACK AND IT.RITE CHECKS, In BILKS and OTHER FABRICS. 11130,' A V ULL LTSB Or CLOAKING CLOTHS, PLAIDS, STRIPES, And desirable PLAIN COLORS. spri • , Sit.INCI STOCK SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. A. W. LITTLE & 004 tahls-d No, $26 MAREET ST. NATIONAL FLAGS. TT ki S. FLAG. EMPORIUM, • 418 ARCH STREET. BUNTING dIND SILK FLAGS, REGIMENTAL STANDARDS, NATIONAL ENSIGNS, CAVALRY GUIDONS, PRESENTATION FLAGS. EVANS 8c HASSALL, No. 415 &WEL Street, above FOURTH. zny29.2lt • MILLINERY GOODS. SPRING 1862. 1862. WOOD & QA RY, (Bummers to Lincoln, Word, dt Nichols,) • 725 CHESTNUT STREET, Have now in Store a complete stock 'Ow STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, BIT BONNETSi STRAW AND PALM-LEAP RATS, 4t.0 To which they respectfully Invite the attention or the ormer patrons of the house and the trade generally. marlit-llm THOMAS KENNEDY & BRO., 729 QEEBTNUT Street, below Eighth. Choice Stook oZ SPRING - MILLINERY GOODS, AT LOW MORS. COORING RANGES, FURNACES, &c CO ORIN pr RANGES. ELEVATED DOUBLE-OVEN 006 KING RANGE. • This Eangehaa afforded more satisfaction than any yet offered to the public. . • ARNOLD 'Zic WILSON, • 1010 CHESTNUT Street. WARM AIR FURNACES Iry . Of the most approved and economical pStterne, SUITED TO ALL CLASSES OE BUILDINGS. ARNOLD Ss WILSON, 1010 41IIESTNI7 T Street. I'NAMELED SLATE MANTELS. A large vailety of these , beautiful Mantels at VERY ,Low PRICES. ARNOLD &. WILSON. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. LOW-DOWN AND COMMON PARLOR GRATES, FOR HARD OR SOFT COAL. Hot-air Regisiere and Ventilators—a large assortment. ARNOLD & WILSON, • 1010 CHESTNUT Street. an2.l.3v&e2mit I.IsTFORMATION FOR THE PEOPLE.- YRANKFORD GENERAL NEWS AGENCY WILLIAM. D. SHE &RD takes this opportunity to in form his Datrons and the public that be is now PrePared to furnish all the leading Philadelphia and New York newspapers, magazines, and periodicals. Agent for the DAILY and WEEKLY PRESS. Sub scribers and others can have them delivered as soon as Issued at their residences or place& of Dulness in Frank ford or vicinity::- NEW PUBLICATIONS NEARLY READY. THE AMERICAN ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA ♦ND REGISI ER OF IMPORTANT EVENTS, OF TAX 1/tilt 1801, EMBRACING P011T10,11., CIVIL. MILITARY. AND sooiat AF PAIRS ; PUB Liu DOOLUNNTS; BIOGRATRY, sTATISTIOB, 00 1 11M3R0E, FI NANCE, I BR &TUBE. SCIENOIC, AGRICUL TURE, AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRY. THE events and consequences of Civil War, especially In a nation having the areatnesa sod freedom of the Theittd Stales, poswee such a perpetual interest, as ti fle to commence the publication of an annual volume, or Cy clopredla, conteining a truthful record of Dune occurrences the con , empleroncon t events in other nations, and the progress made in the various branches of burnau knowledge. The sources of authority from which the statements and descent - immure draiut, will be the actors thomsetvea, or their •ffictal reports. These embrace events occurring in the North and South. Prepared in such a manner al to illustrate prirciples and to unfold motion., It will re main for thy' reader to deduce his Inferences, whilst the work will be confiner' to nretise, sifted, and clearly nar. rated det•ile. Thus devoid of every thlrg like a autism' character, aiming at candor and impartiality to its repre sentations, a Just appreciation of the extent *ll4 Mime of the pre& nt unprecedented Political trouble a will be with in the teach of all intelligent readers. But while.evente, whether triumph. or dissident, have so absorbed public attention throughout the year, still cernmercehas not boen idle, science has not tented in her pregrete, nor hes mechanical Industry been entirely pa. relyzed. The froite of the former and the discoveries and improvements of the latter have been too valuable and too useful to be overiceSed. They form now no less a part cf this oaten price than the acceunts of the overthro of Slates with their taunt scoots of carnage and blood. Bat It they.occopy hie specs in thin Bret volume, as they do likewise, for the moment, attract less of public Wee , tion, it is becante the life of the nation. the B en t edeese of the memories of the peat, and the hopeful anticipations of the future alt hang upon the political and military events new transPiring. The term of a Oyclopredia bat been selected AEI afford- Dig room for the greatest variety of details. without be coming too minute and tedious. The work le already to an advanced stage of preparation, and will be issued as only in the )ear as Its proper omelette!) will permit. The volume will be in the style of the Now Ann•rican Cycloprodia. having not 1, es than 750 pages, royal Bvo. The work will be' published exclusively by subscrip tion, and In exterior appearance will bo at once elegant and substantial. PRICES AND STYLES Or BINDING. In Chitin 5.<1 In Library Stile, leather, 38 50, Payable on delivery. In Half Morocco, plain. S 4 In Half Bowie. extra,"14,50.... .And to inettra a uniform mice and regularity in the do: livery of the volume to subscribers to all pans of the country, local agents will be &Rotated in all the cities and principal towns In the Staten and Territories. Orders may bo addres.ed to or to any of our agents, for the above or any of .our SubsCription Works, and will meet prompt attention. APPVETON & 00.. Pablish9r9, 3414 at .493 and 445' BAO&DW&T, New 'net. rpU ( N BULL'S MILITARY RY- A. GIENE. Hints sod observations on Military Hygiene, with the best means of treating, the Medical and Surgical Dis eases of the Army. By Laurence Turnbull, hi. D., ono of the Burgeons to Howard Hospital, Ac., &c. Jus t pub tithed. Price 38 emits. "A great amount or research and labor ban beep ex pended upon this book; the author is deserving or credit for the conelle yet comprehensive manner in 'which he bee preeettbrd the subject treated. As a monograph upon Medical and Surgical Diso.asea in the Arrov, and the beat moans of preventing and curing theta, it wilt be of great value." h or sole, t• lib a large assortment of works on • MEDIOAV SURGE RY, Ste.. at low voices, by LINDSAY & DLAtbI3TON, jO4-31* • 26 South SIXTH St., above Chestnut NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! RAFENSHOIL" Br Henry Kingsley, author of "Geoffrey Bemlin." 12mo. $1.26. TRAIt.EDT OF SUCCESS. 12mo. 76 cents. AGNES OF SORRENTO. By Mrs. H. B. Stowe. 12mo. 81.25. THE SUPERNATURAL IN Ert,A.TION TO THE NATURAL. By Dr. McCosh. 111.26. PRISON LIFE IN RICHMOND. By Lieut. Wm. 0. nettle. 12mo. 76 cents. THE PEARL OF Ottß'S ISLAND. By Mrs. IL B. Stowe: 12sto. SI 13. A PRAOTICaI. GUIDE TO TUE STUDY OF THE DISEASES OF 7HR.EYE. By Henry W. wiThan il , M.D. 12mo. 161.50. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, No. 605 OHESTNUT Street. ~ • %a f t NEW BOOKS: GAME-FISH OF. THE NORTH. A new work on Pith, riabing, and e►erytiing in any way appertaining to that sport. Hnliko all other works, this bas the advantage of below fresh and new, giving information upon all modern improvements in tackle— on the best gratin& for all game dah—witb hints upon "camping out," Ac., kc An invaluable work for every apottunan. Moth bound. Price $1.25. JOHN DOE AND RICHARD ROE. - A capital now novel of New 'York City Life,by Edward S. Gould. Cloth bound. Price In. NEARLY READY: LES MISETIABLES—COSETTE.—The second kart of Victor Hugo'a maguiticent novel ORIENTAL TUBB:kid AND SORNERY.—A. piquant and spicy work on the last, by a Frencb woman. TBE DIOBORSONS.—A clover now novel, by litre. R. B.'Stoddard. TIM GREIT CONSUMMATION•—A Sequel to o ?be Great Tribulation," by Dr. Oumming. OUT OF BIS BE Y.D.—A. Strange and Eccentric Romance, by T. B. Aldrich. CARLETON, Publisher, jel&we tf • NEW 'YOBS. KINGSLET'S NEAP NOVEL =MRS. TICK OR & FIELDS Bare just ready, simultaneously with its apimarincein . - • - England, . • RAVENS . 11'0 E • BY it&NRT B.INGSLRY, Author of 64 Geoffrp 1 VOL.l2mo PRICE $1.25 firir " The .Becollections of GeOlfry pub lhhed In 1859, was ono of the most complete successes in fiction of that year. The new novel i, Ravenahoe" has celled forth the heartiest commendation from laglish critics as showingremarkable power. 07 - For sale by all Booksellers, or sent POSTPAID to any address on receipt o 1 $1.25 by the Rublishers, TICKNOR & FIELDS, jel2.ths•2t No. 135 WABHING-10 AN' Bt., Boston BOOES FOR THE HOSPITALS WORDS OF JESUS, paper covers, / 0 eta. KIND OF JESUS, paper covers, 10 cis. FAITHFUL PROMISES, 0 cts. 31 TR 3CTS FOR SOLDIERS, 10 cto. SOLDIERS' PR kYER DOOR, 0 cts. All Hie publications of the AiI.F.RICAN TRACT SO CIETY, Boston, to be obtained at the PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK SOCIETY, 1224 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. . jel2-3t CIRcULATIN G. LIBRARY W BIiOTHERHEAD'S CI R U . • LATINO LIREA.EY.—AII the NEW English and American Boobs, including ALL OLASSE3 of Lite rature. This ia the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not BBPRINTRD here. Terme $5 .per year ; - 6 menthe $3; three months $1.50, or 8 cents per day, 2.18 Sonth &IG ELTEletreet. je7.lm* MILITARY GOODS. ARMY GrOODS OR RAND DARK AND LIGHT BLUE . KERSEY& STANDARD 64 AND 3 , 4 INDIGO WOOL-DYED BLUE FLANNELS. INDIGO BLUE MIXTURES. OOTTON DUCK, 10, 12, AND 15-OUNCE. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, ar. szas-arn 225 CHESTNUT STREET. SEWING hLICHT.N ES WHEELER & WILSON, SEWING BIA.CHINES 628 CHESTNUT STREET, jel.3. 3m PHILADELPHIA, GENTS' FURBISHING GOODS OHA§. L. ORUM Sr. CO., Buooossons TO OLMINBERGE & TAGGART, Manufacturers of and Dealers in GENTLEMEN'S FINE SHIRTS AND FURNISHING GOODS, No. 146 _North FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CHAS L. OREM. ALEX.M. THO?aiBoN jes-lm FLANNEL c)VER-SHIRTS POE THE ARMY: • FINE SHIRTS, COLLARS, STOOKS, AND WRAPPERS' - Manufactured at 6. A. HOFFMAN'S, (aucoEsma To W. W. KNICCEIL) NO. 606 ARON STREET.. Me" A full line of • TIES, SOARES, OLOyEs, SUSPENDERS, • - )10SptItT, AND lINDEROLOTHINCI, • Always on band. my23-lm GEORGE GRANT. NANIIPAOTTINER O AND DVALNII GENTS' YUEN - BEING GOODS, No. ' r :tslo OIi"ESTNIIT STUFFY. VINE.SBIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscriber would invite attention to his IIiFPROVBD OUT OF Senn's, Which he makes a speciality in his business. Also, con stantly receiving IiOTBLTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. W: • SCOTT, GENTLZMENIii' FURNISHING STOII3, -M. 8/4 crizsmvur STREET; PO-a Your dors below the continental. . BOARDING. SUMMER BOARDING.-MRS. JIROOIIE, having taken a large and eligible house at MOUNT AIY, ie prepared to make engsgem.nts for the tettAen. The coon t are large and airy, and the house well piovidedwith amusements. The station being within three minutes' walk, nu , re area' indncem,nte to business meth apply until tat 1633L00U3T Street.* COUNTRY BOARD.—Boardiug for six or eight persons may be obtained, no reasonable terms, in a small (smile, within three-onartera of a mils from Wallingford Station, on the West Cheater and Philadelphia Railroad. Jelo.6tat A. P. GARPIRLD. PRIVATE BOARDING-- .A.ooommo datlons fcr Gentleman and their Wives, with plea sant %Melo and communicating rooms Alec , pleaeaot rooms kr seam sl hingle Gentlemen. Apply at ihN North TENTH Stroel. Tcrats moderate. Yell)-12x0 WANTB. WANTED—A person having means, and able to Influence a good cash and'ahort-credit ouatom, to join the advertiser, who has equal advantages, in.a desirAbla brunch of the near-trade Dr, Goods best• WV. addrem 3 , Near Trade," Press Otflee. ..;el4.6tW ANTED—A Copartner, •as editor W and pnblleber of a Newspaper, located in one of the most brautiful and flourishing towns la Pennsylva nia. To a minable gentleman, with a small capital, the enterprise will prove profitable and pleasant. It Is wor ttry of attention. Adirees ‘• Enterprise," ?rasa office, with real rolllllo. Jeld 2t • WANTED—By a young man, 18 3 ears old, a situation in a whc WM° esMblish meal, where a knowledge of business may be acquire , ' The best of reference will bo given. Address box t 429 P. 0. icl3-3t* W - ANTED—A first-class- Salesman for Middle and Weetarn trade. None but those able to commend a good salary meg apply. jel3-2t* SH&PLEIGN, RUE, 86 CO. WANTED TO PUROEIASE - A property on the eolith eide AMR street, bee tween Eighth and Ninth etreete.. App'y to A. B. GARVER & 00, je13.314 5. W. cor. NINTH and FIG NET SW WANTED—In a Commission and Shipping How e, a EILLESMAN, who omderstande Book keeping. Addrete T. 8.," office of this paper, with rfferencea end tialsry required hil2-30 NVAN TED-2 ,00 0 Men along the line of the Lehigh Canal, eay 3,500 lah,rera, 250 car penter', and 250 stove mamma. Apply to the officers of the Lehigh Coe) and Navigation Company, E MAUCH CHUNK, ALLENTOWN, or EASTON, or anywhere along the line of the works. jelo-tf Fox - -SALE AND . TO:LET. .FOR SALE—A good seeond-hand libiftior-top WAGON. Will be sold low. require of A. 9. ABELL, 617 ARCH Street- jel4.3:* rpo LET—The Trimmings Store, No. A. Mr/ODOR AVENUE, Four Doors ateive lace 'meet. 'Fixtures for sale. Large dwelling, Gas, Barb, hot and cold water. Bent $2O a month. ltd TO PRINTERS.—An extensive sale of PRINTING MATERIALS, at the Printing Office. 243 Anon Street, et 10 o'clock, on TUESDAY MORNING, June 17. Printing and Standing PICE33B, TI Do. Owe Stands, Stones, Ohases, Leads, Outs, En gravings, illtimorypo Blocks, dm, now ready for exuml nation- CIOAL;: 011, • WORKS •FO I.S.ettAii, or a Person whining to omploy a Capital to good ad- Tsotage, will please apply, for 101 l particulars, at- NO. 127 WALNUT Street. • PIOLADRLPIIIA, July ii, 1552 trl-4 FOR BALE The Three-s tory Dwelling, with side yard. No. H 2 Ninth Eighleeeth street, above Arch. Apply to ALL RN It 8118, 8. - Z corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, e‘onnct Boor. Jel2.3t* d i TO RENT-A THREE-STORY ALA BRICK DWELLING, on RACE Street, one door above Twelfth, north We. flout • low to a good tenant. Aptly to WETDREILL S BROTHER, jell 41 and 49 Roan SECOND Street. di g TO . RENT—A. THREE-STORY 1424.13717 CK DWELLING, on PINE Street, near Seventeenth, north tide. Apply to '. WZTIIEBI.LL ir, BUOTHER, jal2 47 and 49 North SECOSD•Street. les FOR SALE, OR PART EX CAANaF..—Bfno BA 218 ACRES, situate on the Delaware river, 23 miles from the city. Railroad sts tion upon the place. Large stone Mansion, beautifully located, having a view of the surrounding country and river from it. Three tensnt's homier, large barn, number of otft.buildingr, all in eomp'.ote order. Superior fruits of every kind. Apply to • E. PIrPTIT, jrn. -No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE. -FIRST- CL ASS FARM. containing 85 ACRES, near Doylestown, 28 miles from the city, in Backs count', large and eon. velment improvements, nicely watered, etc. Alto, a nom: ber of FA8.D.1.3 in Chester and Delaware counties. Ap. ply to E P 2TTrr, jell No. 309 WALNUT Street. TO RENT—Four Different Country MM. Places, with a few acres of grouod, fine traits, near railroad Mations, and convenient to the city. one of which le furnished. Apply to E. PETTIT, lea . No. 309 WALNUT ntreet. Ea FOR SALE—A desirable Farm; 108 acres, near Downingtown, Obeater county; nicely watered; bsdrant water at the howl° and barn. First-rate atone improvements. all in complete condition ; line timber, excellent fruits, &o. Apply to E. PETTIT, • ja3 No. 309 V76.ILNIn Street. Ai FOR . SALE OR. TO 'LET—Four WM Ronson, on the west aide of BROAD Street, below eolumbla svenno. Apply et the.eouthweet corner of NINTH and SANSOM. Streets. mh26-tt a TO LET.—Dwelling House, South east comer of TWENTY-SECOND and GREEN Streets. Keys at Reire grocery, corner of Twonty-aa cobd and Mount Vernon Streets. finely to JAMES CRESSON, je7•tf 23 Nerte.FOCTItTEE Street. TO DISTILLERS. ` 4 " The DISTILLERY know, as the PHCENIX," and formerly owned and occupied by SAM'. SprifT.H, rag., situated on TWENTY-TIITRO, between RAU and vntr. Street!, Philadelphta, Calamity 800 bnahels Per day, le now offered [or We on reasonable and accom.. modating terms. Is in good running order, and has all the modern improvements+. An Artesian well on the pre- PAWN furnishes an unfailing. anpply of good, pare water. Addrem Z. LOOEI At 00., 110,3.010 MARK= Street, Philadelphia. " fe'22-dtf DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. 11033ERT SHOEMAKER NCO., 'northeast (loner FOURTH. and BALM Street*, PUTT,ADELPILIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS ' rn FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE . GLASS, NAPOPAOTTMERS OP WILITE LEAD' ND ZINC PAINTS., FITTYY, Ad. AGENTS ZOE. TEE CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINO PAINTS. Doane and consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. 51,29.2 at BLINDS AND SHADES BLINDS AND SHADES. . B. T. WILLIAMS, He. 16 NORTH SIXTH iiTRART, PANDYAOTURER OP VENETIAN BLINDS IND WINDOW BE.ADES. The largest end finest eneartment in the City et the howEsT PRlaps. . STORE SHAMES LitTTHRED. Renairtnenromnily attended to. sn2-fen CABINET FURNITURE. INET FURNITURE AND Bile MOORE & CAMPION. No. 261 South SEOOJtJ) dtreet, tII connection with their extensive Cabinet Bosineas are sow manufacturing a superior article of RTF.T.TAAD TABLES, • And have now ou hand a fall supply,linished with the )100ItE & CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, Which are pronounced, by all who hate used there, to be superior to all others... - Yor the Quality and finish of these tables the maim taoturers refer to their numeroua patrone throughout she Union ' who are familiar with the character of their SAFES. r t , LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT BE. SMOVER to No. 21 South SW/Blip Street, new the Franklin Institute. The undessignod, thankfnl for paid retains, and belay determined to 'merit future patronage, has secured ar elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand t large aseortmen Litlie'a Celebrated Wrought and Milled Iron e l and ir Burglar Proof Safes, (the only strictly fire and burglar proof sullen made.) Also, Millet Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be fan:dished to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best pre. Meted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. • Also, particular attention la called to Lillie's Hey Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, &c. This Safe is opt. ceded to entpate in style and elegance anything yet el• fared for this purpose, and lithe only one that Is strictly lire and burglar proof. SPICIAL NOTIOII4-7. have now on hind say twenty al Farrel, Herring, & Safes, most of them nearly new and some forty of other makers, comprising a oomph* assortment as to sixes. and lately exchanged for ths now celebrated Lillie Safe. 'The* will be sold at very low priceh. Please call tad examturt. • N. 9.-SADLIII4-Asent, Las EVANS WATSON'S. VMS SALAMANDER BA3 KORA _ 26 SOUTH YOURTN - ETREETI 11111ADELPHLA, PA, ' A bate Variety of EIBE-PllOOl SAFES always ow hand B ° S'' MISSES', AND CHIL DREN% CLOTHING, iN ENDLESS . VARIETY, No. 137 South EIGHTH Street, ~05.20 2 Three Doors above WALNUT. EPRITSHES ixa BLAMATITES' BELLOWS, KEMBLE & VAN HORN. mb2o-8.11 3iio. 3SI N.ABBSBT area, PIMA& SUMMER RESORTS, UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., JASIId K. ROIII3IHL • Superintendent - . This celebrated Hotel will be open for the reception of Idellota on BettirdaY. June 21, 1882, and gill continue open until September 15. Elute the last season many handeome improvements have been made, both to the home and the grounda, adding atilt further to the comfort, convendeace, and plea, uie of the gueota. Persons thairiug to etwnd Ott ente rwr at the Sea Shore wid Sod the accommodattoos at the uNrren ST o.TE3 superior to those of any other hone° on the Atlantic Cons t. • Haaslees celebrated Band has been engaged fir the season, and will Le under the direction of the Masi. Heftier. Mr. 'THOMAS H. BARRATT, late of Caps May, will have charge of the Milord Room, Tan. pin Alle3 a, and Shooting Enliory. The exteneive improvements made two years ago, and there now hi couttruplution by the owners of this splendid estat..lishment, arc an ample guarantee of what the patrons er the house may expect under ire present management. HENRY A. B. BROWN, For Proprietors. SUMPI.F..E. BOARDING.- BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN HOOSH—A romantic spot for a SHP writ It ESIDHNOE on one of the Bllvuotein Tops of Pennsylvania, reached dully by the Pennsylvania Central, end the Brovd Top bionntala Railroad from Huntingdon. The Homo in one of the finest In the in teriorof the Stole, hand, Yornisbed, with ell the re onisitea for comfort and convenience—mire ale, deli cious spring water, romantic scenery, and everything t. restore and iorigorale health. Telegraph etation and a dally nail, en that daily communication may be had with Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Railroad will furniAb excoriate* tickets through the season. Persona leaving Philadel phia in the morning can take tea at the Mountain Howe the eater evening. bubseelber bee kindly been allowed to refer to the following pen Ilrmen. resident! of Philadelphia, who have been rairone of the /fountain House: Wm. Cummings. Esq., David P. Moore. Eat., Semi. Costner, Eng., Moo Caretairo, Eau., Bon. Henry D. Moore, Lewis T. Watt-on, Eel., John bid:antes, Eau., O. Albert Lewis, E.g., Jeht, Barman, 'Eng. Richard D. Wood, Roe. • Teams Idol:miters. For further Information, addrose JOSEPH MORRISON, Proprietor. jel2-lm Broad• Top City, Einotingdon county, Pa. CR.ESEON SPRING 9, CAMBRIA. COUNTY, PA.—This delightful and popular plate of summer resort, located directly on the hue of the Pennsylvania Railroad, ou the summit of the Allegheny Mountains, twenty-tbree hundred feet above the level of the ocean, will be open for attests from the lf th of June till the 10th of October. Since lit.t season the grounds have been greatly improved and bean tilled, and a num ber of Cottages have been erected for the accommoda ticn of families, rendering Cresson one of the moat romantic and attractive places in the State. The furni ture is being thorougkly renovated. - The seeker of pleasure and the sufferer from beat and dimes° will tind attraction'? here .in a first-class Livery Stable, Billiard Tablet,. Tenpin Alleys, Bathe, &c., together with the purest air and water, and the mud magnificent mountain scenery to be found in the country. Tickets grad for the round trip from Philadelphia, 57.60 from Pittsburg, 53.01. Pot further intormation, address G. W. MIILTILN. Cresson Borings, Cambria co., Ps. B EDFORD SPRINGS.. A. G. Au LEE respectfully informs the public that this cele brated and fashionable WATERING PUCE to now open and fully prepared for the reception of visitors, one will be kept open until the let of October. Persons wishing Bedford Mineral Water will be sup plied at the following prices at the Springs—viz: For a banal (oak) S 3 00 balf-barrel /. 200 Parties smiling rooms or any information in regard to the place will address the a Bedford Mineral Springs CompanT." ' my?ft-6w je12.121► POWERS' HOTEL, KO. 17 and 19 PARK ROW, (oproms THE ASTOR ROOM) TEEM SIM PER DAY This Doprdar Hotel has latt.l7 been tboronsbly reno vated and refurnished, and now possesses all the requi sites of a FIRST-CIA3S HOTEL • The patronage of Philadelphians and the travelling public, deeirtng the best acconiodatione and moderate charges, is respectfully solicited. Je2•Sm 11. L. POWERS, Proprietor. STEVENI3. HOUSE, (LATE DELMONTOO'S,) No. 25 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Five minutes' walk from Fall River boat landing, Mambas street, and foot of Cortland street. ..-mloB.Bto GEO. W. STEPHENS, Proprietor. CARD.—THIC UNDERSIGNED, :ca. Isla of the GIRARD HOME, Philadelphia, have leased, for a term of. yam, WILL allD'S HOTEL, In Washington. They lakathis occasion to return to their old friends and customers many thanks for past revere, and beg to emote them that they. wid be moat happy to see them in their new Quortwe. 'SYKES, CHAD WICK. k CO. WASIIINCION, July 16.1681. un2l-11.y F 0 B THE SBA. If O.IIE r- WEN AM.- RANGEMENT.-CAAIDNN AND ATLANTIO NAIL ROAD. Three trains daily to Atlantic City and terms. (Sun days excepted). Trains leave VINE-Street Ferry se follows; Train Express Train Ft eight and Accommodation RETURNING: Leases, Atlantic Mail Train 4 40 P. M. Raiment Train 615 A. M. , g Freight and Accommodation.B 18 &. M. FARR SI.BO. Round-trip Tickets, 000 d only for the day and train on which they are issued, $1,50 Excar mon Tickett, good for three day., £.3 : 'Rotolo are now fAND FLORAL AND STRAW BERRY FAIR—The Ladies of the Onion Vo- Innteer It.freshment rensittee open their FAIR at the SALOON, foot of WASHINGTON Street, for the Benerit of the Fund, on DIONDAY EVENING, Jane 16, end continue miry AFTERNOON and ILVENlgG doting the week, where they will be happy to see their friends. Darettons in Flowers', Freit, Orono, be thankfully received. ARA.D BARROWS, j0.4-et Ohairrean. TAT A TiN -STRE ET T E BARE v NINTH and WALNUT Steetn. Sole Lessee liffs`lll. A. Garrettson. Acting and Stage Alai:lnger Mr Wayne Olwthe. RAPTURE AND APPLAUSE, 'DISTINGUISHED SUCCESS.. Sixth Ninht of the Engagement of ABIEIIIOAN C 031 1 ,1 ACTRESS, MISS JITLIA.D&LY SATIIBDAY EVENING, June 14, 1952, Sixth night of the original Comedy of OUR FEIIALE• ADIERICAN COUSIN.. ratnelia Appleby . Mi.e Julia Daly. To couclude with tbe•Popular Drama entitled _ N IRELAD AS IT WAS. Boon open at 7.4 o'clock. Comcceuca at 8 MRS. JOHN DREW'S J.TA, ARDIT-STBEST TUDATRE Acting and Stage Manager W. S. FREDERICKS. Buttinesa Lout and Troaanrer JOS. D. MURPHY. LAST NTGIIT OF TUE SE A.SON. LAST. NIGHT OF F. S. CRANFBAD. TILT (SMIURDAY) EVENII 4 IG, 5u001.4, BULL RUN, BULL RUN, BULL RUN! Or, the Sackthg of FaLrfax Nutt Howe. Jupiter, (a contraband,) - - - Previous to the drama, the piece of A GLANCE AT NEW YORK. Mose F. 9. Chanfran. Eliza Stebbioe Mrs. 0 Herat. Jenny lifis3 E. Price. Prices es usura. Acorn open at 7%. Curtafn rises at 8 o'clock. CONTINENTAL THEATRE. MR. S. D CV'S . Sole Lessee. MOtsDAY EVENING, June 16.1862,' DOOLEY'S MINSTRELS, • • For .the Summer Season. THE BEST BAND IN THE WORLD! THE COOLEST THEATRE IN AKERIOC! The greatest entertainment ever given at the prices viz :.25 cents to Dress Circle, -Family Circle 16 cents. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS , GREAT NAUTIOAL ENTERTAINMENT: THRILLING SCENES • IN THE LIFE OF A Y &MIER WTI %LEMAN, EVERY EVENING, at &clack nreci.mly. SELEO'i MATINEE, SATURDAY at 3 o'clock. Admission 25 cents. Six Tickets for one dollar. Chil dren 10 cents. Liberal arrangements made for schools on Wednesdeg Afternoons. jelo-54 jOIENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 07 11 THE FINE ARTS. Tblrty-ninth Annual bition of Paintings and Sculpture, 102.0 ORESTNET Street. Open from 9 A. M, till 6 P. and from T P. H. till 10 P. at. Admittante 25 cents; Season Tickets 50 cents. Stockholders, Artiste, and Contributors will repave their tickets at the Academy: no admissions without. 01+en from 9 A. M. 1111 7 P. hi , and from B SS le INSIIRAN,CE COMPANIES. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE 414 WALNUT STREET, PHILADEL PHIA. - This company contionee to take risk* en the safer classes of Property at low rites. 'Me public can rely non Ite reiMaullibnitY, and Ida— , ty to pay Massa promptly. Ita diabilmatuenta for tha benefit of the public, during the laid nine years: exceed 6500;000, and we respectfully solicit its favor in the %tor& DI4IIOTOItEI. COIAS.I. - DUPONT, TERRY WALKER, SORB W. OLAGROEN, JOHN THORNLEY, 0. i t HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD, Tr., PETER S. HOS, of N. I. WM. M. SWAIN, • PURITAN suorream JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D. N. S. Lewormom, WM. 0. P.ULMAN, JOHN SUPPLER. THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S. GILLETT, Vice President. JAS. B. ALYORD, Secretary. FAME INSUR No. 406 CHESTNUT FINN AND INLA T. N. Buck, Chas. Richardson; Henry Lewis, sr., • Alex. GVhilldin, Cleo. 'A. West, O. W.Davia, • FRANCIS N. BCC umtarats RIORA WILLIAMS L BLANCH. COMMONWEAL, R A NG", 00hLPANY, PENNSYLVANIA. EMERY Davis Jayne, M. D., John M. White% &award O. Knight, . Thomas B. Stewart, noun , ' Lewis, Jr. DAYTD JAY. JOHN M. WM " SAMITTIL S. MOON, Secret Office, Oommonwealtir Br tired : I'l'lll46lola. HOTELS NEW YOR t BHA BATHING. 7.30 &- M. 4.00 P. M. 6.00 P. M. MOE! AMUSEMENTS .F. S. Obanfrem.. CAPITAL 83:00,000 ACE COMPICir, Itreet. ND .r.mTußAlrisrs. 3TOBS. D. D. Woodruff, John Feasier, P. P. xnenee, Washington Join% Cheat Stokes, John W. ETerrneet. YE, President. 111DSON, Tioe Preehlont. .AHD, Secreted , . [n+ll9-41U H FIRE INNU or 8V&TI OP MRS. Charles M. Mogen, ~ Jobn Y. Walker, Cohort Shoemaker, William Struthers, Elijah Jones. FE, M D, President. [new, Vice Pretidera man. DUMAS, , 613 01118TNIT6 seHf