LETTER FROM NEW YORK t[tlorreapondence of The Press.] NEW YORE, June 4, 1882. The conduct of Governor Stanley. In reference to the instruction of negroes lu North Carolina, forms a new text for universal conolont, and no little denunciation of •the cents* which that gentleman hes ChNeil to pump. Mr. Colra, the gentleman who was engages in this worthy enterprise, is well known to me as an enter prising, active member of the New York Young Mon's Christian Association. Early is the present war he went to Washington, and gave all hie time to the intermits of the soldiers who were congregated at and around that mity, in visiting the nick and wounded who had returned from Bull Run, Ball's Mar, and other points of active 'warfare, writing letters to their friends at home, distri buting hymn books, tiocts and'nowspatiers with a hearty good will, which, heel!, was sufficient to inspire the sol— diers with the thought that they wore surrounded by . friends. In reference to his row work in North Carolina, not a few of our people imagine that, in the event of the ulti mate eniancimition of the slaves—and few doubt that re. suit in come shape—tboy will bo but poorly prepared for liberty by being kept in Ignorance. In short, Governor Stanley's condriet, in cot ciliating with men known to General Burnside, his officers and soldiers, at persistent and impudent rebate . , is censured. We having nothing to conciliate, and ever) thh g io maintain. The Cunard mail steamer Scotia, Capt. ll:tains, left to-day for Liverpool, with 265 passeugers, and $467,100 in specie. A severe rate storm act in this morning, ahont ton o'clock, and has lasted ell day with nnab 'led intensity. Te washing of our streets. despite our city. inspectors, and the benefit to the country at Puke, are the ere st re sults accomplished by the elements, for which we are pro foundly graleild. Tho bricklayers of this city have resolved to strike next Monday for $ 1.7 5 per day. It is sald that in 1860 there wore 2,750 Mickley rre in New York. At the call for volunteers last year, 1,473 enlisted, thus leaving but 1,277 in the city. At the last call 08 enlisted i 175 went to the frontiers and 900 to the country, leaving now but 784 in New York i coiveiliteutly, they think there ought to bo no ditlioulty In gei tii g plenty of work at good wages. It bps bcon rumored about the City Hall this morning, and the rumor seems to be accepted by the politicians as well founded, that the Mayor will not approve the reso lution of the Comni.n Council to reference to the re ception of Thurlow Weed. on his arrival front Europe. The amouut of taxes collected in title city for 1861. is $10,374,563.34, leaving unpaid the sum of $1,252,600.89, the levy being $11,627,254.23 The prize schooner Lucy 0. Holmes, of Charleston, S. 0., iu oharg of l'riz -linter Lawton Coggeelm.l, arrived this morning. She was captured by the United stares steamer Santiago do Cubs, May 27, 60 miles E. S. E. from the Santee river. hiring come mot of Charleston the night previous, board to 1 wean, N P. her cargo con slate of 170 bales cotton. This Is the fourth prize taken by this steamship within four weeks. Prize-Master Cloggeshall passed very tear a Confederate steamsr while passing the etudes lover Hari the steamer known the schooner, she would no doubt have bi en retake°, as they both belong to the tame owners in Charleston. The Lucy /detract is bound to Boston. The yearly meeting of Orthodox friends closes its ses storm to-day, The Grand Lodge of free and Accepted Masons Is now in Bandon in this city. The amount of receipts for the year is reported to have been $10,030.89. Today the grand master appointed' the etand.ng committees; now the lodge will proceed to burioess. The following wore tho Eden of Stooks at the &wind Board to-day : 10000 US ON 'Bl, cp.. 105% 50 Ilud+on R R... 510 47 /18000 Tr I .10poun.100 10000 Tenn St Oa 'DO... 69 10000 do 60% 10000 do bBO.. 69% 2000 Illinois war loon 98x 10000 Indiana St Si war loan . 98 6000 Toledo B W 2d., 67 9000 11l Cm It bda.....95 . 10000 Amer Gold. 1.03% 60 Pacific 11 8 8 . 6.116 X. 85 do 116 X 300 do . .110 ZOO d 0.... ;30.119 00 11111.1Pllu Oh 2 pf 00 300 N Y Cent R.... 91 600 do 60 do Cs,' 91 100 d 0.... .... 100 ot); 160 91x hao Erie R......... 34„v 350 Erie aeg 60 do 1,30 asNi 20 /Judson a 8.... 47 TUB MARIETS rcoutt —Owing to tha light receipts the market for the low grades of Wt stern and State Flour is a trifle bettor. The high grades tit e steady. The demand has not been very active, the stormy "weather and some heaviness in freights tending to check .business. SRlee of 11,500 bbls nt $54 5084 95 for superfine State sod Westerly; 4504.55 for extra State; $4.6004.70 for fancy State ; s4.4aa 4 . 05 for the low vales of West ern extra ; $4.0005 JO for ablating brands of roiled hoop extra Ohio, end $`.20e5.10 for trade brands do. Caondian is rathor linnor, but not very active; Isles tif 800 bblp, at vt 4404.65 for shipping breads of spring Wheat extras, and s4.' 8e 0 10 for trade brands. _ . Southern Flour ia !two, but n t quotably lower ; sa' on of 000 bbls, at $6eD5.00 for wired to good superfine Bal timore, So., and g 5.7060.75 for trade brands do. Rye Flour is wittout change to note; se:oe of 150 bble, at 52.70e4. Corn Meal it steady nod rather more active. &des of 900 Ws ' at $2.90 for Jersey, and $3 15 for .Brandywine, on edock. GRAM—The Wm at market is poorly supplied, and -owing to the decline in fro'ghta and the scar city of prime, is firmer for shipping qualities. The storm, however, checks hueinets. The sales are 92,000 .bmihels, nt 83co$1 for Chicago spring, 81w.97c for Oulu& 87ect$1 02 for Milwau kee Club, $l.O/X el 04 for anther Wisconsin, 1110e1 14 for red Western, $1.150118 for ember do, and $1.24 for white Michigan. Rye is a little firmer ; small salsa at 60855 e for West ern, andl2e74e lir State. rley it dull and nominal. Barley Malt hi firmer and in falr demand sales of 13,000 bushels at 6101.10, the latter rate for pr ime (la zed& West Cats are firm and in fair demand at 43X DUN for Canadian and Western. and 45845,4 c for dt ILL Corn is a shade wlff,r • sales of 75 000 nns at 46) 48c for new mind, 411)4 050 u for old do, and 55c for white Western. PROTISLONS.—TIio Park market is more active, but price' era unnuprowd ; u I sof $l,lOO bbls at MO 50m 1.0.82,g for thin men', 811.50 for mess, and $9.25 for Beef is selling moderately at formar rates; sales of 150 bbl' at 512015.50 for plain mere, and sl4rs it.B7X for extra, Bacon is dull. Out meats aro In good demand, at about former ratrs. Bales of 875 pkga at 4%4051‘e for hams, and 8% es4%ci fcr 'boulders. Lard Is firm and in fair demand; sales of 700 tilcgs at "75‘se8ge,'1,1le linter 'or cholos. ASM.4B.—A modern.s linsinils is doing at steady rates; sales of ;pots at $5 7 otis 81, and pearls at $O. CITY ITEMS. CArT. NO' WIIALING VOIAGE.—No one should fail to tee We great exhibition of nautical life, now on exhibition at the Assembly Buildings. It Is not only a exalted and highly-aitistior panorama of the whole routine of Whaling, but the dramatic scones in troduced, in which Captain Williams, accompanied by a half dozen sturdy sailors, enters a rest whaleboat, and performs the hazardous end exciting tank of capturing these oily mealtime of the deep, convey an idea of the wholemeal's life, at (MCC vivid, Instinctive, and amusing. The (Uptakes explanatory lecture, ai the exhibition pro ceeds, is ohaeactet laic, anti is received with unbounded applause. Upon the whole, we consider the ' , South Sea Whaling Voyage" a delightful nal ortainmen t,en II it should be seen by everybody. In Now York It had a successful run of tae hundred and fifty nights. EMANCIPATION CELEBRATION.—d grand do- MOnstranon to celebrate tto emancipation of slaves in the DI triot of Columbia is announced to bo bold at Na tional Hail, this (7 hursiay) moroine, commencing at 10)( o'clock. After orgit , izing, the Emancipation Act will be read, alto a pris.t.l 'Aires's be Hon. Chw. Sum mer, forwarded ezpres ly for the occaaion by the author. This afternoon the celebration is to be continued in the form of mus i cs, and widrusgeo by a number of anti-slavery celebrities—Rev. Honey Highland Garnett, of Now York, Thoa. Hamilton. Bkl., editor of the Anglo- Afri can, Robert Purvis, Wm. ".ficholson, and others. The evening of the day is to be 'signalized by a grand con cert. TliOldSON'S LONDON KITCHENER•"—IVO in vite attention to TIIO3ISON'S LONDON KlTOnaNan," or Zurnpean style c f Maize, Odvirtised by Hewers. North, Obese, & North, in ow thee column or our paper to-doy. A CHANCE FOR CAPITALISTS.—In another column of our paper, thi; morning, the Lance!ter Loco. motive Works are adrettlsed torrent for a period of three years, together Avith the machinery, patterns, tools, and drawings, all In good order and ready for immediate ope ration At these Works can be rented at 'a low figure, there is money in them for somebody, their situation being all that conld be desired far salubrity. conveniences for transporting mat, rim's, and for successful operations. We commend this op torttnity for profitable investment to the attention of capitalists. • SOMETHING Now UNDER THE SUN.—Some antianary fancies that he Ii agtin successfully estab lished that 41 there 14 moth(' g new under the sun." bay ing discovered that th. Kr•lgbti of St. John of Jerusalem built a galley at 1 u 1530, which was sufficiently plated with lead to res'st bn lets, and which took a pro minuet past in the taking of Tanis. Th tt may all be; but there never was but one Brown Stone Clothing Hall, and that Is the one located at Hos. 13113 and 608 Chestnut Street, above Sixth. of which Messrs. Hockhill and Wil son are the proprietoes. • PURE OLIVE OILS FOR THE TABLE.—Mr. O. H. Mattoon, denier in flno groceries. Arch and Tenth streets, has now nn hand a choice lot of Salad Olio, a pure Olive article, to which wo invite the attention of oar readers. VARIETY' IN TUE ANIMAL CENATION.—There have actually been ascertained in the animal kingdom about sixty thousand species of hiring creatural. There are 600 species of memmalia ; of birds, there are 4,000 species; of fisher, 3 000 speckle; of reptiles, 700, and, of insects, 44,000. riaUdes thou, there aro 3,000 species of Abell-flab, and not lent than BO or 100 species of animal- Coke, inrisible to the noised eye. There le, howeTer, but one establishment in the conutry like that kept by Gam- Stokes, the (walloper and clothier. at No. 609 Chat- Mtit street, where the beet and used summer garments can be obtained, at greatly reduced prices. A Day-GOOD IDEA.—The Baby-Show at Ilarnurn'a Mireum. thin week, will make it necessary for all of the flags dienint od nn thebeilding to be of the Baby bunting order. Another Dry good Idea le the making of a large lot of Summer Uniforresfor our troorni, at Charles Stokeed Clothing stare. uncle the Continental, and 11.1 the); are to he adapted to warns work, they are all drilling. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. M 7" SEE FOURTH PAO'S A ARPIN 0 Brig Catharine Ni.et eta, Tyler, 12 days from Wintor• port, Me, with a 5 sto Z A Boater A Co. Brig Ida Mayor', Betts, horn New York, in ballad to captain. Bchr JDf Ho„tton, mown, 14 days from Cionftl , aoal pith aogar to B k W Wrlsh. Left Wigs Solo and Mice Kende, both load II g for Philadelphia. Bchr Walter Reletell, Phalli's, 8 days from Sagas Is Grande.. with sneer t S& W Welsh. Balled in oompanY with brig Andrew P. trtA, for Philadelphia. IPSl3ohir Martha WilAtington, Thatcher, 5 days from Sootoo, with mdeo to Cowell & Collins. Etchp,N C Willard. WI lard, 5 days from Portland, with India to Crown & Co:lies. : Behr Clayton & Limber, Jackson, 1 day from Bmrrost Del, with wry. t0..12 i r, Bewley & Co. Behr Annie Yird• 'humbers,l day from Lewes, Del, Pith corn to Jae VW wlay & Co. Behr Planter. IF w 1 day from Lelpsic, Del, with :grain to Jam L Beale. & Co. Behr Lady of Ow T.olie, Morrison, 1 day from Smyrna, .1)451, wit corn to .f Tlarrstt k Bnn. Behr er A. Ileckkh .r, Stisbbs, 4 day. from Boston, with dCe tO captain. . Behr C Newkirk, Sotrrre, 5 days from Boston, In ballast Ito Noble. Caldwell &.Co. . _ .6ehr.,W flaulabori . ,. Hudson, 6 days from Yorktown, lu ballast to Noble, Caldwell Co. - ?Amer:Oksrlmo, 24 hours from New York, to W P. Clyde. • CLEARED. Behr. D Jones, Talent, Fortress Mneree, Tyler, Stone tt. 00. Bebr J M Vance, Burdgo, Fortress Monroe, do Behr 0 Newkirk, Somers,Boaton, Noble, ()it'd well & Ekbr W Saulsbury, Hudson, Boston, do Ekbr Problem, Tyler, Baltimore, T Webster, Jr. Sir C 0 Alger. Fenton, Alexandria, T Webster, Jr. Bir 1:1 Willing, Claypool°, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. MEMORANDA. Steamship Columbia, Furber, cloaro3 at Now York releroay for Havana. 150 do ...s3O 47 100 Harlem 1/ 14g 500 ti %dem R Prefd.."36 200 d 0..... ..... 660 561( 100 Mich Con R... b3O 131 x 50 do 61% 50 do.. ...810 64 100 Ric 8o & N Ind R. 213% 700 do 28% 200 do .....a3O 26$ '5O do 630 36% 50MichS&NIGs.. 571( 150 do 57% 50 do ...e3O. 571( 100111 Cen S scrip... 61% 100 Clev & Pitts R.— 22% 20 Cleve Col & Cin 8.120 50 Gal & Cbl R. 70,1[ 1100 do 70% 200 Cler & Toledo 8.. 463( 100 d0..... 4 ....515 46 200 do .........b3O 48) 50 Old & Rock Isl R.. 64% 50 do - M3O 65 Sleaniehip Fire Cracker, Jobuson, cleared at N York yeateiday for Silacgbae. Snip llled:soder, Snow, cleared at New York yester day for San Francisco. Brig Demerara, Cunningham, for Philadelphia, cleared at Now York yesterday. Bag F. 7 King, Farber, from Matanuae, at New York yesterday. Bug Princeton, Allen, hence, arrlyed at Boston yet. terdat • Ochre M M Freeman, Bowes, and Ilyaivay, hence, arrived at Boston 3d inst. Sara Chalice Moore, Ingersoll from Providence for Philadelphia. 1 G Floyd, Rackett, do for do, and John Lancaster Willis, do for do, sailed from Batch Island Barber lit _ Behr J C Harding, Shaw, cleared a Bangor 2d Ind. for Philadelphia, Schre Beeman, Pettlogill, and Maryland, Knight, hence, arrived at Portland 2d Mat. Behr Island Belle, willed from New Bedford Ist lust. for Philadelphia. Schr rowel, Fenton, hence, arrived at New York yea: to day. Siemens Gen Bidelde, O'Brien, and Black' Diamond, Green. hence, arrived at Now York yesterday.. Steamer Mars Nichols, cleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia. NOTICE TO W.RINEES WRECK HEAR ri l I:IODGEON.--irfnity House, Lon• don, !tiny lb, 1862.—NotiOe is hereby given that a green buoy revoked with the word '.wreck" has been Wooed in 12 fathoms at, low water spring tides, about 20 Littleton S W of a vessel aunt, with the gudgeon light vessel bear ing W by B X B by compass, end Oiltaut about 4 inlloe. 167 order. P. H. BERTEIUId, &eatery. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST MORT CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut eta. II Tallant. Wheeling W 0 Hughatt, Pittsburg Chas I. Moore, Cineionati . Goo A Dille, Quincy, 11l J R Hibbard, Chicago J W Healy, Mikviinkeo W Elmer, Cincinnati Nina M Elinor, Illinois Mien El Forhner, Illinois Mrs Lreal and slaw Mr D tea 3: la, Wheeling Mies Crawford, Wheeling Mrs E Leg, Wheeling, Ya W Vrooman & la, Virginia G W Buck • Richard Baker H It Sauford, Ddtimoro E 1.1 Chase, Wilkesbarro J L Haman, New York J L Greene, Now York J Hugbee, Chester co S W Porter, Springfield, 11l J D Condit, Jr, New Jorsey F Taylor, West Chester P Bator, Harrisburg P St 11 Andrews, Conn Julius Webb,"Plassochusetts Chas L Smith, Boston J Obeyer, Massachusetts II P Webster, Main It S Fiscal, Georgetown, D 0 W Schwedersky, New York Dr B C Dine la, Conn L T Downes, Provi.re, B I P E De Mill, Detroit W Tacon, New York Belierneudin, Cuba D Echemendla, Cuba A Dchemendia, Cuba Jose Haves, Dubs A T Smith, Wash, D 0 John Bloxham, New York Llent Col A-S Morgan PhWay Fisk, Pottsville Capt L It Martin Joe F Morton, Boston F Shrcder Lancaster J P Stunt & la, Ohio WDI Watte E wf, Carllalo IV L King & wf, New York J Sill & to, Albany, N Y Wm S Bell, St Lords L Jacobs ai la, New York T Drew, New York J ffi Cooley, New Jersey S W Torrey, Now York George Williams, New York 0 L Hathaway. Boston W Mansfield di la, N Y Mrs It Davis, Now York Levi Kline, Lebanon Thou Smith, New York Chas Ripley, Nev. York A H Shepherd & la, Del A J Lerrabee, New Jersey L D Bruyn, New Je.sey B B Seymour, New Jersey John Torrey, Jr, N Mrs 111 Shepard, New Jersey .T T Sanford, New York Mrs Malcom, New York J W Jones, Cm, 0 W Robinson, Mass D R Stanford. New York John Noble, Easton G B Hotchkiss ,b se, Conn Mies Hotchkiss, New Haven 7 X Pool & wf, N York S A Allen, N Jersey A Sinnickson, N Jersey S X &Ist, Now York H T Day, New York Dr R Coolidge. U S A J H Hobbs, Namibia, Vs Br Gollandit, Washington T R &pp°ld, Baltimore F Pearce, New York S D• 0 Van Bokkeleu, N Y Isaac Cole. Jr, Baltimore J V Jones, Wash, D 0 Mrs G B Hoffman, Balt B Gilmore, Jr, Balt - II A S I) Dudley, Penne G W Chapin, R Island A Buck J W Mohler A .T Fitob, Jersey City F W kforrie A Barker G B Coale, Baltimore Kai . 1 9 1 B Olmsted,. N T AliOn W U Cooke, Norristown Oapt 8 B King. Virginia .1 W KJBinger. Washiogt'n L Knight, Baltimore A J Hopper. Tennessee Mei 0 McLean Knox, N Y D load Jr wt, Cincinnati E X Bennet, New York 0 A Swift, Virginia ' J Martinold, Baltimore . ZdERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth st., below Arch J T Rogers, Brownsville Edmund Doster, Pa Jaa Ingalls, Vase D Stratton I la, N J Jas M Ferguson Frank Turner, Pa John Sharpless. Catawissa \Vm Woodside, Phila II Slaymaker, Lancoater co Josiah Cole, Easton Ceo W Stein, Beaton A C Spring, Boston I) Paxton, Gettysburg J J Thompson & la, Pa Mrs P Taylor, Lewistown C Clint, Chicago E H Welch, Etio • AMERlCAN—Chestnut street, above Fifth. Lewis Dr.ke, New York John M King, Peon's John B Fromald, Penn'a Mrs 0 D Bro an, N York M Ireelend k la. N Jersey A D Duryea & Is, N J W L Stone, U S N D Magertne, Pt Carbon II Lawson ' Penn's B Ebner, N Jersey F Bowei s, Now Jersey B K Brawford, tdd .1 B Potter, hf D, N Jersey GD 0 Blobs & wf, Wash A If Began, Washington N 0 James h wf, Penn'a S J Hart, New York B F Tyler, Penn'a H Sprague, Boston J Benedict, Easton B B Hagerty, N York It C Pyle, Easton P Let cli, Easton, Pa Miss E Lerch, Easton Mire U Carroll, Easton Capt 11 Coombs John Ashcroft, New York W A Merles. Nowhere, NO F J Brown, Newhem, N C Tb's 0 Frame, Dover, Del WI. Dill, Lancaster, Pa E Tomblin*, Washington Alfred A Hyde, New link BT. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut etrbet, above Third LMenne) , I Potter, New Cootie, Del 3 Divine, New Coetle,Del L Clifton, Berlin, Md Cot P 0 Elman, Pottsville A W Thompson, New York O Jackson. Wash, D 0 0 H Capehart, liltcoin W Monteline, Sunbury W B Rosenbaum, N Jersey D Mlleon, Catasatiqua, Pa J Jones, Washington, D 0 D J P)ko, New York ' A G Davis, Connecticut Dr. Vi hippie RI Lane, Waehington, D C STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. J Britton, Penna . A B Kauffman, L weeder J Dt Reader, Maysville W 111 Allmon ' Mifflin, Pa W W McConnell, Penna. T Z Watt, Latrobe Juts Potts, Pittsburg . -A Peters, Pittsburg If B Qoodwin, Lewisburg J 0 llenderson, Now York B L Harper, Chembersburg L T Grcontiokl, Carlisle N lietcb, Ferry co, Pa 21 Ickes, Perry co, Pa )peon ,t: wf, Perry co D Neff, Beaußog, Pa 00.1119IEHOIAL-81xtle street, above Ohestnnt. D Reynolds, Lancaster co II Cornwall, Hartford, (It J Leopold, Pennsylvania Lien! V L Gold, Pittsburg Dj F Stratton, Pottstown J Moorehead, Armstrong co 0 0 blaikle, West Newton Mout O W Brad'', Pa John Wallin:dr, Pottsville 01' Killlngsvorth, aid A Pomeroy A D Campbell, Lancaster Limit 0 O'Neill, Lancaster John James, Lancaster . 'NATIONAL HOTEL—Bice street, above Third. .17. Taylor dr. wf. Wilkesbarre Oboe Sbeidea, Allentown Jobn T Jones a: son, N York W B Miller, 80fgerartIla Tbce J Smash, ellfilinsburg B Heyser, PlicenixviLle J H Panneesker, Lana co D S Enck, Lane co MADISON HOUSE—Secoud street, above Market Job Silvers, Lambertvl, N J Chas Starling, Trenton E Harrison D dmith M B Ham & lady Dr Johnston, New York P Barvey, Doylestown Jehn Jones, Dover, Del E kbarpe, Wyoming co, Pa, BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. T Eut. Jr ' Lambertsvillo 11 %nest, New York A Wekineld, Ilethboro U hleLnuclio, Hathboro 3 Maxwell R Is, N Jersey Miss Stevens, Poona L Wregan, Lycoming Lieut. G 0 Davenport, Pa J Richardson, Penna J C McCall Win H Bixier, Easton A Yandegrift, Eddington A N Johnson, Eddington MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—St.cond st., above Arch. W Crawford, New York Col W H II Davis, Virginia Capt J B Orem, Virginia Y. Knight. Bristol. Pa C Worthington, Bucks co Jesse W Knight, Bucks co 0 Tomlinson, Bucks co BLACK BEAR—Third street, above CallowhilL Thos tliselove, Peon'a John 9 Cornell, Pena'a J Bitetand, Hagerstown, J Adams, Atlantic c N J Win - Bechtel, Beohtelville D H Bechtel, Becbtolville John Strunk, Bechtilville Mrs Finney, Hartsville Gotlieb Trebel., Baltimore BALD EAGLE—Third greet, above Gambill. J S payout. Easton, Pa .- Mrs J S Bernet, Easton B Brown. Byberry, Ps Jacob Lesh, Penn 2 4l A L Bowie Dauphin co SPECIAL NOTICES. DEAF MADE TO HEAL—lnstruments to maiat the Bearing, in every variety and of tho moat approetS conttructlon, at P. DlADlCllttefl, 115 South TENTH Street, below (lhestnut. • je4-3t BATCHMLOR'S HAIR DTI?, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. ILLIAd A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature— WAY ranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the CI effects of bad dyes, and inylgoratos the Hair for life. GRAY, BED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and b, Fold by all Druggists, Oa - The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, an the four tides of each boa. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street), 28-ly New York. UNE-PRIDE CLOTHING, OP THE LATEST tlYit.trel, made to the Beet Kanner, expressly for BE TAM BALES. LOWEBT Selling Prices marked In Plain 'Figures. AU Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our One-Paine SYSTEM is etrictly ad hered to. AS are thereby treated alike. sa22-ly JONES & 00., 604 MARKET Street. LYON'S MAGNETIC INSECT POWDER, Tested for nineteen years and grows In favor. It kills and exterminates Roaches, Bed Bags, Ants, Fleas, Moths in Clotho, Furs, and Furniture, Garden Insects, &o. All g. ;mine bears the signature of E. Lyon, and is not poisonous to persons or domestic animas. Be ware of counterfeits and imitations. Lyon's Powder kills all insects in a trice, Lynn's Pills are death to rate and mice. Sold everywhere. D. S. BARNES, m>3•stnthSm 202 Broadway, New York. 13.T.-18tO/C • . ERAKE 9 B PLANTATION BlTTERS—Ex haunted Nature's Great Restorer. They Invigorate, strengthen, and purify the eyatens, dare Dyspepsia, Acidity of the Stomach, Diarrheas, &c. A perfect ap. petizer end ' tonic. They invigorate the body, without stimulating the brain. They aro compounded of pure St. Croix Rum, Roots, and Herbs, and are reeom mended by all who use them. Adapted to old or young, but particularly rcoemmended to the weak and languid. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Motels, and Saloons. - P. H. DRAKE & 00., Iny3-misf2m 202 Broadway, New 'York. CARD PRINTING ; BEST AND CHEAPEST to tb. City. at 111 South FOURTH Street.. OIRCI7I AR PRINTING, beet end cheapest In the City, cc 111 South POURTII Street. MARRIED . CA Mr BR ILL—MeDRIDE.--On the 4th inetant, by the R.V. A. Atwood, Mr. Other ,Campbell, to Mind Ellen Mc- Bride. both of Frankrord, Pa. * WIIITIL—On the 29th of ISlay,lBo2, by Rev. Samuel Dorhorow, John R. Irwin, of Philadelphia, to Ids . tit-le, daughter of Philip B. Wlllto, Prothonotary of the Dirtrlct Court of Philadelphia. • iE DIED. N OLDS.—on the 4th instant, James lieynolds, in the 46th Tear of his age. TMo funtrni will take place from St. Joseph's 'Hospital, on Irrieny morning, at 9 o'clock. To procetd m tho Os thrdrsl Cvelery. Ills relatives and friends ere requested to utterd. without fertbor notice. ** P 1: 10E.—On the 4th instant, Anna E., wife of Eli K. Price. Btr friends and those of the family are respectfully in vited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her buebiscd, No. 809 Arch street,.on Monday morning. June 9th, at 10 o'clock.**** . . BOND.—In Newtown, on the 31 Instant, Samuel Y. Bond, in the 35th year of hisage. life realise* end friends are Invited to attend the tune, al, from the late residence of his father, la No sr town, ou Friday, the 6th inst., at 2 o'clock. ** BUGGY.—On the 3d instant, Bridget Buggy, wile or Robert Deasy, aged 86 years. The relatives and friends of the faintly aro invited to neend the funeral, without [natl.r notice, from the re sideline of htr husband, Broad street, Chester, Delaware county, on Friday, the 6th instant, at 10 o'clock. In terment at Oatbcdral Cemetery, GARRETT.—At her residence, No. 1803 Parrish street, Mary AL Garrott, in the G3d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the faintly are respect fully invited to attend the funeral. To leave the home at 830 A. M. this (Fifth day), to proceed to Goshen, Chester county, Ps. tt El the 2d instant, Marla, wife of See Per Has ding. The relatives and male friends of the family are re. moduli) , invited to attend the funeral, without further notice, from the rseideoce of her husband, No. 314 South 'Third street, this (Thurtda ) morning, 6th Instant, at 10 o'clock. Servioes at St. Peter's Church. . . EcCOSRER.-015 the 2d instant, the .R9T. John Mc- Coeker, aged 32 years, late Chaplain of the 55th Regi ment P. V., Port Royal, A. C. The reverend clergy and friends are respectfully in vited to attend thefunoral, from the pastoral residence of • the Church of the Annunciation, Tenth and Dickerson Weals, this (Thursday) morning, at 8 o'clock. Funeral service, at St. Potrick'a Church. ilk NAGLE.—Suddenly, on the 34 instant, Mr. Leonard Nagle, in the B.sth year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are remect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his son, Joseph Nagle, near Edge -Hill Station, North Pennsylvania Itsilrond, on Friday morning, 6th instsn., at 30 o'clock. To proceed. to Upser Lutheran Church, Girniantown. # it Obillt iry. [The following just tribute to the memory of a Chris tian gentlewoman is copied front yesterdet 's Evening Bulletin. None kr ew the virtues of the subject of the notice better than the writer, in whose initials we recog nize an accomplished journallet of this City • We notice with deep regret the death of Mrs. Maria Harding, the wire of Jollier Herding, Ego., of this city. It was the happiness of the writer of this brief article to have enjoyed the acansintitnce and friendship of the deceased for upwards of twenty years. A better or a purer woman never lived. bho was all that could be mired, either as a. daughter, a wife, or a mother; while her daily life was beautified by all the gentle and boaven•born graces of the unaffected Christian. Intel ligent in a high degree, her counsel was, until borne down by sickness, listened to with attention and respect by every member of her family, while her children justly idolized her. She was a mother in. the truest and the nobleet sense, and her advice std example exercised a' powerful influence upon all who cams within their reach. But stare have their tine to set," and thus another of the kind, the good, the devoted, and the offectiodate has passed amidst "the mysteries of the shadowy valley." and yet, none who know her; none who had an opportmilty of recognizing her many virtues; none who witnessed her devotion to her family and her unwavering love for her children, cau have a doubt as to her future. flex immortal spirit must be ra diant and angelic among the beings of a better world—a happier existence. Death is almost invariably sad, and when s , the insatiate archer" steals from no some one whose voice and whose smile have been as A charmed spell to the household circle for many years—whose sympathies were ever active, generous, confiding, ar.d forgiving, we feel that a terrible disaster has occurred. lint it is consoling to know that there is an higher and a holier etate, and to hope that even there "the redeemed and disenthralled " may look down upon and watch over the beings to whom they clung with such truthful affec tion while hero. R. H. SECOND MOURNING POPLINS, YALENCIAB, AND GINGNAITS —BESSON A 80N invite attention to their New Stock of— Second 'Mourning Gingham,. 15 to 25 cents. Second Mourning Silk and Wool Poplins, 621 to 75. Second Monming Silk and Wool Valoncies, 75 eta. Black and White finest French Jaconote, 25 dm Plain Black finest French Jammers, 25 cts. Lopin's Black Cliallies, 44 cts. Lnpin's Black Barege, 7.4 wide, 62% cte. Lavin's Black Crape Mamie, 26 eta. Lavin's Black Tamartines, 26 cts. myl4-t[ Ecre FIRST OF THE SEASON.—LADIES' STRAWBERRY FEETIVAL, for the Inuit of the TWELFTH•STREEY 51 E. OFFUROH, wilt be lieid at BANDEL -AND HAYDS HULL. lin ah em' corner of Eighth and Diem street% on TRUES DAY EVENING, Innesth. Tisketwat the door fifty cents. Je3-3t* Iff.CON PROMISE-PE ACE. —SHALL make the former and thereby secure tee latter 1 Or, Shall we submit to Foreign Intervention 7 hac hure on this sobieet, by the Rev. R. A. CARMAN, (for the benefit of Zion Church,) at Spring Garden Institute, BROAD and SPRING G &ADEN Streets, on MONDAY ICYRNING, June 10th, 1862. Admilsiou 10 cents. • JeB-72t* • 07.. AN EXAMINATION' OF APPLICANTS for Certificates of Qualification for AMSTAR" TEACHERS of the Public Schools of Philadelphia will be held at tho Jefferson Echool House t op FIFTH Street, above Poplar, commencing on FRID A Ir, June 6th, at 2 o'clock P. M., and continuing oa SATURDAY, 7th, at 9 o'clock A. M. Applicants nador 17 sears of ago will not be es tunined. By order of the Committee on Qualification of Teach er* of the Board of Controllers. 4t GEORGE. W. 'VAUGHAN, Chairman. Tr PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. - - THE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA, who desire cordially to unite in SUSTAINING THE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION In ita patriotic efforts to eupprees a sectional and unholy rebellion against the UNITY OF THE REPUBLIO, and who desire to support, by every power of the Go vernment, our hundred thousand heroic brethren in arms braving disease and the perils of the field to preserve the Union of our fathers, are requested to select the number of DELEGATES equal to the Legislative Seproeentation of the State, at such times and in such manner as will best respond to the spirit of this call, to meet in STATE OONVENTION, AT HARRISBURG, On THURSDAY, the 17th day of July nod, at v. o'clock on said day, to NOMINATE CANDIDATES for the offices of AUDITOR GENERAL AND • SURVEYOR GENERAL, and to take Such mem:tree BO may be deemed 110001 , 80/7 to 'strengthen the Government in this Beason of common Deril to a common country. Chairman of the People's State Committee. GEO. W. HAMMERSLY; S cretartes. mr z u JOHN M. SULLIVAN, arOFFICE AIONONGAIIELA. NANIGA TION COMPANY, . P[TTg➢IIR6, May 23, 1862 At a meeting of the Board of Managers of this Compa ny, held on the let of May, 1802, the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That coupon bonds of this Company, bear ing ditto the first day of July next, be issued to the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Hainan in sums of One Tbouttand Dollars each, payable in ewen ty-five years after the date theteof, bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, paya ble semi-annntally, In the city of New York, and the aaid bonds be secured by mortgage of the works nod revenues of ibis Company, to he made to Thomas Bakewell, as trustee, for the holders of said bonds. Resolved, That the President of this Company be au thorized to procure, to be negotiated, of the mortgage bonds of this Company. this day ordered to be issued, the amount of one hundred and twenty-five thocreand dol lars, for cash, or the outstanding bonds of this Com pany, maturing on the first day of January next, at par. In accordance with the foregoing resolutions, SUB SCRIPTIONS will be received until three o'clock of the 24th DAT OF JUNE NEXT, for the above loan. In formation with regard - to the character of the Improve ment may be obtained from Joshua Ilauna, Esq., of Nail no, But, A Co Pittsburg; Abraham Gibbons, Esq., Coatesville, Chester 'county, Pa.; and Messrs. Jay, Cork, & Co., Philadelphia, who aro authorized to receive subperiptions for the . loan. The Capital Stock of the .Company is 8728,700 Funded debt, (bondsoutstanding) 182,000 Thera is no floating or otberdebt existing. The works are in active operation and completezepair, and the re ceipts justify expectations of the usual or average divi dend for the present year. Tt o works were so far com pleted, and the debts of the Company paid as to enable the Managers to declare their first dividend, July 7th, 1868, since which time they have declared fonrteen divi dends up to July,lBBl—sight yeae—eunounting in the aggregate to fifty-four and one-half per coot., or six and eighty-ono hundredths per cent per annum. There a•e no bonds in the market better [secured than those of this Company, and none that offer greater inducements for investment as to security and prompt payment of inte rest, which is well known by the holders of the present oubtanding bonds. The object of this mortgage is to concentrate the bonds of the Company and secure the whole. A preference will be given to the present holders of the bond. maturing January let. 1888 The Company reserves the right to accept the whole or any portion of the amount subscribed. my 27. tJ e 24 J. R. MOORHEAD, President. trrNOTICE.—A GENERAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the UNION CANAL COM PANY, and of the Bondholders of said company, now secured by the let mortgage, dated the 23d Aprll, 1853, will be held at the Booms of the Board of Trade. No. 505 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, the ninth day of JUNE, 1862, at 11 A. E., for the purpose of coueidering and acting npon the provitions of an act of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. entitled " A further supple ment to the several acts heretofore rimed relating to the Union Canal Company, of Pennsylvania." Approved the 10th day of April, A. D. 1862. By order of the Board of Manages". JAMES PAGE, President 0. THOMPSON. Secretary. my2B.-tje9 I.NMICE.-THE OFFICERS OF IC the PNNSYLVANIA GTJAIIDS will meet TO NIGHT at Headquarters, TENTIT and NOBLE. H. W. GROWN, lt* . Lieut. Col. Commanding.. . OST--A Gold Watch Bey. The L ender will be suitably rewarded by returning It to 101 South WATER Street. lt* Certificate•of Girard Bank .11 Stock, No. 642, for four ahem. dated May 26, 1859, having been burnt, application will be made for re newal of the Dame. ' .I.IIY ANN YOUNG. my 22• th a et cETII 0 MSON'S LOSDON KITCHENER "—We are. now mattifaeturiug "THOMSON'S LONDON .KITORENER," or European style of Range, imitable for large and small families, hotels, bospitale, and other public institutions, In great variety. Aleo, - rortabla Ranges, the " Philadel phia Range," Gas Ovens, Bath Boilers, and Oast-from Sinks, together with a great variety of small and large eized Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Fire-board Stoves, Low-down Grates, &c. Wholesale and Retail max at our Warerooms. NORTH, MASH. & NORTH, No. 209 Noith SECOND Street, four doors above RI%CO street FFICE COMMISSARY OF BUR - O fitiTENCE, No. 1139 GIRAItD Street, l'hiladel phia, Juno 6,1862 '• PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'cikk M. on the 10th day, of June, 1802, for farnistdug for the use of the United States army, at such times, and in each quantities as may be required daring the mouth of June, the following Subsistence Stores, viz: 300 Barrels Print,' Men new Pork, is now well-Ooop °red barrels. 200 Barrels Extra Mese Beef, in new barrels. 10,000 Pounds Prime Bacon Sides, in tierces. 1;010 Barrels Extra Superfine Flour. . 25,000 Pounds Hard Bread, in barrels. 300 Bushels New White Beane, in good Flour bar rel.. 25,000 Pounds Prime Bice, in barrels 30.000 -Pounds Primo Rio Coffee, in barrels— , 40 000 Pounds Light Yellow Sugar, in barrels. 1.000 Gallon' Vinegar. . • • 2,000 Pounds Alanmntine Candles, full weight; • twelves. 0,000 Pounds Good Hard Soap. 300 Bushels Fine Salt, in barrels. ' 1,000 Gallons Syrup or Molasses, in barrels. All articles to be of the beet quality, socurely packed, and In perfect order for transportation. • Bids will include packages, and delivery In the city. Seller's name and. date of purchase required on wit bating°. Certificates of inspection of Meat and Flour will be required, and ne Pork will be accepted, packed from "Bulk Meats: , Samples in boxes distinctly mark ed, must accompany bide for all articles except meat. Bids from kncwn dealers or manufacturers only will be co• eldered, and each bid must be accompanied by the written guarantee of two teeponetble person. far the faithful performance of the contract. Proposals to be endorsed - " Proposals for Subsistence Stereo," and directed to • F. N. BUOK, jesJt Captain (tad C. S. Vol. Service. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1862. TAS. R. CAMPBELL & 00., WIIO,LEBALZ AND Marl. DEALERS, T 27 CHESTNUT &PREM . , Have opened this day, Bonnet's Black Taffetas. Triple Chain Satin Plaid Colored Taffetas. Detached Figured Camel's Hair Thibet, high lustre. Satin Plaid and Printed Menai:disc Lupin's beet black Baregee and Bombazines. Rich Plaid Mozambiunes. Lupin's beet black, white, and high colored Ottani. Organdies and Jaconete, grissalie grounds. Oachemlre Stripe Printed Percales, very doh. Foulard Poplins. • Foulard Settee, to., to. (CLOAKS ! CLOAKR ! CLOAKS! ' l / 4 .1 THE GEEATEBT BARGAINS IN THE OITY eiLOAKI3.=If you want the-best value IL/ for your MOW, g to the City Cloak Store, 142 North EIGHTH Street, stave Cherry. tah2tl-3ra CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Of all the Newest btatertats, AND OILOIONST PATTERNS, AT TUE LOWEST PRIGES, AT aarls.2m No. 2S Sonth TENTS Street. CLOAKS A MA.OIII7OEI4E' ASSORTMENT OF ALL THE, NEWEST STYLES IMPORTED THIB REASON, With every new material, made up and trimmed in the rad best manner, at pricee that defy all competition, AT THII PARIS CLOAK STORE, mADWAn N. D. CORNER EIGHTH AND WALNUT BTB. EYIOII & LANDELL, FOURTH and .ABOEI, Dave alas assortment of Summer Shawls. je • E' LANDELL have the Black and White Plaid Bilks for Bonnets and Dresies at 51 per yard. je2 IRE & LANDELL HAVE the. E Fashionable Black Silk Mantles made of the beat Taffeta Mks and Paris shapes. jet - FYBE & LANDELL have desirable styles dark French Lawns ; also ; the but stock of low-priced Lawns. jo2 IYBE & LANDELL are closing out Spring ow] Summer Drees GoOds et low prices. jet A IOOHE ENGLISH BAR EGES.- • A new and large stock at TM low prices. my29:tf • BEIAMPLESS BROTHERS. MOZ AMBIQ lIES.- Plain Matures and Plalde, two yards wide, for Mantle& m>29 if CHEAP BAR EGE ROBES.- Two hundrei 'Flounced 'Robes, at one-third of the importing coat my 29 tf BLEACBED MIISLINS.- Extra qualities of Shirt - logs, at much redueed prices my 29-0' NEW. CLOAK . STORE - t . • • A.. 1 • The moat elegant steiettoeni in the day. No. 29 South NTSTIUStreet, Tirst door above Chestnut NEW SPRING PRINTS, OHOIOB STYLE& B O Y S', MISSES', AND Mir No. 137 South EIGUTH Street, mylto 2m Three Doore above WALNUT SILK MANTLES AND SACQiTES. Black Taffeta Mantles. Black Silk Facques. • ' Elegant new styles. • Light Cloth Sacques. SHEPHERD'S PLAIDS. • New lots, bargains, 12%, 18%, and 26 cts. Plaid Mozambique's, very desirable. ' MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. Silk Mixed Cassimeres and Coatings. Light colors fancy Casaimerea. 6-4 Mixtures and Monona. Cloth goods for little fellows. BOY'S JACKETS AND PANTS. (FEW DEPARTMENT, exceeD STORY.) First-class Ready-made Garments. - Style and Fit unexceptionable. Prices very reasonable. Boya' snits made to order. COOPER & OONABD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Street.. A. 5..-MaCLttRE, IT WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of my customers and friends to the following Goods, which ere fresh and desirable : Black and White Plaid Mike. Organdie Lawns, choice styles. Ifeznaibiques, Plain and Plaid. Neapolitan Silks, for travelling snits. Argentines, Black and Brown, mixed. ]Bode Tamertines, scarce aid desirable. Black Crape d'Fspagnes, from auction. Challie Delainea, nice assortment at 18%c. 10 dozen Hid-finish Silk Gloves, at 37X0. 87 dozen Ladles' Linen Handkerchiefs, at 81.623( par dozen; a berirain. One lot of Lisle Gauntlets. at 1830 a noir. One lot of Black Bilk, $1.123[ ; the beet I over had for the money. At my2S PA I N MOZAMBIQUES AT 13 1 CENTS. Plaid Mozambitines at 13 cents, worth 20 cents. Plaid Mozambique', at 18 cents. Plaid Mozambique', at 26 cents. Plaid Illazambiques at 31 cents. Plaid Mozambique', at 37X cents. Embroidered Mozambique!, at 60 cants. Bto yards Gray Himalayas at 10 cta., worth 18 cta. Gray Sultanas, Gray Poplins, and Travelling , Dress Goods of every variety. ' 8,000 YABDS BLACK AND WOOL PLAIDS, • All-wool filling, at 20 cents. Brown and Black Ground Lawns. Fine French Organdies. BEST 123 CENT. LAWNS IN THE cm. 1 Lot Handsome Silk Robes, 22 yards patterns, At 517, worth $3O. FANCY SILKS, VERY CHEAP. ' Just received, 2 email lota of Barege Robed, At $260 and $3, worth $8 and 512. H. STEEL & SON, my2o-tf No. 718 North TENTH St , ab. COATES. T A .L I, A N . - MARBLE MONUMENTS, .01` GRECIAN, ROMAN, AND GOTHIC DESIGNS. BEAD STONES, TOMBS, - •GARDEN STATUARY.. i! AND • .. VASES,.. • bIONUMENTAL FIGURES AND URNS, itc. JUST RECEIVED FROM ITALY, " AND FOR ULF BY .• • . VITI.. BROThERS, • eittr iiioft • STREET. MOUNT MORIAR CEMETERY. This ground is located a low yards off the Darby road, about the same dlstanco from the city as Laurel Rill, and is heautlfnlly situated on the highost point of groural for miles around. Its soil le admirably adapted for the purpose: designed, being high and dry. - The public are invited to examine its cinlma boforo purchasing elsewhere. General and 'motional plans may be examined at the Wbere:auy further Information will be cheerfully et forded by the egeut. DESIRABLE LOTS, Are non . in the market, some of them in sections just opened, having hlthertateen held in reserve. °snot: Ilona from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M., end eithorbe. fore or after these hours, at the reeldenoe of the under. &Vied, No. 314 NORTH TENTH STREET. R. B.—conveyance to and from tho.,Oemekir" lot rich as desire to purchase. ut316.:4n. MATTINGB ! MA7TINGS ! MAT TINGE ! 8.4 WHITE - AND CHECKED, 4.4 WHITE AND CHECKED, . 6-4 WHITE AND MUCKED,- 6.4 WHITE AND CHECKED, AT LOW PRICES FOB CASH. REEVE L. KNIGHT, • No. 262 Seuth SECOND Street., my 27-1 m if Weat side, near Spruce. RETAIL DRY MOODS 1094 OHNI3TNUT BTIIIIRT. kpitionsa DO DI 111 Invitee the " special attention" of" Ladies" who intend "spending the summer " in "the country" at IVatering Places," or in " travel ling," to very large aseartm of of "TRIMMED AND MADE-lIP 000D3," IN "BETS, SLEEVES," &o, In "rozsTE, VALENOLENNE, GUIPURE, MALTESE," and other Laces; and in LINEN, °ALARM°, AND SWISS," vobleit be hes must oponed. • Also; in 4 , Valencienne Trimmed' , and ~ Ruf- •ed Cambric Handkerchiefs," embroideredo colors; together with a general assortment of While Goods, Linens, Laces, Enbroidesiet, Faits, Handkerchiefs," &c., adapted to the re ulromonts of the preeent Season. A large and varied assortment of "Garibaldi) Muslins," and "Black and White Figured Net'', for „ Sleeves." All th. übove of tho "Lalest Styles," and at l the " Very Lowest Prices." JoS • 1024 OHNSTNUT STREET EVENS & CO.'S, No. 23 SOUTH NINTH STRUM THE LARGEST STOCK, THE BEST'ARBORTMENT, THE CHOICEST. COLORS, THE FINEST QUALITIES, THE HOST SUPERB TRIMMINGS, THE NEWEST STYLES, THE BERT WORK, AND DECIDEDLY TIB•.LOWEST pEroas, IN THE 0172, IVENS & CO.'S, N 0.28 BOUTH NINTH ISTREBT. mh26.3m BrIABPLBSS 880 TUB BS SICARPLESS BROTHERS: SHAH P LESS BEST HERE, CHEST NUT & EIGHTH Sage • mh26-3m nizratrktioe, • SPRAGUE,., PAOIFIO ' ALL TWELVE AND A ILL? CENTS. A large lot beat styles and feet colors at 100. CO WPISETH WAIT & 00., ' mhl6-tI H. W. cor. EIGHTH and MARKET Ste. CLOTHING, XN ENDLEBS VARIETY, JOHN H. EITOKNEP, 702 ABOEf. Street COMPANY'S OFFICE, No. I'2B SOUTH SIXTH AT LOW PRICES, AND ON LIBERAL TERMS, FREDERICK A. VAN CLEY.b, GENERAL AUNT: RETAIL DRY 604ENL DRY GOODS. J. M. A E'.LEIGH, 723 CHESTNUT STREET, OFPERS OW MONDAY, JUNE 2, AND MIMING Tnz The following GOODS at less prlcea than the same have been offered in thie market: WRITE ORGANDIES, PLAIN AND RIO? Do., LAWNS IN VARIOUS QIIKLITIE3, FRENCH PERCALES, Do. PIQUES, Do. CIIINTZES. • RICH BAREGES, ON BLAME 3 BROWN GROUNDS, REDUORD FROM 75 TO 373 ORM. BAREGYI AEOLUS BROOM?, REDUCED irßon 25 CENTS TO 12g. BLACK AND WAITS 011ZOK POPLINS, 37) Ote BLACK AND WRITE OREOK SILKS MOURNING GOODS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILK, AT 87K AND $1 BLACK GRENADINE BAREGE, 2v CTS. ALL-WOOL BAREGE. ALL-WOOL BAREGE SHAWLS. GRENADINE BAREGE SHAWLS. LAWNS & ORGANDIES, IN MOURNING COLORS GINGHANS AND CHINTZES. . . WHITE BAREGE SHAWLS. WHITE GRENADINE BAREGE SHAWLS WHITE SBNrLAND D. BLACK AliD WHITE PLAID Do. LACE GOODS. • . OARIDRIA LACE 'POINTS AND NANITGLAA, MOHAIR MANTILLAS, BEAL LACE POINTS, AT REDUCED PRICES. HANDKERCHIEFS. A LARGE LOT PINE EMBROIDERED, AT SEVINTE.FIVE CENTS AND $l. ' je&ta tb seit ORIGINAL PRIOR $1.25 and $1.75 GREAT REDUCTION: . IN PRIOES OF LIGHT, PLAIN, AND FANCY CLOTH SAOQUES, -,. FROM $8 TO $5. FROM $lO TO $6. FROM $l4 TO $B. These garments are elegant awl rich in appearance, as much so as Silk Garments at twice the cost, and are thin enough to be worn the entire season. 3. W. PROCTOR & CO., 920 WIESTNIIT STREET. myBo.tjeB - MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. CASSINIERES. 'LIGHT MIXTURES. :- SILK MIXTURES. FINE BLACK CLOTHS. • LADIES' CLOAKING& BLACK BROADCLOTHS. Brix MIXED COATINGS. NEW MELTON& COOPER irk .CONARD, S. E; CORMS NINTH. AND. MARKET. mrar-!m . NEwEMBROIDERIES, WHITE GO ODS,-Sc.—Just opened. a general assortment of desirable French and Scotch Needle•worked Bands, Edgings. Inserting', liandkercbiefs, Oo'hum, Sleeves, etc., at Tory less prices. ALSO, A fall Ilse of all descriptions of White Goods for Ladies' wear, of the most approved makes. SP EPPARD, vet; EARLIN6F.N. k ARRISON, 144 1008 CLIEST NUT Street. PA_LATOTES AND MAN TILLAS.—Ladies In want of the above articles will find it to their advantaa Ito visit the old established house of Mrs. HlClcalf, No. :13 Noith NINTH Street, below .ILHOH. The latest Paris Styles always on hand at trice, that witimish ay...shoat , ati4llm CHAS. L. ORIJM & CO., SUCCESSORS TO OLDENnERG6 Jr TAGGART, Manufacturers of and Dealers In GENTLEMEN'S FINE SHIRTS FURNISHING' GOODS, e . No; 14G North FOUBTR.STRF.IIT, PHILADZLPHIL OHM! L. OR FLANITEL OVER-SHIRTS • .FOB THE ABET. • ' FINE. SHIRTS, wiLA3I3, STOCKS, AND . : • • WRAPPERS minuractur. ea.o. G. A. HOFFMAN'S, (BUOORA.SOR To W. W. 11110112.) NO. 606 ARCH STREET. mer A full line of " TIES, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY, AND UNDERCLOTHING, Always on band. my2.1.1m GE pniqE GRANT, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN (TENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, No. 610' CHESTNUT STREET. oth2o.ani VINE SHIRT MANUYAOTORY. The irnbecriber would invite attention to his UNPROVED 017 T OF BENTS, Which be makee a specialty In his business. Also, con• tinnily receiving NOVELTIES FOE GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHNSTNTIT Sums 109-tf lrnqr doors below the nontlnontid. FINANCIAL. A!IERIGAPT' GO! WANTED, • mid i * Ikea. ONS•YEAR aisTnetoosi FOR BALE. BEOSN-AND•THERE-TENTIIB AND COUPON BONDS FOR BALE. DREXEL & C 0.., m76-1m 34 South THIRD Street. $l2OOO $ 4,000, $1,500, AND je4.3t , yntber sums, to loan on mortgage, by * JOSIDPII B. BABUY, 430 WALNUT R. $6;000,i, L 5 L 0 T 0 0 ,... mA2I4, au e A 4 4 0 1 7 0 0 ,4) TO ALFRED FITLZE, .my3o-Btit No. 51 North SIXTH Street. VOR HAIR . CUTTING - AND DYE itta:4ityabiers should-. +tett GIITIMIN81"8, YOurent aid BRANUM • - ies-if tf NUTS. -RHODES & WILLIAMS, No. 107 Routh WATER, Street,' offer for sale the followins 100 bales Princess Almonds. 20 " _ Languedoo " • ' .20 41 Birth. . English Walnuts. " 15 " Filberts. 160 bags Pea Nuts. • 10 bales Brazil Nato. RAISINS. 100 boxes M. B. Baferins. • 100 " Layer " 150 belt boxes M. B. Maize. ie2 SCARCE GOODS. In Modo, Lilim o Be,lo Black, Brown, . and Green M. L. HALLOWELL & Co., NEW IMPORTATIONS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS, SHIRT FRONTS, WHITE GOODS, AND EMBROIDERIES. THOS. MELLOR +64 00114-3 m 40 and 42 •North TRIAD 8troo3• 1862. sP-RING- 1862. W. S. STEWART & HEPORTERS AND JOBBERS OE BILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, NO. 305 MARKET STREET. How In store, POULT DE SOLE AR Blandon. BLACK AND WHITE. CHECKS, In BILKS and OTHER FABRICS.: ALSO, A PULL LINN OP CLOAKING CLOTHS, PLAIDS, STRIPES, And deeirable PLAIN COLORS. •?I7 SPRING STOOK - SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. A. W. LITTLE 00. mhl.s4f 2126 MARK P BT. TT S. FLAG EMPORIUM, 418 ARCH STREET. BUNTING ..i1NI) SILK ELrIGS, REGIMENTAL STANDARDS, NATIONAL ENSIGNS, CAVALRY GUIDONS, PRESENTATION FLAGS. EVANS & HASSALE, No. 41S ABOH Street, aboTe FSMITU. my2o-21t ARMY GOODS DABS. AND LIGHT BLUE KEFISEYS. SUNDA:BD 6-4 AND 3-4 INDIGO WOOL-DYED BLUE FLANNELS. INDIGO BLUE =TURES. COTTON DUOK;10, 12, AND 15-OUNCE. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM; & CO., aro26-2m 225 OHIOSTNITT STREET, SHIPLEY, HAZARD. 8a HUTCHINSON, No. 174 OHEBTXIIT STREET, ' POWERS' HOTEL, This popular Hotel has lattly boon thoroughly reno vated and refurnished, and now possesses all the requi sites of a Tho patronage of Philadelphians and the travelling public, desiring the best accomodations and moderate charges, is respectfully solicited. je2.3m 11. L. POWERR, Proprietor. • • WATCHES AND JEWElluitY. H A\ AMERICAN, ENGLISH, daz.. •• . AND • ifaX SWISS WATT:HES, • JEWELRY, &ND SILTERwADA . . • 2' R.IID.TIOE'D P.:111" 01E. LOS. .H.• WATS° tsT,L• • ii,729. • • 326 02.36TNITT.SEE6Nr... THOMAS O. GARRETT, 712 CHESTNUT STREET, lly received. a fresh dock • Or • •. . . . . • GOLD - AND. SILVER W ATOHES, FINE PE ATED ss WARE •sl .. . . .. • - . TABLE OUTLETEY, And to manufacturing a great variety of SILVER WARE adapted for home nee and for preeente. Prompt and particular attention is given to repairing Watches by first•daaa workmen. ap24-tbstn2m ALRX. THOMPSON AMERICAN 'WATCH COM PANY." GOLD AND SILVER W A... T.. C H E S FOR LDS AND ONNTLFNEN. COMPANY'S SALESROOM, No 719 OHEBTNLIT Street, Second Floor, (oispisite Masonic Temple.) • ' . HARTER, Agent. . loso-am . VULCANITE RUBBER JEWELRY , A bambini line of- GENTLEMEN'S VEST CHAINS, LADIES' TA.LAINX CHAINS, THIMBLES, CROSSES, STUBS, BUTTONS, Ac., Now in Store. J. C. FULLER, . No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (Oppoelte Mande Temple.) onSO.Sin A FRESH At39ORTMENT, at LESS Li. MU% 101111:11:11 MOM Nici r HEE..AER 86 WILSON SEWING MACHINES, Gill' CHESTNUT STREET, Inman -.- - THIL&MILPIEEA.' TVORYTYPES.—REIMER'S Ivory types_a. present to you pictures of grace, beauty, and truth. Their charm lies in their natural life-like appear ance. Bee them. Gallery, gEOOIiD Street, above Green. it* LADIES' TRUSSES, SUPPORT EBB, BRACES, and other Mechanical Atnlialloes , of correct construction endow to the wearer. For Wt and adjustment at 0. IL NEEDLES' LADIES' STORE TWELFTH Street, first door below Baoo. Gentlemen requiring Burtare Trusses wW call at do Southwest corner TWELFTH and RACE, where 0. B N. gives attention to this spoolalfesturs. tunl2.3mtf WHOLESALE HOUSES GRENADINE VEILS, CRAPE AND LOVE VEILS, AU 13 ea NAEROW TRIMMING RIBBONS, Corded Idgin; Noe. 4 and 6, in all colors my3l.Bt] 333 MARKET STREET. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. NATIONAL FLAGS. MILITARY. GOODS. QN MiND COIIIHISSION HOUSES. OOMMISSL/)N MAROHAIRTS 101 VEZ BALI 07 PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mb2R- . • HOTELS Nos. 17 and 19 PABB BOW, (OPPOSITE T/llt ASTOP.IIOITSEt) NEW YORK TERM $1.50 PER DAY FLEST-OLASS HOTEL REMOVAL. J. C. FULLER Having 'Removed from No. 42 South THIRD Street to No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, 2nd FlOor, (Opposite Masonic. Templej Now offers a Large and Desirable Stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ROGERS & BROTHERS' SPOONS' AND FMK% ANA . FINE JEWELRY,. To Width the attentiteiiruie trade is invited. anllo7lll WATCHES, JEWELRY , &ct • TA= & BROTH2II, /mestere, ZIA GHBSTIIVZ Street, below Fourth, mb2o-11 - BLwING KA.CIBINFA. NEW PUBLICATIONS ABTEVIUS WARD-HIS BOOK. AN EtiOntiOCS SUCCESS MORE THAN 4,000 COPIES ALREADY SOLD A NEW EDITION BEADY THIS MORNING ARTEMIS WARD-BIS BOOK A volume cortattAng all the rich, humorous writings of the great shannuin. 2-!upPrt,ty ittnstrated with nomer• one comic drawings, and elegantly bound iu eto,li. Price SLOO. No volume so full of Heti fun vats ever before pub lishc d . * hero are more laughs between these covers than wereever beforeeolteeted * * * There dull paragraph in the h:.ok. * * * In the field of Woad wit, Arteauts in without a rival; he is no preeedentrd and overpowering." * * Sald by bloksellera every whoro, JIM sent by in ail FREI? on receipt ef Price , by CIAREATUN. Publisher, Onto Rudd & Carleton,) No. 41.3 Broodsv'ay, oJrner Lk penerd street, New York. at AATRY PAUL FERROLL KfLtada T T 1118 WIFE? A CAPITAL NEW r OYEZ, BY THE AUTHOR 2F ,4 PAUL FERSOLL.,' Paper covers, price 50 cents cloth.lionnd, Already has a THIRD EDITION or this straage and interesting novel been called for It could hero been written only by a woman pro foundly Corrrersant with the worst cheracteristlei of tier sex, and equally so with all that Is charm;ne; in the to male eltaxacter."—Boston Courier. iei-at CARLETON, Publisher; New York. LHE MAEONIC SECRETS RE VEALED RICHA RDSON'S MONITOR OF FREE-SIA.SONRY A complete °nide to the various Ceremonies and Routine in Pree-Masons' Lodges, Chapters, Encampmentq, Hie rarebies, dite , 1:c , in 811 the Degrees, whether filmier% Ancient, Ineffable, Pnilosophical, or fliatorical; con taining engravings of the S gns, Tokens, and Grips, and descriptions of the Decorations, Drapery, Drees, Its• galls, and Jewels, and likewise the Pass-words and other Secret Words in each Degree. Profusely illustrated with Explanatory Engravings and Plates of the Interior of Lod,ges. Symbols, Arc. BY-JABRZ RICH ABB SON, A. M. A book of 192 pages: Price, 50 cents, bound in •gilt cloth. (If sealed up with sealing-wax, and letter postage paid, St] Any Society of Masons who wish to work in the higher Degrees, or in any Degree whatever, will find this book an invaluable aid to them. F. O. BABCOCK, No. 18 Ann Street, N. Y lieod cool) oreors to my3l-Etuth 3t ' 1 11 4 VICTOR lIUGIO'S *a ll; GREAT NOVEL. LES MISERABLES. The American copyright translation is published and for gala this miming, in two styles—viz: Large MUM, - miler covers, price 50 cents, and on sn• porter paper, elegant cloth binding, Si. It is almost unnecessary for the 'publisher of this mag nificent work to say anything in its favor. The French feuilletonists and critics have exhanatel every adjective in its praise. s.he fabulous amount of 580,000 le reported its having been paid to the author for the copyright IdechinerY of the most gigantic character has been set at work in Ifinrope to its sale there. . Its appearance was followed by a furore unparalleled in the literary world. Two enormous editions, or ten thousand' copies each, were swept_off within the week of its publication, and telegraphic orders arriving from all parts of Europe remained unfilled. It is the acknowledged literary event of the century. In the way of a mint, there's nothing grander in all litera- le** Sold by booksellers everywhere, and sent by, mail FREE, 011 receipt of price, by • • - CARLETON, Publisher, (Late RUDD 44 ClAIILET011,) No, 413 BROADWAY, corner Lispenard street, N. Y. IEW BOOK! NEW BOOK! -LI TEE OHBISTAN SABBATH: its History, Autho rity, Dutie_,s Benefits, and Civil Relations: a seties of (Hs coursesby ROT. W. L. Rice, D. D., Rev. William Hague, Rev. Harvey D. Copse, Rev. William Adams, I) D., and tbe Rev..alexander H. Vinton, D. D.; with a sketch of the Sabbath reform, by the secretary of the Now York Sabbath Committee. 12mo s 75 ots. For sale by . WILLIAM. S. & ALFRED kIARTIEN, rny22 No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. WANTS. DENTII,s ,VFARIRE Q UARTERMASTER GE- Purcniya.rnrA, May 27, 18G2 IV ANTED IMMEDIATELY, 300 able-bodied, healthy men, to go to Virginia, as la borers. Pay 525 per month, and n ration per day. Far farther partioulare, apply to A. B. Eustis, - et 227 South FRONT Street A GOOD BOY WANTED—in a 11 Wholesale Shoe house. Address Box MO. 200 WORK HORSES WA.NTED.- A ',ply at HAGUE & S.S.SSEAN'S Livery sta bles, SAY ERY Etreet, below Girard avenue. Eighteenth Ward. . m3,31-6t* IDARTNER- WANTED.—The adver tiser.l_ desires a partner with some capital and experi- enceto join him in the Produce and Commission business. Addresa Omega," at shirt office. my 26-10r* FOR SALE AND TO LET. 1110, LET—A Grocery Store, Fixtures for sale, earner of THIRTY-HINT Et and Al 411 K E Streets, West Philadelphia. Inquire of Dr. °VARA. tf, 1314 ABM street ies.2t* ARARE CHANCE FOR- 0 tiPI TAMS rB.—FOR RENT—The LANCASTER LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, for a period of three polls, together with the machinery, pattern', tools. and draw ings. All in good order and reedy for immediate opera- Con. Will be rent d low. For particulars apolv to LItI 0. KLINE, jes.3t LANCASTER, Penns. ATBENZEUM.—One Share for Sale. Price only S 6: The par value is $25. Address .4 A...W.," Press office. je3.3t* i m OR PALE OR. EXOHANGE, lat The Subscriber offers to sell on reasonable terms, or excbange for merchandiee, a valuable Store Stand and Dwelling; Store now doing a business of 520.000. Said proprrty is lccatcd on the Pennsylvania Wilkes'', short distance from city. For particulars, address tt I. P.," Press office. jes-3tlit MAHE ET-STREET STO Et E.- ArrA 7ho eesirable o.anite-front Store, No 235, run ning through to Cbureb alley, to rent, at redneet rate, by ANCHONY P. 61 J. H. 9fnitrt.ll, Jes.6tit No 916 ARCH Street. 10 RENT—Four Different Country am- Places, with a few acres of ground, fine fruits, near railroad stations, and convo..ient to tbo city. one. of which is furnished. Apply to E. PE f TIT, je3 No. 300 WALNUt Street gsai FOR, BALE—A desirable Farm, 108 acres, near Downingtown, Chester county ; nicely watered ; hydrant water at the house and barn. First-rate stone improvements, all in complete condition; flue timber, excellent fnitte, ,tc. Apply to • B. PETTIT, jeB . - . • N 0.809 WALNUT Street. BOARDING. QIIPERIOR BOARDING—At Ger maxtown, can be obtained for • two Gentleman and Wives, in one of the moat pleasant lanes to the town, near to the Station; plenty or shade sod tine grounds; no other boarders.. Tenni 88. References exchanged. Address "%Box 1946," Post Office. je64tik BOARDING—At a first•clasa Farm house in Chester county. ttecotis.by Retiree& For particulars, call THIS DAY on the premien". from nine till five, at No. 88 North SIXTEStiTH. Street. Reference exchanged. . • . PHOTOGRAPHS. TnE CERTAINTY of being Eatisfieol with r our picture wken finished, is a great cm sideration ; at BEILIFIR'S there is no failure: Colored Photographs for 81. - SECOND Stree - t above Gnat'. It* REIMER'S COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS are remarkable, - ae ace likenesses, and faithfully colored. None but competent artiste are en gaged at hie Gallery, SECOND Street. aboys Groom Itt PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Imported from Parts, Berlin, end Sienna, latest styles and improvements, wbolesale and retaiL SCIIOLZ & J&- NIENTKCY.I.I2 South BIGHTIT Street. nivii-lm SPRING MILLINERY. t ie REMOVAL. „par MISSES O'BEYAN, 924 CHESTNUT Street, have removed to 1107 WALNUT Street, threedo.oreabove Ele venth, north aide, and will open PARIS lIIILLINBET, for the Spring. on THUBEDAY. Awl/ 17. sel2-2mer DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMASER & Northeast Ooroor YOURTH and }LUZ three% PH/LADELPHLA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTEZO AND DEALERS FONZION AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. NANITTAOTITIORI; OP VIII= LEAD AND ZINO PAINTS, PUTTY, Ad. ♦CAM POE THE OILIBRATXD FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and mummer' enwited at litY LOW PRICES FOB CAM. ar.29.2m WHITE LEAD, DRY AND IN OIL.—Rod Lead, White Lead, Litharge, Sugar of Lead, Copperas, Oil of Vitriol, Cakinel, Patent Yel low, Chrome Red, Chrome Yellow, Aqua Portia, Mu th:do Acid, Epsom Salta, Rochelle Salts, Tartaric, Acid, Crimp Mineral. Soluble Tart, Sub. Crab. Soda. White Vitriol, Bed Precipitate, White Precipitate, Lunar Caustic, Marceline, Sulph. Morphine, Morphine, Acetate Horphine, , Lac. Sulph., Ether Sulphuric, Ether Nitric, Sulphate Quinine, Corr*. Subtle:, Denarootized Opium, Chloride of Soda, Wetherill's Ext. (Mucha, Tartar Emetic, Chloride of Lime, Crude Rom:, Refined Rota:, Camphor, Rosh Copavia. WITHERILL BROTHER, . Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, Noe. 41 and eg North SECOND Street. . PHILADELPHIA. .tam- CYRUS HORNE, UNDER TAKER. No. 23 North NLZTENTII Street.—Everything pertaining to funerals furnished with great care, at the sitorteat notice, and on the moat liberal tonne. The latest and moat approved Melanie Burial Cates and Lead Coffins, very desirable to persons who have lost their friends i n the army, or otherwise, who may wish their bodies convoyed a distance. my2l-ws St* N. B.—Undertakers supplied at a liberal discount. PAMPEIIET PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest In the (Jay, et RINGWILIAT & BROWN'S . 11l Routh FOURTH eat. aplo 5 s BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN SOM STREETS. AUCTION SALE OF CORTES, CARRIA.CES, HAR NESS, SADDLES, Jac. On FATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock. Commencing with the carriages. lam' No poetponoment on account or the weather. it ALFRED M. HPRKNESS, Auctioneer. ORFSF ON SPRINGq, CAM BRI COIIIiTY, PA.—This delightful and popular place of summer resort, located directly on the line of the Pennsylvania I/mitre:o, on the summit of the Allegheny Mountains, twenty-three htt• tired feet above the level of the ocean, will be open for guests from the ICU' of June till the 10th of October. Since last telSoll the grounds have been greatly improved and beautified, and a num ber of Cottages have been erected f.,r the necornmbrla th it of families, rendering Cresson one of the most romantic and attractive places in the State. The furni ture is being tholnuglly renovated. The seeker of pleasure and the nearer from heat and disease will fiat attractions here in a first-class Livery Stable, Ilitliant Tables, Tenpin Altos, Baths, &c., together with tae purest air and water. and the m 'set magnificent motuttaie scenery to be found in the country. Tickets good for the round trip from Philadelphia, $7.60; from Pittsburg, $3.05. For further information, address 'REDFORD SPRINGS.-A. G. AL it, LEN respentinlly informs the public that this cafe brated and fashionable WATERING PL&OE le now open and fully prepared for the reception of 'visitors, ace will be kept open nntil the let of October. Persons wishing Bedford Mineral Water will be sup plied at the following prices at the kiptinge—via: For a bane] (oak) ES 00 half-barrel .‘ 2 00 Parties vied:ling rooms or any information in regard to the place will addrese the "Bedford Mineral Borings Onm - nany." my23-aw LORENCE HEIGHTS.—Mas. F SANDOREN respectfully informs the fernier pa trons of this beautiful suntaisP. RESORT, and the public generally, that the Honse will be opened for the BE•05013, tinder her management, on the 15th JUNE. For terms, and any other information, apply at Dirs. LEVELIPS, 1218 OHESTNUT Street. my2.l-12th /A i MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. DR. EDWARD W. VODGES Respectfully informs his friends. and the public in gene. ral, that he will filVet GRAND CONCERT, In aid of the Sick and Wounded Volunteers in the Phila. delohia Hospitals, on TUESDAY EVENING, 33NIE 10, 1862. The Programme wilt embrace choice selections, by Mrs. HE NRIETTE BEHRENS, -Miss JOSEPHINE O'CONNELL, Mr. HORACE S. W RITE THAN, and Itlr. JULES HOLSTEIN, Who will preside at the Piano. Grand Choruses from the Operas of " Semiramide," L'lt alien a in dialer i," " La Sonnambula," "Ernani," and "William Tell," • By the BEETHOVEN MUSICAL SOCIETY, And choice Operatic selections by "BIRGFELD'S BRIGADE BAND." In addition to which will be presented choice Scenes from shaltspetwe's Comedy of "TAMING THE SHREW." A laughable Dialogue, entitled “L'HOMME ET SON VALLEY **SHAMUS - O'BRIEN," A Tale of the Irish Rebellion. Speeches of George Francis Train, Esq ' by a com pany of young ladies and gentlemen, who have kindly volunteered their services on this (martian. Tickets to all parts of the Academy, 26 cents. Seats may be secured at J. E. Gould's Music Stitra, corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets, without extra charge. jes 31* JOHN DREW'S _LTA. AEC -STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager W. S. FREDERICKS. Business Agent and Treasurer JOS. B. IiTIEPECY. ENGAGEMENT OF F. S. OFIANTRAE. 9 lIIIESDAY, Juno 5, MO, Charles Gaylor's National Drama of BULL Iturr, BULL lluN, BULL RUN! Or, the Sacking of Fairfax Court Homo. Jupiter . , (a contraband,) Previous to the drama, the DEBUTANTE ; or, A. PEEP BZIIIND the SCENES. A.chille Telma Dufard F B. Chaufrau. Friday, Benefit of F. S. Chaufrau. Prices as usual. Doors open at 7g. Curtain rises at S o'clock TALN 11 T• SITE ET • THEATRE NINTH sod WALNUT Streets. Solo LPOSPO , Mrs. H. A...Gsrrettarn. FOURTH NIGRT Ok' HISS KIMBERLY. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING. June I, 1882, The performance will commence with THE ANGEL OF lIIIDNIGHT. The Angel of Midnlgtt. Love A Woodcutter Destiny The perfoxmance to conclude with A ROARING FAIWE Pittasa-50, 37X,76, and 25 cents; Private Dozes, $5 and $3, according to their locale. Doors open at 7',X o'clock. To commence at 7X. MRS. FRANCES ANNE, KE SYLE'S BEA DINGS AT CONCERT HALL. WEDNESDAY, 4th instant, 8 P. M Merchant of Venice." • FRIDAY, Sth lust , 8 P. 31.—