THE PRESS. 'PUBLISHED DAILY (SUNDAYS EXOEPTED,) BY JOHN W. FORNEY. .OFFICE, No.lll SOUTH FOURTH STREET. THE DAILY PRESS, TVIELVX 06XTS PER WENX, payable to the earlier. 'Mailed to Subscribers out of the My at SIX DOLLARS TSB MINIM YOUR DOLLARS TOR EIGIV litoxrus, 'TonE■ DOLLARS FOR Suc Ilionne—invariably in ad "TWO for the timo ordered, THE TRI.WEEKLT PRESS' Walled to Subooribors out of tho City at TmatiS DOL. RARSTEU, Atuvis, iu advance. COMMISSION HOUSES. & 00,1 $2O CJIBEVIITTIT STREET, Agents fin the* following makes of goods: PRINTS. 7111111IN1ILL 11FG. 00.... GREENE ure. 00. :LAWNS. , DUNNS."GL 111.0.:00 BLEAC.qED COTTONS. *Srndafa, itorestdate, Auburn, Waterwornle, Centred&le, Jamestown, Blackstone, Rope, Red Bank, Dorchester, Rewburyport, Newness, Zoneve, Burton, Greens oo.'s A. A. B. A., 0. A., and other styles, BROWN COTTONS. eurnaido, Tront, GrotOO, Ashland, Chestnut, Manville, Mechanics' sad Farmers'. OSBBET JEANS.—Otaagow, hianohoder. DENIM AND BTRlPM—Orafton, Jewett Mr, gladison, Statorovigo, Agawam, Mayetona, Ohootaw. CANTON FLANNNl.S....4l.aterErrige. Agawam. SILEOLAEL--Bmith's. goolai.Oo.:, Lansdale 00. WOOLENS. ARMY BLUE CLOTHS, KERBRYS, and ?UM WILL BROAD OLOTlFS.—Pinatotta', Glenhean 00., dm OASSINICIBES.--Gey 4 Son, Sexton's River, &a. • BATINITIL—Bass Elver, Conversvllle. Lower Val. .Any, Hope, Otaffordville, Converse and Hide, Converse 'Bros. & Co., Rum rlfg. Co. RIINTIIORT JEANS.—Rodman, Hyoids, Gold Modal. WHET FLANNELS.—WILLTAIIDYS Angola, Nei. • our, Neese, and other styles: LON/MALE , Nankeens and Colored Cambrloo, PLAID LINSEY'S, COTTON/0E8; &a. Ve26.Bta SHIPLEY, lIAZA, ktD, & HUTOHLNSON, no. ill OTIESTNIIT STREET, OtritRIISSION MERCHANT'S PHILADELPGIA-MADE GOODS., m1103.6m CARPETS AND OIL C.LOTEIS. CANTON MATTINGS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 519 ORESTICIETT STREET, (OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE,) Have now open FRESH MPORTATIONS WHITE, RED CHECKED, Ana FANCY COLORED CANTON AIATTINGS. 600 PS. J. CROSSLEY SON'S ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSEL% FROM 87i TO 81 PR. YD, J. F. & E. B. ORNE, !avid NEW CARPETING. eTAnES H. ORNE, 42 6 OHES'INUT STREET, IfINLOW fiBTSPRIL We hale jot received, by late arrivals from Etireaos some U4O and choice varieties of OARPIITIN4, corn prhdng TRENCH ATIBITSON Square Carpets. ENGLISH AXMINSTERS, by the Yazd and in entire Oarpete. VitOBBLB/13 154 and 3-4 l e.' Velvets. -. cc - Tapestry BrtisEali.- ft Bruzeele thrpoting: Also, a large 'variety of CROSSLEY'S and other makes. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, From 87te. to $1 Per Yd. Our assortment comprises all the best Eaten or Three oly and Ingrain Oarpeting, which, together.with a gene. rat mirletp of goods in our line, will be offered at the WA. 11111 t possible prices. OM CLOTH FOR FLOORS, from one to eight yards wide, cut to any Sine. FRESH MATTINGS. By late *vivito from China We bare a WI aeeortment WHITE AND COLORED MA TTIN(IS OF ALL WIDTHS JANES H. ORNE, ap 4 -2m GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. • - mocALLum ea Co., INA.NUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERs !09 CHESTNUT STREET. (oDrosite Independence Hand 4DARPETINGS. OIL CLOTHS, &a. We nave now on hand an extensive stools of Carnettny, Of our own and other makes, to which we call the atten tion of cash and short-time havers. mhZ-Ern FOURTH -STREET CARPET STORE Oa, 4T ABOVE CHESTNUT,- No. 4T. J. T. DELAOROIX Invites attention to hie Spring importation of- • . CARPETING-S. vempriging every style, of the Newest Patterns and S:iesigns. in VELVItT, BRUSSELS. T &PESTEN HMS. PEES, IMPEICLAL TititEE.PLE, and INGRAIN idAEPETENGS. VENETIAN and DAMASK STAIR tiARPETINGS. itOOTOH BAG and LIST SARPETINGS. 'LOVE OIL CLOTHS, in every width. COCOA and CAN ON MA.TTINOS. DOOR-MATS, NUGS. SHEEP SKINS, DRUGGRTS, and CRUMB CLOTHE. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ) LOW FOR CASH. • J. T. 01,10.03101 X, 47 South feI:MTH Street. MILLINERY GOODS. SPRING 1862. 1862. WOOD & CARY, (Successors to Lincoln, Wood, & Nichols') 725 CHESTNUT STREET, Have now in Store a complete stock STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, SILK BONNETS, STRAW AND PALM-LEAF HATS, ito To which they reepeollelly Invite the attention of the tamer 'strong of the house and the trade generally. marit4Bm SPRING. BERNHEINT. NG. TM CIIMTNIIT STREET, Iles now in store, and to daily receiving, the %tut lee In -NS, FRENCH FLOWERS, WREATHS, SILKS, CRAPES, AND OTHIIIII MILLINERY. GOODS. Which b. reiroctildly %grit* the attention of lbw TRAWL mh244lm - PRiCES LOW. KENNEDY & BRO., USEZSTNUT street, beim! Zightb. snip muzINERT 000DEll AT LOW Plilo2o. CO CHESTNUT 1862. LACES, 7lr r or ,*, ,"A trVr , - , i .... . ..•; " 1 ' r _ ... , .t, 1 , If / i i i :,)- 14 ~. ix... . \-,,... \ I ,f, ~' 1 ,, if s„. ". . : 2 - ".-;:.; - ...i., I ' : ••'=,- Irte vr lie :......... . - , -, \ s •V6 l. I f; .. _ ~, 4 , -- - --A - ... - _ -. . - .-,.. - :-.. - 1 - ;; ~...-, •, - ,i-!.....1... , .:;,,ktt, , - , ....---,lii --,--.:.,..,,, ..-_-:::.,._....,;.,.:.; e ~_ , . , ..„..., 1 - , .-,•: ~,,, -, , ............___...._ - kk.„- -,, ••:,.; - -,4 , ,,7 , -;-----: .. 7 -2,7,-„:., - .I,liiit- --%.:-- i - .?;: . ..' - : : -:.'Z T. ; ,-4-ik -,..f-: .- . f ,„ ...„. 1 . ./.- •,,,--;- --. _ ..... fell i ii i --;.,_........r .... , I .. _, , ~,,,fr ...., ‘. . . , .. .• , ~ ..ox. - - 1.. , . , : ! , :::. . . _ . . . . 1,-- r „A ..t-i._._:; ~ -,,,,„,.„-...... ......„ ~.4;...,,, ~ ,,. ..- -7,--0 , ,,, ..., . .,.....:_,.,.;.::.: , , ,1.,„.,..,i . 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Napkin Rings. " it 4 ' Butter Knives.. Silver Plated Sugar Bowl. it it Butter Dish, 46 i i Molasses PitobCr. ' it it Cream ii it it OaSteir. 6 ' it Waiter, ii it Goblet. " ii Drinking Cup. Sugar Sifter. Gold Plated Vest Ohaln, all stylei. it Chatelaine, ii ii it ii Bracelet, U it Medallion, it " if Armlets, " tt ii 11 Breast Pin, it 4, " if Pin and Drops, all styles. -ii ti Studs and Buttons, lc Solitary Slooro Button, all otylta Bosom Studs, - 4, ' ai It if Fi n g er Rings, Si Li Si ft p enc il s , it it " " Pen with Pendl. Came. Ladies' or Gentlemen's Port Monnele, Cubes, Begs, Parsee, Bcc. All Ginnie warranted as repre sented. We have on hand a large assortment of Photo graph Albums, Mantel Olocke, Travelling Bage, and Gold Jewelry, which wo are closing off at cost. The at tention of the trade respectlally solicited. D. W. CLARK'S ONE DOLLAR STORM, and-2m SO2 CHESTNUT Street. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. - M. L. HALLOWELL & Co.„ 333 MARK= and 27 NORTH FOURTH STS., Wholesale Dealert in SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Desirous of selling off their stock of goods, previous to removing to their New Store, in cc JAYNE'S MARBLE BUILDING.," ONESTITIIT STREET, Offer for the remainder of the season,.at Wholeade only, their ATXRAOTITE STOOK or recently-purchased - DRESS GOODS, At prices generally much under COST OP IMPORTATION. They will also offer, at LOW- PRICES, A well.selected assortment of other goods in their line, many of which will be sold at a • GREAT SACRIFICE. apl9-mwf-t3es' NEW IMPORTATIONS. HOSIERY. GLOVES, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS, SHIRT FRONTS, WHITE GOODS, AND EMBROIDERIES. THOS. MELLOR it Co.. lahl2-2at 40 and 42 North TEEM Street. 1862. E . 'RING 1862. AI3i3OTT. JOHNES. & 00.. s 27. MALBRET 13TREET, Have now open an outbid,' now and attractive dock in ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, AND AMERICAN • DRESS GOODS. Also, a tail aaeortnent in WRITE GOODS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, t4ua., la., To which they Invite the attention of the trade. mb24-tjel 1862. s PRINc 1862, W. S. STEWART & 00.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, 306 . MARKET smzET. Row In store, POIILT DE SOLE, AS Shades. BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, , et; In SILK S and OTHER FABRICS. ALSO, 6 POLL Line Or CLOAKING - CLOTHS, PLAIDS, STRIPES, And desirable PLAIN COLORS. anl7 • SPRING STOOK SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS A. W. LITTLE & mll5-11 Na 39 MATIKET ST. ' PA.PEtt 11ANGINGS pHILADELPHIA PAPER HANGINGS. HOWELL & BOURKE, CORNER OF - FOURTH SND MARKET STREETS; MANUFACTURERS OF PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, Offer to the Trade a LARGE AND ELEGANT AS SOBTMENT OF GOODS, from the cheered Brown Stock to the F ineat Decorations. N. E. COR. FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS. -14. 8.--Solid Green, Rine, and Buff WINDOW PAPERS of every' grade. - ap23-2rn BLINDS AND SHADES BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. NVILLIAMS„, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STRILET I WANITFACTURBI4 Or VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. The !argot and anted aaeortment in the Oily at the LOWEST PERMS. STOBE SHADES I.ICTTEBIGD. Bearing neemnily attended to. Watt LOOKING. GLASSES: JAMES S. EAR 1 it SON, NIANUTAOTUBERS AND irtrourrxe . LOOKING GLASSES, ort. PAINTINGS, riNx NNOBAVINOO, • TIOTURN AND PORTRAIT PRAXIIO, PROTOGRAPR FRAMER, ' PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, OARTRazonarn . PORTRAIT% EARLE'S GALLERIES. Ole CHESTNUT STREET ' . - ysii PHILADDLPIILS.. STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS. MARTIN & QUAYLE'S mi. STATIONERY, TOY, AND rANoT GOODS EMPORIUM, No. /035 WALNUT STREET, • MOW mamma, 'Pn/LADELPRIA. bi ,e MONDAY, MAY 2.6, 1862 Novels and Nave)ists The number of novel-readers has not latterly declined, buLthere is a scarcity of novels themselves. Bulwer rests after his "Strange Story "=--which may be called a failure, for such a man. Dickens himself is apparently idle. But Anthony Trollope, whose cc Brown, Tones, and Robinson" is wholly unworthy of him, is producing a capital story, called "Orley Farm," which appears ininonthly numbers, and is. reproduced:in Harpers ' Magazine, in com pany with Miss Mulock's ccldistress and Maid," a feeble and diluted tale, anti Thacke ray's cc Adventures of Philip," which, though terribly spun .ont, ,has passages and inci dents worthy of -the mind that created inimi table Becky Sharp in "-Vanity Fair." Then there is Wilkie Collins, whose new story, en titled "No Name," regularly appears in Reaper's Weekly, and so far, is written with great power. George A. Sala's cf Adventures of Captain" Dangerous," now publishing in Temple may be set down as more ambitions than sue cessful, being much inferior to his striking but improbable ccSeven Sons of Mammon." Mrs. Henry:Wood, author of "East'Lynne" and " The Channings," has suddenly reached the top of the tree. Her very last book, "A Life's Secret: A Story of Woman's Itevenge,?.' will be 'published by Messrs.' Peterson, to-day, from the author's advance sheets and manu script, and, as we have already said, is certain to entertain a multitude of readers. Seven or eight years ago a story - called cc Paul Ferroll" was published anonyniously in Lon don; and, though much out the usual track of domestic novels, : it ran through five editions. It told how a Man, highly eduCated and weal thy, finally confessed, to save the life of ano ther, unjustly'condemned, that he himself had murdered his own first :wife. Mr. Ferroll, hiniself supplying evidence of gidlt, was sen tenced to death; but contrived to escape from prison, and Snallydied et Boston, in his latest moments self-juStified for having committed murder. 7here are-imprObable: scenes in this book. For instance, in no English court of law could old MrS. Franks have been convicted of murdering Mrs. Ferrell, on no more deuce than that of hayingstolen some jewels from her in years past. But the story Was well, told and much read. It was republished in New oil in 1856, but did not meet with much success. : It became known that this story, showing great power in dealing with the de.epar and darker emotions of the human heart, was written by Mrs. _Olive, author of a small vo lume of striking verse, called ri IX Poems, by V." Of this lady nothing is generally known, except that she has written a great deal of prose and verse, over the initial , E V.," for Illachwood's iltagazive, and that she was one of the late Miss Mittord's intimafe friends. Of her Miss Itlitford wrote, ten years ago, in her Recollectiona of a Literary Life, «I have never known any creature half so cheerful. Happy sister, happy mother, happy wife, she even bears the burden of a large fortune and a great house without the slightest diminution of the delightful animal spirits, which , always deem to me to be, of her many gifts, the choicest. Moreover, enjoyment seems to be her mode of thankfulness; as, not being con tent with being happy herself, she has a trick of making every one happy that,cool23 near` her. Ido not know how she contrives it, bat such is the effect. There is no resisting, the contagious laughter of those dancing eyes. As, however, every bady that thinks deeply as she does, must have some moments of sad ness, - she is content to put them into her watings." No mention of Mrs. Olive is to be found in Allibone's Dictionary of British and American Anthors=not from carelessness or ignorance, but because the lady has always written anonymously, and, therefore, couldnot well be included 031 mere hearsay and popalar belief. A few months ago, after a pause of six years, Mrs. Clive produced another volume, called "Why Paul Ferrell Killed his Wife," which may be accepted either as an introduc tion or as a sequel to the other striking fiction. This iras just been republished by G. W. Carleton, New York, and we may safely say that whoever read the first tale, should read the second. It holds out no justification for the deed on which the interest turns, but per lips a French jury, on hearing such evidence as it offers, would qualify the verdict of gc Guilty," by adding that there were extenua ting circumstances. Here and in England, the verdict might be a repetition of the well known "Sieved her right." In companion ship with Mrs. CliTe's new story is a new edi tion of 4r Paul Ferrol'," published by W. .1. Widdleton, Netv York. In feet, the two stories are virtually one. Among recent novels, although.we have al ready noticed it, we may here mention c; The Last of the Mortirnei s," by Mrs.. Oliphant, who made her reputation by a Scottish tale, called "Margaret Maitland ; " and has since written a vied deal, but not too much. We notice, among the Harpers' announcements of forth coming books, Lc The Life of Edward Irving," the celebrated Scoteli preacher, illustrated by his journals and correspondence. Mrs. Oli phant is the biographer, and the book is well thought of in lc the old country." Her now novel, relating adventures supposed to have occurred in the Cheshire family of Mortimer, is just the book to cheat away dull hours with, in the dreamy mood when, either from too much or too little head-work, one ' knows not how to make solitary"afternoon or evening pass on with out ennui. .The story is told by two persons— an old maid, good-hearted and rather twad dling, and the young and lively wife of a poor subaltern in an English regiment, who is the exact reverse of the old maid. To our taste, the best characters here are Sara Creswell, the spoiled only daughter of a country attor ney ; an awkward Scotch lassie, named Lizzie, maid of all work in the lieutenant's very small establishment ,• and a good humored, immense ly stout, and capital Italian valet, named Do menico. _We suspect that the hand-maiden, Elizabeth, in Miss Mulocli's "Mistress and Maid," bas been suggested by Mrs. Oliphant's Lizzie. Certainly, there are many, points-of resemblance, and while Miss Mulock rarely invents a character, Mrs. Oliphant frequently does. With the exception of one great exception, namely-"--the late Theodore Winthrop—the re . cent American novels of merit have been written by women. For example, there is cc Margret Howth ; a story of To-day," which appeared anonymously in the .dllentic Monthly, and is now known to have emanated from a mind delicately, purely, and intellectually feminine. The heroine herself is "A perfect woman, nobly ;planned," but, after ha,ving read the story for the third time, we feel more deeply interested in poor, half-witted, sound-hearted Lois Yare, the de formed. ller death is related with touching and tender simplicity. nother recent story is "The Sutherlands," also by a woman—who chooses to remain un known, except as another of "Rutledge," Serious novel which had a run some two years ago. The scene opens in England a century ago, but soon shifts to this country. The au thor clearly knows London only through re port, fbr Portland Place, where she puts peo ple living'inl7Bo, had not a house in it until half a century later, not having been laid out until after Regent's Park was enclosed: The story, which is one, of true love, with its trials culminating in marriage, is extremely well told, and the authoress gives a spirited, and apparently correct, view of society in America before the Revolution. The strong character is Ralph Sutherland, whose doom, said to have actually occurred, is fearfully awfid and im pressive. fitrs. Stowe has lately produced two new works of fiction, Ticknor & Fields being the publishers. These are an Italian romance of the close of the fifteenth century, called "Agnes of Sorrento," the tragical part of which is the Auto de fe of Savanarola at Flo." PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAY 26, 1862. reuce. Mostof the other characters are ficti tious. It is impossible to deny that there are many pages of excellent writing (particularly the descriptive passages) in this story, but it had the effect upon us, in its glacial coldness, of showingmerely asort of frozen imitation of Ita lian passion. We read it, as it appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, and found it Without relish. In book-form it is equally unsatisfactory. Very different is cc The Pearl of Orr's Is land," an American tale, also by Mrs. Stowe. The incidents appear very probable, which is much in a domestic Story, and the characters, one and all, are The fair heroine herself, a sort of ,human Titania., is delicately individualized. More strongly marked are the two sea-captains, Pennell Mid Kittridge, the htter with his ro mancing sea-anecdotes ; the two sisters, Miss Roxy and Miss Ruey ; Mrs.Kittridge and her lively daughter, saucy Sally; the iexcellent clergyman and his little sister; and the hero of the legend ; bold and impetuous Moses, the orphaned sea-waif. This story is as poetical in many places as if it had .been written in metro or in rhyme. It deals with common things and ordinary persons, but makes beauty out of all. To our taste, though undoubtedly Mrs. Stowe's reputation was caused by, and Will mainly rest upon, that terrible tragedy, cc Uncle Tom's Cabin," she will beguile ten der hearts of more tears by this simple, touch ing, truthful ((Pearl of Orr's Island." Lastly, among, recent novels, are those of the late Theodore Winthrop. Two have been published—cc Cecil Dream" and cc John Brent" —and Ticknor & Fields have announced a third from the same pen. The author tell in battle—died, patriot and poet as he was— fighting for his native land and Ps free institn tions, against foulest treachery. What might he not have written, had he lived ! His story of " Job n. Brent" is as fine a specimen of rapid narrative as novelist ever penned. His tate, as a writer, was singular, and we prefergiving an account of it, frord the "c Editor's Easy Chair," in the June number of Harper's Ma gazine: I knew a young man of great gifts who was en tirely unknown to the world. Ile was smitten with the uld and sacred love of fame. Be wrought for it patiently and with the most delicate honor, bid ing his time and carefully completing the works into which lie putthe vitality of his genius. Some of them be offered to publishers. 'They were all liked and praised. Baton° publisher wanted some change in the MS , slight, but essential. Another feared the lowering aspect of the times. Still others had other excuses. Theysaw excellence, they felt promise, but they did not quite dare to risk the chances. Suddenly the name of the young author became famous in an utterly different direction. Circum stances gave his career a hue of heroic romance that fascinated and inspired. A noble and early death completed his life. A new name had been added to hislory. Is it surprising that the pub lishers, who liked, but did not venture to.undertake the issue of his works before, now felt aeoure of their success? Had. they 4 ‘ rudely slammed the door of fame in his face?" Bad he not opened it for himself? You will say that this is a factitious and extrinsic reason for literary fame. Not necessarily. The occasion that gave him an audience was certainty not literary. But nothing except the genius can give any man literary fame. The occasion opens the casket, but it did not create the jewel. We do not err, we believe, in affiliating tbese lines aeon G. W. Curtis, whose own g‘ Trumps" should be mentioned among able recent American novels. What is to be Done with. therrisonersl (For The, Press.] , The numerous prisoners captured by the soldiers of the Union are living in idleness, maintained at great coat, and at the expense of the loyal citizen& They have been well Instructed in some con structions ; they have labored, some with a will, all under compidsion, in digging trenches and rifle pits, and throwing up ramparts and forts, whence our "soldiers have been slaughtered by- thou sands; many of them have been engaged in making dams, or otherwise inimdating places, to`prevent th'e ,passage of our troops;-in destroying roads and railways; in making other . roads for the rebel armies ; felling timber „for alitattis or other . purposes, and in the atrocious villainy 'Of bu rying bombs and torpedos with_ percussion caps in the works and roads, from which they were driven in fair fight, treacherously to-murder indi viduals of the troops by whom they were con quered. Noy, then, apply the skill they have etc quired, er that they can acquire from their in etructed companions, in weiks of genera utility, beneficial to the country they have endeavored, to injure. Set the whole of them to work on the canal to unite the lakes with the Mississippi, on the 'Bun bury and Erie railroad, and on the enlargement of the New York canals.. Thus, their num bers being very larfie, a great quantity of labor can be done in a- short time, and a considerable - part of the expense of maintain ing them will be compensated. . They were compelled to labor on fortifications by their rebel roasters, by military coercion, and they oug,lit to be under the same coercion, if they do not perform the same labor upon beneficial constructions. Put the whole of them to work, officers and all. None of them are better than the citizens, they have been killing. Strong detachments of well-armed mi. : litia—or regulars, if they can be spared—must be stationed with every corps of the laborers to pre vent escape, and to keep them in subordination. If this is considered employment, the least they can expect is to earn their rations and lodgment; if considered punishment, they have deserved it, and have reason to be gratefal that it is so light. Strict law and justice would hang every man of them for treason and for murder. MAY 19, 1802. How Iron Plates Should be - Put. On. (Tor the Prete No perpendicular wall, even of iron, can resist repeated blows of cannon: balls, bat a ball striking a smooth. bard surface inclined at an saute angle, will almost always glance. Therefore, it is superflu ous to plate ships with iron slabs placed perpendicu larly, or nearly so. To answer the purpose for which they are put on, the plates must be laid at an angle with thwdeek of twenty-two degrees, or very near it. Even then, if the opposing gun be upon a height, so that the ball shall plunge upon the plate nearly at aright angle, it will penetrate, or at least break the plate, unless of thickness and weight that no vessel can carry. May 20, 1862. O. (For The Prom.) $ For want ef timely aid, millions have died of cable wounds." , The number of wounded now in our milititry hospitals is large, and may very soon be greatly increased; while the means for their relief in the hands of the surgeons are quite insufficient. Stud" we permit our brave fellows to die, or, even to ad for needlessly, for want of timely supplies? Or, shall we not rather bring home to our bosoms the actual condition of these sufferers in our cause, and resolve at once, at whatever sacrifice, to supply all needful appliances? Let us lose no time; aban dage, or si dossil of lint., an hour sooner would have saved the life of a noble youth, perhaps your son or brother. Among the supplies now most needed, are sponges, oiled silk, linen or muslin rags, sheets, bandages, lint, and hair or feather cushions; also, butter, eggs, fruits in every form, and other dell; These, or other hospital supplies, sent to the Ladies' Aid, on Friday, ...23d inst., at the Church, earner Twelfth and Walnut, be promptly for warded to the hospitals at Fortress Monroe and elsewhere. MAY 22, 1862. [For The Press.] • Mn. Berzon : As many of our brave soldiers die in our military hospitals from wounds received in doing battle for the defence of our glorious Con; stitution, or of disease contracted in the various camps, it seems proper that, a suitable place should be selected wherein to deposit their mortal remains. In view of this necessity, the managers of the Mount Morials Cemetery Company have set apart a large and eligible plot of ground in the most beautiful part of the new addition, for the inter ment of such of our noble defenders as may fall battle or, die in the hospitals of our city; and are prepared to execute a deed for the lot to any a,sso oiation that will take charge. of the same for such _ purpose; or they will permit the friends of soldiers, or persons connected with our hospitals, to make use .of the "Soldiers' Burial Lot." • • On behalf of-the Association. . R. P. K. [For The Frees.) pm - LADELpzurA, may,22, Din. EDITOR : After your article of to-day the following anecdote may be deemed apropos : The Doke of Wellington once attended an exhi-, bition of the celebrated steam gun. At the close of the performance he remarked : "If the steam gun. had been invented first, what a glorious imProve ment gunpowder would ha r tre beemv ROBERT IiEttiCOTT WITHIN TUB PDLATO ABC.--Itobert Kenicott, of Chicago, an eminent nate, ralist, who is travelling in the northern British Poe- . sessions, collecting specimens for the Smitheonion tote and the Audubon Club, of that city. has been beard from at Fort Anderson, far 'within the Polar Are, under Lint ouf july,lB6l. Ile purposes visiting the - Arebie coast :ft July, and then starting for home the that oflogndt, reachirg Nis in December... OUR ARMY CORRESPONDENCE. Letter froin General McClellan's Array Vinrrn HOUSE, Sunday Evening, May 18, 1862. A. SUNDAY EVENT\G 1N CLW. Every band in this vast encampment is playing its sweetest tones this evening. The sky gives us a full moon, bright stare, and a blue vault unsullied by a single cloud. The horizon, as far as the eye can see, is lit up by camp tree. They chequer everything around us. Soldiers are singing religious tunes, and everything heard and seen is of the rarest melody and beauty. What a wonderful change from the appearance of tbe camps forty-eight hours ag s, when rain and rand rivalled each other in reeking us feel - miserable I leorty-eight hours from now the army may have marched on, and this beau tifut camp be but a desolate plain, without a human beteg to relieve its monotony ! As I write tho band of the 96th Fen - asylyania Regi ment hes drawn up before the tent in which 1 - 'Blll, and commenced an exquisite serenade; just near enough to how all distinctly ; jest far enough away to render its MUMS nleatard, its notes fell upon my ears with !Mx rrenilla pleasure. Now low, now high, now loud, now gentle—its sweet music floats around, tilling the air and removing every thing wikiat could near the scene. Since I have joined the grand army, I have not had more plea. sant moreentssinco I left the sanctuary at homo, to be. come the correspondent! abroad, no greater pleas - two Ins been given me than that furnished by the band of this noble regiment, on this beautiful '3abbatb evening. With bow lunch patriotism should such scenes inspire us! Driving a cowardly and treacherons foe Wore us—inva ding an enemy's country, a victory on whose soil every. regiment can tosset—with the feeling of a righteous cause aselling our bosoms—wo are all ready to march firmly and proudly on to future.triumphs, Hoy God blese this vast army ! In its ranks ., I have seen snore de vout worship of Him than any other nation's armed men can boast. "Old Hundred" ushered in the forenoon, and now, in the evening, after Old Hundred" once more, the men are pledging their fealty in our grand na tional antlient , r the Star.speneled Banner." How Soon tbat tanner shall ssava in triumph over Richmond is locked up in the breast of- our prat - Ifni general, who, despite criticism'or condemnation, is, to-day, the favorite of all his soldiers. btoß 01 THE WEST POINT-BATTLE; Tbe - newspaper.acconnts of this battle, fought days ago, and just received in the camp, are by no means correct. Every regiment mentioned as hexing b. en in it was there, but by setae inattention Pennsylvania did not get the credit due her. The 136th Penunlvania wad in the fight, but not actually engaged; the 25th, Col Ocsline, was in the thickest, and lost ten men killed, wounded, and miss ing. The light was on the lib, the reciments debarking the previous evening. Tim 27th New York mid 96th Pennsylvania first landed, then came the remainder of filocum's brigade. Newton's brigtido, containing the 95th Penns). ivanie, immediahly followed, acting Gan. Taylor, with the New Jersey troops, brought up the rear. The landing was made on a field of 1.200 acres, fringed with dense woods. Skirmirhera were sent out right and left to picket and obstruct roads; the left, however, not to remain as pickets. On the morning of the 7th, firing was heard on the right, and the whole divisiOn was in stantly under arms and ordered forward. A company of the 05th Pennsylvania, taken by a staff officer to guard, whilst an inlet on the sight was sketched, was the first fired This company fell back until they were in a line with their regiment, when the Colonel took six com panies with hint forward into the wend, and held his post there amid thufaing until it enaseii, the enemy retreat ing. Companies were deployed right and left, under Col. Gosline's orders, both effiters and men behaving admire- The fah Regiment played a - less chnspicrions; though eoually important part. It was deployed in force on the left, thins. n forward into the woods, and remained in line unt il evening. Captain Filbert, of the regiment, went out on the extreme left sri h a party of observation, pass ing over a morass which had been pronounced impassable. and discovered entrenchments and other indications of an enemy, which discovery was somewhat startling. The only artillery used by the rebels in the skirmish were fired from this point, and a.shot from the 'United States gunboats in reply, entered the ground within fifteen foot of the captain's party. Many shots, indeed nearly all the filing from the artillery of the rebels and - the United States aunbaats, passed immediatily over the heads of the ggtb, they remaining firmly en the -ground where they :were ordered to deploy. Shouts from the rebels were constantly heard in front, but the regiment was under strict orders not to advance. All danger from the enemy 'on the road approaching the left was effectually removed by Ident. Cot. Frick, who, with four companies, spent tbe evening in b'ockading the road for a mile and a half in advance of our troops. do tnt write this as a fall description of the engage. tent I only give the part taken by the two Pennsyiva-: MEM A. screw must be loose somewhere, or men would not be allowed to fleece the troops in the manner in which it is done at White blouse. Rather than this, the old sutler system tad better be brought back with all its horrors. Irresponsible persons come up the river in small vessels how, they passed Eprtreas MOD.C.OO and the fleet lam at a less to know—and. sell the troopi nathithries at most lainons prices. The Government should certainly regu late these men acid establish a tariff of prices for their government. As it it, the soldiers are 'fleeced of all their hard errnings. Every pay day these vendore of mer chandise have a cluster of men surrounding them, who purchase their small wares because they need them, but who are most shamefully asked four or 'five times the worth of the article. It would be a humanitarian ant if some one in authority would take care that this crying evil is corrected. J. 0. IMPORTANT SOUTHERN NEWS. THE DPIIEL CAPITAL TO-BE , DEFENDED. Declaration of Jeff baits*to the fir- glnia Legialatare. PROCLAMATION FROM GOV. LETCHER _ Our correspondents with the different divisions of the army have sent us files of late Southein papers. Thole papers are from Richmond, Memphis, Now Orleans, and Natchez, Mississippi, and contain many items of news hetewith appendcd. jt appears that the rebels are 'de tell:Dined to defend Richmond to - the last extremity—at at least So Jeff Davis, Letcher, and the Richmond editors say. The wails of the Richniond papers over the prospec t of the capture of the capital show how heavy a blow that triumph of oniarnis wou'd be. According to the Rich mond Dispatch,'" Richmond is now the poht in which are centred the hopes and lupprebenslone of the Sooth;" end that the Legislature of the State holds the same opi nion is proved by the following joint resolutions, which were adopted by that body on the 14th instant : • • Resolved, by the'aeneral Assembly of Virginia, That the General-Assembly hereby express its desire that the capital of the State be defended to Stalest extremity, If such defence be in accordance with the VieWe of the Pre sident of the Confederate States; and that the Pent lent be assured that whatever destruction and lose of property of the State cr individuals shall thereby result will be cheerfully submitted to. Resolved, That a committee of , two on the part of the Renate, ebd three on'tbe pert or tbellouse, be appointed to communicate tbo adoption of the foregoing resolution to the Prtaident. A copy from the rolls. Tato, WU. F. GORDON, .Tft , O. IT D. emsl N. of A , By Jiro. T., Deputy. Official Declaration from Jeff Davis. On the 15th inst. a joint committee, appointed by the Legislature of Virginia to communicate with Jeff Davie in relation to the defence of Eichmond. made the follow ing report: "The joint committee, appointed by the two /louses to communicate to the President of the Oonfederate States the joint reeolntimut of the General Assembly, in relation to. the detenco of the city, have discharged the duty con fided to them, and respectfully report that their inter view with the President wee in the highest degree eat's factory, and hie views, as communicated with entire frankness to the committee, were well calculated to in spire them with confidence, and to reassure the public mind. "After reading the resolutions, ho desired ns to say to the General Mang)ly that he had received the com munication of these resolutions with, feelings or lively gratification, and instructed us to assure (he MUMS that it would be the effort cif his life to defend the soil.of Virginia, and to Dauer her capital. . ."/Jefurther stated - that he had never entertained the thought of withdrawing the army from Virginia and abandoning the Slate; that if, in the course. of events, the capital should fall, the necessity or which ho did not see or anticipate, that would be no reason for withdraw log the army from ,Tirgiola. The..war could stilt be succesrfuny maintained on Virginia soil for twenty years. " All of which le respectfully submitted. "JOHN ROBINSON, • "Chairman Senate Committee. "WOOD BOULDIN, • " Chairman Bonne Committee. A cony—Teats : " Wu. F. GORDON, Clerk House of Delegates. "8y4011.14 T. Cowen, Deputy." Proclamation of Governor Letclier7 . On the 15th, Governor Lacier fumed the following proclamation, declaring that the capital mind not be surrendered, and calling a meeting for the purpose of Providing for the public defence : "By the Governor of Virginia—A Proclamation. it The Genetai Assembly of this Commonwealth having resolved that t the capital of the btate shrill be defended fo the last extremity, it such defence le in accordance with the .views of the President of the Confederate States', and having declared that whatever destruction and loss of _property of the Stute or 'individuals shall thereby result will be cheerfully eubmitted to,' and the action being warmly approved and seconded by the Executive : Therefore, I do hereby request all officers who are out of service, from any cause, and all others who may be willing to unite in defending the capital of this blabs, to resemble this evening, at the City Rail, at five o'clock, and proceed farthwith to organize a force to co-operate, with the Tredegar Battalion, and any other force which may be detailed for the Mimes° indicated. The Organi- , nation, upon being reported to the Executive, will be recognized and properly of fi cered, as preseeibedby law, and be subject to the orders of the Governor for local de fence under regulations to be hereafter prescribed. • w irrompt and efficient action le absolutely necessary. We have a gallant army in the field, upon whom we fully .6nd:confidently rely ;' but no e ff ort should be spared which can contribute lo the noble object. The capital of Virginia must not be surrendered. Virginians must rdPy fa the rescue. (L. s) ' Given under my hand and under the seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, this 16th day. of May, 1662, end in the eighty-eixth year of Ike Commonwealth. "JOHN LETOHER." The Public Meeting. The meeting thus called convened at the City Hall on Thursday evening, 'Capt. 3. it. Danforth residing, and Mayor Mayo end Governor Letcher made speechee. 'Ago quote the report in the Dispatch: w Mr. Joseph Mayo, the Mayor of the city, Stated thit the City Council hid adopted resolutions requesting the Cloves nor to place the Tredegar battalion at his disposal fcr the defence of the city. lie endorsed in the most en thuMastic manner the proposed action of the meeting, and said that If the city of Richmond was ever surren dered to our enemies it should not-be by a doscendanrof its rounder. lie would sooner die than surrender our city, and if they wished a Mayor wile would surrender the city they must elect another in his place. GcvernovLetcher was then celled on, and heartily approved the objects of the. meeting.. He said that the -city should never be surrendered by the President, by the Maier, or by himself. 44 The follewingeommittte was appointed by the chair man: Colonel St. Georie• Rogers, at" Florida; Lieutenant Colonel William Munforti. Colonel R. IL Alamo, Par ton Johnston, William G. Paine, Llecttonant O. 0. La motto, of South Carolina. • The committee was requested to meet at the (My Hall, at nine o'clock tomorrow (Saturday) morning, for the purpose of receiving the names of all versions who are disposed to unite under the organization moommended by - the proclamation of the Governor. The meeting then adjourned, The Opinion of the Richmond Editors. The action of Davis and Letcher is warmly commended in the edltoriaU columns of the Dispatch, but the Exa miner. abuses Davis for "telling his beads instead of fighting." We copy a few passages from the editorial of the Dispatch.* We are proud of the spirit of our Governments, Con federate and Rate, relative to this question of holding and defending this Stste to the last. l'he army will not ahrimion the sacred soil of Virginia. That has been made the battle-ground, and on that must the enemy establish his superiority in a fair tight before it will be abandoned to hint:. The evacuation of the sea-coast po sitions and cities became. A necessity. There was no avoiding it, in consequence or the immense advantage enjoyed by the enemy in his nossetaion of the entire navy of the United &nice, and the material and nu chanical skill for the rapid construction of iron-clad gunboats, while we had neither, a navy nor the material and the mechanical force to amble us to compete wills him in any: sense. it is true, We had the Virginia; bat, besides her, nothing. Der destruction, and the questions it involves, suggest matt. re of debate which afford neither satisfac tion nor benefit now to discuss. Our inability to mese the enemy ors the seater, as a general question, was clear and indisputable, and the withdrawal freer _the see unavoidable. Eccond to Virginia is the defeneb of this city, for manifold reasons, and it is in keeping with the general purpose of both Gcvarninents that they should resolve to the uttermost to defend Richmond. AU the moan, in the power of the State and the Confederacy are pledged to this, std up may he mined ttat the enemy will not be allowed to, gratify the_ prominent desire of his heart, to 'meter and domineer over the inhabitants of this Jar famed and beautiful town, until every means is ex hausted. " The President-nobly takes the stand that, though -Richmond should fall, there are plenty of battle•fiekis vet in Virginia to fight for the cause for twenty years. The sentiment is at truthful as patrtottc. The thm, federate Gc.vernment assures us that the Old Dominion is not to be given up;-.God forbid that it should. It would be giving up mach more -than Virginia. The came would be, indeed, itself well nigh surrendered in that event. The Government is not only just but wise, in its determination to stand by Virginia to the last. * * it "To lose Richmond is to lose Virginia, and to Mee Virginia is to lose the key to the Southern Confederacy. Virginians. ltlarylonders, ye who have rallied to her defence, would it not be better to fall in her streets than to basely abandon them. and view from the surrounding hills the humiliation of r the capital of the Southern Confederacy To diein her streets would be blies to ties, and to fell where tyrants strode would bo to courses me• the spot KUM anti wails it or every stain. *>c * "The loss of Richmond, in Europe would sound like the loss or Paris o r London,- and the moral effect will scarcely be lees. Let us, therefore. avert the great disaster by a reliance on ourselves It is better That Richmond aimed fall as the capital of the Confede racy, than that Richmond exist the dept of the hireling horde of the North. But Richmond can be defeaded, and PaTttt from pollution. The fate of the capital of the Confedmacy nests with the people." Tito Ruins of Richmond. - In another article the Dispatch says : The next few days may decide the fate of Richmond. It is either to remain the- capital of the Confederacy, or to be turned over to the Federal Government as a Taakee conquest. The capital is either to be secured or lost—it may be feared not tenteoratily—and with it Virginia. Then, if there is blood to be shed, let it be - shed here; no foil of the Confederacy could drink it up more accepta ble, and none would hold it more gratefully. Wife, fa t:PRY. and friends are nothing. Leave them all for one gluttons hour to be devoted to the Republic,. Life, death, end wounds are nothing, if oo only be eaved from the fate of a captured capital and a humiliated Confederacy. Let the Government act; let the people act. There is time yet. ' - If fate Comet to its worst, let the ruins of Richmond be its most lasting monument. ' Movements of Gen. Johnston's Army The Petersburg Ezpress has a story that Gem join:l -kon intends to drive back McClellan. It says: "We learn from a gentleman who left the army at ten o'clock Tuesday forenoon that Gen. Johnston's vanguard was only one mile this tide of New Kent et:Met House. Gen. McClellan's advanced forces were at the Court Rouse, but the impression seemed to prevail that he was retiring. New Kent Court House is twenty•eight Miles from Richmond; and were McClellan defeated at that ,point' the greater portion of his forces would becommilled to retreatin the direction Hof Yorktown, before reaching. which they would be captured or cut to Pieces. It - war thought not improbable that Gen. Johnston would tender the young Napoleon battle." Ti a Richmond Examiner of May 19 says vicinity. Gen. Johnston's forces have new occupied a line in the i of. Richmond to as to cover the (river) batteries from any land attack. We, of conree, do not enter into any details of the re cent movement of General Johnston's forces, beyond the general statement that it is summed to have contributed to the safety of the city of Iticranond. Refry thing has been Quiet on General Johnston's line since their recent movement, with the exception of an un important cavalry skirmish at Bottom's Bridge, in which we suffered no loss. Rebel Newspaper Account of the Gun boat Fight on James River. The fight between our gunboats and the rebel battery balling, on the James river, continues to be a fruitful source of comment for the rebel 'gapers. The battle is 'thus described in a letter to the Richmond Dipplaich FOP.T HUGER, HARDY'S BMW, ac. Wedueadar; Gfay 8.: Three of the enemy's gunboats, tw•o of them iron clad, came up at 8 o'clock this morning , to Fort Boykin, (commanded by Captain . John U. Shiver:4) and opened fire, discharging about three hundred rounds of shell and rifle shot. The fort, which had only five mounted guns, returned the fire until 10 o'clock, when orders were gi vets to spike the guns and burn the quarters. A fine company of light artillery and infantry bad started from Sceithdolel, Isle of Wight county, to participate in the fight, but, learning that the above orders had been given, they re turned. The three gunboats then moved up the river eight miles to the Fort on 'Hardy's Bluff, and at 11 o'clock the guns et this fort opened fire, which was returned by the boats continually until 2 o'clock. After filing over „two hundred rounds of shell and rifle, they passed up the river out of range of the gams at the fort, we baring fired the fired the first and last gnus. Our flag waved gloriously throughout the engagement; not a man was killed in the fort, and only three were wounded. " Captain J. M. Maury, (captain of the fort), during the rout c engagement of tin ee hours and a half, was as cool and collected as if only performing the daily prac tising of Ids guns on the tort also, Captain J. 11. Aikin, of the Varina artillery, and Captain Branch, of White's Artillery, and their respective officers (all their names I did not learn); nor can too much praise ho given to the men in each company, obeying every order from their 1 timers bravely and cheerfully, as if they, had faced an hundred battles Instead of this their first battle. It would have pleased their friends to have witnessed how' gallantly they fought. After the battle, Captain Maury canted the men to be drawn up in a line in the fort, and [dated if there was a man that did not wish to remain in the fort andilght with him, to step out of the ranks, and he would ellow him to leave the fort and get out et the range of the guns. Not a man moved, not an eye qui. . vend ; but wt' one universal cry of ••e No ! no, no ! we wilt fight !' Con such men be conqueredr Tho following is the official rebel report of the repulse: "DRURY'S BLUFF, 11 A. DI., !day 15, 1862. ...Sin: We have engaged the enemy's five gunboat's for two and a half hours. We tired the Galena (iron • clad.) She bee withdrawn, going down the river, an commusied by the three wooden vessels. ee Our loss in killed and wounded small. "Respectfully, your obedient servant, "E. FARRAND. le Hon. S. B MALLORY, Secretary of the Navy." Important News in Relation to .Commo dore Farragut's Fleet. The following very important information we obtain front the Vickeburg Evening Wizen of the 18th: The taloa we can ascertain of the whereabouts of the gunboats below is, that they arrived at Natchez yester day evening about four o'clock, and that they are an chored in the stream below that city. What they are doing, or bow long they ,will remain in that quarter, has not tranepired. The following despatch, direct from Natchez, was dated at eight o'clock thin morning: Ilzrousz, May I3.—Two schooners and throe gun boats anchored in the river opposite thit place. We have a further report to the effect that the gun boats lied sent a yawl with a flag of truce and bearing a demand for the surrender of the city. As the yawl landed, a number of rotiple had gathered to witness the proceedings, and the men from the boat requested that some one in the crowd ehould take the despatches and deliver them to the mayor. None could be found willing to accommodate the Yankees, until; at last, they pre vailed upon a 13 dieeman to carry the note to the mayor. When be delivered the document, and it.was found to contain a demand for the surrender of ih city, a crowd of exasperated citizens took the fishermen and hung him, and that the mayor refused to surrender, and the gun boats gave them till ten o'clock to-day to deterudee what they should do. Business in .Natchez, Miss The Natchez (Miss.) Courier, of May 16, says: Before the arrival of the Bolted States fleet of gunboats off Natchez business wee at a very low ebb, but it now appears that their presence has knockelyitality entirely out of tends. No branch of business, probably, feels a panic more sensibly than. a newspaper establishment; and yet the editor arid his employ see, like the commo dore on shipboard, is expected to remain at his post—to sink or swim. survive or perish," with the craft he na vigates. This is Just our peados' at presect. Notwith standing the dulness of the limos in Natchez, we have yet bore that things will take a more favorable torn, at least fur once, in our day and generation. Beauregard Wants Vegetables. CORINTII, May 15 Our sick soldit rs , must have vege tables dll subsistence officers will purchase and trans mit by railroad such vogetablts as can be procured. The people along the lines of the different roads are urgently rrquested to bring to their respective denote frcm day to day, each as can be spared The transpor tation will be furnished by the mall teeing. The Burning of Cotton A • coiresponsicr.t of the Little Bock True Democrat, writing from Memphis, details what ho saw from the stearnbcat while on his - WaY to that city: After leaving Melons, we canto to the cotton-burnera-- several large stelunera sent out by order of the Govern ment to burn all the cotton to he found anywhere on the river. A dreary, deaolate view it was; the smoking, blackened bales floated past .ne, and, in come places, the river for miles was covered with bunches of the raw material, and the 'thickets that fringed the water were whitened as if now drifts were piled np against their green 'spring foliage. The heart sickened at the sad spectacle that necessity had forced upon us, and as volumes of black smoke wreathed up far ahead, the con fiction was ltruletibly forced upon all present that we were in the great theatre of the war, where blackness and desolation meet you at every step. Tbe forms were inundated by the overflow, and the houses left tenantless and desolate; the only living things to be seen were tire cotton-burners, at their sshi otic work, The prospect was sail for us, but when the news reaches England, eniveliing, abolitionized England. a wail of sorrow wilt arise that will shake the foundation of her ancient throne The destruction of the crop ou bane, and the failure to plant this 'lesson, will open her cyan to the folly of her position. In ten days there will not be 10,000 bales in the whole Mississippi valley, and none planted. Tito gplden time bast peeved when England might have saved herself, but she would not; the fruits of, her folly must rest on her sbouldels. Before this reaches you, the great Mississippi valley will have no cotton, and if the enemy conquer the river, itwill 1 03 ppr ig negt, for; like the Russians, - we have destroyed our Moscow. The Mississippian learns that the torch is being ap. plied resililY to the cotton along the valley of the Mis sissippi, and adds: • If there was tlll7 evidence wanting to make • the es tabl ishritent of our independence absolutely certain, this would furnish all that could be asked to convince the most skeptical. It is a flaming proof of the sincerity of our professions, and a clinching argument of the car taints of our success. It shows a proud, a glerions son ihnett. Let it be persevered in to the last. Lot the ectton burn until the flickering flames show that the last Ir ck bee been col:teamed, before the enemy is• permitted to get aPound." ➢core Ilandwnting on the Wail It will be seen tl at some mysterious handwriting has been discovered on the walls of tho prominent places in Richmond. The Union men, who, we were assured some time ago, had a secret league, no doubt find this wri- ting the only sure means of corresponding with their friends. The Examiner, of the 19th fast has the fol— lowing comments The citizens of Richmond had Moir patriotism abockett again yesterday morning by treasonable writings ap pearing on the walla and public places in the city. We are not of thew who floe in these devices the evidence of the existence in our midst of a feeling in sympathy with the Nentimente therein sot forth ; but rather look open it as the malicious work of some lawless characters, who should be arrested by the police, and undo to pay for their mischievous doings under the laws, by the imposi tion of a fine for the defacement of public property. There may be a traitoroori design in it. but we do not believe it. Still the thing may work evil by angmenting in weak minds the excitement which present events na turally excite in all minds. For this reason citizens would be justified in visiting upon any one found BO meanly engaged summary punishment, sudden awl eo rem on the spot. Let the midnight w chalkers" look out, whoever they be, whether secret foe in our midst, or mischief• makers at large. There to vengeance sleeping ter such, and it may fall wben not looked for. As our readers may wish to read the market I -epode of Memphis, we append the following report take° from the Aroakmelte of the 15th inatant: COrrOX AND Tonecco.---No sales, receipts, or ship FLOTIB.—With meagre supplies Sad active retail de mand. prices have further advsuced to $2O Wjr barrel for narrate°, sad $20821 far extra. . Yams? -f apply Itght, sad demand only moderate, with small sales at the utiehreaged rates of $242 25 4P' bushel, as is qualty. Coax.—nein is an active retail demand, wbieh is now supplied at $13601.40 41 3 ' buslsol. OATS aro retailing at 51 25 it' bushel. BIVIN.—Bran is steady at $2. IP cwt. Ilacox —Tbe domed L 1 entlroly of n retail character, aid anpplica at 28c29c for hog round, and 30032 c for aides and hams. SC(Ls n.—There is a fair demand, with small sales at a basis of 601,i6c for fair to Tally fah•. ILIOI.4SEER IS quiet and dandy at 25c for fermenting. THE POLICY OE MR. SECRETARY CHASE LETT*B.,TRODI KoN. S. HOOFER, Oit the Hone of :Repr esenta ti ve s, to a Fi nancial Friend In England. MY DEA); Stu I tun truly sensible of the kindness ex prettied in' your note to me of the 221 February, and ap preciate the compliment in your flattering reference to my humble efforts as a writer on financial oubjec e. I value your. kind note the more because 1 accuse myself of negligence in having allowed a year to paw without an effort on my part to enstain a correspondence which afforded me much information, and itatl encouraged me to persevere . in the study and observation of fiancee and carnmey, which hive been to yon and myself attrac tive subjects, though fo most persons they are unintorest hip and among the most difficult to comprehend. I base believed that you would ascribe my apparent neglect to the true cause, as yen must have known emogle of wl at was occurring here duelog that time to understand the difficulty of spelling the mind to any abortect subject in the actual presence of crania that were agitating the institutions of this country to their founde• Bete, and which to you, at a distance and less familiar with them, must have appeared to !evolve the very ex istence of our Government. Every loyal men here has felt, in this great criels, that be was individually called upon to contribute all lie could of hie substance or his cervices to sustain the Government; and each one, ac cording to hie testae, habits, and position, has devoted himself to this object. This sentiment has extemporized armies, within a single year, larger than the military forte of most European Governments, from a generation of people that bad never known war before If these armies have not the discipline and skid of European wffiliere, they have as much in proportion to the foe they arc contending againet. 31 y personal exertions have been In the direction for which my previous pursuits bad best fitted me. The tl mancial condition of the country—next at least in impor tance to the military—has constantly occupied my time and thoughts. Being this winter a member of the Com mittee °Mays - mid Means of Congress, and In friendly relations with Mr. Chase, the Secretary teethe Treasury, 1 bare been In a position to know and indirectly t MCC the action of the Government, at tenet so far that I am hturol to admit the financial measures that have been proposed by the Treasury Deportment have mainly lead my hearty co-operation and approval. I see by your very able essay, patted by the Econo mist, on the truWect of paper money, that you are not ready to concur with me in approving the issue of the Government notes which has becbt adopted ; and yet I thick I understand your views and opinions so welt as to feel assured that you would concur in all I have ap • proved, and which your essay condemns, if you were looking at It from the canto point of view that I am. and with the same knowleeige that I possess of the circum stances bearing upon it, and also of what is further in tended to be done. I cannot expect you to believe this on the faith of my assertion, particularly after having committed yourself in print as you hare to a view that appeared to you to be so wholly the reveres;' and it will perhaps be difficult for me to present Use subject so that you can fully einderitatel and opened ate tho view of it which I entertain. I entirely concur in the plinciplen of your essay, which I have faithfully studied, and am exceedingly glad to possess, as it will assist mo to illustrate the netessity here for a sound and permanent system of currency and banking, which is considered essential as the next step in reference to the currency of this country. But when you say that the monetary system of the States of mer:ca is evidettly drifting oat of a paper resting upon confidence." I cannot agree with you, for I do not con eider that the paper currency you ray we are drifting out from rested in confidence, furnished, It WAS, by more than 1,500 different banks, organized or established under the hews of thirty independent Statethelkof which have suspended specie paymenta: I cannot bat think we ltave gained much by changing front euch a sys tem, as I think we have now, to 'a paper currency that is based upon national law, operating uni formly, and recognized throughout the whole of the country in which the notes are expected to circulate. I do not Bay the State banks are not sound and ,trust worthy. 1 have no doubt that most of them are et. But they are local institutiocs. The public nt a distance front their localities have no means of knowing their cbaraoter, and there is no principle in their organization which entitles their notes for currency to general calla deuce throughout the nation. The new currency of " Gct vernmentuote a" has the advantage over that of the State banks of always haying the security of Govetnnumt obli gation., and of being guarded evilest over-issue or de preciation by being convertible, at the option of the )udder, into a more permanent form of government ban bearing Interest at the rate of six per cent.; also of being receivable for public dues, and of being a legal tender. Neither of these qualities attaches to the nettle cf the banks established under State laws; the national Government for many years has not received their notes, all receipts and disbursements of the Govern ment being rcitnired by law to be in coin. I will say nothing of the advantages in the exigency which existed for money to carryon this war, of furnish ing, as the Government notes have directly done, so large an amount of money to the Government without ant coat for interest,:while at the same time they furnish a r uitable medium for the payment oft the necessarily increased taxes; the State banks by 'impending specie payments bevies subverted the usual method of obtaining coin, in which alone the Government dues conld before be paid. • I send sou a copy of my speech In Congress advocating this measure of issuing "Government notes" for car- • re.ney. and if you will do me the honor to read It, you will perceive that I consider their issue only a temporary measure, "to bridge over" (as the Secretary of the Treasury said in addressing the bank officers at New York in Augustlast) the interval of the change from the system of mummy furnished by the State banks to one furnished by banks established under a national law, with circulation based upon the pledge of Government shag. I think you will admit that the proposed curren-, oy to be issued by these national bank's has all the inci dents, and fulfils all the conditions you claim in Tone essay for a suitable end cafe paper currency in this ommtry, as fatly as the Bank of England notes for Great Britain. . I hope to satiety you and I trust the result prove; that the country is not, as you state, "drifting out of is • paper resting upon confidence into a paper renting upon authority ;" but, instead of 60 drifting, that Mr. Chase, the Secretary of the Treasury, Is carefully and wisely guiding thin country, like an intelligent minister of • finance, ae I consider hire to be, from 0, system of cur rency which he thinks has not and does not merit general or public confidence, and which you say is not a good one,'" to a paper resting upon the authority of the Go vernment and the resources of the country—not, how . - ever, as the permanent system, but for the purpose of: substituting hereafter for it a currency resting upon bath • confidence and authority, secured as It will be by Go verment obligations, and to be leaned by nationai banks. ply speech wee delivered probably about the time 7011 wore writing your essay, and I hone it may satisfy y on that you were somewhat in error In reference to the measures propelled here; though•if it should not, I eliall have no right to be surprised, knowing, as I do, twat not only Senators and Reproaentativesdnring the debate in Congress, but some of my countrymen of great intelli gence who are more known on "'Change" in London than most of us here, have entertained and expressed views similar to those contained in your essay. I have • ccnsidered the opponents of these measures to bo some what blinded by habit, perhaps also somewhat timid and slow in comprehending them, and therefore unwilling to change from k system they have become familiar with, while they admit it to be defective. and acknowledge that they cannot see how it can be made to uteri at this time the peculiar exleencles of the country. In my speech before referred to, I have slightly sketched, the general principles of the banks it Is pro posed to establish. The law will require the deposit with rho Government, as a pledge for the security of their cir culation, of au equal amount of sin per cent. bonds of the United Staten, at not less than their par value,- or the equivalent if in bonds that bear intermit at a lower rate than Fix per cent., and the whole amount of the circnla lien of any bank organized under tee law wilt be limited not to exceed the amount of ire capital To secure the convertibility of tide circulation on demand into specie, the banks that issue it will be required to hold In specie us t less than twenty -firiper cent. of their ffilabffittia or, Anther, a bank will be prohibited from making any new loans, whenever the specie in its posssselon to re duced below twenty-live per cent. of its lialnlitlee. Mine two provisions must tender the circulation of the banks absolutely no secure as the Government oblige floss, and give all the necessary guarantee for its praoti cal convertibility into coin. The other provisions of the bill will regulate the mode of resrganiziug-aoy existing State hank that may choose it, and of ntablishiug new banks under the natioual law, and will also apply to those national banks the usual laws sleich experience le se shown to be necessary for the • prudent regulation of all well, managed banks. G. T. BRAUREGAQD It seems to me such a saw, Operating uniformly npirl the banks organized nudes it, if honestly carried out in practice, Senders nuns collectively in effect one institu tion ; and though differently ezpressed, it is snot very different from and posiesses most if not all of the cutler vative characteristics of the laws under which the Book of England is established. I have recently examined the publish( d statement of the condition of the Bank of Eng land for the week ending April 9th. 1862, changing the forth onto statement no as to adapt it to the usual mode of making bank statements here: It was, it' I understand it correctly, as fellows Circulation Ironed • Leas on Lund Deposits, public Other Total amount of liabillttee. Proprietors' capital or,reserved profits.... rsa ConirnA. Loan, Government debt Government Securities Total amount of loan L 4 4,64,793 Specie, iamb:ling, department ..... 16,020,345 Banking department:....B6l,sB6 £61,416,733 This shows the amount of Government securities In the Bank of England to be rather more than the circula tion of the bank, so that it holds voluntarily an amount of Government securities more than equal to wont the proposed law will require of our national banks as secu rity for their circulation. The amount of specie in the Bank of England was exult! to 88.100 of the liabilities for circulation and deposit. Under s law requiring twenty five per cent. as the minimum of epeclo in any bank, the amount would vary in different banks—none of them having less. and moat of them an excess of the required amount. The average of specie in all of them it is thought would probably be usually between thirty and TWO CENTS. The Memphis Markets OUR FINANCE SYSTEM. WASIUNGTON May 10, 11362 X. 50,670,345 9,522,005 121.148 340 Essen day bills 678,760 .i 21,822,106 6,625,314 10,316,180 -- 21,981,433 £43,783„533 14.553,000 3,080,145 -- 17,633,145 Other socurities. 3,8;4.000 CI. 18,721,0:43 23,358,933 -- 18,981,940 THE WAR PRESS. Too Wert P ovas will Ito sent to subleribexsbr mas (por ancoun is tuivetoos) at 62.00 Three C4iea " < fi 5.00 Fire ~ CC it 8.00 Teo " " it 12.00 Larger 0/1111f1 will be charged at the Bente rate, thus t 20 copier will cost $24; 50 copies will Mt 1360 and 1 00 copies $l2O. Fore Club of Twenty-one or over, we will send en Extra Copy to the getter-up of the Club. 1160 - Postmasters ere requested to act as Agents Dr Tax WAR PEESS. sa- Advertisements inserted at the tt..nal rates. Sic lines constitute a square. forty per cent. The loots of tbo Bank of roshuad aro more than treble the amount of its capital, showing its condition to be profitable to its stockholders The capital of the backs in the city of New York is very nearly the same an the capital of the Bank of Bog lend, being 609,061.00. On the 26th April their circu lation was 0,116,671, their deposits:6lolMT, 436, making their total liabilittee for circulation and deposits 5110 - 016,006, about one-half 11111 much as those liabilitiee In Um Bank of England ; the amount of Mete wee 6: 15 .29f .- 944, (11119.1 to about ::2-100 of their liabßitiee, about e per cent hod in proportion to liabilities than tha amount in the Bank of England. The amount of loan in the New York banks wee $125,036,626, being much •ees thee double, whilo the loan of the Bank of England is more than re treble the amanu,t of rho capitol. To make the comparison of tho Vow York banks with the Bank or Nrgland moro complete, they should have the Govern ment descsita at New York, which on that day conqsrot of 512,312,752 of coin in the National Treasury. • They would then have had a lerger amount of specie in propor tion to their nobilities thnu the Bank of England. Un der the proofed law, the coin In the Na Tonal Treasury will operate as a deposit of specie for the benefit of the Mullis, and be nearly as available to them as when in their own vaults. The foregoing statements certainly show the financial stem gib of the Banked New York to bo very satheec. tore, and more than equal to that of the Bank of S n e land, if we suppose their loans equally seem., tier:111411 lota extended in proportion to their capital. If the ef fect of u law operating nuifotenly upon thorn—requiring ,hem to retake their circulating notes absolutely secure by the pledge of Government stacks, and to hold an amoant of specie that w, 1,1,1 secure their convertibility into coin— would glee Gum collectively the advantages of one insti tution, their poser to aceninroodate the public would Ms greatly extended, &swell as the profits to their , etockhold ere, beyond what It Is nor. Yen runv ask, why not te,- tablirit at once a single institution like the Bank of Eng laud, or the Bank of Fiance ? My answer is, that it noeld not beadapted to the condition nor be in harmony with the policy or this country. Great Britain te com tact, in extent of territory not exceeding some or our Statea, and London is universally recognized as its me trotolis, as Par is is of France. Our country embraces many States, each having its own metropolis, jealous of any advantages the Government way secure to one that menet crummy to all; and the experience or the United States Bank moved, when tho country was less extensive and less populous, that the local interest of the director.< of such an institution would influence, if It did not con trol its management. At the coma encsmentof this year our banks had ens vended specie paemente ; the Government was largely in debted for smile, and means to carry on the war, and would have been obliged to resort to the notes of the ens- Tended banks far the means to pay their obligslluns. if it lied not been obviated by the passage c f the bill which authorized the issue of the "Government notes" nail made theta a legal testier. As before stated, those ‘• Co vert aunt note, are considered a temporary mestere, adopted to meet an exiating emergency, and t r bridge over the interval until banks can be organized under a national law to tame a circulation amply secured by Ge_ vet nme nt stocks, and convertible on demand into specie. 71,e Gov( tem.:it notes, being themselves convertible into a Government slx per coat stack, furnishes the security required tor title honk circulation. which is intendel to take their place when the national banks are organizeil. .T hope, my dear, fir, I may at least have emvinced you that our cenntry is not " driftfog" in its cnrrency and its finances, het is natter the guidance or an able Minister In the present Secretary of the Tresenry ; Red if yen ab air es the course of our &moms, I think you mutt also admit that our Lew system has thus far worked sucregsfully. tho premium on coin haring diminished, and the price of Government six per cent. bonds having atlvar.ce.l mare than twelve per cent. since the issue of "Governueet notes." The tax bill, which may be cemedered the fonudatien of this success, was 'passel in the R a use by a vote of 125 to 14, and is now before the Senate. Again thanking yen for the kind expressions of your letter, I ant, with great respect, Very truly TOUCH, S. lIOOPEit. Governor Andrew, of iliaspachosetts, and the New Call for Troops. Governor Andrew, of Masaacltasetts, Las addremed following letter to Secretary' Stanton : Boren; Day 19, To the Hon. E. N. Stanton, St.eretary of War: : I Sore this moment received a telegram in these words—viz : "The Secretary of War desires to know how.soon you can raise and organize three or four more infantry regi ments' and have them ready to be forwarded here to ba armed and [quipped. Pieo9 answer immediately, and state the number you can raise. A call E 0 sudden erd unexpected finds me without ma • teriale for an intelligent rally. Our young men are all preoccupied with other views. Still, if a real call Joe three regiments is made, I believe we can rase Veva in forty days. The arms and equipments would need to be furnished here. Oar people have never marched without them. They go into camp while forming into regiments, and are drilled and practised with arms and muskets as eoldiers. To attempt the other course would dampen enthusiasm, and make the men feel that they were not aoldiers, - but a mob. Again, If our people feel that they are goir g into the South to help fight rebels .who will kill one destroy them by all means known to savages as well as civilized man— tra( deceive them by fraudulent flags of truce and lying pretences, Batboy did the Massachusetts boys at Williams burg—will use their negro slaves against them both as laborers and as fighting men, while they themselves must never fire at the enemy's magazine, I think they will feel the draft Is heavy on their patriotism. But if the Presi dent will sustain General Buster, and recognize all men, even black men, es legally capable of that loyalty the blacks are waiting to manifest, and let them fight with God and human nature on their aide, the roads will swarm, if need be, with multitudes whom New England would tour out to obey your cal Always ready to do my utmost, I renudn, moat fan- Sully, sour obedient servant, JOHN' A. ANDREW. News from South America. Front South America we hare news dated at Buena,. /ores an the 30th of Idnrch. A correspondent stated 'hat the troops raked in that erosive° had rettira.d from um war, and the people applauded wrrices very mush. The United States minister to the Areentine Clufedera tins had arrived at Buenos Arras fu feeble health. The thipmente of produce to the United States fr.,m Buenna Ayres hnd decreased. The natives were very fri rally to the Union cause; bat the English residents in the reen try were not so well disposed. The Legiststure of 3ton telideo.had refused, , by vote, to pay the debt of eight n,ldiom; of dollars duo to France and Ent.rand Teo President of Paraguay disclaims a debt demanded by a Rhode Island manufaclarine company, alleging that the Mixed Commission" in Washington bad not awar.?e,l anything as due the firm. United Steles imorts COM_ merd good prices In Buenos Ayres. GENERAL NEWS. A fifbrOUL Alt TEhT OF FRIZED.SHIP.—Au ec centric gentleman recently died In Pada Having a large number of friends, and wishing to put their frien Ellin to the tint, he directed in his will that silent,' I, die between October and March, his funeral shonlil take place at 8 o'clock in the morning, or at 6, should he die during the oilier months in the near. Invititions wtre to be sent to all his friends. Each male who attended wee to receive 5,000 fiance. and each female 6,00) &Ants. Four hundred itivitstiene vete neco-dinely 'out oat. asking attendayee at the funeral at 6 weiock iu the morning, and out of the whole number. only _fl proved faithful. These were agreeably surpris• cl ti few day. after, on receiving the Information that 5,000 franca each wee at their di , yosal at their dead friend's notary's. The recipients at one decided to giro 1,600 francs c ech townies ie monument for the r 'roew GitiGiv t'vr l ll ERON-OLAD VESSELS.— Thos. Gregg, of Collingsville, Tu., is said to be the origi nator of iron-clad vessels. He had n natant issued to hint in 1814. He describes in his specification a vessel with angular eldest "all around," covered by a deck to giant)* the projectiles of an enemy upward, while the ehot, Milking below the apex of the angle, will be glanced downward. The augulated system of shipbuilding, at exhibited In the Merrimac and the frigate recently lannenel is this city, is claimed to be invented by Jose .it Jones, of tau Britten wavy, as tato as luau Mr. Gregg Invented this a half century before. So of metallic shields. Mr. Gregg's vessel was tt to be coppered or covered with iron." JUDGE LANE, OF ALABAMA —Judge Lane, of speolwed by Preeldent Lincoln, a year ago, Judge of the Northern district of Alabama, writes to 'Washington to know bow he can get hie pay, and reform to - Generel Mitchell for evidence of his loyalty. The Ge nera), however. bad already, in TM despatches to the War Department, borne ample testimony to the Judge's patriotic eovotion to the Union, stating, among other tt ings, that when he took possession of Huntsville, h, ((General Mitchell) learned that the "old floe" had been lb-ins for a whole year over Lene'e house, and the shreds were still there. The determined, Marlon Judge hal eucceasfully resisted all attempts to pull it down, and many other gratifying and interesting proofs of his un dflonted patriotism and usefulness are given. INDIAF REGIMENTS.-Geo. Blunt, of Kansas, re cently received the following telegram in reply to a communication from him in regard to the Kane regi ment.: "WASHINGTON, !Soy 8, 1862. I. To Brig. Gen. Blunt, Commanding Department of Eansaa .- ..Hurry up the organizailon and departnre of the two Indian regiments. By order of the Secretary of War. "I. THOMAS, A. G.,' WHALE'S AGRODAD.—A shoal of whales ran ashore lately at Whiteness, on the Isle of Shetland, and getting into ellallow water, immense nambere--four hundred, it Is said—were captured by the islanders. They were at tacked both by tea and land. Some weaned, but were wounded, enuk, and afterwards rose to the surface, and floated to shore, to that almost the eutire shoal was cap tured. People came from miles around, and a muntior of riflemen hurried to the spot to enjoy the novel sport of whale shooting. lIICION.MERTING.—The St. Louis Repa/,limn re portei,at. great length, a 'Union mass meeting held at Booneville Mo ,on May 17. Hon. Sample Orr made a 'speech deciering his confidence in Mr. Lincoln, and op posing a discussion of the emancipation question at pre sent. Judge Birch spoke, declaring that anti-slavery and not slavery was the cause of our troubles'. Mears. G. D. Bingham and William Douglass were also among. the spent. ere. Tllll PROPERTY OF THE LATE COL. COLT.— The appraisers on Colonel Sam. Colt's estate make the whole amount of his property foot up over three millions of dollars. Hie property in the Western States and Tease, In Ing,land, and his lead mines In seuth America, will Probably add autaber million. GEN. SIGEL.—Yhe press throughout the country are locating Gen. Sigel sometimes with McClellan and aome times with Hallech. The fact is, Gen. Sigel has not been twenty miles out of this city since his return from the battle of Pea Ridge. His furlough extends, We un derstand, to the 24th inst., when ho will report himself to headquarters for duty.—St. Louis Democrat, Hay .= BRITISH VESSELS WAITING TO BUN TIM BLOCKADE—Capt. Perkins, 01 schooner Gentile, at tired here tbil morning from St. George. Bermuda, hfay 16, 'tabs tbatthe British steamier Herald, ship Ella, with salt. and brig Salvino, whit sulphur., were all waiting at that port for an oerottottity to run the Southern block ade.—Boston paper. . , ' • A colarLinturr.—uou. Stephen .I'. Field, Chief ice of the Supreme Court of California, has balm ter - dered the appointment to the Admialstralicin of the judge ship of the Untied. States Circuit Com t for that °tate. It to tot known whether he will norm I. Judge Field is it bro hi rrf David Dudley Field, of New York city, and is a Democrat in politics. NO TROUBLE IBM WAR YET.—A German wo man at 'Binned, Conn., thinks that 44 we in tide country don't know amthipg about war let" During the exist ence of a tear in Germany, she was compelled to work In a bleolremithier ebop for three yearn, so scarce were men. THE BRITIBH , SHILLING.— Thera in a strong movement progreasing among the shopket pera in Camel* to drive the British shilling out of circulation. They have resolved to tako that coin for only tweedy-four ratite: end they have received promices from thelanka that ollthat are deposited ehall be sent back to 'England. . BLAINE. SOLDIERS.—It is proposed in the State of Mauie to erect, in the perk in front or the State House a monument on which abed be *raven the namea.of all t ies Ward - sons of Maine Who have fallen or shall 3 et fall In •the defeat& of their country. THE •BATTLE AT BroDOWELL.—Gen. Schenck, in Lie cificiel report of the tight at 311cDoweil. ears our forces lost 28 killed, 80 etverely wounded, 145 slightly wounded, and 3 missing. • 1..61 416,735 111,016,100 11,160,756 £22,175,855 . APPuINTED.—The Governor of Now 'York baa ap pointivi Jeincs Smith, of Canandairma, Ju-tiee a. the Nhyretne Court for the Seventh District, to fill the vac stir y caused by the resignation of Judge IriliF.—A ftre occurr d. in Alexandria, Missouri, on the 18th instant, which Ocetreyed the Delta City Ffotel and eight houses, stores, and Warehouses. DEGEAEND —Mr. James T. Sherman, former editor of Una.Ners Jersey State Gazette, ar.d well known as a Politician and citizen, died in Trenton last week. • AN OFFICIAL v isrr.—Eurgeon Ge neral .William A. Ilamiconil paid an official visit to tha army hospitals of thin city on Saturday. L. TIIO.IIAS, Adjutant General."
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