The Democratic Address. What a Southern Union Paper Thinks 'Treason Denounced by the Victims of Treason. (From the Hubeille Mitre. M 4Y 17 ] We have been intending for some days to notice a very rtmarlable movement of certain I•emorretic Coitires.• men, well known as aliles and symprithizere . with Breck 'prides', Cobb, Floyd, and Humphrey :Hershaft. es mealiest was Lehi the other day by Hese oel prey. hacks, whose mutation,' are ar battered mil soihi as au Old liallere, mid addresses emit forth to the people of thr United Slates. This formidable brommehiniento, Ma): circulating live or six weeke, got just thirteen signatures r "W. A. Illielinecison, of Illinois; A. L Knapp, of Illinois; John Law, of Indiana; D. W. Yorhees, of Indiana; W. Allen, of 01110; O. A, White, of Oelo, Pressen P. •Ifoirle, of Ohio; (Morse H. Pendleton, of Ohio ,• James R. Morris, of Oleo ; C. L. VaiLandighant of Info ; Philip Johnson, of Ponnatlvenia; b. B. Ancona, of Pennsylvania ; George K Sitio" of .Oregon" ' Unavoidable absence, we presume, on emetic bushiest preveeted the names of Howell thstoh, Jeffereort Deets, Jesse D. Bright, Humphrey Menthe'', Gl:waves A. Henry, Wlgfrol, and Nein Brown. from adding their lustre to this newly-risen galaxy of patriots.. So much for iho authorship of this suldreas. And nets let us see what are its positions The first proproft'on is con. CciVf d in the very spirit of eelfish intolerance as fur re moved in ea patriotism end genuine Democratic foaling as anything that can be Imagined. t, The remelt Administration was chosen by a tertYr and iu all civil acts arid appointments has reongeized• end still done, its fealty and obligations to that party. '1 lure must mid will be au oap. einem" Vallandighant end his coned want to continue In offiee, and get their old friends hack again, and for this onroche. "there Min be oppoettion " to the present A dminin tra- Hon . We thought that, as the ratio it was strut:germ With a mlgbty rebellion, It wee the duty of rill citizens, without distinction of sett or party, to fly to the anop )rt of the officers who bad been put in command of the lA boring ship of Stale. in order to rescne her passengers and taro her precious cargo. " No," say the thirteen ; is the first thing is to settle tho question as to what sort of a nag the ship must carry. Arid, next, we must have lithe offices. Nobody has confidence in ns. Wa ware turned out of office .for bad coutlect, but the ship MIMI perish unless we are restored." But the address tolls a monstrous falsoood when it says that in" all its civil acts and appointatenta, the Ad ministration hes recognized its fealty and obligations to party." It is an impudent, glaring lie. Whore did Pre- Mend Lincoln oiler to appoint eeeretery of War'? Joseph Holt, n Southern Demomet, who is indeed worthy of the name of !helmet. Wrom did he appoint Secretary of War'? lieu. E It. Stanton, emetherlife.long Democrat, Whom did he nominate as Major Oatmeal of the U. S. erotical George B McClellan, Knottier firm, unwaver ing Democrat. What are Gem eel Dement, General Buell and General lialleck 1 Democrats ii .miaated by President L'ncoln and coetit used by a Senate overwhelm inlay Republieen.. The signers of the address, to make out the Minteet.shadow of a pretext for the plat, were compelled to invert a fat-ahead. Had weepece we could enumerate hundred, of other appuietmeets—Andrew Musson, es Governor of Tonne:woe, for example—who have ever been wane political enemies to the President. But let us fortmw. The rex* proposition is a moat significant one, show ing clearly that tire address of the thirteen le to tied° the ears of enuthern traitors. "To begin the gr eat work of rertoratlon ths ballot box is to kill Abolition, The hitter waters of Recession flowed first anti Cr,, fed atilt front the unclean fountain of Abolithinisurs. That fountain mast be dried np. r. In this great work we cordially Write the co-operation Mall men of every party who are opposed to the fell 'midi of Abolition, aud who. lit sincerity, desire the Con atitution as it is and the Iteim as it was. Let the dend pest bury its dead. Bally, lova , aof the Union, the Goa slitutit n, and of Liberty, to the standard of the Demo cratic early. already in the field ani confident of victory. 'et party ie the nano al and pertietenteenemy of Abo lition." Lcok at this attentively. Wlutt ie the Bret dnty of the peoplel 'eo put down the rebellion, and restore the su premacy of the Federal lawn in the revolted States. That is what we lied thought. That is what the loyal men Of Teurestme, and Kentucky, turd Missend, and Virgins, and 'Maryland say—Johnson. and Campbell, and Pren tice, and John 11. Botts, and Gamble, and others Not one word does thin address soy of putting down' and crushing oat the SOOTHER!: CoNeeillACV. It utters no rebuke egniust the rebels. It deprecates %Attire bridge hurting, nor w ire.cuttMg, nor guerilla maranline, nor destroying railroad care, nor any Confederrote, commutes. It is dime es the grave OD the horrors now sweepiug over devoted Rot Tennesese, the home of martyrs and pa- Wets. It cendemns not the bath:wiry of the rebel Covenant lit toward, our gallant prisoners. It has no metre, atten of the infamous coenription act, nor with ering invective to pour out like molten lava on the heads of the rebels, who are bunting the cotton and sneer crops. and desolating the .South. Then it speaks no cheering nerd of congratulation tor our gallant and he roic •toldinre, who have left their farms, and shops, and pleasant firesides, to save the Government, and keep step to the sublime teueto of the Union under the flag of the Republic. It Mire not even hint what every intelligent mere knows to be the fact, that the prime and moving cause the !Outdate head end source of thin rshollon, Is a doterminat kin on the part of Southern office• holders and corrupt arittociste to destroy free govrennient and built op a monarchy or aristocracy on the ruins of Democratic instituileme Tie mnti who is ignorant of Ibis is ignorant of the speeches, aridreeses, resolution's and newspapers of the Cotton States for the Met weary years Ho is ignorant of the celebrate' speech of lion L. W. Spratt, Doe of the leading men of tooth Carolina, who declared that 4 , SLAVIIirr CANNOT suave A GOVEILVIECT went Trig DP310014401 r "Slavery having achieved one victory,. to elCapa Democracy at the North, mustachieve another to escape it at the South!" He must be Moonset of the declaration of Vice President Surplices. en reported by the Savannah &publican, that ••Soeviree"—sot Demo cracy mark you, or the rialit mau to rule himself— but "slavery is the chief corner-stone of our Government. The ideas of the framers of the red Federni Constitution were fundonrenfally wrong." In these decletratlone of the tinders of the rebellion, which we are obliged CO cut short for want of space—for they could be extended tilde fire tele—we find the true cause of this hellish rebellion. It Was enmity to tree Government. It whi a detetminatien on the part of • an arietocrntic clique not to submit to the p ople, and be commend by no "ig norant majority," es we heard Jelin C. flreckloridge say, at Hopkinaville. Kentucky, to clue summer of ISSI. As a further proud of Ode, the Democratic party was hope lessly split at Baltimore n year before Lincoln came into power, and split by the very teen who isatte•tbis ad dress. It is also to he remneked that on the advent of Mr. Lincoln to the President% , the Renee of Re presents titer, Senate and Supreme Court were in the hands of the Denioemdo patty. Why. then, did the cetenn wing fly off and eat np a new Coy federeer ? The Northern Douglas remectsury would not he controlled by the inso lent limiest= Democracy, and so a disruption took pace. But this address of the inglorious rteon goes on to glorify the Butt tonan•Cotton Democracy in this graedilormeet manner: • It is the only party tenable of carmine on s war ; it is the only party which has ever conducted s war to a sue easeful beam, end the only party which has done it with out abuse of power, without molestation to the rights of any close of citizens, and with due regard to economy. All Oils it her done; all this, if need he, it is able to do again. Its success, then, In a military point of view be renuirsti, the Democratic party alone can command it" It then proceeds to ray that its restoration (that is, of themselves and company,' to power Is demanded by the following consideleriell --ammeter and honesty in tee entitle ex rend ituves, now at the rate of four millions or (lettere a day, demand it " ' finch economy for instance as that of Brichanan'e Se . cretery of War, John B. Yloyd, that mirage° of virtue, aud such honesty all that of )sham O. Harris. s The r neld accumulatien of an etre-Inoue and permanent embfic dr bt donned it—a public debt atroaly one thou sand milieus of dollars and equal at the present redo, in three) ears, to lingland's debt of a century and a hslf in growth " It is a dreadful thing to go in debt, isn't it, to save the pnlioni The war carded on for little or no thing. In fact; it would have been hotter, es Beckman thought, to buye no vier at all. Jest let our Sonthern Mende alone. The " Monism! millions" story Is a big Be. "Reduced wages, low prices, depression of trade, decay of bonnets. scarcity of work, and impending ruin on every side den-and Every bods known that the "reduced wan‘e," etc., are not the (colt or Lincoln. mho loss of fat gantries by the °Wheat' friends olio "demands it," but the thirteen ate noire too rin,deet, to see no. We here our own opinion we to the reel origin of this dnmnable arte•mpt. The Southern rebel ledders are at the bottom of O. Nothing is more certain than this to our mit thi Tho chief' of the rebellion see that- their Mork is abotit to proves dieestrons Miner, and s 3 they . send word'to this effect to their Northern allies: Give . us two Cr three free Metre to vote for onr"Men ' and we ill belt g I ark tho Cotton Stein. in solid phalanx, and • held the of together se before." This in certainly the programme. Will the write sec it performed 't Yellow dinette. all ion who love your country, by ultatoyrr name you have heeu kno en in the pant, lot its frown down all each miserably collide plots of partisans as this which we leave been r. dewing, and, canting aside nil old party tire, unite together en the inroad platform of Union. Away with partisan watchwords and names at an hour when the nation Is airogeling for life. Our dear mother country is in peril, let on fly to her roadie. Lot on all be true Union men, true dernocrate,true ropnblt cans, not In a portiean, tint In a national souse. We close Weed lee with a quotetion from the lad, letter written by the bold, patriotic, and lamented Douglas. Let it be heard In letters of gold over every door In the land: i• 1 know of no mode in which a loyal citizen may so well demonstrate his devotion to his country :LS by sue lathing ihellag, the Constitution, and the Union, under •-• all cirenmeiances, and under every Adnanistratien. re gardless of party , pdifics, against all assailants at hems and abroad.' Noble words! Let them ha the motto d every loyal man in three turbulent end stirring times. The Evacuation of Pensacola OFFICIAL =VW OF COMMODORE PORTER. Condition of Affairs at Mobile. The folloaing official report of the evacuation of Pen sacola, am) the slate of olfufru•et Mobilo, hue been re ceived nt the Navy Department from Corn. Porter: *. U. P. STY.A.MILIL TIARRIET LINE. PFINSACOLA, Nay 10, 1502 Sill: On the 7th inst. 1 left Ship Isisnd, with ; the steamers belonging to the mortar flotilla nod the Sachem, for Mobile Bar, for the purpose of fixing on a place for the mortar reseals to lie, and to plant buoys for the ships to run to by whin they should arrive. Great excitement eat mid to extra within the forts on the appearance of our steam rs. I have reason to think that Fort Gain's was eve cuattd, and EOM were or opinion tbat the troops wore leaving Fort Morgan. but I think that they were rein. forcing it firm Fort Gather. Oue of our steamers, the Clifton, got ashore under the guns of , Fort Morgan, which opened lire on her, and when they brut got lier range bi.autfully, and were throw ing the shot over, they stoma firing. Lieutenant Com, inendiug Baldwlu went to work coolly. and got his verist 'off just as I tent him assistance and while I had to ante hint from Commander Randoldils gunboats, which wore contemplating an attack on hint.. Thinking better of it, the Commodore went up . to Mobile. ha weather being bad, I sent the steamers back to Ship LINA, and staid myself to relieve Lieutenant Com manding Fibiger, while lie a , nt to chip Island to coal. I cruised that night in shore to the eastward lu hopes of picking up some - vessel trying to run the blockade. At 2 A. RI. a brilliant light illuminated the sky. and I (recovered that the unVY yard at Pensacola. Fort Mcßae,. the Naval Hospital , Warrlaptop, awl a ime Patti of Pen lieColit. wire in flame. Port. Pickaux bombarding with still, we Mord end, whoa light would permit, en tered the barber of Femme°la. I f. and all the above mentioned plant e burning fiercely, and mostly In millet. Wphout COrbinubicatiwg with the fort.l proveded to the town of Pensacola. where I found dim General Arnold bad already sent Captain Jackson, of the army, in the schooner Woodilo call upon the town to surrender. I tent for the Mayor on board the Harriet Lane, who pm,.. Seised that the citizens would behave themselves peace. fully. 1 found that the rebels evacuated the place on hearing that onr Bloomers, the day before, were going to rue tutu Yoblin Bay, and the squadron 'and mortar 'flotilla would emu follow them A thouoand reticle were encamped tiro miles out of Mobile. They 'had destroyed everything that lime would permit. Fort Barrancae, the ll:Urine 'Barracks, motet-office lu the yard. ono new storm build. ing, the smithery, I believe, end the shears,' are sti 1 in a fair stato of prcuurvatiott Thu yard was so loot tint I did net go Into It. pen. Arnold having no s'eamer at command, and no imam or transPortatiem I mead the Harriet Lame at his at rylce, rtt d at 8 o'clock bed 400 moo, two pieces of artillery, and horned Dud tome Magog° aorta on the other' aide, when the troops took pußssosion and hoisted once more the United Stotts flag pit the forte and miry yard BO: long occupied by the rebels. - • ' We lend 900 more men on the other side t night,' when . I thrall proceed to Mint up oome Mown for Gen. Arnold to keep open communication b• tweedthe Uutteti Stites troops ar.d to covet:them if attacked.• Ile to without any Rapport of this kind, co nuceseary to a gunomi in his : Position. DAVID D. PORTER, Commanding - Edo. GIDSON , WiLLES, Secretary ofithe-Nsaryore4w - . THE COST OP FITTING UP TEE SQUARZN: • —The pnbl.e equeres haring been put in thorough order,„ are now vlelted by large numbers of ladies and children, every afternoon.. The amount of money expended upon— the equates this Iraeon. wag me follows: ftittenhodee &mere, $219.117 "Jefferienn. $319.49; Logan, *17750; indePoodenre, $301.93; Wasolucton, 8333.25 ;.Penn igiumes, 15310.82;• *389 95. Labor. manure, gravel, &e, on the above. .,,mag1ng a total of , 83,454.84. During the' same verlod last year the' alintint exploded was 81,860.42. The expenditures on Fairmount Pat lc, up to May 1, have roadbed the awn of 82,44 43. FlRE.—Yekterday Efternoon the dwell ing of Mrs. Q . :reett, Mo. ]2i3 Ode street, In die Eighteenth were, rtes )11gbtly Winced by ten occidental Are. TILE CITY. TICE ARDIY VOTE " DECLARED UN .OOI, STITUTION L —Yet•terdav, in the Supreme Court, in the case of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vr. Joseph Enttzumn, from tho Quarter Sessions of thts city, 'lthe (Qua (Woodward, justice, concurring opioton by lined, justice), affirmed judgment. to the CM1.16 of Chase, of Luzerne aunty, the alldiers' vote WU, re jected. Justice Wcodward delivered the opteien, Justice Thompson d letentiog. The fart that the Supreme Court at Harrisburg had &demi that the elections held In the camps of Pennerl 'enta volunteers last October wore nocorstitutional way telegraphed to this city at an early hour yesterday rarrnlrg, end created an intense excite sent ant anxiety emcng politicient Large c• °wile congregated along the Elate Bowie row, end discussed the matter over. The subject wee vett argued, but all seemed willing to . abide by thedec)tion mate. The rejection of the army vote will have the effect of nitddlig Jolla Thompson sheriff, and Wm. 0. Stevenson chrk of the Orpbene' Court, thns displacing, Mr. Ewing ard Mr. Lawrence, who have Lady had possession of tire* offices. The decision, It is said. will also change the political character of tbo o.minten Clouncil of this city, nowt depriving tie Democrats of a majority in that body. The city vcte polled for the different row offices, to October toe, wan as follows : EllEilLFE.—Thompeon, . Republic Fin, 80,402 votes; Ewing. Drmocrai, 30,346; making a majority of 146 voice, for 'lle inyson. • . CITY TlOlAnueß.—BamEn. 11.peiblieau, 24,196 ; Mc- Cllctock, Democrat, 29,608; Bi'dlo, Union, 2,523 airing • plurali:y of I,soRvotes for NoOliotook. CITY CORAESSIO;NER.—Sher, Republican, 27,830; John son, Delmont, 29,642; Nepalis, Union, 2,859; giving a pins nifty of 1,812 voles for Johnson. ReamEn or WILLS -Lloyd,.ltepuldlettn, 28,35 2; lidc- Collolnh, Democrat, 29366; Wolgarnoth, Union, 2,928; II eking a licrality L of 814 votes for 'McCullough. CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT. —Stevenson, Republican and Union, 30,749 . i Lawrence; Dem., 29,743, giving a mejorisy of 966 voice to Stevenson. The above includes tbo 'ballots cast, in the city of Phi leeelphia The Army vote gave fur Thompson 1,288 vets st, Ewing 2,091, Lloyd 264, McCullough 2,093, Wol gumuth 6, Stevenson 1,261, Lawrence 2.098. - This vote, added to that cast in the city, elected all the Democratic candidates, while, without it, the offices of sheriff, and cies kof Orpheus> Court fell to the Republicans. As the Supreme Court has decided that it shall not be counted, the effect will be not only to reduce the majorities of those now in office, but also displace the occupants of the two potations named. We understand that the proper steps will be taken at Once by the friends of illessre. Thompson and Stevenson, in order that they may fill the offices at as estly a day as possible. INTERESTING' INCIDENT—OUR YOUNG COMMANDER'S WEDDlNG•DAY.—Yesterdny's E n e wing Bulletin prints the foUneing : It has beta intimated that General 'McClellan expected to celibrate the recond anniversary of his marriage in Richmond. 'I hat day liav arrived, for he was married in New York, on the 22d of May, 1860. One of the favored Lucite at the ceremony, who has preserved his wedding cards, has fapvored ns with a sight of them. The larger oue reads se follows: CALVARY CHURCH, Comer Fourth AA'. and nrenty•first St., Tactility, May 22J, at 2 o'clock P. 22 Enclosed itt an envelops along with this aro tits cards of". , Major and Mrs. B. B. Mercy,"." Mite; slarcr,” and G B MCClellao i" for the bridegroom, who Is now at the bead of the Troth d Slates army, had ao taint-sty title then,bemg simpiy the president of a Weetern railroad. We hope to hear that be has, as a Viatvrlons general. celebrated the anniversary of his wedding in the rebel capital. • CHARGED IVITH FRAUDULENTLY OB TAINING A MO Thiß.—ln the Brinell States Circuit Court, Judge Cadwaindor, Thomas Witherham was put on trial, charged with fraudulently °bush ing a letter from the wet office in this city, addressed to a certain 'nettles Wilberhain i and secondly, with abstracting and keeping the contents thereof, at.d secreting and destroy ing the loiter... The Government nllegestbat a' registered letter, con taining VI 28, mailed at feltitlintewn, in this Swe, and addreeeed ne above, was received nt the pest office, whereupon its being advertised. it was celled for and obtained by the defendant, on the 17th of February, who receipted for the tame. It was sobsmuently discovered that the letter was for another person, and the defendant not lurvins, it is alleged, returned It on discovering that it was not for him, was arrested cn the oho re charges. "The defendant, on the other baud, admitted to having received the letter on the 10th of Febrn.ry, containing the money, bet alleges that, on taking It home and dis covering it was not for bier, returned the name to the peat office. It was proved In support of this that the latter was ad veriired on the 10th, end also on the 17th of February, and the receipt fOr the letter, It was apparent on its face, had been altered from the 10th to the 17th. It was also proved that it letter WILY not usually nivel-tided twice by the pest entice, and it was contended that it would not have been &no in this case had not the letter been re turned by the party to whom it was first delivered in lb l+tatce. Judge Oadwaladcr in charging the jury said that it [Muck him that there bed been a great luck of investiga tion of this case io the Post Office Department.. Under the low lu relaticn to registered letters and the au +tom of the poet office in delicericg them, it wee almost impossi ble that a resietered let er should be delivered to en un }moan station without the clerk who delivered it having some enact rectiJection of what occurred at the time. - . It dli not appear, certainly, from the evidence that the clerk who drlivered the letter to the orifoner had been ex amined at all, and tbis lack of proof was a circumstance in feet'r e f the defendant. The judge also st/ted that be WWI ecnfident a further inveseigmion would develop srmething more certainly in relation to the matter. The judge also alluded to the fact that the alteration in the date of the receipt bad not been explained at all. or at tempted to be explained. The jury retired, awl in a few minutes returned a verdict of unt guilty. Assistant U. F. .District Attorney et:prated for the Government; J. Alexander Simplon for defaidant. FUNERAL OBSEQUIES OF COL. VAN— LlRR.—Yesterlay the body of the lots Col. Vanleer, of the Sill Regiment New Jersey Volnoteers, was con veyed to Be last resting place. The remaian were taken to Thdependence Hall yesterday morning at five o'c'ock; eecortttl by a deputation of the Scott Legion. The bier contalning the coffin occupied a position in the centre of the Hall, immediately in front of the statue of Washing ton. The coffin was covered with black cloth, and was sliver-mounted. Upon the lid wasa el ver plate ' bearing the inectirtiou, "Lieutenant tloninel John P. Venter', 6th Regiment New Jersey Volunteere, killed le the battle of Williamsburg, Nay 6th, 1862." The body wai not visible to the public, but at the bead of the coffin an ex cellent photograph of the deceased was placed. The flag of the Scott Legion, one a the relies of the Mexican war, wee thrown gracefully over the coffin. Dotacti meets of compenhe of the 2d Regiment Reeerve Brigs% noted iis the guard of home. Quite a number of persons visited the ball yesterday moronic, to view the remising as they lay in stale. Vi.i'ors were admitted by the door on Chestnut street, and passnd out throgett one of 1119 windows on the situate, the same as on previous coos• stone of a eimilar character. The funeral ceremonies took place yesterday after noon, the arrangements having already been onblishod. 'llia procession started from Independence Ball, and paseed over the following route: Up Walnut to Twelfth, up Twelfth- to Spring Garden, up Boring Garden to Bread, np Brcnd to Giratel avenne, up Girard avenue to Ridge avenue, and thence to the 'burial ground. At Ridge and Girard avenues the military, with the excep• tion or the firing party, were discriimvi. The Interment took place at the Af ount.Vernon Cemetery. TED CEREMONY OF " TAKING TUE VEIL"—The ceremony of " tatting the veil" was per formed yesterday 'nothing in the Catholic Church of the Assumption, in Spying Garden street, near Twelfth. The postulants were Mies Fliza Dowling, to be known in religion as Sister Gertrude Xavier, and &lira M. O'Reilly, to be Sister Veronica. The services incident to the oc casion were conducted by Very Rev. Dr. O'Hara, In the absence of Bishop Wood, aseisted by Revs. J. P. Dunn, M. A. Welsh, H. Wright, and P. Toner. Before the ceremony commence d, Dr. O'Hara delivered a short ad dress in which be explained the nature of the event, and As bearings upon flume who were the chief partici pants. He drentrited largely on the quiet grandeur and lucid nature of the profession of a Sigler, nod cen t, tutted It. In . its dark and gloomy character, with the more bristerons end busy scents of the world. - At the conclusion of the muse, the Sisters, dressed in white and red, with a lighted candle, approached the eller, and pronounced with distinct voicee the vow of „ poverty. chastity, end obedience." They then re ceived the black veil—the emblem of the prAfessed Wis h re r f Merry—from the hands of the celebrant The choir of tho chnrch, accompanied br singing the different movements of the eervice, all of which were of that weird and impressive kind which marks the:ceremo•. nice of the Catholic Church. The edifice contained a large number of the personal friends of the Sisters, and many others who were pre.eot from curiosity to witless o ceri moor so novel and irtereviing. • ' DONATIONS TO THE REFRESHMENT . dircclore of the Cooper Shop Vol untfer lierreebratnt Bolcom acknowledge tt o receipt of the Palowing donations: A friend, throngh t G. Simplon. 85; 0. It. Tier, throrigh P. Nichols, $5 ; cash $5 ; Jamas Toomey $5 ;, through James TOOIIIO7 I $25 ; Mr. Williamson 86; A. C Mayer, through Wm. Spree, $5 ; one-half the proceeds of Idwaid Everett'e oration nt Academy of Music $22.4; Peunnylvania Lodge No. 28, 1 0. 0. P. $25 ; B. A: ease, through Nov. J. A Harris, $lO. The 'hole amount of donations foots np $314. In this connection we may remark, that a oorres rondent stays that the troops, who have taken refresh ments at this saloon, sleek in tne highest terms of the institution and Ito objects. Philadelphia la gratefully remembered by the soldiers of the Union army, and the GctiOtr Shop and its conductors will never ho forgotten by them I.IIE ECOTT LEGION.—The Scott Le gion resolved that, in consequence of no place having been aesigned'them in the general order of Colonel Ell. maker respecting the funeral of Colonel Vanleer. which took place yesterday they would not attend the funeral Ina bcdy, but as citizens. The reaming of the deceased bad been tranemitted to the Legion, who designed In-' tarring them at their own expense, but have been pre vented in consequence of the facts set forth In the rem lutton. A connvittee bas 'been a ppointed by the 'Legion, con eitting of Lieutenant Colonel Moore, Captain Yeager, Captain Tapper, Captain Ilawkswortb, Captain Rey nold*, and hie. A. C. Jones, President, for the purpose of securing the remains of those who served with the Le gion in Mexico, who may fall in battle, the expense to be borne by the organization. N ROBBED.----A couple of young men froM Hentingdon comity went into a restaurant in the neigh- . borbood of Ninth and Market streets, where they fell in with a number of women whose characters are none of Um beet, and one ditto men suddenly' discovered himself minus 9150, which had been extracted from his wallet. He' raised an alarm, tent the girls left the place &linnet immediately. Mary Wood and Mary Denver were sub sequently arrested on the charge of having been concern ed in the robbery. None of the missing money was re covered. The accused were committed by did Beitler. FUNERAL CiRE.IIIONIESPOSTPONED. , , „ We arc authorized to ttste . that 'the r =tins of Lieut. Wm. 0. Bernard will not be consigned to the tomb until Stade,. The postponement was deemol imperative .18 conteguence of the distance Intervening between the faintly and their distant friends and connections. The frier de of the deceased and his family, an well at the militnri diaolitud to honor their deceased comrade, will be flottfltd of the time and place of burial.' . . DISHONEST DomEsTrcs. Margaret and Alice McOrorein were before Alderman Banter yes terday morning, upon the charge of the farceur of 539. The secured were employed as domesticein the boarding. Lowe of Mrs: Hammen, in Third Arcot, near Sprnce. On Wednesdny a trunk belonging to one of the boarders wee broken open, and the money, which was in gold, was taken out. The defendants were emoted while iu bed, and the mosey wee found In the mattress. They wore held to answer. . AR ETVAL OP AUNITED STATES GUN 'BOAT.—Tho United States gunbent Brazileria, from Port Royal, has reached the nary yard far repairs. Silo has been on tt,oruiee of eight montliioatrt of time she was on bloektitling terrine. The following usher officers: Wm. T. CAllLsple, rommendlnit ; %wattle° Officer, J. Nf: Weber; Acting Mester; J:'Olted wick ; Puy waster, Joe. T. 'MAP. ?bulb aziloria Ica sailing yeeco, and wit. for merlyjn.tlie merchant seev i de.. LIQIITFIRE.—=One of the small ellede Pt i'ci:rere R Relgbtman • s laboratory, at Finth sod Parrish streets, WWI d , siroyed by tiro about nine o'clock yesterday' morning. The damage was trifling. MEETING . OF COUNCILS . The Kensington Water- Works—Netv School House in the Nineteenth ward—Further Appropriutinns to the Trustees of the Cit.) , Ice Bout —The late Col. Van/eer —Paying and 'Grading of Streets. Both branches of Councils met reetertay afte.enonn, able a (tine crowd assembled shoat the State House to witness the funeral Obsequies of Col. Yenisei.. This at ti action drew off the usual crowd of sp3ctators. and the lobbies and antechambers of . Councils' were almost de serted. SELECT , BRANCH, Tim:wts CUTLER, PloAitient,,in the chair Petitions, Communications, &c. From the people of Kensineton, relative to the imprtre water Pu ppi d them from the Keninnston •hailn. a comet onicotion Irom a resident of that locality, accom• Panted by a bottle of water drawn from a hydrant on his premises. The water preset ted a dirty appearance, eccempanied with an unpleasant smell. Nrom ex•Ooroner Dela►aa, asking for tartars or back Wks- Fes the erection of a public square in tho Ziftlitoonth wind. , , • . . From the Board of Controllers, Wring Councll4 to se lect one of two lots for the erection of a Helmut-lions% From the North Penneylvania Ittilro*d Comp4llY, Mating that they had telected Jefferson erect for cou 'meting their road with the.frorristown road, as autho rized by the Legislature. Fors change of a place of voting in the Niceth want. . • A .00mmuisication wits presented by Mr. Fox, from aundly citizens. asking find a band of mode be placNi in Fairmount Pork every afternoon, Sundays exceptei. For pemispion to erect a 'Maths boathouse on the Schuylkill, mar Fairmount. Reports of Committees. . Mr. MEG Milt, from tho Committee on Water, rstrorled a re-solution to lay eater pipe on Federal. street, Militia, and other streets. Asreed to. Mr. Fox, from the Committee on City Property, made a in r.fetenee to improvements in the plata wares, which was adopted..: The Committee on Schools 'reported an ordinance ap propriating $439 to ray certain deficiencies of the Board c f Controllers. Agreed to The Committee on Mundt elan offered an ordinance appropriating $7,h00 for the erection of a echool-house on a lot owned by the city, at iluntingdon aid Brown attrete, Nineteenth ward. which was tplophrd. Mr. DOLMAN, Elm the joint special committee on the extension of the Philadelphia Navy Yard. presented an ordinance to pay Alfred Young the mini of $lB5, for furnishing a plan mid a survey of the yani and adj went property. Agreed to. Resolutions. . A reeclutiou to meet Common Council in joint conven tion, on 'Monday next to lent eieht port-wArdons to Bt rre for two jeers, and two tntsteen of the Northam Liberty Gee Works to terve for three yenre, was pissed. Mr. NVICTUKRILL. a resoliteion Inetructin; Ow City .so.. lieitor not to enter liens spared mopertr owners in the Eiyhth ward for water pips laid under a resolution pain ed Sept 27, 1861, for connecting main!, until the Com mittee on Water thou take under con , ideratlon the bills for laying wan r pipe, coming under an ordinsnet relative TO cot:naming mains. The resolution INNS debated at length, and was thrall' amended by Mr. litegery, that ti o City Nolicltar be in structed not to proceed on any lien before the 15111 of Soptesuber.l962, and to satisfy all liens which the Com mittee on Water may_ direct; and that the Committee on Water be directed to report by the Sas of June, all the fonts r.lstleo to the extension of mains nnder the resolu tion of September 27, IBM, and a hat properties are on . - blot d to an abatement. The resolution se tunended was adopted. A resolution to comfit's' the appointment of George W. Mooney, to copy UMrecords in the land office at Harris burg, relating to the city of Philadelphia, and the read room& in the office of the Clerk of Quarter Seegone es sitibmir.ed by en act of Amiably, woe agreed to, an d appoimment•was cocitnn.d by a WO of 18 to S Mr. WRIBERII.T. ofrercd a resolution requeoting the City Cont miler to efirn'the wet rant drawn by the Commit • tee on t tatty end Pefance is favor of John Frag-r, archi tect, for services in making alterations at the city arsenal, Bre ad and Race t.treets. Adopted. Ilfr DAVIS offered a resolution directing the Chief Re enter of the Water Works to extend certain water-pipe iu Fairmount Park, to erect hydrants and fire-plugs. Referred to the Committee nn Water. r• 1 • A enpolonitnt to tho ordinance re,rsaniziog the Fire Idr pertinent, parsed J1111613t b. 1555, wey introduced and leferrreit to the ConneittFc on Trusts 61111 Fire. supph moot anthorizea the Chief Engineer to ens pond an company which ma. prom ed out otits prescribed rlbtrict, except in a coot of general alarm, and report the Fame to COUllenS. Bills front Common Council. Tho bill from Common Connell relative to the paving of Spring Garden stroa, ec•t of Broad. was taken up. A motion was made to , poilpme the r Yox strongly objected to a postponement. Ile said it was CO7lCf II( d that the place should be paved, the only question being as to the width of the street, which will be 50 feet. Mr. WirrnEnii.L. objected to the Talmage of tho re•olu tion. He alloy ed tho width of tho street was not fixed la tho bill. The motion to latatrone was lost. Mr. WrrnsitiLL oitered an amendment, fixing the width of the stet et at 50 feet, which was agreed to. The bill then passed. The resolution front Common Council, none:ding the Committee en Water to retort an ordinance supplying the residente of Kensington with Schuylkill water, 3:c., was referred to the Committee on Water. The resolution relative to a better supply of water to tbe Kensington district was concurred In Also, tbo bill !abatis:leg the paving and grading of Manning, Tucker, aid ether streets. Theresolutiou directing the altering of. the crossing at Seventeenth and Poplar streets was referred to the Com mittee on Surveys. The bill autlrrizing satisfaction to be entered on the official bond of Augustus Batton was concurred in. Also, the bill defraying the expenses Incurred for the funeral obsenuise of the lea Col. vauleer. Aloe, the bill melting a further appropriation to the trustees of the City Ice Boat. kir. IIEGARY *tiered a resolution that Select Connell Ito Id a special meeting on Wednesday next for the per. titre of considering the munic , nal code. The resointien was objected tv, and was finally with drawn by Itr.IIIIOARY, who stated that this menicitxd code had been before the Chamber for two years. It had been made the order of the day at a certain hoer for each meeting, and be would insist hereafter that it should ho duly considered. Dlr. blegary boa worked zealously in behalf of the municipal code, which Beanie to be a perfect bole 'o the members .of Councils, who always avoid, if possible, going into a consideration of it.) The Chamber then adtoutned. • COMMON COUNCIL. • President, W. T. Kenn, in the chair. Petitions and Communications. From the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, =fitting Couocls that they had selecred .leffersytt street for tbo route of the track to connect their road with the Germantown end Norristown Railroad. Referred to the Cmmnittee on Railroads. From George M. Hut, in rtf,yrenceto the bail conittion of the Kensington water Riferred to the Watling Committre. A remonstrance and protPat from citizens osrning pro. Tort,' on tderlo-t strret, against the lease of the railroad on said street to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. . _ One asking ihe privileke of hulling a floating boat: bourn' at Fail mount Park. Rof.rreil to the Committee on Water. - . A communication from M. Thomas, offering to furnish the city with Ilegtorme forty per cent. cheaper than thoy are tow grarchated by the corporation. A petition, sulking for music in Fairtumnt Park, was rtferred to the Watering (lommittee. • Reports of Committees The Committee on Finance reported an ordinance to rat the funeral expenses of Colonel J. P. Vanleer. and one to make an Ekdditional appropriation of it 6.000 to too trustees of the City Ice float, which Were Pathed- The Committee on Dighways reported an ordinance to make en appropriation to the Department of Highways, and a resolution to pave Pepper and other emote which were mimed The Committee on Police reported nn ordinance to the effect that the snyerictendant of the tire alarm telegraph shall hereafter held his office for three yes" and that the milky of the ionitilant guperiutendent stall bn in cri-eFed. Postpotied. . A resolution to met Select Council in mint colven• for the purpose of electing port wardens, was 'agreed to. A resolution authorizing the Chief Engineer of the Water Works to fill the Kensington basin from the Echuylkill Water Works was agreed to. A bill from Select Council to psy 8180 to Alfred Young, surveyor, W ItS ouncurrld in. he resolution authorizing the Philadelphia and Belli- Snore Esilrond Company to lay tracks across Siztoonth street, near their depot. wee passed. A. Jjonrood. ARRIVAL OF SICK AND WOUNDED.— Ar other batch of sick and wounded soldiers, 695 in num ber,- have arrived in the city, midgets-0 principally taken to tbeHnited States Hospital, at Broad end Cherry street,. They bad been participants in the battle of Williamsburg. There not being ample accommodations at the Hospital, 800 were transferred to the Retread:moot Falcon Commit tees, yesterday, prior to their distribution in the various army hospitals. The nsainrity of the mon are from the States of New Yrrk, Rhode Island, Masracitosette, and Indiana—very few, comparatively, are from this State. There are no New Jersey or Delaware troops among Ouu. Tbo members of the following fire companies deserve pr at err dit or giving np. immediately upon the applica tion of n Committee of the Cooper Shop Refreshment Faloon, their "bunks" fer the accommodation of num ber of the above sick and wounded aotdiers—abent 50 in each i—W e cosmos' Zniuna v ' Southwark Engine, Franklin Enable. SIMMS. ACCIDTNT.=A man named Pettr Johnson, aged forty-three Years, fell from the third story window of a - house No. 020 North Front street, about one o'clock yesterday morning He wee conidde- Taly bruised about the body. Johnson is a discharged soldier. having formerly belonged to the 40th regiment of New York Volunteers He was taken to the Pennsyl vania Hospital. • PaILADELPILLABOAND et TRADE. GEORGE N. TATHAM, 'BENJ. MABBBALL. COMMITTEE OF TIM MONTH JAMES E. CAMPBELL, LETTER .lIAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Tonawanda, Julies. Liverpool, 1100 A Ship Northampton, Elwell Liverpool, Boon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, 1147 23. 1962.. BOA BMW 4 40-817 N SETS 7 13 SIGH WATER 10 48 LEBril9l) Bark Borios, (Rol) Gomberello, 80 days from Meat I, Sicily, With brkostdae to ardor. • Bark Satiate, Benno, 4 days from New York, in ballast to E A Bauder & co. • . Brig. Thou Walter; Aneerson, 10 days from St Darts, . with salt, fruit. &c. to Jauretche & Lavergne. Paean. ger. Copt T Maria. 14th inst, let 23 49, long 23 49, apokesehr Ann Garret, of °patine. Fehr Smith Tuttle, Mayo, 4 days from Provfncefown, with Mite to Geo B Kortoot. Echr M M Freeman. Howei, 5 days from Boston, with platter in Crowell &Collins. Behr 'Maria Fleming, Show, 3 days from New York, ith mike to DavhiCooper. Scbr Heroine, Champlin, 4 days from New Loudon, in ballast to L Audeurted 4; Co. . . . Bohr John Btroup,lake, 2 days from New York, In &Masi to D 8 Stateon k Co. • ..... . &hr Vandalic, Halyard, 1 day from Smyrna, lid, with wheat to Jim Barratt & Bon. • flair Two Brothers, Marlin, 2 days from Indian River, Del, pith corn to Jas Barrett ac Bon. . ULE ARID Brig S G Trout.. (Br) biOCleitan. Trinidad, B &W Welsh Edit - , Smith Tutule, Mayo, Wetltteet ,captain. • -• . Bohr Beroint, Chatiplin; Norwich. L Andonried & Co. - Seim resecnden. Hooper, Boston. E A. Souder & Co. echr J Stroup, Lake, Boston, Noble, Caldwell & Co. • Bohr Logan, Smith, Chelsea, do (Correepoideno or the Press.) BEADING, May 20 ' The following boats from the Union Oanal.naiwed into the Schuylkill Canal to day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as followa: ; • Champion, groin to A , G Oatt..ll•lk Co; Union do to Humphreys. otTinan ta Wright; .J Ilnutesohoards, to Malote T:tarar; Wm A P Taylor, flodr - ELIA grain to captain; Arnold, lumbar to Henry Croakei; American' &Ole, whkky, tic. to captain; II &Jacobi, bark to Hicks Btli. _ . • 7be following boate entered tbe Bu6attellsoni and Tidewater Canal to-day, bound to Philadelplika; laden and consigned RA follows: . . . . . . . . . . Fl, tnlegton Mine; lumber to Patterron & LiPplueott; Fork r & McCarty, do to W 0 Loyd; George Hopson; do to•W 8 Taylor & Co; Glad Tiding. wheat to Humphreys; Hoffman & Wright. . MEMORANDA. Bello of the Ocean, Reed, for Philatdplii4iin.. , ler(43 out at:Liverpool lt)tb inst. . . Sark Tyccon, Letter, hence, arrircd at Key:Melt I.4ibi7 Mo. • Berke Linden, Howell, Harvest Queen, Mniitiy, 811:!: muel Kegley, and 0 0 , Murray; you Nameit htnra. - arrlved'at Key Wag. 12th inet. - • `.Bnike'llelndeer, , Coutte; W T 1 Hall, flashier, awl Gallagher. hence, arrived at Key Weet 1401 Hark Hamilton, Sprague, hence for Koy West, was ayoken 19th inet, lat 38, long 73. THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. . MAY. 23;:62. • Bark Old Flickers. Holmes, from Belfast for - Philadel phia, was spoken 30th 'At, let 51, long 14. ' Brie. recdora, Crane, cleared at Warren 20th inst. for Ph‘ladelobia. Brig Pea bail:, Nelll,.hoace, arrived at Key West 12 th instant, Brigs Rebecca Sheppard. &mt.., ) H Yttlec,_ 110'man, and 1, , 1ea Berniud, Petry, hence, arrived at Key Wort 1341 inst. . Brig . Mary Alvlen, Amos, cleared at .Key West 12ch twit. for Matanzas Behr Farah It James Claw, cleared at Booton 21et not for Philadelphia (3 Huhe ' ni Keptom cleared at New York 2let inot for Philodelp hia. Schr A ft , ir. Perkins, sailed from Neortaaryport 20th find. lor Ploltuli Whim lihbr Iltlphlne, Rose, from Senconoot for Philadelphia, and Anitu Damon, Ilaskeli, from Providence for do, palled from Newport 20tb Met. Elehr — tl B Coggeshall, Swain, hence, arrived at Key Wrat72th inst. echr Marietta Tilton, Tilton, honca, arrived M Roy . Wrar 13th inst. erbr itiawatba, Disney, hence, arrived at Key West 14th feat . Echr 1. A edenried, Bartlett, from Providence fqr Phila delphia. vent to Pea from Dutch Island Harbor 20th Inst. • Behr Motile, Rocttull, hence, - arrived at :1 , roir (derma 20th lola_ far Mary E Tierce, Smith, cleared at Providence 20th lust far Philadelphia. Behr Lady of the Ocean, Chamberlsio, for Phileiel villa, sailed from East Greeowleh 20th Inet.• Behr Joe Hooter, Pone, cleared at Bellmore 2let lest for Philadelphia. Schr Flyaway, DMIN hence, arrived at Mystic 20th indent. Bair Puree Alfred, Abbott, oailea from Hartford 2lat inst. for Philadelphia. . • . 625. NEW SPRING 000ps. g9K trw. • O. SOMERS . . & SON. CLOT H - HOUSE, ' • vo. 82.45 CHESTNUT STREET, lIHDSA JAYNIOI3 HALL, • Have nowt?' store, and aro receiving constantly a large and desirable aeiortsneof of CLOTHS, CASSIBERES. COATINGS, Vesting., Tanen• Trimmings, and nil goods adopted to MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. ..PLEABE CALL AND EXAMINE: ABB OLOAKB O.LOAKEI! v THE GIiZATZIST BARG/LIM HiTHZ °Vita W BIG EITSVILLE; RETAIL DRY 600D8 SILK MIXED AND PLAIN IVENS & CO.'S; No. 23 SOUTH NINTH SMUT. THE LARGEST STOOK, THE BEST ASSORTMENT, THE CHOICEST COLORS, • THE FINEST QUALITIES, THE MOST SUPERB TRIMMINGS, THE NEWEST STYLES, THE BEST WORK, DECLDEDLY THE LOWEST PRICES, IN TIM CITY, At IVENS & 00.'5, • ' N 0.98 SOUTH NINTH STRZET tob2B-Bia OLOAKB.—If you want the best value ‘4../ for your money, go to the City Cloak Store, 142 Earth EIGHTH Street, above Cherry. mh24.Bm CLOAKS ! A NAdNIFIONNT ABBORTNENT _ • or 'Man THE NEWJST STYLES IMPONTED THIS SEASON, With every new material, made up and trimmed in the vary beet manner, at prices that defy all competition, it TIM PARIS CLOAK STORE, H. E. CORNER 'EIGHTH AND WALNUT STD. ph243-am NEW CLOAK STORE! Tke most elegant assortment In the city. No. 29 Sonth NINTH Street; ' Find door above phastnnt. mh26-8m 10 2 4 01111 13 T N:l7 T.l/11.11 T E: M. NEEDLES Would cell , SPECIAL ATTENTION 'To bie aeeortuieot of White Goods and Linens, adapted to the requirements of the present season PLAIN, PLAID, AND STRIPED 'JAOONETS, CAMBIUM, MULL. NAINSOOKS, MISSES. FRENCH • • MUSLIM, • • PILLOW, SHEETING, AND ' SHIBTENG LINENS, &o. All varieties and noveltiee in the above VERY LOW RATES. Moo, • A Choice Assortment or LACE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES. HANDKER CHIEFS AND VEILS. wit - I 0 2 4 CHESTNUT STREET. TAS. B. CAMPBELL & Co., ey waoLitsA.LE AND RETAIL DEAL.EBS, 'PM CHESTNUT STREET, Have opened this day, Bo nnet'e Black Taffetas. ' • Triple Chain Satin Plaid Colored Taffetae. Detached Figured Camel's Hair Thibet, high lustre. Satin Plaid and Printed Manville°. Lapin's beet black Baz ogee and•Bornbazince. Bich Plaid Mozanibiques. Lapin's best black, white, and high colored Chaill. Organdies and Jaconets, griesaile grounds. Cachendre Stripe Printed Percales, very rich. Foulard Poplins. Foulard Satin°, Re., Re. . • aPI6-tr 103. NORTH. ' ONDEIDOa H 011 AR OV S S TREET, EP STAIRS LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, &o. The Copartnership heretofore existing between KAUFMAN & LONNERbTADTER . Having beeu dissolved by menial consent, the under signed respectfully inform the patrons and frionde of the old firm, and the trade In general, that he baa taken all the up-stairs rams of NO. 108 NORTH EIGHTH. STREET, ABOVE ANON. To continuo the inanufacttuing o all kinds of DBMS% mor4c., AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, NRINGES, BUTTONS, ' TASSELS, CORD HEAD NETS, Of all deecriptione, &0., 610, And will offer inducements in price and Quality, ae well as prompt attendance to orders, in every article apper taining to hie line. LOZINEIBSTADTEB., ep4.2m3 No. 103 North EIGETEL Street, ab. &rob. NEW 000D8: OPENING. "DAILY —Plaid Foulards, black, binwil, blue, and Mao. 'Plain brown Fonlards, one yard wide. Planes, white ground and bouquets of Chinta colon. Wool De tainee, choice Rhodes. Plaid and smell figured Wool Do Lathes, for children. A large wort:moot of Ginghams, at 12%, 20, and 25 cents. A fresh assortment of ttfioaking Cloths. Small figure dark brown Mohaire, chotoe. fthepherd's.Platdo, from 1.8% to 60 cents. Bilk and Wool Poplins in great variety, at JOHN H BTOHNW, No. 702 ARCH Street. H. B.—Good black EliWe, 87g, 81, and slag. • • Call end examine our 51.12% black Sae. mlh2B, SILK MANTLES AND BACQUEB Black Taffeta Mantled. Black Bilk &tomes. Elegant new styled Light Cloth Basques. SIMPBEBD'S PLAIDS. • . New lots, bargains,l2X, 18)f , and 26 cta. Plaid lelnsambiques, very desirable. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. Cassimeres and Coatings. Light colnra fancy Cassimeres. • 6.4 Mixtures and relations. • • Cloth goods for little fellows. BOY'S JACKETS AND PANTS . (Raw DEPARTMENT, SECOND STORY.) First-class Beady.mado Garwonts. Style Rod Fit unexceptionable. Prices very reasonable. . Boys' snits made to order.'' CONLED, - B. N. aiiiier'EFlNTH and 10.ABKIICT !treats.. NEAT . LAWNS, OF FINE QUA Select Colors Plain Silks. Fine Piro) Good Silke. Sbaerla of Plain Styles. Dread Goode, neat elt Mans EYRE B TANDELL. YOURTH and ABORBl;reata. nROANDIES PROM 'AUCTION OHBA.P: . • ' • French Organdlee, 18% cents. • FrencbOrgandies. 25 cants. • French Organdies, 31X cents. • ' • . • French Organdies, 3734 cents. • EFRIC & L&NDULL, mytt If . FOURTH on& LIKIB Streets. ritorosmes; rx.. . . A R'M Y' CLOTHING ANDEQUI PAGE :OFFICE. TWELFTH AND GIRARD STREETS. Pnn.insLime; May 10, 1882. . - PROPOSALS.—ProposaIs will be received at this of fice until SATURDAY, 24th inst.,••tat 12 o'clock RI, to furnish' Thirty Thousand (30,000) FLANNEL SA.(I.K. CO&T3 OR BLOUSES, unlined, of the army pattern, to be made 01 army etandard (Indigo Blue, wool•dycd) Twilled Flannel, weighieg five ounces to the yard of 27 inches, subject to the usual inspection. Proposela will state how soon the paid Coots can be de livered, as they are wanted at the earliest possible time. • G. 11. SROSBAN, Deputy Quartermaster General U. S. A. Bids for any portion of the above will be received. my2o.6t • P QUAELTERMABTER _L./GENERAL' .4 011102::lognelnittalue, May 1. PE OPOBALS will be received at thir office on Tuai day, 27th day of Nay; Tneeday,'Jnne 3d, and Tueulay, Jane 10, at 12 o'clock, M., for the delivery of one thousand (10(0) Cavalry horses, In this city; for the use of the army ; delivery to commence immediately after thecontracta• aro awarded on the abo 70 ‘datee, and the whole number contracted for to' be delivered in fifteen class from time of awarding such contracts. 'rho horses must be sound and free from blemish not lent than (BS) fifteen hands high. and not lees than eix (6) Years old, nor more than blue (9); and well trained. No mareswill be taken. No bids will bo received from any one person for more than one hundred (100) horses, and no bide Will be'entertained unless the bidder or his agent is present at the opening of the proposale, and who will Inunediately give eecutity for the faithful performance of the contraot. The horses to be surject to inspection, and all horses un- At for eavelry'service will be rejected. 'Proposids accompanied by the names of pro Posed sure ties, be required to give a bond for the faithful executionot the contract, to he marked, Proposals for Cavalry Heroes,' and addressed to - ' • ney2r,l-7t A: BOYD, Captain, and A. Q.ll. U. S. A. -NOTICE. -SEALED PROPOSALS 1 are invited until the 27th day of May, 1882, at la o'clock, H, for supplying the United States Subsistence Department with 6,000 head of Beef Cattle on the Hoof. The Cattle to be delivered at Washington City, and each animal to average 1,200 pounds, gram weight; no animal admitted which weighs Ices than 1,000 pounds gross Heifers and bulls not wanted.. The Cattle to be delivered at such times, and in such tmantitiee, as the Government may require. The first delivery of Cattle to be made on the' 10th of June, 1862, or as aeon thereafter as Government may ra . MMIE . tont 'attired. Government reserves' to itself the right to pay in Treasury notes, or other Government funds: No bid will be, entertained when out in-by contractors who have prevlouslY.tatied to comply with their con tracts, or where the bidder Is not present to respond to his bid, and all bids to be , accompanied by two gagman . The names of firms should be Mated in full, with the precise oddness of all the members of the arm:. Bids to be direited . to. Maier A. BECK WI rit, 11. S. A., Washington, P. C. Form el . Guarantee. . We, -, of the county of --, and Stateof and -, oT the comity of and State of -, do hereby. gnarenty that iiabie to NM a contract in accordance with the termeof his proposition, and that, ahould hie prow"Mtlan be accepted, he will at- once enter Into it contract in accordance therewith. . .; Shou'd the contract - be awarded hita' we are prepared to become hi; eccuritiee. Thin guarantee must be appended to esob bid. my 12-14 t MARSHAL'S' OFFItIIII.-BY VIR.• tue of a writ of pendilioni' ezponas leaned out of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern Anotrictof Penneylvania,.in the Third Circuit to rue di rected, apt be exposed to Public Sala or Venda., on M'IN DAY, May 26th,1662. at 52 o'clock M., at the M );Xfl ANUS, In the city of Philad el phia,The following deectileari property—to wit: No, 1. All that certain. lot or piece of ground situate in the Borough of Tamaqua, Schusloll county, bounded north by Rowe Street; east by .Lot No. 0; south by Broad street, and west by lurid of Michael Boated, embattling in width 40 fret and in depth'lso feet. with the aextrte banter, consistiog of a three-etory brick dwelling house, with a large store room on the first floor, and a three story brick back building, with a two-story frame back building attached. No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In the Borough of Tamaqua, Schn•lkill county, bonodwi north by Bowe 'street; east!), tot No. 10; south by Broad street, and west by Lot No. 8, being Lot No. d to the Lit tle Schuylkill Cotnpany'a plan of the Borough of Tama qua, containing in e idth 50 feet and to depth 150 feet, with the appurtenances, coneistiog of a two.atorr frame dwelling house and a one-story frame barber's shop. All that certain piece or parcel of ground situate le the Borough of Tamaqua, Scbuyleill county, bounded north by Bowe street ; east by the eastern half of Lot No. 2; south by Broad emit, and west by Nesemec etreet. be ing Lot No. 1 and part of Lot No. 2, ormtainiog in width 75 feet and iu depth 150 feet, with the appurtenances, coneieting of a three-story brick dwelling house with a three- story brick back building thereto attached, as the property of Richard Carter, deceased, in the hinds of James; Carter. administrator de bonie nen of the Notate of the said Richard Carter, dectieed. No. 3 All that certatn•lot or piece of ground eitutto in tho Borough of Tamaqua, Bchuyltill county, bounded north by Itaiiroad street; east by Bwaters street; smith by Broad street, and west be Lot No 7, containing in width 50 feet and• in depth ISO feet, with the appurte nances, coteisting of a double two story frame dwelling house. No. 4. All that certain tot or piece of ground Minate In the Borough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill county, bounded north by a lot of Bata!! and Johnson; east by Bunter street: tooth by lot of Mary Carter, and west by Row street; containing in width 233( fret and in dopth'lls fact, with the appurtenances, consisting of a three-story brick dwelling honer, with a one-story building thereto at tached: No. 5. All that certain lot or piece of ground sltnate to the Borough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill county, bounded west by Hunter stroeti. north by a ten-feet wide eller; east by a twenty. feet wide alley, and south by Lot No. 38,, ^..ontaintng in width 40feet and in depth HO feet, with the appurtenances, consisting or a double' two•etory frame dwelling bouse with basement. No. 6. All those certain throo lota or pinoac of ground, situate in the Borough pt Tamaitita, Schuylkill county, being Lots Noe. 18,10; and 20, boundtd north. by Lot No. 17 ; east by Buator street; south by Ira No. 21, and weal. by Bow street, containing in width 128 feet (each lot 40 feet) audio depth 185 feet, with the appurtenances, formfitting of a block of four two-story frame dwelling homes with basenients.. • No. 7. All those certain two lota or . gie.ces of ground situate in the Borough of Tamaqua. Schuylkill county, bounded north by the Railroad;'ead by Lot No. 12; south by Rowe street, and west by Lot;No. 15, containing 90feet on Rowe street, 28 feet on the muter n aide, and 46 feet deep on the western eide. with the appurt, fleeces, consistleg of a large , brick stable and carriage home. No. 8. All that certain lot or piece or ground sitnate In Wilson and Saran's addition to the Borough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill county, bounded north by Lot No. 121; east by Railroad street; mato by Union street, end, west by Oak street, containing in v. idth 130 feet and in depth 40 fret, more or less, with the appurtenances, contistiug of a one. and-a-half-story dwelling house and a block of three two. story frame dwelling houses. . hie. 9. 'Ali that certain lot or piece of ground *finale in ,the Borough of.Tascarcra, Schuylkill county, being Lot No. 129 to the plea of said town, bounded north by Lot No. 130; east by Trego street; south by Chestnut street, and west by Seneca street, containing a width 60 feet and in depth ltd font, with the appurtenencse, coteisting of a two-story frame church. ' No. 10. All those three lots or pieces of ground situate in the Borough of Tamaqua. Schuylkill county, hounded north by land of the Little Schuylkill Navigation Rail road and Coal Company, and west by a twenty-feet wide alley, containing in width 163 feet and in depth 194 feet, more or Itee, with the apourtenaucev, conalsting of a two-story stone foundry and a two-story stone machine No.ll. Oce equal undivided fourth part of a tract of coal land called the "Greenwood Tract," situate In West Penn Tounship, Bath) lkill county, bnunded north and east by land of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Comex ny. and the south and west by hind of the Little Schuyl kill Nav,gallon Rehroul and Coal Company, containing 883 acres and allowance with the appurtenances, cone eistigg of a frame cal breaker, with sante, ' screens, elope, three engines, redrew], live denote twe.etory frame duelling houses, steam saw-mill, blacksmi th shop, and carpenter shop. No. 12. Two undivided third parts of five contiguous trade of lend, nartly h, Ruth Township, Schuylkill coun ty, and pertly in Carbon county, bounded on the north by land eurveyed to. Andrew 'Kennedy, Zechariah Bo bble, and John Deemer; east by laud surveyed to John Beath and Peter Sonard i south by land surveyed to John Dental and John Runkle and west by land surveyed to George Minn, containing 1,758 acres and 95 perches, strict measure, with the appurtenances, consisting of two two story frame dwelling honed; with a ono-story frame kitchen attached, and a frame steam self-min with a twenty-horpo power meant engine. • No. 13. AU that certain tract or piece of land situate partly in Muth township, Schuylkill county, and. partly in West Penn township; Sohn) 'kill county, beginning at a maple tree corner, thence by lend surveyed on warrant to Venue Leine, and now or late the property of Thomas Eittera,,thence north 28 deg. west crossing Owl creek, 140 perches toe atone corner in lino of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company's land, thence by the same N. 64 deg R. 387 perches to a pile of stones} south 26 deg. E. 28 perches to a chestnut oak ; N 64 deg. E. 220 perches to a pile of atones; S. 26 deg. E. 20 perches to &stmt.); N. 64 deg. E. 100 Perches to a yellow pine; S. 28 deg E. 32 perches to a yellow pine; N. 70 deg. R. - , crossing the line of Schuylkill county, 101 perches to a pile of atones by a chestnut' oak, thence by other land P. 28 deg. E. e 0) perches to a yellow pine corner ; S. 64 deg. W. 320 perches, crooning the County Line to a corner; N. 22 deg. W.. 18 perches to stones; 8. fit ley. W. 288 perches to a corner, the place of beginning, containing 416 acres and allowance, with the appurtenance, consisting of a one-and- a-half-stori frame dwelling ,louse and frame stable Seized and taken in execution as the property of JAIIEB CARTER,' ahulnlstrator as boas non of the Relate o 1 hICHARD CARTER, deceased, and /AUER CARTER, administrator of the. Estate , of JOHN OAR • TER, deceased, anal WILLIAM T. CARTER, terra te nant, and to be sold by • - ' • WiLLILII - 3111LLW AILD, Tiattod.Siatss 3latahal. ; Philadelphia.: Marshal',olllco, - Kai 8,1842. T ARRANT'S ZWERVJCE3OENT SELTZER APERIENT. This valnabli and popular Medicine has universally re calved the most favorable recommendations of the PROFEBBIoN and the Pubic ea the MOGI BPTIOISNT AND .16aintABLI APE SABINE APERIENT. * It may be need with the beet effect in Buenan and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affeotioni Gravel, Pilaff, AND ALL OOMPLAINTB WHEND A GENTLE AND COOLING A ricrastrr OR PUR GATIVE IS REQUIRED. Itle particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents! in Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalide, aid Convalescents; Oaptalne of Vessels and Planters will And it a valuable addition to their Medicine Cheats. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up in bottles to keep In any climate, and merely requires' water poured upon it to produce a de- • lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coon try,'Nnd its steadily increasing popularity for a seriee of yearn, strongly guaranty , its efficacy and valuable character,'and commend it to the favorable notice of an intelligent Public. Manufactured only by TARRA.NT & CO., No. , 27BGEBENIVIOH Street, corner Warren st. , NEW YOSIC, And for sale by Druggists generally. BROWN'S 'ESSENOE JAHAIOA GINGEN, Manufactured only at FRE DE ttIOR BROWN'S DRUG AND 01:1E1110Ai STORE, Northosai corner of Fie TH and CHNSTNIIT Streets, Attention in called to this valuable remedy which should bo in every family, and for the Army and Navy it in in. dispeneable, curing affections of the stomach and bowels*, and in a certain preventive from the effects of bad water. OKUTION.—To prevent thin valuable 'Emetics from being counterfeited, a new Steel Engraving, executed at great coist, will be found on the outside of the wrapper, in order to guard the purchaser against being imposed upon by worthless imitations. And Bold by all respectable Dreenginte in the United States. feheErrn-dm G LUTEN CAPSULES PURE COD-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of most tratients to COD-LIVES OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, bee in duced various forms lof disguise for lb administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer in special caeca, but more often the`vehlole neutralises the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as nupalatable and of less therapentio value. The recurs mince, nausea, Ali., to invalids, induced by Magnet of the Oil, is entirely obviated by the nee of our CAPSULES. COD-LIVER OIL CAPSULES have been much need lately in Europe, the experience there of the good 're sults from their use in both hospital and private practice, 'wide from the natnrally suggested advantages, are suf ficient' to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use will malt In benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by LIAW• a 414 ht CAD ;0114 tat .;.1 1.419 14 ALLIRTIT Street. Philadelphia EDUCATIODOLL. ;1 LAG . E...GREEN SEMINARY a beautiful and healthful village, three miles frosii Media. Pupils received at any time for the sum men . Boarding per wed. 82.25. Thorough course in tht Mathematics, Languages, English Studies, and all the branches usually taught. Boys prepared for College or Business REV. J. IiERVEY BARTON, A. H. Village Green, Delaware Co., P ,13011 P 'bEßV.ign - tirUAiLY 1...1 •tioileyi eittieitid)'• by PROSSER, 808 MAD ET Street. : • • ' ' Families supplied es as*. BIOTINA MANUFAOTOBED BY ?KB UNITED STATES BIOTINA ROOFING COMPANY, Corner GitZIPA and eITTS Streets, Beaton, Maid This Portable Roofing is the only article ever offered to the publio which is ready prepared to go on the roof without any finishing operation. It is Kest, handsome, and easily applied. end can be safely ono choaply trans ported to any part of the world. It will not taint or discolor water running over, or lying on it, and is, in all reel:note, a very desirable article. .Its non-conducting rropertiee adapt it especially to oovering mannfaotorks. of varione kinds ; and it is confidently offered to the public after a test of four years in all varieties of climate and temperature, for covering all kinds of roofs, fiat or pitched, together with cars, eteamboats, &o. . It is both cheap and durable. Agents wanted, to whom liberal induoemente are offered. goad for sample, circular, &0., with particulars, to "IL S. ROOFING CO., No. n GORR BLOOR. Ihieron." en24-3m 'LABOR-SAVING MAOHINE. CLOTFIES-BAVING THIS-SAVINO lIT&OEUNE, Haley, Merge, & Boyden's OlutherWringmeaveslabor, time, and clothe's, and is an improvement which ,rip meat certainly he general's adopted. It is solf.adjustiug, simple' and durable, and is far enperior to every ,other device for tbe purpose intended. Over five hundred hove been sold within the last thirty days in this city. No family should be without ono. They are warranted to give perfect satiate ellen .for Bale by L. B. SNOW,. et the Mee of -JOY; 008, & 00.; northeast corner of rum and OfIESTNIIT etreets. Orders from the Country.. promptly attended M. will be re I - 1071 1 01C BAIL DUCK END... 0'131:. IjklJ, of all numbers and brands. • Boman g Duck Awning Twills. of all denori9dOng, EDr fonts, Awnings , Trunks, end Wagon °ovens. • •• Alcor Paper Idennfacturory' Prior Felts, from Ito / Not wide. Torioading, Belting. Bail Twtue, &o. • • JOHN W. EVERHAN & 00., . . 109 .1014101 - QALT.-2.000 sacks Ground Alum Galt' ; 21,000 bushels do , ' do., do.; 4.000 . .bustiols Toik's bland do.. io store and for sale by .131IIRPOY & 'KOONS: No. 140 NORTE! WpARVER. • aisa C ELABPAGNE—An invoice for sale -4p arrive per ship Wm. Frotblogbmi. by OHAS. 8. OM/STAIRS, m 714 Ns. 724 WALNUT St. and 21 GRANITE EEMOI MEDICINAL PHILADELPHIA No. 9 GORE BLOCK, DistriLsßCE COMPAPTIEs. FIRE INSURANCE. MINMANIOS' INSURANON COMPANY OF PHILADELPtiIS, No. 139 NORTH SIXTH dirceti below• Itace, Insure Buildin,ge, Goods, and Merchandise generally, from TAM or Damage by Fire. The ttompemY gunranty to adjust all Losses promptly, and thereby hone to merit the 'patronage of the public. .DIRECTOICS. Franciii Cooper, William Morgan, Michael McGeoy, James Martin, Edward McGovern, James Dnross, The ma.; B. McCormick, ' Francis Falls, Matthew Mealeer, clbarlov Clare, ' John CasiadY, Thomas Fisher,. Thomas J. Hemphill, John Bromley, Bernard M. INlacman, • French McManus,, Michael Cahill, Hugh O'Donnell, James McCann, Bernard Rafferty. IIiANCTS COOPER, President. Mani:Linn Beggintre, Secretary. myl7-11' DELAWARE MUTUAL 86.11111 TY EPSURANOE OOMPAIIIr. INCORPORATED BY THE LEOISLATURE OP eItNNBYLVANIA, 1835. OFFICE S. R. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANOII ON VESSELS, 013R00, 'Po all Parts of the World. FREIGHT, INLA INEIVII3.NCES Oi Goode, by Rivers, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriages to ail parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. Or, Storm Dwelling houses,ami. ASSETS OF THE COMP X NOV. 1, 1661. Pal. ,0081. 6100,000 United States Five par cent Lean. sioo,oao 00 60,000 United States Six per cent. Tres- Bury Nctott 16,000 United States Seven and Three tenths par cent. Treasury Notes 96,000 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five par. cent. Loan 119,661 21 128,060 Philadelphia City Six per cent • Loan 110,448 17 90,000 State of Tennessee Fivo per cent. Loan. 24,076 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mort gage Six per cent. Bond. ~ 10,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 21 Mort gage Sir per cent. Bonds 44,120 88 16,000 800 Shams Stock Germantown Goa Company, principal and interest gutsrautial by the City of Phl ladelpida. 14,557 60 6,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company 6,000 00 Bill. receivable for insurances made....• • 00,780 07 Bonds and Mortgagee 75,000 CO Real Estate $1,861 36 Balances duo at Agencies—Preminms on Marine Policies, Intireat, and other Debts due the Company Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and ottier Companies, 611,848--estimated va lue ()ash on hand—ln Banks .... In Drawer... ITOIIB. [ ( . 3 1". ne lienis t l t o c n A , "' Henry Sloan, EdwardDarington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer M'llvalne, Thomas 0. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. J 012014 James S. McFarland, Joshua P. Erre, John B. Semple, Pittsburg, D. T. Morgan, Pittainirg, A. B. Borger, Pittsburg. ABTIN, President: HAND, Vice President. :rotary. , .1614.11, William Martin, Edmond A. Bonder Theophilos Paulding, John B. Penrose, John 0: Davis James Triumvir, William Byre, Jr., James O. Hand, William 0. Ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, Dr. H. M. Huston, George a. Leiser, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, WILLIAM THOMAS 0. HERBY LYLBUBR, Sea THE RELIANCIi MUTUAL INSURANON UOMPANT, OF PEILLIAILTIIIA, OFFICE No. 305 WALNUT STREET, against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRM, e Houses, Stores, and other buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Met , &aniline. in town or oonntry. OABH CIAPITAL, 52.81,110.N-ABSIITS 917,142.011, Which la Invested as follow, via: la Gist mortgage on city prohertY, worth doable the amount 0101,900 00 Pennsylvania Railroad 00.'6 6 por cent. first mortgago loan, at par Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 0 per cent, mi. oorul mortgage loan, ($30,000) 11,600 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and - Canal Co.'s mortgage loan 6,000 00 Oronad rent, lint-class 11,462 60 Alateral loans, well secured 2,590 00 City of Philadelphia 8 per cent loan 80,000 00 &Hatchery County 8 per cent. Pa. BE. loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 6,185 01 Mechanic•' Bank stock 2,812 80 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 5t0ck... ....... 4,000 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance oo' stock. $6,860 00 The County Fire Insurance Oo.'e stook 1,060 00 The Delaware M. 8. Insurance Co.'s deck.. 700 00 Union Mntnal Ininkrance Co.'s strip 880 00 Bills receivable 14,802 74 Book accounts, acerned interest, Be 7,104 65 Otkeh on hand ...• /1444 54 The ltintard principle, son:blued with the security of Stock Capital, entities the Mewed to partiolpate is the norm of the Company, without nobility tor tossiui. Lows promptly Minded and paid. DIttIIOTOBS. Olen, Tingley , Bamn ed Bisphant, William B. Thompson, Robert Steen, "Frederick Brown, William Mower, William Stevenson, 13erd. W. Tingley, John B. Worrell, !dandle° Bill, B. L. Carson, J. Johnson Brows, Robert Toland, Charles Leland, G. D. , Boseagarten, Jacob T. Booting, Charles 8. Wood, Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, John Bissell, Pittsburg. ifLSlpt TYBRIVXT, Puluillisist. • S. DL. Secretor robrnary 16. 1861. FIRE INSURANCE Exowanne 00migary-The Voo'rt. B .49e1 A 112Y` f ar& er t a ß AIW rirrueb. N 0.510 WALNUT Street, cpposlGl Inderewl awe 139nare. This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six yettra, COntinnes to Insure against Imes or Da. wage by Fire, on public or private Buildings, either per manently or for a limited time. Alta, on ll'unaLenrc dodo of Goode, or Manhandles generally, on liberal Their Oipltal, together with 11 lam tioxplto told, It invested In the most careful. moaner, which enables than to offer to the bleared an undoebted, secants In the odes or bee. '' DTBMGTOEff. Jonathan Patterson; Quintin Campbell, Alexander Hermon, William Mentality Talmo Hariehormy JONATHAN WILLIAM 0. theowistm. 8 THE ENTERPRISN 110311RaTIOR 00BITAST 01 . renaDr.r.onar.. • (prim INsußiatoz )fiXOLUNIVILLY.) OOMPAMY'S BUILDING, 8. W. OORNER FOUR= AND WA_LbTOT STRZETEL DIRECTORS. Y. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, William McKee, Gee. H. Stuart, Raltizo Frazier,. John R. Brown, John 111: Atwoo d, B. A. IPahcestook, Beni T. Tredick, Andrew D. Oaah, ttanz7 Wharton, J. L. Rrringer. F. RATORPORD BTABB, President auxin W. Ooxi. Secretary talk VIORANG-B INSURA.NOE 00M JL:I PANT-;-6111 No. 400 WALNUT Street. fire Insorenos on - Ho aeY, sad Merchandise genertar. cn favorable terms, elMed P•0 4410 . 1 * D RN. Amman Bones% • . . : Thom a mia re i h John Q. Ginned°,' : ' Merles Tbornosea, =ward D. Bober* . .Joines T. Hale, Diunnel D. Smedley, . - Joshua T. Owen. Itenben 0. Ds* . John J. Griffiths. JE BONSALL, President. JOHN Q. OXNIODO, vice Proaddent. Sanwa) Op*, neariiary. . . . . . AME 'CAN FIRE INBURANON UOSPANY. Incorporated 1810. (MARTI'S PERPETUAL. No.Blo WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large Pald-zip Capital Mat and Sturplns, lu teated In sound and available &omit:tee, continuo* to Mame on Dwellings, Stone, Furniture, Merchandise, Fog sob in port and their eargoes, - and other Peraonai Pro. Party. All Lomas liberally and promptly Mirada/. Dimurrous. Thomas B. Marls, Jotui Webb Samna] 0. Morton, Patrick Brady, John T. Law* THO &maw 0. L. Oarwirom ANTHRACITE INSURANCE OOPSPANY. Authorized Oarlizil s4ooloot MARTEN PERPETUAL.I Office No. 811 WALNUT Street, between Third end fourth Streets, Philndelylde. This Oomuany will Innate against km or damage by Piro, on Buildings, furniture, and Mexchandisa gone- TS/IY. Moo, Marine Insurances on Vessels, flargooa, and Freights. Inland Inonrance to all perm of the lin:on. DIEMOTORB. Davie Pearson, Peter Steger, J. E. Banm. Wm. F. Doan John Rotc ham, .M ESHER. Trodden& MUM, Tice Trodden& evaoti William Esher, D. Liither, Lewis Andenried, John It: Dial:Mos, Joseph Maxnuka, WILL WM. W. Mires, Sooresary. TNSUBANCE • COMPANY :ON. THA STATE • OT „PENNSYLVANIA-OM= Nos. 4 and b EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North Ade of istrr Street, between DO l 3ll and THIRD Ohm% Philo geira3ta. . • • :No o NpoRATED In 1194---OHARTEB PIMP VITAL. • CAPITAL, $200,000. psormErna OF THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY L . DIM, 4507,094.61. • 411ABIlii, FLEE, AND INLAND' TRANSPORTA TION INSURANCE. DIB.IIOTOBEI. Henry D. Ammo* Samuel Grant, Jr., Muirlee Illenelestar, Tobias Wagner , . Wi ll iam it; Godtb, , Thomas B. Watloon, John B. 41Metto, . Henry G. Freemen, William B. Whtte,..l. -, . %arise H. Lewis, George H. Oat" _,,.,,.. .. George 0. Parson, .. Nalltarp Knight 4101111' D if SLIM II A 1706 "WON& ROBER r . I .RITOORSON, 97n0t;i33 welaniiir emirs, sitiow JM. • ROMMEL'S NEW 'LEHIGH • :coAL WHARF,. No. 969 DELA WARP: Avenue, above POPPA Street: ap99-lm* . UNDE 81%14:11D , Vei taie . to inform their friends and the publicitbie therhave'remand their LEHIGH GOAL DEPOT' from NOBLILEITREKT WHARF, on the Delaware s to their TOW IlinthAsit corner of EIGHTH and Wrl.Lois Street/, wbere they intend to keep the beet Quality of LXHI COAL, from the most approved mines, at the lowest prices. lour patronage is respnerfnlly solicited. JOB. WALTON It 00., Office, 112 Borah BlTONP'Strest.. lard. EIGHTH and NVTLLOW. rdlit-tt M=M:C3 • fIVIPORTANT I. A.RTICIIES FOR SOLDIERS Shooki b gent by 11A1111DEN'8 MUSKS% GM oßnannrr Street They charge only HALF .SA.TIS and send daily to Baltimore, Washington, Verbose Mou rne. and an other points oconnied•by our tronint re24-*ll4 THE ADAMS EX- mmalJ PREBB COMPANY, Office aik lIIINEITNIIT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its ow% 'lines or in connection with other Express' Cool Denis e, en the vittelval Towne a n d Mee of the-United States 8: BA Ntilroltri, cienersit oneeeleteeeeet. PAMPHLET . PRINT - 0* Best • and . Ohespaat in the 014, at BINOW ALT 811.0 wisps, 111 South TO :MTH eat . atklbO TORN IS. MYERS ()0./AUCTION EY BEIM Noe. 232 and 234 rvettaxlFT Vreigt• BALE OF OA RPETZIKEIE THIS tritiENING, May 23, on fors mouths' credit— MO pieces velvet, Brawls, Ingrain, dine Vend' n car. Voting , ' mAttits.A. Sa SAL% OF FRYINO3 DUI GOODS. ON MONO&Y MORNING, May 26, on four months' credit -700 packages, Gormsa, Swiss, and DOM& dry goods. • F URNESS, BRINLEY, al, 429 013,18TNUT MIXT SALE THIS (FTIMAY) ... MORNING, MAY 21, AT A CARD.—The attention of purchasers is requested to our agile of Coo lot,, fancy mid etnele dry goods, this (Friday) morning May 23, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four months' credit, comprielog in part the following goods: ,600 pieces mild check ginilluns. 900 plecee 0.4 Parts plaid poll de eincre. —Localise, bareao arglaise. achd colors lainea nod challys. —jecomet, cambric and checii umelins. 1000 doz X en% linen cambric homikercbioto. do linen damsmic table cloths. 49,995 Erf 606 CARTONS No. 12040 ponvr LB SOIX BONNET AND TRIMMING RIIIIBUNS. 260 Fuca's PaMa 6IOZAMBIQIJB6. FOIL DE °HEYDE, FIL. lc otisvas. • THIS MORNING. Paris 6.4 mszambiques. Paris 7-2 poll de cbevro. Paris 7.4 tile de rbovre. ' Paris 7.4 brccbe tants& de Paris.. Smell figured Paria 1.101.1di10 do Joint*. -Alen. loom, organdies, black Bilks, velreta, white goods, !then cambric handkerchiefs, Arc. ALSO. 2,000 DOZ. PARIS lIAND.II..s.DE if.f.,LY.t &tires, `Comprising a handset:no assortment of short and long, with and without fingers, new styles and patterns, Jug landed. 48,181 ITY . . cum 00 001,ai 08 ... 517 38 51,611 55 ;memo 161 $817,141 01 Thomas Sabina, Daniel Smith, Jr., John Dovereaz, Thomas Smith. PATTIBBOISf, Prmider.t. •retarr. James B. Campbell, Edmund G. Driblh, °barlee W. Poultuell larael Morrie. . = B. MARIS, Pres Mott Secretary. kill2-tt satitnzßp. PELII4DIBLPHIA R !Rl' A 1111010 o ' o • BALM OF BOOTS ANn SHOla OB TUBBDAY MORNING, May 2T, on four months' credit. 1,000 packages boots and shoes. BALK, OF DRY GOUDA. Oo.TII LT RAD A Y MORNING, May ,on four months' credit— ed° cemkasree British, French, and American dry Glenda. 10 O'CLOCK 2000 do Paris black fillet mitts. • 500 do do ; do lace points and mantillas. 1.3 Qtr's black ullk valve to. NOTION. TO DMA mits IN MBBONS THIS MORNING, —do No 4, 5. and 6 etiolce reined do —do Paris mode bats and boonfts.. ' SALE F Fite . ..NCH GOODS. THIS MORNING, • Nay 23, by catalogue. 6Glllnte of fancy and staple.Franah dry sonde. bOLID MIME" NGEtaDIB, LgVELLEA he 10 cases fine solid check . singhame. 2 mes localise and dahagee. 8 cases mall figured printed lawns. ALSO. 500 PARIS NEW STYLE iIt,AOR 1.45.013 POINTS . AND SUAWLS. SPECIAL SALE OF 800 CARTONS BONNET AND TRIM KING RIBBONS, Of the Importation of efelire. Wens° it Freres, Jost landed. TRW MORN LNG, May 'A at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit— GOO rartnna Vey.l2oelo oxt' ?lab breche figured, plain, cheer, gram grain, and •pouti. de anie bonnet ribbone. Full lines Nos. 4,5, end 6 corded edge white, corn, °online, blue, and assorted colors. Doe. 12 to 40 corded edge black. white, and corded do. Alec, an assortment of corn colored do. 24.11—The above are all fresh goods anti choicest comma. and worthy the attention of the trode DRTIEP FORD & 00., A.UOTION ISM, 525 MAIIKET and. 522 00121111211011 80. 86. LS OW 1;000 uesze BOOTS, SHOES, 800 • • GANS. &c. ON MONDAY MORNING, May 26. at 10 o'clock, precisely, will be sold by oats logos, 1,000 cases mans', boys', acid youths' calf, Up sod gram boots; calf and kip brogans, Congress gaiters Oxford ties, waiktog shoes, &c.; women's, misses', sod children's calf, kip, goat, kid, and onammelod heeled boots end 'shoes, gaiters, slippers, kc., including a large assortment of first-clam city- made goods lit' Open for oxamination, with catalogues, early ore the morning of sale. pANCOAST . WARNOOK AUC TIONNBILS, No. 213 MARKET Streik LARGE SPECIAL 86. LE OF 200 OASES STRAW COOLS, by Catalogue. THIS MORNING, • Jay 23, commencing at 10 o'clock. embracing a great variety of taabionable"goode for Wiles', gents', mimes', and children , a wenr. 200 CARTONS BONNRT AND TRIMMING RIB BONS. THIS AIf.RNING. IA ay 23 commencing at 10 o'clock precisoly -200 ep;toD a latest and most desirable styles ribbons, Nom. 4e60, consisting, in part, of plain and fancy solid osiers cord edge bonnet ribbons, Nos. 12.060; riots and choice broths and fancy do.; extra quality black and wbits do.; a lull line of most choice 'colors round edge trimming ribbons, Nos. 4,6, and 9, all extra axiality goods, adapted to first-class sales. BY HENRY P. WOLRERT, AUCTIONEER. NE MOVED from No. 9 South BNriOND Street to No. 202 MARKET Street, south side, above Second street. ERGOLAR BALKS OF DRY GOD vS, TRI MMINGS, NOTIONS, do. Every Blond RV, Wednesday, and Friday taonaing, com mencing a5lO o'clock, precisely. Olt, and country dealers, are requested to attend thew sales, Oonnignments respectfully solicited from manufactu t ere, lin per tett ; commission,wholesale,and jobliing houses, and retailers of ail and every diecription of merchandise. Notire stocks of goods arranaedte j etneLsold is lots to suit the retail trade. Cash . advanced on goods. Settlement . second day fry in sate... .= 10. lm* IA - 08E8 NATHANS, AIIOTIONE ALI: AND COMMISSION MNSONANT, outtl comer of SEMI end RAMC Streets TARE NOTIO3 The highest possible price is loaned on goods at De aims' 'Principal Establisksasnt, southeast oonier Sixth and Race stmts. -At lowit one-third more than #' any other establishment to this pity. 35115.TH,iNS' PIONUIPAI, .NOMIT EtIT&BLIDIt ItIENT.: 250,000 TO LOAN. In !sage or small awounta, from one dollar to thousandc, on diamonds, gold and silver plate,=toilet', Jewett'', =rehandle°, clothing, (wafture, bdding, pianos. sat goods of every description. LOANS MADE AT Trig LOWEST MARNET HAMM Tbla eetabllabment has largo fire and thief-proof Wet for the safety of valuable goods, together with a ;alias . watchman on the premises. ESTABLISHED FOR THE LAST 30 YEARS. ALL LABOR LOANS MADE AT TIM 3, TS) PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHNICNT." CHARGES GREATLY ESDIMED. AT PRIVATE SALE. Ono !Innerlor brilliant toned piano. forte, with mohair plata, soft and load pedals. Price only 1190. One very ❑ue toned piano-torte, price only 111 P FOR SALE AND TO LET TO DISTiILERS. -A- The DISTILLWAT known u the "PHCENIX," and formerly owned and occupied by SMELL. SMYTH, yttnated on TWENTY-THIRD, between EAC)6 and VINE . Streote, Philadelphia, Oaten Sty 600 bushels jaw day, ill now offered for sale on renvonable and wont modating terms. Is in good running order, and has all the modern improvements. An Artesian well on the pre mixes tarnishes an unfailing eupply of good, pure water. Address Z. LOOKE & 00., No, 1010 BIARKIII Street, Philadelphia. fe27-dtf gyi TO LET OR FOR SALE—Neat / 1 1 2 11 country place, containing shoat 5 acres of hind; with good bnildinps, pear Closter, Delaware county, li miles from the city. half mile from railroad station oa the Philadelphia and Wilmington Railroad. Fine varloty of Fruits. &c. Apply to E. P E ! TILT, my 15 No. 309 WALNUT Street; FOR SALE OR TO LETFour Wall Come, on the went Bide of 880 &D &root,. blow Columbia avenue. ADO) , at the southweet corner of NINTH and SANSONE Streets. .- mh264f, di!! FOR BALE OR TO LET.-A pleasant house lu the suburbs of Media, neatly 4.11 acre of ground, abundance of shade and trait. - Rent low. Apply at No. 151 SOUTH FOURTH STRERN,. second story. ap2B-1m ga TO RE N T A welfurniehed WL-a r . Country House, of moderate Eire. The grounda In chide Flower, Fruit, and Vegetable Gardens, an Orchard, a pleaesnt grave, through which a little brook flows, and 'mistime grounds for the use of two cows. It is eltuated mile and a half from Old York Road Station, North Penn sylvania Railroad. Inquire 1616 LOOUS r Street. ap7.mwf tr. TO LET—A beautiful COON -a— Tair-pbecut,'or 10 acres, on the west aide of FRONT• Street road, above Hart lane, within ten mi nutes' walk of the Frankford and Southwark passenger cars. Thomaston early in April. Apply at the south west corner NINTH and &ANSON, second stars , . mh23. tf IOR SALE—A Large , Helve' Hammer mad Frame, in complete order; arkb eM the dzinive; can be area in operation . by imp:tido,: of • OLIARGES MIDDLETON, BBOOND and WILLO.W. my 1.0420 . GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS NATIVE •WINES..:: . •... • .•••-• ••• , . STRICTLY PURE JUICE OP TEI G;II4P3C—THE MOST DELICIOUS, RICH, AHD. ratri# ..• WINES EVER OFFERED THE .PUBLIC. , . ' '...• AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT JUST RECNIMID. ALBERT a.ROBERTS, • DEALER IN ?poi GROOERIES, ay2.B-N ooaNza.zuMiNTH AND VINE STS CROSSE & BLifieKWELIL'S cele. Erato' PICKLES said SAUCES, coestentlY received by " RHODES A LLIAIAti, my 6 • 107 South W ATER Street - - NUTS. -20 BALES L ANGUE DOO ALMONDS; 26 bales SICILY ALMONDS; 100 ba g s New Afiloan PEANUTS; just received and for sale by LIIODS wimultais, nut . 107 E South WATS scrod. AILDINEB.—A very superior brand S for wile by CHARLES S. 0 &ESTATES, spa 126 WALNUT sod 21 GRANITE Street. Hama. STEVENB:HOUSE,. (LAT! DELMONICIOI3,) No. Efi . 138.0ADW AY. NEW 'YORK. Five minutes': wslk from Fall Meer boat Mains Chambers stroet and foot of Gortletel street mha.lim • .GEO. W. STEPHEN i, Proprietor. A OARD.—THE UNDERSIGNED, !Me of dui 0/84111) RODSR, Philadelphia, haw 'eased; for a tens of peers, WILLARD'S DOTAL, it Washington. They take this 000stion to reborn to Sao -31 d friends and etudomera many thank' for Twat favor*, and ben to iseeare them that they will be moot happy fie tee theta in their new 'garter'. SYKZB, 91ILDW1011, Wnewnrownt.Jnir 14. ism.* •n 92.1, TO THE DISBABIfiD.: OF ALL sub•aoute and chronic dismiss/ cured by /pedal guarantee at ltild War, eIUT Street, Philadelphia. wed In caao of a failure no charge to made Pmfessor BOLLEB,.the founder of this new practice: wilt superintend the treatment of all caws himself d pamphlet containing a multitude of oerti6catee of thosiC cured, alga letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others will be given to any person free • Lectures are constantly given at 1220, to medical me: and others 'who desire a knowledge of my disoovery, it applying Floctricity as arellable therapeutic, agent. Oon• imitation line. ap2B.2rn VALFA:BY AUCTIOtT VI THOMAS & SONS, 4131. . Nos. 139 sod 141 Son* MIRTH Street. air PUBLIC BALIES VIGAL lOW Tre 1,311‘ wrot.Var. AT THY VEOBARGI ON T.IIESIMIS BEAL 28TATIO AT PRIVAIT eaLa. lure a large amount of real matte al wants , gale, ladaelar 'MY dmarietfon of city sad astratrY party. Plated lista may be bad at the &natkon glow - STOOKS, LO (NS, &c ON ITINeII AY, llfay 27, sZ N o'clock noon, at the Enduing°, Istrhosf emery., Tor Belmont of whom It may COIMPTII - shares IrsZn Coal rompsny, Penns.—par $5O! 2 bonds 4.f Thm. T. WieralhD, st,ooo each, du., fay, 1687. 2 boodit of Thox. T. Wiermso, 51,000 oscb, dos 30.7> 3869. 2 Londe of Thee, P. Wiermaa. 9100 each, clue July, 38(9. 1 bond of Tbne. T. Vierrnen. WOO. tine JnIY.lRill. The above bonne are recored by certain real .etnte its udford wnnty,rebnalltanie. The bonds rn ty be eeea at the cuction venom. Ex , cutorte Aolo, leptafo of S. Frevt4g, doc'd 24500 renveylvanta 6 per toot. Loui, 1845. 7 floors+ Pount)lvioia RaiTroAff Crimplny. RE L ESTATE BALL-944T Apokrooes' Nrocuotory Sale.—LOT. north side of But tonwood street, eon of Cholproto, Thfrtoooth word. 23 feet fr , ot. Palo ahoninto. THREE STORY BRICK STORE wnd DWELLING, northwest eirnar of Twentieth Rt.() emits* ousels. . . . . 14 - KAT DIODICRN DWELLING, we,t ifde «f Thirty. Peron(' elre. t, north of . 11 %ring, Tyront... (north wand, THERE STORY BRICK DWELLI NY% Hamilton street west of Thirty-third, Twpietc-fo or ib ward ELEGANT AND YALTTABIR COUNTRY BOAT. 22) acree r with ettperior imprornment4, near Tammy, and near the rirPr relea-are. NrAT NITMERN RESIDENCE. Sonth Broad 'street, 'second house below Patairunk road. Lot 4t) feet front. Rae the modern convenience's. Yard planted with grape vines. fruit trter, Re. if 0 NDftofd IC MODERN DIUBLR RRsiDTmpit, OD the north tide of Mount Vernon street, wept of Bigot. comfit. 40 font front. Finished in vest modern aty)e. Clear of Wenn brims& NEAT. MODERN DWELLING, en the north BM° Of Monne Vernon street, • att. of ICiehteectli Peremptory 51143.-VA TX &BLIT. MOST 00.0 Z, 90,16E.86, secured ors a large and valuable proportY. North second street, above Race, known as the Oamst Tavern." FIOEG itNT BROWN-STONE RTiIkiTtIENCJE. No. 1613 Loomed. Arent, tralmeite St. Mark's Church. 22 feet front. It alio befit fora former owner, and ia Sof4hoti in element modem merle, and toplete with all modern con veriences. SlO.OOO - may remain nn ¢rnnm7 rat t NRAT 17101 1 YRN DOUBLE 'MiII:MUM Forte eighth street. north of the Ihkrhy Pa...eueer Twenty-lonrth ward. It is finihhol in mourn stylo, and is situate in utmost beautify, and 01.sirable neighbor bood. Terms, half Chili... IMlllfdiAtOp.)ase44 , o. NEAT OTF,Rtir DWELLUM, No. 1733 Coates street, w , st. of Fe yen teroth. BUILDING DOT, Inti ,, inine, on the west,l7 feat fronk. 2 THREA•STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, No 1132 Olive F rest, west of Seventeenth. DANOFOME COUNTRY DESIDENCR, Chestnut neer, the Chertnnt Ilia and Spring House turnpike, Twenty. serund wart. TWO-STORY BAKE COTTAGE. No. 153 t North Twalllh street, abovn Oxford. lies the motor(' conve nienc.e. TBBRII-STORY BRUIN DWELLING. No 1080 Mervinestreet,in the rear or the above. Has hydrant in the yard, ific: PYri.roptory Sale —LARGE AND SUPERIOR Ril- SIDENCE, No. 251 South Third stmet, between Wahine ard Spruce Billets, with stable arid coach•hpase oa Le vant ',free. lil 011TH IIGFITTI FTREET.—Neat modern dwell ing Fe. 1221 North the street, with two three-st7gg brick dwellings in the rear. on Perth street. SALR OR THE vALTT Ain?. (Oki, nut. TORICAL, CLAPSIOAL AND MNNOEf.bANEODB LIRA ART of the Rev. C. M. Butler, D. D, late of Waehlneton. P O. ON WEDNESDAY, TT3TfIISDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS. May 21. 22 and zr., • At the auction More, cornmeoeine at 4 will be sold the valuable Library of the Roy. C. M. Butler, cete prioing a huge collection of standard and desirable aullura in the ration brorrehes of literature For perticnlaro see catalogues of the 13r,he. which will be arranged for xoninatinn one day previous. Sale on the Premisee—Poutheert corner Sixteenth end Spoon% Streop. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, AND SUPERIOR PoßNrrirar, rtsic HARP, ROSRwOOD PIANO, ELEGANT CUR TAINS, UHANDICFIIIRA, der. ON TUESDAY MORNING. 27th inat,. St 10 o'clock, by catalogue. at tYe goutheast corner of Sisteenth and Spruce an'et•, tho superior far t:Mare, reeewnod pisun•fmts by Bacon & Bayou, fine harp by Rrard, gas chandeliers, floe Brussels carpets, CJIMion cloth corraine, &c. Also. school desks. sir The bowe'siill be sold at 10 o'clock, the furniture immediately after. Frill descriptions In handbills. Admlnlatietor'e Sele—Lorneard Street. NEAT 13 OUSENOER FURNITURE ON WED NESDAY MORNING. 28'h inst. at 10 o'clock, at No. '225 Tinmhsrd street, the honerhold furniture, hr order of adminietrater. Men, the kitchen iiteneile. par May be examined at' 8 o'clock on the morning of SHIPPING • • TOR NEW YORK-THIS ilk:l . -DESPATCH AND SWIFTRURB LINES-VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. Steamers of the above Lines will kayo DAT LY, at 12 and 5 P. M. For freight, which will he taken nn siccommmistiaS terms, apply to Wel% isf. B.tLRD A: 00., my2l-tf 132 South DELAWAIIN Arenas. dia BOSTON AND PHILADNI PHIL STEAbISHIP LINE—From PI NI Street, Philadelphia and LONG Wharf. Beaton, &m. The eteemehip SAXON, Captain ?datthewe, wN ewil from Boston for Philadelphia nn TIIRSDAY. May P, a 4 o'clock P. and from Philadelphh fee Roston on SATUNDAT 'EY ENING. May 2,4, at 7 o'clock P. H. Ineurapco one• half that by sail tweets Freiett taken at fair rates. Bhipnere gill, please send bllle lading with their vadat. For freigbt or passage (baring tine accornosodattec* for reseeagers), apply to . . . . WENRY WINSOB & 00., 832 801Trif WIT ARvlrei eta% THE BRITISH AND WORT is MillaKlLEr ROYAL MAIL Masa' - FRESH NEW YORE. TO LIYEAPOOL. Mid Cabin Pavane . 31a< Second Cabin Purism) FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. =of Cabin Passage, EDI Second Cabin Passe e. Tkos ships from Now York oat at Cork Rather. •I shire from Boston call at Halifax and &a* eta SCOTIA, (Apt. locator.. CNINA. Capt Anderson. PERSLek, Capt. Lott. 'SI t. Osld. Cook. SBABIA, Capt. - J. Stone. EUROPA. 11 ‘10 J. Leitok- Arttl Wt. Ow. thaw , CANADA, Capt Mnir. AMERICA, ()ant N oodie. iN/AGARA, Capt. A. Mn AU vrit at ASIAN. Them 'meets cony a doer white light at mast-baw croon on starboard bow ; red on port bow. A3tEItICA, Moodie,leares Boston, Wednesday, May 14. AUSTRALASIAN, Anderson, < 4 N.York, Wednesday, May 21. NIAGARA. cook. <4 Boston, Wednesday, May 28. SCOTIA, Judhins, " N kork, Wednesday, Sena I. EUROPA, Stone, 4 . Boston, Wednesday, June IL PERSIA, Lott. It N.York, Weds e-day, June 18. AFRICA,' Anderson, Boston, VirsdnesdeP Jona 26. (MINA, Andareon. N.York, Wednesday, July 2. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Bnrgoon on board. The owners of these ships will not be iinnoentabis Zot Bold, Silver. Hellion, Specie, Joweiry, Precious ftwoe, or Metals, ,oleos bole of lading aye sinned therefor.izsg the sable thereof therein expresso:l Tot frehtht or soe sso. and, to V. CUNARD. t BOWLING GREER. Now YfAt. E. 0. A J. G. BATES, 103 STATE Street. 80.te.). LONDON EXHIBITION-BETURN TICKETS TO 'LONDON AND BACK : 8100. Seiond-elase' dist . wI'EKLY OOMMUNIOA . TION tv SITAR 1111TW81414 NW ROME .2.81) 1,15 - FRPOOI., caltinj at QUEENS. TOWII, (Leland,) to Mud and ,embark paseenscera au4 eteepotchee. The Livens:44, Hew York, and Thlladelldlia Noma :hip Company's *email Clyde-built Iron ecru etant ships are intended to eaS as follows: "Bold FEW YORE lON RIVICIT'OOI. ETIINGUROIT Saturday. Stay 24, 'Pm CITY ON ITA.LTI3IOItE .Bsturday, May :IL 1362 - Edi2iGlooo Saturday, Juue 7, 1861. '. LD6 every Saturday tbroniboat sae year, trQta ram Na., - 411 N. E. BATES Or PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PREDADELPHIL Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool,„ ril Do. to London, via Liverpool Sit Steerage to Queenstown, or ........ gat Do. to Louden Do. Return tekete, available for eix menthe, froze Liverpool Passengers forwarded to Havre. Perle, Hambart, Bremen, and Antwerp at throng): raise. Oertifloetee of woo homed from Liverpool to rev York Is4l Oertlflootes of rumen filmed from Quoenstown to VIA York Those steamers havo entieMor toomumodatione tor net "engem are constructed with water-tight term v...vivne-ote, and carry experienoed Surgeons. Tor freight, or paesage. CIDPIY at the onto(' of OSo Om- MU, JOHN O. DALE. Agent, 111 walnut street, Philadelphia, In Liverpool, to WM. Tlll 4 lAtl, Tower Buildings iniegem, to WILL ast Tenn at,•••• i lea =p FOB NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINIL as netsww vc Ilariten Osuud. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat CCO2. Dakir receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., dellycz , h=r cargoes in New York the following day. Iste token at reaeouablo rates_ • WM. P. CLYDE, Agent. N 0.14 130IITH WHANNES, Pkiladelphlt. JAMES HAND, Agent, SOUS • Piers 14 and 15 E RiYER, MACHINERY AND IRON. MORGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAM ENGINE BUrLDICBS, iron rounders, ad General illanbiniate and Pollee 'Makers, No. 1210 7.&1-LOWBILL LOWBILL Street. Philadelphia. felB-1► ' .1. TM/HAN Batman'', JOHN N. 00PN, WILLIAM FI . MERRICK HARTLEIY YRSIIOI , SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASIELNGTON STBZDTBI PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK h SONS, ENGINEERS AND EACEUNISTS, Manufacture High and Dow Proseuro Steam Engines, for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, hc. ; Coat hiss of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Belt road Stations, dm Bator's and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &a. Bole - Agents for N. Billions's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nesmyth's Patent Sham Hammer, and As pinwall .31. W,olsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. anti-t? PENN STEAM 14.1 NGINE AND BOMBE WORES.—NE &FIN 41 LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, MA OHINISTS, BOILER-MARE Rs, A - I,ACR SMITHS, and FOIINDERS, having, for many ream, been in succeeefni operation, and been exclusively en gaged in bonding and repairing Marine and River En gines, high and low presthre, Iron Boers, Water Tanks, Pro gc., Ito., respectfully offer their eervices the public, as being fully prepared to contract for Ea &MS of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to exe cute orders with Quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-preasnre, Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the beet Penneylvania charcoal bun. Forging's. of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brats Cantinas, of all deecriP tions; 801 l Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifications for all work done at their establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The trithecriberi have ample wharf-dock room for re "sire of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, At., Ac., for rais ing heavy or light weights. JACOB 0. INBAFIE, JOHN P. LEVY, BEAORiind PALMER Streets. JAMES ROMER & BON HAVI A. splendid assortment of fine Groceries, ebesp. SE VENTH and NOBLE Streets, and SIXTH and WOOS Streets. aty9-Lne