Speech of General Sigel The Union ladies of St. Lords having presented General Sigel with a silver cup recently, that elk ear returned his thanks to the fair donors in the following wadi : LL I was not born in &fa country, but came here ft stranger as did your ancestors, the Eluvonete, the Puritans, and the companions of William Penn. But I assure you that my heart and soul are with Uhg Repoblio, jam boun4 to jy 4y ovary col of lay life. for the principles which give strength to pour Government are mine • for the .triumph of these principles have fough ti ever since I have been capable of thinking. I am attached to the flamed sail of Mist' asuri by the eisso.ory of those Whom I have seen to fall before my eyes in defence of the Government and the maintenance of the Union. They offered themeelvea ae a sacrifice for altar banner, owl my boort snap over cherish them." CITY ITEMS. ELEGANT NEW SPRING CLOAKS.—T he magni 'Recut new store of Messrs. J. W. Proctor x Co., (The Ratio Mantas Emporium,) No, '4O Chestnut street s is the chief centre of attraction to the ladies of our city. Their splendid assortment of Sacques and Cloaks, of an the latest patterns, made from the beautiful no ( 1 141)" are Ulliverzsdly ;Winfred. They are at once dressy, tasteful, varied in colors and designs, and of a texture suitable to be worn, with comfort, throughout the onNre season. PINE ENGLISH PICKLES AND Stunwate., 11. Mattsim, dealer in fine family groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has now on nand a choice line of all the finest and most desirable English Pickles and Sauces im vorted, to which we invite the attention of one renamu. EXTRAVAGANT MEN.—Apicilffi Spent in dis sipation $600,060,.and finding, on looking into his &Mare, that he be had only 1900 7 000, be poisoned himself, not regarding tte smn as sufficient for his maintenance. Cleopatra gave to Anthony a dieinnud worth £lOO,OOO. Caligula spent oit one dinner £80.009. The ordinary expense for a dinner of Lucallus wee £20,000. Theite use mentioned to hietory se -pew:l;66ft-, but nOlP•a. days a man is raid to be extravataut when he does not practice economy, wbich can be done by purchasing his clothing at the One-price Fashionable Clothing Empo rium of Gran - 6110 Stokes', No. 600 Ceretuut street, whore the finest and cheapest assoltment of summer garments in the country are offered for sale. BAD Houns IN PARIS.—The Parisians have started a rew style of dissipation. Soirees now com mence long after ten, private conceits at eiciut eleven, and belle at eleven. Dinners are ordered half an hone earlier thou they arc usually served, and, instead of being famished at half rust seven or eight. are over at seven and half past sevf n. en that persms of quality can go to bed and have a long elo-p before they dress to go out at n idnight, Then had batter carry the fashion to a little greater extreme, and not go ont until next day, when they can make an early etart. The next and the culminating step in wieL'om would be to go to balls and dinner parties clad in the elegant garments made at the Brown-stone Clothing Hall of Boeltbill Noa. CO3 and 605 gheetnut street, above Sixth. EPITAPH.— tier. lies ot2 {tat 1-.131,1111. of Mac, the Marti, 'Which, like Dick Turyin, after a brief and eventful life on The Roadit Fell a victim to repletion. from an over-done of Becessia, And. from hearing a d. great cry." which betokened the W.-ol." VOIR. fetiour-dle-sea, And went down to a watery grave (except that pert that went np) loaded with diehonor and 100 lb widel 4 ioge.iter wsk6 her self. were both rifled from the Norfolk Navy Yard. • Peace to her imbed and boilere." Ia the rroantlme, MeWM and Boyer. Clothing at Charles Stokes', under the Continental. WINDOW SHADES, all styles, $1 to.ss each 'pith durable fixtures, 719 Chestnut street, Philadelphia W. H OARRYL & BRO. LACE, MUSLIN, AND JACQUARD CURTAINS, now in store, price Si 50 to 020 a piece, 719 Cheatuut. stmt. PhilPilelphiii. W. W CARRTLIII4 BRO. &Dn. Tr ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP WO 12 &SLUM LAPP num' ttaNITMONTAL HOTZL--bindh and Uhentnut sta. 811 Austin, Boston S G Seargeut. New York Itulll6l.nion & u 1 B I F T Lerued. Boston L Pd Itrov43, Lain 3 onto F Boston Caleb t beer, 80,don J L Word, Chicago - 141 Welltord Mrs Harrison & 3 children J T But tio f la, N Jersey ',digs Bunting Er Vci:pett F J, bosom ? Penna B Wirg, Missouri V Prfer. Pointe 0 DI Burke & af t Cleveland F S Carrier, liarrieburg J N Du Barry. Harrisburg A King & da. Bedford B Clarke. England H (3 Pttooy- N Jersey Itlre COLT. r, N Jersey lifts Watains. N Jersey oo Coo r o,‘,N Joisisy k D tiLiekuhle „re la. 114 Jli Cenoll & la, N York L New York J Can eron, New York Maj G H Otis, New York Jac A Potter, Prov, RI Mra L N Gasman, N Jersey ler W. od & la, New York Miss Wood, New York John Tenan Is, Boston Wm Ma_..Lesi. New York Faroe.. Of th & wf, Boston Mr Oliffora & 1.. Mass 3, De Gray A la. Brooklyn R Smith is, Brooklyn 5 31ossey & wf, 8064011 Jae Elooen, Boston J Lt ugloy, Bolden It K Harland, Now York J Didfurd. Now York 14 JAW or S wf, Waihingtin W A Philllps, Taunton H Mather, West Troy N Miller, Pittsburg W G C,oe, Polumbia IN, Brown & da, New York John I) Snoth, New York Dr T ewe et, Carbondale T F Hunt, Scrantyn • PIIMPTOY. New York J D Byeert, 81 10111i3 Jae 11 • milli, Mass Dr Pros, Wudi, D 0 S Gandy, New lork Mss A Gandy, New York I-ooe tvolton, New York J W Mitchell, New York A c Davis. Lake Superior Mr Bteltop w wf,N Y dies Lathrop, New York J Day. Boston litiaa Ef li Dar, De.twe P. A AIL. E Crimpy, Hartford W B Weise:Aden, Prov, R I Sirs .Tacoae, Lancaster, Pa Mackie, New York Beth B•yatt, Boston C N Watts A Waiter & of, Penns S W Mood T nifford, New York W W Marsh, New Jersey J S Kendall, New York S B omens, New York lease Steese, Ohio C Freese, Ohio • C Boberts, New York F F rhidip..& in, N Y L Part-men, New York JH. noir," Now. Yolk sew York S Rich, New York D G. *Mon, New York W U S-wed, Bath, mom kewail, Bath, Maine T sl Road. Bath, Maine F 11( Iron. New York B Bookman, Boston IllreG A Newell, Boston A G -go, Boston J hater & la, New To* S mown- Ooio F Brown, Boston Gr 41111 , 4011 do ta, York, Pa J Mey r, Jr, New York S T Snow, Boston W Cummings, Jets - ±y City - N G Sock-s+ ' New Yerk IN Faits, New York lift 2,4 WOOd New York W S Wood, New York Dr E Uu Ac.rnb. New York C B 1-11iiliaidooe, We.. York F iti Ried, 13.411611 • L Leopold, Cincinnati B Richards, New York Mrs Bernie ItIBIL(1BANTB' BOTNl.—Fortrrn as., below Arch. 111 V licauett, New Rept:, Jas Bawl, Nb4l. Yait Eli .1 Sager, Peoria A Pa,dee, Jr, Hazleton Joseph F Randolph J F Randolph. Jr, &la. Pa Miss Alice Gray', Easton J Hunt Sr wf. Catasauuua Dr E Tetze, Altoona L A Miller, Altoona I Painter, Westmoreland co J M. Carr, Allegheny A.l Cover, Gettysburg J Stricker, Milton, Pa A Leggate, Allegheny J 11 Mc En's, Penni{ A Lamereaux, New York IL C Miller, Liberty, Pa A K Syester, Hagerstown Dreisbach, Dloornilr'g B 1) Applenton, Bucktown J Blain ,k la, Shippensb'g Mrs J F Meirck, Penner Chas Storrs, New York .7 It Hall, Ni-,, York 11CortIey, Etimulpvrt Ii Couitcr, Baltimore .1 A Eyster, Chambersburg S Eyster, Cluunbersburg P P Lane, Danville, Pa iF H Delaware S Hitchcock, Connecticut W B Irwmn, Pa Tool Woodside, Pittsburg J Tallman. Nunes., Pa A B R akin. AlpiaudriaNa `Wm 8. Paler, Washington W D P Bible Airs Vsa Allstine, Wash eNtEttICAN HOTEL—Oheermuse6-- Poore firth D J Cummins, Delaware Chilies Ming, Norfolk, Ts )11 E Malt. Carlton co, Pa J A Earning. Euelfee'r, NY A Mc(teller, Fort'ee Monroe W S Vrouee, Camden, Del G A Gra. US N C Goudy, lilicoia ' R S Hollis, Canfield, Ohio jno Prieee & e, Indiana W Campbell. Lexington. Hy .1 F Wittea's & la, Del Itcke' POP Sapp & wife, Del R A Motion, fircjoklyn J A rebuff. Lebanon N otze.dg Y Be, j.zn n Shale, N Y Call Brensdo & la, Md Gen Betnscell, Jersey Shore T tansoert G L Bnyd, Tamaqua n Kurtz. Lanc co, Pa Tbon P Router, Itrittel, RI NN C..la fleistal, P. I The B Pad" h, Chicago, 11l II Notes. Burlington, Is% Lient WW A pp'eton ` J Carpi's, MA JH . Mte ri!l, bid A W Cramer, Itld - Bait Sarde, jr, Delaware ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chests:am 'street, Above Third (" 1 Hamlin, LT S N W S R.senbanm N J A Gul , Qlr.ClDGeti, 0 A Harem-n. Bri3groa Idrs E ? Smith, D C Mix, t Briscoe, D John Wiltiame Penna T R Pierson. Newark Liut J 11 Livingston, D . O AL Wnmrteio•ff, Pottsville T Garreteer, Pottsville Geo R New York Dieut C S Wiokitleos), H Y Oapt B S Barry, New York John Harris, Pottsville S A Perth, vow York V Cot,. n, New York E Akena, Baltimore W W Wright, Delaware THI lINION—Aroh Bum, above Third. John reebner, Pottsville E E Miller. 31 inland Pl' Stone. Waynesboro DC 3 mninlialt,Waynosbo' J Crawford Sr wf, Pittsburg G Wsllsoe R la, Lane co DUES Fl Wallace, Lanc co Je.ea t.ar a, Wil, Del Al A Withers, Pottstown, Pa Kauffman, Hinersville Nis• IC A Harris, Beading Mies rl M Wrlmer, Hewn - el; tit.docraff, Hagerstown P S Nfix:cornor, Boontowo . . . W Shaffer W P G.%flell W R Sturges, Washington C Hughes, Ohio C Merritt, Salem, N J W S .s.‘nbereor, Penna lATAIES CNlo2l—Marirer anove Sixth. Bell, rerietta, Pa A McCloskey, Clinton co Mceleakey, Clinton co C n. , k1114n, tJarliste E M Pierce, Warren, Pa S wallsce, Pennsylvania •Jan P 'ter. Pennsylvania W rsalcin • W v. lest, Maryland I) J Ke , n, Oxford, Pa P Fnekler, Pennsylvania J M. Carver, Pennsylvania Bobs Ketcham, Lancaster tl L Sifnpson, Pennsylvania G.o L Plitt, Harrisburg A J Lewbdown J Wailer H Latin no, Pa U 0 Minton, Lanc co, Ps John B•uuur, tiling co, Pa E M bbeeffer & la, Penns J G Tumatt, Ponnalllvania J W Allen, Juniata co, Pa E S Allen, .1111,1111/4 co, Pa 3 A Eewa, Manattehneetta (1 W linekrah. NoipBl P Kcrne, Line co, Pa 1) Stoat t, New York B Ford, Pittblkurg 8 Oavlord, Jr. Pittsburg A 8 Vail, View Yurk• R S Hill, Ohio NATIONAL HOTEL—Bm. strooi. above Third. E II Rank, Allentown W N Poima Louis N Fyan, Fenno, W3tolltollalol.l)unkivk,NY E II Erbensliade l)r (: Ross, Loixtrom S Boss, Elizabethtown' Peter L Stood], Lebanon John B Ramsay, Lebanon John Ritzmiller, Pin...grove BMus Lodge, New York J II Milie•r, Boyle-down Eat Helm, Pittston S Hammond. Letsmon A Wl.lhehn, J 11 Balshaugh,Daliphin co A Brechbill, Jr, Lebanon on 11 Klupp, Minesrville BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. Joe Walloon, Middletown, Pa Rise H E W:aion, Pa Mies S G Watson, Pa A Sholdon, 4 lonnecticut 11. Kate, Hewes, N J H Renton P'III:I9YIVATII% RI H Stewart, Byberry W I 4 wharf •u &la, BIICkEI MSBII P A Satterthwatto Pa A I 51%er., Moltowu, Pa J Jaime, den, Backe Dr 9 P Rice, Centreville J Jamee. Jun, Backs J T Dungan, P ,9 lua Male E J Dungan, Penna Mhos P3l ouwan, Puma Fire J Dungan, Penns B P 8r0w,,, BriPtol J W Hallowell, Byberry o H , ibernr. Doylestown Wm Deßree, Doylestown R Tromp.' an NPII R Harry Bolton, Penn* L B Labor, Point Pleasant W Olafson, Point Pleasant MADISON HOUSE—Secone anew, above Market 'Wm Carr. New Brunswick D Watson, Stroudsburg L Vanua% Lumberville B Thomas, Lmnberville Wm Wallace Stroudsburg 1 , 3 Kuukteville B S for th , Honesdale Pauli Presto% Stockport Joe Ri c hardson. Attleboro J Reading .1t 1. ti Jersey A S OadwaMier, N Jersey H Gilbert it 1, Doslettown D H Hudson, Delaware . B Wats in, Dot lestowu S D Hall, Pennsylvania N K 'rat lor. Taslorsville W Allen, Attleboro J Ste Jr. Dover, Del 88 Bbir New Hope J L G ard. er, Newark, N J BLAME BEAR—Third tarexl, above Callowhill. A Gish, Berlinsville P 1) Yelty, East Hanover .1 Whilst, Norristown J L Small, York, ra W W Snyder, Penna J Toodinwm, Byberry B Tomlinson, Byberry ' J Strunk, ilethlohent D Davis, Jr, Phihula 9 blorri:i, Philo; S Tomlinson, Byberry/ 00M.11.111110111L-81rtb amt. shove Meileat. ChM! TPOWIII4I, Connecticut Coot 9 4 selmour, Wub Point, Zwiramery co J d Parr', 01.710 gr GO, Pie Card J Young, Jr. Pa War eharaleee. Chester CO J T McCullough, Md Towne,ud Walter, Pa John Way, Chester co. Pa J W Bower, Col um bi a , Pa W Parte & la, Wash, D U Jesse D fsharpless, Pa Alex Jackson, Maryland Jima.. Wood, Lane co, Pa CNN Buffington, Chester co Jacob Swayue, York co, Pa D Robinson, Wroepori, Pa J F Moore, Monlg co, Pa BEVNNI HOSE—Third street, above Rao*. Ww Wbitetn, Trenton Mass John Daweon, en St Clair M Lewis, Penne Wm Watson, Bridseton N Oahe& Quakertown J T Jr Is. NewYnrk Mice K O'Neil, New York Miss Lizzie O'Neil, N Y Win Cutler, Clertland P Hegel!, New Jeremy MOUNT VERNON HOTEL-86mnd m.. aty. Aron Mrs Radice, Atlantic City Philip Fitch. Hancock, NT L D Apley, Ilisicock, N T Jos Itichardeon, Geollien,Willow Orono Mr TROCROT BUCKS CO J W Simeon, Waynesboro D Brambury Chester co T Mitchel, Damaiscus J F Vendes, Bath, Pa BALD BAULE—Thircl etr'ch AttuyQ CralowhilL Jew Albert, Mt Bethel Mrs Albert. Mt DATA L Lockant, Mt Bethel Mist; F, to,elottql, MI lk.thel MARINE INTELLiffENcE sir BMX 70IIBTEI P&GL ARRIVED. Ear Jan Neilson, Burt, 3 days from Taunton, with mass to Ywelld do do. Saw W B Jenkins, Tribbles, 3 days from New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird & Co. Ectir Maryland, McKnight, 12 days from Calais, with laths and pickets to B Andrews Knight. tube Ann, Pou-ell, 1 day from Brandywine,. Del, with Boor to B M Lea. Schr Eben Sawyer, Tracy, 7 days from Portland, with plaster to Twells .k Co. Echr Iris, Owens, 2 days from Laurel, Del, with rail road ties to J W BACn. Scbr Farmer, West. 2 days from Milford, Del, with railroad ties to J W Bacon. Behr Mantua, Maxon, 1 day from Frederica. Del;with corn to Jas Barran dr Son. Sam John Jones, Gerson, sdo,,,tr.th New York, with mdse to D Cooper. Steamer Bristol, Charles, 21 hours from New York, with wise to W P Clyde. OLIABED. . . Behr A 0 Reeves, Reeves, Portsmouth, NH, J R White. Behr L Sturtevant, Corson, Provid, nce, Sianickeen Glover. Ectlr Flyaway, Davis. Mystic, Conn, J B Henry. Behr Col. Lester, Delaney, Norwich, (Mather, &Wis ner & Wellington. Behr Everglade, Pickett, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Behr Ann Virginia, Wheatley, Wisshiegten, C N Hor ton & Co. Schr Extra, Taylor, Ship Point, Ari Cattell Co. Btr H L Haw, ller, Baltimore, A OCOTOIN MEMOBAJgDA Eteamabip Columbia, Adama, cleared at New York Yeatelday for n4Y11144 1 Bteamsblp Champion, Banbury/ from Aspinwall, erriTol at New York yesterday. . . . Brig Russian, Toothaker, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. Bchr liL Flenduk Shaw, for Philadelphia, cleared it X Toll 3 e 3 erday. Schr Treasurer, Bacon, cleared at New York pester daylfor Philadelphia. Steamers Vulcan, Morrison, and Fire Brtck, Trout, liner, arrived at Now Turk yesterday. SPECIAL NOTIC.Mb'. VANILLA ALMOND LEMON ORANGE Bose, Stratobtrry, Pine Apple, Raspberry, Au. Cul- Puddiege, Junket Sauces. and Onkee, are wonder fully improved by flavoring them with KNIGHT'S C 001411146 ILICID,A.OTS. Laclice who once 1140 them will never be - without them. Twenty-five Oents, or five bottles assorted for ONE DOLLAR. No. 7 South SIXTH Street. 11* MONTGOMERY'S HAIR- CUTTING ROOMS BEHOVED from 1435 CHESTNUT to 1622 PINS Btreet. myls-3ts DEAF MADE TO 11.EAR.-INSTRITMENTS to aseiet the hearing in every variety, ani of the most spproved construction, at P. MADILISAYS, 115 South Tenth street, below Chestnut. LYON'S MAGNETIC INSECT POWDER, Tested for nineteen years and grows in favor. It kills and exterminates Boucher, Bed Bugs, Ante, Fleas, Moths in Cloths, Furs, and Furniture, Garden Bunts, &c. All prouine bears the signature of K. Lyon, and is II of poisonous to persons or domestic animas. Be ware of ootoxterrelts tool Imitations. Lyon's Powder 1 ills ell insects in a trice, Lyon's Pills are death to rate and mice. Sold everywhere.. D. S. BARNES, tre New Vork. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STYLES, made in the Best Mannar, expressly for RE TAIL OALEO. LOWISOT Soiling Prices marked Plain Figures. All Goode made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our OMB-PRICE SYSTEM is strictly ad hered to. All are tin ruby treated alike. se22ly JONES ft. CO.. 6(14 fIIARKET Street. bLA.RRIED GUY—DBISCOLL.-0o the 12th lost., by Bey. Dr. O'Hare, James Guy to Mary Anna T. Drisioll, both of Ittiladelptios DIED. 111E11.0E11.—On Tuesday evening, 'May 13, Anna V., alto of Joh,. A Mere..., nd d.ti g ht,iof thzilik4 11.161‘4.11 Van Aredalen of blew Brunswick, i•ew Jersey, aged 37 y earn. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to atom] her funeral, from the northwest corner of Thirty-010th 00.1 on Friday afternoon, the 16th, at 1 o'clock, to proceed to Woodland Cemetery. -* FIGGItI6.—On the 12th Met., Daniel Figgins, aged 49 years. Mix tclativen end friends are teanactinlly invited to attend his funeral. from his late residence, No. 22.2.8 Brandywine street, on Thursday, 15th inst., at 4 o'cl;ck P. M. NEZEY.—On the 13th him, Olivia P., wife of Henry 0. Ykl.e7. Fniii rid fron her late residence, No. 61T Washington aveLue, on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. BELL.—On the morning of the 11th instant, Mr. Themes Bell, sand f 2 years Funeral from his late residence, No 1113 North Second ettet., this (Thursday) morning, at 9 o'dock * BYRNES —On the 13th inst., Catharine, wife t f Pat rick Byrnes, aged 56 years, late of Pottsville. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 1126 Jefferson greet, on Friday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. * GORGAS,— On the 12th inst. Mob Sarah Gorgae, in the 90th ytar of her age. Funeral from the residence of Mrs. Margaret Backing, corner of Franklin street at d Germantown avenue, above the six-mile stone, en Friday, at 2 o'clock * MMUS —On the 13th ineL, Mary Ann, daughter of the late Jewell lluntlt er Funeral from the residence of her sister, No. 908 Lom bard street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock as JONES.—On the 13th inst., Mrs. Anna Jones, relict of the late William Jones, of Kensington, in the 71st year of Der age. Funeral from her late residence, 124 Richmond stree', on Saturday afternoon. at 2 o'clock. SECOND MOURNING POPLINS, VALBNCIAS, AND GINGHAM'S —BESSON & SON invite attention to - their New Stock of— Second Mourning Gingbams. 15 to 25 cents. St rend Mourning Silk and Wool Poplins, 623 to 75, Second Mourning Silk and Wool Valencias, 75 chi Black and White finest French Jaconets, 25 eta Plain Black 'finest French Jaconers, 25 eta Lupin's Black Challies, 44 c ts. Lupin's Black Barege. 7-4 wide, 623 cis, Lupin's Black Crape Maretz, 25 eta Luipitee Black Tomartices, 20 et., G. MAXWELL & SON, J. ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT, have now open, at the lowest cash prices in the market, magnificent lines of a great variety of new Spring Coeds. of their own late importation and manufacture, as well as of careful selections from New 'York importations. Their Beal and Imitation Thread and Guipure Laces, Fancy Buttons, No. fi Trimming Ribbons, Paris Ornaments for Cloaks and Dresses, French Bugle Ti immings, Silk Belt ing, Silk Chops, Thomson Prores' Paris Trail Skirta„ Spool Silk, now colors, at 2 cents per spool, Fresh Split and Single Zephyr, for summer knitting, Paris tVelly Coreete, Travelling Fans. and Magic Ruffles, are all ,offered to the ladies as goods of the most reliable make, and adapted to the requirements of close, discriminating purchasers. The usual liberal allowance to cash buyers. .1. G. MAXWELL & SON, Store and Factory, ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT. atl4-1m TrPERSONS IN FAVOR OF EMIGRA TION to the REPUBLIC, oto AIRXICO, and haring an interebt in ter welfare, and who will starlit by her against all MONARCHICAL I) ES PO es, end EU Ett). rICAN I bILVENOE, eddreee. '•Liberty," S-38 TWELF Street, Philadelphia. myls-3t* IrrCOOPER -SHOP SOLDIERS , HOME. —An Election for Managers of the Soldier? Home will be held on THURSDAY. May 29th, 1862, between the /14111n1 of 8 and 10 o'clock P 61. E at ilea 00 .per -Slop Refreebnient Saloon, 1009 OTSEGO Street, below Wash ington avenue. [my 14-2t] E. S. HALL, Secretary. Ty. PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SO CIETY —The Amine' Meetini of the Preabyte rien Ilitterirel Society will be held in the United Presby terian Church, of which the Rev. Dr. Da:eel's hailer, Race etre< r, near Sixteenth, Philadelphia, Tdld EVENING, at a quarter before 8 o'clock. Addreeßes may ho expected from the Rev. Time. Brai nerd. D. D., Rev. J. B. Dales, D. D.. Rev. Pr 'leaser T. W. J. Wylie, Bev. Samuel J. Baird, D. D., and Rev. Samuel 0. Wylie. Ihe public are invited to atteud. R. v. SAMUEL J. BAIRD, Rev. BENJAMIN J. WALLACE, SAMUEL AGE EW, 11* Committee of Arrangements. OrAT A MEETING OF THE STOCK HOLDERS of the AMERICAN FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY, held agreeably. to Charter, on MONDAY, the 7th day of May, the following gentlemen were elected Directors for the el:milieu year: Timms IL Marie, John T. Lewis, John Welsh. James R. Campbell, Samuel C. Morton, Edmund G. Distill', P. Brady, Charles W. PonitneY, Israel Morris. And at a meeting of the Direc:ore on 14th in-tant, THOMAS It. MAWS wee unanimons.y elected PCB5i. dent. A. C. L. CRAWFORD, lt* Secretary. MAY 11, 1862. A General Meeting of the Stockholders of the UNION CANAL COMPANY OF PENN SYL SNIA will be held at the opine. No. 228 Walnut street, (Fart .itier 13 eliding,) on DIOND AY, Msy 27th, 1869, at 11 o'clock, A. M , tor the purpose of taking action up - in an Act of Assezubly of eentisylvania, approved the 10th day of April, A. D., 1862, entitled a "Further supplement to the several acts heretofore passed relating to the Union Canal Company." By order of the Board of Managers. JAMES PAGE, President. utyl3 427 0. THOMPSON, Secretary arNOTICE—SHOE FINDERS—WE, THE matereigned, hereby agree to doge our piton of biatnese, from 19th day of MAY to let day of SEP TEDIDER, at 5 P. M.. and on SATURDAYS, at 3 P. H. WILLIAM JO lINS & SON, ISAAC imaroyr & co., LAING & EDWIN W. PAYNE & CO., JOSEPH GODFREY & CO. May 14.St* ErrTHE BEAUTIFUL STECK PIANOS ! We advise all to Patin:line Hume Warted° iustru mente, mold by J.E. GOULD, S. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. apl9•atuthtst* (0--. COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSyI, VANIA, P/ILLAIMPHIA, ➢lay Bth, 1882—The Diracters have Dam day &awed a dividend of VIRE C PEE CENT., payable on and after FRIDAY, 18th Wet., clear of Rate tax ray 7 16t GIRARD BANK, PIIILADELPILIA; 11.3 KAY 33.1862.—The Directors hire declarell a di vidend of FOUR PER CENT., payable to the Stock holders on and after the lath host , free of State Tax. . rnyl4 7t W. L SCHAEFER, ()eerier. rib OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL• ROAD COMPANY, PHILADSLPITIA, April AM, The DOMID Or P/115vrvi3o bare Ode day insomnia a semi-annual ldviderd of FOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Block of the Company , ' clear of State tax, paya ble on and after May 15th, 11362. Powers cf Attorney for collection of Diridende can be bad on application, at the Mime of the company. No 238 South THIRD Street. TllOB. T. FIRTH, spli tio/ Treasurer. Vy• PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. ikth P.II6PLU OP PIitiNdYLVAIIIA, wha dubs cordially to smite in SUSTAINING IBS NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION in its patriotic (Code to suppress a sectional and unholy TO Mlion against the S. C. PALMEa. Caab'er UNITY OF THE 'MOUE 1/0, and who desire to support, by every power of the Go. verbinent, our hundred thonsand beroio brethren in arms, braving disease Dud the peen. or tim grid to prawns the Union of our fathers, are requested to select the number or DELEGATES equal to the Legislative Seprementation of the State, at such times and in such manner an will boot reepood to the o r arit of Min ca, to moot in STATE CONVENTION, AT On THURSDAY, the 11th day of July next, at 11 o'clock on said day, to NOMINATE CANDIDATES for the offices of Rlitrit GEiiiFSAL AND SURVEYOR GENERAL. and to take such measures as may be deemed necessary to strengthen the Cloverl.l3ol:tt in thie eeakhon of &Kenton peril to a common country. Chairman of the People's State Committee. 6245. W. VAMP tintrOtairlee, myemi JOHN DI. SULLIVAN, S REPUBLIcAN GENERAL COMWIT LL3 TEE OF SUPERINTENDENCE.—The mom. bor, of the Committee Niil nieet at MUNN S HOTEL, 11110A.1) I,IIIESTNIIT !Streets, on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, May It, 181i2, at 4 o'clock, for organi zation. JAME'S F. REES BORN, GEO II MOORE, EPWAIII> 11111'6011, JARFIN Pi Q t, JOF.IIKV YEE, sEAILL. FLEMING, FURMAM W. MAYHEW. myl4.2t* OFFICE OF Tilt: NEsQuErioNING LT - VALLYJY R. R. Vo—ettlLADimputA, May 10, IMF - A.—The stochholdere or thin Tiompnoy 'Aro heral,),, , — titied that the third instalment of FIVE DOLLARS PEI% BB ARE is called in, by order of the Board of Directora, payable at the Office of the Oompany on the 26th inst. nip 10—M JAMBS S. (SOX, Treasurer. tyx"OFFICE OF THE NEW YORK AND 111)LLIC COAL FIELD RAILROAD %NO COAL COMPANY."—A special meeting of the Stock. holders of the Company will be held on CUESDA.Y, the 211111nRIAnt, at 11 o'clock A. on business of ant Importance. . By order of the Board of Directore. JOHN BINGHAM, Frothiest. Atttel, HENRY ROBINSON, Secretary. ruyl2.t2T -YOUNG MEN OUT OP EMPLOYMENT L1.„3 should prepare themselves for the sphere to which they are beet adapted, and whick will contribute most to their intellectual and moral improvement. PFI RE EULOGY is applied for this, and other purposes ttt dd CII BTNUT ghreht, UP JOHN L- (APP. sus ceellor to Fowler, Wells, Co. a025-Im nr. OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Of' PaIGA LE LPIIIA, Apt-li 20, UM —A emend meeting of the Stockholders of tide Company will be held on THURS. DAY, the 21st day of May next, at 12 o'clock M., at the Office, No. 108 WALNUT Street, for the purpose of act ing on the acceptance of an act of the General Assembly of the ammonwesith, entitled It An act to repeal certain acts supplementary to an act entitled An act to incorpo rate the Reliance Insurance and Trust Company," to reduce the authorized capital of the Company, and to change the corporate name thereof to that of the Seri ghee 7uxnrxnce Company of Philadelphia, aperoired the 24th day of April, A. D. 1862. B. M HINOIIMAX, myl-thadttromin Secr..tary. ILLUMINATING OILS_ OIL I OIL!! OIL! !! HULBIJRT & BRODHEAD, No. 240 ARCH STREET, Having opened a Oatmeal Depot for the We of Extra Defined and Lubricating COAL OTLS, could call the specie, attention of dealers and consumers to their refined ILLUMINATING OIL, as it possesies merit beyond ansibing heretefole offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold In this marker, products nO 61114 lier and frog` trm. all qq19079 properties. mer 01 dere from City or Country promptly at tended to. myls•lm 0 BARRELS CARBON OIL POR CJSALIt, in good barrels, suitablefor shipping; and to the trade, in email lots, at 415 00,11.21.ERCE Street. nu 13, (ha; FINANCIAL. AMERICAN GOLD WANTED, At high pricee. ONE•YEAR CERTIFICATES FOR SALE. SEYEN-AND•THREE•TENTHS AND COUPON BONDS FOR SALE. DREXEL & Co, ms6-1m 34 South THIRD Street - UNITED STATES ONE-YEAR LOAN FOR SALE. COUPON PONDS AND 7.8.10 NOTES BOUGHT AND SOLD QUARTERMASTERS' RECEIPTS CASHED, COLLECTED, OR E&CHANGED Particular attention even to transactions in Govern. meat securities DREXEL & Co., 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. apl7-1m ss,ooo l f!tteClC:°n'oaunntas to be on mart . gage. Array to ALFRED FITLER, Oenveyancer, myls-et* No. . b 1 North SIX? H Street. $ 2 000 $3,000, $5,000, $6,000, , 812,000, and 515,000. These amounts wanted on first. dam Mortgagee and Ground It , nte. Apply to E PETTIT, myls No. 309 WALNUT Street. NATIONAL FLAGS SILK, BUNTING AND _ MERINO NATIONAL FLAGS, OF ALL SIZES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. W. H. HOESTMANN & SONS. FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. MN 8- thst u6t MOUNT MORIAR CEMETERY This ground Is located a few yards off the Darby road, about the same distance from the city as Laurel fill, and is beautifully situated on the highest point of ground for miles around. Its soil - is admirab'y adapted for the purpose designed, bring high and dry. The public are invited to examine its claims before put chasirg elsewhere eneral and seeiimial plane may be examined at the COMPANY'S .OFFICE, No. 128 SbUTH SIXTH snoncr, Wbere'any lurttur information still be cheerfully af forded by the agent. DESIRABLE LOTS, AT LOW PRICES, AND ON LIBERAL TERBIS, Are bow in the market, some of them in sections just opened, having hitherto been held in reserve. 0 1 1TFIOR HOURS from 8 A M to 4 P.R.; and either be. fete of after these hones, at the ealdene6 of the under signed, No. 314 NORTH TENTH STREET FREDERICK A. VAN CLEVE, N. B.—Conveyance to and from the Cemetery for such as deeire to purchase. myls 2m. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN EYES, OF all sixes, forms, and colors, for sale Wholesale and Detail, by JAME3..W. QUEEN & 00., Opticians, 924 OHE4TNOT Street rryls-6tr OF INTRINSIC WORTH ARE ,1 / 4 .Jr flifEß'S COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS for V. Agre e life-like pictures artistically colored. GaGalled e SEC( 'D Street, hbose Green. Seeing is believing. It* CLAM SOUP bERVED UP DAILY (Sundays excepted) by JAMES PEOSSER, SW Td A E E T Street. Families supplied seminal. LATOUR OLIVE OIL.-463 baskets WOOER OLIVE OIL, ,luat received, sod tor side by JAURETCHE & LAVERGNE, 202 11nd 204 South FRONT Street. QAII TlON.—Having seen a spurious article of Oil braothd "3. Latour," We caution the public agai nst purchasing the same, as the genuine J. Latour Oil can be procured only from no. JARRUTCHE & LAVERGNE, 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. DELICIOUS HOT AND COL D BATHS may always be had at the femme Hair- Dyeing 131110011, FOURTH and BRANCH tayl4if-ti IV - 07 IC E.—l. ost or Mislaid. Certificate I -Li of Stock of POINT Baum& PARK A.Sso ILA. I 'X lON, No. 139. Application will be wade for a Daolk cate of the mace. myl-Orlt* THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1862. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. A SPLIMDID ASSORNMENT Of all tho Noweid Malarial 4. AND UHOIONST PATTERNS, AT THE LOWEST PEEVES, •T myls.2m No. 25 South TENTFISITe.t. BY S', AND CHIL DREN'SA-R . - 0 . 1,41111 Na , 111 NNDLEfIS YakitETY, AT No. 137 South EIGHTH Street, myl6.2m Three Donn. shove WALNUT AT IMPORTERS' PR WES, All duscriplions of HOUSEHOLD LINEN GOODS, LINENS, &o. SMUTTED AND rnomma LINENS. SHEETING AND PILLOW-CASE LINENS. TABLE DIAPERS AND DAMASKS. TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKIN 8 AND DOYLIES. TOWELS AND TOWELINGS. ALSO, IJQUSE•FURNISIIING DRY GOODS GENERALbT, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, MUSLIN& COUNTRRPANES, (WILTS, OIHITIES. FURNTTVWK °HINTERS AND FURNITURE CO VERINGS. LINEN FLOOR COVERINGS AND AWNING STRIPES. CHANDELIER AND Pr - MITRE COVERINGS. PATENT EaraiGlTO VETO FOS DEDS AND CRIBB. A. K. MoOLIIRE, A general assortment of French, English, Scotch, and Irish White Goode, Fronivry, and §iapie Nmtrroicierie., of the newest styles and best manufacture. SI-3 EPP A RI), VAN HAR LINGEN,& ARRISON, GENE B&L AGENT RETAIL DRY GOODS 1008 CHESTNUT STREET NO DREES GOODS. St COWPERTHWAIT & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, N. W. COB. EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS, WILL OPEN THIS DAY, ONE LOT IMBD•WIDE CHINTZEB. 4,000 YARDS NEW SPRING °HINTZE& ONE LOT FRENOH ORGANDY LAWNS at IST(, the most desirable in the market. GFERALDINE CLOTHS. SOMETHING NEW. ONE LOT crtALLINIt ..t clomp STRIPED AND PLAIN MOZAMBIQUES. SHEPHERD OAEOWIEBES Rt 25c SHEPHERD PLAIDS, 12g, 15, 25, 3] 37. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FLANNEL& ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF MUSLIN'S IN THE CITY. ONE LOT OF-IDE FOULARD POPLINS. As 2 2 tnthe.l3t GREAT OPENING. SUMMER DRESS GOODS. THOS. W. EVANS & Co. °ITN, MAY HT?, A line of Summer Drees Goode not before exhibited, comprising many of the most desirable styles of the season, which they will sell at v.r o y low -price.. Amons them are PLAID ORGANZINES, at 18t cents per yard. PLAID MOZAMBIQUE, at 182 cents per yard. EOLIP OBEGE MOZAMBIQUE at 25 -cents per yard. CIIENE CHECK MOZAMBIQUE, at 25 cents per yard. BROCHE CIIECIt 'MOZAMBIQUE, at 25 cents per yard. Nos. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET: my 14-3 t V . M. NEEDLES, 1024 CIIROTNUT STRNST, Has just otsnied a choice invoice of wide BEAL LACE AND POINTE A PPLIQUE BARBES at 25 per cent. below regular rates. Also, BEAL GUIPURE LACES AND EDGINGS. snyli.3t MODE GRENADINE VEILS. FRENCH PUFFED CAMBRIC: A further bupply of the above scarce and desirable articles. E. M. NEEDLES. niyl4•St Na, J 0724 crawl:Nu §ratax, MANTLE ROOM. EILK LIACQUES, HAM' MANTLES. SHAWL STYLE. CLOTH S ACQUES. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets m ylO. sm a thtJel REMOVAL OF THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM TO 920 CHESTNUT STREET. We are now daily opening new styles in FRENCH SACQUES, PALETOTS, BOURNOUX, MANTELETS, SCARF MANTELETS,&o. COMPRISING ALL TEM LATEST NOVELTIES Of our own and the European Capitale, to which wo re speetltilly invite the ATTENTION OF LADIES. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. 111) 8-1 m 103 N O RTH EIGHTH DOO aABOVE ST AIL E CH E , UP STAIR ' 8 . LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, &o. The Vepartherehip heretofore existing hetween KAUFMAN s LONNERSTADTER Having been dissolved by mutual consent, the under signed respectfully informs the patrons and friends of the old firm, and the trade in general, that he has taken all the up-staire rooms of NO. 103 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, ABOVE A ROH. To continue the manufacturing o all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, FRINOES, BUTTONS, TASSELS, UORD Of all descriptions, &c., &0., And will otter inducements in price and quality, as wall m prompt attendance to order., in every article upper. taining to his line. WM. LONNI4RSTADTER, ap4.lm] No. 108 North NIGHT fl Street, ab. Arch. YARD -WIDE FRENCH CHINTZES, 18% CTS.—We have jnet received a mall lot of yard-wide French Chintzes, and a small lot of YARD-WIPE FnENCII BULLIANTES at 18%c. Them goods have never been field lees than 3k. CHEAP LAWNS. 1 lot Brown• ground Lawns at 12% e. 1 lot lima u•ground Organdies. 119‘c 1 lot Black-ground Organdies. 1 lot rine Frun,b Organdies, 18% c. 1 lot Frond] Jaconet Lawns, 13%c. 1 lot French Cambric Lawns, 18%c. Fine Cambric Lawns, 0 and 10c, worth Mc, 00 no 131901315 IrtifLIZIO at 140.1 cool Wu, We are closing out the balance of our STOCK OF FANOY SILKS At extraordinary low prices. Black at.cl White Check Silk Poplins at 750. Light (Moths for Sacepaes, all shades. a. STEEL h SON, tuyl.3 No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates. NEAT . LAWNS, OF FINE QUA- Select Colors Plain Silks. Pm° Plan Good Silks. Shawls of Plain Styles. Dress Goods, neat d, signs NYRE & LANDELL. FOURTH and A KOH Streets ORGANDIES FROM. AUCTION, CHEAP. French Organdies, 18% cords. French organdies, 25 cents. French Organdies, 314' cents. French Organdies, 57 . 4 cents. EYRE St LANDRIAL, myl4 tf FOURTH and A NMI Streets NEW GOODS OPENING DAILY. —Plaid Foulards, black, brown, blue, and lilac. Plain brown Poniards, MO yard wide. Piques, white ground and bougnets of Chintz colors. Wool De tallies, choice shades. -- Plaid and small figured Wool Do Gaines, for children. large aesortMent of thnghtims, at 12N, 20, and 21 cents. A fresh assortment of Cloaking Ulotha. Small %cure dark brown Mohair., choice. Bbepheid'e Plaids, from 18) to 00 cents, Silk and Wool Poplins in great variety, at JOHN H STOMAS', No. 7P2 MOM Street.. N. 11.—Good black Silks, 87N, $ll, and serLism. Vali and AltAinillo ear till_Pljz blarlr COAKS, PALATOTES AND MAN TILLAB.—Lit4tesiu want of the above articles will find it 10 their wivantio„ , to visit the old established house of Mrs. HENRY, No. aft Not th NINTH Street, bslow ARCH. The latest Perk Sty tee always= band at arises that setonfeb everybody. ID•14d1 625. NEW BPRING GOODS- 625 O. SOMERS & SON. OLQIIII HOUSE, NO. 620 CHE6TNIIT HTBINT, ENDS' JAYNE'S HALL, Have now in More. and are receiving constantly a Issas end desirable Assortment of CLOTHS, CASS MIRES COATINGS, SILK INIXRD AND PL AIN. Vestinge, Tailors' Trimmings, and ad goods adapted to MEN AND .1301(b' WEAR. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. myLlm F 4 10 ". IVENS 8c No. 28 SOUTH NINTH STREET. THE LARGEST STOCK, THE 8.E.97 , ASSORTMENT, THE CHOICEST COLORS, THE FINEST QUALITIES, THE MOST SUPERB TRIMMINGS, THE NEWEST STYLES, TILE BEST WORE, AND DECIDEDLY THE LOWEST PRICES, IN THE CITY. IVENS & 0 0. 1 S, No. 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET. mh26.Bm CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STREETS, NARROW BUGLE GIMPS, BLACK SILK LACES, BELT RIBBONS. ALL COLORS, NARROW SILK GIMPS, NARROW RIBBONS, SPOOL SILK, ALL COLORS. CHEAP. PARTRIDGE AND CHINCHILLA SPLIT ZEPHYR. One lot of PARTRIDGE WORSTED, and all the lead tog color% at 12% cant, par hank. RAPSON'S TRIMMINGS a ZEPHYR STORE, CORNER EIGHTH AND CHERRY. STEW'S. %p23-lm VLOAK.S.-11 you want the best valua V for your monoy, go to the City Cloak Store, 142 Forth EIGHTH Eitreet, above Cherry. mh26-8m GLoA.K.s! A MAGNIFWANT AMORTMENT ALL THE NEWEST STYLES IMPORTED THIS SEASON t Witt irrory now material, mode up wud trhanied in the Very best manner, at prices that defy all competition, PARIS CLOAK STORE, N. E. 114311.111111 EICHITII AND WALNUT. EMIL mh2A-8m NEW CLOAK STORE! The most elegant assortment In the clti. No. IA Elonth NINTH nireot, First door above Chestnut. tok2B-3m 1024 CHICSTNIIT STREET Would call SPECIAL ATTENTION To Mr rocortmunt. of Whit° Honda and Lims adeptcd to tho requiromouto of the pregont Ronan PLAIN, PLAID, AND STRIPED JAOONETS CAMBRICS, MULL. NAINSOOICS, SWIESES, FRENCH MU5t.114.4„ . _ PILLOW, SHEETING, AND SHIRTING LINENS, &o. All vaTieties and nnvulti.e in the above a VERY LOW RATER. A A ChoicelL'eortment LAVE GOODS, EMBROIDERDE9,_HANDKHR 1024 CHESTNUT STREET 4 OASES OF THE BEST 121.2 CENT BLEACHED MUSLIN in the city, mainlines full yard wide and very fine; 1 case, yard wide, 10 cents; Williamsville and Wameuttav lower than they have been told ; in Shertings I have every width made; 11( 16 Ix wide, 20; 2 parch; wide, 28; 2N wide, 31,4 enure of them are very superiot quality; one lot, an tinen, Table Clothe, enow.drop, 81.50; one lot damask do., .2.1 50; theee aro very line; baud-loom Table. Linen, in fine Patterns., very heavy; one lot . Marseilles Counter mee, Hi thvot ort fr9m y32.,59 ; One lot Allendale do. 661; also honeycomb and Lancas ter d 50 dozen Laraine 75 cents per dozen—a great bargain.GRANTILLE B. HAINII . . . . F. S —Jot receiTed, on lot Ter y lteaTy Black Silk, at 81; one lot do., nearly Tara wide, at in—thetio are the bent ever oftored for the money in the city. myl2-13t DRAB SILKS! DRAB SILKS!- Of all Minder; and gue!itieo, can he had, together with *large onto - uncut of ocher. Millinery 00 0,, diva. lemeet prices. J. HAMBURGER'S, 31 South SEOOND Street, Beta, en Market and Ohektnut. tn)l2-4t QIIK MANTLES AND SACIQUE3 131ack Taffeta Mantles. Black Silk Families. Elegant raw styles. Light Chili Servile& SHE.PP PDT PLAT New lots, bargains, 12,4, 18X, and 25 chi. Plaid Mozambique-a, very desirable. BERN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. Silk Mixed Cimimeres and Coatings. Lh ht colort. fancy 6.4 Mixtures and ffeltons. Cloth goods for little fellows. BOY'S JACKETS AND PANTS (Naw DEPARTMENT, SECOND STORY.) FleA-elass Re4dv- merle Garments. Style and Fit unexceptionable. Prices very reasonable. Boys' units made to order. COOPER > k COWARD, B. B. cereal' biliTil and MABKET Street'. NEW SPRING- PRINTS, 1.1 CHOLCZ STYLES. HERRIMAOS, SPRAGUE, ALL TWELVE AND A HALF CENT& A large lot best styles and rata cobra at 100. • cowPRRTHWAIT & 00., mhlls-tr N. NV. cor HIGTITH and MARKET Ste JA'S. B. CAMPBELL & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, 72! CHESTNUT STBEEP, Have opened tine days Bonnet's Black Taffetas. Triple Chain Satin Plaid Colored Taffetas. Detached Figured Camel'. Hair Tbibet, high lustre. Satin Plaid and Printed Marquilise. Lupin's best black Bareges and Bombazinee. itiCh Plaid itozambigure. Lupin's beet black, white, and high colored Ohalli. Organdies and Jaconete, grissaile grounds. Cachemire Stripe Printed Percales, very rich. Foulard Poplins. FaxlAed satins, lea., /Se. apll3-11 CHEAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS, O'L CLOTHS, MATTING, AND WINDOW BRADY:S.—V. E. ARCH A.M BAU LT, N.H. corner ELE VENTH and MARKET Streets, will open this morning from anc.ien, Ingrain Carpets at 28, 31, 37, 50, 62 and 65c.; Entry and Stair Carpets, 18 to 62c.; Hemp, Rag and Tarn Car pets, 18 to 37c. ; Floor Oil Cloths, 31 to 56c •, White and Red Check Matting, 20 to 25c Gilt Bordered Window Shades, 50c. to $1.50 ; 51uelins from? to 123 , Spring Ilitutzee 9to 12c, lownee Shepherd's Plaids, 12 to 33c.; Delaines and Mantes, 12 to 22c.; Sella Shawls, s2to ; Honey Comb and Mar seilles Quilts, 81.50 to $6 ; high lustre black Silks, $1 to $1.37. myB-12t GAUZE SUMMER BLANKETS.- The subscribers have received an invoice of these very desirable geode, in fine quality, at last season's price. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, aplB•rp 11 1008 OfIESTNIIS Street, LINENS AT DI FOUTERS' fit [U 8. —RICHARDSON'S and DIINB AR DICKSON'S celebrated SHIRTING and FRONTING LINENS, re ceived from the manufacturers direct, and guarantied perfect—to which the attention of buyers and the trade generally is respectfully invited. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, aplibrp tf 1008 CHESTNUT Street. BOYS' CLOTHING AT F. A. HOYT & BRO'S., S. W. Corner TENTH and CHESTNUT Streeta ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. ap23.tbetu-19t HEAD NETS, NEW DEPARTMENT. A SELECT STOCK or BOYS' CLOTHING.. GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & CONARD, Southeast corner NINTH and MARKET Streets sp24-]m NOTICE.- IF...RILED PROPOSALS for purchasing all the Hides and Tallow, Hoofs end Horne Of the Beef Cattle killed by the Army of the Potomac, under command of General McClellan, are in vited till the 20th of May, 1862. at no'clock M. It is intruded that the contractor shall follow the ATM end collect the Bides and Tallow, Hoofs and EOM', and elan pay a certain Mit tor these articled front each animal, to be collected at him own risk. He will be charged with the articles in each case, unlace he can clearly ellow that he was prevented from obtaining them by paper authority. A bond, with gond and sufficient security, will be re quired for the fulfilment of the contract, and uo bid with be entertained from previous contractors who have failed to comply with their contracts, and no bid will be en. tertained utlese the bidder is present to reepood to his bid. The articles of agreement. with a bond, will be re quired to be entered into withi3 two days after the open ing of the bide. The bide to be directed to Major A. BECKWITH, Commiseary of Subsistence, Washington, D. 0., and en dorsed o Propitiate." my 15. .11 DIESOLUTION OF PARTNER BB 1 r.—Netice in hereby given that the firm of CHARLES E. SMITH kCO at tho Fairmount Iron Works, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be settled and closed by May 10, 1882. CHARLES E. SMITH. Tho h0.t00t...011l be 000ttou.115to thu undoraignAtl under the firm of HOURS, TASKIIR, do CO. Office No. 209 South THIRD Street to)18-Im MORRIS, TASRRII, & CO. JAMES HOMER & SON'S CHOICE new crop Teas. SEVENTH and NOBLE Streets, and SIXTH and WOOD &seem myli•lmit RETAIL DRY 0451D13. OFFilt TO THE LADIES E. M. NEEDLES CHIEFS AND VEILS 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth CLOTHING WATCHES AND JEWELRY . WE HAYS JUST RECIEiVED A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT a AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AND SWISS WATCHES, Of the floret maraffeature, which we offer lower thaw heretofore_ LEWIS LADOMIJS & CO., 802 CIIESTNUT STREET Alm. a large aaaortmeut of ONYX JNWELBY my 10.61 a REMOVAL. J. O, FULLER Having lISMOTed from NO, CS Elontb THIRD Btreet No. 712 CHESTNUT street, 2nd Floor, (Oppoolte fdationic Temple,) Now elan o LOW and Desirable Stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ROGERS 41k, BROTHERS' SPOONS AND If JRICS, AND FINE JEWELRY, To which the attention of the trade is invited. -ars3o THOMAS C. GARRETT, 712 CHESTNUT STREET, Has received a trash stock OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, FINE PLATED WARE AND• TABLE CUTLERY, And is manufacturing a great variety of 9 (DYER WARN adapted for home nos and for memento, Proreat and particular attention la given to repairing Watches by firm-clam workmen. ap2t-thetu2m CI-lARLES .FRO DS HA M, 84 STRAND, LONDON, WATCHMAKER TO THE QUEEN, Would respectfully announce to his American patrons that he has received the GRAND GOLD MEDAL OF HO NOR IN PARIS, MEDAL OF. HONOR AT THE GREAT LONDON EXHIBITION, and the GRAND ittralllAN GOLD MEDAL OF THE IDIOT ORDER, by command of the Emperor, In token of the superiority and oppreviatiou of ids /MCA REDIEII IMPROVED CHRONOMETER wATougs. JAB. E. CALDWELL & Co.. 822 CHESTNUT STREET, 3'HILADELPHIA I Have on band a splendid assortment, comprising all the sizes in heavy IS.carat Gold Hunting Cases and open face, with index. We recommend these unrivalled TIMEKEEPERS with entire confidence; perfect in principle and adjustment, and not affected In the pechbt by 4ny external motion— especially adapted to Railroad travellers. Should any watch sold by us prove unsatisfactory the purchase money will be returned. apl9-tuthelm 6 , AMERICAN WATCH COM PANY." GOLD AND SILVER W A TC H E S FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. COMPANY'S SALESROOM, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (opposite Masonic Temple.) 1. B. MARTER, Agent. np3o. 8m VULCANITE RUBBER JE WELRY A beautiful Hoe of GENTLEMEN'S VEST CHAINS, LADIES' Cat- TALAIIiE CHAINS, THIMBLES, CROSSES, STUD S, EUTTUNS, &0., Now it, StsrA. FULLP" 41 4 2, 714 C i lt - STNUT Street, Second Floor, (Opposite Masonic Temple.) ap30.1 m ja AMERICAN ND ENGLISH, a A SWIQS 'WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVERWARE, AT REDUCED PRICES. Jos. H. WATSON ap2s-lm 3e6 CHESTNUT SeKEET. GENTS' FIUENISHIN6 GOODS GEORGE GRANT. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 610AOHNUNVT Emma. FLANNEL OVER—SHIRTS FOR TER ARMY. FINE SHIRTS. DOLLARS, STOOKS, AND WRAPPERS. manufactured at W. - W. KNIGHT'S. )TO. 606 AROH STREET. wir A WI line of TIER, BOARFIi4 GLOM, BURPENDSBEI, HOSIERY, AND lIRDEROLOTRINO, Always on bend. naht Raiff VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY_ The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty hi his business. Mao, con stantly receiving goirlynxs FOR GENTLEMEN'S WERE. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREBT, Four ;loom below the (lontlnental. INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE GIRARD LIFE I NSURANCE COMP!! N OFFICE No. 408 CHESTNUT STREET. CHARTERED IN 1836 ASSETS 51,543,360 24 Make Insurances on lives on the moat favorable terms. Receive and execute Trusts, and act as Execu,ors. Re.elve Deposits on Inter,st. They declare a BONUS on PROFITS every Ave years to the insured for life, and pay in the interval at the de cease of ... the leatved, up to the year of death, in the same ratio as the last benne. The following are a few examples from the Register: Soros Bonus and bonuses, to Policy. Insured. or Addition. be increased by future additions. No. 89. $2,500 $BB7 50 $3,387 50 6, 132. 3.000 1,0( 0 00 4,000 00 66 199. 1,000 400 00 1.400 00 1.4 333 5.000 1,875 00 6 875 07 Policies for whole life by one premium, or in . TEN ANNUAL PREMIUMS, And no more premiums to be paid, will be issued to per sons desiring them. Pamphlets, Forms of A pplilation, and further informa tion, can be had at the Office. THOMAS RIDGWAY, President, JOHN F. JAMES, Actuary. mylo-stuth3tifig GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $200,000. This company continues to take risks on the safer classes of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and abili ty to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the proollic or the public, during the lout nine rears, ...nee , ' 5 0 0, 0 0 0 , and we respectfully solicit Its favor in the future. DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, JOHN W. CLAGHOEN, JOHN THORNLEY, C. Y. HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD, Jr., PETER 8. HOE, of N. Y. WM. M. SWAIN, FURMAN SHEPPARD JOSEPH KLAPP, N. D. N. 8. LAWRENCE, WM. 0. RUDMAN, JOHN SUPPLER. THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S. GILLETT, Vice President. JAS. B. ALVORD, Secretary. ap2B•tf ,NCE COMPN Y s Street. IND INBURANCIL °TORS. T. IL Bnok, B. D. Woodruff, Ohne. Richardson, John Kessler, Jr., Henry Lewis, Jr., P. S. Justice, Alex. Whilldin, Washington Jones, GOO. A. West, Ohs& Stokes, H. W. Davis, John W. Emmen. FRANCIS B. BD IL, President. CHARLES RIORARDSON, Vice Preeident. WILLI!, BB 1. BLANOBABD„ Secretary. Einhl9-Ift F A"iNSUR No. 406 CHESTNUT FIR& AND INL CIOMMONWEALI NJ RANCE COMPANY, PENNSYLVANIA. DI:SECTORS. Devil Jayne, X. D., Charles H. Rogers, John M. Whiten, John K. Welker, sowers C. HAM., Ita.ert Shoeweleer, Thomas S. Stewart, Virttnam Struthers, Unary Lewis, Jr., Elijah Jens'. DAVID JAY R, X D., President. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice Predgoot. gAMVRL S. MOON, Beoretsrl. Moe, Commonwealth Building, 813 CHREITHOS Street, Philadelphia. 1104-11 JUST PUBLISHED. AUTHOR Or "EAST LYNNR," " CHANNINGS." ETO Price b 0 Coots, Paw ; Ti Oents, Cloth. Tbie is another, and one of the beet, of Mre. Wood's extraordinary novels. The authoress has supplanted, in popular estimation, nearly all the novelists of the dee , . There ran be no difficulty in accounting fur this, after reading any one of her ;worker, rhe - yrnreenne The great eeeret of riveting attention—an earneet stria; and this, combined a ith deep interest, striking hut oat exaggerated incidents, and individuality of character, melees anything she !vivre eagerly trouetit after. i the U.I. t. A.LI., lea pleasant store for any one. and has no noel° it which the in,. it ri, id moralist would care to erase." Pub [shed by DIOR. & FITZGERALD, No. lo ANN - 51r1151511 if T. For sale by T. B. PETERSON & URO3 , J. B LIP PINCOTT ek CO., and all Booksellers in this city. Copies of the above book eont by mall, to any oddmen t free of postage, on receipt of the pitta. moo-mutt 3t RMIiRRY BELLS • OR , THE ItIUTORY, by M. L. Hollard, A, MI adapted to the beautiful melody, Carnival of Venice, by M. H. Frank. Price 2b cents, at MARSH'S nude, Store, 110 a CHESTNUT Street. tuilb agar IV - ENV BOOKS.-AN EXPOSITION .1.-IOF TDB SPISTLE OF TUE APOSTLE PAUL TO TDB LIBI3BEWB. By the late John Brown, D. D. 2 vole Bvo. 114' , FvET',5 TtIIPTAIP)S I 4N) Wfffißß LND 11101, A. Tole fur Mum By 11. &. Parrott. 18mo. Illuotrated, 30 coat,. TEE LOST JEWEL. A Tale. By A. L. 0. E. Blue trattd. 50 cer.te IMY NEIGIFRORI3 BfIQE OR, FEELING FOR OTABFI3. A 3 aim By A. lb O. Iliustrate4. 30 ante. TACT E N IN WANT QF A (100 - 1) PICTURE, go to and got a COLORED PHOTOGRAPH for $l. - They are of great merit, being colored by competent artists. SECOND Street, above Green. It* PHOT° oItAPI-1 aLBUMB, Imported from Par* Berlin, and Vienna, latent mtyles and improvements, wholesale and retail. SCHOLZ Jr JA.. tiENTsKY. 112 South EIGHTH Street. rov2-1m A It Ait OHl'] iCtitT UNITY - 1.8 now offered to the public to get superb Pictures. at war prices. REIMER:B Life.sise Pit OTOGEL&Pns, in Oil Colors. SEt.OND Street, above Green. it* VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT rttni.to Batt he sold et Sale, on SATURDAY, the 17th of Mat, all that valusibte piece of LAND. fronting 330 feet, fronting on the river Dela. ware, and running up Broad to Penn street, in the borough of Beverly, N. J., divided into iota to suit pur closest,. No. 1 is a Wharf Property, a good location for coal or ether hush:meg, beginning at the corner. of Broad and Bank streets, running westwardly 150 feet to Locust street, thence northwardly to the river to low water mark. thet,ce us the river easterly to Broad street, and thence to the place of beginning. No. 2.—A lot 100 feet on Broad street, running 160 feet to locust street; well abased; good site for a house of business or pleasure garden being convenient to the ttratuboat No. 3.—A lot 86 feet on Broad street, running thraugh to Locust street. 150 feet in depth. The improvements are a frame dwelling house, containing I I recr., kept as a boarding house, pleasantly situated, yard abetted, and in groan, with Pubbling. ...a cftrrir go hones. No. 4.—A beautiful plot of ground, 60 feet on Broad street, running ]5O feet back to Locust street. No 5.—A corner lot, with small homier and office, hay. ts.. a front of 40 teet on Broad etreet . li feet dimple Lo cust Brett. Ord mar tote adj'oloing, Sale positive. and to take piece between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock P. M., or on the arrival of the steamboat Trenton from Philadelphia. For information, in'iutre of John Packer, Beverly, or B Peirit, Beal MAPS, Agent, Mo. 166 Walnut. JUSBP3 WHITE, myls.3t Auctioneer. Am't of ?OM, E IRE Intl- OP THZ avers 02 NEW PUBLICATIONS. A New Work by the Author of "Eat Lynne," THE HEIR TO ASHLEY, BY MRS. WOOD,S For sale by WILLIAM S. h ALFRED ?AMMER, myls 616 CHESTNUT Street PHOTOGRAPHS. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE-A HANDSOME Ilia double Hirer-wry brick BCC EL LINO, Laek builillase and lot of mound, at the Northeast corner of WALLACE and NINETEENTH Streets, thirty-wren feet el ht inches front, by one hundred and dve feet deep, replete with all modern conveniences. Term- mammy dating. immediate pease:mien givuu. A pply 6 A. B CARVER h CO., Southwest corner NINTH and FILBERT Streets. mYls.6t* 70 LET OR FOR SALIPNeat ecentatry place, containing about 5 acres ofad la, with prod buildini.a. near Chester, Delaware couuty, 11 miles from the city. half mile from railroad !station on the Philadelphia and Wilmington Railroad. Fine variety of Fruits, Ac, A pp l y ie 15 FUR SALE-PAPER, FJANGINGS. —The Stock and Fixtures of a PAPER. STORE, Xt.yth EIGHTH Street will ha sold at a area bargain, ae the oreeent owner Wttib,he to. leave the city. Terms easy. myl.s.2t* TO DIST.D4LEREL 7ge DUITLIVINT known mills PHCENIX," and formerly owned and occupied by SANL. SMYTH, eltustod on TWENTY-THIRD, between SAO! and IrINX lltreeif h r4iladelphia, °opacity 600 bushels per day, Is now offered for tale on retwonabie snit wapiti a:iodating term. Ie in good running order, and has all the 7118a4111 improvements. An Artesian well on the gra taboo furnishes au unfailing supply of good, pure water. Addreee Z. LOOK! & 00., No, 1010 IIIARICIIT Street, Philadelphia. fall•dtf rOR SALE—First-clam Bucks county Jl.` farm, near Doylestown, convenient to railroad, con taining 85 acres of land in the highest state of cnltivatior, Merl) watered. First mass improvements and large ex cellebt timber, fruits of all binds, ,bc. Apply to E. PE?. !'IT, v.. 3,9 Wattttlt Street. m rto TZOR SALE—A Large Helve Hammer A..' and Frame, in complete °Dior, with all the fixrurrei can he men in operation tg,.itouiritm of CP1A.1 . 1,,E1l lINSQOII9 and WILLOW, my/0 2211 i TO LET.—A Very Desirable House Mat on Walnut greet, near Broad. All modern im- Diorementa rout TerT 101 T ; 1980111.09 OMCO. , AMY E. Nam n1)1 309 WALNUT Street. ■y; FOR SALE OR TO LET—Four MUM? OD Sip mr9o Ditio 9r B 49AD 1449t4, tm.3i9m quoicunnis BYOIIIIO, -apply at the southwest corner of NINTH and HANSOM Streets. mh26-tr FOR SALE OR TO LET.-A 09a01,6ii9,,e th tho ohoorbo of 4.9fliN nearly 412 acre of ground, abundauco or node and fruir, Runt low. Apply at No. lbt BOOTH FOURTH sumer, socond story. ap26.4m as TO LET—A beautiful COUN TBS-PLACE, of 10 acres, on the west side of PEONT•Street road, above Hatt lane, within ten mi nutes' walk of the Frankford and Southwark passenger cars. Possession early in April. Apply at the south west corner NINTH and SANSOiId, second story. mh.2B- tf - FOR - SALE-A DESIRABLE -A.-FARM, containing 80 scree-12 timber, the balance in the highest state of cultivation. UMW° on a line of railroad, tire minutes' walk from a station, Chester 18 miles from the city_ Large and first-class improvements, tenant's house, stables, large barn. run ning water, spring-house, ice-house, bath, &c. Terms easy. Apply to E. PE CTIT. my 3 No. 309 WALNUT Street. to TO EXCHANGE— MONTGLO d.a.• DIEM - - COUNTY EARN, containing 80 acres-14 woodland, the balance in a good state of cultivation. Good and substantial atone Improvements. For further particulars, apply to B. PETTIT, my 3 No. 309 WALNUT Street. FUR SALE-A VALUABLE BUILDING LOT, IN BBIDESBURG, 00 feet by 200 feet. Variety of Fruit Treee on the property. Terins --e450 &LA.; balialea (81,100) &automat!' for Fi or 8 years. Apply to W. H. FLITORAP T. tuyl3.3l* 510 MINOR Street. Philadelphia. a FOR BALE OR TO LET, LOW. mei-A d'egirable HOUSE and Stabling, Carrie• e House, aituat.d in MEDIA, Delaware county. within three minutes' walk of Earl street and of Chesnut Grove Board ing House. Apply at 220 MARKET St., Philadel phi A. The ornni rty is very deFirahie. mvl'2 et*' SAFES_ LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT RE tillmovEo to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, now the Franklin Inatitute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and belies determined to merit future patronage, has secured ax elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand s large assortment of Lillie's Selebrated Wrought and Milled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Lillie% Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locke. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locke will be furnish& to order on short notice. This is the strongest, beet pro , tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie's Nev Cabinet Safe, for Plate,Jewelry, This Safe in con. ceded to surpass in stye and elegance anything yet er• fered for this purpose, and Is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. SPIMOIAL have DOW On hand Pay twenty 01 Farrel, Herring, & (Jo 's Safes, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low prices. Please call and examine. ja2s-lyif M. 0. 13ADLIE, Agent. EVANS & WATSON'S ND L_]L' SALARLAICB SAMS STORB, 16 SOUTH YOMITEI STRUT, PHILAWLPHIA, PA. IME-PIIOOP HAVES divan ea hitrid BY AUTHORITY.-WE ASSURE the patrons of Pine Arta, and all who admire good Pictures, that REIMER'S Life-size PROTOGRAPIii, In Oil, are made at war prices. SECOND Street, above Green. lc* MANY EFFORTS HAVE BEEN made to preserve the form and features of the dead, without the usual mode, so repugnant to the feel ings, of placing the body in ice. This difficulty has been overcome by Good's air-tight PATENT BOXES. Cold air is the medium used—acting as a preservative—in the warmest weather, and for any length of time required. Likewise, bodies may be conveyed hundreds of miles with perfect Natty, and in a good state of preservation. JOHN GOOD, Undertaker, No. 921 SPRUCE Street. N. P—Lead, Metallic and other coffins, furnished at the shortest netice. Hearses and carriages of the beet quality. Lots, half lots, and single graves, In the different ceme teries; one superior lot in Mount Moriah Cemetery; one, two, three, or. four hundred feet, can be had cheap for cash, or trade. RIITRIIIINOZEI-Dr. SAMUEL JACKSON, 224 South EIGHTH Street; Dr. J. D. B. McOLELL &N. 1020 WALNUT Street my9-thetu3m DENTAL PRACTICE.—The Prac tice of a Dentist that has been actively engaged in business, in a central part of the city for the past eight years, will be disposed of upon reasonable terms. Address "Dental Practice," Philadelphia Post Office. myl9l-3t* LADIES' TRUSSES, SUPPORT EBB, BRACES, and other Mechanical Alpoliana* of correct construction and easy to the wearer. For Ws and adjustment at 0. H. NEEDLES' LADIES' STORE TWELFTH Street, first door below BALM eacielrilut Rattan Truant will call at ttu southwest corner TWELFTH and RAVE, *here 0. B N. wises attention to this neenialf Astor. mlll2. limit JAMES HOMER & SON HAVE A splendid assortment of fine Groceries, obese. SE VENTH and NOBLE Streets, and SIXTH and WOOD Streets. WY9.lm* „ T i 5 , 4 BAZAAR, NINTH AND BAN AIM WHIRR'S. ADOTION SALO t/P nottszs t O.IIIRIAGES, 11A11. Nict,S, SADDLES, Az. ON SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock, eminowneing with the mintage& SP Na beetroAllAtheht on weettnt of the wisetheei. It ALFRED M. HEMMEN, Ast.thlneee. PEALS OF LAUGHTER ! !!-DR. COLTON, in ronetquence of the „grant annum' which b.,,,strendpd hie former exhibitions, has th 3 plea sup, to announce ONE MORE Exhibition of 413 LAUGHING OAS for FKIPAY HYSNINO, Ho 10. 1562. at tiONONICI GALL. Twelve gentiumen U tee out re.o. ctability sill inhale the Gas. Dr. 0. has the ~ n tr, toe pleasure to announce that on thin occmion SIX LeDIVS have shin consented to inhale the Chat The Wirt of the min In ritrfolPlSt Prominent trlft of character, Brme will laugh tang, (tenor, (worm, &c. The TRIMMER oxtail - 6M commence the tveniett's Oil tertisinniout with a Concert of 31) minutes, it/ IA ilit:11 they will ante a il. - 11-4310f1 of 'hair most Withal* cones, patriotic. r, ottinental, arid comic. il`k*trt ib ° CPC" D"grO trtwa tt3 7, VnmplOn9o fe4 8 o'clock. TIB. COLTON WILL GIVE ANT pc. InBITI O I4 tho 103117 ( iIIII4 '143 for 141171:0 exclo-ttelt. VrtIPAT AFTMGIIIIOII, Mu 10, 1862, at euxusecr Twenty Lr lten will lobate the Gan.T RE INE ItRO rair.R4 will sing !leveret cf their most peputer win e , A Imitteinee 10 n ote. recall open at 2. Commence at 3 o'clock toy 15.4* WAINUT-BTREET THRATRII-- NINTH end WALNUT Streets. Sole Lessee ..MRS. M. A. GARRETTSOH. THIS (THURSDAY) WYBIIINgf, 4W The prim mance will commence with DIANA, THE LOVELESS. George Vernon Mr. F. B. Gennep'. Nana de Mane Mrs. F. B. Conway. The prrivilhaliGitl Wilt filifelnie With the comedy ce THE OUTE.RNORII Wlrlt The Governor Mr. 6 Johnson. I) iM my Shot t, the factotum. Vining Bowers. 'Any Briggs ....etre A. Cowell. ralolitl-60, 8736 76, and i 6 cent* Private boast, lb Dud StB, according to their locale. DOOll open at 7M o'clock. To commence at 7%. MRS. JOHN DREW'S • AFXR-BTREET TUNATRi, Acting atage Manager ~,,, B. TRILDSBIGI2O, Btudnele Agent and Treaenrar JOS. D. bIEUSPIIY. TO-NIGHT, TElliftBD CY, Hay 15, 1802, TRYING IT ON. Wthilrislom Mtn J. K nortiowc. To Ito tolloweil by MAZIWPA Dlbzeppes (bito4co To conclude With tor drorno nr DICK TUE/WIN AfiD TON KING, MMtM,MMEIMMUM=I Friday, BIGN 101 V of FRANK DREW. Doers open atonarter paat T. Curtain risen at liming. to 8 o'clock. I ibIEI3ICAN AMADWAX OP MUSH/. BIBS. lIENRIETTE BEHRENS' FIRST ANNUAL CONCERT, MuNDAY EVENING, May 12111,1832, The following artistes will appear ; Mad'lle OCTAVIE GUM IE N, the young and beanfifid Contralto. Miss JOSEPIIINE O'CONNELL, the. young Phila. MORI Yinalint, Mire BD I ;B• BURN, from 6t. Auatietinife choir, Mr. GEORGE SIMPSON, the celebrated Tenor, from New Y(11 k. Dir. A. R TAI LOR, Philadelpl ia'sown favorite Bare. Mr ORD eittinent Piaui ~MOGLItNIi Ati mu, the region nets vlotinist. Mr. CAUL ANSGIIC rz, the popular Conductor. Mr. 11. G. TI NVER, the celeorattel Accompanist. A GRAND CIIORUS of ladies and gentlemen, fantail• ing the MlENltitltallOrt Vt.MAL go/miry. Conductors: Mr. Carl A.echuta, kr. P. Otoloietter, S. Behrens. The stage will be transformed into an elegant JAlil 3 3ll FIFIVMS,S A 4, I CR/OA, Fnfl programmes wane repay on ; nernar, Tickets, including reserved seats, 50 cents. Ticket offices open on Thnrsday, at J. E. Gould's, Seventh and Obeetnut, the Continet tat Rotel, and tha (KOMI, spl4.llt UP, No. 309 w &LNUT Street. AUCTION BALD. AiIIIUISENLIUrris MRS. FOSTER'S MORNING CONCERT, THURSDAY, May 15th, 1a62, At the Flo et of the Academy of frfuelc. Tieketa. One Door nem to be hail at J. IL GOULD'S and N PRE'S MUSIC STORES. No tickets will be sot. at the door Doors open 811; to commence at 2 o'clock. apl4-2t Abi k, It le A N AUADBRII kh! MUSIC. GRAMS IrALTAN OPERA pp{ TECURSDAYA . NDA3ATVIADAY EVENING 3, May 34 auci 17, Bee•ntree of the rrorld•reuown.l Contralto, MADAME ELENA D'ANGICI. TIIIIR3D.AY EVENING, 31AY 15, 1882, IL fI,AEBIPIE DI 81VIGLIA. .... _ Dltulame IntiNtitfil no itoginth 13111.000L1, Alloariya ; MANCINI, Fig.kro; IST - STN.', Don Bartok, ; F. AMOIJJO, brother 14 the Into Itunputt-d ArrAdio, as Don Baailio; Mad. iVOG kieltha, ing. NUM°, ilfirdcal Director mull Drrielactor, SATI'IIDnY EYE:NIL:U. SEGON D OPE MA A finli36ioTl to Parquet, 1'7E4.8 Circle ; and 1141corty, tn. NO exti a charge for FeEerred Beata. Family ..nrolti. 60 con to; Caller}, 25 CebtEl• BiA. I 'Hid& assn to-day from 9to 4 otolook. mt 13,11 t ACADI.NY OF MUSIC. MARK It &RILE R'S CPA). II VA RR WELL ouhreEitm TWA:IAV RVENING, MAY Et. Full particulars wilt soon be published. INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND. i•APV,Nitm i ulniT s TllUll4l3.t.it, 114 lbtb. For the convenience of 1h01e1...!t0 oi WEIMADAY A TerlrfiNelbre fine selection of FO CAL RIJCI ORCIIESERAL PIECES Conductor CARL BENTE, To commtnco at 5 o'clock. Admiep.ion TEN CENTS. GREAT WW-1 - . II4D'S FAJR, Alta FT gEFeet, 460'rs. .Shurirrimily For one week, commences fitly 10th. myl2-126 VAN AMBURGH & CO.'S MOl.- 260T11 MEN9GERIg. ORRAT 111013kL HYATT FROST Manager. This instructive and interesting collectioc of Living Anireale, containing every variety known to naturalists, will bo t abibited under API IMMENSE NEW PATICITON t the bargee* tent ever constructed, (containing upwards of 47,160 equate feet of cloth, gaily decorated wan &woof all natione.) On ARCH Street, above.Nine;eentb, Cininnwpcmg MONDAY, !Any IMh. POSITIVELY FOE ONE WEEK ONLY, (After whith it will proceed on its annual summer lour.) Adniieeiot• l ct me i children under nine 7enr.,15 mot', rbra - intoiatium rnoti Doors open et 10 A if, 2 and 7e, M. . Broomty matt/ rare and valuable additions have been made, the proprie tore ha - viva extended on this eatabliehrutiot the enormous sum of $105,000. The resources of every awe have hot n Canted to erotteitti to to thta UNEQUALLED ZOOLOUHAI EXHIBITION It has been pronounced by the clergy, press and elite of the city of New York, where it recently exhibited, te eurpeec in beauty and variety, any 03 ilibitioll of the kind in the known world. THE LIVING WILD ANIMALi all occupy new and superb Cages, ressunbliug miniature palaces. The ornamental painting un them is the most extraordinary effort of tictorial art and enterprise aver seen in my country. Mona Davis. a piled of - - THE GREAT VAN All whose name has rung through Europe and America, WILL ENTER TIIICDENSOF TRAINED ANIMALS Also. will itripear. THE GRIIAT WAR ELEPHANT HANNIBAL. R. F. TiP.mAs lieeper PERFORMING ELEPG I.NT. TIPPO SAID, traibrd Abd orrfortbod by Prof. NAAtt. A. 140. Pdhiel Monkeys, Melee, &c. Other grand fraturee of the ett tertaihroont re the COLO:it - 4D GOLDEN CHARIOT, containing Otto UOlntt Baud j RISO, the csacr, and wagons, Therm, the molt magnificent pitmen of workmanship ever constructed, are all new and sa perb beyond precedent. No &we i onto language will age pear es owiterated to thoee who behold them while poising through the atriat in a QUIMEOIJB PBOOION/ON, OD the morning 01 el ore DAY, May 191 h, preceded by 'IDE WORLD RENOWNED VAN AMBURIIII, in pe. eon, the original lion and tiger tarmr, who appears in all his prielite vigor and excellence of former years, notaithelandii g the frequent reports of bie being torn to pieces by the animals. bee m..roing papers for route of procession, May 19th. myl2.l2t* INbTITU7 lON FOR TEE BLIND— RACE end TWENTIETH Streets. ExhILItIocEDNE.3DAI7, ~..irii " rieuctiig ii half pest 3 o'clock. Admission ; TEN CENTS. Store, 11 South IL IG EITH Street. my7-w4t GREAT WORLD'S FAIR. ARCH, aboire Monteentli Commence? MONDAY, May 19th, for one work. my 112.-120, - pENNSYVLANIA ACADEMY OP lIIR FP3I ARTS Thirty-ninth Annual RAW' bition 01 Painting and Sculpture, 102 b CHESTNUT Street. Oven from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M. and Prom 1 P. M. till 10 I'. M. Admittance 25 cents; Season Tickets 50 cents. Stoclkholdere, Artists, and Contributors will roads their tickets at the Academy: no admissions without Oren from 9 A. N. till 7 P. and from 8 till 10 P hi. ap2B WANTN. WANTED—BY A NEW ENG— LAND TEACHER, ;a young 180 , 0 a sum- ATION in a &boot, or intellectual mploy moot of any Athhem Box 226, NORRISTOWN, Pa. 11* WAN TED -SOMETHING NS W: 4 l EMPLOYMENT --Male and female Agents wanted, in every town and city in the United eaten; $2O to $4O per mouth can be made and no humbug Business easy and respectable. It requires a very small capital, aud will not interfere with other employment. This is no book agency or humbug of any kind. No person will regret having sent for this information, let his employ ment he what it may. Full particulars given to all who enclose a three-cent postage stamp. and widress II A RYE Y BROWN A, CO , Amoskeag. N. H. mylb-d6t•tu w3t-w2t* A LADY WISHES A SITUATION A ae TEACHER in a private school or in a family. Address ‘. El H.," Chatham, Pennsylvania, nol4-12t WANTED -A SITUATION AS GOVERNESS. Music taught. Address Mho J L., Press office. mylB.3tit APARTY WITH A LARDL TRA.DE and a thorough practical knowledge of a mer cantile pursuit, in which there is but little competition. desires a capitalist as Farther. One with not less than fifteen thousand dollars ($lb,000) preferred. Address, with real name, at this Office, 64 Merchant." mrl3.3t* AYOUNG MARRIED MAN wishes • Situation In a wholesale establishment, of say kind; would be willing to make himself generally useful. Address R. KENT, 22 North Third Street. mylo lU. S. MARINES.—WANTED— For the U. S. Marine Corps, for sea service aboard of men-of-war, SEVERAL HUNDRED ABLE BODIED MEN. between the &gee of 18 and 36 years. all information that may be required, will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South Front street, below Blimps, Philadelphia. JAMES LEWIS, mt9-tf Captain and Recruiting Officer. WANTED—A House with all the IL Modern improvements, haying at beset six chain• hers, with fixtures for Stove. Limits, RACE to WAL LACE. EIGHTH to BROAD. Bent not over 8800. Box 1717 P 0. lictouLErvs WEESP ANCHOR GIN.--300 pipes Bohlen's !Vamp Anchor Gin, now landing at Lombard•streot wharf, from on board Dutch echooner Pauline h Cornelia, from Rotterdam, and for sale by the Dole importers. TINNILY BOHLEN .11 CO.. 221 and 223 South 'FOURTH Street. MA -13 KINDS OF SEWING GID/TA* liSYAIB6D Nowlin 4U 00010 per town. 217 PINE Street. Now Ilsoldneo for pole or el.. change; warranted. my B.6t* VBESB ROLL BUTTER, EGGS, &0., 1.7 recMved daily st 8. Z. GOTTWALW, No. 818 'IMMO GAUDIN .at. sah2l4l ..,.Mr. Frank Drew Mrs, ileurt