Views of the Washington rintiong nument [Vorreopoodoooo of Tan Prow] WALSIIOIGTON, May 12, 1862 , I.Ll ' ' - 3t all the vi cissitudes experienced by the administration of gm " tlBabiu h r.,n lVaraonel elonnolooD. — that noble inonmiki 1.1 St ciiiion's gratitude has reached a height of one hundred and eighty-five feet from • •—•, b- r% ~ s o Fort Willihr ington, the point at which the noble Potomac firer turn' oireetly 10‘4,artla the National thipital,as well as from every surrounding eminence of the ten- MHO fritlere." True, the work on the monument rethoir , s suep.r.del. but rl,e nature is carefully citvered, so as to preserve the interior from injury. A pleasant cifice and lapidarium has been eon sironterl, where vi,worr way epargi An hour agree ably, survey the progrees of the patriotic enter price, end view the rich huitimape whiob, in every di rec tion, greets 11w eye. Ace. 811, It should he borne in mind that the 1 asolugruo iiariosai cantot prove a failure. It is under rho entire control of respon sible citizens and officers of the Government, who buys Rolls funds prr,porly ore alwoye resoly to receive adciitione from any patriot in the land. The managers hold regular business meet ings in their office, City Unit, sari ore now as fully slice to the promotion oF Ni on Vac day which witnessed the laying of tee corner stone A stroll through the well—irramged lapidarium is ptvnuant to every Peitney irautao, mat capoolaily so to those who hail from Poiliedolpitist. That glorious rid city of the •, Keystono we," has itarnortal . lad banal!' here 12.': IfikentfiCOnt elaberatedy ittiorilOti and MS.sribsd---ftorn g.abbath Schools, fire depertmeots, engine cud hose compa idea, Masonic tirand awl subordinate lodges, the Independent Order of Odd EAllovta, temperance and other maeociat,oor—rbdrt New Jersey, New York, bleesachusetts, and other States are hand somely represented. ,strthl.,e; .thee rite spec tator beholds, on the bioelts of marble anti granite cot.tribo' ed by Southern States, the lofty profes sions of patriotism Abd devotion to tha Union—and then teineredvin that tou , nern rhevarry ! was so ready to insult the "Star Sp-mgled Bcnuor," and, unprovoked, to adopt frontal rovoiutions of Secession from that glorious Union kt whit, but a few years previous, they profAseed guell avian:: attachment. A few of these iwerip , iOne are subjoined From Richmond, tirstol Lodge of Fete and A,er , „„ted Abgebt of Vir ginia, •Lo She garr en the liepttb , ir the thief corner S'One.'" Another front St John's LAge of Masons No 36. Richmond, Va A third, block of gronive---.13. words -- 141,31..0zni, Vtt, FTOill Vie Jefferson Society of the 'University of Virginia. To the Washington Natiozal Monument, January 7. '6O _ _ Tennessee : A beautiful memorial. Inscription "Th e Federal U 4 must hi preserved." Kentuesky : From the Grand Lodge I O. O. F. Davie°. three links: two boudlpc of rods bound firmly together. Motto: , "lra Union there is strength.." L Q uisimvs: Mettc: " Beer faithful to the Con stit-e•tron e-r,i the Mean- " Next we viewed thi ruasive sod elelant me zeoWal from the Coatinebta: Guard of Nem. or leans; Louisiana : To the wOhingten Natioseld Monument, 22d February, Ls bright gilded lipters there appear the naltitli of the captain and other 'Ricers, eighty-,or,e privates, markers, ac., with a long Nil o`brourary, members, bamfoninr. with Robert C. Wickiiffe, Goeeroor ; P. • Hebert, es-Governor; and 11)1111y other prominent citizens. Tae motto of this once patriotic company wee rt Univ9/,!tisitire, and cokfidepe...) 7 From the Grand torogrs of Mirsons in Mississippi, Arkansas, and other places, generally having the square and comp:sr.-ea. FROM CALIFORNIA. IsTvJW O P 1 3 ,9 Z 4 SAY Fiutneptco, Nay 10—Toe stetmor Sonora sailed to-day, for Fontana, with 140 ebarengere and 6420,000 in 'retinae let York, aid 13170 Wills? Xna.latia.. I I The 'Borg Rot g Prett of &Lerch Mei, received per I the rhantim yesterday, contains the following summary of Chiba urns: at There are three great and simnltaneouely ingemident I retveat,..a to ti. reopiesth the re. hellion of the cabal moo, ar tfaug•hisg, north of Yong. river (ree•e•atoe ahe MIII , INTIN the mbenottarres, Park act Iloonen.) suo toe ren,ilion mar Tninet t from 1 which it is urged tact the Tartar dy 'may is being driven to the I' The Tat-Dian. who took Ninz-Pe, maintained their agrennent with the foreign ron-nte, to revrect private I vrorerii aid so much routinceere boa been imitated the t eby thattbe foreign ramie net dos:vitro in importance. I An Imperial es pe+ltLiol6 is W 4.0 Of 14 (Altman fur au 1 tr. 'apt at vtie tic sot:trig ot 'Mug. rd. -- fats have be. n nit:Loving awl It:44111g poteeeelon or the river, except the fort. witting off_ supplies tat Oat.. L'o to the gad of March. the aspiohl ppi burn driTen 1.00 ate d0:J.4.411:a wee eurtenialura conntry, - Private con eepoode-ore, teCeored psr the Pliant/La, from fling Along, Llama rile of tr.:ll, says : The R. , ....Y. , 1,C01b8 rice arrived on ti a 20th reet. from San Yr m)egco• tau-gill daces r.ettl *num td Fes I, t tato sta. On. meet p-.-r mail. Tot niwp tor. to juotuary until to future e elicit depeThl or. ttee Inca 'our putr” . the 1110.4 news f rom hems. Be the vt,viner from Shviig*i-, , e he were advi-ed of the or gartcation of fl 00.4tal rivs,,osirm c.:mpany in Yan4- Yet tei 1, a From Oregon Dud Bluish Columbia. & A s f RANMSVU, May steamer Brother Jo rather, front Mil t on '.O Prtnama. ha' arrived front tvi.d Brit.]; tiro fitl96. bri:thig 4 ) ,,t00 to treaco-e, mid outvote Pt the Melia lth. rurilithd cad 'Victoria mere crowded with strangers, who bee jtho brrivel how Catmint's, on their may to the mites. The bee , tutorreees men oeheve that half the adult loPfsli r stint or Liver. wand ~.feact 0140 ritunner ill Bril. ;Dan., +.llrcb cor.tlve•-oe r., me macaw; trgtedede TWelle hniocred men had air,ody reached 1h11 , 113 diggiugs. Fiser one all hinds et provieions Were worth eaormius brines. Gold was behered t • bet chit adsnt over a great ext.ut of coin try. raiala rt tiefuff7T/ It opening lieu nail). end)), woo Rs:// 4.111 NC VO9PN , were sietielPatiog fur tLat Country a repetition of the nines of '49. Miners were !n-torig to 1_,.110 Ivent 111,D the seeded seppilev oeuid Le seat thin"r'even honors , " and fifty prople have lea non Psoitstiw. this ilee .t-seoers that term for Ott..get: and Coosmi,ia The emigration iu that direction 4,10,18 -wird of tranvportation, and wilt deubto4s is:crew:, for we,t , o to come. T Ith • CITY. THE CAA.E OF THE FlEtbT REFORMED I f tile , 01.1G1.:(717 tbtt :nyle11:18 tmurt, ati ilarrts• i tong, its tic. case of the First Dammed Dutch Church, aqua d b; if n the Colin'. in tins cit. hos (leaded against the right of she Lio-.J.,rity to etcmie from the congrega tion, aired the ihmee i• as bit ,W 4: I D , ,),.1(.1_. That ii-.a 117 et of the said. C11., ,, 5 ho cens4ll - i dab d aid, the ;stood o , e, nod on lull tied mature t. 101: WM.:inn i, is. CenEsrst and declared that the resolution et the 71h of February, lsed, passed he a majority of the of ;re co a e,,,ati,nal narettng of the First r.,farmal _ ' ',el. ef the e 1.... e.,...4 miry of t.hilanetehil., ._.,. w..1.1.(1. Oa. the g 1 4 ,11 (N., -.a: I ben, I te C.. 11,4% tee wee the 'eftratil Dudth Church of North America. is null and MA ti; 011 act el tot 1.01; oeugreg s-o; , and teat the or- It.:aid/alum or the 61:^d litki :c it. to [mph sting trollliti said !,:,clneetiett Uqtej 11. if-C.. , ....1es the,,,i trem the data Var..t. 'Pr.:AI/I,d Dotal Church, an..; that the minority be rerseihod continued to constitute the lawful congrcirstisn under their charter- Cu. are, with such of Cho majority as rttura to the usual and com mon mulcr of the slid Church, tdaiiieti to all ,he ,'-hoc 11.1.1 - ,f. 9 X'.And th - at" the trustees Of Cho iiititl Clitireh have im lattul rhdit or authority to provide Jun -plies or a pastor for the vacant pulpit thereof, or in any way to interilYre 89 trustees therein, but that duty, au eording to the Constitution of the I;eformed Dutch chit,' of .Friends coratueuead at the Home etrett meeting hotiso. This branch or the forirty is twroctd in to. spec: - sc weather than their Orthodox Dreffiron are. THE ENV OF A LIBEL SuTr.—Yeaer dfty. in the caw) of the libel eult itetitut.3 egainic Dir. H V.. Grootto M It_ Xi kitrar4 of E`CEOOI CC larellerp, the Crand Jury returned the bill igvoramus, thus ending the care. A SALUTE.—YeStCI:443r, at 12 M a MAW ot one b u oiod guns w* tired by the Mechanic Eoiime Company. in tront of their holziti. street, above Broad, in honor of the capture of tiorfotk. TILE SUNDAY LIQUIM LAW —Yester day afternoon, James Mooney was cominittod by Alder mar Ikitler, to answer the charge of selling liquor on Sunday:, at Locust street. To BM ItirrED. --- The Committee on Fire and Trusts of Councils will pay their annual visit to the different lire companies, commencing on the hcFd of June. The apparatus of the different companies will be clinely t‘cnitinized. istsk..U.D TR&DIL JOHN B. ADDICSS, THOMAS S. FREQ4ON, 001111ITTEM 01 SIM Hoar* SAMUEL L bTOIU NIARINE INTELLIGENCK. PORT OF PIIILA.DELPHIA., May 13,1002, BUN ItlElils 4 48--evii ESTO 7 fi HIGH W ATVS 1 38 A.K.RIVIC.IJ Behr PIORDISI, riga , ion, 4 days foam IteeL.=, wlt6 mdse tO J Easley (10. Sekr fl.-100 Mar, Loans, 5 days fromßoston, with mils* to J E Batley Co. Schr Ehzabeth a Helen, Smith, 4 day. from Boston, in ballast tO J &Vey CO. Ec!..r John WhitAy, liehlierliOD, 1 day from Odessa, itb wheat to - Jae L } eirA DElc, ludre the rfhttttor Cithrt Or the ITnittil 741iMike. ex,d te. Eeetero Pireriot 01 I cij 1•1111111.. to wi T .l•y, In tno direct , d, will be gOl.l. aS Public S.le. to the Loghrod end beet bidder, lor at °ALLOW. 1311.1,81'RP:1a WH A lifr, on MI , IND4 r, tier 10th, at 12. o'ci• .k M.. Per 1111411111 WHIN. itnil care, laden I. board. Tee cared te/Infler,l Of 2a bsge or Coffee, end 1,600 bueboln WILLIAM MILLWtIRD, U. S. N. of Dnonsylvariba. PotLar...t•nta. Me Y O. 1 94 2 rn.T•ftt NOTICE.— SEALE D PROPOS BLS nth iuvibii until [ht , 27 1 h day of Mwv. 1242, wt t 2 o'clock. M. tor imudt*itig the Pratell StEttt. Sgt,nrtMiliet WORM/4A with a 000 Itnttb. on VKI tsea. 'llw atitth, to be Wksbingtoi, t3t4y, and animal to ever nee 1,200 tioutitb., gro-s weigh:; no gattaitt gdmittcd which weighs 1.14 than 1,000 pcatud4 ;toga E. 41,11, and bullx not wanted. The ("aide to be vored at snob tigton, aid in Huck oo~nlll.eF. He tbe Oro-v.-r..ment mont require, The firer drlivery or thtttle to toi limit , th 3 10th ul June, 11662, or as soon thereafter as Government may re quire. A tan,d, with good and aufficient securft7, will be re (mind_ Gommtimit reeervea 10 lt.elf the r i g ht to pay io 9 r. aeury Hotta, or other Govornmeut No bid xill he entkr.failtc.a Wils Ar in by contractors who hove provionolv foiled to comply with i,tiriy rmu tomb.. or ultoro the buitiu wit lilt bid, NO MI bide to be ilectimpintA by tw, guaraka tyre. • . The names of firma thoild be ended in full, with the i•reci?e add] eet, of all the a embers of the firm. MOO 10 he ditef•lfti to Itii.lar A. BIECK4 ITU, O. R., 13. b. A., Washington. D. 'l. FOTIII of Guarantee. We, ----,ot the colt ut) , and aGli cr-uuty or and qt do bun-by goat aoty that -I. amo milli a Gun i rd a .0.- v. tor, p-urentient Most Mit, ehoold hie propohitioo bee rico...uteri, he will at °tics eater lobo a coutract, iu acrordauce thr-ri.wita„ Phon.ti the ofddraet he awarded him we are prepared to hi COMP his securities. Thin unuruiltee mutt be aksg.e.i,d&l rul 11 llt pROV4,IBA.LS JOR SMALL ?JAMS .1_ FOE THE UNITED SPAIN:4 61.11,Y10E. 011.111tAlle9 OFFIOIt. Washington, D. , April 'Ai, 1082. PROPOSALS will be received by this !'neartin..cit until • P ed. on the evening of the 15th of N1ay.1 1 451. for Initrintwuturitig, ill Mr United tinitcs, fur the auforiotout_ wlthin our yrar flout limit:Law. the following ttoileriiition of arm", viz : Rifled Ifluaticde, mod e l 1855. Ilerper's Ferry Bider with sword bayonets and steel scabbards, model Breech- ioaxt..•* linxbineto, tor calakiry. Revolver t'istole, army man. Bahl - eater light cavalry. tioncomovissioned Otlicera' Sword., t steal seabrdie MnPiCiatib' dworkin, 5 Eat,' musket be•younts. Prormotats etxte— For moske ts and rifles, the price for 20,000 of either, and the reduction propoaed, per gun, for each additional 10.000 to 20.100 For Yeetaei•skt ah,l hdr.,l4-,,,, tiara h.tod prowloo, and the price for 6 ; 000, and reduction, per 0.9(0 or carbine, tor each atiditional 5.000 to 20.000. For sabres. swords, and scabeards, the price of each of the prescrined yatternP tr, ti,e moaner of 5,000 each, and else ter each additional 1,000 to 1 20000_ Ail the fira-artnt. ate I.kk be furnished whh toe re4ufar eppendegeo. The rifled mio.kete are to be in all ro..p.vist identical with that manufactured at the IT 8. d.rokorY: fdlowtactitift-thq, and are to itttereharvgn With it, and with each other, in Itil khai 1.1,...,4..4 the attar kibtir of lire-mum, 'Duet also _ ere _tkuge with one anotTar in the The motel-lain for ti3PSe acme most be of the very blot quality, and no kwAlltaldt, iron carts will be allowed to tigi , LORA All the tattler, witint tin iwitiji trio the inithertion proem - turd by the 011inhajne liegolatioue, and mot be boxed. ready for traneporration, at the espouse of the contractere, in much Wanness okay be directed. Ll era-citrons will be made at the factorkea in late of not les, than 1.000 each. Preeec.le will eto.t. the ....uto or the telcOotlitts6oo[l.l llAiling the .9'. 3-, tie number and date of the Met de lively, and rate of delivery - monthly thereafter. Failure to Illtdr.o a delivery at a apeeltird unto, or may attempt to introduce maller.ble iron or other inferior material HILO the work. behjett the tvLoie ointuber .rme traded for to forfeiture, et the option or the Department. The Department reserves to 'belt the right to reject any bid, and will coneider none made it:rough any intcnt, broker, or party, other than the teirtiler ruttaufavtarere. rinititahl Will be andreated Ma foliate Llerieral J. W. itIPIAVY, thief of Ordtlaueo. Weehieuree, 11. C. and will be endorsed Proposals for Muskets," or rifle* sabres, /to., at the ease may be. myl. th4.4tu7t • VESSEI Reait 4 ' AND VHtitTAISLES you. TEM -NAVY. BUREAU OF PROVISIONS AND uLoTursa, WASEIINGTOS, Hay 3. 1862. EIBALYD PROPO9AL9 wilt be r-ceired at this Office 97 til TilVlttiliAP, the tith day of Juke, 166 e; at, 904 D, t..t. els...inept> of sueb quantides or Preen riser and Yugo tables [teensy he required ou the Philadelphia station du ring the fiscal year commencing on toe let day of July next, end ending on the 30th Jane. 1863. Tr.. Beef and Vegetable], moat be 01 Rood quanty, and the brfii the market affords: and met Wilda taught .tr frrtti ty) the 'Kaui. Bond, with approved security, will be required in one. ball the estimated amount of the coWriict, and beauty per centinn in addition will he withheld front Om marmot of each m.) latent to be mode l as collatettil ofity Yoe the v-rformonvo of tb. oontrm - rt N r iaOLl will on no at. count be paid moll it ie full, c-loplied with. Pa: merit to be suede in certificates of Itaietai (meat or in Treasury the option of the Government. P. very offer tartlet he accompanied (as directed in .het ruct.l.l.B app,. restive Por the 9.11 , 11 err. TICE, for Sil46-'47, approved 10th A.ugnat, 1816), by a writtei 'graramee, eigned;by One or 11141T17reltpOWinlo per. Bolls, to the. effect that he or their undertake that the huh. der or I,llldt-is wii , , it his or their bid he I.eciliFc4l lobo 14 - 0 C.6l4gatipll9 within 15 . 70 uayr, , .^4Th t70:1‘7 and tureti , e, to furnish the articles preeeaed• NO pioposal will be constdeted unless accompanied by such attempts& mi ti-todt COAL. Writtal PROPORALS will be received nut!! the 24th Inster4- for the &Every, on the North Wharf, at WEST POINT, New York, or the followina quautidea and Qualities of WHITE ASII COAL—elean: 600 tons (2.240 76i ton) Lacnct Mountalit, gteani.haat size. Also, TEO tole (8,240 lbs foul Eger size. ZOO tons (2 ; 240 Its 41Y ton) Stove ties, (Neither Deaver Illoliotain, Buck. Mountains or llatti. Love Ttilll, Wyomtuit, price of each %rated tiopitratelY. Coal can be eehvereu nom the ectoity IMO, Lehigh, and Wyoming districts, at the WEST POI ET WHAM.", from "canal bunts which receive it at the MMus, without Pfe"lng bulk! Titt me cLurlillh and Deinekro dud 3tertren Couple. More than the ordinary facilities for unloading will be fun jelled . The Coal to be delivered between the let of Juno and 24th of Auguet neat. BDWA)I.b t 3. hoywroff, Captain Quartermaster Military Academy. West Point, flew York. May 2,1862. sny6-14t A 11. MY CLUTIIING Ai.Nl) PAGE OPPICR. PIIILADNLPIIIA. bray Tth, SEALED PROPOSALS will no received at this otlice until 12 o'clock, irl , on Tuesday the titbit:at , for furnish ing sixty thousand yards?( dark bin. colton and wove;tlaa aosighlop 1D; 41111.10.1. hi (ha .3..414, 10 pis wool.died, for lining Menses Rids will b. the whole or any part of the above quantity, awl bidders must stets how soon it can be delivered at the Schuylkill attend, enbiect to inspection. 21,000 minds bole Leather. host onailtr. Oati-tannsd, ircm Buenos Ayres, or La Plata Dry Ihdok to weigh 14 poubds or wore to the side. Separate bins required for cacti hind—La Plata or Buenos Aires Hides. All bids mint be endor , od Preens d.c for dark blue Cotton and Wool Flannel." and be addresstul to 1101. a If. CifOStIA Y. v 8.5 t Deputy Q. N. o,...ngraj. ITEYENB HOUSE, ►J (LATE DELMONICO'S) 26 BitOADWAE, NEW YORK. FITe =Motto' Ire,alt from Fall Stier boat lauding, Cliambors meet, and foot of Cortland Btreet. tultat• Su. GEO. W. BTEPI-1E13%, Proprietor. A tledtD.—pity, late of the OlRAitli HOUMA, Phileatatpina, bat', item). for • term of yearry.WILLAILD'h ROTML, ire Watthington. They take this occasion to return to law, as /Howls •ad customers many thanks for past fettom fie baa to M ,% tbiAnl that they alit ):4 moo: halm - 4-, then_ la their now onariira. Kvicla, 011ADvirlOYs, it CO. Waal moans. Sniv 11t., IMI. Nnl34-1.9 VILLAGE 4RE EN BWMIN AR Y In n bettutit - el and healthful village, three - miles from Media, Pupils received at auy time for the sum. ram PoArdinse per week tt2.26. TborovEsh course is tho Mathersatacx, Languages, English Studies, and all the branchee usually taught. Boys prepared for College or Business. BEY. J BEEVEY BARTON, A. If. Villit.e llroon, Drhatrare 4.1,, Pa. OLMEBI3III* SEMINARY NOR YOUNG LADIES.—The duties of this School will be resumed, after the Easter holidays. on the 28th of APRIL. For el:replant. reforeness_ . address the affAses 1311 A PM AN. Priheinals. 11,,ins..shiir. Pa. Abig,l„,* MEDICINAL. pffitt-d-E-011-617ATXMITSWItTkit The special attention of phyeicians and families IS called to the superiority of this article. It is rapidly supplanting till other kinds, and all those who have used It give it the meet decided nrcforimee_ Tfho folmwio4 erne% from cortifionteo in the bowie of the manufac turer,'«Cot. lIALLowas," will show the high estimation in which H. Georgia Arrow Root ia held by those gen tlemen of the medical profession who hare fully ex amined it. One TtOtmd, oblate, or two Doimito for el. Complete instructions accompany each package: show• frig how to make the most delicious articles for the table. FOB SALE, WIIOLERALS AND RETAIL, FltED 7 ri. DIV WA'S DRUG , AND OHICTifIOAL STORE, N. B. 008. of FIFTH and CHIOBTIIOT Streets, PHILADELPHIA. " / here examined and prepared come Arrow Root. manufactured by Col. llailowee, of Bt. Mary's, Georgia. Ithaa the beet quality of that variety of 'teen% I have met with, being euperior to any Bermuda, or other Ar row Boot I have been. BtatilErilL JACKSON 71. Ur a ivartsity oC rounemunta mixdO-ottailtan MRS,. JAMES BETTS' OELEBR.A TXD SUPPoSTERS FOB LADIES, and the Duly dgpportere Under SWISS: Area patronage. Ls. Nos and plipsinleme are rasps sfully monists' to oall only ea Mi. Bette, at her residence, 1089 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. (to avoid aituiterfeita.) Thirty thou and invalids have been odvieed by their physicians to use he! Bt Thee* onlye genuine bearing tbe United Mot copyright, intone o n Ow hoz, awl eignaturee, she sew en the Snovortsrs. with taPtimnnlio)a ortl4ll.lelthill ROBERT R. COMOINT. COAL DEALER. 911 1 198, 133 WAIATT 131BEIBT, mow oRCOND, PHILAIIIILPHIA. T M. ROMMEL'S NEW LEHIGH CI I COAL WHAIIIt, Ne. 069 DZIAAWIBII above POPL 01 Street. HAMPTON'S SPLENDID SERIN Mountain Lehigh Nut. Reunatanla 9viaodid Maya Oe eL Hampton 9 s PTlenclid Egg 0 04 YARD—Southeast corner FRONT and POPLAR. os 3-12t* IrIOAL,-THE UNDERSIGNED Dag leave k inform their friends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHAM?, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW blind& where they Mend to keep the beet totality of 341111 - 1011 00AL, from the most apnroved mines, at the *West prices. Your patronage it respeodelly solicited. JOB. WALTON & (30., Office, 112 South SECOND Street. Tad, EIGHTH sul WILLOW, mbLe LKUAL ritort tIOTE.Uti. EDI) CAT I iN AL COAL. .I,E;ti UNITED F.'rATEB. HAST.MRN DES -11:1,!,f 11X1Tird) r CHI% TO tiV. , 54 A 1 __ ,,, x ,,, r•Ttt,G1srt:U " C1itiYVitcr HUTT eiR 14.14.Niiii! INA NIA, (4 14.1'14'11Ni: 17f ti Ira Tha Dintrict (10eirt of the Uo'tni Staten in *nu tot the tintiterit Inntrirt I , onn.ylveobt, rl,4liLly 10111 tint Itrilliettlilitt en t. I.;1-t, .11,A rt r• nnuu, or ;tr., 5.111114. of A111(41. it.ll, Lath 41eur...3 all porno.. in ge nerei who have, or pr.rrnol t.i iltitttt, any rig s .t, title, or ?Viet est iti the nteeloor Ku It %I IJ (1/ t ., whet«of Charles tP'litri (t. tvo,rou(lo.rr le nuter, nor morel.. APP. - el. a r , d rnlTOUr e t ;41 1 1 the togiftwe tvidrett. amt tueroweedt-e,... to tiOnrti thertn.l, unarurtal by the Malted tit 41.4 nitta.nor or fennel• wor dill. d Tdlerrrlhtn. undor rOttle, end tl.n'teiiitoggon, w no utonistomi, eihst. end ['Allot' tojodg trent.t.t the times (toil place tiolnirwritten, anti to 1.11., of tort OltPThedrnipuitlita raniliffhlt.) V,i ar.. thi.reh , ro ( - Mewl) otetitriclii otjelneel god 4..Annie:An), that you omit not, but that by hadishing these presents it, at least. Vivi ; of tilt tl4ll teivesieetieret pribted and WO.- lirht d iii the City th and in the Lelial. In t,ili;;encrr, you (141 mutual' Mid Cite, Cr rgitago to ho 410- nit.tati toil parolorkorily. nil pornoon to g enor,..( why, Moro or forl44!Uti hi hare. itLy right, title, or interest in the Steitlitur Bk It 111 DA, heir vee.kie, eoeuerel, %vet fur. tit tit 6, nod the anode. 'gnarl-h, and tro•rohnonine. lAlon oh bosiii thereef. to atipear before 1 lie tt.eier , e>.ie CifiI , WALADER, the J.dge oh the, sai , lnrt l n i l pit! ,1,, idle oi rtol.delphia, nn Oth TWENTIETII day aftor roll.lication or thane presents, if it b.: a court or elite On the noxt court It. fatttWiag, bOtWeell the uaaallu,are Of hmtriner o•unen, then and (hero to khow, or allege, it. el.. forr(( oY in(r, a rosoonsido and if any they . Parr, whv the- oath eteanier BERRMIID,, too tartan, itopprel, num Parintanm, and the Rood., water, Ottltentlaritlit, Noon on hoard tharlmf, rhell4l rot be protionuccd to heloz,if. at the time of the capture of The (nanny to the onemion of the Urlit.l Stuns, atm a; pi "6laard. lac,s , 1 red on pore bow. A MERlCA,llloodle,lesorts Noaton, Wednesday, May 14. AUSTRALAbIAN, Anderson, . 4 N.Yorlc, Wedneolay, May 21. NIAGARA, • ook, .. Beaton, Weaneedey, May 28. 121nOTIA, Jnaklo,,, Ai N Vorir, Wrtine•niay, .roue 4. EUROPA, Stone, " Roston, Wednesdal, June IL VIRSIA, Lott, " N.York, Wednamdsy, Juno 18. AFRICA, Anderson, " Swoon, Wt-dnesdaF, Joon 25 CHINA, Andsrson, I , N.Yorli, Wodzeoday, July 'A. Belem not M(.64lllAtuetil seta la- An ezber:encea Buiraeen on Loath. The owners of these. ably will net be anconntat,ie Set Gold, &leer, Bullion, Breda, Joyolry. Preclecui Wozaa., -_,..." Betels, unions billa of Isdlnig ace erred therefor, LVC: Mr y ,'r,i} thavof Markin (Irmo:mai. Foe freight er ilwrA enci, &NAY to N. CUNARD, 4! BOWLIOiO OBBEN, Now York. E. 0. evc J. 0. DATZO, 103 STATE Stroot. BOEdOn. LONDON EXIIII3ITION-PAITII.RAN TIUKETd TO LONDON. AND BACK: First•Chlßß Second-01am ....•- 1 110, WV:DALIN OODIMUNIOA Titrif BY MUIR BETWEEN ties . % LIVSBPOOL, eallini at QIII(ENts. (ireland,) O.: lard anal embark passenger" ani 12CatIt0103. taiNtrpool, lOW fork, and Thiladotrlils fitaalEA gzip Colopany'e epler.t:hl Glyde-bullt iron strew stoma ktllpe. are intended to sail se follows: NSW TOBZ. YOB LETEMPetIia ETN A 15fiturdoi, May /To Mit nnzr...tri;nGil tiaturclityl Nay 14,113011 Lad eery Saturday throughout Ute yew, from rpm AU. 44 Id. ItATZEI OW PAE434.0111 TB .°1 FV:OIKP4II4PSDrULis os6isrilo ciase a 4 B wal vr 7G, t vsryoo4 ,., u Li Do. to London, via IlverP)01 101, steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool. .gN Do. to London. 80 Do. Return tickets, available ter six month". trio Vassengens forwarded to ROM Paris, liaadtrf. Drenon, AIItINOTII throush rotes. a.ii.t.cmai, of posher, leaned from biterpoci fa Be" York rumage 6am:A krOM coppeawira W v'o.v 'fork `these examen , have au:eerier ateomscions for Itaa sender& are conetrnoted with water-Sight cempazignenti, and carry experienced Surgeons. 2 '.‘" l "* . h t- 1 0000 1 to, 90'4 t& ace - Iptirar, ' .301111 G. D. 41. 22 ASO , * Lil Vitillalt street, rhilattelphist, In Liverpool, to Whi. Tower Buildings. lit aI&IRAW, to THaon. et:NW. FOR NEW YORK. atuW PAUIT L/Zil, yin Delaware lag Ytdoidelyala and New York imam Steamboat (bra vely receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., deliver. ing their cargoee in New York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. Wri, F.Odirfilii AMA, No. 14 BONYiI WEINSYBO, Ybdadelidita, JAIdIES HkliD, Agent, *¢l-ti Piers 14 and lb BAaT ETYMA, New lirtAL j ar mi e FOR BALT IMOUS L WASIIINGTOIi, D. 0., AR, lOW. TRIM 1101010)11, DAILY, AT 3 O'CLOCK P. DALT/MOBE AMPpaTA 011.11.11:110LI vonrary, (11t1018SOfcili(.) One of the Steamer' of th)', Company Muse the Tine side of Chestnut-meet Wtve awn ) . (Bandar' ozonio/4a at 8 o'clock P. 11.,and w i thin in ij Amore early nu a r-o1330; Vroietta for 'c'faatungton and MOM* BLOOM received and rerwordfij with all pondble dantattly are reorared to be through. itelSkto of all le.nds carried at the lowest nal& OBOVIIthJMI II 111=14 WiliAlfall4 144-ttaie I;NflIMIDMfiI18 RH I PP &NO 4 . A.1,1 1 M t: gy p { TH ()NAB /k soasa, lab mid 141 itiouttt PIC trtets4 FUP.1.14 etlCWitift a-r furis, ElkoitA :volt , Ulf f rrnt'ffefiVlZO, §/1.11i)t puriireirital4 axv, rimipitita Craft! Kau hut. seriptirom of RU the propor4 b.. mdd on TUMijay 1;0,4 JEti. iveL., with :4 hilt ut nabs hrsl.. att `s./ . / 11 n, 0,:.1t or tOrelans' Vehrt, vita -TN aam1 1 6 1 61 4 ! & 0." 4 t ticti Of vfliffpfficf prvirrth to be ynlu a/101111e URAL r4:-.711k)71.,0l P Lid V A INV We hese s large amount of real edtatv Arkv,sti vsav, inetmlips every liesialksiou of dry sad trAtory . 9 4 i . Mali linbh Miry 1114 suul Id )10 i1.41/14.1,..4...444:4-0. tllo Ttil;. Y, May 12th, at V 2. ht,cn. nt the. Phitwlo. iltot oratr.str; rir ;.rr 1t010.1.100 OW CPOUPSvyI 45 tips,/ cornp.n) r ' , town Priladelpoia Lthtitry rioto Apart ot flkiv concerti. a 'moon rn.rtgage 7 Der evilt couip-R1 kronds, b l,ooi . tad), or tho Cs.koltle 34d Atllt,ie 4CO ckotrev. alltoicx (NOT York) Pi r Liiiizt par I Mire Ocean Mortal Havin..3 l / 4 .1,,,, V.O nhaies lil hrollld anJ ta.4,0,, r0 konry,Vl vompaus, lar4i6o. bA I< A 'd EXTRA - VA LIIARLD REAL itrr4.73, On Bale on the lith .he thmorrimili will chide tho rOin,ICOR 3.l'At-eltuoi propertr, VoriClisprove is handnini. Innv te.dy, IsA RCM AND V.AAUA 01 , 411STNUT Sr. "vv. Friary, r Nr4.nlos tuni C,ft' h ftau,nY , 4l 41c4'1} , lui 'eh f. 14.1 .P 4 friir Or plia 141 bermalstrutt. 8411); abile leie: 0060:00 Way po. rumn nu wurroHon. TEM I,OiiIVITO SPOINGS AND PA R5l, ()144e,brom Com.* • Ps., 2.101.1Cre.8, if+.ll/Ori,harDryt o. /4.0 ill cuI.FV 111 1/Innlbnllo 61111 CAIDII4.IIaWiI. k. 1.16 Urphy,mi 0..1111. bll.lO-1:114,41.41 or mb.rr. tl. Wati-onarme a etc.cataa-d —ll ANL/SUNK' Ilitig•dl Lt Y, 'l. 0. 16 6 ( ;m , -tuts 'tercel., Wow 01 blitedenethe S.'.l 20 Is. t rrtlnt. 41.17 - 61101714 D EINNT 9.94, Uktit 11 by a tat 1.4 gremlin in ieriiciatl /41 4 1.01. Shine le let Ate —A 1 k Gronnu bast 4150, by RrenlA Volk Sumo Ettitt -S.. Ott'''. ft L:7 t%,li; r clit) / -6 t-.Ts jr—, I,llnll T 4411 Ell I 11.11 tr 9, carer Six teaa~tl aim fl nrr kts try Rt. wn.rd, Orr"liAme 1 ..auL tAlo—Er,t.tta cat Abraham 111.1sEV:-ti lifiY °LUCK 1/WILLLItia, N. cormr ~ 1 41 1 1 el him rtrurimi lAtkuutiit Ot.filintsgt 'onrt Pnlft—Nontie or tiautnel IVllllar, deo% --S4III2.:I•:DWk LSAT-CI ANi I) I,t CT, Ova r curro &vivo, B , :xbcavnki, Tweurf • tir.t 01 tangt t'ourc Sli“—N^Lltty Of toto) 0 Thu. Bum dee!' ..-NHAT DIA kl_Lool and re neat thtt , o Thitc[ suet , (low)fkLlPtml, h... k J 4 (Alit E iu ,- .e ri ar ois 11 f4r-IttlitlAltig SvAtilse. •torn Hutt< —11111.14 , 1-ST(OIY hKlilc ejoviriss. RUA s- LNG 'Litt/ 10..-hohery. ttovn YllfillllL fill 4 11111 eoutll Third Ntrt aura ann. IL(( fttt Mr.)ll.lllHAille AVI.IIIIA. rml E-taco----NEA itiOtikil`l THRI:E-BT4RY LWX.1.1./1.(1., 140. 121%wrutly TlArd strom, h.s. the 11,0irr II ClAlsYlgllt3Ceol, &c anti th"„. o p prr . d*' Huh , cirs tit hloDunal4, TV, r.,to tot vei , bis . El-LING. Pm chall fitrett. Twenty rwir,tll crpbsth. , co”rr.•-IVtat..- Eliz.M.,lt THWEF,-STuAiy I.lllp Iff grout . „ leg . 1.13. ILEA: 4, / 4 0, t iii.lllll Kiguch fittPbt, I ....tweas MAO• tt nha Arch. Velatt , — £3IX IBIAELYPENTADIA altoh,sll kt.t. IS, 01 irai, W.ll, Son, 13i3, *44 emit 404 II yeAri tad all %LOA pc.att-tk mod pth.othalt7 pelt!, u m . i L t , t .t. L ps, g_le_ inttD tc R FIBI No IVA et.tethut ntrrut has the mutton! In t. u.ente and couvetutlll:+9, 1 21. fu , a trout. bale law,- lute. D.AND505114 COVN :RV Pt, 511 F, AND trmin, 3* Nllll etOIIB nitintklA, b.l t, ske., 111.14 thild north ail Medi... ain't Whout triotYo Wet Phi/tole., plos. 1.1...a.M.1-.ONN COUNTRY RESIDE:NCR, Summits F.itt•cr boittit atit•rly t 1::: Obenn,u; ! mg nin e/ Bout 1 . ! nik r 11:IL ETOMI N TCIT il -N1 IS ki) Oti-STONE Sall ..!•;,1. _&t tl , tt Log,. 50411%rt., Witil vicderri in I%rosrialtruts and convei, ivuty3 Lot 'l4 feet. tra.vt to*F ( 'N4 REBIDENON. br0 , ..1 . vr0 iwx wing thu Pro.tis turt:ok II E- Prz()3lE O.IUNTIiY Verkioinsts turnpilit I:WA - nut Pill. tiEFT_ 3tuDI:IIN J:Fiurni:Norl With phi. tl3 & b ile AYDLt —4ll. ItottrE• kt , V ft) II ti Iliad WO 120481., ke. Lot OF .N 011 , 7,UV N 0 TOOLS LNG. ]3''a nt,l9)i ii Cluck at tha aaathatat Mill Filth rt. ftreely t Wl.l lid 4,0,1 uttit,tt re. nerve. a large (towel:nem of thactiitic.ry awl tuutr i °oar 1.447 osyching prendOit. ',Top prei.; , i'lu'sll , -al flirt', &CI (V 441 .dep , , , t ter coot-rbut cores pans, Mau kattlak ka.) 1116 r /ley be examieed by Catalogue, the day pr.uau► to sale. • bale No. 720 Stinson' litreet BITPERIOB I'GlkNlTlilitl. 411011.011, TAPEN!ht ON WEI :lESDAY laid.. at 10 o', by cetel.wne. et No. 110 Saa +oo etreat, by catals gue, the ouperior prior, dining roots at d ehault:er larva - ma, mow, nue toprotrr wrote. it.,„ Ako, th- httolvat rota tare, la" Ma, bo examined at B o'clocit pa the morning of the mile. PE RA hiPTORY s F. ..r v I3LE ALE ME NET cArTLE. bit riiicpaßAX ?tiny ) IA Y. 91 , ..a the fdPlr .l S.R. Mr.ntsn. EE , I , (On thn 13)1) , try Pnd Andslu•lS Irian - 014. 3.)4 miles from Andalmds smtion, Philaddshis, and 1 . 1( mihaarl.) ssluslde Alarms, nuttle, cord§t at antss. hulls. hsifsro. It J. Pas, 9f I.IIS 06Slet counts ire J;RIV), IA lotus of sits sr. stut.ding. Ti a e.tle will be absolnte, without any reserve or gar rtniOng wigliing to exutnitut the eintlt acts tin} t 11111) by tiiumg no 11.4 +,'elt6k bale from Rousing , ton depot. Sale e.t. P. , T , .1.8. MR and !Al tiouta Stropt. OcilirtUti UN it eJANt.,,Tßivioll piwpg C.4.1 - fiLINVINES., FIN K (I LK— rz.Ti-, etc. _ . ON 713TMSDA Y 11101u.vIsM, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store. tka .IpArtor fueri lure, piettoe, Etas nalernee, leeant erpute, ‘t.c. 11.'ki.rilit:Aim Sot, yiNTE 11FLER, SHOT GUNS, Nnentt, BTY GLA t 45,14., FISHING T , CKL I I, Att. UN Ttlon,lt.tY 51fOtSING, t the Aticrior by order of vXmatotlit. Bak, 04 , 116 opt rpi gi , vtco, tlepmq tackle, tOoll, rxecutPrd Salo nn rbo Prtlitipts 121.9 Walnut At. bri EN111.) POUR.:'' , RY V . 117.011 BTUNE URN -3)11'iOlt ANT) 13.AELPIAA . , • Alf VIIIDALY MOUNTS(I, May 16th, at 10 o'cloct at No. 1119 Walnut greet, by order of executor. by catulo,me, bycliellue Suit of rose wood dicing room furniture, largo pier mirror, haudeowm Ihnehi , ca. Mot 9'.1.411;434 ether corpc6, tla ± - i 4svim...eves furniture. &c. At 10 elcloclr preefeely, (immediately before the age of the turrdtnre.) will to sold the epleudid four story Protoa Siot.e Regdene.e, with couonodlous three-etory borit bultdinut. finithstl in A elltlnkUP and t hat: with every ptedelu eotesottleneo feel front. Mr) feet deep to Beacom street. :610,000 may remelts on ground rent, or half the purchafe money or mortgage, at the Knell of the purrhaetr. flar liter be Entlllitdgi [ha day ortvVut to eels. BALE OF A I, ANV t,lftltAßY. ti!.l FIKIIAY tu t y 18. rouvo,encing at 4 o'clock, will be sold, a law library, wbirtnclnde , re lumber of reports, cud wltyr to IL., flue C.t.tut., i otes 'wilt be reedy', and the bouLe errs nget for exitrarnatti:u, two d 055 previews to sale, vtD,up Avt72.K.11 . .. mAnrair find ail ComintlfOtu Fitt SALM OF 1,C0) (lAfir.l. POOTR, &SW Illitili0,11( Nny 10 1 3v 11 o•raocir, roaratiy, Fei he gold, MP catalogue, 1.010 came men e, boys'. and youthe' eat , . Idp, laid grain Gnats ; calf Im V,v o? ~„ greet; gaitert, v,a , l; ”hoo., ant) Scotch tea s lw T