The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 13, 1862, Image 1

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DAILY ifirtli k&% ki id,X,otserarm
BY JOHN W. rtooN.Ev.
GINIB PRA. W pa. ("ardor.
Maned to lirtibgerib*l% out Ixr OW • lity ar 1 , 1% OOLLARIN
Azornaa, roes VoLLnite POli nowrini,
for the amt ordered.
%WM 10 tnisilicrlimre vui vs Me Ms) nt THIII I,OL.
TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1362.
Bo Suggest§ theft commanding More shenid,
Eometimea " Take the .6,:epoLaiellit7."
generals Weol, Wetocr, and Mansfield
tit the Reid.
Proclamations of Grua. Wool and Vieie.
Z.l - 0 - 19„rozit.
Arrival of our Fleet LA N Orrtlak nvo9r,
&c., &c.
„I:special correspondence of Tile Pres
Saturday, may to —to A. M.
.5 I
TUT. APTstiCa imu tiUItFOLIC
As you are probably lI.LV/1. , , e, 7.0 vErtlitian, con- i
sistivg of about live thou-and men lert Hampton
/toads at about - twelve e'sio.dr last night, anti
landed, with considerable sifil,el , y,...t. o,eee View,
a point of land jutting out into Lyu o tt o ve o B o y .
The first men hinds uoulpoed the o-rnp-my of
Captain rbinra.. A. Donis. ao,i hr.e known as the •
Ll ii ht Battery. of ie. , oil. blues. These
.trietyroccedeo inland as fa, as it eat prudent to go,
Auld awaited the arrivAt of toe redact; The 'Ewen
leth Retitneut, of New Votlr. lauded neat, and
Il rehed. Is the to the inlet truer% which this iei
'<latex, irk
place here is mired. Littl[-way Cross
Roads. Thienetny were drawn Up ill tAs vidlnity, ,
yesterdaz, o f battle, with sriliory, await-
lu g our gilltillk,bitt lied our epprodOTl early
this m o rn i n g. t ,l.,yF believe I That they have re
tired beyond Ttraer's orto's , torso miles from here,
and that they vraburn the bridge to prevent eur
getting into Norton,.
se well's Point is ‘ O• il e tt i t t e d a n d it is said that
Norfolk is also.
Two prisoners have jett den Nikon i n t h e woo d s.
the Virginia regi
ment. They say that they ' Th eet know anything
concerning the movements of tha,",.. 6.
Gen. alas Weber has hem. lo \utumn] of the
advancing troops to this point, bit lit, G en Nan , •
field : his senior (Steer, has 4,., and
started command. Ile is now waiting
sauce in force 'towards ran , ..ier'4 if fork, 'filly,
of, the enemy and savioiz the bri/t. e ne t
the smoke is already rising fr"ot ,hat direction nuc i
the bridge is now being deetre:,‘,l
eriEulBl( tt T .hates climax_
11 A. elvatieeti
eight hundred yards of the tn.._ W within
over Tanner's
creek, and found it in '£ner
served our troops in tije road, an t i onenZ i - T t ici n
them with two bowircer4, but ei,l oo dam.iga. Oar
troops were deployed. as +isinniAites, and gave them
a volley from their Gertur.o rifles. ra - to creek; iv
too tieep furct ) WWI Inc troops wive returned to
halfway Crow numb. Galt Wool and sieff have
arrived, accompanied by Mr Seeret...ry Oue4e, who
has now the attractive sobtitauet of the ” fighting
financial gentleman."
Gen. Mr not has assumed the command, and our
army will move u, , ,,0n tile old road,
vchich iii a big find tuff iffini ohs
TEE wAnen TO NORe' , LK.
The troops are in iMo. the T,:ntii New York lead
ing off. In a short time they are um:oiling do wo
the dusty road, and little eau be soon save the
, elouda of sand tossed up b .. .„ th it bo is, and the
glare of the blinding en; relented from their an
lontrometin wrd arum foe (illy is oseasaivaly
warm, and many are dtt.ppin4 by the road et‘ie,
- fainting, pressing their p.retted lips to tee very
tussocks of the swamps that, line the road, ea
jeavorinii,- to sea a itEde witmr 10 very
scarce, each spring as it is found being cuiptidd
almost instantly, and the soldiers in their thirst
yen resort to stagnant pools and poold. But on
50, in the b igittut spiriru, antimptting, the per
fact brilliant victory.
After the "'ith 3 quhies the tvelf.behxged Bturdly
tint . tiitutire, Qo!ouel Above we. Now the eaval
ry is up. /Nor }'oars body guard of mounted
D‘aige's nest battalion, the
tong - lookectivr)tiavo same pit last. Ie we bad eta
-these this r'"llink we iniglit have raved the Tea
ncr's creek bridge, •nd would have been at Nor
fent DOW- But alas, 1 .5 e the heat of day, and we
11E016 eight miles yet tiefLe ue. Tee troupers dash
.ahead of the infantry, aut. ra k e tee lead o f th e
line, surrounding and pret , :tiug their beloved
Now the brave Colonel Weiss. of too' twentieth
Few York, rho has done all the h.tra work of the
day, incisu3 that his regiment is not wear.7s and that
t.t they eit46 the Ara to mivnaott upon lend, they,
have the right to be tbs first in Norfolk. Re
makes the request, and it is granted by the com
manding general.
it Wh6ig that erotesvely drelevil Winer in eoln
wand of the New York Twontieco ?" asked Mr.
Chase of General Wool.
It is Lieut. Cut. Weiss," said, CM Omer&
"No, Bir d " said Mr. CUM," iL ig C‘,/ottei Weisa
Be has tamed the fide and have it."
Five regiments el% no.; in are moving
otr the road to Norfolk. It is an old road, a long
road, a road that is comtuauded by redotibts
tending for a distance of five miles. The *Alen
flay they will take it, hot as the weather is, and
exhausted though they be by the lung ma r ch. Two
Snell of the Sixteenth Maw.achusetts are heard to
shriek out, and drop by the road,ide. The Bur
;gonna gallop up and decide that they are sun.
stuck. They are carried to IL shady Spot in the
'woods, but it is investable fur them to recover.
Tie whole road is strewed with (thickets, keep•
ovoreoute, and everything that the troops
.one spate, in order that th,se who are weak may
not be overburdened and w >< or ox with
On they charge steadily forfour long miles, when
an orderly of the General's conies dasuinz down the
road in a 44 Of duit to lIIVOt lei and in a loud
•voles exclaims, " Cheer up, b4,,a, yon will sleep in
llorfolk tonight. The emeng's works are aban
doned and the city is evitoutitird.'' Off they go again
fit the double quick, the Germ. Ride , ben Raw
York, taking the lead. Tne tkermatis are exultant,
and, in broken town, they strike up, " We'll hang
Jeff Davis on a sour apple tree ; glory Halleluiah."
The Gerinana are fond of singing. and the General
wits not suppress their exuberant spirits.
In a halt hour more, we are in sight of the
enemy's immense entrenched camp, or barracks.
111 ftha theta deserted. 'filey are mounted with
heavy guns, and comprise five bastions—each a mile
in length. But, thank God, there is no one there
to use the pieces. The cavalry make a dash at the
Wlttehdo of the works and dud that nothing ob
structs their passage. They examine several of
the guns, find them spiked with ten-penny nails,
draw the nails, bring theta back, and report to the
Couimarding general. In a few momenta five regi
ramts are within the breastworks.
Theo works are built in a paeutiar manner, and
are certainly admirable and very strong. In the
first place, wo hare a ditch twelve feet wide, and
well constructed. About two feet beyond the
ledge of this the oarthwnik otannieussa It is . 0131-
posed of sand, chiefly backed up by bundles of
cviiite mill saplings, firmly tied up and packed be-
Le piles, which are driven in on both sides.
&hind this, earth is again threw' up, and sodded
tvith gram. Within the fortifications there is clear
space of some seventy or one hundred acres, in
erbich are standing numerous farragoes for heating
not shot, numerous magazines, and a larg.a num
ber amen dwellings, used, no doubt, as barracks,
and affording accommodations for at least five
thousand Men. It is estimated that there are a
I undid Asia fifty guns mounted here. A contra
, and informs us that we are now just four utiles
from the oily. Wo cannot see a spire, buthopefully
we Flab on.
In half an hour we met two Union oitizens
driving up the road towards as.. They offer US
, .
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VOL. 5.-NO. 240.
every facility, and inform us Thep the Gay l 9 arsons.
ted, at our mercy, and will he surrendered at
once to mi. The eters and etripee are brought
to the front, the hand Strikes up the " 64r -
Opangled Banner," followed by w Hai! Columbia"
and "Yankee Doodle," the troops cheering wildly,
and ever and anon shouting Gtoty, lialleittigh! On
they go for a mile or two more, atal bot'ore us we
can see, in the dim distance, a few church spires end
house tops, which we r repine to indicate the city
of Norfolk. On yet a little way, and the vanguard
observe a afros!' white frame house, on the outekirts
of the city, in front of which a man is vigorously
waving a white flag.
Au orderly id at um licdpatchett to anew the
meaning of it. He return* to the tiouturteding
general with word that the bta. or, and a counnit•
tee of %mite) are preterit in the house. and are
noxious to sign terms for the unconditional sucren
der of the city to the national fa: cos. The head
of the line is moved up to the hone. Here we
observe two or times mioerablo ha. ke t with lean
and horribly groomed horses, stauditur in front of
the door. General Wool and staff, wiat Seoretary
Chute, diallitrunt, They are se covered with drat,
that their best friend* would fail to recognize
them. Gen. Wool wears his well-known polished
leather cap—the one shish he has worn throa : ;11 st
many eietoeloits is eonductea into toe
bouee, a company of soldiers enter, the Mayor sad
committee of Councils rise and bow. The how is
returned, and a general introcinclAoll hiker
Thu Mayor simply remarked to the General that
he bad come by direction of the City Coutioils of
Norfolk, and &so by the advice of Major bloom - ill
huger, to offer a free and unconditional gummier
to the national troops, provided, simply, that the
commanding general of the Federal troopa‘woold
guaranty the said citizens in their rights. privi M i ps,
and Immunities, ncuting which would 00 the promo
thin of life, property, and personal liberty. lie
presented a short paper from Maj . a . General Huger,
ending that the city had been evaeuuteil by the
Confederate forces, and that no uppueitiou whoever
would be offered to the entrance and possession of
the city by the United States troops. He thou
handed to Heheral. Weel the keys of the °totem
house, post effice, and city jail, as directed by the
Agreements were signed between General Wool
and the Mayor, that every one should be protested,
as had horn stipulated.
General Wool said that it was no part of the de
sign of the Onneral Government, in crushing nut
this unhappy rebellion, to injure either the lived
or :property of any of its erring children; hut
simply to restore the United States property to ire
le g itimate owners, and to restore peace 4uu. UV'
mrlay throughout the land, and to assure protec
tion to every citizen who Should return to his alle
giance. This was very satisfaetory, and 1.1411 kiyor
declared the city eurrelidcred to the Untted States
His ilouor W. W. Lomb, Mayor, thou handed
the general and staff to seats in the Wicks, and. LIIO
whole patty drove up Church street to the City
Bull, accompanied wily by thiourea Woofs b.aly
guard of mounted men. Mr. P. R. .I.).&vii, sirnaiel
ardat d Harper's WCCV3f, ytAIC tarll COTTOBpOOIa
ent, at d Mr. L. W. Wallatz, were the first
Northern men to enter the city, being nearly half
a mile ahead of the carriages. They were twit ay
Crowde of contrabands, who laughed and grieued,
and laughed again, and could not tell what to
make el it, but passed us by, anxious to behold the
handsoceely:utiiruruted carairy, with their
sabre-a gleaming in the sunlight.
The inhabitants seemed to he much frightened
along the route. All the doors ware baited and
barred, and the window' shutters looked- rise
families generally had retired to upper stories, and
the women leaned out of the windows with their
children in their arms, to behold the entry of the
75.1 1 -1011111 fortes_ Suddenly a xerm canto running
down tbo street poet-haste, and logutred if the
Yankees was a cousin," and said further,
"Is we bagged or is we not?" But few iusaite
were c&oted to the UP/ening forges. Ovine few la
dies so far forgot themselves es to throw gloves at
see troops. acid spit at them. But generally the
3 , 13 0 ,- excellent order prvsileti throti4dlsut the
- - , Eves not a man who did uot a , e
tl wit
City of sti .„ .tts,
obesin jek s im portsuc,•e sad uoces
every stucco nn4 look of, the aY,. every word, hut
and gentle as his name presiiestis."o.
seemed to govern the people of Nuri. ik with pt l '
feet ease.
At last the City flail is reached. The offteergare
handed from the hacks iuto tha main gi.L.‘aay of
the hall, and thence to ik large room iti the sououd
story. The peOpiu push up Like stairway after toe
effiaers. The Mayer xantas ao
harm or obstruction whatever shall be witnessed.
lie turns suddenly to the people and quiotly re
quests them to leave the premises, (which they do
at vingt) giving as a reason that ha uas Suille , pri•
Tate btuiress yet to tratAatt with the
After a 'short conference, General Wool publishes
the ItAiniQg prochotAtioa;
2klay ISG*.Z.
mist , ettv of Ilevfait Laghsi
Govetun*ntaf tha United Btatee D0...d0u of
the atone in tnbeu, in behalf of the Autionol Goverment,
fdejor Central Julio H. Wool.
lgttoter. Getteret Vieie oppointed Affaub:y Gorer
uor for ita: twit htiug, wili ate that eli caizaas are
tong - tidy protected in nil their rights euil c•vit
ta6ie_K the lIG:110.41 core to preserve order, ;mil to see root
DO roldier be pet hotted to enter the City except i , y hit
older, or by toe writteu permegetou of the coestu.o . hug
officer of his brigade or regutteut i ktu,l be. W i ll 1 , 111 ,i,t,
war - halal - ay sup atbertcuu Kromer DID) orDOI ;eel pu.d upon
the rigid& Cl the iointioutt.te. Ji/11.'t IYUII
Major lienond.
The general then returns to the haea, and rides
out to the hood of hie column, harrioe, . I >pulntud
Brigadier General Vide Military tioverto)r of rhe
city. Ile then gives dirootiees co the COLOrnAndtrd
of brigades for the proper occupation of the oity.
tieveral Vide sets to Work at once, and
prepares for hie arduous and responsible duties.
Bin Srst public act, is to issue the fullu wing procla
mation :
NORFOLK, Va., May 10. 1t...62.--'rtie occupation of the
cities of Norfolk sou forteniouth to for the purpose of the
rrutertidu ot the public proton) nod the Pi,i, teuauce of
the public laws of the (rsfiled Stat , .s. Pri race areedb lend
e. ,o deal/Alit allot mill hot 1., 16birbed, bac
O f. order and disrespect to tho Govern...oc wit: oe tut-
I.Aeeo GI the wanted/ate arreot of the offetaiers.
Tht se who have left their Loretto Wider the anticipation
of any net. of vandalism slay aeaured that thetiumern
meta: 1 +119 90 ) PO Pall Or. honor of otirvlug to its mimes
'eho forgoes the clouts of a titlZett to tilatalltrlttott
ot a told ter, and that ho ithliviuitl right WILL be iuter
ftred wall. The oats of liquor to prottituted.
The oilice et the Military governor and PTO - TO:a alor
offal are at the Chateau Home.
Some five thousand or more of the populace are
now assembled around the City Earl. It is a mot
ley crowd, composed of, white wee, white weem,
wrap children, negroes of all classes, 111101, and
shades of color, half breeds, and hosts of until
piatadmies. The , Mayor obeerves that they are
very Ind& excited, and evidently desirouA of
knowing what has been done. Ho ete.ya forward
and speaks to the people.
He tells theta that the GerSederEa..3 have evaint
ated the city; that Itijor Cleueral Hager has ad
'shied theta to surrender to the national forces; that
they have been left without any protection what
eVel.; he tells them that their part ie tauelimlett and
their business crippled, and that all seems to him
chaos and diseatisfactiou. The national forces had itp
a-4.4 prteauat..... of
He had met their eocatuanding general at the out
skirts of the town, and was mast cordially received
by Gen. Wool, who had acted in the moat gentle
manly, kind, and soldierlike manner ppir li gi d biro
and the Committee of Councils. A treaty had been
made between the civil and national officers to the
effect that the city should be delivered over to the
Charge of the latter. Gen. Wool bad promh,ed pro
tection to the people, and issued a rair and hvnera
hie proclamation, setting forth the designs of the
Government, and declaring that everybody woild
be allotted to carry on their bUFioeea aa usual, with
all the rights and privileges due to quiet and peace
abiding citizens. In conclusion, mayor Lamb,
with tears streaming from his eyes, remarked that
he bad done all that he could fok hie beloved na
tive city, in this her hour of trial. He hoped that
what he bad done would be acceptable to the peo-
ple. He thought be had done what was right.
The Muer W. 9.2 frequently interrupted vrizh ap
plause, and at the conclusion of his remarks was
saluted with three times three by the people.
General Vide then came forward to a mond
story window, and looked down upon the populace.
The cheering had not quite ceased when 4 /31411
discharged a pistol, aimed apparently at his head.
The man, however, afterwards came up and apolo
gized for what he had done, saying that he meant
no harm, did not aim the pistol at the general, and
that it was Dot loaded with ball_ He H., one of
Mayor Lamb's policemen, and had only discharged
the weapon in a moment of enthusiastic excitement
Genera{ Viele dismissed him with some good and
wholesome adriee.
1231 M
NORFOLK, May 10, 7 P. M.—The national troopß
ere TIPIT marching around anti investing the oity.
It is getting desk, and there seems to be a busy stir
among the crowd at the Gosport navy yard. Geu.
Vide but despatched a memengor to bring twerard
Col. Powell T. Wyman's Sixteenth Massachusetts
Regiment, for the purpose of throwing them across
the river to occupy Portsmouth.
#lt seems bUt few moments, erhen llamas are
Eeen bursting from a score or more of steamers,
canal boats, schooners, bargee, and . other craft
vrbioh the rebels have taken to the opposite shore in
emits:ring their troop thither. In a few attoments
everythiug in the harbor is in a sheet of flame. The
Rpletidid steamers William Seldes„ Cayuga, Pilot
Bey. Culyi,so, a: : d stn.ny °there VVbl/110 1/611/1108
COUICDOL obtain, were burning to the water's edge.
Now and then a bulk goes down, sending an im
mense volueie Rf gem up from the bubbling sur-
face. We must be quick, or we will not even hare
a ferry-boat of auy kind to convey our troops to
Portsmouth. hero is s quandary. But the hardy
semen of the Union Coastguard quickly twit, a
barge, and hastening to the river, seize a small flat
steam ferry-boat, and bring it to the wharf, apps
rtnity unobserved bj the rebels on the other side.
Unfortunately, however, it will not bear mare
then one hundred men. Col. Wyman is on the
alert, and in a few moments the boat is loaded. A
Yankee engineer is put to work, and a soldier TO
- es pilot. Ehe moves off quietly for Lila
Portsmouth wharf; but just as she starts the
&Wes burst forth from the buildings in the Gosport
'levy yard, and the town of GOSpOrr. itl 81)00 ft Irladfl
of gro. The navy yard is destroyed, and even the
Secessionists say that it is barbarous.
The two iton.elad gonhoate which the rehels
constructed are set on fire, but their deoka only
being of wood, but little damage is dune them.
The ferry =bed 'mesa Boron the Eli2ab.rix
aid one hundred brave men of the good old lrhy
State are landed at the Porisnacuth wharf. They
are received with ineudly detuousiratious by many
sendeznev—QUO Of the ladles bearing
an American flag. They little expected this, in
view of the destruction going forward.
They proceed to invet.t too town, and are son ra•
inroterd to the extent of a battalion. Soon again
a whole regiment is over. They move on. The
rebels flee, taking with them all the ratioa stook
of the Petersimkg -OS - 017 OEM and every
truck. Our troop move down the west bank of the
river, and take possession of the palatial Baited
Sites Marine Hosp'lltli iu Wiliell there are quite a
Loather of ;stets and wounded rebele. Na indignity
is offered them. The surgeons of the regiments
tslte the places of the Tuba physicians, who have
iterated their post at a limo when mice lit4tded,
Forward they go to the outskirts of the town, and
thence to the fields, and, ix the skirtings of woods,
winch for the enemy. Weary and worn, scam of
them drop aeleep, rancousciou:ly, at their p.ists,
Fortunately, po rebels are near. They have all
stunk away in shame at their last act of itundalivn.
But we must hie to the city with our little ferry
boat:lest the:flames that envelope the vessels on the
ricer prove centagieus, and we lose our only trans-
DIV. Arid now came,: the lust ,arna is Una awry
drama. A canal boat all on lire is moving down
aiEh the tide, with its rudder strapped s as to make
it bear airectly to the city wharves, the design of
the rJoeto being eridetitly to tictitrOy the city, which
they were compelled to abandon this morning
The boat, almost as correctly as if managed by •
helmsman, bumps against the main wharf; and bet
for the I,l`,.tilptitude of the contrabands In Inm:wig
a few unwieldy, old-faShioned hand-engines to the
set•ne, a fearful couflagration might have ensued.
The tire is speedily extinguished, and the boat
shoved out of the cb.ek. It deans. down the current
a Ate diisiance, then sinks to rise no more
New the ilianeS at the nacy yard are dying away
find we can see that the lar6e ship-hense and dry
duck are unharmed.
Wo turn from the terrible scene to look out for
u place where we may g4t Aarcte rat-m.4.1..00W and
teat our weary limbs. We seek what was once the
finest hotel in the city—the "Atlantic." General
Vide is there before us, and hue. secured his roomS.
Vat ie is but, little in doing this. The landlord
positively assures us that upon this day he had de.
tounined to close his establishment, having but
three boarders besides the members of his ova
and having Zee rooms at his disposal. We
enter our names 011 the register utter a lengthy list
of C. S. A. officers, who hud occupied, perhaps Lust
Light, the very beds that wc, Imo to be famed
After bath, we entered the dining saloon to ob•
tuin eupper. We called for a cap of tea, but they
gave tie a tiOrrible-Ineking red eoneoation of herbs,
—if Weetia me> botanicallY as tlerbs—that was
pesitively revolting to all uur prooaaoai. nd hians of
W. 1.5"-th=v6.l2 esclnimrci that WI
bad undo a mistake, and intended to have ealltal
for ceffre. While chuckling over this brilliant
diplomacy, the coffee came in on a steam..
own oi g - t r,,wo found upon ensdystS that it wag
dirty water biewa ? . tea—being little else than
be landlord helped
us in a beaming way rO l r a .;,: i :
vibith vas very nice, and eapplie6.9? ttf Inofotailk
• 'itaas. witha
mart chicken.
We have some, sir, but we seldom place it up,.
isLls. It. Is very scarce ' and only pounded
rock salt at tbat."
This, of course, reduced the General to the ne
oecalq of heir% vainly jahileseptiod, `Po made
the belt of our meal, noverthelem, and after a turn
around through the streets retired to our omuthes.
Surdny Morning, 111.4 11, BA. fif.—The city is
quiet in every part, and the provost guard perform
ing its duty well. A number of citizens are walk
ing down to the wharf, and we follow them. Soon
prt.r..t kAI6 And cry 16 rat.' that a steamer IS
c,.ming up the river. This, of course, canes the
asbeniblage of spe.oula•ive groups. The Secession
ists express the opinion that Commodore Tatggli,
gnumatud or titti Merrimac, hudiag it impoAsible
to go up James river, has followed the instructions
01 the I.3,tifederate Government, and blown her up.
They can all distinctly remember hearing this
miinieg early a terrible explosion. All rush is the
wharf. They see a little, insignificant wisp of a
vessel approaching under full steam. It appears to
be a num'i sheet iron, floati ng i_rell3l- machine or
buoy. Bet the soldiers maintain that they osn see
the stars sod stripes floating from its Etaa. And
now another little vessel is teen coming up behinl.
The sideliera are Ashod by the citizens it they can
tell what craft it is.
-1 bat ?" says a sergeant of cavalry, c' why, I
should thibk you would all know it—that is the Yan
kee eh etse.Gos. , -the lithe Mooltor and the env be-
Lird her 'is the little Naugatuck, with her terrible
gnu that frightened off the bier riootte the other day."
Up cc-mss the Monitor otoser and closer, until she
Mules alarge floating meat-irtth busy, 4nchca-vti
in the sin am, no doubt to mark the channel. Lieut.
Mere, who is in command of the Monitor, and ever
on the alert for danger, steams cautiously tip to t r tiO
buoy, and .wuioluee it carefully. In an instant a
Ballot jumps upon it, winking, lest it should prove an
it-ternal machine. lier opens the sliding-valve,
eisapreare, Maul sad all, within, makes a tall GI.-
animlllition, jumps out, and reports all correct to
counnanding of The Monitor comes to anchor,
and her sailors come up on deck, mount the tur
ret, and give a glorious three tihieb three fur the
occupation of Norfolk. The crew of the Stevens
battery quickly follow suit.
But hero seems to be a Teat fleet ascending the
river. Here is the Seminole steaming ahead. She
hat a trusty pilot, for he directs her course around
piles that are driven in the bottom of the rim like
a/ca.a.x: fri. G. S ite enters the harbor, and
anchors in front of the city. She is followed by
the Susquehanna, Daeotah, San Jacinto and Flag.
Awl now we see a large lead-oolored steamer milled
the 11.1ilmvre coming up the stream. The sailors
have dubbed her the Jumper as she was intended
to run up on the Merrimac for the purpese of sink
ing her. The DaltliPMQ btto on board many dig_
tinguished persons-the President, Secretary Chase,
Secretary Stanton, Assistant Secretary Tucker,
Major General Wool, Commodore Goldshorough,
Captain Case, and many ethers.
Major general Wool is conveyed to the :Lore
for the purpose of holding a conference with
Yeneral Viele concerning the occupation of the
city, by the troops. Commodore Goldtborough is
taken to the gio o P - off. war Susquehanna, which he
mabes his flag-ship temporarily. The Baltimore
thin steams around by the President and Cabinet,
and various, points of interest are visited along the
river. fort Norfolk is first approached, This is
a fee fort, weft mounted, and loft in perfect con
dition by the rebels. The Tenth New York State
Volunteer& National Zouaves, Colonel' Bendis,
are assigned to duty here. The Ameri
can flag now waves over the structure. The
batteries at Lambert's Point, Boust's Point, Wash
ington Point, and Craney Island come in their turn.
The latter is pronounced a seperior; on hi by poscoo:t-
Peient Officers, well mounted with heavy guns, and
apparently designed by an able engineer. Last
comes the battery at Sewell's POIEIt, which is visited
and found to contain nineteen heavy guns menaiod,
very strong construotion, and contains a sort of
casemate protection from our shells. After visiting
these batteries, the Baltimore returned to Portsess
Monroe. Your correspondent steps from the Balti
more to the George Washington, an old Philadel
phia boat, commanded by Capt. Ingram. She is
loaded with quartermaster and cominhisary stores,
and is the first transport cleared for Norfolk harbor
since the American flag has been raised over it.
Landing at the wharf about 10 o'clook, I 'piston
to the custom house, but yesterday the headquar
ters of Major General Roger, now the headquar
ters of General Viele, the military governor of the
elLy. The g eneral is down upon the pavement
with the troops, who were drawn up in line to
witness the raising of the first American ilag over
the city of Norfolk since the rebellion broke
Arrgml'T To FI{ U TIM CITY
".Have you any salt?" asked General Vie
Pli 11, A Pi4.J.PH lA, TUESI)A V. MAY 13, 1862.
out. The tag to be raised in the standard
of the New York Tenth Regiment. As it
is tbrOWO to t:"a breeze and waved by I
ZOIRITO in full Unil4llll on the Custom ILmee
Major Dodge, commanding the mounted patroi, a
gallant and experieseed officer, addresses ititi troop
kitty, as fUnows !
"Soldiers. tat ue improve the presentoppertunik7
to give a beauty three-times-torte for to glorious
stare sad stripea."
It it needless to my that the cheers wore given
with a will
About noon I sieved the office of the military
gourmet , lo the OUBEWIL house, and found that tbo
latnts of Portsmouth, (fled bless them'.) who were
still true to the Union, had presented him with two
beautiful bouquets ! whose Align/Log tuml DOUnkil
the Alicia Tom,
I learn that the gwiliog-miwtor of the
gird a lieutenant of artillery have been arroalarl, in
lull übitotzu, by the pitotoet guard. - they were at
oboe pronounced prisihota of war, to await the
ordera of the Goyerpimpt,
At the request of the correspondents of the pub
lie press, Ueu. Vhsle has graciously determined to
apioint Capt. Pilinenv A. Davis, d4ll3l.dartaiias Elsa
itishardpou Light Battery of Lowell, Mass., pro
vost marshal of the city of Norfolk. Captain Davis
was for many months the efficient sad
zuurrbal at Old Feint, and ho will, no
doubt, in his new position, prove as acceptable both
to citizens and soldiers.
We would be reeussnt to our duty if we ata not
Lotice in this connection the valuable services per
formed by Idr. A. Ainsworth, one of the superiu
tntalc4its of 14.versimaut inburytti at Forum MM.
roe, hi making a tempoiary bridge of canal borate,
suds otherwise assisting in landing the troops for
this txp.diPen tt rapidity really aurpriaing,
upon a barren beach, and the boisterous Lynn
Raven Bay.
NortFoLK, Fa., May 11, 3 P. M.
Tirriohts FEU![ rczar:Lnom
The recent Vouthern papera which we wore per
mitted to look over in'the office of the Norfolk Day
144 ) contain no news Of any importance or.c‘pt an
eecoutat of the recent battle at Williamsburg, at
which place, of e. 4 arse, the rebels, as usual, chum
a Vlblory, although they acknowledge an immense
lota of oftioete and theth, and atam,g them, Major
General S. S. Auderaon, who wee of S.tath Caro
lina, and was killed upon the battle field. This is
Lu doubt the general supp_osed to be, awl reported
as the rebel genera Ittokotta in our accounts of
the battle. Brig. Gen. Early of Pa., was severely
wounded. The sth and 6th North Carelina rogi
ue-ots, the retenburg Express soknowlad A -5,
were almost annilniated, only 75 reporting them
selves at the camp after the battle. From all az
outo.ta in the rebel papers, this must have beeh a
amour blow to damn, notwiehatandiag t hey c l a i m a
vlctia . ), upon !dust grounds, however, it is dart
cult to ascertain.
Frei& the James river we have no reports in the
seml newspapers. but 4 , oC•didDidle bore in Ni ifolll
say that the tialona ascended that "muddy
abeam" and took all the batteries up to Sandy
where she waa •, hard aground," with het
COIRVI Id, the guhboats Port Royal aid A.r0.4t..k,
endeavoring to haul her off. In view of the blow
ing up of the Merrimac this morning, Commodore
G o icibnorough has ordered the Meniter and liitter7
A. gieit.M to proceed up the James river, fur
the purlrce of co-operating With the Galena. They
sail to-night.
There is no doubt now that the vessel blown up
last night was really the iron-clad monster Merri
mac, alias the Virginia. Sailors report having seen
the lm
d n ies o f rin two
i otacumen,
men floating ale Water, dresse
the s].
whom they supposed were
u o
sailers on the Merrimac. It is supposed that these
men were in iroLS, and blown up with the rebel
mobsttotity. This agrees with the story very sa,
rent hero among Secessionists, to the offset that a
mainber of enlisted seamen on board the Merrimac
had expressed their disapprobation of again env
gieg the Mobitor in Mom:. action. The cruet Tat
nail, who was in command, swore that if any man
refused to u s ht and the ship shout,' be worsted, she
tbould be MOM 'up, and they &Ileum circulate
the air as would her monstrous timbers.
It i+ now time for your correspondent to leave,
with to. , prepared communlowion. for old
in (no,. the baitifnure L+A6, upon
which be hopes to obtain a night's repose. as he has
trudged on foot many tail.. I , .hrenzb the _det 6. ,and
swamps, with a broiling sun, through th..
of Princess Anne and Norfolit, without having
closed his eyes for sleep for a period of 72 hours.
More Axon.
Aistottitil AcelauNT,
The Occupation of Norfolk.
, 33 . 12.—The OW Point boat has arrived,
' r ' vga ' g '" following detnilsof annti at Norfolk :
ut— G o , e i e e c P. IL—Gan. Wool has
jest emend the eh. company veth the Hayor, W. W.
Lamb, end n comrnitte, , f the City Government. The
laet Of the
_rebel trwai lel, thia plasmas, and the, MP
woe left by Gen. Huger in 'eo f t h e Dies or, ee t h e
fermentative of the civil power, " the approach of our
The 'Mayor went with a flag of truce to rt., city limitst
and alrane.rownts were soon made between thq Mayor
end Co-nerftl Wool that the city should he given up on the
promike of General Wool that private property should
be re reeve]. During the march on Norfolk. three Tagil
amps were fourvl deserted, apparently
OVIS a daY or two since.
Gennal Weber's regiment, New York Twentieth, Was
advanced in the landing to reconnoitre, And some six
miles trim the beach, at the Einliw.y , bon., so called,
coned a pkce which had been prepared with considera—
ble care for a hat'te•tield. The trees and bnehes had
been felled and rifle Tab built, and entity - in the morning
it was at certeiued that several_ antis mate bladed 13. , A;.•
tine. At this point some recreate a the Forty- &et Vie
gitia regimetit were captured. They reported that
Bewrll's Point had Wen abandoned on the preceding
nif,llt by tent CefilPaniVg if hick had garrieoned the place
for some time mt.
conic was also captured at this place, who stated it was the intention of the rebels to destroy the
Midge over Tanner's creek, end then evacuate Norfolk.
Putt at 14168 W41+4 , 6 regiment pu.shed forward on
the coed toli,e bridge, and the enemy was found, at about
noon, posted on the opposite side of Tanner's creek, with
three gene.
7be briage bpd beta act on fire, and woe still burninE
at that limo Elmo Mx or eight ehote were fired without
effect, and our met, being out of musket reoge. did not
reply, the creek being about a quarter of a mile wide.
Our force was withdrawn, and ktafte4 on another road,
oenetrlerablY longer, and reported to be defended by a
strong batterf•
' '
Not the slightest opposition was made, and the fortifi
cations, which were a mile and a 'lnuit from liorNisi vere
found to hare beta evacuated after apiking the guns.
They were extensive works, and finely constructed.
We arrived at Norfolk, after a tiresome march, at five
o'elouk, without firing a gun, and found that tho whole
rebel force but departed, time last or them haling left this
Mayor Lamb, with a committee of tho city Govern
ment, having broil authorized for the purpoie, met Gen.
Wool With a flag of tiro at tho city Matta, nail. aftgr a
brief CiThgultatioa, the city AV .m urrendered to the United
:Rah; force&
Cen. Wool then Proceeded to the City. Ilan, in com
pany with the Mayor, followed by a larga crQlYdt whom
ho tanucit a proclamation.
Gen. Vida immediately aivointed Mr. Z. R. Davie laic
miltiwy secretary-
The Yt.1.7 lii t iinethiA i ho entered tie city were four
ne,,,rurcr correspoutturft,l.
Gen. Wool returned to hie camp outside of the city, and
will probably reach Fortress Monroe to-night. i
After the departure of ti ii. Wool several thougand.,
heeealla f11,41-1abh,..1 heal. the, 13 l io hear o kv.scet
from the Mayor, lie ka•eilietl to be very popular.
Ilc Haiti in ?substance that in his negotiation With d e ,
W ci be Lad. rec.:heel a pledge for the protection of prig
cafe propllPtY and tht: ante COnfinuarice or privati
Ilininbers of - Union flags are flying in Portsmouth
NVllleh lance is occupied by the Sixteenth 3 1;te.suchnsut
Regime - Ift
Urn, I'lclu has established his headquarters in the Cut.
tom llouse, formerly occupied by Gen. Maw.
The natioual flue was rained for the first time at
o'rioJk this taGruitig, caltited by the guards an 4
shit-tic:My -h.: red.
Thu Blonitor and Naugatuck have just arrived, tull
number of other retttels of the fleet are arrivieg up.
The eight passed very quivtly.
At present every ihiii2 ie berfeetiv trite tall, order I
et.lireo rebtureti, and all the public property le occuplef.
The Stet national flag raised in liorfolk was the rest.
ruer,tal colors of the Tenth flew York regiment. beiig
hoiLled on the Custom Thaws. The red. :mat haw Atm
s tarted fur Vert Notfalk, which it will garrleon for the
General Wool and Commodore Goldsborotigh haven).*
attired in the Baltimore.
General 'Viele Van nal an ;LOOMIS to mount of bushier;
The policy of the authorities is to allow everythineto
go on with as little Interruption as possible. A general
reeling of confidence seems to prevail, maths Union sin
timont bPIIIII.I la show Melt
. .
FiftY•t.WO 0118 wore found at Cromer Island, this
morning, by Capt. Casa, the (lest captain, who landed to
the pareage of the teat up the river. The naval vemails
here are the Susquehanna, Flag, Spipipcgo, ban Jacinto,
sionnt Merton, Dacotah, Monitor, and Naugatuok.
The Gosport Navy Yard Burned—The
Public Property Destroyed.
The Goeport Navy Yard and puling property were
burped 13y the enemy teeley, togetbor with moat of the
steomboate and other 'mewls in Elizabeth ricer.
The coullagratlou afforded a brithaut - spectacle, which
coctihued all the evanitm.
the people are tea MOM or great excitement. A strong
police force is on duty to-night, and it is hopoll that no
vidonce sill be cotnroittod.
Oonfidonce hl the Government will, doubtlees, be soon
re , eatablisbed.
NORFOLK, Sunday Morniug.—The Navy Yard >bas
been completely destroyed, together with a largo number
PACNVAR rosteil,
The Destruction of the Merrimac.
FORTRESS Mormon, May 11.—At four o'cbck this
morning a bright light. was ob,erved from Br:wire% non
roe, in the direction or (trolley Inland, which was sup-
Dose 4, at first, to be a signal of some description from
the steamer Merrimac.
Precisely at 4.14 oitietk an Olgitoelon tools place, Wbifilt
taadethe earth and water tremble for miles around.
In the midst of the bright flames which shot dethrones
the distant bleve, the timbers end iron of a mounter lice-
ICIOT Mild be Bern flying through the RI, red no douot
wee entertained that the veritable Merriman had ceased
to exist.
ring Officer Goldeborough, on receiving this report,
orcereti two armed niswal ;pap, the Zemin) and Dragoon:
ty proceed towards tlreney lehind ta make a teconnot
savoe, and ascertain the truth of the rumor.
Immediately after they had turned the Point, the Moni
tor end E. A. titeveLe rammed tip to the game Okettiotto
1 . 11 0 ,. .. ,3 Li - .he Out' Jetinlith durquehantga, Meant Vet.
Den, Bonduolo, and Lacotah.
It a ae* must heautiful eight, end attracted throngs of
apectatore along the a hole line of Old Point. duets were
ah,..a to di,credit the einnollUCPMtint Mat the Kerr:-
thee had been tlestros ed, and ite they vassa. up towards
Crane). Island the excitement became intense.
in the 111PitOtiltIO two "tugboats ware *Pan coming le
Urania Fortress IntinrOent full speed, each apparently ria
derataing to outrun the other, and when nearing the
whorl the radiant countenance of Captain Vase, of the
rtiunieote l Nave Helium:oe that the newt they branghl
wee (01 the 11108 t gretlfYillt eaarootar.
The report wee true. Ito had met parte of the floating
wreck, and all the earthworks of the euemy erPpciatiod in
be abandoned, though FOY , tekri ling wee Mill fl ing.
Mout. ti :fringe, item tie Dragoon, h letmerl with an
armed ma', at d taken down the rebel flag, substituting
the mere and Stripes, sand the hearty cheering of the
ueptitin Case immediately reported the fact to the
President m.d the secretary of War, who received the
eehhtmotioti 41 the report of the picket mate with great
rotiblecihnh At taw rtquimt of the Pretitiout, thiphtia
Cats ithmeiiiately proceeded to Chaney Itiaret to tteeer
lain if the tiVorka were evacuated, in company with the
fleet, vvLich was then Advauciug.
iettf COrrtahnintruti with Mr_ Terrell, of the Yie..
York Herald, end the paymaster of the gallant tithe
Z,ueve, Capt. Pititlipe, which figured ro nobly ill the
tipbt afth the Aler.linee on her tirst appearance, were
coutteOtO4 ittlittit to accominmy hint on the expedi
They were soon ou the way, and in n short time over
took and patai'd all the 'mewls of war that bad started
ip (*.ITN Sc of ua except the Monitor and linagato6a,
NI hitt were ranniug ahead OP their way to Norfolk, hav
iog puffed lit Sewell's Point and (impel , ' Island.
As we neared t rangy 'eland we found tuffs immense
fortrese apparently Pb4gtivtied, the Ugh three rebel flan
were Bowing troth raj; tali flag-stafht at different parts
of the works
Captain Case, when within half e. mile of tho shore,
ordered a chat to be fired to tect the feuof tho trvekoa.,
lion. The only sign of Igo that tho shell Predileed. WAN
the arPeeltenCe of two hegro men on the chore.
A boat was tudreld lately ordered off, and through the
cunt they of the COtersuetlPr, I participated iii the honer
01 lowering the rebel emblem, substituting the pride of
America iu its Oure,
Can. Case w iteikeflret loyal man that pressed bis foot
on the soil of this tr..esonshle otruuwlrold• Without a
ittinkht of lanolin or Wl4ll'llEl machinee, the pegiel
lbehdatit Illehed to the flag-staff, and the hllliarda being
lu aced order, the old fhg was 6000 given to the breeze.
The forts on the 'Fiend ere in four or livc nonsrAte
et-elione, roontrtictrd with the best engineering and
of toost admirable vvrtruntusbip.
Tb€.l , were left in admirable condition, as were also
the ententAve barracks which had acannmodated daring
the winter a garri.on of over 2 OUO ann.
Inkyr, tetf of ammunition in be a - ne.le mar
each of th' forty heavy guns mounted in difforout parts
of the vorke.
OD the mato front of the I land commetrling the ap.
VA Relit. to the Pi thi wen, cm.ematod
Nine of three cam:motet' were finished, iu ouch of
which were nine or ten-inch guns, nrinoipatly Dahl
grene, and tlie work of erecting five wore was in pro
gem at the tlme of the evacuation, in one of which a gun
Ras mounted.
• ft' he fort, at the bead of the island, called the Citadel,
WAS not caounated, but mounted with five heivy gone.
The whole.ntimber of guus mounter! Wag NI of which
two we' e Perrotta tied a number °Trilled Dahlgren..
Alio about Ent gnne in the %vette that Ird not yet
been monnUd. None of them had been removed.
Atter spouthng an hour on the Maud, we ?roomed
Imaiectiarely at the ripper part of the Island was found
a mass of blackened wreck. floating on the water, some
of it proceeding from the Kooken portions of vessels.
We Led Os* reeeed lerge quectineti of floating timber
Am our way up, all of which had been torn and reduced to
Fret'. the men f:911 1 24 911 the Ittlso, ittt ilecertained thek
the Dierrtratic; beg lttaldury pap t letehga i led. wore
a mile below
observed. During the night, however, ebe had been
brought back hod ,bore.
iltr rarer§ aid crew were all landed on thu Island,
aha a blow toaloh applied to her 111.407,1UN11.
weeredocect to fragments by ihe time the crew
of ill.,
In , and crew
ihr00.0.6 the n.Uolnine cun.ty, 0.. clue mai:AA:la, about 5
o'clock in the morning, to the number oh over 200. they
bald they were on their way to Norfolk.
The Notfolk Nave Yard
'The Norfolk navy yard wee one of the oldest and
Isrgest naval depots in she cruntry, at the time Of its
abandonment, Olt OM 201 U ol .S.pelt, MI ~ it was ausut
tube tomtits of a mile long and one-Munn wide, being
I) fat t.; ti most 0kt0001, , 0 and valve big yard in toe
iosse.wion of the United Soaks. Thore was connected. I
T im it a ray clack of grantee, like the Oharlestowa dry 1
dick. Its yard wt. ,overeci wirh machina shops,
(Welling Inikore for officers, and storetplis s i v i y dr i„ ui
iiucle. 4 iletla were art4t sr, elup 11,111CItla more and lin•
flier in preceas of • rectinn, marina barrack., nail loft.
4gerb' lefr, gunners' loft, numerom 1 1 111ittili ' 4011 and
ibeds, carpenters' chops and hUltat, machine shops, tim..
;ler sheen, fuundries. dispensary, sou mill, boiler shop,
liurnerizitg house, spar woo. prOVIA,II hail..., unmet--
Ins de viiiiige. sign a large amount of tads and o.aehteery.
Chore w._re woo great ornsalities of material, provisions,
slid ammunition of every description.
• According to the returns received at the Ordnance Du-
COM tit the I My DepartMent, it Mears unit thud Yarn
ttliell 131111dIfta and tdity.tiglit guns in the yard. other
Evaltmt, 'flowerer, tall.ell by tun committee, goes to allow
quite Ct txtusil ell that there were in the Yard at the
tune of the evacuation at least two thi.usand pieces of
bow) vidaence, at which about flute hundred were
tea. PatilgieLl guns, and the remainder were of old pat.
There ware also lying at the navy yard at the time the
hew steam frigate .111frrinins, eatt,4,4 forty knee, wad
,'Nvorfli, when fully a r uitioad. twelve hundred thousand
hollers, (sl,2oo,ttno ;) the eloep.ef-war Plymouth, of
twenty-t.o guns; the sloop of-war Germantown ' of
IweLty-two gun.; son the brig Doiplun, carrying four
1 lniii. 111 M tl'etroil ttficient and minable YaAROIS. The
i pettery of the Merritt' ic was not on board, but sits wasin
iWinces to be taken out trout the yard. The Sma
rt& tf
of 0 e ernointown and Dolphin were on heard,
mil they only awaited their of:lcent and 'trees to he ready
f for am the PI) Montt Was nearly read., - for sei. Tne
1 bid thiroittboilluo Ponnsylvaais wet Is ceinmisslea
IherE us 11 . COWILIg chip, and Ole ship—of-the-lin. , Dota
-1 sal Opf Slaty-tour Rune. and OolumbnS, of eighty guns,
; aid t.e. frigates United States. of fifty guns; liolumbia,
I et illy cure, and Raritan, of tilt) guns, were b lag in or
-1 dinet t.t the }aril. The undPielled tilliP- Of , the, i too Now
Triti , wt. ot”O lying Wit MO stocks ill one of tlie ship
i beu4B. Thu sionp-of-war 13111.11nerland, carrying CV/011w.
Htlr'grins, was at that time the flag-chip of Capt. Yen
-1 Orrsaat, in command of the Home squadron. and was
f mooed abreast one el the ship homes, at the, tliptithcp of
ur Iwo km-Dared yards frem the ehervp WWI her
I finletroassent and crew on board, and in a position to
I eeriest& completely the cities of Nutfolif and I orb.
Thu total value of the property of the United States In
mahout the yard, including the yard itself and all th
pinrovements, and on the supposition that there seer
;no even hundred and sixty-eight pieces of orduanco,
obented by the Navy Depttrtmeut to have , been th 4
i9th in
of April, 1661, ne millions seven hundred and
itxty thousand one hundred and eighty-ono dollars and
tincty-three cents ($.U,70,181.93). lu this aggregate are
elutled the vessels, estimated at 01113 million nine htm•
,red and eighty thousand dollars 0.i1,980,01.10) ordnance
l.d erthivihen si.±t lee - tared eiel eixty-your thou
ind eight hundred and eighty-three dollars and seventy
ght cents 0664,683,781 and A 01.06 ou hand belonging
Ithe Bureau of eondtructiou and Repair:int ana lailitt)Lt
3 y
e hundred and envoltY-four thousand four hundred
add aeventy•fottr dollars and twents.nina route
- frt Unpt. McCauley was the officer in charge of the yard at
the time cf the abandonment to the sehelg_ gaeing the
state of public opinion against the Ourerouteut, and the
4nprotecied state , of Akira at the yard, thero seemed to
be co course left to the Union naval authmithis at Nor
folk. but to (Haney all the property belonging to the Gas
at that depot, in order to in - trout its falling inta
the hams tithe rebels. Accordingly the work of deme-
Mien wits commenced, and theiulmehre works which cost
file Union CO Lanai to erect were Oa, troy ed or set ou
lo the first place an attempt was mode to mutilate the
guns in the yal a by bucking olt the trunnions For this
pinnate one uuncrtd men were detailed from the Com
te:llmA, under the CerelllUMl of Lieut. John 11. Raise%
but though they worked tor an hour, playing trip. ham
nwr with eighteen comet sledges upon the Dantgren
gnus, they resisted 'brir efforts and such was till
so, x.,:th u. d tertscity of rho metal that they yid not BSC-
Ova in breaking a single trunnion. filany of the old
guns, honey , r, were destroyed The duty of mining and
boning up the dry dock was given In charge to °again
Charles ' W ilkes, and talkers and men were assigned to
bib tor that purpose, and to prepare for burble& the
tutildinge. Commander Badgers, and Captain Wright,
of the engineers. Toluteneren to destroy the dock, and
Commanders Alden and Sande were directed to pruritic
for the destruction of the side houses, barracks, Arc.
Lida. Henry A. Wise was ordered to lay trains upon file
ebipe, and Ere them eta given t.igoril, end perform that
duty it. the meat thorough and effectual manlier.
At about two o'clock all was reported to be rowdy, and
the troope. matinee, a Mors and others at the pate' were
l i taken on heath the Pawnee apd cpumrtand, framing on
ebote only ae many as were required to Pet Um fires. The
rawnet, then left the wharf, and at four o'clock on 81111.
day morning, April 21, took the Cumberland in tow, and
stood dean the harbor. At twenty minutes past four
o'clock eke concerted Frigid! was given by it rocket from
the Pawn to. the torch was grilled simultaneously at tua.-
ny points, and In a few minutes the ships anti but dings
in the yard were wrapped in flames. The parties left on
Store to apply the matches all succeeded in making their
escape except Commander Rodgers and Captain Wright,
who railed to redeb the boats left to bring them off, and
arrested in ill e tnerolog at Norfolk and de/gilled
by the rebels ea prhoners et war. The officers and men
in the boats pulled dawn the harbor in the ilght of the
conflagration, which was hhaminasing the couutrr and
the say for mil...round, overtook the 'Pawnee at Chaney
'blench ildid Were taken ott WAHL
A. singolar fatality Reams to have attended this mad
attempt t 0 deetroy thePilb,• 14
0 property, Stich Confined
its operetco, principally to tbo Yeannln, WhiChi before the
scutillugi could labilY have been saved, white the dry
dock, the !machine abeam, &alba' slurps, and alteda, car
penters' shops and aheda, timber sheds, ordnance build
ing end founariee, sawmill, prorislop benne, spar Witte,
prov.lrionet, dwellings of the Commandant and other
of f icer., and. in fact, all the buildings iu the yard, except
the ship houses, marine barracks. riggers left, Nail loft,
and ordnance loft - remain unlmured, and bare been ever
since in the yea and posseesion of the ruNdi. Twitted,
Elie) initnodimtvil took Postession of Millie betidings and
machinery, and had used them for all the purposed of a
navy }aid, employing there in the manufacture of arms,
elnd, end abon, in biaboing gunboats and iron-cladding
veseele•of-war. The guns wore mounted on bacteria.
along the Elisabeth river, and distributed among the
Vark lortlfloationa ttrattali4at
INTO 1111/11CL, HONDO,
Nary yarci proper, coutoioitor 1MP0109....
sr, itriells, coutiiolog 38 scram_
160, el floopitoi. couvuolom 100 SOW 20.00
Furs 14w-it lb, cumoluitig 6 scree 10,009
Improveraeoto R 1 Nan Yard -.. _ 4,9411100
impruvendt-Oter 00 et, /Surma .2.300
luiprovetanato at Naval Hospital 622.14.00
Improvetusots at Naval hloguslue . 17.3,589
Itoo/OVeroeute at other points 2.temaat
'Ulna of Maw oogiueo, ,to ,r ..... 239418
Total . .V 4.477,104
Merrimac, steam frigate, 82'0.000
hrht-rieve :I.OP. 40,000
rinabiown, .loop 25,014
Pesa,t.ylvanta, ship
Delaware, aue. of. battle kap 10 WO
I:olumbuta llae•of• eatiJo Hill p. 10,900
Cedullitis. f,;,,,1, LOIN
Polphin. F.;rai lOW
Powder boat 1100
Water tank .... lOU
Übittilßtateo 10,000'
Total 91336,90 U
Sketch of General Wool.
Brevet Major General John N. Wool was been at lie.,
burgh, New 'lark, in 1786, and his immediate ancestors
were distinguished as pita iOti in the Itoro Ia the
Berms of 1812 be obtained an appolutorent ea capta.n in
Ale tluited §tittga infantry on the realltallialidatitai of
Oirvernor Clinton, of Now York. On the Mai ”ftw,..-
bulug October, being senior captain. be took counnaud of
three companies which had been ordert , d to toe dittimtlt
talk of curling no Knights of Quetuttown. Kis trans
baying been lauded soma dietaoce from the Height,,
upon a plateau, were attaceed by the British, who,
however, were repulsed. In this action the young offi
cer d 6 ttattatatlOlt baaielf, hilt old not escape 11111flalibd,
being toot through both thighs. Suffering from
this wound, be neverth•less led his men up the
heights, being the only officer who was not placed hors
de comlyf, The en( my were driven from thole
and 11 . 1:01 wee rewarded by promotion co a cnaj.aalty,
Isis ability end valor distinguished themselves no 16,9 at
BerkmaLtown and Plattsburg, for which he was mato
4eT4Peut colonel, In 1821 ha vas ak. a oloi—i ooe or ate
thepector.generala of the army, and iu 1832 nudertook
mission to Europe, to collect itiformation nem military
science. He .88 received with favor by ration, Hum
pew. ?uteri talrl, owl. with toil King hr Belgium, eevlewel
ono hundral thousand troops prior to the siege of Chasse,
at which lie wee present.
Fie was appainted Brigadier General .sth Jim, 1814,
coftdcanded the centred dtvielon of the Lea
with tioneral 'Dolor in February, Iftll, and was bro.
vetttd major general for gallant mud meritorious conduct
ii, the tattle or Baena Vista, May, 1E46. At the break
ing of the scgt Ile WAS (stationed at the heltilieAors
of the etigeru de➢artn:eat, (which he commanded,) fti
Troy, Few York. Ile immediately repaired to New
York city, where, in covionetion With the Union Defence
gommittee, ho kui*rintet±eed the ttamortatien of Mlleoi
azia stores to The desired Dointe. hhorily afterwards, he
was ordered by General Scott to take ennmand of the
Troy arsenal, but President Lincoln fireferrei to have
him its command at Fortress gorge' bid Mara bead,
qUai :et el.
history of the Merrimac.
The Merrimac woe originally one or the five war
Women; authorized to be conetructed by Congrtee daring
tho er,viou of 1844-5. They were to be flat czars dram
eloOna•rof-war, and were built as : Tim Morrlatec
et e v,
w i •
ltich did bll W ch g " 0 1 0 1 1/ Q
A ll l:l ni rtt fl Pa r t B
nTd Philadelphia; the filinneeota, at WioMingtou ; the Roa
noke, at Norfolk, and the Niagara, at Brookiym. Them
five yeasela were equal to 11Iq 6 tP4 11 3 wsr Tutihat in the
w<343, except iron-visa vottle, The env deck of the
Merrimac was 251 filet long and 52 feet broad Jo her ori
gin al condition, and she drew 23 feet of water. She rated
4,41 Xi tone burden. Her frame was of Rye oak s WWI in
solid, ana eaolho,l trot our rrorn the Wen.. Forward
the ship boa /0 live oak breut-hoOta, faeteeed through
and through witl cooper under the water and iron above
aft elle bad etyma hr. &et hooka.
Tito satins Wok of eight hen:ire:l horse-power, With a
two-14,1.4rd propeller fourteen feet in diameter, so fitted
se to be rateed to the deck and lowered to its beaming at
Ileaoure, enabling the ves.i to be word with or without
her ateam power, bite rated at a forty..gtia fii. g .k.,„ but
Could carry 08 mach metal at a meets-sun ;hip of the
old Etyle, Sim carried twisty-four nine-inch shell-guns
and fourteen eight-mob ottell-vane, with tw., picot OUBII
Of elx tone, each throwing 008 latadrotl.rottud
Extouas , d rout and BIT.
The fdeirimac Wag fleet of the five to be completed.
being launched in ISb&. She was coon after put in coins
miesion. and continued in service mien A prja, IBfil l her
last active aervlce wee 111 oho
time of the rebel attack on the Norfoill. navy 'yen], she
was lying there in ordinary, are store and receiving
lit 61.4 e P }l 4/ IfhiP of three thonaand two ltrmar.l tones
Madan. Anton the Daly vtrd Wan assailed also wan eOttlfe .
[erotic.) to letting her ousuere. in Pre-
A recent official rets. a in to the betide of the renew
anthorifies, stated that she was flunk and burned to -nen
copper hen and a...n through to in, berm-deck,
with her epar.ioue gunsdecks, were also hurtled After the
rebele had got piste beton of the yard, they primeetlei to
raise the burl of the Merrimac, and to convert her into
a epatal hf Wet for lIISIF xa a Elm nun was
cat down to within tlee fee; of her water- wortr, ands
bomb- proof house built os her gomdecit. She wag
then iron-plated, and her bow end stern steel-tied, . whit
R jortnig minim of iron for the of ptercia; a
Sto had no marts, and there was nothing to he
seen over her gun deck, with the exception of the pilot
house and smoke-stack. The bomb-proof was three
hated thick, and made of wrought iron. Altogether she
looked like a MOSt fc,rmidoble vrttr-ship. But when her
iron sheathing was half on, it was toted by columbiade
and found inefficient. She was then amtitt.eany
stretothoned. until elm was cii hoes, flat tate to
become unnianageable. and even to sink by her own
weight. In a description published some two or three
mor.tlis ago, her armament was stated as consisting of
fur it 'ITI Sun. out each side, and ten 1011spOnntler
Armstrong guns at the bow and atoll. But no elonlit
great changes were subsequently made in her armament.
The Norfolk Day Bock, 612 V end months ago, had an arti
cle describing the attempt to concert
on Dorrosuat4c iron Flitted moo-of-war Us a failure. It
'wenn thus :
.4 we have scatcoly pa:fence enough left to condemn,
in taupe/ate language, the reckless impropriety o: two
of our cotetnnerarice, who have neon rit, tit Eldr,i
Thdoiivq, to thtuel before the nubile the fact thst the
Ail retie: ac has power an abortion." It was further
said that "the calculation in displacement was errs.
Tal-011e. Au trier, amounting to Mtn thou two hundred
)tas titscerercei when the ship was domed off. The
chief subject or regret is that when she Wee Shored up
again the ship caught upon the blocks and received a
considerable strain; consequently, some pacts of the
inachit-ery hare been taken up, and a .itotutity of dead
tVOOEI wiii have to be intro- tired to correct the It , Atieltny
lev Pier great dr.:m.oli or Water Will prevent I/St
taking part in active operations Thie draught originady
wan aim i t t w e nty-four feet, but it has been considerably
in4s.hetti." The nailer, however, comforted. LOUISA/
that at tell events sirs could Os need ea a denting battery.
Ref bow Wee WINCH Kith a steel ['lough, neidestino tit
feet under the Water, to wino anti slut the vessels of the
blooSerling fleet. Iles decks were protected by a cover
ing of ;Mir , ad iron, in the form of an arch, which it was
bored would be moot against shot and alien.
lines:ory of its failure Wee intended as a rebel ruse, to
threw ear naval rtelnla ted t6§ eft` lee s la4r-J.
rebtle had !invitingly boasted of the intotenee power and
strength of the Merrimac in the most extravagant mea
ner. They lied frequenty averted that she wet about to
rut out, sink the blockading vessels, and run along the
Atlantic coast: and by destroying our ed'oe
tually raise the blockade. And, indeed, the drat reports
seemed as if the threat was actually about to be car
tied out.
From all the accounts which we have seen, her rate of
speed is very moderato. She, as ktaiad
Ai matron grins. which aro reported to have ,oa oiled
through iron mail as thick as that of the Warrior and
Black Prince, but which made no impression on the
On the 29th of March last 8. if. Manor,, the rebel ileete
tan of the Navy, in slitter to the lion. Thomas S. Ba
ena, of the lobe!, Rouse of Representatives ' said : I have
the honor to reply that, on the lOth day of Juno 1.581,
Lieutenautjohnll Brooke, Confederate States navy, was
directed to aid the Department in designing au iron-oteal
war Mao], Ma framing the hPeassary spadgcattene.
-lie entered upon this duty at once, and a few dare
thereafter eubmitted to the Department, as the resulte
of his Investigations, rough drawings of a casemated
vessel, with submerged soda and inclined iron-plated
eider. The ends of the vessel, and the eaves of the non
mate, pf,COyfillg to hie plan, were to be submerm.d two
feet; and alight bulwark or false bow was designed to
divide the water, and prevent it from banking up on the
forward part o f the shield with the reeeet in motion, and
silo to nerve as a took to regulate the muted d ra ft,
detiFil wee approved, by toe Department, aud ft
practices mechanic was brought - from Norfolk to aid in
preparing the drawings and &reifications. This me
cbmic aided in the statement of details of thither, an,
but WAS linable to make the drawings, and the Depart
h.i hi ih.s. Uhlaf Regime,- alliiia,asea a n d Om,-
eh w.:to, Portor from the navy yard at Noriolk to Rich
mond, about the 23d of June, for consultation On the
mew . subject geoerally, and to aid in the work.
Conetructor Porter brought and aubmitted the model of
a flit-bottomed, light. &gnash/ propeller ememared bat
with inclined iron-civered shies and ends, which
is deposited in the Department. Mr. Porter and Lieut
Brooke bad adopted for their cettomato a thickness of
wood and iron, and an angle of inclination nes-tie Monti.
cal, Mr. Willinution and Mr. Porter amarovAd.or the
plan et bating submerged soda to obtain the requisite
flotation and invulnerability, and the Department adopted
the design- and a clean drawing was prepared by Mr.
Porter of Lieut. Brooke's plan, which that caber then
find with the Department. The steals-frigate Zlerriplqc
bad been burn,' and sumo, and her engines greatly da
maged by the enemy j and the Department directed Mr.
Lieut Brooke, and Mr. Porter to consider
and report upon the beet undo of tusking her naeftd. The
result or their ins eetigatione woo their recommendation
of the submerged ends and the inclined cacemaroc for
this vessel, which was adopted by the Department, and
her construction wee forthwith commenced.
New Jersey In the nem,
Ail accounts, public and private, speak highly of
the conduct of the New Jersey Brigade at the
battle of Williamsburg. One private letter. which
we have seen, says " the Jersey troops fought lihe
bull dogs." The following is an extract of a letter
from Captain Charles M. Prevost, of this city, to a
member of his family, dated near Williamsburg,
- Virginia, Tuesday, 6th ir l o. l On Morning after the
"FIELD OE BATTLE, Tuesday Morning.
"We bad a bloody battle yesterday. Our brigade
bore the brunt of the fight for four or five hours,
and have many killed and wounded_ We were
driven back three times ; at the last, being over
whelmed by numbers, we were unable to hold our
ground, and retreated. The day was, at first,
ageing us; but as soon as more of our forces were
able to struggle up through the heavy rains and
mud, the tide of battle was turned, and, this morn
ing, tho entmy are in fall retreat. Gen. Frank
Patterson, who, commanded, behaved splendidly,
and I want you to send word to his father that,
elthougk his boron was shot under him, be is un
burt. The rebels evacuated their works, not even.
takeng time to spike them. grins."
RD TO Mits. Dtinott.—Ttai Detroit Free Press an
nounces that this fatuous divorce case came to a
final close in the Wayne County Circuit Court on
Friday last, when the tables were turned on the
original plaintiff, Burch, and 4i di,y9m FPS gozitiii
to Mrs. 114444444,
12 04
Letters from Gen.lialleok's Army,
The ISM of the Amy Leavinit Pitts
bars Landing—The Slow Movement of
Tromps and Wagons—The Neese on the
Komi in Monterey- - A r rival at General
Sherman's fleadquesters--ftuutors about
Voflitown in Camp No Senseity of
Forestv—A Genuine Farm-house—llan
ElfnuOitie heard in the—Geniterad
Giulia off for the Seeue—'Fee iieneral
Seguraied from his Body-guard—How
Easy it is to get Lost
INFiciii....deuce. of 'Alm stare.]
littoxrakaY, May .7,1882.
This morning, the lent of the troops which hero until
title time remaintd near the Landittg, wow lorwatd,
~.dour tents weal, nuncio, snd tha party with which I
am enmentiCateo fitart,d fur a new caulong ground. the
perch of an army is, I minnow, no great utattnr to mold
people t but to um it ea a novnitt, ono, ther.J,stt., fill of
intereet. IttituAlattly after breakfeet the work of pack
ing and loacing the terms torunionced, and, notwith
standing the progboelkatioue of thew WRY ti.gmc/ICIII,
who th' . . l %til thus? Mad he no hurry, we etorwd oft by
uitie o'clock. I followed IMMO diw.ance to the rest with
the train eccort, to nee what to the world could be the
necessity tor a mounted retort for a train of wagons. I
noon bond oat. A wagon, loaded with tire holitail kaii,
moil tipped ()Ter on its Os while ero,elng a. bronk. A tt.
zen nun martins off their horsed, pal, lifting it up by
main force, met tit t u its whetla again. Stipp ree there had
been nu escort. It would here token tin hour is unload
it and net ill. tip again. Alter all, we irony tait,th an oath
as we Liniment the apparently-eutoberhom , way in which
militer) met/ are no the habit of tieing niters, but it ia ad
tine now es )t , fiYer Wei that then who have den, it fblog
Oben kllO7l belles lo.w to do it the steond time. The road
travelled by an arniy is not a path of tlow,rs. The WA
gene are heavily nrect.ti, and they liars to go over the
roads glf r. other heavy loads have nvikihd avar 4.n.” ~ ,,a
Chi Mehl 13, Mid they cannot very wet hero too
ninth We. All along the roads we paned tains,
mat cavalry, arid wrtiliery, and itnautry We had
eot an undisturb.lVOlEW Mr inn rude at any cilia ti me .
vs,queutty the tont wet literally blocked 'Nitta ttl4Ml
end bOrgeal. Myelin:ly never maw a greater jaut. What
an enormously expenecw3 inu.tiine any army to! . Every
rtrain must baygo wioohnitutter : every water CL-e-e.e.
to dime driven ; every team eonobita of eta mules or four
rwrFes ; ell Gene aeiwale must traerporttbrage, not only
for therurelyet tint for the rcruniuder or We regiment, ha
side El VIOVihIOLIN fur tho 41f4% lt, taken thine or C 3131
teonoi to carry what will be CO/DiIIMM on a ' d,iy's maxen.
Theli all die men hate to carry one, two, or days'
rations: these ratane must be cooked and i11'1.C.31i414
neriiiil aloi:g to 'DOW coffee. In fict, it wouti tdio
quite a book to describe rho amonot of work thit het to
be dobe to set a 'homed Wen in motion, and horning
but lung rape. itliee mid the myetentistic drilling of eerie
man in his own limition., could In..i.!=e t
.! it PiMltilli to moon
Co m r . 3 ,- without. oevaatattug the COMitry ilitoUge which '
it Meeed. I wotteer li,,W Mild) the scarcity of the aluvie
article , of wiitiog paper eind pritited blanks hat coo.
tatinted to make the Secew/on arms this ratter dl)10 MU. ,
Lie that it la 7 No MO can haVa any idea how biol. ai.,.s
ore the aritren accounts a n d lists pertaining to the or
panization of en ertny, or bow emsential fitly are t.i the
efficiency of a huge force. Truly, war 1., a echoic. an
~,,.us,,, en art, sun in wer, as nio,th ge.rhvpv Milli 411) tiling
Pies, the tibi , &6egi,L,4 6.6 r ,A' itardworKi l i t non , w h o
'me never heind of, contributes very greatly to MICCaS4I
- results.
We arrived at Gen. Shermao'a headquarters at about
scout In time fur theta who WASs lucky esouga
an invitation hi get some dinner, Inst.lei of etatihl
about a hero I ought to have been, I strolled over to Tay
lor's Ghirego Battery, "here Ili aroed that Yorktown
had bet-n tarot aßh2u am twiatate,t, wad tamferet
McClellan wag among tae h3lled I`io further p articular's.
But an McClellan has been killed once or [eine a d..y.
ever Hiner the siege commit-nevi, I took the statement
"with a grain 9r %hi" toid that: with a pleee of hard
bread, conslitultd my dinner. Geo. foal
quarters are on the only -.sightly" plan.we have yet
seen. Monterey, two miles distant, can he aeon, or ra
ther the place where Bought to be, " by three
ib‘ad fieu-koos ruing out or a toren. hound ridge.
The interval is all fore St. Oil to the south Can be seen
another high ridge, called Pea nntii within
• day or two, 13.8 been toe limit of the eheixtv's Nehety,
and the liftmen' 1.4 kit for ~,t. between this placo awl
flue river is all forest, and. In fact, there is little
hut forest ail through this country. Ti one aceus
tuned to travtilftg in the. Ea-tern States and on
prairie' of the Dierthwegt. 1.11. s very straw, &nil
there is no doubt that it materiAy checks the rap.dity of
our advance. From Gen. Stierinan's we rote at e
pace to our pt,seot tocati..n, which Itnbllit out mild
Filet of Vim eiSs selected" 11:r Our came it a
high utouuil whom two roses moot. We have 1,11C13.3-
sed a 'tarot boo.. auete I saw a woman "own.; la inn
tkorway knitting. In the rear of the house, in a green
wherillinne Vary prob.:Q.t.... e el is g.,ring a Ow , .
[elicit) that If& crotceol ant
All the houses we have heron:nor. sten )14IN
• the cattle and hens deparml, and thisg-i to gena
rat withered. This, however! 1111 farm hove in
full blest. Qf coarse they were &Teeth ether:mie goy
could never hare brought those calves to their present
state of maturity. On inquiring. I bed that the .ratvee
are yearling's, and very poor at that, awl that wit the
her.a and clacker:l3 have been " stolen from Ili ht the
Sontlitin arms that this is a very f. oiish war, cud that
our infortnant hem so very exemplary in hit conduct
loud no secluded iu his habits, and snob a glipj Union
• that be beg not mitred from MS own door a lard
Tor the past mcach. So so are obliged to depart without
an item.
— The tente are pitched and tile
..• MlPOoloul.
frugal weal of bard breed and roll water it (fidelity .le..
matched, and as wo are taking our lumni(,llS r4C4a {how
conit,h,tely we realize the truthfulness of. Homy flings
ley's remark that the dinner is nettling but for the ahoy
iiihtlear) IICHVY Catifihha.ilio., h Leas-. 1 to the front. 13
comet lie anything of great account, inn after discus - sin.
• awhile and wondering in a lazy way whether it is worth
,nnue to go out vr not , the bugle so ands '• boot and
Ac ire are dreply iniorteded in unt,,1,1,,s the os it
proceede from our mouths to the higher air, we taku lei note
of the 1.10,1'6 Call, lint Keselttly doctoral Grant rides
, , nu t tciß,out c.tor ping. beckons to the nra.ti aba holy
guard to follow. Of course, my tlaultaY
when he is wanted, and I ant obliged to hunt my saddle
from the wilderness of baggage, mid put it on my Etd-
nonte. I Managed to got off about four Ininnteis after tho
hotly I, , nard. On reitchilig, Monterey, r foil the 1.3111
the IfOlit, end in the direction of the tiring and passed
through the filet brigade on the right of our left division.
I traced the general to a wheat field, across the fteld,
WC a roil fence to a picket-gtlllCd, cud Ito further, I
0..1 , 1 nn and thc had 110 t SIVII
him pass, though he had passed through the brigade.
It woe a hopeltes tusk to trace him after I had once
loot the track, and no I returned. About a tune back I
Ititt the Wily guard hi a elate of guest ttivetititaiMa
buutirg for Gen Grant, al.,' as I had traced tdm I turned
back, and guided them at a good round gallop to the
place where I had lost hie tract. Ettt here they were no
better oil' flout I was. Their Metro:dons are, when via
do not n tnrt venia LiM to prooocd, tO 1110 point anus Lady
hear the beavieet firing, and it he has Het yet arrived
there he noon will be. But now the 'Wog had ceased,
and to we returned. home. Without it COMPaaa of the
c . f. , nomancope. nn Inainu could Had HIS war B tnilo
frou, any spot and back again. The roads are mutant
dibout anti multiform. There aro travelled roais that all
of a sudden bring up against a rail fence—there are bridle
all o f a open into travullnlr4Wll--h)1111)
of tbe road% run tluough ravines, and some along tot(
tope of rivers; some of. the bridle paths are the shortest,
and some of the county roads are the shortest route to a
There are quite a number of open fields about here,
arid lon can easily set your course from point to pAut,
bUt the duce of it is to get there. I have got auuther
notiou of the difficulties of goieg to wet, la (act the
mote I ace of military operation% the more I am eon
" Mad of the truth of what dontird says, that success in
war ie the result of a mixture of chalice and ekill. Au
important order way he interrupted by au unavoidable,
j a wrong r.... 1 may c.n,gily In, taken by a eetecit
went, which has no tints to opera to got to the field of
battle. The only way that we, in then country, CAti rhal
out how to advance is to make forced reconnoiesance.s,
and to make tt.pograohinal shebitaa of the "...I aod the
country for a few mites iu advance, and theft atlYldado
pickets, and the array behind them. Tide seems at least
the mode of procedure , bore, and this Ls probably the
reason our adyauce bon boon no slow foe the Mat fa*
days. (ASt.).
Gen. Pope takes Farmington—Capture of
Rebef EatterY — inoving toivards Vo
milt—Forage Trains stuck in the Stud
-Horse Thieves—Philosophy of Horse
Stealing—General Ilaileek in motion__
Significant Older— McClernand and lie
en In reserve—Pope in advance—Stray
This ineruleg the news cornea that the tiring we heard
yeeterday wee iu Pope's corps d'aratto. Ifo nail taken
Farmington, which Is about four nit et front Corinth,
end bee taken nuitu a number of prie9l,lll, llg atinclied
a battery iu position, and captured it, the rebels having
Ili El, leasing thit ty e dead on the All day troops
have been moving by our camp, some on the road to 00-
Firittir 80 0 Milt 3 94 MIA,' ROI whioti apparently len&
directly south. They are probably simply meting their
camping ground farther on. It has been raining all day,
turd the roads are again in bad condition. A hart rain
Once were injury, if pooinic, to these roads than to those
in our rear, becanee the country is more billy, and the
water running down the bills cula ant Menem gulches,
on which no wagons or guns can pass. Still, wo shall
wove a Li tie at a time, every nay a inVr
This owning we elyerienea Noma of the Mesa
veniences of our situation. The teams which were sent
back for forage have riot returned, and are reported
Muck in the mud at ',UIuUS points on the road. So our
horses have to go hungry. lam fortunate in the poeslie..
mon, for the present, of a tine horse, and I am getting OD
food of him that whim the owner colitis for him I shall
cent very much to confiscate him. I feel much worse to
Love hire starve than I should to starve rnyeelf, for a
Lone, in this couutrYt is one of the intlimbenstibles. 1
could get en very teal with nothihg but hard bread,
*Welt is tantamount to starvation, hut I could not get
on sitbout a horse. Who ki es% a. mucus bun by
the very feel ef never saw such a place for
10, ipg Men& believe that army life makes any MU
a natural horse thief. If you tie your horse any where
in the woods and leave him for a moment, you are lucky
if you find him again. In spite of guards, horses aro
tykati (iota the picket ropes almost overy cloy or. 121,56
Sento cavalry man acre a horse that he thiime he would
and he carries him off. If lite horest is fowl
in his yeast-salon, he found him straytog and
0 4 4 ap Tar otdu bole& ad; iiho Jam
Baggy in the ti poodle dog baelnou," will pro-
MONTERO"; Tann.; May 4.1864
TH.E A..K 'KEltib.
Tx! Wu Pasco 'MI be rent to Neevermie in
mall (Der WM= le Megote) M. SS.OII
Three Copies 5.01
rive 4 . .., CI 01.00
Ten " el if 14.14
barßef Ohthe wig be obereced M the lame rate. theist
90 ' , uphill will coot 824; be comes will cost AGO; bud LW
copiee SPA.
For slub of Twenty.tme at avair, ..111 •Dpq
Istrs OODY *b MB IWO-bp of the aub.
rT pnottireters are roormarod to eior ms Agoras to/
Tin WAS Pantie:
Ifir iu.oririr Am avail rum els
lino. ocamattna a polar%
boar Illltt ut the propriety of a *AO
To/0;0Y Vol Smee rtgimenie Intro a na
tional reputation for jerk] " 6t , ggirfrling„"
coati. rating,'.': WI, other of the hundred names by
whirl] the tin of toes Pity 1. tionfillt to he' 41 o iol—s4 to their
trntref tantriPtiren. 71010 have Leen tx, nitwit hi Shot
habit of plundering Seeesh maps that they lotto only to
imagine that any ritstved %tench, rnrne c I ivally f ro ..
Seergh camp to feel pctfectty Agtjhp f l iu Illrnprlalinttlt;
for hp there not order that vJI raptured 1.61.111 shall
he taken Immediately to the otertertnnste-, and totaled
over? nail can nay roan have title to stolen property's
Must not a than it 1/(1 has litololl a her:. expect I. ) wits it
fern, Lint •1104 it not Ito cruel to tilicippetut
that very reatoilithlo rtproto titut?'
Utherat Plaited( tut., appArently, ntade up his tnicid to
enter into coropetittou with the talrotitl. Wm
101410 AEU awn , . hr volt. 1/111 Outorminal tO
on loot. An Order has 100015 read this et , him? to
reduce the twittgamer of the troops to the) smallest possible
compiled!. Oflieerte are reattloted to ,f,rty pounds , al
huts Its to tal kit huktio.4 Al ter ever y
3.1441, Irvin 1 , 04 btarlitlP it 11,1 to tit, sutypott and itinktOtelk
end all attpe/1111011b httagago ihroWu out. The rummy° Or
GIIIWS army Is under ()Poeta! Afti'llortig.l,l, dad the
Wllli6g thud' Ist ALM ha
Tete' ye, and fieuerni Pope tar in advance. Thot took',
like fightine—the beat p.m in trout. Generat Halt,*
tine moved to Monterey, and. in atdav or ItYtt, atiioral
Gant tuni perimp. t 4 ciorth tit —Who knower
It reptm, to be the impression than the rebeht are retreat
log to tlrnhd HS ill soon know cu.: tatulr
wlnther We are to have a fight or rod
nun. iittibekla h order, ' , 4„M to tug Mao Slaved,
works tolerably well after al), bat the ttegroes in the
W. et have rot yet got over the idea prota,,Ltated by hi.
order No. 3. What effect it has has en degrivi: l il l a y
information no (tile but the ..L 4, or the uonon.noters of
&vicious, Cute tell. But there are a Dante r of contra-
Vi he WMeCaptured at , lettu mid henry, and
who are ceneidered Mehl prise., even by Gil, Ugflocigt
Linlstll_ 'll Matehol takes sharge elf 6I thing
n.groeo, and whenever tone one naiad a !servant, he her
only to gu and hour over the contraband'', nod he can
take one, give ari ref let fur him, peY POI a fill ellbttod
y„ke, =eu , 1. - here, Ku/ ii is g )retry snit , 01E4
that that (turkey never serve. anybody again without
lay. We have two at disposal--,me, Bob, id a boy of
about tvit_l9e, ) Bette of age, Ohick OH the ace of p m **
WU, "i 11,9 nee epeads theet of his Elea
1):ug hie hoot., or Nuking hi a small pocket mirror.
When ritheth ho always waits mill lie hoe 0000 called
several there, 00 nu 1.0 he mire that It hs reap itmt
mtatt l tut then, in,tesci e.rein g , he PU9l'l'l3o4 ti yed,
air," arid rakes ,nether iliterY el 10 get nu hte poet. When
he ix ask, d where ~)thug is, he luvariatily unarms
•don't 'sow," and *vette for apt. tat eider" before bs
tilltita kir the doeilid litilt46. The 001, rays
khuwu hint to do, Lae beau to buefile an the tiolonsra
black two pair, of booth, and set the teals.
It : , aplea,a,tficutl ho is suppueodto wash diehea and
hr , hg abler, but t hid Fitlg from tiro ohatlmmosenoweved
11DOL MR head by the cook, I eupprree he fertile It) 414
en 11,050 two irepert9ot Jonituy is about two
yearn older than /tob. fir takes care LA' three horse. and
Walla ion (Wm or us tinhyrniana. htm vv.," welt
BM lam plenty of time lu s,,kete. lie L. preneeir it oUrry.
Ce rub and bruth, and ~t ottud" a halter, One Of our
mat) has a pour horse. and would like to trade for •
beitier thie, it the thing Ciellid he Lieethrip inued by for a
ki hptrldlato nlpthGdtl cif Jv.auty grotioNd
to at nye off the hair on hie lege and aided where the
truces would Ureic it, and his mane Where the collar
would weer it, aud take him to Lilois battery av,ii pawl
him off an a drat:4 6ollp, gytting in rilitillt
50,1 aw Uutrei Julitilq Was the ettVantnf u Virginia olga
cer at Fort Denelmon, who was captured, and J.Jitung
'none hln. business. We give hrteeti thither' •, and Bob, lazy Hub, we only giyo tfix. It tit
oa,ll, two to Lok niter Mule Juet lie I cue this better
J,,huny Crilire 111 With ES I.IICB bather; eomen,dy t,,eg a
halter truni his horse when he broke away from no blab
where he was tied, arid, seeing a horde iouv, ? d i t c h h e
kutt. isaois,..l 1,. rS a tea a voesporty into Whose mono
hie hatter has gore, .felinn) rouclttled to exchange,
thol' his was roue and tote of leather. Jobno, knows
his busiuees. C 4.402,
The Sick and Wtioutli , d Pansy!vaulting
at Is4ew York—A Compiete List of these
Friday, 'be
r p i
n O g
i e n e g a n
800(2 u ey e
k a r r a i n v a e d
w a o t u N n
d e
e w Y o rk a
ds(Aaie e ri
from the Virginia Peninsula. One hundred and
fortYlY9 ttf the auffarerel lieloucted to Pi 11,114 va,491
regitntlitS. and, oh their artlyal at I:4Low Yofk beiag
imuwn, Governor Curi in immediately despatched
General Irwin, Colonel Leos, and Win D. Moore pg
provide for /lam ersthfoit haY9 MUM brut ht
to this city. The following is a complete list et
the .rennsy I tmnians
1 , 21 MS Di nide, faith, wounded,
due tinliov,tiy, 811 haV., uphold let'k't. Philadelphia,
ili 5%. G., Grown', ills.
1 , (4.4 Boa, 634. r) protiol fever, Jefrereo. could?.
ortee One , iI, St.*, w. nulled su donor:mu, aloe/ villis.
R. F. Itenuolt, itigerlown
" :7L: .• 9h::)4Siallerf:t: •h zh,rpbuver,Phlade
huro6t i t re ; t f pi
iyphoie isv. r, Centreville.
i B. 11. Pr. a', a* h ot
t , vl . l* 'hud liable
' - T -
go unite.
llaturpoidl, Ski. phend rev. ,
t.vrege, O t ago. , 63. i, t)ptield rev..r. 61 it Orel
Ji 1.0 s'. aver, 535.. c nhoin lever, Erie county.
Bent) Parvohe, 811. ttpltoia fay.,r, Genesee countT,
Jautea Ilauthr. (Las
jar. b Sinner, Mi. tY nhold eel:4r, Vide county,
L ea .' g.heoet, B,W, liver comMaint. Warren att.
Sylnel Painter, NM, chills and lever, Warren enmity,
chills ape rover, Girard, Rem ac,
Whilst'. Phil ins, bid, muutes. Reis.
Cl A J. 04, brit yrbutert mid cold, Beaver yeasty.
G. I:. Gray, 83.1, camp fever, Watertord, Kris county,
Thorntort. 83d, Cah,l3 lover and rha.dtn, Erie coasts.
E. 14. Peck. 831, camp f..ver. Bch, county.
It ISM 9.6E41. II id...Lift-4er, Brie ce.-nty.
Sgd ' env...turd.
M Bramn.a r, hdd, j.suovire and foyer, Ontario.
J. IL Ha-rotor. inward pile.. and fever, Crawford.
Fhb., 810, oiarrhira and fever, 13»ralugh
Ut W./hit II Sac, fr vtr end jaund es, Arlo. urdicard.
A Si. - Uri) naps 63 ,1 . p nboid fever, Beaver.
H.F.McCrary, internal bleeding, Birmingham.
Jos. Barnet., trbt, failit.g oyesight, 'Marlon county.
Jas. etc. 53.', 3ebility, Mereer (inery.
L. Courson, 6 2 . 1 1 ttraloodi p 5511, citntitonyille, °lariat ca.
OZOI r 1 vhoid Wye', Bulimaysourg.
81 Bleu. 820, opirriace,
Duff, 62d, bleeding Meg end diArrbota, Pitt/berg.
'w at. hi, eker, 82d, Al smirery, Giover..vdle.
J. vintoris ti2d, typhoid hirer, All intin t Allectoiw t .
ataan, 82, , 41.1ruitol.m, C•iarion county,
.3. M. Wagon, 62.1, tural.l,, 1111filrakt county
J. DN3srd, till, liVi.r eomplinut t Armstrong.
Vin, C Black, 6sl, Ty photo fever, Ar.itatroug.
'W. K. Ha!, tie ',Alta. Armstrong.
Tla Je.1.11 1:.11,!el , 823, h0r,,d0,, Armstrong.
L L. Levan. 82d, fever, Clarion.
Wm. Colctenkh, 82d. rheumatism. Pittsburgh.
Win. McCall., 6.,c. di se:'tery Rod fever, Armstrong. .
Nk m, Turnej., Old, measles, A riustimig.
Jol debiltly , Armstrong,
cr W. ran ( ow, 111., fiver and debility, Armstrong.
Jon. 'w FUN - PIP. 621, measles. Allegheny.
Joreth V.'illusins 951 h, camp fever, Philadelphia.
'William A. Patterson. Ala, tinsel bee, Allegheny.
A. IV ShorPer, 621. liver cam:ll...Nl:lama.
11. 0_ Shoal, 62d, di , ra.titary.
L U harend , , 83d- tl ltho l,l fever, Rae.
John ihcLid‘c, 831, pleurisy. Mercer.
V. 1., Li. they, 82d, Holitdaystairg.
Ahem I, Old, 1.) Vltol , l fevvr, Aviatilrallg•
froft.s 2,l ,syphuid fryer, Eris.
iarory G n a, sad, fryer and jgdintliGth firtafera,
Jeseph Fire-liu, 512, dissrrlrra, Crawford.
new) i ‘.%. it rein), C2d, t. phoid fever, Venaugo.
Aielfeu. Bury iger, 62d, chine, Cimino.
Ir. 3,1. Leyr, y. 62d, measles awl liver affec'g, gamma,
Valt-nrune Palaa-rt, flit, rheaniatient, 'Mama pqnpiy.
J.6.n C. it 6 7. v B th cavalry, injured, Philadelphia.
Wm F. littrubold.,l4 OW., inward piles tied dim.. Phil&
Calvin Shingles, Li Cavalry, gravel and pules. 11.estiMg.
James McCabe, Sit Vacuity, rover anti c441.1q, afloat,
B Ariresre.N ri oulnathan wad --,
0,- 0 . 62.41, lunette fever and debility, Pitt dame.
11. A Su-war G $3,1, heurealism and j 'malice, Crawford.
Washington Ileee, h 2,1, nnazies,
Butler. -
Gror4e W. Busman. 026, debility, Armstrong.
Jaires It. Brown. 02.1. nusalre, Armstrong.
Jacob Ent} th. ri, Cdid, cis/leant, cud rbeureetlem,Olertoll.
Clecrpe P. Stet k. 626, rhentnatietn, Allegheny City.
James Cab., 62,1. I Imumatkm, Beaver.
Its.bert 11 hire, 6.24, injur.4, Washington.
Alonzo Illanne), SW, leeer and other chat, grayiford.
liton-as Puri, Can typhoid frvvr, Clarion.
Boy W. roller. 823, rneutuatibru. Erie,
nOrt.n C. l'iles.chani. wad, Auntlicn, Crawford.
L. riurg lie. ter, . diatriusa, Allegheny. .
Adad J. itrenlay, 15311, ltldttosa affected, UrawfOrd.
Jaeati Allea,eny.
A. J. Jt 'Millen, Slid. rlotiniatli.m,
Wen. 11,1eC.,rob, Srd„ typ. fey. and rheumatism, Crawford.
la in. Gibbs, tem, dy..entery, Winhington.
Win. 11. eunnehell, KW. jaundice, Fan..
.11)1111 112.14 111.11norriuliin,
1h11..1 "int F. 'Morris, 83.1, bilinuv lint'.
toar,ye It. irsod all, 83.1, fever sod rheumatism, Brie.
\V. 11. :Miller. st;il, typhoid lover, Crawford..
3an...e Plunkett, 62.1, rslninre, Allegheny.
ile W. 1111111;:iit ltrldware.
Y. 1-anlhlial, lun l YiWOY, Palled.
'vole, %di Olt.lllllltti . +lll
doeci I. Grover, 720, and fever, Piffled.
I. J. Ve tOi lrr t 1 ,croiala, Allegheny.
II ..pry PlOl6ll.
11. vejd,111,1{111;11i , I{I frYI:V• Allegheny.
:%EcCray, 111;.‘1, Itlea,tes, Antinroug.
tut , . uht.ionbiner or2d, fever ;Lie' ague, Allegheny.
l'orraf ai \w e nt 11car:dry. lever and Ilene. Piffled.
Jame, ihmithell, int, liver ....and:tint, Allegheny. -
I 11 , tgln•ny.
.spied 11. !therein, rad, fever, Klibullog.
llayard Smith, 83.1, wore', vromsor.i.
Alird Ti.i CmDaily B. ild env:0111 P. Ilalsmale.,
( - o, l lintuy 1; ;A. 3341 ettvltlvy ; XV. 11. Throdo-
Hal, rimwilily 13, &id ; v:uta. ('. , 1311 , z111! 1 ) , Mkt ;
Franci Jiuiige, C.iniunity E, 51.41; .1. 11 , ..111 ConiptutT
.I;lnivs Domegull. l'omimuy JI. 6'2 1 ; 1 - 3 lAtccus e
l'ot B:3d ; Thotnits C..I , IPuIY / 1 1 8 44 j
/11a, 11, 11..u.0r, 6.1,1 i liyron
Atfr,,l 1), Otd.
\Votdcn Compavy K,
,Tais 0. )lore, emnpany li, SM, Watt,intrg, Poira
N e i, sa W. Carlton, tierdan'S sharpelooters; 'Edwin
Lathan, du ; Alfred Titus, Ounitatiy B, 3d Cavalry
A. liollison, Company A, 811 L . 0. F. Jun mes, Co Pao) , P.
; U'rilos, Company I. 3il Ouvulry ; 111. 11..trtui,
company B, fiat ; Thomas Ploughman, Company ti, do.;
F.anosol Galdrii. Company U, 3.i Cosslsy ; P.. H. Allison,
Conlon) J 83d • Richard Urtyja CommP, cith• d.
Cowpony "do,i J. P. Winans, Company D
3d Casmh y A. C. Duglas, Company B, Bsd.
LIEUT. COL. VAN LEER -- Among the
kilted in the recent engagement et V. illismatmrg was
olal PVan Leer, Lientennut Colonel ol the Stub Regi
ment of New Jersey Volunteers, uttachtti to Gen. Frank
Patterson'a brigade, in Rooker's divielon. Woad
Van L. or 9E16 formerly a realdbut of this city, and was
1101)41IW i iithe illiShhorhooti of the E3ohanse. He
se rves sr a ri - vate In 1119 re11115 . ..11411111 Woolsey'
?Wring the Mexican war, anti after his return Wllll yet le
en votive member of the Scott Lrgiou organization. At
ii e time of the breaking out of the rebellion. Colonel
V an Leer wee rePitiing in the neighborhood or Oloweatcy,
14 . . owl wee among the ß ret to rrallolld 1') P.O call of
the PirehL•rit for troupe. no raised a orimptny and
e. rued ae. septain in the. New Jersey volunteers in the
three menthe' campaign. After Lie diemberie he was
elected Blejor of the sixth Regiment, which wee enlisted
the tear, Illal NIBS aillThetlll9llli9 promoted [(COB Lint.
tenant Colonele). The &realm! wan Omit 4i yea aOl
RIZ., and leaves a wife and flintily. Ho was a native or .
In addition to hie other military connections, the de
reseed wee formerly orderly sogeant of the Vadwitteder
Grays Lt Oda alit, if „Adak
bet id th e time of We death.