RELIGIOUS. The "Hciiy Trinity" Remembering the The tiongrention WOinhinoing In the Churelt of the Holy Trinity, at Walnut street and Rittenhouse Rowe, are doing a work among the poorer classes that Jo worthy of the widest emulation. Of the four Bible connected with this church two of them, nnmber. lag respectively ninety and thirty pupils, chiefly adults, are composed of espectabis persons from the humbler walks of life, who have been induced by acts of kindness to visit the Holy Trinity " regularly on the Lord's Zoy for imetruction the Truth. Tao teachers or thee, clarets are two ladies, of high social position ; eminently qualified for the good work in which they are engaged. Many of these people have been led into the confession of their Eaviour through 11w teachings Ono dispensed, end Laze teen admitted to Church membership by confirms. lion. In order that they might feel themselves at home, In what is popularly knows as "a wealthy and fashion ;able chinch," peas, or sittings, are rented to them at a nonslasi price_ With a view to colleting gore effectually the affections of these people, the congregation resolved to give them a substantial social entertainment as an expression of in terest la their bemporal Ikapplame, an well we their aptri- Susi welfare. This was done on Thursday evening of the present week, at the Western House of Employment, Se venteenth street, below Market, and we feel obliged to the of an - angeuseure for their card of illTiffl• On, as it afforded us one of the most pleasing and sug gestive scenes that we have ever witnessed. When we reached the .6 House," the upper room of which is admi trebly adapted for each a purpose, we forma coated, at some eight or ten transversely-arranged tablea, over two hundred and fifty guests It was plainly to be seen SIM the latter bad spared no pains to make as g rod an ap iPeoranca as their circumstances would warrant. They were all seruptileuely clean, and comfortably clad. In point of proportions, about one-hall were children, (many of whom are connected with the Sabbath schools of this church,) and one half adults, the women outnumbering the ma,. Iwo so one. The hail wee , e*VviutlY orahrUnted With An crimp Sage, and t i e tables, besides being laden with an abundance of substantial and inviting viands, and a writable proportion of delicacies, were decorated with Imequete of natural flower., ...Mel, had been preemded for the occasion. Centrally, on the south Bide of the room, was a small platform, for she use of the clergy, which was oleo adorned with flowers, AR &kettle:l the table.. at the head. of them, and be tween them, along the passage•ways, about the entrance, and everywhere, were the men and wo men, the matrons and maidens, the sous and daugh ters Of the "Holy Trinity," to the number of about one hundred and fifty, all waiting for the signal to serve their guests. Never was the order of society more com pletely invented. At the tables sat servant girls, washer women, with their husbands, and laboring men of all /Intle, veldt their ,t4t,ee at a citildren i mothers 05511 in the bloom of swath, with very young infanta were there, and old men and women who looted upon this exhibition as If it were intended to delude their senses; although the kindling e 3 e and cordial grasp of the hand, of not a few, told that they were reading a practical lesson of Chris tian regard in the scene around them. Among those waiting to minister at the tables were the wives and daugbtera Pt numy of Mir first cilium. TO our mind there was something noble in this spectacle. After Bishop Potter had spoken a few appropriate words respecting the character and peculiarity of the occasion, and a short prayer of thanks had been offered by the 'Der. Dr. Leeds, of St. Peter'. e2berci2, the work of help log the tables was inaugurated with a democratic rush, in which the wife of the millionaire, the grand. daughter of the great Revolutionary financier, the sisters and daughtere or mon unguent in awry Drofeetiong mingled hurriedly and happily with their lords and lade in convey. big the fragrant tea and coffee (nothing stronger) along the tables. Everything was done in excellent spirit ; not in a patronizing manner, but with a degree of ease sand freedom that made those for wimm the fetal vat wan intended feel that there was some heart in the thing. As the destruction of edibles very naturally progressed, the scene became more ant- Rimed. Every one seemed to act and took tie if some thing nigher was bring accomplished than the gratifica tion of a mere human vanity. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me," sias, to our mind, the silent echo or the whole affair, and we have no doubt that the memories of that evening will be fraught with unalloyed pleasure to all who participated in it. The young rector of this church, the Rev. Phillips Brooke, ecenital moth VA his ease in witnessing and taking a part in the fes tivities of this large ii family gathering," as he styled it, and the fact that he Is taking an active interest in this missionary work of hie congregation cannot but redound greatly to his honor and intafultioss as a minute: of Christ. At about nine o'clock the entire assembly. united in singing Dly country, 'tis of thee," after which the Rev Dr. Leeds, in a neat speech, at their own request, 0.. turned thankg, 013 behalf or the gneste, to the goad people of this church, for their kindness and interest. After singing "The Etar-Spangled Banner" with a fervor which we have rarely heard equalled, there was a brief and bighly appropriate addrees by thn ism mr. Brooks, at the close of which the doxolefiy, " Praise Got from whom all blemings flow," was sung to the tune oft Old Jtundred," and the congregation, if we may SD call it, rvite dletelesed. We believe that in this •- feetiral" the Church of the Hely Trinity has taken the initiative in a praiseworthy movement. . THE SYMPATHIES of woman's heart for the autloeirut have been manifested by the patriotic ladies of the -sabernacle Baptist Church of this city, in meeting for tranYijateeks past for the purpose of preparing articles lunch 'deeded by the tick and wounded of our noble army of the Southwest. They bare already forwarded two large packing cases to the care of the Sanitary Commit tee at St. Louis, and are still pursuing their benevolent labors. The Penusylvatila liatlroad Company generously forwarded three caste without charge: Letter from Lancaster, Pa 3TOCEEDIN3S OF TUN GENERAL syNor, OF THE orA.N- • or 'woo GAITS. [OorroopoLdence of Ito From I LANCASTER, PE , May 1, 1882 The General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the United Siette—the highest ecclesiastical tribuna of this large end influential denomination—is now Lold- Irg its 2011, annual convention, in this city, is the church under the pastoral charge of Bev. F. W. Conrad. On WeIIUMW ettniny, ADril SO, Rev. DL Volontino, of 3tooding. Drenched all able dimortrse from 2d Peter, 2 c., 18 v.: Grow in Grace." On Thursday morning, May 1, Divine Etrvice was held, when an edifying and appro. priate discourse woo preached by the retiripg ereditioat i ltev. O. W. Schaeffer, or Germantown from let Philip. piano, 1 c., v. oto 11: And this I pray, that your love may abound ' . yet more and more in all knowledge and judgment ; that ye may be sincere and without offence bill the day of Christ; being Pled with the fruits of lighteottiness, which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise el God." At the conclusion of the public worship, the Synod WB2 tall. d to order, end the credentials of the dolootes v e n t received, It appoint that all the Synods in connection with the body were represented, except those of Smith Carolina, North Careline. Virginia, Western Virginia, and Texas. The delegate from the latter body sent word, through Rev. l'a.oavant, that he was travtiliog Ger many, but was desirous that Synod should know, bat, whatever traitors and rebels in his State had done, ho had remained, and ever would remain, loyal to the Go vernment and Constitution of Ms &aegis," soasley. A question arose, whether, in case of the absence of the principal delegates, and the presence of their alter nates, the latter might ttmporarily be admitted to seats, and be allowed to retain them until the arrival of tbe former, then to be superseded by them. The President decided that this could not be done, but that when the alternates were admitted, they would retain their seats to the end of the session, notwithstanding We arrival of their principals. This decision of the chair Wag appealed from, but was eustained by a large vote. Synod proceeded to ballot for its officers. The follow ing was the result: President, Rev. Benjamin Kurtz, 1). lv., or tiara land, the able and Tetialwa 141 SOL or the Lutheran Observer Secretary, Prof. M. L. Stoever, of Gettysburg; Treasurer, Charles A. Morris, of York In a neat and pertinent address, Dr. Kurtz returned thanks for the honor conferred. referring ins feeling ,muter to the early history 01 the body, and his own long and eventful participation in the toils and triumphs of the Lu theran Church in the United States. Prof. Levi Sten:bore., of Etortlirick, Ap pointed assistant secretary. The thanks of the body were unanimously tendered to Dr. Schaeffer for the fidtbfol end effioiontdilcbargeof the auto* or Lie viliov, *AAA Wig Of WO Sywnlioal warfatrn requested for publication. Bev Joseph Kummer was received as the delegate fmm the Nortiarn Province of the Moravian Chur;:h in fhE Uhitsd Stotts. E6Y. Dr. Pohlman submitted a lengthy and able report on rules for the government of the body, which are to .he considered hereafter. Tha Synod LS New Jariby, newly za , ,gtwai.d, with H. delegates, was received into connection - with the body. Clerical : Barclay and Alfred Hiller. Lay, Abr. Blitz and William Fulzimr. Itimorters %MINA AtiLitta. to ueatd, imiveu Synod na jourraed with prayer by Dr. Schmucker. H. The Privotge of the Writ of Habeas Corpus under the Constitution. Second Part. [Par Ilse Prise.] Thus arc probably few of our citizens who think that lhie reply yea due to the nnmerone reviewers who have assailed the original tract. lint anything from the pen of the anther is %Trireme; and, on the particular subject of 'which These rape treat, their 01111, eahtlUiltiiie logic s and weli•balauced iriewr a are peculiarly interesting and instructive. Our eminent townsman, as is well known, bas been dis tinguished tor a Aignitied conservative life. He has never /men iketned of tuburdinatina prefeselanal desaPabi td social or bblitical relations, or of prostituting social or po litical relations to professional advancement. His faults, It they are such, have been those of prudence and reti cence. Of all men lie has been least likely to be "fast" ill doctrine, or ltd by still iuto social or ratios), hamlet_ UUI UdiVettinitint waa in the agonies of a convulsion of the moat appalling character. Union cities, Union aides, and even Union councils and armies, were infesced mith traitors- Action was paralyzed by treachery, titid to deal i itli it, en^jest to all the contrivances and +delays, ono judicial cumin - es Of limn Of peace, was al)_ .surd and ruinous The President turned to his coosti, tutional COUnFei for advice as to his power. Could he .arrest datgereue men for probable cause, and hold them flISCht/t the writ of habeas corpus i Wm there% in the Countitation ur t,ut or it, authority to do what every pure and utibieeed CMY. , III thought he ought to do. even if he lied lo seek ebb. iimint !oxidative indemnity'? This was the queeti.ii, answer wag in favor of the p 'w , r. But the Chief Juelice of the Supreme Court was in the oppvaltioa, sad it,r ut 4 uturneted public mind was not eatiseed upon it, point el law. Strong for a Government under which he had lived for rocre than eighty) ears, in the workings of which he had taken active part, and en whose machinery he had se abrl. ern•aasionelly and nociallo long enough out ut tied V 44 professional life to regs,n, is a measure. that hberality which practising lawyers are raid to lose. and of each. an age that he bore within him the very instincts and traditions of the times, of tills° , uhose interdict teas in Question. Mr_ Minns, wee nesi_ Lenny Qualified to give an opinion. Hie very reVisWers would have 'oohed up to him with implicit contide.,ce, .and would Lave adopted his views unhesitatingly, bat two abort years ego. No military excitement disturbed idm among the books, no dream of ambition gave him uictures tel owl them. He could not long enjoy restora tion, he could nit lung survive ruin. In this position, but without any arrogance or pretence. he gave us his first tract, a contribution to the suppression of rehedion. If he had doubt's', nr ardor for the Union contd. have smug from "Minim first line. tyhe suiject was one little considered, leee &cooled, nowhere elaborated. In respect to authority it was per plexed. with A ink opinions, with partisan declarations, 'with indefinite tlithlittla. In reenact to argument It WAS onecentible of little logical certainty. as ouestiong of Con struction ordinal' ly are. It involved the meaning of the innuorly of a kr presentative convention in the la,t cen t ury, in a sentence el-sentences reeulti ng from contention i drlitaration- cart into kbeee in the CtintiligiOn eat diatfiC lioll td CirN oppoeitionej alterations, surndmants, compromiaea No intent of a majority mould, rorlutor, have been adtuifted, en the very flapper the Convention, if the point now made had presented itself subsequently to the adoption of the clause or clauses in controversy, end discussion bad ensued. It was one, above an others, to be mitten by the 'limning of tonnages, in the light of nom and experience, and not toy digging up from the dust heaps 01 the Union conflicting and Irresponsible ex pressions. "It is time that points out the fast colors of the pie, Ure." . . With a force and clearness misurpasse4 rtir. Binnoy demonstrated thai a lair construction of the claim would permit no department of the 3. •vernment to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, but that when in cases of rebel lion or invasion the public safety might require it, the President could suspend the priaitege of the writ. This result of his reflection not only accorded with the exigency, but was most harmless in even point of view. No unbiased men could fear that personal liberty WAS in serious danger. The power was dented in Its moat dangerous form. In its modified form it was denied to a dangerous department and given to a feeble department. It WWI denied tea 10.4.4.e.k. that 6oUla La tied it promptly. secretly, or without endless dangers of indoeuce, delay. and corruption, and given to a department that could be as prompt as secret, and as wise as the emer gency demanded, but which dare not do more, and had Deter, In ell our Mom, reeAY threWenwl the security or the citizen. It denied it to a department whose quick work was generally in the current of an ungovernable popular influence, and which was only steadied by time and discs sien, and gave it to a department that had nothing certain but Its patronage, and. with a legislative ynrjority suainet it, Wel, freirle anno-st to hurattiation. It was this opinion that n dubbed" such a •• covey" of reviewers, and •• put them on the wing," and like birds of other coveys, when excited, they scattered, each one taking refuge in a distinct clause of the Constitution, Op for ao eo Know reepectablo gentlemen porwoalty, y e - Miceli; they are of one stripe. To use a mild deflation of their position, they are in tut opposition at a time when most citizeue and a majority of their own party think there should be no opposition. Given any politi cal eneallon. had Ma could pe.,diet c ollionelr welch way they would cast themselves, flow far their pages have internal force, those who read will julge ; but any good Union man, in the sense 0? one who supports the Government, and calls this, plainly, a rebellion, will Ap preeell thelil With e full measure of donht, Those who read them will find that strong feeling and consequent bias have led gentlemen of good sense and indginent tutu most crude and imprudent arse:nettle; that they litter among themselves in substantial's; and agree entirely only in a tense of undeviating antagonism to the tract which they Pabith. The firok sorio flcl. in . r6yentnag chronic, which after reading it, one would have thought had put ten end to Writ and Privilege and courage of reviewers. But another series of new tracts, and new editions, is beginning, and, after this •• Second Part," probably all the batttred craft will go into dock to refit, and come ont again with old Crevices defended by Altera tions, emendations, and deprecatory or explanatory foot• notes. With all theme weaknewee and expneures of ill-con sidered login loose Quotation, and want of homers in their own nag, what targeto for tho safe logic, exhaust ing lemma, and inevitahle accuracy of perception and quotation of that old bar of Philadelphia! The gentle man who represeLts it, facile prineeps, then—ahead and chowders now above the new generation of lawyers— avails blisaelf of his savanta f ges with a dignity which never for.akes hint; and though human nature cannot resist a sarcasm,when half a sentence in the Couatitutian is put off-hand or the whole, and words carelesely impu ted to the instrument which were never in it, it is the sarcasm of a gentleman of the old school, litedloorlty is greeted with 'cermet, feebleness with forbearance, loose ness with no more than necessary exposure. We commend the entire series to all who can read and understand. as a very pregnant part of the History of the Great Rebellion. THE CITY. THE HOSPITALS OF THE COOPER SHOP REFRESHMENT SALOON.— A. number of ladies of this city intend holding a floral fair in a short time, in aid of the fund for the support of the hospitals attached to the Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon. This hospital -was established in October last, for the relief of sick soldiers accompanying passing regiments. At first there were accommodations for eleven patients; finding the number of slck constantly increasing, another room was fitted up, in which there were placed sixteen bode, making the beepitani putout accommodating fur twenlyaseven patients. These rooms, with a small apothecary shop attached, present ail the facility and appurtenance for the good care and comfort of patients, that exist iu the beet organized hospitals. The rooms are well lighted and perfectly ventilated, and present in their entire arrange ment cleanlinees and aomi atmenthere—condirim.s which challenge admiration. he hospital organization does more than merely look after the sick, an far as their cure or relief from suffering is concerned. Clothing , is also provided, and no soldier is permitted to quit the hospital to join hie regiment or com pnuy . ..ahowat bra Nvararoi.e being exernine4, said made at least as complete as the Government intends it shall be, and often much more so. Under clothing, hosiery, mitts, handkerchiefs, towels, and blankets, with which the clo sets are plentifully supplied through the generosity of the ladies, era furnished to hint, and sash Jodi.r la the reci pient of a Testament, prayer book, and other religious works. Since the opening of the hospital, on the 20th of Octo ber last, there have been received in it one hundred and thirty batlee,ts. Of these, One bunched and thirteen have left the hospital either cared or relieved, three hay: died, and fourteen remained on Tnenday, when an addition was made to the number by the reception of the waneded from Ebzabeth City, N. O. The hospital is highly spoken Of by f! committee of the " Philadelphia ASSOCiatoll of the U. P. Sanitary Commission," consisting of Dr. Francis G. Smith, Jr., Hon. Judge Hare, Prof. J. F. Frazer, and Dr. J. H. B. McClellan Miss Anna M. Boss, the "Lady Principal," is untiring in her efferts to alleviate thesnffer ings of the wounded soldiers, and she is assisted in her stud work by a ememitiet, of ladies_ CELEBRATION AT PRINCETON. A number of Philadelphians have visited Princeton to at tend the eemi-centonial annivcreary of the Theological Seminary there. Many of the students have been sea from the presbyteries of this city and a synopsis of the exercises may be interesting to their friends and rela tives. The exercises took place on. Thursday. The rueetiug of the Alumui took pINc a 6 11 o'clock, in she First Presbyterian Uhurch Bor. Dr. Maxie, or Elizarbethto wn, was cubed to the chair, and Prof. Paxton, of the Western Theological Seminary, was appointed Secretary. Prayer was offered by Dr. Yeomans, of Danville, and after singing by the Theological students, Phlledei e bre, road n eerres of appro priate resolutions. Then fohowed the impromptu speeches of the Alumni. Dr. Hodge was called out, followed by Dr. Robert Beira, Dr. Beattie, from Steubenville, Ohio, and Dr. Plunauer, Professor in the Western Toeeiegioat Semi arYt Among the Alumni now in otter churches, who ad ()lessen the meeting, were Dr. Wilson of New Bruns wick, Lr. Prouilfit of:Rutgers, and 11 af 1 h —f. —„ presi • dent of a Bantiat Univonity. SeVer.ll nkran g ens were also called out, among them Dr. Chickering of Portland, Dr. Whitehill of Providence, and Professor Fisher of Yale College. The meeting ad4ourned at hair past one o'clock to din- MT' t the ilidl4ollio Hall, on the fltaliklltir granads. xivwrir ISTO nyudred pulite were present. At the dinner an announceirient was made that wee greeted with cheers —viz: that the Meeers. Stewart, of New York, had, that morning, donated to the seminary the munificent dam at F 50,000. In the eftel'hoorn De. gm -ague, of Albany, delivered the discourse in the First Church, ANOTHER. DO3IICIDE CASE DISPOSED oE—Yeattaday morning the trial of Addis Ham. charged with the murder of Thomas If. Burks, on the 4th of August, 1860, was concluded. The defence called a large number of witnesses to prove the good character 01 the defendant for peace and quiet. Witnesses to the occurrence also testified that the deceased insisted upon Ilghtlog atter Mr. ittoee had expressed hie device to avoid him. 'The first blow was struck by deceased, and after the two men engaged in the struggle, when Burke cried i‘ encugb," Hayes left. After a brief aildreee from Dietrict Attorney Mann, in which be said Mottle couscienti9UdlY behoved chat the homicide, under an the circumztazacta and fame as Drought out by the defence, was justifiable. Judge Thompson el arged the jury on the principles of law in regard to the variety of grades of homicide, and remarked that he coincided in the views as expressed by the District At tatheY- The jury rendered a verdict of not guilty. The de fendant was congratulated by Lid friends, and soon after he lift the court room. On the rendition of the verdict there was a demonstration to applaud among the atindants on the outside of the bar, but it was instantly checirtu by the impure or the court. THE FUNERAL OF GEN. SMITS .- 4 seli-committee of the Joint amid committee of Shun• can newt - null to matte arrangements for the obeeoniee of the late Major General. Chas. F. Smith held a meeting yesterday afternoon. On the arrival of the remains this evening they will be tal.en at once to Independence Hall. On Monday the public will be admitted to the hallo 411:10 on tweetlay afternoon the funeral caremoniem will take place, when the body will be placed in a vault at Laurel Bill with all due military honors. General Robert Anderson has been invited by the committee to act as one of the palbbearers, he having been a personal friend of the deceased amend, and having eetedeli groomsman at General Smith's marriage. The body will be brought from St. Louis by the Adams Express Company, a de spatch to that effect having been received last evening from Lacy Anderson, Esq., of Cincinnati. ARREST OF A SROPLIPTER.—Yester— day afternoom before, Alderman Beltler, a yellow man, named Major Turner, was accused of having stolen a piece of cassimere, valued at $l2, from the store of Gra- Dello & Taylor, in Yourth street. The rotheky wh.4 effected a short time after the store was opened in the morning, and the prisoner was identified by a lad who re .w him enter the premises. Ile was also charged wish stinting a piece of silk, worth $2B from Stiligman kWh a Ory-eaodo denier. !gr. Abut la.:awed tae prisoner as one of two men who said in a smpicione manner In his rtore a few minutes before a piece of silk was mined. The Major was rent below, in default of sl,too bail. Itisna - NED.—W e are informed that Mr. J. M. McKim has recently resigned his post as Corres ponding Secretary of the Pennsylvania Auti•Slavery citty. It is now twenty-two years since he entered the Service of this society, and more than twenty airyears since be commenced his labors in this State as a nubile advocate of the anti•slavery cause. On the first of Oc tober, 1830, be accepted a commission from the Ssmerican Anti-Slavery Society, to labor in its behslf, in this Stale, MI a trimiling lecturer, and continued in this Service, with a brief interruption, till the lat of January, 1840, when he entered on the duties of the office from which he has just retired. ORDERED TO BE. STOPPED..-9_6Vei`.ll complaints have recently been made at the Mayor's office by citizens who have been annoyed by boys running through the sheets crying, at a late hour on Saturday night, " Capture of Yortlown," " Fort Sumpter taken," &c. Sn tide e.oltiop ti m e avvrybocly 10 , 4147C10V1S to got the earlieet intelligence, and we have heard of some parties who got out of bed at one and two o'clock in the morning to purchase a paper. The sell," however, was perpetrated by the newsboys, as the paper eentninetl '5, - e -re-roar morning ilayor Beery directed the lieutenants of police to have arrested all Mx a found in the Street ening pepere after eleven o'clock Saturday night. A -PortADB - LrurAti frf CHARGE OF MARINES AT NEW ORLEANS.—Lient. James For ney, of the United States vessel Brooklyn, is at present in charge of a detachment of marines, constituting a part of the United States guard over the captured city IA New Fla hoe Lees, absent from this city gang) a yew, and as the whereaboute of the Brooklyn wore but imper fectly known, - hie friends have been solicitous for his safety. Capt. Philip It. Forney, brother of the lieute nant, has just departed for the seat of war in Kentucky. 22a ho. teen a.wilotwd la L!, itcwnia. with hitt ogre et re gulars. RECEIPT OF TAxEs.—Yesterday, the (Arm et the - Receiver Qt Tone wee Well filled with thole ensious to setae their SCCOtlete with the city and receive the usual discount. During Thursday the receipts were so follow*: For City tax $16,494 27 For taste tax 22,43 T The amount is larger by 570,000 than bad ever been T«N.IT Ed on any one day. TA - v - mt - N. LICENSES.—The Clerk of the Court of Quarter Eessions has issued altogether 840 tavern licenses. The licenses issued this year show a considerable decrease from last year. The whole number of bonds filed is nineteen hundred and fifty. goiae four cr live hundred certificates have been Issued by the City iottniistioners, the parties to which have not yet filed their bonds. BLIGHT FlRX.—Yesterday morning, .}out Ave o'clock, a fire occurred at No. 115 Arch street. The damage done was trifling. REBBLEI REITIIIIIIING BOMB.-A letter from Ver taiii..s lcfore n us dust the Hon, Thomas P. Pertor, )ate Speaker of the State Senate, and Marshall Car ter, son of Dr. J. C. Carter, after several months among the rebels in the seceding States, returned to their bemes in that city on Saturday lest_ They had hardly dusted their clothes after their travel from Dixie, when they were arrested by the Pro vost Marshal from Lexington. GENETUL —We are glad to i hit= that General Sigel 81111:MS8 le not of PO Retinal:l a nature as his friends were at first given to appre- I bend. General Sigel was c. at Saltville, Illinois. a . ,„ i few days a. enjoying ilUtcnit uOartily with nla i countrymen. pandaystritra, soma. OM nazi. JOUR E. ADDICICEI, THOMAS S. FERNON, COMMITTEE OF THN MONTH SARUM, X. itsToKXS, LETTER 13.1.4319 At the Merchants' Ezehange, Philadelphia. Ship Fanny Fern Cann London, soon Ship Zered, Aleo:msals ......Londonderry, soon Dark !OVA D4g14011941/no ~m79•Beiragt, tioon istbrit Zepny r, Small (MU, d Wu Brig Vteurire, Morrell Demorara, soon Elia Breeze, Outerbridge Barbados, soon San Isabella Marla, Wall St Thomas, soon Sobr Ann •arlet, Valet St Kitts and St Sans noon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, May 3, 1.136* BUN BI6EB 4 68-131 TN SETS A AS 11)01) WASTE)] S Brig Princeton, Allen, from Brooklyn, In ballast to captain. Sam Artreri i . Amite, 10 days from Calais, with laths, am to Gnnhili t Galvin. Schr Wary C+er►, Ili:meld, 5 days from ifewburyport, in bolho.t. to Gro B Kerfoot. Bar Emily VirgiMa t (Amory, 3 days from eommer• ma. with. iumbor to .1 W . Liaccou. k'clir James Barrett, Jr. Pennel, 3 days from Laurel, Del. with lumber to J W Bacon. Scbr Fair Leader, &dame, 3 dell, from Baliebury, Md. with itOottOr to J W Bacon, 3ctir Complete, litnorOyb 3 - days from Damon Crook Bpringe, with lumber to J W Bacon. dchr Charles bloore, Ingersoll, from Batton. Seim Polly Price, Adam. from Boston. Scbr A Bartlett, Bartlett, frc.m Boston. Atex Youutc, Yonne. from Port Royal. Sebrlra Share, Jones, from New Ytok. Scbr Mary Miller. Dayton, from New York. Sail' YeLdova, Bray, from Calais. Bark Thome Kilimo, (Br.) Kilian), Liverpool, A It McHenry & Co. Baik Tycoon, Lewin, Key West, D S Stetson & Co. Brig Jas Davie, Staples, Key West, 11 A Souder & Co. schr A Young, YOling, FOrtirsti MOimw BilttloPo ptetene & co Scbr A Bartlett, Bartlett, 'rearm Monroe, Tyler, Stone & Co. Bair E Phero, Sonea, liatterse Inlet, Tyler, Stone lb Cr. 9ehe Sharon, Thewlow, fiewburiport, Ilamtuen, Van Do-en & Loehrenn. Schr C !Moore. Ingerecil, Downie, J R Blakiaten. Schr Mary Miller, Dayton, Providence. do Bchr P Price, Mime, Beaton. Bancroft, Lewis & V.. 440, 'tray, gaiem, J k White. Cargo of bark Thomas Killeen, for bicerpool-3,300 bbb crude Petroleum oil, 255 do refined Natrona do, 419 do Benzine do, 137 °mum do do. Ship Star of the Union, Gorham. from Boston for San Francieco, was spoken 26th ult lat 40 39, ion 63. !hip Samuel Locke, Sweelzer, for Callao via Cardiff, entercd for loadihg at Liverpool 1611 ult gbla .Arb. ..11.1 from itors Philip Heade 14th Feb. for Otago. Ship Urkl, Walker, from Bolton via Galled at Maul main 'l.6th. Feb. Bnik Sete/tem, Atkins, sailed from Sydney, W 8 W. 20th Feb, for Valparaiso, Brig henna, Gjerulase% hence at Plymouth, log. 161 h nit. Brig Eastern Star, Ackerly, bence for Providence, was anchored in the. It war bay, New York, let inst. Brig Sallie Jackson, Weiss, frolll Boaton ti Fob, for ironolnin, rat into Bill Janeiro 20th of March, leaky. Schr Union, Dyer, from Delaware for Boston, at Ed gaztean 28th ult. Schr Everglade, Fickett, cleared at Boston Ist Inst. for Philadelphia. &bra Chatter Wit, Button, and Gsaslle, EateLant, baste at Itewburrport 20th tilt. .dcbr H W Godfrey, Weeks, sailed from Salem 30th ult. for Philadelphia. Schr Zoe, Potter, from Newport, at Fall River 29th ult. to load fish for Philadelphia. Set,- Mediator, .111lltr, Lr Philadelphia, sailed from Fall River . ilOth Schr J P Armitage, Fisher, hence at Baltimore let inet. Behr 0 F Beale), Buckley, cleared at New York let inst. for Pbilad44pbie. Behr Barlikurabbk., Gregory ' dome for saool at Edgar town 26th ult. Ship Andrew, (Ham.) Bohr., from Hamburg, at New Fork let inst. reports April 22d, let 43 30, lou 56 to 57, passed 19 large icebergs, from 150 to 200 feet in height. mutt *ALO WU/ Ts./ LILT. TO DISTILLERS. The DISTILLERY known ee the "PHCENIX," and formerly owned and occupied by MHZ. SMYTH, Sea., situated on TWENTY-THIRD, between BAOII and VINE Streeta, Philadelphia, Irjapaeley 800 bushels per day, le now offered for sale on reasonable and accom modating terms. Is in good running order, and hee all the modern improvemente. An Artesian well on the pro misee fur/dukes an unfaillog supply of geed, pate water, Addreee Z. LOOSE it 00., No, 1010 MARS= Street, Philadelphia. fe22-dtt v . TO. LET—A Two- storied HOUSE, i-an and Lot, -with ktablo, Gmrdeo, aria nen ti y or for the season, locatrd Iji miles from the Coopersburg Station, North Penns) ivauia 11111i1rOMI, very pleasantly situated in a rural vicinity. Excellent water, BEd buildings in nice order. Partly furnished if desired. Aki,lt 16 BENJAMIN P. 11(110111.5.W. ru yl-St* No. 432 North THIRD Street. et: TO LET—A very desirable three ma story BRICK HOUSE, with extensive double three story tack 1.-Ming, with nit tile extru moil.n improve mcntte, situated 1126 Callowhill street. The lot is 140 feet deep, to Carlton street, giving arsine garden, with gropery, Sc To a permanent tenant the rent will be low. A pply to EVANS & WATSON, mel-12k Ns_ 111 Sobtl, MORBID gike4t. mTO RENT—A convenient Dwel ling, Sontheast Corner of TWENTY•SECOND and GREEN Streets. Apply to FOR SALE OR TO LET—Four lipuoes, po the wet eltle of IMO AP Street, below COlulDbla tITCDUC. Apply at the BMAlmola corner Of NINTH and SANSOOI Streets. mh26-tr WI TO LET—A beautiful COUN .A. TRY-PLACE, of 10 acres, on the west side of YBONT-Street road, above Hart - lane, within van =l nvitee' walk of the Frankford and Southwark paenenger care. Possession early in April. Apply at the month weat corner NINTH and SAMSON, second atory. mhZI. tf Ea TO LET.— COUNTRY STORE and.FORWABDING WAREHOII3E, Lumber and Coal Yard ; good railroad aiding, &c., in a first• . rate bnainess locality, and wealthy 'neighborhood. Situated on the eerail'al Pennsylvania ItallrosA. For fre-iher par ticulars, apply to E. PET rpr, ap26 No 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE OR TO LET.—A pleastist Louts la the suburbs of meal., newly-. acre of ground, abundasce of shade and fruit. Rent low. Apply at No. 15's SOUTH FOURTH STREE T, second story. ap26-lut COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICE.—The partnership beretofoie existing between LYMAN HOPHINd and TWA. F/TNIUDON (under the name of Hookups FitnbibbOn) to Ott OIT DY 10:13 - 1/5l 00Ig,nt TEM DAY. April 30,1861. Signed, L. HOPKINS, THOS. FITZGIBBON. Witness: J2lO. H. MMILL, May 1,.1861. will .0i Le realpOnsi6le for any dobb, con tracted by the above firm aster this date, April 30, 1863. nt72-3t TROIKAS FITZGIBBON. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER . 611.7.1 s —Nonce I, ht. reby B bren that the Copartner ehip heretofore existing , between the undersigned, under the firm of TAW & BEERS, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will be settled by ABRAHAM TAW, who Is alone authorised to tuos the firm , . e eie llenidation. ABRAM. kW. TAW, WILLIA Sf A. BERES. April 24,1882. a p3O. 6t* COPARTNERSHIP.—The un denim:Jed bavt, tide day formed a Copartnership un der the name and stile ot JONES, WARNER. S; CO., for the transaction of a General DBar GOODS Jobbing businesa, at 240 IdASKET Street. GIDEON JONES, DICRAIID 0. WARNED, DAVID O. GOLDEN. APRIL 21, 1862. ap23.l2t* ESTATE OF ALEXANDER WRAY. Letters testamentary baying been greeted by the Itsirister of Wills to the anbocriboi* sJI clsinie aialut, or indebted to, amid Estate, will call on GEORGE BARCLAY, 249 North SIXTEENTH Street ;1 JAMES WRAY, 1112 11.A.C12 Seek or their Attorney, HENRY C. THOmrmox, ap26 set No. 933 ARCH Street. TN THE COURT OF COMMON it_ PLEAS POD TIIII CITY AND COttfrit or PRILADELPIII k. Assigned Estate of JONES & DUERR. The Auditor appointed by the Coart to audit, settle, and adjust the account of WILLIAM V PETTIT, animas for th 4 bebalit of orodliors of HENRY JONES, at,d AUGUgTUS P. DUERR, late trading as JONES & DUERR, and report distribution of the balance in she Oar bands of tbe assignee, will rneet- . ties interested, for the purposes of his appoin ifir-T RURSDAY, llift9 ith. 1862 4 P_ M_, At Mao a''`-al2 WALNUT Strat, Philedelphhs. ap24.tbstu-bt WILLIAM ERNST, Auditor. • TN THE ORPHANS''•CIOURT FOR THE OITV AND COUNTY OP 2,IIILAISHL BIIIA. In the matter of the Tenet Estate, under tho last will and testament of ELIZABETH SHAEKLAND, de ceased.. ' he Ana,Foc.ypsinkcaby th.Couet .affil., end adjust the first account of JOHN HART.DIAN, Trustee, appointed by the Court under the trust created by the last win and testament of ELIZABETH SHANXI. AND, deceased, in the place of WILLIAM BRINKIIOUSE, whe renetineed, and report dlaritalilon of the bele... L. the bands of the trustee will meeet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, litas fah, 1802, at 4 P. M., at his office, No. bl 2 WAL NUT Ptreet, Philadelphia. at24•llaltil•fit WILLIAM ERNST; Auditor. NOTICE —All persons indebted to the Estate of SAMUEL D tOKSON, late of the city of Philadelphia, gentleman, deceased, are requested 1.6 feithe im,iaetiiata triLyibiht, tita t6eee 6aotog demmada agalunt the same to prt•eellt there, duty attotted, to eieber of the subscribers, executors of the last will of said de cedent. JAMES RUSSELL, WI NN. Is FOREST COUNTY LAND FOR awilavßALE.-On MONDAY, the 19th day of May next, Ale under.igoecl, executor. 9 f the will of . xi.d.VMO MU, LER, deceased, will sell, by Public Vendue, at the Dublin hones of HENRY B. EIHENOK, feign of the Lamb,) in WEST KING Street, in the city of Lancaster, the fallow ing real emir e, late of said deceased, to wit: A tract of 888 Beres of land, surveyed en warrant We. 2,160, Mid a tract Of 1,100 aced e of land, surveyed on . warrant N 0.3,162, situated adjoining each other, in Jenks township, Forest county, Pennsylvania. • Ihe land is heavily timbered with cherry, osk, hickory, and hemlock, and le watered hi branches of the Clarion river, 111Msloun creek running through the smeller tract, and Maple creek through the larger tract. The soil Is good and the surface rolling, and not. hilly. The land Is situated about two miles and a half south of the location of Merlon, tbo collittr town of 'fond county, and not far sullen; from inulnuT and /iris Railroad. Sale will begin at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, when terms will be made Miown. Sale positive. !AMONG L. WITMXII, 7 VT. OttOPERTER apl9- at Executors of the will of David Miller, deo'd. $178.931 73 TO THE DISEASED OF ALL CLABilNit.—All- .-car-.cats end chronic Meese." cured by trecial griarantee et 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure no charge is made. Professor BOLLI6B, the founder of this new practice, Mill superintend the treatment of all cases hinoself A laient6haek bioheihiihk a ..oliitod. of e.vti Aces., of those cured, also lettere and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others will be given to any person frees. Lectuyee are constantly given at 1220, to medical men and otbets who desire a knowledge of my discovery, hi applying Illeetrieity as a reliable theranentle agsnt_ -Ma st/bailor' free. aP2B-2al THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. MAY 3, 1862. ABBIVIED CfbEARIIID, MENOBATIDA. JAMES cNNSSON I 23 North FOUNTEI Street LEGAL_ At the Bank of Penn Township. WM. MA.OVIPMRAN, No. 112.6 North PIPTII Rivet. RETAIL DRY iiIOODEI. 625. NEW SPRING GOODS. U 40.- C. SOMERS de SON. CLOTH HOUSE, No. 6e5 CHESTNUT STREET, Have now In Morn and aro receiving constantly &large and desirable assortment CLOTHS, CASS (MERE S. COATINGS, BILK - MIXED AND PLAIN. "tirstlogs, Tailors' Trimming& lied ad goods Adapted to MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. BA P6ON'L, CORNER, OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STREETS, OFFER TO TILE LADIES! NARROW BUGLE GIMPS, BLACK SILK LACES, BELT RIBBONS, ALL COLORS, IYARS9W MK GIMPS, NA MHO w ir a IJOLVAS, SPOOL SILK, ALL COLORS. CHEAP. PARTRIDGE AND CHINCHILLA SPLIT ZEPHYR. Ono lot of PARTRIDOR WORSTED, colors, M ebtito pot hank. RAPSON'S TRIMMINGS & ZEPHYR STORE, CORNER EIGHTH. AND CHERRY STREETS. CLOAKS ! CLOAK ! CLOAKS! THE GBEA.TEET BABH&IN8 IN THE CITY IMM=',=n!l No. 23 SOUTH NPaTil STREET. THE LARGEST STUCK, THE BEST' ASSORTMENT, THE CHOICEST COLORS, THE FINEST QUALITIEB, THE 1105 T SUPERB TRIMMINOB, THE NEWEST STYLES, THE BEST WORK, DECIDEDLY THE LOWEST PRICES, IN TIM CITY, AT IVENS Sr, CO.'S, No. 23 SOUTH NINTH STAArre OLOAKS.—If you want the best value NJ for your motley, go to the City Cloak Store,l42 Borth. EIGHTH Street, above Cherry. mh26-m fILOAKB! `ll.l A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OP ALL THE NEWEST STYLED udrenvulD THIS oßw3,Zi, - With every new material, made up and trimmed In the very best manner, at pricea that defy all oompttillon, PARIS CLOAKn STORE, R. A. vtackißli SIGHTS AND WALNUT BM uth2,6-3m PLAIN BAREGES. Good unalitY. solid color Barons. Crose•over flanges, and thin stuffs, Being a large auction lot received, At half of the usual prices. Printed Bareges at very low rates. sag SHASPLITSS Min VREN CH LAWNS. J.: A full stock of Lawns and Prgandfea, Neat, medium, and rich d, signs OHABPLESS 8110121., aiD29 CHNITINUT and lI4HTH glirersta SILK MANTLES AND SACQUES. Black Taffeta Mantles. Black Silk EROTIOLf. Ilegent Dtiw ntylemi Ligtit Cloth &tames. EITIEFBERD'S PLAIDS. New lots, bargains, 12X, 113%, and 25 eta. Plaid Mozambinues, very desirable. 111 EN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. Silk Mixed (111.41431kkaMete mid OovAl.,wi. Light colors fancy Oa-maniere& 6.4 Mixtures and Melton& Cloth goods for littlo fellows. BOY'S JACKETS AND PANTS. (NNW DEPARTMENT. SECOND STORY.) First•clase Heady • made GarmentA Style and Fit unexceptionable. Prices very reasonable. Boys' suits made to order. COOPER k 0015kRti, B. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. BLACK AND WHITE CHECK t3lLKS.—Having made large purchases of small CHECK BILKS early in the 1109.0013, we are still able to sell them at the old prices. Black aid White Check French Silks. Gray colored Check French Silks. Black and White India Silks. Brown and White India Silks. 130 Of 1 . 0 r GREATEST BARGAINS IN FANCY. MEAS. Beautiful Silks from 50 cents to 51.50. 4,000 yards Plain Mozambique& at 25 cents. These goods have a very rich lustre, looking very info& IsLe otik, nod o srkably cheap, having cost 82 cents to import. 1 case Itereges a Chenille, and 1 case Bareges a Brodie at 25 cents, worth 40. I lotall-silk GRENADINES at 25 cents, worth 62. This is the CA EAPEST lot eI Hoed& IN THIS CITY. 1 lot Mode Veils at 75 cents. H. STEEL & SON, ap3o No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates. JAS_ R.. CAMPBELL Ile C 0.., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, 727 CHESTNUT STBEE r, Have opened this day, Bonnet's Black Taffetas. Tried& Obain Satin Plaid Colored Taffetas. Detached Figured Camel's Ilair Thibet„ high lustre. Satin Plaid and Printed Maraud's°. Lupin's beet black Ban ages and Bombazinee. Bich Plaid Itlozambiquee. LeDin'a beat Meek, whits, and high colored Mall Organdies and Jaconets, grissaile grounds. Cachendre Stripe Printed Percales, very rich. Foulard Poplins. Foulard Patine, &e, &c. sple-ty 103 NOW SECONDI ERFI R TA B iI oyEAROR STREET , UP STAIRS LADIES' DRESS TRIM:MI.OS, &o. The Copartnership heretofore exiatine between EAttl'Alkl4 A LotitinnatADTElt Having been dissolved by mutual consent, the under. signed respectfully informs the patrons and friends of the old firm, and the trade in general, that he has taken all the up-stairs rroms of N 0.102 NORTH 11/171Trf STREET, ABOVE ARCH. To continue the manufacturing o all kinds of DBEBB t CLOAK, AND 3. MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, BUTTONS, TASSELS, CORD HEAD HET% Of all deacript!ons, &c., "&c., And will offer inducements in price and Quality, as well NI prompt attendance to ordora. In twerp article apper taining to Me line. WM LONNFsHSTADTEB, apt.2m] No. 103 North EIGHTH Street, ab. Arch. FINE PLAID SILKS FOR BONNETS. Black and White Neat Plaids. Brown and White Neat Plaids. Block and White Shepherd's Plaids. Lilac, Bine, and Green Plaids. ttP 2l -if ETRE & LANDEGL, FOURTH & ARCM 371 2 f CTS.. ct STRIPE F 0 UL ARDS Small Stripe Foularde. Gray Stripa Foularda. Neat Stripe Voulards. ap2B•tf EYRE & LANDRLL, FOURTH & ARCH NEW CLOAK STORE! The meek dement eretertmoht iti the 610. No. 29 South NINTH Street, mh26-3ro First door above Oheatnat. NEW GOODS OPENING DAILY. —Plaid Foulards, black, brown, blue, and Mae. Plain brown Foulards, one yard wide. Piques, white ground and bouquets of Chintz colon. Wool De Ledlief. choice shades. Plaid and smelt figured Wool De Laines, for children. A forgo atooKtioont of Gingham, at 1236, SO, and 26 Gents. A fresh assortment of Cloaking Cloths. Small figure dark brown Mohairs, choice. Shepherd's Plaids, from 18% to 50 cents. Silk and Wool Poplin. in great variety, at JOHN II STOZZIP, No. 702 ARCH Street. N. B.—Good black Silks, of g, $l, and 51.12%. Call and examine our 51.12% black Silks. NEAP ►dritlNEY ritINTB, IN CHOWS STYLE& MERRIMAC% SPRAGUE ? PACIPIC T ALL TVIIBLVA AND A. HALT CENTS. A large lot beet etyles and teat colors at 10e. COWPERTHWAIT 3 CO.. mbls4/ N. W. con. EIGHTH and MARKET Ste. GAUZE BUMMER BLANKETS.— The subscribers have received an invoice of theft, very desirable goods, in due Quality, at last season's price. SHEPPARD, VAN nAiriniamg, de IRRISON. apl9-rptf 100 S CHESTNUT Street. T INENS AT IMPORTERS' PRICES. .L 4 -•-11 , 1911AANONI ono DIJNIMB 'DIOESOtiI celebrated blililartiV and EliOriTl - telllfElfd, re• calved from the manufacturers direct, and guarantied perfect—to which the attention of buyers and the trade generally Is respectfully invited. SHEPPARD, TAN HARLINGEN, dr AlditlBo4 l aple-rp reeS GFINOTiIiIIT WM, °LOANS, PALATOTES AND MAN TILLAS.—Ladies In want of the above articles will Snd it to their advantep) to visit the old established hones or Mrs. HENRY, No. PS Noith NINTH Street, below ARGIL The latest Paris Styles always on band at prices that astonish everybody. ap4-3m SPRING MILLINERY. MRS. -D. FSERIB, 1037 CHEST NUT Street, ham now open a large and' varied 1141. aortment of - English, Trench, and American STRAW BORN - ITS, together with a full line of STRAW GOODS imitable for Friends' wear, and the latest stVles or Kisses' and Children's Bata and Cans. ap24-121 REMOVAL. HISSES OTRYAN, 924 CHESTNUT Shwa, hays removed to 1107 WALNUT Street, three doors above Me wenth, north side, and will open PA BIS MILLINNET, for the Spring, on THURSDAY, Aprill7. apl2-2m* HOTELS. QTEVENS HOUSE, pj (Lux raLnimpollo No. 26 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Five minutes' walk from Fell River boat landing, Chambers street, and foot of Cortland street. neLO6-Ikn %so, rrgyrigyar. A OA.RD.-tHlt UNDERSIGNED, tate of the WitABD HOIIBI, PhiNiel** _have hued, for s term of Yea% WiliLAßD'e HOThlk Washington. They take this occasion to return to theft old Meads sad oustanere man/ thanks ' for loot favors, sod ben to tame thus that they wtll be mat happy hp hee than In their new Willem OHATOWIOII, hi 00. wasurnirrau Jar 1" ass - BUSINESS NOTICES. leg DR. BINE, PRACTICAL DEN TIST for 18 years, No. 218 VINZ Street, abosa Second, ineerts the most beautiful Teeth of the slth !mounted on One Gold, Plaits', Silver, Vulcanite, 00. , ICU, Arnim, &04 it prim more rostoustio for not Mid snlbstantial Moth than wry Dentist ill ON Oily, Teeth Plugged to last for life. No pain In extracting Teeth. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit. No pay until ostmed all is right. Beterertoe, beet families. fe97-ons JOHN J WELSH, Pribtical IRATE BOOTED, THIRD Street and GIMMANTOWN Bead, is prepared to put on any anioiiifof ROOTING, on the most htODZBATI 'TIMMS. WM guaranty id) Inska even. Ilnildinntlerfectl7 Watex.tight SP Orders promptly Attended to. mytai EDILTVATLONAL. THE WEtiT CHESTER ACADEMY, at Weet Cheeter, Pa., within two hours' ride from Philadelphia, will commence the tiumutlr strata, of full lire months—the eevenMenth session under the di rection of its premnt Principal —on the first of May next. 110)5 and young men are thoroughly prepared for College or business. EMU gentle amp of tried ability and experience constitute the corps . of Instructors. The French, German, and Bpautah Mis gauges are taught by native reran ent testifiers. The De partment of "Military Tactics" is to successful operation, under the e) arse of a competent inntrnctor, withunt, in the least, interfering with the legitimate objects of the school, while the individual student is not required to connect himself with It. Catalogues containing full information may be obtained by addressing the Principal, WILLIAM If. WYI6RS, A. M.. At West (nester, Pa. CALVARY ACADEMY, GERMAN TOWN, PHILA.—The Principal can receive into Ile faintly a few boarding scholars, where they will enjoy all the comforts and discipline of brans. They can he prepared either for Wawa or to enter any dam in souses. Reference—Bight Rev. Bishop Potter, Bev. B. New ton, TS D. Tor circulars address B. tiIIOEMAKER. A. M. L Princitoti, inh2o-tbm Zinn GERMANTOWN. Phila. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY in a beautiful and healthful village, throe mile, from 01.4 M, rilpila IA - VATC4 Pi any cllll9 for Silo 911111" mer. Boarding per week $2 Zr,. Thorough coarse in the Mathematics. Lau&uages, fluglish Studies, and all the branches usually taught. Boys prepared for College or Bueiness. REV. TIERVRY BARTOW, A. M. ap24 len Village Green, Delaware CO., Pa TOLMESBEIRG SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES.—The dates of this School uill ho usennuel, atlas the lEllehle holidays. on the 25th el APRIL. For ciroulern, references, Ac., address the Meal* APIII AN, Principele, flohneshurg, Pa. ap:.B-lia* SemooL FOR SALN.—Unturpas=ed location, large income, well furnished. ay ulemitnn. tic. An FICOIBIIt DOMIIO/1 Tor an OptororiBine Addeoin JAMES McGOWAN, 32 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ap3o-4t* CHINA AND QUEEIVSWARE. BOYD de ISTROUD. NO. 32 NOBTH FOUBTH STREET. (Four doors below the Merchants' Hotel,) Now offer to country merchants a large stock of CHINA, GLASS, & QUEENSWARE. ILL Ii KIN AXING. OILS " .UOIVEIt" )U4 W OPAL. J.../ 100 Bblo. Lucifer" Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee this oil to be non-eanloeive, to burn all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without dTrustiiig the rick, and but slowly. Bble. Lined with linos enamel. WIIIWIT, warn; a rite.ltstitib. fell-ti Office 815 MASICBT Street. CARBON OIL.-100 bbls. Natrona OnpnNOM!Ear9rP. e b7 WiLLIAMM. WILSON, mtal3-tf 2 3 j8 MABICET Street. COAL. T M. ROMMEL'S NEW LEHIGH EP • COAL WHARF, No. 959 DELAWARE Avenue, above POPL .B Street. ap29-Im* ROBLitT R. coßsoN, COAL DEALER. OFFICE, 133 WALNUT STREET, DELOW 8800 ND, PHILADISLPHIA Co A L.—Lehigh, Locust Mountain, Eagle Vein, and hickory, of beat quality, :tud well r prerot /1, CURTIS, ap/5-/nrw 151.7 otaaowttua, otreet. COAL.-THE UNDERSIGNED vv beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they biers removed their LEHIGH OVAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARP, on the Delaware, to their Yard, . northwest corner, of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the best Quality of LEHIGH COAL, from the most approved mines, at the lowest prices. Tour patronage is respectfully solicited. SOS. WALTON dr. CO., Office, 112 South SECOND Street. Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. mActlll 4 lEktlt .a. ND MORGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, Iron Foundere, an 9 General Atarlainiata and Boiler Atakora. No_ 1910 CIAL LOWRILL Street, Philadelnhlit. • hoar osm , PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS.—NE &FIE a b. vi, 1.14.15 IMlttiittorfaat. VEERS, al AC HIN ISTS,BOILE R-MAKERS, BLADE SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many yearly been in successful operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River Eu. I.l€l‘ and love pressnre, Iron Boller% Water Tanks, Propellers, &c., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for En gines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, having seta of patterns of different sites, are prepared to ext. cute ordsrs with Quick despatch. Diary denerifition pattern-making made at the shortest notice. Righ and Low-pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings, of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all descrip tions; Roll Turning. Screw-Cutting, and all other work ronneottsi with the above business. . . Drawings and Specifications for all work done at their eetabliebreent, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers hese ample wharf-dock room tor "v -oli pro v id e d o, where they can lie in perfect safetli and are with shears, blocks, falls, &c., aro., for rata log heavy or light weights. JACOB O. NEAVIII, JOHN P. LNVY, jel4-tf BEACH and PALMER Stria*. J. yAtromA2l MBRILICM, WILLIAM H• MERRICK, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINWMT gInIFIHM IMILADELZHIA. MERRICK & SONII, ZNGINBERB AND MACHINISTS, Dfannfactnre High and Low Preeenre Steam Niminee, for land, river, and marine service. boilers, 0r...1:1:m.40re, taniEs, iron boot., duo. j Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or braes. Iron-Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Ball. road Stations, &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and mod Improved conatrnetion. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such OA Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Defecatore, Filters, Pumping Engines, &c. Sole Agents for N. ItiMenVe Patent Sugar Boffin* Apparatus; Neemyth's Patent Steam Hammer ' and As. istioc.all A 10116600 c Patent Oentancid fine:: Draining Machine. sub-tf GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS NATIVE WINES. rstßioiriLt runr. Juict OF Tam v.-Bern—TEES MOST 'DELICIOUS, RICH, AND FRUITY WINES EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT JEST RECEIVED ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, sp2l3-11 CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE BTB RHODES do W ILLIAMII4, NO. 107 South WATER. Street, offer for este the following : WI whole, half, and quarter boyea new M. II and Lam Raisins. 5 cases prime new Figs. 20 bales Sicily Almonds. 60 bags prime African Pea Nuts. bV Rego Frouch Pronto, prime order, /00 DOECS French Frur re, prime order. 50 ball boxes prime new Valencia Raising CHEAP BUTTER! CHEAP BUT TER! only 12 cte. per pound, et tie. 812 SPallie tulah6.ll LEAF LARD.-79 tierces prime ket .. fle-rendered Leaf Lord, for sale by SABLIIR a 00., m}2o-11 103 ARCH street. 2d door above Front. Q EELS. GOOD COOKING BUT- V T 7 ,44 f9r cl49ftp :19, sysoo QAB WM- OHM, ulttao-11 C HEESE. -150 boxes fine Herkimer County Obeyer), for sale by Or € l , 13AWAR oo„ 13b30- 1 3' 103 - AIOEI 13trevt, VI dyer erbyTe ATERY CHOICE WHITE RYE v FLOUR. only 2„it oft. per pound, at No. 812 OPEINQ GARDZN aired, NEW BURLINTON HERRING- Just received. JAMES HOMER & BON, myl-at Seventh and NOBLE, and Sixth and WOOD. CANDLES. Chemical sperm Candles for sale by JAIIKETCHE & LAVERGNE, 202 arid 204 South FRONT Street. 171 NB GA R—Preach . Whito Wino V Vinegar, [or sale by JAMMU/HZ & LAVERGNII, Nos. 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. CWT.CHOICE WRITE BYE NV N FLOURju s t reoelred sod for ale at No. 1311 SPRING GARDEN litrest. ukh2ll-tf SARDINES, --A very superior brand kJ for sale by (MARLIN S. OARSTAIRS, an 2 12 WALNUT and 21 GRANITIC Street. Mss PORK.-250 bblo Mesa Pork, for Edo by a a_ RAMER & 00_. mliRO-tf 108 AMOR Strook, Rd door above front. MAPLE SUGAR.-2 cases choice Vermont Maple Sugary just received and Tor sale by lerrobris c.i.teatch *404 107 f3outb WATER Stmt. FRESH ROLL BUTTER, EGGS, aco., rewind 5657i11t 5. Z. GOTTWAIN, 130, 513 511111 NO OAKUM" *mt. M11215-ff FRUIT CLOICE ILAYANA AND D1E66.1. ORANGES. JAMES HOMER SON, Dealers in Fine Groceries, Seven and NOBLE. and Sixth awil WOOD. 1-3 t TIMED APPLES.--66 nob now JLer Weatern Dried Apples; 7 bbl, new Western Dried AWN. Jut received Ind in stun Tor side by • DIIIIIPHY 1001111, SSMI Tiro. 140 tiowny wirearriv RAISINB.-300 boxes Layer Raisins 300 half boxes Layer EaLim; 900 bores M H Rana& Raisins. IWO half boxes hi 111 bunch MieUlna Ns w and choice fruit, now landing and for oda by MURPHY & KOONS, sal-te lee. led WORTH WHATIVIIa fIAII DEN VAB E 8 . —Ornamental VI Terra Cotta Garden `eau*, warranted to stand the weather in any climate. Theie vase. are made in bean• tiful designs, and MI sines, from 1 tout to 3 feet histis with a variety of pedestals, round and si/naro, from / toot to 4 feet high. No decorations add so much to the natural beauties of a Garden, and at so llttlo cost, as a few Vases tilled with flowering plants. Illustrated Oats. kigutis tent by mad on application rt. II . EfilltUilt3farlii 1 I - • ~.018-1K 1010 OfiriflTNUT Street . 11414,0b 1 .1 - SHERRY For sale in it y li ''bond;'ll l l, -'t OUb.d __., B. th188T&IIIS. HO' N 0.120 WAINUT IL and 31 tiIiANITN at. TARRANT'S EFFNUMOVINT SELTZER APERIENT. Thia valuable and replier Medicine has universally re ceived the most favorable recommendations of the iitSDICAL PROFEERION MA the Public Be the moat EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE It may be used with the beet effect in HiHcca arid Febrile Diseases, Costi.occe.s, gloit Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, (lout, Rheumatic Affections, tlravel, Piles, AND ALE. COMPLAINTS W.141,11.8C A GENTLE' AND COOLING APARIEtif OR PUR GATIVE IS REQUIRED. It is particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Flea and Land ? Residents in Rot Clirnstes, Persons of Ai:jet:dewy if aide., and bouvidegar-nuiej 4jesptainis of Vessels and Flouters will find it %valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is lu the form of a Powder, carefully put up to bottles to keep in any climate, and merely requirti water poured upon it to produce % de lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try. ABA ItS at.Laani Inornataing t A 11,21424 of years, strongly guaranty Its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of au intelligent Manufactured only by TARRANT ec. No. 270 GREENWICH Street, corner Warren et NEW YORK, WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC DIS COVERY OF PROF. C H. BOLLES, 1220 WALNUT STREET, PIHL kDELPIIIO.. READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY. ddfereuce hetween /tad and ficito., eP p.rma neatly curing the sick and suffering of their diseases, or adver tising to cure and showing hut little or no evidence of cures, can be well appreciated by the anxious inquirers after health, by attentively reading the following synop sis of certificates hum lha tenet reliable gentleman in Philadelphia, who were permanently cured by Pref. BOLLES, 1420 WAL (UT street, and after they had been given up as incurable by the most eminent modi,;al men of this city: Judah Lavy, Bronehial Clandumetion, 811 South Frbrit stoat Edward T. Evans, preacher of the E. Church, Dys pepsia of long iitanding, Laryngitis and Lumbago, 1833 Helmuth street. . . . . Alesander Adaire 7 Inflammatory Rheumatism, Lum bago, ieeg • aiaading,lML Lavery surest; ihigirteecth word, Kensington. William 11. Shaine, Paralysis of the lower limbs, (Paraplegy,) and Epilepsy, 110 Louth Twentieth street J Bailey, Laryngitis, Dyspepsia, end Lumbago, 2/9 Market Wert Thomas Owens, biongestion of the brain and severe Hemorrhage of the Lungs and Diabetis, American Hotel, Philadelphia. Charles L. Jones, Dyspepsia and Lumbago, 528 Arch street. - • JIMIen Nu g ent, Deatneso for six yeare, and ring-tag and roaring in the head, Fifteenth and Bedford streets. George G. Presherry, Chronic Bronchitis and Catarrh, formerly proprietor of the Girard Ilonse. Thomas flarrop, severe Diabetis, Rose Hills, West Phi ladelphia. George Grant, Rheumatic Gout, ..long standing, 933 111 arket street. • • . H. T. lie Silver, Chronic Neuralgia and Inflammatory Rheumatism, 1736 Cheattnt street. C. H. Carmich, Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflammation of the kicine7sACheetnnt and Fortieth streets. Hug.h Harrold, Bronchitis and Cleves° of the Kidneye, 49 south Third street. S. P. N. Tanker, Chronic Dyspepsia, and Kidney Dis ease, 1622 South Fifth street. James F Greene, M. D., long dueling and aerate Lam. bago. 216 Pine street. Idward McMahon, Consumption, 1227 . Front street. Stanford Stillwell, Congestion of the Brain and Chronic Dyspepsia, 1526 Palmer street Charles D. Cheney, Paralysie of the lower limbs (ftereniegy) and Dyppermia, Western Bond. J. Ilicket, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation and Coll ocation of the Brain, 518 Callowhill shoot. Caleb Lamb, Bronchial Consumption of due years standing, 1435 Chestnut street. Bev. J. Mallory, Aphonia, Philadelphia. Si. M. kroeirataora 7 6%4o:Purr nee. J. S. Ritter, Catarrhal Consumption, 333 Richmond street. N. 8.--In addition to the above cases cured, Prof 0. IL ROLLE6 haa eitkad two thbutand Chmtila uad Ahiia cases within leee than three leers in Philadelehia, alt of which casee had reelated the treatment of the moot emi. nent medical men. . . . Please take notice that Prof. B. does not advertise IMP fibicfizaim Cf CLlPatt, fittakill thatiel euPed in &hi City. Prof. B. has establiehed himself for life in this city, and his success in treating the sick is a sufficient guaran tee that he claims nothing but scientific facts in his die 99Teir i>l OW 109 9f JilcOrici:r as a olilolo Oicropeutio agent. B. B.—lt will be well for the diseased to recollect that Prof. B. hat given a word of caution in hie pamphlet to guard them against trusting their health in the bandit of those in this city claiming to treat diseases according to his discovery. This caution may MUM more on those tieing Electricity at hazard, but It is the severity of truth and designed for the good of humanity. Consultation free. 0:0 - 'See advertisement in another column. S.tir SUPPO E N S TE POETS CELEBRA— TEDL.ADILs, and th only Supporters ander erulneur medical patronage. La lies avd physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. Betts, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Strost, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) . Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their physicians to nee bee spidianeee_ Those 6111 Y RN .g011.t1.11113 bearing the Unita gtatee copyright, labels on the box, and signatnm, and also on the Supporter& with testimonials. oolli-tutbeti FURE GEORGIA ARROW ROOT. The special attention of physicians and families Is called to the superiority of this article. it is rapidly supplanting all other kinds, and all those who have need it give it the most decided preference. The following extract., from certittcatce in the hands of the manufac turer, Col. Bett.owse," will show the high estimation in which the Georgia Arrow Root is held by those gen tlemen of the medioal profession who have fully ex amined it. • . sir One pound, 62. g cants, or two pounds for Complete instructions accompinc each package. show ing how to make the most delicious articles for the table. FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, JOll3 1. 131)P1, BARTLSY MlCaltiCiry _ _ YISIND'H BR` WN'S DRUG AND CITEMICAL STORE, N. B, OQU. vt FIFTII and QUESTITIIII3trecto, PHILADELPHIA. «I have examined and prepared mune Arrow Root, manufactured by Col. Ballowee, of St. ❑fary'e. Georgia. !time tine teat o nality of Arm variety of I Lave met with, being superior to any Bermuda, or other Ar row Root I have peen. _ ••SAMUEL JACKSON, Itt D., mh29-stuth3m "University of Penns)ivenia G LUTEN CAPSULES OF PURE COD-LIVER OIL The repugnance of most patients to OOD-LIYIf and the inability of many So take tS et all, hue in duced various forms :of disguise for its admluistrahon that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer in special cases, but more often the'Nehicle neutralises the usual effect of the Oil, proving unite se mivsltieLli, aka of lei. ther.p.ekle ealue. TLe iei,gg naves, nausea, he., to invalids, induced by disgust of ths Oil, le entirely obviated by the nee of our OAPBI7LICt3. 00D-LPTEB OIL CAPSULES have been much need lately in Europe, the experience there of the geog•re. milts from their use in both hospital and primate media l. aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are'auf• ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we de for them, feeling assured their nee Rill result in benefit mid deserved favor. Prepared by ARMY GLOATING AND EQUI PAGE OFFIJE, PHILADELPHIA, M&y 1, 1862. 11101 . 0134L0 will be received at this efflon until 12 o'clock on TtikdrutY, the 01la inst., for furnishing, at the Fcbuylkill Arsenal, 20,000 Felling Axe-handles, 9f upland hickory, equal to the sealed sample at this office. 1,000 Wall Tents and Flies. The tents to be made of at}(, the at.. of Dag-tnoh 10-ounce duck, either cotton or linen. 2,000 Sides, or, as Upper Leather, first-class, oak. tanned, from slaughter bides, well finished, and to mea sure 14 or more square feet to the side. 25,000 lbs Bole Leather, best quality, oak.tanned,from Buenos Ayres or La Plata dry hides, to weigh 14 or more pounds to the side. Bide will be received for the whole or any part of the above, and the shortest time for delivery most be stated. Inda oval be endorsed Proposals for Aze-Ilandles," l Wall Tents," or ~L eather," and to be addressed to .1 :1 G II.OROSbIAN, my 2-41 Deputy Q. AL General. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUI PAGE OFFICE. . . . PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until 12 o'clock IL on 11101/.1) 4.. Y, May 4th, for furniehint. at the Schnylkill Arsenal, two tons of Tarred Paper, for use in packing goods, to prevent moths during the summer. Samples can be seen at this office. Bidders will state the price per pound. All bids must be endorsed . 6 Proposals for Tarred Paper," and be addressed to U. H. 01105111 AN. ap213.13t Deputy Quartermaster General. PROPOSALS .1 1 OR SMALL ARMS voB wup Vxi2siu S±2.TE3 plioposALS will be received by this Pepartment until d P. M. on the evening of the lalm of Mey t 188 ,, for manufacturing, in the United States. for the Government, within one year from that date, the following description of arms, viz Ppringfield Rifled Muskets, model 1855. Rar e ...J. Perry Mlles ' whit sward stool scabbards, model 1565. Breech loading Carbines, for cavalry. Revolver Pistols, army size. Sabres for light cavalry. Van- commissiensd °Dice& Swards, / swot scabbards Musicians' Swords, Steel Scabbards for rifled musket bayonets. Proposals wid state— For muskets and rifles, the price for 20,000 of either. and the reduction propelled, per Shill for oMat 10,000 to 20,600 For receivers and carbines, the kind proposed, and the price for 6,000, and reduction, per pivtol or carbine, for each additional 5,000 to 20,000. For sabres, swords, and scabb&ds, the price of each of-rho preeorieve petters/a iv 11w muntior yr 5)C99 mean, and also for each additional 5,000 to 10,000. All the fire• arms are to be furnished with the regular appendages. The rifled muskets are to be in all respects identical with that manufactured at the U. S. Armory,. Sp r ienEkla, Mammehtmeile ; and ere Interchange with It, and with each ether, in all their parts. Mach of the other kinds of tire-arms must also interchange with one another in the same manner. . . , . . The materials for these arms must be of the very beet quality, Loan...Ll° lis.allow,a be nerd. All the at ticlee pallet Le subject to the inspection preecribed by the thdnooco Reguintione, and must be boxed. ready for tranevortation, at the expense of the coutrattors, in such causer as may be doomed. la. mations will be made at the fooloalee in lots of not lee! then 1,000 each. Proposals will state the name of the establishment making the ()Mr, the number and date of the Bret de lively, and rate of delivery monthly thereafter. Failure 10 make a delivery at aspecillad Ow, or se/ attetipt to intientice ninileahla iron Or ostler inferlOr muterist into the welt, s ill subject the whole number of arum con hatted for to forfeiture, at the option of the Department. The Department reserver t.,,,iteelf the right to r‘tiect any bid, and will touchier none made through any agent, brow, or party, Otiltr ti.rau the 11 - rag - tale, tranucurraraturrarra- FrOPOttaia will be addressed as follows : General W. RIPLEY, Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D. C.;' and will be endorsed Proposals for idueketa," or rides, sabres, ,as the case may be. myl. tlesistu7t COOK'S IM PROVED PORT A BLit V SUGAR EVAPORATOR.—The submaiber bee re ceived from the proprietors tho Sole Agnvey for the sale of COOK'S IIIiFiIOYED rOBTATI tilt BUCiAIt EVAP , ORATOR, in the eoenlies of Gnomes, Delaware, and Montgomery, in Pennsylvania; BurVingkm, Camden, and Gloucester, In New Jersey' New Caetle and Kent, in De laware; Cecil, liarford,aua Balttiwore counties, in Mary land, Alto, an Agency tor thu awls of tbo most improgol Cane Crushers, for florae or water power. A limited quantity of Cane Seel on nand for sale. Sir For informatiou about the Cultivation of the Cane cud its Manufacture, send for circular. MILTON CONARD, • WSST cheater qv,l MEDICINAL. SALINE APE HIEN T. And for sale by Druggists gonorolly PROF. 0. B. BOLLES, 1220 WALNUT Street, Philads WYETH & 13110,TIIER, 1619 1 01 , ALNUT 13treet, Philadelphia PROI OSALS PHILADELPHIA. April 26,1862_ ORDNANCFI OFFICH, Washington, D. C., April 29,1862 SALES BY AtlCTiele TWIN B. MYERS & CO. AUCTION KEW, lON. 232 arid 234 !KARAT Street BALE OF FERNOIT DRY GOODS. ON MONDAY kf May 5, on four moult,,' credit 700 packages Fr, ncb, German, BWi6ll. and Brikinti dry BALM OF moon, a Nri , solonets ON TUICSDAY MORNING, May 6, on four months' credit,- 1,000 packagne buote and Arms. 631.1 G OF LILT 0f) ,, D5 ON 7IluhsDAY MORNING, May 8, on four months' credit,- 600 packages British, French, and American dry goons litkliF OF "GATIFIGTINOn ti /BID .1Y MOAN/ Ci, May 9, on four months' credit -860 pieces Taira, Brussels, ingrain, and Venetian ear sittings, mailings. &c BALE Oa PLO THISTO. ON PIRIDAY MORNING, May ft, on four months' credit Same of city-mado clothing, for spring and summer wear. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & 00., 429 OHIESTNOT fYTRISZT SAUD OF IM PORTED DRY COODI ON TUESDAY NORNIMII, Mc y 6, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, for cash -400 lota of fancy and staple imported and domeatic dry apoode. Er &PROVO SI 4 cotalognon norly on morning ornate. pANCOABT & WARNOCK, AUO TIONEZES. No. 218 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE. SALE OF A STOOK OF 4g4DT MAINP. VLOTITING, by 4 lntnlng-no. ON TUESDAY MORNING, May 6, at 10 o'clock, embracing a general Remortment, well worthy the attention of city and country Layers _NEW YORK_ DANIEL H. BUItDETT, AuCTIONRIIII. BY BURDETT, JONES, & CO., STOKE 109 WALL STREET, NEW TO', FRIDAY—May At 11 O'clock, at VVall-stroct salesroom, Corner. Front and:Wail groats. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SALE. pi , aide= w.,dMAJer ei 11 ik&at itsAttNEY, (Jo&dot Or the Port. LARGE SALE OF SEA 19LA ND COTTON. CO bales superior Sea Island Cotton, chaica brands, all in I,ll3lfact.nuerchancable °nine. ALe(P, GULF QQTTONI 114 hales Gulf Cotton, in prime order, The Elea bland cotton may be examined iu the bales at the &tlautic Dock store No. 54; at•d the samples may be examined by catalogues on and affix Tuesday, May sth, at the Wall etreet salestcom, where the sale will take place by eemplea_ The Gulf Cotton can be seen in bale at No. 4 Stone stre&t. New York. ItAILKOALI J6lll zits. 1862. batammi 1862. ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBQY tiNp ruu,A, DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00.'S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YOUR AND WAY PLACES. IRON WALNUT-STREET WHARF MID KILNIHNOTON DEPOT WILL LEANIC AEI FOLLOW-VIZ; 111111 At 0 A, N. Yia Camden and Amboy, C. Ind A. Ac- commodation SI 26 At I A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. 3.) Accommodation 2 2S At 9% A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Morning Mail .... 9 08 At 12,4 Pr M, via Camden and Amboy, Acoommo- dation 2 24 At 2 P. N., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ex- press 8 00 At 4 P. M. via Camden and Jersey qty . Imiug Exprem 11 go At 4 P. M., via ()widen and Jenny City, 2d Oleo Tick et 2 26 At ax P. M., via Remington and Jersey City, Evening Mall 8 00 At 12 M, via Koneington andJereey City. South. grli Mall 8 00 At 6F. M., via Camden an Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—let Ulaee Ticket.. 226 Do. do. 2d Claee d 0.... 160 The I9X P, 71, PPP FHke 461i7,§iimisto oxotnated, Tho 12 Y. in., 6onthera Nail rune Maly For Wator Gam BtrondeDurg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, &c., at 7.10 A. H. from Kensing ton, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. /Vl' Mauch chili*, dUeutenv, Bethlehem, Datums, IaiIIIDETLY/110, 'Flemington, Rc., at 1,1 t) A. Id, from lionsington Depot, and 2% P. M. from Walnut. street wharf; fthe 7.10 A. hi. Line connects with train leaving Elslllolj for Mayo), Ohunk at 3.35 P. NJ For Mount Holly, at 0 A. 2 and 4 P. IL ler Freehold, at 8 A. M._ and 2 P.. M. WAY MIAS. For Bristol, Trenton, &c., at 7.10 and IN A. M.. end 6, 6.80, and 12 P. M. from Kensington, and 2N P. IC from Walnut-street wharf. For Briatol and interFaNi* OWN, al UK At N. from U.ennixasWA. DVVQI4 For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, Jtc., at 12%, 1,4, 5, and 5% P. Steamboat TRENTON for Bordentown and Interme stationel at am p. id. from Wisittut-atreet wh, it Kr For new York, and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. Thee care run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Paseeigere are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounde to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for balaaao to One Dollar Der gonad, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. fa. 1.11 WK. M. GATENER. Agent. i ly t taS N VAIH RT II H RA P IL E R N O INI A pas NOD BETHLEDom, DOYLESTOWN. MAUCH MUNE, HAZLETON. EASTON. WILKES BARRE, &c. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, MAY 5, Vic 2, Passen ger Trains will leave PEONY and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted,) se follows: 4C 0,44 4,(Nzpriourh) for INtkatinn, Alitatown, wiSAICaI caraim, 141i7aC1911; ON. At 245 P. 21, ' (Express") for Bethlehem, 286toni 20. MN tram reaches Beaton at 6 P. 51., and makes • dew connection with the Now Jersey Central for New York. At IA P. IL, fat. Bethlehem, Allantrars, Mau& Obnnk, In. At 9 A. IL and 4 V. M., for Do7leatowa. At 6 P. M., for Fort Vi'aelangten. The 6.40 A. AL Express Train makes alma connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem. being she shorted and moot desirable route to all points In the Lehigh coal region. TRAINS FOR PHILADRLPHLL Bethlehem at 541 A. M., 9.14 A. M., and 6.51 Leave Doylestown et 7.25 A. M. and 9.10 T. M. Leave Tort Washington at 6.39 A. X. ON SUNDAYS—Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 9.90 A. K. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. M. Duyleutoinf fur Yhilosluiptilp A 4 T X, Tort Washington for Philadelphia at 1,46 T. M. Taro to Bethlehem....V.6o I Fore to blanch Ohm& V 60 Ware to Easton 1.60 Wilkesboro . 4.40 Throagh Tickets most be procured at toe Time. Offices, at WILLOW Street, or BIRKS Street, in order io tile above rates of faro- Tomenger Trains (except Sunday °holm) °Drawn at Berko street with the Fifth and Sixth streets, and De pend and Third-streets Passenger Railroads, brunt: ink omen after leaving Willow street. m 32 17L LIS OLANK. Agent. TRE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL THE GREAT DOUBLE TRACY BOUTS Eimmvx 1862. 1862. ENE CAPACITY OF THE ROAD IS NOW IQULLII TO ANY IN TEE COUNTRY. IMTTMU: acilitie. for tbs traruspartation of pesesonsen .. to aid from Pittsburg, Chwinuati, Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Nashville Memphis, New Orleans, and all other towns In the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for wed and comfort by any other route. Sleeping and smoking earn on ail the trains. THE EXPRESS RUNS DAILY Mall and last Line Sundays excepted. Mail Troia leaves Philo/101014st. ...... .... 7.15 A. N. Fast Line .. 44 • ....... ....11.30 A. M. 711T911811 EiprB3ll if . II ±I ... —atm P. ni. /110115Druz AvetiMoooll3ol/ 1011•00 ...... U.. ZIA r. /11, Lancaster it •• " .. 4.00 P. N. West Chester Accommo'n No. .1 ii " .. 8.45 A. N. . . It " No. 2"- " ..12 00 noon. Parkesburg f ". 5.45 P. 111. Wit Ohimtale nima.auaairi iolll take the Wsst Otiesiee Nee. 1 and 2 and Lancaster Accommodation Trace. Poonerittera tor Sunbury, Wllliameport. Elmira, Be nito, Niagara leans, itc., leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. E. and /030 P. IL, go dircoUr tUrongb. For runbcr Invormown apply at we rneeenger eta• Von, S. E. corner of ELEVENTH and EMMET Street'. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroad" of Ohio, liontuolty, Indiana, Illinois, Wisoonsini lowa§ or MIN. marl, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivets of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rate, of freight to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are,at all times, as fa vorable O. are charger' 1.1 o th er elixes& tiompamdea. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confidence on its speedy transit. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or asapese the Agehte of the Company. S. B. KINGSTON, Ja., Philadelphia. D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARICE & Co., Chicago. LEECH & Co., No. 1 Astor House, or No. 1 South street. New York_ LEECH dt 00., No. 77 Washington street, Boom. lIAGRAW & KOONS, No. SO North street, Baltimore. H. U. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Gen'i Ticket Agent, Phila. ENOCH WIWI& Oen'l Buy% Altoona. EXPRESS COMPANIES. piFORTANT 1 ALL ARTICLES FOR SOLDIERS Should be sent by HAMDEN'S EXPRESS, OM CHESTNUT Street. They change only HALF RATEB, end Bend daily to Baltimore, Wadsluigton, rem - trees Nou n% and all other polo o muted by our Immo, ron-Uurlf awns THE ADAMS EX. PRESS COMPANY, Offlos VX ViIIESTNUT street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer. phanoim Back NA* old Biwicie, either br its Oft MOS or in connection with other Exprew Companies, W the principal Towns and Cities of the United Stake X. S. SANDYGRD, fele General Superintendent B IOTINA ROOFING, Ii4SUFACTUABD AT TAB WITTED STATESBIOTINA ROOPING CGMPANY, No. 9 CORN BLOCK, Corner Si and :Lim%Skroeko, Beaten, 1114. This Portable Booting is the only article ever offered to the public which isready prepared to go. on the roof without any 'finishing operation. It is ligh,f, handsome, and easily applisd, and can be safely and cheaply trans nerled to 'an;, nael or lito world_ It will flat faint Or discolor water running over, or lying otal, fed itl, lit All respccte, a very desirable article. , non-conducting propertSee adapt it especially to rever!nat manufactories of various kings ; and it is Ci.latid.nily Mitred to the smiths after a test of four years in all, larietiee of climate and tonmsattarc, for coloring all kiwis or roofsi flat or pitched, together with care, steamboats, &c. It is both cheap and darabis4 Agents wanted. to whom liberal halucemente are °Mord. Send for sample, circular, dm., with particulate,. to 11. B. BOOZING .9t),, re. e ot)tt.V. 111.0.1 t, Destew." aY*-30. 1p ASTERN MARKET DINING ItIgi , TATIBANT, ROTH OTHICET, ABOVI 0111.81'NUT 1 OPPOSITT, g4ITH'S BREVintitT, This eirtelrlienrnent 10Wessi Oren roPtiod redardlede el expense, is now ready no serve its patrons with break fast. dimmer, and supper at moderate chamois, combined with the best the merle. affords, (and only the beet.) The bar Is furnished with the choicest liquors and cloare i in ebort, tb a .Vekaiara Market Voing n v o n nsoinai is themeximum of Philadelphia. The subscriber respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and the public, 1 B.—Tree Lunch from 1034 to 112 o'clock. L.ll.s.lcktt.* CARD.- CHARLES BIRNBAUM begs leaye to inform the Public and his former cal lentti el that he bee, in connection with lilt ton, resumed naning, at Lie old eetantienco nano, Ito, tine rirtic street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, and tenant fulls solicits a continuance of former patronage. Bread daily, MI orders for Bread and - itasped Eons atte n ded to with punctuality and despatch. tun:PhJAM, API; it Oa, Ogattaai •ALYN BY AyeTian. MTHOMAS & SONS. . UO9. 130 mid 141 Etruth FOURTH atmt, STOCKS AND lI.BAL ESTATZ—VMSDAY MIX% Pamphint catalogues now ready, containing lull de scriptions of all the property to be sold on Tuesday next, 611 icet., with a list of /Won Play to end 20th, by order of Orphan , Court, !LIM th. rm. Air YDBLIOrfA3.N,rEJ &LEtIIAISANDBTOQEb' AT THE EXOHANGE ON TIIICSDAYP. FINAL ZEITATX AT PiCIVATII BALK WA haws a large amocnt of teal eetete ak *AAA. sale, Including every description or city and cottpary Pe4 pertly. Printed data may be had at the Auctiou Eters. LARGE BALE-61AY EX7IA VALUABLE REAL 'MATE Our side rinahr Bth r.f May, at thx ICfeehalwa. will In clude the fulletellih Defidiihtiene in liendbills, new reedy. (JO EST N 11T. ST KENT STORE.—The superior and bruinelegies woor atorn. recently occupied by Meseta. ./ / o. 80 9 tilleitaut skeet, b 0 by 11l 11 , 40,00 , 0 rraiiired in Gash. I 11 F. 0111 u RD DOUSE." Chestnut street, between Ititildh and Ninth streets, 70 toot by I.tb feet Sale ab solute. $lOO.OOO may remain on aro l ((( 1-ront. ELEGANT MEAT, UhtßtllUt Mills With ang4 L...e., mud targo tub Pria or. tna hand• acmes! and most ilesira , le residences in the plate. dale absolute. " FAIRMOUKT WILLING MILL"—Loti Lulldiaga machinery, ,tc.„ in lull uvormtlou. tisk, abso. Gm Minim pr Noonni. GlnGll it 00. Orphans' Court Bale—Estate or John 9. dre'd. An tiodivilicd interest in TWO VA LUA liLIC STORES, Flout 6:rert, liftmen Market aad Obobtuut streets!, Nos. 30, 38, 40, and 42. LARGE AND VA LUA.I4Lik LOT MID TWO BRICK DWILLLINGS, Nt K. 405 mod 407 Buttonwood fitrfet, 65 fent front. T,DRICE-ETORY BRICK DWELLING, No, 1580 Thumplion st•eet. l'erenatorY liale,..ls6EGA NT" COUNTRY RINI DENCE. with stable and, Summe• attwal., Ohretnut EH, 100 feet by 248. Alto, a slab!• and coach 11011PO. Clear of all incumbrance. Terms-610,000 may remain on mortgage. bale absolute. Alan, a Jot 84ijilft. frog, 100 foot on dara qtfOott 24 ":710- ,lord wqm MDDEItN RESIDENCE AND LARGE STADIA. 14.. NIT A/ eh street, west of Broad. Lot 26 feet front, THJ ff•et d•ep. Paremrtory Pale—For account of Industry &whir, Fitful and Sul A..ochttloa - BRICK DWELLING, No. 914 North Eleventh street, al ove Poplar. tittle abaolute. Same h taato.—THREE-STORY BRION DWELL. ING, No, 715 North Tho ray -third street, south of Chit-' ten. Flflelnth ttatil_ gaiz, Bums E/4/04.—TA1R11-13TOILY )11tV.31 DWELL ING, Uoriuthian avatme, north of Brown street, Flf teent6 word. role absolute Pau IN Eat Ate. —TO RE It. STORY 11111.'1K DWELL ING, No. Sl2 Bradford strict? put!) 91 ring, §nTtatti gut.. peme Retote —2 FRAME DWELLINGS, Orchard street. below Church. Frankford ((Twenty-third ward). Pertmotory PaIe.—LARGE AND SUPERIOR 11,11- BIDNNGS. No. 251 Smith Third street, between Walnat rind fintllCa Stine!), with stable and comb:Mum an La- Tact street, Lot 27 feet Trout, 133 feet deep. Bale ab solute. HANDSOME MODERN .1$ ESIDENrIE, northeast corner of William and Spruce utreets, Twenty-fourth f"4 ITO rpo, Throo Irma. Imaw. avelyted.pot,orte NEAT 1510DEIM DWELLIIiG, lie. 120 Vine street. between Front and Second. Lot 20 feet front. Howie bas the modern conveniences. Tonnodlivo Dossonnon. A Ft ARLY GROUND-RENT of $6O, secured on a let of ground ssialhut,4 aoathi- of Pa...omA nowera streets. / FRAME DWELLING AND BUILDING LOTS, sputhweit corset of Buy ler and Newbold streets. between Nineteenth and Twentieth, and north of Clallowhin et. flolo at No. 1203 i'lloort *treat, NEAT ruitNiTuEE, vAiteETs, FNATENE BEDS, c. ON TUESDAY hIOIIVING, Bth icet , at 10 o'clock, at No. ieuts Vilhort otrect, tho boueele Id apd hjtOlcil fornfttire, fratber beds, dlo 4 of a family declioing holm:keep/lig Sr Nay Lo examined at 8 o'clook on the morning of the sale. • Sale No. 100 Spruce Street SUPEIMR naivinus, sOdbWOCID 4 net Noe Fll`ls OIL /wain - zoo, ThrEbTliY IDARPETS, etc., RC. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, May 7. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 1003 Spruce street. the importer parlor, dining room, chamber, and library furniture 4 euverior bookettatt, reminded MIMS, fine original 011 ralniingu. MIA tlfitapy salleta, the kitchen furniture. Sir May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the eale. 1101 - 1114IP FOWL) & CO., AUCTION ZEUS, 626 MAUKZT and 622 COMMIBOX BALK OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, BRO. CANS. kr ON DIONS AY MORNING, klay 5, at 10 o'clock. precisely, will be sold by oats. login, 1,000 cases mons', boys', and youths' calf, klgy and grain boots; calf and kip brogans, Congress gaiters Oxford and Scotch ties, 5.c. women's, unseen', nut) elint)- reula -cafe kip, swa t 61, ease morocco peeled boom and shoes, gaiters, slippers, fto,, including n large assortment of first-class city made goods III"' Goods arranged for examination early on Si. morning of sale, with catalogues, 11.kLE. tI.V P 49 NR, 4449 h,llo6Atts, ON THUR,DitY MORNING, - May 8, at 10 o'clock, precisely, writ be sold, be catalogue, I,COO cases men'a boys',and youths' omit, tee, mid grails lz.aet; EMI ki p , iaro gam, geese gaiters, gaiters, Welliegtoule slippers, ties, women's, mimeo'. and children's calf, kip. goat, kid, mid morocco heeled boots, shoes. gaiters ' ellopers. buskins, he. Iscluded in sale will be found a large and desirable aeportinoot of btettome city-mtde gEodi. sir Gonda open for atatalliattoft, with madonnas, early on the morning of sale. MOSES NAThANS, AUCTIONEER lik ANTI GOICIfIBRIatt Miducitalap!. avatiaiap oonoot of 811 T I 1 ood ItADE Btreeta TAKE NOTICE The highest possible price is loaned on goods la IV A. Rani' Principe! Erfab/fahment, southoart coruer blitti and Rut etroota. et beet one•Aird owe amp at any other establishment in tide city. NATI:IANS' PUINOIPAL !SONNY ESTABLISIN KNNT. 250,000 TO LOAN, In 11111,0 email amounts, one dollar to th 0111111.11411, on diamonds, gold and silver plate watches, jewAry merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, plaaoli, w j goods of every d.ocrirtion. LOANS MADE AT Tgg L QWNOT 414NANT Tape oEs - whtiets:se.Lt use terse Are PIA utter-Freer estra i for the safety of valuable /roods, together with I prtiVi watchman on tho prosaism EBTABLISItEIt FOR THE LAST 80 YEAR& ALL LARGE LOANS MADE AT Trilfh TALI Li prANCIPAL MST A.BLlMetliftss OBABOY,g , 611.1dATLit itEDUOLD. AT PRIVATE SALE, r LAWS THAN 11ALF (i. 4 UAL &TOMB PRIONAL Gold and envoy watches of every dimorlaloni riven au dollar to one Imadrod dollars each, gold china, Lake. able Jewelry, diamonds, &c. M FITZPATRICK & BRITHERS, AnctionPfra. Mil flf EMTNTIT iii. Moire filixttu BALE ON FOAEIGN oh& oaglAS c•A'h t 11. Do. ,ANING, at 10 o'clock. At the auctiot. sto , e. Al-o, a stock of lancy good,, B ationery,blebk bolts, SALE 11 - 115 (BATLItLiia.I) FIVE , 114.1. at 7 o'doeit.. Of military Roods, Aui h He ottice.a aurora. caw., Sword knobs, brit plat's, cartridei s. .to. Alio. on 3 tine Na.. ghsb lever watch. heavy hnutl ie silver rases. Also, one g. Id I.v, felt. Also, a stook of misoenaneone IVAN fan iii Bibles, dcc, Milol ttTeral continuo ile of 01ITYTE-PPI E W W Et , , n c. SHIPPING.. BOSTON AND PHILADEfr _ STEIIIII6IIIP 111111 Street, Philadelphia and LONG Wharf, Boston, &e. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will u from Philadelphia for Boston on TUESDAY. May 11, p , 10 o'clock A. M. *ill leave Bostob for rhge4pipla 9/1{ IfiA.PriiroPA*l # 5 pril 3 0, eV I o'clock r, H. Insurance one , half that by sail vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers will please send bills lading with their goods. Ihr freight or passage (haring fine aer.OMMOdatiODS for paoaangera), apply to HERAT WINSOIt& 00., 832 SOUTH WHARFS& LON DON EXHI BPI I.OIV —RE TURD' TiOKILT3 TO LONDON AND PALM ! First-class 9166. Second-elees. 86. aftWEEKLY OOMMUNICA TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NBA *Wa 4tinwo- To N, ( Ireland,) to land and embark neetiongers sod deipatehes. The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Ream ship Oompany'a splendid Olyde-built Iron screw Mem ahlpi are intended to sell as follows ! PROM NEW YORK TOR LIVERPOOL. KANGAROO Saturday, April 26,11111. CITY OF NEW YORK Saturday, May 3, 16614 And every Saturday throughout tho Year, from PIER ike ht. it. RATES OF kieuictis THROUGH FROM PIIIGAMILPELL Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool po. to ppdoe, via Liv ~ ..T i l ts . 11194411 , 15.51....P""mr Do. to London. Do. Bottom tickets, available for idx moathearome Liverpool . PeeeengeW forwarded to Havre, Park, Hatabaiw o Emmen, and Antwerp at throne' rates. Certificates of passage Issued from Liverpool to NM Y ING Clereffic ork atas or weft* leaned from Queerietolm to How York tsR These daimon have superior aocommodations for paw miners, are contracted with water.tight oempartme" and carry experienced Sargeona. For *eight, or prorate, only at the OW of the CPOIF DOWN JOUR G. DALE, Agent, 111 Walnut street, fliihidelphhls ,In Liverpool) to Wier, MEAD, Tower Halkithis. In Olassow, to WM. II Half, 1.8 Dixon Greet. THE BRITISH AND NORTH . ANIBIOAN BOIAL MAIL TAM- IMPS. /BON NBW YORK TO ItIYBRFOOL. Chief Cabin Pewsllt moons FROM FaNNIRO. aaaaaaaaaaa 1 Tif FRON BOSTON TO RIVNItrOOL. Olilef Cabin Peeeage Second Cabin Piumase 0 The Weems New Ink CM F 4 OA POP9S: Tao skips Ginn DeMa Warn gloms mss web war . BOOM, Oast. Judking. CHINA. Capt. Anderson. PTP.BIA, Gant Lott tIiTA, Omit Gook. ARABIA, Oar& J. Stone. NUROPA, flock J. Leitch. Anti CANADA 1114. L mats_ sernisteri, O•l4..tdoodi•. NIAOABA, Capt. A. SR i bRATRALAGIAN. Than vessels carry . a dear whit° light at mast-heed groan on starboard bow; rod on port bow. OANADA.Nolludsy,leassi /beton, WedneedaY, Arai sh: PERM. Lett. N.York, Wednesday, May T. Ald WHOA, Stone, " Boston, Wednesday, May 14. Anderson, N.Tork, Wednesday, May 21. NIAGARA, COOk. I. Boston, Wednesday, May SS. Judkiai, N York, Wednesday, Jane 4. EBBOYAI Noodth II Boston) Wednendayi June 1L PERSIA, Lott, U N.York, Wednesday, Jane Ilk Bertha not scenzed until paid for. An experienced Burgeon on board. The owners of thew Abe will WSW 4912221201111111 1101136 Meer, BaSiont meow, Jeweiry, name bi or Meta/e, maw bale of lading are signal theolterrZ the value thereof thereto axereasrd. Tor freight a nts. sage, aegis tn , 4 BOWLING OBBEN. lbw Tags. lir 19 R. O. I. . 11. DAVIS% 108 0.012 Atreei, Holies. aga r ia FOR NEW YORK. DEW DAILY LINA via Delaware tsit Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New 'York Ewes Faaamboaa 001111. pony retell* freight and leave dilly at,/ P. N., Memo l ag their cargoes in New York the folberlng day. frgible tata II 111§94A5141. Tittll WM. P. ULYVI, hive* 1if0.1.4 BOUTS WHANTINI. Ph/Jeddah% ' • JANNE' SAND, Agent. sal-tf Varela and la ZABTNIVION, New 'fork. wa i t FOR, -13A,LT1M;t4.10 , 3- WASHIIMVON, D. 0., AND ECEr TRESS MORRON, DAILY, AT 3 O , OLOCH P. M., BALTIMORR AND PitILADELPIITA OTIIIAINMS COMPANY; (IBloosON LIND') One of the Steamers of thin Company' loam the OEM ids of Obootnnt.otreet Wharf dagriSundosa oitoomotio it a o'clock M, l and strips to pliltimari Oa MI morning. Pruighlo for Wootillmion and MMus NMI. received and forwarded with all passible dergatol; nal are required to be propel through. Ergots of ell undo carded at the lowest rotor. A. GROVE ,5 Jr., _Agent. VC. 04 SPA 11114-Wingli reli3Out