FOREIGN NEWS. ENGLAND. SfMiM PAMS.—Mr. in a letter b thd Times on the importance of steam rams, says: No iron plates, however thick, as forming the •ides of an iron-plated warship, could ever with* stand the crushing in action of an end on blow from a steam ram possessed of the momentum due to two thousand tons, moving with even so moderate a ve locity as ten miles an hour While such a crushing blow would be fatal when delivered on to the side of (be pcieliiT. the tesult to the a team ram would be practically harmless.” Capt. Cowper Coles, in a rather gassy letter to the Times, guarantees to prove that vessels on his plan may be made seaworthy ; that one may he builr nearly 10P feet shorter rh«n the Warrior, equal to ber io every way, needing only half the crew, drawing four feet less water, and costing £lOO,OOO less, while with it he would undertake to .disable and capture tbe Warrivr io an boar. Sir W. Armstrong baa a letter in the Times ■explaining the principle which has rendered the last experiment successful io penetrating and smashing iron plates. The smooth-bore gun ha 3 a 'Telocity excelling that of the rifle gun by more than a quarter. A smooth-bore guu has-been m«de by Sir W. Armstrong, length fourteen feet, weight twelve tons, and it was tried against the Warrior target on Tuesday * in presence of the Duke of Cain* bridge, the Duke of Somerset, and other high offi cials of the Admiralty and War Office. The first shot was 156 pounds, and was fired at a distance of two hundred yards, with a charge of forty pounds of powder. This coived all doubts; the von mass WSB shattered into orumbs of metal, and the teak splintered into fibres licerally as small as pins. An increased charge was next tried, and the shot passed not only through the plates, teak, and through the loner skin, bat buried itself in the massive timbers that supported the target. These two shots were quite conclusive as to the power of the gun Sir W Armstrong says that a gun of twelve tons weight, fired with a charge of 50 pounds if powder, will Monk through the side of the I rar-- r ior 1 or the strongest ship afloat. The Ttnies re marks that DO weapon of offence or defence Booms left to us DOW so effectual as a large armor-clad and very swift steam-ram. Isos Tower — In the autumn of last year the Federal Government sent an order to this country lor the construction of four iron towers similar to that now on board the Monitor. The commission was accepted, and would have been faithfully esc cutcd if the Trent affair had not occurred, and so prevented ibe shipment of all warlike stores, among them these particular castles. The contractor is now saddled with the produce of his labor, as, in the aeAPU& e } the Americans supplied themselves on tbe spot; and be now contemplates offering them to the Emperor of the French, as on this side of the water we are provided with Coles’ cupolas, which weigh only seventy-two tons to Ericsson's two hundred’ toDS. No little difference of weight for a ship to carry \—Arviy awl Nai'y Grf telle. Mb. Peaboi>y.— Deputy Charles Reed, a mem ber of tbe Court of London Common Council, has given notice of bis intention to move at their next meeting that the honorary freedom of the corpora tion of London, in a gold boX, df the ValdA of 100 guineas, be presented to Mr George Peabody, an American citizen, in grateful recognition of his princely munificence in devoting the sum of £150,- OOOL toward the relief of the needy and deserving poor of (ho metropolis, add of thd CLriillkii libe rality of feeling which dictated that the fund thus created should be administered irrespective of con siderations of nationality, party, or religious be lief. Agpicfltuul Report. The past month (March) has been very ungenial for the growing crops, particularly on the heavy and low lauds. The dry weaiher, however, In the month of Febru ary prevented much of the evil that would have resulted from late heavy rains. Sowing time has been much retarded, and the spring crops will con sequently be late. A prospectus has been issued for a company to carry out in France, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, Holland, Denmark. Sardinia, and Spain, the boat building patents of Mr. Nathan Thompson, of New York. It is to be called the European Company for Boat building by Machinery, with a nominal capital of £560,000, in shares of £1 each. A simi lar company already exists for this country, and is about to commence operations under the superin tendence of Messrs. Forrestt, of Limehouse, who have relinquished their own business to adopt the new method. The prospectus contains a number of strong testimonials from the highest naval and other authorities.- including the professional officers of the Admiralty Board, to the effect that Mr. Thompson's patents are calculated to work an en tire revolution in the system and expense of boat building. Tbe right of the patents in India, where the results may. perhaps, be of primary importance from the extent of coast and river navigation, is &l? 0 tP be fecured to the present pompapy. It is contemplated thatonly one-fourth of the nominal capital will be called up. A prospectus has also been issued of the Cape of Good Hope Telegraph Company, with a capital of £62,000, in shares of £5 eaob< tor the construction of a aystem of Telegraph in South Africa, with a subsidy of £1,500 per annum from the Cape Legis lature for fifteen years. A prospectus has also been issued of the Italian Irrigation CnmjMraj\ with a share capital of £1,000,000, to construct certain canal works in Korthorn Italy, the Italiay Government giving a guarantee of interest at the rate of six per cent, on the proposed capital. A couPASATiVfi return of pauperism in England shows that, on tbe last day of February, there was an increase in the Northwestern District (which "‘ ■ riiiiil firti ChffihirO oLB6 per cent. IflE crops ill Jhtagidiid are repre«£n?Lf ur ~r promising and luxuriant, There s a £ T increased breadth of wheat sown and tlf. 7 " arej-rom three weeks ,o a month earlier S The Convent of the Sisters of Mercv R01f... ™ooo 8t 6eized ' h * 3ft The Pugilistic Championship _w. i,.. is Ueenans intention at once to “ e ‘ le ' e it gauntlet to Mace, and have VT" 1 the original belt Mace, who seems Shy for tha tha arrival of a fresh candidati with t Cd writes to us. from Norwich, that aw SSu-li nas full auihntitj* *- willi Heenau, and to Sign articles for any amount, up to £5OO a side. It is rumored that Sayers has issued a cartel calling on Heenan to once more try esacluMons with him but, as Sayers is under a bond never to fight again’ and as his trustees are determined to prevent his doing so, we are inclined to believe this is mere gossip. At any rate, it is certain that if Savers gave uphis present profitable speculation and signed articles, the matter would go no further, at his friends would take steps to prevent it. We know not whether Hecnan T s brother has come over on the sam f busier??; but if he has. Mace has clearly hia ■work cut ont, seeing that should on. brother bd un successful, the other would, doubtless, spring up to avenge bis fall In addition to his pugilistic prac tice, the Bemtia Boy has, we hear, undertaken an engagement with a troupe of equestrians during the Exhibition — Sell's Life. 6 FRANCE. Frame has successfully converted her four and " par cents into three per cents, and bv the ability of Fuuld, the Finance Minister, got 150 KUlwn by tbe conversion into her emplv treasury. M Thouvenel believes he will soon be equally successful in the Foreign Department, since the Pope and Cardinal Antonelli seem to be. come more tractable, and less averse to a transac tion by which the Government of Romo would be given to the Italian kingdom, Victor Emmanuel becoming the Pope’s Vicar, under the expressed condition that the city should never be the political capital nor the residence of the King. The Mmitcur announoes that the sum to be paid by any person desiring exemption from mili tary service is fixed for this year at 2 500 f The fix^d t at2°20 r 0 f ° r SeTe “ y#aTa h ” been A proposition of the Archbishop of Toulouse, to celebrate as a glorious event a massacre of Protest ants three centuries ago, is severely condemned by the principal French journals. . A Memorial, llie Moniteur JuUtcian of Lyons states that a targe silver watch was lately purchased at a public sale for 15f This watch, on examination, was found to have belonged to the sanguinary revolutionist, Couthon. The name of the ferocious Conventionalist was engraved in the interior of the case under »death's head, over which oak learcs lie knife of the guillotine, crowned with The Japanese Ambassadors.—A despatch from Marseilles announces the landing at that port of the Japanese ambassadors. They were received by the Marquis de Treyise, senator, and by Count de MftupMj with military honors. ~®,°" 1 . VE FnciLLET, Who has been elected to wlthechairm the French Academy left vac,ml by the death of M. Scribe, is celebrated both as a dramatio writer and a novelist. His most remark rtle dramatic works are La Unit Terrible. , Lr, Bourgeois de Home, La Crise, Le Pour rt le Gpntn, Pent til la Ihmtun, Lt Pit, L* Village,, Ifl lentation, and Redemptio n . His best novels are said to be Beliak, Li C/teveu Mane, and Le Roman d’un Jeune Homme J auvre. M. Octave Feuillet is a townsman of M do TpcqueviUe, and, like him, has obtained a scat i < i» the Academy at a very early age. SWITZERLAND. Extraordinary Senteack.—The Journal dt Geneve states that a man named Girard was tried. * f *" W « ZU,B, “ * charge of having stolen a eat, which he killed and ate. Being found guilty, he was condemned : 1, to pay the cost of Ins imprisonment before trial; 2, to two days' im prisonment on bread and water; 3, to receive 30 -blows with a stick ; 4, to remain four years within his own parish ; o to be inscribed on the black list; 6, to be placed under the strict surveillance of the municipal police; 7, to the expense of conveying him home; and, 8. to all other expenses, and to re pair the damage done. PRUSSIA. The Zeitnng has published a letter addressed by the Minister of Finance to the Minis ter of War, which it stated to have received from an anonymous correspond undent. In this letter the Mimster of Finance urgently requests the Minister of War to reduce his military budget by 2,500,000 tbaders, in order to allow of the removal of the pre sent additional taxes, and to enable the Govern m«>t to Rive assurances to that effect to the people before the pending elections take place. Thosemi ■cfficial Alignment freussisehe (Stem) Zeitnng contains the following: “The VosH.iche ZauiS of yesterday published a confidential letter from the Minister of War, which it pretends to have re ceived from an anonymous correspondent. The person who Sent ihls letter to the paper in question can only hav. obtained it in an illegal inniiuur. fir which reason the affair has been referred to the procurator- gc ncral. ’ ’ AUSTRIA Plated war steamers are now the great deside ratum, but, to have them, money is required, and M Plener li n"> that commodity difficult to ob ain Italy has seven iron-plated frigates and eleven screw trigates Her merchant vessels amount to 350,000 tons, and may, at any moment, be used as transports. Austria has deemed it expedient to protect her coasts with bomb-proofed fortifications, but the introduction of iron-plated steamers has rendered almost useless the expensive works along the shores of the Adriatic. ITALY. Visit of the King of Italy to Naples —lt is generally stated :h.t, during the Parliamentary re c«ss. (which will begin before the end of the month) tiie King will g > to .Naples, aooompanied by Signor Ratazzi, president of the CoDSOiI, and the Mar chese Pepoli, Minister of Agricnltnre and Com merce. This resolution will be highly acceptable to the Neapolitans, and will have a salutary influence oh the pacif cation 0. the province. Garibaldi lingers in Upper Italy, progressing from ovation to ovation, looking acrosi the Adriatic to espy the moment when his arrival might become the signal for a general fpqpg agaiut Turkiflk and Austrian despotism, supported, like every despot inn, by English sjmpa ; hies. Francis 11, the Neapolitan ex-king, is busy get ting «p ft greftt expedition agaiust Italy, to StMt in a fortnight. Spanish, French, Belgian, Austrian, ard Bavarian sympathizers flock to Home; but they insist upon it that the ex-king should htm3elf take the command, while it docs not suit his royal h»bzh* to expose M@ own peered person to tbe dan gers of a campaign* La Marmora, the commander at Naples, is, however, satisfied that this last trial will end as lamentably as all the former attempts. He refused even the reinforcements offered to him by the new Minister of War. Italy is strong enough against all reactionary expeditions. SPAIN. A Maprio telegram of the 7th says : “ The Go vernment haa a gam declared that nothin# will change its firm determination to abstain from any demonstration prejudicial to the independence of Mexico.” Tllfi creditors Of Spain ar ® making another effort to bring the Spanisn Government to a settlement of their claims. A memorial, backed by numerous signatures, will soon be presented to the Cortes, urging them to wipe off tho reproach of bad faith which has so long stuck to their country* An Eng lish gentleman, himself largely interested, is on his way to Madrid for that object. THE CITY. MEETING OF COUNCILS. Commission for the Relief of the Families of Volunteers— The Salt Qnrstion— Cost of the Investigation—Proposed Drainage for the Railway Tracks—The Independence Square Drainage—Councils and the Newspaper Re* ports*— The Streets to-l»e Gleaiised with Ma chines—Penrose Ferry Bridge* „ Both branches of Councils met yesterday afternoon. SELECT BRANCH, TiiEOt CTYLER, PtCßirieDt* in tho chair. Petitions and communications as follows were received and referred to their appropriate committees: For the opening of Oxford street in the Twenty-third ward. For a road from Ridge road to the Wias&htckon. Mr. Mkuauy submitted an elaborate report from the Chief Engineered Wattr, stating that the reservoirs of the Kensington worfeß have bet n cleansed and repaired, and water supplied to the residents of this locality from tho Sprine*Garfien vtotUb, An accumulation of soft mud was found iu the reservoirs, nudouniediy derived front tho river Delaware, and which appears to have been de posited at the rate of nearly an inch per month. At iri'sent these works supply the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and parts of tho Sixteenth, Tweuty-tbinl, and Tu’Piuy-fifth wards, and It i? recommended that an additional CoruiKh engine he erected ar the works, capa ble of pumping ten millions per day, with a forty-eight inch ascending main, which would be sufficient to meet all emergencies. Ihe proposed main oitweon tho Spring Garden and Kensington rearrvoirs would contain 811.C9t galkus. The capacities of tho several reservoirs are as follows: The Corinthian-avenue reservoir, 37,506,000 gallons; Spring-Garden reservoir, 9,800,000 gallous; Kensington reservoir,9.4oo,ooo gallons; total, 66,700,000 gallons. The demand on the Coriuthiau- aveuue reservoir is about 3,800,000 gallons per dar, and has, therefore, a capacity of 10& dais’ supply. The demand on. the Spring-Garden reservoir iB about 7,900,000 gallons daily, and its capacity is of not more than days’ snpply. The demand, on tho Kensington reservoir is about 2 600,000 gallons daily, and its capa ity is less than four da>s’ supply. The total quantity of water supplied by ti™ -work*, in 1881. Wda 082,805.740 £flflldb§, or a daily average of 2.696,5 8 gallons-. The total cost of supplying tbe a*»ove was 8*22,470 12. The cost of con necting and raising the Kensington reservoir is estimated at §287.554, 4 , A wflfli'eceived from tlia commission for the relief of the families of volunteers, stating: that the funds will be exhausted early iu the month of May. A reeolutiou authorizing the laying of wa»er pipes in Sidney and Twenty-second streets, and Ridge avenue, was adapted. An ordinance creating a Twelfth division of the Twen tieth ward was Introduced and passed. It was made fTom the Third, Seventh, and Eleventh divisions of the Mr. Cr.AiG offered an ordinance appropriating §150,000 fer the relief ol the families of volunteers* the mouey to ctme from a losn of one million male for this and other pmposes. Agreed to. An ordinance to pay expenses of the joint special com mittee upon the salt question, in the sum of Sl7O. waa adopted. Five hundred copies of the report cost 8190, v Kile the clerk r*CeiM«.4 £7O Fdft Minting find PMpaMDg the matter for the printer. Agreed to. Ohe flippaot resolution offered in Common Council to ascertain whether arrangements could not be made to ii,9ure full and more corrccc reports of Councils in the papers, was taken up. Mr. M E6ABT moved i*a iadefiuite postponement. A number wished to know why ? Mr, Mkoart said, for the simple reason that the re ports in tbe daily papers were as elaborate and correct as could he wished, and there was no need of Councils boating any expense* of this kind. Tho papers report ! our speeches full enoocb, and perhaps too much bo for ! some of tbe members. [Laughter.] If they were to do it more extensively, God ohlf knows where it would end; some cl the members would do nothing but talk, espe cially |p Common Council, where the resolution comes from. There are men who speak as long a?- they boo the reporters writing, and what they say ia wholly for bun ' combe. ! The motion to postpone was agreed to. ; The ordinance to provide for the better drainage and ! ventilation of the public buildings iu Independence : Square was brought up on third reading- The ordinance i authorizes the Commissioner of City Property to ex i teed the drainage in the basement areas on the southern ! side of both the east and west wings of the State House buildings, aod that he is also authorized to construct a : retiring room at the rear of, and adjoining io, the room j of the Court of Quarter Sessions, not exceeding ten feet i in depth by eleven feetin width, and one story in height, j and to conform in design to the architecture of tbe present ! court room, and that the further sum of fifteen hundred '■ dollars be appropriated for the purposes epocifiodi An amendment was offered by Mr. Gisxono to repiove • the small structure in rear of Independence flail, which ; has long since been declared a nuisance on account of the : fcul air arising therefrom. I Picture, I amendment W a Bflnalij . , 03t| and th 6 lm ! direct t„e I iasi; S!!«SSIS,- ; ir-ss ««S also pa.sed certain wharves and land tlit T mf B ';rm b ™SIKXr,S 6 l) ??a i. 9idera,io “ of atd Which wag made the b , y thß c< Hnramee, ent ord,„ancJ?erc ,rad°.td r «**: the members retired. A portion of ™. xetre- n dered and passed, and then postponed until the next meeting. •T* e Ldlfrom Common Conncil nuthorizlng the pur chase of a lot of ground in the Tweuty-second ward, for sthool purposes, was agreed to. The bill providiigf r an estimate of the cost of the budge over Penrose Ferry, with a vitw to purchase the same, was agrefg fo, The resolution from Common Council relative to the endorsement of city worr»nt9 whs returned with certain amendments, which were rejected by Select Couueil. Tbe ordinance from Common Council, providing for a proper drainage of the passenger railway tracka, waa brought np. Numrrsus unimportant amendments were offered, and attempts made to have the bill postponed. It was finally referred to the City Solicitor, there being Borne doubts aa to its legality Adjourned. CQmiQX COUNCIL, President W. J. Kerr in the chair. Petitions and communications were received and read as follows: Pour petitions asking for the removal of tho track of the North Philadelphia Railroad Company. ,„ A reßOlution was agreed to, anUjonyilug the paving of »"oodlaßd Terrace, in the Twenty-fourth ward. The Committee on Surveys reported a resolution autho rizing a revision of the lines and grades in the First and fctr-fourth wards. The consideration if the resolu tion was postponed. The Committee on 'Wharves and Diwiinga reported an ordioauce uuthuriziDg the leasing or certain wharves. The ordinance was agreed to. The resolution from Select Council, providing for the P&jmcnt of interest on city warrant* issued sinco the lßt ci January, w»h taken up. A motiou to DOBtDone the coniidwation of the bill in definitely was lost. Mr. Harper opposed the passage of the resolution, on the ground that mo3t of the warrants had found their way into the hands of speculators. Mr. Qdix moved to strike ouUhs wards “and that the wturauts shall be paid according to the date of their eu dorHfments.** Mr. Baird favored the passage of the resolution, be cause the warrants had been issued payable on demand, and those who hod bought them bad done so with that idea. iif, the pajmeut of the warranto was refilled, the holders had a right to expect legal into- The amendment was agreed te. Mr. IjKigii moved to amend by adding the words, “that the warrants issued in 1863 shall be received in F?7U?iit at tines tar that rear.” The amendment was lost, and the bill was passed finally. On motion, tho Chamber receded from their action of last meeting in regard to the bill authorizing the Com missioner of Highways to clean tho streets by contract, Bbu concurred in the ordinance, as passed bp SeUafc Council, giving the work to Mr. Smith, of New York, h 2/ uarßntits 10 do the Sfuue by machines at the rate of *6,000 per month, for two months. [Tbe streets will be kept clean for two months at leasts commencing from the first of May ] The following ordinance was taken up and passed firally. The Chuf Engineer end Surveyor of tbe city be, and is hereby authorized to confer with a person of competent skill aid knowledge to be appointed by the managers of thfl Penroße Terry Bridge Gaum?, 6f otherwise, as may seem most expedient, in order to obtain a fair esti mate ot«he just value of the Pomose Ferry Bridge. The said estimate to he mode in detail giving the value of the different portions of tbe structure, and to be reported to Councils within three months after the passage of this oiatianco. Tbß resolution from Select Council authorizing the ma; or to dispose of 51,200,000 of the city loan, under the direction of the Committee on Finance, was concur red in. The resolution from Select Council, to pay SI9O for the expenses Of the famous SAii-shi,,!, committee, (printing, extra services of clerks, *c .) was concurred In. The ordinance relating to the better drainage of tho public buildings in Independence Square was taken upland agreed to, with amendments authorizing tho drainage of liolh wing* of the Stats Bouse, and for tt)Q erection ot ft retiring room at the rear or the of the Quar ter Sessions. 4> A from Select Council appropriating 8150,000 for the relief of the families of voiuii tiers was taken up and paasrd. \ The following ordinance WM tii\;eu us and Phased; BECTioa 1. Thar each and eveVy city passenger rail way company whose tracks are uoW or may be hereafter located upon the public highways of tho city of Phila delphia, shall provide Tor couvey ing the surface drainage rrom between the rails of their tracks into tho sewers, by constructing such inlets to said sewers as may be directed by the Chief Bngiacvr and Surveyor, both as regards location and plan. Tho entire cost thereof, as well ns their repair, and the atten tion necessary for their efficiency, to be borne by said railway companiea. It shall lie the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor to notify any company where the nec-reity exists for such inlet; and upon (heir failing to crroply with said notice by constructing the same within fifteen days, then the said Chief Engineer and Surveyor shall so report to the Chief Commissioner of Highways, who shall at once proceed to construct the same, and charge the cost thereof to the railway company upon whose line it may be built, which amoiiut may be re cover* il as debts of like amount are iww <*c m*y be We nfier by law recoverable. • kc. 2 That the Chit I f.isyi «« r and Surveyor he, and he is hereby, directed to issu* such notices, tn conformity section 1, us will secure the construction of inlets at the following points, between tho rails of the passenger : Fifth aud AdWphl streets: on WaimH fetrtetbetween Fourth and Fifth streets; at Chestnut Hudson’s alloy; at Fifth and Poplar, and - 1 ” y Tarnsi, street*; and on Buck at Pears reet •.aii.C.'i*.. "bat st almli b« the duty of the city passenger railway companies, under the Bupenrigton of the Chief t iw'™.”’ 5° * ,i,urt tlw footway atones at all croasinga of their track, so ihat their surface shall “L 1 ? JlIa O «,ii ,e m h !.i h 0 ( P or,inn of the rails at that print, and that in aia or mow they shall keep said cioseiDgs clear and free from accumulations of slash and tta(fp, Adjriurped, Another Victim of the Explosion. —Joseph Mirkle, Jr., died at the hospital, at 1 w o’clock yesterday morning, from the effects of injuries received at the explosion of the cartridge factory at Tenth and Seed streets. Young Milkle lingered twenty- si x d» ya in agony. lie waa eighteen yeara of age, and resided with his father at 520 South Ninth street. His occupa tion in the factory was that of a plunger. There were —Having noticed, recently, in tho newspaper proNS of Fhiladeiphla, a number of misrepresentations relative to the 44 Curtin Huzzars.” Twrffth Cavalry, One knr.dreri.a«id.thlrl4Ahth RAgIMI'M PAbhiylVAhlA Volun teers, I deem It proper, ib justice to all iuturestad, to state tho tacts. At the suggestion of William Frisbmnth, former acting colonel, 1 received my appointment as lieutenant colonel, and actoi in that capacity until charges were preferred by ort-r thirty of the liue offleeri against Frlßlimutb, after which (and while thune charges were bring investigated b a board of inquiry) I was placed in sole commaud by an otder from the War De partment, and which order was afrurwaros ©ndornpd by GovmorCortin by positive promotion. Tho a-sertion that I was a near relsiivc of Oovernor Unrtln was raadi without n y knowledge or consent, ann is without founda tion in every particular, my acquaintance with the Exe cutive only dating from the commencement of our Na tional troubles. L. B. PIEROE. Tna FOLLOWING are some of the principal articles exported from this port to foreign porta, from April 17 to 24,15G2: GREAT 1 Flour, brie.. C.O B«7ft Wheat, bu 5.30,386 39,498 Corn, « 42.519 23,506 Hrtf, plrpn.. 88 1,660 Bams, lbs .126,103 7,477 i,»rd, 4 ‘...ii0,60S imirisu xou: Flour, tirls.•. 1,318 $7,130 O. Meal, “.. 601) 1,480 U. Meal, 44 .. 300 1.025 Corn, lina. i. .1Q,70& 1,181 nniTiBir wi Flour, brH.. .2,430 813,443 C. Meal, br15..1,060 3,t33 Corn, bus 1,700 1,127 Feaa,lma...,, 22 53 Bread,pfegs... 491 1,483 Beef, bris 86 1 578 Tork, brls 177 2,474 Hams, 1b5.... 7,225 616 Laid, “ 8,750 1,101 Grease, “ 1,700 004 Candies, “ ...13,000 1,640 SPANISn WE Flour, bbls.. 1.485 88,925 CWPitaw.... 2,000 1,380 Bread, pfegs.. 210 704 Pork, 44 .. 770 11,598 Hams, 1b5.... 578 40 Lard, 44 ...173,556 13 962 Tallow, «... 36,980 3.627 Candles, 44 ... 7,112 988 Soap, «... 18,200 940 Butter, **... 5.000 694 Cheese, 41 ... 2,528 285 Sugar, 5,164 439 Fish, pkgs... 278 S7O Tobacco, “.. 22 389 Wroe. gsis... 11 800 3,041 Vinegar, gals. 1,525 122 SOUTH A. Flour* bbla., 6,375 $37,3661 Bread, pkgs., 250 250 Beer, dost.... 4 3 Drugs & Me* dicines.... 870 Imports of foreign morchf tbe week ending April 24,18< . son cusy Sugar, hbds... 100 ** tea..... 36 ii bbla... 294515,210 Molaeses cka.. 1,134 »» Iblg,. 31 Coflee* begs... 63 91& gait, but-h 9 580 *» sacks.... 14,082 8.107 Seda ash,libda. 263 5,825 Hide? 7*9)5 Kipn, bdle 38 25,675 Saltpetre,bags. 1,969 *• • casks 20 34,074 Bice, sacks... 100 694 Potatoes, bbls. 10 27 Biimetone,tons 65 1,814 iiO§VOO(l, “ 117 ' Bass, bales.... 49 820 Oranges- lemons, | tamarinds,and pine apples, 9,§11 1t,357 &h.»lmondß,bga 25 69 Can. seed “ SO 2641 TTAREHi Sugar, hbda .. 3,551 ll bxe.... 144170,861 Coffee, bags.. 0,172 43,726 Burn, punch,. 19 62T IToney, bbls.. 28 « tee... 5 897 The Philadelphia City Institute make, an appeal for encouragement that friends of Intel ligence In the western section of the city should appro khe object of thl» institute I* to supply young man, especially those engaged in labor, with ft librftfjt reftd* jug And lecture room, and an opportunity for innocent recreation and mental and moral improvement in tb6 -evening hours. the seven years of its active existence much good has been done in this way, and by a c r, Tifturn» Portland, 22 A Bonder 4 Co» Scbr .ceres, Meredith, bynn, Caatner, Stickney A Wel lincton. bi-br A-bion, Holbrook, Salem, Hammett Van Duaen & Locbman. fichr Mary Ellen, Case, Nantucket, D Pearson 4 Co. Sir Fanny tiaidner* Pierce, New York, W P Clyde. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) • ' LKWE3, Pel, April 23. Tro steamer General Burnside. from Philadelphia for fortress Dionroe, remains at the Breakwater. The bark Skiiilitl Mojtley, Jr, for Key West, and about 50 schooners went to sin yesterday. Yours, Ac, (Correspondence of the Press.) BEADING, April 23. The following boats from the Union Canal ptuaod into the Schuylkill Canal to day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned aa follows: Major anderson, grain, Ac, to captain; J Stackpole, grain to Hump) reys, Hoffman A Wright; Six Brothers a&d Helen E Leathers, lumber to M Trump ft Son; J A Sheets, do do Maul A Bro* Nathan J Mitchell, grain to Terot ft Bro. _ t 0 MEMORANDA. Ship Samuel Locke, Sweetser, hence, via New York, at Liverpool 10th inst> Ship* Biunfc Boult. Menu, John Lull*, CUvtfi, BmU r Augusta, Strickland, aud Wyoming, Burton, were load t New T?rfe rn Inst. TilK PRESS—PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, APRIL 25. 18(8. Callow, lbs.. 88,634 $7,834 floaloil, g 19.141,560 24,514 Broom*, dew. 60 100 Mint Sweeping, brlfl. 90 4,500 Cli*me ore,lbs 74,589 1,531 tTH AMERICA. Mams, lbs 7,506 9525 Lard, “ ‘2,503 275 Vinegar, g13..,..4,2tl 334 !ST INDIES. Butter, ib5...10,050 91,369 3ng*r, ♦* ... 4,500 385 Oil meal, pkga 90 1,390 vil. gain ffl>7 si 3pts. Turpen tine, gals... 82 111 Ale, gals 575 160 Tobacco, pkg. 149 5,148 Snuff 1b5.... 4,800 614 Shooks 6JOO 690 ilauf of wood sundries,... 36 SSTINDIES. Coat Oil, Rais.. 3,995 51.116 Leather, pkgs. 1 139 t»nrabor. ...... 3'lt dhooks, pkg*.. 472 610 Empty Casks.. 40 60 B rooms, doz... 100 168 Paper, reams-. 200 48 Perfumery..., 558 Plaied ware... 221 R. R. material. 12,759 Machinery.... 130 Nails, tacks, | spikes, and 408 1.607 rivets, pk£s.> Other iron and steel tnanufs Lard, Ihs 18,490 *1.775 Paper, roams. 3,090 500 Furniture,.,. 21 Machinery... 016 i other mdee... 10 iftiidisa from Philadelphia for 302, wore aa fellow a : yi'MPTION. Scg*M 795,600815,781 Tobacco, bales 226 7,269 Carpet, bftlo.. 1 337 Yam, < s .. 2 761 l inen, ** ~ ?? 4,814 Hemp webbing, baled 2 78 “ 3 963 « 1 142 fhoetbreal... 496 EMthenWi Dkg 658 15,105 Hardware, “ 69 4,530 Iron, tails 3,808 1,155 Tin plate, fexs .1,655 8,612 Parian ware,hhd 1 197 Drags, cases.. 6 318 Olive eil. pipes 10616 Aloes, pkge... 12 212 Caustic soda, bids 50 836 Plaster, tons.. 230 189 lb. 1,120 55 Other mdse,., do $190,430 Sumac, bags.. 300 1,053 Corkwood,car. 15 124 Linen, balsa.. 10 1,392 Blankets,** .. 42 9,996 8228,476 his l*ortrtt»Jo Rornng is tho only article ever -ift'erf*! to the public which is ready prepared to go on ilia roof without any finishing operation. It is lights and easily applied, ami can be safely and cheaply trims* ported to any part of the world. It will not Unit or discolor water running oyer, or lying on it, and la Iu all respects, a very desirable article. Its no.i-coaVoocUmrn, for Baltimore, wvs leading at Livenmol 12th lost. Bark Am ie Ball, Gill, hence, arrived at Cork 10*U Jn«t. Brig Sophia, Hurtling, cleared at Gibraltar Ist mat. for Philonc! rhift. fichr West Wind, Sheckford, hence, arrived at Ponce* PK, 13th iubt. richrp A Banco apt nnd fi Whoatou, Phlnnoy,'hAnco, arrived at Providence 22d lust. Echr fi«n Fide**, Nickerson,.for Philadelphia, dropped down from Providence 22il inst, aud anchored oIT Basaa f rns Kiri r. Scbrp *' Rowland r and \y Jfawo, |fa?ri*, for Fliiltidelplim, and A B Cook, Forkius, for VTUuuugtoji, Pol, cleared at Slew York 2£d insr. NAVAL. The U S f-teanr.or St Jago de Cuba, cruising, \va* spoken 17lh lull, lttl SC f 8. lona 79 39- nil wdl. The 17 S schrJ S Chamber# wa* i>th imt. off Gape Antonio. The U S t-teumer Mercedita w«s spoken 15th inst, BomS bre»o Bight hearing W by N. PROPOSALS. SUPPLIES—IB62-’63. Wavy Drpaktmknt, ) Ifitreau of Provisions and Clothing, J April‘2, IBH2. ) BKPAHATW PROPOSALS, Rented and endorsed “Pro* petals fur Navy Supplies/ 1 will he received at this Bu rt-uu until & o l ctock A. M., ou WiiDi(EiUAV» the 30tb day ot' April r.oxt, for furnishing and delivering (on re ceiving ten days 1 notice, except for biscuit, for which five dajB 1 notice shall he given for every thirty thousand pound* nuuired) at tho United States navy yards, at Cbarleistownj Massachusetts! Brooklyn, New York; and ■phiLuL Iphiit, Penneylvanm ; such quantities only of the following articles as ttmy be required or ordered from the contractors by the chief of ilub Bureau, or by the respec tive commanding oJlicera or tho said navy yards, duriug the fiscal year ending June 30. 1863, viz: Biscuit, Hour, rice, dried apples, sugar, tea, coffee, tH-iuin, mojuesvs, vinegar, and whisky. Tlit biscuit shall be made wholly from sweet super flue flour, of the manufacture of tho year 1861 or 1862, but shall in all cnees be manufactured from flour made of the crop immediately preceding >he dates of the requisitions for j thneahu-; fthrt fth&ll be fully equal la quality, 01.4 eon- : form in nize and shape, to the samples which are depo sited in tho said navy yards; shall be properly baked, thoroughly kiln-dried, well packed, and delivered, froe of charge to the United states, iu good, sound, well-dried, bright flour hands, with the howls well secured, or in air aud water-tight whisky or spirit barrels, at the op tion of the Bmeau. Tbe flour shall be equal to the best Richmond and Bal timore brands, and of the manufacture of wheat grown in the year 1861 or 1862; but 6hali in all cases be mauu fncturnl from pnrtr, eoiimJi tneli ground lvliwt pf tho Clop immediately preceding the dates or the requisition for the same; shall be perfectly sweet, and in all respeote of the hest.quality ; and shall be dolivt-red in good ship ping order, free of all charge to the United States, iu the best new. well-seasoned, sound, bright barrels, or half barrels, as tho case may be—the itaves and headings to be of red oak of the best quality; strong 1 and well hooped, with ’iniug boons around each head, at d equal in quality to sample barrel at the baid navy yards; two half barrels to he considered as a barrel, and not more than one-tlird of the rcuuired quantity to be in half barrels. The rice shall he of the very best quality, and of the crop immediately preceding the dates of the requisitions for tbe same. The dried apples shall be of the boat quality, and shall be prepsrtd by sun-drytTiy only, and of the crop of the autumn imttCdilrtvtr PlWtißg lb® date® of the re. tuisi tiODS for xho sainu * and shall bo delivered fn packages containing not more than three hundred pounds. Tho iron hoops on tbo barrels and lialf barrels con taining wbi&ky, molasses, auil vinegar to be well painted with'red lead. IJje sugar shall be dry, and At for pucklug, otcl equal in quality to tbe best Havana sugar. The tea shall bo of good quality Oolqng, equal to tho samples at said navy yards, and bo delivered iu halt aud quarter chests ouly. The coffee thall be equalto ihe best Cuba* according to sample. T he beatiß shall be of tho very best quality white beaus, and shall be of the crop immediately proetdiug tho datos of the requisition for the samo, 64 pounds p be taken as one bushel. The moltuqics shall lift full? Niuill tO tOO VOr? bust qtinlity of New Orleans molasses, and slial be delivered in new, well-seasoned red-oak barrels am! half barrels, . aud with white pine beads not less than 1# inch tuiefc; : tbe staves notices than % -inch thick; tho barrels and j half-barrels to be three-quarters hooped, and, in addi ; tior, to have four iron hoops, one on each Ulgo, ! in width and 1-16th inch thick, and one ot each chime j in w idth aud 1-16th inch thick,,and shall be j thoroughly coopered and placed iu tho host ihipping con | ditioß,'one-tbnd the quantity to be in half-barrels, if re i aiiired by tbe Bnrean 1 j The vinegar sh&Hbo of the first quality, equal to tho j standard of the United States Pharmacopeia, and shall ! contain no other thau acetic acid, aud shall be delivered ( in barrels and half barrels similar in all rejects to those ! required for molasses, with tho exception tlat white oak : staves and beads shall be substituted for sd-oak staves ; and white-pine heads, and shall be thoroughly coopered i and piaceo in the best shipping order; onethird to be in j half barrels. 1 The whisky shall bo made wholly from grain, sound j ami merchantable, aud be full first proof acarding to the i United States custom-house standard, and stall be double rectified. It shall he delivered in good, new, sound, i bright, three-quarters hooped, well-soasond white oak i barrels and half barrels, with white oak heidg* the h'iida j to be made of three-piece beading, and well fainted ; the S graves not to bo less than % - inch thick, ®*- tract, receiving none that fall below them.; and their attention is also particularly directed to the joint resolution of 2.lth March, 1854, and to the act of the 10£* Avgust. 1846. . ap4Cr. 4t Army clothing and equi page OFFIJE, Philadelphia, April 21.1862. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M , on MONDAY, 28th instant, for 100,000 yards All-wool Flannel, Duck-BJqe I&digo wool-dyed, twilled, and weighing 0 onoces to the yard Of 27 inches wide. Bide will be received for either 27 or 64-inch goods. Also, 200 Infantry Drums, complete, full-size. Bids will be received for the whole or any part of the above quantity, and bidders must state how ro>p they can bo delivered, which must be at the SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL, subject to inspection. Bids must endorsed, “ Proposals for Dark-Blue Flannel" or “Drums, 7 ’ and be addressed to G. H. GROSMAN, ap24 Deputy Quartermaster General. .ARMS CLOTHING AND EQUI II PAGE OFFICE. riiiL.4DKi.rmi, April 23,1862. PEALED PROPOSALS will be received &t thl, office, mitil 12 o clack M., on TUESDAY, 20th inst , for fvrnithfug 2$Q Hospikl],Tents and Fliei in conformity wiib the army pattern, to be delivered at the SCHUYL KILL ARSENAL. Tho Duck to be 25# inch 15ounce, or 24 inch 12 V ounce for both Tent and Fly. Bidders must state how soon they can be delivered. AM bids must be endorsed, “ Proposals for Hos pital Tt-zils,” and l>e addressed to O. H- OKOSKAH, Dcriity Quartermaster Gonsral. SUPPLYING CONTRACTORS.—I will furnish EMPTY BARRELS for Whisky, Mo- Imms, end Vinegar, hooping thorn with Iron Hoovs, Ao. HfittKY APPLE; Jr.) Gauger ami Coowr, at>lB.l2t» No. 205 Smith WATER Street. JJIOTINA ROOFING, MAJJUrACTUKISD BY TBB L-NITED STATES BIOTINA ROOFING COMPANY. No. 9 GOBK BLOCK, Comer GI?EE v and **ITTS Streets* Boston, FOK SALE AND 70 LET. ITO DISTILLERS. Tho DISTILLERY knows H th* “PHCBNIX,” and formerly owned and occupied by BAML. BMYTH, Era., situated on TWENTY-THIRD, between RAO* aild VINE Biroatu, PhtliulnlpU», OspacUr 8W ItissKd* pB«r day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and accom modating terms Is in good runuing order, and has ab the modern Improvement*. An Arteelan well on the pr^ mlstt ranilDhoa an unfailing supply of good, pun water. Addrou Z. LOCKE h 00., No, 1010 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. f«22-dtf fpl TO RENT —A. well furnished XfiiiiLCoiiDtrp Boiue, of moderate tlifo. Tbe grounds in clude Flower, Fruit, and Vegetable GanleiiH, an Orchard, ft pfoatant grove, through which a little brook Hows, and pasture grounds for tlie nse of two cows. It is situated a jnite and a halt from Old York Road Station, North Penn e)!y»ni» Ritilruiti, lu'iuirt) 1916 LOPtflJl’ Strevt. api-rowftf 70 RENT OR FOR SALE— HsANear a Station on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, nine inilps from tlio city, on hiah around, and in a very heal hy locality, a STONE COTTAGE, with Stabling, Large Garden, Ac. Apply to P BLAKISTON, ap24-3t 26 South 81XTU Street. £§ TO LET, AT A VERT LOW ■iSRENT-The largo DWELLING,62U South WASH INGTON SQUARE, suitable for Boarding House or Boarding fcbnol ; 27 rooms. Every modern improve ment* and in good repair. S. KINGSTON Mo KAY, 427 WALNUT Street. ap23.6t* 4j§ TO LET.—Large HOUSE and SSL premises, No. 135 BAGS Street. Would answer J WTOTT OF HEKBTH.B OGLE, surviving Trustee, vs JOSEfH BIPKA. March Term, 1862, No. 205. Alias Levari Facias. The auditor appointed to distribute the proceeds of the sheriffs sale, under the above NTifj of; No. 1— Aft that certain let &t gvcuud, wltk tk& kuild- Ings and improvements, used as a factory for woollen goods, thereon erected, bounded and discribed as fol lows : Commencing at tbe southeast corner of Lawrence (i»(e Apple.) street and Cana! street, in the city of Phila delphia, and extending along the southweetwardly side of Canal street 112 feet 1 inch, to the west aide of Leith— gOW (late Mechanic) street, thence southwardly along tbe west side of said Leithgow street 151 feet, thence along a line at right angles with said Leithgow street 100 feet, to the east side of t&id Lawrence street, thence north wardly along the cast side pf said Lawrence street 226 feet 11 inches, to the place of beginning. Alse, of No. 2 —All that lot of ground, with the build ings and improvements thereon erected, commencing at the Eonthesat coiner of said Leithgow street, and ex tending along the south westwardly side of Canal street to the west side or Fourth street, 113 feet and % of an Inch, thfiUfifl ttUfidlfifi SsUth along ike west side of Fourth Btretit 84 feet 5)4 inches, thence weetwardly, on a line at right angles with said Fourth street, 100 feet, to said Leiihgow street, thence north along the east side of Leitbgow street 136 feet, to the place of beginning - wiU M the duties of his appointment on MONDAY, cffico, rn hmuii L._u _siua/jf* x*. w hii where all persons are required to preamv or be debarred from coming in upon said fund . ftpl6-10„ JOHN S. BBINTON, Auditor. MARSHAL’S SALES. “jl/TARSHAL’S SALE. —By virtue of fA .a Writ of Sale, by ihe Hon. JOHN OADWA LAIER» Judge of the District Court of the United S|frte§, m ftpd for the Eastern District of Fenngplvanift. in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, highest and best bidder, for cash, at DUTILH S2£?» & CO.’S AUCI lON STORE, No. 124 South FRONT Street, on MONDAY, May 5, 1862, at 12 © clock M., 499 case© of Powder, about 100 iOa. to the case; 108 boxes French Cartridges* 5 bullet-moulds 4 3 cases Shoe Thread ;10 cases Ball Cotton. Samples can be seen at the auction store one day previous to the sale Tho Powder is now in tbe magazine at Fort Mifflin, and must be renoved immediately after the sale. WILLIAM. MILLWABD, U. S. Marshal ij. i), Pennßylvania, Pnn.APEi.rniA, April 22,1862. ap23 6t "JITARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of i. t . J.S " 1 ° r order of Bal e. by the Hon. JOHN O AD WALADIK, Judge of the District Court of the United Stntei. in and for the Eastern District of Potmsrlv»niu, ui AOmiraltj.toine directed, will be sold pt public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at MiCHKNBR’3 St«e,N°. 142 North FRONT Street/ od TUESDAY, May 6th, 1862, at J 2 o'clock M., part of the cargo of tbe schooner FAIR PLAT, consisting pf fiatl. dried and ™ r,ct| e i SnMer in firkins, starch, Heather, Onions, Erogans, Candies, Scap, bales of Oakum, and Salt The articles for sale can be examined on the morning of the »tie. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal E. D. or Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, April Sd, IB6S- apxd.ot EDUCATIONAL. XTILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY T In a beautiful and healthful village, three miles from Media. Pupils received at any time for the sum mer. Hoarding per week @'2.25. Thorough course in the Mathematics, Languages, English Studies, and all the branches üßuaUy taught. Boys prepared for College or Business, KEY. J. HERYEY BARTON, A. M. apaf lm Village Green, Delaware Co., Pa. TJOLMEBBURG SEMINARY FOR J-A young ladies,—The duties or this School ■will be resumed, after the Easter holidays, on the 28th of APRIL. For circulars, references, &c., address Ihe Misses CHAPMAN, Principals, Holmesburg, Pa. ap’.B-lm* FRUIT, TYRIED APPLES.—66 noks now «L/ Western Dried Apples; 7 bbli new Western Dried Apples. Jiii fecelrod aad la store- For nal© by MURPHY A KOQHfiL Ho. 148 NORTH WHABVBB. KAIBINS. —300 boxes Laver : 800 ball bom Layer Balilna; 800 boxei II B Bunch Raldnc; 900 half boxes U B Bunch Rrnfm New and choice fruit, now landing tnd for «*lf by MUBPHT 6 KOONB, J*7-tf 80. 140 BOBTH WBABTIB. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. gMOKED SALMON. JUST RECEIVED, ALBERT C, ROBERTS. DEALER IN FIN* GROCERIES, PhlO-tf CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STB. fIHEAP BUTTER! CHEAP BUT ihvnSS a?” 11 ! 12 ct *' #er «x> u “' l . at So. 813 BPBINO vAitPaM Street. * mh26-tf Leaf LARD.—79 tierces prime ket~ (le* tendered Leaf Laid, for sale by ■ „ „ C. O. SADLEB A GO., mh2o-tf 103 ABCH Street. 3d door above Front. 3 BBLS. GOOD COOKING BOT TFR for nle Trey cho.j, at So. 812 SPUING OAB- Street- ptfIEESE.—ISO boxes fine • Herkimer County Cheese, lor sale fry O. e. SADLEB A 00., 108 ABOH Street, 2d door Front* T7"EBY CHOICE WHITE RYE V FLOUR. only 2v ete. per pound, at So. 813 SPRING GARDEN ei£el ’ mb /~WJJDLEB. Chemical Sperm Candies for nle by JAUBXTOHK A LAVIBQNE. 3M and 304 South FBOMT Street mhl. TF YOU WANT GOOD POUND 8 ‘ Z ‘ «®*WALB\ Ho. 913 3PM SO vABDKN Street. mh26>tf OO CWT. CHOICE WHITE RYE received and for nle at So. 8U BPRIHO QAIIDEN Street mh9ft-tf QARDINES.—A very superior brand U for nle by CHABLRB 8. OARBTAIB3, »P 2 138 WALNUT and 21 GBANITX Street l/TESS PORK.—2SO bbls Mess Pork, iM. for nle by c. C. SADLEB t CO.. Inh2o*u 108 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. rpORTOISE SHELL.—A few boxes of X (Htoln Bholl for nle by ’ «■_ JAUKBTOHX A LAVIBONB. bR 383 sad 304 Sooth FRONT Street ILLViHIBATINB OILS QIL! OIL!! OIL 11! HTJLBUBT * BRODHKAD, M 9. *4O ARCH fIXRBST, Haring opened ft General Depot for the tale of Sxtrft Refined and Lubricating GOAL OILS, would call the gpeeial attention of dealers and oouamuara to Chair refined ILLUMINATING OIL* aa It possesses merit beyond ■oytlilng heretofore offered in thie mark*!, b«taf entirely free from that glUßjr substance and bad odor which characterise that commonly cold in this market, »rw!qwi uv DDwkft m>4 to frw town *U vitfotiTe propertiaa. Urtlera from City or Country promptly at landed to. feflß-frn w T UCIB'ER” OIL WORKS. J-i 100 Bbls. “ Lucifer” Btiming Oil on hand. We guarantee this oil to bo non-ox pi ogive, to bnrn all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without erne ting the Wick, &hd but slowly. Bbls, lined with Class onamel WEIGHT- SMITH, St PEARSALL. f«2l-tf Office 516 MARKET Street. /MARKON OIL. —IOO bbls. Natrona V-/ Oil in store and for Hale by WILLIAM M. WILSON, . 206 MARKET Street. MEDICINAL. IJJ A K K ANT’S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine has universally re ceived the meet favorable recommendations of the Medical Fhofkssi.ix and the Punlic ns the mOSt EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the best e tree I in Biiiaus and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Siok Headache, Nausea. Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion. Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout. Kheumetia Affections, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL COMPLAINTS WHERE A GENTLE AN I) 000 LING APARIENC OR PUR GATIVE IS REQUIRED. It is particularly adapted to the wauta of Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents in Hot Climates, Perseus of Sedentary Habits, Invalids,aud Convalescents; Captains of Vrsselp and Planters will find it a valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up in bottles to keep in any climate, and merely ryuuirta water poured upon it to produce a de lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest utandiug throughout the coun try, and its steadily increasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to tbe favorable notice of an intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., No. 27$ GREENWICH Street, corner Warren sfc. NEW YORK, BpSl-ly And for t>y Pniggtotn generally. WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC DIS COVKBY OF PROF C H. BOLIES, 1220 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. BEAD THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY. Tbs dlfiTfetenie arid Juilioii. of permanently curing the sick and sufferk-g of their diseases, or adver tising to cure and showing hut little or no evidence of cures, can be well appreciated by tbe anxious inquirers after health, by attentively reading the following synop sis of certificates fzom Ihe moet reliable gentlemen in Philadelphia, who were permanently cured by Prof. BOLLKS, 1220 WALNUT street, and after they had been given up as incurable by tbe most eminent medical men of this city: Judah Levy, Bronchial Consumption, 814 s?uth Front itrteti Edward T. Evans, preacher of the M. E. Church, Dyß pepeia of long standing, Lar>ngitis and Lumbago, 1633 Heimuth street Alexander Adaire, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Lum bago, long standing, 1312 Savery street. Eighteenth ward, Kensington. William H. Shaine, Paralysis of the lower limbs, (Poraplegy,) and Epilepsy, 110 South Twentieth Btreet J J. Bailey, Laryngitis, Dyspepsia, and Lumbago, 219 Market street. Thomas Owens, Congestion of the Brain and serere Hemorrhage of the Lungs and Diabotis, American Hotel, Philadelphia. Charles L. Jones, Dyspepsia and Lumbago, 528 Arch street. James Nugent. Deafness for six years, and ringing and roaring in the head, Fifteenth and Bedford streets. ‘Geoj ge G. Presberry, Chronic Bronchitis and Catarrh, formerly proprietor of the Girard House. ‘ Thomas Harrop, severe Diabetis, Rose Mills, West Phi ladelphia. George Grant, Rheumatic Gout, long Btanding, 333 Market street. H. T. De Silver, Chronic Neuralgia audlnflammatory Rheumatism, 1736 Chestnut street. C. H. Carmicb, Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflammation of the Kidnej Bj*Cheßtout ami Fortieth street*. Hu&.li If»rrolis, Bronchitis and Disease of the Kidneys, 49 Pouth Third street. 8. P. M. Tasker, Chronic Dyspepsia, and Kidney Dis ease, 1622 South Fifth 6treet. Jamea P Grevoa, M. X>.,long standing and eevere Lum bego, 216 Pine street. Edward McMahon, Consumption, 1227 Front street. Stanford Stillwell, Congestion of the Brain and Chronic Dyspepsia, 1526 Palmer street Charles D. Cushney, Paralysis of the lower limbs (Paraplegy) and Dyspepsia, Western Hotel. J* Bicket, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation and Con* geetion of the Brain, 518 Callowhill street. Caleb Lamb, Bronchial Consumption of five years standing, 1435 Chestnut street. Bev. J. Mallory, Aphonia, Philadelphia. M. M. Launing, Nervous Prostration, Cadbury Ave nue. jL B, Bitter, {Suiarrlwi Consumption, 555 Richmond street. N. B.—ln addition to the above caies cured, Prof. O. H. BULLEfe has cured two thousand Chronic and Acute cases within less than three years in Philadelphia, all of v bivlt cases butt resisted tLe treatment tf tbe meat emi nent medical men. Please take notice that Prof. B. does not advertise city. of cures, except those cured in this Prof B. has established himself for life in this city, and his success in treating the sick is a sufficient guaran tee that be claims nothing but goiontifio facts in his dis covery io the use of Electricity as a reliable therapeutic agent. N. B.—lt will be well for the diseased to recollect that Prof. B. has given a word of caution in his pamphlet to guard them against trusting their health in the hands of thoee ill this fiiiy chtiutag to ire&fc digues according io his discovery. This caution may seem severe on those using Electricity at hazard, but it is the severity of truth and designed for the good of humanity. Consultation Free. PROF. O. 11. BOLLES, 1220 WALNUT Street, ehiiada. jiLUTEN CAPSULES VJT of JPURE COD-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of oust patients to OOD-LXVEB OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, has in duced various forms Jof disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer In special cases, but more often thelvehlcde neutralizes tbe usual effect of the Oil, proving Quite as unpalatable and of l&afc iksnpentio value. Tbe repug nance, nausea, Ac., to invalids, induced by disgust of the Oil, is entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. COD-LTVRB OIL CAPSULES have been much naa< i lately in Europe, the experience there of the good ’re eults from their use in t>9& rad private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER, deP-tt 1418 W ALNUT Street, Philadelphia HROWN’S -1-P ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, Manufactured oulyat FREDERICK BROWN'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE, Northeast corner of Me TH and CHESTNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA. Attention is called to thiavaluable remedy whioh should be in every family, and for the Army and Navy it Is In dispensable, curing affoctioni of the stomach and bowels, and is a certain preventive from the effects of bad water. CAUTION.—To prevent this valuable Essence from being counterfeited, a new Steel Engraving, executed at great cost, will be found on the outside of the wrapper. In order to guard the purchaser against being imposed upon by worthless imitations. And sold by all respectable Druggists in the United States. fed-rfrm-flm COAL. ROBERT R. CORSON. COAL DEALER. OFFICE, 133 WALNUJ SIRES?, MLOW BICOIID, fo2T-3m PHILADELPHIA, CO AL.—Leliigh, Locust Mountain, Eagls Vein, and Hickory, of best quality, and well prepared. WM. H. UEKTIS, - l2-lro* ■ 1517 CALLOWHILL Street. pOAL.—THE UNDERSIGNED beg leare to Inform tbeir friend, and tba public that they have removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT turn NOBLX-BTBKET WHABF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, north-art corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Street*, where they intend to keep the beet quality of LEHIGH GOAL, from the moat approved mine*, at the loweat price*. Your patronage la respectfully aolldtcd. JO3. WALton a CO., „ Office, 112 South SECOND Street Yard. EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-tf BVBINEBS JNOTICXS. /T7LECTRICITY, PROPERLY AP / JJJ PLIED, TRIUMPHANT. Doctor A. H. I STEVENS, late of Noc 1220 Walnut street, Phila- I delphia, has located himself at No. 1418 South PENN I SQUARE, a few doors west of BRQAP StTWt» ThO I location is a very desirable one in spring and summer, I particularly for those who may choose to take board In the Doctor’s family while under treatment. Having bad extensive practice in the treatment ef va rious diseases, both of ladies and gentlemen, in tide and other cities, he expects a large share of patronage from his special friends, and from tbe diseased generally. All curable cases will be warranted, if desired. CONSUL TATION AND ADVICE FREE. N. B.—One day in each week will be exclusively de- I voted to the treatment of the respectable and worthy I poor, free of charge. I I Location. No. 1418 Sooth PENN SQUARE, a few I ddAFA West of BROAD Street, Philadelphia. f A. H. STEVENS, / mh7«fmw 3m Medical Electrician.* DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN -'4****’TlBT for 18 JBITI, No. 219 TINE Strut afea«* Second, Insert* the molt beeuUTol Teeth of the im mounted on fin* Gold, Platini, Silver, Vulcanite, Go route, Amber, Ac., at price, more reaaonable for neat and substantial work than anr Dentiat in thi. dtp Tooth Plugged to lad for life. No pain In extracting Teeth. Artificial Teeth repaired to oak. No pay until tatiafled all la right Beference, bed famiUea. fe22-Sto TOHN A. ALLDERDICE, " ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW, Hm refused the Practice of hti Frormilan at NEW CASTLE, DXLAWABX. rj*3B-fra« TOHN WELSH, Pwctical SLATE U HOOFEB, THIRD Street and GBBHANTOWH Road, Is prepared to put on any amount of BOOPINQ, on tba most MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty te make every Building perfectly Water-tight Orders promptly attended to. my7-ly "DRAN DlES—Pinet, Castillon, & Co., U Biianit, Trieeeha, A Go., J. J. Depey, Sorb, 11-V A. Seignette. Alex Selgnette. POST WINES.—J. Bampo, Beat, Benicarlo De Mul ler Broa. BHEBBIEB AND MADKIBA WINES.—DonbI. apple. Gin, Btevurt’a Scotch Whisky, Fpr this by ... JAVMiOHi* latebgnk, fell 383 and 3M Swtb FBONT Street. 6ALE9 fftwrarsp,. TOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION- O KXRS, Nos. 232 and 234 MARKET Btreet. BALK OF CARPETING!*. THIS MORNING, April 26, on four months* credit— -860 pieces velvet, Brussels, ingrain, and Venetian oar ketlEigA fimiUww. As SALE OF FRENCH DRY GOODS. ON MONDAY MORNING, April 28, oti four cnootbM* erwht— -700 packages French, German, 0»1m, »n 1 Prttish dry goods. BALK OF BOOTS an?} t*Bn«9. ON TUESDAY MOUSING, April 29, on four months* credit— -1,W9 packages frwts ftufl abuw, sale of dry goods on Thursday morning, May 1, on four months* credit -600 packaaes British, French, and American dry roods. Furness, brinley, a oo. ? 429 CHESTNUT STREET. BALK THIS (FRIDAY) MORNING, APRIL 25, AT 10 O’CLOCK. A CARD.—Ths attention of tho Trrnte Is roaneirted to our sale of 400 lot? fancy and etajle French drv goods, to be Bold tliiß (Friday) maiming, April 2% at 10 o’cloc*, by CHtHlogiie, for cash, comprising— A full line of Saxony woven drPHB goods. Figured and plain Mack alike, Ac. Also, on four months’ credit, an invoice of French mo zaoibiquefl. poplins, piaids, Ac. NOTICE TO DEALERS IN RIBBONS. 500 CARTONS RlßfiONfc On four months* credit. This morning, at 10 o’clock— 200 lota of new style bonnet ribbons, Nos 124160; also, Nob 4flJ6 do., ali entirely now goods, just landed, and the best quality imported, worthy the attention of all dealers. LARGE SAL' 1 ? OF FRVNOd GOODS. THIS HORNING, April 25, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, for cash— -400 lots of fancy and staple French dry goods. SAXONY WOYEN P.RR§§ Q9*P9i Of a well'knoun omnifftcture, just received per steamer Bavaria. THIS HORNING, A large line of Baxony Woven Dress Goods, consist* ii g of— — Neat dcßigr-n royal flhnllies* Printed and plaid Almadaa. Chino and satin plai 1 Kntrellas atid Soldauellas. Figured Elites, Angloiiia Reps, bouquet Brocades. Jwcuuard Floras, Braiili-»8 15 CASES M LONDON PRINTED JACONBT3 AND LAWN*£ THIS HORNING, 15 cases 9*B London fine printed jaconets, lawns, and brilliants. BLACK TAFFETAS, GRO3 GRAIN, AND FIGURED SILKS, —4694 Q heavy black taffetas. 56®40 do gr'*B de Rhinos. 28 and 39 Lyous mt-urning gros grains. Lyons neat figured dmibte-tace black silks. LARGE AND SPECIAL SALE OF £OO.OABTONS RICH BONNET RIBBONS. Richest ttyles offer* d this season, and just landed. THIS HORNING, April 25, at 10 o’clock, by FURNESS, BRTNLEY, A GO , Auctioneers. 510 c»* tons >os 12940 extra rich brocho figared, plain, elieno, trathfete, fcaiiiudte, &bd gf&a g?aln poult da bonnet ribbons. full li> ea Nos. 4,5, and 0, corded edge ribbons. Do. 12 to 40 extra heavy corded edge do. Do. plain corded edge white and black do. Also, an assortment of corn colored ribbons. IF. 11.—The above are all fresh goods, just landed, and entirely new colorings. Philip ford & 00., auction- BSBB, 626 MARKET and 622 COMMERCE Bts. BALE OF 1,000 CASKS BOOTS, SHOES, BBO GANS, Ac ON MONDAY HORNING, April 28, at 10 o’clock, precisely, will be sold by cata> lOW vmm mens') iw»'> »n . . epl7-lm T. FITZGIBBON, } ™PnatorB* Labor-saving machine. OLOTHEB-SAVING MACHINE. TIME-SAVING MAOHINB. Haley, Morse A Boyden's Clothes Wringer saveslabor, time and clothes, and is an improvement which will most certainly be generally adopted. It is self-adjusting, sim ple, and durable, and is far superior to every other de viee for the purpose intended. Over five hundred have been sold within the last thirty days in this city. No mmily should be without one. They are warranted to give perfect satisfaction. For sale by L. E. SNOW, at the Office of JOT, OOE, A Co, Northeast corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Street!, Orden from the Gauntry promptly ah****' l to. wl-lm fIJ-AB DEN VASES. —Ornamental Terr* Cotta Garden Vuea, warranted to stand the weather in any climate. Theu vases are made In bean* Ufttl dtfeig&i, fthd all size*,- from 1 foot to 3 feet high, with a variety of pedestals, roo&d and sinare, from 1 foot to a feet high. No decorations add so much to the natural beauties of a Garden, and at so little cost, as a few Vases filled with flowering plants. Illustrated Cat a loguei i«d| |>, until on iiudlcntiooi B. A. HABBIBOKt 1010 OHEBTHBT Btreot. M THOMAS & SONS, , Noe. 139 nail 141 Eosih FOURTH mr PUBLIC BALES EEAL ESTATE AH» S’IXHIX* AT THE EXCHANGE OH TIJK3DA Yfl. BEAL ESTATE AT TtttVATS BALIe. P* We nave a Urge amount of real estate at prinh •”> lucinding nenry Goncrlptlon of city Run 000SS7 KV »«rty. I'rtnted list, may be had at the A notion Star., tSI’OOKH, LO AMS, Ac. . , «>S TUESDAY, Apnl 29, at 12 o’clnclt noon, at u,« Eichan*«, wlthoat revive, ,or account ul whuin it may concern -6 shares Ferment’ and Mechanics’ Land and Building A flW)ci«tion—par £2OO. Executors’ Sale—Estate of P. SchLgbwer, dec’d - 23 shares i hamoGu and Potteville Railroad Company. Abo. for other (ju'uurg— -33 shares Kolmneo MnttiAl Influr&uce Uouijuny. 1 ►lmie Conlicentul Huitl I fihnre Point Breoye Park Association. 115 filiaroq Westmoreland Coal Company. s)» M m FbilHirlpMft mid Mercuniilfl Llbrariw and Academy of Ft,,© After 5 riiarrs Logan County Mining Company. For account of whom it may concern— -10 shares Persever, nc« Building Association. ICO shares Broad Top Improvement Company, Will inclndf, under an order of the Supreme Court of Pemtsylvaiiin, (lie three following described propertios THREE* STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 196 Arch atrw t. ueM of Fruit. BUSINESS STAND, No 211 Walnut street, west al Second. DWELLING, No. 221 Quarry street, 18 frofc front. Also, by dr-oiee of same court— THE BARCLAY RAILROAD AND COAL COM PANY PROPERTY, comprising srverod thuosand acre* of coal lands and apparatus for mining, and 41 dwellings and other buildings, enyinu home, railroads, Ac THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, Market st, east of Thirty-sixth, Twenty • fourth ward. THBEEiSTOttY BRICK DWELLING, No. 15M Thompson Btreet* west of Fifteenth. Trustee's Sale-2 TWO.STORY BRICK DWELL -INGS, Buttonwood street, west of Fourth. Lot 6$ feet front. 2 BRICK DWELLINGS, Melon street, betweeuThir* Ipj-lOi aim Broad. 3 NEAT MODERN RESIDENCES, Nos. 1524,1626, ar.d 1528 Brown street. NEAT TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 710 Marhball street. LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, Lancaster areime, near Giranl avenm:—27B feet by ?63 feet. 2 LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, Torr and Ca thedral avenues— 503 fnet front. BALK OF THE VALUABLE THEOLOGICAL LI BRARY OF THE LATE HEY. JOAN A; CLARK, D. D. April 25, commencing at 4 o’clock, tho valvable theo logical library ot the late Rev. John A Clark, D. D., in* chi'lirg many rnre Mini vmlumLlc works. V For particulars sou cataioguua and books, ready on morning ol Bale. Sale ter Hccouut of the United States. WOOL. COTTON, AND LEATHER OUmjfGS. ON SATURDAY MORNING, 26th inet ? at II o’clock T at the Auction Rooms. 12yl88 the dark blue cuttings, i,124 fes sky blue, 4.060 n>4 cot ton, 1,160 lbs list, 007 Ibu cotton sod woo). H>* mixed wool, 52 Hack wool, 23 ft>9 nuirtliu, 179 ib* linen, 28 lbs white, i 22 iba scrap leather. Also, 20.000 lbs scrap upper leather. Terms cash. SalA for ac£6Uht i.f United Sinus. THREE HOUSES, W AGONS, HARNESS, ka. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, April 30, at 12 o’clock, at the Auction Share, without receive, one biown-bay horse, sorrel horse, bay horse, two light expiess wagons, light wagon harness Also, lot chairs, bllride, stores Ac. Tenus cash. PEREMPTORY SALE OF ALDERNEY CATTLE. Will be sold at public sate, ON THURSDAY, May 1< at 1 o clock P, M„ on llio farm of Thomu 8; Calender, near tlieEdingtou sraiioui on the Philadelphia and Trenton Bail road. 14 mllea north of the Keualngtoii depot, bis valuable herd of Alderney Cuttle, conniHtuig ot Part of the heul haß been iir»poiteti at gre*t cost The* remainder baa been dirtctj> from imported c Utb, and the whole la pure blood and in admirubia condition The cattle may be examhud at any time previous to the pale The sale will be without any reserve or Urat&tiou whatever. Moses nathans, auctio mm . AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, souttait corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. The highoat poasible price ia loaned on goods &J Y*+ thant’ Principal E»taMisKm.ent t southeast corns of Sixth and Race streets. At toast onc-Mird more filial any other establishment in this city. A? mYATK SALE, One superior brilliant toned piano-forte, with mettle plate, soft and loud pedals. Price only $9O. One very fine toucri piano-forte, price only $5O. NATHANS’ PRINCIPAL MONEY KgTAßbm- MENTi 350,000 TO LOAN* In large or small amounts, from one dollar to thnurdi, on diamonds, gold and silver plate, watohes, Jewry, merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos,mo goods of every description. LOANS MADS AT THU LOWEST MARKET BA**. This establishment has targe fire and. thief-proof for the safety of valuable goods, together with a privfia watchman on the premises. ESTABLISHED FOB THE LAST 80 TEABA, ALL LARGE LOANS MADE AT THIS* Ttt AT LESS THAN HALF USUAL 3TO EE PSIOES Gold find silver watches of every desoriptium from ass d9*ar to ope hundred dollwi each* gold chains, foshloa* able jewelry, diamonds, Ac. BOSTON AND PIIILADELr 2Bb2@PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE—From PIN* Street, Philadelphia, ami LONG Wharf, Boston, Ac. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will Ml from Philadelphia for Boston oh PIiIUAV P.yeßing, April 2f>. a- 7 o'clock P. M. Insurance one- half that bp sail vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers will please send bills lading with their gooda. For freight or passage (having fine accoinmodatipflf for passengers), apply to « HENRY WINBOB A 00 M 332 SOUTH WHABYVB. London exhibition—return TICKETS TO iUHDQH AND BAGS ; F irßt-c1a5a,,,,,,,,,,,, Second-elaas.... GO* WEEKLY OOMMUNIOA- SflßUflfc TIOH ST STEAM BETWEEN KVP fLOBBL AUD LIVERPOOL, calling at 4)UBfHB- Ibiaod noS esabaa-it fwwniwf *PBf decpcichee. The Liverpool, Hew York, and Philadelphia Staan* ship Company’s splendid Glyde-bidlt iron screw steam ships are intended to sail as follows: FBOM NEW YOBS FOB JiIYBMfQQIh Kangaboo, Saturday, April 20,190 V CITY OF NEW YORK Saturday, May 3,1908 And every Saturday throughout the year, from FIBS Ho. U H. TL TMQtf.- UAH9ELIt. ap23t3t» Cabin, to Qneenetown, or Liverpool..BTt Do. to London, via Liverpool. EM Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverp001....,,,..,...,. m Do. to L0nd0n.,....... ggf Do. Betorn tickets, available for six months, (rne LiTerpooLniti.ieiii...*;. §M Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Rambus, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of passage issued from Liverpool to Hew York EM Certificates of passage leaned from Qacsnstowa to Hew These steamers have superior accommodations for fMh sengera, are constructed with water-tight oscaportmeoto, and carry experienced Surgeons. For freight? or passage, apply at the offloe of the Com* paay. _ JOHN O. DALE, Agent, THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMEBICAH BOYA.II MAH. HTBIM. FB©M NEW YORK TO LIYSRPOOfc. Chief Cabin Paras pa .uinifW Bfc&Bii Cabin Pawage fM( •..••.•••‘ A FBOM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief C&btn Pa5tAge.,,,,,.,,.,, MVM SUI Second Cabin Passage........ |g The ships from New York call at Cork Hvbor. The ships from Boston eaU at Hillfsi and doth Kir to. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins. AFRICA, Oapt Shttaen. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA, f?tpt 1 LelieV ASIA, Capt. E. O. Lott AMERICA, Capt. Ml*, AUSTRALASIAN, NIAGARA, Capt. Hoofia. Capt Cook. EUBOPA, Capt Aaftmea scorn, cbisa. “ Theaa vessels carry a dear white light at mait hut green on starboard bow; red on port bow. CHINA, And Arson, 44 N.York,Wednesday, April 9» NIAGARA, Cook, 44 Boston, Wednesday, April It, i “ S-T?rk,'Wfiasw39( , i April a. CANADA, McCauley, «< Boston,Wednesday, April M» PERSIA, Lott, 44 N. York, Wednesday, Map T. EtJROPA, Stone, ** Boston, Wednesday, Map 14* CBINA, Anderson, 44 N.York. Wednesday, Mar 2L NIAGARA, Cook, 44 Boston, Wednesday, Mar M SCOTIA, Jndkins, ' “ N York, Wednesday, Jbm A Berths not Moored until paid for. An experienced Snrgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable lor Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Preeiotu Moan, « “«“>?! 55?? M 9f k&H Kf jlfBK! ttlOTfcri nl tbe riue m(rwtttwria miiml. Tvr frtliM ot Ml ■n *»f>r t. a. comano, 4 BOWIiIXQ OBXXJf. N.w Tot*. X. O. ft J. O. BATES, 103 STATE Strart, Bortos. FOR NEW YORK. ■HHissw DAILY LINK, Tia Delaware mi Baritan Canal. Philadelphia sad How York Express Steamboat dw RB7 nnin freightßd Inndsilr it 2 e, M,, drttra» log their cargoes in Hew York (be following daft Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM, P. CLYDE, AgMt, Ho. 14 SOUTH WHABVBB, FhJladelffata. JAMBS HAND, Agent, • Pirn. 14 ind 15 HAST KIVEIt. Hew Tm*. JIT"* FOE BALTIMOBI, Washington, d. 0., and roe. TEESS MOHBOE, DAILY, AT 3 O’CLOCK P. BL, BALTIMOBI AMl> PHILADELPHIA BTEAHBOAB COMPANY, (XBIOSSON LINK.) One of the Bteamera »f thli Company leayee the napee fide of Chertnnt-itraet Wharf dally (Snndaya exoeyhid,} at S o’clock P. M. t and bitlth in Baltimoro eariy nest morning. Frelahte for Waihinxtan and Fortreai Moon* received and forvarded with all poocible doc patch, Ml are required to be prepaid through. Yrelghta of all Unda carried at the loweat raiea. A. GROVES, Jr., Agent. No. 84 Sooth WHAHYBB. fal4-3m* •p BODES & WILLIAMS, NO. 107 WATER Street) offer for sale the following: 200 whole, naif, and quarter boxes new M, B. and Layer Bsiems. 5 cases prime new Figs. 20 bales Sicily Almonds. o 0 bags prime African Pea Nuts. 50 kegs French Prunes, prime order. 100 boxes French Prut es. prime order. 50 half boxes prime new Valencia Raisins pOTTON SAIL PUCK AND CAN TAB, of oil numbers and broad*. Bonn’* Dock Awn in* Twill*, of all description*, for Tent*, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon Corers. Also, Paper Manufacturers’ Drier Pelts, from 1 to ■ feet wide. Tarpaulins, Belting, Mall Twifid, Ad, JOHfl W. KVKBMAN A 00., 101 JOHBB AJlar- Medals and coins.—a large gimnUt? of Mtdtlo and Going for gale ; glaoi oos get or Hawteon'g Medalg, one gtt ofDtealer’a Mgdglg of the English Kings, and one set of Medals of the Roman Empire. Apply toWM. H. BR7DORNS, 189 WILLIAM Street} New York, Dealer in Medals, Coins, and Paint ings. ap2l-lna 'VTAPLE SUGAR.—2 cases choice 4JJL Vermont Maple Bvger«juit received end for sale by BHODKB A WI (tiIIAMS, 107 South WATXB Stoat BAY RUM A small of B» Bum, jut received, for eele by OHAS. 8. OABSTAIBB, ia« WALNPT end M QBAKITB iSeet*. TJIREBH ROLL BUTTER, EGOS, Aa., A' r««eivi