The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 19, 1862, Image 3
A So. 1 stock to select from. This bouse has been in existence about fifteen years, and by per* •everance and business tact have establish*! a first-class trade* which they an evidently prepared to control Their present buyers are largely from Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. In common with the genera! ex perience vf our merchants this MMon, theix trade has been alow in starting, but is now brisk. The stock of goods exhibited by Messrs Huzlett, Lathrop. A Lyons is very excellent, and bought low, their inducements, to -ilik ktiJIH are Tory superior. There is i freshness and variety about this stock that commends it, no less than the moderate prices at which they are •selling. X. SJBXSBEiai's VILLIKEBY CfOODS ESTABLISH 3IBNT. Among the most attractive of onr business bouses on Cher tout street is that of Mr. M. Bemheim, Ho. 728, largo importer *ni jobber of all fciltfif 9f MUUllOty Goods. Mr. B. was for years located in Second street, subsequently in Third street, and his removal to his pre sent large and commodious quarters is the best indica* tion of tho successful manner in whieh he has proae<mte<l his business In the face of every financial and commer cial obstacle. Bis stock of Ribbons, French Flowers, "Wreaths, SUV a, Grapes, Laces, and Millinery goods ge nerally, is unsurpassed by any othrr in the city, and his superior facilities for buying aivantagwmßly enable him to sell to the trade at unusually low prices, which he is doing. A Fins Improvement in Price’s Restau rant,—it is an old and a true saying, that no man who depends upon the patronage of the public for his business •ever loses auythiug by studying the want* of his cus tomers. We have seen this demonstrated a thousand tiUiM, fthd seldom more Fox cibij- it, tlie succed, of Mr. J. W. Price, proprietor of the popular restaurant on ■the southwest corner of Chestnut ami Fourth streets. For some years past Mb dining-rooms have attracted a forger proportion of what may be tunned tha übuttuf •cfoas” cuetom, ihan any other restaurant here, and this increase of popular appreciation, instead of making him •less snliciioiia for the comfort of his guests, has incited him togrwLtw efforts!. Nothing, in fact whish could in «ny way contribute to the completeness of an establish ment of this kind is allowed to escape Price's eye. The various delicacies of the changing seasons fiud their way frj his i&blefljirst, and no new improvement in tho an of preparing dish* s is left UDtried in his culinary depart ment, which Mr. Price always oversees hitmelf. But what we designed more especially to uotice to-day was the tine addition he has just completed to his saloon* giving him increased facilities for dining nt least fifty • more gentlemen at the same time than he has done here tofore, in greater privacy if desired, and iu one of the -most airy and neatly-furnished apartments in Philadel phia. fhb improvement Las beeu tnu ontgro'TtU qf ne cessity, and, now that it has been completed, we may con gratulate the enterprising proprietor upon the taste, liberality, and good sense he displayed iu making it. The •-ii&fa.- Dicing-room with the mmu saloou by a -large communicating archway, and is furuished with substantial elegance, the tables- mirrors, chairs, chamle .:2iere, Ac., being of a character at ouce suggestive of humeftiie comfort, and anfficiuntly ornate to pleads the ’fancy of the most fastidious. Tables were first set for •dinner, in the next saloon, on Thur»day, when it pre sented a gay and attractive appearance. We may state, •in cone usion, that we have jet to hear of an iuotance in --which J. w, rrice has lost a single patron through an dt civility on the part of his attendants, or disHatisfactioa .'with his eatables or drinkables, the mauner of serving 'them, or the prices charged. The Great Family stote of the Age«i— "We have already had occasion to refer to the admirable Air-tight Gas-consuming Cooking S ove of Mr J. S. 'Clark, No. 1008 Market street, as being An iudiapensa b?e article id etery JictieelK>ld j aa<i refer tv if uvw iu or der to remind our readers in this city and elsewhere, Who may be about making the necessary Spring changes r ln their domestic arrangements, that on account of the ■superiority and -extraordinary economy of this stoce^ persons are adopting it for summer use instead oj their stationary Ranges. Mr. Clark warrants it to ■consume bat Oue ton of coal in six mouths, in active use, sflnd doing the cooking and bakfog fee afopgA fo&Ilyj •dnd in ever}instance whtre it has been tried it has given ■to the consumer entire and perfect satisfaction. It is at once durable, convenient, and economical, and everybody should give it a trial \ and this is the time to do so. New Novelties at the « Philadel phia Flower Emporium.” —•* Philadelphia Flower Emporium” is another name for the'* beautiful store of Messrs. /Kennedy & Brother, 729 Chestnut street, lor the sale of Millinery Goods. Trench flowers have so long been made a speciality with this house, “that the- ladies never think of selecting any choice articles in this lino without first aicaminmj their stock. tnay also gt&fi that their present asorfimvat of Children's Bats and Bonnets, of the latest styles and most beautiluldesigns, is very large and complete. SpringiDby Gcods for Ladies’ Wear.— 'Messrs. Eyre A Landell, Fourth and AfCfi StTWtßi hwe Tor 5 ears comniftßfltd the confidence and custom of a large •proportion of the-best families in this city, and from the hte-hive appearance which their large retail warerooms have presented for-some days p»3t, their glory in this di rection baa rrot yet culminated Every day* adds some •desirable novelty to their already rich and extensive stock. Among the articles now attracting most attemi->n on their counters, we -may desigoate as npticial favorites 'their new cbint"fte, new ginghams, new organdies, neat pi ft id silks, D’atde, fashionable silks, Mack fig ured silks, and colored Poult de Soies. A Popular : Bry Goods Store.— Among the houses here most successfully engaged in the sale •of gentrftl dry goods—esneciallr of tbo more staple kind—at retail, that of Mr. Granville B. Haines, at No. 3013 Market street, -above Tenth street, i* a deserve 1 favorite. Bis stock is always fresh, writ assorted, sea socatle, and exceedingly moderate in prices, auU bis cus ‘iomw art alu'Aye waited upon by prilte ALteafclFA APfiSstaats. 'We invite attention to hie new advertise neuts m another column of onr paper to-day, as ufiViug rare •inducements to all who wish to purchase Marceiiies coun terpanes, table linens, Dftpkius, towels, crash biiliiauts, flannels, and goods of this description gei-emlly. The Jayne’s Hall Cravat Store.—We invite attention to the card of Ur. J. A. Esklemau, ill another column, • giving “ facta” with regard to the ' J Jevne’ii Ball Cravat Store.** Messrs. J. H. Michener & Co., Nos. 142 and 144Nir - h Front street, have deservedly the reputation O' rnrir-g th»- mo«t delicious Hams that are sold in this or any other mukst. 'We have tried them, and our verdict •i i theie favor is but acorroboratiou of what hundreds have said who have tried them id their families, aud who would now use no others. Ihese hams are known by the appropriate brand “AicceJsior,” and *e believe are sold by all first-class grocers. The style of curing them is pe culiar to thtuiktlves, there being a sweetness of flavor aud freedom from saline taste that we find in uo other ht>ms. They- are ike-mat of all meats for the warm wea ther, Easter Confectionery by Messrs. E. G-. Whit.mas-& Go.—Messrs. B. G Whitman & Go, Second street, below Chestmit, have brought out a choice variety of elrgmt Spring Confections fipeciatly auitattle for the Easter holidays. Their place has become au indispensa ble institution for-old and young. Their- mixtures, va rious chocolate preparations, burnt and roasted almonds, gum-drops—medicinal and plain, pastes, mint aud cream ■caudiee, sad a hundred other varieties, are avi equalled in punty and-richness of flavor by any others manu factured in this country. The -Safest, Most Ornamental, Conve nient, asr Eoohomical Portable Light in nu is the -celebrated Witters Lamp for burning Kerosene Oil, manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by Messrs. Witters** C0.,-at their Light Emporium, No. 3o North Eighth street, corner of Filbert. •Ecbe Malt -Liquors for Table and Medi ois-AL Pcrpcbbs.—Mr. G. H. Mattson, dealer in fine groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has constantly on ham! the test English Brown Stout and the finest Lruor b of -Scotch Ales for invalids or table use. to which we invite the at enfion of alt who may wish a really pure •article of this kind Moth-Proof Clothes Chests, made of the 'beet Florida red cedar, well reasoned, aud warranted, at the Refrigerator Manufactory, corner of Dock and Pear •{streets. ’E. 8. Farson A Co. It iias been computed that the number of btitbAL hrirg* an the tflrih is about ous thousand mil lions. They speak S 064 known tongues, in which there •are more than 1,300 religions or creeds preached. The ave rage duration of life is 33 years. One- fourth of those fLom die before they reach the age of seven years, or be fore thty are old enough to apprftri&io the fine and dnra ble styles of spring and summer clothing manufactured by Granville Stoker, the Fashioner and Clothier, at No. •5C9 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, where the cheapest -ganueiits in the city can always be procured. The u Bullet-Proof 33 Vest, Approved ly OmcHKS or tub Army.—This valuable invention can be inspected at the Clotbiug Store of Mr. Charles •13tokep, under the Continental, who is the agent for this city. Its mere name indicates its value to the soldier. Kefricerators and -Water-Coolers for tho million, at E. S. Farson * Co.’s manufactory, corner -of Pock and Pear streets. ap!9-2t The « Bullet-Proof ” Vest, Approved nr OrriCEJtß of thb Absiy.—This valuable invention can be inspected at the Clothing Store of Mr. Charles Strifes, under the Continental, wbo it the agent for this ■iily, Ilf lutrc uame indicates its value to the saldier. Boys’ Spring Clothing.— Charles Stokes, the proprietor of the celebrated ** one-price ” Clothing Store, under the Continental, haj added to his stock an •extensive ai.rt well-selected stock of Boys’ and Children’s Clcthtng—cut in the latest atj lee, end sold at prices never before offered in this city. You are invited to examine. Jeff Davis’ Latest Message.—The latest message of Jeff Davis is a refreshing piece of cool impu -dme* lie talks of Southern plucky in attacking unpre pitnd men two to one, cants about Divine aid, and keeps shady about the fact that Beauregard was licked the second day at Corinth. Fibbing seems to be chronic ■with the bead rebel. We cannot eee why he does not drop lying, and if he must write iumimam. h=l him indite aonte wholesome regrets that the wicked rebellion has de prived the actors in it of the opportunity of procuring tbelr garments at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of RocMnll & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Elegant Chestnut-street Mansion and Fdb niture.—Thomas A Sons, Tuesday next, on the premises, eornep of Sixteenth and Chestnut streets, by order of the Orphans * Court , estate of the late Henry M Fuller, Esq., deceased. Catalogues now ready , which may be had at their auction rooms. MARINE IWTEhUGEIVtJB. mr bee fourth page 4BRIYIP Baik Lauretta, Wells, 90 <le>t from Messina,withhfdlfc, Ac, to Isaac Jtanes * Co. Bark Florence, (Br) Faye, 50 days from Palermo, with frnit, Ac. to Benners A Draper. Brig Victoire, (Br) Morrell, 22 days from Porto Gabel* 10, with coffee, bides, Ac. to John Dahm & Co. Bcbr Mary, Hendrickson, 1 day from Odessa, Dei, with grata to Christian A Co, B,hr Ida Pender, Wilson, 1 day from Milton, Del, with grain to Christian A Co. Schr Mantua, Masson, 1 day from Frederical, Del, with corn to Jm Barratt A Son- _ Schr Two Brothers, Johns, a days from Indian River, Dri, with corn to Jas Barrett A Son. Bcbr Nina. Bcotten, 2 days from Bw«afree Biver, Md, nith onto JuLßevley A Co Schr W Callahan, Edwards, 2 days from New York, wilh mdse to W M Baird k Co. Scar Richard Yaux, Frink, 3 days loom Fortrets Mon roe, in ballast to J £ Sazley A Co. OLE ABED- Bbip Westmoreland. Decu,*Llverpool. J fi Penrose. B«k 8 Mwtoyi Jr, Powell, Key Wert, Trier, Bteee * Co. Scbr Somerset, Miller, .Washington, Hammett, Tan Dueen A Locbman. Scbr W Donnelly, Hunter, do do Scbr Hardscrabble, Gregory, Saco, do Scbr Here. Lakeman, Boston, J R BJakiaton. Bchr K W Perry, Samson, Boston, Repolser & Bro. Scbr J English, Nicholson, Boston, R F Rathbun. Schr R M Browning, BLLy, Pawtackel, do Schr Kansas, Cut ten, Washington, R H Powell. Schr H L Crcut, Hopkins, Boston, J E BarJey A Go. Scbr Lady Ellen, Corson, Boston, Sinnlckson A Glover. Scbr Seiah B Strong, Tyler, Providence, do Buber Lewis Cl ester; Somers, Boston, do Bcbr Momerev, Falkenburg, do do Btr J SShriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. BT TBLKORAPB. (CorTeiDondoncß of thß Press.) Nsw Tori, April 18. Arrived, ships John Jay. from Singapore; Dolphin, fm Antwerp; schrs Emily, from -—; Charlotte, from Santa Cruz. MEMORANDA. Steamship Ariel, SeAbury, from Aspinwall, arrived at New Tork yesterday. Steamship City of Baltimore, Jeffrey, New Tork yesterday for Liverpool. Ship Henrietta, Trecartin, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. fchip Emily Augusta, Strickland, for Philadelphia, en tered for loading at Liverpool 31 host. Ship Frank Boult, More*, for Philadelphia with de spßtrtii wae adv fit Liverpool sth tost. fchip Isaac Jeanea, Drink water, cleared at London 4th inst for New York. Ship Samuel Adams, Gay, sailed from Cardiff 2d inst. for Bong Keng. Ship General Berry was chartered at Havana Bfti inst to cAi-ry BDO I|W» sugar From jßvraodios to Pbilwlvlphlai atSftperhhd. 9 Bark Frederick Lennig, Sumner, wai chartered at Ha vaua9th inst. to'carry 509 hhile sugar from dagua to Phi ladelphia, at S 6 per hhd. Bark H A Stephsnson, Hayden, from Montsvidoo. at Now Tork yesterday. Brig Catharine Nichols, hence, arrived at Portsmouth 15th lust. Brig Marshal Ney, Darling, at New York yesterday from Montevideo, scbr Trojan, suonrasi from aui Gayes t arrived at N York yeeterdav. Scbr Julia E Pratt, Pratt, at Now Tork yesterday from Georgetown, DC. Sctira Zoui Potteri Maria. Munron, J B ffohcnofc, rinnd, CD llallock, Davis, Maxfield, Clark, and J 0 Ireland, Chafe, hence, arrived at Boston 16th inst. Schr L D Jarmrd, Ireland, from Fall River for Phila d«ldb)A, »t Newport 16th inst. Scbr OnatavlA, JamcsoT), from Camden for Philftdei pliia. at Rocklttisd 11th lust Schr Sarah, Benson, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Bedford 17th ioat Schrs Monterey, Craig, and L A May, Baker, hence, arrived at 6<-nt 35th inst. SbfllUil l . Vul£Ai> t MorrlAo, cleared al Uew York yes terday for Philadelphia. ' Liverpool, April 3—Tli« Robert Cushman, arrived here from Philadelphia, lost sails and shifted cargo Feb 25tb, lat 40. long 64 ' •' ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS BP TO 12 o’clock last night. OOUTINSKTAL HOTEL—WJniL Oh«nnut mi. S Barbour, New York J T Murdhy, England A He* wood. New York H G Griffin, New York C A Luce, New York Dr J M McClure, Milford II Lovericg. Mass Mrs A G Curtin, Iforrisb’g II A Gfttee, Lebanon, Pa Wif Osborn, fliluois Mies Spangler, York, Pa Mrs Booerts, Lovlcstown G Raonke, Penna P \V Tyson, Baltimore A W Berry & w, Boston Miss Teme>, Boston B W Psabody Aw, Moss A ■a.hrens Aw, Baltimore Yi A 'WbilfifWi New Tork Rev Dr Elmerdorf. N Y .T Bui gwa. Now 1 ork w FT VYaifoce, New York S M Shoemaker. Baltimore T J Garrett, Paris, Ky A D Lee, New York Gapt J Wildey, New York G Cohen, Now York J Barties A s, New York S Fowler A la, Washington W F Munroe, B -stoo G W Ordway, Mftr-a W P Fowler, Baltimore S Woodward, Vermont T S £xnul], New York T Clarindon, New York O K Laplieim, New York V\' Hedin. New York H A Rico, jr, Boston J A Burden, Troy, nf Y B W Horton. Cleveland H Shirfo riltsburg D Hurwood. IlliLOia G M Lsiiiilu'im lira A G Laoghoiai MiSh A M Arthurs . 8 C Swill, Chicago F L Hitchcock, Penna J B Parker, Burlington, NJ Miss Glidden, Boston Miss E FGlirtdtm. ii )3ton dohii H Gliddeni Boston Williams. USA GBf Bryant,Boston Slngersoil& wf, Conn L P King, Oswego A Thomas, Oswego M Newell, Oswego G Busline, Boston B E Smuli, York, Pa A May, Penua B W Quin, New York Sir, E 9 SsnfenJi N fOrK Mies Sa.uford, Hew York Master Sanford, New York C Standart A la. Auburn Mrs E Smith, O Miss M E Smith, Cleveland B B Graham, St Louis Mr Watson A la, New York Miss Watson, New York Mtb WHlker. New York Mrs J M Moore, Boston J fil Lolir, londoH* O C 111 Winch* wf, Rnslon Mis J M Clayton, Wash Capt Hitchcock, U S N M B Allerton, Now York Miss ftl AHerton.N York J M B Ray noids, Boston J S Booz, Now York O N Shannon. Terre Haute Mrs L M Bletcher, Pittsbg 8M Mathews, Mttsburg Bug Thnmpson & wf, N Y Geo S Roberts A la, Balt B F Horwits, Bultiroors Mies Zacbanu, Frederick H A Bice & la, Boston C Arliuckle, Pittsburg M S Rowland, USA Geo E Patta, Baltimore Mrs Hyde, Baltimore Miss Patta. Baltimore M Bluu, New York T Belknap. Jr, New York L Randal, New York Jaa P«rrir»e, Dayton, O W W Scooe A la, K ? S StevftDcon, Lexington,Ky Jas H Crown, Chicago J F Tracy, Chicago R Anderson, Boston H Huetoy, New* York H R Cummings, New York A T Baud, New York A Me Tavisii. St John W Lftwiin, Now York K T Getty, New York C S Maitby,Baltimore N J Morris, Baltimore Ohas M Welherley. Pa B C Moore A la, New York D C Baker, New York Gardner WetUeiboe, N A Miss Rice, Boston MERCHANTS* HOTkL—fcWtn or., below Arch. J H Bartholomew, Aurora T B Lloyd, Pittsburg Wm Montgomery, Louisvil H A Busairk. Ohio G«o Bovord, Kittanniug J M Daily, Kittauaiog J A Fulton & dau,Kitt’ug F Grace & la, N Market, O Jos Fisher, New Market, Q J M Cushman,Lagrauge, Mo Q W ArOui kie & la, J£rie Hugh Duuuau, Pohiud, O JE Durcan, Poland, 0 F M«rrick, Veuaugo co HmS Dbvooe, Veuangoco Miss M Foster Greeusburg Eli J Saeger, Penna F Swenk, Milton G E Brown, Kittaiiuing Benj Hartshorn, Harriabg Israel Painter, Pa F Wilmarth Pittsburg A D Jaynes, Athene co, O Cyrus ttrown, Walton J Braner, Montouraville, Pa j a Brabm, Illinois Wm Black, J«-fi'erßon, Pa J H Hughes, Jefferson) Pa H Flaok, Wyndot, Ohio J N Graham, Ohio F Meehan. Ohio J W Park-.r, Pa C Steeie, Pennsylvania Miss Bella Ashton, B< hiks Ella 6 Galloway, Balt J M Naylor, Tiffin, Ohio \\ P Johneon. Bticss co : Pa C F Sheets, Baltimore J A McCulloch, Pittsburg G Scott, Oatawissa, Pa C P Scott. Catavtiasa, Pa HD Phidips, Jr, Pc Mercer F F Phillips, Port Mercer J T Dunhir.-, Nuw York J A Ey&ter, Cbambcrsbnrg Hou A K McClure, Penna AMERICAN HOTEL—Unescnut si., above Finn. R S Brunn, Penna H Frick, Lewisburg Wm Dunbar, Übio 8 Branson, Ohio J B O Corbin, Huntingdon 11 M Spear, Huntingdon W D U.*»rper, H L Uiaier, Uqs'ou Jn<f Tindall. Easton J H Elmvr, New Jersey J M Sinnickson, Salem, N J J Dubois, New Jersey H M Palmer. New York Thos Palmer, New Vork E W Perry, Nantucket T Becneufc, Georgetown,DO M K Abbott) Summit (fill Wm Young, Hanover, Fa ,t h Beverin, Dover, Del T O Paul, Boston W H Emery, Boston Henry Austin. Derma A B Maurer. Connecticut DW C Bayer aft, Ky J B Laeeig, Wash, DC AL Lopes, Del B Cotiman, W&Bh« D C _ ST. LOUIS ttoTßL—Obeetnut street, above Third, D W Whilney, New York Wm Saunders, Penna A J Harvy, Wheeling Mrs Vaner, New Yerk Mrs £ Lennox, New York J J Murphey, Altoona T Muder, New York F Mudnr, New York J Baudtolt, Conn Ohaa \V Grleaeon, New York Jll Brown, Ohio James Taylor, Baltimore R Butcher, Eddyville, lowa James S Watson, Penna J W Landdl, New York W A Burglar, Ohio J E Stone, Erring, Maes Clias H Mercer, Baltimore THUS UNION—AxcD street, above Third. W H Miller, Crainville J M Dietz, New York J L Taylor, Ohio A Busbey, Baltimore A Mathews, Ohio M Early & a, Lebanon T Hau-niond, Penna J Miller, CLambarnburg p y aChftmbeyfcbllPg J droll, nbamfx>r-<barg B F Lusbbaugb, Hagerstown W 8 Forrey, Camb city 8 Forrey, Cambridge City Lewis Shilling, Salem, O A West, Ohio John C Houk, Ohio W L Peiper, Lancaster Mrs J M Dietz * ch, N Y j E G Shultze, 0 John W Boyer, Pottaville S L Earlyj Palmyra, Pa BARLEY BHEAF—Beoond street, oelow Vine, W Carr * la, Penna R Hubler, Wayne co J Crooktr, Somertou W Do Bree, Washington J JauiQß&la. Bucks co G clSmitth Peuoa L Diibreu, Johnsville J Palmer, Punaa A T Vetherill, Attleboro S Taylor, Penna K H Worstall, Newtown A Ely, Bucksco S Yardley & la, Puiina J Gray, New Hope E Potter, Penna J Fell, Bucks co J Cazuby, Bucks co J Horuer. Penna S Snyder, ‘Warminster J 9 Heston, Newtown C Cadwallader, Penna G Earbart, Carversville E Doan, Carversville C Comly, Penna W B Ba»nsley, Maryland T Smedley, Lancaster Min £ West. Peuna 1 BuckmaO) Newtown Racliel Wilduiaui Penna Mercy White, Penna BLACK BEAR—Tturu street, above Caliowhill. Silas Hulgate, Luzerne co W H Lochman, York, Pe W W Weavf r, Feuna A Buckmau, Penna M<-t4BHaldJ-mfln,Danbera EM Windward, M6#dlAh<l James Toinliesou, Byherry W Endows, Morelaud M White, Yardleyville Allen Tuiulmson, Rockville A B W Knight, Penna Beni Tomlinson, B) berry A Kephart, Doylestown Casper Roads, Somerton ChHB B Knight, Smithfleld Geo Clem«-D3. Penna F T Beauii Yarolonille Fi Walker, Coliughm John Willard, Pennsylvania. MADISOK HQUBK—Heeond Knot. .dot. Markot & Robert., Lambartville Geo Hart, Doylestown Job Silvers, Lambertville D Bixatioe, Phu;uixville N H Hunt, Milford Gen Pottc*r 4 Luwisiown John Tucker, Norristown Dr Knowles, Delaware Robt Beaus, Johnßvillo J Cox, Montgomery co Col Jones, Missouri S A Erwitig, Bridgton Cnas SterliDg, Trenton Mre M Rosier, Pa Mrs Gilbert, Pennsylvania C’apt Conrad, Pennsylvania COMMERCIAL—Sixth nreeL above OheetuQL E Peirson, Chester co. Pa 6 Mason, Delaware Kobt Lynde, Louisville T Jones, New Jersey Isaac G Jayuett, Virginia H M Afllick, Maryland J G Cleveland. Now York Jli Cmwoll, Now Jersey Geo Walton, Wiim, Del Mrs Phillips, Uhestei co,Pa Miss PbiUips, Chester co J D Miller, Russelviile NATIONAL HOTEL—&*c« vtnet, above Third. D S Elliott, Pittsburg L W Irwin, Rowling D ftearick, Pennsylvania Chas Plymptun, N Berlin B J Bergen, N Berlin D K Bitter, Pottaville Miss H Ewald, Day too, 0 E*9 M Low, Penn’a B W Bonsall, Norristown B F Reighard, Espy, Pa Q P heighard, EBpy, Pa John Ulrich, Lebanon MOUNT VEBNON HOTEL—Becona sL, ab. Arab. J T Hatchett, CataaauQua S H Reynolds, New York Isaac Knight, Penna U H Crary, New York C M Wise, Bonesdale, Pa J Steele, Wilkesbarre, Pa J S Osttrhous, Wiikeebarre Ohas U Felt, Wilkesbarre R Hillman, Wilkesbarra Oliver Fritz, Penna BALD SAGLE—Third street, above CallowhiU. Christian Hager, Quakert’n W H Hildebrandt, Easton T .Sl.eisenring, Pittsburg Peter Richard*, Eaetou fejqhsrdd, Easton J Smiib, Bucks co Denj Beans, Suqks co Paul Htitzol, Montg co, Pa STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. F C Shepherd, M D, Va John Vanzaudt, Penna A Willaby, Huntingdon E M Bollevernon, Penna 8 Mansfield, Penna J Hehator, Delaware S McKuight, Reading Jaa McClure, Perry co, Pa Miss MJ Mo lure, Penna Miss C Niblocb, Laudisbg Mhs 6 B Nihlock, Landishg Thos E Watt, Latrobo, Pa REVERE BOUSE—Thiro street, above Baca, y rurwrn, Knw Jersey A H Norton, Phila !*W Brown, Wyoming co G Lee, Penna G 8 Thomas, Adams co J H Raifeusperger, Md S»ml Wattp, Mifflin co Inaae White, Woodbridge Jot, Whitaker. Sit Clair Jos S Dell, Phila A Levis, Niw Jersey ejJr'JbiUAAJ-. .NU J'iUJtiis The Popular Bemedy.—Jumclle’s OOMi-OUES SYRUP OF BOOK U the meet mauler medicine, breausa it is the best Cough Sytup, tlie best Blood Purifier, the most potent Invigorator, and the most soothing and speedy cure for Pains in the Lungs and Spilling of Blood. For sale by the proprietor, F. JUMELLE, No. 1525 MABKST Street, and by all Druggists. apl9-sw2t* On*-Price Clhthing, or xhb Latest Bnuß > lMd« loth, Beit Manner, eitreeilyfor RETAIL BALES. LOWEST SelUn, Prieee marked in Plain Figure. All Good, aud. to Order warranted wIMm. tor,. Our On-Paioa Sreni. 1. etriotlr adhered to. AE or. th.rehr mated alike. _ nXi-lj JONES a 00.1 Ei market streto. Card Printing, Pest and Cheapest in toe OltT, at 111 South FOURTH Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, beet and cheapeet in the City, at 111 South FOURTH Street. The Tide of Success, BY THB BARD OF TOWKR HALL. Will Shakespeare declares That in human affairs There’s a tide which to good fortune leads. Onr soldiers oni West _ With such luck have been blessed. For the ir valor still shines and succeeds. Every breese brings its story Of national gloryi Of triumphs unchanging, Immense; Till iu victories we Nothing wonderful see, Rni regard them as common erenta, Every great enterprise. When controlled by the wise And the THlorouei scared! can fail; Aid, in bunlneM affairs. The mortal who dares To be generous is sure to prevail. While illiberal olmbi Are eetting their traps. And using tboir many devices, The men of the Tower Show tho will and the power To sell Aral-mle goods at low prices. Our stock of Spring Clothing is unusually full aud com plete, ud<<iiihll«l in Philadelphia for extent and variety, and turpaesed by none for style and workoiaush p. We buy and se)}for ca*h only j therefore, at the lowest■poa-ai biH prices. We have all styles, qualities, and prices of goodp, from low-priced to the finost All tastes and pockets can bt buited. TOW SB HALL, No. 518 MAR KET St.* Phila. BENNETT A OJ. Special J otice.— The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of hiß friends and the nublic to his new and handsome Lager Beer and CONCERT Saloon, No. 431 CHESTNUT Street. The establish ent has beeu beautifully fitted up, and is supplied with ENGLE & WOLF’S CELEBRATED LAGIR BEKRt as alio a choice stock of WINES and REFRESHMENTS generally. On SATURDAY EVE NING NEXT will be given a Grand Introductory FREE CONCERT. Sig*. ACHIARDI Leader. Con certs ig i>e wntinned nightly thereafter. The sub scriber trnats, by strict attention to the wishes or his visitors, to render his establishment a favorite place of resort. aplB-2t MARRIED SCOTT—KEATING.—On the 15th inst.,by the Rev. W. 51. Bice, Mr. Warren B. Scott to Miss Catharine Ke&ttog, allot this city. [New York paper* please copy.] DIED. TBUEFITT.—On Friday evening, 18th instant, in the 84lh (eighty-fourth) year of his age, Henry P. True fltt, SK The male friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from bis late residence, No. 506 Spruce etieet, on Monday afternoon at 4 (fonr) o’clock. Interment at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Third street, below Walnut ** ENGLISH.—On Thursday morning, the 17th instant, Hannah, wife of Hugh English, in the 69th year of her age. Ber relatives and friends are respeotfully invited to at tend li« r funeral, from ber husband’s residency Nine teftiith ai'd etreeta, ou Mondaf murning, 2 Let instant, at 11 o’clock ** AVI-*.—On the morning of the 15th inst., Jediah Avis, of t> phoid lever, member of the 109tb Regiment Penn sylvania Volunteers. Funeral from the reiideoco of his father, in Swedes* horn, this (Saturday) morulDg, at 10o’clock. * BATES.—On the IGth instant, after a short but severe illness, Mrs. Hannah Bales, in the 57th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence. No. 1141 Colum bia avepue, (lateHappvtr street,) GjfWd BY6DU6, line ) affernooui at 6 O’clock* If HaßE.—On the 17th instant, Nicholas Haro, aged 88 years, an o'd resident of th* district of Kensington, and formerly of county I>«»wn. Ireland. The relatives and friend* of the family are respectfully bivired to a tread the fuuerat, at bia I%to residence, No. 1228 Geinmntnwn road, above Girard avenue, on Sunday afieri.oon. at 3 o’clock. # SOUDEB.—On tbe 15th inst., William S. Souder, in' the 30th year of his age. Fuber&l front LLe residence of his mother, Mrs. Mary &(>udf*r, 510 Frankfotd road, below Norris street, this (Saturday ) morning, 19th inst, at 9 o’clock. To proceed to Whitemarsh Union Church. *# KING-—On tho 14th izifetant, Dr. M. F. King, aged 57 ye..~ Funeral from tbe residence of his son-in-law, Lewis Eegrest. Jr., otie eiri-vt, No. 1426. Eighteenth ward, on Monday morning, tflst in*t.. at B^'o’clock. ### Moukwlng goods, AT C iSH PRlCES.—^Black Bomt>a7Jnes, 75, and cte; All-wool Tamises, 75 cts; All-wool Mousselinea, 31 cts; Pamela’ Hair Bareges, cts; Crape Maretz, cts; Mihmai*e Bareges, 18# cts; Silk Cha lies, 3T# cte; Satin Plaid Bareges, cte: Plain Bareges, 12)4, 15, and 18if gib; Silk Grenadine*, 75 ct«i Gros do Rhine*; 70 cts; Btcond Mourning Bareges, 12)4 cts; Black aud White neat Check Silks, 62)4 cts; Black and Purple All- Wool Mousselines, 31X cents. BESSON A SON, Mourning Store, mh2B No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. ryr=» A THANKSGIVING DISCOURSE, BY IJJ* REV. WM H. FURNESS, D. D., delivered April 13, 1862, iu eccordance with the recommendation nt the President of the United States. Price 10 ceut'i Published hy T. B. tUGH. gouthweet corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. It* »| -g ■ TH£ BEAUTIFUL STUCK PIANOS I We advise alt to examine these inimitable instru ments. sold by J.E. GODLD, S. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. apl9*stutblst* DR. NEWTIIN WILL BE IN THE lAjF city on SUNDAY, the 27th inet. 'licketsm-ty beottained at SANSOM-STREET HALL, at 3 o’clock every afternoon next week. It# SPIRITU ALISM*-MKS. A» M* (k 3 SPFNLE, el New Yurk« will lecture, at fiAS ftOM-Sr. H&LL, on SUNDAY, at Ioj{ A. M. and 8 P. M. Also, on THURSDAY EVENING, the 24th inst. Admittance 5 ceuts. It# frBf ; DWD VNITARIA(Y SOCIETY, WASHINGi'ON HALL, eprb g Garden stteety above Eighth—SUNDAY, April 20, Rev. WM. L. CHAFFIN. Services to comment eat a quarter before 11 o’clock A. M. aud o’clock P. M. It* JEWISH TABERNACLE AND UJj ITS FURNITURE IN THBIR TYPICAL TEACHINGS.—Tbe next ferrnon in this course will be preached in St. Paul’s Church, THIRD Street, below Walnut, TO-MORROW EVENING, at half past seven. It* f r==» ARCH"STREET HI, E, CHURCH, E. UJj Corner BROAD and ARCH Streets —Preaching by tho Pastor, REV. A KITTEN HOUSE, TO-nOR BOW (Sabbath) MORNING, at 10)4, * u 'l EVENING, at 7# o'clock. Sabbath school at 2# P. M. It* CHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, Us 3 SPRING GARDEN, below BROAD Street.— Rev. R A. CARDEN will (D. V ) preach a serm q to “the bereaved” TO-MORaOW (fuuday) EVENING, at Quarter beforo 8 o’clock. Those whose friend-) or relatives b giuen in Jesus 7 ? aro BUQuittlU 1 invited. SuaLa provided for strangers It# REV. T. DE WITT TALM.IGE enter upon bis duties as pastor of the SECOND REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, on SAB BATH, and will pve&*liiki tho MORNING at >*a<l EVENING at 8 o’clock. It* AID FOR THE SICK AND WOUNDED [| j BOLDIEKO IS WANTED.—The Tnirty-senond Weekly Meeting, in behalf of our brave soldiers, will be hi-ld TO-MORROW EVENING, April QOIH, &t 7 % o’clock, in the FOURTH BAPTIST CHURCH, corner of Fifth and Buttonwood. A statement of the work of tbe “ Army Committee ” in the Hospitals and Camps will be m«de. Addresses by the pastor. Rev. R. JEFFREY, D. D., Rev. W. J R. TaYLOB, D. D„ afid otfterft l(* THE WHITE HORSE AND HIS U 3 RIDER—THE KINGS OF THE EARTH AND THEIR ARMIES; or, the Judgment Age. Rev., 19th ch. Klder W. LANGA3L, of Cincinnati, Ohii, will preach on the above subject, at tbe National Halj, C Street, above TweU'rh. on SUNDAY, at lt jjf A. M., aud 3 anc 7 % P. M, Seats free. It* rvr=. POST OFFICE NOTICE—CHAN iE LLS OF HOURS ON THE SABBATH—On and after the 20th instant, this office will_be open for the transac tion 0/ bnsint-as on the S ABBATH, between the hours of and Q)£ o’clock A. M., and 5 aud o’c’ock P. M. The SUB-OFFICES will be open at the same hours. It C. A. WALBORN, Postmaster. THE REV. TRESHAM D. GREGG, I>. D.—Thin didtingutsbeu theologiaa will deliver a treat leclure to the Protestants of this city, iq tbe. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, on MONDAY EVENING, tbe 12th of May next. Subject—“ The Divine prescription for the liberation of the oppress'd nationalities of tbe earth. 1 ’ Tickets SB cents, to be hod at the rooms of the Y. M. C. A , lull Chestnut street; at the Episcopal Bookstore, 1224 Chestnut street, and at Martien’a Book store, 6fi6 C hestLut street. It* iy==». ATTRACTIVE LECTURE. U 3 BEY. CLEMENT A. BUTLER, Late pastor of Trinity Church, Washington, D. C., has consented to repeat his WASHINGTON IN ITB DAY OF PERIL, at tbe Hell of the SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE, Northeast corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Street«, on THURSDAY EVENING, the 24th, ins*., commencing at eight o'clock- Tickets, 2o cento; to be had at tbe door, or of T B Pugh, Southwest cor. Sixth And Chestnut Btreets. Episcopal Rooms, No 708 Walnut street. Lindsay A Blakiston, No. 25 South Sixth street. apl9*stnth 3t* ■mtci “GREAT WAR LECTURE.”—Rev. ILS J* HYATT SMITH on the “ In.erpositiou of God for tbe Salvation of the Nation in this Crisis,” iu the Tenth Baptist Church, EIGHTH Street, above Green, MONDAY' EVENING, April Slat, 1863. 'Tickets 35 cents; to he hnd fit T. B Pugb’a Book Store. Sixth and Chestnut turrets, and at the door. ap!B-3r* ,»-==» NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY (J 3 given, that the PENNSYLVANIA RAILRO ID COMPANY intfnd applying to the Board of Wardens of the p< rt of Philadelphia, at their next matting, on MONDAY, the 21stinatant, for pemission to place two mooring piers in the river Delaware, at Christiau-strcet wharf. J. C. SHARPLE33, ap 7-3t* Resident Eogioeer, Eastern Division P. R. R. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- U 3 ROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 16,1863. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day declared a stmi-annual Divider d of FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of tbe Company, clear of State tax, paya ble on and after May 16tb, 1862. Powers of Attorney for collection of Dividends can be had on application, at the office of the company. No 288 South THIRD Street. THOS. T. FIRTH, apl7 tjel Treasurer. •*0 SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA IL3 RAILROAD COMPANY—Office 23T South FOURTH Street.—Philadelphia, April 3d, 1862.—The Annual Meeting of tbe Stockholders of this company, and an electiou for President and Eix Managers will take place at tbe office of the Company, on MONDAY, May sth, at 12 o’clock M. W. H. MoILHEN NEY, ap4-tM6 Secretary. n» JAYNE'S HALL CRAVAT STORE-A U_ j Falsehood Exposed.— ln The Press of last Sa turday, there appeared a card published iu this column, in which a false statement wag covertly author of it having for prudential reasons withheld hu name, of which tbe following is tbe substance: That the Jayne’s Hall Cravat Store is now at 800 Chestnut street, and that it was founded originally by Raymond A Go., of New York. As both of these asser tlMift are untrue, and as they are evidently made with a design to injure my business, I will give the facts as they exist, and challenge their contradiction. In the autumn of 1867, the New York firm specified above detailed one of their members to bring to this city a quantity of cravats, Ac., to sell for a special object , and with &e iateutieu of establishing a store here whatever. The place occupied for this temporary purpose was au apartment ui der Jayno’s Hall; and it was when they were about to return their goods to New York that I pur chased the stock, with the view of establishing in Phila delphia a “ Cravat Store,” which I did ou the first day of March, 1959, b J opening ih Obb i>i the J&?fift’* Hil stores. 01 that enterprise I was the sole proprietor; aud, during my stay there, the “Jayne’s Hall Cravat Store” acquired a reputation through exertions which it would be egotism in me to dwell upon. , „„ „ In April} 1860, I removed the Jayne’s Hall Cravat Store to my present location, on the northwest corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets. Subso'iuent to this, a pet son, whose knavery my own sense of honor dissuades me from exposing just tiou», started an enterprise at Eighth «Dd Chestnut (tbe dubious fate of which is well kDQwn)iUnd is now laboring to mtotow! t&9 by such talue statements as tbe above referred to Those are facts t and I will venture a thousand dollars tnat theie is no man living who will dare to contradict them over his own name, in public print. Should another at tempt Le made by tbe party in question, to impair the fruits of ny labors during the past four ypftri to eita* bliah a first* class cravat store, (and that success ia ciattd in tbe iulndaof thousands with the Jayne’s Hall Cravat Store,) 1 will then produce seme additional facts, which I have thus far wi htaeld purely from considera tior* f't charity for a miserable offender. J Albert Ksmi.eman, northwest corner of Seventh and Cheatnut streets. It THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1860. G. ELSAsCR, 431 CHESTNUT Street. LOST OR MISLAID—A daily Pocket Diary, of the year of 1861, with some papers. A 1 reward will be paid by retun ii g them to No. 112 BRE AD street, at the Last Factory. ap!9-2t* WATCHES. U W'.'V. .'VW' QUARLES FRO OS HAM. 8i STHA3TD, LONDON, WATCHMAKER TO THE QUEEN, Would respectfully announce to his American patrons that he has received the Grand Grid Medal of Honor in Paris, Medal of Houor at the Great London Kxhibition, and the Grand Russian Gild Melal of the first order, by command of the Emperor, in token of the superiority and Appreciation of his NEW SERIES IMPROVED CHRO NOMETER WATCHES. tTA».E. CALDWELL & Co.„ 822 CHESTNUT STREET, Have on bond a splendid assortment, comprising all the sizes in heavy 18-carat Gold Hunting Cases end open face, with index. We rdcommsnd tbssa Watohas as Superior to anything as TIMEKEEPERS— perfect iu principle and adjust mint, and not affectod in the pocket by any external mo tion. Should any watih sold by us prove unsatisfactory tho purchase money will tm retnrnwi. ftolO-hithslm PHOTOGRAPHS. New card photographs.— JaMES S. EARLE A son have just published the NEW CARD PHOTOGRAPHS beb.w—all Twenty five ceuts each. New catalogues, with great additions, just rrady« flfra(is } on application, mailed to any address: Jonathan Dymotid, Prof. Longfellow, W'm. Allen, Mrs. Longfellow, M. S. Fox, Longfellow’s Children, George Fox, Wendell Phillips, James Pea**, Jihn Drown, j. j- Gurney, Horace Greeley, Snuil. Gurney, Charles Sumner, Eliza P. Gurney, Lloyd Garrison. Julia K. Clarke, Bobt. Dale Owen, Josiah Foreter, Gen. Fremont, John Hodgkin, Mrs. Premont, ItriAs Hicks, President Lincoln, Lucretia Mott, Hon. E. M Stanton, *i >.ailham.” Bishop Channlng Moore, “ West Hill,” 44 Battle of Au^terlitz,” tl Tb<* Theodor#* Parker, “The Frown,” The Grave of Theo. Parker, (< The Smile,” Dr. Caspar Morri9, Tbe Grave of Frnnklin, Dr. Mutter, Thomas P. Cope, Judge btiry. Miss C. M. Sodgwioki Mrs Jamss Madison, Galileo. Mary Howitt, Nicholas Biddle, Mrs. Trollop*, Mrs. Jameson, Bishop Meade, George Francis Train, Gen. McClellan, Gen. Burnride, Com. Pooto, II Podc Gone.” RfoeraM—,” “ St. Mary's HaU,” Bishon Odenhi-imer, Gen. Buell, Gen. Grant, Gen. Ealleck, Gen. McClernand, Parson Brownlow, Kev. J. A. D. D., God; MoadO; Lieut. Worden. NEW STYLES PHOTOGR APH ALBUM4—the most elegant assortment in this country—ar all prices. Our American Albums are manufactured fxoreg.sly for our own sales, ot especial styles and new desigas. with a number of improvements over nil others 4 JAMES S. EARLE * SON, Esrle’n Galleries and Lookine Gla-a Wardrooms, ap!9-2t 816 CHESTNUT Street pATHEPRAL OS' SAINT PETER \J ASD Saint PAUL—WiII be ready, en TUBS DAY MORNING, Phitgraphic Pictures of the iutorlor and extenor of the Cathedral of Saiut Peter aud Saint Paul. These views will be accompanied by a fall de- Bcriptiou of tho eiiifico SIuALLISTEIi & [itlO , ODticians. 728 OIIE.STNCTT Street. ET. KEY. BENJAMIIV B. SMITH, D. D.—We publish, THIS MORNING, a very tiue Photograph of tbe Bt. Bev. Benjamin B. Smith. D. D , Bishop of Kentucky. McAllister & bro., 728 CIIESTNUT Street. P BY. BICHARD NEWTON, D, D.— X\< A very fine Card Picture of the Rev. Richard New ton, D. P. Sector of Saix-t Paul's Church Price 25 cts. Mailed free of charge. MCALLISTER & BRO. apl9-2t 728 CHESTNUT Street. SPECIALITY. —If you desire a faith ful likeness, get a Life-size Photograph, of RE2I MER in oil colors; they are now mode at reduced prices. SECOND Street, above Green. It* REV. J. a. SWISS. D. D.—A very fine Card Picture of tbe Rev. J. A- Seise, D. D., Pastor of Saint John’s Lutheran Church. Price 25 cents. Mailed free of charge. MoALLIBTBR A BRO., Pennsylvania iiosimtal. for THE INSANE—We have just published a Card Picture of the exterior of the Pennsylvania Hospital for th 6 Insane. Price 25 ceuts. Mailed tree nt charge. McALLI'HTKR a bko., ap!9-2t 728 CrfESToiUT Street. THE FAME OF REIMER’S Colored Photographs is widely extended, and all who nave obtained them bear evidence of their faithfulness and beanry f f coloring. SECOND Srreer. Green. It* SPRUNG MII.LI.NERV. FRENCH BONNET FR AMES, and a choice lot of French Flowers, just opened, ul MORGAN’S, Na. 408 ARCH Street. N. B.—Several Milliners and Trimmers Wanted. ap!9-2t* REMOVAL. MISSES O’BRYAN, 924 CHESTNUT have rmiovid to 1107 WALNUT Street, three doors above Me ventb, T-ortb side, and will open PARIS MILLINERY, for tbe Sprit.#r, on THURSDAY, April 17. apl2-2m* FlfiANCIAfc, UNITED STATES GNE-Y'EAR LOAN FOB SALE. COUPON BONDS AND 7 3.10 NOTES BOUGHT AND SOLD. QUABTERHASTEBS 9 RECEIPTS CASHED, COLLECTED, OR EXCHANGED. Particular attention given to transactions in Govern- ment securities. DREXEL & Co., 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET apl7-ltn (DO OAA OLD MORTGAGE FOR \/# SALE, on a valuable farm in Montgo mery county. Albo, a number of first-class city Mort gages and Ground Rents, of different amouuts, at a dis count Apply to E. PETTIT, mh7«tf No. 309 WALNUT Ntreat 0 rAA —THIS AMOUNT TO IN tj/ VEiT in one or two Securities, as a permaueut investment. Apply to E. PET iTT, mb26 No 309 WALNUT Street. EDIUJATIOWAt. FOB 50 CENTS, ANY PERSON can teach himself to write, with the aid of a Treatis-'on Pennjanship, and two copy books for manual exercißca, by George J. Baker, Professor of Writing in the Girard College. Published and for sals by URIAH HUNT & SON, nplTithfiluCt* CQ NORTH FOURTH Street. THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY, at West Chester, Pa., within two hours’ride frwn Philadelphia, will commence tbe Summer session, of fuU flw PWiitlto—the seyenteentli eeßaioa under the dir reciion of Its present Principal —on the first or May next. Boys and youug men are thoroughly prepared for College or business. Eight gentle men of tried ability and experience constitute the corps of instructors. Tbe French, German, and Spanish lan guages are taught by native resident teachers. The De partment of “MMtary Tactics” iaio Bucceßafut operation, under tbe cl &r»e of a competent instructor, without, in the least, interfering with the legitimate objects of the school, while tho individual student is not required to connect himtelf with it. Catalogues containing full information may be obtained by ftddreaaiDg the Principal, WILLIAM F. WYERS, A. M., aplO-lhstn-ln * At West Chester, Pa. HOLMESBTTBG SEMINARY EOS Tft>UNCi-I.APIBS,—The duties of this School will be resumed, after tbe Ettßter holidays, on tbe srli of MAY. For circulars, references, Ac , address the Misses CHAPMAN, Principals, Holmusburg,Pa. aplB-lm* EDUCATION. —Parents or Guardians haring sons or wards to • duciath,, on ieariog che~r aedrees at the 8T LOUIS, CHESTNUT Street, wiU be waited npon by tho Principal of the Uf. JOY ACA DEMY, LANCASTER COUNTY, to furnish all needful information regarding the School. aplT-4 1 ;* THE COPARTNERSHIP HERE toforo existing as A. A T. HAN3ELL is this day di&solved, by the withdrawal of AMOS HANSELL. The hußineßß will be conducted in future by THOMAS HAN BELL, corner NINTH and NOBLE, April 7,1862. It* REIMER’B IVOR7T¥PES MAY be classed amongst the finest pictures of the day; bead finely modeled, ftesh tints life-like and naturaL OallerYi SEUuN n Strtel. above Green. . H* 1A LB. 75-CENT TEA FOR §6.50, I U or 10 lb or 62c for 95i at INQBAH’S American Bank Tea Store, 43 SECOND, below MARKET. Try them. I** Army clothing and equi page OFFICE. TWELFTH and GIRAKO Sts. Philadelphia, April 17,1862. PBOPOSALB will be received at this Office until TUESDAY. 2*l .instant, f»t 4? o’clock M, ta tarnish at the St buylkill Arsenal: (5,250), Fifty-two hundred aud fifry yards wool-dyed fast-color Grten Kersey, 27 inches wide, to wrigh 11 ounces to the yard. To be of army standard quality; and (5,600), IhirlF-Si* hundred yard, wool-dyed fast color Green Coat Cloth, 54 inches wide, to weigh 21 ounces to tbe yard. To be of army staudard Quality. Proposals will he endorsed—“ Proposals for Green Cloth," aud will state how soon it can be delivered. A sample of the color can be seen at thin office. Q, if, riftOSMANi ap!9 Deputy Quartermaster General, U. t*. A. XDAMS EXPRESS COMPANY will receive and forward Goods for Sutlers and Soldiers to Fortress Monroe, as formerly. Freights and Packages cannot, for iho present* be conveyed beyond Fortress Monroe, but will have to be called tor there. apl9 3t T?XTRA PARED PE ACHES, Stoned i’J Cherri.B. New Tork Plum, cf the beat Quality. T7n naied P6a4h4t, Uad DHfid A,,plow, very brtQl.U At f - dacedprice.. JAMES HOMES t HON, SEVENTH and NOBLE and SIXTH and WOOD. ap!B-»t* LADIES’ TRUSSES, SUPPORT IBB) BRACES, and other Mechanical Appliance*, ot correct construction and easy to the wearer. For eelc and adjustment at O. H. NEEDLES’ LADIES’ bTOBE, TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. Gentlemen reaulring Rupture Trusses will call at thi Bouthifeit corner TWELFTH and RACE, whereO. H. If; gives attention to tide ■peciaifeatqre. PHILADELPHIA, 728 CHESTNUT Street. RETAIL DRY GOODS. gPRING AND SUMMER (lOOD3. UNDERSHIRTS, HOSIERY, VESTS, AND DRAWERS, For LADIES’, MEN’S, and CHILDREN’S Wear, or the most approved regular makes, at Low Prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, .pIA-ntutbTt 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. JJYJRfi & LANDELL. E. & L., FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. fourth and aboh. SPRING OPENING-. NEW CHINTZES, NEW GINGHAMS, NEW ORGANDIES, NEAT PLAID SILKS, SHEPHERD'S PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE SILKS, BLACK FIGURED SILKS, COLORED POULT DE 80IES, mhlG-mw&stf Ift OOil YARDS bAWNS at 9c.— IvjvVv H. BTLfiL £ PON have just received 10,000 yards of English Jaconet. Lawns, fast colors, at 9c, never boforo sold for less than 15c. Fifty pieces English Challi Delaines at I 6c 1 never sold lees tl)»i- 25 o Oue lot Figured Grenadines at 31, worth 75c. 200 11-4 Honeycomb Quilts at 51 50. From the late auction Bales, a few very cheap lots of choice and desirable et> les of FIGURED ALL WOOL DELAINES. One lot at 50c, a great bargain. One lot at37)ic, very cheap. One lot at 25c. never sold less than 50c. Also, ju*t received from New York, Black Ri d W hi to Chuck Silks. Brown and White Check Silks, 24 inches wide, at BOc. CHEAPEST FANCY SILKS IN THE CITY. Oue lot Barege Robes at $3, worth $l2 ft pi 9 No. 713 North TE'-iTH Street, above Coates. LlNtim ATIMMOkTMKS? prices. —RIOIIARDSON’S » n d DUNBAR DICKSON’S celebrated SHIRTING and FRONTING LINENS, re ceived from ttiu manufacturers direct, and guarantied perfect—to which tbe attention of buyers and tbe trade fii'ißTHllv is respectfully invited. SHEPPARD, YAN HARLINGEN, k ARRISON, ftp!9-rptf 1008 CIIESTNUT 3treet. Gauze summer blankets.— The subfleriburs have received an invoice of thsas very desirable goods, in fino auality, at last season’s price. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, A ARRISON, aplO-rptf 1008 CHESTNUT Street. Marseilles counterpanes. —I have now, direct from tbe importer, every size and quality, from $2 up. Some of the patteroH are en tirely new and exceedingly pretty. They are the cheap est lot I havo hud. AftenOale Conuterpares SI. Allendale Ci-uuterpanea. SI 25. Allctidale Counterpanes, $1.30. Honeycomb Counterpanes, SI .50. Honeycomb Counterpanes, largest size, 51.50. Lancaster CoutittrpaTn-9. 56. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, apHMf No. 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth, CHEAP URY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS* MATTING, AND WINDOW fHADiss— Y. E. ARCHAM&AULT, W. E. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET htreets, will open this morning, from auction, Ingrain Carpets, 31, 37, 44, 50, 62, and 75r. ; Entry and Stair Carpets, 13, 22, 31, 37,50, and 62c.; Bag and Yarn Carpets, 20 to 31c.; Floor Oil Cloths, all widths. At 32,37. aud 50c. • White and Red Check Matting, 20 ami 25c. ;. Bordered Window Shades, new styles, 50, 62, 75, aud Green and Buff Window Holland, 12 to 31c.; Bleacht-d Shirtings and Sheetings, from Bto 12j<c : new style Plaid Dress Goods, 15 to 25c.; Shepherd’s Piaida f 12 to 22c. ap!9-12t LINEN GOODS.—Just received, a freth lot of those celebrated haud-loom, half kleached Table Linen, at6o, 62)j, and 75 cents. These Goodß give better satisfaction than any others of the kind made, and are leau thau the aatue iiUAlity Huva bei-h sold. Bleached Scotch Table Linen at 50; wider and heavier at 62 ; still wider and finer at 75; real Barns ley, 2 yaids wide, at 81—these are extra heavy ; Brown do. at 28 cents. Also, a good assortment of Uuion Table Linen at3<X and 50 cent 8 , wtich are very serviceable, and wash txcellent. I have now the finest 37 % ana 50- cent Fronting Linen that can ba'haa. Having bought a considi.ruble quantity, I am selling them lower than they ought to be sold. Richardsou’s heavy Linens far family- use, with which, iu point of cheapness, I have surpassed some of the largest iiuen Btores, having every Dumber from 3ik up. One lot ail liuou-friiuod Doilies, 75 centsperdozen; one lotUniou Napkins, 75 cents per drzen; one lot all linen Huck towls, $1.50; one lot Brown do., 75 cents; one lot do., 1# yards long, with red bolder, 18)£ each ; and finer Towels equally cheap. 4 bales bussia/lrash at 8,9, 10, and 12)4 cents. One lot White Brilliants at lQl{— very cheap. Saif cdttou Flannel nud fine all-wool Gauze Flannel, for summer wear. These goods are about 15 per cent, less than they are Bold. GRANVILLE 6. HAINES, ap!9 tf No. 1013 MARKET St., above Tenth. ORRING CLOAKS. Cloak room contains every n«w style. Short and medium length Cloaks. Bilk mantles, opening every morning. Garments mode to order with despatch. CLOTHS* C\SSIiIEItEiL Fancy Caesiniwrea and Meltunß. Cagbmarettcs aDd Light height Woollens. Goods, especially, for Boys' wear. Fine Black Cloths and Doeskins. Supeib stock of these goods at low priceß. DkESfi GOODS. Checks and Plaids for children’s wear. Extra wide Fil-de.chi. vres, for Ladies’ wear. Mohair*, Poplins, Alpacas. Good Black Silks and Wool Detains. Shepherd’s Plaids. Good Huop Skirts. Cheap auction lots of Drees Goods. COOPER A CONARD, ftp]s Southeast corner NINTH and M. VKKJfiT. fUOAKS, PALATOTES AND MAN \-J TlLLAS—Ladies in want of the above ortielea will find itto their advantage to visit the old established house of Mrs. HENRY, No. 38 Noitb NIN TH Street, below ARCH. The latest Paris Styles alwayson hand at prices thataetonisb everybody. ap4-3m New cloak store i The most elegant assortment in the city. No. 29 South NINTH Street, mb26-3tn First door above Chestnut. /CLOAKS.—if you want the best value To*- your money, go to the City Cloak Store, 142 North EIGHTH Btre«t, above Cherry. mh26-3m COMMISSION HOUSES. COFFIN, & CO., SBQ CHESTNUT STREET, Agents for the following makes of goods: PRINTB. DUNNELL MFG. 00 GBXENE MFG. 00. LAWNS. DUNNELL MFG. 00. BLEACHED COTTONS. Lwdahi Foreetdate, Auburn, Slateravtlle, Oentrodalo, Juintomii Blacketone, Hope, Bed Bank. Dorchestei. Newbnryport, Nanmeag, Zouave, Burton, Greene Mlg. Co.’B A. A., B. A., O. A., and other atylea. BROWN COTTONS. Bnnudde, Trent, Groton, Ashland, Chestnut, GlenvlUe, Heehafile. 1 and Faruer.'. OOBSXT JEANS—Glasgow, Manchester. DENIMS AND STRIPES.—Grafton, Jewett Oity, Madison, SlatersriUe, Agawam, Keystone, Choctaw. CANTON FLANNELS.—HlateravUle, Agawam. SILESIAB—Smith’., Social Co., lionsdalß Co. WOOLENS. ABMT BLUE CLOTHS, KERSEYS, and FLAN NELS. BBOAD CLOTHS.—Plunkett.’, Glenham 00., *O. OASSIMEBES Gay A Son, Saxton'. Hirer, Ao. SATINETS.—Baw Biver, Oonversville, Lower Tal ley, Hope, Staffordvllle, Converse and Hyde, Convene Bn., A Co., nhaw nrg. Co. KENTUCKY JEANS.—Hodman, Myrtle, Gold Medal. DOMET FLANNELS.—WILLIAMS’S Angola, Sax ony, Merino, mid other atylea: LONSDALE Nankeen, and Colored Oambrioi. PLAID LINSEYS. COTTONADES, Ao. IfeM-Sm HEUSBNER, & CO.. IMPORTERS OF CLOTHS, DOESKINS, CASSIMERES, Ao,, jtCi| OFFER THEIR TERY LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHS, DOESKINS.&C., or the.a celebrated Hanufaeturere ERCKENS, (Little Ticket;) JOHANNY, SEVERS, A SCHMIDT, (S. A M.,) Ana many others, at CONSIDERABLY REDUCED PRICES. No 300 CHESTNUT STREET. QaEPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. WOLFE & ao., COMMISSION MEBOHANTS, Mo. 133 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Mr A full aseortmont of PhUadelphla-mad. Oarpete always in Store. apl-lm gHIPLEXp;, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, Mo. 114 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANT 8 FOR THB SALS OP PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mbit* 3m Desks, fcHow cases, office ■ltd Sd 00l Furniture, for sale and mad* to «nW. bMHH, 732 MARKET Street. ap!9-2t» PORT WINKS.— 5 half pipes, 60 quar ter.. 36 octaves. Burgnn ly Porta. For salt by CHAS. 8. CABBTAIRS. apif Mo. lid WALNUT St. and 21 GRANITE St. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. ■VTBW SPRING AND SUMMER i_V GOODS. M. 1,. H AIjLO WELL & 00.. 93S MARKET and 37 NORTH FOURTH BTB., Wholesale Dealers la SILKS AND f ANCY DRY GOODS) Desirous of selling off their stock of goods, previous to removing to th**lr New Store, in “JAINE’S MARBLE BUILDING,” CHESTNUT STRUTT, Offer for the remainder of the season, at Wholesale only, their A 3 TRACTIVE STOCK of recently-purchased DRESS GOODS, At prices generally much under “ COST OF IMPORTATION. They will also offer, at LOW PRICES, A well-wlecU'd Mucrtmpiit of other goods In their line, many or which will be sold at a GREAT SACRIFICE. ap!9-tr 1862. spbino. 1862 . W- S. STEWART & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, itO. SOS IB A BIT Ml STUBS*. Now in store, POULT DE SOIL, All Shades. BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, In SILKS and OTHER FABRICS. ALSO, A TULL LINK OF CLOAKING CLOTHS, PLAIDS, STRIFES, And deiurable PLAIN COLORS. ap!7 jyjEW SPRING IMPORTATIONS o r MEN AND BOYS’ WEAR. Including Goods suited for MILITARY PURPOSES. Now in Store, NO. 631 CHESTNUT STREET, And for Sale by DE COURSEY, LAFOURCADE, & CO. txih2o-lm Y AJ*H,GIIJLMOItL2 # & o</n Nos. 617 CHESTNUT and 614 JAYNE Streets. Have now open their SPRING IMPORTATION OS SILK AMD FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &o. Bought in Europe; by one of the Arm. To which the attention of the trade Is particularly In* died. fe2l-2m JELLING OFF; WHOLESALE STOCK AT RETAIL. BILK YKHTING3, formerly *3 00, now 82.00. MARSEILLES, “ 8150, now 81.00, CaSSIMEBES for men’s wear, and ladies’ Cloftko, 25 per cent, under former prices, Ac., Ac. A. H. GIBBS, mh26-lm 631 MABKET STBEKT, Dp stairs. gIBLEY MOLTEN, & WOODRUFF, IMPOBTEBS AND JOBBEBS OF SILKS AND FANCY GOODS, No. 531 MARKET ST BEET, hre now opening and daily receiving a new and CHOICE STOCK 9F SILKS. DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS and EMBROIDERIES, SHAWLS, RIBBONS, GLOVEa, MITTS, &0 They respectfully coll the attention of buyers gene rally. rnlt2s-lm SEWISG MACHINES SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE.— Only $6O for an eltgaot, new, fuSl-cased Wheeler A Wilson $BO Sewing Machine, with heminer, warranted one year. Only $35 for a handsome new Shuttle Ma chine, FinkltjA Lyon, usual price $7O; fine finish, been need one month. Only 835 for a new 3-Btitoh Sowing Machine, worth $f 0, hemmera complete, at the WIL LIAMS & ORYIS $25 Family Sewiug Machine Office, S E. corner ol EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. TnOS. J. BYLES, Agent. Alan, one new Ladd A Webster Machine at $2O below east. &&18-3t# & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, mtril-Sm GENTS* FURNISHING GOODS. Q.EORGE GRANT, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, No. 610 CHESTNUT STREET. mb2o'3m JU.ANNEL OVER-SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. FINE SHIRTS. COLLARS, STOCKS, AND WRAPP E R S. Manufactured at W. W. KNIGHT’S. NO. 606 ARCH BTBEET. ffgr A full line of TIES. SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY, AND UNDERCLOTHING, Always on hand. mhs 3mif Fine shirt manufactory. The subscriber would Invite attention to hie IMFBOYXD GUT OF BSISTSi b Which he makes a specialty in hie business. Also, eon- Wtly receiving NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAR- J. W. SCOTT. GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORM, Bi. 814 CBSSTNVT SI'RKS T, jaS-tf Four doom below the Continental, AGRICULTURAL. m graham, emlen, & pass. -E MORE, 627 MARKET STREET, SOLE AGENTS FOR WOOD’S LITTLE MOWER AND THE LITTLE GIANT MOWER. There Machines are unsurpassed for lightness of draugl t, efficiency, durability, and cheapness. ap!9-6t* PRICE, $B5 ASPARAGUS ROOTS, RHU -2£ BABB Boots, Early Seed Potatoes, rieed Corn in variety, for sale by DAVID LANDRETH & SON, Implement and Seed Warehouse, It* Nos. 21 and 23 South SIXTH Street. SfcTRAWbERRY PLANTS.— Now is the best season for planting; the Trfomphe de Gand and Wilson’s Albany Seedling are the best varie ties. Fresh Plants constantly on hand. H. A. DBEER, It# 927 CHESTNUT Street fjjt FLOWEtI SEEDS.— Twenty-five «£» varieties Freebloomera, with directions, tor One Dollar: also forwarded by mail without additional charge. H- A. DREER, It# 32? CHESTNUT Street. 9H VEGETABLE SEEDS.—A full «£* supply of the best varieties. Also, Early Potatoes, Onion Feta, Asparagus and Rhubarb Roots, Cabbage Plants* Aoi Hi A* DBEER, Rh* 327 OYTRSTNUT Street, GARDEN VASES.—Ornamental Terra Cotta Garden Vases, warranted to stand the wvatfaer in mr fiimnto, These ykkb are made in bomi tiful designs, and all sizes, from 1 foot to 3 feet high, with a variety of pedestals, round aud square, from 1 foot to 4 feet high. No decorations add so much to the natural beauties of a Garden, and at so little cost, ns a few Vases filled with flowering plants. Illustrated Cata- sent bj null oo Application' < 8. A. BARBIBON, aplS-tf 1010 CHESTNUT Street. Eastern market dininh BFfeTAVRANT, FIFTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT* OPPOSITE SMITH’S BBEWEIiY. This establishment liaviog been refitted regardless of expense, is now ready to serve its patrons with break fast, dinner, and eupper at moderato charges, combined with the best tbo market affords, (and only the best.) The bar is turuihbed with the choicest liquors aud cigju i j in short* the Eastern Market Dining Restaurant is tfaemax’mum of Philadel pliia. The subset Ibere respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and the public P B.—Free Lunch from 10# to 12 o’clock. L. HOPKINS, ) „ .. spl7-1m T. FIT/GIBUON, \ Proi,rietorai « ATTENTION —THE RE -1 URN ED TAROLED PRISONERS of the late California tenimeut are reauested to meet at SJ’JHHG GARUKN HALL, corurr of ThirtwnUi and Spring Garden streets, ad SATURDAY AFTER NOON, at 2 o'clock. By order of ep!B 2t* Captain FRANCIS J. KBFFEB. F)R HAIR-DYEING, OR A DE LICIOUSBATH, Gentlemen ihonU g, to FOURTB And BRAN OH. aiM-iftf PUBLISHED TBIS DAY, THE OHANNINGS. A NEW NOVEL. BY MRS. HENRY WOOD, AV TBOB or •> KABL’B HEIBS.” THE CHANNINOS ! THE CHANNINOS! THE CHANNINOS ! BY AUTHOR OF >t EARL’S IIEIIS3,” THE CHANNINOS. A DOMESTIC HOVKL OF BEAL LIFE. By MBS. HUBBY WOOD, auttrorot tbe EARL'S HEIRS," 1. published Andfcr day. It i. printed from tbe adrencfftlreete ynrebased from the anlhor, and ft issued to a farge octffvo'YO’- lume of over 300 pages, large type, double colnim, and printed on the hjirst spd best of white paper', Fried' Fifty Cents In paper cover, or Sevsnty•five centu 1 in cloth. Published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON &B3SO&, 300 CHESTNUT STREET, rniLADELFBTAI To whom all orders mmt be addreaed. Copies of “The Channfng* 1 ’ will be sent to any one fred' of postage, on remit ting Fifty Cento to the publishers, in a letter ; or f two copies will bn Bent for One Dollar, Bookseller?, News Agents, and nl> othors, will please send on their orders at once for what they may want of this book to start *ilh, which will prove to be even more popular than “ Bar>*s Heirs,” or “‘last Lynn. ll Address all orfenr to tbe puhlishWflr T. B. PETERSON A BROTHERS, It 3CG CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. pRIsON LIFE TOBACCO WAREHOUSE BY A BJILL’S BLUFF PRISONER, or COL. BAKEB’S CALIFORNIA' BE&fiMBNT. Chap« 1. From Balls’ Bluff Chap. YI, Prison Incidents* to Richmond. Chap.Vll.Sand&yicPHeon, Chap. II: Our Prison. Chap.Vftl. Our Jailors.- Chap 111. A Day in the Chap. IX. Oor Visitors: PrißAn. OhAft. X. RlakteoiiJ 1 PFifeo» Chap. IV A Daf In tlife Aaioclatlohv Privates’Prison Chap. XI. Prison Ccmpan- Chop V. Pursuits and Pas- ions. times. Chap.Xll. Homow’d Eotmd. These aketehes were written to lessen the tedium-of my Xvngtby iwprSoomuent } and if they srrve to recall to my prison-companions the scenes enacted in the old- Warehouse, and enlist tbe interest, and sympathies of-tko reader, they will have accomplished all that is desired by the publication of them. With the exception of“ Homeward Bound,” they were all written wttbiu prison walls, and brought to the North sewn securely in tbe lining of an overcoat. - I confidently tHiet to Soy brother-oißceri for tbeir les titnoDy an the fidelity of description of our li domestic economy,” ani the accuracy of detail in the varied in-- oicUntsin our priaondite in the Tobacco Warehouse. Philadblfhia, March 25, 1862. Complete in one volume, price 50 cents, or hand somely bound in cloth, 75 cents. Sent free by mail, on recei pt of price. Published by Nos. 929 and 630 CHESTNUT Street, apK- 2td AltW Philadelphia. AMA&TE.BLY PAMPHLET. -The HISfCRY AND THEORY OF REVOLUTIONS, as applied to present Southern Rebellion. 15 cent*. [From the North American.] Tins is a Keen analysis of the motives of the Southern leaders, and an exposure of the points wherein the re bellion fails to display the necessary requistes to consti tute it a revolution. This essay will interest every Ame rican, and enlighten those of our friends across the At lantic who may chance to read it. Published hy- WILRIA.M 8. A ALFRED MARTIEN, apl9 No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. JJALLADS OF THE WAR. BY GEORGE W. HEWES. JUST PUBLISHED, One elegant 12mo, tinted paper. Price 75 cents. Sold by all Booksellers OABLETON, Publisher, New York. apls luihsSt The union bible dictionary. A new edition of this valuable anil oopular work ie now issued with Sli SUPERIOR MAPS. 692 pages, large lSmo., clotft, only 75 cents. Published and for 8 “THE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION,’’ No. 112HCHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. unis. hilhJkeJt %£& THE NEW BOOKS: A volume of rare entertainment. The curiosities and peculiarities of the Medical profession set out in a most amufeiog light Price $1 SOi SPIRIT OF HEBREW POETRY. Isaac Taylor’s magnifioent new contrthntion to .the literature of the Bible, with Dr. .Adams’ Biographical Introduction. Price $2. TEACH ITS TO TRAY. A series or admirable discourses on the Lord’s Prayer, by Bev. Dr. Cumming, author of “ The Great Tribula tion,” Ac. Price $l. PHILADELPHIA. The new novel by the author of “ Rutledge.” Nearly thirty thousand of these capital novels have been already sold. Price $1 25. TWENTY YEARS AROUND THE WORLD.- A delightful volume of travel and adventure* by John Guy Yasßar, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Price 82.50. *** Any of the books sent by mail free. CAKLETON, Publisher, (Late KCDB & CABLETON,) No. 413 BROADWAY, corner Lispenard-street, N. Y. apl2s*w-t.f gin SALAMANDER P|U S EES. Messrs. EVANS & WATSON, Gentlemen: On SATURDAY MORNING.Iast* the 22d inst., the entire Woollen Manufactory belonging to the Estate of LEWIS POSTER, decettrf, wfts burot to the ground. Sometime ago they purchased one of your SAFES, at a Sheriff s Sale, somewhere in your aity, and placed it in the second Htory of tho factorfi .Vtece-rt waa expoeed to an intense heat; so much so tbat it melted the knob and plate off of it. After the S A.FE :wae.:o the fire for ft number of hours, it was taken fromi the mint. cooled off and opened, when the Books,.Deeds, Bank Notes, and other Papers—in short everythin© the SAFE cofatilh&d—waa found in & perfect atataofi preservation. apl9-stnth6t LILLIE'S SAFE MFOT i&Jfi ■SfL’MOVED to No. 21 South SfiVBNTH Street, neat the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past Savors, and bain* totonniim! t? fstur? Pft?roaM»i fees rnand m elegant and couvenleni store, and baa now on band i large assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought and Cfcilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safee, (tho only Btsictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, LilUe’i Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Li!Me’> B»pk Vault Door. bb4 will furnlgbci to order on short notice. This Is the strongest, bast pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is celled to Lillie’s Ne* Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Safe Is cob* ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and Settee only one that is striotlj fire iHi bnrglU Bpecial Notion.—l have now on hand ray twenty of Farrel, Herring, A Co ’s Safes, most of them nearly new and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very iow prices. Hmm mU mml mamine. Ja2s-lyif . M. 0. SADLER, Agent Bn EVANS & WATSON’S H salamander safer STORE, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A lug" VWletj of FIRE-PROOF SAFES dngi oi hand - ' •- rpH E J. H. MIOHENER * Co., GENERAL PROVISION DIALERS, And enren of the celelirlrtri “EXCELSIOR” SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Nos. 142 and 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch <ra£ Race Philadelphia. The justly*celebrated “EXCRLBIOR” HAMS are cured by J, H. M. A Co., (in a style peculiar to them selves,) «xpruily for FAMILY USB 5 are of delicious flavor > froa from th« unpleasant taafte of ult, and an> pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for sale. apl-3m T?BESH ROLL BUTTER, EGGS, &0., X: rwvived awiv »t 8. Z. OOTTWAIIB'. No SU SPRING GARDEN nort. mUI-tf NEW PUBLICATIONS, IN TH' E AT RICHMOND' LIEUTENANT WILLIAM’ C. HARRIS, CONTENTS. PREFACE GEORGE W. CHILDS, A BOOK ABOUT DOCTORS. THE SUTHERLANDS, SAFES. Betueuem, March 26,. 1862^ Your" respectfully,. “EXCELSIOR” HAMS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. CELEBRATION. FIRST ANNIVKBBABY or tii FIRBT REGIMENT INFANTRY RESERVE bßlgapr, SATURDAY APRIL 19, 1862, AT TftK ACADEMY Of MUSIC. PROCEEDS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED VOLUNTEER?. ORATION, by the Rev. KINGSTON GODDARD, D. D. Reading of a PATRIOTIC POEM, by S. It. OLEVE. LAND, EWI A MILITARY BAND OF THIRTY PERFOJVMEBS, niMl.r tbe direction of CARL SENTS?:- And REGIMENTAL DRUM CORPS. PART FIRST No. I. First Infantry Quick Step ...Htfcd. 2. Operatic Selection , ~«.Batid. Urnlloni br Kcy, Kingston Di Hi 4. filar Spangled Banner... b. Reading of T. Buchanan Read’s Poem, *♦ Onr Defftiide/s,” by 8. M. Cleveland, Esq. ft. Hail Columbia,.,, Banff.** 72te Regimental Drum Corgi; under the dii-sctton of' Itgfcw&ncton Drnm Major B. G. 8. WILKS, will bail the feOowfng calls: Brunner's Call; Assemblyj-Cowmecrce Firing; Cease Firing Adjutant's Galt; Dress Parade. No, 1. Grand March..., Band. 2. Operatic Selection—*:*. Lombard/.......... Rand. & Overt3re-"-te Boi D*Yoitot. Band. 4. Waltzes,. .Band. &. Quick March..... , Bud. 6. Fih&!d. Deeyropen at 7-Vctock. Corns* once - at 6 o'clock. Carriages will set down sauth, take up north. Curtly of Rdmitftfom FIFTY GENTS EACH' cut b« obtaini! *of tlift ffellAirfeff named gMt «nen: Captaht ffkirge \V. Briggs, Recelya? of Taxes’ Office, Sixth anff Cbestmlt streets. Captain S'. Boss ClarhV23o’Dbck atrfcat. Captain jaecb Lo«ties«lager, 1217 GKuftmt itfeet, .'Cehcert Ua!l Adjutant Jbseph F. Fon? f 'l27‘ Shutb Fourth street. Quartermaster Albert B. Foering*, 113"' 2?orth Socond rJVrct. LientfDßLt Cl'i'ftrlAß Ffrnaldf 25 South Sf.ith’stfooti ?riTttfr Pugh Madeira, n& 'Amih Tenth strofit* Or of any munhur of tile Regiment, gj*' Cards of adhesion will sot be sold attlis Acade my aplB-2t American academy oF-mu -820. EAkTEB ArONPftY E VEN7NG; April : 21 JtV MAia nASSLE3t»S' f <RiND' HUBfJM'IIUUL ANb* Admit sioc fifty cents. No extra charge for reSorvoff gents The full in the morhlng’papem ofMobdw. TUfKS- JOHN DREW >8 i.T± ARCH-STREET THEATRE. Acting Stage Manager .*W. 3. FREDERICK®. jßiuinenp Asront anJ Treaahrer..... .J 69 6. MPRPHT fourth —F.rdliVY-A'tßtii ot' JOHN DREW. JOHN DBSWc TO-NIGHT. AFRIL lBB2i* Sixteenth night of the uew dracTb of ÜBOHOffßErft'ft-Bi’LHOOK, Andy Bonlahan, the Foster Brother,,,, Hr, John Drew* To conclude with the farm of Dennis O’Glib Prerions to the draiwv uTWO OAK 1 PLAV AT'TIfAiP OAUU.” Beats can be secured foi* Mr. Jdlin t)rew*s represents tions three days in advance Doora open at 7 performance commences at 1% prectoeljr. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE — NINTH and WALNUT Streets Sole tieaeee. THIS SATURDAY EVENING. APRJL : 19,‘1863 T>e peifoymacce will comment with tbo drama entitl&i' yicioßT^E, sites Charlotte Mr. J,U‘Wright.. _ -Mrs. Anna Cowell. Concluding with ti e t*:srce entitled HLASHBII AUIi I'ltiUflßtt ! ' Sflwpsoti Slaeher Mr*. Vmlng -Bowert. Bob* .-.•MifcsPtirrj. Tjctorine, Bfonsienr de St. Alexandre Pbiobb—6o. 76, and• 536 cents; Private Boxes, SS and S 3, according to their locale. poors open at 7 o’ctock To ffi, fa MEKICAN ACA DB4IF OF J&> MUSIC. BENEFIT OK ATTACHES * A &XAND VOCAL COIWSttT; *a& ihs direction of-PROFESSOR FISCHER. 9N MONDAY EVENING, APRIL*2B,*IB62.' Binds tickets 2£ cents; secured seats 10 c*»nt4 extra. Bnaro.Dce open three d*ys In Advance- Solh.^Sth.and 1 28th of April—froai 9 A. M. to. I P. M. Tickets and secured seats can now be h*d,afc-the fpi* iovriop Mr. J. K f Gould*, l»tje ft v,'A.iher» aud l Mr..3i>.*y’s» at Continental Hotel. nrliMitatti-7t W. C. H. Continental thbatsa andtber new drama::” A DECIDED TUT T(3*NI&HT t AND EVERY NICSSi* until'farther Betice, will be presented thfc entirely* new three-act IRISH DRAMA! cntitN “THIS UTAC.VRTTIY j” 08, THE PBEP O’ PAX The Olacorthy ..Mr J. T> 'Studley. The Babiy KrtO* HiDo; Nelly Brady Miss Joonio’Parktjr, QMJJ OONOKRT ANU &A&W UIVfeK liY THU The Mouagts3 beg leave to auuoiuice that the above fntiTtaiii'jii'Dt will lie tbcir last otic for this bumdiii and* that, ib they will endeavor to make it one of the pleoeautebf and most ruchwche J. H. Camp, M. Kaiser, P. Baltr.. H. Nuss, -.W. Wal— defter, J\ B. Flues, F Romberg, R T. Schmidt Tickets ab4>2v»dj»ittiijg one gentleman and two ladies, cad be procured of fflt&prs. Ptnt-CB <£ btrrli WnnKerorNo, 30 South Third street; Mr. 3. B Camp, No. 130-Nttrtbu Stventh street; Mr. Peter Balrz, No. 682 North Thirdi streetMb L-Benkert, No. 716 Chestnut Htroc t; Mr 1 . 9fi Kaiw-r. No 18tt South Eighth street; Mr R. T. ttchmidt,.. No. 126 North Third street. apl3 2r BUILDINGS. Now In ite FIFTH SUCCESSFUL WEEK. The «* Monitor” will be rbown at every perfarmaqom HERR ENGELKE’B ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAT and SATURDAY AFTBBNOOGIff, And Briscoe’ii Quartette every evening. Admiseion 26 cents* Six tickets, sl* Children, 19* cents Commence, evening? at 8 o’clock; afternoons 3. apl&44> STEKROSCOPTICOt’ S OF TH-E-Rfi -9SLLI&K, fur public vlewabf all Um* prominent Battles, Incidents, and Mea. Fall pi iced aud illustrated catalogues sent tree, by JAMES W. QUEEN A 00.* Optician'*, aidl>lm No. 924 CHESTNUT fitreeh PhiladelpMOi Germania orchestra. CARL SENTE, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 3U 9’ciock p f m,j attfe? fy## SAhb, Package ®f Bight Tickets, $1 ] Single Tickei9r2s cto, To-be bad at Andre’s, 1104 Chestnut street, J. ; E> Gould’s* Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of tie Hall. oc2B-tF PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FIND ARTS U how cloeed, b-ul.vrill reopea on MONDAY, the2Bth inuK apBtotf YVTANTEP —A joung nKii , vri'li' a* f V fair knowledge of the DRUG BUSINESS, to go to Franklin Co., Pa.; or someone to buy a half, interest to. a store of DRUG* and GROCLHIEB comUiued. Capi tal required for lauer, about 8800. Address 0„ Box. 1Q66 Philadelphia Post Offins. apl9i3t* WANTED Canvassings Agents.— “Death Bed of John Wesley ; duo Engraving, \YM SMITH, PuhLehar, ltf TWfouth TBJRPtSIrMfc « UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted, for the United States Marine Corps, few sea service aboard of men-of-war, SEVERAL HUN »»SP d«LB-BOPIBP MBP, lr»K>'Wß lkf> am of eighteen anC tony years. Young men from-the-oo un try not lees than 6 feet inches high, who-shall pas the medical examination, end euhat, will receive three cent* per mile for the distance travelled in comluK to tten Rendezvous, at 311 South FRONT Street- below 9pruoe, Philadelphia! or at 108 MARKET Str&ati. Wllmlojitotes Delaware. All other information that may be re- Quired will be given. JAMES LEWIS* Captain, apB-12t and Becruitiug < >fficer. DEPUTY QUAiITERMAS SSe TBBGBHKBAb'B OFFICE, pbilai>rlpu!4. April, 3> 1892. W’ANTFD IMMEDIATELY—VesseIs, to load wfefc Coal for Fort Monroe, Ya. Ak BOYD, ap4-tf Captain aud A. Q. M. DEPUTY, Q.JJAtSffiftMAS aSSTER GENERAL’S OFFICE) April 3,.1008. WANTED IMMEDIAI ELY—Yessela- to load, wltte Coal for Alexandria, Ya. A BOYDy ep4-tf Captain :uid-A. Qv M, gb TO on KIIMAIN Street, near Church laae, now Mill street.— Tlirte rooms Srei Hsor j S-chMsberu-j; butb, hot and cold water; all modvrn front yard* aodUwn well tliaded. laafllre at the Cettageback. aplio-3t*3| J. IS. KNAUBB. TO LET-=VYHABE AND LARGE SHED, Bailable for a coal' wbirf, on avenue neax Laurel street, Eighteenth, Ward). Imytire of A. & B. Av LANDELL, apl7.6t=ANos-110 or IC4QN» DELAWARE Avenna, |«i TO’ LET.—Largo HtMISE and Bim premises, No. ISO. BAGE Stroefc Hfouii mntwar for a Manufactory. _ IL ttAYS, apl2‘-12tv 210 North THIRTEENTH Street. /«I,VV>YYYYYYWIOfYVVVYV>Yk>>YVVkV*WI»VVVk>VVVI IBjOAEJ) WANTED, by a gentleman, Jtfcia a respecteble, sioaU family, between Third ant) and Chestnut and Pis*. Any gentle man or. widow lady havmg spare room can address “RpBW AgwiW” natil 12 o’olooki Toosdaji April let Philadelphia P, O. . , aMI QAB'fiON • The urolb earned reputation of FAIRBANKS’ SCALES Has induced the uskers of imperfsot balances to offer them as “FAIRBANKS’ SCALES,” and purchasers have thereby, In many instances, been subjected to fraud and imposition. FAIRBANKS’ SCALES are manufao *<“«* ®s!f ‘fe? ?FlBiati lamtorii Bi STi FAIR BANKS & CO., and are adapted to wrenr branch of the buaine.i, where a correct aud durable Scale. Is ramlrod. FAIRBANKS & EWING, dmer^ aplO-tf MASONIC HALL, Tl 3 CHESTNUT, S 3. gHUSHES BLACK SMITHS’ BELLOWS, KEMBLE & VAN HORN. St. 381 MARKET fhrwti PbH*4§ HOUSE RADISH.—Pnie I uok Island HorM Bmdiihi prepared for family uee, in pint and hair.pint tattles, for tale to the trade by BHODBB A WILLIAMS, “ 10T &OUUL WATKB Mi rjIRY HOMEII & EON’S celebrated 1. Green and Black TEAS. Btore«, SEVENTH »ni NOBLE ud SIXTH unci WOOD N. B—We are Juit In reoelnl 01 b lot of dellcioua 0-ilong, or th.< in Savor. AMUSEMENTS, PROGRAMME YJrtrr &*4C 05*17, THE Sr^MESE'TWIfcS/ MBS. M. A. GARRBTTfIOH. MJ%NNERCHOK VOCAL SOCIETY,* ON APRIL 28th. 1802, at thk MUSICAL FUND lULL. THE EXHIBIT lON OF THE DAY. INDIA, Al»»> VHX GRBAT BErOY REBELLION^ WANTS. FOR SALE AMI) TO LET, BOAKDINU. John Ifrftir,-