The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 14, 1862, Image 4
LETTER FROM NEW YORK. Decision In Case of Liquor Dealers—Henry Clay's Birthday—Thanksgiving for Victory and the Churches—Brooklyn Mortality—Aid i» r the W csirrn Heroes—. 4. Blew Vorlc Mer chant Attempts to Commit Suicide—News Expected by the Matanzas from Ship Island —New Ferry Boat—Affairs at the Navy of Steamers for Europt= The Sttb-Trcosury—Custom House—Dry Goods—Stocks—Markets, «Vf», Ac. [Correspondence of Tho Press.] JfßYf YoeKj April 12, 1562. Judge NcCunn delivered his opinion in regard to The Sunday liquor law to-dsy, in which he decides that the police have no color of legal authority for entering a public hours where business is transacted on Sunday with dosed doors, or for writing » Sunday liquor wilor, without :i magistrate's warrant. Judge McCann con tends that using liquor as e beverage, in the sense in tended by the Legislature who passed the Sunday liquor laws, does not Include drinking it by customers and boarders, or selling it to them quietly and with closed dooiß on Sunday. But ho holds that it would be a vio lation of the act to sell and use liquors with open doors, before the public gaze, to the annoyance of the neigh borhood end passers by, aud to the disturbance of the public peace. { He assumes that these views are concurrod in by Dis trict Attorney Hall, because that officer withdrew the com bUUnti against Messrs. Ireland and MattbewSi whose arrest by Capt.Potty,oi the fifth- precinct police,for sailing liquor Oil Sunday, originated the proceedings on which this de cision is based. The liquor dealers will consider that this fiat by tho tJitv Judge gives thorn curt? Wwrcfie to prose cute their business on Sunday, providing tlmt they only dose their shutters. Tho polico authorities,-however, do not intend to relax their efforts to put down tho Sunday liqUOr ttftfftCi until the Illegality of their proceedings is pUSed upon by a higher tribunal than that presided over by Judge McCann. A case is understood to be in course of preparation by agreement between the District Attor ney and the counsel for tho liquor dealers, which, in dae COnrBC Of time, Vrtli elicit an authoritative opinion from the court of last resort. The bhthday of Henry Clay is duly observed to-day, by order of the Common Council, by the display of the national aud Municipal colors on the City Hall and other public buildings. There i, also a very general LoUHug of national bunting all over the city, and by the shipping in the harbor. Tno only characteristic flag noticed was displayed by Tiffany « Co., on Broadway, who hoisted a large white banner, hearing a fine portrait of the Sage of JUbiand, toskthiif ulth Hie inscription i “ Tha Union, the Constitution, ard the Enforcement o( the LAWS. 17 The Right Rev. Bishop Potter, of the Diocuso of Now York, has decided not to set lorth any extraordinary prayer for peace and thanksgiving for victory to bo of fered Is the churches to-mann*- He ronmdara that the President’s recommendation that thanks should bo offer ed *‘roour Heavi-uly Father for the inestimable blessings of signal victories,” and prayer for “ the restoration of peace, harmony, and unity in our borders,’* will be co vered by the special prayer, already set forth in tiid prayer book, and which it is at the discretionof every clergyman to use. The weekly report of tho Brookly n Health Officer sho ffs that thme were 95 deaths in Brooklyn during this week, which is a d< crease of 5 from the mortality of die pro- Tioriß T** tb* MAdAii number from 25 to SO k?s a ivtek thin for three years previous. The Atiuy and oiavy Committee of the Brooklyn Y OUD g Men’s Christian Association have determined to send immediately, a member of the committee, with aid to the sick and woundtd at tho Into great battle at Fitts-i hurcLatiding. V. An attempt to comthit suicide was made on Friday night by Mr. Carrington Stanton, a New York pickle merchant. Ho threw himself into the river from the dock at the foot of Clinton avenue, Brooklyn, bqt was Arbtd out of the water in a balf-drowned state, by some laborers who were at work in the vicinity. The steamer Matamas is hourly expected to arrive at this poit from Ship I-latid. It is understood that she will bring several si* k soldiers from that punt. The two steamers lor Europe, to-day, are tho Xew STor/fy f t iir-en-.en. via Sontkamploii, iu] Hid Eliltl. fj? Liverpool. The former has 151 passengers, and Iks latter upwards of 100. The shipment by the two steamers is as follows: A ew For*. 'or Bremen. 5254.507 Etna, for Liverpool. 033)570 The meet important news, in relation to the war, to go out, will be the luller details of the battle at Pittsburg LocdiUfii fthd the reappearance of the J lcrrimac in Hampton Itomie. The deposits ut the Sub-Treasury were $300,000 to day. Treasury notes are in demand, and the 7-30 can only be had in moderate lots. The “bugtear” of the Merrimac still hangs over the market And checks business. To-day closes a week of great activity in the business of the New York Custom llouße. The total receipts, from Monday up to this (Saturday) afternoon, were $1,0*28.624 92. Tlie leading staples withdrawn from warehouse, were Sugars, Dry Gjods, Coffees, and Teas. To.<lny the receiita wave; Imports) $81,50119: good, redeemed fiom bond, $126,200 82. Total, $207,702 01. All the payments were made in demand notes. Messrs. Ktbbe and Corlics offered to day a line of dress trimmings and ribbons. The dress trimmings went low*, but were all sold including the duplicates. The ribbons irero generally desirable, and sold fairl t V| many lota being duplicated. The following were the sales of stocks at the second board to-day: 22000 U &6b *Bl Cp.... 93# 100 N Y Cenß..b6o 82,V 6000 US 6b *Bl Beg.. 93% §OW Twin Ui 100 C, B & Quincy.. 62% 125 Krieß. 36% IGO do.. l»60 36% 150 do alu 36% 40% 100 do 36% 5000 do, .*3 54 10000 do *b6o 54% 8000 Missouri 6s .... 48% 8000 Tol & W Ist 78 5000 C,B iSQSs 5*5% 4000 111 C E x SO 85000 Am Gold b 60.101% 5000 do 101% 50 Pacific M S Co. .100% 50 <h>.,....e30„ 09% 50 do 100 The Pork market is dull, and prices continue to droop. Beef is quiet. Beef hams are dull. The export demand for bacon, cut meats and lard, continues active, and prices favor the seller. The Flour market io heavy and 5010 cents lover. Wheat is dull and drooping. Corn U heavy and one cent lower. There is a very little activity in any de &cription at the deline. Ashf.s are quiet, with small sales at $5.62% for PoU and $5.50 for Pearls. Bft*i.DS»i»pfs.—Tha market for State anil Western Flour ia heavy and lower, with only a vory moderate bu siness at the decline The sales are 7,000 bb's at SI 90® 5 for superfine State, SS®5:lO for extra State, for superfine Michigan, brands of 5.55, and trade brands of do At tft.65AB.SO. Southern Flour is dull and heavy, with sales 500 bbls atSs.2o©s 76for superfine Baltimore, and $5.80<a>7.25 for extra do. Canadian Flour is dull and lower, with Bales of 400 bbls at ©6.50 for the range of extra brands. 'Rye Flour is quiet and steady, at $3.2004.29 for the range of fine and superfine. Corn Meal is steady ; we quote Jersey at 52.8502 j>o- Brand? wine S 3 10*3.15; puncheons 818. Wheat is dull and drooping 5 sales 4,000 bus prime win ter red Wertcm at 91.37* Bye remains qniet at ToarSQc Barley is dull at 80e98c. Oats are quiet at 38 ©4lc for Jersey, Canadian, West era, and State. Corn i 3 Leary, end lower, with less doing ; sales 20,000 butliels at &9®olc for mixed Western, in atore and deli vered. Whi>kt —The market Is dull, heavy, and lower; sales 300 bbls at 22# 023*. Hay is in demand,tond selling at 75085 c for shipping and retail lots. Hop.Jftie drooping, with only ft limited business doing with brewers at 12 a l Bc for new. Oils —There is a slight jobbing trade going on in Lin seed at 85086 c, but large parcels can be had at lower rates. Wo notice sales of 25 *bls Western winter lard at 65c, ami 100 bbls crude Petroleum at 12^[c. Batal Stores. —Hie market for Spirits Turpentine Is very quiet; suite 25 bbls at SI.IB. Bosnia are inactive but steady; pales 100 bbla strained and low Ho. 2at ©7.50 3P’ 280 lbs. In Tar we notice sales of 50 l»bls Washington ut #9®9.50. PitOYi&iOKs Ate dull and drooping, The sales are 600 bbla at »12 70012 for mess, and 810.12 X ®lO S& tor prime. Beef is quiet, with sales of 160 bbls at $538 for country mess,s4® for country prime, 812.013 for repacked Western, ami 514015 for extra mess. Btef hams are dull at -517.50. Baccm coutinues in demftud for export* and the market Is firm. Sales 900 boxes at 8# for Cumberland cut; 7 for long rib ; 7©7jf for abort rib; 7# for long clear, and 7%stTi% for short clear. Cut meats are In active request for shipment at full rates. Salcß 700 boxes short h&ma at 6# ; 300 boxes shoulders at 5, aid 5,000 pieces .shoulders, for future delivery, at 4 fti Lard is firmer aqd in fair demand, with gales of 1,200 tierces and bbls at T-^©B*£. THE CITY. Tlie Nfiw Settlement of Virginia by Penn* sylvanians. We staled the fact in Friday’s Press that a Tcnn aylvaniftn had located himstlf iuon* oF the Virginia towns And bade fair to conduct a flourishing business with the people of the Old Dominion. A number of inquiries have been made at our office as to the circumstances connect ed with the fact, and we have therefore extended our In quiries. Man y curious facts have been thus deve'ops-1. intend to become permanent roaidents of Alexandria, even at the termination of the war. The remaining eleven hare reeled their properties, in two cases for the term of one year, and in five cases for the term of three mootlfci. Four others occupy properties rented to them for no longer term than one month. The rents of these proper ties bear no proportion to the prices of property. In deed, one of oor informants states that, whereas the rent of the store be now occupies would, at 580 a’ month, its present rem, produce 5960 per year, the owner offers to sell it for 52,500. This discrepancy is due to the fact that trade is now derived mainly from soldiers, who are transient residents and may be moved at any time. After their removal business would not be nearly so flou rishing, and would have so declined that property of all kinds, and particularly stores and warehouses, would de preciate in value. rir, ren»fylYani»ns occupy fiye of the best gtores upon King and Fairfax streets, the main thoroughfare of Alexandria. 41r. Von Bonhorst, formerly of San ford’s minstrel troupo, is located on Fairfax sfc-eet, and has become a quiet dispenser of hardware, dry goola and cordials. A Philadelphia saddler is also derng baldness sn Alexandria, and is negotiating for the purchase of the property as soon as the disturbed state or the law will enable him to obtain a valid title from the Commonwealth of Virginia. The moment that Richmond is in our hand?, and the Union element uppermost In Virginia, great activity will commence in the gale of real estate, aud the character ot purchasers will be of the sturdiest aui most indomitable of our Pennsylvanians. A liYWy 6t able is now kept in Alexandria by a Chester county gentlemav, and two wharves have been leaded by Philadelphia skippers. Indeed, a general occupation ut' purchased, based, or deserted property has been com mesced, and if some of our Speculators and capitaiutd had tho heart to penetrato farther into Virginia, tliero would be an abundance of adventurers of every conceiva ble character and trade to follow and sustain them. A new hotel is needed in Alexandria, and several eli gible hotel pK'iM-Hies in that city are now nnoccnj»«.l n* sorh. The Marshall I?6«m« Is Amphibiously kept It W A good dining-room and fair bed-chambera. Wo aru inforaed that its present denizens can be made to move .as soon as a legitimate occupant comes along. The City Hotel is the leading house in Alexandria It is kept by a Vit-jlniiwi, who charges fabulous prices forthe meanest Accommodations If he could he induced to leave tho city and resign to somebody better able to keep a hotel, both scldiers and civil-'ans would be gratified. The negro adventurer is also found in Alexandria. We are told that a number of colored men have ventured over the river, some of whom are acting as porters, some as newspaper carriers, others as hackmen. A Lancas ter oounty man, graduate of our Oollege of Pharmacy, drugs tho 'Virginians and soldiera alike. H? ha? 30 1 into a good business, and may remain in Alexandria permanently. This town will doubtless be the port of Washington at the close of the war, and indeed the port of all that part of Virginia adjacent to the Orange and Alexandria, and tho Loudoun and Hampshire railroad?. It will soon be, in Northern hands, one of the first, if not the very first city In Virginia. At this time, there fore, when prices of real estate are depreciated, Alexan dria offers epleudid opportunities for speculation in real edsU. Ws know of no time like the present for the recoloni zation and regeneration of the Old Dominion. As our armies advance, Northern capitalists and trading adveu- turers will advance with them. From what w© can learn, the competition in business has thus far be*n between ri-nnsylvanians and New Englander?. A Boston capl tnlist baa been drifting about Manassas Junction for a moutli, to pitch upon a site for a mammoth hotel, which he wmtcmplhtPS Imilding at the end of the war. to aeoommo date curiona visitors to the Bull Bun battle-field. A sutler attached to one of the Yermont regiments contem plates stage lines on several of the turnpikes loading into Yirginifti and Northern money has reyivedthe steamboat lima to Mount Vernon, Alexandria, and Mattawoman creek. Much of the pretent trade at Fairfax Court House, Ceiitrtvillej Alexandria, and adjoining towns, is of a con • trahana character, consisting ortho sale or minor or * most pernicious quality. Whisky costing twenty cents per gallon is said to he sold at ton cents per drink, and eagerly purchased by the troops. Not in business and mechanical pursuits only at* there fine opportunities opening up in Virginia, hut in the purchase, tillage, and exclange of farm lands. Many of the Virginians are anxious fc> sell their lauds adjacent to Washington, and gn Sunthwfttd. Others* very Hirif utoriy* desire to come to th© North, ami try their fortunes here. Wo are told of fine farm land there, with tolerable improvements, rated at $5O per acre, now offered at $2O per acre. There are fortunes and cosy homes ready for the adventurous n The Old Dominion. National Thanksgiving Dav PALM SUNDAY. —In accordance with the proclama tion of tho President of the United States, yesterday a special Thanksgiving was rendered in ail our churches for the Bignal victories which have of late attended our land and naval forces. The services at some of the places £f Worship W?r© of the mp?t interesting character. Prayers were offered in behalf of all thoie who have been brought into affliction by oar present difficulties, and eloquent and patriotic sermons were delivered. Owing to the exceedingly fine day the attendance was unusually large. Yesterday was also Palm Sunday, and the commence ment of what is known by the Roman Catholic Church as the “ Holy Week.” It is a name applied to the week im mediately preceding the festival of Faster. It U'A9 for merly called the Great or Painful week—a week of sorrows. As Palm Sunday and our National Thanksgiving Day came together, the services in the Evangelical Churches yesterday were WfldWJted With unusual solemnity aud considerable interest. On Palm Sunday, called by the French “ Rameau,” or day of the rushes, Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem is celebrated by blessing p-ilm or other green branches, which are afterwards distributed to the people. On Wed nesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings* the office of the Tcnebral (darkness) is chanted. This consists of the matins and lands for the following morning, which it is customary to recite over night. During the service a largo candlestick supporting fifteen lights, arranged in tire form or a triangle, Honoring Christ aud the prophets who predicted his coming, stands in the sanctuary; the lights one by oue are extinguish ed, until only the upper one remains, which is taken down and placed nuder the altar until tho close of the Office, and then brought back ] this symbolizes Christ's burial and resurrection. Od Thursday, called also holy or Maucdy-Thuraday (from the word'matutatam, commandment, with which one of the services begins.) the in«titntiou of the Lord’s Supper is commemorated/ The bclis are not runs* nor instrument of mntio sounded, from the tfforfa in iorsef sts, in the mass of Thursday, until the same time on Saturday. There is no mass ou Good* Friday, and the altar is etripptd ef all erßwmnis , . , On Saturday, tho services commence by the blessing of fire and water, and of the paschal candle, an emblem of Jesus Christ, which is lighted in token of his resurrec tion, and burns during part of the mass, from Easter until the ascension. Easter* the festival of the rraimtction of our Lord, is the Christian paeaover. The English name Easter and the Geiman Osrern, hay© been supposed to bo derived from the feast of the Teutonic gmld-saOstera (the goddess of spring), which was celebrated by the ancient Saxons in the spring, and lor which the early missionaries sub stituted the Cbrintiftuffiiiliviih Both the English ami German words are derived iron the old Saxon aud oster osten • wlnrii signifies rising, be cause nature arises anew in the'BpriDg. The Council of Nice (A. D. 325) adopted a rule which makea Easter day to be always the first Sunday after the full moon, which hnppcna upou, or next after March 2i. and If the moon happen ou a Sunday, Suiter day is the Sunday after. Amongst the best known custom* connected with the cele bration of Easter, is the English custom of making pre- Mtita of colored eggs, called pascho, or paste eggs. In France It Is cUAtomapy to mftka Meeents to friends at this time, invariably enclosed in ft box in the form of an egg. Thpse may be seen in tho shop windows, of all sizes from that large enough to hold a fingor-ririg or a pair of gloves, to one of a si/e sufficient to contain a child’s bradtoi ,8870,017 The California Regiment.— A meeting of the released prisoners of the California Regi ment was held on Saturday afternoon at Spring Garden Ball. A portion of tbo men have been released on parole siul not yet exchanged, thus Addins to the difficulty of assigning them to regiments. Over two hundred were present, together with a number ot returned prisoners belonging to other regiments, who bad been invited to attend. Colonel Ruif was present, and informed the men that ho bad been instructed to muster them for pay, aud bo would have boon slad if be could have settled this business at once; but unfortunately he had not received a fuillistof names Captain Keffer had furnished the names of as many as he could, while others had left their names at his office. A delay of about ten days or two weeks must now take piece before tho men can be paid. The list vus then ciiUcd. and afterwards those whose names were omitted were noted «. Colonel liulT then announced that he had been in structed by tho Government to muster the men or the California Regiment into three companies, to be assigned to regiments in tho fit Id or recruiting. ‘As there wore paroled as wll ns exchanged prisoners, tho paroled men should torn themselves into one company* while the ex changed prisoners would form the other two companies. The officers now in commission would of course be re tained* but the remainder w ould be elected by the men themselves Captain Keft'er, being uader parole, would take charge of tho company composed of paroled men. The formations should take place on Monday, and the companies would be mustered. The advantage of these formations would be, that the meu would bo kept to gether with a recognized head, and the Government would be enabled to provide them properly with clothing ard rations. 15 Ciev, Col «te Oin. 115 100 do,* b2U 36tf 100 Erie R Prcf 60 X 10 Mich Gea K.b6o 54# 10 Mich S gunr'd.. 46 30 XII Cent 5ep..... 61# 75 d 0...-. 61 550 Cley & Pittsbg.. 17# The business concluded, Colonel Ruff left. Afterwards a meeting was held, with Captain Keffer in the chair, and a letter was read, stating that upon a late visit to the bat tle field or DaU’e Rlnff the graves of the dead^were^ou*^ EftlSi'nrl’were tfins around" fe®aofJti oM wore rtnueatini' '? . " ko ““''wrares either to re r* _ - -ue remains lo Philadelphia or to hnva them pro perly interred. The roeetrog then adjourned to reassemble this after noon at 2 o'clock, at tho same place, to elect officers for the three companies. Arrival of the Water Witch.— The United States steamer Water Witch arrived at the navy yard on Saturday afternoon, in ten days from Key Wert, Qr her return Teme fibe touched fit Fernaudma, Florida, and communicated with the United States stosm er-Pawnee; all well. On the 3d instant Stephen Mar ion, one of the crew, fell from aloft whilst on the look out, and died in an hour afterwards. Left at Key West flagship Niagara, Com. McKean, and R. R. CuyUr , Captain Winslow ; all well. The following is a list of the officers of the Water Witch: That Flag.—Our readers will re member that ia July last we published the fact that » a greasy mechanic” of Pan Francisco had forwarded to Mayor Henry a United States flag, to be presented by him to the company that first marched to the defence of Washington city, in April last. The flag was at once claimed by three or four companies, all of whom sought to obtain the prize. Unfortunately, tho Mayor, who wished that it Bhouid only be given to the company justly entitled to it, was unable to come to any decision, and the flag has remained in his possession ever since. Among other jwfitaryorgflDifiatfanß which laid claim to it fit thfit time, was the National Light Infantry, of FottsvUle, who have since renewed their claim, and from what we can learn are the owners of the beautiful relic. The National Infantry was the first company to offer its ser vices to the Secretary of War, and tbe first accepted by him. Under the conmand of E. McDonald- they were among the gallant 4*o men arrived in Washington on April 16th, in time to utterly defeat tbe machinations of the rebels. Tbe Mayor should give notice that the flag would be forwarded to thi3 company, unless more valid claims can be made by others. In this manner all the claimants might he heard and seen. Kensington Water Works.— The Chief Engineer of the Water Works is having a twenty five-inch Iren pipe laid from the Kensington Water Works to the end of the wharf. The end projecting from tho wharf will be turned downwards to within a few feet of the bottom of the river. This, it is thought, will pre vent some of the most objectionable matter from being drawn, from the river, and placed in the reservoirs; but still the Chief dues not believe tbat the evil complained of will be tntirely abated, because of the immense amount of filth discharged into the Delaware. From a careful examination of the plan exhibiting the sewerage of the cmatirtg fof rams, wmbflriw Yo~j.sJoAt*juwW %k\,wiUr' itai immense body of water is of course thickly lmprego&ted with all manner of filth, and portions of it carried uo and down the river by tbe tides several times before it set tlfe to the bottoir, or Is carried out towards tho sea As the deposit of mud is about or.e Inch per month in the Kensington restrvoirs, it will be perceived bow import ant it is to obtain water from some other source than from sowers. The New Iron-plated Frigate No name hag yet been srificted for the new iron-plated frigate now building at Kensington. A morning cotom porary, with much originality, proposes the name of “ Ironsides.” This is the nan eby which the Good Will Hose ib generally known among tt3 friends and admirers, hut, os tho frigate la not intended to be the raesaenges of good will to uny one. thore is little or no connection be tween the two. The rolling mill of Messrs. Potts & Bailey, in Potts towD, is now running day and night, with an increased number of workmen, upon a contract for manufacturing Plato iron fop some of the iron-clad war vessels in course of conßti notion by the Government Relief for tii e Sufferers bv the EXPLOSION.—The whole amount received by I. P. Fatten, for the rnlitf of the suHAmfs by tbo 4t •Tltflison’s factory, i« 9559 54, of which *27 30 were the proceed* of the exhibition of Sepoy Rebellion; from Wui erme Lodge L 0. of O. h\, *5- A. Whitney & Sons, S'2>: ■Willifim Sellers * Cn.w workmen. *91.50; Mntthown & Moore, *10; Altrrd Jenks, .*.5. A concert for the beneiit of the eMfTerera will i;« given at- tho Musical Fund Hall this evening. Donations.— The proceeds of the late Scottish Concert, at the Musical Fund ’Hall, on the eve ning of fho 31st of March last, netied the haudfloma «»i» of three hundred and dollars and thirty-six cents. Half of this amount was donated to the Cooper- Shop Volunteer Jtefresbinoir. Saloon, and the remaining half to the Union Voluoteer Itetjeshment Saloon. The r« Shop Saloon has also received a number of ac ceptable Atiioks of fiaTninro. Narrow Escape.— Yesterday after jonn-n boy, oumM 1./iihk fiilvi«-t«r, full ovrrbuard at I*ul»U--H;rre* y.'hari, and ivtmM hwvi? drhwiitid, but for tho fXfitiO! ? nt' a yoMiur. nnmp'l John who riiQcip'd Lsiii 1r«-in K'UHior) t_i* «v •. m;i! r.n vryr-d hito. in nt, w.- stnpiblc condition, t* th * Kh-TiMith-digtricS station-house. Aid for Wounded Foldiers.— A. fair is [IIOW Imnig hold at No, 809 Cjioatnnt atflldt, tfl nil rill fund, for the amelioration or the condition or the soldiers now 111 the various ho-r-iMI. j tl ~„r A nilinher or loilfes ore Interested in ihe fn»t prise, and, as hearts are in tho matter, they should be encouraged by the patriotic and liberal-mmdpd. Military Funeral The funeral of Lieutenant Wm. H. Kochewperger, late of Company I, One Hundred and Tenth Heginaent I\ V., who died from the effect of wounds received at the hattle of Winchester, will take place this afternoon, from the residence of his bft>tk4r, in Marshall street, above Columbia &renuo The interment will take place at Ronaldson’s Cemetery The 8 iUNDAY-ENLISTMENT QUESTION. -—On Saturday, in the Court of Quarter Sessions, J inlge Allison discharged a volunteer from service on the ground upon which the release wss aaked for—that the enlistment had been made on Sunday and was con* flcquently illegal. Passing Counterfeit Monet.—A teui named Dennis Sullivan, who says that k« is (mm New York, was arrested in the Fifth ward, onfiktorday, for passing • counterfeit fire-dollar note, purporting to be the tame of the Bias Hill Bank, of Massachusetts. He was committed (or a farther hearing. Lieutenant Commanding—A. K'Mlughes. Acting Master—Wm. T. Sampson. “ ** Joseph A. Titcomb. M Wm, R* Rude. ” Thos. Chisholm. Acting Paymaster—Jos. S. Harvey. Assistant Burgeon—C. H. Pile. Second Assistant Engineer—W. A. 2£. Latimer. Third '» «« AH. Ablo. “ « " T. M. Mltehsll. « “ “ H.D. Potts. Paymaster’s Clerk—Thos. E. Harvey. Master’s Mate—C. E. Norbery. CHANGE OF a Telegraph Route.— The Anieri au Telegraph Company are removing their linf of telegraph from Broad stroet, above Market, Cal lowh'll street, and the Wire Bridge, to Market street, from Broad, and across Markot-s reet br:dgo. The work is beiDg done under the supervision of the Highway De- Accident. —John Fleming, forty-six years of Age, was admitted to the hospital, on Saturday afternoon, having liad his right thigh and Uft leg frac ♦uvAd, and liia hand nut by the falling of ft wall, neap which he WAS At work. The Skating Club and Humane SOCIETY—The Philadelphia Skating Club and T(u mftrt Society ■wit! iu»M tkeir nnnu»i <- inner At th* WiMiti inston Honre, on Wedncsray evening next Tho princi pal item of the bill of fare will donbtless be ice cream. The Tax Rate,—The Mayer has signed the ordinance fixing the tax rate at two collars on the $lOO. FINANCIAL AND COMMCRCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. Philadelphia, April 12,1862. Tbo Stock market VM Gull inanimate to-day, though prices were firmly sustained. United States Con* pon sixes were weaker, selling at 93#. City sixes sold at 97 to 97jtf, closing at 97,V for the new, and 91# for tho old issues. State loaus were firmly held, Fenusyl- VroU fekAvM adoiineod to 47. Seadlua RitiU road shares receded to 21 X • The money market is in the samtr condition that has marked its history, with trilling exceptions, for several months, FJrstecl&Hß short paper is wanted at about bank rates.| Drexel & Co. quote— New* York exchange, .....Par to 1-10 dis. Poston exchange..... “ to 1-10 u Baltimore exchange.. Country funds. American gold , One year certificates. Two months certificates B to Cjf dis. In Beaton well executed counterfeit one hundred dollar bills on the Tolland County Bank, Connecticut, are in circulation. The Suffolk Bank haadetected about $5,090 of this counterfeit within tho past few days. The Pottsville Miners' Journal turns up the coal trade for the wecl* us follows; - The quantity of co«l sent by railroad this week ii 29,320.11 —by canal 21,820 tons—for the week 54,146.11 tons, against 59,463 for the corresponding week last The trade eum3 up this week as follows compared with' last year WEEK 3’,705 25,748 10,147 P. A B. B. Schl. Ctraal'" L. Yah R. 8.. Lehigh Canal. Scranton S’tb. Do North Wyoming So.. Bread T0p.... Shomokiu.... Treverton.... 38.463 38.595 16,619 9,5 U 12,070 Sb. Mt., H.T. Lykeus Vftl ** The Delaware* Lackawanuai aud Wentsni Company have issued a circular giving the following tariff of prices for Scranton coal on board vosseto at Eliz&hethport: April, Mav & Juno. July & Aug. Sep A Oc. NovAßec. Lump......... 53 30 S 3 40 $3 5o S 3 TO Steamboat 3 35 o 40 3 00 3 15 GrateorFurn*© 3 35 3 50 3 60 3 75 E <7o >i.«.i 3 40 3 50 3 65 3 80 Stove S 55 3 65 3 75 3 95 cilfftmit,,,,,, 2 60 2 TO 2 80 2 90 Terms cash. The above prices are subject to any tax that may be laid by the State or General Government. Freight to New York in the company’s barge?, 40 cents. The Boston Advertiser says : “Money affairs and business have expeiifneed but slight changes during the past week. Tne war excite ment has occupied public attention to some extent, while the usual routine of business has been more or less neglected. Capitol continues to accumulate, but the demand is still quite limited. The rates are very easy, and the teudency favors the borrower. “Bank specie to-day $8,547,200, a gain of $lO,BOO. American gold premium. « The national currency will be further enlarged by the payment to creditors of one-fiftli in demand-notes by the Secretary of the Treasury. “The supply of money will be greatly increased by tie banking system, which dispenses with the redemp tion in gold, 60 that, all things considered, the money market for the present. season promises an unususd aeeumulaltou of capita!. ' “Government certificates of indebtedness are be coming quite abundant, and prices aro hardly sustained under the pressure on the market. It is said that the Treasury Department will redoem one-fiFth of those cer tificates already issued when presented by the original OWBMB.N The Cincinnati Commercial of Friday Hays: “ There was a little more activity to-day in financial movements: principally, though, in checking and de positing. “ JSxchapge sales were also rather and receipts Continue to bear about the same proportion to eaiea' that they have for some days past, sbl), being insufficient to keep up balances. In bat few instances, however, is any premium allowed.” QUOTATION’S. New York eight Philadelphia 5ight....... Boston sight Baltimore sight GOWi,», MIMMMIH'Mt The North Missouri Railroad Company makes the fol lowing showing of the business of the last year, ending _Anril 1: Tne receipts ol the road for tho year ending Ist April, 186°, were... ' W for same period-. # 11 1111 27&,330 90 Net f arnings IB6o*. i 9 • Receipts of the roftd for the year ending April i, 1861, were 8341,260 03 Expenditures for same period.. . Net earnings for 1861.. $55,299 48 Tbe receipts of the road for the rear ending April 1, 1862, were.,,....*.......... .......*.5253,577 33 Expenditures for same period..,. 175,357 51 Net earnings for the year 1862 on the regu lar business of the road $78,219 82 Add lor transportation of troops, earned, say $lOO,OOO 00 Total net earnings for this pear ending Ist April. 1862. $178,000 00 The net earnings have been applied to the payment of a debt of about $87,000, existing when the present di rectory look charge of the road, which had been incur red for rolling stock necessary to operate the road, and to the repairing of the road after its destruction in June, July, and December of last year. It is understood that as eoon as the company collects its indebtedness from the Government it will make im portant and necessary improvements to . the rolling stock ai:d rosd bed Whiiet the regular business of . the company fail off $5?,683.59 for tho past year its net receipts on its regu lar business are within $10,079 66 of the previous year. Canadian Trade.— The returns of trade and naviga tion presented by Mr. Galt, Finance Minister, to the Ca nadian Parliament* ehotr ttw total valuoof importations into Canada last year amounted to $43,061,836, an in crease of $3,006,900 as compared with 1860. Of this ex cess, $8,004,675 was bullion. The duties show' a very slight increase, having been $4,768,192, against 84.758,- 46& the year before. The first five months oT the'year shewed a very large increase in tli&e; but euhse.iucnUy they fell off, mainl) on account of our civil war. The cfficial returns show the exports to have been $34,-717,248, to which Mr. Galt says it is usual to add twelve and a half percent to cover goods which find their way across the long frontier between Canada and this country. The total would thus be $30,611,195, showing a gain of nearly two millions in value upon the preceding year. The trade of the St. Lawrence increased nearly fifty percent, in 1861 over 1860; tbe total value of imports and exports having been $39,778,790, agaiGßt $27,568,068 for the mi before. Tho tolls on the Welland canal are said to have equal to those of both 1859 and 1860. We annex a comparative statement of the Imports of foreign dry goods at New York for the week ending April 10, and rincti January 1: For the week. 1860. 1861, 1862, Entered at the p0rt...51,572,140 $1,250,072 $553,193 Thrown on market... 1,412,791 1,211,720 940,418 Since January 1. Entered at the port... 36,245,196 24,625,941 15,334,860 Thrown on market.... 36,882.494 25/221,323 17,251,002 Finances in Cincinnati.— There hog been no change of importance in the general aspect of tbe money market since the date of our last weekly review. The supply of capital continues ample, and good commercial paper is taken freely at 10 W cent One thing remarkable about the buaineea at present is the promptnou with which All kinds of paper—collection and discounted—are paid. A banker happened to refer to this feature, and we made the street. At one prominent collection house informed that the protests for a month past hare not averaged two a day. At another the average was not one a day. This is traceable to the reform that the oideal through which merchants have lately passed has wrought in the credit system. There is little “ scaUawag” paper now for the reason that people who made it, when almost anybody could get in debt f<-r dry goods, Ac , cannot buy on credit. The trade is restricted mainly to responsible men; and al though fewer goods are sold* in the aggregate, than in peace times, business was nevor more satisfactory to those eugag.-d in it. 9 here are cash as well as tim9 buyers, and the latter aro considered as reliable as the former. No extra risks are taken, and consequently h does not require five, ten, or fifteen per cent, of gross profits t> cov£r b&J debts. There HAs been no time iu the last twenty years when a dry goods merchant could come nearer to telling what he is worth than at preseut, for the reason that uucolloctable notes or book accounts do not enter into the composition of his assets. Wo refer, of course, to new business, as there are debts toithfecUd with ante-wan trattaaetintiu that arc had in character and large in amount. But a new order of things has been inaugurated, and so charming is the working of the eystem, as indicated by the facts stated above, that merchants w.ll not soon be willing to submit again to the abuses that were so common between 1850 ana i. 885, when peopie thought they were getting along swimmingly, because they wore piling up large profits— on paper—find accumulating fortune?, as they supposed, while they were merely amassing credits that proved worthless when the test which tries the bottom of mer chants was applied* The commercial community bare now a splendid basis to operate upon, and the prospects for the future are promising. There is hardly a proba bility of »Dy serious departure from'the sound principles uron which business is now conducted for sometime to come, and meanwhile trade and capital will grow in htblthy proportions.— Patty Gasstte, The New York Evening Post of to-day says; Tie stock market opened very heavy this morning, on the news of the reappearance of the Merrimac t but in tlu absence of any pressure to sell, prices yielded only per cent., and at the reduction there is a good de gree of steadiness. Before tbe Beard New York Centt&l dropped to 82#, Erie to 3G#; but Afterwards there was a rally, and quotations of the leading stocks do not vary materially from these current at the close of yesterday’s market. Milwaukee and Frairie dn Ghien again fell off 1 per waling down to Qfi#. This la owing to the eou tiiii td tailing off in ihe earnings of the iue. The first week of April, we understand, will also ehpw a decrease. The Government list exhibited considerable firnmKss at a trivial decline. The 6 4P cents, are quoted 93#© 92#, against 99# last evening. The 7.31) notes are steady at yu>/®looi Six. & oaiit. certificates 97a97#. Tha various insure tf fives are sparingly offered at yester da) V prices. At-kt cose tbe registered sixes of 1881 are rather weaker, 93# ©93#. The coupons are 93# bid, 93# asked. ’FhMiuu-kst After the board wan fiimev, with sales of New York Central at 62# ; Erie 36# ; do peferred CO# a. 60#. Cleveland, Columbus, am! Cincinnati is again higher, 114 bid, 115 asked. Cleveland and Pittsburg is quoted 17 bid. Pacific Hail el&gaii firm at 100al00#. Panama in scarce at 121# 0122. The railroad bonds are quiet, but scarcely so firm. Erie thirds ami fourths arc # percent, lower, Burling ton and Qu : ncy eights #. Michigan and Southern bonds are firmly held at full pricer. Bonlooßtutti bond* aro weak and again lowor. Tan* ncHeeeß fell to but close rather bettor—&4#os4jj(. 3T>*Muriß are neglected &t4S#©4o. The money market la easy,' and 6©T per cent, is the i nline rates on call. last week few loan* could be effected at 6, while now tbe bulk of <ho buaiue&a on first-class _ collaterals ia dona at thU figure. “Zl~r « A < m svtvtq a Gold is fiim at 101% ©lO2, with eoma sales at 102. QH££P AND GOAT SKINS*—A Exchange on London closed dull atll2%©ll2jk for fj snail invoice ot Sbeop and Goat Bkina for ula bjr first-das* bilK JAUBETOHE ft LAYftBGNB, The Eitm, for Liverpool totay, takes out *585,670 in U 3&, m and SM South YBOBT otmt» THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, APRIL M, 1868. specie; theiVcu? York, for Bremen, $231,507— making a total of ®SW P Hf, *Ud i la tLo lariat export of ll*6 PAlfc sixty days. Thu deposits of Unitel States note* with the Assistant Treasurer, oo five per cent interest, have been unnsu ally large this week, amounting yesterday to about a million Mutb, The banKe nr- 1 vrvfiMMjr smpl9f! n s the uno*Tlionßftiifl dollar notes m thin wny t The bank-note com parties have thus far sent to Wash ington About fifty millions of tbe near notes. AH the large notes have been forwarded. The Assistant Trea surer is expecting daily a largo instalment of the small dcnoink-ailoriß- tioS&d hfililfiPS «! thfi Aid dSUft Sf 0 IOUIC* ing lor a premium on them as SOnn as th»- n&UT get into circulation, they answering as a substitute for specie ia tie payment of duties. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, April 12* jjttoportad by 0. E. 9laV.m*kmr, Phlla- Bxccisuge.] FIIWT BOARD. SOPennaß 47 2000 trading 09 1856 . 77# 10 do 47 500 do 1885 77 # 15 do C&b6 47 1500 do 1885 77# 70 do 47 1000 do im....,: 94* 3 do 47 IUUO do 1843 84# 17 do 47 1000 do 1843 04# 84 do 47 1000 do 1870 87# 1-2 do 47 > 000 L r 8 Coupon Os’Bl Kl* 13 Minthlil 42# 1000 do 03# 8 do 4i ( 7646 Plula A fer{ot>4.. 00# 3 do 42# 1000 Sch Nav 6s *B2 .. 62 5 do 42# 260 City 6? New 07# 9 do b 5 42# 4000 do New 07 2500 Pens a 55...e5wn 83 8 Beaver Veadowß 55 2000 do iin i sdwn Bii 4000 do Bfiwu 83 2500 Beading 6a 1886.. 77 X BETWKEJ 200 City 6s New SECOND JftOO PAlilfltwfcn&um 100.4 ICOO do .... afiwn 1004 SDOQ do .... sswn 100# 10 Girard B»nk 384 3GO City 65New...... 97 300 do New.,,... 07 200 do New...... 97 50 Beading 8.... 21 3-1 G 35 do 21 10 do 21 * 50 do .bswntVlnt 21^ OO do ,b3>vn&int 2i ..... to K » Xto H “ l% to 17s pre, ......96# to 97 AFTER 1000 Pem»a R Ist moit.... CLOSING PRICES—STEADY Bid. JisTce.d T? S"a SGBI mx 01 USTr73 10 N 91-& 100 PhilndaGs 91 .V 92 Philsida 6« now. 97.** 97 PenDftSa 82 ; 3 ' 83 Beading R.. 21.3-:6 21^ Bead m Os’Bo’43 9495 Bead bile ’70.... 87}f 88 Read mt 6s '86.. 77 % 77 # Pemm E 46.?*' 47 Pe-DDft B 1 ru6s.loo*6 ICO# Ptnca R 5 tn 6b 9ii Morris Cnl Con 39 11 Morris Cnl Pref 113)1 112 Sch Stock. .. 6 Sch Nav Pref... 10)$ 11 get Mav 6s *92- 61 62 Elmiraß....... 7 , 7# iso. a TOTAL. [ISO. WEEK. 29,3.1 24 8 26 zo.&or 4,838 16.117 6,205 407,*391 61,844 80*879) 10,736 234,043 d 20,261 6 229 6,249 169,809 4.3‘S 60,760 9,581 Flock.— I vory little demand forFJour, and tlie market is dull; about 1,200 bbla only found buyers at 85.25 for good superfine, which is very scarco; and 85.62# ©5.75 for Western extra family, mostly Ohio, at the former figures. Tbe- saies to the trade are iimitej at 85.12# 10 85.26 fir superfine; $5.37# ©5.75 for extras; 85.62# ®0 for family ; and 86 25®6 75 bbl for fancy brands, as in quality. The receipts are very light, but Leld&H generally are free sellers at the above rates. By e Flour is steady, with further small receipts and sales at S 3 75. Pennsylvania Corn Meal is quiet, and -offered at 82 70 bbl without sales. Wxtkat.—There is very little offering or selling, and the market is doll to-day fit tbe l4l£ deditte, A fdW SttlAll lets only having been disposed of at 1’25©126c for Penna. red, and 130 c for Southern do in store; white ranges at from 130®140c, as in quality. Ryo is steady, with further receipts and ealos of Penna. at 70;. Corn is in goed demand, and 12,000 bus good Southern, yellow sold at 55c adoat, inclutbns so any sma-L! lots of Penna. in store at 54©55#c. 6ata are firnur, and 2 000 bus. Penna sold at 35c in store, which price is rpfnaod by most bolder?. 33.1 kk.—Quercitron is quiet, and a snail sale of coarse K*. 1 uiu made at JIBD.&0» fair is held at #32.50 & lon. Cotton*.—There is very little doing in Cotton, and the maikct is firm but quiet to-day, at previous rates. 2r.8 268 90*288 51;825 27.350 (111,265 14,607 d 2 012 7.308 d 2,206 7,028 d 6,042 7|575 6,500 1,022 1,9471 1,079 Grocbj;lus and Provisions.—Thtre is a moderate business doing, with further sales of bulk meat to note at 4#c for Shoulderß* and 03f oD#c for Sides. Ski;d—The market is quiet* and Clovergoed is very dull pt 85 4P bush, which is a decline. Whisky is unsettled and lower to*day; sales of £OO bids are reported at 24®25c for Pennsylvania and Ohio, but buyers now offor legs; 12 hhdg sold at 24c ; Dredge is quoted at 22# ©23c. PHILADELPHIA 30ABD OF TRADE. EDMUND A. SOUDER, l GEORGE li. BUZBT, 5 CoamiTTH OF TH* MONTM, EDWARD O. BIDDLE. \ LETTER BAGS At the Merchants 1 Exchange , Philadelphia. Ship 'Westmoreland, Decan . ..Liverpool, soon Ship Free Trade, Stover ...i Liiewooli soon Bark American, Christian Fort Spain, soon Bark Eliza Ann, C00k..; Belfast, Ireland, goon Brig Ella Reed, Davis, Havana, soon SUN RISKS & 24—SUN SETS. .11 6 36 HIGH WATEB I 59 Schr Ella, Packard, 4 days fiom Boston, with mdse to J E Bazley A Co. Schr Cora, Hasten, 1 day from krandywine, Del, with coni meal to B M Lea. Schr T P McOollej* Carter* 1 day from Camden, Del, with corn to Ja* Barratt A Son. Buying. Selling, par. # prem. par. X prom, par. X prom, par. X prem. XOl prem. 1% ©2 prem. Schr J W Early, Harrington, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with corn to Jaa Barr ait & Son. Schr John A Thomas, Hinson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with com to Jas Barratt & Son. Schr Delaware* Denby* 1 day from Emma. Del, with wheat to Jas Barratt & Son. $ Schr Kansas, Outen, 3 days from Concord, Del, with railroad lies to J W Bacon. Schr Human, Cannon, 3 days from Cannon's Ferry, Md, with lumber to J W Bacon. OLEABUD. Bark Aaron 1 Haney, Miller, Barbados, W Cummings A Son. jSchr "o, ciake, Portland, £ A Souder A 00. 252,960 44 BEaDING, April 10. The following boats from the Union Canal passed Into the Schuylkill Canal to day* bound to Philadelphia* laden and consigned as follows: Elias Bebor, lime to Elias Reber: Julia, lumber to Garst ft Mart*; American Eagle, bloauute H a. ft S SeyfaM* J M Rene, bark to Keene ft Coats. Ship R L Lane, Bryer* from Liverpool 14th nit for Philadelphia, was spoken 28th. iat 42 32, loug 44 22. Ship Mary Glover, Hughes, cleared at Bobtou 11th inst for Batavia. Ship Arundel, Bartleit, for Philadelphia, was loadiag at London 29th ult. Ship Isaac Jeancs, Drinkwater, for New Tork, was loading at London 29th ult. Ships Prank Boult, Morse, Ocean fecud, Jack, and Clyde, Perry, were loading at Liverpool 29th ult. for Phi ladelphia. Ship Wyoming, Burton, hence, at Liverpool 27tli ult, and entered out to return. Prig lulling Wave, Coiling, ter Philadelphia, cleared at London 28th ult. Schr Elizabeth B, Baker* cleared at Boston llthtnst. for Philadelphia. Sclirs Lawrence, Tripp, and Webb, Buckingham, hence, at New York 11th inst. Sclirs Corbulu, Willse, and Reindeer. Davis, for Phila delphia, cleared at New York 11th inst The steamboat Laura* ashore on Squ&n Beach, has gone to pieces. The ship Waverly, Thompson, from MaulraaU for Queenstown, was abandoned at tea January 9th. Drew tttfcen off and lauded at Table Bay Feb 4th, by the Mia* nek aba. London, March 28. The Admiral, Allison, from New York for London* sailed from the former port Dec 24, and has not since been heard of. The Heroes* Michuehs* sailed from York fn the 12th December for iho United Kingdom, and has'not since been beard of. March 29—The Emilie, Schroeder, of Colburg* cleared at New York Dec 17 for Quennstown, and has not since been heard of. • “^] pALYABI ACADEMY, GfiBMAN TOWN, Phila. —The Principal can receive into lis family a few boarding scholars, where they Trill all the comforts and discipline of home. They con be prepared either for business or to enter any class in. college. ; Reference—Bight Rev. Bishop Potterj Rev. B* New* ton, D. D. For circulars address B. BHOEMAKER, A, M., Principal, mh2o-thm 2m* GERMANTOWN, Phla. /"iXFORD FEMALE SEMINARY, \7 Oxford, Cbwter comity. P»: In n healthful, ami muny accessible location, It aflbrde •dvantogea for a tborough and normal education. courßt, of study include" the Ornamental Braj:"” next Seieinn _sif^ -r “ Ilches taught in our r.'r"®???; u,c a g?. g lon_yi»«it>en MAY T, 1862. got ‘'’ShM-iT —^———■■gto alMaimal PORT RICHMOND IRON WORKS. X —COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—JOHN H. TOWNS, formerly of the firm of ilerrick A Towue, bu become a member of the firm if I. P. MORRIS A CO., to take effect from and after tie let of January, 1862. Isaac P. Morris withdraws Iran active participa tion in the conduct of the business. The title of the new firm is I. P. IOBRIB, TOWNS* A CO. ISAAC P. MORRIS, LEWII TAWS, JOHN J. THOMPSON* fell JOHN H. TOWN®. IMPORTANT I X ALL ARTICLES FOR SOLDIERS Should be Bent by HARNDEI’d EXPRESS, MR CHESTNUT Street. They, charge inly HALF RATSB, and send daily to Baltimore, Washington, Fortress Mon roe. and all other points occupied by our troops. fe24-2m* KEm—bb THE ADAMS EX PRESS COMPANY, Office 890 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Speeie, either ,by its own lines or in connection with other Exprede Companies, to all tho principal Towns and Cities of tho United State* I. 8. SANOFOBD, felfl General Saperintendent. DRAIN PlPE.—Vitrified Stoneware Drain Pipe, a cheap and indestructible material for drain?, either for private use nr for city drainage. FBICE LIST. 2 Inch diameter, 25c. per yard, 8 inch “ 30c. «* 4 inch u 40c. « 5 inch “ 66c. “ 6 inch u 65c. u 1 1nch « 90c. “ 8 inch “ *l.lO “ 9, 10,11, and 12 inch diameter. We warrant this Pipe to lie eijnal to any imported, end juj iTii.r So any ut**vr [i.'imuf'tßimnJ in this counity. n. v HAKKIriOfi, 1010 CHESTNUT Street Tobtoise shell.—a few boxes of Terteta 8M! fer»»!? b r J&tJKETOUK ft JjAVEKGKIC, f*27 202 and 204 South FP.OVT flirw 1 A E AItBANOEiHENTOtf MEbALS J V »nd Token#, struck in honor of the Presidents of the United States, and ef the Presidential Candidates from the Administration of John Adams to Abraham Lincoln* inclusive, by A- n. Saterlee, of New York. For sale by EPWABD OOGAN, No. 48 NORTH TENTH Street, Philadelphia. Price 75 cents. ap9-6t* T7YERX LAP! WHO WMEB TO Jji BE BEAUTIFUL should purchase HUNT’S OOUBT TOILET POWDER. It is need by tbo Court Beauties in Europe* and it is the only Powder that will not injure the skin or rnb off. Price* 12* 26. and 60 cents. HUNT’S BLOOM OF ROSES, a beautiful, na tural color for the cbeelw ®r Hp» i it trtß s?* ™h off or Injure the skin* and remains durable for years* Price ftl. These articles are quite new* and can ouly be ob tained of HUNT ft CO., 138 South SEVENTH Street* above Walnut. AU kinds of Fancy Soaps mwLPerfu mery. teiO-ftm aouiHtelltlAtmrLiu 89 2 Norristownß..., 41 BtABDS. BOARD. ’ 10 NnrpUtawn 1i... 44 6 lloavor Moadiw. 55 30 Penna R 40V 20 do 46# 20 do ........a. 46# 4 do ,»*46,# 2 Little Sctmyl K,, 0 500 Peoua 55... sswu 83 500 do sswn 83 !OM Elmira Chat 103. 32 800 Sch Nav6s *82...-62 BOARDS. Bid. Asked. Elvira IlDff... 15# Ift Elmira 7e ’73.. 73 74 L Island Tt 13 13# Le’gh Cl & Nav 51 # 52 Le Cl Sc SsvvScp 36# 36# j N Penna R..... 7 7 # N Pcunaß6s.. 67# OS# N Penna 105.,, 83# 84# •alaw K00u... 1# 2 Catawissa Pref. 6# 6# Frk & Sthwk R. 42 .. S*d A Thd-siR. 67 GO RacM,feVioe-etR 5 W PbilalaU... 53# 64# ■Hpmce & Pine.. 10# 107 b Green & Coate**. 23 53# (Jk&i A Wiilenk. SO 31. Arch Street.... 18 18# Philadelphia Markets. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OP PHILADELPHIA, April 14,1563. ARRIVED. (Correspoudence of the Press.) AIfiMOBANDA. EDUCATiOHAL, COPARTW EKSHIP' noTICES. EXPRESS COMPANIES. QILI OIL.TT'oit.III HULBUBT it BBODHEAD, Having opened a General Depot for the Sale of Ixtra Refined and Lubricating GOAL OILS, would call the HMmaZ attention of dealers and conaumer* to Hudr refined ILLUMINATING OIL, M tt possesses nutii beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor which characterize that coaunoniy aold la this market, produces no smoke, and is free Grom all explosive properties. Orders from city or Country promptly at tended to, re29-2m « T UCIFER” OIL WORKS. JJk 100 Bbls. “ Lucifer” Burning Oil on hand. W$ gwfffitw (tils 981? be non-explosive, to burn all the oU In the lamp with » steady, brilliant dame, -w4th»at crusting the wick, and but slowly. Bbls. lined with glass enamel. WRIGHT, SMITH, A FRABSALL. fe2l-tf Office 015 MARKET Street. GARBON OIL.—IOO labia. Natrona Oil in store and for Bale by .sown-100# TO DISTILLERS. Tha DISTILLEBT known H tha “PHCENIX,” and formerly owned and occupied by SAML. SMYTH. Esq., pituated on TWENTY-THIRD, between RAGB ftod TINS Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity 600 bushels per day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and acoom modatingterms. Is in good running order, and has ail the modern improvements. An Artesian well on the pro misee furnishes an unfailing supply of good, pure water- Address 2. LOCKS A CO., No, 1010 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. fe22-dtf dpi I OUSE TO LET, GIKMAN MIL TOWN.—A fctvno Gotta** iu the lower part of G*r m&ntown, commending a splendid view of the surronud ing country, within 160 yards of Turnpike, and three minutes walk of two stations on Steam Railroad. Apply to GEORGE JUNKIN, Esq., southeast corner SIXTH And WALNUT Steels. apl2.lBt# April 12—Evening. 0 TO KENT —A well-furnished £lnAGonntry House, of moderate eize. The grounds in elude Flower. Fruit, and Vegetable Gardens, an Orchard, a uloaiant grove* through which u little brook flows, fiDd pfibture grounds for tlit* use of two cows. It is situated a mile and a half from Old York Road Station, North Penn sylvania Railroad. Inquire 1616 LOCUST Street. ap7-mwf tf r .«t g^ h FOR BALE, OR PART WU3*£mA& EXCHANGE—a STEAMBOAT, ma chinery In goed .condition, now boiler, side wheels, Ac. Will be sold at a sacrifice. Apply to TO RENT—A well-lighted SECOND STORY ROOM, suitable for a light manufacturing business, or a Billiard-room, situated on the corner of FOURTH and FEDERAL Streets, CAMDEN, N. J. Aryiyv? .... samuki boss, Corner of FOURTH and Streets, aj»9*l2t* Cau.dGD,N, J. FOR SALE—a desirable FARM, near Norristown, Montgomery county, containing 89 acres of superior land, nicely watered. Large stone Improvements, fine fruits, Ac. Price only $95 per acre. For further particulars, apply to £sj FIRST-GLASS EIGHTH-STREET BiliLstore and Dwelling to Rent; handsomely fitted up, with good basement; an old stand; location most cen tral on the street. Goodwill find Fixtures for sale. Ap ply 23 N. Eighth Street. mh26-lm* |j| FOR SALE OR TO LET—Four Mil Houses, on the west side of BROAD Street, below Columbia avenue. Apply at the southwest corner of NINTH and SANSOM Streets. mhZfrtf A 40.000 PEACH TREES, VERT 3C fine, thrifty; 10,000 Silver Leaf Maples, large and handsome; also, a large assortment of other Fruit, Shade, and Ornamental Trees, for sale cheap for cash or on time. Catalogues gratis. CHA9. P. PETERS, mhlT-lm* Concordville, Delaware county, Pa. TO RENT. —A Neat Small Country Place, with fine fruits and shade, near Beverly Station and Steamboat tadinji Apply to aps W> TO RENT—A desirable COUN PLACE, situate on the Philadelphia and Bris tol iwa minutes’ walk from railroad station* And within one mile of steamboat landing; grounds con taining about four acres. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. mU39 m TO LET=A beautiful COON -3E TRY-PLACE, of 10 acres, on the west side of FBOKT'Street road, above Hart lane, within ten mi nutes 1 walk of the Frankford and Southwark passenger cars. Possession early, in April. Apply at the south west corner NINTH and SANSOM, second story, ml& A FOR SALE—A FINE FRO IT DU. . •!- OMinvni uvu. nt). vcr. Extensive PEACH ORCHARD, Just in the prime of bearing, besides a great variety of other fruits, large Grapery, Ac. Plain improvements. Immediate pos session. Also, a number of Farms possession of whioh can be given this Spring. Apply to E. PETTIT, mb2o-tf No. 309 WALNUT Street m FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— 3Ca Desirable FARM, containing 95 Acres of supe rior land, six miles from market* street Bridga, in Mont gomery county. Convenient to Railroad and Steamboat Landing. First-class improvements, nicely watered, Ac. For farther particulars apply to E . PETTIT, mbSO'tf No. 3W WALNUT 9Wt. TO THE DISEASED OF ALL CLASSES. EXPRESSION FBOM THE FOUNDER OF THIS NEW DDCOVEBY, PBOF. C. H, BOLLES. More than two thousand invalids have been cared by Prof. BOLLES, at his Institute, 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia' fn less than three year* and thirty perwaa have bteu permanently cured of old long-standing chronic. diseases In twelve days, many of whose certificates are published daily, for the good of humanity. Prof. Bolles therefore is not compelled to publish old far-brought cer tificates, hut is daily publishing testimonials of the moat satisfactory and reliable character, and all of this city. apl-13t BROW’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, Manufactured only at FRIG D JSitIGK BROWN’S DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE, Northeast corner of FIcTH and CHESTNUT Street* PHILADELPHIA. Attention is called to this valuable remedy which should be in every family, and for tbe Army and Navy it is in dispensable, curing affections of the stomach and bowels, and is a certain preventive from the effects of bad water. CAUTION.—To prevent this valuable Essence from being counterfeited, a new Steel Engraving, executed at great cost, will be found on the outside of the wrapper, in order to guard the pnrch&sor against being imposed upon by worthless imitations. And sold by all respectable Druggists in tbe United States. fes irfrra-6m QJjUTJfiW CAPSULES PURE IMiXVER OIL. The repugnance of most patients to COD-LIYRB OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, has in duced various forma Jof disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer in special cases, but more often thofvehicta ft« MMI «ffwt Vf ft? Oil, praying quit? a? unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, Ac., to invalids, induced by disgust of tbe Oil, is entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. GOD-LIVER OIL CAPSULES have been much need lately in Europe, the experience there of the geodfre suits from their qsa in both hospital and private praoHu, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are sof ficieut to warrant onr claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use will result In benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER. Ha-tt I*l3 W AI.KTTT Streot, Phll>doiphi» AND PROVISIONS. - • - ALBERT O. ROBERTS, mhlO-tf COBNEB ELEVENTH AND VINE STS. pROSSE & BLACKWELLS’ ENG lish Pickles and Sauces, quart and pint bottles, just landing and for Bale by BHODES A WILLIAMS, ap7 107 South WATER Street. Rhodes & williams, no. 107 South WATER Street, offer for sale the following: 20 cases French-Braudied Cherries. 40 cases superior Brendied Peaches. 40 cases W. K. Lewis & Brn.’ts celebrated condensed Milk. 25 bbla< henmiticall]r«aealed lomatoefl. Imported Bologna Sausage. 50 cases Winslow’s Green Corn and Peas. 30 cases Sardines, of favorite brands. ap7 pHEAP RUTTER! CHEAP BUT v fSh 1 only 12 cts. per pound, at No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. LEAF LARD.—79 tierces prime ket tie-rendered Leaf Lard, for sale by C. 0. SADLEB A CO., mb2o*tf 103 ARCn Street* 2d door above Front. VERY CHOICE WHITE RYE FLOUR- only 2v cts. per pound, at No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. mh2d-tf piANDLES. Chemical Sperm Candles \J for sale b, JAUBKTCHK 4 LAVERUNH, 203 and 2M South FRONT Street mbU TF YOU WANT GOOD POUND I BUTTiili, go to o. Z. liOtttt aLS 1 , No. 012 iPKlati GARDRN Street. mh26-tf SARDINES. —A very superior brand for sale by CHARLES S. CARSTAIBS, »p 2 12flWAI.NCT »nd 21 (iRANITfi Stmt. MESS PORK.—2SO bbls Mess Pork, for .ale by 0. 0. SADLEB 4 00., mh2o-tf 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. TTINEGAK—French White Wind T Vinegar, for sale by JAURETCHE & LAVEBGNE, mhls Nos. 202 and 204 South FRONT Street T7RESB ROLL BUTTER, EUGS,&o„ J? received doily at S. Z. GOTTWALB’, No. 812 SPRING GARDEN aireeL Green corn and peas. 60 caaes Wlnlow’a hMmeticaUy-aealed Green Corn, 90 u u u Grout Feu. SO bla <> u Freeh Tomatoen, just landed and for aale by BHODES 4 WILLIAMS, mhlT 101 South WATER Street Best quality roofing slate alvayaon hand and fornle at Union Wbart.ldi) BEACH Btnut, Kenatngton. T. THOMAS, ■JIT-lj ti; WALNUT Btrwt, FUladelfhla. ILLUMINATING OILS. NO. 940 ARCH SX2US22, WILLIAM M. WILSON, JiGS Market Street FOX SALE AND TO LET* E. PETTITS, No. 309 WALNUT Street. S 5. PETTIT, No. m WALNUT Street E PETTIT, No. r,09 WALNUT Street MEDICINAL. JUST RECEIVED. DEALER IN FINE GBOOEBIES, RAILROAD Llliiih. 1862. "fisiawa 1862! AKUANGKMKNTS OF NEW FORK LINKS. THK CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00.’S Links from riti T/> NVW YORK AND WAY PLAOBB. no* vuRUT-sraxii wharf akd hrsiroto* oirof. WILL LKAVK AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: nu. At 8 A. ffi.i Yla Gundan and Amboy. 0. and A An. commodallon SI 3> AIBA. M., via Camilen and Jersey OltJ, (N. J.) Accommodation g 26 At ®X A. M.» via KMißiugtou and Jerso7 Oifcy, Morning Mai 1..... „„„„„ ? * Ait Tftft JPt M.j Ti» Oamd«D and AxnUoy, Accommo- dation. ...... At 2 P. 21. ( via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ex- press...... * 3 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden And Jersey City, Evening EipreoS ..... fl 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey Olty, 'id Class Tick et At6* F. M., 3 36 via Kensington and Jersey City, Evening Mai!. 8 00 At I* El M „ Yi» KensingKm SBd for-Kj City South- era Mail.,,. .. s 99 At 5 P. 21.) via Camden anS Amboy, Accommoda- tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket.. 2 25 Do. do. 2d Class d 0.... 150 The Ox P. M. Line runs dally, Sundays excepted. The 12 P. M., Southern Mail runa daily For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, WlUcesbarro, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., at 7.10 A. M. from Kensing ton, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Bail road. For Maucli Chuuk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, LambenviLle, Flemington, Ac., at 7.10 A. M. tom Eeissiiigtoti Botoi. and P. M. tom WitlaSi street wharfj (the 7.lft A. M. Line connects with train leaving Easton for Mancfc Chunk at 3.36 P. M.) For Mount Holly, at 0 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at 5 A. M.» and 2 P. M. WAT LIMiSB. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 7.10 and 9# A. a., ana 6, 6.30, and 12 P. M. from Kensington, and 2X P* M. from Walnut-street wharf For Bristol, and intermediate stations, at 11X A. U. from &t ÜBiogtou JP?pot. For Palmyra, Biverton« Delauco» Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, Ac., at 12X> 1» 6, &X P> M. Steamboat TRENTON for Burdentown and interme diate stations at 2# P- M. from Walnut-street wharf. IBh Por Hew Vdrk, Mid W»y iiiuon H.endln|- ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train ran from the Depot. Fifty Poijndj of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything a? bag gage but their wearing apparel. Ail baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. ffcß-tr WM. H. GA TAMER. Amti. JSfeJSESmgI PHILADELPHIA., HSMwr? fI'ILJIIJtGZ'C.'J, AJfD BAL- TiaiOltK RAILROAD* On anil after MONDAY, APRIL 7,1863 PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA: For Baltimore'at 330 A. M., 8.15 A. M., 11.35 A. M. (Express,) and 11.00 P. M. For Chester 8.15 A. M., 1135 A. H., AM and 11.01 P.M. For Wilmington At 3.30 A. M.. 8.15 A. M., 11.35 A. M., 4.15 and 11.00 P. M. Por Sew Castle at S 15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. for Pr/Tf-r nt ?,!•) ,\,lh mi M 5 F. Mi For Milford at 5.i0 a. bl For Salisbury at 8.15 A. M. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA: Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. M. (Express), 1.05 P. M, (Express), 5.20 and 7 P. M. (Express). Leave Wilmington at 8.55 and 11.33 A. M., 4.lft, 3.-45, and 6 50 P. ftl. Leave Salisbury at 2.35 P. M. Leave Milford at 4 55 P. M. Leave Dover at 0 A. M. and 6.10 P. M. New Castle at 11 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. JLeavo Chester at 7.45 A. M., 12.1-5, 4.50,and 9.3 d P.M. Leavo Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate sta tions at 5.20 and 7 P. M.; for Dover and intermediate stations at 1-05 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE : ATP OJlf&ter lit 8/4*5 A? Mil V.r ant * 11-80 P. M. Lr»yp WlUnlUiton m i. 5? Ar Mij A. S&-, Vs.?-? P, M., and 12.10 P. M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run as follows Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at ft.SO P, M, Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 7 10 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Chester, Wilmington, Stanton, Nfewark, Klkton, North East, Perryville, Havre-de- Grace, and al *ll stations betws6ii Aiid Baltimore, 12.00 M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de-Grace and intermediate stations at 8,45 A. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate places at 2,05 P. M. ON SUNDAYS ONLY At 3.30 A. M. and 11.00 P. M, from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 3.50 A. M. train from Philadelphia to Baltimore will run daily, Mondays excepted. \vM. Sf« aRNS, Superintendent. FALL AND WIN TER ARRANGEMENT.— PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, and NORRIS TOWN KAXLBOAPr TIMS TABUS. On and nflor Monday, October 28,1861) until farther notice. FOB GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8, 0,10.06,11,11 A. K.» 1, S, P.M. . Leave Germantown, 0,7, 7£r, 8, SX* *X» W J*» ujfi A. W.) 1,2, 8,4, 6,6, 7,8, 6*, UP. M. The 8X A. M. train from Germantown atop* at Day’a and Tioga only. ON SUNDAYB. giOATO Philadelphia, 9.06 A. M., 3, T, and XOtf P. U. fcMTe QeroiantOYfP; 8.3.6 A. &L, P. M. CHEBTSTOT HILL BAXtBOAC! Leave Philadelphia, 0, 9, 11, A. M., 3,4,0, 1, ui 10* r. m. Leave Chestnnt Hill, T.IO, 8.10,X0J0, A.M., 18.40, 8.40, MO, 7,40,4fid 9.10 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leeve Philadelphia, 9.06 A. SL, 3 and 7 F. M. Leave Ohsstunt Hill, 7.60 A. £., 13.40, 6.40, and 3.10 P. M. FOB GONBHOHOOKHH ASH NOBBI3TOWH. Leave Philadelphia, B#. 9.06, 11.06 A. il., IX t 6.06, 4X> 6.06, and 8.06 P. M. __ . - Leave Norristown, I, 8,9, 11 A. H., IX> 4X, and V r.n. OH SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 8 A. 21., 8 P. H. Leave Norristown, Ij/i. M., 6 P. H. FOB MaNAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia, Old, 9,11 A. IL, IX, 8-06, 4K, 6.06, and 8.06 P. H. Leave Manajvmk, BX. 7X. BX. 9X> 11X A. M., 3,6, tnd OX P- M. " OK SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 8 and 7 P. H. Leave Manayunk, 7\ A. M., 6X and 8 P. M. &. K. SMITH, General Superintendent, ”«>“ s -tf Benoit NINTH and ORIIS Street.. ITEbb hhubj WEST CHESTER -CTmiW .AND PHILADELPHIA BAIL VIA MEDIA. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday, March 10th, 1862. the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA from the depot N. E. cor ner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8.05 and 10.30 A. M., and 2,4.30, and 7 P. M., and will leave the corner of THIRTY. FIRST and MARKET Street* 17 minutes after the starting time from Eighteenth and Market itreete. ON SUNDAYS, Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A Leave WEST CHESTER at 8 A. 51., and 4.30 P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.05 A. M., and 430 P. 51., connect at Pennelton with trains on the Phi ladelphia and Baltimore Railroad for Oxford and inter mediate points. HENRY WOOD, mhB General Superintendent. fia'Bß REOPENING OF EMHSaE3»S THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.—This road, being fully REPAIRED and effectually GUARDED, is now open for the trans portation of passengers and freight to all points in the GREAT WEST. For through tickets and all other in formation apply at the Company*s Office, corner BROAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. S. M. FELTON, President P. W. and B. R. R. Co. SlKfißHl PHILADELPHIA AND EL MIKA R. K. LIN*. 186* WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1869 For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leave Depot of Fhila. and Beading B. 8., cor. Broad and Oal towhill streets, at 8 A. M., and 3.15 P. M. doily, exoept Sundays. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points la Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, Ac., Ac. Baggage, checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate points. Through Express Freight Train for all points above, leaves daily at 0 F. M. For further information apply to JOHN S. HILLES, General Agent THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL, and N. W.oor. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. jaSl-tf &AHHH PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING RAILROAD CO., (Office 227 South FOURTH Street) On and after May 1,1861, season tickets will be Issued by this company for the periods of three, six, nine, and twelve months, not transferable. Season school-tickets may also bo had at 33 per cent discount. These tickets will be sold by the Treasurer at No. 227 South FOURTH Street, where any furtherJjySftnsfef'.*" ig;—WEST CHESTER TRAINS, Tl. FINN -BYLVANIA RAILROAD, lean depot, corner ELE VENTH and MARKET Street* at 8 A. M., 12.30 noon, and * P. M. lnoß.tr LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of NICHOLAS HELVER9ON, deceased. Notice is hereby given that MARGAdET HELVER BON, widow of said decedent, h&i fll&d id 8&{(1 CdUft hep petition, and an appraisement of the personal property which ehe claims to retain under the act of Assembly of 14th April, 1851, and supplement thereto, and that the same will be approved by tho Court, unless exceptions are filed, on FRIDAY, the 2d day of May, 1862. THORN, for Petitioner. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JACOB ZELLER, deceased. The auditor ftpj>9juted by the_court to audit, Bottle, and adjust tho account of Samdel zeLLSit, adminis trator of Jacob # Zeller, deceased, and to make distribu tion of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of hts ap pointment, on SIONDAV, April 21,1862, at 4 o’clock P. M.i at No. 128 South SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. apll-fimwfit 11. E. WALLACE, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR A THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM A. The auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of D. 8. BEIDEMAN, guardian of the estate of William A. James, a minor, and to make distribution of the balance, Ac., hereby gives notice that be wfll att< nd to tbe duties of his appointment on TUES DAY, April 22, 1860, at 4 o'clock P. SL, at his office, southeast corner of SIXTH aud WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia Apll»frimvst D W. O’BRIEN, Auditor. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, M. T., IfiOl, £w. IH, M, L, i>. file City vs. Win. aud John Griffiths. Sci. Fa. will issue on this claim, for paving north side of Seybert street, 110 feet west of Fif teenth street, Twentieth ward, 72 feet 4 inches front, CO feet deep, unless the same be paid within three months from date. _ M. J. MITCHE3ON, PlfTa Atty. Philadelphia, March '2O, 1845. Estate of samuel branson, DECEASED.—Letters Testamentary upon the Ertato of SAMUEL BRANSON, deceased, having been grunted to tho nmlargignod by tha Rogistor of Wiilfi for tho city and county of Philadelphia, all poroona-indebted to the said Estate aro requested to make payment, and those having claims will present them to JAMES W. PAUL, No. 220 South FOURTH Street, ORLANDO BKANStiNi No. 333 MARKET Street, tnhlf-m6t FTT3 Executors. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR X THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Metuio ol MARC ABET MaQINLEY, <Uuu6d. The Auditor apppoluted by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JAMES McGINLKY, Execu tor of Margaret McGinley, doceased, and to make distri bution of tbe balance, Ac., hereby gives notice that be will attend to the duties of his appointment on TOI9- DAY, April I©, 1802, at 4 o'clock* *P. M., ai his Office-, Sou«heat>t corner of SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, Phi ladtlphia. D. W. U'fiRTKN. ap4tmw&t* Auditor. JOHN 15. MYERS & CO., AUCTION EBBS, Noa. 232 am! 234 MARKET Street BALE OF FRENCH BBT GOODS. This Morning, April 1-1, on tar months,* credit fOO packages Blench, German, Swiss r and JMtUh irjr goods. SALS OF BOOTS AND SHOES. On Tuesday Morning April 19| OB f9W xmraths’ crfcSJ^ —' ! 1)000 packages boots and shoos. ] SALE OF DRY OOODS, i On Thursday Morning) i April IT, on four months 1 crodit— , £OO pacbAggg British, French) and Amen ota ary good a. I SALE OF CARPETINGS. On Friday Morning, j April 2f»j on four months' credit— j 800 piecuo ■ye'.Totj uigr*l&f »ai Vwelloa S4r ; petings, mattings, Ac • I TTUENESS, BKINLEY, it, 00., 1 JJ 428 OHBBTHUT BTBKET. PRINTED AND DROGUE BORDER STELLA SHAWLS. On Tuesday Morning, voo ?*-* ProtfK-bt>rtipre4 SWU&frtr*wVi, brocho shawl borders, Lyons black Bilk velvet#, i Black gros tie likincfi and fancy ailfca. Mozainbiquee, tie Joiner. . Poplins, poll tie chevre. Policy poult de rfoie bonnet ribbonn. ! Plain and printed border lineu cambric hdkfs. Corded border book hdkfs. , Fancy neck»tit*s, Marseilles unHts. &c. eo lots or plain, printed, and hem* STITCHED FRENCn LUEN CAMBRIC HAND KERCHIEFS. S-8 and il 4 keiiiaillolit-i do. 5-8 »iid 3*4 second mourning do. Also, Turkey red m&orae and polka spot handkerchief, fIOAL.— THE UNDERSIGNED \J beg leave to Inform their frlonds and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH GOAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on tbe Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the best Quality of LEHIGH COAL, from the most approved mines, at the lowest prices. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON A 00., Office, 112 South SECOND Street Yard, EIGHTH aud WILLOW. mhl-tf Stevens house, (LATE DELMONICO’S,) . M., and 2 P. M. Five minutes' walk from Fall River boat landing, Chambers street, and foot of Cortland street. mh2B-3m GEO. W. STEPHEN*, Proprietor. A CARD., —THE UNDERSIGNED, late or the GIRARD HOUSE, Philadelphia, haw teased, for a term of years, WILLARD'S HOTEL, In Washington. They take this occasion to return to theft old friends and customers many thanks for past favors, and beg to assure them that they wtU be meet happy |q im them la their new quarters. /T7LEOTHICITY, PROPERLY AP / JjJ PLIED, TRIUMPHANT. Doctor A. H. I STEVENS, late of No. 1220 Walnut street, PlUla- I delpbia, has located himself at No. 1418 South PENN I SQUARE, a few doors west of BROAD Streot. The I location i& a very desirable one lli spribg &Hil StHftiii'&P, 1 particularly for those who may choose to take board in Ihe Doctor’s family while under treatment. Having had extensive practice in the treatment ef va rious diseases, both of ladies and gentlemen, in this and other cities, he expects a large share of patronage from Ms special friends, aud from the diseased geoeruUy. All curable cases will be warranted, if desired. CONSUL* TATION AND ADVICE FREE. . N. B.—One day in each week will he exclusively de- 1 voted to the treatment of the respectable and worthy | poor, free of charge, I I Location, No. 1418 South PENN SQUARE,a tow I doors west of BROAD Street, Philadelphia. § A. H. STEVENS, / mh7»fnw 3m Medical 1 Electrician.* DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DJSN HIUmTIST for 18 years, No. 219 VINE Street, abort Second, Inserts the most beautiful Teeth of the age, 3Pser« Vulcanite, Co- Teeth Plugged to last for life. No pain In extracting Teeth. Artificial .Teeth repaired to suit. No pay ■.Mailed ill is right Beforence, beat famlUea. fe22-3m TOHN A. ALLDERDICE, tl ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW, Has resumed the Practice of his Profession at HIW CASTLE, DELAWARE. rj*»-Bm* JOHN WELSH, Practical SLATE t) ROOFER, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN Road, is prepared to pnt on any amount of ROOFING, on the most MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty to make every Building perfectly Water-tight. V Orders promptly attended to, °ty7-iy Deputy quartermaster ge- NEiIAL’S OFFICE. PROPOSALS will bo received for tho delivery of seve ral thousand bushels of OATS, in sacks. For particu lars, apply at this office. A. BOYD, ap!2-3t Captain and A. Q. M-., F. S. A. SEALED PROPOSALS A&E IN VITKD till the 15th day of APRIL, 1862, at U o’clock M., for supplying the United States Subsistence Department with 6,000 head of BEEF CATTLE on the hopf. The Gattfie to be delivered at Wasblugion- city, and each animal to average 1,300 pounds gross weight; no animal admitted which weighs less than 1,000 pounds gross. ohe Cattle to be delivered at such times aud In such quantities as the Government nay require. Cotile will be required under this contrAdt aftAV the contract is closed. Heifers and bulls not wanted. A bond, with good and satisfactory security, will be required. ' B , _ Government reserves to itself the right to pay In Trea sury notes. . , No bid will be entertained When Hit in bg GOQtTAOtOn who have previously foiled to comply with their con tracts, or where the bidder is not present to roeponu to his bid, and all bids to be accompanied by two guaran names of firms should be stated in full, with the oivvwo mUlrea* ol kil \lt« Ilil*llltnilH (if tilU lil'lH. Bids to bo directori to Major A. BECKWITH, O. 9., U. 9. A., Washington, D. C. FOAM OF GOAHAX.TEB. JAMES, ft minor. , of the county of ■ usd State of———, usd ■ ,of the count yof ——, and Btate of , tie Hereby gnaronteo that i in ablo to fulfil a goqb tract in accordance with the terms of his proposition, aud that shou’A his proposition be Hicepfcd, be will at once enter into a contract in accordmice therewith. 81n)uld the contract be awarded to him we are prepared to become hk, securities. This guarantee must be ap pended to e&Hi hid. apl*l3t POOR’S IMPROVED PORTABLE \J SUGAR EVAVORATOR.—The subscriber has re celved from tho proprietors the Sole Ageucy For the sole of COOL’S IMF ROVED FOHTABLK BUGAR EYAP» ORATOR, in the counties of Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery*in Pennsylvania;Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester, i& New Jersey: New Castle undKent, in De laware; Cecil, Harford, ana Baltimore oouuties, in Mary land. Also, an Agency for the sale of the most Improved Quite Cnishers, for hurao or wnter power. A limited quantity of Cano Bcod on band Tor sale. K?" For information about ihe Cultivation of the Cane and ita JUFattufaeiure, Bond for circular. MILTON OONARD, ' tnhls-sBt WEST GROVE, Cheater co.; Pa. HARMONY SHERRY—For sale in CIIA9. S. CARBTAIRS. »,10 No. ISA WALNUT Bt. #Bd 21 ORANITK Bt. BALKS BY AUCTION. BMIiIiOIDKItIKS. On Tuesday Morning, 110 lots new «tj Jo embroidered jaconet collars and sleeves. . NANKIN MATTING. pieces o-4 4-4 and G-4 white and red check matting. BALE OF FRENCH GOODS. . „ On Tuesday Morning, April Jo, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, for cash -400 lata of fancy ami uuifcU «J rr g7{ ><L «>n. ptlalng a guuwal anflorimput. On Tuesday Morning* s*B corded border linen cambric handkerchiefs. 8-4 corded and printed border do. Philip pokh & 00., AUCTION EERS, Zst MAMET and 6221 COMMERCE &&. SALE or 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, BRO- GANS, 4c Thin Horning, AmH 14, at Hi o'clock, precisely. will be sold by caU« logne— 1,000 cases mens’, boys', and youths’calf, kip, grain, thick, and cavalry boots; ca!f and kip brogans, Congress gaiters. Oxford ties, walking shoes, 4c.; women’s, misses’, and children’s cal/, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers, bjiHkius, &c. Also, a large assortment of first-class city made goods. Goods arranged for examination early on the morning of sale, with catalogues. Buj trs will find It to their to attend. BALE OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, AHD B BOGANS. On Thursday Morning, April 17, at 10 o’clock, precisely, will be sold, by catalogue, 1,100 c asm men’,, b,ys', <HKI mtbS' ,Btfi kip, grain, and thick boots j calf and kip, brogans, Con gress gaiters, Oxford tie 3, walking shoes, &c *, women's, misses’, and children’s calf, kip. goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots, shoes., gaiters, slippers, buskins, Ac. Also, a large and desirable assortment of first-class city.made goods. thr Goods open lor examination, wits catalogue,, early on the morning of sale. PAM COAST & WAENOCK, AUC TIONEERS, No. 213 MARKET Street. FOBITITE SALE OF A STOCK OF CITY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSUIFiISS, Ac., by Ca talogue, On Tuesday Morning, April ldtCgnnneDciiiifttt 20 o’flocni corapristog ft ge neral assortment, well worthy the attention of city aofl country trade. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OK* AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS,EMBROIDERIES, BON NET RIBBONS, HOSIERY, Ac, hy Catalogue, On Wednesday Morning, April 36, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. S3?* Samples and catalogues early on morning of sale. SUPERIOR FIRE-PROOF SAFE. At private sale, a very superior fire-proof safe. -VfOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER JLVx AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, southeast corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. TAKE NOTICE. The highest possible price is loaned on goods at JF«» titans’ Principal Establishment, southeast corner ol Sixth and Race streets. At least one-third more th&o at any other establishment in thiß city. AT PBIYATE SALE, One superior brilliant toned piaDo*forte, with metallio plate, soft and loud pedals. Price only $BO. One very fine toned piano-forte, price only $5O. NATHANS’ PRINCIPAL MONET ESTABLISH MENT. 250,000 to Loan, In large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on diamonds, gold and silver plate, watches, jewelry, merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos, and goods of every description. fc9£Nß MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET BATES. This establishment b»s targe fire and thief-proof safes, for the safety of valuable goods, together with a private watchman on the premises. ESTABLISHED FOtt THE LAST 30 TEARS. ALL LARGE LOANS MADE AT THIS, THE ii PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT." CHARGES GREATLY REDUCED. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT LESS THAN HALF USUAL STORE PRICES. Gold and silver watches of every description, from one dellar to one hundred dollari each, gold chains, fashion* able jewelry, diamonds, Ac, CO All. TJOBERT E GOIBONT COAL DEALER. Oj?£ICB, 133 WALNUT STREET, BELOW SECONDi fe27-3m PHILADELPHIA. HOTELS, No. 2 5 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. SYKES, CHADWICK, ft 00. Wisananm, Jnly It. 18tl. U2B-1, BUSIHJ3SS NOTICES. PROPOSALS. llth April, 1&52. BJLLEH BY AUCTION. M THOMAS & SONS, . Nos. ISM hiiil 141 Month FOURTH Bireet. SALK OF POPULAR MIBHELLANKOUS ROOKS. IN T 1133 KNtiLlBIl, FRENCH, AND GKBttAM LAftOrAfiKS. Alio, »n Invnici of CLAYTON'S mATiTKS FOB 1882, On Tni'Wlny AtWntMh. April 15th. ftt thr> ntlr.lini, v/i!l hn ao]il ~11 MwrU menl .if iniicl ilaT.('( i:, honks. Air.- 1 ) f»« nitoice •‘A oUj.ou ; h i'l.f'.nfvt ESF" For imrliculat'H Bte cataluKuo, STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE—TORS DAY NKICT Pamphlet catalnKues dow rewly, cuutaintnx rtrll An. •oriptlous of oil thu pruDerty to iw finld oa Tiirudo,, lilh ii'ii., with »lint uf wilds I'Jtl and noth April «nd Muy mb, hy order of (lit. Supreme Court, Orplio;iCourt, execs, torr, eml o!!*wa. w PTJRLit' SALES BEAL KSTATR AND BTOOK4 A* *n* ixoliAHos OH YpsepATl, REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. SfiF* Wo hays A Urge amount of real estato at pclTWw sale, lr.cltP.ling every description of city and camelry pro* l»?tri PrivKA 'im mm fry hr! at Hut Amtlon Ston, Administrators* Sale—Estate of W. WoutlDuiA, Joo’i SIOIKS, LOAN., Ac., 15* IPKIL On Tuesday, April 15, at I*4 o’clock noon at the Philadelphia Ex* chaise, by order of udminisrnttnrji the iolluwiax Inans, At. — 85,000 Ninth Pnnnsrlvania Railroad Company 8 per cent. loan *l7O North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 4 p*r cent coupon scrip. £13,000 Si'liiivllilU Nutdiitttjui Oiiu&iixp bmn, l§fto. 8150 Schuylkill Navigation Company boat and car ban 39 shares slock Scltu, Ik 111 Navigation Company. 13 shares JteUauco Mutual Insuiunco Company. Scrip cortificato Reliance Mutual liurnnknca Goniumr Tor #52. 40 shares Ppnnaj Ivania Railroad stock. 30 *lmn s Beaver Meadow Railroad and Coal Company, prfferrMl slock. tl »?Htrr'» B('»yer Meuiw mi M Crntmi. Vvimnmi slock i SO shares Maiiiifjicv.jn;rß' and Mechanics’ Dank* Phi. ladelphm. siy shares Insurance Company Ft&ta at Pennsylvania. 600 tharta Long Island Eallruad Company. M-.-nni ijurbon ItuHcvad CumpunT 10 sht»r» '» Sun PrMifi«!co Lund Ahhoclu'lou. 6 shares American Academy of Mu-vic. #»l,o'jo SftDdy and Beaver Canal Company, 10 shares d<.v (Jo do. ISO sliarrs Creator V»|lc,r BlikOKi nto>*. 19 hhrren Mnihruyiliv »n»J TwJmTifk aftilrcad stouk, 100 shares 'YVehtinorelHiHl Coal Company 100 »haree CbenLer County Mining Company, 6 *han*n Bedfwd 2fli aural Spnn,'*. 1 shase Dock Couipany. 100 SWi-5 J , |.H?4KF4 4L A U4> p,.rt fLmjiu,. 260 shares New Creek Company. 5 shares Philadelphia ami Atlantic Steam Kapigatioo Company. 1 share Ocean Steam Navigation Company •AII3ITJON AL SALl!fi STOCKS, LOAMS. .&». For Account of whom It may com-«rn 100 pliaren Beading Bailrnod 7 per <v,nt. prrfsrr*! stuck—p»r SOO. Alho, ?2hharpfl Delaware Mutual Tmurjuce Company. I Bhttio Fuiut Hi'Mtiyy Park AKfUJ/iiut(on. Slihiea Philadelphia and MurwuittlG I.ibfMlea. Also, without reserve— II borirts (*5OO each) Los-fto founty Mlutng Company. 1 share Philadelphia arid Savannah Navigation Corn pzuj par S5OO. 3 el,t»re DhtladetpL-A. £>l<raoosLlp Sock Oumpnnr— sw 5166. r i r~ REAL ESTATE SALE-APRIL 15. Will hiclud*— THREE* STORY BRIUK DWELLING, Nj, I2U PmritiTj turret, wrht of Twelfth, VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND —A built three-story brick Store, No. 640 North Sixth street, below Coates street, eiectc-il for h rectifying establish* meat, and complete with fixtures, Ac. OrtJiaiu’ Court a»]o—Eututonf Chrlufosior Budridto'd TWO-STORY BRICK TAYERtf AND DWELL. INC, known aa the «Twelfth-ward Holla*,” No. S 3! North Fourth street, Htjuve Browu. NEAT MODERN DWELLING, with sido-ywil, No. 1220 Marshall street. LAHGE AND VALUABLE LOT 0E GROUND uutUut Aide of Lanetiter avuuutt, übw Girard aunass, 216 feet front. 2 LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, adjoining lh« above, 603 feet on Torr avenue, and 504 feet oil Cathedral arum. A plf»P by <bv City Surveyor may be peon at Auction Rooms. LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, 139 feet oil Alio* gheziy avor.up, and in depth GSS feet on Westaiorulaod street—2 valuable fronts. THREK-STORY UlilCK DWELLI fifG, No, s** North Thirteenth street. Pxicntor’d Sale HANDSOME NEW BBOWN BTONK RESIDENCE. No 2021 Walnut street, replete with modern conveniences. Poremptory Sale MODERN FOUR* STORY BHIUK RESIDENTS) No. 11l Vine street, between Front aud Bctouil streets. Bale übaolMe. LARGE STONE STORE AND DWELLING, Ger mantown and Perkiomeu turnpike, Chestnut Hill. 93 by 250 feet. Sate No. 0117 Clinton strut. SUPERIOR KtTRNITNRE, PIANO, MIRRORS. CHANDELIERS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, Ac. On Tuesday Morning, lothinst, at 20 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 027 Clin ton street, heluw Truth, the miperior parlor, 'limug lonm. and chamber furniture, pianoforte, fins Fruunk plate mirrors gas chandelier?,- tapestry carpota, Ao. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the momlrg ot the sale. Sain Ko. 617 North Tenth Street. ELEGANT H/RNTTITSE, PIINO, JiURRGfiS, TEL? VET CARPETS, CHANDELIERS, tfc, On Friday Murningi April 18, at 10 o'clock, by uitaioaue, at No. 61T North Tenth street, above Green, tbe entire furniture, on> bracing a suit of tlegaut drawing room furniture, covered with green plush, tuperlu rosyvwntf phtno-rortc, hutf? some pier mirrors, superior ilining-room fnroiture, eio* gaiit rosewood and mahogany chamber furniture, fine mattresses, Ac. Also, the kitchen furniture, tST" May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. M FITZPATRICK & BROTHERS, ■ Auctioneers, 601 CHESTNUT St* above Sixth. Sale this Monday Morning. April 14, at 10 o'clock, of fancy goods, portfolio?, porte monneiee, purses, photograph B>tt>P&Alyp4 cases. Ac. Stationer), letter, cap, note, and bill paper: envelopes of all sizes &td patters, Union paper and on velopte, etatiomry packages and cases, blank hooka. Steel pens, pencils, penholders, wrltfbff Ink?, Ac. Sllveß-PLA'™ W;VRE ; A splendid stock of (silver- plated ware—tea, atU desert spoons, desert and table forks, butter kuirea, &o. Also, 500 dozen alahata tea and tabln spoons, cutlery, Ay, BALES EVERY EVENING, UF Fancy Goode Stationery, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Cutlery, Silver-plated Ware, tko. Consignments solicited. Cut-door sales pj omptly attended to. SBTPPtSo. BOSTON AND PHILADBL ■Mgt ' PIIIA STEAMSHIP LINE—From PINS Street, Philadelphia, aud LONG Wharf,\Boston, Ac. Thft BteuuMl SAXON, C&fil&ia Matlhswa, will isA from Boston for Philadelphia on TUESDAY, Apral 16, at 4 P. M., at d from Philadelphia for Boston on SA TURDAY Evening, April 19, at 7 o’clock. Insurance one* half that by sail vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. Shiftptfi will feUMa WhU bills Udlug with ltab good*. For freight or passage (hating fine actttntttOditktaA for passengers), apply to HENRY WINSOB A OG. # 332 SOUTH WHARVES. London exhibition—return TICKETS TO LONDON AND BACK: First* dttsfl*i. ~§l6O. 8econd»ol*»Ba , 60. WEEKLY OOMMUNIOA S■»« TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW TORE AND LIYEBPOOL, oaWnj at QUEENS. TOWN) (Ireland,) to land and embark passengers aid despatches. The Liverpool* New York, and Philadelphia Steam ship Company’! splendid OlydotbaUt iron screw iteafe ships are intended to sail jut fbllowj: FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. KANGAROO Saiuitfay, April 12, ISA. ETNA. Saturday, April 10,1864. And every Saturday throoghoot the year, from FEB* No. 44 H. R. RATES Or PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA, Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool. *•«, 9ft Do. to London, via Liverpool; • 999 Steerage to Qaeenatown, or Liverp001..,.....,900 Do* toLoDddniumuiiiuiiiiMiiiiKiiiMMi M Do. Return tickets, available for six monoi, frees Liverpool.,*., **,»'„»»•»* 9W Passengers forwarded to Havre, Faria, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of passage issued from Liverpool to Now fork MmHmiimiMiiMttmMimtMiimH w Vnrtiawtn or rmw tunica now to W*w Tort.. MS Those steamer. have superior accoDiniodattodoc pa* ssngers, are constructed with water-tight rsinpw tinmi' ud carry experienced Surgeons. Tor freight, 4. tUHtt, a»ly at the sßm 6f eh. O pany, JOHN O. Mil, Ageat, 1U Walnut street, Phlladel*''’ In Llyerpool, to WM. Tower Buß-“*’ In QtaMOW, to WM, t»t-U IS Diner THE BRITISH AND £loB*s t MBWYVha’WmvEBrooLT Chief Cabin Passage ....UK Beoond Cabin Passage T 9 FROM BOSTON *0 LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage. tt «*««9U9 Second Cabin Passage N The ships from New York oall at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston oall at Halifax and Ooik Has- FBBBTA4 Oftpt JndkJni* AFRICA, Capt fihaoMb ABASIA, Capt J. Stone. CANADA. Oapt J. MM, ASIA, Oapt X. G. Lott AMERICA, Oapt Efcrtr. AUSTRALASIAN, NIAGARA, Oapt TIT nr Ms Oapt Cook. EUBOPA, Oapt Aaiksaes. SCOTIA, CHINA. T?S*k|§ can 7 a clear white light at msst hitf green on starboard bow; red on port bow. CHINA, Andrrson, “ N.York, Wednesday,April A NIAGARA, Cook, “ Boston, Wednesday, April 18. ASIA, Bhannon, u N.York,Wednesday,.AprilML CANADA. McCauley, “ Boston,Wednesday. 80. PERSIA, Lott, « N.York, Wednesday, May 7. KUKOFA, Stone. it Boston. WeJnesJlJ, M&P 14. CHINA, Anderson, “ N .York. Wednesday,. May JL NIAGABA, Cook, “ Bostou, Wednesday, Bay SB. SCOTIA, Judkins, •• N York, Wednesday,.Aloe A Berths not socnred until paid for. An ewtrißßsei Bbti»b sb teari , .... The owner, of three ehlpe win not O. twoovuMb). Mr Sold, Bilrer, Bollion, Bjecle, Jewelrr, Prcdcm.JNom*, or Metals, nnbw bills of lading are signed' therefor, tas the value thereof therein ezptwMd. i or XSSj#?iSS *•*" sare« apply to ®» OffBABD, W mnv i BOWLING GBUtf. NtW Tflli E. C. A J.G.BATW, 103 STATB Street Boston. - .n— a. FOR NEW YORK— THIS inanoDAY—Via Dataware and Bari tan GaoaL —The Steamer MARS, Nichols btantS?,. IS-B6W l&idUlf, and win BbilatlS M. For freight* whiob.wifl be take* on accommodating terms, apply to WB. M. BAIRD & CO.« Agents, aid No. 132 Sooth Delaware Arenas. - for NEW YORK. aSSSSHiKEW DAILY LIMB, Tift Stli«u« tad Raritan Canal. __ „ Philadelphia and Mew York KxpniM Steamboat Com pany receive freight and leays daily at 3 P. M., dotty*. Inn tlieir cerftoea m New York the following day, Frelghta taken at reaeenable rntw. are.*.» WM. P. CLTDI, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, aul-tf Plots 14 and 16 EAST BIVEB, New York. JT-* FOR BA.LTIMOR®, fww WASHINGTON, ». 0., AND NOS* TBKBS MONBOK, DAILY, AT 3 O’CLOCK P. M., BADTIMOSB AND PHH.ADXU'HIA stbamsou COMPANTi (BBIOSBON LINK.) 0n« of ifce Steuaeri sf tBS» Com puny Imtm th* awn •Id* of Cheetnnt-wtaet Whoif dully (Snnd»y» oxoopMa kt B o'clock P. M„ and uriwa in BoltimoreoMOr Bn* moraijg, FreijititA for WMWBgtoa ana rorem M<»go< r«el*«d and fferwoHlod with ill POUlble ONffttMi.Hl are required lo be preteid throogb. • Yreighte of all kiwi# cwTied at tb«lowsj* ratee. A. GBOVK6, Jr., AgasL No. 34 South WHABFW M4-3ro* /IHABLES S. CAIiSTAIRS, V/ 128 WALNUT Street, awl 21 GB4SITS Street, Offers for B.le , , Cognac and K ichdle Brandies, or different bnnu, Claret Wine in casks and cases. Madeira Wine In tmuteri tml octave!, Sherry Wlue do do Pori and Burgundy Port in quartur. and octares. All in bonded Warehouse. mnsa-a •